Everett Experience Navy Life October - December 2016

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Women on Weights

Experience Navy Life Everett is a product of the Navy Region Northwest Fleet and Family Readiness Marketing Department, in cooperation with Fleet & Family Readiness (FFR) Program partners. Sign up to receive the digital version of Experience Navy Life quarterly at everett.navylifepnw.com/subscribe. This magazine is sponsored by Navy Region Northwest Fleet & Family Readiness (CNRNW FFR). This magazine is intended to provide information and discussion on Quality of Life programs and services. The information contained in this issue was current at the time of publication. Activities, events and hours of operation are subject to change. Please visit our official homepage at www.navylifepnw.com for more information.

DIGITAL ISSUES To download a copy of this publication, please visit everett.navylifepnw.com/news. Printed in the USA. Copyright © 2016 by CNRNW FFR Marketing. All rights reserved.


Wizarding World of Jim Creek

Fleet Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Life Skills Education New Parent Support (NPS) Navy Family Ombudsman Program Podcasts & Webinars Personal Financial Management (PFM) Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Transitions Goals, Plans, Success (GPS) Navy Gold Star Program Navy Wounded Warrior-Safe Harbor Family Readiness Groups (FRG) Individual Augmentee (IA) Support


All American Restaurant

Community Recreation Outdoor Recreation Recreational Green Space (Parks) Outdoor Equipment Rental Tickets, Trips & Tours Fleet Recreation Auto Services Leisure Travel Gallery Golf Course Sailor's Choice Marina & Mini Storage Marina Boat Rental Program

14 ENTERTAINMENT & DINING The Commons Pierside Plaza/Pierside Grille All American Restaurant-Everett Tremors Neighborhood Sports Bar


Month of the Military Child Celebration

Child Development Centers (CDC) Child Development Homes (CDH) School-Age Care (SAC) Youth & Teen Center School Liaison Officer (SLO)

18 SPORTS, FITNESS & AQUATICS 22 L IBERTY SINGLE SAILOR PROGRAM 26 H OUSING, LODGING, NAVY GETAWAYS Navy Housing Services Unaccompanied Housing (UH) Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) Navy Getaways Pacific Beach Resort Navy Getaways Cliffside RV Park Navy Getaways Jim Creek Community Recreation Area


Keys to Strengthening Resilience in Your

Military Family By: Fleet & Family Support Program

Military families are amazingly strong and resilient, however, long deployments, difficult reunifications, frequent moves and major life stressors, can make military life challenging. Families have different levels of resilience. Some may manage life stressors more easily than others. Regardless of the coping abilities families have, the good news is that families can strengthen and improve their resilience in many ways.

The services at FFSC do not only focus on crisis situations. Many of the services and classes help build the skills and strengths that military families already have.


First, let’s define resilience. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. It simply means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences or the way we manage ourselves and our emotions through hard times, to recover and grow stronger because of them. Being resilient does not mean that families will never experience difficulty or distress, rather, emotional pain and sadness is a part of life. In fact, the journey toward resilience will likely involve troubling or stressful experiences that families will grow and learn from. Resilience is not something people do or do not have. Resilience is actually made up of a combination of characteristics that contribute to a family’s perseverance through stressful situations. Several studies show that the primary factor in resilience is having caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family. Relationships that create love and trust provide role models, offer encouragement and reassurance, and help bolster a person’s resilience. Other characteristics that contribute to resilience include: • Flexibility • The ability to find meaning in adversity • Having beliefs and values that offer hope and understanding beyond the “here and now” • The ability to problem-solve and communicate Navy Region Northwest offers MANY services and resources to help military families build their resilience. The Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) are one of those incredible resources, and all services are FREE to military families. They have highly qualified licensed masters and doctorate-level clinicians to assist families with current crises or difficult situations to help them find lifetime solutions. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program offers support and referral information to victims of sexual assault, and our Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Liaisons help military families navigate through the system and find resources for their family members with special needs. The services at FFSC do not only focus on crisis situations. Many of the services and classes help build the skills and strengths that military families already have. FFSCs offer a wide range of financial support and information, job skills, relocation information and support, educational information, assistance to new parents, life skills (communication, stress and anger management and conflict resolution) through individual appointments and classes. The centers also offer a variety of groups that help families improve their self-esteem, parenting skills, and emotional reactions and pain after a sexual assault. The FFSC staff is highly trained and passionate about helping military families build their skills for resiliency, so they can weather the challenges of military life. Take advantage of everything the FFSCs have to offer. You and your family will be better prepared for life because you did. For more information about the Fleet and Family Support Center, please call 1 (866) 854-0638 or log on to www.navylifepnw.com.

“You can judge a man’s true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.” - Paul McCartney

Pets and Domestic Violence By: Elizabeth Dublinski, Family Advocacy Program Victim Advocate

If you’re one of the 65% of Americans that own a pet, you know the strong emotional bond you develop with them. While pets may not use words to communicate affection, animal companionship can actually have many health benefits. People with dogs are less likely to experience depression and more likely to maintain low blood pressure during high stress, exercise more regularly and even display elevated levels of serotonin and dopamine. For many American families, pets are as much a part of the family as anyone. In households where domestic violence occurs, each member of the family is affected by this dynamic, but do our pets as well? Domestic violence can be described as the use of tactics to gain power and control over someone. These manipulations can be physical, emotional/ psychological, sexual or a combination of the three and their complexities. Recent studies have given advocates and professionals a deeper understanding of the strong correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence. Studies from the National Coalition of Domestic Violence show that up to 71% of pet-owning women entering shelters reported their abusive partners to have threatened, harmed or killed their pet. Violent

behaviors toward an animal are not an uncommon way for an abuser to exert power and control over an intimate partner. Abusers may use animals to perpetuate the cycle of fear within the home, punish the victim for leaving, coerce them to return, inflict emotional harm, or psychologically control them. In many situations, pets can be a powerful support system for people experiencing domestic violence and, unfortunately, barriers for leaving their abusive partner. Few domestic violence shelters in the United States allow non-service animals in a shelter; however, the Humane Society of the

United States has developed a directory of safe-haven programs for pets that can provide temporary care and peace of mind for victims escaping domestic violence. The Animal Welfare Institute has also established a Safe Havens Mapping Project for Pets of Domestic Violence Victims, where they can visit their website and find a safe haven for their pet in a time of crisis. If you or someone you love is experiencing domestic violence, help is available. Contact the Fleet and Family Support Center and speak with a Victim Advocate at (360) 396-5138 or (360) 396-4853.

ONE VOICE AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE By Loretta McGinley October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Navy communities around the globe work to raise awareness of this issue. Domestic violence isn’t a pleasant topic, and most of us would rather avoid it altogether. Turning away, however, won’t make it go away. Throughout October, Navy Region Northwest Fleet and Family Support Programs are sponsoring a variety of activities to raise awareness and understand our responsibilities surrounding domestic violence. Domestic Violence Awareness Month gives each of us a chance to consider how we can become part of one voice against domestic violence. What is domestic violence? It is a pattern of behavior that consists of physical, sexual, verbal and/or emotional abuse. Domestic violence involves a variety of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over their intimate partner. Abusive partners use a variety of tactics: grabbing-pushing-pinching-hitting, belittling one’s partner in front of others, excessive jealousy/ calling or checking up on their partner frequently, withholding access to family finances/military ID, isolating their partner from family and friends, and/or blaming their partner for how they feel or act. Victims of domestic violence often feel afraid, intimidated and withdrawn. Knowing what domestic violence is provides a way to label what

we see, and know what to do about it. How can the military community become one voice against domestic violence? Each of us at NRNW has a role to play: Offenders: Recognize your abusive behavior. Identify instances of physical abuse, emotional put-downs, blaming, and verbal threats. Become aware of what you’re doing and its effects on your partner. Make a choice to STOP all abuse, and get help to learn ways to communicate in which both you and your partner feel safe and respected. Those living with abuse: Understand what domestic violence is. It is a pattern that will not likely go away without help. Learn about resources available to keep you safe. Talk to a friend, family or a victim advocate and choose to get help. Know you do not have to deal with domestic violence on your own. Community members: Recognize domestic violence if you observe it. Be willing to contact

law enforcement if you have fear for a victim’s safety. Know local community resources available which may help a family, and share this information. Be willing to get involved. Command: Send a clear message that domestic violence will not be tolerated. Provide a climate which supports family life, and encourages getting help, if needed. Ensure members are aware of support resources which promote healthy relationships.

The Navy has a program to address issues of domestic violence. For more information call (866) 854-0638. 5

FFSC Job Fair

Gold Star Quarterly Tribute


FLEET & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS The Center Fleet & Family Support

All classes are FREE unless otherwise noted. Appointments available for FREE individual consultations, call (866) 854-0638. For most up-to-date information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

FAMILY EMPLOYMENT READINESS PROGRAM (FERP) Assists you in landing that perfect job!

OCTOBER Job Fair Preparation

Tuesday, October 18 10 am-Noon Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 811 (425) 304-3716

NOVEMBER Snohomish County Joint Services Job Fair

Wednesday, November 2 10 am-2 pm Armed Forces Reserve Center 13613 40th Ave. NE, Marysville, WA 98271 (425) 304-3716

Aviation Careers Job Search and Resume

Tuesday, November 15 10 am-Noon Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 810 (425) 304-3716






Job Search Strategies

Moving with an EFM

Secrets of Stress Management

Wednesday, December 7 10 am-Noon Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 811 (425) 304-3716

EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM (EFMP) Provides information, referral, systems navigation and non-medical case management to special-needs families.

OCTOBER EFM Community Connections Tuesday, October 4 1-3 pm Constitution Park Community Center (425) 304-3367

EFMP 101

Tuesday, October 11 1:30-3 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-3367

Tuesday, November 1 1-3 pm Constitution Park Community Center


Training and support for the liaison between commands Wednesday, November 16 and all family members within a command. 8:30-10 am

NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 109




Ombudsman Basic Training (OBT)

EFM Community Connections

Love Long Distance: Staying Connected

(425) 304-3367

Tuesday, December 6 1-3 pm Constitution Park Community Center (425) 304-3367

LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION Gain knowledge and develop new skills that will enhance self-esteem and interpersonal relations.

OCTOBER Family Violence Executive Leadership Training

Tuesday, October 18 8 am-12:30 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 109 (425) 304-3708

(425) 304-3708

Tuesday, December 6 10-11 am NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-3708

NEW PARENT SUPPORT (NPS) Helps service members and their spouses adjust to the rigorous demands of parenthood.


Tuesday, October 4Friday, October 7 9 am-3:30 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 109 (425) 304-3719

OCTOBER Ombudsman Assembly and Advanced Training Tuesday, October 18 10 am-Noon NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-3719


Pregnancy Support Group: End of Year Ombudsman Assembly and Celebration Wednesday, December 14 Advanced Training 11 am-Noon NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 109 (425) 304-3713 (425) 304-3718

Tuesday, November 15 10 am-Noon NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-3719

FLEET & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM (FFSP) DECEMBER Ombudsman Assembly and Advanced Training Tuesday, December 13 10 am-Noon NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-3719

PODCASTS Great information available to download in MP3 format at any time and listen to anywhere! Click on Fleet & Family Support Podcasts from the Fleet & Family Support drop-down menu on www.navylifepnw.com.

PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (PFM) Helps you manage your money, such as budgeting, credit/debt management, savings and investing, ID theft, car buying and home buying, as well as other individual financial concerns.

OCTOBER Investing 101

Tuesday, October 4 10-11 am NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-4058

Command Financial Specialist (CFS)

Monday, October 24Friday, October 28 8 am-4 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105 (425) 304-4058

NOVEMBER Holiday Spending

(425) 304-3712 (425) 304-3369

ONGOING Survivors Overcoming Assault with Resiliency (SOAR) Call to schedule a meeting

OCTOBER #DV Hashtag Challenge

DV Resource Fair

Wednesday, October 19 11 am-1 pm The Commons

Thursday, October 27 11 am-1 pm Base Gymnasium

OCTOBER Initial Victim Advocate Training (40 hours) Monday, October 24Friday, October 28 7:30 am-4 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107 (425) 304-3712 (425) 304-3369

DECEMBER Point of Contact Training (POC)

Monday, December 5 7:30 am-4 pm

Monday, October 3Friday, October 7 7:30 am-4 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 809

(425) 304-3323

NOVEMBER Accessing Higher Education

Wednesday, November 2Thursday, November 3 7:30 am-4 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 105

Register on the Webinars page at navylifepnw.com.

OCTOBER Investing 101 (CNIC Co-sponsored Webinar) Tuesday, October 4 2-3 pm PDT (425) 304-4058

Advanced CFS Training


Separation T-GPS

(425) 304-3323

Retirement T-GPS

Are you separating or retiring soon? If so, the FFSP can help you become better prepared for your transition into the civilian sector.

Tuesday, October 11 8 am-3 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107

Attend live workshops from the comfort and convenience of your home computer!

Separation CapstoneT-GPS



Retirement CapstoneT-GPS


Wednesday, November 16 3-4:30 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 808

(425) 304-3724

(425) 304-3736

(425) 304-3323

Wednesday, October 19 2-3:30 pm PDT

Monday, November 28Friday, December 2 7:30 am-4 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 809

DV Awareness and Prevention Spin-a-thon

NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107

(425) 304-3323

(425) 304-3724

(425) 304-3736

Separation T-GPS

Washington State Employment

Federal Job Application Process

(425) 304-3736


(425) 304-3724

(425) 304-3724

Saturday, October 1-Saturday, October 15 7:30 am-4 pm


Monday, November 14Friday, November 18 7:30 am-4 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 809

Tuesday, November 15 Noon-1 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 808

(425) 304-3711/(425) 304-4119


The main goal of the SAPR program is to assist victims of sexual assault and reduce the incidence of sexual assault committed by or against military service members, their families and civilians.

Executive T-GPS


Tuesday, November 1 10 am-Noon Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 811 (425) 304-3716


NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107

Monday, December 12Friday, December 16 7:30 am-4 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 809 (425) 304-3724

(425) 304-4058

Tuesday, November 8 8 am-Noon NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107

EFMP Respite Care (CNIC Webinar)


(425) 304-3367

Career Technical Track Wednesday, November 7Thursday, December 8 7:30 am-4 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107

Tuesday, November 8 8:30-10 am PDT

Lemons to Lemonade: Making the most of your Duty Station (CNIC Webinar)

(425) 304-3323

Thursday, November 10 10-11 am PDT

Retirement CapstoneT-GPS


Tuesday, December 13 8 am-3 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107 (425) 304-3323


(425) 304-3708

Federal Job Application Process (CNIC Webinar) Wednesday, December 14 1-2:30 pm PDT (425) 304-3724

OCTOBER Entrepreneur Track Wednesday, October 5Thursday, October 6 7:30 am-4 pm

(425) 304-3724

Separation T-GPS

Monday, October 17Friday, October 21 7:30 am-4 pm Smokey Point, Bldg. 13910, Room 809 (425) 304-3724

Separation T-GPS

Monday, October 31Friday, November 4 7:30 am – 4 pm NSE, Bldg. 2000, Room 107 (425) 304-3724


For more information contact: (425) 304-3367



The Center Fleet & Family Support

Mount Adam's Summit


Wine and Paint Night


RECREATION PROGRAMS Register online using myFFR or at any MWR Facility! For more information: everett.commrec@ navylifepnw.com or (425) 304-3575. ACTIVITY DIFFICULTY RATINGS: I = EASY: Equivalent to being able to walk 3 miles on a treadmill at 2.5 mph. Slight inclines. II = AVERAGE: Equivalent to being able to walk for an hour at 3 mph. Varying inclines. III = STRENUOUS: Equivalent to being able to maintain a brisk pace on a step stepper for up to 45 minutes. Extreme inclines. For most up-to-date information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

OCTOBER Great Pumpkin Beer Festival Saturday, October 1 Noon-8 pm Register by Friday, September 30 Seattle, WA • $20, $18 Liberty-eligible

Elysian Brewing Company hosts the biggest Pumpkin Beer Festival on the West Coast. Sample from over 80 pumpkin beers, visit a food truck, and enjoy live entertainment. Must purchase festival tickets ahead of time directly from vendor ($28). myFFR #5516275E

Leavenworth Leaves Sunday, October 2 8 am-7 pm Register by Friday, September 30 Leavenworth, WA • $32, $29 Liberty-eligible, $20 children under 10

Enjoy the fall colors on a familyfriendly hike at Lake Wenatchee State Park. Afterwards, we will head into Leavenworth for shopping and a small hike at the waterfront park. myFFR #5516276E



Make & Take Event with Fly-Fishing Trip Juniper Studios Sunday, October 9 Tuesday, October 4 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, September 27 The Commons • $20

Make and Take Workshop! Signs and projects you paint to match your décor. myFFR #5516278E

Fly-Fishing Basics

Thursday, October 6 5:30-8:30 pm Register by Wednesday, October 5 The Commons • $20

Equipment, flies, entomology, finding trout in rivers versus lakes, and casting practice. Light refreshments included. myFFR #5516280E

Oktoberfest in Leavenworth

Saturday, October 8 6 pm-3 am Register by Thursday, October 6 Leavenworth, WA • $20

Brats and brews at Washington State’s biggest Oktoberfest! FREE entrance for active duty military. Lederhosen encouraged! Must be age 21+. myFFR #5516262E

10 am-6 pm Register by Thursday, October 6 Western Washington • $45

We will head to a local river or lake and see what we can catch. Must purchase one-day fishing license. Catch and release only. Beginners must take Fly-Fishing Basics class before signing up for a trip. myFFR #5516263E

Jim Creek Oktoberfest Saturday, October 15 Noon-4 pm/4-8 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

Pumpkin patch and carving station, arts and crafts, activities, photo booth, bounce houses, hay rides, Oktoberfest Halle, caramelapple station, beer garden (4-8 pm), Zombie 5K and much more! Family activities are from Noon-4 pm.

Decorate Your Own Mount Rainier Day Hike Halloween Candy Monday, October 10 Bucket 8 am-8 pm Register by Thursday, October 6 Mount Rainier National Park $35, $30 Liberty-eligible

Wednesday, October 19 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, October 18 The Commons • $15

Fall Hiking 101

Woodinville Wine and Beer Tasting

The best trail out of Paradise offers beautiful views and waterfalls. 5.5 miles round-trip and 1,450 ft. elevation gain. myFFR #5516284E

Thursday, October 13 5:30-7 pm Register by Wednesday, October 12 The Commons • $10, $7 Liberty-eligible

Learn the basics of hiking in the Pacific Northwest and get some great ideas of where to head for Fall colors. Light refreshments and handouts included. myFFR #5516287E

Personalize your Halloween candy bucket before the big night of Trick or Treating! myFFR #5516293E

Saturday, October 22 1-6 pm Register by Thursday, October 20 Woodinville, WA • $20

Taste from some of Woodinville’s finest wineries and breweries. Food will be available for purchase in the area. myFFR #5516296E

RECREATION PROGRAMS Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 23 10 am-3 pm Register by Thursday, October 20 Arlington, WA • $20, $18 Liberty-eligible, $10 for children under 10

U-pick pumpkin patch, themed corn maze, cow barrel rides, pumpkin slingshot and cannon blaster, ice cream, apple cider, pumpkin pie, farm animal barn, and all the usual autumn fun! myFFR #5516297E

Wine and Paint Night: Spooky Theme

Friday, October 28 5:30-8 pm Register by Thursday, October 27 • The Commons $15, $12 Liberty-eligible

Take home a masterpiece of your own creation! Wine and beer available for purchase. myFFR #5516302E

Iron Goat Trail Haunted Hike

Saturday, October 29 2-10 pm Register by Thursday, October 27 Stevens Pass, WA • $20

The Iron Goat Trail marks the site of one of the worst railroad disasters in US History. We will safely explore the old railroad tunnels and, as the sun sets, we will put on our headlamps and explore the trails at night. myFFR #5516303E

NOVEMBER Make & Take Event with Juniper Studios Tuesday, November 1 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, October 25 The Commons • $20

Make and Take Workshop! Signs and projects you paint to match your décor. myFFR #5516306E

Leavenworth Holiday Shopping Sunday, November 6 9 am-6 pm Register by Thursday, November 3 Leavenworth, WA • $25, $23 Liberty-eligible, $10 children under 10

Enjoy the best Bavarian food in the state, wine and beer tasting, amazing holiday shopping, short local hikes, and much more! myFFR #5516311E

Make Your Own Fall Mason Jar Candle Wednesday, November 9 5:30-7:30 pm

Register by Tuesday, November 8 The Commons • $15

Use our paint and stencils to create a Fall-themed mason jar candle, perfect for the holiday season. myFFR #5516314E

Fly-Fishing Basics

Thursday, November 10 5:30-8:30 pm Register by Wednesday, November 9 The Commons • $20

Equipment, flies, entomology, finding trout in rivers versus lakes, and casting practice. Light refreshments included. myFFR #5516315E

Fly-Fishing Trip

Friday, November 11 8 am-5 pm Register by Thursday, November 10 Western Washington • $49

We will head to a local river or lake and see what we can catch. Must purchase one-day fishing license. Catch and release only. Beginners must take Fly-Fishing Basics class before signing up for a trip. myFFR #5516316E

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Saturday, November 12 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

Put on your best robe for a day of everything Harry Potter! Let our Sorting Hat assign you a House, take lessons such as Potions or History of Magic, Design Your Own Wand, search for Horcruxes, attend a Wizard Duel, take flying and Quidditch lessons, and more!

Wine, Whiskey and Waterfalls Sunday, November 13 9 am-7 pm Register by Thursday, November 10 Snoqualmie, WA • $30, $26 Liberty-eligible

We will do a nice leisurely hike of Snoqualmie Falls and then head out to sample some local wineries, distilleries and enjoy dinner at Red Hook Brewery. myFFR #5516318E

Wine and Paint Night: Fall Theme Friday, November 18 5:30-8 pm Register by Thursday, November 17 The Commons • $15, $12 Liberty-eligible

Take home a masterpiece of your own creation! Wine and beer available for purchase. myFFR #5516323E

Sasquatch Summit in Ocean Shores Friday November 18Sunday, November 20 11 am-9 pm Register by Friday, November 4 Ocean Shores, WA • $135

The Pacific Northwest is the Sasquatch Capital of the World! We will attend the conference at Quinault Beach Resort and listen to the Bigfoot experts, attend a town hall meeting, and much more! Special guests include Cliff Barackman from Finding Bigfoot and Bob Gimlin. Hotel reservations have been made at Pacific Beach Resort. myFFR #5516324E

Mount Rainier Snowshoe

Friday, November 25 8 am-7 pm Register by Tuesday, November 22 Mount Rainier National Park $40, $35 Liberty-eligible

Snowshoe one of the most gorgeous mountains in the US! We will leisurely make our way on a loop trail out of Paradise. Trail is considered moderate in difficulty and distance. Great for beginners and advanced snowshoers. All gear provided. myFFR #5516330E


Saturday, November 26 Noon-8 pm Register by Tuesday, November 22 Leavenworth, WA • $25, $20 Liberty-eligible

Delicious and authentic food, homemade arts and crafts, and Bavarian and Christmas-themed entertainment! myFFR #5516331E

Holiday Craft Night: Stepping Stones

Snowshoeing 101: the Basics

A wonderful Christmas present! Use one of our already puttogether designs or make your own with our selection of glass and stones. myFFR #5516321E

Get hands-on experience with different types of snowshoes and other necessary equipment. Learn the basics of pre-trip preparation, avalanche considerations and get some tips on easy snowshoe trails in the area. myFFR #5516335E

Wednesday, November 16 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, November 15 The Commons • $20

Wednesday, November 30 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, November 29 The Commons • $10

DECEMBER Holiday Celebration at Jim Creek Saturday, December 3 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

Meet and share stories with Santa, make some holiday crafts and ornaments, take a hay ride, enjoy cookies and cocoa, s’mores, games, scavenger hunts, and more!

Introduction to Snowshoeing

Sunday, December 4 9 am-4 pm Register by Thursday, December 1 Stevens Pass, WA • $25

Learn and experience the basics of snowshoeing on this flat and well-marked trail. We will cover ascending and descending hills, learn about different terrain in relation to snowshoeing, and have fun! myFFR #5516339E

Make and Take Event with Juniper Studios Tuesday, December 6 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, November 29 The Commons • $20

Make and Take Workshop! Signs and projects you paint to match your décor. myFFR #5516341E

Naval Station Everett Tree Lighting Thursday, December 8 3:30-5:30 pm The Commons • FREE

Kids can get their photos with Santa and participate in a selection of activities. FREE refreshments will be available. (425) 304-3579

Vancouver Capilano Bridge Canyon Lights

Saturday, December 10 Noon-Midnight Register by Thursday, December 8 Vancouver, British Columbia $40, $35 Liberty-eligible The ultimate Christmas light experience! The suspension bridge, Treetop Adventure, Cliffwalk, the rainforest, and canyon are transformed into a world of festive lights and visual enchantment. See the World’s Tallest Christmas Tree (153 ft. tall), go on a Snowy Owl Prowl, decorate gingerbread cookies, and much more! Additional admission fee not included. Passport required. myFFR #5516345E

Leavenworth Tree Lighting Ceremony Sunday, December 11 9 am-8:30 pm Register by Thursday, December 8 Leavenworth, WA • $25, $20 Liberty-eligible, $15 children under 10

Travel in comfort as our experienced guides take you across Stevens Pass to the Bavarian-style town of Leavenworth. Holiday music, sledding, holiday shopping, and, the evening tree lighting ceremony. myFFR #5516346E

Leather Crafting Night Wednesday, December 14 5:30-8 pm Register by Tuesday, December 13 The Commons • $20

Choose between designing a leather journal or luggage tag! We will give you the tools to design and perfect your first project. Great holiday gift idea! myFFR #5516349E

Holiday Wine and Paint Night Friday, December 16 5:30-8 pm Register by Thursday, December 15 The Commons • $15, $12 Liberty-eligible

Holiday-themed! Take home a masterpiece of your own creation! Wine and beer available for purchase. myFFR #5516351E

Leavenworth Tree Lighting Ceremony Saturday, December 17 9 am-8:30 pm Register by Thursday, December 15 Leavenworth, WA • $25, $20 Liberty-eligible, $15 children under 10

Travel in comfort as our experienced guides take you across Stevens Pass to the Bavarian-style town of Leavenworth. Holiday music, sledding, holiday shopping, and, the evening tree lighting ceremony. myFFR #5516352E

Skagit River Bald Eagle Float

Sunday, December 18 8:30 am-3 pm Register by Monday, December 12 Marblemount, WA • $75

Bundle up and leisurely float down the Skagit River to view hundreds of bald eagles along the banks. Enjoy views of lush evergreen trees, abundant wildlife, and snow-capped mountains. myFFR #5516353E


Snowshoeing 101: the Basics

New Year’s Eve Ski Shuttle

Get hands-on experience with different types of snowshoes and other necessary equipment. Learn the basics of pre-trip preparation, avalanche considerations, and get some tips on easy snowshoe trails in the area. myFFR #5516356E

Spend the last day of the year on the slopes and be home with plenty of time for a night out. myFFR #5516386E

Wednesday, December 21 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, December 20 The Commons • $10

Friday Night Ski Shuttle Friday, December 23 3 pm-Midnight Register by Thursday, December 22 Stevens Pass, WA • $20

End the stressful week by hitting the slopes! Let our guides do all the driving as you sit back and relax. myFFR #5516358E

Saturday, December 31 8 am-6 pm Register by Friday, December 30 Stevens Pass, WA • $20

New Year’s Eve Fly-Fishing Trip

Saturday, December 31 8 am-5 pm Register by Thursday, December 29 Western Washington • $49

Bundle up and get ready to hit the river! Must purchase oneday fishing license. Catch and release only. Beginners must take Fly-Fishing Basics class before signing up for a trip. myFFR #5516385E

Fly-Fishing Basics

Thursday, December 29 5:30-8:30 pm Register by Wednesday, December 28 The Commons • $20

Equipment, flies, entomology, finding trout in rivers versus lakes, and casting practice. Light refreshments included. myFFR #5516364E

NGIS Smokey Point is just five minutes from outlet shopping and casino fun, with quality, comfortable rooms starting at just $60/night

Whether on business or leisure travel, We’re here for you worldwide.

Pictured Above: NGIS-Smokey Point’s “Executive Suite”

Navy Gateway Inns & Suites at Smokey Point renovations are complete! We’ve made improvements to each suite, ensuring a comfortable stay. Space-A reservations can be made 30 days in advance, 7 nights at a time, and are guaranteed! Call 1-877-NAVY-BED or visit NGIS.DODLodging.net to reserve TODAY!



www.navylifepnw.com NGIS.DoDLodging.net

For more information contact: (425) 304-3575

Friday, Nov. 18Sunday, Nov. 20 11 am-9 pm |


All American Restaurant

Made Fresh-to-Order Line


ENTERTAINMENT & DINING For most up-to-date information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

SEPTEMBER 2016 – NOVEMBER DECEMBER FEBRUARY 2017 Veterans Day Luncheon Christmas Eve Dinner Half-Price Appetizers

Friday, September 9, 2016– Sunday, February 5, 2017 4-8 pm Price varies based on selection. All American Restaurant Appetizers will include: Quesadillas, nachos, wings, chicken tenders, and cheese sticks.


National Pasta Month Tuesday, October 18 11 am-1 pm $7.75, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Self-serve Buffet Meal will include: Three different types of pasta, sauces and meats, steamed vegetables, soup and salad, dessert bar, and beverage station.

Thursday, November 10 11 am-1 pm $7.75, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Meal will include: Traditional surf and turf with steamed vegetables, baked potato, soup and salad, dessert station, and beverage station.

Thanksgiving Day Dinner

Thursday, November 24 2:30-5:30 pm All American Restaurant $10.95, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Traditional Thanksgiving Day meal to include: Honey-glazed ham, rich oven-roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, hot oven dinner rolls, fresh-baked pies, soup and salad, and beverage station.

Saturday, December 24 2:30-5:30 pm $10.95, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Traditional Christmas Eve Meal to include: Honey-glazed ham, stuffed cornish game hens, sweet-potato au gratin, steamed asparagus, hot oven dinner rolls, fresh-baked pies, soup and salad, and beverage station.

Christmas Day Dinner Sunday, December 25 2:30-5:30 pm $10.95, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Traditional Christmas Day dinner to include: Glazed pork loin, hand-carved sirloin tri-tip in a rich button-mushroom sauce, cheese and potato casserole, steamed broccoli, hot oven dinner rolls, fresh-baked pies, soup and salad, and beverage station.

Oktoberfest Dinner Monday, October 3 4-8 pm $10.95, RIK FREE All American Restaurant

Meal will include: Rouladen, Wienerschnitzel, German potato salad, sauerkraut, and more.



CS1 Gray Culinary Instruction

For more information contact: (425) 304-3943

Oktoberfest Dinner Monday, October 3 4-8 pm $10.95, RIK FREE

Veterans Day Luncheon

Thursday, November 10 11 am-1 pm $7.75, RIK FREE

Thanksgiving Day Dinner

Thursday, November 24 2:30-5:30 pm $10.95, RIK FREE

Christmas Eve Dinner Saturday, December 24 2:30-5:30 pm $10.95, RIK FREE

Christmas Day Dinner Sunday, December 25 2:30-5:30 pm $10.95, RIK FREE



CYP Snow Tubing

Everett CDC



Friday, October 28 6-7:30 pm The Commons Gym • FREE!

Navy Child and Youth Programs (CYP) provide developmental child care and youth recreational programs and services for eligible children and youth ages 4 weeks to 18 years of age. Programs and services are specifically designed and operated to meet the unique needs of the military mission and service members and their families. For most up-to-date information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

Old-fashioned game booths will be set up all over the gym, including: Pumpkin Ring Toss, Fishing Pond, Pumpkin Bowling, Cake Walk, Kids’ Craft Corner, Face Painting, Bouncy Houses and more. PRIZES FOR EVERY GAME, EVERYONE IS A WINNER!

DECEMBER Breakfast with Santa

SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER The School Liaison Officer is the primary point of contact between the military installation, the local schools and school districts, transitioning families and the community at large. Provides services for: • Transitioning Families • Educators • Command Leadership For more information contact: everett.slo@navylifepnw.com or (425) 304-3688.

Fall Harvest Fest Carnival

Saturday, December 10 9-11 am Reserve your table by Monday, December 5. Grand Vista Ballroom Adults $8.95, Kids 4-12 half price, 3 and under FREE!

Enjoy a hearty breakfast, participate in holiday activities and crafts, and visit with Santa. This popular event fills quickly, make your reservations today! (425) 304-3778

Breakfast with Santa



For more information contact: (425) 304-3778



Turkey Trot

Tsunami Pool Family Swim


SPORTS, FITNESS & AQUATICS For most up-to-date information and fitness classes, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

Sports & Fitness The Navy Fitness Program offers a variety of fitness, aquatic and intramural sports programs that enhance the readiness, retention and quality of life of the entire Navy family. Sailors who possess the athletic skills to compete above the intramural level in team or individual sports have the chance to represent the Navy at higher-level athletic competitions through the All-Navy Sports Program. For more information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com or contact the following: SPORTS: everett.sports@ navylifepnw.com or (425) 304-3935. FITNESS: everett.fitness@ navylifepnw.com or (425) 304-3922. AQUATICS: everett.aquatics @navylifepnw.com or (425) 304-3388. Register online or at myFFR at any Fitness Complex Facility. = Captain’s Cup Event





Santa’s Workshop

Zombie Outbreak 5K Dash

Saturday, October 15 4-6 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE T-shirt orders due by Saturday, October 8 $15 for T-shirt

Avoid the legions of the infected as you run this 5K dash! Runners protect their flags and try to complete obstacles along the way. Do you have the guts to face the undead? They hope you do! Costumed runners welcome. myFFR #643090 (425) 304-3922

NOVEMBER Turkey Trot 5K

Friday, November 18 11:30 am-12:30 pm Base Gymnasium FREE • T-shirt orders due by Wednesday, November 9 $20 for T-shirt

Burn off those extra holiday calories and run the race before you stuff your face! FREE drawing for prizes. myFFR #643091 (425) 304-3922


Monday, December 5Friday, December 16 11:30 am-12:30 pm Base Gymnasium • FREE to all eligible patrons

Two weeks of Christmas-themed group fitness classes! Santa’s Workshop includes various cardio and strength-based classes using different modalities and equipment. All fitness levels welcome. (425) 304-3922


ONGOING Qualification Clinics By Appointment Tsunami Pool • FREE for Active Duty/Reservists/ Recruits ONLY

30-minute session focused on military swim qualification requirements. (425) 304-3388

Water Aerobics Classes Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30-9:30 am Tsunami Pool • FREE Active Duty/Reservists/Retirees and their family members, $3.50/ class for eligible users or

$30/monthly Fitness Pass

60-minute, full-body workout, incorporating cardio, resistance training and stretching. (425) 304-3388

AquaFit Classes

Thursdays • 5:45-6:30 pm Tsunami Pool • FREE Active Duty/Reservists/Retirees and their family members, $3.50/ class for eligible users or $30/monthly Fitness Pass 45-minute, deep-water workout with an emphasis on strengthening and building stamina. (425) 304-3388

AquaFlow Classes

Fridays • 8:30-9:30 am Tsunami Pool • FREE Active Duty/Reservists/Retirees and their family members, $3.50/ class for eligible users or $30/monthly Fitness Pass 60-minute low-impact workout which focuses on resistance training and flexibility. (425) 304-3388


Fall 1: Monday, October 3Thursday, October 27 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Fall 2: Monday, October 31Wednesday, November 23 Registration opens Thursday, October 27 Fall 3: Monday, November 28Thursday, December 22 Registration opens Wednesday, November 23 Fall 4: Saturday, October 1Saturday, November 19 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Tsunami Pool • $30 Active Duty/Reservists and their family members, $32 Retirees/DOD and their family members American Red Cross format for children 3-17 years old. Please check navylifepnw.com for days and times. (425) 304-3388

For more information contact: Sport: (425) 304-3935 • Fitness: (425) 304-3922 • Aquatics: (425) 304-3388

Sports & Fitness


Baby Waves

Fall 1: Monday, October 3Thursday, October 27 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Fall 2: Monday, October 31Wednesday, November 23 Registration opens Thursday, October 27 Fall 3: Monday, November 28Thursday, December 22 Registration opens Wednesday, November 23 Fall 4: Saturday, October 1Saturday, November 19 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Tsunami Pool • $30 Active Duty/Reservists and their family members, $32 Retirees/DOD and their family members American Red Cross format for children 6 months to 3 years old with their parents. Please check navylifepnw.com for days and times. (425) 304-3388

Adult Learn-to-Swim

Fall 1: Monday, October 3Saturday, October 29 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Fall 2: Monday, October 31Wednesday, November 23 Registration opens Thursday, October 27 •*No Friday or Saturday sessions Fall 3: Monday, November 28Friday, December 23 Registration opens Wednesday, November 23 Fall 4: Saturday, October 1Saturday, Nov. 19 Registration opens Thursday, September 22 Tsunami Pool • $16 for four sessions US Masters ALTS format for adults 18 years and older. Please check navylifepnw.com for days and times. (425) 304-3388

Family Wibit Party

Fridays, October 21 and November 18 Tsunami Pool • FREE for eligible users Limited to 60 participants. Safety rules apply. (425) 304-3388

NSE Tsunami Masters Club

Tuesday, Nov. 1-Wednesday, Nov. 30 and Thursday, Dec. 1-Saturday, Dec. 31 Tsunami Pool • $40 for eligible users 20

Get the health and fitness benefits of swimming in a team environment through the US Masters Swim Club. Must be 18 years of age or older. Please check navylifepnw.com for days and times. (425) 304-3388



Beat-the-Board Quarterly Challenge Tuesday, November 15 11 am-Noon Tsunami Pool • FREE for eligible users

Quarterly event to challenge the NSE Tsunami Pool records board. Up to two records can be challenged each quarter. Must beat the record outright to replace it. (425) 304-3388

DECEMBER Tsunami Tails Swim Camp

Saturdays, December 3, 10, & 17 • 10-11:30 am Tsunami Pool • $35 for eligible users

This is a 3-day camp for children, 7+, swimming at a Red Cross Level 3 or higher, to explore the popular activity of “mermaiding” within safe perimeters. Space is limited to eight participants. (425) 304-3388

Tsunami Winter Freeze Friday, December 16 8:30-9:30 am Tsunami Pool • FREE for eligible users

Thaw out during our winter family pool party. Wibit, crafts, and treedecorating contest! (425) 304-3388



Waves of Resolutions Swim Challenge

Points will be awarded to Commands based on placement and participation. Contest runs Calendar Year 2016.

Complete your aquatic goals by signing up for this 6-week challenge. Endurance workouts and skill workshops to round out the old year and jump start the new one! (425) 304-3388

(425) 304-3935 everett.sports@navylifepnw.com

Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016Friday, Jan. 27, 2017 Tsunami Pool • FREE for eligible users

Lifeguard Certification Course Tuesday, Dec. 27-Friday, Dec. 30 • 10 am-4 pm Pre-course test and registration must be completed by Saturday, December 17. Tsunami Pool • $150 for all eligible users, an additional $35 technology fee is paid directly to the American Red Cross Entry-level course includes 2-year certification in Lifeguarding, CPR/AED and First Aid. (425) 304-3388





Fall 2016 Swim Lessons Our comprehensive swim instruction program includes: Youth Learn-to-Swim program with a customized Red Cross format for children 3-16 years old, with certified Water Safety Instructors. Check out our level descriptions online or stop by to speak with an instructor. Baby Waves program for parents with their infants/toddlers. Emphasis on water orientation and water safety. Class is suitable for children who can sit up to three years old.


Adult Learn-to-Swim program for adults who have moderate to no swimming experience. Trained instructors will help to develop swimming skills from water orientation to swimming laps.

Check navylifepnw.com for specific levels, days and times.

Fall 1: Oct 3-29 • Fall 2: Oct 31 - Nov 24 Fall 3: Nov 30 - Dec 23 • Fall 4: Oct 1 - Nov 19 (425) 304-3388 or everett.aquatics@navylifepnw.com EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE EVERETT · OCT.-DEC. 2016 21

Vibes Liberty Lounge

Vibes Liberty Lounge



All Month Long Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Everett’s Liberty Center is located within The Commons, a convenient distance from the barracks and work center. Single Sailors, single Marines and geographical bachelors who are looking for something to do should start here. We want to get you out of the barracks, off the base and out to enjoy the great Pacific Northwest. Liberty-eligible patrons may bring a guest, 18 or older, on any trip. Liberty programs are open to single service members and geographical personnel, regardless of rank. Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. Guest rates may apply. For most up-to-date information, visit Everett.navylifepnw.com or (425) 754-2897. Register online or at the Vibes Liberty Lounge.


Watch the MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, Pro Soccer, and NCAA sports, all at Vibes! Stop by Vibes to see the sports schedule and specials. (Not MLB-, NFL-, NHL-, NBA-, Pro Soccer-, or NCAA-sanctioned events.)

Vancouver Night Market

Saturday, October 1Sunday, October 2 9 am-5 pm Register by Thursday, September 22 at 4 pm • Richmond, (Vancouver) B.C. Canada $TBD Transportation fee and Hotel

The largest and longest running Night Market in North America features retail booths and over 500 food items from around the world. Bring some cash and an appetite. myFFR #5316275E

Cuz It’s Monday Cookies

Monday, October 3 10 am-8 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Crush the Monday blues with FREE cookies!


Facebook Trivia Tuesday

Tuesdays, October 4 & 25 9 am-8 pm Naval Station Everett Liberty’s Facebook page FREE Like us on Facebook @ LibertyNWEverett! Be the first person to correctly answer our trivia questions and win a prize!


Thursday, October 6 11 am-6 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

National Angel Food Cake Day

Monday, October 10 Noon-6 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Stop by Vibes for a heavenly slice of cake.

Terror Flick Tuesday

Tuesdays, October 11 & 25 6 pm Faultline Flicks • FREE

Satisfy your hunger for horror with Liberty! Celebrate the Halloween season by watching a scary movie at Faultline Flicks!

Celebrate Throwback Thursday through Facebook posts @ LibertyNWEverett, ‘old school’ games at Vibes, using #TBT and #Navylifepnw on Instagram, and more! Prizes available!

Video Game Tournament

#NVG - New Video Game Day

Vote for your favorite video game at the Vibes front desk, and then let the tournament commence! Prizes and snacks are available.

Thursdays, October 6, 13, 20, & 27 • Noon-8 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Play the latest and greatest video games! Pick out a game and look out for upcoming tournaments!

Movie @ Vibes

Fridays, October 7, 21, & 28 • 6:30 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Kick back and watch a movie!

Wednesday, October 12 5:30-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Navy B-Day

Thursday, October 13 5:30-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Celebrate the Navy’s Birthday with cake and prizes!

Payday Trip

Friday, October 14 5:30 pm Register by Tuesday, October 11 at 8 pm Local location TBD $3 transportation fee

It’s payday! Let’s get off base and have some fun shopping, dining, catching a movie, or just chilling. Have an idea of where you want to venture off to? Let Vibes know! myFFR #5316288E

Smooth Smoothie Monday

Monday, October 17 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Ease into your work week with a FREE smoothie!

Food Bank Volunteer Thursday, October 20 5:15 pm Register by Tuesday, October 18 at 8 pm Local Food Bank • FREE

Earn volunteering hours, while making a difference in the community, by preparing food boxes for families in need. Visit the Vibes front desk for more information. myFFR #5316294E


Sunday, October 23 10 am-3 pm Register by Thursday, October 20 at 8 pm Arlington, WA $18 Liberty-eligible

U-pick pumpkin patch, themed corn maze, cow barrel rides, pumpkin slingshot and cannon blaster, ice cream, apple cider, pumpkin pie, farm animal barn, and all the usual autumn fun! myFFR #5516297E


Monday, October 24 1-6 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Test your skills at one-minute, mini-challenges and win prizes!

Deep Fry Halloween Candy

Wednesday, October 26 5-7 pm The Commons Kitchen • FREE Bring along your favorite candy and we’ll do a deep-fried taste test!

Trick-or-Treat @ Vibes

Monday, October 31 • 5-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Dress up and stop by Vibes for some Halloween treats. Your treat could be candy, movie tickets, and more!

NOVEMBER Big-Screen Sports

All Month Long Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Watch the MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, Pro Soccer, and NCAA sports, all at Vibes! Stop by Vibes to see the sports schedule and specials. (Not MLB-, NFL-, NHL-, NBA-, Pro Soccer-, or NCAA-sanctioned events.)

Election Day

Tuesday, November 1 • 5 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

#NVG - New Video Game Day

Thursdays, November 3, 10, & 17 • Noon-8 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Play the latest and greatest video games! Pick out a game and look out for upcoming tournaments!

Movie @ Vibes

Friday, Nov. 4, Wednesdays, Nov. 9, 23, & 30 6:30 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Kick back and watch a movie! See Vibes front desk for movie schedule.

Leavenworth Holiday Shopping Sunday, November 6 9 am-6 pm Register by Tuesday, November 1 Leavenworth, WA $23 Liberty-eligible

Enjoy the best Bavarian food in the state, wine and beer tasting, amazing holiday shopping, short local hikes, and much more! myFFR #5516311E (425) 304-3575

National Nacho Day

Sunday, November 6 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Chillax with crunchy, cheesy, savory nachos.

Smooth Smoothie Monday

Monday, November 7 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Ease into your work week with a FREE smoothie!

Facebook Trivia Tuesday

Tuesdays, November 8 & 22 9 am-8 pm Naval Station Everett Liberty’s Facebook page • FREE

Who will be our next Commander-in-Chief? Snacks provided.

Like us on Facebook @ LibertyNWEverett! Be the first person to correctly answer our trivia questions and win a prize!

Hump Day Happy Hour Games

Pool Tournament

Wednesdays, November 2 & 16 • 11 am-2 pm and 5-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Join Liberty for the middle-of-theweek, middle-of-the-day play. Enjoy snacks and prizes.

National Sandwich Day Thursday, November 3 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Celebrate with a delicious sandwich spread at Vibes!

Tuesday, November 8 5-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Sink the billiard balls and win! Prizes and snacks included.

Lunch’n with Liberty

Thursday, November 10 11 am-1 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Have lunch and play games! Prizes for winners.

Vancouver Fan Expo

Friday, November 11-Sunday, November 13 • 5 pm Register by Tuesday, November 1 at 8 pm Vancouver, B.C. Canada


Fan Expo highlights include meeting celebrities, shopping, panels, and workshops. It’s the place to find the newest and hottest, latest and greatest in Anime, Manga, Comics, Sci-Fi, Gaming, and Horror. Ask about ID/passport requirements. myFFR #5316316E

National Pickle Day

Monday, November 14 Noon-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Enjoy FREE pickles!

Buffalo Wild Wings Trip Tuesday, November 15 5:30 pm Register by Monday, November 14 at 8 pm Buffalo Wild Wings $3 transportation fee

Enjoy the discounted “Tuesday Wing Night!” myFFR #5316320E

Sasquatch Summit in Ocean Shores

Friday, November 18-Sunday, November 20 • 11 am-9 pm Register by Friday, November 4 at 8 pm Ocean Shores • $135 The Pacific Northwest is Sasquatch Capital of the World! We will attend the conference at Quinault Beach Resort and listen to the Bigfoot experts, attend a town hall meeting, and much more! Special guests include Cliff Barackman from Finding Bigfoot, Bob Gimlin, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum and many more! myFFR #5516324E

Cuz It’s Monday Cookies

Monday, November 21 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Crush the Monday blues with FREE cookies!

B-Day Give-a-Way

Tuesday, November 22 Noon Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Celebrate your November birthday with a FREE gift from Liberty! You could be eligible for a $25 gift card! Please bring your ID.

Black Friday Shopping Trip

Thursday, November 24 8:30 pm-6 am Register by Wednesday, November 23 at 8 pm Local retail stores/outlets/ NEX • $5 transportation fee

Celebrate the beginning of the holiday season! Rest easy by enjoying a ride and the safety of our mini bus to store your gifts! We’ll shop around for the BEST deals. On the way back to base, we’ll stop at IHOP. myFFR #5316329E EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE EVERETT · OCT.-DEC. 2016


Cyber Monday

Monday, November 28 9 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Get your shopping on using our FREE internet, and FREE printing (FREE printing for shopping purposes only). We will have snacks to help keep you going while you’re looking for the best deal of the day.

DECEMBER Holiday Gift Wrapping Thursday December 1Saturday, December 24 Noon-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Take the hassle out of gift wrapping! Vibes will have all the necessary supplies, along with skilled wrapping experts to assist you.

#NVG - New Video Game Day

Thursdays, December 1, 8, & 15 • Noon-8 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Play the latest and greatest video games! Pick out a game and look out for upcoming tournaments!

Bellevue Mall Trip

Friday, December 2 • 5 pm Register by Thursday, December 1 at 8 pm Bellevue Square Mall $5 transportation fee

Enjoy one of Seattle’s best shopping and restaurant areas in the Microsoft district. We’ll visit the Snowflake Lane Celebration, see the Winter Wonderland Parade, shop and dine, and enjoy the festivities. myFFR #5316337E

Cuz It’s Monday Cookies

Monday, December 5 11 am-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Crush the Monday blues with FREE cookies!

Liberty Holiday Decorating Party

Monday, December 5 Noon-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Welcome in the holiday spirit by decorating at Vibes! Snacks will be provided.

Make & Take Event with Juniper Studios Tuesday, December 6 5:30-7:30 pm Register by Tuesday, November 29 The Commons • $15 Libertyeligible–*Must prove Liberty/ Single Sailor for that price

Movie @ Vibes

Wednesday, Dec.7, Tuesday, Dec. 20, & Tuesday, Dec. 29 6:30 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

Kick back and watch a movie! See front desk for movie schedule.

NBA 2K17 Tournament

Thursday, December 8 5-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Take your favorite NBA team to the finals in our Liberty tournament. Snacks and prizes provided.

Leavenworth Tree Lighting Ceremony Sunday, December 11 9 am-8:30 pm Register by Thursday, December 8 Leavenworth, WA $20 Liberty-eligible

Travel in comfort as our experienced guides take you across Stevens Pass to the Bavarian-style town of Leavenworth. Holiday music, sledding, holiday shopping, and the evening tree lighting ceremony. myFFR #5516346E

Facebook Trivia Tuesday

Tuesday, December 13 9 am-8 pm Naval Station Everett Liberty’s Facebook page • FREE Like us on Facebook @ LibertyNWEverett! Be the first person to correctly answer our trivia questions and win a prize!

Ice Skating Trip

Tuesday, December 13 5:30 pm Register by Monday, December 12 at 8 pm Everett, WA • $6 entrance fee and skate rental Enjoy a couple hours skating on the ice with friends. All skating levels welcome. We’ll stop for a bite to eat before heading back to the base. myFFR# 5316346E

Hump Day Happy Hour Games Wednesday, December 14 11 am-2 pm & 5-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

B’Dubs & Outlet Shopping

Thursday, December 15 5:30 pm Register by Wednesday, December 14 at 5 pm Marysville, WA $3 transportation fee

Enjoy payday with tasty B’Dubs wings and shopping at the outlet mall! myFFR #5316350E

B-Day Give-a-Way

Tuesday, December 20 Noon Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE Celebrate your December birthday with a FREE gift from Liberty! You could be eligible for a $25 gift card! Please bring your ID.

Call of DutyTM Tournament

Wednesday, December 21 5:30-7 pm Vibes Liberty Lounge • FREE

It’s a headshot! Calling all C.O.D fans, it’s time to battle. Teams or individuals welcome. Snacks and prizes provided.

Liberty Holiday Party Thursday, December 22 7 pm The Commons • FREE

FREE Food, FREE Prizes, and GREAT people. Every participant gets a surprise gift! Check out navylifepnw.com or stop by the Vibes front desk for more information and details.

Cartoon and Cereal Day

Friday, December 23 Noon-7 pm The Commons • FREE

Relax, eat cereal, and watch cartoons!

New Year’s Eve Celebration

Saturday, December 31 5:30 pm Register by Monday, December 26 at 8 pm Seattle, WA $5 transportation fee

Bring in the New Year in Seattle! myFFR #5316366E

Join Liberty for the middle-of-theweek, middle-of-the-day play. Enjoy snacks and prizes.

Make and Take Workshop! Signs and projects you paint to match your décor. myFFR #5516341E (425) 304-3575

USS Gridley Homeport Shift and Info Fair 24


For more information contact: (425) 754-2897



Pacific Beach Recreation Center

Holiday Celebration at Jim Creek


HOUSING, LODGING & NAVY GETAWAYS Navy Housing (800) 876-7022 everetthousing@ navylifepnw.com


Navy Gateway Inns & Suites 877-NAVY-BED DoDLodging .net

Do you have a maintenance request? Two easy ways to do it: Call (425) 304-3111 or see the Front Desk Clerk in Bldg. 2029. Front Desk is open 24/7. (425) 304-3116

877-NAVY-BED NavyGetaways .com Pacific Beach Resort & Recreation Center: (360) 276-4414 pacbeach.navylifepnw.com Jim Creek Reservations: (425) 304-3167 jimcreek.navylifepnw.com Cliffside RV Park: (360) 257-2649 cliffside.navylifepnw.com *Indicates a community event Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice. Navy Getaways and NavyGateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) are open to active duty, retirees, reservists, DoD civilians, base contractors, families, and accompanied guests, unless otherwise noted.

UH Maintenance Request

Resident Satisfaction Survey

September–November 2016 Pick up the survey in Bldg. 2029

Let your voice be heard! We care about what you think, please take this opportunity to speak up and allow us to help you. (425) 304-3116

OCTOBER Pumpkin Carving Showdown

Monday, October 24Friday, October 28 Bldg. 2029 Lobby • FREE

Collaboration with the All American Restaurant. Must request for pumpkin on Oct. 24 and be ready for display at the All American Restaurant on Oct. 27, judging on Oct. 28. (425) 304-3116

NOVEMBER Holiday Decorating Volunteering Opportunity

Monday, November 14Wednesday, November 30 Bldg. 2029 Front Desk FREE

Help the UH Staff in decorating all occupied UH buildings with holiday decorations. Volunteers will receive a Letter of



Appreciation. (425) 304-3116

DECEMBER UH Door Decorating Contest Thursday, December 1Friday, December 30 Bldg. 2029 Front Desk FREE

Judging will be on December 19. Winner will receive a certificate of one night’s stay in Jim Creek or Pacific Beach. (425) 304-3116

pumpkins, take photos in the photo booth, see the area on a Hay Ride, enjoy the Oktoberfest Halle, and more! (425) 304-5363/5315

Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings at the Ocean Mist. (360) 276-4414

Haunted Weekend at the Beach

Holiday Celebration at Jim Creek

Friday, October 28-Monday, October 31 Pacific Beach Resort • FREE For a SPOOKY good time, come to Pacific Beach Resort! Starting at 5 pm, the 29th-31st, confront your fears at the haunted house. (360) 276-4414

NOVEMBER Guess the Number of Lights on the Christmas Veterans Day at the Tree Beach Thursday, December 1Friday, December 23 Bldg. 2029 Front Desk FREE

Winner will be announced on Dec. 23. Winner will receive a jar full of holiday treats. (425) 304-3116

Gift Wrapping Night Thursday, December 15 5-6 pm Bldg. 2029 Lobby • FREE

We’ve got you covered with wrapping supplies and experts! (425) 304-3116


OCTOBER Jim Creek Family Oktoberfest and Fall Festival Saturday, October 15 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

Celebrate the changing season with our first event of the season! Visit our pumpkin patch, carve

DECEMBER Saturday, December 3 Noon-4pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

A family tradition for many! Meet and share stories with Santa, make holiday crafts and ornaments, take a hay ride, enjoy cookies and cocoa, s’mores, games, scavenger hunts and more! (425) 304-5363/5315

Friday, November 11 • 5 pm Pacific Beach Resort • FREE

Holiday Fun at the Beach

Wizarding World of Jim Creek

It’s never too early to plan for the holidays. Enjoy Friday Night Bowling with prizes, kids’ activities and breakfast with Santa on Saturday morning. (360) 276-4414

Come enjoy a November weekend, celebrating our Veterans with a buy-one entrée, get-one FREE entrée dinner at the Ocean Mist. (360) 276-4414

Saturday, November 12 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area • FREE

Put on your best robe for a day of everything Harry Potter! Let our Sorting Hat assign you a House, take lessons such as Potions or History of Magic, Design Your Own Wand, search for Horcruxes, attend a Wizard Duel, take flying and Quidditch lessons, and more! (425) 304-5363/5315

Thanksgiving Day at the Beach

Thursday, November 24 Doors Open 2 pm Pacific Beach Resort • FREE Come and enjoy our annual

Friday, December 16Saturday, December 17 Pacific Beach Resort • FREE

New Year’s at the Beach

Saturday, December 31Sunday, January 1 Pacific Beach Resort • FREE

Bring in the new year with us at the beach! Enjoy a buffet dinner in the Ocean Mist, followed up by a fun-filled party at the Windjammer Lounge (21+) with karaoke, then a breakfast buffet with drink specials on the 1st. (360) 276-4414



(425) 304-3116/4






FRONT DESK: (360) 276-4414




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