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'FAREWELL TO THE 'LITTLE SHIPS' H.M.S. Hornet closes down
Thousands relax after N.A.T.O. Exercises
Portsmouth Harbour and Spithead were crowded ss ith warships on Monday as the last of the United Kingdom. Canadian. United States, French, Belgium and German ships arrived from the various positions they were recently held exercises finished. In addition to the Royal Navy's numbers there are about 10.000 officers and men of other N.A:l'.o. forces in the port. The U.S.S. Forrestal, flag' ship of Rear Admiral NI. F. Arnold, together witU six American destroyers. have gone to Southampton. At Portland there will also he scenes of great activity as over two dozen submarines. including the Nautilus, will he in port. The largest vessels are the giant U.S. carriers Saratoga and Forrcstal. The Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (Admiral Jerauld Wright) is in U.S.S. Northampton. which flies the flag of Vice-Admiral R. B. Pine.
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Coastal Forces, 1957
'LITTLE SHIPS' going out service in silence, Coastal Forces disbanded in economy driVe.-T/U'sC were a couple of the sentences used in the popular Press less than three months ago. Can this really be the end of Coastal Forces or is it just another chapter? The name H.M.S. Hornet and the words Coastal Forces have become synonymous- looking hack into the history of both we may find some clues to help answer our question. H.M.S. Lightning, length 84 ft. 6 in.. speed 18! knots. This was the first torpedo boat in the British Navy. It was built in 1876 and its speed was a world record at the time of trial. Few in the modern Navy would place the beginnings of Coastal Forces so early. In January. 1916. Admiralty placed an order with Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co. Ltd. to build a number of fast coastal motor-boats. the ocCasian marked the revival of an old type of Naval weapon in a greatly improved form, In 1883 the 63 ft. steam torpedo boat carried two 14-inch torpedoes but the speed was only 15 knots and the limitations of steam machinery for small, fast craft were soon recognised, With the introduction of the internal combustion engine the possibilities of the small torpedo boat were and in 1904 Thornycroft built a 40 ft. motor-boat carrying one torpedo. The Admiralty order in 1916 was for twelve 40 ft. C. M.B.s. Intended to
be carried in the existing davits of light cruisers their weight was limited to 41 tons-speed to be not less than 30 knots and one IS-inch torpedo should he carried. Later the boats were made 55 ft. long, the beam being about II ft. The establishment of the C.M.B. service meant that officers and ratings had to be specially trained to handc the boats and look after the machinery and equipment. Over 100 C.M.B.s were built during the Great War. The last CM.B.s to be built were completed in 1939. Improvement was such that by 1939 the C.M.B.'s speed was 46! knots. H.M.S. Hornet commissioned at C.M.}3. base in 1925. By the end of the year all development work on the coastal motor-boats, which had playedI important role in the First World war, ceased owing to financial stringency. H.M.S. Hornet was paid" off and the establishment taken over by H.M.S. Dolphin for a short period. Between 1927 and 1938 it was usedi by the R...\.F. as a marine craft base In 1935 Coastal Force development was restarted. In that year Mr. Huheri (Continued on page 6. cal. 3.)
DraEng Forecoist
VOLUNTEERING. Ratings may volunteer for any of tit, s/tips, or for scru'ice in a particular station, or for specific forms of service (e.g., Local Foreign Service or General Service). As drafting action is taken tit least two ,,u,,uh.s in the ,text few Weeks ahead, applications to serve ill ships due to art' unlikely to have any i-fleet. cO7l1?iiS5iOfl
GENERAL SUBMARINE COMMAND will commission in October 21, at H.M.S. Bermuda Sea Scout. H.M.S. Portsmouth. for Portland Squadron. October, for General Service Cornmission. Home Mediterranean. Her ILM.S. Porpoise (for Builders' Sea Trials). October, at Barrow, for U.K. Base Port will he I)evonport. Clyde Squadron. H.M.S. Loch Killisport will cornll.M.S. Ambush, November 30. at mission in October, for General 6th Submarine for Chatham, Home,East Service Commission, Squadron. Halifax, N.S. Indies. Her U.K. Ba'se Port will be ll.MS. Aeheron. December 5, at Portsmouth Birkenhead, for Portsmouth Squadron. November, for H.M.S. Concord, H.M.S. Alderney, December 13. at Foreign Service, 1-ar East Station. C z, C k,-,s. (Continued on pag2, col. 4) Squadron, N.S.
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Host Ships Most of the ships will remain at Portsmouth, Portland and Soutthamp. ton for seven days or so and, in addition to the work of analysing and I. C. L.wr,',,cc & (I'hotu: Sw,s, Gpoi) assessing the results of the exercises, officers and men will have full engage' ment hooks. Both the Royal Navy and the civic authorities will he hosts to the visitors. R.N. ships and establishmerits have been allocated ships and groups of ships from the other navies to look after, and to help and to entertam the personnel on board. H.M.S. Albion is host ship to the U.S.S. Saratoga; H.M. Ships Ark Royal and Barroszu will look after the U.S.S. HER MAJESTY The Queen has Forrestal and other U.S. vessels at graciously approved that a Queens Southampton. At Portland H.M. Ships Colour should be kept in H.M.S. for the use of Submarine Dolphin the Service on suitable occasions. It is expeeled that the presentation will be made at Fort Blockhouse in the sum titer of 1958. This splendid news, although known within the Submarine Service since August, was made known by the 1.1a Officer Submarines at she annual Sub marine Old Comrades' Association Re union held at Fort Blockhouse or Saturday, September 14. Many of thos present saw service in the first sub marines of the Royal Navy, and it i largely due to their efforts that site! high standards of efficiency. comrade ship and readiness have become tradi tional in the Submarine Service. 1'hi signal honour has given immensi pleasure to all serving submariners but these veterans also can justly fee a sense of pride and no small credit.
Adamant and Chaser and the submarines of the 3rd and 501 Submarine Squadrons will be hosts to the vessels congregated there. The Canadian vessels-eight of thetui--will be the guets of H.N!. Ships Torquay. Scarborough and Agineouru. The Portsmouth Squadron has tinder its wing French, Belgium and Federal German ships. The various establishlncnts both at Portsmouth and Port' land are assisting the sea-going vessels. H.M.S. Collingsvood is Host EstabIishtnent and assists H.NI.S.Maid stone, the host ship to the U.S.S. Northampton. l1.NI.S. Excellent and H.NI. Ships Girdkness and Sheffield are Hosts to U.S.S. Boston, whilst the R.N. Barracks and II.MS. Vanguard are hosts to the U.S.S. Nit. NlcKinlay.
Etict'tamnnucnts Free deckchairs, free admission to South Parade Pier, a certain number of tickets for the various theatres and dances, etc., are being provided by the l'ortsrnouth Corporation. A baseball match between the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army has been planned. The Gosport Corporation has arranged dances, and the First Sea Lord, Commander in Chiefs. Portsmouth and Home Fleet, and the visiting Senior Officers have arranged lunch parties, cocktail parties and dinners. The Corporation of both Portsmouth and Gosport have arranged official functions for the guests. There is. however, a more serious side to the visit. The various Commandeis and their staffs have to analyse the results of the exercises and, judging by the headlines in the National Press, there will be plenty to discuss. Photographs of some of the visiting ships arc shown on page 8.
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