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ROYAL NAVY OFFICERS receive a specialist service

N&ivy i Jews




No. 4





The Official Newspaper of the Portsmouth Command

Price Threepence


II.M.S. DRYAD, in the village of Suuthssick. the miles north-west of Portsmouth. is the headquarters of the Navigation and Direction Branch and is the training school for officers who and in the navigation specialise tier ships. handling of Majesty's Officers who) specialise in the direction of aircraft do their training in the action organisation there before they go to Il.M.S. harrier in It is the home and Suiith-W cst training school for the seam en s Ito work with these officers, the radar plot ho mart the action informarating', tion organisation In ships. These men are responsible for operating the many different sort,, of ;)oe rftil radar sets shich detect es cry ilting above the stirface of the sea, including ships. shoreline anti aircraft. They then sift, plot and tIispla the information they have obtaineil in such a way that it can be readily understood and acted upon by the captain and by his officers who control the various weapons. It is also the commissioned the home of boatswains who, are trained at 11.M.S. 1)r) ad, ss hich thereafter becomes their . Inia .\ later. the na'. igating officer, the direction officer and the men of the radar plot branch are all concerned with the operation of radar and with the clear plotting of all the information obtained from radar. asdic and wireless reports and h, every other means so that the captain can fully appreciate the situation around him and so manoeuvre his ship and deploy his weapons to best advantage. Ship-borne radar comprise many 'Some of give warning types. 150 aircraft to over approaching of aircraft, miles or obtain height to others are specifically designed detect or assist in navigaships tion or the by locating buoys shoreline. Radar o carried in every type of ship, including submarines, and all except those specially designed for the control of guns are operated h men of the radar plot branch.



This photograph of an airborne radar display shows what radar can do. Readers will recognise the Fleet anchored in Spithead for the Coronation Naval Rerwu, on June 13, 1953. The entrance to Porismouth Harbour and Southampton Water can be clearly seen, and Ryde Pier on the Isle of JJ'iht shows up clearly with a ferry going alongside. Indie'


See Centre Pages Or

)pectat Article and Pictures











1l-i E FOLLOWING Prts,tuthmanned ship'. are expected to cominision during the next six months

FOR (t

tit si. St KVI( I.

September IS: ~ Flect B(Honle ay




October 26:


H.M.S. Charity (s1cd-

Harrosa I Slediterr.tncan i)


Whiteand )

I-Ionic fleet).

late December: H.M.S.M:igpie (Home Fleet! South Atlantic). ate




March: 1f.M.S. Scorpion (Meditrranean Home Fleet): HYsI .5. Morecambe Bay. (Home Fleet 'Anicrica and 'Aest lndis).

1-OR FOREIGN Stgvu t January: East).



February: (Far East); (ulfl.

H.M.S. New foundland H.Ysl.S. Wren (Persian








NAVAL CLUBS .. . 3 Navy in Parliament Services Club The


Navy News 11)110k


Rev. W. 3. E. Trcccnnt-Piott. ORE.. RN.. RnaI Naval Barracks. Portsmouth Ici.: t'orlsmouth 74571 (Ext. 2913)

House of Lords

Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth


THE LEAVE period has much reduced the volume of Command news. This has given opportunity, to publish those articles which, by reason of length, had been held over until space and circumstances were favourable. The cold and wet season which has fl)S(ltle adcd as summer has exploded the dictum, 'Second Leave's Best.' This disastrous summer, the subject of a recent radio talk, has given Admiralty rain strong publicity. So have we. Apparently it all comes from the Atlantic. In future, we suggest that ships returning to port for leave fire their cannon (to simulate fire crackers) or pursue devious and tortuous courses. Only by such methods may we thwart, frighten and bewilder the weather devils from their purpose. Readers of the NAVY NEws, particularly those who live in rural areas, are asked to bring the Command newspaper to the notice of their retired friends. Walking your rural or civic rounds for such an errand has social attractions. A guide dog rather than a compass may be an asset, and to those whose problem of a birthday present is real and pressing, may we suggest an annual subscription, 4s. 6d. post free. Of course, the cachet of excellence to your gift would be a birthday announcement in the personal column. Such a personal service is capable of extension to other anniversaries. And for engagement notices, too! Insurance Facilities for Service Men for unbiased arid gratuitous advice unlueltionable security choice *I best markets efficient claims service every satisfaction 6. 14. RANSOM. Incoroorated Insurance Broke,

18(79, PEARL BUILDINGS. PORTSMO)TH TeIerx',oneITeIe,o,,r eO,rsn,our5 71050



THIS CLUB is situated in Edinburgh Road, on the main road to the Naval Barracks and H.M. Dockyard. It opened on December 14, 1906, and for 48 years its doors have never closed; more than three million men have slept in its bedrooms. Sandwiched between two public houses, the Trafalgar might escape notice altogether, but a step inside will quickly disclose that it has the accommodation and amenities of a really good club. Its restaurant has a high reputation for the food it offers, and its attractive lounge is a haven in which to read, chat or listen to the radio. Other public rooms are the writing room, in which has been installed a large screen television set, and the games room for billiards, snooker, bar billiards, darts and table tennis. Sleeping accommodation consists of IS bed sitting-rooms and 250 single cabins. Other facilities are a clothes pressing room, a cycle store, and a barber's shop. The Trafalgar is owned by the Church of England Soldiers'. Sailors' and Airmen's Institutes, an association with headquarters in London, whose purpose is to open and maintain clubs in the principal Service stations

Do you wear a umper and trouser suit made by BARNETrS? If not, you have yet to discover the advantages offered by our specially designed trouser pockets. When wearing BARNEITS suits it is not necessary to undo the front flap to reach our civilian style pocket, while the old type pocket is retained on the other side and is provided with a zip fastener or buttoned flap to safeguard your valuables when bending or removing the trousers. The trousers conform, in every way, to Naval Regulations. Ask BARNETTS to make your next suit and, like thousands of naval ratings, en oy the advantages of BARNETTS design and craftsmanship. Despite the extra work invo!vesf. the price of our made-to-measure suit isonly t3 19s. 6d.



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Small Arms, Equitation, Cookery, Hobbies, Series, Dictionaries, Novels, Bibles, Prayer


Teach Yoursel1 Books, Missals

Etc. Etc.

Order Your Christmas Cards NOW NELSON HOUSE





IN THE House of Lords on Tuesday, July 27, in the course of a debate about the Navy Estimates, a number of Peers. some of them ex-Navv and Royal Marine Officers, showed great interest in, and knowledge of. naval affairs, and searching questions were asked about new naval construction, living conditions in ships, and future naval strategy.

Question Time in the House of Commons On August 12 the Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty (Commander Allan Noble) replied to a series of questions about the administration of the Greenwich Hospital and Iravcrs' Foundation and particular mention was made of the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Suffolk, which provides education for the sons and orphans of naval personnel. Amongst points covered in his answer was the fact that the boys do not have their careers chosen for them and a boy can take up any career he likes. A large number of boys go into the Navy but others have left Holbrook for many (at home and abroad) which shall be walks of life and professions. " S S available to Service personnel irrespective of creed, but which makes On 14 the First Lord of the July special provision for churchmen by Admiralty was asked what changes in having a chapel in each club. The meet- the method of entry and training of ings of the Trafalgar Christian Felis contemplated at Her lowship held in the club's chapel on apprentices Majesty's Dockyard, Sheerness, to Monday and Wednesday evenings are which he replied: a very live concern. "No immediate change in the The association leaves the day-to-day method of entry and training of running of the Trafalgar to a local in Her Majesty's dockyard committee which consists almost en- apprentices is contemplated although the possitirely of officers and ratings of ships of some modification is under and establishments in the Portsmouth bility consideration." Command, and quite understands that " S S all grants, subscriptions, etc.. that are specifically made to the Trafalgar Also on July 14, in reply to a quesmust be spent for the benefit of the tion whether his attention has been club. The Local Committee is most drawn to the fact that foreign agents anxious that all should know that have been taking photographs of Her the major reconstruction of the Majesty's latest warships at PortsTrafalgar, which was carried out dur- mouth from the deck of Nelson's flaging 1948 and 1949. and the many other ship, H.M.S. Victory, and what action improvements and additions that have he proposed to take, said: been made since, could not have been "I have no reason to believe that done without the very generous finan- valuable intelligence can be obtained cial help which the club has received by photographs taken by visitors to Fund for Sailors. from King George's H.M.S. Victory." the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, the " S S Commander - in - Chief's Benevolent Fund, and the association to which it On July 21 the First Lord of the belongs. was asked if, in view of the The Local Committee of the Admiralty fact that many men do no intensive can to tends to do all it Trafalgar course during their period of annual provide in this club a place where training, he will give the details of what and can find rest refreshment. ratings men, undergoing such training, have to both bodily and spiritual, in a cheer- do during this period. In his reply the ful atmosphere. It extends a special First Lord said: welcome to all New Entry ratings to "I cannot accept the implication of make use of it and its facilities. The the question. During their period of a club of costs of day-to-day running annual training. National Service rethis size, whose doors are never closed, servists either do intensive courses or still continue to rise, and the com- have practical experience in their mittee will be glad if welfare com- duties, often afloat. The value of partmittees will bear this in mind, when- time service both to the Service and the ever making grants from available individual is under constant review. funds. and if the hon. member will send me particulars of any cases in which he


ON FRIDAY. September 17. 1954. the Coastal Forces War Memorial, commemorating those officers and men who laid down their lives in the second World War is to he unveiled at H.M.S. Hornet from whence so many of the "boats" sailed never to return. The Memorial was designed by Mr. Charles Jerram. of Donald Hamilton, Wakelord & Partners, who served with distinction in Coastal Forces and has generously given his services as architect free of cost. It is being built by the Bath and Portland Stone Firms Ltd.. assisted h John Hunt, of Gosport: much valuable advice and assistance has been given by Portsmouth Dock yard departments. The simplicity of design is a fitting tribute to those who so quietly and eflIcientlv went about their hazardous missions. That the spirit of (hose who served in the "boats" lives on in those who, though read, were not called upon to pay the supreme sacrifice, is shown by the number who have contributed to the cost of the Memorial; 500 donations have so far been received. ranging from a few postage stamps from an old-age pensioner to an anon\ mous gift of £300. The War Memorial will he dedicated h the Venerable Archdeacon F. N. Chamberlain. Chaplain of the Fleet. The unveiling will he performed by Mrs. Catherine Hitchcns. the widow of Lieut.-Cdr. Robert Peverell Hitchens. D.S.O. and Bar. D.S.C. and Bar. R.N.V.R.

considers our arrangements are deficient I will look into them." "



The First Lord of the Admiralty was asked if he will arrange for the marriage allowance to be paid to the wives of men at the end of the first week of training in order to avoid hardship. The First Lord replied "Existing arrangements provide for payment of marriage allowance for reservists under training by the end of the first week. Standing instructions emphasise that applications must be dealt with promptly." On the same day the First Lord of the Admiralty was asked how much it was planned to spend on the Royal Navy in the three-year programme beginning in 1951; how much ssas actually spent in the period; and the value of this amount, in terms of 1950 prices, to which he replied: "The accelerated rearmament programme which was launched in the early spring of 1951 envisaged the spending of up to £1,025 million on the Royal Navy during the three years 1951 to 1954. Actual expenditure over that period has been approximately £976 million; the exact figure for 1953-54 is not yet known. "The provision made in Navy Votes to meet price and wage increases between the end of 1950 and April. 1954, amounted roughly to £60 million," The First Lord of the Admiralty was also asked the rate of pension for a retired Lieutenant-Commander at the end of the 1939-45 war, and what variations have taken place since. [he First Lord replied: "1:440 a year was the-rate at the end of the war. This has now been increased to £448 5s. A supplement for war service is also payable subject to an overriding maximum of £475. For officers who retired between December 19, 1945, and August 31, 1950, the rate is £475; and for those who have retired since then, £5tX)." The First Lord of the Admiralty wasalso asked if, in view of incidents in Portsmouth Harbour on Friday, July 16. in which persons were in the water for an hour awaiting rescue, despite efforts by individual sailors from H.M.S. Phvnix and by the police, who themselves had to be rescued, he is satisfied that adequate rescue facilities arc available in this area; and if he will take such action as is necessary. Replying, the First Lord said: "I am satisfied that in the circumstances everything possible was done by the ship's company of H.M.S. l'hunix and, in particular, by the two sailors who, like the policemen, showed a commendable disregard for their own safety. I do not think that any other precautions are practicable in this remote part of the harbour."

Portsmouth Command R.N. Cycling Club

NOW THAT the racing season is drawing to a close, the fight is on amongst the faster members to decide who will hold the club's "Best All Rounder' trophy, Electrician D. Bowditch, of H.M.S. Excellent, as good as puts his name on it with a ride of 243 tnilcs in the Poole Wheelers twelvehour open event on Sunday. August 22, Considering that this was partly rode in a thunderstorm plus a puncture and the after effects of a few pints of stout and mild. Bowditch will be a very hard man to heat over the longer distances. Also riding was S.C.P.O. Clarke and C.P.O. Robertson. Clarke is now riding his fastest times after 13 years of cycle racing, which all goes to show that the ditty about "three badges red" does not always hold true. It appears that the older niemhers arc putting up the faster times. Fastest 100?

Bowditch also rode a good race in the Southampton Wheelers Open 100. which he completed in 4 hours 26 minutes. He came third in a field of good class riders and was the fastest rider up to the 75-mile mark. It is understood that this may well he the fastest 100-mile time in the Portsmouth district, Able Seaman A. Paxton. a Chatham based member of H.M.S. Vern.on

the Massed Start Championship at Lee-on-Solent on July Il. He has since represented the Navy in the InterServices Track Championships at Herne Hill and also broke the Navy 25-mile record with a time of I hour I minute on the ,\leon Valley Course. Unfortunately he hit a (log whilst out training and is now reposing in R.N.H. Haslar with a broken collar-hone, etc., which puts him out of the running for the Navy Best All Rounder, Unfortunately the club has again been hit by draft chits. We are now convinced that the Drafting Comniander has at sonic time or other been hit by a cyclist and is reaping his revenge. We say farewell to S.C.P.O. Clarke, our Open Event Racing Secrctary. who is off to Singapore, and also to Electrician D. Bowditch, our Club Event Racing Secretary, who joins H.M.S. Montclarc very shortly. Their help will he greatly missed, especially in view of the forthcoming tandem 30 mile event on September 12. Marshals for the 30-mile tandem event are urgently required, and anyone who can propel himself to the Chichester area on September 12 should contact P.O. Writer Carter in Royal Naval Barracks or at our headquarters. The Nelson Tavern. Unicorn Road, on Wednesday, evenings. Looginarker.

Sbei', 1954

1t nt W1 E, \W (D- 1




1Ti 1 n_:l

Educational Qualification. It rhe educational qualification is reR, 1%~ quired for advancement to the leading rate from the able rate, and as for sea service, the lack of the educational I BOUGHT A PRAWNING BOAT: E. 1)clmer-Morgau, (Arthur Barker, qualification will prevent a man from IZs. 6d.) to being placed on the roster. It everyone S advantage to pass 1.1.1 as This is something better than the 'For wha wli'ance,ue,tt ,,,ay I hope from :h,ee?"-J!a,nlei, Act Ill, Sc. 2 soon as possible. usual run of books on "mucking about It should be noted that a stoker THIS ARTICLE deals with advancement from the Port Division Advancein boats" by amateurs whose sailing to the advancements to the "Able" Rosters. It does not refer in mechanic must ment any way possess the educational etithusiasm far exceeds their literary rate or advancements authorised by commanding officers. before before qualification appearing "abilities It has three points in its The following tna help in understanding the basic principles of advancement, a lied Board for leading stoker favour Firstly ;i k well though mechanic. Roster year the Admiralty promulgate Port pretentiously written. Secondly, the HOW 1% an Advancement Division numbers for each rate and What are the Advancement prospects author does not wears its by constant controlled? branch of the Service. It is by these reference to "good old Jack" and "dear Rosters are controlled by the "basic old Jill.--- and oilier ne ho louis and tint hi:i I the rate of advancement advancement to date." and once ratings are fully quali- is controlled. In prospects friends. Thirdly, the writer arriving at the Port 1955, are, generally speaking, iulterestiiig lied and recommended for the next March. hi:is not set (lilt to glorify himself, i-his Division numbers the number of men fairly on their a s as the (1111cc r rate they are good far placed petty higher due for release, promoted to oluicer, rate Iii :idva neenien t t o the chief h,():I t is the leading lad,,... I a ii ra , a roster in the order of basic dates. The etc., is taken into consideration. lady, will, a past (')tit of which arc worked out officer late is slow in most leading these basic dates way conic strange ghosts. ghosts whose Advanceiiients are tii:ide in vacan- petty branches For a clearer we %% ill vary in different branches: they may ek's. picture stork's Ibsen have put upon the that is, :i, ratings are discharged depend upon seniority in the rating to shore, advanced to a higher rating. look at each branch. stage, ghosts who loved and envied and held, or upon the date of passing for etc., Engineering Branch. Advance- were lost in a cry in the night. But qualified and recommended ratings the nest higher rate, or on a system are advanced in the resulting vacancies. metit to chief engine room artificer is they live for the present, I aura and her of "points." This last is a combination in vacancies, and we expect to make owner, a mellow pair still good for a if in any one year the allowed mini. of seniority and date of passing and hers the year'. 1 he chief mech' brisk fling with whatever sea or shore than were allowed in the eight during are more applies to the artificer to chief artificer previous and we are may have to offer. It is a pits'. pe rh:i PS, year, then the number to be an iciarr roster is h,a sic dates control the order nThe t 1 s. advanced will be increased. Conversely. underborire. Advancement to thus rate about the uninspired photographs. but iii which ratings are advanced and can if the allowed numbers are reduced an i itOrued i a Ce for those who pass now there is uric fine (Ira Wi rig that rises to he improved upon by recommendations its occasion; and, of course, this is overhearing will occur and no advance- 1and are fully, qualified, cornfor accelerated advancement, We are overborne in chief me nts can be made until the overC111 ph at ida liv not a rrr:i ii tial, recommendamonly known as "red" has benr eliminated. If, how' officer stoker mechanics and advancebearing are awarded tions. Recommendations ever. tire overhearing is large or will ment to this rate is by "trickle," It is half-yearly, on May 31 and November take a considerable tune 10 eliminate, expected. however. that the ovei hear- PIRACY: George Woodbury. (Elek, 30. ISs.) ;Advancements are tirade by "trickle": mg will he eliminated by the end of It is not often appreciated that in that is. to two per cent. of tire total ' next year. Advancement will then he in up light-hearted :ucct iii nit of the noble branches where the basic date depends allowed Irray he advanced vacancies. art of piracy enter on seniority, a rating may the Advancement to petty officer and and a wholly delight furl scholarship sense of every six months. roster ahead of another rating already For example: Supposing the n ii tuber leading stoker mechanics is good. 55 it hr liii mmi r, this is right heartily co ni when a man there: this happens quali- of chief petty officer stoker mechanics little delay after becoming fully (I(i to those who Ira se ties for the higher rating later tha ii another nian who is his junior. Louis Ic (jolif in ---The .\dverrtrrres of





petty I


What benefits are obtained by, and is there a limit to the number of red recommendations?


to the leading and For petty officer rate each red recommendation advances the basic date by two mont us. For advancement to the chief petty officer rate the first red recommendation advances the basic date 1w two months, the second by three months, the third and each subsequent red recommendation by four months. If the basis of the roster is on points, each red recommendation is worth four points. Although there is no limit to the number of red recommendations which may be awarded to any one rating, there is a limit to the number which may be awarded by a ship or establishment, 'I his limit is approximately one red recommendation to every live men fully qualified for advancement.

qualmacquainted To sum up, one can say tire door themselves with tire adventures allowed is 220 and there are actually lied. of for advancement through I 22() borne. but the revised float Divi- j isto wide open officer stoker Sion truinirhers reduces the allowed num. her to 2(X) --an overhearing of 20 is caused. Advancement would he b "trickle." and four petty officer stoker nrechrzurnrcs would he advanced to chief petty ollicer stoker mechanics every six If a roster is dry arid the numbers are uinrderhorne. men are advanced as soon as they beconre fully qualified for A roster is called "dry" wiien there are no qualified men on that pa in curl a r roster.

made :



Do Re-Entries, men on I'ifth-i'ive on-('ourtill uous engagements and Service Engagements uriake 'a di!fereurce? All Re-Entries and men (in Ffth-

I' i ye engagements COOtI t against' tire Port Division numbers, but men on non-continuous service serving engagements do not.


petty mechanic. a Buccaneer." I here are to he met those Communications Branch. - - in tire spirited ladies Ann Bouncy and Mary telegraphist branch advancement to tire I Read. ss ho practised with considerable been rechief rate is slow; we are up to Port I success in wir:it hr:rs numbers arid advancement is in vac:in- garded as a male profession. 'I hue are cies. Advancement to the petty officer said to have concealed their sex from and leading rate is also in vacancies. their colleagues. although, if they did and looking at tile estimated discharges so in the attire pictured in the reprowe expect to make 10 petty officers and driced contenrrpor:urv prints, pirates 2t) leading telegrapirists by the end of Irrust have been singularly lacking ill Chic year. perception, it is to he regretted that In the signal branch :udva ncement to hothr the ladies violated professional chief yeoman. yeorria ii And lea (liii g cC iq (ret te by becoming nrot hers and siguralmnran is as for the telegraphist thus escaping tire customary hanging.-lire hook has its disappoinrtrireunls hranchr. learn with equanimity that Branch. We are under- I wino can the Ordnance Branch walking plank was nurt in fact borne in chief ordnance and artificers, I procedure? ''Sonnet iurne.'' tire the roster is d rv '' Advancement to I aurornrna nt hrunr tells its. ''tire living were (thrown t iris rate is wide to,- those


'open pass all(] are otherwise fully qualified.

Electrical Branch,- We are slightly unrderhorne ill chief electrical :artificers and the roster is "dry." In the dcc' Sea Service Qualification. Irical and radio electrical branches What is the effect of a nun-recoinA urran's advanceurnent may, he held advancement to the chief rate is show. mendation? up by the lack un the sea service quahi- and it is expected to he so for some A for advance- licationr. Although fully qualilied in - time. The rosters for advancement to ment entails the removal of a other respects no rating can he placed electrician, radio e hect r cia in a r] d leadname from the advancement roster. on tire advancement roster until ire has ins radio electrician's irr;ite are "dry." I Only by obtaining a recommendation obtained the sea service qualification. and advancement is wide open lot at one of the half-yearly reconimenda- If you are not certain of the require- those who pass arid are otherwise fully non periods can such a rating he ment for your particular branch you qualified. replaced on the roster. He then resumes should consult your divisional officer. I Although we are overborne in lead' his original position. Although there is Volunteers for sea service to qualify rig electricians' rn-ales, the underbearthus no penalty for a non-recommenda- furr advancement always receive sympa- mg of electricians allows its to :udvanrce tion when a rating is not near the top tiretic consideration front the drafting I a few electricians' nrrates each nnionrthr. of the roster, such a non-recommenda- authorities. The roster for chief radio electrical tion when a rating is at or near the top Two points worthy of note are no artificer is "dry" and we are underof the roster can result in the loss of a sea service before the age of 171 years borne; once again advancement to this considerable amount of seniority in the counts for advancement purposes, and rate is iinnurrediate for those who pass next higher rate. sea service in most branches must he in and are otherwise fully qualified. a ship that is regul:iniy seagoing or how is the rate of advancement Seaman Branch.-- Advancement to proceeds to sea from tizrre to tiurre (e.g.. chief remains slow. controlled? It is expected that submarine depot ships), 'lime in the about 15 will be made before the end The number who may be advanced Reserve Fleet counts as sea service for of the year :and the numbers to be made depends on the number of billets advancement in the cook and steward each year for the next few years should allowed in each rate and branch. Every branches, nrot fall below 3(1 Air 40. Advancement to petty officer is good. though the tinic when we advanced Have YOU a . . . alien :is soon as they passed is over -at personal problem? any rate for the tinre being. A wait of one to two years after passing bc the "prospect at the ASK ENGLISH seems to JOl-IN moment. I lie roster lor leading seaman is small and those who pass for this to (OP?in' under I/mu' SC/lent' when living Admiralty Hiring Scheme rate will not have bug to wait before Pardon lily writing to you, but I in daily Travelling distance of the ship. advancement. I hope That this gives von the answer would like to know if my husband and lIre shortage cateSupply Branch. I are eligible for the Admiralty Hiring you require. gories here are stores petty officer IS) Scircurre. Changing Branches and (Vt and leading cooks IS) and (0). Mv husband, a Petty Officer, is 21 Could you please tell rite why an these rosters are "dry" and advanceof ;and is a age, serving regular years easier method cannot be found ofment comes immediately a rating is engagement. but being a Fleet Air Arm branches'! fully qualified. rating iris horrre base is Lee-on-Solent, changing Yours faithfully. There is still an overbearing in chief therefore he is eligible to serve in Steward" petty officer writers and petty officer ships or stations of (litter commands. I don't altogether agree nit/n you cooks (SI that will take a tinie to work At the moment ire is serving in Korean oil, The small overbearing in chief waters, urn a Devonport ship, classed that I/ic present .s's'.rtu'nm is particularly nllicer cooks IS) and petty officer as Detached Fleet. This I daresay is :u difficult or complicated. You ,uu.st in" petty Finn'??, /O'r that the present .5551(,m avoids cooks (0) will not take long to dillicruit and complicated question. eliminate. ---Trickle--- advancement is unnecessary requests witic/u are put May I hope for an early, reply, for advancement to these forward as the rsu/i of a passing operating Yours faithfully. rates. in/dirt and are of pro its,. 1(1 the rita,: P. W. Advancement to petty officer writer or 1/mu' Service. Moreover. the ,4d,rmir' I is proceeding steadily in sacancies, Thank sum for your letter to the ally has no easy job planning ifne in Advancement to leading ss ritcrJeadPoRlssun'rut NAvY NF's regarding taku' of recruits correctly to ,rrai,mlai,m stores assistant (S) and (V). which ing i/ut' balance between the ranproper your elim,'il'ilitv for a /mou.ru' under the has been slow for sonic tmnre. is now omis branches the and 1/mis Admiralt hiring ,S'c/mt',nu'. of Service. :u steady improvement and this As 11.M.S. Warrior is at present would hu'co,,ru' impossible if i,mdiscrinm' I showing to continue is likely throughout 1955. volt with your inul(u' bu'irn'c'e:t branches iveru' abroad and cannot be transfers Advancement to leading stess .urd VOU are nullomtn'nl, Don't also, 1/mat husband at /mi.v place of duty you forget, mains good. and it looks as though the had an expensive training 'for plot, at present. eligible to c'o,ne under re-/mar't' roster for petty officer steward ncuy ire 1/:,' .scl,u'ume. As far as tin(, can tell at one branch. and That hue 1a.spavu'r nail"dry" before the end of tire year. to ,n,-n a lot retrain' when Ill(. returns to this not of allan! give present. ship on page 5 o(/m,'r /,ranches F Continued her will be iou,' for comuntry personnel eligible




overboard) too, hut this was rare and - -


under extreme provocation and was never the result of piratical joic de tivre." Faith was a little restored by the discovery that marooning was done by some of the best pirates. Spelling throughout the hook is. alas. American. PEOPLE 01 TIfF SEA: David 'l'homsonr, (Turnstile Press, 12s. 6t1.) Old hurried lnalf-fsnrgunttemn songs. risers of legend running darkly in the memories of the rcrnr na in C of the Celtic peoples, helped to pcrsumade David lhrunnrmsonr to his quest for the truth of the grey, seal, whose inunrn:un cry in the luring western nights has echoed line fears arid Iongiurgs (if the dwellers between the rnouintainn and the shore. This book slips easily in the manner of the Celt from the here to the hereafter. from the scientific data of Dr. 1.11(1 WL S Kuicin to the seal voices C ira I tire merge with gulls' crying and thunderous surge of tire Atlantic round far-off skerries. It is not everyone's hook. Burt it will ford answers and awareness ill lire mind.., of those wino our night ss-a tcires and in still moments have felt a hunuit C hrernr some compelling presence. the spirits of the quiet, lonely inl:ices. THE F Gl.1SII I'l.OTII.I,A: Hugh llickling. (Macdonald, 12s. 6d) 'lIris is. a convincing story. The Out ii izu is a flotilla of tank handing craft. officered and Iniannured for the most part by tennporary R.N.V.R. officers and hostilities olliv ratings. engaged ill working tip for time Normandy land' inngs. these people are all ellicienrt after their fashions, but the sea is for threnn a urn(innnenr tars- e spe rience. Here is the ring of :urithrenilicntv, tine lass ers tile clerks, the scir urur I hinys filing ill theil uii:u nt mine suibir rhi:r, wa r'fcver gk-i urg hem the necess:u rv i tn pet (IS to conrnmir it openly tile sins, great and little. ss-ir:chr iii their own proper habitat they would coirnirrit secretly or not at all. Below line tale is a significance, a svnrh(nhisunr a I nrluist medieval. The ma uries of the characters bear the savour of their souls.nnanrres in tlrcnnselves not ::urrisual. hunt possessed of a peculiar appropriaie. ness as applied. .1 here is sonic rehlec' liunmn of himself for every man who reads tin is book,




Then make the most of your


join the





You get your RN. rating and full pay on leaving the U.K. Pay is high. Family allowance for each child is 10/- a week from date of arrival in New Zealand. Your family travel out free! First engagement 6 years. Good superannuation or gratuity. IMMEDIATE


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If you are under 40 and will soon be released from the R.N. APPLY NOW Complete coupon and post in unsealed envelope with l+d. stamp. To:

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New Zealand

Please send details and application form to: Name ................................................................................................. Address ...............................................................................................................

R.N. Rating and S.Q .............................................................. Expected dare of RN. discharge ............................................. Age ................................................



Stamp Collecting WoR.N.S. NOTES (Coidillued front August issue)

Director, W.R.N..S.. Visil

I)AMF MARY K. LLOYD, D.I3.E THE COUN I RY of the Empire first classic British Empire stamps, and to Hon.A.I).C., visited H.M.S. Mercury to issue st.i nips after Great Britain a budding collector a few hours spent on SI ondav. July 19. 1954. had given the lead was Mauritius. browsing would he profitable. The Director arrived by ear at 10.15 the man "ho, I-l.ipps rummaging Errors in British Empire stamps are am. and %% ;is conducted round the through his grandmother's correspon- uncommon. Hence, when such errors Establishment by (apt. J. !: B. Longtlenec finds either a Post Ofhce penny do appear. auet:on prices are usually den. O.B.E., RN. She vitied every Slaurutius or.ungc-red or :u t%% OPCiiii high. For example, onl a few weeks department where W.R.N.S. ratings deep-blue st.t nip: lie li.u, found stamps ago a Victorian I long Kong stamp are on various d uties, Also c.uch with a catalogue aluc of £5,188). with an inverted over-print sold for the employed Signal School where the trainees in 1 lie s were locally engraved in the £75. The catalogue value of the stamp I classes 57. 58. 59 and 60 were rehearsisland in the scar 1847. Since onls with the normal over-print is only ing a semaphore display to music in about 20 copies of these have been about £2 lOs. Study your catalogue, readiness for the performance which iou, nd in the world, success in locating note the detail. use our eyes, and. was to the public during one would he world ness 5. the country on are collect- August Nas y Days. regarding Exciting finds ire Somet inies made. ing. try to know, a little more about its the Director expressed her pleasure For instance. at a book auction in a stamps than the vendors. You tiiav small town in the U.S. A. a bidder pu r- build up quite a good collection at a with all that she sass and commented (in the smart of the appearance chased musty, tattered reasonable price. \V.R.N.S. ratings. 'I lie stair responsible hooks. To his .ini.u lemeii t. illicit Another fascinating aspect of the for t li of the W. R . N .S. i ng through thcrn. he found an earls high ho bbs is the collection of sta nips with Quarters ss crc Hawaiian muss oru.i r sta iii p valued it congratulated by t lie on usual postmarks. For instance, the Director. thousands of pounds. In all our ports Victriaui sta nips of Hong Kong were of call he cert.utn to sit the sni.ull used in the Chinese treaty ports and S .R._S. Raiiigs stamp shops: w hell son li.is e g.uined ulsii iii Japan. Some of these arc Chief Wren A. I lansford. Quarters experience on will has e our exciting extremels rare: a recent auetioti Assistant. has recently finds. signed on to rca I sat ion of a Hotig Kong Stamp complete time for pension, and is now. St.uitips of cert.utn countries which which used in Nagasaki. Japan. Was £26 in H.'S1.S. President. She spent are unpopular with collectors can rk N2. Early 51 aunt us used servitig 21) busy mont Its ss in the Duchess often he bought che;ipls. since in pur- inpostiiit Scs che!les with postuli:ur 1364 are of Kent Barracks.(irking tier duties included chit sing them out are not pu rcha sin ext retruel rare and valuable. Fa rlv I accommodation commitments for the h.u rg.i 115. I sta nips used in the Persian (Iii If . the Naval contingent, The real atiser to the question, and Allen fetch good prices. Post- Coronation "What is a stamp worth!" is "What i marks arc a specialised field and pre- Review, parties. the Royal Tournament whilst under training, and the can on get for it!" sent fun and excitement when on group W.R.N.V.R, ratings training for the Incidentalls. ill the British NI iiseuini become more esp.rienccd. Good R.N.V.R. j 51)1! can sec a very fine collection iii hunting. Chief Wren Hansford also served - - (in the Port Canteen Committee. It is . thought that all the W.R.N.S. ratings who are qtuattered in the Duchess of Kent Barracks would like to express their gratitude to her for all that she flCfvcth/Cflt did on their behalf and to wish her success in H.1.S. President.






Piacc a rcqu/ar ordcr


with your




Higher Education Test rite next examination will be held in November. 1954. W.R.N.S. ratings who wish to sit the English and General ledge papeus are advised to attend the classes in Rosal Naval Barracks Wednesday, commencing September I. In the past W.R.N.S. candidates has e pros ed themselves apt pupils and achieved good results. It is hoped that this high standard will tie maintained.



Charge }1.M.S. \VR.N.S., Victory, A. Svmington, Wren Coder, I1.M.S. who is leaking after two and a half Graham: M. 13. Ross, Wren ('oder, years with us to take up a new ap- 11.51.5. Graham; S. M. C. Little. pointment. We wish her happiness and Wren Coder. ILSI.S. Graham. continued success aS Officer-in-Charge During their annual framing the W.R.N.S., R.N.A.S. Culdrose, In her WRNVR ratings take their full part lie to place Portsmouth First in Unit activities both in and out of Officer F. M. Foster Hall from I 1.51 .S. working hours. hoping that her stay will he They. are to he commended on the a happy one. in ss hich they so readily adjust Second Officer J. way laing has relieved themselves to Service conditions in the Second Officer 51. B. Hall in 11.51.5. p short space of time they remain with Mercury, Third Officer R. J. Moore has us Second relieved Officer H. D. R. 11.515. Da%s t.odrup in Dolphin. 'I hird August Oflieer I), P. Sss ,illoss has relieved As in previous sears iiicnib'is of Second Officer F. 51. Ilist mi I1.N1.S. the W.R.N.S. draw it from all establish(ollingss ood. men Is in the Ports unoti t Ii ( oniltila nd sold prog r;unll tiles in the dock a rd. Lecture Series During Bank II ol idpus Sunday the It is intended that a series of lectures victory ratings sold tile record n urn her will cotiinieilcc this a iii tutu ii. The subof 5.4O) programnies. I eaditug Wren S. jects still cover \V. R.N.S, history, 1a Ion wits the top scorer with 600 policy and administration. Those at- sales to her credit. tending will he gi sen the opportunity Seven W.R.N.S. ratings also pussisfeti to pile short talks and join in general with selling copies of this newspaper disciussions. in the dockyard (in all three day,;. Further information will he protiiulgated later in W.R.N.S, I):uily. Orders. 1.' I It,5i: ,



Sports I)ay, Ro'ual Marines Barracks Sports Day at the Royal Marines stas Barracks held on 14. 1 July W.R.N.S. personnel assisted st ithi the preparation of lea and the issuing off tea tickets to the many spectators who were present. W.R.N.S, relay teams were invited from other establishments. 'I lie race was won by H.M.S. l)a'daltis ' ' P 0 W hh jump and long jump Wren winner of the WO-yard and S. Jones were the winners of Ihe three novelty- races.

Sixteen W.R.N.S. tihliccrs and ratings entered exhibits in the Produce Show on the Victory (;at;, Day. 1 he followiriS won prizes and commendations: et-ummended, Sponge cake: Highly Wren Woodfiousc: fancy cakes: I. P.O. Wren I. C. Wiltshire; highly cornmended, leading Wren 1). 51, Miles. Brandy snaps: Highly cotiimended, Y bird Oflucer I). ( hapniin Sausage rolls: I. Wren S. Iltinter; highly cornmended Wren J. W. Ranisitv. Mrd flowers: Highly commended, Wren ' -

Variety Show-H.M,S, Mercury The ship's company variety show W.R.N.V.R. Annual Training took pI.ucc on July 19. 1954. Many Two coders, tin vidttialling and tine Wrens of all rates contributed tostards at lI.\1.S. clothing rating arrived the success of the show by taking part Mercury (in August IS for 14 days Also the Wneut in sketches, singing and dancing. training'. Leading wireless telegraphists. The Ietdine Athletics Wrens are studying for Part A of Ihe R.N.V.(W.)R. advancement cliuurse for Leading Wren I). J. Davies, II.M.S. petty officer wireless telegraphist r:tte. Nlerctirv, was selected for the CornThe follosting W.R.N.V.R. ratings hined Services (Women's) 'l'earn to took part in Exercise "Ilputtl'' during meet the Combined Universities and their annual training: F. Kcnss tirl fi. Southern Counties W.A.A.A, tin SatWren P.O. 11.51.5. urd:uy. Jttly. 31. at Motspttr Park. The iclegr.uphist, omhtned Services (Women's) learn Eaglet: 51, Brothwiek, Wren [dc('o,uii,uue'd on page 9 printer Operator. H.M.S. President:

founded in 1917. Its object is to enable ss idoss s, orphanis and dependants of Royal Nas v and Royal Marine personTHE MOST important event during. net to he trained and employed in August was the nc%ss from the general reununeratis e work as well as to provide congenial socict v a rid a healthy secretary that our patron, [Jet. NI.i;csts The Queen, has graciously gi.inted ,u occupation to those who need it, and t Royal Charter it) The Royal and financial assistance give W.R.N.S. Officers Association. This is a very great honour ss lucre uuecess,tr . . This month we say farewell to First and we expect a further announcenient file goods produced are chiefly Officer NI. R. Batiiutiatit, Oflicer-intin this subject from hea tlq hai ters ladies' coats, skirts, junipers and -In some cardigans. addition. customers shortly. have articles made to their 7 specialty A st:i tida id he:u u-er's sash and fr:utncil /7 ossn and many indivi/ / photographs of out standard dedica- duual dual designs are and made prepared up tion parade "ere recently presented iii New eittraitts are trained in firstus. Both presentations were made by class and crochet. Small payBOWLAN 1)5. AS the Ro al Naval n'etn hers in gratitude for the friend Ii' menus are made during the' training and Ros:ul Marine Slatcrnits Ilonic is ness and comradeship of the branch. period and stubseqtuciit payments are afrection:utels called by all those who The gifts were accepted for the made according to the work have ca uc to know it. flits a proud done. All stork is pa tI for. Rates of record d;i u ing trotii the end of the First uncut ate pa World War when various kept :us high as possible. Readers of NAVY Nn ws are invited benefactors enabled the esu:ublishuniicnt 1 lie Rev. D. (1. C. (:tiger. our to s-isit the Industry at 41 CI a nence and maintenance of :u ia', al maternity, bratiefi padre. will he leasing its during Parade. Souithsca. preferably not on home itt I'ti it sm out Ii to heconuie a September. lIe will he serv niticli f-rid,is or Saturday, Interest in the reality. arid no longer :u dre.ini. A submissed in the branch, where lie has workers and the articles pnoditced is seriptioti 01 £3.1X8) froni the Wotiien of carried out a number of ssclf:uie duties much Visitors will not he ( anad,u. and £10.0M I roni the Overin a most (fuiei. friendly and cilicient pressed to buy, there is a great need se:us Fund of the Navy league, were (li-k outside lie ha, for additional ss orkers at the moment. the chief tiuia neial bricks kill which the way. Apart from alwa s been lutist popular it( branch Applications for ciii plovtnent should home W.us built, and it was formally meetings. We are glad to Itea r 1 Ii at he made personally or in writing to the opened in August. 1921. his new is St. I Id cii's. Isle I)a rile F lisa beth Kelly. l).B.F.. was Suiperinit'nitlent. Nasal I loine Industry. of Wight, 4 I ( a retlec Pa i adc. Stiuitfisea. The wards at Bowlauds get all the sunshine. This one overlooks Southsea line (if tile first truetit hers of the coin-. . 1 sOC I -------------------P Common and Spititead 111111CC .111(1 ICIII.(IlI5---------------a strong an guiding intl uucnce over the affairs of the honie pus s ice-chai rmaii of the council £16), the fee of £19 lOs.. which is inThe annual report for 1953 has just of manage nieru t . She it 5% as who, on clusive of all extras, compares most been pith hished and makes interesting the ouuthre:uk tif star, searched for and with other favourably private nursing Copies may be obtained from reading. `~ W1 found Bes erley II iitisc at Wick h:im to homes in the district. the lion. Secretary, Royal Naval Barwhich safer arid quieter area the home The situation occupied by Boss kinds. racks, 1 lie report shows that finance Pliuiuic '. I:siahlishcd was transferred during the war ears. with all wards facing south and looking is the chief anxiety of the council of ' 6905 1880 During the star period. W,R,N.S. Head- out over Spithcad and the Isle of managenie nt, who while expressing quarters occupied Boss-lands and a cot Wight, is indeed a fortunate one, their deep appreciation of the generNasal 1 ailors a,,I OliifI!iu'rs in the home commemorates a gift of osity. of the Royal Naval Benevolent in mcmor of their use (if the Trust, the welfare committees of ships 172 & 182 QUEEN S'FREET, PORTSMOUTH and establishments of lite Portsmouth 5i,,! I-/-, I:,., premises. Since its opening in 1921, over ( oinnipu iiif and many other benefactors, NAVAL ALLOTMENTS ARRANGED 9.6(8) "Nas babies" have been horn in realise that the continued prosperity, of the home and 11)55 or 1956 should - the honie is dependent on its use by PRICE I.lSl ON REQUEST see the artisal ,f the lO,(%Xlthu baby..-the svises of the men for whose benefit FIRST IN TIlE 1-ILL!) FOREMOST EVER SINCE a proud record indeed. Mothers who it is run, were ib,'mn,'ts ,' born in the lion...r,' And what a wonderful contribution flow having their ow n babies there, Boss lands is making to the start in life A child iif the Navy baby! A. 1', P. . cia I Road is run in connection with the 4-,1 home and pros-ides for ante-natal and ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH post-natal stork st hich is such a necesWELL, WELL!! .... sary feature of maternity under the Tftcrc are a Considerable Plumber of s c,i neics an It a rss cli for ex-Ros :uI Nas v best and most modern conditions. The pre-war job of cleaning brass personnel, or those to be released duiritig I 954-5, -pceu,tlly iii the following classes: Mothers ssishing to enter the home Was nothing to a Boy 1st Class, ENGINE ROOM ARTIFICERS should apply for a hooking either at And to the model type of boy El.ECI'RICAI. ARTIFICERS (INS1RUSIEN1' AND RADIO) Bowlands or the welfare clinic. Their Such exercise gave lasting joy. ORDNANCE ARTIFICERS own 4octor still normally, attend them. One uiiodel lad, his hrasswork done, RADIO ELECTRICIANS otherwise, the services of the medical Climbed inside a 12-inch gun officers of the hitutrue are available. In Other Tradesmen are required and should apply. To remove, the thought is just, these (lays of forni tilling it is no stir' There are also vacancies for both men and ssonieii for Resident Catering and Specks of rust. Hostel posts. Process Work, Security Watchkeepiiig. Laboratory Attendants, etc. prise to learn that the application num The gunnery analysis include certain information to decide Remarks with solemn emphasis Further details are set out in the booklet "Careers in Atoniie Fnicrgv" which can the scale of fees payable, Even if the be obtained froni the address below, or from the Re-Settlement Officer. Royal That from the nature of the burst Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. mother does not qualify for the lower The boy had had his dinner first, stibsidised rate )sarying, according to This Ns bab is Riot sure whether II, C, Middleton Si NiOR LABOI.R MA'AGrR, A.E.R.E., lI.rwell, Didcot, Berks. the rating of the husha rid, from £11 to to follow in father's 1ousieps




branch by our president, who said that ste ers much appreciated the thoughts behind theuii.

knitting sleekly





flight Training in ptenther. 1954





LS.A.!..l!HImore C!:


to tiidcnt ctliIii to ( orrv 1-icld for inIN THIS brief it is truint.nt more t ci tilt'. to sonic extent one of the training and lcsscr knossn tsptcts of file budding flying. Spending t good dc ml of time under the hood n is it Isi itor s ti tinint. This is [tie m the back scat of [lie Harvard and in the link trainer. scheme whereby a certain proportion l his 1' isa training. and of tile I kct I ntrs and short scrs icc mtcd (Pt and otlici.r who have volunteered for British oflict.rs in. isi tilt ii art. (lisp mtchcd to ,'.sincric i begin getting flight p-is but, for II'. ink. training with the 13 S Navy. our contemporaries it hoinc do not rcccisu. sins until completing the in Pciis icol i I It rid advanced training. 1 his I he sclicinc which is m idu. p0 siblc tour month i to keep in lint. with our \ilicric w through file Mutual Aid Defence I'ro ,i iilliiic pros isks flight training for cotiilicrp iris it dls incu.d hr mmmi. is oiliccrs and cadets front the N A I C) couiitri is well is ccrh tin Central ( hristi in southern (e is on the (mull weeks Amc nc ill Republics md besides tilt. ot Sic Xit.o and consists ofAlt si ..h.iiic .)t.iii''i 5.1 tii-it.,iillt.t cccItc'iIt traiiline_ gives 111cm tile " Us in_ Ikcchcrift and latterly tuilit'. ob to Flight. miniquc oppoi getting 1.2$ trainer. iii is is know Americans on "their home the nc by two to three months on zmds'anccd ground.--t training either lighter, strike 1 he Naval Air training Command. with Headquarters at Pensacola, is the or search in the Hellcat. Skvraider and Advanced students then reNavy's largest shore-based command, Avenger. and is charged with developing new turn to Pensacola I or advanced carrier are ilava I aviators, training skilled a via- qualification. alter which the'. lion technical pcisoiinei, and main- designated aviators, and receive' their t.m iii miii. tile prul is, ic nc s of the N '. ii I si. i nt.s from the Admiral in charge 01 Air Reserve. l'eiisacoba is a I so tile training. With the increasing dciii imid for jetof the Chief of Naval




done Corpus






otoi11 .

Ros.tI N.tsv. both as a means ot cklt.ncc md is i mc ins of attack. It is still rd itiscls few ol its who are able to ciiJo't the opportunity of ictu iii'. II i il ii Cii I t ourselves. We are glad. therefore. to hi. able to bring to the notice 01 officers and ratings scrv iii. iii POT tsniouth C oinni md the I mciii lit, oitcicd l's the Royal Naval Fly int. C Rib I lii club which existed before the list ss ur St is reopened it the R N '.ir Station. Gosport. in July. 1949 1%l111 tile bIb'.'. ins. objects: (it To iRj5 dt. m social centre for iii'. ii officers, serving and other'.s iss ss ho are interested in isi i.n


S it it ( :1 It c ~.t ;L c( tics to U oiiii on tile str imt.Iit I ict.clu ut. riding motor c'.Llcs in ilk l's itsimi uth ii.. m i few hard while still banked osu in m cot run irks about the,e potentially Icth ii tier is Under asking for '.'. capon s is in it out of' place. norma I ci rcumsta lice, it I also [lest here i i large hod'. ot opinion in to keel) tile hock in his s mint. ins m I tic illotoi t.'.cIt. r ut.miit. u_tint. that the the m ichinc ssithomit It. mini. rsl just. c ni ichiiit. iii out trippcd thc to tile iii ichinc I his ippli pit ticii ihilits of all but tilt. su.rs experienced hi tiM sshs h iris to pillion p isssnt.cr The "titer. stho flits considerml'.'. mss lie instructed to sit sqil tict'. th0 . experience of dris ins. ill is pcs of and Close up to tilt. I dci and flu.'. ci I not(:r csclcs ears and uRn itt and to ittcinpt to issi t tit t dci I k iii its had, his fair sIt inc S I till ills (and ilL citllci ss is is oh siin,i ii There hospital). opinion So far is braking i conccincd 1105 is no ( ouht th it iii its p iisihlc or riders seem scared to ii t. tile troni (Xt C Ii mdc file modern cptrit.ncccj brake and rely- only- on tilt. ii one s orh motor-ct.lc is potentially the most icifl ii weal sin cscr t(l iii. ill de '. ailable to tile public on litre-pill ch.ise terms.


1o mdc facilities for private 11% inc at economical rates within iy access to its members at - "-"al naval ports and possibly I_onE& '. I mmt(w)s don. I he it' un oh ths-.e notes is to help I l iii) I o enable naval officers, not tliiisc of son '.t miii coiiitmoit sense to trained by- the Service. alreacl our nit out -t. cli iig without cnJo to leant to Ii . your necks unnecessarily the jiipi"rdisin (is-I lit pios-ide contacts with My Ii Nt piece tit abs ict. therefore. Is at. ron i ut mc ii si orld and obtain in tile salt.'gu;m rcls for the rights and ill- iii mchmiit. ',"less Still can ci issils sour oh rncnibs.rs in conncc terest (ii)








geiimmiiiel. a set'. espei iemiced: tion with aiiv- iii the above sell',, the II cc. macli mime can provide on Air Basic Training, which is in direct trained pilots. a percentage oh the matters. newi hued students are sent hack qua with all the full ('m@ desire. apart oiit rot kit' - the basic training- -prorhe ci up Is at present operating 5'.fin front being cheapen and inorc' easil ( orpmms ( liristm for training in jet v gr_mmiilnc', ssliieh together with ihe ad- to t at (josport. I he iimiiciIed. Secondl , dtiii't he too proud Ilie net result mc Ihat -in aii emitci t.'euicS iiiccd training Pt.r mimi. at Corpus minerI it though in future this w ill he Ii '. e training aincrzil it the south end of t wear t cr msli Ii Imiict Bclmt.',c inc m omils the rear brake m ii ccl ssmtli the ( linmsti I exits. tunis out approximately carried out is part of advanced train- club building t besides the (hid 1:15--- In mcttmrcd skull i in t mm ill phi. At present. British sttmdcnt. are the airfield and ii risk of m skid mild s iolcnt contact si mtbi 4 011(1 qmi mltimcd aviators cvcrs sear the uilc1 iii lighter turd itt the I 6 or ing Instructor's office contains m large s I know to ins t.o t I limmdI get your the road it son are iii t clcsct I lit. liajonmi being cadets sthio are eti"Ill- tiHelical. 'file but it is hoped that t he'. st-ill reading and ret ieshiinent room, iiiissiuiiii iii the Naval or Marine riding positioii C01 reek. 1oo iiimiiv wise rider aIwa s use.; both b.rzmkcs. sit flying and other facilities now at the riders these da -. cent to b pet cited on , ihi;mt in an enicrgcmlc tiles are both I-ti. cmst. till receiving their wings. I lit. he jet-ti-mined in future. will enable mnomc Apart from the excellent training. dmstcsal of the club reai.i mnclcr consist lila iii Iv ol I-let.t top of their iii iclimiic sitting too far mutomn ttii, ills tisell, '.t itli i iiitmcbi hcttti flying member, to join before it be- back. thei r ted amid knees too high and eli;m mice of stopping. since tile I it ii m iiblmct.rs from (lie Naval Ac mdciii'. it the mere fact of spemd illg stone I6 ctimiic nccc s ii s to further airiniuitlis ii file United States. living acquire .,trill, stretched it far lorsi mid to brake is the minim u.tttcti'. t the ('.5 Annapolis, who have coiiipbcicd i inonc or Ic i an American. illords craft. The total iiisinlicisliip n o%% c\ 1 nd mcli tile It imidlst ii It is 5cr'. mm short peril)(] 01 sc m dii t s before s 0Iii ii HidIllhi n Ii m is m ri Uii it 5 tO the ccu.dI '50. Full junior p unique tipt RearA i._h biii,_-Renhiiidt r teen ng I 0r aviation. I ii is is basmea Ib tort iii t that oil lit ii IsI feel thoroughly officer, 5cr'. ins. or wlni have se rs ed coin fort ahtc and pa m t itt the machine. similar to our own training pro 11 %.it otliccr, si h cii 'lie si ou Iii tics er fly lot. t It is ' tit still 5'. i litimi t tile ieee' iii tli Ros \ is s Ru'. ii Marine, and otlisrss m c and sihicli sliiiulcl ml get, pnost. itli tile t ('cbs mimccls Ii ml int.scb the t.r itulimic ilmiitit.hi oil t comcssbi it I mnm.cr ins it. ii isticcitim sill stint cal, iiisl sc ii lit. m ilso their Rt.su.nvm, mild in tile l)onimmiion mlii ihlc in litter knees ibis to LI I tilt. I niL c msmls and Sc tic tit i st.rs sill ill hand tit Hi mtmsli 's is mc \s ocm itt. tnt.iiihcrsliip is open 5cr'. little sucmmIit till (lie mmmii'. 'file Illittill '.t.1t. sbt ii m tOiLdi tii mtI itt I cmi'. icol m is situated (iii lie (in t tint. il ollmccr, iii the United State,, md to i mtini. ;it t iit' cuiptmon of Li ill tcclmnm_ should, I c title oh coiiiplctt. are diiiiiltil ors from October 01 Mexico, iii north-west Corner its stmt Ii lit. i b "11'd to ph is ;tit till per mnritmmii '.sitli hum cntm mdc Ict. I ciii onmii mci m tct_limlt. you cannot Ii isc mull imidic (it I loi id i s I ,tlit. ihout _O() limit ( It mint. mt r tnt ill luntht.rimim_ illutu ml pon mm '. nit.inhu.i hip is opcii to ofbicu.i it '.ini iii. pcicbicd oil top s I thu. iiitbcs c m t 01 \ct,i Uric miis l-tout.uiIs port tricncl hip mncl undt.r t mndmnt_ 1 oth cr5 us. ott thu. ctm'.c I msts (if tilt. ,\rins mclimnc in i h md mint mtmon sit m I I I licri. irc scsu.i 1 _i i sI is Ii hut. 5 milic si/t. is \Wc miiouthi it rclmc ilis \ is s imid '.tithi th tit ins mci Ros ml Sit I once mud to cmsmim un nmdcr ilit. in inkct mliii this 5'.'. ii I . i mit 5cr'. I mrt.cts oil tlic Pmc"ccc ob thic with 015 lit. int.t.t obiict.r in \clmmitr mlt sirs mdc Also it ii,, br ictim ml i Idluilm_ tct.hinmqumc tilt. I)miis I' is'. sslims,li di sum mt thss Nas tor its sue and prosperit , aini cisili witmisber litiSi the ma ', not h gemier.iih y kmioss ii t lu_it al I tiit.-tlitids of t he Iamilsitis -lec Iteiiiiett claini. 'I lit.- '.vrmter ha s aIs'.as s I omimisi is still dsl miidmmit. oil tilt. stncnm tli ut it hc- reider moat otlmcsr mit in is.cs iii I c'tscutivc uh ilcutcIl tilts oil coumisc Iii ill tiic I itt. t'.'.cmmtl simmint, iuist u. ii I'. hhmrtit.s thi It Ro/ mIt. uscd b I tic t.simiu 1 iit.ii I lit. N is ml -\ir St itmon Is ibout Ii'. c 1111povmmii nmsticd uliScilt iii liii I mud I limt.h I'iirt mnoumth ( oilltn icici c in cki 7 still mppls I hcsc sssiu. miiipls th it ill stork mini cit. illimit. tip ittcms% mmd si itti nimhc sic i (it tIlt. t(i'.'.ii mud it is licnt. rcili H5 s. it miiiin_ ssmthi tIlt. club ,,, ih bisimit. mud siclI bit. Iilit.Ilt liotit-. Ii'. iii. hr ikilit. shuimmisl I t. di. mis, ii tilt. sim iit.lit tint. tib th s jt.llmcs I tlit. it. ii i lutt it th ml tilt. mdiiiimmmstr tmoii ob tlic N is ml to con v.Iiich Is p mmcl Ii'. tht. Adinir ilts I ht.mi hcluirc smitc.i nit,. m situ nt.r oat ics.ckr m to kccpmiit. omit. s ii mud iii i_ i d t. mliii .-ir Ir,m i bug ( omiiiiiand i ea m m mesi out, toni;r p is-itliis bso-tt.d lit.lltl'..Ainericami v in this course i. £ I 15s, : onl expense contemporary oil %il(iii si '.'. ,i it mmiiiil Ilie Conner has - hull. -i uii t lie Vmce-.Actimimr.m I iml cotilillIm nd rites ot pm s iiid iIten -m n iii it ial out- Ion insunance tIi is bc i tig a st i piil at mon Ii' till stich -as a car (by hire- by the Admiralty. which coiers the At Arlierican naval aviation , hut tlit.' la% reli ise 1 1.lu_u k i ti ii iforms and nuiller- html I 7 t -hour course. s a intiebcl ha lu_mci I IltIc' original very lglit-eictit cisibiati clothes to iSppl icat ions ton nieiiibcrslim p on for roo,ii Ion cpamismoil wnhm the mid easimig '. Ii ilie hot amid stickV climate. the Acliiiital t coUrse should lie sm/C zmnci sPeed ol iiiodenn amnenat I, so k possible to pros id smmieself si itii addressed iii the (hid lIving Iiistnimcall stmiclcnt mm.illlmmig is earrle(I out at eiltc'ntainmiiemlt. (sir. Ro.ml Naval I-l)'mllg ( huh. k_N. the ii u liet (iii S aii SiIIa rV bielcls luic;i k-cl adequate l)u ni ii ' the si in te n ss : 55 CIC able to ir Stat iou . ( 'i islisirt , tebe phone ii uni svitliin a 40-mile radius of die main 'oursels c-s on a between bc-n rugger Ciospuirt Stt146. iit. 227. Liitraiice air statioli. Some idea of the a/c °! the plas .- -jron tIme baseball sum are as follows : nitli borrowed fees amisi bscriptmoiis tr.i iii lug Coiiliii,m mid miia v he ga inc'd I roth I - .. er miich es emit n.m IIs ' . - -. Fittna nee fee : £ I Is. . qsmite tilt. I a.i iii it iiicrt. tnt. 27 dttlt.rcnt imr P im'.citil tu. liii stliich prodmicecl ht. it 11 51 S I Istlit. ".iiiiu ml Sith (1 _. scmmptmomis ttels!s mmisl l,inclihig grouiids in thcllasmc Sheblielcl s'. lien she .tnciiihc'r serving in the U.K. or in paid a short visit I namilhuig C omiimiianct aloiic'. s'. hmmlc at .-s miioiith later the the i-hiinc Ileet sir on Hoilie Ser('lie ii! the two Pnimllary tr_mmmiimlg tietds hiene in Slareli, s icc. £2 2s. uieiiihers oserse.m' tu.'.mmli hew to ilerili(md.i Cci take -\Vtiiti mig I - tc'l si . north ot h'cn s_mcola - nuggen si nd a rt iii the aii nuaI rugger eek. a I tI5. (.d . 12I Noii -ti ying miiem bem s. theme aie appioctniatels 43(1 amrcratt -- -had b'. , week ssas all. lO d. mi;ot cnjosahte ;. 101 rnmmnars ti miilillt. mboiiu. ol '.smiicmmc iii . umrcr ift Inc (ittid ssmtbi mils i iitiitil'cr Sli tlis climb -csIXcm I(owes-er, it is ,it l'eiis.meola N.A S. were conipet i hg amid liii Iida . - clua I coil t i-ohs amid are fu IIv insured I on / that lilt.' . student starts bits basic cuil legcs as well. ondimtar liabilitIes armsmiig from their there ilig training St ith an intensivc tis-e '.ecks Over the long wcek-emicls it is lisuall) use. 1 his includes perssinal mnsurailce C(iimrse at tIme Nasa I School oI l'neI.Ie Iii get a scat oil a SC ns ice Il i gut of mcmiihc ns st-lien usm ng the cl ub s 1I '.sliicli miii_lmmdcs clcmncnt ins I Ii1,_iit in ti uction is t.m'.cn h5 tIlt. stllit. nu.tiiott. p mt ot thu. couilitrs ci mIt I)tm-il ' ,, il_i S i(,i ti(lIi . emig mneerl 11g. pnm 11Cm plc's 01 tul thou cli dum ri tic the su miller Pcnacola. : cI u h'5 ( Ii ie t I - I m mig Instructor at mio at time end ot '.tbiicbi lit.' is light, c'ic., - ., ... vast seaeIies arid tacmlities br estra charge abosc tit.it Ion solo ulvmmig . I withijts teach Ion Pt imulmry Iliglit iulstnmmctiu)il. '. illillilmig staten ski-lug and skin iu_imnel'. : _ I lii'. i5 c.mnm ieci out at two auxmlmar diving. I kec'ps insist people from straylip . 42 Ills. pen hour. Ileids ---smile at \Viittimig, sum.' 3t) miles . far. '.iamsIer. £ I5s. per hour. I I mliii ili-stest 01 Peiiacola, ss here the jugIiitoocuimiciimsisiii I wmuld like to say ] igen Sloth. £3 is. per hour. lila j(i ri t\ sit' .15-mation cadets amid lInt isli that t lie i itnc spell t over here w mII hiisc 1:1 V ing is as-a mIa b!e eseny sla . Iii _ illicisli i Pinc'ui are sent ; the ot her at been tiine spen t sill a niost iii terest I 11g. cl mmd ing I Inoni I t)(K) ii n'.. ttII week -cud'., ( om m I- meld. just oti tlic' (ititsIt.mrts (lb imsetmmi amid eiijos-ahbe t raiilimitz pro' husk . '.', it Ii the eceptioil ot I iesd.i, s. Peiis.icoba , where the otliccr st udemits , gra iiimile amid I hope tha t aii '. pnospee- I ii lu rt lien ed it ions of N iv s Ni s s we are trained, ti'.C aviators '.s ho are teetering dlii the i shall hiing itu ilesvs of our actismtles: "l'li ree 111011 I Ii s aIe speml t oil pnm lila rv brimik of dcci siomi to ily dit hOt to fly means'. liile si e litipe %ve sii.mlI liase tlie " I t ra jun 11g. witit tltree sepa rate stages )) II ava iI i lieriisel scs 01 the tra I ii ing pleasure ii I St el coin ing some ot you each Iastiiig (Inc nioiith. I-light instrmmc- prtsidcii by the U.S. Nas . It's welt a. miienilscrs, , ._. Ken Bitt, I).F"C., tiOli iS carried (lit ill the Harvard. wom thi it. ChIef FlyIng Instructor NI R.. N 1.11.1 Ii.A I stliicli is still iii gemieral use thirougimout \ ihe itasic 1naiiiiii CoiTimiiaiidl, though it will probabiv be replaced 11% it iic%keiO)iISIilOml pa,s _,Isfroni aiIlccmPflt I'rospc('iw-( trmmikrhdort, loil)utI sti Flicti fl 11 '-------------------------------------------------------of 24 hiouns precede the Iirst solo blighl. Sdvailceiilerit to chief PettY ofticer we are up to Pont nunihers. Dunimig tIle .u- " u " mdi 2tlihBh Lit t ss,mh rtb t4 pric ort number, ill the chief and Petty C~ consists I hours ,icr hmt c - t m WIt tt is the good old flotilli cl will con SmiiImker Itr-,mnch. In chief sailsifl ic-en rites and advancement tiiii. whuIm comitmIetes tlb makers we are overborne and it is nit : icn r( tinue unsacancies. custom that has come right back blight tr.iuiiit I hc" stu cultuiimii.minent.l I-on ads;imiceinent to tlic' leading rate espected that any advancements wmll ceeds to S.mufle' i-ic I, north1 open and thio-.c who he made during the year. Ilie rosters into wardroom and club populartty? Requesting I It ,mnilhi sacola. where lie is imltrti (mccc - ts the door is wide -mss -md -ire others'.ise bully qstalificd for sailmakers and sailiiiakers mate toniii muon cross cos,ritm 5 ids mnu.cd mmmcdi itcls ill hi. in. drs at in1 wtth pink tontc vermouth, squ ish or lLhst plahfl hying. Afkr SIX wLc --Th, t th' in the various position ilu.-xt step us to itanihi i-ielcl. located 3(1 - Regulaling Rrancb.-It is cxpt.chcd arc wtter - Plymouth the Navy's own gin, ts ruht hack to prenile'. stest ot Peiisacola. iii Alabama, that advancement to master-at-arms branches-ut present Hut forecastssince dtlicult to make with certainty where the rudiiiients of air to air ad will he slow for sonic time, as we are ss -tr pertection R.P,C. at the R.N.V.R. Club or any good bar. air to gnomiiisb gunmiery are tatiglit b(r I LIP to Pont nunthens and acvanceincnt changes in the size and tasks of the Nay -iffect advancement I)o ilways thit. Iirst uc'.'. siccIss I hcn comcs Ii istt. '. ic incic lilt. iostcn Ion nu.s.ul-it not thcrcfore hoard your copy cf this I carrier qualification. I mnduiisihoitd nient m`11 he ininiediate for thosc wht) article expecting it to remain true for tile U.S.S. Montelcy, a Light llect i pass and' are otherwise fully qualified. ever. On the other hand if you should convinced that mrr.Ier rermiu.iilciitl% .mtt:ie dd, it, the' Ship'.'.right Branch.- -Vie are over- feel PLOUTH ment has iveen unduly delayed, or ml Co:i I horns un chit.t and Ilipwrihitartl1Icrs Monterc% holds the rcI for c'irii zt(i%itnecilictit is at present in GIN l.uiicbmng. biasing i e()re "511 s(i!lic operation. We expect to advance inment put in a request. If the grounds 90,000 since lirst comnnimssioiling during acancies v hs the end of next year. for the request are reasonable you will the second World War. After successfull), qti~tlil*~iiig aboard the carrier the Artisan Brznche. ---In alt branches get your explanation or your estimate,os/a so MORL I/IAN ORDINARY GIN

September, 1954



MESSAGE FROM H.M.S. DRY4W From the Commanding Officer, Captain M. J. EVANS, C.B.E., D.S.C., R.N.

THE NAVIGATION and Direction Branch is responsible for providing the Navy with the officers and men whose

of some of the junior radar plot ratings. H.M.S. Drsad trains all navigating officers, the remainder of the radar

terpretation of all the information which radar and other sources provide.

equipment both for directing aircraft Whilst technical knowledge can to a and in the Action Information Organlarge extent he gained in the class- isation. Such equipment is now coming rooms and "mock-ups" of shore estab- forward and will need ever more coni-

particular duty is the safe navigation of its ships, the control and direction of its aircraft, and the collection and in-

New weapons and methods of war need new and ever more complicated

lishments, it is only at sea with constant practice in Fleet Exercises that

petent men to work it successfully.

it is the good fortune of the officers and of this branch, from the most junior to the most highly skilled, that

type of man. As a result, we are confident that we shall be able to meet whatever calls are made. It is perhaps. not the least attraction of the branch

in the Action Information Organisation is of vital importance to the weapon users such as the Air, Torpedo, A./S. and Gunnery branches and above all

men can really become proficient. This training goes on unceasingly at sea, and men

to the Command, who, without it, cannot make correct tactical decisions or the





plot ratings (including all the higher rates) and gives all the training in Action Information Organisation.

The speed and clarity with which this information is sifted and portrayed


above average in alertness, intelligence, and clearness of brain are suitable for

hey, have the most intimate knowledge of what is going on all the time and thus have a most interesting and active



H.M.S. Harrier, in South Wales, is responsible for the shore training of all

part in the progress of operations.

directions officers in the control of aircraft and also does the initial training





very exacting specialisation and only men who are

Fortunately, this young branch, with its excellent prospects and most interesting duties, is attracting a very fine




headquarters are in H.M.S. which, with its ISO acres of

lovely parkland, must he without question the most beautifully situated of all Admiralty establishments.

PROSPECFS IN THE RADAR PLOT BRANCH The following figures speak for themselves Plot Radar Instructors

Boatswains Plot Radar










Radar Plot Rating First Class Number serving . .

.. .

Average age on passing .. Number passing each year

Two Boatswains Plot Radar have already reached the rank of lieutenant, and two more are now on course.




A career with interest and distinct possibilities as offered to suitably qualified R.N. personnel leaving the service. Working conditions are excellent and rates of pay above the average. Immediate requirements are for;

ENGINEERS of three









minimum in




electronic or mechanical engineering.






RE-ENGAGEMENT Sandwiched Dan



And wondered wife





reptilian, civilian,

why the heck his

Had nagged him from a way of life Which could not hold a purser's dip To life aboard a battleship. Thus with a salty phrase or two He strongly view,


this point of

And many husbands in that crowd Unashamedly wept aloud! H. C. Middleton


Its Birth and

The Navigating Officer THE NAVY has always had officers whose primary duty was to navigate and to know how to handle ships. 1 hey used to be known as Masters, but no a proper training was given until navigation school was founded in 1903 under the command of Capt. II. F. Oliver in a sea-going gunboat named H.M.S. Mercury, based on Portsmouth Harbour. Capt. Oliver-now Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Oliver-is still alive and has held the highest rank in the Navy for the record period of over 26 years. In 11M6 the school moved ashore into a building in the Dockyard and was name H.M.S. Dryad. 1 here it remained until bombed out in 1941. when Southwick House was requisitioned as the navigation school. Ships are essential to navigation training, and there have always been to the sea-going frigates attached School to take officers to sea to practise their art: today H.M.S. Starling and H.M.S. Rcdpolc perform this duty in addition to other work as units of the Portsmouth Squadron. The Action Information Organisation The stress of war soon showed that the facilities in ships for displaying all the information known about our own forces and the enemy were inadequate: this was particularly marked with the advent of radar, underwater detection equipment and improved voice communication between ships, which multiplied many times the amount of information available. Officers set to work to evolve a new system, and during the next few years great advances were made until we have the action information organisation of today. All the information available about friendly and enemy forces that can be obtained, not only from equipment in one's own ship, but also by wireless from shore headquarters, other ships, submarines or aircraft, is passed into the organisation and plotted on special tables and charts for study by the Command. The Direction Officer With the advent of radar it became possible to follow the paths of both friendly and enemy aircraft and so to direct our fighters to intercept the enemy bombers. Large numbers of R.N.V.R. officers and a few Royal Navy officers were trained in fighter direction, but the vast majority of R.N.V.R. officers left the Navy at the end of the war, so that a new officer branch had to be built up. Royal Navy officers were therefore trained as direc-tion officers. Both navigating officers and direction officers are deeply concerned with the action information organisation, the navigator, with his additional responsibility to the Command for the conduct of the Fleet, dealing largely with matters on the surface of the sea. and the direction officer with aircraft above it. Since 1946 these officers have been trained together in warning radars and in action information at H.M.S. Dryad. alter which direction officers proceed to H.M.S. Harrier for particu-

with good mathematics, technical knowledge-radio/radio or electronics.



grades with a




Experience on Attack

shop practice for development work.

Teachers, or Fire Control Equipment, an advantage.


(Electrical Section).


Artificers are

invited to apply for these posts.


Good opportunities for able


undertake precision work on


machinery in

well equipped shops.







Candidates for the above posts should write fully to the Personnel Officer, Air Trainers Limited, Aylesbury, sonic six weeks I/icy are ready to take up employment.


The Captain studies the Surface Plot

lar training, where they can carry out "live" aircraft interceptions. Since the war the problems direction officers have to meet are much greater, due to the high-speed and high-altitude operations of modern aircraft. The

Men of the

Radar Plot


In the early years of the war radar sets were operated first by telegraphists and then by hostilities-only officers and men, who were known as R.I).F. (Radio Direction Finding) officers or ratings; some 10,11M men were trained. In 1943 R.D.F. ratings were divided into radar plot ratings, who would operate the search radars and man the action information organisation, and radar control ratings to man radar designed for the control of guns: it was decided that these men should he part of a seamen branch who would understand what targets they were reporting and how they could he expected to behave. In May, 1945. the radar plot branch was thrown open to active service ratings, and in November of that year the branch became the resH.M.S. ponsibility of Dryad and H.M.S. Harrier. Portsmouth men for Part II training as radar plot ratings come to H.M.S. Dryad for six weeks to qualify for Radar Plot Third Class; four months for Second Class; and five months for the First Class rate. Later they may return for a four months' course to qualify for the supreme rate of instructor or to qualify for Boatswain Plot Radar, All Dcvonport men and half he Clui t ham men for Radar Plot Third Class training are trained at H.M.S. Harrier, the remaining Chathani men being trained at H.M.S. Dryad: all training for more senior Part II rates is done at }l.M.S. Dryad. After training at H.M.S. Dryad or H.M.S. Harrier, junior ratings go to H.M.S. Boxer, the Radar Training Ship, for two weeks to consolidate what they have learnt at the schools by practical experience at sea. The branch now musters 18 branch officers, known as Boatswains P.R., 65 plot radar instructors and 3,300 less senior ratings. Radar Plot Rating At sea the radar plot rating manning the action information organisation and operating the radar is in a fortunate position, for, by the nature of his work, he must be fully aware of all that is going on in war or peace, during exercises or while cruising. He finds himself working directly alongside his admiral or captain when tactics are being decided in the light of the situation shown on the plots which he has produced: he hears and understands the reasons for the decisions made and his position is thus one of great responsibility and interest. A man who wishes to join the branch should make it his first choice for specialisation. Thereafter he should have a talk with his divisional officer, who, if he thinks the man suitable, will recommend him for the branch. If the captain approves this recommendation it will he forwarded to the commodore

September, 1954





1.1. M.S. EAGLE

Development of the man's depot, and he will eventually he brought into one of the two schools for course. i1e work of radar plot ratings requires a high standard of intelligence, and no one who is not of good average standard should apply. At present there arc more volunteers to join the branch The basic than can be accepted. requirements are a good memory, an alert mind capable of sustained and lively attention, and the ability to keep your head and react quickly to changing circumstances. Men who pass for Radar Plot Third Class are equipped for a career which has excellent prospects and is full of interest. Sec separate panel on left of page for details of prospects in the branch. Life at I)rad Those who work and live at 11.M .S. Dryad consider themselves fortunate in their surroundings. The establish-





DRYAD.- THE ancient Greeks and ancient Romans used to associate cerwith tain minor gods particular natural features such as hills, springs or caves. These gods were called nymphs. They were supposed to he attendant upon the principal godsApollo, Artcrnius, Pan and others; because of this they were honoured by sacrifices. Among the various n mphs were the drvads, sometimes called hamadry ads. who inhabited trees. Every tree had its own dr ad; and ancients wcre careful not to harm a tree lest the dryad should take its revenge in some dreadful way. The story goes that one. Dr) opc, angered a dr ad when she plucked a blossom from a tree. As a result, leaves and flowers began to grow from her own limbs and she rapidly became transformed into a Such can be tree herself. anger excused when it is realised that the dryad only lived as long as its own tree, and therefore did everything in its power to prolong its life.

ment is set in a beautiful park, but with Portsmouth easily get-at-able, thanks to a good bus service. Accommodation The accommodation of both officers and men is still in war-time-built buildings and will remain so for some years yet, until new and modern blocks are built. However the huts are by no means had and such disadvantages at exist are largely offset by the pleasant surroundings of grass lawns and flower beds. When the new blocks are built there will be a great opportunity to space them well apart with grass and gardens between them. There are 16 officers and 62 ratings married quarters within the park. which are a highly valued addition in this slightly remote area. Ratings entitled usually get a house within a few weeks of applying and a man retains it until one month after he is drafted away.

The park is open to the families of the men in these quarters and they can watch games and take a full part in the life of the establishment, greatly to its benefit. As the houses are new the probkin of making gardens is a real one which is, however, gradually being overcome by private enthusiasm and hard work.


Games Facilities The playing fields arc not yet fully completed and those that arc made are not yet mature. They are set in most attractive surroundings and within a few years should be as good as any in the Command. There are hard and soft tennis courts and a squash court. The Park is the cross-country course for the Command Race. 1 here is limited fishing for Dryad men in the lake. A fine yacht based in Portsmouth offers opportunities to those keen on sailing, and there is a .22 rifle range. A play is put on by the officers and ship's company each term, and there is an annual Christmas pantomime. Sports day in the summer is combined with open day for the friends and relations of the ship's corn any, so that they can see the "hole establishment. The ship's complement, including the radar section at Fort Purhrook, consists of 200 ratings of all branches

and about are 120 civilians. Theinstnic-seamen ratings employedexercises as for tors, in running practical


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:RI r -


lop 1.'



classes under training, or in part of r ci chin work nl:,int:.inin,' and mnrnt'Inr , . -the establishment. The civilians r stitut i hard core of los i I mill which --makes for continuity and stability in an -. . establishment that is developing Some of the sources of information to the Action Information Organisation quickly. of H.M.S. Eagle are marked with arrows Every executive oflicer of the Royal Navy passes through the school as a sub-lieutenant, and many again at a hater stage. Officers of many other branches attend for short courses. About 660 Naval officers and 630 ratings under training pass through the establishment on various courses each year: about 3(M) other officers pay visits on staff courses and the like. Navy Days were held this sear at Portland naval base on Instructional equipment in the school Saturday. includes many complete radar sets and July 31. and Monday. August 2. take pleasure in announcing that for the first time full-scale models of the various plot- Despite inclement weather the event drew a record number of visitors and ting rooms, which form the action since 1940, G6 SERGE is again available for tailoredan attendance of over 8,000 on the information in organisation ships: these hatter are fed with synthetic to-measure seamen's uniforms. Saturday was surpassed on the Moninformation from a control room so day when well over 11.000 visitors entered the dockyard. that fully realistic training is possible. G6 heavy serge is only obtainable through Bernards Included among the vessels open to CONCLUSION the public were two aircraft carriers, and will wear better, look smarter and provide a H.M.S. Dryad is in a happy position. H.M.S. Implacable and H.M.S. Indethe H.M.S. for and rural ....intagel fatigable, frigates warmer suit than any other serge-yet costs only Every opportunity sports pursuits already exist, and as money Castle and H.M.S. Porichester Castle. becomes available more and more will the submarines H.M.S. Scorcher and 85/- for a tailor-made uniform. vessel Selene. the be done to improve the amenities of H.M.S. salvage the establishment. The work is skilled H.M.S. Uplifter and the Rosal Fleet Such uniforms are available but full of interest and the men of the Auxiliary Oiler Rowanoh. The carriers branch take pride in themselves, their were moored in the harbour at some for cash or on monthly distance from the naval base and branch and their establishment. Although still young, the branch because of the large numbers of allotment terms, and full hooks forward to the future with great visitors who were keen to visit these confidence, thanks chiefly to the fine ships queues quickly formed for the details of Bernard's comferrying M.F.Vs. type of officer and men already- in the ferrying -branch or now, joining it allotment ser-



prehensive vice will gladly be supplied on request.


Place your order for a G6 suit to-day and prove for yourself that THERE IS NO







Telephone 4403


Other 8,ønches or:



Radar Plot

ratings compiling the Air Plot


Head Office:

HAR WI C H ESSEX Telephone 880 Member,


the I.N.T.A



September. 1934

NAVY NEWS COMPETITION RESULT The First Prize of £3 has been awarded to Cd. Eng. Jesse






House," Copnor Road, Portsmouth. The Second Prize

of £2 goes to Mrs. Pamela Cox, 8 Portobello Grove, Porchester,


the Third


of LI







T. Gardner of H.M.S. Diligence The essays of the first two prize winners are reproduced here.


DI '

gill, I\Il brought Iionc zt copy of the (list humt'jI'j'



\ISF (IiRM.NY.--AjuvcniIc court SOlllILlL.VARWl(KSIflRF.AIt late developersill be ristztdt has ordered a 14-year-old parent,, of hO (0 keep a parrot for 12 months and 'encouraged by the news that 14 boys teach it dail to say: "Never torture! " ho failed their grhIuuiztr school entry niLI L I I 0111 UI sUs()cCkd sources. in tI I IRI 9 POINT 01 '.11.1Y The ho had shot down i examination have p ist.d the (intrui n [hi. boss were CrttIic iti_ of I duc and st iinptd on it -iflOhittlis (_ 1110011 ought to l_ i IiiII ( he restot the men in Lily husband s pigeon 83. JI.SSI PIARCI. 8 secondary nodcrn school, Solihull. (itt l . I'liiilips in the Juts issue &ti dc!inJ to bti t Copy of the I tiv were picked out h'. their teacher,.; t "c 111(5 Could hi. iii in it t sti p I i WOULD he comparatively ejsv to (ii I nuiuht.r. You sit. it just is not . \RSI II I I-S % rht irtiLk. a6out I c irtoon sLrIc. rhe prefect has Kin- four Years ago and their parents were t I r tnkiv don. in the Navy to appear to be too ned ill noise in tli i1st exuberant asked to id thin stay in cti t % ear-N Ni % ", for there i much that is ()lie of tile' hit,. snags confronting interested iii anything concerning the city ió The parent. agreed. i rnc 'I tic police dciIc till thv v. in its contents. and s tile I (Iuiol I un iiii. i the fact that N R ( oflscqtitiitl husband whthr mv nt'Is,_ is a nuisance. A man All i 4 p issd tilL (,nLrtI Certificate t ny good deal that is professionally excel- h. is not in .t positlohi to pity for con 'drnid or ii iiii.. I I tile title of ---anchor "ho serenaded his girl friend lis been Education, all passed i n flu thcm.i t ii. lent. The book reviews. for Instance, I ri h u ions. And though :i lot of people. "' . v buying t copy of 10 out of i I in science. One bo% pal. ed A sLhh1i1'ns has been served on ir inockis of their kind. and file is o no doubt are willing and perhaps even " tnious to in print without b. i,"" of t ship for blowing hr 11 in five subjects. The work w i done in ---feature- articles seen so far in. of i However. this nonth, everyone in si hen. Sccn people have lined four years, compared with five at a sIa(i(li rd that pl(1ihii5C' to iiiakc the ing paid for i heji iahouis. their nuin" r school. coin iIcte rieii'ri hie iii naval her.; will tend to dwindle ill t i inc. I do tile office. it' %tUflCWh;tt I v. because their dogs Li rk ed too loudly. ' . silent as a " literature. do not k iow 11(1W thc 'os."- that bought a copy: but when I eager! V \i irsillcs s becoming tit snatched July's from bus. Cloister. (YIi'AWA.-Fathcr ]'hihert. who has But i shall resist the temptation to a(Jflhi rLhle war-t mc copy publication my . ' the day,.. 110W dettiilCL--WiS hand's liii1d': lie h;id (lie nerve to ctil lie pieasantl spent 27 years in the Arctic. )tits proComplacent. unhappil I 1 uiclior face-!.................................................................... over tile dull. I feel linzi iiecd . (lilt I do know that its COfli ri - ; . dtiecd what is believed to be the first NI lively and Flit' CHANNEL. I wii koai that N vv Ni s. in its present "set- hutors were handsomels ptid. It the : Engiish-Eskiiiio dictionary. think most certainly that Nwy trunk Officer.; Ii t'. ,_ .t canoe paddled " . N '. can succeed in its job of '., i i iii tu td up itli tile intiiti \i up i ,. itliii i;id I 110W look front Dover to Cape ( is Nt' ill three CYPRUS. i udinotis hiis anal pieces ihotit ships being the Portsmouth sailor*s (and c'( d to "k h in ii..Ls in Cyprus ii1()iiul S 18 .tn a " flour., . flhiithtes. have broken . . ;and s(ahlistiiiiciits. I I remind, tile. in stilors) I idli linent of a king-felt i lit. . will he I feel, entirely record set tip in 11) I I I hi %.,,e re \l ij(ìr for the British forces who this respect. of Chose old-fashioned thin it will ln (if r it us (0 the Ad st (tiOfli d thin. instead of in ilit. Canal without (1 .t ii tie I and H Bruce and I . eu t . David M i teliell. covertish although provincial papers that are cralonled in i r.i I t . Respect iti I , I submit that nil* zone. Will he the -Ii nest i n the world.' I Side Ii(iIuhLr of suhjcjs with accounts (at' wlist drives and Lords should .,cc that it dos not I iii sit General Sir Charles ki1litIc ;iit relaill, indefinable air of funerals and (lower shows. culled from through lack of funds lcidiiig to a 'Iiddie Fast. , Jl I N. NEW BRUNSWICK--A the S'" % 1 . t i I it hilC and c i.itt ....................................' of lowering in quality. . cicli and " " " . . . one of the score . 0 crew lowered .i it p to .i . every "iiitl let helicopter hihipiits much interesting I happen to b_ . publican. retired Ii iiiill_tS in lii.h the newspaper is read. chiriin LA I 1TSI PL It I ('rtv i.lit re sweep stranded on i i SOft II'iihi 11011 ll personal touch :hi' . I %()til(l uk,. to SLI ill hllISL 110111 ilic s.is .tltr (%Lii(\ nm. i ii, ". ".i " t K. . . : (S titiiii stick licie and isciid liiiii Itirnin " %iiltv-in teicliei hive coiui' Il.t '. th1. uiidRldti ii I. ist_ hisio; u.s OiltiiiL(I iii( hO\.. Siini,_ ot ni . t.ti I .1111, " wi . . ho it iii, hilost . ".i k I. 0 tV.(l I iliflLs iii i 11.11th-- I ii. slims '"tiid " ' stihltshiii nt l fll t'iie l\ISe -I he cdi ( ()rh(i i XC Chill i i1Z h OhiiC rs a re sa i I l'rs. ioan v ni c a re . il %)1% Hn i I inul iOflci (i(iVil ititlllLSSl\ Oil ill ikflis 1101 01 51% is th \SLli\(1 I ON [11.11 "pthii.hii try e,iera1 iii t lest . I hat would le.t ye a wlic ic i wo or Ui rec of t lieiii arc tit Ii Ii ree-q ua rtcrs o I I iic 1) ii i ted Sti les .. .., ORK \ILnlbirs It i pigeon I I I 111(1 VI Ic I (IlL I ditorLr(i tOL_thi_i in on ic. hlli \ I ilk Ii oiiI (lL[iIISSihl, itciil is Itit Ot sp (lii. di ilL tori.in tr idc is t. iii ud (lti( in ftiri.n p1 club iii. oliLctIn tt to i' i (lii. iiro sviitcli Ui ink th I ord I iii hot Sii tit iii,. \ ts s ihotit thi. t Id IlL torLL i I (iiji \\ tiic Ofl th (1 it. i ishinLion rcpoi( I r trIIfl 'I ork to lftiilt.s P1 ifl iloiit p I I WOtilli t ik iii c.our In both li 111(15 N is Mi lUtich Ii irdi.r hut so mu in suil. lii ln\ ii I ii . cotnh. I )evon. o I a raci nz ricon tiitl I ;ICk Ic i lii. prohi ciii of w Ii v SC) ii IC I s iiloi'e etlicieti t t ha ii I he nc\ ! -- ' i ' es I Ii i ii k . ".'t Ii I %v(liieIer vliet her ! 'dliLl Prc Pri. I indd in i SL I I 01 k I lic tiC.i rt iiui old tini,. iii' litish iii( Iii illS" Ot tli,_ N is s hst ltii Li.k tiid ibliut h ii ic itch up OilI. ol ShIo) I I I 'i " i(l ° rk coop a I ter goi n g _ist i a v I n t race .i ii I flspcc( ho ii a t I I . \1 .5. inch zt I-C ii Ot "sign ing (iii I I hi uk I crs I Ii i hc old N ts v. I s i sh i eotil d I hose sli i ps . Soiiieliow. t hc vord slon S it ilishiirs It is thouLlit (Ii it li UlL( kO (I 'S 1'.\ (I iiliiiii h iS_ lit. ir iti i(iti,. t iiiuliI'Li ot hi. possihlt to Ii isi. I SI icS 01 II tick il()iiL 'LI_iils Ill hi iii. tip otild do it b sc(tled &iii an Americ,i-hound slii p. h. .t!iiii ii I Si r cacli bra neli of the Ser ice h coo Id alitit s(hiiC ot (lis redotiht.i ('Ic Iiicn. its tiv. ii hiziiid ol special George goose' ( rc is' hs SidnL% Rtiiiii in lroiii s i riii on inoiisiiiotis ii lit. %%isliL(I hii ' Ntii( ( irLi nos II, , t piiiipks South Shilds snt to tlii_ tori of tIlL ROSlI I hi. luic of Li'.i_ lii' r istitis iii s%ritint hit k is in_ ( ipt iiii (or soti \V is hi. tilL ill Iii lio tiini. lii.lits I'Lrli 11,1 Iii (. id of i ii ,. i i ( iht ship s ni ist (4_It .rotind iriil md Ldcl ii.ss t1osis Ii is LIlSI I SIdL h% sitl V.i(Il (IlL LIISLI tiitk(l uric S tdli ii, (Ii,. SlUj) Ohll(i ills liii.! ii,iil ctiultlt sointlnlL iik tli i.it d . p s htn li su(kknlv pLopiL thcir lics so I ir this OiiiitihIS I. o_li I d Ii i_ t int.nl i ikiii_ os i i. ir iii oiuni uid iid I tin iii Ii I isiiiiin no(c As 5(0 no Ii itids hsi. I tiropcin cotinti u.s lsj ot hlic s (ili hi inch si iti;i. li% li tutfl5 to itttntion tornii.tl Iii it tintki ins pri.dcus t r iiu in ik'. iii ill iii 5(1 Cl(itli(.5 iii ik5tii coniniaiid. halt (it the cres base been na.s et'l'tinuiuic (or peuision. siiieui." I doii't think (lie woniijns I hen cii rrspoiidencc on the subject ins aIded iii rough genera I dcl, ili t y. 1k' - port ion sliou Id be euila rged too much could he invited and 1 think that R;rL!IitinIslKdv.0h\o::hc(thcj hot:LIi iittclt~kilig dala would emerge. it lot &it' lialf %%ill he sick of general c,,cllti~ill% naval flavour of the paper. C us to mci's I . .n iii suii.il I 50(1 (who incident- Shwy 'Cults cIt_i rged local Is or tui'iiislied 'aunt iiiaris more. I am sure--svotuld ails was hot n on I ra ía r I Iga ) ti nd ):uy It V I )i ii ( " i S W. liii ISI is( )' ro(iiiis. I ogc't lici wi (Ii the det cruli i miii on like to k mISS more a bout "J zuck t he pliotogi .i ph5 of (lie sli ps and o lauitlladies in'! to "stiller little child- I' isliei . Iteati s - John Kel Is - 'uIi ii'u:rv from ('liii, i inc most I ph isi.umi utin So it is in u.n Itosic I ord I ouis-thi_ tins it'i_ ut deed a t aiii it I I I I: () I II l R da I Was iii a hook - Walk into a mission and sit down to ! Ni v husband t miewspaper It slioiilsl ahwa he borne in mind Iieii are Iegendaiv. C otild thes not noss h is thic j.ood i. cusc th it hi. Ii us s shop in I'o it siiiou Iii iii. oh t hiosc hsk ii Would s ou I-Ic t.oc s to t r.i ii N N tlitt (hi. is i un 'ii nut ptu 1' tic i hi. pi. i_cd (os_c th. r I udd i ui. t on t ii (Ii. PuP r (or me hut Iii. Ii id to idmit i t iscin u(iiit. ii.cs which pu. hooks iii v. is St ition i iii urk.t p1 icc or a (ion si (Ii it itich 01 its i.Oiitcnts SI isti_.i it \rms who i_ that he t hotiidit it was a jolt y good great tow e m's. sprea d t tieni 05cr (he narrow si reifl a tid he browses round sluoti Id he 0 l" iii terest (hi iot,gliout (lie I ands Rug hs Ii ficen Stoker ( ock ci di tloor and I ne die v il Is ss i di tieiii. (or a book. He hu s fl qtiie( lv. sucks it 1110111 Ii. and mt_it depeiidc'mit upoii its i It_it most famous and gi tied ut_I three-inn worth A r iv. s tutor drittcd thiuouj.hi (hi. undcr his shirt intl _o. ott to r. id uii.ws 5 thu. I (II (hits I. ison I think dooiii,d 01 ill ilk N uS'. s t itit Ii md lo suuii up I should lii to door is hotut_li thi. mos.iii.nt ss is no ilon. I hi. rcs d.pcnds on (hi. muthor (Ii it 5% oulit to Ii is. i s t_ ri suits thi. iii iii ss hioin Jumms ihdu. v. mntcd (hi it I con icku N s Ni is s.r oh hi I h.n (hi.r. us (hi. pcili ips u wind bicw (zotI hclp him md it pi sihlc i scuu ii v.1 i.h it_cd to bus out could ssc list Ii is. tli,im ssu.II p1 inncd ut_h SiSs i sri. it di. il - conccrii Ii on H " I us hi ml ni_ti it (tic m. iitr i lieu. won, in in pu rd ihi fo rI i c(dcii to k ii(m%s i iid s is s m lot (hit us wor( Ii ss lii I hot nc c,ss itul hi. lU ion On. i_oh urn ii pic in r s i nd pot (m.d lust ui i, ut dii. dcii loi i (.5% nloni.nts his (hi. otutsidi. world 'di, clii ti_li hici So iiitichi to s ti so hitth, sp mu. Sis iii t sili ill I' icc I oti. in is it Iliris, p.r mouithi p ili ips i.otild hi. dcsotcd ro.rc ss huh cd bs (hi. si.h 1 ol in in tid to bus on. 01 tho c hrih t lit t I. cu si. Sonic ic ul poc (I s 7 (t v. oil Ii, lip ' mud iou m. iii is (lii. mu. hi. iii iii'. to uiiut.lit miii. hor oher customer. I moved otit oh his hooks ott (lie st_ill in the ha,-.tr. N1ari ee-Iine and lie c.uuiie in. 1 lie shop- of these readers will uieser openl join otu rs Ia tb iti II'.'. a cli tu rcli. 'ut (lies ought o be able keeper si id tot a word. htit unerel thrust out an car :it hini. 'file sailor to find out. that (;lid is. like Jesti, Pstu I Make the most hosc to mlouii. mdc di. dr and s.tid (hrnt of your sha;iiefacedls. "Is there any hooks tiui in a dusty, hooky corner ot I-leaven a - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - the grocer t ra sIc' ,' hew (li rust i in a to hors are going ti >-" MONTHLY ALLOTMENT! "Well.'' su md t lie sa Iesm.i ii, " here's ha se lots of fun uiicet ung die folk their ones I t\ ill II) voltuuiies a mud will cost w (irk hroiugln there. DO YOU KNOW-that Currvs special purchasing facilities 5 0th C igh( qu ti" NI ost a people w ou 1.1 rat her htu h,r serving personnel enable you to obtain a wide ,. Nis heart tempt to (lie sailor. I hook ahotut new ideas thati ask a maui. 'ekctiou of goids - on ser'.' favourable terms. k new just how nitieti lie wanted to how do we cope v. tli dieuii ? We has-c ma ser hums chiosemi stu hjei.t amid jtust Iniw omie grand societS . which is hacked his sIn lie w.ms a bout amiuhit iou. I kuic'w hs oti r own niissi(in amid her sister I' the t1.miiie (It_mt had ttminttr shot tip whueui lie uiiissiomis, called 1 lie Umittesh Societs saw (lie shop t'tml I sit hooks. Now it had for (luristiati I iteratu re. ss hich prod ed tIme nitu Ii dtuces most of the price ighi. books wh cli go RADIOGRAM 1 Auuothier uilor\ is near overseas to our 1 hookshop speak here miiessage. Britain s tuned itue in concert Raduogram peed 1 1 I tti. .0 iii.' "1i1i.i.ifl r".,i ''ur c ,,.',.ui.,-. .th r '-"'''"' .rii-,Ii".r -.. ".ii,,rI ".,. h.o '"" " r ................ rccoru player du1U nYc salve all-wave KaUuO set in I never si(e.I so that a -' nian can in niouies . ;iuthiOa or lULl. SIZED bciiutitully walnut vene'ercd ,-abinct. Navy slip enotigh and but ;a p GENUINE 50 GUINEA VALUE FOR SOt TIISEA BRANCH, 't' in~ produced is for u unmd (tic Wuth automatic '-spced ONLY mission. I hiavc' hiever seen a ulian go (lurisiauu comnitmnits studs' hooks .muud F-RJFrDI_'y ' GNS record rias r j 42 gn S mu Pm. oplu_ d t t,ti iii on. miioinuit dcs otmon il Iii. I p I or thi. I. id.rs of thc I liE VARIOUS hrzmnchues of the thues are otm(sushe amid thic hiest (lucy are Church. Since so nt_mv doors have 48 1 on don Road 'N orth E nd' 1-riendIs Wives in i'or(snu(ututh tinderii the street agamli ss ittu a discreet par- closed to missionaries we lt_is- stepped & 118/110. KIngston Road, took, as tisima I. to stuppl 5 a voluntars cci. I Iie dotit know thu.tt (lie nia(eria I tip hook produc(ioii. ilie sea rclu up PORTSMOUTH stall for (lie day ntmrscrv lii H.M. on sale iii Smuug:upore. Hoiug Kong :uuud ansh down (he world for people who - I)ocks ard. rtumi dturing Nms'. can write has heeui uiitetisilied. "5!e,,bc,m of uh !nrerprt Nova! iruJc,m' I)as . Kohe is imiuclm tiiore lurid. If all the hooks bought seeretls . I lie great work. lioss C'. Cr. IS )i.irsils 32 iii!'. 31 -Atmgtus( 2. " t lie hood oh hooks for (lie Thiei r etlorts were iiuuch a ppreci:m(ed good titles a it_I had, were costed in a (ouetic'd ci rI accothiut ml w mild total mum II louis sin uuiquurcrs, (lie print .hitmmigrs' people and thues looked after a hotit I 7 clii I sit I Ic sit lemi wa to uiosv a iotmuud. mit k tud die people clemi iesh due Ii vi tug voice. cop dren m nd one hi i nd elderl I idv wlu i 1st I'Iicre is not I per ccmit. of what there the ti:mreil(5 were away euijo%imi ever'. - , hut ,h;ure limit jsk. I'hic .muusw'er is houks. THE CANADA LIFE ASSU RANCE COMPANY week lies. I hiese hone-man s should hc'. If ysutu hope sonic das to he - muiaga/mmles. thing to ' hc' seen imi (hue dsicksard EST 1847 " ' eoinp:imi otis are mt_it all miasts-. put -mt- a tiiissionars title tlumng s-oti c,tui dsi iisiw H \l . SlIPS. 'I cli CANADA'S OLDEST LIFE OFFICE under-(li,--piiloss stud. (oosl uiien ansi is to learn tl write. 5% timeti ss .m It I rtie ii ho rumia t iomi. htut fcur I We Christ ia 11 a tt ( husurs luase a drea ni. We dream of the day when, ever) personal reasmuils muitms( seek it thurotughi For /1(111cc and Personal Service -------------------------------------(lie ssri t temi word ra (lie r (ha ii (lie w' here, our hooks shall lie. cos I y. beProks.cional ------- -O-- -..... spoken. \oti know the reasons. Stipside I lie Greetu "Red Dagger," " pose muu dçteruuiuuied to read die New Recipe" and l'Iic Sexual hlehaviour I NAME POST THIS COUPON ,. Festzumeiut imu i hic iumii.hi htotir it work. I of die C Iiiinpan,ee'' in such wide disTODAY TO: ADDRESS ..................................................... .......................... it is preuts eerlm mu lIt_ut s-situ wtiti Id use tn hiutions thu:it tio 511) . eager hand shall PAUL McGRATH a ;ie;t t cops oh S liii F_itt rallier (liamu omie will over the s'oI tunes without finditig Area Conuoiuo,,t ...................................................................................................................-. ........................ of ihiose black, fat, Stinslav School us. Some slas evers bookseller must he ii Nettiecomb. Ave DATE OF 81RTH ' Hants Bibles. 'ti li.ise got o live! able to say, "Yes, I've got one here.' South,.a OCCUPATION 'ihimmlk of a ehap in a Moslem T&ephoie 33301 I'hi5 is otue more job situ help to (It) cit 1 litrk who itcaid of Je."is and when you back the Chutch. It nlay ALL CANADA LIFE PLANS COVER WAR RISKS t),t(III w:m ins to know Iimtii. Can he even he sour persoui,m I c.m II.






i sercd iii the W.R.N.S. and. all I "Iliflhlel" hirred have hid in everlistiii all things naval ever 5111CC. I %S'Is certainly very eager to ( (










ALARMED QUARTERS! IT WILL not now he 1ng i'ftrc the building of Permanent houscs as ntrned quarters wiH begin and in this article it is proposed to deal shortly with the typt of "dwelIin" (as it is known in ofilcial language) to he built and where they are likely to he built. Much trouble and care has been taken to ensure that the best Advantage is taken of sunshine and light. Ihus. cach type of d%%11 ing has two \ariations, one for those facing south or generally In that direction. and another for those facing north or thereabouts. Each is designed ;ti that the principal rooms are on the southern side of the house and pet as much un and light as is practicable. A good deal of thought has also been given to tl question V. Ithcr to build "l lie conclusion reached houses or "as tli.t it avcragc Briton prefers a house on hi own. The possibility of tile ruiiaic value of a noky neighhour in .t flat overhead was another factor in coining to this decision. lloti'c "ill. therefore. be the general rule except % here there is not much land and it i'. desired to make use of it than can be (lone l building houses.


Bird IF'1 Ic!.i lily


so that no on will ht 10 \1\NY men, bird wchers cctii j parking spaces to go far to fill(] a place %vIterc he can Iighily iad. However, theic are many I ' leave his car without lights and li1_IEVEl) the .Ioiiicd only thousand,, of people in this country out fear of a call from the police. to those who wore wings on their ; ho are devoted to this pastime and A!! hotisc viIl b fully furnished I tunics until I made the discovcry of who run their own clubs and societies with the exception of a few minor the wonder of enginciess flight one for studying and protecting birds. Why item,; such as brushes and brooms. summers evening I vas taken do thcv do it? lie average Person i expected to pos- along to H.M.S. Siskin for a flight in 1lj island is directly in the path of these already. but if he does not. the dual-controlled two-seater. I sat ! migration of birds from Africa and tic is expected to buy them out of his hack, well strapped in, while I Stjthcrn Europe to their nesting sites Disturbance Allowance. Iutcncd to the clank of the ink as the ill Iceland and Northern Europe. As incluhC rents are . charged fully instructor tested the cable release i . gear. "ell very rich bird "I'll.it I 5 to say, the' include not hen in a moment the Signal hats were I population of its own many birds that only, the rent of the house and furni- in action and the cable tightened and breed in the far north conic to Britain I ttlrC. but also rates and all repairs. %,c were oil the ground climbing for the milder winter. This exceptional ihere is even a breakage ZtII(tflCC for gently. I .000 yards away a variCtv of bird !i1ccomhincd with IitCS trap,;. All that the tenant can he winch was reeling in the wire at a file vidcsprcad liking and interest in Called on to pay in addition to rent speed of about 45 miles per hour. but rtirtJs in ihc People of this countryIs br daimig: or loss hich cannot be all I could see WaS the sky and hear explains why we study them and why I attributed to "fair wctr and fear" and I the noise of the wind in the rigging I more is known about birds here than for ally hrczikagcs or Is Of COflStI!1- and perhaps acreak. or two as the I in other country in the world. any able Ines.; traps in cxccs o the break- " fuselage absorbed the tractive power The bird watcher may follow his inof the cable. When we were about ! SC allowance. 1.000 feet and almost directly above tcrt because he i' fascinated by the of the lives of birds and their I Rents the winch the glider levelled off and prObleni -rite officers' houses vary in iic with the pilot pulled the cable release knob behaviour. or because he is an admirer the rank of the ofiker occupying them. and ite were free, poised in almost of their great hcuty when studied through binoculars. or because this All ofiucer of ('on)mallder's rank or I perfect silence. I l)% gets a four-hedroomed house. .t At this moment I made up my mind cheap Pastime takes him to pleasant place,; of natural peace :And charm. roomed house. and officers of lower art. and I had no better was, of doing He may be a scientist. a hunter or an artist*, he may seek ftcic and figures I rank get a smaller three-hedroomed it than with the \iv\. I . wonder how I about birds (which are of great insome hOUSC. Some will be detached all I Housing Estates tcres1. he may enjoy the thrill of disRent also varies with sciuu-det;ichcd. The hou'cs will he built on a nurnspecies new to him. or getting r,tnk. starting at £I(X) a year for officcr It is hoped to begin a corres- ' covering of "Cst,itCs." This is unavoidable 1 of Lieutenant Commanders rank uand close to them in a hide tent or photo: as the cost of building single houses pondence section in our next graphing them, or he may. enjoy their below and rising to £160 a year for or in "penny numbers" is much greater issue. Letters to the Editor colour, form and movement. senior captains. In addition to paying than that of building a larger number rent, officers married quar- \ will be welcome. A bird watcher in the Navy is pecuoccupying in the same place. At the same time. ters also have their liarlv fortunate because he can study, marriage allowendeavour has been made to prevent ance reduced by 3s. a day. sea birds as well as land birds all over the estates becoming really large and houses are mostly three- many people know just how lucky the world and thus can gain a wide to place them amongst other houses. Ratings' to have on their few they arc te1rned. but there will gliding right knowledge vouchsafed to very, few. The estates are spread over quite a two-l,cdnmnied for smaller bell families, doorstep in Gosport at H.M.S. Siskin. He can follow his hobby literally large area on all three sides of Ports- The houses are either semi-detached Naval gliding clubs otter gliding mouth Harbour. or built in blocks of four. The design prices which are, compared with The principal officers' estate will be of the flats has not yet been finally I civilian clubs, extremely low. 'I his is on the southern slopes of Portsdown decided but it is expected that the possible only because of three I j






greater I


Hill below Fort Purhrook. and there will he smaller estates at Eastncy. Gosport and Alvcr-.toke and, possibly. in Old Portsmouth. The ratings' estates I

blocks will have two storeys and that there will he six flats to a block. It is usual for flats to have slightly less floor area than houses hut, again, no

details are known. The rent charged I varies with the si/c of the house or fiat I and not with the rating held by the tenant. The rent of a three-hedroomed house or flat is 17s. a week and that of a two-hedroomed ISs. 6d.

. . .S. N4EI'L

6 1, yards fre -style event. Wren 6-2. 6-4.








Abe Commander-in-Chief. Sir John FArI.s'len. stepping into his barge after i inspection at I1.M.S. St. Vincent, Gosport

available, open to an one, ho wH I he limited only by his purse if he can't get at it ill a library.

All you need to start '.s jilt is a quick eve, and a pair of binoculars with a quick focusing adjustment. I can only recommend you to have a go. It's a splendid change from life in a townor in an iron ship! "Aquila"


September, 1954

to 25th: South Parade Pier Theatre. "A Country Girl." 23. H.M.S. Dryad. Ship's Company for Murder" by Strand Repertory Dance at Empress Ballroom, North End, Company. 11. Pier to Pier Swim, Clarence Pier Th. 28th, 29th and 30th: H.M.S. to South Parade Pier, at 3 p.m. l)r ad. Play, "Art Inspector Calls," I by J, B. Priestley. 14. H.M.S. Mercury. "Dial M for I Murder," by Strand Repertory 29. RN. Friendly Wives. Song Recital and Committee Election in WardCompany, at 8 p.m. I 20. 20th to 25th: King's Theatre, room Annexe, H.M.S. Vernon, at Southsca, "Affairs of State." 20th 2,15 p.m. All wives welcome.



enormous differences to civilian clubs: 1. 1st to 18th: King's Theatre, SouthI. The sers'ices of the instructors, "south Pacific." winch drivers. etc. are purely volun- sea. 7. H.M.S. Drs'ad Cinema. "Dial M there is an R.N. and

tary: 2. Gliding I Soaring Association from whom naval I gliding clubs are able to hire gliders j for a small sum: and 3. there is a grant I from the Command sports fund. I The Portsmouth Naval Gliding Club have, over the last five years. worked extremely hard, and the record year for flights was in 1951 when 3.090 I launches were reached, but this cannot he achieved without glider instruc- I (Contd. jronz page 4) W1 (orS, who are in the minority in the I came third in the relay race. Leading has retained her position and is con- Navy. This year, however, the club is Wren D. J. l)avies has received Corn- grattilated. lucky, enough to have two instructors I Wren Sydney Smith. ELMS. Victors'; I --Lieut. (S) K. G. R. Rillam and hined Service colours. I Third Officer 0, F. Archer. Officer-in- Lieut. E, Dufall-who spend their Charge W.R.N.S.. R.N1.B.. Fastncv, I week-ends and two evenings a week in Swimming the two-seater getting people solo, I and Wren K. C. Large, II.M.S. Vernon, The Portsmouth Command Swim- also competed. Gliding is not however. Just coming ihurssere held ming Championships Wren V. M, Ncrn;in and Wren E. along for a flight. You have to be preat the Nasal 22. day, July Royal ('lark, holders of the Challenge Cup in pared to put a lot of work into it if Swimming Bath. Pitt Street. he W.N.S. l)ouhlcc('harnpionships, you hope to he able to get the greatest Wrens Kelland and Carter. both lost to Miss U. (1. Uea/ley, V.A.U., numoer or flights irorn it. 10 mention front H.M,.Victory. entered for the and Second Officer N. A. Swainson, just a few of the jobs that have to be done : Winch driving, retrieving_., c i,,., c.;,r, 'rr.:.i *t',,-,. I vellicle driving and maintenance Kelland took first place and I Archerand Wren Lane also competed. glider handling. work on planes under Carter third. repair and in the process of being The folloss ing were awarded swimbuilt, and, of course, the usual paper . H .\l S colours: Wren Kelland, riling work. But all this is accomplished with . . Victory: Wren P. Smith. H.M.S. Niergood will, and for team-work there is curs: Wren Metcalfe. H.M.S. Mercury; 1EXA. - The biggest petroleum nothing like the spirit you will always P0 Wren Sham.. H.M.S. \ ii. tors pipe -line in the world is to he built find where there is Wren ionths, 1I.M.S. (oltingw000, between Houston. Texas. an d Should anyone want any informaIn the Inter-Unit W.R.N.S. relay Newark. New Jersey. by the Amen- tion about the Portsmouth Naval Glid' at a cost event the Victory team composed of can Pipe-Line Corporation. ins Club. they should get lit touch Leading Wren Webb. Wrens Kclland. of £60 million. It will he 1.425 miles with me. hr letter please, at the Royal Naval Medical School. Als'erstokc. or Carter, and Watson came second, long. * I conic along and see for yourself at PAI.ERMO-Annoyed at a play, an H.M.S. Siskin. Gosport. Lawn Tennis Championships held at Italian farce. put on by a touring Joan Downes. Wimbledon, July. 26-31, 1954 Hon. Secretary. company, the Sicilian audience knifed Portsmouth Nasal Gliding Club. Wren 's:NI. Newman. H.M.S. the leading man and heat up three of . w our were Vernon. holder or the Challenge vup (ii. cast. nil in the W.N.S. Singles ('hampionships. hospital. II.V.. DI11tE) will he at Eastncy. Stamshaw. Paulsgrove and Gosport (3 estates) and, p05 sibly, at Purhrook. None of the houses, ss hcthcr officers' or ratings', i5 being provided with a garage at present, but there will be

ever-here and often exert '. iii ori duty! It is no small advantage 0! bird svatchi ng that it is a that can he followed throughout he car and hro ughout the life of a ma ii, Once bitten by the charm of these wild and free creatures a hi rd ss atehe r inevitably seeks further knowledge. With this he is extrcmdv ss elI supplied. There are many excellent hooks on bird identification at quite reasonable prices. There are hooks ill the Penguin Series, but perhaps the most sUit a He for a nasal man is ''A Ikld Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe,'' lately Published by ('ol lins at 25s. There are hooks like ('oward's "II: rds of the British Isles and their Eggs." it three volumes, published by Warnc at I 7c. 6(1, each, which tell a lot ,.bout each type of bird and are %%c]] illustrated: there are more expensive books which are encvclopadias of knowledge on birds, like the ''Handbook of British Birds," in live volumes a 25s, each, Finally, there are specialised hooks on Birds of the Sea or even hooks on one species of birds, hooks teaching how to '.t tidy birds, hooks on behaviour and on photography. There is a Monthly ittagaii ite ''British Birds,'' svltich an enthusiast can take at 25'.. a year. A vast field of knossIt'dge is

THE ERECTION of the football goalposts is a sure sign that the summer sports season is drawing to a close. Further evidence is playing off the Inter-part cricket final and the regatta for the Osprey Sailing Trophy. Next week the Chief and Petty 0(11c.-rs play the Wardroom to decide the holders of the Inter-part Cricket Shield. The shield is at present held by the long 'LAS. Course. who this year met defeat at the )lands of the Wardroom, The Chief and Petty Officers earned their place in the final for the third year in succession by defeating the Miscellaneous Division and the Seaman's Division. The Osprey Sailing Trophy presented by Capt. C. J, Balfour, R,N., was won for the first time by Lieut. F. J, Sebborn. R.N. Surg. Lieut. R. ('oles coxswaincd home the second boat, while Petty Officer Curtis sailed the first ratings' boat across the line. Each of the six boats in the final were winners of heats sailed during the previous three days.

t i





th e

S ron


er ale -*'

at a


lighter price


/ /


I.-(i '






welcome that will be waiting from those near and dear, have we done a commission to talk about? Many, changes take place during a period such as this which the new General Service system (explained so well in Nsvy NEsSs's first issue) will reduce. We have had two captains and three commanders, without going through the complete complement. The original "bunch" left Portsmouth in June, 1952. in what is now H.M.A.S. Vengeance, calling at Glasgow, Malta, Aden and "Trinco," and arrived at

camouflaged or reluctant to show themselves, for we saw nothing of them until shortly before entering harbour, when we were torpedoed and divebombed alternately. The offending aircraft were dealt with severely by a well-trained. 10-inch signal projector, sioning ceremony. but unfortunately we did not see the We left for Malta and working-up torpedo. We did have our moment of triAs (in Jarv anti. 9. 1953 , flaying reexcitement, however, when we were inained for Christmas in the United called upon to assist the Kron At the was Kingdom. Mogadishu ship Prin-cesa Ingrid, a large Dutch passenger ordered to Niombasa owing to the vessel, which had caught tire about 30 start of the Mati Mau emergency. Formiles to the east of our position. we enjoyed an incident-free tuiiatel Happily, the fire was brought under period and the ship's company was control before we arrived, and later well entertained before leaving for she was able to proceed on her way Trincoma lee, arriving on March 25. Here we hoisted the flag of Vice' little the worse for her mishap. A week we shall all remember is Admiral Slas ter. After a brief dock in Colombo we that spent as guard ship for the Bernleft 1 rincomalee on Ma' 19 for the bridge Sailing Regatta. The weather East African cruise. Ship's concert- fluctuated between gales and downat Mombasa and l)ar-cs- pours for the greater part of the week, parties Salaanl were great successes and the with the result that very little sailing "locals" thoroughly appreciated the was done. Having no harbour. Bern' children's parties which the ship's bridge is not the ideal spot for liberty company gave. We also visited Tanga. mcml, as the members of the ship's Zanzibar and Mauritius before return- company who spent many happy hours ing to Trincomalee on July. 21 with pushing boats off the rocks will tell the nick-name "Angel Ship." which you. Our latest "ordeal" has been the the crew ear tied b their good manners whirlwind of Navy. Da', s, which, alashore. We were in Colombo during the though very successful, has left us all August riots, but were not much a trifle breathless and cager to be off -affected by them. We returned to on our well-earned leave, H.M.S. NEWFOUNDLAND

IIM.S. NEWFOUNDLAND was commissioned at Devonport on Guy Iawkes Day. 1952. with a "Pompcy" Inclement weather was not crew, enough to mar the evergreen commis-








rrmncOnl,mlee and were then sent tip to Diyatalawa for a fortnight's musketry course, which a muchprovided needed change. we In late October left for the Persian Gulf cruise, visiting Bahrein, Kuwait. Mena, Muscat and Bombay. The weather was not cool as we had hoped it might be and our return to Trincoma lee ended the monotony of mile upon mile of sand, our companion for live weeks. On December 14 we left for a threemonth refit in Singapore, during which we we(e accommodated in H.M.S. Terror. the ship's company had a hectic time in the most civilised place we had et visited and, no doubt, found the local overseas allowance a great help. At the Raflies Hotel we had an enjoyable dance. ship's-company which was enhanced by plain clothes the of the being "rig day." We left Singapore on March 17 this year to escort the Queen in the liner Gothic from the Cocos Islands to Aden. stopping at Colombo en route. The Queen inspected the ship and was photographed with the ship's companv on April II, On completion of the escort the ship returned to Trinconialee prior to servins on the Far East Station, We arrived in Singapore on May 27 and hoisted the of Rear-Admiral flag Gladstone, F.O.2, F.E.S. A week later we left for the Queen's birthday celebrations in Penang. Near here we bombarded a terrorist hide-out in the hills. Since then the has visited ship Sandakan. North Borneo, and Subic Hay. Philippine Islands, on the way to Hong Kong. We are now in Japan at Kurt, having recently left Sasebo and I nchon.




but happy leaves with them, but these good times must come to an end. tremantte again, and owing to the polio trouble which had curtailed the Royal visit, no leave was given to say farewell to those friends met on first arrival. On the afternoon of April 1, amidst that most memorable send-off, S.S. Gothic left Australia, and in company with H.M.A.S. Vengeance, Anzac and Bttaan, we took up escort duties to Cocos Islands, when we bade farewell, hon voyage, to the Aussie ships, and



built on concrete piles driven into the soft soil, sometimes to a depth of 60 feet, is a great tribute to the industry and organisation of the Dutch people. Roads in Rotterdarn.havc to be remade every two years, because of the sinkage. We are indeed lucky to live in this country. Termagent and Anchorite were open to visitors on two days. We in Anchorite were fortunate in that it is difficult for a crowd to run riot in a

submarine, but poor old Terniagent was swamped: so much so that one small boy of live was literally pushed over the side by the crush, but was rescued witlr commendable promptitude by the Quartermaster, who dived over and fished him out. '[ire Dutch submarines Zeeliew and Zwaardvi', called in at Blockhouse for a few days after Exercise "Haul," and we were able to return some of the hospitality then.





Accommodation THE IMPROVEMENTS designed for the existing Petty Officers' 114 Mess are now taking shape. One dormitory is completed. It has been quartered off on the style of the reconstructed Anson and Howe Rooms, the hammock-stinging arrangements are removed, lighting is improved and the .. -. whole lot repainted. In addition, the new-type lockers have arrived and the room is pleasant and much more "petty officerish," Other dormitories are being similarly dealt with as labour and materials are available. In the lounge, work is going ahead on a long partition from the west door to the ere joined by our sister ship. Newdining-hall door. At last a place to foundland, wearing the flag of C.-inhang caps, ;laid it with keep the lounge East Indies, warmer in winter. On the other side Our Australian cruise arid Royal of the parade ground we hope work escort duties were completed h% ,i visit will soon begin on installing the cafeto the ship. at sea, h Her Majesty The teria system for the Frobisirer Group, Queen and His Royal Highness The During the past few weeks a gang Duke of Edinburgh. This was a great of workmen could he seen boring We- marched Her through the parade ground just outpast \iujest. who then visited various side the building which houses the rtnients and was, hiri I I v, photo- Officers' Divisional Course, It is underwith graphed the entire ship's stood that this work is to do with selecting time foundations for the new A little longer was spent at 'l'rineo- I'ettv Officers' Block, which is due to rii:tlee this little, but May (together with be erected in that area some time in lease for ulicist at Divatalawa), once 1956-57. found us in dock at Colombo "tgiifl Events for September (tire ). l0.--Coniurrander-in-Chnicf inspects On May 25 we sailed for another Divisions. This will be Admiral Sir cruise across the Indian Ocean to a John Edelsten's last official visit to new place for us, Mauritius. Then Royal Naval Barracks before handing farther west to East Africa (arid what his command to his successor, Admiral additions have been made since our Sir George Creasy. last visit) where (mid friends were waitWhitesand Bay rccomto renew times. ing Shortly we tii iSsiOIis. happy. suit for Seychelles :111(1 stay three Blue Caps then, at the end of J61'. back to Just a reminder- that it is usual to "l'rinco" to meet the new C,-in-C. start wearing these on October I, August is being spent in' combined exercises with Indian and Pakistan D.G.B. Navies. ,and on September 3 homeward bound, NEWS FROM 11W AMERICA AND tittle has been said of sport. For a WEST INDIES STATION while we had an exceptional rugby H.M.S. I3IGBURY HAY left Portsteani. What a pleasure it was to see mouth on April 12 for Bermuda and a tiieiii pi..,v! i:()OthLhl and cricket teams fur tirer commission on the West Indies hold their own, and the Station. During our trill southwards to gerrerzull hockey team is not depressed after a the Falkland Islands we have visited of bad defeats. In sailing and couple Antigua. Trinidad, Recife (Pernamwe have teams he huco) and Rio de Janeiro in shooting to Brazil. reckoned with. The amateur concert Montevideo in Uruguay and Port has many to party helped enjoy happy Stanley. hours, while money for raising 1 Ire short stay, at Bermuda in corncharities. with pans' A.M. Ships Sheffield, Much has been left unsaid of places, Cygnet and hhurghead Bay proved to the who peoples, 75.0(X) have visited h quite an arduous three weeks as we tire ship, 3.640 children entertained at arrived in tinre to enter for the Fleet parties, the 58,0(X) miles before arriv- sports and regatta. Although we had ing home, and the work winch has kept had little opportunity for training, the ship going, but if we have left as quite a high standard was attained; many happy memories as we carry Telegraphist Punnett the winning away with us then our mission of Victor I.udorurn with the highest "showing the flag" has been fulfilled. for field 'aggregate points events. At Antigua, the ship's company did Yes. a hrappy commission even if a one. Now, some valuable work in Nelson's long dock"Pompcv, get our berth ready; E.T.A. will he given later. yard helping to restore a most historic but the day is October I. relic of naval history. After enjoying excellent social activR. H. i. ities at Trinidad and Recife, the next stop en route was at the beautiful city }LMS. DOLPHIN of Rio de Janeiro. It is by no means ANCHORITE PAID a short informal an easy task to describe the panorama visit to Rotterdam in company, with seen on entering the I-f.M. Submarines Thule, Subtle and Solent and the destroer Termagent during the second week' of June. At the home of the Dutch submariners we lacked nothing in the wax. of entertainment, the only, person we Preparations had been made to enreally, felt sorry for was the Dutch sure a very successful stay and we liaison officer. Lieut,-('dr. Murnich, had the privilege of berthing alongside whom we left a limp and forlorn figure the elite jetty near the centre of the. our the jetty muttering "Sleep. sleep, town. On the day of arrival, June II, sleep,..," over and over again. the Brazilian Navy celebrated its sea over Paraguay in the 19th Apart from the social side, however, victor Rotterdam is a most interesting port Century with a passing-out parade of some to visit. '[he third largest in the world, 5(X) midshipmen at the Naval it is increasing in capacity every year Escola. followed at night by the and may well catch up with New York annual ball at the Brazilian Naval and in the future. The city ('tub at winch the strip's officers atwas practically flattened in the earls' tended. This was a grand spectacle part of the war and is making valiant reminiscent of Regency days with efforts to repair the damage. Fifty per (m,(XX) people dancing on five different cent, has already been completed, floor., starting at 01(k) firs. and finishwhich. when you take into considera- ing at 0700 hrs, or thereabouts. t ion that :111 large buildings have to be The Brazilian Navy throughout our ,-




Singapore in July to rclmesc the old shi1)'S company back from service in Korea. , Perhaps we started off well with a two- or three-month holiday. Ceylon . was taken in hand for refit at Singaand during that time we lived at P() terror (wIry that name, with all the anlenities available?). going to the : ship daily. During October the work I increased, and by the end of the nunith we were at sea doing an intensive work1115-up programme. We left Singapore and joined our base. East Indies Station (Trincornalee) in unmd-Novcmnber. Our first cruise (as flagship) was to Calcutta (and let's hope that is still the only rough weather we see), but what a reception we were given there! Our job was to "show the flag. Happy memories will long he remenlbcred b' all concerned,


ONCE AGAIN. H.M.S. Rinaldo, as half-leader of the Fourth Nlinesweeping Squadron, enjoyed a varied summer programme . Setting out on our Scandinavian cruise with other members of the Squadron, we unfortunately encountered weather of a highly disagreeable nature and, as might be expected. the morale of the ship's companies was somewhat lessened for a day, or two. Spirits were further dampened on arrival at Oslo when we met with continuation of the present "English summer"! Nevertheless, the weather quickly improved and this. with coupled excellent Norwegian hospitality. made our stay thoroughly enjoyable. We were equally impressed by the welcome given to us b' the Danish people in Copenhagen. The famous Tivoli Gardens proving to be an indispensable source of entertainment for the British sailor. After a five-day visit we returned to Harwich by way of the Kid Canal just in time for the Whutsun week-end. The advent of the annual Squadron smoking concert, at Portland. brought together officers and men of all ships of the Squadron to a most entertainins evening. The presence of Allen Williams, the we B.B.C. commentator, reputed to l,e adopted by time Fourth M.S.S., being much appreciated by everyone present. He enlivened the atmosphere with his verve and other versatility, encouraging more (though possibly lubricated) amusing contributions. A return to reality was necessitated, however, by Exercise "Haul," a much hvolved. but none the less interesting. exercise, a minesweeping playing 1LM.S. STARLING AT pr'mnsunent part. On completion, inPORTSMOUTH dividual ships made their way to their AFTER A varied and interesting various home And ports. H.M.S. period, leave is once more upon its. Rinaldo may, now be seen in this, so June was our regatta month. To- called, month of August, gradually gether with the rest of the Squadron accumulating tier share of undersve spent an enjoyable day off Bern- water growth with the rise and fall of bridge. the weather, which had been the tide at time North West Wall. Ii rca ten ing at first. became quite fair, B. R. ('. and all the spectators were able to M. (;. %I. enjoy the races to the full. We finished the day in second place, II. NI .S. Boxer IIM.S. CEYLON being the "cock," Shortly afterwards we sailed to par- H.M.S. CE't'I.ON is probably the last ticipate in Exercise "Haul," which saw strip to do the ftil icommission (all hut, its. tossing about the North Sea in con- anyhow: yes, two years four months voy. The "enemy" were either well by the time we get hack). After all the

Christmas l):i',', 1952, was spent at "Trinco," then Boxing Day at sea to Colombo, when His Excellency The Commissioner was taken to High \lal& capital of Nlaldive Islands. ']he Maldives will often come to mind as their national antheni is very similar to a famous Scots song. "Auld Lang S)ne," Back to Colombo, and then a hOweek cruise covering the Persian Gulf ports (lovely and cool after "Trinco"), back to Karachi, Bombay, Coctrin and so to "Trinco," but didn't stas long. Easter week was spent at Madras, (our first 12-month away) and July were fairly quiet: it included our six-monthly at docking pe r i o d Colombo. and exercises with the cornbined Indian and Pakistan Navies. At the end of July we sailed tiled for Seychelles and East Africa, "crossing the line" on August Bank Holiday, a most suitable day for a skylark. Very few had seen Africa before. but a happy time was had by all, We arrived hack at "Trinco" at the end of September, but were spared the monotony of "buoy swinging." for after a fortnight we were away again on another visit to Bombay, Karachi and Cocirin. This trip included exercises with the Pakistan and Indian Navies: some heavy by shooting Ceylon surpassed all expectations and all hut sunk the target-the target towers had a few days' unexpected leave! In early December we again enjoyed the wonders of Trincornalce, but only for a week. We left and our second Christmas. plus another sixmonthly docking inspection, returning for New Year to "Irinco" and afterwards another visit to Madras. The climax of the commission February. 1 saw us at Frernantle. Airstralia. en route to Hobart. Tasmania, to take part in their sesqui'centenarv. where we also had tire Ironour of street-lining for Her Majesty The Queen's visit to this capital, Sydney was the next port of call. and then hack to Melbourne and Adelaide. where again we had the of street-lining for Her privilege Majesty's Visit, A change had been made at Me]boumne. Capt. J. Stopford was relieved by our present captain, Capt. R. S. Foster-Brown, Our visit to Australia enabled mans' to find lost relations, and some of us Pommies" were able to enjoy short






harbour-the huge figure of Christ on the Corcovado Mountains-the Sugar Loaf dominating tire lofty skyscraperswhite "cditicios"-are perhaps the most outstanding features.




Command News stay was most helpful and generous in providing innumerable bus tours to places of interest which included free seats at the Maracana Stadium (three times the size of Wembley) to watch a first division football match. Despite the substitutes, these South Americans certainly, know how to make the game last, thrilling and enjoyable. We were amazed at the firework display which occurred after each goal was scoredapparently a normal Latin-American custom in keeping with our Hampdcn roar. The ship played a football match against a Brazilian Navy team. After watching the pre-niatch "kick about" the Brazilians decided we were tot) good for the original team and subsequcntlv sported their first eleven-result, a handsome win for our allies! Leading Seaman Pearson, a former Navy foils champion. ssas invited to a tournament at the Fluminense Cluhe svhere out of nine bouts he won fise his opponents included Brazilian and South American champions-a stout effort. At the conclusion of a heavy run of entertainment, we are now in the cold "freeze" of the Falkland Islands, and in the middle of the Antarctic winter, During the first four days here, the wind was blowing at 60 knots and the temperature just below freezing. Our -- ,.rnh b''

Cowes. After the first two races she found her form and brought off two thirds and a second, Dinghy sailing has suffered from tile weather, but Hornet has turned out a full entry for all possible races. The enthusiasm of the dingh men has been rewarded by our present position at the top of the Dinghy. Aggregate Our old rivals from Competition. Vernon are pressing close at our heels 50, with two races to go. we must keep at it. Cricket Hornet entered the finals of the Cricket Knock-out Competition by beating Dryad at Haslar by 10 runs. 1-tornet. batting first, scored 135 runs. Licut, Bird (SI) and Lieut. Johnson (26) were the principal scorers. Drvad were 40 for 6 and then made dramatic recovery and only failed by II runs mainly, oss ing to Pullman 47 not out) and Robinson (29). % C. M. S.


H.M.S. DAEI)ALUS ON ACCOUNT of summer leave and the curtailment of sporting fixtures generally by the wet weather of this deplorable summer, I itt I e station activity of interest is to be reported. During the leave period. H.M.S. h -, , I, .,;i ' " ,, "" I""" pleasure of entertaining once again a party, of blind men from St. Dunstan's. Volunteers came forward readily to assist the SI cx-Scrvicc men and there "'


n;onthly-we hope'






Navy News Crossword-No. 3

IEMS. COQUETI'E FIRST AN introduction to NAVY NEws readers. H.M.S. Coquette is an Algcrine-Class minesweeper and leader of the Fifth Fishery Protection and Minesweeping Squadron. The role of Fishery Protection Cruiser takes us far and wide, and in the main to some very interesting places. the last cruise (summer) was a most enjoyable one, to say, the least. Once the natives had recovered from the shock of being at sea we all settled down to the first stop, which was where we were welcomed with the usual Midland hospitality. From there we proceeded to Oslo, the beautiful capital of Norway. We opened the ship to visitors and broke all records, recording an average of 2.000 visitors each day for the two I d.i . s we were open. After a pleasant slit 5, the visited Copenhagen ship here the ship's company celebrated Her Majcst The Queen's birthday with a visit to the famous Carlsherg who Brewery save us every hospitality. Back to England for a visit to Invergorlon. Here we heard the news that we had been chosen to take Princess Margaret from Fleetwood to BarrowinFtirness to inspect the shipyards there and to return to Fleetwood. The ship arrived in Fleetwood three days beforehand and everyone turned io cleaning and polishing the ship from stem to stern till we looked like a smaller version of the Royal Yacht. On the day a guard of hnour was and the ship slipped from paraded Flcctwood with the cheers of thousands of people on the sands and promenade ringing in our ears. The Princess had the same reception in

A prize of £1



i1EIr LiLIiL1] [flV T[jEIT L :i::r::ii L ii. L 1 U












L fjIj[




i, i.e


react, iteiga for a call at the laM Mon . 39. 9 tin may folio) (3 wtirda, 3, 6 4) tO. Men or animaLs (5) town 1 12. . large number in a trap with the Frcnch folloseing (7)

WITH SUMMER leave upon us, it is was considerable departmental rivalry Barrow and was received by the local not surprising to find this contribution to provide the best entertainment for dignitaries. On completion of her insomewhat short. Little of note has them during their week's stay. we embarked the Princess and At a party of welcome held in the spection occurred since the first-leave parts made full steam for Flcetwood. On the went on its way rejoicing. "Second ship's company "Eagle" canteen, 50 return Neville Duke broke the leave's best" has been the cry ever Wrens and ratings acted as hosts. On sound passage harrier above its for the since! When the long faces appeared the following day our guests were Princess. Having disembarked the Over the gangway we felt that they entertained by the Wardroom Mess, princess at Fleetwood we all relaxed. could agree heartily, most heartily. Later they enjoyed a tea-dance (organ- each with his own thoughts of a proud Can there be any more rain in the ized by the Chief and Petty Oflicer day and a good job well done. Wrens), to our whilst we which was well dampen spirits supported by sky Our next call was the French naval are away? We've certainly had a basin- a number of Wren ratings, The high- base at Brcst, where we had an insight (ut during first leave, and hope that light of a jolly evening was the arrival into the French naval way of life, and the recent sight of the sun over Roihe- of a Scottish member (31 the St. DunI am sure you will all he glad to know say will not be the final fling- of sum- Stan's party resplendent in the full ''"''"'''"'''"' ,,,.,, ,,.,, , regalia of his clan to give a highly,, 133cr! ii"

is. will be given for the first correct solution to opened on September 21


Hot clevenuec may be found here, and this there (3) tour ar, itW (4) oad to 39. 9 "p "Where ghoul train arId' singe funnel top" (aria*.). tWcstatd Ito. By rail.' Sec aL,r, I acrcn'). (8 snide. tO.

6. 7. 8.



5. 3. 3. 4. ci)

9 up. Sec If down. Light Brigade (3). I). Keeping (9) A "potato" comc.c hack this month IS) l. A king had lh and would 'pare land (2 14. I . Aircraft S. America in the days unords. 2. 3) of revolutions famed(in (9) 21. A hirer gets a letter in. in again 7). 16. Spaum to ,tie'! (3) 23. True hut to praise IS. 26. Allow around a mixed container (6) 25. Sec _') down there us footwear in a task I cnioy 13) 28. Note live for rascals (anaL) (Found in 20. 22. Not ncceaarity a black man (3) most shirr and abbreviated like this) (3) 24. Large in London. bigger in Scotland (3) often mild (3) 30. Plurally 25. 5CC 29 33. What )OU are seeking (7) 26. Sec IS 3' Animal (5) 27. Rclura in waders. Jack ! 13) 38,Meate of eccuring 2 worda. 25'. 25. Not the station in 8. etc. 39. Sec If down 7) CLUES DOWN 31. She is in cricketer, May for this IS) 2. First mc'al or mp. be leather (4) 32. Start the race for the pudding? (4) 34. In the old to pack (4) 3. Elongated throw impurtanr in India (5) 35. Live like 36 (4) 4. Help a girt in opera (4) 5. IbId the hag t4) 56. rake a letter back to school (4) 16. N,( the Charge of the 17. Wind in pronert' (3)



CLASSIFIED Haul, and of course eventually H.M.S. and in the is no at the Vanguard. evening period exception though, Exercise "Haul,' Here we pla',cd withthe we stillus. have Turpin were time Truncheon of writing, with Mess,entertained in the Pct Officers' part of convoy screen in company and MENTS there too .

underwater. Our








hag -

After this



Portlan d

for working-up exercises for Exercise proceeded



order to







leave. This

The following day, the party visited

pipes .

In blustery weather the athletes of During our summer term of opera' C' t....,.. ----------------,...u : ''''"' S party .--------uiui1icicU "in lions and exercises, we have had the ' the annual walking race round the pleasure of working with various N.A.T.O. units which included the perimeter track. This event proved a Netherlands Submarine 0.21 and her great attraction and the members of the "field gun crew" acting a guides attendant vessel. Mercuur. No doubt had to watch their step in order next term will see an even busier time to keep pace with the competitors. with visiting ships and actual sea time for Adamant when she eventu- Charles Stafford, a veteran of the race. who earlier this scar competed in the to take over from Montally arrivesLondon to Brighton race, broke his dare. own record for the airfield by recordR. 3. Bryant ing the fastest lap time of 22 mm, 50


various ships, on the completion of .............................................................. w hich we came hack to Portsmouth , for a well-earned summer leave where. we hope, the Navigating Officer and the R.P. Branch regained their sanity. T. E. Spink

see, Medals were awarded for the first

THE RECENT death of our laic chief boatswain's mate. Chief Petty Officer Hitchcocks, in H.M.S. cIlasgo's. ,. ,. mas heard with much reort

J. S.

particularly well known in Portsmouth hosing circles, having represented the Navy on numerous occasions. He also

three places by Commodore Fardell. who congratulated the athletes on their tine performances. More


people attended a ball at Lee Tower on the Wednesday evening organized by the (civilian) Old I tme




During sear this committee has organtzed organized dances at intervals at 1-cc regular gave considerable encouragement and I 1 ower to raise funds for St. Dunstan's. I training to young boxers, especially in a party, travelled During their sta the Reserve Fleet. We offer our dcc'pest I to visit the liner Southampton to sympathies to his widow and young United States, returning to an "At family, -- .L. _r .... n......... __' ctS fltJtilC in the t., litCi and retty t.Jiili Recent additions to the Reserve Fleet Mess in the evening. the Persian are Loch Quoich frons This happy week will he long rcGulf, and Michael from Singapore; membered h guests and hosts alike. will followed he they shortly by I Perseus, Mermaid and Vertttam. H.M.S. PHFNIX Peacock. We

arc 3111


sorry to



chaplain. Rev. L. Macmanaway, MA., who has so carefully and assiduously looked after us during the past t o years. lie goes to fill an appointment in Singapore. The Blood Tranfusion Unit visited Reserve Fleet at the end of July. H.M.S. Excellent very kindly provided facilities for us on shore. There as a very good response from officers and ratings. who gave blood until the supply of bottles ran out. Ballyruftian

H.M.S. HORNET Sailing HORNET CONTINUES to he the popular retreat for naval yachtsmen. Our latest visitor is the 50 sq. metre Lerche. which is now being run by the Polish Naval Association. They proto rename her lskra II after a pre-Iron Curtain Polish naval sail training ship, Marabu did not get her new mast until an hour before the start of the R.O.R.C.'s Cowes-I)inard event and so was unable to take part. She went for a "jolly" to Onsstrehans instead, which was voted very good value. The new stick brought her luck at


THE bird

has got



in this weather: the only leave conso- 1 talion as far as I can see is that second leave is always best. With the maIn party away painters, electricians and their mates descended on the school to hzttitif everything ready for the new term which will already have started by the time this is read. 'A new soccer kick-about has been made. and it is understood that Horsea has gone mad and got the soccer pitch into being. Although there are a few more games 01 inter-port cricket to get off it looks as though the shield will be decorating the Supply Divisions messdeck shortly. They will not get the soccer cup so easily. The Commander-in-Chief inspected Divisions recently; the last time he will I visit is before his departure, Other than uckers," we "grand I gather that sonic more broadcasts are have coming this way. Enough tickets been taken up to fill a coach on WedI nesday, December I. for the England versus Germany match at Wcnsblcy. I After staging "grand uckers." Wensbley will seem like a second home to ' I us. All for now. I "'fle Bird"

H.M.S. IIEDINCHAM CASTLE SINCE, DURING the first part of August, half our ship's company were on leave, news of Hcdingham Castle's movements and activities is somewhat restricted. However, we are pleased to


visitors, Bank holiday

on hoard. coming Monday brought forth the largest number. 6.000 arriving to view the ship. Our number of visitors


I. ARGI: lur,iishcd bed-sitting-room, Room for ne child if necessary. - 63 Cuipnu'r Road, ott'ntouth.



jtist how their money


was being .


sri i , srI d's '' t SUPERIOR board ssetl-apmunied accommodation and S,iuithsca. Mrs Brooks, 'Castcinau." Merton good (osut.

If -contained flatlet to le't . all FURISIIFt) KimbcrIc R ad e t I tathrs,m During our stay in Portsmouth s L were fortunate to have seen the Portu- SrntLs'ca, nk4crn (uill furnished and ccli,,uurc,tr1.nun,c,lnn """ .-.. vessel c',nrrc ' THREE siipc,u,r e'"-contained flats. Ila)lung island. residential area. moored in the stream. Her lines. directly facing sea and fleet to the hlaylina golf I course: available from September 1st: one or two though perhaps not so sleek as some of children not ,ihiccied (0: reasonable (emote for our modern destroyers, left nothing i long tenancy. -Apply Henderson, '1 WO(sdtsath (OH I.Iuti Grovel. Southsea. liants. Phone Portsto be desired in gracefulness, ','°°' Portland, August I I : On return to ' FURNISHED seth-contained flat to let from our base we spent our time until Sun' September tIth: linen and crusckerv. etc.. auto' div alongside, giving first-leave party plied: 3 gns. per wcek,-2 Ciutton Road. South-

it short spell in which to recuperate, londav found us with our noses to the grindstone again. As a complete change from the usual A./S. exercises. sve carried out oiling and replenishing at sea with H.M.S. Albion. We in Hedinglsam Castle think we didn't do so badly and no doubt some useful knowledge wits gained by those si_ concerned. Fortunately perhaps for us, no fuel was transferred. so the Chief Stoker had no opportunity to strike a gusher. and the First lLicutenant was happy about his paintwork. We visit Shanklin as guard ship to the regatta before our second-leave period, which will he from Portsmouth. We are also taking part in the regatta, More news of this at a later date. On Sunday. August 15. we began our "nine days on the trot" as duty destroyer. We have a further two days after that. making II days out of 15 as duty ship. We are now coming up to the half-way mark with plenty of films and crib and ticker competitions in an attempt to subdue the more inpatient among the second-leave party. who are straining at the leash. Let's hope the weather will be more kind to them. .1, R, M.


WO FURNISHED ROOMS with hull use of kiitchen. 32s. btt. per week md. gas and dcctrnc-It Rrnny Road, Iratlon. FURNISIIED HOUSE for tong let under Admiralty hiou.'ring Scheme. One child taken. 1.'t Us, per nncck.--185 \Vestlicld Road. South-

report that during the August bank holiday week-end the ship was open to

surely he a record: indeed. on reading the total number of visitors to H,M. Dockyard. Portsmouth. it was evident that the taxpayers intended to

T'WO FURNISHED ROOMS with cooking (acitities: share bathroom: Crancssrater area: as aitable till May. 1955: SSs. Per week. including Us and I(cmhridgc Crescent, &uuithsCa. NO FURNISHED ROOMS with uc of kitchen ar tt bathroom: £2 per wcck.-tJ(u Ea*tney Road. Sr )uthsca. I)OUBLE bed-sitting-room with use of kitchen an ud bathroom. 27s. 6i1. Per cck. including gas arWi clectricity.-3 Fi'lkc,tonc Road, Cuipnor. Ii URNISIIED flat to let.--5,7 Liss Road. Southcc a, Phone 32843.

ARGE Bw-simsc-ROOM with use of tchen and bath. Reavonahlc ternis. -. 2'h king.ston Crescnl. Porl.vmoiimh To t.ET for two )ears. vacant September i) 954. fiirni'hed detached hunalonn of 4 room, (2 bedioums), plus kitchen. ('aihroont (6. A ausrI garage well-kept garde'ne: 4 gnu. ,nchuusu,c: in be viewed any afternoon or esening.- ddre.ss : Inglemcre Green t age, Clnntuetd. rants. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED.Married as chauffeur/ couple gardener, wife. dontestuc duties and cook: country situation: £320 Per annum paid weekly and good ci,Itagc,- AppI) with references it) (3 Vr'ytnan-At,bott, Stihhington hlousc, \',.unslord, near I'eterlsorourh. A.C. COSSOR LII). require niaruic radar seevice engineers and invite applicaiiu,ise front ex.

nasal radar mamr.icnancc staff: suiltatule men will sea. be given training (with pay). The sersice departStAL.LOW GUEST HOUSE. 52 Vhitett Road. otent is based in London but, in addition. tictr Sr,uutlisc.i. Special terms October ht 10 March arc vacancies in nrsnc of the principal Initd SIsI. , Bed and hrca)iasi and escn,ng dirt Kingdom ports Salary after training. 1,00 per ncr with full board on Sundays, only 'Us. per annum-Apply the Manager, Eguipn,ent week for families of Naval personnel. Children , icing tepartmcnt, AC. C5sssor ltd.. Sec-in ('antert'ury welcome. Grove. West Norwo,x), London. .5 F 27. FURNISIIEI) house to id with garage at haym island: rea,nahtc rent--Apply 78 Milton PERSONAL Connor. NAVY rating wishes in corre,' rWO FURNIS8IEI) ROOMS to let with use of MERCHANT pond with hl.M.S. rating on topics of kitchen and bathroom,--44 Roscbcry Avenue. general inlerest andSuperb ships-Write All Gusen Q,sham. Steward, (3. rEv. Queen of hfcrniiirla, I TWO FURNIShIFI) R(X)MSS to let. share Vkiuual)ing t)epartn,ent. Furnes Bermuda line. and bath,iu'ni: not suitable for children. Puce 'is. North River. New York. N.Y U.S.A. I kitchen I -3 'iS'hcatctonc Road, Si,uthsca. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with use of kitchen TRADE and bathroom: no children: no linen,-2t3 HOUSE OWNERSHIP.-D, you desire house Francis Avenue. Southsea. ownership? Why pay e,crssivc rent? (louse our: FURNIS*IEI) hed.sitiina-room and kitchenette: chase with endowment assuranc. with reduced no children; 415. per week, including gas and premiums for nasal allotment. cnsures security electricity.--20 Northern Parade. hiulsea. for the (iiture,--'iVrite for frill parlicuilars. withTO FURNISHED ROOMS with use of kitchen out obligation. to S. V 'orrus. "Gwenlyn." and bathroom: 45s, rice week, including gag HecehwoJ Avenue, Watrrlisosullc. Hams. and electricity. 'ii Puinchcstcr Road, North md. FOR SALE RED AND BREAKFAST. tOe. (il. per week.- SHOW SIAMESE and PERSIAN studs avail ('h Road. North Snui,thsca, able, and kuitens usually (or sale. For particulars FURNISHED bedroom with use of aitllng-room or Blue I'ers,an Cat Society iHh Or,inrtcis'nsfrui, and bathroom--- Call between 4 P.m. and 7 p.m. Show. Great Russell Street. London. (htu,brr 6, wriU to Show Manager. Mrs. A. S. Cisk' to ItY laburnurn Grove. North End. Oaks, Cop)aun, ilants, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with (use of kitchen Radmore. Seem and bathroom: no children-224 i)esonshire £700.-Very well-kent modern house: 2 bedrooms. 2 reception rooms (with tiled grates), Southsca. FURNISII1 A¬'COflODATION vacant large kitchen. separate bathroom, nice garden.from October 2nd: every convenience: terms 9 Raglan Strcel. Southsea. moderate.-Fairllght Guest house, 38 Waverley WANTED Road, Soiitlssca. IX-CONTAINED furnialied flat; iS 5g. Per TREADLE MOTOR required, details to Boa 12; wcek.--'43 North End Avenue. Portsmouth. bench drill wanted. Box IS.





1F11S SIi)RY k about 5() people Y.hO. tiiig wet before rime I dashed round until they drank more and rn)ri, in 1941, took to a lifeboat a little looking for another hit and found cventuIIy being violenti y sick .tnd then larger than zt Service motor cutter. 1 he No. I C) being got out from the poop. either going stark raving tnad or lying boat was waterlogged. devoid of food Ihe job as not easy because the place do n to die. By lying down in this .. and water and ill equipped. When. was in rather a shambles. After lot boat they were automatically drowned. as of fussing after five days had elapsed. she crowd of its got her into Everyone was looking it' bit rough sighted by a Spanish liner about 700 the water and manned her by sliding after two days of being three-quartcrs miles west of Freetown only seven down ropes hanging over the side. This submerged, buffeted a h u t a n d survivors remained to tell the tale: the boat sank almost to the gunwales he- knocked by oars each time the boat remaining 43 having died. some of cause of the holes made in her by the moved and without food or water to them hideous deaths. raiders first salvo. The buoyancy keep them going. So passed WednesI was ordered it) take passage in an tanks were intact and these kept the day. March 26. When it was dark the Anchor Line vessel of sonic (.(X)() tons boat afloat-just. At last we embarked dead bodies were divested of their which was routed to BOflhl,' from all those available and began to pull lifejackets and thrown overboard Liverpol via ('aptovn. From Hon- zvziv from the ship. I'uHing a water- During that night we lost ha. I would have taken another ship togged boat full of people is hard work other boat. the wind grew stronger, the to Aden. up the Red Sea and so to but having cleared the ship the raider sea anchor was carried away and there Alexandria. closed in to deliver the final blow. A was no more tiitahIe cordage with The crew of the liner were in the few wII - placed rounds below the which to construct a substitute with T)Ii U t a'cztr' and (, oane'e , and a' .i ter line sent our ship the tile ozos. there were inuftiicnt ship's officers, waves in a 'cry short time. With tier Oii Thursday morning we rigged a moat otuicer passengers were asked to %cflt tons of ar store. The raider r- c:ii ac screen o keep out sonle Of tile take charge of the towering of some tired at high .pied. never to be sen : prIy. 1 Ii skin on our bodies below water tifho*t should it evcr become nece.- h i again. ith other hoat and w' crinkled like it There szlry. 1)' responsibility was No. 8 linger, after doing the eck' boat \% hkh was ;it the port after rafts. on a fairly c.ilin sea hut heas ashing. Every on deck, near the bar! swII. 7(X) TniIc wc't of Freeti n. kiock our hideti. produced pr()nwnadc (;ridtziI; the at first cold. Episode one. as it were, over. the salt-Ltcr sores and it ws agony to heca tue ca rnler. cttt s and mu Iflers occti pants of the boat looked a ho ut rnoe frOlli one position to another. The hrt hite casually occurred were put ;iid, and pt'nger' hegtn them. Other boats were either making t U take ;in i n erest ill tipper deck games. sail or pulling. their Occupants 'tvi ng l hat day hen the ship's gunner : Us decided to to; n out a to each (litter ---all except for one boat- c';iipieielv r:td and jumped overlittle earlier c;iI morning for a few load hkh . like ours, wit, wa tc rtogged . board. I c could not he reached ill . " minute' Pt. and run round before I t ct, : cd a stev.ardc ;and a k tIflhi before he " ii. is by a shark, ! rt I of h ich no" I U rk ed abtit breakfast. I h is eti i rt did. I fed so re, ( j took thin i nt on r '.t md u in good stead it fe~ dit ' I ttcr boat. \\. also took in to rafts h tin. boat. T All t scII hoccr tinit the had been ",_t adrift from another ho at I hell another "hit_ began to rzi%c 13th d. at .t. On March 25. 1941. under sail. 1 he 'tipant' of No. but %%.I' ith difficulty held eItvn until he tile I'.1. pt rt had done I Iiii r stuff and 10 boat now c'n i '.1 J of 1 2 E uio quietened. t)u ri ng tile dt v v. I o t I n r1t'r ot our c u rcd tt nJ . () n v.e Fe resting on the i t i I when one 0 1 " pea fls, 3$ ( oa ncs and r. ,\t1 tteipt to hail out the boat "as I tIrdk theni c:iuaIIv remarked. ---Look, a ship : i1ing twi flare, were lit . .. .-the fir( 'L"' h*" seen since leaving ii:td with sun helmets. cap,, and any- but did not produce I1v ancr. 1 11m " " tile COfl V fl . Sitre c nt)(Igh there s thing hI Ii u J hold ater hut . night ;.t 'sed " ii Comparative SI ICIe . a ship 1 pp::I ring over the horiion. very little impression ws \. Noss Ztfld again a groan of dipzi rtIn , e tie otiId not s:iit 'r pull a water- life could lie lie.Ird and :i cIrctl of ItliIlkt!lg Ilottling more ItltIt it ' cn t below. I Wit' tLII f- .1) through logged boat for any di tt nce and t h : btit t next morning yielded I IIdI er." 1/411()UII IrL atli i heart () hl.IIc.1 ItII :tIId nieniorable c* was beconint rough, it 'vas d. t" Of thelfl SIIItC. shaving \%III1 the aIirIn heIl sounded. character tS portrj.ed ,s I)elores .\I4)rji in hit, fortiieo,iiii,g Technicolor had well %1a, a wellidcI that the u11y thing to do sts By tIii tilllC most of its were ',,)me. The ship armed (krlntn surface raider. SILSPCflsC (Irailla ---Silver Lode" i to keep the boat tlcId to sea by mean, Y hat delirinI, but nevrtIlIs deter--------------------------------------------------------Is'cr ie k e w what to do when of a stern oar. It may sound curious IllIfled to keep going. We .111 were very ! i fact that no ' CI k. During Friday morning a white the aIa 1111 betI sounded, I II Ii Il the LILII I painful r' p 1 quickly. but it i nevert hle 째 er the side. zind s LII an energy ing for h&tJe and we found those of get a coat and un hclniin, grab V1111 one thought f or mentioned food or ihles & i1I spread abttit the ,flip to drink tintI I the evening. It s t then " hiti should not }1.I\' been poIbli., the i de and three I aseat . i II r lessen CI.'IIII ties. " realised that it ally provisions were at this stage, ss in law-' fi-oin the ing tile day . i th failing strength but Ii I II I I the detrII1 i Ii at ion I thought the bar as good a place s intact ill the boat they would he well ti t . Despite order to coil I I 1 II ed hailing. lit any - in addition it "its clear the boat under water and would have to he t)at the )i I p s apprentice went after , tile :1 !tcrihIn :Ill object drifted alonghill). He Was eSe,IttI*lIy sciid tnit 1101 side and our hopes were raised in 1 would have to lower if the necessity groped for during daylight next div. Ifr t shark IhEil tikcn a piece out S011th Parade Pier. I ficatr to arose. The raidcr\ first salvo destroyed During t}I night, we could see t1astie anticipation of provisions. 1t turned DAIRY: South of his \I I ( hound his wind j- out to he a cork fender. Our di-.ipItIi. Evenings and 8._() pm our onI and only gun svith it entire fron torches iii other htits hit at (]aleg. " '- gbits of t I(IflCs. ti irt . The man crew. At about that ti iii I realised light on March 2( only one boat co old best . e could '. i ih Il tIfleflt %% its iCII tt. the rest of ii ' 't kIIit 10 rC1/4IIC had iw that a photograph of my, wife Is he '.en and she v.a llidduI triiii tiII1 disp- now riIisd that it)I&nit %atci- \"I:J\" South Parade I'icr Deck Bandstand. stilt in In:.. cabin so I dashed don to tulle by tile heavy sc_is. It v is iIll piard. During the daylight hotir, c \Vc ere not Only Ntt 'OtiTIkflIafl and ii. Orchestra, '.titFe, cJ i was hack ' a ca :t niore coloured dtitIi -.. h:Iw to get it. on my way nJitr. eight at 3 and 7.30 11.111. Final iiight great ;t that e found patched aiid tired hut titieri y exI hI S left US WI(Ii wh I bar when the crash of another Once out this was 1ii rC Iir ie, i tic! tid to the eight )Iii titd through c po'.u re and lack Of I h great help. ' sa t S0 was heard. Carrying on up% trd s search of the boat di Iod a 1.1111p ing tile stewardess. who t Il 1ItI gh o ii t had re ,t i nce taking to the boat to have South Parade I'ir Minor Hall. I found the bar had di ipp_ liLd n&1 ltII 'Ut oil or ik ('In II tr.- but Conducted herself with the iltin st slept would h i. flIc nt inviting death Mornings and i I t _ r n o o n s fortitude. and five COttlitrcd Ilien. \ the wireless compartment on the next nothing ill tile food and drink Ii iie. 1 Ii drowning, It is Z curious tat that (;()rdt)n Banner and his Wonder deck up si s a bla ,_-. Since the firing. tL re. i t dried. inI gli t he useful, bill s - 1'' CI I ii not speak tit][ croaked :it _ Ii hkl tigh the hody does not receive Organ. I )a ii ciii g, 8 to 11 pin. w. were citch other like frogs. k irnd that water it in still p i it V c simply had our ship iii, I I4.cd and made .lIk)kc in flad no tar. to dry tIicn .. ( k.111 . to Aquarium, ardcss s i s a wido who had to Iiioi5ti1 00 1 lips that c\'ii ng :i ii d an attempt to spoil the cnerv go ii - sitting wa i t or breast high i n water. the sI 10.30 11.111. Iicn his ship Aas did. ner. But to no purpose, as were I During the day we found a sail and lost tier tiuh.tnd SoutIisc3 Roller Rink, Skating in the boat were t)nring tile d:i repeatcdI lilt and eventually brought with the aid of an or and spare cord- torpedoed during the first World War. 0 A.111. it) 10.30 P.111. s as rigged to help keep the boat The night of Friday was it terrible able t know tile I I inc ! ioiii a wa te rto) a standstill. with fires hurn i ni. in : age ' .itIi carried by oni (If the Savoy Hal lro('ni. I)ancing. Big hand vitally places and dead and wounded up to the wind. Other aitiviiic in- one. Men were ordering drinks from pr lVifl( thO(iI. : chided look-out dutic and dising to ' an invisible waiter and ciiring him Attire,. t 19(X) his. on this 29th day every Friday night. "-\ " " At 0930 firs. the enemy closed and find and zittlnpt to plug shell-splinter v. hen they Acre not forthcoming, and of March, 1941, someone croaked. Theatre Royal. Commercial Road, " ordered (is to abandon the ship. Con- holes in file boat. This latter Kcupa- tile boat s a. as though tul t ot uiud .,hI p a ship." We had heard th i-. Portsmouth. 'arictSti ii (iZt I short blasts on the . hi st e sent t ion ceased very a bru pi I v }ieII the fi ag. I lie apprentice a making Ii or- before friuui '(tiers who. after calling . ( rc\ hO(ifld Racing, Target Mondays: hi ound out. Ii id collapsed and died, so It first Ii,, '(i) lilt, to iufcho it stations. I hose first shark was sighted. E)tirin, the late ruble noises and s ,uc Road. I u pner. ;it 7.15 not required for lowering boats took afternoon one (I I the rafts on which troubling hu in . I wt' or three Of we took no notice. 1 hi' t I inc. however. what wounded they, could with them. three lascars had taken temporary its I11OIC or in possession (t our the croak jIisjItit and --\c,. it " Tuesds-s: Greyhound Racing, Tar _get Hay lug got my boat full I lowered passage, was set adrift by another senses were certain that the next day w as ship. Road. Tipncr. at 7.1 p.m. I ncs would a very critical we to her into the water, after which in- I lascar. We ci saw the three rafthe one. but I cannot this day describe lily inn(jld.I'inie Dancing, Rock Garden decks men sOOfl our troubles at tile t of I tended going down two to get forgot mediate ieaction but do remember Pavilion, at 7.31) pitt again. igli by means of a chain Then salt water rain clouds. How sse for rain torn till a in the boat myself drinking beganprayed shirt with hare lit tiring my South Parade Pier, FireWednesday: for that I was it was to watch, that that one someone else ladder rigged purpose. pitiful night, feeling just by Work Display (until I th therefore. t p u r t from The untortun u.s w 'uld gale it tile cupped hi indhandful would keep ii going I the remaining Ii cit collapsed with surpri _d 8t6:- - oUt Parade Pier. one came, however. 1 hat excitement and died. It wit, getting annoyed. to find that No. 8 boat had water for a long time and then sud- for day,,, Bathing B. tiltS Contest. kit the ships side by the tim. I got d.nl scoop no. up their their hand,. night the apprentice died in ins inns d uk amid the ship burned i s inch .tuttth Parade flier. Gala Night. The next morning. S.itui Jay. March light - -- I can remember wondering to the ladder. As I did not relish get- Flaying tasted. their thir5t would grow whether it might be an enemy ship. Fridays: South Parade Pier. Gala u I thought they could not bill g 11 la JIotIt . . . lound Racing. Target Road, bq IL IL Iiniqht I'vell(tially it boat from this





A few of



&If 1E7

South Parade Pier. Gala~ w ii! Saturdays: ~ide r being fiatiled tip the


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r,_ d4II



ell. and during

I he survivors were interned for :u i nie bit tiiti by tile Spanish thu inc. another tory


O4 Cut,


To receive iny, corporal punishment.

I've often stood and moralised iid wu Ii d lily. t.rwru.;1an::Ld







"Well, I didn't want to look silly when I went to the Pahus, did I"


Published y Ny New, Co,nmiiiee, koyi Nail Barracks Port,nuoulli. and Printed t'y (.ale g,J Paldon, Ltd., at their Weiiin;ion Pre,, Aldershot. Ilants, AL,yu-ri5i,MtMi Ms!SA(,rr'i G,ihc & Paiden. lid. ijcal Itausc, AryIi Strct, London, W.LTeI. Oerr.ird 4171

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