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Royal Navy Olfioers cannot do

better than consult Bernards on all matters concerning Uniforms and Civilian clothing. I

Bernards MENS Silo!’

4o Commercial Rd., Portsmouth

Navy News

Telephone: 6596

No. 46


Bernard: believe there is no substitute for quality and in every aim at aspcct_ot' Tailoring achieving Perfection in Tailoring Craftsmanship.


40 Commercial Rd. , Portsmouth

Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Navy Association

MARCH, 1958

Published firs!

Telephone: 6596

Thursday of the month

Price F ou rpence


Barracks, Cha

1961 s



Advancementto the Chief Petty Officer andiCIiief Artilicer


Rate CONFIRMATION HAS been received that the following have been advzinccd to the Chief Petty Olliccr or Chief Artiliccr l‘£IlCZ'~'I'u ('In't'] Petty ()/Iic¢'r.——JX.l-l368(l E. Hooper: lX.lS7‘)82 P, Kelpic; .lX.l423'l3 (T. Mancliip: JXJ78238 F. Pipe: .lX.768378 P. Smith.

Tu (‘hit-I l'eH_v 0/iii‘.-r (‘rmlt (S).MX.5772l (i. Laiigton; MX.(i{l6l0 P. Lovell. To ('hit'/ I’¢'Il_\' 0I]it‘i'r 'I't'It-.t:ruplii.tI. -—.lX.2‘)2l)l W. Briggs; lX.5832l7 K. Smith. Tn ('Iiit'I I'.'rr1:im- Rrmm ArIifit‘i'r.-MX.l0Z-I70 I‘. Anilcrson.

('ItI't'I Pliunlvi-r.—.\l.\'.(-tl500 W. Holnics; MX.(it'v882 .\l. 'llionias. To ('Itt'i'I nI’(fIl(Ul(‘t' .»lm'fit'i'r.--


MX.6-l57(i7 Ii. llarris; .\lX.‘)(l9-l0-3 D. I-I0)’.


Z,‘ [

‘‘ Twenty-one Years in Commission .2 H.M.S. l’l.O\’lER. coastal '




panoramic view of the Royal Naval Barracks. Chatham. which is to close down. The ofice of the Commauder-inChief, The Note, is at the bottom left-hand corner. The barracks were first occupied in 1903. ‘Die ollice of Commander-in-Chief,The Nore, has been in existence some -600 years A

How Chatliam and Sheerness are affected


THE POST of Commander-in-Chief. The Nore. and the Note Command will be abolished. THE NAME of a young NorthampSheerness docliyard will be run tonshire National Service man heads CH0?‘ the list of Royal Marines of 40 and down by April. I960. Evcf)’ the yard _of 45 Commandos published in the will be made to dispose Lomhm (iu:t-Ilc. receiving awards before closure to industrial or comsome for gallantry in operations against mercial interests. It employs terrorists in Cyprus between July I 2.500 industrial and non-intlustrial staff. About l.l00 are established. of and December 31. I957. He is .\laritic Brian Richard Thorn- whom as many as possible will be ton, of Buckfast Square. Corby. and absorbed into Chatliani .dockyard. he is awarded the British Empire The balance of unestablislicd cmMedal (i\lilitar_v Division) for "dis- ployces will be reduced by normal wastage and discharge. tinguishctl service." A native of Warrington. Marine At Chatham the docltyard will be Thornton. who entered the Corps for retained: but by April. I96l. H.M. his National Service in I956. after Ships will normally be refitted there earlier service in the R.i\l.F.V.R.. was with only key personnel on board. It the senior of a two-man patrol sent is planned to close or transfer _the into the village of Pelendria un,the barracks and other Naval establishnight of July 29. On hearing foot- nicnts. as shown below. The Admirsteps. he and his companion laid a alty feels deep regret that it is quick ambush and were able to see necessary to break the historical two armed men approaching. associaition of the Royal Navy with Hi: challenged them and while the Mcdway towns. which has lasted covered by the second member of the some four centuries. p:itrol. disarnicd and captured the R.N. Il’urrurk.r. ('ImIlmm.—To be two men. who proved to be known closed by April. l9(i|. F.ol;:i terrorists. The otlicial citation suites: ".\l:irine H.lll..\'. (‘on-x tR.N. Supply and Secretariat School).——'l‘o be housed Thoiiitou displayed great presence of in the R.N. lhirrzicks, Clizitham. for mind. coolness. initiative and courzigc." at least two years: then to be At the-time. the terrorists were on moved, probably to Portsmoulli. the alert and armed with a loaded sub-niachine gun and grenades. .llt't'lirrrii(‘til 'I'nrim'n_i,- I-.'.imI:li.iInm'nI. Mentioned in Despatchcs for their t'Imtlmm.- -To be transferred: proservice in Cyprus are l.icut.-Colonel bably to Portsiiiuulli by Septcrnber. J. Richards. .\l.li.E.. R.N.. of BideI960. 45 commtinds who ford (Devon). R.N. lluspitul. ('IiutImm.—To cease Commando R.i\l. in the Middle East: to be a Naval hospital by April. Major ll. (3. Bruce. whose home is l96l. in Dorset. formerly Sccond-in~Command of 40 Commando R.M. in !l.4\I..\'. Wilrllire tR.N. Base. Slicerness).—'l‘o he closed by April. I960. Cyprus; liist.-Lieut.-Cdr. G. L. I). or as soon as the run-down of ,lt-nkins, R,N,_ of Newarl;-on-'l'rcnl. Sheerness Dockyard permits. serving with -15 Conimanilo; ('pl.. I-I. Davies. R..\l.. of Llamwit Major. ('/mrl mu! Ilmmi !)i'/vm't- Di-/mix.(il:imorg.iiisliire; Marini: 0. Salisbury. The (‘hart Depot at Sheerness and Boom Defence Depots at Sheerness R..\I.. of Hull. _

and Quccnborough to he closed by I960. R.N. A rmamenr Dt'pol.r.--R.N. Torpedo Depot. Chathani. and Chatham Gunwharf Workshopsto be closed by end of 1958. The Depots at Upnor. Lodge Hill and Grain; and Chatham Gunwharf Storchouscs—-to be closed by I963. In the Chatham and Sheerness area as a whole. the total number of industrial and non-industrial cruployccs will be reduced by normal wastage and discharge by about 2.700 over the next three years or so.



(L020 tons full load). built by William Denny & Bros. l.td.. Dumbarton. was couimissioned in August. I937. and has never been paid otl. An interesting 4(.l:t}"S programme is being planned for :i date in .lunc to be announced. This will include a short religious service and a luncheon “At Home" to all olliccrs :ind ratings serving or retired who Iiave at any time sccn service in H.M.S. Plover. The present Commanding Ofliccr. lieutenant-CommanderJ. G. Wemyss. would be very interested to hear from any of these. so that they can be invitcd. when the details are finally resolved.


To (‘Iu‘t-/ Juim-r.—-.\lX.90236 W. T.


To Sick lit-uh (‘hit-I Polly Oflicer. —-—MX.58238 E. Cutts: MX.S83l8 H. Shoulder: MX.S(i888 l.. Young.

To ('Itie/ If/t_t-irttrerirtg M¢'cham'c.— KX34767 l.. Allen: KXB6937 E. Brown: KX.‘)-H80 J. l)aly: KX.888Z‘) R. Finch: KX.9lI9Z A. Gibbs: KX.‘)5tl3Il l.. Hawkins; KX90324 T. Jones: KX.86028 l.. Jubber; KX.‘)(il23 l. Lewis; l(X.9()95-1| I‘. Malone: KX36765 A. Mapplcbcck: KX.888l6 F. Purnell; KX95260 G. Smith; KX.850S8 R. Syson: KX.92582 R. Watchorn.

Artirig Chief Radio Eleclrical Arli/icer (A i'r).-—L/ FX66925 G. E.




(Coritiriiml on page 2. mltmm 5)

The Outstanding

Cigarette of



l’0LUNTI:'l:'RING R(lflIl_t,'.V may mllmlcrr for any of the .iliip.i’. or for .wri'i<'¢- in (I particular station, or /or .ipt-rifle /nrnti of .t¢-rvive (¢'.g.. Local I-‘orbit.-It St-rrit'¢' or (Ii-neml Scri-ire). A: rlrnfting m'n'mt ix Irikt-It at (cm! two months ttltctld. (l[l[1ll(‘(llf()Il.T In .\¢'I'|'t' in

.\hip.\ due to t'mtinii.i.\r'mt in the m-.t'l fenirc:-Itx are llll"I\'t'f_\’ to have any rfltw.

SLiB.\l.-\RlNI-Z COMMAND H..\l.S. Astute. March. at Devonport. service in the 3rd S/ni. Squadron.


Il.M.S. Acheron. March. at Birkenlicad. for service in the 5th S,-’m. Squadron. l'ortsnioutli. H..\l.S. Scotsman. Julie. at Dcvonport. for service in the 3rd S/iii. Squadron.


ll..\l.S. Tapir. June. at Chatham. and for service in the Ist S/m. Sqiiatlrun. Malta. (('mttinm':Ion page 2. ml. 2) -







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