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Nayy News
No. 29 OCTOBER, 1956
The Official Newspaper of the Portsmouth Command, Home Air Command and The Royal Naval Association
Published first Thursday of the month
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DRAFTING FORECAST Corm ission ing Progrctiiune PORTSMOUTH
FOR GENERAL SERVICE November 2. 1956: H.M.S. Dainty commissions for service in Mediterranean and Home Fleets. November 13, 1956: H.M.S. Carysfort' commissions for service in Mediterranean and Home Fleets. December, 1956: H.M.S. Lynx' (now A.A. Frigate) commissions for service at Home and South Atlantic. December, 1956: H.M.S. Loch Fada commissions for service in Home Fleet and East Indies (Persian Gulf). FOR FOREIGN SERVICE December 8, 1956: H.M.S. Coinus rccommissions at Singapore for Far East Station. Note. -The ships' companies of ships marked 'have been completed.
February 26, 1957: H.M.S. Eagle rccommissions for two years' Carrier General Service Commission.
New Powerful Method o1SELF-DEFENCE Can be Mao.rod
by Anyone egod FOR FOREIGN SERVICE 6 to SO-rn 0 ally o ollow PRIVATE Le,,on, wthoat VIOLENCE November 19. 1956: H.M.S. CardiAnd a CO.OURED BELT tuned. gan Bay (A/S Frigate) commissions at Professor George Garceke BLACK BELT INSTRUCTOR Singapore for Foreign Service (Far ,cc.oI Concentrated Leon,,, to Pupfi an East). SHORT LEAVR Consort reFebruary. 1957: H.M.S. 474A COMMERCIAL RD.. PORTSMOUTh FOR GENERAL SERVICE FOR GENERAL SERVICE commissions for Foreign Service (Far Phone 5068 October 18, 1956: H.M.S. Loch October 26. 1956: H.M.S. 'Mounts East) at Singapore. Alvie for General Service Commission Bay (A.A. Frigate) completes to full on East Indies Station. complement for General Service November 8, 1956: H.M.S. Vidal (Home/South Atlantic). for General Service Commission StirNovember 1, 1956: H.M.S. Ark veying Duties in West Indies Station. November 20,1956: H.M.S. Delight Royal completes to full complement (Delete as appropriate) and H.M.S. Defender for General Ser- for two years Carrier General Service vice Commissions in Mediterranean! Commission. Home Fleet Cycle. November 20, 1956: H.M.S. Daring 'NAVY NEWS' OFFICE, ROYAL NAVAL recommissions for General Service FOR FOREIGN SERVICE (Home/ Mediterranean). BARRACKS, PORTSMOUTH November: H.M.S. Cheviot at December, 1956: H.M.S. Ulster Singapore for 18 months' Foreign Service in the Far East. commissions for General Service Plea.w pod a copy of each Lvsue of 'Navy News" to (Home/America and West Indies). HOME AIR COMMAND End December, 1956: H.M.S. SalisNAMF ............................................................................................................. 813 Squadron at Ford, November bury (AID Frigate) completes to full 26. complement for General Service AoORUSS .......................................................................................... (Home! Mcditeriancan).
'Inside Harwell' 8 Education ofService Children-page 5
Order or Renewal Form
February 5, 1957: H.M.S. Barfleur and H.M.S. St. Kitts recommission for General Service (Home! Mediterranean). February, "1957: U.M.S. Cook recommissions for Surveying.
I risciose here with money order/postal order/cheque rahit, Ss.. l'eiiig a snbcripIion for 12 iss,,c.c, including postage Conuncizce