ISSUE 40 | JULY 2017
WELLNESS Inspiring a Healthy You
Love Granola?
stretching: what’s the deal? - Martina Feldmann
As a practicing physiotherapist, I often discuss the art of stretching with my patients. Stretching appears to be the go-to for many conditions. Patients are always looking for a ‘stretch’ to help solve problems. Do I prescribe stretches to patients? Of course I do! I frequently suggest certain stretches to patients for several reasons, but I also frequently attempt to persuade patients to discontinue their stretches. The two most common reasons people stretch are: 1. Pain management 2. Warm up before activity. Commonly, the patients I see in my clinic are individuals with sedentary desk jobs who suffer from back pain. They want to know how to resolve the pain and prevent it from reoccurring. This common complaint often results from postural dysfunction. Do I think stretches would be beneficial? Yes, but not for the area of complaint. I discuss with my patients the reason for stretching, which is to functionally lengthen a muscle and/or reduce the tension in the muscle. When we analyze a person’s posture, often their head is forward, shoulders and spine are rounded and knees and hips are flexed. Based on this picture below of typical posture in the workplace and known complaint of back pain, what would you stretch? We want to stretch the muscles that are in a shortened position, so my suggestions would include stretching hamstrings (back of thigh) and pectoralis muscles (chest). For muscles that are in a stretch position all day long, I would recommend a strengthening program to re-establish muscular balance. Just some food for thought when you do certain activities and feel the need to ‘stretch.’
So, based on what was discussed, does it make sense to stretch as part of a warm up? If yes, what type of stretching and why? I guess that is something to talk about next time.
Martina Feldmann is a Physiotherapist at Pro Vita in Quesnel, BC. 250-992-8821
issue 40 - 2017
4 Do you suffer from Vertigo?
Published by Jennifer Reed, R.H.N. Hello! I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist residing in Quesnel, B.C. where I was born and raised. I’m passionate about living in a healthy community, which is what inspired me to create Discover Wellness Magazine and the annual Discover Wellness Health Fair & Market. Both are platforms to showcase and bring together our local health and wellness leaders, many of which have become dear friends to me and continue to inspire me every day. I thank you for taking the time to read on and treat yourself to a little TLC. Take care, Jennifer Discover Wellness is a monthly publication distributed in Quesnel, B.C. featuring various health and wellness articles from professionals and enthusiasts, delicious recipes from holistic nutritionists, a professional directory and local event and workshop listings. FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Jennifer Reed - Spiral Health EDITOR Jennifer Reed Jenny Schweyer - Silver Bullet Text GRAPHICS & DESIGN Jennifer Reed Amy Mack - House of Hunts CONTACT US Discover Wellness Magazine 252 Gardner Street Quesnel, B.C. V2J 3G6 Telephone (250) 255-2449 Email ADVERTISING & ARTICLE SUBMISSION Contact Jennifer at 250-255-2449 or email SUBSCRIPTION To subscribe for free online please visit: Disclaimer The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Spiral Health. Those with health concerns should seek professional advice from a healthcare provider as all content found in Discover Wellness is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
W: E:
Learn how Vestibular Rehabilitation can help with vestibular disorders. We are fortunate to have a physiotherapist in Prince George who specializes in Vestibular Rehabilitation.
6 The Mighty Pineal Gland
Is your pineal gland the culprit behind your sleep imbalance or lack of joy and happiness?
8 Healthy Foods High in Heavy Metals
A shocking list of common health foods that have been found to contain toxic heavy metals. This is a must read, especially for those with current health conditions.
12 Recipes, Recipes, Recipes!
Love Granola? Make Your Own from Scratch Marrakesh Trout with Carrot & Cucumber Ribbon Salad Coconut yogurt
an expert Q: “Lately I’ve been having dizzy spells and my doctor thinks it’s vertigo. I’m looking for more information on what causes vertigo and what I can do to improve it.” Do you ever feel dizzy? Did you know that more than one-third of adults in the U.S. aged 40 and older have experienced some sort of vestibular dysfunction?* Below, is information about vestibular dysfunctions and what you can do about it. What is a vestibular disorder? The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain that help control balance and eye movements. If the system is damaged by disease, aging or injury, a vestibular disorder can occur. The most common vestibular disorders include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), labyrinthitis, neuritis, Meniere’s disease, secondary endolymphatic hydrops and migraine-associated vertigo. Other vestibular disorders also include superior canal dehiscence, acoustic neuroma, ototoxicity, enlarged vestibular aqueduct and mal de debarquement. The symptoms of vestibular disorder are: * Imbalance or unsteadiness * Vertigo (a spinning sensation) * Dizziness (lightheaded, floating or rocking sensation) * Blurred or bouncing vision * Nausea * Hearing changes and tinnitus * Problems with coordination, thinking, and memory * Headaches * Sensitivity to noise and light * Difficulty walking in the dark * Trouble focusing on tracking objects * Discomfort in busy visual environments How do I know if I have a vestibular disorder?
Carly Chuby Registered Physiotherapist Vestibular Rehabilitation Phoenix Physiotherapy Clinic, PG
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions talk to your doctor about vestibular rehabilitation: * Do I feel unsteady? * Do I lose my balance and fall? * Do I feel as if I am falling when I’m not? * Do I feel as if the room is spinning? * Do I get dizzy when I lay down or turn over in bed? * Do I feel as if I am moving when I know I am still? * Do I feel lightheaded or as though I may faint? * Do I have blurred vision? * Do I ever feel disoriented, like losing sense of time or place? What are some of the causes of a vestibular disorder? Dizziness, vertigo, and disequilibrium (unsteadiness, imbalance) are common symptoms that can result from a peripheral vestibular disorder (a dysfunction of the balance organs of the inner ear) or a central disorder (a dysfunction of one or more parts of the central nervous system that help process balance and spatial information). Causes include: * Concussion * Advancing age * Exposure to sudden pressure changes * Ear infections * Certain medications * Migraine or stroke * Vestibular swannoma (benign tumor growing on the vestibule-cochlear nerve) * Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) * Cervicogenic dizziness (dizziness arising from neck pain, trauma, arthritis) * Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis (inflammations caused by viral infection) * Meniere’s disease (abnormality in amount of endolymph fluid in the inner ear) * Migraine associated vertigo (head pain, light and sound sensitivity, dizziness, tinnitus) How can vestibular rehabilitation help? Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialized form of exercise therapy intended to alleviate problems due to vestibular disorders. It is
designed to reduce vertigo, dizziness, gaze instability, imbalance and fall risk. Vestibular therapy can assist in recovery by promoting compensation of the vestibular system. A specialized program will be designed for you once a comprehensive vestibular examination is performed by a physiotherapist. Three major methods of exercise can be prescribed: 1) Habituation: This form of exercise is used to treat symptoms of dizziness that are produced because of self-motion or visual stimuli. 2) Gaze stability: This form of exercise is used to improve control of eye movements so vision can be clear during head movements. Symptoms may include difficulty reading or trying to identify objects in the environment. 3) Balance training: This form of exercise is used to improve steadiness and reduce risk of falls. For patients with BPPV, the above exercises may not be necessary, and a repositioning maneuver can be performed to help resolve the spinning sensation. Dizziness is one of the major causes of falls if left untreated. Imagine yourself no longer getting dizzy every time you turn over in bed. Imagine feeling confident walking outdoors and not worrying about falling. Imagine being able to go to a busy mall without getting completely overwhelmed. Vestibular rehabilitation can help with the above and more by providing a customized exercise program to help you feel confident in your daily life and not be held back by feelings of dizziness, imbalance, headaches, or fear of falling. Depending on the type of vestibular dysfunction you have, a simple maneuver may alleviate your symptoms instantly. Our physiotherapist at Phoenix Physiotherapy in the Phoenix Medical Centre in Prince George will perform a one-to-one vestibular examination to determine any vestibular dysfunction that is present. An exercise program will be designed for you to help alleviate your symptoms.
* Agrawal Y, Carey JP, Della Santina CC, Schubert MC, Minor LB. Disorders of balance and vestibular function in US adults: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(10):938-944.
Pineal Gland - Dr. Keith Condliffe, ND
- Chronic stress, including chronic infection - Chronic exposure to high levels of electromagnetic pollution - Inadequate exposure to natural light and not enough time in nature Those are only the big ones. The list goes on and on. So, given its importance in keeping us happy and healthy, how do we support the mighty pineal gland? 1. Align with people who support your healing of mind, body and soul. Have faith in the version of you that feels healthy and harmonized, even if this faith represents a desire rather than a current reality. 2. Promote optimal sleep hygiene (sleep in a completely dark environment, sleep on a regular schedule, keep devices out of the bedroom, etc.). 3. Go outside at least 45 minutes each day. Even cold and rainy days help the pineal. Hug trees. 4. Remember that technology is here to serve us, not the other way around. Go analogue, frequently.
Located in the centre of the human brain, the pea-sized pineal gland plays an outsized role in harmonizing health. In chronic illness states, supporting pineal gland health helps to restore self-healing to the body. Anxiety, depression and nervous system imbalances accompany an energetic (or physical) blockage within the pineal gland. From my natural medicine perspective, the pineal gland: 1. Sets the sleep-wake cycle through its storage and secretion of melatonin. 2. Impacts hormonal health by regulating the rhythmic secretion of downstream hormones. 3. Allows our immune system to seek self-healing. 4. Serves as our receiver for feeling and acts as a portal for sensing the world around us.
5. Connects us with nature, our dream world and our higher self. 6. Represents the physical seat of the soul (DMT, the “spirit molecule,� can be found in the pineal). 7. Channels joy, love and happiness. Calcification of the pineal gland is fairly common, and regardless of pineal calcification status, the energy that flows through the pineal can stagnate, resulting in imbalances. What can cause the pineal gland energy and secretions to stagnate? - Trauma - Chronic pain - Anything else that makes it disadvantageous from a survival perspective to feel the world around us - Sleep deprivation, insomnia and/or disturbed sleep cycles
5. Do things that bring you joy and surround yourself with people, plants, animals and things that make you feel good. 6. Eat well. Detoxify your cells and promote a healthy partnership with your bugs (nature). Support your immune system to become stronger. Certain plants, foods and energy medicines support pineal health beautifully. More on this (eventually). 7. Laugh and love, whenever possible and/or all the time. When balanced energy flows through the pineal gland, we can channel our healing power and share our gifts with the world. Exchanging gifts makes for a kinder, more joyful person, family, community, world.
Dr. Keith Condliffe is a Naturaopathic Doctor at Awen Health Centre in Vancouver.
Top 5 Foods to support the
Pineal Gland “Calcification of the pineal gland is fairly common, and regardless of pineal calcification status, the energy that flows through the pineal can stagnate, resulting in imbalances.” Apple cider vinegar Malic acid is the key ingredient in RAW apple cider vinegar (ACV). Malic acid is known for its ability to remove aluminum from the body, and its what gives vinegar its sour taste. Additional health benefits include helping dissolve kidney stones, relieving gout, lowering blood pressure, and balancing glucose levels. The easiest way to take raw apple cider vinegar is to mix a cup of water with a tablespoon or two of the vinegar and raw honey.
garlic Garlic has the ability to dissolve calcium and acts as an antibiotic, not to mention it helps kick start the immune system. Consume around half to one bulb daily. Soak the garlic in raw apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice to deodorize it to prevent garlic breath! The lemon juice or vinegar can be used in salad dressing or marinades afterwards. Don’t let anything go to waste.
iodine Fluoride from tap water can settle into the pineal gland (check with your local water supply to see if fluoride is used in the treatment process). If one is deficient in iodine, fluoride can take its place in the body. The human body has no use for fluoride in large amounts so the body isolates it in a calcium husk. Increase your iodine intake and you’ll reduce the effect of fluoride on all of your organs. You can get it from organic dietary sources like spinach, broccoli, seaweed, and fish. You can also supplement with iodine. Supplementation should be discussed with your health care practitioner prior to use.
beets Beets are rich in boron. Boron helps balance calcium intake and remove metals and other compounds, like fluoride.
Oregano oil Oregano oil can support the immune system by combating harmful microbes (good ones too, so it’s important to regulate your use and take a probiotic). The risk of gland calcification can be reduced by supporting immune function, as your body will more successfully remove harmful organisms before they can attack tissue like the pineal gland.
Healthy Foods high in
- Tracey Reed, C.H.N.C.
Do you try to eat the best you can? Maybe you add a green supplement or a rice protein powder to your smoothie in the morning? You want the best for your body, so you try to fill it with the healthiest choices you can. What if I told you that some of those choices might not be as healthy as you think? Just last week I was talking to the Calgary Gut Health = Good Health Support Group members about heavy metals, some of the sources of these metals and the health implications of these metals on the human body. Heavy metals include things like lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium. The accumulation of these metals in the body can be a contributing factor to autoimmune conditions, neurological conditions, thyroid problems and kidney problems, as well as many other health conditions. Common sources include things like silver mercury amalgam dental fillings, consumption of predatory fish like tuna or shark, vaccinations, antiperspirant use and wearing makeup. There are a variety of industrial sources of exposure as well, such as mining and pulp and paper manufacturing. I was surprised to learn recently that there are many other food sources that I had not previously known about, so I am excited to be able to share them now.
Food Forensics Food Forensics is a book written by Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger," and founder of In this well-researched book, he looks at ingredients that are used in our food supply that are harmful to our health, as well as chemical contamination and heavy metal contamination. While I was familiar with many of the additives and chemicals that are used in processed and packaged foods, I was surprised at the extent of heavy metal toxicity present in commonly eaten foods. Here is a brief summary of some of the heavy metals and the food sources they are especially high in: Arsenic: apple juice, rice, poultry and swine Mercury: high-fructose corn syrup Lead: chlorella from China, calcium supplements, pet treats made in China, chopped clams, sea vegetable superfoods, cacao superfoods, organic rice protein, cooking spices, fish treats for cats, sunflower seeds Aluminum: seaweed superfood granules, gingko supplements,
a popular children's multivitamin, calcium supplements, baking powder Copper: children's multivitamin, line of "raw" multivitamins, popular mineral supplement Steps to Take 1. If you drink apple juice, buy juice that is locally grown and produced. Don't be fooled by the "made in Canada" label. Many of the apples are imported from China. 2. Replace items that use high-fructose corn syrup with items using natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. High-fructose corn syrup is bad for your health for many reasons, so this is just one more to add to the list. 3. Replace "green" blends with fresh greens. Add spinach, kale, shoots or your favourite leafy greens to smoothies. If you use chlorella, choose from outside China. I like Giddy Yoyo's chlorella, which is sourced from Taiwan, and Mike Adams produces Clean Chlorella, which is grown in a controlled environment. 4. Research where your supplements are sourced from. Talk to staff in health food and supplement stores, or contact a company directly and ask what country the ingredients come from. 5. Replace rice protein powder with an alternative protein. My favourite is hydrolyzed collagen such as Vital Proteins or Bulletproof. 6. Buy an aluminum-free baking powder. These can be found in health food stores. 7. Make your own pet treats, or visit a local farmer's market for treats so you know exactly what is going into your pet. 8. Buy as much locally grown and raised food as you can and prepare meals yourself. Take a couple of hours on a weekend to do some batch cooking to last you through the week. Casseroles, stews and soups are great things to make in large batches to get you through the week. As a general rule, ingredients imported from China, India or Thailand tend to have a much higher probability of heavy metal contamination than foods grown in North America, Europe, New Zealand or many South American countries. For a much more detailed look at all the foods that are contaminated and the health implications of specific heavy metal toxicity, read Food Forensics by Mike Adams. It's an easy read. Were you as surprised as I was about the heavy metal contamination of certain foods? What is the first change you will make?
Tracey is a holistic nutritional consultant, GAPS practitioner and CSNN instructor who specializes in gut health as it relates to neurological, autoimmune and other chronic health conditions. In addition to consulting and instructing she is the co-founder of the Gut Health = Good Health Support Group which offers long-term support for people on SCD, GAPS, AIP and Paleo diets. 403-971-7593
Essence of Nature - offers 100% therapeutic grade essential oils and blends to help improve health and well being. Aromatherapy consultations are available to customize a blend or incorporate oils for certain ailments. Katie also offers Reflexology, Reiki, & Sports & Relaxation Massage. Contact Katie 250-255-0563.
BODY THERAPIES & HEALING Eternal Essence Healing - Carmen Blackier 250-991-1696 “Touch for Health” and “Body Management” provide gentle, whole body balancing using acupressure and muscle testing to promote healing. I work with structural alignment, pain relief, acid reflux, sleep problems, circulation and more! Body balancing is for everyone from children to seniors! Rent & Re Lax - If you experience tension, sore muscles, back or feet, or have poor circulation, we’re here to help. We have an inversion table, muscle relax pads, reflexology vibrator and a circulation promoter. Introductory rate until June. To book an appointment or for more info call 250-747-2410. 331 A St. Laurent Ave., Quesnel
ESSENTIAL OILS When it comes to our essential oils, Young Living sets the standard for purity and authenticity. We carefully monitor the production of our oils through our unique Seed to Seal process, ensuring purity and protecting nature’s living energy in every bottle. Visit
FITNESS / GYMS Q Fitness We have circuit / interval classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12pm Saturdays at 10am 250-992-9711
HEALTHY FOOD / FARMS GRASS FED-FINISHED BEEF Happy, healthy beef! NO grain, NO GMO’S, NO hormones, NO growth implants, NO antibiotics. Raised on pasture with kindness and respect. Individual cuts or by the side. Springhouse area of Williams Lake. Visitors and enquiries are welcomed. Please contact Debbie Irvine B. Sc. (Agr). Ph: 250-392-9418 or e-mail: Stay Golden Nutrition is a nutritionist-run catering and lunch-delivery company. Using fresh, whole foods ingredients we create personalized, seasonal menus that will please your taste buds while supporting your health & wellness goals! Contact Jessica for more information Loco Local Market provides high quality, organic, whole foods in any quantity. We sell only the finest grains, flours, nuts, seeds, oils, vinegars, baking supplies, beans, dried fruit, herbs, spices and many specialty mixes. Contact us to find out more,
LIFE COACHING reNEWyu - Life Coaching
What’s keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams? What if you could achieve more than you thought possible? I can help you! Together we can uncover what you ultimately would like to do or be and ensure you continue forward down an empowering path. Contact Karen Hawkridge at or 250-983-2295
MASSAGE, REGISTERED Hands on Health Massage Therapy provides personalized injury prevention and rehabilitation, Pain and Chronic Disease Management, as well as Self Care tools to help you live life to your fullest potential. Christa Pooley is a Registered Massage Therapist with the College of Massage Therapists since 2004. 250-983-2362
PHYSIOTHERAPY, VESTIBULAR (DIZZY/VERTIGO) Vestibular Rehabilitation: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, migraine associated vertigo, age- related balance and dizziness, concussion management, bilateral vestibular lesions, cervicogenic dizziness, persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD). Depending on your diagnosis, treatment can take as little as one visit and in other cases 6-8 visits. 250-562-8248
REFLEXOLOGY Pür Zen Reflexology - Reflexology promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, soothes tired feet, and encourages overall healing. It can be used as a complimentary therapy for cancer patients. Tammy McHugh is a certified Foot Reflexologist. Contact Tammy at 1-604-316-7768 or or find her on Facebook.
SKINCARE / BEAUTY We are excited to share we now carry Naturopathica, an organic skincare line with botanical extracts, probiotics & seed oils to nourish the skin barrier, reduce inflammation & help restore collagen loss. Naturopathica is a simple regimen for everyday use. Visit for product details. Available at Essential Balance 250-992-5615.
VISION CARE Three Opticians on staff to serve you. We have Quesnel’s best pricing, highest quality lens, excellent service. Large choice of frames, choice of lenses, progressive, bifocal, transitions, sunwear, safety. One hour on instock single vision. Direct billing. See us! Lensmasters Optical West Park Mall 250-992-5240.
WOMEN’S HEALTH Women’s Health @ phone: (250) 562- 8248 • Post surgical breast care • Pelvic Floor rehabilitation • Affordable group Pelvic Floor – Core classes cover pelvic floor remapping, effective kegels, and the basics of core activation • 1:1 consults available
JUly 2017
move your body Q UESNEL CLASS DIRECTORY MONDAY 5:30-7pm Mixed Level Flow TUESDAY 10-11am Hatha 4:15-5:15pm Yin 5:45-6:45pm Gentle & Beginner WEDNESDAY 5:30-7pm Hatha Flow THURSDAY 9-10am Sun Salutations 4:15-5:15pm Yin 5:45-6:45pm Gentle & Beginner SATURDAY 11am-12pm Gentle & Beginner
SUN & SAGE YOGA 654 Reid Street 250-983-5077
Classes are subject to change. Please visit business websites to stay up to date.
Love Granola?
make your own from scratch This recipe can be doubled and stored in mason jars. I often use half pecans, half almonds slivers and almost always use coconut oil. Serve it with yogurt and fresh berries. Feel free to add dried cranberries or other dried fruit after baking. You can also replace some of the oats with ground flaxseeds, oat bran, chia seeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. It makes a great hostess gift. Maple Pecan Granola Yields approximately 3 cups 2 cups old fashioned rolled oats (gluten free if required) 1 cup pecan pieces ¼ cup walnut oil, macadamia oil or coconut oil ¼ cup maple syrup ½ teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon sea salt 2 tablespoons chia seeds 2 tablespoons hemp seeds Directions: Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine the oats, pecans, salt and cinnamon together in a bowl. Stir in the maple syrup, oil and vanilla. Spread the granola onto the baking sheet. Bake for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned. **If you have a hot oven, check at 30 minutes. It should be light brown not dark. Stir in the chia and hemp seeds. When cooled completely store in a sealed jar in the fridge.
MARRAKESH TROUT WITH CARROT & CUCUMBER RIBBON SALAD Marrakesh Trout Serves 4 – 6 1 trout fillet, skin on Marrakesh Salmon Seasoning – The Spice Merchants 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup Drizzle of olive oil Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper Cilantro Directions: Preheat the broiler to high. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Rinse the trout under cold water and pat dry. Lay the trout skin side down on the prepared baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and brush with maple syrup. Generously sprinkle the Marrakesh spice over the salmon. Chop a little fresh cilantro and sprinkle a little over the salmon. Place in the oven on the middle rack under the broiler. Broil, watching very carefully, checking for doneness after 10 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the trout. I basically check if every few minutes because overcooked fish is not good. Remove from the oven when it flakes back easily with a fork. Green Salad with dates, carrot and cucumber ribbons, orange cumin dressing 4 – 6 oz. fresh spring gr 3 carrots, shaved into ribbons 1 cucumber, shaved into ribbons 5 dates, freshest possible, pitted and diced 3 – 4 oz. feta, crumbled Fresh mint and cilantro, chopped Orange Cumin Dressing Juice of one navel orange Juice and zest of one lime 2 dates, pitted 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves 1/3 cup good quality olive oil 1/2 shallot, finely diced 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin Sea salt and pepper Directions: Combine the greens, carrot ribbons, cucumber ribbons, dates, feta, chopped mint and cilantro in a large bowl. Add the orange juice, lime juice, zest, dates, cilantro, shallot, cumin, pinch of sea salt and pepper to a Vitamix. Blend until smooth. Add the olive oil and blend just until emulsified. Toss the greens with desired amount of dressing and serve with trout.
Coconut yogurt Choose a quality probiotic with over 10 billion active strains. Simply pop open the capsules and stir into the coconut milk. Use organic coconut milk from a BPA free can containing no additives or gums. Coconut Yogurt 1 liter coconut milk 6 probiotic capsules Directions: Sterilize a glass container by pouring boiling water into it. A glass baking dish or Mason jar work great. Turn the oven to warm for a few minutes. Turn the oven off and turn the oven light on. Leave the oven light on to keep the yogurt at a stable temperature. Pour the coconut milk into the sterilized glass container and sprinkle the probiotic powder from the capsules over the coconut milk. Stir with a wooden spoon to incorporate the powder. Cover the dish with a lid and place in the oven with the light on. Leave the coconut milk, undisturbed for 24 hours. Remove from the oven and place in the fridge for an additional 6 hours before serving. Store in the fridge for up to 10 days.
All recipes in this issue are courtesy of Stacey Deering is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, recipe creator, food photographer and fitness coach livng in Calgary BC.
health & wellness
Four Direction Festival - Williams Lake
The biggest Downtown event of the year. (This is Downtown’s traditional post-Stampede Parade “Street Party” completely re-envisioned!) Imagine 4-squareblocks closed to vehicles from 12pm – 9pm! Imagine exploring downtown on foot, bike and roller-blades and discovering alleys and stores and interest groups and whole communities you didn’t know were here! Join us July 1st from 12pm – 9pm to celebrate our Colourful Cariboo Culture and all the diverse passions and amazing individuals within it. Leave your car and prepare to walk, roll and dance through the streets of downtown. Four Direction Festival is on 1st from Yorston to Borland, on 2nd and 3rd from Yorston to Oliver, and on Oliver from Mackenzie to 3rd.
A Summer Garden
Everybody loves a garden! This is an interactive community art project guided by local artists. We will be having workshops and demos for the whole family as well as a community gallery show. We would like to invite all local artists to submit their work (for show or for sale) to our Community Gallery Show to be held during July and August, 2017. Gallery membership is not required (but we'd love to have you as a member.) The theme of this year's summer program is called, "A Summer Garden". What does summer mean to you? Please bring your artwork to the gallery before July 5, 2017. The Opening Reception for this gallery show will be held on July 7, 2017 from 7-9 pm. For more info, please call us at 250-991-4014 or email us at
Arts Wells 2017
August 4 @ 8:00 am - August 7 @ 5:00 pm Spend three days immersing yourself in all things cultural. Festival presented by Island Mountain Arts and events take place in Wells and in Barkerville. For details, including ticket information, please go to See back cover for more events and workshops offered by Island Mountain Arts.
From Salads and Gluten Free to Vegan and Vegetarian, we have many different options for the Health Conscious individual.
240 Reid Street 778-414-9050
Tues - Thurs 8am - 9pm Fri & Sat 8am - 10pm Sunday 8am - 8pm
Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Workshops & Other Programming TONI ONLEY ARTISTS’ PROJECT
July 8-16
July 8-11
ARTSWELLS FESTIVAL of all things art
August 1-4
August 4-7
August 26-29
October 13-15
August 1-3
nonfiction, short fiction & poetry narratives
August 26-29
August 1-4
August 26-29
brought to you by ISLAND MOUNTAIN ARTS, Wells BC
register online or call us 1-800-442-2787
for more info, visit: