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Wvverns over Mount Etna
Lieutenant-Commander Hugh Tyrell Verry. Royal Navy, li.M.S. Sidon. Charles Lieutenant - Commander Francis Alington, Royal Navy. ll.M.S. Maidstone. Commissioned Engineer Roy Edward IIas kins, Royal Navy. li.M.S. Sidon. official Number llearson. t)evonporl SMX. 503256. Engine Room Artificer First ('kiss. I I.M.S. Sidon,
John Walter Ward, Official Number 61947. Chief MX. l)evonport Ordnance Artificer, ll.\l.S, Maidstone.
a vere AT 0825 on June 16. I explosion look place ii he torpedo compartment of tier Majesty's Submarine Sidon. when she was berthed alongside Her Majesty's Ship Maidstone in Portland Harbour and preparing to slip and proceed for exercises.
The blast reached as far aft as the Control Room, lighting was extinguished. the submarine was full of smoke, and debris in the Control Room jammed the forward bulkhead doors. 'I he submarine sank shortly alter the explosion.
Immediately the explosion occurred the I .ieuten ant-C omniander \'errv. submarine's Commanding Officer. summoned rescue and medical parties from the depot ship and went below in a breathing set to assess the damage. Only when he was satisfied that he could do nothing further below to save life or his ship did he return to the bridge and take charge of the attempts to shut the remaining hatches and to secure a wire to the stern. When it became obvious that nothing more could he done he made certain that all survivors had been taken frotn the ship before he himself jumped clear. Comm ssioned Engineer Hawk ins went down into the submarine immediatelv after the explosion without a breathing set and made the most determined efforts to get forward through the harrier of debris, lie returned to the bridge to put on a breathing set and went below again until he was overcome by the fumes. I-ic s as fortunate to escape with his life. Engine Room Artificer Pearson's cool leadership and example resulted in the rapid evacuation 01 the Sidon's Engine Room in which he remained to do his utmost to ascertain and check damage, finally leaving the submarine at a very late stage. Chief Ordnance Artificer Ward was, with Commissioned Engineer Hawkins, the only person to succeed in penetrating the harrier of debris outside the Wardroom in attempts to get forward. 'this he did on two occasions and retreated only when he was almost overcome h' fumes and finally when the control room started to flood up rapidly. His coolness, determination and disregard for his own safety were most praiseworthy. I.ieut.-Commander Verry's conduct after the sinking up to the time of the funeral twelve days later was cxcmplziry and an inspiration to all who came into contact with him. During this period he had little sleep as he was either taking an active part in the salvage operations or attending to the welfare of the survivors of his Ship's Company and the relatives l the killed and injured. As T.A.S. Officer of' the 2nd S/M Lieutenant - Commander Squadron
Three Wyvern strike aircraft front 11.51.S. Eagle flying over the crater of Mount Etna. Sicily. whiLst operating in the Mediterranean. Lava can be seen boiling at the outer edge of the crater nearest the camera with a stream of red-hot lava pouring over the edge
Commissioning Programme
For General Service
February 21st. 1956: 1 I.M.S. Duchess commissions for Mediterranean and Home Fleet. October 4th: H.M.S. Kenya* cornmissions at Rosyth for General Service, West Indies and Home Fleet,
For Foreign Service
November 8th: Fl.M.S. Undinc' Mid-November: H.M.S. Newcastle' commissions at Portsmouth for Mcdicommissions at Singapore for Far East terranean and Home Fleet. Station. November 23rd: H.M.S. Chevron Early December: H.M.S. Modeste and H.M.S. Chaplet commission at and commissions at Singapore for Far East Portsmouth for Station. Home Fleet. Mid-November: H.M.S. Glasgow commissions at Portsmouth for Note The ships' companies marked ' have been completed. General Service in Home Fleet It has been decided that H.M.S. January 31st, 1956: H.M.S. Torquay commissions for Mediterranean and Vanguard will not now he commissioned in January. 1956. Home Fleet.
Alington had t o undertake the hazardous duty of withdrawing a torpedo, which was likely to he in an unsafe condition, from No, 4 tube in 11.51, Submarine Sidon after she had been salvaged. Throughout the postsalvage operations he was tireless. His floe leadership and complete disregard for his personal safety when removing the torpedo were of the highest order and an inspiration to his subordinates. He entered the Fore End while the submarine was only half pumped out and in the darkness and debris personally lifted the top stop and latch tripper. He was also personally respon.
sihlc for the withdawal of the torpedo from the tube and its subsequent examination. I have commended these officers and ratings for their praiseworthy conduct in the face of danger, regardless of their personal safety. My selection of these officers and ratings for special commendation in 110 way belittles the exemplary hearing and conduct of all members of II.M.S. Sidon's ship's company. This was indeed, without exception, in the highest traditions of (lLiI Service. G. E. CREASY, ,ld,,,iral of the Flee!.
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