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Natural Awakenings PLANT MEDICINE

SECTION pages 30-37


community spotlight

DIVINE SYNERGY Natural Health for the Mind and Body with CBD

Eric Gutierrez was given a weightlifting set when he was only nine. Since then, he’s been studying health and wellness, providing “better medicine”, and most importantly, educating people on the importance of a comprehensive view of the body and mind. In April 2019, he opened Divine Synergy Therapeutics with the mission of bringing only the highest quality products to his customers. His goal to offer a selection of natural products containing CBD and hemp were a way for him to help others and provide a holistic path to health for many. by Tavi Meketon

Gutierrez’s passion is to provide an effective and healthy solution for those searching for answers to a myriad of health and wellness issues that can be addressed by nature and nutrition. He sources his products based on a few simple goals that are summed up by the word “integrity”. He searches only for products that have been tested by third-party laboratories that are free of all heavy metals, pesticides and other particulates. All of Divine Synergy’s products include a COA, a full-panel certificate of analysis issued by an accredited labora

tory that includes the full composition of a product.

Gutierrez is proud that more than 95 percent of his customers return regularly and word of mouth is his best form of advertising. One can easily miss the storefront, as it sits in the middle of an unassuming row of small businesses on the east side of Park Avenue. Inside, it is warm and friendly with a wide variety of hemp and CBD products including salves, oils, tinctures, balms and healthy edibles. Gutierrez is a patient and knowledgeable teacher who carefully explains dosage, timing and exactly how they can improve health.

Anyone who has considered CBD or cannabinoids is familiar with the tremendous amount of information available and how much of it can be confusing. CBD vs. hemp, broad spectrum vs. full spectrum, total plant vs. isolate—buzz words that shoppers can spend significant time and energy wading through only to find that the research they have done is just to understand the basics. Ingredients can be confusing too; “active” ingredients may not be reflected accurately, and terminology may be incorrect. “We are not regulated at this point in Arizona,” says Gutierrez. “That means that manufacturers may not only label their products incorrectly, but the customer has no way of knowing exact ingredients and amounts.”

Talking with Gutierrez, it is evident how strongly he feels about the direct role food has on healthy living and ultimately, the effectiveness of any CBD supplement. “We don’t carry any gummies at all,” he says, citing his emphatic belief in a holistic approach to health. Some of the popular products available in the CBD market, including gummies, are high in fructose and food coloring. “You can’t expect to improve your health if you ingest these types of ingredients,” says Gutierrez.

Consumers are also confused about the differences—properties, benefits and risks—among CBD, THC and hemp. According to the National Institutes of Health, “cannabis” refers to all products derived from the plant Cannabis sativa, which contains about 540 chemical substances. The word “marijuana” refers

to the part of, or products from, the plant Cannabis sativa that contain substantial amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the substance that is primarily responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. Hemp typically has very low amounts of THC and a main distinction between hemp and CBD is the variety of plant they are derived from and what part of the plant is used.

Dosage is another big question for many. Dosage is determined by volume, solution strength and how one’s body reacts. Gutierrez considers weight, body composition and overall food and drug intake to be major components in success. Tracking these components over time is key to finding the right balance.

In addition to requiring a COA for each product sold, Divine Synergy only sources products of the total plant. There are two main forms of CBD on the market: broad spectrum CBD, also referred to as full spectrum, and CBD isolate. Cannabis, with its complex chemical structure, contains over 100 active cannabinoids in addition to CBD. In much of the current research, broad spectrum appears to be more effective in addressing many health issues.

In sourcing products, Eric also looks for other ingredients including terpenes, phytonutrients and others that work synergistically with the endocannabinoid system to provide the highest level of effectiveness and quality. Unlike other cannabinoids—such as THC—CBD does not produce a euphoric “high” or psychoactive effect. It produces some cannabinoids of its own, called endocannabinoids, which help regulate functions such as sleep, immune system responses and pain.

“Our receptors are open to these,” says Gutierrez, who personally tests all the products he orders. He has learned to track the effects of all his products and can identify their quality and whether their intended use can be confirmed. He follows brands and products with “momentum” to see if they can stand up to his expectations. He draws similarities between agents introduced to the system that look directly for deficiencies, toxicities, inflammation and other ailments to address them at their root.

In addition to Divine Synergy’s CBD and hemp products, Gutierrez has also created and manufactured his own product called Spectrum Water. Spectrum was designed to provide a high energy and healthy option to other drinks and includes terpenes (the ingredient that gives plants odor), fulvic acid and 84 other minerals and electrolytes. “This combination drives the nutrients into the cells in order to hydrate and protect them,” says Gutierrez.

Gutierrez says his biggest challenges are educating the public about the products and their ingredients and, most importantly, setting expectations. “Many think CBD products are a cureall,” he says, “but it is part of the bigger picture.” His preliminary questions for each customer pertain to other health habits such as food, exercise and stress levels. Gutierrez stresses the importance that CBD-based products are not, on their own, a quick fix. They contribute to overall health, as one component of a comprehensive view of our minds and bodies.

Divine Synergy Therapeutics & CBD is located at 143 S. Park Ave., Tucson. Connect at 520-351-9828 or Facebook.com/ DivineSynergyTherapeutics. See ad, page 35.

Tavi Meketon, MBA, SPHR is a local author and business executive who focuses on supporting individuals and organizations through proactive strategies and comprehensive solutions. Connect at TaviMeketon@yahoo.com.

Call ahead to confirm event

NOTE TO OUR READERS: All events were accurate at press time, but due to circumstances created by COVID-19 pandemic, we suggest confirming these details with the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others. Thank you for your understanding and stay well.


Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner: 1 Year Online

Training – 10am-12pm. Begins 5/2. First and third Saturdays. With Quynn Red Mountain. 24 meetings with live audio and video participation thru zoom.us. For those who are called to the skills of the Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner. Details and apply at Tinyurl.com/SpiritBridgeHealing1Yr. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004. SUNDAY, MAY 3

Web of Life Animist Minister Ordainment:

1 Year Online Program – First and Third Sundays. 10am-12pm. Begins 5/3. Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animist Church is seeking Earth Honoring People who are called to become legally Ordained Ministers in the Web of Life Tradition, in service to Earth and her People. Live meetings and online thru zoom.us. Details and apply at tinyurl.com/WOLMin isterOrdainment. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004. SUNDAY, MAY 10 Zhong Yuan Qigong Level One Class – 12:30- 2pm. The most powerful way to take control of your own health is by doing Qigong. Grand Master Mingtang Xu has been developing a systematic online meditation and I have been teaching it since March. Many thanks have been written to Mingtang. $10/suggested donation. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZYQigong-Meetup.

DNA Warriors: Ancestral Healing Online Series

– Second and Fourth Sundays. 5-7pm. With Quynn Red Mountain. 6-month series takes you through bi-weekly personal rites of passage, honored by journeying, journaling and ceremony, so you can clearly feel where your ancestral traumas are buried, and gain tools for unearthing and healing them. Details and apply at Tinyurl.com/WOLDNAWarriors. Web of Life Animist Church, 2016 E Broadway Blvd. 520-954-2004.


Reiki Level I Training – 6-7:30pm. With Judy Ferrig, Reiki Master Teacher. Training will be held virtually via Zoom until it is advisable to meet in person.Materials will be sent in advance. Attending in person later will be your option at no additional cost. $100. Open Pathways-Energy Healing and Animal Communication, 13489 N Holly Grape Dr, Marana. 520-245-4214. OpenPathways-EnergyandCommunication.com. TUESDAY, MAY 26 Reiki Circle – 6pm. With Judy Ferrig, Reiki Master Teacher. Come to learn about Reiki and receive a mini session. No charge. 4949 W Heritage Club Blvd, Activities Bldg, Rm B, Marana. 520-245- 4214. JudyFerrig@comcast.net. OpenPathwaysEnergyAndCommunication.com. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3

Spiritual Discussion – 6:30-8pm. The spiritual leader of Eckankar, Harold Klemp, makes available the sacred teachings of ECK to seekers of truth everywhere. Join in and discuss the booklet “ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel”. Free booklet to attendees. No charge. Far Horizons East, Clubhouse, 7570 E Speedway. 520- 237-2297. Eck-arizona.org.


Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not

– 9:45-11:30am. Learn about the health benefits of Kangen special ionized drinking water (electrically charged): alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. RSVP. Free. Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-795-1300. TheHealthyCouple.com.


Self-Realization Fellowship Tucson, Free Daily

Meditation Online – Meditate with SRF members all over the world online through Zoom multiple times a day, every day. SRF and YSS monastics as well as lay members lead the Services. No charge. Go to: SRFonlinemeditation.org/calendar. SRFOnlineMeditation.org.


Ai Chi – 9:45-11:15am With Connie Seddon. Aquatic meditation practice of graceful movement, aligning mindfulness with breath. Calm nerves, stretch tired muscles, improve balance and range of motion and increase energy. $20. 520 245-6616. Santa Rita Springs. ConnieSeddon@gmail.com. Aqua Chakra Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Krysa Kobryner. Yoga in a warm pool offers safety, comfort, buoyancy and water’s resistance to enjoying our poses, using breath and sound to embody all five elements for strengthening Chakras, our conduits of life energy. $15. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-551-0651. Krysaji@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.


Wednesday Live Radio Show – 8-9am. Get up to date, live information about what’s happening with the medical marijuana laws of our state, the dispensary process, news, education and more. Tune in on our website. No charge. 520-437-8855. TumbleweedsHealthCenter.com. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520-444-8636. B43Lennon@aol.com. Online Meditation Seminar – 5-7pm. Join Rev Janis in an experimental online meditation survey class. Each week we look at, and practice with, a different form or style of meditation. By donation Info@TucsonCSL.org for access. TucsonCSL.org.

Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalTucson.com for guidelines and to submit listings.


Aqua Yoga and Ai Chi Movement – 12-1:30pm. With Skye Lin Walker. Relax, balance, breathe and strengthen as we practice slow healing poses and stretches, shoulder deep in warm water. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520- 245-2343. TherapyAqua@outlook.com.

Filling the Gaps in Pain Care: 8-Week Program

– 1-4pm. Online only. Learn the psychosocial stages of chronic pain, alternative techniques to empower people with chronic pain to help lower pain levels and available resources for chronic pain. $400. Har mony Hospice, 1200 N El Dorado Place, Ste B-200. USPainFoundation.org.

Online Clearing Circle for Caregivers and

Empaths – 11am-12pm. Third and fourth Thursday. Due to social distancing needs, this circle is online. With Quynn Red Mountain. Circle focuses on under standing and enhancing clearing and protection needs for those who help and care for others in our commu nities. No experience necessary. $5-$20 sliding scale. 520-954-2004. Online participants register: Tinyurl. com/WOLCircle. A Course in Miracles – 5:30pm. With Colleen Hall. Temple of Universality class. Call for details. No charge. Spirits Child, 3870 W River Rd, #120. 520-981-2249. TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com. TempleOfUniversality.org. Taizé Worship Service Online – 6:30-7:30pm. Second Thursday. Join us online for this unique, meditative worship. For the communities’ well being, all upcoming Taizé Services will be held online. No charge. Casas Adobes Congregational UCC, 6801 N Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. CAUCC.org. Zhong Yuan Qigong Level One Class – 7-8:30pm. The most powerful way to take control of your own health is by doing Qigong. Grand Master Mingtang Xu has been developing a systematic online meditation and I have been teaching it since March. Many thanks have been written to Mingtang. $10/ suggested donation. Meetup.com/Tucson-ZYQigong-Meetup.


Don Zavis Sales Training - Online – 9-10am. Don Zavis sales training is still making it happen. The Friday Session goes on. Join us via Zoom. Don’t let the Coronavirus get you down and learn how the “sell” your way out of this crisis. No charge. 520-903-4654. DonZavis@comcast.net. Online Upliftment and Recovery Circle – 5:30- 6:30pm. Online circle is a space to receive Earth honoring soul tending through divination, a guided rattle clearing and a drum meditation with Quynn Red Mountain. We approach from an Animist perspective. All welcome. $5-$20 sliding scale. 520-954-2004. Online participants register: Tinyurl. com/WOLCircle.


Online Dance through Body Works Pilates

Studio – 10am. This online class will go through May. Some classes are live, some will be pre-recorded. To take this class you will need a MindBody account. You can go through the MindBody app or website or go to Body Works Pilates website. $10. BodyworksPilates.com.

Online League of Lightbearers: Peace Manifestation

Circle – 1-2pm. Fourth Saturday. Calling all Light Workers: These challenging times call for all Metaphysical Super Heroes to band together to heal our broken hearts and help our community heal. $5-$20. Web of Life Animist Church. 520-954-2004. Zoom. us/j/981737799. Aquacize – 12-1:15pm. With Rebecca Lennon, RN. Safe head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance, and joint mobility. Perfect for CST, Arthritis, Lupus, MD, MS and Fibromyalgia relief. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. 520- 444-8636. B43Lennon@aol.com.

Web of Life Animist Church-Online Fellowship

Service – 3-4pm. This Animist Gathering is offered during May as a weekly fellowship service, where Animists and Earth honoring People can receive synchronistic and supportive self-care during the time of sickness and isolation. Web of Life Church is a branch of Earth Web Media, a religious nonprofit (Animist “church”) in Arizona and Oregon. $0-$20 sliding scale, paid online. WebOfLife Animists.com/events. Zoom.us/j/597467834.

To the healthcare professionals who are risking their lives during this epidemic, thank you for fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.

community resource guide

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Holly@NaturalTucson.com to request our media kit.


CATALINA ACUPUNCTURE Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2856 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85719 520-999-0080 Nathan@CatalinaAcupunctureTucson.com Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness.


ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520-275-4510 • DetoxTherapySpa.com We offer tried and true procedures and the newest technologies on the market to improve and prevent signs of aging. Facials, peels, injectables, light therapy, Fibroblast therapy, microderm-abrasion, micro-current, derma-rolling and more. We use all natural skin care products! See ad, page 12.

PAMPERED SKIN STUDIO Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 PamperedSkinStudio.com If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 4.

WORKING BODIES MASSAGE AND SPA Licensed Aesthetician Becky Colmenares 3900 E Timrod St 520-302-0970 Becky Colmenares, a practicing massage therapist in Tucson, is now offering aesthetic services including facials, waxing and dermaplaning. She utilizes organic, locally sourced skin care products and sonic scrubber to reduce fine lines and wrinkles; create smoother, softer skin and much more. Basic massage just $59. Basic Massage and Facial, just $100. Gift certificates available! See ad, page 15.


ALEXCIS LOPEZ, MS, CHt, NLP, REV. RESET, Ayahuasca Retreats, Workshops 1735 E Fort Lowell Rd, 85719 520-690-6576 AlexcisLopez.com Alexcis works with clients who are seeking mental-emotional-spiritual peace and clarity. Find relief from past trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and negative behaviors. Improve boundaries, relationships, self-worth, connection, joyfulness abundance. Private RESET sessions, ayahuasca retreats, cacao and kava ceremonies, healing workshops. See ad, page 14.

EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779 EarthsHealing.org

We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 29.

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return. ~Maya Angelou

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER Dr. Alexandra Porter, NMD 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com Dr. Porter’s passion is helping patients achieve their highest quality of life through naturo pathic medicine. She uses herbs, supplements, diet, Ayurvedic medicine and a specialized form of bodywork called Bowen Therapy. Make an appointment today to start living a happier and healthier life. See ad, page 33.


HEART SCENTS Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com • Replevyn.com As a Certified Aromatherapist, Danielle is highly educated and experienced in the use of essential oils. She has her own product line, HeartScents, offering single oils and custom blends that address a variety of conditions. What scent resonates for you? See ad, page 22.


HEALING SPIRIT SOAKS Dr. Jasmine May 1074 N Swan Rd, 85711 520-344-3250 HealingSpiritSoaks.com Come experience the healing spirit while soaking in cedar tubs, connect with plant medicine in an herb soak, and relax into gemstone energy while lounging on our biomat. Ear acupuncture for pain, vaginal steams, sauna, CBD scrubs, balms, tinctures and massage available.


SYLVIA BOYED 3333 N Campbell Ave, Ste 12, 85719 520-370-3689 SylviaBoyed.com Sylvia Boyed, MA, LMT, CST, an energetic bodyworker, working in the bodywork field for 11 years, treats all of the systems of the body, for all ages, with specializations in joint reconstruction, head injuries, migraine headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and anxiety.

NOURISHED WHOLE BODY WELLNESS Dawn Urquhart 1600 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 120, 85716 575-770-7805 WomensBodyWisdom.com Ambitious Soulful Woman: Integrative massage and John F. Barnes Method of MyoFascial Release addresses the fascia and rebalances the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitating deeper freedom from chronic mind-body issues. See ad, page 8.

WORKING BODIES MASSAGE AND SPA Becky Colmenares 3900 E Timrod St 520-302-0970 Customized treatment including focus work, deep tissue, medical, injury management, relaxing, or de-stressing. Call or text to schedule your massage treatment today to keep your body working! Basic massage just $59. Basic Massage and Facial, just $100. Gift certificates available! See ad, page 15.

ZACHARY SABER, LMT WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-232-4585 SaberLMP@aol.com 3861WellnessFirst.com Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 48.


UNITY CHURCH OF TUCSON BOOKSTORE 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 UnityTucson.com Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm Sunday, 9-10; 11-noon Largest most complete metaphysical bookstore in Tucson valley. Books, CDs, DVDs and more covering a wide spectrum of subjects. Also available: Consanti Soleri Bells, greeting cards, and more—a rich environment for anyone interested in furthering their well-being, spiritual awareness and growth. See ad, page 16.

PIMA CLEANPRO, LLC Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.


DIVINE SYNERGY THERAPEUTICS 143 S Park Ave, 85719 520-351-9828 DivineSynergy.co Mon-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5 Divine Synergy Therapeutics offers tested high quality Hemp derived CBD products with a knowledgeable staff to make your decision making easier when it comes to choosing the right CBD products to fit your needs. Free Spectrum water with purchase of $25 or more. See ad, page 35.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com Natural Healing Care Center carries a variety of natural, full-spectrum Hemp CBD Products. All products are high quality, grown in the U.S., and tested. CBD has helped many people obtain relief for various ailments. NHCC can help inform you on the proper way to consume CBD. See ad, page 33.


DR. JOANNE HAUPERT, D.C. 4858 E Broadway, 85711 520-584-0343 InspiredHealing.org Do you want to trust and increase your body’s ability to heal and regenerate? Network Chiropractic is very gentle and helps increase your brain/body connection and empower you to make healthier choices. Great for children, PTSD, depression and autoimmune diseases.

WINTERHAVEN HEALTH CENTER Dr. Nathan Conlee 3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-322-6161 PerformanceNeurology.com Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Also, using gentle Chiropractic, physiotherapy, Acupuncture, metabolic nutrition and we have helped 1000s of patients from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit www. PerformanceNeurology.com See ad, page 11.


PURMAID LLC 520-331-2629 PurMaidTucson@gmail.com PurMaid.com PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $65. See ad for details. See ad, page 10.


ARMORLESS BODY THERAPIES Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner Near Campbell & Grant 520-312-9563 TucsonEmotionalAndTraumaTherapy.com TucsonMassageAndBodyTherapy.com Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.

HEALTHY COUPLES Bill White, M.A., Love Coach 520-319-9132 TheHealthyCouple.com Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.

INTEGRATED WELLNESS COACHING The Rev. Cynthia M. Spencer, MBA, MDiv CMS614@me.com Cynthia offers spiritual guidance, life coaching, premarital counseling and weddings. She is a teacher and speaker, 30 years of experience with listening skills, visioning and habit realignment. She is a retired Episcopal priest who practices integrated wellness and works with all spiritualities.


COPPERZAP LLC 5151 E Broadway, Ste 1600 85711 1-888-411-6114 CopperZap.com CopperZap™ is an antimicrobial device made of pure copper. It is used at the first sign of a cold starting to stop the viruses inside the nose before they spread and make you sick. Stop the cold virus, stop the cold. See ad, page 2.


INTESTINAL HEALTH INSTITUTE 520-325-9686 Intestines@SheilaShea.com IntestinalHealthInstitute.com Sheila Shea MA is Board Certified with 41 years of colon hydrotherapy experience. The Intestinal Health Institute offers intestinal nutritional support and detoxification protocols to accompany colonics. Specialties are abdominal massage, Metabolic Syndrome and sugar. Shea is an LMT in Arizona and Florida.

VERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN WellnessFirst! 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3, 85719 520-403-1686 VerySpecialAlternatives@gmail.com VerySpecialAlternatives.net RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closed gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult. See ad, page 48.

GE COMPUTING AND INTERNET SERVICES Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@GEComputerRepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and technology working for over 30 years. As one of Don’s customers said, “You don’t make me feel stupid”. House calls and via remote.See ad, page 9.


E DENTAL SOLUTIONS & MEDICINE WHEEL DENTAL Elahe Wissinger, DMD & Steven Swidler, DDS 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496 • Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commit ment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfort able environment.

OM ORACLE MASSAGE LYMPHATIC THERAPY Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 • OracleMassage.com ThermoTherapy Detox Wrap raises your core body temperature while eliminating toxins. The resulting immune response strengthens the body in its fight against cancer and other pathogens. Lymphatic massage assists in cleansing blood and releasing stored lymphocytes to boost immune function. Book one session and receive one session 50% off.


MARIA KINGSLEY EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170 • KadaKingsley@msn.com Maria-Kingsley.com Are you emotionally overwhelmed, feeling emptiness, pain or anger running you? You can be free and choose better feelings with this energy technique. It can be combined well with hypno therapy to reinforce positive thoughts and images in your mind. Schedule your session today.

ENERGY WORK BRIGHT WAY WELLNESS Michelle Cardenas, RMT 520-549-4800 BrightWayWellness@outlook.com BrightWayWellness.com “Think outside the bottle.” Find healing the natural way. Michelle listens to your needs then creates a custom session just for you. Specializing in stress relief and pain reduction using reiki, crystal/stone healing and Bio Touch. Additional services available. TUCSON BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082 Smile@KrizmanDental.com A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 13. DETOXIFICATION

All Natural Health and Beauty Solutions

Let us educate and provide you with all Natural ways to improve your youth and health Rejuvenate Tired


Includes a mini facial , a light wave treatment and a healing after treatment $100 VALUE ALL FOR $80

ENERGETIC SYSTEM RE-BOOT Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 DoctorSuzie@PamperedSkinStudio.com Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering Chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as Auric Field clearing, Forgiveness and Self-Healing Practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 4. ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520-275-4510 • DetoxTherapySpa.com Detox Therapies • Nutritional Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths Body Treatments • Wraps & Scrubs • Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage Pain Management Skin Care • Anti-Aging Treatments • Signature Facials & Peels

Debbie Shaw, Spa Owner

1101 N Wilmot rd. Ste.#227 (AboveTrader Joe’s)


• Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling Cleanse and replenish your body is our motto. Detoxification can be achieved many ways. We have nutritional cleanses, detox wraps, ionic footbaths, a far infra-red sauna and a chi machine and more. Call for a free consultation! See ad, page 12.

JUDY FERRIG, M.S., REIKI MASTER 520-245-4214 JudyFerrig@comcast.net OpenPathways-Energyand Communication.com Reiki energy is capable of strengthening the immune system and in so doing helping the body prevent infection. It is also capable of restoring health if one becomes infected. Per WIllliam Rand President, The International Center for Reiki Training. Mention Natural Awakenings and receive 20% a Reiki training. See ad, page 15.


EDGE INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS Maria Crawford FNP 2900 N Swan Rd, Ste 102, 85712 520-232-3360 EdgeIntegrativeWellness.com Maria Crawford FNP helps get to the root cause of your issue. She peels back the layers of symptomatology to help you discover what is happening in your body. multi-therapeutic approach to regain your health. Services offered include: IV nutritional therapy, hyperbarics, LYMPHPresso and more. See ad, page 5.


CLOUD NINE FLOTATION Float & Spiritual Healing Center 2118 S Avenida Planeta, 85710 520-668-4017 • FloatTucson.com The most experienced Float Center in Arizona is right here in Tucson! Located in a quiet neighborhood, Cloud Nine Flotation offers the only true sensory deprivation experience in Tucson. An hour in a Float Tank is refreshing and calming at the same time. Voted Best of Tucson Alternative Health Centers. See ad, page 14.


GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 10.

REPLEVYN Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com • Replevyn.com Meditate, do yoga, or relax while you bathed in sound and vibration that clears your energy field. Danielle is trained and certified through Tibetan BowlsChool.com in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Private sessions and group events (Gong Baths) are available.


PIMA CLEANPRO, LLC Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a low-moisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable,on-time, answers the phone.


PROACTIVE HEALTH SOLUTIONS, LLC Lynda Witt ACCT Certified Thermographer 520-235-7036 • ProactiveHealthSolutions.org Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development of breast cancer, from the first year to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options, as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventive treatment. See ad, page 48.


WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION Mack Atkinson 520-744-2566 • Omi1World@aol.com HerbalWholeFoods.com HerbalWholeFoods.com is dedicated to providing the highest quality herbal based whole foods and supplements. We believe in empowering people and that investing in their holistic well-being allows them to live their best life possible. See ad, page 35.

NOURISHED WHOLE BODY WELLNESS Dawn Urquhart 1600 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 120, 85716 575-770-7805 WomensBodyWisdom.com Ambitious Soulful Woman: Are you coping with exhaustion, headaches and a lack of clarity? Using a functional nutrition perspective and mind-body coaching, you can reclaim your energy! See ad, page 8.

ZACHARY SABER, LMT WellnessFirst! 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 Zach@TFMND.com 3861WellnessFirst.com Learn to choose the right foods for you, how to heal your intestines, when to eat and more. Healing your intestine’s aides in healing Type 2 diabetes, obesity, sluggishness, sleepless ness, depression and lacking confidence. Added benefit is weight loss. See ad, page 48.


ESSENTIAL ENERGY Ethel Sidney 520-276-8201 Energy@EthelSidney.com EthelSidney.com

journey to wellness Choose wellness and balance that are the keys for a healthy and fulfilling life. Let Reiki, doTERRA AromaTouch, and doTERRA Essential Oils support your journey! At Essential Energy, Etherl offers a path towards a balanced life: emotionally, spiritually and physically.

SOULISTIC HEALING CENTER Gabriel of Urantia, co-founder 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac 85646 520-398-3970 • SoulisticHealingCenter.org A tranquil refuge for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Copper-ionized chlorine-free therapeutic hot and cold Jacuzzis, heated lap pool, and infrared sauna. Complementary integrated healing modalities: massage and craniosacral, reflexology, reiki, Watsu, IonCleanse, Spiritual Morontian Counseling and Tron Therapy.

NORTHSTAR HYPERBARICS Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741 520-229-1238 • NorthStarHBOT.com Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.


OM ORACLE MASSAGE LYMPHATIC THERAPY Susan Couture, BSHA, CRC, LMT, LE, Cert. MLD/CDP 6818 N Oracle Rd #414, 85704 520-668-8731 • OracleMassage.com Pre- and Post-Surgery: Recover quickly from Aesthetic and Restorative surgeries. Reduce swelling, eliminate bruising, create new lymph connections sooner and heal faster. Inflammation causes fibrosis; scars impede lymph flow. Susan has been helping patients recover quickly for 23 years. Book one session and receive one session 50% off.


SANTA RITA SPRINGS Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719 Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu Integrative Massage 520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work,great stretches, and flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Cranial Sacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 14.

EARTH’S HEALING DISPENSARY North • 78 W River Rd, 85704 520-395-1432 South • 2075 E Benson Hwy, 85714 520-373-5779 EarthsHealing.org We believe in the healing power of Mother Nature to make the best medicine. Our dispensary provides safe, compliant, and reliable cannabinoid therapeutics and we strive to give our patients the most innovative and effective products available. Call today for information on how to become a medical marijuana patient. See ad, page 31.

NATURAL HEALING CARE CENTER 2231 E Speedway, Ste 140, 85719 520-323-0069 NaturalHealingCareCenter.com We’re a Holistic Wellness Center that focuses on alternative medicine and specializes in Cannabis education, coaching and consulting. We help patients obtain their Medical Marijuana Card in AZ and also assist them in finding the right products to help their needs. Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years and not one person has ever died from over consumption, ever! See ad, page 33.


PAMPERED SKIN STUDIO Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 • PamperedSkinStudio.com Registered Nurse provides customized advanced rejuvena tion treatments including Microneedling Botox, Fillers, and Threads. Sensitive, health and ethnic skin issues are a specialty. Call or go on-line today for a complimentary Consultation. See ad, page 4.


COMMUNITY OF LIGHT Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 TheCommunityOfLight.org Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlightenment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm.

DR. DEEANN SABER, NMD WellnessFIRST! 3861 N First Ave, 85719 520-209-1755 3861WellnessFirst.com Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health. See ad, page 48.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 19.


A LASTING TOUCH SALON Yvette Dwornik 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 520-869-5593 ALastingTouchSalon.com YDwornik@yahoo.com Artist Yvette Dwornik offers beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures.Virtually painless, hand method technique to ensure your comfort. Physician recommended. Call to schedule a free consultation See ad, page 12.


JEAN READ, PT 956-566-5443 LiveYurPassion@gmail.com IAHP.com/Jean-Read Jean is a physical therapist of 30 years, using a variety of manual techniques to treat conditions that have not responded well to traditional physical therapy. Treatment may include craniosacral therapy, deep dry needling, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage therapy, private physical therapy, and hot stone myofascial work. See ad, page 15.

COPPERZAP LLC 5151 E Broadway, Ste 1600 85711 1-888-411-6114 • CopperZap.com CopperZap™ is an antimicrobial device made of pure copper. It is used at the first sign of a cold starting to stop the viruses inside the nose before they spread and make you sick. Stop the cold virus, stop the cold. See ad, page 2.


BAREFOOT DREAMS REFLEXOLOGY Cheryl Foster, Board Certified Reflexologist 2230 E. Speedway Blvd, Ste. 100, 85719 520-345-4554 Cheryl@BarefootDreams.net BarefootDreams.net Reflexology is a profoundly restorative practice that works directly with the nervous system to release stress on many levels. Cheryl’s 25 years as a yoga teacher and Nationally Board Certified reflexologist give her vast resources for working gently and powerfully. $65 special offer. See ad, page 14.


CLAIRE’S CAFÉ & ART GALLERY 16140 N Oracle Rd, Catalina, 85739 520-825-2525 ClairesCafe.net Claire’s Café & Art Gallery serves home-cooked breakfasts and lunches daily, 7am-3pm. Vegetarian, gluten-free and other dietary needs are easily accommodated. The gallery includes original artwork, jewelry, leather goods and greeting cards. See ad, page 12.

GOURMET GIRLS GLUTEN FREE BAKERY/BISTRO 5845 N Oracle Rd, 85704 520-408-9000 GourmetGirlsGlutenFree.com Tues-Sun 7am-3pm, Fri-Sat 5-8pm Do you have celiac disease or suffer from gluten intolerance? Visit Tucson’s only completely gluten-free bakery/bistro where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch or freshly baked treats in a relaxed and friendly environment, without worrying about cross contamination. Now serving dinner on Friday and Saturday. Beer, wine, signature cocktails available. See ad, page 10.

DON ZAVIS 1846 E Innovation Park Dr, 85755 520-903-4654 DonZavis@comcast.net Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 35.

WHOLISTIC FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Lance Morris 2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712 520-322-8122 WFMedicine@gmail.com ResonantSoundTherapy.com Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 19.

SKIN CARE PAMPERED SKIN STUDIO Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109 PamperedSkinStudio.com Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 4.

All Natural Health and Beauty Solutions Rejuvenate Tired


Includes a mini facial , a light wave treatment and a healing after treatment $100 VALUE ALL FOR $80

SPA SERVICES ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520-275-4510 • DetoxTherapySpa.com Where all-natural health care meets all-natural beauty solutions. Specializing in all-natural weight loss, anti-aging treatments, skin care and pain management. Unique equipment and treatments set us apart from everyone else. Look younger and be healthier naturally. See ad, page 12.

SKIN REJUVENATION ALTERNATIVES IN HEALTH CARE DETOX & MINI MED SPA Debbie Shaw, Owner 1101 N Wilmot Rd, Ste #227, 85712 (above Trader Joe’s) 520-275-4510 DetoxTherapySpa.com

Let us educate and provide you with all Natural ways to improve your youth and health Detox Therapies • Nutritional Cleansing • Ionic Foot Baths Body Treatments • Wraps & Scrubs • Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Massage Pain Management Skin Care • Anti-Aging Treatments • Signature Facials & Peels

Debbie Shaw, Spa Owner

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• Far Infared Sauna • Ear Candling Tucson’s first Fibroblast Plasma Arc machine is right here. Non-laser, non-surgical skin tightening and resurfacing is now available. Unwanted tattoos can be removed also. Tighten eyelids, jowls, turkey necks, saggy arms. Lift brows, remove wrinkles from chest and more! See ad, page 12. SOUND THERAPY REPLEVYN Danielle Dvorak 847-323-9188 Danielle@Replevyn.com Replevyn.com Relax and receive while you are energetically cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells), and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com. She is a life-long, classically-trained musician, and an intuitive empath.

SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING - TUCSON Rev Janis Farmer Sunday Service: 3231 N Craycroft Rd, 85712 520-319-1042 TucsonCSL.org A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. Celebration Service 10:30am, Meditation 10am. We look forward to seeing you soon. See ad, page 25. COMMUNITY OF LIGHT Far Horizons East Main Clubhouse 520-339-2038 TheCommunityOfLight.org Metaphysical and Spiritual gathering of Light and Energy workers for healing, enlighten ment and growth. Every Wednesday we offer Pathways to Metaphysics Classes from 7-8pm. Friday Healing and Message Circle from 12:30-1:30 and Sunday Service from 11am to 12:15pm.

ECKANKAR The Path of Spiritual Freedom ECK-Arizona.org 1-877-300-4949 “The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowl edge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.”—Harold Klemp. Eckankar.org.

KADAMPA MEDITATION CENTER 5326 E Pima St, 85712 520-441-1617 MeditationInTucson.org Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!

SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP, TUCSON MEDITATION GROUP 1702 E. Prince Rd #130-140 520-792-6544 • TucsonAZ.SRF@gmail.com TucsonMeditationGroup.org Tucson Meditation Group extends a warm invitation for you to join us in deepening your meditations and spiritual practice through meditation techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. See Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Calendar.

THE TEMPLE OF THE PRESENCE 11902 E Irvington Rd, 85747 520-751-2039 TempleOfThePresence.org Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you. In their Radiance, you will learn how to release the Light from your Individualized I AM Presence. Find Divine solutions to every challenge. Free broadcasts 24 hours a day.

THE TEMPLE OF UNIVERSALITY Rev. Betty Tatalajski New Masonic Temple, 3590 N Country Club Rd, 85716 520-884-5340 TempleOfUniversality@gmail.com TheTempleOfUniversality.org Worship, healing, prophesy. Celebrating the unity of God and man. 11am Sunday service. Free metaphysical development classes in areas of White Eagle World Healing Meditation, Alice Bailey books, Spiritual/ Metaphysical Law and Kaballah.

TUCSON IANDS EXPERIENCE SHARING (TIES) Sue Ann Christenson 619-857-5744 • TucsonIANDS.org Information on and sharing of NDEs and other transformative experiences. Open to public; everyone has experiences worth sharing. Guest speaker series on 2nd Friday (Oct – May); small groups on 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30pm at St Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church.

UNITY CHURCH OF TUCSON 3617 N Camino Blanco, 85718 520-577-3300 UnityTucson.com You are welcome here! Positive, metaphysical and spiritual teachings of love, inspiration, acceptance and joy! Unity of Tucson empowers all people to embrace their divine nature. Sunday Services at 10 am. See ad, page 16.

UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF PEACE 1551 S Eastside Loop, #121, 85710 520-546-3696 Info@UnityPeaceAZ.com UnityPeaceAZ.com Explore your spirituality in a warm and loving community of caring friends. Learn practical tools that really work to improve your life and the world around you. Sunday service, 10:30am. Prayer services Sunday at 8:50am and Wednesdays at 9:45am. See ad, page 11.

GE COMPUTING AND INTERNET SERVICES Don Gibbens Office: 520-332-1485 • Cell: 520-784-1243 Don@gecomputerrepair.com GEComputerRepair.com Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services Don’t just throw away your old computers and technology or toss it in your closet or garage. Let us clean it up and recycle it. We’ll wipe your recycled devices clean and take these off your hands. See ad, page 9.


PIMA CLEANPRO L.L.C. Carpet Cleaning, Tile & Grout, Upholstery, Area Rugs Serving Pima County & Surrounding Areas 520-954-2119 • PimaCleanPro@gmail.com PimaCleanPro.com Don’t steam your carpets, clean your carpets. Providing a lowmoisture system that is: eco-friendly, unbeatable results, dries in about 1-2 hours, with no residue, longer carpet life for carpet, upholstery, area rugs, tile and grout. Reliable, on-time, answers the phone.


CATALINA ACUPUNCTURE Nathan Anderson, L.Ac. 2856 E Ft. Lowell Rd, 85716 520-999-0080 Nathan@CatalinaAcupunctureTucson.com Nathan Anderson is an acupuncturist and professor of Chinese medicine. His services include acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, cupping, plus dietary, fitness, and lifestyle consultations. Catalina Acupuncture is a family practice, providing safe and effective remedies for a wide variety of pain and illness.


WELLNESSFIRST! DeeAnn Saber, NMD Zach Saber, LMP Lynda Witt, CCT Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 3861 N First Ave, 85719 • 520-209-1755 TransformationalMedicinePLLC.com Wishes Everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Where Your Wellness Comes First!

We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 48. WEB OF LIFE ANIMIST CHURCH 2016 E Broadway Blvd, 85719 520-954-2004 WebOfLifeAnimists.com 40 word Directorylisting: In SPIRITUAL BELIEFS? WHERE CHURCHES LIST Web ofLife AnimistChurch 2016 E BroadwayBlvd 85719 WebOfLifeAnimists.com 520-954-2004 All Earth honoring People welcome! Labyrinth walks, drum journeys, intuitive development, recovery, LGBTQ support. Familycircles, personal sessions, communityclinic. Practitioner, Reiki, MinisterTrainings. Retreats, Space Rental. All Earth-honoring people are welcome. Labyrinth walks, drum journeys, intuitive development, recovery, LGBTQ support. Family circles, personal sessions, community clinic, reiki, minister trainings, retreats and space rental. See ad, page 14.


Super-absorbent, plant-based fiber, reusable, disposable, microfiber towels. Once in a landfill they will disintegrate and leave no footprint. They can be used for cleaning, beauty, gyms, home, anywhere a towel is needed. 10 for $25 plus shipping. Bulk discounts available. Call 520-668-4017 or email Kalyngem@cox.net.


FLOWER? Want the benefits of medical marijuana without the high? We offer tested organic smokable Hemp Flower with high CBD content. Mon-Fri 10am-7pm • Sat 10am-5pm. Divine Synergy Therapeutics, 143 S Park Ave, 85719. 520-351-9828, DivineSynergy.co.


All-Natural, moisturizing, smells like Citrus/Vanilla using pure essential oils. 70% alcohol, organic pure aloe vera. $1 from every sale is donated to a local small business or non-profit that changes weekly. Local pick-up or shipping available. Order at FloatTucson.com/ Store or call/text 520-668-4017.


ABUSED BY THE BIBLE? Have you been led on about prophecy and the false teaching of the Lord's soon return? Are you lost because someone taught false prophecies from the Bible? I can help for free. Call 520-289-3431 and leave a telephone #. Serious inquiries only.


Natural Awakenings is seeking aspiring writers. Apprentice with us. Obtain experience in interviewing. Receive guidance from a professional editor. See your by line in print! Contact Holly@NaturalTucson.com or 520-760-2378 for more information.


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VISCERAL MANIPULATION is a light touch technique relieving tension in the tissues most often in the abdomen and chest. Releasing tension in the tissues around and within the organs often improves circulation, function, decreases pain, calms the nervous system, brings one into a deep state of relaxation. Northwest Tucson. Jean Read, PT, 956-566-5443.


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display advertiser index

A Lasting Touch Salon 12 Alexcis Lopez/Ayahuasca Retreats 14 Alternatives in Healthcare - Detox Therapy Spa 12 Barefoot Dreams Reflexology 14 Center for Spiritual Living Tucson 25 Claire’s Café 12 Cloud Nine Floatation Center 14 CopperZap 2 DeeAnn Saber 28 Divine Synergy Therapeutics 35 Don Zavis Sales Training 35 Earth’s Healing 29 Edge Integrative Wellness 5 GE Computing & Internet 9 Gourmet Girls Bakery/Bistro 10 Heart Scents 22 Jean Read 15 Judy Ferrig 15 Natural Healing Care Center 33 Nourished Whole Body Wellness 35 Pampered Skin Studio 4 Proactive Health Solutions 48 Pur Maid 10 Santa Rita Springs 14 Thompson Accounting Co 20 Transformational Medicine 48 Tucson Biological Dentistry 13 Tucson Biological Wellness 9 Unity Spiritual Center of Peace 11 Unity of Tucson 16 Vonnie Schultz Albrecht 48 Web of Life Animist Church 14 Whole Food Nutrition 35 Wholistic Family Medicine 19 Winterhaven Health Center 11 Working Bodies Massage 15 Zach Saber 48

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