808, 816 and 817 Squadrons formed at Cuidrose
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IF I IRST three jet and turho.jet . squadrons on August 23 was marked uadrons for the Fleet Air Arm of s a ceremony attended by the High Royal Australian Navy were oh- C ommissioner f o r Australia(Sir cizally formed at the RN. Air Station, Thomas White. l).F.C.), ild rose, near Heiston, Cornwall, on arriving at the air station at 11 .00 a rn. in a Sea Devon aircraft of the Royal igiist 23. Sqii J:.ui equipped Navy..
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Draiting Forecast Commissioning Programme For Foreign Service For General Service
United Services Rugby Football Club THE 1955-56 SEASON CO1WMENCFS ON SEPTEMBER 5.
Mid-November: H.M.S. Neccastle September 2nd: H.M.S. Protector' at Singapore for Far commissions at Plymouth for a 12- commissions ARE YOU INTERESTED? months commission in South Atlantic. East Station. EVEN IF you are not an expert, October 4th: H.M.S. Kenya' corn- Early December: H.M.S. Modeste commissions at for Far for General SetSingapore you will enjoy a Saturday afterat missions Rosyth East Station. noon's game with the U.S. and you and Home Fleet. West Indies vice, can share in the Club's facilities. . . . Nosember 8th: H.M.S. Undinc TRIAL MATCHES commissions at Portsmouth f 0 r Note: The ships' companies of ships for everyone will be held on Mediterranean and Home Fleet. marked ' have been completed September 5, 7, 10, and YOU will November 23rd: H.M.S. Chevron be very welcome. and although volunteers can be at commission and H.M.S. Chaplet their chances of and accepted, acceptfor Mediterranean Portsmouth Come to U.S. Ground, in Burnaby ancc are small because the only Home Fleet. Road, beyond the Guildhall and vacancies will be those resulting Early January: H.M.S. Vanguard commissions for General Service in from sickness, etc., among men Don'( Miss the Opportunity Mediterr Ine;in and Home Elect. already detailed.
A de Ilasillanti Sea Vcii urn
th eight Sea Venoins and 816 and 81 7 Squadrons each operating six (I annets. Manned completely by oflicers and ratings of the Australian N avy, the squadrons go to Australia In March of next year in H.\1.A.S. elbourne. the new aircraft carrier r the RAN.. now building at :trrow-in-Furitcss. in Australia they will he disnbarked to the Naval Air Station at owra, New South Wales, headiarters of the Australian Fleet. Air rm formed since the end of World ar II. The formation of the new
Also present were the Flag Officer Air (Home). Vice-Admiral Caspar John, ('.0.. and the Flag Officer livlug Training. Rear-Admiral Gus.
Willoughby. CB.. who was the Fourth
Naval Member (the Naval Air NIemher) of the Australian Commonwealth Naval Board from l948-50. The High Commissioner addressed the squadrons and took the salute at a march past After lunch a token number of Sea Venoms and Gannets hess over the airfield. The High CornSea missioner was escorted by s for the start of his return ~ \en omto Northolt. flight