Quality Counts Bernard Tailored Uniforms and Plain Clothes for Royal N Oflicer: express 'l’erfcr:tt'ort in Cm tsvnamlrip.
BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road, Portsmouth Telephone 6596
30 Royal Parade, Plymouth Trlrphonr (-6543
Navy News
Clothe: requirements than that provider! by Bernard».
BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS -‘I-0 Contntcrcial Road. Portsmouth Tr/rplmnr (-596
30 Royal Parade, Plymouth
Navy and The Royal Naval Association
The Newspaper of the Royal
Pu/Jlislzed firs!
MAY, 1958
No. 48
Royal l\'avy Otliccrs a better service for their wt'Il_nr>t find and Plain
l'r’rI~}.-unr (st-54.3
Thursday of the month
Price Fou rpence
COMMISSIONING OF H.M.S. CEYLON H.M.S. C‘lZYl.0N. which is at present undergoing a rclit in H..\l. I)ocky:ird. I’orlst'nouth. rccommissioncd on April I5 for further service in the Far East. It is expected that the refit will he completed towards the end of July. and shortly afterwards the ship will sail for Malta for "working up." after which she will proceed to Singapore. ‘I he (‘ommanding Olliccr (Capt. I-I R. Twist. D.S.C.. R.N.) took the salute when his new ship's company juinetl the ship in the l)oclt_\':tnl from the Royal \':t\':tl llarrztcks. "lite comv mi~.sioning service was conducted by the ship's chzxplain. the Rex’. l). l'ilking.:tou. .\l..-\.. R.N. The present (‘evlon is the third ship of her name. and she is of S.tl()tl tolls. built by Stephen & Co. of (iovan on the (‘l\'dt:. and was completed in I943. The liist ('eylon was the Iiast Indiantau llombay of 672 tons. bought in India :tr.:.l made into a frigate. and in I803 her name was CllZllI),:t.‘tl to Ceylon. In It'll? slit: was converted into a troop ship. and in I832 she was titted as a
Further service in the Far East A.1v....c.3.,,.,,,m,.1,c Chief Petty Officer and Chief Artilicer
Rate ('()Nl-‘lR.\IA'l'lON HAS been received
that the following ltavc been advanced to the Chief Petty Otliccr or Chief Arliticer rate: Tu ('ltit'I I':'t!_\' 0/]it‘t'r.- -R. Bridge, JX.Sll2 I 32; W. Stewart. J.‘\'.7778t)l; (i. Lccounl. JX.l-10371‘. W. Kidd, .lX.l—l‘)-W3‘. K. llztxlcr. L\'.l5‘)‘)7l', W, Jones, JX.l7'/'3tl‘); ll. Hope, .l.\'.l52-l9l'. I’. .\lcCoy. .lX.l(il-105: F. (‘nu-nbcs.J.\'.|-t-8998: A. Bailey, .lX.l-ll}-I7: A. King. .lX.l-l(:-12-1'. R. Isloare. JX.l5-H52‘. R. Paton, JX.l5-17-‘.3. Tn .'s‘.C.I'.()_ (VJ -I7. Cumbers. MX.8l6(uS; l.. Kirchen, MX.7ll‘)-I65. To C.I’.(). (‘Ila l.S').~—H. Mitcltell. MX.S00.l(»8; J. Earle. .\IX.753568. To (f.l:‘.R..»t, A. Huckcr M X7057"; C. Russell. MX.6l93J: R. George. .\lX.708064; H_ R01. lason. t\lX.7(lts'03.‘l'. l.. Jones,
Capt. I". R. Twlss. |).S.C.. R .N.. takes the salute as part of Ms new ship‘: company, led by Lieut. II. [-1. Meson. march past to join the ship
receiving ship in Malta. She was sold at
Malta in I875 for £900. The second Ceylon was :1 yacht of 3H tons. built in l89l. This vessel saw service in the Mediterranean and Dardanellcs from June. l9I5. to May.
Petty Officer Saves Ship from Major
The l)uoou.I
llIolher’s Visit to Northern Ireland
large a
sprayed with oil fuel temperature of 200 deg. F, area was
The olliciul citation states: "At grave risk to his own safety. l’.()./ ling. Mech. llarlow_ who was in charge of the boilcr~roouI. lI1lL'l\Cll his way through the spray and sheet of hot oil and. although extensively bttrnetl. succeeded in shutting olf the sprayer
“By his brave action. he undoubtedly saved the laoilenrootn personnel from
serious injury and the ship from a maior lire." the citation conclutlcs, I'.O. Barlow, whose home is at York. is now serving in the aircraft carrier Hermes.
Outstanding Cigarette of
III-"airing Forecast See page 2
H.M,S. Blackwond (I.icut.vC.‘dr. D. G. Ray. l).S.C.. R.N.) will escort the Ilritannia across the Irish For the return passage, Her Majesty The Queen Mother will embark in the Royal Yacht at llelfttst on May Ill lltl.-$5 :i.m.). A local escort consisting of I-l..\‘I.S. Kilmorey (Liettt.-(‘dr.; V. A. J. B. Marchcsi. R.N.l. :\ coastal mineswecper of the Ulster Division of the R.N.V.R.. will lead the llritannia out of harbour. The Royal Yacht will then proceed to Portsmoutlt. escorted ‘by H.M.S. Malcolm (l.ieut.-Cdr. N. C. W. 'I'etlt:y_ R.N.), a frigate of the Second Training Squadron, where the Queen Mother will disembark utl May I2 at I p.m. The Royal Yacht will be wearing the standard of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Motlicrzind the flag of Rear‘ R.M. .»\dmiral I’. I)awu;ty. M.V.0.. I),S.C.. the Flag Ollicer Royal Yachts.
Cdr. R. Stohic. I).S.(.‘.. R.l\'.. inspects Royal Marine detachment Barracks, liastucy. bcforc cmhnrkatiuu
Chap p cl,
MXJ02-SIS. Tu (Vt. fllk.--—J. Curran. .\lX.76670l; C. Hugh.-hole. MX.573l7'. E. Willitlnls. MX.(nl750; C. Moon_ MX.6-I607. (('rmIium'rl mt pm:t- 3. column 3)
her last commission the FIRST 8.!-I.t\ I-‘OR GALLANTRY Ceylon was at Trincomalec when that ‘l'lll3. FIRST award to an oflicer or tlasc was transferred to Ceylon. and rating of the Roypl Navy ol' :1 British she was at Accra for the Ghana Inde- Empire Medal (Military Division) with pendence Ceremony. Prior to entering the distinguishing silver oak leaf for the Dockyard the ship had been to the gallantry on its ruse pink and pearl recently approved by the West Indies for the Home Fleet Spring grey ribbon. has been announced. Cruise. Ceylon sailed some 60.000 Queen, The recipient of the “Ii.F..M. I-‘or miles during the commission. (i.'tllantry"- as it is listed in the Landau (iu:t-In-~—is l’.0.,'Eng. Mech. Rohcrt llarlow, who last autumn was serving in the frigate l.och Lotuond. operating at the time under the Senior Naval Ollicer. Persian Gulf. While the ship was under way on September I‘), :1 hose to a sprayer burst in the engine-room in which P.(). Barlow was on duty. The fuel pressure was 220 lb. :1 square inch and H.M. YACIIT Britannia will have a Naval escort when Her Majesty Queen tlilizabethThe Queen Mother is emfor her visit to Northen lre~ land next month. Her Majesty will embark at Prince's Landing Stage. Liverpool, at S p.m. on May 7 and disembark the following day at Bangor at It a.m.. the Royal Yacht subsequently procccdittg to Belfast Harbour. H.M.S. Mcrscy (Licut.-Cdr. M. Hordcrn, RN.) :1 coastal mincswccper of the Mersey Division, R.N.V.R.. will act as a local escort when the Royal Yacht sails and the frigate
Navy News Eotro: Iiciit. (3) II. R. Brrrldrc. It..\‘.tItctd.). Royal Naval llanai.-Ls. Portiimouth ‘I'cl.: Portsmouth 74004 (list. 2I9«t)
Haw. I958
A Fleot Personnel Rating at IDBAFTING F0lIECAST ILMS. Ulster, August. PARTICULARS IN tlii'.r {on-cast Devonport. the Admiralty General Service Commission. U.K. liable at
for Bare alteratiort. The Homcfwcst Indies. U.K. Base Port, Port is the port at wlii'cIi a ship may be expected to gi'i'¢' [rare and to refit Dcvonport. CHIEF YEOMAN 0|-' SIGNALS ANDREWS. FROM THE as n gt-iicrul I‘Illt'. I;‘.vci'pri'oiis may be H.M.S. Ausonla, September. at DevotiMEDITERRANEAN. DISCl.’SSl'lS HIS NEW DUTIES imm'm'dtrb.le I1i'ciitI.s'i: of the operaport, for Foreign Service (.\IcditerA FLEET Personnel Rating is somethingquite new to the Royal Navy. and at tional ri.'qiiiri-iiieiils iiiiil the capacity ranean). the duties involved are being carried out as an experiment only. I am ii] the doclvyiirilr. Il.M.S. Dartington. September, at pres_c'nt and am attiiehed to the Coniniander-in-Chief, I/'t)ItitiIi'i'ri'ii.i,'. Rulings iimy vulimtcer privileged to be doing such a Hythe, near Soutliampton. for IN THIS issue we publish an article .\Ieditcrranean‘s. staff for dutyjob. as such. Foreign Service on Mediterranean /or any of Ilie .)lIIp.t', or /or .ri:rvi'ci: in from :i Chief Petty Ollicer \\ ho, :is an Station. me to discuss me, all of which I feel sure con- u prirIi'i:ulitr slittiim. or /or specific Briefly,this experiment. has been given duties with members empowers of the Lower Deck such /arms of It'I'I'll'L' (i-.,e.. Local Forcigri II.M.S. Centaur. September. at Devonwhich enable him to discuss with the subjects as clothing, accomniodation Feet. to the general benefit of the Scri'i'ce (Jeticrii! Si.'rt‘ii.'e). A: port. for General Service Commisor iuen of the Navy their conditions of and service conditions. sion. U.I{. llase Port. Devonport. to cerOne very important thing I have drii/Iirig iicliort is mlvcit at Icon tivu service and so on, and to convey the tain limits. Any views subject or learned; issues which we in our niuiillis tilieiiil. amrlitmiotis to serve Il.M.S. Canipcrdown. September. at feelings of the l.ower Deck to the obtained on these matters aresuggestions then sub- ignorance (I use the term loosely) often in .slit'p.v due to i‘i)imiii.r.vi'ori in the m.'.\'! Devoiiport. for General Service (‘ommandcr -in-Chief and through him mitted to the Commander-in-Chief. Commission (Meditcrranean,‘Hontc). consider to be it simple matter. /(‘W Ii't'i.'li3‘ are iiiili'.(cl_v to Iran: any to the Admiralty. This experiment is U.K. Base Port. Devonport. My visits to ships and establish- become much more complex when t'_l}t't‘l. :i hold one. but it is interesting to read ments have shown there are basic H.t\I.S. Salutes, September. at Devotifrom other angles and cannot SUBMARI-.\'l-I C0.\I.\lAND that the Chief Petty Oflicer found that problems common to all. many of viewed be I‘csoI\'i:tI by waving the proverbial port. for General Service Commis:it Admiralty. which he visited. "They which have been passed on to the at Chatham. Tirclcsi. II.M.S. May. sion (Mediterraneanfllome). U.K. magic wand. I feel we all have a for the 2nd Siibiuarine not only know most if not all of our Second Sea Lord's department at the Squadron. Base Port. Devonport. tendency to think "Their Lordship_s" Home Fleet. problems. but in many cases are way Admiralty. are all-powerful, which is quite ll.M.S. Thermopylac.June. at Devon- II.l\I.S. Armada. September. at Portsof us in the held of thought and it for Very recently was arranged mouth. for General Service Conti‘.iitiicious.'t1ic bare truth is that most Subni:irine for 2nd the i eas.‘ Squadvisit the Second Sea Lord's of their problems—ccrtainly most of port, me to mission (Mediterranean[Hoiue). U.K. What a fund of good will would Departments that I might discuss first those that Fleet. Home ron. Base Port. Portsnioutli. we care about—rcI:ite accrue to the .-‘idniiralty were the hand some of the points raised by men Portsmouth. at Aeneas. Jtinc. lI..\I.S. directly or indirectly to finance. "Their for the Silt Submarine Squadron. ll.l\I.S. Broatlsword. September. at reasons for implementing or not im- of the Fleet. I know it will be Rosyth. for General Service ConiLordships" do not have money to Portsmouth. plcmentiiig such and such policies appreciated that I cannot enter into spend mission (Mediterranean / lloiiie). until Parliament has said so: were eouinitinicated tn the I-'leet. :it Tiibard. II.llil.S. Devonport. July. detailed of these account disctissions. a U.K. Ilasc Port. Chiithaiit. and the way in which it is spent has There is a lesson here :ind surely it would take far too long. However, to be explained Submarine for the lst Sqtiadron. II.i\I.S. Leopard. September. at Portsin detail, down to the tli:it is—publicit_v of the .\'av_\ within I do feel it might be of interest to Malta. mouth. for General Service Coninnies. so that Parliament can check ll" the Nav_v is required. to of main record some missinit (llotric,Soutli Aniericit :ind GI-I.\’ER.\L many, it all afterwards. A lot of things come my this visit. impressions gained during South Atlantic). U.l\’. llzise Port. into this process that have nothing to II.!\I.S. Chzinicli.-on, .\lay, at Portland. Isn‘t this .\l;i|t:i biisitiess a pity? Devonport. do with what we should consider for trials. How Wrong 'I1iose of us who know .\liilta. those to important. H.M.S. Chlchestcr. Inlay. at Glasgo\s'. H.M.S. Lynx. September. :it Portswhom the island has been "home t'rotn I am bound to confes that like Despite this. those responsible for for General Service Coninussiou. mouth. for General Service Comhome"——we who have experienced the most men of the Lower Deck. I've our affairs really are on mission (IIoinc_lSoiitli Anierica and our side. Mediterranean;Home. U.K. Base warmth of the sun. picnickcd on tlte always thought of the Admiralty as Smith Atlantic). U.K. Base Port. Then there is the rule that of Port, Chatliani. beaches. worked and served with the a vague, mysterious organisation. com- the three Services should getnone Portsmouth. out of H.M.S. Cheviot. .\I:i_\'. at Stngztporc. Maltese people. are saddened by the of civil servants and step withthe othertwo—whiIc regrcttcd for Foreign Service on Far East lI.M.S. Houghton, September. at happenings there today. We hope iliat men. who had little knowledgeserving of or Hythe. for Foreign Service (Medimany. this is not always to the Station. the commonsense of both peoples—all contact with current conditions; how: avy's detriment: I am not sure that H.M.S. Dunkirk, May, at Portsmouth, terranean). ' IIriti.sli~\vill soon make itself felt for wrong we can be. we should have got the latest pay infor General Service Commission lI.M.S. Crofton. October. at Hythe. the nittltial benefit of all. “They" not only know most if not creases. which the Amy needed. if it Mcditcrraneanillonie. U.K. Base for Foreign Service (l\Iediterrane:in). all of our problems, but in many cases had not been for this rule. ll.M.S. Chaviton. 0ctobcr._ at Ilytlie. Port, Dcvonport. Nsvv Ni:w_~'. completes four years are way :ihcad of us in the field of These are just brief impressions II.l\I5. Jutland, Mai’. at Portsmouth. for Foreign Service (Mediterranean). with this issue. Witliout being thought and ideas. Of the sincerity of -ivcn in the hope they may lift the for Gi.-uenil Service Commission. Il.M.S. l.LundaII'. ()ctobe]'. at Devo_ngrowlli immodest it is felt that the paper is ftill those conducting oitr affairs. I have veil a little and to assure you all that port. for (‘ieneral Service CommisMediterraiiean!Home. U.K. Base sion of interest to all Iilihc who have the not the slightest doubt, be they civil those at the Admiralty (.\Ieditcrraiican,’lIonic). L'.l\'. are very much Port. Chatliaiii. Senior Service at heart. We realise we or Service personnel. Base Port. Dcvonport. aware of our problems, indeed, this is II.M.S. Trafalgar. .\l:iy. at Portscan do better—but we need our readers‘ During my few days visit. I was also ilie case at Command levels. for General Ser\ice Com- II.M.S. Ulysses. October. at Devonmouth. I.et have us support. your stories, able to talk freely and frankly at all I came away secure in the knowmission. Mei.literranean,’lionic. U.K._ port. for General Service Commisarticles and pictures. Altliougli we may levels. the result sion ('Mediterrancaii/IIoiitc). U.K. being that I learned ledge that all Admiralty Staff at Queen Base Port. Portsmouth. not be able to use ever_\ihiiig sent to much, something was lcamed from Anne's Mansions are Base Port. Devoiiport. working ex- Il.l\I.S. Albion, ;\Iay. at Portsmouth. all contributors be assured that can us. hard to gain approval for the for General Service Coiuniission. lI.M.S. Undlnc. October. at Portstremely article is considered and carefully every mouth. for General Service Coniconstant stream of roposiils coming Mediterranean/East liiilie.s,‘I-‘ar I.-Inst. used if at all possible. mission. (Mediterranean I Home). in from the Fleet. r problems are U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. given every reasonable consideration H.M5. Echo. .\lay. at Cowes. for U.K. Base Port, Portsmouth. and if our proposals are fair and conHome Sea Service (East Coast Sur- ILMS. Undauntcd. Octobcr._ at Ports“WITH A ’l'IIi\i\'KI*'L'L mouth. for General Service Conistructive, I am convinced we shall see vey). Base Port. Chatham. (Mcditerninuin I Home). good results. RI.-EM!-Z.\IBRAi\'(.'E 0|-' THY Sluys, J unc, at Dcvoriport, for mission U.I(. Base Port. Portsmouth. BY THE generosity of the late l-ieut. tria s. MERCIES" Il..\I.S. Fiskcrtun. June. at Hytlie. for H.M5. Duncan. October. at SotithGeorge Cockburu Yorke and his :impton. for Home Sea Service (5th Foreign Service t.\lediterranean). I] I lulu‘ llic ii'i'ii-4» -if I/lt’ niiiriiiug l'amily. the i\':itional M aritinic Fishery Protection and MS. SquadII..\I.S. Cossack. Juiic. tit Singapore. (llltl riviiuiii iii IlIt' lIll't'.“llli)\( ]mrl.t .-Nluseuni has just acquired an ex- (('i)iiti'i.-iia.’ ron). U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. for Foreign Service on Far East link with Nelson. from page, I. colmmi 5) tremely interestiug II.M.S. Urimia. October, at Devonii] the .rt'u, !;'v.'ii rlii-ru itlvii ilitill the bicenteniiry of whose hirlli falls‘ To ('11. Plbr.-—H. Station. Grunsell, port. for trials. lI.M.S. Loch Fzida. June I7. at Ports'l‘Ii_\' Imiii! [mil mi‘. and 'I‘/iy ri_i,-Iii this year. It is a .sword given by F. .\IX.62502: Winsborottgli. Nelson to Capt. George Coekbtirn in mouth for General Service Couiniis- Il..\I.S. Loch Ruthvcn. October. at limiil alltlll 1':--It.’ mi‘, J. Bruford, MX.(i38(il. .\l.\'.6U502; Devouport. for General Service commemoration of two actions which sion. lloniefliast Indies. U.K. Base '1); (‘li. M. (E.).—M S ma l I Commission (I-Ionic,l<‘.ast Indies). Port. Portsmoiitli. they sliared on December I9 :ind 20. I(.\'.9-I-I77; A. Carpenter. lI..\I.S. Ashton. June. at Hytlie. for U.K. Base Port, Devonporl. I796. K.‘s'.96t)76: K. Hill. KX.9(i792: Nelson. then .'i commodore. had Foreign Service (.\lediterraneau). Tomkin. W. I(X.8(i2I7; Harvey. been sent to evacuate the_garris'oii of II.-.\I.S. Binttlughitttt. July. at CitatR. K.\'.88l-I3; I(X.96873; Humby. Elba and hoisted his broad pendant sense ham. for General Service CommisTo .\I..-l..-I.-G. Tinn. MX.75-I867; sion. Home;Nlediterniitean. U.K. in La Mincrse, frigate. commanded \\'. Shaw. .\IX.8-82295. Base Port. Chalhant. by Capt. George Cockbtirn. On their To (.‘.P.O. Ti'l.—J. Pctehcy, II.M_S. Dampier. July. at Hong Isong. way from Gibraltar La -.\Iiucrvc fell . in with and captured a Sp;tl‘lI\‘II frigate. J.\’.2')232I; B. Warrington. for Foreign Service on Far East the Santa Sabina. and took her after J.\'.292995; R. O'Brien, JX.7l2-I58. Station. LTD. hard fought action. Next morning. lI.M.S. Cook, July. at Singapore-._for To C.l'.0. ll’ir. C. 3 Davidson, Road. Portsmouth ahowever. the arrival on the scene of Foreign Service on Far East Station. .\lX.8-4775. Phone 70063 II.M.S. Maxton, July. a_t Hytlie. for two Spanish battlesliips and a frigate '1}; .S‘.C.P.0. Operate the following Official Express Service G i (S.).—R st r forced them to abandon their disabled Foreign Service (Mediterranean). lor Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND _\l.\'.7l2976; B, Beasley, H.M.S. Blackpool, August. at Belfast. and to escape. It was to comLEEDS 41/6 prize D D. i .\lX.85-I679; h e t 0 n g for General Service Commission. , memorate these two days‘ lighting BRADFORD II/I .\IX.83l568. HUDDERSFIELD that Nelson gave Cockhtirii the sword Mediterranean/I-Ioiue. U.K. Base NI‘ SHEFFIELD 'l‘.i (‘.P.0. Ck. “I3 which has now found an liononrcd (0).—B. Newton, Port. Chatham. NOTTINGHAM 3|]- resting place in the National .\I:Il”IlIlIlC .\l.\'.859220. H.M.S. Protector. August. at PortsLEICESTER II]NORTHAHPTON Museum. Io Cli. Jiir.—Cloake_ MX.69335l. mouth, for General Service Com1|]LIVERPOOL mission Homi.-,Soutli Atlzintie and 40]‘ 1‘oCIi. El.-~P. Fleming, .\tX.58I37I; MANCHESTER Left in Trust 3|/4 South American Station. U.ls'. Base NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYHE I’. Gill, .\IX.8-14108. J1/6 Wlicn Admiral Sir CockGeorge srisrrotto Port. Portsmouth. Jo/_ To C.R.I;‘.-——.\I. l\IX.770-I47. Barton. after VVOLVERHAHPTON burti. and a long distinguislied II]BIRMINGHAM 151- career. died in I853, he left the sword '1'0 Ch. I’rr.—D. B.-times, i\IX.98708; COVENTRY 21]- and other treasures in trust for his E. Jane, MX.62S80; G. I-Iighton. WARWICK 10/.\IX.G039‘7. BANIURY I716 widow and afterwards for their OXFORD I5]- daughter, Augusta Harriet ASK YOUR “for To CJ.-‘..4.—C. Harding, MX.5‘76-12. PLYMOUTH III- their use and cnjo merit." Mary After the DRUHBRIDGES 2| 6 To C.().A.—.\I. Waugh, MX.778I90. OUTFITTER FOR death of the dim ter they were to EXETER I! To Cli. .S'Iti‘pr.—H. Nichols, BRISTOL IT I o to the holder of the baronetcy. SALISBURY . 3I.\'.73570; S. Wonh. MX.6277l. his meant that they came next to GLOUCESTER 15 I141!’ To .-I ._./tjli. Aircruli‘ Art.—D. Loving, AT A quarterly meeting of the TraSir Alexander James Edmund Cock|Ill‘I I. SWINDON CIRENCESTER 1|]- burn. Lord Chief Justice of England. L'I-.\.l00l88; D. Lane, l.,/I-‘X. falgar Services Club on March 25. '-_| ruin: HARLEOROUGH I5]- at whose death in 1880 the baroneiey of Tibbits I). I I D I Il..\I.S. no ll-$633. was LAUIDII Capt. Dryad READING became extinct. I5 PORTLAND ‘PUUO-l‘INII.D' IOR NIH’. IN Ill CIIMIIIS To .-I.fC'li. .-Iircm/I Ari. (0).--13. D. re-clcctctl as chairiiian; Rear-Admiral From rarcham HIThe sword next passed to the Yorke J. R. C.B.I:'.. as Cundall, honorary Jones I./FX.l00273. LONDON II]- family. into which had married treasurer; the Reverend W. H. S. '1.» .-t.,-'(.‘li. Mt-cIi.—-J. I’. Ai'rt'm[t take will the All these service: following route Georgiana Augusta, daughter of Sir (Tliapman. 8..-’\.. Chaplain of the SAVES ITS THREE I-‘arri.-ll. l-/FX.70-4581. for COGVEIIICDCO of Service Personnel. ILM. of Cockbum‘s chairman house the as and sister. George l)oekyard only Barracks. Eoxtncy: H.M.S. Vernori: Rare! Sailor: 'I'ii ('Ii. _.-Ii'r I-‘Ir. IAI'FII'(1IIIL'.I)."’.I. W. committee; Capt. C. W. Ilrocknian as finally to Lieut. George Cockburn Home Club uecn Street: R.N.- Barracks, TIMES Ran Inns". I- / FX.827-t94. Unicorn Gate: tanli.-, Rd. for l-I.M.S. Excellent: and Capt. R. Willianison R.N. This otlicer. after distinYorke. comptroller; H.M.S. Phoenix: ILA.O.C.. Hilxca Barracks. Tu (T/I. Air Fir. (EIIglII¢‘.\).‘—'I). A. Jones as vice-chairman. guishing himself iu the Second World Cosbcm. Hornet: Town Qiicr. Ferehcm. Also IDEAL FOR NAVAL l)el'ries. I./I-‘X.8l'i'730; G. 1.. War. was accidentally drowned in a In his quarterly report. the chairpicking up at I-t.M.S. ‘An’:-I at cnccpci mu. How ell. I./I-‘)\'.8I-I547. accident in the Moray I-‘irtli iii man reported that the club continues N.B.—’l‘o all shlps visiting Ports- sailing WEAR I948. To (.‘Ii. .-fir I-‘iitrr (0m'.).—}I. G. to flourish and to be used by a large mouth: Spccial facilities to meet The Museum already exhibits two number of the ratings in the Fleet. Bishop. I.;'l-'X.774-$9. your particular travelling require- portraits of Sir George Cockburn by ‘Hie restaurant meal prices were in Trade '1‘. i ( ‘Ii. .4 imimt (A ircra/I IIumIlcr).—ments cau be organised at short enquiries: W. Bcechey and J. J. llalls. a below those obtainable elsegeneral J. G. Hale. I.,v‘FX.670506. notice. barometer given to him b_v Nelson where and the prices of night cabins. ('li.l;'l. Tn A. lAI'r).—R. Forrest. and his Naval General Service .\led-al bed-sitting ctc.. remain, at Write, phone or call |_,l"X.3|7607; P. J. L. lloxall. present. at rooms, with six bars. the largest number ever a remarkably low rate. TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. I_"F'.‘.'067-ll; J. T. Driscoll, Various improvements have made the carried by one ollieer. 'l'lie llcechey 30 WHITEPOST LANE I. I‘X.‘)22825. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsuiouth portrait shows the Admiral wearing club popular with Naval ratings on this very sword. WIIICIII has now come Ti» ('Ii. Iiitiliii El. f.-Ii'r).—-.\l. D. shore who want to get away front their Phone 70863 E.9 to rest in .1 case near by. .\I.i.'sh.‘iII. I./I“X.67033b. -sliips and shore establishnients. to
l .l _I..?.
Advancements .
lllllllllll lllllll
that is smart!” .
TrafalgarServices Club
fir. I958
SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NA VY A Lady on theRoad No. 32. H.M.S. VIC —.0RIOUS
Motoring Notes
able to give a I-lillman on ‘the road-test appetite having been My Vsltcltcd. this month. by courtesy of the directors of lE.;\l.A. Ltd.. I was luekv enouglt to have the unlimited use for a week-end of the latest ntodel Sunbeam Rapier. Sunbeam Rapier Sports Saloon \Vltilst the Minx and the Rapier obviously come front the same stable there are considerable differences be-
while tintil the engiite was properly 1-55-A winged female Iigurc if up. warmed Badge: from the road-test point of view _I _h;.bn.,-d 3314 Supporting with me must confess sortie dttliculty—;i|beit hands uphflcd 3 wr.;,-.11. of [gum] pleasant oitcs. Instead of observing white. and reporting. I found myself really Iluilt at: Newcastle upon Tyne by motoring ltard. using the gearbox Vickers-Armstrongs(Shipbuilders) Ltd. than really necessary and more May 4, I937. generally using .1 big stick with the Laiddown: Launched: September 14. I939. sheer joy of motoring in a ver_v Completed: May 15. I9-tt. smooth. rally-bred. good quality car. Rebuilt: H.M. Dockyard. PortsIn quieter moments. when forced to in trallic queues. led as always mouth. I950-I957. potter the tvtcen two cars. although they by sellislt individuals going nowhere Displacement: 37.000 tons full load. ltave the same wheelbase. track. and at all at I8 nt.p.h. on a main road. I Length: 740 ft. (P.D.t. 78l ft. (o.a). dimensions. general was made to realise tltat the lleant: (Hull) I03‘. ft. 'l‘-~I '~;l .;: '5 ». 'V‘“‘'“l''"'“"'‘ car .1 \t.l'_\ “rldlh; (0_;,_, 145.; [L ‘H m 1 III is a so a very ioci e anti y car. ; I785 (pun) llillntan Min: Petrol consumption. driven I‘ ‘ttl\‘. bl .‘n' "d"~'f:'l'fr' ~_ .790 ..... ratio never did rnu_m .It Is ccI'l:mI V In cw-‘s~ u ‘0 1“-P-I-‘dudu I 7.;-niti l ‘urniretion Hinge aids to Naval ll)lIl[‘.4-lllt. pcrl -A lltc third ship of this name was a '"‘-ll lhe nest Victorious was launched ‘l,"‘“" 7i_ flight deck. steam cauipult angled fully Gem”. Opinion mu" at llucklcr‘s Hard in I808 and was a first-class battleship of H.900 tons ‘l".-mil ‘l”"“5 aids. mirror and landing A good looking. comfortable l "'l"~" 3 '"‘-'l‘ 7-S-gun ship of L724 tons. Broken up launched at (‘hathain in I895. Sold to Victorious of the modernisation The potent car. which handles almost per9.‘. sq. inch in limb. a ship-breaking liriii in I923. which started Portsmouth at Dockyard. fectly and which leaves no doubt as‘ in October. I950. and prolonged to I‘) cwt. 2 qr. Weight (ttttladctt) "NC. ll I L L .'......... !..........l. to why it won the R.A.C. Rally and I7 2| l’air. “ml R"P'" in. x in. ll¢\'|€<?5 the cnilhlc The Rt. WHIP’ The Governor-General. 5‘ .l=|l¢5l came so near to winning the Monte MS NC“ '-lit‘ M l-494 Int?!“ I0 Hon. Malcolm .\Iaedonald's stay 5751 l‘“"“€ll Pliqlfltsfitttlt of Il.R.I-I. “-°' f lC_°|' t "0_F-“' ‘dthe At Carlo. same time it is a cont, Duke of litliiiburgh being piped on board H.M.S. .‘\|aIt:rit_v. .luly r.p.m. [0]-[;1bIc_ and very safe family car, largest task of its kind ever undertaken b‘.h.p. “Vt‘|' lh¢_-Sltlb‘ fill‘ the last time I and July I5. 1946. Size: I8 in. (“'“l" r"““ which the most ]lllIflllICC£l and "1 NIL‘ “l1_h¢ R‘_")'€|l-D‘_‘Ck)'=|“l5 0|’ l‘)' as captain of H..\l S. .\lagpie. /.cnitlt x 13 ;n_ (5°.,d_ ;m].'.,.;d.,;,1 could not a commercial shipyard in the country. twin disugmcubgc I8. l95l. Si/.i.: II in. X 8 (l"l"'l' ‘l."‘"" July |{__\[_5_ ‘\,w,m,ul During the past seven years the Vicseriously CriliCiS¢II in. Good. As a passer-by rciitarked :is I ate toriou; has bccn comptcicly 1-L-[mi]: 4335 pmmcd “MCI. cl.h,u, ‘,1’ --Alley [mm 9 nt_v picnic lunch—-"A lovely car you; above the hangar deck. The former I H.M.S. Mi.-rntaid L‘. In ()ld (_,'o\'emr)" by Laura iitclt rcar have there chum." I eouldn‘t agrec'_ gallery deck~immediatcly bclowdlie Size: I7 in. .\ I‘) in. (-279 Framed water colour cartoon of l_l:i_ynes. :i Mermaid 1-tot sq. inch. by llynes. Size: I-air. more. Front the sublime to the “gor flight deck and above the hangar—is II cwt. I7 in. 3: I4 in. Fair. Weight (unlatlcnt bliniey"—I could hardly tell ltim thatl now unique in British carrier ll..\l.S. Alli:-rstone Standard equipment on the Rapier mi’ “W” C1" 5*‘ it limd l’“P"li||'~ ‘tion by extending continuously through 39.3’; I-‘ranted painting of -“rhc Aum._ 6280 Framed water colour cartoon of t\lcrmaid by I-lync-5_ Sim; a includes water thermometer. oil [s,.,_-._-5;.” :16, [u||ow.~;:~ the length and breadth of the ship. ‘lune Hum-v gin. 11in \. '9 in l7 in. 3: I4 iit. I-‘air. £|.0~t-I She has also been almost entirely retllllltln‘ "ml 1:3},-_ Rapier sports saloon l‘|'t-“\l"'-' LEIIUSC. H .il.b. \ l\creitIe 5| -_[04 ,_],_.gjgn¢d i,-“cm-,]|y antntetcr. two-spec." screen wipers. Rupicr gnnvcrtihlc d "_315_ 3 43”‘ Rmililttgttlzir \\-tingle" I,-ilgcld with a cheap car agreed. but nice‘ cigarette lighter and w.irning lights 11“ 775.f‘__|ong night deck has the ‘I675 I-‘ranted plot I and oval Il'.|llIL.ll0r§ \\ith crossed igni- things always cost a little ntorc. u, 4 [L bccn original Wimmg M, Frank iitscri c guns "Caiitpo \Iilit‘tr .1 “ L.K1..1 H). --\- i..ir_ I5..1 1.. :‘IC hievc its u y angled deck or landt..ttr.tgt. R um mm (‘at ll“l‘r mcrdm‘ l)L can '"l'l"d" l"”‘ ,; ;, lloanc. 23rd November, ,‘ Sin: :3 m_ X :0 ln. Dum_.gul_-. ing aircraft it has been extended oiitand has -tth l‘)5I." amt counter Size: 12 iii. x 8 in. Fair. (3rd A reader in H.M.S. Ranpura gears: rev. wards on the port side for -tl ft. for I-‘.rir. clock. H.M.S. Queen EllL1l)¢‘_lll pulled me up for an erroneous state- a length of I20 ft. The island has ll..\l.S. Danae 1 standard front seats issue. are Separate ment in the March been kept small by present-day standWood shield with metal shield -306 R_cctangular woodcn 5|".-1,1 “ml .‘.~ll5 readers on tlte_ir ards to give the maximum deck area In trying to put metal plate of footballer ‘and are fully adjustable. circular inscribed. "City Centennial late in mscrihetl guard against a car registered To for aircraft by siting the large operaOn the Road Awarded to H..\l.S. Trophy. next the described as ll..\l.S. Queen I-Ilisaltctlt," Size: tions room and associated compartl)anac. Second Prize Band ContThe Rapier is a car which looks the year beingI been have in. .\ S in. Poor. too ments below the flight-deck level. year's model. may _l_t_) l3th .-\nnu.il Conven-_ pctition,_ good and feels good as soon as yott emphatic of the that in stating year sit in it. On the road it is even better Outstanding feature of the Vicof the actual is the year registration torious‘s new outline is the immense and is a sheer joy to drive and ltandlcs There are exceptions such as imcar. radar aerial mounted above the island. well nigh perfectly. The main concars. e.g.. front Ireland. which ported trols. particularly the central gear 'l‘lie radar installation provides the be well two or three ‘years old may air defence radar in lever are correctly placed. even the in'this country. best ship-borne Iirst when registered "combine foot dip switch being placed nicely is the world and is stated todiscrintinabook the registration Forttinately. Zll\‘lI_L_!\l\lC the clutch pedal with usually endorsed to this effect. but it early warning and high in adequate space for the left foot. should lion of an aircraft's position A plan number cltassis the doubt in Starting froitt cold was instan- be referred to the local agent for and height simultaneously." comelectronic semi-automatic and taneous and the citoke could be plex identification. with although qtIickl_\'. dispensed very system collects and displays the inARSH. I3. .\I A. formation. enabling the Admiral or a slight tlat spot remained for a short (‘aptain to see at a glance the tactical situation in section of the sky tor miles around him. Two parallel track I45-ft. catapults are fitted forward. Deck-landing Imirror sights are fitted port and starboartl— the latter mounted otttboard its own large sponson lutcaiise of the angled dcck——while there are also ‘two ltiglt-speed lifts to bring aircraft ‘up front the hangar decks. fourth of The present ship is the titer name. The first was a third-rate of L65‘) tons launched at ltlackwall ‘in I785. Taken to pieces in ISO}.
.2. ‘. §:l
15.... Ettltltp. u“l_‘l'_ ";“_l5
pot_i.ltttrspo_iI'ls li:irtlt(wf;:;l“plLmmt "..‘;..:.“:t.f..."3t. . '.'.‘. .".-. =‘:.i"‘-‘~1.-x's-t.'.*!‘;~. §!,’<.!*:",*,:*:':.r.",°-'.::':.' :;;'::; dll_§Cj’)\‘Cr. bll l hr’ hc'”‘!'-"Kl: Smh" ml ‘ills “:i.N:,: specd'l ..
73‘(t?-5.-0t) ,
ltfsiilgt. '
fil ‘-‘l
{i(:l'"l C.|.ll .lIl |I.\. _
If [not olnly
W‘ """""
sailors DO
lon t
’i§l lPWlt|~lt‘lt'EIt .iuitt.\‘~t:tt NAVY.
lwtto I~'0llNltEll A
girl in vri-ry port can. at best. prove little itiore than .1 diminishing a\.~.et-~cven to the most resourceful sailor. The A
little coiites'whcn those who care for their future wish to lttI\l1;ltltl their rcsoiirccs, and ii Pearl Iiudowinciit l\S\’tIl':IIlCi.'is ideal for doing this since it not only provides you with a definite cash stint at a definite tintc. but 2Il\0illl\I[tl\llllllIt:Lll1llC protection for your wife and family. In
co-operation with the Admiralty. who commend
prutlcnt fornt of saving, it has been arranged that serving ratings and Royal .\lanne other ranks can pay their premiums monthly under the navalallotmcnt scheme. .
l'or ftill details fill without delay. .
2':l ‘Ttl:ri:BoM1
To i-eiuu. Assuiumcs Co. l..td.. High Holborn.W.C.I ' *'*°"" “km vithow mmmiuinz mils“ In -M my to have lull particulars olymir ENDOWHENT ASSURANCE.
the attached coupon
Face the future with
.Ai\' AN(il_()-JAI‘Ai\'F.Sli ceremony mzirking the 338th anniversary of the ‘death of Will Adams. a native of ‘(iillingliam. Kent. who was shinwrecked in .lapan some 350 years ago. coincided with the arrival at Yokosuka. this week. in H.M.S. Alert._ of the Commander-in-Cltief. liar lzast Station, Admiral Sir Gerald Gladstone. I-(.(‘.Il. .‘ 11 e 61"" q hmnc“ : will phim“ : , ; cm,J_."_ inm,duc‘_.d the “.__.sh_.m scicncfl or muthcntzttics and astronomy to .l:ip:iit :utd as the pioneer of Japanese and "M,-ig;ni9n_ ¢;..“.; (0 be regarded as the father‘ of the Japanese Navy. He was so highly rcgarded by the Shogun ol'_the day that he was made a $:lITllll'£ll. an honour never before. or since. bestowed upon -a Westerncr. Admiral Cladstone. with RearAdmiral F. s. Withington‘. Con_t— "Hindi-‘F 07 Ihc U-5- NW1!‘ “WW5 I" Japan. and other international dignilaid wt-.cuu.Is at lhc “nub Of. {he [:“..iL:s' British ntartncr. and the British Lascellcs. Sir An_tbass_ador. paid tribute to A ants‘ memory. wlls The .C°mmandcr'ln'Chl°l Stuart. I’. B. accompanied by Cdr. I).$.C.. (C o in m a n din g H.M.S. Modestc) and Cdr. Sir Peter Anson. .Bart. (Commanding H.M.S. Alert).
dI)aniel _
Date of5mh____~
If 5'0U'rc going for good or iust a few years you'll need a car when under our special you get there. lluy :i new llillman model now export scheme. Pack the receipt in your suitcase and pick the car up when you get thcre—;'.o extra charge and you buyat export prices! Call at our showroom today your llillman model can be on its way tomorrow! -
“on no“, so 1- " '“
"“ ,
IASIION t’ItlmG Sutton INC-1'5"
HILSEA in ma
c0I‘JNTi ram:
Miiv. I95!
Out of Unilbrm
Leading Wren Kerr. of Dtieltcm of Kent Bamieks. Portsmouth.
The Star and Carter Home for Disabled Sailors. Soldiers and
Airmen, Richmond, Surrey T0 GRUMBLE. to groitse and to nio:tn is undoubtedly one of the
who made this lioiise-coat front six yards of niiitcrial at ‘.1 cost of £1 45. 0d.
greater reliefs in this troublesome and trying world but there are of course those moments when one sltould count one's blessings and such an occasion will occur after :1 visit to the Star and Garter Home at Richmond. There you will find 200 ex-Scrvice- TO VISIT LL’-LW()R'l'Il COVE men. some of whom are suffering from‘ THF. SOUTHSEA branch had a most war wounds and tile others whose afternoon on .\londay April health has broken down since they left enjoyable l-l. when welcotiied Mrs. Winter! we the Services. '1 hey are. however, all so to our monthly tiicetittg. disabled at they eaitnot lead M l'. Stewart. the ('littreh of Scotland 9 ordinary life but who. ll\llWllll\lltl"lt.lltl§!.chaplain. opened our titeeiitig with a_ alllietions. r;idi;tt.: such :i spirit th_ei:'Cl‘tCCI'l.tllItL‘s\' ‘hymn and a prayer. 1 or as one wotild only an“. N find Mnmum mow whn “W * ""m M“ "i-"""m ("mp"r'" fortunate ettouglt to he lit and well.:“"" ‘h"‘“"‘l 9‘ “ '“."‘l "."”'“"l'"“‘”.“ll lite Home is alvvavs full and indeed “uh? varied collection ot spring hats‘, \llS" at the moment there are about 40 men bi rm" “P-' ‘‘m‘“'"'‘‘'‘ "‘‘‘"m'’ on the waiting list. which in clfect pl“-5“! W” W‘-rc ""7-V l"'“°'‘‘’l “’ ttteans it must inevitably be some I“ to ‘“"'"" “f .P“l"“”'-“°"l C“"l’°"." I8 months if not longer before slime "D‘""”‘Y Road. for arrangtttg this excellent, Of “mm can be “mined. .\lrs‘. Pickering proposed Five of the patients took part in the parade. and Boer War. two-thirds served in the the vote of thanks. Winter drew the lticky numbers t First World War and the remainder in forMrs. the rallles. The first prize. a piece the Second World War or later. It given by Mrs. Bruce-Walker. will. therefore be appreciated that of bacon ‘‘'l”‘- l)‘"‘'' “ml ll” 5°°“"‘l free and happy home rather than that these ex-Service men are of all “"lj“ “'°“ half a pound of cheese, by Mrs. of ;. hospital, The best nictjit-;.| in-M. ages: the youngest. who served in DI'|£L‘. is. liov_vc\_'er, always available the Royal N_av_v. was under 2] when I. I _l I when this is llt2t.‘L‘S."illl')'. some of he was admitted in November. I956. -"_' and. i‘“""“" ‘W I‘-“ “M” ‘ '" '""*the most able doctors and surgeons‘ of while the oldest is now over 87. lll ntouth takes the return on journey. the day are ready to give freely of all. there are 2] cit-Royal Navy and .\lenthcrs .lutte 9. on Monday. place their advice and help. five e.\-Royal .\larines. wishing to go. should send their names The Home still continues as an inde\\'orth-while Visit to Mrs. Dore. 28 Grant Road, Farting- pendent charity and is not parrof the The llottte. which well repays a visit. ton. (Tel. Cosliant 78t)8l.) National Health Service. At the beginis situated at the top of Richmond Hill ning of cacti year it needs‘ about £-1tl.000_ to close the gap between it dependable iticonie and essential expenditure. I’t'c-war etidowntents were
(\5‘\\‘0‘tl lt<IMtg:'k_lCC't:ll;l‘lfl1t(lt‘l.! '
tion for the l. excellt. fixtures it These provided -' I R .IV pctittvs. experience Th c season sarle wt I lie t nttic1. is art (1 (rd I \t\ 1" ‘" and fitness the ribiltqr boxing improve her. lliesr. proved invaliiahle. tn act of the }{_N_ l,_.;,.“. the Selecliotis‘ ttiade during these trials. Th‘ R'N' C|m'“pmmhim “‘r‘ in.1 i I 8 with the exception of the middle and 4 r -s. I Ad‘ ,
R"-[ml ":"pPl?” ._
T'“‘l,‘,l‘*'l“l ‘i‘_"'5_"“_"“‘l‘_ "‘l“"l‘,'_"“ .
eventually comprised .
I' 1 i : l " l ' ; r_ .}'h:)'é;£?‘ ? (}3n‘ g ‘ : f:°p;:":;;:Cfl ? Zmdp w’n“n‘Md sclcclions '
the linal team which took part in the rig,‘ n; ‘hc “ P Associatioti liiipcrial Service lloxitig 5. "mac m the R'N'1"“'S' fliatiipiotisliips. lt was fortunate that The individual results in the R.N. V» at this time ll..\l.S. Ark Royal was H in llontc waters. and consequently Cliiitiipionsliips were: Flyweighl: A.ll. livans. Plyiiiouth. was able to send a number of very llantatiiweiglit: A.ll. M I n a r d e. talented bovers in the ship to the llottte l-‘leet. trials. and who sttbscqttcntly gave I A.ll. l’lySilsby. l-'c;ttlierweight: to boxing. Navy utagttiticent support |V niotitli. The lirst fixture was with the ‘' Lightweight: F..A. Rotialdson. l‘0rlS' Soutlietn ('ouiities. at Portsttioiitli on mouth. Decetttbcr (u. The Counties produced I.ight-welterweigltt: AB. Knowles. a very sound teatii with some boxers Plymouth. of national statidard. The result. a Welterweight: .-‘Lil. Young. Ports‘5- -I win for the Royal Navy, was a tnoutli. most sgitisfactory start to the season. Liglil-middleweight: l‘.(). Tltortie. lt was. in fact. the first win for five Home Fleet. years‘. ‘On. January 24 the team visited Middleweight: AB. Gleason, Ports1 lgoal for the W.R.N.. w ieh would ‘have tiiade the score 2 -all. had left (t.\'lZ ()l-‘ siv ('li.t:ii.int \\'rens- cont- éthe .shontei".s hands. but had not pctitig agaitis: f)ll .\.i\.il cadets and |ctitered the goal-ring when the whistle apprentices. I‘)-year‘-oltl .-‘vngcla Mit- Efor the end of plav soutided. and was t,-hctt, of the R.\'_ ll.:rr.:cits. ( li.ttliani. .therefore not counted in the tittal shot her \\'.t._\ to consplctious success at ‘score. 'l'eatit positions at the end of the the annual Norc ( ntlitll.'.l'lLl Ritle and N58 (‘lianipionsliips vvcte :lieiet'orc: Revolver tiieetiiig. lst. \\".R..-\.l‘.: Ind, \\'.R..-\.C.; 3:’d.l ()n the R.N. Raiiges‘. Slieerness. Angela liatidled her title like a veteran. although it was the tits: time she has ‘
entered a competition. She finished best individual scorer iii the 200 yards deliberate shooting events for juniors: then ended tip second highest scorer in the whole junior entry. l was And she said afterwards‘: "
lucky. My only previoiis experience of rille shooritfg has been at fun fairs." But those steady liantls-_ and the straight eye were really no coinci very
dence. Her father. Mr. (‘ltarles .‘slit-
Whimple Street_ Plymouth Please quote me in accordance with your advertisement in “Navy News". l03 Commercial Road, Portsmouth.
24 Cornhill, London, E.C.3.
Amount of Special Capital Payment 1‘, Date of birth ll‘ connected withSubmarineService or F.A.A. please give details of duties. .. ......................
............. ..
to meet
they are
the rate
patients. Further ftttaticial help is,
continue its founders would
therefore. essential if it is
with its work as have wislted. Should anyone wisli to see for hintself how the patients in the l‘l0ll\t.‘ are looked after the ('otittitandattt hopes you will write to hint and suggest one or two alternative dates for the visit, preferably in the afternoon. so that he can itt:ike sure that arrangements‘ cart be ttiadc to show you round the
I’Iioro—0'Huru. I’Itl.ilu;;rupl-It". Richmond‘
Some of the Inmates of the home in ii happy mood Tl-ll-'. ll.M.S. Vernon branch held a overlooking the Thames and enjoys appeal for funds made by the Aucbeautiful views in tioneers aml Fstate Agents lrtstitutc. general meeting in the Cinetiia. l-l..\l.S. one of the mostt‘ir~‘.t opened in l9lt’i had been purchased and presented to Vernon. on Wednesday. April 16. at England. It was 2.15 p.in.'t\lrs. E. A. lllundell pre- under the auspices of the British Red Her .\lajesty Queen .\l.iry for the purwho tied sided and welcomed the new cliztplain. Cross Society in the old Star and pose of aceontnioilatingthose the Rev. ll. A. Watson, who said the Ga.-re: Hotel. which. as a result of an been gricvously disabled iii the First
Wlty not ensure that your dependants receive an amount equal to your Special Capital Payment, if you die before retirettiettt? £5,000 Life Assurance cover for six months would cost only £l6.0.l0 for :1 general service ofliccr or man :tged_44. A similar policy for one year would cost £2-4.1 1.8. Post this slip for :1 personal quotation and full details.
most generous scale but
at which present expenses rttn and it now costs tiiore than three times as ntucli as it did in 193‘) to maintain the
nothing like sutlicieiit
Vernon Branch of Friendly Wives
on :i
lady Grantham .-ltteittls I
(hicf Gunnery opening prayers. ltistrttctor at Cliathzint llarracks. We were very pleased to have Lad; Most of the other awards iii the and t\lr.s‘. BcL'.t.'. president ittnior section were won by boys front Grantliani ll.M.S. Ganges‘. the R.N. trainin'-3"“ "l cc-president of the Portsiiiouth Area R.N.F.U.S.W.. with us as guests. estziblislintctit at Shotley. Sutlolk. for the afternoon was Angela received her medal front TheS. speaker L. Whiteombe whose talk on Commodore J. F. D. Bush. command- Mr. cheese. illustrated with samples of ing the R.N. Barracks. Chathant. (Cimtitittetl in mlmmi 3) (RucIte.iIcr & tiillitrgltutii Neiizv) was
chcll. ex-.\'avy.
‘v:;ll"'ll‘;_"('lmf'_‘ ~""¥"I"l'-ff"}"531l“ -
ni.tny ditferent varieties. was most interesting. His very wide knowledge an_d easy delivery made his talk on this vast subject scent all too short. A vote of thanks to Mr. Whitcontbc was
proposed by Mrs. Bartlett. Prizes were very kindly
given _
Mrs. Prior. were rattled by Mrs. Brewer and won by Lady Grantham and .\lrs. Begg. Tea was served by the tea committee under Mrs. Bird. Our thanks are due to Wrens Cooke and Munro for so kindly looking after members‘ children during the meeting. Future Events The general meeting on May 7 will be a beauty dentonstration given by .i represeiitati\'e front Hattdleys Ltd. It has been found necessary to alter the June meeting back to its original date. June 4. We hope as many memher; as possible will attend to ensure the election of it truly representative contiitittec and apologise for any inconsenicncc which may have been
caused by alterations.
The sewing meeting will be held on .\lay 2| instead of the last Wednesday. 'lherc are still some seats available for the summer outing to Poole on June ll. Tickets 95. including adniission to the Potteries are available front the honorary secretary. Colce Party in Aid of King George's Fund for Sailors A bring and buy coffee party will be held in the Cinema on Tuesday. May 13 at H a.n't. in aid of King Gcot'ge’s Fund for Sailors. We hope to raise a large sum of money for this most deserving cause and all members and friends will be welcome. Tickets price ls. can be obtained front the honorary secretary or bought at the door.
World \'r':ir and who would require nursing attention for the rest of their lives. It soon becatitc apparent thafntorc accommodation was required and. the old lt0_lcl being unsuitable for expanwas decided that :1 new sio_n._ It should be erected. butlding l‘o enable this to be done the British Women's Hospital Committee launched many appeals, the response to which was ntagniticcnt. and gifts of money. large and small. came in from the women of the Empire and indeed front all over the world wherever the .-\nglo-Saxon way of life
Demonstration at Havant AFTERTHE Rev. Patrick Walton had opened with pr:tyers—for tliose at sea, and all in need-—and the i';ival Hymn ltad been sung. Mrs. H:trdic (Chairntan) wclcoiticd all tltose present. who included Mrs. Winter (Area Secretary) and members of l)rayton ()tltcers' Wives‘ Club. Announcements were read. and thanks given to all Committcc members who had made the Easter Children's Party such a success. 'l1tc Hairdressing Departntettt of the Fratton Co-operative Stores were reprcscntcd by a party of hair stylists. who then presented a dentonstration of modern methodsof cutting. waving and general care of hair of ditlercnt colourings and textures. etc. Loud applause greeted each model as—lter patience rew;trded—slie walked among the tables. and all agreed that the trend of today had much improved on the oldfashioned ideas of hair beauty. The manager of the branch was warmly thanked for his kindness. and the excellent commentary. Tea was served by Mrs. B. Jones and her Coiiimittcc. and raflles—drawn by .\lrs. Winter and presented by Mrs. Freer and Mrs. H:twkin.s'—were won by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hardie. A large gathering of sntall folk on
the rule. Thereby enough funds raised to build the new Home and provide generously for its endowment. The building was completed in I92-l. when Their .\lajesties King George V and Queen .\l:try paid a visit to the Home and the Queen. as patron. received the deeds of the property. Dignity and beauty. as well as all practical aspects. were the keynotes of the new building. including a large -number of lifts. level floors and wide April ll. thoroughly enjoyed Friday. corridors for the easy passage of wheel the with tricks of "Linello." a chairs and other aids. so that the a whimsical personality. coniuror organpatients can do as much as possible ized by Mrs. C. J. Hortongames (\’ice-Cli:iirfor themselves and lead a life as near man). and a tea provided by the Comnormal as possible. In theSecondWorld mittee. Lollipops. to round otl‘ the War the Home was fortunate in that it aftcmoon. were received with great received little war damage. though. glee. after the war, many costly repairs and replacements were needed to restore the Home to its original condition. The greater part of this work Commandant E. L. E. lloyerwas made possible front a very subI)i.rcctor of stantial grant received front the Joint Millar. 0.B.l-2., W.R.l\‘.S.. Service. Committee of the Order of St. John the Women‘; Royal Naval has been appointed an Honorary and the British Red Cross Society. Aide-dc-Camp to the Queen from Objects April 7. W58. in succession to ComThe objects of the Star and Garter mandant Dame Nancy M. Robertson. are to provide the atntosplierc of a l).B.E., llon. A.l).C.. W.R.N.S. was were
l unorai-y llitle-tle-Camp
.\liI,\‘. U58
' Il
Il lfi
personal problem_. ASK JOHN ENGLISH
Have YOU
Julin l:'ti;.-liiltwill in: plmscrl to nn.rireI your queries. .-I .ll'{lIII{7t.'(l rrrlr!rc.sii'rl c'Itt'cl0pC will be ripprccinlcrl. Dr \R Siit. Talk about :in lrislititaifs l'l\i,‘_ The Pit)‘ itiercascs this moiitli were atttlounced with a great llourisli of trumPL‘l-~:iIid now I learn from my husband that it must all go on in;-'r._-~,.-mi rent for our iiiarried quarter. I am dis.
I.l-'..\\'ING THE SERVICE .-\.\I a Petty Ollicer Engineering .\lecliaiiic on a I2-years‘ engagement serving in ;i mzirried accompanied draft in Malta. .\ly titiic expires in June this year. but I shall return to the United Kingdoin in November. having volunteered to complete :1 t\vo-;iiid-:i-hall'year coniiiiission. I would like to know whether: (I) I am entitled to any temiinal leave as well as foreign service leave. If so, how much. and is
gtzstcd. Please do
no; putilisli my full I'|;|n'lc and 1l|lLl|'L‘.\\‘ nr I might hg 5-ump‘-llgd [U leave the quarter. Yours faithfully,
.\Iit.~'. “Grit:-ro.“ leave paid? (I‘ull name and address (2) I receive a temiinal grant? Sllpplicd) (3) I can do an E.V.'I'. course’? am entitled to Disturbance (4)I lIm‘¢' rrmtriltirrl the Dirwtiir of [l'lt0lo: T. P. Roikruir. Ilighrrlozrti. Tune Allowance for moving from ll _”'t' t'l/rtrix rmil .Seri'i'n-.\ "P0,, .\talta to the United Kingdom? the point I'¢ll.\('t, (ll"(tt'¢'(‘um]i1,'m,_\The cast of "The Beans Stmtogem" and 1,‘. ,,.p[,~L.,.. Replies to the questions in your "I'll: lIl('l'(‘tL\t'.t' in .\!rtrri‘erI Quart;-r TIIF. Il0i\lI’. Air Conimand Region of l good stage management. and this 1 Stages varied coiisidcrabl_\. Though, letter of .\larcb H are as follows:—are fully Cori-ri-rl by [mu-,m.‘[ were small and oddly-shaped. the R.N. I)raiii:i Festival has been won‘ resulted in an accomplished produc28 days‘ .. rtrrritgr rllIrz_ii'uttt‘e. In /iii‘: the in(I) You will be itntitleil to for the third year rtiniiiiig by Culdrose. tion: liidividual performances were they provided a challenge to iiitagitiaIt-miinirl lvrtre plus foreign ser- ! "-115: In .\!rtrrirt_t:c .-lllowrtnce ix rrilhi-r also with I.ossietiiouth ag:iin second and good, but none was outgrown to the live companies. The adjudicator ri¢'i- li-are due. All this is paid lrtrgrr. III order to allow /or lttcmm: commented on the evidence of reliable detriment of the play as a whole. -Strctton in tltird place. l'u.i'. It Lt’ tlirn-/orr itimrrrvr to .rui;. li’rtl'i'. iiiaitagetiteitt and Among other things. Mr. Jonson ‘I he :ttljtItlit.':tl0l'. Mr. Donald Jonson. service I.‘_) You should receive a .k'¢'J! that the rm'r¢'rt.\r'tl ri'ul.t' trtkc away the efforts to support producthe l-'estival was was surprised by the ambitious pro- said that generally _L'l'(llllll_\’ of 1‘ I00. ‘"'." PU" _<'/ I/H‘ iIirr_rim-.i- IN i-.-iv introduction at Culdrose of "The Beaux well worth while. and every contribu- tions by attractive theatre decoration. I3) You mulrl do an I-.'.I'.'l'. course <lm‘t‘tl llH.\ mrintlt. Iiur rlimr not Incl.y The standard l Acting ranged front the experienced Stratagent." by George l-‘iirquhar. tion had distinct merits. with u'uri'ii_i,' your terniiuul leure t'/ it to hair .\lrirrii-.1 Qimm-rx [mm that of lto the “gallant etlort." '_lhis was to be This is a rollicking lttth-century compared favourably |'tl(‘tHl('_\‘ t'.\'l.\l.\‘. You .i-houlrl apply the lay rinrl .\lurriuci- r”lt)lt'(l'II('¢'.\' inexpected considering the vziriety within I comedy concerning the romanticl civilian drama societies in Britain and each to flu‘ l;'.l'.'I'. o[]ii.'er rt] the R.N. rrr-ri.\r.r are It rlirccl t.-rtin." I cast. adventures of two gentlemen of for- overseas. ll’iirrrii'lt‘.r rm itrrivirl in the U.K. Over-all endeavour was exception-‘ (l!t_l'|t'll.\',.\lrtrlum. we .m- that _i-nu ([0 tune: the play presents problems of he to Dis- not wiiut to line i-ntilleil not I-ll will You was attziinnient and proporhigh ally your quarter lt'lIuIt'|'¢r consistent period-style acting by a large Standard lligh will Alloirittice tnrliuriee its you Festival of aim the The the rent.’ good. .»InrI tionately we /i-rtr that your hux. east and slow-moving text in the imnu'ilisliure he to rli.\i'ltnrgi'i! achieved making been of the has by lrrtml iiotable an The most mm! lie ltul¢ling mu 0,, )-0,, ,0 aspects hea\'il_\'-plotted opening scenes. and U .K. the to on return t‘lIt'l_\‘ to for give of ar_ti.~itic the groups fur II.\' the pay rise is (‘tJll('t'I‘Ill"(l. Why plays opportunity quality .\lr. Jonson remarked that these dif- Festival were nu'm‘the liure will not tlii-ri-/are and talent choice had to existing obvious that eiithusi_asnt. not put the 1'-itc 0/ Mr. (irippn (it-,',;; chosen: it was scope ficulties were surmounted with three of nium ft'(]Illf(‘lIlt'llf societies of amateur the The -\ft‘m.\ to lie well minirrlll’ purpose of action. and the atmosphere intended been determined appropriately by this in mrmtIi.\' .ri-rvicc crmntr_v enter-E to be should provide staiidard essentially by the author was effectively achieved. cost available. and the high prior to ilt'.icltrtr_i,'e. You will. A high degree of team work by well- throughout of stage managemeitt and tainnicnt. and in this alone the Festival l1 liiiwi-rt'r. be able tr; clrtim the was entirely successful. cast actors was backed by equally settings. nut of .\lt)I'tl}:t' of _\'rmr furniture NAVAL HOME while _\'rm Illl\'¢' lri‘i'n rtltrourl if rui_v was plitcerl in .\lur¢'. My department is responsible for the provision. distribution and supply, Ill-I-l-Z!\'G.-\GI-Zl\lF.l\"l‘ of general and teclinieal Naval stores.i THE .\'.§\\-'.-\l. Home Industry was could if wonder me I and' give any lubricants. you Air stores. fuel and in WIT. Its obj;-._-i is [0 cmi-,1‘. fiiundcd of tltc on 83 the Director of Stores, R. Henderson. l'Zsq.. 0.8.1-Z. possibilities my for the lttiltlligc-1lt'tl'(1rlIt:tIii)It motor transport and widows. orpliaiis and dcpeiidants of for live further a on to being sign able the Royal Iilcct Auxiliary I Royal .\:iv_\ and Royal Marine IN .\I\’ room :it the Admiralty theretconcerned with logistics for the Navy merit ofSince 33 serWilts‘ C°"lPl|=lI-‘d has '13‘-‘Int! it }'¢=|f\' October l. 1057. to be trained and employed personnel is {I fiatited quotation front the prc-land the Naval Store l)ep;irtment is lServicc. vice in tie.\t July for year. in reiiiuneiative work as_weIl as to lalso assumed responsibility amble to :in Act of Parliantcnt passeillthe largest. We are a civilian haven't read I anything dealAltliotigli Parts Distribution Centres provide congci_iial society and :i in I70-t in the reign of Queen Annc’with headquarters in London on our :Spare the if under wonder I the to ditlercnt contrary with about 200.000 dc-f ing healthy occupation to those who need which sa_vs: inthe "rtiii-down" Admiralty new increased. This of scriptions spares, ll-_="1'-I ls‘ I-'I\'e atlvice and tiiizincizil "'Ilie Royal Navy and the Navitends to allow people to continue after zisststattci: ditlerent of descrip-i number total the ivltcri: tteccssar_\'. gation of England wherein under 22 years. tions of stores for which we are now? Tllc goods produced are chiclly God. the wealth. safety and l\‘ no ittti-Iiliun rt! pre.\‘i'ttt r-I 'l'lti-rr halt‘ a million! to over responsible skirts. jumpers and strength of this Kiiigdoni is so much , i'ttgrtgr'ItteItts. Iadie_s' coats. stores are: t‘lllil('t'”lll_£,' I"i}'tIt-lire technical and General In concerned depend upon the supply cardigans. aildition. some customers l"lei't Onler I26-H57 cori- have .-l(lIlllnllI_\‘ maintain? to .needed equip. operate. same." of stores necessary for the this‘. but ituti-.v tltnt rc-i-tt_::rt_c¢'- own articles specially made to their /irut.\ shore and {and ships repair specitication and m:tn_v indivi'l‘lie quotatiiiii is well known but} merit /or rt lifllt /ire will be more the Air Stores coiiiprisc spare, intents: dual it designs are prepared and made. none the less it is as trtic today as .\.'li'i’Ili‘i' special tools; equipment. ground parts. 5 New entrzints are tr:iincd in lirstwas then. materials I sciiti-t’.il'-ric.ited and and raw clasx knitting and crochet. Small payAt an even earlier date the need of and repair air-‘; maintenance the for I-'urnitt.Ire Costs for providing stocks of stores was made during the training fuel anil llIl‘l‘lL’:|Ill\ lIlt.‘lllt.li; all‘ We are also rcspoiisible for pro- ments are craft: \\'lllCll lll :ind period f¢¢_'\t1__-|1l~'.\.'d. siilsseqitcnt p:|)'n|cn[§ 3“; of liquid fuel used by .sliip<.l types that at of in not deal the fiirniture. ; only ships tiding money weekly according to the work was ii iery great Naval aviation and motor il'.lI'lS': and craft. stocks in but also establishments shore to devoteil done. .'\ll purchasing \\i|tl; is pitltl fut‘. Rules of time. was l motor. coke‘. coal and well as as iport. inarried qiiarters. Since the end of the ;l’“)iiieiit are kept Zl\ Iiigli as possible. of eight items essential to the Navy. atid embraces passenger {transport Second World War £l.(itltl,tl(l0 have of these days—hemp. pitch. tar, resin. Rt‘=|<li:I'$ of i\'.\\'v Nizws are invited their and vehicles spares. 1 load-carrying The furniture timber. in in and oil been improving days spent canvas. iron. As a comparison. in I9]-it we dealt shore establishments and £2,500,000 to visit the Industry at 41 Clarence when a ship. fly.-_ however. long past with it mere 50.000 items. This tast on furniture for married quarters as l’_aradc. Soiitlisea. preferably not on stored with such it titcre handful of increase is in spite of a strict purge well as £l.30tl.0t)tl in ships. Whenever I-rida_\' or Satiirday. Interest in the items cotild depart for ‘(I cruise of -'1 of stock items carried otit in l95'.l-i baggage is shipped at Admiralty ex- workers :tIItl.ll‘It: ar_tic_les produced is could which it during be more. or much appreciated. \'isit_ors will not be year I954 by a eoiitmittee specially set up. of the it is members the on pense indepcndetit of any‘SUPPl5’ '~“'£'.i||‘"-5‘ bii_v. [here is a great need presscd_t_o .1. to eliminate all descriptioiis of stores‘ the that Naval Store Departtnciit ;,m,n_ ‘I-Hum’,-_ gm-.pty.ng um yyccds o:.work is carried out in dockyards the local which changing metltoils and tech-- Navy rely for its safe and speedy for additional workers at the moment. 1|“; fighting forces and the delivery of; home and_ abroad. under Applications tor L'lIIplt)_\'n'|i:n[ x|mu|d of 'iiiques had rendered l,lIlt:.\'5i.'llll;tl._ or. tratisit. mew supplies to the users when iIl'Itl‘€lLlI1lInl.\ll';tllUt‘|ol lllc superintendent be ma_de personally or in writing to the where the detailed range provided Tanlzer Fleet where re uired in peace and war raise the yard. and in self-contaii_1ed speciLarge Stiperintenileitt. :\;n:il_ Home Industry, in the United Ring- might be considered (oer-geiierous. inland alist depots arc questions which many of stores held by indil-'inall_v. the Royal Fleet Auxiliary -ll Clarence l':i.';idc. Soutlisea. rcspoitsiblc direct to The descriptions coiisiilered under the term Logistics. dom which are vidual classes of ship has at the same Service consists of over too merchant Several Admiralty departments are t he Director of Stores. time increased by about too per_cent. ships of which 75 are tankers of variand the dilleretice between this Iiguri:.; ous \lZL‘\ ranging from modern I7-knot increase in the ‘total range-‘ ships of H.000 tons capable of fuelfund the reflects the growing speciali-1 ling the Heel at sea at very high transsupplied of function of equipments and‘ fer rates to smaller ships suitable only ‘ of weapons in the various classes of for harbour fuelling. in fact. one of the largest tanker fleets in the world. modern ship. The remainder of the ships are Issuing _
lfront-of-the-house ‘praised
The Naval State Dept. oi the Navy
For your leave requirements when in Malta .
to service
Instalment plan system Travelling to U.K. by .\I.-\l.T.»\~—LONDON
I3.E..-\.: £32 RETURN £3|.|5.0 RETURN
AIRLINES MALTA THE In (I.\'.t'0c‘l(lll0II with B.l;'..l.
write to
Dial 5471-72
Range of Equipment Ships and Fast Replenishment Ships The chief increase in tltc range of which are floating storehouses. store equipment provided has of cou_rsc carriers. tugs and salvage vessels. The
been in the field of Air Stores (which Fleet is named and administered on until just before the war were en- the lines adopted by commercial tirely the responsibility of the. Royal owners and the ships are classified Force) and in the electronic field. with Lloyd's. The size of all this .'ictivity can. rllut this is by no means all. There are many other types of stores now‘ perhaps, be gatiged by the fact that carried in H.\I. ships which the Ru) al : we expect to spend something like Navy did not provide before the war. i £7tI.ooo,tttio in meeting otir customers‘ ‘Some are laboiir-saving devices. such? icqtiireiiieiits in this coming year. anil ins paint-spraying equipment, electric. based on past experience we shall be l drilling niacliines. portable pneum:itic' involved in some eight million tranand ichipping eqtiipmeiit. p olisliing sactions with the Fleet. ilockyards. -inachiiics; some are to improve the Naval and citil shore cstablislimenls as. and Commonwealth Navies. ;amenities of shipboard life such electric ovens. hot plates. urns. kettles. l I have touched upon the Naval toasters, irons; some for the iniprove- l Store Department of the past, and said merit of training facilities such as lsometliiitg about its work at present. cinemas and gramopliones. These are ‘l What the future might bring us is all in addition to the many new forms liiddeti in the planners‘ crystals btit of equipment developed to already it is clear that we shall Iiavc the striking power or elliciency of the to buy and stipply even larger ranges :'N:ivy such as radar. catapult gear. of teelinical equipment which is coniaudio frequency gear. degatissing stantly growing tiiore complex and th.it equipment. clearance diving equip- we shall further improve our methods ment. bomb and mine disposzil equip of bringing the stores to the user, when and wlicrc he wants them. ment and tcletypeviriter\_
A considerable number olmcn have that they would rorvilder mtiir.~.n<e when they‘ received their increase of pay. Assurnm,-, the inrrcaze ll About a 3: week: HALF the basic increase could,
JDDl'OAlt‘!l:iCly: iprovidc (2.000 of security tor your depend:nu in the ‘
lt.-vent of your death. (.500 for you
the age ol 40-45. the age ol-15-S0. (750 tor you ELMO for you r. the are of 554.0. (dcpcnrlingori your age at commencement). Your moi-tx: e 0! say £|.SlX) for 20 ycan can beproieeted oruliitleai SEVEN SHILLINGS IAND FOURPENCE a month if you are 30 and less if you are under 30. at It
For further details write. phone or call
NEWS :_m__
Lilliput Fleet. A. Cecil Hampshire Lady Shirley which sank UIII. the Bos‘n's mate of which mortifyingly (William Kimber; I85.) THE S'l‘RENG'l‘ll of a cable is no said "We were bigger than you more th:in the strength of its weakest Yet you won." link. lly the very nature of things. it There was the I9th A./S. Group is the small episodes in life which are ba_scd at Harwich. of which (ireently often overlooked. and credit is given. was one. Each ship of the group indiquite rightly. to the larger canvas. but vidually stcamcd a distance equivalent without the details tlte picture itself to fotir times round the globe: colleccotild not be painted. tively they towcd to safety some The author of "Lilliput I~Iect" has 8(}.000 tons of bomb- and mineproduced an exciting picture of the damaged warships and merchantmcn; work carried out by the small ships saved more than a tltottsanil survivors. during the Secoml World War and and escorted a total of well over 700 has given us some of the details convoys. In their numerous battles which help to titake tip the panorama. with the enemy they logged an imAs Admiral Sir (fharles l.:imbe. now pressive record of aircraft shot down Commandcr-in-Chief .\lediterrancan. or damaged. and I3-boat attacks repelled. Another name was that of says in his‘ foreword: .
"In the words recoriled in the the Lord Ntiflield which sank an Register of the Patrol Service War Italian submarine. and still another of Meiiiorial at Lowestoft. ‘their work the Indian ship llengal which escorted w:is not usually spectacular.’ They the tanker Oiiilina from I~'reman:lc did ttot pill'Il|.'I|'\2IIC in the more bound for Colombo. Attacked by two wiilel_v ptiblieiscd sea battles of the Japanese ships in the Indian Ocean. war; Patrol Service vessels were the Bengal. manned by seven ofliccrs not present at the River Plate aitd 63 ratings. the latter all Indian. action. at .\Iatapan. the hunting of sank one of the Japanese ships. the llte llismark or the sinking of the other making oil’ at high speed after Scliattihorst. 'lIicir battles. other Il)I\'l:lI\II‘l[.'.I)' thinking that the Outlina than those they continually waged had been stink. :igainst their ancient anttigoiiist. the Another interesting story of sea. were oil a lesser scale; never- strenuous effort is the ordeal of the tlicless. these lacked none of the Lord (irey. Under the comtnand of fcarfitl thrill :ind drama of a ‘big a lietttenaiit with no seafaring experiship‘ action. They fought U-boats. ence whatever prior to I939. and who dive-bombers. I-I-boats. and even without ever holding .s‘ca-going comsurface raiders" with all the valour mand. foiind himself called upon to of a battleship. tliotigh Iackitig its sail the I.ord (irey halfway across the armour and gun-power‘. they swept world. He and his men throughout the channels and seaways atid varied vicissitudes which might have cleared liberated ports and har- daiinted many men with tnttch more hours of every type of mine which experience. arrived at Ceylon after the enemy could devise; they cs,- seven months. corteil convoys. ocean as well as “Lilliput Fleet" is eotifulently coastal: spearlieaded inva.sioii laniI- recommended and will be of special ings and helped to protect :inil sup- interest to lltosc who ever served in port the invasion tlcets anil armies; the Patrol Service. they voyagetl great distances‘ ovcr hostile and stormy waters. often alone and iiiiescorted; they fetched and carrier] for their larger sisters." My Adventures Under the Sea. Jean lioiicher-Crcteau. (Published by The record of the names of these Frederick .\luller l.td.: I85.) small ships does. however. bring back Are you interested in the excitement memories and to those who served in the Patrol Service will undoitbtedly and beauty of the deep sea? Then recall many of their comrades in read this excellently written book. The introduction is full of the arnts. There is a story of the Arab in which I.icut. R. II. Stanard. R.N.R.. "nonsense" (as the author describes obtained the V.C. for his work in the it) about sharks. The following Norway Campaign. Northern Gem chapters. however. show vividly his helping to shelter the Russian Convoy experiences with this creature. during the Battle of the Barents Sea. In I946 he started learning the art Juniper Moonstone which captured of underwater hunting. Then he and an Italian submarine aiitl proudly led a few friends. in their spare time. her into harbour at Adeit. Amber. toured several breeding grounds. In Jade. Visenda, Southern Isle. and the ((.‘nmiiim'ilin cnliimii 3)
lli\lIIEllWilTEll IIUt\‘TEllS
On Monday, Ist December, I958, in the Royal Albert Hall Chairman of Committec—Admiral Sir Denis Boyd. i:.c.n., c.n.c.. D.l..C.
Price of Tickets (inclusive of Souvenir Programme but not refreshments) l0/— and 6/- (Balcony). Plain Clothes will be worn. The organising Committee will aim to allocate blocks of seats to Squadrons, Aircraft Carriers and Air Stations. so that old shipmatcs may be together. The bars and buffet will be open from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to II p.m. Applications for tickets should be forwarded to the following address not later than 15th September, 1958. "Fleet Air Arm Reunion", Ollicc of Flag Ollicer Air (I-lomc), Wykeltam Hall, Lee-on-Solent.
APPLICATION FORM (Please delete words not applicable) I wish to attend the Fleet Air Arm Reunion and enclose cheque] postal order for:
unable to‘attend the reunion, but would like a Souvenir Programme for which I enclose a remittance for 2/6. (Cheques to be crossed and made payable to the Fleet Air Arm Anniversary Fund.) Details of service with the Fleet Air Arm for purpose of seat allocation. (i) Service from 1
(Squadron, Ship
Name and rank
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .
.................. ..
(Aircrew/Maintenancc/Ship's Coy./W.R.N.S.). Preference or Air
(ii) Category
(iii) Seating
rating (please use block capitals).
. . . . . . . 0..."... . . . . . . . . .
Address to which ticket (or Souvenir Programme) sltoiild be sent
...... ..
Please note: Applicants are asked to accept some delay before the receipt of their tickets. This is to allow time for the Organising Committee to arrange the seating to the best advantage.
Ordeal by Water. Lietit.-Cdr. I.. A. J. “Petcr" Keeble. R.N.R. Longmans. Green & Co. tI8s.). 'I‘I~II3 I939/45 War has produced a spate of books dealing with excerpts from the lives of countless men :ind women. FJICII book has dealt with a personal contribution to final victory. and however grandiose are the plans of war. war itself iiitist inevitabl revolve around the works of individual men and women. resulting in a coordinated whole which. in turn makes possible ultimate victory or defeat. "Ordeal by Water" is yet another account of a personal contribution to victory. but is not. as the cover would seem to
story directly
cerned with rendering mines safe beneath ships. It is in fact. the story of marine salvage operations in the Middle East. and these covered a very wide field. Lieut.-Cdr. Peter Kccble. an olliccr in the Royal Naval Reserve. :i South African. and possessing no previous diving training. describes this exciting and dangerous phase of his life, from the time he was forcibly pushed into wartime salvage operations in Alexandria. in December. I9-ll. until he ended his w;ir~timc salvage career in Greece. At this time. the struggle for overall siiprcniacy in the Middle East was particularly tense. and tiltimate victory was dependent upon the otitconie of the war at sea. The availability of every harbour. every man-of-war. every ntcrchant vessel was vital to the success of the war in the air. and on the land. Yet. at the outset Keeble describes the tragic situation :i.s those two important and powerful battleships. Valiant and Qtiecn Elizabeth. were forced ottt of action by Italian frognicn in Alexandria harbour. with no salvage orgtiniszition in existence to reverse this setback. And so. as the story unfolds itself. we subsequently read of KecbIe's struggle to provide men, ships and material from South Africa. A struggle involving him in interviews with those two great men. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham and General Smuts. We also read of the gradual build tip of an eflicicnt.
salvage organisation which.
result of initiative and drive was capable of raising sunken ships. clearing harbours. recovering vital information from inside a sttnkcn enemy submarine. cutting the propcllors olf Valiant. and a host of other tasks. The style is free and easy to read. and for the most part produces a realistic atmosphere. And, although one doubts the authenticityof the verbatim accounts of conversations with Admiral Cunningham and General Smuts. it does not detract from the air of gentiinencss which runs throughout the book. The lively accounts of the personal fears which this "amatcur“ diver had to dctcrminedly overcome in order to survive and to be successful. are of interest to all of who have been conscious of us personal fear. I-'in:ill_v. here is a story of failure and success. frustration and triumph. which gives the world an insight into a dirty, drab antl unglantorotis aspect of war. It is an interesting account of a personal contrihiition to the victory at sea. G.Y.T.
(Coitliiiitetl from calmmi 2) l95l.
member of the party was awarded an “Atlantic" Cup (presented by the Untlerviriter Hunters‘ Club of the Canary Islands) for his capture of a 53 lb. grouper. Vivid accounts are given of visits to Cape Verde Islands. Jao Valentc. l.obos Islantl and tltc Red -Sea. While touring the Red Sea. the author very nearly lost a leg. Sttch fish as rays, barraciidas. sharks and groiipers—found especially in the above-mentioned places——are mentioncd in the book. There are some first-class photographic illustration-s—in colour and in black and wliite—showing some of the tisli caiiglit. For the beginner in underwater hunting. it gives sortie valuable infortnation about equipment and technia
Activities of Bulwark
EVERYWHERE WE have visited this competitions before the other ships cruise our sportsmen have been ex- returned to the U.K. for their Easter tremely well lookcd after. It has not leave. Bulwark pulled off the "hat trick" been uncommon for our badminton. the King's Cup soccer. beatrugby football. cricket, soccer, ltockey, winning ing the Second Destroyer Squadron water-polo. and table tennis teams to 4-2; hockey competition 4—-I have matches on the same afternoon. from the Maidstone; and the Royal At Trinidad our hockey XI defeated Marine soccer cup from (‘eylon I——'.). the local police for the first time since Our boxers caught the limelight in a the Repulse visited the island in I934. tnatclt against Bermuda and provid-.-d After a pleasant fortnight‘s swimming energetic. if light-hearted, entertainand sun bathing in the Windward ment for a large crowd.
A PEIlSONAI. l}0NTIlIBIJ'l‘I0lll T0 VIl.'I‘0IlY
Il.M.S. lIulmtrk's 1958 soccer team with the King's Cup the Third Destroyer We left the sun with llcrmuda anil Squadron in the lirst rotintls of the have just completed an intensive inHome Fleet soccer and hockey com- door programme against the local air
Kingston, .lamaica. These station at Halifax. Although the temperature was well games were won after good battles in the intense heat. Here. again. the below freezing outside. our teams sports programme was extremely have enjoyed a delightful iniloor tourvaried. but the temperature was not nament in thi.s modern and magnifial|ov«‘ed to interfere in any way. cently designed sports arena. Leaving The soccer team held All Jamaica Nova Scotia for Gibraltar and the sun, to two goals after a very exciting and after a successful first leg of our world entertaining game. We tnct the rest of cruise. we are hoping to utaintain our the I-‘lcct at llcrmiida for an extensive good results with the Mediterranean. four-day sports round tip of the Fleet Far Eastern and East Indies Fleet. petitions
Lettef to
the Editor
Fleet Air Arm 21st: I A.‘sI rather interested in this. but why only from 215! birthday? What about some of us "old iins" of which I do not suppose many are left. Just read this. I ]0Il'lC(I the Navy at Pompey on .Ianuary 7. I907. After various ships. also Whale Island Gunnery course. the Navy in I912 asked for volunteers for the Naval Aviation Service. I put in my name. and after severe medical tests. I left Pompey Barracks with about It) more on January 7. l9l3. to the Isle of Grain. Kent. to open up the very first "beatplane Station“ for the Royal Navy. When we arrived there were two only old canvas sheds. In one was a flying boat (Donnctt Levicque) in the other was a conglomeration of stuff they called Henry I-‘airman, Land Machine. but with wheels off and floats littcd. After a while we got a brand new Maurice Farman and it was in this machine I had my first passenger night about March IN}. I sat up on the petrol tank. my feet in sea boots. over the pilot's shoulder. The name of this pilot. at the time was Sub.-Lieut. Babbington. No instruments in the machine. You piilleil on the propeller to start and if the engine tired and sounded 0.K.. off you went. This was a stationary engine “BiP lane." Our term oflicer was Licttl. Scdtlon. one of the best olliccrs you could ever work for. Where :trc the old boys of those days. pre-l9l-l war? I.ieut. Seddon; Siib.I.ieut. lI_ab-
inside of me. and when the I939 war broke out. I went to llrighton and
joined up again. only to be told by letter two day.s later. that I was one day too old.
I wrote oil‘ to the Commodore. Fleet Air Arm. who had me placed as a civilian worker oti aircraft at Ford R.N.A.S., being nearest my home. Then in 1940 I was sent to Yeovilton.in Somerset. iuade a charge hand in the storage section. I came home after the war. so I think I have known the Navy and its work from I907. don‘t you? Another thing. I was serving in the really first Seaplane carrier in the very first Naval air operation ever to be carried out. Tliis was the “Engadinc"—I-‘lying
Otliccrs Leach. Ciasgill. Miley. Ross. -‘This was at Cuxhaven. Christmas Day l9I4. in company with the Empress. Riviera attd taken care of by the I-larwich Flotilla and Commodore Tyrwhitt in the /\retliii.sa. Engadine. Empress and Riviera were three Dover to Calais boats taken over in I9I-I. taken to Chatltam. ballasted with coal and fitted with a platform on how anil stern. one machine in the bows and two astcrn. lifted over the side with dcrricks. The machines were folding Shorts inachincs. Gnome en}.-ines. Oh! for those diiys over again. I think I could write it book on the old time aircraft :tnd oflieers. Cdr. Sanipsou. V.C.. chasing me to break my neck. over really nothing. Oh! iii:in_v a good yarn could be told if I could only put it together. Well. anyway. please let me know about tickets for December I at the Albert Hall. I shall he watching the N.ivv Ni=.\v2-: closely to see if any of the old. prc-|9l-I names appear. I should like to have a chat now to some of them. although like
bington; llish. Brady. llateman. llird, qucs. llatchy. Alex, Askew. Cutting. FrecIt is. however. the “htintcr's" book. nian, Morris. Striidwick. Summers. The motto of the divers was "The Could you. through your good film comes first." but reference to the offices of l\'.w'r Ni-;ws, locate sortie of "underwater harpooners" by their host these old ones for a reunion in. say. in the Cape Verdes seems apt. Pompey. or somewhere else. I left the Undoubtedly excellent films and Service after the join tip of R.N.A.S. photographs were taken. btit the book and R.I~‘.C.. which leaves me in a tne. they must be getting on in years. (translated from the French by James funity situation. I joined the Navy Well. wishing you. and Navy Nt=,\v_s; Cleugh) does seem to emphasise the and finished tip in the R.A.F. How- the best of luck. I am faithfully yours. AYCIIARAIIIEIZ. ever. the sea water Iias always been "killings." R.st_t-ii l.. .\loiii.i-.v.
May. I958
Atliitiral Sir Sydney Robert Frcmantli: has died. aged ‘)0. Enteritig the .\’;o-_\- in lstil. .»\dmiraI Fremantle became a Captain in i903 and an Admiral in 1922. He “(IS Commander-in-Cliief. l’Ut‘l\t'nt|tIlll. front 1923 to I926 and ietired in N28.
Nore. in July. Vice-Atltttirtil Power. ziwardcd the Croix dc Guerrc de Theatre d'Oper:itions lixterieurs avcc Palme was l-‘lag Oflicer. Aircraft Carriers and Allied Ollicer (‘.omin:iiidinc. (\|lgl\"l:fCllCilCarrier Forces.
Il..\l.S. Glor)‘. :i lit.-ht fleet aircraft .-\tlrItir.il Sir (‘. '1'. .\l:irk l’iI.c_\'. (i.ll.l'"... ('.ll.. I).S.(), and Ilur. was carrier. now iiioored iii the l-’ozth. is placed on the Retired l,i~‘; to date :\pril to be lVft‘l>.\‘Il up.
I5. l".‘l\'.
ll..\l.S. I)ll£‘lI(‘\\ (Capt. .l. P.‘ \ ict-- \t|iitiral Sir Robin l.. I". Scratcliaiil. R.N_i. It l).'iiiii_e class l)urnl’ortl-Slater. |\'.('.lS.. is to be destroyer. is due to aiii\'e at Pottst’onun:uider-in-(‘liief. The Nore. in now in lraiiiint: zit Wlizile l\l:Itltl \u\_’._’;'~s\lilll to ;\|lltllY.ll Sit" lietlerick R. l’aili:ttn. K.C.ll.. (‘.ll.l’... l).S.O.. Service (‘oii‘.iniuioii. to Lilte ellect in July. l‘)5h‘. l).S.0.. c..... M. l 5 . Vice-.\diiiir.tl J. I). Luce. C.B.. D.S.C.. Royal Navy. has been ' l).S.(I.. ().B.l-1.. is to be Flag Oflicer appointed the new Captain of ll..\l.S. l-‘OR SHIPS serving on the llomcito the top of the Rock or explored Avon“. Scotland in succession to Vice-Admiral Station the l):irtnioutli Traininglst. Micliael Caves. then oit to the .. 5‘ ‘mind '0‘ at hid“ They" Squadron probably has a more varied next stage. This was it Fleet exercise Sir John Cuthhert. K.B.lZ., C.B., to ILMS. Loch I-‘iidii went to the IN DAYS whcn so n-izmy p._-nplc are and iuterestirig life than any other. which was a bus} time for all. especit:ILv.' etleet in July, I958. of the Norwegian ship conccrned at what might be tlcxcribed .F.:tCll cruise brings its crop of ititcrest- ally the conimtiitieations ilepartuteilt. rcsetie Arm, m;,._ “c hall :1 mm."-gm in vl('t.‘-;\dlllll'll| G. Tbistlelon-Smilll. Skaubryn which caught lire in the as the unpmtimhic ;|q[i\i(i¢; of cgr-'lllg_pl:tC¢S. for instance. (itlyiiia last lndian Ocean. .-\ll board the this time have oit min we the st-;. coupled but 22,(l(|(|-_\[n\n_Lteenagers, .\1;,“_., “M, xlmium. wcmhm. mm! m('.B.. (i..‘ol.. is to be .-\dniiral British taken oil with were Norwegian ship Cudcls by Iril~Ix=cs"'"~'r=‘~t-Iii: CWPS gains _n|ucc~'_ incrc:-sine i-ilgrcstinsiitic Joint Services’ .\ll\'\l0t'I. Wasliiiigtori. in tiInc+:illltotIglt ti..\t.s. S;tni:tIint: I “"“”~V the Hritisli of steamer ‘ -'1 from City Sydney. civic heads and L‘\ltIL‘.ill\'ll;Il otir _'-“4"'"!t1.l_"~‘l'|"d Ct"_d_ I‘-ntllilnfl secrned to ho ;. mile stlrprixctl it-lien \ttCL‘L's\lutt to Vice-.-\dtniral R. F. and Loch after the l'If\l l)l\‘t\'lt\Il considerable l"atla. |._-;u|cr5_ Vigt- ‘H. Pip“; --”;,mi\ I‘, t;;ui,L._" —coiiipi‘tsittg lilkittx. K.C'.Ii.. C.V.().. ().ll.l-3.. lu take the in took \'i.‘llll\' illltl iitlll. Rl|L'l\l1L‘iv'S£lliCl.l ilfi diflictilty. l\'orwegian ship '|'hc[_ord ‘\[;[y(1ruf|_¢gd\(';\|dg;'n]_‘“ eitect in September. 1958. l.c:t\ing .\lalt.i we ran into less tow. lttaking for Adult. Loch l-‘atla Joseph Hiley) has declared ptilvliely Plitflt-‘t1l1H|'tl fit!” liittllc and Ark isettled weather on otir way to the Ballin l. Robert- handed over her low to the Dutch that "they're it grand lot of latl.~.." and R_*‘.“''- N01 ""1! ‘W70 “V3 "°5|lt‘d l0 5| i\a\'al port ot l_cgltorn.~Whi|e there btit tittforttinately the this gradely compliment with its sliziw. I-i.B.l'I.. (.'.ll.. was placed on the tug Cjreloop. Sltatil1r_\ti sank before it reached Adel). Yorkshire economy oi’ words might‘ "1 ,‘“-‘ 15“ _W€l"¢"l V'5|l5 Wm E *3 many went to Pisa. while the ntore -Retired List to date April I. 1958. 3'” be said to sum up the m.'in\' tribtites”-‘i|”|t'f\' h¢l|C°P1L""- "="‘~‘f'~‘T5 “Mil ._ and M 8h S P‘?cd‘ilUl't.‘ll_Lu. lliru. tl.i_\s later we sailed ) ‘Hie .-\rni_v Arts Society which exists frtin ll.l.\L fol _,._\rk Rnvui Cl\lL leaders Vtillt.ll R. A. Ewing. D.S.C.. if“. ( m..“.r mu m". “gm. m. is to be Flag Ollicer Flolillas (Medi- to encourage art in the Army and lowed recent mayoral \i~ils to units !‘“'"“'-'|"-'"~‘3- U “'35 S0|'"tflh||'It!_m“‘t-‘ii various parts of the country. Most '“ “"7 ¢"P¢"'-‘-'_‘°'-‘-_‘3*P°"""llt' '“ “"5 terranean) to take etfect early in June. sister services. is holding its 27th in ,f I (\..,—. 15.. Exhibition at the Commonwealth of these occasions have been related E‘-'5‘ 0‘ "W ""d5l“Pl“|-'0 and ‘-"-ld¢l5 ‘C '15” ‘ ‘i "' 8' ”' Rear-Adnilml G. K. Collell. C.B.. lnstitute (Imperial Institute). South to the presentation of the Adutiralty "'9'" D5|"m"“l_hA brief respite at (iibraltar _where a very brief stop in Gibraltar After S.W.'7, during October, gfl-lcicncy p¢.,nanu_ l).S.C.. was placed on the Retired List A; an cmirciy dilrcrcnl son or “mg, the Rock Apes were an att_racti_on as we sailed for Dartnioutlt for a long 9 to date March 24. I958. All ranks of the Army. Royal Navy ._",;5 ‘gm, an 0“ boy,- ium,m.m,__. tixual. and the more energetic climbed weck~end. and another at Portsntouth.
'rl1(.‘l'(|l'|.§'|1ll.|fll_I-:9A5lri"il:‘lr(l‘-fllln(:l’—l'\\ SEA CADET CORPS. NEWS Zn
Training Squadt'0it’s Spl'lll0‘ Cruise
trtie;;:l‘Pl4|}' l|‘Iv’ |fl:}|.V l‘t‘¢"4t1i|‘}1=!lf'~’i|f|'it'E-
:{¢:5t§sitlglUl .
fimu"''.l.‘ _im iii.‘ bib in ,“._'£l.u‘i ‘,'“,:m:.Lim‘u‘f' ('_i'o',;ic.fi‘ 1:; :!uh" ‘ml.if hf Li‘-mi.‘ .':,,:”‘,‘_:..i§: ;.i[;:I|.‘ fi 1|? ‘_ .
Capt. J. G. Hamilton, C.B.E.. Royal Navy. has been appointed Naval Secretary to the First [.ord of the Admiralty in succession to RearAdniirztl R. A. l-Zwing. l).S.C.. serving in the acting rank of Rear-Adtiiiral.
following ollicers liavc been appointetl Honorary Surgeons to the The
Queen from l"ebru:try l-I. I958. in
place of the ofticers stated: Surgeon Rear-Adniiral I). F. Walsh. 0.B.l'I.. I-'.R.C.S.(Ed.). .\I.B., B.Clt.. in sticcessiott to Surgeon Rear-Admiral S. (i. Weldon, C.ll.E., .\l.l3., B.Ch.. l).P.H. Surgeon Capt. G. Phillips. .\l.B.q lt.Ch.. l).l..0.. R.N.. in succession to
and the Royal Air Force. past or present. permanent or temporary. may submit works for consideration. Successful exhibitions have been held in l.ondoii each autumn for several years and Se-rvice'artists can derive more interest in their work by submitting the work for the exhibition. which also gives them an opportunity to compare their standard and style with others. Intending exhibitors should apply for partietilars to the lion. Secretary. Army .-\rts Society. Capt. A. J. Daldy. I6 King F.d\\;ird's (irove. Teddiiigton. .\liddle.~e\'.
Mr. I. L. Nightingale. headtiiaster of Hull Grammar School. said that he was inclined to agree with one of the criticisms of youth today in that far too intich was handed out to them on it plate. This was true of some organisations. but not of the Sea Cadet. Corps. which stood essetitiall) tot?
No mollycoddling Apart from a small capitation grant from the Admiralty. each unit is solely responsible for raising its own funds for its heatlqtiarters' and general inaintenancc work. Tliis is a fact not as widely known as it should be.
The Commander I-Igerlon Memorial Corps is a voluntary youth organisation which dillcrs front any otherf Surgeon Capt. E. B. Pollard, .\l.R.C.S.. Prize for the second half of 1957 has cadet forces in that it is not aetiiall)‘; |..R.C.l’., R.N. been :i\\;itded to Licut. J. Partitt. R.N. supported or mollycoddled all the way i body: each unit in the; Surgeon Capt. W. I‘. E. .\lclrttyre. The i\'ewtit:in~ Memorial Prize for by a parent stand liriiily on its .\l.D.. H.Ch.. R.N.. has been :ippointed 1957 has been awarded to l.ieut. A. R. Corps must feet. two an Honorary Physician to the Queen Stott. R..\'.. H..\l.S. Kenya. Take the czisc of llarnet. It compar:tfrom l-’i:bru:tr_v I-1. I958, in succession lively small town in Herti‘ordslii:e. and to Stirizeoii Rear-Adtiiiral A. Pomfret. Thi: Ot:il\'_\' .\li.-dal for the I956 Long quite some way from the sea. lleze‘ (‘.ll.. ().ll.l{.. .\l.l3., Ch.li.. l).0.(Oxon). 'l‘.:\.S. (‘outse has been awrirded to the friends of the unit have cont:ii-til).()..\l.S. l.iettt. R. R. Rieliards. R.N. ted_ £500 in cash or kind oter the pawl live years in order to niaiiitain the. Surgeon (‘:ipt. G. Phillips. .\l.B.. etlicient standard of the unit and. in‘ ll.('h.. |).l..().. R.t\'.. is to be proaddition. £300 has now been raised' moted Stir_eeoii RL';tl‘-.’\Llt'tllt'£ll with towards :1 £l.500 fund for new headeliect from .luiie 23. N58. and quarters. Similarly’. at Cinema. the; appointed to the stall’ of the ConiParents‘ and Friends‘ Associatioii has: iitaniler-iiiv('liief. Portsmouth. as raised over £200 for the unit in ('omni:uiil t\ledit:al Utlicer. and as last six years, \ledic:tl Otliccr-in-Cliarttc. R.N. llmpitzil. llaslzir. in sticcession to SHIPS Ol’ the Royal l’\'avy's West Surgeon Rear-Adiiiiral ii. 'I'. S. Rudd. Indies Squadron provided the cere('.ll.l’... ;\l.ll.. ll.Ch.. l-'.R.C.S.. Q.ll.S. monial gtiartl mounted at the (ioveritor-Ciencr:il's residence at Port (':ipt. C. I’. C. Noble. D.S.C.. of Spain during the tirst three days \'.R.D.. R..\'.\'.R.. is to he Coni- of Her Royal llii.-liness Princess niodore R..\.V.R. in sticccssitiii to .\largaret\ sl:t_\ in Trinidad in the Trevor David Hill. 'l'ele1:r.tphisl. (‘oniinotloie F. '1'. Pollinger. C.lt.E.. course of tier tisit to the West Indies I)/SSX.87ll78. H..\I.S. Victor)‘. \'.R.l).. l).l... R.t\.\".R. 'l1ie ell'et:ti\'e as the (,lueeii‘s representative to Died February 20, I958. date of the appoiiitiiient has not yet iiiaiigiirate the next Federal LegislaSum.-Capt. R A C ra ff. been tiiizilly decided but is likely to be litre. l..R.C.P.. R..\'.. !|..Vl.S. l\et\\cen .\o\'einber 1 and the end of l)re_xsed overall. ll..\l.S. 'l‘i'otibridi:c. M.R.(_'.S.. Died March 20. 1958. this _\e:ii'. wearing the llroad Peiidant of the President. (‘.ilr. R. G. lnncs. A.l-'.('.. R.N.. Senior Natal Otlicer. West Indies .\l. Coiiiiuaiidaiit Danie Nancy (Cmtlie. (i. ii. Hunt. l).S.O.’. l).S.C.'. H..\I.S. l'r.-rcgriiie. Died .\l-arch 2!. llon. .\.D.C.. Rtil)(‘I"‘I\0l|. |).B.l.-1.. R.N.) and also H..\l.S. Messina and I958. \\'.R..\'.S.. was placed on the Retired ll..\l.S. Ulster tired a royal salute as I-lmesl Russell l)arix, l..E.M.. list to date April 7. I958. the Princes» l;|llLlI.‘tl at ’I‘rinidad on (‘./K.9-l6l07. !l..‘tl.S. Surprise. Died
\‘\\l'l| ’
ll0l'.ll. i\'.-\l’l' WEl.l.'0.llES Plll_\lIESS ill;lllG.»lllli'l' l-.\’ TlllXlllAll
Slit fiileitturimtt
i '
'llie Queen has approved ‘the aceeptaiice and wearing by Vit:cAdiniral Sir -Robin l)ttrtiford-Slater. K.(‘.lt.. and Vice-Adiniral M. L. l’o\\cr. ('.|l.. C.ll.l{.. l).S.0.. of awards made by the French Governmeiit in reeoiiiiition of their services during operations in Win in the Near last. Vice-Ailiitirtil Dtiriiford-Slater. ;.ppointed to the l.t.'t.:itIll of Honour itiratle of Commander) was l-"lag Uliicer. Second-iii-Coitimand. Meditertaiteati. at the time of the .-\ni:lolrencli operations at Port Said. when he served as .»\llied Naval 'l';isk Force (‘ouiiii:uider. lie is still in the Mediterraiiean and t:iLes up his next
Ollieers and ratings‘ of these ships lined the route t:il.eii.b_\' Her Royal Highness on her way to the Red House for the institution of the new |.cgislattire. Tliey also niotintcd ti Royal (itiard for her departure from the islaittl. H..\l.S. T:t‘|ti‘li\l}.'i.‘ also _had the task of tztkiiie the Royal Guard of the .lainaie.i Regiment. inspected by her arri\»;il. to on
tlhI-‘o Ir-‘.d1’i'{“§l.d:]ilCC';'“s\‘ mmugfmm
,cn‘_.,;m..] d,.,’.W_.d ml-C, an
we Rm“. ‘hit and “red of the birtha stiltite on the da_v_oill.llcr \laie~t3 fhc Queen on r\['|l'tl
March 26, I958. John William Tamer. (‘.1-‘...\.. I./l"X.82500. Il..\l.S. Ariel. Died March 28. 1958. David Louis (‘orneel De-.(‘oninck Bogrzttsl. C.R.[-1..\.. P;’.\l.Vt.'ll5l76. lI.M.Y Brilaniiia. Died April 3, I958. 1-'rederick Tlioiiias Woodiiard. l’.().l-l..\l.. D/I-i.‘£.tll3l8. H..\l.S. “mug. med Am" ‘_ mm l.iei.it.-Cdr. N. S. Bastiit. R..\'.. fl,_\|,§_ Collingvtoud. Died April 20. 1958.
After some time at sea, stationed abroad. or just ‘ every so often ’, it's natural that you should feel like some new clothes. At times like this the Willcrby service really comes into its
suit? There's a splendid range of styles and cloths to choose from, made to measure and ready-to-wear. New number ones? You can be sure, at \V-'illcrbys, of personal service combinedwith real Naval smartncss. own.
You’ll find the prices very reasonable too, and if you prefer to wear as you pay, there is our allotment scheme. Write, or call in when you're next on shore, for the leaflet describing Willcrbys special service for men and women in the Navy.
at |
wuusnsvs (By allotment if you wish)
l.tI?.'t)0‘.'. out. .\.\’‘n .-.7 iii comii:i:t'ixi.l!(r_\D_ po,r-,1-~.-.tr.t,"ri|. aoitrit ta.-ii. mnrsuotrrii. 52 lt0\‘.\l. r-iv m:. on $ll1t‘ill.*'-Tltlfiif.Cll.\Tll.\3l. 3) M’-0\'!Z ELM .
And branches throughout Britain.
. _.. _
_ _
May. I958 South African Railways for the
the advanced convoy the type. The submarines worked four sum of £6 105. each. days a week at sea. but managed to Apart from the normal A.lS. let nearly everyone take a week's leave exercises a shoot was organised. The at l)iy:italawa Rest Camp. This latter target was it derelict trawler which was a very refreshing break frotn the had to be destroyed by gtintire. Orders sticky heat of Trineomalee. l)uring the were drawn up; 'l'rcnchant was to tire weekends in harbour there was a fifth: before the Lynx. who was conhectic sporting programme laid on. sidered to be so up to date that she Practically every game was played, would tindoubtcdly administer the against the coup rle grace. When our turn came IN April. I957. Their l.ord- from the First Lieutenant, we dived of! weekly exercise dive) we met the each Navy competing EARLY of the sporting the target was still afloat. although directed that a submarine of the Malta for trim. surfacing successfully south-east trade wind. which blew others. The higliliglit ships hits had been registered by at least First Squadron was to take part in shortly afterwards and went on our steadily from right ahead for over a activities was the Indian Navy ver.iu.i JET i957 followed by exercise oil’ the way to Gibraltar. The first part of the week. giving us the impression that Pakisirin Navy at hockey, a game of two of the frigatcs. We tired our i2 C390 of Good Hope. The choice fell trip_ was uneventful except for the the southern hemisphere must be a on Trenchant. in spite of her apparent main W./T. transmitter. w hieh pretty cold place. As we approached Dockyard Creek and developed a fault for which we had no the Cape. several large birds were seen preference ‘for various dcrrsive rumours from the rest immediate remedy. gliding around the boat. scarcely ever of the squadron. We arrived at Gibraltar at I430 on flapping their wings. On one occasion one of these birds. which we disI covered later were albatrosses. misjudged its height when flying over the casing and disappeared in the forward escape hatch well. It was unable get out and after watching for som tuintites we decided that a rescue w.is called for. The submarine was stopped and the rescue party. armed with leather gloves and broom handles. went over the side. On taking a closer look at the vicious-looking beak and powerful wings_ they retired. as they thought perhaps the bird might misunderstand their intentions. The submarine. was eventually trimmed down forward until the whole of the fore casing was awash and the albatross floated out. with a very surprised look Trincomalce be had to The trip to Following a short and earnest prayer on its face. made the long way round. owing to the 8th. collected otir spare for the Exercises were carried out off the A dboni at Gait the blocking of the Suez Canal, which transmitter and some fresh provisions of the South aircraft with Cape meant sailing nearly a month early. and sailed at 1520. The weather off the African Air Force. which we were to almost international .standard which practice rounds from ‘.‘.tttltl yards. The stall. however. considered we had north-west coast of Africa was par~ know better three months later. We was followed by huiidreds of spec- scoring at le:ist two hits. and retired plenty of time to prepare. :ind lit in a ticttlarly good and after two days" also dived the Natal co:ist on two tators. to watch Lynx. The first salvo was major fleet exercise. and an inspection. steaming we thought that it would be occasions off exercises. for coastguard Finally. on September ll we sailed some distance beyond and the second However. our battery -was behaving worthwhile stopping for hands to "lite famous (‘ape of Storms could from 'l‘rineom:ilce.played out by the was very sltort~soructliing was wrong very peculiarly and we retired to the bathe. That forenoon. however. we only provide :i moderate gale lastiitg Royal Marine Band and seen oil by the here somewhere. At this nioriient the dockyard for the experts to investi- saw several sharks and decided that it two days. for which we were dtily (’ominander-in~('hief himself. Just as trawler gave tip the unequal struggle gate. After some discussion it was would be wiser not to bother. grateful. we were about to slip. a doekyard and satik beneath the waves. to the decided to renew the whole battery. Off Dakar we dived twice for ollieial rushed tip and said he h.id fury of l.ynx's gunnery learn. “July Week" Five days before we were dtic to exercises with French Sunderlands. spare gear. This was hastily sail, we reappeared from the dockyard who were very keen and ellicient con- Trcrtchant arrived in Durban on some \'o_v:tge Horne in the casing and we steamed and started storing. loading torpedoes. sidering their lack of opportunities of July 3 and berthed alongside the llag- stowed ottt together with Andrew. feeling(‘apex passed all too quickly for fuel and nearly every spare part ever exercising with submarines. Sir of Vice-Admiral Geoffrey rather sorry it was all over. ship most. and by the end of November invented for "'1"-boats. Senior officers Freetown was having showery Robson. H.M.S. Mounts Bay. Our visit to Our next call was a 24-hour we had started preparing for the came down to look inside while there weather with thunderstorms the dislittle been have a must Atoll. appearance the R.A.F. detachment on Adilu voyage home, We had asked to go was still space and fought their way morning we arrived, The deluge lasted as we had lost a good deal We entered the lagoon early in the back concerting East Africa and Suez. calling by OIJI past rubber dinghies. crates of about three hours. during which I} of paint and were showing layers of with the in various ports on the way. but the beer. welding equipment and the inches of rain fell. which washed most several colours. It was “July Week" morning and exchanged calls of the salt off the casing. After fuel- and people from many parts of the local R.A.F. comniander. A fairly busy proposal was turned down. The captain's "Vespa." was spent playing the _Garrison frigates and South African ships left ling we moved to King Toni Jetty. Union were in Durban for the famous day with coco- for a cruise a day or two before we No Bathing where visitors of many colours “July Handicap," South African team at football (six-a-side hours of equivalent of the Derby. The week nuts) and various other sports peculiar sailed. As a parting gcsttire we had Finally. on Monday. June 3. we watched avidly for the 24and to desert islands. Boat transport. was repared a few grenades and potatoes a footof series hectic in a were all set and the last few amps. our stay. Swimming parties passed quickly provided in the form of two obsolete y way of farewell. Our parlian shot were being forced into our brand- ball match [for which the water polo parties and on the 9th we were all set native war canoes. a source of great was appreciated by all except one unhave been better suited) to go across the lndian Ocean. As we new battery by the port engine. when team would amusement to the ship's company. fortunate passenger in .\lounts Bay the E.R.A. on watch found a crack in was arranged with the local Army left harbour a piston seized on the who had quickly given tip laughing at who received a potato in the eye. and returned the engine. For a short while there was contingent. alongside we port engine all the futile attempts to persuade our On December 6, in spite of every 1800 Freetown at from on much We sailed to knew this what effect as evcryone's dismay. repairs. everyone more to to outboard-driven dinghy go to find it major defect. we sailed might mean. The experts examined it. June I6 for the 4.000-mile stretch in l°Yof black effort cloud live yards in a than for Gibraltar. again made some bits to hold it together and Durban. The trip from Freetown to We left Durban on the llth and smoke. in the evening there was a from Sinionstown the (.'omm:tnder-inwished us luck. So we sailed from Durban lasted 17 days and was in the carried out some exercises with banyan on the beach. which closely played out by Malta scarcely believing that we were main rather monotonous. After S.A.A.F. Sunderlands on our way resembled a huccancers‘ orgy after the Chief‘s Band. and with very genuine leaving what was uncrossing the Equator underwater (on a through the Madagascar Channel. sack of Vera Crul. We felt that the regret at the really on otir way. best port of call we hail The weather grew hotter day by way R.A.F. would remember Trenchant's doubtedly met. For a week. we kept up a steady and by the time we reached the visit for some time. ll.S knots across the South Atlantic the were very ship's Equator company and we almost hoped we could make Every housewife likes to Ihop in comfort and there was too sunburnt. Unfortunately Sport that is why Nut‘: in in the process of convertGibraltar by Christmas. Alas. fate for of time hands the swell much most the its ing grocery shops throughout country We entered Port Louis. Mauritius. intervened 300 miles south-west of to go on the casing. and the bridge to the Self Service system. Freetown. Oil and water got mixed tip a week after leaving Addti Atoll and In these well Arranged stores shopping is was usually full of fresh-air fiends. The ship's company in the engine and had to be sorted berthed made easy. The layout is platinccl to‘ allow alongside. line" was the A "crossing ceremony in the Army bar- out. On we went. diving olf Dakar accommodated speed of selection and frenlont of inuseiucnt. were of dress the and held. fancy Neptune racks at Vaeaos. some I2 miles away. again for the French Stinrlerlands. A wide choice of goods is on display and the considerable caused his and court Manager and his staff are always rs-adv tn main events of the visit were the Shortly after surfacing a turning gear The the queens amusement. particularly Il|\hTI' any qitrrir-I. \\'hi-re stuce prrimn, failure on the- starboard engine cricket We activities. played sporting with filled liltlllffll bath where was i'.in bosom, A canvas pram hays are provided reduced our speed to 7; knots. We local the garrison against and hockey and he left without worn}. of concoction a horrible soap There was crept tip the West African coast at ltttnttttrs. with even teams Take ailvantaee of this excellent service l-y went water. and practically everyone also a soccer game against the King's what seemed a snail's pace. llttbpttitls: at your iteatnt Naati Self .\'rt-sue bears the mill. the being quite through Store and fl'ttb('!l|l>(r that the iliuonnt you African Rifles, which was drawn. and impartial. Christmas Day get tut-.mi I :t\xec|i\'Iliot|t>iHl.'for tli- prire --l I .-. a nigger game against the local club. On arriving at Trinconizilee a few The latter were very surprised when Christmas Day found us in the to found that were we days later we the score closed at 3- 0. as tltty l_t11‘l Canary Channel. It was not perhaps be at}.-ommodated in l'llgllll)'ct‘. abottt seldom had such a close gatm! tltlilln"-l the best place to spend it but we did a mile from the submarine berth, what we could. The chef excelled warship. There was a good deal of confusion in any On the last leg to Simonstown the himself and food was abundant. the base as the dockyard divers had frame on the port engine finally crackers and decorations covered the engine the all strike and on transport gone cracked right through. :ind as we were mess tables. the Admiralty sent us was being driven by Naval personnel. that perhaps. kindly signals and :i carol service was After a day or two of trying to cope off l)urb:m we thought llowcvcr. the (‘ommander-in-Chief lteld in the fore ends. For many it was with our considerable demands for (‘hristiuas we were to go on to the first tiriic they had spent trucks. etc.. the dockyard eventually Sn-'\.S.A. said We heitlicd alongside at sca_ allocated us I5 cwt. of our own, The Sin1n|ts‘!ii\\'ll. :ittd looked about for liive days later we entered (iibraltar strike lasted for ll! days :ifter our liiirgliead liay After a short search after 25 days on passage, The sight arrival and we were quite sorry when tsomewliere to lixc. the South .-‘\frii:an of the Rock was a welcome one indeed. .\ve moved into the doekyard divers took over. ‘tlt:s‘tt'nycr Siiiion \’:in her Stel. which We spent a week repairing the starwas in re\et\c. and then settled down board engine. celebratin" New Year's |tttprexsit'e Sight to ettioy ourselves land iuciilettlally to live and spending the ziecuinulation of ll.M.S. Andrew :irrivcd three days do the odd c\et'L‘i\el. pay on a v.'tst quantity of "rabbits." after us. having followed us around We tinally arrived in Malta on Iiden of Citrrlen somewhat the (‘ape at a higher speed. Iauiiary ll. on a pouring wet day, few like is ttmvince the l-'otti'th Thc very She was on her way to join ("uric The wives and families eanie to nice! and world very in the in months other places Squadron but spent two Angelo's band its and ll..\l.S. St. that the di\cn\crL'tl had Trineonialce for JFT. The main body soon everyone dantply from the .\l.l-'.V. l-‘ortli played their :it of liden of the ships arrived in the lirst week (iardeii lay virtually couldn't wait for us and had taken similar to exercises were of Aitgttst and they made an impres- feet. The the rest of the sqtiadrott off on L) that indies. liast sive sight in the harbour. There were those iii the except cruise. However. we were glad to be and fewer aircraft the cruiser ('eylon. two frigates and there were more back and the families were glad to weather wis submarines representing the ships_ In general. the two see us. which was the main thing. We the when for one day Royal Navy. three destroyers :ind eood. except had been away frorii .\l:ilta for seven three frigates and Delhi of the Indian Press were eitibarkeil and a corre- months and a week. spending l-15 days Navy. and three destroyers and :: spondent of :i certain South African at sea and steainirig over 2(r.tltttt miles. frigate from Pakistan. Trinco was oaper wrote his article sccondliand For everyone on board it was an closing down as :i British Naval has-:. after spending the day prostrate. they were unlikely to experience many of the facilities were no longer Amongst other events of the visit forget. We h:id visited three contiin operation and three R.F.As, assisted was the ship's dance. held about half- nents. worked with tive Navies and The Official Canteen Organisation for H.M. Force: with provisions stores and fuel. way between (':ipetown and Sinions- met petiole of many varying nations IHPEIAI. COIIIIT, KEIIIIINGYON LAIIL L0tlD00¢,$.£.Il The exercises at sea lasted four town. In order to take thcparty home and beliefs. and there were few who weeks altogether and varied from the afterwards. two trains were hired from wouldn‘t be prepared to do it again. ,
Tweii ty-sin: thousandmiles journey in 145 days
Self Service
Min". I958
pll.M.S.P0i'poise The
on g
Nav_v'.s Newest Submarine
Coiiiiiiissions PORPOISF. the first of a batch l»l..\l‘.S. of six and the lirst operational sub- l’ marine to he completed since lllc war. was cotnmissioned at the Barrow~iiiFurness yard of .\le.ssrs. Vicl;ers-
o.:''4-'/‘ :1
Armslrongs (Sltiplvtiiltlers) Ltd.. on 'l'htirsday. April l7. l‘)5ti. under the l_ietit,-(‘dr. B. C. G. lltttchings. R.N.
coinii't:intl of
On the dock alongside the ship. a square was formed by the (:4 members of the ship‘s company. by tlte men who built her and. under a eaiivas shelter. the guests and friends. In the centre a small lectern was crectetl frorii which Rev, 1). Welsh. ('hapl;tin to ll..\l.S. At|;tiii:tiit. tlepot ship of the Third Siihiitaritic Flotilla. l~'aslane, blessed the ship with the lr:iditional "liiddiiig" followed by prayers and "l-‘_tern.'tl Father Strong to Save." The Flag ()tlieer Siibtiiariiies. Adiniral B. W. Taylor, liavitig served as First l.ietttenant on the previous to Porpoise ;t tiiiiielayer had hoped of wish the ship's company the best luck in person but his duties h:id taken him to Malta and. in his pltlcc. all address was given by Capt. ll. 5fy1;|ckcn[it:_ who said that it would he rt long time before we had a purely nuclear llcct. Porpoise was WC“ tlesignetl and well equipped for the trcnientlotis task ahead :tnd was a line
regards the ship herself. one. mnnut do better than quote the description issued by the Adiniralt}""ll..\l.S. Porpoise is a siihinariiie. c;.p;itilc of high llIltlCl'\\':llCl’speed and As
iindertakc contiiitiotis sub-' merged patrol iii any part of the world. 290 feet long. aiitl with a beam of Ira! feet. ll"-‘ llI=\it.1l1 Of l'¢‘|'P(‘|5t"5 lttill :tnd superstrticttire rcllccts her speed capabilities of high underwater 'l'l<lE BOARD OF ADMIRALTY.-—Anew picture of the Lords C0lltllIlSSl0l'|Cl'S of the Admiralty photographed a la Board meeting tit the Admiralty and great diving tlcplll. Stress has her" 1.-.i(|_ ioo_ on long endurance. both on Photographed from lett to right the present members 0! the Board are: Mr. R. A. Allen. D.S.().. 0.B.l-‘... M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary): The lion. 1‘. C. Galbraith. the surface and dived-v_vhether on M.P. (Civil Lord): Vice-Adniirul .\l 1.. Power. C.B.. ('.B.l"... l).S.0.. and Bar (Deputy Chief of Ntnnl Stzifi and Fifth Sea Lord): Admiral Sir (‘zispar John. K.('.B. (Vice-Chit-I’ of Natal Stall): Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. K.G.. etc. (First Sui Lord and Chic! of the Naval Stiitll: Sir Clltlord Jarrett. K.It.l-1.. batteries or snorting. She is (.'.B. (Deputy Secretary): the Earl of Selkirk, 0.B.l-2.. A.l-'.C. (First Lord): Sir John Lang. G.(‘.B. (Secretary of the Adnilr-tilt.\‘l: Vice-Adinlntl I). E. llolhind-Martin. on the surface. or when .siiortin_g. bl‘ Bar (Second Scat Lord and (‘hid ol‘ Naul Personnel): Admiral Sir Peter Reid. K(‘.B.. C.\'.(). (Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Non); diesel-electric drive front Admiralty C.B.. l).S.().. l).S.(.'. andVice-Adnilral Sir Gordon Hubhtick. K.B.l{.. (_'.B. (Fourth Sea Lord, Vice-('ontrollt-r:ind(‘hit-I of Supplies and Trzinsport) standard range etigines. and from a large battery driving lltc motors when submerged. The snort eqtttpmcnt hm been designed to give niaxirntim stiort-cliatgitig facilities and to 0P'-‘'-'“3 to in rough se:t conditions. Both air and surface ivarning radar can be operated THE GOLDEN Barque. which was a i at periscope depth as well as when weather vane on Portsmouth (':tthctlr.il surfaced." down in 1954. was KNOWN T0 the crews of thousands until blown For So iituch for the technical side, received into the Cathedral and of British trawlers and driftcrs front the amenities: mounted on wood frotii H..\l .S. her service with the Royal Navy‘s can be made even more “General hahitability is of the Victory on April I3. the 'l-‘ishery Protection Squadron. your civilian clothes in which highest standard. with strip lighting. One hundred and lifty-one years -.ocean niinesweeper Mariner is to he‘ nylon curtains. and panelling in ago Admiral The Prince of Wales. who ‘transferred to the Burmese Navy, to your leisure hours from Bcrnards laminated plastic and wood. To was then Lord Warden of the Cinque handed over, at a ceremony She NOW combat the tedium of long periods of Ports. nladc a siniilar presentation. held atwasTower Pier in the Pool of submerged patrol a cinema projector when a bust of Lord Nelson. forged Lontlon on Friday. April I8. by the and a tape recorder are available. front copper frotii H.r\I.S. Victory and First Sea Lord (Admiral of the Fleet! You will find a fine range of superbly Each of the six olliccrs anti 64 ratings mounted on oak front the saint: ship. the Earl .\‘loitnthattcii of Burma. tailored Jackets in all the latest has a bunk with a foam latex mattress. was presented to the Dover Council. K.(i.. etc.) to the Burmese Anibas~ cloth designs, Blazers, Trousers and "An air conditioning plant provides The bust is still kept in the (‘oiincil tsador in London tl-lis Excellency; ‘ drying and either heating or cooling of Chaniher at the Town Hall and is very U mmg Sun Suits at Bernard Branches in a comprethe air for Arctic or tropical service. niticli treasured hy the people there. 5 1 hensivc selection of sizes most Oxygen replenishment and carbon The bell at Btickland Priniary dioxttle and hydrogen eltitittizttors School. in the same town. is also -I customers may at once obtain a ntalte it possible for Porpotse to valuetl relic of the sea. it came from fit. However, for the customers remain totally stibnierged wiiliout even {the fiill-rigged ship Troon. which wast using her snort for several days. in 185-: and wreelted oil St. ‘launched to Measure clothes Bernards provide a fine choice Tailoring several :tfter in IRS7 dislil fresh to water Bay ‘.\largarct'.s "Apparztttis of patterns and a prompt delivery of orders from sea water for drinking purposes i\'i‘Iy;ige\ to China. The bell was salanti stotvagc for l:trgc qtiatitities of ivaged :ind bought for a few shillings .Nli\'F. MlNF.S\VlEl’.l’F.RS attached to stores and provisions enable Porpoise .hy the Dover ('hurcli iiittiiagers fur Naval Volunteer Reserve l)iviWliere it is not desired to pay Cash the cost of orders may to remain on patrol for months willi- ‘ use iii the school. sions‘ spent Easter weekend on be to :1 credit account for settlement by Bankers otit any outside support." training cruises. niantied by Naval Reserve oflicers :iiid ratings. Order or Allotment and full details of this Ships of the soiitlierti divisions. and of the Bernard Service will gladly be on request at ll.M. Ships Tliztmcs and lsis il_Ul‘lll'.lIl a Branch or through Head Office |)i\'i\ionl. ('Iir'Ion (Sussex l)ivisioiit. and \\'.'trsash tSolent l)ivisio:i) assenihled in the ('hannel on the. evening of April 3 :intl paid an‘ informal visit to (lslvlttl from April able
Parts ofH.M.S. Victory in Dover
Transfer of Ocean Minesweeper Burmese
by choosing cnioy
whereby perfect requiring
charged Admiralty
'‘'(I, lit Scotlaiiil. ll.\l.
Ships .\liinlriiv,._‘l'l‘:t_v l)i\'isioii), l\'i|liecr:tiikic (Fortlt; il)l\l\llllll. aitd Nilrtlitiiiilirirt (Tynci. on
Tat'Ior.«i and
April 5 {ur vvecl-.etitl iiiiiiesweepiiii:
6-9 Queen Street, Portsmouth
Venttirer tSexei‘tt Division) cruised in the .\lilford lla\eii area and ll..\l.S., Kilinorcy tlilster Division) visited“ ytaiiiplseltotvit in order to carry out; }ititiit~_s\\ccpiii;_- trials .'Illtl general \L'-ll .lf.tIl1lll_L', | ()lliccrs and ratings of the Royal. :.\‘a\;tl Voliintecr Reserve carry Ultii .lltcir traitiing in one of the ll sea} training centres ;troiind the counlryt‘ aitil iii the iiiiiicsiveepers altacltcd each. 'l'rainitte is carried uttt oti several : evenings every week. :tnd at wcelsetiils.i .and ilie sea tenders each carry otit at] lleast three I-8-day exercise periods; 1I.lll.'lll}.'. the siitnnter. each of which isi planned to include a visit to a
'1':-It-pltrirw -M03
exercises, with visits
l.eith antl Dtiitdee. Arid in the \\'c\l_ ll,M,S'. to
Branches at 35 Branches Home and Abroad
I'holugru(-Ii: Lnlic Sprllrr. ll'on'il bltip .5'uiirr_i-
l)ivisiotil met in the Firth of Fortli
May. 1950
Little Foxes’
H.M.S. Shcflicld
H.M.S. Llandaif
H.M.S. l.L/\Nl')AFF. the second ship DURING THE past month we have of the Salisbury class of frigatcs to he won the Fleet .-‘\..-\. competition. taken completed, was provisioitally accepted part in .\l:-trjex and visited llari and into ll.t\l. Service on April It. This Split. drip has been built by Messrs, Haw- The \ttL'Cc\\ in the .-\.A. competition thorn Leslie (Sliipbuildcrs) Ltd.. at came its no surprise to those of us -llebliiiru-on-'l'yne. She was launclicd who saw the splendid sliootiiig on the i\'ovembcr .30. I955. and was day of the competition. Marjcx gave on riariicd by the Countess Mountbattcrn us :i chance to renew otrr acquaiittof lltlrtttit. ance :tt a distance with American
_‘ .,,.:..._..,...~..--..._.‘.....“.....
ships. some of whom we last saw designed during “Strikcb:iclt" in colder climcs. primarily for the direction of carrier- Our \\'L't.‘lrl‘ll(l in Bari was very qtiict borne or sliore-based aircraft. They will also serve as a small type of but most of the ship's contpany scented to enjoy the loc:il food, wine \ll.'\lf0_\‘Ctl in offensive operations. The and usual ltaliatt attractions. Frigates of this class
all-welded and have been [_'irel‘:ibricated in a manner to make tor
rapid building.
ll..\l.S. l.l;intl.itl’ has twin screws ‘and is powered by .—‘\t|niir.ilt_\‘ stziiitlard ‘
Cast and stage liantls of “Die Little Foxes" with Regiti.'i'.» doubts souring the taste of her victory. The adjudicator was Mr. Donald Jonson, and in his siimrning up he commented that the production was good. but slow to develop. It was not an easy play. but the company had been largely successful. The Drama team was thanked by the (Tominanding Otlieer. Royal Naval Air Station. Arbroath—Capt. W. L. (3. Porter. strong-willed sister. Regina. They are R.N.-—who referred to the fact that itegotititittg with a Chica 0 business Mrs. Wendy (iasgoine had taken over tycoon. William Marshall. or the ercc- as producer when her husband. lust.tion of a factory on their land. But Cdr. J. (I (iasgoine. became ill. She Regina‘: dying husband. Horace. who h:id done a iuarvcllous job at short is in the northern states for nicdicaltiioticc. attention. is the stumbling block to ll.\l.S. CONDOR staged “The Little l'o\‘e\." by I.illi'.m Hellman. in the I958 Royal Naval Drama Festival. This play was first given on the New York stage in I927. with Tallttlah ttankhead in the leading role. l.ater it was Iilmed with ltette Davis as the star. "'I'he l.itlc Foxes" is set in a cottongrowiug southern state of the U.S.A. and centres round a family of two brothers. Oscar and Ben. and their
farnil_\"s plans.
A1-In-oath Activities
Alexandra. Horucfis ‘twinge daughter. is packed oil’ to bring back Pcrsrinalitics her fatlier.-The brothers. through Leo. t ()-scars ne er-do-well sort. ‘borrow I (‘l)R. ll. J. S. lt.-\Nl(S has left ll..\l.S. bonds belonging to Horace :ind clinch|Condor to take tip an appointment at their business deal. but Horace finds Adniiralty. He has been at Arbroath out. He dies before he can do any- for three years having served on the thing. Regina threatens the brothers stall of l’.O.lt.A. before becoming with exposure unless she gets the lion's executive ofliccr of Condor last year’. share of the profits. The curtain closes His sttccessor is Cdr. W. l’. B. ltarhcr. .
SEIIVICE for Sc-1'r:ir_-(9 pt.-oplo \\'|tcii you haul; with the \\'t-.-tiniit-it-i‘. )r-ti gr-t !-t3t'\'lt‘i’- all nlon_-_: the llll(' l"lt'.-ll. lit“ \\'t'.-triiiriutt-t‘ has a special v.Va\‘_y lirarirlt at 26 Il.'i_ytiiat'l.(-t_. lmitlori. This has been open :~'ltt('t.- l:'..‘.! and i.-=, in coitscqtictlce, well ncqttaititt-(l with the kind of financial pi-ohlcrns you meet with in the t\'av_\-. Next, the linnk has l)l't'Il‘l('ll(‘Sat Cliatliarrt, l’ort.<riioiitli and l‘l_ym0ittlt wliicli are itl\\'iI_\'5 at. _yoin- SUl'\'i(‘f‘ (as also are t‘tt'.'tt‘l_\' ]_.'.'U(| lit'iltt(’llt.‘:~‘ in other towns tltrotigliout I‘.n;_-.lantl and \\'alc.-'). Finally, the ‘\\'e.<tirtiti.~‘tt-t' llanl». t-pt-i'.’itt-s al-roatl tlirou_t;'li at worltl-wide S_\'>l(‘ttt of («gt-tits and tot*t‘t-spoittlettts. If you wottltl lilac to l-’.ll(>\\' riiorc about our :~'L‘l'\‘lC(.‘ to the Senior S('l‘Vl\'(‘: write for the booklet. ‘“'csttiiiiistc-t' Bani; to Her Majesty's Ships’ .
Range I hea\_v oil
'luc~day. .\larcli ll. nearing the
l-‘lag of
the Corxiniztrttler-in-(‘liit-I". .\lctliterrarte:tu t;\dmir:rl Sir ('lt:tr'|es ii. |.:xmbc. (i.(,'.ll.. ('.\'.().i with Diana in comp.‘tu_\. we entered the Iiarliotii of Split. Yiigt-~l..\i:i. for a live-tl;i\ \l\i1, lo: llil|\i oi its it this our Iirst \i\ll to a ('o:t'.:.tnnixt State and an opporrimitj. to we how the other side ll\i.‘\. \\e were all lIll[\t’t.‘s\i:t.l by the politcncx- and fiicridliness of the local population. but the high prices in the shop\ and the lacl. of variety in the goods resulted in very little money
coupled to prop-e_|lt'ng sh.tI'ts through li3.'dratr|ic couplings and oil operatetl re\‘e:~;‘ and reduction gear-bo.\e~'. T ltcsct engines. of the lalcsl .-\tlniir;ilty pat-' tern. were rriiiiiiifacttrretl by Messrs. lit'lll\ll Polar. of Glasgow. Engines of similar design for driving the ship‘s electric generators were rnaiitifactured by M essrs. Vickers-Arrristrongs. being spent. Barrow-iii-l-‘umess. The Llandalf is the only type 6! frigate to have a ll'istoricull_\' Built 500 kW. gas turbine alternator and The town of Split is most iritcrcstittg three diesel generators. Other ships liistorically for it is btiilt around the of the class. and also type 4| frigates. aiiciciit Roman palace of Diaclctiari. have fotrr diesel generators. This In fact the greater part of the shopalternator has been nianufactiircd by area is within the palace walls. .\lessr.\‘. W. ll. Allen & Sons, of ping which still stand after l.$tttI years. The ltedford. tlarro\\ streets are kept well cleaned as are all the roads. though the Dimensions of Ship scarcity of t,':iIs helps in this matter.
to her aircraft
direction This \vns one of the most noticeable equipment. the frigate is cqtiipped dillerences between Split and Bari. D.S.C.. who previously scrvctl on the with a twin 4.5-inch gun mounting. for the latter buzzed with little Fiats staff of the C.-in-C. llornt: l-lcet where two small additional guns and a Squid all einnlating the Mille Miglia. The he was torpedo and zinti-submarine tutti-submarine three-barrel mortar. citizens of Split seemed drably The dimensions of the ship are as dressed to otir eyes and though in specialist. the matter of Public Services and Superintendent J. Davies. .\t.B.l€.. follows: staff ollicer W.R.N.S.. Home Air lixtrcnie length 340 feet; length buildings the standards scented high. visited Condor Command. on Tuesday between perpendiculars 330 feet; one was very conscious of YugoJ. I whilst C. Surg.-Capt. ID.) slavia's dillicultics in maintaining a April and extreme breadth 40 feet. Command Dental Benson. Surgeon. The balanced economy. peacetime complement norm:il_ the visit air same The Yugoslav Naval Headquarters paid a during by of the will be officers and ship eight week. is a fine nioderti building overlooking 198 men. the West llar'..'3ur of Split. The East Marriages has been taken while Opportunity Two marriages took place during Harbour contains shipyards and the Llaridalf out H.M.S. incorfitting to Easter leave. Lieut.-Cdr. A. Greenmziuufacturing area. out of sight of and with number a expcrintcnt poratc an approach from seaward. The halgh. of modelling fame, was of novel features and materials. new married down south. Yugoslav Navy arranged bus trips to has been made of use Inst.-Licut. F. S. .\lnrliu was Exter_isive places of interest in the local area and decorative materials in plastic different married in Wales to Third Oflicer these were thoroughly enjoyed by colour for schemes 1 lining living accorn- those lucky enough to get seats. ll. M. Michael who was the ;l\\i.\lIll'li modation and and deck bathrooms, The traditional party was given for secretary to tire captain, have been fitted which coverings 300 children and it was a great success Visits improve both appearance and clean- tlcipllc the awful weather on that Members of the 12th ‘ll.-in‘. .-\ppren- liness. l:lIl’t'llllll'C has. in many places. afiernoori. Most of the youngsters tices. have been on lll5lt‘ltClit‘tl£Il xisits been specially designed and “built in" showed their powcss in liuglislt by to various firms and cstablisltrireiits in to make maximum use of available greeting their hosts with “Chewing Glasgow. space. (juni. Joe'."' sure a sign of Under lust.-Lieuts. Lewis and Other equipment includes new types UNF.S(‘0's inlluencc. In the sporting Willtic they have visited a carpet- of ropes: wire ropes have been almost sphere. the ship's soccer team lost Brown's Messrs. Jolitt making factory. completely dispensed with and narrowly to Split Town after a famous shipbuilding yards, a well- liawscrs. boats‘ falls. etc.. are either spirited tight back in the second half. known brewery, the St. Rollox Works, of nylon or Teryleiie. The main ship As the month ends. here we are Automotive Department of British awnings are of Terylene instead of alongside Palatorio Whai'f in the Railways. the Rolls-Rt-:.ce Aero the conventional canvas. liuture midst of sell‘-ntziiuteiiaricc before sailengine factory. and a big newspaper policy in ship tilting is likely to he ing again on e\ercises and what oflice and printing worlua. to be a most interesting coti~.idcr;il\ly influenced by the results the of recreation. have liy they way of the innovations in the l-l:tnd:ill'. lsltntlttct‘ Ctllisc. been to a theatre and seen a television live show. as well its haxing a tour‘ of the TV studios. The 24th Divisional Coiirsc of Aircraft .\lcchnniciarts have also been VISITING LONDON? On I('nt'c or tlttry instructional visits in .'\Il‘.'O(tlll. paying -
they have been over .\lcs<rs. Douglas liraser and Sons‘ l'oundry
and Messrs. Francis Weltster and Sons‘ works. At Dundee they visited the National Cash Register (,‘onipan_v and the Calcdon Shipyard. the City Police H.Q. and :1 brewery. and at Brecliin the Coventry Gauge and Tool (‘o.. and Messrs. J. & J. Sntart'_~ \';ille_\' Works.
A T T H E S S AF.-\ CLUB? the SS.-\F.-\ Club otters ctcan. contlortable accommodation to serving and cx-members of l-l.M. Forces with or without their rantitics. Adults: bed and breakfast I016 Children 216 and 5.’-. THE SSAFA CLUB. H. N EVER .\' SOUA RE, EARIIS COURT LONDON \'.\V.5 'l'elep}ionc: I'R0br'shcI 33-17
Social The chief pelt)‘ otliccrs held :i Very successful Easter Dance and a large company of guests tltorotrghly eujoyctl tliemselves. especially at the iugerrious hot dog bar concocteti by C.l’.().Cook Jackson. Prize Day
lli reis so much more
The passing out par.'ide and prize day took place on '1 iiesday. April l5. The parade was inspected by ViceAdmiral N. Dalton. I.‘.il.. ().li.E.. the Engineer-in-Chief. Admiral Dalton presented the prizes after the ceremony.
CORRECl‘l0.\'S The reference to !l..\l.S. ltcmiudti in otrr article “Hospitality in \Vcst Indies" on page 14 of the April issue of Navy Nr-.\vs should. 0: course. have been H.M.S. ltulwark. _
Nair)‘ IJrmt('/1 .Haul
2G 41
IIa_yrnai'l;(-t, London, S.W.t I..0l.lll.tlll‘_Y, London, l'..C.2
We are asked to state. lay l’. Elson of H.M.S. Colliiigwood. that it was H.M.S. Owen. and not H..\l.S. Dalrymple which took a Socotra cow to the Balirein lixpcriint.-iital Farm sortie three years ago. (See .-\p.-it i\Sl|L'.« l ' l page 10.)
ll ’rirc/or derar‘I.r arrdillrrsrralrtlbrochure to |0l|ll C. NICHOLLS COURT LANE COSHIH llAll'|'$ Tel. Cosliarn 76429 '
_Mn '. 19513
IIJLS. Ulster’s Commission in the West Indies
Presentation of
British Empire Medal at; R.N.A.S. Ford
DURING NINE. months on the West Indies Station ll.M.S. Ulster has steamed over '.’.7.6t)t) miles during which time she has visited 22 different places on the Station. The geographical extremes have been llermuda in the north. British Honduras in the west and British (iuiana in the south. The largest city visited was Miami which is renowned for its skyline of tall hotels and miles of beaches. At the other end of the scale was Union Island where the oltlu.-st inhabitant could remember the Royal Navy's-last— visit- in citlter 1899 I903. The island contained no or wheeled transport apart from one
searching for Pamir was accepted by the Royal Canadian task
Units of the Home Fleet then eonNavy. Ulster's cruise was unatlceted tintred their way homewards. divertby hurricanes which can create a ing slightly to the south to take part tremendous devastation in the islands in a furtlter NATO exercise--"l)awn where so many houses are made of llrce1.e"—~with French. Danish and ON .\IARCl*l '7. Flag Ofliccr Flying wood and the crops are the source of Training. Rear-Admiral D. R. l‘. Portuguese ships. livelihood for most of the population. At the little of writing Turpin and Cambell. l).S.C.. landed in his Silver In the event the main coullicts were to present the llritish Tiptoe are still in warmer climcs. The Vampire Medal on 'the sports lield and the ship landed to Chief A.A. King fortner is expected back by the middle Empire cricket. rugger. shooting. soccer. of April and the latter. after working at Divisions that day. basketball. water-polo and golf teams with the U.S. Navy is expected to rein the majority of the i.~.l.mds'. turn to her Squadron in Scotland b_v Throughout the \Vi.-st Indies there is the middle of May. an indelible impression that the Navy l‘l.M.S. Maidstone arrived back at is always welcome and that our visits Portsmouth on March 3| to be are all too infrequent. greeted by some 500 relatives and The nest phase was concerned with donkey-cart aml no roads. friends at Soutlt Railway Jetty. A The commission can be divided into the operational visits to lleli/e in titting conclusion to a most happy and four phases: the tirst -of which was llritish llonduras :md Nassau in the strenuous cruise. the llurricane (iuard Ship Cruise llahamas. The lirst was caused by the around the Caribbean. 1957 will long breach of faith by the leader of the be rentcmbcred as the Hurricane Peoples United Party when tlte British The \‘trlmt:tritte depot ship .\laidtankers. which produced "(‘arrie" Ilontluras tlelcgatiott was in London season For several da_\s and nights exercises slouc l(iapt_ S. A. Porter. l).S.(i.. which was responsible for the loss of for talks with the (‘olonial Sccret:u'y. were carried out before the ships dis- R.N.) is to pay on alter It] years’ the training ship Pamir. At the time Mr. Price commenced negotiations‘ persed to their respective first mitts of continuous service —a single commisUlster was in British (irriarta and the with the .\liuister for the neighbouring call. .\laidstone and submarines. after sion ernbrztcing the war in the .\lediterrepublic of (iuatemala. The outcome the 5.tI!)(t-odd miles passage arrived ranean amt the Pacilic and pc:rcctintc to lleliie of the was the return on J:tttu.u'_\' 3| at Kingston. Jamaica, duty with the Home l-‘leet. New Plans (inventor and llonduras delegation I-‘rom ll.M.S. .\laidstone in the where a Illtlsl generous welcome and the e.\ptIlsiotl of Mr. Price from awaited them. ll..\l.S. Ulster. wearing .\lediterranean operated submarines of for’ Olliecrs Promoted the e\cctIti\‘c council. At the same the broad pendant of the Senior the famous l-Iighth Squadron. many rf time ll..\l.S. Ulster with troops of the Naval Olliccr \‘c’cst Indies Station. whose names boats such as the The citation for the award reads: from the Lower Deck Wore-.-stershire Regiment arrived in Commodore (3. IE. lltmt. l).S.().. Safari. the Ursula and the Seraph “Chief Aircraft Artillccr Russell Ileli/.c and the situation remained l).S.C.. was also in harbour. 'l he visit became known world wide lot’ lllr-‘if JCcurgc King. II-.I‘LM..' L/FX. 7525! RI-IVISIEI) PLANS for and entry quiet. followed the ttsual pattern well known exploits during the Second World ’a\vardcd the British Empire Medal the ttndcr Royal Navy's The operational visit to Nassau was to the Royal Navy. and six days later War. Working from her. submarines '(Mi|itary Division) in the Birthday training the strips sailed with many an aching harassing enemy supply lines sank "Honours List. I957. for outstanding Upper Yardrncn scheme for the pro- caused by a general strike and on this of rating to cornrnissioned occasion ollicers and men were landed head amt heart on board. nearly -1tlt),tl()t) tons of stripping. while Ical and devotion to duty while motion rank aimed at ensuring they have the to strengthen police and military serving in ll.M.S. Theseus. same prospects as the (‘adct entry patrols whilst the engineering depart"C.,’.-‘\ir.Art. King was the senior otliecrs announced by the ment assisted the electricity corporaare maimenance rating in 845 Squadron tion in running the power station. On today. land was‘ largely responsible for the Admiralty In future. Upper Yardmen who are both occasions tltc presence of one of 'prep:tration of It) helicopters for the passed by an interview board after Her .\l:tjesty's ships ttrtdonbtcdly on November [operations at Port Said 28 weeks‘ helped to prevent any outbreak of ‘(I am! 7. I956. llis tireless work and completing a preliminary course go on as (‘adets to ll.M.S. violence. ;his cltecrfulness in spite of many Temeraire. After Nassau two ships of the Upper Yardtncn estabdillieulties caused by constant lislnncnt :rt the West Indies Squadron joined up Port lidgar. Squadron movements prior to the If srrccessfttl at this stage of their with the Home Fleet during their operations was a source of encourage- training. they are ts and finally the promoted to mid- spring cruise ment to all. and his nnceasing etlorts cttcreises which Royal contributed greatly to the fttll service- shipntcn to continue at the llritannia "Maple aml Ulster in Royal Naval (‘o|lege. l);rrtmouIh. linishctl for Troubridge ability_ of the helicopters during the There. they will be integrated with the llal as. Nova Seotia. operation." the final Finally the strip was privileged to (‘._r'Air.Art. King is married. living, normalofcadet entry. sharing their course at Dartmouth. parade a Royal Guard in Trinidad at Lowestoft. He is currently serving phasc the lirsl time that otlicers appointed when Her Royal Highness Princess at R.N..-\.S. Ford. from the lower dcek have undertaken Margaret visited the West Indies to our rnsl training at the Royal Naval College. open the first Legislative Assembly of orr-ct. It has also been decided that the the West Indies l-'cderation. To many minimum age limit of candidates. who in lingland the West Indies islands are required to have a qualifying are mere names on a map; to those period of service of at least six in Ulster the islands joining together months should be reduced to I8 years in the new Federgnion are real places fr months or I7 years ti months in the unique in their beauty and friendliness. A Royal visit and a new federaease of juniors. this The name Upper Yardmcn dates tion were the climax of from sailing ship days when the best commission. ll.M.S. Ulster is expected to arrive young men were selected for work "Dress of the day" for shorwgtring at l’lymouth on May l3. aloft on the upper yards, that put‘ During the next five weeks Maid- it was the Seraph, of course. stone visited Barbados. llequia. Trini- ashore (iencral Mark Clark near dad. Bermuda and llatitart. Nova Algiers to contact the French authoriSeotia. West Indies I-cderatron Day. ties before the North African landings. Admiral of the Fleet Viscount February 24. was spent at Port of of llyndhope, Kill. Spain. Trinidad. which will shortly Cunningham become the seat of the‘ elected Govern- G.C.B.. O..\l.. l).S.0.." l.l-.l).. visited ment. llcr Royal Highness Princess her as First Sea Lord. while Sir Winthe the ston Churchill also went on board higlrgztrct formally opened this .\taidstone before she left the .\lediterFederal Parliament on April 22 ranean in I9-t-t for the Fast Indies and year Ofcoursc I try to. But my pay‘s not r-;~. mgh to While baseil on l-rcmantlc. Tiptoe was kept very busy during the Pacitic. save anytltin.-.5. February co-operating with the Royal one of her submarines. the Tantalus. to of ruadc 55 days. reputed a voyage Canadian Air Force oil (iuantanamo. That’s what I thought when I was your age be the longest patrol by a Ilritish subCuba. However she was able to spend until someone showed me the Progressive a most enjoyable week-end at Port marine of the war. Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 Antonio. a small town on the north Since the war. the .\laidslone has Savings Fleet and with Home was served the coast of Jamaica. during this period. a month by Naval allotment but when I leave cruise the flag of the ('ommander-inflying All the ships on the the Service next year I can collect £855. a.ssembled at Bermuda on March 3. to (‘hief. Admiral Sir William Davis. Sounds too good to be true. Where's the catch? meet the ships of the Royal Canadian K.C.B.. l).S.0.‘. when she sailed in of lileet the with other ships Navy based on the east coast _of January No catch. And ifl had died at any time my cruise the West Indies and to Canada. Among the I3 Qrttrrdtttn ships on a carrier ioint exercises with the Royal (‘ana- wife would have received the ‘‘'‘‘°'° present were the new aircraft 5355 Vvlllclt will you mt.-t-9 Bonaventure [ex-ll.M.S. Powerfull dian Navy in the Western Atlantic. it’s You Scheme a Savings immediately. see, and the modern frigates, St. Laurent. I’m going for the pension becausethere’s and Life Insurance rolled into one. Ottawa. Sagucnay. Assiniborne. Final another valuable right with it—I can get a details of the forthcoming exercises. COMMISSIONING for hadn’t signed on 22 years’ Supposing you called "Maple Royal" were (lt5cash advance for the full price of a new and a service? cussed between the two Navies IN SERVICE —house. I’m all lined up for a job already, force few days later this conshlcrahlc and with an extra pension to look forward When I had done my 9 years I could have of some 30 warships sailed for what to and the wife and familysafe in our own drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy was no doubt the climax of the cruise. Subtnarines taking part were. Am- ALI. Ol-'l-‘ICIERS and ratings who will Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall its the kind of security we all homc—well, Albion in H.\l.S. during be serving and Tiptoe. phion. Aleidc. Anehorite want. the option of taking the £855, or if her next commission may bring perCanadian llospitrtlity sonal guests to the connnissioning I don’t need the cash imm How do you set about all this? combined of the the first After part of the which (‘haplaiu (at ately, a pension of,€r72'a year exercises had been completed the ceremony Fleet will otliciate} on board at the That’s easy. Ask the Proviwhen I retire from civilian ships called at Halifax. Nova Scotia l-130 on Wednesday, .\lay 2|. ~thc first time for It) years that units dent of London for details of maximum two adults or one work at 55. A of the Home l-"leer had visited that adult and two children may be invited. ' of the Progressive Savings For members 43] the W.R..A’.S. (Ire port. (‘anadian hospitality more than Tea will he provided after the Scheme. a war. compensated for the cruel Canadian ceretnony and there will be an oppor- l’m.riarr is climate it snowed for four days——an'.l tunity to look round the ship. both otliccts :md men were given a Persons ioining after May ltt. who truly magniticent welcome. should write r Send this coupon to 246 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2wish to invite On March I8 the ships sortied out before that date guests. to; Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme of Halifax and exercised far out into The (‘ommissioning Oflicer, the Atlantic for a further live days. Name .......--......-...nu......--......-..........--......-.-......................-......................... ll.t‘\-l.S. Albion. In farewell the Royal (.‘an.tdian strips Portsmouth. Address steamed past in perfect line ahead their of guests, formation. and the decks of both giving the names board not later be should on Royal Navy amt Royal ('anadian (iuests N: 'y strips were manned with cheering than l-H5. The ship .will remain open -I to visitors until 1700. sailors.
ON JANUARY 16. I958, ll..\l.S. Maidstone. wearing the llag of the Commander-in-Chief. Home Fleet. Admiral Sir William Davis. sailed front Portland for the West Indies and C:rribbean. The submarines Turpin and Tiptoe. had sailed the day before to take up patrol positions in mid-Atlantic to attack the Home Fleet ships as they steamed westwards. These ships. which were ill fact a task force drawn from the Home I-‘lect. consisted of the aircraft carrier llulwark with Vcnoms, Sea Ilawks. Skyraiders and anti-submarine helicopters en-r-Enzirketl. the cruiser (Ieylon. and the destroyers Daring. l)clight. l)aint_\'. Camperdown and llartleur. Accornpanying the task force were the Royal lilect atni|iary‘s ()|na and Tidereach. both modern fast replenislunent
I save 2
- - - — - - -' - - -' -' -' - -
Mint. I958
* SUCCESSFUL DINNER AND DANCE AT CHEAM AND WORCESTER PARK great honour for the Mess to have very successful annual dinner and the Mztyor and .\l:tyorc.ss with us at dance at the Crown litit. Mordcn. the dinner anti sinecrcly hoped all our (ircat praise goes to Shipmatc Stanton guests would enjoy their evening ottr hard-worlsing social secretary for aniong u_s. the success of this event. lli-. Worship Altlcrniatt Titotttas. unable to in his response said he was very Uttforttttt;ttel_v we were have ottr president and Sir Henry pleased to be antoitg us. and had enMoore with its due to prior engage- joyed the ltospitality of the braiicli.
O.\'(‘F. .-\(‘t.-\lN the branch held
Patron: H.H. The Queen
Bliiclspool June 28-».-\
it it u
and wliicli \\.i\ in kccpiiig with Naval traguests were presetit. dition the world over. He wished the Aldcrniatt L. Has'.cd W. Shipmatc branch c\cr_\ siteccss for the futttrc. of Naval proposed the toast the Royal \\‘liic’r.cr proposed a toast to .-\ssoci;ttion and said that the Asso- theMr. branch and said that lit his capaciation as such could play an iiiiporof .sccretary at (‘heani Social Club tant part in public life and was an city he had al\va_\‘.s enjoyed the best of asset to the comntuitity as :1 whole. branch and felt that because the same spirit of contrade- relations awith the we were great asset to his club where ship which existed in the Service was we carried on in civil life by helping each six had had our hoitte for the past. years. other and also those cit-Naval inert A dance followed the dinner and not so fortunate as ourselves. Sir Roy Gill proposed a toast to during ati interval we were entertained No. 2 Area and said it was a great by that clever magician. liddie l’riachievementby the branch that we had deaux. assisted by an apt ptipil—our become one of the most active bran- honorary C haplaitt. We look forward to more social chcs is No. 2 Area. Shipmatc Clark. chairman. proposed events. especially otir visit to West a toast to ottr guest and said it was Ham dedication ceremony. nteitts.
tanltards for presentation to shipmatcs. plus more than our usual demand for hlay l(v.~~'Sut.‘l1ll and Dance at Star welfare work in 1957, the Area Hotel. finances are still in pretty good shape. llavant This is due to the attention to financial dettuls on the part of all conMay 6.-— Iirancli Meetittg. Old House cerned. and not least to the work of at Home. South Street. our Draw Committee. Sltipmate Tom Dorlsinu Flegg of Greenwich, and Shipmatc Hall. Oddfcllows ~l):tncc. :\lav 2-l.Jimmy lanes of S.E. London. June (t.——l);titcc. Dorking Halls-in I am sure that shipmates in other Polio of aid Flt_ml\‘.Tltamc Dedicaareas do not want details of our busiJune 22.-—-Snpportiitg ness in NAVY Niuvs. as their own tioii Ceremony. business is very similar, but it must be stated that at the annual general Lewishatn meetings of this area. everything is YIZRIZ! YOU bin looltin' fer we? We .\lay ll.——‘:\nllllltl Church Parade. taken apart. examined. if found faulty iIl.LlNGl~l.-\.\f lll~'.ADQUAR1'F.RS llerts. is scrapped. if o.k. re-assembled and missed writin‘ to 'oc last ntoitth on presented ct. gay appearance for the and so we keep on the up and Saccount of our bein' exter busy down meeting on April 17. The tables were ;\lay 9. Annual l_adie.s‘ Night. Areapassed. We ‘ad our vurst annual dinner gaily decorated and. taking pride of June l.--.’\llllu:ll Rally of No. 6 up. Judging by the remarks one overbears front time to time, No. 1 Area iand dance like I was tclliit‘ ‘cc about place was a beautifulydecorated cake Thiinic will have a good representation at .-sun‘ and 'twere a real success. A httn- on the centre table. it was obvious Jtiitc “ Dcdicatioii of Standard. the forthcoming Annual Conference Iderd and nine vellers wi' their wives that romance was in the air. at Blackpool. and the writer ltopcs and vriends rat down to dinner. and \'l-'.l\'Li!-IS After the first part of the business that the number of delegates at this what wi' soft music playin‘ to drown of the evening ltad been dealt llenfnrd llr-.tnch.—~Wltitc llztrt Hotel. conference will be truly repre- the noise of we champin' at the bit. with by oitr president. Cdr.ably year's l.e Marc. t|.,-Mont, l-'irst Wcdttesday each sentative of the Association. not as in and a real drop of stutf to toast our assisted by chairntan and viee-chairitiotttlt. previous years. will: It-.u than 50 per \'ursl Lady of the Land. everybody man, the procecdittgs were handed cent. of brancltcs. to dcterntiite I ‘ad a real good do. I can tell ‘cc. And over to Midshipttiaid Higgs. and the Association policy for the ensuing artcrwards we cleared the deck proper. well-kept secret revealed. just to show ‘em what rock and roll At the centre table were three of year. To all other areas. and to all serving was all about. you! The local zent a vcllcr to our youngest sltipmatcs: Leslie Darlcy never had it so (you've paper shipmates viceMiss Brenda Higgs and .-\ldi.-nnztn R. Bradbury, of luck and good for- make a report but l caint write it yet escorting the best good!) Branch. E. M. Fowler escorting Miss Pauline prcsident of Bury tune. from all sbipniatcs of No. l like ‘e did. Mr. Jiiiites Kenyon. it great and Now we'cm tryin' ‘am to raise it Smith. The third shipmate was Area. Darley. brother of Leslie true friend of Bury Branch. crowd to go down to Newton Abbot Derrick The reason for the little Darley. for their dedication. sno' and then later tableau Shiptuatc I-‘rank Cooper. D.S.M.. was the engagements of ShipPRESENTATION TO we 'ope to git up smarlish when Blacktitcntber of Cheltenbant Branch. mates Darlcy and l-'owler to the two more Vale ‘as theirs at Gillinghain Shipttnitc Stanley J. Abbott. FORMER SECRETARY young ladies mentioned and the 2lst (Dorset). member of Hull Branch. of Sliipntate Derrick. I must tell 'ee these yerc redundan- birthday AREA 8 OF No. After a short speech front Cdr. Shipnt-ate “Bunny-" Jack :\l1_Sllfls ‘ave ‘it we Portland cies iit Dockyard ARE still progressing t'-.t\-ou.~;tbly- about a bit. but we'cm ‘opin for the Le Mare who mentioned that he had former chainitan of Ashfurd tlxent) ON MARCH 2‘) at the “Ring of WE Branch. Bells." \\'olvcrhainptou. a presentation in the Thames Valley. aitd tidden no good 'owlin.' 5'01!- uttfortunately not recorded the meetbest. four new mcnibcrs have been en- is it'.’ We shall keep goin' soine'ow. and ing in his diary and would have Shipntate W. E. Stevens. ment- was held after the area meeting. iuisscd the occasion had his wife not ber of Kingston and District On behalf of No. 8 Area. a clock rolled sincc the Annual General .\lcct- : _vott ‘ant ‘card the last of we yet. I and there are prospects of another met two Mitlsliipntttitls who told her llranch. was presented to Shipniale “Tubby” ing SHIP” “HAPPY of this event and she did the rest. (‘htirchitiaii for his past services as four next month. Comrztdcsltip and § a Shipinate “lliII" Watlsins V-‘CW niuch encouraged at our ‘Ls’ Rlil’I.\'lNG to the toast to the Presents front the branch were foumler member and treasurer sccrctary to the Area. The presentation Will)’ IS and we more than welcome ‘gticsts, (‘aptain R. W. Mayo. R.N.. presented to the couples by :\litlsltip-ira_itclt_ and since inception of Sidciip Blanch. was ittude by the National Council linvitations correspondence from the Captain of |l..\l.S. Osprey. referred maids (ioodere and Royall. MidshipG. Young. of itteittbcr. Sltipttiate member a C. Harvey, Shiptuale branches outside No. 1 Area and look to the young l’ortl.tnd branch as a niaid Cooper presented Derrick with l.caiuiitgtou Spa. of (iillinghatii Branch. A social was given afterwards by fttr\t':_t_ril to ntccttitg our “t:ltttntiity "happy ship." Captaiii Mayo said Port- a present front the branclt. accomSltipntnte Albert llrichard. laitd had always had a strong asso- panyiiig it with a rcall_v good kiss. branch. and this was Shifts front the coastal areas. \\'olvciltatttptou nienibcr of Finsbury Branch. Several invitations to attend cliurc'.'t iciation with the Navy and always The fatltcr of Leslie and Derrick thoroughly ciijo_\-ed by all present. that and dedications have been ;would have. lle went oit to say l)arlc_\‘. art cs Royal Navy titan. who services received and will be dealt with by the “Changes are upon us and we are cut- was prcscitt. was so struck with the our tail to sharpen our teeth. but reception and conir:idc.sltip evinced Unfortunately sortie dates sccrctitry. clash with others, but we will do otir no titatter what small changes may that he iiitiniatcd his desire to become ‘ PARADE IISV best to please you all. come to one or other of us. I attt sure a member. Sltipntate (iooderc. our I Y the main item of the sea- we are all together in having the ftiture secretary. soon produced the necessary 1' 1 Naturally church scr.-\N.\'l:'.-\l. OUR parade l'.\' papers. and very .sooit we shall pipe vicc takes place on Sunday. .\lay ll. son at the moment is the Annual of the Navy at heart." The chairman of Portland U.D.C.. on board tltc verger of our own .-\’l' 'l'Hl~IIR ntcetittg on April I. Ship- I058. at It a.iii.. St. .\l:try's Parish Qinfcreiice at Blackpool. and accent. ing to information received it should Mr. A. ii. Page. added his praise of Parisli Church of St. .\lary's. ntate l’. 1-tidcout. the hon. treasurer of Church. l.ewish:mt. S.li.l3. the associzttion and said that although Youth is badly needed in oitr The parade will assctttble :tt the be a great gathering, llavant branch. delivered a ntessage of of had good spoken Mayo .Captain The Cliiehcstcr l)cdic:ttion and the ibranclies and we are very ltappy that good wishes from the Colchcster Clock 'lowcr at l(|.l5 a.itt. and will conferencc Portland that was felt he ltinies ahead the three sliipntatcs who were so coincide but it is hoped branch. which he had visited during march oil’ at lti.3(t Ant. along High for belt its in to have to pull that ‘going sliiptnzttcs will give good support ' signally liottourcd :tre really stout March and where he had received Street to the chttrch. After the service time the being. mi.'llll\\:r$ and we look to them as otir great ho.\[1ll:illl)'.'lliclrwelfare ollicer. the parade will re-ttssemblc otitside the to Chicltcster. We cannot all go to future licltitsiitett. and march to the war Blackpool. Shipniatc H. C. Croft. was :tble to church TO BE On show at this meeting was :t There has been great social actititv report at the sante nteeting that pr:tcti- ntctnorial where the salute will be gavel which is to be presented by the cal ussistztiice had beeit given to ship- takcit bv Rear-.-\dntir;tl J. Figgins. in the branch: our own children's l AT branch to the Burma Star llntneli, mates with their employment and other C.ll.l’... assisted by Commodore Sir party, :1 social and dance at Soutltall. Cltalltattl. at a later date. Roy Gill. K.il.|3.. R.l).. R.N.R.. Com- the annual dinner and dance at Kingsdillicultics. ‘the branch president. Admiral Sir mander R. H. Palmer. O.B.E.. bury and Kenton, 3 social evening at Harold llurrotigli. (‘v.C.B.. K.B.E.. R.l\'.(‘.\".R.. Councillor T. A. Burch. The Old Contemptibles Association. .-\lR ('lllF.F Marshal Sir Arthur Longl).S.O.. read the l.e.ssons when they .l.l’.. Mayor of l.cwish:uu and the Harrow Branch, the “Lest-we-"Forget" niore. (i.C.ll.. D_.S.0.. has consented to attended liycnsong in St. Faith’: on Mayorcss. and then on to the Royal Ball at York House. Twickcnltant. th: unveil a memorial at Gosport to comClub. Twickenham Branch annual dinner April 13. Their standard was taken to Naval Association The parade will be headed by the a_m_.l dance, and of course our usual. mentonite the closure of Uosport Airthe altar by Shipmate H. C. Croft with Shiptnalcs A. W. Mcrrett and I-‘. W. Rltteittckct [land of thc R.N. Barracks. l-‘rtdtty ‘night's fun and aatues at “The I licltl. was one of the first live air- OCR ilk.-\t\"(‘l-I are trying out a new (iosporl Chathant. I have can Heath acting as escorts. we thorougltlyl say Crown. ourselves. idea of contiiiing the actual business fields invitation to cordial extend We a month they the previous enjoyed l)uriitg of the iitonthI_v nicetiitgs to the first tt- ir'tsu; -‘ had received applications from four the tneittbcrs of branches attd respect““""-' ltoiir. thereby leaving :t ccrlaiit amotiiil of for ask stanthe of whom all co-operation members. fully new prospective “ C" "m “"5 “ l‘r""i.5"'“‘°55-;\\ere based there under Cuntntandcr of time :tl‘tcrwards for the social side. ‘_'"c ,‘ attd decora.\lcd:tls and escort. dards elected and shipmatcs were accepted to the g°"°m"‘ "l""‘““."“ 3"‘, I.oitgmore. Three years later. it School ,At present this .s_vstcn_t ‘h"."i‘5 working well be tions worn. to the meeting. :it .-\ptil cltaitinttn. bhipniatc l’alrtek. “h'l:"""l°5 of Special Flying. whose revolutioitar_\' :l‘tit our "unlcmm. ""‘ ."‘°'r m"‘d5' A _"‘°"‘ "°l'l‘l‘m‘l traiitint: svslcnt was to achieve univer- -wisltcs it to be known that any ship‘“l"'“"g .w“5 59”“ by '0 m°‘"l""" 3"‘! .s:tl f:tttic.'was forutcd. Uitder the coni- ntatc who wants to have his say on '"°l"d'"li "W D"l“”3' M“~"°-' tttantl of I.ieut.-(foloncl (Wing (‘om- any matter should do .so. attd not to ‘-"'°.".‘L“. Ol IWICKCIIIHIIII lz\ltli.‘rn‘mn ilostockl. ntaitdcr) Sntitlt-Barry. this school feel the meeting is being too ctit aitd .‘ C. G. Wilson, R..’\'.. lll‘ Rev. L\t!l\\.tl :t mi.lllt)tl of dtitl ('apt. édtied. (ht l-’rid;t_\'. April ls we h:td :1 tnstruuton ; WITH ASSURANCE ENDOWMENT AND FOR LlFE Dwics. vicar of the pupil sat in the pilofstsltittlcs match. Ilranclt Olliccrs v. The wltcreby A. llates. (‘hairman No. l Ar.‘-:t and :cockpit tlirougltout his training whilst ‘,Ship's Coittpaity. "Ilig cats." ctc.. was LOW PREM|UMS—GOOD BONUSES six of otir fricitds from the Star and the instructor sat itt tltc observer's scat. E the order of the day. Looltiug a little (iartcr Home. Richmond. a social dance LIBERAL CONDITIONS lly this means. it became possible to lahcad, we an.‘ holding We are looking forward to having teach pupils all those complicated on .\la_\ 16 /,tt the Star Hotel. this Naval Personnel normallyaccepted with War and Service risks covered our "chummy-.ship" Dotiting llrancit acrobatics which had hitherto been should be a pleasant evening for shipAUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY alongside during April and to a board- , tltought dangerous for any but the cs- utatcs plus their wives or friends. We regret to report the sudden death of ing party visiting "The Rest" at pert to attempt. Head Office for the UNlTED KlNGDOM: Kenton. This ntentorial. sited at the entrance . Shiputate l~ratik Cooper. l).S..\l.. on 73-76 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON, E.C.4 To all shipniatcs at sea and abroad, 1 to H.t\l.S. Sultan. is being unveiled on Wcdttt-,sd;ty. April In. ()ttr welfare Aucti aso.ooo.ooo God Speed and fair sailttig and may \‘v'cdnesd;ty. May 28. at I500 hrs. Scat- t ofliccr lclls ll\ be has itot been well for For service in the Portsmouth area Contact Mr. W. D. Stern. HIMNIW. 374. London we meet again in the near future. and 'ing. clc.. is being amiitged by l:l;tgl.\tU)lL‘ tintc past but he has been in (Telephono No. Portsmouth 11490) Road, PORTSMOUTH. Hunts. icoustattt touch with ltitti. to all sltipntatcs at home. best wishes. Ollieer :\ir tlloniel. l.cc-on—Solcnt.
33):: will lscittrmlier flilieitt
THE LAST Annual General Meeting of No. I Area was held on a very miserable day. and it appeared to be reflected in the number of delegates who were not there. It would seem that we have more than our share of fair-weather sailors. and even allowing for a fair percentage of the absentecs being sick. or oit shift work. I7 delegates out of It posslllll.‘ 37 is not good. I thittk the abscntces were put to shame by the president of our area. ViceAdmiral T. ll. Drew, C.B.. C.V.0.. 0.ll.li.. who is over the 70 mark. and he came all the way from Fareham to be present at this meeting. However, the absence of these delegates was made up for by the presence of 18 visitors, from different branches iii the area. most of whom took part in some very lively discussions. Although they cannot vote. the visitors who do attcitd otir area meetings make the riiost of their right to speak. and that is cttcottraging to the chairman aitd cottiittittce and otlters who work to maintain the area in its premier positioit. as indicated by its nutitber. It shows it lively interest irt all that is happening in the area and the Association gcitcrall)‘. it was cneottragiitg to hear that. in spite of sonicwhat heavy charges in connection with our last dance held at Davies Street Drill Hall. and the purchasing and iiiscribiitg of sortie silver
_i:E~\i'isttAM CHUREIT
‘(.)I':"'.‘iw"h:_‘“nu"l ‘l""““i fmd f‘5s'l5'“"°.° rim‘ .
FllllTllC0.lllNG AT (IllElTl3NIlAlll
Fl y i t zl g Ryi y al tobe‘c|lt1osl e n Royitl Navalb Ali Sgrvice -
Itlill LEITEB DAY F011 A§“W““.("°"‘) g,:.-—--:
l'I' .\‘li\‘liR rains withottt it pours. We have been so long at Pitt Street without a visitor from the National Council th.it we were beginning to think that we were in the Dog House and then ——l<Iingo—we have two. and both oit
.the same evening. \'ice-Adiitirzil Drew paid its a surprise visit from Headquarters and took the opportitnity to say a few words and clear the air on one or two minor points. Since his visit was unexpected nothing was specially laid on and he was able to sit in on a normal general
meeting. We believe he was pleasantly surprised to discover the ellicient inan-
in which
biisiiiess. The only disappointment front otir point of view was that his visit coincided with the most attractive football ner
It..v‘.7.,-',-i.i'. it‘.-at ti, .4 ./.;..r./ ix.-t.-.-i
iii.itch at l’i’.ittoit Park this season and our "(i.ite" siiilered in conseqiience. howexer. we still managed to ntuster tip ‘)4 of the faithful.
Tlte First Sea I.ord and (Tiiiiiitess .\loiinthiitten chatting with lIlt.‘llIlN.‘I'sof Ash ford Branch
l-'RA’l'liRN.-\l. GRlil£Tl.\'GS to all tion. Admiral of tile Fleet I-iarl shipniatcs. First a sad note. we were .\Iountbattcn. visited Ashford. Some
Any Questions all very deeply sorry to hear that our fifteen of our shipmates iitct and talked Our other visitor. Shipntate I.egg. past chairman. Shipmate Jack Austin. to Earl and Countess Mountbatten. passed away so tragically. but Iwould Even the weather didn't dampen our volunteered to be Aunt Sally in an like to say “thanks" on behalf of all feelings, although it poured most of Any Questions session with particular reference to the National Council and shipmates. and especially of "Bunny's" the time. family. who turned out in the blir./aid Finally. a coachload of shipniates tinance. This proved exceptionally into pay their last respects. to one who attended the laying-up of l)ovcr tercsting and we feel sure both sides will be sorely missed. branch old standard. on Sttnday April learned a good deal from each other. And now shipmates. a happier note. I3. Thanks. I)over and your good Portsmouth believes that nothing but Many thanks New Ronipey. for cat- ladies. for the tea afterwards. we all good can come out of such visits front ching our heaving-line. and for the enjoyed meeting you again. aitd many Headquarters and we would welcome woitderftil time we all had. with you. old ships. Your padre and his new more of them at any tintc. particularly together with Lydd and Folkcstonct church: was much talked about during in the pre~confcrcnce period when branches. at your social on March 2| our return voyage home via Canter- there is always a whitI' of controversy last. aitd speakiiig of 2|. we'll be see- bury where we tied up for a short in the air. at least that's how it appears you on the Juite 7 ne.\t. so iiittil then. spell and refit. Thanks for having its. in .i branch as keen and enthusiastic stand by for our "boarding-party." and we do hope to be as Portsniouth. Canterbury. I think we must all agree that it seeing you all again soon. when On the social side the cntertainntent was a “Red-Letter Day" for ottr arrangements have been committee were working overtime branch. on Friday. March 28 when for you and other branchescompleted. to camel during the Easter holiday with visitors the deptity-president of our Associa- alongside in the near future. front Lcwisham and sundry other branches on the Sunday and art Iiaster Parade dance on .\lond:iy. In spite of the atrocious weather everybody had a good time. As we said last ntoitth. and this is our period of Open House ON SUNDAY. April 20. the above and all visitors are welcome at any branch paraded :it the Sqtiare. liner- t time. but it‘ it's a boarding party try THE ANNUAL general meeting keithing and. headed by tile 'l‘ownltill .-.nd give us enough warning to h:ive the i\'ewc;istle and (i.iteshe.id Band. followed by the president and} somelliing laid oit. was held in our newly i‘eno\.ited club anil I-idinbnrgh and lieatlqiiarters at the (‘cntral Hotel. on vice-president Our darts club went to the "Snioke" iitarclied staiidard. to st, |’¢i.:r's March I-t. the first meeting to be lteld last Saturday for a theatre party and Church. for dedication lnverkeithing. there since the tire oit Christmas Eve. 'of afterwards to visit Battersea where and West Rosyth Fife standard. The agenda was as follows: I. On: they received a real Cockney weleonte. parade was contntanded the 'l‘he_ by minutes silence: 2. Splice the I"IIl Coiigr.ttul.‘itions aitd thanks Battersea Mr. chairman. A. G. Hawse. and the for a wonderful evening. brace: 3. Minutes of the last .-\.G..\I.: Provost. James Fraser. and J.l’.. mem-t. Secretary's report: 5. 'I’rc.isurer's bers of council amt their wives attenreport; 6. Atty other business: 7. ded the service, Tltc dedication service lilcction of ollicials and committee. was conducted by the Rev. J. Joliii"lite secretary. 5lll[‘II‘ll_illL‘ _'l'hirlwcll Sl9n. I3.D.. who is the honorary chap- OUR HO.\’OR.-\RY treasurer, “Bill was most citcouraging in his report. lain of the branch. After the service the \\'.itkins." died recently of a heart emphasising the rise in membership parade formed and again the salute up attack at the early age of 53. He was and increased interest shown by all was taken by James Fraser. _Provost a founder-member of the branch and members in the social side of the .l.P., accompanied W. by FitzCapt. was treasurer front its inception. branch. He pointed out that unof R.N.. my. Captain and Docky:ird. doubtably the oiitstaiiding c_\'cnl _0f around the saluting base senior other branch member exceeded otliccrs his.\'o the year was our dance at which .\tiss of the attendance at meetings and he was Royal and Navy Dockyard! He I957 was sugNeptune elected. to bear departntcnts line_d up. After the parade always largely responsible for raising future the contntittec to gested funds and helping at soeials. in mind this success and to‘ try and the company adjourned to the Queen's He was a true friend to all members better this event in the contiiig year. Hotel. lnvcrkeitlting. the branch headThe treasurer's report Ibhipntate quarters. for :i repast and running and will be very diflicult to replace. ‘|).,-moii) \vas eqttally bright and one butlct. Besides Edinburgh standard Our syinpathy is extended to his statement of his. naiitely. that the bearer and escort the chairman. Mr. widow and two sons. branch was iit_a better t'i_it.in_ci:il state Collins and area secretary. Mr. than at any time since its inaugura- .\lcl.aughlin attended. also Mr. Parker. tioit in 1949. was heartily applauded. M r. Milne and their wives froitt In any other business questions_ were Arbroath. The Dunfermlinc Company of asked about the latest increase in the annual subscription and also the ideal Naval Sea Cadets under the command Lieut. Bailey. R.N.V.R.. fornted number for a Committee was debated. of DEAR StR.—.lust a_ bit more inforthe Colour guard on parade. Otlicials for I958 are as follows‘.mation rc black painted hulls metipresident. Cdr. Row: vicc-president. tioned in the March issue of Navy Shipmate R. Andrews. Re-elected: Ni.\vs by Licut.-Cdr. Edwards. He is secretary. Shipmate .-'\. Thirlwell: about right as regards the year the treasurer. Shipmate A. l)etiton: chairgrcy paint was ll'l_ general U50. man. Shipmate. R. Finch. Shipmate WE I-IAVI3 a full programiite of forth- altltougli black was still used for desW. Clasper was elected vice-chairman. events on the calendar. troyers. 'I‘ J19. and small craft until :ind Shipmates Robinson. Grigsby. coming annual rally of No. 6 Area will the end of the I914-_l8 War. lliigg and Howe elected contntittee men. beThe held at Hertford on Sunday. Juite I was first at sea )ust_aftcr leaving Well. shipmates that was our I. and we are looking forward to :1 school in '95 but went into the R.N. A.G..\l. for I958 and it was a truly large muster of branches. on February 3. 1898. I know there tempestuous ottc. rather like a north'I'lie Blueiackets Band frotit R.N. was a lot of "stodger" training ship easterly. starting quietly and tinishing Barracks. Chathant. will be in attenin that crush I was in. Any boy tip roaring: but enjoyed by one and dance. and a drutnhead service will boys front training ships outside the Navy :ill. Do any branches have nice quiet be conducted by the Herts Branch were “stodger" boys. There were boys /\.G..\ls.'.’ Padre. the Reverend G. C. P. H. Briggs, in my draft front most of thent—WarR.N.V.R. spite. Arcthusa. Shaftesbury, GreenTl-IE BRANCI-l'S tenth annual dinner All shipmates are requested to Hospital School as it was then call_cd held Galeshead. at at the Civic muster at 2.30 p.m. was and a few front the Scottish ship. Hall. The guest of honour was Cdr. After the parade teas will be pro- Mars, I think her name was. The from the civic llorncastle. and guest vided, followed by entertainment at line ships at that time were painted of the Gateshcad. Our the Drill Hall of the tst Itii. the Hert- black hull. white upper works, i.c.. was Mayor president. Cdr. Row. R.N., proposed fordshire Regiment. bridges. boatdeck. boats. ctc.. but and the Guests" “Our Our annual Ladies‘ Night will be davits were mostly stone colour like treasurer. ShipA. I)enton nnitc proposed "'lhe Asso- held at the Shire Hall. Ilertford. on masts and funnels. The ciation." chairman. Shipniatc R. Friday. May 9. Most ships used steaming covers few had humorous remarks We shall muster a party. \vitl't that were white canvas fitted to the a I-inch. in to make. reply to Cdr. Homcastlifs branch standard. to attend the dedi- mainmast and yards before leaving the new scientific Navy. cation of Thame branch standard on harbour. They were to keep the smoke about speech as the Commander had forgotten to Sunday. June 22. and grime from the funnels oil’ the switch his lights on. and was duly The branch newly-formed shooting stone colour. and as soon as the ships reminded of the fact by the arm of team is going strong and several mat- entered harbour or anchored for a the law. ches have taken place with local clubs. stay. the covers were taken down and Our regards to Shipmate Blaky in 'I1te next match is arranged with Hat- scrubbed and hung up to dry as soon
Dedication of Rosytli W'est Fife Slamlard
A NUMBER of articles previously accounted for as trophies have recently been removed t'ront oflicial charge. being either of no intrinsic value or having no liistorical associations. It is thought that sonte of these articles migltt be valticd as souvenirs b_v former members of ships’ companies who were scning in the ships concerned. A list of the items for disposal follows. Applications for any of the itcnts should be made in writing addressed to "'l'ropliies“ cfu .\'.i\'v Ni;w.~:. R.N. Barracks. Portsmotitli. The souvenir will be sent to the writer of the first application received for each item. A nominal price will be asked and :1 charge ntade to cover the cost of ptnsttigc. Any articles not applied for by June I will be scrapped or disposed of by sale litt::tlly. l-‘ranted pliotograplis. etc.. despatched by post. will have the glass removed to prexent d.iiii.ige in transit. Part No. [)i'\(‘I‘f]Iff4IlI uiitl Comlitimt lI..\l.S. Alacrity S067 Commemoration plaque of wood and brass. of His Fscellency The Governor-General. The Rt. Hon. Malcolm .\tacdonald's stay on board H.M.S. Alacrity. July I aml July I5. I‘)-t6. Size: ltl in. x I3 in. Good. Il..\I.S. Argnnaut 4385 Framed water colour of "Alley In Old Coventry" by Laura llayncs. Size: l7 in. x 19 in. Fair. H..\I.S. .-ktlierstone 3047 liramed painting of "The Atherstone Hunt." Size: 22 in. x 19 in. Fair. Il..\I.S. Briresenden 3675 I-‘rained reproduction after the original painting by Frank Mcltielvey. "Near l-‘alcarraglt. I)onegaI." Size: 25 in. .\' 2!) in. I-'air. II..\l.S. l)anae 2-ll.‘ Wood shield with tiietal shield inscribed. "City Centennial Tropliy. Awarded to H..\|.S. l):inac.Second Prize liand Contpetition. l3th Anntial Convention. 25th (Yankee) Division. Portlzind .\l;iinc. Jiine lTth. l8th. and 19th. l‘).‘~'_‘." Size: 9 in. x 7 in. Good. H..\IS. Enterprise 3068 Wood shield with brass plate inscribed. "A.D. I933-34 H.M.S. Iinterprise. Stokcrs Cittter Ctip. East Indies. Cox. G. Richer.“ Size: 10 in. x 8 in. Good. II..\I.S. Forrester Wood shield with ritetal plate of _‘~(il-t the Crest of ll..\l.S. Trinidad inscribed “I-lave I-'aitlt." Size: 6 in. x 5 in. Good. H.M.S. Glasgow 4639 Wood shield with metal plate inscribed "l-lalifzix Biccntenar Regatta Whaler Allconiers 2n I9-t9. H..\t.S. Glasgow." Size: In in. it I2 in. Fair. -1646 Framed photograph of "Dennis." "l)resdcn's" Fig. which sank with the ship. tifterwards swimming for one hour. Size: 17 in. x I3 in. Fair.
field branch sbipniates.
were out or
damped down,
H.M.S. Ilavtltii-ur 2893 Framed print of Admiral Sir John Hawkins. Size: I6 in. 3: in. Fair. I2 3894 I-ranted print of Admiral Sir Richard Ilawkiiis. Size: I6 in. x I2 in. Fair. ‘II..\I.S. King George V
l'M. r=In_1cd landscape painting by I-‘orcstier. Size: 24 in.
23 in.
wooden shield with metal flags of (ji-ca: crossed arid the U.S.A. InscripIirit:iin_ brass below. “Lord tion_ iit Halifax. Janiitiry. I‘)-tl." Size: 24 in. x 16 in. Fair. II..\I.S. Livi.-rponl SUSS llro_nze plaqite in glass case in. x II in.. inscribed "'l‘|iere 2tt_ Will Always lie An l":ngland. Navy Yard Overliatil .\lare I‘-lttml. Carlifornia. I9-tl." Size: 20 in. x II in. (iooil. H.M.S. Locli Clctidliit Slittl I-'i'ami:d colour painting of “The Pointers" by G. Vernon-Stokes. Size: 23 in. x 22 in. Good.
II.i\l.S. ‘Magpie 6747 I-‘ranted painting of a Magpie. Size: l7 in. x 21 in. Fair. 675i I-‘rained pltotograplt of H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh being piped over the side for the last time as captaiit of H.M.S. Magpie. July I8. I951. Si/.e: It in. x it in. Good. H.M.S. Mermaid 6279 Framed water colotir cartoon of a Mermaid by llyncs. Sire: I7 in. x I-t in. Fair. 6280 Framed water colour cartoon of Mermaid by Hynes. Si/_c: a I7 in. x 14 in. Fair. H.M.S. Nereidc 48l(i Rectattgtilar wooden shield with
plate _br:i s s_ inscribed
with crossed
"('atnpo _\li|it:ui\'o\-ember,
Dc liottnc‘. 23rd l9Sl." Size: I2 in.
8 in. Fair.
H.M.S. Queen I-Jlizahetlt Rectangular wooden shield with circular rttet:il plate of footballet‘ inscribed To liliszibetlt." ll.l\_l.S. Queen Site: It) in. x R in. Poor. Il.M_.S. I-‘eitcoclt i‘I".IfllI:ti picture of I‘:II'tl3t‘0itls‘t‘Cll I’e:icoek. Size: 2| in. -.\' 21 in. Fair. lI..\I.S. Renown Franied pllOlugr:t|‘llI of the painting by John Allcoi of H.M.S. Roebuck. Attgust. I69‘). Size: 22 in. it Is in. Fair. I-'ram_ed reproduction of the painting by John Allcoi of H.M.S. liiideavoiir. Comnianded by (':ipt:iin James (foot.-, RN. Size: 22 in. x I‘) in. Fair. H.M.S. Venllaril Framed photograph of H.I)..\l.S. ls'ystjagcran Willemoes. AUIO-. graphed by \\'ardrooni Otlieers. Size: I-t in. it It in. Good. H.M.S. Vulcan I-ramcd original pencil sketch of M.T.Bs. by ilry:iii-DcGrineau. Size: IS in. x 9 in. “
H.i\I.S. Warrior
photograph of H..\I.S. Warrior at Malta (First World War). by R. Ellis. Size: I2 in. .1 It) in. Fair.
39-10 Framed
H.M.S_. Welleslcy
print from the original painting by Robert Home of "The Most Noble .\larquis of as they were ready for the watch on Wellington. K13." Drawn and deck to go aloft and ti»; on again as engraved by Thomas Williamsoon as orders were given to get ready son. Size: IS in. it IS in. Fair. for sea. Westminster H.M.S. Commissioning :1 new ship those I973 Wood shield with ntetal crest in days was a proper “Hoo Har.“ The centre inscribed "Gunnery first ship's company had to get all the Trophy. H.M.S. Westminster.“ "jewellery" cleaned tip for a succeedSurrounded by eight small ing ship's company. The "jewellery" shields. I926 to I932. size: It in. comprised steel stanehions. long pump .\ 8 in. Fair. handles. steel bag racks and steel ladH.M.S. Wild Swan der sides. not forgetting the bunker I827 Wood shield with crest of Wild spanners. niuules of guns-in fact Swan. Size: 14 in. x I2 in. Good. everything that looked as if it might H.M.S. Winchelsea polish. Franted I881 print of Strand Gate. Everyone had :1 brightwork station Winchelsea. Size: to in. s 9 in. to see to—generally after "Clean guns Good. and searchlight stations" before divi28llc Fraiitcd print of The North or sions cvery morning. Pipe—Well Gate. Winchelsca. While I thinkabout it-—re the colour loin. x I: in. Good. scheme. About the tiiite they were 28llfSize: Framed print of The Friars. trying to decide what colour was the Winchclsca. to in. x I2 in. Good, best to blend with the ocean, two of 28llg Framed print of The Pipc—— the cruisers in the Mediterranean Wcll Gate on Ferry Hill with were used as models. The Gladiator Roundlc Tower in the backwas one and she was painted a dark ground. Size: 9 in. x loin. Good. grey. The Vindietivc was the other and H.M.S. Wolfe she was aimed at khaki colour—— black and white drawlooked as if she had jaundice or some- 3775 Framed ings of (I) Wolfe Before Quebec one who had a heavy hangover. I (2) Death of Wolfe. Size: IS in. think she was back to the new grey by x lo in. Fair. the end of her commission. H.M.S. Wren I hope that this may be of some 6448 Framed photograph of Lutfali interest to some of the NEW NAVY.-— (ihavami. Governor of Basliivc. "TIM" IRVING, Redford Branch. Size: I2 in. x I] in. Fair. -
Championship was won by Plymouth Command. A welldeserved victory. as Plymouth (‘orn-
May. I958
Collingwood’s Sports’ Report Therefore average
55 per cent. of the eventual finalists. HAVING REACHIED the final of the three remaining fixtures of the (‘orruuarrd Knock-out Competition. the The provided no startling results. spirit of the Collingwood XV was season very high and the cup seemed well as we were never able to field our within our grasp. However. Ford strongest side. We lost to Dolphin and R.A.I-'. Thorney Island by two and proved to be a well-drilled side, going three points. respectively. whilst we tI:rt out from the first whistle. and a again beaten by Ford. Coilingquick score was a set-back from were wood then ended the season recording which we never recovered. Our record in the U.S. Seven-a-side I0 wins and nine defeats. In their final game. the "A" XV Competition was not so impressive and found success at last by defeating although we defeated Ariel “l3" by five points to nil in the preliminary rounds R.A.li. Titchfield by 19 points to 6. we were knocked out in the next round Soccer in a close game by liastney “A." one After a slack period in I-'ebru:ir_v. for which no doubt the weather was partly
The Team
mand have been the stronghold of landers five points to four. A most Navy boxing this year. All concerned performance by the R.N. deserve the highest credit. not only for Royal creditable team. Special rrrention must be made winning. but also for the large contritbantamweight). A.II. A. Silsby. H.M.S. Cavendish to E./l. Ronaldson‘s very fine achieve- bution the Command has made to ment in beating W. Barber. the A.B.A. Navy boxing. tfcatlrerwcight). I‘..A. K. Ronaldson. II.r\I.S. Coiling- lightweight finztlist in I957 and thc_ After the championships the final current national representative. wood (lightweight). selection was made for the R.N. team The next visit took the team to for the return match with Wales and A.I%. Knowles. l>l.M.S. Drake (lightCardiff for the annual match with the Imperial Services Boxing Associawelterweight). (‘pI. .-\. Riley. R.r\l.. l.'I‘.C. Lyrnp- Wales. Here. against some very still tion Championships. stone (welterweight). opposition, including three Welsh The return match with Wales on ll.Il.S. l'N|l|l\’|'I Il0Y.\I. responsible. our team began to settle l’.(). 'I'hornc. H.M.S. Ark Royal national representatives. we were Easter Saturday proved a great victory down and prodtrccd some good foolbe:rten by seven bouts to three. Here for the Navy by seven points to two. tlight-middleweight). I.lI‘l'I-S.-ll’I.\'(i Sl]CIl:Tl’ AW.-IIIIIS ball. .-\.li. (ileason. II.M.S. Excellent again the arrangements were excellent One of the latter being A.lI. Millard-.'. Of the last five games in U.S. and the hospitality rrrost gencrotrs. In who unfortunately sustained a cut eye IN VIEW of the emphasis laid on the lmiddlcweightl. N..-\. R. I)ryden. R.r\'.A.S. I-ossie- fact. both the mrrrrber and beauty of which was to provecven more unfor- importance of life-saving instruction Division I. four were won. The lirr:rl Ilre receptionists at the hotel where tunate in the I.S.lI.A. (httrnpionslrips. in the Service in recent Admiralty league t:rbles haven't been published mouth (light-heavyweight). 1.. -'Sea. I’, James. I-l.:\l.S. Ark Royal the team was accommodated caused The lrnperial Services Itoxing Chant- I-‘Ieet Orders. it seems appropriate to yet. hrrt we expect to finish in the considerable anxiety to the team pionships were held at Aldershot on record the activities of the Sixth I-‘ri- eighth or ninth position. tlreavyweiglrt I. The second XI. having won their Ti-um 'l'rrIim-r.' I’.0. Payne. lI.M.S. trainer and rnanager. but much delight April I4 and IS. and in particular. Squadron gate last two games. should linish in the to the team. Drake. These championships were the objec- I-l.M.S. Undine in this field. I...’F..Sl. Tyrell. lI.I\I.S. Ark Royal. Boxing activities on an R.N. level tive for which all the training and The Squadron won the I957 Chal- seventh position of Division II. and .»\.ll. r\IcI)ermott. II.M.S. Drake. then paused awhile for the commands preparation had been made from the lenge Shield of the Malta branch of Hocltey also represented the Royal Navy this to hold individual championships and start of the season. They are there- the Royal I.ife Saving Society awarded The weather aliccted many games year. various Command fixtures in prepara- fore dealt with in nrore detail. the the unit club to or gaining dtrring the last two months and. the R.N. (‘h:rmpionships. in received tion for The of ntrrnber for awards byes Royal Navy points greatest although every ctlort was made to Ark Royal's Support These fixtures provided excellent corn- the feather, wetter and light-heavy gained during the year. regardless of honour our tixture list. snow and ice 'I-IIL' SCIISOII SI£|l'IL‘(I WIIII IIIC nyuch [(1 weights. cxpgrfcncc and the size of the cltrb or unit. In doing made it hard going at times. In fact. pctitiw: Trials lteld at Portsmouth in Novenr- improve the fitness and boxing abiligy In the bantamweight AB. Minzrrdc so. the squadron. which comprised the more we advanced into spring the ber. ‘these proved invaluable. in fact of the R.N. team. was boxing well against an extremely only three ships, gained almost twice less favourable became the weather. the selections made during these trials. The R.N. (‘harnpionships were Ireld good opponent in Driver Weller of the Otrr record for the season was: with the exception of the middle and at Devonport. There were 40 entries. Army. In the second round the eye (ioals welterweight. eventually comprised The championships produced no sur- which had been cut in the Wales W. I). I’. t.. I-'. A. the final team which took part in the the selections match reopened and the bout was confirmed and prises Isl XI 36 I4 8 I-t ‘)2 33 Imperial Service Boxing Associaliorr made in the R.N. Trials. in the Army's favour. Driver stopped 2nd XI 32 (a I} I3 74 57 ('|rampionships_ It was forttmate that The intlividual results in the R.N. Weller went on to win the I.S.I3.A. Basketball at this time I-l.M.S. Ark Roy:rI was title. were: Championships in Home waters. and consequently "II" team. corrCollingwood _' I _' h e In the final of the featherweight I-'|yweight: A.B. Iivans. Plymouth. contest. the tough little scrapper. was able to send a number of very ststrng entirely of apprentices. reached talented boxers in the ship to the Iiantamweiglrlz .-'\.Il. M i n u r d c. A.B. Silsby. gave A.C. Hcaman a very the quarter-finals of the Junior BasketHome Meet. trials. and who subsequently gave ball cbampionships of lingland but but the airman gained bout. tough I-‘eatlierweight: A.II. Silsby. Ply- what must have been a very close magnificent support to Navy boxing. were beaten by Watford 82-64. mouth. The lirst lixture was with the In the Portsmouth and District verdict. Southern (’onnties. at Portsnrouth on Lightweight: E.A, Rorralrlson. Ports- The lightweight contest brought Citrllingwood "I!" were the League. and nrouth. I)ccemher 6. The Counties produced the “A" team runners up. wrnners I-'..A. Ronztldson against Cpl. McLight-welterweight: A.B. Knowles. Taggart .1 very sound team with some boxers of the R.A.I’. The latter being I-‘ENCING of national stantlard. The result. a Plyrrroutlr. It national representative. England's Royal Navy v. Surrey County 5 4 win for the Royal Navy. was :1 Welterweight: A.B. Young. Ports- was of boxing contest a good really IN A return match with Surrey mouth. most satisfactory start to the season. skill of Mc'l’aggart swayed the but the Cotrnty. Whiclt tun}; p|;rc._- ;u rhc R.N. It vi-as-. in fact. the first win for five Light-middleweight:- P.0. 'I‘hornr.‘. judges and Ire gained the decision. School of I’.T.. Portsrnouth. on Home Fleet. years. r\.B. Knowles met a very good April 5. I958. the civilian cltrb were Middleweight: A.B. Gleason_.I’orts- boxer in the light-welterweight. by _On January 2-8do the team visited defeated by I0 victories to 17, Indimouth. battle with the Iirrnungham to Craftsman a very Again Higgins. name vidual results were: Midland (‘ounties. a particularly Light-heavyweight: N.A. Dryden. close and dillicult decision went to the Air- (‘omm:rnd.I-‘oil strong boxin area. After an exciting Army. neck-and-nec‘ ‘contest the matclt vt_".rs l’.0. l’e:ir.-son --3 victories. Heavyweight: l..lSea. James, Home In the final of the welterweight. :t “Oh. hello. Daddyt This man young Fleet. C.lSgt. Mnrtin—2 victories. tinally decided in favour of the Midgallant but outclassed Cpl. Riley was has been teaching me some old C./"Sgt. 'l'hom:rs— 2 victories. beaten by the Welsh champion. nan ul customs" 'l'e:rru result -R.N. 7 victories. l..,/Cpl. Nancurvis. who is also of Surrey 2. international standard. the number of points of its nearest I-Ipee I'.(). Thome found a very strong rival-~ the entire Malta Police Force-— Capt. Alvcy I victory, and hard-hitting opponent in Tech- and became the first seagoirrg unit to I.ii:ttl. (iarratt I victor_v. Inician Pritchard of the R.A.F.. and win the award since its inception 23 l’.(). I’earson- -2 victories, although he fought back hard and years ago, Team result~R.N. -l victories. well was orrtpunched. and the lightThough this is an achievement in Surrey 5. middleweight contest went to the itself. even more remarkable is the Sabre feat of H.r\I.S. Undine which alone R.A.F. I’.(). Pearson—-2 victories. In the middleweight contest an gained L786 of the total of 2.232 C.!Sgt. 'I‘homas——-2 victories. excellent and close contest was fought points gained by the whole squadron. (lrd. Sea. Rayden»—‘_’ victories. rbetwecn .-‘LB. Gleason atrd Driver and could have won the cornpetitiun 'l‘cam result —R.r\'. O victories. ‘Eltlerfield of the Army. Again the ‘in her own right. The abstract of the Surre_\' 3. awards gained by I-l..\I,S. Undine‘ Fifty years ago we started 'decision went against us. The ligltt-heavyweiglrt final was a slluws the extent to which this was‘ Royal 'I'ourn:uucnt that became of something exhibition fine good boxing ring- a united ellort by the entire ship's Service ch.'rmpionships (Phase III of erafr and speed. NA. l)r_vden. how- eornpatry. the Royal 'Iourn;rrnent) were held as such an accepted c\'er. was up against a very strong follows: ()1-"I-‘ICIERS whose in boxer l..,/Ildr. Lecrning. Royal Marines---April 21 and 23 at .-Ivi'rrt_:.'i' mmth¢’* Imrm'.' I6. feature in the life‘ of the punching power eventually proved too /It|‘rlI'(!.\_' I6 bronze medallions and Iiastney. ‘”“"~“- N"\- D'.3'd"" ""l"‘I ‘Km f"'t'Itliars: I5 bronze crosses and bars: l4 Royal Na\'y~~ApriI 29 and 30 and Service man, that we make I‘''‘ ["7 ’*'‘‘‘“''"1‘ '” lhi‘iZI\\'(’lI'(IS of merit and bars‘. Sdistinc"'l"!'""'~“"I May I at Portsmouth. who is contest against an opponent 'Ihe fencing week at the Royal tions‘. I instructor: I6 resusi:itation. no excuse for issuing this for international Totrrrtarncrrt this year will be from surely destined ()1-'l‘ICF.RS I’E'I'I‘Y (‘IIII-II-' future. in the nettr honours reminder.\Iond:ry. June 9. to S;:trrrd;r_\'. June I4. rrumln-r ’HII'II‘l’_' Ill, .-lr'i-rtr_erwait for a had We storming. .‘I\l'tII’tl.\.' 2 bronze rnedallions and to of the lreavyweiglrts bars: 2 bronze crosses: 2 awards of Supplier; to the Admiralty. P1 0.3 E. G R0. or rrousing battle ‘.ht.‘Iore the Royal Navy claimed its merit: I distinction; I0 resuscitatiorr. We make fine clothes and spzcrzu. only title. L./Sea. James fought with l’IZ‘l’l'Y ()I-'I3ICIiRS beat and stock accessories of quality grits to great determination .‘II‘l'rU.k'l' tumr/)i'r fmrrrc: 25. in l’te. lidwards a formidable opponent .»tu':rr'tl.i: 7 bronze medallions and of the Army, bringing to an end the -1 bronze crosses; -3 awards of llmpcrial Services Boxing (‘Irampion- Ibars; Call or send for particulars IN C L U DIN G I distinction; I instructor; ll lships for I958, with the points score merit. re-.ust'it;ttiorr, 0 AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE concerning the many ways I being: Army 13. R..-\.F. 22. Royal Navy II. l.IE.-\I)li\'(i RATES AND IIF.I.0W REGULATORS Irrmrhvr To complete the I958 boxing season in which we can help you .-lr'i'rrrL'i' Imrne; IZI of rrredallions and O ROTARYTRANSFORMERS hronlc the mention must he made Iruperial /In'urtI.\: -5.‘. Service .Iunior Iloxing Charrrpionshin; bars: 3} bronze crosses; 26 awards of 0 MOTOR GENERATORS .held at the Army Appreritiees School merit; R distinctions; 4 instructors; to Good Clot/res are made fut Arbnrlield in February. Here the resuscitation. Royal Navy tasted the fruits of a very Average ntrmher in ship's company I82. ldelinite victory. by 42 points to the ALFRETON ROAD, DERBY obtained who awards Number Itlll. .-‘\rmy’s 35 and the R.A.F.‘s 25. I./I-I.hI. I’. F.. Idle, I./Sea. W. J. Grant. J.!Sca. R. I-Iusk and I.IE.M. Rutherford of Il.M.S. St. Vincent. and
Team: A.B. Minardc. H.M.S. Ark
Naval and Civilian Tailors and Outjiilers Local Branches:
Royal Sailors‘ Home Queen Street
TrafalgarServices Club PlIIlISIIlIIIIII Edinburgh Road
HcadOflice: HAY-S1’REET& PORTLANDSTREET,PORTSMOUTH Phone : Portsmouth 14152 (2 lines) Branches at Devonport. Chatham.
Grams: ‘Navy.-r¢e' Portsmouth
Weymoutl-r. Dunfermline. Malt:
I-l.M.S. Mercury. H.M.S. Gamecock, H.M.S. Blackcap Members of the Interport Nan! Traders‘ Association
.I./Tel. I-Iiggins, I./Sea. Adshcad. .I./Sea. Salcombe. of I~I.M.S. Ganges. and J./Bugler Burton and Cooper of I-the Royal Marine School of Music. all
convincingly won their Junior titles. a sign. it is hoped. that augurs well for the future of Navy boxing.
be considered a successful season. but more still has to he done if we are to win the Senior l.S.B.A. title, Harder training. improved coaehing techniques. brrt above all greater encouragement on a ship level will achieve the answer and the Royal Navy willagain lead the way in this splendid British sport. In conclusion. it
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea T°'2°o‘3.".°“°
May. 1558
:\'A\'\' NFJVS
TAXlS.—Aiar. Phone 430:. ‘PI2-to. :4-lmur_~ersicc.-—tu llrdc Part: Read it-to-e (juttuttattl. P()n1‘§.'lInU'l‘lI. Red and brcallast. its. other IIOIJSFJIOIJ) I-'.H~‘IIC'lS and BAGGAGIS meals 5! rcquirod.—ll5 Milton ttt-ad. altlftd, mm-ea. melted. \h'mned.— write .'.- Co. SOIIHISEA. S rninulet walk nicr, I-"nil l~.\.'ltd. North Lml Junction, Purtsrn-wuth. Phone rt tit. until end Ma). Well IC\.\‘II'IHI’.'n\I€d. l 1
Iatltll Road.
Tlllrl ROYAL N.\\'.\l. .-\.\'.\‘0C‘l.\TIlI.\‘ (Gotmtt
Farcltam Road, Larrrc mam 32 ll.) ix a\at!.1Ne inf ttttc lnr nuhttc tnnctm.-as on .\lnnd.n; Tucs- T0
hall (IOU ll.
ttriutc or dav and \\'r:du¢sd.1y attcrr..s.m« or evening; moderate l€l't'l'l1. Application: -lrmtld h: made
the Steward at ab-he .1t.It.In'\\ between H .t.m. and J n.tn.. or o p.m. and It rum.
lutnixhcd mama, mc lit.-hcnellr. mctcr.~.——.\ltClun,v_ 4-t-tn Glad-
stone Street. Portsmouth.
VACANT MAY. tlatlel. large opn lilchcn. mil C.I'.(). Adults only; also bed-tilting-munt. me (‘LUII SIIO\\' rzecdt R.\'. <r:lman‘\ nl lritehen.——.\ln. 'Ium1. 2 Vi/tL-on (it-Ht. south-
hhtlc hc|l~hItlntn\. uc.tt'.thic or repairable; any- ata. Ihginrr an-atlt aonteeiatcd. I’I‘\Ilk'l' repaid.- T“'0 FUR.N'lSIIl-ID ROOMS to let. [2 weekly lltr..h_ Ill Star hll'I'€l_ I.--noon, \\‘.:. inclusiu-c.——2J Mcsrick Road. llollamuttllt.
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"ll'iullmns ll'u_v" political -cum- Excellent opportunities are available holding First or Second Class Minisadventttrc nte|odrama——Pcler I-‘inch. in the fleet of the BI’ Tanker Company try of Transport Certificates or ContMary Lire and Natasha Parry. “lllmr Murtle-r it: SI. 'I'rt'rtr'aIt'.r"--1:razy to E.R.A.'s who are interested in an petency. with excellent prospects of comedy 'l'erry-Thomas, George Engineering career in the Merchant promotion, good my and conditions Cole and Joyce Grenfcll. Navy on completion of service with of employment, including a non-con"('omtr I-‘t't'¢- am! Dic" (Cincnlascopc) the Royal Now. tributory Pension Scheme. espionage melodrama .Icll'rcy If you do not hold a Ministry of The Company,which is the shipping Hunter. Nigel Patrick and Anne organisation of the British Petroleum Transport Certificate of Competency Marie Duringcr. "llurnut-It: l)ilI"—nautieal comedy- Group, owns one of the largest modem but have completed the necessary qualifyingsea lime and are not over Alec (jttinncss. Irene Browne and fleets in the world, numbering about I50 ships. Among those in service are 42 years of age, we \vill arrange, after .\l:luriec Denham. "l '14 rlurtr l’lu_vgr:mIttI" sociological. some of 28.000 and 32,000 tons dead- a short period of service. for you to nit-lodrant:i—-Stanley Baker. Anne weight whilst ships of 50,000 and attend a special course of kind)‘ at it llcywmnl and David .\IcCallum. 65,000 d.w. tons are now on order Technical College to prepare for the "Sr?! II'l'_a"¢"' ICUI.) (CIllL‘III(ISCOpc)-— for the future. The Company's trade is Ministry of Transport examination. adventure melodram:t—Jo:tn Collins. world wide and the length of voyage Whilst attending this course you will Richard Burton and Basil Sydney. from two to eight receive your pay and, if it is necessary "T/tr .\'ul.¢'tl 'l'rtult"—cra2y crime varies but is usually for you to live away from home. you Terry-Thomas, Pc t c r months. comedy Responsible appointments as senior will also receive a subsistence allowSellers and Peggy Mount. “‘I‘In' Tin .S'mr"—-horse opera—Henry Engineer Olliccrs are otlcrcd to those ancc. l-‘ond.t. .-\nthuny Perkins and Betsy Painter. I-‘orfirrrlter details write to: “'l'It¢' Sim .-Hm Rim-.v" (COL) (CinemaRomantic mclodramat Scupe Tymne Potter, Ava Gardner and .\lel I-‘crrcr. t\l;\RIt\'I3 STAFF l)EP:\RTMENT BRITANNIC HOUSE "Nut Il'ttttn'J mt I’uyagc"——-I‘Il‘n:1d Flx\"SBURY CIRCUS LONDON EC2 eontetly —Ron:tld Shiner, Brian Ri\ and (lllltcrinc Ilo}lt:. —
BP Tanker
Company Limited -
lltllllli Alli CIIMMANII ’Sl’0ItTS Royal Navy
May. 1958
ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL IN'I‘ER-COMMAND CUP C().\‘II*‘E’I'ITlON—l-'INAL FOR THIS second year running Home Air Command met Portsmouth Command in the final. played at Fratton Park. Portsrnoiith. on March 26. I-‘roni the kick-oil’ Air Conunand went straight into the attack. a fierce
which laid the foundations of
FORCES IIIMALAYAN EXI’EIllTION I-‘ROM R.A_F. Station. l.yneham. on April 25. members of the BritishPakistani Forces Himalayan Expedition took off on the first leg of their long journey to the Himalayas where they will attempt to scale one of the highest tinclirnbed peaks in the world. 'I'lieir objective is Distcghil Sar. a 25.868-ft. peak in the Karakoram range of the Himalayas in Pakistan. one of the highest mountains in the world. In I957 this mountain was atteriipted by an expedition under the leadersliip of Mr. Alfred Gregory. a successful I953 Everest member of the He attained a height of Izxpedition. about 2l.500 ft. and reported that the ascent might be possible. but very
assisted by Brigadier Sultan Mohammed. Military Adviser to the High Commissioner for Pakistan. Leading the expedition in the field will be Capt. Michael Banks. also a Royal Marine and a wartiine Commando. He is
Vice-Admiral G. Thistlelon-Smith. C.B.. G.M., President of the Royal Navy Hockey Association. presented 'I'IlE RESULTS of the Inter-Service the R.N.H.A. Cup to the Culdrose tnatchcs were as follows: well-known mountaineer, polar a He of the game. team on completion explorer :ind author. March v. R.A.I-'. I. at I 26-—Arn1y remarked on the high standard of fitMaking up the remainder of the Woolwich. ness of the players and of the strength team will be Lieul.-Cdr. I‘. R. Brooke. at 2 R.A.l-'. '.’.—R.N. v. 2. April of hockey in the Home Air Conunaiid. R.N.. Surg.-Lieut. 'I'. P. Patey. Uxbridgc. R.N.. Capt. R. H. Grant. M.C.. R.N.. drive by Hack being well saved by the to have both teams in the final. April 9-R.N. 0 v. Army 3. at PortsCapt. IE. I. E. Mills. R.A.S.C.. Capt. goalkeeper—during these early attacks mouth. W. M. M. Deacock. Middlesex RegiBOXING llaek scored but the goal was disment (attachcd Isl Parachute Bn.) and itlltiwcd. liven our overseas readers will have OPEN HOMI-I AIR COMMANIJ Flight-l.ieut. J. R. Sims. R.A.F. Two read full accounts of these matches 'lhe score opened in favour of the Pakistani oflicers will join the expediAir Command when. in the thirty-third AND TEAM CIIAMPIONSIIIPS by now. Suflice to say. it did seem that tion in Pakistan. They are: Capt. minute Hamilton having received a ENTRIES FOR the Home Air Coni- after the draw with the R.A.I-'. the Mohammad Shah Khan of the cross-pass from the wing drove a long mand Open aiid Team Championships Navy might beat the Army. and so dillicult. Northern Scouts and Capt. Raja ball which. although stopped by the held at R.N.A.S. Bramcote on March win the championship outright for the Combined Expedition Mohammad Aslam of the Punjab goalkeeper bounced out of his hands I8 to 20 were not as numerous as last first time since I928. But it was not icexpedition is a combined Regiment. to trickle into the net. Inspired by this year but a good evening of spirited bc. The short answer is that we are Lieut.-Cdr. Brooke will join the the Air Command piled the pressure- boxing was enjoyed by all who wit- not skilful enough, but what of the British-Pakistani enterprise and will future? Is the prospect for Navy set out under the joint patronage of expedition from New Zealand where with neat inter-passing they opened nessed the linal bouts. Field-Marshal Sir Gerald W. R. he has recently arrived from Scott tip their opponents' defence with the The best bout of the evening was hockey brighter or worse? As a keen 'l'empler. §i.C.B.. G.C.M.G.. K.B.E.. Base. Antarctica. having been a memresult that. in the forticth minute. the weltcr-weight final between N..-‘\. follower for many years I view the Chief of the Imperial General ber of Hillary's team on the TransI).S.O.. Barnes scored from the left wing to Cook‘ (Lossicinouth) and R.l':..\l. future with misgiving. Staff. and General Mohammad Ayub Antarctic expedition. On this occasion. bring the half-time total to '.’——0. This is not a criticism of the con- Khan. Evans (Eglinton). These two boxers II.J.. Commander-iii-Cliief of for the first time. two Pakistani ofliccrs The second half produced better really gave everythiitg throughout the duct or spirit of Navy hockey and I the full and football from both sides and a deter- three rotltlds~-:t good. clean. hard- am sure that the Navy (‘up has come bi-'=‘"I':ikistan Army. The planning has are joining the expedition its Major-General J. l.. equal members. lioth these ofliccrs are Sllftcrvised byl).S.O.. mined l’oitsniouth attack from the hitting contest that was indeed worthy to stay and will continue to do good. Monlton. O.B.E.. Chief experienced mountaineers. This co_(_.B.. kiek-oll resulted in a goal within two of -the reception received from the But next season there will be no sub- of Amplubious Warfare, who is ;m operation hetweeri Service oflicers of minutes. With the score 2- I Ports- audience. lietttenants utider training either at in the Royal Mariiies and .i the two countries is an important ofliccr mouth non increased the presstire and and (ircenwich Portsmouth. or our No really outstanding talent was warttrne commando, He has hccn aspect of the expedition. only brilliant goalkceping by I-lughcs discovered and on conclusion of the best potential. some 500 young ollicers prevented them from cqualisintt. championships only six boxers were of university age-group at the BritanStriving to recover their bite Air Coni- nominated to go forward to the R.N. nia R.N. College. cannot obtaiti leave mand took up the challenge; this they Championships, held at Devonport on to play a full season‘s hockey. TAILORS) did with sparkle and once again forced .\I:irch 25 to 27. Under these circumstances a young their opponents on the defensive. The In the team competition I.ossie- ofliccr cannot expect a full season's 336-338 FRATTON ROAD forward line, well supported by a now first-class he until hockey specialises TEL. HQ7 TEL. 73087 revived defence —of which .\Ianser was month were the winners with 23 points as :i lieutenant with three years‘ PORTSMOUTH with followed I8 points Iiglinton by outstanding. gave the opponents‘ goal :ind I-'ord third with It). seniority. say. at the age of 24. And DEVONPORT no respite: then in the seventy-first one season doesn't make a first-class Vicc—Adniiral T. W. Coachman. I Cross IIIII Villas, Stoke, DEVONPORT ininute_ Hack. on receiving :i through player. pass hooked the ball into the net. This C.l5.. C.V.O.. I).S.O.. O.B.I3.. Flag The standard of lower-deck hockey OFFER was almost irniiiediately followed by Ollicer Air (Home). presented the it is the but won't fill improving gap. a corner kick which found the head priI.es and afterwards. from the ring. To whom look? we can of Willott. who scored a beautifully urged more entries for next season. placed goal. At this stage a runaw:i_v In the Royal Navy Championships The R.N.IE. College at Manadon. victory for Air Command scented N.A. Dryden (Lossiemouth) easily the young R.M. ofliccr under training in I)evon. We are not going to get likely but stich was not the case as retained his light heavy-weight title. much help from Chatham. now Portsmouth Command fought back closing. nor Portsmouth. whose U.S. well and. after numerous attacks. ATHLETICS XI are already beginning to lose a further goals followed within minutes of each other to bring the final result HOME AIR COMMAND INTER- number of first-class fixtures. We $——.'4 in the Air Command favour. DEPAR'I'MEN'I'AI. ATHLETIC must look west. What is the remedy? This was indeed a great and exciting COMP!-I'I'I'I’l0N. I958 it would appear that the following final. Although Air Command were FOR THOSE who have not heard of might prove helpful suggestions: worthy winners and are to be con- this com tition it little explanation (a) The other two Services must be gratatatzd on their fine porfimnanir. might hep. his a postal Athletics -united--tcrpiay -the 'Intcr'Sct'viv let us also add at word of praise to Competition between departments or fixtures in April. not March. so Every Made-to-Measure Garrneht Individually Hand-Tailored. Portsmouth Command on the splen- divisions of all the R.N. air stations that the yoting officers from I)artFinest Quality I % All-Wool Materials Used Exclusively. did -way they fought back in the in the United Kingdom. run on similar mouth are on leave. Any Style or Design executed to Customer's Exact Specification. closing stages of the game. However. lines to the School Milocarian Trophy. (I!) From the I959l60 season the bulk All Made-to-Measure Garments Tailored in our own Workrooms. we are glad to have recovered the cttp in which tennis of between 20 and I00 of fixtures list the must Navy that so narrowly eluded otir trophy compete on their own ground -for a Every Garment carries Guarantee of Delivery, Fit and Satisfaction. move from the home counties to case last season. I)cvon. Officers unable to obtain trophy. Each member of the team may NAVAL ALLOTMENTS WELCOMED in as many athleticevents .ind a night's leave to travel to l.ondon compete HOCKEY as often as he or she wishes during a can obtain a few hours‘ leave for the and fixed scores points period, locallyl Mid-week fixtures must be ROY.-\I. NAVY KNOCK-OUT b st efforts in different events. "The ruled out. C().\‘IPX‘ZTI'I'ION—FINAL I -point mark is fixed at the Navy (cl Devonporl Command tnust take Two IN A fast and exciting game played standard and the one point at absolute of the U.S. Portsmouth as pl:ice in ideal conditions at the R..\I. Bar- novice level—so _that everyine is able a recruiting ground for Naval racks, Eastney. on Wednesday. March to “have a go" and score points POPULAR hockey and lI.R.N.C. must release I9. R.N.A.S. Culdrosc beat H.M.S. towards their team total. Bonus points their players to this club in Ariel by two goals to nil to win the may be obtained by those who can accordance with the priority SOUTH PARADE R.N. Hockey Cup Final. do better than Navy standard. claim set out in the Sports HandSOUTHSEA The bully-off took place at 2.30 under is The now be I958 fixtures list book. must The Competition p.m. on a perfect pitch. and Ariel way and completes on June I3. Details confined to Devon and Cornwall. OSBORNE no. immediately‘ went into the attack. are given in Home Air Command who will “Does those critics To say. After I7 minutes. however. from a Sporting Instructions 8 and 9. . if haven't it matter won for we really breakaway down the left wing the 30 years and don't do so in the Culdrosc left half put a lovely crossAVAILABLEFOR ALL FENCING matter. it it future?" must that seems which the to wing over right pass ' The Navy owes it to the other two completely split the Ariel defence. 5 ROYAI. TOURNAMENTBush beat one man and placed the services to do better and sonic success PHASE II ball past Woodward in the Ariel goal occasion is essential for any on Home Air the ComIZNTRIES FOR to put (‘uldrose one up. organisation to thrive. especially if twhether a or Aircraft Carrier) II were mand Ch:impionships—Phase there is a remedy within their power. This goal seemed to give Culdrosc OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR THIS YEAR added confidence and they settled most encouraging. A lth ough the as there would appear to be. To want down to dominate the remainder of standard of fencing was not particu- to win is understandable in a fighting Wlrc—Writc—or Phone. Portsmouth 31275 larly high. many new fencers appeared service and it might even be considered the first half. who. with more experience. should do as a factor in good morale and recruitThe second half began. as the first. well Make your first "Port oi Call" for Dancing future in competition. which cannot we ment. two points with some sustained pressure by Ariel. The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday in to afford to ignore come. In Results were as follows: who forced three successive penalty years corners. but just could not put the I-‘oil.--Isl. Lieut. I. T. Spafford. any case we must care. ball in the Culdrosc net. Abbotsinch:.2nd. R.E.M. T. R. to This lack of success seemed Twidalc. Lee-on-Solcnt. their make them lose heart. and I-‘.pce.—Ist. Licut. I). A. Ciunn. l.osThe Welfare Committee of despondcncy was increased when in the sicmouth: 2nd. R.l3.A. App. D. RN. Barracks. Portsmouth. fourteenth minute of this half Swift. Foster. Ariel. the the Culdrose centre half. gained own and operate two luxury Sabrc.——lst. l'.O. L. R. I)odinan. ball in a melee in the Ariel goal area 38 seater coaches. Ariel; 2nd. I..S.lI.A. G. E. Rowley. and scored through a ruck of players Arbroath. with :i rising shot which left the Aricl These vehicles are available for Team Competition: goalkeeper completely unsightcd. the use of all officers. ratings and Winners: R.N.A.S. I.ec-on-Solent. Ariel then threw everything into wrens and their guests, for: Rtinners-tip: ll.M.S. Ariel. attack and liuliner placed soiue lovely through passes down the centre but * SOCIAL OUTING8 CYCLING there was no one in the Ariel forward * THEATRE 8: ICE 8I'IOW8— line who could break the mid-field IN AN cflort LONDON, BRIGHTON. ETC. to-encourage this sport domination of the Culdrose halves. the Ilome Air Command is holding * SPORTS FIXTURES (’uldrose were the better team on the on Comiuand Championships separate * EVENING TRIPS day, but Ariel did not play as well as May I8. I9 and 20. Details are given ETG.. ETC. we have seen them do of late. They in Home Air Command and Sporting were beaten by the same tactics that Instruction 56. For further information please they employed against R.N.I3. ChatIt is hoped that all air stations will telephone Dockyard 26! 6 or write ham in the semi-fin:il. hard first-time to the Welfare Secretary. Canteen tackling and speed on to the ball and he repre-.nted. thus ensuring a good Block. R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth. on the tackle back. They were never entry. given a_ chance to settle down and The Home Air Command team for lust say what you want and the will be R.N. full the and Championships normal their game. play rest will be arranged for you. of the conclusion the at selected brilliant the be iiiust to given cr_edit play ‘iTf’~thc Culdrose half-back line H.A.C. (Ihampionships.
Tailorin .
Company Dances ShipsSubmarlno-—Dcstroyer—Batt:leshIp
Prititcd and Publulicilfor and on behalf of the NAVY Ni.ws
Coinniiltcc by Gale and Poldcn Limited. Aldcnhol