LUMBERJACKSTHESTAFFCOACHINGSEASONREVIEW 2022SCHEDULELUMBERJACKCROSSCOUNTRY Coaching Tree Bloomington,InvitationalInd. Sept.16 Sept.3 George Kyte Flagstaff,InvitationalAriz. Nuttycombe Wisconsin Invitational Madison, Wis. Oct.14 CowboyStillwater,JamboreeOkla.MountainSept.24 Regional Albuquerque,ChampionshipsN.M. Nov.11 Big SkyCheney,ChampionshipsWash.Oct.28 NCAA NationalStillwater,ChampionshipsOkla.Nov.19

3CROSS COUNTRY @NAUTRACKFIELDXC #NAUSTRONG 2022 CoachingNCAAGeorgeNationalMountainBig2021202120212022MediaQuickSchedule..................................................................................................................02Facts......................................................................................................................04Policies..................................................................................................................04Roster......................................................................................................................05Meet-by-MeetResults........................................................................................06-07TeamResultsandRankings...................................................................................08BigSkyChampionships..........................................................................................092021NCAAMountainRegionals......................................................................................09SkyChampionshipHistory....................................................................................10-11RegionalHistory...........................................................................................12-14ChampionshipHistory....................................................................................15-17KyteClassicHistory............................................................................................18All-Americans....................................................................................................19-20AwardHistory............................................................................................21 TABLE OF CONTENTS

All athlete interviews must be coordinated through the Ath letics Communications office at least one day in advance. No in terviews or photo shoots will be conducted on days prior to races. Out-of-town media should contact the athletics communications office to make arrangements for phone interviews.
LUMBERJACKSTHESEASON2022COACHINGSTAFFSEASONREVIEWHISTORY @NAUATHLETICS 4 LUMBERJACK 2022 LUMBERJACK CROSS COUNTRY MEDIA GUIDE UNIVERSITY INFORMATION Location .................................................................... Flagstaff, Ariz. Founded 1899 Enrollment (statewide) 28,718 Nickname.................................................................... Lumberjacks Mascot Louie Colors Blue and Gold Affiliation NCAA Division I Conference Big Sky President Dr. José Luis Cruz Rivera VP for Intercollegiate Athletics ....................................Mike Marlow Faculty Athletics Representative Dr. Alisse Ali-Joseph TEAM INFORMATION Athletes Returning/Lost 30 / 17 Newcomers 7 2021 Big Sky Championships Finish (Men) 1st 2021 Big Sky Championships Finish (Women) 1st 2021 NCAA Mountain Region Finish (Men) 2nd 2021 NCAA Mountain Region Finish (Women) ................................ 6th 2021 NCAA National Championships Finish (Men) 1st 2021 NCAA National Championships Finish (Women) 23rd PROGRAM HISTORY First Season (Men/Women) 1970 / 1987 Men’s Big Sky Championships (Total/Most Recent) 30 / 2021 Women’s Big Sky Championships (Total/Most Recent) 22 / 2021 Men’s Mountain Region Championships (Total/Most Recent).10 / 2019 Women’s Mountain Region Championships (Total/Most Women’sMen’s..................................................................................................4Recent)........./1992NCAAChampionships(Total/MostRecent)5/2021NCAAAppearances(Total/MostRecent)19/2021 COACHING STAFF Head Coach Mike Smith Alma Mater Georgetown, 2003 Seasons at NAU 5 Big Sky Championships (XC) .............................................................. 8 NCAA National Championships (XC)....................................... 4 Assistant Coach Jarred Cornfield Alma Mater Liberty, 2014 Seasons at NAU.................................................................................. 7 Assistant Coach Becca Pflugrad Alma Mater Georgetown, 2014 Seasons at NAU.................................................................................. 5 MEDIA INFORMATION Graduate Assistant for Athletics Communications/XC Contact .............................................................................. Courtney Vondracek E-Mail cv656@nau.edu Website www.nauathletics.com Twitter/Instagram/Facebook @NAUTrackFieldXC
Mike Smith and his staff are generally available for interviews during standard workweek hours. Contact Courtney Vondracek in the athletics communications office at cv656@nau.edu to coordi nate all interviews with coach Mike Smith.
Daily cross country workouts are open to both the public and the media unless otherwise noted. Media planning to attend cross country workouts should notify the athletics communications office in advance to confirm start times and to arrange interviews.
The athletics communications office is located in the press box on the west side of the Walkup Skydome. The phone number is (928) 523-6792 or 6330 and the fax number is 523-6793.
Arizona does not move its clock ahead in the spring or back in the fall. As a result, Flagstaff time coincides with the Pacific time zone through Nov. 6. The rest of the season, NAU is compatible with the Mountain time zone.
MEDIA OPPORTUNITY Head coach Mike Smith is available upon request. Other coaches and individual athletes may be requested as well. Special requests for availability may be made to the athletics communica tions office.
If photographers and/or videographers wish to shoot the ath letes, prior notification of at least one day before the event must be given. Contact Courtney Vondracek in the athletics communication office to do so.
Each NAU athlete will be made available for interviews upon request after his/her race is completed. Please note, the athletes frequently perform a “cool down” run shortly after a scheduled race. In order to avoid waiting for an interview after the cool down, reach out to Courtney Vondracek as soon as possible with specific athlete requests following the competition.
Releases, statistics, rosters and breaking news are available at the athletics web site, located at www.nauathletics.com. The Big Sky Conference web site is located at www.bigskyconf.com.
Fenske, Anna Sophomore Farmington, Minn./Farmington High School
John NicoSkylerSchererWallaceYoung Freshmen (7) Samantha Blair Terrence Keyes Erik Le Roux Keira Moore Aidan Puffer
Moore, Keira Freshman Brisbane, Queensland, Australia/Brisbane State High School
Young, Nico Sophomore Camarillo, Calif./Newbury Park High School
Reiss, Annika Junior Bellingham, Wash./Bellingham High School
Sahlman, Colin Freshman Newbury Park, Calif./Newbury Park High School
O’Neill, Taryn Senior Kelowna, BC Canada/ George Elliot Secondary School
Gaitan, Victoria Sophomore Temecula, Calif./Great Oak High School
Colin OdessaSahlmanZentz
Moore, Nikita Sophomore Brisbane, Queensland, Australia/Brisbane State High School
Congdon, Maggi Junior Steamboat Springs, Colo./Steamboat Springs High School
Riordan, Abby Senior Carrolton, Texas/Hebron High School
Le Roux, Erik Freshman Colorado Springs, Colo./Cheyenne Mountain High School
Scherer, John Sophomore Oshkosh, Wisc./Oshkosh North High School
Kebbe, Alexis Sophomore Portland, Ore./Jesuit High School
Gomez-Prosser, Santiago Junior Anchorage, Alaska/A.J. Dimond High School
Van Pelt, Meagan Senior Phoenix, Ariz./Shadow Mountain High School
Keyes, Terrence Freshman Gilbert, Ariz./Gilbert High School
Bosley, Drew Senior Thiensville, Wisc./Homestead High School
Name Class Hometown/Previous School
Kusche, George RS-Senior Malalane, South Africa/Afrikaans Hoer Seunskool
Seniors (7) Drew GeorgeBosleyKusche - RS Bryn MeaganAbbyRyanTarynMorleyO’NeillRaffRiordanVanPelt Juniors (12) Jesselyn Bries - RS Maggi Congdon Caleb CoreySantiagoEastonGomez-ProsserGorgas
Easton, Caleb Junior Middleton Wisc./Middleton High School Espinoza, Randy Sophomore Glendale Ariz./Deer Valley High School
Human, Riley Junior Flagstaff, Ariz./Flagstaff High School
Quax, Theo RS-Junior Auckland, New Zealand/Macleans College
Blair, Samantha Freshman Eagle, Colo./Eagle Valley High School
Gorgas, Corey Junior Saugatuck, Mich./Saugatuck High School
Puffer, Aidan Freshman East Manchester, Conn./Manchester High School
Bries, Jesselyn RS-Junior Peoria, Ariz./Sandra Day O’Connor High School
Jorgensen, Lauren Sophomore Tuscon, Ariz./Catalina Foothills High School
Morley, Bryn Senior Bigfork, Mont./Bigfork High School
Stearns, Elise Junior Missoula, Mont./Hellgate High School
Zentz, Odessa Freshman Helena, Mont./Helena High School
Brodey Hasty - RS Riley Human Kang Nyoak Theo Quax - RS Annika Reiss Sophia Roach Elise Stearns Sophomores (11) Aiden LaurenCaelVictoriaAnnaRandyBarnhillEspinozaFenskeGaitanGrotenhuisJorgensen
Raff, Ryan Senior Lehi, Utah/Lehi High School
Hasty, Brodey RS-Junior Salem, Utah/Brentwood High School
Nyoak, Kang Junior Melbourne, Australia/Wesley College
Roach, Sophia Junior Austin, Texas/Cedar Park High School
Barnhill, Aiden Sophomore Downingtown, Penn./Downington West High School
Grotenhuis, Cael Sophomore Slinger, Wisc./Slinger High School
Name Class Hometown/Previous School
Wallace, Skyler Sophomore Carlsbad, Calif./Sage Creek High School
Alexia Kebbe Nikita Moore
LUMBERJACKSTHESEASON2022COACHINGSTAFFSEASONREVIEWHISTORY @NAUATHLETICS 6 LUMBERJACK 2022 LUMBERJACK CROSS COUNTRY MEDIA GUIDE 2021 MEN'S MEET-BY-MEET RESULTS Sept. 4 • George Kyte Classic Flagstaff, Ariz. • Buffalo Park Men’s Results 4.5 Mile Run Athlete Place Time Ryan Raff 1st 22:31.2 Drew Bosley 2nd 22:37.0 George Kusche 3rd 22:59.3 Aldo Marquez 4th 23:22.4 Theo Quax 5th 23:34.4 Jordan Black 8th 23:42.6 John Shea 11th 24:41.4 Riley Human 16th 25:06.2 TEAM 1st Sept. 18 • Cowboy Jamboree Stillwater, Okla. • OSU Cross Country Course • Men’s Results 8K Oct. 15 • FSU Invite/Pre-Nationals Tallahassee, Fla. • Apalachee Regional Park Men’s Results Garnet 8K Athlete Place Time Abdihamid Nur 3rd 23:40.4 Nico Young 4th 23:41.3 Drew Bosley 5th 23:44.2 George Kusche 13th 24:03.1 Ryan Raff 16th 24:07.4 Tristan Merchant 18th 24:11.8 Santiago Prosser 22nd 24:16.6 Theo Quax 25th 24:25.3 Brodey Hasty 37th 24:50.1 Kang Nyoak 39th 24:59.8 Caleb Easton 41st 25:02.1 Aldo Marquez 43rd 25:03.5 John Shea 55th 25:20.2 Jordan Black 68th 25:32.5 TEAM 1st Athlete Place Time Abdihamid Nur 4th 22:55.2 Drew Bosley 6th 23:00.5 Nico Young 9th 23:12.4 George Kusche 20th 23:24.0 Theo Quax 25th 23:26.3 Ryan Raff 56th 23:53.8 Santiago Prosser 103rd 24:16.6 Tristan Merchant 110th 24:18.5 TEAM 1st Nov. 12 • NCAA Mountain Region Championships
Provo, Utah • Timpanogos Golf Club Men’s Results 10K Athlete Place Time Nico Young 2nd 29:40.8 Abdihamid Nur 6th 29:49.3 Drew Bosley 10th 30:07.0 Ryan Raff 13th 30:13.3 Theo Quax 26th 30:29.6 Brodey Hasty 30th 30:33.7 Prosser 58th 31:39.9 2nd Nov. 20 NCAA National Championships Fla. Apalachee Regional Park Men’s Results 10K 29 Sky Championships Ore. Golf Course Results 8K Athlete Place Time Drew Bosley 1st 23:15.6 Young 2nd 23:16.0 Nur 4th 23:21.6 Kusche 8th 23:42.o Merchant 15rd 24:15.4 Easton 19th 24:25.8 Marquez 27th 24:38.1 Kang Nyoak 36th 25:00.0 1st Athlete Place Time Abdihamid Nur 7th 28:52.9 Young 11th 28:57.5 Bosley 13th 29:13.8 Kusche 37th 29:29.4 Hasty 39th 29:30.2 Quax 114th 30:19.0 Raff 162nd 30:41.4 TEAM 1st
• Big
• Meriwether
7CROSS COUNTRY @NAUTRACKFIELDXC #NAUSTRONG 2021 WOMEN'S MEET-BY-MEET RESULTS Sept. 4 • George Kyte Classic Flagstaff, Ariz. • Buffalo Park Women’s Results 2.5 Mile Run Athlete Place Time Pipi Eitel 1st 15:32.7 Maggi Congdon 2nd 15:54.0 Elise Stearns 3rd 15:54.0 Alexis Kebbe 4th 15:56.6 Jesselyn Bries 5th 16:00.2 Cassi Land 7th 16:01.8 Meagan Van Pelt 8th 16:05.4 Jenna McCaffrey 9th 16:17.5 Luna Slater 11th 16:29.0 Abby Riordan 13th 16:50.6 Melanie Loff 24th 18:24.7 TEAM 1st Oct. 1 • Paul Short Run Bethlehem, Penn. • Lehigh Goodman Campus Course • Women’s Results 6K Oct. 15 • FSU Invite/Pre-Nationals Tallahassee, Fla. • Apalachee Regional Park Women’s Results 6K Athlete Place Time Taryn O’Niell 1st 19:54.8 Pipi Eitel 7th 20:14.0 Hannah Behunin 23rd 20:37.0 Annika Reiss 25th 20:38.1 Jesselyn Bries 29th 20:40.4 Bryn Morley 41st 20:56.2 Elise Stearns 44th 21:00.2 Meagan Van Pelt 46th 21:02.4 Alexis Kebbe 60th 21:15.0 Delaney Rasmussen 72nd 21:25.0 TEAM 1st Athlete Place Time Taryn O’Niell 4th 19:53.4 Bryn Morley 53rd 20:43.6 Annika Reiss 59th 20:45.2 Jesselyn Bries 77th 20:57.3 Pipi Eitel 88th 21:04.8 Delaney Rasmussen 141st 21:42.8 Hannah Behunin 153rd 21:48.6 Maggi Congdon 159th 21:53.4 TEAM 7th Nov. 12 • NCAA Mountain Region Championsips
TEAM 6th Nov. 20 • NCAA National Championships Tallahassee, Fla. • Apalachee Regional Park Women’s Results 6K Oct. 29 • Big Sky Championships Hillsboro, Ore. • Meriwether Golf Course Women’s Results 5K Athlete Place Time Taryn O’Niell 1st 16:31.6 Elise Stearns 6th 16:47.6 Pipi Eitel 7th 16:47.6 Bryn Morley 11th 16:57.2 Annika Reiss 12st 16:59.9 Meagan Van Pelt 14th 17:03.3 Maggi Congdon 15th 17:04.4 Jesselyn Bries 21st 17:16.3 TEAM 1s Athlete Place Time Taryn O’Niell 42nd
Pipi Eitel 75th
Jesselyn Bries 136th
Meagan Van Pelt 205th
TEAM 23rd
Delaney Rasmussen 200th
Bryn Morley 214th
Elise Searns 196th
Provo, Utah • Timpanogos Golf Club Results 6K Athlete Place Time Taryn O’Niell 1st 20:17.9 Eitel 35th 21:17.9 Stearns 40th 21:23.2 Morley 41st 21:24.2 Rasmussen 51st 21:39.2 Bries 62nd 21:56.2 Reiss 83rd 22:32.4 19:58.2 20:20.1 20:44.5 21:10.0 21:12.5 21:16.7 21:20.9
WOMEN'S TEAM RESULTS 2021 USTFCCCA POLL RANKINGS Men Regional National Preseason 1 1 Week 1 1 1 Week 2 1 1 Week 3 1 1 Week 4 1 1 Week 5 1 1 Week 6 1 1 Week 7 N/A 1 FINAL 2 1 2021 USTFCCCA POLL RANKINGS Women Regional National Preseason 4 12 Week 1 3 12 Week 2 3 12 Week 3 2 12 Week 4 6 16 Week 5 6 19 Week 6 5 18 Week 7 N/A 21 FINAL 6 23
Women Event LocationPlace/Team Place/Team Points Top NAU Finisher Time 9/4 George Kyte Classic Flagstaff, Ariz. 1st 19 Pipi Eitel 15:32.7 10/1 Paul Short Run Bethlehem, Penn. 1st 85 Taryn O’Niell 19:54.8 10/15 FSU Invite/Pre-Nationals Tallahassee, Fla. 7th 279 Taryn O’Niell 19:53.4 10/29 Big Sky Championships Hillsboro, Ore. 1st 37 Taryn O’Niell 16:31.6 NCAA Mountain Regionals Provo, Utah 6th 168 Taryn O’Niell 20:17.9 NCAA Championships Tallahassee, Fla. 23rd 532 Taryn O’Niell 19:58.2
Men Event LocationPlace/Team Place/Team Points Top NAU Finisher Time 9/4 George Kyte Classic Flagstaff, Ariz. 1st 15 Ryan Raff 22:31.2 9/18 Cowboy Jamboree Stillwater, Okla. 1st 39 Abdihamid Nur 23:40.4 10/15 FSU Invite/Pre-Nationals Tallahassee, Fla 1st 64 Abdihamid Nur 22:55.2 10/29 Big Sky Championships Hillsboro, Ore. 1st 30 Drew Bosley 23:15.6 11/12 NCAA Mountain Regionals Provo, Utah 2nd 57 Nico Young 29:40.8 11/20 NCAA Championships Tallahassee, Fla. 1st 92 Abdihamid Nur 28:52.9
9CROSS COUNTRY @NAUTRACKFIELDXC #NAUSTRONG 2021 BIG SKY CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN'S TEAM RESULTS 1. Northern Arizona 2. Southern Utah 3. Montana State 4. Weber State 5. Idaho 6. Portland State 7. Montana 8. Eastern Wasington 9. Idaho State 10. Sacramento State 11. Northern Colorado WOMEN’S TEAM RESULTS 1. Northern Arizona 2. Weber State 3. Portland State 4. Idaho 5. Southern Utah 6. Montana State 7. Idaho State 8. Sacramento State 9. Northern Colorado 10. Montana 11. Eastern Washington 2021 NCAA MOUNTAIN REGIONALS MEN'S TEAM RESULTS 1. BYU 2. Northern Arizona 3. Colorado 4. Air Force 5. Southern Utah 6. Weber State 7. Montana State 8. Utah State 9. Colorado State 10. Utah Valley WOMEN’S TEAM RESULTS 1. New Mexico 2. Colorado 3. BYU 4. Colorado State 5. Utah 6. Northern Arizona 7. Utah State 8. Weber State 9. Utah Valley 10. Air Force

1990 Salt Lake City, Utah Weber State, 35 Shannon Butler, Montana State, 29:49 (5)
Bozeman, Mont. Northern Arizona, 40 Nate Long, Weber State, 24;15 (4)
Portland, Ore. Northern Arizona, 39 Jesse Barnes, Montana, 24:20.4 (6)
1988 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 15 Bo Reed, Northern Arizona, 30:08 (5)
1976 Boise, Idaho Boise State, 30 Dean Erhard, Montana, 24:34.0 (4)
Pocatello, Idaho Idaho State, 36 Wade Jacobson, Montana, 20:02.0 (1)
2020* Ogden, Utah Southern Utah, 35 Abdihamid Nur, Northern Arizona, 23:55.6 (6)
1997 Rocklin, Calif. Weber State, 39 Miguel Galeana, Montana State, 25:09 (6)
Missoula, Mont. Boise State-Weber State, 47 Bob Walker, Boise State, 24:57.0 (4)
*Championship Held During Spring 2021 Due to COVID-19 Concerns
1979 Midway, Utah Nevada, 39 Jairo Correa, Nevada, 31:08.8 (5)
1969 Moscow, Idaho Montana, 28 Wade Jacobson, Montana, 20:46.0 (1)
Ogden, Utah Northern Arizona, 43 Jon Cardenas, Northern Arizona, 25:07 (6)
1996 Riverdale, Utah Northern Arizona, 20 John Howell, Northern Arizona, 24:53.4 (6)
1994 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 32 Chris Jones, Weber State, 30:26.58 (5)
2015 Cedar City, Utah Southern Utah, 26 Hayden Hawks, Southern Utah, 24:56.6 (6)
1981 Pocatello, Idaho Idaho State, 49 Steve Bishop, Montana State, 30:47.0 (5)
Moscow, Idaho Northern Arizona, 15 Futsum Zienasellassie, Northern Arizona, 23:58 (6)
Greeley, Colo. Northern Arizona, 19 David McNeill, Northern Arizona, 24:35.8 (6)
Pocatello, Idaho Montana State, 41 Casey Jermyn, Montana State, 24:53.6 (6)
1995 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 30 Tim Martin, Northern Arizona, 30:07.3 (5)
1978 Kaysville, Utah Northern Arizona, 28 Art Menchaca, Northern Arizona, 31:24.0 (5)
1980 Eagle, Idaho Nevada, 46 Joaquin Leano, Nevada, 29:24.2 (5)
1977 Salt Lake City, Utah Weber State, 29 Jorge Ruiz, Weber State, 30:56.0 (5)
Portland, Ore. Northern Arizona, 19 David McNeill, Northern Arizona, 23:20.0 (6)
Cheney, Wash. Northern Arizona, 27 David McNeill, Northern Arizona, 21:28 (6)
Pocatello, Idaho Northern Arizona, 26 Diego Estrada, Northern Arizona, 24:15.5 (6)
Grand Forks, N.D, Northern Arizona, 24 Futsum Zienasellassie, Northern Arizona, 24:07.8 (6)
1992 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 44 Chris Jones, Weber State, 30:25 (5)
1985 Boise, Idaho Montana, 40 Mark Souza, Northern Arizona, 29:42.2 (5)
2006 Sacramento, Calif. Weber State, 32 Lopez Lomong, Northern Arizona, 23:27.1 (6)
1987 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 39 Kris Cary, Weber State, 31:14 (5)
1971 Pocatello, Idaho Montana-Northern Arizona, 40 Rich Sliney, Northern Arizona, 25:59.0 (4)
1970 Bozeman, Mont. Montana, 38 Rich Sliney, Northern Arizona, 26:09.0 (4)
1982 Salt Lake City, Utah Idaho State, 25 Derrick May, Nevada, 30:15.3
1964 Ogden, Utah Idaho State, 30 Art Scott, Idaho State, 19:26.9 (2)
1963 Moscow, Idaho Idaho, 49 Doug Brown, Montana, 20:24.5 (1)
1986 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 27 Frank Horn, Montana (30:17.3 (5)
2007 Missoula, Mont. Northern Arizona, 22 Lopez Lomong, Northern Arizona, 23:51.2 (6)
1966 Bozeman, Mont. Idaho State, 38 Doug Brown, Montana, 19:44.8 (1)
Bozeman, Mont. Northern Arizona, 25 Matt McElroy, Northern Arizona, 24:32.19 (6)
2021 Hillsboro, Ore. Northern Arizona, 30 Drew Bosley, Northern Arizona, 23:15.6 (6)
(1) Four Miles; (2) 3.95 Miles; (3) 4.3 Miles; (4) Five Miles; (5) 10,000 Meters; (6) 8,000 Meters
Greeley, Colo. Northern Aerizona, 24 Drew Bosley, Northern Arizona, 26:50.8 (6)
Flagstaff, Ariz. Northern Arizona, 24 Brian Shrader, Northern Arizona, 24:55.9 (6)
1967 Missoula, Mont. Montana, 29 Fred Friesz, Montana, 20:06.6 (1)
1993 Salt Lake City, Utah Montana State, 34 Thomas Roorda, Boise State, 30:49.8 (5)
Ogden, Utah Northern Arizona, 24 Tyler Day, Northern Arizona, 23:21.0 (6)
Flagstaff, Ariz. Northern Arizona, 25 Travis Laird, Northern Arizona, 25:24 (6)
1965 Spokane, Wash. Idaho, 50 Doug Brown, Montana, 20:31.9 (3)
1998 Missoula, Mont. Northern Arizona, 38 Billy Herman, Northern Arizona, 24:23.4 (6)
1974 Ogden, Utah Montana, 45 Doug Darko, Montana, 25:28.5 (4)
1975 Moscow, Idaho Montana, 46 Dean Erhard, Montana, 25:43.0 (4)
1991 Salt Lake City, Utah Weber State, 34 Kim White, Northern Arizona, 30:26 (5)
Flagstaff, Ariz. Montana, 48 Rich Sliney, Northern Arizona, 25:19.0 (4)
Riverside, Ore. Northern Arizona, 31 Kevin Koeper, Northern Arizona, 24:23.9 (6)
1983 Eden, Utah Nevada, 32 Derrick May, Nevada, 31:13.7 (5)
1984 American Fork, Utah Northern Arizona, 56 Larry Chumley, Northern Arizona, 29:29.6 (5)
2001 Cheney, Wash. Northern Arizona, 25 Henrik Ahnstrom, Northern Arizona, 24:56 (6)
1989 Salt Lake City, Utah Weber State, 54 Shannon Butler, Montana State, 30:27 (5)
Sacramento, Calif. Northern Arizona, 21 Matt Baxter, Northern Arizona, 22:46.0 (6)
Bozeman, Mont. Northern Arizona, 30 Ida Nilsson, Northern Arizona, 16:46
2001 Cheney, Wash. Northern Arizona, 19 Ida Nilsson, Northern Arizona, 17:29.0
1998 Missoula, Mont. Northern Arizona, 29 Rikke Pedersen, Northern Arizona, 17:33.31
1995 Salt Lake City, Utah Montana State, 40 Niamh Beirne, Boise State, 17:36.6
1994 Salt Lake City, Utah Montana State, 52 Rikke Pedersen, Northern Arizona, 17:44.0
Cheney, Wash. Montana, 49 Erica Wendt-Richardson, Idaho State, 15:46.55
Moscow, Idaho Northern Arizona, 48 Ellie Child, Weber State, 17:14
2000 Riverside, Ore. Weber State, 38 Sabrina Monro, Montana, 17:07.7
Sacramento, Calif. Weber State, 39 Nicole Gueldemister, Northern Arizona, 17:14.6
1992 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 21 Jennifer Cleary, Montana State, 17:12.0 1991 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 22 Kristi Klinnert, Northern Arizona, 17:15.0 1990 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 27 Kristi Klinnert, Northern Arizona, 17:15.0
2012 Flagstaff, Ariz. Weber State, 29 Amber Henry, Weber State, 16:59.7
1997 Rocklin, Calif. Weber State, 38 Amy Swier, Northern Arizona, 17:28
Flagstaff, Ariz. Northern Arizona, 29 Ida Nilsson, Northern Arizona, 18:16.1 2002
1988 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 32 Patty Young, Nevada, 17:29.4 Pocatello, Idaho Northern Arizona, 19 Nikki Toms, Northern Arizona, 18:02.0 Moscow, Idaho Montana State, 55 Loreen McRae, Montana, 18:18.0 Bozeman, Mont. Montana State, 48 Annette Hand, Montana State, 17:36.6 Ogden, Utah Montana, 53 Annette Hand, Montana State, 18:05.3 Missoula, Mont. Montana, 37 Patsy Sharples, Idaho, 17:41.1 Ore. Idaho, 26 Patsy Sharples, Idaho, 18:15.7
2007 Missoula, Mont. Northern Arizona, 33 Sarah Long, Weber State, 17:13.9
2015 Cedar City, Utah Weber State, 39 Makena Morley, Montana, 17:45.9
Pocatello, Idaho Northern Arizona, 18 Ida Nilsson, Northern Arizona, 17:29.0
Greeley, Colo. Northern Arizona, 36 Camila Noe, Montana State, 17:41.3
1993 Salt Lake City, Utah Weber State, 47 Angie Mathison, Idaho, 17:11.5
1982* Portland,
Sacramento, Calif. Southern Utah, 28 Angie Nickerson, Southern Utah, 16:30.3
2014 Grand Forks, N.D. Northern Arizona, 61 Sarah Reiter, Eastern Washington, 17:05.2
2020** Ogden, Utah Northern Arizona, 27 Taryn O’Niell, Northern Arizona, 16:59.9
Bozeman, Mont. Weber State, 55 Summer Harper, Weber State, 16:54.2
1989 Salt Lake City, Utah Northern Arizona, 25 Larah Treadwell, Northern Arizona, 17:09.0
Ogden, Utah Northern Arizona, 27 Johanna Nilsson, Northern Arizona, 17:28.7
2017 Ogden, Utah Northen Arizona, 51 Paige Gilchrist, Northern Arizona, 17:12.1
1999 Portland, Ore. Northern Arizona, 36 Sabrina Monro, Montana, 17:07.7
Greeley, Colo. Northern Arizona, 28 Veronica Pohl, Northern Arizona, 19:04.7 2008 Portland, Ore. Northern Arizona, 31 Veronica Pohl, Northern Arizona, 17:03.1
1996 Riverdale, Utah Northern Arizona, 30 Summer Schenck, Weber State, 17:26.48
Race Distance - 5,000 meters * - Mountain West Conference ** - Championship Held During Spring 2021 Due to COVID-19 Concerns MEN'S CHAMPIONSHIPSTEAM 1. Northern Arizona......30 2. Montana.....................8 3. Weber State...............7 4. Idaho State................5 5. 9.T6.T6.T6.Nevada......................3BoiseState..............2Idaho.......................2MontanaState.........2SouthernUtah...........2 MEN’S TEAM BEST SCORES T1. NAU (1988)...........15 T1. NAU (2016)...........15 T2. NAU (2009)...........19 T2. NAU (2008)...........19 4. NAU (1996)..............20 5. NAU (2018)..............21 6. NAU (2007)..............22 T7. NAU (2014)...........24 T7. NAU (2012)...........24 T7. NAU (2017)...........24 T7. NAU (2019)...........24 WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIPSTEAM 1. Northern Arizona......23 2. Weber State...............8 3. Montana State...........4 4. Montana.....................3 5. Idaho..........................1 WOMEN’S TEAM BEST SCORES 1. NAU (2002)..............18 T2. NAU (2001)...........19 T2. NAU (1987)...........19 4. NAU (1992)..............21 5. NAU (1991)..............22 6. NAU (1989)..............25 7. Idaho (1982)...........26 T8. NAU (2005)...........27 T8. NAU (1990)...........27 T8. NAU (2020)...........27 BIG SKY TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP HISTORY
2021 Hillsboro, Ore. Northern Arizona 37 Taryn O’Niell, Northern Arizona, 16:21.6
Pocatello, Idaho Weber State, 40 Amber Henry, Weber State, 17:30.50
2019 1st Geordie Beamish 1st 30:25.6 Luis Grijalva 2nd 30:27.8 Brodey Hasty 3rd 30:30.8 Abdihamid Nur 6th 30:39.0 Ryan Raff 9th 30:44.1 2018 1st Tyler Day 2nd 29:18.8 Matthew Baxter 3rd 29:19.0 Peter Lomong 7th 29:25.0 2017 1st Tyler Day 3rd 30:16.5 Matthew Baxter 5th 30:18.3 Peter Lomong 11th 30:38.6 Geordie Beamish 12th 30:40.8 2016 1st Futsum Zienasellassie 1st 30:54.1 Cory Glines 6th 30:35.9 Tyler Day 7th 31:00.9
Year Team Top Finishers Place Time 2021 2nd Nico Young 2nd 29:40.8 Abdihamid Nur 6th 29:49.3 Drew Bosley 10th 30:07.0 Ryan Raff 13th 30:13.3 2020 N/A N/A N/A N/A
1991 3rd Kim White 1st 30:26 Brett Bonenberger 9th 31:02 Chris Bray 16th 31:22
2009 4th David McNeill 1st 29:51.6 Ben Ashkettle 8th 30:35.9 Jordan Chipangama 14th 30:49.5 2008 2nd David McNeill 1st 29:18.3 Ben Ashkettle 11th 29:59.1 Morten Bostrom 12th 30:00.9 2007 3rd Lopez Lomong 1st 29:52.1 Jon Cardenas 9th 30:34.2 Morten Bostrom 10th 30:40.8 2006 5th Lopez Lomong 2nd 29:55.7 Jon Cardenas 16th 31:13.6 Morten Bostrom 25th 31:42.7
2005 4th Morten Bostrom 15th 31:15.6 Seth Watkins 17th 31:20.9 2004 6th Eddie Alaniz 18th 30:33.4 Devan Lomoyaoma 22nd 30:40.2
2001 2nd Travis Laird 5th 31:09.0 Henrik Ahnstrom 8th 31:26.7 Juwan Nuvayokva 15th 31:38.0
2000 3rd Kevin Koepper 5th 31:08.0 Travis Laird 12th 31:34.4 1999 4th Sean Clendaniel 13th 31:15.0 Billy Herman 25th 31:41.8
Year Team Top Finishers Place Time 1998 2nd Billy Herman 4th 31:45.4
1997 3rd Alexander Shelly 9th 31:19.0 Chad Walton 15th 31:41.6
1987 1st Vince Firlotte 3rd 31:14 Cameron Mitchell 7th 31:31 Milfred Tewawina 12th 31:47
1985 3rd Mark Souza 1st 29:42.2 Chris Caldwell 8th 30:35.8
1990 2nd Kim White 2nd 30:50 Eric Grubbs 17th 31:35 1988 1st Bo Reed 1st 30:08 Milford Tewawina 2nd 30:26 Daren Stonerock 3rd 30:32
1982 8th Mark Souza 17th 31:31.0 1980 5th Fred Mullenbach 16th 30:17.2 Mark Lomeland 17th 30:17.6 Randy Espinoza 23rd 30:30.2 1978 5th Art Menchaca 16th 31:24 1976 1st Unknown
2015 8th Tyler Day 14th 30:22.3 Harvey Nelson 27th 30:46.9 2014 2nd Futsum Zienasellassie 2nd 29:48.6 Matt McElroy 5th 29:56.0 Caleb Hoover 14th 30:05.5 Tyler Byrne 17th 30:14.5
Steve Ozaduik 6th 31:47.5 Chad Walton 16th 32:16.5
2003 2nd Henrik Ahnstrom 6th 31:10.5 Andy Weilacher 13th 31:22.2 Travis Laird 14th 31:24.5 2002 1st Nurani Sheildh 5th 30:26 Travis Laird 6th 30:30 Seth Watkins 13th 30:41
1984 2nd Larry Chumley 2nd 29:29.6 Mark Souza 3rd 29:30.1 Chris Caldwell 23rd 30:34.6
1993 10th Tim Martin 21st 30:56.2 1992 4th Nate Hammer 13th 31:21 Brett Bonenberger 15th 31:21
Year Team Top Finishers Place Time
2012 1st Futsum Zienasellassie 4th 30:06.8 Brian Shrader 5th 30:09.5 Matt McElroy 10th 30:20.0 2011 3rd Diego Estrada 4th 30:30.8 Jordan Chipangama 5th 30:33.3 Tim Freriks 11th 30:52.7 2010 4th David McNeill 1st 29:41.1 Diego Estrada 3rd 29:33.0 Ahmed Osman 21st 30.25.7
1996 3rd Tim Martin 3rd 32:36.3 John Howell 11th 33:10.0 Theo Martin 13th 33:19.0 1995 2nd Tim Martin 4th 30:07.3 Theo Martin 8th 30:33.8 John Howell 10th 30:38.7 1994 2nd Jama Bile 6th 30:33.0 Theo Martin 9th 30:38.7 John Howell 16th 30:52.2
Matt Schubert 17th 31:24
1983 5th Mark Souza 17th 31:57.7 Larry Chumley 18th 31:59.6
2013 1st Futsum Zienasellassie 3rd 29:54.2 Matt McElroy 9th 29:48.8 Josh Hardin 10th 29:49.0
Kevin Koeper 22nd 32:00.7
1986 1st Bo Reed 4th 30:26.2 Chris Caldwell 7th 30:37.7 Vince Firlotte 12th 30:53.6
Lisa Anetsberger 18th 17:08.9 Ann Ratto 19th 17:09.2 1983 6th Angela Chalmers 5th 18:05.7 Rhonda Sterkenberg 9th 18:31.5 Angela Chalmers 10th 17:29.9
1993 8th Christy Michaels 7th 17:16.6
1987 1st Nikki Toms 6th 17:41
Kristi Klinnert 7th 17:27
Tracy Jarman 6th 17:24 Larah Treadwell 7th 17:31 1990 2nd Kristi Klinnert 3rd 17:18
Kendra Versendall 11th 17:29.5 1998 3rd Emily Allison 5th 18:02.0 Amy Swier 9th 18:07.2
Maurie Wood 5th 17:23 Kristi Klinner 6th 17:24
Jeni Cushman 19th 17:46.3 1992 1st Tracy Jarman 6th 17:19
Rikke Pedersen 14th 18:25.0
1997 5th Amy Swier 2nd 17:16.5 Janet Nelson 12th 17:53.8 1996 4th Rikke Pedersen 10th 18:53.8 Sarah Thornber 15th 19:00.2
LUMBERJACKSTHESEASON2022COACHINGSTAFFSEASONREVIEWHISTORY @NAUATHLETICS 14 LUMBERJACK 2022 LUMBERJACK CROSS COUNTRY MEDIA GUIDE NCAA WOMEN’S MOUNTAIN REGIONAL HISTORY Year Team Top Finishers Place Time 2021 6th Taryn O’Niell 1st 20:17.9 Pipi Eitel 35th 21:17.9 2020 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2019 6th Mikayla Malaspine 18th 20:27.8 Taryn O’Niell 24th 20:41.4 Miranda Myers 26th 20:45.8 2018 6th Jesselyn Bries 22nd 20:38.0 2017 8th Paige Gilchrist 8th 20:21.8 2016 10th Mikayla Malaspina 29th 21:03.8 Melanie Townsend 31st 21:07.3 2015 6th Melanie Townsend 14th 21:20.3 Kayla Freeman 19th 21:30.7 Paige Gilchrist 39th 22:07.2 2014 4th Melanie Townsend 8th 21:21.6 Kayla Freeman 26th 21:57.4 Lauren Justus 35th 22:12.4 Kylee Kieser 39th 22:16.4 2013 6th Rolonda Jumbo 11th 20:51.2 Paige Gilchrist 31st 21:25.2 Carolyn Bethel 32nd 21:27.1 2012 8th Rochelle Kanuho 9th 20:49.1 Agnes Laurent 39th 21:37.3 Melanie Townsend 56th 22:02.6 2011 7th Rochelle Kanuho 16th 21:30.9 Kortnee Burton 17th 21:31.8 2009 7th Veronica Pohl 8th 21:09.0 Kortnee Burton 23rd 21:39.1 2008 3rd Veronica Pohl 3rd 20:25.3 Astrid Leutert 7th 20:50.3 Nell Rojas 15th 21:00.4 2007 2nd Ilsa Paulson 3rd 20:34.8 Lesley Van Miert 11th 21:13.8 Amanda Griggs 14th 21:20.5 2006 6th Nicole Gueldemeister 6th 21:04.7 Katja Rosenplaenter 14th 21:20.6 Amanda Griggs 25th 20:44.4 2005 3rd Johanna Nilsson 1st 20:39.5 Nicole Gueldemeister 9th 21:30.9 Katja Rosenplaenter 18th 22:02.8 2004 6th Ida Nilsson 2nd 20:25.1 2003 4th Ida Nilsson 2nd 20:47.8 Johanna Nilsson 6th 21:17.0 Erika Edwards 23rd 22:04.9 2002 3rd Ida Nilsson 2nd 20:32 Johanna Nilsson 6th 20:45 Erika Edwards 16th 21:39
1988 1st Martha Wood 6th 17:34.5 Brenda Payton 8th 17:46.9 Beth Ellickson 17th 18:13.2
Laura McCracken 14th 17:43 Martha Wood 17th 17:46 1985 3rd Angela Chalmers 2nd 16:53.7 Ronda Sterkenberg 6th 17:32.4 1984 5th Laura McCracken 17th 17:06.1
1995 7th Sarah Thornber 13th 17:38.7 Katie Dawson 23rd 17:58.9 1994 4th Rikke Pedersen 8th 17:43.9
Year Team Top Finishers Place Time 2001 3rd Ida Nilsson 4th 21:26.2 Susan Rutherford 6th 21:37.2 Jinny Hanifan 14th 22:19.3 2000 6th Susan Rutherford 11th 21:37.6 1999 3rd Amy Swier 10th 17:24.3
Larah Treadwell 10th 17:43 1989 2nd Larah Treadwell 3rd 17:09
Tracy Jarman 5th 17:33
Calley Nelson 8th 17:28 1991 1st Kristi Klinnert 2nd 17:15
Mauri Wood 7th 17:44 Brenda Payton 8th 17:44 1986 2nd Angela Chalmers 1st 16:33
2021 TEAM 1st Abdihamid Nur 7th Nico Young 11th Drew Bosley 13th George Kusche 37th Brodey Hasty 39th Theo Quax 114th Ryan Raff 162nd 2020 TEAM 1st Nico Young 4th Blaise Ferro 6th Abdihamid Nur 7th Luis Grijalva 9th Brodey Hasty 44th Drew Bosley 62nd Ryan Raff 150th 2019 TEAM 2nd Drew Bosley 22nd Abdihamid Nur 33rd Geordie Beamish 37th Brodey Hasty 46th Luis Grijalva 52nd Blaise Ferro 63rd Theo Quax 151st 2018 TEAM 1st Tyler Day 6th Mattew Baxter 15th Luis Grijalva 23rd Blaise Ferro 26th Peter Lomong 29th Geordie Beamish 39th Ryan Raff 151st 2017 TEAM 1st Matthew Baxter 2nd Tyler Day 3rd Peter Lomong 8th Andy Trouard 35th Geordie Beamish 40th Luis Grijalva 60th Cory Glines 102nd 2016 TEAM 1st Futsum Zienasellassie 3rd Mattew Baxter 11th Tyler Day 23rd Andy Trouard 37th Cory Glines 84th Nathan Weitz 95th Geordie Beamish 97th
2014 TEAM 4th Futsum Zienasellassie 3rd Matt McElroy 31st Caleb Hoover 36th Tyler Byrne 55th Alejandro Montano 108th Nathan Weitz 118th Cody Reed 148th 2013 TEAM 2nd Futsum Zienasellassie 4th Matt McElroy 25th Brian Shrader 28th Josh Hardin 75th Nathan Weitz 76th Caleb Hoover 139th Andy Trouard 200th 2012 TEAM 4th Brian Shrader 15th Futsum Zienasellassie 31st Matt McElroy 66th Caleb Hoover 75th Nathan Weitz 80th Cody Reed 199th Alejandrao Montano 214th 2011 TEAM 14th Diego Estrada 7th Jordan Chipangama 48th Tim Freriks 94th Matt Coloe 155th Caleb Hoover 177th John Yatsko 180th Andrew Belus 181st 2010 TEAM 9th Diego Estrada 16th Ahmed Osman 19th Jason Pedersen 87th David McNeill 123rd Andrew Belus 141st Tim Freriks 146th Eric Lynch 165th 2009 TEAM 4th David McNeill 2nd Jordan Chipangama 5th Ben Ashkettle 59th Ahmed Osman 74th Jason Pedersen 95th Andrew Belus 149th Simon Gilna 196th 2008 TEAM 6th David McNeill 15th Morten Bostrom 44th Ben Ashkettle 59th Diego Estrada 76th Mark Fruin 155th John Killiam 181st Jason Pedersen 194th 2007 TEAM 4th Lopez Lomong 3rd David McNeill 10th Morten Bostrom 47th Jon Cardenas 75th Ben Ashkettle 105th Justin Langdon 181st Eric Lynch 201st 2004 TEAM 24th Eddie Alaniz 89th Devan Lomyaoma 140th Jon Cardenas 143rd Josh Simpson 145th Chris Gomez 172nd Tyler Williams 229th Justin Langdon 239th 2003 TEAM 3rd Henrik Ahnstrom 10th Travis Laird 21st Seth Watkins 36th Andy Weilacher 43rd Shilo Mielke 136th Taylor Beckley 172nd Mint Henk 174th 2002 TEAM 7th Seth Watkins 18th Nurani Sheikh 51st Andy Weilacher 43rd Travis Laird 86th Henrick Ahnstrom 89th Tyler Williams 122nd Charlie Koeppen 212th 2001 TEAM 4th Travis Laird 10th Bruno Mazzotta 25th Henrick Ahnstrom 27th Juwan Nuvayokva 40th Tyler Williams 126th Ryan Thomas 132nd Seth Watkins 145th 2000 TEAM 7th Kevin Koeper 31st Bruno Mazzotta 63rd Travis Laird 66th Juan Pablo Miramontes 84th Ryan Thomas 105th Henrik Ahnstrom 116th Juwan Nuvayokva 178th 1999 TEAM 12th Billy Herman 40th Sean Clendaniel 63rd Juan Pablo Miramontes 121st Ryan Thomas 158th Steve Osaduik 171st Juwan Nuvayokva 216th 1998 TEAM 7th Billy Herman 38th Steve Osaduik 42nd Kevin Koeper 76th Sean Clendaniel 89th Chad Walton 124th Jason Wolfe 165th Juwan Nuvayokva 216th 1996 TEAM 7th Tim Martin 22nd Jim Cera 56th Theo Martin 74th Matt Smith 117th Webb Shelley 130th Chad Walton 170th 1995 TEAM 2nd Jama Bile 20th Tim Martin 30th Theo Martin 32nd John Howell 33rd Jim Cera 82nd Matt Smith 92nd Ryan Ferguson 160th 1994 TEAM 4th Theo Martin 23rd Jama Bile 24th John Howell 46th Chad Welton 68th Tim Martin 72nd Matt Smith 127th Jim Cera 136th 1991 TEAM 19th Kim White 24th Chris Bray 96th Brett Bonenberger 103rd Greg Lopez 109th Rick Jarman 130th Nate Hammer 159th Dean Frampton 161st 1990 TEAM 19th Kim White 82nd Eric Grubbs 92nd Chris Bray 94th Brett Bonenberger 103rd Don Guess 141st Jimmy Rego 168th Nate Hammer 177th 1988 TEAM 2nd Bo Reed 3rd Milfred Tewawina 8th Cameron Mitchell 42nd Daren Stonerock 51st Scott Pestka 110th Vinve Firlotte 120th Eric Grubbs 184th 1987 TEAM 8th Milfred Tewawina 25th Vince Firlotte 59th Cameron Mitchell 88th Hilary McCarthy 101st Daren Stonerock 118th Steve Clarke 137th 1986 TEAM 10th Bo Reed 25th Chris Caldwell 63rd Vince Firlotte 78th Cameron Mitchell 88th Hilary McCarthy 101st Daren Stonerock 109th Chris Currie 153rd 1984 TEAM 17th Larry Chumley 9th Mark Souza 67th Jim Klein 110th Chris Currie 176th Chris Caldwell DNF Jeff Parham DNF
2021 TEAM 23rd Taryn O’Niell 42nd Pipi Eitel 75th Jesselyn Bries 136th Elise Stearns 196th Delaney Rasmussen 200th Meagan Van Pelt 205th Bryn Morley 214th 2020 TEAM 11th Taryn O’Niell 6th Delaney Rasmussen 44th Jessa Hanson 79th Bryn Morley 93rd Jesselyn Bries 171st Pipi Eitel 195th Annika Reiss 196th 2019 TEAM 14th Mikayla Malaspina 42nd Miranda Meyers 108th Taryn O’Niell 123rd Pipi Eitel 132nd Bryn Morley 133rd Shannon Molvin 182nd Hannah Behunin 244th 2017 TEAM N/A Paige Gilchrist 81st 2015 TEAM N/A Melanie Townsend 80th 20014 TEAM N/A Melanie Townsend 56th 2013 TEAM N/A Rolando Jumbo 195th 2012 TEAM N/A Rochelle Kanuho 46th 2009 TEAM N/A Veronica Pohl 38th 2008 TEAM 23rd Veronica Pohl 16th Astrid Leutert 43rd Nell Rojas 165th Haley Lawrence 213th Kortney Burton 217th Vanessa Hancock 226th Nikki Codd 243rd 2007 TEAM 7th Ilsa Paulson 30th Lesley Van Miert 55th Amanda Boyd 113th Amanda Griggs 133rd Astrid Leutert 149th Nell Rojas 224th Kelsy Hardt 232nd 2005 TEAM 12th Johanna Nilsson 1st Nicole Gueldemeister 48th Katja Rosenplaenter 109th Julie Fisher 148th Natalie Rogers 193rd Ann Johansson 218th Krista Stepa 228th 2003 TEAM 15th Ida Nilsson 9th Johanna Nilsson 10th Erika Edwards 127th Natalie Rogers 172nd Laura McCreesh 189th Julie Fisher 218th Ariel Latimer 242nd 2002 TEAM 10th Ida Nilsson 8th Johanna Nilsson 12th Erika Edwards 82nd Jinny Hanifan 139th Natalie Rogers 179th Emille Geneste 183rd Estelle Brose 189th 2001 TEAM 12th Ida Nilsson 12th Susie Rutherford 47th Jinny Hanifan 63rd Erika Edwards 143rd Jamie Herman 187th Lindsay Townsend 247th Jolene McMahon 249th 1999 TEAM 11th Kendra Versendaal 21st Amy Swier 47th Marci Madsen 124th Emily Allison 149th Shelby Horgan 152nd Christin Ray 224th Jaymie Harper 245th 1998 TEAM 17th Emily Allison 27th Amy Swier 47th Kendra Versendaal 103rd Rikke Pedersen 126th Shelby Horgan 130th Marci Madsen 167th Daniel Marisa 192nd 1996 TEAM 10th Rikke Pedersen 9th Katie Dawson 63rd Janet Nelson 90th Emily Allison 93rd Sarah Thornber 106th Mellisa Goehrig 122nd 1992 TEAM 9th Tracy Jarman 21st Calley Nelson 46th Kristi Klinnert 69th Jeni Cushman 101st Larah Treadwell 107th Christy Michaels 142nd Charity Stowell 176th 1991 TEAM 3rd Tracy Jarman 21st Kristi Klinnert 26th Larah Treadwell 37th Calley Nelson 62nd Christy Michaels 109th Grace White 128th 1990 TEAM 14th Tracy Jarman 40th Kristi Klinnert 53rd Larah Treadwell 70th Christy Michaels 122nd Calley Nelson 134th Grace White 158th Charity Stowell 176th 1989 TEAM 13th Larah Treadwell 21st Kristi Klinnert 45th Maurie Wood 67th Nikki Toms 108th Grace White 152nd Kristin Porter 157th 1988 TEAM 14th Martha Wood 25th Brenda Payton 66th Patrice Hageman 95th Beth Ellickson 106th Katherine Dalton 127th Nikki Toms 134th 1987 TEAM 11th Nikki Toms 36th Maurie Wood 60th Brenda Payton 66th Jamie Bisplinghoff 66th Beth Ellickson 87th Caron Reycraft 101st Patrice Hageman 114th 1986 TEAM N/A Angela Chalmers 1st
This season marks the 42nd running of the George Kyte Classic hosted by Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff’s Buffalo Park. The meet is named for the late Dr. George Kyte, Professor Emeritus of history at Northern Arizona. Dr. Kyte was a longtime supporter of Lumberjack Athletics, track & field and cross country in particular. The event was ran with Dr. Kyte in attendance until 2004.
Men Women Northern Arizona 2021 Northern Arizona N/A 2020 N/A Northern Arizona 2019 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2018 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2017 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2016 Arizona State Northern Arizona 2015 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2014 Arizona State Northern Arizona 2013 Arizona Northern Arizona 2012 Southern Utah Arizona State 2011 Arizona Northern Arizona 2010 Arizona Northern Arizona 2009 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2000 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2007 Northern Arizona Arizona 2006 Arizona Arizona State 2005 Ft. Lewis College Northern Arizona 2004 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2003 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2002 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2001 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 2000 Northern Arizona Southern Utah 1999 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 1998 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 1997 Northern Arizona Northern Arizona 1996 Northern Arizona
19CROSS COUNTRY @NAUTRACKFIELDXC #NAUSTRONG MEN’S NCAA ALL AMERICAN HISTORY 2000200120022003200620072008200920102012201320142016201720182019202020212011 22nd39th37th13th11th7th4th6th7th9th33rd37th6th15th23rd26th29th39th2nd3rd8th35th40th3rd11th23rd37th3rd31st36th4th25th28th15th31st7th16th19th2nd5th15th3rd7th4th10th21st36th43rd18th10th23rd25th40th31stAbdihamid Nur Nico BillyKevinJuwanBrunoHenrikTravisSethAndySethTravisHenrikLopezDavidLopezDavidJordanDavidAhmedDiegoDiegoFutsumBrianMattFutsumCalebMattFutsumGeordieTylerMatthewFutsumGeordieAndyPeterTylerMatthewGeordiePeterBlaiseLuisMatthewTylerGeordieAbdihamidDrewLuisAbdihamidBlaiseNicoBrodeyGoergeDrewYoungBosleyKuscheHastyYoungFerroNurGrijalvaBosleyNurBeamishDayBaxterGrijalvaFerroLomongBeamishBaxterDayLomongTrouardBeamishZienasellassieBaxterDayBeamishZienasellassieMcEloryHooverZienasellassieMcElroyShraderZienasellassieEstradaEstradaOsmanMcNeillChipangamaMcNeillLomongMcNeillLomongAhnstromLairdWatkinsWeilacherWatkinsLairdAhnstromMazzottaNuvayokuaKoeperHerman 30:05.730:52.230:25.330:23.530:13.030:03.130:01.229:58.129:33.129:04.629:00.829:54.429:52.329:50.829:44.329:35.729:12.931:18.331:14.031:10.830:10.230:05.330:02.029:58.329:30.329:29.529:13.828:57.528:52.929:49.830:49.130:36.030:37.329:37.729:54.129:24.730:11.030:15.029:06.529:33.129:53.029:45.529:56.830:49.829:41.630:01.330:14.030:19.930:1629:3129:5930:0130:1131:00.1 32nd22nd36th38th40th20th30th33rd20th21st3rd25th25th27th9th10th21st6thBilly Herman Web Shelley Tim RichardRichardRichardDaveLarryMarkBoMilfredBoKimJamaTheoJohnTheoTimJamaMartinBileMartinMartinHowellMartinBileWhiteReedTewawinaReedSouzaChumleyTocheriSlineySlineySliney 29:56.130:32.131:32.830:57.930:56.631:14.230:1930:1931:2931:2331:3631:4131:4429:2429:4129:0330:1829:4728:4419711972198419851986198719881990199419951996199719981999
LUMBERJACKSTHESEASON2022COACHINGSTAFFSEASONREVIEWHISTORY @NAUATHLETICS 20 LUMBERJACK 2022 LUMBERJACK CROSS COUNTRY MEDIA GUIDE woMEN’S NCAA ALL AMERICAN HISTORY 198519861988198919911992199619971998199920012002200320052007200820092020 22nd33rd12th12th10th30th16th38th6th1st9th8th21st10th9th21st26th21st25th1st8thTaryn AngelaAngelaMaurieLarahKristiTracyTracyRikkeAmyEmilyKendraIdaJohannaIdaJohannaIdaJohannaIlsaVeronicaVeronicaO’NeillPohlPohlPaulsonNilssonNilssonNilssonNilssonNilssonNilssonVersendaalAllisonSwierPedersenJarmanJarmanKlinnertTreadwellWoodChalmersChalmers 16:55.517:13.117:19.417:17.217:54.117:37.417:14.620:01.820:07.020:05.520:56.120:24.420:43.520:23.019:3419:57.720:5816:5917:5417:1316:38
Bill Dellinger Award: USTFCCCA National Men’s DI Cross Country Coach of the Year
*Indicates Mountain West Conference Chick Hislop Award: USTFCCCA Mountain Region Men’s DI Cross Country Coach of the Year
21CROSS COUNTRY @NAUTRACKFIELDXC # CoachingNAUSTRONGawardhistory 19961998199920002001200220032004200520072008200920102012201320142016201720182019202020212011 Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric Heins Eric RonRonRonRonRonRonRonJohnJohnHeinsHayesHayesMannMannMannMannMannMannMann
Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Bill Dellinger Award Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Bill Dellinger Award Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Bill Dellinger Award Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Ron Mann Ron Mann Ron Mann Ron Mann Ron Mann Ron Mann
Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Bill Dellinger Award Chick Hislop Award Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Bill Dellinger Award Chick Hislop Award
Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Region VII Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Region VII Men’s Coach of the Year Region VII Women’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Women’s Coach of the Year* Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Region VII Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year Big Sky Men’s Coach of the Year