The art of blending essential oils

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The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, N.D. M.H., C.N.C., I.C.A.

Have you ever smelled an essential oil blend that delighted the senses? Or how about one that was too strong, or too wimpy? Blending essential oils is part art and part chemistry. Just like cooking and baking follows a recipe but generally has some liberty with ingredients. Blending essential oils for therapeutic, aromatic purposes, or as a perfume, is more art than chemistry. A little bit of training and experimentation and you will be achieving the desired wonderful, effective and great smelling blend.

Cheap, synthetic, diluted oils are potentially toxic. Therefore, it is very important to use only high-quality essential oils from a trusted source. The old adage – you get what you pay for is true in the essential oil industry. For these reasons only Young Living Essential Oils are used by the author. What are carrier oils? Carrier oils are fatty oils such as olive oil, sesame oil or almond oil; those that have been pressed from a fruit, nut or seed.

Classification Method 1st – The Personifier (1-5% of blend) oils have very sharp, strong and longlasting fragrances. They also have dominant properties with strong therapeutic action. Oils in this classification may include: cinnamon bark, cistus, Clary sage, clove, coriander, ginger, helichrysum, nutmeg, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, spearmint, tangerine, tarragon, wintergreen, ylang ylang.

2nd—The Enhancer (50-80%) of blend) oil should be the predominant oil as it Therapeutic Blending When blending for a therapeutic effect serves to enhance the properties of the the chemistry of the oils will be a factor. other oils in the blend. Its fragrance is Several essential oil reference books will not as sharp as the personifiers and is list the main chemical constituents and usually of a shorter duration. properties (anti-bacterial, antispasmodic, etc.) with percentages. It is Oils in this classification may include: also important to understand the order in Basil, bergamot, cedarwood, cumin, dill, which the oils are blended is key to eucalyptus, frankincense, galbanum, Essential oils are very complex and cur- maintaining the desired therapeutic prop- geranium, grapefruit, hyssop, jasmine, erties in a synergistic blend. An alterarently under much study for their relavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, martion in the sequence of adding selected markable benefits to our health. For joram, Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) oils to a blend may change the chemical melissa, myrtle, orange, oregano, patchexample, clary sage has 900 different properties, the fragrance, and thus the molecules and lavender over 400. ouli, ravensara, Roman chamomile, rose, desired results. rosemary sage, spruce, thyme, winterThe majority of plant essential oils are green. obtained by steam distillation to release Depending upon the topical application their precious oil. Sophisticated and pro- of the blend, carrier oils may be added to 3rd – The Equalizer (10-15% of blend) dilute. prietary steam distillation processing oils create balance and synergy among using low heat, proper pressure, precise the oils contained in the blend. Their Remember to store the new fragrant and fragrance is also not as sharp as the pertiming and of course fresh, properly therapeutic essential oil blend creation in sonifier and is of a shorter duration. grown and harvested plants is the only way to deliver essential oils with quality dark-colored glass bottles, properly labeled. and purity suited for blending. Oils in this classification may include: Basil, bergamot, cedarwood, cypress, Here is an example of the importance of Blends may be straight essential oils, fennel, fir, frankincense, geranium, ginthose combined with a carrier oil or in a ger, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, precise timing during distillation. Cypress has 280 known chemical constitu- semi or solid salve, ointment form. Roll- lemongrass, lime marjoram. Melaleuca on dispensers for essential oil blends ents, and all 280 constituents must be alternifolia (Tea Tree), melissa, myrrh, make for easy applications. Choose co- myrtle, oregano, pine, roman chamomile, present for cypress to have medicinal and healing potency. If it is distilled for balt blue or dark green glass bottles to rose, rosewood, sandalwood, spruce, prevent light from damaging the oil 20 hours only 20 of the 280 properties tarragon, thyme. blend. are released. If distilled for 26 hours none of the properties are released. Most cypress available on the U.S. market is Blending Methods distilled for about three and a half hours. There are two main methods of formulating an essential oil blend. ClassificaThe correct length of time for distilling tions or Notes. cypress is 24 hours, releasing all 280 properties. What are essential oils? Essential oils are the aromatic, volatile liquids distilled from plants. The oil can be obtained from the seeds, roots, an entire shrub, flowers, leaves and trees. Each plant may contain hundreds of molecular chemical compounds with names such as terpenes, sesquiterpenes, phenols and aldehyes, to name a few.

The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, Young Living Diamond Classifications Method, Cont’d. 4th—The Modifier (5-8% of blend) oils have a mild and short fragrance. These oils add harmony to the blend. Oils in this classification may include: bergamot, coriander, eucalyptus, fennel, grapefruit, hyssop, jasmine, lavender, lemon, orange, melissa, myrrh, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, tangerine, ylang ylang. More about the classifications approach is expounded in the book Reference Guide to Essential oils Notes Method Much like a conductor arranges his musical score based on the “notes” of the various instruments, essential oil have notes that distinguish them from other essential oils. It is these notes or the fragrance of the oil that gives the plant or flower its smell. A good way to begin blending using notes is with 30% of the oils as top notes, 50% as middle notes, and 20% as base notes. Top Notes include oils such as anise, basil, bergamot, eucalyptus, galbanum, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, and lemongrass. Middle notes include oils such as German and Roman Chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, cypress, dill, elemi, fennel, balsam fir, geranium, jasmine, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, nutmeg, black pepper and pine. Base note oils are cedarwood, frankincense, ginger, and myrrh. Essential oil properties Essential oils have a consistency more like water than oil, some oils are more viscous (thick) than others, e.g. vetiver is very thick while lavender is more like water. Essential oils are clear in color with few exceptions. Some exceptions include Rose (yellowish), German chamomile (blue, dark blue), Bergamot (light to dark green) and Patchouli (brown/amber), Yarrow and some Cypress are blue.

Essential oils are soluble in alcohol, and fixed oils. They are not soluble in water. Soluble is the ability to dissolve in a liquid. Essential oils are highly volatile, which means they readily evaporate. Each essential oil has its own volatility rate, which is measured on a scale of 1 to 100. Essential oils with a volatility rate towards "1" evaporate very quickly, where as essential oils with volatility rate towards "100" evaporate very slowly.

posed, with high, middle and low notes (volatility) that compliment each other. The simplest explanation of the terms "top", "middle" and "base" notes is directly how tenaciously its scent lingers. Blending a small amount of a middle note will make a top note last longer. Rounding the blend off with just a single drop or so of a base note anchors it still more. Normally speaking, the lower notes will dominate a blend, if used in equal amounts.

Essential oils have minimal, if any, unwanted side effects and in fact are known to support and enhance the body's own innate healing capacity. Essential oils are currently being explored as possible A quick way to experiment with this is to secondary medications. take some blotting paper, coffee filters, When blending for therapeutic benefit, soft paper towels, or some very absorbent paper, and drop two or three drops all oils blend together if they share the of different Essential Oils on each blot- properties necessary for the conditions ter. Try a range of oils, one or two citrus you are treating. Certainly some oils oils, a "wood" oil like cedarwood, rose- smell better when blended with certain oils and may smell terrible with others. wood, or, Patchouli or Vetiver; and something in the middle, perhaps laven- However, that should not be the main consideration in blending, unless you are der or geranium. Put the blotters away making perfume. Use the therapeutic for a few hours, and then pull them out properties. In all cases a blend should be and smell them. The citrus oils are apt made based for the therapeutic benefit have almost disappeared, while the deeper base notes should be unchanged. or purpose desired. Adjust for scent when finished. Check again after 24 hours, 48 hours, etc. If you are creating a fragrance and want it to last a long time, then a high Become familiar with the scent and volatility rate is preferred. character of the oils. Breathe the aroma and: Note how it makes you feel. Is the scent calm, upThe power of penetration through the skin is great with essential oils. The time lifted, focused, sensual, happy, motivated, energized or other feelings? Note of absorption is believed to be between 20-70 minutes and varies depending on the scent - is it light, fresh, strong, sweet, green, or other? the fat content of the skin layers of the individual. To test the aroma of an individual essential oil you can: Breathe directly from Some essential oils are adaptogenic meaning the essential oil increases resis- the bottle. Hold the bottle chest high, swirl the essential oil in the bottle to stir tance and resilience to stress, enabling the body to avoid burn out. Adaptogenic up the molecules first. Or place a drop on essential oils aid the body in maintaining an unscented tissue, blotter paper or homeostasis throughout stressful periods. other porous type paper and breathe. Adaptogens support the adrenal glands. You may experience olfactory overload if The best way to insure blends will have you are testing the aroma of several staying power is to blend the essential different essential oils. oils the way a musical chord is comThe depth, weight or note of a specific Essential Oil's aroma is based on the oil's volatility, how fast its scent disappears, relative to other oils.

The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, Young Living Diamond After a while you may no longer be able to smell them! This is common. You can restore your sense of smell by smelling coffee beans, or the simplest your armpit. It’s true - it works and it’s always with you!

make sure they are diluted with a carrier oil or skin tested for sensitivity first. Bergamot, Lemon and Orange may cause skin sensitivity to the sun.

When creating therapeutic blends, it is also important to consider all the therapeutic actions you are seeking and avoid Now to get started. Start by blending three drops of your chosen top note, two oils that clash with your desired goals. drops of a middle note, and a single drop For instance, let’s say you are creating a of a base note. And Take Notes!!! I don't blend for muscle aches and sleep, and know of anyone who hasn't created a scent that they loved, but couldn't repro- Peppermint and cypress are oils that can provide relief with muscle pain but can duce since they didn't have a record of also keep you awake. You would want to the proportions If you like the 3 2 1 blend you just created (with a total of six avoid these oils in a blend that you’d use right before bed. drops of essential oils) put a 30-20-10 drop duplication of it away for a few day or a week. Let the scents meld together, Get Your Blending Juices Going and get comfortable. Sometimes they change, in ways you like. Sometimes one General guidelines: note has become too strong and you want As with any new oil and blend that you to add a few drops of the others, or make use, you should check all safety data for a note to add less of that particular essen- the oils in your blend and do a skin patch tial oil the next time. But always keep test prior to using. notes, so when your blend is just like you want it, you will be able to re-create it. If Proportions it is a therapeutic blend, then create a When creating a therapeutic essential oil small amount, try it how to see the reblend, you will use 28 drops of essential sults. You can adjust until it is just right. oil to ½ oz. of carrier oil. V-6 Mixing Oil. When creating a body massage When blending for therapeutic effect: blend, you will want to use a total of Determine the essential oils that may be about 50 drops of essential oils to 4 oz. useful - see the aromatherapy charts by of V-6 Mixing Oil. and are available groups and by chemical composition the through many on-line companies. Essential Oils Desk Reference book. In the case of a spray mist and a cream, it is possible to add too much essential oil List essential oils in priority order when and change the scent to one you do not several effects are desired (this can be like. used to determine the number of drops of each essential oil you will use). Pain By blending in small batches, using the relief, muscle repair, antiseptic is an ex- limited amount of 4 top notes, 3 middle ample of your order. There is no right or notes, and one base note, you are able wrong order. to adjust the oils to find the desired scent and still retain the therapeutic benefits If pregnant, refer to Gentle Babies: Eswithout using or wasting large amounts sential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth of essential oils. and Infant Care to wisely choose the oils. Clary Sage should be avoided if you When you add oils to adjust the scent, have endometriosis, breast, ovarian or add the oils slowly. A drop at a time. uterine cysts, estrogen dependent condi- Generally, keep in mind that in scent tions (cancers). balance, one base note needs three middle notes and four top notes to balance Avoid Rosemary if you have high blood the scent. This is a generalization, but pressure or epilepsy. Peppermint and useful guide. Lemon may irritate sensitive skin, so Rosewood is a good RIVER for other

oils, allowing them to blend better for scent purposes and Myrrh makes a scent last longer. Massage oil blends A full body massage rarely incorporates more than 6-12 drops of essential oil. Exception is the Raindrop Technique. Also, the body should be limited to 12 drops per day when applied by massage. Therefore, if you make a blend for one massage, the blend, regardless of the amount of carrier oil used, will never have more than 12 drops. If you make a blend for more than one massage to be applied to the same person over a period of days, then the blend is simply increased by the number of drops used, times the number of massages to be given. This, of course, means that the maximum number of drops still applies. The essential oils will be issued out proportionately as it is mixed in the carrier oil. Example – three massages = 36 drops. **Please note that exceptions do apply. I have used upwards of 50 drops of oil at one time for extreme measures. Let your skin, and your issue determine the amount used. Misting Blends A misting blend is a blend that is sprayed into the air or onto the skin. As an example, it is a good method for putting on insect repellant. The misting blend is, of course, a bottle with a spray top and it is filled with the appropriate blend of essential oils and water. A misting blend must be blended in a manner that allows the essential oils to mix with the water. To do this you should use either water or a blend of 50/50 alcohol and water. Vodka is a recommended alcohol as it is relatively inexpensive and has little odor. 1.

Put a small amount of alcohol (1/2 oz.) in the misting bottle, just enough to contain the essential oil. It should cover the bottom of the bottle.

The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, Young Living Diamond 2. Calculate your blend for a 30 ml (about one ounce) size. Make sure you write it down. Place the essential oils in the bottle starting with the base notes first. For a one ounce bottle, use 20-30 drops essential oils.

tion. Optional – smaller jars for lip balms or for sharing

3. Add 15mls of water (purified) and test by spraying over your head. This allows you to determine that the scent is correct and it is strong enough. You can weaken it by adding more water. You can strengthen it by adding more essential oil. There is no need to limit the number of drops you will use, as they are not being applied to the body all at once.

1. Scoop out the Rose Ointment into

Basic cream and ointment instructions using Rose Ointment as the base

the saucepan

2. Drop the essential oils from the

recipe into the empty Rose Ointment container. (do not wipe the container clean, just use a blunt knife or spatula to empty most of the contents) 3. Warm the Rose Ointment on medium high heat until melted, remove from heat and let cool 2-5 minutes. 4. If you want to adjust the scent, do it Wiggle the pan around – like the Jiffy now by adding more of the essential oil Pop popcorn – so you get everything that provides the scent you seek. Add a melted on the lowest heat possible. 4. Pour melted Rose Ointment back new oil if appropriate, Make sure you into its container (which now has your record each drop you add so you readded essential oils). The melted Rose member the blend. Once you have the Ointment will automatically mix with scent you desire, calculate the bottle the added essential oils. size and add more alcohol, water and 5. Let sit uncovered until solid. DO essential oil to reflect that multiple. NOT place in refrigerator or freezer to Although not necessary, it may be help- hasten this process. You will be left ful to mix the alcohol and additional with a hole in the middle of the jar. drops of essential oil in a separate con- Hardening should only take about one tainer before placing them in the water. hour, depending on your room air temThen fill with water. As you have deter- perature. mined the number of drops, any time Label and use. you blend and you keep the same ratio, you will produce the same scent and **Remember that since you are using therapeutic value. Shake GENTLY Young Living’s proprietary Rose Ointprior to each use. ment as your base, you may freely use, share and give away BUT you may not make for resale. How to make creams and ointments Creams also are blended for therapeutic value before smell. The odor can be More Rose Ointment blends adjusted later to reflect a desired scent. Add the following essential oils to the 2 If you do not know how to make your ounce jar of Rose Ointment using the own herbal cream, salve, ointment base; instructions above. All numbers prethen use the Young Living Rose Ointceding the essential oil name are drops. ment. Rose Ointment from Young Living is a mildly scented essential oil oint- When creating your own recipe, keep ment for topical use that is ideally the number of drops to 10 per two suited for enhancing with more essenounces of ointment base. A few of the tial oils to create your personal blend. recipes below do use more than the suggested drops, tested for effectiveness. Essential oils selected for your recipe – Do not use more than eight single oils 10 drops per 2 ounces of Rose Ointment or three blends in your creations. Small stainless steel sauce pan (one cup is ideal). Label to mark your new crea- Hemorrhoids # 1 – apply until problem solved.

3 - cypress 2 - cistus 3 - basil 1 - spikenard 1 - wintergreen Hemorrhoids # 2 – apply until problem solved 4 - cypress 2 - myrtle 2 - myrrh 2 - Roman Chamomile Nail Strength, Growth & Cuticle – apply to cuticles and nails daily 4 - myrrh 2 - lemon 2 - frankincense 2 - Citrus Fresh Cold Sores & Fever Blisters – apply to location 2 - Melissa 1 - ravensara 1 - thyme 2 - sandalwood 2 - lavender 2 - Melrose Athletes Foot – apply to clean feet and toes twice daily 2 - Abundance 1 - Thieves 2 - Melrose Female Salve # 1 Do not use when pregnant (Itching, genital herpes, candida, infections– may be used topically or as an insertion) 1 - Lady Sclerol 2 - Melrose 1 - bergamot 1 - Melissa 1 - St. Maries lavender 1 - Australian Blue 1 - Roman Chamomile 2 - Mt. Savory Female Salve # 2 – May be used when pregnant or nursing for the same conditions as salve # 1 3 - Gentle Baby 3 – 3 Wise Men 3 – Patchouli 1 – rosewood

The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, Young Living Diamond Lip Balm – makes 8 quarter ounce lip balm size containers 3 - myrrh 2 - rosewood 3 - patchouli Plus add two drops of one of the following for a nice flavor – Citrus Fresh, tangerine, lavender, peppermint, orange, lemon or cinnamon Diaper Rash 4 - Gentle Baby 2 - lavender 2 - German Chamomile 1 - cypress 1 - Melrose Wrinkles # 1 2 - myrrh 2 - sandalwood 2 - patchouli 2 - rose 2 - spikenard Wrinkles # 2 2 - rosewood 3 - geranium 2 - frankincense 3 - spikenard

drops V6 oil and dab with tissue. DO NOT FLUSH WITH WATER. Drops of Gold – Facial blend – makes 5 ounces. Best if bottled in ½ ounce bottles. While this is a bit of an expensive blend to make, everyone who uses Drops of Gold loves the effects this combination of essential and carrier oils gives. 2 oz. Almond Oil 1 oz. Jojoba Oil 40 drops Vitamin E oil 2 oz. Evening Primrose Oil 48 - drops Patchouli 24 - drops Geranium 40 - drops Frankincense 16 - drops Rosewood 16 - drops lavender 5 - drops Rose Anti-Fungal Blend - ½ ounce of V-6 Oil blend add 20 drops each - Oregano, Abundance, Lavender, Thyme, Thieves, Purification, Eucalyptus Blue - apply on location

in a misting bottle, spray while outside. Germ beater – Melaleuca alternafolia, eucalyptus globulus, cedarwood, pine, cinnamon, ravensara, myrtle – orally in capsules or NingXia Red and bottom of feet, diffuse Here are some other ways to use your blends. All oil amounts are general guides and you should try to follow the rule that more is not always better. Bath - use no more than 8 drops of essential oil and less of those more potent oils. Use with V6 to spread the essential oil throughout the water. Essential oils combine well with bath salts. Up to 20 drops per one cup of bath salts. Bath salts can be Epsom salts alone or with other bath salts. Jacuzzi - Three drops per person. This will evaporate immediately due to the hot water, so any benefit is through inhalation of the odor.

Romance Blend - 4 drops Frankincense, 2 drops Ginger, 2 Lemon, 2 Orange, 4 Rose, 4 Jasmine, 4 Sandalwood, 4 Ylang Ylang – diffuse or wear as perfume, mist on bed

Hot tub – (300 gallon hot tub) Use the Thieves Household Cleaner to wipe down before winter storage or changing the water. Soak filters in 15 drops Thieves oil and enough water to cover Eczema and Itching for three hours. Replace filters, refill 2 - lavender Stress Buster (mental) – geranium, lav- with water and add 6 drops geranium oil. 1 -Roman Chamomile ender, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, 1 - cistus grapefruit, cedarwood, patchouli, Austra- Sauna (wet) - 2 drops per 5 - 600 ml 3 - rosewood lian blue – inhale, diffuse, wear as perwater. Limit your use generally to euca2 -geranium fume lyptus radiata, Melaleuca alternafolia or 1 - Helichrysum pine as they are excreted through the Stress Buster (chemical/food) – laven- perspiration after inhalation. Nursing Mom’s Best Friend for dry der, patchouli, geranium, clary sage, cracked nipples – apply after nursing Diffusers - 8 20 drops and wipe clean before nursing to avoid a lemon, rosemary, thyme, Idaho balsam fir – inhale, diffuse, wear as perfume bad taste in babies mouth Humidifiers - 1 to 9 drops. Be prepared 4 - geranium Back aches – black pepper , Helichrythat the oil may damage the humidifier 2 - St. Maries lavender (not regular) sum, Abundance, lavender, clove, 5 over time. 2 - myrrh drops each in 10 drops V6 oil 2 - Gentle baby Breast Health, lymphatic cleanse Eyesight Blend - Sandalwood, Juniper, Detoxification - Juniper, fennel, lemon, (Digital Imaging Thermography on the breast was used to verify the effectiveLavender, Lemongrass and Frankincense inhale and wear on bottom of feet ness of this recipe) – equal parts; mixed with equal number Sinus blend – Basil, Eucalyptus radiata, of essential oil drops of V6 carrier oil. 5 - Idaho Balsam Fir Apply twice daily around the bone eye Lavender - swab inside of nose 5 - Ledum socket. For infections, add Thieves. Many report improved eyesight . Do not Bug off – lemon, Melaluca, Cedarwood, 5 - Australian Blue get in the eye. If you do, flush with 3 patchouli. 10 drops each in 4 ouces water 5 - Eucalyptus Radiata. The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

The Art of Blending Essential Oils Debra Raybern, Young Living Diamond Essential oils should be stored in colored or opaque glass bottles. Amber is the most popular, with blue and green also available in various bottle sizes including roll-ons. Every so often you may wish to Making Suppositories share a few drops of a blend with a Melt 1/2 ounce coconut oil, add 2-8 friend which will be used immediately. drops of selected oils. Pour into molds, In this case the perfume sampler clear let harden in refrigerator or freezer. Insert at bedtime. To make a mold* using vials are acceptable. When a blend will foil, shape a trench around a fat pencil or be stored is when the colored glass is the most important. straw, folding ends to keep mix in the Perfume with a Carrier Oil Base for mold. Pour melted oil mix in mold, let Sensitive Skin harden, cut into 1” lengths. Insert one at Numerous companies sell a wide variety 15-25 drops of your perfume blend in of glass vials, bottles and jars acceptable bedtime. 1 tablespoon of carrier oil (V6, Jojoba, for essential oil creations: sweet almond or apricot kernel carrier oil) Bottling Your Creations Blend all oils together well and store in Why invest your time and precious oils an airtight dark-colored glass container. only to bottle them in clear bottles and Salves, ointments and lotions since they jars that allow light to penetrate and Dab a drop onto your pulse points. are mixed with carrier oils and generally damage the precious blend. beeswax for consistency may be stored Alcohol and Water Base Perfume Be sure to save your empty essential oil in white plastic jars, or clear glass jars 4 1/4 teaspoons Vodka without harm to the blend. bottles and reuse for your blends. And 1 1/2 teaspoons Distilled Water remember, only the best essential oils 60 drops of your perfume blend Have fun making your own creations Blend all ingredients well and store in an the Young Living Therapeutic Grade airtight 1 ounce dark-colored glass con- essential oils will give you the powerful to share. Crams and lotions make great gifts and items to sell at craft fairs. tainer. Let sit for two weeks, swirling the results you desire. Why settle for less. bottle 1-3 times daily (more often is bet- Do not expect any of these formulations The make good teacher gifts and are an excellent way to share oils with others. to give you the great results if you are ter) to mix the oils. not using YLTG essential oils. Shoulder Tension Rub (this recipe breaks the rules for not using more than three blends, but is very effective, even for Frozen Shoulder and Bursitis) 5 - Dragon Time 5 - Surrender 5 - Harmony 5 - Aroma Seiz 5 - White Angelica

Chart of Measures Used in Blending

1 drop

60 mg

1 ml

1/5 teaspoon

1 ml

15 drops

1 ml

Fills one 00 capsule

5 ml

One teaspoon

5 ml

75 - 80 drops

15 ml

One tablespoon

15 ml

½ fluid ounce

240 ml

One cup

30 ml

One fluid ounce

Capsules – “0” – about 8-10 drops fit in this size capsule. May cut with olive oil and “00” capsules hold about 15 drops

Debra Raybern has been educating people in the safe and effective use of herbs and therapeutic grade essential oils for nearly two decades. She is the author of Gentle Babies, Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Infant Care and co-author of Nutrition 101: Choose Life!. Debra Raybern -Certified Naturopath, Master Herbalist, Certified Nutritional Counselor, Internationally Certified Aroma-therapist Sharing Great Health, Inc. P.O. Box 1745 New Waverly, TX 77358 936-438-8829 You are free to share this document with others, but please remember that No portion may be changed or altered.

The information share is educational and not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health concern. You are advised to seek a heath professional for any health condition. For more information on essential oils refer to the Essential Oils Reference book.

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