Royal Navy Olfioers cannot do
better than consult Bernards on all matters concerning Uniforms and Civilian clothing. I
Bernards MENS Silo!’
4o Commercial Rd., Portsmouth
Navy News
Telephone: 6596
No. 46
Bernard: believe there is no substitute for quality and in every aim at aspcct_ot' Tailoring achieving Perfection in Tailoring Craftsmanship.
40 Commercial Rd. , Portsmouth
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Navy Association
MARCH, 1958
Published firs!
Telephone: 6596
Thursday of the month
Price F ou rpence
Barracks, Cha
1961 s
Advancementto the Chief Petty Officer andiCIiief Artilicer
Rate CONFIRMATION HAS been received that the following have been advzinccd to the Chief Petty Olliccr or Chief Artiliccr l‘£IlCZ'~'I'u ('In't'] Petty ()/Iic¢'r.——JX.l-l368(l E. Hooper: lX.lS7‘)82 P, Kelpic; .lX.l423'l3 (T. Mancliip: JXJ78238 F. Pipe: .lX.768378 P. Smith.
Tu (‘hit-I l'eH_v 0/iii‘.-r (‘rmlt (S).MX.5772l (i. Laiigton; MX.(i{l6l0 P. Lovell. To ('hit'/ I’¢'Il_\' 0I]it‘i'r 'I't'It-.t:ruplii.tI. -—.lX.2‘)2l)l W. Briggs; lX.5832l7 K. Smith. Tn ('Iiit'I I'.'rr1:im- Rrmm ArIifit‘i'r.-MX.l0Z-I70 I‘. Anilcrson.
('ItI't'I Pliunlvi-r.—.\l.\'.(-tl500 W. Holnics; MX.(it'v882 .\l. 'llionias. To ('Itt'i'I nI’(fIl(Ul(‘t' .»lm'fit'i'r.--
MX.6-l57(i7 Ii. llarris; .\lX.‘)(l9-l0-3 D. I-I0)’.
Z,‘ [
‘‘ Twenty-one Years in Commission .2 H.M.S. l’l.O\’lER. coastal '
panoramic view of the Royal Naval Barracks. Chatham. which is to close down. The ofice of the Commauder-inChief, The Note, is at the bottom left-hand corner. The barracks were first occupied in 1903. ‘Die ollice of Commander-in-Chief,The Nore, has been in existence some -600 years A
How Chatliam and Sheerness are affected
THE POST of Commander-in-Chief. The Nore. and the Note Command will be abolished. THE NAME of a young NorthampSheerness docliyard will be run tonshire National Service man heads CH0?‘ the list of Royal Marines of 40 and down by April. I960. Evcf)’ the yard _of 45 Commandos published in the will be made to dispose Lomhm (iu:t-Ilc. receiving awards before closure to industrial or comsome for gallantry in operations against mercial interests. It employs terrorists in Cyprus between July I 2.500 industrial and non-intlustrial staff. About l.l00 are established. of and December 31. I957. He is .\laritic Brian Richard Thorn- whom as many as possible will be ton, of Buckfast Square. Corby. and absorbed into Chatliani .dockyard. he is awarded the British Empire The balance of unestablislicd cmMedal (i\lilitar_v Division) for "dis- ployces will be reduced by normal wastage and discharge. tinguishctl service." A native of Warrington. Marine At Chatham the docltyard will be Thornton. who entered the Corps for retained: but by April. I96l. H.M. his National Service in I956. after Ships will normally be refitted there earlier service in the R.i\l.F.V.R.. was with only key personnel on board. It the senior of a two-man patrol sent is planned to close or transfer _the into the village of Pelendria un,the barracks and other Naval establishnight of July 29. On hearing foot- nicnts. as shown below. The Admirsteps. he and his companion laid a alty feels deep regret that it is quick ambush and were able to see necessary to break the historical two armed men approaching. associaition of the Royal Navy with Hi: challenged them and while the Mcdway towns. which has lasted covered by the second member of the some four centuries. p:itrol. disarnicd and captured the R.N. Il’urrurk.r. ('ImIlmm.—To be two men. who proved to be known closed by April. l9(i|. F.ol;:i terrorists. The otlicial citation suites: ".\l:irine H.lll..\'. (‘on-x tR.N. Supply and Secretariat School).——'l‘o be housed Thoiiitou displayed great presence of in the R.N. lhirrzicks, Clizitham. for mind. coolness. initiative and courzigc." at least two years: then to be At the-time. the terrorists were on moved, probably to Portsmoulli. the alert and armed with a loaded sub-niachine gun and grenades. .llt't'lirrrii(‘til 'I'nrim'n_i,- I-.'.imI:li.iInm'nI. Mentioned in Despatchcs for their t'Imtlmm.- -To be transferred: proservice in Cyprus are l.icut.-Colonel bably to Portsiiiuulli by Septcrnber. J. Richards. .\ R.N.. of BideI960. 45 commtinds who ford (Devon). R.N. lluspitul. ('IiutImm.—To cease Commando R.i\l. in the Middle East: to be a Naval hospital by April. Major ll. (3. Bruce. whose home is l96l. in Dorset. formerly Sccond-in~Command of 40 Commando R.M. in !l.4\I..\'. Wilrllire tR.N. Base. Slicerness).—'l‘o he closed by April. I960. Cyprus; liist.-Lieut.-Cdr. G. L. I). or as soon as the run-down of ,lt-nkins, R,N,_ of Newarl;-on-'l'rcnl. Sheerness Dockyard permits. serving with -15 Conimanilo; ('pl.. I-I. Davies. R..\l.. of Llamwit Major. ('/mrl mu! Ilmmi !)i'/vm't- Di-/mix.(il:imorg.iiisliire; Marini: 0. Salisbury. The (‘hart Depot at Sheerness and Boom Defence Depots at Sheerness R..\I.. of Hull. _
and Quccnborough to he closed by I960. R.N. A rmamenr Dt'pol.r.--R.N. Torpedo Depot. Chathani. and Chatham Gunwharf Workshopsto be closed by end of 1958. The Depots at Upnor. Lodge Hill and Grain; and Chatham Gunwharf Storchouscs—-to be closed by I963. In the Chatham and Sheerness area as a whole. the total number of industrial and non-industrial cruployccs will be reduced by normal wastage and discharge by about 2.700 over the next three years or so.
(L020 tons full load). built by William Denny & Bros. Dumbarton. was couimissioned in August. I937. and has never been paid otl. An interesting 4(.l:t}"S programme is being planned for :i date in .lunc to be announced. This will include a short religious service and a luncheon “At Home" to all olliccrs :ind ratings serving or retired who Iiave at any time sccn service in H.M.S. Plover. The present Commanding Ofliccr. lieutenant-CommanderJ. G. Wemyss. would be very interested to hear from any of these. so that they can be invitcd. when the details are finally resolved.
To (‘Iu‘t-/ Juim-r.—-.\lX.90236 W. T.
To Sick lit-uh (‘hit-I Polly Oflicer. —-—MX.58238 E. Cutts: MX.S83l8 H. Shoulder: MX.S(i888 l.. Young.
To ('Itie/ If/t_t-irttrerirtg M¢'cham'c.— KX34767 l.. Allen: KXB6937 E. Brown: KX.‘)-H80 J. l)aly: KX.888Z‘) R. Finch: KX.9lI9Z A. Gibbs: KX.‘)5tl3Il l.. Hawkins; KX90324 T. Jones: KX.86028 l.. Jubber; KX.‘)(il23 l. Lewis; l(X.9()95-1| I‘. Malone: KX36765 A. Mapplcbcck: KX.888l6 F. Purnell; KX95260 G. Smith; KX.850S8 R. Syson: KX.92582 R. Watchorn.
Artirig Chief Radio Eleclrical Arli/icer (A i'r).-—L/ FX66925 G. E.
(Coritiriiml on page 2. mltmm 5)
The Outstanding
Cigarette of
l’0LUNTI:'l:'RING R(lflIl_t,'.V may mllmlcrr for any of the .iliip.i’. or for .wri'i<'¢- in (I particular station, or /or .ipt-rifle /nrnti of .t¢-rvive (¢'.g.. Local I-‘orbit.-It St-rrit'¢' or (Ii-neml Scri-ire). A: rlrnfting m'n'mt ix Irikt-It at (cm! two months ttltctld. (l[l[1ll(‘(llf()Il.T In .\¢'I'|'t' in
.\hip.\ due to t'mtinii.i.\r'mt in the m-.t'l fenirc:-Itx are llll"I\'t'f_\’ to have any rfltw.
SLiB.\l.-\RlNI-Z COMMAND H..\l.S. Astute. March. at Devonport. service in the 3rd S/ni. Squadron.
Il.M.S. Acheron. March. at Birkenlicad. for service in the 5th S,-’m. Squadron. l'ortsnioutli. H..\l.S. Scotsman. Julie. at Dcvonport. for service in the 3rd S/iii. Squadron.
ll..\l.S. Tapir. June. at Chatham. and for service in the Ist S/m. Sqiiatlrun. Malta. (('mttinm':Ion page 2. ml. 2) -
March. I958
Navy News
l’.nt'tnl I1L'=Il_ (8') II, It. ll:rrid::. R..\'.cRctd.).
THF. lI.>‘\.\Il\‘l0Cl{-a feature of life in ships of the Royal Navy since 1597 -—is being discarded and will. irt time. disappear front all warslrips. The replacement of hammoel.< by titted bunks is one of tuan_v atnenilies introduced by the Admiralty last year as part of a policy to improve the
Rmal .\‘a\-at lhrrratks, I’ntl\nlivutlI 'l‘~!.: i'ivrt\rniiu:h 7.‘:-<1: Ilxt. 21'!-J)
'l'lllE N.\\’Y lisiirtttites up .t lot of our space this month, and we rualte no apology for this as ?\w\' .\‘r,ws‘ policy is to gitc full coverage on matters atlecting tlte Senice. It would scent that we are witnessing the birth of a new type of :\-'.t\‘_\'. attd it is this :l\p¢CI upon which \\t.' lllltsl correcti-
serious lmsittcss. attd decided upon only when all other means have been tried. and have been proved unsuccessful. Unqtrestionably. amputations-—t'or that is what tltey are—\\hieh the Government hate found necessary in the Naval listablisltmeuts are unpalatable in tire e.\trerue, but as .-\dmiral Sir I-‘redericl; Parlratn. the Commander-in-Chict‘.The Nore. has said: "The Admiralty would not have taken this step unless it had are
and living conditions of olliccrs :rud trrcrt alloat. '|his policy is I‘L'ltlj.Z fully implemented in future llL'\\~llL'\ll!ll ships. but the e\tent to which it can be e.ii:ied out in existing ships is restricted by doeltyard capacity and the ]\ll_\\ limitations of particular ships: it remains subordinate to the prim.ii_\ function of every warship new or old nantcly. to light. The following surnm:u'_v of imprm cmcnts in habitability has been issued as an Admiralty bulletin: As the result of detailed investigations and of trials in ships. it has been determined that centralised messing and bunks for ratings provide more eflicient. economical and habitable accomruodation than the "broadside" messing (general mess or vielualling allowance) :ind hatnmocl.s'. It is therefore the intention to tit this form of accommodation in all future new design ships down to "Ocean" mineswecper si/e. .-‘unong the advantages to be ga i ned from these arrangements will he that all food preparations and washing-up will be removed from the mess decks and each man will have his own bunk. The design of mess decks uith bunks will be such that traditional mess life will be retained. except for taking meals in the mess: it is not intended that tuess decks should merely be bunk spaces. llunks and lockers will be arrztnged to lc'.t\c space for communal mess life; bunt.»are being designed so that a proportion can be turni.-d into '~cllL'i.'\ tluring the daytime‘. chairs and small tables will be provided. It is not practicable to convert all existing ships to centralised rncssine attd bunk sleeping. liithcr or both will be titled, complete or in part. in those existing ships in which the trlteration will be both practicable and \\otthwhile in view of the remaining life of the ship concerned.
The Training Division statf. I958 Back Row. Wtr. Blyth: S.i\. (V.) .\‘Ic-llish; S.B..-\. Edwards: S.B.i\. Best; S.B.i\. Stuart; Wtr. Rusbtort; Lieut-Cdr. Font: l..S..i\. Clinton; P.(). llankcy Fourth Row: Mr. Tanner; L./Sea. Walsh; L./Sea. Whipps; P.().lCk. Ilnddicott; P.(). .\ti|l¢-st; l".(). lleatheote; P.(). Gunstonc; P.(). wise; I’.(). Lawson. Third Ron: Mr. Rich; Mr. .-‘lyling: \\’.R.N. Coleman: R.P.(). Cox; C.P.0. Martin; P.(). Good): C.P.(). Kent: P.0. Sircd: C.P.0. l)eadnra.n; P.t). Jomtan; P.(). Griflitbs; P.0. Potts: S.P.(). (V.) Brigden: C.P.(). Pettcr. Second Row: W.R.N. Patton: W.R.N. Bold: C.P.(). Abbott: C.Y.S. Harvey: C.P.(). Dcnzme: C.l'.(). Martin: C.P.(). Andrews; Ch./Wtr. Kennedy; C.P.(). Port; C.P.(). Ossentont C.P.(). Griflin: L./\\'.R.N. Stulizes; Ch./Wtr. ()gle; “'.R.N. Bell. Fmnt Row: C.P.(). Gaskell; M..~\..-\. Jackson; Licut.-Cdr. Thompson: Licut.-Cdr. Mac.\lillan:l.icut—Cdr. ljtuplcby: Second Ofliccr Valentine; Surg.~(.'dr. (l).) Marshall; Cdr. Pool: Lieut.—(.'dr. Garner; Third tllliccr Sanka)‘; l.ieut.Cdr. Harper; Licut. Sharpe; Licut. Beck; C.P.t). Smith: C.P.(). Atkins; Mr. Lloyd.
been considered to be essential in the interest of maintaining. to the nraxiREDUCTIONS IN the north. south. ruttm. the sea-going llcct under prcscnt cast and west! Contraction seems to he economic conditions." the order of the day. One reduction. The abolition of the post of the not part of the recentl- announced i ('utt'tttI:ltltJI:l'-lI‘l'(:lllcf. The Norc. the cuts. is of the ‘training Division. R.N. Portsmouth. closing down of R.\'. Chat’ Barracks. The Division held its final Divisions ham, and the .-\ir Stations‘, as well as on Friday. February H. and so an the run-down of Sheerness Dockyard. association with the Royal Nit!-ttl and the virtual immediate closing of Barraclts which has lasted some 55 Porllatul l)uL'l;}:tt‘d. necessary though years. was biouglrt to an end. Records‘ show that apart from the years I93‘)--$5. the Cltls may be. will be fell :tnd '\I-‘hen the 'l’raining l)i\ision was regretted throughout the whole cotto- housed at (iosport. and I‘)-to-in \\ hen ' v try. by civilians as well as h_\ Ntual it was accornmod:ited in Victoria liarracks. there has been a 'l'rainin:.: people. Division in R.N. llarracks. Portsmouth We are eontident. houcter. that the since l‘)tl3. 'llte lirst Trainittg (umsame qualities‘ which kept the Royal mander was appointed after the First Navy of the past in the van are still World War. in the Service. Initlul Spzulcvu urk The last class on arrival Hundreds of thousands must haxe done their initial parade work. and Or‘ course. the entrant was still -~wrrrt A 'l‘tt.-\-.\‘l-it-'l’l. been instructed itt some of the ways "new" when he finished with the RI-2.\tt-L.\lllR.-\.\(‘l-2 or-' ’rn\' of the Navy under the eyes‘ of the [Mt ision but he was no longer ‘‘grecn.'' stall’ of the 'l'r:iining l)l\'i.\ion. Mrzrtctr-:s"' He had acquired a new bearing and a \Vitll of end Nztlional the in Scnice new language and the fundantcutals 0 Liinl. Irurv nrimr'_I'iiIi:' are I’lr_\' and of the declared sigltt as part policy of his new profession had been incultt'i)r/..\‘ .l'hi' rirrllt it full of of l'l..\l. Government reduce to expert» cated in hint. T/I)‘ ri'i'lri~\. .\'i> it tin‘ _-.-rrirr tllltl diture the throughout Royal i\'a\y the: Since W56 when the Division IN":/r' .\i'rt tlf\II. I)i\-ision as :i separate entity has had I. returned to R..\'. ll:irracl>;sit has been to go. New entry training will in situated in the two blocks which. prefuture he carried out in the various |‘)3‘). were the homes of the Signal schools .tnd establislnuctus such it‘? School .tnd the Engine Room ArtillRulciglt. Collingwood and Mercury. ccrs. :rnd known by the 5.000 who have The perioi.l new entries spent in the Ipasxed through its portals as Jervis Division varied considerably between Block. two and six weel..~.. After being entered : \\"ltilsl aclmotvledging that the and meeting his instructor the new- Vkoyal .\'.tvy. because of the numbers rcomer was issued with his kit. Inocu- E whose tint option on call-up has been lation and dental examination hasing the .\’.ny. could atiord to be more been completed and having been inter- selective than the other anncd forces. LTD viewed by the personnel selection _the present Training Commander's 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth ollicer. the new entry commenced npiniott of the yotrng men who have Phone 70!” training_ which included apart from been entered is very l'avourablc. He Opera: the Dollowing Ollicial Exprru Service: the parade work. lectures. plt_\\tt:;tl has been most impressed with their or Service Penal!-ncl EVERY WEEKEND and recreational training and introduc- _ad.rpt.ibilit_y and their keenncss and LEEDS 4]/A lI'lL'tl‘ plrysrezil and mental standard. tory talks by the Padre. BRADFORD 43/6
fiuunrrr coKcrrT.s ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
40/5 34/3 Ill16/Ill“I6
.. ...
Aru ihrfr cemccx wit. take ME
|1[6 ISIIll2|/0 till I'll‘ II’-I 15]IIIIIIls]IIIlilI4]lil-
renewing route
0! Service Personnel: RM Sorrocits. Eoxtney.-H.l-1.5 Vcrndnrfloyal sail.-m‘ Homc Club Queen Street: R.N Barraclu. Unicorn Gate: Stanley Rd. tor H.M 5. ExcellentHMS Pritaei-iir C.. Hilsco Barracks: Coshom. Homes: Town nay. Farrhom Ali: nick-n: us at H M.S ‘Am’ in cm-ooer ram for
N.B.——'l‘o all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special tacilitics to meet
your particular travelling requireat short ments can be uotce. Write. phone or call
TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. 3 Edinbttrgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 70863
Drafting Forecast “”"”"::'.‘i’..{,’.".”5”"-"”‘ CENERAL ;ll..\t.S. Cheviot. May. at Singapore. for Foreign Service on Far East H..\l.S. Contest. March. at Cltatham. Station. for General Service Commission. Mediterranean/Home. U.K. llttse |I.M.$. l)unltirlt', .\lay. at Portsmouth, Port. Chatham. for General Service Commission. .\lediterraneanfl-Iome. U.K. Base ll.i\t.S. Carysfor-I, March. at PortsPort. Devonport. mouth, for General Service Commission, lklcditerraneanfflomc.U.K. H.M.S. Jutland. May. at Portsmouth. for (jencral Service Comntission. Base Port. Portsmouth. .\Icditerr.mean_.'Home. U.K. Base ll.M.S. Cavendish. March. at Devonl Port. Ch'.itham. port. for (‘ieneral Service Com- 5II..\l.S. 'I'mfal|:1Ir. May. at Portsmission. Metliterranean{Hontc. U.K. mouth. for General Service (SomBase Port. Devonport. missiou. .\lediterranean,‘Hontc. U.K. lI.M.S. Puma. March. :tt I)evonp_ort. llasc Port. Portsmouth. for General Service Commission. ll.3t.S. Albion. .\tay. at Portsinouth. South Africa :rnd South Atlantic,“ for General Service Commission. Home. U.K. Base Port, Devonport. § .\lediterraneanlliast lndies;'l"ar East. l_}.K. llase Port. Portsmouth. ILMS. Ceylon. April. at Portsmouth. for General Service Commission.‘ilI..\l.S. Cossack. June. at Singapore. Homc,'l:' Indies. U.l\'. llase Port. | for l-‘oreign Service on Far East
’ '
The last class after completion ol’ l-I da_\ s‘ Part I training
Helicopter Iiescues Girls from Mmlbank
tC'intIiItr1i‘iI [mm [)lI_!{l' I. rolmmt 5) Ti: Chit-I !L'ft'(‘ffft'ftlII. —.\lX.8-l2l'i') I). l\lX.7595!iS l.. llarter: Ilowditclt: i'\lX.ll-l-lfltil (i. Cubiss: MN.’/'5‘)2ll R. l)e\lin'. .\t.\'.'i‘5*)'.‘ll5 C‘. I-Intwistle; i\lX.75‘)ll5 H. H a m h I e t on : r\lX.tlS(»t'i-S2 J. Hughes: .\lX.ll-H437 I’. Humble‘. .\lX.7lZ30l R. Kclbrick: i\lX.84~l.'llS .-\. Sheffield‘. MX.5792tIl R. Sill: .\l.\'.Stl3.\‘23 J. Standing: .\l.\’.7ti‘)-H.‘ J. Woodhouse: .\lX.8tlttl2() I.. \\’right. To (.'Itii'[' Ruilin I'.'Ic'r'lrr'i'irm. i\lX.8035-$8 VV. Bald w in '. MX.79t)l5-l I). I’;tl\:ll. Tu ('/It'i'I Radio I'.IIl'l'fI'f-(Hf .‘l r!ifit'i'r. "'hIx.l"J55(\ D. Coombes.
"Collar sense at last TWO l-l-\'l’./IR-()l.l) girl: on their half-term holida_\. had quite art adven- that is smart!" ttrre in February. The two girls saw an old ihnghy on the shore in Laugstone Harbour. and they decided to paddle otrt in it to look at a boat moored a few yards from the bi:aclr. There were no oars in the dinghy, so the girls picked tip a couple of planl.s and used them for oars. They reached the boat all riglu and had a look around. but when they tried to paddle back. they discovered they were drifting :may from the shore. Portsmouth. and all the time the dinghy was letting Station. lI.M.S. Loch Alvie. April. at Citat- |I..\l.S. Loch Fade. June 17. at Ports- in water. and they trad to rise a tin ham. for General Service Commismouth for General Service Commis- In bale out. tmrdbank ahead of them. filliI'll! sion, Hornciliast Indies. U.I(. Base sltln. I-lorne,l-last indies. U.K_ tlase theSeeing a safest that decided the two girls Port. Chatham. Port. Portsmouth. LJ vuuic cotun was to make for it. thing LAUIDII N0 NIIDS lI.\l.S. Cardigan Bay. April. at Singa- Il..\IS. Birmingham. July. at ChatThe girls plight \\as noticed by ‘M5150-‘u'[lllID' ioli llllll II All CUIHIS ham. [or General_Scrvicc Commispore for Foreign ‘Service on l-'ar on shore .atrtl these tried unpeople Home,‘.\ledrterranean. U.l\. srrecesst‘ully to reach them. in the sion. East Station. SAVES ITS COST 3 TIMES OVER Base Port. Chatham. meantime the Royal .\':i\al .-\ir Station II.M.S. Chichcster. April. at Glasgow. ‘DEAL FOR NAVAL WEAR Kong. at Lee-on-Solent had been informed. Trade cncuirics for General Service (‘on'rnrission. I)ampler. July. at -‘at I-Z;.t I’ -'-n S~-v’-and a helicopter was sen‘. to rescue ts u iu. \in Mediterrane-an,'liome. U.K. Iiasc I I ill. R. DEHPIE. 30 WHITEPOYI LANE, LONDON the [on adseutttrcrs. Port. Cltathattv.
l '
lll.i\l.S. SI“‘I;ti0;.l.!Ll}_
-I in '1h :- nu 0 VI 3 I?
N Ews
lI| |l
MOTORING NOTES Clieclcthe year and price
REGUL.-\R RIEADERS of these notes will probably _have noticed that for
[f you are ,-,,;,50n;,hjy happy Wm, the car ask to see the registration book :ind see what date it was regis‘tercd—— at the bottom of the page which has all the details on it. Incidentally. I repeat what I said last month. the year of registration is the year of the car. e.g.. a car registered in December. I956. is not a I957 car as most sales-
l11|5l°|' l
'55““ 3'09"“ 50"“!
‘“'° “T
0" C1“ Y°{'n<|fk5 51l_“‘{|l'5 i|1§ll1d¢_ l‘“Y'“S- W'”‘ “W5 “"9 “P5 W "Y 5"“! help the iiiexperienced. 1 lnlcml 10 C°|1l|""° “"5 1h!‘ )'¢-'"' Pfilcllfl‘“'l|iCh I l"CllFVt§ i5 r=|_lfllv' Willi‘ !‘"1'"d “W 9"'lPl“|5|5 In “"5 flufllbtf on rim. _
No. 30, H,M,Y, ANNIA
um“ nu’. Rm‘ At the time of is-riiiiii: these notes. in the previous week. I li:ive had iol de:i| with three newly acquired secondhand cars piirchased by Naval personnel and in each case riddled with (‘ook l.e:idi_ng llriiimkarlesttick. “N in phlccg nm i,mm.di;m_.h. Vi‘-ihlc II.M.S. Pcllew. hm C...“-I‘. dm.m.,_.rL.d_ -H“. ‘(M mil“: (ll). I)/SM/939413. Dim .|;mu;(ry |.t, |95x_ “hm” lh;_\.k_ curs i‘ mm mu mm, mp‘. r\|lIl'I‘l Jul"! ".3|ll€=flh'~‘ft!- '50the rust ohviotis‘. but in each case the‘ I)/MX.6fil.'l23. ll..\'l.S. pi-oiiil miner had paid at least 3.35 too‘ J“"“.“.y 26. l953_ u[,m.,.m"_ mm.“ (W. mt. Cm.’ It seems that most btivers are af:':iitl ,\_;su|,_.|,iw(_ (ti) 1-j_ |,_ \'¢-u-5, of the t.'.lI' salesiiieii and do not like R,,\',_ ||_,\1_s_ |-‘ntmm-, [)iL-rt 1-'¢b.-u. in look too t.'lnsL‘l\' for fear of hiirtiiig an‘ 3. I953. olivihis feelings". .\lill't)‘ people quite Siiiiti| R adio I‘Electrical ‘ I h onv t" _. 1. .; .\lecli:uiic lst class (.-\ir). l.[I-. 963873. ll..\l.S. Dacdaliis. Died ‘ _ , j r_ " Jn,‘ " M "‘ )5") "'°l'|’l|=||’)‘ 3» l953ful gm“-,_.|| 5.;¢,_.:,j,,_.,, wm-,1, ,\'m-at .-\ir .\le;-lmni;- Is: class ll-‘,ngim_-5), hm mm, H“; gm“! rmilm I./I-".9-l-I916. ll.3l.S. \’ieturiuus.. .\ .014.‘ ml..“.h,. J‘. -1Died l~'eIiruar_v 5. I958.
limlge: The Royal Standard. within
the Garter. the whole surmounted by the Imperial Crown. Built by John Brown & Co. Ltd..
DI.i‘{Jl(lL‘t'Ill¢‘Ill (full load). 4,715 Diirieiisioiis : l.engtli. 412} ft. (O.A.). lleatn. 55 ft. Draught (lII(lK.). I6 ft. Complement. 255.
Laid down lune, I952. Lmuiclied April. I953. I-'i'_iii‘.i'lieiI in January, I954.
of l95l. ‘the medium -Atltniralty_aniioitnced thatbea put into hospital ship woultl °‘"”‘m"‘1'”". "m1'=m'“.m°‘ m':- Numl “"“'l‘l h“ ‘'’'‘'d ‘" ..l’‘-‘'‘'.‘'''“'''° “'|"ch as a replzicemeiit for the Victoria and i Albeit which was. b_v then. completely useless :is a sea-going vessel. .'\CL‘t\lIInt0(lL|llt‘.tlt for the Royal bl’ 5"-l°- C°"5°‘l"'3"u)'- patients. Naval medical staff and men. ,party or alteriiativel_v. for the hospital. evetit of the eoitver- with practically no alteration. The -f[1 in tie uii iappv W11-| in "11eaerpar t~,.-1-; ta _. .en_prti_et forward could readily of tho ship, o.-Inlet that for the ,<,|np'5 sion_ hecoiiiing iiecess'ar_v. it will be :iceoiiiinod:ition change to an be adapted to the needs of the nine.-r_v. and men is forward. \Vurkini.: possible to etfect thewithout making .\lerchant Navy personnel who would hospital ship lspaces such as the galleys and cllieieiit serious zilierations in structure or man the vessel on coiiversion to ‘laundry. have been grouped ainid- atiythe normal equiptneiit of the ship. hospital ship. ships. over the main macI_iiiier_v space iii“It: Wards. Records show that former ships operating theatre and be so that exhaust vetttil:itioii can specialised departnients will be sited with the name ofinllritanniaandineltided laid inside the funnel. which I682. to the a lirst rate built aft mi has now sp;i_ces in and State .ip.irtmuits .iiid to took pail in the llattle of llarlleiir in com- Royal Supp”. 5“h__”K.m_ (5, Charles pleted as a Royal \acht. the .ilternamnccmlmc (m- hmkmg ilmmd “ ‘LS Hem). "cunt “V l_ H, in mind the nteiiibers of the Roval Household "I92. L U‘ “ I R_ ‘V W tive role has been kept lirnily.,.._ ‘W ‘I “_, E" I" 2° med D.,cd..|u_.; Another llritannia. also a first rate. and stall. Ihe gallevs and laundry and ~;> u; ' ‘"' of m ;-v ‘“"“'"" _~"‘ "‘ mu‘ ; earliest design, the '. from stages '5“? , "mm Newlk‘ the two :ll‘r:IlIl'.L'lllL"IllShave been tle-lwill titeet the reqtiireitients for the was built at l’ortsmouth and launched Lwu" (ll ""l"°s "MN", MW" bra“ “ml Chmh pcd"l' in October. I762. This vessel took rubbers. for esaiiiple_ would he out oft R.N.. R.\.i\..S. Ilrawdy. Died part in several Naval actions. iiiplace isith :i .speedoiiieter reading ol'i l-'ebruar_v 20. I958. cluding the Ilattle of Cape St. 25.ttt)tl and would siiggest that the 1_;,_.m_ (n) R. _j_ (;..“r‘ RN“ mileoiiieter li:is been set back byl 347 5qu;.dw“_ med I.-cbman. z0_ I00 of we .\lerciiry boys in Dear Sir.—-I trust you do not 3“-99“ 41 ‘‘I~‘'li‘ \l|“l‘lt' “llt-'|'4|li0n \\'lli<-‘lll I958. .to January, l9tll. lll.IIInt.,d the bulwarks [ml-algm.‘ when she was an ship of i ". corrections '. few a 51-1“ “I8 '--"HUI (“IL sending you mc "ft 1‘ r“-UUl"ll.\ |';cm_ ([2, Ed“.m.d John “rrigym and ship aboard th- I-'oudroyant to Rear-.»\dmir:il the Iiarl of Northesk. -5 N: the tloor coverings. upholstery. roof Dnd Feb”as the her ship's llickerdike Another Ilritannia was also built in represent Mr. trim atid door are lining iiiiptiitant of Ships_ Portsiiiouth. a battleship of 16.350 mc om“! ‘Wing’ sl!h_ shim pM\.._.d quwn mt ‘mes’ is 75) are factors but (aged 5° tons. launched in I90-I. This vessel saw even ino_re im-’ T Chicr Aircrew. "miner. This. I am l 0 e. R N A s t "it in'r's to ,i'u.- tr. action with the 3rd Ilattle Station and i as 1' :it c c; Bm“'d"' lhcd :i'Iig L‘ oi t old boys the 9th Cruiser Squadron in the if Pcbmmy 10' I95!“ _spare wheel coinpartiiient. if the car‘ are living in Portsniouth. who First World War. She was stink by ;.,h., an, over 73_ and right the ; bulwarks of --3 "" ; ,; h ; 1'‘f''5'r it: c ruua run. 'l'h- In est livin submziriner I tiianned the a'y rust insite. ‘on are tv(I‘tttg or l;_ A_ some,“ jmudmyam “H mm Wcusim,-_; anti’ Z0. 1953Ill all the corners where iittid and water Brilzmnh h-lg wnmcd When at (‘owes the present Thc J. B. A. Stansfield. Air Mach. 3. ville who is about 76 or 77. and can collect. .-‘\rotinLl the wheel Jlrcllcfi she 9’ 700 W115 l~’"““’“ 115 "W T|'in' the submarines in the I'I=t!i0“-F“"d“‘)'<|"l "ml !'""" "W b‘“'°"“ "r d"‘"5 “"" R-N-A-5 Bfilwdik "565 |"¢b|'|13|'!’ l d" “"1 k"““' h“W Shh‘ was tirst_ coniniissioned. and has of I905 or thereabouts. 20. 1958. 1|lW|l“P""l1|“lher present job_or when her ciretintiiav rated the globe. It was recently mentioned that one came in A [CW Pi|l‘-‘llk'‘ ‘'7 P““'(lk‘|'l' {U-‘il Wllhl The crest shown on the card is that was changed to loiitlroyant. of the (‘..\l.lls. or some stieh boat. name gm“! mu"! ""d"'".‘°"”‘ d“°“"‘ '“:'m°'l No doubt there are many lads still of the Royal Yacht. much hm If 3'9" “ml ‘ml’ 5|I’t’|'¢CN_|hl'3 man will try to kid you. although its from H.\l.S. Hornet was the first about who joined the Service before have .1 black painted amount of flaky rtist don-1 [my it. pricc would or cfiufgc bc in me uppcr Wm-ship ever topoint give you some tiiore out that this is me can for I956 bracket of cars. the m_ust hull._I part Slum the doors '“r“"““"°“ "hm" ”“'5‘’ d°l‘“,”F|3' Finally-—-the price. For 2s. 6d. you 1 l°"‘°d ‘he R“y"l Navy 9" A 9''.l ‘'yS‘ If you really want to have ftin with Mcasham Used Car Price Y“'~'”‘ f'*"‘m“"Ya ear salestnaii.during your researches. can buy the 1903- I'll" -‘-°''V"‘l3 ‘“ T-SI1. obtained is Guide sending by whicli all the J‘ H‘ E°w'““”" car it is a good idea to open mm‘ and '4' {mm Augusl “°"°"'Y I'i°m"Cdr' doors antl check no on the window a 2s. 6d. postal order to Mcasliiiin 9" ships buck hulls in h“‘l Burion-ashani. M lnforniation the door Dcpt.. (Wt .tItII:'d Ihril Mr. Irnlurililc winding gear and then test It was in October. 1903. that I days. mu cove, (,n.1*,¢m_ This guidc ix. i'/ not Ihl'_l'Illl('.\Ii one of the which was Fire Queen H.M.S. joined ‘he p,c.“.;“. bangers which are scldnln N‘“"“| B‘"""‘°k5 (“m cm" ‘W-" "!'l"“' ""h"""'"""" worth more than £l50. but it is invalu- lhc R°3"“l is iiiirlerxlmril Ilia! the prcseltl _I! was drafted to H.M.S. and pleted) able for an pospwar car; torpedo gun bo:it—and I'midru_i-mil (d'.l"1fiIl(‘Ulfl(l’t.'(')was :0 Seagull-—a in, (,-,,,-d.. [;,".¢.,_,months aboard nmited in I90-8. ‘.S'he Wrn: (mill at three after serving , 91 I he old l~uiiiIroymiI her. I was drafted to H.M.S. llomfmy ui l8l7. Ill I886 ufl l!Ii_u'IipooI :iiid ill-.\lri_r_veil party) (advance Andronieda Brit:innia‘s own badge is as shown Austin [0 I939 C;|mb|.idg¢ “65 ltull. We »_'IiiI.iI hi-ni_i; iiiiwil In the (.I_i'de.-colour-black old the was above. 5;,1m,n_ lziiiitiitt. crab her fat—the_p_resent painted £l25 I9-tt) Citroen I2 saloon, ‘-‘“l""|’ E"-‘)'—‘b9'f“"'-3 ¢“""“‘*"""""l'£120 I939 I-'ori.l 8 de-luxe saloon. sailed for,r prcfcci Ford [939 £130 , :it year. on Ciina t arci ;| All l“|’P'~‘t-'9 horns and destroyers ‘-‘-' tizs i939 Minx saloon. and were painted all £130 pm; _|;,gm., |g_m,L. 5ujm,n_ y~'_crc C0"m_1_Is: up that.forwhcnjshim £‘*S um .st.(;. MidgelSerie.s"I'.ll. Sllmcd service. they “Ln foreign “Just put yer linger on the knot mute" til-I5 I939 Morris 8 Series [-1 2-door painted white. I believe that the end S;.|m,n_ “I W01 °5""3' l9N- “W ‘he .°l‘“"g"‘g locks and also the set of the doors. l £l-l0 [939 Morris It) saloon. “l. “W C‘‘''-“" ‘hm "ur “"95 we” To do this jtist swing the doors to with El-I0 I938 Riley I1-litre Kestrel P-'""‘°d~ saloon. :i slain to see what happens. if they slmkc .'§5'*'°' 5”". l". close with a firm noise all is in order U80 I939 Rover I0 saloon. hm-5 5”“ Wm find b'"5 °“l5' H‘? de-luxe!§‘l 8 Standard I939 Flying but it is just possible they won't. ln £ll5 '" 3‘ “'3“'5l“_P "W50 d“l'_~"- 5!": “ll ll)‘: dissaloon. of method is it a good any case r““3°€|5ll'-‘- “W59 “"3 but" "1. "I0 -ll“? Talbot Sunbeam I939 Sports [I85 falls what out see so rust_ just lodging "“'d° M mm mm ‘Ind "97)’ 5,”‘,‘“3saloon. of the bottom of the doors at the mt"-l rm" h“""!'- ""3 ‘mhlc lwhc" “I saloon. Vaushall ltl I939 [I45 time. sanie anchor) after the slip is put on :ind before bowsing to. In sailing ships. 5 of were around the masts. made of all all TO they GRF.E‘l'lN(iS shipiiiaies for font a 3 recently used as a wood. built up through the deck (very I ible chiis'tening cereniony at Holy branches, We held our annual general ‘ istrongly) four uprights and cross meeting on Sunday. I-'ebriiary 9. but iiit_\' Chtircli. Hertfortl. ()iir branch the pieces with holes drilled forandbelaying attendance was not all it was lre. the Rev. (i. C. P. H. Briggs. securup during the year {P ‘pins. used for turning the -'.‘\’.R.. performed the ceremony hopedallfor. The events masts. etc. a success. the iuost popular vl"~ ,ing the ropes down were :ii he baptised the son of Sliipiii:ite lill The cross piece on the fore end on .\lrs. i\l. Suckling. and the grand- ones being the Saturday evening trips. extended and The branch sullered a great loss 5 uthe main bitts usuallyhalf of Shipmate J. I’. W. Charles‘. dozen or giving during the year by the passing away llI was tised for ieli vice-chairmaii. (lU‘l.¢lI cuts with the cane across the -'e have a full calendar arriinged of .\lessmate I-I Marston. viee-presiW branch events. and in addition the dent, who was always ready to assist it was to see yet angrand and seldom missed a iiieet- ; branch the will take place Area in of No. ly other old Mercury boy. the _Comlleriford on Sunday. June I. ing- a grand example of a trite niessmanding Oflicer of H.M.S. Victory ther details of this event will be mate. he was '1) (ship). I wonder if anyone knows stated that The treasurer in due course. niulgated old Mercury boys have how .raneli sltipinates would like to say pleased with the state of the funds. in :ii been many in command of her? I know at the; attendance the of the poor spite enjoyed much they .' very three:— but regretted there had been ipany of shipniates and their meetings. l.ieut.~Cdr. Herriett. l.ieut.-Cdr. Fund. Benevolent the calls on ltcld social etening many recent .es :it a the greatest-ever way l.ieut.-Cdr. now Ackerman and ll. Wheeler. No brush. no shave! Ilertford. when the following The vice-president. (.‘. l'or to N.,b]¢_ the great the secretary ‘"55 l‘“'55 nehes were represeiitetl: Royston. thanked also a -tonic to know that is It in to he {C( Iliat of work puts tlicltl. Welw y it (iiirtlen (Tity. amount pnEss.3u-rroiii Lniian in e Lieut.-Cdr. Noble is taking over as The branch. .seei'etary. the and I-Ztliiioiitoii uphold Lea \"alley. ield. Foudroyant [cant you, mm,’ ‘,5. in that ;r\ reply said that he was pleased over idsor. ion royant was i;d,_.5 awn "mm; W is. ic R t is year. but it. liaving do '°“T“s"'°'"“3°F to able is he record that we with deep regret t is right (‘owes West ago. off years moored would st R. I8 years as hon. secretary. he SIIPERBSHIVIKBFOROIILY passing away of Sliipmate .I. life iiwayl Victoria. of funeral Queen the and at b blood join some like see to young lpott_ He was one of our front Osborne House. Isle of Wight. handlo then and peiliaps branch the of the l.adyand iiibcrs secretary Ilia ‘over the reins‘ of otlice. jth ,i\\_..s¢1;.iion_
_'I HI;
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:|."l.V'i\;o84-j9gjLeigh ‘;!u“dron' .
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‘company. *.'*‘‘‘;''(‘.'-.\le‘rcury l"2; t"‘l‘“>' ,‘ [the :'*‘‘‘''‘'anky afrtaid. :1 13- “'r'”|_whrlder ‘S:‘tili‘htc'.i iriek(n)l‘tl‘:(.‘t(hvii r;i‘tl.e[s“zfgotliatioh \
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Out of Uniform
I-'.iistne_\'. Htiterial. l'.I_\tItl cotton. tl'.t\')' liltte and \\lIllt.‘. Slittplicity pattern. .-\pprosint:ttel_v 5 _\iI|'tl§. (‘ost tiitelttsit e lips. i.-te.l. El
Tllll .'$li.‘\'l()R \\'.R.N.S. Oflicer of 7‘th- l’ll’i.\ll’tlllll1 Cotttntand. Chief
'l'lll’, l)lRl‘.('T()R. \\'.R.N.S.. l);tnte"ntttl ratings from the Royal Naval P_('ook,\V_R_N,S,, :ind Natal has iii been the Ponemottth Hospital Nancy Roherhort. paid a farewell" ll:irracl.s'. Royal _' Records for ()tlice. Royal the past two and 3 half years‘. has. xisit to tlte \\'.R.N.S. in Cltatltattt on Pay antl i.\larines and tool; the salute at the :;il.en up :: new appointntent as Chief‘ \\‘edttestl;i).'. l'el\rti.i:_\' 5. 7'l’ ‘ ‘ \ \ fl Utliee: in charge ot \V.R.l\'.$.>RL'Cfllll-1 ‘Ill; Ill the .'\tlIIlll:tli}'. (Iltiet Ollieeri ‘( ooi.'\ kititlitess and \}tllt‘;t|ll_\ and all ll ill‘. -'\\'-Vi '.\l- ‘:!~'!l~‘7Ul m~‘L'?|”l! ,1‘.-y h.;_-d “.i;|., on lteltgilf or I'u.'2\—illlL' l’t‘ll\ltli".lIl'l (otmtt.-.ttd \\'.l{.\.S. mutitlt (’o;nitt.:ittl. \\'.R..\'.S. has l\eett‘llt'|1L'\'«‘lt'"l il7U\l lmlh l‘l-Nb‘ i“ ll“? llttchcss of Ken: ll.llI.lLl.'\ on l'el>ttt-~ \_~:_\ mu_h ,.;-.p:;.'i,gtt;tl. (iii_-|' ()|lit_'c:' ("mtl_\ ~,t|-;v_'' is ;H_\' l". l0<l\‘. .-\l llt: ttt\tl.:littIl Ill‘ (‘hie-t‘ t)iii.:.-r ,\t_ ,\t. ix‘;-tilt-well. .\lt\, I‘. in l. l’otiit~;_\. L'l‘t.I|lltl'.lt‘l ot‘ \\/.R..\.S.. who t.‘tl~u:s' over the l’ott~.- the ( t'llllll.tllLl (otnntittee. the (‘'ltl from the Home Air tn:otder-iii-t'hi.~t'. tmitsitttvtxtli. :\dmiral -Sir (Buy (ir.inth.:nt, tool. the chair. Cottiinaiid. Both these senior \\".R..\'.S. oflieers‘.-\lso |1t'.'\t.'lll “ere lady (ii-antliaiit came from distant parts to join the and many sctllttf \.i\;il otlicers of .\\'.R.N.S. at tlte beginning of the the ("oiitittatid.including \'iee-.-\dittiral .Secoitt| World War. Chief (lflicerilhtwiit. Rear-.-\diitita| l’.itl’ard. Rear‘Cook comes‘ from Chile. and llegg. Surgeon‘-.-\dtttiral '()tlieer Kettlewell eotttes front Canada. Rudd and (‘oniniodore l'ilIRuy' " l':lhtt. \\'.R..\'.S. e cl‘ ,
I‘ ']
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friui\\;.tl . l:‘{§;\r,. u;.-Seeoogd . . . . l.3.£:.;xi;I «.
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Olliccr attitual AT Till’.
wostms INTER,
premiere of the lllttl "|)on‘t Wyttdhant-'lhontas. iit her report said only oite application for go near the Water" :it the limpire ~_. THE 1958 “-mnclfs 1nk.r_5c“.i‘.c help from the Trust‘ had lteett reee_ived Theatre. l_.eice.s’Iet‘ 5¢llli|ft‘- “ll l"¢l"“" front :i serving \v\ren in the (.oiit- ary I2. Pt) \\rens front the Royal 1Ri"cChm‘piumhips were had in the ‘$33. Naval and {Rm-;,] NM“; Bu,mcks_ pomnmmh M, seven: cases the past _\'ear. but (‘hath:iin and A miraty or :t\'<t\li|ltL“ front 1;k~ d '_ _itit LI f d lhe Director. VV.R..\.S., taking the salute at the march pdfil for\\ardei.l heiidWrens had beeit the hottour of "lining the side" for to H.R.H. Ihe l)uke of lzdtnbtirglt. After a very even and most exei- ‘l“‘”""'5it). D“"l" 1“C*‘ll" ““t‘”t‘0ml‘t-'- it She arrived at Chatham on TUt2Stltt)’ill‘l:trCll past. Later site called on the ting match \\ith the W.R.N.S. leading The premiere was arranged hy the f"”“"" D""'~"°' "f ‘h'-' W-R-N l.ord's Taveriters in aid of the evening and stayed overnight as the‘Conintodoi'eand ntade a brief \'isit toihy two points until the final card was ll“: ‘'”‘d *h‘-' 15-"T National Playing l-ields Association. *".“"S' “p""l“"' guest of the Contntander-in-Chief. Wrens‘ Quarters. liast Camp. She then ;shot the W.R.A.l-I finally won by one “'‘'5. ‘"‘ ''‘'?'’°‘''"1‘.‘‘'”‘ “" h‘’“‘ m" '”"5‘ AMOHB ll"-‘ 3"‘-ll¢'lC° “'9'” 50 '“““Y Admiral Sir Frederic}; Parham. and proceeded to the Royal Naval Hos-[Point oit the last detail. The tinzil '"“‘ b'*""F.- I)‘”"‘’ M‘"-‘' ““.Yd‘ faiiiotis cricketers. television and film Lady Parham. The W.R.N.S. otlieers pital. called on the Surgeon Rear-{scores were. out of at possible I600: ““"‘° M5“ “ l"‘”“°" ‘l"'°C"“' ‘ll ""3 5Cf\'|C¢personalities that then: was never it gave .1 dinner in her honour in their Admiral and visited Wrens in hospital W.R.A.F. l.S6l: W.R.N.S. L560: "W "I "“"= “‘‘‘'‘l\5 "W l”“l’°-5"‘! l" W.R.A.C. Wren l.552l. Dean from the dull moment in lht‘ 703'“ Wltilt‘ mess in the Royal Naval Barracks and the Wrens quarters. Naval Air Station, Yeovilton. 5l’?“l“rthe same evening. and among the At the end of the morning, she Royal eameramen were busy recording their ""3 C"""““"d'-"""‘(l"°r WC‘! awarded the Spoon for the best arrivals‘. John Mills and Jack Payne guests were the (fotitniztnder-iii-Chief. called on the Director of Pay and was ‘”‘"‘“'"°‘-'d ""3 "'-'5“ll "7 lh¢ hfllltil individtial ‘core in the match, I9‘) Admiral Sir Frederick Parliant. and Records, Royal Marines and was had special smiles for the Wrens. hi“! hcld I-‘ICC! lht-‘ N‘ of out it possible 200. “,'h"-‘ll h“'", rm’ Lady Parham, Commodore and .\lrs. entertained in the Oflicers‘ .\lcss. hm },L.n,,L. H R H 11"; nu“ of C“"‘"“"“l '95“/51 35 [3di,,},u,.h-$ Bush and Colonel and Mrs. Sanders. She returned to Admiralty House C“‘"[“'"}"' ;,,,;,.'.,t'"{_. wmm "“,\.,_.d 1‘ " l‘‘''‘“‘''-‘3 M11 11- l'- l—- l’0l||1L')‘- Mrs. The following tttorning she inspec-‘for lunch and left for London in the " on either side of the :' Dan“ J‘ (,',‘Sm."m‘ into two ranks ted a parade of I80 W.R.N.S. 0lllC¢l'S;:tllCl‘n(\l.\fl. carpet and had a wonderftil view M. A. \\) red i.t.r ,,lk_d b,‘[“"'_"f ‘ h,",'"_' " Tltottias. (‘hief'Wren Harwood. Chiefll’th-if“ -"S h, “"3 Wren l’i.'llllt.'_\‘. l’.(). Wren .\tc(iilvra\'.' rhms ".‘ mt "ml-" ll.‘-"M". “iii in . . . l’.(). Wren White. 1.. Wrens l).twsoit cspccmm fmlunim:-'“ “mg “MC watch tlte [‘!C.\L'tll;llt(|tl.\’ to the Duke ,
Oll.: b'pu“¢).
l,:'i|:,n{:__‘.r-‘i ;'lit5.,l:,‘,l? i
maitdl dllrtllgr
R\l)'il'l )la‘ritte Ull;trrahcl.§'
§"_.cZ':', ,':_|r'"'()'[]'ir.S,t
Nome Com muml IV. R N S Ilenmtolent Trust
I.-umhum Kc” _md R_I,L_“n._ " ‘
of the tilitt stats,
antong thcttt Russ
l’atriel.'. and tneinhers of the Lord's 'l'averncrx' '10 'lllF. I-3th annual general ntcetingtlessl. chief oflicers of the Note Cont-‘ such as John Snaggc. Peter llaigh and of the Note Coittiitziittl W.R.N.S. ntand. arid the general secretary of Denis Cottipton. Benevolent 'l'rtist ltenexolent. 'l' was held in Ftirse the W.R.N.S. After the reseittations the \\'ren~'. House. London. on Weilttestlay. central committee-Miss E. G. W. I ‘O55 ll‘ 5 ()‘\'('R-'\lL'l--A‘ the show and all were guests l"L‘l\l'll:|l')' I‘). I958. Among the guests Yotiit '. :ind there was at large g;itlter\" (-hlcl wR“l"""““ W" l_l',('5lWl_i‘"“_l-'-l- agreed that it was an ainttsing film were Admiral Dent {Chief Stall" (lllieer ing it present aitd p:tst- members of‘ m‘ B“"‘l" ll?‘ 11‘“l’_“'° attd a must enjoyable evening. (Administration) on the stall of the the W.R.N.S. front the Norc Wren Bougltton. Wren Dean and U” m '45‘C” '\.'c.d“| WW" ‘\°“'.\ li.l‘“““""‘ Coittntattder-in-Chief. The Nore) and Contntand. |_.,'w;-en Robson with their mascot (hwr "‘ illmlll _l“ ,R‘‘l““5‘_‘“_ Mrs. Dent. (fdr. .\laeken/.ie (ContAfter the election of the eonttttantl Prior to the actual inter-Service l“‘‘‘'''' "‘ {“"“.‘“"'3' L‘."” *'{“'V *""""“3 nianding ()tlieer. ll..\l.S. l’resi'dent) contiitittee for I958-S‘). there was at and Mrs. .\lael.en/ic. Superintendent most interesting and amusing talk by match. the R..\'. women's team hadil“ H--\l-~5- V|'-‘“"=.\’ \"l'~‘C -‘i|“'Cmb¢|'. “ml W_'~' “Ml ht‘? 6“-‘-'3' $1“-‘t-‘I-‘\5 l:. 1.. IE. llo_\er—.\lill. r. ()‘tlt‘ _. Good gtitt spe:lt'r. Miss Ii. C. llatlt'r. \l'tt\t two matches against civiliatt _W543’ ("wk (1 I “[0 ll" '" l*‘l’with the clubs‘. \\'.R.N.S. scores‘: of ' _ “_3‘‘' following \\',R.N.S. 0" l‘“d“‘.~' -l4"“A'_4”'.\' 33-_l_95-Q. C001‘? Ptlrlstlltlulh Ladies t.(l(i3 (puss. max. 'l‘rainitig and l)r;tt‘ting. ll.,\l.S. D.tllIll- Metropolitait \\'oiiteti'.s Police. [0 Sfgm-m-1 iitodore A. A. lalhot l-it/.Rov pre-| w‘k__\4.5_ i_u7g_ L30“: Ser'.ii:e l.:tdii.'\' 1.956 (puss, max. 50"“-‘ll ilk‘ 1-0111: Service and (iood "|‘llF. ll..\l.S. Vernon Branch held a ' C“'“l"C1 “‘~‘d5'l ll‘ (“it'll “'_r'-‘H -\l- V- general nicetiiig in the cirteina. 2.tititti; W.R..\ ‘. L957. l \'ernon. on \\-ptlitesday. i in mc mm, Wmh L_/\v,L.,, Rub. Penney who has \Cf\t.‘\l in ll..\l.S. H,M.S. which \\:i~‘. Mm of ”_\1_§‘ (~_.n_.‘. “.0” the spm_,n.\‘tI.‘lttr)' since .\member. I*),‘.‘. as :t Fehrttary 5. at ‘_‘.|5 “"rkcr‘ l-'.. Dresiiled over by the Civil Service _for VIS N ? 0,, (cm? ,,_, ,},,H :it\:irdedscore [Opening 'prayer.\ were said It} the in the \‘\’.R.N.S. team. highest w \ of -00. “uh ‘hi "Numllm 1 W H Y N0T STA1 afternoon had AT LADY 'i'Hi-: l’l.\’Al. of the Inter-Unit !\'et- l*:=~'" =|m"t~'_L'*'- '"*‘~‘‘ “‘ “"“°h Pm‘ 9 AT THE SS AFA C ha" '1-numumcm “-3; Pia)-cu in the vtded considerable amuscntent to ., , R.N_ Bm.,_“.L5‘ on Tues. both players and spectators. 'llte folgymm“im"_ 0lTCl'S Clcilfl. CON“-Onilblc 3CCOfll|'IlOddll0ll 10 Thfl SSAI-A bc‘“,ccn ‘he hxwgng |-]'"_-nflsgrs ;uvr;|"g._-d and" pro. dnv. January :8. teams frotit H..\l.S. Victory ‘ldcd l’,".~’-'3 serving and cit-members of H.M. Forces with or without their 9"'“"j‘‘ 3- “"51. ""“'5' “"“'“"3'‘Ill-115')-‘\Y F-Vlj:-‘ll-VG. 3=|flU1|T)' families. Adults: bed and breakfast I016 Children 2/6 and F3‘ 5 -17* rm‘ lltc score :tl the ettd (‘ll lllt.‘ game w"r‘ “"71 |t)5',t'. was an L-ntnygrblc yet sad occzp Tttl-: SSAFA CLUE. H. NIWERN SQUARE, tZ.\Rl.'S was played P“l'l“" “ml M” ““”"-',"',;,,,, {M me w_R'N_3_ ‘,ft',¢c,-5 in tvris l3~—l3. so furthertiinc "‘ ""‘ """ COURT. LONDON. s.\v.s. l)ltL‘llL‘\<. of Kent Barracks. for on_ that Tc-It‘;//tone: I-‘li’0lu‘.-ht-r 5."?! this time :it baiittitn-weight. eiciting they gave a farewell who won through to the finals ed ,part_\' for the Director. W.R.:\'.S. leatcs the Service in April. Chief championships. lcer ('ook and tttiit otlicers from The following year he ho\'ed :“ ‘extahlishittents in the Contmand were the Midland ('otiuties and in ‘also imited and. during the course of joined l-l.l\l.S. Albion tilt the .\ we ranean station, tn um Nu‘... speeeltes {the afteroidinner the nthccrs present "4"“}‘l)'- "I"? that um pitittsltips before dcpztrlttrc he “' the Iittals to A.ll. Hedges dtte T: E l:"‘l Omccr Sumjcc ‘ind “N \_ "‘ w'''"''‘ i", 3_ _h"'5"the(-‘lac! 3}'"""-_h4“lwith eye. He had already beaten lrt'~ 9 this Director. (_-.,,,,,,,;md in "R. pul-‘5““,u1h (ir_eet_twteh M‘ I called as expect. t_Zt\tI‘|L' l Llt:DL‘L‘. p5.,.,;hip5_ one may in-::’— ,2 lUl' KUHIL‘ ilnlllfilng l|nCCdUlC§. Hg has n_-pr‘_-3‘-"(cu |h¢ N;|v)' _rc T’ “t ’____. __._.- _!_ ; “'3 “crc '-£15“ h“n°urc'~l by 3 N-“Ivy 3: [!'liaIo: liven.-'nxiVrwi and Ilnu-ipthirr Mid[;ll‘d (‘“unliL.g_ Snmhcrn (‘[16 ii. “, ‘ T¢"f.II0PIt.I'oIlmIoulh on .l;tnuar' Lady and wales in “N In“ N,“ 5‘ t oV)’ .w o was siown round part 0 ,~ ',. -|.11 hi.» tum.‘\.''“""ll ’t‘\Vttt.l ll to com l-t- his trattting C 5\‘«'rcn-Ind 0" OH--rm» rim/zesmompapmiroar/r c/rr ceivrivs AT HORNDEAN °°"°“‘_5'°"0““ll' lie is now back :it Collingwi H55 um ht.-, -. .lflf which took the in tour :tplace woti (nun raking close {a m.ii'n £ond'oIt-Podsrnoullt road: Shep: and L h..,to "' .iii instructor .ittd is tr.iinnt' '" mmP"""“' h mm‘: ‘v;. ; ; mp‘-; '”m"' the Ward heat to 3’ "0" came 7. P‘'’f-'l snowstorm. to 3; ‘J: th5:1: 3 n4.:rb_g. Ten mu-rule: Ag 64;: to unportanl s/>opp5n_g curbs I L p 5 mi‘st ‘C iitit ivy e h:it1'inshi ; in the Portstttuttlh Ci\mttt.tttt.l ehtiii “mm {M ‘N mm the w.R_N_$nm.__ at tr‘/.it¢r(oovi//c.2 1x3 6¢dr0Ol71S.0O(JCI?¢dand semi-detached °" tmt_nshIns when he with Ihc nuvwc fl.\'- “~''_"_' 5!" “'“““-“‘5;:/iroor.-LC‘/icr':c Garage r'i"rcqufr¢d._iVel/aqu&7p¢d_ih1clnn.tnJ -"‘ '1“ “"""h”""" °’f~=e~°'d=<°'-W"- "'0'" =¢"'=“ W’ dr-"'”3*— First Otlicer .\l. 1.. Stttrdee To h’ h Wmnntm ’V“"(" ‘'‘'/‘''‘‘’’“J‘’‘'Jl“’5/°‘‘£‘'‘‘’‘‘“23'' mliriquiihcd her nppninmmm as cc-Hwchurgc‘ w'R'N'S" “uh \\l:ilk.e-r who. was at. that time. llarner of the i\lidlaitd Coiintii "" TD hnumiy-25' with “ic flier) l)l\'islttl't:tl otlicer in the apprentices‘ li. Rohsoit of Wales. h" in Th‘ ”°“'&‘ 8“"‘&£"': He has won 50 of his total“! linen.“ full seetioii of Ctillitigtvtiiid. Walker. him“ “clwmc her ‘md “mid in Sm ‘I “C self credit COURT LANE ‘COSHAM HANT5 Tel=76429 a .\'a\'_\' ehantpioit of pre-war i.l:iys contests, rt: wt:-r . cessor. I-”ir.'.t ()tlieer J. C. Simon. \\'hl llis hobby is tttotor-cycling. I’ iti Ronaldson helping by encouraged .h;is come front H..\l.S. .\lercttry. ,_
,( "°r."'w‘”d,"r .
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lv""x‘"y»‘m “.cw.wh .
March. I958
winners were Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. Pullcn and Mrs. llrooks. The raflle. :i tea cosy was won by Mrs. Hale. The Trade Stall rtiii by Mrs, Allen and Mrs. Longley did a brisk trade aitd inc llirtliday Table almost overtlowed with I-'ebru:ir_v birthday ladies.
.\ll3F.'l'Il\'GS ARE held l\\'iCC 3 month A recent iteni included :1 tiamliwork competition for the most original article made front one yard ot 36-in. material. Miss Williams spoke of her work as a J.l’.. and Mrs. (‘li:iv; ttresident of Sheerness llraneli. gave a talk on Ceylon. the higli-liglit being the Royal visit. Social afternoons have included a beetle drive and "'l'\venty Questions." One of our members. Mrs. Jackson. celebrated her 50 years membership of the Slieeriiess l-‘riendly Wives. She joined the br:iiicli on January 3. I908. .
March 4. which will be held as usual in Fisher Hall. Whale Island. ZJ5 Ill“. 10 4 P.m.. we shall be having 4| film SIIDW. A warm welcome awaits any Naval wives who would like to Join our branch.
The following awards were won by the Cookery School of the R.N.Il.. Chatham. in inter-port cookery conipetition held at the Hotelyiupia Exhi-
bition. l.oiidon:—
THIS .\lEli'I'll\'G, on one of the coldest days. was unavoid:ihly held in the large hall. which made the smaller attendance look a little lost. This, however. was ttt:ide up for by the en().\' l‘l€ttRUARY to llte tnoiilhly tlitisizisiii with wliich the members meeting of the Soutlisea liranch was goined in inusical chairs to keep warm held in the ('oininoilore's conference ’\'sIllIC waiting for the guest speaker room. and this was opened by the =tl’oliecwoman Rogers, of Hanipsliirc Rev, (litlord l).i\ies with a liyutn ('on\tabulai'_\ t. who had been dt.-|;.ycd_ Tea was served early while Miss and :i prayer‘. ()wiii;.: to the illness of .\liss Pauliu. Rogers told us of her training and exthe Southern (ias lloard kindly sent periences as :i po|ii:e\voman. which is. .\liss Skeens. one of their demonstra- in most respects. equal to that of the
iudge the cake-making coinpetition. the prizes being awarded 0)‘
A(.(.OU.\ IS Ir\ CREDIT u
the iiiakers of Spillers lilour. Miss Skcetts rciiiarkeil on the ntiinher of entries in the two classes. and tile high stand:iril of the eakes entered for Mrs. the coiiipelilion.
Handley. judged a novel colitpetition set by former chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Horton
goods and again requested them send arelieqiie. No reply hug gm-L. been ieceiveil» I feel I riitist take the matter further. You are i'IiI.-'rt-l_i n'illir'ri vrmr rit.-Iitv .-"5" ’/‘S’ ’*'“"" “/ :\'<mr i-r'vrliI -rrmiri-. I lie (‘INN t‘tlHIl(II /urn: yuu "‘ "ll-4' .§’”l'lI\ IIl\li'uiI til null. I (lf[|'I.\L' _\'t-ll In ii'rii'i' to Hit‘ firm /0! it .\IuIi-mi-nl of (l('('(IlllII (HIII Iii'_rcIrir/: ii] I/It’ /-ulunn' irliir/i you /’l'IIi'l'i' IU Iii‘ rilmiir L‘. If no um'.i/ui to
'1" Im!'i"*"'
",‘v‘-'”.lv' rmIi_
rri‘.-ri*i'iI irilliirt
/’''’'’‘’‘I .‘''N »‘/It'll/n’ 1'-’I‘iIi' ri_i.-riirr. .iIuIiu'.Ilml unli-ii you /urn‘ ft'IlIllft'IIlti' ll! um!/.-r min
.|t'Il"ft'Il'lI'IIf_vuu inrcrtd
l’Nl_ the
the /imirls of
Io ii
of [/10 lril('r-Purl ’II,Il"_.h('('I’t'{(lIv\' Iniili-rs u'v("It ul 0/ Illa‘ /I.\\Ut‘IulltHl .\.im'lti_Iiir:i iii/iirntsrliur ’i\, .1I(II('
(‘rel/Ir lvrili.-rirvi nj tIIt'IlI.\ ii-i.\lii‘iu.- In Film’ Ilirir ta 4 um.-rs my in In‘ r.-_/,,,,“I.~,/ m null.)
I)l{I\"E 3\'OR'I‘II
:\I).\llR.-\l.'l'Y l5I.l’ Order 331,53 states that _l| Resettleineut Commit. '
Vice-.-\dmir'.Il II. P. Km.-Ile. ('.lt.. Director General Supply and Secretariat. with Captain W. R. llnrold, ().R.I'... and Communcler L. Ii. Wrlghl. [rum lkvonporl. at hiesksrs. M. Barnett & Sons tl.ondon) delleult-.~sen display II
being set
of laboiir
by it“, M,'n;5-Hy
mu “huh. Mlznglantl. Scotland and Wales. ‘these committees will approach industry and commerce in their areas with a view to stiinulating interest in exRflllllilf nvrsiiitiiel. Theyrecruiting will arrange for_selcction boards for courses of and business training will give cxpcrl advice on individual resettlement
'l'Hl-'. ROYAL Naval Stores Ilranch the opportunity once again to accept ltenevolent Society (_t’ortsiu_outh,t held their kind invitation. their annual Reunion Dinner and Previoiisly. the president. Stores Chief Dance on 'l'iiesda,\'. .lanuar_v 23._ Petty (ltlieer J. S. Spence. of ljl.M.S. The guest of honour was the (Incl ETyne. had told the diners that it was Staff Otticer (Adniiiiistration) to the {unfortunate that the subscription had (‘oinn'iantlcr-in-Chief. Rear Admiral had to be increased from Is. to 2s. He R. W. Patfard. (‘, and Mrs. hoped that a bigger iiieinhersltip would. I’atl':ird. Otlier guests were Capt. R. however. prevent any further increases. Williamson Jones. R.\'.. and_ Mrs. and. in tact. might allow further betteWilliamson Jones, Senior :siipr_=l_\' , tits to meinbers. He told tlte ‘members Ollieer. Portsmoutli. Sick Berth Chief ‘with wh:it regret the comnnttee had had to accept .\lr. l)ougall's resignaPetty ()tlicer and Mrs. lleniiett repre- tion as general secretary. but they were senting the R.N. Sick Berth !s'_tatl' Associzitiuii and (thief Petty (lllicer happy to have in his place Mr. C. C. Writer and Mrs. Branncn. representing Hellins. All members of the branch :ire inthe R.N. Writers Benevolent Soeii:t_v. Mr. Martin. representing the R.l\'. vited to become members attd to atStores Branch Ilenevolont Society at tend the monthly meeting at the Royal Devonport and Mr. Latter i‘epre.~eiitiitg Sailors‘ Home Club in Queen Street. Details can be obtained from the the society at Chathain. Admiral l’aIIard in his speech pro- (ieneral Secretziry by writing to C. (7. posing the toast of the R.N. Stores j Hellins. l-'.sq.. 87 Miigdzileit Road. lind. Porismoutli. llrauelt. spoke about Iti\ early :I~\\|v‘tlt'
the Resettlement Contshould be made through one to
of the i:mp_lo_viueiit exchanges the professional and executive hnlding register or technical and scientific register. or through one of the voluntary associa-
For your leave requirements when in Malta .
Instalment plan system to service personnel Travelling to U.K. by l3.IE..-\.: \l.-\ l.T;\ —LOX DON (3 l BR.-\ l-T.»\ R —-l.O.\’l)O;’\'
£32 RETURN £3l.|5.0 RETURN .
INCREASE OF PAY A comic:-r:b:o number at men have siiggc-tied. ilu: they we-.i'd carimtcr insurance when they: received their increase 0! pay l Anuniin_ the nitrate I! about a HALF the bait: incrcau: could‘ .1 week:
tion with the braiich :iiid how he learned very iiutclt more from the "old I-‘OR .provioc aaproxirnlttly. Sliip'.s Steward" in ll..\l.S. 'lhunderer 0 security lor your dependant; in the‘ (who told him what service at sea was »t.r..ti)ir\i(; WRITER AND (2.000 event at your death really like) than from hIlltI_\IIl;£ too LEADING STORES i£'.500 tor you at the .\;c ot 40-45 the books of regulations. closely ‘[750 tor you .1: the age oi 45-SO. ASSISTANT H.000 tor you at the age 01 55-60 .-\inongst other subjects he said_ |i_o\\‘ (depending on your age at commencement] the junior ratings were appreciating 3.-\l).\llR:\l.’l\' l‘l.l1F.’l' Order 405/58 Your rnorigaze o uy (L500 for 20 years can wearing the bell-bottoiu lrott.\crs to the l \'t;tle\ that the cxauiinationt‘oradv:ince- be protected for as little as SEVEN SHtLLtNGS old rig. He hoped recruiting in the tlllctll to Leading Writer and Leading .AND FOURPENCE : month if you are 39 and Navy would be retleeted in a larger Stores Assistant is being hroiight into tgligmly In: it you are under 30 number joining this e.\cellent .so.:iet_\. line with that for Pettv Ollicer Writer For tunhar detail: write. phone or call Capt. Williamson Jones spoke on be- and Stores Petty Otlieer. Only two exhalf of the guests and tlianked the tzimiuations each year. in .\larch and W. COLLYER 8: CO. .soeiet_v for asking lliem and said how 3 September.will he held instead of three. I SOLENT HOUSE. SOLENT WAY niiieh they and their wives had enjoyed § 'lliis change should have no detri D ALVERSTOKE, HANTS the most c.\eellent dinner. lle wished -mental etteet on the position of indiCoupon 88'"! the society well for the future and was \i(Itl:II talings on the ;id\.ineeincit: \er_v glad that he and his wile IIJLI Il.uI rosters.
t ‘
THE MALTA AIRLINES Iii'mrioii ivirli l).E..-l.
.\Inirluyi' u] ]M”_\' t]mlIi[Ic'tI (‘im.cliiluIi'.\. ('unIirnmrioii m‘ l’¢'!I}' Uflit'cr lgll.-\Vl~‘. had an allotinent itleinporaryt imrilil /ltlh’ /olloiri-rl in with a Itl'll'l for the past eightaccount 3 I946 us .\Itllt'tl. and ltave recently decided to y¢;.r_,close 1 A/I.-r the war it ln'r'itIrti''.\'irabl¢' the account. I askcil the lirm to relru remove’ the Ii'Irt{mmr_v .|fdIIl.\' /mm imburse me by chequc_ with the rill ruIi‘ri_i,-.i um! (I pi-riml was rrlloiiwl l1.i|.utce oI_t_ii_v account wluch amounts /or .iii('lt rrrriru.-.r In beisnnie /I_ill_v 10 about 1.3. After three weeks I hat! Plioru: By Country 0/ Chatham .Y:i-J i/milifii-il /or the perrrtiirtenr rating. .1 back asking me tvliat goods I/I5 y qrmlifieil the I«'mpomry theletter The Teams liriirciiiilil supply to the valttc of the credit. I wroi._; again pointing out that I did not \\'l\I] to purcliase any more
was thanked by the eliairman (Mrs. P. J. llardie) and asked to draw the ratllc ticket. 'I'liis was held bv Mrs. Jaggard. who won an tittritctivi: iced decorated cake made and presented by
inn (1
'llie winners for the fruit cake were: Isl. Mrs. Sycamore; Ind. Mrs. li. (‘lt:ivasse. 'l his was for any item (iillaiir. 3rd. Mrs, (lgiliie. In the class for llte iam sandwieli, made from one yard of material. Mrs. attraetixe blouse made of the winners were: I\l. Mrs. Ugilvic; Ind. .\Il\ ( iiitelilcy‘. Sid. .\Il\. Pres- '1 green metal thicaded tnaterial was iiiiost adiitiretl as also \\;I\ :i gay CUII. .\I:\, llilhot asked .\Ii\s Skeens Io orange apron made l\_\ .\lrs. Strattou. ‘these two ladies received prires (I.'.I\\ the lucky tickets for tiie l'.|IIIt.'. \lis ll:.idI'ori| won the tin of totlees‘. given by Mrs. ( havasse and i\lr~:. \lis. Pickering the cg-'s and .\lis_,!l’ateli. ()tll' tle\t meeting on 'I‘iiesd:i_v. ~.\lai'eh l.\‘. is to include a spring li:it Stark '.lb. butter‘. (in .\loutl;i5. Maieli ltl. :i'. Z.lF |3.lll l .lisp|aj-‘. presented by Dorothy Coopers the l)iic.'to: of I’;tl‘Iss tor l’oi'tsiiiontli Ltd. All ntetttbers will be welcome; will gise :i talk on g.iidenin_e in the also to the It.'llt' \l_\IiIl;: i.leiuonstratiou (oiittiiodore's i:ont'eienv.‘e room. R.i\, on April I5. llotli of these events will l he held ;it St. l-aiths Ilall at 3.l5 p.m. ll'.iii'.ieks. .\e\i uiembeis are alw-.i~.s welcomeal our ineetings. and details may be. olitaiii.-il trout Mrs. Ilrighain thou. [LY \L‘t.‘.'\.‘l.'tl_\I. ti l'emhroke (‘li.iinher.:_ l‘ciin_\ Street. Old Portsinoiith. Telephone Poi tsnioixtli -1777. ,.«\l).\l|R.\|.'l‘i'l'l.lili'l'Order 393,/Stl i£II'tllUlllli.'s'\ that owing to it]crc;is'cs in Bl-lI§'l‘I.E A'l' loperatiiig t.'t1.\I\. the discount rates for rfainily trade must be reduced. The F.\'I) irange of goods on which discount is allowed home is. however. being ‘llllS WAS .\lis. .\I.iiti:ll\ liizst meet- extended :itto ineliide ceitaiii articles ing as our new eli.iit'tuari —she was which hate Iiitherto been sold at nel introduced by Mrs. (‘asement who prices. came back specially to do this -—and As l'roiit .\lareh 1‘. W58. the rate of also to thank the members for the discount is tin: per cent (Is. in the II) silk headscarf ivliieh had been pre- on cash sales. and two and :1 half per sented to her on llteir behalf by ieent on credit accounts overseas. 'l'he l-‘atlier Cliristinas at our children‘s rate of pretniunt allowed to deposit patty. accounts is Is. ld. in the pound on The meeting started as iisiial with amoiutts deposited. the singing of "I-Eternal Father." followed by prayers led by the Rev. llricrley. after which Mrs. Doig. our vice-cliaiiman. gave otit the notices .-\DMlRAI.'l'Y I~’l.EE‘I' Order 337/53 and :i presentation of a box of choco- gives details of thecduczitional facilities lates was iuade to Mrs. Simpkins_ who which are available for the children of alwa_\'s so nobly comes to our rescue Royal Naval personnel and .-\dtniralty when we need :iuy piano playing. civilian eniplo_\ee.s in the United KingWe tlieu h:id a very hilarious beetle dom and uvct\e;i\. and olfers some ilriie. ruit by .\Irs. llden, the prize useful giiidanee oit this subject.
personal problem
tors. to
Jolm I-.'ii,:,-!i.ili trill lie pli'u.\e¢l In rtrixirer your qirrrics. A .\mmptrl rrilrlresicrl L‘ll'l'¢‘Il)[!(.‘will be upprcclrtlerl. .\ltIlII.\ tvrrs I"4'Hli'I|‘('¢‘I, (In-jr 5("'i0fi[‘I rtrlirulvrl. (uni !lii'_v lt‘r'n,' placer! an the l'0Jh'I‘ It/r /trrllrrr riili'mir'eIm‘rtl. 0!: mi lII'bllI‘(lI'_\' «late in 1953. the l;\' 1045 I sat the cxzimination and Ientporrrry .3triIu.t u] all r¢-;;m,'m',,_._passed for Petty Otlicer and this was Icmpurriry ruriri_i.-.i n'n.i rmrl duly coiilirineil in I‘)-I6. yet in I9-19 /mm rliur rliire Ihi'_\' lt'r‘fL'remover! ri'_L'nrrI¢'rl rul \\;is informed that unless I passed /ully (]IItIIl/lt'(I rur /urllier mlrmtcel{.'l'.l my time as Petty Otlicer would Illt‘IIl not count towards promotion on the Your ierirnr."I_i' rlulr for mlrrmn'roster. although we had been exempt merit _In ( luv] l’cIr_v Oflicer was rIii‘.il-'..'I'.l in ll)-to on joining u_p. Now I (lure Ill I953. am! 1'1 .i¢-t-nr.i probable. tiud that Petty Otlieers tumor to me rln-re/ore. Iliru‘ _vuiir have been rated up to (lhief l"tl)' ii-ho in-re mmle I’erI_v rmilrnrpomrirs (’r,_-,,,. Otlicer. Does this mean l have lost Itvljltfj‘) ri/rcr _i'mI. were(Jfliccr mlrnncml In live years seniority? (Incl I’crIy ()fli('¢-r hy ,,_-,.,_,m, 0, The pui.u'.t.iimi of I:'.T.I has /l€"'"_'.5' pu.\.Iru' l-..l'.l, (mil hrcnrrtc /rrlly ([I|t‘(l_\’.\ lie:-it rr flri"l'|.'t]flf.\If¢.’ to sitlirig llfllllllml Iur mlrmiceuicnl before the the prri/4-.isi'nmil (’.\'(lIIllIItlfIt)II /or duh‘ ill l!l53 It’/It'll rill temporary l'i'II_v U[]It‘¢'r am] it appears. there- slulrii lt'rI\ r.'rmn~.-;I_ If you are Mill in (limb! l .t’.t'(g't;-at} fore. that in the iili.vt'rti'..- of this qualilimliim _\‘HIl in-re urlviiru.'t'il to /lcling rim! _vrm Ill(lI.t'.t‘Hl n/i_imi[ r('t[II('_\[ 1,; ‘i-try (lliiu-r (Temporary) in l945 your ( ruumrutrlrn_i,- ()yu~.-r, um].-r I/ll.’ imr limo rules ii'Ii.-It I/irrc ‘v -p 7
Senior Team P.O. Cook (0.) It. I. l\'ew'ton'.‘. ttold medal. silver challenge trophy. special silver challenge cup. silver lighter. C.l’.(). Cook (0.) L. l.ov.:ard', silver Itt°~‘di|ll’.O. Cook (0.) L. Stapleford, Junior Team l../Cook (S.) l). Prappell. Cook (5.) J. Bridges. Cook (0.) N. Saiinders: silver challenge cup. Both teams were trained by Sub.Lieut. E. B. lloulston. Cookery
Have YOU
write to us direct
Dial 5471-72
March. I958
HONG KONG ‘The Pearl of the East’ —
Wli II.-\VI-'. all heard with tltc decpcst regret of the impending closure of Ilong Kong I)ockyard. and very sad it is. There must be very many Chinese who have served the Navy long and faitltfully who will now have to tind other jobs. Nevcrtlicless. it is good to think that we shall still retain a stnall m:iiiitcii;ince base there. and that our ships will continue to go on using this "Pearl of the Iiast" both as a base and for recreation. I shall always remember my first arrival in Hong Kong on a sunny afternoon in July. with a clear sky and wind lust enough to make the water dance. I was working on the fo'c's|c as we passed through Lye-mun Pass and was considerably shaken when niitnbcrs of jiinks passing ahead of us seemed determined to impale themselves on our bow. However. they all passed inst alieail. and it was not until
afterwards that I learnt that what they were really doing was trying to lose their devils behind them and having them ctit oil‘ by our stem. I think the captain on the bridge. who had also not been in these waters before. most have had "many kittens."
FIIXIIXISIIC Sight We steamed on through the liarbotir. :ind it really is the most fantastic sight: hills, particularly on the island side. sloping down into very heavily congested areas: then blue water :ind the harbour full of ships. iiinks and sampans all scurrying thither on their Iawftil occasions. I noticed with interest that in the sainpans one always seemed to see one or two young men tals did not have something to teach tolling in the stern and a couple of us about the way of life! girls rowing like anything. and one So we steamed on past Kai-tak to wondered whether perhaps the 0ricn~ 51;”-b,,;m] and um, 10 port. Wanehai. which I was to know so well. the China Fleet Club-—the best se:inten's club in the world-—with. on the top. its large advertisement for San Miguel beer, and so to our berth inside the basin in the Dockyard. Almost the first people on board were a large number of Chinese girls, who rushed to the bridge :ind all demanded to be taken on as the sampan girl. The First I.ieiitenant must have had ditliculty in choosing the right one, but once he liad done so the others went away quite happily. and I must say otir
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Please write clearly in block lulu: and rrmrmlvrr in mclmr rlir whirl. II to go irilli rout bear 0/ llmvru. I
May we suggest
Visits London
THF. SIXTII Destroyer Squadron of for a foiir-day informal visit on sents on (‘hinese crackers. with which the Home I-'Ieet arrived in the Thames 'I‘hursda_v. l’ebrii:ir_v 2t). 'I'lie ships of the squadron II..\l.S. (‘avendisli they said good-bye to us. (Capt. I’. U. Ilayly. I).S.C.‘°. R.t\‘.. And so, after securing. ashore for Captain (D) (ith I).I:.l. H..\I.S. Conour first sight of the real ()riciit and test tCdr. J. C. Y. Roxbiirgh. I).S.().. to see what Hong Kong had to otlcr. THE .v\dmiralt_v regret to announce the ‘I).S.C.'. RN.) and I-I.-.\I.S. Carysfort The streets of Hong Kong ;ire :i fasci— following casualties in an accident on R. I. Trowbridgc. R.N.)-4 nating sight: large cars mostly full of board Il.l\I.S. .-‘ilamein ((.‘omn1ander hcrthed at Ilzittle llridge Tier and St. rich Chinese: trams tilted to bursting (‘. R. liarrctt. R.N.) while .she was‘ George's Stairs. almost entirely with Chinese: streets Last ziutunin. the squadron was full of people walking along. young carrying out routine patrols ofl Cyprus engaged in an intensive series of Chinese girls in [Eastern clothes. some on February 26. Two ratings are missing. presumed exercises in the Western Approaches in t_hc very smart chamsang with that and a third has died on and later in the North Sea. operating exciting slit up to and at times above drowned, the knee and some in tight tunics and board the Alamein as a result of being front Rosyth. into the water when the falls The three destroyers are being trousers—-all wonderfully slim by thrown rcconimissioned for another I8-month Western standards. And then. thread- of the ship‘s motor cintcr parted. Nest-of-kin of the three ratings ha\'e l(ieneral Service cycle. sailing for the ing their way through the cars. the been informed. Ii\IL‘tlIICI'l’ltIlL'£tI| in mid-.\Iarclt. rickshaws pulled along by the Chinese boys with that peculiar and rapid slope which once seen one never lorgcts. And the coolies in the streets. the ~—
'..\L'tItIiS“I.\' ii.ii.s. At.-‘tiltl£l.\;
that you retain this coupon for future
tnostly with
baby oti their backs. and even young girls of II or even nine carrying their baby sisters women.
Destroyer Squadron
girls were absolutely inagnilicciit and. looking ahead :1 bit. when linally we left them they must li:ive spent a large part of their parting pre-
Hong Kong familiarto many
ally picnicking in some of the bays Happy Days I had many happy stays at Ilong outside ~-surely some of lhe best Kong after that and. would time ner- bathing in the. world, Yes. many happy times have I bail mit. I should like to write about some of tile incidents for which I h:ive such in Hong Kong. and from it I carry nostalgi:i—the races in Happy Valley. away the memory of an island most with Chinese coolies dressed in the ctliciently a n d sympathetically poorest clothes bringing out wads of governed by a great Governor. of Silt) dollar notes from their pockets: .1 thriving trade and of a workpeople (‘hiucse funeral walking in procession who seem :it their happiest when they through the streets preceded, if the 'ilI‘L‘ working It) hours a day. of a race deceased were wealth)’. by a large ‘of bc;iiitil‘iil inauiiers and natiiral band playing. I mtist admit. the most grace who. c\'ett in the poorest circiimdiscordant noises: poor ('Iiinese wash- stances. always seem able to smile. ing themselves in the streams which llong Kong is an encliantiiig ineinoiy flow down the hills: hatliing at Stone to all those in ll..\l. Ships who have ('iitter's Island and perhaps occasion- \‘I.\'llC(I it.
A view of
their backs.
Beautiful Harbour And so, for the first time. tip in the Peak tram. an exciting vertical experience, and. from the top. a look over I-long Kong Harbour where. as by now it was dark. all the lights were on. Truly must it be said that Hong Kong is the most beautiful harbour in the world. I have never seen Rio or San Francisco but I have seen Sydney. and I cannot imagine that any of these can compare with Hong Kong. And so. down in the Peak train to the Lliina Fleet Club to :i really good meal of eggs. steak and chips‘. washed down by pints of San hlig beer. and then. perhaps. out to the streets of Wancliai to see what there is, Nobody in Hong Kong ever seems to gp to bed and the streets are still tilled with :1 surging mass of people. nearly all Chinese—the old :imI the very young'—and by the side of the streets, always to be seen. some of the Chinese eating their meal out of :l bowl which perhaps they have heated on a brazier nearby. and it'is fascinating to see the way in which they can pour the rice down with the chop sticks. Later. by dint of practice. I myself got quite good with chop
sticks and did not disgrace myself when in Chinese company. but even though some of their food is delicious. I never really got to like the expensive dishes such as shark's fin and bird's nest soup. anil some of it is a bit oily for English tastes, The dance halls in I-long Kong are many_ :ind the girls with whom one dances :irc very well behaved and really very attractive. and. by an iincitpectcd but wise decision of the Hong Kong Government. alcohol is not normally allowed to be served in dance h:iIIs and so. for the most part. we used to drink (‘hincse tea. at first sight a very poor looking dish with no milk and no sugar—not like the good old ship "char" to which we were accustomed on hoard—biit. after a bit. remarkably refreshing. And so. about It o'clock. back on bo:ird to sleep the sleep of the inst. and our
first day in Hong Kong
was over,
of the
lntcrport Naval Traders’ Association
MALTA also at
H.M.S. Gamecock
Your Best Course lasting satisfaction in Naval and Civilian Tailoring and complete outfitting is to rely Our quality and value are unequalled. OH US. and are well known throughout the service. for
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N.-nvu.-i-go’ Portsmouth
“arch. I958
The First Lord of the Adntiralty. the Rt. Hon. tltc Earl of Selkirk. ().l<l.lE.. A.l~'.(?.. will be visiting the Home Fleet between March 6 and March IS in order to witness‘ exercise Maple Royal on passage between llermutla and Halifax. which will be carried out by ships of the Royal ( ; .\';iv_v and the Home l-lect. Lord Selkirk will be .iccompanicil by the .\a\al Secretary. l{\ R. .\. l3 'ing. l).S.('.. and l’rincip;il l’ri\'.ite .\ecr'et;itj-. .\lr.i I’. ll. (
.\lootc. :\lllIli|‘LIi Sir John \. S. I-Iccles. (i.('.l!.. K.('.\'.(l.. (‘.li.l-I.. ll.t\ been ;‘l.tCt.'\i on the Retireil list to tlate le'n:ta..:§. I3. l‘)"!~‘, _
that his
had been
Malta ever
The Paltisttm .\'a\‘_\ Ship Jahangir (ex-H..\l..‘s‘. ('rispin). which has‘ been undergoing moderui/ation at Southampton before'er to tile Pakistan Nav_v. has :rtt'i\ctl at l’ort.smuuth. .-\nother destro_\er. the Alangir (exll.i\l.S. ( rcolcl is still a: Southampton.
in .l:tntI:u'_\ ll..\l. Boom Defence Vessels ltaronio. liarfoant and ll..\l. ‘lugs fit’ and linigma went to the zissistancc of a merchant ship. 5.5. |~'l§.ing l ndc.i~.our. of the lsbrand— tscn Line. .\e\\ ‘fork. 'lhc l-lying? ‘i‘l‘tls‘lt\‘i‘l|l' was '_.‘tUt|l‘.tlL'tl on i\'ip;i‘ Island oil" 5w.'_;.ipote. :\ "l hai ship. SIS.
Acting \'icc-.-\tltttiral I). I-'.. llnllantl- lhcpamct. also v.ent it§.'1'\\tll]Ll duriny; \lartin. ('.ll.. l)..H'.(l.. l).!~'.('. and liar. rescue lI..\l lugs tilt’ and ll.t\ been p.-'omote-.l to \'ice-Admiral Weasel.ltllctttpts. under the command of Liento tl.tlC l'Cl!l‘lI.|l'.\ I-1. l‘i5t~'. tenant l’. .\lc( arthy. R.i\.. and directed .
\’icc-.<\diniral Sir I-Z. Til. Cnnolly by Comrnander R. (i. .lenkins. ().lt.l-2.. .-\bcl Smith. (i.('.\'.(l.. (.'.ll.. has been I).S.(‘.. R.N.. I-'leet Salvage Otlieer. placed on the Retired List to date succeeded in easing Thepantet off the reef. and three days later the I-‘lying lclutrary l-S. I958. litttleavottr was relloatetl. Rear-.-\drniral J. ll. Newsont. CPL. Whit.-at carrying out :1 good will has been placed on the Retired List to cruise to Thailand. \‘ictn;uu and (‘amdate l-cbrttary S. l‘J.".\'. : l1tK the dc~p.'ttclI \cs,\el Alert. ‘. The challenger for the .\tttcrica's ’ \\CitrI|l‘_.! the llag of .-\dmiral Sir (ieraltl . (‘up will be launched on the Clyde on (iladstone. ls'.( .ll.. ('ommat:dcr-in- | .-\pril 2 by lady Gore. wife of Sir Chief. l'ar Fast station. visited Phnom Ralph (iore. (‘omtnodore of the 11 Pcnh. the capital of Cambodia. Pilots on theflight deck of Ark Royal before the fly past Royal Yacht Squadron. A syndicate of f".I\l.S. :\|ert is the largest ship of the the members of the Squadron has Royal Now to hau: visited Phnom linaneed the building of the challen- Penh. which is situated 20 miles from A squadron of Gannet anti-sttbON THEIR arrival in the Mcditcrnatned be which will Septre. gcr, the sea on the Mekong River. During What are perhaps more apparent. marine aircraft frotn_thc Eagle also "trials “ill be held on the (‘lydc early ‘the l'our~day \l;t_\. a party of eight however. are the changing systems of_ rgmean for new tours of duty, fi_M_ in .\pril. and after trials she will be sent otlicers aml 40 ratings were flown to messing: from the old d:t_\‘.s of| .-\ircraft Carriers Ark Royal and to the South Coast. where she will Angkor l\_\ the Royal Khmer Air ing. when rottgh and ready meals; liuclc put up their fish!" =“'°'"-*""‘ begin racing and tuning-up. temples and were prepared on the mess deck by} Sea \'enoms and Sc:t Hawks——-for a £18.. O.I!.l-‘..,) was flying his flag in Force_to inlooktherotmd theThe city was self-taught sailor cooks. a little luck; mass fly-past over the island. Ark Royal. jungle. The United States nuclear-powered lost city the French attd cook. in i860 of to! the ship's and ingenuity by submarine Skate. 3.180 tons. sailed for rediscovered and cafeteria excavated. is .still the modern self-service being ltritain on what the Navy called :1 The first of 60 .\ltirlt I00 Sea Hawks trained cooks. The feeding habits of ".slt:tlsL‘t.ltIWtt cruise." She will visit several other European ports before .ordcred by the (icrman Navy was the nation are also in many ways‘ United States. ‘I”hclhanded over tol.icutettaut-(‘ommander reflected in the varying .‘~)‘.\letIl,\‘. and returning to the "f malty years progress in the :\'a_\_\ Franz. of the (ierman Naval Air Arm. _”4“'*-'"|"t1 5l~_i||t-' I-‘_ t'4|Pi'l‘lt' The rnayority miles without refuellmg. l-ler captain at R,ts'_ Air Station, |_o5eicimimh_ .,u iwas comparatively slow. of sailors. like their cisilian counter» « l-‘ebrnary 12. W58. is (’omtn.intIer Jzimcs l’. Calvert. parts’. were cottservatlxe in their held wiil be as I)a_\s follows; tastes aml had little iriclinatioii to: The Dutclt submarine Stoeretn. 545 1 _;Va\_\ this 1 modern year: catering technique: but prutons‘. t'.iiled to respond to signals asking Devonpnrt. ~——.\la_\ 24. 25 and 26; and gress is inevitable. and slowly the. her to surface. :md "Subniiss" was instituzcd. llritish. Dutch and l);mish | August 2. 3 and 4. pendulum has swung in the l'ort.-mtouth.: »-.-\pril 5. 6 and 7: and direction. ships. who were taking part in a .\'..-\.'l'.(). .-\nti-Subrnarine l-..\creisc. August 2. 3 and 4. The new entry rating of today is‘. searched the linghsh _ChanneI off l Chillfltltll.-'.'\ttt.'ttSl 2. 3 attd 4. conditioned to one of the phenotnena Portland. The submarine surfaced of the past I0 years—~the growth of 4. and 2. 3 PortIanrl.~.-\ugnst industrial catering and cafeterias: during the course of the afternoon. I4. and I3 Rosytlt.-—Septeinber and her captain stated that be was surcanteen is now an establislted feature; in civilian life. The sailor likes an opportunity to his food front a variety of dishes placed before him ---the quick~fro/en vegetables. the, packet soups. the tinned food. soft‘; fruits. ice cream and the never ending; range of pastries. light sweets. cake‘, mixes. frothy cotfcc. hamburgers andi lservers: yet one wonders how few doughnuts. Choice of: to the accomp;mi- i Roast Veal Ipeople have actually given a thought ment of theperhaps ' bo\. ever juke present which has gradually the -to change Lamb (‘hops l (irilled Steak gbeen taking place. 'lhc post-war ye rs Beef .'< l’ic ;have witnessed many a modernised Modem Galley that l’oI‘l. Pics‘ igalley: old solid fuel equipmentbefore With this in mind. the Royal Naval : did yeoman scrsicc during and Curr} & Ric: llarracks at Chatham has recently} the war has now been replaced Cflltl Rthtsl Iicci electric or gas; grills and deep frying» introduced. in its largest and t’I'|t‘.\li units have been introduced. multiple modern galley. ti self-service cafeteria Choice of: -vegetable preparation machines and system with as many choices of food Potatoes (boiled. chipped or scope. mashed! .other impedimenta of modern cater~ as poszsible withinisthe tnouetary made to combine lluttcr beans‘. cabba_ee or carrot.s ing machinery. Of course. the galleys Here endeavour ditler only in size from the kitchen the skill of the catering team with the of the ntodern home; the mincing tastes of the ship's company it serves‘. Choice of: machines. though massive. are clearly It was necessary to wait for the Stewed Rhubarb related to the homely kitchen gadget: opportune moment to begin this 'l'ritlc virtue In new number ones, or a smart pair of sports Dundee Ptnlding dough for pies and puddings is just system. This has now come by which batt'acl.s in with numbers the rcdttccd of makes it. mother as excepis the tion that replaced allows for all iunior ratings to be trousers, you can tell right away when Jack has rolling pin Custzird Sauce been to Willcrbys. messed together under the rum! modern conditions available. \V'hy not call in yourself? Thcre’s a wonderful range Sclf~scrvice is regarded as the of cloths and styles to choose from, in both made to latest concept of cafeteria messing. 9 it has and obviously many zuivantages measure and ready-to-wear clothes for men and women. over the other systems. I-irstly. it re‘i'ou’l| like the helpful service, and the reasonable prices, and tnovcs a lot of the drudger_v of .se:\‘-‘ ing food. anti permits the cook tof you can pay by allotment if you wisli. concentrate ltis‘ maximum skill effort ttpon acttt:tl cooking and picIf you’d like to know more about \V'illerbys, drop us :1 line, or of alternative choice A paration. call in when you're next on shore. We shall be pleased to let you dishes means the food cart be left have a copy of the leaflet describing the ‘ \‘i’illcrby Way ’. be cooked until the last moment. and still allow time to garnish dishes, attractively before presentation. The .BETTER TAILORING lactual nttmbcr of servers‘ can also be reduced: attd lastly. and by no meansleast. wastage of food cart be pr:ictic— l ally eliminated. 'lhus. all concerned benefit and the standard should re main high. Self-service front the Inndern galley allotment you By these means it is hoped that the . will evolve from a placc« IT IS a long way from salt pork and by :1 "super-mangle" called a tlottgh dining ball LU?-'l!().\'. \\‘.l. A30 AT Ill COSIMEIRCIAL l'!0.\i>. I'OR‘.'.~'a!0l'Tli. 5 X.O.\‘D(|?~‘ It(lAD. -‘ of number stereomaximum of where thousands in which a ()\ctts brake. on out EJUHTII RSI). l‘0IlT$3-iOU'l'lI. 82 lt(1\'.\L Y'.\P..\hfi. l‘l.‘|'.\lOl-‘fll. uccvily biscuits. portioned mini‘: the in served inflated meals are baked are merely typed are a tin pics and 2.‘! [H611 STIXXZKT. ClI.\TlL\Jl. 2| ABOVEBAR. S01'l'll.\1tl'T().‘-'. plates. to wooden tables‘ .shouli|‘. which a to time. cookers. kitchen place mum of the latest shining altnuiniutn counter, serving editions And branches throughout Britain. E and fortn s:nist‘;u.-to.-y part an integral is giant the and replaced by minthe frying pan roast and two vegetables‘ by i __..:__.::__::.:._.:.j.::..:jji..::.:_.:_ of a sailor's welfare. dred. with its attctttlztltt Coulis‘ arid 1 fryers. cooking eggs by the do/ett.
in-their cncltpits ready
{' i " rcl ; !:;:l “ (' . ""i _ r_ n°.‘ I ‘ . ' h ‘ _ ‘ " Fl | f’ I hai f i g fi f i d i\'ic.-5.\aiiii'r:.i if: is. c. rtingtiyi
si»im SIIALL WE lli\Vl«] Fort DINNER T0lIAY?
tol _
March. I958
l l Art HistoricGateway
HERE IS the story so [or II.‘ our space will allow-—o] the I958-59 1\’uv_v E.rrinmtc.r. As r-xplnilted in the story. the nmin policy _i,vot'crrtiu_t: the tents and rt-«lm'u'on.r is Ilml the resourn.-.r placed
the tIi.\‘pu.mI of the Navy are being mpiilly div:-rm! [mm the .tImrL' .mppnrr to the /igltling .rhip.\’. thus cn.mrin;,that the rt-dm*tt’on.v in the trimmer o] .rr-u_t:oin_:: .rItip.\' will lie much Ir'.\.t' than the pmporlioltatc lo.r.v in lll‘(llt[1t)l1't‘I'. at
IT IS recognised that these measures will create tlisturbauce and dillieulties for both civilian and Naval personnel. liverythlttg possible will be done to mitigate hardship for all who are aliected. and particularly to help civilian employees discharged to find other work. The .\linistr_v of Labour and National Service will be arranging. as necessary, to open special employntent ollices inside the establishments affected before discharges begin. The assistance of
The oceans cover over 70 per cent. of the world‘s surface. Taking lirst the interests of these islands and of the (‘ommouwe:tlth_ nothing is more important than th:tt merchant shipping should be able to pass freely and safely across them. ()ur very be able. by ntcttns of its helicopters. and believed to be in advance of cxistettcc. in peace and in war. de- to land its commandos far inland. what has been achieved in other pends upon this freedom. This same This l-lect will be based on Singapore. .\'asies. ln dttc course llermes (at freedom means no less to the alliances‘ lit the Atlantic and Mediterranean present ttttder construction) and liaglc which are helping to knit the free’‘the interests of the Uttitcd Kingdom. twlten modernised: still be of a similar world together. Between the cotto- and of the other countries of the st.'tttt|.tttl. tries of these alliances is the sea. It North Atlantic Treaty ()rg:tnisation. can unite them if the countries of the centre l:trgely on the control of the free world maintain the mastery of it: oceans‘ around which they are bttt the alliances will be divided and grouped. and in view of the growing will fall apart if that mastery is lost. strength of the Russian submarine It is the business of tlte Navy. as it llcet. it is proposed that the Royal always has been. to help retain it. »\'av_v's contribution to l\'A'l'() should WHIZN lll_ll.\\’.-'\RK returns frotn her been has there a tlte l)uring year be predominantly iii the auIi-sub- tottr in tltc l-'ar l-last she will be taken careful study of the way in which the‘ ntztrirte rolc. in hand for conversion to a contNavy can carry out its task in the’ lt is‘ intended to have two aircraft mando carrier. On completion she modern world. with all the dangerous carriers at sea in the NA'l"() areas will be deployed east of Sue/. A full tensions springing front unreconciletl :with a third in imtncdiate reserve. strength commando will be available. philosophies. aml the claims of The carriers will be supported by two which the carrier can quickly transnations in various stages of political cruisers and a number of destroyers, port artd land complete with equipand economic development. Situations" frigatcs and subtnarincs. ment. wherever required. sometimes arise with very little lirigates will be kept in the West The commando carrier's" helicopters warning which seriously threaten Indies and the South Atlantic as a will also be able to discntbark the world peace and which. unless contribution to the stability of the commando‘s vehicles. She will have promptly controlled, might lead to area. and we shall continue to main- on board sutlicicttt stores :tnd fuel to the devastation of total war. At the tain a ship itt .-\nt:trctica. support the contmando in active same time. science and technology operations ashore. and could rcare putting into the hands of the embark the unit speedily when nation's weapon.s. the magnitude of required. This will he the first ship whose powers is constantly increasof its kind to be commissioned in the ing. Aircraft Carriers Royal .\":xvy. It will not only reinforce The Navy is adapting itself to these THE CARRIERS in service at present the traditionally close association of conditions. In doing so it is keeping are Fagle. Ark Royal. and Bulwark. the Corps of Royal Marines with the before it the ideal of a single Navy During I958 Ark Royal and Bulwark Navy. bill will give these versatile that is flexible. able to satisfy. as in will be replaced by Victorious and troops greater mobility and usefulthe past. the needs of peace and war. Centaur (now being modernised). To ness, and enable them to be fully Such a Navy will be able to deal as follow the general policy described .sclf-supporting. effectively with the local situation. above. Bulwark will be deployed east Cruisers that contains the seeds of greater of Suez until relieved by The three Tiger class cruisers. with during I958. in with Allied the as. trouble. concert which R.N. Chatham Barracks. Albion (presently refitting) at Entrance to are nearNavies. with the major operations of time Bulwark returns for conversion their up-to-date armatrtcnt.lirst should total war itself and with all the grada- to the role of Commando Carrier. ing completion and the tions of limited war. When Victorious joins the Fleet in be finished at the end of this year. Guided Missile Ships August. 1958. she will be one of the Greater .\lobllit_v The Vote A for l‘)S8-S9 provides PROVISION HAS been made in The Navy is already well advanced best equipped carriers in the world. The trial firings of Se:tslug~a Navy listitnates I958-S9 for gross ex- for a maximum strength of ll2.00tl towards has She steam deck. a fully angled H..\l.S. (iirdle realising this ideal. The inship-to-air-weapon~in penditure of _£4l0.6S0.0t)0. i.c.. in April 1958. falling by about 7.000 tensive examination and the landmodern tt'I0_sl of the resources catapults Ness have continued. and have £24.250.000 more than the compar- during the financial year. H.M. control Her electronic ing systcm. able provision in the Estimates for Government have authorised that re- to be placed at the disposal of the equipment is of the most advanced achieved a marked degree of success. Scaslug may also be capable of Navy has been pursued ruthlessly. 1957-58. it includes a for design. high be undertaken powered cruitment should These resources are being rapidly development as a ship-to-ship weapon. The net amount which l’arliament radar which set detect aircraft can Four guided missile destroyers is asked to grant is £339.400.t)(lt) which an eventual strength of 88.000 ollicers diverted. as explained later. front the targets at considerable and range have been ordered. and for these it is £23.4t)0.000 more than was voted and adult ratings recruited in the shore sttpport of the Navy to the show their in simultaneously position is proposed to revive'tlte famous lighting ships themselves. This policy United Kingdom. for the current year. and With this height. will not only give the Fleet greater range, bearing County Class names——l.ondon. Hampset :1 new display goes system radar shire. Dcvonshire. and Kent. mobility and immediate readiness but makes it to the possible clarify which will ensure that. among other things. Frigates l".vi-ry ltnuwwifr lilrrt to rlzop in comfort and airborne target situation quickly and the reduction in the number of our ofeunscrlin the tlroeru that is why .\'.:.:ti is This will enable her to exploit The conversion programme of seagoing ships will be much less than easily. im: its i:rot-my shops tlnuueltout the country the proportionate loss in manpower to the full the capabilities of the destroyers to A /5 frigates has been to |).r Self .\'¢-rvnr \\\ll'Hl. and next generations of Naval completed and‘32 frigatcs (Types IS latest In tho-1r VArll‘.l1t.|llt;r‘Il storm lltnppintr. it over the next few years. ru.ulr- easy. The lasoul is plaunr-I to allow The carriers‘ will continue to be the ‘aircraft. This combination is uttiqttc and to) are now in the Royal Navy. rprril of srlrrttnlt and frcnlntn nfmuutmcnt. core of the new Navy. Their versaA wide (innit I.‘ of gootis I\ on (ll\t)l.|\‘ .ut-l tltc tility is a reflection of the versatility .\l.\n.1e¢-r an-l his \tall are altsaxs rra-lv to of the Navy as a whole. l.ike all auwvrr any qttclie-1. \\'ltrn- \p.l\'t' prftttill, other ll..\l. Ships. the carrier helps pmm hays arr pxusiiinl wltrrc tlttlrlrrtt Id" b_v goodwill visits to foreign counhe left with-mt \qurr\_'. 'l'.t1r £|1i\.\ of this rxn-llrnt srrvire by tries. to cctncnt old friendships :md Self .\'t-nirr, .\'.t.rtt slu-|:p'tu: at your n4-.u-‘st to foster new ones. it is a potential Stmr .trttl lI'l'ttr‘lttl1't the ulisumnl you reinforcement for any policing action go-t lItI‘.|lt\X l\\rt i.\'«||ptl'.Q fut lllfplll rnft.-. which may have to be taken. ln war it can provide strike forces for use against ships or in support of ground operations. It can contribute to the protection of the Fleet. of which it is the centre. With its anti-submarine aircraft it can acIive|_v hunt down and kill enemy submarines. (irouped around the carriers will be supporting ships carrying tlte latest weapons‘ for dealing not only with the air threat. but with surface and underwater attacks and capable of acting by themselves on detacltcd service should the need arise. ‘
Self Service
Go-ahead The Official Canteen Organization
for H.M. Force:
of Fleet
In the East the responsibilities of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth are particularly large and scattered. They stretch from Aden to Hong Kong and from Mombasa to the South Island of New Zealand. This area also includes the countries of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation. To contribute to the Commonwealth support of these interests it is intended to maintain continuously one carrier, with supporting ships. east of Suez. This Fleet will have-the fighter and strike aircraft nccessary to protect itself and to support ground operations. It will also be able to deal with any submarine threat in the event of a limited war in the area. The ability of this Fleet to give assistance. where needed. will be reinforced by the provision of a commando carrier. This carrier will
The Sea Vixen IT WAS stated last year that the twin engine fighter. the Scin'tit:tr._ was expected in the Fleet by the middle of 1958: the first front line squadron will form in June and Will emb:_trk_ in Victorious in September. The Scimitar —thc Navy's first swept-wing aircraft —will in due course replace the Sea Hawk. Although primarily an interceptor fighter it can also servc_ In a strike capacity. After the Scimitar will come the all-weather Sea Vixen fighter which is destined to be the principal weapon of the long range air defence system of the Fleet. The Sea Vixen is to be armed with air-to-air guided missiles and rocket
batteries. and fitted with interception radar installation. This aircraft will replace the Sea Venom. over which it has a very much improved all-
round performance. The guided missile Fircstrcak. which this aircraft will carry. gives a greatly increased destructive power. The N.A. 39 will give the Fleet Air Arm the long range strike weapon which it has long desired. It is expected that the first of the development batch now under construction will fly this year. Helicopters will be increasingly used to find. fix and destroy submarines, and it is planned to order more.
March. I958
disposition gl f i o rthem These
:1’-‘an:-r.~':-v 7-~
uf Laboiir and National Insurance is also being
eventual savings total about 23.000 civilian posts at home and abroad, between 6.000 and 7,000 .\'av:il posts ashore. and about £l5.500.t)00 a year. Tltey will maltc available more men to serve at sea: and more of our resources will be released for the paramount purpose of niaiiitaining the strength of the sea-going Fleet.
ll.M. Docltyiird, IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Of the -1-1 frigates in current programmes of itew construction. 17 have been completed (nine during the present financial year)‘. l-l remain under construction and of these live are expected to complete during the coming linancial year. The first of the general purpose frigatcs has now been laid down. Suliiiiarines During the last year three more fast battery-driven subntarincs of the Porpoise class with long range were l:itinclted. Three vessels of this class are expected to come into service during the coming year. They will he the first new submarines to join tlte Hem yipcrmiunn"), fur In years “he
portant ships tlterciii at a higher state of readiness: following the ctirrciit review of defence policy this trend will be accentuated.
high test peroxide submarines. now completed. were btiilt for experimental and training ptirpnsesl. As regards l)re:iiliiought. the first of the Navy's nuclear submarines. mtich e.\pet'imeittal work has been
done in association with the Atomic tam-.-gy Aunmm)-. and me ,,_.;,,_-u,, fur um mm cm”-gy ¢,q,,_.n'm¢m. kmwm as --Ncpmm._-- is mm. in
The Reserve Fleet ln recent years the policy has been to reduce the size of the Reserve Meet. and to maintain the more im-
HOME AIR THE TASKS of the Home Air Command will be concentrated in larger groups at fewer bases. Six air establishments will be closed over the next three years. in addition to the air stations at Antliorn :ind Stretton. which are already closing. They are
Portland. A View of the coaling wharf familiar to so many thousands of sailors
PORTLAND D0l'.liYAllD AND lJNDlillWA'l‘El{ llliSEAllllll AND DliVlil.0l’llENTlIllNCl3NTllATl0N
l’0R'l'l./\Nl) l)0CKYr\Rl) will be R.N. ‘fi0f[7t'(fU Dcpnl. ll’i')'rIt0tiIli.—run-down by July. I95‘). A Naval base To be Closed itw.-;n-ds Ihc end of Afloat Support will be retained there in support I959 as it torpedo depot: to the As stated last year it is becoming and H.M. Ships coincide with inc l[:|[‘|l'.{c|’ of the local establishments more intporlant to increase the ability the harbour. Torpedo lispcrimental Establishof the Fleet to operate over longer DURING THE past year there has U-Slfltt ln lltldilion. as has already been merit. for which the depot‘s facilities :i ihoroutzh review of the future periods iiidcpcndently of highly been rcscarclt and development and must of its stall’ will be “cc S "f me Nu‘. “shore in m-dcr 1,, announced, organised shore bases. ln purstiance ensure with available. [hm ‘he ,.,._mm.cc5 of me“ and of tltis policy a Fast lilcct Replenish“W"li|l’lC W1" hf: “Wd 10 ll“? Umli'riruti-r (}mnIi~rmi'u.\urn‘ rim! ment Ship (Retainer) has completed m““CY m Fl¢¢lSmilllcf ll’:-iiporix E.imlili.iIim¢'iit. IlurmiI.— conversion. and will shortly be join- 5051 3|llV5““3[!'-7 “I ll“? ing the Fleet. A second ship bclllnllllltl '-‘i"l)' "\ l95‘-ltRcsur1:enli is at present undergoing iitmation h:is been made of the future [md '6' “cm the conversion. A last freighter has also ‘ll ll“: R“5”‘l l)"Cl‘y‘"‘l5 "ml Nzlwll closest pnssiblc inicgmijon of 1|"; Uiirli-riwiti-r l.utIm'lu'iig l§.\tuIili.\Iinii'Itr. air establishments. and of the struc- techniques of detection and control been acquired for conversion. lVt'.|l llmrc. Ilniiriiiwimuli.~'I'o be ture of the home cominands. ll has in underwater transferred to Portland by midweapons. The final The East Indies ('ominantl been decided that the Norc Command stage of the concentration 1959. has been H..\l. that :ind be abolished‘. considered with particular care: but During 1953 mg. [gm indies (‘,_,m.isliotild The final effects of this rc-orgatiisaPortland. and Sheerness at I Dockyards Scnim. it mand will be abolished. -l-he has been decided that lltcre is no tion on civilian employment at PortNaval (lllicer. l’crsian (itilf. who is ‘and the R.N. Aircraft Yard. Doni- alternative to the transfer to Portland land cannot be precisely assessed. and live other air establish- of the :it present based at llahrein :ind bristlc. Torpedo t~Ixpcrimcnt:il Esta- The docltyard employs some 1.600 be closed. should ments. administers ships in the Persian (iulf blishment. Grccnock. if the most industrial and non-industrial staff. dockof Hong Kong eflicicnt scientific and technical co- Most established men will continue on behalf of the (‘_.-in-(‘. lzast ln_dies. The closure Wlll become an independent Com- yard by the end of November. i959. ordination is to be achieved. The in employment in the area; but some of the res- was announced earlier. Singapore and plans for the concentration are stim- 200-300 men. inclutling apprentices. mande_r.. _Ihc ofremainder the (.ommandcr-in- Gibraltar dockyards will be retained. mariscd below.’ The major part of it will be offered transfer to Admiralty ponsihilitics Chief. East Indies. will be divided At Malta the level of Naval activity will be carried out during the first work elsewhere. and about 701) unbetween the Comniandcr-in-Chief. Far is likely to decline. and certain British quarter of 195‘): the Torpedo Experi- cstablished employees will be graduEast Station. and the (.‘omm:inder-in- firms are examining the feasibility of mental Establishment will not leave ally reduccd by normal wastage and Chief. South Atlantic and South taking over the dockyard for coni- Grecnock until I959. mercial use. In the light of the out- Umlitrwaler Detection E.irmbli'.vliiiir'iit. discharge. America. At _thc Torpedo Experimental Estacome of this examination. the future Pnrrlaml.——-To remain. of the dockyard will be decided after Arlriiiralty Gunnery E.rtabli'.slimcnt. blishment. (irccnock. where about consultation with the Maltese GovernI’nnlmiil.—'l‘o be trahsfcrred ‘to 750 staff are employed all established will be invited to transfer to ment. Pprtsdown. innear Portsmouth, begin- staff other establishments where suitable 1959. early ning R.N. .S'us.rrx: R.N. Air Smri'mi Ford. the R.N. Turpetlo l;‘.rpi'rinn-ntirl Eitablislinieiit. vacancies exist. including Air Sratioii Brammic. Wunrr'cA(irn-uocIr.——'l'o be transferred to Torpedo Factory. Alexandria. slu're.—To be closed early in 1959. Portland towards the end of 1959. (See rtlxo pugr I0. colmnii 5) R.N. Air Stau‘on Eglintmi. ('0. Derry. —To he closed in first half of I95‘). R.N. Air Strilimi llrmi'tl,\'. l’i'mlirnAt'glllllIllIllllllllIIIllllllllIllIIlllllllIllIllllllllllIllllllllIIIIIlllllllllllIlllllllIlllllIllllllllIllIlllllllllllll|lllll||llllIllll|| .sItir¢': To be closed in l96U (but DURING THE coming year the ships "5'5 of the Fleet will be deployed as follows 1--
Ll c -l l l ' l L "’ under‘ ; ‘v;“ll"r l l5}‘:.lw'.l§ ‘l'"‘_‘l"..i' '.‘"""“‘l]l_r'll‘
°"i‘d I.“ “h """':;'m"‘ ;" "km p‘(;n,";l Pmmmé
Ships preparing for service with it in the
4 I\IR(3lAFl‘ Albion.
Quality counts
‘There is hardly anything in the world that same man cammt make a little worse and tell a little cheaper, and the people who comidcr pn'cc alone are this mart‘: lawful prey‘ JOHN RUSKIN
torious. Centaur. 6 CRUI!-iF.RS-—N¢wl0tlnt.lltlt'tl.l.Ceylon. Birmingliam. Sheflicld. Bermuda.
(ianibia. 24 l)——4 Daring Class. 13 llattle Class. I Weapon Class. 6 (7 Class. 30 l-‘iu(:Ait=.s~ 2 Anti-aircraft. 3 Aircraft Dircction. ll! Anti-Submarine. 2 lllack Swan (lass. 5 Bay Class. 6 l.ocli ('lass. 2 DI-.'~'.I‘Al('l| Vl:sSl-‘,l..\'. l FASI’ .\lii~a-:i.Avi-zit~-Apollo.
Chief Petty (lllicc-rs‘ Mess. R.N.A.S.. Ford
l NI-:tt.Avt~:it Protector. the R.N. Aircraft Yard. Donibristlc: to be kept in reserve). the R.N. Air ‘Stations Ford. lirtIll‘_l' R.N. Air I;‘l¢'i‘!ricul 'l‘rui'niu_i: l;'.itii- 3‘) St'ii.swtiNi=.s—(includes l X—cralt). lilliliiiii-Itl. ll’iirtlrv Down. llt'(lI'. ENC ilml l7-t-!l"ll0"2_ ll“: R-N- -A” be Wim-In-_ir.-r; To be closed in l‘)(i| Ships engttged on Trials and Training Station lirawdy twhicli will kept its task to he transferred to R.N. l(ilill)l;l) .\ltssii.i: Tiu.u.s Siiii-—in reserve); and the Air lilectrical Training l-'..\tablisluuciit at Worthy Air Sl:illun_ |_.,-c—nn-so].-ni_ (iirdlc Ncss. The air establixlittteiits to be Down. l (‘ —(’timberlatid. The Aircraft Repair Yard :it Doni- retaincd are:—-_ 2 I):-siimvt=.tts~ Vigo. (Tarron. R.N. Air Station. Yco\_'i|ton. bristle. which is unsuitable for the R.N. Air Station. l.ossiemouth. latest types of aircraft, will be closed 2| Fiui;/tii=.s—--I7 Anti-Submarine. 2 Black Swan Class. I l-leetwood —
Class. I llunt Class. 2 Oceans. I3 24 .\llNl.\'\\.'l-I-'l'llt\‘ (‘oast:i|. ll Inshore. l .\lincs\vi:cpin}: Motor l.autich. -
Ships in all classes of Reserve or undergoing extended relit. Iuodern'Lsatiuii. conversion. elc.. during the
of the year 5 .-\iiu'iuu-'r (fannitaks —Ark Royal. l ”"'“l’l‘° “lll-‘"'llc°"l' course
8 Citt;;
Royal hlaval Air Station. Branicote by the end of 195‘). It employs about R.N. Air Station. Culdrosc.
1.400 industrial and non-industrial stall. As many established men as
possible will be absorbed into Rosyth dockyard. Some 900 unestablished employees will be similarly affected at
the other live air establishments. from which established men will be offered transfer elsewhere. Planned datcs_of closure are as follows:—
Swiftsurc. Belfast.
Superb. Kenya. Ncwcastlc. Mauritius. liuryalus. Jamaica. I I!.«'t’n.nsiiii-—-Vanguard. 30 Dl=_.'~Tl1l0YliRS—4 Daring Class. 3 Weapon Class. 8 Battle Class. 14
C Class. I 0 Class. 54 Fitic./rI'r-.s—2l Anti-Submarine. 3 Abbotsinch. R.N. Air Station. Black Swan Class. 3 Bay Class. l0 Arbroath. R.N. Air Station. Loch Class. 1 River Class. 8 R.N. Air Station. Castle Class. 8 Hunt Class. R.N. Aircraft Yard. Belfast. A r i :i d n c 2 Fnsr MlNF.l.AYEllS R.N. Aircraft Yard. Fleetlands. Manxman. A Smnu pm. of [he Hon“, Aif I8 SunMimiNt=.s—(includcs 3.X-craft). 36 Ocean. 6tCommand task will be accommodated I56 Minna.-swiaizi-i=.iLs C,-,a5m|_ 57 ;n§}m,¢_ at R.N. Air Station Hal Far (Malta). —
And it is true today, perhaps even more true. Bcmards believe that their customers want to buy clothes that are going to look well right: from the start and that will retain their smart and serviceable appearance throughout their reasonable lifetime. This means that cloth, linings, interlinings and canvases must all be of good quality, that the Cutting and Tztiloringmust be lirstclass and the styling up to the minute. Bcrnards aim is to attain perfection in ciaftsnianship at all times and by diligent attention to all these points believe that they are successful. Bcrnards will be delighted to Tailor your Spring clothing requirements and offer a wide choice of pattems and a prompt delivery of orders. There is also it comprehensive selection of Ready to \\i’e:ir clothes at Bernard branches for the customer requiring an ‘oil the peg‘ fitting. \\7ltcre it is not desired to pay Cash the cost of orders may be charged to a Credit Account for settlement by Admiralty Allotment or Banker's Order and full details of this facility and of the comprehensive Bemard service will gladly be sup-
plied on request.’ Rcmciriln-r—You
Rcolly Do Buy Better at Bernard:
C. H. B ernard
And at 36 Branches at Naval Part: and Air Station: Home and Abroad Hf-AD OFFICE: HARWICI-I, ESSEX Tl-11.l5l’ll0Nl-I: 880 ilrlernbcr: l.N.T./l.
NAVY r‘\il-'.WS
March. 1958
Flag Oflicer Submarines
or on
First Lord on Living Accommodation
tlourishing new branches are in at lirigliton. Chelnisford. MOST l’l‘.OI’l.l’. probably connect redecorated with tile help of xi exrstciicc grant THE l"RO(iR.»‘\.\l.\lE to improve and llristol and l.eiee.s'ter. Other areas are S.S.A.F.A. with the work that is donei frorii the 70th birthday appeal fund replace sub-standard aceoniniodatioii now _iii prospect and it is hoped that by voluntary helpers to advise Service orgaiiised by S.S.A.l-'./\.——aii appeal iiieetrngs \\Ill be held in the iiorth- men and their families in times of that received a splendid response from for olliccrs and men of the Fleet. and west of l;ngland :iiid Seotl;ind in mi,Such help is given all over the three services overseas, who realise to provide tnat'ricd quarters. cottditliculty. iiear future. It is encouraging to note this and in every port and frilly what S.S.A.l-IA. does for them. 1 tiiiires at iiriicti the same level as in country that in most cases the majority of garrison town where llritish units are 'lhe club is open to chief and L'|l\‘ I957-58. We have work in hand on those forming the new branches are, stationed. Over ltttt.0(t0 problems oflicers and other ranks. both Seiiv-ice‘ bririacks. and other single living are. lhttse who were in the boats in the handled each year, many of them on; and es-Service. and can be used to aceomrnodatioii. worth about £6.6ni.. last war. lt has been said that the and we will be spending about
l-’l.A(‘i ()l7FICl£R Sriluinarines leaves the United Kirigtliirii for a short visit to tltc United States of Aiiierica at the end of I-‘ebruary. He will visit New l.ondoii and Key West. As Comiiiander Submarine l-‘orce. liastcrn .-\tlaiitic. Adiiiiral liertrani Taylor will have routine discussions with (' o in in a rider Submarine Force. .’\ll:ttIllL'.
_\‘0llll1.'L‘l‘I$lll7lIl:lI'lll¢l’$having Royal r\av_v
lCll\i.‘ the \‘i\l
£‘)(l0.0t7U in 1958-5‘). The value of new works of this sort to be started in l‘|58-5‘? is about £l.(iin. lt _is e\pected that about l.0tltl tnarrred quarters l\"otes Ill and l5t will be completed during I'l.<t~'-5‘). 'l he number of firrnislietl hirings for lolliceis and inert has been iiiercased
left the ititeresled. but
H..\|.S. l’nrr1oi~'e. the |lI'\l or‘ a new they are Class of .siibriiarines. has completed 4'-‘l||“lt~'l§' ott.t_ to _maintain those srreeesslirlly hei‘ cortIr';ietor‘s sea trials, staiidaids of tiiendship that only subIt is c\p'..'clctl that she will conuni.s- ritarrtieis irnderstantl. "they do wish sion for service in the Royal .\‘avy it‘ ts':tllIv:.* togeilrer in their own :ireas in April. and in doing so 1]];-'\‘ Jr‘: ;.ti|._- in
ll.\l5. Tolctt il.l\'|il.'(~\li'_ C‘. ll. \lillsi artixetl at loit llloekliottse onl lridag. the list on completion of a l uvniririssroii in the Mediteiraneari.
l-‘aster two niajor changes will lt;i\e occurred in the Secorid Subrnarine Squadron : Capt. .I. S. Stevens. l),5.().. l).S.(I.. relieves‘ Capt. S. A. Porter. l),S.C.. as Captain Suhinzirines: |l..\l.S. 'l'yne relieves H.M.S. .\l:iidsIoiie as Depot Ship. ll..\l.S. \t.iidstone will be taken in hand for l’orts'inouIh Dock:i rnaior retit in \.|Hl.
esperreiice has sliooii that
by tte:ttl_\
I.tltIti during the eriiieiit tiii.inci;i! year inakiiig :r total of sonic -l.5t:ti and ti is hoped to incte.ise the rrrtinbei bf. .il‘t‘tll .inotlie:' T50 dritin;.:
I .-\P.-\R'l'
FOR THE his: time.
ratings of the Royal r\‘av_v serving in sirbiiiariiies have their own brancli badge. Admiralt_v approval has now been given to the introdiietiori of a tlistirigttisliiiig sleeve ba«.lge~appropriately. the sil- behalf of unit houette ot'
subniarine——to be worn by qualilied tiren on their left cull. A most iinfortunate error appeared ()nl_v snbinariire ratings dressed as in last month's report on the safety have. in the past. been recogof srrbmariiies. It should have read. seatneii nisable from ratings on General Scrof coiirse. "the odds ON snrfaciiig." vice. their link with their and iioi against. as written. Your branchRevealing have been their cap t:tl|ics— eorrespoiidcnt faced with such iriscribed "li..\l. Siibinarines" in peaceerioirnoiis odds forgot his ‘ears of time. hard training in the hands Messrs. To qualit'_v for tire new badge. I zidbroke and his fraternity! must be siiceessful in an e.\aniratings ination taken between four and six Submarine Old Comrades months after joining their first submarine. Those who entered the branch Association before the institution of the examina|.l'l'l'l.F. HAS appeared in these tion can be given permission to wear columns recently concerning S.O.C.A. it at/theLliscretiun of their Commandactivities. but that does not mean ing Otlicers. th:it they have been idle. In fact news Subniariners who have returned to has come to hand that a programme General Service may also apply to has been carried out for the forma- wear the badge. available in gold, red tion of new br;riiehe,s‘. Already and embroidered blue. a
One of the
loungs at the 5.5..-\.l-'.A. Club
RL‘Cl‘llllltlg .
l‘R().\l artiliccr apprelitiees recruiting for the technical brariehes has‘ been fairly .sati.sfactor_v. 'I'|iei'e is for more Royal a particular need .\larines and for Juniors under to: in the seainaii and t.‘t\tllllllll'llC1lllt'|lls' of such juniors in groups. The duty in [the technical etitry branclies continues‘ to be
r'eginiental fund.s.lgreat :idvaiitage when on of whic_h. cours_e. the R.r\".tl.'l‘. London. when travelling through on .s:itist‘;ri:li\t'_v. pride of place in Naval circles. draft or when on leave. l-ainilies are To provide the inanpower required 1\“l lit-‘|'hlIP.\ 50 \\-.'ll known. but sp¢cial_l_v welcomed ;iiid the charges Jtor the reduced Navy that is planned. :i _very bus_v section of for children are kept as low as pus‘ nevertlieless .S..‘>.A.l-.r‘\.s ac_tivrtie.s' is the manage-isible for that reason. but there is an a\er‘age annual enti_v of just under ment of a private club_in l.oridorr:plcnt_v of room for single men and 8.tlt_Ht Regular recruits will be needed during the ne\t the years. where serving and es-serving men and uoiiien. wonicti. with or without their fatnilies. For the last couple of years the club can stay at reasoriiiblc cost; their has been under contract to the War National Service of
'l'l-ll’. NU.\lBl;'R of Ntitiottzil Service entrants in the current tinancial year is expected to be about l.‘)tlt|. l-‘or I958-59 the number will be approximately l.l0l|. .»\n all-volunteer Navy will eventually reduce the size of establisliiiieiits,
Womcn’s Royal Naval Service
.-\l).\llRAl.'l‘Y POLICY is to increase the numbers of W.R.N.S. entered to them up to their autliorised
coinplement of .‘l.(|0(t ratings. 'lliis l will require :in annual rate of recruit-
' '
ment ot' about
The Naval Reserves AS .‘\l.Rl3.-\l)Y announced in Parliament the Naval volunteer reserves
being reorganised by bringing the Royal Naval Reserve and the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve together iiito one unilied reserve to be emitted "The Royal Naval Reserve." The reorganisation will ensure that training facilities are used in the most are
:i :1
One of the dormitories at the S.S.r\.l-'.i\. Club. Tliere are single and double rooms available its well
faniilies. too, can st:i_v there without '0tlice to keep one-third of its rooms the husband or father being with them. available for Service families trooping Over tS.ttoo men. women and children by air. but as Service quarters have stay there each year :ind liiid clean. now become available at Hendon Aircomfortable rooms and a ver_v frieridl_\' port. this contract has lapsed. As a result. the club has now more room atmosphere. An advertiseriieiit on page 4 of this available for the personal use of issue of N.ivv r\'i‘\v.s gives all the Service men and women. and looks essential details of the arrieriities avail- forward to keeping them full. There must be many men and able and of the charges. but it cannot explain the advantages ot' .staying :rt a women of all three services wl'io tire friendly club converiiently placed looking for such :i eltih and N.\vv
rt -
Ix ' rio.\rt=. voters
\'illa_-.;cs of liiigland and
Earl's Court station and stalled Niaivs‘ has no hesitation in recomby people who understand the mending therii to book in at 14 Nevern problems that arise with Service Square when next they visit London. families who have to travel unex- l.inked as it is with S.S.A.l°'.z\. headpectedly and to new places. The club quarters and in touch with all three is equipped with sitting rooms. chil- Service riiinistries, it is parlicul:irl_v dren's playroom. television. and has useful in cases where illness and snack bar and lauiidr_v facilities.;emergency make a stay in London During the past three ,\ears the whole «L‘.\V’i:l|ll‘.il and where advice and I building has been ret‘uriiis'hed and 2 llllUl'lll:Ill0llare needed. near
the towns and —
economical manner.
Lloytls Bank
The line traditions of the R.N.V.R.. which has given invaluable service for more than 50 year's. will be coritiiiued in the new Reserve. which will need :i steadv flow of volunteers of the same calibre and spirit as before. For IUSS-50 the sir-eiigtli of the new Reserve is expected to be some -3.300 olliccrs and 9.300 ratings. excluding some 1.800 temporary olticcrs fultitling their part-tiiiie National Service
obligatiotis. In parallel with these changes the Wonien's Royal Naval Volunteer
Reserve will be reorganiscd on similar lines. and will be given the new title of "\\'onieii‘s Royal r\'aval Reserve.“ l The other Nznal Reserves will continue unchanged. The Royal Fleet ‘ riecniiiit will he weleometl at any of these : {Reserve will continue to be maintained at a strength of about 5.00". l)l':1ll(‘ltL'\‘, where tlic_v will l)(' advised as to lllt‘. including Royal .\larine other ranks. The Royal .\larine l-‘orees Volunneed and 3.-,iv<-ii full‘ type ofrwcoitiit leer Reserve will continue in its Condor Wives Gel 'l'ot:cther DURING THE “eel.-ettd of l7eliroar_v present form :iiid it is‘ expected that iiitiiriiiati-in reg.;:tr'(liiig the rnarry .s'i~rvit-cs the ts-9 arctic conditions prevailed in r The tirst get-together of the spring it will number about I25 ollicers and the area. l-leav_\ snow started tlrlling , tcrni was held on 'I'hiirs'day. l~'ebru:ir_\ l.-tit) other raiiks during the l$;irrk can rcruler to those lioth afloat and a.s|inr<-. early on Saturday inorning and. driven '6. when 25 wives‘ assembled iii the e.\c|uding I-15 'I’eniporar_v ollicersyear. fulby :i Iiigh wind developed into :i Mi!- N..-\..-\.l".l. canteen. tilling their part-time National Ser/ard. All roads into .-\rbroa:h were lliosi: serving in tlic l’ot't.s'inotitli (Ti-iririi;iirrl vice obligations. |)'.tnccs blocked. but the .\l.'l'. l)eparttiient >lliiIll(l to the iiiaiii liraii('li : kept the in:iiii roads in ll..\l.S. Condor The ship's eonipany have held open by using the .sttu\\ plough. ltl more successful dances during the Resettlement Term Appreiiiiees, after assisting in period under review. It has been pro the search for. and rescue of a iiiissing visioiially decided to keep up the good l)l'Rl.\'(i 'I’Hl’. next live years. and hiker earlier in the week. were corn- ,work in the sunitner terin, bttt itistead especially in I958 and I95‘). when the the plete|_v crrt oil in the camp at Glen [of dancing. bus‘ tours will be orga- iiirniber of otlicers retiring from Esk (Condor Outivard liound 'l'raiii- niscd to visit beauty spots and places I .\'a\_v and Royal Marines will be l lsiibstaiitially ittcreaseil_ more ollicers ingl. They were due to be relieved by of iriterest in the vicinity. than usiizil will also be leaving the 8 'l'erni on the Sunday. and by ration115 Commercial Road, Portsmouth Clubs other Seniees. To deal with the probing themselves to two meals :1 day. The members of the Condor .\lotor lem. the Ministry of l.abour. the lasted out until the relief lorry got departments and the independent through on Tiresday. The addition of Cycle Club have. in addition to their venison and scones to their diet conn-l noriiial programme of “tinkering." if organisatioiis which serve es-Regulars. teractcd the additional chore of digging 'tl'tat is the correct word. with their have eonihined in a Regular l-'orce.s themselves out from the ericainpiiieiit high-powered machines. witiiessed Resettlement Service. which has enfor some considerable distance. to sonic special lilnis dealing with motor- li.sted the co-operation of industry both i nationally and on a regional basis. cycle racing and technical points. QnggnonoooooloooIIIIIIollooooluoouonooluonoono 'l'crrn will not forget Glen lisk.
network of over 730 braiiclies. .\'aval personnel who wish to open a liaiikiirg niaiiitaiiis
lviee ‘
Marelu I958
Enjoys Life
in the
West Indies
successful of the Indian Navy. who will tour the T.A.S. Course Mine Sweeping establislttttent. Another distinguished exercise —.\llil.'l' V—diiring which visitor has been Capt. J. S. I) more than half the signal traflie was C.V.O.. R.N. He completed a mine cottccrncd with food 5ill[‘lDllcs_ it can sweeping course in preparation for his be concluded that either the Navy rlm-.\ next appointment--Captain .\l..‘S.. on
.sIe:iiii on its stomach
the course Mediterraneaii. than usual this or
"digested" tiiiich more Minewateht.-rs year. llerliaps appetites we_rc sharpened by the pleasant weather conditions. The minewatchers coritintie to be althougli one nicmber of the course active. and spend iii:iny evenings enclaimed that Dr. l-'uchs had nothing gaged iii this valuable .work. An on them! The claimant was all of five amusing incident occurred recently. miles south of the Isle of \Vight. when a .sentr_v reported an unauthoThe (‘aptain of Vernon. onboard riscd person. apparently photogr:iphiiig ll..\l.S. Yarnton. witnessed a d:iy of ll..\.l.S. Vernon from the roof of an the exercise in which six coastals and adjacent power station. On investiga-
support l..(.'.'I'. took part. .\lines tion the cause of the scare‘ was diswere reported to be "cut by the do/.cu" covered to be an enthusiastic mincat the appropriate moment. watehcr. enjoying a pleas'an't Siinday .'... .ol-it There is no truth in the rumour that afternoon practising sextant anglc .S. Bulwark and whilst n passage one cominaiiding oflicer passed the determination. Keen stuff this. on the day fuiuiiig in his cabin. having part of both the iiiiiiewatchcr and the Al-TIER A crossing of the Atlantic relieved the by help of three large boats unsuccessfully tried to gain access to sentry. that times at was the from a local firm. decidedly rough his overcrowded bridge. Much energy Home Fleet and H.M.S. Bulwark The weather during our stay was POSTSport was expciidetl during the week. but the West ladies on January very hot. in comparison with the siilliciciit was retained apparently to The sporting scene remains bright. A reached 29. With H.M.S. Barflcur in company weather we had left in lingland. and race for the 4.20 on Friday afternoon. vastly improved Vernon soccer team rllulwark anchored at Admiralty Bay. dry as well for this is ’l'rinidad's dry Within the Vernon. on this same resoundingly beat lI..\l.S. Victory by; for a few hours on Jantiary season. Bequia. ISLAND l-'rid;iy afternoon. a submiss alert 7—t :ind the Royal Marines‘ liar- 50 to clean ship. number of bus trips were laid on proutpted the despatch of a deepwater racks. lfastnev. by 8--l. A.ll. l’ul|ar The following morning :it 0‘)(l0. as forA the sailors. ()ii each afternoon of l'l' lll-Z(‘.AN with a carefree swimming diving team to the duty tug which was outstanding. scoring four goals in llarlleur berthcd at Port of Spain. our six-day stay in Port of Spain l(it) party from the Home Fleet aircraft sailed for l’ortl.'ind. Anticipating a the former game. Trinidad. I6 Venoms and Scaliawks sailors went by bus to the surf beach carrier llulwark and ended with the strenuous operation it was decided that l’i'epar.itions are going ahead enthu- flew in a formation llypast over- at Maracas llay. -11) went on a bus trip postmaster of an isolated West stoniachs shotild be filled witliotil siastically for the ('omniand head. It was perhaps unfortunate Indian island safely in hospital rcto a brewery and tobacco delay. However. no sooner had the llo\ing ('ltanipionships. Strong ()pcu chal- because of shallow water. llulwark another 40 went on a trip to factory. :i sugar c_civing iiuicli needed medical attencnicrgeiicy provisions been broached. lcocers from the (‘oinmand tc:un are had to anchor nearly three miles off :iiu.l about Zlltt went by boats tion. when .i .::ineelling signal was received. .-\.ll. Ridley. l../S. llcveridgc. and shore. but the boat problem was a little to Scotland Bay. a bathing beach ll..\l.S. Bulwark. which is taking A magnificent pot-mess was enjoyed ().A. Miller. who beat the Southern near the U.S. \laval base. The U.S. jpart in the Home I‘lcet spring cruise. on the way back. everyone happy that ('ouiitics' in a recctit match. champion. 1 l’.X. organisation made available a anchored otl' (‘annonan Island in the the etncrgcncy was over :md iiiciden- ;\'ernon was in the (‘omniand supply of cold drinks and beer for (ircnadiues earlier last iuouth to give tally. long week-ends saved. Unfortti- '('ross-Co:intryfourth ( hanipionship which the ship's coiiipatiy a break after a those on this trip. nately the \vratli of the victualliug ;wa.' run in :i weltcr of snow and mud: A Test match was being played be- period of intensive day and night flyolliccr had been inevitably incurred. ‘ l.. ‘|. Paxton and A.ll. Burton. both tween the West Indies and Pakistait ing. The tirst boat ashore. however. We are to he visited on Marcli 28 l divers. wctc second and fotirth home. THE of and some of the ship's company were brought back the news that one of Rli-C().\l.\llSSl()NlNG b_v Rear .-'\dmira| ('hal.ravcrti. C.-in-C. Rehearsals for the play "The H.M.S. Salisbury :it l)cvoiiport Dock- ltlcky enough to be given complimen- the islanders. the postmaster. was Defeated." a translation from (Buy dc yard on February 4 took place with tary tickets for this. liach evening there seriously ill and that the services of .\latipa.ssant‘s short story ".\ladeinois- the ship alongside at No. 5 wharf :iiid was :i dance at the Mariners‘ Club a doctor was urgently needed. selle Fifi." have started. The play will was attended by civic reprc.setitativcs_ which also provided other very welThe nurse on the island was unable of both and Plymouth be entered in the ('omniand Drama Salisbury. come recreational facilities. Rugby. to afford the necessary treatment as Festival. llopes are high for Vernon Representing Plymouth at the cere- hockey. water polo. swimming and her supplies of drugs were limited. retaining the Drania Cup. as last year's mony were thc l.ord .\l:iyorand Lady shooting matches were held against while it was itnpossiblc for her to successful producer. I.icut.-Cdr. S. A. Mayorcss of Plymouth. Alderman and local sides. |.ifc was qtiitc hectic radio for the services of a doctor. who Mrs. Leslie F. Paul. Parkin. l‘l.Sc.. R..\'.. is still with us. during the six enjoyable days spent usually visits (‘annouan once ntonthly. ALI. l’IR.S'l' line .squ:u.lrons have now From the came Mayor and in this hospitable port. We were sorry because the batteries of the only Variety was introduced into Vernon MayoressSalisbury vaeatcd (Tuldrose and gone south for Mr. and Mrs. A. li. Bait. to |c:ive hint at the titiie a little transmitter available were flat. the winter leaving the resident recently. when a live show "Meet the the l)eptity Mayor. .\lr. IE. I’. Adlain. pleased to be able same One of the lliilwark's .\lcdical to catch tip with P roduced a pleasant change and the Town Clerk. .\lr. squadrons to deal with an unexpected Stars"—(ieorge sleep again. Oflicers was lauded to examine the liazard here in Li/ard Peninsular. from the usual film. A lively evening Richardson. llulwark sailed from Port of Spain patient and afterwards a Whirlwind SNOW and ICE. For ‘those who ended with the petty otliccrs entertainof ‘the Dean the Rt. Rev. on Salisbury, February 6 and carried helicopter of 845 Squadron. embarked remain there have been several items ing the cast in their mess. The hosts R. H. Mobcrley. conducted the service out Tliursday. intensive and night flying in the ship. was flown to survey :1 of interest to mark the Spring Term displayed their varied talents. P.O. and the Rev. Alwyn Wragg acted as exercises in the day area between Trinidad. suitable landing site close to the Whcatlcy excelling with his particular his chaplain. of the New Year. and (ircnada until Tobago Tuesday. hospital on nearby St. Vincent. brand of Liverpudlian humour. An Under the command of Cdr. A. G. when she II. Probably the most interesting was ctijoyable evening Febrtiary joined Cant- As a result of the Naval doctor's was had by all. Watson. R.N.. H.M.S. Salisbury is pcrdowii at anchor at Caiinouaii examination of the postmaster. it was the recording on .lanu:iry 22 of the A Tratlic" scheme “One-Way was ll.ll.(‘. sound programme "Christian preparing for a General Service Com- Island in the Grenadines. About (:00 decided essential that he should in tried Vernon this month. only to mission Home and Mediterranean. of the ship's company have been receive attention in l-‘orum.“ The was programme hospital and anbe withdrawn, the requisite when she joins the 5th Frigate Squad- ashore to swim from the eventually broadcast at I945 on direction boardsalthough other of l3ulwark's sunny helicopters flew had been prepared. ron. beaches of this quiet little island. Sunday. l-'cbruar_v 2. The panel was Can it be that Vernon him to St. Vincent. Dolphin comprised of Tom Dribcrg. author. car owners were unableand to dissuade journalist anil politician. the Rev. their knowletlgable cars from followNoel Calvin. ('ongregational minister. l-‘atlier Agnellus Andrew. O.l‘.t\l.. ing agc-old routes. to familiar resting and Assistant I)ircctor of Religious places. or perhaps their owners objecllroadcasts. and the Canon J. R. ted to the extra petrol expenses Phillips. translator of the New Testa- incurred in following the dctours. ment. As may he expected with such a team of religious experts on the fence. all the six questions dealt with possessetl :i highly theological tlavour. What was surprising. and to so_me. disappointiiig. was that the questions Of course I try to. But my pay's not enough to provoked little disagreement atiion I3 save anytliing. the panel and the broadcast degenerated into a series of lectures on l ON .l.-\NU.«\RY 22 we started the That's what I thought when I was your age second of the lap Commission. when the religious aspect of the questions until someone showed me the Progressive sailed froiu we submitted. snowy England to the Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 On January 23. the annual visit of sunny shores of the Mediterranean. a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the West of England Unit of t_lie In bright. sunshine we arrived at Gibraltar the 27th and very soon on the Service next year I can collect £855. National Blood Transfusion Service set out to parties the caves explore took place. and once again we were Sounds too good to be true. Where's the catcli? galleries. shops and bars. Here we presented with the unusual spectacle and of the unit being unable to cope with received the flag of C.-in-(I. MediterNo catch. And if I had died at any my the number of volunteers. This did ranean. Admiral Sir Charles li. wife would have received the whole £855 (i.C.ll.. C.V.O.. and on the happen in one establishment within Lambe. Which will you take? following Monday we set sail for immediately.You see, it’s 3 Savings Scheme my memory where the bait was_a Algiers, carrying a French Admiral and Life Insurance rolled into one. coupon to each donor entitling him also. Pm going for the pension becausethere's to a pint in the canteen. I can only another valuable right with it—l can get a Unfortunately a curfew prevented assume that a visit by the unit to this you liadn’t signed on for 22 years’ cash advance for the full price of a new far-flung outpost is in the nature of any runs ashore. so after a short visit service? house. I’m all lined up for a job already, a diversion like going to see the train taken tip with transferring the flag to When I had done my 9 years I could have pass by in a lonely bush camp in H.M.S. Surprise. :1 little swimming. and with an extra pension to look forward fishing and photography. we sailed. in drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy South Africa! to and the wife and familysafe in our own On Wednesday. January 29. we had the evening for Malta. home—well, its the kind of security we all We entered Grand Harbour on the Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall the privilege once again of wclc_oiiiwant. ing not only a lirst-class entertainer. 7th. to the cheers of the mtiltitutic. have the option of taking the £855, or if but by virtue of his long. association The ship's company went straight itito I don’: need the cash immedi How do you set about all this? with us an old friend. The gentleman the streets of Malta to buy the many ately,a pension of £172 a year That’s easy. Ask for details in question is none other than the fine articles of local iiiaiitifactiire. when I retire from civilian of the Progressive Savings well-known li_vpiiotist. Henry Illythc. ()iir first stay was. however. brief. if work at 65. who on many occasions has delighted active. for we soon sailed agaiti to Scheme. service audiences in the West Country greet the President of Turkey. \\lltt with his amusing and intrigttiiig was returning from a visit to Libya. 246 BISH OPSGATE WRITE TO liynotic powers. I think that I-lenry's escorted by ships of the Turkisli Navy. LONDON, E.C.2 undoubted success is stimulated by his A Turkish admiral on board comdelightful approach which although mcntcd favotirably on the precision this coupon-------------—-—---———---------—---amusing seldom “t:ikcs the Mickey" with \vhich "Man and (‘liecr Ship" out of anyone. It is also noted that was carried otit. I Please send full details at the Progressive Savings Scheme H..\l.S. Shctlicld returned again to i\lr. lllytlic studioiisly avoids controName versial aspects of his powers’wliich Malta. where we plunged into a series .......u-u.-.............. could introduce a sombre realisation of totirs. delving into the island's Address that the no: of this medium could liistor_v and "cultitre." with a five-day I account for the “startling confessions" interlude oti exercise to knock a few I -.........................................-....--..........-. that have from time to time _made more inches olI the island of Filfla. | Rating or Rank Age next: birthday their impact on Western civilisation. Our future, as always, is uncertain. A one
I save!
I-I.M.S. Shgfiield in the Mediterranean
.... ..
March. I958
CALENDAR Blackpool
June 2tt.—Annu:il Confcrncc. Portsmouth l\larcli (|.‘“R.N.!\. Players. Ctieiuii & Worcester Park March 2‘).-—Annual Dinner.
obtaining a pension for
of the members and assistance has been afforded to sick members. Summer visitors enjoyed the dances which were arningcd and the branch padre congratulated the members for their work and entliiisiasni. He mentioned that the congregation at the All Churches Open Air Service. to which help was given by members of the lletubridgc Branch. was the biggest for a long time! The I024 Ryde A.'l'.C. Silver Band was obtained for this service tower of strength to us all. through tlte ellorts of Sliipmate With the help of the R.N. Benc- llcriiion. The br:ineh‘s biggest social occasion’ volcnt Trust the branch has succeeded was its annual dinner and dance at Sundown on .Ianiiar_v 31. Over 200 sat to dinner and afterwards enTEN YEARS’SERVICE down joyed dancing to the band of the Royal Marines Dance Orchestra from FOR HOUNSLOW Eastney. The principal guest of the OUR FIRST big event of the year was evening was Sliipmate Admiral Sir otir Cliristmas party. and by the Francis Tottcnltam. K.C.ll.. C.B.E.. accounts I ltear. one and all enjoyed and lie was accompanied by Lady themselves. Speaking for myself. I 'l'ottcnli:ini. The Admiral had know I did. and full praise must go travelled down front I.ondon to also to our volunteer barmeii, Ship- attend~a gesture which was greatly mates Pocock and (iarrod. I feel sure zipprcciated. Sliipmatc A. I). Rouse from Scotland to be they enjoyed their job! We were all had travelled and he proposed the toast of very sorry when "l’ipe~down" was present
A REVIEW of the year's work was given at the annual general meeting on I-‘cbrunry 7 by the chairm:in.'Shipmate Mustcliin. It has been a very successful year and the branch grows in strength :itid usefulness. The chairman said. "Contrary to expectations the branch has come to stay and ottr influence on the village cominunity could do nothing but good." The retiring vicc-chairman has been succeeded by Sliipmate W. Old -—a member from Sundown and a
KEEN INTEREST was taken in the business before Havant Branch meetOUR CONFERIENCE this year will ing on February 4. Ten days later a take place in Blackpool on Saturda party from the branch accepted an June 28. and will be held in the con- invitation from the Gospori Branch. ference in the Hotel. room Imperial Those who went bad a most cnioyable Purley North Promenade. M:iy l'l.—Silver .luhilee Dinner. As is usual. conference will coni- evening. .\I:i_\‘ ltl.——l)riinihc:itl Service. Some of them attended the No. 3. mence at I(l.l5 when proceedannual meeting in Portsnioiitii Portlattd will be ollicially opened by His area ings with delegate, Sliipinate C. J. i\lai‘ch IL‘. A n n in ii I Dinner and the Mayor of Blackpool. Snow.their Worship on February 15. I):incc. There will he a break for luncheon They have missed their hon. Social llerts. when No. I0 Area will entertain during the month as she sounded We were very pleased to wel- "Absent I-tictttls.“ .Iune l.~No. 6 Area Rally. the l\‘ational Council and delegates. secretary I-‘ourtccn members from llembridgc has been unable to attend any of the come mcmhers from S.W. London. Tea and biscuits will be supplied. branch No. 2 Area activities owing to illness. Stanniore and lilstree. and all mess- attciided the "All Island Dinner and Miirch 22.-— W o r k 1 ti g Committee to delegates. by tltc national council Dance" \\IllL‘Il was held in Rytlc in maids from i\targ:ite Bninch. during the afternoon session. and conMeeting. The branch was represented at J:intiar_v. OF Brentforil ference will close at 5.15 p.m. Ilounslow and Chiswick farewell p:irty On Sunday morning. June 29. the March I-$.~~.—\nnnal General Meeting. to Shipmate Buss. their former chairnew standard of No. It) Area will May Ill.-Tcntlt Birthday Party. man. who has left to be ntinc host be dedicated. This ceremony. which Drake is West Ham FRANCIS as quoted at Wliitstable. The very best of luck will be held in the Tower Circus. will SIR to 27.~-l)edication have the “I must Ceremony. April gentlemen in your new venture. shipmate. and if be followed by a parade and march saying: the with and draw inariiicrs. and your plans go through in forming a I I AM PERED i\'eweastIe and (iateshead to the War Memorial. where the haul l.l-.'l' with the the mariners gentlemen. branch there. I feel stire it must be a .\larch 2‘). -~.-'\nnual Dinner. president will l:iy a wreath on behalf US Tllli ABSI-'.i\'('I-I of :i lieadquarlcrs. BIS OF SHOW OURSI-‘.l.\’l;‘STO success of the association. ONE CO.\ll’Ai\'Y." We also had an invite to join up through tire. is seriously liampering other of civic and the By coiirtesy \'I-'.NUI".S I have been thinking :1 lot of the with the Royal l-‘usilicrs .-\ssociation our social and other activities. \\’e local aiitliorities. many facilities will (ireenwicli. -'Ihc Coach & llorses. be ollered. free. to delegates. These two words. “ship's cotiipuiiy"-—thcy to visit the .\lolcsey Br:incli of the liavc heard. liowever. that the liiiililcrs .\l;ttl-set l’laL‘t.‘. (:\lntost zilottgsidc facilities incltide admission to the smack of the sea. the coiiipaiiies of R.:\'..-\.. and I must say they looked will be moving out in two to i|ir._-c time and one of otir first nicelthe (Iutty Sark.) Tower and Winter (iardcns. golf. sailors who have gone down to the after us very well. but oh tltc “Rock- weeks‘ back down through 'n'-roll"! "I hey should realise anrio iiigs will he the annual general niceltennis. bowls and putting in Stanley sea in ships go centuries. ' two winds Mlllli doiiiirii does‘ not permit such frivolity! iug which we natttr.illy Ii:id to Park and municipal recreation the the comradesliip we try to |ind.I llowcscr. it was most cnjoy;ih;i|._-_ postpotic. Items on the agenda include grotttttls. Delegates will also be up that we have left the Service. I At our general meeting on lichruary our annual dinner to he held on the use the south shore now peritiittcdto When we were at sea the ship's! I-I ottr vice-chziirman. Shipmatc Dean. Izist S.'ittiri|.i_\ in .\l:iich. ilisciissioii Shipiuate Ernest George Lentle open air swininiing bath. company were one. The "old man" on behalf of the shipniatcs. presented about the ptircliase of a branch ——a foiinrler member of Purley and had lower deck cleared to talk about our chairman, Shipmate J. Brown. with Slzmtlurd. election of new ollicials. etc. I)'Lstrict Ilrtmclt. forthcoming exercises. or the regatta. a watch in token of his good work for We are recruiting new shipmatcs Deenister Sir Percy Cowley. FROM or at divisions. and divine service. the branch during the past to years. every week. but we :ire awaiting our K.'I'.. (.‘.ll.l-2.. .l.P.. founder presiThe cautionary words. ".ship‘s coin- I very nuich regret to say that .lim’s reopening in our new "sliip" before 2 AREA dent of Isle of .\Ian Branch. pany." brought all in-—tillies. l’.()s.. health is not quite as good as it could prcsentiiig them all with their Shipmate Jtunt.-s Smyth——-I’ortI WAS hoping that the several ().l)s.. boys. and the ofliccrs. All one be these last few weeks. but sincerely etc. ‘lliat'.s all for this iiionlli. shipland Brunch. Sliipiiiiitc .\If Batter. founder reports from Area 2 branclics would family. or. to ptit it another way. '''I he hope he will be able to sit at the head tnates. wish us luck in otir new lieadinenilii.-r of Ashfurd (Kent) Branch. have enibraced the annual general brotherhood of the sea and the sliip." of the table on .\I;iy 10. when we are quarteis and-let's hope that the smell So with the R.‘l..-\. the word:_holding our tenth birthday party with of paint do.-sn't spoil the taste of the Shiptnate Harold W. Boundelt. meeting of the Area held on Janitary II. but there do not seem to be "branch" is cold. I would like to see a dinner and \\lL'i:tI to mark the occa- "w.illop." l).S..\I.-Ipswich Branch. Shipmate R. Philputt-—a life as many scribes at work amongst its future diaries with “The ships’ coin- sion. panies of No. I Area." then just the (In February 22 we were invited to ’.»\l’l’Y \’l3LLEltS ivr as there were last year. member of Ilerts Brunch. However, this is my first report of name. S.W. London, Catnbcntcll. and ti social at (‘atnherwe|l. and on the Shipmate W. Ilotlkinson this year. and I send the greetings of S“ (III. Giiinsborough Branch. 23rd the Royal Artillery invited us l’0It'I‘LA.\’D Branch London is The S.W. of olliccrs the reviving tllll your chairman. and area. The ollicers as yoti will ha\'e this term. The chairman asks thei ()ur own SOCILIIS and darts matches YER! II-‘ you want to see we. you'll stand and observe to noted from the circulated minutes are "ship's company“ } are still going strong. winning some ‘ave to come to our new headquarters silence for "fallen minute's the same as before. except for Ship- a C0lI'l'I_-nu] losing others. but even so. which. at the Royal I’ortl:ind Arms. you. [N rades." The who is mate Tippctt of (jillingham. "ship's coinp:iii_\" will ever way it is. our ladies always come We've got a tiicc little cliibroorn. real farming out in the west country. He hold a social. and so on. out on top. especially with their tiddly like. and all us vcllcrs be ‘appy 3 AREA ltRA.\'Cl-IIZS WHAT DO OTHER will be glad to see any of you I am clieese-and-onion speciality. They are even if we be stowed a bit thik. I THINK? l)lil.l;‘(iA'l'ES FROM the branches sure. if you go down that way. very popular. We have accepted the didden tell 'ee about our chililern's of S.W. The of company" “ship's Purlcy. (ioodenough Sliipmatc invite to attend West Ham's dedica- (‘hristiitas party. did I‘.‘ Cor! they ‘:id in No. 3 Area were joined by the all London sincere to sends vice-chairman his takes as greetings area place tion on April 27. so only hope the :1 lovc|_\ toinic. big cats. and all general secretary of the association our from know of ships’ companies grand I what his throughout and previous \\'c:tIIlL‘I‘ reniziins kind. when they held their annual meeting l'helpeis said as how they hadn't Association. have in association. our we To our own shipniates--don‘t forget play».-t.l such tirin‘ games since they in the Portsnioutli Branch on Febru- experience coiumittee Your member. suitable a the annual general meeting on March were so high! These I00 childern ary I5. committee will meet on I-t~you Iiave been notilied. brought the thatch down oi‘ cheers Sliipmatc Bray. chairman of Ports- working if AT for ideas have March 22. If there is any shipniate who would when they hail their partin‘ present you any inoutli Branch. welcomed the deletheir attention. ‘like to join us in our “food and gi'd to ‘cm. bless their ‘carts. gates in the absence of Capt. (i. Colwill be to The primarily meeting frivolity“ on .\I:iy I0, drop :1 line to I bet we ‘as ti good toime at ottr villc, who was unable to attend as he the will how the award area Tllli ANNUAL general meeting of oitr secretary at the Railway Hotel. vurst dinner and dance. you. wot our was in hospital following an accident. decide has been that the Worcester Branch. presided over , Whitton Road. Hounslow. for [RIP conuiiittec got arranged fer March 22. It was tnade known that three new lovely (‘liallenge Cup of the friend old the chairman. (';ipt. II. M. Spreck- tictilars. You will be very welcome and We bin told to wear collars and ties. branches had been opened durin_g_t_he presented by an by the "Don as ‘cos they reckon we ‘as some special ley. R.N.. D.l... .|.l‘.. was held I feel sure will enjoy yourself. past year and there was the_ possibility area. This is now known and intenis of another being opened in the Isle Murray (fhzillengc Cup" and showed that the branch guests cumin‘. "l'will be like grain‘ to recently ded for the most progressive branch in had ni:ide very good progress. There or Wight during the coming year. Sunday dl\I.\iiltt\ agiii. you! I'll try attd SINGING AT st-iid"ce a photo o‘ it. was an increase in paid-up memberSliipinate (.'dr. Noble. the area hob. our area. Area 2 membersliip could do with ship of 72. The resignation of the We likes rcadin‘ about you other secretary had made it known that he sellers in the Navy Ni=.w.s'. ‘snow. and would be unable to stand for some more ligures and tnaybe now the branch chairman, Sliiptnate C. Lake. re-election to that appointment. He services have had their rise. we will was regretfully accepted. after some TlllZ‘BR.-\N(‘ll is now two months we'll always greet 'ee well when yuu'm was very much thanked for all the get more of them to come and ioin us live years in that ollice. and his sitc- old anil we are tiiaking progress down yer‘. too. We don't care if yott'm towards our ultimate aim. admiral or (l.l).. yoil come on in along work he had done for the area in the as our rich uncles. Da_\'. cessor. Shipmate ll. \$1lSl\‘It.‘£ltIII)' Annual conference looms ahead. appointed, I which is a building of our own. for o' we. past and the following area officers I958: president. shipiiiates. don‘: lease it too late and were elected for Shipnialc l.icut.-('dr. J. i\Ic.-\. F.l use as a branch headquarters. criticise. then Ailniiriil l.iltlc: vice-president and Cassidy the branch \'ice-presitlent. We made our first cllort at enterMAYOR ‘PIPED it's well. for As Blackpool. many reported on the year's progress. and‘ raining our ladies on Friday. .lanii¢_-h;iimi;in, (Zdr. l..'imble: vice-chairman. Shipiiiate Taylor: area secretary. years since I was there. but it is recalled the visit of the uiitlgct sub- :ir_v RI. and the evening. according to ABOARD’ AT again this year. riiariiic. I-l.M.S. Shrimp. to Worcester. all who attetidcd. and there were about Shipmate Wye: area treasurer. Ship- hoping I shall be therewho so enjoyed the very successful Traftilgar Day I50 present. was :i great success. This tn:itc Piggott:'d bearer. Ship- with the same throng (';irdill'. I)uiliani and Dinner. and the various social fitne- was largely due to the very hard work tiiate (lldroyil. tions of the year, poititing out wIi.i!| put in by the main branch comtnittec S'l I’.-\l)Y l‘R()(iRl-ISS is reported l and entertainments‘ committee. from low.-s:ol‘t. where. having had ;i can be done by co-operation. .\larch (i is to be a real high-light We were well eiiterlaincd by local siiccessful W57. the branch strength is for I953. (In that d:iy. the White talent. anil not least among these was now well otcr the ltltl iiiaik. .-\t the anmial dinner. held on I-Insign. presented to the branch by the our own Shipmatc John Bennett. who IS. the .\la_voi and .\Iayoi'css I Conunanding Ollicer and ship's (‘oni- enlivened the proceedings with sortie January FOR LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WITH (Captain and .\lrs. l.. .-\. Rhodes) were pany of H.M.S. Shrimp. and a set of snappy singing, four antique i\':ival .\\vortls‘. presented 'l‘lie whole everiing l’£tll \'L'I\' "piped aboard" when they arrived. It LOW PREMIUMS—GOOD BONUSES on permanent loan by (‘ouncillot ;smoothly in the capable li.trids Jr was the tenth annual dinner and there LIBERAL CONDITIONS was a record attendance of just over H. A. Richards. J.l’.. the Mayor of Shipmate I-larry Steveiisr-ii. We are hopeful of holding a Ladies" ltttl guests The president. Dr. .I. I). I). Worcester. will be formally accepted. Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service risks covered Admiral Sir William 'l'i:nnanl. the Night about once a month and our lloswcll. proposed the toast of "The AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY Assochitioii." Wiiu.-(‘dr. (T. l.iitdsell branch patron. will receive tltc White next date is Wednesday .\Iarch I2. Ensign on behalf of the branch from We of this branch would lie very proposed the toast of "The guests" Head Office tor the UNITED KINGDOM: Lieut. ll. 0. Forbes. R..'\'.. the Coni- happy to see sliipmates of any and. in responding. the. .\layor de73-T6 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON E.C.4 manding Otlicer of H.M.S. Shrimp. br:inclies in the area. and now that we clared that "as long as there is a sea Assets t350.0W.GD will there must be ships and st-:iinen to we and Capt. H. M. Spreckley will be are getting organised For umiiee in the Poftsmouth an.-i contact Mr. W. 0- Stern. Hamtow. 374. London presented with the swords by llisi L‘I'ltIL':I\(‘|lIl’ to do some visiting our- rnan them." The dinner was followed ffclcphone No. Portsmouth 11490) Road. PORTSMOUTH. Hanu sclt-cs. by :i social and dance. Worship the .\I:iyor. .
3.1): will 1{eitttiiilm'fl'=,l)eiii
'1‘tiiti«‘.t§ NEW
ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL year was reported at tltc eleventh annual general nteeting. After four years as hon. secretary Shiptnate J. H. Roberts has handed over to ottr vice-chairtnan Shiptnate T. Brown. The following shipmates were elected to the various oflices for I958: chairman. C, A. .\laxwcll; vice-cltatrman. J. Bartlett: hon. secretary. 'l'. llrutsn: hon. treasurer. R. Pollock. The scrsices l'L'tt(lL‘l'~.‘tl by Shipmztte J. Roberts were recalled by the cltairmart and other sltipmatcs. lle c.tme to our rescue when Sltiptnate Ruddy. in the throes of orgattisittg our newly fortned club. had to hate an opera; tion. "Jittttny" shouldered tltc responsijhility of seeing the club on its Iicet and [after some anxious mouths successfully rottntlcd oil the early '.\ori.' of his pt‘etlccessor_ ' our bt.tnch and club lis in the forefront of kittdretl org:tnisa‘tions in tltc city is i.ti"t!Ci_\‘ due to the tntanner in which Sntpntate Roberts has conducted ottr .‘I|l;tt:\. 'I|te vote of thanks proposed by his predecessor and seconded by his sttcccssot‘ was unanimously passed with .tccl'.tmation. We have ho doubt that ottr new hon. secretary will still further the interests of our association, During the last year our shipmatc. besides ‘
5. .'I
presiding at our annual dinner and taking the chair :tt many of our monthly meetings. has also acted as welfare oflicer. and standard bearer. His visits to shipmates in hospitals were greatly appreciated. 'l'h:tnks to the untiring etlorts of Sltipntate A. Henderson in building up our Benevolent Fund. ottr sick sltiptttates know they are not forgotten. The work of the social committee during the year came in for special mcntiott. with tnerited pr:tisc being given to that L'nlllll\'l1t\ltC band for their cllicient
Tributes were paid to Capt, I’. F. Powlctt. l).S.().'. l).5.C.. Royal Nasy S..\'.().. Not tltetn ltclaml. for the -,:rand support he has giscn to our associatiott. Sltiptnates llattlctt, .\lcK:ttcn. ( attd Atttletsott were cott_er.ttttlat.-tl on their selection as atca cltai:tn.ttt_ viceclt:tirm:tn. hon. treasurer and t\'.(.‘. delegate rcspcctitcly. We feel that this distinction accorded to the branch by ottr area shipntatcs indicates the title spirit amongst ottr Irish branches. .\lr. Stanley Gillespie. chairman of the Northern Ireland Disabled ExSen-icemen'.s Association. was elected as hon, Shipmatc in appreciation of his services to members of the branch. It has given us all tnuch satisfaction to be oflicially informed of visits of H..\l. ships to our‘ports. and we are very pleased that so many of the "watch ashore" lind their way to our headquarters at 55:1 Great Victoria
{f’hola: KrntithPress. Asltford (Kern) Captain D. Macintyre cutting the cake THE ANNUAL general meeting of twivcs. An especial welcome to the the Ashford (Kent) branch took placc'chatrman ot' Area 2 (Shipmate W. fllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllfi on January 24 last. ()ur vice-president (Bower) and the able FORTHCOMING SILVER of the JUBILEE secretary tshipmate l.. (i. Mttrray) proposed Area (Shipmate Tom Asp“-y_ M;.;d.| the Loyal toast. and members stood
stone). also Shipmatc Yaxley (pastAT one minute's silence in memory presidcnt of Maidstone Branch). who] of Shipmate Alf ll-aker, \\lto slipped has now joined ottr Mess, with his iPURl.l-ZY HAS not been Street, his cable the day before. Confirmation had good lady. \vas given by our vice- still since ottr last report. Thestanding however. not. been Christ- received that the band The thanks of the branch were conThe chairman's. secretary's and president tshipmate l.. (3. Murray). was available. mas aml New Year arrangements were dinner is being veyed to all those shipmates who treasurcr's reports showed we are in a A_ new member joined the branch very successful and a most interesting A silver jubilee the very healthy position. both tinancially (S_htpmate Johnson) and was handed and informative annual general meet- arranged at the Rose :tnd Crown. supported theoffice bearers so well throughout year, a special word Kenley. on the night before the for and otherwise. The departure of our his badge by the president. who wished ing has taken place. Shipmate Reilly, who. in addition president. Vice-Admiral Sir Albert him well. A social followed. We regret to report the passing of parade. In connection with the rade to replacing chairman's lost gavel Poland. \vas keenly felt. and we all Finally the model U-boat was pre- one of our founder members-—Ship- and dinner the president (Shtpmatc also presentedthetwo Cdr. J. Lees. R.N.V.R.) very line fnuned wish hint and Lady Poland all the sented to Capt. Macintyre. who said mate Ernest George Lcntlc. photographs recalling visits of H.M. very best of good luck and good he would treasure it. as it was such Fred Smith suggested that stated that there would be consider- ships to the city Shipmztte over 30 years ago. health in their new surroundings in a good likeness of the one he sent to some of the bank balance should be able expense involved and he the bottom. It is expected that the Belfast (‘ornwall., invested in Premium Bonds. but after suggested that a subscription list ()ur new president is not unknown _At l0.3O pm. the quartermaster a short discussion during which the should be opened and he kindly Branch will be represented at Blackto us attd I’m sure we all wish Capt. ptpcd_“Pipe-down" and all stood to returns from investments in Savings started the list with a cheque for live pool in June. with other lrish Donald Macintyrc a very ltappy com- attention for "The Queen." and so Certiticates. Defence Bonds and the guincas. There was also some dis- branches and we look forward to the mission with us. also (‘dr. Robertson- ended a very enjoyable evening. long Post Otlice Savings Bank were cussion concerning the Armistice Day day when Belfast will be the venue and who should lead the for the annual conference. Greetings Aiktnan. our new sice-president. Our to be remembered by all present. mentioned. the question was left to parade The president intimated that to sbipmates everywhere. especially to new cltairntan tShipm:tte (icorgc Philtreasurer to investigate and report parade. an amicable agreement cottld and those still serving who have visited ack. pott) is also a grand .shipmate who. S our lteadquatter.s. 'lhe committee set up to make would be teacltctl. with his good lady. has done muclt for ; the Mess. arrangements for the silver jubilee of the branch reported the progress Our tenth birtltdzty was celebrated on I-’ebrtt:try l-l. (‘apt_ l)onald Mac- OUR ANNUAL general meeting was made. A drumhead service is being to be held in the Purley intyrc, l).S.0.. lJ.S.(’.. R.N.. our held at its headquarters. Hill Street. [arranged Field on Sunday. May l8. president. was piped aboard by Douglas. on Friday. January 24. The Shipmate Harry Clayton. the quarter- attendance was very poor but no A simple way to raise the initial deposit money tn:tster. The chairman. Shipmate doubt the treacherous weather had (ieorge Philpott, welcotned the something to do with this. Before the required for buying your own house. Make out_a. meeting actually started the chairman guests. The large iced cake. with a German asked us all to stand in solemn allotment: for the purchase of TENTH ISSUE monthly AT U-hoat*"U 99"---beautifullytnadc to memory of our late president. NATIONAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Here are some examscale by Shipmate Philpott. :tttd the Decmstcr Sir Percy Cowley. Kt.. cake presented by Shipmatc O. B. C.B.E.. J.P.: he was our founder ‘AN ANALYSIS of the reports at the ples of how your money grows by the purchase (by l.ewin. was traditionally cut with .'t president :tnd took a very keen interest tannual general meeting seems to show sword by our president and handed in ottr Association. He will be greatly Jtltat all goes well with the Portsmouth allotment) of ottt to the Stl-odd members and their '“l*5'-'d- °5l"'°l""." ‘ll l‘5""'dL'-*3 “'h¢“3 Branch. both association and clttb—you would see him marching along ‘membership is increasing and the gtinances are healtlty. This was rethe boys. AT with 'l'he chairtnau's and secretary's 'flected in the elections for the new reports, which sscte tety favourahl-.‘. committee when all the principal were adopted. 'lhe following were otlicers were retttrned unopposed. ()n the association side the inPURCHASE PRICE WF, llA\’l-I recently held our annual elected to the otliccs stated: Chairman. J. l.. llrega//i; vice-chairmzm. ,crca-.ed subscriptions were the causel5_’general tttccting. and the same "bat- C. E. Conway: secretary. li. Patterson: ;of a long debate. it was decided how-l ting side" were re-clccted as branch treasurer. Miss M. llatctttatt. We now ever to retain the voluntary levy of otlicials and committee. ln'all sections l957 was a very have a new conttuittcc to carry on ls. per year to branch funds. The club treasurer reported that sttcccssfttl year. and was :t record for where the old stalwarts left otl. C hcerio. shipmatcs. everywhere. from the programme of major repairs and new entrants. alterations had now been completed At the conclusion of annual general us all here in Ellan Vannic. You will have bought and these had all been financed out meeting business. Capt. A. G. Poi‘. cerlttietttes which .of current income in spite of a reR.N.. senior officer. Reserve Fleet. lduecd turnover for the year. Much of £8l £ltl8 cost Portsntottth. on behalf of Herts £l89 ‘the credit for such a state satisfactory llranch. presented Shipmate M. affairs :of due the enormous was to Suckling with an inscribed pewter famount of voluntary work pttt in tankard as "Messmate of the Year." behind the scenes. particularly by ()ur ship's bell. ex-H..\l.S. Respond. and will novtttsworth was recently used as a font for a GREF.'l'IN(iS T0 all shipmatcs of all Shipmate Newman the club secretary. £32 llis £ll08s about £l93 45 dottble christening ceremony at Holy branches. We held ottr annual general who receives far more kicks than frinity (‘hurch. Hertford. ()ttr branch meeting on Sunday. February 9. but ha'pence for his thanks. .\lost of you will have seen the You will have bought padre. the Rev. (i. C. I’. ll. Briggs. the attendance was not all it was R.N.V.R._ performed the ceremony hoped for. The events during the year .picture of the “Four Jacks" and the certificates which when he baptised the son of Shiptnate were all a success. the most popular ‘report of their successful television £225 £270 cost and Mrs. t\l. Suckling. and the grand- ones beittg the Saturday evening trips. ‘appcttrancc in last month's NAVY The branch sutlcred a great loss Nt.\\.s'. Potnpey feel very proud of son of Sltipmate J. F. W. Charles. btattclt vice-cltairtt'tatt. during the year by the passing away this event because the vocalist and We have :t fttll calettdar arranged of .\lt.-ssmate F. M:tr.\tun. vice-prcst- leader of the group. Freddie lllingltntt will now beworth for branch events. and in addition the dent. who was always ready to assist worth. is one of our members and a £142 43 £l89t2s £237 £284 85 about Rally of No. ft Area will take place the branch and seldom missed a meet- ; leading light in our social affairs wltcn I-lertford on Sunday. Jttnc l. ing a grand cxalttplc of a true mess- -his ship is in harbour. at Further details of this event will be mate. Next week we begin another series You will have bought The treasurer stated that he was gar shows by the R.N.A. Players. this’ promulgated in dtte course. certificates which llranch sltiptnates would like to say pleased with the state of the funds. in :time the long awaited pantomime ltow very tuuch they enjoyed the spite of the poor attendance at the §"Aladdin." Three shows are plann_cd £l89 £252 cost £378 £4-it company of shipmates and their meetings. but regretted there had been for members and guests plus a special ladies at a recent social ctcning held many calls on the Benevolent Fund. performance for the benefit of kindred at llertford. when the following The vice-president. (‘. ll. Wheeler. on March 6. This probranches were represented: Roystott. thanked the secretary for the great mises to be a very spectacular and and will now be worth (iardcn llatlicld. Welwyn City. amount or work that ltc puts in to -colourful presentation and we are £207 £276 about £4l4 l.ea linlield. Valley. lidtnottton and uphold the branclt. The secretary. in ‘expecting a full house every night. Windsor. reply said that he was pleased that ;As usual this will be produced by is with It deep regret that we record he is able to do it. bttt having over Ronnie Bra/icr attd with such a long The interest earned on your Savings Certificates is free of Ittcomo the passing away of Sltiptnate J. R. I8 years as hon. secretary. he would ,string of past successes it has got tol Tax and does gas have to be declared for Income Tax purposes. l’ltil|)(tu_ Hg was one of our life like to ,.ec some young blood ]I)tll be good to live up to the rcptttation Savings Certificates are State guaranteed. members and secretary of the Latly-itlte branch and then pethaps hand lot‘ the R.N.A. Players. but we need‘ lssttetl by .'l..\!. FUTLCS Sttrtllgs (.'un.-nttttcc L0.l:t.'Ull. S. smith .-\ssoe{;.ti.tn_ I ‘over the reins of othcc. Ilt:t\'c no fear on that score.
iHicTi§e purE”i3as-
HOME AIR COMMAND SPORTS NEWS Easter Association Football Home Air Command
Royal Anny Medical Corps (Crooldiam)
Ariel. in particular.
March. I958
Navy Ilays ‘at
all out to retain the "Dipper Trophy." but. who knows. it may well be the turn of some other “dark horse" station to win this coveted trophy. At the conclusion of the H.A.C. Championships the selected H.A.C. team for the Inter-Conimand Championships will be retained at Ariel. and then proceed to R.N. College. Dartmouth. where we hope that the H.A.C. will once again retain the Inter-Coniiiiand Cup for another year. are
IN PRF.PARA'I‘lON for the Inter- control and team work. Considering (‘oniniand Cup (semi-final) the Home the strength of the Army XI. which Air (‘ommand entertained the Royal consisted of no fewer than eight full Arniy Medical Corps (Crookliam) to professionals (including some regular a returit match. played at R.N.A.S. League Division I first team players) on Monday. February and two county players. the I-l.A.C, I0. A strong cross-wind was blowing put tip a good show although their and the wet iveatlier made ground positioning and ball distribution comconditions very muddy :ind unpleasant. pared unfavourably with that of their In the opening minutes of the gariie opponents. play was conlined to mid-field-but Quick Goals gradually the R.A..\l.(‘. forced the I-luglies_ in the (‘ommand goal. SEVEN TF.A.\lS entered the Interpace and produced the better ball niade many a line save. bill in the I ('ommand (Unit) Knock-(Int Competitwentieth minute a long ball from the tion (I-l.A.(‘. Division). resulting in Army inside left foutid the corner of R.N..-\.S. Bramcote the net to open tip the score. The to R..\'.A.S. Ford playing at home RUGBY in the lirtal on simple close-passiiig tactics of the l"L'l1I‘lI£tl'y -I. In this matcli Ford were I 'l'lllE ll.A.(,‘. represetitative Rugby‘ R..-\..\l.('.. coupled with their brilliant just that shade better than llraincote season came to a close with a veryt positioning. left the II..-‘\.(‘. defence at throughout. llramcote never quite good match against London Scottish times without an answer. Two further settled down. I-‘ord played confidently at Riclittiotid oti Saturday. Febrttary S. goals for the Army c:uiie in the fortyalthough it was seven minutes before The II.:\.(‘. had to lield seven third and lifty-third minutes. these they opened the score: at half-time II..\l.S. \'ietoriou.s—one of the ships open to visitors reserves. two players being itnav:iil:ible being scored by their outside right and llramcote were leading IS points to lo. because of the United Services Ports-A outside left. respectively. In the second half I-‘ord forged A (iRl§.‘\'I' mouth game and the remaining five,‘ The cflcct of being three goals in variety of ships will be on ahead and the final score was Ford 37 show at l’ortsmonth during the R .N. injured or sick. However. the team. arrears made the ('omiii:uid press v. llramcote 30. l-Iaster llank attacked from the start and produced harder and their ellorts were rewarded lloliday weekend April Nine cslitblisliinents After the of the PortsI. V. Wilkin(i Capt. game. and 7. As this will be the only ‘.5. some linc open play with the backs with a splendid goal by llack in the (‘ommand are taking part in running strongly and being well sup fifty-seventli minute. l-Cncouraged by soti. l).S.(‘.. (i..\l.. the ('omnianding tl-iaster .\‘a\-y l)a_vs to be held this nioiitli Ollicer of llranicote. pre- ;year it is hoped that the ships and the I958 Royal Naval l)ram.i l’csported by the forwards‘. 'lhcy werel this. the (‘onimand piled on the pres‘- sented tival. Mr. Cecil llellaniy will be the the "Ariel Trophy" to the ‘displays will attract many visitors. unlucky not to have scored at leastt surc and ma i ll t:i i it e d territorial adjttdicator for the plays pres;-riled. three times in the lirst half but a ;idv;intage for a Ioiig period but. winning team captain. this being the Foremost the be to ships among dtopped pass. ktiock on or some although numerous cliances presented tirst time that this trophy has been open is Il..\l.S. Victorious. our latest The establislitiierits concerned. and the similar fault at the crucial tuoiiieiit tlientselves. the forward line failed to competed for. R.N..-'\.S. I-ord will now aircraft carrier and the most modern plays or excerpts are as follows: lI.t\l.S. l)ryad. "The I.ate (‘hristoplier the llotiie Air ('oniniand in in the world. She has brought sotue good movements to art take advantage. being either too slow represent contrecently Bean": ll.t\l.S. St. t h e Inter Conimand Competition missioned and is end within feet of the Scottish line.l or just slicing the ball wide of goal. still undergoing H.t\I.S. \’crnoti. Vinccn'.. "Noali"; "'l'lie I)efcatcd"'. The Scottisli scored a good try from trials. The cruisers ll..\l.S. Kenya :ind Il.M.S. A brilliant goal by (ioodwin in the proper. a breakaway which was assisted by seventietli minute eased the situation Berniuda. the latter on April 5 and (i 'l‘ fourMercury. "Jo Says Yes." productions will take place poor ll..-\.(‘. tackling and the teams —but this was short lived by another will also be open, as will Il..\l.S. at the only. Naval Barracks oit crossed over three points all. :i penalty goal for the opposition. Try as they .\laidstone. I-ilagsliip of the (‘om- it\larch I2Royal and I3. H.t\l.S. to lt.A.(.'. and a try to l.ottdon may the Command attacks petered H..\l.S. ARIEI. are producing a unit m:indcr-iii-(‘hief Home Heel. ll..\l.S. "The Sacred I-"lame": I-l..\l.S. Dolpliin. Scottish. (‘oilingout at the vital moment and. although team for the Royal 'I‘ournament (‘om- l):iinty. Solebay. Undine aml Zest. wood. "Tlte Noble Spaniard"; With the wind behind them London sortie excellent crosses from the right petition and fencing has taken a pace all units of the llonic Fleet. ll.M.S. Osprey. "Black ('liitl'on"; Scottish opened the second half with wing placed the centre forward in an forward in this establishment since The local will be Squadrons H.M.S. repreExcellent. "Witness for the a series of fast and clever attacks. all admirable position to score. many the arrival of P.O. l)odruan. who is a sented ll..\l.S. Dundas. by Redpole. ll’roseculion": Stall Ollieers' Mess. bttt one of which were foiled by good chances were ultimately wasted. In the very keen fencer. Many youngsters Starling. (‘aunton and the deep fH..\l. Dockyard. "Why Not Tonight." become good fencers if given covering and (after tlte pep talk!) closing minutes of the game the could I-l..\l.S. Reclaim. diving ship Four subplays will be presented in the hard. lowisli tackling. The other R.A.!\l.(‘. scored attain to make the the lead and it is tip to all senior marines Il..\l... Scneschal. Springer. establislimcnts. feiicers to help put this fine sport back resulted in an unconverted try. The final result 2--5 in their favour. Thule and 'I‘actician and the midget l on its feet by greater encouragement second I5 minutes saw I~I.A.C. I-l..\l.S. Shrimp will be on view. of the junior rates. Details of the playing sortie good rugby. doing every- HOME AIR Royal 'l'ournanicnt are given in the For the first time for many years thing else but score. until a clearance surveying vessel, H..\I.S. l):i|rymplc. Home Air Command Sporting Instruc- awill by the I.ondon Scottish full-back was ANNUAL be available and a display of lions. fielded by the H.A.C. full-back. who
['‘individual l' i
goal. sliced his kick. the hall being a welcome The annual general meeting of the sight to the right winger. who then Home Air ('ommand Football Assomade no mistakes. A try resulted and was converted itito a goal. Score: 8-6 ciation was held at Wykehaiii Ilall. Lee-on-Solent. on February I4. at to H.:‘\.C. which the following oflicers were elected for the coming season: Exciting Finish Chairman: Capt. A. F. lllack. The last I0 minutes saw .1 most exciting battle going from end to end. D.S.C. (R.N.A.S. ViceIn the last minute the Scottish heeled Chairman and Hon. Secretary: l.ieul.-
attempted a drop kick
and after some Cdr. L. R. Hollis (Command P.T. faulty passing a mass of players dis- Otlicer on Staff of Flag Ollicer Air Members; Cdr. I’. Page (R0. appeared over the ll.A.C. line. To the (Home). Air (I-|.)) (South): C.l’.O. R. Baldwin amazement of all. :1 try was awardcdl and converted into a goal with the (Arbroath) (Northern): P.O. F. Reeves (Bramcotel (Midlands): l.ieut. R. F. last kick of the game. (Culdrose) (S. Western). ExResult: l.ondoii Scottish It points. Squires Ofllcio: l.ieut. A. W. Chittil and Il.A.C. 8 points. (‘.P.0. J. S. Reynolds (Staff of I-‘.0. The game produced much good. if Air (H.) ).
excellent, rugby. was a joy to watch aml played in :1 fine spirit and enjoyed by all who saw it and played not
R.N.!-‘.A. Council Representatives l.ieul.-Cdr. l.. R. Hollis (l’.O. Air (Il.)); C.l’.0. 1. S. Reynolds tF.(). Air (HJ): (,‘.l’.0. (T. (i. Sly (l'l..\l.S. Ariel). Although the meeting was mainly concerned with domestic allairs the following is of general interest: The draws for the Air (Tommand (‘up and Navy (Iup tll.A,C. Divisionl were made at this meeting. The Air Command Cup competition next scasonwill be played on a North and South (knock~out) zonal basis leading to a re-drawn knock-out at the semifinal stage. Details will he promulgated in due course. together with the Navy (‘up draw.
ui ll.
'I'liat the standard has risen there is no doubt. All this season's games have been very close indeed and the Il.A.(?. have set an example of attacking open rugby which I believe has had much to do with the enjoyment of our games. Above all. they have been played in a good spirit and all the players who have taken part are to be congratulated in what can be termed a satisfactory season which has produced five players for the Royal Navy team and reserves.
Sub-l.ieut. Hol-
lick (Culdrose) and l.ieut. Mainwaring tljntonl on being selected for the Royal Navy versus the Royal Air CROSS-COUNTRY l-orcc at Twickeiihatii and to A.A.2 Jenkins (Streetoii). N.A. Jenkins ALI. STATIONS and establishments (llrawdy and now I-‘ord) and Lieut. in the Home Air Command are now l)ook (I.oss‘iem0tlIlt) on being selected down to serious training for the Cortias reserves. mand Cross-Country (jhtinipionsliips.
At your service
Us 80NB.I.T?
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea T°';i.‘¥.".°“°
BOXING AS THE more important dates of the Service liiisirig. calendar grow nearer. all stations and establishments in the Home Air Command are preparing their teams for the “ltambara Shield" competition. to be held at R.N;A.S. llramcote. in conjunction with the Home Air Command Open Championships on March I8-20. It is to be hoped that even if stations cannot produce a wealth of skilful talent everygne will aim at I00 per cent. fitness—-toughen up that training!
TI-IE INTER-(‘OM.\tAND basket-ball championships were held at the R.N. School of I’.'l‘.. Portsmouth. on February 20 and 2|. the semi-finals R.N.A.S. Ford (representing Nore Command) beat Il..\t.S. ’l1iunderer (Plymouth (‘oriimand) by 35 points to 27; and H..\l.S. Collingwood (representing Portsmouth Coniniand) beat R.N. llarracks Chathani by 36 points to 22. The finals resulted in _a win for H..\l.S. Colliiigwood by 34 points to 23. The Inter-Comniand trophy was presented by the M.G.R.M. Portsmouth Division. Major-General I. H. Riches. I).S.().. R.M.. to the winning
the work of this type of ship will be shown onboard. There will be many other displays by I-l..\l.S. .\lercury. Collingwood. Dryad. Vernon. the W.R.N.S. and :i Jodu display by l'l..\l. Royal Marines will feature among the arena displays wltich conclude each day's events. The Dockyard will be open from I230 until I800 and entrance will be via the Main and Anchor Gates. prices of admission adults 25. 6d.: Is. There will be the usual children facilities for refreshments. ice creams. souvenirs. etc..-and children may be safely left at the children's nursery in the Dockyard. Coaches. cars and bicycles may be parked in the R.N. Barracks for a moderate charge.
I(lEI'l'H RON.-'\I.l)SON. our sporting per.sonalit_v for this month. is a trite “Poniponian." He was born in Portsmouth in I936 and educated at the Portsmouth (irammar School. He joined the Navy in I952 as an artilicer apprentice and did his initial training in I-l..\l.S. Fisgard. ln I953 he was posted to H.M.S.
against the Polytechnic l-‘encing Club. the Royal Navy were beaten by I5 bouts to I2. This is a very creditable performance as PolyIN A match
i.l’hoIo: Ercnirig «Vi-iv: Ill’!-ll Ifampihirr
Telegraph. Portsmouth
complete his training and to start his boxing career. His first appearance in competitive boxing was in the Portsmouth Coniniaud chan'tpionships when he won the novice flyweight title. County I bout; lipee. Royal Navy 6 I-laving won this championship he bouts. Surrey County 3 bouts; Sabre. was taken in hand by l.icut.-Cdr. A. Navy 6 bouts, Surrey County Walker. who was at that time ti 3 outs. Divisioiial oflicer in the apprentices‘ As the Royal Navy were not at full section of Collingivood. Walker. hittistrength. the result reflects great credit self a t\avy champion of pre-war days on all concerned. encouraged Roiialdson by helping in
No. Henry:
until I've seen a copy at‘ your Service Certificate” M
his training and even went so far as to become his sparring partner. It was no tiriiisual sight in I953 to see a very
apprentice trying to punch a lieutenant-commander's head off. The training must have at least borne fruit
in that year Roiialdson won both the Navy and I.S.B.A. Boys‘ titles as
as a
fly-weiglit. The following year he
Foil. Polytechnic 6. Royal Navy 3: Epéc. Polytechnic 5. Royal Navy 4: Sabre. Polytechnic 4. Royal Navy 5. In the match against Surrey County on February 9. the Royal Navy won fairly convincingly by 20 bouts to 7. Results of individual weapons.Foil. Royal Navy 8 bouts. Surrey
Sportsman of the Month
technie have one of the strongest club teams in the country. Individual weapons results wcre:—
title and
was a
the Navy finalist in
the I.S.Il.A. chanipionships. In I955 he again won a Navy title. this time ;it banlam-weight. and also won through to the liiials of the championships. The following year he boxed against the .\Iidland (‘ounties and in .\Iay joined H.M.S. Albion on the Mediterranean station. In the Navy championships before departure he lost in the limits to /\.II. Hedges due to ;i cut eye. He had already beaten Hedges in the Portsmouth Coniniand cham-
He has represented the l ':ivy against Midland Counties. Southern Counties and Wales in the last two seasons. winning all his bouts. He is now back at Collingwood as an instructor and is training hard for the Navy championships this month. with an eye on an l.S.ll.A. title. Tltis season he has particularly distinguished himself‘ by dcfeatin' two ftill internationalsubeating llarner of the Midland Counties and E. Robson of Wales. He has won 50 of his total of 65 contests‘.
March. 1953
I‘l1.\n:I\u.' I .' H ).~_\‘ ) l
andi\a.~.:.7iifla.Ciin.,13$». ".‘\i;«.l?.n.i.
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seeking an interesting and progressive career when you leave the Royal Navy? Employment at Harwell offers you exceptionally interesting work in the expanding programme Are you
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of Atomic Energy Research. Craftsmen are required for a wide range of work connected with the manufacture of prototypes or with the maintenance of reactors and other plant. PRECISION FITTERS&TURNERS,MAINTENANCE FITTERS and INSTRUMENT MECHANICS are particularly required. but vacancies arise In other jobs from time to time. Applications are especially invited from men in the following classes who are due to be released in the near future: ENGINE ROOM ARTIFICERS
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For further details write to:
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holding First or Second Class Ministry ol’Transport Certificates of Com-
THIS MONTH the Royal Navy hockey team has been seen at each hontc port and in two Naval training estzihlislinients. The bare results are: February 5. v. Cambridge University at Shotley, lost 0-4.
March. 1958
feat. Against Oxford. With the score at two-all, Gale. the Sub.-Lieul. Bowyn Tagg was replaced West inside left. collided with Morris. at centre half by Lieut. Judge. and who was concussed and took no Bowyer Tagg moved to inside left. further part in the game. It was while The backs were reinforced by per- he was off that the West clinched the suading Lieut.-(Idr. Midgley to play match. Lieut. Stanhope and E.M. I2. l~'ehru:iry v. Oxford University despite his desire to retire. 'I'he result Wellington scored. at Portsmouth. lost I-3. On Sunday the teams replayed was a marked improvement. The February I5. v. Western Counties at defence were less under pressure and before an appreciative crowd of specPlyinoiith. lost 2-3. the forwards. better supported. occa- tators at Dartmouth and with substiFebruary to. v. Western Counties at sionally looked like scoring. They did tutes playing for the injured players. l)artmouth_ drew 2-2. so on one occasion. It was pleasant to a 2-2 draw resulted. Lietit. Owers. in Februiiry I‘). v. Civil Service at see Eagar. the Oxford captain. playing goal. saving well oti several occasions. Chathain. won 2-0. against us. Iiaving gained his btavy I.iciit. Stanhope scored both goals and such formidable Against opposition. Cap two years ago as a National Sub.-Lieul. Bowyer Tagg hit a post in tlte results tell a tale of steady Service man. the last minute. improvement in the Navy XI. At At Plymouth. Sub-l.ieut. Coles Civil Service Beaten Shotley the weakness was at inside replaced l.ieut. Judge at centre half. forward and tile forwards never really C.P.0. Swift played at right half and Then the Chatham. where the Civil looked like scoring. The Cambridge Mne. Morris in goal. Eight of the full Service were beaten by two clear forwards were fast and relentless. and West side. including Carnhill and goals. l.ieut. Stanliopc scored with a to keep the score down to four goals Robinson_ made for strong opposition. nice reverse stick shot. of which he is an expert. A few minutes l:iter he retired with it pulled muscle. After half-time the Civil Service attacked continuously but l.ieut. Sproston in goal was in line form. Then, against the run of the play, Wellington scored SOCCER fixtures were cancelled owing to the a soft goal. the type which so often l)Ul-i 'l‘() the weather we h:ive only weather. beats a goalkeeper and wins a match. It was with regret that we learned been able to play oil’ one United The Navy have a series of hard of the death of Inst.-I.ietit. Ile Barnes. Services l)i\‘l\it|ll I League match and inatclies in .\lareli but in match was no mean
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Austria last month. junior team reached the quarter-finals -u rcsu ts: Two Collingwood Xls managed to by beating Luton Hornets 65-4|. Silsby (Plymouth) lost Collingwood retained the Ports- Feather-A.B. squeeze in five games all‘ told during on points to R. Taylor. M.C.A.B.A. this month. of which the first XI won mouth Command Knock-Out Cup for champion in I957. two and lost two and the second XI the fifth year in succession, beating L.E.M. Tyrrell (Ark Royal) beat T. lost one. The third XI. which con- «Vernon in the final 26—2l. and will lcke. on points. sists entirely of apprentices. was now represent thc_ Command in the Light.—E.A. Ronladson beat W. untried during January, as all their. ‘Navy Championships. Barber. on points. Light Welter-Sig. Shaw (Nore) lost to R. Tinklcr, on points. HOCKEY
complete RIZLA OUTFIT .1. costs only 92d.
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Collingwood Sports Report
every Iiad accoinplishcd so much in raising is expericiice being gained by this ()iii team. eiiiisistiiig of sortie well- the stzindard of lioekey in (‘oiling- young and imiuature XI. known names in (foinmand :ind Navy wood. R.N. Hockey Cup football. were shown by II.i\l.S. Sultan CROSS-COUNTRY how to recover from three goals down The semi-final results were: The year's first trial run was carried at hall-time. to win 5-3 itt lhe one R.N.A.S. Culdrose l v. Royal and only Division I match this month. out on January 22 at Dryad, against Marines, Eastncy. 0.‘s hope this lesson has been digested teams from Daedalus and Dryad. and H.M.S. Ariel 5 V. R.N. Barracks. resulted in Collingwood being a close by our first XI. Chatliam. 2. The second XI have had a little second to Daedalus. ('ollingwood's inter-divisional Faster The lin:il will take place on Wedmore success. both with fixtures and losing 6-0 to H..\l.S. term chainpioitsliips were held on nesday. March I‘). St iqcent in the semi-linal of the Janttary fit) over our 3;-mile course. conditions that can only be U.. Junior Challenge Cup. suc- 5. in ceases of the second XI to date include ilescribcd as had. A bitter wind was a win against the l’ortsnioiitIi Policel blowing and for the most part the -‘and a fourth-round victory over Car- course was ankle-deep in mud. A total berry Sports in the I-I:int~'. Jtinior Cup. of IN runners l1l‘.'l\'t.‘(l the elements to R.N. v. Midland Counties .whil.-it a draw was forced with R.A.l-'. compete for two individual trophies IT WAS not possible to include this Tichfield in the US. League and two team trophies. in the last issue. l)ivision ll. R:'.mlI.t'.— R.I3..\l. W'orsle‘,-' (ll in:itch The match took place at Iliriningmins. 38 secs.):_‘.!iid I-Z.A.App. (iorman ham RUGGER on January 21 and resulted in The New Year has seen us maintain (2! mins. -10 sccs.). Winning team with a win for the Midland Counties b_v four runners to count. llatcson "A" five bouts our standard of lirst XV rugger and. to four. Walker “A" (54 despite the loss of several players (It) pts.): Runiiers-up. The result is very encouraging as Winning team with eight runners the Midlands are possibly the owing to drafting. we have been very pts.). suitable replace- to count, Middleton “A" (I99 pts.); association in the amateurstrongest r_~--un.-ite i boxing (200 pts.). world outside of the London Division. limb of January we Rtuiners-up. Batcson ments. In e and this is the nearest we have ever played three games and won three. Collingwood has reached the semi- Seven BASKI-I'l'-BAl.L been to beating them since matches games were played during between the two clubs have been linals of the Command Knock-Out held. of which five were won and Competition. having beaten Dolphin January. E.A. Rona|d.son's performance is two lost. The senior team. tn:iinly con:iitd Osprey. of mention worthy as his uttptim.-nt_ The "A" XV havt: not fared as well. sisting of ex-appreiitices. were knocked W. Barber. was a finalist in the A.lI.A. because weather conditions prevented’ out of_ the National Championsliips championships last season and by East Ham. losing 50-29 after sented England in one of therepreplay during Jtinttttry. two reaching the last I6. The all-apprentice
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Welter—A.B. Knowles (Plymouth) beat S. Bishop. on points. Light Middle-P.0. (Air) Thornc (Ark Royal) lost to J. Elliott. on
-._ :Ji
Middle-O.’l‘eI. llryant (Ark Royal) lost to 1‘. Powers, R.S.B. third round.
Light Heavy-N.A. Dryden (Air) beat K. Bailey. R.S.Ii_ second round. Heavy-LS. James (Ark Royal) lost to T. Smith. on points. R.N. v. Welsh A.B.A. ln‘our annual match at Cardiff
February II. I three bouts to
defeated by
we were seven.
|;'.A. Ronaldsoii again excelled himagainst E. Robson. who is a full Welsh international. Results of contests were : Bantam-A.ll. Minarder lost to H.
glaympic nies. Iclieantes.
(l‘.[.‘/\[.“‘li:(!l;|. I Shaw d.\(l l ’
Light Welter-Sig. Rowlcy. on points. lips,
Made-to~Measure Garment Individually Hand-Tailored. Finest Quality I00"/0 All-Wool Materials Used Exclusively. Any Style or Design executed to Customer‘: Exact Specification. All Made-to-Measure Garments Tailored to our own Workroorns. Every Garment carries Guarantee ot Delivery, Fit and Satisfaction.
bcal L. Rol1.
lost to R. to W. Phil-
winning once and losing once. Light He:ivy—N.A. Dryden lost to C). Higgins. on points. l'leavy.—l..S. James lost to L. James. on points. A.B. Mc[)ermott (Plymouth) heat A. Iloiise, R.S.ll. second round.
Middle.-A.I!. Gleason lost to W. Morris. on points. Gleason has previously met this opponent twice.
Pitntcd and t'u'.-tutied lot and
T 'l
Feather-A.ll. Silsby lost to M. Collins. R.S.l3. second round. Collins is a full Welsh interntitional and has appeared in the llritish Fmpire has also boxed in the
Welter-A.B. Knowles lost
Davvn Addams and Paul Christian in R.K.0. Radio's Technicolor adventure. “Romincl's Treasure"
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