News Navy
Write for special details and advantages of placing your
The Newspaper of the Royal
No. 66 DECEMBER, 1959
COMMERCIAL iioitn, roiirsnouni Ttlflbbono ZGIIG 30 iioiriu. PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements
Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Thursday of the month
Published first
Price Fourpencc
gs 4
power trials in the channel, on November 18, H.\l.S. ‘,\F’l'l£R fullllritain‘s the aircraft
accepted by Ro_val Navy from the builders. hlessm. Vickers-Ariiistrongs Limited. Hermes.
The ship eoiiiiiiissioned on \\'cdnesdtt)' .\'oveiiiber 25 at Portsmouth under the coiuinanil of (font. I). S. 'l'ililiitts.R.\'.. who was fonnery the corninnndini: ollieer of ll..\l.S. l)r_\':Id, the Navigation and Direction Selimil at Soutlmick. ll..\l.S. llerines is known as ‘the who is the only member of the ships llermes liiioderniseil) c|as< to disting- coiiipaiiy to have served in the preuish her from the ('ciit;itir class of vious‘ llermes. in fact he was on which she was originally a sister ship. board tier when she sank in the The new carrier on her acceptance There are corisnlcralilc ditlercnccs be- Indian Ocean in l9-52. The previous trials tween her and other ships of her llcrntes was built by Messrs. Armearlier class in consequeiice of the strong Wliitworth between January. many inoditications which have taken l9l8. and February. I92-l. She had place since she was originally planned. an overall length of 598 feet and she As a result she will share with H..\l.S. carried 20 aeroplanes. Victorious the distinction of having Among the guests when Capt. Tibread the conimissioning warrant the finest operational equipment of any carrier in any l'llI\ _v. The Centaur in front of .l.()0tl ollicers. men and class consists of Albion, Btilwark and families were the (‘.-in-(T.. Portsmouth (Admiral Sir Manley Power) (‘cnt.iiir. Hermes was launched by Lady and Lady Power. and the C.-in-C.. (then Mrs.) Churchill in February. the Non: (Admiral Sir Leonard The Duke of Edinburgh Trophy, I953. The actual "takeover" ceremony Durnford-Slater). competed for annually by the l7 corps. Adiniral Durnford-Slater was one regiments and units of which His took place in the channel in the (if the survivors of the carrier sunk Royal Highness is Captain-General. presence of many of the press. The in I942. ceremony took place on the flight coiom-1.,'n -Chi¢f or H(,n0r_."y The Chaplain of the Fleet fthc Q.[m,,_.|_ has this deck. .\lr, l.. Rcdsliaw. the shiphccn won by 40 y,_.;“. building managing director of Messrs. Venerable F. l). Blunt) coiidiictcd the Commando. Royal Marines. with \"ickers-.-Xrinstrongs signed on behalf coinmissioning service. assisted by the 1013; p(,im§_on¢ and 3 half points of the builders and Capt. Tihbitts ship's chaplain. the Reverend J. T. more than 45 Comm:mdo_ Royal accepted lter. Until that moment the Oates. R.N. _\|;u'in¢§_ who 3“: I-unng-fr,-.up_ Red Ensign had flown at the stern H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh is but it was ccremoniously hauled Captairi-General of the Royal Marines. down and replaced by the White The competition which he instituted l-Iiisigii, is in three parts. Teams of I2 men from The aircraft complement of the new .,_-K-h of 1}“, 17 uni“ are awardcd carrier will he embarked in the New points for proficiency in rifle. Sten Year and will include Super-.\larinc and physical tests involving obstacles, Scimitar Strike lighters (nuclear and sprints and a live-mile march beforc canon arnizimciitl. dc l'l:t\'lll:ll'ltl Sea award for “gallantry of a high, tiring. In one test each team member Vixen ;ill~wcatlier lighters. fitted with order" to a Naval officer who lias to another man for 200 yards l-’iresire.ik ;iir-to-air missiles. \\’e\tl:intll -'~¢'-||'¢l"-‘d ll"-' Wlttlnc room Of II lillllicr before carry liriiig. and in another each man Wliirlwirid anti-siibiiixirinc helicopters 1 lilled with cyanide lunies in an attempt has to run three miles on the track. and .\ llighi ol l'airey (iannct airhortie to rescue an unconscious workman.!; All the competing teams. consisting early \\.Il'I1lllg aircraft. was anniiunced on Novenilier 3. He is : of three ollicers. three senior N.('.()s.. William three junior N.C.Os. and three Marines -ll!-year-nlil Licut.-Cdr. .-\(‘(‘().\l.\lOl)ATI()N George l“r*.inipton. Ra\'.. serving on l or privates. are judged and refereed by The ship's :iiiglcd lliglitdcck. stcain the \lall of the Senior Officer Reserve I observers from units not taking part e;it.iptilt. iiii:ior-laiitling sight and 3-D I-‘lei.-I. Piirtsiiiiiutli. and he receives‘ the in the competition. r.ul.ii' will make liei first rate .\l.ll.l'I. l.\lilit:Iry Divisiorll. On the evening of June I9 l.ieut.operationally. livery cllort has also been iiiatle to ensure that the accom- Cdr. lirarnpton, whose home is at modation for her I8‘? otliccrs and Titclilicld. was l)iity ()ll'icer on board List} ratings will compare favoiirahly the battleship \";ingiiard when he i received a iiicssagc that ass'ist:incc was with any other isarship. She has cheerful. well-lit niesses urgently needed on board the oil with coiiifortahle hunks which cart be 1 tanker Zeitoun in Portsiiioiiili harbour collapsed during the dziytiine so as where two men working alone in the. to proxide maxiii'ium recreatiorial engine room had been overcome by! llt-J l0,000th ascent by a “trainer-" sp.-ice. Food is cooked in up-to-date cyanide gas poisoning. was made from the bottom of the g;tll\.'_\s and served in (lining halls. ".»‘\ftcr arraiiging for medical assislherc are plenty of balliroonis, tance." states the citatioii, "l.ieiit.-Cdr. . I00-foot submarine escape training slioweis_ a llllll.lL‘l'll lauridry. a barber's Frziniplon inimediatcly went on board tank in ll..\l.S. Dolphin on October 9. All these men have been trained in \lltl|l, full canteen facilities and. of the tanker and borrowing an "biioyant ascent" method in course. .I well stocked library. .-\ir respirator from one of the men. who the coiitlitioniiig has been installed so by that time was on the deck in a very whieli the man ascends wearing a life;is' to help the ship to operate at d.iI_ed condition. went down to tliel jacket to give him buoyancy and no peak etlicieiicy in any part of the lengirie room to lind and :ittenipt_to breathing apparatus whatever. As he world. llerines is 7-ll feet 6 inches in ¢l'L'\i.'tlL‘ the other who was still inside ascends. the air in his lungs expands rapidly and he must therefore be length. and has a he.'iiii of I-14 feet and iirieonscious. in inches and is armed with l() min. . ".-\|thougli he was unable to getthc iruined to blow out all the way to the = .-\..-\. guns in min mountings. all nian out until other help arrived surface to prevent building tip presl.icul ~(‘tlr_ liranipton acted with gal- sure in his lungs: in America successiadai controlled. .»\t ii press conference after the lantry of a high order in entering an ful escapes from submarines at sea liand-iivcr (':tpl. Tihliitts said "I am area tilled with lethal gas in tlic dimly have been made from depths hp-low very pleased and proud of Il..\l.S. lit cllqlltc room of :in unfamiliar ship 5 300 feet using “buoyant ascent." lleniies." wearing a respirator of doubtful efli-~ This method. which is British After coiniiiissioning on Noveniher ciency." pioneered and British developed. is sailed November has !.ieiiI -(‘Jr l:l’:|ntplt\lt I5 llciiiies 2:. served on n now in use in man_v submarine forces on for Li s'i.iki.' ilinvn Cruise to (iihiuilter the still of S.O.R.l7.. l‘ortsmoiith.' throughout the world iiicliiilirig the ind sli: returns home on l)'.'L‘L‘ll\l‘|‘s.‘l’ -a.-hose li.-;i«|qu;irtcrs are in H.318. Dutch. Norwegian and West (iernian ll io cive (hri-'tirias 't'I'~C '\llll‘tl'.' Vang-i.iril. f-Ir ll year He entered the ji\'avics. They receive traiiiiiig in this the ship's eoiiipziny on lrlcrnies is one Ytcvval NI\".‘ in I027 \l.irrictl. he has method at the escape training tank in Petty tltiic.-i ('ook. J. Nueiiolas ‘a son and two tlaiiglitcrs. l‘l..\l.S. Dolphin.
..,.,_;._,_V\ ,l_.
Tlew in flag Marine
he Commando TV win trophy
Gallantry of High Order
sumarine ‘rag.
HI-Z.‘ Rear-Admiral A. A. llerlet. |).S.().’. l).S.(.'.. succeeded Rear-Adniiral B. W. Taylor. (LB. l)5.C.. as Flag (Mlicer Submarines on November 24. he flew his flag in the submarine Trenchnnt, which he commanded during the Second World War as a lieutenant. Adiniral Hezlet's flag was hoisted in June and July of 1945 when he sank a ll..\l. S/M Trenchant in Portsmouth submarine chaser in the l.ombok Strait. H‘‘'l’‘‘”’‘'l0‘’00““ N°"‘"“b°" 34 3"“ to H..\l.S. Dolphin. the transferred submarine headquarters at (iosport at 25(N99 “" N""°"‘b“used ERVICE riien on Christinas island as a training lrencliant. now in the Pacil'ic have raised about “'39 °“,"‘""-‘“‘lE'd bl’ ll,” ‘“b““'f,'“°then Lllflll. HCZTCI In ll1C l'{\l' ESIST Ill £450 for the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund. 1°44 and '‘’45- '?'“‘.‘"S '1" '“‘".'3' 5“°' The money. subscribed by all three °°“‘°-5 ‘?'°’“ "W 5"‘k”‘3 °{ ""3 (’°""““ services. derives from Battle of Britain this year. '“'h."“"'"° .U'859""l"°l‘ “."" lhc h"'.l"l"‘"°5° activities ‘-'“"5'~"' "5h.'3“"““'35 ll“ A variety show yielded £47. a by torpedoes tired from the submarine at station ratlle £184 and the selling of time on the Christnias Island broad" ""‘F","r 4-000 ’\‘l""“‘l Hfllcls km l"‘"°1 “'35 '“ casting service brought in £211. ,
Pacific Gesture
for Quality