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Make an appointment with Bernards whenever you have a clothing requirement BERNARDS Royal Navy Officers Tailors 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD PORTSMOUTH Telephone 6596
No. 12 MAY 1955
News Navy The Official Newspaper of the Portsmouth Command
UNIFORMS and Plain clothes for Royal Navy Officers are perfectly tailored by
Price Threepence
THE FIRST SEA LORD Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma
K.G., P.C., G.C.S.L, G.C.I.E., G.C.V.Q., K.G.B., D.S.O., LL.D.. O.C.L., D.Sc.
Earl Mountbatten is the younger son of the late Admiral of the Fleet the Marquis of Milford Haven, who, as Prince Louis of Rattenhurg. was First Sea Lord at the outbreak of War in 1914. He entered the Navy as a cadet just before his thirteenth birthday'. and in the First World War served in Lord Realty's flagship and in submarines. In the Second World War he was in command of the destroyer Kdl when she was damaged hva German mine. In May, 1940. Earl M6untbatten brought the Kelly hack to port ss ith her bows almost blown off by a torpedo. For three d.ivs he ran the gauntlet of bomb and machine-gun attacks by relays of enemy aircraft, sailing the ship with a skeleton crew after transferring the rest of his men to another ship. Seven months later the Kelly was at sea again. Again she w i hit and crippled, and once more he got her back to port. While the Kelly was being repaired he transferred to the destroyer Javelin, and the same thing happened, a torpedo, a crippled ship. and a tight to get her home. Then back to the Kelly and the evacuation of Crete. where a bomb at last hit the ship fair and square and sank her. Next he was given command of the aircraft carrier illustrious. but had scarcely taken over when he was recalled to direct Combined Operations. He planned Dieppe and the other Commando raids from which the modern Combined Operations technique had been evolved. He was awarded the D.S.O. for services in battle in 1941. and tss ice he was mentioned in despatches. In August, 1945, he was appointed as Allied Supreme Commander. South-East Asia, in acting rank of full admiral. His success against the Japanese in Burma, where they were soundly, beaten after reaching the Western gateways to India. was a lilting climax to a brilliant war record. Earl Mountbatten served as a Flag Officer Commanding the 1st Cruiser Squadron in the Mediterranean, before he was appointed Fourth Sea Lord at the Admiralty. He was promoted to vice-admiral in June. 1949. and became Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, in May, 1952. in the acting rank of admiral. He assumed the office of First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Stall last month.
See Centre Pages for Special Article and Pictures
DRAFTING FORECAST FOR GENERAL SERVICE (Ships Commissioning at Portsmouth)
1[N1.S. \lorecambe flay-Home Fleet/America and West Indies Station. June: 810 Sqdn. 825 Sqdn. for H.M.S. Albioii-Home and Mediterranean Station. 892 Sqdn. June: H.M.S. Bigbury Bay-Home Fleet/America and West Indies Station. June: H.M.S. Loch Fada-Home Fleet/East lndksf Persian Gulf. September: H.M.S. Saintcs-Mediterranean/ Home Fleet. October: H.M.S. Kenya-Home Fleet/America and West Indies Station. Slay It:
FOR FOREIGN SERVICE H.M.S. Comus-Commissioning at Singapore for Far East Station. FOR LOCAL FOREIGN SERVICE
During the H.M.S. Woodbridge Haven and Minesweepers-Commiscioning summer in U.K. for service at Malta.
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