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No. 36 MAY, 1957
Navy.News e of the h T Navy ' and The Royal Naval Association Newspaper Royal
Published first Thursday of the month
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Sinioiistown -Halfway House to India-comes under South African Navy Control
of the Seas
AFTER 143 years of British occupation, the Union Jack was lowered for the last time at the handing-over ceremony at Simonstown on April 2. The South African Union Flag was hoisted. indicating that the Naval Base had become the responsibility of the South
African Nasy.
Great Britain first became vitally interested in the Cape as long ago as 1620, when the British East India Company used the Cape as "half-way house" to India," Simonstown is named after Simon van I)er Stel. who became Governor of the Cape in 1678. As far back as 1687 van Der Stel had considered and proposed turning False Bay into a harbour, but it wasn't until 1742, after heavy losses of shipping in Table Bay as a result of gales that ships were directed to False Bay. In 1743 Simonstown was founded and named after the Gover-
In 1793. Mien rumours were heard that France was about to take possession of the Cape, England sent a fleet under Admiral Elphinstone, who carried a letter from the Prince of Orange, then in London, asking the Cape Authorities to admit the British as allies against the French. The Governor of the Cape refused and, after unsuccessful attempts to effect a peaceful landing. the British, under MajorGeneral Craig, forced a landing at Simonstoss n, The defenders withdrew, and Articles of Capitulation were signed in 1795.
The R.N. Guard passing H.M.S. Ceylon
The NAVAL DRAFTING AUTHORITY for drafting all general service ratings.
has no
assumed responsibility
or for Ratings may volunteer for any of the ice (e.g. Local for forms of sen station, or specific on a service particular action is taken at least two Foreign Sen Ice, or General Service). As drafting in the neat months ahead, applications to serve in ships due to commission e effect. to has few weeks are unlikely any VOLUNTEERING.
GENERA I ILM.S. Opossum, Service. Far East.
foreign t DevonTiptoe, June 30, Submarine Squadron, for 3rd port, H.M.S. Owen, at Chatham, Rothcsay. July. Gcncril Service Commission (SurH.M.S. Turpin, August 15, at Portsveying Ship). mouth. for 3rd Submarine Squadron, H.M.S. Cavalier, July, at SouthampRothesaV. ton, Foreign Service, Far East. ll., .S. Sea Scout, August 30, at Submarine H.M.S. Troubridge, July, at Portsfor 2nd Pot tsmouth. mouth, General Service Commission, Squadron, Home Fleet. HonsefWcst Indies. ll.M.S.
II.M.S. Acheron, November 15, at Submarine I3irkcnhcad, for 5th Squadron, Portsmouth. HOME AIR COMMAND 801 Squadron, at R.N. Hrassdy. May 6. 1957,
825 Squadron, at RN. Air (uldiosc, May 6, 1957.
Drenftiiig Foreeast SUBMARINE COMMAND
With the opening of the Suet Canal, Simonstown and the Cape lost some of its importance to European countries trading s ith India and the Far East, but its strategic importance will always re-
/r ' -w L;'
H.M.S. Loch Fyne, July. at Devonport, General Service Commission, FIomc%Vcst Indies. II.M.S. Alert, Far East.
H.M.S. Protector, August, at Portsmouth, Service General Commission. Home'South Atlantic and South America. (Continued on page 3. col. 5)
In the presence of the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl of Selkirk, the formal transfer of the Base to the South African Navy took place in brilliant weather and without the slightest hitch. South African papers refer to the handingover ceremony as a personal triumph for Commander R. A. Ci. Butler, Staff Officer (Planning). R.N. Some 3(ktO people attended the ceremony, including Ministers, Admirals and senior ollicials. III calling upon apt. n. r. Done, the last Royal Naval Captain Supcrintendent to hand over the symbolic key to his first South African successor, Capt. P. Dryden-Dymond, the First Lord referred to the occasion as histone, not because it involves a great change, but because it is a point of natural and proper evolution. It was with confidence, he said, that the Base is handed over to the South African Navy, with whom the Royal Navy has worked so long in close association. In a sense, he continued, the change over was foreshadowed 36 years ago when two of the world's greatest statesmen, General Smuts and Sir Winston
ing to zivoiu discord netween the nations of the world. It is only by mutual understanding and co-operation that we can hope to continue to build a world in which man can hope to heCome a nobler and liner creature." It was most appropriate that FI.M.S. Ceylon. named after another "outpost." should be present at the ceremony. and, as our picture shows, her guard, led by Chief Petty Officer 'I'. Barrett, of Portsmouth, added considerably to the dignity of the turn-over.
Admiralty passed to the Union, with a reversion to its use if ever the Royal Navy ceased to need it. The Royal Navy, will still be able to continue to use Simonstown, and the Royal Navy commander-in-Chief will continue to live in South Africa, his headquarters will in although future be situated at Wingficld, near Town, and should there be a war Cape in which both countries are engaged, he mill exercise command over such naval forces as may be assigned to him by the two Governments. Concluding his speech, the Earl of Selkirk said: "We rejoice that the South African Navy is taking on new responsibilities at Simonstown. We all have a common interest and, indeed, a yearn-
frigate Loch Fync (Capt. 11. S. Barber, RN.) returns to Plymouth on ihursday, May 2. During her service on the East Indies Station the Loch Fync scent to the assistance of the Swedish tanker Julius, held up by engine breakdown off the Oman coast. Whilst towing the Julius to Bahrein the Loch Fyne answered a second call for aid, this time from the United States freighter Steel Worker. from sshom she transferred a member of the crew for hospital treatment at Bahrein. H.M.S. Loch Fyne passes Plymouth Hoe at 10.30 and berths at No. 2 Wharf at 1055. Relatives and friends and the Press can he admitted to the dockyard after 10.30 am, by the Albert Gate.
- FENE H.M.S. RETURNS Churchill reached an understanding which led to the agreement that the After an absence of 12 months, the freehold of the land