13 minute read

Most people are probably pretty sick of reading, watching or hearing about COVID-19. Who wouldn’t be; it’s everywhere and it’s been the central focus of the media for months now. People are frustrated, scared, uncertain and angry. It’s to be expected, so being kinder and gentler with these emotions is best. According to Psychology Today, stress weakens the body’s immune system and has a negative effect on every major organ in the body. Obviously during trying times, stress can creep in and be counterproductive to the challenge of remaining healthy, strong and safe, both physically and mentally. There are countless natural methods that help lessen or eliminate stress, and by J. Garnet during this time when most people are honoring and giving gifts to their mothers, it’s Mother Earth who is honoring and giving her inhabitants everything that’s needed to banish stress, remain calm, happy, strong and healthy.
Tens of millions of people have been out of work, and not only are they feeling trapped inside, but are also uncertain about the future. That’s stressful! Routines have been altered and many are at a loss for what to do with themselves. People who’ve worked 20, 30, 40 or more hours each week are finding it difficult to stay busy. Reading, watching movies, cooking, designing fun activities for children or napping can get old rather quickly.
In this geographic area, where the climate is moderate, people can get outside for long walks, bike rides, tending their gardens and jumping into projects in order to stay busy. Many are finding out, however, that it’s more difficult to fill the time in a productive way, day after day and week after week. Being outside and remaining active can certainly help lessen stress levels, but everyone could benefit from a good dose of Mother Nature to help the cause.
According to NASA’s Earth Observatory, 30 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with plant life. Whether eaten for nutrition, smelled, viewed, picked or planted, plants have been shown to reduce stress. Now may be a good time to get to know our plants better, and to give them some extra attention. Take a look around the yard. Notice the plants that grow along a walk or bike path. Search out the splashes of color from one of the many blooms that are budding now in the desert.
Are there plants inside the house? Outside? It doesn’t matter. Next time the plants need watering, take a moment to thank them, talk to them—and try doing it out loud. There’s a connection that takes place that can be soothing and comforting. Spring brings new growth and life, so prune off any of the old and welcome the new. Admire and acknowledge the beauty and the life force that the plant has within it. It’s almost impossible to remain stressed or negative while doing any of these activities, plus it will help pass the time in a most productive manner.
When the news of the pandemic spread, there was a rush to stock up on supplies that are needed in the home. Some of the first products that flew off the shelves were disinfectants, hand sanitizers, protective surgical masks, soaps, bleach and humidifiers. As most people know by now,
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Natural Awakenings PLANT MEDICINE
SECTION pages 30-37
the coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. As with symptoms of the common cold, flu and allergies, the lungs are targeted. So what is there to do in order to keep the lungs strong, happy and healthy? Some experts have declared that masks are necessary, though other experts have claimed that a face mask doesn’t protect as well as people originally thought. In order to stay healthy, people are being told to do this, don’t do that, try this and stay away from that. With so much conflicting information circulating around the world, it’s reassuring, to a degree, that people can look toward Mother Earth for some answers. It’s the most opportune time to stop and smell the roses—and all flowers, for that matter.
Some people have been innovative with their time, finding ways to stay happy and healthy using plant medicine. There is now time in the day to investigate the aloe plant and how to make homemade hand sanitizer. People are learning which plants are the best air-purifiers. Spider plants, palms, ferns and lilies are some of the more effective species. Herbal teas are being used for medicinal purposes. Some teas are physically calming like chamomile or peppermint, while others can offer an energy boost— green tea and ginseng, for example. Licorice root and peppermint teas have also been shown to support the respiratory system.
There are countless plant remedies to help strengthen the lungs and respiratory system. No matter the cause of the problem, it’s a good idea to help maintain healthy lungs, and Mother Nature has provided everything that’s needed to do so. Granted, many people do not have some of these specific plants or teas at home that could be useful right now, but knowledge is key and the common cold, flu and allergy seasons seem to be present all the time. Being aware of the magic of plants can help keep the medicine cabinet and pantry well stocked for when the remedies are needed again in the future and to help feel a little more prepared for future health events both small and large.
In a society that’s normally running at double-speed, it’s awkward to have so much down time. Many people have been reading, knitting or planning virtual happy hours and digital gettogethers. But even after coming up with lots of activities, it seems there’s still time on people’s hands. It’s an ideal time to do some of the footwork that’s needed when contemplating the change from pharmaceutical medications to a more healthy and beneficial plant medicine route. Knowing the medicinal benefits of nature’s inventory can only help in preparedness for the unknown. Beating illness, disease and stress doesn’t have to be as difficult when armed with knowledge.

J. Garnet, M.Ed. is a writer, teacher, speaker and healer. Garnet’s passion is helping the public see that nature is medicine. Connect at 520-437-8855 or Jeffrey@JGarnet.com.
plant briefs
Drink Pomegranate Juice to Protect Fetal Brain Growth About one in 10 babies in utero struggles with a dangerous condition known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), in which the flow of oxygen and nutrients through the placenta is restricted, hampering development of the growing fetus. Now, a simple solution—of mom drinking an eight-ounce glass of pomegranate juice a day—offers hope of a way to reduce infant deaths and lower the need for infant surgery. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston, studied 77 mothers with IUGR at St. Louis’ Barnes-Jewish Hospital that received either one cup a day of pomegran ate juice or a placebo. Evaluating 55 of the babies’ development with MRIs after birth, research ers found that the babies with pomegranate-drinking moms had evidence of both better brain connectivity and development of white matter—tissue through which messages pass in the central nervous system. Pome granate juice is a rich source of polyphenols, a class of foods also found in nuts, berries, vegetables and teas that’s known to cross the blood-brain barrier and have neu roprotective effects.

Consume Date Vinegar to Boost Heart Health and Reduce Inflammation In a study of 76 people with mildly high total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, research published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine found that consuming 30 milliliters of vinegar made from date pulp and pits daily for four weeks significantly improved total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride and HDL levels, as well as several biomarkers of inflammation.

Natural Awakenings PLANT MEDICINE
SECTION pages 30-37
Brought to you by Earth’s Healing NATURE BASICS:
SAFETY 101 F rom a very early age, safety is taught to children. Looking both ways before crossing the street or not talking to strangers are a couple of the basic safety skills that children understand and carry with them into adulthood. Safety skills can also center around cleanliness and warding off germs, bacteria and viruses. Washing hands before a meal, brushing teeth before bed and maintaining good health are other safety tips that children learn growing up. It’s been a strange new world for the last couple of months, and safety has been on most people’s minds. Essential businesses remain open because of the necessity of those industries, and safety first is being spotlighted throughout them.
According to the Mayo Clinic, a whopping 70 percent of Americans are on at least one medication, so it’s not surprising that establishments that maintain and distribute these medications are at the forefront of keeping the work, patient and customer environment safe. The insurgence of alternative medicine around the country, and the legalization of medicinal marijuana in some states, has led to the opening of dispensaries in order to cater to the individuals who have transitioned from pharmaceutical drugs to plant medicine. Like other essential businesses, dispensaries have taken steps to ensure the safety of their patients and staff.
Ordering and obtaining medicine has changed in order to maintain a safe interaction. Online menus and order forms make it easy to browse products, investigate the medicinal values of the products and determine which product will work best for particular symptoms and ailments.
Unlike pharmacies which offer mail order prescriptions, eliminating any face-to-face contact, dispensaries needed to develop ways to minimize contact, keep patients and employees safe and get the medicine to the people who need it. The dispensaries here in Tucson have done just that. Precautions and changes in distribution happened almost immediately, and as the circumstances changed, they stepped up.
Home delivery of plant medicines was already established for most dispensaries, but new curbside pickup has been instituted. Order the medicine that’s needed online, pay for the products online and wait for a confirmation text or email alerting the patient that the order is ready for pickup. There is still some face-to-face contact, but employees are masked, gloved and wiping down everything with sterilizing products. Medication can still be picked up inside the dispensary, but precautions have been put into practice as well. The dispensing rooms are for employees only. The employee will gather the products and bring them out to the waiting area. Only a certain number of patients are allowed in the waiting lounge at a time, and only valid cardholders are allowed in, while the people they are with can comfortably wait outside.
A few of the dispensary lobbies have industrial sized air purifiers running at all times. Masked and gloved employees circulate waiting rooms wiping down chairs and surfaces, key pads and door handles. This level of precaution has rarely been seen at the corporate, big-box pharmacies. Like some grocery stores and other essential businesses, signage on dispensary floors alert patients of the safe six-foot radius from each other. At Earth’s Healing, a new cashless system has been incorporated. Alt Thirty Six is a digital money exchange system which eliminates the transfer of cash or card from the patient to the bud-tender.
Many of the people who use medicinal marijuana have specific products that they purchase on a regular basis. These people have become their own health advocate. They’ve researched and tested numerous strains in order to find the right medicinal combination that works best for their own individual medical needs. One of the benefits of being in control of personal health is that when new issues show up, like a short stint of the flu, a seasonal allergy or a virus, they know and understand the products that can heal and speed up the recovery time.
Stress is present whenever there is uncertainty, fear, anger and frustration. Now is a great time to actually experience the soothing and calming effects of CBD oils and balms. Stress can cause anxiety, muscle tension and numerous other negative bodily reactions. There are products available to help ease some of the harmful effects that stress can have on the body, mind and spirit. At Earth’s Healing, the budtenders all go through extensive training that can help ease the difficulty in understanding the “how to” and “how much” when looking for the natural way to heal. Earth’s Healing Dispensary is conveniently located at 2075 E. Benson Hwy. and 78 W. River Rd., in Tucson. Visit their website at EarthsHealing.org. See ad, page 31.

Virus Fighters
Essential Oils for Challenging Times In these coronavirus days, an essential oil mixture with legendary origins in the Bubonic Plague offers soothing scents for the homebound and might add some viral protection.
The mixture of five oils: eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon, lemon and rosemary, is known as Thieves. As the story goes, in the 1500s, as the Black Death decimated Europe, when four unemployed spice merchants that turned to robbing the bodies and homes of the dead were captured and threatened with being burned alive, they confessed to the judge their secret to avoiding infection—the spice blend that they rubbed on their hands, ears, feet and temples. They were all hanged, but their formula survives as Thieves, and is today one of the most popular essential oil blends in the market, sold under that name and also as Five Guards, Health Shield and Fighting Five. Although shown to sharply reduce three kinds of airborne bacteria in 10 minutes, its antiviral properties have not been extensively studied. Its components, however, have proven antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral properties:
eco tip
n Eucalyptus, long used for respiratory infections, has been proven effective against a number of viruses, particularly the swine flu and herpes type 1 viruses.
n Clove has exhibited strong antiviral activity against such viruses as the adenovirus type 3 respiratory virus, poliovirus and coxsackievirus.

n Cinnamon leaf shows antiviral activity and can prevent pneumonia due to influenza.
n Lemon oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and is often used in cleaning products.
n Rosemary eases stress and has antiviral, antimicrobial and antidepressant qualities.

Thieves can be purchased in natural health stores or online. For a homemade blend, Jennifer Lane, an aromatherapist, registered nurse and founder of LovingEssential Oils.com, recommends combining these essential oils:
n 35 drops lemon n 20 drops cinnamon leaf
n 15 drops clove bud n 15 drops eucalyptus
n 10 drops rosemary Adding five drops of the blend, along with water in a diffuser, can waft the scent throughout a room and diminish airborne odors and germs. For respiratory support, put a few drops into a cup of steaming, but not boiling, water, drape a towel around the cup and face, and breathe in the fumes. Add it to a carrier oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil at a 1:30 ratio (such as one-half ounce Thieves to 15 ounces jojoba) and rub it on pulse points in the wrist and neck. But do not ingest the blend. If a child under 10 is in the house, don’t diffuse it or use it topically on them, because rosemary and eucalyptus can be unsafe for a child, advises Christina Anthis, author of The Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started.
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