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Nenvy News The



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Thursday of the month

First British Nuclear Launched by The Queen

Service second

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Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Published /irst





launching of Britain's first nuclear-powered submarine. l)rt.-adnouglit. by Her Majesty The Queen. at the Barrow-in-; Fumc.\s yard of Messrs. Vickers-Arxn.strtin1:,s, l.td.. on October 2|. is regarded by some naval authoritiesas the most significant event since the Ilattle of Trafalgar. HE

Dreadnought “in

.~ H

It is. indeed. significant that this new revolutionary nnrsltip .shoiIld he the vanguard of a new line of ships which can be regarded as replacing that line of ships which started nilh the battleship l)re-.tdnou;:ht. launched by the Queen‘: great-:.:randl'atltcr. Kiltu l~'.du:ml \'ll. at Portsmouth on February I0. I906. and which linished with the 4-l.ll|1(l-ton Yamzuard taken to the brcakcr's yards this pear. With the Quc:n on the launching‘ already i:.iincd with their own nuclear platform when lvlcr .\lajcsty named the subntarincs. ‘l hcsc are the actions of a ship and pulled tltc handle of a .ship‘.~'. true and trusted ally." “ telegraph to release a bottle of limpire The First Lord of the Admiralty. wine In "christcn" the new submarine Lord ('urringtun. said: ''I hope this; was the Duke of Edinburgh. I.ord (‘ar- ship will he the forerunner of a long rington. First Lord of the Admiralty. line of nuclear submarines and. per.-'\dmiral of the Fleet Earl .\lonnt- haps. nuclear warships as well." It will batten. (‘htct ot the I)ctcnce Stall., he rcinembcred that a second nuclear \ .-\dmiral Sir Caspar John. l-‘irst Sea‘ submarine has alrc;id_\' been authorised. Lord. and other members of the Board The cost of Drcadnougltt will be in ‘ of Adrniralty. .-\dnural II. (E. Rickover. the region ol £20 million United States N:iv_v. who has been mainl_v responsible for nuclear- lllllllllIllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll B. F. l’. Sambornc. R..\'.. first powered submarines and ('dr. ll. F. l’. of Il..\1.S. Dreadnought The new (Cdr. captainlaunched Samhornc. R.N.. l)rcadnought's first on October 2| '


Vicar of St. loltn's. Harrow-in-liurncss. R EMA RICA I-ll.l*I EN l)URi\i\'('I".

lunch which followed the launching the Queen referred to the launching of the previous Dreadnought and said: "lllis Dreadnought with her great sulnncrgcd speed and remarkable .-\t


Tltc modcrn galley has been planned with special cttl['Ill;ts‘i.s' on


.-\I)\' Dorothy .\lacInillan.the nifc nf the l’rinn.- Minister. attended the connuissinnim: of ll..\l.S. lthyl at Purtslnonth dock_\arrI on Wednesday. October I‘). the Rhyl. the fourth anti-submarine frigate ol the Rntltcsay class to be


(ornmanding ()lliccr. The religious ceremony was con~ ducted by the Reverend A. ('. Wadc.

clcan|inc.ss. and all bullslteads and the dccighcad are lined with aluminium. The ship is powered hy geared steam turbine machinery of modern and particularly light and cotttpact design, which has proved highly satisfactory in earlier ships of the class. n..\i..s. Rhyl is conunandcd by Cdr. (i. J. l)odd. l{.N._ who is a navigation

completed. was Iaunchctl by Lady l)oruthy .\lacmill:Itt in thc dockyard in April I959. Frigates of this class are 370 feet _speciali.st. in length and have a beam of «II feet. The peace-time complement 1

nine oliicers and l9l men. of whom apprmrimately one third arc tech-

nical ratings. The armament of the Rhyl consists of two 4.5 inch guns in a twin t'.soutttint: controlled by an elcctro-mechanical compulor system. and a single 40 mm B. F. I’. Samborne. R.N.). of A.A. gun which will eventually be re3.500 tons surface the hull lilies closely resemble the placcd by a Scacat guided missile has a length of 266 feet and a United States Skipjacl: class so as launcher and director. Two triplebeam of 32 feet. and is expected to to accommodate the propulsion barrclled mortars are fitted for antimachinery which was purchased from suhmarine warfare. and also installed join the Fleet in about two years. the United States and is of the are two twin and eight single torpedo Her out will take in fitted in Skipjack. but the forward type end tubes. the dock built at H.M. of the boat (Her Majesty in her speech High standards of accommodation said: “I believe submariners call her a are incorporated in the design. which Dockyard. Portsmouth. boat. l must say 3.500 tons‘ seems a bit will incltidc bunk sleeping. stainless IIlIIllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllll large for that description") is wholly British in concept.

.i“.§. 'I'acitum. 3| “T” class (tun. vertedl .-mbmarine. recommissioned in Portsntouth Docltyztrd on October 24 after a lengthy refit. The coininissioning service was conducted by the Rev. W. J. Marson. 0.l!.E.. 'l'h.l... Chaplain. Royal Navy, in the presence of relatives amt friends of the ship's company who were afterwards entertained to tea on board. Taciturn is commanded by l.ieut.Cdr. N. Gilbert. Royal Navy. who was formerly an the staff of the Flag Olli-


displacement. place

as a

submarine hunter-lgiller. for which purpose she will be equipped with the latest dcs-clopmcitts in undcnsatcr : weapons and detection. .-Vccommodation for her complcntctll ot ll olhccrs and 77 ratings will be of a \l.llltl.'tl'(l \\-lllL'll ll has been nnpo.s.itl7lt.' to attain in any previous submarine. The improved \\;itcr distilling ‘plant will for the first tnnc provide 3 unlimited fresh water for shower baths ‘and for the washing machines in the ‘


fully equipped laundry. Separate






l)readnouglit'.s primary role is


3 Taciturn Commissions


fitting specially


H.M.S. RHYL COMES ‘steel littcd bathrooms and showers. SERVICE and domestic rcf:igcr.itor.s in all



her clement"






for senior and junior ratings. arranged on either side of a large galley which is equipped for serving meals on the cafeteria system. Particular attention has been paid to the decoration and furnishings of the living quarters and to the recreational facilities which will include cinema spaces will he

‘equipment. an C.\'iL‘llsI\‘L‘ library and tape recordings. all features which will help to otfsct the monoton_\ associated ‘with prolon_u.'d underwater \o_vaees.

The submarine will be titted with an inerti.tl ii;i‘.'ig;ttioii system (this cnahlcs the ship's position to be accttratcly



nndcrssater) and

BriInin‘.s linit nuclear-pow cred submarine takes to the water endurance is

worthy of her famous not the longest flritish submarine. predecessor." llcr .\l:tjL‘sl_\' _s'pol»:c of llrcatlnuughl will be the largest and the co-operation received from the has :t wlialc-.sltapcd hull with blunt United States of Ainericzi "'I he nose and a tapering: stern. 'lhe hull is United States Navy has allowed us to of llritish design both as regards strucdraw unrescrvedly on their resources tural strength and ltydrodynainic and on the experience they have features. I-‘rum about amidsl1ip.s aft.




long period of measurini_:

her depth under ice. It was said after the launching of the battleship in I906: “There are few

spectacles more moving and more thrilling than that of the vessel. in which so many hopes are centred. glitlitl}: with swan-like grace into the water. which is henceforth to be her

clement." With the new l)tL‘;ttltttItlt:ltl the sea will be her element as never before.

WELL .tviApe





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