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Navy News The Newspaper of the Royal
No. 62.
Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Published firs!
Thursday of the month
Submarine opens
ROYAL NAVY umronms
Tdophooc Zblld 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured ol close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements
Price Fourpence
a new epoch
. c
Prince Philip says it will revolutionise the Navy the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl of Selkirk asked the Duke of Edinliureh to perform the ceremony of “laying the keel" of Britain's first nuclear submarine. he said “We are calling this ship Dreadnought because it is the opening of a new epoch just as was the old Dreadnought built more than 50 years ago.”
ceremony took place at Mcssrs. Vickers Armstrong's Shipyard. Barrow-in-Fumcss, on June l2 and the operation was performed by the Duke moving a handle which operated a Gamma Ray which moved a prefabricated cylindrical section of the vessel into position. In his speech the Duke of Edinburgh said “There is the pcrhaps doubtful prospect for future submarincrs of remaining submerged for the whole period of a two-year commission." l~lc continued "On Monday, the Queen prescntcd hcr Colour to the Submarine Command. Today that Colour is here at Barrow with a guard of submarincrs to witness on event which will most certainly revolutionise the Navy as :1 whole. and the Submarine service in
Admiralty nrtkfs lmpruslon prepared to show the position of the main compartments in the nuclear submarine DREADNOUGIIT, An
and training Submarine atomic defence to ber
which has been laid down at the Ilarrow-in-I-‘umcss yard of VicltersArmstrong-t (Shipbulldcrs) Ltd. Key to drawing: I. Ilydroplanc: 2. Torpcdo tubes; 3. Torpedo compartment: 4. Ufliccrs‘ accommodation; 5. Crew accommodation; 6..Storcs compartments; 7. Pump compartment; 8. Control compartment: 9. Captain‘.-3 accommodation. 10. Wnshplaces; ll. Galley; I2. Batterycompartment; 13. Reactor; I4.
feature on Navy days
Duchess of Kent launched the Oberon
anti-aircraft frigate, returned to Devonport on June 9. Since leaving this country a year ago H.M.S. Puma has been employed primarily on the South Atlantic and South America Station. During the temporary ncdcploymcnt of naval forces occasioned by the Iraq crisis H.M.S. Puma was stationed in the Persian Gulf and was subsequently one of the ships which assisted H.M.S. Bulwark in the salvage of the Liberiantanker “Mclika" after that ship had collided with the French tanker “Fcrnand Gilabcrt." After a further spell on her normal station H.M.S. Puma returned to this country via Brazil and Trinidad. H.M.S. Puma.
August Navy Days are being held at Portsmouth. Gutthnm, and Plymouth on August 1. 2. and 3. At Portsmouth the ships on view on ships on a 60 x 40 feet -"sea" in the Vanguard. Tyne. Tiger. Trafal- B.-trrack's gymnasium with realistic Machinery‘ control compartment; will beZest. Volagc. Starling. East- flashes and splashes for " hits and 15. Main machinery compartments‘. gar. Re- misses. I6. Turbine gearing: 17. Motor. bournc. Loch Killisport. Plover. claim. Dark Invader. Laleston, Cann- The Kingston Sca Cadet Corps silton. Thcrmopylac. Tircless. Artemis ver hand. club swingers from the and l.N.S. Kirpan. Aboard H.M.S. W.R.N.S. Training Establishment and Volagc visitors will be able to visit the the crack drill squad from the Royal boiler and engine rooms. l.N.S. Kir- Marine Depot. Deal, are among the pan (commanded by Commander K. attractions of the Gopinath) will be of particular inter- Refreshments‘ and lunches can be est. being the first lilackwood Class obtained at fill these ports and there new Frigate to be handed over to the will also be .1 Nursery and a First Aid T_hc_ ‘Royal Marines exhibition has opened Post in all three Doclszyards. When the Duchess of Kcttt visited Indian Navy.
the achievements of the United States Navy's Nuclear powcrcd submarines. he said “it should be abundantly clear by now that nuclear submarines will ultimately transform the sea power of the Atlantic Alliance." After the section had been placed into position the Duke of Edinburgh fired two-cartridge hammers which bolted a Chathum Dockyard on Saturday. July The new static displays are SubC0lllmt:ttt0I'ttll\’I.: plate to the hull. IS. to perform the launching ceremony marine Training. Atomic Defence and of H.M.S. Oberon. the lll'<l of a new l);itnagc Control. Cookery, and Junclass of submarine. it \\1t< the 52nd iors 'l'r;iining by H.M.S. St. Vincent. A Swiss ettpcrimctilal “ttir-cushion" submarine built and launched at .\l:iny attractive displays are planned machine. .\ll't'tll:tl' to the British hover- Chatham. Oberon is the first vcvscl to takt: place from 5 pm. in the craft. sank at its moorings in :1 storm to be completed in Chatltatn's post war "Victory" arena. at Zurich. submarine programme. llctwccn noon and l p.m. H.M.S. Although the Dockyard‘.< record of (Zollingwood's Volunteer Band with Victorious and the frigatcs Scarbuilding submarines dates back to I907. ll..\l.S. Victory‘s Rlucjtickct Band and borough and Tenby (2.200 tons) and with the construction of the C.l7. the (iuard will march along Southsczt ScaSalisbury (L733, tons) took part in the last occasion Royal launching at front. to mark the opening of each five-d:i_v cxercixe Riptide oil the East Chatham was of57a years ago when the Ntivy Dill/. Coast of the United States. battleship l-l..\l.S. Prince of \\’;i|cs was Pl.\'.\l()UTll on Ships of 200 tons armed with ll- lziunchcd. from the some No. 7 slip by the Prin- The ships open are llclfust, Apollo, pounder guns are l’IL‘llll_.: built for ice- which Oberon now Sl.’l.ntl.\. lund under the guise of rcscuc ships. | cess of Wail-.-5, who later became Queen: Chaplet. Dunkirk. Catrron. Rorqual. l Marv. Auriga, and Matapan. -H.‘C0l'tlillg to l€:tr| llowc. The Royal Murine Static display will be worth sccing as Vlslluln will not only be -Nblc to we Comm:tndo equipment but also detect land mines in ;i dummy minefield and see other pr;tctic;il a~.pcct~'. of the Royal blurincs in their Cotntnandos tolc. During the finale the Royal Marine Commados will carry out an attack on a 50 ft. high towcr. There will be boat trips in Plymouth Sound and the H:tmoa7.c. with ti choice of travelling in either fast Target Towing vessels. l.:inding craft or ships‘
annual _sccond Portsmouth.
open to visitors will be
Jutland. Crossbow. Hardy. (irafton. Vidal. Scott. Echo. ligcria, Talent. Taciturn. Trcnchant. and Virago.
Her Majesty's gracious smile for one of the Royal Guard. when she presented Colours to the Submarine Command. Captain L. W. Napier, R. N.. H. M. S. Dolphin In the background.Story on page 8.
The public will have an opportunity ol putting themselves in the place of the Fleet Air Arm pilot. They will _bc able to fly an aircraft from the deck of a carrier, control its climb, circle and bank and then drop bombs