Royal Navy Officers Uniforms are perfectly tailored b Bernards BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Rd., Portsmouth Telephone 65% 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth Telephone
i Navy Jews
No. 33 FEBRUARY, 1957
Published first Thursday oJ the
Bernards are complete Tailors and Outfitters to Royal Navy Officers An appointment for a representative to call will gladly be made on request
BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Rd., Portsmouth Telephone 6596 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth Telephone
Price Th reepence
14 S
' tk Shocked surprise shown by Kin or Kidney Island
Blue-Eyed Shags sharing nesting site with Rockhopper Penguins on in the Falklands-A photograph received from H.M.S. Protector
REPORTS PREPARED in scientific Capt. J. V. Wilkinson, D.S.C., G.M.. detail and containing data that has R.N., is himself a keen ornithologist taken hours, often spent in the open -will include information assembled under arduous conditions to assemble, as a result of a recent visit to Kidney will be on their way to Britain during Island, less than a mile long, covered the next few weeks from the South with tussock grass, with l00-feet-high Atlantic. cliffs and standing off the headlands
Gominission ing Programme
March 19, 1957: H.M.S. St. Kitts re-commissions for General Service (Home,' Mediterranean).
April. 1957: H.M.S. Loch Ruiliven April 30, 1957: H.M.S. Ursa. for commissions for General Service General Service Commission in 6th Fast Indies). (Home-MediterFrigate Squadron rancan Cycle) April 30. 1957: H.M.S. Ulysses rcMarch 19, 1957: H.M.S. Armada' commissions for General Service commissions for service in McditcrMay 7, 1957: H.M.S. Gambia, for (Home,' Mediterranean). General Service Commission (Home/ ranean and Home Fleets. April. 1957: H.M.S. Da lrvmple reEast Indies Cycle). March 20. 1957: H.M.S. Bulwark commissions for Home Sea Service. commissions for General Service. May 28, 1957: H.M.S. Lagos, for May. 1957: H.M.S. Burghcad Bay General Service Commission in 1st H.M.S. Scarcommissions for General Service March 26. 1957: vice H.M.S. Destroycr Squadron (Home South Africa and South borough' commissions for service in Chieftain Africa) Mediterranean and Home Fleets. H.M.S. March. 12. l957: in commissions for service Fleets and South Atlantic.
Lynx' Home
April 4. 1957: HH.M.S. Kenya commissions for service it] Mediterranean and Home Fleets April 30, c.inmissions lleets.
1957: H.M.S. Undinc in Home for service
DEVONPORT FOR GENERAL SERVICE February, 1957: H.M.S. Salisbury commissions for Home Sea Service. February 5, 1957: H.M.S. Russel commissions for Home Sea Service.
May. 1957: H.M.S. Newcastle comFebruary 26. 1957: H.M.S. Eagle missions at Singapore for Far East re-commissions. Station. March 7, 1957: H.M.S. Ulster consMay, 1957: 1-l.M.S. Modeste com- missions for General Service (Home! missions at Singapore for Far East South Africa and South Africa). Station. March 19. 1957: H.M.S. Rarlleiir Note-The ships' companies of re-commissions for Gencral Set vice ' have been completed. (Home/ Mediterranean). ships marked
May 28. 1957: H.M.S. Ilogue commissions for General Service.
H.M. Ships preparing Scientific Reports
Responsible for their preparation are officers and ratings of the Royal Navy. but they are reports very different from those normally rein the course of their duties. quired Those concerned are members of the R.N. Bird Watching Society serving in ships visiting the Falkland Islands and their Dependencies and in their oifdut watches they are adding to the knos ledge already existing on marine bird life in those regions. Naval Bird Watchers
the Naval A number Bird Watchers engaged in this work are on hoard H.M.S. Protector, a conFOR FOREIGN SERVICE verted netlayer, now undertaking her second commission in the SubFebruary. 1957: H.M.S. Cook re- Antarctic, while others are members comnlissioils for Service of the ship's company of the Royal Foreign Yacht Britannia. the islands (Surveying). and their Dependencies with the I)uke June. 1957: H.M.S. Opossum com- of Edinburgh embarked. Other inmissions for Foreign Service. formation is expected from the Trans. Antarctic Expedition ship, the Magga June. 1957: H.M.S. Opossum com- Dan. hound for the coastline of the missions for Foreign Service. South Polar continent, from Mr. David Stratton, second-in-command of the expedition and a former Subl.icut. in the R.N.V.R., who is making See page 2 for special reports to the R.N.B.W.S.
Order/Renewal Form
Reports and photographs addressed to the Society from the Protectorin which the Commanding Ollicer.
protecting Port Stanley.
Rough Landing A from the that party ship scrambled ashore on the island, on which made landings are seldom because of the rough seas. found the birds making their home there extraordinarily tame. In the high cliffs were found rookeries and colonies of Rockhopper Penguins. King or Blue-eyed Shags, Cassin's Ferns and Scoresby Gulls. In addition. Turkey Buzzards were recorded as the island, patrolling while Kelp Geese. Falkland Island Black Oyster Flightless Duck and Catchers were seen. Only scanty reports can he expected from the Magga Dan as she pushes her way southwards as far as any ship can Penetrate. In these regions only two species are likely to be found breeding - -the great Emperor Penguin and the little Adelic Penguin -hut in the open water and among the pack ice surrounding the coastline Sooty Shearwaters; Snow. Antarctic and Wilson's Petrels; the small Prions and an occasional Antarctic Skua are likely to he reported. Other material will reach London from the Royal Yacht calling at Antarctic outposts on her way hack to Britain from Australia and New Zealand.