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News Navy

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No. 72



of The

Royal Navy

and The

Royal Naval Association



"COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone: NII6 so ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements '

Pu/)li'.s'/redfirst T/mr.s'du_v of the month

JUNE, 1960

Price F ourpcncc

Protector crew get ‘bluenose’ certificates

SHIP CROSSES THE ANTARCTIC CIRCLE '32,000 miles in seven months








.M.S. Protector returned to l'ort.snioutli on May 16 upon the completion of her liftli season as guard ship and Antarctic survey ship in the Ftllliltllltl Island dcpendeiicics. She had left Portsntouth on October 16. I959. During this period. Protector-speiil I3-l days at sent out of 215 and covered

32,000 miles. Capt. I). N. Forbes. D.S.C.. R.N.. her way through the Panama canal her cornuiauding ollicer. told otii' rc- and on to tterniuda where four days l poitcr that there had been no untoward were spent. When our reporter visited the ship‘ incident during the corninissiou—thc .ship had done a straiglitvforward job last October he saw dozens of boxes J of work in a straiglit-forward way. of rug kits going on board and upon During the Cutllltllssloll Protector; asking whether these were made up. penetrated faitlier south than in previ- he was niforined that none were left. In a ship of l’rotector's size. 4.250 ous seasons crossing the Antarctic 1

with the arduousi work which has to be carried out in issued to the crew. Alter le.n-mg l’oi'tsuioiith last (letti- sometimes very bad conditions. then: I her the ship spent a few days in is not a great deal of spare time for Portland and then sailed for (iibraltar. anyone but the spare-linie activities. l-‘ruin The Rock. Protector sailed for_ apart from rug-making. included a Protector in the Bay of Iiisciiy on her way to Antarctica last October Santos. Brazil. called at Las Palmas good concert party. carpentry (one en route and then on to Punta del man made a large-sized rocking horse Este in Uruguay where the twentieth for his child). carving of whale's tcclh anniversary ceremony of the Battle of obtained from South Georgia. and the River Plate. held year by year. by so on. the British Conimunity. Among the outdoor activities there . was ski-ing under the direction of the WORK AMID GALES Ollicer Commanding Royal Marines H..\l.S. Protector arrived at her base and the Sergeant-hlajor. a number of T vv-ans‘ announced in the llouse of Lords on May 25 that lI..\I. The Queen is in the Falltlaiid lslanrls‘. Port Stanley the participants achieving considerable .M.S. Vanguard is at present HarrowIl.i\I.S. at linit subinnrine. Britain‘.-i nucleiir launch Dreadnought. to on Deceniber lst and through this skill. shooting and fishing. Sea trout transferring the stall of the Flag 2|. October in-Fumess on Trafalgar Day. Olliecr (‘oninianding Reserve Fleet to port she worked amid the gales‘ aml gave the best sport. the biggest caught have from this sale would of to the come Lord Carrington. First Lord the new headquarters in H.M.S. bail visibility of the South .-\ntarctic being one of II; lb. for the next four montlis- with one Admiralty. stated during a Naval dc- class. and Vigo. Barfleur and St. Kitts Sbeilield. PROBl.EhrI MAIL hate that "We are making every etlort have already been mentioned. It is expected that she will be break of short duration at .\Ioi1tc\'it|co. to sea as soon The early Battles were laid down broken up._possibly in Scotland. soon During her season on the station The best lish were well away from to get the Dreadnought l'rotector took the (inventor of the the Falkland base. bitt parties were as we can." He also stated that the in I9-I2 and I‘)-$3 and were designed for after the middle of the year. l-‘alkland Island Dependencies to the taken to the best rivers by helicopter. Adniiralty is planning a second nticlcar op."-;.1iung in um PM-i|i¢_ Read-Admiral M. Le Fanu. D.S.C.. Eight later Battle class were laid The biggest disadvantage of the submarine and provided a suitable South S'.itulwit:h Islands which forrii ll|t."L'ils’lt.'l‘ll limit of the dependencies. season in Protector is the mail prob~ contract can be negotiated _ii _is in-tdmm in 1943 and 1944_ Th.-y were is to be Flag Olliccr Sccond~in~Coinplace an order within the Agincourt_ Aisnc, Alamein. Barrosa, mand. Far East Station. in succession Survey work took place as occasion lein——-the longest period on this com- tended to months or so. next two Corunna. Dunkirk. Jutland and Mata- to Vice-Admiral V. C. Bcgg. C.ll.. mission without letters was 43 days. ollcrcd. l.ord debate the Carrington pan, During D.S.O.. D.S.C.. to take etlect in July. Protector sailed from Port Stanley The complement of Protector is 20 dehad the that not Admiralty on Maicli 2‘) this year. returned home ollicers. and 240 ratings‘. which include said via the west coast of South America. 30 Royal .\Iarines. The ship carries -cided to scrap any Battle class dewith the exception of the sailing through the Straits of Magellan two helicopters‘ and a llight of three. stroyers,which was damaged during a and 540 uiiles of inland \satcrway.s. pilots’ and one observer with a ground l-loguc. collision last year. Her place was taken Five days were spent at Valparais and crew of I2. ll.-.\l.S. l-‘inistcrrc. a call was made at Callao. the port of Up to now the commission in Protec- by'l'lie First Lord also stated that half l.iui:i where the ship tool. part in the tor has been of one year's duration. but ()ueen's liirt|ida_v celebrations. in future the length will be two years. a dozen Battle class destroyers were requirements and were being Staying one day at the United States one half of the crew being changed surplus to ptit tip for sale. base of Rodnian. the ship then made. each year. The 14 early Battle class are (iravelines. Sluys. Arrnada. Saintes. All the talking in the world won't convince Solebay. St. James. Vigo. Hoguc. Lugus‘, Barfleur. St. Kitts. Trafalgar, a cigarette smoker that one brand Is better than another. Camperdown and Finisterre. It is assumed that the six to be olfered for It's a matter of personal enjoyment. And the reason why

('ircle_ "llluenose" certilicates


tons ftill.load. and


Queen to launchDreadnough1; TrafalgarDay Ceremony

Getting Vanguard ready for the Breakers




Three missing boat Twenty-five collision years, as ‘WW

NI‘: 0|‘ II.3I.S. I)oIphin's lihcrly limits uas in collision with the Isle of Wight .ste:inier ltrarling on the cicniiit: of I‘.I'l(I:l_\‘. .\la_\ I3. and as it result three men are missing. feared (I TO“ tied. Those missing: are ,-\.ll. V, W. (ileuJ. l,ub_\' and .\Ir. ('. son. .~‘\.ll. _\l (ilII\l1\. it Ic.ii.littg (li.Itiglttsiti:it\. lit addition live ll1t‘s'.tI personnel :md two civiliaits \\ ere itijurctl. l\\o seriotisl)‘. .-‘tn lllllllt} is being held. The crash occurred just :iftcr the harbour launch had left Dolpliin tor ll..\I.S. \'cinon. and thc llrading \\;:s on her out tn Rytlc. the lliatliiig strncl; the liberty boat the port quarter and the sternon p.uti.xll_\ ripped away. .-\ do/en Oli more of the 35 people in the laiincli were tlnomi iiilo the \\ClIL'l. '|lic l)olpliin boat reiiiziiucd and was tossed to .\latlboiougli |’iet.1_ ll.i\l.S. \'e:noii. by the (iospoit terry‘ boat l-‘eriy l’iince.ss.

alloaty .


wlgomb destroyed

Senior Sorvlco have grown tn more

500-lb. British general-purpose bomb. picked up by :1 tisliing boat in her trawl, and taken to Shore:ham was destroyed by a team from llllt.‘ Ports-niouth Conimand Bomb and \ .\line Disposal Unit. H..\l,S. Vernon. N the 25th anni\'crx:tr_\‘ of his‘ l |.ieut.-('dr. W. .\lcl.anachan. R.N..

people on|oy thorn.

Admiral of the Fleet

the rzlnk of llltt.‘ ('ommand ilomh and i\linc Dis.»\ilniir:il of the Fleet. Their I.urtlposal Ollicer. said that the bomb was ships have sent :| letter of emigra- t\l‘ corroded that it was tl:in_c.erous to ltilatioii to Lord (‘li:itlii-Id. explode it in the vicinity of Slinreliain lI.tI'l1Utll" :utd the team took it ottt to In it they |'l'(".IlI his distinguislieil Naval St : ~ ice. iiicliuling ‘sea and exploded it. He considered appiiiiituxcuts as l"l.ii-_ ('-.i '1 to that it had been in the sea for 20 ,\rlruiral Ilcatty iloring llu (-real years. from Controller of the .'\'.i-._v War; I925 to l')2tl: t.‘oii~.ii;iuil.;r-iiiAdriiiial Sir _lolin l?delste_n was (:9 I ('liief. :\II:tllIlt' I-"let-l. trout l'»)2')- and Ailiiiiral Sir l‘;itricls' llrmd t'-.\‘ on Jtl: ('oniiuanrlcr~in-('liFcl', .\icrl3tt-r.\I.it' I2. ram.-an. front I930 In 193.‘. and finally as First Se-.1 l.v.ml lr-.-ni I It is understood that ll..\I._C:iri;idi;in I933 lo I938. in \sli‘4.ii last or.pointment he lmre -.i hexvy res- ‘ship: (iatincau. St. Croix. Terra ponsihilty for the re:irlint-ss of the l.\'os':i and Kootenay are to Vlsill VIRGINIA TOBACCO AT ITS BEST Royal .V:Iv_\' for lllt: Sccoml \\'rirlil fl’ortsmouth from July 27 to Atigtist War. WELL MADE WELL PACKED .3 '|lies-e ships‘ are of the new




| tdcstroycr -





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