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NO. 58

Navy News The Newspaper of the Royal

MARCH, 1959

Published firs!



COHHERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone auto 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Clvillan requirements

Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Thursday of the month

Price F ourpence



Ill-'. Navy I-Zstininles for the next financial year, published on February 23, show an incrczmc of 524900-000 more than the original estimates for the hurt your atid reach the figure of 970,000,000. The Fina Lord. the Earl of Selkirk. in an explanatory paper. explaiiis that the money is, in the main, being spent on new ships with costlier equipment. An interesting fact was protiiiilgatcd in the White Paper. The new guided niissilc dcstroycrs are to be lifted with "cntircly novcl propulsion machinery coinbining steam and gas turbinc~_‘.." It is understood that the new niachtnery would enable a ship in harbour without

tip" to get tindcr-way instantly by using the gas turbines.


H.MS. Hermes. the new aircraft carrier. is expected to commission for trials this year.’ of the re0nc_ disturbing feature ports is th:it very little information is

will benefit; Widows included SERVICE

and their families are to receive bigger pensions and lcnninal grants from April 1. This infomiation was given by the Minister of Defence on Febmary 24 and follows the Govemmenfs acceptance of the G.-igg Repon_ Terminal grants are fixed at three times the annual pension and in ILMS. Tiger, the Navy’: latest the case of a chief pctty olliccr being pcnsioncd after 22 years’ cruiser. about do come into service. service will amount to £629. When the Grigg Report was published This phologiaph. taken during recent last November it said: trials, giv an idea of power with “The Admiralty‘s engagement stnicture is, however somewhat different speed. It is expected that the ship from that of the other two Services. We suggest that the Admiralty will be seen at Portsmouth during be left free to devise a scheme of its own to suit the needs of the Royal might the Easter Navy Days that the cost is roughly the some as that of applying to the Navy provided Royal Navy the scheme we recommend for the other two Services." Their Lordships announcing the appear that chief petty olliccrs are Pension Scheme state that they have at a disadvantage vis-ii-vis their endeavoured to avail themselves of the opposite numbers in the other serabovc invitation. but it has not proved vices but an Admit-.ilt_v spokesman men




possible to construct :1 satisfactory scheme which also meets the stipulation regarding cost and yet does not leave many ratings at a disadvantage compared with Army and R./\.F.








available about the nuclear submarine as any in the world. The Royal Navy Dreadnought although materials are strength has been fixed at l06.000 and being assembled. this ligurc will drop to l02.000 during H.M.S. Tiger will commission this the year. Over £1.000.000 is to be month and may. possibly, be seen at spent durin the year for shore accomthe Portsmout Easter Navy Days. The modation or olliccrs and men and First Lord sta cs that the Tiger's guns ;thcrc will also be 400 new married (three-inch and six-inch) are as good ‘quarters.


ANCIENT PRIVILEGE RESTORED ancient privilege of drinking TIIE Her Majesty's health in naval Coastal

whilst rcniiiining seated and which it is said originated when a certain sovereign bumped his head when he stood up. has been restored even when the National Anthem is plziyctl. For some years it has been ciistomar_v to stand for thc Loyal 'l'o:i~;t it’ the National Anthem was nlcsscs

minesweepers slightly

damaged in Malta riots

Backward swimmer” commended by C.-in-C. “



I. F. E


B.-\RliER. Admiral Superintendent

has commented that “the new rates had been gone tlimugh with a toothcomb in order that there should be no anomalies or uiifairnt-as." pensions will be increased other ranks. They have accordingly to l-‘amily give widows one-third of the pension decided to adopt the same scheme as lhcir husbands were drawing. or if the the other two Services. husband dies dosing service the widow will receive the pctisioniic would have SATISFACTORY INCREASES drawn had he been invalidcd. if the This scheme does. of course. givc husband's death is attributed to the very satisfactory increases. e.g.. after Service there are to be "special 22 years’ pensionable service a chief :iri-.ingcmcnts." petty ofliccr will receive £4 0s. 8d. :1 Pensions for the Women's Services wcck pension. plus £629 tcrminal are fixed at 85 per cent. of the men's grant and a petty ofliccr £3 lls. 6d. a rates. rank for rank. week pension. plus £558 terminal Men and women who were serving grant. After 27 years‘ pensionable service the corresponding figures are on November 4. I958. are eligible for chief petty ollicer £5 175. 4d. a week the new rates. and £9l5. petty olliccr £5 4s. a wool: and £81 I. The Navy Estiniates show that the The new rates will be introduced on number of tlag ofliccrs is to be reduced April 1. during the coming financial year from An Admiralty Fleet Order is to 89 to 8|. The total number of ollicers is be issued within a month, giving reduced from l0.880 to 9.900. and the full details of the new rates. From number of ratings is reduced from announcements made so far it may 86.900 to 82.200.

Success Built OI1

dockyard. was stoned and slightly injured during rioting which played. broke otit in the dockyard on February If ll..\l. The Queen. His Royal HF. (‘omtn:indcr~in«Chicf .\lcdilcr- 27. Sonic cars were set on fire and lliglincss The Prince Philip. Duke of some were pushed into a dry dock toliditiluirgli or any other member of the rancan has coinincndcd A.B. W. with an Adniiralty fire engine. Royal l’1lillll)' is present these toasts I-(ctr. of ll..\l.S. r\l'lll:1tl:I. for his gether will be honoured standing unless llcr prompt action in rcscuing :1 Naval It was also reported that three coastal were slightly damaged .\lajc~'ty. His Royal Hlglillcss or the rating from the liarboitr at i(:ilkar:i ntineswccpcrs other mcnihcr of the Royal Fainily lias Stcps. (inind Harbour. .\la|ta. last by stones thrown by the riotcrs. The rioting broke out when about L'N|'|l’L'\‘\L'tl a wish that olliccrs should year. half of the dockyard workmen rcccivcd rcniaiii scaled: and Hot‘ or His pleasure The commendation says that Kerr. dismissal notices with their pay packets. is to be taken before the meal as to :1 “b:tck\v:ird swimmer. dived into the The notices promised the workers they which procedure is to be followed. water to rescue another rating who would be offered jobs the day after the Whcn ofliccrs of the Indian or notices expired by C. H. liailcy——thc l’:tkisIani Navies arc present. the health lirin which is taking over the dockof their Prcsitlcnt slltlllltl also be drunk of Malta

sczitcd. l.iltc\\'i.\c. when olliccrs of the


hcalth of His .\lajc~t_v 'l'hc Yang DiPcrluan Agong should be drunk scaled These toasts should be drunk ittitncdizilclv aflct the Queen's toast

Birthday Parade to be held in Gosport

Royal .\la|:iy:iiiN;i\'v.irc p[I:\clll. lli_c

-Navy Days

AVY l)a_\s have been armngctl this year for I-Iaslcr. Whitstin and Aiigitsl as follows: l’or1.sniouIh: Nlarch 28. 29 and 30: August I. Z and 3. PI_vtiiouth: May l6. l7 and IS}: .-\ugusI I. 2 and 3. Chalhiiin: August I. 2 and 3: Rosylh: .\l:iy I6 and I7. l’ortIand: May I6. l7 and I8.





! xv





oflicially stated that the Queen's llirllidziy Parade this year will be held on Saturday. June 13. at T has been

Gosport instead of Soullisca Coiiiiiioii. This year the Royal (Touiitics Show

will bc taking place on the Commonhcncc the change of venue. H..\l.S. St. Vincent. the junior scanicn's training cstziblishnicnt. will organise the tirade. usually the responsibility o H.M.S. Excellent. had fallen in and his prompt action Gosport pcoplc hope that a preceinstrumental in dcni having been made there will was undoubtedly be saving the man's ltfc." other opportunities to stage this A.li. Kerr's home is in Lisburn, colourful parade say. every other Norllicrn Ircland. year. ——




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