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COVID-19 Getting Through and Finding a Silver Lining

by Meridith Little


Through interviews with people in Stacia Reeves, Tucson and others with ties to the 51, a youthful, spirarea, come compelling ideas and ited high school perspectives that bring us an opportunity to teacher who easily connect with our similarities and allow ourdemonstrates her selves to be enlightened by the vast differpassion for her ences of our experiences. The news images students and their of COVID-19 hospitalizations are haunting, education, became yet the stories of recovery may lead us to aware of the virus believe in hope for a better tomorrow. We Stacia Reeves in January. Lending may embrace the idea of community and a hand, she helps her husband set up for connection and say, “We are all in this tothe gem show. She followed the news and gether.” The truth is, we are all in the same warnings from the World Health Organizastorm, but we are in quite different boats. tion. For Reeves, the biggest impact of the coronavirus hit home when spring break Taking It Seriously ended and the schools closed. No one could The “when” of taking the coronavirus enter the school buildings. Every student’s seriously varies from one person to another. locker held their belongings. Every teacher’s Some claim that they had the virus in classroom was set up for classes to begin. December of 2019 and that their doctor “All I keep thinking about was, how treated them for the flu. For others, early will we get our stuff? Every item a teacher January was when the first warning of COneeds to teach was locked in the school. No VID-19 began to sound. In mid-February, one could access anything. And then we the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show would were expected to begin to teach on Zoom,” draw many thousands of gem enthusiasts says Reeves. “There are many moving parts from the U.S. and around the world. This in the process to begin teaching students at year’s attendance was somewhat lighter and home. Not every student has a computer or masked faces could be seen throughout the access to a computer. For students withvenues. The masks looked a bit strange, but out computers, study packets had to be the show went on as usual. developed and the students needed to pick them up—from a car, since no one could go into a building. Not every student has a car, or the transportation to get to a point of distribution.”

After reading about the dilemmas of educators and students, coming to understanding the far-reaching impact of the pandemic comes into clearer focus. Education, the one-time backbone of a strong society, had little news coverage at that time. Tucsonan Ben Bradford, 45, a married father of three, took the coronavirus seriously when he saw the news coverage of the cruise ships having troubles.

Ben Bradford “Plus, I had helped organize a conference for early March that would bring 500 people from all over the U.S. to the La Paloma Resort.” According to Bradford, three people wore a mask and he was one of them. Two weeks after the conference, two attendees died of the virus. Bradford and his family took every safety and sanitizing precaution from the beginning of the pandemic. He took his children out of school. As manager of 90 employees, he began to set them up to work from home, remaining several steps ahead of his corporate office in California. Then just on the heels of the employees working from home, the California corporate headquarters shut down its Tucson branch. In March, Tucsonan Nik Groesser, 55, a jack of many trades and current gig worker for shopping cart, and his husband were visiting a relative in Paris,

Nik Groesser when they began to have serious concerns about getting home. President Trump had placed a travel ban on incoming travelers. They took a fast flight out of Paris and landed at the LAX airport. “It was the most exposed and unsafe I have ever felt,” says Groesser. “The CDC screening took six hours. There were thousands of

travelers from all over the world. No masks, no social distancing. It was like the lines at Disneyland.”

It is one thing to read about the COVID-19 situations that others face, but it is quite alarming being slammed into the situation and all its trappings. Sheila Claw-Starr, 51, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, shares an apartment with her son, Ojigawehnotah, 19, (OJ) for short. It was OJ’s girlfriend who brought the news

Sheila Claw-Starr to them. “We did not have many changes in our daily lives. We live simply,” says Claw-Starr. “I have been doing more crafts and making masks for anyone who needs one.” In her soft and quiet manner, she tells about her experience as a spiritual healer and guide. Because of her openness, people who know Claw-Starr from sweat lodges and rituals call and talk with her. “I stay available for anyone who wants to talk about where they are with the virus. They may not want to use drugs or alcohol to escape the situation,” she says. “I tell them ‘I will pray for you’ and I let them know what I will be doing, when and where I will pray, and they can visualize me praying for them.”

Not everyone gets slammed by the upset of the pandemic. Recall the first time wearing a mask and going to the grocery store. Remember the precautions that were taken and are now the standard of everyday business practice? Phoenix resident Nicole Eccelston, 37, a gym-going, health conscious, married mother of five, says, “What hits one person like the sniffles, hits

Nicole Eccelston another person as pneumonia.” Eccelston and her husband, who both work from home, guided the family in an easy transition to stay home. “We did not impose crazy schedules on the kids. They could relax and complete their schoolwork at their own pace. We let them have more screen time,” explains Eccelston. “I do not know what to believe about the virus. There is so much information out there. I believe we are making the right choices.”

Eccelston’s work as cosmetologist, specializing in eyelash extensions, puts her face to face with women. “As a cosmetologist, I have a theory. I think women contract COVID-19 easier than men because women touch their face and hair a lot more than men do.”

Silver Linings

Nearly every person interviewed was able to see a silver lining in the COVID-19 pandemic. Racheal Kundrat, 36, of Tucson, was a stay-at-home mom to her five-year-old son Dylan. Until the pandemic, Kundrat’s partner would easily work 50- to 60-hour weeks. Now due to

Rachel Kundrat COVID-19, Kundrat says, “He is home with Dylan much of the time and we would not have done that ourselves. It is kind of a miracle.” Laney Little, 37, a socially motivated, hardworking and dedicated environmentalist, experienced the madness of the beginning of the pandemic in the

Laney Little U.S. firsthand. A Whole Foods employee, on the first weekend of lockdown, she was immersed with her coworkers, in the mad rush of customers stocking up on food and supplies. It was mayhem as Little watched the number of customers swell to Thanksgiving size and the store, stocked for normal weekend sales, become depleted. No manager was able to guide and direct the staff for safety.

“After work I received a text from a coworker that one of our staff had COVID-19. I decided to take time off,” says Little. For her, a silver lining is the personal growth in being able to say “no” and to practicing the challenging art of setting boundaries. At home she uses what is on hand and plans for trips out of the house.

To contrast the experiences of the different boats in which we are sailing through the pandemic is to give clarity to diversity. These are not for judgements, but for acceptance. On the Navajo reservation where Claw-Starr lives, getting water is a daily challenge. The water must be hauled in by truck in barrels. There is no government or agency providing the truck nor the barrels, which prohibits the necessary and frequent hand washing recommended by the CDC. The cell reception is poor at best, meaning little communication with family members off the reservation. Claw-Starr has lost nearly 12 family members since January.

In Tucson, Bradford and his family are a closely knit unit. They take traditions seriously as a part of their family building experiences and memories. For them, giving up their summer month in San Diego was more than unpleasant. They planned and prepared, made different and difficult choices and navigated the safety precautions for the family to have a modified San Diego trip.

Reeves sees the bright opportunity in teaching from Zoom that would not have been possible in the classroom. “I can teach to the student, not to the SATS. Students will have projects that they want to work with and learn from,” she says.

This time of the global pandemic is being referred to as a “global spiritual retreat”. Oprah has asked that we “Do not waste this crisis. What are you learning and how will you use what you have learned?” We continue to be taken out of our automatic behaviors and new behaviors are establishing themselves in us. The new normal is taking shape right now. We are all in this together.

Meridith Little is a credentialed Minister with Universal Life Church and author of the cookbook Taming Tofu. She has traveled to more than 40 countries and currently spends her time as an artist and real estate professional with Tierra Antigua Referral. Connect at MeridithALittle@cox.net

Business Health Post-COVID Look to Sales Training for Guidance

by Tavi Meketon

It is difficult enough for businesses to thrive in any economy, but especially one that appears to be so delicate. Business owners constantly ask themselves if customers will come back, especially after being without certain products or services for so long. Have their needs changed, or perhaps they have lost interest? One thing is clear, businesses and professionals may want to take this time to prepare for the future and understand the impact of COVID on their customers and ultimately their income, so they can “reemerge” successfully.

Many businesses and solopreneurs are facing one of the biggest drops in customers and income since they have been in operation. Some estimates put corporate revenue at a 45 percent loss overall since the beginning of April. The loss of income to owners is seen across numerous industries, products and services.

Tucson sales training expert Don Zavis says now is a great time for business owners to be proactive. It is important to take this opportunity to assess damage and be prepared to repair it. We can do this by understanding how to stand out as a business or professional and how clients or customers may have changed their buying patterns so that we are able to not only recapture the old ones, but also to gain new ones.

Zavis has been training people how to sell their products and services for 40 years. His career in the field of effective selling techniques allows him to understand what it takes to identify the right customers, differentiate from competitors, provide solutions and most importantly, to increase revenue. It’s simple, Zavis says, “I can help you sell more.”

According to Juan Delgado of RooFs are HoT, Zavis has focused his career on helping others help themselves. “Don helped me increase my sales by 300 percent in one year. He instills a different business model than I have used in the past by teaching us how to prequalify serious customers through understanding their needs and presenting solutions,” he says. Delgado has been a professional estimator and project manager for years, and this new model has helped him gain significant additional business in a short period of time.

Adena is a social worker and consultant for mental health facilities. Her comments regarding personalized training efforts show Zavis can tailor his training to the individual’s unique needs. “It is important for me to be a professional and not ‘salesy’ in my business dealings. Don understood that and provided me with expert guidance and support,” she explains. “His monthly offerings of 1:1 and group coaching, video education/motivation support and in-person trainings offer high value for a reasonable cost.”

Every professional must sell themselves in addition to a service or product in some way or another. Whether a solopreneur working as a massage therapist or the owner of a local CBD store, having the skills to anticipate what customers and clients are going to need, and being able to deliver that solution will be the key to success for many. Zavis says that “people are really good at what they do” but the selling part is sometimes illusive. “Many of the sole practitioners will wear a number of hats and become spread too thin,” says Zavis. “It is important to consistently refocus energy on one-to-one and eye-to-eye development.”

He also comments that social media and advertising are only one part of the big picture. A comprehensive plan to “garner attention and be visible” is the ultimate goal for businesses and owners to remember. Making direct contact, being in front of an audience or group, in addition to asking the right questions, can accelerate growth, but it must be done with passion and effective skills.

Zavis brought his family to Tucson in 2015. Although he maintains offices in Michigan and California, his primary office is in Oro Valley, where he conducts weekly courses in a classroom setting, in addition to many online videos presenting great tips for anyone to sharpen their sales skills. His resume boasts over 3,000 professionals trained during his career, along with being ranked in the top 5 percent of Sales Trainers and Coaches nationwide. He provides individual and group coaching for businesses and has live broadcasts and daily sales tips for those in the program.

Zavis’ tips are bold and useful. His videos on YouTube have unique and valuable points and can by implemented by everyone. His no-nonsense “take” on the value of appropriate selling techniques for individuals and sales teams alike are refreshing and give us a clear picture of various ways to increase skills for any type of professional.

For example, Zavis recommends that for customers that have objections to cost and are hoping to devalue the service or product, a business owner should just say “no”. Zavis explains, “‘No’ reminds them why they don’t just keep doing what they’re already doing—it’s free.” Clients may want a better deal, but the skill in selling is to know one’s value and not let others subtract from it.

He also suggests that we are all “our own billboard” and must present ourselves in the way we want others to see us. In this time of public isolation, it might be difficult to get in front of others, but know that we must periodically “isolate, identify and review every aspect of your world”. Having a fresh and clear understanding of our circumstances as a professional or organization is always a key to success.

We should take the time now to reevaluate our business and professional Formerly Krizman Dental goals and to understand how effective sales skills and marketing techniques can help us meet our business goals in any circumstance. Zavis strongly suggests that this is a great time to inflect and reimagine our success. It might look different for everyone as the world is changing in innumerable ways. One thing is for certain, for those • • • • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal (SMART) Certified Dentist Mercury Toxicity Testing and Detox Programs Ozone Therapy Biocompatible Tooth Colored Fillings • • • • • Non-Metal Implants Extractions/Cavitation Surgery/Protein Rich Fibrinogen General & Cosmetic Dentistry Prolozone Pain Therapy On-Site Low Radiation CT • • • • All Porcelain Crowns and Bridges Treatments to Avoid Root Canals Infant/Child Tongue Tie Release Fluoride FREE who are not prepared to take on the future with new skills and a fresh outlook now, it is never too late to start. Board Certified Integrative Biological Dentist • Board Certified Doctor of Integrative Medicine Advanced General Dentistry Degree • Masters Certification in Implants International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology Accredited Dentist Connect with Don Zavis at Integrative Biological Dentistry Masters Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health 248-497-5869, DonZavis@ Jeanne Anne Krizman, D.M.D., M.P.H. DonZavis.com or DonZavis.

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Bridges • MercuryToxicity Testing & Tavi Meketon, MBA, SPHR is a local author • BiocompatibleToothColored DetoxPrograms Fillings • Extractions • Implants Advanced and business executive who focuses on supporting individuals and organizations through proactive strategies and comprehensive solutions. Connect at TaviMeketon@yahoo.com. • TreatmentstoAvoidRootCanals • PeriodontalLaserTreatments • LaserToothWhitening General DentistryDegree Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman Call 520-326-0082 for an appointment 1601 N Tucson Blvd., Suite #35, Tucson, AZ 85716 www.krizmandental.com • smile@krizmandental.com


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