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Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
realized that I was essentially doing what she calls “The Work.” After going through this process, I would play a game in my mind called, “What’s the worst that can happen?” In relation to a divorce, the question might be: What’s the worst that can happen if this person leaves me or I leave him? I would literally go through the entire scenario. Ok, first I would cry and be upset – but I know in time that would pass. Then, I might be scared of being alone – but I have a lot of friends that I can call to go out with and maybe I might even meet someone new. Next, I would think about our business that we run together and what if it fails – if so, I would have to either get a job or start another business. Then I would worry about where I would live and how I would afford it – I haven’t even looked for a place so how do I know what it would cost. Soon, I realized that there was a positive answer or better scenario for every negative thought I had.
Another exercise that really helped me was to create a diversion every time I started spiraling into negative thinking. Anything I could do to change my surroundings and stop the thought process was what I would focus on. Some days it was going for a run, meditating, meeting a friend (but not talking about the situation), having a healing session or reading an uplifting book. Like an addiction, you have to break the habit. And negative thinking is definitely a habit. So if you find that whenever you are alone or in a particular place and the negative thoughts start coming – do whatever you can to change your surroundings. Get out of the house, call a friend, focus on your pet or child if you have one.
But the most empowering thing I did that I believe really changed my thought patterns and helped me to understand why I was going through this traumatic event was working with my spiritual advisor. Learning about energy, spiritual guides and metaphysical practices completely changed my life and way of thinking. At about the same time we had filed for divorce, I was studying a few different metaphysical systems including astrology and destiny cards. Both of these actually indicated that it was possible that I would be going through a separation or divorce. Not only that, but there were explanations as to why this was happening and what other opportunities might arise if I did in fact get divorced. For me, this was a big confirmation. I was doing the right thing.
Our thoughts can be our greatest ally or our biggest enemy. They can keep us trapped in unhealthy situations or they can liberate us to find true love. You have this one life, this one opportunity to do and be and have whatever your heart desires. You came here with all the knowledge you need to create a magical life. You just need to remember and believe.
Submitted by Dr. Diane Hindman. Don’t miss her presentation on “Starting and Ending Relationships Without All The Drama” at the Natural Nutmeg “Empowering Me… Naturally” conference on November 12, 2011 at the Connecticut Convention Center. Visit http://empoweringmenaturally.eventbrite.com.