Royal Navy Officers will not find a better service for their and Plain Clothes Um:/arms
requirethan that provided by Bcrnardx.
BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Trlrphorrr 6596 30 Royal Parade. Plymouth
News Navy The
Telephone 66543
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association Published first
No.49 JULY, 1958
Bernard Tailored Um'j‘orms and Plain Clothes for Royal Nav_v Oflieers tweprexs Perfection in Crafr.mramlrr'p. BERNARD8 MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Trlrplrnrrr 6596 30 Royal Parade. Plymouth frlrrllmnr 66$-ll
T/mrsc/ay of the month
Field Gun Trophies go the West Country
(Training Ship ‘Gryf’) Comrnamlingr 0fl‘icer’s Farewell Message ?,
For years athletes talked of the possibility of n four-nlinulc milt.—and eventually it was achieved. l-‘icld-gun enthusiasts are beginning to talk about a three-minute licld-gun run. Is it possible 1’ Millions of people have been thrilledas they watched the field-gun runs either at Earls Court and elsewhere or through the medium of tclcv'tsion. and will realise what strength and litncss would be necessary for such an achievement.Last year Portsrnmtth completed the run in a time which was generally thought would be an all-time record. and yet this year Dcvnnport have tirade a new record. "Navy News" congratulates all those in the West Country who made such a win possible
44' _.
4. ..
First S-on Lortll To Lots and lots of sincerity——that is the biggest llllpfcxsltln of ling-land which Open [loyal take away with Pleasant oflicial occa~.ions~--the homely 1llll1(h{lllL'l‘t.' of private t:utt\'cr\:tlltltl\. Navy’s School Great interest in country and affairs. l We here for four day.s—that is of Work Study be able very short space of time siderable number of visits and calls «-1 we
say that we have got to know Fngland were tnade during the ship‘s stay and and her peop|e—but it was long enough of the visitors. for whom it was many to tighten the bonds of friendship be- their lirst visit to lingland. had .I tween Polish and British ollicers and chance to go to l.ondon_ .\'ortholt_ men.
the years of the last World War Polish and English soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder on man_v fronts against a common foe. On many occasions whilst at Portsmouth we found
out that the
English people have
forgotten this. Today we return
to Poland. I am
certain that the memory of the haspitality we rcceived here will always remain with us.
(Storm!) 2. Rouiszrzxvsrzt. Kapitan Marynarki Wojennej, (‘ommanding Officer of the Training Ship Gryf.
Al).\llR.-\l.S AND sub-lieutenants, sailors and Wrens, all of whom may find in the future their duties atlected in one way or another by the Royal and so on. its well as to Navy's recognition of the importance Winchester pay visits to establishments in the ‘of work study. will make up the audience at l’orIsmouth on Friday. Portstuouth area. Julv when the R.N. School of Work All expressed pleasure at the friend- Study4. is to be opened by the First liness. warmth and hospitality shown Sea Lord (Admiral of the Fleet the to _thctn although some said that by Earl Mountbatten of Burma). trying to do so much in a short time ln addition to ollicial guests. flag their legs and feet were beginning to and senior oflicers of the Portsmouth show signs of tiredness. Command. including captains and also The wooden decks of the Gryf are other otlicers of ships in the port. and so clean and white that it would seem selected ratings and members of the that some kind of "holy-stoning" is W.R.N.S. down to lending rates will practised in the Polish Navy. A large hear the address of the First Sea [.ord. compartment—tlte width of the ship vwho was himself responsible for the ——forward is set aside for a lecture introduction of work-study techroom and entertainment room. cinema niques. so successful in industry. into shows and the like. Pictures of Polish the Navy. The new school. commanded by ._‘ (‘dr. J. A. Templeton-(‘otill. R.N.. is cud in the Royal Naval Barracks at Portsmouth and has been modelled on the work-study instructional department of an international commercial undertaking. lt will have the task of training ollicers and senior ratings as work-study practitioners. besides providing "appreciation courses" for middle-rank oflicers and providing lecturers for work ashore and afloat. Courses vary in length from one to six weeks. while in the case of practitioners a further period is spent gaining practical experience under ex-
THF. Dl-ZVONPORT Field Gun‘s was greeted on his arrival by the (‘rew came home to a great civic and (‘ontmotlore. R.N. Barracks, DevonNaval welcome on Monday. June 23. port (Cdre. 'l‘. l.. Eddison). After inspecting the crew. the Lord With their three trophies. their gun and the traditional oggie—mcasuring Mayor made his civic welcome and 5 ft. by 2 ft.-——they were accorded a said: “You have brought credit. not reception on Plymouth Hoe by the only to the Dcvonport Division, but Lord Mayor and civic ollicials on to the City of Plymouth as well. I behalf of the city. The Lord Mayor (Cmrfimm! Page 2. C 0!. 3)
Outstanding Cigarette of
perienced oflicers. It is almost exactly a
year ago that the lirst four ofliccrs. all trained by the R..-‘\.l-‘. at Hcrtdon. were appointed to the stall of the ('ommantler-inChief, Portsmouth. for work-study 1 purposes. From these small beginnings ;lour pcrntancttt learns ltave already been established and three others are still gaining experience. By the end of the year it is hoped that there will .,_‘ be twelve tc.'uu.s. each usually consisting of two licutenant-commanders and Admirul Sir Guy Grantham inspects the guard a chief petty oflicer as a recorderof the past and scenes analyst. at work. 'l'\\’() l!\ll’RlESSlONS gained from a Naval heroes of Poland in short visit to the Polish Training Ship hang the ship's sides. A Work study has been accepted by (iryf are lirstly its cleanliness and large map showing tours the Gryf has the Navy as an aid to lighting efliciency secondly the friendliness met with made between I951 and I957 is also and the proper use of time and redisplayed. shows that the vessel has sottrccs. It is recognised that few front the otlicers and men. visited places as far apart as Mur- activities within the Service are un(iryf—nearly 2.000 tons. 282 feet affected. while work study can help long and 4-1 feet beam-—visited Ports- mansk aml Sebastopol. 'l'he youth and friendliness of the as much with the maintenance and mouth from June H to I8 and was in the nature of a return visit for the otliccrs and men was most marked and repair of the ships at present in sertrip to (idynia by the Dartmontlt it is hoped that they carry away with vice as with the ships and weapons of Squadron at the end of I957. A con- them happy memories of their visit. the future.
Julv. I958
Admiralty Fleet 0l’(lel'S oi Interest IDIIAFTING FGIIECAST
Navy News B
u I r o R
certain seniorities. will be offered l’AR'l'lCUI.rlR.S' IN this forcctt.rI are H.M.S. Uiauia. October. at DevonServices Resettlement Bulletin [of port, for trials. the opportunity to use their skill in liuble to rilrt-ruiiuii. The U.K. Base ADMIRALTY FLEET Orders I386] another branch of the Service or in Port is the part at ii'Iit'eIi u ship may H.M.S. Loch Ruthven, October, at 58 points out that the Services Aircraft Artiliccrs be e.i'pc<~ml to gin.’ lean: and to rein‘ Dcvonport. for General Service Resettlement Bulletin exists to be civil life. Sonte Commission (Honie/East Indies). to transfer to as 0 Rt'"l'ml _I’Nl¢'used as a work of reference by officers (AKE) mayin volunteer Vulitiit¢'t'rtu_e. Rating: may voltut!ei_'r U_K_ misc Pm-i_ Dc-.-unpm-1, the Electrical Branch. responsible for resettlement informa- Artitiecrs a surplus. and /or tJIl_\‘ of the .v}iip.v. or for .reri'tct: m "_M_g_ cambia. Nm.._.mbL.r' at and to be available to otlicers but there will still bewith tion. for General Service ContRosyth. compensa- (J /mrtihiltir sutiinii. or for .rpcci/ic THE PROVISION of iuarried qitar- and men in information rooms. It premature discharge l.ontl .tcri't'ce (e.g.. l"oret'git mission (Hume/Meditcrraiiean). U.K. ters and furnished hirings has been contains information relating to all tion similar to the scheme announced /nrnis 0/ Ar (Ii'm'rul (Imit- Base Port. Rosyth. of inestimablc benefit to the serving fields of Civil Employment and the in .-Xdmirally Fleet Order 1955/57 is .S'eri'i'<'e or iukcii .S't'ri't'ci'). iuomlts [cast i'.r rim or H.M.S. Stilebay. November. at Portsoflieer and man. The livittg conditions candidates for entering into various extended to Aircraft Artificers (A/E) irig at-!i'mi in to serve .tIii'p.r mouth. for Gcticral Service Cortiof those who. fulfilling the necessary qtialilications and re uiremcnts ‘of and Aircraft Mechanicians (A/E) who ultearl. applicitlioris the mat‘! in t'mmut''im feu- mission (Mediterrtttteaitifl-loiitc). U.K. due qualifications and litcky enough to ob- Government and pro essional posi- will. on January I. 195‘). have given ii'eck.rtotire tmlt'lvcI.v to have «my eflcct. Base Port. Fortsmoiith. l5 years‘ pensionable service or more. tain a married quarter, are the envy tions. H.M.S. Lagos. November. at ChatSUBMARJNJ-I COMMAND The scheme is also extended to a of many and would make the “old Aircraft Artiliccrs and Aircraft ham. for General Service Commislimited number of Aircraft Artilicers H.M.S. 'l‘hei-mopylz-. July. at Devontimer" open his eyes in wonder. Mechanicinns sion (Meditcrrzinezin/l-lotttcl. U.l'{. (O) and Aircraft Mechanicians (0) Cases of considerable hardshipport. for service in the 2nd S/m. Base Port. Cliathain. Squadron. Home Fleet. particularly for those with 'oung Admiralty Fleet Orders 1444158 with the same seniority. H.M.S. Tabard. July. at Dcvonport. H.M.S. Hague, November. at Devonehildrcn—are still apparent an un- and I445/58 lay down the present Association White Ensign for service in the lst Sim. Squadron. port. for General Service Commisfortunately. will continue to be so policy with regard to Aircraft sion (Mediterranezin/Hoiite). U.K. Admiralty Fleet Order l5l0/58 Malta. until the supply of quarters equals tlte Artificcrs and Aircraft Meehanicians Base Port. l)evonport. demand. It is also apparent that some as a result of changes in future plans gives details of the White Ensign H.M.S. Scoreher, August. at Portsmouth. for service in the 5th S/m. H.M.S. Mounts Bay. November. at of the hardship to families could be for the Fleet Air Arm. These ratings. Association which has been formed under the chairmanship of Admiral Singapore. for Foreign Service on avoided if people realised the responSquadron. Portsmoiith,’Portl;ind. Far East Station. Sir John Eceles. G.C.B., K.C.V.O.. H.M.S. /I-Incas. August. at Portssibilities they owe to their families. it C.B.E.. for the purpose of assisting mouth. for service in the 5th S/m. H.M.S. Chaplet. November. at Portsis on record that nien—with two or and promoting the interests of men mouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. three childreti—have completed their Squadron. Portsmouth. Base Port. Devonport. and women who are now serving. or H.M.S. Artemis. August. at Portsthree. four or more weeks‘ leave in have at any time served. in the R.N.. ntouth. for service in the 5th Sim. H.M.S. Teazcr. November. at Devonplaces away from tlteir depots and. on P“|'|. for Home Sea Service t2ntl expiration of leave. have brought their THE NEW Olliccrs‘ Mess. the first to R.M.. R.N. or R.M. Reserves. Squadron. Portsmouth. \\'.R.t\’.S. or Q.A.R.N.N.S. Training Squadron). U.K. Base ltimilies with them. expecting to be be designed in a GENERAL style contemporary provided immediately with accoiiimo- for tile Royal Navy. at H..\l.S. The principal ways in which the H.M.S. Bimiiughnitt. July, at Chat- Port. Devonport. dation. Ensign Association can assist ham. for General Service Commis- H.M.S. Tiger. Noveiitber. at Clyde. }\’hite_ R.N. the Thundcrcr. Engineering Deceniber. at its clients are:-— The rules laid down for married U.l(. Il.i\l..S. Wuolastun. Home,‘Mediterranean. sion. will be at Manadon. oflicially College Hythc. for Foreign Service (Mediquarters are. we know. administered opened with a golden key by Her the interests of (a) safeguarding By Chaiham. Base Port. tertanean). with scrupulous fairness. but the prothe pro- H.i\I.S. Dampier. July. at Hong Kong. personnel through es-_Navy visit The to a during Queen Majesty |l.M.S. Cavalier. December. at Singavision of a married quarter or a fur- the establishment with His Royal vision of the best obtainable financial Service for on Far East Foreign nished hiring cannot be done at the pore. for Foreign Service on Far East on investment. house purchase. Station. advice of Duke the on Edinburgh, Highness Station. drop of a hat. The general rules have Tuesday. July 29. insurance and education. H.M.S. Cook, July. at Singapore. for H.M.S. for been in existence long enough Alert, December. at Singapore. Service on Far East Station. The Foreign new building. four-storeycd of for officers and men to be fully aware Foreign Service on Far East at Hythc. for H.M.S. July. which Mouton. also antcroom. incorporates AUGUST ISSUE one‘: deStation. fair to them. and it is not 5 F accommodation and cabins, has en-i children if are C" "°°- P°‘=°"‘b°.'- M E‘-".'-9 pcndants—espccially In order that the old abled the College Engineering all August them to a strange involved-—to take (’l“51‘°“" °" F°'°'3" S°""‘3° °" Service for General miles be to 31 Keyham. away. closed; issue of News" be “Navy made Far East Station. may town without having _arrangc- down. its completion also means that 1 Base U.K. Mediterranean/Home. ments for their accommodation: and for the first time since Manadon was1 available to readers before the Port. Chaiham. while on this subject. far too many opened in 1940 all engineer olliccrsi August Bank Holiday, it will H.M.S. Protector, August. at Portsmen leave their wives to tniipse mouth. for General Service Comaround looking for houses, flats or under training are able to mess be issued on Thursday,July 31, mission Home;‘Sottth Atlantic and together. instead of Thussday, August 7. rooms. South American Statioii. U.l(. Base Her Majesty The Queen. who is. Contributors asked to Having said that. the wider question going are Port. Portsnioiitli. to Manadon from t’lymouth.1 remains. Officers and men are ap- will beonreceived H.M.S. Echo. September. at Cowes. for on arrival there by; send articles, ete., to reach the pointed or drafted to ships and estab- the Commander-in-Chief. East Coast Survey. U.K. Bast: Port. THE DRAF-'l'll\'G Forecast in the first Editor PIymouth,; Monday, by post be a there must and always lishments. June issue showed H.M.S. Duncan. as Chaiham. Sir Richard Vice-Admiral Onslow.’. 21. before time lapse penuanent accomH.M.S. Ulster. August. at Devonport. commissioning for the Fifth Fishery and by the Com-! July modation can be obtained. The time K.C.B.. D.S.O.". for General Service Commission. Protection and Mincsweeping Squadof Oflicer Ca t. the manding college. even be longer. or days lapse may in fact the John S. W. Walsham, lit.. 0.B. (b) By making available the most Home/West Indies. U.K. Base Port. ron based on Portsmouth. (‘rm anything be done to accommo- Sir Squadron has now been renamed and Devonport. expert advice to those who wish to date pcople so atlected? A married R.N. H.M.S. Ausonia, September. at Devon- is known as the Fishery Protection launch out on their own. Golden Key families‘ hostel in each home on for Home Sea Service. (Steam- Squadron and Duncan (as will all the the necessary port. providing (c) By She will Guard outa A inspect Royal com the be to seems or_tanswer. and contacts, in those .ing Crew) .tShip_ commissions Type 14's of the Squadron) will be able place from which to travel in side the new mess made tip of ti. introductions Service in .\lalta. November] based on Rosyth on commissioning. Foreign linancial. industrial and commercial hundred sub-lieutenants under training column 2) (Continued or foot of We gladly print this amendment to December). and the youngest oflieer receiving in- fields with which the sponsors are at the forecast for we know many of our struction at the college will present; associated. where Naval personnel H.M.S. Dnrtington. September. for readers are interested in the “l-‘ishery" Hythc. near Southampton. “WITH A TIIANKFUL her with the golden key with which ‘may be looking for employment. and may wish to volunteer for Applications for advice may be Foreign Service on Meditcrranetin service. RI-Il\l£.\lBRANCl-Z OF THY she will unlock the double doors leadthe squadron. Station. made. preferably in writing in the Ml‘IRCl|-IS” ing to the entrance hall. The other Type 14s are Russell and ll..\l.S. Centaur. September. at DevonInside the building. she is to unveil first instance. to:— The Lord is my .ili¢'pIi¢'rtt'—I slmll for General Service Commis- Palliscr. H.M.S. Malcolm [at present The Secretary, The White Ensign port. commemorative and attend stone :1 a lie iiittl.i.'tlt to He me team. um sion. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. in the 2nd Traiiniiig Squadron) transLtd.. I5/I6 George Street. (luwn in green pamtres‘-llc Icttdctlt service of thanksgiving and blessing Association. House Place. London. E.C.4. ILMS. Cnniperdotirl. September. at fers to the l-‘ishery Protection SquadMansion of the conducted the Chaplain by Mill the ll'lllt.'l'.)'. ltesiilc rm: There is no entrance fee or annual Devonport. for General Service ron on May I. 1959. Fleet. the Venerable Archdeacon Coittntission thlcditerranean/Home). F, D, Bum, 0.3.5,, R,N,_ and [hc!§$Cripli0ll, but normal charges will U.K. Base Port. Devonport. l0 PI'°l¢SS|0"fll firms 0? .P=I.\'i|bl¢ chaplain of the college. the¢ businesses for services rendered. that H.M.S. Saintes. September. at DevonW. J. Maison. 0.l3.E.. R.N. sense Service Commisfor General introductions made port. ensue Her Majesty The Queen and the may from sion (Mediterrane:in,'Homc). U.K. the Association. Duke will afterwards make separate by l-lase Fort. Devonport. tours of the new building which. on Bamettit Allotnients to Mcxrs. '. H.M.S. Amtada. September. at Ports. completion of the next two phases. Adniiralty moutli. for General Service ComFleet Order 1497/58 will house 450 oflieers on the stall mission tMediterranean;'Homc). U.K. and under training. The Dttke will states that Messrs. Barnctts. Head Base Port. Portsiiioiitlt. LTD. also take the op irtunity of present- Otliee 145 Queen Street. Portsmouth. notilied the Admiralty that they H.M.S. Bmadswnrd. September. at 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ing the Duke o Edinbur-h's award have Rosyth. for General Service Comto Lieut. E. G. R. Allen. 0 the Royal have disposed of their business to Phone 1086] mission thlediterranctiiijliomc).U.K. Messrs. John I4 Ordnance Operate the lollowln Ollieial Express Service Marines. in the presence of senior Row. Portsett. Conway. Base Port. Chzithattt. l’ortsmoutl‘t. luv Service Penonnc EVERY WEEKEND R.M. olliccrs. Allotntents which have been de- H.M.S. Leopard. September. at PortsThe Engineering College at .\lan.'tLEEDS mouth. for General Service ConiBRADFORD .'.. don was tirst opened in .\la_v. ]I).“).L‘iill’CLl in favour of Burnett's will. HUDDERSFIELD commencing with the month of May. mission tHoiiie‘_South America and when the increasing cumple.\‘ity SHEFHELD Ratings desirous South Atlantic). U.K. Base Port. NOTTINGHAM scope of engineering in the aero- be paid to Conway's. l)evonport. LEICESTER nautical and gtintiery ticlds made it .of stopping these allotments in view NORTHAMPTON the eh:tnged circumstances should ll..\l.S. Lynx. September. at Portsfot‘ the facilities to at expand necessary LIVERPOOL mouth. for General Service Coniwhere engineer ollicers have take the usual action if they have MANCHESTER Keyliant mission (Home,South America and NEWCASTLE-UNDER-l.‘t'l“lE been training since I380. ln I946. the discharged their debts to the t‘irm. STAFFORD South Atlantic). U.l(. Base Port. :ind the growold college at Keyham VVOLVERHAMPTON Portsmouth. BIRMINGHAM ing college at Manadon were conicolumn 5) 1. (Caiitiittmlfront page H.M.S. Hougltton. September. at COVENTRY missioned as H.M.S. Thundercr. for Foreign Service (MediWARWICK Hythc. what know a tremendous amount of foundation of the The stone ASK YOUR new BANBURY terranean). Mess. sited on a hill and facing south work this must have meant and your OXFORD PLYMOUTH is all the more praise- H.M.S. Canon. July. at Devonport. OUTFITTER FOR and west with :1 view across Plymouth Service (Dartmouth Sea Home DRUMBRIDGES for home." welcome the Hamoaze to Cornwall. was worthy for it. We you aii_d EXETER 'l'r:iining Squadron). U.K. Base did rain not dampen the enlaid two years ago by the First Sea Heavy BRISTOL [IllPort. Devonport. SALISBURY Admiral of the Fleet the Earl thusiasm with which crowds lining the ‘HIV l-ord. at Hythc. October. GLOUCESTER H.M.S. Crofton. lield the victorious Mountbatten of Burma. pavements greeted SWINDON VI rtuvit: rattan for Foreign Service tltlediterranean). march their on subsequent lgunners -iitoi no tauuosv CIRENCESTER at October. Hythc. H.M.S. Chaviton. coltmm where (Cuiititttml Mount I) Wise. the to from MARLBOROUGH city through 'PlRFD-VlNT£D' FUR WEIR lit All ELIIIITLS for Foreign Service (Mediterranean). READING the Commanderreceived were by either for search or for per- tlic_v temporary PORTLAND October. at Devonmanent accommodation: it place pro- iu-('liief. Plymouth (Vice-Adniiral Sir H.M.S. Llandalf. From Farclum port. for General Service Commis- SAVES ITS COST THREE LONDON viding meals at reasonable prices so Richard Ottslow). sion tMcditerraneaii,-'Honte). U.K. Commander-in-Chief told The that plenty of time is available for Mt these services will mine the following route llase Port. Devonport. “You have done a splcndid_job. somewhere to live. (or convenience of Service Pcrsonrid. R.M linding _them: TIMES OVER Barracks. Entu-icy: HM.S. Vernon: Royal Sailor: of the Dcvonport Division ll..\l.S. Ulysses, October. at Devotiwhole The would the hostel The necesat stay Hana club en Street: R.N. Barracks. down port. for General Service Commismyself sarily have to be limited to a speciticd is proud of you. front Urucorn Gate: tanlq lid. for HJVLS Excellent: sion (t\lediterranean/Home). U.K. I4 days-—otherwisc the to every man jack in the division." H.M.S. Phoenix: R.A.O.C.. Hilton Barracks. period-—say IDEAL FOR NAVAL llase Port. Devonport. Forehoi-ii. Also read several He Gotham. Homer: Te-mt then congratulatory would which it for was designed object October. at Portsmelting up at H.M.S. ‘kid at cheaper rote: telegrams. includin one from the H.M.S. Undine. be defeated. WEAR . mouth. for General Service ComN.B.—To till slil is visiting Portols such a project possible? It would First Sea Lord. an he tinally called mission (Meditcrrancan/Home).U.K. iuouth: Special ucillties to meet be costly undoubtedly. but it is coit- for three cheers. Base Port. Portsmouth. Trade enquiriest sidercd that there is an unquestionable Continuing their triumphant march. your particular travelling requirePortsat October. ll..\I.S. Undaunted, R.N. home to ments can be organised at short need for some such arrangement. and. the crew at last came mouth. for General Service Comnotice. if provided from public funds. could Barracks. Dcvonport. where lower mission(Mediterranean/Home).U.K. be met from a saving in some deck had been cleared to greet them. perhaps Base Port. Portsmouth. Write. phone or call At the welfare committee‘: reception other direction. October. at SouthWI-IITEPOST LANE TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. 30 It is understood that at Portsntoutli the ceremonial oggie was cut with the ll..\l.S. Duncan. Service Sea for Home ampton. the possibility of :i hostel is being can- field gun ollicer‘s sword and many 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth tl-‘ishery Protection Squadron). U.K. vassed. It is hoped that the dream ,toa<.ts were drunk to the West E.9 Phone 70863 llase Port, Rosyth, notable successes. Countrynieii's will become a reality. Heat (5) ll. R. ncriidxc. R..\‘.(Rctd.). Royal Natal Barracks. Pdrumouth Tv:l.: Porttuiouth ‘(M4 (Ext. 2l')«l) From July I2. Tcl.: Portsmouth ZMII
lc.n:‘t‘inE:3‘tEi‘l')ast it.aiE«sc.'i i‘tnSc)ii :Ei;i (AtEt‘gi!tEslCommission: -
FlSllEllY l’ll0l'lil."l'l0N
“Collar jack
... ..-
last that is smart! ”_ at
Ju_ty. i9sa
Motoring Notes
No. 34. H.M.S. ALAMEIN
AS.A rather high percentage of Naval decide who should handle the work. motorists seem to get themselves inHaving looked after the salvage of volved in accidents of various sorts it tlte velticle and got yourself honte. tlte has been suggested that a few notes next most iiitportaitt step is to contact H.M.S. ALAMElN_ one of the later A “BattIe“ Class destroyers, was built by on the subject of crash repairs would your insurance coiiipaity and notify Messrs. Hawthorne Leslie and Co. Ltd. be of interest. The following remarks l tlteitt of tlte accident. If you haven‘t in She was launched in May. explain the essential procedure ncces-fa Claim Form they will very sooit I945,l943. by Lady Margaret Alexander. s:iry to ensitre speedy repairs to the‘ send you one. the wife of Field-Nlarsltal Lord car or motorcycle. Claim Form -Alexander of Tunis. This was, in fact. The Claim Form. is a most im- tltc first ceremonial launching to take Immediate Action document attd it Is absolutely place since the outbreak of hostilities. Assuming that every motorist is portant Alamcin has a displacement of vital that you contplcte it correctly aware of Itis legal obligations to exand get it back to the in- ~'.’..‘-25 tons and is 355 ft. long. She cltange n:iiites and addresses. etc.. at} and fully has a beam of 40 ft. and draws 18 ft. the time of the accident. the most int- i surers without delay. Without it they Her twin propellors are driven by two absolutely nothing. At the portant thing is to get the circum-; will do Hawthorne Leslie turbines. developing stances of the accident clear. This is, same tiitte the garage should be asked giving a speed of approxiprepare an estimate and it will help particitlarly important if yotir insur-| to them if you will give them the name mately 32 knots. :iiiee cover is only third party :ind yoit ' Her armament coiisists of five -1.5 in. citttsidcr tlte other chap is at fattlt. In and address‘ of the lmim'Ii of the inguns, ltl torpedo tubes. a siitgle this case wititess'e.s'. ittezisiireiueitts. surance company who issiieil your "Squid" anti-.subutarine weapon and ..~'+~'— attd all possible details are necessztry policy. together with the policy num- numerous anti-aircraft close-range becaiise the other person's insurers ber, 'l'his will enable them to make weapons. To man this large aitd varied will be liable to pay and tltcy cart be direct contact. and provided the claim arntaiitcnt. Alamein has a contplciitcnt most tlitlicttlt if you cannot prove a‘ forut is in order tltcre should be little of 235 ollicers and ittcn. cast iron case. In the case of contpre- furtltcr delay. As one of the "Battle" Class dcIncidentally. if possible it is always ltensive insurance you still need the stroyers, Alamein was named after the details if the otlter party is at fault. preferable lo deal direct with the in- great British victory over Rommel and ('()NFlR.\I.-\'I‘lON HAS been reNeville: .\lX.'i'-l‘)$(i .\lX_.l-.l7(t8l8(‘. otherwise you may be unable to pro- surers‘ rather than through a broker. his Panzer Divisions at El Alamein ceived that the following have been W. Ireiitb:itli. tcct your “no-claim discount" or as endless delays cart be avoided. To (‘hit-I I’limiIn'r. .\lX.7(I7348 1. ‘in October. I9-12. the turning point of :tdvanccd to the Chief Petty Oflicer or recover any excess you are required Authority to Repair the Second World War. Chief Artificer rate: Bragg: MX.927'i'(- 'l'. l.ove._ to he:ir. The next step is carried ottt by the That this ship should be called‘ To ('Iii'.-/ l’i-riy Uflin-r.—-J.\'.l-l8I8S 7'" ('/tit‘! Ordttrutre zlrr_ili<'i-r.—— 'lhe next important thing is to have insurers who will decide whether or Alaittein is almost unique in that site: MX.833407 I). Crane. M.\.7(i(t832 S. llcll; ],\’.l(i23-39 R. Brown: J. I’eitgcl__ is one of the few ships to toe named] JX.|4~l(s7‘) W. .lelfer_\': JXJ5273-I r0 ('/ti¢'/ l3l4't'{f_I<‘lt[ /‘NI/t<'t‘-l‘-" A. l.ambourtic: J.\.7l57l9 B. ‘after a battle which was actually; t\rlX.5(i‘)37.‘. I. -5tt_L'Itk‘I-‘F: 'fought within the living memory ofl l.aitgley: JX.l5tl(s04 A. Parry; To ('Iii'i-/ I’i'rIv (Nita-r I-.It-rlririmt. those who serve iit her. This also makes 3 .IX.l38l5.t W, R i c It a r (I s o n ; her the lirst ship to bear the name’ ——.\l.\'.ll().‘lli|‘J l). I_lrooks'-(‘ooclt; jx.|_-:(t(,3(.1-j_ $|;.d._-_ Alantciit. She wears the crest of I‘ic|dl.. Robmsoit. To ('Iiii'/ I'i'immit n/ Sf},'ll(lI.\‘.—.\IX.ll‘llWil(I To ('Iti'i'/ ,‘.IlL'iIlr' Rnum Arlifit‘er."]X_|55.t(l() (‘_ w‘_ Hill, ‘:.\I:tt'SIl:tl Viscount Moittgoittcry of Alzimeiit and his tnotto——-"(iarde/.. To (‘Iiivf I‘:-Hy (J[]ir‘i'r ’l‘i'Ic'.L'ritpIti'.sl. J. _.-\daiits': .\IX.‘l_.'i-ll‘) .\‘lX.8(-3578 llieii“—» ‘ikcu front his personal arms. I‘. Ah‘: .\I.\.7.‘\Xi-1 ll. Iltrclti L\'.(t—Ift(l8I \\’, H:tiIL')". JX.7IZ‘.‘)3I The I-ield-.\‘l:irsltal takes :i keen in-. .\l.\'.(i(l8lI8 N. llurt; .\l.\'.7t_l-tl IS \\’. H. .\ICClIll‘,': JXJ52387 A. terest iit Alamein. and last November‘ I’. (.\).\‘i MX.5t-‘).Ul I). I'll“-‘kl '|'urpiu_ II ‘-I I! l 0 fl '. ‘went to ('ltatlt;im to speak to her I’. .\IX.|.‘.(l»l5l Tit (‘ltivl I'('l!y ()flir'i'r Writi.'r.—.\lX.7038}l IE. llarris‘: .\IX.l2tl5-U prescitt .sltip‘s company before she left ll o w l i n t:: .\|X_s.t')-Ill R. ifor service in the .\lcditerrauean. lie ll. llewlettz .\IX.8(i3578 l._ Ilttttt; S c ;i r I e t t .\I.\'.8~287‘)9 (i_ lalso hopes to spcitd :i few days at sea Jack son: .\lX.'i'()8(l7l A. .\lX.tttllll'.’(> D. Simmonds. in Alamein before retiring from active .\IX.70-ll-35 I). St r i ck la n d: To Sliirint (‘iiicf I’«'tIv ()!liL‘i'r (S).-service in the autumn. .\IX.7()tltl8(i .I. Trencltard. .\lX.R0lt)5l J. lrlaslant. Since lirst cotttntissioiting in I948.‘ Tu ('Itt'i'/ I’¢'(!\' fl/flour (.001; LS).Tn (‘liiel I-.'it_i.-irii-i-riiie i\Ii'i‘Iiiuti'c,-~.-Xlamein has served iii the Fourth KX.‘)|‘Jl(i I-'_ llai‘ri.s': KX.‘)5-t7tl .\IX.5l(t5‘l Ii. Ford: .\IX.(>(l‘V)3-4 F. the Home on and. Destroyer Squadron C. I. lcll'crv: KX.84(i(s(t J. Nagle: lnseal: .\l.\'.85tu572 P. Langham; ‘.\‘leditcrratteait Stations and’ ltas also KX.‘)5tl|-t R. Sole; ls'X.l7Z027 R. .\i.\'.5t»~lS1 W. 'l‘owits‘end. }spent a period iii the Reserve Fleet To ('Iiii'/ I’i'IIv (Jf]ii'i'r .S‘It-imriI.'l‘a\'lor. lat Rosyth. On coming out of reserve. To ('Iiii'I .-lirmmi t.-I i'ri'rii/I Iliimllvrl. I.X.'I'-3(|47(I I). Dull)’: l.X.(il7I9-) Alameiit saw service iii the Suez landI). M. Piper. X.l'l:\‘2-38-3 POA G. Smith. giugs iit I956 :ind is now once again To ('Iiit-/ I’aiiir.-r.——3IX.8tll8-$9 R. (Al-Ill. serving with the l-'ourth Destroyer To Aitken; .‘sI.\'.7(ll2‘J I). Avery‘. A¢‘Iiii_i: ('/ti'i'/ Rmlio of Squadron. the Mediterranean Fleet. .\IX.(i.'lll(»~8 A. Davies: .\lX.'i'-tlll Arlifiri-r t.-t ir).—-I_-'. R. K. llazelden: .\lX.7-$203 i./t=x.r.r.«m.4 I\'casl'. uncut!»-out \'I VOID .\.\\U\.lc Blllllli GU 3|alII\.IuI\-.v the vehicle rentoved to the nearest‘ not to have the dantage assessed. If I auditors. addressed Conference standard was dedicated by the l._0rtI t‘l)IllI!l'It 2) (('imIiiiIir'¢l /mm ssociation finances generally: of Lancaster. After the dedicacoiitpetent repairer. This" is the the cost exceeds £10 they usually senil Ilishop moinent. when probably sltaken after either llteir own stall engineer or insurers. Without being unnecessarily nely interesting atltlress “as re- : tinit delegates and members front the a paralysirtg experience. yoti have to appoint a local independent assessor pernickety it is just as well to inspect I with acclantatioit. llis area headed by Inass‘i:d the repair to see if it really is satis- ttions with regard to ieiit\ standards inarclted to the (‘eitotaplh calm yourself and start being business to act for them. He should be on the like as you will probably find a whole scene within 72 hours of your sending factory before signing the document. of certain .-Xssoeiation Sir John laid the .-\ssociatioit the best repairers frequently fail d ncm. con. gaggle of R./LC. and .-‘\.A. Scouts. in the claim fornt. provided of course liven f ssreath. A guard of honour came front the undersides of panels and chartered accotintaitts'. of whiclt from Stretton. as also did one band. police. local inhabitants and garage- that the insurers acted immediately. to paint 10-minute look round a will save lots rtten with their breakdown wagons all At this stage patience is necessary aitd of later. argument trying to help. The operative consid- you cannot expect the repairers to go erations at this poiitt are “Who is the ahead until someone gives them Contribution nearest competent otlicial instructions and repairer?" to carry out rcThere are several points which can "Who pays‘.'" If you are to blame and pairs. If there is any undue delay it lead to argument in dealing with crash Your insurance cover is only third is quite reasonable to contact the in- repairs. The main ones concern the Dim)‘. the'cntire cost of salvage attd siirer‘s claims manager and ask hint replacement of tyres. battery. replacerepairs to your own vehicle will be to liven things tip a little and in ttty ment of rusted panels and contplcte your own responsibility aitd you need experience they invariably do take re-painting of the vehicle. Quite obread no further. If you are contpre- intntcdiate action. viously an insurance company is not hensively insured howcver. this quesgoing to make a free gift of a new Satisfaction Note tion of competence is important. Crash when the one it is replacing is On completion of the repairs. one tyre repair work iitvolves special equipworn out. The same principle applies ment and panel heaters which the is required to sign a “Satisfaction to the other items so that you should average garage does itot employ. A Note" without which the repairer's be prepared to negotiate a reasonable little discreet cross-exatttination of the account will not be settled by the contribution if such circumstances road scouts or police will help you to (Cmiriiiiml iii coliium 3) A. E. Marsh. arise.
itdvaiiccmentitoitI1eiClticl'Petty Ollie; -
and Chief Artiliccr Rate
I l
l:1i'¢‘i‘(«§o‘i ,‘s'-_.--,;zic'»_{;...-.x*‘ iti-..-\<;3g\mL_' _
hisl recont-lsiirrouittling
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E ‘E'__‘I|Illll||llll|IIIllllIIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllIIIlllllIllllllllllllllllllll
.lulv. I958 1' lllllllIllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll L
Out of Uniform
Leading Wren Slade. R.M. Barracks. liasiney. “uteri-.t|.
Multi-colonreir striped cotton: 41 yards at 6s. per _\ard. Total cost. 305. .\lrs. ll.l.i’lllC opened the proceedings and introduced Lady Creighton, who fllllllllllllilllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|l|ll||ll|ll|lll||'
ROYAL NAVAL FRIENDLY UNION I later presented the prizes. A cake and sponge competition. OF SAILORS’ WIVES ; : which judged very popular,
ll0Y.-ll. T0[llXA:llli.\T
\\'.R.t\'.S. Fencing Southern of the Macbonnell Miss by branches of the R.i\'.l‘.U.S.W. , Electricity Board. Mrs. A. Weaver won After their success in the InterXli\l' C0.ll.lllTl'Eli F0ll l'Ell\'0.\’ local which 40 of our members were privi- the cake section and Mesdames Ayiun Scrvices triangular match. the women's foil team were on their toes for the leged to attend. A number of and like the sponge section. lllt.\\'lIll members were also guests of the .\lrs. I. C. Horton and Mrs. Hutchins Royal 'l‘ourn:inient competition anil.! '|'lll’. ll,.\l.S. Veriioit ll:.incl'i held Southsea llranch at their (iarden organised some “mingling" games. and fencing as well as ever. gained three’ their general meeting on \\’cdiic~'.tl.iy. Party in the Wardroottt (iardens of prizes were won by Mrs. Furrougli. of the live places in the iinal pool. June -3. in the ("inent'.i. ll.M.S.- the Royal Naval li:irt’at:k\. on .\lrs_ llitchv.-ns and .\lrs. Oakford. A The ultimate uittttcr was l..:Wreri Vernon. .\l."\. ii. A. lllundeil piesidctl Montl:i_v. June I(-. llotli events were rallle for a large basket of fruit was Brooks who is thus the lntcr-Sci'viccs and in the ;tl\\t.'lt\.'C of the Rev. ll. A. favoured with line weather and were won by .\lrs. .-\. ("hilds and that for a .\\'omen's (‘hampioii-at-.-Krms. Watson. on ditty. the meeting opened most enjoyable. l Third Otlicer Strong was fourth and l tin of biscuits by Mrs. Patch. uitlioiit ilic ll\' pr.i_\ers-_ lly the time this is in print the An e.\.t:elle:ti tea was served by Mrs. IS-.'L'ottd Ollii:ci' Joli littishctl itt liflli '|lie main busiiiess of the June annual gartleit p:irty will have taken Jones and helpers :ind members of the place. L. "Wren Brooks and Second Ofliccr‘. i.-ctier.-l meeting is the election of it place and because of leave there will '; committee. and Mrs. Hardie organised new committee and from the nomin:i- be no general meeting iit Augiist. the dceoratioii of the hall. Strong were included in the Combined‘ 3 Services team which met the Ladiesf tii_Iti~. received the following were The next general meeting will be clccictl: .\lesd:1mi:s Costvell. Vicary. held on September 3 and will be a Amateur Fencing Union and lost by. the narrow margin of seven bouts to‘ Bird. lirowit. l‘arnham. Riley. Vass. demonstration of frozen foods. S0lTllSliA’S IJUTING T0 '
' nine. reminded that subscriptions for 1958-59 are payable in September. These are in future to be 25. per annum for all members. HIGI-ll.lGH'l‘ of this month's A sewing meeting will be held on activities was the Garden Party given July 30. Mrs. Walmsley is always‘ iby l.:id_v Grantham in the gardens of to welcome new members to Admiralty House on_June I8. What l IS. our members appreciated most was the opportunity for them to talk G.~\llllL'i\' l'.-\llTl' AT with our President. The .gardens of Admiralty House were : THE MAY meeting, which was held .it -looking most charttting on this sunny St. l’:iith's Hall. was opened by the I and the members enjoyed Rev. Patrick Walton, with prayers and ._afternoontheir tea on the lawn and Itaking announcements made by .\lrs_ H:irdie .chatting to one another and to ment(chairman). The Southern Gas lloard bers of the other branches. presented a very amusing and interest- We are again most grateful to thc ing film on gas appliances from the first ‘ofliccrs of the Ro_\-til Naval Barracks gas jet to the iiltrzi-modern items used :for allowing us the use of their wardin homes today. 'room gardens for our own garden Ten was served by Mrs. Jones and party. which we held on Monday. Mrs. Johnstone and helpers. Rattles. ilune TO be selected at H._.\l_.S. !S'l'll.l. l6. Once again the sun shone. Mrs. of half dozen each cesses seen were most interesting and a eggs given by ‘The Royal Marine Band provided_a ;(}anges. the Royal Navy's training the varied array of pottery very Weaver. were won by Mrs. Hackney pleasant at Shotley _(iaie. near musical background while §cst:ib_lishn_ient Mrs. Battison. and We had a two hour stay fascinating. young rating for the members tried their skill at the t._s‘the in Bournemouth on the way home The garden party meeting on June it various winuyman proud position of "button boy" at the and strolled Leatdlng Vi rcn G. which enabled members to have tea took place at the attractive British around comp_et_itions, i H..\l.S. mast manning and Sunset ceremony on admiring the beautiful ning the high jump. See and look around. In spite of showers Legion Hall. which has colourful flower !gardens'. Our guests included Dame. 14 V1-mun. Sports Day on page the annual Day to be held on the weather was kind for most of borders and bowling greens at the rear Elirabeth Kelly. Mrs. Bess Saturday. Jul_\ Up to nearly 3.000 of the the day. ion tiuiis visitors are expected at the establishbuilding. .t President. Portsmouth On ‘v\’ednesday, June lR, Lady Guests from other branches attended. i.\lrs. Winter Il’ortsmouth Honoraryg ment. uliere nearly 2000 Junior 2.301 2-1. at 0-.\‘ "ll-lUR5l).-\\. July clothes. and weather with and fine held \ p ,a garden party at gay ""\rm_i__ and the chairtnen. secre,Sccretary) .i..- mm-lit‘lt' had :i festive air. 1! -c.- i‘.u- n\.-II\l\vre tit‘ tls.. “"53 -“""'. iiaries and members from the other P-“‘-ll“: 5"‘?! under iiistrnelion. if the vveathcr is ‘".'l"| ‘'.‘’H‘‘ “.'‘'‘.]'‘''''J. _“.' -,oeal branches, After a most enjoy- (ieorge s l-iind lor Sailors in the Savoy Hm.‘ .\lrs. prizes presented Hcgg tea. _,'iblc ...........-..___..___..‘ Ballroom. Southsea. ; The "button boy.'j who will be Lo .\lrs. Hobbs iweight of cake): Mrs. \\'rens and Naval wives. ,.m,,,).; i Cox Mrs. Jupe (number of flowers): i,;..,.¢ wn,M,,,_.d N am“ m.,:r:eliosen from a sliort-list of volunteer_s frEcnd$ and i Grimstead ttrcasure hunt): Mrs. dolls and them “in aim hc-fr_oin two of the divisions at _ll..\l..S. 500 Mrs, Prescod (pegs on line): Mrs., scpnnm. Clmhcs {M umw doth in (iangcs. stands on the l1.'l|l.-Wltlc disc Bannister and .\lrs. Savage (ping-pong; need of new outtits. lleautiful work E" "W ml’ “l "W ”7'll~'h|llh111315‘ UN" balls in jar), and Mrs. Treadwell and gcm.n,“5 gr,-ts p,.m.;dc ,-mm pm I mg the ceremony. when some 80 boys : man the mast and its three yards. (tailing the pig). bu,m,in5_ J , Somewhat fewer members came _on in the Sunset ceremony Taking 'l'lie_ E 1. the summer outing this year. which Iilirilclltm iI'L‘:il' oin on alt to same time will be the 0 0 S ll :15 I it was to Lulworth Cove. but “I056 who Britain arid the l)ollmakers‘ Royal Marine Band from the did agreed that it was a thoroughly h=WL‘ I‘ll€|'¢d =|_P|'¢\'i-‘W of lhtir h:1ml- R.M. School of Music at Deal. and also trip we made dolls which are to be shown at the Junior Bugle Band and the R.M. enjoyable day. On the return look at stopped at Bournemouth to We at Hollerith make electronic llland from H.M.S. Ganges. the Edinburgh Festival this year. the shops and have ten. ’ Our next meeting will be held on well-known the and computers July I6. at '.’.lS p.m.. in the ConiConference Hall._wben we i Hollerith electro—mechanical and 'modore's VISITING LONDON? On leave or duty will have a talk by a polieewom:in. New members are always welcome card electronic W/‘HY NOT STAY at our meetings and _details of memcan be obtained from Mrs. bership with ten started cmWe machines. Dore (Hon. Secretary. R.N.F.U.S.W.., AT THE SSAFA CLUB? Road. Grant 28 Southsea Iiranchl. in I3 Farlington. Tel. Cosham 7808i. ._I ,-. The SS.-\l-‘.-\ Club offers clean. comfortable accommodatiuii in serving and exomentbcrs of “.L\l. Forces with or without their You will have bought families. Adults: bed and breakfast I016 Children 2/6 and S/-. certificates which tilt: SSAFA CLUB. I4 l\'E\'ERN SQUARE, E.\tu.'s Fllll cost Telephone: FRObisIier 577-l COURT LONDON s.w.5.
Buck. Minchin and Robertson. During the counting of the votes Mrs. F. ('oxwell conducted a short Beetle l)rive. Prizes. very kindly given by Mesdames lllundell, Coxwcll and Vicary. were won by Mesdamcs Brown. Pope and Vicary. .\lrs. llrewer sold rallle tickets for prizes very kindly given by Mesdamcs Buck and Ilartlett. The prizewinners were Mesdames [.innell and Randall. Our thanks are due to Wrens Cooke and Munro for so ably looking after the children. The chairman. vice-chairman and 26 _members went on the annual outing which this year was to Poole and Bournemouth. After a stop for coifce we arrived at Poole for lunch and afterwards visited Poole Potteries which are very pleasantly situated overlooking the Harbour. The pro-
l.l‘l.\\'0llTll COVl-I
oiasmnivii SI’0ltTSWOii.tN
ll.-ll’.-\.\'T iindividually
ll.:ll.S. G.eli\‘GES llElt «3urro.v ll0l"’
(VlCC'i R.N.l-'.U.S.W.).‘
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.\"0llTll END BllAN('.fl—l1Nli FRIENDLY WliATllEll Wl\'liS’ 0L'l'li\‘G
THE NORTH End branch met on ’l‘uesda_v. June 3. in lfisher llall. Whale Island. .\lrs. _Doig took the chair and the meeting started. as usual. with a hymn and prayers led by the Rev. Bricrle)'._ We then had a brief talk by inspector Cousins of the N.S.P.C.C. on the work of the Society in Portsmouth and be appealed for helpers for their coming flag day on July 26. Mrs. Kingswell of the Portsmouth Floral Arrangement Society then gave a very interesting talk and dcmonstration on floral arrangement and produced some very pretty floral eilects. The weather was kind on June I0 for the summer outing organised by .\trs. Tearreau when a coachload of members went on a lovely round trip through the Cotswolds to Cheltcnham. which was ntuch enjoyed. On Tucsday. July l. we-shall be having our annual garden party in the Wallaby Garden at Whale island, 3.30 p.n1. to 5 p.m.. and at this we are having _a bring and buy and cake stall in_ aid of King George's Fund for Sailors which \ve hope will be well supported. _
AT I-IORNDEAN AND HAVANT ll-‘rite /or ricraiirairdillusiraicdhracluircm
JOHN C. tllci-IOLLS COURT LANE cosiim ~
EASY REPAYMENTS HANTS Tel. Cosharn 76419 -
Piiiiiii PORTSMOIJTII AT Have YOU liyiyuiiavs iiiiiiiiiui NAVY NEWS
July. I958
:'!llllllll|IIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll|lIl§ 9 a
personal problem ASK JOHN ENGLISH
i Rain stops just in time
AS RAIN stopped just after ll am. on Jolm liiiglisli will be pleased to aiiswr-r your t/iicricr. A smmperl (l(l(lFL‘.IS¢'(l June 12, over 2.000 men and women from the three Armed Services. L‘ltt't.'l0[)(.' will be appreciated. Women's Royal Naval Service. Civil Defence and Royal Naval MincR()\',.\L I-‘LEI-7|‘ RESERVE are Iu'i'ili'il. on o.i‘;:irii!i'iui 0/ ilii-fr "'V‘“Chl"3 S°""i“'- ““‘k "P ”‘‘'l‘ 9°“ -I -\.\l a Sick Berth Attendant in .\('|'l'Il _\'i't'ir ('M_L'Il_L't'Illt'IlI or ili'.ii'lirir_-.,-is tions on $outhsea Common for tlie’”“_,' Rm“ Navy Serving an 3 seven by {lllf(‘llrlM'. Bmhd“-"' P‘"“d°' “ °°r°"‘°"3’ and live year engagement. I believe Iluwi-iw. mnr that lIti.' mm! Q"F°“‘5 “'h'°h has “kc” P|“°° "" lhc Com" I read in your paper some tiiiie ago srrvmc-'1: «-I rIn- Rn;-at I-‘I.-i-i R.-5.-n-.2 mm‘ {M °V°r “ 5""".r5'._...._‘ th:it it is possible to contract out of is li'nii'Ii'il In 5.000. tinic .rpi'iii' in the the five years reserve time. Could you R.I-'.R. i'.i iii-i'i'.i.uiril_\' miicli .\'IlUfIl.'I' please infomi me of all relevant tliim /0I‘Illn'fl_\' (i-.r¢'i'pt iii .mme .\lmr!ugc riili-_eori'i-J) imil ii pvriml ii] iiiiicli details’? Diwliiirge front the Royal Fleet over one _\‘i'ur'.i .ri'rvi'ce irimlil be Rt-.i'i-ri'e may be purcliiisal /or [40 iiiiliki-l_i-. after i-umlmi-nl but all eligible f(lllIl[.'.I Men iiu'iiin_i: Polite Forritr, Fire are reliiiireil to enrol i/ their sen-i'ce.i Ilri'gadc.r. the Merchum Navy. ririliari .= .» I |l'lh'l(‘.fSseri'i'i'i-.i 0/ the /lI’IllI.'(l Forcex. I Vincent provided the other two the volmitiiry ritiervi-.1 0/ the Armed F(!fCt‘.€, or trim (‘Illlfl as Re},-ulur.r in bands. About 11.45. The Right Worshiplul one of the /lrliitd I-'nrcc.i‘. or ivliu The l.ord Mayor of Portsmouth and i-nii'gruli', are ]:l’(lIll't’(l /ri-e ili'.u'Iiiirge.tthe Lady t\layoress (Councillor and /mm lhc Royal FIN! Ri'.ri'ri'i'. .\lrs. lllzilzel arrived. followed a few ROYAI. (‘.\Ni\l)l.\N N‘.-\\’\’ miiiutes later by Admiral of the Fleet I joined the Royal Navy in Viseoiiiit Ciiniiinglitini of Hyndhopc. l\'.'l‘.. (i.(‘.B., ()..\l.. I).S.0.". l.l-.l).. Noveinber. I947. and was dis’eli:irged with Admiral Sir (Buy Grantham. as a Petty (Jtlieer in March. I957. K.C.ll.. C.ll.Ii.. l).S.(). (Commander- and am at present .\Cl'\/lllg in the in-Chiet. Portsmouth). After inspec~ Wiltshire Constabulary. My name i-: tioii of the parade by Lord Cunning~ on the Special List of the R.N. ham in a Land Rover. a saluting Emergency Reserve. l would like to battery manned by the 69th Unit of‘ join the Royal (‘tinaditin Navy and the 23rd Field Regiment. R.A.. fired would be obliged if you could furnish a 2|-Royal-Gun Salute. with the me with details uliich would help me ;"t-‘i,-ii-dc-joie“ tired by the amied to Ido this. liiire Four bands took part in the parade, companies. Il'UI any ilvliiilril f¢'_L'h'I I commanded by Capt. H. C. Marti.-lt.l A t'inale to the ceremony was given iiifnriiiiitiioii on I/It‘ riirri-ii! roeiiluliiiiix C.l!.E.. R.N.. captain of H..\l.S. Ivy thi: Fleet Air Arm. in the form of with reg.-iiril In ('IlIl'_\' into the Royal Excellent. The llluejacltet hand of ll_\'-past. consisting of IO Seahawks C'iimIilr'uu Ni.ir_i', Royal Naval Barracks. l'\|rl3nl0lllh,llrt\ttl 804 Squadron based at H.M.S. If, Iiiiii'i'i'i'(. you write in Th..led the Royal Naval Colour (‘iu:ir(l3l'eregriiie. and I4 Venoins front !;‘.t‘¢'(Iilii'i' U!ltt‘t'r. H..\I.(.'.S. i\'i'nIii'. 766 (I6 ljiiiii'uiinr.- (i‘rmli'ii.i. I.iimInii. formed from H.t\l.S. \‘ietor;.‘. \tith;Il.\t.S. Heron _t807 and A .\ll{.\l()Rl.«\l. to Old lloys killed in C.ll.. uho uas hiiiiself a pupil Lieut. Forbes as the Colour Ile;irer.lSqii:idroiist, .S‘.ll'.7, li.- will .i.-ml you r:.'iriu'IIiii'nl action in two world wars was un- front N07 to I910. The Guard of Honour. troin the‘ As the sun broke through. l.ord i'ri/inrmuliiiii. "«'llk'd ill lllt‘ R0)’-ll ”*“‘l"l‘1'l SCl““‘l-. The iiieniorial lil.l\‘C."- the form of :i Royal Marine B:irr;iclt~'. l€a.~tiiey.'(‘iiiiningliain and the Lord Mayor You .\liuulil aim .ii-ml him your l-Iolhrook. Siitlolk. on Sunday. .ll.|llL‘I[;lb|¢i Humic i-W (‘mg _\i¢m|5 Lug“ parading the Queen\ and Regiinental took the salute at the march past. held Si-rri'i'e (".-rn'fimIi- um! llr'.\iur_\' Slit-.-I l5- I‘:-' »‘\\l'“3l«|l 30' l’llllllP K- Em'iSl“- l llirmiiighaiii) anil an illuiuinated book Colours. were led by t't!:iS\ct.l bands l for the tint time on the Common in- Ml that lit’ rmi it-nrk out all)‘ R..\'. prepared by .\li.~1s' -.\larger_v Rai<beck.‘of the Roval i\larine.s (l’ort~niouth‘stead of. as in the past, on the steps ti'ui.' tluit miiy (‘tllllll l0||'l1l’tl\ R.(_‘..\'. . of ,Harrogate. Yorkshire. The book :ireal. ll.M.'Sliips Collingwood and St. lof the Council Chambers. H‘ Si-ri'i(‘i‘ if you tlfi‘ m‘ci'pIi'il. will be Lept in a cabinet made teal»; (|ftglI'l£lll_\ u~ed in the Researclt. l‘rom l')l2 to l‘l-Ill ~I'i'om Cadet 3 \“,,_.,, ,,|,iP bum hv mg ,\dmim"y to Captaiii —~froni (lsboriie iii the Isle 1., in‘-¢§iig;,u. n,;,um.[;c pmbimm of Wight to lelinug on the Y;ingtse— A service of dedication was con«mu miles‘ from the flea. and from .ducted the Venerable Arehdericon. patrolling the Broad liourteens (about 'l-'. I). by Dllfll, () R.i\'.. Chaplain 50 mlli:\' oil‘ the coast of Holland) in of the Fleet. Wt-t. whilst still under I5. to the _Rl‘!v'=|l ”05l‘|l_'Il 5|-'l_l\‘0l IS millilcommand of the cruiser liuryalus on |=||"¢Il l‘.\' (_'H_'|-‘"“'|'-‘ll H<‘$P|li|lihe .\lediterranean during the last fouiided b_\ \\’illiaii_i and Mary in ‘Hr. “cm. is u Sm“. ‘,3’ the Nu‘-y has been in e.\istence_sincc and from an observant but lllndcgl mm,‘ li _\i.-is tiamterreil_l'ron_i Green4...‘. who has loved e\c‘t‘)' inornent l7_l... and who i‘ini~.ticd his active service I wich_to it-6 Pf-'-’t‘||15Il~‘ six miles from in comiiiaiid of the Seatiian Boys" ll““'“-‘ll I" W33.-xtimimi Sit Phillip K. ismigiii is ‘rr:-ininu I~1smh|i~'|inicm I|..\t.S. the L'l1ll"llls‘l.l.\'lll for one ol the iiiaii_\ izeiieratiom of (iangei. where his the Service could inspire )0U|lt_lSlL'|'$ sailor,-.' Minx who have passed from i\'.i\'al‘c:ircer. the school into the Royal Navy. aboiit to embark on ;i t'or "is modesty is obvious Admiral linriglit began his career on altltplltlh he was awarded the l).S.C. whilst arthe lower deel. straight from the .\lltlV'thl|3lIl:IlI at An/ae and winning I school. and within seven years he was three l).S.().s' in the Second \’_lr’orld':iii Acting Mate. Sir Phillip was a War. these facts are not lllI.'l‘IllI.'|llL'(llCtIn]n‘|:|niJcrby I931 and promoted Rear-Admiral in N47. by him. “lllesx our Ship"—~(the title ii talicn from :i very old ('omtiiissioiiing Service in which G_od's blessing is asked on ilie ship) Ii very readable and will :ippe:il to all “hit have ever \L'i'\'L'(l under the White linsigii. .\ta_iiy J:.n‘“ summ. “mum” of ot our readers will have served Wlllll _giu"._.|_‘_ (-!iJx_66]_-;7[_ "_“__o,-_ Capt. Hnsli. and will..we know. delight i Penilirolu.-. Died .\l:l_\' I9. I958. in ie-living with him some of‘ the; .-\ctin;: Suli-Lieut. David W. L'\|‘Cl’lL'llL'L'\' so adriiir.ibl_v described.‘ Hicks. R.N.. R..\'..-\.5. Lassie4 --ioum vied June 4- I9-*8~ Lieut. (ii.-oflri.-_\' E. Holland giillctt ll'lt:lt.l\.'l1l\' and it' they have left the Ro_\:il ;\';ivy “Ill remind them Martin. R.N.. R..\.l~'. l.inton-onold _t‘iiend\ :ind places‘ ‘and i_f still, (lose. Died June 7. I958. serving will till them “till pride of Paul Phillip (hmld smunm. the Service to which they have the Able Senniiin. I-I_-.|X.283t)26. ll.M.S. honour to belong. I Falcon. Died June 8, I958. Bless our Ship. Capt. Eric W. Btish.; Ro_\ Joseph John Warburton. l).S.O.." I).S.(_'.. R..\i'. (George Able Seaman. I’/J325605. ll..\l.S. l.iIl\\'llt '.‘ls‘.l. Dizininntl. Died June 18. I958. Avi'ii.\iuiit-:i=.
lliliEl\lORIA_[..T(3'OLD BOYS OFi
Bless (bur
ilii fileiiiuriaiii
tila‘. ‘if.'3.‘.'t‘ .‘.‘;l‘i" i.‘3t‘.‘.'.- "i§‘l.-i“"i‘.'.‘.lr 'l-'.'.‘.‘—' -
(‘l‘RRl-INT l-'ll..\l l{l£l.|-I;\SI'IS TU 'l‘lll-I l-'l.l-ll-Tl" ' l)a\_\ t(‘oluurl. Coiueily l)l’it.lllSl.' llltll} Secomlie. Ron Raiidall and‘ Susan Sliaw.
Let fer to E CI
dl-ilaiil; Kl i x sl i e zi l . t(' o loi;rll. R't; 'Itll'_ Efsllt. I ltgtpttlg ?\'::\":ki_ all_\\|ii_~ xmnc “in, p,.id‘._ war
.'-' i’“"'"it
:n ‘
¢_-M“, "U.
to form
a reunion
sev-eilnoii lniitlltl
,\leloiliaina. \’iigiiii.i .\leKenna.'wiW‘P||C ll_'I‘tlt _I‘J.~t~-I‘!-ll. She \va_s a ga gruiid drip with a uonderliil ships pm” 5._..,i',,__.i.i and ind. \vA_.rnc,-_ (_-idwnvs um. (C‘,|‘,u,,‘ Comcd.,- 5 coiii_p:in). .\lt\\l ot us have now retired. Crime Kleloilixittiti. .l;ii:l; Hawkins. rm" “'3 3" W‘-1|’-‘ ‘llll-‘*5_“,‘¢5'3"-"3‘_l in ht‘!i);._m,,L. i:.._\-{Cr “mi _.\m|,-cw Ray. l but such was the iplrll of_ friendship in the ship (-m,h,,). tColourl. Western. ('.iL-rm and CI.3llIl’;'_V'lllp fostered by all our otliei_.-r_s._ that l ant sure _many i.-“,,_]_ Jack Lemmon zied of us now in civilian life would like to K;,‘i,fi_ snm "gm of Ron“. ((_‘o|m"), i meet and talk over old times. I should be most grateful if ollicers .\liisical. .\lario l.anr_ii. Renato and men “ho served in her :ind would Raseel and .\l:iri.~a .-\ll:i.~io. The Naked Earth t'(.'inent;tScope). be interested in such a retiiiioii would .\lelodr:im;i. Juliette : write direct to me: «Yours l:iitht'ulIy. Romantic (ireeo. Richard 'l'odd and Jolttt I.. (i. Millard tforporal R..\l.l, 3 Kit/mill.-i‘. i\\'c'll)c‘Cls' Rtllfll, (itlxll?il\). l.lllt.’\.
always say please I
|::cc ::>6u,I
TH E L 0
happy and
Tllli l.A'l'l‘.S'l‘cominission of HMS. period. Priitce .\lichael of Kent spent Cape of Good Hope on May I9. l.och l-'ada (Cdr. l). A. Loram. live days in the ship as the guest of May 29 saw the ship in Freetown. M.V.().. R.N.) eoinmeiiced in the 1 the captain. l)tiring his sta_v on board. and the Army provided great hospi-
lcient commission ,4 uh I" J
tality. Shortly after leaviitg Freetown.
i l
heard about the ship as signals t:ipped on the outboard side. of the hull. These happenings were explained when King Neptune's herald boarded the ship to zuiiiouiice the arrival of his King the
,.- ‘.
were were
following d:i_v.
Crossing the Line Sure enough. the next day, King Neptiine. accompanied by Queen
Aiiipliitrite. and his c_ourt. came aboard. After cxehaiigtng fortnal greetings with the captaitt and presenting him with a necklace cf seven keys ta most propitiotis gift, being at oticc
| '
the crest of l_och Fada and a symbol of l-'reetlotn of the Seven Seas). the King and his court adjourned to the quarterdeck to meet loyal subjects who had already been initiated to his realm and the many more who were about to be initiated. Seated on his throne. with his Queen beside him (bcatitifully dressed in it Prince Michael's ‘Pirate l“lri:.',' shimmering gown rcniiiiiscctit of middlc of :1 rum at Portsiiioutli inlhe made a miniature brass lighthouse. niosquito netting and with an oiit-ofDecember l‘)5tu. llie ship did not sail He also tiiadc a skull and crossboties this-world hair style. creating an for foreign waters tttitil May 1957. flag which is shown tlyuig. apparently impression of teased-out spunyarn) he received his subjects. It is to be t regretted that almost all those craving admission to his kingdom. ignorant as they were of maritime court etiquette appeared unshaven aitd with ‘I over-long hair. These dcliciences were immediately rectified by the barbers in attendance to-the King. It was then discovered that many of them F in poor health and needed were medical treatment front the "'Court ,
H.M.S. SPRAT Till-I Mll)(iF.'I‘ submarine Sprat has been lent by the Royal Navy to the United States Navy. The midget submarine was loaded onboard the USS. Alcor at Portsmouth on l-‘riday. June 20 for shipment to the United States. H.M.S. Sprat is the ntost -up-to-date Crew and Boat‘: Marine Quiirterniuster Royal class of midget submarine in service the in White the to Ensign and the intervening perio_d was spent superior with the Royal Navy. having been completing the refit. trials and in accompanying photograph. built by Messrs. Vickers Arnistrongs Bahrein via the for sailed The ship "working-up.“ During the "work-up" and launched in March. I955. She carries a total crew of five officers and iuen. displaces 35 tons. and has an overall length of 53 feet. Sailing with her in U.S.S. Alcor is her operational and passage crew On Monday, lst: December. I958 consisting of her Commanding Ollicer. l.ieutenant T. J. Anderson. R.N.. two in the Royal Albert Hall other oflicers and six ratings. Chairman of Comniittec—Admirat Sir Denis Boyd. t:.c.-.i.. D.L.C. They are expected to arrive at Norfolk. Virginia. on July 2 where All service and ex-service personnel (including Anny and R.A.F. Sprat will be unloaded and prepared for operations. These will chiefly who have served with the Fleet Air Arm or the Royal Naval Air) consist of trials in testing harbour Service in ships operating aircraft or on Naval Air Stations are defences. The effectiveness of this entitled to attend. type of craft will be remembered Price of Tickets (inclusive of Souvenir Programme but not re- from the last war, when they were most successful in penetrating harbour freshments) I0/— and 6/- (Balcony). defences and inflicting great damage Plain Clothes will be worn. to_ enemy shipping for which a decorations were awarded The organising Committee will aim to allocate blocks of seats number offour Victoria Crosses. One including to Squadrons, Aircraft Carriers and Air Stations. so that old shipof these is held by Commander D. mates may be together. The bars and buffet will be open from Cameron R.N. at present serving on the stall of the Supreme Allied Com6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to II p.m. mander Atlantic in the United States Applications for tickets should be forwarded to the following of America. address not later than 15th September, 1958. On completion of these trials. at the end of August. Sprat will complete "Fleet Air Arm Reunion", Office of Flag Officer Air (Home). her period of loan and will be reWykeham Hall, Lee-on—Solent. turned to the Royal Navy arriving hontc about September 15. l)uring time in the United States she will be APPLICATION FORM entirely manned by Royal Navy
(Please delete words not applicable)
I wish to attend the Fleet Air Arm Reunion and enclose cheque]
postal order for:
unable to attend the reunion, but would like a Souvenir Programme for which I enclose a remittance for 2/6. (Cheques to be crossed and made payable to the Fleet Air I
Details of service with the Fleet Air scat allocation. (i) Service from_...
for purpose of ....
(ii) Category (Airerew/Maintcnancc/Ship'sCoy./W.R.N.S.). (iii) Seating Preference (Squadron, Ship or Air Station). ....
1 s) rating (please use block capi'1,| ‘
.... ...... . ........................................
. . . . . ..
to which ticket (or Souvenir Programme) should SCl‘ll.......................................................... Ilooocno-otoIuI03nlouunoluloooooolonoun-uoneeneoco----I--Iconic
H.t\l.S. X.E.9 was loaned under a similar arrangement in October. 1952.
WHAT MAKES A SUBMARINER? l)AVlI) WOODWARD. who at this moment is probably submerged at dc th in a
considerabl e h 3"‘ cpigdgiczérinfi
[mime entitled “The submarincrs“ in the Home Service on Tuesday. July 8. iii 8.I5 i; N;,mn,_.d by -Samon-,_ will comprise su mariners‘ own ucc°ums__mny of [mm mowed whilc submci-g¢d—o|' thclifc they lead and the compulsions which make their branch of the Royal Navy so fascinating to them that few ever voluntarily leave it to serve in other kinds of vessel. Woodward is accompanying H.M.S. Springer and the submarine depot ship l-I.M.S. Tyne on part of a NATO exercise. This will also take him to Oslo and Copenhagen. where he will interview submariners ashore.
at nork
Christiiias in .-\den l-'ishishian." The kindly King however Christtiias was spent in ‘Aden and treated us all lightly and decreed that we should be initiated to his realm the three weeks break. during which by a brisk dip in salt water- -an order it has been cstiniated that about which his "llears" obeyed with £3.3llt) was spent. was very welcouie. Loch l-'ada then sailed to Djibouti alacrity and cxtiberanee. Simonstown was reached on .lune in French Somaliland. and then to ll. I)ar-es-Salaatii on .liiiic 21. and llcrbera in British Sonialiland. Then came the story (reported in then. accompanied by the monsoon. on to the Gulf and Khor Kuwai. April's NAVY Nizwsl of how the ship took two heifers from Socotra to Bahrein was reached on July 4. Trouble then started in Muscat and Bahrein. On to Karachi again where. accordLoch l-'ada sailed from Bahrein with to reports. all enjoyed themselves. a large quantity of arms and ammuni- ing tion for the Trtieial Oman Scouts. The sailors were in their element in Karachi Yacht Club. particularly Having disembarked these arms at after winning the .\lauritius Cup. Dubai. the ship sailed for the British coast. between Muscat and the The llurning low the Peninsular and started .\lusandam "lite ship's eoniniission was coming coiitintied oil and oil. patrol which. to its etid atid :i few tiiore patrols the At first for the eonimission. job were as nothing and even the senior which for arms was to search dhows Naval ollieer. Persian (iulf's inspectol it w:is said were being smtigglcd tion could not dim the horizon. The forces rebel the rebels and then. the took place from .\luscat inspection for search was being broken tip. the from which place we sailed. at top the ringleadcrs of the rebels. btit speed. to assist Skaubryn which despite rtiiiiotirs the search was friiit- was on fire in the Indian Ocean. The less. burning vessel was found. deserted. The patrols were tedious, relieved but l.och Fada took her in tow. She only by visits to Khor Kuwai. Bah- was towed for 48 hours and then rein. the oil town of Umm Said in handed over to the tug Cyeloop. but the Qator Peninsular. and Fao in the unforttinately. Skaubryn sank before Shatt cl Arab. reaching Aden. After a short visit to Mombasa the in November the ship sailed for Naval Karachi to take part in ti large ship returned to Aden and then sailed. of exercise with ships of the Navies through the Suel. Canal (thus circttniPakistan, lran. Turkey. the United n:ivigating the African Continent) to States and Great Britain. After a .Vtalta and Portsmouth. Commander Lorain says that the hectic lt) days of exercises the ship had expected to go to Triticomalcc commission has been a happy and an for Christmas. btit it was decided that efficient one. The ship was on operathe ship should not be too far from tional duty throughotit. has steamed the Arabian Peninsular should trouble over Stl.0(lt) miles and spent almost 70 per cent of her time at sea. again flare up in Muscat.
SERVICE for Service people
VVlicii you bank with the \'Vostniiti~'tci', you get. service all along the line. l"ir.<_t, the \\'estiiiiii<tt,-r has a special Navy llraiitth at 26 llayiiiai-lust, London. This has been open since I77: and is, in coiiscqucrtttc, well acqtiaiiitetl with the kind of financial prolilenis you meet with in the Navy. Next, the Bank has braiiclii:-s at Cliatliaiii, Portsinoiitli mid Plyiiioiitli wliicli are always at. your service (as also are nearly 1,200 liraiittlies in other towns throughout EllgltllldjtlltlWales). Fiiially, tlic \'Vcstniiiister Bank operates abroad tliroiigli ti world-wide system of ngeiits and corre.~‘p0iitlciits. If you would like to luiow more about our service to the Senior St-i'viu-, write for the booklet ‘\Vustiiiiiister llank to Iler Majosty’s Ships’
........ ......................................
(iv) Name ‘ind rank '
The "barhers" hard
Plcase note: Applicants are asked to accept some delay before the receipt of their tickets. This is to allow time for the Organising Committee to arrange the seating to the best advantage.
.Ntw_y Brmic/t: 26 Hay iiiarket, Loiitloii, S.w.i Hem! O_flicc.- 4.1 Lotl il.nir_v, London, t-'..C.2
July. I950
IVLS. BIR1‘lIINGII4l|I T0 RECOJIIIIISSION ..........................._.,............_..-.
attend sltottld write to the Secretary. J. I‘. King. 2 King's Avenue, llromlcy. Kent. who wish
Capt. K. R. Buckley. A.l).C.. is to lie promoted to Rear-Admintl to d:ttc July 7 and to he Director of the Naval tilectrieztl Department in succession to Rear-;\dmiral K. H. 'l‘. Peard, C.B.E., to take effect itt Augttst.
An anti-submarine frigate for tltc Indian l'\'av_v. l.N.S. Trisltul. was launclted on Jttne IR at'tlte shipyard Rt.-ar-Arltnlral K. H. T. Peartl will be of l\less'ts'. H:tr|and & Wolff Ltd.. placed on the Retired List to date l_lelfa.s't. The ship is the first frigate of her type to be acquired by the Indian :\tt_cttst 21. W53. 3 Navy and is .‘~'/'0 ft. itt length and has ('apt. W. I). Tlturhttrtt. \'.R.l).. a ht.-am of -31 ft, R..\.\'.R.. has been appointed a l{u_v;tl Tickers are to build :t new large .\ \‘.-luntecr Reserve .»\ide-de( amp to the Qttcen from Jttue 1. i958. I dry dock capable of aceottttnodating i.'t suecessiott to ('apt, ll. llotttatt. oil tankers of up to t<tI.(>tltl tlcadwcigltt 1 tons near their csistittg tll_\' dock :tt tlte I) \I( \ _l{.l).. l{.N.\'.l{. ‘ |’alntet's llebhern ship repairing works l "lirnie." tlte “electronic ht'aitt" which on tlte 'l'_vue. l-Zstettsions can be made ; selects winners of the monthly Premium later which will enable the projected‘ Savings Bond draw in l.ytltam St. still larger tartkers up to l'.‘0.()0(l deadAnnes. was started b’ the pressing of weight tons to be accommodated. button itt H.M. '. Vangttard at :t 803 Naval Air Squadron contl’ort.smouth on July I b_v Admiral Sir (iuy (irantham. the (‘omm:mder-in- missioned a 'n on Jttne 3~this time with eight Seintitars. thus becoming the (‘hief. Portsmouth. first naval front-line squadron to use The aircraft carrier H..\l.S. Ark swept~wing aircraft. The squadron is Ro_r:tl tCapt. I’. H. E. llopkins. l).S.().. scheduled to embark in H.M.S. Vicl).S.C.. l{.N.). which sailed from Ply- loriotts in September. The comntissionmouth at the end of Janttary this year ing ceremony took place at R.N. Air for the t\lediterranean. retttrtted to the l Station. I.ossicntouth. The Flag Ofliccr [hired Kittgtlont on June 2a. The sltip Flying Training. Vice-.-\dntir:tl I). R. F. is now at Portsntotttlt :tttd will sail for Cautpbell. l).!s'.('.. who commanded 803 Sottadton in l‘).‘vtl. addressed the l’l}tnoutlt on Jttly 5. .
ll..\t.S. .\tontrose tl.ieut.-('omdr. \\'. R. Stcoztrl. R.N.\".R.l. tlte coastal ; minesweeper attached to the Tay i' Division of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserse at Dundee. will be manned by -:0 olliccrs and t':Ilittg.s‘ of tire Division \\ hen tlte .ship forms part of the escort for the Queen :tnd HRH. The Duke of l:.tlllll1ll|'gll. who will embark in the Royal Yacht llritanttia. following tlteir \i\ll to Fife.
Sqttadron during
the cet’cmon_v.
An American Service man. uzttcltittg village green cricket for the first time. inquired what the game was all about. reply was: "You have two stdcs, one ottt ill the field. and tlte other tn. Each tnart in the side that‘s itt goes out. and when he‘s ottt he comes in. and the next m:ttt goes ottt till he's out, when they're all out the side that's been in the field comes in. and the side th:tt's been in goes out. and tries to get ll..\l.S. Barltnnt survisors. A rcttnion out those coming in. Sometimes you dinner will ‘be held on board H.M.S. get men still in and ttot out. Then President on Saturday. September In. when both sides ltase been in and ottt. All sttrvivors-. who have not already including no: outs. th:it'.s the end of the made contact with the committee and l game."
Tl-IF. l'l()ME Fleet cruiser H..\l.S. Birmingham (Capt. T. I). Ross. R.N.). visited Quebec front June 26 to July 4 for the city's 350th anniversary celchrations. Highlight of the festivities was on July 3. the date in l608 when Le Don dc Dieux. the small ship of (Vice- Samuel dc Champlain. the French
explorer. dropped anchor in the St. Lawrence to build the tirst. settlement there. Recently. the Birminghatn took
the (‘omntander-in-Chief. Home Fleet (Admiral Sir William Davis. K.C.B.. D.S.().') on a visit to l.i.sbon. The ship recomrttissions on July 8 at Cltatham.
THE FOURTH Seth l.ord Admiral Sir Gordon V. HttbhaCkl_ Vice-Admiral W. T. C ouchmzut. Rearto Admiral C. 1.. G. Evans, and llrigadicr 'l‘. H. Clarke. Member of Parliament: l'l..\l. ('0.\l.\llSSl0Nl’.R for East Isles' trawler Rosalind. whiclt for Portstnouth West. were among the l Africa in London, Sir Arthur Kirby. ltas been on loan frotn the Royal guests at tlte annual lttncheon of tltel ls'.ll.l£.. (.'..\l.(i.. accepted H..\l.S. l i\':tv_v. The Rosalind. now nearing tltc lnterport Naval Traders‘ .-‘sssociatiou; llassinghatn when she was transferred end of her usctul life. has been used at the I)orcJtestet' Hotel. London. on to the Royal liast African Navy at a for sea training purposes by the Royal J true 25. onlliast African .\a\_\‘. l ceremony at Chalhant in the absence through \\'ednesday.June 25. The assin-ham. -. of the Chairman (Mr. Montague llaunl. an inshore mineswecpcr. was ,L‘r‘"“ the toast of the Ro_\-gtl l\'av_v was pro-! over bv the Contntattder-in-Chief. iii“. “"‘--lmmmii‘. -"- 1.“ -"M, l\.tvy for Sir Atthttt Istrb). while .t posed by Mr. H. Goldberg. Tltc tltemc 3 Tm N"“__" (Adminl Sir Frederick similar guard of ratings of the Royal of Mr. Goldberg's toast was one of, Parham. K.C.B.. C.B.. l).S.O.l. was inspected by reflections. He recalled that some 2801 ll.!st.S. Bassingham.which has been ore. re years ago. Samuel Pepys fottttd relittcd at Chttthant. is the gift of the e .-mnecessary to badger the King and Board of Adtttiralty to the Royal East The Bassittgham is‘ commanded by Parli:tnIent for £l.300.000 to run the African Navy :utd will replace the l’. J. (‘l.trlse. R.l"...\.l'\'. Navy. and to pay the 23.000 personnel involved. Pepys. in ‘his diary at this tinte. referred to tltc Clteerfulncss of‘ the Seamen. despite their and in Mr. (‘ioldberg'.s opinion. shared l by those present. the chccrfulttess of, the sailor of today stemmed front thcl eheerfnlness of those of the past. artd was instrumental. in part. in the overtltrow of the nations‘ enemies in the last two world wars. Responding to the toast of the Royal 5 Navy. \’ice-Admiral lvlubback referred ! to the friendly gathcting. .sa_ving how! pleased he was to be able to be present. The Fourth Sea Lord said he was convinced that the pttblic realised the importance of the Royal l\‘avy and. eotttimtcd to believe in it. His job. conjunction with other Adtuiralty otliccrs. was to make the best possible. use of the money allocated by Parlia-< meat to the Navy. There had been: reductions in the Forces \\ltit.'lt were not liked. and which llllqttL‘illt|ll:tlTl}“ would hit some of the tttentbcrs ofatlte Associzttiou. httt it must be realised that 1 the money for which the were responsible must he put to tire best possible use for the Navy and to" promote its lighting eflieiettcy. Vieev.-\dmiral (‘ouchntan-. in proposing the toast of the .-\.ssociatiort. re-i ferred to the fact that the Association began its work in I934. The'oci.ttion was of considerable value to the Royal Navy. and the Admiralty was mindful of this fact. and he expressed his wish for the continued success of the Interport Naval Traders’ .-\.s.s'ociatiott. In the absence of Mr. ltaun. the Secretary of the Association. .\lr. J. .v\. Bryon. A.C.l.S.. read a message from the Chairman. in which he referred to the several responsibilities of the visitors. His personal hope was that the For a complete, high quality tailoring scrvicc—uniforms Navy was not going too far too quickly. Mr. llaun's letter mentioned with that extra touch of smartncss, and shore-going rig the reductions itt putcltase t.t\. which made to measure or ready-to~wear-—you can‘t do better has been a concern of the ;\\st‘s'l.tZls‘ll for so long. than visit Willerbys. You'll find :1 splendid variety of cloths The Hon. Treasttrcr of the :\ssoei:tsuch reasonable to choose from helpful service lion, Mr. ii. ll. Wltittakcr proposed the toast of tltc guests and thanked and an allotment scheme to enable you to wear prices, tltetn for coming along and sltouittg while you pay. such continued interest in the .v\ liott. . ll3'rt'rc, or call in when yotfre mzvr on .<lrore_. for the leaflet Replying for the guests. Brigadier? Clarke. iii a most antusing m;tnner.l descrfbittg ll’/'t'llerby:special service for men in the .-\"a:'_v. warmly thanked the members of tire’ Association for asking him and thel BETTER TAILORING other guests along to the luncheon. and wished the Association a very prosperous future. As mentioned by Admiral Couchman. the Association was formed in January. 1934, on the suggestion of allotment you the late Admiral of the Fleet Sir James F. Somcrville. The member firms are on-can st-tuxr. wxnoa. w.t. mo Ar fair rovidc at scrupulously pledged to :2 l'tO\'LJ. nuunl. PLYXOURL tu cotnan.c1.u. nos», rosrsnouru. rvice Guaranservice to personnel. 5 mrmort now. 2(0lI1'll nm. l'0B’l’3lOU'l'K. tees have been iven to the Admiralty nu man srttu-r. OEATRAI. as non Mn. 30tn'aAIlt"t'0.V. in regard to qua ity. cut and the various And branches throughout Brituin. uniform regulations. ’
“inn-sweeper Transit-rrotl
l)lt‘\Cl&)'hiindcd i|rl.l
indispo.sition| _
',“d mi’ _
"il "kl, .( h!‘”_h“}l{"' .
Lscn honsemte l:kes to shop in eomlott and that it why Naatt I\ an the |"trhu'-s ol \t‘l|\L‘I‘Ill|J: Il\ Rrt‘s‘K‘t)' shops throneh.-ut the munm to the Set!
Service system.
In thew melt :tr:.ttI2v:d
sh:-ttr‘ttt3t is rt-.:tdc
The l:t\ot.t ts p!.i:t:'.t‘J lt> allots .\t'Ict'v.| Ul selection and trced.-it: ot It\'\l‘l"l‘Ct’|L .\ hide (hole: of til-ads is on dispiav and the .\l.ut.'nrer and l'lI\ star! are :ttu.n~ reads to -1n\\\ct am’ uttetics. \'.t:ere s(\.i.c |\ertt:tts, purl‘. l‘.1)‘\ are ptouded uhctc .tn‘.dtcn can be ten vuthout
Self Service
1aIte 3Ll\.1nt.'t>:C til tlIi\ en: or settle: to -II Service Store sour neat.-st .\'.i.1Ii and ftlt‘.€rt‘.l‘1.‘l that )utt itisu '.:ct the L‘€l|\'htlt\
\ht\f|[IlfHI at
dressed overall
, ‘
Go-ahead The Oflieial Canteen Organisation for H.M. Farce:
FIRST SEA LORD OPENS £250,000 ‘BLOCK Spacious New Block in wonderful setting
July. I958
The bar itt the Chief
Petty Ollicers‘ Lounge
cake designed as the Motnttbattett tAttttual Sports Day Meeting. llloek. ‘lite cake lt:td been prepared Lord .\lountb;ttten and the guests by Cook t()) ll. 'l'uckcrttt.'tn. There tltett toured the new block and even as was art ttttrelte:uscd episode when the l~l..\l.S. Mcrcttr_v's setting is second knife which ('ottrttc\'s .\lounth:tttctt none. this new building is well worthy used. broke. Cotttttess .\lountbaItctt [of the setting. l-"rout the spaciotts itnwith considerable aplotnb. completed tttltctllttlc galley to the splendour of the little ceremony with attother knife. the lonttgcs. bars :tttd dining rooms‘. and she and l.:tt.l_v (iratttltattt were the whole building has an air of presented with bouquets by Wrens. roortty corttfort. The \‘lL'\\‘s' front the W.R.N.S. Tel. Hilary ll. Clarke and windows" are just glorious. W.R.N.S. Sig. Isabel .\l. Shaw. ln a nutshell. it must be said that At Countess .\lotttttbattett‘s request .\lountbatten Block is worthy of the the cake was presented to the New Service and of the Cottttttutticutions lintries for their effort in winning the llranclt whose home it is.
The ntodern Mountbatten Block TH E £250,000 Mountbatten Block in H.M.S. Mercury was opened by the First Sea l.ord. Admiral of the Meet. Earl Mountbatten. on Friday. June 20. in the presence of a large number of the ship's company and their relatives and friends. H.M.S. Mercury is situated in what surely is the loveliest spot——for
heart of hearts agree as to its wonderful setting. Earl Mountbatten was introdttced —if any introduction was really
Chapl:tin. then called for God's blessing on the new building. lnfumtal Speech necessary—and welcomed. together The First Sea Lord in a friendly inwith Countess Mountbatten and formal talk (it would be inappropriate Admiral Sir Guy Grantham (Com- to refer to such a natural. unscripted mander-in-Chief. Portsmouth) and chat. given in Admiral Mountbatten's Lady Grantham by Capt. C. B. inimitable style.asaspcecb)mentioned the pride he had in the Service and in
the Communication Branch. "The only thing I have against Sir Winston Churchill is that he altered the course of my career and prevented me front becoming Captain of the Signal School." He went on to say that he felt honoured to have been asked to lay the foundation stone. evctt tnore honoured when the block was tt:tnted after hint. and now honoured again in being privileged to om-n it on its completion. He considered that the nadir of the Navy had been reached and that despite the curtailment of shore facilities. the future of the Navy was growth. In this connection the Signal Schools of Chatham and
H.M.S. SEA SCOUT AT TGRQUAY A sailor discovers the delights ofan English seaside resort
I-l..\l. SUBMARINE Sea Scout has suited to spreading such a gospel. for just returned frottt spending Whit it is par t'.1'('t’l[t'Hf'(‘ the summer stampweek-end at Torquay. Torbay. surely ing ground of thousands upon thouthe loveliest bay on the South Coast. sands of people every year front those has long been the ltaunt of visiting nortltcrn and tnidland parts of the Naval ships: and since of its three country upon which the Navy has coastal towns llrixham has few facili- .normally no impact at all. ties for entcrtaitttnent. aml Paignton Mayor Goes to Sea no harbour. it is to Torquay that we But we had the good fortune to have always come.
The older inltabitants will talk of make friends on this occasion with .1 wltole squadrons‘. flolillas and fleets person whose inlluertce is beyond disanchored off in tltose distant days pute -Alderman Milford. Mayor of between the wars when a line of Torquay. He happened to be particubattleships was ntore contnton than a l:trly hospitable and easy to get to line of cruisers today. Indeed. the very know. and after we had ntet either on smallness of our submarine nuntbcrs board or at his house on each day of a town with a certain the visit. be very sportingly accepted Devonport might have disappeared. presents such an invitation to conte to sea with us, A corner of the Petty Officers‘ Lounge yet Mercury—the Signal School of problem: for you can arrange dances see our day's exercises and motor and trips. receptions and sport for the Navy—-would be supreme. from Portland. the base to a service establisltment—in England Brooke the Captain of the Signal Before declaring the building duly larger ships‘ companies in the know- home which we were returning. Since he if not in the world. Splendidly set School. opened. Earl Mountbatten informed ledge that such entertainments will be had already dived in an X-Craft at antid rolling wooded countryside. the ln his remarks. Capt. Brooke his audience that if he had the chance gratefully accepted: but it is not to .\lercurt'ans lack just one thing—a referred to the First Sea l.ord as a to start his life anew. he would pick he expected that our more 50 railings Torqttay sonte months carlicr.he wasa rttore accomplished sttbmarincr sight of the sea. Undoubtedly some Communicator and ntcntioncd his the Service for his career and when and six officers would wish to be tied rather would say. it is set in "splendid aptitude attd knowledge of signalling it came to specialisation. he would down to it forrttal programttte of that than most. but even so his unconsort. Yet if nothing is arranged the cerncd and e u u a b l c beltaviour is~ol:ttion." but even they in their and procedure. 'l'he Rev. J. Fulton. once again select communications. throughout the day arott-ted our adCountess .\lountbattcn then cut ll visitors may feel neglected and titt- miration. Perhaps his allinity for welcome. In the event. a nice balattce was Naval adventuring is not tmcottttcctcd struck. 'l'lte .\layor. returning our with the personality of tlte .\l;tyor‘s Ollicer. :1 ttctttendous pttrplL‘~\'i~.:t):c(l captain's otlicial visit on the first day tttztrlittet t'tIlt:\’ the .\l£l\‘t.‘f.‘tl houseON HORSE after ottr ztrrival. kindly arranged for ltold withwhobenevolent and sttpt.-rbly the great public bath»; and dance hall PARADE of the Spa. inst by our berth. to bc icllicicnt despotisttt. and who also has ‘\'(|tttL‘ 20 years‘ former .\'; service 'l‘llF. .\l.-’\SSl-Il) battds of tltc Ro_v:tl: :tvail:tble to us free of cltztrgc. We in to his credit. four years of wlticlt “as .\l:trines ll-sat Retreat on the Horse ‘turn were open to visitors on Stttttlay spcltl itt subtnarittes. (iuards l’:tr;tde on June H), the birth- and .\lottd;ty :tflt.'rtlt\utl\. ’l'_\ pieal l-Inulislt l.atttlsc:tpe day of His Royal lligltness the Duke ltttpressiuns of lidinburglt. who took the \’:lllllI.'. Our itttprcssiotts of 'l‘orott.'ty are 1 think is of I it interest to and try The ceremony was in colourful as easy to describe cntphzttte and lll‘Iif the decide what. impres- equivocal ; I. like must of us. any. are any that have ever takert place on this visit both sions made such a on the had not seen it before. and was struck by historic parade which ltas bcctt the scene of so ntzttty colourful tlccttsitltls’. gtown and on the ship. It would be ‘llIttllL'tlt:tlt.'ly by the unique llavour of and the precision of the marching and natttral to cottclttdc that the visit of ‘the place. so .\lcdi:err;ttte;ttt with its cottnter tttarcltittg was worthy of the so small a unit to a town of 'l’orqtt;ty's brightly coloured ltouscs act among Royal .\larines at their very best. Catt sl'Ic would be cotttpletcly withottt sig- the steep rocky sides of the bay. yet we hope that the occasion may be an nificance but this is not so. lloth the placed atttong the liclds and woods of :tttntt:tl one‘! town had the shin have lots to gain a typical littglislt lzttttl-acapc. Sccnically A fanfare was sounded on the by such a visit and undoubtedly the it is superb. :tnd as ditlerent as c:tn Memorial Silver Trttmpets of the enioyment is mutual. You have only be intagitted from the classical ling-lish Royal .\l;trinc School of Music as the to stand in the Control Room as an watering place. beach. esplztnade. seal)uke. Captain-General of the Royal endless stream of curious cxclaiming front of hotels and boarding houses. Marines. stepped on to the dais. He holiday makers walks slowly by. and piers. all laid out in :t straight. largely t-:v¢__.. gun‘) was accompanied by the First Sea listen to their catechism of uncompre- ntan-made ribbon of formal magniLord. Admiral of the Fleet. Earl hending. wondering questions. to know ficence. Torquay has none of these Mountbatten and the Commandant that this is a day and an event they things: her houses cluster round at General of the Royal Marines. will rentember. No matter if the miner small. delightful natural harbour. inGeneral Sir Campbell Hardy. After from Wales feels suddenly that his job nocent of beach: there is no front. and the fanfare there was a royal salute is not after all the worst in the world. only one hotel stands on the edge of by the seven bands taking part under or if a stout North-country mother the harbour; the pier is no gaudy iron the direction of Lieut.~Coloncl F. vows never to let her sons within .t framework crowned with pavilions. Vivian Dttnn. Principal Director of ntilc of a submarine: some few chil- but a sober stone ietty forming part Music. Royal Marines. dren may be fired with a burning of the harbour: yet Torquay h:ts been The ceremony has its origin in a ambition to serve in one of these fas- so richly endowed with natural beauty. the greatest-ever way drttm call. which was beaten at dusk cinating grown-ttp toys. while the rest and so skilfully and carefully develto shave! No brush, no to mark the end of the days fighting. carry away with them a feeling of oped to enhance her bcattty that she fuss just press the In modern times it has been per- sympathy and perhaps admiration for need fear contparison with no Aerosol button and LITII ER PRESS-BUTTON formed by the Royal Marines on us which. however lightly earned or in the country. front Blackpool to smooth on that rich,cool Your ceremonial and social occasions. little deserved. all contributes to the neighbouring W'cymottth. 'ttst i s wa I ose w tsHer Majesty The Queen and Her great collective esteem in which the I doubt if it will be long before nomfls‘ "onus OF right Royal Highness Princess Anne Navy is held by the British pttblic. most of us go back there for a more SUPERB SllfllltlFOR ONLY Away l watched the ceremony. Torquay is of course peculiarly well leisurely inspection.
lllanl You've really got it
"with MAX‘ FA
foal m . tri a zor i crsc. Gait Lhzysbave
Juli‘. I958
General gNorstad Reviews llierl Fleet
DIl{ECTOR-GENEIIAL SUPPLY AND SECRETARIAT VISITS Il0YAL NAVAL SUPPLY SCll00L, I‘.llATHAlll VICE-Al).\IIRAl. H. I’. Koellc. C.B.. the Royal Naval Barracks rehearsal tlte Dircctor~(icneral Supply and for the Queen's Birthday Parade and Secretariat llrancli. visited the Royal the l).(i.S.S. therefore took the salute Naval Supply School :it Chatham on at this parade before making his totir Wednesday. Jtinc ll. I958. The school. of the Supply School. This was a which transferred from ll..\I.S. Ceres most happy coincidence as the main to the Royal Naval Ilarracks. Chat- parade on Jtine 12. when the salute ham. in April. I958. is now welllwas to have been taken by Admiral settled in its new surroundiiigs andlSir Frederick I’arham. K.(.‘.lI.. (‘.ll.l-2.. Admiral Koellc saw training in full I l).S.().. the Comiriaitder-iii-Chief. The Note. had to be cancelled because of stsiitg. The visit fell on the same day as heavy rain.
.\I:t.V 27. at the end of Exercise “.\Iedllex Fort." the Coiiintiiiiiler-in-Chief Allied Ftirces Metliterrariean. Atliitiral (_)_n Charles I.:iinIie. C..C.Il.. C.\’.().. acerirupiinietl I_)_\i the _Sup_n-iue Allied Coiitiiiaritler I-Iurope. General I.:tttl'is' Sir from Il..\I..'-i. Surprise. Ilus picture shtios II..\I.S. Shcllield. fulltmetl li_i II..\I.S. i .\orstad. revteiied the Allied Igleet lltfilltltltl. about to steam past II..\I.S. Surprise .
llall-Ye:ii'ly The
following olliccrs
I'l'()mI)I OI Sl 1;”,-[,§[n,utl,1‘7lI,l/'_l[I)(l_l[
Jtine 30:
have been to the ranks stated. to d:ite (II-ZNI-ZRAI. I.l$r
St-iiinan Speelallstw (‘dr. Iu ('api.: II. A_ (‘0rl‘ctt. M. I). Krrlc-l'ope. I). A. I)untv.uNasniitb. A. (I .\Ic(‘rum. I). II. N. .\Iclli\.~ I’. I). (2 (‘baths w. I). .s'. wimc. G. t‘. I.c.sIie. E M. i-'. mi. ii. Ii. I.liI)'d. 1', 'I‘. Lctstn. C. K. Roberts.
I.t.-('dr. to ('i.Ir.: ('. l'(a\aria:h. R. I). Cairns. Kcautci‘. (‘. ll. Mills. I). t‘. R. \\';|I|cx\_ R_, \\', II_ tirccnish. I’: ll. 1'. Recs. I). II. I’. George. (I. \. ('. Merry. ('. I-.. Price. I). :s.'_ A_ ('.»x_ A, .t\_ l'carsc. M. I). JJCI.IIt.'|n_ I. P. l).1ua_ R, t__: liictct-h I). W. ttaralnciie, I. It. I). Miller. '
-\|. l.. act)‘. I). .\I:cK. Steer. M. 1. Porter, R. I‘. t‘t.r)ton. \V. II. Iloyle. J. K, Lcuc), L. II. II. I).I\IC\. I. I). Russell. I-Engineer Spcclalhlt.--('61. to (‘apt.: W. A, II.'I\nl‘\. II. J. S. Hanks. R. E. II. Bodily‘. L. IE. S. II. Lt: Ilailly. .
'I‘he picture shows
I.i.»(’dr. to ('dr.: M. McL. Git-non. I5. .I. It. Jones. R. ('. Sclman. J. II. Allen. J. S. 9.’. Ilath. I). G. (Ircaves. J. R. N. PIIII. M. S.
NAVY DAYS are being held at Portsmouth. Devonport. Chatham and A. I)reuctt. (Static. B. LI. T. Boyd. C. L. Portland on August 2. 3 and 4. I958. Jordan. I). I. N. Porter. I). D. N. Lone. At Portsmouth the I)ockyard will scemarht Svcthlhu./Cdr. to -_nd _SIooIr (not: N. .5. Grant. I. (3, Mason. be open as usual from I2.30 until Lt.-(‘dr. to Cdrn. R. D. Ross. A. W. Count. I). I. Bateman. ('. I’. D. Hunter. I. II. Drake. 6 p.m. daily. admission charges 3. 6d. B. C. Pcrovmr. for adults. Is. for children. Coaches I-‘Jectrknl Soot-IalI\u.—(‘tIr. to Capt: J. II. cars and motorcycles may be parked llolt. I’. L. \’. Slater. Li.-(‘dr. to (‘dr.: K. M. McGowan. I). Bllltn, in the Royal Naval Barracks and R. W. Illndcoclt. A. P. Fusnidec. K. II. \V)mII'|. C. M. Bevan. J. C. G. Held. 1. S. visitors will be permitted to take their Ilolntc. mnieras into the Dockyard with them. Foremost among the 17 ships Instructor Ilnnt-'Ii.>—In\tr. Car. in Instr. CIDL: which will be—open to visitors is W. II. warn. A. I. Iteltamy, Inur. l.t.~('dr. to In\I!, ('dr.: E. V. K. Painter. H.M.S. Victorious the most modern M, Morciand. (1 (B. Mount. Medical Branch. Sm. (‘dr. to Sun. ('apt.: aircraft carrier in which there will T. I‘. Dnxcs. 5. II. R. Price. M. A. Run-(iunn_ be a static air display. H.i\I.S. Tyne. I. Mlctltmaltl.
.' 1......
AdmiralKoelle when heuvlslfed Portsmouth last month
II..\I.S. Vigo
THE ABOVE unit has never been a 1-mg c|(oMp‘roN ([_3m;5_) (jmm¢i|'5 very rich unit. but. adopting the old General Purposes Committee has sent Ni“'4|l ildittiti “I (I0 Ills‘ WI’ ll“! “ml about it after. this has been a letter of congratulation and thanks .IIIt):|n to the Chadderton unit for the brave very true in our case. Two years ago a Parents and action of six of its members in saving I.t.-Cdr. to Sen. (.'dr.: \V. II. I). Ellis. the lives of four small children who Friends Association was formed \\’.biin. (‘uIIen. the guidance of Lieut.-Colonel Dental Brunt-h.— Sm. Cur. (D) to Sun. Capt. were in danger of drowning in :i local ‘under A. E. Wallord. who. together with his tl)l: W, G. Ifinnic. A. Mact). Wllmn. tlisused mill resersoir, Royal Marines. Major to Lt.—(‘ol.: I’. ltecm.-In. H.l\'.II.~ The Il)Il(“IIIIII promotions have been The four children. all non-swimmers, secretary (one of the Cadets parents). Fete. Grand made Collins. to date June 30. lIi.‘t\’: Mr. a arranged were thrown into 8 ft. of water when Seaman Branch. ~(‘dr. to (‘apI.: I-‘. 1. Storey. This was held on Jtinc I last year and K. A. (Zadd. their home-made raft capsized. II. J. (‘batons-r. shewn this that success I). I.'l’_\tunxc. was a as t‘dr.: to Li.-(‘dr. by eldest Cadets-the six Sea The aged and Scerctai-ht Branch.-— Car. to Cart: Suppl) I-1——werc out for an afternoon stroll .the fact that over £200 was raised R. Clarke. Lt.-Cdr. to ('tIr.: L. I). Charki. I5. I’. Mallinwhen they heard the children's 'tenipted them to rtiti one again this .-on. and endeavour this make an to screams. They raced to the reservoir. year. R.N.\'.R.: Senna: lIraIIr:i.—(‘dr. to (‘apt.: Sir allair. annual I. I). (‘I¢rlt. N. MacNnu|hion-Wainwnght. I. five threw off their clothes. and within Robson. this it was Accordingly year. minutes had the children safely Lt.-(‘dr. in (‘dr.: ('. It. I‘. Dobton. I‘, (‘ouri. for this the 3|: being arranged May Iilectrtmt Bruin-Ii.~-I.t.-('dr. in (.'dr.: 1. L. ashore. ltartand. for the June date nearest to reason I; Medial llnndi.--Sun. (‘dr. to Sitn. Cam: Navy League Callantry Cross this date as possible I‘. de ti. Turtle. as near to .getting The highest award for an :tct of tis. because in the possession of the Sen. I.l,~(‘dr. to Sm. (‘dr.: C. I’. Cooper. C. I..IIlII'. \\'. I’. Small. bravery open to :1 Sea Cadet is the {limit is a medallion struck to com- I).Special Br:iIiclr.- (‘dr. IS?) in Capt. (SP): Navy League Gallantry Cross for life- imcmorate the Glorious June I. I7‘)-3. N. A. I. G.-mat. Lt.-('dr. nil’) to Cut. (SP): T. A. ('. Ken". I). saving. a decoration given only to .1 Jones. Outstanding Cadet person who actually risks his life in Ilurkc. it..\I.l~‘.\’.It. Stator to Lt.-(‘ot.: This medallion has been suitably a rescue btd_ I’R()\’ISI()i\'AL SEI.ECl‘I0i\'S The .\l.irg;tie iinil claimed this great iinoiintcd and is‘ presented each year honour at its annual .-\dmiralty in- ‘to the unit‘s most outstanding Cadet. The following provisional selections J. W. .-\lderman lihe recipient this year was ()..S. Cadet have been made for proiuotion to date 1 spection when of local the au- (3. Reed. This lad entered the utiit l)eccmber3| : Perkins. on behalf tiiedal on 14-year- two years ago. and after the usual thoritv. pinned the (II-ZNI-fH.\I. I.I5I' old (Eider .-\ndre\v Lirztniliani. proliationcry period \\:ts placed oit Sc-amen Specialists. (‘dr. in ('.wt.: II.I. I). I). Izttis, I). N. Forttcs. K. II. (iraliain. .'\I'ltlIC\s‘_ \\'ltn attended the cere- unit strength. ()n being kitted tip he .\Ic|.augli1an. 'l'. G. \‘. Percy. J. Ititmead. ll. ('. for Iltc unit's hand and in (3. I'|.1tt'. J. R. \\u'. (iro\c\. J. ('. Y. R\‘\I‘III|3h. mony on ctutcltes following an opera(5 ('. ll:i!t.It.sut. I. \\‘. J£lI'ItIc\tIr|_ silica: the coor.s..- of IS iiioiitlis has risen to A. R. I-. IIuhop_(‘dr.: tion on a foot rntisclc paralysed \‘. I. .\Iannartng. S. IL. to I.r.-l‘di. he eon'.:.ic:ed poliomvelitis' seven 'ilie position of first solo drummer, I)rtiniii:oml. I_ I). \\'m\t.1nIcy. J. l{, .\I.IItI\l|l‘lI.i the into ('. S. II. I’ Iauton.‘ A l._ .\I. .\Iosc:r\-. .\tt.1n. ductl well Iliis Fete attcntlctl was lu|l_\-clothed year's years ago. I)‘. it I). l'n.c. R. 5. IIlu\\Ittll\‘. T. A \\'clls. sea .'it one of the most (I;iII‘_'t.‘tt)tI\ parts inasmticli as‘ .‘~.()tl0 prograintnes were .‘-'. l't'rrett_ (i. ll .\I.inn. l)_ Ilcmsoitlt. I). I. of the .\largatc coast to rescue .l sold before the day and another l.(l()Il llcut, R. “C II:iIltt|.1\'. .‘~l. K. .\I.(iwire, '. II. .-human-:ie. I. W. ('. lmdtcs. A. K. ‘were \t)lI.l at the gates. The opening I. .\ wlitiiillwy friend, I) (iritliths. II I .\t.irtiu. I I. I‘hi!Iip.,l a was street ll. I". II Kettle. .‘-I. .\l ()st\-in. ('. IIttsI~)_ preceded by tori parade The Canada 'l'roph_v .\ II .\I The recent presentation of the headed by the utiit baiitl. The marchI'n:tm-er .\'im~l:ittst-. ('itr. to t‘.np:.: (3, \\'_ followed that came contingents \\', R Sitcisart. ll. (3. Soulhviooel. I’. II. ('. : (3.1). ling (inildford the ('an.'ida Trophy to i I). N. ('allaehan. adjoining units of llarrow and Itlingmoith. lSurteyi unit by \’ice-.-\dinii‘al Sir 'll‘t)IIl l.i.-('dr. to ('dr.: I). l.. J. t‘orncr. R. I-‘..: Ilarttcy‘. R. A. Paterson. (‘. I’ '. I)r.1ne. N. \\’, (illl)L'll Stephenson. K.ll.l€.. (C8,. .lia|ing. The llarrow unit supplied the I.l'\('t'l'II. (3. Righton. I. .\I, t‘. I)unton, of honour for Vice-Adntiral Sir iglltlftl ('..\I.(i,. l).I... J.I’.. llon. (‘ommodore I). Ilaruood. I‘ I‘. A. \\'.1t‘d. A. 5. (iultliip. C.|i.. it._ii. l.. i-‘mm. w. r. I'tll:iI'. t.. A. Itcnnington. of the Sea (‘adet Corps. has added ‘Gilbert Stepliciisoti.I-Ioti. Cotiiinodore Suppl) and Secretariat Specialists.» ('dr. to fresh impetus‘ to Corps activities -C..\l.(i.. l).I... J.l'.. \\'. I.t. l-‘. llurbea. G. A. llcrtdcrsun. ‘of the Sea Cadet Corps; who per- ('am.'. It.-(‘dr. to um. w. 1:. llandlci‘. A. I’. w.‘ throughout the country. T. II. llorriart. ('. A. \V.’. \\'cston. M. (T This is the Corps's most coveted ‘formed the opening cereniony. We Smith. II. Tower, Dcnman. I-‘.lertrIc:|I Spot-I:II\I\.— ('dr. to Capt.: I’. aw:ird and is granted annually to the ‘also had the famous TV and recordA. \\'. Ilrztdstuw, unit which in the opinion of the Sea ing artiste. Johnny Duncan. present Perks, I.t.-(‘dr. to t‘dr.: J. L. Lcviis. S. T. Crouch. wiio signed autographs. Cadet Council is considered to l1:lVI= P, A. T. Renew. K. G. Ascr. I’. Vincent. D. \\’. Also on view were pictures and Jack-on. J. S. brooks. attained the highest standard of all- exhibits ll:-.tnch.— —ln\tr. Cdr. to In\Ir. Cam; showing the unit‘s activities. W.ltutructor round proficiency throughout the year. I). Icntiin. Among the exhibits we had at piece Instl. Li.-('dr. to Instr. (‘dr.: II. Ilritrlcy. G. of a German shell that penetrated the ttursclt. R. It. Metntmh. Branch.-~Sxn. (‘dr. to _Sxn. (‘nm._: after gun turret of H..\I.S. Warspite. 6.Medlral I). Wcdd. I). I’. (lord. P. K. I-ra\<r. H. S. of this ship worn Lewis. ON JUNE 7 the South Shields Sea also the ofcap tally Li.-(‘dr. in Sen. (‘dr.: 1. Mat-F.~Ctiit. civilian instructors at I7. Sen. A. I-‘. Maekennc. 'I'. C. Barns. I. Keeling. Cadets (Collingwood Unit) spent a by one of our the incident, this was in the time Dental IrIItII.——S|n. Cdr. (I)! to Sun. Capt. very interesting forenoon on bo:ird the llatile of Jutland. The association (D): S, R. \\'aIti\, the whale factory ship Southern Sm. Lt.-(‘dr. (D) to Sun. Cdr. (D): G. K. of first. some at puzzle Warspite \Vra)'. may Harvester. which is now undergoing 5I:IrIIIeV.~-Lt.-('ul. to Col.: F. D. 6. her annual relit at South Shields but when we tell you the name of tr .\III|)! In Lt.-('oI.: J. C. d'E. Coke. A. J. S. after a very successful season in the our unit is 'I‘.S. Barham. I know this ("roc\etI. that may southern seas. On leaving the ship. will answer any questions exhibit. this arisen regarding Among those provisionally selected the boys were duly presented with the have Despite the bus strike we still took for promotion to Captain is Commantooth of a sperm whale by one of the l'lacc. V.C.. who was ship‘s crew. The visit was by per- over £340 this year, not all profit it der I). C.thisG.decoration for his midget mission of Chris Salveson & Co.. is true. but we are more than awarded submarine attack on the Tirpitz. satisfied. Leitli. ,
njhorat .
Kenya. Arinada. Solebay. Uiitlinc. Undaunted. Vigo. Iileetwoud. Plover and H.M. Submarines Alderney. ’I'apir and Trump will also be open.
There will be many live and static displays including a rescue by helicopter. ti lly past by the Fleet Air Arm and raids by Royal .\Iarine and Naval divers and frogmen. There will also be trips in landing .erat’i. Lunchcs.- teas. ice. creams will be available and children will -be well cared for in a nursery situated in the
Dockyard. All profits
devoted to Naval
Make Your Leave Complete l ...lly Buying
Just the right Leisure ll’/earfor the occasion from Bernard: You will find at all the Bernard branches :1 splendid range of finely tailored Sports Jackets, Blazers, Sports Trousers and Sports Suits in all the latest Styles and Cloth designs. You will find also a comprehensive selection of every outfitting
The cost of orders where it is not desired to pay Cash may be cha rgcd to a Credit Account for settlement by Admiralty Allotmcttt or B:tnl:er’s Order and full details of these facilities will gladly be given on request at abr:inch or through I-{cad Oflice. Call in at once to a Bernard Branch for all your Leave requirements and rememberYaii Really Do Buy Better at Bermzrds
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ANGLIA HOUSE, HARWICH, ESSEX Telephone 880 Branches
Portsmouth (6 Qimvt Street), Cliailiam, Devoiiporr. Wcyiiiaurli, Porrlarid, Falmomli, Mil/nrd Haven, Deal, Wcrlierby, Lomlomlerry. (iririisby, Haru-i'ch, Helembiirgli, Durifcrmlhic, Rosyrh, lirvergordori, Gibraltar. and Sliema and Valletta, Malia. Also at 1.ossi’z-niomli, Arbroarli, Abborsiixch, liclirirnii, Kc_cr, Brarcdy, Culdrose, Ford, Wortliy Down, Corrham, and H.M..‘>. Dolphin Member of the I.N.'I‘.A.
July. 1958
«-— ~‘
AS 'll|lS is written. the Station is in about covered the cost of printthe final throes of its preparations for the second. in advance. We were its Air Day (Julie 28). We suffered ‘ing_ to recci_vc ti conimcndatory last considerably year front bail letter on the subject of lieocliconilu-I weather. local soccer fixtures (serious the l-irst sea l.ord: our present stuff in this area!) and the fact that cc mg is that the second issue. schewe then had no previous experience to for August. had better be good! guide us. the result being an attendtc establishment of a primary of ance only about four-and-a-half school. for Service children. on the thotisands. We have hopes this time Air Station itself. has been the stibof proliling front last year‘s experience ject of much correspondence between and also of having been :1 little more the Station and the Local liducation clever this time with the sort of Authority. The stage reached is that weather we have picked. are to meet the Paisley members Since our last bulletin. the Station 0 the Renfrewshire liducation Comhas had its first issue of its new maga- mittee to discuss the matter further. vine. li’i'm‘/imm/u'r_ In Some L'llll'lll\lZt\l\ on the Station case any i Station \\ithotit its own iotirnal is have begun to e\plore what. to the l toying with the idea of initiating one. Sasseitaclt. is a featsonie and unltnown might be hclpftil to iiieiitiori that lterrain that of the Scottish l’ipitij_' we produced (700 copies (price 2\‘_), of \_\‘t‘llltl.r the l:.\:ied._ ol the lIltt~iL‘.tl | what. tlatter we ottrsel\cs. was a liigh I:.ttctnit\'_ 3 The pilitoclik wxttlilvte s:.intl.:id ~12-page isstlt: at a printing‘‘tones can now be lieard at the mos: »cv>t of about tIl3(l. ()ur complement iiinlikel_\ times in the most iinlikelg. is about l.l(l(l and we were able easily places —~Suntl.i_\' forenoous in married to _.\ell-out. apart front the copies re- quarters for instance. though this i~ to have no domestic signi. qiured for bnsitiess and publicity purthe net z poses. profit being abottt £l0. Iicance whatever. !&u...::...._-’.‘.‘. It need hardly be added that a first It happened that we h:td on this essential is a good business manager Station. one or two young men. who. to secure and organise the necessary to say the least. were no strangers to THIS .\l()N’l'H marked the departure as in 1944 he became Air Engineer lifc amid [hc lovely if soniewltat advertisers. Ours. as a result of the the ‘pipes and that we also had in the from H..\l.S. Condor of its command- Officer at the R.N.A.S.. Eastha_vcn, a remote surroundings of the both)‘ good reception of the first issue. has vicinity two helpful and expert ening oflicer. Capt. W. L. G. Porter. who station which no longer exists. situated (Scots for mountain but) on the shores of Loch l.ce. Members of the Sixth has been appointed Fleet Engineer only a few miles from Condor. The officers and ship‘: company Team of Aircraft Artilicer Appren- n Ofliccr on the stall’ of the C.-in-C. Home Fleet. Capt. Porter who as- and those under training. at H.M.S. tices fornicd only half the comple- l sumed command on May ll, I956. Condor gave their departing Coni- ment of those occupying the botby was. together with Mrs. Porter. very inandiiig Oflicer the traditional fare- for tltc lirst half of the week contmuch liked by all serving at Condor. well by harnessiiig his car to tow inencing July 15. The reinzoning all of whom had had for there were no station activities in ropcs and hauling it to the tn:iitt gate. which Capt. atid Mrs. Porter did not the ro;tdw'.'ty being lined by ntctnbcrs previous sailing e\perience at l-l..\LS. take a most active and always synt- of the ship‘s company. :trid those il-‘isgard. went under the leadersliip of pathetic interest. The otliccrs. plus under training. who cheered lustily as Inst.-l.ieut.-('dr. lan l-erguson. l).S.C. those serving with Hag Olliccr. the ollicer-towed car passed. Capt. for a week's sailing on the (lyde in Reserve Aircraft. who are on the 'l'aniier stood at the main entrance to a Windfall yacht belonging to the books of Condor. said farewell to give his predecessor a farewell salute. Home Air ('omm:tnd. Volunteers from the ship's coinpan_v tilled the Capt. Porter at :t special guest night Visits vacant places in the (ilen Esk diinier while the Porters themselves visits have been paid to Scheme. an innovation which besides gave several private parties to say goodbye to their many friends. .\lrs. Condor by the First l.ord of the widening the scope of (ilen lisk Porter received a pen and pencil set Admiralty, l.ord Selkirk. and by the introduces the spice of competition front the Condor Wives‘ (ict-together Civil [.ord of the Admiralty. the Hon. between the apprentices who haw had previous experience of life in the Club :tnd a Celtic brooch from the 1'. G. I). (ialbraitli. raw in the Highlands antl tnenibcrs parents of the children using the Glen I-Lslt of the ship's conipan_\, nearly all Condor creche. Capt. Porter's sticIn addition to Air Mechanician slightly older than the apprentices. cesors is (‘apt. (i. W. Tanner. who in August N5!» after completing a senior ;candidates tinder training who have for the majority of whoni this is their oflict-rs‘ war course at the Royal jnow been included in the (ilen Esk first introduction to "self service" and i\.tv;il College. (ireenwicli. was :tp- ‘()llltltIU.' :\cli\-ilies 'l’r:iining Scheme. "take it or leave it self cooking." The pointed .-\\si\l:ltll l).:\..\l.R. Capt. lllL'llll\‘l\ of tlte (‘ondor sliip‘s latter half of all weeks at Lilen l§~.k' 'l'.tnner has served in .-\in_:us before. coinp:ui;.' hztve had 1llt.'lt' lirst taste of H now spent away t':otn the both_\‘. during which time the c.onpc:s cover between 30 and 40 mile‘ of moiin~ tainous terrain sleeping in the lightlweight tents they have c.i::ied on their ;‘ liacks,
fruit} dullcld
i .
n 2E>Z
our customers
Great satisfaction has been felt at ('ondor by the success of the Shooting Eight in the Highland District Rille Meeting. The team entered for three events and of these won the Light Pipers front Abbotsinch at the C0tllIlliS\l0tlllt|':ol' lI..\l.S. Chli.‘hcstcr Machine (iun Contest in competition with units from the R..-\.l-'. and the .\lr. Purdie and his son. t\lr. ithusiasts. 'l‘.A. liastcr tice llorsfall who during the :l’tirdie joined the Canterort HighThe knocked in the out l’.ight were l.cavc. together with l’.0. Tlionttls '|anders as a Boy Piper in I92! and . ltirst round of the l-‘alling l’late.~. event fgainetl his duration legs for the associated with 20‘) R.A.l~'. but in the third e\ettt. Fire and International Silver "C" llatlgc. hope- ;was Squadron at Aliliotsinch front l‘)3ll, ‘Movement Competition ( ondor were ‘fully Loch Levcn tried to front l‘l3‘l. during which time he was also placed sixth otit of a field of 20. the ll.(). of glide the Scottisli Gliding broadcasting. playing and iudging at The Shooting i{igltt's stieccss is tltc Union to .~\rbroalh. l-le was released ‘competitions. His son is carrying on more remarkable l‘|ct:.tti\'e two of its at 3.0(l(l feet after a power tow and the good work. lifting here a gold [star members were unable to take shaped a cotirsc for Condor but oti medal. there a sil\er cup and so on. ‘part in the contest. this attempt \\'a.\‘ not successful in Fletwecii them. they have made our Inst.-Licut. Ian Young has. for the gmecting the necessary “t|ierinal.s" and modest heginnintzs into a Small Pipe second year in succession. won the {was only able to complete a I0-mile Band. wliiclt we have high hopes of Pcewit Trophy in the Home Air glidc. l’.(). 'l1tomas and a passeiiger. increasing to a recognised Pipe Iland ('ommand's lettttis (\lll_L'lL'\_l competi- after an ordinary winch launch. were of six stands of pipes and three drums. lion. able to remain aloft for 6-! ntinutcs alliliated to the l-to_\:il Navy Piping while the (irtinait glider stayed up Association. Gliding The Condor Gliding Club is deter- for three quarters of an hour. Our present qualified quartet (if mined to break all t't.‘\.‘t‘tsl5 this this is not too etlete a word for such \\'.R.N.S. season am] already the number of an inslritttteitli has a most important The national have newspapers launchings indicate that in this respect ;featured Leading 'engagcnient as part of the Station Butler Wrcn_ w'lit_i. = Hand on July 7. when it will at least success will be achieved but perform the of their to 'g:’e:tt!_v surprise the inetiibers are showing tr.-iitcntlt-its at :i function attentletl by Her .\litjesty entlttisias-in in e\'cr_\' respect. .»\pp:en- l t( "ii/:.ti'Irrim' nit PtII!.'l' II. nrlrmm fl 'l he Queen during her Vlsll to Paisley.
well know
help people and the problem is :1
complete civilian outfit or a single accessory, our highly trained staff is always ready and willing to offer guidance,
if needed.
all l'll8l.lCl‘S
concerning clothing. Good Clothes are
made by’
Queen Street
PORTLAND STREET, PORTSMOUTH Phone: Portsmouth 1415! (3 lines) Grams: ‘Nanci-go’ Portsmouth Manchu at Dlvonporl. cttatham. Woymouui. Dunfcrmtlne. Malta Homlnn of tho Inter-port NIva|_1'rad¢rI' Auoclulon HAY STREET and
i l
of PORTSMOUTH lloyalSai|ors'Home,
The Welfare Committee of R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth, own and operate two luxury 38 seatcr coaches. These vehicles are'av.1il:tble for the use of all officers. ratings and wrens
and their guests. for:
For further information please telephone Dockyard 26l6or write to the Welfare Secretary. Canteen Block. R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth_ lust say what you want and the rest will be arranged for you.
H visits .S. Solent .M Denmark uAiCi«:LoNA
Cameras at the Crcvi of Barcelona stand Eagle "shoot" Spanish dancing girl about to pcrfunu on the flight deck
lN CO.\ll’ANY with lI..\l.S. Teredo we sailed from Portsmoutli in the evening of May I‘). The gales which we expected did not niatcrialise and we had a very smooth passage. We were joined oil the Tliaiues listiiary by .i rather c.\liausted passenger in the person of Buster wliiclt alter iuuch discussion was proclaimed to he :i Rock Dove. The passage was so good that we arrived 24 hours early and on the morning of the 22nd Teredo anchored in Acbeltoft Vii: and we secured aloiigside. Buster hail stayed with its :ill the time and kept us well aiutisetl in spite of the fact that he spent most of his time sleeping or eyeing its rather suspiciotisly. We couldn't get him to eat anything although all suggestions were duly given a try—--cven a slice of peach front (‘iicf! lle was taken on a social call to 'l'eredo but that must have given him ideas for. later in the day. when his keepers were asleep he took his departure. Ancliorite arrived on the following morning —l-'rid:iy and in l..'UlllD.'lll'j we entered .-\;irliu.s. Solent bcrtlied out board of the other two submarines and this was to li:ivc lts advantages in helping us to avoid some of the more otlicizil aspects of the visit.
Wamt Welcome The first thing that struck us about Aarhus was the incredibly warm welcome we received; nothing seemed to be too iiiiich trouble for the people in their etlorts to help us. Not only were coach tours and visits to the local brewery arranged for us btit many at us were invited into private homes and saw at tirst li:iiid the l).iiiisli nay Tlls‘ DCUDIU of .-\arhiis have .i til lllI-‘CH!’ of which they are iiistly proud. A mixture of modern and traditioiial architcctiii'e. it is an oiitstaiidini: example of a well planned city. lately it lIt|l\'t‘-Witt‘ has been esialilisliett 'iit .-‘\:i.'lius and that combined iiitli its excellent modern harboiir :ind lloiiiisliv ing trade. has made it the second city of Denmark. Aarhus is very much a country centre as well as a city. To the south forests reach right tip to ‘lit: doorstep mill 10 the north stretches some of the most beatitiful scenery in l)enm:irk. Tlk‘ llcdllll‘ of Aarliiis and its ‘surroundin_es l\ only mzitehed by the beauty of the l).inish girls. We had few laiigiiage ditliculties as most of the Danes uiiderstand l-Znglish ~-notitltlt-‘ k‘X¢s'l‘ttiuns being the taxi-ilrivers! The lack of licensing hours was found very coiivenient by a number of us, The Danish food had a great success with soiue who liked the sinorrcbrod Or Open sandwich. but others still prefcrred their ro:ist and two! Tl“! Drices of most things in the
TWO INTIER-C()-.\l .\l.-\Nl) events took place during June. The tirst. the that if premiums cease to be paid lnter-Comniand .\lcrmaid Cli:impionbefore a policy matures one is liable l.u.i1 uimirli we rli.\cir.\.i-c-ifIlir tltlI'llllltl_t.'t'.\'and prm'¢'iluri'.r/0r (lie im- 0/ the ship. was held at Seaview. Isle of not to get back the full amount of the Pmr Oflirr .S'iii'iri_e.\' Ilrmk. 'I’lii.i munlli we (ll.\l'll.\‘.|'other /umi.i'of .\*ui'i'irg Wight. on June 10 and II. These keel premium paid, boats have a waterline length of l7.3 Life insurance is of course a matter found outside the ups and downs. and National Savings Certificates feet and carry a crew of three; they Then we come to National Savings {attendant risks. of dabbling in stocks for every individual himself and the are incidentally the boats III. which were comparable to Enizlish the lmer-S-.-rvices Chanipioi_iships will icc.-m'..;;,;¢,_ '|'h¢5¢ p.,5,¢..,- [hc ._-on. ‘lillld shares markets. They also come needs of his own particular circum- shops prices. though food was perhaps be sailed on .luly 6. so _this meeting lsiderablc advantage that the interest on “ml” the heading of National stances. lt is. nevertheless. well to slightly dearer. Those who lived remember however that. which of marsutlicicnt faraway are for that and income trial them is ; to valuable not Savings. tax. subject :i provided found that hotels were a lot riage or a family may be. or however ashore having arranged for their purchase one i importance to the country for a robust event. less expensive than in England. A very and self-reliant one's de- noticeable Only three Commands were able can sit back and let the money accu- ‘Nzilioiiail Savings Committee to have feature of the city was the set up. on which, incidentally. a pendants :ire at the present moment. to enter teaiiis. A series. of six races mulate without cveii having to rememin life an insurance policy cleanliness of its streets: this cleanliwas rim in which e:icli Command ber to include them on one's incoiuc lretired captain. R.N.. serves as an the earlier is universal in Denmark and the 'Assistant Commissioner and as a link is started the lower the premium. and ness raced agaiiist the others on-the lirsl tax declaration form. Danes keep their homes in spotless with the the on the Royal Navy. i\'ational and Unlike stocks shares. programme day. repeating From July I2 the "Navy News” tele- condition. second day having changed boats. Savings (.'crtilicates do not go down in phone number will be Portsmouth Plvniouth finally won the series. de- money value; the only change is upLife Assurance Open to Visitors 2642!. Extension 2194. feating both Home Air Command and wards. The present ttcnth) issue | Another type of provision for the On the Friday evening all three | l’0fl§I‘Ilt)llll't. consists of unit certificates of l5s. .future the the tiniincial less in later burden which can be made use of is submarines gave a combined Olliei:il Total points scored were as follows: which become worth ltls. after seven life insurance. either (a) as an endow- life when surrounded by other claims Cocktail l’arty—-Solent being the oiii85: of Plymouth Command This rate a comit and when be represents tind not to years. so easy board boat. it was the more advenmcnt policy under which one can pay may 7‘): l-loine Air Comin:ind interest of some -1} per cent. per annual premiums to obtain lump sum the money. An important feature is turous who came to us! We opened pound 70 Portsmouth Command anniim if the certiticates are held for at somi:.given date in the future or that any form of insurance carries the submarine to visitors on Saturday The Pl_vriioutli helmsiiien were the full period of seven years. for payment to dependants if death with it relief from income tax in afternoon and again on .\londay and Inst.-Lieut.-Cdr. G. I’. ljledges (capIf it becomes necessary to cash takes place earlier. or. on the other respect of premiums paid. Wednesday. On Tuesday we all gave of Hewitt (both R. t.. Cdr. tain). have before Certificates they Savings A.F.O. 3I23/57 gives the names of a children's party on board: 25 chilhand. (b) to obtain payment of :i subH.M.S. Raleigh) ani.l Lieut.-Cdr. run the full seven years. interest at the stantial sum for one's dependants at certain insurance companies who have dren came to Solent and. in spite of R. S. l. Hawkins (R.N. Signal School. proportionate rate will be included in .one's eventual death. Endowment otlered special terms in insurance for the fact that none of them spoke St. lliideausl. which obtained be the repayment. can the merit. as well which payment of premiums can be Eng.-.lish—or were too shy to admit ‘the second event. the Inter- within a few days. They do not gain insurance possesses providing a small rate of interest made through the ship's ledger. Pay- that they did—by the time we had Comni:iiid R.N. Dinghy Champion- any interest untit'the end of the first as and guaranteeing payment to one's ment in all cases will be arranged shown them some cartoons and given ship iClaud Barry Cup) took place at year from the date of purchase. dependants if death occurs. of com- under the Naval allotment system on a them a huge tea they were thoroughly Plymouth on lime to and 17. Scot- National Savings (‘crtiticates can be lpclling on contributing in calendar monthly basis. Quite apart enjoying themselves. land took first place with four wins. bought through the Post Ollice by ‘oorder one to keep final reward of a from this special arrangement. normal to reap the We sailed on Thursday morning Portsmouth. ltome Air and Plymouth declaring a monthly allotment of 15s. at a fixed date. The monthly allotments can of course he leaving a few broken hearts and many shared two wins each while the Note or a multiple of I55. Alternatively. ‘handsome sum failed to register any. Full results were they can be bought on a specific occa- iiuportanec of life insurance. with its declared in respect of premiums for happy memories. We had greatly en'valuc to one's family. is obvious. policies taken out With any insurance ioyed our visit and we hope that the as follows: sion when surplus cash is held‘. for flag was shown to good advantage. Perhaps it is prudent to bear in mind company. I262 pts. this the remittance system is used in Scottish Coinmand 12 I {Portsmouth Command the Pay Oflice. Command Air ll9§ Home The maximum ‘holding of the Comiuand |l8-l Plymouth present ttenlh) issue certilicatcs is L000 W} Command Nore iinii certificates of l5s. each at a cost The bclmsmen in the Scottish Com- of £750. mand team were: Siirg.-_Cdr. D. C. Howe. Cdr. .\l. H. (iriflin. Cdr. H. 5% Defence Bonds Gardner and 0rd. Sea. M. C. M. Like National Savings Certificates Piiniphrey. 5 per cent, Defence Bonds may be purchased by a monthly allotment as a arrangement. or by the remitOf course I try to. But my not to (CmiIiiiuc4l from page I0. cnlimin 4) standing tance system on a spccilic occasion. save anytliinvv. opponents. turned out for Condor The monthly allotment must be for £5 cricket 2nd Xl and besides keeping or a multiple thereof if the actual That's what I thought when I was your age wicket very ellectivcly was top scorer. bonds are purch:ised outright. I05. or until someone showed me the notehing 23 runs out of her te:im's a mtiltiple thereof in the case of purmodest total of 35. When Leading chase by iiistalincnts. Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 Wren Butler took centre. the fast a month by Naval allotment but when I leave Defence llonds represent a These bowler facing her asked the umpire the Service next year I can collect £855. good gilt-edged long term investment. whetlier he ought to send down a few with every incentive not to disturb him to told The tubs‘. Sounds too good to be true. Wherc’s the catch? umpire easy have matured. ‘In addiuntil iheiii they do his worst‘. ge5 per cent. interest paid reguNo catch. And if I had died at any time my ..-—.-.First Officer 5. V. A. McBride. tion tothe increase in themselves bonds l:irly. ollieer in charge. W.l{.i\‘.S.. acted as value. Which will you take? at the rate of wife would have received the whole £855 repayablc being hostess in the Wren E.V.'l'. centre Scheme for every £lO0 of bonds on the immediately.You see, it’s a I’m going for the pension becausethere's when visitors were given light re- £ltl3 date next following seven and Life Insurance rolled into one. interest freshments and shown an exhibition another valuable right withit—l can get a These of date the after purchase. years of the Wrens‘ skill in handicrafts. A on for 22 years’ signed you cash advance for the full price of a new of free income tax. bonuses are paid table was titled with examples of house. Pm all lined up for a job already, They can be encashed at any time service? babies‘ knitted wear made by the before the full seven years are up_ by When I had done my 9 years, as I had and with an extra pension to look forward Wrens for the Condor stall at the lnunedi.itc months‘ notice. six giving for 7 years, I could have Cafe ('h:int:int held in Arbroath l'or crtcashmcnt can be to and the wife and familysafe in our own premiums however. obtained._ the bcnelit of the Royal National homc——well, it’s the kind of security we all deduction equivalent to drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy Lifeboat Institution. I’.O. Wren (5. subject to a interest. Interest on the Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want. .\l:iudc. lE.V.'l'. lnstructrcss was in six months‘ In is half-yearly have the option of taking the Charge of the exhibition. A cuddly bonds and payable l-low do you set about all this? August doll made by one of the Wrens and February if I the need don’t £855, or 'I'hat’s easy. Ask the Provi(ii) Hy credit to a savings bank cash immediately, a pension much admired by Her Royal Highness acv.‘ount‘. the Duchess of Kent during her recent dent Life for details of the of a year when I retire £172‘ 0r visit was also on show. (b) lly warrant sent by post‘. Scheme. Progressive work civilian from at Church News 65. other bank or (c) lly remittance to a The llisliop of llrechin. the Right ' For rimribcrs qf I/it ll’.R. \’.S. I/it agents. Reverend Eric Graham, .\l.A.. visited The interest is subject to income tax I’m.u'aii is £149 (1)-car. ASSOCIATION 0' LONDON the (‘hureh of St. Christopher. Ioundodllli LIMITIO ll..\l.S. Coiidor. and conlirined I0 which is N()T deducted at source. .\taxiniuin holding of the current candidates who were representative London, E.C.2- £2.00tl by r — Send this coupon to 246 of all classes in the community. in- issue of Defence _llonds Please send lull details of the Progressive Savings Scheme cluding :i Wren and two Aircraft any one person In addition to any Artiticer Apprentices. Members of the previous holdings. Name (‘oiidor tlrancli of the Church of General F.ngland .\lcn's Society spent their Address .................................................................................................................................... for of methods above saving. The visit the end to on a long week nou---n...........o-.--.the island on which which special facilities are furnished Island of Iona. in the fourth century Saint Columbia in the Navy. represent as good a rate ll Age next birthday. Rating or Rarik.. be and of interest as can ............_._._______...____a security cstablislied his famous monastery. _
I save! pay’s
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' -
NAVY NI-‘.\\'S
Julv. I958
Successlul Month at Twickenham
GREETINGS. SHIPMATES everywhere: we in the Thames Valley are still fit and well and keeping on an even keel. naturally like a good many more branches. we notice during the summer months. that the attendances of members seems to slackcn off a bit.
Dedication of
We propose
QUARTliRI.\' meeting was held at liasthourne on May 2-3. the delegates being the guests of Eastbourne llranch at their headquarters
to carry on our social
evenings throughout the year and wel-
November. Annual Dinner. I\\"IlfOI’(I (Kent) July l8.~~‘Vl\lI to Gillinghain Branch. Cheltenhani Jul_v ll.——Dolphiit Cup Skittles Final at Red Lion. ('heam & Worcester Park August l-I.v—-(‘liililren's Otiting to ‘
Social Evenings
Rosyth & W. Fife
and Garter branches for their very good company and coinradcship. our only_regrei is that we were not able to to give you a good meal after the liiishy Park parade. but fortunately that was not our fault. I expected something more substantial from our American friends. nevertheless I hear the local fish and chip bar did a roaring trade dtiring the evening.
Patron: H.M. The Ouocn
Kenton. Finsbury. H0tinslow.SouthalI. and Mortlake. Hanworth. R.N.A. Headquarters. and the Star Barnes
bit! I suppose that is to be expected. especially if the weather is good for other occasions. Recently. in the London area especially. the bus strike scents to be a good alibi. but l disagree. if you tnake up your mind to do :1 thing or visit someone. just think of the association motto. you will get there. We have far greater support from various
branches lately at our monthly socials and I would like to thank the shipmates from Dorking. Kingsbury and
all shipmates of other branches to "come alongside." Ybu arc'more than welcome at "The Crown." In company with half a dozen more .\I|lptI‘|:tIC$ of the branch we visited the annual general meeting ol the .‘s'.W. London branch at the Star and (.i.irtet llomc. Richmond. Surre_\. aml spent it most enioyahle Sunday afternoon with "the lads." It was a grand meeting :itid \\cll coiulucted. four new members were enrolled. one a mere “lad" nearing ‘)0 years of age. who sprang to attention and saluted the Pl‘i.‘\ltlt.‘lll on receiving hibadgc. It was good to hear that other branches are now taking more interest in the .shipni;itcs of the “llome." but there is still room for improvement and your support, It must be tiiore than disheartening to the secretary to send otit details and iiivitations and to receive only one or two replies. So please shipiuates. thiitk it over and give an extra thotight to your less forcome
in Beach Road, The President. Admiral Sir (‘liarles l.ittle as usual beiti_-.2 present, Quite a number of matters of Eintercst to braiiches in the area were Ilogttur. 1 disciissed and branches views aired. A August 30.—-Social and Preseiitation I suggestion tat this stage) that because Night at (‘licam Social (lulu. a number of hrauelies not only cannot afford. btit cannot find :i deleNo. 3 Area gate who can spare the time to attend August I(».— .\leeling at Havant. 3 p.m. .\ation:tl ('onference. it would be more Spa l,_cantiugton‘.'6.-Naval democratic if postal votes were Ball, September allowed in matters on the agenda of vital importance to the AssociationVENUI-I especially in these days of one branch (fheltcnlinni.---United Services Club. one vote-—was put forward by WorthNortli Street. First ’lhursday every ing and delegates asked to obtain the month. views of their branches on this stibiect. A proposal by Worthing that the tunate sliipiiixites. Standard Bearers Trophy be held by Once again with the brighter days. lthc Branch winning it (and not by llleadquzirtcrst for the year. cost of the staiidartls are being paraded and Eiigiiicer Rear-.-\dntiruI .I. I’. Foster. horiie by Head- dedicated and it gites one a grand insuraiitre being : president of lkbriilgeBranch. thereafter replica to be re- feeling to \\itttcs\ or partake in these lqiiarters. Shipmittc Arthur Ilcaton. member of .taiued by winning Standard liearer functions and to relisc that feeling of Ct'llllittl\.‘\lllt\ and unity that is par; of Ilurnley Ilranch. was seconded and unaniniously supService lifc. ported and Dih\'Ct.I to headquarters for one's I-rout the varioiis reports and coilaction. & veisation. Dailington branch are to he It was agreed that Area Standartl cougratiilatcd for on'siich .1 be paraded at National Con- wonderful show. weptitting wish you the sucference. the Chichester Branch (whose cess you rightly tlescrve. date for dedication of Memorial Book Tllli BUS strike did not seriously At moment we are having transbranch at clashes) having agreed. It was also port the impair our _attendauce domestically. but yoti meetings. Shipmates with cars have paraded at Iilackmore Vale. and .1 can betrouble. assured we will be (Photo: E. rallied round with lifts to and from word of appreciation to our indefati- there to supportshipmates, you with our stanAfter the dedication service at St. Peter's Church, lnvcrkeitliing meetings. and others have raked otit gable Standard Bearer Shipmate dard whenever possible. cvcles long out of commission and Aldrayd of (Iamberley would perhaps .\lany thaiiks Dorking branch for life. of THE .-\llO\‘l:‘ branch held its monthly in the pleasing position of feeling be appropriate here. given them a new lca._sc the veiy pleasant evening. but I am to tncctittg at the Queens l-lotel. Inver- financiallysafe which must be credited Shipmates are looking forward of Fastbotirne llranch last year ran .1 sorry to hear that. financially froiu the trip to Thanie on_ the occasion kcithing on t\tonday June 9. presided to the social eonvener‘s organisation darts competition between li\'c point of view. it was not so their dedication. hoping to see them over by Shipmate Hawser. Chairman. of draws. The branch is now closed branches from lfast Sttsscx. It was your better luck next time. quite looking good. next year at our ‘list anniversary who said that the Branch Standard in till October. It will be holding itsi very successful. so I-Iastbourne thought lorttafil to seeing you all ;ig:iin in Sepparade. company with Edinburgh Standard annual dinner in November. The it a good idea if more groups were tcniber. On Sunday. June lS._the hrai1_ch had was in attendance at the unveiling of chairman. Shipmate l-lawser is now formed and the winners of the groups Two of our members. now the anntial outing. going to l:inker- the War Memorial in I-iirkaldy on chairman of Scottish Division and played oil at some central venue. As serving. are fullyounger of praise :ind thanks ion via Canterbury. l was unable to Siinday. .\la_v 25. The branch was no.-.- Shipmate Hill. vice~chairnian. a start live branches in Central and to the members of (iosport and Portsattend due to work. but by all reports West Sussex were invited to form .1 1 mouth branclies for the liospitality a good time was had by all. group. with the ultimate obiect 0!” and uclconie shown to them recently outchildren is the I-t brings August covering all of No. 3 Area and per- wlieti \i.siting that area. Many thanks aiid more round again. once ing once haps l and 2 also. thus enabling sliipmatcs. it is gratifying to know weather If is the visit anyllognor. wc The most successful function. is Shipniates to iuect others, and the that they will he looked after OUR FORMER secretary. Harry have should last like they thing year having moved to Scunthorpc. year, was our first annual dinner. branches benefiting socially and inci- wherever they go by ineinbcrs that Hurry. a grand day. I would like to draw attention to the attended byshipmates from Doneaster dentally financially. Unfortiinately speak the sanie language. loosbranch the are Unfortunately new secretary's address so that you and Sheffield. and I have no hesitation only one branch responded favourTo those at sea and abroad. God Rev. the Hon. their Chaplain. ing Two wrote were ably. saying they diaries in that case in amend themsaying you your everyone enjoyed Speed and a safe journey home. To E. G. Chandler, who so ably handled may unable to takl: part. and two did not lItt\\c :it hoiue. enjoy wish to contact the Mexbnrough selves. yotirselvcs atid our dedication: he takes up a new Branch. The address is. I’. I3. Curtis. is felt trouble all. It to at answer by More the branch was have a very pleasant holiday. living at Whitclitfe next month. We 72 Queen Street. Swinton. Nr Mex- reprcsetitcdrecently at l)arliiigton on their the writer that any effort to bring the shall be sorry to lose hint. but our borough. Yurksliire. ll. Congrattilations branches of the area together socially May great day, his WE AT welcome be will by gain loss it on a great sliow_"ci\-ties," and l and thus strengthen the effectiveness its second celebrates 'l branch he I future pari.shioiier.s. We wisli him all of the area as a whole would warrant \'l’.Rl{ WI? be! \\'e'cm on June 28. and since its l for your lll.‘\PllZlllI_\'. anniversary glad to 7cc in his new appointtiieiit. success from all better Shipmates. support has had many ups and you Ulltct‘ braiiclies givin' we news ot One of our great nicditims of publi- inauguration downs. ’llie loss of otir erstwhile knows smm. ter then we .ycis.,-It". Nevt Meeting city comes to an end in July; that of secretary is another blow. as certainly still alive :iiid kickin' like we the local magazine. However. We still The next meeting will he held at g\oii'iu has founder member. a Hurry. Harry have the local press which has always Havant on August to at I pm. and ,tlo\su yczc. his and worked duties. at tirelessly been very helpful to our cause in the it is hoped to see delegates from soiii: 0}” w°‘“l"'m mum‘ ““‘:l'.""“""l no one has the interests of the THE Ml£E'l‘lNGS at Croydon. all I past. well attetidcd. are carried out of the branches on the western end 1“ "E1 3‘ "‘“Fh_d“ ""°l3"- hm ‘‘ W“ very Association heart. at more Shipmates The branch newsletter is still going with strict business-like elliciency. It. of the area. An invitation to hold an [“°_ml'“' ;‘'l‘'‘‘' M49 "ml “'¥"'~‘"'| '“l‘_l". Branch will be the of Scunthorpe strong and gradually becoming quite realised that because of our frank- area meeting in the western part of _'~'*-‘l C0"l|"l_'L‘ ll‘ PU“ -_*'1['t}k'~‘. 9111‘ ill-s‘ is I his making acquaintance soon. K|l\\'(I\\ .i|\ dUI'lL‘. I‘_ilI|'S I1III'. Y0". a inasterpiece. it is about to get it \:L‘ ness and outspoken:-ss the branch is the arc“ wlyuld be doutfly “-clcony‘-_ wish all and at know. Mexborough attractive l("l‘l- -“"9-_ "5 "°_"¢T bl" ‘W1 Wt‘ 93"‘ face lift in the form of an not well liked by a fe\'.~' but all delegates. Incidentally we would perhaps of thank best luck all the and Harry and cover provided by our very able in common with other bt';tt'tCltL‘>. we retnind you that all shiptuatcs arelau itt‘tllCll(llf W¢_SId€fll ilnd WC \'¢l s‘r_~. for in his etforts the him past. “ml (‘ll '39‘ go-ahcail secretary. are sincere in all our coiuiuents. The welcome at area meetings whetlierl'-"'”“'"l'." i'l‘l‘f'3F'f"° :90 death the sad blow Another was On Saturday. August 30. the branch they are delegates or not, so come '-l*‘!‘':‘ I“ "‘< '79" l-it'll I I“ 5"‘ ft‘-' of Charlie a quiet. Shipmate Higgins, have their social and presentation in.structioiis alum: and SW “.hM tnhns are {wing iivritin that but all of 'etn yere knows of the branch the and of the holder fellow, unassuming “-" ”"‘-'night at (‘beam Social Club. This is an to a delegate are thoroughly made to improve and stibstziiitiate given in Mention and .l).S.!\l..\l. otitstaiiiliiig night: to those branches 'lhen old ‘loin Ilair. our chairman worked out with the view of uphold- rnur association. who recei\e invitations we hope you ‘l)espatclies~~one of the best. He is H i‘ ympm m gin, 3 lm,_\. Ur pm. and \\cll';.i."c otlicer. well ‘isuveet in_ust 1 missed b_v all his shipmates ing the dignity of the Association. will accept or at least let us know The branch is interested in all head- ‘.,(.\‘_.d and ._...m-,m,cd fol-mc.,,“;,,}_. l\_.-_ iti_nnin ot_. ‘snow. wt hospital hcic. if decline. early you “."" W 1-1“ "°ll¢l"5 VIN‘-‘ll 43"” quarters business and hope that the events in this report each qiiartcr.l"""“" heavy expenditure there can be re- and if possible monthly, It has becn:,“l‘ [W WI“ '_“‘“' ‘hill lhk‘ 7"“ ¢l0“'“ duced and that in the near future al found that sortie branches are holdiiig’ -" -‘“”"~"l '" ill“ ‘l‘“-'k\'3“"-l- 5llll credit balance will be shown. We do} ftiiictioiis——social and otliciztl-—-which;"“l““l¥'> l.“‘“'~'l'll"'- “ml Wt-"'~‘l“ l’U”l"' not agree with the methods of in-; others would like to attend and which I-'i=1-‘titer like they \i~lwi‘im-ii do oi‘ vcstmcnts and we feel it would be it‘ are only heard of after the event (in ll"-'1‘ mi‘good thing if branches could have‘ brauch report in Navv i\‘t~'.w.s') or too ()tir standard was on show ag'in .i: FOR LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WITH a copy of the balance sheet prior to late to make arratigcnicnts. If branches .\'euion Abbot and ttlackniorc Vale the audit. At the present time all wotild send their proposed “listurc" dedicatious. zind next wik we‘m goiu' BONUSES LOW accept the balance list to I’. llall.'22 Vale Walk. Worth- otit in girt numbers to a village do. branches LIBERAL CONDITIONS sheet without comment because ing. well in advance (six months if you Then Jul) ll we want all otir shipaccounts have been audited. The like) I will try and put them in chron- mates and their wimmin‘ volk from Naval Personnel normallyhecepted with War and Service risks covered branch is not attacking anyone. but ological order. Remember this report branches round about to come and Ice AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY it does feel that some arrangements must be in the hands of Nttvv'Ni:w.~‘. we. Curl! that ought to be :1 night! could be made that would allow dis- editor by the 18th of each month so If you tellers remembers Portland Head Office for the UNITED KINGDOM: cussion to take place. at least a month's notice is necessary bein' a quiet place. well on July 11 73-76 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON, E.C.4 Activities to increase ntcrnbersliip t if inforination is to be included. The \\'e'eni goin' to alter all that. Yere! Assets to hand is as fol- I’ goin' to stop now and gi' you other are being worked out. We intend inforiiiation For service In the Portsmouth an: contact Mr. W. D. Stayn. I“IiI\tL°W. 374. London (Telephone No. Porurnouth 73490) shortly to visit Dorking Lind to repay Worthing llranch goes tutvcllcrs a chaiicc to lay Zuititiiat. All Road, PORTSMOUTH. Hints. the visit of that branch. Hastings July I}. Children's outing. the best from we to you,
1Ql It.'
we will 33tlttEmllBt‘ "dilitiit
Prtnrc. hr-s.i't't
)v oud
Secretary for ll’Iexb0rough
‘only ‘lows;
BlackpoolRock THIS Zlst‘ Attiiital Conference of the
Royal t\'aval Associatioii was held in the Hotel. imperial Blackpool. on S:iturda_v_ 28th June. The conference was opened His by W'orship The Mayor of Blackpool. Alderman Joseph |t;.rt;¢r_ _i.p__ in the presence of Adntiral of the Fleet Sir John (‘iinuingh:iin. (i_(‘.li.. .\l.\’.0.. nietnbcrs of the .\‘;itiottal Council. I38 delegates and some 80 visitors, ineliiding some 20 ladies. lti his presidetttial address Sir John _\|r_ ._\'ii_-hols is head. I’. (Q. lleslop .§-, comnictitcd on the growth of the Co.. uere appointed for the ensuing Associatiori: no fewer than 27 branches j veal‘. had been opened during the year under ‘ Before Hm liiuclicon recess the F6‘-'is‘W. with _the r_esult.itit increase in lilackpool delegate asked for the floor menibcrship. lhe iitcrease in iiicitiber- ; and presented the President with a stick 5h!l"- 51'3"‘ llmlltlh I! IN. Wits most grati- of rock. This was tio ordinary’ stick of fying. but. he said. this is no time [or rock. for it was carried in by four Sea complacency and he appealed to all Czidcts. it being 8 in. in diameter. and delegates to make fttrtlter efforts togsome 3 ft. long and weighing 28 lb. increase the lllt.'l'I‘Il‘<.'f>hlt'l.He cotigratu-I Delegates and coum_~i| we.-¢ chic.-. late_d Nu. I0 Area oti its great ellorts. t:iincd to ltiiieli by’ No. l0 Area. during _the past four_ years. during The ;ifiernooii session wax occupied '
ti I\\'hlL‘h _tirne they had W l‘#‘t-‘Wits’
front near the zliird largest 1 ""5"-'""!1}‘ Arca._in membership. in the coiiiitry. i Speaking any the tiitancizil aspects of the Assoeititioii. he said that by the eml of this eomiiig _\ with tltc increased siibscriptioiis lwillg taken into aecotiiit. it scented that the .-\ssoei:iiion accouiits would be "ottt of the red."
by" the discussion on l.‘v motions accepted by the Stamliiig ()l’(li.‘l.\ (‘ominittce ..-\ motion zisking that reunion
tickets should bg issued as ltcictoforc with the e\ccption that those biaitehcs who i'ci:ei\ed no tickets the previotis year should be given prcfereitve was carried. A motion asking the :\dtiii:'alty' to the recognition of c.\-Nasal lleadqiiancrs (‘liili Associations was carried. lle appealed to delegates to stand (.‘oventry' asked (‘onference to apby their elected members of the prove that in future full data concerncotincil. who were doing :i ditlicitlt job ing nominees for election to Council very well. The headqiiartcrs cltib was ,should be promulgated. This was now trading much more .~.atisfactorily.1 carried. and he looked fonvzird opiiniistically to A motion asking that the Secretary the Club becoming a financial asset to ;lo the Council should visit Areas at the Association. The _l’residcnt's ad- ‘ least every other year was carried. dress “as received with acclanizition. Conference carried Itn:Inllllt'ills‘l)' a The Standing Orders eominittee in its motion requesting an tipproacli be report recommended that all motions I matte to the Government regarding rereceived should be printed in tlte of dockyztrd I.'lltplti_\’t.'L‘S btit agenda. only those motions so made redundant by recent cuts. annotated should be debated. This 2 Conference threw out a motion seekrecoiiiniendation- was received with ing to increase Area capitation fees. £lCClElll'IiIll0fland adopted iinaninioiisly. (‘onference also agreed to continue In the biannual election for half the with the NAVY Nt=.\\'s as its jotiriial. elected members of the Council, the A motion seeking to reintroduce a following were elected: C. Wheeler. club membership fee for headquarters No. l Area: A. G. Legg. No, 3 Arm; club was heavily defeated. H. Webb. No. 4 Area: and H. W. Friendly Criticism Brandon. No. 5 Area. 'l'he Scottish Area representative will be elected If anything. this year's (‘onfcrencc later. was notable for the friendly way in The minutes of the Twentieth which criticisms were offered and the Annual Conference were accepted acceptaiicc that members should tliemand signed. selves make greater efforts to increase The following reports. having been the membership of the R.l\'..»\. circulated. were adopted: (‘h.1irniati's On Siinday morning. June 2‘). the report. Secretziziry to the (‘oiincil'.s re- dedication of No, 10 Area standa_rd port. lloit, 'l‘re:isiitcr's report. iiigelltcr took place in the Tower Circus. with with the atinital aceoiints and peiisions .the .\l:iyor of Blackpool atid Sir John sub-committee report. Cunningham in attendance. ‘I here were Mr. Nicliols. head of the .-\.ssoei:i- sortie 80 standards in attendaitee. 'l he llUt'|'S attditors. :IdtJl’i:ssi.‘tl ('tin|'cn_-ncct standard was dedicated by the l.ord on Associatioti finances generally: his Bishop of l.ane:i.ster. After the dedicaL'.\lft.‘l1tt.‘l)‘ interesting address was re- ition delegates and inenib-.-rs from the ceived with acclamatioit. llis recom- siirroiiiiding area headed by niassed mendatioits with regard to rciri\e.~.t- stantl;ird.s marched to the ('cnotapli. ment of certain .-\ssociation were where Sir John laid the .-\ssoeiation wreath. A guard of honour came from adopted ncm. con. The chartered accoiintanis-. or which ;from Strctton. as also did one band.
Photo: Durham Adirrrirrr
Rear-AdminilHutton pinning brooch on Mrs. Jane Steel A bigger surprise was in store when ‘happier times in the ll.O. which costs AT 'l'l-ll-I June Branch Meeting in the "Dun ('ow" Inn. shipmates of the members were informed that the us precisely nothing to run! l)iirliaiii Branch took part in a person who was taking over the 1 in me pleasatit ceremony wlicrein the nianagcrship of the inn where we "um M} m“ much th‘ I I" ‘'m Presideiit. Rear-.-\ R. .\l. J. have otir H.Q. was none other than lluiion. ('.ll.. (‘.B.l€.. R..\’. presented Shipniati: _.lack Pearce himself! ln tltis I.'.l‘liI|"l'§_k‘I'll-l\_\'C(l the Darlington l_)ctlicaMine Hostess Mrs. Jane Steel with we are singularly fortunate as Jack tioit in .\l;iy'—wcll done l)ar|ingtoii. .nothing was overlooked. an cxqtiisitc brooch and rings toland his Wife Doris are well knowti 'to us all and will nt:ike popular Before this will appear in print we tnatch. This marked the last occasion when publicans. They took over on June 7will have been to the Annual ConI‘) and Jack has grown a lovely “set" .ferencc. About 10 of us are doing the _.\lrs. Steel would wait on its as she is retiring and it was our way of to mark the occasion. Blackpool trip in style as it is within We are looking forward to even easy reach of us. saying "Thanks."
H.‘ .
.r,'“,hclr Lin" _
thy) _
Ilecticijllonth a
Boarding party from Ashtord before going alongside .\'eiv Romney
VERY hectic month in
~‘.'.$.*f- s}‘.?.'§II:ii"“;f..."“£i‘2i:iiZ:
UNCF. .-\(j.-\It\‘ the Royal l.eaniing- ’Warwick. Had luck Stratford ltr:ttic!t.'“"°“'~l‘'*' ""3 J‘"J""‘l Ran)’ and in (‘hathant Barracks. Some ion Spa branch. R.N..-\.. in coniiiction next vear perltaps you will be able to_.Seriicc 200 sliipniates sat down to tea afterwith the l.eamington Boys Club held make’ the grade. l It was due to haid work and loyal ’wards with the (.‘.-in~(‘.. the Nore. to tlieir'.»'\niiti:il l-"etc on \\i"l’lil-.\lH1'ltJ'.l}'.. and as usual we were blessed with support from all that this year the bid him farewell on his retirement. Chathani. for the line jackpot was hit. and we anticipate 'x.\i:|ll)-' thanks. lovely weather. A crowd of tipproxttnately 5.000 being some £250 better (ill in our spread. and entertainment afterwards. attended. The Fete was opened by branch funds. We are grateful to Hit." ()n June I we tied up alongside ; Doier branch for the Annual Dunkirk His Worship the .\l:iy'or. Shipniate ladies for their help. Our next big event will be the Iservice. and here again we must say Frank Gundry‘ and his good lady‘. lnvitations were sent to various Naval Ball on September 26. I958. a big tlianl.-you to Duvet‘. The highlight of this month. was branches of the R.l‘\'.A. to take ad- All armngenicnts are now ;when a boarding party of otir Mess. vantage atid help their own funds. and our target is 400 attending. Well done Letiminglon Spa—thc went alongside New Romney for their These were taken tip by branches front Coventry. I-{enilworth and Fairy Godmother branch of the area! Zlst birthday dinner. A six-foot silver key. made by our chairman (Shipmatc .Philpott) and the painting of the _
R..N.t).('..-\. badge was rtkilfullycarried
yice-president tShipniate tl)on .\ltirr.iy'). and was handed over
Sl’l'l‘lllZ.-\l) l’llF.:\S.-\N‘l' was one of THF. DORKING branch have had ito the president of New Romney a lively time_dui'ing the past the games played wlicn “W ~'"‘l- ll‘-it -NI ‘ht? kc) Branch entertained sltipmates ti'or_ii months. Our ilancing _.season inc (‘h§t_-ht.--;i._~r and ltognor Rt2gI\'.Illf'll§hL‘t.l for a while. These events " H‘ \l‘’*‘-We were very" pleased to meet Shipllranches oti .\la_\' 3l. lititertaintiicrits ‘always seem popular with the general .n'iate Bill (Bower (chairman of No_ 2 given by the l-l:iv;iiit Branch were gptiblic. We stipporteil the Purley ‘Area) and the four members of followed by popular singing by the tsilver jubilee. and by the time this is printed. the branch would have had (iilliiigham branch. who were at the chairman of the Chiclicstcr Brancli. also Shipniate Yaxlcy (pastAt the conclitsion the chairman of the pleasure of visiting "new boys" !\laidstone branch) and his ,prcsident the Bognor Regis Branch thanked Titanic. 5 good lady’. We have lhe annual children's Shipmaid .\trs. V. Croft. the Havant Plans are going altead for a coachBranch hon. social secretary. and outing. this time to Bognor. then oit others responsible for the organisation. to the Brighton branch‘s head- load for the presentation at the Hotel. Ciillingham. They were pleased to elect a new Iquartcrs for tea. looking forward to Admiral I8.Elliot Stand by Gillingham to ,on July shipmate at the meeting on June 3 -meeting our friends at Brighton zigain. ‘catch our heaving line. and shipmates, Our branch meetings seem to be when Shipmate 0. J. George.was give your names to the secretary, to accepted into membership. They were holding interest still. with an average swell the numbers going. also happy to hear Sltipmatc H. C. of 22 attending. if by any chance the (‘rol'l. the welfare otlicer. announce N/wv Nli\\'S finds its way on board Finally‘. our recruiting campaign is that Shipmate C. A. Sadlcrs‘ health H..\l.S. Newcastle. I would like to tip to standard. one new member per take the opportiinity of passing the meeting. Keep it up shipmates. We was improving. As they have not been able to branch's best wishes on to .lini,C:trr welcome Sliipmate Ern Bodkin as obtain tickets for the annual reunion i(.\lech.i/C. I’/KX.8‘)l(ill. lU2 .\less)_ our latest new ntenibcr. Hc'i<l be the hon. soci:il secretary has been ilioping to meet hint again soon, So. pleased to see old ships. if you are requested to investigate other possible not forgetting. we are only too pleased anywhere near the_ Flying llorse entertainments for the branch after to meet :iny shipmates in the area. all ismardeii. .-\t'ter 22 years in lltc lthe best from Dorking. the parade and Cenotaph service. I.-‘\ndre\v he'll have a lot to talk about.
Will’ ll i h fi ' < n¢' l h 41"l l d ' _ l 1 | ‘ l t = hl l t : l " :11“!!! hili‘“{j“}“
UIN N ESS in every port Guinness is good for you the world
VEIlNON’S ANNUAL SP0llTS BAY THE H..\I.S. Vernon Athletic Sports held recently at the R.N. were llarracks Recreation Ground. The weather was favourable. but a hcadwind tended to atlcct the times. The results were as follows:
July. I953
Himalayan Expedition
BRITISH/Pakistani l"-‘orces Himalayan Expedition, under the leadership of Captain M. E. II. hanks. Royal Marines, the main body of which left Lynchani by R.A.l-‘. Comet on April 25, has now assembled all its
I00 rllshi LS. Due on, tl.~t sec. 220 yards: All. Denver (‘W’). 25.4 sc:_ 4-40 vards A.l!. ncnvcr IW). 53.15 sec. ti80_ 3-anti: LS. I‘.uinn (D), 2 min. 21.4 see. one mile: /t.ll. Hutton (D), 3 min. -tr-J we. (record). 3.000 metres: 1.5. Futon (D), to man. l0.S ice. Three miles: LS. Paxton (1)). In i-mn. 2.t.S we. (record). I20 yards
Royal Navy and two Pakistani oflicers
Sportsman of the Month
A.ll. .l. (JOHNNY) D. STACE was horn in London in I938 and whilst very young was evacuated to Sussex. He first learnt to swim in I951. joining first the llexhill Club and later the I-Iastings Swimming Club. and with both clubs won several junior championships at breaststroke. ln I953. aged 15. he played water polo for Sussex Juniors (under 18) and while still at school as well as representing that County at athletics also played football for llexhill Town. The saute year he joined the Navy as a Boy Seaman and had his first inService swimming when ti'odiict_ioii to swimming for the Portsinoiith Comrii:ind in I95-I. _'I'hc following year whilst on the l-ar East Station he won the 200 and
-joining in K:irachi—and proceeded front Karachi to Kzirakoran and thence to the base camp which is at an altitude of 10,500 ft. at the foot of In in, lliirh itlmni l‘..A. \\’isrnun (EL 5 ll. 2 it! Mount Rakaposbi (25,550 ft.). The lunar iurtm: I. S. l)c:\ (ll). Ill It. l in. Thlulhlfll the I-ll\\'Il\. lirut -('d.'. (iitbcrt (H). ‘M It. 3 in. No. 1 Camp has since been estab'lhrmun>t thr iavctin: (LA. l-‘cmuion (0). I5‘! ft. lished at 17.000 ft. trtiutdl. Pnttina the shot: (LA, Mittrr 5.1 tr. ‘I in. hirouin: the ti.-imincr: Permission to attempt the conquest \\'4Il.'J\ltI:I(W), Th fl. st in. Hop. ocp and jump: of this peak. now the lixpetlition's .\ ll, .\int~.:-.\iiiiui (ll), hi ft. 3) in. ‘tin: ol max: main target, was not received until the. t.; 2, llccpviatct. party reached K:irachi—l)istegliilSar (ll —llecla and Invincible: l-I—-Elec. 0.5.868 fl.) had previously been the and Slt[‘It'€.I l)~ —l)eepwater: Wdeclared objective. \\':irrior; () —0rdnance; 'l ('1 rials :iiid the nariie means Rakaposhi Tetttlcrs‘; S~-Supply :ind Sec.; V-— "Necklace of Clouds"—is orte of the VC.\'tlVttls'. ENG-—l;iigineers; SL—-Sub. 'lhc mile in progrcst! and most formidable unhighest Lieiitenaitts.) climbed mountains in the world. The Wrens‘ Successful Day only route to the summit is along the The Aggregate Trophy was won by very diflicult and long knife-edged Hecla and Invincible Division with a S.W. Ridge. ()N 'l‘UESl).-'\Y. May 27. the Lord total of 84 points. The sports had a .\l:iyor of l.ondon. Alderman Sir popular Victor Ludoruin in LS. Dennis 'l'ruscott, accompanied by Paxton (23 points). who won two Lady '|'ruscott and their three strenuous long-distance races, one of daughters. visited (‘hathani as the which in record time. together witlt guest of the (.'oinm:indcr-in-Chief.The tltc 880 yards race. All this in a twoNore. Admiral Sir lirctlcrick I’:irliatn. hour spc|l—:i remarkable pcrforin‘After civic digiiitaries :ind Wren Wayman was tltc out- Sllll‘S AND aircraft of the Indian. visitirtg meeting the Territorial standing sportswontan of the day. Pakistan. Ceylon and Royal Navies (ierilrc. where(iillinghain he had served as l with siiccesses in each of the five Wrens‘ combined last month to take lieutenant in the in Royal Artillery. the levents, {She was Iirst in the 80 metres an ztnti-stibmariite exercise part Lord and his .\t:i_\'or named party liinclicd at hurdle»; and high jump. second in the "Jet." based llonse. Trincoinalee. ’l'hc .-\dniiralt_v £lIlCl’lltlt)n'§ oit llltl yards and third in the long jump included visits to Nore Some of the supporting niarilime prograinnte and javclin. The results were as .\laritimc the Headquarters. W.R.N.S. aircraft which took part are on follows : and St. quarters George's Church in I00 \.\td\I \\'rrn \'-'elvb_ Hf.‘ see H0 fllCltC\ the aircraft carrier ll.M.S. lliilwark. hurdle‘: \\'rcn \\‘, tr..2 ice. loniz rump: one of six llrilish ships under the R.N. llarracks. ll..\l. Ships l)nncansWren .\-l:-ton, ll It. dill. lat-elin: l...'\\'rcn WilHead. Relentless (both p:irt of the ‘mn. ‘Is It. 7 III. llixti liimrr \\'rcn \\'.uriun. command of Vice-Admiral Sir H. by I It. -I in. trcuml), K.ll.l:'.. ('.ll.. l).S.0.. (C.-in~C. Cliatliaiii l)ivi.\ion of the Reserve tlliggs. .\lrs. E. A. llliiiidell. the wife of tliast Indies). who flies his in Fleet). (‘hichester and Thule. llag A practice run of the Chatham [the Captain of H..\l.S. Vernon. kindlv ‘H..\l.S. (iainbia. 'Consentctl to present the prizes and During the second half of .lune. l-'ie|d (iun's Crew was staged for the trophies. g ships of the Far East l-leet exercised party while they were in R.N. under l-10.2 Far East (Rear-Admiral llarraeks. l.. (3. l)urlacher.C.B.. () l).S.C.). CULI-' The visit to H..\l. STM Thule was The Ilonie Air (‘oniinand annual In addition to the llritish cruisers carried otit itt ('ommandcr-in-Chief's meeting is again being held at Little ll..\‘l.S. Gambia aitd H..\l.S. New- barge and was followed by :i short Aston, Strcet|ey_ Stalls, on July 24 foundland, two Royal Navy sub- trip up the river to Tliundcrholt Pier and 25. Entries should he forw:irded marines. ll.M.S. Tudor and H.;\l.S. where cars were waiting. to Surg.-(‘dr.(l)) W. Turnbull. R.N. Alaric. the destroyer H.M.S. Cheviot. The visit concluded with tea at Air Station, llramcote by July 15. and the frigates ll.M.S. Loch Fyne Admiralty House after which the I-Z. .\l. 'l‘runt—-3rd in the pole vault party All details are given in ll..'\.('.S.l.57. and ll..\l.S. Ulysses also took part. returned to London. _
hurdles: .\.tl. Arncit-Snuth
(ll). l7.ti ac. Diviuunal rctn‘: In-cmutcr. 4 min. I.‘ 2 \'ctcI’.In\' race: I. l.icut.-(‘dr. llrown: '2, Mr l.eirir.\tt. Pole Vault: I-I.A. \\'i\rnIan (E), 9 It
.-— i
jl’Imru: “l.'n'Iiin,-,v N.-wt" I'mI.i.i-rmurli
-100 metres chariipionsliips and represented the Navy at water polo in the
litter-Services championships held out there. On returning to l-Ini.-.Iand in 1956 he again represented the Portsmoiitli Cotnmand. but this time in the btIttcrfly stroke. I-le succeeded in winning the ('onuii:ind chaiiipionships and being rimiier-up in the Inter-
Command. in I957 he
under the wing of the Navy Swimining (.‘o;iclI (l’.(). ()gdeii) and gave the latter much pleasure by wiiuting the Portsmouth. Coinniand. N.iv_v and llainpsliiie came
(‘ouuty chainpionships. being the l’lttl'l‘It't_\ltlfC (‘ounty record holder in huttcrtly. lle also holds the records for this stroke of the llastings :iiid (iuernsey Pools. lle represented the Navy iii the ltttcr-Services cliatnpionsliips in I05!» and I957 and also represented llanipshire. l‘his
he has hettcred his I-hiinpsliire huttcrtly record hy three seconds and in competition has equalled the Navy record in the I00 yards free style and beaten the Navy record in the huttcrtly. In spite of his successes Johnny has still reniained the modest. utiassuming character with the cheerful grin known to many in his earlier days. lie is now serviiig in l’l..\l.S. (‘cnt:iur. .\'c:t.\on
-._i2r5 _
WE WANT PRACTICAL MEN Hollerith make clcctronic computers and the well-known Hollerith electro-mechanical and clcctronic punched card accounting machines. We started with ten cmployccs in 1907 and employ 8,000 today. Prospects are outstanding, and we know how to reward ability. In fact, we are a good firm to work forstablc, yct constantly expanding. There are excellent openings for practical men who have their feet on the ground. First, we have vacancies for Assistant Engineers in electronics and for Prototype Wiremen in our Stevcnagc, Hcrts, We
electronics factory. The work involves making and testing electronic computcrs and electronic data processing
Second, it’s interesting work. It’s bound to bc. Thcrc’s no dull, mass—
production routine in our business. So thcrc’s all the scope in the world for the man who wants to get on. All promotion, by the way, is on merit. Third, the money is excellent. You’ll come in for our Pension Scheme and other amenities. If you’re interested, just write with details about yourself, to:
equipment. We also have vacancies for» Field Engineers. If you are 18 ‘to 30: have workshop experience or have served an apprenticeship in electrical engineering either as a Fitter or Instrument Maker, you could become an expert in the maintenance of Hollerith equipment in use with our customers. If you are selected you will receive a ycar’s training in Hollerith field engineering at our training establishment at Lctchworth, Hcrts.
twzmagcr, 'l'rai'm'iig and P‘l'$0llllo.‘f Di'ttr3i'on
TheBritishTabu1atingMachineCoLtd 17 Park Lane,
Hollerit AIGD
-good people to
work for
London, W.t
_. .
July. 1958
N.-‘I \’\'
|ii.its. Collingwood
Swimming and Witter Polo WE HAVE only beett able to play one more game of water polo since last going to press and that was against
Tl-2CllNl(.‘l»\NS recruited bi‘ Tllli \Tt).\tlC \\’F.t\Pt).\'.s‘ Rl-'.SI£AR('ll I-.S'I‘i\lll.l.\ll.\ll;Nl‘. Al,I)l-.RMA.\'It)N ill-IRRSIIIRI; to unit in rt ici:_tion CI'HlJL'l'd on the plannlnr. i.k'\i-.-ri and pro.
Seientixts requirement» of .1 wide cqiiirmiciit includini: t.'|\lI. rtt:c.'i.1nic:il and electrical cneinceiiiii: plant: to
rattitc iit iiorlu services and
Dtiedalus to whom we went down 6-]. However. in the swimming: match which followed. we iitaiizitzetl to show the air types the way home. Cricket Some lteailivay has been niaile in ntouldiiii: a tearit since the last "news" report. In the Conimantl knock-oiit competition we beat R.N.B. in the tirst round and we look forward to nice!ini: Dolphin in the nest. Up to date we have had it ganics this season. winning fotir. drawini; two and losing live.
to \llD€I\I\L' tcmlcr dr.1viinir\ and ‘DCslII\‘2IIt)n\ and to lie rexpomihle under .1 l’rolcuioi-i.-it
Inirinccr lot the
xuttseiiiisjnt imizittatiiiri
ciminiiwtiniiis: [cats til equipment
to and
tIur_ii1it trials ahiiiatl. and lot the Siiperiiuiin oi Maintenance in htiildinin containini: r:iilio-:icti\e and CXDII"|VC1_ rti.1tcri'.-ilt. A rccoitnturit CflRlh' certni: :ipriicntii:c\l'tin required, and lI..\'.C. or niiiiinlrnt in the anpriipriate cnkinecrine lield.
pf-1s‘Il\'.'II cxpcriciicc neceuzirr in the liittoiiing: :tjrler.'ition_ divtrihutiiin and lIIlII\.1IIl‘Il of electrical ciicrirv, I.C.l£. htiitvile izencraiinig sets.
nickel iron and lead acid I‘:tIICIt<\, cooling and IIf_\‘\lDdIIlUI'II|'|II er-iuipn-ierit and the iuiininit and m_.-iintenrincc oi mes: items. The pint calls for .-i Illlh \Iand:!¢I ot technical iudirrnent. initiative and
a£Il|'lI8IN_lII_}‘.and experience with me.-ti.-ttiieat. electrical. civil and Ileld eqiiirtrriciit abroad \_\\7I)IliI he__mn\id¢rct.I tin ttdvrintaite. Salary‘: i._l.t).‘o-£l.2.0 i:i.a. Coritribuiorv Siipcmnniiation Scheme. A home or iiuutririce tiiviardi taut :1. Dcmex
Sports Day
house purchase
will be aiatlabtc for
tiltwerp I|Vll'I.I_ beyond _d.iiti- travelling l'tJ5'lC{\RI).5 tor anptieaiiiin The weather was glorious on Weil- dltiance. to the Senior Recruitment tltllcer at aboic lorms .'lI.ILIIt\\_ nesday Itiiie I8, when we held otrr Please quote rct. A.‘lT03.':n5. married
Classified Advertisements may be
placed at: Gale & Poldcn Ltd.. Nelson llonse. Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth. its well its til the Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth. Private .-\dver1iserticnts. 3d. per word: minimum. 25. Trade .-\d\i.-rtiscnients. 4d. per word; minimum. 45. Name and addres of advertiser must accompany each
Box Number. 9d. extra. The Inclusion at any advertisement cannot be guaranteed. nor responsibility accepted for any errors or omissions.
‘tel: i‘ert~m-yuth 73976 husband. hointv rate. A C-\nip.i.-iv iii the llayter Groupiinliirrtisticd Itiitnc ttcc. |'rcterahL\M xm-ill children. but not Ito: of 'lh: Amtin t'<-epic Hl.‘.‘l3\35).' "N.i\y .\'ew.\." TIIIL \\llItl.l; P~‘lL\V R.\.\IGIi OI’ Al‘Sl'I.\S i).\' I)lS‘l’L.-\\' RI-ZQUIRI-Zl) 1-)‘ .\tr. John \\'m.1. I~‘00‘I'.\~l.\.\‘ ham. hood my and t.Ill‘A,lII\ll"I\. Mi-st siiitabic Ito-tin .U'~ -I-doi-r saloon, filled for eit~ollleer't steward. or person \\tll| sonic l‘:f'- healer and wrecnuasherc. low mileltnowlcdite of lootnian's duties in large home.age. one carelul orincr. colour court inged feet. closely followed by Fred. Am?) the Secretary, I'i.-tvteriti llouic, Susiex. rte)’ £50.‘ the local runner. I050 Ainitn A30 4~itoor dc lure saloon. titted heater. cotour pale blue £475 For the 1.222 entries received for Standard 6 -t-do-tr lIII.X7l'|..I'IIltd I953-$4 the track and field events. three days heater and iiirig niirr-mt milealc. of heats were run before the follow£395 :eniiine._ 27.000: colour lit)’ I956-.".‘ .\Iil1Ill1 A3.‘ ‘.'.-door saloon: immaresults ing were determined: culate ptndllillfl throiirhoui. titted 00 YOU duire hotiie I1|Ifl€l\IIlr'.' \\‘l1v pa) revrnme linhti; giiliitil bloc £525 I00 )'rml.t'.—-I..E..\l. Ross. Il).6 secs. eaceuive rent‘) tloinc Dl«ll’~IlI\€ \\lIIl rndovi. l'l.‘0 R-iicr ..<. A \('rv umnd car in
show by the combined bands carrying otit the ceremony of Beat Retreat. The Veti:raii‘s Race drew a record ntimber of entries and it was quite something to see a certain very senior ollieer nipping up the track in stock-
wile about 15 Corntortalile
pct vied:
.. .
230 ,\'lIT¢I.V."'I.
\l. Ross. 22.7
reduced lD0_per cent.
menl auiirancc Mllh prciitiunis allotment emurei security for the
Doehcrty. 52.7
-$40 yitiili-.—R.E.A. secs.
hi t'I1\'lI
Rust: tuit I’t't.'I rtoziii.
I20 Iltirilli's.—-Inst.-I.ieiit. Bailey, l6.9 secs. 440 Ilurilli-s.——R.l-‘...»\. l)oclterty. 59.5 secs. 3,000 i'\Ii.'l'rt'.s' .'>'lt't'I1It'i.'/titst'.—.'\pp. TO LET Elkins. lt mins. 7.2 secs. l’um'ui.- the ll/i-ii.vIir.—lnst.-l.ieut. T“'0_l-'URNI$lIED ROOMS in Tel. iii: of ham and tiitchcri. Separate coottcr.» ‘limit, to \\'.,.,4. Grindlcy. 37 ft. 1 in.
llamim-r.-lnst.-Lieut. Everett. I18 maneote Road, Milton. soiithica. 'l\\‘0 I-'UR.\'l.‘i'Ill-II’) ROOMS. use of tvathri-mm ft. 2 ins. kitchen. J5 Gatcxiinbe Aienuc. PortsJavelin.-—-App. Crotty. I57 ft. to ins. and mouth. Di.icii.r.—-App. C rotty. I20 ft. 4 ins. \lAC.\.\T. one or two “Cd[i\q\fl](, Iiiins-room, Lim_i: Jtmip.—I..E..\l. Ross, 20 ft. ltttchrns Kitiitt, 2‘) Aticnti-rzc Road, soiiinim, I0; ins. R00.\L\‘ tlurni-bed). 1CI'll2\ nioderatt. Iliglt Jrmip,—liisl.-I_ictlt, \V.i rrcn. 'l'\\'0 .\'o linen ur cut.‘ery.—3 ‘ICt’\‘IUI|.' Road. Port‘. 5 ft. 9 ins. mouth. Ilii/i..S‘1i-p&.’HIl'l[7."\I. .\l;1son. 40 fl. 3 ins. I’n!i' l’iiuIt.——l’...-\. Scotltern. 9 ft. —
AUGUST ISSUE In order that the August 'I‘u;,'-ii/-ll'iir.—Vcrnoii & Hector. issue of “Navy News" may be \\'.R.\‘.S. Events available to readers before the? lt)() _vunl.t.——Wrcn Kniglil. I3 Secs. August Bank Holiday, it will! Hi',i:IiJrimp.——Wren' .\lilIer. I.wi,u Jmiip.———Wri:n Waters. be issued on Thursday, July 31, Jm~i'Ii'n.—l../ Wren White. instead of Thursday, August 7. 4 it lt0 ,\'urrl.i' Iiii-iriiriim R:-!a)'.—— Contributors are asked to R..\l.ll. I-iastney. 58.8 sees. send articles, etc., to reach l)i\-isiottzil placinizs were as follows: I.---Vernotl 8'. Hector, llatesoii. lliditor by first post .\‘Ionda_v,, ‘)3 pts. 21. 5 3.—.\liddleton. 92 pts.
4.~W:ill.'er. 91} pts.
Careers in Engineering Company for ex-Royal Navy skilled craftsmen as Fitters, Turners, Milling machinists, etc. Good working conditions and rates of pay in new factory. Apply Personnel Officer-
Fitzherbert Road,
Farlington. PORTSMOUTH
At your service
"~I.‘I[DIA'IT. IIIRH-I’I'RC}I.\SI:. AND I.\'SI‘RA.\'CIi FACILITIES All arranernientt riiadc Cr ears for door! Are you :tt-out to mom from abroad? Why not drop a line and have a car Iaittnir for you. At.‘ arrani-cmcnu matte lit in few hours. Pier.-t of Hire Car: also suitable. "lIA\'l’l1RS l‘t)R Ul'Al.i'IT USED CARS" II. .\t. A. l.'I'I)..
I('I(\'|\I\‘|‘t. radio and electrical I‘ll§lfl€‘\ loi \.'|IL' by retiring Cl-fIiI\'lI proprietor. Good :innotntei.t . . . 2_I(.'D€l€1 held. Ifld_ more available it reuiiiri.-it. Izxeellent opni-rtunity tor youneer man. Price. I|'|\‘II|t-“fl! freehold r-remixes with living :ie.-o¢iiTlll-Z 0\'lill-SIX Cl.L'll. ll»: .ti-.'idr:-1 ishmc modation. t.1.‘t'|0. Stud; at vaIu:ition.»—llo\ 01 parents are nyiay. l~‘iit: ctnritc talrrl tor ton: ''.\':\y .\'ciss." and short rieriodt. r'ttili.lrcn itttcndinn hnardinr school, tor all I‘)IJIIdI).V.".‘SI$. bctiuticlit. tl TAXIS.--/\i.n. Plione -H01, 7I24t'I. :4-hour tetGrove Road. Haunt. \icc.—l0 llidc Pat). Road tczmc (iuil..lh.i:!l.
pearl xrrv and an:eloD¢........ £80‘) I7 New l95it ltiitman dc tuite saloon. Manuniatii: chit.-ii. pearl grey and tea trern [366 2 Sen I'l.‘h Itirlrtiart dtorihead convertible coupe. pipp.n reil £398 7 .\‘cvi 1'15.» Htllfllilfl CIIIIC car. rht gun. red iinriiilttcry £935 I7 I957 Ford new Prelect ulmn de lure. Itlfutl-‘:\I'. iiitli grey upholstery. hra..r. riiiihcttiihcrs. ovetridcrs £550 1*" \\'-\‘-:.:t' l.‘ 50 uloori, colour trey, with red leather imhoiitery. heater, =;tr.-rtiiaxricri. timhelliahcrs £580 I057 Rapier .ia:oon_ _rci.l and rrcv. heater. radio. sun inor I395 tiafi, lliimt-rr llault saloon dc lure. blue. -iiith ml lr.ithe.' iiphotitety and inicrs--.r ['A‘il\I1Cd walnut tinish. over.
dme. heater £825 l"f.‘ llttiman lliitkv :\IJIC ear. lawn and xrev, \\III\_I'(II upliolitery, heater ...£5t5 l‘?.‘3 tltttman .\lmx Mk. V satoon. black. vitili lawn iiphotitery £425 I953 Ford Prefect -t-door satoo black. viitii red and lawn iiphohtery. heater £335 I952 ltiimhrr Ilault iatoon. colour pastel blue. with fun leather upholstery £42.‘ Several other used cars in stock ti. .\l. A. l.TD.. (‘irate Road South. soiitluea l'tii-nc Pommouth 2lNi .
Have Vacancies for
SKILLED ELEGTIIIIML AND MEEIIANIOAL IMDAII‘ FITTEES * Good rates of pay. -k Congenial and pleasant working conditions * Pension scheme after qualifying period. * Excellent Canteen. * Train and bus service adjacent to factory. * Assisted
Apply in person or in writing to Personnel Manager at
Main Dcatcri l.i,- Ri\.itc< Products Ill‘.\llll;R. lIll.l .\lA.\‘. SIJNHIEAM .\.\'n t'ti.\l.\lF.R Phone l-‘ortunooih 2|:-3 New 'i'l.-‘J- llitlnian de luxe ta‘-ooit.
the above address
A sound
7'§'% p.a.
The ideal SAVINGS SCHEME for the Royal Navy
l~'J'}'t-i(.‘l$ and
Sums of £10 and upwards in allotments accepted
shipped.-_—\\'hitc k (‘o_
.\.l‘:th Ltld lt:n.tio.-i. I'dlL\lI'ti)Itlh. l'hiit:e
‘fill: llt)\'AL .\'\\‘.\l. .\$S()Cl.\Tl0.\' (Gin. port ll:-.iri.tii, up l'.1n-ham Road. Lane main hall ittio it. \ .‘-: It.) is available tor titrc_ tor print: or\i.;‘ on Monday. ‘litudar and \\cilnc~d.iv Jltcttlivons or eieninet at n!I\L'f1It.' tc:mx, .i\t?nii.-aiiona should lie nude to the Menard .-it rihoic address between ll am. and 3 pm. or It not. and It n.ni_ COR\'|11'l}2. ll.hI.~'. IlR\'0N\' ANNUAL Rl~Il‘Nl().\'. T-\ h: liefil on October Ill, zit the Punch lloo-:_ Norris Street, llaytitrirlel. lotiiton. s.\\'.l. l‘o.- ilctaiti. \\inttict l. R. Putter. ll Ute lime. Ctiingtiinl, Liiridiin. E.-l.
tro.-ii new; niloiir black (285 N38 ltittnian Min: to n.p, drop-head ct-iiric: liflv clean car £95
oozed. m.n;il. mckrd.
N45 Aiixtin in h. saloon: one ovtncr its per cent, to IOIIIV—trot-n new £3l0 Write tor lull particulars viithivut ithtiuatiim to I‘!-t.‘ Austin to h.p. qtoon. tiiio owners S. V. Norm,
3 ins. 4 X III) Yilrila‘ -36.4 secs.
xixiil .-.-t-iii.tition' colour black
Ilccchvioiid .-\\¢nu¢_ 880 )‘ttrrls'.—-R.I3.:\. l)oclii:rty. 2 Watcrlooiiilc. "(i\t\t‘.t)l)n," llartts. mitts. 3.5 secs. Modern serriktclacticil home. 3 hed1 .'t!ili-.——R.E..\t. Sincock. 4 ntins. 12.100. roomt, bathroom, 2 separate Inlleh. ciin~crv.i56 secs. tory. nine. nice garden. 2 tariri: l_l.\'(nIii\n mom. 3 Milt-.i'.—App. Bevan. l6 mins. 36 and kitchen; near harbour .-ind main centre-,— ll-mi-'n. lb Carlton
.\lAt.\‘ ROM). r(lR'lS\lOl“nl. ()I\I'C\I.'|I\II\hC|I
sports. This fact. no doubt. contri~ hor.e.1l and cheerful niarricd A, 1.‘. Il\\ITIR I SONS tPorlticItrI') LTD" |lARI)W()l_lKl.\'G_. hiitcd to such a successful day. which coii_p:e required: miitlit iuit ti diuhlcil cit-Service ‘:4-ll): r.t\t..\tERSl‘0.\‘ ROAD. was wound tip by (I \ery instructive ratinit. llouie iicrir Blandlord. Wile fllllnl ht xooit took and husband able to do icdcnurr S4)L"l‘1lSEr\ fire liitlttiniz display and :in excellent INK. -No heavy vioik or ii.-irdcri uorl. \\'.\3c\.'
Interest paid without deduction of Income Tax on Fixed Term Deposits
Prompt Repa_i'ments—No Costs
Otter inimeiliate eniploytiicnt to '
It BON 8.1."?
13 Clarendon Road, Soutltsea T"'2°9iia'3’“°
RADIOTRICIANS ui'ih eapcricnce on airborne and ground Radar Equipment it‘ you t:.i\e this experience then this is your oppizrtunity to obtain riwortli-viliilejob with :i progrecsiie (‘bnipany world renowned for its :.:'‘t uni.‘ record breaking acliiciemeitts.
.\milie:tti'nm please
I-Z.\lPl.O\'.\tE!\T .\I.\\.\(3|;'R. .»\dtIrt-is as abate.
Tear oil’ and post
Anglian Credit Ltd.. 70 Mutley Plain. Ptymoutti
Please send parn'cuIitr.r of your
7.‘_.‘):, Savoigs SCIILVIIC’
Sports Page I
Hocm Royal Navy Hockey Knock-Out Competition 1958-59
July. 1958
"RIZLA-ROLLERS” save money and enjoy more
smokes with
wasted tobacco.
IIIIME AIR COMMAND LAWN TIINNIS TOURNAMENT THE TIIF. TOURNAMENT was held at Alverstoke Lawn Tennis Courts on June I2 and 13. with Lee-on~Solcnt Lawn Tennis Courts in reserve in case of rain. Forttinately. willi the exception of the first rather wet forenoon. conditions were ideal for tennis —no wind. hot. not too much sun and excellent grass courts. Conseqiienlly everything ran to schedule and the tournament was completed in two
Singles Event.
Inst.-Lieul. l. S. Young of Arbroath. the holder. defeated Lieut.-Cdr. D. G. Rowles of Lee. by ll—9. 5-7. 6-3. and so retains the Peewit Trophy for a second year. Young won his Navy Colours in I957, but unfortunately this will be his last tennis season with the Navy as his commission terminates at the end of this summer.
Ratings Singles Event. L.S.A.(S) Gundry of Ford defended his title for the second time. but the In
hat trick eluded him and he was defeated by R.E.A.3 Lucas of Ariel by 4-6. 6—~2. 6—0. Lucas, who was also in last year's competition and was knocked out in the semi-final. nowtherefore holds the Hummingbird
as soon as
I2 FOR Id. Crumple a cigarette paper and place
L‘.rIrai-Is /rant the Rules of the
Navy Hockey Cup (lnsliliileil I954).
machine as shown. This saves enough tobacco to make 12 extra cigarettes at a cost of only 3d. on
Winner I958—R.N.A_9. Ciildmse. The Tournament is open to all Royal Navy and Royal Marine Establishments. Ships and Units in and around England. Scotland and Wales whose Commanding Officers
The entry this year was larger than last year, there being 12 competitors in the Ollicers event and 13 in the Ratings event; in addition to these doubles two numerous events. matches were played with a view to selecting the Command team. The day can reasonably guarantee that their concluded with Mrs. D. A. Williams. teams will be available for the whole wife of Captain D. A. Williams. period of the competition. Each unit D.S.C., R.N.. Chairman of the H.A.C. may enter only one team. L.T.A.. presenting the trophies and All units wishing to take part are to notify the Hon. Secretary to the prizes. R.N. Hockey Association (Inst.-Lieut. 1 N. C. Holt. H.M.S. St. Vincent. Gosport, Hanls.) by July 31. 1958. There will be no entrance fee but all teams must be afliliated to the R.N. Hockey Association to enter this competition. Details can be obtained front the Hon. Treasurer. lnst.-l.icitt.Cdr. A. Newing. Britannia Royal Naval College. l):irtniouth. .
ABOVE competition will commence on Wednesday. October 3. If your ship or unit wishes to compete please infon-n the Hon. Secretary. R.N.H.A.. Inst.-Lieut. N. C. Holt. H.M.S. St. Vincent. Gosport.
20 FOR lid. Use Rizla Filter Tips to make 20 extra cigarettes with every ltd. box
ofl00_tips. Safegards health too by ‘reducing nicotine and tobacco tars.
The teams will. for the preliminary rou_nds. be grouped into geographical regions. A draw will take place for each round.
Once any ollicer or rating has played for a particular team he can continue playing for that side until the end of the competition regardless of his movements, but he may not play for any other leaiii still competing. The first matcli in which an oflicer Mrs. D. A. Williiiuis presenting the Peewit Trophy to the winner of the or rating plays must be for the eslahlislitiicnt to which he is appointed oflicers‘ singles. Inst. Lieut. I. 5. Young. of Arbrotith or drafted on the date of the match. Ofltcers or ratings doing periods of The team selected to represent the Home Air Cotuniand in this year's reserve training are not eligible. Inter Command Lawn Tennis ChamO I C O SUB-l.IF.UT. PAPE. with thoughts of pionships is as follows:— his Hong Kong triumphs to spur him Sim:Ie.r—-—Licut.-Cdr. D. G. Rowles; on. won the Isle of Wight marathon R.E.A.3 Lucas; l..A.S.(S) Gundry; on Jtine 7. beating the winning time l.ieitt. I). G. Mather; Lieut. Croft: IN THE final phase of the Royal for the previous year l‘_. over seven L./Air. Cook. Tournament held at Earls minutes and being iIlm(‘l.~. 4} minutes Duiilili-.\—l.ieut.-Cdr.D. G. Rowles. Court duringcompetition the week from June 9 in front of the second man home. This l.ieut. D. G. Mather: L.S.A.(S) the to sabre H. event was won by Bob's fastest time over the Gundry, Lieut. Croft; R.E.A.3 Lucas. was D. I7. C. Mackenzie (R.M.. C./Sgt. distance since coming home although l../Air. Cook. Licut. Deal). .l. Dougan after tieing he had put llp a faster time while in for third place. eventually lost on a the Far East. The race conveniently finishing on This result is not too discouraging barrage. P.O. Pearson, was fourth in the sea front. Bob took the oppor- when it is considered that Polytechnic sabre and C.lSgts. Martin and Holland succeeded in reaching the tunity of Iiaving a paddle in the sea have one of the strongest club sides final pool in foil. to Cool off. in the country. The following have been included There were 74 starters in the race The the following represented in the Combined Services team against of whom 63 completed the course. Royal Navy: A.A. Hughes (R.N.A.S. England in a match in London including two youngsters of 62 years Ford, Captain): A.B. Stace (I-I.M.S. All June 28: on of age. R.l’.O. Summers (H.M.S. Vernon); Martin and Holland. Water Polo Raleigh); E.R.A. Viney (H.M.S. Foil.—-C.ISgts. Mackenzie and Sgt. In a match against a strong Poly- Neptune); O.A. Cox (H.M.S. Mal- R.Sabrc.—C./Sgt. A. C. Thompson. technic team in London. on June 3. colm); A.B. Scott (H.M.S. Vernon) Sgt. R. A. C. Thompson has been the Royal Navy lost by 7 goals to I4. and O.A. Smith (H.M.S. Drake). selected to represent Ireland in the British Empire Games at Cardiff this month. In a competition organised by the A.l-'.A. (Singapore). :1 Royal Navy team consisting of Surg.-Cdr. Glass. Surg.-Lieut. (D.) Wilkinson and C.P.O. S. Johnson won the open sabre team competition in an entry of eight teams. from both Services and civilian clubs.
For "slior_t sniokes“ place the Filter Tipoiictliird distanccfronimacliine end and till the rest
complete RIZLA costs only
with tobacco.
from your tobacconist.
TEL. 73$?
TEL 73%)
I Cron Hill Vlllu,
Welcome Aboard Oiir
(Open daily including week-ends)
Prices from
Substantial Mortgages Available
R.N. Championships-I958 AS EXPECTED the Home Air Command dominated the R.N. Cycling Championships held at Portsmouth at the beginning of June and supplied the first four riders in both the massed start event and the 50 miles time trial. was the venue for the massed start race and the I2 laps of the perimeter track were covered at an average speed of nearly 23 in spite of a high wind and the extra hazard of a downpour which made the surface very treacherous.
Sub.-Lieut. Bunyan (Lossiemouth) won by a length (time I hour I7 minutes 57 seconds) from N. A. Ibbotson (Leeon-Solcnt) with E.A.4 Marshall (Ariel) close up and S.C.P.0.(S) Clarke (Culdrose) in fourth place. S.A.(S) Holland (Culdrosc) finished a plucky fifth after numerous changes of bike following mechanical trouble. The winner of the 50 miles time trial was once again L./A. Pearson (Ford) who recorded a fine time of 2 hours I3 minutes 8 seconds. but he was closely challenged all the way round by N. A. lbholson (Lee) who eventually finished only I0 seconds in
Civilian 0
Made-to-Measure Garment individually Hand-Tailored. Finest Quality l00% All-Wool Materials Used Exclusively. Any Style or Design executed to Customer's Exact. Specification. All Made-to-Measure Garments Tailored in our own Workrooms. Every Garment carries Guarantee ol Delivery. Fit. and Satlstactlon.
Ships’ Company
(whether a Subrnarine—Destroyer—-Battleshipor Aircraft Carrier) OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR THIS YEAR
Wt're—Write—or Phone, Portsmouth 32275 Make your first “Port of Call" for Dancing The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday
arrears, Printed and Published for and on behalf of the Navv News Committee by Gale & Palden Limited. Aldenhot