35 minute read
create new ones, moving themselves into a life of greater passion, purpose and authenticity. Held at Heaven on Earth, Pembroke, MA. Click here to register.
Green Halloween. 12:00pm-2:00pm. Join us for a scary sampling of delicious Halloween treats! Suzanne from the Little Green Tambourine will be here with her amazing vegan and gluten free pumpkin cupcakes!! Get in the spooky spirit with pumpkin painting and face painting! Whole Foods Market, Bishops Corner, 340 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06117. Tel: (860) 5237174
Saturday, November 5th
Halloween Candy Swap.12:00pm-2:00. Are your kids in a candy coma? Bring in your left over Halloween candy and swap it for healthy treats and fun stuff. We will be sampling healthy and fun kid-friendly treats! Whole Foods Market, Bishops Corner, 340 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06117. Tel: (860) 523-7174
Monthly Ongoing Events
Spiritual Cinema Circle. 7pm. Independent, spiritual filmmakers are creating inspirational movies with heart and soul. First Sunday of every month, movie followed by discussion of the film. Free. Bring popcorn and an open mind. Move2Wellness located at Stonehouse Commons, 635 Danbury Road, Ridgefield. 203-403-2522 or www. move2wellness.com. Meditation Sunday Evenings. 7pm. the 3rd, 4th, 5th Sunday every month. Meditation led by a different practitioner every week. Experience different techniques and styles for your own practice. Free. Move2Wellness is located at Stonehouse Commons, 635 Danbury Road, Ridgefield. 203-403-2522 or www.move2wellness.com.
Tong Ren Healing Class: 7-8pm. $10. each class. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine, studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He studied Tong Ren Healing with Master tom tam since 1994. Wu Healing Center , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT. 800-990-9332. www. wuhealing.com.Tel: 978-461-2168 (Office)978-790-8888 (Cell).
Morning Yoga. Monday thru friday @ 9:30am. Class Cards, Drop Ins and Monthly Memberships apply. Class will begin with a warm up that utilizes variations of Sun Salutation. Then we will cultivate strength and awareness in the core, and later apply that awareness to standing postures and balancing. Cool down will consist of twists and forward folds. Fuller Yoga Pilates & Massage, 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, Ct 860430-9642, www.fulleryoga.com.
Yoga Power. Mondays and Wednesdays 6:15-7:30pm, Class Cards, Drop Ins and Monthly Memberships apply. Find more Energy, Strength and Power in your life with the healing detoxifying benefits of Yoga Power. With focused breathing and intense holding of postures you will break through the resistance that keeps you from achieving success. fuller Yoga Pilates & Massage, 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, Ct 860430-9642, www.fulleryoga.com.
Belly Dance Fusion with Naima Provo.
7-8:30pm $20/ class, 10 classes for $170. No experience necessary! Learn movements focusing on muscle isolation, core strength, and correct posture. Practice movements with drills & stretches to all types of music. Come wiggle & giggle with us! Move2Wellness is located at Stonehouse Commons, 635 Danbury Road, Ridgefield. 203-403-2522 or www.move2wellness.com.
Three Principles Therapy. 7:30-9:00pm. A support group for people who are intrigued by the idea of learning how your thoughts can maintain or change the story of your life, forever. This is an ongoing group in which participants learn from each other’s insights, stories and experiences. Facilitated by Lori Carpenos, LMFT. $30 per session or $150 for 6 sessions. Call 860-561-1919.
A Course in Miracles. 7-8:30pm. Love Offering. The Course is a self-study curriculum which aims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation. Release your mind and free yourself! Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk 06851 (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org 203-855-7922.
All Levels Vinyasa. 5:45-6:45pm. $16 drop in, class cards available. Maeve Ryan combines the stretching and relaxation of gentle yoga with the heatbuilding core and balance work of vinyasa flow yoga. All are welcome. Visit www.sacredriversyoga.com for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, Ct. 06033. 860.657.9545.
Deep Restorative Yoga.7:30pm, Class Cards, Drop Ins and Monthly Memberships apply. The postures are specifically designed for when you are feeling fatigued, weak, stressed from daily life or when you just want to experience stillness. They are equally beneficial to alleviate depression, reduce chronic pain, migraines and the symptoms of insomnia, asthma and to help recover from childbirth. fuller Yoga Pilates & Massage, 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, Ct. 860-430-9642, www.fulleryoga.com.
Yoga for Runners. 7 – 8pm. With Paula Scopino. $10 per person. Join the Glastonbury River Runners in a weekly yoga class designed specifically to stretch and strengthen the areas of the body that are affected by running. Visit www.sacredriversyoga.com for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, Ct 06033. 860.657.9545.
A Course in Miracles. 12:00-1:30pm. Love Offering. The Course is a selfstudy curriculum which aims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation. Release your mind and free yourself! Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk 06851 (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org or 203-855-7922.
Dynamics for Living with Rev. Shawn.
starting 9/14. Compilation of Charles Fillmore’s writing. Instruction on how to live by Unity principles. Dynamics for Living provides an easy reference to Charles Fillmore’s most influential teachings and combines three decades of writing in one book. It has been a reliable cornerstone for the spiritual growth of hundreds of thousands of people. These revelations he generously shared with all who studied in his classes or pondered over his writings. Prayer opened this man’s human consciousness to the dynamics of Spirit. “What is “new” about this book is the arrangement in which this compilation is offered. Its purpose is to present the basic substance of Charles Fillmore’s writings in a manner that will invite an expanded study of what he taught.” This book explains Unity teachings in the easiest most practical way to think and live. Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org or 203-855-7922
The Bars Process. 7pm. Love Offering. The “Bars” is part of Access Consciousness, which is a set of tools and processes that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. they store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money, just to name a few. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area and to have something different show up in your life with ease. Simply put, the “Bars” is like reflexology on your head. Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk 06851 (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org 203855-7922.
Qi Gong with Dr. Anne Mitchell.
QiGong is a healing practice similar to Tai Chi. The form you will be learning is simple and powerful. Qi Gong qualifies as weight bearing exercise and will help osteopenia and osteoporosis. It will strengthen your core muscles and stabilize your spine. It will help you find peace and quiet within yourself. Common Benefits of Qi Gong are serenity, clarity of mind, focus, strength pain relief. Classes are Thursday at 5:30pm in our 2 Broadway, North Haven location Call to sign up and reserve a spot. 203239-3400. $10 cash per person, Bring a friend and you each get 1/2 your first visit.
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. 7- 8:30 p.m. Cost $25. Kundalini Yoga is a sacred technology that awakens the spirit, energizes the body & relaxes the mind. Everybody can do this regardless of age, size and fitness level. It’s “90 minutes that can change your life.” Call or email to reserve. Move2Wellness at Stonehouse Commons, 635 Danbury Road, Ridgefield. 203-403-2522 or www. move2wellness.com.
Morning Yoga. 9:30am. Class Cards, Drop Ins and Monthly Memberships apply. See full description under Wednesday class fuller Yoga Pilates & Massage, 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, Ct 860430-9642, www.fulleryoga.com. Deep Restorative Yoga. 6:15pm, Class Cards, Drop Ins and Monthly Memberships apply. Fuller Yoga Pilates & Massage, 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, Ct 860-430-9642, www.fulleryoga.com, The postures are specifically designed for when you are feeling fatigued, weak, stressed from daily life or when you just want to experience stillness. They are equally beneficial to alleviate depression, reduce chronic pain, migraines and the symptoms of insomnia, asthma and to help recover from childbirth.
Tai Chi Class. 9-11am. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine who studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He teaching tai Chi in US for over twenty years. Mention this ad for first month free Tai Chi class on Monday ($60) or Saturday ($80) Exp Oct 1, 2011. Wu Healing Center,45 South Main Street, Suite #100, West Hartford, CT. 800-990-9332. www. wuhealing.com.
Healing Prayers. 7pm. 3rd Thursday of every month. Love offering. Heal yourself through prayer with Karen Mitchell. Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org or 203-855-7922. Reiki. 7pm. Healing energy work with Hilda Swaby. 4th Thursday of every month Unity Center, 3 Main St., Norwalk (above the Ford dealership). Unitycenterps.org or 203-855-7922.
Tea Ceremony and Meditation. 8-9am with Dr. Ming wu. Free , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford. 978-790-8888. wuhealing.com.
Tong Ren Healing Class: 11am - 12pm. $10. each class. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine, studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He studied tong Ren Healing with Master Tom Tam since 1994. Wu Healing Center , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT. 800-9909332. www.wuhealing.com.Tel: 978461-2168 (Office)978-790-8888 (Cell).
Stan Baker, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.
35 Nod Road, Suite 106, Menla Holistic Health, Avon, CT. • (860) 836-1068
Stan Baker is a fully licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner with offices in Avon, CT and Springfield, MA. He has been a practitioner in the Oriental healing arts for 25 years. He specializes in difficult cases including back pain/sciatica, headache/migraine, allergies, and arthritis. He is also a teacher of advanced Chen tai Chi, Aikido and Sun Do Mt. Yoga. See ad on page 15.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center
Dr.Helene Pulnik, ND LAc. 18 School St., Glastonbury,Ct 6033 (860) 657- 4105, naturopathicwellness.com
Dr. Pulnik is a licensed, board certified Acupuncturist and Naturopathic Physician with over 25 years experience as a healthcare professional. She specializes in acupuncture for infertility, womens' health, migraines, anxiety/stress/ insomnia, arthritis, back & neck pain, sciatica, allergies, chronic sinusitis, and more. See our ad on page 39.
Community Resources
Sophia Natural Health Center
Kenneth Hoffman, D.Ac, L.Ac. 499 Federal Rd., Brookfield, CT (203) 740-9300 • SophiaNaturalHealth.com
Combining Chinese Medicine with modern science, we restore health by identifying imbalances that cause illness. Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination, Chronic Pain Relief, Hormone Balancing, Thermography, Detoxification. See ad on page 21.
Advanced Allergy Relief CT
Anne Mitchell, ND (203) 239-3400 • www.aarct.com North Haven & W. Hartford
Eliminate your allergic reactions using a technologically advanced treatment that corrects the body’s response to the offending food, pollen, mold, perfume, pets, etc. No medications. Non-invasive. Childfriendly. See ad on page 22.
Bee Well Therapy, Inc.
Alan Lorenzo, Stamford , CT (203) 322-7872 • BeeWellTherapy.com
Bee venom therapy can offer significant relief from the symptoms of spinal, neural, or muscular-skeletal ailments. the anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and cancer fighting properties of bee venom make it a unique weapon in controlling many diseases. Please call for a free phone consultation. House calls only, by appointment. See ad on page 42.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center
18 School St., Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 (860) 657- 4105, naturopathicwellness.com
Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND is a certified Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Practitioner. Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) is a clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the many symptoms associated with allergies, food sensitivities, environmental sensitivies, IBS, headaches, skin problems and more. The AAT treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is safe, painless and available to all ages including infants. See ad on page 39.
Dr. Charles B. Lerner, DC, LAc.
Glastonbury Naturopathic & Acupuncture Center 18 School Street, Glastonbury, Ct. 860-657-4105 • naturopathicwellness.com
Dr. Charles Lerner offers expert Chiropractic and Acupuncture care for acute and chronic problems, both internal medical concerns and pain management. He's gentle, compassionate and treats his patients as whole beings, not symptoms or diseases. Dr. Lerner's approach to health and wellness is simple: he offers a complete method of care specifically designed around the patient’s needs and requirements. In addition to the variety of Chiropractic adjustment techniques, Dr. Lerner offers a wide variety of modalities including hot packs, electrical muscle stimulation, ultra sound therapy, low dose ultra sound therapy and vibration therapy. See ad on page 39.
Westside Chiropractic
557 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford,CT (860) 523-5833 • westsidechiropractors.com
Our mission is to provide chiropractic care, naturally based generalist, primary or specialty health care, for persons of all ages. We are committed to educating our patients about their health and wellness and providing them with tools for self improvement. We seek to work in partnership with you to achieve good health and well being in a way consistent with your way of life. Visit our location in West Hartford See ad on page 34.
Francis X. Tortora
Chiropractor, Board Certified Craniopath 22 Fifth, St., Ste. 208, Stamford, CT (203) 348-0678 See ad on page 29.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center
18 School St., Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 (860) 657- 4105, naturopathicwellness.com
Constance Jones is New England’s senior Colon Hydrotherapist. During her 30 years of practice, she has performed nearly 50,000 colonics. Connie is certified through both the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists (I-ACT) and The National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy. She creates a nurturing, serene, and safe environment, and maintains your utmost privacy and comfort. www.cleanmycolon.com. See our ad on page 39.

Bryce Rx Laboratories, Inc.
30 Buxton Farms Road, Stamford, CT 06905 800-798-7279 • www.brycerx.com
Bryce Rx Laboratories is a full service Compounding Pharmacy specializing in the formulation of drugs that are not commercially available. from impotence injections, bio-identical hormones, pain management, and veterinary (this list is not inclusive). Please note, all compounded medications require a prescription from a physician. See ad on page 39.
The Canaan Gentle Dentle & Implant Center
Dr. thomas Livingstone 3-5 Railroad St. North Canaan, Ct (860) 824-0751 livingstonedentalexcellence.com See ad on page 35.
Dr. Steven Hinchey
2249 New London Turnpike South Glastonbury, Ct. (860) 633-6518 www.dentistryfordiabetics.com/drhinchey See ad on page 31.
Dr. Kevin Norige, D.M.D.
112 Deming St., South Windsor, Ct. (860) 644-0113
Dr. Kevin Norige has been in practice for almost 30 years in South Windsor, Ct. His services include Invisalign, Perio Protect, Lumineers, Snapon Smiles and Snap-it, Global Mini Implants, and non-surgical periodontal treatments. He is a member of the ADA, CSDA, and the Hartford Dental Society. He is a clinician with the CT Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic and also serves as a facilitator to dental students at the Univ. of CT. See ad on page 16.
Foot Reflexology
Ming Wu, Ph.D.,
Herbalist, Tui Na Therapy, Tai Chi Master 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT 06107
Do you want more energy, eliminate pain, release stress? Experience this ancient healing art which uses hand and thumb pressure on areas of that foot that correspond to systems in the body. Tension in the feet sets tension levels in the rest of the body. Through reflexology, we can interrupt the stress signal and help bring your body into balance. The benefits of reflexology include relaxation, reduced pain, rejuvenation of tired feet, improved circulation; and amelioration of other health conditions. Foot reflexology is a fast, inexpensive and relaxing way to help strengthen the systems in your body, improve chi, and stay in balance with nature. 1 hr. Foot Reflexology $50. To make an appointment, please call 800-990-9332.
Cassandra Forsythe, PhD, RD
860-933-8255 www.cassandraforsythe.com
Cassandra Forsythe is a certified Registered Dietitian and holds her PhD in exercise science and nutrition from the University of Connecticut. She specializes in weight loss, heart health, high blood pressure, sports nutrition, low carb diets, detox and healthy eating. Contact her today to get your nutrition and health on track.
Parkade Health Shoppe
Manchester Parkade, 378 West Middle Tpke, Manchester, CT • 860.646.8178 M-Sat 8am-9pm • Sun 9am-6pm
the Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe is an information and service-oriented health food store that has served its community since 1956. Owner, Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S., a Registered Pharmacist and State Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is available for consultation by appointment. Our other staff nutrition consultants provide customers with instore guidance in choosing vitamins, herbs, sports nutrition products, natural body care, natural and allergen-free foods, and life style changes. Many of our products are discounted every day. Ask us about our gym and other special discounts. See ad on page 13.
Diane Bahr-Groth, C. Hy., TFT, Dir.
1177 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT. (203)595-0110 • mindbodytransformation.com
Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis is a Certified Hypnotist specializing in fast and effective methods for weightloss, stress, fear, pain, smoking, etc. Hypnosis, Thought Field Therapy™, Time Line Therapy™ & NLP. Call for a free consultation. See ad on page 27.
Nishanto Kane...MindDesigning
Hypnosis, Master NLP Practitioner Aura,Chakra Analysis, Meditation Simsbury, Ct. (860) 658-9678 www.minddesigning.net
All that is, was first created in the mind. Nishanto Kane is a certified Eriksonian Hypnotist, Master NLP practitioner, Reconnection practitioner, Aura/Chakra Analyst. She has over 25 years experience in assisting many to stop smoking, release self-sabotaging habits, develop beliefs to attract abundance and well being, eliminate per allergies, anxieties, phobias, weight gain, stress, alcohol abuse, insomnia, improve school grades and more. Offering Chakra analysis - this amazing scientific state of the art technology allows you and the practitioner to view your aura. Through interpretation you can learn to bring yourself into physical, mental and emotional balance.
New England Nightingales, LLC
Assisted Living in the Home 406 farmington Ave, farmington, Ct 06032 PH. 860-676-7786, fax 860-676-7704
New England Nightingales, LLC was founded by Cynthia Ebanks, a registered nurse with more than twenty-five years experience in patient care. We make living at home the right choice for you and your loved ones by helping with the activities of daily living. From our coaching and mentoring services for family caregivers to hourly assistance or 24/7 care, we provide the services you need to manage the various stages of illness, trauma, or dementia. Whatever you need . . .whenever you need it. . we’ll be there. See ad on page 17.
Robin Clare
Inner Wisdom Guide 10 Crossroads Plaza, West Hartford, CT. 860-232-3331 • info@clare-ity.com
The Clare-ity Method will assist you in awakening your heart to the truth of who you are. By discovering who you are, you can choose paths in your personal and professional life that bring you your greatest joys – abundant joys which enable you to be of great service to all beings. Together, we will open a channel to the spiritual realm through your own Akashic Records! Please call Robin at 860-232-3331 or email her at Robin@epllc.org to find out more.
Copper Mountain Aikido
21 Copper Hill Road, Granby, CT 06035 (860)986-3617, cpprmtnaikido@gmail.com
Copper Mountain Aikido is a member of Birankai International (North America) under the direction of T. K. Chiba, Shihan. Birankai International is recognized by the Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Japan. Copper Mountain Aikido is a traditional Japanese “country-style” dojo offering Aikido, Aikido Weapons, Internal Aiki Training, Iaido (Japanese Sword Art), and Zazen (Zen Meditation). All instruction is conducted by the Certified Chief Instructor licensed under Birankai International (North America). All are welcome!
Wholistic Spa
18 School Street, Glastonbury 06033. (860) 657-4105, www.wholisticspa.com. Dr. Helene Pulnik ND, LAc, Med. Director
Wholistic Spa™ is a haven of total wellness. From the moment you step into our quiet space, we are focused on your complete wellness. Our treatments at Wholistic Spa™ use the purest natural and organic ingredients, with no toxic synthetic ingredients. We offer organic facials, hand & foot treatments and signature massage services for women, men and couples, featuring EMINENCE Organic Skin Care from Hungary. Inner Health. Outer Beauty™. See ad on page 39.
CT Natural Health Specialists
Lauren Gouin, ND 135 Center St., Manchester, Ct (860) 533-0179 • www.ctnaturalhhealth.com
Dr. Lauren Gouin is a naturopathic physician with a family practice in Manchester and South Windsor. Dr. Gouin is accepting new patients and is in network with most insurance companies. For more information, contact her at (860)644-2437 or visit www.ctnhs.com. See ad on page 37.
Debra Gibson, ND
158 Danbury Road, Suite 8, Ridgefield, CT 06877 • (203)431-4443
Natural family healthcare using nutrition and biochemistry; herbal, homeopathic, and energetic medicine; lifestyle transformation and detoxification, to promote well-being of body, mind, and spirit. See ad on page 27.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Ctr.
18 School Street, Glastonbury Dr. Helene Pulnik. (860) 657-4105 www.naturopathicwellness.com
Glastonbury Naturopathic Ctr. is a multidisciplinary healthcare center focusing on natural alternatives for individuals to achieve and maintain optimal health. Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND, LAc. is a board-certified licensed Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist with over 25 years experience as a healthcare professional. Offering Naturopathic Medicine, Colon Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Cleansing & Detoxification Programs, Weight Management Programs. See ad on page 39.
Kensington Naturopathic Medical Ctr.
Dr. Ann Aresco 355 New Britain Rd, Kensington, CT (860) 829-0707 • drannaresco@comcast.net kensingtonnaturopathic.com
Centrally located in Connecticut, Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center provides comprehensive family healthcare. Our team of specialized health professionals is dedicated to facilitating our patients’ optimal health, and offers a wide range of services, including supplementation, homeopathy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs as well as nutrition, holistic health counseling and weight loss/life style changes. See ad on page 35.
2 Broadway, North Haven, CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Ste 7A, West Hartford, CT 203-239-3400
Dr. Henderson runs our weight loss program here at the Life Center and is internationally recognized for her work with diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease. Dr. Henderson’s writing has been published in several medical journals. She has lectured extensively and is dedicated to helping each individual live a full healthy life on both a physical and emotional level. The first step toward health is improving our relationship with food and choosing to properly nourish ourselves. Dr. Henderson uses all the tools of naturopathic medicine to help us reach our health goals, including achieving a healthy weight. She also uses botanical medicine, flower remedies, homeopathy, acupuncture, exercise therapy and detoxification to guide individuals to attain their health goals, and to live their best lives. She is seeing patients in both our North Haven and West Hartford offices. See ads on pages 9, 41.
William Nager, ND, DC
11 Mountain Ave., Ste. 201, Bloomfield, CT • (860) 242-8200
William Nager is a 1985 Graduate of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Portland Oregon. He also earned a second degree in chiropratic medicine from Western State Chiropractic College. For the past 25 years Dr. Nager has practiced family medicine using non-toxic therapies for digestive disorders, anxiety, and depression, fatigue, back pain, eczema, allergies, hypertension, high cholesterol and pain management as well as other conditions within the scope of a general family medicine practice. See ad on page 31.
The Wellness Institute
Marvin Schweitzer, ND 1 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT (203) 847-2788
Dr. Schweitzer treats all ages with natural therapies including homeopathy, herbal medicine, enzymes, nutritional supplements and more. His advanced cutting-edge technologies evaluate underlying causes and create individualized treatment plans. ASYRA, Ondamed, BrainPaint, footbaths, acupuncture and oxygen therapies are used to achieve optimal health. Allergy desensitization, detoxification programs, immune system support, Lyme disease issues and other wellness protocols are included in his personalized care. See ad on page 8.
West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine
301 N. Main St., West Hartford, CT (860) 232-9662 • www.DRAIETA.com
Dr. Frank Aieta, founder of West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine, is a board certified licensed Naturopathic Physician who specializes in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease utilizing the most advanced natural therapeutics. He offers a wide range of natural, non-toxic treatments which include: Acupuncture, Spinal Manipulation, Clinical Nutrition, Detoxification, Pain Management, Herbal Medicine and Natural Hormone Balancing. See ad on page 30.
Holcare Nutrition
Vicki Kobliner MS RD 3 Hollyhock Lane, Suite 2A, Wilton, Ct 06897 203-834-9949 • www.holcarenutrition.com
Vicki Kobliner MS RD, CD-N is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Holcare Nutrition. Vicki works with infants, through adults with chronic illnesses, digestive disorders, food allergies, ADHD and autism and provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling. She is a contributing author to A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in Americas Children. See ad on page 13.
Advance Biomedical Treatment Center, LLC
(formerly Avon Therapeutic Center) Eileen C. Comia, M.D. 701 Cottage Grove Road Ste., C-10 Bloomfield, CT 06002 • 860.242.2200 Fax 860.242.2212 • www.AdvBioMedTx.com
Dr. Eileen Comia is a board certified Internal Medicine specialist with16 yrs of experience in private practice. In 2002, she founded Avon Therapeutic Center (now Advance Biomedical treatment Center) specializing in Integrative Medicine. She offers a unique practice using Functional Medicine in the treatment of chronic illnesses. She is a seasoned Defeat Autism Now! Practitioner of 10 years and a member of ACAM (American College for Advancement in Medicine). See ad on page 32.
Center for Integrative Healthcare & Healing
533 Cottage Grove Rd, Bloomfield, CT (860) 243-2224 • www.cmgmds.com/cihh.html
The first of its kind in the country, Connecticut Multispecialty Group (CMG) is a large multispecialty group with its own Integrative Medicine Department. The physician-directed model uniquely blends conventional medicine with complementary therapies. Over 70 physicians work collaboratively with licensed massage therapists, licensed acupuncturists, certified energy workers, and registered dieticians. The end result is comprehensive model of healthcare delivery that focuses on whole person wellness and optimal health. CMG also features an electronic health record that interconnects all providers and offers portable flash drives with personal health information to all its clients. See ad on page 5.
Natural Health & Healing, LLC
Deanna M. Cherrone, MD 60 East Main Street, Avon, Ct. (860) 677-4600 • naturalhealthandhealing.net
Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing, is a board certified Internal Medicine physician who has changed the focus of her practice from traditional Internal Medicine to functional Medicine. functional Medicine is a science based approach to health care that involves looking at each patient as a whole being with interconnected systems that function best when they are all in balance. See ad on back cover.
Optimal Health Medical, LLC
Henry C. Sobo, MD • (203) 348-8805 www.DrSobo.com
Medical doctor practicing holistic/alternative medicine and weight reduction in Stamford, CT. Nutrition, Allergy Desensitization, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for men and women. See ad page 27.
Tamara Sachs, MD
functional Medicine & Integrative Care 15 Bennitt St., New Milford, CT (860) 354-3304 • www.tsachsmd.intranets.com See ad on page 43.
Soul Support Counseling
Nancy M Brockett, PhD, LPC West Hartford, CT 860.223.2232 soul-support.org Feeling stressed, confused, anxious or depressed? Imagine yourself breaking free from worries and fear and then confidently doing what you haven't been able to before! We work together from the perspective of the whole self to get to the heart of what’s troubling you. Using painless, drug-free treatments, Dr Brockett helps you uncover and build on your own inner strengths so you can free yourself from negativity and live with more joy in your life. See ad on page 43.
Inner Change Holistic Counseling
Deni Weber, MA, LPC, DCEP Weston, CT. • 203-544-6094 DeniWeber.com
With compassion, intuition and wisdom Deni guides individuals on their journey of regaining lost power leading to renewed purpose, well-being, and emotional balance. Specializing in mind-body therapies with clinical certifications in Body-Oriented Psychotherapy and Energy Psychology she works with adults, teens and children healing traumatic stress related to Abuse, AD/HD, Learning Disabilities, Chronic Illness, Lyme Disease, and Autistic Spectrum.
Origins Of Health, LLC
Jill Moorcroft, DO, Tom Moorcroft, DO 844 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, Ct 860-430-9790 • www.OriginsOfHealth.com
Origins Of Health is a holistic medical center that specializes in OsteopathicManipulation,inc luding Cranial Osteopathy, Integrative Medicine and Nutrition. founders Drs. tom and Jill Moorcroft integrate their personal passion and extensive training as family Medicine Physicians while working with you to develop a personalized approach to health that stimulates the self-healing forces within. Our goal is to assist you in realizing optimum health while being free to enjoy life and all it has to offer. See ad on page 26.
Osteopathic Wellness Center, LLC
David L. Johnston, DO • Lisa Preston, DO 158 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877 (203) 438-9915 • www.osteopathicwellness.net
Gentle, natural, hands-on, osteopathic medical care for infants, children and adults. Childrens’ health and development, birth trauma, musculoskeletal pain and injuries, nutrition and wellness counseling, stress reduction, immune support, allergies. Most major insurances accepted. See ad on page 33.
Breakthrough to Love Coaching
Candace Brindley Candace@Rich-Relationships.com (203) 247-4613 • www.Rich-Relationships.com
As a Professional Member of The Relationship Coaching Institute, Candace is an advocate for marriage that lasts. She invites all dating Singles to seize the opportunity between relationships to learn about themselves and the winning combination of knowledge and skills for lasting love. Candace coaches groups and privately.

Still Waters Pond, LLC
280 Shetucket Turnpike Voluntown, CT 06384 860-543-3244 • stillwaterspond.com
Group leaders interested in workshop/retreat space: Still Waters is nestled among 100 acres of pine forest and a private-10-acre pond. Comfortable, rustic lodging includes a two-bedroom, furnished cottage with full kitchen (sleeps four), Guest House (sleeps 11) and 1200-sq.ft. Art & Yoga Studio. Contact us to arrange a tour. See ad on page 32.
Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies
LauraMignosa, NCCH 900 Wells Road (RT. 175) Wethersfield, (860)666-5064 www.ctherbschool.com.
Founded in 1992, the CT Institute of Herbal Studies focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers a Certified Herbology Program with a foundation in both theory and clinical diagnosis as practiced in China today. See ad on page 40.
The Graduate Institute
Leslie Cahill, Director of Admissions, Recruitment (203) 874-4252 • www.learn.edu.
the Graduate Institute is an accredited institution of higher education that offers Master of Arts degrees in emerging fields of inquiry. Degree programs include: Experiential Health and Healing, Peace Studies, Oral traditions, Holistic thinking, and Conscious Evolution. Classes meet one weekend per month and programs are offered in Hartford, Bethany, New Milford, and Stamford, CT. For more information or to find an Information Session near you, call (203) 8744252 or visit www.learn.edu. See ad on page 16.
Anew You Skincare & Wellness Center
Melissa Martin, 16A Ensign Drive, Avon. (860)284-9730, www.anewyouskincare.net Melissa@anewyouskincare.net
We are committed to strengthening your overall well-being and skin health through the use of excellent quality products and extraordinary services that produce amazing results. Only natural ingredients are used, including plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential oils! We want you to be "WOWED"! See ad on page 33.
Michael Westfall, LCSW
243 East Center Street Manchester, CT 06040 • (860) 212-8923.
Michael Westfall is a licensed clinical social worker with a practice in Manchester, CT. He has extensive experience with children and teens but works with many adults and couples as well. In network with most state and commercial insurances, he is accepting new clients at this time. Please visit the website: michaelwestfall.com or call him at (860) 212-8923. See ad on page 15.
Wholistic Spa
18 School St., Glastonbury, CT • (860) 657-4105 www.wholisticspa.com. • Dr. Helene Pulnik, Med. Director
Wholistic Spa™ is a haven of total wellness. From the moment you step into our quiet space, we are focused on your complete wellness. Our treatments use the purest natural and organic ingredients, with no toxic synthetic ingredients. We offer organic facials, hand & foot treatments and signature massage services for women, men and couples, featuring EMINENCE Organic Skin Care from Hungary. We also offer an array of deeply therapeutic and purifying services to help you achieve optimal health from the inside out! Inner Health. Outer Beauty™. See ad on page 39.
Wu Healing Center
45 South Main Street, Suite #100 West Hartford, CT • 800-990-9332 978-790-8888 (Cell) • www.wuhealing.com Ming Wu, Ph.D., Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Herbalist, Tui Na Therapy, Tai Chi Master
tai Chi Class on Mondays 6-7pm and Saturdays 9-11am, the instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine who studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He teaching Tai Chi in US for over twenty years.
Sophia Natural Health Center
499 Federal Rd., Brookfield, CT (203) 740-9300 • SophiaNaturalHealth.com
As the hormone experts, we specialize in women’s health, natural hormone balancing, breast cancer prevention and thermography utilizing the highest definition camera in the area with interpretations from MD specialists in the field. Thermogram results include a free 15-minute phone consultation. See ad on page 21.
X to Rays, LLC
Suzanne Pyle, MS, CCt 35 Boston Street, Guilford, CT 866.986.7297 or 203 331-2878 www.xtorays.com
Suzanne is a board certified clinical thermographer. She offers totally safe (no radiation), painless (no compression), 97% accurate FDA approved breast cancer screening. With a masters in Nutrition, Suzanne also advises on breast and body health. Scans for thyroid, lung, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and ovaries are also available. Call for locations throughout CT.
Lightworker of Vibrational Energy LLC, L.O.V.E.
Gayle franceschetti Med,CHt. 36 Cheshire Rd., Wallingford,CT 203-265-2927 • www.return2love.net
Gayle franceschetti is the founder of the L.O.V.E. Institute and is an acclaimed intuitive counselor and healer, Reiki Master, certified Hypnotherapist and past life regressionist. As an open channel for Divine Energy, Gayle integrates the power of universal love, compassion and understanding in all her workshops and healing sessions. Gayle conducts healing and mentoring sessions in person, by phone and hosts a variety of workshops and power journeys throughout the U.S. and around the world. See ad on page 29.
Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND, LAc. Level II Usui Reiki Practitioner
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School Street, Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 860-657-4105 • naturopathicwellness.com
Reiki Energy Medicine is a soft and gentle handson technique supports and connects all the major and minor Energy Chakra Centers of the body, leaving you feeling relaxed, balanced and refreshed! Reiki Energy Medicine works to assist in relieving or reducing pain and discomfort by balancing the body’s energy system. When the energy flow in your body is restored and/or balanced, you are more likely to feel relaxed and your body’s natural healing abilities are utilized. Dr. Helene Pulnik ND, LAc. is a Certified Level II Usui Reiki Practitioner. See ad on page 39.
860-990-8395 • info@pentalign.com www.pentalign.com
Pentalign is now offering the benefits of Reconnective Healing in the workplace and to clubs, organizations, families and individuals. This gives companies and organizations and invaluable offering for their employees that can have a dramatic effect on general wellbeing, stress related issues, and overall quality of life. This can directly lead to less sick days, higher job satisfaction and increased productivity resulting in a win-win situation for both the employee and the employer. We offer on-site or off-site introductory presentations as well as recurring weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly healing clinics that fit your company’s needs and schedule. Individuals are more than welcome as well. Contact Pentalign today to learn more about how we can be of value to you, your company or organization. See ad on page 35.
The Healing in Harmony Center
Priscilla Bengtson, ATP®
99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury, Ct 06033 (860)632-8434 www.healinginharmonycenter.com
the Healing in Harmony Center, a spiritual healing, counseling and education center, offers programs and services that help individuals acknowledge and develop their own gifts to the highest level. Owner Priscilla Bengtson is dedicated to helping people live a joyous and fulfilled life and offers classes and workshops that help people achieve this. Private sessions are offered for intuitive, trance channel and angel readings, medical intuitive readings, trance healing, hypnosis, reiki, mandala healing, and health coaching. A free healing service is offered once monthly. See ad on page 33.
Mobile Pet Vet
Kim Rio, DVM (203)584-1210 • www.mobile-pet-vet.com
Mobile Pet Vet is a veterinary housecall practice providing wellness care for dogs and cats. By treating pets at home we reduce their stress and their exposure to infection. Pets with chronic health problems such as diabetes, kidney disease and other endocrine disorders often benefit from home-based care. We spend time developing an individualized treatment plan for each animal and we offer a full range of laboratory services. Our flexible scheduling accommodates busy pet owners. See ad on page 21.
The Center for Health Renewal
C. Evers Whyte, MS, DC, DACBN 30 Myano Lane, Suite 26, Stamford, CT 06902 • (203) 708-9299
Providing holistic integrative medicine and MediCalm Pain Relief Therapy to patients of all ages. Specialist in treating chronic pain, and also a “medical detective,” helping patients heal other chronic conditions that have not responded to traditional drug therapy or surgery. For more information, please see: www. thecenterforhealthrenewal.com & www.MediCalmPainReliefTherapy.com. See ad on page19.
Move 2 Wellness
Stonehouse Commons, 635 Danbury Road Ridgefield, CT • 203-403-2522 www.move2wellness.com Massage Therapy • Acupuncture • Yoga
Relax & discover the direction of your unique inner compass. Take a much deserved break from “doing” & practice “being.” Come visit our beautiful studio &healing arts center located in the newly restored Stonehouse Commons.
The Life Center
2 Broadway, North Haven CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Suite 7A, W. Hartford CT 203-710-6605 • alifecenter@yahoo.com
Are you frustrated because you want to lose weight but cannot figure out how? Do you exercise but it doesn’t seem to help? Are you sabotaging yourself by overeating or emotional eating even though you have the best of intentions? Get off the dieting merry-go-round and FINALLY achieve your ideal weight? The Life Diet matches your nutrition to your metabolism. Most Insurances accepted. We offer a medically supervised weight loss program with whole foods, individualized nutrition, meal planning, and weight loss coaching. See ad on page 9.
Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage
860-430-9642 • info@fulleryoga.com www.fulleryoga.com
Glastonbury’s newest yoga/pilates/massage studio provides a serene and vibrant space to experience personal growth and awareness. We promote a non-competitive, friendly environment for every individual to journey physically and mentally towards their true self. Give yourself the gift of complete presence. We have classes for everyone at all levels. All modalities of massage available. Private yoga/pilates sessions are also available. See ad on page 31.
Sacred Rivers Yoga
Paula Scopino LMT, E-RYT 500 IAYT, Owner / Director 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, Ct 06033 PH. 860.657.9545 • FAX. 860.657.3161 www.sacredriversyoga.com. See ad on page 8.
Yoga Pose of the Month
“Vrksasana” Tree Pose
Justine Fuller “Yoga Whiz” “Vrksasana” Tree Pose wearing Yoga Angel Camisole $24.99. FullerYoga shorts $32.00 Fuller Mat $85.00. You can nd Justine at: www.fulleryoga.com Bene ts: Strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine Strecthes the groins, inner thighs, chest and shoulders Improves sense of balance Relieves sciatica and reduces at feet

Alignment; As you shi your weight to one foot keep your hips level. Place one foot at either the calf or inner thigh. Press your foot into your leg as you engage your leg to press back into your foot. Imagine your body in a straight line from your inner ankle to inner knee to belly bu on to your heart, nose and out through the top of your head.
Breathe , wide into your sides and rib cage this will prevent you from having to li ing and lowering the chest when breathing which could a ect your balance.
Photography By: Yves Mathurin
Careful not to look down. Keep your chin up and parallel to the oor. Make sure you do not place the foot at the knee pu ing undue pressure at the knee joint. Gaze at a single spot ahead of you and breathe.
Balancing life is always tricky. ere’s work, spouses, partners, children and even your pets can be challenging to keep in balanced with. Tree pose teaches us that balance is ultimately an illusion. To balance in tree pose you need to manage the small wiggles and wobbles so they don’t become big and knock you o center. Balance consists of so many small adjustments you never see the big ones. Let Tree Pose teach you how to manage the li le stu and it will never turn into a mountain.
fuller yoga
Pilates & Massage 2450 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 860-430-9642 Live Simply & Wisely

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