Whidbey Experience Navy Life January - March 2017

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Traveling on TDY? Stay with Us! With over 24,000 guest room locations worldwide, we are where you need to be. Call (877) NAVY-BED or visit NGIS.DoDLodging.net to reserve TODAY!

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Presidents’ Day Meal at the Galley


St. Patrick’s 5K/10K Run

Experience Navy Life Whidbey is a product of the Navy Region Northwest Fleet & Family Readiness Marketing Department, in cooperation with Fleet & Family Readiness (FFR) Program partners. Sign up to receive the digital version of Experience Navy Life quarterly at whidbey.navylifepnw.com/subscribe. This magazine is sponsored by Navy Region Northwest Fleet & Family Readiness (CNRNW FFR). This magazine is intended to provide information and discussion on Quality of Life programs and services. The information contained in this issue was current at the time of publication. Activities, events and hours of operation are subject to change. Please visit our official homepage at navylifepnw.com for more information.

DIGITAL ISSUES To download a copy of this publication, please visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com/events. Printed in the USA. Copyright © 2017 by CNRNW FFR Marketing. All rights reserved.


Convergence Zone Bowling

Family Readiness Groups (FRG) Fleet Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Individual Augmentee (IA) Support Life Skills Education Navy Family Ombudsman Program Navy Gold Star Program Navy Wounded Warrior-Safe Harbor New Parent Support (NPS) Personal Financial Management (PFM) Podcasts & Webinars Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Transition (TAP) Goals, Plans, Success (T-GPS)

10 CHILD & YOUTH PROGRAMS Child Development Centers (CDC) Child Development Homes (CDH) School-Age Care (SAC)/Youth Program School Liaison Officer (SLO)

EFMP Picnic

14 HOUSING, LODGING, NAVY GETAWAYS Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) Navy Getaways Cliffside RV Park Navy Getaways Jim Creek Community Recreation Area Navy Housing Services Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination Unaccompanied Housing (UH)


Polar Plunge

Auto Services Community Recreation Convergence Zone Fleet Recreation Gallery Golf Course Leisure Travel Operation Uplift Outdoor Equipment Rental Outdoor Recreation Recreational Green Space (Parks) Tickets, Trips & Tours

24 LIBERTY SINGLE SAILOR PROGRAM 28 ENTERTAINMENT & DINING Admiral Nimitz Hall Galley Bakerview Restaurant CPO Club Kegler’s Bar & Grill M.T. McCormick’s O’Club Skywarrior Theater 3

Kids’ Appreciation Day

Children and Family Deployment Fun Fair


FLEET & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM The Center Fleet & Family Support

All classes are FREE! All classes will be held at the Nor’Wester, unless otherwise noted. For class information and location, call (360) 257-NAVY (6289). To register for FFSC classes, call 1 (866) 854-0638 in advance, unless otherwise noted. For webinars, attend the live workshops from your home computer! Register online by visiting the FFSP Webinar page on navylifepnw.com. Click on the “Register Online” link next to the workshop you’d like to attend. Details for attending the webinar will be emailed to the address you provide. For most up-to-date information, visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.



Addresses pre-deployment, deployment and postdeployment issues.

CIAC Roundtable

Wednesday, January 25 2-3 pm


Assists you in landing that perfect job!

Federal Job Application Process Tuesday, March 14 8:30-10:30 am

Writing Your Best Resume

Tuesday, March 14 11 am-12:30 pm


Provides information, referral, systems navigation and nonmedical case management to special-needs families.

Exceptional Family Night

Wednesday, January 11 5-7 pm

EFMP Command POC Training

Tuesday, February 14 8:30-9:45 am

EFMP Command POC Roundtable

Tuesday, February 14 10-11 am

EFM Spring Fling

Monday, March 27, 5-7 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room


Gain knowledge and develop new skills that will enhance self-esteem and interpersonal relations.

Parenting Class: How to Talk so Kids Will Listen

Thursdays, January 5, 12, 19 & 26, 11:30 am-1 pm

Communications Skills Tuesday, January 10 10 am-Noon

Stress 101

Thursday, January 19, 1-3 pm

Parenting Class

Wednesday, January 25 9 am-Noon

Parenting Class: How to Talk so Kids Will Listen™

Thursdays, February 2, 9, 16 & 23, 11:30 am-1 pm

Communications Skills Tuesday, February 14 10 am-Noon

Stress 101

Thursday, February 16 1-3 pm

Parenting Class: How to Talk so Kids Will Listen™

Thursdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 11:30 am-1 pm

Communications Skills Tuesday, March 14 10 am-Noon

Stress 101

Thursday, March 16, 1-3 pm

Executive DV

Wednesday, March 29 9 am-Noon Bldg. 385


Training and support for the liaison between commands and all family members within a command.

Ombudsman Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, January 24, 6-8 pm

Ombudsman Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, February 28 6-8 pm

Ombudsman Basic Training: Part I

Monday, March 13 5-9:30 pm Register by Friday, March 10.

Ombudsman Basic Training: Part II

Tuesday, March 14 5-9:30 pm Register by Friday, March 10.

FLEET & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM (FFSP) Ombudsman Basic Training: Part III

Wednesday, March 15 5-9:30 pm Register by Friday, March 10.

Military Saves: Financial Freedom Wheel Wednesday, February 15 11 am-1 pm NASWI Galley

Ombudsman Basic Training: Part IV

Military Saves: Single Sailor

Ombudsman Assembly MeetingOmbudsmen Only

Military Saves: Teen


Million Dollar Sailor

Thursday, March 16 5-9:30 pm Register by Friday, March 10.

Tuesday, March 28, 6-8 pm

Great information available to download in MP3 format at anytime and listened to anywhere! Click on Fleet & Family Support Podcasts from the Fleet & Family Support drop-down menu on navylifepnw.com.


Help you manage your money, such as budgeting, credit/debt management, savings and investing, ID theft, car buying and home buying, as well as other individual financial concerns.

Command Financial Specialist Training

Wednesday, February 15 6-7 pm Liberty Center Friday, February 17 6-8 pm Youth Center

Wednesday, February 22Thursday, February 24 8 am-4:30 pm Spouses welcome! Register by Friday, February 17.

Free myFICO Credit Score/Report Tuesday, February 28 Noon-1 pm

Home Selling

Wednesday, March 1 11 am-1 pm

Command Financial Specialist Refresher Training Thursday, March 2 7:30 am-4:30 pm

CFS & Leadership Financial Forum

Monday, January 30Friday, February 3 7:30 am-4:30 pm Register by Friday, January 27.

Tuesday, March 7, 9-11 am

Military Saves for School-Age Care

Money and the Move

Monday, February 6, 3-5 pm Youth Center

Free myFICO Credit Score/Report Tuesday, February 7 Noon-1 pm

Home Buying

Wednesday, February 8 11 am-1 pm

Understanding Thrift Savings Plan/B Thursday, February 9 11 am-1 pm

Car Buying

Friday, February 10 11 am-1 pm

Free myFICO Credit Score/Report Tuesday, February 14 Noon-1 pm

Free myFICO Credit Score/Report Tuesday, March 7 Noon-1 pm


The main goal of the SAPR program is to assist victims of sexual assault and reduce the incidence of sexual assault committed by or against military service members, their families and civilians.

SAPR C Training for Civilian Employees

Thursday, January 5 9-11 am Register by 2 pm, Thursday, December 29.

SAPR Initial Advocate Training

Monday, January 9-Friday, January 13, 7:30 am-4 pm Command screening required. All documents for registration are due from the Command SAPR POC to the NASWI SAPR Staff Office by 8 am, Monday, January, 2. Contact your Command SAPR POC or the NASWI SAPR Staff Advocate Office, (360) 257-3265 or (360) 257-2528. Thursday, January 19 9-11 am Location information will be provided when registering at (360) 257-5323.

SAPR Command Point of Contact (POC) Training

Tuesday, March 21 Noon-1 pm


SAPR Initial Advocate Training

Retirement Financial Lifestyle Planning Thursday, March 9 11 am-1 pm

Free myFICO Credit Score/Report

Help ease the associated stress of relocating for you and your family.

Sponsor Training

Wednesday, January 18 2-3:30 pm

New Spouse Orientation Thursday, January 26 9 am-Noon

Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room (located next to playroom)

SAPR Train the Trainer

Wednesday, February 8 7:30 am-4 pm Command screening required. Registration is through current Command SAPR POC and due to the NASWI SAPR Staff Office by 8 am, Wednesday, February 1. Contact your current Command SAPR POC or the NASWI SAPR Staff Advocate Office, (360) 257-3265 or (360) 257-2528.

Wednesday, March 8 1-4 pm

Monday, MARCH 27 5-7 pm

Monday, March 13-Friday, March 17, 7:30 am-4 pm Command screening required. All documents for registration are due from the Command SAPR POC to the NASWI SAPR Staff Office by 8 am, Monday, March 6. Contact your Command SAPR POC or the NASWI SAPR Staff Advocate Office, (360) 257-3265 or (360) 257-2528.

Spring Craft Activities and Games Light Snacks Provided

FREE Register by Wednesday, March 22 (360) 257-5266

The Program Fleet & Family Support

This event is for EFM Enrollees and Family, and Command EFMP POCs and their family.





Separation T-GPS

Separation T-GPS

Tuesday, February 21Wednesday, February 22 7:30 am-4 pm

Accessing Higher Education Track

Tuesday, January 17Wednesday, January 18 8 am-4 pm

Capstone Event

Thursday, January 19 9-11 am

Survivor Benefit Plan Brief

· Financial Activity Stations at School Age Care, Monday, February 6, 3:15-5 pm

Thursday, January 19 11 am-Noon

Tricare Retirement Brief

Thursday, January 19 Noon-1 pm

· Free myFICO Credit Score/Report, Tuesday, February 7, Noon-1 pm

Capstone Event

· Home Buying, Wednesday, February 8, 11 am-1 pm

Retirement T-GPS

· Car Buying, Friday, February 10, 11 am-1 pm · Free myFICO Credit Score/Report, Tuesday, February 14, Noon-1 pm · Financial Freedom Wheel at the Galley, Wednesday, February 15, 11 am-1 pm · Financial Jeopardy at the Liberty Center, Wednesday, February 15, 6-7 pm

Monday, January 23-Friday, January 27, 7:15 am-4 pm

Monday, February 13Friday, February 17 7:15 am-4 pm

Career Technical Track

Capstone Event

Thursday, February 23 9-11 am

Survivor Benefit Plan Brief

Entrepreneur Track Tuesday, March 28Wednesday March 29 8 am-4 pm

Capstone Event

Thursday, March 30 9-11 am

Survivor Benefit Plan Brief

Thursday, March 30 11 am-Noon

Tricare Retirement Brief

Thursday, March 30 Noon-1 pm

Thursday, February 23 11 am-Noon

Capstone Event

Tricare Retirement Brief


Thursday, February 23 Noon-1 pm

Capstone Event

Thursday, February 23 1-3 pm

Retirement T-GPS

Monday, February 27-Friday, March 3, 7:15 am-4 pm

Thursday, March 30, 1-3 pm

Attend live workshops from the comfort and convenience of your home computer!

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Friday, January 20 11 am-Noon

Separation T-GPS

Writing Your Best Resume

Monday, March 6-Friday, March 10, 7:15 am-4 pm

Wednesday, February 22 11 am-Noon

Separation T-GPS

New Spouse Orientation

Monday, March 20-Friday, March 24, 7:15 am-4 pm

Thursday, March 23 11 am-Noon

ICO F y m E O R C E E S / REP T R I F D




· Money Games at Youth Activities Center, Friday, February 17, 6-8 pm

Thursday, January 19 1-3 pm


· TSP with Blended Retirement System, Thursday, February 9, 11 am-1 pm

Monday, February 6-Friday, February 10, 7:15 am-4 pm

Are you separating or retiring soon? If so, the FFSP can help you become better prepared for your transition into the civilian sector. Monday, January 9-Friday, January 13, 7:15 am-4 pm

· Command Financial Specialist Course, Monday, January 30-Friday, February 3

Separation T-GPS

· Million Dollar Sailor Workshop, Wednesday, February 22-Friday, February 24 · Free myFICO Credit Score/Report, Tuesday, February 28, Noon-1 pm

The Program Fleet & Family Support

Walk-ins welcome, unless pre-registration specified.

The Center Fleet & Family Support

Take the pledge! militarysaves.org

360-257-NAVY (6289) 6

Tuesday, Jan. 10, Tuesday, Jan. 24, Tuesday, Feb. 7, Tuesday, Feb. 14, Tuesday, Feb. 28, Tuesday, Mar. 7, & Tuesday, Mar. 21 Nor’wester, Noon-1 pm, FREE, (360) 257-6289


ORIENTATION Thursday, January 26, 2017 9 am-Noon NASWI Nor’Wester FREE

The Center Fleet & Family Support

• Overview of Navy organization, available resources and preparation for deployments • Emotional and financial realities of coping with Navy life • Prepare for family readiness and resilience

(360) 257-6289


How to Talk so Kids Will Listen (TM) Every Thursday 11:30 am-1 pm Nor’Wester

Learn practical, effective methods of communication that will make your relationship with children, of all ages, less stressful and more rewarding. Drop-in class. No appointment/registration needed.

(360) 257-6289

The Center Fleet & Family Support



burgers in Kitsap County, in a casual, family-friendly atmosphere. Other menu features are fresh salads, wraps, and our famous Rueben. For our hungry guests that are 10 and under, the Inside Out Café features awesome kid’s meals with a choice of fruit or fries and a drink. While waiting for your food to arrive, kids can enjoy the play area, featuring a play kitchen, play house, television for movies, and more. On the run? Give us a call and we’ll have your order ready.

Navy Region Northwest

The All American RestaurantEverett, located in Jackson Plaza on Naval Station Everett, serves hearty, wholesome meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The All American offers a unique approach to food service for all active duty, DoD civilians, retirees, family members and their guests. Breakfast and lunch are served cafeteria-style and, in the evening, select your entree from a menu of delicious options and our staff will deliver dinner straight to your table. Breakfast at the All American includes both hot Brewhouse & Restaurant (Sam and cold dishes, including eggs Adams) on Naval Base Kitsapand omelets to order, as well as Bremerton and satisfy your thirst cereal and fruit. Lunch offers a for good beer and great food. Dine in or take out, our brewhouse well-balanced, hearty, daily special meal or a made-fresh-to-order and restaurant offers an line that includes burgers, chicken exceptional dining experience at affordable prices. The restaurant sandwiches and other popular atmosphere is open and airy with house specialties. Both options come with soup, salad bar, dessert a fresh, yet rustic, feeling. Open for dinner (open on weekends for and beverage, all for one low price. During the evening, stay and relax lunch and dinner during football after dinner and choose from a season). FREE Wi-Fi available! selection of popular beers, wine We offer an outstanding variety of handcrafted beers, including a and non-alcoholic beverages. You can also relax and catch a game in seasonal Samuel Adams special, our new lounge, featuring two 65” and something for everyone’s plasma TVs. taste buds: gourmet burgers, handmade pizzas, salads and, For casual, convenient dining on the sandwiches made to order. wharf, stop by the Pierside Grille. Sam’s has many exciting special Recently remodeled and soon to events throughout the year: Super re-open, it’s on your way to any Bowl Sunday, Salmon and Clam home-ported or visiting ships! The Bakes, BBQ Ribs Nights, just to Pierside Grille, located in Pierside name a few. Plaza, is your place for pizzas, burgers and fries, sandwiches, as Sam Adams specializes in well as other fast foods. They offer offering a perfect venue for all breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, all sports enthusiasts. With the NFL at a reasonable price. Package, spending game day at Sam Adams ensures you can Tremors Neighborhood Sports Bar, cheer on your favorite team and NAVSTA Everett’s own watering listen to the play-by-play on your hole, is a place to unwind after individual “Sound Dogs” at each work, watch sporting events or table. Choose from eight different get together with friends. Open to channels that coincide with the authorized patrons 18 years of age huge viewing screens. Don’t miss and older, Tremors features largea single kickoff at Sam Adams screen TV’s, pool tables and plenty

Food, Fun & Entertainment Navy Region Northwest Business Activity Division offers a wide array of dining and entertainment venues region-wide. Naval Air Station Whidbey Island is the home of Bakerview Restaurant, located in the world-famous CPO Club. It’s the perfect location for an office get-together, birthday party, or official function. Located off base, overlooking the Air Station, and with a perfect view of Mt. Baker, the restaurant welcomes all active duty, DoD civilians, retirees and other eligible patrons and their guests. Bakerview Restaurant serves lunch Monday through Friday, and features gourmet burgers, sandwiches, and oven-baked specialties from our open-hearth oven. Dinner is offered every Friday evening. Kegler’s Bar & Grill is a casual eatery that is located in the Community Recreation Center (Convergence Zone), on the main base. This makes it an ideal meeting spot for lunch or happy hour. Kegler’s Bar & Grill is most known for pizza, burgers, wraps and grinders, and is open seven days a week. If you cannot stay and dine with us, call ahead, place your order online at dineonthegopnw.com or download the Dine on the Go mobile app and get your order to-go! For those 18 and older, you can always head into Kegler’s Bar and enjoy your lunch while 8

catching the game on one of seven TVs. We feature the Sunday NFL Ticket, Monday, Thursday Night Football and UFC Fight Night. We offer two FREE-play pool tables, two dart boards, karaoke on Friday nights, and All-Request Night on Saturdays. Stop in and check out our themed nights and nightly specials or just grab a bite to eat and catch a game on TV.

Naval Base Kitsap has several great dining and entertainment venues serving our Navy family. The All American RestaurantBremerton, which opened in January 2016, serves hearty, wholesome meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week, along with brunch and supper on the weekend, at an exceptional value. Open to all eligible patrons, the All American offers a variety of entrées developed by Chef Miller, available through the All American daily specials or All American Grill, along with an array of side dishes, soup, salad bar, desserts and beverages, all for one low price. In addition, enjoy a specialty espresso drink from the All American Espresso, proudly serving Starbucks. You can find the All American Restaurant in Bldg. 866, between Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (Bldg. 865) and Shields Hall (Bldg. 1000). Join us at Samuel Adams

The Inside Out Café, located on Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, has something for the entire family. Nestled inside Bangor Plaza Community Center, the Inside Out Café serves the best

of indoor and outdoor seating. Entertainment programming includes sports-always on television, Direct TV, NFL Ticket, themed holiday events for St. Paddy’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mardi Gras, and more!

Navy Region Northwest is well known for excellence in catering services. Installation catering departments at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Naval Base Kitsap and Naval Station Everett offer complete catering services for any event or occasion. Our catering and carry-out services are open to all active duty and their family members, retirees and their family members, reservists, DoD civilians, community support groups, contractors, and other approved agencies. No matter how large or small, we will do our utmost to ensure your special occasion is successful. We pride ourselves in quality catering at affordable prices. Our specialties include retirements, change-of-command ceremonies, holiday parties, weddings, birthdays, and more! We have multiple venues perfect for any event. Let our chefs customize the perfect menu for your next event. A catered event entails special planning and professional oversight. Call your installation catering representative to schedule a private event consultation. We look forward to serving the best to the best!

In addition to the wide array of dining options available to service members, Navy Region Northwest is where a range of interests, an array of people, and a variety of entertainment come together! Gallery Golf Course at NASWI offers an 18-hole, award-winning course with spectacular views of the Olympic Mountains. The course overlooks the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Vancouver Island. The course is open to the public, offers a great driving range, cart and club rentals, and lessons and clinics for beginners to the most experienced golfer. Schedule a tournament and our professional and knowledgeable staff will walk you through every detail to ensure your event is a success. Our pro shop can equip you with everything you need for a day on the course. Hungry? Grab a snack and head for the links. Reserve your favorite tee time in advance, online at https://myffr.navyaims.com/ wbwsc/nrnwrec.wsc/wbsearch. html?xxmod=GR.

General Quarters Paintball course is located behind the Convergence Zone, on Ault Field, at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Adrenaline, strategy, skill and speed combine in exhilarating thrills, on two separate fields. We offer speedball, highenergy action, ducking behind a series of inflatable bunkers, on a 190-ft. by 115-ft. field. Volunteers change the field setup periodically, so new challenges are always emerging. The ever-evolving woods ball field encourages scenario play with its own unique set of natural foxholes, hideaways and fortresses. The field is open to those ages 10 to 17 with a hold-harmless agreement signed by a parent. Those 18 and up must also sign a hold-harmless agreement before they use the field. NASWI Skywarrior Theater seats over 600 people and features the Navy’s first digital projector, complete with a silver screen and 3-D capabilities, and fully cushioned, reclining seats with their own drink holder. FREE Command Movie Parties! Choose from a selection of over 750 films available Monday-Thursday, after 5 pm, for your group. Concession stand may be opened for $125 in sales or more. Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor Cinema Plus Theater seats over 350 people and features digital movies, complete with a silver screen and 3-D capabilities, as well as fully cushioned, reclining seats with their own drink holder. Cinema Plus is available for Command/Special Events, Monday Movie Nights, Predeployment Briefs, Family Nights, or just private get-togethers. We offer FREE movies on Wednesdays at 6 pm, and FREE movie matinees on Saturdays at 1 pm. Ages 5 and younger are always FREE! On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, doors open one hour prior to the beginning of the movie. Navy Region Northwest, situated in one of the most beautiful locations in the world, offers a unique setting with a variety of activities and opportunities for service members and their families. Our goal is to get you out and enjoying your time in the Northwest. Stop into any Navy Region Northwest dining and entertainment facility and, whichever you choose, we are sure you’ll be pleased.


Join the fun with some full-body yoga moves, geared for all levels! After class, there will be healthy snacks, appetizers, and drinks for all. Open to 10 years and older. Ages 10-14 must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own mats, if possible. Mats are limited. Register by Friday, February 10. myFFR #610128

NASWI Fitness Center | (360) 257-2420 EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017


EFMP Kids’ Appreciation Day

Baby Sign Language



CALLING ALL Navy Child and Youth Programs (CYP) provide developmental childcare and youth recreational programs and services for eligible children and youth, ages 4 weeks to 18 years of age. Programs and services are specifically designed and operated to meet the unique needs of the military mission and service members and their families. For most up-to-date information, visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

GAMERS! Member Sponsorship Event!


5-10 PM YOUTH CENTER Must be a registered member, grades 6-12, of the NASWI Youth & Teen Program or a sponsored guest.

(360) 257-3150 whdb_youthactivities@navy.mil The Youth Center is open to all teens, grades 6-12, of active duty, retiree, reservist and DoD family members. Annual Memberhip is FREE! Come join, today 10



We care for your children while you protect America


School Transition Services (PCS cycle)


Deployment Support

SLOs assist families with school transfers, providing information on K-12 educational options and strategies to help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.

SLOs connect military families to the Navy’s deployment-support system, inform educators about the cycle of deployment, and provide tools to assist educators working with Navy children.

3 Contact your SLO for help with: ■ Inbound/Outbound school transfers

■ K-12 educational options and information: public, private and homeschool ■ School support and other learning resources ■ Understanding the special education process

4 5

■ Deployment support for families and children

NAS Whidbey Island School Liaison Officer

Brenda Kovach, M.Ed (360) 257-6863 whidbey.slo@navylifepnw.com 3675 W. Lexington, Bldg. 2556 Oak Harbor, WA 98278

SLOs serve as subject-matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources and information.

Homeschool Linkage and Support SLOs provide Navy families with homeschooling resources and support, as well as information on homeschooling issues, policies and legislation.


Partnerships in Education (PIE) SLOs help support the installation’s PIE program, where military personnel volunteer in local schools to help foster the success of all students in the community.

■ Graduation requirements and post-secondary options ■ Military and community services information

Command, School, and Community Communications

6 7

Post-secondary Preparation SLOs provide military high-school students with post-secondary information, resources, and opportunities.

Special Needs System Navigation

A Department of Defense (DoD) program that makes it easier to find the child and youth care your family needs.

SLOs provide information to families with children of identified needs, to help them navigate the administrative systems within local education agencies. SLOs also provide information about installation and community programs and services, and make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program. EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017


Sponsored by the NASWI Youth Center. Open to ALL youth in grades 6-12.

Basketball Competition Saturday, January 21 • 10 am-1 pm Hunt Company Community Center 2205 Egret Drive, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Bring a bag of canned food for donation to participate.

(360) 257-3150 | whdb_youthactivities@navy.mil


Movie NightS

This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the school district and the district assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of this event/activity. Parents-guardians must review the information and decide on its appropriateness for their family.

Emerald City ComicCon Sunday, March 5


6 pm

A unique movie showing where you can be you! Lights are turned up and the sound is turned down. Get up and dance, walk, shout or sing!

8 am-8 pm • $40

Bus leaves from the Youth Center (360) 257-3150 or whdb_youthactivities@navy.mil Must be a registered member, grades 8-12, of the NASWI Youth and Teen Program . Join today! It is FREE to be a member!

FRIDAY, MARCH 17 7:30-10 pm



Youth Center



The Youth Center is open to all active duty, retiree, reservist and DoD family member teens Grades 6-12. Annual membership is FREE!

(360) 257-5537 12


(360) 257-3150 whdb_youthactivities@navy.mil This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the school district, and the district assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of this event/activity. Parents-guardians must review the information and decide on its appropriateness for their family.

HOUSING, LODGING & NAVY GETAWAYS Updated Cottages and Suites

Renovated Junior Suites


EXCITING NEW CHANGES COMING TO PACIFIC BEACH! Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination, formerly Pacific Beach Resort & Recreation Center and fondly referred to as “Pac Beach” by its regulars, is entering a new and exciting era in recreational lodging. Pacific Beach has two very distinctive seasons; off-peak season, October through March, and peak season, April through September. Over the last few years, we have been unable to maintain the highest levels of program offerings in the offpeak season. We have been listening to our guests over the years and have developed a comprehensive plan to increase services and enhance guest accommodations. Phase 1 was completed in February 2016 by fully renovating 10 suites and three cottages. You can check out the Construction Photo Gallery and final product at pacbeach. navylifepnw.com, under the Galleries section. The feedback was great, but we know there was more to be done. Phase 2 began December 1, 2016 with another large renovation project. We are expanding the size of our hotel room showers and

replacing all flooring through the facility. At the same time, we are converting the dining room area into a Market and Café. The market will offer many grocery items, both fresh and frozen, made-to-order hot and cold food, daily specials for dining in or to-go, as well as a full array of beverage selections and other recreation traveler’s essentials. The gift shop and espresso services will be relocated to the Market and Café. A new recreation center will be transformed in its place. The recreation center will offer recreation equipment, craft activities, and off-site trips. To ensure you get the most out of your visit, we have hired a full-time recreation programmer, who will be on hand to assist guests and facilitate many of our new programs. We are very excited about our future and hope to see you all soon. Kerri Billings, Pacific Beach Manager (360) 276-4460



Cliffside RV Park

View from Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination


HOUSING, LODGING & NAVY GETAWAYS Navy Housing (800) 876-7022 whidbeyhousing@ navylifepnw.com whidbey-uh@ navylifepnw.com Navy Gateway Inns & Suites 877-NAVY-BED dodLodging.net 877-NAVY-BED navygetaways .com Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination: (360) 276-4414 pacbeach.navylifepnw.com Jim Creek Reservations: (425) 304-5315 or (425) 304-5363 jimcreek.navylifepnw.com Cliffside RV Park: (360) 257-2649 cliffside.navylifepnw.com *Indicates a community event Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice. Navy Getaways and Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) are open to active duty, retirees, reservists, DoD civilians, base contractors, families, and accompanied guests, unless otherwise noted.


NAVY HOUSING UH Maintenance Request Live in Unaccompanied Housing (UH) and have a maintenance request? Two easy ways to do it: Call (360) 257-3358 or see the Front Desk Clerk in NGIS, Bldg. 973. Front Desk is open 24/7. (360) 257-3358 or (360) 257-2799

Become a Resident Advisor (RA)

This is a great leadership opportunity for those living in UH to become a role model for junior service members, receive your own private room, and boost your career! Call (360) 257-5323 for inquiries.

UH Resident Recognition Program

The UH Resident of the Month receives an LOA from the Base CO, and the Resident of the Quarter receives a designated parking spot for three months. Nominations are due the first business day of each month. For more information, please contact your Building Manager or RA. (360) 257-5323

Housing Services Center Nor’Wester, 3675 W. Lexington, Bldg. 2556 Make your move with us! The Housing Service Center is your first stop to receive information on housing

options and community resources. (800) 876-7022

NAVY GATEWAY INNS & SUITES (NGIS) Meet Your Mission & Save Travel Dollars! NGIS is the preferred lodging choice for all TDY travel, military and civilian. Our professionally managed, 5-star accredited staff will help you meet your fiscal and mission goals, while simultaneously delivering comfort and readiness to your personnel. Book your stay today! (877) NAVY-BED or dodlodging.net

NAVY GETAWAYS JANUARY New Year’s at the Beach

Saturday, December 31-Sunday, January 1 9 pm-1 am Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination What better way to ring in the new year than to be staying out at Pac Beach! Our New Year’s Lounge Party will have karaoke starting at 9 pm; FREE 2017 party favors, and drink specials available. The Lounge Party is 21+. Enjoy a New Year’s Day breakfast on Sunday, January 1. Open to all ages. (360) 276-4414

Disaster Preparedness Cooking Class

Saturday, January 21 Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination Learn about emergency cooking and disaster preparedness for our area. Watch and taste as a special guest will come up with wonderful creations using disaster supplies and everyday pantry items. (360) 276-4414

Jim Creek Star Wars Day: Episode I

Saturday, January 28 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area At a campground far, far away, choose either the light side or the dark side! DIY Lightsabers, Jedi Training Academy, Lightsaber Battles, Imperial Star Destroyer Hay Rides, Path of the Jedi Scavenger Hunt, costume contests, bounce houses, and more. The Force is strong at Jim Creek! (425) 304-5363 or (425) 304-5315

FEBRUARY Touchdown Party at the Beach

Sunday, February 5 Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination Come watch the Super Bowl at the Lounge! The lounge

will have food and drink specials, along with games and giveaways. This is a 21+ event. (Not an NFLsanctioned event.) (360) 276-4414

Jim Creek’s FROZEN Celebration

Saturday, February 25 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area The Cold Never Bothered Us Anyway! Bundle up and join us for a day of everything FROZEN, including a meet and greet with Elsa and Anna, sing-a-longs, Kristoff’s Ice Delivery Wagon Rides, “snow ball” fights, ice-cream social, trivia, crafts, games, bounce houses and more! (425) 304-536 or (425) 304-5315

10th Annual Chocolate on the Beach Festival* Friday, February 24-Sunday, February 26 Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination Join the city of Pacific Beach in celebrating their annual Chocolate on the Beach Festival. There will be chocolatiers, arts and crafts, chocolate vendors, raffles, a recipe contest, silent auctions, classes and more! (360) 276-4414

HOUSING, LODGING & NAVY GETAWAYS Disaster Preparedness Cooking Class

Saturday, February 25 Pacific Beach Resort Navy Getaways Recreation Destination Learn about emergency cooking and disaster preparedness for our area. Watch and taste as a special guest will come up with wonderful creations using disaster supplies and everyday pantry items. (360) 276-4414

MOVING? Let us help you!

MARCH Sham-ROCK the House at Jim Creek

Saturday, March 11 Noon-4 pm Jim Creek Community Recreation Area The Luck of the Irish can be found at Jim Creek! Join us in celebrating all things GREEN at Jim Creek’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party. Join us for music, leprechaun visits, games, activities, pot o’ gold scavenger hunts, hay rides, crafts, bounce houses, and more! (425) 304-5363 or (425) 304-5315

Glass Float Frenzy

Saturday, March 18 Pacific Beach Navy Getaways Recreation Destination On Saturday, March 18, the whole facility will become an arena for the glass float scavenger hunt. Can you find the hidden floats? (360) 276-4414

Navy Gateway Inns & Suites Friendly Staff

Are You Relocating Soon? Come into one of the Northwest’s Housing Services Centers (HSC) and find out how to: • Make your next move the smoothest move yet • Find Housing at your next duty station • Check on the community amenities (transportation, shopping, and spouse employment) available at the new location • Check on schools for the kids at your next assignment • Be placed on an inbound arrival list • Increase the potential for a door-to-door move • Receive personalized housing service and talk with a counselor at your next assignment

(800) 876-7022

Everett-Housing@navylifepnw.com Whidbey-Housing@navylifepnw.com NBK-Housing@navylifepnw.com EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017


CFL (Command Fitness Leader Course)

Kam Chancellor’s Ultimate Women’s Boot Camp


SPORTS, FITNESS & AQUATICS Sports & Fitness The Navy Fitness Program offers a variety of fitness and intramural sports programs that enhance the readiness, retention and quality of life of the entire Navy family. Sailors who possess the athletic skills to compete above the intramural level, in team or individual sports, have the chance to represent the Navy at higher-level athletic competitions through the All-Navy Sports Program. Although NAS Whidbey Island does not have a recreational swimming facility, MWR has partnerships with two local pools. At Anacortes’s Fidalgo Pool Active Duty - Swim FREE (subsidized by MWR) Active Duty Family Members - FREE Open Swim = Captain’s Cup Event For most up-to-date information and fitness classes visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice. 16



Intramural Sports PUB GAMES: Billiards Tournament

Fitness Expo

Friday, January 20, 7-11 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill Register by Wednesday, January 18. (360) 257-4320 myFFR #610146

FEBRUARY Indoor Rowing Competition

Saturday, February 11 9 am-Noon NASWI Fitness Center Register by Thursday, February 9. (360) 257-4320 myFFR #610147

Intramural Sports PUB GAMES: Dart Tournament

Friday, February 24, 7-11 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill Register by Wednesday, February 22. (360) 257-4320 myFFR #610148

Wednesday, January 18 5-7 pm NASWI Fitness Center Aerobics Room Get ready for the new year and try out our fitness classes! Two hours of fun with mini classes in Kickboxing, Spin, Yoga, Boot Camp, Strong by Zumba, and more! Open to all ages. Ages 11-15 must be accompanied by an adult. Register by Monday, January 16. (360) 257-2420 myFFR #610126

FEBRUARY Yoga & Foodie on Valentine’s Day

Tuesday, February 14 5-6:30 pm NASWI Fitness Center Join the fun with some fullbody yoga moves, geared for all levels! After class, there will be healthy snacks, appetizers, and drinks for all. Open to 10 years and older. Ages 10-14 need to be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own mats, if

possible. Mats are limited. Register by Friday, February 10. (360) 257-2420 myFFR #610128

MARCH Celtic Spin Class

Wednesday, March 15 11 am-12:30 pm NASWI Fitness Center Spin Room Wear your GREEN and come join this high-energy indoor spin class! Being prosperous in health is something a pot of gold can’t buy! No limits on the duration. Come for 20 minutes or 90 minutes of fun! Space is limited. Register by Friday, March 10. (360) 257-2420 myFFR #610129

Kiss Me I’m Irish 5K/10K Run & Walk

Friday, March 17 11 am-12:30 pm NASWI Fitness Center Participants who sign-up on race day will still be able to participate, but will receive different numbers. Registration is HIGHLY encouraged. Ready to celebrate spring and “The Luck of the Irish?” Before you chow down on corned

beef and cabbage, get your GREEN gear on and join the fun! Runners, walkers, pets, and strollers are all welcome. Prizes for the top three finishers in male and female categories. Register by Wednesday, March 15 for chip timing. (360) 257-2420 myFFR #610130

Polar Plunge





7-11 PM, Register by Wednesday, Jan. 18




Friday, FEBRUARY 24

7-11 PM, Register by Wednesday, Feb. 22

(360) 257-4320


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’S DIVISIONS MEN WO • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• ••




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• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• ••

Wednesday, March 15 • 11 am-12:30 pm Register by Friday, March 10 myFFR #610129

Kiss Me I’m Irish 5K/10K Run & Walk Friday, March 17 • 11 am-12:30 pm

Register by Wednesday, March 15 for chip timing. myFFR #610130

• • • • • • • • • • • •••


(360) 257-4320



Celtic Spin Class


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• ••

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Fitness Center Must be 18 years of age to participate. Register by Thursday, February 9. myFFR #610147.

• • • | | | | | | | | | | | | | | • | | | | | | | | •• | | | | | | | | | | | •• | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || || || ||




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MEN ’S &





FREE Two hours of fun with mini classes in Kickboxing, Spin, Yoga, Bootcamp, Strong by Zumba, and more! Open to all ages. Ages 11-15 must be accompanied by an adult. myFFR #610126

(360) 2572420

(360) 2572420

whidbey.fitness@navylifepnw.com EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017


Jr. Golf Camp

2nd Annual MWR Customer Appreciation Picnic


RECREATION PROGRAMS Convergence Zone (360) 257-2432 Gallery Golf (360) 257-2178 General Quarters Paintball (360) 257-2432 Navy Community Recreation (360) 257-2432 ACTIVITIES LEGEND

Activity Difficulty Ratings: I = EASY: Equivalent to being able to walk 3 miles on a treadmill at 2.5 mph. Slight inclines. II = AVERAGE: Equivalent to being able to walk for an hour at 3 mph. Varying inclines. III = STRENUOUS: Equivalent to being able to maintain a brisk pace on a step stepper for up to 45 minutes. Extreme inclines. LS = Leisure Skill Class RA = Recreational Activity TO = Trips/Outings

= Kid Friendly Event SP = Special Event

For most up-to-date information, visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.


ONGOING EVENTS RA Rent-a-Lane Sundays

Sundays, 11 am-6 pm Convergence Zone Rent a lane for $11 an hour, for up to five bowlers, for as many games as you can bowl. Shoe rental included. (360) 257-2432 RA

Lunch & Bowl Special

Monday-Friday, 11 am-2 pm Convergence Zone Show us your lunch receipt from Kegler’s Bar & Grill, from that day, and receive one FREE game of bowling. Shoes regular price. (360) 257-2432 RA Baby Signing Time

Mondays, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room, FREE A complete list of weekly activities can be found at navylifepnw.com. Click on ‘Recreation’ then ‘Convergence Zone’. Closed Monday, January 16 and Monday, February 20. (360) 257-2432

Monday Madness Bowling RA

Mondays, 3-9 pm Convergence Zone 50¢ games, shoes regular price. (360) 257-2432

RA Home Gardening Series

Tuesday, January 17 myFFR #997017-01 Tuesday, February 21 myFFR #997017-02 Tuesday, March 21 myFFR #997017-03 5:30-6:30 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room, FREE Learn how to start your own indoor garden. We will begin our series planting herbs and then, in later classes, learn how to transplant those into our own outdoor spaces. (360) 257-2432 RA

USBC Bowling League

Tuesdays through March 21, Wednesdays through April 21 and Thursdays through March 30, 6-9 pm Convergence Zone $12 weekly league fee Join one of our Whidbey Island Bowling Association leagues or sub for a night. There will be no open

bowling available on league nights. (360) 257-2432 RA

Toddler Time

Wednesdays, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room, FREE Ages 3-5. Join us each week for a themed story time, an activity and craft. Caregiver must be present and stay/ assist the child during all activities. (360) 257-2432 RA Crazy Cosmic Bowling

Fridays, 8-11 pm Special Cosmic HolidayThemed events on Friday, February 24 (Mardi Gras) and Friday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day). Convergence Zone $12 per person, shoes regular price (Almost) anything goes! DJ spinning your requests all night. Minute-to-Win-It-style contest and games with prizes. Bring your craziest friends and showcase YouTube-worthy moments! (360) 257-2432


Family Fun Pack Bowling

Saturdays, 6-11 pm Convergence Zone $30 for up to four bowlers Enjoy two hours of bowling, a single-topping pizza, and pitcher of soda. Shoes regular price. (360) 257-2432 LS


Avalanche Awareness Workshop

Thursday, January 12 myFFR #407012-01 Thursday, February 9 myFFR #407012-02 Thursday, March 9 myFFR #407012-03 6-8 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room $6 ages 10 and up Learn about winter backcountry dangers, avalanche avoidance techniques, use of safety equipment, proper winter wear, and how to use an avalanche transceiver. This class may be taken alone, or as a prerequisite for a mountaineering trip, or Ice Axe Arrest Class. This is an informational class and not a certification class. (360) 257-2432



Riverstone Climbing Gym (RCG)

Saturday, January 14 9 am-3 pm myFFR #4017014W Sunday, February 12 11 am-5 pm myFFR #4017043 Saturday March 25 9 am-3 pm myFFR #4017084 Outdoor Recreation $28 per person From beginners to seasoned rock climbers, RCG provides something for everyone! Enjoy 5,000 square feet of climbing terrain options with hundreds of routes, on a constant re-setting cycle, so there is always a new route to take! (360) 257-2432 RA

Family Movie & Pizza Night

2nd Saturday of every month 5-7 pm Navy Community Recreation Multipurpose Room at the Convergence Zone, FREE It’s family movie night! Enjoy a pizza special from Kegler’s Bar & Grill ($15 for a onetopping pizza and pitcher of soda). Afterward, enjoy plenty of FREE video game play, indoor playground, and games. (360) 257-2432 TO LS I Ice Axe Skills Class

3rd Saturday of every month Saturday, January 21 myFFR #407021-01 Saturday, February 18 myFFR #407021-02 Saturday, March 18

myFFR #407021-03 7 am-8 pm Navy Community Recreation’s Outdoor Recreation and Trips & Tours partnership, $34 per person This is a prerequisite for the spring summit trips. Learn self-arrest, mountaineeringrelated maneuvers on how to stop from sliding down an icy mountain without a belay system. Departs from the Nor’Wester. (360) 257-2432 TO RA Trips & Tours Ski Shuttle

Saturday, January 21 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117021 Saturday, February 4 Mt. Baker myFFR #5117035 Saturday, February 18 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117049 Saturday, March 4 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117063 All shuttles depart: 7 am Return: 8 pm Stevens Pass, 6:30 pm Mt. Baker $15 per person Libertyeligible, $20 per person for all others Relax and let us do the driving, and enjoy a day on the slopes! Bring your own gear or rent from the resort. Show your military ID for a discount on your lift pass. Must register two days prior to trip. (360) 257-2432



Snowshoe 101

Saturday, January 7 7 am-7 pm Outdoor Recreation $29 ages 10 and up It’s true that if you can walk, you can snowshoe! Snow has a way of changing the terrain so that each outing offers new discoveries and challenges. Trip includes experienced instructor, round-trip transportation, and all snowshoe gear. Register by Thursday, January 5. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #4017007

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Navy Community Recreation

TO Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, B.C.

Saturday, January 7 9 am-9 pm Trips & Tours $79 ages 19 years or older, $53 Youth 13-18, $45 ages 5-12, FREE ages 4 and under (lap seat) Family Rate $235 (2 adults and 2 children) Hitch a ride to Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, B.C., where a winter wonderland awaits you! Surrounded by snow-capped firs, there is something for everyone! Ice skate on the pond, trek through the alpine snowshoe park, catch a magical sleighride, rent a carpet in the slide zone and then, warm up and watch a movie in the Theater in the Sky! Register by Thursday, January 5. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #9917007

NAVY WOUNDED WARRIOR SAFE HARBOR Supporting seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen and their families.

Build a trip around your schedule! Consult with our professional trip planner to customize a trip. From single-day excursions to week-long trips, we’ll help you plan your journey and transportation. Contact our Community Recreation Programmer to assist with your group’s trip or outing, today!

(360) 257-5480

whidbey.trips@navylifepnw.com 1 (855) 628-9997 (24/7) http://safeharbor.navylive.dodlive.mil EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017


RA Ice Breaker 2-Person Scramble



Choos e

The W o



All M eats Chees e Pizz a Peppe roni P iz za Veggie Pizza

15 .95 16 .95 11 .95 12 .95 12 .95

Kegler’s Bar & Grill Search For


Saturday, January 7 10 am Shotgun start (weather permitting) Gallery Golf Course $20 per person includes lunch. Green fees not included. Join us for our season-opening event! The Ice Breaker Tournament is always a fun way to kick-off the season, with a two-person scramble that begins with a shotgun start. You never know what the weather will be like, so bring your gloves, hat, rain gear or sunglasses. Register and pay fees up to day of tournament. (360) 257-2178 TO RA I Fat Bike Mount Baker

Saturday, January 14 8 am-6 pm Outdoor Recreation $30, ages 14 and up Take fat bikes up to Mount Baker and enjoy riding in the snow at the Snow Park and trails that go all over the place. There are approximately eight miles of trails! Register by Thursday, January 12. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #4017014 RA Hunger Games Paintball

Saturday, January 21 11 am-4 pm, ages 10 and up

Convergence Zone General Quarters Paintball Field $15 per person for all-day play, includes air, field fee and marker. You have been chosen to be tribute of your district. Can you overcome the odds and be the last person standing in the Hunger Games? Or, will you become prey to the other vicious tributes? Test your strength and strategy in battle. (360) 257-2432

$20 per person includes lunch. Green fees not included Are you ready for some football? We will be having a Long-Drive contest, as well as a Kicking and Passing contest. Prizes will be awarded. Register up to day of tournament. (360) 257-2178 LS Dutch Oven Cooking Class

Saturday, February 4 12:30-3:30 pm TO Seattle’s Chinese Navy Community Recreation New Year Celebration Multipurpose Room at the Saturday, January 28 Convergence Zone $16 per person 9 am-6 pm This class will cover such Trips & Tours topics as purchasing a Dutch $20 per person, Libertyeligible $15 per person Oven, seasoning it, how to clean cast iron cookware, and Celebrate the Year of the Rooster at Seattle’s Chinatown how to store them. Then, we’ll prepare a full meal to enjoy. International District’s Lunar Other topics of discussion New Year Celebration. include heat management, Traditional dragon and lion how to overcome the effects dances, Japanese Taiko drumming, Bollywood dancing, of wind and weather, charcoal versus wood coals for your martial art-demonstrations heat source, and upsizing and and a $3 international downsizing your recipes. food walk! Register by Thursday, (360) 257-2432 February 2. myFFR #5117028 (360) 257-2432 myFFR #407035-01


Super Saturday 4-Person Scramble



Saturday, February 4 10 am Shotgun Start (weather permitting) Gallery Golf Course

Red Pin Bowling

Saturday, February 11 11 am-6 pm Convergence Zone Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Bowl a strike when the red pin is your head pin


No Smartphone? No Problem! Ice Breaker 2-Person Scramble Saturday, January 7



More Locations Coming Soon! The Navy does not endorse any business, product or service. 20


Join us for our season opening event! The Ice breaker Tournament is always a fun way to kick off the season with a two-person scramble that begins with a shot-gun start. You never know what the weather will be like so bring your gloves, hat, rain gear, or sunglasses!

Super Saturday 4-Person Scramble Saturday, February 4

Are you ready for some football? We will be having a Long-Drive contest as well as a Kicking and Passing contest. Prizes will be awarded.


Tournament Info:

10 am, Shotgun Start (Weather-permitting) $20 per person includes lunch. Green fees not included. Register up to day of tournament

(360) 257-2178

RECREATION PROGRAMS and win a coupon for a FREE game of bowling. Be sure to grab a staff member to witness your strike before you bowl. Coupons are good for your next visit. (360) 257-2432 TO RA


Moonlight Snowshoe

Saturday, February 11 2:30-11 pm Outdoor Recreation $23 per person The experience of snowshoeing on a moonlit night is one that will never be forgotten! The deep green trees are cloaked in white, yet in the moonlight, we see the hues of white, black and gray. Register by Thursday, February 9. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #4017042 TO RA III

Galbraith Mountain Biking

Saturday, February 11 10 am-6 pm Outdoor Recreation $26 per person Galbraith Mountain has some of the finest trails in the Pacific Northwest! These trails will really get your heart pumping with adrenaline and excitement. Whatever you are looking for, it’s here! Trails are full of jumps, some that are technical, and others offer a smooth ride down the mountain. Register by Thursday, February 9. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #4017042W TO Sunset Dinner Cruise

Saturday, February 11 4-11 pm Trips & Tours $105 per person, ages 13 and up Enjoy an unforgettable dining experience aboard a beautiful yacht–complete with the finest culinary offerings, friendly, attentive service, and stunning views of Seattle’s lakes and city skylines! Register by Monday, January 23. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #9917042 LS RA

New Year, New Bowler

Sundays, February 12, 19 & March 5, 12 11:30 am-1 pm Convergence Zone FREE, ages 14 and up How easy is it to bowl better? This four-week session will

introduce you to the basics of bowling and help you fully enjoy your time on the lanes. Each week, we cover a new lesson then, get out on the lanes to put that lesson to practice. There are also reference materials that you can keep. Register by Monday, February 6. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #997043-01 RA

Battle Trio Paintball

Saturday, February 18 11 am-4 pm, ages 10 and up Convergence Zone General Quarters Paintball Field $15 includes marker, field fee, and all-day air. Fight your way through three different battlefields from history. Will your team be the victor or be crushed under the might of the opponents? The battles are based off the Battle of the Solomon Islands, Battle of Verdun, and the Battle of Stalingrad. (360) 257-2432

during the annual Washington Beer Open-House. Register by Thursday, February 23. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #9917056 RA

USBC Bowling Tournament

Saturday, February 25 to Sunday, February 26 11 am-6 pm Convergence Zone $10 per person USBC Singles and Doubles events for all. Expected ratio payout is one for every five. Eligibility: WIUSBC members with an established USBC average from the 2015/2016 season, or 2016 Summer, or current 2016/2017 league members. Register by Thursday, February 16. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #997044-01 LS

Military Saves Week: Home Budgeting

Monday, February 27 5:30-6:30 pm Convergence Zone TO RA I Mountain Bike Multipurpose Room, FREE Cascade Trail & Bar Military Saves Week (Monday, Saturday, February 25 February 27-Saturday, 10 am-6 pm March 4) is an annual Outdoor Recreation opportunity for installations $33, ages 21 and up and organizations to promote The 22-mile, crushed-stone good savings behavior Cascade Trail, which was and a chance for service completed in 1999, boasts members and their families 12 benches, 23 trestles, and to assess their own saving two bridges made from status. Typically hundreds of repurposed railcars. The trail organizations participate in follows the Skagit River as it the week, reaching millions parallels State Route 20. Enjoy of people. Join us as we learn a leisurely 14-mile, round-trip home budgeting strategies ride with a lunch stop at the as well as how to build a end. You can either choose savings account. to bring your own lunch or (360) 257-2432 purchase lunch at Train MARCH Wreck Bar. Register by Thursday, TO LS I SNOWINGA February 23. Saturday, March 4 (360) 257-2432 8 am-6 pm myFFR #4017056 Outdoor Recreation TO Washington Beer $29 per person Join us for a day to remember Open-House Tour as we head to the high Saturday, February 25 country, to an area that’s a 11 am-7 pm magnet for snow! Warm up Trips & Tours, with yoga and then, head off $19, ages 21 and up on the trail, with stops along Treat yourself to an event the way for yoga poses in the offering rare barrel tastings, new seasonal releases, savory snow and beautiful scenery to enjoy. On the way back, we food pairings, and other will stop at one of Whatcom’s unique surprises. Grab your friends and make a day of it... County Wineries. Register by Thursday, sneak a peek at the March 2. cellar tanks, meet the (360) 257-2432 brewers, tour behind the myFFR #4017063 scenes, sample their unique fermented creations, and bring home some souvenirs

RA National Read Across America Day

Saturday, March 4 Noon-2 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room, FREE Join us in celebrating National Read Across America Day. Enjoy a special Dr. Seuss children’s story time, Dr. Seuss activities, and refreshments. (360) 257-2432 RA

March Madness Paintball

Saturday, March 18 11 am-4 pm, ages 10 and up Convergence Zone General Quarters Paintball Field $15 includes marker, air and field fee. Teams will be assembled and then, embark on their journey to the top. They will have to fight hard to prove their worth, to be crowned the victors of the March Madness Scenario. (360) 257-2432 TO

Moisture Festival

Saturday, March 18 12:30-7:30 pm Trips & Tours $43 ages 13 and up, $27 ages 12 and under Don’t miss an intriguing assortment of entertainment for all ages! A highly skilled performance mixed with many bizarre talents, often humorous, with no limit to the imagination! Register by Thursday, March 2. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #9917077 RA 9 Pin No-Tap Bowling Tournament

Sunday, March 19 11:30 am-3 pm Convergence Zone $20 per person 9 Pin No Tap means we can even out the chances for all our bowlers to get strikes. Along with prizes for 1st–3rd place, we will have a special Striker prize for the one who bowls the most strikes! (360) 257-2432 myFFR #997045-01

homeschooling families during our fun, interactive learning event, with the NASWI School Liaison Officer. Enjoy information, resources and networking, and children’s activities, facility tour and door prizes! Register by Thursday, March 16 at the Convergence Zone Front Counter or call (360) 257-2432. TO Woodinville Wine Country

Saturday, March 25 9:30 am-5:30 pm Trips & Tours $22 ages 21 and up Travel to the land of discovery! Meet dozens of boutique winemakers, each with their own distinctive take on Washington grapes. In less than a square-mile, you’ll find more wineries in the Warehouse District than anywhere else in the world! This is where the person pouring your beverage is often the person who created it, and the personalities you’ll meet, and the methods and philosophies they share, provide the perfect pairing to any vintage. Register by Thursday, March 23. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #9917084 TO


Duthie Hill Mountain Biking

Sunday, March 26 10 am-7 pm Outdoor Recreation $33, ages 14 and up Duthie Hill is the most popular spot to ride in Western Washington! There are dozens of trails from beginner skill level to professional. Surrounded by a lush forest of Douglas firs and Western hemlocks, Duthie Hill has a beautiful set up with a picnic area and a shelter to relax. Register by Thursday, March 23. (360) 257-2432 myFFR #4017086

Homeschool Happening

Tuesday, March 21 11:30 am-1:30 pm, lunch served at 11:30 am and includes one slice of pizza and one drink. Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room, FREE Learn about homeschooling and meet other EXPERIENCE NAVY LIFE WHIDBEY · JAN.-MAR. 2017






Mt. Baker

Saturday, January 14, 8 am-6 pm Outdoor Recreation $30, ages 14 and up


Take fat bikes up to Mount Baker and enjoy riding in the snow at the Snow Park and trails that go all over the place. There are approximately eight miles of trails! Register by Thursday, January 12. myFFR #4017014




Vancouver, B.C. Saturday, January 7, 9 am-9 pm Trips & Tours

$79 ages 19 years or older, $53 Youth ages 13-18, $45 ages 5-12, FREE ages 4 and under (lap seat). Family Rate $235 (2 adults and 2 children) Hitch a ride to Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, B.C., where a winter wonderland awaits you! Surrounded by snow-capped firs, there is something for everyone! Ice skate on the pond, trek through the alpine snowshoe park, catch a magical sleighride, rent a carpet in the slide zone and then, warm up and watch a movie in the Theater in the Sky! Register by Thursday, January 5. myFFR #9917007



DINNER CRUISE Saturday, February 11, 4-11 pm Trips & Tours $105 per person, ages 13 and up

Enjoy an unforgettable dining experience aboard a beautiful yacht–complete with the finest culinary offerings, friendly, attentive service, and stunning views of Seattle’s lakes and city skylines! Register by Monday, January 23. myFFR #9917042



Saturday, January 21



Saturday, February 4

MT. BAKER myFFR #5117035

Saturday, February 18


Saturday, March 4


Gardening RA


Tuesday, January 17 myFFR #997017-01


Tuesday, February 21

Saturday, March 18, 12:30-7:30 pm Trips & Tours

All shuttles depart: 7 am Return: 8 pm Stevens Pass, 6:30 pm Mt. Baker $15 per person Liberty-eligible, $20 per person for all others

myFFR #997017-03

Don’t miss an intriguing assortment of entertainment for all ages! A highly skilled performance mixed with many bizarre talents, often humorous, with no limit to the imagination! Register by Thursday, March 2. myFFR #9917077

Relax and let us do the driving, and enjoy a day on the slopes!



$43 ages 13 and up, $27 ages 12 and under



myFFR #5117063

Bring your own gear or rent from the resort. Show your military ID for a discount on your lift pass. Must register two days prior to trip.

myFFR #997017-02

Tuesday, March 21 5:30-6:30 pm Convergence Zone Multipurpose Room Learn how to start your own indoor garden. We will begin our series planting herbs and then, in later classes, learn how to transplant those into our own outdoor spaces.




Saturday, February 11, 2:30-11 pm Outdoor Recreation $23 per person

The experience of snowshoeing on a moonlit night is one that will never be forgotten! The deep green trees are cloaked in white, yet in the moonlight, we see the hues of white, black and gray. Register by Thursday, February 9. myFFR #4017042



Saturday, March 4, 8 am-6 pm Outdoor Recreation $29 per person

Join us for a day to remember as we head to the high country, to an area that’s a magnet for snow! Warm up with yoga and then, head off on the trail, with stops along the way for yoga poses in the snow and beautiful scenery to enjoy. On the way back, we will stop at one of Whatcom’s County Wineries. Register by Thursday, March 2. myFFR #4017063

The Navy Community Recreation program is located at the Convergence Zone. All Navy Community Recreation (NCR) Trips & Tours depart from the Nor’Wester Building Parking Lot. All Navy Community Recreation Outdoor Recreation trips depart from the Convergence Zone (CZ), unless otherwise stated. Patrons must register two days prior for all trips, unless otherwise stated.

(360) 257-2432


New Year



Ages 14 and up

Saturday, February 25 to Sunday, February 26, 11 am-6 pm Convergence Zone

How easy is it to bowl better? This four-week session will introduce you to the basics of bowling and help you fully enjoy your time on the lanes. Each week, we cover a new lesson then, get out on the lanes to put that lesson to practice. There are also reference materials that you can keep. Register by Monday, February 6. myFFR #997043-01

USBC Singles and Doubles events for all. Expected ratio payout is one for every five. Eligibility: WIUSBC members with an established USBC average from 2015/2016 season, or 2016 Summer, or current 2016/2017 league members. Register by Thursday, February 16. myFFR #997044-01


Sundays, February 12, 19 & March 5, 12, 11:30 am-1 pm Convergence Zone


$10 per person



Paintball Wars

Cooking with Liberty


LIBERTY SINGLE SAILOR PROGRAM IN-HOUSE EVENTS These events are FREE and are held at the Liberty NW Center, unless specified.

TOURNAMENT NIGHT Ping Pong Tournament Thursday, January 5

Command Info Day Whidbey’s Liberty Center is located within the Admiral Nimitz Hall Galley, a convenient distance from the barracks and work centers. Single Sailors, single Marines and geographical bachelors, who are looking for something to do, should start here. We want to get you out of the barracks, off the base, and out to enjoy the great Pacific Northwest. Fun, affordable activities for single service members! Call (360) 257-3309. For most up-to-date information, visit whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

First Friday of every Month 2-4 pm We’re coming to you with all of the great trips and events MWR has planned for you! Check out your work-space bulletin boards for the latest information!

Monthly Birthday Celebration

Last Friday of every Month 9 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill, FREE* Join us as we celebrate you! Karaoke and a DJ playing all your favorite hits, food and drink specials, games and fun! *Food and drink specials extra

Pool Tournament

Wednesday, February 8

Video Game Tournament

Thursday, March 30 5:30 pm Sign up at the counter anytime prior to event start time. Prize awarded to the winner.

GAME NIGHT Board Games

Wednesday, January 11

Texas Hold ‘em

Wednesday, February 22


Wednesday, March 22 6 pm Join us for a fun night! Snacks provided (while supplies last).

Dungeons & Dragons

Friday, January 13, Thursday, February 16 and Tuesday, March 28, 5 pm Come out and play Dungeons & Dragons with us. Never played before? We’ll teach you the basics.

MWR Info Day at the Galley

Wednesday, January 18, Wednesday, February 22 and Friday, March 17 10:30 am-1 pm Admiral Nimitz Hall Galley Stop by our information booths, on your way into the galley, for the monthly Special Meal Day! Giveaways, games, and gear on display each month.

Celebrate National Pie Day

Monday, January 23, 5 pm Learn how to make homemade, no-bake pies (while supplies last).

Space to Create

Thursday, January 26, Monday, February 13 and 24

Tuesday, March 14, 6 pm We provide the supplies and space for you to get in touch with your artistic side (while supplies last).

Magic the Gathering

Tuesday, January 31, Monday, February 27 and Monday, March 20 5 pm Come out and play Magic the Gathering. Never played before? We’ll teach you the basics.

Liberty Trips & Volunteer Opportunities Patrons must register two days prior for any trip or activity listing a myFFR #, unless otherwise noted. Deposits for any activities with a fee can be made at the Liberty NW Center, located next to the Admiral Nimitz Hall Galley.

JANUARY Liberty Shuttle

Saturday, January 7, Saturday, February 11 and





Saturday, March 25 | 10 am-6 pm $70 Liberty-eligible, $95 Guest

Make a difference in your community and volunteer! The Museum of Flight is home to the world's oldest fighter plane, the supersonic Concorde, the only full-scale NASA Space Shuttle Trainer, and the beautiful Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Afterwards, we will head on over to iFly and go indoor skydiving. Experience two unforgettable flights, with an instructor, for the freefall equivalent to three skydives from 12,000 feet. Register by Thursday, March 23 myFFR #5117084


Sunday, January 22 Register by Friday, January 20 myFFR #5117022 Sunday, February 12 Register by Friday, February 10 myFFR #5117043 Help gather nonperishable food items at local grocery stores for the North Whidbey Help House.

ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY 11 am-3 pm

Sunday, March 26 Register by Thursday, March 23 myFFR #5117085 Adopt-a-Highway is a roadside clean-up program that promotes pride and local ownership in Washington. We even have our own section of highway, with our very own roadside sign. Trash bags, hard-hat, vest, and bottled water provided. Please dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes.

Liberty-eligible and guest over 18

(360) 257-3309

Liberty-eligible and guests over 18




es to

Seattle EMP Museum

Sunday, March 12, 1-4 pm Shuttle to Seaplane Base and into town, with a stop at Wal-Mart. Register one day prior.

Pokemon™ GOes to the Seattle EMP Museum

Saturday, January 14 9 am-7:30 pm $30 Liberty, $35 Guest Are you a Pokemon ™ Go player? Come with Liberty to the Seattle Center. Visit the EMP Museum and spend time afterward catching Pokemon™. Not a Pokemon™ player? Spend time exploring Seattle on your own, after your visit to the EMP Museum. Register by Thursday, January 12 myFFR #5117014

Trips & Tours Ski Shuttle


January 14 9 am-7:30 pm

Are you a Pokémon™ Go player? Come with Liberty to the Seattle Center. Visit the EMP Museum and spend time afterward catching Pokémon™. Not a Pokémon™ player? Spend time exploring Seattle on your own, after your visit to the EMP Museum.

Saturday, January 21 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117021 Saturday, February 4 Mt. Baker, myFFR #5117035 Saturday, February 18 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117049 Saturday, March 4 Stevens Pass myFFR #5117063 All shuttles depart: 7 am Return: 8 pm Stevens Pass, 6:30 pm Mt. Baker $15 Liberty, $20 Guest Relax and let us do the driving, and enjoy a day on the slopes! Bring your own gear or rent from the resort. Show your military ID for a discount on your lift pass. Must register two days prior to trip. (360) 257-2432

Help House Food Drive Volunteer Opportunity Sunday, January 22 myFFR #5117022

Sunday, February 12 myFFR #5117043 11 am-2 pm Help gather nonperishable food items at local grocery stores for the North Whidbey Help House.

Seattle’s Chinese New Year Celebration

Saturday, January 28 9 am-6 pm Trips & Tours $20 Liberty, $15 Guest Celebrate the Year of the Rooster at Seattle’s Chinatown International District’s Lunar New Year Celebration. Traditional dragon and lion dances, Japanese Taiko drumming, Bollywood dancing, martialarts demonstrations and a $3 international food walk! (360) 257-2432 Register by Wednesday, January 25. myFFR #5117028

FEBRUARY Langley Murder Mystery Sunday, February 26 9 am-6:30 pm $10 Liberty, $15 Guest Bring your notepad, your sleuthing hat, and your curiosity! Without fail, every February someone commits a terrible crime in Langley and it’s up to YOU to figure out who-dun-it! Register by Thursday, February 21. myFFR #5117057

MARCH Indoor Rock Climbing

Saturday, March 11 10 am-5 pm $25 Liberty, $30 Guest Come rock climbing indoors at Skagit County’s only rock climbing gym. Never climbed before? Learn how to belay and climb with an instructor.

Cost includes transportation, climbing shoes, harness, gym pass, and instruction. Register by Thursday, March 9. myFFR #5117070

iFLY and Museum of Flight

Saturday, March 25 10 am-6 pm $70 Liberty, $95 Guest The Museum of Flight is home to the world’s oldest fighter plane, the supersonic Concorde, the only full-scale NASA Space Shuttle Trainer and the beautiful Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Afterwards, we will head on over to iFly and go indoor skydiving. Experience two unforgettable flights, with an instructor, for the freefall equivalent to three skydives from 12,000 feet. Register by Thursday, March 23. myFFR #5117084

Adopt-a-Highway Volunteer Opportunity

Sunday, March 26 11 am-3 pm Adopt-a-Highway is a roadside clean-up program that promotes pride and local ownership in Washington. We even have our own section of highway, with our very own roadside sign. Trash bags, hard-hats, vest, and bottled water provided. Please dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes. Register by Thursday, March 23. myFFR #5117085



$30 Liberty, $35 Guest Register by Thursday, January 12 myFFR #5117014

(360) 257-3309

Liberty-eligible and guest over 18 26


Once your request is submitted, you should be contacted within 24 hours with the status of your ticket. If your maintenance request is an emergency, please call (360) 257-3358 (Urgent and emergency maintenance includes imminent danger to persons and/or imminent damage to personal or government property.)

You can submit your routine maintenance requests online by visiting navylifepnw.com



1. Find Your Installation 2. Go to Housing>Unaccompanied Housing> Barracks Maintenance Request



Sunday, February 26 9 am-6:30 pm

M�R�E� M�S�E�Y Bring your notepad, your sleuthing hat, and your curiosity! Without fail, every February someone commits a terrible crime in Langley and it’s up to YOU to figure out who-dun-it!

$10 $15 Liberty


Register by Tuesday, February 21 myFFR #5117057

Liberty-eligible and guest over 18

(360) 257-3309

Indoor Rock Climbing TRIP Saturday, March 11 10 am-5 pm Come rock climbing indoors at Skagit County’s only rock climbing gym. Never climbed before? Learn how to belay and climb with an instructor. Cost includes transportation, climbing shoes, harness, gym pass, and instruction. Register by Thursday, March 9 myFFR #5117070

$25 Liberty-eligible | $30 Guest Liberty-eligible and guest over 18



Presidents’ Day Meal at the Galley

Bakerview’s Friendly Staff


ENTERTAINMENT & DINING Please check the website for more information and updates: whidbey.navylifepnw.com. Prices, dates and times may be subject to change without prior notice.

M.T. McCormick’s Officers’ Club Renovation


Monday, December 19, 2016-Thursday, March 30, 2017. The Officers’ Club will be under renovation Monday, December 19, 2016-Thursday, March 30, 2017. Exciting changes in the works. The club will be re-opening in April!

Presidents’ Day Special Meal



Special meals are open to everyone with base access. Visit navylifepnw.com and click ‘Food & Drink’ for meal hours of operation, GPS coordinates of location, and the Chuckwagon service schedule. (360) 257-2469

JANUARY Martin Luther King, Jr. Special Meal

Wednesday, January 18 11 am-1 pm $5.55 active duty, civilians, DoD, retirees and family members of E-5 and above. $4.20 family members of E4 and below. 28

Wednesday, February 22 11 am-1 pm $5.55 active duty, civilians, DoD, retirees, and family members of E5 and above. $4.20 family members of E4 and below.

St. Patrick’s Day Special Meal

Friday, March 17 11 am-1 pm $5.55 active duty, civilians, DoD, retirees, and family members of E5 and Above. $4.20 family members of E4 and below.

ONGOING EVENTS Sensory-Friendly Movie

2nd Thursday of every month, 6 pm Skywarrior Theater has partnered with the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) to deliver a unique movie showing where you can feel free to be you! We turn the lights up,

and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! (360) 257-5266

Friday Dinners

Fridays, 5-8 pm Bakerview Restaurant Enjoy one of our many premium dinner entrées or order off of our regular menu. Open to all hands! (360) 257-2505

Be-a-Star Karaoke Night Fridays, 8 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill, FREE (360) 257-4847

All Request Night & Trivia Saturdays, 8 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill, FREE (360) 257-4847

JANUARY Pub Game Night

Wednesday, January 11, 6 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill Pool tournament prizes awarded to first and second place! (360) 257-4847

Right Hand Man Night

Pub Game Night


Chocolate Strawberries & Roses

Friday, January 20, 7 pm CPO Club, open to members and member guest(s) only. DJ, appetizers, and door prizes! (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891

NFL Super Bowl Party*

Sunday, February 5, FREE CPO Club, open to members and member guest(s) only. Chili Cook-off, trivia and prizes! (Not an NFLsanctioned event.) (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891

NFL Super Bowl Party*

Sunday, February 5, 1 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill, FREE Open to ages 18 and older Tailgate Menu featuring food and beverage specials. Half-time games, contest and trivia. (Not an NFLsanctioned event.) (360) 257-4847

Wednesday, February 8 6 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill Dart tournament prizes awarded to first and second place! (360) 257-4847

Tuesday, February 14 All-Hands Event Bakerview Restaurant Purchase your one true love a Valentine’s Day package from Bakerview Restaurant! The Valentine’s Day package includes onedozen red roses and eight succulent, chocolate-dipped strawberries. Call for prices. Orders must be placed by Friday, February 10 at 1 pm. Orders may be picked up starting at 9 am, on Tuesday, February 14. (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891

ENTERTAINMENT & DINING 80’s at the O’club






Châteaubriand Valentine’s Dinner

Tuesday, February 14 6-9 pm, All-Hands Event Bakerview Restaurant Celebrate the romance of Valentine’s Day with an evening of decadence. To enrich the occasion, our Executive Chef has created an enticing menu perfect for Valentine’s Dinner. For a reservation call (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891.

St. Paddy’s Luck of the Irish Celebration

Friday, March 17, 9 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill DJ, karaoke, food and beverage specials, games, and contest. (360) 257-4847


Anti-Cupid Bash

Tuesday, February 14, 6 pm Kegler’s Bar & Grill No significant other in your life? No worries! We will be hosting our annual Anti-Cupid Bash! Try your hand at shooting the pesky little devil. (360) 257-4847

MARCH Bayou Brewer’s Night

Friday, March 3, 5 pm CPO Club, open to members and member guest(s) only. Mardi Gras-themed event with music, food, and prizes! (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

Friday, March 17, 5 pm CPO Club, FREE Open to members and member guest(s) only. DJ, appetizers, and door prizes! (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891

M.T. McCormick’s Officers’ Club RENOVATION

The Officers’ Club will be under renovation Monday, December 19, 2016-Thursday, March 30, 2017. Exciting changes in the works. The club will be re-opening in April!

Open to Members and Member Guest(s) only. Chili Cook-off, trivia and prizes! (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891


1 pm Tailgate Menu, featuring food and beverage specials. Half Time games, contest and trivia. Open to ages 18 and older (360) 257-4847 *This event is not endorsed by the NFL.


Strawberries & Roses Tuesday, February 14, Bakerview Restaurant

All-Hands Event. The Valentine’s Day package includes one-dozen red roses and eight succulent, chocolate-dipped strawberries. Orders must be placed by Friday, February 10 at 1 pm. (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891


Valentine’s Dinner

Tuesday, February 14, 6-9 pm, Bakerview Restaurant

All-Hands Event, Celebrate the romance of Valentine’s Day with an evening of decadence. To enrich the occasion, our Executive Chef has created an enticing menu perfect for Valentine’s Dinner. (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891


Friday, March 17, 5 pm, CPO Club, FREE

Open to Members and Member Guest(s) only. DJ, appetizers, and door prizes! (360) 257-2505 or (360) 257-2891


Friday, March 17, 9 pm, Kegler’s Bar & Grill DJ, karaoke, food and beverage specials, games, and contest. (360) 257-4847




(360) 257-2649 cliffside@navylifepnw.com

Reservations: 1-877-NAVY BED | www.navygetaways.com NAS Whidbey Island Oak Harbor, WA 98278

May-Sept.: Sunday-Thursday, 10 am-6 pm Friday & Saturday, 10 am-8 pm Oct.-April: Open daily, 10 am-6 pm

WINTER EVENTS AT Jim Creek: Star Wars Day-Episode I Saturday, January 28 Jim Creek’s FROZEN Celebration Saturday, February 25 Sham-ROCK the House at Jim Creek Saturday, March 11 (877) NAVY-BED | navygetaways.com | (425) 304-5363/5315 30

All events are from Noon-4 pm and are FREE, unless otherwise noted.

NEW Navy Community Recreation’s Leisure Travel Program Travel made easy

As the leader in leisure travel for our military and government clients, we specialize in getting you the BEST deals for your travel needs!

Cruises • Vacation Packages • Group Tours Air • Car • Rail • Hotel Accommodations Look forward to: • Personal service before, during, and after your vacation. • The best prices! Our Agents find the best prices and discounts exclusive for the military market! • A specialized service which ONLY serves Active Duty, Family Members, Retirees, Reservists, and authorized civilian employees.

Contact our Agents today!

(360) 257-2432



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