Natur & Kultur Children’s and Young Adult Books 2013

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Natur & Kultur

Children’s & Young Adult Books 2013

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2013-02-18 15.02

Stories that Matter For me, it all started when I dialed a wrong number. By accident I happened to get through to a children’s book publisher, a conversation which ended up with the sudden decision that I would start as an intern there the following week. For Natur & Kultur, it started in the 1940’s with My Treasury, a series of ­anthologies containing a range of classic stories, rhymes and Swedish ­folktales – the first of its kind in Sweden. These publications for young r­ eaders are now considered classics, partly because of their distinctive design. I am proud to say that since then we have published a large number of award-­winning books created by successful and unique illustrators and authors who dare to follow their own path. These books have been translated into many languages and published all over the world. When I made that call 15 years ago my mind was set on working with poetry and adult fiction, which was generally the most viable career path for us literary graduates. We had preconceptions that children’s books weren’t true literature, that they weren’t as intricate and demanding as books for adults. Today, I know this to be an utter misconception. Sadly, I still encounter prejudice in my profession, and I’m sure you do as well. These preconceptions undermine our work as publishers, but most of all they undermine children and their reading. Today, in this complex world that new generations of children are struggling to make sense of, books are more important than ever. It is crucial that publishers do not take the easy way out, but to keep searching for stories that matter, stories that take time. It’s urgent that we offer children literature that engages and fuels their imagination. If we fail in getting new generations of children reading, we won’t, in the long run, have any adult readers left. Ultimately it is a question of democracy. I have come a long way from looking at children’s books as something cute that anybody can write, illustrate or publish, and I feel the urge to upgrade children’s books on the literary platform. What if we decide that 2013 will be that year? Looking back, I’m so happy I dialed that wrong number. It has enriched my life. Warmly,

Johanna Ringertz Publisher of books for all ages

Cover by Lisen Adbåge 2013

Natur & Kultur was founded in 1922 and is Sweden’s third largest publishing house. It consists of textbook and academic publishing on the one hand, and a trade publishing division on the other. The trade division publishes some 80 titles per year, divided between popular psychology, fiction and narrative non-fiction, illustrated non-fiction, and children’s and young adult books.

NEW TITLES MARCH – MAY 2013 Nilsson, Moni: The Class Trip/Klassresan (Fiction 12+) Nilsson, Moni: Alice Hearts Rob/Malin + Rasmus = Sant (Fiction 12+) Adbåge, Lisen: Koko and Bo. Do you dare?/Koko och Bosse. Törs inte! (Picture book) Bengtsson, Elin: Between Winter and Heaven/Mellan vinter och himmel (Young adult) Gustavsson, Per: The Shadow Side/Skuggsidan (Picture book) Sparring, Anders: Charlie the Wrestler and Boris Olsson/Karla Brottare och Boris Olsson

Natur & Kultur is also a not-for-profit foundation, with a mission to “counteract totalitarian ideas and forms of government and foster economic and political freedom”. The foundation handles a range of stipends and awards, among which is Natur & Kultur’s Culture Prize. The fact that the publishing house continues to operate as a foundation, and promote its values, makes it a unique and independent force in the Swedish publishing (Fiction 6–9) landscape.

JUNE – AUGUST 2013 Höjer/Hansson: Fiddle and Goony Meet Pirates/Fille och Gonkan hos sjörövarna (Easy reader/Fiction) Höjer, Dan: The Sockman and the Big Secret/Strumpmannen och den stora hemligheten (Easy reader/Fiction) Engholm, Bengt-Erik: Skeletons/Skelett (Easy reader/Non-fiction)

SEPTEMBER – NOVEMBER 2013 Gustavsson, Per: When a Princess Visits the Zoo/När prinsessor går på zoo (Picture book) Gustavsson, Per: The Princess’ Book of Friends/Prinsessans kompisbok (Activity book) Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: Otis’ Mittens/Otis vantar (Picture book) Nilsson, Frida: Jagger Jagger (Fiction 6–9) Ollmark/Wänblad: The Nightman/Nattmannen (Fiction 9–12) Rundberg, Johan: The Love Pizza/Kärlekspizzan (Fiction 9–12) Wester, Johanna: Bedtime Stories for the Sleepless/Nattsagor för sömnlösa (Young adult)

UPCOMING TITLES 2014 Björkelid, Anders: The Children of the Blood. Dusk of Frost/Berättelsen om blodet. Frostskymning (Fantasy) Langa, Annika: The Secret of Moon Mountain/Månsbergets hemlighet (Fiction 9–12) Ingves, Gunilla: Teddy Bruno’s Summer/Nalle Brunos sommar (Picture book) Höjer/Hansson: Fiddle and Goony Meet Dinosaurs/Fille och Gonkan hos dinosaurierna (Easy reader/Fiction) Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: My Tree Can Never Die/Mitt träd kan aldrig dö (Picture book) Mendel-Hartvig/Gustavsson: Otis Longs/Otis längtar (Picture book)

Contact: Catharina Lantz | Foreign Rights Agent, Children’s Books | | +46-8-453 86 94 Natur & Kultur | Karlavägen 31 | P.O. Box 27323 | SE-102 54 Stockholm | Sweden |

New title!

More hours passed, until not only my butt felt like concrete, but the entire me. My brain too. I couldn’t think, I was so freezing cold. I wasn’t afraid of the rats any longer. There weren’t any. Astrid was stupid and silly and super mean. So were Allan and George. I wished they’d never been born. No, I wish I’d never been born. That would have been better. Then there would be one less gross fatty on Earth. And mom wouldn’t have to be so darn sad all the time because she had a kid that no one wanted to play with.

Frida Nilsson

Tremendous Humor and Great Sincerity Why do you write books? To think about something else for a while and to find out if things turn out well in the end. What’s the best part of writing books? And the worst? The best is when you come up with something that makes the story so much better. The worst is when you rewrite a paragraph five times and it still doesn’t get better.


Describe yourself in three words! Fun, grumpy, brown-haired.


Hedvig and the Summer with Chubby

Hedvig and Max-Olov

Hedvig and Hardemo’s Princess

The Crow’s Incredible Hitchhiking Adventure

Frida Nilsson (born 1979) writes about the big questions in life – friendship, death and love – with tremendous humor and great sincerity. She has been compared to writers such as Roald Dahl and Barbro Lindgren. Frida made her debut with The Crow’s Incredible Hitchhiking Adventure in 2004, and during the following year both Me and Gorilla and the first book about Hedvig were published. The second book about Hedvig, Hedvig and Max-Olov, was nominated for the August Prize in 2006, and two other books about the streetwise country-bumpkin followed. In 2008, Me and Dante at the Dump was published. It is the story of Helge who is innocently blamed for bank theft and escapes to a dump outside town and befriends a rat named Dante. Besides her books, Frida is well-known as a television and radio show host. Frida is internationally successful, and her books have been sold to France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Serbia, Poland and Korea. Me and Gorilla, a funny and memorable book about the unconventional friendship between orphan Jonna and the gorilla mother that adopts her, was a Jugendliteraturpreis finalist in Germany in 2011 and a Prix Tam-Tam/ J’aime Lire finalist in France in 2012/2013. Fall 2013 will se the publication of Frida’s new title Jagger, Jagger, a dark but humorous story about Sven, who is being bullied by the other kids in the neighborhood, and his only friend; the hobo dog Jagger.

Me and Gorilla

Do you have any advice for getting started with writing? Just write. If it doesn’t work then don’t.

Me and Dante at the Dump

Do you have certain characters that you are more attached to? The rat Dante in Me and Dante at the Dump.

Elin Bengtsson was born in 1987 and raised in Uddevalla, Sweden. In 2010/2011 she was a student at Norden Association’s School of Writing at Biskops Arnö, one of the most prestigious writing programs in the country, and has previously studied political science. She is a co-editor of the anthology ”Alerta! – a report of Ecuador in change” (Nixon förlag 2008). Elin has also been involved in running writing camps for children and young adults.


Between Winter and Heaven

Debut Novel by Elin Bengtsson

“Metal butterflies. He doesn’t know where they come from, from inside the guitar or from the black sky inside of himself, but he lets them go, lets them flutter out through the window or through the key hole of Andreas’ door. He doesn’t know if Andreas can see them, or if he’s just staring at the TV with the sound turned up loud without noticing them at all.” Martin’s younger brother Andreas is fifteen years old and will soon die. Everybody’s waiting for it, in their own way. While their mom is overprotective and their dad turns away, Martin takes refuge in music and resents his brother for not taking advantage of the little time he has left. But at night Martin dreams of condemning angels of death. Isn’t he the one who deserves to die, who despises Andreas for his dullness? Secretly, Andreas himself writes down three important things that he has to do. Now, before it’s too late. Between Winter and Heaven is a gripping and heartbreaking debut about being in death’s waiting room. It deals with muddled and confined emotions of sorrow and guilt, but also with reconciliation, love, and ultimately, hope.

A book always begins much earlier. When it starts I am fifteen years old. I have tangled black hair, flannel shirts that are too big, and I am angry almost all the time. I read poetry and put up posters outside. And I write. And write. Write and write. Among other things I write a short story about two brothers. One of them is going to die. The other one plays the guitar and has a black sky inside of him. Years later, I start writing a novel based on this short story. That novel became Between Winter and Heaven. So you can say that it took ten years for this book to be created. I’ve been doing many other things in the meantime. Shelled peas and sold morocho at a market in Ambato, Ecuador. Edited an anthology about political operations and popular resistance in Ecuador. Written a graduate paper in Social Science about anti-capitalism and the struggle against heteronormativity. Raked gravel and pruned trees at Ramneröd Cemetery. Run creative writing classes for fifteen-year-old girls who say: ”Elin, it feels like my language doesn’t fit inside the ordinary language, if you know what I mean, I can’t explain it.” While working on Between Winter and Heaven I’ve been exploring ideas about identity and alienation. The brothers Martin and Andreas both exist outside of established companionships – Andreas like a grey shadow, Martin like an unapproachable metal butterfly collector all dressed in black. To write this book has been to dive head first into the dysfunctionality of the middle class family. And to

shamelessly delve into doubtful positions: the guitar boy, the girl in front of the mirror, the overprotective mother serving everyone raspberry lemonade. I am fascinated by the ordinary that in its ordinariness becomes grotesque. And infinitely fragile. The border zones. The limits of the intolerable. Of the imaginable. Or, like in Between Winter and Heaven, the limit that is set by death, by never having time to tell your brother I’m sorry. Thoughts about power and resistance. About Sara in front of the bathroom mirror. How she leans closer, almost touching the glass with her tongue before she backs away, HA-HA SO THAT’S WHAT YOU THOUGHT little Sara-inthe-mirror. That you would get to make out with the most beautiful girl in the world? Sorry, maybe another time. Thoughts about the seeping out, the seemingly paradoxical; wearing a weapon and a lace dress in the street, bearing blame and hubris, bearing pain that glistens and glows like a star. Writing for me is a political concern, a way to be. And the words are also my playground. I take her hand. The fifteen-year-old me. She looks suspiciously at me, because even though I am still wearing a shirt that is too big and I am no less angry, what I say and write is taken more seriously. But she presses my hand in return, and I say we did good, this book, us together.

Elin Bengtsson


Johanna Wester, born 1984, works as a children’s rights publicist and an editor. Previously she has published the book Ton År that garnered a lot of praise.

Bedtime Stories for the Sleepless

Insomnia and the City Olivia is nineteen years old and Stockholm is the stage on which she performs the play about herself. She is at that age when she feels the pressures of adulthood but none of its freedom. Without an education and with a temporary job at a kiosk, the only thing keeping her flying free is the nights out on the town; in the bars and the clubs. There are her best friends Pascal and Chris, who cannot stand each other, but Olivia has tied them to herself, tightly. Then there’s Josef, four years older, who is the one Olivia drops everything for – her great love and sorrow. Josef lives with someone else, with Her, in a deep-rooted existence with work and a decorated apartment. But Josef does choose to be with Olivia

during all those other times, when She is out of town, when She believes him to be out with the boys. And Olivia gratefully accepts, because Josef is the “tough Prince” that she dreams of. Not even a wild weekend trip to Amsterdam gets Josef off her mind. Meanwhile, Olivia doesn’t see Pascal who’s always been there, who might have wanted something more than friendship. And tough and hard Chris, who all of a sudden sees Pascal. Olivia is a female Holden Caulfield, demanding love and longing for another life to step into when her own becomes too messy. With a hypnotic language and an impetuous pace, Johanna Wester depicts a young woman without a guidebook in the adult world.

My longing is my entire script, the only thing I can hang on to when I forget my lines. I can’t run from it.

Bo climbs to the top of the diving tower. “Jump! Jump! Jump!” Koko shouts. But Bo stands still. “Are you scared?” Koko says. “I don’t think I feel like it,” Bo says. “CHICKEN!” a tough guy yells. “Go ahead and dive yourself if you dare!“ Koko says. The guy leaves. Bo climbs down again. “How brave of you to tell that guy off,” says Bo.

Koko and Bo

The Dynamic Duo

The second book about the wonderful duo Koko and Bo! Once again we are invited to take part in their everyday life, which is drawn with lots of humor and tenderness. What might be frightening to one person might not be so for another, but courage is about facing your fears. And that’s what Koko and Bo do, together. A warm book that you will want to read again and again. Lisen Adbåge’s illustrations have fresh unconventional perspectives, the colors give depth to the setting while the characters shine with their own peculiarities.

About Koko and Bo “The nicest picture book in a long time” Tidningen Vi Föräldrar

“It’s not only the sunset that sparkles, but Lisen Adbåge’s whole narrative in words and pictures”

Koko and Bo. Do You Dare?

Svenska Dagbladet

”One could say that the book has an excellent child’s perspective, but that would be an understatement. It’s better than that. The adult also has a place in it. Simply a good people perspective” Borås tidning

Big Emma

Koko and Bo. Sold to: Denmark


The Big Baby Switch by Petter Lidbeck (text) and Lisen Adbåge (illustration) Sold to: Denmark and Korea

Lisen Adbåge was born in 1982 and lives in southern Sweden with her husband and her dog Stina. Lisen is an illustrator, author and graphic novelist.

Isaac and His Island by Petter Lidbeck (text) and Lisen Adbåge (illustration)

Sigrid and Night

A Quiet and Comforting Night

FOTO: José Figueroa

Sigrid hasn’t slept a wink for the last 30 years. Early one morning when she is sorting out muesli she hears a strange scraping noise. Someone is hiding under the couch. It turns out it’s Night. “You aren’t allowed to be here,” Sigrid says. She puts Night in her cookie jar and screws the lid on tightly. Hours pass and the day never ends. When she finally takes out the jar, she starts telling Night about her life’s adventures and her friend, the elephant Olaf. One day Olaf became ill. Sigrid has to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief. How can one ever go to sleep when your best friend becomes ill and no medicines help? Night quietly listens, then lifts Sigrid up and carries her through town in his arms. Once again we get to step into Jöns Mellgren’s unique world of images. Sigrid and Night is a poetic and quietly beautiful picture book that comforts and warms the heart.

Jöns Mellgren (born 1976) is an author, illustrator and a film­maker. He made his debut at Natur & Kultur in 1999 with the picture book Night in the Jungle. In 2009 he wrote and illustrated the poetic picture book Mustafa ­­ and the Storm, in 2010 Rufus in the Underworld, and with this year’s Sigrid and Night the triptych is completed. The radio adaptation of Mustafa and the Storm was nominated for the Ikaros Prize for Best Drama Production in 2012, together with two other nominees from television and radio.

”A humorous but also sad story that doesn’t give any simple answers.” SvD

Rufus in the Underworld

”just peculiar enough, absolutely brilliant, incredibly funny with a clever sense of humor.” Sydsvenskan

Mustafa and the Storm

Night strokes Sigrid’s hair. Then it gently lifts her up in its arms.


Napoleon is Back This small town in the north of Sweden is where Napoleon and his friends Andy and Khaya live. On the surface, it may seem like a quiet and uneventful place, but there’s more to Perchville than meets the eye.

It’s winter and strange things are happening in Perchville; there’s a break-in at the municipal office, a stranger visits Boris and urges him to move into a retirement home and Khaya receives a strange fortune cookie from the local Chinese restaurant. And what’s more; a company is planning to build luxury homes at the foot of Moon Mountain, but what are the true objectives behind the project? It seems as if all of these things are connected, and Napoleon, Andy and Khaya intend to figure out how. This is the suspenseful and clever sequel to Napoleon & Crackersaurus Rex, starring Napoleon Larson, nerd extraordinaire.

The Secret of Moon Mountain

Meet 12-year-old Napoleon Larson, a self-proclaimed nerd and misfit who is utterly hopeless at soccer and unlucky in love. However, this summer, he won’t have time to dwell on all that. No, he’s too busy trying to prevent the baby of the mythical Great Lake Monster from falling into the hands of two sinister bounty hunters. Will he, with the help of Andy, Khaya and ”crazy” Boris, be able to outsmart them and keep the poor animal safe? Find out in this thrilling and hilarious adventure story!

Annika Langa is a Swedish journalist residing in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her writing has appeared in South African as well as Swedish media, and she’s also the co-author of two books about southern Africa. She made her fiction debut in 2012 with Napoleon & Crackersaurus Rex.


Napoleon & Crackersaurus Rex. Sold to: Germany and Serbia


Tender Feelings and Angry Outbursts Otis’ mitten is stupid. It’s wet and and not comfortable at all. Stella has new mittens. Her hat has tassels and she doesn’t have to wear a scarf. Otis is jealous of Stella. Otis’ clothes are stupid. His hat is on wrong, his scarf is itchy and his shoes are on the wrong foot. All of a sudden EVERYTHING is stupid. Even Stella’s nice gloves. Otis and Stella take off all of their wet and itchy clothes and throw them to the ground. It’s fun! But then Otis’ dad gets angry. He’s the stupidest of them all! A playful picture book for the youngest children, unerringly told from the perspective of a two-and-a-half-year old. The second book in the sweet series about Otis.


Åsa Mendel-Hartvig lives in Stockholm. She is a journalist and works with public relations at Greenpeace. Åsa has previously written the books Tesslas mamma vill inte! and Tesslas pappa vill inte! with Caroline Röstlund, published by Olika Förlag.

Otis Consoles. Sold to: Denmark and Korea


Otis’ Mittens

Ane Gustavsson is an illustrator and a viola player. She collaborated with Lennart Hellsing in the book Drills and Dragon Ears. The Book about the Instruments (2011). She has also illustrated several books by Christine Falkenland. Ane lives in Arvika, Sweden.

Charlie the Wrestler

Who’s that Girl? Name: Charlie Age: 8 years Family: Dad Jean and brother Martin Worst enemy/Best friend: Ruth Hobbies: Wrestling! Special talent: Wrestling!!! Who do you wrestle to the ground? My friends, my classmates, my dad, my teachers, the police… Love interest: Josef

Although she’s only 8 years old, Charlie can wrestle anybody to the ground. Is it because she’s really big and has lots of muscles? No, that’s not it. Charlie isn’t very strong at all. She just loves to wrestle! Charming and funny books in the spirit of Frida Nilsson, with a main character whom the reader immediately falls for! Illustrated by Jonna Björnstjerna. Charlie the Wrestler. Sold to: Denmark

Charlie the Wrestler and Boris Olsson

Jonna Björnstjerna (born 1983) is an illustrator, cartoonist, and a writer. At Natur & Kultur, she has previously illustrated ghost stories by Dan Höjer. Her own book Godistrollet won the Book Jury award for best picture book in 2010.


Anders Sparring (born 1969) lives in Årsta just outside Stockholm. Since 1998, he has written for children’s television. Charlie the Wrestler was Anders’ first book on his own. Beside writing, he’s also involved in stand-up comedy and runs a popular comedy club in Stockholm.

The Love Pizza

Love and Skateboard Tricks A story about falling down and getting up again.

Johan Rundberg tried out skateboarding when he was younger but after getting hurt and bruised he decided it wasn’t for him. Nowadays, he considers himself to be interested in skateboarding in theory rather than in practice. When Johan is not writing books he works as a sports journalist in Stockholm where he lives with his family. Previous titles by Johan Rundberg include the picture book Esther Branson and the Pet-Swapping Day and the books about Ella in our Easy Reader series.


How on earth did he end up here, at the edge of this skateboard ramp? How did he become Movits the Skateboard Superhero, admired by all (including Beatrice, whom he has a serious crush on)? Perhaps you’re wondering: Is Movits a natural raw talent, born to be skating with the best of them? Nope. Absolutely not. But one should never underestimate the power of beginner’s luck. During a practice Movits manages to perform one of the hardest skateboard tricks there is. His achievement ends up on YouTube and it doesn’t take long before the TV show Top of the Class wants him to repeat the trick, this time before a live audience. Will he be able to pull it off once more? What if he’s exposed as a major phoney when people realize they’ve been duped, and worst of all – what will Beatrice think of him? Much is at stake when you’re prepared to be a fool for love. But, at the end of the day, what are a few bruises and broken ribs, compared to getting your pride hurt and your heart broken?

Biscuit & Gordon

Life. Love. Lists. Biscuit likes to make lists. She does it to sort out her thoughts; to figure out what she is really thinking and feeling. But mainly she does it to understand herself better. Because even though she’s best friends with Gordon (the most awesome person ever!), and has a loving – albeit quirky family – life can be quite

complicated. Nevertheless, Biscuit faces life head on, with tenacity and outspokenness, and always with a great sense of humor. The books about Biscuit and Gordon are charming and refreshingly honest, simply a must read for every typical atypical teenager!


Biscuit and Gordon. Two Steps Forward and One Step Back

Biscuit and Gordon. Black Holes and Broken Strings

Biscuit and Gordon. Love, Kisses and Records Sold to: Norway

Biscuit and Gordon. Summer and Sweet Secrets Sold to: Norway and Denmark

Biscuit and Gordon. The Dad with the Big Shoes Sold to: Norway, France, Denmark and The Netherlands


About a Boy Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki Johansson has won the hearts of readers all over the world since the first book, Tsatsiki and Mom, was published in 1995. To date, the books have been translated into 17 languages and they continue to gain new generations of fans. Moni Nilsson’s portrayal of the everyday life of young Tsatsiki and his somewhat unconventional mother, is characterized by a unique familiar and captivating style, making the books true classics of our time.

Tsatsiki and Mom

Tsatsiki and Dad

Tsatsiki on His Own

Tsatsiki Falls in Love

Tsatsiki and Retzina


The best part of being an author is when my fingers come alive on the keyboard and just write without me controlling them. The worst part is deciding whether my fingers have created something good or bad. – Moni Nilsson

Moni Nilsson is one of Sweden’s most acclaimed authors of children’s books and young adult fiction. She has received numerous prestigious literary awards such as the Astrid Lindgren Prize in 2010 for meritorious authorship within the realm of Swedish literature for children and youth.


The Class Trip

Alice Hearts Rob

Bits and Pieces with Samuel

Liquorice and Sputnik

Liquorice and Hedda

High Hopes

The Treasure of Sejte

The Princess

Celebrating 10 years! New titles!

That’s what a Princess Does

When a Princess Celebrates her Birthday

When a Princess Goes on Vacation

When a Princess Wakes up at Night


Per Gustavsson is an illustrator and an author, born in 1962 and living in Stockholm. He’s illustrated a number of books, both his own and others’, and his illustrations are often seen in magazines. The books about the Princess have been a success story from the start – they have sold in 150,000 copies in Sweden and have been published in all Nordic countries. The Princess has also been adapted for the stage, and started a rockband. The Princess Rockband’s song ”Glada tillsammans” (Happy Together) actually made it to the charts in the summer of 2012. The idea to write about a tough and adventure-seeking princess came when Per’s daughter Kajsa declared that all princesses only ever do is marry and have children – but of course princesses do much, much more, as depicted in Per’s stories. But has it ever been problematic to discuss gender roles when writing about princesses? ”I think the premise of it being a princess or a prince actually makes it easier. Because they are so weighed down by how they should act according to tradition. You don’t have to make them do very extreme things until it’s evident that they’ve broken their own rules. For example, letting the princess carry a sword. That alone sets her apart from other princesses and opens up a lot of possibilities,” says Per. This year the Princess celebrates her 10-year anniversary. And if there’s one thing a princess knows how to do well, it is to celebrate.

When a Princess Throws a Party

The Princess’ Rockband

The Prince

When Princes Stumble on Adventure

the Princess. The Prince may not be as tough as his friends, but sometimes it’s important to remember that it isn’t always the loudest and most cocky kid who is the bravest.

When Princes Stay at Home

When Princes Become Enchanted

When Princes Catch Dragons

In 2009 the first book about the Prince was published, and since then three more books have been written. Just like the Princess, he is a sympathetic hero who solves problems, however a bit more reluctantly than

The Shadow Side

The Shadow Side. Sold to: Denmark

Facing Fears

Raymond makes a shadow figure in the shape of a bird. A cat shadow appears and Raymond makes the bird fly away to avoid being eaten. He follows the bird into a shadow forest. It turns into a spooky journey with the pencil as Raymond’s only protection. A poetic and thrilling story about a child who takes control of the fantasy world and overcomes his fears through his imagination. The most recent book by best-selling author Per Gustavsson!

The universe of Crab Lake Island

Are You Brave Enough to Get Involved? The seaside town of Crab Lake Island holds many secrets, which Karl Dymling and his friend Sarah never seem to escape from.



In the sixth book set on Crab Lake Island, inexplicable deaths start to occur around town. Karl and Sarah are determined to uncover who’s responsible for the terrible crimes and all things point to a mysterious figure known as the Nightman. But who is he and what does he want?

The series about Karl Dymling is written by Lena Ollmark and Mats Wänblad. Lena is a journalist, a writer and an artist. She has written manga for teenagers as well as scripts for cartoons and children’s television shows. Mats is a well-known writer in Sweden, among others he has written the books about Lovisa who plays football. The Nightman

Vallona – The Haunted Ship Sold to: Denmark, Norway and Germany

Captain Black-Oak’s Grave Sold to: Denmark and Germany

The Spring of the Dead Sold to: Germany

Hanged Man’s Island

The Visitor’s Shadow

Mamma Moo

Imagine  ... ... if a cow did the things we do. How silly that would be!

Jujja Wieslander is a well-known and successful author in Sweden and has written the books about Mamma Moo and Crow among others.

ideas and a (although somewhat exaggerated) confidence in his own capability. The feeling of “I’m fantastic and fully competent!”. Just like many children´s wonderful self-esteem. The two forces – the will to discover, give it a try, practice and to grow on the one hand, and the need to correct, put on the brakes and control, on the other – are planted in the characters Mamma Moo and Crow. Many readers have said that they can relate to both. Just about all the stories about Mamma Moo and Crow come from a child’s world. Almost 25 years ago the characters Mamma Moo and Crow were born. The stories of the strange and playful cow and her reluctant friend first appeared in radio programs and songs, that were appreciated by children and adults alike. Me and my late husband Tomas Wieslander were behind them. When these stories were adapted for the world of picture books and chapter books, Mamma Moo and Crow were given their humorous physical appearance and setting by Sven Nordqvist. Now the books have been translated to 30-something languages and are scattered throughout the world.

Sven Nordqvist is one of Sweden’s finest illustrators. Apart from the spirited pictures of Mamma Moo, he is most well known for his own books about Pettson and Findus.

FOTO: kajsa nordin

FOTO: Lennart Jönsson

A question I often get is how I came up with Mamma Moo. How did it all begin? Sometimes I wish there was a simple and fun four-sentence answer to give, but the answer tends to be a bit longer than that. Mamma Moo is a tribute to children’s curious and clever approach to understanding the world. She does all the things she sees children doing. She tries things out and practices, and isn’t afraid of doing something wrong or embarrassing herself. She plods down the jetty to make the world’s most gigantic bellyflop, just like the children by the lake. She cleans her home and puts flowers in a vase, just like other women in the spring, she succeeds in getting her own library card, just like little brother, and she dances on her toes in the barn, in pink legwarmers, just like Lina in gymnastics. Mamma Moo has a child’s characteristically positive outlook on life. But just like children who encounter resistance in the form of unsympathetic and unwilling adults, Mamma Moo has Crow as her counterpart. Even though they’re friends and he actually likes her, he never admits it. He thinks everything she does is embarrassing and he has the answers to all her questions. The friendship between Crow and Mamma Moo is central. That’s why the intolerable Crow is pretty lovingly portrayed. He’s not only the snippy expert that is discouraging, he has another dimension as well. He is afraid, just like many other cocky characters. He’s afraid of getting wet, he’s afraid of the dark, and there are bigger crows than him. But he’s also the one with the

The Big Book about Mamma Moo and Crow

Mamma Moo Reads

TRANSLATED INTO: Norwegian Finnish German Danish Estonian Icelandic Arabic Lithuanian Polish Chinese Spanish

Hungarian Korean Kurdmanji Sorani Farsi Thai Turkish Assyrian/Syrian Vietnamese Japanese Russian French

Mamma Moo Gets a Scratch


Mamma Moo Goes Down a Slide

Mamma Moo on the Swing

Mamma Moo on the Sledge

Mamma Moo and the Spring Clean

Malyalam Marathi Punjabi Tamil Telugu

Free again in Italy and the Netherlands!

Mamma Moo Climbs a Tree

Mamma Moo and Crow’s Christmas Mamma Moo and Crow

Mamma Moo Builds a Tree House

Grammy Nominated Music!

English Gujarati Hindi Kammala Kannada


Tickling Ghost Stories, Unbelievable Adventure and Sweaty Super Heroes by Dan Höjer! Ghost Stories

The Phantom in the Attic and Other Ghost Stories

Riding with Death and Other Ghost Stories

The Deserted Grave and Other Ghost Stories Sold to: Denmark

Delightfully frightening ghost stories for young readers! Illustrated with suggestive black and white pictures by Jonna Björnstjerna.

Fiddle and Goony Fiddle and Goony are sleeping over at their super-duper old grandparents’. They are so old that they often forget things. But suddenly they remember what it was like a long time ago, in fact, two hundred years ago, when they were pirates and sailed the seven seas. Grandma and grandpa realize they still have their pirate ship stowed away, and Fiddle and Goony are suddenly whisked off through a secret passageway (the garbage chute) on an unbelievable adventure of pirate ships, treasure maps and scary enemies. The free-standing second book in the series is planned for 2014. The books are co-written by Roger Hansson, and illustrated by Anders Nyberg.

New series! Fiddle and Goony Meet Pirates

The Sockman

The Sockman and his Archenemy

The Sockman and the Superheroes The Sockman and Timmy Titmouse

The Sockman and the Superpro

The Sockman Sold to: Norway

The Sockman and the Big Secret

Dan Höjer, born 1964, is an author and journalist. He’s been editor-in-chief for Kamratposten, the most popular children’s magazine in Sweden, and has written many books for children.


Siggy the Sockman is the master of small problems. He flies about in the sky splashing courage and confidence in the form of small drops of sweat on the sad and the worried. But he is also just like anybody else. In the sixth book, Siggy experiences jealousy and love trouble for the very first time. His best friend Lizzy is in love with the Sockman, but how will Siggy make her see him instead of his superhero persona? The Sockman series is written by Dan and Lotta Höjer, and illustrated by Ingela P Arrhenius.

Non-Fiction/Easy Readers

Thrilling Fun Facts

Sold to Denmark and Norway

Bengt-Erik Engholm and Jojo Falk’s award-winning non-fiction titles are packed with thrilling and peculiar facts, and humorous illustrations. They are informative, personal and fun! The book about fakirs won the Book Jury’s award for Best Non-fiction title in 2010. Did you for example know ... ... that if you put a flashlight to your palm in a dark room you can see your own skeleton? ... that some creatures like crayfish have their skeleton on the outside of their body? ... that the smallest bone you have inside of you is in your ear?


... that a bat can capture up to 6,000 mosquitoes in a single night? If they’re not able to eat them all they make a small, handy bag from their own wing to store them in.


... that there was once a fakir who could swallow a frog and then make it come up again? Alive! He had trained the frog in the dark to not scare it when he forced it down into his belly.


Bengt-Erik Engholm was born in 1959 and lives just outside Stockholm. His works include the series about Simon. He also translates animated film, teaches writing courses and works as a personal assistant. Jojo Falk lives in Stockholm with her family and has worked as a freelance illustrator since 1994. She has previously illustrated Mummies, by Malin Lilja, in the same series.

OUR EASY READERS Natur & Kultur’s Easy Reader series is like a bag of sweets to choose from, for everyone who has cracked the code of reading and has grown tired of their school textbooks. Our authors have been asked to write something exciting and funny, something they themselves would have wanted to read at the age of seven to nine. Every book in the Easy Reader series is like a piece of candy, just open it up and enjoy.

Mummies by Malin Lilja and Jojo Falk

Young Adult

Like a Punch in the Gut


Maja-Maria Henriksson made her debut in 2010 with I Exist, a story about 14-year old Johanna whose life is a mess. In school she is physically and mentally abused by two boys and at home by her mother. I Exist is Johanna’s own story about survival against all odds, when the adult world turns its back and fails to take responsibility for what is happening. Based on the author’s own life, the book is a powerful novel about hope, about standing up for oneself when nobody else is there to help you, a novel not likely to leave anybody indifferent. Maja-Maria was awarded the Hans Peterson grant, with the declaration that her book “was essential to write and is essential for everyone to read: both teens and parents”. I Exist won the Book Jury Award for best YA in 2010, and was also nominated for the prestigious August Prize in the category Books for Children and Young Adults. In 2011, the sequel Not Real, Not Imaginary was published. Johanna, now turned 17 years, leaves her mother’s home to seek refuge, though unsuccessfully, at her father’s. She is homeless and alone, feeling unworthy of love. At her summer job at she meets Jens – someone who likes Johanna and wants to be with her. Due to her desperate search for love and belonging, she is driven into a destructive relationship with Jens.

”makes it difficult to breath”

Dagens Nyheter

I Exist

The Daughter of the Dead by Janne Lundström

Man-Eaters in Maersta by Aase Berg

One in a Thousand by Petter Lidbeck and Max Elmberg Sjöholm

”Maja-Maria Henriksson has written a powerful and heartbreaking story about that which shouldn’t happen but nevertheless occurs over and over again in a world where young people should be allowed to feel safe. The language is pared down, like a naked body where scars are visible and the heart’s beating can be seen in every wound.” Göteborgs-Posten

Not Real, Not Imaginary

”... remarkably well-written with resolute gravity and restrained anger” Expressen

An Epic Battle Against the Winter of Evil In the aftermath of an assault on their farm which caused the death of their father, twins Sunia and Wulf find out that they belong to the mysterious People of the Blood. Furthermore, a sinister Cold is spreading throughout the land, slowly embedding the hearts of mankind and unleashing the impending Winter of Evil. It soon becomes clear to Sunia and Wulf that their father had great plans for them; it’s up to them to challenge the Cold. They embark on a long and perilous journey. In order to fight against the Cold the twins are forced to adapt to the restrictive and complex traditions of the Blood, as well as challenge the covenant with the Underworld, and ultimately, piece together the clues to their own history. About Winter of Evil ”Winter of Evil is like a mixture of Astrid Lindgren and CS Lewis, with one spoon of the Grimm Brothers and another of George Lucas.” SN BTJ

One More Die by Johanna Thydell


Anders Björkelid lives in Uppsala with his wife and two children. He works as a teacher and has published two picture books and planted more than 300,000 trees in his life. He made his fantasy debut with Winter of Evil, the first part of the series Children of the Blood, in 2009.

Glowing Stars by Johanna Thydell

Winter of Evil Sold to: Denmark and Germany

Don’t miss the final book Dusk of Frost in 2014

The Alliance Breaker

Carrier of Fire Sold to: Denmark

”The story grips the reader from the first chapter and there are moments when it’s breathtakingly exciting”

In 2003, Johanna Thydell’s debut novel Glowing Stars was published and she quickly became one of Sweden’s most popular and acclaimed young writers. She was awarded the prestigious August Prize, and the book is loved by reader and critics alike. Her books have been published in 14 other languages.

”Do you know what happens if I press here?” I asked and pointed to a small speck on the wallpaper. “Probably nothing,” said big brother and yawned. “A secret hatch will open in the ceiling and the rainclouds will fall inside.” “But what happens if I press here?” big brother asked and pressed the light switch. “NO!” I screamed but it was already too late …

Jonatan Brännström, born in 1986, works in a preschool. Working with the children gave him inspiration for The Lightning Gobbler. He made his debut with this gem of a picture book.


Joanna Hellgren, born in 1981, won Natur & Kultur’s picture book competition in 2009. She is an illustrator and cartoonist. While living in Paris she published two French comic books. Mon frère nocturne (My Night Brother, 2008) was nominated for the award Best Comic at the cartoon festival in Angulême. Joanna has also been represented at Grand Palais in Paris.

Picture Books

Lightning Gobblers, Unruly Pets and Tooting Trombones “Without a doubt a breath of fresh air in the world of children’s books and definitely a debut which promises more” Svenska Dagbladet “Hellgren’s pictures stand out against the night’s frightening darkness with the color of adventure. There is much here to discover. The illustrations emerge from all directions on the pages, completely in harmony with the vast story. The fine interplay between the text and the illustrations reveals how a child’s imagination is triggered by small, everyday details”

Swedish Book Review

Dagens Nyheter

The Lightning Gobbler by Jonatan Brännström and Joanna Hellgren

Esther Branson and the Pet-Swapping Day by Johan Rundberg and Per José Karlén. Sold to: Denmark

”With its direct but sensitive treatment of themes such as sibling relationship, bravery and fear, and the struggle of good against evil, this picture book for three to six year olds is not only a welcome addition to any child’s bookshelf, but to their parents’ coffee table as well.”

Drills and Dragon Ears by Lennart Hellsing and Ane Gustavsson Sold to: Korea

Mops by Eva Lindström and Emma Virke

What are You Thinking about, Stumpy? by George Johansson and Anna-Clara Tidholm. Sold to: Denmark

The Princess Who Never Went to the Bathroom by Petter Lidbeck and Thomas Fröhling

Sandy, Larry Lost and Other Monsters around Town by Andreas Palmaer and Per Gustavsson

Promise! said Lilly by Moni Nilsson and Joanna Hellgren

Ghosts and Monsters by Andreas Palmaer and Per Gustavsson. Sold to: Norway and Denmark

My Wild Life by Amanda Eriksson

Teddy Bruno

The Big Little Adventure Author Gunilla Ingves truly knows her subject. In the Swedish countryside where she lives, she does meticulous research for her books about Teddy Bruno. As she spends a great deal of her time outdoors she dedicates herself to studying the surroundings, taking notes of her observations and, consequently, inserting them into the universe of Teddy Bruno. The result is a tender portrayal of the particularities of each season and

how they change, the wonders of nature and animal life – big and small alike. The Teddy Bruno series illustrates how nature provides a space for quiet reflection as well as a setting for dramatic encounters and occurrences. Gunilla Ingves’ stories offer understanding about all forms of life, helping us to view nature in a different light. Join Teddy Bruno and Maisy the dog as they investigate mysterious animal tracks, build a new bird’s nest and search for missing potatoes. Here’s also your chance to learn about the different sounds of birds, the best time and technique for planting sunflower seeds, how to make sweet and delicious apple candy – and much, much more!

Titles: Teddy Bruno’s Winter Teddy Bruno’s Fall Teddy Bruno’s Spring Teddy Bruno’s Summer (coming in 2014) Sold to Korea and Denmark

Freddy Fixer

One Beloved Handyman In 2013, the handy Freddy Fixer and his reliable companion Buffa celebrate their 20th anniversary! Since the first publication of Freddy Fixer, he has captivated the hearts of young mechanics with his expertise on vehicles, machines and other gadgets. His matter-of-fact personality makes learning fun and easy. Having been translated into many other languages, this popular character is a man of many names: Willy Werkel, Mik Mekanik, Freddy Fixer, Gary Gadget, Masa Mainio, Meistri-Märten, Martin Mekk, Karel Klus etc … The luxurious and extensive collection Freddy Fixer’s Big Book about Cars, Machines and Airplanes was published in 2012, consisting of the most popular parts from the series, along with new material.

Freddy Fixer’s Cars

Freddy Fixer’s Trains

Freddy Fixer’s Boats

Freddy Fixer’s Favorite Cars

Freddy Fixer’s Planes

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Cars

Freddy Fixer’s Tractors

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Airplanes


Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Hammer & Nail

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Machines on the Way

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Machines on the Farm

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Car Wash


George Johansson is a journalist and writer. He has published numerous works of fiction and non-fiction for both children and adults. Together with Jens Ahlbom he has created the hugely popular books, computer games and films about Freddy Fixer. Jens Ahlbom is one of Sweden’s most famous illustrators of children’s books. He is an art teacher and has illustrated more than 60 books. In 2003, he was awarded the prestigious Elsa Beskow Plaque for his work. Part of the jury’s motivation was: “An equal to Freddy Fixer when it comes to ingenuity and craftsmanship.”

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Racing Cars

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Machines in the City

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Machines on the Mountain Top

Freddy Fixer’s First Book. Boats

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Why?

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. What a Mess

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Search!

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Buffa Likes Cars!

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Falling Asleep

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Waking Up

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. On Our Way!

Freddy Fixer’s Smallest Book. Who?

Thomas & Emma

Favorites since 1969

Digital rights available!

The character Thomas was first introduced to the public in 1969, and the following years 9 more books about Thomas as well as 10 books about Emma were published. The books deal with subjects that parents and young children can relate to, making them, 30 years after they were first published, as popular as ever. Throughout the years the Thomas & Emma books have been translated into 14 languages.

Emma’s Daycare

Opposite Emma

Emma’s Baby Brother is Ill

Emma Vacuums

Emma’s First Day at Daycare

Emma’s Workshop

Emma and Baby Brother

Emma Visits the Dentist

Emma at the Doctor’s

Thomas Bakes

Thomas is Small

Thomas Plays Dress Up


Thomas Goes Outside

Thomas and Millie

Thomas Cleans

Thomas Takes a Bath

Thomas Plays with the Cat

Finnish Danish Norwegian Lappish Somali Arabic Persian Japanese Icelandic Irish Chinese Assyrian Dutch

Thomas Visits the Doctor

English rights available again!

Catalogue made by Catharina Lantz, Karin Berg & Linn Yngborn

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t hesitate to ask us!

Contact: Catharina Lantz | Foreign Rights Agent, Children’s Books | | +46-8-453 86 94 Natur & Kultur | Karlavägen 31 | P.O. Box 27323 | SE-102 54 Stockholm | Sweden |

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