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BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Trlrphorrr 6596 30 Royal Parade. Plymouth
News Navy The
Telephone 66543
Newspaper of the Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association Published first
No.49 JULY, 1958
Bernard Tailored Um'j‘orms and Plain Clothes for Royal Nav_v Oflieers tweprexs Perfection in Crafr.mramlrr'p. BERNARD8 MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Trlrplrnrrr 6596 30 Royal Parade. Plymouth frlrrllmnr 66$-ll
T/mrsc/ay of the month
Field Gun Trophies go the West Country
(Training Ship ‘Gryf’) Comrnamlingr 0fl‘icer’s Farewell Message ?,
For years athletes talked of the possibility of n four-nlinulc milt.—and eventually it was achieved. l-‘icld-gun enthusiasts are beginning to talk about a three-minute licld-gun run. Is it possible 1’ Millions of people have been thrilledas they watched the field-gun runs either at Earls Court and elsewhere or through the medium of tclcv'tsion. and will realise what strength and litncss would be necessary for such an achievement.Last year Portsrnmtth completed the run in a time which was generally thought would be an all-time record. and yet this year Dcvnnport have tirade a new record. "Navy News" congratulates all those in the West Country who made such a win possible
44' _.
4. ..
First S-on Lortll To Lots and lots of sincerity——that is the biggest llllpfcxsltln of ling-land which Open [loyal take away with Pleasant oflicial occa~.ions~--the homely 1llll1(h{lllL'l‘t.' of private t:utt\'cr\:tlltltl\. Navy’s School Great interest in country and affairs. l We here for four day.s—that is of Work Study be able very short space of time siderable number of visits and calls «-1 we
say that we have got to know Fngland were tnade during the ship‘s stay and and her peop|e—but it was long enough of the visitors. for whom it was many to tighten the bonds of friendship be- their lirst visit to lingland. had .I tween Polish and British ollicers and chance to go to l.ondon_ .\'ortholt_ men.
the years of the last World War Polish and English soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder on man_v fronts against a common foe. On many occasions whilst at Portsmouth we found
out that the
English people have
forgotten this. Today we return
to Poland. I am
certain that the memory of the haspitality we rcceived here will always remain with us.
(Storm!) 2. Rouiszrzxvsrzt. Kapitan Marynarki Wojennej, (‘ommanding Officer of the Training Ship Gryf.
Al).\llR.-\l.S AND sub-lieutenants, sailors and Wrens, all of whom may find in the future their duties atlected in one way or another by the Royal and so on. its well as to Navy's recognition of the importance Winchester pay visits to establishments in the ‘of work study. will make up the audience at l’orIsmouth on Friday. Portstuouth area. Julv when the R.N. School of Work All expressed pleasure at the friend- Study4. is to be opened by the First liness. warmth and hospitality shown Sea Lord (Admiral of the Fleet the to _thctn although some said that by Earl Mountbatten of Burma). trying to do so much in a short time ln addition to ollicial guests. flag their legs and feet were beginning to and senior oflicers of the Portsmouth show signs of tiredness. Command. including captains and also The wooden decks of the Gryf are other otlicers of ships in the port. and so clean and white that it would seem selected ratings and members of the that some kind of "holy-stoning" is W.R.N.S. down to lending rates will practised in the Polish Navy. A large hear the address of the First Sea [.ord. compartment—tlte width of the ship vwho was himself responsible for the ——forward is set aside for a lecture introduction of work-study techroom and entertainment room. cinema niques. so successful in industry. into shows and the like. Pictures of Polish the Navy. The new school. commanded by ._‘ (‘dr. J. A. Templeton-(‘otill. R.N.. is cud in the Royal Naval Barracks at Portsmouth and has been modelled on the work-study instructional department of an international commercial undertaking. lt will have the task of training ollicers and senior ratings as work-study practitioners. besides providing "appreciation courses" for middle-rank oflicers and providing lecturers for work ashore and afloat. Courses vary in length from one to six weeks. while in the case of practitioners a further period is spent gaining practical experience under ex-
THF. Dl-ZVONPORT Field Gun‘s was greeted on his arrival by the (‘rew came home to a great civic and (‘ontmotlore. R.N. Barracks, DevonNaval welcome on Monday. June 23. port (Cdre. 'l‘. l.. Eddison). After inspecting the crew. the Lord With their three trophies. their gun and the traditional oggie—mcasuring Mayor made his civic welcome and 5 ft. by 2 ft.-——they were accorded a said: “You have brought credit. not reception on Plymouth Hoe by the only to the Dcvonport Division, but Lord Mayor and civic ollicials on to the City of Plymouth as well. I behalf of the city. The Lord Mayor (Cmrfimm! Page 2. C 0!. 3)
Outstanding Cigarette of
perienced oflicers. It is almost exactly a
year ago that the lirst four ofliccrs. all trained by the R..-‘\.l-‘. at Hcrtdon. were appointed to the stall of the ('ommantler-inChief, Portsmouth. for work-study 1 purposes. From these small beginnings ;lour pcrntancttt learns ltave already been established and three others are still gaining experience. By the end of the year it is hoped that there will .,_‘ be twelve tc.'uu.s. each usually consisting of two licutenant-commanders and Admirul Sir Guy Grantham inspects the guard a chief petty oflicer as a recorderof the past and scenes analyst. at work. 'l'\\’() l!\ll’RlESSlONS gained from a Naval heroes of Poland in short visit to the Polish Training Ship hang the ship's sides. A Work study has been accepted by (iryf are lirstly its cleanliness and large map showing tours the Gryf has the Navy as an aid to lighting efliciency secondly the friendliness met with made between I951 and I957 is also and the proper use of time and redisplayed. shows that the vessel has sottrccs. It is recognised that few front the otlicers and men. visited places as far apart as Mur- activities within the Service are un(iryf—nearly 2.000 tons. 282 feet affected. while work study can help long and 4-1 feet beam-—visited Ports- mansk aml Sebastopol. 'l'he youth and friendliness of the as much with the maintenance and mouth from June H to I8 and was in the nature of a return visit for the otliccrs and men was most marked and repair of the ships at present in sertrip to (idynia by the Dartmontlt it is hoped that they carry away with vice as with the ships and weapons of Squadron at the end of I957. A con- them happy memories of their visit. the future.