Natural Awakenings April 2017

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Eggs-pert Advice Buying Good Eggs from Happy Hens



feel good • live simply • laugh more


Turning Lawns into Native Landscapes April 2017


Tennessee Valley

Medical Massage Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills |

Experience a Meal with Friends & Saladmaster Saladmaster offers the world’s finest premium cookware that is the healthiest and most convenient way to cook your favorite foods. The advanced design and construction of Saladmaster’s titanium cookware allows vapor seal cooking at a low to medium heat to preserve the nutrition in food, and without using added grease 31 or even water. We’d like to invite you to host a Saladmaster cooking show in the comfort and convenience of your own home. It’s easy. It’s delicious. And it’s a great excuse to spend time tasting and learning with your favorite people. 7b..



A Premium Reward for Hosting

Brand Direction The Saladmaster Food Processor is our signature kitchen product that quickly and beautifully cuts, grates, juliennes, shreds and slices fruits

The following words characterize the Saladmaster brand personality and tone; GSRǻHIRX KIRYMRI JYR MRWTMVEXMSREP positive, and vegetables. It’s great for preparing ingredients for a salad and so premium, encouraging and trustworthy.

much more. It’s also our gift to you when you host a cooking show with

Ø Saladmaster is personal. 9WI ǻVWX TIVWSR [LIRIZIV Ø Saladmaster is fun. Balance an upbeat tone with three couples in attendance. Other premium hosting gifts are available professionalism and sophistication. possible. Incorporate words like “we,” “us,” “you,” for smaller dinner shows. Hosting requires very little on your part, but the "who" and “our” to communicate a connection rewards make you glad you did. And besides, everyone’s kitchen is concise. With the breadth of needs a Ø Saladmaster between Saladmaster and the reader. Saladmaster Food Processor. TVSKVEQW ERH TVSQSXMSRW SǺIVIH F] EPEHQEWXIV copy should be as streamlined, concise and Ø Saladmaster is helpful. Utilize a knowledgeable tone straightforward as possible. without being condescending; Saladmaster wants

Each dinner show takes about two hours, and we will bring all the food

to lightheartedly share information about cooking, and clean up after. There are several dates available this month, so book Ø Saladmaster changes life. Keep this in mind in healthy living, nutrition, business, etc. to everyone it your cooking show today. Call Charles Maples atshare 256-412-4896 to pick communications, and those experiences in can, without being a know-it-all. your date. an inspirational way.

letterfrompublisher “If we could eat and move like our ancestors did, within the context of twenty-first-century existence, then we would experience optimal health.” ~Mark Sisson, The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness My friend Jennifer Wagner has completed her certification as a Primal Health Coach, and I wanted to talk a little bit about what she is doing. I have long seen Jenn and her husband Joel as the ideal exemplifiers of everything that Natural Awakenings tries to communicate. This encompasses a worldview and a consciousness that centers on learning how to allow our birthright of natural vitality to flow through our lives and uplift everyone and everything around us. It’s about being anchored in alignment with Spirit above and the Earth below. It’s about finding and being one’s own authentic self. When you do locate and stand in your own truth as the person you most want to be, you help others around you to do the same, whether you try to or not. After doing a lot of helping others to find themselves just by being herself, Jennifer is now called to start a professional practice as a health coach. All you have to do is talk to her to know that she is destined to help many people to bring health and balance into their lives. I think that she will be able to help people who have been unable to get traction with all of their other attempts to get themselves healthy. Much of that comes from Jennifer herself, from her knowledge, personal experience, and highly positive energy and personality, but it’s also from the particular philosophy that she has chosen to study and to teach. I am extremely impressed with what I have learned about the thinking behind Primal Health. The idea is that our distant ancestors lived in robust health right up until the moment they died. There lifespans were shorter, but the cause of death was typically the sort of violence, accident, or acute illness that our modern life would have probably safeguarded them from. The type of chronic diseases that plague us today were rare to nonexistent. Cancer was rare, as was obesity and all of its related problems. The theory is that our current chronic diseases are almost entirely due to the poor nutrition in processed foods, along with chronic stress, chemicals in our environment and in everything we put in and on our bodies. Primal Health seeks to ensure vibrant health throughout a long, happy life. Much of this comes from changing one’s diet over to real, unprocessed food that is low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, and eliminating grains and sugar. But it’s also about sleep, stress reduction and simplifying everything. It’s about exercising differently, focusing more on fun and shorter workouts. It’s about bringing ease, joy, and balance into your life. Give Jenn a call and see what she can do for you.

contact us 256-808-8044 Publisher/Editor Advertising Sales Tom Maples Co-Publisher Cindy Wilson Design and Production Melanie Rankin Natural Awakenings in the Tennessee Valley 14 Woodland Ave Trinity, AL 35673 Fax: 256-217-4274 © 2017 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $23 (for 12 issues) to the above address. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

natural awakenings

April 2017


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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


Turning Lawns into Native Landscapes by Lisa Kivirist and John D. Ivanko


Are We Who You Have Been Looking For? by Dr. Howard L. Gilliam, DC, NMD


on How Thriving Ecosystems Sustain Prosperity

12 22

by Randy Kambic

18 MEDICAL MASSAGE Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills by Linda Sechrist

HOW TO ADVERTISE Display Ads due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 256-808-8044 or email

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS* Newsbriefs due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50-250 words. Content limited to special events and other announcements. No advertorials, please. Articles and ideas due by the 15th of the month. Articles generally contain 250-850 words, with some exceptions. No advertorials, please.

CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Calendar of Events and Ongoing Calendar listings due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50 words per entry. Please follow format found in those sections.

ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY 256-808-8044 -or- *All submissions are subject to editing and will be printed at the publisher’s discretion. Article space often fills in advance. Deadline dates refer to the month prior to next publication and may change without notice due to holidays, shorter months, or printing schedules.

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Tennessee Valley

20 EGGS-PERT ADVICE How to Buy Good Eggs from Happy Hens


by Judith Fertig



Innovations Boost Energy Efficiency by John D. Ivanko and Liam Kivirist

24 NEW WAVE Kids Organize to Save Our Oceans by April Thompson


A Key to Good Health by Shawn Messonnier


newsbriefs Jennifer Wagner is Now a Certified Primal Health Coach


ennifer Wagner has completed her certification as a Primal Health Coach, and she is now taking new clients. Primal Health is a transformative approach to healthy living centered on ancestral health principles that support the human genetic evolutionary blueprint. These principles include eating real, whole food with high levels of healthy fats and low carbohydrates, inspired movement and play, and stress Jennifer Wagner reduction and balance in all aspects of life. “The Primal Health diet is basically Paleo pus limited full fat dairy,” says Jennifer. “But it encompasses much more than what we eat. Primal Health is about achieving balance and improving quality of life in the areas of sleep, stress, and simplicity, and in how we connect with others and with the Earth.” Jennifer started her Primal journey in 2012 after being tired of suffering from seasonal allergies that had plagued her since moving to Alabama in 2005. She was so impressed after seeing the improvement in her wellness that paleo/ primal became a passion, and it became her mission to learn all she could about how nutrition and lifestyles affect health and well-being. Now that she is a certified Primal Health Coach, Jennifer offers several personalized services:  Primal around town helps clients learn the best community resources for a primal lifestyle, including how to navigate any grocery store and stay within budget and on track. Home transformation includes how to purge and stock a kitchen to keep on the primal path. Lifestyle coaching helps her clients to sleep better, look better, feel better, and how to handle daily stress better.

Free Introduction to Practical Philosophy Course


he School of Philosophy and Meditation will be offering a free ten-week course in Practical Philosophy starting in April. The classes aim to connect people with the happiness and wisdom that are already within. Classes consist of group discussions based on wisdom traditions of East and West and simple practices in mindfulness to increase awareness of oneself and others. No prior understanding is necessary. Topics discussed include levels of awareness, the present moment, living justly, and unity in diversity. The focus is on how wisdom can be made real and practical in our daily lives. Students are encouraged to neither reject nor accept anything heard until they have put it into practice themselves. The practice of mantra-based meditation is also a key element of the School as it has been found to support the student in the process of self enquiry. Introduction to the practice will be available to students at a later date. The organization is headed by James Maddox, who wanted to offer back to the community what has been received over many years. James, and his wife Jessie, have both attended Philosophy Schools in Georgia and England and have practiced meditation from an early age. Students may attend all sessions, or individual sessions as their schedule allows. Dates: Mondays 6:30-8:30pm, April 10-June 12. Location: Unity on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-690-5110. Info@Alabama

Nutrition counseling in the form of one on one sessions. Meal planning is another important service where Jennifer takes what foods her clients love and structures meal plans that prove that eating primal does not mean sacrificing taste.

Dermacycling Non-Surgical Facelift Treats lines, wrinkles, acne, rosacea, scars, discoloration, large pores, and roughness

“I am proud to say that I have spent a total of $0 towards our western ‘sick care’ system in almost five years,” says Jennifer. “If you would like to become empowered and learn just how to do this, please contact me. I look forward to working with you!” Contact Jennifer Wagner at 256-604-8379, PrimalHealth, or on CoachAL.

Cymatic Therapy & Dermacycling 614 Madison St, Ste #2, Huntsville


natural awakenings

April 2017


Balancing Hormones Naturally

W A Spiritual Community supporting the practice of knowing God in the heart of every person. ONGOING SERVICES AND CLASSES! New Thought Classes

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Tennessee Valley

hen hormones are out of sync, you can experience weight gain around the waist, bone loss, hot flashes, PMS, ovarian cysts, headaches, allergies, loss of libido, fatigue and depression, sleep problems, urinary tract problems and many other dis-eases. Roslyn Rogers, certified nutritional consultant board certified in integrative medicine, will be sharing her wisdom on how to balance your hormones naturally beginning at 5:30pm, Thursday, May 4 at Ruth’s Nutrition. Known for her motivational skills and her sensitive, caring outlook on life, Roslyn’s seminars cover anti-aging strategies, weight Roslyn Rogers management, PMS, menopause and most women’s health issues. In addition, she will teach you how to have healthy bones throughout your life, what nutrients help nourish your skin and bring out a youthful glow, what you can eat to pump you with energy (or what you eat that zaps it) and natural alternatives to HRT. Roslyn’s seminar is free and open to everyone. Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 4 and come join us at Ruth’s Nutrition for an evening filled with women’s wisdom and a lot of fun! Date: Thursday, May 4, 5:30pm. Location: Ruth’s Nutrition, 7540 South Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, in the Rosie’s Cantina Shopping Center. 256-883-4127. See ad, page 11.

The Paranormal Study Center Hosts Author Debra Glass: ‘True Ghost Stories of Alabama’


ebra Glass is a freelance editor and the author of over thirty-five books of historical and paranormal romance, non-fiction, young adult romance, and folklore. She holds an MA.Ed with emphasis in history from the University of North Alabama. Since 2002, she has conducted the Haunted History of the Shoals Ghost Walk Tour ( which has become a perennial favorite during the Halloween season. Debra lives in Alabama with her family, a couple of smart-aleck ghosts, and two diabolical black cats. Some of her Folklore books include: True Debra Glass Ghost Stories of the Shoals Volumes 1-3, Haunted Mansions in the Heart of Dixie, Skeletons of the Civil War, True Ghost Stories of the Army of Tennessee, Skeletons on Campus, True Ghost Stories of Alabama Colleges and Universities, among others. Ghosts and Spirits have been around us all for all of eternity, even if we do not actually “believe” in them. Ghosts or Spirits are a vital part of all of our lives even though most people cannot see or communicate with them. Come join Debra Glass for a special night of sharing paranormal experiences and Spirit Adventures from one of Alabama’s leading authors. Date: Friday, April 28, 6:30pm. Location Unity Church on The Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr, Huntsville. Public Admission is $10. Info: LaMont Hamilton at or visit

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Drinking More Water Improves Food Intake


uopeng An, Ph.D., a kinesiology and community health professor at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, studied the hydration and dietary habits of more than 18,300 American adults and found that drinking more water each day can impact the overall calories and nutritional value of food consumed. Reviewing data from four parts of the National Center for Health Statistics’ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, in which participants were asked to recall their food and drink intake during two non-consecutive days, An determined the percentage of plain water drunk by each person. He found an association between a 1 percent increase in the subjects’ daily intake of plain water and an 8.6-calorie reduction in food intake. An also discovered a slight reduction in foods high in fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol with the change. Participants that increased their plain water consumption by one to three cups reduced their calorie intake by 68 to 205 calories per day. The same increase in water correlated with a daily reduction in sodium intake by 78 to 235 milligrams, five to 18 grams less sugar and seven to 21 milligrams less cholesterol.

Educational Events

BEMER Therapy The BEMER Signal improves microcirculation of blood for better health Holistic Coaching andHealth well-being (Free initial consultation)


Tennessee Valley


esearchers from the Mount Sinai Medical Center, in Miami Beach, concluded in a 2016 review of research that chelation therapy using agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) can significantly reduce risk of cardiovascular events. The review highlighted research showing that heavy metals such as cadmium have been linked with increased cardiovascular disease risk, and chelation therapy has been shown to effectively remove heavy metals from the body. Of particular interest was a study that specifically tested the effectiveness of chelation therapy on reducing cardiovascular events. The randomized, doubleblind study involved 1,708 patients ages 50 and up that had experienced a heart attack at least six weeks prior. Half were given 40 infusions of a 500 milliliter chelation solution with EDTA. The other half received a placebo. Researchers measured deaths, heart attacks and strokes, along with other heart conditions and subsequent hospitalization for an average period of 55 months. They found that the chelation therapy reduced heart attacks and strokes by 23 percent and reduced hospitalization for heart attacks by 28 percent.


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study from Harvard Medical School, in Boston, has found that tai chi, a low-impact exercise and movement meditation, can help relieve chronic neck pain. Researchers divided 14 participants, 18 years or older, with ongoing neck pain into three randomized groups. One received 12 weeks of tai chi instruction, one performed group neck exercises and one received no treatment. “The study results showed that 12 weeks of tai chi was more effective than no treatment for benefiting pain levels, disability, quality of life and postural control in persons with chronic neck pain,” explains Peter M. Wayne, Ph.D., coauthor of the study; he’s also the founder of the Tree of Life Tai Chi Center and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. The group neck exercise subjects experienced results that were similar to those in the tai chi group, suggesting that the two paths are equally effective.

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Tai Chi Eases Chronic Neck Pain


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Sage Linked to Cognitive Health



2016 review from Australia’s Murdoch University, in Perth, confirms the cognitive benefits of consuming plants in the Salvia genus, particularly sage. Cognition includes processes associated with attention, memory, 10300 Bailey Cove Road, Ste 7A judgment, evaluation, Huntsville, AL 35803 reasoning, problem solving and decision making. Researchers discussed the theory that an accumulation MAD2562708731-A of amyloid-ß peptide (Aß) in the body is responsible for some cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer’s patients. Studies have shown that sage can protect mice against Aß-induced neurotoxicity, thus helping to preserve cognition. ® The researchers also highlighted acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter believed to play an important role in attention, learning, memory and motivation. ACh enzyme inhibitors help prevent alterations in ACh, preserving these Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner functions. In vitro and animal studies show that some species of salvia are effective ACh enzyme inhibitors. Assists healing through relaxation and restoring body harmony. In addition, animal studies have shown that sage extracts Animal companion sessions are available. can reduce depression and anxiety. Both of these conditions Sales Rep.: Mike Underwood I Approve This Copy. Cust. Sign.: X can contribute to a decrease in cognitive function. Office: (256) 534-1794 1108 McClung Avenue SE - quality and size may vary slightly between proof and actual directory Further research is needed to determine the extent of the Please note Cell: (256) 509-3540 Huntsville, Alabama 35801 effect and safe dosage.


Jin Shin Jyutsu of Huntsville Sandra Cope

natural awakenings

April 2017



Phasing Out Plastic Film Food Wrappers

Cabeca de Marmore/

Many grocery store foods are wrapped in plastic packaging that creates nonrecyclable, non-biodegradable waste, even though thin, plastic films are not efficient at preventing spoilage. Some plastics are also suspected of leaching harmful compounds into food. Researcher Peggy Tomasula, D.Sc., is leading a U.S. Department of Agriculture team developing an environmentally friendly film made of the milk protein casein that addresses these issues. She states, “The protein-based films are powerful oxygen blockers that help prevent food spoilage. When used in packaging, they could prevent food waste during distribution along the food chain.” Plastic six-pack rings are renowned for their negative impact on wildlife and the environment. Now the Saltwater Brewery, in Delray Beach, Florida, is making edible six-pack rings for beer cans that are 100 percent biodegradable. Constructed of barley and wheat ribbons from the brewing process, they can be safely eaten by animals that come into contact with the refuse. Company President Chris Gove notes, “We hope to influence the big guys and inspire them to get on board.” Source: American Chemical Society

Learn how your past Lives affect the present and the future

Delsie Hill Past Life Intuitive and Counselor 256-508-7874 10

Tennessee Valley

Teen Finds Drought Solution in South Africa Kiara Nirghin, a South African teenage girl and recent winner of the Google Science Fair’s Community Impact Award for the Middle East and Africa, is pioneering a new technology to fight drought. The Holy Web, her super-absorbent polymer, can store reserves of water hundreds of times its own weight. Drought remains one of South Africa’s main challenges, with at least eight provinces requiring regular food relief. The project is designed to help farmers in dry areas build large water reservoirs for an adequate and regular supply of water for irrigation. “I wanted to minimize the effect that drought has on the community, and the main thing it affects is the crops. That was the springboard for the idea,” says Nirghin. Her invention uses recycled and biodegradable waste products such as avocado skins and orange peels to make the polymer sustainable, affordable and environmentally friendly.


News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Water Saver

Source: CNN

Growing Organics

Toxin-Free Farmlands Rise to 4.1 Million Acres According to data service Mercaris, the U.S. had a record 4.1 million acres of organic farmland in 2016, an 11 percent increase over 2014. As of June 2016, the number of certified organic farms reached 14,979, including 1,000 startups. The top states in organic cropland after California, with 688,000 acres, are Montana, Wisconsin, New York and North Dakota. Montana hosted a 30 percent increase to 417,000 acres in 2016, adding 100,000 acres since 2014 and 50 new organic farms. In assessing the positive trend, Scott Shander, a Mercaris economist, says, “With today’s lower commodity grain prices, farmers are looking to add value and meet consumer demands. The global market is dictating U.S. prices. Demand for organic corn and soybeans is still growing strongly, but production is not growing as fast, so more of the production will be international.” Source:



ecotip Butterfly Rescue

We watch the graceful flight of colorful butterflies and appreciate their crucial role as pollinators. Establishing butterfly gardens or accommodating them in yard plantings increases food sources radically threatened by reductions in blossom-rich landscapes due to development, intensive agriculture, insecticides and climate change. The National Wildlife Federation ( reports that butterflies are particularly attracted to red, yellow, orange, pink and purple blossoms that are flat-topped or clustered for landing or hovering, with short flower tubes that present easy access to nectar. Regional planting. In the Southeast, goldenrod, with its arching, yellow flowers, appeals to Buckeye species. Tiger Wing, Dainty Sulphur and Malachite lead the way in Florida. Some other suitable plants and trees for attracting butterflies, according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildlife Center ( are yarrows, red and white baneberries, and red, scarlet and soft maples in the Northeast; Butterfly and Honey daisies, Indian Mallow, American Century and Husiache, in the Midwest; and Giant, Ground, Subalpine and Noble firs, Vine Maple and Columbian Monkshoods in the Northwest. Inspiring individual efforts. reports that California Academy of Sciences aquatic biologist Tim Wong cultivated California Pipevine plants in his backyard butterfly home four years ago upon learning that it is the primary food for California Pipevine Swallowtails in the San Francisco area. Starting with just 20 caterpillars, he was able to donate thousands of the swallowtails to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens last year and has grown more than 200 plants. Milkweed. Populations of iconic Monarch butterflies have plummeted 90 percent in the past 20 years, reports the National Wildlife Federation, primarily due to decline of 12 native milkweed species. They need support for their annual 2,000-plus-mile migration from the U.S. Northeast and Canada to central Mexico and back. Joyce Samsel, curator of the Florida Native Butterfly Society (, notes that the Florida Monarch stays south of Tampa year-round. Learn about milkweed host plant growing conditions at LocalMilkweedByState. Find milkweed seeds via Donate to help. Adopt milkweed habitat land through an Environmental Defense Fund ( program by donating $35 for one acre up to $350 for 10 acres. Their goal is to retain and protect 2 million acres.

Sean Xu/

How to Create Helpful Home Habitats

Balance Hormones Naturally with Roslyn Rogers Certified Nutritional Consultant, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine

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(856) 305-1895 natural awakenings

April 2017


Four-Season Climates

ECO YARDS Turning Lawns into Native Landscapes by Lisa Kivirist and John D. Ivanko


raditional turf lawns are an ecological nightmare,” says John Greenlee, author of The American Meadow Garden, who notes that most monoculture turf lawns never even get used. His company, Greenlee and Associates, in Brisbane, California, designs residential and other meadows throughout the U.S. as an engaging alternative. Many other appealing options likewise use native plants appropriate to the local climate. For instance, replacing Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass or another non-native species with natives can deliver drought resistance and lower irrigation needs; eliminate any need for fertilizers or toxic pesticides; reduce or eliminate labor-intensive and often polluting mowing and edging; enhance the beauty of a home; and attract birds, butterflies and other wildlife. 12

Tennessee Valley

Before replacing a lawn, determine the desired result. It may simply be achieving a low-maintenance, lawn-free yard; growing food like vegetables, herbs, fruit or nuts; or supplying ample flowers for a fresh weekly bouquet. Other benefits might include increasing privacy, dining al fresco, escaping into nature or even sequestering carbon dioxide to reduce climate change. To be successful, choices must be appropriate to the climate, plant hardiness zone, local zoning ordinances and homeowner association rules. Also consider the soil quality and acidity, moisture content and whether plantings will be in full sun or shade, or both.

From the Midwest to New England, “Wild ginger makes a nice, low groundcover with heart-shaped leaves in shade or part shade, where lawn grass often struggles,” suggests Pam Penick, of Austin, Texas, author of Lawn Gone: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard. “Pennsylvania sedge, a low, grassy, meadow-like groundcover, can also work. For areas with full sun, bearberry, an evergreen creeping shrub with red berry-like fruit in fall, or prairie dropseed, a beautiful prairie grass with sparkling seed heads in fall, might be worth trying.” “Stick with the Carex family of plants, the sedges, for a native meadow,” echoes Greenlee. “They vary in color, texture and height. Follow nature’s lead and create a tapestry of commingled plants. Start slow and add flowering plants like Queen Anne’s lace, daisies, asters and poppies.”

Hot and Humid Subtropics

In sunny and well-drained areas of the South, Penick suggests Gulf muhly, an ornamental grass. “Its fall blooms resemble pink cotton candy floating above its green leaves.” In Florida, flowering sunshine mimosa with fernlike leaves and other natural groundcovers are low maintenance. “Basket grass is a low, evergreen grass-like plant with long, spaghetti-type

photos by Pam Penick

The right regional native plants often include grasses and ferns, herbaceous plants like flowering perennials and woody ones like shrubs, vines and trees. Native plants provide shelter and food for wildlife and help preserve a sense of place. “Work with a professional landscaper in your area, ideally a member of the Association for Professional Landscape Designers,” advises Greenlee. Tap a local university extension service, master gardener and garden club for local expertise, often available at no or low cost via classes or club membership.

leaves that puddle around it, suitable for shade or partially shaded areas,” advises Penick. “It’s slow to grow, but highly drought-tolerant and nicely covers a dry slope or spills over a retaining wall. Texas sedge makes a lowgrowing, meadowy alternative that’s evergreen and needs mowing only once every year or two.” Moss is a fine option for shady and moist areas. “If moss is naturally colonizing a patch of yard, allow it to fill in where the lawn doesn’t want to grow,” Penick counsels. “It makes a springy, evergreen groundcover needing only brief misting to keep it looking good during dry periods.”

Mediterranean and California Coast

Plentiful sunshine, rare frosts and modest rainfalls make many California coastal areas perfect for growing lots of plants, rather than plots of water-thirsty turf. “For full sun, work with California yarrow, purple sage, Indian mallow, white sage, lupines and California sagebrush,” recommends Charlie Nardozzi, of Ferrisburgh, Vermont, author of Foodscaping. “In shade, try mountain yarrow, mimulus monkey flower, California honeysuckle, California flannel bush and coyote mint.” “Blue grama grass is native to many states, and buffalo grass is native to states west of the Mississippi River in the right places,” adds Greenlee. They’re especially suited for meadows established in drought-prone regions.

Rainy Marine Areas

“For sunny areas, try goat’s beard, penstemon, beach strawberry, mock orange and huckleberry,” says Nardozzi, who

covers gardening nationally at “For part shade, experiment with gooseberry, red flowering currants, western amelanchier, deer fern, trillium and wild ginger.” Adding some clover to a traditional lawn may eliminate the need for fertilizers while retaining some turf, says Erica Strauss, of Gamonds, Washington, in her Northwest Edible Life blog. “When the clover loses leaf mass from mowing, its roots die off to compensate and nitrogen enters the soil for neighboring plant roots to use.” White clover works well for those on a budget; microclover costs more and is even better. For shady, north-facing or boggywet areas, Strauss recommends sweet woodruff. Moss is another option.

Semi-Arid, Steppe and Desert Climes

“If you crave a lawn but want to go native, Habiturf is perfect for the hot, dry Southwest,” says Penick. Developed by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, in Austin, Texas, it’s a mix of several native turf grasses, looks like a shaggy traditional lawn and can be occasionally mowed on a high setting to keep it neat. Once established, it needs far less water than traditional turf. “Silver ponyfoot grows well in many regions as an annual; as a perennial, it needs mild winters,” Penick continues. “Native to western Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, it likes good drainage, gravelly soil and full-to-part sun.” Xeriscaping—landscaping that requires little to no water—is especially prevalent in hot, dry regions. Plant picks typically include cactus, succulents, agave and herbs like rosemary or sage. John D. Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist, co-authors of ECOpreneuring and Farmstead Chef, operate the Inn Serendipity, in Browntown, WI.

More EcoYard Ideas Edible Landscaping

A kitchen garden represented by any kind of edible landscaping replaces some turf grass with produce. Carefully designed and maintained, it can be as attractive as any other garden space. “According to GardenResearch. com, 30 million U.S. households, about 25 percent, participated in vegetable gardening in 2015,” reports Dave Whitinger, executive director of the National Gardening Association, owned by Dash Works, in Jacksonville, Texas. “To integrate edibles into a landscape, first assess the locations of sunny and shady spots,” says garden consultant Charlie Nardozzi. “Then, identify plants suited to the growing conditions that will fit in those areas. Mix in edibles with flowers, shrubs and groundcovers to keep the yard beautiful.” For urban areas, he recommends raised beds and containers as a good way to integrate edibles, bringing in clean soil and moving containers to the sunniest spots in the yard. “We have 3,000 raised beds in Milwaukee,” says Gretchen Mead, executive director of the Victory Garden Initiative, which helps install edible landscapes. “We went from about 35 new kitchen gardens eight years ago to more than 500 each year now.” The easy-to-build raised beds go on top of or in place of turf lawns. For Midwestern residents, Mead recommends beginning with six crops that can be started as transplants, like tomatoes or broccoli, and then growing a couple of plants from seed, like zucchini or green beans.

Water-Saving Gardens

“Water-saving gardens use less of this precious resource through appropriate plant choices, rain-conserving features, berming and terracing to slow runoff, water-permeable hardscaping and smart irrigation practices,” says Pam Penick, author of The Water-Saving Garden. “Regardless of where you live,

natural awakenings

April 2017


saving water is a priority for everyone. Drought is a growing problem in the Southwest and West, but also affects the Midwest, Southeast and even New England.” “Rain gardens help absorb, retain and use rainfall, preventing it from draining into the sewer,” agrees Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd, with Colorado’s Denver Botanic Gardens. “Rain barrels collect water from gutters and downspouts so there’s more control in time and method of distribution, including perhaps drip irrigation.” According to the Groundwater Foundation, in Lincoln, Nebraska, rain gardens can remove up to 90 percent of problematic nutrients and chemicals and up to 80 percent of sediments from rainwater runoff. Compared to a conventional lawn, they allow 30 percent more water to soak into the ground.


Hardscaped areas are used far more frequently than the turf lawn they

replace as we move through spaces like walkways, patios, fountains, decks and grilling areas to enjoy the outdoors. “Plant people can get excited about planting but forget to leave ample space for patios and paths, often resulting in an overgrown, pinched look for seating areas and other places meant to be inviting,” cautions Penick. “It can also be

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easy to underestimate how large plants can grow in a few years. Plan ahead for these ‘people spaces’ and install them before establishing garden beds.” Landscapers recommend being generous with this technique without paving over paradise. “Plants will spill and lean over hardscaping, so it won’t feel too large once your garden is filling in,” says Penick. “To address runoff and allow rainwater to soak into the soil, use water-permeable paving wherever possible: gravel, dry-laid flagstone or pavers; even mulch for casual paths.”

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MEDICINE Are We Who You Have Been Looking For? by Dr. Howard L. Gilliam, DC, NMD

The Orthomolecular Treatment of chronic disease presents an opportunity to empower yourself with information about how to improve not only your life span (how long you live), but your health span (how well you live) as well.


eople with chronic disease face a psychological and medical dilemma. Modern treatment of chronic illness often involves the use of one or more prescription drugs. These medications can cause medical anarchy within the body, which in turn can increase chronic disease susceptibility (e.g., hypertension, obesity, immune problems, etc.) as well as premature death (e.g., heart disease, stroke, diabetes, infectious disease). What do you think would happen if instead of being drugged for years or perhaps life, people had the ability to use mostly Orthomolecular Medicine to treat their health problems. Orthomolecular Medicine relies on natural substances normally present in the human body and brain (e.g., vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and hormones). These natural substances support physiological and biochemical processes that the body and brain use to function normally, enabling people to reap tremendous psychological and physical benefits. In fact, the consistent use of Orthomolecular Medicine would mitigate other risks that increase chronic disease susceptibility as well as premature death. Given the fact that many “modern” treatments make well people sick or sick people sicker, it makes sense to use Orthomolecular Medicine to change your life and your future.

Healthcare professionals and the public are becoming aware of the limits of standard medicine. Orthomolecular medicine can surpass these limits and bring hope to the future by providing what is really good for people’s physical and mental health. Orthomolecular Medicine prevents and treats diseases by providing optimal amounts of substances natural to the body. This means that we can prevent and treat illness and maintain ideal health through proper diet with the supplemental addition of vitamins, minerals, essential fats and amino acids. Orthomolecular Medicine provides effective treatments without adverse side effects, unlike synthetic medicine and drugs, by enhancing the body’s natural healing power to fight chronic diseases. Orthomolecular Medicine has been proven to be effective, with considerable medical evidence from the leaders and pioneers, including Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Linus Pauling, the two-time Nobel Prize Winner. Nutritional therapy should be the first choice for treatment and prevention of diseases. We should choose traditional medicine only when nutritional treatment has proven ineffective. For most every health condition, there are reasonable Orthomolecular alternatives that can lessen the burden of drug therapies, or perhaps replace drug therapies altogether. It’s your choice. Why wait any longer? Go for it, and help you and your family to live long healthy lives. Alternative Medicine Associates is located at 1230 Slaughter Rd, Suite E, in Madison. Call 256-325-0955 to schedule your appointment today. See ad below.

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April 2017



Tony Juniper on How Thriving Ecosystems Sustain Prosperity by Randy Kambic


eading environment advocate and author Tony Juniper has been an Earth champion for three decades, imploring humanity to urgently understand that we need nature to thrive. His recently reissued book What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? How Money Really Does Grow on Trees, first published in 2013, won the Independent Publishers Living Now gold medal. It warns about the severe environmental cost of poor land planning; informs how birds, coral reefs, rain forests and other flora and fauna help preserve and sustain our quality of life; pushes for new recycling laws; and seeks to make children early enthusiasts. Formerly executive editor of Friends of the Earth, he serves as president of the Wildlife Trust, in Great Britain, teaching faculty of the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership, and is sustainability advisor to Prince Charles, a noted conservationist.

Why do you believe that economic growth and conservation can coexist? We are measuring economic growth crudely with no sense of quality. One country can have 2 percent gross domestic product growth and at low environmental cost, whereas another measuring similar growth might be both causing massive environmental destruc-

tion and concentrating the generated wealth among small numbers of people. We need to grow economies in ways that protect the environmental services that create opportunities for growth in the first place. It’s a major challenge for a world hell-bent on simplistic, crude measures of economic performance. In the Ivory Coast, where I recently visited, many poor rural people grow cocoa. One way to expand its economy is to produce more cocoa at the expense of tropical rain forests, which ultimately destroys the economy because forests are a major source of rainfall. Extended droughts caused by deforestation reveal that kind of growth is self-defeating. We need a more sophisticated approach, with the economy becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of ecology, not the other way around.

Are true eco-cities and eco-suburbs feasible? We can design much more livable areas for the protection and health of wildlife, nature and residents. Nature also has a major bearing on the costs of a country’s healthcare system. A number of population level studies, including from the Netherlands, reveal how people with access to green space feel better and experience

We need to grow economies in ways that protect the environmental services that create opportunities for growth in the first place. 16

Tennessee Valley

higher levels of well-being, especially in mental and psychological health. Many Western countries are seeing increased incidences of depression, anxiety and other psychological problems that can be reduced through greater access to open areas, green spaces and wildlife. We can expect massive increases in urban areas worldwide in the next 40 years. There’s an opportunity now to plan in integral ways to make these places better for everyone. Failing to integrate nature into them will ramp up the public health costs later on.

What can citizens do to strengthen U.S. environmental policies? First, every election has candidates we can vote for that are more or less knowledgeable and clued into environmental issues. Second, we can exercise power in our purchasing choices. Some companies take leadership positions on environmental and sustainability issues; others don’t. With some research, shoppers can find the best companies to patronize, like those that prioritize low-carbon emissions, resource efficiencies and environmental protection policies. Many of them are advocating for more sensible, long-term environmental policies. In the U.S., one of the biggest pushbacks to the new administration will be from progressive companies that know the future has to be green; buying from these businesses strengthens their role and influence.

Third, we can add to the people’s collective voice by joining campaigns and backing Earth-conscious organizations like the National Audubon Society, Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network and Sierra Club.

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Why do you believe it’s important to instill basic ecological principles in youngsters? In the future, if fewer people understand the implications of climate change, ecosystem degradation, loss of wild animals and rampant toxic pollution, it’ll be even harder to embed adequate responses. The next generation should know how this planet works. Our world doesn’t succeed just on the basis of technology. It’s being run on microorganisms, the actions of forests, seas, soils and everything in the natural world. People that don’t know this can do a lot of damage. When more young people know the basics, it’s more likely they’ll behave in ways that reflect them. Progressive urbanization, with ever fewer people having direct experience of how nature works, is already an issue, so investing in our youth now will pay dividends in their future. Randy Kambic is a freelance writer and editor in Estero, FL, and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings.

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April 2017


MEDICAL MASSAGE Targeted Therapy for Specific Ills by Linda Sechrist


haron Puszko, Ph.D., founder of the Daybreak Geriatric Massage Institute, in Indianapolis, teaches and certifies massage therapists working in assisted living, long-term care and memory care facilities. She relates, “These individuals appreciate not only the physiological benefits of massage but also having a therapist touch and address them by their names. A 105-yearold woman jokes, ‘Now that they’ve figured out how to keep us alive for so long, they don’t know what to do with us. Thank God for massage therapy.’” Specialty certificate programs such as Puszko’s, representing advanced education and training within a modality qualified as therapeutic massage and bodywork, are benefitting both massage therapists and clients. Some outcomebased specialty modalities considered as requirements for specific popula-

tions such as seniors, athletes, infants and cancer patients and survivors, are referred to as “medical massage”. The nonprofit National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork provides an accredited, voluntary certification beyond entrylevel state licensure. To maintain their status, therapists must complete 24 hours of continuing education and 100 hours of work experience, and pass a criminal background check every two years. The certifying board also approves continuing education providers that teach specialty techniques, including integrative health care, sports massage and military veteran massage. The result is therapies administered according to a national standard of excellence requisite for therapists working in collaboration with doctors, chiropractors, wellness

The nonprofit National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork provides an accredited, voluntary certification beyond entrylevel state licensure that results in therapies administered according to a national standard of excellence requisite for therapists working in collaboration with various medical settings. 18

Tennessee Valley



centers, retirement care communities and other medical settings. Puszko, an approved provider who founded her service in 2000, offers beginning and advanced weekend workshops for therapists on the complexities of physiological changes and technical skills required to work with geriatric or senior clients. She works from three offices in upscale retirement communities and teaches approved continuing education curricula throughout the U.S. and internationally. “Although the skills I teach are not taught in massage school, they are in demand at independent and assisted living facilities where massage is considered a vital aspect of health care,” says Puszko. “Older Americans represent the greatest challenge to massage therapists. For elderly residents, stretching and pulling on delicate skin and joints, as well as pushing one’s elbow into gluteus maximus muscles, are unacceptable approaches.” She explains that they might be called upon for a range of needs from helping prepare a 70-year-old marathoner for a race to reducing the stress of an exhausted hospice patient. Geri Ruane is one of four founding directors of Oncology Massage Alliance, in Austin, Texas. She manages the operations for this nonprofit created in 2011 to help therapists that volunteer to administer complimentary hand and foot massage therapy to cancer patients and caregivers in chemotherapy infusion rooms and prior to radiation treatment. The alliance offers financial assistance to licensed massage therapists for advanced training through approved third-party oncology massage classes and provides hands-on experience with cancer patients. Ruane defines the essential aspects of an oncology massage therapist’s (OMT) skill set. “A properly trained therapist has an informed understanding of the disease itself and the many ways it can affect the human body; the side effects of cancer treatments, such as medications, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation; and the ability to modify massage techniques in order to adapt accordingly. Our main purpose is to reduce stress and provide emotional support for cancer patients and caregivers in radiation and infusion rooms.”

For example, an OMT will ask a patient about their cancer treatment history, including particulars of related individual health issues, prior to the massage. Hospitals in 35 states and Washington, D.C., now offer massage therapy to individuals during cancer treatment. MK Brennan, president of the Society for Oncology Massage, created in 2007, in Toledo, Ohio, is a registered nurse with a longtime practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. Brennan observes, “In nursing school, I was taught how to give a back rub, an aspect of patient care once provided by all nurses, but no longer part of a nurse’s education. It now appears that there could be a resurgence of interest in offering massage therapy in hospitals that would encompass more medical aspects and require modified techniques for different patient populations.” In addition to oncology and geriatric massage, other select massage therapy modalities such as orthopedic, bodywork, Asian techniques and those related to pregnancy, infant and child health care as well as other special needs require advanced education and training. Before making an appointment with a massage therapist/bodyworker for a specific type of help, inquire about their knowledge, experience, training and continuing education. Ask about additional credentials above entry-level core education that are specific to special needs.




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Eggs-pert Advice

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by Judith Fertig

Becky Waters, CHT, BMSC 256.348.5236

How to Buy Good Eggs from Happy Hens


Breathe. Believe. Receive.

anice Cole, the author of Chicken and Egg: A Memoir of Suburban Homesteading with 125 Recipes, knows how delicious a really fresh egg tastes. She keeps three chickens she calls “the girls” in the backyard of her suburban Minneapolis home. “Jasmine, a white Silkie, lays small, beige-colored eggs; Keiko a black and white Ameraucana and Silver Wyandotte cross, green eggs; and Peanut, a brown, feathery Cochin mix, brown eggs,” relates Cole. Cole has learned a lot about the natural lives of chickens. They need 14 hours of sunlight to produce eggs and lay about one per day. Chickens must be protected from predators, locked up at night in their coop for optimal well-being and let out in the morning to roam. Here are some tips for buying the freshest, most delicious and humanely raised chicken eggs.

Try to leave the

How to Read an Egg Carton

Earth a better place than when you arrived. ~Sidney Sheldon


Tennessee Valley

Deciphering the language on an egg carton is a first step. Diet affects flavor. “Eggs from pasture-raised chickens allowed to roam—eating grass, worms and bugs in the backyard or a pasture—will look and taste better than eggs from chickens limited to an inside space eating chicken feed,” says Cole. “Pasture-raised eggs will have a fresh

herbaceous, or grassy, flavor with an ‘egg-ier’ essence.” “Look for the terms organic, free range or ideally, pastured or pasture-raised,” advises Adele Douglass, in Herndon, Virginia, executive director of Humane Farm Animal Care ( “USDA Organic” is a U.S. Department of Agriculture label confirming that the food the chicken ate was certified organic. “Non-GMO” indicates a diet free of genetically modified ingredients. “Free-range”, another USDA label, means the chicken had continuing access to the outdoors. “Pasture-raised” assures that the chicken roamed outdoors daily, eating what they wanted; the ideal scenario. “Cage-free” is a USDA-regulated designation ensuring that the chickens were allowed to roam freely about within their building to get food and water. “Natural” has no real meaning says Douglass; the term invokes no USDA regulation and nothing about actual farming practices. “Certified Humane” or “Animal Welfare Approved” means that each free-range hen has at least two square feet of outdoor space; it’s the most desirable designation, says Douglass. When farmers want to raise egglaying chickens, they need to provide

~ Pete and Gerry’s, America’s first Certified Humane egg producer physical conditions similar to those Cole affords, but on a larger and more efficient scale, usually without the love. In regions where 14 hours of daylight are not a given, farmers use artificial lighting. When snow is too deep for the birds to venture out and it’s too cold for bug life, farmers supply indoor coops and feed. How well and humanely they do this is up to consumers to find out.

Egg Nutrition

Eating one egg a day, or moderate consumption, will not raise cholesterol levels in healthy adults, concludes a 2012 review in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. While egg yolks contain cholesterol, they also possess nutrients that help lower the risk for heart disease, including protein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin and folate, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston. A study by Kansas State University researchers published in the 2001 Journal of Nutrition also found that phosphatidylcholine, another substance in eggs, can decrease the amount of cholesterol the body absorbs from them. Plus, eggs are great sources of micronutrients and antioxidants, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered and licensed dietitian and wellness manager for Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, in Ohio. “I’ve always been a huge proponent for eggs. As lean sources of protein, they help us stay full, are easy to prepare and can be part of a healthy eating regime because they’re packed with free-radical- and inflammation-fighting antioxidants.” Kirkpatrick adds, “Eggs also help protect eyes. Their nutrient-rich yolks, like leafy green vegetables, are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that studies have repeatedly shown help protect against macular degeneration.”

Ideally, all chickens would be treated like Cole’s “girls.” For now, the best most of us can do is choose “PastureRaised,” “Organic” and “Certified Humane”. Getting to know more about the farmers that produce our eggs is even better. Judith Fertig writes food health articles and cookbooks from Overland Park, KS (

Eggs to Trust Here’s Humane Farm Animal Care’s Adele Douglass’ short list of sources for well-raised eggs. Kirkland Signature Organic Eggs, at Costco, are Certified Humane. While not pasture-raised, they’re cage-free. Costco has partnered with several small family farms throughout the country, which guarantees peace of mind for Costco and gives these smaller purveyors a steady stream of business. Vital Farms, of Austin, Texas, supplies eggs to stores throughout many of the southern and western states. They specialize in Pasture-Raised and Certified Humane eggs, produced by about 90 family farms. Recently, they pioneered a process to make “culling” (killing non-egg-bearing male chicks) more humane. Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs, headquartered in Monroe, New Hampshire, works with more than 30 family farms in Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Their eggs are Organic and Certified Humane, as the chickens live in spacious barns with outdoor access. “Most of the year, they roam outside our barns as they please on organically grown grass amid clover and wildflowers,” says owner Jesse Laflamme. “At the same time, we also have to ensure our hens are safe from predators and communicable diseases from wild birds.”

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April 2017


Bozena Fulawka/

More than 90 percent of eggs sold today come from giant egg factories.

NewenHouse photo by Taffline Laylin

greenliving A Course In Miracles Study Group 9:15am Sundays 1-Hour Mystery School 11:00am Sundays

Affirmations, Music, Mystery Message, Fellowship, An Open Communion Table

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ECO-FRIENDLY HOME BUILDING Innovations Boost Energy Efficiency by John D. Ivanko and Liam Kivirist

Smart, innovative, technological breakthroughs are making buildings more energy-efficient, healthier to live in and highly attuned to our connected world.


omeowners continue to be interested in green building options because they help foster a healthier, more comfortable and affordable home—and it’s good for the environment,” says Dan Chiras, Ph.D., of Gerald, Missouri, founding director of the Evergreen Institute and author of The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy.

Panel Insulation

Dance & Sing in the Light 4208 Holmes Ave. NW Huntsville, Alabama 256-895-0255


Tennessee Valley

“Structural insulated panels in walls, roofs and floors dramatically reduce air leakage and heat loss through thermal bridging, or heat conduction through framing materials, facilitating a more energy-efficient home that can maintain comfortable temperatures with lower fuel bills than a conventionally built home,” advises Chiras. Find manufacturers via the Structural Insulated Panel Association at

Efficient Heat Recovery

“The energy recovery ventilator, or ERV, ensures fresh air in tightly sealed homes

with little heat loss,” adds Chiras. The UltimateAir RecoupAerator, a wholehouse air filtration ERV, also flushes out harmful airborne pollutants commonly found in residences, replacing them with clean, fresh, healthy air.

Solar Monitor

“Many solar energy users want to monitor their system using their computer, tablet or smartphone through advances in energy software,” says Allison Lindquist, with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), which hosts the Annual Energy Fair and sustainable living event every June in Custer, Wisconsin. “One highlight last year was PacketFlux Technologies’ SiteMonitor.” “When a homeowner views their energy monitoring data, they quickly begin seeing the correlation between their energy consumption and production,” says Leon Dulak, the MREA site manager. “The direct correlation drives them to change how they live and use energy.”

It costs slightly more on a monthly mortgage to build a home that costs far less per month to operate. ~Dan Chiras Energy Storage

Tesla Motors does more than produce high-end electric cars and solar shingles. The company is also on the cutting edge of future energy storage. Tesla’s new, compact Powerwall 2 battery system, complete with inverter, can power an average two-bedroom home for 24 hours. Chiras says, “Utilities throughout the nation are cracking down with special fees on solar-home owners that occasionally pull electricity from the grid. I think more people are going to opt to go off-grid or install a Tesla battery to provide nighttime power to preempt this. It’s easier to maintain than a standard lead-acid battery, and should last as long. When its useful life is over, the homeowner returns it to the company.” “Saltwater-based batteries for homeowners are coming up,” observes Clay Sterling, assistant professor of electrical technology at Kankakee Community College, in Kankakee, Illinois. “The batteries from Aquion Energy are nontoxic, safe and recyclable.” Their Aspen series of aqueous hybrid ion batteries contain neither heavy metals nor toxic chemicals and are non-flammable and non-explosive, adding to their safety.

Home Plans

Building green gets easier with green home plans. The prototype, superinsulated, 970-square-foot NewenHouse sustainable home in Viroqua, Wisconsin, is about 50 percent smaller and more than 80 percent more energy efficient than the average American home. The plans-and-services package for the Passive House-certified NewenHouse home features double walls for insulation and a super-efficient heat recovery ventilator. Four different home plans are available for houses under 1,000 square feet.

HOME TECH UPDATE Nest Smart Thermostat

Google’s Nest Learning Thermostat replaces the old thermostat and immediately starts saving energy and money. Partnered with a smartphone, custom settings will lower the temperature at night, warm up the house upon waking and reduce heating or cooling swings when owners are away. On average, people save 10 to 12 percent on heating bills and 15 percent on cooling bills according to Energy Trust of Oregon research, with the device often paying for itself in less than two years.

Blueair Purifier

Leveraging a mix of filters, ionizers and fans, the Blueair HEPASilent air purification system captures 99.97 percent of particles down to 0.1 micron. A range of sizes are available to suit different spaces.

Haiku Light

The Haiku Light fixture from Big Ass Solutions brightens when someone enters a room and turns off when it detects the absence of movement. The light-emitting diode (LED) fixture produces 50 percent more light than a typical 15-watt compact fluorescent light (CFL).


The Natufia Kitchen Garden is a fully automated vertical garden that easily fits into a kitchen area. Natufia manages the non-GMO, certified organic seed germination, watering, nutrient needs, humidity control and light cycles, freeing the gardener to simply pick and savor year-round fresh produce. While pricey, it provides an option for urbanites that both lack outside growing space and prioritize convenient healthy eating.

Smart Robot

This handy droid vacuums up dust mites, allergens, pet hair and dirt. iRobot’s Roomba 880 detects debris, maneuvers around most furniture and curtains, features a high-efficiency particulate air filter to suck up the small stuff, works on a variety of surfaces and automatically plugs itself in to recharge.

Self-Cleaning Toilets

The bowl of Toto’s MH wall-hung, high-efficiency toilet with powerful 3-D dual flushing is coated with a nanotechnology glaze that seals the porcelain with an ionized barrier; its non-porous surface repels visible and invisible waste. The company’s smart toilet model also cleans itself.

It is never too late to be

what you might have been. ~George Eliot

John D. Ivanko is co-author of ECOpreneuring. Liam Kivirist captures the latest technology news on natural awakenings

April 2017


NEW WAVE Kids Organize to Save Our Oceans by April Thompson


arth’s oceans shelter more than a million species, employ millions of people and feed billions more. Their complex ecosystems increasingly face critical challenges, including acidification, overfishing and pollution. Inspiring us all, youths nationwide are stepping up with bold, creative actions benefiting present and future generations to show us how we too, can do our part. Sean Russell, 24, of Englewood, Florida, was exposed to ocean wonders in junior marine conservation summer camps and 4-H programs. Volunteering with Mote Marine Laboratory’s dolphin

research program, in Sarasota, Russell was struck by how improperly discarded fishing line entangled and killed dolphins and other wildlife. At 16, he launched the Stow It—Don’t Throw It Project to promote portable receptacles made from repurposed tennis ball containers for anglers to stash used fishing line for later safe disposal on shore. More than 21,000 containers have been distributed nationwide to date. While earning a bachelor’s degree in biology, Russell launched the Youth Ocean Conservation Summit to harness youth enthusiasm for related issues.

Unity Church on the Mountain 1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801

What’s Happening at Unity

Members & Friends Appreciation Luncheon & Unity’s 40th Anniversary Celebration

Looking Ahead: Coming May 5

Special Guest Speaker, Life Coach Celia

Contact Us 256-536-2271 Tennessee Valley

Ongoing Classes

Six summits have convened hundreds of concerned young change-makers and adult professionals. “Young people learn about current threats to marine life and become inspired by peers sharing ideas and successes,” says Russell. Planning and skill-building sessions fuel action, often assisted by microgrants to help kick-start community projects. Russell is also involved with the nonprofit EarthEcho International, which activates young leaders through peer-to-peer networks. One recent campaign, 3T4E, encouraged youth worldwide to pick up three pieces of trash on November 1 and document their efforts. Nearly 2 million social media impressions later, they’ve reached youth in 24 states, in 19 countries and on six continents, according to Executive Director Mia DeMezza. Founded by siblings Philippe and Alexandra Cousteau, the Washington, D.C., EarthEcho shares service learning stories that record steps young people are taking to mitigate local waterway issues. In a virtual classroom field trip series, they can explore issues such as oceanic dead zones and acidification through dynamic multimedia presentations. “These young people are going to inherit the problems we’ve created, and deserve a seat at the table,” says DeMezza. Given the opportunity, youth can play a key role in conservation, research and policy making for Earth’s oceans. “I look at youth not as leaders of the future, but leaders of today,” says Russell.

Weddings A t

Unity ChUrCh on the MoUntAin

Sunday 9:30-10:30am

Sunday, April 30 after service


Reverend Carol Landry “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Prasert Wongchindawest/

healthykids healthy

Sunday Book Discussion (Adults) Lower Classroom

Sunday 11am

Children’s Sunday School (ages 4-10) Upstairs

Wednesdays 6-7:30pm

Book Study Group studying Lessons In Truth by H. Emilie Cady

The perfect place for couples planning an elegantly simple ceremony. For more information go to: or email us at

Sunday Discussion Class – 9:30am Sunday Worship – 11am Meditative Silence begins at 10:55am Non-traditional, interfaith unions and commitment ceremonies are always welcome!

Daniela Fernandez, 23, is one of the youth leaders working to bridge the generational divide on ocean conservation issues. An undergraduate at Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C., she was invited to a 2013 United Nations (UN) meeting to address the state of the world’s oceans. When she inquired if they had social media outlets to share their discussions, she discovered they did not. The 2016 Christopher Benchley Ocean Award winner relates, “I returned to campus with a sense of urgency about the issues I learned about, which led me to start a nonprofit to connect Millennials with the oceans.” The resulting Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA) has since hosted three global ocean summits with participants from more than 30 colleges and universities, learning directly from leaders in government, science, business and policy. Summit-watch parties at embassies around the world enabled Millennials to submit questions and comments online. Consequently, Secretary of State John Kerry’s office partnered with SOA to incorporate a youth component in the state department’s 2016 Our Ocean Conference. The SOA, recognized by the United

Nations as a game-changing initiative, has catalyzed 30 chapters on U.S. campuses, with plans to expand to Britain, Chile and Spain. Actionable steps include advocating for college curricula on ocean health. Already, the alliance has helped sway global policy, gathering 30,000 signatures petitioning that ocean conservation be included in UN sustainable development goals. It also mobilized youth advocating for the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, America’s first marine monument (measuring a bit larger than Yellowstone National Park), off of Cape Cod, created by former President Obama in 2016. Russell and Fernandez agree that rallying around solutions is key to engaging youths and adults alike. “You can talk about the problems all day long, but it’s solutions that inspire people to take action,” says Russell. Fernandez adds, “Often, people feel helpless in the face of big issues, but if you give them a simple way to help, they will get behind it.” Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, in Washington, D.C., at

What We Can Do Now Everyone has a part to play in keeping oceans clean and healthy. Here are some ways concerned individuals of all ages can help. Do away with disposable plastics. Use reusable alternatives to single-use plastics such as plastic bags, water bottles, to-go containers, takeaway cups and straws, all of which clog the oceans and endanger 600 aquatic species due to ingestion or entanglement. Green what drains. Anything that washes down the drain can end up in waterways. Avoid dumping chemicals like paint, oil and solvents and opt for non-toxic cleaning products like DIY cleaners made from vinegar and baking soda, which are safe for people and the seas. Eat smart. Per a 2016 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report, nearly a third of commercial fish stocks are now fished at dangerously unsustainable levels. Find best choices on the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s downloadable sustainable seafood guide and app at when dining or shopping, and ask seafood eateries and fish counters to carry ocean-friendly selections. Reduce fertilizers. Fertilizer runoff from gardens and commercial agriculture eventually end up in oceans, leading to “dead zones” with low levels of oxygen that kill aquatic life. Cut energy use. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel consumption is turning oceans acidic, which is particularly harmful to coral reefs. Use energy-efficient appliances and vehicles, opt for renewable energy plans from local utilities and bike, walk and take public transit.

Sea Change Youth worldwide are engaging in innovative ways to activate their communities and combat ocean pollution. Pédrisson and Emmanuelson Bernard, of Carrefour, Haiti, won the 2016 Millennium Oceans Prize for a win-win solution to urban waste, ocean pollution and unemployment. During Haiti’s rainy season, the city’s streets carry trash to the sea. The brothers developed a waste management system and mobilized community youth to help keep the streets clean, in turn protecting the waters upon which the island community depends. Students from Borrisoleigh, Ireland, won the EurOcean Foundation’s European Mário Ruivo Prize for a marine trash-fighting solution called Bags with Tags, in December. Laura Hutchinson and Antoinette Atik designed stylish totes to curb the use of plastic bags, including magnetic tags for easier retrieval from waterways; they worked with local stores to distribute them at points of sale. In another 2016 Professor Mário Ruivo Prize finalist effort, students from the island of Malta developed a way to keep waste from falling out of the usually open trash bins serving local ferries that transport 4 million passengers annually by collaborating with town officials to place three marine-friendly containers near the ferry departure point. Such student initiatives demonstrate how simple solutions, driven by passionate advocates, can improve our troubled waters.

Primary sources:;; natural awakenings

April 2017


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ENZYME THERAPY FOR PETS A Key to Good Health by Shawn Messonnier


Liliya Kulianionak/

nzymes are among the most commonly used supplements for cats and dogs because they are widely beneficial. They support digestive health and enhance nutrient absorption, as well as reduce inflammation and boost overall wellness. A nutrition school adage states, “If you have a question on your exam and don’t know the answer, put down ‘enzymes’ and you’ll likely be correct.” The point is that enzymes made by the body for specific functions are essential to life because they affect nearly every physical or biological process. Enzymes help normal, healthy pets use nutrients and support the righting of gastrointestinal disorders, whether involving simple vomiting, diarrhea, chronic or complete constipation, anal

sac disorders or inflammatory bowel disease, regardless of cause. Because sick pets often suffer from reduced appetite and impaired digestion, enzyme supplements are often added to a dietetic regimen to improve their nutritional status. Helpful enzymes include proteases, carbohydrases (like amylase) and lipases that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, respectively. Digestive enzymes are highly specific both to the type of food they act upon and the conditions under which they work. They can be derived from pancreatic, plant or microbial sources (bacteria or fungi). While pancreatic enzymes activate mainly in the small intestines (being inactive in the stomach’s lower pH environment), plant and microbial enzymes begin digesting foods in the stomach immediately after ingestion and likely even on the food being prepared, if the enzymes are added several minutes before they are eaten. Enzymes from microbial and plant origins have a broader spectrum of activity because they are stable and active through a wide pH range of 3.0 to 8.0. Enzymes may be helpful for pets with inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, dermatitis, allergies, asthma and cancer. In such cases, they should not be administered with food, because

otherwise they will be “used up” before the pet digests the food. It’s also possible to use enzyme supplementation to reduce excessive shedding because enzyme supplementation is widely recognized to increase the absorption of nutrients, some possibly involved in controlling hair growth. Some of these nutrients may be used in thyroid hormone synthesis, which can positively affect hair growth and reduce shedding. A novel use for enzymes is to help pets practicing coprophagia, or the eating of their own or another animal’s feces. Adding the proper enzymes to the diet is believed to curb this problem, which could result from a nutrient deficiency caused by incomplete digestion and absorption. For pets with behavioral coprophagia, enzyme supplementation is unlikely to help the problem but will still benefit the pet’s overall health. The recommended dose by breed and weight is based upon experience, the label of a specific product and directions provided by the family veterinarian. Using enzymes according to a professional’s advice is safe, with rare to nonexistent side effects. Talk to the pet’s doctor about the best enzyme products to address individual needs and keep them healthy. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit

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Adopt a homeless pet from an area shelter

natural awakenings

April 2017


calendarofevents Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

SATURDAY, APRIL 1 Guided Hike: Walls of Jericho in Jackson County – 8:30am. (App. 6 hours / Difficult). Join Mike Dalen for an unforgettable day hike. Once the hunting grounds of Davy Crockett, “The Walls” are one of Forever Wild’s most popular properties. Directions:

AshaKiran’s 11th Annual A Ray of Hope Event 2017 –12-6pm. Speakers 1-3pm. Keynote Speaker: Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe ( Guest Speaker: Tonya Stafford ( Country of Focus: Uganda. International Fair, Food Vendors, Henna, Booth Displays, Entertainment, Games. Free. Trinity United Methodist Church, 607 Airport Rd SW, Huntsville. 256-405-4357.

Huntsville Feminist Chorus Spring Concert – 7:30-8:30pm. In support of Women’s History Month, the Huntsville Feminist Chorus presents our annual spring concert, themed “All of Us.” A reception will follow. Free. UAHuntsville Roberts Recital Hall, 301 Sparkman Dr. 256-513-9638.



Guided Hike: Wade Mountain Nature Preserve’s Special Wildflowers – 2pm. (2 hours / Moderate/ App. 2.5 miles). Botanist Lynne Weninegar will lead you to Devil’s Racetrack and will provide fun facts about the many beautiful species native to this semiarid microclimate. Directions:

Difficulty: Moderate to difficult). Discover some of Monte Sano Nature Preserves most traveled trails: Bluff Line, Wagon Trail, and Old Railroad Bed Trails with Bruce Martin. Directions: LandTrust


Guided Hike: See “The Coolest Rock” on Rainbow Mountain in Madison – 2pm. (2-3 hours / Moderate to difficult, app. 3 miles). Land Trust members Jim Chamberlain and Steve Herold lead this mountain hike which includes a visit to beautiful (and famous) Balance Rock. Directions:

Hike Hays – 9-10am and 12-1pm. Guided hike on the first Friday of each month. Morning hike begins at 9am. Afternoon hike begins at Noon. Meet in the Flint River Parking Area. Paved and natural paths both available. Free. Hays Nature Preserve, 7161 U.S. Hwy 431 S, Owens Cross Roads. 256-532-5326. Spring Plant Sale – 9am-6pm (Fri-Sat), 12-5pm (Sun). Plants and flowers for sale, gardening activities for children, educational talks for adults, soil testing by Master Gardeners and free advice from plant experts. Free. Huntsville Botanical Garden, 4747 Bob Wallace Ave. 256-830-4447.

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Guided Hike: Bluff Line Combo: History, Trees, and Wildflowers – 9am. (App. Length: 3.4 miles /


FRIDAY, APRIL 14 The Quest for Love – 7:30-8pm. Hear inspiring stories and insights from Harold Klemp, spiritual leader and acclaimed author of more than seventy books on ECKANKAR. Learn how to recognize God’s blessings in ways you’ve never experienced before—on your own quest for love. Free. WOW Cable Channel 11 (Huntsville-Madison). 256-5341751.


thoughts and you change your world.

Success & Happiness Weekend Boot Camp – FriSun. Private bus roundtrip to Inlet Beach, FL for a weekend of yoga, meditation, personal growth, fellowship and meeting new friends. $349 per person; 100% proceeds to charity. Blossomwood RSVP by 4/5 to Jenny at 256-4319254 or

~Norman Vincent Peale


Change your

Earth Day at Hays Nature Preserve – 10am-2pm. View Butterfly Releases and enjoy free activities for children from more than 75 different organizations at the festival. Fishing is free, as always, in Bar Lake; worms and cane poles provided if needed. Hotdogs and drinks provided, while supplies last. Free. 7161 Hays Preserve Tr SE, Owens Cross Roads, AL. Earth Day Festival at Lowe Mill – 10am-9pm. A day of activities focused around Lowe Mill’s growing community garden. Learn about the community garden efforts and help with garden cleanup, tree maintenance, and harvesting. Garden potluck and burn starting at 6pm. Lowe Mill Community Garden, 2211 Seminole Dr SW, Huntsville.


Tennessee Valley

Guided Hike: Celebrate Earth Day by Goin’ to the Dogs at Harvest Square – 10am. (1.5 hours / Easy walk with your favorite pooch; roots and rocks on trail). The Greater Huntsville Humane Society will have some very adoptable hounds for you to test hike. Dogs on leads are especially welcome. Directions:

Guided Hike: Spring Migration on Whitaker Preserve with John Ehinger – 9am. (1.5 hours / Easy walk in grasslands). Join John Ehinger on the Whitaker property (Alabama Birding Trail, Site 40) for a beautiful morning of grassland birding. Directions:

THURSDAY, APRIL 28 Panoply Arts Festival – 5-9pm (Fri), 10am-9pm (Sat), 12-7pm (Sun). Featuring live performance stages, interactive arts experiences and activities for all ages, a juried Art Marketplace with more than 80 visual artists, the Creative Play Space, craft beer and much more. $10. Big Spring Park, Huntsville. The Paranormal Study Center Monthly Lecture – 6:30pm. Alabama author Debra Glass presents “True Ghost Stories of Alabama.” $10. Unity Church on The Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr, Huntsville.

SATURDAY, APRIL 29 Plant Sale/Fundraiser Morgan Co. Master Gardeners – 8am-4pm (Sat), 1-4pm (Sun). This annual sale will feature unusual plants, houseplants, succulents, annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, wildflowers, and mixed containers. Vendors will be there with specialty plants, items for the home and yard art. Cash and check only. Free. Morgan Co. Fairgrounds, 2919 Fairground Rd, Decatur. Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO – 10am-3pm. More than 50 exhibitors will share information on the environment, earth-friendly products and services, outdoor activities, and healthy living. Hands-on activities for young and old. Free door prizes, hot dogs, and treats. Free. Friendship Church, 16479 Lucas Ferry Rd., Athens, AL. Guided Hike: Looking for Herps at Green Mountain Nature Preserve –10am. (2 miles / Moderate to difficult). Andrew Cantrell will point out who or what may live in the pristine cove and streams of South Green Mountain along the popular Alum Hollow trail. Directions:

SUNDAY, APRIL 30 Guided Hike: Rainbow Mountain Spring Wildflowers – 2pm. (2-3 hours / Moderate to difficult, app. 2.5 miles). The April showers should bring waterfalls and wildflowers to Madison’s Rainbow Mountain. Hike leader Allison Wheeler will make certain you also see famous Balance Rock. Directions:


Satsang – 6:30pm. Through group discussion and inquiry, we reveal the innate wisdom of the one presence living life as each one of us. Meditation 6pm. Led by Rev. David Leonard. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596.



A Course in Miracles Study Group – 9:15am. Shared reading and group discussions. Extra books available. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

Public Clearance Session – 7pm. Third Friday each month. Learn effective healing through reception and application of Divine energies. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

Revealing Service – 9:45am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596. Celebration Service – 10:30am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-8838596. Unity Church on the Mountain – Worship Service 11am. Adult Book Discussion 9:30-10:30am. Children’s Sunday School 11am (ages 4-10). Unity is a positive path for spiritual living. All are welcome! 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. UnityOnThe 1-Hour Mystery School – 11am. A different service each week including ritual, music, and a message in an open, loving environment. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255. Success & Happiness Meetup – 3-5pm. Free workshops on personal development and other topics focused around positive living. Hosted by the Blossomwood Foundation. HappSpace, 2222 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-431-9254. Yoga with Mr. Nirmal Singh – 4pm. Hatha Yoga class for beginners as well as experienced students. The yoga postures will be tailored as much as possible to the capability and experience of the individual participants. Free. HCCNA Temple Auditorium, 14840 Smith Dr, Harvest, AL. Nsingh. Heartfulness Meditation – 5pm. Experience a guided relaxation session leading to meditation by an experienced Heartfulness trainer. Heartfulness is a path to experiencing your inner self. Free. HCCNA Temple Auditorium, 14840 Smith Dr, Harvest, AL. Huntsville.Hearfulness@ Heartfulness. org. Free masterclass offered online at Heartfulness. org/masterclass.

monday Aging Gracefully Yoga – 10-11am Mondays and Fridays. In this yoga class for seniors, students will learn postures to strengthen and stretch muscles, protect joints, and promote balance. Yoga props will be used to make the postures accessible. Chris Irrgang RYT-200, Restoring Bodies Fitness Studio, 6996 Wall Triana Highway, Madison. 256-6534776. Acupuncture Happy Hour – 4-6pm. A 30-minute ear acupuncture treatment that will de-stress, detox, relax and re-energize you. No appointment necessary. $35. Alabama Holistic Health, 204 Lowe Ave SE, Ste 3, Huntsville. 256-801-9162. ALHolistic

saturday Free Introduction to Practical Philosophy Course – 6:30-8:30pm, Mondays, 4/10 to 6/12. A free class based on wisdom traditions of East and West that aims to connect people with the happiness and wisdom that are already within. No prior understanding is necessary. Unity on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-883-8446.

tuesday Yoga for 50+ – 9-10:15am Tuesdays and 9:1510:30am Wednesdays. In this class, seniors will learn postures to strengthen and stretch muscles, protect joints, and promote balance. Yoga props will be used to make the postures accessible to everyone. Chris Irrgang RYT-200, YogaFire Studio, 970 Balch Rd (inside Empire Fitness Center), Madison. 256653-4776 Meditation – 6pm. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596. Military Stress Acupuncture Clinic – 6:30-8pm. For active duty and veterans with Military Stress, PTSS, PTSD. Acupuncturists and massage therapists available to relieve stress or pain. Donation only. Alabama Holistic Health, 204 Lowe Ave, SE, Ste 3, Huntsville. 256-801-9162.


Artist Market – 12-4pm. Local artists and others are invited to set up a booth and sell their wares to the public. There will be art, jewelry, vintage clothing, records and more for sale. Admission free. Flying Monkey Arts Center at Lowe Mill, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. Community HU Song – 1:30-2pm. Join others in singing HU, an ancient love song to God that can help and uplift you in countless ways. Held each Saturday (except 4/15). Huntsville ECK Center, 900 Wellman Ave NE #3 (near Five Points). 256-5341751. Crystal Light Bed Sessions – 1-4pm. A 20-minute crystal light bed session that to relax, de-stress, balance and re-energize your energy system. $20. Dream Maker, 4004 Triana Blvd, Huntsville. 256883-8446.

GOT EVENTS? GET NOTICED! Advertise in our calendar.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Editor@ Deadline is the 10th of the month.

Yoga for 50+ – 12-1:pm. In this class, seniors will learn postures to strengthen and stretch muscles, protect joints, and promote balance. Yoga props will be used to make the postures accessible to everyone. Chris Irrgang RYT-200, The Yoga Center, 500 Pratt Avenue NE, Huntsville. 256-653-4776 Yoga.

LOOKING FOR PRACTITIONERS of Dr. Ray’s Radiance Technique for monthly group. Call 256-534-6091 and leave message.

Lessons in Truth Book Study – 6:30-7:30pm. David Carroll will facilitate a book study group on Lessons in Truth by H. Emilie Cady. 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville.

SALADMASTER sales and service. 256-412-4896.



natural awakenings

April 2017


communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. Email to request our media kit. ACUPUNCTURE ALABAMA HOLISTIC HEALTH, LLC Dr. Christina L. Berry, Ed.D., ACI, ADS 204 Lowe Ave, Suite 7, Huntsville 256-801-9162

A holistic approach to health and wellness, specializing in pain management, weight loss, natural detoxification, and mental health improvement. Auriculotherapy/ Ear acupuncture. Massage therapy. Reflexology. Lifestyle consulting. Diet and supplement recommendations. Hydro-colon cleanse. Ionic detox. See ad, page 21.


600 Saint Clair Avenue SW, Bldg 5 Suite 11 Huntsville, AL 35801 256-716-4048 Hours: T-F, 9am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm House calls by Appointment Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbology, Pastoral Counseling, Beam Ray Therapy, Rapid Eye Technology, Emotion Code Technique, Nutritional Supplementation, Detoxification, BioMat.


Dr. Jamie’s Wellness Center 917 Merchant’s Walk, Ste A, Huntsville 256-434-7977 Comprehensive chiropractic and wellness services. Applied Nutritional Analysis Testing (ANA) and nutritional counseling. Standard Process® high-grade nutritional supplements. Aromatherapy. Essential oils. Detoxification. Multiple styles of massage, including Qi-ssage. Free educational classes on many healing modalities. Located behind Whole Foods. See ad, page 8.


Tina Pencola Owner/Certified Colon Hydrotherapist 10300 Bailey Cove Rd, Suite-7A Huntsville, AL 35803 256-270-8731 • 256-684-0020 Our goal is to live long and live strong. Young or old, male or female, healthy or sick, will benefit from an internal cleansing. Mention this ad and get $10 off your first colonic session. See ad, page 9.

Tennessee Valley


Chad Gilliam, M.M.S. PA-C 1230 Slaughter Road, Suite C, Madison, AL 256-722-0555 Madison Family Care provides medical care for patients of all ages and uniquely blends Natural and Prescription medicines together to help speed the patient’s recovery. Madison Family Care is the patient’s clinic of choice when they would like to understand how natural medicines work along with prescription drugs. See ad, page 32.

JARVIS NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 1489 Slaughter Road, Madison 256-837-3448

I-ACT Certified Colon Hydro Therapists. Do you know that 80% of your immune system is in your colon? Bathe your body from the inside to improve health. Colon irrigation aids in soothing and toning the colon, which makes elimination more effective.


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Young Living Independent Distributor 256-476-6537 Want to know why everyone is talking about essential oils? Learn more about essential oils, their uses and how to safely use them. Classes held monthly or schedule your class with friends and family. For more information call or email.




1900 Flint Rd SE Decatur, AL 35601 256-476-6537 Nail care for those that need more than just a pedicure. Physicians order required for care. Care includes footbath, trimming nails, thinning of thick nails, and removal of calluses and corns. For more information call or email. See ad, page 14.


CJ Denison 105E Church St Madison, AL 35758 • 256-603-9018 Specializing in N AT U R A L Hairstyles. Cuts with Texture and Movement. Specializing in Fine Hair, Razor cuts, Men's Hair Pieces with A NATURAL Look. Specializing in Hair Color OFF the Scalp. Hair Painting. A Safer way to Color or HiLight Your Hair to Help in Decreasing the Exposure to the Scalp. HEALTHY HAIR is HAPPY HAIR. Also Original Art Work and Private Art lessons available. Call Today for YOUR Appointment.

HEALTH & FITNESS HEAD-TO-TOE TRAINING 8006 Madison Pike, Ste 5 Madison, AL • 256-772-2006

A Mind/Body Training Center specializing in Core Training, Corrective and Therapeutic. Offering all facets of training: group and personal. Pilates (both matwork and apparatus), Thai/yoga massage, Flowmotion, PilatEASE, CoreABS and more! Membership packages available.


Kim Dillon, Practitioner/Emotional Therapist 7734 Madison Blvd, Ste 114, Huntsville, AL (corner of Madison Blvd & Slaughter Rd) 256-759-0496 • Emotional therapy with 20 years of clinical success, Emotional Polarity Technique (EPT) gets to the hidden issues quicker than talk therapy to bring relief from stress, traumas, hidden blocks, or chronic physical problems, and reach the life you desire. Free 15-minute EPT consultation.


Becky Waters Certified Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner and Professional Breathworker 3322 S. Memorial Pkwy, Ste 617 Huntsville, AL • 256-348-5236 Empowering you to live to your highest potential. Relieve stress and anxiety, release negativity, pain management, pre/post medical procedure, fears/phobias, weight loss, smoking cessation, and more. See ad, page 20.



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614 Madison St, Ste #2, Huntsville 256-656-1606 Cymatic Therapy uses sound and bioresonance frequencies to harmonize the body and relieve most kinds of pain. Dermacycling is a non-surgical facelift procedure that provides beauty treatments using microcurrent. Both therapies are highly effective, safe, and completely non-invasive. See ads, page 5.


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ASSOCIATES Dr. Deb Gilliam, N.M.D. 1230 Slaughter Rd, Ste E, Madison, AL 256-325-0955



Dr. Deb treats a variety of health problems using natural means. She looks for why people have symptoms and treats the root cause of those symptoms. Dr. Deb is highly regarded in the integrative and natural approach to wellness. Every patent is unique, and she individualizes treatment for their optimal wellness. See ad, page 15.

A complete system of body education that balances the physical body, improves posture, and helps resolve chronic pain. Created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the 1950s,  Structural Integration has been scientifically validated and has withstood the test of time, as millions of people have enjoyed the remarkable benefits.



Dana Sims, BS, MA, Plant-Based Nutrition, Certified Wholistic Rejuvenist (CWR) 204 Lowe Ave, Suite 3, Huntsville 256-323-1265 •

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