Page 1

News Navy

Write for special details and advantages of placing your



No. 72



of The

Royal Navy

and The

Royal Naval Association



"COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone: NII6 so ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Be assured of close and personal attention to all of your Uniform and Civilian requirements '

Pu/)li'.s'/redfirst T/mr.s'du_v of the month

JUNE, 1960

Price F ourpcncc

Protector crew get ‘bluenose’ certificates

SHIP CROSSES THE ANTARCTIC CIRCLE '32,000 miles in seven months








.M.S. Protector returned to l'ort.snioutli on May 16 upon the completion of her liftli season as guard ship and Antarctic survey ship in the Ftllliltllltl Island dcpendeiicics. She had left Portsntouth on October 16. I959. During this period. Protector-speiil I3-l days at sent out of 215 and covered

32,000 miles. Capt. I). N. Forbes. D.S.C.. R.N.. her way through the Panama canal her cornuiauding ollicer. told otii' rc- and on to tterniuda where four days l poitcr that there had been no untoward were spent. When our reporter visited the ship‘ incident during the corninissiou—thc .ship had done a straiglitvforward job last October he saw dozens of boxes J of work in a straiglit-forward way. of rug kits going on board and upon During the Cutllltllssloll Protector; asking whether these were made up. penetrated faitlier south than in previ- he was niforined that none were left. In a ship of l’rotector's size. 4.250 ous seasons crossing the Antarctic 1

with the arduousi work which has to be carried out in issued to the crew. Alter le.n-mg l’oi'tsuioiith last (letti- sometimes very bad conditions. then: I her the ship spent a few days in is not a great deal of spare time for Portland and then sailed for (iibraltar. anyone but the spare-linie activities. l-‘ruin The Rock. Protector sailed for_ apart from rug-making. included a Protector in the Bay of Iiisciiy on her way to Antarctica last October Santos. Brazil. called at Las Palmas good concert party. carpentry (one en route and then on to Punta del man made a large-sized rocking horse Este in Uruguay where the twentieth for his child). carving of whale's tcclh anniversary ceremony of the Battle of obtained from South Georgia. and the River Plate. held year by year. by so on. the British Conimunity. Among the outdoor activities there . was ski-ing under the direction of the WORK AMID GALES Ollicer Commanding Royal Marines H..\l.S. Protector arrived at her base and the Sergeant-hlajor. a number of T vv-ans‘ announced in the llouse of Lords on May 25 that lI..\I. The Queen is in the Falltlaiid lslanrls‘. Port Stanley the participants achieving considerable .M.S. Vanguard is at present HarrowIl.i\I.S. at linit subinnrine. Britain‘.-i nucleiir launch Dreadnought. to on Deceniber lst and through this skill. shooting and fishing. Sea trout transferring the stall of the Flag 2|. October in-Fumess on Trafalgar Day. Olliecr (‘oninianding Reserve Fleet to port she worked amid the gales‘ aml gave the best sport. the biggest caught have from this sale would of to the come Lord Carrington. First Lord the new headquarters in H.M.S. bail visibility of the South .-\ntarctic being one of II; lb. for the next four montlis- with one Admiralty. stated during a Naval dc- class. and Vigo. Barfleur and St. Kitts Sbeilield. PROBl.EhrI MAIL hate that "We are making every etlort have already been mentioned. It is expected that she will be break of short duration at .\Ioi1tc\'it|co. to sea as soon The early Battles were laid down broken up._possibly in Scotland. soon During her season on the station The best lish were well away from to get the Dreadnought l'rotector took the (inventor of the the Falkland base. bitt parties were as we can." He also stated that the in I9-I2 and I‘)-$3 and were designed for after the middle of the year. l-‘alkland Island Dependencies to the taken to the best rivers by helicopter. Adniiralty is planning a second nticlcar op."-;.1iung in um PM-i|i¢_ Read-Admiral M. Le Fanu. D.S.C.. Eight later Battle class were laid The biggest disadvantage of the submarine and provided a suitable South S'.itulwit:h Islands which forrii ll|t."L'ils’lt.'l‘ll limit of the dependencies. season in Protector is the mail prob~ contract can be negotiated _ii _is in-tdmm in 1943 and 1944_ Th.-y were is to be Flag Olliccr Sccond~in~Coinplace an order within the Agincourt_ Aisnc, Alamein. Barrosa, mand. Far East Station. in succession Survey work took place as occasion lein——-the longest period on this com- tended to months or so. next two Corunna. Dunkirk. Jutland and Mata- to Vice-Admiral V. C. Bcgg. C.ll.. mission without letters was 43 days. ollcrcd. l.ord debate the Carrington pan, During D.S.O.. D.S.C.. to take etlect in July. Protector sailed from Port Stanley The complement of Protector is 20 dehad the that not Admiralty on Maicli 2‘) this year. returned home ollicers. and 240 ratings‘. which include said via the west coast of South America. 30 Royal .\Iarines. The ship carries -cided to scrap any Battle class dewith the exception of the sailing through the Straits of Magellan two helicopters‘ and a llight of three. stroyers,which was damaged during a and 540 uiiles of inland \satcrway.s. pilots’ and one observer with a ground l-loguc. collision last year. Her place was taken Five days were spent at Valparais and crew of I2. ll.-.\l.S. l-‘inistcrrc. a call was made at Callao. the port of Up to now the commission in Protec- by'l'lie First Lord also stated that half l.iui:i where the ship tool. part in the tor has been of one year's duration. but ()ueen's liirt|ida_v celebrations. in future the length will be two years. a dozen Battle class destroyers were requirements and were being Staying one day at the United States one half of the crew being changed surplus to ptit tip for sale. base of Rodnian. the ship then made. each year. The 14 early Battle class are (iravelines. Sluys. Arrnada. Saintes. All the talking in the world won't convince Solebay. St. James. Vigo. Hoguc. Lugus‘, Barfleur. St. Kitts. Trafalgar, a cigarette smoker that one brand Is better than another. Camperdown and Finisterre. It is assumed that the six to be olfered for It's a matter of personal enjoyment. And the reason why

('ircle_ "llluenose" certilicates


tons ftill.load. and


Queen to launchDreadnough1; TrafalgarDay Ceremony

Getting Vanguard ready for the Breakers




Three missing boat Twenty-five collision years, as ‘WW

NI‘: 0|‘ II.3I.S. I)oIphin's lihcrly limits uas in collision with the Isle of Wight .ste:inier ltrarling on the cicniiit: of I‘.I'l(I:l_\‘. .\la_\ I3. and as it result three men are missing. feared (I TO“ tied. Those missing: are ,-\.ll. V, W. (ileuJ. l,ub_\' and .\Ir. ('. son. .~‘\.ll. _\l (ilII\l1\. it Ic.ii.littg (li.Itiglttsiti:it\. lit addition live ll1t‘s'.tI personnel :md two civiliaits \\ ere itijurctl. l\\o seriotisl)‘. .-‘tn lllllllt} is being held. The crash occurred just :iftcr the harbour launch had left Dolpliin tor ll..\I.S. \'cinon. and thc llrading \\;:s on her out tn Rytlc. the lliatliiig strncl; the liberty boat the port quarter and the sternon p.uti.xll_\ ripped away. .-\ do/en Oli more of the 35 people in the laiincli were tlnomi iiilo the \\ClIL'l. '|lic l)olpliin boat reiiiziiucd and was tossed to .\latlboiougli |’iet.1_ ll.i\l.S. \'e:noii. by the (iospoit terry‘ boat l-‘eriy l’iince.ss.

alloaty .


wlgomb destroyed

Senior Sorvlco have grown tn more

500-lb. British general-purpose bomb. picked up by :1 tisliing boat in her trawl, and taken to Shore:ham was destroyed by a team from llllt.‘ Ports-niouth Conimand Bomb and \ .\line Disposal Unit. H..\l,S. Vernon. N the 25th anni\'crx:tr_\‘ of his‘ l |.ieut.-('dr. W. .\lcl.anachan. R.N..

people on|oy thorn.

Admiral of the Fleet

the rzlnk of llltt.‘ ('ommand ilomh and i\linc Dis.»\ilniir:il of the Fleet. Their I.urtlposal Ollicer. said that the bomb was ships have sent :| letter of emigra- t\l‘ corroded that it was tl:in_c.erous to ltilatioii to Lord (‘li:itlii-Id. explode it in the vicinity of Slinreliain lI.tI'l1Utll" :utd the team took it ottt to In it they |'l'(".IlI his distinguislieil Naval St : ~ ice. iiicliuling ‘sea and exploded it. He considered appiiiiituxcuts as l"l.ii-_ ('-.i '1 to that it had been in the sea for 20 ,\rlruiral Ilcatty iloring llu (-real years. from Controller of the .'\'.i-._v War; I925 to l')2tl: t.‘oii~.ii;iuil.;r-iiiAdriiiial Sir _lolin l?delste_n was (:9 I ('liief. :\II:tllIlt' I-"let-l. trout l'»)2')- and Ailiiiiral Sir l‘;itricls' llrmd t'-.\‘ on Jtl: ('oniiuanrlcr~in-('liFcl', .\icrl3tt-r.\I.it' I2. ram.-an. front I930 In 193.‘. and finally as First Se-.1 l.v.ml lr-.-ni I It is understood that ll..\I._C:iri;idi;in I933 lo I938. in \sli‘4.ii last or.pointment he lmre -.i hexvy res- ‘ship: (iatincau. St. Croix. Terra ponsihilty for the re:irlint-ss of the l.\'os':i and Kootenay are to Vlsill VIRGINIA TOBACCO AT ITS BEST Royal .V:Iv_\' for lllt: Sccoml \\'rirlil fl’ortsmouth from July 27 to Atigtist War. WELL MADE WELL PACKED .3 '|lies-e ships‘ are of the new




| tdcstroycr -





popularity to that




n I r o I

Lieut. t5) II. R. Berridse. R..\‘.tReti.l.). Royal Naval Barracks. Portm-iouih. ]’el.: Pommouth 26l2l tliu. 2194)



inniinierablc coves‘. caves. tunnels and houses which. locally at any rate. have. in the past. had assoeititioiis with





passing of time and. pergrowing sense of responsibilold-time smuggler has disap-

With the

haps. a ity. the peared. People have realised that smuggling is not worth the candle. Ollieers and men in the Royal Navy

in the mziin. among tltc most lawabiding people. yet on occasions some niisgiiidcd individuzils attempt to break the law regarding smuggling. Such individuals do a great disservice to the Navy. Not only are they committing a crime against naval law and the law of the land. but they also commit a crime against their fellows. In years past the very great privileges regarding tobacco and rum ration and, so far as ofliccrs are concerned. wines and spirits. were a matter of established custom, but today the issues have It legal standing. and where the law has laid down certain rules. the law can amend these rules or even take


altogether. Although. strictly speaking. the offer of a duty-free cigarette in anyone is

ihcnt away

to the law. such an action cannot be regarded in too reprehens-


light. but the giving away. or worse still. the selling of a packet of cigarettes. is a very different kettle of ible


fish. The tobacco issue. rum issue and the privileges granted to the Royal Navy should be most jealously guarded. and it behovcs everyone to see that the privileges non obtaining are not


lllilllflll[Elli TRIUMPH COACHES 3

Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Phone 20941

operate the touching otllelot Euros: lento:

for service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND


on cm om IMF attzutulam ma nu all-




















... ... ...


.. ...

PORTLAND From Fareham LONDON All these services will tolu: the following route for the convenience of Service Personnel: R.M. Barracks. Eoxtney: H.M.S. Vernon: Royal Sailors‘ ...


32' Z §.n°e' 1 i é :?Z‘ J ?. H.M.S. Phoenix:

frt.A.0.C.. Hilrrea Barragtsu; _

partI'c'1,,i clar‘f:ad2;t|i ° ’ Mr“ V“;

menu can



"03; 0



5 °


Write. phone or call



Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 20947



with dipping asdic: the concept of the "killcr“ submarine with its special detection '1' would be hard to find a inihjcct devices. llut here we need :1 distincmore at the mercy of wild rumour tion. In the field of shipping protection. than that of anti-submarine warfare. where the siibniarinc or "wolf pack" and in P‘-lfllflllilfsSubmflliflt d€l'-"-‘li0n- ; must close in to attack. we can expect The very fact that it lies at the heart? ever increasing cflcctivencss in our ‘IR. 1 wonder if any of your; Ialgur when at llalilus. .\'ov.i Scotia. n_-;u|._-fg gag} fcgull [hp f()|[nwingiLillCl’ WC l'ill.'L'l.I Ilfllllt.‘ Ill (llllhlllilr of Naval seientitic research and counter~measures. development. much of it necessarily The matter is altogether different which took place during night Efroni New York in seven days, scvcn hours. secret. makes any reasoned bid for when it comes to hunting for :i lone inauocuvrcs— —\\ith all lights out. Yours sincerely. sanity more than usually difieult. It was the first time this exercise nuclear submarine operating anyD. llRl'.\‘T. The Admiralty recently had I issue where in vast areas of ocean. Here had been carried out without naviga3 I-lrockvsay Avenue. an official denial of a story. f turcd we are confronted by physical laws tion lights and it took place oil the Blackpool. in one of the national dailies. that we which present almost insuperable dith- coast of Spain with the Channel Fleet were on the verge of a s ctacular culties. To confuse success achieved under the command of Lord Charles break-through in methods o detecting in the more limited sphere of shipping llcrcsford. STRONG NAVAL nuclear submarines. at a range of 1.000 protection with any spectzicular I was serving in the t’oiir—l'iiniiclled or more miles, This. if true. would’. “break-tlirough" in trans-ocean is to : CfUi\t.'l’ Suite} and the d.itc \\ as Novemhave meant that the problem of live in Cloud Cuckoo Land. her. I903. IN determining llte instant whcreziboiits of The reality. which uiust be faced. The Iiaitlesliip Hannibal rammed} the “lone ranger" type of missile- is that the niissilc-carrying nuclear the Iiiiltleship Prince George on I see your itcuspaper is of carrying submarine. perhaps the most submarine, able. submerged. to i:t\tll- stiirboard quarter and very quickly w‘ R. the Royal Navy and the Royal vital strategic concept of today. was niuniczite with its base. is likely to: she settled dim ii in ii sinking condi-‘ V :iv:il .—\s~i-ci;itioit. as good as solved. the free worlds greuicsti liuii. lllll_\' aliuiit two feet of her. I think that some mention of the remain Otlicial siateiiients about progress in potential threat. quartt-rdcck above miter. but imingf esisteiiec of two very active .issoci.isubmarine detection rightly indicate a to the v.-flicienc_v of the ufliecrs and lions in the county of Norih.inipton.such as general encouraging progress. who closed all shire ship's conl'D:iir_v. might interest your readers. a new Asdic set with several times doors and shored up the water-tight The Northamptonshirc R.N. and greater range than anything we have the ship was saved. bulkheads. R.M. Association. H.Q. Northampton, hitherto possessed; the enlisting of the She steamed into Ferrol in Spain caters for ex-Service personnel in accompanied by the fleet and as soon Northampton Borough and the suras the fleet anchored. the divers built rounding country. a colfcr dam around the huge hole and This association was founded in eveiitually she was made safe to return I935 and has a paid up membership IESPONDING to the toast to the to Portsmouth. of 303. Imperial Forces at the Portsmouth The Sutlej was due in pay oil and The Northamptonshire R.N._ SerMayoral Banquet on May 24. the so we were detailed to escort her vices Association- H.Q. I-icttenng— Commander in Chief. Portsmouth hoiuc. catcrs for ex-Service personnel in ’ ‘HE First Lord of the Admir:ilty[(/tdniiralSir referred in It was custontary. those days. to Kettering, Ruslidean, Wcllingboroiiglt, Power) lllaiiley the ccremonials to which take place in cheer out the paying oil ship as, with lrthliugboroiigh and surrounding dis(Lord Canington) accompanied b_v I of the life great cities such as Ports- p;iying_ oil‘ pendant tr;iilin,; behind. she tricts. the Naval Secretary. Rear-Admiral made for home. but I am sure the F. R. Twiss, l).S.C.. and the Principal mouth. This was from I935-l9-I5 ti R.i\’.V'.R. He said that such cereinonials take cheers that day were more directed and R.N.l). I\§\'ilCl£llltll'l'£llllle\tended Private Secretary. hlr. I‘. I). Nairnc. .\I.(.'. visited Scotland from .\Iay It)‘ up time and iuanpowcr and intimated at the Prince (leorge. its activities in I‘)-16. that the would be home :iiid not She arrived Royal Navy to May I2. safely King It was founded in 1935 and has a 1 able. the has do been future. to as Edward VII made :1 special journey to paid up membership of I96. in on we fir“ day of hp; mi. ‘l“"° ‘" ""5 P35‘Portsmouth and addressed the shi ‘s We also have four independent Sea he visited three shipyards-- Scott‘-:, He went on to say that the forth- company and congrzitulatcd them or Cadet units. (I) Pctcrborough. (2) Alexander Stephen's and Fairticlds— coming parade on Southsea Com- their good work in saving the ship. Corby. (3) Kettering. (-4) Northampton to see I-l.M. ships under contntction. We proceeded to Cliatham. paid the nton to mark the Queen's ottieial not attached to C.C.l’. of Schools including the cruiser Blake. in R.N. all are doing well. On May II the First l.ord's birthday may be the last of such Sutlcj ofl. deposited our gear and went on l0 Barrricks, Chatlizim. occasions. I am the president of both the Comprogramme included the shipyards of days‘ lc.'i\'c_ returning to oflicially open rtides Association and of ‘Kettering Yarrow and Co., l.td.. and John liarracks. lniniediately after mid- and Corby Sea Cadets. Brown and C0. l.ld.. (where the ll.M.S. \\'akeful is to take a silver R.N. the saute day. we entrained for lndividu:ilmembers of both associaguided missile ship Hampshire is gilt ca.-.l.et containing a facsimile repro- day. building) and the Yarrow Admiralty‘ duction of the Laws of Olcron to the Pompey to coniniission H.M.S. Ber- tions belong to the Royal Naval Research Department at Scotstoiin. “mu klwd in ‘he 3:... Ur m‘.c..y wick :it Farewell Jetty on December Association. I had some correspon9. I903. We sailed for North America dence on this with my old friend where marine nuclear propulsion is m,,,,...| ()k.,.,., on ;.m.,-,~' and West Indies on December 17. Admir;il of the Fleet Sir John Cunbeing studied. The IIt.‘l'\\lL'k C\L‘l'llll1tll)' joined up iiingliain. After spending the night on May Yours siiiccrcly. ll at the home of the Flag Ollicer. The tliigsliip of the United States wiili the faiiioiis Second Cruiser l.itcr Prince eoniiitandcil Wl;‘Ll-\'l’O()l)-;\lAX\\’lZl_l.. by Scotland. he visited ll..\l. Dockyard Ctlttxlgllitftl Practice Squadron. the Sqiiadroii of Louis ll;ittciihur;.:_ Rear-.-\dmir;il. and other naval establislimcnts in Eagle. a three-masted barquc. has ii the Rosyth area on the following day sail area of 21.350 sq. ft. She is due to Whilst under his command we ioiiicd Sudborougli Manor. visit Portsmouth in July. before returning to London. in the cciiteiiuzy oi" the llaiile of 'l‘r:iKettering.

helicopter equipped
















ll.M.S. Centaur. September. at Ports- H.M.S. Loch Irish. Jaiiuary It). at Rosyth for General Service Chmmouth for Home Sea Service. mission. Homc,’Ar.-ibizin Seas and (Coinmissioiis December for GenPersian Gulf (I8 months). U.K. eral Service Commission) (Home! S ratings are normally detailed for overseas service about four months Base Port. Devonport. East of Suez) (22 months). U.K. ahead of commissioning date. and tbr home sea service about two months ll.‘VlS. Whirlwind. mid-January. at Base Port. Portsmoutlt. ahead of commissioning date. this should be borne in mind when preferring Rosytli for trials. ll.M.S. Caesar. September 13. ill H.M.S. requests to volunteer to serve in a particular ship. January 3l. at PortsRosyth for trials. (‘ommissions mouthBiittleaxe. ll.M.S. St. Brides Bay, July I5. at SUBMARINE C0.\1M.~\ND for (iciieral Service ComService for November 22 l-'oreign for Service (Far Foreign mission. Med./llome (24 months). HJMS. Alcide. August. at DevonFar East. Jist U.K. Base Port. Porismouili. rt. for service in I-‘ifili Submarine Portsll.\I.S. lor :it ll.M.S. Shoultoii. at September Lion. July 19. Tyne. Il.M.S. Crossbow. Jauu-.ir_v at Chatuadron. Service. U.l-Q. Scai for Home mouth. General Service Commission Home] haui for General Service CommisM.M.S. Finwbalc. at llirkcnhcud for llasc Mediterraiieaii Port. Rosyth. (22 months). U.K. service with 5th Submairiiie Squadsion. .\lcd.lHomc (2-I ntonihs). Place Base Port. Portsmouth. of eoiiimissioning and U.l\'. llusc ron. II..\l.S. Caprice.‘ September 29. ll.M.5. Wizard. July 19. at Chatham Singapore for Foreign Service (I-ar Port under coitsidcrution. for trials. Commissions September Eilhl). GENERAL ll..\l.S. Blake. end January. at Clyde for 13 Home Sea U.K. Service. Base for trials. Home Sea Service ComH..\l.S. Solebay. June 8. at PortsOctober at No. ttI3 I. Squadron. Port, Devonport. missions. June. l96l. for General mouth, for General Service Coni- lI.M.S. for R.N.A.S. Overseas Culdrosc ChatCassandra. July 19. at Service Commission. mission. HomclMcditerranc:in (21 Service (ll..\l.S. llcriitcs). ham for Foreign Service. Far East. Cook. end January. at Singamonths). U.K. Base Port. Ports- H.M.S. Londondcrry, July 20. at ll.M.S. Crane. October I2. at Singa- ll.-.\l.S. for Foreign Service. pore mouth. Cowes for General Service Compore for Foreign Service (Far East). ILMS. Belfast. February. at SingaH.M.S. I-‘inisterre. June 8. at Chatham mission Homc/Wcst Indies (24 ll.M.S. Duchess. November 8. at pore for Foreign Service. Far East. for General Service Commission. months). U.K. Base Port. Ports- Portsmouth for trials. tConunissiuns I ll.2\l.S. 'l‘roubn'dge. I-‘ebruary. at Home/Mediterranean (21 months). mouth. Portsmouth for General Service l‘)6l. for General Service Jaiiuary. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. ll.M.S. Chatham at Keppel, August. Cfoiiimission. Homciwcst Indies 24 Commission. .\led./llome. Il.M.S. Protector, June 9. at Devonfor Base Home Sea Service. U.K. (24 months). U.K. Base Port. PortsU.K. llasc Port. Portsmonths). port for General Service CommisPort. Portsmouth. month. mouth. sion. l-‘alkland Islands and Antarctic. ll..\lS. Loch A|vi_e. August _l6._ at ll.M.S. l)iuiia. Noveiiihci: at Devoti- 700 ‘I. Flii.-ht. Febriiziry. at R.N. Aii U.K. Base Port. I)cvonport. Station. Lossicmoutli, tor l.l‘.T.U. trials. (Commissions Devonport for for ll.M.S. Cavalier. June 24. at Singafor trials. ttioiniuissioiis Januport General Service September 27 pore. for Foreign Service (Far l‘Jtil. for (ieiicral Service Cont- lI.M.S. I-‘.a.slboiiriic. April. :it Chathtini. ary Commission) (Home/Arabian Seas’ niission. .\IL‘ll.'llt\lllL‘. 2-1 months). for (icneral Service ('oiiiniis,sioii. East). aitd Persiar. Gulf) (I8 montlis). l lloiiie-'l{:ist of Sue! ill) months). ll..\l.S. Parapet. June 24. at Malta. U.K. llusc Port. l)evnnport. consideration. U.l(. Base Port under I U.K. Ruse Port under cousideratioii. for Foreign Service. ' (‘batlI..\l.S. at No_ KN‘ 325 at .\'ovcm_bc_r. Squad.-on, August |(,_ ll.M.S. Hermes. June 28. at Portsll.M.S. (fhiehester. April. at ('hatliam. for Januham ltlillx‘, (Ci-iiiiiiissioiis Overs.-;t:.l for Air Culdrose. Si;ition_ for mouth General Service Comfor (icucral Service Coiiiiiiissizm ; .-. -_ fm m‘“'°"' Homc/M°d'""""‘"c3“ (24 llonic/l-Iast of Sue/, (I8 iuonthsl 16 H U.l(. Base Port. PortsUR. Base port undereoiisiderzuion lmmufi‘) U'K ll..\t.S. Bemick. April. at llclfasi fo: Commission. East of Suez/Home. consideration. l.LM_s_ Loch F’-I", July 5_ M Rosy“, (ieiicral Scrvicc Comniission. U.K U.K. Base Port. Ports- "_M5_ p;_..,m,.,,h_ |)¢._..:,,,,,c, L 3, for General Service Commission Base port under eoiisidcratioii. l Devon lfl for rials. Coiitntissions Persian Home Arabian Seas a I961. (;¢.,¢m‘ 5._.n.._:._. ll..\I.S. Scarborough. r\priI._:ii PortsGulf Port. ILMS. Lewlston. August 31. at PortsApril monlhs). I” G'"‘°"‘l S‘”""‘° C‘""' '‘‘‘‘‘'ll‘' llomc.'.\led. Devon rt. mouth. for Home Sea Service. U.K. Commission. (23 "‘l-‘-'‘'““- U“ “M” 90'“ l’°"“' H.M.S. moiitlis). U.K. Base Port. l)cvon- '““"'l‘In. July 5. at Glasgow Base Port. Rosytli. for Home Sea Service. Rccommis- H.M.S. Brave Swordsman. end August port. at Portsmouth for Home Sea Ser- ll.t\l.S. Leopard. Dccctnber (1. at ‘: Il.M.S. Loch Loiiiontl. April. at Chatsions October, 1960. for Foreign vice. U.l(. Base Port. Portsmouth. Portsmouili for (ieiieral Service. limit. for (ieiierul Scriiee (‘oiiiiiiiv Service (Far East). Coniiiiissioii. I'Itltltc'.'5i)\llll Ail;intic| sion. iloiiie/.-\r:ihi;m Seas and ILMS. Layburn. July. 6. at Rcufrcw. No. 893 Squadron. September I. at R.N.A.S. Yeovilton for Overseas; and South Anierica (24 months).‘ Pcisiiiii (iulf lltl months). U.ls'. for Home Sea Service (Boom Dei llzise Poit uudc: coiisiil-:z:itimi_ Service (Il..\I.S. Centaur). LLK. llasc Port. l’nrt~ii:oiitli, fence). l








Cisbom. Homes: can Quay. orehom. pidu'ngupatPLM5.ArielotcheoperroIe. N.B.—To altshlps vlsmng ,°m_

rnoutlus your


Admiralty not living in When Hannibalrammed cloud cuckoo land Prince the George MISSILE SUBMARINE STILL A

Navy News 2

June. I960






\IL.' J ' i h r.' 1 ,.i m .b““$§i Z~r3.' . ....l i : ):;",' . . v“' x °"_°u”)' 5\‘if“."""i.H"“.' s ' '".:‘.‘." po.,‘.md‘c,! Sc;vié‘: -i,0”-sm°l:fh°"?:~r‘-













£]l‘9ml3‘0nthS) .












June I960




Motoring correspondent has his troubles too

(DST motorists in their tirrie have been heard to grumble about garages: their high charges for a low standard of wnrls: failure to carry out all the scheduled operations in it routine service: leaving dirty linger itiarlts on upliolstery and so on. For several years in the .\lotor Ito he rectitied but which have been 'l'rade I used a ct1lll['l:lIl}.' car and rarely glossed over by the garage. I ant quite ceitairt that had I not experienced disatisfaettoit irtysclf for obsious tL'.tsntts since I was itivarizthly been in a position to stick iiry toes in. tlte l‘.uss and my car “as Pl‘t'I[lL‘l'i_\' my own car would‘still have been‘ looked after. :sl;irllttr_.: badly and rattling at the lot the last three _\'c.'rrs. however. Inuit. as a \I.'ll'L'lll[1lt\}k'll person .supplyin-,1 'l'lll-I LAST STRAW his own transport. 1 have gradrially l’L'.rltst.'tl that lll;ttl_\ -,:.ita_i:cs arc in fact i Last week l merely wanted the engtu'lr\ of the cltarges levelled against 'girie oil clrangitig. wliiclt was done. them. I have lotiiid this [1:|t'llL‘lllLlfl_\' .so Next day I checked the level of oil with my l;llt.'\l c;ir_ purchased new in anti found the surrip overlilled by at, 'least one pint and one inch too high Jariiiary this year. on the dip stick. A. E. MARSH. .‘. ... ___. .»\lv'l‘l-IR SAL!-ZS Sl~IRVl(.'l". The first spot of bother with my .M.S. .\lounts Bay. an A./\. froitt front bad cold. car arose starting Escort type frigate of 2.420 tons Although quite capable of dealing {full load) was built by William with this myself. the tiitte could not Pickersgill l.td.. of Sunderland and be spared and it was left for the agents completed by John I. Tliorneycrott to deal with at the tirst 500 miles free and Company Lintited. Southampton. service. The joke was on me! Laid down in October. I944 she was ICE-Al)MlRAl. Sir St. John R. J. 'l'_r-rvahitt. BL. (.'.ll.. l).S.().. I).S.C. launched on Jtrm: 8. I945 and contThe day after this service was Second Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Personnel. olliciated at the Oflicial carried otit it took just seven long pleted on August II. 194‘). opening of the new Royal Sailors‘ Rest. Albert Road. Dcvonporl. on May 27. minutes rising all the tricks I cotild ller dimensions are 3071 ft._ l0.:t.l and the Chaplain of the Meet. the \'en. Archdeacon John Armstrong. 0.ll.E.. think of before the engirte would start. ll)’ «mi ll- and ll" k'*““l“lL‘|"I-‘M N I57. Th.L.. Q.ll.C.. also took part in the ccrenruny. wltilst my wife became iirore and ntore personnel over I7}. their l)L‘\lgl'lCll [3l"ll‘l\Zll‘lly for 1lflll'Zlll'Cl'illl This fin‘; ngw building (which has Thcre is every evidence that many l she cross as was obviously going to families and other entitled persons, icscorl duties, vessels of this class are trccorrte known locally as the Royal inert ltave been helped spiritually. and he late for art appointruent. may now obtain certain domestic now otlicially classed as second r:ite]_s‘;.i|ors‘ "Rirz"). of which Miss E. M. there is no doubt that this new buildAfter tellitig the agents what I appliances and other durable goods on frigates. Carr is l.ady Superintendent with Miss thought I checked the carburettors instalment credit terms front the A short history of H.M.S. Moirnts J. M. J. Croger as her assistant. has in ing. which replaces that destroyed by where the fairlt obviously lay. The car N.A.A.F.l. tltc short time since it opened lls‘ doors enemy action in I9-tl. proniises to frilon page 6. Bay appears The limits of credits are: (a) oflicers is lined with twin S.U. carbtrrettors proved to be a most popular venue for lil all the traditions established over and pretty nearly everything which ~—£l20: tb) Petty otliccrs and above-— of the Royal Navy and other 80 years ago when Dante Agnes personnel cotild be wrongly adjusted had been. E80: (C) Leading Seaman and below'Servrce.s and indeed its amenities are Weston. G.B.E.. Ll.D.. founded this 6" A'b“"‘-" °' “kl” °"P'b" 9°“ welfare committees and £40; (d) front prestimzibly ignorance. stretched to the uttermost society. cards of of the Navy” Royal "Ships Messes-——no limit is laid birt down, The dashpot dantpers. which reof credit must not be un- .series. may be obtained from the quire only live drops of oil. had about antoirnt reasonable to the sire of the Mess and it-Iditor at tls. 6d.. including-pos1l2e. a tablespoonful in them which had l'l'lte albums are bound in still to be drawn off by syringe: they were goods must be for the hona tide use of Mess; (e) civilians authorised to covers, blocked with the ligurehead completely out of ttine. one being the of H..\‘l.S. Victory in gold. rich and the other weak. whilst the deal—£l00. The minintrrm value of purchase is cltoke did not operate at all except to and all iteriis subject to discount open the tlrroitle wide. lt took over £10 will be discoiintablc from the full :in hour to rectify the faults and the value of the items at 5 per cent. ertgiiie is now :r certain first-time I retail .-\ deposit of IO per cent. of the retail l stztrlcr. value of the goods must be paid before The .second spot of bother arose IEUT. G. R. Dcakins. R.N. (rct.). and payrnents must be contwhen .'l heavy r:ittle developed around delivery. at one time First Lieutcnzint of pleted within l2 ntontlts front the date the front end of the car which I the H.M.S. Victory (Ship) and a regular takes delivery. cvctitti.ill_\' traced to the steering. l was| Ancustomer extended credit charge of 1d. per contributor to "Navy News." appeared repeatedly fobhcd oil by the garage ' it per month of theinstalntent credit on the West of England Television until I finally insisted that the contis added to the balance to‘ item “View" on May 25. plete rack and pinion steering as- agreement be paid after the deduction of the The programme opened with Lieut. .s't:t1‘tl1l)‘ he changed. This completely deposit. Dcakins preparing to paint a picture cured the trouble. to he completed within less than half The serious aspect of these troubles art hour. Using a palette-knife techis that althotrgh l artt technically .-\nstra|ian naval authorities have ‘; niquc. the artist produced the painting qualitied :irid well known to tltcropened air inquiry concerning minor Iwithin the time limit and. as those agents they still tried to prove me l darnage to wiring in H..\l.S. Artchorite who know George and his colourful wrong and that they were in the right. f (l.ietit.-(‘dr. W_ I.. Owen R..\'.). ‘paitttings would appreciate. it was a I artt now. of course. wondering how .-’\richurite is a submarine of the Fourth picture which would grace arty rooiri. Wherever you're going to be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy rnaity ".suckers" are running around Submarirte Squadron based at Sydney. a new Hitlman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd. Portspirtting up with troubles‘ which ought . N.5.\V. mouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export sehcme—you buy at export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the :irrangcments—export formalities. insurztnce. shipping. cverthing. Call at our showroom or write ()Nl5IR.\t.\Tl0.\' has been received that to us to-day—y-our car can be 0 it its way tomorrow; or waiting the Iollovtirrc have been ads-artced to th: the Duchess of Kent. Chief "reach a peak strength during the last for you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home ('tm-I Petr» Otlrecr or Chief Artrtiecr r.rte ('orrtrriarrtlaiit of the Worricn‘s war of nearly 75.000 otliccrs and To for use in this country before you sail. Chief Petty Olliccr delivery plan Royal .\'a\‘al Service. was present at ratings. R. ll T. llu.uc_ JXIS-ll52. J. lluillt-v_ W I’. Wutt. JXlrrl‘l'7J_ S R I .JX|-t2‘l.\|. a reception held at St. Jamcs's Palace The reception was attended by sortie ll. ii. if l.uc.i\. .|.‘\'ll»-tl(N, ltaek_ JNIS.\2‘vl, on .\torrr.lay evening. May to. to mark 500 serving and retired ollicers of the -\ S.:oit_ l.‘\'l.‘043t-. E J. H. lla)‘c\. JXI-17951. the Zlst anniversary of the formation including the Director (Miss To Mrrster-at-Arms of the W.R.N.S. ll7.. I.. 7. lloyer-Millar. 0.B.li._ l-ion.‘ ll ll\rnc .\lNt-(17543 .l llurr)-_ .\l\'\tIIl7l5, R. I. l’.irtitt. .\l.\'7(r7t]7-t It was irt April. l‘)_‘r‘). that the late ,A.l).('.) and three past l)irectors~« To (Thief Engine Room Artifice: Dante Vera Laughton .\latthcws was ;l)ame blary l.lo5-tl. l).B.E.. Dainc l (' Acting K. llenrieuy. .\lX\'DtNTV. W Shepherd, appointed tirst Director of the re- .Nancy Robertson. l).ll.l‘... and Dame .\lNTi‘I.'tZ, R. li. Allen, .\lX'H2‘2_ R Smith. .\t.\1I:m.t-t. I.. C. (iilb-.-rt, .\lX7lt-tit. formed \V.R.N.S.— pioneered. of llocelyn \Voollcoitthc. I).ll.l3. The To (‘hid lincinerring Mechanic in W17-I‘) aitd recruiting ;l)ircctors of other Wontert'.s Services course. .\l. ll Chilton. K.‘s"'.W77. A F. Limes. opened for thc service. which was to lwere also present. K.\‘tl-t‘-SS. A, W. Pom.-ll. KX.-t-t-t‘I7t)_ R l". Rat-, '








BDMIIIG mm: iiii ‘LEA vs.» an mun mi 1 avsnssasp

COMING for ACE CELEBRATION l Advancements [[.R.ll.






t4xs'-:7.<n_ A (3. l'e.tnoit, KN‘t7rt77 Tu (‘Mel Shipvtriglil Artilicrr .\l I \\'lr\rri.iri. .\lXoIlH7-l


(II Inc ..._.... the hi“ “_‘m ""3 "nlm ‘““"“-ll llrllict. 1”.“ l mm.‘ .1 ' ‘l'‘‘"‘ ilcllfll’) ‘'7 '“'j'"‘ for .\rirri!rer 2 Area. stxssa-:l for the l)erlic.itinrt ccreiritrri) are To .\clint: (‘titer “K. (M, M.‘ prL.\,_-,“¢.| 5|r(lI:nl_ri:|I L [1 "mlm '“Mm4'M' inking sliztpc. Itraitclt by the Area cIr:iirrri:ir‘. lllt‘ l‘Ti|"¢l‘ “““' l‘*“‘° '““ “‘“"“ mate (lower. durirltl tilt.-it‘ to ("hint -Electrician \\' A. “ho are ltllllllicis. and itrcnibcrs are jl't.‘_l_1l'.'llill)l_\'. his far-etscll visit lktitrcttnrt, .\1K.‘t‘(»0.L'I Tn Writer (‘lticf old laces Pelt) hr:incli_ Nuriilrer 2 area's l(‘ K M llrmsrr,(lfircr sery picascd to see sortie .\lX7s""l.l turning tip agtutt. .trndotihtedIy he l’ortsmoirth's ‘Tn Chief Radio Communication Supervisor The total airrorrrtt tirade at the daricc« The Whitstable secretary l A. Alrr.th.iiti. .|Xl.l\‘5~l.\, S A. Svdes, A (T llriree-s, JX7l2$00, I‘. ll. in lI..\l.S. (‘alliope was rr\'ct' l.30_ oil that at the tirrre of lc:lJ\'7l237(r. Jxmfiom M_.,_u"_ which more than half catne front thci.50 l'K'r>‘-"~‘l_ll Ul l’)I'tll1Cl‘lt.‘\ "IV. To Chief Communication Yeoman Ladies stall. the dedication ceremony of lllt. l". \\'. Johnson. l.‘Cl6l6fI‘i Berth Chief Petty (llircr Ill\'llL'tl ilk‘ W‘ to was 'l'lt-.- branch stable Standard on Sunday. ‘ToV.Sick .l. .\lX.'lI.-$77‘! Cottrell. t\’ortltum- have replied and. n:itrrrally. To Store: Chief Petty coniritissioning ol Olliccr (5) hria and ll was tery rniercstrrir: indeed. branch is an.\ious to malt A. R, lln_-u_rt. bl);-‘l(-t~‘t‘*(>.' m’ ,-\fiei'\tartls irternhers were ctitcitairicd .,,_-L-$5,," ;, nhjgl c-“L-¢,_-ccfut ., on troartl tI..\t.S. t‘:-||mt1:. appeals to l\r;ttt.‘ltcs‘ to .supp.1-,, -M3,, ciar.r'Aim'.rt M-rclaaniciau tor l.lFX77-I252. R. E Reynolds. The tlzirts tintl tlutttittil sltti.‘lt.ls‘ \\'t.:l'I."|nc||]l1:,'r\ of his ltrginch, ('_ ‘Ii


going rip and nitlr


11'; A2lli'.:li.iiiild















he httiortiate l)cnton and






'%n":}':‘i:";7’-W Fm" (0,


5°!-“H303 Tel, PORTSMOUTH 2326‘

;\lrs. John l)':cfenbakcr. t 3,-_ (; pi.irp..ii_ i..'t-‘xrrm-tit ;(f;m;;-_[;i\ Primc Minis.“-r_ I; To. At-tine (‘hid Radio Electrical Meelunician <



liedfordi ‘hEmpress (‘artiatliari l‘:::‘-'” “ini-',\'.s4r.o(w' e 27.00t)-}or£‘anata

from A.ssoeiaiioii l)artfoi‘d. (iaiiis rougi. (iosport Welling will appear in our















Viclsers-Arntstrong's yard. ort-Tyne.


ay |_



“T‘}'Cl;l¢‘:_:::::€rl0;;I;:lg'\ '














June, 19“

H.M.S. Hermes—fii°st part of tna%ifide%n% commissoeoleted IN MEDITERRANEAN ; Many visitors

to Britain’s

latest carrier


SI’!-’.l.l. at Gibraltar. a trip to Paris, at visit to l.e-llavre, eoiiiliiiied with the completion of her I-‘lying Trials, and Hermes can say that she has successfully eiiiitplt-.ui an iiiitmnaxii pliase of her maiden coinmis-sioii. .-\t the end of -.ill this :i "I-':imilie~a' ship is frequently playitit: host to Day" at sea \\.'l\’ arraiieetl. relati\‘c~‘. parties of visitors. Perhaps oite of tlte and friends he'll): hiotttxht by launch most varied and picturesque _t1T0llp\‘ to Spitliead uhere tltcv emhailted to.was~ that of the -10 N.z\.'l‘.(). ("httplainvz. witnen a typical tl.l‘y' of carrier life. representing l2 dillerent 'l'hi~ meiiior.ih|e ctcnt concluded countries, who visited Hermes during: their recent conference. the tint six month» on board. Being Britain's latest carrier. the ()thcr important \'i\‘it0t's (not in. '




H.M.S. Hermes entering Portsmouth Ilarhour.

eluding Customs Ollicers) were the} The ship will comiuiuiun forgover. the "happy lleriiie.<" will. it is (‘ivil Lord of the Admiralty. Directortieneral Service til the end of liineieertain. he a iiimt eliicient unit of tleet and will make her practice Gcncfill Shins. the Commander-im and ~ail for the Chief. Portsmouth. and the Com- Shakeii down. worked tip and trials .lclt in all llect itL‘Il\‘lllt:S. Naval ’modore Drafting. Their


presence was of real interest. since many of them subscribed to the popular 20 minute daily programme

"Hermes Tonight," by ettplainint: their work and sziyintv. what does‘ happen and is happening inside the Admiralty. both in London and .it Bath. when lilernies was at llarrow-iii-







missiuned. tlte crew took evcrv atl\'antai,:e of the local sports facilities ;illordcd_ ‘l'lie-«e lll\.'llltlL‘I.l cricket. soccer anil ltockcv. Now. as a fttllt‘ Ct9l'tlll'|i\\l_\\llCt.l ttnit of the llecl. reaxonahlc teams are hi.-iiie formed. Recently at |.e-Havre. the local teattt was heaten at soccer hv one goal to nil. The imiuediatc impressioii after this victory. both by the French Pfcis‘ and spectators. was that Hemies had tielded a tirst-class team. In Badminton. the ship had its lirsi serious contest against Victorious. from “hum it stole the Curacao cup. '['m.», “M 1]” fire; im._-r.‘-hip “in “mi l.ii.-tit. I). .~\. ”:|I1\‘l|ll. R..\.. of 700 .Squadron. the ltrst pilot to land on the ship. cuts a cake in the presence of Capt. I). S. Tilihitw. I).S.C.. R.N. the tirst lthfi of Victorious, _

This‘ picture gives


excellent idea of the pilot's View to land on.




he approaches

“E ;. :~‘~-.. '.‘»«~-,_. The lint :iircr:il'tto latiil oti llllrlllu li_\iiti.-, tri;ils-‘H (;._mm.; gt‘ 7llt'l Siitiatlroii. "~""-



Get in touch with Daring before

eloping ''—and hunger. net of the belly kind that 5 Bamshed with bacon and beans. But the gnawing hunger of rnen for _

A home and all that it



iAi=oLociss To me LATE om MeGRE\V)




F“ '" °" °"'






Cable "5hiP3S5Ur¢" T°'¢Ph°fle C-4225 (5 l-Ines) Agents for B.E.A. and all Ind9P9"d9" tC°"'P°'"°5 ,



M5. Daring joined the Home; at the end of March and.1 _"I-‘lcet during April, the ship's company en- ; joyed a well-eamed leave with their laniilies. many of whom were waiting: for the ship at l)ei'onport when [lit s-hip arriired. One of the amusing leave \’l0l'|t.“

hitch-hiked friend



tip to Scotland with and they were given a lit


§.i’i‘:'t3uf.si‘c3li‘$‘(€lsl5§:‘l_:|€'|€.$l~‘*'tEul't:l-'§lCic:,t.*lh“:EI‘l*:“l;c:l‘iW-it?'%) ’ safe from then parents! if anyone has any ideas 0I '.





l.“. s‘“.i“f.‘§Daring. .‘3i.§"‘i§.l‘i‘




balance and then writes to Some of the statistics of the ship so fat‘. are worthy of note. Darin: has steamed 33.000 miles in 2.27. hours. tiring l8.432 rounds of am't' .l22. 'd.d23l d

-§lnl lt|lnI(l'l:l‘l"il(l lg

‘pints 0l9rg‘:'ctJg.:)clte, Dunfermline, and at Helensburgh. Londonderry.

alI3‘|;l°mS°c"mS'-'11';_lrose. H;l ':|i:M<{|!tut"greatly _in£|5l|c1¢ady appreciated '


board up the Clyde.











Dolphin. .

June. I960


lFirst Sea Lord forced his appointment 1


Have YOU a personal problvm








to relinquish |Admira|

A.C.S.S. (Air). promoted to Rearin July. I947 to ViceAdmiral September. I950 and to Iolm E!IL‘ll.\ll will he plt'ns¢-il to mini-er yam qut‘rIe.\ A i‘I'tIIItfl¢':J Admiral in March. I95-‘I. lle was I created a (‘.\’.0. in I938. a C8,, 0ti'(lI‘C.\.tL'(I L'IH't'IU,Dl,' will be (tp[)rL't‘ltllftI I944. promoted to K.(I.B. in I953 and to (i.(‘.tl. in the Birthday months of your tliscliarize. ('().\l.\IU'I‘.-\'I'I().\' .\.\'I) llonoiirs. I957. not _in any L‘\t.‘ltl rctluce \\\II1 !'IMI(}R.-\'I'l(l.\t' . liveryoiie likes Sir (‘li:irIes l.:imbe pension to less than I-ts. and it is to be hoped lliat he will I go to pension October. I960. and. soon be out and about again. have the oiler of a iob in .-\merica.I IN\'Al.II)II\'(3 Admiral Sir (‘aspar John. K.C.ll.. (‘an I eoininute part «if m_v pension, over succeeds Sir ( harlcs Laiiibe as‘ First .\luch to my sorrow I discovered: to no there. and (II"J\\‘ the remainder‘ Sea Lord aml (hief of the .\’aval over there? Then second: if I decide, I have at vertebra at the base oi‘ the: not to go to the States‘. and commute? spine which has slipped some half; Admiral Sir Charles I-2. Lztiiilie. G.C.I'l.. ('.\'.0.. who. for some weeks has Stall. £2 3 “wk 0; my pcmion rm. }.m,_..¢ an inch and I am to be recommended I been in hospital with coronary thrombosis hits. on the advice of his doctor.s,1 Admiral Sit‘ ('aspar John was born up his‘ appointment as First Sea Lord. and Chief of Naval Stzifi which in I90} and is an oflicer with tinpurchase: to whom do I apply; what to be dischurtted unlit for the rivalled ltnowledgc of Naval Aviation. notice do they require. Apmnnm. no" I um an invalid i he took over from Admiral of the Fleet I-Zarl Mtiuntbnlten in May. I959. Between the two wars he served I look and feet At. but I His decision to relinquish the’: Queen I-ili/abetli as I-‘lag I.ietiten:int I-'irs'tly, your possible trip to although. in several aircraft cari'ict's._ln October. America. Comiiiutation of pension tnlvl‘ to IKECP ill F92}-IIIII’ t0lI¢tI with appointment was made on May I0 to the (‘onimander-in-Chief .\lcditer- I9-H he took command of H.M.S. ttllb I00-Milt’. and approval has been given by IIcr,rancan. can only be allowed for life. That is a local Civilian hospital I am Majesty the Queen for Sir (‘h:irles'j Promoter to t‘onimander in June. Pretoria (‘astle which had been conyou agree to give up. say 10s. per lime and money. .\Iv complaint but I immediate promotion to Atliniral of: I933 when he was serving as torpedo verted for use as an aircr:ift carrier. week of your Pension. and the told was caused with birth. in the the Fleet. "in special recognition tit”. olliccr of ll.M.S. llziwkins in the ‘and in the following year he coniAdmiralty estimate the total amount have served 12 and ball’ years I am nearly 29 and an his oiitstandini: service lllrollgltuttll East Indies. he served as Stall -nl:tlltIt.'tI the light tleel carrier_Occ:in you are uivini: up and present that Royal Navy. she lirsi coiunussiotietl_ ()llicer to the Rear Atliniral; ivlicii i'l'orpetlo to you as a lump stltlt, So you will I-l.R..-\. 3rd Class. I have not re- a long and distinguished career." ' it I9-«IX he “in app-oiiitetl to comI I had intended doSir Charles condition is now I)L‘\II'U}'.'r\'. .\letlilerraiic'.iii. and in mand R.N. Air Station, see that coiiiiiiiitation of pension is! enizattetl although l.ossicnioutli. .scai'ccl\‘ a suitalilc \\.i\‘ of raisins: tlic; im: so. Iloo do I stand for a iiaval resolving satisfactorily but sl(\\\‘I\ and I935 he was appoinletl lisecutisi: ‘filter wliicli appoinlnient lie seiscil in cash to move yourself and fainily to‘ tlisahility pt-iision. or on the other iii is likely that he may be in liospital tltttficr "t “-31.5. \'i-‘rlwll. Atlniiraltv as Deputy (‘hicf of lie was promoted to captaiii at the Ellie Aiiiei'ic.'i. A better plan would be. I ‘hand. stavini: in the i\'avv either per- for several more \\'L‘Cl;s'. ; Naval Air lzquipineiit and later as or until my back _has been "f 37 ‘~""""‘”"“"d 3”“! "F" su_i:;:est. to ask a batilt for a sttitable manently.which Atltninil of the Heel Sir (liarlcs H'M'S'il)irector of .-\ir Ori:ani/aton and I am told Ls‘ 1! I191 from l)unt-din loan. If you haven't a bank account. pegged. I93-2 until October. Lantbc was born on Dcccnibcr 20.‘ 'l‘raiiiiin.:. the “personal loan" scheme will resort. 1900 and passed into the Royal Ntival I‘)-30. Admiral John was promoted RearI:I‘(\t1l :\'oveinI\cr, I9-I0 tiiitil .\lay, I It seems to me that the question College. Osborne. in September. I914. probably be best. thoiigli the rate of in .I:inuar_v. |*)5l and on interest on an ordinary bank over- of your retention in the Service is His first sea appointment was H.M.S. I944. he was serving in the plans gAdniiral he was‘ appointed to conidraft is less -if you already have a a matter only for the doctors, since Emperor of India in September. l9l7 division of the Naval Stall at the ‘promotion mand the Third Aircraft Carrier bank account. or start one soon. In only they can tell how much your and in this ship he witnessed the Admiralty. first as‘ Assistant Director. Squadron. then as Deputy Director and finally any case. the rate of interest is not slip d vcrtcbra may atfect your surrender of the German Fleet. In I952 he became Chief of Naval Of Director. as very high. I am not sure how you per ormancc of your duties. Air Equipment and Chief Nasal RepIn 1925 he was serving in lI.;\l.S. would have to arrange repayment of course. and I sincerely hope so. they In Jilly. I944 he assumed command resentative at the Ministry of Supply. the loan from America, but the bank may be able to cure you completely. of H.M.S. Illustrious then serving in He was promoted to Vice Admiral ui could give you all the gen on that. Or they might find that you were per- man's time and to have signed on the [Eastern Fleet. His succeeding Marcli. I95-l. and took tip the appointCertainly, by arranitenient with the niancntly unfit for sea service, but all for pcn$i0n_ But you will b¢ eniitlcd.appointnients were: Assistant Chief of Flag ()Ilicer Air (Home) in Director of Navy Accounts, you right for shore service. In such cases to a gratuity as follows for seven of i\'aval Stall (Air) at the Admiralty; June. I955. could draw your pension in America. the Admiralty will allow rete_ntion to year's man's time £50. eight yearsi Flag Ollieer I-‘lying Training: Flag He was promoted to /tdniiral in most in only £60. nine years £80, ten-eleven years; Ollicer (‘onimantling the 'l'Iiirtl Air- January. I957 four months before Suppose you do not go to America. complete engagement. and where circumstances. £100. If you reckon the condition of. craft Carrier Squadron. Home Fleet. ;bccoiiiini: a Lord ('omiiiissioiicr of “(_‘oiiinint:ition is a privilcize which exceptional valtiuhle service. will be allowed only for some definite a man can still give your back is due to your service. you 'in I-l..\l.S. Vengeance; Flag Otliccr ttlle Atliiiiralty amt Vice-Cliicl' of the few that with the should apply to the Ministry of Pen- Air. Home. Naval Stall. project which the Admiralty consi- You will realise Admirthe for F..R.A's. billets short sions and National Insurance for a lle assumed the post of Comders will be to the distinct and perIt was announced in .\IarcIi of this could not almost certainly aliy ap- Disability Pcnsion_ They will investi- mander-in-('hief. Far East Station. in year that Admiral John was to sucmanent advantage of the pensioner." In retention. case any House purchase would probably prove your gate the circumstances to discover March. 1953 and joined the Board of 'cecd Admiral Sir William W. l)avi.s' could allow not to you where responsibility lies. If they Admiralty as Second Sea I.ord and as ('ommander-in~(Iliief. Ilonie I-leel. qualify under these rules. and you they certainly for pension. award a Disability Pension it will be (‘hief of Naval Personnel in October. but in view of this new appoiiitment should apply direet——not through sign on If you are invalided from the Scr- based on the degree of disability from I955. In October. I957 he became Admiral Davis‘ will remain for the "Service Cliannels"vto The Secretary of the Admiralty (Naval Pay Branch). vicc. you will not receive a Service which you suffer. The minimum dis- (‘omniander-in~(‘hiel' Mediterranean. time being as Coniiiiander-in-Chief. Sir ('Iiarles was made an acting Home Fleet. and (‘omin:intler-ineither after you have actually gone Pension because to qualify you need ability to qualify is‘ twenty per cent. to pension. or within a couple of to have completed twelve years’ Iwhich entitles you to 17s. per week. Rear-Admiral in t9-SS when appointcdtchief. I-Zasiern Atlantic.


Admiral Sir

Caspar John takes









’ DD




/@\@\@y “.



somethingabout Every Man 'fihis Day Enjoying His Double Diamond!" of‘






June. I960

Mounts Bay sp ent most HIGH SEAS HAMPERED RESCUE SHACKLETON SAVES TRAWLER of her life in Far East DURING which she could

control. Speed was increased. and preparations were madc to transfer a twothe ordinary day-to-da_v work of one of H.M. Ships‘. there are man manual pump by seahoat. occasional events which. although they may not malte the headlines‘. yet Shackleton was stopped about half the action taken means lives and ships saved. a cable to windward of Starbank. and One such event took place last .-\t 0800 on April 9. in a rising force the state of the sea. the boat month whilst the survey vessel. l-l..\l.S. 6 wind and .1 heavy sea. l-l..\l..i. despite slipped safely. The ptiiiip was Shackleton (I.icut.-Cdr. J. C. White. Shackleton received instructions to was transferred with l’..R.:\. ll. R.N.) was engaged in the search for proceed to the assistance of the Star-l Scliolcs and together .\l.tli) N. Allen and the pieces of the R.!\.l-'. Victor botnbcrlbank. a near-isater trawler at work! scaboat was rehoisted. which crashed last year. Diligent oil the Smalls. about 20 miles south-| After about IS minutes. although search has produced several hundreds west of St. David's llcad. It was re- ‘the pinup was working satisfactorily. of pieces of the aeroplane. ‘ported that the trawler had a leak lthc water in St;irb:mls's hold was still rising, so it was decided to ptit a diesel pump oiiboard. not




M.S. Mounts ll-.i_v (Cult. W. .l. Woollcy. R.N.) returned to Portsmouth on May 16 from the Far East Station to pay ofl and eventually to be

placed in reserve. The ship was laid down in October.[ several patrols otf Chinese Communist

launched in June. 1945 waters. The ship returned to Singapore on at Soutliampton. She was then laid tip and was later completed in April, I94‘) March 3 :ind underwent a major rclit. at Thornt.-ycroft's Woolston. During tlte rctit period the ollicers and The tirst ship to bear the name in men were given lc:ive and visited many lllGll .'-il-ZAS the Ro_val Navy, she is named after places in the Federation of Malaya. the Bay near Pcnzaiice in Cornwall. including Pcnang. There was too high a sea running which takes its name from In the first week in June the ship. f to transfer this by boat. so the captain Michael's .\loiint. an island in xtsi went to sea for trials and the second‘ itold Starbattk to come alongside mid.st. and third weeks were spent working ;Shackleton's starboard quarter. Since first commissioning. the ship up with the Eighth and Tenth DesMeanwhile. the First l_ieuten:uit. l.icut.-Cdr. J. l’aton_ R.l'\‘.. had prespent four commissions on the Far troyer Squadrons and the Submarine East Station before returning to the ll.M.S. Anclioriic. lpared the necessary gear aft. so that United Kingdom in Atigtist. I95-l. On completion of tlte work-up lthc thrcc-liundrcdwciglit diesel pump icould be lowered quickly itito StarDuring this period the ship was en- period the ship spent five weeks in[ waist. This transfer was also gaged in the Korean War. Hong Kong before leaving for a cruise The ship has since been employed that included l’l0llilll(llil_ Mantis g<|lCCL'\\'lllll)' carried out. the trawler on the Home, South Atlantic and Island. Rabaul. Solomon lsles. New only having to remain alongside about -’a minute before getting clc:ir again. South American and West lndies Hebrides, .\'ouiiica. Sydney. Cairns; the inevitable humping of the two Staiions. She reioined the Far East :ind l)ili before returning to Singapore ‘and .vessels was rcdiiced to a iiiiuimutu. I ect in January of N58. and soon! on October I2. l’__R,.-\. Scholcs and his assistant After three weeks spent on the west :iftcrwards_ in L‘t\llll‘lJlll\' with ll,.\l.S soon had the diesel puuip working and Cardigan llay :ind ll..\l_S_ Crane, ear- coast of .\lalaya. during which time after a hit it could be seen that the ricd out a hombardnicnt of terrorist Royal .\l:ila_v;iii Naival Volunteer Reareas in .‘\lalay:i in support of an’ serve ratings were enibarked for sea ; flood water was dropping, As soon as Itliis was learned. Shackleton told operation by the Security Forces. ln' experience. the ship sailed to Addu I Starbank to proceed to .\lilford llaven October of I958. she did a cruise along Atoll in the .\laldivc Islands. for one; the west coasi of .\lalay:i visiting Port month. This period covered Chrislmasi {and said that she would escort her. lloth vessels arrived safely at .\lilof i950 and the New Year. and was Swettcnham. l.angk:iwi and Pcnang. "A st.-about" \\ ford Haven at U00. ay succeeded by visits to (‘oehin in liidia. PRESENT C0.\l.\lISSl0N :ind Chitagong and ls'huln:i in liasl l l The present sliip’s company rc-com- Pakistan. missioned the ship on November 28.! On March Zl this year. H..\l.S.l 195R, She worked up oil the soiith-cast ! .\lounts Bay sailed for the United coast of .\lalava. and in particular inj Kingdom. and arrived in Portsuiouth lhe vicinity of Pulau Tioman, Aftert on May 16. to pay oil and and then spending Christmas in Singapore. to be placed into c.\icndcd reserve. ll..\l_S. Mounis Bay sailed for Hong ('().\l.\l.-\N IJING 0|"!-'l(‘l".R Kong where she undertook a two-l month period of ditty. involving Cdr, Woollcy. the eoiiinianding oiliccr of the ship. who saw war service in ll..\l. Ships Raniillics. .\lalaya. Nelson. llerniuda and Norfolk. is a I\llblll:Il‘lllC-lllllflcllctlPolaris missile to and l)ircction Navigation Specialist replace it. and was promoted contmandcr in BY l)|-lS.\l()Nl) WI-Z‘l'l‘ERN at I December. I956 after he had been the U5. Sllll'S first navigating ofliccr of I-l..\l.S. Ark “Tr” "RN15" "/5 Gl':"“ Chilean Navy on the world's largest nuclear-powered ship. the aircraft-carrier Alniirantc Williams. one of the’ Royal. USS. l-Intcrprise. is coming on well at Newport News. -n,,_. _.s 5 l_.._.;,, .,_..,u..| in nu, "mgMottnls is 307 feet in Bay length. built for destroyers being The Enterprise will be l:t1t’t1plt:lt.‘(l.llltilll that the possession of these sub-.subniarinc experiiiiental and trials two Chilean Navy by Vickcrs-Ariiistrorig “ml " ll""'" "l is [ca "ml ll" lll" is hoped. by late IUM. Recent pictures iiiariiics. each eairying tr. Polaris mis- ‘frigate H..\l 3s‘ llrocklesby during her 1_“;__ mm “ML... i‘. mm. on "ink placeiiicntis 2.-ttltttons.ller;irm;inieril that her hull is already completed,silcs. would draw :iu cncniy attack last conimissioii appears to have been [Wm ‘l'“‘l’l“"ll‘“"‘ visited Portsmoutli on .\la_v ll). f‘""""°ll N“. ll‘ amulsliips tip to (iallcry Deck lL‘\‘L‘l.l£lW5l)' from the .‘\lllL'lIL‘Zlll homclatid..adoptcd in some of the ..-\mcncan ‘rm. R.,y_.,| N”... i. ”“Ning with-llll_\llllllll}1\' and two single aml two this factor and also that the U.S.~l-'ram ll iiiodeinisations of war-built the trials. which are being carried otit l“‘’”‘ "‘‘l‘" '““"""'“i“- H“ ‘5""‘l"l"' cl-;N'rR_.u.|§|-;|) c()N'nu)[_ .\‘av_v admit that Polaris is :i lnttg W11)’llCClAllCSll'U)'|5l'S. The John W, ‘t'hoiiiament is It) otlicers and tot ratings. from Portland. from an ctlectivc deterrent are son is now eqiiinp.-d with Asdic gear General Power. Commander of the two being wliiclt the second destroyer. still being (A photograph of the ship appears were made in the which is lowered over the stern iititil points U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Com-i hiiilt. is the :‘\lmirante Rivcros. on page 3.) recent argiiment over the scrapping of echoes can be received below the thertnand, upon which the delivery of the‘ oiir own lllue Streak and whether tojnial Iaycr. American deterrent weapons stilli largely depends. is dentatiding it system of centralised control for all U.S, AGNES .strategic forces which iueans that‘ even the nuclear-powered missile stth-l marines throughotit the world would; be under direct control of one man in 3 an underground otlice in Ncbr;is'k:t.i There is a bitter argument raging all present among senior US. Navy and at DEVONPORT—(ncw Rest. just opened in Albert Road) Air Force ofliccrs over this. PORTSMOUTH--(Edinburgh Road) and LONDONDERRY—(Foyle Street) The Navy argues that it is wrong‘ provide comfortable accommodation. modern restaurants. TV to place the control of the Polaris‘ and games rooms. and many other amenities. submarines in the hands of melt who See "ASHORE AND A!l.0Al"‘ for details of Christian fella-vztnga live or six years ago were in favour off Architect designed houses and bungalows scrapping tltc missile and the sub-y 19-14 and










Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to be completed in 1961


Chilean Destroyer Portsmouth












I in I |




L1;/is is pleasant




lllllll Sllllllls’ lllSlS



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| |

marines_ It is admitted. however. that Polaris is by no means an effective weapons system and will not be for a long time yet. Rightly, though. the Navy points












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Gerald William Smith. Acting Chief Engine Room Artifieer. P/MX.833-I64. EMS. Sultan. ‘Died April 24. I960. Bernard Joseph Gerard Kelly. Ordnance Artilicer 4th Class. p/Mx_9;37zg_ ".M5_ [,,,,pu,d_ Died April 27. I960. Lieutemlnt-Coriimunder Maurice


Naval Personnel normally accepted with War and Service risk covered


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John Fitzgerald. Royal Navy. H.M.S. Hermes. Died April 38.. I960.

Harry llrondrett. Mechanician lst Cl:ls‘.s‘. I’/K.‘\'.9l-$155. |l..\l.S.

Sultan. Died May 2. 1960. Cecil Roy Rirlgsszrv. .\larine. RM.lll375. No. 40 Coriiniamlo. l Died Mn) 3. H60. F.«.lward Robert Henderson. 3

At your service






-lth Class‘. I'Ii\vl.\'.9ll2.-lllll. ll..\l.5. -(‘ossat'ls'. Died May 4. I960. Reginald Samuel Cotton. Electrical Mechztnic ls-I (‘lax-e. (.‘/.\I. 931469. ll.:\l..'i. 'I'crfor. Died .\la_v 5. tom.


(:lllIf,l' l "létitgglltslltllrl \ .‘\2le ‘ . l N ' e : t ',';;;':; ,.,’;_,-.-,z_-‘,,;,,,_ --



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13 (..larcntlon I


lsoatl, t~.otitli.soa ,


u.“_plmm. 1,5,5






Director-General of Arbroath

Aircraft visits

W.R.N.S. ANNIVERSARY "3? Vice\'iee-Admiral Sir Kaye I-Idden. Dcvonport. in succession the Adntiral L. A. ll. l’eile. C.B.. D.S.O.. K.B.ll.. ('.l!., has been placed BALL take elfect in September, date May Zl. Retired List M.V.O., ,.a.-» -r —-_









end of ’l‘HI;’ beginning of


old term and the

Rear-.-\dmir'.II V. C. Bean. C.B.. a new one causes been has to D.S.0.. D.S.C.. promoted Rear-Adrniral W, V. Beach. quite an upheaval among the residents Surg. 2!’ ml" vi°''''‘’\d"‘i''‘'l '“ “"5" l_l..\l.!s‘_ Condor. "(ioodh_ves“ have ().B.l:I., l-'.R.('.S.. has heen appointed of be said to many old friends who Ht‘ I‘-'=|‘~' PW|III‘l'~‘Il (‘1tl‘I=IiII in ‘"47 an honoraI’.\' snrlleon lu the Queen in and l{ear-Atliniral in I957. lie \\*:isi“,,_.“.“i(,,,W _e,.,-,;_ \-';¢¢._.\,|nm-at 3;,- 'have completed their courses and made a (‘.ll. in the New Ye:ir'$l R. Cyril .\la_\'. K.ll.[-1.. ;\l.(‘.. l-'.R.('.S.. “\\'ele0tt1es“ have to be given to a lot of new faces. the owners of which llonouxs. l‘I.“-I. \\llll ellect from April It). arrive at Arhroath full of ambition. and eager to further their eareers, or Rear-.-‘kdiuiral A. A. l-'. ,eonuneuee them as thc case may ht}. l).S.(l. and liar. is to he I-lag Otlieer , The news from (‘ondor this month .\:;ihi:in Seas and Persian (iulf in sue-' is eoneernetl mainly with the events eession to (Elie. (L Ii. .\l. llest: the apat the end of the Spring Term. pointment to take elleet in August. Tuesday, April 19. was the clay of . the l':ts'\ittg-()ut Parade. The Reviewing ()llieer was Rear-.’\dmiral Ii. Mill. ().li.l5.. Director-General of Aircraft. The (iuard and Colour Escort were serve .-\ide~de-(‘amp to the Queen. to’ fomied from the Petty Ofliecr Air dare from .-\pril 2‘). in succession to Rear-Admiral Mill talking to L./Wren Anne Soon-den. Filters and Aircraft Meehanieians Capt. W. C. Shepherd. RJ). and Clasp. l-ll-1 Royal Navy and the Royal passing-out R__\,_R_ classes. Marines arc to he represented in O 0 I In mt-, cw;-mug of lhc _\:|mc day the The decorations were magnificent, National Rifle Association Team. ceremony of Beating Rclrcm was car- and inc_luded_ the \V.R.N.S. Crest. at Rear Admiral I’. W. Grctton, C.B.. the drawn from “hole of Great rictl out by the Scotland Command chandelier with 2| candles. and the l).S.(). and two Bars, 0.B.F... l).S.C.. iliritain. which the will tour Canada in Royal Marine Band and the C(‘Il(l0l"lI‘UiI! k¢)'_ (‘I Ihc d00I'- WII|L‘lI. In is to he Flag Oflieer Sea Training in and August, (‘.l’.0. R. Jennings Vnlunmcr [tam], keeping with the scale of‘ the whole succession to Viee-Atlinir.il W. (i, Holy of l-I..\l.S. Ariel and Colour Sergeant Craxxfi-rd. C.l!.. l).S.C.. to take elfect S. SkippiItgs_ R.\l.. have been selected} The weather was very pleasant. and 3 event. was of enormous size. ; ceremonies in August. l‘It\lI. were well :ittent_lc_¢l ‘_ lhe lurtlid:i_v‘Ifcake was cut by .\lr.s. the team. (_3Il"I- 1€_|IIIIt‘Tihy relatives and friends of the Slups, lflIIII¢I- "flit-‘ Otlleer t 0 ot ll..\l.$.i i( ,..m~.;,ny_ '|(‘tIlllll‘I.'Il‘l(lIl1§ Rear-.\tlIniraI C. l. .\I. 8. saw the visit of the -( |‘lI_tl\‘l‘. April Friday. ] l),S.('.. is to in‘ Senior l\'a\al .\lernh_1-‘I'llitlv.':irtl island Ritlc Association Rh RU.‘ winmm_.\_||;.n_|)_|),_|ti\lmp' Wren Jean lzelsford. who was horn “l Ilk‘ DI“'~'“"i1,5l-'Ill “i ll“: l"‘l“"""l'(,‘enten:irvmeeting at llalifa.\t. l\'o\':i of l)unl.eld. who was to liless "It-‘ U41)’ ilk‘ “"-R-N,-S WI-‘I'¢ I3t‘I't‘IIt'u' (.\'”£‘t1I-‘ I" *‘'‘‘'‘'‘“‘'n I" Rm“ kcotia. and also e\'ent.s at .\lonlre;il newly opened Roman (‘atliolie Lhuren IIIHIII-‘IL \}i|* l‘I'~“k‘III\'<l “W1 "I0 -'\""I'i .-\tlinir.il l’, W. (iretton. (T.B._ D.S.O. I and ()u;,“.;,' of ()ur Lady. Star of the Sea. At'terI\t‘I"5I".\ l'\'~‘.\'D'5'c" m “M hlessing llte (‘hapcl and celebrating‘ item of considerable An interest '0 ‘" niarksnien is that (‘hicf l£.R.A. .-\. I. Holy Mass. the llisliop toured at Station. ' ' of ll..\l.S. .-\riel is well in the Clark To commemorate the '°~=°"-‘“‘"' (apt. I. G. Aylen. 0.B.I':.. |).S.C.. is running for s._-Icctiun for lhc 1960 tion of the W.R.N.S. on April ll. to be promoted to Rear~z\tlntir;il to 0|y"~,p1¢, 1.,-um of1h.,_- National Small Ht-1 Bishop of Portsmouth {the date July 7. I060. and to he /\dmiral l Bore Rille Association, 11 is undu- I93‘). the W.R.N.S. ofliecrs and ratings (‘ondor held :1 Zlst :mniRight Rev. J. Phillips) has accepted‘ .‘anperiutendent. ll..\l. i)0Cl>;)'£Il'(l.l\lI.l\Ill that the final selection \\ill be of ll..\l.S. versary hall in the (i_vntna.siuni. For‘tlie l’ressidency of the 'l'r;il'algar‘ Serl{U~‘_\'lh. ill sltL‘L‘L'\\lull tn RI.'.'tl'-:\(llllil:Il m;ii,lc [u\\.irtl\ llli: Cllli of Jun;-_ the event. the (iymnaslum was vices ('lul\_ p.-rtsrnoutli, and \'i§i[i_'d W. Fverslietl. (‘.li.. l).S.().. to and the eluh on .\la_\‘ 23. glormed into a miniaturtg garden. elleet in September. l‘)(itl. {the guests strolling amongst the toli-l The llishop \\;t\‘ shoun round the Suh-l.ieut. Warner inlrtldtlres N-:\--\Il ‘ Miss ”Lli'i‘Ztl"ll Dorev. .set'iotI.sl_\' in- age included First Ollieer Carter and .1 ? club he the ( ildlllllilll(Eiptaixi l‘. l’. 'l'. ; W. Quinn to the llishop. In the hackRear-.-\r|inir:Il (Z. l). A. (iregury. iuretl in a collision lieuveen H..\|..‘i. party of Wrens from ll..\l.S. Llnieorn.l lira_\'iie-.\’ieholls. R.N.. the (‘ozup- ‘ground is Mons. I-'a_v. the Senior l).S.t). aml Bar. is to be .\duiu.il , l)olplnn'.s lll?I.'ll_b hoat and the .steamer the Reserve unit at Dundee t'l;r_3' troller. Captain C. W. Brnckman. Roman Catholic Cltaplztill of the I R.-.\'.. and Rear-.-\drniral J. R. (Tundall. Superinlemlent. ll..\l_ Doelt_\‘:xrd. llrading. ililtl to h:i\e a leg ainputatetl. Division). Ru_val Navy. I













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customer's account and purchases may be made at any branch or through Head Office. while no charge is made for credit allowed excepting on Hire Purchase accounts. Full details of Bernards’ gervice will gladly be given on request at a branch or to a representative or Head Ol'ilCC and remcmbci-—YOU REALLY DO BUY BETTER AT BERNARDS. All Bernard branches carry


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GOLDEN J OF Sixty-two ships now 1n


June. I960




W0 ntil-50-)'0llllf:-ELFIIIC)’-Wcfc cruisers bought from the Royal Navy sailed front British ports: lifty years ago to start a Navy. By the Second World War that Navy vvas capable of expanding phenolnenally to provide the third largest l fleet of the Allied powers and today is making a ntajor contribution to the maritime strength of NATO. these ships. the 3.600-ton Rainbow Three months before the outbreak of and the fout«funclled Niobe of H.000 the First World War. the Royal Naval 1 Inns, were tlte first vessels to he cont- Canadian Volunteer Reserve was estabII..\l.(.‘.S. St. Laurent. an anti-subntarine frij.-ate-t,\’pc tlcstroyer escort. This class was the first class of Iuajor warships flllssltllitttl for tlte Royal C:ttt:ttli:ttt lisltcd and inttttcdiatcl_v on the declarato he designed contplctely in ('an:ttl:t. (H 2.600 tons (full load) displacement. St. Laurent is 366 ft. (o.a.) ll) -82 ft. Navy. which came into being on May tion of war R.('.t\'. ships tvcre placed beam and has a complement of 290 oliiccrs and Itten. 4. Will. \\IlI.'Il royal assent was given under the operational control of the to tlte Naval Service Act. Admiralty. ing year. hotvcvcr. the Royal Canadian lite tirst to commission was actually Ilte Rainbotv at Portsmouth on August FIRST WORLD WAR GROWTH Naval Reserve and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve were fornted 4. WM). but it was the Niohe. accepted The four-year-old R.C.N. responded -—and these were to invaluable at Detonport on Septentber 6, that was quickly to the The Niobe in the rapid expansionprove emergency. of the service in tlte first to arrive in a (‘anadian port and Rainbow were assigned to coastal and consequently occttpies a special patrols: converted yachts. launches. the Second World War. In the late Tvventies ant.I Thirties lltc place of affection in the hearts of the lugs and fishing craft were pressed into R.(‘.N. was rebuilt. In l93l. the l‘l.‘)2(» men and women at present serv- service and on the west coast two suband Skecna. first warships " ing in tlte (anadian Navy. marines purchased by the government Sagucnay III-I beginners at least learnt the rudimentary principals of using the planks other than auxiliary vessels to be bttilt lltc old Niobc. bttilt in I89‘) and one of British Columbia were manned of the last of her design, sailed into largely by R.N.C.\’.R. personnel. More for the (.'anatlian Navy. were L‘0ll'tmls~ skiersand the advanced are now well on the vvay to becoming acctitttplishcd and who knows may. one day. make the .\'av_v team.“ llalifa.\ —it became the headquarters than l.500 volttntecr reservists went to sionctl anti tnore ntodern ships were 4 30 ends the report of Liettt.-Cdr. V. acclimatisation runs and trying out the of tlte Canadian Atlantic Command join the Royal Navy. anotltcr 580 added to its strength. As a result. the earlier the same ntontltdon October Canadians joined the R.N. Air Service R.C.N. numbered l.770 ofiiccrs and Harcourt-Smith. R.N.. of the Royal new Portstttotttlt (.‘ornntantl's ski-ing 21. l‘)l(). tlte IOSth anniversary of and by I922 R.C.N. had been reduced men. its Reserves L800 officers and Naval Ilarraeks Portsntouth. who took equipment. six destroyers. live mine- a party which comprised three otlicers Trafalgar. The Rainbow berthed at and its Reserve reached a total of men andand two training vessels were and eight ratings front Portsmouth to sweepers 'l'llI-Z LONG 'l'Rl-Zls' Esquintalt, Pacific (‘ontntand base. on nearly 9,000 ofliccrs and men. available when was declared in the Cairngorms. Scotland. for a ski-ing Noventber 8. On the second day an early start was The httngr_v fingers of the post-war September. I939,war "holiday." lntade for the long trek tip the Lairig The first ships‘ companies were economy measures stretched ottt in Avientore The arrived at on party (3 hru to Corrie (iornt. the top of which provided by the Royal Navy for the Canada as other parts of the world. l.\IPRl-'SSl\’l-I RECORI) March and fottntl the I3. snow Sunday. lies at about 3.700 feet. Once again the tvvo cruisers. which served as train- and by 1922 R.C.N. has been reduced Castle Hill northern at entrance its the on was rapid growth astonishing. beginners carried on with their learning ships for Canadian recruits to 366 otliccrs and men. the Naval From ll the (ihrn the to antl too the Lairig patchy. R.C.N. ships. to grew attracted into the young service by college was closed and its fleet strength ing while tltc advanced people practised hill itself for almost antl unsuitable too 400 front handful and of steep a advanced turns", and after a lunch of posters issued to post oflices for dis- reduced to two destroyers and four ofliccrs It antl was therefore. than beginners. to men more 95.000. raisons. and chocolates the play in the early months of l91I. trawlcr-typc mincstveepcrs. The follow. In cold statistics, its record is still to shoulder the necessary. skis and climb to sandwiches, advanced party left to assault the top higher. bit! more suitable. nursery on very tirm. impressive: inclined to icy. snow. 25.343 merchant ship voyages with slopes. and after a climb of one and a This climb up proved very diflicult I8I million tom of cargo from North half hours over rock and heather- and tiring. and three hours later saw American ports to the United King- strewn terrain the party arrived at some three med olliccrs and live equally dom vvere made under Canadian well-covered gentle .slopes. tired ratings at the top in thick mist -—, in and adtwo. Splitting beginners escort. tantl blizzard wind conditions. first the the vanced. beginners spent Canadian warships fought in the After a suitable rest the party skied afternoon iii the rttdintentary principals Caribbean. the Mediterranean. on down the Corrie into brilliant sunshine f:tllof with much :tnd ski-ing slipping the northern route to Murmanslt. in : to land amongst llte beginners in a final wltilc the advanced ing. practised party schuss of IS glorious minutes‘ duration_ European waters and the Pacific. On the 'l"ucsday it was decided to By themselves or in company with other Allied ships or planes. Canaattempt an assault on the summit of dian ships sank 27 U-boats and sank. (':iirngornt itself. and accordingly a destroyed or captured 42 enemy stirstart was rttade for the foot of (‘orric face ships. Cas. After climbing for two hours on L748 olliccrs and men were very ic_v snow and. iii the latter stages, awarded decorations or Mentioned in b|iIJ.artl Conditions‘. it became in Dcspatches. Twenty-four ships that it wood be unwise to and seven motor torpedo boats vverel 'lCl-I-Al).\lIRAI. take the part)’. three of wltont had A. N. Copeman. lost. climbed anytlting higher than C.B.. I).S.C.. has been appointed 3 never After the end of the last war. there Communder-in-(Thief. South Atlantic Portsdotvn Hill. to the top. After a rest was the inevitable manpower antl fleet and South American Station. He suc- in Jean's hut_ a hut erected to the Are you ship-shape reductions in the R.(‘.N._ bttt it has ceeds \"iee-Admiral Sir I)yntock , memory of a girl lost on the mountain for shore leave? Make since been rebuilt to enable it to under- Watson. lt'.(‘.ll.. (‘.ll.l-1.. in December in just these conditions. the party skied ‘tlt\\H‘l to more sheltered slopes of tltc no mistake, follow the fleet take not only national defence. bttt also nest. Sugar llotvl. meet Canada's international committo willerbys for truly Vice-.-\t|nur.tI was ('opcntan. who_ llerc‘thc party found a parachute ments. The last decade, particularly. ; tcrriftc tailoring. Suits, coats, in Wtltt. tjualilicti as a torpedo ‘training born rcgitnent undergoing a Snow has seen a vigorous construction proitt and I932 was Torpetlo leisure clothes, uniforms specialist grantnte in (‘:tnatI_i3tn shipyards. the Otlicer of ll_.\I,S. (‘ornwa|l on the "and .\Iottnlain \\'arfarc Training from Willerbys all are first to make use of acquisition of the new aircraft carrier (‘hina Station from.l‘)3-I to I'l3(t. ‘('ourse. and in order ‘their rope tottlift. which gave a rise Ilonaventure and tlte growth of :1 class. And you can pay I-le was awarded the I).S.(‘. for inf about 500 feet. the party lt|IfILT(I strong air arm. by allotment if you wish. of (icrman .'| them. recovering torpedoes The Royal (';tn:ttIian Navy began its new Our naval ft‘[ll‘t’.l't‘IIl(Ifil’t’.t' type when he was serving itt 50th jubilee year with :in imp_res.sivc' II..\1.S. during the FII-'I‘l-II-I.\' .\III.I-'5 regularly visit the Fleet or parts 'se'a-going strength of ()2 ships in com- NorwegianSouthantptott lie remained cantpztign. (in return to the ltttt that night it mission. including the Iionavcnture. 25 with the Southampton of call at home and at-er.m:.r. until she was destroyer escorts. I8 frigates. ten sunk olf ('rctc in January I9-ll. sub- wits estimated that the skiers hatl lfyou'd like to knots} morepbout mincswcepers. two mobile repair ships scqucntly joining II..\l.S. Warspilc. covered some I5 miles on foot. carrying ll’illerby.r, rec citlter Mr. Gurrrtrtge, and itinttntctuble acres on skis. :tnd sntallcr craft. Vice-Adntiral ('op«.-man was pro- skis. or Mr. Dunkin, when m-xr he vi.tTt.tThe next two days \\t:rc tlis;tppointI-”ootttote.—-After 50 years‘. the‘ moted Comntantlcr in I‘)-t'.‘ and to ! ing front the weather aspect itt tltat the your ertrzlrlishntent. zitlterlmlively, (Imp ship name Niobc is still in use in thc« Captain in I‘)-$7.‘ was covered in mist. and b|i/.us a line, or call in at any of our Ile contntantled iI..\I.S. Vernon ‘II top Royal (‘anadian Navy. It is now allocated to their depot in London. branclies. We shall be p!ea.t'ed_tg _’t_‘f you front I952 to I95-I and froru I954 /ard Ctltltliliutls prevailed. but much on the Sugar Itottl was to I956 he commanded II..\I.S. i polished ski-ing have a jhldrr git't'ng details of WiIli'rby.r accontplislted anti not a single break anti served as Captain l Agincourl strain “as sustained throughout .\'fi(‘(‘ltll st'rt‘i¢‘c jiir men in the nor)’. (I)! of the -Ith l)es'tro_v'cr Squadron or |.icut.-('dr_ l’l.t\I.S. Utttline answered a call front llarcottrt-SrttiIlt_ says in with the Home I-'lcct. the (ieirttatt merchant ship Saarlantl on his report: ".-\lI|tot:gh the usual rcMay I‘) and took off :t member of the., Front April Witt until .-\ugusl nturks such as ‘all right for some, that's Vice-.»\t|ittir:il (‘opcntan was crew sutlcring frotu acute appctttlieitis I953 e.\petlilion tiaitttIt5.'. but a let; days‘ ‘and took him. at speed. to l’t:n'];utcc, Deputy Controller at :\tlntiralty_ llatlt not \\cre m.tde. attd althouglt I Untline was exercising with Ulltllltllllctll antl ltc assutttctl his present appoint- gash leave‘ that the expedition -.-.‘as most enabout 200 ttules otl l’cn/ance. ment :t\' I-itttlflll Sea I.ttt'tI and Viki!- agree joyable. it must be stated that otliccrs (‘ontroller in November. I058. Promoted Rear-Admiral in I956. he and ratings. particularly the Petty (Illihatl to organise many things with l was promoted \.’ice-Admiral on eers. tt-hich normally tltc_v ltuvc nothing to .l;tnttary 7 this year. Vice~.-\tlntiral (‘opentan will be do anti xthich they nt:t\ take for succcctlctl as Fourth Sea l.ord and granted. “On the ntountztins those in charge Vice-Controller by Rear Atlnttral I. .\I. Villiers. O.II.F.. nest October. ' of small parties must have gained their ability to Ieatl , confidence in URING a recent visit of II.M.S. ; mule: ctttltltlituts which were often tryGirdle Ness to Trieste. a party ,\.jmi,;.| “f ,1“, |-1.,‘-I sir (“h;.;[._-_,-rittg and uitcontfortable: lltc members and pay allotment if you wish for children front a refugee centre Lambc. who was taken ill on April 8. is -of the party gaiitetl confidence in their run by the World Refugee Organito keep going under such cott28-30 Oxford Strool_. London. W.l. ntaking "stcatI_\' progress.“ sation was given. the cost being met itlitions and learned how inter-dcpen82 Royal Parade. Plymouth 41 Gordon Stroot. Gtoonow dant they tterc. Even if these achieveby the ship's welfare fund. 111 Comrnorctutt Rona. Portomouth t2 North arldno. Edinburgh In the House of I.ortls Viscount ments :ire scorned there can be no In addition a voluntary collection 5 London Road. North End. Portsmouth 52comr-norclnt stroot. Dunooo by the oflicers and ship's company Alexander of llillsborouglt. a forttter doubt that tlte party returned happier 228 High Stroot. Chotham 20 High Stroot. Bolton! First Lord. stated on hlay 25 that the antl litter than when they left antl that raised £30 wind: was handed over 20 Abovo Bar. Southampton 12 Mom Stroot. Glbroltnr to the director of the refugee centre. Royal Navy had I-l7 ships whereas the can be nothing but good for the Brnnohoo United States Navy had 864. d throughout Britain service."

Ski-ing in the Cairngorms




TzZ§v_c.i}.LE: for


South Atlantic and South America lapparcnt








you get the best clothes of all at




Girdle Ness

helps refugees



lune. I960




and Argcntinians of Welsh extraction. dating front Welsh migrations to Patagonia about the ttirn of the century. They were most appreciative of Lcopard's visit. the first by an R.N. ship since the light cruiser Delhi in I935. l.eopard's next visit was to the Argentine Navy's main base at Puerto Bclgrano, where fotir most enjoyable RAKE and llawkins are naiues we usuallv associate with adventure. with days were spent and the British Ambassador and his party left the ship. gay bold buccnnecrint: exploits and resounding victories at sea. Interesting The garden city of l’unta Alta. just enough they were also among the first of our great leaders to be associated outside the dockyard_ contained a with practical welfare work for seamen. wholly naval community who spared Besides the glory it brought to the By the beginning of the 19th 7l’I'llIN six hours of leaving her base at Simonstown on “arch l for I no effort to entertain the .ship‘s com- British Navy the Armada left formid- century the funds of the (Thatharn South American cruise en route to the United Kingdom. ll..\t.S. Leopard pany, and the happiest relations were :iblc casualty lists and, for disabled ('hest were amalgamated with thme tCdr. R. G. Gaunt. l).S.C.. R.N.) was recalled and despatched to Durban there forged between members of the two seamen in the first lili/abethan age of the (ircenwich llospital to start a to stand by in case she was needed to carry supplies and render aitl _to the .\'avies, there were no pensions, or grants or rcgtil:ir pension fund for the Royal Mauritius. of island cyclone-stricken It was pleasant to see the carrier welfare funds. to draw tipon. ln I590. Navy and the Royal Marines. This of visit tirade famous by the While on passage to l)urban, plans‘Channel. lndependcncia. an old friend of Ports- however. Sir John llawkins and Sir still operates to supplement pensions ' in naturalist Cltarles l)arwin ‘mouth days under her former name Francis Drake founded the "(‘h:it|iam today. were laid to ctnbark and stow I00 tons the The Royal llospital School too, of stores and to land and Inuit two lI..\l.S. Beagle more than a century Warrior, Chest." a mutual benetit fund to wltieh lield-kitchens each capable of serving ago. The dismal weather of the preA happy ceremony took place each man and boy in the Navy cott- has gone front strength to strength. ll 1.500 meals per day, but on March 5 vious day had improved. and the in Independencia when a silver tray. tributed (id. at month from his \vngcs. has now been moved to llolbrook in the island authoritiesdecided l.cop:ird's snow-topped mountains of the Darwhich had been presented to the It was laid down that the money Sutlolk and at present houses about aid would not after all be needed. win Range made an impressive sight. Warrior in I957 by Vice-Admiral be kept in an iron chest with seven 600 boys between the ages of I1 and Next morning the ship left Durban. when he was Vice-l'rcsident locks. the keys of which were to be In. all the sons of seafarers. Rojas During the Crimean War that GlAi\"l' GLACII-IRS her unexpected third visit there, with of the Argentine. Republic. was held by seven diticrent otlicers aml. if woman. Florence Nightits renewal of old friendships. having The actual passage through the represented to the lndependeneia necessary. another parser appointed remarkable to think of been much enjoyed by all on board. Beagle Channel was magnificent: to Cdr. Gaunt on behalf of the yearly at a general meeting. The ingale. whothatscemed by had any bearing on and after a thrcc-hotir stop in Simons- pass so close (within 400 yards in one There is no doubt that original, Chest has disappeared. but everything Navy. Royal town on March 8 resumed her inter- case) of its giant glaciers. with their this gesture of friendliness was one made in I625 is still to be seen the well-being of the men in her care, one aftemoun a week to rupted hotneward cruise, beautiful colours. cascading 3,000 feet deeply appreciated by the Captain in the National Maritime Museum at devoted receiving the savings of soldiers and of Indcpendcncia and the other Greenwich. 'l'he I2-day passage to the Falk- down the enfolding mountains to the and forwarding them to l:ind Islands was uneventful and the narrow waterway, was an experience Argentine oficers present. tn the troubled days of the l7th seamen She sent thousands of weather most of tire time kinder than which can never be forgotten. A short passage tip the coast brought century the fund suffered sadly from linglantl.home to families all over the pounds had been expected. After two days at That afternoon the ship bcrthed at Leopard on April 9 to the seaside careless administration and one of the British Isles. Port Stanley. Leopard sailed on March Ushuaia, a small Argentinian naval resort of Mar del Plata.. where the .great services which Samuel Pepys Upholding the fine traditions of 22 and enjoved ;i brief rende'1.vous base :ind the southernmost town in the Argentine Navy has a small submarine rendered to seamen when he was service to his men Admiral of the with l|.M..'s'. l’rotcctor, whose helicop- world. Here for the first time the ship's 'basc. It was the ship's company's tirst Clerk of the Acts was the reform of Fleet. Lord Jellicoe. founded the ters put on an entertaining display. company tested the delights of that ‘taste of a big city since leaving Dur- the (‘hatham Chest. Grand Fleet Fund, and this was later before continuing westwards to enter favourite form of Smith American hos- ban over a month before, and they Another step forward in welfare with the Royal Naval the Straits of .\l.'igellan and arrive at pitality. the Assado. which they made the most of it-— especially of the work for seafaring folk was taken ill amalgamated Benevolent Trust which at the prePunta Arenas on March 24. Her stay were to enjoy repeatedly during the casino, the biggest in the world. where the end ot' the l7th century sent timc looks after the welfare of was short. amt early on the 26th she next fortnight, syndicates amt sysicms alike failed to thanks to the concern of Queen thousands of naval and ex-naval men far continued through the straits as the British Ambas- break the bank but not for the want Mary. daughter of James II. Deeply and their families. embarked Having as Cape Froward. the southernmost of trying. shocked at the poverty. neglect and (His Excellency Savings in the Royal Navy during the to sador Argentine continent. American of South the the most was and point prudent Probably hardship sutfered by aged two wars reached considerable proSir John Ward. l(.C.M.G.). together invideclined who an wounded sailors. she became their portions and during the Second gracefully with the British Naval Attache and rating FLOATING lCl'Z the on ground champion and. in I694. King William World War it is safe to say that. in their wives, Leopard sailed early on tation to join a tableclients could not and she made a gift of the Royal many cases. 75 per cent of ships‘ At midday she ttirncd south to enter March 29 to retrace at high speed that its Argentinian Palace at Greenwich for the further- companies at sea were saving through the .\lag-dalcna Channel. and follow a her passage through the Tierra del atlord to play with him. A number of Assados on surroun- ance of this vvork. National Savings. tortuous route through the little-known Fnego channels to Punta Arenas. She At much estancias were enjoyed. the in the l8th century. the Since the end of the Second World Early waterways of Tierra del Fucgo, had thus sailed four times between ding one, a regular rodeo was l:iid on to Royal Hospital School for the sons of War the amount allotted to the Post region described by Bridges in his the east :ind west coasts of South lamuse the guests. and when the oflicers and men of the Royal Navy Office Savings Bank has increased well-known book "‘lhe Uttermost America in four days, and the time Ends of the Earth." At first the of only I5 hours for the return pas- demonstration was over ratings were came into being and. from these 24-fold. Allotments to Post Otlice or other scenery was wild and desolate in the sage, partly done in darkness, is given the chance to emulate the per- beginnings has sprung the very exThe brave spirits who accep- tensive wclfarc services existing in banks. purchase of National Savings e.\tremc_ and floating ice from the believed to be the shortest yet formers. ted thc invitation showed remarkable connection with the Navy today. Continued in column 3 glaciers on the south-east side of the achieved. channel was seen. After proceeding After anchoring overnight off l'unta tenacity if litile elegance. though one sotilli-nestsvards down the Cockbtirn Arenas, Leopard left the Straits of unlucky rating found his bronco too Channel, the heavy Paeitic swell was .\lagcllan. and the joys of inland iiavi- much for him and broke a rib. So Leopard left the Argentine on felt in ftill force :is the ship ttirncd gation. for the uneasy waters of the to the south-east to enter the narrow South Atlantic and continued tip the April l-t after a menior:iblc few weeks ranging from the bleak beauty of Brecknock Pass, wlterc the ice-capped east coast of South America. Tierra del Fuego to the sophisticated mouiitaius seemed at times within hisjoys of Mar del Plaia. but with cuit-toss of the ship. I-’lRS'l' SINCE l)El.lll thoughts now turning more and more Leopard then traversed the com- Her tirst port of call was l’uerto to in Portsmouth on May 27. paratively open waters of Desolate Madryn on the Golfo Nuevo, scene At arrival the time of writing the ship has still Bay and Wlialeboat Sound. anchoring of the Argcntine’s Navy's recent hunt to visit Rio and the Amazon. for the night in a sheltered bay among for two unide_ntitied submarines. This the Londonderry Islands. tiny port on the fringe of l’atagonia's‘ Next morning the ship proceeded wide open spaces (the nearest town l through the O'Brien Channel. towards was -10 miles away) was iniercsting the north-west arm of the Beagle for the large number of Welsh people

in welfare work for

Leopard takes long way home










lo Pi-‘S





British Trade Fair at Helsinki. the ,|art-.e.st British Naval Force to lie lseen at the Finnish capital since l957. ‘arrived on May 20 and stayed until with




ltlie followint: 'l‘hur.sda,v. 1 The ships were the cruiscr' llcrniuda

;(Capt. A. D. Robin. l).S.C.. R.N.). the flag of the l-‘.3: ()lTiccr. liveaiiing l-'lotillas, Home Fleet (Vice-Admir.t|


Charles Madden. ltart.. C.B.). the utinclaver Apollo (Capt. L. D. litnpson. R.N.). the destroyers (‘tossbow t(.‘dr. I). llay, RN.) and Daring '((.':ipl. C. l’. Mills. C.li.l5.. l).S.C.. RN.) and the frigate Blackwood ‘l.icut.-Cdr. (F. ii. ll. r\lunro-l-‘atirc.

The Royal Nuvq’s choice since 11305 .'

For over 150 years Stattixris line lwvr.-: have gone down well, alloat, or a.-sliore. 'l‘oday Sl.\lt)Nl)S beers are better tliait ever-.s-troiij_r, l)eantiful|_v lirt-wetl, full of llavour. Tl‘_\‘ sotno today !



[ After the visit to llcls_ittl\_i. ll.r\l.S. '.-\pol|o called at the Finnish naval part of Ttlrlttl lftV1't'l

i\l:t\' 27-30.

|l..\t_S. Bermuda. flagship of the Flag Otlicer. l-ilotillas llome Fleet tRear-Admiral Sir (‘harles Madden) \'l\llt:(l Portsmouth from May 12 to l(t before proceeding for a courtesy visit to Helsinki.







front column 5

Certilicatcs. to Building Societies or Insurance (‘onipatiics are so easily cllcctcd in the Service and many a house without ‘man has_ bought his made 1 an allotit for. having I L Irealising When the Duke of I-Edinburgh visited the .\lcditerr:Iueaii on April 26 to see‘ meiit when on a low rate of pay his hit‘ |'¢fl“||m‘ll -“-lflllt‘ Whlltl Royal Marine ('oitimandos in ll..\l.S. Bulwark antl at .\laIta. he the Long Service .\‘lcd:i| to Colour Sergeant J. Cook. (‘olour ‘Sergeant (Took ; his "take-home" pay amount has inlcreasesl on account of li_igher rating was born in Portsmouth aml joined the Royal .\l-arines in I9-ll as a boy bugler. His father was a chief petty ofliccr and his mother is an CK-V\VI'El'l-—b(|lh are ‘or increases III the pay code. f Willi urliIniivIi':f_r'ni'rIit.i In the now living in Australia. After the presentation at St. Andrew's Barracks. Malta. Nulimml .\'m~ntg.s News Letter.) Prince Philip talked with Colour Sergeant Cook and his wife. .






: T


l'ti|t‘t‘.\‘.\ttit“l'll .

)'l.\' .\lIIl"I‘ll. HTO.


June. I960

Rcgtilatitig Petty Oflicer Clayton chats with the Wintltnill Teatn—Miss Rita llamtnerton. Mitts \\'cnd_v ('l:irlvt. .\‘|iss Jackie Joy. Miss Sally Crow, Miss Sheila Van Dannn and .\li.-.9. 'l'err_v Keighley

Windmillgirls beat barrackskartingl, Q. team on its own track I

{mill girls and two tnen comprised the! Windmill team and by first-class work aided. by a generous handicap and the generous sporting feelings of the Navy team. the girls ran our easy winners and tool: back with them to London the Windmill Challenge Trophy. The Windmill team arrived about Miss Sheila Van LARGI-Z crowd of some 2.000 people witnessed II fine afternoon's sport in the Naval Barracks.‘ Portsmouth. on S nudity, May 22. when Windmill mid-day. spent nearly :in hour on a Girls from the famous London Theatre took on members of the Bnrrticks karting track totally unfamiliar to thetheatre team. It was the first time that Kttrting Club. the team had ever raced on such track The morning was over-east and at was perfect for this, the latest of the and great credit is due to them. It is one time it appeared that the show Navy's sporting activities. to take‘ trite that during the practice runs the would he rained oll. htit luckily there place. looked a tritle apprehensive. but t\li.ss Sheila \-"an Damtn. live Wind- girls was a change in the weather which before long they were cutting figures:




lhmm and Miss Joan Wemer-Laurie ready for the “oil”

Sailors at


the Khyber Pass

LOCH INSH LE AVEPARTYIN After seeing the dam journey PAKISTAN tnziilc into lllc Tribal Territories’ '.


on the barracks parade ground almost.‘ ‘was their own tigures which.| as srnart as -anil through the ltl\It\l'lt.' Khyber Pass 'l‘ in the 0530 one Saturtlay morning; spectators‘ iinfortttnrttcly from !to the Afghan Border. l-cw sailors .\larcli a party of six oflieers and _c:in lune \i\llCtl Illls tnagniliccnl pass Point of view. were hidden by their racing driver suits. inert left ll..\‘l.S. Loch lmh ((‘:Ipl. 'll\I'uttglt which fllils it caravan route. ()lll' l'L‘[‘|0|'ICl’ Spnlik‘ to .\lI\s V(tll"I'. N, (';1|I|nv_ Rn_\‘;|I Navy), in dock the main road to l\':il\itl and a raill)an1m after the show who told him at I-iariichi. for a few days’ leave near .“-'l.\’- “llich. in itself. is a mancl of that she was most itnpressed with the: l'aliistan‘.s l\'orth-West Frontier. ‘ciigiriecriiig. entertatnrnent. the :i_fternooi_i.s 1~hl_. lnnkmun Mr ,:‘m.c hm wrl‘. "cs l’"“"d°d' ll": g“"”"”5 “l‘“”5‘“"“' gcticroiisly produced several seats on i (il'.'\' l-'.-\("l‘()Rll{S and her '.-ship displayed by opponent.» On ;one of their flights to Peshawar. and second day of the visit whilst agreeing that the track condi- la very comfortable liight was made I-anothertin; excursion was made into the tion was lI|'Sl Cl:t.\s' she felt that her [via Lahore. Tribal Territories to visit the Trihil team had done reinarl.ahl_\ well on The following day :i visit to the every conceivwhat she described as a racing driiers Warsah Dam li:id been arranged. This ‘gun faetories._'l'herc ,:ihle type of rifle and pistol is made °"°""~ anti is almost now completed project .with only the most ruiliinctilary The B“"“‘-‘ks "35"" l-“’mld’~'|'°d is a most impressive monument to m:ichiner_\_ 'lli.- drop». am full _\| "ll" “W 5h"“‘l5l'l" l""‘l'l‘-“I ll’-‘l’ l’altist.in-('an:rdian co-operation. litirsltetl in.-J.-ls hr-;.rmg ctcrt fatiious “You clttss and n.imc in the small arms world. can't give tit.-in :in inc i-—tie_\ :ire (in the ‘l‘iie~ila_\ an e\lensi\e tour excellent." Spas Itrailc into the Swat Stale. p.i~~in_u afternoon of the the course During through .\l:ill:ik:itttll'.‘is~., which is l-icld (inn Il‘.ttI:tt.'l\\ t\'a\al l(o_val ‘even more irnprcuive than lllc Kliyhet and: ilemonstration ( rews g. run :i llhiss and the wax .-\lc\:inder emu.-rc.l admira-l with lneathlcss left the girls ‘I the Stnli ,-\nmi:tl (icncral .\lccl- lnilia. litln. inc of the (‘ouncil of the Navy’. Swat Slate‘ l\ ;I IlI'\I'-'lil\\ sc‘ctttL' of afternoon'.s? .-\rm\ and Air l-‘orce lll\llllllt.‘.\‘ held ztttraction. tlic gctieral llll|ll't:\~lU|l Upon coninletion the (Inc ot' the parade marshals smiling helps Rita llummertiin to adjust her sport the Windmill learn \‘-L'iL' enter-lon .\tav (l. the Naziti ltalaiice Slit--,-1 "lit-ing one of a large hcautifitl green helmet. .\Ii.ss' Van Datiitn and the famous motor r:ill_\ driver Derek lltIrt|c_v- mined at in cocktail party at them. :.i (lctohcr 3!. I95”. ltlltl the Prolit \‘.tllc} scl ill the nndilli: of impressive fcfillllllllfll ill Nlllllllll 4' I.tI\\ Account for the II! months ‘\lIH\\"C$lp[\L'll mountains. 'l‘he part; Brown are at the hack ended on that date were approved. lhad their \:tll(l\\It.‘Il lunch oil the ‘I'lie turnover for the year was itnarhlc lalvlcs of the Rttlcr's summer £5(i.538.t-25 compared with £5(v,7l‘l.'.‘0(» palace and in the afternoon rcachctl for the previous year—a reduction of‘ the village of llahrcin. ~l.5lltl ft. above ‘







one hil il

NAAFI turnover £56 million







I save!


only .'.‘lt<tI.58l despite the continued rcduction in the strength of the I:0l'CC\. ‘ .-\t'tcr rebate and discount lotalling 7L'2.l-t_‘.l.*'ll had lvccn paid to the Scr‘.'lt.'c\ during the year there was :2 slllplllk ot tL2.i.‘...‘~7l. This was incre;iscd h_\' hriiiging in £l.‘~tt.3~l7 from sums [\i't‘\it.lL‘tl in [\fL‘\Itllt\ _\’L‘.ll'\ to meet" liabilities not now rciiuired. rn:ilurti.- a final \lll'Plll\ for the year


level and as cold as llahreiii in the l’t.‘f\lLtll (iult. whicli is the ship's base. is hot. The drive was tnade even sea



c\cryonc was out in their nzitionzil tll'L‘\\ cclcliratitip the ll‘lt\l'L'


Nloslcm lcsli\.tl of lilil .tI lhe ctltl 1| the last of Rain/aii. OI" (‘.Ulll‘.\'(2 I tr)‘ to. lhit my p;i}".~ not ('llI'Ill_‘{ll to The List dav of the visit was spent .~'.i\'i: zitiylltitrg. lool.in;.: round l’c~liaw.rr itself and in the e\:cn~i\c lia/aar. That’s what I thought when I was your age Ul ‘..lfi.'.'.'ll\'. (tn 'l'hnrsda_\ the l’al.islan Air lvorcc until someone showed me the Progressive Alter the transfer ot L“.i.2"tl to llew the part) hack to Karachi. still l)c\‘t.‘lupI'tlCl’lI Reserve on ;\av_v Ac- the capital of I':tI.l\l:lll. hut in an Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 cotim. :ind £61.37? to the Stall Pen- ttllllusl ilrllercnl world of sandy \\.l\I'..“. :1 month by Naval allotment but when I leave sion and ltcnelit Rc~t-rvc. and after the Service next year I can collect £85 5. setting aside '.'l(ltl.(l(ltl for p.i_vment ol‘ c\tr;i tchatc in the future. a lialancc Sounds too good to be true. \\’liei'c’.s the catch.‘ of l.l-t.\‘.tlSl rcmaincil which. by agreeNo catch. And if] had died at any time my tncnt with the Service .\linistries_ will he paid to the Navy t£20.(ltItl)_ Army \\"ltii:li will you take? wife would have received the whole £855 lhc 2~1~hou: clo;l>.. which Is such .I tt.\'l.‘l.'i3I and the R..«\.|-I (E-l(v.tl‘)S). it’s a I’m going for the pension because thei-c‘s 1 In his ailtlrcss to the (‘ouircil _-:t'c.it ;itt:.'-ction to \i~itor~. tlllhltlc‘ the Savings immediately. You see, another valuable right with it—l can get Schcnie and Life Insurance rolled into one. Sir \\'rIli;mi l-'. llealc. ().ll.l€.. the eatcs of the (llil Rotal ()l‘\L'l'\'llI\ll'\ cash advance for the full price of 3 new‘; (liairuian of the lloartl of _Maii:ir_:c- at tit.-crnii.-la, lllts liad to he stopped Siippo.~iiij,r you h:irlri‘t .-iy_vni~rl on for 22 yr-;ix.s' rc-.rr-wing current tr.idmg.: prov lur a few \\L'CI»\ during: the :ilter.ition~ house. I’m all lined up for a job alt-cad tlltclll. \I.tIL'\lI .scr‘vicc.' "I am pleasctl lo s:t‘_.' to the cntr.~.ri.'e gates and railings, -‘I and with an extra pension to look forward .that for the lirst four months of the will lie l't'\l.'ll"IL'tl in time for llll\ -’-. When I had done my nine years, as I had to and the wife and family safe in our ownj current linzincial year. our turnover. when llcr .\l.iiest\ the Utrccn will premiums for 7 years, I could have ll.irnst.';i| House. ’ ‘.\;t\ sliglitly in excess of that tor the‘ op.-n h ome—wcll it’s the kind of all security we in , set me up Civvy drawn £234 to help cotnpatahlc period last year tlL‘\PlIL‘ I want I shall Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, further fall in the strengths of the Ilim‘ (in) you set about all this? Services. In other words. spcntlings have the option of taking the head of the Armed Forces are That’s easy. Ask the Provi- per £855, or if I don’t need the than last year-—-due largely to cash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the higher the continued expansion of our family Iii-In of £172’ a year when I retire I feel re;isonal\l_v conlident. l Progressive Savings Scheme. trade. ll.l. any records be hrokeii iii the for in therefore. forectisting surplus a work at civilian from \"ernnn sports which are to he vear." the current ‘ For mrmlzrrs ! held at the end of Julie this _vetir'.’ cf (/1: ll".li’..-\"..S'. Ila I If .»\.S. (I llitrton has his \\‘.'I_\'. hotli I’;-m':'urz is L’ l.l(_) a ymr. -.ASSOCl.l'l'lON OF LONDON J) from cnliiiiin t('imtiituetl ’ timuo the one mile and three miles rccor_ds . foundll II? 7 N .\..-\..-\.l-'.l. club. r will go. .-\|thottgh married, \vttli a six'I he competitors were; _vear-olil child. he Iinds the lime. sotnc~ London, E.C.2\\i-ii.t\ .Se_nd this coupon to 246 (‘Z.iil.e. how. to train. training lvctwccn I0 and \\‘iii.lrn:ll ll-try Kci,‘lilc}. Rita ll.1l'lllllt.‘l2t-tl. hlu.-il.i \' l:I .l.i.iuc .lI'\ from his Leigh Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme t).inn:i. l--in \\‘.-titer-I..iiiric. .\llH'll Z.1ii:~ .llI»l ll miles c\cr_\ night ltcrck llmlt-t-lltiuitt. llir.c other Illllulflllu, Purl. ltoritc. Name IlIl.II\'!ll Hill, his “hit: and bill; (tow h.t.l lie is the present holder of the \'e;drii p:.i.:i.‘i'. ‘nun one mile his best time heing -i Address \i.Iut}' I'D. (‘r-stilts. .\lt.li. l|l\\ll‘\I|il. .\.ll 5‘iiittrli.ut‘.t.'. .\.Il. lI':Ilt'. l{.l'.() ("Luv min. «If-.‘~ sees. and he has ali'c:iil_v this ...-o-u..u...........”...u....-nun-....... tun. I .\ ll \ Mc.idlt.itn. I..h. llcll, y\.ll. |"itl..1 season put up at \-:73 good time on :lturv. -\.ll lltii f (Ira N-itti..it l'tt.'\‘. r\‘li‘..l vcr'_\ \ltI\\ track in a recent Navy Age next birthday...........................\\ Rating or Rank........... l \l. tI'.l \\‘ill it-. ‘\ ll I in :t-rri'. match Lt'__'lll|\l the (i\il Service. \ I'. I‘. '6‘ \ II ‘Infill l' I) K\ Hill;




)"pccts _














- - - -



-' ~' - - "- - - -


- - - -




...... .n.a...oin..-icon...-on...---.....-.....-.

. . .




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. .

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. . ..






June. I960


Very Expensive Pieces Equipment ing make. the

EA MAGNIFICENT GIFT tChatham B arracks gives large sum


more we are woittn



comtnissiotis. our pay and the benefits we receive. It is a good life in III-I presence of .\laior-General all three Services toda_v. Make sure that F. (‘. C. Graliam. I).S.().. added it you are worthy of the atitouttt of great deal iriore than colour to the money spent on you." l’a.ssing-out Parade of I)r'.tlte Division I'RI7.I'Z\\'I.\'NI'IRS on Mottday. April I8. It must he dilIiThe follmsiitg were the pri/cwinners: cult for sitcee.s'.si\'e prirte-presenters to l)r.ilre l)lvlsIon.- les'hnic.il fJ\(ll’|llf~IIl\ l3in.il be original atiottt expressing the simple technical _»'peci.it nruc: facts of the ittcrensittg importance of S.A.,A. I). I-.\.nniii;itioni S. l'.ilmer. l. It..\.'s Prue i. Pr). well-trained artiticcrs in the small till I\..'.—\. R. I). IItut'Il|)\Ul‘|1 2. I-.l(..-\.'.v\. I‘. W. Reid: 1. l',ti. l'.It.r\..’.-\. ll. (3. ltouttrie modern nav_v. It was reassurittt: to hear t)./\.‘\ l'riIc: l. Pt). ti./\.-‘A. ll. ll.iinr': Z. a senior ollicer of attother service rc- tt.z\..‘A. J. U. .\’l. llell. .'s'h'tnum:ht's l'rire: Welfare Coiitntiltee of the Royal Naval Ilarracl-Ls’. Chatham, reprepeating these facts but in a fresh and ('.I'.t). SA.-‘A I‘. \V, trmi. Ilrnhrm I)IvIsIou.l'tii.il Scliool fI\tIlI1If.IlI)'| direct ntaiincr. wliiclt was well liked by senting all ratings sen-iiig in the estatilishiiient. has donated the magnificent l‘ll1LtI School |i\.irrtin.itioii) Special l'rire: l'.t).' his audience. I-'..R.i\. A. M. t-I. .\l.iriretis. l R .-\.'s Prue‘. I. .stitu of £4,500 to the l‘ustgr:iduate .\ledie:iI School of London. and at a small l-,.R..-\.t.‘\. I. luniirclttlc: 2. t.R i A.-‘A. ceremony on May 2-8. Comiuodori: I.. W. I.. Argles. I).S.C.. on behalf of the (ieiieial (irahatu is the (i.0.C.. IN). ll. A. I-1. White. I).'\.'\ l'tiIc: t).A t.~\. I-. I‘. I-lighland District. aml is ('oloitcl of \l.‘hitc. Shipvtrii:ht‘s l’ri/c: S./\.r.-\. I-.. Cut- Criniiiiittee. preseiited Professor Ian Aird. Ch..\I.. F.R.C.S.. Ilon. F.A.C.S., . Ilon. l".(.‘.G.I’.. Priifessor of Surgery antl Director of Surgical Studies of the his regiment. the .-\rgyll and Suther- more. .\ nsmi l)IwIsIon.- (‘r.iItstu.inship tAdmir..|n School with a cheque for that amount. l:ind. He li:is had a loiig. varied. lind trade lest) 'SpCCl.tI l'rirc: I-I.R.A.(/t. I’. ‘I. distinguished Army career. during Alter. Fi'uct's Prue: t. t).)\.‘A. It. M. t-‘.uiSince the decision of the Atlniiratlty duetioit of :tnti-cancer drugs into the blood vessels of a cancerous part. and 7...\‘.l: 2. ().A.‘r\. I). G. lr.nnoi:i which he has "developed a great love bairn t 1. I-2.R.)\.t‘A. A. E. (3. ltaiilte. Tiirnt-r‘s l'ii:e: to close the Royal Naval llarracks at. tile tleiection of cancer cells circulatfor the Nav_\'." "'Ihc_v have taken me lE.R.lt.i‘A. S. E. I..irmer tR.N.'l...\'.). .\lcI.iI- Cliatham was first :intiounccd—:i] out of many nasty places." he said. \M'tLI:I'\ Prire: I'Z.R..v\..'A. K. II. Price. Ship- decision rescinded within tlte last three ing in the blood of patients suffering from malignant disease. are among "and put me ittto a number of equally ssm-tii's Ptire: $..\, A. I). Iltst. months nuich has been thought given Rridflc) "III\Il)fl. -liiterriit-diatc School l‘rire nasty ones!" It) .\'.('. $2 I saminatiiiiili l; R r\.‘s l'ri/e: I.: by the Welfare Comittittcc to the disIn his speech. which followed the ll R .v\. .-\. I). R lttnmetit: 2. I..R..\ \. (' R. posal of funds acciimttlatetl over the ""‘_" mm l " '“““““"1> “l"l"""“"l'eriy. t) ,\.'s Prize‘ (1 .\ A. R. (‘ llc.nimont.. It is needless to add that the actual presentation of the prizes. (iencral. .\2tirtiv«iirIit's The monies concerned form Pine‘ 5’ .\ .-\. I. R. .\'.idin. I yczirs. (irahatu said: “In these days of carpltankc Dlitsttm. -t‘t.itt Traintnir H and "1 tltc Ship's I:Iltltl. and this is adminis- teeliiiiqiies of nicasurctnent as emvs-vtkt l5ittcr's l'rire: l. t).;\..'A. K. teretl and controlled by :i coiiitiiittec ployed in the expcrinicntal laboraing about the waste of motley on tlte (‘lass liR..-\.'.-\. I). I1. l'ernn IIlUll't'\‘ tories will also be particularly Forces it is up to your.s'elves to see‘1 I)\‘ts'l:¢'Il', Pine: I:\ A. -\. .\I. .—\irev. .\Ie.iluotLrr's of ratings representing the variotis that you do not become waste material. Prue: I-..R I. Asket. Sliintsrtt:ht‘\ Prue: t rates attd branches serving in the bar- e.\plorctl from the point of view of S..-\.-r\. J. 5. \\’it~nicr. .\I. You are. each title of you. it \'s‘f_\' L'.\racks. This committee is knowti as the their adaptation for use in the hosllcntioii I)III\ItItI..\'.IIto.'t.Il (‘ctUIdIIt.It)' pital opeiatiiig theatre at some ftiturc petisivc piece of equipment, highly tilnuitr‘ l£.R..*\ -\. .N'. A. ll.irtt.ind. l'.(). Welfare Committee. t trained at the cost of a great deal of ILR )\.I.-\. M .\IttI’&‘ClI$. I'.(). I-..R.r-\../A. I. The ittcomi: of the Ship's Fund is.‘ time. money. .\l;tlsc sure that you live tip to lnnniclille. li.R./\..‘r\. It. A. l;. \\’hirc. derived very largely front rebates and The \\'lllIarit \\':ilI:ci- 'l'ropl'i) for proticiencv VALUE T0 WORLD this cost. at vsork Grenville. 'lhe Gresham (‘tip St. other hcttcllts arising from the sale of (ieneral (iraltam said that all tlte Vincent. the Rim Trophy l)r.tke. goods and services to ratings witltin Those members of the Welfare apprentices must he vtortliy of their Inter-lllvlsloiial .‘iDOI’l\ Trophles.- -l5uIl l.r'.ii:uc ‘‘ the barracks. The fund is used pri- Committee of the Royal Naval Barl)r.i|.c. I‘|IlI I.e.tirtte Ruetii. Drake. I'ult racks. Chatham. who were privileged hire. The prestige of tlte Service was Savecrt. l.e.igue Ito-eke)". Rodney. I-‘till It-.it‘uc tt.i\ket- marily to provide sporting and rcerca-I in their hatids just as much as his or lull. St. \'tI'ICtI’IL Full ICJRIIC \\'.itcr t'olo. St. tional amenities on :i tntich wider- to visit the Postgraduate Medical Inter-I)tsision.il Svumniitig ltelavl School were immeasurably impressed, anyone else in the Forces. Every one of \'ini;ciit. \\‘iiincts. St. \'im‘ent. Inter-l)nision.tl Siuiiintinir l scalc than would otherwise be possible. them “as paying. to a ccrt:iin extent. Relay \\'tnrier\ -Junior I)l\I\I1|fl. Rodney. Inlrr~ They were left in no dottht of the value to the whole world of the work I)ivi\ion.iI tl’.i.irluuI 'l’ri.tthloii) \\'iniiers St. for his own training. PRI-Il)I-2(.'I-'.SSORS‘ PART Vinceiit. Inter-l)ismon.it tl'.i.irluitI 'Itt.ittitoni "The better show we. who are serv- \\'mncrs ltintor Division. Rodney. lrtter-l)i\iThe Welfare Committee. in eonsi-i undertaken by Professor Ian Aird and the members of his stall in the sional .22 Shooting Winners Rodney. Allen rises to which any tlcring possible Skittlc Troptiv llenbov-: I‘ttn!ltt\-tln. Anson. advancement of surgical medicine. Indtvidiial Skiitle lrnvlli‘ I-'..lt.r\.i‘A. II. P. surplus funds might be put. have been I.|W|€. Aouiii. conscious that the present When. therefore. it was known that aciitcly Saturday Illloislom Trooh).—llcnI~ow. state of their Ship‘s Fund is the barracks were not to be closed. healthy IN there was no hesitation on the part of Sllicr Battle Frlre.-—l§.R.A./A. K. J. llam- attribtitable in no sm:tll measure to niond. Anson. the Welfare Committee. Rout Society of St. George Prlre tor .iII-round wise control and foresight on the part There was a unanimous decision abtliu. I. ('.|'.t). S .-\./A. I‘. \\'. l~‘iost. Drake‘. of their predecessors. Ill-i United States niiclear-powered 2. l'.tl. S..-\.,.I\. I). S. lutmer. I)r.ike They also appreciate that there was that the sum of 51.500 should be ‘Ihc 'I'hiin1Dsoii Theatrical Tropli).—-l3.R./\..-‘A, submarine Slsipiack arrived at Fasa large build-up of funds during the I|'f'l('\. II.iis\c. lane on May 23 for deep diving and I. Cock war years when large numbers of Dli I\IlIll. St. Vincent. research trials. |l\\‘kl"lt\\|Iedizemrnr. -"Ihc ('.ilrdom.i.") Naval ratings were acconimodatcd in the barracks. Many of these were "hostilities only" men. It was against this background that the Welfare Committee made its decisions, One, somewhat naturally. “as that the bulk of the money should continue to be used to proritute the general welfare of the Lower Deck. .-\tiother——frottt which’ stems" the l‘('l‘('llltIll_\' oti .\la_v 24-‘ was to donate a rclalivt-l_v large sum otir

to medica1



;:l_h°‘rl. ';.°“"""’:_ I’“_‘.l"'“l? _“'_h"'l‘ _""‘"


the I’us‘tt:r:ltltt:Ite Medical School in recognition of the wonderful iiorlr being carricil out there under the tlireelion of Prtifcssrir Ian Aird. It had earlier been estztblished that this sum of riioney will enable plans to go ahead withottt delay for the cquipiucnt ttceded to establish a central recording room. Normal practice in l‘llt.'tllL‘.‘tl research is for each groitp of isotkers to build or purchase the eqttiptttetil necessary to further their protect. While this equipment is simple. and the nteasuremciit of pressure. :em~ pcraturc_ and other such qualities can be done with inexpensive devices. the system is practicable, lint where modern. tcchniqtics of great retiii-.-~ mcnt are used. such ettuipnieot be-

prohibitively expeiisis-e .ui-.l ntttcli too complicated for eenenrl









Clit\'I'R:\I. REC()Rl)I.\'(i l(t)t).\l If. however. such special app.n;tttis-

is brougltt together into one unit under tlte c:tre of expert electronic technicians. then it is possible for many groups to share its services. This then is the reason for the cst;thlishment of a central rccorditiu iooin ——a sort of communications centre where experintcntal data is collected. recorded and aiialvsed. Titus, it is hoped that :1 new idea will not have to wait a long while for its verification. and that all who come to the Postgritdtirtte Medical School may be given .1 chance to prove their point. The Welfare Comtnittec of Royal Naval Barracks. (‘hath:tnt. arc Droiid to feel that by their action all those Naval ratings who have passed through these barracks are in some small way associated with tlte work being carried otit at the Postgraduate Medical School of London under the leadership of Professor Ian Aird.

There is.NO DOUBT about it

COOPER’S be thefirm of your choice


of mone_v to one iiorthy cause rather than to niake at large number‘ of smaller dotiations ll) estalilislied‘

charities. In selecting the Postgraduate .\ledical School of London as the "one worthy cause" it is fitting that the Welfare Committee should draw attention to the part played by the Postgraduate School in the world of. '


nietlicine. Britons.


often. are?

modest people unaccustomed to boasting of their exploits while always [ready to acclaim those of others. lwhile the visit of British surgeons to ;.\loscow to perform delicate "holc-in‘IIIC-Ilc‘:I|'l operations" attracted at the time the publicity it richly deserved. there is a danger that the knowledge and skill of these surgeons may be taken for granted. It may not be realised just how

devotedly thiisesitrgciins worked to develop the app.ir.itus and techniques to perform such operations with suceess. They themselves are the first to acknowledge that they would not have




been sticcessftil without support and help from many others. among them the uiinaincd room boys." Like the running o a ship. the exacting work of research and development calls for a high degree of team work. It is in the Postgraduate Medical School of London that some of the most important research and development in the field hf medicine takes place, This work suflers- nothing in comp.-irison with that in other countries-—it is right In the forefront of the world. I While the menibers of the Welfare



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particularly fasci-

ails-itttces which were heart surgery at llamtiiiersinitli Hospital. a great variety of ‘other activities are proceeding. :tnd .lliese will share, thottgli to a less de,gree_ in the provision of new measuring equipment of an advanced kind. The grafting of such organs as the kidney. for example, from one P‘ers-on tto another. the plastic repair of congenital detects". the curious association. discovered at Haniincrsiiiith. between the blood groups and certain diseases. l),\lRY MAID 5 IUUT the treatment of cancer by the intro-

is WNNEYS BROWN .»\l.I'.



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by Banker's Order or monthly allotment with Cooper’s places; the facilities of a super store at your disposal and at CASH PRICES, except for special Hire Purchase accounts

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June. I960

The Purley members are not unmindful of their duties Croydon Steady progress rally Sunday.



friends from the the .liitland


branch at Chatham on

Whit hlembcrs recently presented a badge ‘Ill-I Purley and District branch of the Royal Naval Association. to the widow of a naval man living under the watchful eye of its new in Clieltenham. which gave the lady president. Commander J. S. Kererts. great pleasure and brought a wonderl).S.()., R.N. (Retd.). M.I'.. is happy to ful letter of appreciation. The branch INCOIIOIAYIO IY ROYAL CNAITII was also able to he of some slight be able lo report steady progress. Pact-on: H.H. The Queen The sixth annual dinner was a very assistance to this lady's grandchildren mother -who was a Wren pleasant atlair at which the members Twliilc their -was in hospital. were honoured by the receipt of a ()ne new member is :in Australian 0 telegram from the Queen. the presence who is in lingland on a radar course. of the president and Mrs. Kerens. Mr. and Mrs. (iower representing He sought out the vice-cliairman. Bennett. who was his i No. 2 Area and the (‘hatham branch.‘ Shipmate instructor in Atistralia when sewing {several members of Croydon branch with the Royal Australian Navy. :and members of the Kcnley branch l’ractical support has been given inf the British Legion. The presence of the chaplain kept to the Royal Se:imen‘s Boys‘ Home the proceedings within the bounds of at llrixhani. the Royal National Lifesliorc decency and caused the several.‘ltoat Institution and the l.ord Home for Boys. ‘\’[)t.‘2thL‘l’S to tetiipcr the wind to the ls'itclicncr's As membership increases. and with sliorn lamb. A record attendance at the Annual the help of the new activity which seems to be manifesting itself among ‘(ieneral Meeting showed quite 'tlic members. the branch hopes to be plainly that. although at times the vol increasing uset‘ulnc.ss to the exnunibcrs at the monthly meetings is .small. the bulk of the members are Naval conimiiriity in Purley and :not unmindI'ul of their duties to the ‘district and in a position to give and to their branch when increasing material help to the wortliy iz\\.\\lClStllt)ll ‘time and opportunity are convenient. causes brought to the notice of the 'l'he very respcclcd Shipmate Arthur branch. l’l:‘L()RUS PURLEY .l)iprose. who has been branch chair_. for so many years. has vacated Some of the guests. Standing are Mrs. Crawford. G. Simpson (chairman of branch). Mrs. Thomas. Capt. R. D. man owing to his advancing Roberts. R.N. (Supt., R.N.A.Y.. Sydenhani. Cdr. W. S. Thomas. R.N. (Retd.) (deputy president of branch). Mrs. the chair years. but he has agreed to continue Roberts and Cdr. T. R. Barnes. R.N. (Retd.) (vice-chiiirimin of branch). (Photo: "County Devon Spectator") as the branch delegate at the Area meetings. where his great knowledge and far-reaching advice will be of benefit to the proceedings. The new chairman is Shipmate Richard P. Jenkins. and Sliipmatcs Bennett. Carter and Cross are vicecliairman. treasurer and secretary '







‘as good




Something to



Shipmate Jack Land of the


Navy Days.

at Portsniouth for


The Castleford Branch has been very active of late. It started off with its annual dinner when over l00 members and wives sat down and this was followed by social visits to other associations and a dinner which was held for Shipniate Land, the Association tnakiiig him a presentation of a tankard. On Whit Sunday the Association. along with other Naval associations in Yorkshire will be holding the annual memorial at sea oil’ Spum Point. The service is followed by the casting of wreaths by each association. The only alteration this year is that the boat leaves from (irimsby and not Hull as in

previous years.

Information concerning this event may be obtained from either Mr. R.

Darley. 18 East Drive. Cheqiiertield. Pontefract. or Mrs. Dykcs. 5 Ashley Road. Hareliills. Leeds.


Generzd Secretary at No.


write home about!

tied to


Castleford Branch who has been awarded a testimonial on parchment by the Royal Humane Society for saving the life ol a woman at Southsea on August 3. I959 Shipmate Land, along with other members of the asso-



J. _...




Roberts. R.N.. Superintendent of the Royal Naval Air Yard, Sydenhaln. when he spoke as guest of honour at the annual dinner of the Bangor branch of the Royal Naval Association on April 22. Cdr. Thomas said that .thc majority The well organised dinner. which ended with a dance and cabaret gave of those present that evening had much enjoyment to the i220 members spent their lives in the Navy or had some connection with the Senior Serand friends who attended. vice. The fact that were now Mr. George Simpson, chairman of members of the Royalthey Naval Associathe branch said the past year had been tion showed that they could look back a notable one in its history. the high- on their service with The light being the opening of the new longer they served thepleasure. more they headquarters, Mountbatten House. in rcgrcltcd leaving. he said. Scpicmber last, by Rear-Adniiral Sir NOT ENOUGH SHIPS Edward Rcbbeck. Earl Mountbatten They. as old-timers. he said. were had been unable to be with them on that occasion but Mr. Simpson often apt to criticise the modem Navy. announced that the Admiral of the but he could not help feeling that it really on envy. They were Fleet hoped to pay them an informal was based envious of the pay the got visit during the year. and t is improved conditions 0 scrThe toast of the Royal Navy was vicc, But be was ceriiiin that the proposed by Cdr. W. S. Thomas, may sailor were as good as of the branch. deputy president sailors had ever been. Ships today were .



change, but the men in them don't. The spirit and type of “SHIPS inmight the Navy today is good he has been." said Capt. R. D. as



The branch will be joined with so full ofgadgetry the sailors had to, be first-class, he said. The ships were; superior to what they had served in.i the only thing wrong being that there’ were not enough of them. Cdr. Thomas said they regretted that more ships did not visit Bangor so that the Association could put its premises to the very important use of entertain! Llbertyrnen. BRITISH NA LEADS In replying to the toast. Capt. branch of the -Royal Naval AssoRoberts said that Naval life was rather ciation was commissiottcd at Beer. like owning a picture gallery. Each Devon. on February 27. The comnew commission painted a picture: missioning ceremony and dinner was sometimes it had a gilt frame and held at the headquarters of the branch. sometimes it had a black one. The Anchor Hotel. Beer. and was atRoberts said that the of Capt. ships tended members of the National the British Navy today led the world; Council.bythe Area President. the Area in modern naval warfare. Whatever! Secretary. the Area 'l'reasurerand shipresources of their mzites from the tlridport Branch who the production allies, they still led the field. Three of were the guests of the branch. Twentythe greatest aids. the angled deck. thrcc members of the branch were and the landing present. the steam catapult n_urror. were all British Naval inven- Since the formation the branch has tions. from strength to strength and begone Ships might change. he said. but sides its monthly "get-together" it has thetiieninthentdtdoot.'lhespiritheld it very successful dance in the aadtypeotnianiatheNavytoday _Mariner's Hall at Beer. and a dinner its as good at he had ever been. in honour of “the ladies“ which was The White Ensign was still one of followed by a social. the strongest tier of the Commonfor the future include a Plans of the one forces greatest wealth and Wbitsun dance and at visit to Plytl'l preserving peace. he concluded. mouth. R.N.A. FILLS VOID The aim of the branch is for a memCdr. T. R. Eames. vice-chainnan of bership of 50. so a warm welcome will the branch, proposed the toast of the be extended to any serving or ex-.servRoyal Naval Association. He said iiig member of the Royal Navy who there was a void in the life of an ex- lives In the £tl’C2t to jttlll the AssociaNavy man which was filled _by the lltitt. This was an association in R.N.A. which they all spoke the same language and one of its main functions was the of comradeship and fellow-

Earl Mountbatten to visit club man

Award for Castleford



BEST DINNER AND [Vtlip.]'9\'lSl0lt ENTERTAINMENT He felt the Association played quite responsible part in the life of tlie' FOR A LONG TIME

llli monthly meeting of No. 8 Area Council which was held at the

Manor House Hotel. l.e:miington Spa. on May 7. was lionoured by the presence of the (icneral Secretary. Mr. a L. H. .\la.».kell. community and also played a big part Ill-I annual dinner Claeton of the The usual business of the meeting lives of ex-Navy men like himbranch of the Naval AssociaRoyal was conducted with the general secrese tion held was on April 30 and -80 tary taking the chair. At the end of the In reply, Mr. Thzitcher said that. and members wives attended. meeting the -ccretary invited questions being their representative on the] The Loyal their Toast was given by land ciiiniuents from the delegates National Council was a position lit!‘ 'l'oastmastcr. Sliipniate A. W. present. greatly enjoyed. He assured the} the .\l:iltlicws. The president of the All the delegates con.sii.lercd this a gathering that lrcland stood very high ;l‘|'imL'l1S. r\. .\lattliews \llit""-'||¢ in the eyes M um (-Uum_.n_ \'ci_\‘ uoitlmliile visit. and one which the toast of the branch and the llli|\ ceit:tinly promoted more interest gzivc NEW BRANCH IN CORK Slain-nznlc J. C‘-i-"Mitt: rev I in t<.‘.\;..\. :ili.iirs_ and it is ltnpctl that Referring to the growth of the Asso- ichziirmzm. lthis visit is utll_\‘ the toreiuitnct of .ciation in Ireland. Mr. 'lli:itcliersaid‘ ponded. 'I'ltc "l..idics' Section" \\it\ pro- nian_\ i-tli-.-rs. -| ilk“ I"-‘ml’ °P\"H_l 7_°f7¢ml) posed by Sliipmatc (i. Jcr\cj.- \vhn_ 3"“ 31 lltctl (“flu “NFC the evccllcnt work the ladies s

in"the _

' ‘

lhe tentat.-onar Roman vomflcrr:-:— ri::~:t advanced re: lighter in the ncrla.

Wherever you go you'll be proud

lighter. Each one is premion-engineered and handsomciy fini5hed_ Choose your to own at Ronson

Ronson from the wide range at the NAAFI

louson GA 3 World's Greatest



l!l‘~'3_ll~“l _








l t‘F.praiscd

Carnation sprays for the 'ad'eS

carry on tic’ for the braiicli. .\lrs.; 1 gootl work. and he hoped that all c\- ,are doing . ;_;,dic\[;u1._~|m—. me d,.'lir"w" t I Nzival personnel would support the j respoiidctl and tliaukeil S'liIpm:itc R.N.A. lll-_ ( ciitral londnii liiaticli ol the lcrvcy for l'Il\ Lind remarks. 'l1ie ltcalih of the guests was proA bouquet was prcxcntctl in thcl R.._t;.1 ..\';.y_,| ,\\\pg.'litlli\ll held_u-. C. Rutter, :1 branch f retiring Ladies‘ clt:iirman_ .\Ir\', 8, 1 Annual liiuiici on .\ta;. 7 and, berm.posed by Mr. II. vtce-prcsident, who said he was proud Prykc, by the cliairman of the well supported. ll was a thoroughly 10 bl? 1L$S0¢l1|lCd ‘Nllh “"3 in-'|“l.=l|Ti|ll0ll branch. A bouquet was also presented good evening. of the Bangor Branch some eight years.to the lttlslcw, Mrs. Tupson. by the Following the old Central l.ondon lcustom. caiiuitiiiii sprays were pr.‘ago. He was glad to see it was now‘prcsident. onc of the best organised iii the’ l):incing and games followed ll'lCi.\L'lllL'll to all the ladies present and country. dinner. the i\l.(‘. being the chairman. 1 these were much :ippi‘cciaIcil. Mr. T. B, Graham (Town Clerk of Sltiptmitc (lurking. and the 'lhe l\t'.iItCl'l is visiting liastboiirnc Bangor) and Mr. W. T. Osborough evening was voted as the best dinn-.-r on June W and the nieiiibcrs are sine tchairtttzm. Bangor liranch of l'lriti:zli.:ind entertainment the branch had that they uill rccci\c a llltl‘, ii.'iiiti.'.-l \ welcome. LCSIN1) ft‘l‘llt‘<l On lk‘lt.‘ill'til the gu:~t~'. cxpericiiccd for .t \cr_\ long time. more new mom cis to








ONE IN THIRTY PLAYS A GAME Is Royal Navy Cinderella of sport?



llieir lack of interest tlt‘t.‘s not enttotiragc llic youttget People to get on '" ‘l“‘”' lit Portsnioiith lhctc arc Hint.‘ shore

IR. --’l'otl:tj.‘. when so many of our sailors are tcchniciatis and spend a great deal or the-ir time sitting down. it esttiblishiiients. :ivcrag:ng :1 thousand iiiiglii be thought that some sporting men in each and yet it appears that it is enottgli activity would appeal to them. iinpos.si_blc to get a strong :i local 5-m_h_ h(m.‘__‘.". 5‘ mu me u“‘__ 1s\\:ll't1nltllg t_e_ani to swimable the club. oiight l‘\.n‘y nu_ng Hf I,,_.,m,p.,. (me man um L.‘.m._‘. 30‘ sweep the board in swiiiini.n1.: conpm” a name. (-an it he mnmcnd l"‘l‘"m"'5"h"m m” ‘‘‘''‘l‘'‘ thcn that so little talent is foiitid in A "wind of cltange" seems to he the lioyal Nat)? “K. "M ‘pflning ‘Wm iIm.r_,m.\,§‘ needed in tliesportiiig side oftlic Royal show that we are interinter-part and so on to the top of the Navy. Lettheus .\t.'l\il.‘\.‘ to which we belt‘t‘i.-- seems to have died. Am‘ mi‘ jestcd lll_ long. with ten esccptions we seem to despite the facilitieswhich are atlorded -,lbc Cindcrellas of sport and it is high for all games. .\l:in_v niore facilities than ate available to civilians and the ‘time th:it we took our spoil .seriously and showed the other Services. and the cost. directly. is virtually nothing. that the Royal Navy is no Why are we so keen to drop every- civilians‘. longer content to take second. third or thing at 1620 and get away otit of it‘! fourth place. 'lhc apalliy seems to come from the Pl-'.RTl.'RBl-ID. older and senior people in the Navy.


‘to i



aer-in-Cwhief, Portst, ll Ill




"P'»|i. >- In.»






palatial new quarters for senior ratings

to open



by ziriaiigeiiieiit between the two tiiesses it would be possible to use this lovely tlnoresccnt-lighted room for dancing for both Chief Petty Ollicers "ml W”). 0m""“'

(BY OUR OWN C()RRI:'.SI'()I\'I)Ei\'T) ll!-IN the new Chief Petty Officers‘ and Petty 0llieer.s' Block is opened in “L1-1.;RED An; the Roytil Naval lliirriicl-L-i. Portsmouth. and I understand that it will be The side ceilings of this large room opened by the Coiniiiandcr-in-('hicf. Portsmouth. on July 8. it scents: to me that have lcnscrete roof -lights. that is there will be it number of otlicers who will consider that the accommodation ) circles‘ of about 2-in. thickness‘ now provided for the senior ratings is considerably better than that which they glass" and (i-in. diameter let into the conthetiiselves occiipy. crete with rubber seals. That is not to say. of cotiise. tlial :cers' side of the builtlint:—-i's :i niiiral E Ill“: “'h“l|? hulldllltl l‘ ill"? i|l""'“"'




.ltily 20

URi:ritgc ‘\.l|‘.


( ‘( I-l-‘G .


l’ortsniouth July ll-I2










Occupants will not want to leave





Lords .‘\lty:t|\'l 5-(i

Aiigust ll~l2


““““-“l 5”“


l'"“-' .



l¥l:iiidford July I0


.\leon June -9

(liainpioitsliipc. \\'iinbli:don

l.A\l'N '|‘|-:N_\'ls

"\"g'N "6



8") ‘ a ugust, ('.‘h'"' ‘-’m";“3mf l ‘

I:'J";'l“l,"8‘ :'I"l_"‘.’"1'_l"

5 Sub Machine (iiin 35.1” "


R.N.R..-\. Meeting Rll-‘Ll-I in Old l’ortsniouth' in:irl.et have who ii ditioned this———the in and day these rating dining room iof they bcgriidc me-icy that the service such is some on air I-~-filtered years ago and brought in and fans 20_0 1""; 35.3,“: given and are still giving July '9 Catherine their left of the that and draw the used air out of the room landing depicts to the i\'av_v. but I feel sure X” and xx of Portsmouth. at out through the gullcys at the back of adiiiiration for the new building willl Braganza igmm. and The rooms are light. airy spaci- the hall. By this method no cooking l E be touched with a slight degree of envy. {:3 mg). the :ind. leaving entrance ltall. smells can ever reach the dining room. E Thc new block. appropriately callc Mermaid SAILING Dinghy “‘l'raf;ilgar"—~is a \l\‘\lt'llL‘_\' buildiiig.;thcre are the reading and writiiig As may be expected. the galleys and Cliaiiipionsliips Cliainpionsliips light and spzieioiis and most tastefully rooms and TV rooms. the latter hav- ancilliaries are modern and the best Seaview Portsmouth ting accotistic tiled walls and ceilings‘. that money can obtain. There is ,i¢¢...;.;,,-.|_ The ladies‘ rooms‘ and guest rooms fluorescent liglit everywliere and June l3-I-l .liily 10 At the tittie that I had the privilege .\lerinaid Firelly Firefly of inspecting the new building the u*"’L' l‘i|tIL‘|led with hoiiduras Il1itl“‘te'i||\.\‘ 1 in the preparing roonts and galleys‘. of the but 8 and is tiled ft. the \'-itlls‘ tlooring composed lovely etc.. (liznnpionsliips are Cliatiipionsltips furniture had not yet appeared high (‘hainpionships and blocks of wood. niahuhu Welsh l.ec-on-Solent Seas-icw there are no corners‘. everywhere being Harp the tloors. panelling and eletciic light grained October 1-2 lune 28-1‘) roitiided o_tf to avoid the collection of September I0-ll litinents would have delighted evcit D]I) BA SPLEN RS dust and dirt._ [[19 most discriniiiititing of house.=.lllllllllllllIIIllllllllllIIllllllIllllllIlllllllIIlllllllllllIIIlllllllllIIlllIllllllllllIIIIIIllllllIIllllllllllllllI|||lllll|||||l|l|ll||l|F= 'l‘lic meeting place for all men is Also on this tloor are the cooks’ rest wives. the bar. and the ban lined in this rooms and dining rooms: and so on. The building is for the Chief Petty l w-‘.i_s~ extremely interested to see one new block are really ptcndld. The‘, Ollicers and also for the Petty Olli.sheIvint: can be floodlit to show up machine which takes‘ a loaf of bread. cers. and if a litie was drawn right; down the middle ot the building the; the beautiful birds-eye maple and. iif slices it. and butters it ready for the course. the colourful bottles. Even table. 'lhe_ galleys and in fact central two halves are identical. without the furniture and carpets the lie.itin_e _ot ‘the whole building is by ‘the main entrance. tlzinked by beauty of this roiiiit is obvious. Tlie .ttitoiii;itie oil-tired boilers. small tlower _i::irdens and with ati imposing giilleil entrance :iiid beauti- bars are to he ruti by the .\'.A.t\.l".I. llll.l.l.-\Rl)S ROOMS llccr is kept in a rc!'rigei'.ited stoie tully polished doorways. leads to an .-\iiotlier pleasing feature of the the baseiiient and is hoisted by lift eitttattcc hall in which. on either side. whole biiildini: :ire the two billiards to the hat itself. .ire two colourful lllllt'.Ils' painted by In the centre of the building ate the iooiiis each of which will lalvte two full_.\m.uiy Bayiies; the artist who tables‘. l-londuras niapainted the murals in the City's (‘mild- ;.\less dining rooms one tinge room sized billiards liall. lliat on the right. the Petty ()tli- _which is norm;-.li_\' divided by ~t,‘l’L‘Clls‘. hogaiiy is used for the pcnelling of the room and frankly. what with the splendid bars" and the facilities for NEWS MORE R.N./l. television. billiards. reading_ writing and so on. t am a little concerned about the possible difficulties of getting the senior ratings‘ out and about on their jobs of work! COMI-'()RTABLE CABINS The four cabin floors are replicas of cacti otltcr and the cabins are the last word in comfort. Each has‘ running hot and cold water. built-iii titted iVt'\u';istlq.- and (ltilcshtiatl : wai‘ilrobes'. it writing table with heated hrancli of the Royal Naval .-\ssiibranch: again the Wltitslalile panels‘ tiiideriieath. hoolgsltclves. forciatioii is ciiiistiiig iilotig nicely. .\lctiiof Ihc Royal Nzival Associiitiiin inica-eovered. and a small table at the Iiursliip is going up and with the has won the “Don .\lurr:i_\" trophy side of the bed for wirele.s‘s'. etc.. with dcli\'cr_\ of thi- l)l'.InCll st;iiiil.iril plan-. for Niiiiilicr Z .v\re:i. j it Iainp abuse the bed and an electric are l)eilie.itioii the l.‘L‘ft,'lI|IHt_\ for ‘the cup was presented to the. point for razor. wireless‘ and so oti. taking shape. branch by the .'\l’t.‘.t eliairxntin. Ship'lhe colour cchenie is of pastel Wrens have two the braticli now what was. shades. each cahiti having a window l‘I'l;tlI: (lower. during iiienibers are “ho are iii.-iiibeis. and with curtain rail. fanlight above the regr:ttahl_\'. his farcwcll visit to laces old some see to branch. Number 2 area's loss‘ will door and thermo-plastic tiled floor. wry pleased I ‘I he pttsstlgcs‘ outside are covered in be Portsiiiotitlfs gain. turning up agittll. iitidotibtedly The total amouiil made :il the daiice The Whitstable s'eL‘retaiy reports. rubber tile.s' which will help to reduce of l.'3(l_ oser was in l-l,t\l.S. (Hilltop: that at the time of writing. less than the noise factor. from the half came which more than There are I7-I cabins in Trafalgar 50 per cent of branches invited to Ladies stall. dedication eerenionv of the Whit- block there are bathrooms at the lthe The branclt was invited to the re- stable Standard on Sunday. July 3. ratio of one to eight persons. l-'-.ieilitie.s‘ exist for scrubbing and eomniissioning ol H..\l.S. t\ortliiini- have replied and. naturally. as the bria and it was very ltllL'I’L‘slil'I1-Z indeed. .branch is :iii.siotis to nialtc the W‘.ls‘hll'lS clothest, drying rooms and so .-\fteris;irds nicmb:rs- were cittertaiiicd ‘occasion :i must siiccessltil one. he» on. and there are dormitories. bathon lmaril lI..\l.S. (';illiop.:. ‘appeals to l1l';ttI:llL‘\‘ to support the! l‘\lt)t1‘IS. wa.s'hing and rest-room f:icilisltlttltls‘ were ;members of his branch. ‘ties for the stall who will look after The darts and ti:lll‘Iit'I\l the Chief Petty Ollicers and Petty “nu Iw 3a!ii_n:ii.ite l)enton and Shipt .\lrs. .lohn Diefcnbalter. wife if Oflieers of a standard far and away niatc Jennings t(_':ina'.l:i'.s: Prime .\lini.ster. lttlltlcllcdi superior to any standards existing. Associatioii reports‘ from Bcdford. the 27.000-ton (':inadi:iti Pacific llllcft 1 he first Plresident of the new Chief l)artt'ord. (.iitlll\lVI'0ll[.:ll. (iosport and lintprcss‘ of (‘anaila on May It) it! Petty 0tlicers' block in btirracks will Welling will appear in our nest Viekers‘-.-\rnistrong's yard. Walker-Q be. undoubtedly. a very proud nian iiiissue. j dccd. on-Tyne. '



















( ).\'(‘l-I





rareenjoyed ,3 every day _







June. I960

Al Nor




queen’s eight hours at the board in




lll-2 60 Wrens in ll..\l.S. Vernon certainly don't believe in the old arl:rge— " "it's a rn;iu's world." They make as much use of the Service facilities for rill’-duty enjoyntent—pussibly more than the men. 5.,-cont] Omccr /\_ R, Hrm-is, B,A,, George VI. at Plas-y-ltreriin in Wales. (tllicer in charge of Wrens in the estab- learning the art. She mzinaged to collect lishment. is nattirally interested in a black eye and :i broken nose in the their outside activities and encourages process. but this has left her riiirlaiintcrl them to take every opportriiiity of ex- and she is looking forward to many eiijriyalile week-end expeditious. teutliug their interests. A typical esaniple of this w:is an ('ll()()Sl-'. THE ARR()\\'S attempt riiade by the \'crnori \\'i'etis to liitiltl their own canoes. This pioverl Anotlier Wren interested in l{\p.-diimpossible but two carioes were hor- tioit Trairiiiie is Wren Joan llolriies. _ :”i% roued from the lisrierlititiri 'l‘.l'.llllll'_lg After a "\\"id._- (i:iine" held recently .1.-. '. "‘ -.'. .-‘-| Centre arid eaiioeing had arrived in N near (‘hrchester. she (ll\pl'.l_\’C(l corisid‘I ; s. ‘_'r-1;.’ ‘,.I‘-at, __l ', \'errir-ii. Wren l’.(). King has organised erahle talent in a tot:rl|y tlitlercrit \v.ry. Wren l.:ivini:i Reilly relasing after . s ‘K’. A instriretiori and there is considerable Resting in a local hostelry. after an ena swim llt-run Szirlrlle (‘Iuh‘s mare |\':itrin:i. eritliusiasrit for this‘ less’ sport. jo_v:ilile d.iy's activity she became inCounty horioiirs have also come to volved in ;i dart's match. and disposed of all opposition witlt ease. male and WW" _-\l5”'=5_~'”¢l -l1"“'-'5 llll‘ ll"'k' l‘“'l female. I.:iter she deruonstr:iterl her D'3"l‘¢'!-3l“l""_¢- -‘lilfllilwl f\‘ll0“'-“fill”: ‘km by ggoring n;,m,_-d d,,uh[_.g at “.in_ latest‘ Arncrrcriri craze and _en_]oys land Kalriria also doing so in the Foxhas no "traiiipolinc' to ‘She Appanml’. Joan ha,‘ :“.h;,_.,.¢d Jiiriiprng. hiiriler (onipctiton in which she was ~-§h,,m._h.;" mi‘-,_._ her hes. ,,“,.-,,:help her in her efforts to ini_provc_nn placed equal fourth. Wm, ‘hm, ;.m,“,_|33_ H". k,m:e‘t her personal best of 4 ft. 9ins.. high session is eight hours continuous WWI‘? l5 n- ll) l"5-- l0“L' l“"‘l"- l"_ TlZA.\l to represent the Royal \lIL‘ recent not only :i_tmeeting p|,_,._ in me N._,\_A_[.~_|_ (nub inlone Navy at show jumping cornboth also pm-g,,m,,u"._ A" mi, wgmin giuqtettipted rattan. mcnced training at Royal Naval Air the for Mirth Wales. relay tearri months‘ of Ieamint: the gariic. H" P Station Yeovilton on April 25. The the object was to train to represent the ndyig-g m 1.,“ gm-car"; _sc|ccted to representmatch HIE R.N. and R..\l. Old 'l'iriier.-i with --(_-hmm: mu. ._“.m,“ and ym, may \\.R.i\.S. in a three-eorricre.d Royal Navy at the Inter-Services their lady associate members and Uiiriiver.s'rty and Jumping Compctitiori fuf the ()ueen‘s an ,,,,,m:_'- "H. fame, play, “Rt ;ig_:iiris-t l.0tldtttt (‘up at the Ruyill Horse Show at friends had their first li:ilf-daycircular game for a club in l.iverpuol but l “""l’l"‘l“"l-‘“l'°5trip for this year on April 27. Windsor on .\lay I4. Jo-.rn niorle.st|_v zrduiits that she can WRP-NS. "REE TIME heat hint on most occasiuris. l)i.-spite the fact that all other con- Starting frorii [’ortsnioiith at lunch Darts playing is very popril:ir with One of the nrgttttisers of all this out-‘ testants were from the Army. with time the route taken was via liontsvell, most of the Vernon Wreris. In a re-iside activity is P.O. Wren King. She horses drawn from Army resources Bury Hill. Dorking. Newl:inds' Corner cent challenge match itgitlllsl Vernon I still finds time, hnwcvg-r, to try now cx- the Royal Navy took ninth place out and Guildford. High tea was served mil)’ 0"lCL'"‘- ‘ht?! W90 by three pericnces. Her latest C|'il'I¢'.’:- gliding.‘ of I3 teams, At the conclusion of the and very much enjoyed at (iuildford. After tea a visit was paid to the matches. ‘A shooting team for this seasoifsi competition Her .\lajesty The Queen a lively Catliedrzil and the return journey was S“"|‘““lf_‘t1_l" ‘-"~'|f.V l"“P||lil|’1lls9:iltd matches has been selected underl and Prince Philip evinced ni:ide via the Hog‘s Back. Alton. Wren Lavinia Reilly. temporarily in l./Wren l-“itzpatrick and the sailing interest in the team and its horses. The learn consisted of Lietrt. J. B. l’eters-field and Horndeati. this sport rather: season is well under way. lt will be Veriion. takes seriously. When she joined the ditlicult to eniiil:ite last \'car's per- Dixon and his Anglo—Arabian gelding At I-lorndean a social evening was Wren Margaret James holding a W.R.N.S. she was member forrnancc in sailing but a frerncndotis Hussein. Lieut. .\l. J. Batenian on the spent. Mr. C. Norris was at the piano regular _a she Heron Saddle Club's mare Katrina and songs were rendered by Messrs. cup had won in a local nth- of the Siissex Junior team and al- etfort is being made. letics meeting at her home town though onl_v I8 years of the Wrens have any free time‘.w and Siih-Lieut. C. W. Dallmeyer on Groves and Chambers. l_)o age. had made The arrangements for the trip were a successful tour of Belgium with her This scents a reasonable question to his gelding Rajah. Amongst the first to enter was Wren corinty teant. Later she won the Siis-- ask. An emphatic "yes" is the answer. They went to the Taplow Horse tirade by the organising secretary. Mr. Carol Weston. Carol, who comes from sex Woinens IIO yds. freestyle in 74 for they still find time to rnake ex- Show near .\lairlenhead for experience W. ll. Wiiisor. assisted by a coriirnitlcc ltarry. is an experienced canoeist. She secs. and has represeiited the com-’ hibits for the Navy Day's Handicrafts on S;rturd:iy. May 7. where they had consisting of Messrs. Field. Windiist recently spent 26 days at the C‘.C.P.R. iiiand in a match :ig:iinst Soritliamptun lishihition. Preparations for this year‘s| :r szrtisfrictory day. Hussein and Rajah and Jarnizin and Mesrlanies Windust centre. built in tttcriiory of King ill“ -*-t-'l|M‘"~ l jumping clear rounds in two events“. and Muriiford. idisplay have just started. ‘












oyal Navy


at Windsor

Horse Show




pi;.'“.,,-._‘h:,i.s been














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imilctl from non-s‘om~ ll0I.'§|Z PCRCIIASE. Ail ldral ~.Iis'i-.'.c I-ii nit Licences in the lltoie looltint ahead. ltxlf‘. adiame ;it'ci lilIs's' southern hall at the CII|I|I")‘_ Applicants should )l'3fl :tt liwt talc ol interest. .\lottxv.u-..~s it-. he l!’lJIlIt.‘\I and nictcr.-itily and-. -ll. amt in mid II‘l ctent 0! death.--write I-tr Is‘.\lit‘l. I‘-nuesxioit ol :i sUl‘l'€l'lI Jllilntt lic_i;:tcc. ADnlt'- "Ihc II_tllI\c Auutcsl." to the Pmsitl.-iii tit..cantt ‘IIII be mien an initial trttimntr ncnod Association ol London Ltt.l._ 240 IIl\IIt'IV\'.:.Ill'. and vsill he tetiiiitcd. on scitairt t>.'ca\lons_ to do I.oni.lort. I-..C.2. ;l lK'.'iod ol lL‘ltt‘I t.IlllIC|. :il'.d. when ntoiitolcd "0 y("_- is‘ 1-00 3“-(-" '1 ‘X: I‘ I‘ _.| L“, tI'li\\iun¢'I.Iomcers



to rmnnc

AVY Dit_\s-the Royal Navy's open III\'IItlIIl)l'I to the public to to the status ol oIJllIIIa'\L'\'.r still he tmssiilctl isiili mm ,,,_,m 5-c,,,_.c ‘,n,_‘.,‘ and Wm rm ,_. s‘t\I'I‘lIl|iCII.'III',: s.~it.irs, plus uitittttissiorl 1 mush I:i\, i\ tetitcsl Iiicorite 'l‘;i\ l)lli.cr l\ Pit.“ things for themselves-— .1ands-nod LCIJIIII.‘ and see ncnsiiin. Iisirii: .‘I.'ss'lIllIl-Vs.I.1'll‘I‘luttlt lice‘ are ht-ins: held at the Naval I):l!i‘I: tit t \‘ItslII.ll)'. t-..., curt! .ltlsI ..ILL‘ mu he [1t'tl\tdt.'d. i"‘, "\' \ R rs it-\'.t~:~ Portland. where all destroyers and 5:: st \lll.t.1‘.I t ti.-iu.i¢.m. g frigate-s nndi.-rtalte trtttmttt: and IOSIIH2 s..u.m.~ t....-iu..,. i; i .ii‘csl I.'|\l\_ 2:~liivi.-i -sii.:.t~ hel'nre joining the operational I-'lcct.1 “Hill (two ltl1L"I at Whitsttit ntt Saturday. Stindzty and. lI'I-"I-'(7IS .\VI) I|\I.'(i\(i|'. I ‘I-‘ml. nt-nctl. r.i.'kcu. \illIVI\'sI. \\iiiic .\ t Miitiday. June -I. 5 and 6. ,\'iitth Ind IIl.'lsIl\‘II. l'ni:sii-.v.::li I'l:.~i.t UNITED KINGDOM -. ,il.;d.‘_ lht. dcstrotu (atitperdovsn mil he.: (I. ‘uomc ENERGY AUTHORITY there. with the Irigates Undine and? \".\ ITHILI .[ I". tVIIl.'s‘l lrutlitrs Nit ’\ |lIllIl‘Il'l WINFRITH A.E.E. heiirh: I-tl. 2i mil: \\lII\I -1tiit._ dies; tliii Uttdautttcd. 'I'eaI.er and BI3lCIipt)0I.i IIs~\ .\.\"ii "i\'as) .\'¢-sss.“ \\'tlIc and many others. while of special in-{ RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL lerest will he the stihntarittes 'l'utlor MECHANICS and Thule. UNITED KINGDOM For visitors who wlsh to try their are required to iindcrtate intctcsziiig and ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY tailed itsorlt at : new establishment. Applisea legs there will be trips in the canis -htiiild hate sened it ("tall ApprenA.E.E. WI NFRITH minesweeper Yuhttm and the sea- ticcshin or II.‘I\t.‘ had eituinitcnt iraininit, The RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL Hls’Jl|.lC\ clist in the .\IiinuI.tciiirinw (iroun tsard defence boat Droxford. In, ot the lliiiuni-ciinr l)isisit-ii, and the t‘o:ittol addition. the Royal .\Iarines nill he» and Il‘l\IIIIl‘ll1.‘I‘lI:IIIt‘lI HI.'|l'IsII_ .i:tsl the lolMECHANICS I1l'.\llI‘-I assault: in is their (‘\pctltns't.‘ rs-tiiiirsi: running ferry trips nu‘ '*\t::i.-ct! to u:tduI.1|.e 1lIlL‘.':~!:fI;' .i.~J IECHNIQUES: i SPECIAL \.'ll|.tI t..-tl. at .1 new c\l.tl\lishtttc:tt landitlt: craft. it.iilcsirs'ti Irt\:ttrit:i:rll .\Ial.cis or \tVII Lin!‘ «ti villi! h;i\r \t‘l'\C\I .t (‘tan There '.\ill also he tletitottslrzttioiis of : ssith cstv.-tirit.s: iv: tit. lt.titi..tl ad i:.iiitt.t!cttt and t:!cstit.aL .\ K:itwsIcsl&'t' --i :itlti~.~.tihttt;trine zutsl tttortziri iii the It-vs torpedo \t‘llitI l'i' .i:i .id\.\rinl .'iit,i ol the I\\ii.I'J\I Di .i..-iiicctitti: tiring. helicopters will perform aero-§ tare: tltdttsttaal l‘ nilr. t.t.iiii::t tlL‘rto\t\l'I:! (‘\K‘t.IlL‘X7.C l\ Fl“s;tlli't't.I I hatics and .\Im\\‘ how they resent: .\lll'- iioii, Il.I-’. H‘IsIlls1ll'il ticaiinu. sCI.‘Illllu' I',l.l('lllIlNI(' .\.\'I) I.‘-'SIR|'.\Ii .\'I‘ iii.i.hiiii'ne In iil‘.i.i~i»tti.' titctt-.t'tls_ and ‘IV! .\II:( tl.\\'l(S vivors front the water. Also in action‘ iscldimr. Rcli::ei:.e IIIIIIIIVIX hX.lI/.'2l. oi elcctti-iii: \'IIIIl|"3ll\‘nI ..i:tl inl:\n:i:e:t.e will be naval frogineii in their dangcr- COHIFIOL AND INSTRUHEHTAIIOII diixliiai I‘Is‘.C\\ cs-nlti-I Il|\l.’|Il!'.CnlV. arsl tit \I‘t\l'I. itttoltirli: tault di:t;:.-:osis_ 1 van and oils task of clearing uitderwzitcr mines Avviis‘ -its should I'.'I\c a voiittd kituvslednc calibration Int .1 wide taitirc ol rriuriiinciits Howot CI€vil.’\lDIL“. oi hasic the principles and ohstruelioits before :1 beach asused in iiit.-ti.-at rtrictois and il\\«‘\'I§II£'£I csProtector cap is sault. eser. rucstous ext-icricncc oi nuclear ulceRoyal .\larines Commandos tronics is not ¢\\(l‘IIllI.and men with emeril\'ltIIIL‘I'II-. ‘I he iiiork requires 3 Rood knotsand III IlI\IIlIlI:¢‘l|I\tor mcasiiriiiiz .ii-is) auto. lcdrc will i:at'r_t' still it realistic raid to blow ence ot radar. tclctision, coniniitiirs controlliiis: llow pressures and temmined in ni:t'.is':iIly automatic telephones arc :1DI‘_I5‘. up a defended enemy bridge. The trunk is intctcstinit and taticd and inDciatiitcs tit Iiutiids and ttasi.-s. as ssell as ,


‘“;}_';"':~.-j"“;‘;_|"‘“;;':‘ ""‘,f*":’__“'_'_ "‘;',"l-'rl1"*;:;"‘
























'l'no ot' the


t'0IlIp:llI_\‘ persuade the penguin that the height ut fashion


mils: tccltnittuo. snide band and IM‘. amnlilic-is. countinir circuits and asuiciated int cquiriiix-iu. Applicants siiih CIDCIICIKC in an)‘ ot the abotc cztexorics are lrisitcd to Emil)‘Cetiain craftsmen n~.:ty he clielltlc lnr hominx accsiiiiiiioslation and lot loduini: allots.-mces sshilst awaiting alloc.-tt‘mn. Amllicaliitn torn-.1 can he I‘I‘I'lI."ICd. quotitiii rctciensc ntirtil-er $Kl'Kli‘.5. Ltthotir I)t'I'*:Itlti:ctlI.

solses the repair and ItI|lhll11€flI ol .\nce_taIiwd electronic equipment used in connection with niiclc.-tr miter I'I.‘\C3Ish and «testis»?-

GUIDED MISSILES .-\n interesting display of gtlidetl

Iht.‘ rsiahluninent. Relerencc number Sl>€iI‘.22. (‘cruiit s'taIt\t1‘.t‘tI mat‘ I\~ t‘IlIllI‘I€ tor houstntt J\'t.‘I\tIlrI)t>I.IflIII\ll, and lot Iodltlmt alkmnnccs ultilst .\t\.-iittm: :ill.»s'.'tlt0t1. Ap;.-Iitmtim Inlmi run he v-.'rmint'.I. quotinr mm; moxrtinimc at

missiles and model warships will he oit view attd an aetttal ejection seal ;used by aircrew to escape front5 high-speed jet aircral'I. liittally. at pm. !Iit' uppIitpIt'ttIi- rifrrs-r:rr I::JIi;ht'r. [loin I/Kt‘ each day the stirring cerentony of IJIIMAHI Drpumnrril. licating Retreat will he carried out by A.E.E. WINFRITH. the Royal .\Iariites Band of the PortsDORCHESTER. DORSET mouth Command. Portlaiid i\'aval Base will be open to visitors front I130 to 6 pm. on Saturday -1. Sunday 5. and Whit t\loni.Iay UNITED KINGDOM Jtine 6. .-\dinissioit is 2,'- for adults an-J, ENERGY AUTHORITY ATOMIC l.-'- for children. All proceeds are de': soled to Nasal charities. A.E.E. WI NFRITH _










taried work



and Attritiseries! it (‘uh ApprenticeThe

In ii-i.Is-ititkc iiiirrcsiinir at 1 new estatizi-hziiciit.

unis should hue

Protector tttiikes her way through |)'.Il'I\'



W” l_“,rRNlA\_r‘L '--' .\I .( II/\NI(‘5I-\|I:(II-\NI_l 2.



l_ ittiitz: e\:'ctier. Aorl. and :rt;i:



Clhtutl lllll\L‘!\.'|



e\ni:licn;c til

:1\iII'I’I.lsIlIlll\I. tIC\lI.tI‘il', l:\r\v:t







ls'ss|lllI'l!s)s.I.Il:i‘l'l. .ii'.d I-gr

:lI.ni.1ns'i:\ vthtlst





l’l‘.'.\.'I) lIE\|'l.Ii\ (‘I .




I'll R ,-“mgmg nu

sl \\ttlt \i7{'l'I ii:ct.tl awn.‘ uotl) aim Rexcattlt attd I\I‘-~'lllI'.\'t‘.I.II .\Is's|t.1niss oath cs:-crii:t'..'c ol nl'tasiic clitoll ti'..iclm:c~. Lttlti: and lllIiitl‘..! it-..;hiitcs_ attd .'II'lIlI) to pcttottn s:ood-.,Z.tss Ittlizttg '


he cl-r.-il-fc tor Ilstlts. ('€ll:oiI'|‘ct’.‘tII\I'ljctImay and ItI1IS.‘Il|)Z






I-e 1II‘IJll'lCl‘. ll|l0IlII',: Ititni_s_cai_t his l-.l. :iv_ ti.-in the Indus-

[or uhiist auatttnx alloc:tliu:t


A[1[VIIs'.'|lIs!I'l lortm

can he I‘I‘IZIII‘.t.‘tI. quot. tclcicncc numhct SK. l'II.2'.‘ Ililllf the Uthiiir I)\.‘I‘Is\l'lI'llCllI_ A.E.E. WINFRITH,

fI‘_I€Irlls'c ntiiiircr

The ship making her way through MIIQFS which are just about to fritetc. A ntatclthox thrown overhoard would bounce




iutng g.s..t ,\|t|-‘ti ,\u_r,si_ npcs ..|7 \\t)I{l>iHI!s tmth \I‘\'lls‘l!s'L‘ --I .|\ sscldiii-,2


RI-'.\I'.\R('II .\.\‘l) I-INl'lERI.\II'N'|'.\L M[;(»”AN“ 5 .| L“ “in _\|_) ‘ll .i:‘.d tl..1i:tIc:l.1.‘l.'c l~‘.\pcticricr til i:'.«t ‘.'Clls‘{.1I4‘l'\. and tsorlt. includuii: '.s|lIIf0I circttits. ('cit;iin s"flII\ll2s.‘-‘I :‘.'.t\ ‘.'c EiI5:II‘IC tor



|l'l:l'l tits.


§[,||f|](_‘\~ sic tt_ Ttltll, Gklxnlflsi k.\Nm_.,,_»\.



c -‘:1

at .1 new

M f;:c[iff,:',i°h,;‘:'"“""°d 1“ r1()()|,‘,\1,\};|[§ns 9;.-; ¢;,‘..»',‘.i..fi-{~.‘.i(,.._-’.

and the toltomns- ciips-ticzzcc is tc-

il ‘!-!tr‘i:;_!A=R(_”


iiitticstinsi at-.t.l

to undertake

C\I.II‘II\ItllIt'lll. Antilleattls should hate M‘l'\€d a (‘tall Apprenticcsttip or haw: had cttun.-ikiit traiiiirir.-. The vacancies etist in the .\I2IIII|I:|£IIIIInR Gtoim III the I-ineinecrinti Hi i_ and

ship or hate had eouiulcnt trttiiiin|._ vacttnciet exist in the .\I:tnitI.t;tuiin:_(iroun Physics I.aho:atot\ oi the liiuincctinn_l)ni.


uticil work


trial Recruitment Utltccr.




.NEW & USED CARS Protector amid the ice and


I I I I I it I I HAIITS I Within 5 minutes of I I Stokes Bay | | | , | I I i I will be delighted with Ills Youiseli .llIIZICIl\‘l‘ appointed Houses and ' llttrt ZIIOWS wcare tiow erecting at Gosport I i:osir AND sir THEM. listate l_ anipshirc. and | oitice s_rtow llousc open dtiilx includ~ int‘. \\'httst_tn Iianlz Iloltday. I-or fallzu I m/ormtttinn I1/t'tl5¢‘ trial: or trleplianr I hrlitlcs Mltrtttrrl I I I Sitton House, 54/58 Ulltrittga i-‘om. nun. w Ieltbhonr fllmr 7771' Gotriort ‘"56? I












/1"?“ a-"



1 ’

1 »


I I I I l




: t._

ll): -0.‘av. _o/0 mo“ 3‘,_‘_C ‘

15 years. Dcpit from “[15




I I I | I | I




(Portchester) _.\








which has been her home for the past live

.,i~c. oivisrurs

| I |



ttemuir Diiiritmors. rora. Horns. staiicard. Inumpn 4. t-ttttman Dealer; Em I- Wear Street. Porcchcsm Phonu Cost-am 7&4!‘


Pnulurovo mm. THE AUSTIN PEoPL:. souiniinpio.-i ttoia. rnonc Coiriiin 15224 WOLSELEY L norms DEA.ERS. Lo.-icon Road. Porutind ii. Hiltna. Phone Port-.m:iuih 60Jlo Phone Portsmouth 27064 STANDARD, TRIUMPH at RENAULT DEALERS Fntton near flex Cinema AUSYIN DEALER: H,'lO4, P:-i-ncriton Road. Vhone Portsmouth 20939 _



i‘.ENAuLr DEALER; 'III4, Grove Road South

"lune vommauin 3156'. CHICHESTER PAGE: GARAGE SINGER OISTRIBUTOR5 AUHVN DEALERS. Northgate, Chizn.-. ‘r Phone Chichetter I5“ ’\ ‘ WE GIVE FERSONAI <ElVtr' ’~'(Hs ‘VISURANCE Gt ROAD TAX :-mos t-fFI.VlCt ALL A.:lLlr",- ‘V-\|LA ‘J VV'A








June. 1960











The above photograph shows the crew of the ocean racer Belmore which. a-3 reported in the May ixsue til’ “Navy News." is the Royal Naval Sailing Association's entry for the Bermuda and subsequently the Transatlantic race. They are Cdr. Errol Bruce. l’.(). Roy Mullender. Lieut. E. P-atlard. Capt. G, Wheatley. Lieut. .\l. Tanner and Lieut. J. F. 1‘. Sex. The picture (right) shows the yacht in ll..\l.S.


Just try this new way of smoking —pcrfcct cigarettes .made to Suit your preference in flavour, sizc and strength. It's the

NAVY LOSE AFTER BEING 3-1 UP leading AFTER half time. and

goal to nil 'it going on to take the commanding lead of 3-1. the Royal Navy lost to Guernsey 4-3



in the association football m:ttch-one of the events in the progrumnlc to mark the 15th anniversary of the Is'l:ittd's liberation. ' Vice-Adnlirul Sir Geollrey Robson. I.ieuten:inl-(iovernor of the Island was ntnnng the large crowd which ‘watched Gila.-tits-.-y‘s lirst win over the

cl arelles \l . \l \ m||e enjoy smart



winning goal was scored by Gucmsey's centre forward. Arnold. The

For only 9-11!



simple way to raise the initial deposit money required for buying your own house. Make out a. monthly allotment for the purchase of

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to ask if any



After playing the game in different ships I have found that the at a crucial rules tIifl'er—usunlIy point in the game-especially when “ehnIIenging" an opponent‘: “blolI" or “barn'er." If there is such a set of mics. could they be printed in the Nnvy News so that the whole of the Nnvy can ploy to one set of rules. I feel sure that the keen enthusia-sts and supporters of the game will agree that clarilication of the problem is overdue. Yours truly. I‘. EMIILIEM. ll.\lS. Excellent. Portsntouth. (Can any fL'lTlll'f help? If lh('fL' are any uulhcrrric rules in r.u'_rlcncc. NAVY Nli\VS will he plcm-ct!




puhlislr !hem.—E¢lt'tor.)

RUNS TEN MILES EVERY DAY il.l. any records be broken in the Vernon Sports which are to be held at the end of June this year? If Able Scmnnn C. Burton has his way. both the one mile and three miles records will go. Although married. with a six-year-old child. he linds the

train. running between IO and II miles every night

titnc. somehow, You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about


of your readers can tell me where I may find an authentic set oi’ rules for the noble game of


You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about



from his Leigh Park Itomc. lie is the prcicnl holder of the Vernun one nti|c——hi-6 best time being 4 min. -86.3 sec. and he has already tIii~ season put up it very good time on ;i very slow truck in :1 recent Navy match ilgillthlthe Civil Service. Able Sc:un;m Burton. who i\‘ :i diver. prefers di.sl;incc running and has represented the Navy in this yc:Ir'.x' L'I'th\'country nmtcltcx‘.


‘choice’ .mmkim,- (May with a RIZLA Rolling Machine cigarette Papers and Filter Tips

ten minutes from time. The Navy team wan: Young; Widduvulield. lluriditcater: Burner. Ashworth. Ilicklurd; T0\l’l€Y. Reed. Jolva. Costco and Shelton.


thing now

OPEN |0a.m.



|O.3O p.m.



H.M.S. Hermes carried out flying Issued by .‘l..'-I. I-orcvs btlumas Commxl!t'i'. Ltmtlun S.W.7 trials in the Channel during May. Printed and Puhlixlictl for unit on bctull‘ of the Ft/tvv Niws by Gale J4 I'olq¢,. 1,uu-I-:d,





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