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News Navy

Write for special details and advantages of placing your



The Newspaper of the Royal

No. 66 DECEMBER, 1959



COMMERCIAL iioitn, roiirsnouni Ttlflbbono ZGIIG 30 iioiriu. PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements

Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Thursday of the month

Published first

Price Fourpencc










gs 4


power trials in the channel, on November 18, H.\l.S. ‘,\F’l'l£R fullllritain‘s the aircraft

accepted by Ro_val Navy from the builders. hlessm. Vickers-Ariiistrongs Limited. Hermes.




The ship eoiiiiiiissioned on \\'cdnesdtt)' .\'oveiiiber 25 at Portsmouth under the coiuinanil of (font. I). S. 'l'ililiitts.R.\'.. who was fonnery the corninnndini: ollieer of ll..\l.S. l)r_\':Id, the Navigation and Direction Selimil at Soutlmick. ll..\l.S. llerines is known as ‘the who is the only member of the ships llermes liiioderniseil) c|as< to disting- coiiipaiiy to have served in the preuish her from the ('ciit;itir class of vious‘ llermes. in fact he was on which she was originally a sister ship. board tier when she sank in the The new carrier on her acceptance There are corisnlcralilc ditlercnccs be- Indian Ocean in l9-52. The previous trials tween her and other ships of her llcrntes was built by Messrs. Armearlier class in consequeiice of the strong Wliitworth between January. many inoditications which have taken l9l8. and February. I92-l. She had place since she was originally planned. an overall length of 598 feet and she As a result she will share with H..\l.S. carried 20 aeroplanes. Victorious the distinction of having Among the guests when Capt. Tibread the conimissioning warrant the finest operational equipment of any carrier in any l'llI\ _v. The Centaur in front of .l.()0tl ollicers. men and class consists of Albion, Btilwark and families were the (‘.-in-(T.. Portsmouth (Admiral Sir Manley Power) (‘cnt.iiir. Hermes was launched by Lady and Lady Power. and the C.-in-C.. (then Mrs.) Churchill in February. the Non: (Admiral Sir Leonard The Duke of Edinburgh Trophy, I953. The actual "takeover" ceremony Durnford-Slater). competed for annually by the l7 corps. Adiniral Durnford-Slater was one regiments and units of which His took place in the channel in the (if the survivors of the carrier sunk Royal Highness is Captain-General. presence of many of the press. The in I942. ceremony took place on the flight coiom-1.,'n -Chi¢f or H(,n0r_."y The Chaplain of the Fleet fthc Q.[m,,_.|_ has this deck. .\lr, l.. Rcdsliaw. the shiphccn won by 40 y,_.;“. building managing director of Messrs. Venerable F. l). Blunt) coiidiictcd the Commando. Royal Marines. with \"ickers-.-Xrinstrongs signed on behalf coinmissioning service. assisted by the 1013; p(,im§_on¢ and 3 half points of the builders and Capt. Tihbitts ship's chaplain. the Reverend J. T. more than 45 Comm:mdo_ Royal accepted lter. Until that moment the Oates. R.N. _\|;u'in¢§_ who 3“: I-unng-fr,-.up_ Red Ensign had flown at the stern H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh is but it was ccremoniously hauled Captairi-General of the Royal Marines. down and replaced by the White The competition which he instituted l-Iiisigii, is in three parts. Teams of I2 men from The aircraft complement of the new .,_-K-h of 1}“, 17 uni“ are awardcd carrier will he embarked in the New points for proficiency in rifle. Sten Year and will include Super-.\larinc and physical tests involving obstacles, Scimitar Strike lighters (nuclear and sprints and a live-mile march beforc canon arnizimciitl. dc l'l:t\'lll:ll'ltl Sea award for “gallantry of a high, tiring. In one test each team member Vixen ;ill~wcatlier lighters. fitted with order" to a Naval officer who lias to another man for 200 yards l-’iresire.ik ;iir-to-air missiles. \\’e\tl:intll -'~¢'-||'¢l"-‘d ll"-' Wlttlnc room Of II lillllicr before carry liriiig. and in another each man Wliirlwirid anti-siibiiixirinc helicopters 1 lilled with cyanide lunies in an attempt has to run three miles on the track. and .\ llighi ol l'airey (iannct airhortie to rescue an unconscious workman.!; All the competing teams. consisting early \\.Il'I1lllg aircraft. was anniiunced on Novenilier 3. He is : of three ollicers. three senior N.('.()s.. William three junior N.C.Os. and three Marines -ll!-year-nlil Licut.-Cdr. .-\(‘(‘().\l.\lOl)ATI()N George l“r*.inipton. Ra\'.. serving on l or privates. are judged and refereed by The ship's :iiiglcd lliglitdcck. stcain the \lall of the Senior Officer Reserve I observers from units not taking part e;it.iptilt. iiii:ior-laiitling sight and 3-D I-‘lei.-I. Piirtsiiiiiutli. and he receives‘ the in the competition. r.ul.ii' will make liei first rate .\l.ll.l'I. l.\lilit:Iry Divisiorll. On the evening of June I9 l.ieut.operationally. livery cllort has also been iiiatle to ensure that the accom- Cdr. lirarnpton, whose home is at modation for her I8‘? otliccrs and Titclilicld. was l)iity ()ll'icer on board List} ratings will compare favoiirahly the battleship \";ingiiard when he i received a iiicssagc that ass'ist:incc was with any other isarship. She has cheerful. well-lit niesses urgently needed on board the oil with coiiifortahle hunks which cart be 1 tanker Zeitoun in Portsiiioiiili harbour collapsed during the dziytiine so as where two men working alone in the. to proxide maxiii'ium recreatiorial engine room had been overcome by! llt-J l0,000th ascent by a “trainer-" sp.-ice. Food is cooked in up-to-date cyanide gas poisoning. was made from the bottom of the g;tll\.'_\s and served in (lining halls. ".»‘\ftcr arraiiging for medical assislherc are plenty of balliroonis, tance." states the citatioii, "l.ieiit.-Cdr. . I00-foot submarine escape training slioweis_ a llllll.lL‘l'll lauridry. a barber's Frziniplon inimediatcly went on board tank in ll..\l.S. Dolphin on October 9. All these men have been trained in \lltl|l, full canteen facilities and. of the tanker and borrowing an "biioyant ascent" method in course. .I well stocked library. .-\ir respirator from one of the men. who the coiitlitioniiig has been installed so by that time was on the deck in a very whieli the man ascends wearing a life;is' to help the ship to operate at d.iI_ed condition. went down to tliel jacket to give him buoyancy and no peak etlicieiicy in any part of the lengirie room to lind and :ittenipt_to breathing apparatus whatever. As he world. llerines is 7-ll feet 6 inches in ¢l'L'\i.'tlL‘ the other who was still inside ascends. the air in his lungs expands rapidly and he must therefore be length. and has a he.'iiii of I-14 feet and iirieonscious. in inches and is armed with l() min. . ".-\|thougli he was unable to getthc iruined to blow out all the way to the = .-\..-\. guns in min mountings. all nian out until other help arrived surface to prevent building tip presl.icul ~(‘tlr_ liranipton acted with gal- sure in his lungs: in America successiadai controlled. .»\t ii press conference after the lantry of a high order in entering an ful escapes from submarines at sea liand-iivcr (':tpl. Tihliitts said "I am area tilled with lethal gas in tlic dimly have been made from depths hp-low very pleased and proud of Il..\l.S. lit cllqlltc room of :in unfamiliar ship 5 300 feet using “buoyant ascent." lleniies." wearing a respirator of doubtful efli-~ This method. which is British After coiniiiissioning on Noveniher ciency." pioneered and British developed. is sailed November has !.ieiiI -(‘Jr l:l’:|ntplt\lt I5 llciiiies 2:. served on n now in use in man_v submarine forces on for Li s'i.iki.' ilinvn Cruise to (iihiuilter the still of S.O.R.l7.. l‘ortsmoiith.' throughout the world iiicliiilirig the ind sli: returns home on l)'.'L‘L‘ll\l‘|‘s.‘l’ -a.-hose li.-;i«|qu;irtcrs are in H.318. Dutch. Norwegian and West (iernian ll io cive (hri-'tirias 't'I'~C '\llll‘tl'.' Vang-i.iril. f-Ir ll year He entered the ji\'avics. They receive traiiiiiig in this the ship's eoiiipziny on lrlcrnies is one Ytcvval NI\".‘ in I027 \l.irrictl. he has method at the escape training tank in Petty tltiic.-i ('ook. J. Nueiiolas ‘a son and two tlaiiglitcrs. l‘l..\l.S. Dolphin.


..,.,_;._,_V\ ,l_.

Tlew in flag Marine

he Commando TV win trophy


Gallantry of High Order



sumarine ‘rag.



HI-Z.‘ Rear-Admiral A. A. llerlet. |).S.().’. l).S.(.'.. succeeded Rear-Adniiral B. W. Taylor. (LB. l)5.C.. as Flag (Mlicer Submarines on November 24. he flew his flag in the submarine Trenchnnt, which he commanded during the Second World War as a lieutenant. Adiniral Hezlet's flag was hoisted in June and July of 1945 when he sank a ll..\l. S/M Trenchant in Portsmouth submarine chaser in the l.ombok Strait. H‘‘'l’‘‘”’‘'l0‘’00““ N°"‘"“b°" 34 3"“ to H..\l.S. Dolphin. the transferred submarine headquarters at (iosport at 25(N99 “" N""°"‘b“used ERVICE riien on Christinas island as a training lrencliant. now in the Pacil'ic have raised about “'39 °“,"‘""-‘“‘lE'd bl’ ll,” ‘“b““'f,'“°then Lllflll. HCZTCI In ll1C l'{\l' ESIST Ill £450 for the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund. 1°44 and '‘’45- '?'“‘.‘"S '1" '“‘".'3' 5“°' The money. subscribed by all three °°“‘°-5 ‘?'°’“ "W 5"‘k”‘3 °{ ""3 (’°""““ services. derives from Battle of Britain this year. '“'h."“"'"° .U'859""l"°l‘ “."" lhc h"'.l"l"‘"°5° activities ‘-'“"5'~"' "5h.'3“"““'35 ll“ A variety show yielded £47. a by torpedoes tired from the submarine at station ratlle £184 and the selling of time on the Christnias Island broad" ""‘F","r 4-000 ’\‘l""“‘l Hfllcls km l"‘"°1 “'35 '“ casting service brought in £211. ,

Pacific Gesture










for Quality








TO THE EDITOR :LETTER B T into urn Vanguard IN NAVY LIST Carrier

L‘ a vy t\ ow: 7


C t.tt‘ttt 6) II. R


or r o 1


Deccittltcr. I959



ttiaiat Natal lhrracks. Pertsnzoutb Ict.: l‘-trtsirtoutlt 26:1] (Ext ZIW)




capital ships. l-'urious

The second of the Oberon class sult- ,tinuous- subitterged patrols iii any part ‘had I8 inch (sic) guns‘ and the other mariites was launched and named of the world aitd will be equipped to two. l5 inch guns. They were conOrpheus at the yard of Vieket'.s'- lire ltotttittg torpedoes. ller lcttgtlt is iitto very good lirst-rate lverted feet Bar395 inches‘ l.td.. her 3 beam is and Arittvatroitgs (Slll[)l)tllltlL‘fs') IR, I am very sorry to read in gcarriers. “ 1 26 feet 6 inches‘. row-in-Fttrnesg on November I7. i\.\\'t' i\'t.\vs that \";tnguard l\‘ to I It not CUl)\'L‘I'lL‘t.l to a carrier she Tlte naming ceremony was erThe last Orpheus was one of live be scrapped. Why not cottvert her into could be used as a missile ship-a forntcd by .\lr.s'. Taylor, tvilie of Rearclass ~IIl'Il)lltl'lllL‘\‘.Ordered in the a carrier for long-rattge ltoittbers‘. or .\.-\I() lleatlqitarlers ship. a sea-gotttg .-Xtlmiral ll. W. Taylor. C.li.. l).S.C.. -I926 estiittates‘. she was built by into a super carrier lll\L' the U.S. traiitittg ship or a depitt ship for aitd completed in I930. S:iratoga or I-‘orrestal? She has the; ertiisers as ncll as‘ destroyers. subFlag Ollicer. Submarines. and the intarittes and other ships. l fail to see religious service was conducted by ll)L"O[TL‘T.'lllt)lI:lll)' they possessed good length and the meet), \"lCttl'i Reverend A. C. Watlc. A.K.C.. where the huge expense is created .sea-keeping qualities but were slow After all. l‘iiriou<. Courageous‘ of St. John's Clturclt. llarro\v-in- di\'cr~‘. (iood habitability was coinwhere she is ancltored now_ She is ! I-‘urness. biitcd with a long endurance. out of the way attd only keeps about one boiler going for lights. waters and Orpheus which is sitttilar in design Before the Second World War accontmodution. She is no more a to the Porpoisc class will have the Orpheus saw service in the Far East burden than is the uittinishcd latest in detection equipment and will with the 4th Submarine Flotilla. Soon l.cviatltan lit the dockyard. be capable of high tindervmter speeds. after the outbreak of war Orpheus I am not surprised what happens tltrec sister submarines sailed to She will be able to maintain conColombo to form the 8th Submarine Army nten are_ made Fiistlorils ‘when The aircraft Canadian carrier. I-‘Iotilla. These submarines were well you have Ministers of this and who do not know one end of a suited for employment in the “cruiser H..\l.C.S. Bonaventure (Capt. J. C. role" to give protection to convoys O'Brien, R.C.N.). and four destroyers. .ship from the other. don't know a lfrom German surface raiders. In Feb- lI..\I.C. Ships Sioux. Iroquois. Algon- carrier from a cruiser and don't ruary and March. 1940. Orpheus and) quin and /\thabaskatt visited Ports- botltcr to find out btit just decide to Odin covered the lirst Australian and ‘mouth during Nov ember. The Senior write oll sltips as their fancy taltes New Zealantl troopship convoy. t(?anadiatt Ollicer .’\llt\:ll. Atlantic. them. J. Plonter. tlcw his tlag I'nt sure sontetlting useful could be comprising nearly 250.000 tons of tContmodorc iit Ilonaveitturc. done with Vattguard. Surely she could sltipping. The destroyers‘ rentaincil at Ports- he pertnattently alongside the wall at In April I‘)-It) the Far East submarines transferred their operations to ittottth front November 25 to 28 and 'l)evonport. I've seen the Rodney. the .\lediterr;incan. and Orpheus the carrier remained until December I-'uriou_s :util other ships astcru of each other tltcre. Another idea scrap some reaclted .\lalta on April 26. I940. She 3. The ships lt:t\c been engaged was lost on her lirst Mediterranean -exercises in United Kingdom waters tol the older training sections at At the suggestion of Admiral Sir patrol. probably sunk by me llaliunyllntl returned to Canada after their] Rosyth and let Vanguard take over the lttl. Manley Power. Contmander-in-Cltief destroyer Turbine oti Tobrul: on June 1 l’urtsntouth visit. the Sea Lords the of Yours faithfully. Portsmouth. 2'). I940. when under the eotnntand and the Commanders-in- of l.ieut.~Cdr. .l. A. 5. Wise. JOHN R. IIANRAIIAN Admiralty Chief of the Honte Ports. (‘ominanderIS Willow Vale. Shepherds Ilush in-Chief Home Fleet and Flag ()Ilicer I Scotland met for discussions in Ad-‘ '



of N.\vv .\’t_\vs"s early publlC.illt|I) day -tlte lirst 'l'lttir.~'.day of c\ci'_\ ntoittlt it scents‘ ittappropriztte to come out with a Cltristinas number. but let us spare at thought for all those who will be away from tlteir ltttttilies this coittiitg licstive .seavoit—attd it special thought for those who will be spctttlittg Christmas iit tlte icy waters oll Iceland. Yes‘ —-altliouglt not a great deal is heard of the I-‘isltery I’rotecti'on Squadrun these days—Iherc are ships and men protecting tlte ships of our fishing fleets. The duty has to be done. but as we sit down to ottr turkeys and ntince pics let us inst spare a thought and raise otir glasses to tltose serving in Iltu_sC stonny. fog-ridden. gale-swept. \ \ie\\'

icy wastes. Knowing the

of the we .it‘\.‘ sure that tltey will still be cheerful will still wish each otlter a (‘hits-tmas"~—wilI have their little bit of fun and frolic. but it wouldn't be littittatt nature if they didn't feel it trifle envious of its sitting snug by :1 warm tire and surrouttded by families and

E"O" lllleardmore



at Portsmouth


of i\'.\vv Nt-tvvs wlterever they ittay be mouth this time. Discussion ranged and may I060 bring peace and pros- over :1 wide held of items of general interest not itcecssarilv coitltcril_\'_ good health. good t'i‘iend.s' :ittd naval nected with the Portsntotith (.'omm-and. good t'orIuite to you all. The Sea Lords and (‘oinntanders-in-

wlicrc shall u~i'.siIom be Jimnil? Am! |t‘lIt‘r¢' is the placc_of iutiler.vImiili'iti.-." Hie rleptlt mi_tIi. It i'.\ not in me : am! the sen riiirli. Gm! JUl([L'I" It is not with me. .\I(JIlu't’lll the wily tliereof and Me l.miirt-Ili the place tlierenf. Jlelmltl. I/ll’ leiir of the Luril. that is u'i.i¢lom : (mil to iii-part from evil is Bu!













Royal Marine


Musician at House of Commons


A young ntiisician in the


was an



IlI )[1tlI‘l£tl t.‘L‘

had at special appointntettt at the House of Commons last month. On November ll ltc received it


testimonial on parchment awarded by Trustees of the Wnemouth Medal Trust from Dame Irene \\’ard. .\l.P. for Tynentotttlt. It has been awarded to ltint for diving into the '1') ne in July near Spiller‘s Wltarf. Newcastle. to rescue :1 I4-


shield for shooting. H..\l.S. l-'ulm:tr (Royal .\':ival Air Station. l.ossientoutlt). at present holds‘ ‘N(ilNlElF.R l.ieut.-('t|r. G. ll. A Jl-‘oote. has diet] :it the age of 85 the lt’upltlL‘s' for drama. band and the boxing cup and the station is in this :it |"ortsmouth. lyeark final of the rugby (versus R.N. l l_ieut.~Cdr. I-‘note. who was one of Air Station. (fiililrme.early in Decem- ithe lir.st engine-room artilieers of the t’ her). Navy fought at the llattle of Jutland i (ll"itIi m'/.. M 'I'Iii' Fitltttiitttiur) and retired front tlte Service in N23.


.\Ius'ieian Cole joined the Royal Mariites Band Service as a Boy Mttsiciatt in September. I955. Since the completion of his training. he has served in H..\l.S. Victory :ind the depot ship Tyne.


time there

air station in ('eylott at a place called (ltitta Bay. some It) miles front 'l’rinI-‘rank Spritgg. R..\'.. of contalee. It consisted of a slipway for Portland. lint lieutenant of II..\l. scaplancs am) a grass airstrip and it ltvas called ll..\l.S. llattthara. As the jsubmnrine Sea Scout. was distnisscd lwar moved I-last. the station grew in ibis ship and ordered to lose siv months‘ seniority for smuggling one and itt uealtlt. When ll..\l.S. ll.'unbar:i hccaute lbottlc of brandy. At the court tttartial at Portsntottth ‘redundant some of the wealth was over to the "Ilambara Trophy on November 20. Capt. J. Dalglish of Fund" to provide trophies for competi- Il.M.S. President. the President. said. “We take a very serious view of this tion in the Home Air Command. There are at present (more may be offence." bought at the discretion of the Flag Ollicer Airtllontet). Baiuhara Trophies for drama. haitd and rugby football. a clip for ho.\ittg and a bowl and :1 upon


\l£Il'll)L‘s‘, IS-year-old Algar John Cole of It) New Road. Sheerness.

Chief lunelted on board H.M.S. Tyne as guests of the Contmander-in-Chief Honte Fleet. Admiral Sir Williaml Davis. In the evening they dined on board H..\l.S. Victory at the. invit_a~_; tion of lhe Commander-in-(‘luet I Portsntoutlt. The First Sea Lord carried otit a programme of visits on Thursday. November I‘). to various L‘sIttltli.s'hments on the Uosport side of the barbour and returned to London after dining on board H.M.S. \':mguard; that evening as the guest of I~'|ag Ollicer (Tontittandittg Reserve l-'leet. l Rear-Admiral Jolttt Grant.






friends. t\lay lltcir Christmas be without incident-—whether it be front storms or from the Icelandic Navy doing its duty and upon return to port ntay their delayed Christmas festivities be as miralty House. Portsmouth. on enioyable as we hope ottr own ones November 18 under the chairmanship of Admiral Sir Charles Lambe. the will be. Good luck. you of the Fishery Pro- First Sea Lord. This meeting is normally held at sixtectiott Sqttailrou and all those serving in Her .\laiesty’s ships away front tlteir monthly intervals in the Adntiralty and no special significance should be families llIl.\ Cltristttta.s'title. Cltristinas tidings. too. to ;ill readers attaclted to its being held at Ports-



Sea Lords met CommandersNavy. in-Chief at i "Happy Portsmouth





nnafiino i«‘oiti«:CAsT

'l\'o. 890 Squadron. February I. at SUBMARINE COMMAl\'D R.N.A.S. Ycovilton. for Overseas lJ..\l.S. Alliance. December. at DevonService lllcrntes). port for service with 3rd Submarine I|..\l.S. Cassandra. end February. at Squadron based at Faslanc. ('hathant for I-‘orcign Service ll-‘ar at December. II.\l.S. Ampbion. East). Portsinoutlt for service with 3rd Il..\l.S. Lynx. February 16. at PortsSubmarine Squadron based at mouth. for General Service ComFaslanc. mission (IlontetSouth America and II..\I.S. Aumi-hs. December. at Ports-~ South Atlantic) (24 montlts). U.K. mouth for service with the 6th Base Port. Portsmouth. Submarine Squadron at l'l£llllflK.tII..\I.S. Br-ave Stvordsmttn. February. Canada at Portsmottth. for Trials and Special Service Squadron. U.K. Base Port. GENERAL Portsittoiith. ll.)I.S. l.:i_vmoor, December S. :1! l Il.M.S. Ursa. February. at Malta. for trials. Rcnfrcw for Home Sea Service

No. 893 Squadron. .\larelt 1. at -JI..\l.S. Alert. May 23. at Singapore. R.N.A.S. Ycovilton. tor Overseas for Foreign Service (Far East). Service (\’ictorious'). No. 825 Squadron. June I. at R.N. lI.M.S. Broningtnn. ntiil-.\larc|t. at Air Station. Culdrose. for Overseas J eat;-tuurgn Road, Portsmouth Rnsyth_ for I-Iom~ Sea Servic'. L‘-.K. Service (ll..\l.S. Vietoriotis). ffltono10N1 Base Port. Il.M.S. Solcbay. luite. at Portsntoutlt. ouiaictne o.tituii-ig one-it. cult!!! -50" St Il..\ '. for General Service C0lI)n'tlSs‘l0Il. in service Penonru EVERY WEEKEND llonti-rMcditerrane:tn (2! months‘). 0/6 LEIESS ll K llase Port. l’t)l’Iit't10t|lh (‘ontmtssiom Ilontezliast of Suez am BRADFORD told HUDDERSFIELD (24 months) U.K. Base l’ort. II..\l..S. Lagos. Juite. at Cltathant. for SHEFFIELD MI! Portsmouth. General Serticc (‘umuti.ss'ion. I-tome,’ :uINOTTINGHAM I|..\‘I.S. Illiickpunl. April I2. at (‘hat-y .\lediterr:iue:in(2) months). ulLEICESTER 1| INORTHAI-IPTON hlam. litr (ieiteral Service ('oinntis- §II..\I.S. Protector. June. for General .4016 LIVERPOOL ' sion Iloitte/I-'_:ist of Suez I24 fllttnth-;)_ Service Coittiuission llome.'Soutlt MANCHESTER ll.M.S. Loch Ruthven. .-\pril 28. at NEWCASTLE-UNDER-it:'Yl*-‘IEIII Atlantic and South America (I2 IIIsrarront) Devonport tor General Service months). ulWOLVERHAMPTON Comntissiott. lltllllc/r\f.'ll)l:lI) Seas II.M.S. Cavalier. Julie. at Singapore. BIRMINGHAM 15/and Persian Gulf ()8 months) UK I for Foreign Service (Far East). 13!iII..\I.S. COVENTRY Ouitinton. at Dcfcnec). February, (Boom lolw/utwtctc Base Port. D-.-vonpnrt II..\I.S. Wizard. end-Jtiite. at ChatDevonport. for Home Sea Service. "/6 H.M.S. Ark Royal. December l._at BANBURY ll..\l.S. Owen. at (iibrallar 5. for April hant for Trials Contntissions end IslOXFORD Devonport. for General Service U.K. Base Port. Portland. trials. ‘ll Cttntittissioits. PLYHOUTH May 3, |.|)(,()_ August for Home Sea Service U.K Commission (Home/Mediterranean) No. 80-8 Squadron. March I. at DRUHBRIDGES III for General Service Commission (24 Base Port. Devonpott R.N.A.S. Lossiemouth. for Overseas I91. EXETER (2! months) U.I(. Base Port. months). U.Is'. Base l'ort. l)ev-onport. Il..\l.S. Loch Fyne. July. at Devon‘ BRISTOL Service tlt.M.S. Hermes). I119 Dcvttnpnrl II.M.S. at Lltindttlfl. May. at Uevoitp.-rt SALISBURY port for General Service ComutislJ.!\I.S. Jaguar. December 9. at Diim- Il..\I.S. Salutes. March 8. at Devon15/GLOUCESTER for (ieiteral Service (‘oittttti-ssiott. sion Hontet/\rabt:tn Seas and tel swtNDoN for General Service Commisfor General Service Com» port. barton Hr.tnterl;‘ast Suez ot I23 llltlllllhi I’ei.si;itt (iulli tlli tttotttlts). U.K. CIRENCESTER Illsion (Hitntelhlcditcrranean) (2-1 mission «South Atlantic and South ISIU.K llase Port. Devonport i~1AttLaottouGH llase Port Devonport months). U.K. Base Port. Devon H..\I.S. (lrwcll. Xlav ). at Rosvtlt tot IllREADING »'\meric:i.Homcl (24 months) U.K Isl‘ll..\l.S. Lincoln. lttly. at Glrtsgow. PORTLAND (Ihatltaut. Ilasc port. Port. trialHI’ From Farcham for Seniee tliat East). IIIIl.t\I.S. Layhum. March. at Reitfrew. Il.;\l.S. Cantpcrdotvit. March 8. at .\'o. 814 Squadron. May I. at R.N..-\..3 i5ll.\l.S.I-oreiglt LONDON Rhyl. i\l.i_\‘ 3!. :it l’oi‘t~iittotith for Home Sea Service (Iloont DeDevonport. for General Service Culdrose. for ()\e:se.t.s Service : for llliIl.\. Alt ‘Iicse tCfVI(<S will take the {allowing f¢J'JIf Coitttttissioits September 2') Commission tllome/Mediterranean) (Il..\l.S. Ilemtesl for the comrenicncc of Service -crsonncl: rt. fence). for Home Sea Service until .\l:ireh. Gauadu. Emtney‘ H.Iu'..S. ‘lcmc:t:Ro1al Sailort , Port Base months). U.K. (2-1 19. at II..\I.S. Loch I-‘ada. January I)evon at ;ll.M.S. Deco). mid-.\l:iy. Home Club. Queen Street. il.N Barrack; l‘l(il_ ‘I hen Uctteral Service (.'ontPortsmouth. for General Service I Dcvcnport. port for trials (.‘ontnti.ssions cud . ittissioit. llome.‘ liast of Sue/. 124 Unicorn Gate: Stanley Rd. for HJ-LS Elcellcni H.M.S. -hoemt R.l.O.C._ Hilteo barrackslititc for Hoitte Sea Service UK- ntontltsl. UK. llase Port. l’ttt‘lsCommission ll-lomemrabian Seat ll..\l.S. Vieturiotts. June. at PortsAlsYawn fctehcm Homes. Cosbam, Quay. mouth. for General Service ContIlasc Port. Devonpozt and Persian Gulf) (to months) ntoutlt. pidiing up in HM 5 Aunt or cheaper rate U.K Base Port. Portsmouth. |l.M.§ \tounts Bay. slay at Suiga of Suez ittission. llonte/liast (I9 N.B.-To all Ihl visiting Ports Il..\I.S. Bulwark. January I‘). at ntonths) U.K Base Port. Ports Inr Fnreiett Service tl-‘at til.“ 5. St. Brides Bay. July. at Singapore at actlttles to meet mouth: 5 1 pore. for I-'orcig:t Service tlttr liastl. mouth East‘ Service for ‘Portsmouth Foreign tar ti-avellin require your-pa (Far East) March. at Glasgow. II.M.S Lnndonderr). May at Code- ‘ti.-$1.8. Leopard. ‘\lI}_£lISl. at PortsRothi.-say. Il._l\I.S. short at menu can be organl mouth for General Service Comfor General Service Contniissioii Il.i\I.S. Ulster. January 26. at Devon- _for _General Service Commission notice mission HomelSnuth Atlantic and llttlttc“/t.‘~1l ltttlttts I24 ipnttlhs -Indies f24 munlhst l>lomcIWcs_t port. for General Service CommisSoutli -\nteric'.t t2-l ittitntlts) UK WING; phone or catU.K Brtse Port.‘ Portsmoiitlt UK llase Port I’ort's*ntttiitIt sion tllontelwcst Indies) I2-t months) ll“ M" Pn" nW‘.'"‘ ll.t\l.S. htrntouth. March. at Cl\’dc l" MS Linn --arlv time .it |'vue to-i Base Port. l’ort.sittotitlt YRIUMPH COACHES LTD S;-rv-c-: for General Service Commission E (iL‘.'IL'J:tl Cnntittisston '_,l-I.‘l.S. Koppel. -'\‘tlgII\l’. ll (’lt;ttltain 3 Ed-nourgh Road. Po-"smrun port -lot ll\)Ilt'.' Sea Service. l'.l\ lla e ]|.mti~ \leil-t ~rr I‘) ‘an ‘-1- ‘I‘."ltllts‘ llom‘e:I;ast of’ Suez (2-1 tttittttlts ll.M.S. l)nnt_pici. l;_tnuar_y -t. .tl ‘bong 70°47 I Port. Port-stttouth. 5 ll.i\t' l'.-fl l"1."l\ilvY‘\l.|'"I|] Siug;ipore_ tot. Fo.',ci-git Service ll;lSL".l’OI'l. Dcvonport , Ni. moi.-: .-. flax-..» .;‘i‘W-iliiufl--J‘: «TA. : cm '-.i J: wy. ...t .---.-.-.---ot .


















l'ortl:inil tC..\I.S.L).

l’t';:snttiit'tIlIi m'f]i'ti'd










.. ..















‘- mosgqau-av '—\-.-.









December. I959





month it has been siiggcstedtzuid more esser_i!i;il and there is little» that readers would appreciate a l time to reae: it anything goes wrong.; few words :ibout the new section of Where most people come tinstiick ts: lllUlUl\\.t_\' on the London to Birming- that they fail to think farther and ham road which is popularly known’ farther ahead as they increase speed.l so tli:it the minor ll(l7£Il’d. which could as the MI. Like niany people who have tra- easily be avoided by a slight decrease‘ velletl on the (‘ontiiient and santpledtiti speed. suddenly becomes a very the Jahecke lli_eliw;iy in llelgiiim, tlielserioiis problem resulting either in :i autohahiien in (ieimany, the auto- bad frii_:ht or a disaster. s.'r;iil.i in Italy and the turnpike roads The ambition of many drivers of U” I, _"‘"l"‘“ E fast cars is to exceed the “ton" which see \\l‘l.tl .ill the hiss is about. lhe .\ll I m m._- [!_!]]q\{_H][ m._-..n-. um m.p,h, | is merely a fast dual c.iri'ia-ge way ‘\\'\\tltlL'i' how utaiiy of them bother to‘ each liaviitg three lanes_ for ‘l"“'-:elie;l; their t_\:.-s to see if they are medium and fast trallic, front which ‘safe enough to take the speed, or? cyclists and pedestriaiis are banned. .realise that if high speed is to be llie mail has, lioivever, very quickly ,stist.iined they need :i higher tyre,sliooii that many cars are tint in a lit i|\l'L‘\stllt.‘, llaviii-,: driven at ltltt ni.p.lt.j coiidiiioii to maintain eoittinnoiis high ‘I can assiire you that it is very fast speed. in fact the engine of one car indeed and a piiiietitre :it th:it speed actually fell out of the \'ehii:le on tlte is an experience I do not relish. liist day the higliway was opened. and The "ion" requires five conditions,' most readers will have read of the disHOW SAFE ARE YOU? capable of reaching that graceful number of bi'e:ikdowns l-'ir.stlyina car wliicli safety: secondly tyres speed which have occurred. Readers will probably have con.»\s to the liigh-speed driving ability can take the speed safely; thirdly clitded that your correspondent hasn't of the average niotorist. the road has brakes which are etlieient and do not a very high opinion of the average of road c:ipable a fade: fourthly quickly shown that speed requires cott- taking a ear at this speed and lastly‘lmotorist. Quite frankly I don't think tinuons coticeiitratioii aitd that few any of us are as expert as we ought of at that; driver motoring capable a motorists possess this. If more of us concentrated on the The last condition I'm afraid to he. speed. of “driviiig“ front A to B. endeavlll(§ll-SPEEI) DRIVING is where you nearly all fail. I do not vart ouring all the time to anticipate the .\tost cars these days can cruise all know of atiy reader with whom and to eliminate at 100 other ch:ip's moves day long at 50 m.p.h. and drivers who would care to be a prissenger errors in otir own driving. the roads skid or lose control and get itito dith- m.p.h. or more. and very few with would be very mtich safer. It isn't the ciilties at 50 nt.p.h. or less ought to whom l would be happy at anything roads which cause the accidents; it is there :ire Incidentally 50 ni.p,h. reactions over initst their give up driving as the people who use them. be very slow indeed. Above this also many whom I wouldn't care to A. E. .\l.~\RSll Speed. concentration becomes more have drive me at all.





AU'_S"'\'- ‘l‘.'ll‘f' .r_"““kl3'






Defender, laid down in I.I.M.S. March, 1949. launched in July,

French in I809. followed and she was then sold in I814. I950. and completed in December. The next Defender was a T.B.l). of I952. is one of the eight Daring class 762 tons. built on the Clyde and launched in l‘)ll. destroyers-_ Defender. which was built by Alex. She served at Heligoland. the DogStephen & Sons l.td.. Govan. has a ger Bank and at the Battle of Jutland‘. displacement (full load) of 3.700 tons. and in 1917 and N18 she served in She is 390 feet (o.a.) and she carries the Channel and in the Mediterranean. six -8.5 guns in twin turrets. two She was sold in 1921. forward and ring aft. Her complement Vickers-Arnistrongs built the next Defender in 19}! and she was a as a private ship. is 278. 'l'lie present Defender is the eighth destroyer of L375 tons. After seeing of her name which dates from 1797. service in the .\lediterr;iiiean in I940 when a gtinboat of 168 tons and and I‘)-ll she was sunk otl Sidi I2 guns was built on the River ltarrani by enemy aircraft in July, Tliiiiiies. This vessel was sold in I802 l9-ll. and was followed by a gun brig of I79 The ship's badge is a Fencing tons. built at Chester. She was ‘lliickler and Rapier Silver and Gold \\Tt:Cls'L'(.l near Folkestonc in Decem- on a red lield and her motto is ber. I809. l)efendendo Vinci (By defence l An Armed Lugger. taken from the conquer).


HF. Painted Hall of the Royal Naval College. (irceiiwich, has been the scene of many splendid functions and the centenary anniversary dinner of the Royal Naval Reserve there on November 3 will rank as one of the most splendid. Some 250 oflicers attended the dinner including His Royal lligliiiess the l)uke of l-Tdiubiirgh. His Royal llighuess the Duke of (iloticester. an llonorary ('onimodore of the Reserve. ; l.ord ('arringtoii. the l-'irst Lord of the .-\dmiralty. .-‘\dmir.il of the Fleet. Earl the Chief of Defence ‘.\lt\lIllll‘I;tll\:ll. i Stall. Admiral Sir Robin l.. I‘. .l)iirnfortl-Slater. the ('oinmander-in; Chief. The Nore. Vice-.-‘\diiiir;il W. K. l lidden, the Admiral Coiniiiaiiding Reserves. Rear-.~\dniir.il the liarl i Cairns. Admiral Superintendent of the and many others. The l)irec[College ltor. Women's Royal Naval Service, '('omn'iandant F.. K. E. lloyer-Millar also present, With all ollicers at their places, the Procession. led by the Capta_in i ofRoyal the College_ Captain M. L. Hardie. R.N.. :uid licralded by Royal Marine Arrival of ll.R.Il. the Duke of Edinburgh at the Royal i\':ivnl College. trunipeters. filed to their appropriate Greenwich. on ‘Novenilycr 3. for the Centenary Dinner of the Royal Naval sctils. During the dinner a baron of beef Centre is Rear-Admiral the Earl Cairns. Admiral President of the R‘eservt.-. the hall by the (,olIegi.-. and on the right is Commodore J. Whnymim. D.S.C.. R.l).. R.N.R. was paraded aroundescorted by four chef. traditionally I\\‘liZ| \lVIl\lG’V"‘n'1'\'\'IV’-'1¢I?I"-I\I_-Y\r Sea Cadets attired in Nelsonian sailors‘ ‘

iheld ‘



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Wherever you're going to bc. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy a new Hillman. Humbcr. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Portsposting. take advantage of our mouth. If yours is an extended at special export schcme—you buy export prices. Let E.l'l.A. make all the :irrangements—-export formalities, insurance. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us Lo—d:iy—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when you dock!Or it can be purchased on the homo delivery plan for use in this country before you sail.


lwas l

int: \\;is Ill-g.c.ir-iilil .\l1\s ll;-plt-er ot Nev-.e.ist|e.

“T 1 CHETY N ShipS N NepIII wasi


'llie longest-serving R.N.R. officer , Praise and thanks are due to the function was Commodore attending dance commitand the lhirlwell mate i Richard Harrison who was appointed ‘ tee and to Sliipniates Turtle and a Midshipman in I895 and who fired .\liss tlle who organised Clasp;-r niuulc-loaders during his early gun tune (‘out-:st. .\liieli hard work "' ; drills in Ireland. Now aged 79 he was involied and the Newcastle and (iates-A by the Italian Government head branch as a whole do thank in 1912 for his services at the Messina he branclt ‘I for their help everyone earthquake and he received the D.S.0. does not forget the Ladies‘ (‘oinmitteefor action in the Black Sea in I918. which on_::inised and ran the ratlle Seated among the 250 officers were :\ ttnirking the birthplace Ecighl women with over 70 priies ai'id which made Omccrs of me womflrs “" """°'l""‘l "" “ “"“ ‘\"l"“" ll‘"‘l handsome :i prollt. Ro ':il Naval Reserve. Their Senior old recto‘ the side road of near New-y :it the Shipiuatc Anderson, now mm, was Firs‘ omccr H. C_ Meek‘. his castle branch. \L‘ll(ls reg:irds lo‘ llllnlhitnl. 'I'horpe. by Rear—.-\dniix WRN R who joined the w_R_N_S_ l<l.-ffiist and the branch ollers its con- H. (3. lhurstield. president of t inf 12,46 and the w_R_N‘R_ whcn if gratiihitions to liaiigtur on the opening l-likenltzint Branch of the Royal Nat was ms! formed in '95:. »\ssoci:ition on Sunday. November I of it: new li'::idtIu:irters [Iii I-.‘i!i'tnr. Tlimilt vi-M, .S‘Itip/rmli" The plat-.tue. which was made‘ in a Chuiruimi fur iimr i'm'it'iIIiiHt. but it it presented by ll.l\l.S. 'l"_‘iie. flagship Gmmham_ Gov. Admin" 5;, a (mu: imirmtv [mm I’n-tiwumh In ll"-‘ (‘°'“5“"""'{"‘lF"Cl‘l*‘_l-”“““~' H‘-‘ crnor of Malta. visited London during ~l"\'l'll\[lt' —i't'i'n _!m (I .\Ir.u .'\'i'/limit’ “~’="‘ ll“~' l'N'l"7""‘“'''”‘'~‘ 9'“ WC" November for talks with the Colonial _in which the .-\dmirail was born stq. §¢cr,_.m-y_ ML [_ M-‘,¢|¢od_ t.'mui-.\t.]

ldecorated I











SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. ‘LTD. Grovelloadsouth, Southsoa. Tel. PORTSMOUTH 2326i



December. I959

Crofton combines exercise with good fun .»\lthougli

the tire power of this section amounted to only two ritlcs and an otliccr with gt pistol, the four terrorists who could have anihiishcd them while the llrcn in the rear could not hear. lay low and held their tire. Directly it was possible Joneas and two of his coiiip;iiiioiis. having been _y HE ship's cunipany of H..\I. Coast-.il hlinesiiecper Croftun. having done by-passed by section B_ broke cover many weary weeks‘ in Cyprus and hail their future prograiiinie altered I "" “W l°“- “ml by ‘hm 0‘ ‘Mill recently to include more time here. decide.-it that soiiiething unusual must lie ‘ k"““’lt'tlL'¢ “ltd 1'16 P0i‘|' P"‘ili“"int§ the covering force iii:ide their done to relieve the monotony. i\ceordingI_v. on the night of October 23 party of "terrorists," led by Sub.-Lieul. Grivany Joncas and armed with 3 ""‘-‘illlt-' undetected into the hills theoretical rifles was put ashore just south of Galounapctrii. on the north-cast bchiiiil. l.ietiten:int llunter's ll section coast of the (.'_vprus “l’:Inhand|e."Tliey were ordered to secrete theniselvcs til :i were soon after them but failed to certain place. unknown to anyone but the (':ipt:iin but within spccilicrl liinits. I ""“'" J“"°“‘ l‘°r°"'-' ll“ °‘"'~‘i"’ ‘l"' where the Ship‘s landing party were to find and ivinltlc them out on "tel islied. the terrorist leader in fact. by virtue of this line piece of opporfollowing day. .-\s the pniicipal probleiii facing the i phufg “mic liw ..m,_-R ,._-,_-m-¢r._-.1 [mm tunism_ itClllL'\L‘4l his ohtcclivi: in the ‘landing party was ignorance of the l their four l'llllL'\ forced march iis'er.“l_‘5|l"~' “I it l‘|'|<l11k‘ ‘Vim’!-' lls‘ t-‘Wilt! terrorists‘ csact ivliereabouts. two rough coiiiitrv. When the si-.'.n.'illi:rsill|"1|l’l‘=3i||'- “ht?” llliltls‘ Ul‘ it‘? ill‘: scouts were l.iitdcd on the same night returned. ;llltl.llli.‘ ship knew that the l‘W"l*‘|" t-‘-W-'lh"‘|‘\'*\_Ur ¢‘_*‘!‘b"-‘1‘l"‘“-‘N point \\;is under lite. even if the‘ ‘Villfiil .L_‘*l“L‘ 1“~"‘_-W “W” l‘t‘‘lll\'" 10 ill‘-‘ '. .t'nrtlicr tlossn the coast to spy on them overnight :iiid vector the laiiding party terrorists there did not. the attackers ‘\-WI!‘ 1" “W "N l‘li|¢¥'""9 "li"-‘|' ‘Uh “”‘-‘d h.\' 3| '""‘-*l on in the morning. 'lhis task. allotted becziii to iiitiltraic down the hillside.‘ A. C. C. R..\‘l.. Second Officer 1). Baldwin. .\Iorgan. Captain l’ett_v ()l'li_ccr ""1" ”‘°_ “'1'” film! 5! 5'-‘Vt-‘"”| Gill‘ to the Covswaiu and :ui R.().2_ wast in. .ing good use of cover and conand St;intl:ird' tPhoto~—-"('h:ith:in'i Wren ll. ) Large l.c:iding Knight. “ml” '"‘;*kl"l.' 3| b|'l-‘ilk fill‘ "19 “_'"3d vcry well done: they got ashore un- ccaling their presence for some time ""1" 0“ ""5 |'|t:h|- TIN’-’ I-‘itthlh i"_|d detected and the following morning. in spite of their conspicuous blue I‘-N stuck his ttffllllld 30!! “Elf l_lflIl|5with a flurry of ltl(llgt‘lZlnl'g0:tlS and shirts‘ in the bright sunlight. The """'~'"d “hf” ‘ht-‘ '-"\"~‘|'<"*"3 l|'"—‘l|'~'dmuch ringing of bells. the Coxswain terrorists opened the before they flllhtlullll l1|-'5 DI’?-‘-t-‘"96! “W6 5600*" met tip with the landing party. who reached the foot and the limit descent and ‘m‘'“'"»‘'' ''""''“’“l' “"0” ha"? had landed at sunrise oit the west had to be made under covering tire. 1 coast to surprise the enemy from the They joined forces for it brief pause, finished him. rear. He announced that they had under good cover on the dunes and] RI-.Al.Ib'Il(. I-..‘(l-.R(l.Sl-. bottled themselves tip on Pakhy th'n It I iit “ ts‘ lh-L l-:d \ 0 L H mg l-. “ml ‘W The fact that the terrorists were not .»\minou Point. with no means of es- took three men with :i tear-gas bomb, of tltc org.-iiiising zibility Royal supplies dtiriiig the reception. and no scouts. were taking things a Bren gun. l.:inchcstcr and a rifle in wiped out. in spite of the restrictions capc .\l:trines' was very much in evidence Barbara wore a full-length white and were under constant ii llaiik assault via some dead ground on their iiiovemeiits and positioning easily very on Sziturday at the niarriage in St. satin gown. gathered at the hip to obscrvatioii R.O. Sininions, several on the left. In the course of tlieirt"‘”“‘“-"- “"“-“' ‘hi’: P‘""3' ‘” W" “".‘“" George's ('hurch. Royal i\‘:iv;il Bar- form :1 full pleat. and overlaycd with hundred feetbyabove them, The security advance. one of the terrorists exposed 1 """‘i’°'-‘i ""l"“'"1~i 'h"""”“"l5' "'9'" racks. (‘li:itliam. of Leading Wren white net. A coronct ltead-dress of forces. who until then had been ad- himwtf and “us wr;(,mi). “.‘,undcdH:iriiicil men to winklc out the same Bart-iara Knight to I’.O. Alan Large. leaves with short was ivory a draped vancing with every precaution. then and um icmiing hand hm; hi‘ M! M”, ; number froni_:i fortilied position and Before the wedding the bridegroom white veil. and she carried a bouquet abandoned lpartly to leaving the Bren where dead concezilinent and made bmycn by H rmc bu"‘_.(_ of red stationed was in the West Country. roses. best speed in two sections to ,c“L.hL.d mm, and began ground _gave the escapers cover from :their -I-my She was attended by her sister. Miss and was unable to take any active part '"'°- “W °"°“"“’,“'5'5 “ I-'-"cal -‘“°' Simmons. Everything reported advaneiiig around the base of tjoin in the wedding preparations. Barbara. Janet Knight. who wore a pale blue tappeared to be true. and they halted p0;m_ 1-h,_. sccfion leader was and a very kmcdicess. extremely realistic 1°-5“"‘5 on the other hand. had recently corti- three-quarter-length fitted satin dress. to observe and deliberate. “‘°"° "h“"3°- M‘“"Y almost immediately but the rest The Lieut. with of two the Instr. Martin pleted Royal presence years In theory the terrorists had cooked his force planted a bomb and with- '°""“- “'“"“5 ""'“ ""3 “‘° ‘ind Marines in Melville Barracks. and Smith. R.N.. the bridcgroom'.s cousin. their own goose. There were four drew the way they had come. Another d5".‘3°"‘ “f “cad .1"°""d- "‘°.“".“""" when her plight became known. the :is best man. ensured that the unifomts .methods to deal with them. The ship member was killed in the withdrawal h'l"Y 07 hm‘ 5"'"5.—b""°. 5k.'“ ‘S the otlice staff took Charge in the usual of all three Naval arms were present 'could be called where she was an- hm the mo su,-‘.3.-0,-5 of the section best camouflage against this light _rock ellicient Royal Marine manner and on this occasion. chored to bombard the point‘. the area reached the dead ground again and “W3 "W" 7"’ 39°“ °°'“"“"“°“"°“-‘proceeded to “organisc" the altair After the ceremony some 60 family could be sprayed by fire from the two took up a position to cover the escape “W “W5 0‘ °‘_“"°"‘“R “'9 5"“! “""'°‘-lnd from start to finish. and Service guests were received in the Bren guns. and as the range was no route. 30 minutes after the terror- '°"k°“‘ “'h"° 3d"“"°,'“S- 3"“ °f Thanks to the wonderful co-opcra- cocktail lounge of the N.A.A.F.l. more than 1.500 yards and the posi- ist leader had broken out. as tlicyl"-‘WW “'hL‘“ "IF '=“¢_m)’ 15 |"~‘li|X¢¢l- 3"“! tion of the local tradesmen. taxi tirms. Club. the bride using an ofIicer‘s tions of at least six of the eight later learnt. The bomb was well "'9 3|dV=I"l4lB° In bcmtl |lP'SU"- '1 3'50 tipprinters and the manager of the sword to cut the cake. terrorists could clearly be seen. this wind of the summit, but was left too "°"“’““"‘“°d "Ii" 3 b""¢h °f flat‘ N./'i.A.F.l. Club, Mr. Le Fort. costs For going away. Barbara wore a would have been most cffcctivc; they high up on the hmsidc R, be circuit-c footed. unlit sailors could be made tailored suit with could wait for either the onshore wind and caused [he tcffofigfg [mic dig. into competent so_ldicrs with_no more were kept down to a minimum. al- charcoal-grey though the finished production was nasturtium and slate accessories. The 'to change and allow the use of tear ¢.smr..n_ than basic training and intelligent is of debutante. "somebeing honeymoon worthy any spent lleadersliip. It was good exercise. too. gas or the terrorists to get bored or In the absence of her father. the where in Essex." and on their return hungry and expose themselves more; FINE 0l’l’0R'l'Ul\'lS.\l and good fun. bride was given away by her head of the couple are setting up home in Gil- ,or they could wait for darkness and While party A were advancing on the bridegroom has iattack then. covering the escape route the left. B section. covered by the tire department. Capt. C. C. Morgan. lingham. as Surgeon Rear-Adniiral W. H. Edgar. R.M.. who. in common with all the f0r1Uil0U-*1)’ bccfl €|PP0iT|lk'd 10 Chill’ However. in practice of a Bren gun and a rilleman. left to who scarchlights. in 1908 and Royal Marine and Wren oflicer guests ham for the time being. it was impossible to wait very long prevent the rats from escaping :ind was entered the toservice Rear-Adiiiiral in promoted All in all. a wonderful da_v for the and as the Bren guns had no blank to guard the reiidezvous. advanced in and ollicials. wore uniform sword and medals for the occasion. Divisional happy poir—and a pat on the back for ammunition and simulated fire from a frontal attack. found nothing and 193‘). has died at his home in oflicers from the bride's department the splendid Marines and Wrens who the ridge would betray the presence deployed around to the right very Alvcrstoke. aged 74, acted as ushers and the remainder of worked so hard behind the scenes to the attackers. the position of which cautiously. where most of the terrorwith it all staff make drink the food :ind the possible. coped were still in obvious ists were believed to be. They found l-l.M.S. Lynx arrived back at Portsthe terrorists ignorance. it was decided to adopt and killed the disabled defender andlniouth on November to from South the first course :ind then carry out a one other. sustaining a slight casualty. .»\fric‘.i. normal two-pronged attack on the planting tear-gas bombs to | survivors. windward of them,










oyal Marines carried. out ‘operation wedding’




















thelm‘ tif;P""“““‘






“TERRORlS'l‘S" OPEN FIRE Two of the party were dispatched


vantage point nearby to call the ‘sltlp'S tire on to the point by sema-



Diesel is IECFOSS bCfW€€f]i a

Yak and

a or the belly kind, that‘: Bamshed with bacon and beans, But the gnawing hanger of lonely men for A home and all that it means."






DUE FOR LEAVE SOON? FLY IN on our through





Cable 'Shtpassuro" Agents (or B.E.A. rind all nrteoenrlent Companies

Telephone C.4226 (5 Lines)

Try our Easy Payment Plan




Sheepdog l

letter to the builders of H..\l.S. Is" l (‘i'ofton, the coniiiiziiitliiig ofiiccr. It

.l.ii:ut.~Cdr. .\l, R. l). llooke, R.N..

‘recently evpres‘-cit his and his ships Contp.'iiiy's- [‘llL':t\'lll'L' with this coastal ..


mine sweeper.


’l he captain says that ll.M.S.‘ 'Croftoit has held every trophy availlable to tier for some time, iiieluding 'thc Flotilla .-\thletics Cup. the Squadron Football Cup and the Squadron

: ’it‘l:l}l{\‘.lf-|'l lg Cliallenge Trophy



Lieiit.-Cdr. l-looke also informed Messrs. Tliorneycroft & Sons. that they have acquired a puppy from at Army outpost and which is now some seven months old. He bears no relation to any known breed. in appearanee. but his growth from .1 pathetic handful of fur has been so phenonicnal that he is regarded as a cross between it yak and a giant shccpdog. He is incredibly even tempered but he frcqucntl causes panic among visitors to tie ship and he causes traflic jams in all the passages. The ships company worshi him and call him Diesel. because i at appears to. be his t‘:o-oiirite diet.


|0.30 p.m. Telephone: PORTSMOUTH 6l63 a.m. to

Deceniher. I959




"llllllllllIIllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltlillttn ‘I Have YOU a

personal problem





Jo/iii Eitglislt trill be pleated to (1n.\'lI'¢.‘I' your qrrcrit-.t. /1 iltmmrtl (rilrlrc.iird ¢-urclupc will In.‘ (rpprct‘irrlt'd. '0l-'1." you either. directly or‘ 150"‘. I mtht confess I .‘£Ill lll s-.v:r, through the "i\'tn'_\' News," give wlutlit doubt. but I think the .ill\‘.‘.C's 5 '- the details of the recent pensions to _\‘our questions are: sclienie tor iiitlows of pensiniiers. ii ho (_l) _You are entitled to .i l’e::t lienelit front the scherite and please Ollicers pension or ill l-. “ti. PC." \\‘g‘c:-, _tti;\:t‘,\tquote the authority and oblige. The new scheme for witlowst‘ pen- rnately. sions as recomnicntled by the (irigg (3) This is not it t|is;ilvilit\ p.'rtsgpt: Corninittee on Recrtiitnient provides but the cireiirnstanees or‘ your tIl\.tittl' for widows to draw one-third of the ing m:iy justify your :ippl_\'ini.' topension that their husband was draw- such a pension to the local otlice It ing. or if the litisband died while still the Miriistry of l’ension.s and N.itior:.d serving, one-tliird of the pension he Insurance. would ha\'e drawn hail he been (4) Your gratuity will be about invalidetl. The only conditions :ittach- £482. int: to this‘ are that the husband:— (5) You will be entitled to the £250 a (ti) must have gone to pension after resettlement grant since. ri:g.'it'tlles« or ‘ 3l.8.5tl. what would ordinarily h:t\e liappent-:l (hi must have died after 4.ll.58. you have been released tltiriiig the The authority for all this is the "run (lt.l\\n period." l.(io\‘ernntcnt White Paper Comrnaritl 570 of November, I95‘).





l‘iii about to be invalided out of the Service, through no fault of my ll..\l.S. l'unnI. the atlli-aircraft frigate designed priniarily [or the protection of convoys against aircraft i\'.»\\"l(i.-\'l‘l()l\'rally held by the own. after completing I9 years six‘ ,l’ort.stnoiiili and South llants months man's time. 1 have held the rank of Petty Oflicer over two years, branch of the Forces t\lotoring ("lob in the last live years, but after heingl proved to be one of the most tlillicnlt disrtttcd. have only had the P.0's.‘yet contetttplatcd and ntivigators were rate hack I8 months. I would be most hard pressed. grateful to you, if you could cri- The tirst section required Pitt Pointlighten the on the following. ing Map References in order to lirid (I) Am I entitled to it l’.0‘s. pen- inftirmation cards. The second was by sion? triangulation of signposts and the last (2) It‘ so "How much will my pen- leg was ti Route Card in reverse. Of the IS starters. 7 retired ballled beyond sion be? (3) Will it be classed as a disability reason. BY .\ SI‘!-ZCI.-\L (‘()RRESl'()\'l)E~.\"l') Congrattilations to the isinnr.-rs_ antl pension for tax? (4) How niuch will-my gratuity be? also to the orgaiiiser Sub.-Liein. R "r IS .\io.s"i' itt:.\i.\iut.\iii.t:. trow, ..\'r o.\'r-: srscr-:. t)URl.\'G .\ REI-'l'l‘, A Sill!‘ l'R!-'.Sl-I.\"l'5 (5) Am I entitled to the £250 run Neere. R.N.. of l‘l..\l.S. ('ollirigis-ootl THE; .-\l’l‘t-‘..»\R.\.\'('l-I or A Bl-ll)R.»\(:Gl.l-ll). I-'t.i:..stir'i'i't:.\' .\r.i.r:\’ (‘..\'r AND 'l'HE\'. \\'l'l'lll.\' ONLY A ‘>tltI\\n iiioney. because it’ I had comThe winner w.'is R. l). Stewart with vizitv siio_it'r _i-t:_turii) _()l-' 'ri.\ii: r-:.iii:itt:t:.s i~'ito\t 'l‘ll.\'l'SORRY S'l'.\'l‘l-‘.. mu- \ll.\G lISl-.l.l- “It'll pleted my 22 years‘ service, I shoulil I \lr~'. Stewart as riavigator and second (.().-\l Cl.l.‘oll~.Nl.\(.. .-no .—\l.l‘tlGl-Llttt-ZR (;l\‘l.\'(i 'l'lll-Z l.\ll'Rl-'.SSlt)N 'l'llA'l‘:s'o'r I-Z\'l-ZN A wot.t-' I’.-\(‘K ’ have Itlixsed this. by a few months. place was taken by Mrs_. I), liurford ll()l.l)S .~\.\'\' Tl-Il¢R()RS. Iltiring read the relevant rcgnla- with I). llurfortl as rtavigator. And so it has been with ll.\l.S. Don't ask me our lirst port of call l'nnta. l’lt\fll a most irietiectite tool.- en route. no one knows jllxl yet, but ing cat. with llirige zintl claws most we are hopiiig. (iood news" for in.well and truly "inoii.sed,“ she re- Ponipey-ites. prior to departure. we :_ipp.-ars front that frtistrating and spend a wcel.-end in I’ortsniotith. irritating liinho known as "refit"; ll..\l.S. Piirna eoiiiniissioiictl on looking lil. clean and "Ready to Leap" Atignst 25. 'l his was mainly a ni:itter (our motto for those who don‘t knowl. of the rcatline of the Ctllllttlissittllitltt Judged by the well Inotltilatetl piirr. Wilmml. and :i speech by the captain. i increasing day by day it\ cveu:s No tcal ceretiioiii.il_ and certainly i prove things to he more and niore' nothing as irnpressive as the acttial pleasiiig. this cat is just rarin‘ to be (‘ornrnis-cioriing Service which was lieltl . onboartl on October 9. on the prowl once more. 3 On that day there was Divisioii. .i it really is true lh.it only :1 very short time ago one would have des- properly contltrctetl (‘('|I'I'l|lli\'\i\|llillt.1i P.tl1'I.‘\l of ever seeing tllc ship looking Service. ollicial and private gttC‘2l\'--' aiiytliing like air ellicicnt liglttiiig unit the lot. including a beer issue at lunch; agairi htit by a dint ol‘ eliort and spirit. time. quite art erijoy.ili|c aliair. by all eoncerricd land not \I\L‘l'l0tlisll'lgV l particularly lil.etl the rein:irlt', the fact lltat the lihl lietiteiiaiit is the! rit:ide by one _\'oung guest in thcl proud [1t\s~L'\snt' of a si;iItthol;_ ntade C.l’.()'s. .\less one Phillip strut--! l'roin strips or‘ hide. torn itoin the br'itlt:e_ who quire Pl-iiitetll) i'ein:it'ked' llutlcrk and (T.(.'.Y'.s. lL'\pt:t.‘li\t: to his parents that he'd like very niiich hlcetliif haclts) things onhoard look to live in the .\less as the food was -tillli:\\'ll;ll sliipshape at last. and al- so very iniich better than it was at though there is nnieh to be done. well, home! Uni of the tnoullts of babes‘. etc. \\'.'itcli it. lack. there aren't any spots Readers of N.\\'\‘ Nt.\\'s will rerneinber that on October I3. the ship on a l’uni;i you l.no\\'! "was presented with :i stulietl ptiina. |.(l(lKlNG Alll-IAI) As cart be iiiiagiiied this allairi l’.;irly in December. after :i niootli received a fair amotint of publicity} .il Portland. wotiltln't yoti look for- for the iinplieations are quite far; \\artl to a spot of leave‘! .-\ronrttl the: reaching. and hoiletl down create a llth the ship returns to Dcvonporl. precedent in so far that at no titne in , for a break over the (‘ltristiiias perititl. history has an .-\riieriean town ever‘ The fact that we shall be at (inn atloptetl a llritisli \\'ars‘hip. gives the l’orup-ey and (‘li:itli;nii 'erhs- .\lr. John Steiithacl.. the fainotis“; no curl .iI' crijoyrn.-nt~liiey ilhl lose‘ .~\ineric;in author made the presentaIt) drip 3 tion. on behalf of the ('iti/ens of l'itI\\t.'\'L‘t‘_ after’ this pl.-asarit inter- County of .\lortlere_\'. ('alil'or_ni;t. little. its brick to Portlanil once more. U.S.:\.. and amongst other things Still time marelies on anti we are" otleretl : of cotirse looking forward to sailing in j la) An Honorary Slier‘ill'i|oni. of the late January. About the 25th we are :il'ores'aid County to the Captain of the schetlulctl to proceed to otir ()verseas .ship. lit) the frectloni of the ports of Station vi/.. South Atlantic and South‘ Moiiterey to all ollicers and iitcii of Ainerica. for a period of 12 months.. ll..\l.S. Portia “in perpetnit_v."












the‘, .




‘Just Nuisance’

ordinary dog I

It's brewed in the good old British way!

was no

and then return by train to Sinions-[ town, The S.:\.R. ticltet collectors told: the sailors‘ to pit! Just Nuisance otit.l ()| *2 :i do): eallctl lust Nttis.ittce' but the .sailo:‘s told the ticltcl collectors‘; bring bacls iiientoiies oi Sll'I‘ltlll\'- to do their own job. ()rie ticket col-t totsii to you‘! it so you will be lcctor just could not tnose the dog. intcreslcd to hear that he has heeri two could not. but three did: they hustled Just Nuisance oirt at NC\\'i1lIl(l\'- Brewers of BLUE LABEL. HOP LEAF. CISK LAGER. LACTO. called to his f.itliers. Just .\‘iii~;iii-cc the South /\frican but with a boiinil he was in the liairt available FARSONS STOUT. These tine beers. :\'a\)‘s niascot. has died and is heing again through an ripen window. replaced by a Harlequin (ircat Dane Althoiigli lllc S.A.R. authorities in Malta. are also exported to N. Alrtcn called lacklinc. I threatened to have him destroyed it Just Nuisance cannot easily be he was found on railway preiiiises :t the Meriitorrrtne.-in area replaced. lie was‘, apparently so large thousand snrburban pas.serigcrs saith They can be enjoyed throughout that when he put his [laws on a sailor'_s' no aiitl Just Nuisance became the shoulders he was taller than the sailor, i ollicial guest of the $.A.R.. and also ‘lhc dogs ltoiiie was at the Uititetl of the motor bus cornpanies. Where sailors‘ went Just Nuisance Services Institute at Sitnonsto\_\ri there the dot: made friends with any went. He would take ilrunlten sailors‘: sailor in tiniforiit and the sailors" loved. by the sleeic and guide them to tlici 5\t;ilitIlI. to the right train. and home! |mn_ Ile ll.I\'i‘llk'li "tip the line" with men to their dc-not at Siltltlllsltlwlt. lacltliiii: the l'l'.‘\\ mascot will be no on Ic.i\c and isoiild split a lmllli: of; .t hce: “tilt them in it Cape TL}\\‘I'| puh.Jtist Ntiisanee but \\hn l.no\\-












CHI 'iK 16


hospitality that tea did not matter N AV Y

So much

December. I959

N F, w 3




~~ .

Britishers may find tea weak. but surely they will find strong ""I‘Hl-1 in the hospitality department." So wrote the New London and Groton our

News. with becoming modesty.


arrival. So wann did the hospitality prove to be that few of us had the opportunity of seeing whether the tea was really not as mother made it. For nine days we were subjected to as concentrated an assault of openheartcd friendship and good will. as it ls possible to _..m imagine and an attempt. somewhat feverish after all the festivities, must fail to do jIJSllf.‘C ‘O 3 Hill)’ I'lIl'lIl0I"sIbIC\iSllAdamant and the nihmarines alongside the State Pier, New London, war. Ton1boIa_ sccn films’ “vofkcd ouf Connecticut At 0830 on Monday. October 12. the hurricane "Hannah." were suc- watches and slept. Leave in sight and ll..\l.S. Adamant was nudged along- ccssivcly frozen and broiled in the what a wonderful prospect. H.M.S. side the State Pier at New London. Arctic currents and the Gulf Stream. Adamant was in New London to pro- Captain (S.M.). Third Submarine insight into the homely American way after :1 ten-day crossing from Faslnne. and then invaded by migrating birds. vidc support for the eight Royal Naval Squadron to take part in the critique of life, dispelled a great many wrong ideas we have been led to believe. and G;irclt_it.'lt. in which we safely evaded We had played brighter cricket. tug-o‘- . Submarines taking part in the N.A.'I‘.0. of the exercise. We entertained 200 oflicial guests we had Cfl]0)'C(l it. We hoped. as the r on board on Wednesday night. the Squadron steamed out of New Lonparty being concluded by a "Beat the don on Wednesday. October 2|. that Retreat" and Ceremonial Sunset. Flag this visit would not be the last. Ofliccr Air Homc‘s Royal Marine submarines headed for home. to The Band was at its usual best in this exercise on the way, but H.M.S. moving ceremony. which was very Adamant had still one call to makewell received. Halifax. Nova Scotia. where RearAdmiral H. P. Pullcn. O.B.E.. CD. (Canflaglant). flies his flag and where I-I.\'TER'l‘AlN.\lEN'l‘S the Sixth Submarine Squadron is Entertainments included luncheons. based on H.M.S. Ambrose. Just out dinners. receptions and dances. and in of New the U.S. nuclear addition. over I00 ratings were invited submarine London Triton passed. in wonderful to American homes. and a pleasant reminder of the There was also a great deal of hos- sight last nine days. After an uneventful pitality otfered by the townsfolk to journey l-l..\l.S. Adaniaiit firing a I3ratings met ashore and numerous gun salute to Canflaglant entered telephone calls invited men from “same Halifax harbour on the morning of name" towiis in the U.K. to spend an Friday. October 23. at home. All the facilities of on our












evening the submarine bases were thrown open. including the Chief Petty Olliccrs‘ .\lcss. the "White Hat" Club and the Navy lixchungc. F.:lCil ship was allocated a host ship in the U.S. Navy and the get-togethers were enjoyed by all. One hundred ratings were introduced to the American Football game when they were invited to watch a \ l Co:istgti;ird Ac.'u.lcni_v match and later The “Sailors of the Cruise" after the presentation at Ocean Beach Park. we played soccer against this cstabli.sliexercise IV" discuss and to "Fishplay Front row. Left to right: L./Smn. William Williamson (RorquaI). .\l.E.l mcnt. managing to win by one goal. mutual with counterour problems Alfred Newnham (Themiopylar). C.l’.O. Donald S. McGann (U.S. Sailor of despite the fact that the game was in the Command U.S. Submarine in fottr quarters and the opposithe Month). P.0. Gerald M. Bull (Artful), and L./Cook Thomas Watson parts played and the to fly Flag Ofliccr Submarine's tion fielded l9 sub.stitutc.s. A new idea (Grantpns). Back row. Left to right: P.0.M.(E) Albert Spencer (NarwhaI), A.B. Michael N. Hull (Porpoise), M.E.l William Clifi (Aeneas), L.ISmn. Flag. to us was "The Sailor of the Cruise" Rear-Admiral B. W. Taylor. C.B.. organised by the U.S.N. ln H.M.S. Norman I-'. Burgess (Artemis), R.0.3 Brian W. F. Joy (Adamant) D.S.C.. Flag Oflicer Submarines and Adaniant and each submarine. a Sailor Consubcastlant was on the final leg of of the Cruise was chosen and at a %5¢§$3ZW9Vfl\@3%\ Afl5l§1\fl1I0$|§1ZVZM¢%\\€ |&l%3£%\fl||0\@%§| 5 his 37.000-mile tour of British and luncheon for 300 at the Ocean Beach §Z'H0'K01S£ § N.A.T.O. submarine bases and since Park. \lcw London. sponsored by the § § leaving the U.K. had visited Malta. local clubs. these men were presented § 5 Singapore. Australia, New Zealand with cngravcd silver cigarette boxes S and Pearl Harbour. During the day and sponsored on a 3-day flying trip § calls were exchanged between Rear- to Norfolk. Virginia and Washington. 5 Admiral Taylor. Rear-Admiral Wardcr_ D.C. In short. the organisation of the S U.S.N. (Comsub|ant), and Capt. J. A. entertainment was such that not one 5 S Alger. of the U.S. Coastguards. § day went by without an invitation to The Home Air Command Field some function or other. 5 Gun‘.s Crew who had taken passage in § The arrangements were not all for § H.M.S. Adamant. disembarkcd on cntertaincmnt. however. A number of § § 'l‘uc.sday to start their tour of displays olliccrs and ratings were shown over S § in the U.S.A.. starting at Portland. the nuclear submarine Skipjack and S 5 Oregon. A daily schedule of strenuous the Flag Olliccr Submarines and the P.T. whilst at sea had kept them in Captain (S..\l.). Third Submarine consumes trim and not the least impaired by the Squadron took the opportunity of :1 § 5 trip to sea in her. The glimpse of § crossing. § things to come in the submarine ser5 vice was a great experience. Visits to BUILT NAUTILUS 5 provided New l.ondon and Groton. totalling the Electric Boat Company § in submarines opportunity to see § about 80,000 inhabitants, is used to. an S the making. and tours of the U.S. Suband indeed proud of. its connections marine S base were followed by more dewith submariners. The huge submarine tailed and S individual inspections of § base houses. the staff and boats of particular departments. S In return. the S three squadrons. as well as training S had one submarine open schools. and the Electric Boat Com- Squadron § each day to U.S. otliccrs and technipany at Groton. a long-established cians. These visits and the cnstiing disS sttbmarinc building yard. built the first cussions of S § nuclear submarine. Nautilus. a proud ltlctics. topics such as construction. 5 torpedoes. training ctc.. were to achievement for the local inhabitants. § the most interesting and the most afternoon all the sub- prove S By Wednesday valuable phase of the v.t:i_v in New I.onS‘. marines had arrived. having completed don. 5 Before leaving New London. Flag § the N.A.'l'.0. Exercise "Fishplay lV." Ofliccr S remarked on the basically a submarine versus silli- general Submarines S between the two marinc exercise with ships and air services collaboration S when be thanked the United § craft of Canada, the Netherlands. the 5 .'ltllll0l'illt.‘\' for their assistance § United States. and Britain taking part. States § There’: nothing like a § Alongside were H.M.S. Granipus. in our Naval Nuclear Prograntmc. § S Rorqual. Porpoise. Narwhal and ArtSi Bosmfs the Guirmess wet to I‘.l)l.‘CATl()N: fill of the Third Submarine Squadron. 85 Other trips were arranged to Pliizcrs H.M.S. Artemis and Acncas of the Si whistle and yours too. § Fifth Submarine Squadron and H.M.S. Chemical Co. where antibiotics are Si 5 ‘.5 Thcrmopylacof the Second Stibmarinc mantifaetiircd :ind to .\ly.stic Seaport. 53 S Squadron. They had been at sea for a replica of an early New England § four weeks. most of the time sub- whaling port complete with typical S S merged. and ships‘ companies were houses. sliops. workshops and even 5 looking forward to a breath of fresh ships, The popular visits to the air. For the Commanding Otiicers of Connecticut Women's (‘ollcge came 5 the submarines. "Fishplay W" was not under the heading of education! § The visit was :i great '~ltCCCS\‘. ll 5 yet over. They were to fly down to CLEJIH Norfolk the following day. in company provided an exchange of opinions and S S towa5s&'.L.-nc¢aas¢Aso\tmoosu7wo1taMass¢'.syuoioaMc'wmiostofiussaunsa-naswsususcammwwaaoaz with Flag Ofliccr submarines and the ideas with our sister service. gave an ‘







its that it fair share of the






enjoyed every day —

OLD ACQUA ll\'TANCl-IS The submarines H.M.S. Astute and l-l.l\l.S. Aldcrncy were in harbour as was the carrier Bonaventure. our host ship for the stay. H.M.S. Astute came alongside during the morning to lake on spares. while many old acquaintances were renewed with the submarine which only recently was with the Squadron at l-‘aslanc. The Sixth Submarine Squadron challenged H.M.S. Adamant to a soccer match in the afternoon with the result H.M.S. Adamant 5. Sixth Submarine Squadron I. and in the evening the chief petty ofliccrs were invited to a (‘anadian C.P.0.'s ".sniokcr‘ and mcnibers of the wardroom invited to H.M.S. Bon:tvcrilure's Trafalgar ball. Exchange visits between the various

departments completed. Saturday afternoon offered the last chance for shopping and sightseeing this side of the Atlantic and on Sunday H.M.S. Adamant steamed out of harbour for home.







A.B. Smn. R. Chapman "clears decks for action" at the Ocean Beach Park luncheon

TRAFALGAR’S FINE EFFORT l-ll! olliccrs and men of H.M.S. l'raf:ilgar raised the sum of £81) by individual collection in aid of thc Trtifulgzir Day Orphan I-'und this year. This was the largest sum icccived from any single ship or establishment and a personal letter of thanks was sent to the ship by the (‘urnmander in Chief. Porhzmouth. Admiral Sir Manley Power. K.C.B.. C.ll.l:'.. l).S.O. and liar -


Decciiilwr. W59



N I-'. W S



Mr. F. C. \\'ilkin~a has been :ip~- (';iptain .v\. W. I-'. Sutton. l).S'.C. and puinteil l)ire.'tor of Stores to date ltiir. R.:\‘., lia~ been appointed to l\.'l‘l‘|lZt.')' I6. l‘)(»U, in sllccciiltlll to ll..\l.S. l-‘aleon in eoiiiiniinil and as Mi’. R. llenilcison, (‘.li.. ().ll.l:., who (’;ipl:iin (Air). .\leditei'rane:in. will retire the previous ilziy. The last I-"let-I Air Arm Squadron Mr. Humphrey Atkins, ,\I.l’..‘ has with lixed “int: piston been appointed l’:irli:iiiieiitaryl’ri\'ate ilitted No. 349. the largest in the Fleet I‘ “' S“‘°.“"-V M’; Arm \\itli Skvraiiler aircr:il't and a M-"~ ( ""' ]““"‘ “' ll” strength of 22 Hit! t\lllL'L'l':~ and 300 r;itii1g.~'. .' innra It _\'. is to he i:r;idii:ill_\' re»eqiiippi:d with is _to he‘ |[|f|\(l-pltlp Capt. R. S. ll:ns|-inns. t-‘airey (iZlIll‘IL‘l\‘. |)epiity Director of !\l:irme i‘.l'lgtI1~.‘L‘T'| Now ._-“mn1;.m1¢r| by |,i.-ui_-(‘dr_ int: (Rt-‘élf-r\dmif:Il Nuclear |’ropiil-l,»\. (5. It. Phillip. the sqiiailroii has llie Nore. takes the salute Chatham sinnl in .~.iii:ce.s~'ion to Rear-.-'\diiur:i|;ttimn -$5.(ltK) hour.» and covered Observer) 0- o'\. M- Wl|~’U". C-Bu 10 NM‘ k'"t‘L'l l 'I'.5(ltl.t|0(| air miles with only one fatal 0n_|)¢C¢I|1l‘C|'"T5- UL‘ 3* lu 5!-‘rt-"~‘ in “W accident in operations from carriers R-'1lF'I\dt“|I’4|litcllflti Timk in all parts of the world since it was Lii-ui.-Cdr. Colin R.N.. of re-furmcd in Jul.\'. 1.9-‘1 llomdean. and Lieut. \ illiam l\li:l.anSqmidmn ‘\"“.‘'ziehitn. R.N., of Portstnouth. dr. Ii. (l.ii.ut.~( M. lobe}. R.N.) is the To commemorate the the n\s.ird of Members of the Order .V centenary of lir.\l Hritish helicopter squadron to be -. ; _ol' the British Di\iLmpire (Military _Royal Naval Reserve. one of .commissioned in the -.\larinc Assault Railways‘ Western Region's British_ role. is It with Westland equipped “’ ‘ " new 1"’ ‘"5 '"“ J “cc locomotives of Whirlwind Mli. 7 helicopters and the the diesel-hydraulic may very well lure been the last inspection of the Royal Naval on November I7. Warship class was named “The ,k ., -d I P Barracks. Chntlinin. by a Commandervtn-Ctilct ‘Hie Nore. tool: place on Admiral 5%: curiae Ian-be. c.c.s. Royal Naval Reserve. I859-I959" at October 29. C-"-0-v ""3 F551 5¢4| l-Ufd. Visikd Comnizindo. Royal Marines (Lieut.- Pnddington Station on November I3. Admiral Sir Robin l.. l-‘. Diirnl'ordThe naming ceremony was perand the U.S./\. between 0i:lo- Col, R. l). Cronihic, R,M.), the During Slater. the sent the First Sea Lord (Adher -7 and November 9_for talks on winter months I959’!-0 the Commando the (Tdre. 1.. to W. l.. following signal miral sir Charles Lambc. G.C.B.. "5“"'l “‘‘'"‘'l'‘“f “‘““‘“l 1"“-‘“‘*L will and the Squadron train together at Argles at'ler_ inspection: _"_A_s I and those present included Sir Captain 8. J. Anderson, (7.B.E.,_l-l.M.S. Ariel ll, Worthy Down (C_dr. (‘.Y.().) told [.1133 , ¢oud_m,,.tm Iagting mo your ships company at tll\‘lSlttll\ chainnan of the Robertson. R.N.. has been ..m.K,mlL.J Chief of A. (i. H. (iritlitli. R.N.I in preparation Hrga_n was greatly impressed by the timBrlllhll lransport Commission: Mr. days, I“ AM. sum“ of to the L‘oniniandcr—in-Chief. The for in R_ l:_ Hunkm dmimmn of mc “.cSu_r" Tggu. “,5 found gum, op robbing iippcarancc of the Royal Naval .\ore. Bulwark I(.ipt.iiii I). B£Il’|':|t.‘k.\ during my reccnt_ inspection. Baud. 3.1-_(-_: Mr. K_ W. 0 gem.“ chm.“ M Kid or 30 Gflmane “-5-U" D‘3'('R'N')- 3"‘ 1 Grand. member liritisli Transport 3|,,g,_ hard work had obviously been Captain R. A. Bong, R.!\'.. lia-3 been Much appointed to H.M.S.l.yttx in command .R“5"" “""5" “T” c.‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘'“.‘'‘‘‘'‘‘''_'’‘-'.''''‘‘Commission: Mr. John Ryan. 1-ht. “MC Seaman .1“ "_ -[~h,m,c__ put in by everyone to achieve such exnieni; wns also found and as (‘aptziiii (F). 7th Frigate Squ:id- '1" ‘'‘’ml‘'“'‘‘’ "l‘m"‘3 ‘"1" "F "h'l?' b¢|’ Wttsltftl Area of robbing ‘-""'°'“ ““‘“l'5 ‘h"*‘"8l“'"‘guilty B03"-l. MfH-T-C: commando and sail squadron. will mn, another German of a wallet. “The standard of sniartncss on the ]_ R_ Hammond I m United the the to Kingdom The German civilians hail been- parade ground today was equally high w¢“u.n ‘‘ u A .R.t..iiu.i).c.. Region =.*‘ I ~. of l9t>0. -‘eye .\leditcrr.iiie.ui in the .\]‘|l'IJ'l1, Ilown to Portsmoutli for the Court and your oflioers. chief petty officers Edam. um Adam.“ Commanding _l .1 . .pp Mmed(onimiidire .\larti:il. _,_ and petty olficcrs. men and women. in-(‘|iari:e. Hong Kong. to serve in the ||,M5, (jgmgg Visit.-.1 \’ut;usuk;., R.°5‘“°‘- ('d'°- 1- wh3Y"““: ROW‘ Thiinic have good cause to be proud of themwas sentenced to be rank tif Coniniodor-. .V /\dlllll".tl lVa\_'al Reserve: and ii nuinhcr of for one year and to be dismissed jailed Japan. during, ()i.tol-er. VICL from selves and their cstiiblishiiient. Well scum, RN ‘‘nd R “V R "‘n."-""“ “"‘ V.‘ the Terii :ind Nor-inar_i. Mayor Service. done." l).S..(».R-N-.li.i.~. been appointed Cliief called on_ RL.lf'I\_d[l1lRtl \. C. Begs. their Type 4 warship Chm |“wmo_ to Hug Ollicer l-‘lotillas. wllu was flying «HmNo. D3”. has been bum M "I: me‘. works ‘ '“-"~'"°""_"§___"5__‘_"___f_‘_"_‘_ of Western Region. lis utiirc eniployinciit will be almost exi clusively /l B]. /V N0 2 on western Region express passenger services between Pztddlllglflll f and the West of F.oel.'iiiil. 4 e. VII I



0r""i“'i"*"'l .




:llmDl\l\'I0l:S. (Pliolo:

Last inspection of Chatham barracksby a Commander-inChief, The Nore ?



Psiyrker, received!











Naval Reserve




El“:"mcrQ,"l°°l'; .£'1|",“l$’°'hI,,II"












Z‘.'c'i cda'i""a‘i. i"”i. ,';a’sia‘.'":§Ii.'.'.m°ri°"i§l'°4-3 .








l:l.l\I.' S . lr:iiii.s.lA,m

their c‘nih:i_rk;itioii _R..


'vig.c :3,“-2:;-mégcr‘


u." '5,

“_M_5.’ l ,_class












Cnptahi C.’








of! Yokosiika




l)..S.9..ml).$;.( ' § wmdon M I S E R A B LEl ..















0Nl- l R.“ ATION


has l-cei-. rc.eEscJ the lull:-Miiii: lune leer: .lti\.II|.'C\! t.- '.h.|l1 the (‘hit-I l'cll_\ Otli.-er or (‘tilt-I ,\riiii;er i.i'.c: I'¢I|) tllliri-r in (‘liicl Pi-ti_\ (lllirer


JX l»t.‘~‘I‘-S J. ln‘tl\~«‘ J.\' I>t~-.tk‘- II tu.nii-,:er. J.\' l.'~“\2I \\', \'«-.'-.. J\' 2-ti-~L~ l. I i ‘lhuri-e 2 Petty Oflirrr Menard In (liirl l‘cti_\ (|lIicrr' Menard LX 3514? l'. .\l.ini'ii ; -Nick Berth l'cIt3 Uhiri-r lu Nu-L Ki-rili (liirl Pelt) (mm: MN ‘TSIS I) '“‘.."’lII\ l'rtt\ (miter Hi-ruici.in to (liicl Hi-rtri(i.ui xix stuns‘ R litnltcll, .\I\ .\n.l\1-J tt J.i:i:c~ tlrilnuiiice Arlilirer to .\i'tiiI:: (liiel ()iiln:ini'r I




1 It iii».-xii‘: i.il.e long for the \‘-Urtl to get aiuiiiiil the ships. \ili.it yer) good .\l\ ~.Ir.'(~'vI R 4\Ih.l)"4‘u.l:i vl'l'll) (llliicr I’,n::intrt" .\lnli.itiii to (hit!tailors \\‘illi:rl\_\:\are? S.iilui'.~ ulio «J.» i:.iie l-ii-.'im-¢~riu'.: .\lrrli;iiiir l.\ *3’-II‘? ( .\1.i:i~-xii lneiiir llmim Artiiiecr tu .\iiin-; (his-l l.ii-_:ini' about clothes in\;iriabl_\- go there. lhmni Ulilicrr Suits. emits. .\DOll.\ clothes. uniforms 3 \l\ l~l“l-1 J li.irIi"-. \i\' T-“l'-J (\'|\' TIHIIV I_ It... : l"i'oin \\'illerh_\'.~'.ullarc first class. \ir .\itill<i-r tu .\rtin. (‘liicl .\irrr.ilt .\rii'Iirrr ‘Hi I ix im:7n H w I24-'-.:'r.' l .-\nil an allotment .~.chcme il‘_mii \\ isli. l'i-tt_i lllliccr Air I-ittrr In ftiirl .\ir litter Our .\'m'iiI I't'[M't'.\i’IHIIl'i|'(’.\ri'_'.-IiIurl_i' li.\il nun l l i l\‘ ‘iv-III: A. .\l in..I/Ii‘ l"Ii-cl al ports nfrall (ll /lillllt‘ um! Ul'('I‘Ii'(l\. In (hid \ir tam ion‘ I/'_i'uii'il Iilm to know more almiil ll 'r'I/i-i'Iv_\‘\. Dtlicrr Airniaii to (‘hid .\inn:in l.\llt -i_'.- .\Ir. (:'uIfi'iiI_i:¢'. Air. I)iinIt'iIi (liirl Arlillcrr Min ll‘/It'll Ilt‘.\'f I/ii-_i' visit your i'.\tiiIrIi'.\/iniivil. I to .t.'( lira Hitter tn htiiu: ( liiel .-lIIrrmiIi'ri'I,i'.ilmp us a Ii'iii'. nr ml] in at mi_r Radio .\nmi-.-.- l\irI :' iixl'li-eirie.-il .<<<:u: i; R i— I l\ or our I-rmii'l'ii-.\'. |l"i' .\fmII Ill’ [I/i’i’l\t'tI Io Ii‘! you H: i! |l.J‘.n I.-rm‘ ii /irlilvr _ui'i'iIIg ilvlriiltof ll'i‘IIi’rI'»_i'~ .~/n'i'i'iiI in rim‘ firr mm in I/iv Il(JI'_t'. .\l\ «<.<<='- P.


luini-r tu (‘hid Joiner


















' ‘


_i-rli-,~l_i ‘rr;'§e"i-_‘.\i\r_ tam




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Naval Personnel norrriaity accepted with War and Service risks COVL‘r(‘(‘


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you get the best clothes _; of all at






500.000 Start

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the ‘PH’


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Stereo, Etc. Free outer ‘sleeve cover

and pay


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Hundreds more rt.-com tower‘ II the ‘PH’ Golden Club every week and tor rec latest. I-out ‘up-co-minute‘ bulletin NOW (storm oboreclatrdl

I'll’ GOLDEN IENID curs (Dept. N) SI Pentium 3;. Ilrmingham S

by allotment if you wish

28-30 Ullnffl Street. London. W.1

Royal Parndo. Plymouth 111 corrimorclnl Road. Poi-tornouth 5 London Road. North End. Portsmouth 228 High Slrool. Chatham 82

20 Abovo Bar.


41 Gordon street. Glnngow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh 52 Commercial Stroot. Dundee

20 High Stroot. Bolton! 12 Math Stroot. Gibraltar

And Blanche:

throughout Britain




GAVE T \ .\'




(BY OUR SPECIAL CORRFSl'()t\'l)EN'l') da_v you are enoying a conducted tour of St. Sophia, another day you stand enthralled at the towering beauty of Mount Etna. and on yet another day you are visiting the famous l)oge's l’a|ace.Sun-tanned and healthy you are sailing with ll..\l.S. l)aitit_v. Lest this article starts like an ttdvertiseittent for it holiday overseas. tie shall elaliorate. l).titity did not slip quietly out of! sportsmen gave a good account of the waters of Cyprtts but was given a tlicmselves. and our water polo (cam

December. I959



spectacular farewell. Titc ('omiti;iiiding Otliccr of the Parachute Regiment. to which we had been atlili:ttcd_ ntade :i water-iutiip close to the ship to say goodbye. We were on the point of sailing for our lirst otlicial visit to a foreign port and Istanbul did not disappoint. Tlte city is quite fascinating and we were oriental and

raitging from


at lioiue

western a

in both


liazaar to



This latter esta'nlisliittent——run voluntarily by tltc liritish community for

pleasure ~w:ts greatly appreciated. ()iir thanks for the hospitality rcceivetl were returned in a ttnique way. as blood donors, where nearly every titan gave his pint of blood. We sailed our

round the (ioldett llorn assured that


' l

put in .i trenteiidotis ctlort to win after a niaratlioti series of ittatcltcs. Indeed we h:ive ittaity sporisitieii of tio mcatt slttlllfc on board. Our foot_ball teaiit. for iiistattcc. has iitorc than held its owit since we cotitittissioitcd. Nor is ntusical talent lacking. Wlierevcr we have gone our skillle group_ led by Able Seaman Kelly. have entertained in many parts of the .\lcditcrraiieaii. Besides flag showing and weapon training there have been duties with N.A.T.O. and we resume the narrative after having exercised with (iteek and ’l'iirltisli ships oil the island of Lcmnos. We visited Salonika, where the litternational Trade l‘;iir tvas being held. Alas there was no llritislt c.\liiltition to boost our prestige and the weather

Anglo-Turkislt relations were never was depressing. Other visits. however. have tiiore better. On reaching Malta we were given tltait restored the balance. Trieste. another welcome. A number of Dainty Veitiec. Trapani. At Trieste we were \\i\'es greeted its front the jetty. (We bctthcd stem to the central square of was thus the focus of hear that preparations have been ntadc the city. for a special Ilight at Cllrl.\lll‘I1lS.) Soon adntiritig eyes roitt dawn to midnight. we were setting out for Augusta for Rain fell the first night, a plienottteiioii the Fleet Regatta. Just before the big we had not properly experienced since day our .\ledfoba party returned with we left Portland. Many thoughts front the news that Dainty had conquered abroad were turned hoinewards. litna. it was a good omen for success though our letters were assuring us of and early in the day c.\'Cllt.‘ll'lt.‘nl on the the wonderful summer Britain was enfocsle reached fever pitch when our joying. Thc rain soon cleared away (‘onintutiications crew seeitted to be in and Trieste opened itself to receive our the lead, The ultimate verdict, which ship's company. The .\ledfoba party pitt them second. was disappointing. was getting restless again and set out






Men of the 60th Caliihria Infantry Regiiiierit with iiieiiibcrs of l)xiinty's' football teaiii. The learns met at

Traptini, Sicily

Celebrates Reserve

M.l‘.V. ON MUD BANK After sending it crew to man .\lFV 57 off Malta. otir next port of call was 'l'rapani in Sicily where the highlight was a party given for Silt ratings by Mr. Whitaker in his house



Marsala. In the meantime the .\ll-V distinguished itself by going aground on it mud batik off the Sicilian fc.\' .\‘ovemher, I859. the Royall Naval coast. but only for the night. and they fc(\'olunteer) Reserve Act received the had in interesting story to tell on Royal Assent and the Royal Ntivzil HF. Admiralty has decided to make return. Reserve came into being. (‘A-lebrations the following changes to the AllotIn October we took part in a series of the Centenary in Il.M.S. Wessex t of Anglo—Spanish antistibmariiie excr- tlleatlqiiarters of the Solent l)i\'Lsioii. ment_ regulations :ind to ratings‘ ciscs olf Cartagena followed by the R.N.R.) culminated in a Service of Marriage Allowaiicc : best visit of the contntission so f:ir— .\Iiirririgt' .-lfInii'ritii.‘t‘. With effect ln the very next race the Chief and for the fashionable Cortina iii the Palma. Majorca. After four days we 'l‘liunlotgl\i‘ng at St. Mary's Church. on Sunday. November from November 1‘). ratings‘ niarriagc l'.O.s' boat seemed to have left the Dolomites. Not to rest bf course. but left to have zi defect made good in allowance is being credited to others behind, but they too were to spend the weekend climbing the Malta and it is doiihtfiil whether we The Address and the Blessing were individual pay accounts. This is only second. At this time Dainty was in the rugged mountains. Two outward cotild have lasted mitcli longer. cerlead itt total points, which was held bounders went sixty miles to Venice tainly not tinaitcially. The annual given b_v the Bishop of Soiitliatiiptoii. :in alteration in accountiiig procedure for some time till finally dropping to on foot and another party sailed there inspection looms ahead and then we the Right Rev. K. E. N. Laniplugli. and will have no effect on the amounts fourth place. This higlt position was a in a whalcr. t\leanwhilc those who must start thinking about Christmas, .\l..-‘L. The Vicar of St. Mary's, the at present paid to wives and guardians, tilting reward for the selfless practice remained behind told of the wonderful for which we send all the readers of Rcv_ Roy Chantbcrlain, eomlucicu All such payments will continue to the service :ind the lesson was read be made at their present rates unless put in by all crews. The race which tintc they had spent, and of the N/tvv Ni-;w:s our very best wishes, by Capt. A, .l_ Hibhert. R.N.R.. and until varied by the allotter, or for ended the regatta was a time to relax. splendid children's party they had .l.N.S. Contniantling Otliccr of the Solcnt Service reasons. Our viking boat, our balloon-propelled given on board. Division, R.N.R. Representing the Dainty sailed to Venice and to canoe and our chucking up boat. i\Ll.()'l'MEl\"l‘S Mayor of Soitthampton was Alderman issuing accordion music and potatoes. another favourable berth. We were R. R. H. Hammond. The ConiCertain restrictions are. for many helped to add chaos to an amusing close to St. Mnrlt‘.-; Square. the hub mander-in-(‘ltief. Porlsiiioiitli. Adntira! reasons. to be imposed on allotments. of the city‘s life. Soon it was not all comers‘ event. Sir Manley Power. K.C.B.. (‘.B.li.. surprising to see photographs in the June I, l9(i(), the following _l-‘tom WATER POLO WIN l).S.0.. was present. with several will local papers showing some of our be the _iitaxinttim allotments other senior ollicers_ Our next trip front .\lalta in the ship‘.-i company feeding the St. allowed to ittdividiials: .\Iar|t'.s' pigeons in the traditional middle of August took us to Palmas Among the congregation were re- 0”il.'l'I'.Y. Two monthly plus one manner. Finally a visit to the glass Bay, where we ntct up with the rest presentatives of Service listablisltntctits providing it is to a Building solve of the Second Destroyer Squadron and factory at Murnno helped to of the volunteers and .\‘laritimc Organisations tinc|ud~ cxtr_a Society. Savings Bank. Insurance Co., duly held our aquatic sports. Our many a Christmas shopping worry. .‘ who flew to Cyprus nearly l2 ing the Sea Scouts and Sea Rangers). etc. months ago to stall Naati canteens. together with a large number of Riiii’iig.i. As for ollicers, plus one clubs and shops following an over- members past and present of the .1. night ban on all (ireck-Cypriot stall. Naval Reserves and their families. weekly for maintenance of wives or Another ileiit in the celebrations dependants, arrived back in England on Novemto Individuals with more than the perber ll on contpletion of their‘ was a (‘cntenary Dinner. held at Naval Barracks. Portsniouth. tiiittcd ntintbcr are to arrange to contracts. Royal write home about! November I3. This was reduce their allotments to conform Some 40 men and women have on Friday. returned to the United Kingdom attended by some St) ollicets of the with the new regulations by March during the course of the year and 2l0 Solent Division R.N.R. :ind guests. 3|. l‘)(il. volunteers are still working for The toast of "The Royal Naval From March 19, I960 (April I. Naati in Cyprus. Admiral Reserve" was proposed by I960 for ollicers) changes in allotWhen Naati's appeal for volunteers Sir Alan K. Scott-.\toncriell, K.C.l3.. ments. that is new declarations variawits broadcast on November I0. I958, C.ll.li.. Admiral l).S.().. foriticrly will be limited to tions or I7.000 men and women applied within (‘ontiiianding Reserves. The response two per stoppages, accounting period of four the first four days. For nearly a week was made by (.‘omniodore R. G. variations must be in the Naafi l-leadqtiarters in Kcnnington Tlielwell. ().ll.l3.. R.l)._ R.N.R.. the months, and multiples of 5s. except where the was beseigcd by applicants. The 302 senior reserve ollicer present. who was or consuccessful volunteers were given ll formerly relief capt:iin of the R..\l.S. amount is governed by legalInsurance tractual ohligations_ month contracts. Queen Mary and Queen lilizabetlt. prcntiunis_ H.P. charges.e.g.etc. The ollicial guests included Admiral NEW I-'ACll.lTIl-IS Sir Alan Scott-Moncricll, At|uiir:il Sir Manley Power. (‘oiiimodore Viscount It has also been decided to introKclbtirn. |).S.('. l('ommodorc, R.N. duce two new facilities from January Barracks. Portsiiiotitli) and Capt. R. 1. I960: dc |.. Brooke, l).S.O.. D.S.(.'.. R.N. The lm'.rpciisli'c Roiisoii Cadet .'lIoIitIily /tlfornit-tits In Bank. A Admiral Otliccr ComStall (Chief to tcltliout tclndsliteld —wltIi or a ntaintain his wife or man may niandi ng Reserves). dependants by ntcans of a monthly and dinner before. weck~cnd The It be Wherever you go you'll allotment to a Bank, In such cases in H.M.S. held for dance was ratings HE official inauguration of the the minimum monthly allotment will proud to own a. Ronsori. Each of Solcnt the Wessex. Headquarters South Shields Sea Cadets (T. S. be C.l’.0s. £30. P.0s. £25. LlRates lighterls precision-engineered Division. R.N.R.. at Southampton. Collingwood) new headquarters took and below £20. of Division the members 180 About finished. and handsomely place on October 31. Paymctit 0] Marriage /”i0lt‘(lIl('0 The ceremony was attended by the and their guests were present. in the it-iili Choose your Ronson from the Pay. A man over 2| years of chair at dinner was Chief Petty Otliccr of South and other Shields Mayor (cxcltiding National Service men) wide range at the NAAFI. lc :1 din g citizens, Capt. Johnson. C. H. Watson, R.N.R.. senior rating age and residing with his wife near his R.N.R.. chairman of the Sea Cadets in the Division. place of duty may receive marriage Committee. as wcl_l as‘ by parents and The toast of "The Royal Naval allowance with his fortnightly payReserve" was proposed on this occaguests of the Cadets. sion by Chicf Petty Otliccr H. G. ments instead of making an allotHall of Formerly the‘ near






l 1





South Shield Sea Cadets get new






World '3 greatest lighters and shavers




Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. the new headquarters is the first permanent he:idq‘u:irt_crs of the Unit during its 22 years‘ cxistcncc. C.P.O. (Instructor) J. Boys was‘ presented with the Sea Cadet Corps Long Service Medal at the ceremony.

wife. Dudley. R.N.. senior instructor to the merit to his Wives. who under this arrangement, Division. Capt. llibberi replied and proposed the toast of "The Guests." have no Allotment Book. and wish to The reply to this was made by Cdr. obtain concession rail travel will be l’. A. Titheridgc_ R.N.R.. who is in required to apply to the Director of command of H.M.S. Soutbwick. Head- Navy Accounts. Branch 9. Admiralty, quarters Reserve Unit at Portsmouth. Bath, for Army form 0.798A.

December. 1959




training fqryycrew


of ..._,...........‘/........








""_~_"_v ,__'




FIRST TRAINEES FINISH AT SEA Intensive training courses

of the ollieers and technical ratings for ll..\l.S. l)re:ulnou::ht ’]‘R.\l.\'i_\'G started at the RlI_\‘.Il .\'a\_\ (‘ullet:e. (ireemiich. and at li..\l.S. ('ollint:-,


.l-.inuar_\' 195'). ‘l he training at present consists of ahont one _rear’s‘ instruction in nuclear pll_\ sics. electronics. utetnllurt:_\'. chenti-.tr_\‘. mathematics anti relatctl sultieets: this part of the course is carried out ashore in l~Int:lnntl.' In addition. l)L'l\\t.'t.'llsi\ amt eight months training is carried out in seagoini: llttelear \ltl)t|l:tfiltt'~ of the Lnited States .\'av_\-_ but of course the uutuher oi" Iiiilels that can he ollered l\ Iiniiletl as tin.-_v have to train their 0\\I'l people as Hell. At present. the ti:s: batch of ttnittccs: end hoth electrical and ent:inerootn' with the l.'.S_N, are llI'tl~llil1t:lllL'it se;t~ rates are fully "cross-t:aittcd" in‘ training. ('dr_ ll. l‘, l’. S.tlltl3t\lllt.' tC.().‘ i-.ugl.‘tnd. l)esign.tte) with l".;\.l Shaw and; R..\. personnel have been looked l€.R..-\.3 lsilavell ll;|\c \]\CI'll their entire after most lItM'[1il1tl1l}' hoth ashore and training.: pcri-ul in L'.S,S. S.l.ipj;u.‘k, onlmard by their l;'.S..\-'. lllL'\\Iililll.'\.' l‘:t\L'tl at New l.I\tttlt\t‘.. ('unru;t;tit,'t|:, .\|utual friendships and Conl:lCl\ with l.ient.-Ctlr. R. R. Squires thirst I.ieut.i the Americans has helped to dispel a l)esicn.'ite) with lE..-\.l Tirnlwury and number of erroneous llll[‘|l't.'\\ll‘ll\ on 1-‘._R..-\.2 Potter spent their training lmth sides: llll!1i’L‘\’\lI.lll\ i:enei;:ll_\' period in U.S.S. Skate and latterly gained from the llollywood version of l'.S.S. Soordtisli. based on Pearl lI;ir- the typical American or iinglisliman. hour. Surg-Lieuts. R. Paul and‘ l.ilc onl\o.'u'd zi L'.S..\'. submarine R, l.ainl»er: oizh S.B.('.l’.t). .\lnt'tl\' tlillcrs little in the main from that in and .'§.|i.l’.0. lillison. coittpletetl their an RN. snhniatinc. (ltliccrs and (‘.l’.().'s near lthalti working and shore-gzoint: uniI'orin: watches are of four hours‘ duration :ind one in three.

t .

“(Hill in

__ ’













without split Dogs; a never-ending supply of collcc replaces the "eupp:t"', 1 meals are of a high standard and one 4 is soon accustomed to the more highly lspiced cooking. steak in large quanti-. T 1 lies replaces the “roast and two veg."-


Nuclear submarines are more spacious of course (Skipjack has three deck

levels in the ntidships compartment) and fresh water is unlimited. But no

| Cdr. Santhorne tries his hand at the combined rudder and hydroplnne controls of Sltipjack. llow like an

aeroplaneis cockpit!


mt". :' The United States submarine Skipjaelt coming alongside in Portland Harbour. The submarine was contmanded by Cdr. W. W. Behrens, U.S.N.. and with hint travelled Cdr. B. Samhome. R.N.. who will contmand H.M. Submarine Dreadnought (Photo: Planet News Ltd.. I.ondon. EC.4.) Top right: E.A. Shaw and I-I.R.A. Flavt.-II‘ examine the reactor compartment through a lead glass inspection port in Skipiack. 'I‘op left: Cdr. Samhorne talks with Cdr. Behrens in the wardroom



it may seem that I8 months is a very Although all otiieers and senior technilong time to train the future crew of cal ratings have been \L'lCL‘lCtl for the Dreadnought, but this is essential for crew. more volttnlccrs will later be the safe and proper operation of this required for nuclear training in very complicated power plant. There,accordattee with .-\.l’.(). Nil.‘ 5'’. is no doubt that the crew that take the 1 Selection of junior tet:huica| rates and Dreadnought to sea will he the most the remainder of the crew for Dreadhighly trained of any ship in the Navy. nought will start very soon.

training. most of it in U.S.S. Nautilus, in August. During their sea training. R.N. ollicers and ratings live and work as part of the crew of the submarine to _ which they are attached. and they do the same intensive training course and take the same qualifying exaniinations as any U.S.i\'. trainee joining his lirst In the manosuvring room of Skipnuclear submarine after his two year's E.R.A. Flavcll at the Reactor shore training. R.N. oliieers are re- iaclr. Control F..A. Shaw at the quired to qualify as Engineer Ollieer [Electrical Panel. with Cdr. of the Watch (whether they are Snntbornc Control Panel Officer of as Engineer executed, eitgineer or electrical the \Valch oliiccrs); ratings of the electrical branch qualify as Reactor Operators. _tots! As there are practically no junior and linginerootn ratings as Leading iratcs onboard. l’.0.~‘. are the working lEnginemen— ri.c. in charge of the whole hands. ‘I engine room. If time permits. ratings During the six month period the y: should also qualify as l:'ngincering present batch of trainees have been 1-Z.R.. Flavell controlling one of Petty Otlicer of the Watch. and to this onhoard Skipjaek, she has steamed the turbo-generators in Skipjaclt I




25,000 miles. and


her "shakedown" cruise left New London for .visits to Northern Ireland. Portland. La Spezia (Italy) and Gibraltar and back to New London. all in one month. During the crossing of the Atlantic, she went deeper and faster than any other submarine. Dreadnought will he very similar to Skipjack over


in both performance and appearance. and if anything hcr accommodation should be even more spacious and of a higher standard.

There’: nothing like a good glass of SIMONDS beer for


world. Ashore


top of the



you can't go wrong if you ztlways or


straight for



Supplies of

SIMONDS been can

be arranged at any port


Portspiouth (Admiral Sir Manley Power). Another who welcomed the ship was “rs. F. J. Walker, widow of the famous former Captain, war-time Senior Ofliccr of the Escort Groupworlting in the Western Approaches


k "'."“I



l)t-ecuiltcr. I95!

A WORD TO THE WIS France build to plans IS SUFFICIENT m1SSll€ cru1ser gutded The ‘never never’ problem .*\"Elel/.8‘ OF OTHER /V.-lVlE.S'


agreement that the furniture should be carcftt||_\ c\:tnuncd to .\L'L' that it is properly made. as often ratings are induced to buy furniture and pay tnuch more for it than they would for cash because they can get it on cxccptionall_v easy terms \\llltoul a deposit. If the terms are too reasonIn‘ I)l-‘_S‘.\ltlNI) WI-'.'I'I'I’.R.\' able this should raise a query _tn people's minds. The co-opcrattvc ())Il-'. years ago when ll..\l.S. (lnnontle mu. on —'sun'e_v duties in the Persian societies. for instance. would require :. big N as’ next year. .\ guided miss-ile cruiser. a landing ship. a supply ship ‘‘ of that felt Arab who from Sheik men received letter Gulf the (‘aptain an a substantial deposit on hire ptt.'clt.'m.' and a patrol vessel will be laid doun ne\t year if the money is forthcoming. the After the his Ormnnrle had trespassecl on warning preserves. Captain I items, Sheik finished the design will be built. These will dire penalties that would be inflieted on any trespass-en-' Electrical equipmcnt.—- One of the‘ At present one carrier, one hell-.new T his letter nith these words—“.-\ uord to the wise is sufficient.“ Perhaps the snags‘ that has been encountered in coptcr carrier. one large tlect de- possibly be similar to llte R.N‘s. wise will heed the following. eight frtgatcs. cight sub- I “'I rlbal" class. of which the lirst_ regard to electrical goods is that they stroyer. marines (Including one nuclear Il..\l.$. .-\~hauti. may start trials early are sold by firms who give a guarantee of larceny ltecause he has sold which is impracticable to enforce powered). three landing craft and a'nc\t year. l)ivisional Olliccrs. welfare organi“only are sations and the Royal Naval Benevosomebotly else‘.~ property. because the guarantee insists on. say. Another important point to realise the washing machine being sent to‘ lent ‘trust are often approached for =‘ M '""."~"'“"~" “""“="‘"= ‘M advice :-nd help by Naval ratings who. is that if you buy an article from say. sotnewherc like Glasgow, if it breaks Italian t\a\y has been cancelled in Nm,cmhc|_ sontetintcs by their own actions and "Good Value (Kentucky) l.imited" on down and they have no ‘local oflicc. and a nuclear-poitcred submarine will .\'tlt1'|'<3lllIlt.'S by the actions of their hire pttrcltzoe. they do not sell it to If you buy electrical equipment it is RMHH be ordered instead. Under the I95‘) Investsell considerable it to in local "Shylock wives. find themselves best to buy it through a good you they the Italian Nayy hopes who the Limited" become Trust ment ditliculties over hire purchase, shop. so that you can make sure of: .-\nstraltas plans to build a number. It) ltlllhl 1| 6-000 “"1 C|'l|N'I‘. IWO and who it of hire the goods, llire purchase has certainly come owners after-service. A guarantee usually only art‘ ships of the "Whitby" type have‘ frtgates. four corvcttes‘. two small to stay and many lirms conduct tltese to you. "Ila.-reforc. if there is any com- provides for the rcplacemcnt_of the been modilicd. Only two ships of this hunter-killer two transactions with commendable pro- plaint in the quality of the article. you actual defective parts. not for the ‘type. the Parramatta and the Yarra. mt‘!-‘F l"ft‘-‘(I0 ‘Hill-'.'III0lUF 11''" 031‘priety but there are others. on the lind that you have no come-back work of putting them in. are to be completed. In place of those p,\K|g|',\N Value "Good article sets which do This (Kentucky) not. against fringe, immcncd 3 "limb" of rngmcs M “i It is now almost certain that the MOTOR CARS out to explain the pitfalls into which Limited" and that in the agreement to frigate ll.M.S. 0rwell._whieh the unwary may fall. “Shylock Investment Trust Limited" Motor vehicle.-—‘[be most fruitful is under relit at Rosyth. Will be Continued [mm (jotumng. First of all. let us distinguish make it clear that the gave no source of trouble in the hire purchase 5 between hire purchase and credit sale. warranty as to the qua ity of the tield is the second-hand motor car. in the hi" Purchase agreement ; handed over to the Pakistan Navy Under a hire purchase agreement the goods. In fact "Sh lock Investment The highly-coloured “bus" I1 seen and to maintain the vehicle in good \‘on~5 nc.\t summer. She will replace her property of the goods remains with T rust Limited" go urther than this; the dream of many years of dition. and all he can do therefore is former sister ship l’.N.S, Tariq (ex the owner until the last instalment is they say that you have an obligation. motoring is dreamt of by the _I’:Illfl['--3 to go on paying the instalments for Il.M.!s'. t)tl'a) which left Portsmouth recently for scrap. by; a car which is utterly worthless. writing paid by the hirer. In a credit sale the clearly stated in the agreement. to No warranty IS given in Another Pakistan ship which saw ; property passes on the conclusion of keep the goods in first-class condition. the motor car salesman but it is distinguished service under the White the signing of the contract -vit is only which includes putting them into tits!- loosely described as a "lirst-class ear. 5 TOTAL PRICE the price which is paid by instalments, class condition and if, unfortunately. which means nothing. Anybody buy- I Readers are advised not to be led Ensign. the cruiser Ilabttr (c.\' ll.M.S. together with interest. you have to terminate the agreement. ing a second-hand car should have ll. away by ovcr-7a:alous salesmen. They l)iadcm). is now reported to be in resene at Khrachi. they expect to get the article back in examined by an independentdomotor are out to make a living and. pro-: is tow vided INTEREST first-class condition-perhaps better mechanic; the best thing to l7Nrl'EI) $'I':\'l'|.'S the offered are of good' have an A.A. or IL.-\.C. inspection. E value and goods With regard to interest. people than it was when you first had it. the conditions of sale are 'l‘hc U.S. Otlice of Naval Research Having agreed say. to buy in 1959? clearly stated. should stop and work ottt the rate they :tre doing a good. recently released details of a new ty of interest which they will pay: they STUCK WITH AGREEMENT a I938 Ford 8 saloon for the sum jtlh. Intending purchasers have theirf of radar to detect ballistic missile do not notice it because it is added The hirer must not think that he £l00 (which was the ongmal price in-[own remedy. (io to a shop selling; lannehings and nuclear explosions. in on tlte monthly instalment. but can get away with it by tenninating I938) the rating pays a deposit of £l0, first-rate quality goods —-a shop with This type of radar has a range of and the rest is payable over 24 months f a recently an ollicer pointed out—he his agreement. He will find in most to name to preserve thoroughly 5.000 miles and uses the ionised layer the “Shylock Investment ‘Trust examine seemed very indignant—that the rate cases clearly stated in the agreement the goods you are about to in the eanh‘s upper atmosphere to of interest on a hire purchase agree- that if he wishes to terminate at any Limited" on hire purchase. The ear b_uy_ -read your agreement before "bounce back" signals. 'I‘hc hot gases ment being paid by a rating was I7 lime he can only do so on making up goes safely away from the garage signing._ and always remember the . created by a nuclear explosion or the the sum he has already paid to a sum but within 24 hours the "big-end" has 3total price you are to pay. per cent, which is not unusual. firing of .1 missile reflect the radar and punctured the sump, The Ratings should remember that equal lit 50 per cent of the hire gone. lhrec : pounds a month sound sittnals and provide a "picture" on the rather than to enter into a hire pur- purchase value. What that amounts to estimate for repair of the vehicle is .small when put at lS.s'_ a may week. but: screen. chase agreement. if they have a is. of course. that it is not possible £40. The rating has put all his If that [3 llns to be paid every month 'I his radar has tnonitored all missile savings and mortgaged his .tor a couple ofycars. the total amount lattnchings banking account their banks will very to terminate a hire purchase agree- available in the U.S. over the last often and the Midland llank makes ment on reasonable terms, Once you income to make the repayntents: he Epaid is over £70. Ask yourself. is the two years, Before the suspension of a speciality of this—make them per- have entered into it. you are- stuck cannot pay the garage bill. It is no £70‘! Money of that size nuclear tests last October all nuclear worth good going back to the original iarncle sonal loans to cover the purchase of with it. I" “HI -'iI~‘Il\-' obtained it has to be explosions in the South Atlantic and articles. such as cars and furniture. at (inc of the feu good provisions in vendors they ga\e no vsarranty and uoikcd for so think and always Itavc, Pacific and in the Nevada Desert were the "I-illcn \\'ilkiu~on Act" was the ‘anyway they are not the owner». of that linal ligurc before your eyes", a tnuch lower rate of interest. also succc~~full_\ monitored, of tltc the owner car car. It is important to remember that" fact that a hire purchase company "the because the property in the hiref cannot I'L‘[3u\~\‘\~ goods without the "Sltylock Investment ’lru~t l.imitcd" purchase agreement remains with,‘ permission of the courtly court where who have been careful in their hire agreement to gin: no warthe owner until the hirer pays the‘, one-third or more of the hire purchase ranty as to the state and condition of instalment. if the hirer disposes price has been paid. Ia_st tltc car. In fact. they have required the ot the article before ctmtpletint: the With regard to furniture it i‘ (‘ontinued itt ('olttnItI -l agreement he contutits the oflenee important before entering into a hire














lu..u‘ t'v_.‘.‘ls~-Iil.t~l2l\‘tf.l}l'.:3tl.'1)‘'.'.§!.'I.‘ updl c r t.‘ t tIt\l l ‘ l | Cl t t\|n. .{-J1 ‘r".-'.‘.‘.'....-ii".'II‘t'i.i\i R‘m;l'Nm.), earl", I/\lv5TR4\l-lJ\A






spbmarmcs andb







carcfrecl oftert







wryl .



()lt‘t\1ll’.~t’l tr_\ ~.tvo




I save! lint


p.t‘.‘~ or-1 I'lt't!t'_{l| In

Thar’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sounds too gootl to be true. \\'l1crc‘~.- tlur (‘:ll(‘l1 I‘ No catch. And it’! had died at any time my wife would have received the whole £855 \\'ltit'lt\\'illyou take I‘ 1 immediately. You see. it’s a Savings I’m going for the pension because there’s' into one. Scheme and Life Insurance rolled another valuable right with it —I can get al cash advance for the full price of :1 new’ SlI[)[‘tf‘t.\'i[t'g you lxatln’t .sir_:n(:tJ on tor 22 ye-:n‘.~" .scrvu'c :‘ house. I’m all lined up for :1 iob alrcady,.' and with an extra pension to look forward: When I had done my 9 years, as I had to and the wife and fan1ily safe in our own? paid premiums for 7 years. I could have drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy home-—weIl, it’s the kind of security we all 1 want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service. I shall have the option of taking the Ill-xv do you set about all this .’_ £855, or if I don’t need the That’s easy. Ask the Provicash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the of £172‘ a year when I retire Progressive Savings Scheme. from civilian work at 65. PROVIDENT 9 For mrmbcrs Q] (It: I l’.R. \’.S. III! LIFE I’cn.rian is £t.tg a war. -ASSOCIATION OF LONDON __


l Thirty-ninth annual







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Bishopsgate, London, E.C.1-

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Age next hirtllday.


. . . - . . . .


-3‘ '


Sltiptuute I.. llall being presented uith ;t tanls':tril by .\Irs. Simpson.



of llirnti .uu and District) held its .Wlh attuttal dinner on October 24. One hundred and fifteen sat down to dinner and among the ::.rtc\l\ were(‘;.,.r_ R, _\i_ '1" '|'_.\|..r_ ('_n_|-‘,,, R_N,,'


Please send full details ol the Progressive Savings Scheme Name".................................................................................... Address

Rating or



uifc of Alderman I.ieut.-Cdr. t’. V. (I. Simpson. R.l\' .R.. president of the .-\ss'octatiun


I't-ZN!-it) by l.:uI_\ l'u\\t:r. wife or the ('n:tttnamler-in-(‘lIief. on t.-\rhuir.ilty Regional (Jtlicer). l.icut.-' (‘din ‘l’. Jobling. R.N.R.. t.\lid|ands .\'mcmlter -I. the annual sale of \\UI'l\ l)iusion Utliccr Sea Cadets) and Mrs. ' of the ll.\l..'-E. \'t-ruon Ilrauch of the Julillllll. l.icul.-(’tlr. l‘. llell-Scott, It.;\'.l~'.l'..N'.\\. prmetl a most enjoyI{.\.\'.ls'.. the Rev. C. I._ .\lartincau. able e\t'nt. Il..-\.. I\‘.N.\".l{.. and Mrs. .\lartincau Rodr:c_\ .\lorgan (iilestat four years and representatives of the W.R.N.S.. of age a \cry young sailor boy!) pre‘l).I-I.hl.S._ Royal Marine and R0yill‘§L‘lllL'tl Lady Power with a bouquet and an extrcrncly smart salute. after Iinginecrs .-\ssociatinns_ During the evening a tclcgratn was which the principal guest mingled 9 received front Hcr .\l:tjt:,\l_\‘ The Queen with members and their friends around thanking the mctnhcrs of the t\ssoL‘ia- the very well-tilled and gaily decorated 'tion for their Illt:.\.\;tgc of loyal stalls. We \\crc very pleased to wel: greetings. Mrs. Currey. wife of the ChiefTankard: were presented to S. F. of-Stair, .\lr~. winter. the district ~‘ccStockcr and l.. llall in recognition of5_rctar_v. and mctnbcrs ofothcr branches. ,thcir work for the Association by lhci l)ming tea. served by Mrs. Itird 3l’rcsident. Alderman C. V. (i. Simp-‘and the tea cotnmittce in a trellisadorned enclosure. Rodney Morgan on. I.icut.-Cotntnantlcr, R.N.\’.R, The secretary of the Association (iilcs drew the winning ratlle tickets {surprised the guests by making albeld by: .\lo.. Saunders. I-I. R. A. Iprcsentation to Mrs. Simpson of a-Jztines. M. Roast: Jrd ()lliccr It. i pressure cooker and a steam iron. This (iraves. \\'.R.N.S.. l'.(). Wren Oliver. present for. Mr. .\lason. .\lrs. Rosburgh and Mrs. {was a delayed wedding t.»\lderman Simpson and his wife l'orj'I'horpe. the doll‘s house was won by ‘thcv were married three months rtgn, \lr\. ltlumlclt. '



lcomc v

December. I959







f NAAFI '»



personnel SERVICE 2] years. and their




the Mediter-

Fleet heaty repair ship, s1artcd life as at Cunard liner. Built h_v Armstrong Whitworth. she was launched in 1921 and first employed on the Atlantic run between Liverpool and llallfas. At the outbreak of the Second World War she was taken over by the Adtttirztlty. lfnder tlte command of Capt. C. 'l‘, .\l. Pizey (now Admiral Sir Mark l’i1e_v. late C.-in-C.. Plymouth) she assumed the role of an armed merchant cruiser. ln l9-$2 came the conversion to heavy repair ship. .—\fter service in the East Indies front l9-3-3 to 1946. she became flagship of tlte Reserve l-‘lcct. (‘hatham. "Badgers." of London. had care of her from 1954 to l957. when she was towed to Devonport to be refilled for service in the .\letlitcrranean. Ausonia arrived in Malta on Odobcr I6. l‘)58. to relieve H.M.S. Ranpum: and by the end of November was operating a full repair schedule. working 3.500 man~hours to contplete an average of 500 jobs a month. However. believing in the wellfoundcd adage that all work and no play makes Jack not only dull but very "chukka." the ship has occasionally managed to slip away from Lazarctto Creek for a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air. in March of this year Ausonia visited Naples and Salerno. which gave the ship's company an opportunity to set: Pompeii. Hcreulaneum, Paestum and Vesuvius. lt was unfortunate that l-‘lag ()lliccr. .\l:tlta. wlto sailed in the ship was forced to curtail his visit because of disorders in .\l:tlta dockyard: all were enjoying assuming the dignity of a flagship! In June Ajaccio (Corsica) was visited. and then the ship joined the Fleet in Exercise Sardes. for which purpose a detachment of Royal Marines (‘ommando was embarked. Ausonia should have -one to Augusta at the beginning 0, August for the Fleet regatta, but more trouble in the dockyard necessitated the ship's presence in .\lalta. lrlowever. there was a splendid trip to Genoa in Septcntbcr. ()n the sporting side. the ship has had her triumphs: the soccer team won ranean





Bungalows Houses

H.M.S. Ausonia entering Grand Harbour. Malta (Photo: E. V.

Bosco, Hamrun)

league. Nor were the arts forgotten. Ausonia's Dramatic Soeicty‘s entry gained first prize in the R.N. drama festival in February. both the cup and the

THE \’l.'l.TURE Among the many distinguished visitors to the ship over the past _ve:tr have been two sailing vessels and a vulture. The ship was host to the Yugoslav training ship ladran in June. and this beautiful three-mastcd barque made an interesting spectacle berthcd alongside—a pleasant change from the constant stream of destroyers and frigates. ln .lul_v. Lieut.-Cdr. Atkinson and A.ll. Fisher brought their homemade yacht Borer Bee for rest and repatrs on their long voyage from Singapore. And the vulture? He cante aboard dttring the passage to Genoa. perching first on the ensign stall and later on the starboard four-ton crane. He was vietuallcd in. and became quite tantc. The ship's company had visions of retaining him as a unique ship's mascot: but unhappily he fell overboard on the third day and was drowned before it was possible to pick him up. Whether there is any connection between this misfortune and the storm which. on the return trip. delayed the ship‘s entry into (irand Harbour by two days will perhaps provide a talking point for ancient

Ptuces FROM








Write (or drlrulr and rlltulrctrd tmxlmre ro:

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Ships’ Company


Submartne—Destroycr—Bat.tleshtp or




-., -

‘SHIPS’ BELLS ARE FOR Admiralty probably SALE unlikely



Wrre—Wute—or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 Make vour first "Port or Call" tor Dancing The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band

Every Friday

will not be able at to decide allocations for some months. and it is that Inore than one applicant‘. 400 ships’ bells, stnrclt hell can be allocated to any should be Applications to purchase and polished by thousands of made in writing to Director of Stores. former sailors. and now surplus to


Admiralty requirements are to be sold at prices varying front £3 to H0 each. They range front two -ll-inch 5 lb. bells from the Royal Prince to the l55 lb. I6-inch bell of the Peregrine and include those of King George V Class of battleships. Many of the 370 bells being offered for sale have been used on board for Naval christenings. An Admiralty Fleet Order has been Capt. T. W. Best. R.N., Command- issued giving the names and details of ing Otiieer of H.M.S. Ausonin all the bells and applications to buy them will be considered on the merits of claims. preference being given to

Post ofiice can


forthcoming reductions in the TIIE number of individual allotments

allowed to personnel of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines may necessitate the readjustment of the linancial aflairs of some people and it may be helpful to them if they are reminded. about some useful facilities that are afforded by the Post Ollice Savings mariners. Bank. Wherever you are serving you can On November l there were ZIO ships allot from your pay for deposit into totalling l.3l0.-125 tons. laid up in your own Post Otlicc Savings Bank British ports. and of this total there (Admiralty Allotment Series). were I60 Vessels of 978.453 tons. When on board H.M. ships which carry their own accounts. both at home '\u and abroad. and in shore establishL g mcnls on foreign station. a Post Oflice :3 Savings Bank book (Naval Savings series) will be issued to you on application to your pay otlicc and on making the initial first deposit of at least 55. In shore establishments at home you may open an account in the usual manner at any post ollicc doing Savings Bank business.


with oil-fired central

families and

other entitled persons may now obtain front the N.A.A.F.l. certain domestic appliances and other durable goods retailing at £10 or more on instalment credit terms. The customer will be required to make a deposit of at least 20 pct cent of the retail price of the goods and to enter into an agreement to pay the balance over the next eight months in regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed on the amount of the deposit only but no interest or service charge will he added to the balance of the retail price. The amount of credit to be met by ittstaltnents will probably vary from £40 to £120 according to rank.


the age of

Admiralty, S.W.l,





call to the Whitehall Entrance of Admiralty, where conditions of sale and prices can be obtained.


D.\llRAI. Sir Walter Couehman, the Flag Oflicer Air (Home),

ollieially opened a Petty Olliccrs‘ Mess



at H.M.S. Ariel, those who have served on board or Lee-on-Solent. on November I2. have had close associations with the The Admiral said that the mess ship; concerned. was one of the best in the Navy and Because of the number of applica- one petty oflicer described it as "just. tions expected. the Director of Stores like a luxury hotel."


A SINGLE WITH BERNARDS— FOR ALL YOUR PURCHASES Bernards provide the facilitiesof a large Departmental Store with the additional advantage of a truly personal service provided through conveniently situated branches and widely travelling


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Destroyer Squadcompleted their general service

8 Queen Street Portsmouth, Hants.

‘HIPS of the 7th ton

commission on November I8. upon their return to their home ports. The leader. H..\l.S. Trafalgar (Capt. C. I). Madden. R.N.). and H.M.S. Jutland returned to Ponsmouth. H.M.S. Dunkirk to Dcvonport and H..\l.S. Broadsword to Chathant. Each ship has steamed about 75.000 miles during the commission, which included patrols off Iceland and Cyprus. aml e:tch has spent about 3l0 days :tt sea during the last 18 months. The ships are to pay oil and recommission.



Telephone 23535

Abbolsinclr. Clrarham, Drvonparl, Falmoutlr, Milford Haven. ll’:-ymaurlr, Porllaml, Deal, Harwiclt. Grirrtsby. Skegnesr, Dtmfcrmline, ll:-lcnsburglr. Lomlomlcrry. Gibraltar, Valeria aml Sliema, Malta: also at L0.!'.t'l(‘IlI(mIll.zlrlrroath. K¢'lc. Bratwly. Culrlrore. C'or.rIIam, Worllty Down Brmrcltc.r


and at H.M.S.


Head Office: ANGLIA HOUSE, HARWICH, ESSEX Telephone 880 Members of INTA



N l-‘. “'5

December. I959


Twenty-one years of progress at Gosport





T is ttM:_nty-one years since the Cosport branch of the Royal l\':ivnl .»\.ssoeiatioii was forniediinildiiriiigthose 2| pears there has certaiiily heeti




lirom a "ship's cotnpany" of 70., Whale Island and to the ('.l’.()..s of the biancli now has it muster list of, l’l..\l.S. Dolphin wet'e especially -ttlll and from a room in at public house notable. The brancli thanks lNCOl'lPOl'<|ATED BY ROYAL _CHAfl1'ER the branch now has its own very line the _hosts for the publicly in.inv splendid lie;idquartcr.s‘ ill the l-arelizitii Road. Patron: H.M The Queen evenings accorded it :iiid hopes that Ne-.ertheless‘_ progress as it may be. :they will be seen at lVl'.t|‘lL‘lt llt.'.‘tLl' the brancli is still very proud of jtv quartets in the near future, old "stalwarts"' and happy to see tnanyi The list Dinner and l).ince is to ltc of them still siipportitig and actively, held in the lle:idqit:irters on l)ei:ember participating in both the social and -3 when the principal guest will he the busiiiess activities of the branch, in (‘liief. Portsmouth, 0 The twenty-tirst Anniversary Dance (Toninianiler .-‘tdmiral Sir .\lanley Power. was‘ a bilge success and this was followed by ti very novel "Tramps The Ladies" Section continue to 0 Hall" which turned out to he an work very hard in the inany tasks‘ that the Dnneaster branch of the Royal :\':ivnl Assoeiatiiin bits not W3)‘ undertake and though their appeareil in print for the past few‘ months it does not follow‘ that things‘ numbers :ire few their efforts are great have not been happening there. smaller nmnnncs nr nu. Rnyn] , worst?) dressed tramps were presented attd the branch gm ttly appreciates‘ l_.is't Aiigiist the branch moved its tombola. The average attetidancc is : Nun“ A_,M,cinnnn (.nn_ if nu.‘ thy the branch's' Life Vice President I tlieni. llezidqitatters to the Yorksliire ivcry good .ind the branch has been t tltetns'elves' t.ike other bratiehes of course tn’ to do so. have as ( *'l"- 1- w- l_*“>'~‘l)‘ll. l).S.('.. R.i\', Dragoon b.it'r:icks. l);inum Road. to welcome back one or two have .\l.iny outings‘ nn cnjmnnn.' ‘inn: ny ‘Mn. nnnnnlt been arratigedfi (iosport has its roitgli patches btit tip l)oiti::ister and “eliumniy .s‘hit1s" and ;absentccs to the fold. bi‘ 'and their functions. as the Kilt‘ “l’l¢_ -3"“ ll-'”ll'\‘-'"Fl\|"t! 5"‘-‘till, to now the branch has tiianaged to intending visitors are asked to make ‘ill‘ The l.ai|ies' Section of the branch dinners .( liairnian. .Slttpti_iate l-l. ltrown and his weather the storms and is looking forinrnfl. |,rnnch,_.,._ note of the new .’ltl(lfC$S_ l still are their doing famotisly although 5 About 40 members and their l't‘icnd,s ¥'“'“"““'~'¥'~ V"‘”* ll‘ l-ilk‘ P-05 (‘l‘ ward to :i bright future, The .\'o. It .-‘\re:i quarterly meeting etiiimbers are down a little at tlte Iof the Hayliiig l.s[:ind branch demonswas held at the new address last lmonient owing to imtnineiit iiiereas'es l trateil this fact at their Annual Dinner. I in the size of families! "the section is on November 21. .'\llgltsl. hold a (‘ollee hlorniiig in the 'l he brancli had its annti:il outing The wartiitli and frientllittess of’I old .\l:msion llouse shortly. this small branch has to be on August fill and a full bus load tnade ‘ftltlltllls ex-N the trip to Scarborough in extremely ithe proceeds to go to welfare futtils. ,-perienccd to be believed. lt's ti pity‘ hoped that the venture will be tthat the many Na\':il and ex-\'aval‘n good weather. It was a ilitterent state ‘it is siiecessfiil. of attairs when :1 trip ivas m:iilc on very men of the Island do not become the tiassenger barge "Water Gypsy" Shipinate lleresford I-Iady. the chair- members of this friendly branch. do not retilise what they :,|n,ny the 3,-nnln Yorkshire (1-n,,;n {nun man of the brancli. has recently been [)nn_.n,n_.r n, (;nntc_ Tin, 30 nn_.,nhL.,,- I awarded it cup by his yacht club for missing tn the iinavoidable absence of the ! :ind their friends who made the trip thc most in.-ritoiious small vessel ”n,n,n,n,h. L.nnm_.n n hm the nn;nh,_., voyage of 195‘). The award is iiigpresidcnt. Capt. Pyatt and the vice-t l)r. llroiigbtoti, Sliiptitate‘ ._\._,..- mM,_.' in Mlcnnny with an ,\“-tic, fL'Ct‘|gllllttlll_i‘l his fe:it_iii bringing his : ('oii\oy tliati a Mediterranean ('riiise.l7U‘l“" ‘3"l"‘t-' l‘1|!t~'s' ‘Will It‘ -hlllllll “- l)cnion. the chairman of the Still_ the \\i:.ttlict‘ could not blunt the : Coast moorings to t)one.ister. The bianch took the chair at the dinnerjourney was made with only one etew aitd proposed the loy:il toast. txieiidtiiiess ot the o::c::sion. his wife —and {tom tier aecotittts Shiptnatc \\’. t)i'ivcr in an atnitsing the Rille (‘tub mziintained its‘ high the bad weatlicr the inade joit.'ne_\ little speech proposed the toast of \l.llltll‘-Hi of in.trkstn.itisliip right 3 than worse "coating ship." The the Royal Naval Associzitioii. thioitgh tlte season and littishcd as braneh members are proud to add their the I’:idie of the branch, rtiniieis-iip in its league. As this was congratitlations to those of his club. ; .\lark I. the Rev. l'rank Roe llisliopf 5 pioposed the clith‘s lirst lull season it was a lthe toast of the visitors and the reply? noteworthy achievement a tid an was gisen by Colonel l.. (l. Jones. iiispiratioti for future .s‘e;ison.s. R.N.. the chairman of the ll:i\'ant and l-Isery l-'rid.:y evening is now beWiitcrloo Urban District (‘ouneil. Ile social at as a referred to himself as :i "(joal Ship; coming zieeepted night the lieadquarters. Activities range from and in thanking the branch The third Naval Queen of Middlethe Festival Hall Reunion as guest darts throtigh to solo. dontitioes. yarn padre for proposing the toast he com- ton. Miss Anne E. Worrall, after of the branch. Any branch wishing spinning ;ind the sailors" favourite ;ptimented the branch on the “_iolly her crowning on September 20 at this ehamiing young lady to attend food and ‘good jolly good he cotnpany. hranchi.-s in may ni:in_s the Annual Dinner of the branch. any .\':nal datiee or dinner should the l{o_\:il .\':irat Assoeitttiiiti jolly good time." With .\Iiss Wort-.iII are the presiwrite to Miss Britannia. I Cinder wtiich riiti a cricket secliiin but the 1 The toast of "I.:idies" was proposed dent and members of the branch. Hill Lane. Royton. l.anc.s‘. (Photo: only one which can he called to mind ;by Sbipinate J. Peel and he tliaiikeit; The new Miss Britannia attended Alan llalkyard. Middleton.) 'the ladies connected with the branch is that of the (ibathain branch. lfor the support giien to the brancti; 'I he Cricket Section of the branch held their lir.st dinner-social on Octo- during the past year. .\ll'S, Crisp on behalf of the ladies and, ber I7 zit the bratich headqtiarters. replied ; tliattked the members for the kindness20‘) I.titoti Road. Sliipniate New- ‘e\tended Hti Condor Club. which occiipiesv Wren .-‘\ltloiis. I.eading Wren Cooper. to them. cumbe. captain of the team. said that The toast master was the scerethe larger part of the N./\.I\.l:.l.iLeading Wren Knoti. Wren Daly and the team had worked very well and of the branch, Shipiuatc lv. Jones. buililings' at l-l..\l.S. Condor. is now; Wren tligniore. looked the part in the season with nine wins. tary After dinner sliipmates and guests open. The club boasts a ltl.\ltt‘l0llS their gym ttresses. The Men oi the Royai Navy nine defeats and two drawn malelies. , were by :i conceit p:i_rty lounge bar with the loveliest of fiirn- High-light of the evening was the It was obsioiis that their opponents‘ wlioseentertained have supported and administered hail found the braneli's standard and« tlonatcdfee for the occasion was being ishingsandttltra-modernlittiiigs. Here ".\tiss Condor" beauty contest. A to charity. can sit with one'.~: wife. friend or panel of judges from the Station chose their own Iund since I922. During code ot play acceptable for, witlt “ had bncn nut“. n nrcw mates in almost hotel-like .siirronnd- ‘,I.e:iding Wren (iillian ('ooper. honed n, aged that time £2.6l8.585 has been '.*""°l"""‘ "T “V” “""l“- .w(’0 §".”“"li.sL'ltlttllt|tl to that popular Sliipmate; Next door is an wellof tngs. 23. lllmwieh. Stalls‘. as ".\li.s\‘ (Zonequally "l’- h"9_“«‘5""“’"‘-“ lien Bruce. but unt'ortiinatet_\'. he was‘ appoiiited "l“""l-‘.' .l""'l"“l '.‘ "Men Bar. On Only" expended in grants to serving Runners-iip were Wren .\largaret include visits to .\Iargate. Sheerness. in and cnnln nm nnL.nn_ | other side of the club is :1 large aetivi- Zinii. aged 20. of Torpoint. Cornwall. ' "\l"“"“‘”l‘ “ml 5"'“"“"'k"and ex-serving Naval men. their The whole evening was :i splendiili ties room where a tirst-rate cabaret to l and Wren Pat .\lann. aged Ill. of Sidlloitoiirs were to trophies‘ ‘ sllcccss, mark presented the opening of the new club took cup. Kent. I 3"".“ °‘‘ d '3" "dz "" who ‘m d R. Abbey for batting atid lieliliiig andl place oti November ll. (‘.l’.(l. (i:ii't'y Smith delighted to R. Collins tor bowling. The latter were in necessity or distress; Mrs‘. (B. W. Tanner. wife of Captaiti ,e\*eryone with his mimiiig. l-lis versahad taken wickets Sh‘ of at A an l.ieuteii;int helicoper piloted by :iverage (3. W. 't'annei'. cut the tape across the tility was ainalittg. The ('ondot' Cool £552 _.176 to khdrcd . orzamrtion wicket runs R. .\l. most -a lrotn eomv Kerr. R.i\’,_ _i(t.-T6 .-\t'iel_ front of the bar in the lounge to.('at.s Skillle (irotip gave their version per ll.\l\. Ch:Idren': Homes. and mendable performatiee. and ‘Lee-oti~Solent. took a p:itient from‘ declare the new club open. She was of ‘‘\\''hen the Saints go .\larchiiig in" The dinner was followed h\ a most Wl‘l‘l|t!llll‘ll _H"-‘Pllill ll‘ lllt‘ RH‘--l -’\lti presented with a boiiqiiet. other ntinibcr.s. £3|-1953 tor training and finding was l-oree tlospital. llalton. on .\o\eniber‘ "the cabaret was an oiitstaiidiiig anip|_\ prmided too by(‘omedy ‘m.c,_.“[,,] ,n,_.;;,L a groiip of cmplwmcm‘ H" sitccess. l~ive Wiens‘ dressed as "little 1 Wreiis who gave sketclies on "Life The cricket .seeretary wishes to horrors front St. Triiiiait's"-~-l.cading1 with the J.R.'l ‘ ‘ ‘ place on record the thanks of all those RNB1 maintains its own Home to: who played to the scorers‘. umpires, }t.,\1_ Ships \-'enus'. l'reliin and. and lady helpers who provided tea i('arron. all frigates of the Darttnonth l Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham at all home listures and to the Main- Training Squadron. spent from Nov-5 Kent; and the Naval School 0 tenance Commander and his grounds- ember I2 to 16 at |'ortsmoiitli after’ men at Chatham. without whose a visit to Copenhagen. Motoring. Portsmouth. where co-operation the clttb would not have Naval men are taught to drive and heeii able to carry out its programine. :


HEADQUARTERS lHayling holds!


its annual





'.:i':' “?.t‘:"1‘t‘:..iti°“§."“i.£"‘3f:

















Cricket section reviews the season l5'ailor"





Miss coNDotT195T
















‘and ‘



Founder Members


was a great TIIE R.*The undersigned would X‘ Ilike hear from any zsiirviving gentleman I-‘ounder Member of the Royal ROYAL NAVAL 'l‘llI-I death of Instructor Rear» Naval .'\s's'it..‘l;ttlttI‘l atteiii;ifront any Sliipinate who Admiral Sir Arthur Hall. l\'.l£.l-I..i lively.have | inforniation knowmay Niivetiilier 2|. place took 1 ledge of any foiitider incmber, BE! ‘EVOLENT -('.B.. past H:ill had been president] l .-\dmiial present. the Welling branch of the Royal! iof I make this request for p:ivatc Naval Assoeiiitioti 1945 :iiid his‘? TRUST which will be made death will be lltegreat loss









“Au re.~i




incmber branch. l-lis wisdom atid guidance had 1 _m ‘ml’, t can contact. always llun .i gie.it .issi.t and hi._‘\Ill: that t know of coiirse of some who be \.U\. nnd n, rcnlm_._. In. W.“ .|l have passed on but there are still a l “'ml”"' -1 tn. “Hm few left and It is these that l iwulil like to trace. Y“““ f“'ll‘f""-"Adniiral Sir Charles l.amhe. the‘ G. W. \i.\son. First Sea l.ord. assisted by Adtnirall Sir .\tante_\ Power. the (‘oininaniler- Soiith West I.ondon ttraneli. in-Cliicf. Portsinoittli. stirreit ll..\l.S.‘ ‘ill \Vittltlnl;ttlsli.'t‘tti.' Riltiil. siiezitliziiii. |.ondoii. 5.\\'.lr. Sultan's (‘liristtiias pttilding on .\lo\em‘l her I‘). ,

Bromnton CrIt cm
























00“ OFF ct .i.r-eior Street. Chain -ir't Place Stake Dev -vi... I


*;..,,. is A





Flag Oflicer Flotillas Visits the Belffistn December. I959



R.N.A. Branch

I; an!“





OLD R. N.O.C.A. STANDARD LAID UP shipittiiles have much £1-Zl.l-' . -\S' l ‘ \H:rl: resutilctl in Septetttlicr.

to enthuse


since ittiinlhly meetings

On October 25 the attnu.iI dinner" held their heads higher and felt tlt:it \\;is held at \\lllL'll the Senior t\'.'t\.il this was their day, tltliccr .\'oitltcin In Ireland. (ltpt. tltc Cathedral. l.icut.-('dr. C. R. l., .-\itg.-lcs. R.N.. was j.!l1L'\l ol Osborne Kiutt. |).S.(‘. (c.\-R..\'.V.R.l. honour. and protiilcd .i \ci_\' coin}- the that _R..\.(l,('..-\. ch.tiitii.iit and able cvcnitt-,1 tor some l-to siiipiitates‘ now ;i \IL‘c"PlL‘\itl\.'tll. icccixcd the and _i:ii.-st». .'\llL‘l’ the lo:..il toast. the‘ \l.tllll1Il’(l from Sliipuiate (ilass to L'll.|li'Ill.tIl read .t rues-..i;.-c front licrl hand over to the Very Rev. l)c;tn .\l.ticst_v "l he Queen in zciily to .i tele- C. l, Pezicockc. Sltipmzttc 'l'. llrottn j.-raiit of loyal gzcctiitgs 1‘:om the’ was in charge of the stattdztrds. l\l.|ll'.'ll. The visit of the l-‘lat: Otliccr Flotilllic la_tin_e up of the old Royal i.i~. tllomc). Vice-.-\dinir;il Sir (‘hztrlcs .\';ival Old ('otnr.idcs' .'\.\\'0Cl:llt\\tl ,.\l:iddcn. liart,. tlying his flag in stziitdaitl at St. Anne's ('.itlicdr.il was ll.!\l.S. llerinuda prmcd a nientorablc also a great occasion, 'llic liititiiali one for the branclt. Trafaliiar Scnicc orgaitiscd by the | Capt. A. Robin. D.S.(T__ R.N.. of honorary secretary of the King (ieorge ll..\l.S. Bermuda and his ship's comV Fund. this year also embraced the- pany are also thanked for the special R.N.R. centenary parade for l-l..\I.S.5 privileges and hospitality enjoyed by Caroline (Ulster l)i\isiott). so the old llelfast sliipniates during tlte visit of standard made its last public appear- Jll..\l.S. llertituda. Members of the zince in titling coinp;in;.'. ;branch thank tltc lilcrntudas for the l.cd by the Royal .\laritte Hand line plaque which they are so proud from ll..\l.S. Drake the R..\'_ and ,to add to those adorning the walls of R.N.R. coiitingents. W.R.N.R.. Sea the lteadqttartcrs. The branch is (':idcts. Sea Scouts. Rangers and .\linc privileged to welcome increasing nuutWatching Service. witlt the R..\'..-\. in hers of liberty nten front Her Majesty l Vice-.-\dmiral Sir Charles Madden, the rear provided a spectacle rarely ships in the port at 55a Gt. Victoria Bt.. with the Belfast chairntan C. A. seen in the city. Maxwell. Capt. A. G. Rcld. 0.3.8.. The lilclfast branch on this occasion l'hc Belfast Branch standard was R.N., Capt. A. Robin, R.S.C.. R.N., marched from hc:idqu.'trtcrs to tlte ::on the the annual Remem- and Belfast Shipmatcs D. Hunt. _at assembly point. numbers being swelled l-esttval in the Ulster Hall and D.S.M.. Llcut. J. Hogg, R.M., T. by shipittatcs from Bangor. Mid‘on Remembrance Sunday the branch Bi-om; (hon. secre ] A Patton, Aittrim. and and headed wreath _was laid at the Cenotaph by |)_s,lv|,,C.Rua¢|y,[i‘, by the R.N.0.(,.A. slandartl and those the chainnan, hon. secretary and hon. u-“gun;-)’ gnd R, Gfiw (nu (hon, Friday the thirteenth hon. of the branches mentioned. To take treasurer. After the wreath laying treasurer) (Photo: Belfast Telegraph) is considered by some to be an tip the R.N.A. place Association ceremony. Area and Belfast unlucky day, the members of the Newmembers had to pass the uniformed Corporation. and the attendance of cutle and Gate-stiead bnncti would enioyod_ companies already fallen in. and o Lord Mayor in his parlour. the chairman and his wife at the not acne. On Friday. November 13 then came a great thrill. As the "sea- Invitations to the branch officers and Silver Jubilee dinner of the Belfast branch Iicld its General Meeting and it men guard" and successive companies wives to attend the R.N.R. Centenary Jewish Ex-Scrviccmcn and Women's most snecemfnl meeting it was too. were called to attention. shipniatcs ,ball given by the Lord Mayor Association. are indications of the The report on the Trafalgar Day standing of the Association in Belfast. dance was very satisfactory. :1 profit Belfast is now preparing for the] of £42 being made and of this no less Children's Christntas Party. to be held than £l3 was made by the Ladies’ on board H.M.S. Caroline by Committee. There is to be a surprise i


TrafalgrDayDance showed








the Irish

rcrprcscntattvcs _thc_

Good Profit

social activities including a with the R.E.'s Association,

Before closing the meeting the chairman. Shipmatc R. Finch. thanked Shipmatc W. Branch for a magnificent gavel and plinth made from the bell of HMS. Brave. Shipmatc Branch is the local officer for the mine-watching service and is looking for recruits. The branch gave a warm welcome to a new Associate Mcmbcr—llob Davies and wished him well.



Brat-tcl i m gcpari n g for l




City Open-Air Christmas Party Golden

again kind

The British Queen, the largest British oil tanker. of 50.000 tons. built for them later on. When the item on the Agenda- by John Brown 81. Co. at Clydcbank. nanted by Queen Elizabeth the corrcspondcncc—was reached there was invitation to attend the Queen Mother. on September I6. was an opening of Sundcrl:ind's new club headquarters and Newcastle intend The 16.000-ton Soviet atomic _iceto be present and the members congratulated Sundcrlanil on its brcaker Lenin sailed for her maiden achievement. voyage on September l5. Shipmatc Clasper. vice chairman of the branch, is putting a tremendous amount of work into the Christmas sense will towards a raflle and the profits go branch Standard. Arninizctitciits were made for various . .

pcmtission of Capt. Robson. Binsc. kindly lent for the occasion. by Sbillmalc Buckley ((7.0. of the Base.) .R.l).. C.O. Ulster Division R.N.R. Branch members regret the lengthy Main events of the evening were the dlntlntt Itirls. and a scottish piper. ; stay in hospital of Shipmntc J. Mallon. the branch padre rt.-ad Nelson's tllis old war wound has been giving Pniyer. and the skipper proposed it ‘trouble. It is hoped that he will soon be restored to health and strength, toast to our patron. On Remembrance Sunday, a number [to continue his good work for the of shipmatcs attended the service at ibranch and the welfare of his beloved City Hall. after which the skipper SeaA Cadets. the linal word of regret at the deparlaid a wreath, at the Cenotaph. on behalf of the branch. The branch ture of Capt. C. ll. L. Angles. His and support to The standardSt.was paraded the same even- encouragement Royal Naval Association while he Mary's Church. where the was ing. at Senior Naval Ofliccr Northern Padre condttctcd the Rcntcntbrancc Service. The branch standard was llreland will be ever remembered.

big social event of the year of TIIE the Golden City branch. is


past. The Johannesburg brunch held its Annual Trafalgar Ball. on Friday. October 16, I959, at the S.A. Naval

Miss Neptune Elected at during Newcastle

at last





left in the custody of the clturch. the service. Plans for an open-air Christitias Party. iit December, arc in full swing. (Yes, it is open-air n;t.l'llL‘.\. at this time sticceufttl that it is plaitiicd to tuakc it of the year. over here). The ltranclt .-\||l|lI:Il Trafalgar l);i_v dance‘ launty. has ollcrcil the the of his an arinii:ilevettt. of the t\'i-ncaxtle and (iateshciid home. it larg.-c latvu for lltc tlattcitiiz. A week latcr—on October 2-t—tlic branch of the Royal Naval .-\\\‘ttt.'i:llit)lI and a \\\ltl'tll'Illlt,' pool. for lilU\L,' who ladies section ran a llavaar. The shipis mm past history and \\ hat a mentor- need a little cooling oli. (_"l'()lllER was a busy and ntcntor- , mates of the association went along able 1.-vetting it turned out to lie. able month for the ni.;n~ib..-rs of; but what many of them did not know The llraucli has started its own Two ltuudrcd anti lifty dancers in‘ t'.cwsp.ipcr. “llte Crow's Nest." It is .11“; _\'L-“um Ahtm; bmnch of [hell-\';|\ wliattlicladiesitttcitdcddoingwith lltc money they raised. Previously the the Old Awciitlily Rooms enjoyed liopcd to advertise the R.N.A. through- ‘Royal .\'aval Associtititiit. tliciuselves. pausing ottly to watch the out the Uitioti and Rltoilesizts. it the ‘ l-oil)-one niciiibers. wives and ladies‘ money-ratsiiig activities have Miss Neptune W5‘) contest in which near future. by ltaving transfers made illt.‘l1I.l~', xisiteil l.oiidon for the rmnital > bcclt devoted to parties and for the the iuditcs were Captain G. F. lot the .-\ssocia:ion li;tdge_ for sticking ‘reunion of the Associatioii. The partylbraiicli's general funds, but now the Rcnwicl>.. R.:\'.. aitd t\lrs. Reiiwick. ; on to car wil'tt.l0\\\,ltlllttntlcslttlfg ship- left Newton Abliot at midnight and l ladies have their eyes on a new headI.ieotcnaiti Pattcrsoit. R.N.\’.R._ -\l|'- Ill.tlL‘\' will pleased to hear of the new itiiivcd ill London at 7 :i.nt. and quarters for the branch. 'l‘ltcir ellort and Mrs. P, :‘\nderson. .\lrs. R. l"incli branch being [united in (iwclo. returned ltottte on Sunday ntorituig oritaitiscil l‘)' -\l|"- I\- i\l- -\l|ll‘ "ml ll“ YOUR ASK the and raised :.‘_‘ill. coiimiittcc oter from l|..\l.S. branch ('hiel’ ()t'ticcr the §t.‘Cl'cand a l’ctt} istlllillcltl Rltodcsia. 5hipm;.i.: C, Lewis, l Lion. l-Z. .-\. I’.-\Rl\'lZR .t.try organised the trip :tnd it was so' biaiicli eltairnian. Sltipttiatc W. (i. OUTFITTER FOR the them on complimciitcd gl_;itigiidi:e .\lis~.‘ "lite ttiiiner was I‘)-year-old extort :\l;ir;_'.tict Tiillcn of (‘berry Tree Ro.id.l lltc llaraar was opened by Lady XIIIl\\i::h \lti-clds and her l..Itl_\"lI't‘\\-ZillXVIII‘ Sylvia Sayer who cominettdcd the ini: was Ill-'_.c.tr-old .\l:~s .\l.iri:;irct admirable work. She '_-_| Hurt: (cull llcphcr ul Net-.c‘.t~tlc. I ladies on tltcir DIIKDS I0 IAUIDIV '10 y;tt’tl\ back from this wall. It was also praised lltc Association. "Tltc Praise and ttiaiiks aic doc to Ship‘HMO-VENTED‘ FOR Wllfi Ill All CIIIITES sailors of this country are the finest in down in l803." niatc lliirlwcll and the dance continuipulled ‘ .-\ficr the tiitvciliiig a framed engrav- the world. They always were and they tee and to Sliiputates Turtle and ‘ing of the rectory was presented to always will be" site told the sliipmales. Cl:tsp:r who orgtintscd the :\ll\\ .\'cp7 Lady Silvia Coiube. who is :i trustee of On the next day~—Sund:iy. October SAVES ITS titnc (Iontcst. .\luclt hard work was iuvoltcd and the Newcastle .tiid (Bates.tlie Nelsoii Mcntorial Hall, at Burn- 25, between 30 and 40 members of the TIMES OVER 'hani Thorpe. in which the engraving branch attended the first of a series head liranch as a whole do thank of guest services at the Queen Street will he hung. everyone for their help the branchAdmiral Tltursfield recalled that Nel- Methitdist Church. ‘lite Branch Standocs itot forget the l.adics' (.|ltllfl'llllCL" IDEAL FOR NAVAL son's last visit to lltirnham Thorpe was dard was escorted to the Communion which organised and ran the ratllc witlt incl’ 70 prizes and which made A plaque iuarlxing the birtliplztcc of in I788. His father. the rector. moved rail where it was received by the WEAR ' Rcwnrnd U. | I out of the "'|L‘mb¢1' the \\all _B-D-.31 unveiled Clann. ltandsome on a lord Nelson was a p:irsoitprolil. rectory leaving and All the -'\S‘-0Cli|lI0fl- -5h|PmiW~‘ R- D01‘ Mrs. Nelson. and Newold of side the for (faptain near Shipmatc Anderson. now rectory. age ‘at the road castlc branch. sends his rci_:art|.s to llurnhani Thorpe. by Rear-.-\dmir;il Nelson \l:l)'(.‘tl there until I793 when he bear vvas the standard bearer. Shipmatc W. G. Latigridge read the Trade enquiries: B.-{fast and the branch tillers its con- H. (i. Iltiirslicld. president of the ‘left to take over command of the Mrs. Mills graiiilations to llzmtzur on the opening l-ltlicnliztnt Branch of the Royal Naval .-\g;iineninoit and he itcvcr set eyes oit Old Testament lesson andlessons. read the New Testament of its :t-:\\ ltL‘:itlt.tii:irlers .'\\\‘0t.‘l1|llUll on Sunday. November 22. lluriiham again. To round tip the month’: activities Aniong tliose who watched the cere[lit f-.‘u'i'Inr. T/ttlll/t’ \'iI!l_ Slii/iriirirc 1 Iltc plaque, which was titadc tit and LANE Cl;-iirrrmrt in: mm iItI'ffrlfitIll. but il ii prcseitted by ll.l\l.S. T':nc. llagxltip of moity on November 22 was Mr. R. H. the branch had a social on October WHITEPOST 30 entertained u (um: ii'mrm'i' Iimn Pn--iwmuili m;tlic ('ovn:nanilcr-in-Chicf. Home l-lcct._Scckcr. Cltairtitaii of the l-‘akenham 31 when the members were Nl'l|(’tI\IIt' ('|'t'Il 1.». u .\l:.u t\"t-plan;-1 ‘seats the inscription "The old rectory Branch of the Royal Naval Association by the Hobo Concert Party from E.9 lixctcr. in which the Admiral was born stood and members of the branch. cuiiti-.it.l


Newton Abbot ha October


is smart I!)















l l









N I‘ ‘V’ Y



December. 1959

Changed course of the in a single night

Note command appreciates it resettlement committees


Sir \\'ilIiaiii Diclison. one of the guests. H ho .sl'.Irtct‘.l his career in the November 10 the Coinnioilore country are very much aware of the ;\'aval Air Service in I916. and who them of value to men reand officers of R.N. Barracks. p_otenti.il proposed the toast of "Trirzinto" of from all branches Service. the Chathani. had the pleasure of dining tiring said "The Fleet Air Arm is outwith the ch-.iiriii:in, the Right Honourstandiiig for its etliciency. the quality his after dinner address During alile Viscount l)e Ifislc. \'.C.. and of its personnel. for its equipment Viscount De I.'isIe briefly surveyed iiieiiiliers of the London and South and above all for its reiiiarlrahlc the work of the Rcsettleiuent ComEastern Regional Resettlement Conimor-ale and espirit dc corps." than 150 oflicers who combined nearly 20 years ago to change the mittees, and. quoting front the mittee. He later unveiled a portrait of Sub.Progress Report of the Advisory course of the war in the .\Ttdll€l'l".lllt.‘:ll'|in :i single night met again at the The occasion w:is pleasant and stated that of 11.000 otlieers Royal Naval Air Station. Lee-on-Solent, on r\'ovcnilicr 6 to mark the anniver- |l.ieut. R. A. J. Wariieford. rt Royal infornial, and was. in a small way. the Board. i\';iv:il Air Service Pilot, who was who left the Services between .lul_v. sary of the 'l‘aran_to Raid. Nore Comniand'.s expression of appre;iw.irded the Victoria Cross for the 1957. and March. I959, over 90 per It was on Nuvcntbcr II. 19-30. when who took part was the designer of ‘destruction ciation of the work done by this of a Zeppelin in June l9l5. cent. had found satisfiictory t.‘Ill|)lt)_\‘-I-10 pilots and observers of the i-‘leetrthe Swordlish aircraft. The historic committee. and indeed. by :ill the The corresponding ligures for ;.-\ir Arm tlew their 20 Ssvordtisli ;iir'- “Stringli;ig" which ‘i\lill'L'Cl Lobelle I lie was‘ later killed. Mr. C. A. WarneRegional Committees, in smoothing merit. ratings and other ranks were 120,000 ‘craft to deliver :1 crippling attack on originated was tloodlit and parked ,t‘ord. a cousin of the tlyer watched the the path to civilian life of otlieers and and 97} per cent. irilfillllll H.’ll'b0lll' 10 SllCCt.'L'Ll in in Iirunt of [ho \\";|rd R9011]. and 'uriveiIing. ratings retiring from the Service. It is clear that the joint efforts of the . proving decisively the potency and . among those who saw it on their These Resettlement Comiiiittccs. of which there are eleven. covering the, various resettlement organisations have l"'_-'CL‘Wl)' (ll N1|\_'1|l 11”’ Power. A_ftcr a L \‘s;l_\' into dinner w:is Admiral Sir of 170 miles from the :iircr:ift~l)i.-nis ltoytl_ Coinniaiidiiig Otlicer of sshole of Great llrit:iin_ were formed‘ been most successful during the rtiit ilouii period of rnaiipower in the czirrier Illustrious they left three ol-the Illustrious at the time of the raid. early in I958 to assist in the resettle- Services. It is good to kriow th:it the the most powerful units of the Italian _-.n.| iiiany of his r|I:|]\g1' (!".|g‘g‘['\ who ' “mu in Ch.” ml. ‘,1-"K. hrgc number; I of ollicers and ratirigs leaving lllCl rescttleiiient inacliiriery set tip. will l tleet crippled and others sinking. Only . n.irt..-.1 to ensure the mg.-L-.. of thc Service under the terms of A.l’.().= coiitiiiue to function after the present ftwo of lltcll‘ nuniher lost llti.'lt' lives in Royal .\';.\--_;\ must sigrtilieuiiil Royal l‘l>'i 57. They are composed of period of preriiatiirc releases is over. the raid. which has hccti described ll)‘ .\'.ival air viclorv in the Secorid Woild as "an example of the ecoii- War. iiicliidiiig '(';ipt, K. Williaiiisoii. represeiitatives of Iiiduslry. Commerce. The knowledge that they \vill be historians the ’|'r;ide linions. and the .\lini.stry assisted in every way to lind satisfac- oniy of force. the success of which had |(_N_, and can j_ w_ n;.1¢_ R_N__ ..,-11., ORE than 300 otlicers attended of Labottr. and as :i result of their tory civilian employment at the end 11 l’'Wl0“"ll 9"“-'&‘l 0" Ills‘ ML‘dils'l'f&I" led the two waves of attacking aircraft. the Siibmarine ()tIicers' annual Others attending included war-tiine work. the managing directors and of their Service career will be. in itself. "cull Siltlilllofl-" at Il..\l.S. Dolphin on NovAttending the anniversary dinner in Royal Naval :iiid Royal Air I-‘oreei‘reunion men of personnel nianagers of conimcrcizil an inducenient to young Forces. iilddllltln ll‘ ll“-3 Film? ilml 0lJ5t‘f\'s‘|'5 stall otlicers who were concerned in ember III. and industrial tirms throughout the ability to join the Regular the planning of the raid. Among those present were two Mzirshal of the Royal Air Force. adinir;ils_ three vice-adiiiirals. ltl rearadiitirals and SI captains.













Tarant0—The Trafalgar of the air SQUEEZE’ lirilliantlylintcrcstcd execution “B


in the Navy will find of a Y SLTPERIT ainuanship and the faultless" N the eastern side of Plyniotith conceived plan. they not only surprised and crippled the Italian fleet. l~'enwick's book absolutely fascinating1 WHEN l'l.M.S. Urchin visited warsi for the well informative, as as all who know llrezikwatcr. as a but altered the course of the war in the .\lediter_i~.inean. I‘ortsinouth during November the toolsl battles in which and Afnca. well ship is North 48 ft. realise. a I’l_vmouth high (I2 to it») ,.he was visited on Novenirlreain. and laid the foundation for ultimate Allied victory in H..\l.S. described. sailors‘ are Lidniirably part shipwrecked refuge consisting her I3 by the .\layor of llford. who That was 'l'-aranlo. of .se:i—of smells the ropc—of'ol the iron an Victory top of a huge presented to the ship a plaque corticage at tar——of smoke—and it is without plinth. For well over a year Britain had incmorating the bond of friendship siitlered defeat after defeat. The hesitation that I recommend it to Recently eight burly Royal Marine which exists between the Borough of readers of Navv Ni-Lw-.-‘. They will Comm:iiidos—the biggest men in the llford and the ship. people at home, as well as our lighting services. badly needed a victory. and love it. training squad were picked for the It was the third occasion that the the l-leet Air Arm gave them one. six. plaque had been li:indcd to the ship 'l'.ir.'into——lhe Trrifalgar of the airinarincrs. It is trite that one ended iipl since it was first commissioned in was the victory -and what a victory! 1943. Alderinari R. Daniel, who made with hi.s liead outside. Twenty Swordlisli tool; oil from The Coiiiiiiaridos, led by Lieut. the nrigirial preseiitation. iiccoiiipaiiied ll..\l.S. Illustrious and. in one short R_ p_ Riqng. R_M_‘ “wt. an ;, “-cck-‘i Aldernizin ll, Boot. the preseiit mayor. night. iiillicted more damage on the ‘The ship's coininanding otlicer. Cdr, course with the 4th Raidiiip. Squadron It.ili.in battle llect. lying siitigly at at the R.l\-1. Barracks. Stoneliouse. D. .l. Bent. R.N.. presented the Mayor anchor behind powerful defences. people visit H.M.S. Victory uith a frariierl pliotograpli of the ship. i’l_vniouth. than the (ieriiizin Navy stillered in in Portsmoiitlr doekyard every year IlF.RF. seems to be sonietliing , I and although perhaps more books i.l.i_vIi;.'li: at the battle of liillantl. ”s\roii-g with our bloody ships lit 'I'.ir.iiito—(Dini i’\.t'll'fl'll uni! have been written about the fanioiis today." So said Adtni:'.ill).ivid Ilcatty /l. ('t'rr'l Iltlnipiliire. [mfiIi.\lii'rf Ii\';:\dInir.il who was hIllL'\l in her zit ; to his tlag capt.iin liirile Cliatlield on‘ ll'i'!Iitmi Kr'iiiiii'r—-25.s.)—lhe authors.'|'r;if.ilgarthan about any other Iitim. ithe bridge of the battle-cruiser Lion tell gtapliiczilly the events lcailing to.it is not until this year—-200 years during the tirst part of the Battle of this rcm;irlr;|bl._- cxpInit_ the stories Of‘ Lllllcf the ship was Ul‘llL‘l't.‘d"'llli|[ it Jutland. the men who tool; part in tlieffiill accurate story of Victory has Wliat has this to do with the of and the attacktheen produced. (Irganisirig planning ".\liglity Hood"? Just this, Hood as well as tliose_who actually took In hi; h.ml.; H__\l_s_ I/it-y,;ry sullered from the same defect that ‘lit’ I" *‘l‘k"‘”"‘"Kenneth t('ri.r.ri-I & (‘ri. Lid.‘-30.\‘.). PM"! our ships which were stink at Jutland I-‘;t.-It page of mic, hook hears the I-‘enwiclt tells the story of H..\l.3. had, viz. the indillercnt armour promark of authenticity. It is a book Victory from the moment she was ‘tection of our battle-cruiser.s_ particuPORTSMOUTH which should be read. not only by plaiiiied down to the present day. He larly as regards turret armour and those who foiight with the Fleet Air writes of her building. her retits and deck plating. ' Ann in the war. but also by those.moditicatioxis_ of the adinirals whose Tilt’ i\IfgItti' Hum]. Ifrnli' Iirrirffrirrf. now serving in the Navy and all those llags she tlew and of the inert who tllmlilcr mid .S'!4irit.'liIun Lid. l(|\'.) tells‘ who love a really good story well served in her. the story of "The greatest and riiost: The book is spleinlitlly illustrated ‘graceful ship of her time perliaps of .told, I c.in iinreservedly and a real pleasure to read. All those any timc—— the last of the l.evi.itli;iris," lllls lttlnli. Efroni her birth. her ancestry. her :cruises. her work, her guns, to her ' lsiidden death. with the loss of ‘)4 and 1.32! ratings on hlay 24. : l‘).tl. in the l)enm:irk Strait. This biograpliy of the Hood is well written. well produced and with splendid photograplis. During her long life tlioiiszirids served in her and will read this book with interest—and

shattered dictatorzs


H.M.S.Vict0ry through two




hundred years















the very


looking for suit your pocket. you


at a

price and

terms to

One ol the largest selections of used cars in the South available for inspection and trial at any branch of The llayter Group below. Pniilsgrove Motors. Austin Dealers. Southampton Road. Cosliarn. Phone Cosham 15224 London Road, Portsbridge. Hilsea. Morris 8: Wolseley Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 60418 Palmerston Road. Southsea. Austin Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 20939 Fratton Road. near Rex Cinema. Renault & Standard Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 27064




Pages Garages. Northgate. Cliiehmter.

Distributors (at Ctiichester) and Aintin Dealers Phone Chlehester 48-44/5

Eastern Road, by golf links. Austin Dealers. Phone Portsmouth 60948 t-layllng Island Service Station by the new bridge Phone Hiiyllng Island ‘N705 Portchester Cross Road. Head Oflioe and Sboiiroqins. Renault Distributors and Dmleis for Ford. Morrb. Standard. Hillinan 5: Connie: Phone Costiain 76434-S~ Bob I-liiyter Ltd 16-18 Grove Road South. Southsea. Morris Dealers Phone 7373! Part Eirchan welcome. Hire Purchase and Insurance aciliticsin’imedIatcty.avaiIabtc FREE ADVICE ON YOUR EXPORT QUERIES _





LEARN HISTORY THROUGH THE ROYAL NAVY S your son—or your daughterintcrcsted in the Royal Navy? if so then here is a book which will further his-—or her—interest and fill the youngsters with a desire to learn about the subject, and, in more passing. will undoubtedly give them a "new look" on history. Lieut.-Cdr. Peter Kemp. the Admiralty Archivist. in The True Book about The Royal Navy (Frederick Muller Ltd.—8s. 6d.l. describes the mighty ships and epic. sea battles. from the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the sinking of the Bismark and he explains the devclopiticnls in ship-building and Naval strategy which helped to keep Britain's enemies at bay over the years, This book would make an admirable Christmas present.

H.M.S. Tiger. the Navy's latest cruiser. left Portsmouth on November 27 to begin a commission in the Mediterranean.



IIJJ. flarrackl






cc.-mun ._‘







|0.3O p.m. Telephone: PORTSMOUTH 6! 63 a.m. to

\"\\‘\' .\'l-IWS

Deeeiiihcr. I959








l'L‘Bl.l(I Sl‘ll\'l('l>Z (.'().\l\lIs§Il).\ (?0.\lFOK1'Al!I.li A('C0.\l.\IOI).\TIlI.\' :t2w:ti\ hr the IN“! ol .n:iil.1l'?c tor nasal men and their lM\¢\ and Applications are \I)Ll‘S’iI.l{R l.’lfllIllL‘\.short lets iircletted.-~ Phone l’otl\i~.-.oiiiti lN.\'lRl.’('lt)R. :-i:2iI tor anmtntinciit to iicw. l-'tiR('l:. I)ultl‘\: Sucecutiil caiiilidate rciitnted. under ‘TWO COIII-'0RTABl.\’ FIIRNISIIHI) I-\nm~. the izcnctal lllf(.‘slltlfl\ ot the t‘oiiit:i.inditr.t use ol bath and kitchen: scp.'it:ttc so.-Ker.» lillctt, Ul'l'tt'er, to lH\HI|sl the iolinizcrts in the lol- l 40 Wot-dniancoti: lload, Milton, Poitsu-oiitri. ltiiiiine: ltitrt.-iat count-ustion l.‘tlglllc\_ diesel cii;~:ncs_ IIl.t7IllL' l‘(lli\‘.'\ and II t~3nes_. S0l3IllSI~I.\. comenletit for l‘JI\l.'\ to n:ii.il(‘\!:ll‘- i l-.si:ty comtott. Sluniretiand |'\‘d\. I I-\t\I'|i~!lu|1 t‘t.1ctice. llc will he I('I[\tIlIl i: In! ll\llll!L'lll\. nasal penoiitiet. with or \\illl«lll'. lot -‘Ill 'nC\il.IllIs'.|i t-iiiimineol tor -u.‘n llI~. I.’llt\lI \'a;.1ii;it~s Mrs I\\.ird. Raicn. "lien-!deric." .‘l> \\'IIt‘llt'.tt‘.: and lot the lll.I!IllL'll.I€k't.' --I the I-tr.c'~ t\o\\er I‘honi.: i’tIll\ll1DlIllI 3~llh3I. $aIItlh\t.‘.I. Road. lVl_|I\ s\il' also l'c reunited ti--i.. lime to time to salt) out g\'ll.'IIl| otltte il|Ill{‘\ and tutttdc. .\(1'().\l\l0l).\'ll0N :i\:iiI;iblc earii‘ l)eccnil'cr. ll‘JIlllI11.'. and when nctcuats to :eti-:\i: other Short period or longer it teuiiiied. ttii "(‘ l'tt\ l instructors lor periods or !e.i\e. eIc.. when he ‘niuii: to dockuiid. Suit quiet. clean n:t\.1l witrie. Ptionc l'ortsinoiiiIi $72!; alter ti pm. \\I" be rcstkinxthfc tor the it ll.‘l.1I il:iv to dai:idintntnttaitotI of a l)l\l\liI:l ol the I-‘on: :tnd





_ '



tor the sate custom of its \it|lC\ and euuirimcnt. t,)u:lili.'.1tion\: .\lii\t tiase \tf\td in a Font-








hit ers.

Aititiecr or (tiiel hie.-hanitiaii: ll'l|A\l ti:ivc a (Z00!) IIOUSIE auilable hnuary. ltirite nioili-r. thorough ktiowleilire of internal coinl\u\'.ion niwd kitchen. lvathrooni: small Ll..l2.‘.

diesel engines. marine and llIll.|int\. \\ot|.\hop practice and previous uncrienee oi teacliinit tticv: subjects. Salary

engines. H.070


per annum.

.‘\r\r\l) ttvuier, -t l.ec\lai-id



lto:id, (msport.


Aiinoinuiient on .:ontraet.'iiuiuin- lertm tor each ot I5-iii months in the tint . instance. Gr.-ituiii It tale ot fl: tin. Ittr l'nli.'h mmnletcil month ot service. Free [Ifl\\IK(‘\ tor in IS A I-‘ACT that IIIIII)‘ service ollietsru and otbeer, \IifC and up in 3 children under lit. men pay too much In. Do you’) \cars and in additioxi an education all-nuittcc A retired lncottic Tu mftcer In rirenari-_d to tor eliitdreii when not resident in Ghana ol i.‘tt)u

two luull

ll.-.\l.S. Newfouttdlitnd

i H.M.S. Newfoundland sold to Peru ‘

I .:\\ist you with your tax tltolileiiis. 1eim< :i xlllihl lot on to It ttiildrrti tinder lti yearn. (‘omult I.‘-tut. ti. I-2. \'. .\tou, modist.-itr, tlmlii :il!oi.s.'inct‘ EM}. .=\cconin:odatioii at low tt..\'.\'.tt.. 50 st. Vincent Crescent. ll--mdcan. rental. lr\lcrt:~l-lice advance for car and car llanis. I‘l’IJllIICl"lJI'IsL‘ allowance, Generous lioinc l€it|'l'

lot) mi. lmomc tax at low local rates. For lnttlier paiticiitars and application loiint u\.lA.\‘ radio controlled taxis. :4-tioiir sc.-ii.c. write. .\lJIlll|2 atte. uuzlilicatiotis and I‘\|'\‘fttl\(l.’ --l'i:I.: ”t)ll\lIk)I)Il| 35333/-I (two Iinh). tn ‘III!-I Dllll-Jl'|‘tJR ill’ RI-'.lR|'ll'.\ll=..\l'. (illA.\’.\ llllill ('tll\l.\llSSlti.\'l€R'S til-'l-'l(‘li. ll0l3Sl>Zll0l.l) I’J-TI-ICIS and NAG“ \Gl’ t‘ I} Ill-il.(iR/\\l-1.‘s‘l)l Altli, LUNl)().\. h.\\‘.l. l stored. mused. partied. .\hipp::d. \\'liite Ltd- North liiid Junction, l‘ottstr.outli. l'lioite tout. \PPI.I(.'A'l'i'(IVS are iiniled fr-in‘. .'i.\n-ciim- 1 ll0l.‘Sl-'. PURCIIASIZ. An ideal scheme for those iniwonc.l ollicers in iii.in:ir:e otl licenqs lit the l ahead. too-.'. ndiaiici: :Illt.‘l ihtec )rat\ -itttlierii ht-ll oi the country. .\nn!i.-tints should 3 Iookinir at low me ol interest. Moitiraires tcmtd in turn! he married and nit-tet;il~ty under .to. and in. or death. write tor Leaflet. "the _Ilou\<' ‘ possession of .1 current driving licence. .\|1[IllCAfll\ /\\\ured." to the Pt_o\idcril Lite Axurciatiqin ot will be itiun an initial trainuiii period and will London Ltd.. 246 llutwruaie. London, I-.t .1.

the end of June, this year, New‘TToundland returned from a very

successful I8-month eommitniion in the Far East iihere the ship. herself. had been since I955.



After foreign service leave those of licr ship's company not imnicdialcly on draft set about the uninspiring task of reducing her to a state of "Extended Rcsenc." Once highly polished brighlwork had to be greased over and slowly but surely stores were emptied out of the ship until it looked as if the duty olliccr would be left


on a





history of 17 years‘ active service it will be surprising if ls'ewt'oundland does not pop one or two sttrpriscs on them. Now under the coninizind of Capt. F. Sulmon. she has been towed to Southampton where Messrs. 'l'horncycrofts will refit her prior to sailing for Peru early in the New Year. Capt. Sulmon. like the last captain (Rear-

This lirial stage was not reached Admiral Hczlcl) is a subiiiariner so for. early in October. I95‘). Admiral the cry of “I00 revolutions 3-llll'l1t)ill'ti Mouge. Chief of the l’L‘l’ll\‘liIl‘| Naval side" may not be forgotten. All who Stall. visited us and after tcry rapid have served in Newl'oundl:indwill no negotiatioiis with the Adiiiiralty doitbl be glad to know that she has ’l‘ a Ciiiiihiiicd .\l;inagciiieiit Coni- bought llte ship for Peru. livcnts been saved from the scrapyard anti iiiiltce Meeting of the Royal to move sit.-iI‘tly and within l0began days will continue to fiillil her riglitfiil role N (l v a l lileetricians Association the advance party of Periivians. oili- as a warsliip. : (R-N-E./\-) and the Royal ccrs and ratings, arrived shivering in be teiiuitrd on i.‘t:ll.1tn occasions to do a rirri--ii ..-‘lnialgaiiiateil Electrical Artiticers the cold of a rainy "doekyard day." of relief l.lllII(\. and when promoted to the status of a rtianaiirr iaill he ntosided with 3 good coniSociety (R.N.A.E.A.B.S.). Stores were re-embarked, radar sets H.M.S. Victorious left Portsnioiitli Iocnciiiit salary. plus coniniisiiiin :tnd rtnuoii. ;held at the Royal Naval Association warmed through and gunnery systenis on October 30th for the Mediterranean. LI\’iI|l zicconiniotlaiion with tree (‘it'sIl'lt.'lU'. Ins, Ellcadquarlers at Pitt Street. on at least made to look workable. mat and nix: will be provided.-—Anp|ieation\ The ship returns to Port-.iiioiitli on should he iiiade to ‘Ilse (ialle-ui \\'inc ('0. Itil.. i November it it. was agreed that a The Peruvians. who speak Spanish. December I-I. LTD. L‘li;it:ibets, 5: lllllll) btiiiatc. l.\-l".d<'tl.' Social Cltib be formed. and named were naturally unable to take over the the "Royal Naval Electrical Social ship at once. so for a period of a fortIII}! .\Il‘l.l.\RlD Il.\l)l() \'.\|i.".‘II (‘0 L11) Club" (sponsored by the R.N.E.A. night the ship's company continued The following results hate been re\\'aiIiloii. lli\I' -‘I i:ic.inn tor : Tl('Il. it vacancicsfor have Lind the R.N.A.F..A.B.S.). 'l'he object to look after her. altlioiigh the Perti- ported in the Home Air Cotuiiiaiid .-\. ‘l'.r\Nl‘ (l'F$I'iI|).\IU) .\l.-\INl‘r..\'/\Nt foster social :ictivities through-; vian ensign was flying. 'l'r;iined on l)ivisional Rounds of the Navy (fiip: llc will be rctiuir -it to aunt in the toe ion ;ir EXPEMENCED RADAR MECHANICS oiilto the ‘aiion tit l.iiill\ and measiitcnieut iii.ic.ut Eleelrieztl Bratielics of the‘ American lines the l’cru\'ian person- R.'N.A.S. Arbroath2. R.N.A.S, Yeovil\‘lL‘\ in the ctiuiiiii~.c:it usril tor zuriiut ltniisniiitiiizz and maintenance for ‘he 5 Royal ‘Nat y. izilses and IUl(l|\\AiI\|.' destces. .\ it-Ms] r»t.i.'t:c.tI nel quickly grasped the layout and ton I‘. R.N.r\.S. Bl‘:t\\dy 4, R.N.;\.S. .iiid tlii-on-Itc.il kiioultdire reqtittcd III theit was agreed that the Captain of oddities of the ship: though with :i Lossieiiioulli 0. tuning of I€\lIIllulll.‘\ used in tlic lE\llll|! and .ii~;i‘.icaIion or ill..\l.S. Collitigivood. Captain 5. E. all types of Ci\'\IIl|II 1lll\'\. guttieiilatls those °"“"E“Y E°""’"E“T tinctatinc at medium to both I‘-liner in the ll.l".. ; tum, 0.8.}-2.. M.l.F..E.. R.N., be asked \’.ll.l-'. and l.'.Il.F. tattges. and Ill pulse and permission to hold a General ;for radar applicaiiotis ‘lticoictical tramins: \hO\Iid he °fq"°"fim' particulars MD!’ giving to at it‘.'l\( H.N.l.'. si.ind.ird. and mine C\Dt.‘l‘lClk‘C Heeling of Senior Electrical Ratings. of mi.roi.s.ni.s iiou‘.d he an adunt.iire. ~.\ppli"'°"‘- °“" “’ ’’°’‘°""°' ’“""”‘°" in Buckley Hall. H.M.S. Collingwood. cations should be made in writirtir to the Petsonnel Ulliecr at the atutc address. on January I6. 1960. to form :1 Commiltee and to start the "Club." Furtlicr inforttialion can be had Careers in the llonorary Secretary troiii tR.N.E.A.). Registered Ollice, H.M.S. skilled craftsmen as Collingwood. Fareham. Hunts, who is conetc. Good temporary Secretary for the Royal .Naval Electrical Social Club. (Tel. ditions and rates of pay in new Ext. 146.) 42-1|. BY OUR SP1-ZCIAL C()RRl:5p0NDEN'f It is hoped to promulgate further X Personnel Officercruise iihicli milled ti front on Hang Kong N August 5 H.M.S. Mounts I-lay iiiforination in the nc.\t issue of the was to take I0 weeks and would involve steaming ll,000 niilcs. NM \' .\t.\\s. the‘ After it passage llirottgli the l’hilip-- ship. arid the band performed on PORTSMOUTH Fitzherbert Road, pitie lsllllltls‘ the ship passctl along the quarlcrdcck. Bad we: lter again dogged otir footttorlh coast of New (iiiiiica. She crossed the line witlt the iisttal ccrc-i steps aitd isils to lliree islands had to iiiony and. after making xi l’cllLlt.‘l‘s'i‘Ill\'j be cancelletl—ltu\vcver. we did see with the Dutch deslroyer_livertseti. slit: Liiganville in Espirito same and Vila ;ii'rived at llollamlia. Tills port. \vlitt:h in Efate. Hospitality at both was over“W "‘-‘‘'~' !‘’*‘'‘~‘'‘ i‘“'~‘7“r‘ ,°-‘“"°‘ is the Goveriiniciil seal for l)iitcli New \\'l1l:lllllllg.We sensed the presence of C!¢'“°“~’¢“"- '9 “°“’ “'‘d°''£'-“"‘E'— 5"“ Guinea. was built up by the .-\iiiei'ieans 'l'aliiti (Freiicli) and local dancing. At Santa it barbecue was arranged “'|5|li- '\'\ during the war and a pleasant two 01 "-000 ‘‘’'_‘‘ ““‘“"‘“'d) d"i’l“‘3°' days was spent sightseeing and swim-I for a hundred of the ship‘; company. ment at launclied _the carrier was iiiiiig in the huge fresli-water lake I01 Conipanioriship and refreshnicnt was ; Brest in said She I957. is l)eceml_ier, miles iitland. Various sports nialcltesl uniimami, am; for food [ht |ocg]_n;‘K had killed two bollocks (steaks done i W N” Y 60. :ureral't and her full were played. after which the and gin pi,“ etinipleiiient is 2.700 including I7‘) presented the ship willi trophies" in the ; an Open in|,,,[,“.,,,,)where :i lire hail 0|l|s'¢1‘*. (roasted the sand form of articles of native worktiiatiship. been). A truly delightful ilay. The next stop was :it .\laniis Island. GILLETT WORKS. GREAT BOOKHAM, SURREY L where the ship refuelled. .»\ liaison was 2 9 AUS'lTU\l.IA cstahlislied willi the very sinall Austra- 5 the nest port of call was the l'rcncli lian base called H.M.A.S. ltiratigait. : an“, 3-,”. .3,“ “_-;,,,,,,,g_.(,m_ 5,,.,_.,, -\\i\V Nflllillcil of base in etid at the ,l’acilie east ('utticil~r, ('i'.il lfltrkel’. Rtvliald $lIiIlCl_ Lesllc Un then to Rahaul at l'|uHii=~. "lhi: lliingnian." Western. Robert New lltitain Island. Here we lirsl met §Caledoni:i. We were returning to iior- 1‘a;.lor, 'li'i=.i l.it|li\t‘, l-'i.-vs l'.iri.er, "Alias tllc Austialiati at lioitte. and in particu- _inal civilisatioii by then atid loiind ..li-«e Jzitnn" (('o1i-ut). Outdoor lixtr'.iv:ig.1tir:i. .Iloh lin|‘.€. lar the liospitality of the Returned .hars and cafes tziiid expense). ‘,7 It tanig. \'L‘XllUfC tcuoiirl, l b l8 in tic ' -'riitii slip "\\‘atii-i‘ .\l.ntScptciii er Service .\len'.s league.‘ Two very DJ\‘I|] Taina l3li:, ni-tv. 1-: _L'r WING‘ £:)tf:Ifrf"(Colour). Adietiturc l"..If;.l‘T. plcasanl days were spent in this inlet‘- “‘l” M 5)d"."" A "W for 5cm» |'“°rc5"‘ .\li:!odt.itii.i. 'l‘u| llrynncr. Charlton llestott. gxliflg place, Visils \\'L‘l'C [3.ll(: lit the,'31 3' ]°"¥'l5' “ml: "T in Ileltl" (Colour) the lilo--tit. Hole "A Claire tolcaiiocs ttear by (the ltzithottt itself varied front Lzingaroos to the liridge. Drama. litaiik 1 t('iticniaS.'opet, Cuitit-dy is in il. crater arid the whole area ls‘ Ilie beaches ll llondi and .\lanly-— thiiiatra. Thelnia Rttter. Robinson. lzdis-.itd (2, “"3 b‘-"-'7 drillbillll t or lllfil PW" "tau Train troni (inn Ilillt(Culuiir). Outdoor l"_ \olcatiii.'). Kirk The ship was not-. well into the cos-tiiopolilan aliiiosplicre of soiitli-cast trade wind bell and tile p;l\- "bloody": ( ross. it was rumoured that 5,-...,,,,_ .\-.u..,.,., w.,-.,,_ --1.. .;.l_,._., in tho upt.'ll sea were most more milk than beer was co_nsunied .,,.,.,;_, .\cri.il .\lclndf.lIIl;I, Richard Allen.during the period aloiig-side in Aus-;siom." m,p|¢;.,;.iii_ = we m~Ii-=WIERI) I)A.\'('|.V(i Hand Niieii. Shirk)’ .\i;i.'L.iiiit:. (‘iii iii: ~--:n.: uet.-ns an I ‘est. to t e IVUI1 em Ilelwceti r\ui_:ust 25 and 3| the ship port of Cairtis‘. Again it great viel-‘i was in the liritish Solontoit lsl;iiid.s. ll) tour was‘; ing the tlistiiigiiisliiiig tlag of the High | conic. The best sigliiseeingrittlears to« TRANSISTORISED Cointitissioner for the \\"esterii Paeilic. a rail trip in open diesel the tableltiiiil heights (L200 y0LrA(;5 3531114 "ms I)iii'ing this little the ship visited \l.\ It and sheer and Sheer precipice Iieauty. Good rates ot pay * lllilclclll islzimi» mostly itlzwcs which -2 25 at a control tor -i “._“ imc"_.\”mz '0 be mu“ from me went: dislticl ilL‘;ltiqUiIl'lL‘l\_ A call I») D "‘°"°m°' M ‘M V°' conditions * Pension scheme after -ind to lie ‘on “ram is an ll.\l ship occiirs :ippt'o.\itiialely i.upr.i mil in ll ct. "lands 1 Regulation closer than :._-(1,-i-y four years and the iIt‘;iliil:iItls' in the litnrl of sugar and toliueeo. Canteen -A- Train and T here : .'l'lte last port of call was Dili in ‘ at,t".betwconeittremes are very keen to see new fat: temperature train was‘ a lot of ollicial and private enter- Portu-,-ticse 'l'iinor. where the slllpl__6oc ‘O “O C to service bus * Assisted travel of‘ A real lioitrs for 36 feeling taintitcitt At one i,slattt| t\l'.i‘:iil:t) a ‘stopped illowance. party of -10 were taken by launi-li some fl'lr.:llIi$illp here. The army were very! from the I5 tttiles throng-It lagoons for :i 'lav's liospilahlc to a party island barracks hospitality -littieli. l'ootb;i|| and '.s\\llll- 't'ld look them to :iiiThe party |clt_il] 'niin_g Al aiiotlier island hzirlioitr some 20 miles away. NEWTON '-"4 kliaki rettirnetl -t'l‘iilagi) il iiio_t'tiitii:‘_“ \‘lll_t.‘I’l_:tlll'Il"IIl while tittil‘_orni Personnel Managein Anon, tn oc'trin i'o:tv.s) and DERBY ittcluiliiii: tdinty s-ti-tine was iirranged. iirwioit nos. (amt) i.to. Ull ()ctoh-tr I‘ the ship arriscd at --it the above address‘daiiciiig by a illllltll'.‘li",'.ll'i§.iiiti_s?t‘ by iiiricliiners and: ALFREIOK itorio DERBY ';g Iuiiiilsnii hillltl llllli \\|L‘l'tl i“.tll\'lllt: lit‘ 'Siiiu:ipire to iiiaintziiti ‘: Luv. n-.‘.uru,:».'Il:.'.i -s'.i,l _n)cll from the Reef ls‘.iti-'s | Met in; citing -\ r.-ril Iiin V"-Ir rt real lrt-,';tl.' it-.::-' C-‘lg l7‘Pil,llt IUIIDIIGS. so iiiriwii ircil r;:n-‘gr and lt.!l|lVlC “Oils. all these \.'l\\ round the "the i
















"l‘ri(i_i ;i








H.M.S. Mounts Bay’s Long: Range and Remote Work


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{French Carrier on Trials

















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Rll4ltIlt.l.l lifiljlltlg‘, \\’eII\tl‘c|Il‘(|.'iirey. .







Ilave Vacancies








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Holder tgorm

working fying period -1.-‘Excellent










or wrttlngwim




















pleasant quali-


Dcccmber. I959


H ome Air Command have TALE TO THE VERNON Successful hockey week

Portsmouth boxers lose at Aldershot

Vernon Players’ Revue

HE Home Air Command held its against the Royal Artillery. resulting Hockey Week between Novcniber in a win for the (‘ommand. ?.—|. This I4 and 22 and a successful week it was l\i:is' a combined team m;itch~R.;\l. Portsmoiitli Command Boxing "We ioiitrrl the Navy to see the world too. The team played 7 games won 3. Corps and Air Coinniand. were beaten in the match Am! wltrrt dftl |I'I.' e '.’ we saw the sen. Club 2 and drew 2. The matclt arranged for November , lost W e Mill’ it /rum (import, saw it /mm lleirroa In the first game on i\'ovcmber I-t I9 gigainst I)or.sct "A" had. unfortun- I against tlte Aldershot Services by three boots to live :tt Aldcrsliot on NovemSnw it from Frrrclmm. rig,-Iii mmid In Pnrrsi-u Havant. neither side gained a ately. to be cancelled. against ber I‘). ()/i! and once we JUN‘ it up at lliver G." clear ascendancy over the other. the 11.. ,.im-,.. ..itg,., M. an. ....mt.¢, at R¢\|lll\ being in brackets were: 25th In the defences prcdominatirtg. Port in Again" I"leet's opened from "The ahol a n of lII‘f‘§' sIf.lfls€i\‘re ‘in (‘u rise! a song adaptation FeallIervvei:hI.——,\.|l. Silslis (lI..\I.S. Excel.~\mn. (7): l.ieut.~('tlr. ._ half Smith ',\na...._-n of the second (.-\t’ts.l .~y,..‘_“m_;t_ir, Vernon us; in the i.¢..._ minute lost on points In llitlenun Head. tletit) _s...;m,._ Il..\I.5. Vernon's annual variety production. pi.-rfomted l tuna(5)2 llolrtwd its !\'.i\.r.'c (II .\I s. Dolpliin) Kelpic l.i:htvoei-.:ht.(‘.t'.ti. 1 ll) managed to score, Re-s‘ul1—-won rose) (-1); l('utdro\c) cinema. during the last week of l\'ovember. l.ieut, ltiilmet (Ariel ll) (3); l.ieiit ‘lllvl tn Swpcr Ili-mitt. llli,‘ !\‘lt'lt‘t.' .\lrip"t|'I|[ l--0. i lonttin. \i.e-cant. t.\rt\ro.1Ih tr»); (‘.l':.A. llcctor bout in the tirst round 'l'his year however. instead of rely- three nights‘ run. In fact nearly l00 l Illlc\\ellrr\u'ii-Jar. tl_ou‘ieriiouiht (5): stetihcns itcovilioni !\.i\_ Bournein the second against All. .\l.llllIt.‘V\\ (lI..\l S. game. ll|’Sl the night. ' mouth. the Home Air Command lost (I): Apprentice Niirrish Mriel II) N); R.l..«\. iospn-it ' ing on the normal, slick. braslt were turned away on Iinl in 1. ‘Col. lite-:iiis_ the rt-term f t\riet_ ll) (7: Inst. Lieut.-(‘i.lt. ”.ll0€ ntaterial. the show was developed as iiidicatiiig that a longer run was l -3. the Bournemouth team giving ti i Manes Ill: stiippim: the boot in the third r.iiiii.l. .\'.r\. Smith ti\rieI (Iil: I-..i\. ‘lll |I\rxcti ; l.izht-middleweight. .\ ll. Hilton (“.31 S. form the justified. an intimate revue. It took teiztitiin i('iitdrose) tr»): l'.(). Ali (Itnivadyl (2); inside forward of c.\liibition l--st urt points In Sit.-iulinan R, llsllflllllll. It is dillicult to explain the success and sub-Lieiit. Randall t(‘uldro«:)U). of an account of the proceedings of lloliiii .\i\ .\liller (ll.\l.S, li\eclIeitt) he-at H..\l.S. "C'.iryniore" and lter crew. of what may be fairly called “non- l pl:iy. I) Ilinl on points. l..«('p| The third game took place on Middkwrighl. Nhipitute Pttgh (|I.M.S. The visit of the ship to foreign ports matclot material." .\lost of the acts |Novembcr l6 against and "A." Hants Alhioiit l‘c.!I the referee stopMiicliell, (‘pl (Director: was used to introduce items with an were of a musical nature This boot the l—l. tile sceimd round. I'.U. in result drawn was the tlini: a game lnst.-Cdr. C. (‘i. Mount) with complex ! was inti.-rnation;il tlavour. Jones M .'s. (ll lthl lzseetli-nri on puiflh to a liard-fought match played on a 5|-ls‘ L routines Iidsurds (choreogr;ipl1)'. dance .Cpl. The revue had a cast of over 50 good ground with outstanding good lli-.n,»ci:tit. I. t'.ii llrstlcn in 31.5 v..;. ollicers and men together with 18 Taylor) which normally hold little :umpiring. but (‘pl 1. liiddi-iiIi.iiii. the refuge run) The ('ointnand might perVernon Wrens whose "l5rcnch Diver-t interest for Naval personnel. However, ‘l"l‘l|iII-: the hunt in the third round. be considered :i little lucky to thaps sion" which included the can-c;m.’» the show was estrcmely popular. held Hampshire to a draw and high «have proved to be the higlilight of the The cyiiics will say tli:it ‘but for Prescott in goal the result: attendance ligtires merely reflectcd ‘could have been pcrformzincc. very dilfereiit. :\l:in that the \ll\\\V' was free and was perwere. lndividtial acts The Sixth .'s‘iibin:irine soccer team. The nest gaine was against Siissex Littlctvood as the King of Siam, i\likc foriiied itt a blank week. Undoubtedly i at l.llllL'llZ|ll\[‘|l0ll on Noventher l7 tbased oit llalifas. Nova Scotta. has been contribittory li:ive a this Cookson as must and Evans .\largo and resulted in a win for Sussex. 6—l. had a very successful seasoli. 'l‘hcy= that we there but .signs were David factor, Slierrard., Oriiaiiicntal Orientals. With the Command forwards almost have won the i\ova Scotia. the Triin been television, have overstceped Tony .\lorrison and lloward Jones as blotted out by a tight defence the Sus- ‘Service and the .-\tlantic Cominand in channels everyt ciitcrtainineiit (both tlitcc Wrens in Singapore. Shirley \-.-.is- ;i r..tlt..-r sad occasion on se.\ attack split tltc (oiiimattd defence Icliampionsliips and the Miliii: 'l‘rophy_: .-\lleii. the l-l-_vcar-old datigltter of mcssl_ This may have been :i healthy tirttc and titne ;ig'.iin. fTlicy were runners-up by goal aver- l-tid;iy_ ()-clulacr 3|_ at |t_,\1_5_ ,\ri.;1 C.l'.(). Allen of Deepwatcr. enter- reaction against the ‘‘goggle-box.‘' ()ii Friday. i\ovember 20. there was age oitl_v———in the ’l‘ri-Service l.cagtic: tWoi-thy Down) when (‘;ipt_ J_ l), .\l. line has Vernoit a with her very atttliettce taincd the a draw it game between the (‘oiitmand atid are waiting for a tixttirc with Robinson. C.li.l-1.. R.N._ after 41'. froitt fact This emerged clearly in known accordion, She is widely group, and the Royal .\l:tt'iiies at l{a.stttt:_v. R.('..-\.l-'.Suninicrsidcin Prince ‘°"'l*"~‘. look thc _\’;tIu[c at hi; that is they. It the hoped performance, l’ortsmouth and (iosport for her sucTltis was an excellent ganic in which i island to decide the .\laritiine (‘h:im- I LN ])iyisiutts_ which was attended by andl as a group ccsses in musical festivals and owns will remain together the ('ontmand did enough to win. The ll"*‘"*lt|P. the civic dignitaries of the city of the junior accordion champion of perform at various mess functions.‘ (‘ommand's torssards got going proRegular players for the .squ:ii.|ron \\"m.;h.,-st.-n booked have olliccrs; already The .\l;i|t;t last year. petty After the march past the ship's perly for the tits! time. This was :i team have been:--— The dance. for them fortlieoiiiiiig ;i l.ieiil.The revue was produced by Derek l)csinonil_ goalkeeper; Alex-7.:oiiip.iii§,~ lined the road leading to Navy Trials match. led is capable :i young by very (‘dr. 1. J. Streatfcild-.l;inics and lnst.- grotip there (hi Satiiril:i_v. November 2]. lander Mcarns. left back: .loliri Varncy.l the m.mi gate. and to the strains of l.ii'tIt. l-I. (little. Some 300 of \"ernon's‘ singer. Vic Rolfe. whose style is based was a i\'.iv_v Trials match :t-_.-.iinst right l1;tL'ls". Peter Robinson. right half; ‘» ".-\iild Lang .\‘g.ite" played by the otliceis. ship's company with friends. on that of the popular star. Marty l’oit.snioutli (oiiimand and the result llrizm Pearce. centre half: Keith l-'ur- ' Royal .\larines ltaiitl. Portsiiiotttli. and wives_ attended on each of the Wilde. was a “in tor the Home Air Command ncss. left half; Ronald Rimmer. right I ('.ipt. Rot-iiiison climhcil on lmard th.g team l—-0. [his was a game in wlttch «wing: .l:tmL'\‘ lllukely. lmlslv-‘ l'it:ltl‘.7ccictnoiiial Lantltovcr and was pulled l one felt that with a little more punch :.\llL‘l'litL‘l Butler. centre forward‘. l)avidLashote by the senior ollicers of the in the forward line Air Coinntaiid Il)avics. inside left: Robert Roberts..cstalilisliiiietit, could have .scored more goals. left wing: Derek Davis. reserve: l)avid! All at ,-\ri..-l wish (‘apt Robinson The scale model of llarhant. cased. The last match was on v.\‘ovcnibcr 2'.’ Russe|l.reservc; Albert Ke:irn.rc.serve.;the best of health and good {anom:ii1d suitably eiigr:ived. was ntade by C.l’.O. Wheeler ltas been tcam.iti his retirement. l Mr. R. W. Stepney. The following day Worthy Down -iiianzigcr and Mr. l.ambc. a civilian Trziinintt Ship Bnrhaiti. head- The presence of the niembers of tcmployee in ll.M.C.S. Stadaconzi. is was renamed ll..\l.S_ .-\riel ll under of Unit the of Wenibley quarters .lI':llllL'I'. Mr. I.ambc or “Yorlsic"—-itltc comriiand of ('dr. A. (i. 8. the Bartram Survivors .-\ssociation wasl the Sea Cadet Corps (Commanding the result of a fortiiitoiis meeting of‘; left England nine years ago. i(iritlith, R.N. "' l'i'*""' B'*“'k"" the Cadets ‘ind the survivors in 0m'*'°"' lS'C'C'l “'5-“J l""‘ f‘’"‘’‘‘'''id ""3 5'~"‘"S""‘"i“,"l ll.M.S. Cliry.santhemuni in which 0‘ "*9," |'!'"'' ship the association meets. mod!‘ "r C a F" the 0. Antoni; those who attendetl thct in case of the \Vi.-iubley Unit. a model of the battleship Mn‘,lortchester " for the‘ winning the Portsmouth: Barhitiit——torpedoed in the Mcditer- travelled ‘ front Command Cross-Country Senior; rant.-an in 1941. ofl the K. l.udwi_i:. orgziniser occasion, llie presentation took place on Stin- the Championship on November I7 overl P. Culliim. Cll2lll’l‘Il1ll'i.l ;ts‘s‘uL'lil.ll0fl. d;i_v_ November 22. rnembers of thel L. Horner. secretary and treasurer.! the sis-mile course at lI..\I.S. Dryad. llarhaiit Survivors !\\‘s‘t‘It.‘illll0l'l hcittg A.B. Jack Mclliile (ll..\I.5. Victor)').l (‘ontiitued in Column 3 Nsvv Ntaws‘ “Sportsman of the} present. .\lonth" for Ftl)l'I.l1Il'_)'. I959. became, the tint man to win the event three times in succession. NA VA I. A l.I.OTt1!Et\"I‘S II. P. I-‘.-I CILITIES lleatiitg ll5 other competitors. ..\lcll;ile completed the course min. 3.4 sec. l’.O. .-\. Haskell St. Vincent) was second and third wasj Sub.-Lieut, R. Pape tll..\‘l.S. Victory).l IilllIl'l‘I'}I) H..\l.S. Victory won the (‘omniattdl team trophy. H.i\l.S. Collingwood l’0R1‘S.\l()L‘Tll 63143 and 60686 being second. lo the three-mile junior champion-l ships the team prize went to H..\l.S.i St. Vincent. with ll.Nl.S. Collingwoodt WE ARE PLEASE!) T0 ANNOUNCE second. Radio l-’.lect.'.-\rt. .-\pprenticc| '!lI‘“I$A Colliiigisoodt was THE ARRIVAL 01-‘ '1'r—113 FABULOUS i ll.the .\leakin individual winner in l‘) min. 20.4.











1 . I











Retirement of

Worthy Down’s




skifllet ‘




T. iSi B2frham’s

liaison Wlthi


Cross-countryy for


‘-"‘|"'°"‘l hP"°5°"l'"9 “.2 “""..sh'p'._—




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-'l:\'Nl~.\‘(i their fourth match out of four played. the Royal Navy’ soccer tcant beat London University‘ at .\lotsptir Park on -.\loveiiiber 13 by: l three goals to two. 1’. Heath. J. Tosney and R. Wid-I dowlield scored for the Navy team: and Dunk ta penalty) and Wheatleyg scored for the University.

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('iintintied from (‘olumn 2 1. Cross. A. Whitehead. (_'. Wi|diitt:.[ who made the trip from 'l'ortsnioutIi. W. (iroves. (3. Page “ho was blown up when the ship was sunk and only: sustained a s_nr:iiited wrist. (i. TapstillW. Hook. .-'\. \\’;ilshani. .\lrs. .\litclicll whose liusband was lost in the ship. and her son and .\lrs. .\lorris. tvltosc son was also lost. : The parade was lie.-idcil by the baiid of the Wcmhley Unit followed by the‘ colour guard and colour of lltcl llarham survivors.l ’ I-fdgware unit. thefrom the l-larrow.l and contirigents litlgwarc. Hcndon. Ruislip. North-' l wood. F.alini: :iiid Hrentford units I l the Sea (‘adet Corps. .



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