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Contemplating Our Mortality Amidst a Pandemic

by Katta Mapes


It’s at times like these with the virus the original social/spiritual entrepreneurs situation that we might have to step who started the IANDS, which is a global back and look at our mortality and nonprofit, registered 501(c)(3) affiliate of that of our loved ones. The media barrage IANDS. Swedrock’s core belief explains his of the number of cases and deaths during purpose in starting this group: “I’m here this lockdown puts death right in front of because I was meant to be here and form us daily. groups for discussion and to gain some

This is also a time when we may have perspective.” He says that the jury is still out the free time to consider such lofty ideas on whether we are: physical beings having a as the meaning of life and what happens spiritual experience or spiritual beings havto us at death and beyond. Now more than ing a physical experience. ever, the International Association of NearDeath Studies (IANDS) group may provide some hope and understanding as we try to make sense of all this.

The IANDS website says, “Arizona IANDS has chosen the mission of bringing together a community that listens and shares the evidence for the universal nature of a loving consciousness that includes us all.”

Even before the rise of virtual meetings, IANDS was developing its online resources to provide access to members around the world. Now their virtual platform is even more capable of bringing us into a world of learning, understanding and sharing information about what may happen at death and after death.

Tucsonan Chuck Swedrock was one of

IANDS sharing groups (ISGOs) have been around for many years, offering insights from people who have had near death experiences, or NDEs. So many have shared their experiences along with the various ways in which their lives were transformed by these NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences. While substantially profound, these incidences are often difficult to share with friends and family who may fear or disbelieve such events.

Now Swedrock and others are working to bring all of this to others through various virtual options. These include: small group discussion platforms of various types as a safe place for people to share their experiences; forums for professionals in healthcare and hospice to share their encounters with death and dying; a healing room for those who grieve the loss of a loved one; webinars offering speakers on many topics related to NDEs and their life changing effects; annual IANDS conferences with a broad spectrum of presenters; courses offering classes in me diumship and other skills development; and book club meetings with authors of books on topics related to the IANDS mission.

For more information, visit iands.org.

Katta Mapes, M.A., M.Ed. is a freelance writer and book author who is dedicated to promoting social, emotional and spiritual well-being for all. She is co-author of The Big Picture of Life. Connect at Katta.Connect@ gmail.com (hablo español).

What Is Ours to Do

by Lynn Rae Lowe

We have all observed a person ponwith us lessons and wisdom our soul will dering the best action to take. They need in this lifetime. Everything—includoften put their second finger to the ing why we have incarnated at this time and indentation between their nose and mouth (the what is ours to do. Just before we are born, philtrum), reflecting a mind in process. There the angel taps between our nose and upper is an explanation for this from the Talmud. lip and everything is forgotten.

Before we are born, safely ensconced The soul’s sole mission is to remember in the womb, our soul is assigned a personwhat we were taught, and to achieve what is al angel. Our angel’s sole purpose is sharing ours to do in this life.

Imaginal Cells

Many of us are pondering what is ours to do. Things are changing. How can we maintain balance while the world we know is spinning out of control around us? Emotionally we know we’re on a journey requiring preparation. How do we manifest a meaningful response? Is the answer waiting inside us? Is it time to undergo an emotional metamorphosis?

The journey from egg to butterfly is inspirational. Imaginal cells are essential to that transformation. Once the caterpillar is ensconced in its chrysalis, it dissolves into goopity soup, eliminating existing DNA in exchange for antenna, eyes and wing cells. From the dark interior of the cocoon, the butterfly emerges genetically transformed.

Can we emulate the caterpillar’s potential within its imaginal cells, metamorphosing at just the right moment as a powerful emotional transformation? Can we create a type of Human Imaginal Cells and enter darkness for a renewed existence?

Change is Stability

There is something much larger than ourselves. Mother Earth is telling us our behavior is not sustainable for either her, or our, well-being. Our cultural underpinnings are revealing a shaky foundation. We can’t look to leadership to direct us. We need to focus on personal transformation and embrace the reality we are in a liminal space. The past

is gone, future unknown and we’re in the middle of an unprecedented transition. It is in this space we need to imagine where we want to be when the time is right to move forward. We need to go within, harness our emotions and apply them to problem solving, and seek out what is ours to do.

Being turned upside down or inside out causes our emotional energy to go into distress. It is understandable. Our best tool to nurture our well-being is the gift of imagination, which no one can take from us. Utilizing the concept of imaginal cells, we can create a radical transformation. Perhaps that is exactly what the coronavirus is demanding from us. Our transformation is not the physical form of caterpillar to butterfly—rather, the emotional, from someone crawling on the ground to someone who has found their wings to soar. To find our answers about our future, it is up to each of us to determine how we can creatively prepare ourselves for an unknown journey. We will need knowledge, fortitude and imagination.


We may not have imaginal cells; however, we do have imagination. The greatest minds of humankind, of all disciplines, believed the answers were found in our imaginations.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” He added, “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

“Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination,” theorized Immanuel Kant.

Each of us has a mission. We have capacity to know when change is needed, although most of us aren’t good at accepting change. A

prolonged exposure to uncertainty and chaos creates more confusion than willingness to go through a transition of this intensity. We need to activate imagination so we can prepare for this journey with a vision. If blocked, we can re-imagine and intercede with hope in our heart and a plan in our head.

We cannot know what lies ahead, which can lead to fear and uncertainty, which only feeds itself. Imagination is creativity’s progenitor. We do not need to be an artist with a studio filled with tools to gain inspiration. All we need is to sit, reflect and set an intention to work toward. In that sacred space, we will remember what is ours to do and to re-imagine how, together, we can re-create a better world.

Gandhi said our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, as it is in being able to remake ourselves.

There is no time like the present.

Lynn Rae Lowe is an internationally acclaimed artist, celebrant and inspirational speaker who believes every person can change their lives through the power of their own imagination. Beginning October 10, she will be offering a new series of workshops, online celebrations and classes. Connect at LynnRaeLowe.com/


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