Interaction Design Portfolio by Lanni Zhou

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PORTFOLIO 2018 Lanni Zhou

Hi, I am Lanni Explorer & Adventurer

I strive to use design and technology to set, to discuss and to solve social problems.

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main� John Donne

EDUCATION Rutgers University New Brunswick / New Jersey B.A.Bouble Major in Journalism and Media Studies & Human Resource Management 09/2014 - 05/2018 • GPA: 3.9 / 4.0 (Journalism and Media Studies) • Honors: Dean’s list (2016 Fall - 2017 Fall) • Coursework: Digital Media Production; Media, Science and Public Engagement; Information for Web Design John Cabot University

Rome / Italy

Study Abroad Program

01/2017 - 05/2017

• Recived CGE (Center for Global Education) $1,000 Scholarship


Chongqing / China 09/2018 - 10/2018

New Vision Media Ltd. • Designed 2 billboard posters for International Arrival lounge to advertised Chongqong local culture • Researched environmental-friendly decorating materials to fullfill sustainable development goal

Digital Marketing Intern

New York / New York 02/2018 - 05/2018

Universal Processing

• Designed and exculted 5 marketing campagins • Created social media contents, including posters, copies and videos, for clientes based on data analysis • Assisted clients to develop and maintain their brand imagery

Video Editing Intern

Hunan / China 06/2017 - 08/2017

The Big Problem • Utilized Adobe Premiere to edit weekly talk show footage and short films • Organized monthly talk show including communicate with show guests and set up the onsite lighting

Marketing Assistant Intern

Beijing / China 07/2016 - 08/2016

Shun Tong Juntu, Ltd. • Build company’s brand imagery through visual illustration • Negotiated the packaging pricing with the vendors

Digital Production Intern

Shanghai / China 06/2016 - 07/2016

Weber Shandwick

• Launched a H5 Campaign and assisted client to add more than 200 followers to its Wechat official account • Researched the market data for H5’s campaign to gather and analyze the data about application traffic

ACHIEVEMENTS Design Group Leader

Beijing / China 06/2018 - 07/2018

Welldesign Workshop • Leaded the team with a strategic design plan and won the championship • Designed a smart gadget by using Arduino


Rome / Italy 01/2017 - 05/2017

Exhibition in Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome • Exhibited digital photos in the museum with 8 others students





User Research Branding HTML & CSS Digital Marketing Media Field Production Finance for HR Business Modeling

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Adobe XD Keynote Sketch

Bowling Cooking Traveling Hiking

Mandarian English

Content 01


SJ Smart Shower Valve

SeGo T

Service D

Interaction Design



The Debate Participatory Exhibition

The Eter Virtual



Prank On The Partners


Game Design


rnal Love Reality

Other Works Posters & Photography

SJ Smart Shower Valve To impr ove co-rend ing population’s shower experience.

Product design / Interaction design Team project Lanni Zhou (team leader) Haoyu Wang Haocen Mi Ye Tian

Derive Derive from from my my own own co-renting co-renting experience, experience, our our team team target on young co-renting population. Our mission is to allow targets on young co-renting population. By using every user to have the right to enjoy bettergadget showerthat experience. Arduino we created aa smart can improve users’ shower experience. Our mission is to allow every user to have the right to enjoy a better shower experience even in a constrain environment.

Design Background Design Challenge To improve the shower experience for co-renting populations and create comfortable and entertaining bathing environment for them.

Population Analysis Graduates of higher education in 2014 Monthly salary of graduation in China Average salary of 3 years after graduation

9 Million 740 thousands 3300 RMB 6700 RMB

Age Analysis Table

8 million In the end of 2014, the floating population has reached to 253 million In 2020, the number will rise to 291 million Young people account for an absolute proportion Average annual rate of population growth in China

Problems The rapid expansion of urbanization in China make it impossible to build new houses. The sharp decline in land area makes housing prices higher and higher. More people have no money to buy houses.

Price of renting

Area of renting

Renting houses


20-30 years old accounted for 77% of rented households


Focus Group Design Method We conducted 1 focus group by gathering 7 people, who had co-rending experience, and ask them their shower experience.

Why? Why? By using focus group research method allow me to have a general understanding of co-rending experience, and have gather some common pain points.

I always get annoyed cause others do not clean the bathroom.

I never put any of my personal belongings in the bathroom.

Everytime I shower I must adjust the valve to get a comfort temperature.

I want to listen to music while showering but the air is so wet.


Shen Chang

Chu Bei

Liu Zhen



Graphic Designer




About 20 mins

10 - 20 mins

About 20 mins

27 years old

24 years old

26 years old

I feel more comfortable when I shower in my own house compare with when I was shower in co-renting house.

When someone waks outside or I can hear people talking, I feel so insecure. Before and after shower, I must wear more clothes, especialy when there are men in the room.

The whole bathroom will get wet after showering.

The door can see through outside. Lack of privacy.

Findings Most bathrooms of co-renting house are in poor conditions. Most householder are not unwilling to spend much to decorate the house. Most renting house roomers cannot afford high price to improve their life qualities.

I like to listen to music when I’m showering, but if I know there are people waiting in line, I’ll shower more quickly without music.

Bathroom is very small.

Persona About An external girl who came Beijing to study and started to work right after graduation.

Goals Stronger bathroom privacy. Devices in bathroom could adjust automatically to meet her needs. She could do other interesting things while showering.

Frustrations She always gets worried in public area. Other room-mates do not care too much about the bathroom. She feels others may disturb her private life. Freedom will be limited while showering.


Miss Yuan

Sometimes takes a shower on morning.

24,Product Manager Location:


Martial Status:



3 bedroom



Take a basket into bathroom. Brushing teeth while showering.

Activities Enter the bathroom



Keep Fit

Leave the bathroom

Brush teeth Wear towel Wrap tooth tools



I don’t earn much and can only afford sharing an apartment with others, but I want to have a more comfortable life. I also want to take a relaxing bath after whole day work.


Finish showering





Busy Messy Independent





Time rich Organized Team player

Dirty cloth

Experience Map

Prepare for shower necessities

Walk to the Enter the bathroom bathroom

- Open the - Lay down bedroom door - Surf on the - Put the backpack Internet on the desk - Change to slipper

- Get up from the bed - Pack up shower necessities in a small basket - Check bathroom availability

- Qucikly walk to the bathroom

Seeing + Hearing

- Dirty clothes in bedroom - Soft bed

- Mobile Phone screen

- Take a glance at the bathroom - Find there is nobody in it


- I’m so tired

- It’s already 10pm! - Is someone using the - I haven’t shower bathroom now? yet!


Back to home

Small break

Prepare for shower



- Close the door - Lock it up

- Take out shower necessities - Ad tem - Take off clothes - Sta - Turn on the shower valve - Wait for the water getting hot - Remove make up

- Find her own newly purchasing shower gel is used a lot

- Hope nobody - I need to make - Why my shower gel is see me wearing sure that the door used? is locked success - - Who used it? like this fully - That’s my new gel!

- Th tem sui

Insights - Need blank time after whole day s ’ work - Troublesome to change from one state to another


Anxiety Boring Annoyed

- Unwilling to - Unfamiliar - Private items placed in - Cannot check people often the public area may be availability because stay in the used by others public area for brings unsafety there is no sign - Water gets warm a long time - Nearly all the slowly - Unwilling to let roommates take - Some deem hygiene as others notice showers at the significant same time

- Pe pre diff

art to shower Just started

Almost done

Finish showering

- Wash hair - Wash face with - Pump shampoo cleanser - Massage scalp - Put soap over the - Wash off shampoo body - Wash off soap

- Brush teeth - Simply enjoy hot water - Wash underwears

- Turn off the shower - Put shower necessities back valve to the basket - Wrap up the body - Simply clean - Put on pyjamas up the bathroom

- Notice others’ hair on the ground

- See roomates passing through the bathroom - Hear roomates ’ footstep sound and voice

- Hear the lasting water sound

he water - Why my roomates mperature is not don’t clean the it for me bathroom?

- Others is back - I need to hurry up - I don’t want others wait me long time

- So relaxing

- My body is wet and feel uncom fortable - I don’t want to wear cloth but I have to wear

- The bathroom is wet and dirty - I have to clean it - So troublesome

ersonal eference ference

- Privacy could not be guaranteed

- Sense of urgency - Need of multitasking

- Unacceptable to wet body - Annoyed to clean the bathroom

- Could not get access to the circumstance of public living room

djust shower mperature art shower

- Resistance of hair on the ground - Protection Awareness

Mid showering

Pack up necessities

Leave the bathroom

Back to the bedroom

- Unlock and open - Walk back to the bedroom the door

- Make sure that - Find that the there is nobody in bathroom’s ground the living room is so wet - Hear others walking in the living room

- I need to walk quickly to prevent others see me - I can have a rest eventually

- Appearance burden

Design Brief Insights

The co-renting environment often makes users feel lack of privacy in the bathroom

Users find the showering process boring and they wish to have something to entertain

Usersl lack of motivation to get up from coach or bed to shower after a long day of work.

Add entertaining elements, such as music, videos, lights, or games, to make the shower process more fun.

Create a systemto help users shower more efficently.


Increase users sense of secure by informing others users the bathroom is not available so they won't constantly walk pass by.

Design Definition Based on insights and opportunity analysis, we decided to design a smart gadget that can automatically adjust individual shower preference, and entertaining users during their shower process.

Final Design Household Fe







Provide rooms

Pr Supply Us



Rent Consume

t uc




Manager ce

i erv






a db




Room Members

Water Adjustment Change shower volume

Memory Auto save your last time shower setting data

Entertainment Connect bluetooth speaker to play music

Prototype Electronic Components

The Buzzer represents bluetooth speaker. It can play different songs when we input different codes. By chaning external resistnce, we can change the volume.

The temperature sensor can capture chaning temperature in the air, and send the data to our code. Our code control each light ball light up base on the temperature.

We used a Uno board and a breadboard to connect the laptop and external sensors.

The temeperature sensor will sent detected temperature to Arduino. Arduino then calculate the data and monitor the light balls, and buzzer.

Circuit Diagram

Buzzor Sensor


Temperature Sensor

Design Detail

Water Amount Switch Music

Temperature Music Sound

Sound box

In and Out Water Pipe

More slight and controllable adjustment method More natural interaction language Atmosphere Light

Revolve the outer switch and the corresponding function indicator lights up. When switching to music mode, the plus and minus button are used to change music.

Press the up and down switch to adjust the water temperature. When switching to music mode, the up and down button are used to adjust music sound value.


Information Architecture History Data




Weekly Monthly


Reservation Welcome page

Time Mode APP


Recommend Others




Log in

Sign up

Mine Profile About us Service Setting



Theme Color Individual


y page

Monthly history


Preference history

User can check their past shower history, from daily to monthly


Users can also check their past shower preference, including water temperature, mode and time.

Select time

Select mode

Select music


Once user confirm their final selection, they are good to go.

Sign up


User need to create an account when they first use the App.



Select roommate and start chatting.

Sign in

Storyboard 1

After a whole day work, Rebecca finally heading back home.


Suddenly, she is aware that she has not shower yet!


With S.J, she does not need to adjust the water temperature anymore, because the intelligent water valve could remember her last time shower preference.



She enter the house and step directly to her own room.


She opens the S.J App to check the bathroom availability.sets up her time, music and shower mode and wait fot the notify.


She could enjoy a better shower experience with soft music playing and comfort atmosphere light surrounding her.

After a whole day work, she feels tired and lies on her bed to relax.


When the bathroom is vacant, she enters in and start showering.


Memory your last time shower settings More friendly water adjustment experience You could listen to music and sing along while showering Reserve on your mobile phone and no longer wait for enless time

Design Background

The Age of Traveling General Background

My grandmother loves traveling. Her courage to try everything she can to reach her destination had inspired me.

According to Chinese National Travel Bureau, China's traveling population has reach 48.8 billion in 2017.




Aging Population

Old Generation

Endowment Insurance

Seniors’ traveling rate occupys 20 % of the whole country’ traveling rate.

Since 2017, China has 17.3 % of its population is over 60 years old.

The majority of senior citizens are protected by endowment insurance .

The S Service Chain includes


Tour Guide


Co-Creative: Users Co-Creative: Offsprings Tour Guide


Venn Diagram

User Research




Are you mostly travel with tour group or DIY your own journey? A. DIY own journey

B. Tourist group


What’s the most imporant element for an good jouney? A. Unique sights

B. Travel safety

C. Hotel quality

D. Food

The majority of senior population still pre prefer DIY their own journey.






82.8% of the senior traveler put unique sights as the priority over other elements such as comfort.







The following scenario, which one your find the most annoying during traveling? A. Bad service C. Expectation fail to meet reality



B. Bad sleep D. Conflict with other traveler

C. Sea shore vacation

People are expecting sights that are just like what they see on tv or as nice as their friends recommend.


If you can choose your next destination, which of the following is you most idea traveling destination? B. Jungle adventure A. Mountaining D. Hot spring and well-being

60 50

The majority of senior population are more conservative, and prefer relax journey over adventure.

40 30 20 10 0






Ms. Li Age: 58 Mountaineering lover

We all like taking pictures, and everytime we travel, we always wear colorful clothes

Mrs. Jiu Age: 62

Ms. Wang Age: 59


Housing lover

I feel so proud of myself everytme I got back from a DIY road trip

I don’t mind spend money. If I am traveling, I want to try good hotel and good service

Senior population want their journey personal and close to their interest. They will get invovled with customizing the travel plan, and go on the journey with clear purpose.

Experience Map

Planning Stage Find travel pal



-Call friends & family members check their avalibility.

Pre-departure Choose travel map research -Ask people around for recommend. -Search online.

-Organize sights into a complete travel map.

-Mass online information without direction.

-Traveler choose a harder road map.


On the road

-Check -Take pictures weather for in car. packing. -Take a break at service station. -Driver get tired. -Hard to find service station.

-How to find the most worthy sights among all those choices? -How to connect different sight spots together? -What medicine will I need alonge the way?

Arrive at the hotel

See the

-Bring all the luggage to the front desk. -Check interior condition.

-Get dire the sight

-No one help to carry luggage. -Unsatisfy with room condition.

-The real to meet th expectati

-Where can I get food and restroom?

-Arrive at and take

-This room in the pictu -This sight

-What sho



-Lack of senior oriented travel guide.

-Traveling generate a

-Hard to find -Lack of pre-departure near by restaurant. physical examination.

-Online booking website fail to show customers the real room condition.

-App/google map push near by food/ pharmacy notification.

-Develope booking website.

for everyone.


-Design a travel guilde that is specific for seniors.

-Self physical examination.

-Trave inaccu spot d

-Weak preser

-Provid alterna spots c

e sight

Back to hotel and sleep

Wake up and find brakfast

-call family members back home & go to bed.

-wake up & ask front desk for breakfast spot.

Find food

-Ask locals for restaurant recommend. t sight spot -Order food. e pictures.

ection to spot.

lity fail he ion.



-Hard to find authentic local food. -Unused to local dietary habit.

Go to the next stop

ould I eat?

el guide urate sight discription.

-Rrecommend push targets wrong customers.

k historical rve.

-Lack of local food recommend.

de ative sight choices.

-Restaurant recommendation base on

Send souvenir to friends and family

Share travel story -Tell friends their travel experience.

-Pack up & -Pack up & drive to the drive home. next stop.

-Slippery -Hard to find bathroom floor. breakfast. -Hard to sleep due to outside noises.

m does not as good as its shows ure. t spot is too commercial.

Finish the trip

-May forget to buy gift for someone.

-May forget travel detail.

-Looking back this is how far I -Where can I get breakfast? -Did I take my medicine this morning? -Did I left my ID in the hotel?

-I forgot to buy gift for this friend! -We went to a great restaurant but I forgot its name.

-Lack of near by food recommend

-To remind seniors

-To remind seniors takei medecine during traveling

valueable with them.

-Travel memo (medicine, gifts etc)

-To document fun places or detail for seniors.

-Quick document -Advance online remmeberable sharing process. moments & generate on google map.

Design Brief

Design Definition By following through the whole journey, solveing real time challenge. The project gives seniors a personalized and relaxed travel experience.

Design Opportunities

Design a travel guide that is specifically for senior.

Design a travel meme to remind seniors during traveling.

Advance near by food/pharmacy push notice.

Provide alternative travel plan when user unsatisfy with the first one in time.

Make sharing process more easy and photo oriented.

Touch Point

App: trip planning; travel notification; moment document.

The system: Both online and offline travel service system.

Customer service: advising and travel assiatance.

Stakeholder Map

Design Stakeholder Definition Map map Cooperator Discount


Market director



Trave l (chan informatio n nel: T V)


App developer Project manager

Authentic recommend

Local resident

Online customer service Direct contact

Opinion leader


User need

Journey designer

n io at et) rm rn fo in inte l e l: av e Tr ann h (c


Supply & Demand





User need

Good service

Opinion leader

Travel information

Traffic; advertising

Local resident

Authentic recommend

Internet traffic


Housing; uniqe sight spot

Advertising; more customers


Ideas; road map


Service Blue Print

Physical Evidence

Attendee Actions

TV ads

App QR code

Watch the ads Download the app

App Articles display

Read the travel articles

Register page

Register account; log in travel preference

Available choices

Make selection

Preliminary travel map

Final travel map

Add departure Confirm final date and number travel map of people then make selection again

A no

R no us co

Line of Interaction

Front-of-stage Interactions

Pre-departure customer servic; sight spots/hotel advising

Write ads Advertise copy the app

Line of Visibility

Back-of-stage Interactions

Contact App advertise advertise space

Data collection

Road design (gather informations from KOLs)

Personal travel map designe

Line of Internal interaction

Support Processes

Develope Design the App market plan

Business negociation with copperators (hotels/restaurant/sights/ sights for discount/ads)

The service is mainly focus on pre-departure planning. Users can customize sight spots individually without go through confused period of gathering information . The service will generate a travel map base on users choices.

App push otification

Navigate to destinations

Read push Hotel otice (allow to check in se current odlation)


Arrive at the sight spot

Arrive at the restaurant

Travel alert

Take pictures

Order food at restaurant

Click “Done” or “remind me later”

Finished travel map

Auto generated vlog

App sharing

Edit video/pic- Share vlogs tures with text on social media

During travel personal bulter (online)

Cooperate with Google map and Yelp

Connect with third party social media platform (Facebook/Wechat/Weibo)

Information Architecture | Wireframe

A Home page


Travel diaries Travel guide

Home Screen


Hotel booking Hotel recommendation

Document journey A&B C D E F Near by

Current Location


Food Sights

Recent searched

Share pictures Stories

Share videos Share artivles

Welcome Page


Travel Map

Log in

Third party authorization

Must t Custimization

Hotel information

Customer Service

Admission fee Travel butler

Setting Account setting


My order My posts My coupons

Custo E servic


omer ce

Hotel B booking

Hotel choosing

Hotel detail


Check out


User can book hotel within the app or read hotel recomend articles

D Customize travel map

Current C location


Basic user information

Search near by food and sights

Users will answer some general questions about travel preference when they first register

User can read general information about the city and local recomend. They can also tag the location and share their travel stories with the public


Document your journey

Select one road

Travel information Users will add travel details,everytime when they start a new travel map

Preliminary travel map

F Mine

Users can view and edit every stop

View detail

Users can check hotel recomend and select the price range, the app will add most idea hotel according to users road plan

Final travel map

Business Model

Key partners

Key Activities

Value Propositions

Customer Relationships

Customer Segments

- Local hotels

- Pre-departure advising and planning

- Gives senior travelers an unique and easy planning experience

- 50-60 years old seniors who love traveling

- 50-60 years old seniors who love traveling

- Seniors children who support their parents’ traveling

- Seniors who like custimize their own journey

- Unique sight spots - Google map - Baidu map - Travel journey designers

- Customize unique and clear travel map - Travel assistant along the way

- Take care senior travelers through out - Document and share the entire journey travel moments - Help senior travelers

Key Resources

accomplish their dream

Channels - TV advertisement

- Housing, sights admission and restaurant discounts

- Bus stop advertising board

- Unique travel information

- Apps recommendation

Cost structure - App developing - Customer service - Marketing campaign

- Seniors who travel at least twice a year

Revenue streams - Advertisement - Cooperation with partners

- Commision from cooperate - Road plan advising and sights, hotel and restaurants planning - App adverting injection

Benefit Benefit

The service aim to help senior travelers to travel furthure, to enrich their casual activities, and benefit their physical and mental health. The service aim to help senior travelers to travel furthure, to enrich their casual activities, andtobenefit their SeGo app assist senior travelers plan and to physical have theand mental health. most control of their journey. SeGo senior travelers plan and to have the The appapp canassist take care of its user bytomaking specific plan most control of their journey and keeping eyes on users health. This service reduce user family’s worry. The app can take care of its user by making specific plan and keeping eyes on users health. This service reduce user family’s worry

Design Background From a human resource professionals’ perspective, it is important for any organizations to know how to improve their offering and grow within constraints.

Responsibilities of HR Professionals

Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Development is more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job role.

Training and Development


5 HR’s main responsibilities

Organizational Behaviors


Employment Laws

What Is This Project About? To inform employees the importance of empathy in an entertaining way, and utimately improve employees’ performance and team vibe within a company.

How Empathy Can Benefit HR training and Design Process? The first step to build an efficient HR and design plan is to understand employee’s or user’s situation. Simply put, empathy is the ability to step into someone else’s shoes, be aware of their feelings and understand their needs.

1. Create trust in business interactions 2. Improve collaberation skill 3. Help to build a innovative working environment

HR Training

1. Help to define the problem


2. Design as a human 3. Better communication within a team

Design Process

Benefits of Using Gamification for Human Resources Gamification takes the essence of games — attributes such as fun, play, transparency, design,and competition— and applies these to a range of real-world processes inside a company

Interactive nature

Applicable to the real world

Stimulate the mind

The interactive nature of games enables employee engagement. It has all the playful elements contribute towards learning in a fun way.

Far from turning away from reality, the interactive gaming environemnt can emphasize real life problems and make it possible for employees’ to see and practice through game.

Game-based learning drives decision making, improving the cognitive function and helping people learn valuable skills and lessons applicable to real life.


Final Concept The game “Prank On The Partners” has different story backgrounds which encourage participator to be more envolved. It is also simple and fun to play. Participators plays the fairy’s role in the game, in which they can affect the role’s work experience. The goal of this game is to allow participators see others struggle by being a naughty fairy.




Video Editor




Game Design Story Background Once upon a time, there is a fairy who likes to prank on partners. She likes to challenge teamwork by adding unavoidable incidences on the two partners and make them fail to finsih their work on time. The fairy is bored again, and she is ready for a new game...

Rule of the Game 1. Without fairy’s disruption, the role will finish his/her work on time. 2. The fairy will trouble the character by adding challenges, and the role won’t finish his/her work on time. The partner will be mad at him/her.

Choose the scene

Choose the role to prank on Prank Failed

Prank successfully


Position: Softwear Enginner Age: 27 and single Habit: Play video game with his buddies

Position: User Experience Designer Age: 24 and single Habit: Cooking and hiking

This is how Bob see Sara when she can’t follow his idea.

This is how Sara see Bob when he can’t follow her idea.

Scenarios Softwear Enginner

The openning scene Bob has assigned to a new tast. It doesn’t seems so complicated. He is waiting for Sara to go over details.

Sara turn into a cat Just when Sara was explaining the detail, she turn into a cat! It happens all the time when Bob can’t understand her. Sara start to speak cat language.

Bob’s eye

Bob has being coding for al get tired and feels like some

UX Designer

The openning scene Today is a rough day for Sara. She was braining storming for 50 ideas

Power off While she is sketching the ideas, the building went power off, and she forget to press Crt + S... Everything need to start over.

Bob turn

Sara brought the final ide explaining the details, Bo “Ok, he is lost again..” Sa

es got tired

lmost 5 hours now. His eyes ebody has blurred his screen.

n to a bear

ea to Bob. While she is ob turn to a dumb face bear. ara said.

New request is comming...

Sara is pushing the time

It’s almost 8pm. Bob is finishing his work, suddently, he saw 2 emails from Sara with some new requests and need to be done today.

Sara keep pushing time and ask Bob to code faster. He is so tired and annoyed.

The boss is calling The product manager keep callilng Sara for the final prototype, Sara is stressing out

Bob isn’t cooperating The PM just ask Sara to add 2 more features, now it’s almost 8pm. Bob isn’t very happy but Sara has no choose but to bear it.

Flow & Wireframe

Final Design 【How To Play】 Life is never easy. Prank on Bob by dragging challenges into his life.

【Key Features】 - Every scenario is based on a real life situation. Players did not turn away from real life, but rather to see and practice real life situation through game. - This is a third perspective game. Players can discover another side of the story, which people don’t often pay attention, and raise players empathy when they return to the real world. - The game is fun, interactive and easy to play.

Evaluation Training evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. In our game situation, we evaluate our project’s efficiency via asking players how they interpret the meaning behind the game, and how they see empathy after they played.

I’m a softwear enginner. When I play the game I felt very relatable to some of the scene, because it actrually happened to me before. Lol good job.

Josh, 26 years old Softwear Enginner

I see your point. Empathy is so easy being neglected when people can’t see the other side of the story. I like how you frame your point into this game.

Baixin, 24 years old Marketing Analytics

I really like the blur the screen part. I like that interactive experience.

Kate, 22 Years old User Experience Designer


Through game we can understand the world. Through empathy we make the world better. I believe game is worth to study. It makes opportunity to play with things in real world, and allows us to understand the society in a deeper level. Prank On The Partners uses real life situations to frame empathy, and gives players a new perspective to see conflict.

The Debate To discuss cliamte change in a new way by pointing out social polarization among American public.

Multimedia interactive design Individual project This project was inspired by one of my Journalisma and Media Studies class. This class discussed various reasons why many Americans still don’t believe in cliamte change, regardelss existing science evidences. I decided to use a multimedia tag game to help the public reach a common ground on clamte change debate.

Design Background

What is Climate Change? Climate change, which also refer as global warming, is the observed century-scale rise in the average global temperature and its related effects.

Raising Sea Level

Vanishing Snow and Ice

According to NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the average global temperature has increased by about 0.8 Celsius since 1880.

Drougth and Wildfire

Climate change indication in our dailiy life includes...

Changing Echosystem

Increasing Global Temperature

Extreme Weather

Climate Change as a Debate Despite countless scientific facts, climate change still is one of the most opinion polarized topics among American public.

40% 40% of Americans still don’t believe in climate change

97% 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real

36% Only 36% of Americans said they believed climate change would personally hurt them

Design Challenge Climate change, as a serious environmental issue, has already affect the entire echosystem and world stability. However, the general public didn’t pay enough attention on this topic, which will cause more damage in the future.

Desktop Research From a Journalist’s perspective, there are essentially 3 reasons that causes people skeptical about climate change.

01 Human Brain is Biased

The affect huristic is individuals’ reliance on feeling to make decision. People make decisions base on their feeling rather than just knowledge. Opinion leaders often use framing to manipulate individuals' feeling about climate change. *Slovic, P., Finucane, M. L., Peters, E., & MacGregor, D. G. (2004). Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: Some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality. Risk analysis, 24(2), 311-322.


The science community has trouble communicate its findings with the public.

The Sicence & Public Disconnection

Media lack of science related news coverage. In 2017, the total minutes for climate change reporting on televsion is only 72 minutes. *Feldman, L., Maibach, E. W., Roser-Renouf, C., & Leiserowitz, A. (2012). Climate on cable: The nature and impact of global warming coverage on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(1), 3-31.

03 The Trust Issue Among American Public

Science community had lost some credibility due to politic pollution. Media, public’s main source for science relate news, lose its credibility as well. It pushes individuals’ to become more skeptical about cliamte change news. *Brossard, D., & Nisbet, M. C. (2007). Deference to scientific authority among a low information public: Understanding US opinion on agricultural biotechnology. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 19(1), 24-52.

Insight Climate change became one of the most debatable topic in America not because of the topic lack of science research. In fact, it is caused by many side affects, such as human brain’s native bias, communication issues and lack of trust on news resource.

User Research After counducting 9 interviews, I generated 3 types of views that represent public’s attitude towrads cliamte change topic


Climate Change


Climate Change


You can't prove 100% there is global warming.


I think most of conservative are anti-climate change, and liberal people are more pro-climate change

Alex Climate Change


Greenhouse effect? I don’t know, is that the thing that protect plants so they can keep growing in the winter?

Education: Master of Science Age: 50s Occupation: Electric Enginer

There is still many counter arguments about cliamte change on the news.

Education: Bachlor of Art and Science Age: 50s Occupation: Homeschool Mom She identify herself as a conservative. Most conservatives don't believe in climate change, so she won’t believe it as well.

Education: Bachlor of Art and Science Age: 20s Occupation: Marketing

She believes in cliamte change but didn’t know what causes it.

Insight Human brain aren't fully rational when they facing climate change issue. They are affected by hueristic. In other world, people are who they trust. Also, people are also affected by their culture cognition. They will act as their social identity expect them to act, and the cognition is often very exteme and polarized among many social issues.

Analysis After Interviewe, I have realized that many people, regardless their attitude toward climate change topic, fail to look at scientifc topics neutrally .

The Nature of Science The natrual of science is imperfect, debatable, and an on going process. However, many people misunderstand science as an absolute result.

The Bias Social group create its own culture norm that helps individuals to act property in the society, while also brings people bias.

Media Manipulation Media used culture cognition quite well. They know their targeted audiances and feed them with news that are coherent with their identity and core beliefs.

Insight Interviewees are all manipuated by either outside or inside noise, regardless which side they on. When they were asked about what is green house effects, they shows no clue to this terms. This result demonstrates when discussing this scientific issue, people lack of scientifc explaining, so they didn’t judge this answer critically by looking at science nutrally. Many interviewees are opinion followers.

Final Concept I don’t want this project to be a pure exhibition. Base on my ideation models, I add a touchable screen that can enhance users’ interaction with game.

Mediators Interaction


re ep

i th ew ar n mp tio s co nta e ise lity s e no e a pr te e r re tsi Th dia ou me nts se

e vid

Touchable Screen it h w re n s pa atio se i m t no co sen e t y i t e i ts al pr ou re re ts e ia en Th ed s m e pr re o de Vi Party bias and extrem view



Party bias and extrem view

Mediators Representation

Video Art


I used many news clips to demonstreate how different media outlets and two sides - conservative and liberal frame cilmate change topic differently. By cutting and organizing the video sequence in a video art way can help me to emphasize the social comflict.

Touch Screen

The purpose of use touch screen as a mediator is to give users a sense of participation.

Tag Game

Help participators to find the common ground between them and the other side of view.


Concept Summary This project approach climate change topic in a more artistic way by using multimedia. Two mediators, which are two videos and a touchable screen, interact with each other and with particitaor The interactio encourage participators to think through their social bias, and to find similarity between them and other social groups.

Design Detail The Overview STEP 1. Watch Videos Participator watch the videos. Both videos show both conservative and liberal’s extreme view on cliamte change. STEP 2. Play the Game


Participator walk towards the screen and start the tag game.



Touch Screen Detail

After read the rule of game, tap the ‘start’ button and start the game.

Tap the word, it will light up; tap it again means unselect.

After choose 10 tags, the next button will light up. Click that button then move to the next page.

Loading page. No need to touch anything. Waiting the system move to the next page

The result page shows what type of person you may be base on the tags you choosed. You can email the result to yourself or leave the page.

Final page with a take away sentence. You can find my Facebook page to get more climate change information.

The Tag Game Detail

I identify myself as conservative, so I’m anti-cliamte change.




Moral order



Better America






Food waste

Free market



The right










Middle class

Tag game result Moderator conservative


Gay marriage




Obama care

30 tags categorized into 3 groups. Each group represent one social group. Through this tag game, participators may realize their are not as extreme as they though. There are many commons they share with other group.

The Eternal Love To discover what eternal life could be by using hand craft and VR.

Multimedia interactive design Individual project This project was derived from my love to my family. I wanted to use this idea to discove how could we become eternal via existing technology. This project also talked about Chinese culture and traditions via the lense of a Chinese family.

Design Background

Why do I want eternal life? I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of losing my loved one; I’m afraid of being the only one to have the memories. I want the memories which I’m sharing with you, alone with the feeling of being cherished, to be eternal.

What does eternal life means to us?

Research What Could Be Considered As Eternal Life?

Turritopsis nutricula Turritopsis nutricula also called “immortal jellyfish”. When facing life threaten danger, it can transfer its cells back to immature stage, which means it becomes young again. Death is just a stage. Being eternal doesn’t just mean not die, but also be able to constantly develope and reborn.

Dunhuang cave painting The 1000 years painting located in Mogao cave, also known as Caves of the Thousand Buddhas.The cave painting document how ancient people live, their ceremony and family rituals. Documentation and preservation allows historical figures and stories to be remembered, and passed down to next generatoins. The memory and people will always live in others mind.

Sophia the robot Sophia, the robot became the first robot to receive citizenship of any country. She can display more than 50 facial expressions, and has participated in many high-profile interviews. The line between robot and human, virtrual and reality became more obscure in this informational age.

The flesh can be dead, but if we can preserve the subject integratedly, share the memory about the subject with the public, and have it always be remembered. The subject can be considered eternal. The point of preserve actrual thing. it’s to allow the subject to be always remembered. It always live in others memory.

Design Brief


Actural objects give people a sense of realness. They are the wittness of the story.

We are sad about loved one’s passing, not only because they are no longer here with us. but also because a piece of memory, which only you and the person knows, also died. You became the only person to remember it.

People often feel so shocked and touched when they saw huge caving painting. It is because the immensive environment gives people a sense of presence.


To document stories and preserve them so people won’t forget.

To share the stories with others, so the stories can live continuously in others memories.

To blur the line of dead and live, the line of past and present.

Design Definition

To recreate one of my most cherished memory and share it with the public.


To perform stories of real people by using 3D printed objects, enhace the sense of realness of stroytelling process.

VR gives audiance an immersive environment; It also blur the line of virtual and real world.

Showing and connecting ordinary people’s personal memory connect people together.

Touch Points

My memory of Chinese New Year

Make a model of my childhood house

VR immensive experience

Chinese New Year is my most favorite fesitivel. Many of great memory were creatred during this time.

By recreating my childhood house is a way to document and preserve my memory.

To use VR blur the line between virture and real world. By using VR allows audiances experience my memory of New Year and my feeling of being loved.







Sketch Planning

Build the Outlook

Recreate the Furniture

Decorate the Interior

Iteration I wasn’t very satisfy with the first model. Although two models’ layout are almost the same, the first one lack the sense of New Year and the cozyness I was trying to express. Thus, I made the second model which I added more detail and changed the color tone.

Living Room Dinning Room

Model 1

VR Interface

Audiacne will hear firecracker and fireworks sounds once they entered the VR space. They can walk around the house and touch the text icon to read stories behind some objects.

The VR link:


My intention of this project is making my family to be eternal by sharing my memories of them with you. Now you have it. I am handing over a piece of my most cherished memory to you. I hope via this experience you can have a bit more understanding to Chinese culture and carry the love to continue your journey. Peace :)


In past 2 years I’ve being to 8 countreis. The people I met, the sights I asw, the experience I had in different countries shaped me to be more humble and independent. Through traveling I became more tentative to the detail of life, and I used camera to document those shining moments.




3 8



9 1. The goodbye 2. enice . The reflection 4. Solo 5. Black beach . ost in Rome 7. The night light 8. ights to the home . The king and the begger



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