Page 1

Royal Navy Otlieers will not find a better set-vice for their Uni/amt: and Plain Clothes requirement: than that provided by Bernards.

BERNARD8 MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Telephone (I596

30 Royal Parade.


Naivy News The Newspaper oi the Royal

Tclrphonr 66541

No. 51

Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Published firs! T/mrsday

AUGUST, l958


Quality Counts Bernard Taiiared Um'j'arm.r and Plain Clothes for Royal N Ofliccrs es.Cm rsmanshfp. presr Per/ecrian in

BERNARDS MEN'S SHOPS 40 Commercial Road. Portsmouth Ielrphom 6596


Royal Parade. Plymouth Tl-Irnlmnr 66543

of the mom/I




loaded i of Tons I1 1,000 Equipment "1 three days and three 1 without rest nights FROM TRIALS DIRECT T0 OPERATIONS FOR. ALBION

broke on July I5 that the Iraqis had revolted and overthrown the Govemment. many people must have said: “This is it." It scented obvious to a lot of people that war-clouds were beginning to overshadow the world once more. llut war or no war, the Navy was ready. the Eastern MediAlmost as soon as the American Forces landed in Lebanon. I-l.M.S. Eagle sailed to terranean and a Royal Marine Commando of 650 men was alonetl. HEN’




ll.M.5i. llcmtuda was soon on the more. She was sent to Tobruk and was ljoincd there by the l)isp-atch Vessel Anti-Submarine {Surprise and the H.313. Albion. Frigate Torquay. ' which was on trial‘; after retit prior to proceeding to the Far East. was c'alIed back to Portsmouth and has since left that port loaded with men and materials. having embarked No. 42 3 Royal Marine Commando and its equipment for Malta. Forces were taken from (iibraltar to Bengahzi in l~l.M.S. Cttmbcrland. which when the Iraqi insurrection was

l -




was at

'.l.t\l.S. Albion. the aircraft carrier. leaving Portsmouth for the Mediterranean. l-Imbarked were officers and men of No. -12 Commando. Royal Marines. for Malta. and Array units and stores for Cyprus

IS THE VANGUAltll T0 BE SCllAl’l’Ell ?

Genoa. Italy.

Due to Return The 2'.!.000~ton llulwark and the frigate Ulysses were at Montbasa on July I5. Bulwark was due to return to the United Kingdom, but instead embarked troops and conveyed them to Aden to relieve troops sent. presum-

question in Parliament the largest warship INthereply Parliamentary Secretary to the Britain. Her to a

SA‘!-..v‘... .'~

0 '


The Duke of Edinburgh with Capt. C. H. Human. D.S.C.. V.R.D.. R.N.V.R.. who relinquished his command of Sussex Division. R.N.V.R. ‘(See page 6.)

made to counter Qatar. was state of readiness." possible labour troubles in Loch lnsh. the move of the frigate He went on to say that the tthip will of which left liahrein for the capital still be used as a training accommodation and Reserve Fleet Headquarters Qatar. Doha. ship "until satisfactory alternative Always at the Ready arrangements are made." The Vanguard. completed in I946, is All these moves of ships and men of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. and undoubtedly many others which, for security reasons. cannot be announced. show that even in these days of economy and streamlining. our ships ~11 police force of the sca—are on their "l>e;tts" and ready for all move,



Royal Cypher and ship's badge cmhroidercd in gold about the shoulders of A B. Clive Goble. of Higher Compton. l’l_vmoulh. drum major of the volunteer ship's band.

And not only our Service men. We learnt that to accommodate nearly 1.000 troops and over 1.000 tons of military vehicles. doekyard men and Albion‘.-.' crew worked without reqnite for three days and nights. In order that vehicles could be securely lashed down it nu necessary to spot-weld to the deck two or more cyeholts for each vehicle. That the immense llight deck appeared packed with vehicles (and more were secured in the hangar) will give an idea of the work lnvolved on this one operation. Tubular scallolding was" put up in the hangar to form three-tier bunks for the 900 or so troops taking passage. The Commander-in-Chief. Portsmouth. sent his congratulations to all concerned for their efforts,

have it. Not until the present time has the Queen .\lother's busy round -of cngugentents and Ark Royal’s operaCdr. .M.S. Porpoise (Lieut. tional commitments enabled her to go it. C. G. llutchings. R.N.l is payback to make the presentation. but she did so on July it. when she flew ing a visit to l.ondon. She bcrthcd at to Exeter airport and there transferred Battle Bridge Pier at noon. July 28. to a Fleet Air Arm helicopter. which and was open to V.l.Ps. almost imlanded on the Ark Royal's flight deck mediatcly. H.M.S. Porpoise. built by Messrs. at l)c\'utt|'torl. She was met by the Ark Royal's Vickcrs-Armstrongs Ltd. at llarrow-inC‘omm:mding Otliccr. Capt. F. ii. ii. Furness. was lirst commissioned on the first of a new Hopkins. l).S.O.. l).S.C.. R.N.. and it April 17. I958. and isand the name l-loyal (inarrl and afterwards used class of submarine trials ishave shown the ship‘: Land-Rover to inspect the ship of a class. Her

that she is an excellent operational submarine —fast. handy, and well equipped—and the design has proved to he a most successful one. Porpoise is capable of high submerged speed. and able to carry out a continuously submerged patrol itt any part of the world. The habitabilityof the ship is of the highest possible standard. including modern trends in strip lighting.yny|on curtains. Formica and wood panelling.

SASH FROM THE QUEEN MOTHER FOR ARK I{OYAL’S DRUM MAJOR‘ board H.M.S. Ark Royal. the ONILM. Queen Elizabeth the Queen years ago.

After her last visit to the Ark Royal in March. 1956. the Queen .\lother expressed a wish to make a presentation to the ship. which she herself launched at Birkcnhead in I950. and asked what form it should take. The Ark Royal intimated that the ship would be pleased to receive a ceremonial sash for the drum major of its volunteer band and the Queen Mother promised that the ship should

Royal Navy's biggest aircraft carrier. Mother lrept a promise she made two assembled on the two-acre long night deck. The Queen Mother addressed oiiicers artd ratings serving in the ship. which bears a name immortaliscd in the last war. before placing the ceremonial sash of dark blue with the



cost was




sive to maintain. but her retention has meant that considerable number: of men have been able to familiarise themselves with ship life and ship eondltions—-something which cannot be obtained in any shore establishment, however well designed.




Nylon curtains in Porpoisc -

built in Great

Admiralty stated that ll.M.S. Van- exclusive of her eight l5-inch guns and guard had been kept in a state of readi- their mountings. ller peace-time cornness in the Operational Reserve to rneel plentent is L600 otlicers and men. Her the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation last sea duty was as Home I-'leet Flagobligations. Mr. Allan stated: "These ship. I952 to I954. A ship of Vanguard's size and comobligations no longer exist. and Vanguard will now be brought to a lower plexlties must he tremendously expen-

ably. to Bahrain. Another






Au usl. I953

Says Queueing Must be Aliolishetl VISUALISES THE DAY WHEN WORK STUDYTEAM WILL SAVE BATTLESHIP COST or ..Bun,s.. New Tit,es_But EDITORIAL Work Study School opened July 4 THE Royal Navy/‘s the dependent by the First Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten, and “Sparlcs” will Stay? introduced by Admiral Sir Guy Grantham, the CommanderRoyal Navy. who Navy News

First Sea Lord

ti o I r 0 ii Ltciii ts) ll. R. Bcrridxc. R.N.tlletd.). Royal Naval Barracks. Porumooth 'l‘el.: Portsriiouth 26-Ill (Eu. 2194)

Middle East has HE "crisis" in shown. once again. how the country is upon the

Ships strategically placed throughout the world can. and do. Pf_0V¢N 5111.151’ tions from developing into major '_'t~.2|l"b_“11l eatastrophies. This is nottrained the diploniac_y"—- it_ is liketo the scene oflirethe man getting qiiickly fire and containing it. Will this latest _eit:im_ple of the need for, and the stabilisinginfluence of, the anRoyal Navy alter the decision 76 ships nounced in July that a further now in reserve, including such fine ships as the Zambcsi and Zephyr (completed in i944) and Comus (completed





in-Chief, Portsmouth. Welcoming Earl Mountbatten. Sir Guy said that in view of the Adniiral‘s heavy programme, they were honoured that he was able to perform the opening ceremony. lt was most appropriate. how-

N order more clearly to retlect the nature of their respective duties and the common aspects of their training new titles are to be introiluccd for Signalmen and Telegrapliists of the Royal Navy. In general "Signaliiicn,“ who in the main operate visual methods of coniniitnication. will become “Tactical Communication Operators" and "l‘eIegrapliists“ will become "Radio Commiinication Operators." lt will be noted that the traditional term "Yeoman" has been retained for senior Signal ratings, whilst senior


that he should be the one to open the school. as the First Lord was the prime mover in the Navy's work study. and it was due to his interest that they were able to move ahead of the scheme. Admiral Grantham also welcomed about work study teams. The techAir Vice-Marshal Freebody. Director niques might reveal a patent inof the R.A.F. Work Study. the ellicicncics of the past. in because D.Q..\l.G. of the Army, and Mr. they could produce savings in time. Curry, of l.C.l. 1946) are to be scrapped? C0515 and




First Lord introduced himmanpower are decisive factors.‘ of he as a “crrink-handle." course. but to many it appears_a littl_e rash to dispose of so many ships this sai . a line motor-ear wit a very heavy engine which couldn't be year when the replacements cannot be started needed The




availab.le immediately.


‘lite Queen's decision. _so draniatically announced at Cardill. that the Duke of Comwall was to be created Prince of Wales. gave great pleasure to millions. Although it is perhaps premature and no one wishes that the young Prince's childhood should be shortened, we of the Royal Navy cannot prevent the thought‘(and hope) that maybe he may receive some of his education at the Britannia Royal Naval College. Dartmouth. like his father,


self-starter. and crank-handle. His position a





Present Title Chief Yeoman of Signals



Yeumaii ol Sign.-iti

Leading Signalniaii not cause Slgnalnian paucd for l.c.idin,:

and money this did any reflections upon the past. The work study tennis required the coopcration of everyone. Earl Mouiitbatteii concluded by stating that if the work study could save sufficient money to build a warship. to save enough money to run her and enough men to man her. and if he was then still the First Sea Lord. he would be delighted to call her ll..\l.S. Work Study.

First Sea Lord enabled him to be that crank-handle and to help get the work study school started. He felt that it was appropriate that he should acknowledge with thanks the assist.i_nce ot'_ l.C.l.—-the first Naval pioneers in work study were l.C.l. trained. He also thanked the R.A.l~‘. and the Army, who had started work study before the Navy and were now ahead of the Navy in that respect: He felt. too. that he must mention the people at R.A.F. Hendon and Cranlield. and also the Portsmouth College of Technology for the ;issi»t.ince atlorded them in the Navv.




Signalman not paurd for Leading ratiiig Ordiiiiirv slgiiailiiuii Junior Si'gti:i|m:in Chief Petty Other.’ Tclckuphiit Petty Olliecr 'l'elcgr:iphiit Leading Tcltflflphlul

p.-med tor Telegtzpltist Leading rating Tclcgraphist not passed Leading rating Ordinary TClCBl’I‘l|"l|l\l Junior



’l'elcgr:ipliists will be referred to as "Supervisors." thus denoting that they take charge of



watch. This

term is

in civilian-inanned comniunication centres. It is considered that it will be many years before the old affectionate "lliints" and "Sparks" disappear. This view is obviously shared by certain nieinbers of the House of Lords. The First Lord attniitted that the new titles were cumbersome but that the abbreviations. c.g.. L.'l‘.0. for Leading 'l‘:ictieal Communications Operator. would normally be used. common


New Title


("hit-f (‘«uiiriiiiiii.-.ition Yeoman


t‘onimui-ii. inn Yeoman lizidéiig 'l' ti:.il ('oiiiiiiuiiic:ition Operator ‘llic "xii Cu.'i'.niuiii:.i:ioiiOperator, la: Clzu



'1 _()_|_ '

‘l'.ict.7c.ilCniiiniun2:.i:i-iiiOperator. Ind Clan


t,‘.inimiinEei:iuriOperator. .‘~rd Clan l‘.i.‘t-.;.il ('uiiiniiinic.iii'oii Urcr:i'.i~r Lhicl Radio t.‘-inuiiuiiicnztiuii Supcni.-or

'l‘.0 .l.'l )_ L‘,R.h.

Radio Cumiiiuni.'ation Supcrvixor lc.idip.r Radio Conimuiiisation Opcrati.-.' Radio t.‘i.>ni.niuiii.-ation Otlicer. lit Chis

lt..'s‘. I..R.0.

Radio C.'oiriniun_?:ation Otliccr. 2nd Class


Radio C01l!|'lll.ll'|i.'lli0l'| Oflicer 3rd Class Junior R.id.o Comniunication Operator

R.0.3. .l.R.O.





grandfather and gi.'cat-gfiatidfathcr. Once again the Nav_v plays host to the public at the various Navy l_):iys. ‘Hie very large numbers who continue. To Save Man-power vear after year. to visit the ships and in see how the men live and work. re- Tht‘ lull of the work study \'.'.'lS to veal that the majorit_v of the people of _s;ive work and thus produce a saving "s:ilt" in their Great Britain have

blood. We




the visitors have

really good time. Our serving readers will


\\ith pleasure (as stated on page S of this issue) the relaxation of certain rules regarding married quarters. with particular reference to men serving on general service commissions. note

“WITH A 'l'llANKFlll. Rl~Z.\ll-ZI\lBR.»\l\'CF. Ol" THY .\lERCll£S" Gm! i'.i' our hope and sin-Iigtli. it '|'t‘I'_\' pri'\‘i'ril lIt'l[) in II'I)llIlf('. 'I"In'n:Inn‘ will we HUI Iciir. Ilium.’/i (lie riirlli h¢' IHU|'t'(I mid Ilitmgli thr hills in‘ t'urrii'tl into the rriirbl of the .i‘i'it.



Road, Portsmouth


Phone 1086! Operate lolloiving Otfleial Express Service for Service Penollnel EVERY WEEKEND the






‘of: 16/






‘35’. :35.

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III in :3



mugo gm... i-...-.5”...












Se-.ihuvik iii‘



£54,000. but thei

Scimitar \va.vi £50tl.0tl0. The electronic equipment! placed in Ark Royal before the oar cost £l3l.700—the electronic equipment recently placed ln Victorious cast ti million pounds. Earl Mtiuntbattcii nicntioned how the morale of people joining a certain: was raised hccatisc of: estxiblishniciit the ‘cutting down of the joining. routine. The yearly saving in inonci-f zilonc \Hl~'. £l7.0tl0 itt this one Chlllll-i and the man-hours saved: \\.I\ .~.oiiie_-l.8t)(). I.ord i\lUl.lllll$;||[L-n also mentioned that in a serving eateteria dining hall the number of men employed for serving and in the (Adntinil sculleries. etc.. was I-38, Aria in‘; The First Sc-.i Lord. with the Sir Cu_v Cnuithiini).:it the opening of the Work Study School ‘‘'‘‘’k Will)‘ lcflfll had gone iitto action the number of men required was cut "I .‘ to I»at a saving of some .t.5t|,Otltl cost












The Future the future, the First Sea Regzirdiiig Lord ironsidcrcd that work study was of tremendous inipor_taitce. had to look at our habits. origins and Customs and to see if it was coii'l1u-lirstconversion of a .\'.A.A.F.l. canteen into an attractive social club sidcrcd the work study could increase for ratings and \\'.R..\'.S. and their guests has taken place at the Royal Naval ctlieicncy. Queue time must be Air Yeoiilton. It is minted the Heron Club and

Station. was opened on l-‘r1'da_v, -1-“; “mg study schuol “-"um Jul}. 25, h_v H.R.H. the Duchess nt‘_l\ent. produce the facts. and from tlii.-st-5 Rk'Ct_\l'lllllt.'lld:IlIti1llS tor a superior; premises in which a social club might facts the Admiralty work _«.iud_.-ftype ot can_tei_:ii. relieved of :illnnncccs-; be expected to thrive. 'l‘lic lleron Club produce :1 saving. it‘ “tsary restrictions and providing the is the result. team would atmosphere of a i:lii_b or_social centre. ln considering the best use to which saving was ponlble. m It was necessary to produce an inthe various roonis cotilil be put priority l0 t.ttn ll 0|’ Cl" W'l‘l|‘ lflb was given to creating a "Uentlcnicn lI'll_Td l). quiring "find and for this pur P ‘_.5_" t=Xt>¢|'I~'nC<= Of thc \'-‘nous Proposals .bar and games rooni——a club hm; ‘ Only" 8 mi 3'' comscs a-cqu‘"m‘mcc forward the Nlaval Canteen SerPut within ti club-giving junior _ratings would be run m the s°h°°l' vice (N A F I )-offered to

N.B.-To all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilities to meet

particular unveiling requirements an be organised at short



TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 20947





-bflm.nlcccmfid pri,".c!P]° hyklh“:


provide bar and mess facilities siniilar to The First Sea Lord stressed that the niinim_um funds required to con- those provided elsewhere for senior there must never be any rccriniination vert a typical canteen ll'llt'I the sort of ratings. '



“Collar sense at last that jack certainly is smart!”


Cll(l0t3 S(Bill 0h f01‘ is: WOlllllll Ill W 0 l8I‘ IIill grul: Niiflicerandtlirce \vith_ Whilst got

Born-adu. Eostney: M5. Vernon: Royal Sailor: Street: R.N. Barracks. Home Club Unicorn Gate: R4. for HMS Excellent: er H.M.S. Pheornx: fl.A.O.C., Halsea Barracks. Farehcm. Also Ccslicm. Harries: Tarn nicki‘nguparHM.S ‘Ariel otdieaoerratei

Write, phone or call


I3 ,,;_

All these service will take the following route Sen-ea Penerinel. RM for convenience


lll.tll-|1t\\\cl' and nioiiey. Giving a few ¢\':Il'llplf.'Sof the int'fl:=Ise of costs. he pointed out that?


police drag the Welsh Harp on July 10. in search of a woman’s body. Sub.-l.icut. (S.P.) J. G. Corbett. R.N.V.R.. Wcmbley Unit's No. I. had taken three cadets. P.0. D. L. Pickett, L.S. J. Moore and A.B. D. Broom. to the Welsh Harp for an evening's sailHarp is used for Unit activiing. The ties. and it is here that the Unit keep theirwhaler. Whilst rigging their boat the lice _

arrived to say that a wotnan ha been seen to enter the water l5 minutes before and had disappeared. and asked the cadets to assist in the search. As LS. Moore said: "We weren't very happy about it, but it was something that had to be done. and so we




divided into a restaurant equipped with '.‘.'..I Iiuvit count nuns -to uiuunlv the latest quick-service grill installed ‘Pinto-VIIIID‘ loll llltll II All Ctllutls hchilid the cafeteria counter: xi club it." the cadets bar on the lines of a saloon or lounge. on linishcd rigging their whalcr, No. l :ind a social activities room where ITS THREE took two of the policemen in a skill to dances. tonihola, whist drives and the place where the wonian was last other functions can be held. SL‘¢l'l. The club has been equipped throughThe other cadet»: arrived soon after and stood by while the police dragged l out with coniforlable. robust funiiturc Bottle-cooling IDEAL FOR NAVAL the miter with irons. Search had to be of modern design. been cabinets have installed in the given up, but was resumed by the two bars so that beer and otltcr drinks WEAR police the next day when the body can be kept at a cool teinperature was found. Sub-Lieut. Corbett has since received during the summer months. an invitation to take the cadets over the Shopping facilities have been con- Trade enquiries. atcd into a separate shop accesThames Division police station at c Wapping as a token of thanks for ser- sib e to all ranks and ratings and their vices rendered. families, but a glass-fronted showcase P.O. Pickett and L.S. .\loorc man the has been built into the wall of the 30 WHITEPOST LANE rescue boat at the Harp most Sundays, restattrant to display cigarettes and and regularly help people \\ hose toilet articles which may be required E.9 after shop closing hours. boats overturnt. ’

menibersolthe Wcmbley Unit S.C.C. helped the

QUICK St-IRVICE The remainder of the premises. open to all ratings :ind their guests. is








_A_n.gust. I958



IIIIAFTING FIIBECAST SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NA VY P.-IRTICULA RS IN rIu'.r Iorccas! are liable to tilrcrtrliolt. The U.K. Base Part is the port at which a ship may be c.vp¢-cl:-r! (0 give leave and to re/it as (I gt-in-ml rule. l’olniilt'cri'it_q. R(1fiIlg.\‘iiiay volunteer /or any 0] the ships. or !or—.rcri'i‘cc in rt prirliculrir .iIriIi'oii. or /or specific /ririiir 0/ .rt'ri'irc ft'.g., Lricril l"orci'_git .'>'cri'i'cc or (icircrtil .S'cri'i'ccJ. As rim]!int: action is Itikcit at least l|t'(l iiiortllis alit-ml. appli't'uIr'mi.i It) .Tt'I'|'t' in .rIit‘p.r due in rtmririi'.\.\r'tiit in the next [cw it-rt-kt tire mi!iI.r-I_v In hm-r any eflccr. .‘il'll.\lARli\'l-IC().\I.\IAl\'D motitli. for service in tltc Sth S/nt. Squadron. Portsmotttli. ll..\l.S. Artcntis. Attgttst. :tt Portstnouth. for service in the Stlt S/tn.



(Mediterranean / Home).

UK. Base Port. Portsmouth. ll.\l.S. Duncan, October. at Southampton. for Home Sea Service (I-islicry l’rotcctiott Squadron). U.K. lltisc Port. Rosytli. H.M.S. Umnin. October. at Devonport. for trials. H.M.S. Loch Ruthven. October. at Devonport. for General Service

Cominisston (Hontc,’l’.:tst lndics). U.K. Base Port. Dcvottport.

ll.J'll.S. G-umliiti. November. at Rosyth. for General Service Commission (Horne/Metliterrancau). U.K. llasc

Port. Rusytlt. Squadron. Portsrnouth. ll..\l.S. Scnrchcr. September. at Ports- ll.M..'. .$‘olt.-ha,v. r'uvcmbcr. at Portstttotitli. for service in the 5th S/in. mouth. for (lcncral Service Conttnissioii llllcditerranean / Ilomc). Sqtiatlron. Portland.

Cl-ZN!-ZRAI. Il..\l.S. /I-int.-as. .-\ugust.

at at


H..\'l.S. lllackpntil. .i\ugu~.t. for (iencral Service (kittttitissioti. .\tcditcrrancan,/I-lottic. U.K. Base

Port. ('h:tth:tm. H.M.S. Protector. August. at Portsmotttlt. for General Service Commission Home,-‘South Atlantic and South Anicrican Station. U.K. Base Port. Portsntoutli. H.M.S. Ulster. August. at Dcvonport. for General Service Commission. Home/West indies. U.l(. Base Port.

U.K. llasc Port. l’ortsntotttlt. ll..\l.S. Rocket. l\‘ovemlicr. at Portsmouth. for trials. ll..\l..'~l. Lagos. November. at Chatli_:iiii. for (ieneral Service ('omntission tMcditcrrancanlHome). U.K. llase Port. Chatham. H.M.S. Hague. November. at Devonp_ort. for General Service Commission (Mediterranean/Home). U.K. Base Port. Devonport.


Mounts Bay. November. at Singapore. for Foreign Service on Far East Station. H.M.S. Teaser. December. at ChatDevonport. ll..\l.S. Echo. September. at (‘ow-cs. for for Home Sea Service (2nd hant. st Coast Survey. U.K. Base Port. Training Squadron) U.l(. Base Port. Chtttham. ( hatham. }l..\‘l.S. Ausonla. ‘member. at Devon- H.M.S. \VooIaslon. December. at l-lythe. ior Foreign Service (Mediport. for Home Scat Service. (SteamCrew) (Ship commissions terranean). ing ll.\l.S. Alert. December. at SingaForeign Service in Malta. November] Dccerttbcr). pore. for Foreign Service on Far East Station. H.M.S. Dtirtingtoii, September. -at l-lythe. near Southampton. for H.M.S. Caprice. December. at Foreign Service on Mediterranean Glasgow. for Foreign Service on Far East Station. Station. H.M.S. Centaur. September. at Devon- H.M.S. Cavalier. January. at Singapore. for Foreign.Servicc on Far port. for General Service CommisEast Station. sion. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. .

Canipcrdown. September. at Devonport. for General Service Commission (Mediterranean/Hotnc). U.K'. Base Port. Dcvonport. H.M.S. Saintes. September. at Devonport. for General Service ('ontmissiun tMeditcrrancan/Home). U.K. Base Port Devonport. ll.\l.S. Armada. September. at Ports-



mouth. for General Service Conimission (Mcditcrratteaii / Home). UK. Base Port. Portstttoutli. H.M.S. ltlroadsword. September. at Rosytli. lor (icneral Service Coinmission (.\lcditcrranean / Home). U.K. llasc Port. ('liatliam. H.M.S. Lcopartl. September. at Portsmouth. for (ieneral Service Commission (l>Iotue/Soutli Atnerica autl South Atlantic). U.K. llase Port. l’ort.stuotith. H.M.S. Lynx. September. at Portstnotttli. for the (‘rcneral Service (‘oinmission ll~ltirite_-"Stitith America and South Atlantic). U.K. Ilasc Port. Portsmouth. ll.-.\l.S. lluughton. September. at llytlic. for I-‘orcign Service (Meditcrratteau). H.M.S. (Tarrtin. Scptentber. at Devonporl. for llome Sea Service (Dartmouth 'l'taining Squadruri). U.K. ‘


Port. Dcvonporl.







in his place and we are certain that I‘: open slnaln.—-lmir. l.icut. R. T. \\’hitc with the guiding hand of Freddie ll'|\lt'. Linn. F. timer. is» -2. 5-4. behind him. he will soon be adept at 3': open doubles.-—(‘dr, lkiyal: and l.t'cut."ll'!ll)t'l beat Inst. Licut. Kelly and J. ll. 5. pulling :1 "good one." noon. «(-6. b—l. 7-5. Ex Wren .\lrs. V. Pemberton. id doubles.-\\‘ien Mason and lust. Llcut. chairman of the Branch's Ladies Wren Mti-tiratt and Rev. Minprntt. Auxiliary Section gave a report on Inn’ Ink-I.—0..i‘Stt. Sharpe beat 0.M.S. their activities. and also said that anon. 7-—.‘. 8-6. were under way ‘for the Doutitu.—-Artifi.'tr lll Kat-anutt and arrangements tlnoj children's annual outing. this year it 5. Nlcholaml. mo. ‘as proposed to take them by train |l.N.S. Il$a.——Thlrd flfllccr \\'ccl:rs beat Mason. 5~'r'. b—-2. 7--.‘. to Scaton Carcw on the north-cast doubles.--Min and llcaclcr Min R..\'.S.‘ for the day. and we hope that cat Wren Conway and Wren trtatkc. coast the weather will be more favourable '0” Inuit n:tchu.—w. Wimbledon l..T (' "jthan it has been for the last three Ill-'.SUL'lS


..'l.(!'._. r-‘






sin) (0 ‘

GRO going to do when you leave the Service’! Have you any prospects? Or are you just hoping something will turn up? For every day you pull. lllt.".ll|S a- day lost in starting on it new career. For now more than ever before. it is the qualified man who stands the best chance of ulitninitig a highly-paid position. Be sure of a sound and satisfying futtirc. by making an lleforc you arc a day oltler write for the Scliool‘.s free I00 page /5‘ book. Spend an evening with it. Read where the prospects are rippainiim-m HTIII .mrre.u through the School of Accountancy. Over the past 43 years tens of brightc.st-- how :1 Modern lloinc-Study Course in Art-aiuilmiri-. tliotisands of satisfied men have proved itSrrrt-mrv.iIiip, (‘rm Arcarriilriirri-, Illqmigriirt-ril.¢'It‘.. can qualify tltcy occupy key positions as Managers. you. while you are still serving for that position of responsibility Cltlcf Accountants. Company St-crctnrlrsi. which will command rt salary in civilian liftrtlircc to four times Cost Accountants. Auditors. Store Congreater than you are ever likely to reach Cortitrolti.-rs. Directors. throughout without training. Let your action in nicrw. lndustry.& thePublicscrviccs. completing this coupon be your first What

are you






Pie and Pens




l"‘:"’ in



tiles time dcei win Met

fror Sea. rout

in I last’ tiles

step to at new and successful career. 3 Regent llse.. 6 Norfolk St.. London, W.C.2.



Today. _with Britain's urgent need to strcanilinc Iicr industries. there is :t grc:itcr_d_cntand than cvcr for the qualified man—and more opportunities. _



On 'I'hursday._.Iuly 3. saw the tnalc f tor llalttx l..T.C.. rncmbcrs gathering in the club for the

31-3: West

IlI_nl\ t..'l’.('.. :.ut on L.1.('.. raurtcd on; v.





The I-'ruI!n_oI Spocfnl.i':nli'on fie School of Accotintniit-y in n Sou-inllat organisation. Whilst our hld of service is citteinivc. it is limited to Btnineu Canon. In that Ed. The School at Accountancy by the icitl test of Examination finances. in: long ltcpt in position of uo-nsuilnblc Iuprflnlcy.


t--2: v. ttnnir-shirt. lost 8-4: v. Pu I Oid Boyt. won h— 2: \. l.ond.m Lt.-mgr. ‘


30 knots. llattle (‘lass l)estroyers can be distinguislicd from earlier ones built and war prograttittit: destroyers itt having all main armament forward. The "Improved Battles" ditler from the earlier group in that they have at different director.




\\'t‘nmb:nlon l..T.C..

pattern tlircc drum boilers at a pressure of 400 pounds per sqiiare itich producing a speed in excess of

Motoring Notes




consists of two twin 4.5 turrets mounted forward. in addition she a ship name. Class destroyer. built by Messrs. carries a number of close-range :tntil-’;tirlields l.td.. at‘ (iovan. (ilasgow.. aircraft guns, She has eight ‘lland was accepted by llle .-\dntir;tlty' inclt torpedo tubes in sets of four on October 3t, I‘)-l(i. amidships as well as other antiAfter general service in various submarine equipment. The ship is waters she was paid off into reserve powered by fotir Parsons steam turin March. I953. After relit she was bines built in 1944. driving two commissioned again on October I3. propellers through reduction gearing. I954. and succeeded H.M.S. Finis- steam is supplied by two Admiralty tcrrc (another Battle Class). as Gunnery Firing Ship for H.M.S. Excellent. in which capacity she is still operating. having steamed well over twenty thousand miles in giving


.cnt. Nlrs. lthbtts distributed thcl:cellarinan to the club. and he lt‘.'tt was Iish s and prizes and was presented in for the itltattkcd in competent Thi way rn with it bouquet by Third Ofliccr ‘which he had carried out his duties. one I Weekcs. the W.R.N.S. champion. Sbipmate R. Trccs has been appointed year nuit:


H.M.S. Vigo_ the fottrtlt Tl-lli present to bear the is Battle

IN practical gunnery training to many hundreds of ofltccrs and men. The one or two ship normally operates in an area '1'!!!) article on “Crash Repairs" in the last issue has raised queries. The following notes may help to remove any doubts which may south of the Isle of Wight. Practical training is given in surface and A.A. still exist. There are. unfortunately. certain If claim have made on a your cases where it is inevitable that you you firings and during a period of 3! insurance the current policy during months anything up to ten thousand will lose your no-claim bonus: for exof the bonus no~cl:tim question rounds are fired. Torpedo firings are year ample. in cases of theft. even if the the renewal often at next depends also carried out for the benefit of very culprit is brought to justice. Unforhow claim. handled that have on you training classes from H.M.S. Vernon. tunately. such cases are dealt with as So far insurance is the as company 'l‘mining classes are not confined to straightforward claims with autoif have had concerned. to they tltosc of the Royal Navy but include pay matic loss of bonus. of behalf result out the on as a EXCESS your those from the Commonwealth and many European countries being claim then you have lost your bonus. Many motorists obtain a reduction unless you can prove that the other trained at our schools. in by accepting the first £5 H.M.S. Vigo is at present com- chap is to blame. The time to do this or premium £10 of any claim. This sum is H.M.S. Chaplet. January. at Ports- mandcd by Captain (D) Portsmouth is at the time of the claim. and not mouth for Home Sea Service. U.l(. Squ:tdron—-Capt. M. P. Pollock. months later when your policy is due known as an "Excess" and will be deducted from the repair bill and inllase Port. Devonport. the Squadron for renewal. M.V.O.. D.S.C.. R.N.. H.M.S. St.-Bridi.-‘s Bay. January. at consisting of H.M. Ships Starling. In the writer's experience. most of voiced to yoti by the repairer. This for Foreign Service (Far Rcdpole. Flcetwood. Rampart, Re- the arguments about forfeiture of no- applies even if the other chap is -:tstl. claim bonus arise purely because clearly to blame. claim and Plover. the remedy is as before. to go fl:ttH.M.S. Cavalier. January. at Singavehicle owners dtiit‘t wait to think. A I703 Battle Name but push a claim into their own in- out at the other chap and recover pore. for Foreign Service (liar East). H.M.S. Marylou. Janttary. at Hythc. The name "Vigo" is taken from the surers irttntcdiatcly. regardless of who the amount from him. or his insurers. for Foreign Service (Mediterranean). famous Naval action “The Battle of is to blame for the accident. Tlicn It is not the responsibility of your H.M.S. Mcsslnu. Jantiary. at Chatham. Vigo Bay." at which. in I703. during tltcy sit back. having given the own insurers to do this for you, atthe Spanish Succession a fleet com- skctchicst of details, hoping that by tliotiglt in straight-forward cases they for Foreign Service (Far East). H.M.S. llatttcnirc. January. at Rosyth. mantlcd by Admiral Sir George Rookc some magic process a £l0 per week sotnctiincs will. The time to deal for General Service Commission aiiniliilatctl a numerically superior claims clerk is going to iron ottt all with this. incitlentally. is whilst your (Home-’Mcditerranean). U.l(. llasc fleet of French and Spanish ships and their ditlicultics and act as lawyer and car is itbeing repaired. so that the other is hoped, will have paid tip side. Port. Porrsmoutli. c.'tpturcd two tnillion pounds worth of general counsellor. Xotuc of tltcm do. before you have to meet this expense H.M.S. Trotiliritlgc.January. :it Ports- treasure. The first ship of the naitic of course. but a lot of them don't. yourself. mouth for (icncral Servicc (‘otntnis- was a fourth rate of (:05 tons origin“What then is the correct proccdttrc?" sioii (Horne/West Indies). U.K. Base ally l-l.M.S. I).'trtntotith. She was The answer is to only inform your MARK!-IT VALUE Port. Portsiitotitlt. capttircd by tltc French in I695 btit insurers of the incident and then go A reminder. Should yottr vehicle be H.M.S. Loch l«‘_vnc. Jaritttiry. at Devon- recaptured by Admiral Rooke at this b;tld~|ie:ttlctl for the other chap. in:t complete write-otf. you will only he purt. for General Service Commis- battle and renamed H.M.S. Vigo. fortiiing hint in writing in polite but paid tltc current market value. resion (llomc/East Indies). U.K. Base After a long and distinguisltcd career tirm langtiagc that you hold him enshe finally sank in a violent stortn at tirely to tilaine amt that repairs will gardless of the original value shown Port. Devonport. in policy or the preitiittiti you ll..'ll..'-i. Salvictor. January. at Devon- Hclvtietaluys a short time later. The cost pounds. If yuti know the are your 'l'hc knowletlgeablc motorship's crcst——:t rook upon :i b|tit:'tield natue and rtttdress of his insurers so ist paying. port. for Foreign Service. re-values his car sensibly each H.M.S. l):tring. January. at Devottport. ——is taken froitt the family coat of’ much the better. yoti write to them year and pays a reduced premium for hiencral Service Commission. arms of Sir (ieorgc Rookc. llhlciltl, l-l.M.S. Vigo is one of lo‘ Within a day or so your own in- accordingly. lJ.K. llasc Port. Devunport. H.M.S. |)aint_v. Janu;ir_v. at Ports- Battle ('l:tss Destroyers built after surcrs will have sent _voti a claim .SIl.EN'[‘ 'l'll0UGll'l‘ mouth. for (leiicral Service Connois- the war during l‘)-45 and I946. An form and arty Ct.)rl’I.'$p(I|)dcnCc you I The writer was recently in a fairly sion. lJ.K. ltase Port. l’ortsntouth. improved Battle (‘lass was then have had should he ztttachcd to this large motor-cycle garage dealing with ll..\l.S. Defender. January. at Chat- developed and eight of these were so that it is oflicially recorded in their an itistiiaticc claim. 'l'|tcrt.- were at liaiu. for (icncral Service Commis- built in the following two years. case lilc. 'l'hc main thing is to get least all) wrcckctl motor-cycles in ftill has sion. U.K. llase Port. ('li:itlt:tm. load a in Vigo displacement‘ your our first and a little belliger- that one tvoiksliop. Utiusual? No, it H.M.S. l)t.-light. January. at l)cvoti- of about 3.000 tons. is 37‘) ft. long ence tactfully applied against the is quite a coninion sight. bill it makes port. for (icticral Service Commis- and 40 ft. beam. her main armament other side is always a crafty move. A. 1-2. MARSH. one think. sion. U.K. Base Port. Chathatn. ll.l\ 9. Tiger. February. at Clyde. for

H.M.S. Crofton. ()ctob-er. at llytltc. for Foreign Service ft\lcditcrr:tncau). ll.-.\l..‘i. Kcppcl. October. at Devonport. for trials. ll.-.\‘l.S. Chawton. October. at Hythc. for Foreign Service (.\lcditerranc:tn). |l.M..‘. l.andiill'. ()ctolicr. at l)cvori(iuiual Service Corhntission. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. port. for (icncral Service (‘omntissiou fMcditcrrancan/llonte). U.K. ll..\l.S. Crossbow. l-'cbru:try. at (ThatBase Port. Devonpnrt. liani. for trials (Part (it:flt.‘l'(Il Service Commission eoruplemcittl. H.M.S. l'l_ssscs. October. at Devonport. for (iciieral Service (‘unionis- H.M.S. \'id:iI. l-‘eliruttry. at Clt:t_t|tatu. sion (Mediterraneziu/Ilotncl. U.K. for (ieneral Service Ctitittitissioit. llast: Port. l)evoiiport. U.K. llase Port. Chatltant. H.M.S. l7ntline. October. at Ports- H.M.S. Gran.-littcs. l-‘cliruary. ntotttli. for (icncral Service ContDevoitpurt for trials.



mission (Mediterranean I Home). UK. Base Port. Portsmouth. H.M.S. Undituntcd. October. at Portsmouth. for General Service Com-





111: School of Accountancy. 3 Rt.-gent House. 6 Norfolk Street. Strand. London. w.c.2. I'lm.rr .u-ml me post frrr and n-iIIiuul.oliIt'.x:aIinn at rapt’ of “ The Direct Way to Success " your Guitlr 10 Careers. NA M I? ADDRI-.'SS—.__:__

L _“_-:.::-_-r_—_:*_-_—=—_-..-.'::.'_-_—..

.. _.








NAVY ist-zws


TBBENTIAL l)9WNP0Ull Ann Shelton '‘



Uniform ‘Petty



R.N. Barracks

Oifieer wi-en niciiiimii. Duchess of Kent Bnrradts. Wool drcss—'two yards of 54-inch wool

yard. Pattern adapted from Simplicity Pattern. at ills. ltd. per


Total cost 445. 6d.

HIE Royal Naval Barracks held I their annual “At Home" for fami- I lies and frieiids on Wednesday. July 16. and though the weather was most unkind the brave-hearted ttirncd tip in full strength to make the day a great




Miss Ann Shelton. famous star of stage and TV. ohwied the gala and she arrived looking. like a breathless ray‘ of j siiiishine in the midst of it torrential‘

July ON"their

I4 Soulhsca Branch held monililymeeting in the Coinniodore's Conference Room. Royal ‘\‘:ival Barracks. when the s|‘Ic:ikci' 7 E\\.l\‘ Woiuaii Police Sgt. (i. l. lloward. -: who talked wiili £tlllIt0i'il_\'. etitiitistasiii and humotir about her Lilllius iii the


F. 'l‘alb0l-

downpour. (Tdre. A. A.

ust. I95!

l),S.0.. introduced .\ii\'s' Shelton. who replied with an extreincly tttI'ltlSlllg_ speech and i-ilii.~i.ill;. opened the fiiuction. .-\.B. Higginsoit. Coiiiniandc-r'.-'. .\lessenger. then presented a boitqiiet_to; .\liss Shelton and received a sp_;inkiii_g ; good kit»; on both checks tor his. ‘



‘I he wide scope of these duties. and ithe hard work involved had tint prebeen appreciated by the of lt‘lt.‘lttI'|t.‘l'.\‘. i\lr.s. Moore. :Ill(|iOl'Il_\' 'ott behalf of the tiieiiibcrs_ thaiiked trouble. ;l’olii:e Sgt. I'II.\\\'.|ftI. rain during} to continued it Though ; Coinpetitions were won by .\lrs. of the ntimbcr a afternoon. quite the .\lo.ss and .\lrs. I'IC:lIIlIl’tllI‘l. and were -' ?. ..;1...ic.~i... " the of swings made use good by Mrs. Talbot and Mrs. Dore. given Miss Anne Shelton with I.leut.-Cdr. R. W. Garner (First Lieutenant of the children and roundabouts. and the produce and On October I6 a coach trip to t Portsmouth i\avaI Barntcluil in the nardroom gardens. In the bacltgrottnd handicrafts display was a great attrachas been arranged to attend ;l_ondon Is Able Seaman Iligglnson.who presented the bouquet tion. The sports bad to be cancelled a meeting in Admiralty House in the afternoon. and to visit ti variety show owing to the ground becoming water- I logged. but the programme was altered I at the Pitlltidiiitii in the evening. The and everybody went oil’ to view the .cost of the outing will be l'l's. (id. barracks anti take early tea. I The niecting in September will take t place at 2.30 p.in. iii the Victory it was touch and go as to 'l'hc‘.ittc. Royal Naval Barracks, A Il..\l.S. Vernon Braiiclt helil _Dame F.|iIabeth Kelly and the (‘hair-. the evening entertainment wottld have 'tea-dance will be held. and annual their antitial garden party on the;men and nienibers of the other' to be cancelled. but by 5 o'clock the ‘stthscriptions will be collect ‘d. 3 weather started to improve a little and Wardrooin lawits. Il..\I.S. Vernon. ? Porisniotttli Branches. A whist drive in Kim: on July 2, by kind per- (‘oinpctilions were arranged byithc Royal .\larine Band (‘..,-org.-'< Fund for Sailors will ti"A. Illundell. .\Irs. (‘o.\;we|l. Mrs. Riley. Mrs. Hunt. Iixcellciii. under the baton o Batiilniission o Capt. held oti 'l‘ui:sday. September 30, i.\Irs. Brewer. Mrs. Ainsley and Mrs. t’t't:l\‘ll.‘t‘ Pollard. gave a tasteful selection 0.B.E.. R.i\'. ‘T p.tn. in the (‘ottiinodorc'.s (‘unferiii view of the very titisettleii ,‘ Browii, While Mrs. V. C. Ilcgg in thc drill Nhcd. ‘eiici: Room. Royal Naval llarracks. weathcr and the unpromisttig morning presented the pfllL‘.\' as follows:-~ ‘Tickets 25. (including refreshment). Linnell; bagatclle. Mrs. we were extremely lucky to have Idoll. .\lrs. A,“a,jngi\g;m,. the social aftcriiooti which in- inlil)’ be obtained frotti the Hon. SecreWilkins. Mrs. Esdon and Mrs. TreadAT such it wotiderful afternoon. This followed an :im:t1.ing was by cltided guests from the Vertion and ii-"IVY. Mrs. M. M. l)orc. 28 Grant Judith Riley; Killing the rat. Lady Uranthatii, President of front the of team a agility by Sotithsea branches. tiiuch enjoy-3R03lll- it-'||'liflt!l0n. R.i\'.F.U.S.W. .\Irs. Harrington, Barbara Shorter; displayNaval Area Portsmouth Trainof School Physical Royal honoured us by a short visit in spite competitions, Mrs. Coxwell, Mrs. ing. The extraordinary co-ordination meat was had from the games and dances organised by the siih-eoniof having to go on to another Palmer and Mrs. Caitlin. mind of and was remarkable and niittce. This body Mrs. Begg was thanked by Mrs. this always proves to be a engagement. A bouquet was presented was most wamtly delightful displa popular meeting. to her on arrival by Julia Baxter. We Blundell and presented with a bouquet it so rightly deserved. as applauded The branch was lticky in choosing! were pleased to have with us‘ as by Judith Riley. Music was played 5h“ °'°‘“'°" ""5 “"3 '"'“° BY 'lhe annual report on Naati h‘‘‘:‘ a lovely afternoon for the garden} guests. Mrs. V. C. Begs. VlCC'[hY the H.M.S. St. Vincent Royal and “"3"” which was said to be one of the g trading during the year showed a "SC “'°"°_“°W bl?-“Cd “'"_h President of the Portsmouth Area. I Marines Band. CIVIC‘-I |h¢ 51"‘-‘h|"¢ “'h|Ch <tll|CH!-' There will be no general meeting appiest they have had. Mrs. Taylor.=proiit of £18.-till which has been Mrs. Winter. Hon. Secretary of ground. Everyone gathered president. and Aduiiral Taylor. ‘very 'alloi:ated to reserve fiintls to replace Pnrtsitiotith Area. Mrs. Unwin. .\Irs..in August bill a sewing meeting will pziivide the tielil-gun track for the ititer- kindly loaned their garden For the part of the £R‘).tl()0 drawtt from pcRiches. .\lrs. Post. Mrs. l'I;iwkins.‘be II|.'Il.I on Wcdnesdziy. August 27. aroiiiiil divisiorial tug-oi"-war tinal. which was outitig they were not quite so fortun- serves to make good traditig lossi.-~; between Anson (Seanien) and ilowe ate as regards‘ the wetitlicr. bitt never- during I953-55. No amount is there(Supply atid Secretariat) Divisions. thelcss the trip to Wobtirn Abbey was ': fore available for distribution of extra This developed into it trcniendotis enjoyed. Thaiiks go to Mrs. 'l'hoiii.is ‘rebate. A prolit of £25.'.’3-I in I956 tussle and if any misinformed person for organisiiig the event. .w.is dealt with similarly. 1958 1st On Monday, December, do is all a cook a e a ca 'e or a writer pus a pen. e in the Royal Albert Hall should have seen this magnificent etiori Chairman of Comniittce—.-‘tdmiral Sir Denis Boyd, ic.c.ta., C.B.E., i).s.r:. by Howe Division. who. though beaten in two straight pulls by Anson. really 5 All Senicc and ex-Service personnel (including Army and R.A.I~‘.) gave the marlitie-spikemariners several Air Air the '










Sun Game 01:15 in Time For Vernon Branch Garden I'(u°t_q_



























igniagincs that




Arm or Royal Navy who have served with the Fleet Service in ships operating aircraft or on Naval Air Stations are entitled to attend.


nasty moments. After we had got over this excite-i nicnt we witnessed a display by the boy cadets. This was it coniPrice of Tickets (inclusive of Souvenir Programme btit not re- E Victory bination of ticid-gun run. comedy and and 6/(Balcony). l0/freslinieitts) of bangs: and if the SpCCl1ll0t'.‘& were soitiewhat deafened anti even bePlain Clothes will be worn. l-wildered by it all the cadets appeared The organising Committee will aim to allocate blocks of seats to enjoy tliciiiselvcs and were heartily applatided oii eonipleiion of their to Sqtitidrons, Aircraft Carriers and Air Stations, so that old .ship-




)The bars and buffet will be open from show. 'llte I’ri1_es 6 p.ni. to 6.30 p.in. and from 9 p.m. to II p.m. l To eoinplctc the day. prizes were Applications for tickets should be forwarded to the following :kindly presented by Mrs. A. A. 1-‘. address not later than 15th September, 1958. Talbot to the winners in the flower. fruit. vegetable and handicrafts dis-' “Fleet Air Arm Reunion", Oliice of Flag Olliccr Air (Home), plays. and a particularly loud cheer‘ Wykcham I-lall, Lee-on-Solcnt. mates


may be


raised for the winners of the tug- i of-war. So the day ended and everyone agreed that though the weather had been quite ghastly for the majority of the time it had been well worth visiting and staying on to the end. was

APPLICATION FORi\I (I’It'a.t‘c delete lt'0I'([.S‘ not applicable) I wish to attend the Fleet Air Arm Reunioti and enclose cheque] postal order for:



unable to attend the reunion, but wottld like :1 Souvenir Programme for which I enclose at remittance for 2/6. (Cheques to be crossed and made payable to the Fleet Air I







Arm Fund). Details of service with the Fleet Air Arm for purpose of seat allocation.


.... I‘I'0ITI.........:....:.................I‘0. €—‘°v-IW-R-N-S-l

. . . . . . . ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

(A-r°r°“'IM=wm=nan<=°/ShivSA" ti!) CaissonPrefer‘-mcc sumo“) (Squadron: Shlp or

(Ill) Seating .




" _

G. .-\. D. RE_.\R.(‘(),\|,\|()l)(')RF. talk to Rooke. t).s..\t.. gave Branch on July I, when he “I ‘Havant dealt with the history of the Nautical :i

Training Corps. Brighton. since formation I4 years ago under voluntary oliicers. They were proud of the of th-05¢ they had {ac} ‘hat tr-uncd wcrc Hm/am

{ N '





at M


the -I‘It)Il'Ic

. . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . .


- . . . . . . . . . ..-.

(iv) Name and rank or rating (please use block capitals). ......

. . . . . . . . . .

. . .....q...-9---.........--...-...

. . . . . . . . . . . ....-

which ticket (or S0t.l\CntI' Programme) should be Addrcssto 5cm ‘








Please note: Applicants are asked to accept some delay before ilic receipt of their tickets. This is to allow time for the Organising Committee to arrange the seating to the best advantage.







.C.'.' “ti.” i)'S'0' ‘ind B—a—rnu.'.l37.s'tum-, gaining him fl-(lg";';li;;::*’S;;C'i':{;‘{,3-"1:“'5“':;l:l':ul‘-33; place in tlieL.n..nA,A.A. l..‘il1tl'IlpiUIl\i -










of I11 entered. si\ graded to (itlt (White Belt) and six graded 5th (Yellow llcltl.


Kyu I-'()l,.'R'l'll I~‘AS‘l'I°IS'I' IN I-EURO Kytt Ill Warsaw he ran it 47.1 sect «liltl iii_ (eqiiivalcttt to it 47.4 sect .













"-“_:’n‘ phc



:‘i".‘i.‘i- 'i"..E.‘:Il"i§‘.“i';..!i".C-‘..‘§.‘‘.i‘.."!.‘ii .‘.’.'.‘.‘.’i'.“ati.""".K‘.3Zi". °.". .‘iiiternatiotial relays‘

. . ;’T.' 'i'.‘y'"“


’i;_R_,(, ‘,",i,,,,,ph’{.,, cni c r-E/s_.\.l . ..‘ _ L’ hc;ldqu:‘rlcrsIIlf\|(I)lI ..

yur}|\) ‘Had






was among ‘hose Hi“ Adiniraltv. A.ll. Parker scored 53. represented when the book of re- A-_rl. but the star for the barracks membrane: and the new standard of I-..\ not out.I.ittlc:iles nitic took who was the Chichester Branch were dedicated Adniiralty wickets for 32. in the cathedral on June 29. The following match tigaitist Frins~ A party from the Royal Air Force ail" b r'w:: won b‘ l2( runs.’l'hc match Pelerslield. was |_i||lg:|Ies A§SOClnl_t0l'l. 3 me Ham!“ tamed In and Sltipwright ('aniinisli. with the °c°“5i°" and was 3 himlw 0“ mly '2' I-ic) b'tt I0" not out ‘IIILI 48 and sirtrin it the keen there being competition in (Po). H“. “.ick‘.,_‘. f“-c c;,ch_ i"""r'a$5°d:"i"“ gamc" which we": NH‘ The third g'inie was against Clarion me h°sl5' won by .(‘i(t.l'l‘IIlliS-it with til ti-iii:: :t local Th‘: f0“°Wi“% Cl-“lint! IIICY IOUIC W‘: was top scorer and ()rd. Sea. Andertbcir standard to St. Faiths for their with four wickets and P_O. Mm 1-‘hUF¢h S€Wil-‘C “Ml DT=|l‘¢l’\‘ Williams with three wickets. ensured GU-'1|'l¢|’l_Y were said for thou: at sea. iiciory by (>0 runs, .



the siimiim Cruise or Fleet. the niigsiiip, ll.M.S. T,-iie. visited Copenhagen. and His Majesty King Frederik [X is seen here. with Queen Ingrid. talking with the L.-in-C.. Home I-Ieet. Admiral Sir William Din-ts. l\'.C.B.. t).S.(). unit ttiir. and the Captain of It.M.S. Tyne. Capt. .t. 5. R'N'




Iueonnoo .







4-til season. and in thi. ni.i.i.h .tg. (iertttany gaiiietl first place in 400 in. with a iuiie of -37.4 secont llis successes to date this so hav- ineltitled second place at first place in the 440 in British games at the White City first place in the Southern Con chatiipiotisltips in 47.3 sec. In the Navy chanipiotiships it‘ tip new records in the 220 and yards. but was unable to coinpe Inter-Services champion the owing to his Eiiipire (ianies con 4











August. I958


QUABTERS: New Rules ;\'.\\'\' NEWS


Il..\l.S. Stieltleback. the midget submarine was handed over to the Ru_\;t| Swedish Navy at n ceremony at Portland

July l5. She


Dockyard on aceevltd ll)‘

Coinuiodorc 0. Kroltstedt. NiIV'_Hl Attache at the Swedish Embassy in London, front Ca t. P. J. Ctmell. l).S.C.'. R.N.. ‘aptain of the Fifth Submarine Squadron based at Portsmouth. The operational and passage crews of the Sticltlebaclt of both the Royal Navy and the Royal Swedish Navy. commanded by Lieut. l). .l. I). Strung. R.N.. and Lieut. I’. Malmt-.ren respectively.

inspected by Commodore Krolvcstedt for nhont a guard was mounted by ratings‘ of the Royal were


The Swedish crew of the Stickiebaclt visited Portland for training earlier thin year. The Sticklehack. originally designated the X.Sl. was completed and launched at the Burrowinl-'i.irnu.s yard of Mesa. Viclters Ltd” on October I. I9 In a statement isimed in Stockholm last month. the Royal Swedish Navy, announcing the signing of the contract for the purcha-ee of the Stieltlebaclt. stated that she would be used both as a target submarine during untisuhmarine exercises and to train inlet and harbour defences against attack by enemy midget eaibmariiies.

:\l;l4|$Kl'0I|§ .

Have YOU


personal problem
















Now they have machines for slicing cucun1l)ers C

I.'I-.'l’lN(i the U..$‘. Fl.-ei re- U.S..'>'. 'l‘r1it'ki'e. fin-llt-cl and well /ed in iI.\' 'I‘riu'l.t'.' nirrii-.t /our type\ of miriuiiul and Nzl'l'f) operritinris. is /Mel, in all uearl_\' S.()0Il,(J()t) galIili' job of the Ull£lt'I'lt‘tt_l' Rx‘- loui. She is mania-d by regular pli-ni.tIuiieiit Crimp (URG). l.'..S'. i\'m'iil pi'r.umm'l, and is Umlerway R i-pli'ni.\Iiuu'ut (irnupr ill-/.'mii'eI_\' arm.-¢! with a battery vary in _ii:,i: tlml t‘iiiiipmitimt. mu! ii] automatic Iiitidiitg. rapid /irini: irirltnlc, in aililitimi tu nilt'r.\, ani- i,-um cnrttrullrd by Ilttttli'I’Il dirt‘ mmiitimi .t'liip.\", stlpply .iIiipt_ and r.ir_< am! radar. The ship has airri-Irigi-ration .\‘lti]7fl. 'l'lii'ir ilati.-t riirulitimieil ii'urItiii_e am! living enable fleets to remain at .\eu. span-.t. firm! will: a 26’ht"l lini/llt'”t'tl. aIimimiitimu'u' (mil .iIurerl. pilal ward. and a livlicopter plat/or very long perimls. /nrm t'.\ tint-cl. the A small URG cmi.ii.iIiiii: ol 'l'li.- prime /i'nturi' 0/ the ship litt't'i' iIllt'I'.\‘. l/.55. Trttt'i.i't'. “.525. _L't-|‘i'll to the wt‘!Iflnlmrriiri, and l;'.S..S‘. ('iiImuu- ii the lIIii'lllitllt luiuli.~.- malt-r the mmnmml 0/ larv 0/ the rI[)lt'i‘f.\' and men on The liriiii.' iuurninimlatioii ('rIpI. ll’, C. i\'nrr<'ll. l.'..\'..\'. l\/muril. am! the ii'i'lIriri' facilirvi'.'uIIy paid a riiit to l’orI.\muuIIi. tii-.\.\pm'iom iricliale rum-i;ula ttlttt‘illtlt' nml our i‘nrri'.rpuiirli'Iit wrr.r a/vlc In l'l\ll the ‘l'rIicA't-e—IIie IIa_::.\hip of rinvnm ta Iti'lt' [7l(‘l'llI'(' earl: t.'\'l'Ii' the (Ir:Iup*¢'muuuiIiiIi'il by Capt. int’). rcrrmiiou lounge, slim‘malt-r'_\ .\Iinp, lmrln-r'.r shop. ll". II. li‘auIiibi'r_::er. pnItlttt'4',\‘ its own ilaily tlt'|l'.\']Jlt[l¢‘f. (‘npt. Norm-ll. t'tlIt’t't'tl the (/'.S. and Im.\ /ricililiitr/ur "Do It YourNani! Il('tl(lt'Hl_\', /lIlttt)[tUll.\‘ as {I .ii'll" Imlilvii-x. The ,L-alley .i'price.r .\!iil.iIiipuian iii I927 and war pm- arid lmkery were i'isi'ted aml coittrl()lt‘tl Captain mi January I. I9_5I. mined every modern L‘0fl|'t'lllt’tl¢‘t', Ile was awarded the Array La.-iiiri of Merit for seri'i¢‘es ol wri.siiler- incltaliu_t: even a mucliine /or

able nierit ilurim: operation on fiuailalcamil. Actt'vely engaged in the Korean operations. he iras farther rewarded. rtltogi-ilu-r. Capt. Nnrwell has been aivarded some I3 or I4 orders. commemlatiour and nu'ilal.t. l'reri'ou.r to a.unmin_i.cmmmirid 0] the URG. Capt. Norm-ll was in command it] the


John l;‘ii_i,-Iii/t will be pleased to l'tIt.\l|'£‘I your qiicrics. ri strmtped (i¢ltlt(‘\\t‘n' cnrclopr: will be appreciated. recently hoiiglit :i new car In contact a n-parable .\ulit'il«Ir in I HAVF. on him: pun.-lt;i_\‘c with the object of .\Ialm i-.'lii'u _vouhau‘tlie np,'mrIuIiit_\'. tukiiig it to .\l;ilt:i for my next draft. l-'L’TURl-I .‘-I-IR\'lCl-I told by the dealer that pru- I l_w:is' innovations in the rules for application and retention of married' vided I lied completed 2.500 miles .'\i)' 12 years ui:in's time t.‘.\['lil't.‘\‘ 1 ltuartens (which include Adniinilty fumished hirinttfil have recently been find hild owned the ear for four :-‘l"'"l)'- ""3 lit“ “W i'L‘11|’S "1' Wlllt-‘ll months before it was imported to 5 I have served us a petty otlieer. and f published in A.F.0. 1665/58. ‘these iiicludc the following which priority tillocation. may also apply Milli“ I ‘Vlluld "0! hil“¢l0 Pi|3'imP0Tl i would be grateful if you will £lll.\Wcr j ‘are now in force: within zi month of joining for their duty or have any further financial the following queslions:—tn) Those who are on the waiting applications to be ante-dated by six outlziy other than cost of shipping. (I) If I return to civil life. how long list but are not offered zi married months provided such unaccompanied I have since found out that I must can i be outside in order to return to quurtcr before -being drafted elsewhere foreign service has lasted at least nine put down a deposit of £150 with the the Navy and still be it petty otliccr? Malta customs. or have the sum (2) If I remain outside for longer the United Kingdom. may transfer months. ‘their original basic date to the new (d) Those now in married quarters guaranteed. before I can import the than that period. how long will I car. I cannot afford this amount nor take to regain my rate and what will tplncc of duty. 'l1icy are given a ccr- may retain them on being drafted to it do I tificatc to the effect that it has not been Shll’ 00 :1 Gcflcr‘-ll S€rViCL' Commisi know anyone who will guarantee my seniority he? lpossiblc to offer them :1 married Sion. irrespective of where the ship is it for me. Now I am in :1 dilemma (3) What will be my terminzil grant. iquurtcr at Portsnioiith. together with bascd and irrespective of whether it because the car must be exported by liiiving joined at the age of 15 years. the date of original application. and does the home or foreign "leg" first. December. otherwise I shall be liable nine nionihs? ‘must present this certificate with an The tenant will still have to vacate on to pay purchase tax. (4) If 1 re-engage and get £I00. what I feel that the dealer is largely to effect does this have on the terniinnl :it their new place of duty Contplcliutl of three yc;irs' occupancy. ti month of joining in order to 0|‘ 0"_ bclllll dflfflfid 10 Sm C-5lIlblI'5h' blame for having misinformed inc. gr:iul'.' twithin ‘obtain the concession. The uu.ni-err to your tjttt‘.iti0Itt anmerit in the United Kingdom outside and I would be grateful for your 9 (b) At the end of a General Service lhlt Pvrtsmolllh area. or I0 :I ship on advice as to what :1ction I can takc. u.i' /iillimti ."-Tcomniissiun ll‘Iu_-w who have not home sen service based clscwhcrc than I :iin_a_nicinber of the Automobile (I) The _et-ueral rule is that men Association. re-i'ni.'rin_e alter Iuii'iii_i; bi-en aIm~nr .occupied quarters during the conimis- at Portsmouth. I ‘sion may :ipply within a month of the .S'i'ri'ice /or more than {inam that afraid [mm you eammt in an (c)r‘\PPli¢-'Ili0n5{UT m4m'iI-‘kl ¢tU=|I'|¢fS joining to have their applications at pigs): be madctrom one month before way hold the dealer resporisiblc for _\*¢'ar.r are not pcrliiitreil to want their the next place of duty untc-dated by lmnlflli lhc 5h|P 0|’ t'5l4Il'li3l’Im¢|ll C01!’ your pr.-dicanient. He would Imow the previous .n'rvi'i‘e oral are to be irmtml six months, cemed. or from the date of appoint- ltrituli rt-giilations for exporting ears, as new t'tllt'tlIllS. 'l'ln-re ah’ ('.\’t't‘pll0tl.\' but would ct-rtainly have no reason In this rule but in the alirenre of tc) Tliosc whb have been serving mcntordraftiflatcr. to Imow the local import regnlatiaiis your .Ierrit'e certificate it is not pmiinaccompnnicd by their 1. H 5" Malta. nor indeed in any other .ii'b!e m _r:i'w u /all tfllS||'t'I'. If your I u families for less than the full 15 Lmouths required to qualify for :1 in order not to penalise those who cormtry. Tlirxe tlifiigs sliould be [Wi.'l’lflIl.\' time were alIuu'¢'il to count I have already been waiting a long time found out by the intemlilig buyer you woaltl be ft"('tllt't't'tl and ailranreit l the corifirmcd raIin_i: ttr‘.I.'l belonb_cIor:.- he coimiiirr lii'm.reI/_ The pori- to I The Comniander-in-Chief. Home at Portsmouth. the roster: have been Ii_uu war proriialxateil iii ztclmimlty Ilial held on t!l.i‘('llflI'_l.'(‘. i.e. Lt'tk.”tlg Fleet. Admiral Sir William Davis, split at the following dates of applica- Heel Order 590/ 57 ii-hirli hm would he placer! on .n-aniau. lllltl K.C.l'l.. I).S.O.. about to embark in a tion: Chief Petty Olliccis, May IS; been .iupi'r.i'¢'ile¢I by I488/58.recelitly the roster /oryou advunct-im.'ril to ttclfptg helicopter on the quarterdeek of Petty Ofliccrs, April l6: and junior I can only .tagge.rr that you enlist petty nflicer in the normal way with ll.M.S. Tyne oil Portrush. Co. Ant- nitcs. March I5. Those who applied the a.i.ii.miiu'¢' of (hp Automobile .n'm'orit_r and date of pasririg rim. Northern Ireland. ‘Hie heli- before those dates will be governed rl«\\’"H'u!l0Ii.of which you are a IIl('IH' sionally as the date of re-entry.[lrnIr'.\the old rules. Those who applied copter. from R..\'.A.S. I-Igllnizton, her. You would also be well mlriial (2) l/ your former time irere lint tcr those :1 who think dates. that him they his on visit conveyed oficlal to ullowecl to vomit you wonlil, ll\ the Joint Anti-Submarine School at are entitled to some priority by ilie new ttlI‘t'(lt!_\‘ xtaml. be treated as a llt‘|t‘ should niles. forward revised a is applilie Lundonderry. accompanied by entrum. and it is not pn.c.rilile to lurehis Operations tltlieer, Lleut.-Cdr. cation form through their Command¢‘u.i! him‘ lmig it would take for you ing Ollicer before August I I. stating the .M.S. CARRON. Royal Navy dc- to regain your petty o[,lici'r rate. .l. Gordon-Nixon. Royal Navy You reasons for such claim as explained in stroycr _of the Dartmouth Training imulxl be requireil to re-pars flit)/t’.\‘ paragraph I. Any priority granted will Squa_dron, is to accompany eonipeti- siuually for lt'tlt1iIl[,’ am! petty aflin-r not allow the application to be back- tors in the international Sail Training rate in turn and your actual admirerdziicd before commencing dates of the Association Tall Ship Race from rm-ni would (Ifflftld upon the stair: ol new rosters as indicated above. Brest to the Canary islands as an the ru.tt¢'t'.t'. the old rosters have been escort vessel in August. She will when I I00. I0 allocated. per cent. of the number contribute to the safety of all yachts (3) (4) No efleisl. of applicants at the top of the new taking part. and will have on board I] you rt--enter the i'ri-ice In amirosters up to a maximum of IS will be besides members of the lntcrnntionail /or peiuion am! your frozen at the top, so that they will not Sail Trainintz Association committee, pl:-te time service is allmrerl to count. former be displaced by new arrivals. 34 Dartmouth midshipmcn and cadets, any tcrntinul grant pair! pret'iou.tly is The numbers on the combined three (‘ninwell cadets of the Royal ri'r.‘tIi’i'ritblt'. rosters on July 24 were: Chief Petty Air Force and a The in/urimitimi _eii'i'ri at (I) (Hill party of nearly 40 Oflicers. 43 (top of roster man. April schoolboys, (2) ii t'lIIlitIlIit'tI in Illt' /ltl|'tltlt'e'Itli.'IlI to. I958): Pctty Oflicers, I09 (March ll.M.S. (T;irron left Plyuiouth for Rt'_L'lllUIllJIl3' (".R.l0()(\). (.'IiupIt'r Ill. 4. W58); junior rates, 24'.’ (l:inu:iry llrcst on July 30 and will arrive buck and (2). (J) and H) in the /ifl[)t'Iltll.l' 27. I958). .'it l)c\'onport on August 26. In the Navy List tlmu’. N57) pa_i:i' 37, .










Permit Ante-dating

l _/Widget Sub i Sweden


.iIit‘iiig ciiciinibers. Capmiii of the I-.'loLomin. Capt. (I. H. Miller. U.S.N., hail. on the day preribas been .relecteil for pmmorion to Rear-rldniiral. Capt. Miller was an-ariled the Navy Cross. sccaml only to the Congrc.rsiullrtl Mi-«la! [or flrarer_i'. in 1944. ii-In-ii .n-rt-irig in the U .S..S'. Iloiirton.

Of course I try save



But my


p:1y's -not ciioiigli in

That’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sounds too good to be true. Wlicrc-’s lllc cntclil’ No catch. And if] had died at any time my wife would have received the whole £855 Which will you t:ikc'.’ } You immediately. see,it’s :1 Savings Scheme Pm going for the pension becausetherc’s and Life Insurance rolled into one. another valuable right with it—l can get a hadn't for signed on Supposing you 22 years’ cash advance for the full price of a new service? house. Pm all lined, up for a job already, When I had done my 9 years, as l had and with an extra pension to look forward paid premiums for 7 years, I could have to and the wife and family safe in our own drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home—well. it’s the kind of security we all _ Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall want. have the option of taking the _ !low do you set about all this'.' if I don’t need the or That’s easy. Ask the Provicash immediately a pension .’_i uni-9 dent Life for details of the of £172‘ a year I retire from civilian work at 65. Progressive Savings Scheme. PROVIDENT ‘ For mmibcr: (J the ll’.R..»\’..S'.~ the LIFE I’m.rion is {L19 0 rear. ASSOCIATION OF LONDON






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Please send full details ot the Progressive Savings Scheme Name cananrnunon-nuuounnuuuuunnu--nu-ouunu-u.-nun-nunu.-.---nun.nu-nop...-un-u....u.n..nu..un-u.u --nu-ucuuu--uu-usnu.-uus.---u...-u.-o................ou ca............no..o._n......un.........--.nun-uuuun

Rating or



Age next nti-thday.....................N‘~'

B12 L


Au ust. I958

Mine watchers


spend summer spotting ()Rli than |.0O0 men and women. volunteers of the Royal Naval

Mineisatcliing Service,

are taking part national inter-coiniiiaiid eflicieiiey conipetitioii throughout the llritish Isles lltls suinmer. and the four coiii-_ inaiid winners will compete for a trophy at the finals at Rosyth, in Scotland. on October 4. The volunteers come from nearly ltlt) units in the four l\':ival Commands —'l'he Nore. Portsiiioiitli. l’lynioutli'l and Scotland. In the event of war they would be responsible for spotting mines dropped in all coastal waters and in the principal navigable water-1 ways, including the i\l:tllL‘lIL'slC|' Ship, Canal and the River 'l‘liaiiics tip to‘ Riclimond. There are over 5,001) volunteers iiithe R.N..\l.S.. which is the highest’ establishment ligure reached since Service was foriued in 1951 to meet. the potential menace of the aircraftlaid mine. ’l'lie_v attend regular training 4 evenin_i:s' and near a blue battledressl uoiforni. All volunteers receive :1 small training alloivaiiee in addition to their










work of the i\'av_v on .i\l.S. Ceylon (('apt. F. R. 'l'wis.s‘, Cliristiiias. lsland is indicated D.S.C.. R.l’\'.l. coinniissioncd for service on April l5. now undergoing Ill a letter received from a leading trials previous to sailing for the Far seainaii serving there. who writes: liast at the end of July. held a l)edicatioii Service on July I2. conducted by the'Ilie Naval Task Group comprises Royal i\'av_v. RU):ll .\larines, the (‘hziplain of the lilect. the Vener:ible Archdeacoii l);irrel| llunt. (.'.ll.. Royal New 7.eal.iiid Navy, Royal Fleet Aiixiliarv and the .\lerehant Navy. The ().B.l3.. .\l.A.. Q.ll.(‘.. R.N. Navy is It] the minority. Knots ii Iirstly the Among guests were l.ady as "Na\';il l’.'irt_v 2513." it was‘. rcit:imL'd wife of the Prime and coxiiiiiissioiieil ll..\l.S, Resolution .\lacnii|lan. Dorothy Minister. who had laiinehcd the ship on ('hristnias live in l‘P57——a stone in I‘)-521: the (’oinmander-in-(Thief. or rather canvas frigate. ()ur Portsnioiith. and I..idy (iranthain: the .-nent ship afloat is the l..('.'l'_ perinall..\l.S. I-lag Othccr Air Hloine): the ( hicf of Narvik, She is titted with :i tlislillatiotl Stall. l’ortsiiiou_th. and .\lrs'. llegg: the plant to help provide the island with Admiral Superintendent. Portsmoiith. fresh water. and Mrs. Unwin: and .\lr. and Mrs. Peter Tsviss. Mr. Peter Twiss. the test 'l'l-ZST PIC R I0 I) pilot. is a cousin of the ('oiiiiiianding l)iirin:.- the "test" period the whole Olliecr of ('cylon. of the (iilbertese village is evacuated l'l..\l.S. Ceylon is the third ship to on board for obvious reasons. During hear the name and was first connois- the tests two l'rii::ites are detailed to sioned in I‘)-U. ller displacement is act as weather ships and :i destroyer ltl.t)()0 tons‘. length 555 feet. and her to act as chaser. The veteran of the eoniplement is tvlltl otliceis and men. weather ships is the Royal Nets‘ Zealand ship Pukaki. For the last opera0 0 I tion we had Ulysses :iiid the L‘:iva|ier. I.ad_v I)()l’()lll_\‘ .\|aeniillan (wife of the latter acting as chaser. ll..\l.S. Resolution is the naval base the Prime Minister) In-ing welcomed ashore. situated at Port Camp in the on board ll..\l.S. Ce_vluri by Capt. I-'. R. Twists. Left and below. she Port of London. sortie 12 miles from chats with some of the chief petty the main camp. Only 40 per cent. of the personnel in the port c:iiiip are Royal olliccni and their wives Naval and Royal Marine personnel. The remainder are Royal Air Force HE

. «










out-ol-poc‘sct expenses. and occasionally go to sea \vitli ll..\l. ships. Tlirotiglioiit the stiniiiier. volunteers

from widely scattered towns in the British Isles will be spending their’ leisure hours on the banks of waters. at the entraiiccs to ports and in ‘ isolated mine-watching posts on exposed parts of the co:ist to plot "mines" which will be dropped by air I simulated by exploding small or AI‘ charges in the water. Command wiriners of the competition will receive a trophy in the form of :i silver paritBurley. an inshore minc- l ‘ehute mine. known as the Commansweeper usually based at Rosytli.l der-in-Cliief's Prize. and the inter- berthed at Southampton on July 26 coniniand champions will be awarded and 27 so that the ollicers and ratingsi a 2-ft.—high silver \ase. could go ashore to further strengthen; her association with the namesake‘ vill:ige in the New Forest near RingFILM wood. Iltinipsliirc. 'l1iey visited Ilurley on its carnival THE FLEET day and renewed acquaintances made earlier this month when the ship‘s (Torrent lilin releases to the Fleet company attended morning service in include "Up the Creek" (Cinema- the parish church. During this service Scope), naval comedy. starring I)avid the ship presented the village with an Tonilirison. Peter Sellers and Liliane Ensign which was blessed by the Sittane: "\li 'l'im' to Die" (('inen1a- vicar. This will hang in the church oith Victor as a permanent reminder of the assoMattire. l.eo (icon and Luciana ciation between ll.M.S. llurley and Palii//.i; "Paris l-lolitla)'" (colour). her namesake village. in return. the: comedy, with Bob Hope. l-ernandel village has presented the ship with a :iiid Martha llyer; "Orders to Kill." replica of the village crest carved out war melodrama. with Paul Massie, of local forest oak. This crest will be lrene Worth and Eddie Albert. worn by the ship as a badge.






Sisope). \s‘.irimeloilraina.


I. Capt. C. H. I-loman.

V.R,l).. R.N.V.R., _rctircd

First Sea Lord Burma reunion

after commanding Sussex division for at live years. Capt. Homan joined the division as a midshipman in l93l. The new Commanding Officer is Acting Capt. J. W. Whittle. D.S.C.'A BLOCK of seats was reserved for and Bar. V.R.D.. R.N.V.R. who Royal and Dominion'Naval personnel joined the tliviumn as an ordinary at the Burma Reunion on June 6. The scaman in 1935. reunions started when Mr. Capt. Homan's last offcial function Thompson presented £2,000 forPercy this before retirement was to meet ll.R.H. purpose as a memorial to his brother, Prince Philip when he opened the who was killed in Burma the day new lock at Sliorehain on May 20. before VJ. Day. During the course of the Visit His A message from Her Majesty The Royal Highness inspected a Royal Queen was read before :i procession guard from the division. and the of to standards of the Royal Navy. Royal Marine band of H.M.S. Excel- Royal Air Force. regiments of the lent. and also carried otit a short in- British. Indian and Pakistan armies spv.-e_tion of H.M.S. Curzon and 2‘) branches of Burma Star The last year has been an eventful Association. for Sussex: in July, I951. one A pipe and drum band played when H.M.S. Curzon tLieut.-Cdr. H. R. Admiral of the Fleet, 'l'he Earl Hobday, D.S.C.. R.N.V.R), won the Mountbatten of Burma and other Thornycroft Trophy for the most distinguished people arrived. eflieient mineswceper in the squadron. Amongst those present were AdAlso in July. H..\t.S. Axford (l.icut.- miral of the Fleet Sir Arthur J. Cdr. G. l). Gimp)’. R.N.V.R.). Power. G.(‘.B.. C.B.E.. C.V.O.. Adescorted the Royal Yacht to the miral Sir Harold T. Walker. K.C.I3.. Channel Islands and was distinguished Vice-Admiral Sir A. K. Pollard. by being the only escort to keep K.B.E.. C.B.. D.S.C.. D.S.C.. and station throughout some very rough General Sir Campbell llardy. K.C.B.. weather. l.ieut.~Cdr. Guppy had an C.B.E.. l).S.().. R.M. audience with The Queen. The Pakistan Navy was represented In September a team of W.R.N.S.. by ‘Cdr. Muzzaffar Ilasan and the captained by Second Olliccr Y. M. Indian Navy by Cdr. S. Viswanathan. l-larlc. won the Atibrey Fletcher Cup The First Sea Lord |'ct_‘()unlctl at a meeting of the Sussex lntcr-Ser- amusing signals during the campaign vice Rifle Association. heating the and spoke of the recent hand-over 'l‘.A. and the ratings of -ihe division. of a ship to the Burma Navy, lle On May ll. Vice-Adniiral W. R. mentioned great increases in the cost lidden. Admiral ‘ommanding Re- of ship construction and aircraft for serves. carried out his annual inspec- the Fleet Air Arm and R.A.l-". tion of Sussex. Because of heavy rain There was a popular variety prothe parade and inarch-past were held gramme and all stood as units of in the underground car park of King the Territorial Army. who are celeAlfred. Vice-Admiral lidden. in ad- brating their 50th anniversary this dressing the division. said that the -year. paraded through the hall. whole aim of the R.N.V.R. wasgto Next morning Mr. R. Walker provide a competent minesweeping played the piano~ tor coinniunity force in time of emergency. singing iii the Burma Club. -

The ship, alas, is in distress Supplies are daily getting less 0fG and U and'I, and yes! Of double N, E, double S.


which being decoded



N1-IV I-ZR-I-Z.\'l)|NG JOB The naval maintenance party conipete with the never-ending job of the maintenance of ferries. lighters. pontoons and boats. as well as the laying of lights and houys. Weather forecasting is a very special job. and a serious one in view of a possible "fall not" risk. For this. meteorological balloons and radiosondes or Graw-sondes are lisctl to tind .the surface and upper-air winds. teiiiperatiire and humidity. These duties are usually carried out some 300 miles from shore. Air mail only takes three or at the most four days. and surface mail takes 28 days. Sport includes soccer. cricket. volley ball and .22 shooting.



June ONl).S.C..

and Army groups. Naval commitments on the island are the m:inniii_i: of the Royal .\';ivaI .\l:iintenance Centre in the Resolution. made tip of l€.R..-\s.. .\l.tlE.)s and seamen. lit the tnain camp area are some 10 M.tli.)s nizinning the shore distillation plant. About l2 tclegrapliists run the naval cotniniiiiie:ilions. The Fleet Air Ann is represented in the .\leteorological lield.

Jobs found for Electricians annual report of the Royal TIIE Naval Electricians’ Association

shows that new menibers introduced totalled l2l. and several had been placed in jobs and regularly t1t.‘\\‘S of vacancies was received. A new directory which will show the whereabouts. seniority and pension dates of all serving members, together with addresses. dcmobilizedand honorary members, is in course of preparation. ’I'he chairman. Chief Electrician L. A. Hanson, reported that linancially the Association has never been better. and expansiott was the order of the


FIRST RI-IUNION Social events last year included the first reunion in London. at which Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon U. Willis. Rear Admiral K. H. T. Pear. Head of the l?.lcctrical l)epartment. Vice-Adiiiiral J. Hiighes-Hallelt. M.I’.. and others were present. The 1958 reunion will take place at the Chenil (iallcries. Chelsea. on September 20. Further informaliott from Hon. Secretary. R.N.E.A., ll..\l.S.

Collingwootl. Fareham.

The chairman was awartled the ll.lZ.M. in the Queen's Birthday Honours. (‘hief lilectrician llenson is well known in the Portsnioiilh area. being on live committees eoiicerned niainly with spastics and handicapped



Anxwil. "53




Rcliri.-tiients: \'ice-.-\dmir:tl Sir \\'.;'li;ive desiscd a system of_ transverse (ieoflrey .-\. Robson. K.ll.lE.. (‘.B.. propulsion which will be installed in |).S.O. and lltir. l).S.(‘.; Rear-Admiral the new liner Oriana (-10.000 tons). The K. t\leN. Campbell-Walter. (‘.Il.; Ii eqtiipment will facilitate the maiitevRear-Ailniirzil J. E. H. Mclletith. C.Il.. ring of the vessel in confined waters. t).S.O.. l).S.C.: Rettr-Admiral G. A. and by virtue of its instaniancmts ‘Hiring. ('.lt.. D.S.0. and Bar. This op_er: ion under direct control of the bringsthe total titinibcrof Flag Ollieers bridge. When the captain \vi.s'lie.s‘ he retired since the last li:tlf—)e:trly pro~ I can order the ship to go side\v:iy.s'—— motions \\ere made in Jztiitittry to I-l.1 like zt cr.tb. The system consists of l’roiiititioii-t: ‘l'o \"ice-.-\tlmir:tl. Rear- circular steel casings :trr:inged across .-\tliiiir;tI l.. (3. l)url;tt'liet‘.('.ll.. ().|l.l-I. and tliiotiglt the vessel at the bow and l).S.(‘. To l{L'iIl".‘\tlltlll;ll. (.‘apt.tiii _.\l\.‘lll at an ttppiopiiztte tleptIi.bt-low I’. W. (irettou. I).S.(). and two liars. the '-\.|lL'lllllt.'. and uithin these t2:t\‘ltlgs' (l.ll.I?.. I).S.(_'.. .'\.l).('.: (':tpt:iin : are littetl the propeller ass.-iiiblies, I‘. t\'. V. Ciirrcy. l)..'i.().. l).S.(‘.. I .‘\.l).('.'. (’.t;it.titi lll.' l":irl (ittitiisi l Soortls.-Seeoiitl-h;tntl suords are in ( .tpt;ttii ¢:\ctitt-.: ltettt-.\duiit.tIi J. (L. i,'tL'.t1 tlL’Itl.tIltl. Retired t\llis't.'ls who do llttiitiltoti. ('.Il.l3..: ('.tpt:tiii l.-\ttiiig 1 not \\lsll to hang them over the tireRear-.-\diiiir;tlI M. Le l-':tutI. l).S.(‘.: pl.tt'c sliotild get in touch \\lll'l .\lessrs. (‘aptziiii I-Z. Mill. ().ll.l-1.; Captain N. Ii. i(‘. ll. llernard & Sons l.td.. Anglia Denning. ().ll.l£. These promotions llotisc. H'.tl\\lL‘ll. and retirements‘. together with retirements e\peeted during the next six niontlis. should result in it decrease of V I-I in the total number of ollicers on the Flag List at the end of this year eoiiiparetl ssith the number :tt ilie end of N57.















he week 59 ships and 18,000

R(':Il'-.-\tllllll':ll N. A. Copenian. l).S.(‘.. has been appointed Admiral Stiperiiitentlent. ll..\I. l)oel._v:irtI. (‘hatIiam. in tstlcccsslnll in Rear-.-\dniirttl (i. V. M. Dolpliin. ('.ll.. l).S.().. to take clleet in October. I958.

ratings ONLY A




at I-‘It-ct Canteen. Trin-

ctimnlce. This happy picture. tiiltcii after the recent I-lxercl-re “.lct." shows some of those who took part relaxing

i l s t i i n ch "oi" converged on Torquay

I.N.S. Talwar

anti-stibtnariiie frigate for the ANIndian l.t\‘.S. 'l':iIw;tr. was




Navy, .liily I8. I958,

the of .\lessrs_ (':tmmeIl l.:tird & on


shipyard Coniptiny Liiiiitctl. Ilirltenheiitl. I.t\‘.S. Tttlwar is the second frigate

the very interesting description of ti visit to Torquay by your correspondent from HM. of her type to be acquired by the Rear-.-\dniirul The Earl Cairns has been appointed President, Royal l\".iv:iI Subinarint: Sea Scout. which appeared in the July issue of N.\vv Nizws. I was particularly attracted Indian Navy. 'l'alwar denotes a common type of weapon in India and thc College. Greenwich. in succession to to the second of his article which older will whole i-cads:~—“TIic inhabitants talk of .n:tmc given is as a tribute to the \'ice-Atlniirttl Sir Geollrey Barnard. llotillas and fleets anchored oil in those distant days between the wars: when it line of‘ marvellous skill of the Indian manuI-2.(‘.It.. (‘.Il.I€.. D.S.O. and Bar. to was more common than at line of cruisers today. Indeed the very smallness of our facturer of high-grade steel. tztlte etfect in December. 1958. The ship is 370 feet in extreme submarine numbers such a a to anangc a formal (when problem length (360 feet between perpenRear-Admiral V. C. Ben. D.S.0.. programme of entertainment and for their Naval hospitality visitors)!’ diculttrs) and has a beam of 4| feet. l).S.C.. has been appointed Flag Ollicer Commanding Fifth Cruiser I had a feeling that the presence Wars ite, .\l llya. Valiant, Revenge, RemitSecond-inOlliccr epulsc. of otic submarine with its comple- lics, luod_ Squadron and Flag CtIkcn.—-Delhi. Light Dunedin, DaimlCommand. Far East Station. in succes- ment of 50 ratings. as the total len, Dragon, Danae, Ct-iiquest. sion to V ice-Admiral L. G. Durlachcr. strength of the fleet on an official Parent and lltpslr Ships.-Sandhurst_ .»\ttist:ui.-e_ (itecmsich, (_'_\c‘-ops. C.Il.. ().ll.E.. D.S.C.. to take elfect iii visit to Torquay in 1958. might well Mine l.a)¢r.—l‘rinccu .\lar;:arct. Dcceinber. I958. cause the locals to retlect and to talk Target V'eu¢l.——?s‘napdi.iiton, of the concentrations in the bay beDi-stro)en.—l.i3h'. Cruiser "Co\ciitr)" Rear-Adniiral I-2. N. V. Currey. tween the wars. ttt..\.i).i. III FloIlI:.—\\'.|lI:ce(l))_ \\r'arss-alt. Vanl).S.0.. I).S.C.. has been appointed Whirlnind. Vclox. Watchman. enuu-1. ('IiieI' of Stall’ to (Tonim:ttitler-inSixty Ships in 'I'orba_\' Vorttgein. \'«’.tlltcr_ Versatile. ('Iiief. Zld I-‘lotllll.--Etgvciiscr (l)l_ \\'o‘.llIound. with [hc hope om ;, mighl he of Viseoullt. Viceroy, Wiiicht-lsc.i_ \'.|‘.ort-us. in-Chief. Home (designate). in succes- 1 interest to vour correspondent who \'antui'u.li:r, \'cnt~tiA. sion to Rear-.-\dniir;t| V. C. llegg.Ih;id |i<,i¢n._~d' 10 um um fnhahimnls \'iolt‘tii. FIotilIl.~-.\l.tl.'t-Zin 5th (l)_i_ \..tI!II‘il‘_C‘ \‘eti~ ; l).S.().. I).S.C.. to take elfect in Sep“:5iie;lt.: and to many of your rcudcrs \‘tv.i;tous_ \‘v‘.:terh<ii_ tlcii.-t. ' \\'.iIxus. who might wish for ti clearer picture \‘iniicr.\_ V'oy:,,;cr_ K teniher. I958. .\l..i. .\l.'.', t\l.l_ Sula-firing,-—-KI), of the strength of art oflieial visit ut. ‘l‘i:gs.—St. (‘-mtiy, S: _" cr. lli..ow. Captain R. V. H. Case. l).S.0., 1“ '_l'0T'~lU=I)' in those days; not forI);-il|¢n.—.\v.tlaiiclie. l).S.C. and Bar, RD. and Clasp. getting tliosc old shipmates who were On this particular occasion. there R.N.R.. has been appointed It Royal presciit in the company when I was Naval Reserve .-\ide-de-Camp to the serving in the destroyer Vivaeious. were 59 ships and. at it rough -.~sttt_n:ite Queen from June I4. I958. in succes- I turned to my diary for I923 for the ti total complement of 18.400 olliecrs and men. sion to ('aptaiii F.. Hewitt. RD. and following extract; The sight of so many sltlps at ('l:tsp. R.N.R. llattleships.-—Qiiccn !.!ir.iI~.‘tli, Barb.-tin. anchor on the miter; of l0I’|_N|)' mus1 have been WY)’ |mP|’95‘"-'* The Rev erend J. Amistronn. 0.8.!-'... and most attractive to the holiday» Tli.l... R.t\'.. l'l.’l§. been appointed an iiiakers. and to residents of Torqiiay Ilonorziry ('h:tpl;tin to the Queen from by. and printed with and the surrounding districts. but. June I5. W58. iii sttccession to the I with all due respect to the local in- , petnitssion of, Coniinaiider W. ll. Reverend Ii. 0. I). F;i\\l.e.s‘. ().II.lZ.. Rowbottoni. Royal Navy. hzihitanls. and all their carcfullyi .\I..\.. R..\'. -‘\1|l:tist I. l7‘)8.--IluttleoftheNile. planned tirrungciiicnts for otir cn-j Augiist I. l9l5.~-Stihniariiie IZ.lI tertainnicnt on shore: there was .\lr. Josepli \\’hitele_v Stork. (.'.B.l-2.. r.'ll(lL'(l l never likely to be it mass invzuion. ('oii,st:tiitinople. who ll;I.\' been connected \\ ith the Royal (I. I‘)l-4.-—Aiiipliion siitik by: of hluejaeltets to their limits dur-' Naval College. Dttrtiiiotith. since N42. I :\lI1:lI~t mine oil’ Aldebtirgh in}: such it visit. is to retire (is Director of Studies at §(ierm:ni Autzuu 8. I9l_5.~—E.II sank Turkish the college at the end of .-\ugu.st nest Ilttrbarotisse Limited Leave I-lairedene in Dardanillee. sear. August 8. I‘)l'7.~~I.ietit, Charles With only the one small landing George Sotiiier. R.N.R.. aiitl I’.O. :tv;iiIable. and also no doubt be-l 9 ll.M.S. .-\iiipliion (I.ieut.-Cnninitin-t Ernest l’iteher. both of I)tinravcn.l pier the iiitlux of sightseeing cause great dcr K. Vaiisc. R.;\'.) has returned to the ttwurded the V.C. I visitors would require to the full the: United Kitigdotii after a period of serAugtisi 9. I‘)-l5.~—'l'y. Lietit. (A.)‘ limited facilities of the area. ‘ vice with the Royal (_‘:ti‘.;tdi:in Navy. jltoheit ll1tlllPl“ll (iray. R.('.t\'.V.R._l problems which might have arisenany! After by some time at sea, stationed abroad, or just every so lneliided in her ship's company are ‘ ll‘-il Sttlliull-‘ll. l'UI'll'lltl.Il‘lL'. 1I\\‘.I|’tlt.‘(llthe oi.-ertvhelniiiii: iiumhers of men? it’s natural that you should feel like some new clothes. often ’, four members of the Royal Ctniadittii the \'.(‘. :trii\‘:il. tltel solved by on \\.;n_- p;tnl_s’ t\'.tv_v. uho have been g(Ill‘llll_L' .suh~ At times like this the Willerby service really comes into its II. I‘)-I2.’ Iiagle gstiiilt by granting of “liiiiit-ed leave otil_v"—this‘ I Aiigtist iii;ii'ine expcricitce. (Iernian L7-bout in many cziscs iueant for "part of the own. A new suit? There’s a splendid range of styles and I2. Ih'5-l.»~-\‘.C.s'. :it\‘;irded to iv.itcli" only—thtis reducing the op-I Allgll’-I The aircraft carrier ll..\’..\I.S. Karel j i,ie-.tt. John llyiliesca and Stoker Wil-A cloths to choose from, made to measure and rcady—io-wear. for shore-goitig to :tbotit :i porttiiiity \';tn I)oiiriir.ui t(‘:tpt:titi II. .\I. I.. I7. Ii. ll.|ll'l Jolinstonc. both of Arrogant. quarter of the tot.il iittiiiber ttrcseitt New number ones? You can be sure, at \'s"illerb_vs, of ()o~.troni Sotle. R.t\.i\'.) has been in this ll. I‘)-ll, ~C;iiro ttirpcdncd,‘ on each oceasioii. .-’ttii:tis‘t t‘tiitittr_\ for cittapiilt dezidlottd trials at by ltttliztii stthiiittriiie and stink by own I In addition to. and quite apart service combined with real Naval smrtrtncss. personal Portstiitititli. and siiliseqtteiitly cttrrietl torcc. l-'oresight_ IUV’|1i.'tlucd by Itulianl from. the ollicial ctiit.tiliiient of leave otit llyiin: trittls. '|'he tlezitlloatl trials ’ ;tirer.tt't. had to he stink ticst day. You'll find the prices very reasonable too, and if you prefer in this way. it was not uiiusuttl for were rttn \\lll't the assistance of the August I3. I942.--.\l;incIiestcr stink‘ it .stidden deterioration of the weather to wear as you pay, there is our allotment scheme. Write. Royal I\';tvy‘s I-‘light Deck .\I:icliiner_v l'_\ (iertnztn Ii. boat. restriction further ellect or cana to Traitiing and ’I'riaIs' Iinit and ollicers ; August I5. I416.-—Ilatt|eof Httrflettr. cellation or call in when you're next on shore, for the leaflet describing leave. and coii.s'cof all froin the .‘\t.ll‘l'll|'1lli)' assisted in the Aiigust I5. I94-l.—-I.;ttitliiig of U.S. quently of many of the local :irr:iiigeWillcrbys special service for men and women in the Navy. llyiiig trials‘. and I-‘rench troops in Southern France. merits previously made for the visit. Aiigtist I8. l‘)l‘).-V.Cs. awarded to The "Torbay Roll” The Fifth I)estro_ver Squadron. Coinmander Claude Congrcve Dohson BETTER Dticliess. of H..\l. ships consistiiig and Lieui, Gordon Charles Steele. both On these occasions. the sudden risreturned and |)i'.tn:i. l)i:tiiiond. Decoy o!'C..\I.ll. 88Il.l). ing of the wind and the sea would be II. on to this t:oiintry on I-‘rii.lti_)‘. Jilly August I9. I9-i2.—-Raid on Dicppc. followed by "hoist all boats." which Mediterraiicaii of the leg Attgust 2|. l8t)0.-Capture of Taltu ended the prospect of shore leave. and completion Comtnissioii. of a General Service marked the beginning of a few days forts. Devonberlhed at allotment you Decoy and Diana August 27, I9-t4.——Britoniart and of "Torbziy roll" as the Atlziiitic port. Duchess returned to Portsmouth Hussar sunk by German aircraft all rollers swept into the hay._ to set oxrou: srnrr. Lo.-roox. W.t. Am: A!‘ antl Diauioiid to Chatham. all the destroyers and smaller ships d'Aiitifcr. n nonr. 1-uunl. rt.rxou-nx. in ooinincm. now. ronrsuouru. ugust 28. l9I4.—Action of HeIigo- floundering and rolling. almost "guno Loenaoii itom. norm xxo. r0l'l‘8IOII1'I. nels under" and some, weighing and At the request 0! the Orient Steam Iand Bight. I'll malt stint. cnarul. so soon MI. SOIl'!1ll.Ifl'l‘0l'. August 3|. l855.—Bos'n. Joseph proceeding round the bay in search Navigation Company Ltd» \it'ckcrskid lirendies tlmiuxtiout 8rt'tIi‘ri._ of better anchorage. Kellaway (Wrangler)awarded V.C. Armstroiigs (shipbuildcrs) -


squadrons: battleships


town with cert_ain


|‘ortsniouth.andtoComtn:tnder-l ‘














major refit 7
















August, I958


40,000 are agin expected for next week’s ...‘







NCLUDI NG H.M .S. Victory. l8 ships (iiicludin-__v submarines) are open to visitors to Navy Days at l’0rl.\lllUttlll. This nuntber is ttot as large as oit some Navy Days occastoiis. but with ti smaller Navy. and therefore -_.-reatc l‘ detuands itpoti tlte scaigoiitg ships available. it is only natural that fewer ships are availalilc for Navy



Visitors to the Dockyard will lind.‘c:irtier. will welcome visitors :iitd of however. that the ";\':ivy's()v.n Sliow" the other slllps open to \'|Sll(ll'\ tltere has not suffered in its appeal. ll..\l.S. :ire three .\uliin:irines (always an Victorious. tltc most modern aircraft almost ll‘l’t:\i\liltlt: attraction to visitors). the siihiuarinc depot ship l-l..\l.S. , J. "l‘yiie. the cruiser Kenya. three destroyers :iitd live frigzttes. Ships will always take pride of place ‘with the visitors. and they will lind llL‘l‘llUI"l.\lfllll0l'l\ prepared to iamiise and illustrate the work and l duties of the Rllylll Navy. A Whirhuind helicopter of Victor= ious will ileitionsttate how a rescue can .be ellected. I'l..\l.S. Excellent displays smile of the items of the (iunnery ‘School. including one working model of :i guided wezipon. The Royal Navy's ‘;- School of Diving from ll..\l.S. Vernon demonstrate various types of equipment. and there will be :i static display of aircraft and aircraft eqiiipnient in ll..\t.S. Victorious. That is nerve The R.N. School of Physical Training will give various displays. including vaulting exercises using trattipctte :tnd trampoline as tucans of take-olf. Having seen this display, and whilst readily agreeing that great control and skill are required. there is one other requirement. and that is nerve. The vaulting exercises conclude the l’.'l‘.

ll.t\l.S. Solcliay. ti ltattle class dcxtroy er. ‘‘open'‘ at Portsntoulh




Portsiitotitli l_ll-I l‘orcc~.

Branch of the .\lotoritig (‘lub held thei annual .\lystery I)iive and Quiz Wauglc on July 20. The course took tltc competitors from llilsca llzirracks on :i winding rotite through the .\leoii Valley linish- : ing at Bishop's Wallhant. ()f the I9 starters ll) completed the 1 course without having to open their sealed ltl’illtl\.‘llt\lls. Penalties were awarded for failure to answer questions. for not keeping to the route. incorrect recording of map references and for minutes outside the bogey time. All competitors found the afternoon most enjoyable in spite of wrestling with seemingly unauswerablc conundrutns. The winner was (I.P.O. F. G. Selby with 22 points. driving a



Display. and are a thrillingfinali_:._ Landing craft will take \'l"~IlOl’< round the h:ii'hour-—there is :1 display l by the Victory Boy (‘adet Corps. and { t:.\lllhlll0l'|S by the Dockyard. H..\l.b. King Frederik IX of Denmark inspecting the guard of honour aboard Dryad and H.M.S. Col‘ing\'-'o0d- Given ll.M.S. Tyne. flagship of the Commander-in-Chief. Home Fleet, Admiral reasonably fine weather. Navy Days will be an tinqualified success. and vistSir William Davis. K.C.B., l).S.0. and Bar, at Copenhagen

Siinbeani-I .






will have the added satisfaction that ;,|| profits an: devoted to the funds and trusts formed for the welfare not reonly of the active but also of theand tired and pcnsioned personnel their dependants of the Royal Navy. tors

by Bernards The satisfaction of

having passed

one’s course the has been achieved and now the all ltriowledgc that_promotio_ii important question of Uniforms. This is where Bernards experience can stand you in good stead for Bernards have a thorough knowledge of tailoringhigh quality Olhcers’ Uniforms and use only top grade cloths and trimmings. These factors, together with first class workmanship,ensures that Royal Navy Olliccrs’ Uniforms by Bernards really do express Perfection in .



The ‘Elite’ of the Navy

SUBS ALWAYS GET THE CROWDS are here again. As usual l l,-\\’Y Days .' thcr.._- will be several \lllVltl(lllttC\' -

opt.-ii to \‘l\'llut‘\‘_ and many people tip patictttly for their ttirit lo lll\P'.'Cl this \L'l)‘ Plllllclllill‘ type of Wttlxlllp. .~\|tlioii:.'li the \l.ll‘lllZIl'll1¢\‘ are .I..’u'.".&"‘, thc lc.t\l ;l(l\‘t.‘Ill\’.‘t.l sliips. they draw thy l\tg_'-__'c\l CtU\\'l.l\. What is this ll..\l.S. Uiidinc tiring her A.l.‘i. iuurtars during the recent l-'.\t-rcise "Shop- t'a\ciii;:tioii'.’ It cannot be siiintitctl tip wittdtm." Uiidine is one of the ships open to visitors tluriai.-. the l'ortsmoiitli in onc word. as it lllllxl appeal to :iii Navy l)a_\s (August 2-4) iiidividinil in his own way. Perhaps it “~.m|.| hg hcllcl to reineiubcr :i speech

Craftsmansliip. Additionally Bernards provide a personal service second to none and a representative will gladly call oit




you with patterns and details of prices. Bernards provide special terms for Promotion Outfits and allow 5% discount on Cash Orders. Subscription accounts, settled by Admiralty Allotiiient or Baiikers Order, may be arranged where it is preferred not to pay cash. Candidates for promotion are invited to write for full particulars of Bernards special promotion outfits service and to remember that there reason why more and more Royal Navy Officers on Bernards for all that is best in Tailoring

calling and Outfitting. are

Bernards Men’s 30


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40 Commercial

Head Oflicc: Aitglia Home, Harwich, Essex.




Dunfemiliite, Chatham, Afalta, Gibraltar, Lossfemoutli, Arbraarh, Abborsinch, Eglimoii, Bmzcdy, Kctc, Culdrou, Worthy Down, Corrltam, Ford and at H.x'i1.S. Dolphin '




words ‘Navy Day; Magic

Tiiei e

by the l’i'iine .\liiiister (Sir Wiiistoll

(‘hurehilll in the

llitltwc of Coiitmotis

in I‘)-ll. "l have uftcii looked for an opportunity of paying tribute to oitr subll'lltflllC\. There is no branch of His‘ .\l:ijesty's Forces which in this war has sullered the saute proportion of saulls to add a more spectacular fatal loss as our submarine service. tinish to the performer leaving the "lt is the tnost dangerous of all sertrampoline. vices. 'l1iat is perhaps the reason why Once again. for a week or so. the First l.ord tells me that otir entry teething troubles were experienced into it is keenly sought by ollicers and and then it began to take shape. men. Combining techniques of high box. "I feel sure the House would wish agility and diving,_a display worthy to testify its gratitude and admiration of presenting to the public was being to our submarine crews for their skill built up. and devotion. which have proved of Then disaster! The elastic support- incstimahle value to the life of our ing the canvas bed became badly country." This war-time tribute in no way worn. and eventually snapped. Nego-

always did the trick


N innovation into the l’.T. world in the last few years has been the introduction of the Trampoline. Although still in its infancy regarding syllabus. it is rapidly becoming popular among physical trainers. The Chathani PSI‘. stall’ are giving this piece of apparatus a trial as a display item for the Navy Days as a variation to the more usual high box

chair tricks. We got off to a fairly poor start with lack of ability on the part of the P.T. stall owing to unfamiliarity with the apparatus, However, after much practice and hard work. not to mention a great number of knocks and bruises. a ‘display began to take shape. but there was still something lacking. ll was then decided to introduce a high box on the end of the trampoline and to combine a series of vaults over this box-horse with the general run of bounces and someror


tiations we're hastily carried out and diminishes the exceptionally high after uttering the magic words. "Navy standard of the peace-time submarines. Days". a new canvas and elastic loops. The submarines of today are vastly as used on all high~class triiiiipolincs. more complicated weapons of war than they were I7 years ago. and appeared. Display rehearsals are now in full because of this the submarine crews swing twice daily and after a pre- have to be selected front theybest the liminary run through at the “City of Navy can provide. Rochester. Fete." on July 26. a When you have met a subinarincr display will be put on in the R.N. you have met one of the elite of the BOUNCE. Royal Navy. barracks.




t. I958



lr. gllllllllllllIIIlllllllllIIlllllIIIlllllllllIIlllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllIlllllllllllllIllllIIltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

W.R.N.S. baby sitters at Chalh am Navy Days

to this _vear‘s Navy Days at Chatham (August 2. 3 and 4) VISITORS will be able to see some of the Navy's latest guided

Royal missiles. aerobatics and mock attacks by I-'leet Air Arm aircraft. hear massed Royal Marine bands. and taste Navy cooking. in addition to cnjoyint: other displays afloat and ashore. The Navy is providing \\'.R.N.S. personnel as bal:_v-sitters. to look after small children in a special nursery. and. for the lirst time at Chatham. the new Naval school of cookery will be open to the publit Visitors‘ will he able to see trainee cooks preparing the food which will later be sold there for Naval charities. To contrast with a display showing the latest types of galley equipment will he :Inutlter of Na\ tl food dating back to I590. It will depict the days when. :Iccordin:: to a stzttemcnt in l’arliamenl in l703. l0 men died in the .\':n_v trout had food for every one killed b_v shot. and when c\ery man and tiny in the Service recei\ed a gallon of beer and a pound of biscuit a day! in F140 the_v received a half-pint of rum :1


N.-\VY'S DIET The major developments in the Nav_v'.s diet will be shown. and special arranttetuents are being made to show what the future meal afloat is going to be like. 'l‘o illustrate their versatility. the Royal Navy THE

cooks at Chatham will also be busy during Navy Days making attractive delicacies. ILM. ships open to the public will include the destroyers Diamond and Lagos: llardy. I-Iasthnurne. Relentless and Paladin (frigates): the wreck dispersal trawler Sleephultttt the survey vessel Scott. and the submarines Thule and Tireless. Ships taking part in displays. but not open to the public. will include the frigate Grenville. the mineswecper ln;:lt-sham and the submarine Springer. Massed bands of the Ro_val Marines will be playin't.-. at the arena display. which will include high hos vaulting h_v 70 juniors‘ from ll..\l.S. (lauecs. :Ind arms drill b_v the King's Squad. Ro_val .\larines. the senior recniit squad who compete for an award tirst given by the late King George V. The three-day show will be open front [L30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. and admiwion will cost 25. 6d. (is. for children under H). Car parking will be E. (is. for solo niotor-cycles).








i Army is pI'6S€[ll[ favot11'ite ll..\l.S. Thule.


complement of live oflicers and 65 ratings. Completed in the ship has an endurance of about 42 days at sea

to visitors at

Chatham. has




for Chatham barracks


past month has seen Chrttham very busy: foremost in importance was the relief of the ('omm:mdcr-in;('hicf. ‘lite Nore. On Wednesday. July 9. the flag of Vice-Adntirttl Sir Robin l)iirnford~Sluti:r was broken at the m;isthc;id of ll..’\l.$. Paltidin and at sunset the flag of Admiral Sir I-‘redcrick Parham was struck _:it .-\dmir;ilty llouse. The actual handing over of the (iotnmand took place at Admiralty House at H00 hrs. Admiral l’arh:im had visited R.N. Barracks for the last time in his official capacity .on Friday, July 4. when he took the salute at Divisions. We all wish tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllll|Il|||||lI|IIllllIIllllIIllllIllIIIIllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf Admiral anti Lady Parham every good fortune in their retirement. On June 25 l-l.M.S. Bassinghant was handed over to the Royal East ‘ unit noticed it speck of colour drop- African Ni!\’)"—Il‘lt: ship was formally J ping towards the water——:i budgerigar. accepted by Sir Arthur Kirby. in fact. A dinghy was lowered within (‘orninissioncr for East Africa in ‘ value of the Sea Cadet training a rninntc and the wet bird was found l.ondon. from Admiral Parham at :1 in keeping cool heads in emergency clinging to a ledge on the side of the l brief ceremony in the Dockyard. and making rapid reactions to un- training ship. lllassingham replaces the old Shakestoward circumstances is being proved time and time again by the usual crop of summer mishaps. To take a few recent instances. When it lt)-year-old boy fell 40 feet over a clitf on to xi ledge. near Black-





Class mincswccpcr Rosalintl for Navy l)ays are almost compli-'~: which has given consttlcrable service and we are liopmg for line ~.\c.itlt.~t to the youngest Navy in the Common- and it record attcntlancc. wealth. The Naval liarracks Second Sea l.ord's Visit The future of RN. b;irr.ic‘-.s On June 2-7 the Second Sea Lord. occupies :1 prominent position in Vice-Admiral l). Ii. llolland-Martin. almost every edition of the local paid a brief visit to R.N. iiurracks papers «to far it has" been i:ons'itlc:cd where he took the solute at I)ivisions and rejected for use as a tlitiu-m'.y and inspected the R.N. Supply‘ or some other ctluc.ition;1l purposes: School. current favourite sector. to he the pmof On July 15 the flush ratings sibility of its hccomint: an .-\tm_\ of all branches‘ disappeared from the barracks for the Royal lirtgiitccrs Barracks when il.M.S. Birntinghatn (who alrcatly almost surround the commissioned under the cornmand of landward walls). Rumours are. as Capt. S. H. Bcattic. V.(‘. As the usual, rifc—in a single day one can commissioning had been delayed for hear mention of prisons, bulldozers. one week a large proportion of the schools. evacuating llalh. etc. All that new crew had been gathering in the does scent certain is that visitors to barracks during the fortnight prior (Thathant in live or so years’ time will lind the appearance of lltc .irc:t beto commissioning day. To look forward to. we have the tween Pembroke (iatc and ('hath.un visit of the First Sea l.ord to 11$. Town Hall vcryiditlcrcnt, Relations with the local authorities Arcthusa. which will be reported elsewhere in the paper. Preparations remain as cordial as ever.




Fort. Portland. a I4-year-old Sea Cadet. Edward Hilton. of the Portland unit. was the first to scramble down


his side and comfort him until the arrival of the ambulance and other aid. Cadet Hilton's action was all the more noteworthy because the cliff \h'.’i\‘ so steep that the boy (who had a broken arm among other injuries) had to be lowered to a motor boat to be rescued. A l7-year-old .\l;iidstonc cadet, John Lallyettc. taking part in canoe work at the Outward Bound course at Ahcrdovcy. was overturned one and :i half miles from shore in a strong outgoing tide. and it was some time heforc help could arrive. lint he kept‘ atloat without undue fins. I .-\\\ards to cadets \\ ho have .~‘..'t\ ed lifc j at sea :ind inland are tttixtteroixs. Its‘ prc-] viously instanccd in these columns. but ] an iuumml rescue in the 'l'§.nc ix t 7' worth iuentioning. An alert mcmlu-ri' of a drill parade of the South Shields to


A ll.-\l.F MILES IN THE R.-\lN

For your leave requirements when in Malta .



Instalment plan system to service Travelling to U.K. by B.E.A.: M/\LTA—LONDON

£32 RETURN £3 I I 5.0 RETURN

G l BRALTAR—LON DON Forces Reduced Fares one




THE MALTA AIRLINE8 In :rr\':2t'iulion wit/I li.I:'.xl.





write to

Bungalows H.M.S. Ilirmingham visited Quebec during the city's 350th anniversary celebration. The weather was most unkind during the parade-——four and a half miles through torrential rain. Although soaked to the skin, the bearing of the naval contingent remained superb (below). The picture above shows Birmingham open to visitors alongside the ietty in Wolfe‘: Cove, with the Heights of Abraham in the background. and proves the weather could be kind. il.M.S. Birmingham will be open to visitors at Portland during Navy Days (August 2-4)


Dial 5471 -72








AT HORNDEAN AND HAVANT Write for details and illustratedbrochure to




(OUR? LANE COSHAH I-IANTS Tel. Cosham 16419 -





The 50th Match





Navy is playing l3 rcpreseiitative 1nntches_ tlus_ ye_;1r, the last two being the Inter-Service

Tllli Royal





NJ .-

ACING for the Gold Cup and the

Conlnghum Cup

took place under the burgee of the Scaview Yacht Club at Sczniew on Saturday and Sunday. July 5 and 6. The meeting was arranged by the Assticintion of Service Yacht Clubs. The limits used were of the .\ler1naid class. The (Sold (‘up is an inter-club 1 l l‘ll:llllI')lt|l|\lllp and si\ club». with Royal .\’:tval connections entered out i of :1 total of 22 Service sailing clubs i and 5l!n'0t.‘l:llltlll.\‘. I Saturdtty was a day of light. vari1: able winds The R.N.\'.R. Sailing Association (Rupert Thorpe) liuished secmttl in the tits! heat. the Royal Marine Sailing Club (Major Maude) lbringing up the rear. In the second



Devonport lheat. Imesoeizition

Sailing (Inst.-Licut.-Cdr. Hedges) ._ tinished third to qualify for the limit. ;'l'he R.N.S.1\. crew in this heat. l)icl.

scored. there was an exciting linish. A. V. llcdser making the winning hit, :1 six. oil the pcn11lti111.1tc ball. At (iil|iugl1;im the first win of the 900

Hedges Wins TrophyFor Devonport Services

lixturcs at l.ord's. The Army_m:itch on August II and 12 has spcc1:tl_stgiiiticance as it will be the fiftictlt os:c:tsion on which the two Services have met at this game. it is as yet to_o early to disctiss prospects. but It IS .il1c;11ly L‘le;1r th.1t the Army Side is; likely to include :1 high percenl:1g_e_ of,‘ competent young proless1o11;tl.s. lhIs< could also he the ease with the R..v\.|‘.. and both sides will be strong. ‘lhe Ro_\.1l Navy's record up to the‘ \g‘C\‘"(l week i11 July is seven player]. 7tour d1':1\\'n. two lost and one won. lhe sltlt.‘ has been bowled out twice ltl two m;1tcl1es_ both lll May: the lirst against H;11np~‘.hire in :1 drawnl game and tl1e second:1g:1inst S11ssex.:1t llove. where the county team won convincingly, The drawn games ineluded those with lneogniti, Royal .'\rlilIery :1nd R.N.C.. Dartntouth. Agttinst Surrey ll, at the Oval, where


August. I953

runs were


llewltt at the helm. sullered 11 controtemps at an early marl: and would have linished last if they hadn't withrlr-awn. season was registered. against :1 strong WIESI‘-G(ll.\'G TIDI-I ‘ i. Royal litiginecrs” side. Out for l08 in The third heal provided great e\the tirst innings made in 185 minutes, the lirst cruiser.‘ in its in the Navy was set l7-l to get in H5 has been used to transport :1 3-larine citement. The easterly wind became Commando operational group complete with its four helicopters. They were taken from Malta to Cyprus for lighter and lighter and a strong westminutes in their second. This was achieved at the cost of two wickets security duties on the island. One of the helicopters of 728C Flight being hoisted on board the boat deck of ll.M.S. going tide had by now’ developed. The Trnnsport Command (R..\.l-‘.) and Bermuda. where they were lashed down for the V0)‘1| KC and witl1 seven minutes to spare. Home Command (Army) boats were The following players have scored unable to cross the tinl-thing line and :1 hundred: Licut.-Cdr. M. L. Y. Ainsltedged in its vicinity. Some 30 worth. captain of the Combined Serminutes later. Ross Coles defending vices Xl~—ll2 v. Surrey ll and 95 V. the Gold Cup for the Portsmouth Hampshire: Second-Lieut. S. J. S. Command Sailing Amsocintion) arrived Clarke. R.l\t.——-I06 v. lncogniti; with just suflclent way for his stem Cdr. A. l.. S. S. 'l‘h:tck:tra—l(l5 v. to cross the line and no more. Britannia Royal Naval College, DartDue to the time taken to complete mouth. bus which starts with basic Seaman- this heat. the final of the Gold Cup ship and later goes on to the air side. had to be deferred until Sunday fore'l11e boys were kitted-up almost noon. 'l11i.-1 was won convincingly for immediately on "mobilisation" by Devonport Services Sailing Associaof donations from Captain's tion by Hedges: Portsmouth ComWli duly held our “At Home" on June 28 but even on the lure- courtesy l-‘und. Ship's Welfare. Wzirdroom and mund Sailing .-\ssocintlon (Sum.there the low that cloud in would clear was noou no certainty Petty ()llicer's .\lesses and one private. Lieut. Coles) could not quite catch time to put on the flying programme which had been arranged. the 'l‘ransport Command (R..\.l-'.) and tirm. India Tyres Ltd. lR.»-—l run writing an account of cerThe photograph. showing the First had to be content with third place. .\'everthcless. it became apparent were going aloft in scores from :1 met. tain little-known operations during CONINGIIAM CUP the Second World War. \\l1iel1 will in- soon after our gates opened at I300. dept. drunk with power :1nd the skirt- Sc-:1 Lord inspecting some of the First recr11it.s—--withiri :1 month of opening-_. Racing for the Coningham Cup clnde mention of the nierehunt ships thut many of the local folk had de- ing of the pipes. beer w:1s being —m:1kes it obvious that we lime :11 (won by the Royal Navy for the tirst temporarily converted to resemble the cided to ignore the conditions. bless downed. and funds were being raised. tine body of boys who are going to time last year) followed. l-Zach Service With all this going on on the By 1-$00. bzittlesliips Revenge and Resolution and their (Paisley) cotton socks! and themselves. we hope, In this event had a team of three t:r0|IlIIl.ll1¢ ¢'1’0“'dS =|PPl-'3T9€l 10 90' do us credit the aircraft c_:1rr1er Her_mes. Also of the it was possible to judge. without inof good in all the ways such boats each manned by three men and old battleship ‘Centurion. wl11cl1 w:1s strumcnts, that lust year's rather eept with equanlmity the fact that :1 power the set flying programme had been a worthwhile activity can offer. Wen.-ach Service need against the other 3'll='|’¢'-l '0 l0‘-ll‘ WW _llt° b3"l¢5hlP tpathetic attendance of about 4.500 hope to tie-in this organisation. :1 two. The Navy‘: helmsmen were ‘ma "L" “’° Anson, :md :1s_such did a convoy little later. with other activities con- lledges. Mooney and Coles and the " " l‘ 3 Milli-1 Illld II WP 30 l30mbI|}'- I Would cerncd Will! the Duke of l:‘dinburgh's team was captained by Dlelt Hewitt. able on for tremely display put be very glad to hear from :1ny of your Like Yo-Yos The tirst race was Navy versus them by station resources (Gnnnet. Award Scheme. readers who served either as ollicers or Sen Lord.—This station was R..-\.l-‘. and produced some extremely were being examined. ciecSea llnwk. Venom) plus a splendid _l_-‘lrst ratings in those ships in their war-time tor:‘\ircr:ift trainers flashing 11p and down bit of Sabre Jet handling by a very ‘v‘tSllL‘d by lhe_ First Sea Lord. as prc- lierce tentn racing. As the boats apguise. Any stories and anecdotes will like sent mentioned, on July 4. Tlielproached the linishlng line with the yo-yos. lalhers lttivitlg the more helpful colleague based on Ren- viously he wcleonic, and all letters will he technical points explained to them by frew. (l-‘.,'l.icut. Gunter-Smith, visit lasted only :1 couple of ll0Ul‘.\'.| .\'nvy in second. fourth and liftll. the .inswered. but adherence to :1 strict time-tzibleg dilemmu of Doc. Mooney in the leadtheir sorts. \'.l.l’.s were being enR.C..-\.l-‘.). A. CECIL l‘lA.\ll‘SlllRE closed. I0-yeztr-old l'l_ving aces were th.’1t our task forces made it possible to see :1 good deal ing Navy boat was evident to all. C\‘|ll\lt.lCl'lllg However. the Navy team evcntu:1ll_\ lmving their pictures taken :I\' theyl us to rely 1-'cr_\ heavily on outside fly- of the establishment t-Sou_thl1o1Irn_c (i;1rdens.l5:istcotc. Ru1sl1p..\‘liddx. sat grimly at the controls. btilloonsi ing resources on these occasions (with Proposed Abbotsinch Primary sullered :1 narrow defeat, by 19 points School.—-Tltis important proiect has to 201. all the ditlicttltics th:1t implies when been tuketi :1 step further with :1 meetin the second race. the Navy led decisions :1bo11t weather. ctc.. have to be nude in a hurry) this display was ing between the Paisley Snb-con1- the Anny throughout (241 points to nuttee of the Rctlfrew.shi1'c liducation] I5) and the lIll(‘I'C'c’l now lay in the 3 most pr.'1iseworthy etlort. 'l‘he financial upshot (excluding Authority and station represent:1tives.} last race between Amiy and R.A.l". that complicated business of our headed by Capt. E. N. Polzind. The‘ This again was :1 decisive defeat ol proposals were favourably re- the Anny. although not so overbeing credited later with the prolits station in principle. and both the par» wheliuing as that inflicted by the on our 3.000 progranunes sold) was ceived. ties now have to look to their respec- Navy. Consequently the Coningharu a sum of about £750 for the Navy S the youngest ollicer under tr:i_in- made :1 to11r of the building. which. on tive authorities for the t'urther.1nce of Cup returned to the R..\.l’. Weeks‘ Trust Fimd. N1|Vi|l ll“! int! #11 ll"l!|"L‘t‘|'|"S 1 completion of the next two phases. will The tibstract result. we hope. was :1 the scheme. R0)“ (‘ollege at .\l;1u:idon. near Plymottth. house 450 otlicers o11 the stall’ tttulfsatistied moon or so customers. who l7-yctir-old(':1LletRobert (‘:u'n1c. R.1\'.. under ;r;.ining_ will be ready to bring their friends was chosen to present to the Duke of The design for the new building is.m'¥[ 3"‘:'r. l-_‘diub11rgh the gold key used to open modelled :1ro11nd the eopxe of trees on l the new ()llicers' .\less at the College3 3 "H" on 'l'11e.sda_\'. July 2‘). A New Ze.':|.1nder g top of Crown Hill. .\l:1n:1don. to m:1in- 9 “n‘.u' hm. _[."‘_m) iii”? thc mi” from (hristchureli. he is t11nle1't:iking rain the existing lc:1tures of the l;1udl"“"" l7”“"“ ‘"5 mm‘-" the .»‘\ir (':1det ('ourse at .\l:1n:1don bc- 4 s1,'.'1pe and at the s:1n1e time t:1l:i11g Well. it '.her..- is still such :1; lore sturtittg his llying tr;iinin1_:. , :1dv;u1t:u:e ot the line view over|out;in,__- thing listed i11 "J.me's." we-‘ve go1 The Duke of lidinburgli unlocked I l’l_\1nouth to the south arid the looks like \\ll.|i :1 hzxndpicltcd crew. the tll:I\s‘i\'1: double doors le:1din1_.: to the lands to the west. here at :\hl‘ot~i11clt. (iuest rooms have been provided on ent1';1nee hall before unveiling :1 corn'l‘o1\:1ri|s the end of .\l:1_\‘. we estabmenionuive slotte and attendiitg :1 ser- the lower ground Iloor. llankittg the = lishcd inc s;md._-rting ‘\';.-,-_-.1 ,-(3, cud“ vice of blessing. At'terw:1rds the Duke .s11b-fuyier. Corps. at present In stron_1.:. with nine station l1\\_\s :1nd ll from the Bridge of Weir Orphan Homes. (The strength . . . ‘will be 30 by the end of August and ‘(M :1 few months after that.) Much volunteer etlort has gone into the provision of .1 suitable headquarters for these youngsters: they '




history. Royal







Abbotsinch Raises £750 for Navy Charities





toltiff:‘l‘:|:":“l"'::lf‘;'illh':‘hmd ,_















Duke Modern Oflicers’MessatManadon





moor-‘ -









§."'.nd"|m“ >‘"."l _'.\“i gidc“'.—.].lm diiiw PM \_f""',, ;"§f‘l“5'7‘l";‘.l lb-‘_ .






At your service





13 Clarendon Road, Southsea T°‘{,"s","5“°

torpedo-tlat. quarterdeck.

deck and ships ollicc all under root" (sorry. deckhead!) and some




one of our

artistic Wrens have done their very proficierit best with brush and paint to ensure that the place has that nautical atmosphere about it.

The C.0.'s Duties -_ _. .z:.! The ah. unncry officer. SJLL .'........>...'_.......‘...a.._..._"_ Huck. has ta an on the commanding What a start body at youngsters! The First Sea Lord chats with mention oflioer’s duties. and prepared it syll'athe newly formed Snderllng Nnvsl Alr Cadets '












..... ..





ml. I958






-* ..

. _












uv i




NE of the many duties of ships in the Persian Gulf is ‘the boarding and scarclting of vessels. and l-l.M.S. Loch Ruthven (Cdr. W. B. Smith. R.N.) has recently searched hcr 200th dhow during the present commission. ‘and this occasion was marked by the issue of at special certificate handed to the Nakhutla of the dhow.

illlllllttltllllIIlIlllllIIlIlllIIIIllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll "

The hoarding party of seamen and marines returning to the ship, th search completed IllilllllllllllllilIllIElllIIllllllIIlllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii

Zia flletttnriattt

completion of the search of the 200th dltow. the lloarding (llliccr tl.ieut. V. Ii. Partridge) presents the clearance fomts and. on this occasion. II special


certificate to the Nalthuda of the dhow

Hugh Fullerton. Leading Mechanic (ii-). _l'lslcr]99ll-I70. R..\'.\'.R.. ll.M..S. l\llltl0r(‘_\‘. Died June 7.

From all parts


Midshipman D. “Z Protltero. Royal .\'a\_v. Died June 17. I958.

R.N. (Tollcge. Dartmouth. Jack Lovell llalford. Colour Ser. geanl. Royal .\larines. Po/X.30Stl, 3rd Commando Brigade. Died June I7. I958. Anthony Peter Goodc. Able SeaInan, C/SSX.865636. ll.\l.S. Neptune. l)icd June 20. I958. l.ieut. J. ll. Sherren-Hall. Royal Navy. ll..\l.S. I-'ulmar. l)ied June .30. W58. J. B. l.ieut. Spicer. Royal .\'-avy, ll.M.S. Dradte. Died July 4. I958. l.ieut. A. llosvarth. Royal Navy. ll.MS. (ioldcrest. Died July 5, 1958.

Christopher Fairbaim. Able Seaman. (.'lJ.‘(.9Dl5lJ-l.ll.-.\l.S. Pembroke. Died July 5. I958. Hugh

l.ieut.-(Tontntander W. J. Proose. Royal t\':tvy. lI.M.S. Teazer. Died July 10. 1958. David Baldwin. Sergeant. Royal M'.tI'incs. R.M.77ll-l. No. -15 Heliforec. R..\‘l. Died July l3, 1958. David Glyn Whitham. Murine. R.M.l6250. No. 45 Heliforce R.M. Died July I3. I958. llarry Samuel Boslock. .\l-arinc. R.M.l5-873. No. 40 Ro_val Marine Commando. Died July I5. 1958. l.icut. A. G. llamon. Royal Navy. ll.M.S. Eagle. Died July 23. I958: Sub.-I.icul. A. J. llaywoo-d. Royal Navy. H..\‘l.S. Eagle. Died July 23. I958. Lieut. J. Webster Royal Navy. Died July $5. 1958. Lieut. ll. C. Wood, Royal Navy. Died July 25. I958.



Hospital School Reunion ii

i-‘ 11-. .."t 'r— ,.




;(2 9'‘

f\f\ I



cf "




0/201.) H./"/‘.5

C C-'!‘ln;:.'.ua

HE annual reunion of the Royal Ht'I\‘|‘lll:ll School Old Boys‘ Associatiort attracted contingcuts front geotland, Cornwall. Portsmouth and Chatham, together with individuals from all over the cottntry. At the annual meeting it was reportcd that finances were in cxccllent condition, As the result of an alterato Rule -3 the annual subscription tion IS 5s.. due on July I. Among the I50 at dinner was Atlmiral F.nrigltt. an old boy, Chaplain of the Fleet the Vcn. Archdeacon Darrell Bunt. R. Miller. the Director of Curccnwich Hospital. as well as :1 number of school stall. A./‘A.M. Johnston. of l-l..\l.S. Fisgard. presented .‘vlrs. York. wife of the PrcsidcnI.\vith a bouquet. Next morning mcmhcrs attended

church service. and at the .\l;trch Past the salute was t:tken by Contnnmdt.-r Allen. l’£lfiliIlltI:tll;tr)' Secretary to the Admira|l_v. supported by Admiral linright and the l)ircctor of (ircenoich


NATIDNAI. Sl'IRVl(,'l€Rl-Il.l-I.-\Sl'I Admiralty Fleet Order lt~.S(t,58

states that cases may arise whcxc. al-


though men have applied for curly call-up in good time to enable them to complete two years‘ t\'ation:d Ser-

vice bcforc the start of a comic of full-timc study. such call-up has been delayed through circumstances outside their control. and these men may apply for their early rcleasc- to be considered.


The certilieate presented to the .\'althuda of the Ztlllth dbow to be searched by H.M.S. Loch Ruthven

NAVY GOES IN FOR A STAMINA MAREE AND COVERS 100 MILES WITH 40 lbs. First Sea Lord, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, paid a visit to the establishment on Fr-iday,July ll. After his arrival important role that the Royal by air he addressed the ollicers and men in the cinema. pointing out the increasingly this role. In a signal received Navy was playing in defence in this nuclear age and how the Fleet Air Arm fitted into of those hehad met and had seen enough during his later, the First Sea Lord said he watrmost impressed by the hands-and were being tackled with imagination. visit to realise that the important training tasks were in go The remainder of thc sixth-term the Head of the Community. the Rev. As an experiment to augment the Glen Esk Training Scheme. half the apprentices went to the Loch l.cc G. F. Maclcod. M.C. Members of the Mountain Club and sixth-tcrtn apprentices completed a camp where they were augmented by week on the Clyde in the yacht Sea members of the Condor ship's com- Mountain Rescue Unit spent the Swallow. pany. this being the first time that the week-end at Glencoe. where forThe yacht. some 40 feet long over- ship's company have gone up the tunatcly no one was massacred. nor did any mishaps occur. but many rock all and with no engine. sailed from Glen. climbs and challenging heights were Gourocl: under the command of lnstr. Experiment Leadership conquered. Licut.-Cdr. l. C. Ferguson. D.S.C. of 9 Term. with The 16 apprentices The inter-departmental competition After a day of varied sailing con- Licut. -Preston in charge. joined up in athletics in Homc'Air Command.»in ditions. the crew settled down well and with I6 apprentices of H.M.S. Calc- which were set in times. eventually towed the yacht into Lam- donia and 25 sub-lieutenants from lengths standards and heights. was won by the lash at midnight. H.M.S. Thundercr in an experiment Arbroath senior apprentices. They Rough Sail in leadership and team work in Ross have been awarded a "make and A rough sail to Campbcltown the and Sutherland. Split up into parties mend." next day saw several apprentices feel- they made their way on foot over the A veterans‘ match between the the weather. On the under trifle Carron from Glen mountains through a ing Wardroom plus Regulating Staff and reached Lochthe Kinlochcwc. check various to yacht Wednesday points ~thc Chief Petty Ofliccrs ended in an which started it and and raining. ranza. Ullapool, Oykell Bridge, Lairg. honourable draw. The most remarkcontinued the ncxt day on the run to Laxford Bridge. able fcaturc of the match was an cicthese that men fact Tilt.‘ 'I'ighn:tbruaich. young linesman who rode on a bicycle gant on winds miles least I00 sailing marched at prevented Strong carrying balancing a shiny top hat on his head the but voyage 40 lb. on their backs. camping each and warding off the fierce rays of the Friday morning. through the Kyles of little “as com- night in rugged unpopttlatcd country. tropical sun with an umbrella. pleted in the evening and the yacht demonstrates the stamina of modern Social affairs anchored at Port llannatync. youth. The lessons learnt were also The ship's company held another A spinnaker run up to l-luntcr's important. as it taught all of them that successful dance and the "Condor Quay on the Saturday was followed they are part of a team in the motto- Cats." third in :1 recent cast of Scotby a very slow sail to Grccnock on tains as well as in the .\'.1vy. land skiflle contest. gave a dcmo:~.str:-.the Sund:ty——livc miles in six hours! The Long Week-end tion of their virtuosity. Apart from bumps and bruises Five members of the Church of] 'lhc Chief Petty Otliccrs indulged everyone enjoyed themselves and social and on the saute acquired a rich mahogany tan (wind 1 England Men's Society paid a visit to in a successful the W:trdt'oom_- held its not sun). while it is hclievcd that _thc Iona during this period’ and. were cvcning apptcnticcs learnt a lot about sailing.‘ personally.shown over the Abbey by istllltmcr hall.‘



in a suitcase

Pat"-I: a

if you're going for good or inst a few years-—you'llneed a car when under our special you get there. Buy a new Hillmanmodel now export scheme. Pack the receipt in your suitcase and pick the car up when you get thcre—no extra charge and you buyat export prices! Call at our showroom today your llillman model can be on its way tomorrow! —






usnou mcusvt





Inuit; ‘sinner:






.N R Can Rep] 306 TIIE ll 0 YA L N AVAL Comradcship Missed on Retirement ASSOClATION N.\V\'



Patron: H.H. The Queen


Naval Ollicer Northern Ireland. Captain C. R. L. Argles. SENIOR D.S.O., and Councillor S. S. Dowds. C.B.E.. accepted the


position of vice-presidents of the Lottdoitderry Branch at the ntoittltly nteeting at the Royal Sailors‘ Rest. Londonderry. on Friday. July ll.



August 8.-«Important General Meeting at 8 pm. Visit to Gosport September 6. _



September.-——Attcnding Battcrsca and

Willestleu Branches for dcdieations. _


August 3l.——Dcdic:ttion ceremony.

YOU CAN BRING of. (‘apt. Arglcs Capt. loyal Powlett_ l).S.0.. l).S.C.. vice-president itt, inaiiguration. Capt. Argles WIVES 6’ SWEE THEARTS honorary Sltipntate \lcMana\r.iy. E have been



August -l.-"Teddy boys" dance







Street will be the "I’cddy's Boys" dance on August Monday when the rig of the day will be Zoot suits or Jeans. If this proves as popular as our "Tramps" ball at Whitsun we are in for a good time. There will be the usual prizes for the best rig-out, most original, etc. So make it a date in your diary. Special Show The special show by the R.N.A. Players for our 2lst anniversary in September is now in rehearsal. We bclicvc this will be a series of excerpts front their man past successes and

period at Pitt Street recently-s_o quiet in fact. that we have found ll ditlicult

to muster a quorum



of 50 on

general meeting nights. Maybe its September. —-Twenty-first attniversary. the holiday period. or TV. or just that tltcrc is nothing exciting to Newcastle and Gttteshead October 2l.~—'l‘rafalgar l)ay dance in natter about, but. whatever it is, we have out of it. Its so to _

got snap easy to leave it to the other fellow but that is no way to run a live associaAshfordllient) August 3.——Mans R.N.A. stand at tion and apathy brings its own reward. Chatham Navy Days. One of the reasons advanced for the fall-olf was that a chap didn't like Cheltcnhant to attend the meeting if he couldn't Aiigitst 3I.'"AIlCfltl|[lgWttney Branch bring his wife. The committee made we are looking orward to an evening dedication. an exhaustive search of the records to find authority for this ruling but it of nostalgic memories. llavant The male voice choir has been reto be one of those unwritten appears August l(-.- No. 3 Area Delegates‘ laws. To ntake sure. we asked head- surrected and for this we have chiefly meeting itt Havant. if there was such :1 rule and to thank A.B. Cyril Rice who is quarters September 2.—-Branch meeting and the answer is no in both cases. So proving an enthusiastic coach and talk on Headquarters Reserve. there it is shipinates. if you would leader. There is still room for a few R.N.V.R.. Portsmouth. like to bring the wife or girl friend more volunteers before the training reaches an advanced stage. If you along on meeting nights. we will be think have got what it takes. glad to have her, although. of course. contactyou the chairman or Cyril Rice strictly as a visitor who cannot take any time. They will welcome you, part or vote in any discussion. Another conference is over and by H.M.S.



ttst. I958








P. F.

and keen interest support branclt matters. of the branch since its was introdttcetl by Couitcillor Dowds is an Naval Rev. 1.. member of the branch. and the ap- Chaplain of H.M.S. Sea Eagle. pointment is in recognition of his Expressing thanks. Capt. Argles felt tltc .‘\ssoci:ttion stood for a great deal which many in the Service took for granted. There was a trentcndotts atttotint of cotttradesltip which many missed when they left. and it was on this they founded the Royal Naval Association. Rcntarking that he had been in the Service front the age of I3 and didn't know any other life, Capt. Argles concluded: "Tltc time will come for me. I am for rctirentent H l C H EST E R Cathedral was going to miss the Service. but the crowded at a service on Sunday, Royal Naval Association will ollcr June 29, for the Dedication of a Book me the opportunity of keeping in of Remembrance containing the names toiiclt_ of 1,337 men and women from Sussex Ills Wildest Dream who died at sea during the last war and who have no known grave. Replying. ('otincillor Dowds said: The Book. which was hand-ntade "i have said on more than one occaand illuminated by craftsnten at a sion that one of the greatest honours cm! of £205. was compiled by the which I received during the tcrnt l Cbicltcster branch of the Ruylll Naval occupied tltc ollice of Mayor of this Association. It was the final work in city was when l was elected :in their task of providing a Sailors‘ honorary ittcittber of the Royal Naval Memorial Chapel in the (.'athcdral. Association. Never in my wildest The Chapel itself was dedicated in dreains." he added. “did I imagine the presence of Her _M:ticsty the this Association ‘lmuld give me the and the Duke of Edinburgh in honour of appointing me vicc-prcsident. and l gladly accept this otlicc." ISince then the search for names Concluding. he said his associations has gone on. The co-operation of.the with that organisation had always national and local Press as well as been very happy, and he would do the B.B.C. was enlisted and individual everything in his power to further its The Book. now on interests. appeals launched. display in tho Sailors‘ Chapel and It was revealed that branch secrecontained in an oak case made by tary John Thzitclter (known to all as the sltipwrights at R.N.A.S. Ford. Sal) had been elected by Area No. H contains several blank pages for the as Irish representative to the National inclusion of any further names which Council. succeeding Paris Anderson, who has taken tip residence in Engconte to light. At the same service the ('ltichester land (Newcastle. pay attention). To those sliiptttzilcs who are oceanBranch’s new Standard was also dedicated and tltc old one laid-up in going. and those who lt:ive had a the Chapel. Admiral Sir Charles change of residcttce from the maiden Little read the lesson and later took city. we send our greetings. To the the saline at a march past. headed by "old ships" met by the Londonderry Chichester's new standard with many contingent at the annttal conference. others from Sussex and No. 3 Area may we say how truly deligltted we branches in support. were to ttteet you again.

Final Chapter at llhicliesler Memorial Chapel


all accounts it proved a resounding success for No. I0 Arai, who appear to have gone to endless trouble and expense to ensure that everybody had a good time as well as a smooth runONTRIBUTIONS from the PortsS 'l'tlF. conference has already been ning programme. Congratulations ntotith Command to the ’lraf;ilgar comntentetl tipon in tlte i\'.\\‘v front Pompey "to all concerned in the Day Orphan Fund. I957, amounted to Nnws, 1 will only add nty personal organisation. £730 25. lid. The antottnts subscribed view as delegate. It was with a mixed Social Events the Portsmouth Command in prefeeling wltett I arrived. and it was cer- The next important social event at by viotis years were: I952. £l.26l -ls. lld.: tainly tlte same wheti I left, Haviitg I953. £896 123. 3d.; 1954, £932 l2s.'. ltad tinte to itteditatc. I feel it is a 1955. £725 I85. 5d.: 1956. £768 13. 10d. waste of time and ntoney and can Subscriptions. which should be made fully understand why so many payable to the Hon. 'l'reasitrer. Trafalbratiches abstained from attending. gar Day Orphan Fund. will be gladly Owing to transport ditliculties rereceived at any time and will be cently. we had to curtail some of our credited to the 1958 Fund. They should social darts matches, but glad to say be forwarded to the Stall Supply we are now ntaking tip for out setOlticcr. H..‘vl. Dockyard. Portsmouth. backs by going fttll speed ahead, Our are hectic times for Ashford. next big social event will be on SepThere is ttever a dull mottteitt. The tentber (I when we visit (iosport Branch. We have accepted invitations branch is still keeping up its New to attend ilattcrsea and Willesden Year resolution of oitc new member Branches for their dedications in per meeting. and Shipmate _George Philpott. the ch:iirman. hopes to .cv September. the end double otir membership by Sltipittalc Garrod. cltairntan. and of the year. Shipntatc Daniels had the pleasure of nteeting several sliipmates of variotis 'llte llranclt Standard flew proudly htxittclies when they paid ait unex- oit June 28 at Blackpool. attd our two peclcd visit to l-‘insbury Branch for sltipiitates. li. (iatnittott and (). Lcwitt. their dra\v on July I2. and I must say returtted "tired but happy" after their it was a tery good evening aitd so E trip. l "c|tiiittnty.“ We hope to ltave tltc ()it .lul_v l0 Sltipntate Vice-l’resit|ent 3 of another and visit to bring I). Murray led a party to the (ioldcit plc;i~.ut‘e of our members next tiitte. We Lion. Wbitstable. attd presented the more must share the good things of life. btit new Whitstable Branch with a lifetttlhl keep the "not so good" to our- buoy. suitably inscribed. We would .~eI\'es. like to thaitk Whitstable for a very Tlte next general meeting is on enjoyable evening. and Asltford Aiigiist ll at 2000 hours. when linal it-.'ish'es you a very happy commission ;tll';lllgt!lllcl|lS are to be promulgated i under Shipmate A. Buss. We hope the I for the outing :ind to fix tip dates for presents of Shipmates Gammon andl the next social and darts match. Philpott brougltt in a small stint for l)on‘t forget. shipntales. tltcsc d:ttes {the funds. Whitstable has a line are lixed for your entertainment and !"l.:tdies‘ Skitlle Group." one tttctttbcr that. ot Cttlllsc‘. goes for any serving ‘oi which had served in "Wildfire" chutttitty \\ ho is iit this vicinity on l‘ti- ;wit|i Shipntate l). .\litrray. tlay nights, of the Railway Hotel. July I8 saw .-\sltI'ord at (iillittgltattt. I Wltittott Ro;ttl_ 'lltcre is always tint 3‘ The "ditty-watch" is all rc:tdy and frit olity. (‘ltatham Navy Day on Aiigtist 3 TheR.i\'..-\. stand is in the drill shed and’ all visiting shipntates are asked to look its tip. ‘lite show is a better’ one than ever this year. thanks to :1 lot of hard work by Ilte area chairntati and area secretary. Shipittates W. H.-\Rl'l‘Ydoes ttot always begiit at ,(iower and 'l‘. Asprey. home. The truth of this statcntent has been evinced by the otlicers and men of H.M.S. Dolphin, who collected £65 in order to give some 84 l.ottdon ELLO. sliipmates everywhere, by Tombola and other indoor games. we October 2|, so this event. coupled children a day in company with famithe time this letter is in print we hope for a useful sum to be available with out popular Miss Neptune lies of those serving in H.M.S. Dolphin. ‘llte children. selected by the Children‘: should be moving to our new head- for our banking account. However, contest. should be a high-light of our Country Holiday Fund. gathered at quarters at the “Merchant Vcnturcrs I'll be able to give greater details next year‘: activity. The ship is the headWaterloo and were escorted to Ports- Club". which is situated in the Hay- ntonth after the next committee quarters of the Tyncside R.l\‘.V.R. mouth by four sailors. The children market, in the very centre of meeting. division. and is berthcd at Elswick. The Commanding Officer of ll.M.S. took full part in the aftcrnooit's :tctivi- Newcastle. We hope for increased We in 'l)'neside wish all of )ou in our nctv surroi‘tndings;Calliopc has kindly lcnt its the ship’ the best of health and good weather tics and were carefiilly for your holidays. back to London at the end of the day. land as we will be able to run for our 'l‘rafalg:tr Day dance

Orphan Are

Hectic Times at Asliford

Contributions Reduced







! .




Newcastle and Gateshead Off to New






Sonic of


ready to

the contingent: move on’ towards the Cathedral

Note for those about to be discharged

Admiralty l-‘leet Order l577/58 allows Naval personnel invalided to take. correspondence courses under the l-‘orccs scheme. Application to be made before tinal date of discharge.


August. 1958


DABLINGTUN THINKS THE NATIUNAI. COUNCIL MUST “GRASP New Senior CLUB T0 SAVE NETTLE” H.Q. Fete aids the Officer of the funds at Wfarwick

To Much Reliance on Hopes and the Recent Capitation Inereasei


Reserve Fleet Al"I'AIN A. G. Pot‘, l).S.(‘.. R..\'.. has been I'¢II¢\CfI I)_\ Captain .\'. W. Fislier. ().B.l-L. R..\‘.. as Senior tlllicer. Rt-sen. Fleet. I’ort.sntottth.

HE anntial fctc is something of the past. Although the weather could Captain I’o'e' has held this tiphave been kinder. we have been able THE Darlington Branch wish to their annual “Stag Party“; on this'ture for darts(Br_anc_hl: and has pointment for two thank all branches who in their occasion there was also at “Pie and the best branch individual champions- also commanded theyears to augment our funds considerably. Reserve I-‘teat thanks to the very hard work of our reports recently. to N.\\'\' N_i=.ws have Peas" supper. The tables were all laid in the Works Club League to: ShipFlagsltip. lI.M.S. Vanguartl. He fetes comtttittee and the ustial stal- been so kind in congratulating its on otit "Tiddlcy" and Shipniate T. matc T, (iallagher (darts). Shipmate has previously coiiuiiantled the warts who uiifailiitgly turn tip whcnl the dedication of our standard. they Gallagher was in attendance resplen- .\l. Gallagher (lives and threes). ShipRoy al .\'a\'.iI Air Station at I.ee-oitrequired. The social committee will hm-.; hccn wry nice gestures, and we dent in chefs hat and apron. After male A. (Sunny) Jones (crib and also; Solent has served us .\';ii::l Kitching Attacheand now he able to go ahead with various -sincerely hope that all branches who the meal President Shipinatc J. B. wliist). and Shipmate W. in Turkeyand Israel. various (dominoes), i presented functions thc_\‘ have in mind. \\'ill'|.are having a dedication will derive (ioldsworthy Captain I"islter serie.-I as czipt-.ti:i lmlll =1" ¢.VC 0“ t'"l~'l'l1|ll"“'-‘Mls‘? (‘Ur E the same pride and s:itisI'action from trophy's and miniatures to: Sltipinatel of the Doel-t_i.1rtI in Singapore dur~ I-'. Archer. who had won the .\Iudford niembcrs and IllL‘lllUtl\' of keeping the (1 3.; \l.‘c dill, int: t‘)55-7 and has also cornbranch Miniature for and ‘Trophy funds in ti healthy slate. The half yearly branch meeting was dominoes: nt:tiidi-d II..\I.S. I-‘I:iiiiiui.:o in tile W. Coley. Shipmate Sliipmatc Smart represented as at held on Wcdnesda_\'. the Persian Gulf. Jtil_v 2. and the annual conference and we are although there was slight disappoint- Founder .\Icntbcrs' Trophy and .\littia.iwaitiiig his report with interest. We ment regarding the attendance (we were pleased to welcome Shipinate would still like tiiore members to \\’a|lace. from the CtirdilT Branch on attend. and hope that if aity incinbers Julv 5. a “drip" or a “groan" thatThe visit of a cartoon artist from :i develop they will attend the branch meetings local paper resulted in some free pic- land let us all hear it) a lively iticeting torial advcrtiscnicnt and the cryptic ' developed. remarks attached were inost aiitusShipmate J. (‘arr gave the meeting ing. ()ur hcadqttttrters is quickly becom- a full report of his attendance at the ing quite a showpiece. Willi the latest iAnnual Conference at Blackpool. and were also given by the aeqiiisition of pictures and chairs the President. Shipmate J. ll. zoom is not only conifoitablc btit also Branch looks very nice. For this we are very (ioldswortli_v, liraiich C'h:iirinaii Shipgrateftil to "mine host." lioti. member niate J. Wilson. and llrancli \'icc.('hairm:iti Sliipniate .-\. Meclian. who Capt. llowlctt. F The iitaiigtiration of our prc~.ideiit.. were also pt'C\t:lll :it lll2tt.'l\[‘L‘t)l. Rear-Admiral S. A. l'car.~. ('.ll.l-‘..' To Continue took place on July I‘). and we \\tslt him :ind Mrs. Pears a long and happy We were also pleased that the‘ associatioii with us. conference decided to continue with? .59. Navv Nizws as its journal and conOil is the "life-blood" of warships. siders that any other medium for R.l.N.S. Delhi and a destroyer fuelbranch reports would be less efleclivc ling from R.I-'.A. Wave Victor. inasmuch that at present our serving Il..\I.$. Bulwark in the background personnel can keep in touch with branches through it. There is it growing concern reHIS season has been a great success to of the financial the! garding aspect the Portsmouth Command. Club. and this created ! \lany niatchcs were arranged against tiHeadquarters Also Witt Base Cricket long disciiss1'on. The impression; top-class clubs in Ilaiiipsliire and 9 evidently gained by the delegate and 'I'o mark the Admiral Commanding Loiidon to gi\c the team practice The months have been two sticcessful frotii the one group of observers seemed to past in cscrvcs award of an lilliciencv Penextremely and experience for the Inter-Command I be that National Council the sporting point of view and practicallyall big events have been blessed dant to the Iiedford Unit 2‘). Se:i'(‘adet Championships and the policy proved relying more on pious hopes were and Corps. the Bcdford Branch of the with fine weather. .i rcsoiiittliiig success. Portsmotith lost recent capitation increase. ! our Naval Association presented the only three matches against the other rather than on any delemilni-d’ llli Portlaiid l’o.'t Atlilctic .\Iceting time. At the |'1tL‘\t'Ill;|llt1It. which ivas RoyalWill‘ 3 5“'*‘Td 0“ Jill)’ 33w.is held on June 23 and for it number made by Mrs. .\lor.~c. .-\dmir.il .\tor~e U“)! (‘ommands and thus retain the .\lorice efforts their of min to improve the. of _lheSherill pre_seiuation was made by the _\'C.It'\ this has been won by the Second ‘said that it was prolxably the nto~t ex- ! Hoiil for the sixth consecutive year. financial situation. of Bedfordshirc. Mr. Kenthat had been held gaining -til citing competition High , Training Squ.id.'oti. By instructor Lieutcnants Ralph While. the 'l‘itiining Squadron's 371. and he congratiilatcd the wimicr~. on neth Allen. to the Comnianding Otlicer l)csn‘Iolttl Kell and Fred Bruce. The meeting had lltc feeling that points tobecame the Athletic clianipioits 'putting tip what he tlioiiglit was the ,of the imit. l.ieut.~Cdr. Peter Sykes. Lieut.-Commant er Jimmy i'I:II1lI}Il. there will still be a deficit next yctir Osprey of l'ortLind Naval Base. Although indi- fastest time ever. and will be worn by the parade coniQ.!\l.S. Ken Nicholson and (‘hicf -and a further request for a capital vidual achievements did not rank high. ntauder. I.ieut. H. 8. Cooper. IE.R.A. Colin Iiarp were awarded their increase. unless the National Council there were some fine contests and every The High Shcrill said he knew that colours. "grasped the nettle." and the sooner winner had to earn his medal. Osprey the ceremonial sword would be greatly The Command Ratings‘ and Open the better. We feel that branches can't. won it of the t8 tirsi prizes. on The Rev.in-i Cup for the Portland ; appreciated and cherished. l‘ournamcnts again took place on the go on indefinitely subsidising the H.Q. l.iciit.-Cdr. Sykes. in thanking the The July meeting at Chclteiiliam was N.S. .\len's ground. Most of the cont- Club. when they are faced with the Naval Base cricket competition has W0" It“ 0\l'tf¢.\‘- In the lfivndlt‘ well attended for the time of vcar. as l<_ligh Sheriff for making the presentapctitors were from ships in the l)ock- problem of building up their own i!l>’0 I'M" -I‘ ls.‘ .' '. : lmany Shipmatcs are on holiday. Our tions and the Association for their gift. yard though Vernon. Collingwood. Bflmch H"‘"dq”“"°”('hairman. Shipmate Patrick. wcl- stated that the tinit had worked hard lixcellent and hlercury had :i large rcpto beat nca.'l_v all its Service iiianagcd the last award of an lillicicncy rcsentatioii. Did Not Clear the Air wliilc against civilian il.'.tIII\. comed Capt. Grant. and referred to since ittppotlctlls. The spectators were treated to most heavy L‘0n\t't'IlltllCnl\‘_ Shipmate Pciidant in I950 and had got very near The auditors‘ report did little to] the iietotics and defeat» are about this »Salnion gave a CUn'l[1rL‘liL‘tl\l\'t.' report b_i being coiuiiiended. exciting tennis especially in the ratings‘ :clear the air. one of its ? of the aniiual eoiiferencc at Blackpool. i linal. where ()._-'Sig. Sharpe. now on the being that ll‘ll'|\'l likely we could‘ NI-IAR TIII-I I-'It\'AI. The \\"elfare ()lliccr reported that Sliip.\'.S.U.\'. (iotirsc. beat (_l..\l.S. Nicliol- : It aiiiioiiiicctl during the moiilh a probable increase in expect I own already (or so it appears to us)’ \\‘iihEn ilie ¢~:.il\li\itn'IL'.'tl two :o-.i:ii.i- niatc Clark had been l-l weeks oll work that was son. 7—5. 8-6 a fiirther 7!» warships are to be and deck liockcy. ;iSL' and may have to sec a specialist. Ship'lhe Men's open doubles also develtennis meiit_~. fccs. It ‘Wits also tliotiglit that moiing r.ipidl;: l0\\’.'l.’ll.\ the Iiiial \I.l','.t:s. this year. Over 50 replace.ni:ite llottli:ini also lrid not been too- scrapped oped- imo an exciting match when "Igenerous will come itito service this year "Hi ht‘ -I t¥“"'J lhml-' ll l‘|i||N-‘INS lloih have produced some exciting g.iiiies.. well. In both cases Sliipiiiatc Attwood ments Instructor l.ieutcnant Kelly :iitd ;were sent a copy of the I-lcadqtiarters‘ ttfdr. Slicwell and Surg.-Cdr. Lauder or next. was giving them every help. ()ii .-‘iugust ().M.S. Nicholson. after being 5---l {balance sheet. to the tiiidit. \tcnl_lt)_ be the favourites in the doubles down. lost the final set 7-5 to so that it couldprevious And N 1‘ '-‘3Pt'Cl~‘d "I-11 ll"? dwl IIOCKCF‘ 31 the Witncy llranclt had invited the be studied and disI.ieut.- cussed. W- notice that the ("oniiiiander ltoyall and final will be a "blood-batli" featuring Chcltenhani I‘ll".tllClI to their dedica- ELECTRICAL (‘roydonl I Chief Petty 0liicers' and Petty -llull. and it is hoped as many Ship- Ngt Immq ('oniiii:ixitlet'llttttil) n. the Dolphin first Branch expressed the same views in: the lmatcs will make the as ()llicers' illr. Ann teams. iourncy An--«wk posp their in the July issue of Nivv‘ Two further tn), its -as. I ma. The mixed doubles final was a Nizws,notes sporting events which siblc. Happy Holidays. Shipmatcs. 2G 3):. Q uA the decided been have Sailing afftiir. The Rev. are Muspratt family The possibilities of arranging a] Regatta. won by Siirg.-I_.ieut. Cotes and (Albion) partnered his niece. .\luspratt (Mercury) against Wren ,Trafalgar Day Ball in Darlington was the Horse Cup competition. .\lason (Vernon) and l.icut. K_e|ly‘ also discussed and this will be gone THE HORSE CUP ivernon). The Vernon representatives. into again later. A light aircraft crashed in l~l..\I..S. is an The Morse 6-3. competition Cup won ti worthy struggle. We were sorry to hear that ShipMercury. Peterslield. recently. The for annual a cup presented by event fi mate "Freddie" Angus decided that unit: 1.. for plane. the passenger of which was Morse. D.S.().. ‘the president of the (‘oitiniand through personal reasons he would Rear-Admiral ll. the establishwas over killed. /.4: .i....i. flying between competition tile-shooting .i Tibbits was Tennis. (‘aptain (Dry-ad) have to resign his position as bar,’ tcams entered front all ships .ind L‘\l.IlJ- ment in mist and struck a corner of a the Tibbits distributed Mrs. present. :ccllarmaii to the club, and he was ll\ltniL‘llIs in the Portland N.i\.il Base. W.R.N.S. quartets. No one was in the lt£Wl'0ll mm. (mm tin. in attd and was presented prizes cups thanked for the competent way in This year's eient. held on Jul)‘ IR. was building. but some W.R.N.S. h:td so return with a bouquet by Third Ollicer which he had carried out his dulics.. one of the most siiccexsfnl for many recently left the building that they iiiriisiou non nun "1144 MM! lit?! 1' L13) W.R.N.S. the Weekes. entered. Nan champion. Shipiitate R. Trees has been appoiittcd _\'L‘.‘l.'\'. Tliirty-two teams were tun £MM1.;iiRA‘\3. be shock had and to were overcome by lulu ecu: initiiit the si iiiiiniii ideal. tuitiirct iuz weather was although treated in the sick bay. in his place and we are certain that The RES UL’! 31' strong sunlight made it rather ditlieult Men‘: open niacin.--lnttr. licut. II. T. White with the guiding hand of Freddie to see the tiles clearly. t-rat lt't\tr. Lieui. l-. ltrucc. t»- -2. 6- -I. behind him. he will soon be adept at A team from ll.M.U.D.E. were last urn‘: open do-bu-s.—t'dr. ttosatt and t.leui._- pulling a "good one." ehampions_aiid were coiisidcreil ‘\c;|t"!~ t'ttr. Hamlin be.-it Init. Lieiii. Nell) and J. H. S. Nicholson. 4-6. 6—l. 7-5. Ex Wren Mrs. V. Pembertou. ioint favourites with Osprey Watdroorn Mlnd doubles.-\\'ren Mason and lint. Llciit. chairman of the l!ranch's Ladies Team. However. these two teams met in third round and both shot down all hen; Wren Mii-pr.-itt and Riv. Muspratt. Auxiliary Section gave a report on the b~ Pi FOR LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE WITH tiles in what appeared to be the‘:-amc also said that activities. their and luring‘ §a.—0..-‘Sig. sharp: but OMS. time. After consultation. the Judges Nicholson. 7-5. 8-6. BONUSES LOW arrangements were under way _for the decided that ii.M.U.D.E. were the lll Dnubtee.—Artifi;cr and Kaianaati Induce‘ ehildrcn‘s annual outing. this year it winners of the round by 0.2 seconds. t).M.S. Nicholson. V1.0. LIBERAL W.lt.\‘.s. olndeI.—'|‘hird (It'll.-er \\'eet.':s beat was proposed to take them by train Meanwhile. a team of young seamen to Seaton Carew on the north-cast from 8 Mess. Os icy. e:ipt;une<_I by On]. \\‘ren Mmoii. 5-7. 6-2. 7~S. Naval Personnel normallyaccepted withWar and Service risks covered W.R.N.S. donbleu.—-.\liu Ilcaetev and Min coast for the day. and we hope that Sea. Crecs. ha been winning their AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY Wren Conan; and Wren (';:rIic. the weather will be ski beat and They rounds steadily .tm[If0\'lfl{l. favourable more ‘(' h icI r2. o-- '. met tltc reigning Cl'l.tITIpl0nS. Ii.M.U.D.iE.. Head Office (or the UNITED KINGDOM: Con-and Iutdu-n.—v. Wimbledon l..T.('.. than it has been for the last three in the semi-tinals and in a remarkably i-ion 7--1: v. ltanipshtrc. lost 93-4: v. Public years. 13-16 KING WILLIAM STREET. LONDON. E.C.4 time of 37! ~ccond~. shot down all ~:.l'iooI Old hop, «on h- 2: \. London UniverLaw aso.ooo.ooo ties. VII], tau 6-3; v. \\'innil\'ed-vii I..T.(I.. vion 5-4: and Pens Pie Supper :mt For service in the Portsmouth! uu contact Mr. W. D. Snyn. Minnow. 314. London : v. Roet-, \\’c-it IIIltl\ t.,’r.(' succeeded in beating the team They 5:--5 o on l‘ni\‘rr«Telephone No. Porcunoucli 71490) : v. load. PORTSMOUTH, Hunts. On saw the male from ll..\l.S. Dundas in ‘the tinal to win Thursday. _July_.‘\. \\'cwt IlIl‘ll\ l..T.C.. ', members gathering in the club for the cup and the prize for the fastest

Miniatiiresforl 1

Life Illoml Transfusion








Portsmouth Command Tennis

Osprey fastest on the track and at tile-shooting








Sword Presented ?Bedford Sea Cadets



shipinates holiday





i[lTl|d:1‘:ltIl ?l‘Y'I!\. l


1!ltlCdlC.'il1'l '










iinpliczitionsi°‘""'|‘ their]


















aftc: **




Kelp -








Nay’ wont

August, 1958


‘The Church t0 the

have been


OUR lng

aroused by siteit man in fore and all uniform but with plain black buttons. in nonNaval cap badge and shoulder flashes reading “Royal Naval Lay Reader." l'{L'\clll'ClI took us back a ccntttry to the birth of a feeling that the work of the (htircli was sullerint: from her failure to use her laily. 'l he most spectacular result was the founding of the (‘hutch Army by Wilson (arlile in I883. A quarter of a century earlier. some Naval oflicers aml a chaplain at Devonport had had similar ideas, resulting in the foundation of the Royal Naval Scripture Readers Society to provide laymen to augment the work of the comparatively few chaplains by visiting sailors and Royal Marines especially in those ships in which no chaplain was borne. At that time illiteracy was common and much of their work consisted in reading the Scriptures aloud. Later on. as a higher standard of education become more general. the readers



expected to give ruore time to study and. after examination. were licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as Royal Naval Lay Readers. The society's name accordingly became the Royal Naval l.ay Readers‘ Society.


The General Council of the Society and the Lay Readers with vhiitirtg Chaplnim after it conference at Cathcriugton House

Mediterranean News Letter

Ark [loyal host: sportingsllip in the ‘Med.’ for six months


right back in form

but he is


Derek Wrighton is a equalled this time and took fourth place in the A.A.A. championships. welcome newcomer to Navy 'l1iat too he represented Great athletics. having recently joined liritainseason against Germany and Roumathe Service as 3 surgeon- nia, both matches on the Continent. In the saute season at the Interlieutenant.

Darings always to the fore"

", [95]

or lg heoftook at-umtheagesen"-fin-1| "W

national Student Games in San Sebas-

fourlh place In fllltlllltllIIIIIIIIlllllIItlllIIIllIIIIlllIIIllIlllltllllllllltlllllg Schools National Championships with served in the Mediterranean. nd it will surely be the it liltlt‘ (If I03 §CC0l1dS for the 100 'I‘II()SI-‘. whowillhave realise that the sporting competitions which take place out )’11rd5- H15 5€h°°l|"S W115 ¢¢ll13"tr' SUE‘ majority, here are very similar to those in the United Kingdom. (In the whole the cessful as that same year he entered weather is milder. but very approximately the seasons are the same. which (fharing Cross Hospital Medical School from which he eventually means that our present activities are cricket. swimming. tennis and sailing. 'I'o avoid the intense heat which can be experienced in June. July and qualified in I956. 1952. perhaps as a result of a August. the inter-Service athletics were held on May I4. and after a most talkIn with Arthur Wint, he commenced = exciting struggle the R.A.I-'. came out the winners. with the Anny and running "quarters." In I953 he ‘TilIllllIIIIllIIIlllIIIlllIIIllIIIIllIlllllIIllllll|l|l|l|lll|||ll||lt7: Navy tying for second place. The match was decided on the lust event. the clocked 5l.7 but next season showed medley relay. where if the plncings had been Royal Navy tirst, An-ny second. a great improvement in dropping to tian he was a member of the winning R.A.I-‘. third. the result of the meeting would have been a triple tic. In fact. in the 4 x 400 m. relay. second the race went to the R.A.I-'.. with the Navy second and Army third. The main- 50 seconds. That year he came under team wing of l~'ran1. Startpll and in the in "I9 m¢¢”°l' “ml mild in "W ‘mo I“stay of the R.A.l". team was F.0. l)c':ith. who won the half-mile and. the 43.‘) sccontls. mile and virtually the medley relay. The Navy athletes who did well were l‘)."~.i Inter-(‘ounties did a 48.7 seconds with In I956. running In an invitation lap. coming second to Derek Johnson I..lSca. .\'lorrcllec (one and three miles) and Sub-Lieut. Herr)‘ (4-I0 yards) and beating his Southgate club mate ,-,_. Peter Higgins. Later in the season he CA.\'N0'l' BE Ill-ELI) Certainly the most otttstanding sporting ship we have seen in the Mediterranean in the past six months is Il.M.S. Ark Royal. Fielding excellent boxing Nore Command and croteocounlry tins. no one could hold them at unit strength. and in Athletics practically all other sports they were usually a match for the best. (If the smaller units the Daringv were always well to the fore. with Duchess perhaps HE da_v was dull. with threatening taking the edge frotn the others. rain for the Nore (‘ontmaud nthIn the fleet competitions the results were as folltnvs: Mention must be made of ll..\1.S. Raupura for her general all-round‘ lettcs. when the following teams coinf‘"' ""5 '\‘"°("""“~““' “°l‘l‘.‘ability and to congratulate them on a partimlarly line hockey side and a mi“! Scotland Cornmand. Caledottia. rugged and energetic Rugby XV. ('ochr;inc. l.ochinvar. Royal Naval llarr-acks.~—ll..\l.S. St)(,‘(fI-‘.R.~ -I'i.(I. Final. ll .\l S l'll.IClli€l.I l. H .\l 5, Forth fl.

More to the Point This change of names had its drawhacks—“(‘hurch Navy" would have hcen more to the point. The title of “Lay Reader" is misleading. because it suggests to most people that his main function is to conduct services and preach sermons. and this is not so. The main concern of a Naval Lay Reader is to get to know and to be known by individuals—to make friends——and thus to provide opportunities for the Kingdom of (Sod to spread from man to man by contagion. rather than by tnztss indoctrination, As a convinced Christian he is doing his best to practise. to learn and to spread his Faith. :\lo\t readers have served in the Royal Navy or Royal .\larines. They work on hoard ships in the dockyards and in barracks. hospitals and air stations. each under the general direction of a cltaplain. They are paid [6 5s. 0d. a week with a periodical increment of 5s. (ltl. up to a tu.i\iututu of £8 a week after IS years. .\l;u‘ricd rcatlcls get another .‘t‘ucccr l.eai:uc Cup, Group I. \\'nincrr H M 5. l'.ilc-in: lt.iumc.'\-ttp- ll,M,S. R.tnpnr.t. Neptune. £2 I05. (Ill. and allowances for Group III.— "I\'ItIllL'I\ l)iu.:ii \\'."l'; lttntrtcru-up ILM S Surprne. Deal and‘ .\larincs Royal Soccer Knock-out, Group II. -Wmners: |l,.\l S. l\'cut‘.t'. lttutitcrx-up: ll .\l,S. llucheu, t:hildti:tt. l’.R.().R..\l. Rl'(il'l\'. §¢‘¢n.;..§i¢|¢ |(nmk.out Competition. Final: II M S. l_t.iupur.t ll, ll..\l S. I-'u::h ll RN. College. Four individuals. The Full Share Team ('h;uupiun\hip R;’\Ilil\. I. sat. |).s,; zn [hullIl\‘_ 2. Il..\l.5. l:uttll4l\t' Scotland won the trophy with 9‘) IS puruzst I .\.\\' 5.. ‘D p.nn'.-. “The Readers" you may say ('no.s's-t.'ot1Nrtn'. I.‘ll .\l s. Ark Rt-\.il. 2-» .»..u~.. (liver and amp 'rn-prism, 2. Il..\l.S. l‘l'5|“~‘. f~‘“"“"~‘£l It)’ RrN-“-- ('4 lmllfls’ he and Royal Marines with 58 points. doing what should he l'.Il..'ibII_ -11.7 lmiutx‘. J. l|..\l S, lt.inpur.t_ t-I ptnntx "appear to the work of every lay member of Slattdztrtl rncdals zttc hcing '.IppllL'(l for II(l(Tl\'I-‘V. (':u-\:Ir ("up K.(). I'iu;Il. ll..\l,& lt.tnp<.ir.i 2. II .\I S. l'ucni.'i.\ (I. his-:1 Side 'lournarncnI.—— \\'Inncr\. II M S. lhitptirw. It tHInt.‘r\-tt|I W H./\./\. the ('hureh. When other laymen. who for the following :tclti:vetttcIth: Wtr. Ladies‘ -IlJflllI:ll!lflIl.'Wutt‘.-.-rt: ll..\l..‘i. I-.it.'nn \\'.lt N 8., lluuncn-up: \Vltitclt.tll have to earn their living. do their Sit-a-Side Jones. R.N.ll.. high iunip. 5 ft. 9: in. .\'..S. share of the (‘hurch‘s work for (standard. 5 ft. ‘J in.l: Rct. l-"lint. for it?" R..\l.. discus. ll'r‘ ft. 8 in. (standard. nothing. why pay readers ll7 ft.). The tnoney for this comes entirely from voluntary subscriptions. legacies .lUl)() CLUB i\'()'l'IiS (now illlllthl things of the past) attd Judo was not practised in R.t\'.B, lint ft. 7 in. Pole \'ault.— l,A(‘. Int (l{,A.l-' t, grants from funds devoted to chartIt It ‘I III. Iltn-vtiug the Javelin l..\(.‘. .\rnx:h< ‘hatharn until recently. The few table purposes. .\lo,~.t of it. in fact in ll. III m. l)i\:u\.— (’.s‘.\ll.'- graded (l(..\.l-’.), C.l’.(). about l(is. in every pound. comes Jtttlokzi inclt_ided (‘It-“tr (Arno-J. I55 1:. .1 IO. I'uttini: nu: .‘s'lmt.»- | from the Royal Navy and Royal Ill’. ft-:lo\\iti.: are the uiuucrx of the litter- .S.\('. (:namm,- (R.A l‘.), as It, 2 in. 4 in tin‘ (ioddard. S.l’.l‘.l.. a tlnrd Kyu. who the club by instructing the Se ices Atlilcti: ( h.ttupion\hip\ at Alder- v..r.2\ Rel.iy.— tt..\.t.. 52.4 .c.-. Mnrittcs. who are now giving over \.ir.lt.— In-n'.\rI. Juiv l(i: ll!) ‘I (.'p'.. on on rexult '-.t\' I. Rt-val Air Force. In‘. l’.'l‘. stall. llltlx ascertaining that. four times what they were giving in tvlltll R .\ l’.. lU.l we. ‘:41 \'.1rd\——.‘s‘ \('. It---.i.-hton In --1 3. III rt-rims: .1. R.-yr: Nivn! irrc~1pective of d:.tf:ing commitments. l‘Nt~l a sign of growing appreciation. IR .\ I-,t_ 22.! VC\. -t-to ‘r'.irJ\ -l. I'|ll'i'.l\ -Cl ||.|lIIl\ rl sotuconc would always be available PHI) Yard‘, T. (VII 49.1" \:e‘ l3\'i-‘II Mt. thanks to the general rise \Vu:lIt‘lI'\ rcxult‘ l. team ('li.mtpi.nithip Milt‘. (inc 531: SAL min. l \c.:. J. ‘I. Dtillll\j 2_ \\'.R..\.l7.. Eu: Dulntt: to c:trr_\‘ on the good work. in costs. expenditure exceeds income. I min. to s \CC. 3.001! .\IL'iYL‘\ \\'.I(..\ -t|t..\.l The grading: was carried out by .l7| t\.IilI‘.s. which means dipping into the small ('-.ill.i.-ltcr (R./\.l’.l. ‘l min. pl:.;lt.i~c. J. (iowlaml. a First Dan lront the l_ott\liIc~.» l./\('. .\cal (R.A.l".l, reserve accumttlated during the war 2] I ‘re. Vlhr ||unllcs.~—l7.'() don Judo Society 2. and the results l.l nun .'so.\' see. III) Yard» when most readers were on active .\lil1cr(R..\.l7.). win IS.-l \L'. -140 Yin!» lltmllci. were very gratifying out of a total service. Were this exltattsted. the work Sl. Andrew. (.\rni_i). 5. 3 tCC. lli.:h Jump.of over a ltundrcd years might be (‘p1, Wilson tArmv) (I It. I in. Lot)»: Jump.- Tllli following are the wirtncn_ of thc ILN. of I2 entered. .si\‘ graded to (nth Kyn 22 fl. 9 in. llop. Step S,;'.. lhrlun (ILA. Athlclt. (.'lI.irnpion~l:im, held at Denou- (White lleltl and six graded 5th Kyu brought to a standstill: but we be- and JunIp.—.\A, lillis (R.N.), -16 ft. 2] ill. port on lulv ‘I: III) Y.irdi.~—(‘pl. ltctuti (Pot. (Yellow licltl. lieve that it will continue. 'lhruw'm,g lltc lIanuncr.—-l‘0. l)utton (l{.N.). Ill.-l \s'.‘. 220 Yard-.-Sur»:. I t. Wrighton (Po). (.'Rl(7!\'Ii'l‘ 2Z.l «cc wit‘) ‘t'.trd\,—$uri:. l.t. Wriehton (|'ol, -94.5‘ sec. EHO ‘t'.trJs.——J\pp. Riddcll (Nore), All three games played have been




















Inter-Services at Aldershot













VISITING LOND ON? On leave or duty WHY NOT STAY AT_THE ss AFA CLUB ? The SSAI-‘A Club offers clean comfortable accommodation to serving and ex-members of ll.M. Forces with or without their families. Adults: bed and breakfast l0]6 Children 2/6 and 5/-. Till! SSAFA CLUB. I4 NEVERN SQUARE, IEARI/S COURT. LONDON S.W.$ Tclcplrane: FR0bisIrer 3347

I uiiu. S7.l sec. One Mile.‘ ~l'Ollli l “our- won min. 22.2 scc. Three Miles

hcad (Air). 4

by large Admiralty. /‘\.B.

margins. Against

J. I). WRlGlI'l‘(IN 300 yards race. he had the misfortune to pull a muscle, llating pull up the equivalent of -17.6 seconds for the -ltltl in. he was almost a certainty to go to Melbourne for the Olympic (iarncs. In spite of a return to form hcfore the games he \\'.l\' not selected for Iltc Australian trip. In I057. he recorded times of l(l.2. 225 and -17}! in the shorter distances. the latter etlort gaining him third place in the .-\.:\..»\. championships. I-‘(IURTH I-‘AS'l'l'IS'I' IN I-IUROPI". In Warszuv he ran :i 47.1 seconds -100 nt. (equivalent to a 47.4 seconds -340 yards) and was then the fonrtlt fastest in Europe. He was a member of the Great llritain team in all the international x 4-ll) relays last season. and In the match against Germany gained hrst place in the 400 III. with a time of -57.4 seconds. llis attccesscs to date this season have included second place at Vancouver. lirst place in the 440 in the British games at the White City and first place in the Southern Counties championships in 47.3 sec. In the Navy championships he set up rtcw records in the 220 and 440 yards. but was unable to compete iii Inter-Services the championships r

Parker scored 53. I4 min. 3.6 see. [20 Yards llurtlIe\.—- Rli.\ not out. but the star for the barracks App. llama (Air). l6.0 icc. 4-I0 Yard‘ was Littlcales who took nine Ilurdlc-.~—I'ORl‘. I lioycs (Air). 56.l sec. 3.000 “ctrn S:ccpcch.|\c.—l‘ORl‘. 4| Cowsill (Air). Admiralty wickets for 32. The following ntatch against Frins0 min. S-L0 sec. High .llll'IIf|.-~ltt\. l.t. Warren It. I0 Lt. 5 llailcv irt. Loni: lump.-«Ins. (Po), hury was won by I26 runs. The match (rm. an ll. 9 in. “up, Step and lttmp.—-AA.l was a triumplt for F.R.A. Littlcales I:.lli\ (Air), 44 ft, l0l in. Pole Vault./RI'O. llohdcrl (Pol. II It. (I in. Wcilthl.—-l.:\. Wilxon and Shipwright ('annnish. with the (Air), -50 ft. 2 in. l'Di»cuc.-—Mus_ Flint (Narcl. bat I02 not out and 48 and sharing I2! ti. 2 in. IIxmnier.—t'0. Dutton (Pa). the wickets live each. It»! lz. it in. .l.1vclin.-PO. Trickctt (Air). The third gante was against Clarion. I74 (I. II in. I'l.Icings for Inter-Comnuml Cluttcnne a local club. when Cantmislt with 41 Cup.——l. Air, IJS |'|0illl\; 2. I'ort\mouth IIS; was top scorer and 0rd. Sea. AnderII. Nore. (-1; -l. I'|ymouth_ 41. with four wickets and l’.O. son Women’: (2prnpion\hips.—-Tc.mi Rexulr \Villi:ims with three wickets. ensured owing to ills I. Air. 11 points: 2. Portsmouth. )6; 3. Phmcnts. rietory by 60 runs, mouth. 29: 4. Nore. I2.

("Gordon Wright" Troph)'l.—l‘..-\ .lo_\-cc (Air).

Empire Games cotumit~

August. 1958

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HOUSES FOR SALE \\'A'l‘£RLOO\'II.l..l-Z(near Southsea). Ifxututilc h_.mxx at the bcautilttland select lnliurst \\'ood. I-rorn 123.000. Central heatinir. Intggrax gafalfl. superbly designed and equipped ktlehem. Semibunuzotv and collar: tum. Truly a home for the cnnnomeur. Brochure lmm sole aunts. NA-Inter. Harding 54 Partners. tllb l.nnduri Road. Iiants. (Phone \Varcr:oo\l!le

).:313e;tt‘;1\"ilIe. II







dt-tire home (\IfI¢l'.\Ili|'I? \\’hy my rent’! Home rvttrchaxe with endan-

rttcnl autumn.-e with reduced |"I'CI'I\IllI'|’\\ Ir)‘ :1.“ ill!-vlttlettt enuttcit sectint) hit the tutti. ; -r cent. to I00 per cent. loam .1d\.m.-ed.-

.~.‘_ \_\rilc tor -5-

lull mrtietilzrs iuthoiit ohlitralinn to V. N-mix. "(3\\enl)n." Beechwood .-\ienui:.


SITUATIONS VACANT .\_I.\.\A(;AEIlSIl‘l1JfYlCd)'rctltiited lgvr Oil’ Licences «tinted tn i.pndo_n_ Middle-e:t_ butt. Bedlamshgrc. llcrnhire. surrey. Kent. Sunex & "Imp. ~t_iire. Apnlleanu mint be willirt: to train in

lunch-elan_ rate; and must he in pocseuloi-i or n -Imtnx licence. Mter an initial training period may be required to do temporary filgnaecn reliel tnananerxient duttui which will neeeulutc them from area to area. This it an --nodrtunitv or those who IISII to take up a \Jl_¢s


_v._Iio the

they hare itnud ability. Alte: initial ttninimr period and when tvr-ti-noted to_ the st._ttm at a .\Ian.-uer. annlieantx “ill be prttiided IIII1 I good Cl|flIlIKflg'i|'|‘_q.;|;ry Nu‘ cumnusvon and pcnwp._ Aim lninir accomwith tree electricity. gm, mat and mndatltin culc will be nrtwidett.——Ani1lie.-itoort should he ntadc to The Galleon Wine Cu. I.tt.l., Ttinit)‘ Chamben, 32 Trinity square. London. l;.C.J. ANTARCTICA tIl'l-ZIIAIOR .\lI-:(.‘IlA.\'ICS re\\'_I)Il>‘.l.l‘sS Illll J by l"Al.l(l.A!\'D l§l.ANl).‘i l)El'lIl\‘. career


Rl>ZOL‘lIll-2D: linrincer-in-Chief. To be rextvon. siblc lot the maintenance I“ all liuitin-.: and Iteam ueri:i:inrr plant in the hmniralx. and

other mechanical eniriueerinn sen-leer. Cnnltol ot nuinir-nan:-: stall and Incl eennnrriy. Saran‘ scat: (M10-L.".'5. pith I.imtlori vteiahtinit. Qualifications required-Ordinary National Certificate in .\lc;h.1n:;.\t Lnlinecrinit which in.-luiln heat and heat cneintai as a s.LIl’\I€Cl. and melt ‘v has an endunement In the Principles tit lileetrwlti-. —-:\rstsZi:.it£un\. with the names oi tun ttletcet, In


NA vv


I5 Til}:


and than periods. (miltiren auentlinit hvardiniz



g'r:‘t;|-:_~|."«:. iflhiflggd H



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Aucust. 1958

Home Air Command Sports News


INTER-COMPETITIONS ARE BEGINNING introduction of the H.A.C. In 96 teams in the Athletic Com- men's and 29 teams in two years ago has the total of 4.171 a dividends and both tool; part. The lirst three and successful. It is in no small in each teams were:— due to this that the Air Coinniand has. for the first time. Men I Arbroath—Apprentices Senior (5ll.-t points). 2 Arie|—Apprentices won the lnter-Command Athletics Series (484). 3 Br;twdy—727 (‘h:uiipionship_ all of which serves to 22 emphasise tlte Command P.'I'. 0flicer‘s Squadron (483.3). mixed adage that "if you look after W.R.N.S. I l!ranicote—D. Division the ‘rabbits.’ the ‘stars' will look after (633.9), 2 Eglinton—D. Division (526). themselves!" 3 Lossiemouth—C. Division (4l6.6). Z

New Athletes Gave New Hope ing the

llli l»l..-\.C. athletics championships were held at the Sports Centre. l3;t~.\‘etI, SotIlh:tItlplott. in line weather on July 2. Several excellent performances by athletes new to the Air ('ouiniand gave us hope for the Inter Command Clianipiousliips the follow-

ing week. The high-light of the meeting was the mile in which I’.O.R.F.l. Moorhead (Ariel) just held till late challenges by

titiic of 2 min. 2.2 secs. The 3.000 m. steeple chase was run at H.M.S. (‘ullingwood the following day. and l’.O.R.li|. (‘owsill (Ariel) won easily in l0 min. 25 secs. in the W.R.N.S. Cliampionships. a 440 yards and discus events were included for the first time this year. lloth proved to he very successful. l../Wreii llrade-llirks (Egliiitoii) winniug the 440 in (-3.4 seeonds———w|ticlt. for interest. equalled llle W.R.A.F. record set up this year. llrade-llirlts also won the 220 yards in 28 seconds. Wren Turner (Culdrose) won the discus with :i throw of 79 ft. ltl iris. in the Javelin. 3/0 Strang won by If) feet with a throw of 93 feet——lier other trials were all no.-throws! The prizes were presented by ViceAdniiral Sir Walter 'l‘. ('ouehIn:in. K.('.l!.. (‘.V.().. l).S.0.. O.ll.lE., l-‘lag Otlicer Air (Home). SWll'IllIllll):."I'L‘\\'entries of (‘ommaud standard were received for the llouie Air ('oiitmaiitl Swiuimiiig trials held on July 2|. at l’itt Street. This is unfortunately due to the very limited swiniining facilities available to air stations and is unlikely to alter until more swimming baths are pro-

R.l£..\l. .\lcl5atl.I.can (Ariel) and l;',.\l.A. \\"ltit\vorth (Ford). all three recnttliiig the saute time of 4 mitt. 38 secs, t\‘loorltc;td's performance w:is uotem-rtliy in that he has just recouuueucetl racing after a three mnuilis‘ lay-oil due to an injury in the eniweonntry season. A..»\.3 lillis (Lee) completed a double by taking the long jump and the triple jump, winning both events couviiiciugly by over a foot. Others to win two events were l.ieut. Sinclair tl.ee) who took both sprints. l’.O.R.li|. Itoyes (l.ee) (4-10 yards and 440 yards hurdles). and L.A. Wilson (Ford) who won both the weight and the discus vided. As events. .





T last—for the first time everhreaking a sequence of eight successive wins by Portsmouth-— Hontc Air Conimand won the interCommand Athletics Competition at Brickfields. Plymouth, on July 9. The winning margin of i7 points was much greater than anticipated and much credit must go to the second strings, who fought with magnificent team spirit. and achieved results which they all thought were above tlierti. The outstanding one which comes to mind is the ll feet cleared by AA. Scndall in the Pole Vault—— his previous best perforniance had been I0 feet 3 inches. In all. the Home Air (‘ommand achieved eight first. seven seconds and seven thirds. The race of the afternoon was the three miles in which l;'.A. Joyce. the holder. again met Steward l\le:tdows, whom he beat in the ll.A.C. Cliaiiipiotisliips, and the two Portsiiioutli aces, Suh,—l.ieut. l’ape well known as a itiarathou rtiniter. and A.ll. Mcllale. Meadows was oil to a cracking start, with a first mile of -l min. 36 secs.. and was soon into a l()() yard lead. Al the two mile he was still 70 yards tip. but the pace told :iiid Joyce caught hint with one lap to go and went on to win in I4

niins. 28.6

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side the R.N. record. .\teadows was second, l2 yards heliiiid_ with Papc 20 yards behind in third place. After 'l'en Years A.A. Valentine lost his llatiiiiier title. for the first time in it] years. when he was beaten by l’.(). l)iitton (Porlsuiouth). In the 440 yards Hurdles. P.0.R.El. Boyes set a Navy best perfomiance with a time of 56.] secs. He was. however. beaten into second place in the quarter by the Empire Games runner Wrighton. running for Portsmouth. I’.O.R.I'il. Cowsill took the 3.000 metres Steeplecliase in ‘J mins, 58 secs.. and l’.O.R.l-ll. Moorhead retained his Mile title front Mid. ilurns (Plymouth) with R.E.M. Mcl~‘adzcan and E.M.A. Whitworth (bollt Air, although Whit~


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result of the trials. it was again reluctantly decided to enter the Inter Command Championships on an Holder Challenged basis only although teams in llle tliree-niile E. A. Joyce (Lee) individual were entered for the water polo and eclipsed the rest of the field to win W.R.N.S. events. by over I00 yards front Steward Golf.-—'l‘he annual Home Air ContMeadows (ilrawdy) in a time of IS minutes. A new discovery was E.R.A. mand meeting was held at l.ittlc Rush (lirawdy) who ran E.M. Jones. Aston. Streatlcy. Stafls.. on July 24 TAILORS) the holder. to within one second in and 25. and a report will be given in worth was running as an Individual) 336-338 FRATTON ROAD the 880 yards and was just beaten next month’s issue. for it third out Whitbattling place. itito third place on the line by TEL. 24949 TEL. 24949 p O R T 5 M Q U 1- H worth was third about three yards [..i{.li..M.-llruce (Ariel). both recordahead of Mel-'ad7can. DEVOHPOHI In the W.R.N.S. Championships. I Cross lllll Villas, Stoke. DEVONPOI T the H.A.C. girls excelled themselves by winning every event but one. the OFFER Discus—and that for didn't count N Wednesday. July 2. Collingwood points. being a new event! There was took part in the Gosport Water never any doubt about the result and Carnival. other Competing against the competition was rather one-sided. HI-IRE is a story. apoeryphal establishments and service teams. they perhaps. but nevertheless ii good finished third in the invitation team Wren Walsh. in her first year of athletics. gained conone. that when one of EM. Ships THE In an exhibition water-polo competitive relay. fidence with race and won the was in the north of England for 1 every match which visit. and visitors were proving it phin by 4—I. followed. they beat Dol- I00 yards and 220 yards in convincstyle. She obviously has a future wee bit diflieult to move from the This is the close season for basket- ing ship. one of the visitors was heard ball. but despite this we have been able in athletics. In the 440 yards. L./Wren by one of the ship's company to to play five games in an effort to get Brade-ilirlts won in 62 secs.—a very ' fast time. 3/0 Strang again won the ° ' say: "Why should I go? I'll go fit for the season which starts shortly. javelin and L./Wren Bowlcs_ whose when I'm ready. I helped to pity for Two of these were of an exhibition husband is in the H.A.C. men's team. this ship and I am entitled to stay nature. the first at the and A.S.R.E.. the high jump title with a jump as long as I like." The summit the second at the South Parade Pier. took Every Made-to-Measure Garment individually Hand-Tailored. standing by. hearing this. stiinned and in both cases the spectators saw of 4 feet 8 inches. Finest Quality l00% All-Wool Materials Used Exclusively. up to the very top of the nearest rm excellent game of basket-ball bemast and with lik knife cut of! a tween Collingwood "A" and "B." Any Style or Design executed to Customer’: Exact Specification. small shaving. Returning to the After beating Dolphin comfortably All Made-to-Measure Garments Tailored In our own Workrooms. tied he handed it to the dis- in the Command com tiONFIRMATION has been received Every Garment carries Guarantee oi Delivery. Flt and Satlslaction. uonttcd vitor. saying: “Here's tion. Collingwoodknock-out lost to Dac alus that the [allowing have been nclranred the hit that you paid Ior—gct one run in the semi-final. Daedalus la the Chic] Petty Oflieer or Chlrl by 'NAVAI.. ALLOTMENTS WELCOMED cracking." all for and in out were 57. we Artifirer rate: reply To (file!Petty 0Iecr.—-ll. Illinrd. lX.8-NR3: able to were only score 56 for 6 ill 24 L. (‘nu-non, IX.I5677l; F. Marie‘, IX,lttl€IJ6; I), overs. To date in t6 matches. 6 have Minchinlton. lX.l575'Z0; I.. Tribbtc. _lX.l5l7J6‘ been won. 7 lost and 3 drawn. ii, Walton. : ..ie, The Command Athletic Champion- stu.|..—c__:m:m. JX.lSSll-I. To Chit! Petty tilled WIIteI’.—A. ships were held at Collingwood on July Ttiomu. MX.8.I2-lbl. To (hid Pelt! Olcet To (lid I and 2. The Command trophy was Cook lSl.—C. Shame, MX.5N55. Itarlick. Stew-nM.—-I-I. Olcer Petty l.X.2S'.’9_J. won by Collingwood. who scored 82 To Slel Iuth Chic! Petty 0I¢'eI'.—A. Mair. MX.tsol1.l, To cite! PntIter.—F. Gitlesnte. points. and the runners-up were Victory MX.ti(II'Il.I. To Cild Flflflrkal AVIlIl.‘gf.—l). (61)). The following placings were Drake, MXJIBSSS: A. \\’ilhatnI. NlX..T83!S. SOUTH PARADE achieved by membersof ColIingwood‘s Tn Chit.-I shipwright Ai-tll_eer.——A. ll.Convaid. Eytet. of three Royal Navy run- team: MX.62771; 0, Demon. M>..8‘ltl7 SOUTHSEA Husband. MX.ll7l3J. Ilotrnei. G. MXMIDII: ncrs entered the A.A.A. Marathon 440 yards hurdles: l. E.A. MILSIDOSI: E. l.iIlry_ MX.62769: I). Mattoch. in D. Mcucium. L_tx.~ismo; G. Mnthe Polytechnic run by Harriers. Instr. Lt. Bailc High l\IX.ltM‘J2.I: 2. Docherty: OSBORNE RD. MX.905Dl; Narlor. M)..7.t6tt5: J. Rennie. l.\r. conjunction with the Southern (.oun- jump: t. Instr. Lt. Warren. S t. loin. MK.S8l)l6; 0. l..Rock. MX.fi!-6032: E. VA-’llher. SOUTHSEA . I. White. l-!X.r-277st; A. Win. ties Marathon. 880 yards: l, E.A. Dochcrty: 2. E.A. MXMISIO: MX.6J6‘N6: T. Wonmeotl. hlx.7.‘$07. To Chld Individual placings werc:7$ub.- App. German. 880 yards, under I8: l, oiitnuee ArtIeer.——l.. Lovell. MXJHI97: ll. AVAILABLE FOR ALL l-ieut. Pape—ninth in the individual J.E.M. Haran. 440 yards: 2. E.A. Mccuineu. MX.76(-sll. Tol~‘. Chld Meehnnlehl. Perkins. l<X.tt527ll; —l|. Jackson. KX.tJ1l92; and sixth in the open team race: L./Sea. Dochcrty. 220 ards: 2. I..E.M. Ross. To Meehnie.—T. Clark. (hit! I’ ‘to-zmzsi: N. Louu. l<x.93t40: 1. MCCOHII. I'axton—.33rd in the individual. l8th Long jump: 2. .E.M. Ross. The Navy Championships were KX.97ll0. in the open team race. l3th in the To Cite! Eadie Roan AttIeer.——l. Beer. Southern individual and llth in _the held at Brickfields. Devonport. on Mx.7ois7z. (2. llcrnu. MX.6gI;_l24: M. Borden. a Submarine—Destroyer~—B:ittleshtp‘or Aircraft Carrier) MX.l0l60t'i: I). Court. M)s.r0382°: I’. Day, (whether Southern team race; R.l:.M. Cupping. Wednesday. July 9. and Collingwood MXJOJSIO: M. Dovuetl. MX.S69.IJO: 0. Gray. OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATEIIED FOR THIS YEAR 8. lines. MK.l4616Dl' V. Ieunc. through illness. did not complete the athletes who represented the Ports- MXIITISG1: Mx.i2o5-ii; A. A. LindMX.75tN0i; loseoti. mouth Commzind were placed as ny_ MK.7DJKl6: A. Marsh. MX.?775Sl: W. course. Wlre—Wrlte——or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 E. Pomery. MXJOZJZS: T. In the Inter-Service competition follows: High jump: I. Instr. Lt. Oliver. MK.70§07\I; iuine. MXJ .1051; l’.. Ralph. MX.ll6J6l9: A. l’.-ipe was first man home Warren. 5 fl. I0 in. 440 yards hurdles: octie, MXJO 564: II. Sandtield. M)t'.70.\tlb7: Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing I. ea. Paxton gained third place. 2. E.A. Dochcrty. 220 yards: 3. L.E.M. W. Tunnictitl. MXJOJBZS: t. Williams. MXIDIIIS: A. “foodman. hlX.'-'t130B9: J. A. The Savoy Ballroom. Radio Band Every Friday One liiindred and fifty-one runners Ross. 880 yards: 2. E.A. Dochcrty. 440 M". MX.7l6vl1l. To A:-tins (Ilild Radio yards: 3. E.A. App. Sawyer. I-Zleddelnn (Alt).-D. E. G. Ricks, 1.FX.8)3-147. completed the course. Printed and l’ubtislied tor and on behalfor the Navv Ntws Committee by Gale & Polden Limited. Aldersiiai a

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