The Waterline

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The Waterline

October 4, 2012

Vol. XXIX No.40


Facilities Services Reduction to Impact NDW By Patrick Gordon, NDW Waterline Writer

U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon

Gerald Watson, N5 industrial engineer at Naval Support Activity Washington, collects his office trash for disposal at a central collection point.

Due to budget constraints in fiscal year 2013 (FY 13), certain maintenance services may be reduced or cut at commands throughout Naval DistrictWashington. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) released a facilities services message Aug. 29 outlining these service level reductions. In it, CNIC explained what Navy shore installations and their tenant commands in NDW may need to enforce in order to comply with the FY 13 budget. "The services that are expected to change are in the areas of custodial, grounds maintenance, pest control and street sweeping," said Capt. Ken Branch, NDW regional engineer and commanding officer of Naval Facilities Engineering CommandWashington. "Custodial will see reductions in restroom cleaning frequency, elimination of desk-side [trash] pickup and reduced floor care frequencies.

Grounds maintenance will see larger changes in grass heights between cuttings, minimal irrigation to inhibit growth, but enough to prevent loss. Some areas may be allowed to return to a 'natural' state." Branch added that high-sanitation areas will still receive preventative treatment, and control of nuisance pests will be in response to customer complaints.These actions, he explained, will be cost avoidance measures in the long run. "Approximately $1.2 million in costs will be avoidedinordertooffsetanequalamountofreduced funding for these services," said Branch. Branch also said that these changes will have some impact on the employees of NDW. "Personnel working within the NDW area of responsibility will see slight changes of appearance outside their spaces due to the changes in grounds keeping, while those personnel whose services are provided by CNIC will see other minimal change inside due to

See Impact, Page 8

NDW Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month By Patrick Gordon, NDW Waterline writer Since the creation of the United States, Hispanic Americans have been fighting in its defense. These individuals, from centuries past to the present day, have served proudly and honorably in the defense of this nation. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, their service and sacrifices are recognized during Hispanic Heritage Month. "Our Nation's story would not be possible without generations of Hispanics who have shaped and strengthened the fabric of our Union.They have enriched every aspect of our national identity with traditions that stretch across centuries and reflect the many ancestries that comprise the Hispanic community," said President Barack Obama in his 2012 National Hispanic Heritage Month proclamation. "They have led movements that pushed our country closer to realizing the democratic ideals of America's founding documents, and they have served courageously as members of our armed forces to defend those ideals at home and abroad." The commemorative month began in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson as His-

panic Heritage week and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to Hispanic Heritage Month. "[Hispanic Heritage Month is important] because it gives us an opportunity to educate Hispanics, as well as non-Hispanics, of the rich legacy of Hispanics in the United States Military and society as a whole," said Dr. Regina Akers, a historian with the Naval History and Heritage Command. "America's strength is, and always has been, diversity. This nation was built on the blood and struggle of many people, and Hispanics are representative of that; so when we talk about diversity today we would be remiss if we didn't take a moment to pause and reflect on that. And that's what Hispanic Heritage Month allows us to do." Commands throughout Naval District Washington have joined in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with various events. Naval Air Station Patuxent River hosted a luncheon Sept. 5 with guest speaker Deborah Santiago, vice president of Excelencia in Education, a program founded to accelerate higher education success for Latino students; Naval Support Activity Annapolis and the U.S. Naval Academy hosted a Hispanic Heritage ceremony Sept. 19 featuring a traditional Latin

dance demonstration; and Joint Base Andrews hosted a 5 kilometer run/1 kilometer walk Sept. 12 to kick off their observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, just to name a few. Naval Support Activity Washington (NSAW) has many artifacts on permanent display that celebrate the achievements of Hispanic Americans in the U.S. sea services. Most notable among them are items belonging to Adm. David G. Farragut, the first officer in the history of the U.S. Navy to earn the rank of admiral. NSAW's Navy Museum has items such as Farragut's ceremonial sword and walking stick, as well as artifacts from his flagship, USS Hartford. During the American Civil War, it was from Hartford's rigging that Farragut courageously ordered his ships forward through the Battle of Mobile Bay by yelling, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" During that battle, Farragut earned a great victory for the Union, as well as a place in American naval history for himself. Hispanic Americans are continuing that heritage of proud service today, often with distinction. Hospitalman Luis Fonseca, Jr., was awarded the Navy Cross in 2004 for saving the

See Heritage, Page 8

Inside Link directly to the NDW Facebook page on your smart phone

Around the Yard, Page 2

Wounded Warrior Program, Page 3

U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon

A portrait of Adm. David G. Farragut, a prominent Hispanic American naval officer, and other items belonging to Farragut are on permanent display at Naval Support Activity Washington's Navy Museum. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, commands of Naval District Washington are celebrating the achievements of such Hispanic Americans during Hispanic Heritage Month.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


Naval History and Heritage Command Records Experiences During Odyssey Dawn By MC1(AW) Tim Comerford, Naval History and Heritage Command Public Affairs

ment times of events mentioned in oral history but the recollections of sailors add the human element to the story." The idea of recording the stories of the Sailors came during a visit to the ship's homeport. "I had been interviewing members of the Legion of Valor [Medal of Honor and Service Cross recipients] since 2000. In May, I went to the annual Legion of Valor reunion in Norfolk where we took a tour of USS Stout (DDG-55). Cmdr. Sylvester Steele, the Commanding Officer (C.O.) of Stout mentioned that they took part in Operation Odyssey Dawn," Frank said. "NHHC and Stout started to talk about a partnership to document the history of Operation Odyssey Dawn," said Steele. "I had been reading 'To the Shores ofTripoli' about the Barbary Wars, and although the complete historical significance of Stout and USS Barry's (DDG-52) actions in 2011 can't be known now, I recognized that I needed to get NHHC aboard to engage with my Sailors." "We had very few first-hand accounts of the operation," Frank said. "Fortunately, many of the participants were still onboard, so Cmdr. Steel invited me down to conduct interviews with them." The Stout's C.O. thinks these histories are important to future generations of Sailors. "An accurate historical record of naval actions, particularly one that documents the Sailors' perspective, is critical so that future generations can learn history's lessons, but not just those that tacticians and historians would have us remember," Steele

History books contain many facts and figures, dates and papers, but one historian from Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) looked to breathe life into the experiences of Sailors during Operation Odyssey Dawn/ Unified Protector by recording the stories of USS Stout (DDG 55) Sailors who participated in the operation. Operation Odyssey Dawn was enacted to enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 to protect the Libyan people from the country's ruler. The goal of the military coalition was to prevent further attacks by regime forces on Libyan citizens. U.S. military forces led the coalition operation, and disabled Libya's integrated air and missile defense system. Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn was commanded by U.S. Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear aboard the command ship USS MountWhitney (LCC-20). The MountWhitney joined 24 other ships from Italy, Canada, the United Kingdom and France in launching the operation. "Deck Logs, Power Point briefings and command operations reports don't provide the details that one gets from oral history," explained Tim Frank, NHHC Historian. "The words on paper do not adequately describe the sights, sounds and smells or the excitement, fear and pride experienced during an operation. The deck logs come into play when trying to ce-

Photo courtesy of Naval History and Heritage Command

Tim Frank aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guidedmissile destroyer USS Stout (DDG-55). Frank spent two weeks in July and August speaking with the Sailors aboard the destroyer and recorded their stories for use in an upcoming monograph.

explained. "Sailors reading sailors' thoughts, actions and emotions provide a direct link to current or future naval action and allow each individual to glean details specific to them."

See Odyssey Dawn, Page 9

Around the Yard How does diversity allow us to have a stronger Navy?

"We're a reflection of our population as a whole. From that perspective, diversity brings all kinds of different ideas to the fight." Lt. Michael Pyne, N1 Naval District Washington

The Waterline

Commandant, Naval District Washington Rear Adm. Patrick J. Lorge NDW Public Affairs Officer Edward Zeigler Waterline Staff Photojournalist MC2 Kiona Miller Writer Patrick Gordon Copy Editor/Page Designer The Gazette/Comprint Military Publications Lorraine Walker All stories must be submitted by 4 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. E-mail stories to: or bring/mail to: The Waterline, 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Suite 205, Wash-

"I think it helps because it allows us to learn from different cultures and different traditions. Being able to learn from others definitely makes us stronger." IT2 Danelle Hankins, Headquarters Military Sealift Command

ington Navy Yard, 20374. Submissions should be free of military times and should contain the first and last names with ranks/rates, warfare qualifications, job titles and duty station/command of all persons quoted or referred to. All submissions must also include the author’s name and office or telephone number where they can be reached. If you have further questions, call or contact the editor at (202) 433-9714, fax (202) 433-2158. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DOD civilians and their family members. Contents of The Waterline do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute

"A different point of view brings knowledge from different genders, cultures and backgrounds and gives us a wider base." MUCM Elizabeth Carroll, Information Systems Chief Navy Band

endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval District Washington or Comprint, Inc., of the products or services advertised. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 9481520, a private firm in no way connected with DOD or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. To place display advertising, please call (240) 473-7538. To place classified advertising, call (301) 670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The editorial content of The Waterline is edited and approved by the public affairs office of Naval District Washington.

Thursday, October 4, 2012



This Week in Naval History October 4

1821 - Lt. Robert F. Stockton sails from Boston for Africa to carry out his orders to help stop the international slave trade. 1943 - Aircraft from USS Ranger (CV-4) sink five German ships and damage three in Operation Leader, the only U.S. Navy carrier operation in northern European waters during World War II. 1952 - Task Force 77 aircraft encounter MIG-15 aircraft for the first time. 1976 - USS Jonas Ingram (DD-938) rescues seven survivors of a Finnish motor craft that sank in the Baltic Sea. 1991 - USS Arkansas (CGN-41), USNS Sioux (T-ATF-171), USS Aubrey Fitch (FFG-34) and Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron SIX rescue personnel on merchant ships in three different rescue operations in the Arabian Sea. 1998 - U.S. and Algerian navies conduct first bilateral exercise since Algerian independence in 1962. It was a search and rescue operation involving USS Mitscher (DDG-57).

October 5

1863 - Confederate ship David seriously damages USS New Ironsides with a spar torpedo off Charleston, South Carolina. 1913 -Trial of OWL, Navy's first amphibian flying boat. 1957 - Minitrack, a satellite tracking net developed by the Naval Research Laboratory, becomes operational. This network, with stations from Maine to Chile, tracked the Vanguard satellite.

October 6

1884 - Department of the Navy establishes the Naval War College at Newport, R.I., through General Order 325. 1940 - Fourth group of eight U.S. destroyers involved in Destroyers for Bases Deal are turned over to British authorities at Halifax, Canada. 1943 - In night Battle ofVella Lavella, three U.S. destroyers attack nine Japanese destroy-

embarkation at Inchon for landings at Wonsan, Korea. 1961 - USS Tulare (AKA-112) and USS Princeton (CVS-7) rescue seamen from an American and a Lebanese merchant ship, which were aground on Kita Daito Jima.

October 9

U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Chad Runge

Plebes in the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2015 march into Bancroft Hall following noon meal formation in Tecumseh Court. The Naval Academy was founded Oct. 10, 1845, as the Naval School, later named the U.S. Naval Academy. ers to stop evacuation of Japanese troops from Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands. 1958 - USS Seawolf (SSN-575) completes record submerged run of 60 days, logging over 13,700 nautical miles. 1962 - Commissioning of USS Bainbridge (DLGN-25), first nuclear-powered frigate. 1987 - Destruction of three Iranian small boats. 1997 - NASA astronaut Cmdr. Wendy B. Lawrence, USN, returns from mission of STS86:Shuttle-Mir7whenAtlantisdockedwithMir Space Station. The mission began on Sept. 25.

October 7

1864 - USS Washusett captures Confederate raider CSS Florida in harbor of Bahia, Brazil. 1924 - Rigid airship Shenandoah com-

mences transcontinental flight. 1975 - President Gerald Ford signs Public Law 94-106 allowing the admission of women into U.S. service academies. 2001 - Operation Enduring Freedom begins with carrier air strikes, as well as ship and submarine Tomahamk strikes.

October 8

1812 - Boat party under Lt. Jesse D. Elliott captures HMS Detroit and Caledonia in Niagara River. 1842 - Commodore Lawrence Kearny aboard USS Constitution addresses a letter to the Viceroy of China, urging that American merchants in China be granted the same treaty privileges as the British. His negotiations are successful. 1950 - 1st Marine Division commences

1873 - Lt. Charles Belknap calls a meeting at the Naval Academy to establish the U.S. Naval Institute for the purpose of disseminating scientific and professional knowledge throughout the Navy. 1942 - First three schools for enlisted WAVES open at Stillwater, Okla. (Yeoman), Bloomington, Ind. (Storekeepers), and Madison, Wis. (Radiomen). 1945 - Parade in New York City honors Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz and 13 other Navy and Marine Corps Medal of Honor awardees. 1945 - A typhoon hits Okinawa, damaging many Navy ships. 1961 - USS Princeton (CVS-7) rescues 74 survivors of two shipwrecks (U.S. lines Pioneer Muse and SS Shiek) from the island of Kita Daito Shima.

October 10

1845 - Naval School, later the Naval Academy, opens in Annapolis, Md., with 50 Midshipmen and seven faculty members. 1923 - First American-built rigid airship, Shenandoah, is christened. It used helium gas instead of hydrogen. 1944 - Opening of Leyte campaign begins with attack of four CarrierTask Groups ofTask Force 38 on Okinawa and Ryukyus. 1960 - Navy assigned responsibility for program management and technical direction of Project SPASUR, the first U.S. universal satellite detection and tracking network. 1985 - Fighters from USS Saratoga (CV-60) force Egyptian airliner, with the hijackers of the cruise ship Achille Lauro aboard, to Italy, where the hijackers were taken into custody.

Wounded Warrior Program Moves to Commander, Navy Installations Command From Commander, Navy Installations Command Public Affairs The NavyWoundedWarrior - Safe Harbor program will realign from Total Force Requirements Division (OPNAV N12) to Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) effective Oct. 1. Navy Wounded Warrior - Safe Harbor provides non-medical assistance to seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, as well as their families. The program will become N95, a department of Fleet and Family Readiness Program (N9) within CNIC. "Caring for our wounded warriors is among the Navy's top priorities and I am extremely honored to assume responsibility for such a critically important program," said Vice Adm. William D. French, commander, Navy Installations Command. "NavyWounded Warrior - Safe Harbor joins a host of other programs within N9 providing essential support to the fleet, fighter, and family." Although the program is moving to a new command, its mission and operations will remain intact. The program's goal is to enable

service members to focus on getting well, while its team of experts resolves pressing non-medical concerns and prepares enrollees for transition back to active duty or civilian life. The realignment will help Navy Wounded Warrior - Safe Harbor better leverage existing services available at Navy installations throughout the world, including child care, financial management training, housing assistance and adaptive sports. "The vision of Navy Wounded Warrior Safe Harbor is to provide the gold-standard of non-medical care to wounded warriors and their families who have sacrificed a great deal while serving our country," said Capt. Steve Hall, program director. "Our realignment with CNIC will grant us wider access to programs and resources that will help us achieve that vision." The move marks the launch of the new NavyWoundedWarrior - Safe Harbor call center, a crucial resource for seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen inquiring about enrollment in the program. The new toll-free, 24-hour telephone number is 1-855-NAVY WWP (1-855-628-9997). Enrollment is available to service members wounded in combat, as well as to those

U.S. Navy photo

Rear Adm. Frank A. Morneau presents the Bronze Star Medal to Explosive Ordnance Disposal 2nd Class (Diver) Taylor J. Morris during a ceremony at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., Aug. 27. Morris is enrolled in Navy Safe Harbor, the Navy's wounded warrior support program. diagnosed with a serious illness or injured in shipboard, training and liberty accidents. Currently, more than 915 Sailors and Coast Guardsmen are enrolled in Navy Wounded Warrior - Safe Harbor. The program also provides support to more than 875 additional service members who don't qualify for enrollment but still require assistance. Care for wounded warriors is a key com-

ponent of the Department of the Navy's 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative, which is designed to maximize Sailor and Marine personal readiness, build resiliency, and hone the most combat-effective force. For more information, call 1-855-NAVY WWP (1-855-628-9997), visit or email safeharbor@navy.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


NSA Washington-JBAB Fleet Family and Fun CAREER SUPPORT AND RETENTION The Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP)

Offers an array of services and benefits to transitioning service members, including computers setup for individuals to go online to different job banks, college and scholarship resources and career assessment tools. ResumeWritingWorkshops are offered which includes Federal Resume Writing Interview Skills, information on veterans' benefits and a professional resource library; Two TAP Seminars and one ExecutiveTAP Seminar - five-day programs - are offered monthly sponsored by the departments of Labor andVeteran Affairs, and include information that will benefit the transitioning military member.

Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP)

Offers seven basic services, which include job search strategies, job readiness, resource information, job referral service, individual counseling assistance, career planning and links to education and volunteer opportunities.

Personal Financial Management (PFM)

Program offers individual and family financial counseling, financial classes, and is responsible for the Command Financial specialist training in the Region (NDW).

Volunteer Program

Opportunities are available as an administrative assistant, counseling mediator, transition assistant, Information & Referral assistant, data entry/word processor and a retired activities volunteer.


Provides presentations to help commands meet requirements, as well as enhance operational and personal readiness including parenting skills training, couples communication, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, Child Abuse Awareness, Spouse Abuse Awareness and suicide prevention. Trainings can be customized to fit needs of the command.

New Parent Support Program (NPS)

Assists new parents in coping with the demands of parenting and military life through parenting education and training and home visits to new parents prior to delivery and after delivery; information and referral for military and community resources; child development screenings and monitoring. All active duty members and their families who are pregnant and or have children in the home from infancy to three years old are eligible for these home visitation services.


Assisting Sailors and family members prepare for deployment, manage separations and reunite and reintegrate with families and community through services including the Family Accountability and Assessment System, Individual augmentee (IA) Indoc Course and Deployed Family Fun Days

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Provides assistance to service members with special needs children and family members with medical needs including resource referral to medical, counseling and educational services, support groups and care providers. Assists in finding duty stations where needs are met. Mandatory enrollment per OPNAVINST 1754.2D.

MWR Happenings Disney On Ice: Rockin' Ever After

Patriot Center, Fairfax Va. Oct. 19 - 7:30 p.m. | Oct. 20 10:30 a.m, 2:30 p.m. & 6:30pm | Oct. 21 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tickets - $18.75 Get ready to rock out with some of the most magical idols of all in a musical showcase that features the hottest tunes and talent from across the kingdom in Disney On Ice presents Rockin' Ever After! Jam to a Scottish jig as a group of royal contenders from the latest Disney Pixar film, Brave, compete to win the heart of headstrong, sharp-shooting Merida, making her ice debut! Experience a showstopping performance as Sebastian breaks out of his shell for one night only to make waves with Ariel. A chorus of harmless hooligans from Tangled unleash musical mayhem when they get a visit from the sassy and spirited Rapunzel and her charming ally Flynn. And, get your feet moving as the Beast and his castle's enchanted entourage take center stage in a spectacular show for Belle. Please contact the NSA Washington ITT Offices for more information and to purchase tickets! MWR ITT OFFICE - Bldg. 22 Town Center - Open Monday thru Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. | 202-433-2484 MWR TRAVEL OFFICE - Bldg. 184 Navy Exchange - Open Monday thru Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | 202-685-8298

Cirque de Soleil: Totem

Under the Grand Chapiteau at the National Harbor, 163 Waterfront Street, Oxon Hill, Md. 20745 Now through Oct. 7 Tickets are available for the following: Tuesday through Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday at 4 p.m. & 8 p.m. Sundays at 1 p.m. & 5 p.m. Ticket Prices Range by Seat Level Level 1: $73 | Level 2: $58 | Level 3: $42.75 Cirque de Soleil - TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. TOTEM illustrates, through a visual and acrobatic language, the evolutionary progress of species. Somewhere between science and legend TOTEM explores the ties that bind Man to other species, his dreams and his infinite potential. No refunds will be given unless show requested is sold out. PleasecontacttheNSAWashingtonITTOffices formoreinformationandtopurchasetickets! MWR ITT OFFICE - Bldg. 22 Town Center - Open Monday thru Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. | 202-433-2484 MWR TRAVEL OFFICE - Bldg. 184 Navy Exchange - Open Monday thru Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | 202-685-8298

FFR/MWR Phone numbers Child Development Programs

Child Development Center 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 767-2890 Child Development Center 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 404-8071 Child Development Center 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-0771 Child Development Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3223 or (202) 404-1454 Regional Child Placement Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-3055 or (877) 269-9322 Regional Child & Youth School Liaison Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-0942

Family Housing

JBAB Housing Office 1, Bldg 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-0346 JBAB Housing Office 2, Bldg 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 404-6828

Fitness Centers & Information, Tickets, and Tours (ITT)

JBAB Fitness Center 1, Bldg 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 767-5895 JBAB Fitness Center 2, Bldg 419 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-2962 Washington Navy Yard, bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-2484/2829

Military and Family Support Center

JBAB MFSC Bldg 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-6151 JBAB MFSC Bldg 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 767-0450

Liberty Program (E1-E6 Single/Unaccompanied Service Members)

Liberty Center, bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-1802 JBAB Liberty Program Office, Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-2636 JBAB Liberty Center, Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 685-1802

Food & Beverage

Catering and Conference Center, WNY Bldg. 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-3041 Mordecai Booth's Public House, WNY Bldg. 101 . . . . . . . . .(202) 678-0514 or (202) 433-3041 Furnari Restaurant, JBAB Bldg. 418 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 433-2574

Other Important Numbers

WFR Administrative Office, JBAB Bldg. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-7707 WFR Marketing and Special Events Office, JBAB Bldg. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-1371 Gateway Inns and Suites, JBAB Bldg. 602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 404-7050 MWR Sports Program/Sports Complex Rental, JBAB Bldg. 419 . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 685-0483 Outdoor Recreation, JBAB Bldg. 928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(202) 767-9136 Vehicle Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-9136/8562

Navy Test Pilot School Grad Leads Space Station

Navy Birthday 5K & 10K Run/Walk

Friday, October 12, 2012 | 1pm | Slip Inn Bar & Grill, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Naval Support Activity Washington and Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling invite you to participate in the Navy Birthday 5K & 10K Run/Walk to celebrate the 237th Anniversary of the United States Navy. This event will begin and end at the Slip Inn Bar & Grill on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. T-Shirts will be provided the first 500 finishers. Awards will be given to the first, second and third place finishers in each category for male and female participants. Anyone with base access is welcome to attend. Stick around after finishing for a ceremonial cake cutting and music by the Navy Band, "The Cruisers." To register please visit: For more information regarding the event contact the JBAB Fitness Center Staff at 202767-5895.

Photo courtesy of NASA

NASA astronaut and Navy Cmdr. Sunita Williams works with the Robonaut 2 humanoid robot in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station Aug. 22 while assigned as Expedition 32 flight engineer. On Sept. 17, Williams, a 1993 U.S. Naval Test Pilot School graduate, took command of the ISS for Expedition 33.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


NDW News Follow NDW on Facebook and Twitter

NDW has a Facebook fan page in order to provide updated information to all NDW residents, tenants, employees (military, civilian, and contractors), and the American public. Show your support, "Like Us," and become a fan to see exciting news relating to the Naval District Washington. Follow us on Twitter @navaldistwash NSAW has a Twitter page for the Washington Navy Yard to provide the public with upto-date operating hours of the Navy Yard portion of DC's Riverwalk. Follow us on Twitter @WNYRiverwalk

NSAW Fall Fitness Schedule

NSAWashington's MWR began its Fall Fitness Schedule Sept. 17 and will continue until Oct. 31. Classes offered range from the Ultimate Circuit, a total body workout for participants that will include a mixture of cardio, strength and plyometrics training, to Yoga, where you can develop strength, muscle tone and flexibility with the union occurring between mind, body and spirit. All Military, DoD Civilians and DoD contractors are eligible to participate. The Naval Support Activity Washington (NSAW) Fitness Programs at the Washington Navy Yard and Naval Research Lab will start charging for group exercise classes Oct. 1. In order to meet the reduction of appropriated funding requirements throughout the Navy to support these additional services and increased demand for group exercise classes, it is necessary to make these changes.This change will align NSAW with similar program pricing throughout Naval DistrictWashington, but will be far below commercial competitor's pricing.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our customers. Our goal is to continue to provide the best quality group exercise program with a strong focus on our customers' needs at the lowest and most reasonable price.We thank you for your patronage and continued support of the Navy Fitness Programs. Thereisnochargeforactivedutymilitary.Pricesforciviliansandcontractorsarelistedbelow: $4 per class | $24 for 8 classes | $50 for 20 classes For more information please contact the Fitness Center at 202-433-2282/2829.

Make Your Vote Count

There is still time for military voters and their voting age dependents who are stationed here away from their state of legal residence to register as an absentee voter. This is completely free, and can be done on your own (for all but 4 states) by visiting and using the online registration tool, which will generate a PDF form that you can print and mail. Most states allow you to submit this form electronically via fax as well. If you are a resident of Alabama, Alaska, Virginia, or Wisconsin (which requires a witness), or if you have any questions at all about voting, you can visit your installation'sVoting Assistance Office (IVAO) to register. Anyone who can reach an IVAO can get voting assistance, not just absentee military. The hours of operation may vary, so please call ahead. Points of contact can be found at You should register promptly to ensure you receive a ballot. You may still vote even without one, but that process is more involved.

Americas Navy: Defining the Fighting Spirit


SECNAV Encourages Citizens to Exercise Right to Vote From Secretary of the Navy the Honorable Ray Mabus The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) the Honorable Ray Mabus released a message Sept. 12 encouraging all citizens, civilian and military alike, to exercise their rights as Americans to participate in the democratic process of voting. "The right to vote is one of the most important rights we have as American citizens and elections are our opportunity to have a voice in determining the course of our nation.We ought not to take this important right for granted. Never forget that this right though firmly established in the United States - is not universally available in many countries across the world. Those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan have seen first-hand what the right to vote means to those who have never had their voices heard before. All who helped make those elections possible should forever be proud of their roles. I encourage you to exercise your right to vote, either in person or by absentee ballot, if required. If you need assistance, see your

Official photo

service voting action officer, or visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website at Thank you for your dedicated and faithful service to our nation."

Fallen military police remembered in ceremony By Jim Dresbach, Pentagram Staff Writer On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the formation of the Military Police Corps Regiment, 20 military policemen killed in Afghanistan and Iraq during the past year were honored Sept. 25 in section 55 of Arlington National Cemetery during morning remarks and a wreath-laying ceremony. The half-hour remembrance, attended by Maj. Gen. David E. Quantock, provost marshal general of the Army; Provost Marshal

Command Sgt. Maj. Gary Fowler, Sgt. Joseph Wilson, who represented all military police officers and guest speaker Command Sgt. Maj. (Retired) Jeffery A. Butler, paid tribute to all MP's lost in a wartime theater of operation or in a military conflict. As of the day of the ceremony, 239 MP's have lost their lives during the 11 combined years of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. OnlyWorldWar II's total military police fatalities of 250 surpasses the Americans' MP death toll in Iraq and

See Remembered, Page 9

A Concert Celebrating the Navy’s 237th Birthday and the 200th Anniversary of The War of 1812 Capt. Brian O. Walden leads the United States Navy Band as they present their 2012 Navy Birthday Concert at DAR Constitution Hall, Oct. 14 at 4 p.m. The Chief of Naval Operations invites you to the Navy Band's concert, "America's Navy: Defining the Fighting Spirit." Join us as we celebrate our Navy: past, present and future. From the Battle of Baltimore, where our national anthem was born, to the establishment of the SEALs 50 years ago, to our forward-deployed force of today, America's Navy is always ready and forever standing the watch. Enjoy music by Keith Urban and John Williams as well as traditional folk songs and sea shanties. For more details go to Free tickets are available online at

Volunteer for Joint Service Make a Difference Day

Join us at the World War II Memorial, 1750 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. Volunteers are needed for the Joint Service Make a Difference Day Honor Flight that is scheduled for Oct. 20 at 9 a.m. at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. This is the largest honor flight that is scheduled for this year and which will includeWW II veterans from Georgia, Ohio, Florida, NewYork, and Arkansas.Volunteers will assist to load and reload wheelchairs, take pictures with and for the veterans, take strolls with the veterans to the memorial and listen to history as it is told by the veterans as they walk down memory lane. This is a great venue for scouts, sea cadets, students of American history. For more information contact: Air Force - 240-857-5553/202-441-2680 Army - 202-685-0493 Coast Guard - 202-372-4087 Navy - 202-433-6854 Marines - 202-433-0016 For online registration go to, scroll to community service and then click online registration form.

Photo By Rachel Larue

Maj. Gen. David E. Quantock (left), provost marshal general of the Army, commanding general United States Army Criminal Investigation Command and Army Corrections Command, and Sgt. Joseph Wilson, representing all Military Police during the ceremony, place a wreath on the plaque laid in memory of Military Police who have lost their lives.



Thursday, October 4, 2012


New SEL Puts Sailors First

On the Ground Photo by MC3 Nathan Parde

Chief Master-at-Arms Marty McQuagge, center, conducts a mentoring session with Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Alana Kennedy, left and Personnel Specialist 3rd Class Demario Stackhouse. By MC2 John K. Hamilton, NSAB Public Affairs staff writer

Photo courtesy of AFPAK Hands

AFPAK Hand Cmdr. Mark Tipton, assigned to the Washington, D.C., Hub, recites the oath of office during a promotion ceremony at theWashington NavyYard, Oct. 1. He is currently assigned to the American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) program in the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) providing engineering support and assistance management and oversight for over 50 construction/renovation projects located all over the world. From April 2011 to April 2012, he was forward deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and assigned to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the Kabul Area South Resident Officer in Charge managing and executing a diverse portfolio of 40 construction/renovation projects valued at $200 million. The AFPAK Hands program was stood up in 2009 by then Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, to establish a cohort of experts that specialize in the complexities of Afghanistan and Pakistan language and culture.These members provide persistent engagement on regional issues while advising leaders and commanders throughout the levels of governance and command. An AFPAK Hand is committed to more than 40 months with the program. During those months, a service member engages in 10 months of training, nearly two years of deployment in-theater in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and one year out of theater in the U.S. For more information on AFPAK Hands visit REER/LANGUAGE_CULTURE/Pages/AFPAKHands.aspx.

Naval Support Activity Bethesda's (NSAB) commanding officer recently selected Chief Master-at-Arms Marty McQuagge as its newest senior enlisted leader (SEL). According to OPNAVINST 1306.2G, the SEL is charged with ensuring active communication throughout the chain of command. "As CO (commanding officer), I get a lot of advice from a lot of different people," said Capt. Frederick Kass, NSAB's commanding officer. "I'm grateful for all of it, but none more so than advice from the SEL. The morale and welfare of those on board NSAB is my highest priority and responsibility. Chief McQuagge's job is to ensure it stays that way." Born and raised inTroy, Ala., McQuagge enlisted into the U.S. Navy in July 1995. In his 17 year career he has been stationed at various commands such as: Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Oak Harbor, Wash.; Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan; Naval Nuclear Power Training Command Goose Creek, S.C.; Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy and Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Montgomery, Ala., which have prepared him for the position he now has. "Having just came from a MEPS assign-

ment, where you really get a feel for what's on the mind of young Sailors just coming into the Navy," said Kass. "Chief McQuagge really is the right person at the right time for this position. I'm extremely happy to have him on board." Although McQuagge is dedicated to the development of the command and himself, he always puts his enlisted service members first. "My first goal, as it always has been since my five years as a chief, is to enable Sailors give them every opportunity to excel and some day wear the same uniform so they can enable their Sailors," he said. "My second goal is to do my job 110 percent every day and to never stagnate, regardless of the pressure that is put on me. Obviously, I'm in a position that is typically held by a master chief, but I don't tell myself that because I don't want to make excuses. My third goal is to improve myself. I have an associate's degree, but I intend to finish my bachelor's. I hope to make senior chief and physically I've been training to participate in a triathlon and possibly a marathon one day." He believes the key to an enjoyable working environment is great communication. "Essentially leadership is motivating a

See SEL, Page 8

New DOD Safe Helpline Mobile App Now Available From the Department of Defense


The Department of Defense announced its new DoD Safe Helpline Mobile Application. With this new app, service members transitioning to civilian life will have access to critical resources that assists in managing the short and long-term effects of sexual assault. This new app is the latest in a string of U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Michael B. Lavender technological innovations designed to supA Sailor displays the port sexual assault victims in the military. America's Navy app for The app contains the option for users to their iPhone. The Departrecord their current emotional state and ment of Defense recently create tailored self-care plans to address announced its new DoD sadness, hopelessness and disconnection. Safe Helpline Mobile ApThese self-care plans include suggested replication. With this new sources and exercises, and can be stored for app, service members transitioning to civilian life future reference. This includes a list of will have access to critical breathing, stretching and visualization techniques that can reduce anxiety, depression resources that assist in and symptoms of post-traumatic stress. managing the short and "Victims want to choose when and long-term effects of sexual assault. where they get support so we are using

technology to provide them as many options as possible," said DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office director Maj. Gen. Gary S. Patton. "This new app tied into the Safe Helpline is another tool to provide support to military victims of sexual assault." Users can connect with live sexual assault response professionals via phone or anonymous online chat from their mobile devices for support. Users can also navigate resources (e.g., disability assistance, medical benefits, housing help and employment assistance), or search for resources near their base or installation. The Safe Helpline mobile app is for short-term self-care and is not to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or a mental health treatment plan. DoD Safe Helpline Mobile App is free and available for download from the Apple and Android app stores. DoD administers Safe Helpline via a contract with the nonprofit Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), the nation's largest antisexual violence organization.

Thursday, October 4, 2012



MCPON Change of Command at Washington Navy Yard By Chief Mass Communication Specialist (SW/AW) Sonya Ansarov, Office of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) (SS/SW) Rick D. West gave his last 'HOOYAH' during the change-of-office ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard, Sept. 28. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert was the guest speaker for the ceremony and highlighted MCPON West's accomplishments during his naval career while thanking him for his leadership. "MCPON West, you made the Navy better through your willingness to listen and learn," said Greenert. "I watched you firsthand in the Pacific Fleet, at U.S. Fleet Forces, as VCNO, and I had the honor to serve with you for one year as CNO. MCPONWest had the heartbeat of the Navy. Sailors communicated with him. He challenged Sailors and they loved it." The ceremony marked the end of a nearly 32-year career forWest, who had served as the 12th MCPON since Dec. 12, 2008. During his time as MCPON, West instituted the Senior Enlisted Continuation Board, introduced CPO 365, and implemented the mandatory enlisted warfare designation. "MCPON West made a difference and led by example. He made a tangible improvement in our Navy," said Greenert. "I say to you and [your wife] Bobbi, thank you very much and our nation and our Navy thanks you." West did not discuss personal accomplishments during his retirement remarks, instead focusing on thanking family, friends, shipmates and mentors who helped shape him into a leader and the memories he'll take with him of his years of service. "There is simply no way I can mention you all. Just know that if you are here today, you played some part in the success that I have enjoyed," said West. "It has been an honor and privilege to serve our great Navy for nearly 32 years and especially to serve as MCPON for the last four. Thirty-two years is a long time, but when you are talking about the end of a fantastic journey, it was just a 'flash of time.' I've never had a 'bad command' because I feel commands are what you make of them and how you choose to seize the opportunities." "The thing I'm going to miss the most is, by far, the people and the energy and innovation of our Sailors and families. The 'engine' that truly drives our Navy is our people. Our Sailors are what makes our Navy the best that's ever sailed the world's oceans," saidWest. MCPON (AW/NAC) Mike D. Stevens took the helm of the enlisted force as the Navy's 13th MCPON after receiving the ceremonial

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Thomas L. Rosprim

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Michael D. Stevens accepts the ceremonial cutlass from the Navy's 12th MCPON, Rick D. West, during a change of office ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard.

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Kiona Miller

Retired Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick D. West, right, passes the cutlass to MCPON Michael D. Stevens during the MCPON Change of Office ceremony at the Sail Loft at the Washington Navy Yard. Stevens replaced West as the 13th MCPON, and was selected while serving as the U.S. Fleet Forces Fleet Master Chief. cutlass from MCPON West. "I was honored to pick MCPON 13," said Greenert. "It was not an easy task. MCPON Stevens is a proven and effective leader. This is a guy ready to lead our Navy and I look forward to your insight and perspective." Stevens, a native of Montana, joined the Navy in 1983 and most recently served as Fleet Master Chief for U.S. Fleet Forces Fleet Master Chief in Norfolk. His previous Command Master Chief tours included U.S. 2nd Fleet, Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Atlantic, Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 14, and Naval Air Station Pensacola. MCPON Stevens thanked Admiral Greenert forhistrustandfaithinhisselectionasMCPON. "I am both humbled and honored to have been provided this magnificent opportunity to lead and serve our Sailors, their families and our government civilians as the 13th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy," said Stevens.

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Kiona Miller

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Michael D. Stevens delivers remarks during the MCPON Change of Office ceremony at the Sail Loft at the Washington Navy Yard. Stevens replaced retired MCPON Rick D. West as the 13th MCPON, and was selected while serving as the U.S. Fleet Forces Fleet Master Chief.

See See Change, MCPON, Page 8

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Kiona Miller

Retired Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick D. West delivers remarks during the MCPON Change of Office ceremony at the Sail Loft at the Washington Navy Yard. MCPON Michael D. Stevens replaced West as the 13th MCPON. Stevens was selected while serving as the U.S. Fleet Forces Fleet Master Chief.




Thursday, October 4, 2012

National Fire Prevention Week Begins Oct. 7 From NDW Fire & Emergency Services The reality is that when fire strikes, your home could be engulfed in smoke and flames in just a matter of a few minutes and your chances of escape reduced drastically. Should this happen, do you and your family know two ways out of your home. It is important to have and practice a home and workplace fire escape plan that prepares you both at home and at work with your family to think fast and get out quickly when the alarm sounds. What if your first escape route is blocked by smoke or flames, would you know how to get out? That's why having an escape plan and knowing two ways out is such a key part of your plan. This year's National Fire Prevention Association theme, "Have 2 Ways Out," focuses on the importance of fire escape planning and practice. Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire, the tragic 1871 conflagration that killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures and burned more than 2,000 acres. The fire began on Oct. 8, 1871, but continued into, and did most of its damage, Oct. 9, 1871. In preparation for this annual safety campaign, the Naval District Washington Fire & Emergency Services would like to remind everyone that you are the first link when it comes to fire safety at work and at home. Ensuring your safety not only includes being fire safe but knowing what to do should you experience a fire at work or at home. Here are some fire safety tips that we suggest you follow to help keep you safe.

Home Fires

- One home structure fire was reported every 85 seconds in 2010.

HERITAGE Continued from 1 lives of U.S. Marines in Iraq under heavy enemy fire. Two years later, Joe Campa became the first Hispanic American to hold the rank of

CHANGE MCPON Continued from 7 StevensthankedWestforhisservice,leadership andfriendshipandspoketotheNavy,sayinghe is excited about the future and looking forward to serving the Navy as MCPON by working together to carry out the Navy's mission. The MCPON serves as an advisor to the CNO and to the Chief of Naval Personnel in matters dealing with enlisted personnel and


Continued Continued from from 6 6 group of diverse people to achieve one goal," he said. "Moral is critical in the workplace and I believe if we can achieve a high level of communication, morale will follow." McQuagge feels that a Sailor's issues and concerns can be addressed using the chain of command, which allows them to be handled at the lowest possible level. "I believe in a strong chain of command and if I don't give my chiefs an opportunity to meet and counsel with Sailors, then I'm basically cutting the chain of command by doing that," said McQuagge. "However, I do believe in an open

U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Brien Aho

Firefighters work to extinguish a warehouse fire on board Naval Station Norfolk Jan. 27, 2011. The unoccupied building, located on Aircraft Tow Way, contained empty boxes and pallets. - 92% of all civilian structure fire deaths resulted from home structure fires. - Most fatal fires kill one or two people. In 2010, 19 home fires killed five or more people. - In 2010, U.S. fire departments responded

to 369,500 home structure fires. - These fires caused 13,350 civilian injuries, 2,640 civilian deaths, and $6.9 billion in direct damage. - 8% of reported home fires started in the

bedroom.These fires caused 25% of home fire deaths, 21% of home fire injuries, and 14% of the direct property damage

Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, and in 2007, Cmdr. Yvette Davids became the first Hispanic American female to command a surface warship when she became the commanding officer of USS Curts (FFG-38). To learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month,visit


sonnel in NDW, it is hoped that the impact upon them will be minimal. "It's going to be a change for some people," said Cmdr. Thomas McLemore, Naval Support ActivityWashington public works officer. "But it's really about setting up the expectation as to what people will have to do themselves. The question becomes, 'How do you get creative with the funding available while still providing the best service?' And to that I say we will do everything we can to make the base good." Though personnel are expected to do their part in promoting efficiency and maximizing effectiveness of resources, the reduction in contract work will not result in a transfer of these duties to Sailors and civilian personnel. "The military personnel inside our area of responsibility are assigned here with their own missionstoaccomplish,"saidBranch."Itisimportant that these personnel remain focused on their mission to support their command." These changes are set to start taking place in October, although specific timelines and details will be subject to the actual dates that contracts can be efficiently changed, and those will be announced at a later date.

their families. The MCPON is also an advisor to boards dealing with enlisted personnel issues; is the enlisted representative of the Department of the Navy at special events; may be called upon to testify on enlisted personnel issues before Congress; and maintains a liaison with enlisted spouse organizations. For more information, visit,, or www.twitter. com/usnavy. FormorenewsfromMasterChiefPettyOfficer oftheNavy, door policy for Sailors because it gives them a chancetovoicetheirconcernstome.Thatisimportant because I am the enlisted member's voice to the commanding officer." Humble and gracious, he accepted the position of SEL with great pride and personal accomplishment. "I come in this job feeling very fortunate," he said. "I consider myself extremely blessed that the commanding officer and the senior leadership of the command has given me the opportunity to serve the enlisted Sailors. I am proud to know there are several master chiefs in the navy and in the area that I can go to on a daily basis to get advice and share opinions on how to best serve the Sailors. I know this is a new command [to me] and I see a lot of opportunity to do great things here so I'm very happy to be doing it."

Continued from 1 the longer frequencies between cleanings and a need to take their desk-side waste container to a central collection point." Some facilities and installations are exempt to the changes, such as child care facilities, for sanitation reasons, while joint bases, some educational institutions and non-Navy tenants are exempt because of their separate funding sources. "Joint Base funding is defined by DoD Supplemental Guidance for Implementing and Operating a Joint Base and DoDI 4001.01B and is not subject to change solely by the Navy," explained Branch. "Advanced education review board institutions like the U.S. Naval Academy operate under a separate agreement with CNIC and are funded accordingly. Child development centers are mandated to operate at janitorial service levels that are more stringent than a typical administrative office space and will continue to be supported at that level to maintain their certification." While the changes will affect some per-

See See Fire Prevention, Prevention, Page Page 9 9

Link directly to /waterline on your Smart phone

Thursday, October 4, 2012



New Traffic Pattern

ODYSSEY DAWN Continued from 2 Frank spent two weeks in July and August speaking with the Sailors aboard the destroyer and recorded their stories for use in an upcoming monograph. He left with a unique view of Navy life that few who do not work aboard a military ship get to see. "The Sailors aboard Stout were especially proud that they performed the mission that they were trained for.The fourTomahawk Fire Controlmen (FCs) that I interviewed said that throughout their training and time in the Navy, they were told that they probably would not be called upon to launch a Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile in a real world operation.

REMEMBERED Continued from 5

New Inbound and OutboundTraffic Routes to I-295 andWestbound SE/SW Freeway

The 11th Street bridge project will be completing and opening new ramps over the next couple of months. These changes will affect traffic patterns for both local and commuter traffic in thehistoricAnacostiaandCapitolHill/NavyYardareas.ThenewrampsaretheI-295northbound off-ramp to 11th Street; 11th Street ramp to westbound Southeast/Southwest Freeway; and 11th Street local bridge ramp to I-295 southbound. See map for details and opening dates.

P FREVENTION IRE PREVENTION Continued from 8 - Almost two-thirds (62%) of reported home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.

Escape Planning

- According to an NFPA survey, only onethird of Americans have both developed and practiced a home fire escape plan. - Almost three-quarters of Americans do have an escape plan; however, less than half actually practiced it. - One-third of American households estimated they thought they would have at least 6 minutes before a fire in their home would become life threatening. The time available is often less. Only 8% said their first thought on hearing a smoke alarm would be to get out. - Each department or division is responsible for establishing their fire evacuation plan. In addition, in accordance with the NDWINSTR 11320.10E, an annual evacuation drill is required for each building. - If you need assistance with your plan, please contact the Fire Prevention Division.

Smoke Alarms

- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. Interconnect all smoke alarms throughout the home.When one sounds, they all sound. - Test alarms at least monthly by pushing the test button and be sure to replace the batteries in these devices at least one a year. - Be sure to replace smoke alarms every 10

years in accordance with the manufacture's recommendations. - Almost two-thirds (62%) of reported home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. - Working smoke alarms improve your chances of surviving a fire in your home by 50% and are an inexpensive device to ensure you and your family's safety. - Smoke alarms that include a recordable voice announcement in addition to the usual alarm sound, may be helpful in waking children through the use of a familiar voice. - Smoke alarms are available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.These devices use strobe lights. Vibration devices can be added to these alarms. - Smoke alarms are an important part of a home fire escape plan.


- Cooking has been the leading cause of reported home fires and home fire injuries since 1990.Unattendedcookingwasbyfartheleading causeofthesefires;Two-thirdsofhomecooking firesbeganwithignitionofcookingmaterials,including food, cooking oil, fat, or grease . - Cooking caused two of every five (42%) of reported home fires, roughly one of every seven (15% ) home fire deaths, and two of every five (37% ) home fire injuries, and 11% of direct property damage from home fires in 2010. - Ranges accounted for the 58% of home cookingfireincidents.Ovensaccountedfor16%. - Children under five face a higher risk of non-fire burns associated with cooking than being burned in a cooking fire.

Smoking Materials

- In 2010, smoking materials started and es-

Afghanistan. Quantock told the crowd of the upcoming regimental anniversary and spoke of what he feels typifies the select few of military policemen or women. "We talk about traditions, the great traditions we enjoy," Quantock said. "We talk about accomplishments - the accomplishments of a small but powerful part of our military. Lastly, but probably most importantly, we can talk about the Soldiers who selflessly served this great country and at times, gave that last measure of devotion. "It is an honor to take a few minutes and remember the 20 military police Soldiers

As a result of the operation, the sailors who participated in Odyssey Dawn will go on to teach and lead other sailors with the credibility of having participated in Odyssey Dawn." And Steele was proud as well. "Stout's Sailors' actions in February and March stand as a testament to the resiliency, determination and professionalism of the American Sailor," Steele said. "The honor and highlight of my professional career, was in leading Stout's 265 Sailors in combat last year - I will never forget those action-packed weeks in March and April." For more news from Commander, Naval SurfaceForce,U.S.AtlanticFleet, cal/surflant/. who we have lost this year," the major general concluded. The remarks from Butler, a former military policeman and MP corps regimental command sergeant major, pinpointed three critical themes to consider during the remembrance: honor, appreciation and caring. "[We must] honor our fallen Soldiers and their families and show appreciation for those men and women serving our nation in uniform and caring to continue a dedication to our Soldiers after the battles, after the injuries and after their service," he said. "We are gathered here today in burial site 55 in Arlington National Cemetery to remember the sacrifice of America's sons and daughters who have lost their lives while defending our freedom as military police officers." From World War I to the present, the MP corps has lost a total of 815 personnel.

For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,

visit timated 17,500 home structure fires, resulting in 540 deaths, 1,320 injuries and $535 million in direct property damage. Smoking materials are the leading cause of home fire deaths. - Sleep was a factor in two of every five home smoking material fire deaths. Possible alcohol impairment was reported in one quarter of these deaths. - In recent years, Canada and the United States have required that all cigarettes sold must be "fire safe," that is have reduced ignition strength and less likely to start fires. - If you have smokers or you are a smoker, please be sure to have large deep receptacles to extinguish you smoking material and ensure they are completely out before going to bed. - If you smoke at work, please remember to follow the NDW smoking policy and use the approved smoking areas only.


- Nearly half (49%) of home electrical fires involved electrical distribution or lighting equipment. Other leading types of equipment were washer or dryer, fan, portable or stationary space heater, air conditioning equipment, water heater and range. - In 2010, electrical failures or malfunctions were factors in an estimated 46,500 home structure fires resulting in 420 deaths, 1,520 injuries and $1.5 billion in property damage. - The use of extension cords for permanent wiring is prohibited in accordance with the NDWINSTR 11320.10E.


- On average, there are 35 home candle fires reported per day. - More than one-third of these fires started in the bedroom. -Morethanhalfofallcandlefiresstartwhen

things that can burn are too close to the candle. - In 2010, candles caused 3% of home fires, 4% of home fire deaths, 6% of home fire injuries and 5% of direct property damage from home fires. - As a reminder, the use of candles at work is prohibited in accordance with the NDWINSTR 11320.10E.

Home Fire Sprinklers - Automatic fire sprinkler systems cut the risk of dying in a home fire by about 83%. - Home fire sprinklers can contain and may even extinguish a fire in less time than it would take the fire department to arrive on the scene. - Sprinklers are highly effective because they react so quickly in a fire. They reduce the risk of death or injury from a fire because they dramatically reduce the heat, flames and smoke produced, allowing people time to evacuate the home. The Naval District Washington Fire & Emergency Services would like to remind everyone that by following these simple but vital tips, the chances of you or your family experiencing a home or workplace fire can be greatly reduced. If you have any questions regarding fire/life Safety either at work or at home or need to schedule your Annual Evacuation drill, please contact your installation Fire Prevention Division. For more fire safety tips and information on National Fire Safety Week, visit


Thursday, October 4, 2012


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Thursday, October 4, 2012

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