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BERNI4RDS wish all Royal Navy Officers the Compliments of the Season

Navy New-s

Bernard Men's Shops, 40 Commercial Road, Portsmouth Telephone 45%

30 Royal Parade, Plymouth Telephone 445,43

No 31


C. H. Bernard & Sons, Ltd. Naval Tailors and Outfitters Wish all their customers A Ucry Happy Christn,ns and a Prosperous and Successful New Year

C. ii. Bernard & Sons, Ltd. Harwich, Essex am at 36 Branches.

Published first Thursday of the ,nonth

Price Threepence











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A flak-damaged Sea Venom of 893 Squadron, H.M.S. Eagle, landing on safely without an undercarriage- November, 1956


PORTSMOUTEI FOR GENERAL SERVICE I chrci:mt', 6. 1957: H.M.S. Bulwark commissions for General Service.

March. 1957: H.M.S. Armada cornmissions for service in Mediterranean and home Fleets. March. 1957: hl.M.S. l.yns Cornmissions, for service in Home Fleet and South Atlantic.

March 27. 1957: H.M.S. Scarborough commissions for service in \l cditcrr.i ne.i n and Home Fleets. 10k FOREIGN SERVICE


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May. 1957: l1.\l.S. Hurghcztd Ray coiunti,sions for General Service (HorneAWI).

corn-for May. I97: H.M.S. Blackwood 1 lome Sea Sers ice.




Jt'Ut) an(1 ji-JITSIJ New Pow.rf.rI

Method 0tSELF.OEFENCE Can be Mastered by Anyone zcd 6 to 90-in 10 easy to ollow PRIVATE lesions ..Chout VIOLENCE And a u _tURtU BELT ga.,~ed.

December 16. 1956: FI.M.S. Cardigan BLACK BELT INSTRUCTOR lou Foreign c' te.on .pit on Se -a50. SHORT LLAI1F I:bruarv, 474A COMMERCIAL RD PORTSMOUTH FOR GENERAL SERVICE FOR GENERAL SERVICE 1957: FI.M.S. Cook reeomtnissions for Phone 73137 or 5063 Service Mid-!)ecember: Il.\I.S. Narvik for Januaiv. 1957: hI.M.S. General .Service Commission. commissions for Home Sea Sets ice. Etrly January. 1957: H.M.S. OrafFebruary 5. 1957: H.M.S. Russell tort for Home Sea Service. commissions for Home Sea Sep. ice. Late January, 1957: H.M.S. firmingham for Geneial Sersiec Cornrni'.s達on 1957: 1I.M.S. sIcditerr:tnean 1-ojne Fleet, Clyde. Barfleorl re'ou Late January. 1957: ElMS. Shackle- Commission (HomesIediterranean. (Delete as appropria:) ice. (on for El mc Scis February 5, 1957: H.M.S. St. KitIs recommissions for Gene al Service Commission (Home'Meditei raneant. NEWS' OFFICE, ROYAL




Order or Renewal Form



Januaryti, I's57: 803 and 806 April. 1557: I I.M.S. Newcastle corn- Squadrons at l.stssteniu(h. 894 Squadron at Yc5'silton. 814 Squadron It al Singapore for Far East S);oioii. ('uldrosc. II!))) (UI (II

TilE ROYAL NAVY AND THE SUEZ CANAL Full Story of the Operation -See Centre pages

February 26. 1957: Il.M.S. Eagle



March 7, 1957: H. s I S 1. Ister conimissions for General Service (ornnlussion (HomeA\\'I). April 30. 1957: H\I.S. tl)ssCs recommissions for General Sersee ('ommiscion (Home lcditeranc.ur . 19 7 11\1.S. [.,,eh lit It April recornmusslons for (,etIeta I Sc r .. cc Commission ( Home ET).


BARRACKS, PORTSMOUTH l'1o 4 post ii ((fly of ea h is site of '\ii s N SSII AUI)RI


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May 28. 1957: II. \l S Eloguc corn-.................................................... missions for ( ,enc,:tl Sell ( 'tiirri s. , .................................................................... . -ion.



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