Navy News
ROYAL NAVY llltl-FORMS BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOPS Commercial Road. Portsmouth Telephone 26l$ 30 R0 al Parade. Plymouth elcphone 66543 We specialise in Promotion Orders. Details of the many advantages of placing Your order w'ith us will be sent on rcquett.
No. 78
of The
Royal Navy
and The
Gll-‘TS! with a difference BERNARDS MEN'S SHOP Commercial Road. Portsmouth,
Telephone 16Il6 30 Royal Pxrade. Plymouth Telephone 66543 Gilt Catalogue gladly sent on request
Royal Naval Association
Pu/2/i.s'lied_/ii'.s‘t T/mrscluy of the H10!!!/I
Sabinarine Thule off Portland
involved in collision 3
.\l. Suliniarine 'l'hiilc received cxtciisivc dainagtc to her casing and upper worl-ts “lien in ciilli.sion with the Royal Fleet Atixiliary lllack Ranger. wliilst exercising nil‘ Piirtlaml liill on I“rida_\'. l\'oi'einlier I8.
No one \\:l\' injured either in Thule or in lllack Ranger. hut 'l‘hu|e‘s .s'nort was carried :i\-my. the periseope was bent and the casing was stove in. The strong pressure hull was undamaged. It was announced from Admiralty: "ll..\l. Suhniarine Thule. taking part in an anti-suliinarine exercise soutli of l'ortland llill. was involved in a collision witli the Royal Fleet Auxiliary lllack I{:in_ecr and has returned to Portland llarhour. "Thule. eonniianded hy l.ieut. A. E. has received dziinagc Tliumsun. to her upper work». but there are no c;isii:illies. Black Ranger is apparently
inquiry into
the collision took place at l’ortsniouth last week. H.M.S. 'I'liule belongs to the l-‘iltli Sulmiariiie Squadron based at l’or1s~ month. lint had hcen detached lor dulie.s at Portland since October. She is one of the class suhlttariltes and was hnilt at ll.i\l. I)oek_vartl. Devonport. between September. I‘)-ll. and May. I‘)-lit. She has a .st:indard displacement of l.0‘)0 tons and carries it crew of 5'). Black Ranger. an oiler. was built by llarland and Wolll Ltd. t(io\'an). (ilasgow. and was launclied in l‘J-I0. She is .’l..'l00 tons gross (approx). H.M.S. llltllt.‘ has now gone to iiiidziinagcd. “ll..\l.S. 'l‘hnle “as suhniergcd :it Devunporl where the necessary repairs. periseope depth at the time of the will he ellccted. L'ullls'lun." 'l'|iiilc returned to Porlsinoullt. on the .suriace. on Saturday. Novemher 1‘).
Eting started fire in
Leopard .-a!.Id_ he.li_c01iters rescue thirty H.M.S.
The volunteers "ab:indoticd" ship (ll..\l.S. Plover) and swam to anchored rafts wlicie they spent up to -ill ltotlI's'. l)iiring: their time in the rails the \-olunteex. ullls.'L'l‘s and men and ment: “It has hccn worrying: me. I liavc civilian scientists had only a little water and small p.iel..-ls of _l!llICth£' (Continued from previous cnluinnl \\\'L'L‘ls One young; rating stated "l Ne\l l’cliru;u_\- a "free drift" test‘ was never p'.tl‘llL'lll.‘.ll}' fund of drinl;-_ soccts. l will take place. Men will go U\'L‘l‘l1tl;lrtl ing inlet and its for never ssaiit another as little as I live." froni |l.M.S. (':irron and will attempt I This man iilsu sztltl that he \llllL'lL‘tl no to stay in the rails for live tl;t_\'\, being ill ctleels but that lie llittl never known under Clusc iiictlieal supervisioii \\‘hl|e the \lll[3 remains \\lllltll eoninnin'ie;i« [ling [ti gti \i\ slt\\\'l_\'. i (Contiiiucd at foot of next column) tiuii distaiice. _
she arrived at Portsmouth .V'ovember I9. (l’hotogr.ipli: on Portsinoutli & Sunderland Newspapers l-td.. Portsmouth)
deeidod ti.i act the matter cleared up." ln evidence Sorlcy stated that after the line. which he had helped to light. : he felt that he had done something LAU ED ' wrong and he remembered that he had .M.S. Leopard and helicopters; of hccn in the stahiliscr room in which lll-‘. lirst of a new class at‘ fleet lulSquadron from the R.N. Air the tire took place. He said Ili:ithe was 3 Iistic missile siihiiiarincs. larger 'l‘ a naval court martial at Cape happy in the Service and had nrigrtitlge than me (;, wa_.,him_._u,n which i‘. .Station. liglington. worked in very advenc weather conditions to rescue Town on Now.-inber 25. James against anyone in the ship. rims on patrol armed with Polaris nearly 30 niciiihcrs oi’ the crew til’ the Sorley. a young: rating of H.M.S. Puma. llll§\‘ll¢.\. was launched in Groton. Con- Greek cargo ship .-‘lrgri Delos which was charged with starting a tire in the necticut. last month. aground oi! the l)oni.-gal coast ship on October 8. She is the lilthan Allen. of 6.900 went on October 22. lie was found guilty but insane. ions about L400 tons heavier than A (‘ape Town psye|ii:itrist who Altlioiiglt the Master was taken off the George Washington. This class examined him said he believed Sorley will carry the new A-2 Pol:iri.s missiles he insisted upon returning to his ship heen had and there he stayed until on October sulleriiig from epilepsy and with a range of l.725 miles. Sorley. who put in a plea which was Ill-Z Portsmouth committee of Other submarines of this class are 25 a lielieopter delivered a note l'roI_n regarded hy the court as not guilty. the King Georgi.-‘.s Fund for jllic Tlmltias A. Edison. the Sam the owners instructing him to leave said he had sullercd from blackouts Sailors asked all establishments this |llt\tl.\tt‘Il'l and the John Marshall--:ill his ship. and dizzy spells. nanied after men {anions in American year to see what they could do to Salvage experts rate the ship‘:i tot l)et. Supt. R. lleekelt. ol H..\l. Dock- raise money for the Fund. loss‘. history. yard. l’ortsinoutli. ('.l.l).. who was Tltzinks to the generosity of the llowii out to im-estigale the inystery of Well‘:ire Committee. the Wardroom the tire said that Sorley made a stateMess (.'miiniiltee. and the local _
I-'.i\ltl.\' l5O oflicers‘ and ratings ol the Royal Navy have been trials taking part in "siir\'i\':tl at in Purllztnil harbour. in which in variety of survival'ts were being tested as a preliminary to iiiid-ocean trials to he held by the ;\':ivy next l-'ehru;ir_v in the North Atlantic. The trials are being carried out under tlte direetioiis of tltc Ai_lmira|ly and Medical Research ("t)UllCll.:llltl are to test new eoininereial equipment for
trudcsiiieu. the sum of £200 was raised. All on the lslaml were "roned in" to help. 'l'lie cliequc for £200 was presented to Rear-Adniiral 'l'eale. the ('liicl of Stall (Adiiiiiiislralitin) on the stall’ of the ('onini:inder-iii(‘hit-l. Piirtsniiiutli. after he had inspected ceremonial l)i\‘isiuns' on .\'m'cnilii.-r 25.
SENIO0'Ciqeruu ERVICE 7"‘ ""*¢"0"
A Scimitar is launched l'roiii H.M.S. Ark time it Scimitar had been launched from a
Royal whilst the carrier is at it hiioy in Crzind llarhour. It was the tint ship in harbour. To the left of the picture can lie seen a rescue helicopter
Role of the modern
‘la vy News _
égyers I sub.
December. I960 lo
the Erlilor
n i r 0 ll
licut (5) ll. R. llcriidgc. R..\'.tRc:«.l.). N.i\.1l tt.irr.i-eks. l'ort~mou=h 1.1.; I'|lll\t‘tlt)ltllI 2642! (Est. 2l‘}<')
been never more complete than it is today and in particular in respect of the role of the modern submarine. This is not surprising when one rcniemlicrs the wclter of conflicting opinion. mostly emotional and ill-infornied. lR.~--—"We've got a horse." but no! is ‘:1 good thing. at the end of a with which the titan in the street has been tioiiibariled during the past few one sceiiis to know the significance ! months. A national newspaper in a leading article recently described the conyear. to look back :itid review the trihution of l)readnour:ht to Britain's tlefcnces as being “alinost nil. We might 4 Of 31- 1 ht‘ N15‘-‘|'it“I'0“ 0" lhc bilfit-' Tcitdsi i past months and. in doing so in respect as well launch Many Happy Returns it floating pcashooter." An opinion arrived at. of the Navy. we liiid that the year has To I-l..\t.A.S. Qiiiekinateli from been one of change and progress and because she is not to be :IrIllt.'l.lwith niissiles. H.i\t_S. Quality It is essential at the outset. if wet submarine. capable not only of realso a ye:ir of hard work and—iii ntany l-tth Sept.. I‘)-t5 are to get our thinkingright. to tinder- maining continuously submerged btit l quarters—regret. 'lliis the third was ship's hirthtlay. in Western of exceeding the speed of its target. We have seen the launch of_the stand the parts played Quality was later to become Dreadnought. Britain's liunter-killer Defence by "the deterrent" and by makes it vital for the defence to match and Quality. but why a horse? l submarine. the launch of_ the Devon- "conventional naval forces." lf we lose this increased performance. Dread- H..\l.A.S. Any iiiforinatioii on the thoroughbred shirc. our first giiided-missile destroyer. sight of the essential differences be- nought. and nuclear hunter-killer sub- would ‘Hie horse from Quality be greatly appreciated. the commissioning of the Lion. the tween these we are not only in the marines like her. provide the answer. For those who remember Quick- career at C li:itliani we were inarclied commissioning of the Bulwa_rk_ as a wood. but the wood can't be seen for Nuclear attack submarines. how- inateb. may be interested to know to the cineiua to listen to a lecture Commando carrier. the eontniissioning the trees. In the global war concept ever. will not enjoy the same degree that shethey is still goin strong. Origin- and talk on the work of the Trust. I of Hartland Point as an escort marri- they are as dilferent as marriage and of invulnerability as the niissile carshe was can still hear the ribald rcinzirks. tenance vessel. In addition new frigatcs divorce—the one is only of use if the riers. To attack they must close their ally built as an R.N. commissioned with an R.A.N. crew. "Swindle." and so on. and submarines have joined the Fleet other fails. target. As they do so they will be :iiid l:iter lent to the R.A.N. At the end ln the Incss I listened to stories of and others have been laid down and located and dealt with by the search- of ROCKET the the SITI-IS MOBILE donated war govcriiiiieiit latiiiclied. All of them are capable. ing t.‘~‘.t:t\t'ts'—nt)\V to include nuclear ()tiickrnatch antl her four sister ships T poor old who had to sell Submarines armed with ballistic liunier-killer submarines. the piano. his three-piece \llllL‘ and the modern ships with tremendous hitting the to R.A.N. Uutidrant. wife's fur coat before the l<.?\'-.ll.'I'. powers. eiidiirance and at the same missiles. such as those now going into The ballistic missile submarine is it Qtiecnborough amltouality. Quihcron. The last would make a grant. time. ships where every possible way operational service with U3. Navy. \vcapon of global \var alone. Dreadof achieving comfort for the crew has are in effect nothing more tlianniobite nought. .in common with other ships two are :ll\t\ still in coniinission with‘i I have found from c\p:i'icncc that rocket sites permanently submerged. of tile l-"leer. has a vital part to play the R..-\.N.. and Quadrant is in openi- if anyone. serving or es-serving. ever been taken. stillered this particiilar fate. which I Tltere was a pay rise. and new in the vast oceans of the world they not only in the event of-the break- tiontil reserve.) In the immediate years! rlnst-\\;tr aceomnmdation blocks have been are as tlillicnlt to lind as a needle in down of the. deterrent. but in any doubt. they were people who were her the‘ in t_)uickniatch played part built. The W.R.N.S. Illl(lll1t!Ll'"f'tl2l|l' a haystaek. They are virtually inviil- limited war that might arise. ln peaceeaugtit out trying to put one over on 1 of before otf occttpatioti paying Japan hood" with their ‘.’_Ist anniversary. nerable. For an enemy. who has little time these conventional forces are l the R..\l.t).’|'. into i the in 1949. reserve Melbourne at Exercises with Coriimonwealtli coun- or no hope of locating and destroy- essential if we are to ftiltil our ComDuring my l2 years‘in the Royal tries and allies have taken place in all ing thciu. they are the long arm of nton\ve;_i|tlt commitments and maintain As the shadow of \var remained it was l Naval Asstlclitllttn l have been the oceans of the world and the Royal catastrophic rctribution—certain re- our traditional intlttence in world decided to convert Quickinatch and‘ Branch \\'clfai‘e Ollicer for coiisidcrthree of her sister ships into able periods besides Secret-.ir_v. During Navy has been on the spot wherever taliation from a multitude of pos- ;itl'airs. iiiiti-subiiiariiie fast. ‘l be . confrigates. these periods l took t\et'or.,- the help was required. Not perhaps so sible directions. This should be stifliversion of was Ouickniatch completed'l' no fewer than it cases of -qtiickly or in such quantities as in pre- cient to deter any would-he aggressor: H.M.A. at \\’illiamsto\vn.‘ Dockyard. war days. but those who needed otir should they ever be forced to loose cs-naval men requiring :l\\l\l;t|]Cc_ I 23. I955. on September did not lose one case. In every help have appreciated what we have off their weapons they will have failed Since has slit.‘ rceoinniissionirig. been able to do as. for example. during in their primary role. instanec the T. made grants of 4 visited all of cities Australia. capital the Agadir earthquake and the cyclones Hunter-killer siibniaiines such as up to Eli. and also covered outstandi as well .i\ of the of inajor piaiiv in i\tauritius. ports Drcadnoiight. on the otltei' hand. form i i-__- hills and provided bediliiig. ctc.. the l-’ai l{a~t durin_i: her rcgtilzir l\llll'\ to these" men. Of course. there is another side to part of otir "convciitioiiiil naval RS. 1. Y. Tliiiiiipstiti. wife of of tilt!) as pziit of the .-\iisti.ili;iii conthe picture. ii side which brings regret.! forces." Should the deterrent fail to:I In cases where men have not been Rt-:ir-.-\dinir:il 1.3.. the trihiitiou Tlionipson. Res.-:'.c. to of the breakers ships deter. there is little doubt that Strategic The dcpzrrtiire to 'cii'.:ililc. R.\.ll.l'. otli.' h.i\c given Adniiral ll..\l. of Siipcriiitt-Iitlrrnt lL‘ll't.tlll\ ()ne inevitable iiii.iiis'.\ci'cil.‘ t|tte-tion in which m:in_v have served. enemy will hurl his large snhinarine‘ every :is~i~t;~.i:ee to Itl‘.‘, and told me to (‘hatliaiu. the perforiiieil liovvcter: li-ii'~c'.' —(i. A. why a no doubt. but none the less regretted. tleet against ottr \lllp|1ll)_t.:—‘lt) deny us]{Dock_\:iril. \vho:n and t-.liei-.- to .ipp2_v. for a new |(l3l.‘l°ltI)ill2 .-\'l lRll.l.. cereiiinny l.ieut_. R..\’.. ll..\l..-\.S. The t'I:llttqtli\lllt)L'tll of his appointment the freedom of tltc seas and so toi .\l_\ \'.lc‘i.‘c'\\t‘i ill tltc pus: ‘If \‘»';ll'.ttg Oberon (‘lass Chatliam subniarine at Qtiickiiizitcli. c,’o (i.l’.().. S)llll\'f.'. as First Sea Lord and subsequent starve us of \:sscttli:tl niateriais and ()!llL'L'l has also .'c.‘ci\'ctl every help ;\'ovc-nibcr I7. death of .-\dmiral of the l‘h:ct Sir reduce our will and ability to resist. l)uck_vard on and ohtaiiieil giarits and .l\vlsl;t|1cu It is the third in the class. hiiilt at (‘liarlcs |.atnbc. Then there was the To meet this threat llritain. in concert for needy c\-n:i\.il men. A Yard. Sliccrness :ind i of the down sub-‘ with her N.A.'l'.O. allies. is building; Cliatham fifty-second I say now if the case is genuine it closing pf the he built in sabotage thoughtless :1 powerful modern anti-stibnizirine nizirine to case or two tlockyaril. will receive every L‘\‘ll\ltlL‘t.illt\Il and made destruction the same slip since submarines were acts of wanton forec—an integral part of out conven- on \_\‘t)l['t1|ll|_\' from the Trust's (‘onnnittcc. ; lirst coristriicted there in l‘)()’/'. headlines. tional naval forces. Those who try to swindle the liiust i These and many. m:iriy ot_ht:r thing.-s This latest ;itldition to the Oberon It was witii ‘_.',l'L';t.l interest that deserve to he treated ll.Il\lll_\. l.\ll’l{()\'l-II) CAl’i\lilI.l’l'\’ A./S will crowd our thoughts it only we Class will he named Ocelot .iiid. like l :iiid iiiy l(.N..-\. branch have every read your litlitorial in the look back these few months. In recent years new equipment and her sister ships in the class. w-ill be, ‘\.'n\‘cnj[1c[ it.-...; of Nguiy xmc and faith in the work of the R.N.l!.'l'. and Amt so on to Not. The First Sea techniques. tltc iritrodtietion of tlie.cap;ible of high tinder-water speeds. .yoiii Cttttttttcltls on the work of the‘ say it would he a sad day for many l.ord. Admiral Sir Caspar Jolin_ rc- helicopter and hunter-killer sub.\lrs. Tlioinpson assisted by the? Royal i\';iva| licncvolcnt Trust serving and c\-sei'\‘ing riien If this ferrctl to “ii new exciting Navy“_ in_a marine. have so improved the ttnll-‘1\l\'r:\‘ of senior doekyartl ollicers. will I feel as you do soinetiines gr.ind work were to cease. ll. ('. I’. live liidccd in we not long ago. stibinziriiie capalnlity of the ltlect that lay the lirst pretabricatetl section of‘ there I\ antipathy to\v;ii'ds the (‘Oli Hon 's‘ccrc!:ii_v. (‘lit-;im and speech what knows who and an exciting age we tiow hope to detect and deal with the boat on No. 7 Slip. from which: R,N_tt.l7_ So riiany st-rviiig and c\‘-? Worcester Park lliiiitcli. |\'.\. .\s\tt.'ittthere in t')(u|. Progress inav happen the before it‘ another Oberon Class stibinarinc. se ving inen treat the Ti ust with \lI\‘v tion. ll)l) llatliclil .\lc;ul. ('cntr;il stitiiii:iriiie will be. no doubt. but the age-old lob can eonventioiial Road. Morifeii. Surrey. get to grips with its target was launched only picion. \\'h_v- I fail to see. ()n~|.iuglit. tll..\l.S. ; of the Royal Navy. that of being on The advent of the nircle:ir ;itt.ick,' sis weeks ago. t.\ltirt.- letters on page 3) Many times during H1} Service" remain the spot when it is wanted. will its objective. SUBMARINE ll..\l.S. l).iinpEer. June. at Singapore tl..\l.S. for liorcign S-:r\iec tl'ar I-East). Walrus. l-'cbruar_v. at (ireenock for service in 3rd SublI..\l.S. l-'-.IImnutlt. July. at \\’allscndS ratings_ are nomially detailed for overseas service about four nionths marine Squadron. tor General Service Com. ahead of ciiiiiniissioning date. and for home service about two months I oii_-Tyiie ll.i\l.S. Oberon. Febru:ir_\'. :it (‘halmission. Home .\led. (I9 months). liani for service in 3rd Suhinarine ahead of comniissioning date. this should be lmrne in mind when preferring U.l\'. liase Port. Dcvoiiport. requests to volunteer to serve in ii particular ship. Squadron. August 5. at Dcvonport |l.l_\|.S. Tidal. iriiIr'crrti-r rrilririiiiili-ri-it I’ort\riiri:rIli [ml .sIii'p.v t.\'riti'.:—l’orI.mtnirlIi_t(') Irv GEN ERAI. tor trials. Commissions September irlricli will nor nmlly rv/it iiritllur grrr lt'tl|‘t' at ('IirrtIirrm.) l2 for (ieneral Service ('oniniission ll.M.S. Leopard, December 6. at Portsmouth for General Service‘ ll..\l.S. Anzio. February 28. at Malta ll.M.S. Car_vsl'oot. .\lay. at Singapore ! West Indies (2-3 months). U.K. Ilasc 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Port. Portsmoutli. for Foreign Service. Commission. South Atlantic and for Foreign Service (Far liast). Phone 10947 South Americalilome (2-8 months). ll.M.S. Troubridgc. February 28. at 815 H..\I.S. Blake. August. for (iencral R.N. .r\ir :it Sta-7, Squadrtin. .\lay. U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Service (‘oiiiiiiissioir (See .\l:ircli 7). Portsiiioiitli for (‘ieiieral Service Operate the totlovrtrig ottleint Express semen tioii. for (’ Service ()vcrs-.-as tor servzee Peuonnei EVERY WEEKEND H.M.S. Plymouth. January 3. at Contniissioii. llomc;‘\\’cst lntlics ll..\l.S. Ark Royal. :\iigu~.t. :it Devontl|..\l.S. Ark Royal). LEEDS 43/5 (ll for trials. ltlttllllhl. U.K. li; Port. PortsDevoiiport for (iencral Service r‘.....m;.-. port BRADFORD IJI6 ll..\l.S. It». .-.i l'l_unouth. .\t.._tIn. for (jeneral mouth. May Si:rvice_ \tt\I‘l. lloinc .\led. t2~l months). UK. HUODERSFIELD (DIG inoutli. tScc I 3.) J:ittiiar_v (Toniniission. of late Sin:/. ll..\l.S..l"r~.-I, lloiiiejliiist SHEFFIELD l"ebrn;ir_v. .it i\l;ilt:i 36!! Bast: l’ort. l)c\'t\itport_ l ll.‘NOTTINGHAM for trials. (23 months). U.l\'. Base ll..\I.S. 'l'r_afal::ar. May '24. at Ports-: l’uni;i. .-\iigii~t. zit Ucvonporl Il.)I.S. L£lCESl'ER 26/70!) 'I. mouth tor .\lai‘eh General Service (i. (‘om-‘ I-‘light. R.i\'. at Devoriport. Air NOitl'HAl“ti‘TON Illtor (icn-.-ral S-:r\icc (oiiiinission Slatioii l.ossiciiioiitli for |.F.T.U. mission. Home .\led. (23 l'ltt\ltll'l\). LIVERPOOL 4016 i ll..\I.S. Duchess. .lantiar_v 3. tor lloine_Sontli :\lllL‘rtt.‘;t and. South MANCHESTER 38/6 General Service (‘omniission. .\led.’ -ll..\l.S.'|il:tkc. .\l;irclI 7. at Clyde for l.'.l\'. liase Port. Portsinoiitli. Atlantic (ll) inonths) l,-'.K llasc NEWCASTLE-UNDEP YHE HM Home llase Port. Home Sea U.K. (23 Service. months). RCt.'t\tttn‘Ii\‘\‘it\tl‘v'"_3L§_ Jiitlanrl. .\lay 2-). at ('hatli:iiii STAFFORD 30/’ Port. Devonpurt. for General Service ('omPortsnioiitli. VIOLVERHAMPTON 16]‘ August for Home Sea Service. U.K. llase ll..\l.S. l.nt'lI Killisport. BlRHlNGHAi"l .‘\tl_L'tl\l. at 15/‘ ll.l\l.S. l.och lnih. lantiary l(). at mission. .\letl./lloiiie (2-5 month). Port. Portsmoiitli t(‘). (See note.) COVENTRY 23]‘ Rosytli Ior l-orci_i.-n Service tl-ar Rosyth for (it.-neral Service Cult‘)-i U.l\’. liase Port. Devonport. WARWICK 20!" liétxll. mission. Hoine,'.-\rahian Seas and ll..\l.S. (Took. ,\larch 20. at Singapore "-“'5 "“‘"‘l'''‘'- “W 24- "T D""“"' BANBURY Im port for Liettcral Service (’omniis- ll.i\I.S. Gurkha. August. at Southarnp~ OXFORD for Foreigii Service. (Far liast). Persian Gulf (I8 tlttttlllts). L‘.K. PLYMOUTH 15/‘ sion. ltome.’.\led. (22 months). U.K. Base Port. Devonport. ll.M..‘. Wliirlwintzl. March. at Rosyth Inn for (icneral Scnicc ('oinniission DRUMBRIDGES Zllt Base Port. Devonport. llome.’Arahian Seas and Persian for trials. ll.M.S. l)i'.tna. January I l. for (iencral l9Ie EXETER Gulf (I8 iiiontlis). l.'.K. Base Port. BRISTOL Service (‘ommission. .\lcd..llome ll..\l.S. Caesar. April. for Foreign Ser- ll.M.S. lil’l|‘.ll.'l:\\'0l'(l. .\lay 25. at I716 SAUSBURY 3/3 vice (Far East). (23 months).. U.l(. liasc Port. (‘liatliani for General Service (‘omRosytli. GLOUCESTER 25/ll..\l.S. Eiistbourne. April 12. at ntission. Home-.\led. (23 months). ll.\l.S. llulwark. Scptenilvcr. at SingaDcvonport. SVWNDON I3]CIRENCESTER Ii,’Chathani for General Service Coinll.i\l.S. liattleaxc. Janiiar_v l7. at PortsL‘.K. lizise Port. Portsnioiitli t('). pore tor Htrcigti Service tl-ar liastt. MARLBOROUGH ISIfor mission. mouth (ieneral Service (‘omof llonietliaist Sue/. note.) (20 (Sec ll.M.S. liarrova. September. at DevonREADING Ill‘ mission. (24 U.K. Base months). Portsmonths). Port. l\lL"l.‘r}|(‘n'lc PORTLAND lSl- I (‘hatliani ll.3l.S. Scorpion. .\lay 30. at port for Tri;i|~.( oiniiiissions DecentVrom Farehant mouth I("). IScc note.) l4;- . U.K. llzisc Port. Portsinotith. tor (iencrzil Service (iominission. her. for (ierieral Service ( t\tltml\\it\Ii LONDON |1lll..\l.S. ('rossIiow'. January l7. at ll.i\l.S. Chicltestcr. April I3. .'it (' |i;itllonie .\led. t2.‘~ nionths). l.'.K. Base lloin-.: .\led. t2-3 inontlis). l}.l~L. liase All that $C’I‘I{€I will take the fci'.'i.'.\.r-._~ IsaiCliatliaiii for ham for (ieneial Com(iencral Service Service I ('ominisPort. l’\It'l\t'l)t)1_lillt('). tSee note.) Port under'.itioit. {:1 uic \'O.'lrC"tEflCC of Sc-vice Prr:c':-rel: R,I.' mission. i\lL‘t.l.‘l'lottte sion. I-lorne‘l:'ast (24 of Suez months). Barracks. Ecsrney: Royal Sotors‘ Home Club Il..\l..S. Ashanti. June (i, at (iltisgmv ll.\l.S. (Torunna. Scpteinber. at RL)\_\‘ll'I tnontlis). U.K. Base Port. U.t{. liase Port. l’nrl\I‘I)uttllt it‘). Queen Street: RN. Barra:ki. Unicorn Gerifor Home Sea Service trials. Re-' for Trials. (‘oniini-sions i\"ovemhcr. Sta.-ilcy Rd. for H.M.$, Ext:-llcrit: 'N,A.O.C, tSee riiouth (See note.) tC.) mite.) Hlllta Barracks. ,Cc:t':om. H:rnr:::Tcwn Quay, cuinrnissions February 17. l‘)ti'.‘. tor for (ieneral Service (oniiiiission H.i\l.S. Jaguar. lanuiiry 23. at Ports- H.M.S. lierwielt. April I8. at Belfast iareliam. Alto picking up at HJ-1.5 Am-I ct (icneral S e r v i c c Comrnissionl’ll.)ltlt:_v'i\lC(l. t2-l tl'tttttlll\). U.l\'. liasc =- Tnottth for (iencral Service'Coniinisfor General Service Commission. cheaper rote. Arabian Seas and l’ersian (iultl Port under consideration. sion. Home/South Aineriea and llome.'.\led. t2l months). U.K. Base N.B.—To all shi 5 Visiting PortsIlome (12 months). U.l(. llase Port. ll..\l.S. l.n\u-«tuft. September 26. at South Atlantic (24 moiiths). U.K. I’ort. Portsmouth (C). (See note.) mouth: Special acilitics to meet Dcvonport. (ilasgow for (ieneral Service Copillasc Port. Portsmouth t('). (See Loch Lomond. April I8. at your partieulartravellingrequiremission lloine/.\led. tlo months). Chatliani for General Servi‘c Com- Il.M.§. Scarboroutzh. June 6. at Portsnote.) ments can be organised at shor Com» mouth for General Service U.K. Bast: Port. Portsnioiitli. mission. Hoine/Arabian Sas and l~l.M.S. Belfast. .lanuary 30.~:it Singanotice. mission. l-tonic/i\led. (IR montlis). I ll.I\l.S. Aisnc. end of September. at Persian (‘iu|t‘(l5 months). U.l(. llase pore for Foreign Service. Far East. Write, phone or call UK. mm: mm" p“"“"““'mll.M.S. Diamond. liebruary 7. :it l‘ (‘liatliani tor ‘l'rials. (oniiiiissions (C). (See note.), Port._lfortsnioutl'i “HUMP” COACHES Chatham for General Service Com- ll..\l.S tiger. May. at Devonport tor ll..\l.S. l)alr_vnip|e. July. at Dcvonport cud December lor (ieiieral Sermission. .\led.;llonie (23 months). General Service Conirnissiori. Ilomc;' ; for (ienerzil Service (fomniissioii t'_‘-t viee (‘oznmission llt)Il‘.L"\lt.'(l. (2-t , gd "burgh pour porgsmouu I 5 U.K. ilase Port. Portsinozitl-. t(‘). East of Sue: t2-t_months)Z U.K. Base months). l‘.K. Base Port. l)evonmonths). U.l\'. Base: l’ort.- under phone 20947 Port. Devonport. C0t"t\i(lt.‘r;tltt\!t. (See note.) port.
modern; I
Work of trust would be missed F SI“-
|i1ui7“iii\*oFottlatzas . A
iE|lENll llllf
... ...
... ...
‘H13 5. '
lI€('Cfl'Il"N.'f. I700
Brazil remembers a British SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NAVY \'lii_ps H.M.S. HARTLAND tndepeni.lenee' admiral PQINT country." mand our aelneved the
following lllcifiitgcs recently passctl between the lira/I||.'ut Navy
t.’~ii-,:itetl) Admiral _t\latto~'.o Maia.--‘
.\lini\'ter of .\larine oi lira/ll. October l and the First Lord of the .-\dmirall_y: 3|. l‘)(-(l. Copy of reply from Lord "()n the \K'C;l\'It)l‘l oi the (_'eremonial I Remembrance by the llrarlhan Navy """i "='l'~"l -\‘“'-""l’" L "I am moo 1.-rateful for your kind of the centenary of the death of its lirst .'\tlnlll‘;tl. 'I homas ('ochrane. liarl Ittt-'~‘-Wilt? «HI llli-' C¢IIlt!!1I|'}‘ 0|" lllk‘ tlt-‘Hill of l)l||ltl0IlZIltland .\larqui.x of .\l:iran of .-\dmir;'.l Lord (‘ocltranc. “The recent visit oi the lira‘/ilian hao. I hays: great pleasure in transillustrate. the coilmitting to Your I-I.\;ee||cnc_\' and to the Navy to our shoresbetween our navies Iiritixh Ailiniralty the expression of tinuing fricndsliip tribute to the i our tlizmkx‘ and gratitude to the lli'iti~eh and is itself a lasting :‘\tlmir;il who directed the activities of work of Lord (oelirane. "(lo b.-h.i|i' ol the Royal .\a\'_\' I send the llra/ilian .\.i\'_\' in the L‘.tI'llL‘\l (lays of its cxisteu-.*-:. and under \-.hose com- you our \\;tl'lllI.'\l good wishc~." .
IR. Re Normzln ('ole'.~. letter in the Warren. l{..\I.. taking the salute :it the October edition of “.\':t\'y News" re- l-Edinburgh .\lilit;try Tattoo. I95‘). Capt. Warren was an excellent horsegarding "Horse .\larines." After eonsitlerable research I have In:in and did it particularly ditlicult been lucky in obtaining this line photo- job extremely well.’ W. REID. 2| graph of a Horse .\Iarine. It is ol Capt. Orwell Place. Edinbitrgli ll. .
TIGER (1908) DISASTER IR.-~~l am anxious to contact any survivors of the H.M.S. Tiger disaster which took place on April 2. I908. l_ was the A.H. Cook on board at tile time.
Should this catch the eye of anyone prcscnt I would like them to contact n1c.——A. UPTON. II lleatricc Road. Southsca.
WHAT HAPPENED TO VEHEMENT? lR.—--I am endeavouring to accumulate sullicicnt information and delitllx‘ to enable me to write a history of Iltc "V" and "W" class dc-stroyers. l l‘)l7-I‘)-I5. l I would be grateful if any of your ‘readers who have photographs or stories dealing with these ships would get in touch with me. Does any reader know what happened to H.l\I.S. D. COMBER. 36 .r¢u‘.L'sie.=.-».£..' Vehemcnt’.’——(‘. Woodlands Road. Haywards Heath. V
‘Capt. E.
II. Warren. R.M.. the salute
'.‘‘.''1:‘.'.‘'.' r----
..\I.S. I-lartland Point, a former Landing Craft .\laintenance Ship. was hnilt by the Ilurrand Dry Dock Co. of North Vancouver. British Columbia. between July. l9-84. and July. W-85. «Of l0.200 tons‘ displacement (full load). she i\‘ 44! feet in length with .1 beam of 57 feet. llartland Point is‘ the first of a class of four ships‘ being converted for escort maintenance duties—the object being to (t\'\l$l tlL'\'lf0)'t:l'i and frigatcs with maintenance and repair work and making them independent of doekyard facilitiesbetween rclits. "Help" to the ships in three main ways »tal by providing power and services. including steam for domestic purposes. fresh and distilled water along with bread and provisions. (bl by providing skilled manpower of every branch and trade to :is' with maintenance :md te) by providing workshop facilities and spare parts. Up to four i:\L'Ut‘l\‘ can be accepted alongside at any given time. The \llip is‘ provided with :t I2-ton eranc forward. two live-ton derricks amidships and two live-ton cranes‘ aft. 'l'hey are sited so that each workshop and store likely to handle heavy or bulky gear can be plumbed through large hatches. by one or more of these .
heavy weights ferred along the upper
be transdeck between to
the forward and after cranes. The complement includes 2-: officers and 416 men. hlany of the oflicen have a dual duty-—for their own ship and for escort maintenance. Of the ratings. I33 areandspecifically borne for maintenance repair duties: i.c. manning the workshops and for working parties‘ in the escorts. Hartland Point. which saw service in the Paeitie in the immediate postwar period was converted for her present duties in Il.M. l)ockyard. Cliatliam. during a three-year refit which Was. completed in .\larch. I960.
enemy will
HE (‘eylon class cruiser Uganda. which was transferred to the Royal ('anadian Navy in I944. and which bombarded the Japanese home islands, is to be towed to Japan for scrapping. Idle from I‘)-46 to I952. ganda was commissioned as H.M.C.S. Quebec and steamed IS-L000 miles. visiting 58 ports while training new sailors and otlicers between I952 and I956.
Wimpey Home
...~-.... 4-!»-
Wise move—to
RNBT The Men 0' the Royal Navy have supported and administered their own fund since I922. During hat time (1.8-18.296 has been
and cxaerving Naval men. their amillcs and dependants who were 'n nezessity or distress:
£59l.6|l to kindred organisations and Children's Homes: and £3-l9.|l9 for training and finding
i\N3T maintains its own Homeior Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham. Kent: and the Naval School Ol Motoring. Portsmouth. where Nava? men are taught to drive and service motor vehicles.
TRUST H EAD OF FICE +1.1}. strut, Brampton. Gillingham Kent LOCAL OFFICES Bzrchelor Street. Chatham Stopford Place. Stoke. Davenport I06 Victoria Road North. Soutmea
haig w frehld houss no
looking for 9. new home? Then visit Wimpey‘s lovely new estate at. Park Lane. Fareham. There you'll find the key to modern 1iving—zt realistically priced. Are you
up-to-date house that's
easy to
There are_mnny different‘. n.rchit;ect‘.-designed houses set: on the edge of the green belt. within l-mile of the main Fareharn shopping centre. And all Wimpey houses and bungalows are built; to the high standard oi‘ the National House Builders’ Registration Council. They qualify for
at least; 90“..
minimum dosit d_
mortgage terms. Telephone
the Estate Office (Fareham 2022) for full details. Better still. come and inspect’. this delightful Estate to ensure
WIMPEY better
the reservation of your future home. Prices from $4.059-—£4.995 freehold. Sales Ofiice open daily,including Saturdays and Sundays.
and better built
December. I960
March had first public hearing at W.R.N.S. reunion
1 I
Permanent Secretary of the .»\dmiralty. ' Sir John and the President of
the .-\ssociatiou of Wrens. Dante Jocelyn Woollcoinbc. :i former Director.
ORE than J,tlt)tl riienihers of the Association of Wrens were .' ‘ ’ .‘iatur31%. Hall l'estival on the present at day. .\'oveinher 5. when four oflicers F amt eight r-atings who hail served conI‘l_\‘mouth the lll'.tt'(‘hllI',,: l'latoon past The Quarters tinuously in the Wonien's Royal N-.i\‘:il Service were presenteil to Ilcr .\l:iiest_v the Queen Mother. Those presented were Superitttctt-I tlctll J. l)avics. o.n.i-1.. W.R.N.S.. oi? I-l..\l.S‘. l);iuntlcss. who is to beeornc the I)it'cctor. W.R.N.S.. in .\Ia_v next. i Chief ()lIiecr J. S. Rae. \V.R.N.S.. of Atlmiralty. Iiirst ()lIlt.‘cr E. M. Ilill. W.R.N.S.. of |‘l..\l.S. .\lercury. First. Otlieer M. I.. Stiirdee. W.R.N.S.. of Admiralty. Chief Wren J. B. Owen. of RM. Barr:ick.s. Bistncy. Chief Wren E. P. .\l. Parsons. of H.M.S. President. Chief Wren 13. Anderson. of H..\l.S. the in T a social :iftertioon held Chief Wren A. V. .\lcars. of Victory. behad that Now Zl than they the I]. years. N Wednesday. October cinema on :\'ovcmber 2 many H.M.S. Peinbroke. Chief Wren H. I trailitheir had own of age tltey W.R.N.S. in l’l_\niouth Commattd. come Vernon I-'riendl_v Wives were able to Earl. of H..\l.S. Drake. Chief Wren shared tradition well tions they as a as their new President. l.ady J. I.. Turner. of I'l.M..‘i. President. together with a contingent of W.R.N.S. meet tradition frortt the Royal t\':ival Air Station. with the Royal Navyv-:1 wife of the Second Sea Lord. Chief Wren G. .\I. Brown. of ll..\l.S. Tyrwhitt. of and self. one (Tttldrosc. celebrated their Zlst birth- based on service. not for tlte first time. President. (‘hief Wren (i. .\I. Brown. He be could proud. which justly of they with a of H..\l.S. approxiday by holding a parade .-'\ftcr being presented ainl Chief Wren I .\lercury. been it neceshad that ttcvcr continued in the and ratings mately 235 otliccrs by ('ar'ni|Ia .\lorgan (‘tiles I gbouqtiet C. Ii. (iilbcit. of ll..\l.S. .Scaliawl>;. the in enforce discipline to with sary laden stalls the Royal .\''i';icl;s.Devoiiport. ,ant| touring A mareli. written for the Women‘s : The parade was attended by the W.R.N.S.: they had never been knitted goods and toys. sweets. cakes. Royal Naval Service for use oit otlicial Counnander-in-Chicf. Plymouth. and brought under the Naval Discipline lfruit. vegetables and plants. Lady and cereinonial occasions had its first set their own I.ady (lnslow, tlte Deputy I.oi’d .\layor Act. They had always mingt-.-il with those present. public perforinance at the reunion. Vl'.\rwhiit the made this and standards. l)aitie high and Deputy Lady .\layoress. added to the festive air Sidesltows It was composed by I.icutettantService. W.R.N.S. a unique Director I).I¥.i’... Jocelyn Woollcotnbe. in the cinema so very well decorated Colonel F. Vivian l)iiiiit. C.V.0.. was address‘. the Evensong After IS. V. .\Irs. W.R.N.S. from I‘)-to to I950. ‘for the occasion by personnel of O.B.I£.. I-‘.R.A.M.. R.‘-\1.. Principal BarI-LN. Church. Nicholas in St. held Welhy. Superintendent W.R.N.S.. PlyH.t\l.S. Vernon. Director of Music of the Royal mouth Coinmand. throughout the racks. and the sermon was preached by After tea. Lady Tyrwhitt presented Marines. and he has dedicated it to wm, pm Ggncm or n_N_A_§_ Second World War. a number of senior the Lord Bishop of Credilon. to .\lcsd:imes Huck. Richardson. past prizes present members of the _.u,|migin._~|1_ uwugm in be the the in served was tea gymand families. of‘ Finally their olliccrs Winners naval and llennington and .\liindcll. W.R.t\.!s. only Wren Piper. She is not N'.iv_v'_-.Cominander-inthe where nasium. of .-\ssot:i;ition of the Bird. incntbcrs .scvcr;il sitleshow prizes were Mesdiitiies those present at the reunion ii Scot and had never played the .-\ntong ollieial were other and guests Chief and lixetcr. Wrens from Plymoiith Kerr. lltirgess. Steel and Karen Smith. were ll.R.ll. the Duchess of Kent. pipes prior to joining Abbotsineh. liar'llic "\\‘rens." the meet able to had After tltc (’otnntantler-in-('hict' Sincere thanks are due to c\'cr_\oItc Chief (‘onnnaudant of the W.R.N.S.. I Although she has been playing for made School birtltd.iy a iltI(lft.‘\\c(ll racl.s (‘oolteiy inspected the W.R.N.S.. he who helped this such a success-« the |'nst Lord of the .-\dinir.ilty. Lord three months Wren (Jarrett is’ only later which was occasion. the for cake the parade. In his speech he mentioned {id aft.-rnoon. (‘ai'iington. tltc Second Sea I.ord. \’icc~ :IIre:iil_vso proficient that she is‘ able that the W.R.N.S. had been with IIICI taken to R.N. Hospital. Stonehouse. .-\dmiial Sir St. John Tyrwhitt. the; to play with the Station Pipe Band I \\’.R.N.S. !'I\‘l-INTS the patients. for l~'L"l'L'l{F. in time. fact. longer a Royal .\a~.y long The lirst general meeting of the New is on \\'cilne.sda_v. January IL; i Yearthe newly fornictl drama group. _and hope to put on a short play during the i yet The first ship to reach the Polyana yil‘-1L‘rl'I“|‘l‘. -.\lcmbers who havefornotl‘)(il their programmes was the survey ship I-l.i‘sl.S. Dalryinple. received which managed to put a lire-lighting can obtain them from .\lt‘.s. Tliorpe party on board and take the stricken (I-Ion. Secretary). vessel in tow after cooling an area at Two (ierman landing craft. the the after end of the tanker. Other and the Salantaiidcr. were at ships involved were the tank landing Iiidechse Craft H.M.S. Bastion and the frigate l'ortsntoiith for the period Novcniber I Ifi I0 2 l (I():\'(iR:\'I'ULA'l'0RY niessage II.i\l.S. Loch Rutltvcn. from the Board of Admiralty has been sent to oflicers and men of the Royal Navy in the Persian Gulf concerned in the salvage of the blazing Norwegian tanker. Polyana. oll’ the Iranian coast last month. In a signal front the Atlniiralty. tltc Flag Otlicer Arabian Seas and Persian Gulf (Rear-Admiral A. A. F. Talbot. D.S.O. and Bar) is asked to pass their his last night as (fontmaniling (lfliccr of Severn Division. Royal Naval For over 150 _w-at-.s~ St.\to.\'n.sf fine lIt't'l‘.—' have lordships' "Well done" to all of those ll.t\I.S.= that announced I\IacNaughton-\\'ainwright Neil Reserve. Capt. concerned in the successful operation. coastal minesweeper. had won the Thorneyerol't down well. afloat. or iuiliore. 'I‘oda_v gone which resulted in the ship being towed Vcnturer. the Division's succession. Ra '.R. tender for the second year in to Bahrcin and the tire being ex- Trophy as champion heeizs are better than evt-r—.s'trong, St.\t0.\'t).~; Cdr. S./Lieut. Gaydon James. King. tinguished after it had been fought day This was a note of triumph for (cox). Ratings: (from) P0. Penny l)l't‘\\'(‘(l.full ofllavoiir. 'l‘r_v soinc beautil'till_v double retirement. Capt.‘ Macand night for a week. a The Polyana is still at an anchorage Nanghton-Wainwright was rclinquisIi- (cox). 'l‘.(). .\lcaling. I../S. Haynes. totlny I oil Bahrein. where she has been made ing command after four years. and A.I¥. Wright. I’.(). lllanchard. S.B.A. seaworthy. As a result of the Naval H.M.S. Venturcr (ex-Iluttingtoii) had Jones‘. :\.Il. .\Iann. ellorts a large proportion of the cargo been steamed to Cliatham for coitof 24.000 tons of crude oil with which vcrsion to l)cItie diesels. she was laden ltas been saved. (‘dr. (3. I.. I-'. llnnt (now (‘aptainl a The tire. which resulted in the tool; coiitnniinl of Severn Division on Polyaua being abaitdoitcd by her crew’. i |._ and in l)cccinb-er the new a was oitly put out after thousands ot | tlivistntt lalscs tlclivcry of to flown \"citturei' already converted to diesels. gallons of foam had been Ilahrcin troin Ilritain in specially Io marl. the end ot his coiniitattd. I was charterctl Ailmiralty aircratt. (Zipt. .\lacNaiiglitoti-\\'aiiiwright dined by his otliccrs at the (‘oustiVI-IR halt‘ a million pieces of the ‘ Ilristol. and he was (lob. tutional SHIPS BELL FOR .»\I)[iN presented with air inscribed silver 2 \'ictur aircraft which crashed into The [the sea oil" the l’euihruke.shire coast.The congregation of the ( hurch oflcigarettc box by the wardrooni. tinal ‘representing inst iiiiiler 70 per cent. of St. .\lichael and All Aiigcls at R..-\.F. entire division paraded for the have been recmeretl and I I-(ltormal.sar. in Aden. will shortly be drill night. and -inspected by (apt. the bomber. Brewed to experts‘ at the Royal Aircraft Est:ihlish- 1 called to vvorsliip by the pealing of a .\lacNaugltton-\\‘ainwright. merit. Fiirnhurough. h:t\e established] in ship's bell which is to he installedthe Il();‘\'l' I’l.'l.l.I.\'G I:t:.\hI.\'«:. i'oi:'i's.\iot"rn, l'l.\'.\lttl"t‘tl. l2‘I‘t‘. the cause of the disaster which cost the the church tower. A gift trom Southern Divisional boat- lives of list: ntcn. Admiralty. the bell formcrI_v belonged The llI.‘:lI\IlL‘ItI 'I he cost of the search for pieces of at Bristol on October to ll..\l.S. ()rcadia. ait .-\lgcrine (‘lass pulling resulted as follows. ()tlieers' I the aeroplane. some as small mineswccper. launched in Atigust. llSevern. I I.ondon. 3 Sitss;\;: ratings: crowns. lt;t\ been estintated to be in I‘)-l-1. by the Port .-\rthur Ship BuildI South \\":ilcs.I Severn. 3 Siissex. In I the region ot £l.5tl(l.tltlIl. ing (‘oinpany of (‘anada. (‘ompletcd The skippers of lo trawlers were prcthe the linals in I.onilon a tortni-.:ltt later. a year later. ll..\I.S. ()readi;: ioincd third to settled with |'|llL's' at .\lilfonl llavcn 4th .\Iincswccpiitg Flotilla at Ros\th' 's‘evern l)i\isiott otliccrs were and the on Noxeiitber I‘) as incnicntocs of the antl until .\l.urch. I947. was employed London and Tyne l)ivisions. and [s.~.i:cit ;-.:‘.d other ships which also" in home waters". .-\ftcr s-srving for a. tzitiiti-s were tourth tot lydc. la‘, fplayctl .iii iziiportant part in the search‘JIlili \\';iI'.’s. year as a tend».-r to the Royal .\iav.ili l)l\lsii‘:t ‘crews: ()tl'icers \\lll I‘v' sI‘tlll.ttl\' '.I'e‘.ilt‘il. College at l).i.'tmoutIi. she \\l:s put inl R.-v cri:S. |.ictit. lI.a:pcr~llilI. I rent. L .-\Ito;_'eth:i .2 total of -10 ships tool. reserve at |)cvo:tp.\i't before being ttrontl C;|\\llt.lFl1C. l.iciit ‘.'_\tti‘..‘s. .\. I 1L‘!lI. 1 part in the se.i:ch. iii l'lSts‘. ._
Nava Iiisiliips tanker
salvage blazing -
The Royal Nur;q’s clmice sirwe 1805 .'
Severn Division’s Sweeper wins
Thorneycroft Trophy
pieces show cause
II E II IIY II l|0\\'.\'
of Victor crash .
as-half-I ‘
Two go to the beach after seventy- ADMIRALTY HIR1NGs— LENGTH OF STAY four years service between“Fem December. I960
N A V ‘I’
RI-I.-H) with interest the reply to the letter concerning the length of .sl:iy in it nizirrietl quarter ("Navy .'\'ew.s." Noveniher. I960). l)oe.s. this ruling apply in the case of an Admiralty liiriiig? a hiring in \\’cviiitiiitli ii l’orr.\muiir/i. miir limlmml is i-Ii-;i'I;/.~ We occupied s whi|st_ niy Iiushaiid was serviiignii in {mi lrl.\ Hf-'"ll' on the l'nimimiirIi l H..\_l..S. Osprey at Portland. ()ii being ('oninmml rmnv for (I tII:trIli‘tl qmuir-r drat_ted to ll..\I..‘ji. (.enl;iiir (a general 1 in the l'III‘IIllIH!lllI mru tlrtrl Ill’ .\llUIlltl service coniinission)_ we were given rmil.t- rill ii/i/iliiiirion on lmiml. ‘flit.the hiring and are now of ii qIlilIIt’I‘ will of ('tHU’,\(' to iving wit i my parents in os'ercrowili:d t c/it-ml on the iruiIiii:,- li.\l. um! |t'llt'llI('I' conditions. having foiind i_t inipossihl_e lit" will hm .Il.\' urn",/,‘\ I“ MW... in ,,r,,,.|_t'lI('Il lm muiiv (‘(HIIt'.\‘ to the nip I
yii ='I_t\l|L'L' 2
(ll_v i\Y('lIr\ Rlll-IF.)
(ll liIt‘rIllUIi'
\\'() ('liief I’ett_v ()IIicers'. with H conihined .ser\’iee of 74 _ve:ir.s. left R.N. Ilarracks. Portsiiioulli. last month. One was (.'.I’.(). Steward llirani Wyndham .\Iorgan. who Iias been the Chief Petty Ollicer Steward of the Warilrooni Mess‘. R..\'. Ilarraelis. since I9SI. and the other ('.M.I-I. (‘harles llenry Drew. s L e mi e.spens'ive or 'tinsiii it c U Iii-rmri-r. who has spent 25 years in the submarine service. Ii'liu.ii' llt!IIl‘t‘.\‘ rm‘ iii't‘i'/Ital These two ('hieI' Petty Otlieers have Flie knew none was left. t h t rewea eo tiotirnantconti: _i A_ two things in common. It was dillictilt. i Returning to the tahle he .spoke to Portsiuoiith quarters roster‘! because of their modesty. to get them lthe senior otliccr. “Sorry. sir. but the rllllmtlyll llti.‘ niu.ti'mimi period of Ittmluri‘. Naval l)rrifIr'n_::. iniIiii'rli'uIi'ly to speak of their experiences and 'steward fell down the steps." Needless [or an zlrlnii'riIlt_v l"iirni'.ilicil qmirtcr is iili-ii . r|('(‘Il!lrllltl!I of (I secondly they were in the same New to say it was not the steward who went l ztilmiralrv mirl In up[)lI(‘(l'ltl¢‘ an /urmilu-il hiriiie _\'mi criulcl. tIii'ri-/on-. ilurl Entry class in December. I923. In fact. down but the soutlle. had L'hiet' Steward Morgan been a little "Rattler" Morgaii has earned high '_;_lllllIIIllllllIIllIltlllIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllllIlllIIlllllllllIIIIllllllllIlillllIIllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllilll"larger around the chest he. too. \voiild I praise for the arraiigernents made for have heen in the Stoker briineh. tor he ; diniiers for large or small parties. C.i\l.l-I. C. II. Drew (1 . . . tried to join that branch. E Dances. hig dinners‘. cosy lunches --he Their paths. however. diverged hrouglit to them :ill an elliciency ‘Sturgeon and he was in that boat until immediately after their initial training .liroiight about because he knew what ;.-\iigtist. I‘)-l3. during which he sailed :iiid only came together again ;il'ter§was waiited. :iiid by an tiiiohtriisive to Russia. their 37 years‘ service when tlie_v started control of the whole function. Ji‘ll'Il I;'i:_-.;li\h i- ll! Ii.‘ Illt'rI\‘r’(l In misiri-r _\‘Utlf qm'iii'\. A .itimipi'.l AT ST. .\’.-\7..A\IRI-'. their release routine. l’erl'ection has been his aim and it i.':l.'.’rci\t‘i.’ t‘HI't'lU]Jt' will l’(’ (l]l[lI‘t'(ltlI('tl. Whilst serving in Sturgeon (.‘.l’.(). .\lorgan's first ship was the ‘can he said he achieved it. lilllilllilllllllflllllllllll1lllllilllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllIlIIllllll!IIlIllIIlllllIillIlllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllfi was l.iciit.-Cdr. St. Clair I"oid. who Tyrian. then running as atteiidant del‘I\'l_l-[;l':R THF. Rl‘(§(il{R lost suhscqiieutly in ll..\l.S.l ltlI‘ll.' rlic I'i'lt‘l!lllPlI was stroyer on Il.i\I.S. l:lII'l0ll\‘. It was ii] (1 ([IlrtI‘lt‘I‘ or.lmil.iIiv,- for .iuirul)li' rim! m‘n'pIm'ilt' ohvioiis that his favourite ship was the (‘.l’.(). Steward .\lorg:in was :i bril- traveller). three ships were sighteil otl lit! in lI‘lIi'l'l (I mun [II'tIt'('t’ll.Y on ii._iivniiiiiiiruliiliuii (l'.\ .imiii as your hmWild Swan. I.ieut.-(‘dr. Yoiiiigliiisliziiiil lizint rugger man in his yoiiii-,:cr days. Norwegian coast. Ttvo torpedoes _II II't'lUN in‘ gwiicml .\‘t‘Il'l('t’ ('UllIItIl.3.\linl lnrml lltl\' liccii l'l'L'i\l('I't'([ It'lllI llic lie was brought up on nigger in the “"‘:"_‘-' ,l""§l-‘ “,"'~‘ "l ""3 _‘l"I“ l"~'"‘i~' ll”- ii tlllUl|'t'tl Ulllvl‘ in l('.\]M'l'l of (l('t'ttIllHIU' Conmiriml .Ilurrii'il Quiirli'r.\ U/lit i'r. ”l“‘ "l tllllltlll "Fill" ()ll'V':"' “'-l‘ (_l“°l llis f\'allc_\'s' (‘ll Stiiitlt \\’al-.'s and pl:i_vetl: in the lmuiv [ltU'l.\', i.i'.. I’orrr-. siihm:iriue shone arc, rinmlli in roiir lmilrmiil'.i ‘tor Newliriilge (.\Ioninoiithsliire) he. \_l. Na/aire. mu‘. I ‘. for joining the Service. He would play l‘E'l‘l" "‘,r ll‘? "'l“l"'_¥ l"'”"" .Uiinii'il t[IliIl'li‘I'i' iiml lIll‘lIt;'.\‘ (ll l“r ll“: ‘." "‘ ‘l"3"‘ lanywliere. but his faiourite position l“ “W "'°'“'.ll" 4lllII'I film r'\ m.- .".ir Illa‘ tltlll/Ptllltlll It/l tor attack '“M W.-mu }m“‘_ ri:ctiI_iiiaiss;itici: [1t'I\IIIIlIt'l t.'t‘lIltIll_'.' .\i'JI'llIL' rlii'I'i‘. For H" l”"l ‘“" “'3. .i"l' in N24 he playetl tor the naval h:ir- i ¢"l'”’l/'. iIlIl_‘.‘ [.‘t'l'\i)lI\ l‘.'llUI¢' .ilri/it rIIitl' I‘ l i'\l‘tll'll\lIIlli’l'.'l\ racks and in siihsequcnt _vcars' played l'.‘““5d by ‘"3" H.“ ‘_"-V‘ “)5. mu Inn.-i." Ill Pllflltlllrll the submarine. last lere_do. :11“, his “L. 5._.n.;“.\._ I-M uh. L-.,mL.d {in AM a serving nieinhcr of the Royal M” : lurv t'li'eililr' fur ll t[lltllli‘f ur lii'riii_;' in ”---l‘‘ ‘llrccl “‘ ll““"_ !“ l (hut tIl'i'tl. ll'li.'i: iiii "““”,""l l 5”“ '“T'”lL"l “ml ml’ “-"ilk" ;c:ipt.iin of the I-'orci:s Rugby a lowcr|\'i|".Vis iI4t’ll[t.'Illl ‘ ll:t\C loday sul*_irn:irii_ies ldcck [,_.;m,_ Him of H11’ iimi. rlmi the iul.- ,;],,,m was born and still lives in (iiieriisev. l““d' hm '” “ml Aslted for his opinion or the Service .h_»,l;. .-[.,-i.,-;,.-,.- ,',, 1/“. (,',,,‘;,,( ](,',,,_..2('liaiiii_cl Islands‘. in fact. we have our ‘ “T l“ hild ',‘'.'F‘ I today. ('hiet‘ .‘ste\s.ird .\lorgaii s:i_\s that “"-‘_" W‘ rlum (l]J]lllt'\ (N\\"i' Ni \\'.~s‘, i\'ni't'nilu'r. l“‘“lk' ll‘ (l“}"’ll‘k‘.V“l l 5 conditions ‘"“l l‘3"‘r° " ml‘ -"“'l'_"l5 have out improved gc-ner;i|l_\ '],“:"‘ 1961)). Your‘(-.- m t'tIt'tIlt' rum; is my wile entitled to free incdieal a” l.c~.“;_.nilimL --pr‘... .5.“ and im_ in Cs1l.lplC ‘Ill (l:t)'s‘ t't1L';itIl lite‘ ere“ \\et'L i‘n'riii«_- 1.-i tt'.—ym,.mi, “-9-. ,,,.,,,,,,-,,,[)- i and dental treatineiii under any agreel pi-o\ern.iit \\.ts iiiosi IIkLL~\.tI'}. and it catuii: inildewed bread. li-.-tween the Health Senice and ;'l|t'lI Il'Il(lt'I' llllt l'lllt'. iinent lll~t\.(l to ~l’~U( liavc vtiiiltl Dress it all about I'd come go through If Ili.- pm! of Il.ll..\'. (’r'ri/uur (('oiiiiniietI iit eoluniii 3) lle the re.\ei'\ice. coiitiiiticd iliave in hi‘ I” mm again". m'“' Rqmnnng :l"d- ‘gards it as a line lite and he recom-.::'l: l-:' ('.l'.(). Steward H. W. Morgan inends the Royal Navy to anyone who wishes to stand on his own two tect. being the ('aptain. but he has many eiieed otlieers and ratings is \-;l$l.l)' we :1 bit M, the “NM “ml gm“! ‘mm. memories of service with other cap- ditfereiit to conditions in the rough and enjoy 'lU{l.l} exselluit rades_h_ip ‘.chm,i M‘ 30 years ug0_ tains and ships. conditions and pay. He was serving in Wild Swan when He is returning to his home town. A Ql'i\R'I'I~iR OI-' CI-'.N'I‘l'R\' the .-\rk Royal was sunk and recalls is s['i|;.\,|,\[u_\'|-gs I llirniingliain. tor his retirement. the intensive search that went on for the attacking U-boat. (‘.l’.(). Drew joined the Scriiee on, i'o\-ember 30. I023. from lliriningliain I-‘RII-ZNI) AND coi;..s'si:i.i.oit .gm. 3 s,‘,,“., 5m,,,d (-.._,,.\._ W, M. “,2... L It is‘. however. his long service as ship was the Centurion. then flagship ('hiet'Qiteward in I’ort.smoiith barracks i of the Reserve Fleet. 7 which comes readily to mind. During He joined the .subni:irine service on . his nine years in that post he has been .\Iay 5. I933. and served 25 years and friend and counsellor to both ollicers one day. leaving it on May 6. I958. and nu:n.. llis tact. knowledge and His last ship was lI.i\l.S. Aiisonia at 0 warm smile have carried him_ the j .\Ialta._ Hi; Venerable .»\relideacoii J. At the same time the is taken to frieiiilsliip atid respect of both otheersl \\’ serving in I-I.hl_..S. ()_|;_l5_' Q_H_(‘__ “mg. AmNwng_ he was awarded the tlritish t;nipire Iculcd “W _\.mim.,J_g|;“‘ “imh,“‘ in the and men. that A Allotment to Bernards is Far anti away the tincst I love to tell the story of his tact. Medal for zeal and devotion to duty. H." of st _.\n,.,m‘~. M method of one‘s dinner ('.l’.O. Drew ‘wa.s' serving in H..\t.S. mm_.khm,S¢ on 0,,_., 34_ One evening there W1t\":| the war party tor an eminent painter. the sweet (irampus. in ( luiia. when The MC.“ nub uf H_M_(_'r_ ‘\-,;..h,_. Uniform and Plain Clothes was a magniticent soutlle and our guest started. subs-equently serving in Il..\l.S. , hm wnmhmcd “O0 u,“;h.d_‘ “m. of; took only ‘:1 small portion. It was a i\l_t.'tl\\‘:|_\' at and_ Malta. He tlhcw “.mdu“.$ (“.hh_.h 0') mm. “NW”: ments and most delicious sweet and the guest ]t‘JlIIt.‘t.l ll.;\|..S. Rainbow inst --the (‘;m;,_.|i;m win.| us every other need of a Serviceman and asked it’ he might have a little more. Grampus sailed on the patrol during an“.--)_ M n u,k‘_.n “f "R. ._.k.“. 3.,-N-i;,. his I'ace.s ot most of us turned red. ' which she was lost. bcm.L.‘_.n me Row] V,‘-;,] 51.1,. mm Luck was with him again when he _, mum“. scn.iL.‘. and uh. R,._\;_1 (mm. tor we guessed that the large portion For Bernards provide the facilities returned to the pantry had gone the was transferred to the Stratheard for dim Nm.y_ of :1 departmental store. but ; wa_v (‘if all lle.s|i. \\'itli considerable passage to the Uiiited Kingdom from aploiuh the Chief Steward said: "(fer the limprcss of Britain. The liinpress E‘ additional with the of a _‘ sunk that llritain he of when his face but on was trip. taiiil_v. sir." lI.i\I.S. l (‘.l’.(). Drew In PHI went to the showed that ln\v;tt'‘ service turned well pantry truly (Continued from eolunin 5) l .situatcd branches Home and Abroad’ ; : the States of (iiIeri_isey'.' What of, maternity benelits‘! It any free treat-; and there a be can . ohta_incd . . n_icnt A credit account may be opened " tteular way of claiining it and to what ‘
rai.;coininodation privatc|y._l:ish]it; l /lI[lI lk‘:\Ch|l‘lT*-‘l l;lltllflliftl ]‘ l't'I;UIIlIt'l
,', 'm:.1':.,‘,l,‘,‘,I,’:.:l'",3 ',‘;,:.m(-,‘,':,‘,l
I-lave YOU
personal problem
“"‘l“l"-‘.""d ‘.‘“_‘T tlutlcs. "‘"“l'“"_"‘
IN‘ lhas
Hf? lllcfc
rlriillcrll .
.l::‘:_.":"]£:il ;"\‘ti: ‘t::d;l:;r\[‘,‘;-l',_.§}:.',;. '
BERNARDS of Harwicli
extenrl Seasonal Greetings to all readers of Naifr News and
particular to their many customers ll1I‘0llgl70lllthe World in
'Iere_doi _
Single obtaining
complete require-
additionally practically
At your service
degree does it c.\iteud'.‘ l The Nrilimiril IlciillliSi-ri'i'u' umilivx loiily iii the Unircrl Klltgrltittl tlllll av! t'hirli'.r llie Cliwiiicl l.ilumI.\. I|‘lI¢'I‘t‘ fret‘ 'iri'uriiu'Iil and belie/il.i arc mi! proridml. E.rccpriiiiiully. lllIllI'l’ it reciprol i-ul iii,-rceitteiil bl‘ll|'('('ll thc .'lliIii.i'Iry of 'lli'riltli and the .S'trui'.i of Jt‘I.\t‘\' «ml ' (;llt’I'll.S't.'_\'. I‘l.\ll0r.\ In the ('lirmIn'l l.\lrllI(lS (i'iiclmlim.- .S'r'ri'ii'r.i /ii'r.mIiIii'l on l('(l|‘t') rirc cligililc for Ira‘ lltlxfllltll‘ uml _::¢'m'rul [1i‘rri‘!iIi'i-iii-r lIt‘(lllIlt'llI.lmt iii" vimr irifi’ i.\ ll [Ii'rIItriiii'Iii‘ ri'.iiili'Ilt' ii] (i'm'i~mi'_\' tliii .\p¢'¢'i'ul lIl'.t'ii'lr‘_!.‘t'll'It'lIl :
Is 80NS.l.!'?
03 d , S OH
aI'CIld OI]
-I-(_k_p'mm‘ '
lit‘ ripplii-rl. i\’;ii'ril Irmiiliiti irlio liiirc pror't'i'tlt'rl or;tlllI'Ui‘ltl mirlvrtoUfll(ltlll_\' t‘l[l[1F'tII't'll tirruiri/Iiiiii‘ the limi I'¢'l'Il_!.'l'lII‘t'lIl.\.
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representative or through Head Olliec.
Really Do Buy Better at Bcrnards
Queen Street, Portsmouth Telephone 23535
(hlu-r Brmirliei (lI.'—-.‘llIlltII.\lII("l- ('/Itltltani.
Dt‘|'t7lI[mrl, ll’:-_i'iiiaiiIli, l"ariImi.-I.
.\lil/iml llurrn. Dru]. Skrglrru, Gi'iniili_i'. l.uniIumli'rr_i', Ilt'l¢'Ii.iImr;:li, l)Illlf¢'I‘IIIllIh‘, Gilimlrar. l’rill¢'lm. aml $Ii'i'Im:. illulrri: miil (ll I.o.s.iivimim‘li_ .'lIhfI?{h'l'l. llrmrily. Kris’. Culzlrosc. l|'urt/iy Ilmril. C'or.iImm. l.,i'nip.iloIie. (mil II..lI.S.
Nu!i'minI Iiinmiiirr. who imiy lie "I'll" E to ‘s'l|'(‘ you nllicr iulm/iirm'on mt‘ lllll I
i'rilt'ri'.iIiii_-.- mrilrer.
Full details of Bcrnzirds Service will gladly be given on request at it
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73-‘I6 King \\'illi.imSir.-er. Loiidoii. l:‘.C.-I
C. H. Bernard & Sons ltd.
IM"lWl Ul li'I‘4'iL'I1 -WI" t'lL‘t'. are riiIi'lli'il Io iiii'rlit'ul. int llltlllI_£,' lio_rpi'!ul ant! HlUlt't'Jlll_\' llt’tllHl('Ill. lli.'It' ltll and optical lI‘t'¢IlIIlr'lll.llll(lL'.l’ nIllt'r .spi'r'iuI (II’I(lII_{'('lMt'lIl.\. /l.r tar as I am uirurr. ,i'mir irile miiunl rirail licrsrl)‘ ul Ilcultli .S'cri'iu'
ilmml rluri'IrL'
The Scason’s
advantage through
travelling rcprescntaiflcs.
par-‘[ .
Ihilpliin, ()_llirrr'i Sliu/is at PI:I'I!l(7lIl/I.l’urI.ruioiitli aml Saiilliiini/iroii. lI¢'ir.i (Ill.-hi: Anglia llrmir. llrirwli h. l.‘\.ii'.\' 'I'i'/i'{'liuI:c' $80 i\li'mlirr_i I..\'.l'..l.
for Discovery
Royal N:ivy'.s only floating recruiting oflicc opened for busi-
hoard Il..\I.b. I)i~.cover_v—-invarialily (':ipt:iui Scott's .\'oveinlier 28
the passing licrtlz.-rl in the 'I‘li:inies on I.ttIltIt)tt.‘i \'ictori:t Iiiiiliaiiiluiteiit. .'\lillt\tlf.:lt the tltiee-tiiastetl l)tseoveiy has been ielittiiig stiiee .\la_v tor to
INTO RESERVE 71,000 miles in two years
ness on
December. 1960
[BY OUR S|’l{('l.-\l. (URRIESPON l)l§N'l') til hm nut role, the liistorii:al pails ..\I.S. C:iiiiIii;i will be entering Portsiitoulh at I3-I5 on 'I'iiestl:t,\'. December the ship, which ;tttr:iet some 200.000. 6. for the last time. proceeding to I-ouiitiun Lake Jetty to pay oil into visiiors a year. have not becii altered in that she and .1... Nu iw ..p._-n ;ig:ilIt to the pub» Resene. It perhaps epitoniises the success‘ til the coniinissiou by Rear-Adniiral II. J. Mann. D.b.().. ().Ii.I'.. (sccint: us tic [miii 'l'liuisday. Deeenibet‘ l. lmm ‘non eoiuuiaitdetl through these last few mouths of utir Home Meet time by serving in the rank t.t)-5,1) pm. daily. She will rcniaiii one‘o_f. the three of captain). with it pI’t)\l.\iIt)lttllI_\' selected captain as Executive Dllicer (Cdr. ships of the |.ondon Division of tl_ie I-‘. W. Watson). tlagsliip Thc Trophy cuphuurd hulgcg with lDiIl'I'll-‘(I I'l'lZIf‘l \‘a't)lIllI LIIITC KILIIIIII Ill). Royal Naval Reserve auil_tlieReserves the fruits‘ of many victories won in Wt-' ‘W01 0" '0 =1 Plcil-531"‘ lllllc Cflll-SC of the .‘\tlltllt';tl Coniiiiaiitliiig the Western Isles before joiii(Vice-.-‘\dniiral R. A. Ewing. C.II.. many elinies. the most prominent being amongst |)__s;.c_), ’|‘h._- ship will continue to he the JET Fleet (‘net and various sail- ing the I-lonie I-‘leet in the Moray Firth for some weapon training: from used by the R..\l.R. and at the week- ing cups. Arid amongst the 700 otlicers and‘ that to the major N..-\.'l'.O. Exercise end by units of the Sea _(.'adet Corps in northern waters. wliicli we rounded men tsoine of whom doubtless hadi and the Sea Scouts for training. niixcd on joining the Ship in a ‘. oil with a happy visit to Soiitlianipton lcelings I-‘I'l‘I'lN(}S ()RI(}l.\'AI. doelv. one winter‘s day in etiiiipaiiy with the U.S.S. Sliangri-la dry Rosyth ()ii the upper tek. :t cabin w_ritl_i a two years ago) there will be few who :uid U.S.S. Mitselier. From Soiitliampton we went on teal. door still lieariiig the iiiscriptioii can ever better their last two years’ "M:ister— Private" has become the and 71.000 miles in ll..\l.S. (ianibia. to exercises with the Joint .-\nti~ attic: of the Recruiting Stall ()llieer 105 full days" steaming. ‘mil far more Suhmarinc School. Loiidottderry. and for the l_onilon Area ttoiiiiiliilttlt-‘T ineniorable are the niajority of those en route (by reasoii of :iii urgent coniW. S. (i. l-'.dward. ().ll.I-2.. R.i\'.l and odd 525 days in port. passionate case) were able to put in insole are still many of the original We have ustially inaiiagcd to take a brief appearance at (‘obli inueli to littings -including :i brass heel indica- our own sp-:;:i:ilbrand of good weather the delight of two prominent nienibers tor, although now the only Itio‘-‘I-‘H1001 aroiittd with us (and some may be of the ship's‘ company who hailed to its needle is L'ittl\Ctl by the wash of interested to know that our .\leteoro- front these parts :ind were thus able ()llieer‘s inventive genius has to surprise some friends who had passing barges‘. logical deck. Below on the main _:ulpiinii_ig been rewarded by the llerbert gathered to watch our arrival. with eabi_n Fund). mc ,»i,ip‘.- w-_m| Room Al the beginning of November. we of the names _theIr still bearing doors‘ ('arricrs have compared their reached Rosytli and. during otir stay built been have atlniinis_traoceiipants. tliousands‘ of miles steamed with meni- the ship's company gave a farewell otliees doetinientation and tive. inquiry bcrs of their crews eating potiiuls of dance in Dtinferniliiie. a town with sick the original bay spoils: some of II\' could equate our which the ship has been closely associain the place of ()llIWarrant and Petty ()llieers' aiul etlorts to lines of live-gallon paint ted over the past few years. and front drums (rapidly emptied). joined per- the environs of wliieli flocked the cers'.\les‘_ses'. ll” hi‘ The Discovery. hint! in haps by the tons‘ of (vineli protcctilcs majority of the 300 young lassies who lot N;.tional (ieograpliieal Society tired l’.A.(‘.~wards to disturb the in- grzicctl the iicuisitiit. lirst e.\pedition. Scott's was otlensive lliglit of the wandering albaCaptain in the gatliering Rosytli Leaviiig .-'\ssoei:iScouts presented to the lloyshe moved to lief tross in the greater oceans. dusk of a Saturday afternoon. we lion in 1037. when into an inlinspitable North plunged I-'.inbaiil.iiient. LIFI-I NI-I\’l-ZR Dl.-'I.l. present berth on the Sea to round oll our conimission (and the .-‘\dniira|ty over taken by was She did itot get suddenly dull edtication) with courtesy visits to llamlife But drill three of the one as for use l'J55. in (and anyliow. no burg and Rotterdani. leg after foreign otir R.N.R. l)ivision London ships‘ of thc ,
.3 Q .
FISOARD wiisiNi:iis{ |)evon.l in the
Torpiiint. H.6l.S,liveI-'i.sgard, 01' Ihc f VinSt. II.-M.S. seven
Sports Match against cent. Gosport. on November I2.
St. ‘\’ineent's only win was at sailing. The shooting match was draivii. I~‘isgu.'ird won 3- -0 at soccer. (I *0 ill hoeltey. ll -0 at rugby. 35 ——20 at hasltet-ball and in the cross‘-eountr_\' event l-isgartl ran out winners 37 points‘
SAVCJY K[iVi[BEl'.l'.S .
Dances Ships’ Company Subrnarine:—Destroyer—B;ttleship
whether a or Aircraft Carrici OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR
Wlre—Wri'te—or Phone. Portsmouth 32275
Make your first "Port of Call" for The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band
Life is pleasant
l’()ll'l'S.\l()lT'I'll city centre only .3 miles‘ last rt-ail, rail and lius‘ laeilities ;u himtl l’.x(‘ell¢.'l‘tt sliiips‘_ sclim-ls anti Cltlll’Cl‘lt‘.\' in the vicinii_v Il‘.Iit§1,'tn shnppiiig centre iicarliv 2-liedrm H1134, l'rceh--ltl, ilei.u‘liui
home 1
Every Friday
Spacitiu~:_ :IfCl'lllL'Cl-(lC\'l‘t.!l'lt.‘tI laiiuly liiiiig:ilnvvs
.l"nr mm/u’: Ir
of call is to be |._Iverpool. where. amongst the hospitable attentions of that great city. we shall take the tippiirttinity in say goodbye to representatives from l'ludders'licld (which town adopted the ship during her very lirst eoniinission). :tnd the lluddersticld Sea (‘adcts will parade on btiartl to receive two of the ship‘s tropliies for use in their unit.
./llemy Cfiztiotmao and a Jfszppg; flew ‘ljewt. to you ale
_()nr peniiltiniate port
II.M.S. Gambia oil’ Gibraltar
£2,695 5-lictlrooiiis. frcclioltl. det:ich«.-d £2,845 yo‘/’r,’, i\l--rt_-.;;i_i;es iivailalile °
ii.-/Far///.:I."aII,/;/umlI'I'I'/1‘ or IF/lflfll‘
.\‘lCII()l.I.S, I.'I'l)., Fitzlierliert Road, Fttrlingttiii, l‘()|l'l'S.\l()I"I'I|
'l'el.: (Z()SII.\ .\I '-Mg:
illtt fcletttoriatit Robert Luke Ward. Able Seaman. C/55.945789. ll.M.S. Plover. Died October 3. I960. Alfred ls‘-.iy. B.I-‘..M.. Chit.-I Electrician. |)lM.‘<.8S63lS. ll.i\t.S. Collinizviiitid. Died October I5. I960. Daniel (‘liristopher Bintihani. I-'.ni.-inecring Mecliaiiic I. I’/ls'X.9l-I604. II.M.S. Andrew. Died Ueloher I6. I960. Henry Wright. Able Seiiuian. (‘f.|.9-l0tlI0. ll.M.S. Slialford. Died Uetolat.-r Ill. I960. Brian Ralph Lovetlziy. Corporal. R..\l.. R.\I.l6')35. R.M. Coiiinizmtlti. Died October 22. I960. Brian Melvyn Long. Able Seaman. DI.I.9S68I~I. II.M.S. Vernon. Died October 24. I960. Richard David llezttty Norkctt. Chief Petty Dllicer. I’I.lX.I-Ill}-I7. Il..\I.S. Ulster. Died October 21. I960. William Iiilnard .I-.ine. I-'.m:ine Room Artiliccr Ist CI:|\\‘. D/.\lX.S.\965. fl..\‘I.S. l)ralte. Died October 25. I960. Raymrinrl Charles Whyliournc. Able Seaman. I’,!.|.93077fl. Il.M.S. Victory. Died November 2. I960. Charles James llassard. Pctty Dllicer. I)/J \'.l3538S. lI.M.S. Acute. Died November 2. I960. Norman Robson. Electrical Mechanic I. (‘IMX.ll-I»-I763. II.t\I.S. Blackpool. Died November 2. I960. Richard Keith Smith. Naval Air Mechanic I (I-1). I.II-2963665. II.M.S. lleron. Died November 3. I960. Jack Crawsbaw. Chief Electrician. I)/M\'.80299-I. Il.M.S. Coilingwood. Died November7. I960. John Veitch Launblztnd. Electrical Mechanic I. l)IM.9S605-I. Il.M.S. I-Iastbourne. Died November I2. I960. George Arthur Starr. Chief I-'..R.A.. PIM.\'.6-I96I. |I.M.S. Victory. Dicd November I-l. I960. The Reverend R. W. Knight. Chaplain. Royal Navy. II.M.S. Victory. l)2cd October 27. I960. I.ieut.-(,'dr. II. I). Ward. Royal Navy. lI.M.S. Falcon. Died November I5. I960. Lieut. J. N. It-.irh:im. Royal Navy. ll..\I.S. I-‘:ilcon.Died November I5. I960. Lieut. N. A. Norris. Royal Navy. II.M.S. I-‘ulmar. Died November I6. I960. l.ieut.-(‘dr. Ii. F. Sara. Royal Navy. I!.M.S. Pliocnieia. Died November 20. I960.
I-"IN!-I I’l.AQUI-I are lirstly a line plaque de_'l‘liesethe ship in silver —prcscnted picting of the (Zambia lo the by_ the people Huttship_iii I950 attd secondly the by lltultlerstlerslield presented l('up. held during this present eoinmissioii. l)iiiileriiiliiie too will remember the slitp by a beautifully inoiioted ‘ships hell. presented jointly by Rear» .»\dniira| \\’. livcrslied (until recently
Siiperinteiident. Rosyth and
also 3|. Ior_nier (‘onintanding Otlieer of lI.i\l.b. (iambia)._ and Rear-Admiral Munn. together with the ship's Aquatic ( up. to be competed for amongst Duntermlitie schools. To the ('oloiiy of Gambia goes the .1 silver elephant. until such time as another l|..\l.S. (ianibia shows the
are’ proud in our elephant. althoiigli he is not often eonimended to us in the golden pages of litcmtm-¢_ way. We
No other beast tempers" titanic power with unbowed luiniility. lilepliant-i are quiet about the house and useful in the garden trolling lawns and uprootlltg tree) and have been known
;iw:iken sleeping lions with impunity. t)iir linal event will be :t farewell lance to be held Portsniotitli to
)eceinber I2. and two days later.
OPEN l0a.m.
l0.30 p.m.
shall pay oll
Decciiilier. I960
NAVY i\'F.\\‘S
NEPTiUNE’Si s...
SCRAPBOOK rr’ ,,p». --,.
\'ice-Admiral V. C. llegg. C.ll.. '(';irgil| llegg joined the Navy in l926. |).S.().. l).S.('.. has been appointed :i lle specialised in gunnery in I93-5 and -Lord (‘onimissiorier of the .»\ilmiralt_v has been (.‘:ipt:iin of Il..\l.S. lixccllent. ‘and Vice-Cliief of Naval Stall. with ‘ Promoted to Rear-Adriiiral in I957. .'ellcet from .l:inii:ii-y. |‘J(iI. in succes- I he was appointed Chief of Stall’ to the "“” ‘sioii to .-\diiiir:il Sir Walter (‘ouch- § (‘oinm_:iitder-in-(fhicf. l’ortsmouili. iriiari. ls'.('.ll.. (?.V.O.. l).S.0., ().ll.l;' land since l)cceinher. I058. he has who is being placed on the Retired been Hag Olliccr. Sctttnd-ill'(‘oiiiin:iiiil. I-‘ar t-Iast Statiort. He was List zit his own reqttest. llorii in l'J.'l8. Vlct:-.'\tl|Illl‘;tl \’:iryl promoted to Vice-.-\ilniir;il in May this year. ‘. 5 Admirril Sir Walter ('oiieliin;iii was‘ l('oritiniieil frinii i-oluiiin 3) 1 born in India in I935 and entered the R..\'. Station. \'e.mllton's lloa. A l'.53l light-“eight helicopter he used in frigales for anti-siihiitiiriiie work l iiozizzlil from |l..\l.S. l)oiphin. "li\er_v- ‘R.N. ("i-llege. Osborne. iii l‘)lts'. where." the \.iiied roles of the Royal ‘5I“-‘vialisirig as an observer. hi: \l;irines_ put on by the .\l:iiiiies. licil as a pilot in I‘!-l3 while qualiserving l3.:istric_\. as ;i He has been l-"lag (’;ipt:iirr. ll..\l.S. (iringcs sliow.-tl the stages ()tlieei' ll_\ing 'l'r;iiriiiig. Flag Otlieer .of a man's career from boyhood to ..-\ircr:iI't Carriers. and Flag Otlicer 'ollicer's ll..\l.S. rank. (':iledoni:i. 3.-\ir (llomel. .-\ Coiiehinzin was The float was built sliipwrighls of i “tcehiiie:il skills" and l{.i\'. Supply created [ :i l\'.('.ll. in I958 and has been the Royal Naval Barr:icl.s. (‘li:ith:ini. School. (‘li; the Suppiirlrwcil l.ori| ('ommi<.sioiier ot‘ the Ailriiirailty 1 :i Messrs. Y:irdley's.\vlioregularly give and Secretaririt arm of the Ser- and \’iee-('liiet' or‘ i\':iv:il Stall ipl_v since :I talk on skin care. make-tip and .\'iee. H.M.S. Raleigh dentonstrziled :i I-'ebriiar_v. I960. grooming to all new recruits to the li:IL'ls\l:t)' transfer betiveeii strips. W.R.N.S.. provided expert advice on Il..\t.S. (‘olliiigwood inipressioiimake-tip for the Wrens taking part. ,_ istie i'epi'esent:itions ofgave radar and radio and gave each girl :i full set of their :I.'l.|tll]‘lIlClll while the R.N. l;'ngirteerbeauty preparatioiis. iiig (iillcge. i\rlan:idoit. portrayeil "EnPreceding the i\'av;il procession was i ginccriiii:. the Intertlora Iloat described as the l ll..\l.S. \"crnori's ell'oit was art imlll-'. pageririt of this _\'ear‘.s‘ Lord i\ln_uir's Shun in London on Sutiirdti)‘. biggest bouquet in the uorlil. .-\ppio\i- i pression of ;i lllll|cs\\L‘€[k't' hlimiiig tip NIZW naval wireless‘ station. Nmeiiiher I2. was staged for the tirst time by the Royal Navy and n matcly forty feet long this tlo;it por- ";i riiinc. while l{.i\-'. .-\ii' Statioii. i H.-.\l.S. Forest Moor. was commiscavalcarle of decorated floats representative of the theme “Meet the Navy or trayed the Naval (‘row ii and a great ‘i'coviltoii‘s lloat was the l’.53l ligliti sioricd for service on October 3 iiridcr 'l‘od:i\'“ covered all branches of the Service and their activities. on and 0H sea of blue and white \s.iscs rolling weight lielieopter. down to support two huge Foul A model of H.M.S. lliiltvarls. tiith ltlie coininand of Lieirt.-('dr. J. A. rIirt_\'. ashore :ind afloat. l The Show. organised by ('_ommanwhich was more than Anchors and the whole proiliiction !('iiiiirii;iiiiliis. was presertted by the Sliiittleworth. R.N. The float. The new station. it few miles ivesf der Barrett. R.N., was‘ gicelainied by itifty reel in length. bad as a centre- was made tip of more than half a R..\‘l. Ilarrael.s‘. liastney. and lI.r\l. ilie City as the best l'or many years ' piece a pink and blue birthday cake: million fresh flowers. (‘Iiat|iam. illustrated “('ivil- of Harrogate. will take over the funcl)ocls'yard. llritannia was 22-year-old Pamela ian Support." tion ol' the R.N. Wireless Station. and the Board of Admiralty sent its with its base and twenty-one lighted :i Wren from Bangor. Northern The only ship. as opposed to a shore Flor-.crdown. near Winchester. which congratiilatioiis‘ to the Lord Mayor and candles on top. it was over ten feet Cray. Ireland. and other two of the members estritilishiiierit. mounting a lluat was has been in existence since I929. but organiser. high. Four bands. :i marching contingent Two Chief Wrens‘, four Petty Ollieer W.R.N 8.. Diana Cantrell from St. H.M.S. Scott. ii survey vessel. with a has become inadequate for ciirrcn~' from the New 'alanil frigate Otago. Wrens. and eighteen Leading Wrens Annes and Jill Addie from Wolver- tlisplay covering liydrogra hie work needs and is not considered suitablr. which was visiting the Pool of London and Wrens. all from H.M.S. Daunllcss liarnpton supported the tloial anchors‘. | in the Arilarctic. On two ve iclcs. one for modernisation. Other tloats were "On the a ‘dealing with King Neptune's Court The task of the ship's company of at the time. and 22 veliieles with their at Biirglitield. manned the tloat and silhouette of H.M.S. from Devotisliire. and the other depicting Naval assis- ,eiglit olliei_:rs and 50 ratings will bl: rziblcaiis. prepared by Naval and di:cor.ited the cake. They were repreH.M.S. lixcelleiit. “Over the Sea." zi lance in eiiiergeneics on Iarid. sea and llllc reception of signals front nava: Marine "il|'T:lL‘lt\‘. Air Stations arid not only of the W.l{.N.S. of model H.M.S. Victorious‘ from in the air. stiidents from the City of commands and wireless stations and training t.‘.\'l:ll\ll\'l1l1lL'flls‘in all parts‘ "and Drafting establisltntertt of the coiiiitry. made up the Royal .where they are serving. but of the R.N. Air Station. Culdrose. "Under London, Kiug‘s and the City and throiig_hout the world. wliieh WI]: Navy'-'. coiitribiitioii to the ceremonial {Women's Royal Naval Service as a the Sea." :i model of H.M.S. Dread- (iiiilds Colleges. who volunteered necessitzite the keeping of constant day their help were seen. and night watches. procession of Sir Bernard Waley- F whole. (Continued in column 4) t'ohi:ii. the new Lord .\t:iyor. Separrileil by the b:inds, the pzigezint uas divided in four distinct prirts. The liist with giant models of iiirclerii‘ subiii;ir'iuc l)readnoiight arid the Seasliig siirl'.ice-to-;iii' missile was concerned with '1',l'he Fleet at Sea" and included ;. their depicting the v.ii'ieil roles of the Royal .\l;iiines. "the second and third pzirts l'e:ituiing "The .\len and \\"oineu ‘_\\“ho Man The Fleet" and "Soiiie s['|'.'Cl:Ills'Ctl Activities" respective|_\' covered the I-';Il’lt‘tl,\‘ technical and ziilmiriistrative skills of Service persoltllcl. the "Weel>.-cud Wrirriors" oi" the "Spziiiiiiiig 'I he (ilobe :it Work and |’l;i_\" fezitiired the itorld-tilde role ull the Set \‘ic‘i.‘. the theme for the \\'.|{.?‘-IS. l'lo;it u..s the lneiity-lirst llii:liil.iy vi the \\'om.:ii's l{o)';il .\.i\'.-.l .'\ci‘vrc:. which The \\'.R..\'.§. lloat is l\'.‘Ill‘.' .'clcl\r‘.ztetl this _\i';-.:‘. ‘
Royal Navy Stages the LordMayor’sShow The
H.M.S. Forest Moor
New & USED
se.-iiu-t Distributors. ford. Morris, Standard. Triumph 8. Hiltmz-a Di-zlrn Eu: 8. Weir Street. Portehciter Phone Cosham 76434 PAULSGROVE Pzuisgrove Moron. THE AUSTIN PEOPLE, Souuurnptori Road rnone Cosriani 15211 '.‘r‘OLSEl.EY 8- MORRIS DEALERS. London Road, Porubridge, Hilxea l‘|ion.- l'or-.-.nioi.:l\ 693 I0 PORTSMOUTH STANDARD. TRIUMPH. & RENAULT DEALERS Fratton Road. our Rt.-it Cini::iii Phone Por:iruo.i'.ls 27064 SOUTHSEA AUSTIN DEALERS. ‘HIIO4, Pxlmcriton Roar: Phone Poruniautri 20939 RENAULT DEALERS, 8114. Grove Road South Phone Portsmouth 1256? CHICHESTER PAGES GARAGE SINGER DISTRIBUTORS, AUSTIN DEALERS. Norrltnte. Ctiienezter rhone Chizricizer -CH1 wr GIVE PERSONIH srnvics to I'll? <FNlOR SERVICE ALL FACILITIES AVAILABLE =02 resins. WSURANCE 8- ROAD TAX
What we Want is WATNEYS BROWN ALE: more people drink Wzitneys than any other. DAIRYMAID STOUT: sweet. satisfying, ineiipi.-nsive. HAMMERTON STOUT: brewed with carnival and glucose loi zest. PALE ALE: bright. clear, very retresliino. DRAUGHT RED BARREL: the bitter you can trust.
December.‘ 1960
OF PROW H.M.PUA Home for Christmas after
43,000 miles and three continents
WONDERFUL NIGERIAN HOSPITALITY tIlY OUR Sl'IEClI\l. C()RRlE.$l’()Nl)li\l'l') Y the time ll..\l.S. Puma reaeltes Deviinport on Deeeiiilicr I9 she will have been zititiy 47 weeks and during that time will have trztvelletl some -l3.t)t!tl miles visiting. aiiioiig other places. Dakar.\in. Tristan da ('iiitli:i. .\l:turitiii~. .\l:|tl:It_':l\(‘il|'. Diirliztii. llucitos Aires. Rio de Janeiro. .\toiitei'ideii. St. lleleita. Aseeiisioii lslaiiil. l’ort llarcourt, Freetmtii. (liliralrar. Quite :iii llllpI’t‘\'~'l\'l‘ list for such at short coiitritission. We ariixeil in Rio tlt.‘ .lJlllCll't| on Al‘ were organised and .ilthongh ito eroes perfect siiiitiiieiy tl-'l_\' iii conip:iny with} were lniggctl \\\.' lhorotighl_\ ettjoyetl ll..\l.S. l._\‘t'l\ “ho had ]lI\I joined thcj shooting at erupt) ‘nee: cans the beer station. lhc .ippro.iclt into the li.ii'bour \\’.'|\ also good. A concert \\.'I\ given to our kind is most Iiiipiessivc. ('opaeab.irta beach stretelies for miles in a smooth curve ltosls by the Stpiadrori \\ltlt.‘ll was of ele:iit sand, backed with ltundreds iitrieh appreciated and the ship's team of skyscrapers syniiitetrieally lined tip iiianaged iodi.-ave it\ name imprinted for height. The fautoiis Sugar l.oaf on the clip for the anrtiial seven-a-aide i\lourtt.iirt .iiid the tIt:t\\'l\‘c concrete rugby competition. ligure of (‘hrist overlooking the city “Slli‘\RKS :\llt)\"' must have beeit imprinted on the ll.M.S. l’uma—one of the Your "Big (.‘:ils" of the Leopzird class anti-aircriift lrigiites. (,:ui he used as a medium Our next port of call was riiiiids of all who have seen them. type of destroyer in ollensive opt.-r:ition.~. Others of this class are Jaguar. Leopard and l._VtI\ Plenty of "rabbits" were bought. in Angola where “C st:i)ed for two‘ and seriii-precious stones and butterfly days_ meeting tip with the l’or'tii-griesez we became the tleet aircraft carrier. and South .-'\I'riean frigzites. all ex-l good jolt. but ‘Pro hoiio publico trays proved very popular buys. so-:_irtd-so panic'" and the great The pcrforriiaiiec of ;i l’.'l‘..-\. is very After an extremely pleasant riirie- Royal Navy ships, for the beginiiiiig-; No arrived on October I‘). realistic. We haven't shot one down day day visit to Rio we sailed on Septem- of our exercixes called "(‘apex." In the (.'hief's Mess plastic tlowi.-rs yet. btit we may try to bribe llte coitThe waters around l.iiaiida ber 17 for Aseeiisiiiri Island and our were washed to give the appearance troller to hold it still for :t short tiuie short stay tlterc. lasting It) hours, was infested with sharks and at one time. of iiiorit_irtg dew. and the (lticf in the hope that we will. well used by our eittliusiastie fisher- live could be seen iii a cluster. The ll“) 5l”"'|‘l"" Our last few weeks on the station iiteri. Able Seantan Wright caught a shark hook was streanted and Brett M’. them. ( must aplain (I-) "H. ,_.x],L.‘_.m[ m be busy Wm, Mark’. 2‘)-pound barracuda and this may well guns opened tire. but no luck. except .M. Siibriiarine ()rpheus. the lirst Wm rm '““"‘-' “ "" W‘ but \\I.' are lookiitg forward to vi t'3" win_ the cup which is beiitg presented for the sharks. of the new Oberon class was coinPort lili/altcth for the lirst time. iiig for the largest fish caught during the ‘_ iiiissioned for service on Noveniber '.‘.2 N0 l’i\Nl(".’ i for a short week-ctid. eoiitniission. under the eoriimaiid of (‘omriiaiider All this time we were preparing for ‘h ..;H, We arrived at Port llarcourt for the “ha” m" N‘ | “my Very S0"-n-W‘. T. A. C. ('lack. RN. She was accepted I on h Nigerian lndepeiidertee Day celebra- (‘aptain I‘ ('/')'s inspection and m‘.|l‘I)" hp It..k t.lft.lL evortport onte, arrivirtg at‘ .~ from her tiiiilders. \’iekei's-Ariitstrongs round his " stem “is .3 false. Dcccmbcr tions and for the second time there we hours were pill in by the hands—>even V” SL “Clem. h_'__'_,_ '9' Ltd., at sea on Noveltitshiphuildersl mu'htith‘r'li-fitth-.w iitet with wonderful hospitality which the :\dniir:il's chief cook took up a and town having willaway Gibraltar. bcr 25. is really soiiiethirtg to be experienced. paint brush and he did some good have In this time we 47 weeks. for The Orplieiis. wliiclt was launched Two crocodile-hunting expeditions work. The whole feeling was “Do a ing its all worn out but well satisticd. \t.\|lt.‘d ltavi. we urrivui in sinmmmw“ mi ocm_ on Nl'I\'Clttl‘|t.'l' 17. W5‘). has a length of ml“ " mm wmuukd " N" 5" ber 20 for a self-mainteiiance period 295 feet 3 inches and a beam of 2!» feet hoard). [on of ten days and to give the hands a ti inches. The siiperstriietiire is of light ) rovided suitable. I is weatherlive “.‘.|l_‘_.;”-Md Wk." Wm, H ‘hm, “.L.Ck_‘ we alloy. rcsi~ that l-lora. our puma. hope end to each ;iv;.i.;h. Boats of this L'l;t\\ are similar in will be in dent amongst design to the Porpoise class. They are 7.oo_. Altulltcr phase of "Capcx" _~.i;.nc‘| l’aignriin ll"-3 ll" "*3 ‘h‘‘“-‘ 0" 19”)’ ‘‘'-‘''''‘!= on October 3! and. having embarked equipped to tire homing torpedoes and "R15.-\I)Y T0 l.liAP." have the latest in detection equipment. six neat little pilotless target aircraft. They are capable of high underwriter speeds and have a very long eriduraitce. The diesel-electric main propulsion -
Orpheuisw joins
the Navy
:‘t.ll ’tltlh‘'t_|"‘\|l IC‘I'
ms. "“°."“h""°‘
_“"I" ll?” ."'_"“'"'f ;"“""-‘I’-':"‘l‘i"l m"(’)'\“- ‘'!‘-"‘[":';"""‘-"“‘“fiPVr biit the bin/.1. l -hail‘ tl‘te“biit‘li'i‘ hiiil‘ ._.,_.,.:',cd_‘-I-hi:d;y"L.;:mc ::n:'| rlcc::'J_ _
.\nlt.li1.t‘.(l)'I S“.| l 1l willf -
ritrieltiiiery is poweretl by .-\dniiralty Standard Range diesel engines. in the ease of the ()l’pllL'll\. these were maritifacturcd by Viekers-Ariitstroitgs (Engineers) l.ttl.. and the liitglislt Electric Coiiipany provided the ntaiii propulsioit gencr:itors. ritairi motors and main controlling sw-itcltgear. The ship's company of six otliecrs and (it ratings are provided with a high
creek." Ordinary St-aitizttt llolness looks for crocodiles
in Nigeria
standard of accotttntorlation and every etlort has been made to provide su|liciertt amenities to eoiiriteraet the etlects of lortg patrols.
.B=t..‘~...' She...
Olympic swimmer opens bowling alley
you get the best clothes of all at
pay by allotment if you wish-
23-so Oxford Shoot.
It doesn't take long for the word to get what very good around the ships tailors Willerbys are! Sailors who do care about clothes invariably go there. Suits. coats. sports clothes. iiniforitis-— from Willerbys. all are first class. And you cart pay by allotment if you wish. Our Nriml rvpn-.u-limit‘rm rr',L'ul¢irIy i'i.t'i't I/It‘ I’l¢'i'I at porn ii] ml! rll Ironic‘ om! t)l‘t'I'.S‘t.'(l.\‘. Ifyrm'iI Iik 1- to [mow more alum! Wi'Ilc'rby.r, .rrer'it/rer Mr. GulIrirI_i.'i-. or Mr. l)mrIt'in, ii-lien Iu‘.\‘l he i'i‘.\'i't.i' _t'imr r'.\'rril;Ii.iIiiiieIit. Alta-r/iulii'i'l_i'. ilrup In‘ (1 lim'. or roll in at (my ofimr Iirrilivlii-s. We shall lie [Jlt'll.\'('llIo let you have a jiIl(’t’l'_t’l|‘iItg tft'I(liI.\' of ll’i'IIa'rIiy.s ,t'p¢'¢1'uI _\'('I'|'ll‘¢’]lII' melt in the Imvy. .
London. W.1
commurclutfload. Portsmouth 5 London Road. North End. Porturnnuth 228 High street. chnlharn 20 Abovu Bar. Southampton
12 North
And Branch-5
Glasgow Bridge. Edinburgh
41 Gordon stroot.
Royal Purndu. Plymouth
52 Commercial Stroot. Dunaoo
20 High street. -
12 Mnln
throughout Britain
Strvot. Gibraltar
Cap. ll.
5. .\ lion Iini: a wood. (Photo: R. A. Fisk, lil..\l.S. Ganges.)
ber of ollicers and instructors and
juniors. The
charge ni:tde is
Is. per half
hour (which includes the supply of some special thick. rubhered shoes), and special times have been alloclited to the juniors. ship's company. ollicers and all-corners. The general idea is to encourage parties to take up the
.M.S. Ganges. the Juniors‘ Training Estaiblishnteiit at Shotley Gate near Ipswich. has becoritc one of the Iirst naval establishments to have its ,own_bowIing alley. and this should prove to be an enormous attraction Miss Steward and Capt. Mackenzie to the L600 youngsters and instructors at the opening ceremony. (Photo: of Ganges. R. A. Fisk. H.M.S. Ganges.) The alley was built at :t cost of £II.0t)0 from non-public funds. the on October 28 in the presence of the chief backer being the Nutlicld Trust. Commanding Ollicer. Captain H. S. Miss Natalie Steward. the Olympic Mnckcnlic. 113-0. and Bill’. D.S.C.. swimming medallist, opened the alley Royal Navy, and a very large num>
game. To
complete the enjoyment. the
N./\./\.F.|. has installed machines at the back of the bowling alley front which ltot collee or chocolate can be obtained. After the opening. Miss Steward gave it demonstration swim in the swimming baths and had .1 race with some of Ganges‘ best swimmers. giving them a suitable start. \tcedlc<.-. to say. Miss Steward raced past them all with considerable case, ntuch to the delight of the crowded audience.
December. 1960
Medical Officer transferred in rough sea_ (BY OUR SPECIAL COR R R8 l’()N l)l-INT) lN(.‘l-‘. our last Newsletter. H.M.S. Scarborough hits. with the exception of a hricf visit to Hong Kong in August. riiadc steady progress in ii westerly direction. We had the prisilcge of wearing. for treatment. Our doctor. who had at the 24 hours. the tlag of Rear-Adiniral time just started to "gt'o\s a set." was .\l. l.c l-anti. l)..‘s'.(‘.. l-"lag Otliccr iliscoiiccrted by the ovciwhclining Second in ('oiiini:ind. l‘ar liast Station. supply of ra/ors and electric ~h:ivcrs. prior to arrival at lloug Kong. During but otliciwisc cnim ed his unusual eshis visit .»\ilni' l.e I-:inii toured the ‘ periencc. sltip vcr'_\‘ tlioio-.i_i:hly. and in spite of l At ('olon1bo. ll..\l.S. Scarboroiigli the wczitlicr he and his stall were dined cmbziikcil llis llighness Sultan by the warrlrooiii. We later learnt that .\loliauniied l-'arid l)idi l. the Sultan of this Iiot:ible event hail coincided with the Malilivcs. for the Eli-hum p;iss;igc our disco\ci_\ of lyphoon "l-'.lairic." ‘to his .,‘apit:il :it .\l;ilc. 'lhc .\l;ildi‘.c Typhoons occur most frcquciitly -lslriiids‘ are a 7t)tl-inilc-long chain of in the South ('hina Sea during the ; low-lying coral atolls which run siiiiinicr months. 'llie_v are .ill given north-soutli of tile soutli-west comer feminine names. no doubt because of the Indian Pcttittsula.
their actions are not always predictN() 'l'UR'l'l.l-ISOUP able. in tile case of "l-Elaine." condiWe then crossed the equator for :i tions never became particularly bad. ‘ although there were strong winds‘ :iiid 34-hour visit to the island of (Ian in a rough sea. {the southcrinost group of the .\lalthe taken l dives. Addii Attoll. 'l here. 550 R..-\.l-'. during ()pportunity was‘ periods spent at Singapore to hold the i[1t!rSt\tlI'tCl man one of the riiost isoll.M.§. Scztrhoroiigh. now on her way home from service in the liar East airliclds in the world. and are 5th Frigate Squadron hockey and soccer competitions. l-l.M.S. Scar- very pleased to see any \'i.sitor.s, |)uring | llOMll l)I-lb‘FROYI-II) borough won the former. beating our stay the ship was presented with ll.i\l.S. l'orqua_v 2 l in the liri:il.but a load of coconuts :irid a turtle by the An iiiiiisii:i| task followed at a place was knocked out of the soccer by President of the Local People's (‘utili- with an unusual name. A w:ir~tirnc the eventual cil. The tu;:le had nl1\'iotls‘l_\' met a Japanese explosive device had been lI.M.S. Salisbiiry. ‘ shark in its younger days and was‘ short reported washed up on the beach at after a I I draw. winners. -3 of one llippcr. After spending two .\lil:idun‘imadu|ii Atoll farther north A A.'s'SlS'l'AN(?F. Ml-Zl)lCAl. hours tethered on the quartcrdcck in the Maldives. Our demolition N the last ten months. mainly in the Mediterranean. the aircraft carrier The ship sailed from Singapore on looking rather sad. it was‘ decided. out was landed by boat and quicklyparty desSeptember It» for .i period of two and of kindness. to return it to its natural troyed it. We then rejoined the Fleet ll..\l.S. Ark Royal has steamed 50.000 miles or twice round the world.‘ and her 2.000 ollicers and men found. on their return home to l’|_vniouth on a half weeks’ detached duty. ()n the element, the donor having by then de- at Trincomalcc. in (Teylon. way in Colombo. a call for medical parted. The ship recently visited Karachi October 3. that they had eaten 143 mi lcs ol' sausages. 95 tons of bread and received from the H.M.S. Scarborough then returned to take part in lixercisc “Mitllink." 700 head of cattle. as stance was In their otl~duty l‘lt‘Itll‘s‘ the otlii:crs The ship's engineering stall estimate ltl.t K)-ton Polish cargo passenger to Male for a further two d;t_cs. The‘ This was :i ('cntral Treaty ()rgani.saliner Adolf Wairski. and the medical atolls of the .\l:ildivcs :ire "typical tiori Maritime lixcrcise. in which they have carried out enough repairs and men of the ship slnokctl 13! olliccr tSurg. l.iciit. (i. M. Palcrsotl. tropical islands" palm trees. coral ll.M. ships worked with others from to have kept I7 garages in the U.K. million cigarettes. 7.664 ounces of R.N.). who himself h:id a broken toe. beaches and striking pale-green the United States. Iran and Pakistan. in business‘ for a year- equivalent to tobacco and 3.655 cigars. They drank saltmtl cars roadworthy l'.'$.t)t)0 pints of beer. One hundred was transferred by boat in rough lagoons. and native sailing craft with and R./Ll‘... U.S.N.. Ptikislzitt and making 20.500 stall tind they have paid tliousand tons of fresh water ttwicc the -and the pay weather and failing light. Because of white sails. One notable event during Tiirkish aircraft. The Central '|'reaty the monsoon conditions it was not this second visit to Male was an ex- Organisation is the successor to the out £400,000 to the ship's company. of weight of the ship) was produced. possible for him to return until he had hibition ruggcr riiatch staged by the Haglidad P:ict. and is the Middle liast- which £2l.(l00 was spent on postal To prove they were not forgetful of been landed three and :i half days ship. Over l.tM)n spectators turned out crn equivalent of N.A.‘l'.O. and orders and stainps. the welfare of others outside their The carrier's aircraft have flown ship. they donated nearly [800 to four later at ('oloinbo. to watch what is thought to lt;i\'i: been l s_i~:.A.'i'.o. 6.000 s‘ortics—.'l00 of them at night charities or appeals and to dependant The call was‘ received because a 28- the first game of its‘ kind in the .\lalIn the latter half of November. —:iud the steani catapults have relatives. ycar-old woman passenger. Mrs. dives. The hall landed several times in ‘* ll..\l.S. ."scarboroiigh visited East workcrl overtime shooting into the -Sabina l)ragonska. was in a coma. btit the local jail. which tlankcd the pitch African ports with ll.M.S. Albion and rhiri/.' Ilmt .-lrk fortunately she recovered siitlicicntly on one side. but was quickly returned the Fifth Frigate Squadron as a liiial air L900 !s'ciniit:irs. 800 Sea Vixens (In t‘rI.\r‘ rcmlr-r,i and 300 Canncts. The helicopters Ruyri! rmglir to Iiuvr rt .mmLin,i: armto carry on her jourtie_v home to we understood that there were no fling before our liorneward passage to on board made over L000 flights _mg¢- !I\ in t‘rt'.\l. our Irmir .irriIi.iIiri'rm Poland without requiring fiirlher ininates. l’ort.s‘moutli. and all the aircraft logged over one [)HfIlf.\ rIItt' Iltrtl an an rn'crrI_ec ntrlt iuillion miles. using up l0.000 tons‘ mun me two .\llll.\ll‘L't'.\ pi-r in-cl. rrrirl parallin and 90.000 gallons petrol. .\ntrlfs¢'tf rilmut I7 r'r’grrrr-In-.i per day.)
Figures from Ark Royal CREST IS NOT
OCCUPATION (liiirlcd .\lissile Trials Ship. Till‘: ll.M.."i. Girdle Ni-ss' t(.'apt'.iin l’. C.
Lachlan. .\l.ll.l-1.. R.N.) recently visitcil the little island of Ins in the South
bo:ird (iirdlc Ncss and the ship sailcil I at full speed for Piraeus, ()n arrival the patient was transferred to a loc:il hospital for an immediate operation. ll.M.S. (iirdle Ncss‘ retnaincd at l’lJs‘icu.s for a live~day \i.\'ll. Many of the ship's company \\cre entertained by the Athens Piraeus Electricity ('oin~ F pany. against whom football was played. and by the local llritish resi- l dents and incnihcrs of tile -.\'..-\.'l'.(). ‘. stall". A popular trip was‘ to a wine fcsiv:il at a near~by village. where about = I00 (ircek wines‘ could be sampled for the equivalent of 4s.
BOARD of Inquiry has established A that hlrinic attached
Lieutenant-(.‘urpnuindcr W.
L. Owen. Royal Navy, commanding ollicer of ILM. Submarine Anchoritc. which stnick an uncharted rock in llauniki Gulf. near Auckland. New 'I.eaItmd. on October 3. The Anchorite. attached to the l-oiirth Siihmarnie Sittiadron based on Sydney. New South Wales. struck the rock at _a depth of H!) ft. and shot to the service out of control. No one was _
1 Lord at
the ('ommanding Ollicer injured. steppcd ashore. acconipanied by two of the ship's ('oiuiiiandcrs'. they were wariiily greeted by the old l’res'ident. his bmtlicr froni (‘hicago. two bearded pi: s. the island's three policemen. the oarbotir master and many others. After much handshaking the whole party got on to niiilcs and. followed by :i cavalcadc. proceeded up the hill It was to he regretted that (.‘.P.(). to the village. L. Symonds Iiad to cancel his attend- l ance :it the last moment as he had (.‘and_v. on/o and flowers’ were presented iii the l’rcsideiit's office and guest of honour :it the l7th l promised to relate his experiences when anmmg reunion dim“... of the "N. ‘I serving in Torrent and Tornado. The speeches made. After a walk round the village and :i tntilc ride back to the wich Naval Force (l9l-1-l9l8)Associ-.i- Torrent being stink he was transferred Tornado which was also itnmcdiJetty. the President and ten others were tion held during October was the invited back to the ship. Secund Sea Lord. Admiral Sir SI. .lohn ately sunk. He was finally rescued by R. Tyrnhitt. son of the late Admiral Radiant. It was even more regrettable of the Fleet Sir Reginald ’l'_vrwhitt. who lfor at the dinner was Capt. I). C. : I-‘IRST FILM SHOW was I*'oi.indt.-r President of the Associa- Morrison who was serving in Radiant at the time and helped to rescue (‘.P.O. As it was learned that they had not tion. Synionds. seen a film since the German occupaover the dinner was Capt. Presiding Another absentee this year was tion. on the followin- evening a P. L. Gunn. D.S.M.. R.N. (Rtd.). the cinema was rigged as ore in the chairman being Lieiit. A. A. Smith. Leading Seamzin F. H. Hide. D.S.M.. who served aboard the block ship garden of the only home with clectri~' R.N.V.R. (Rtd.). city. The whole village turned out to The Second Sea Lord gave the com- Intrepid during the Zccbruggc raid. The "father" of the Association. watch galloping dare-devil Cavaliers. of account a Chief Armoorcr F. l-cvick. now in his in glorious Technicolor. fighting pany glowing. iip-to-date attributed He the the Royal Navy. 85th year was. much to his annoyance. superior numbers of boot-faced Puri- smallness of the the to Navy gigantic prevented from attending by his tans. The film was rapturoiisly received of cost building new ships. but. if the relatives. but it was never discovered what the quantity was small. this was made up Admiral Sir William Tcnnant. who audience thought it was all about. for by the quality of men and materials also spoke. expressed disappointment and the wonderful improvement in at not seeing any men from Concord] .\I ERCY DASH messing (no more "straight rush"). l.izardIFerret. Should any men from these ships read this report of the As the local doctor was away, the marriage allowance. etc. shi '5 medical olliccr soon found himLong before he had finished speak- dinncr- would they please contact the with a queue of patients. On the ing the older members came to the secretary of the Association. F. C. last day. the doctor found a man" with conclusion that they had been born Thompson. I28 Snakes Lane. Southcnd on acute peritonitis. so he was taken on at least 25 years too soon. When
Naval Force Association Dinner
;to .
': _
-V‘.-yfaw, ,
Guinea ES
(15.10! I
NAVY NI-1\\'s
December. I960
of the Royal Nmgr
The doekyard Church with most unusual ORIGINAL CHAPEL OF ST. LO BUILT IN l 700
NLY two churches in England are dedicated to St. Lo. One is at Sherint:ton in Bnckingbnmshire and the other is the Dockyard Church. Devonport. St. l.o was Bishop of Coutnnces, in Normandy. in the year 529. There seems little doubt that the properly. and was inside the Dockyard dedication of the Dockyard Church Iixtension area. The restoration was completed and to St. I.o was chosen because that was also the name of the Commissioner of the rctledication of the building its the tlte Yard (the otlice of Commissioner Dockyard (‘lunch of St. I.o took place is now that of Admiral Superinten- on June 7. I957. the dedication ceredcntl. by whose “religious endea\'ottrs" mon_v' being conducted by the Right the church was built in 1700. Reverend Norman (‘|arkc. l.l..D. of Plymotttlt. :ts.sist-:d by the I)!-iS‘l”RL'Cl'l()N BY I-'IRI-I Venerable .-\rchdc:teon Frederick Dar'I'he church of I700. which was in rell Bout. ().Ii.I:'.. .\I..»\.. ().ll.(‘.. Chapwhat is now the South Yard. was : lain of tltc Fleet. altnost entirely destroyed by lire. prob- I IIlS'I'()R\' OF ST. C IIADS ably. tn I799. but another church was Tltc headmaster of Kelly College built shortly at'terw;trds. In his "l’anoram;1 of I‘lymouth". supplied the following notes on the t|82|) .’~iamucl Rowe wrote: "Tlte 1 history of St. (hads: chapel is opposite the Dockyard en- E "The I'ottttd:ttion stone of lllC,I\tIlltJtrance gatc and has recently been 'ing. ground tloor only. was laid on I8. I900. by the Comm:tnder-inrebuilt in a neat and substantial manner with a tower and a set of 1 Chief. l’l_\'tnoutlt. Admiral the Rt. Hon. The present edifice was Lord (ltarles 'l'. D. M. Scott. I(.C.B.. bells. erected at the expense of the govern- and the following statement was placed ment. bttt the piety and liberality of the | under the foundation stone: ‘The Kelly founders of the old Chapel. which was College Mission was established in commemorated in the following in- ll\“l(i in the district of St. James‘ Parish. scription over the South door. deserves Keyltam. Devonport. under the name to be rescued from oblivion." Tlten of St. ('lt:tLls: the object being to profor the spiritual wants of a large follows the wording of the I)edication Stone of the I700 church: “In the llth congested population William of The III. .\.I). ground floor was completed. and year of the rci n I700. this cltapc was founded and built on October 2. l‘l0l. was dedicated by by the generous attd pious contribu- the Bishop of ('rcditon. This left the tions of otlicets and seamen belonging church to be erected over it later when to a squadron of men-of-war paid otl funds became available. On August I7. in this Yard (after a ten-year expensive I909. the foundation stone of the perwar with I-‘t-ancc) being propagated and mancnt Chapel of St. Chad was laid on carried on by the industry and religious the ground door by Lady St. Lcvan. On endeavours of (icorge St. Lo. Commis- March I. I010. tlte_Iiishop of Crediton sioner of the said Yard and Comp- dedicated the church under the patrontroller of the said Pay." age and title of St. Chad.
St. (‘had
Iand 1
pipes. The.
some new
7354;,“ Iii: “:\°"‘i')I‘'(\.‘
\.st.Is'.\-aorrtw -. --. \.lll1IIfIs_ I Cross. ('and|e.sticks. I-'rontals. Dossel ':'I"xx jkx "I710-5 1. TI1unt.t\ t-{wt mo-‘.q f‘ '7'-‘ attd vcstmcnts of the Altar Ornztments K.\' l0Z_2:\'.1 ‘pt '" ”ri'”m;' are the gifts of the l.adic.s' Sewing l ‘()Nl'Il(.‘-I-\'I‘|f)N has been rt-cciicd '.lu'. \_'.tn!vrttlec. Rx tmttn “'"!=<-. J. ti" ."'. the following lune been adwttccd to the ‘"‘"' Party. The I'rocessional Cross is the It‘lncl I“ 5- "mine. Rx -mos -K‘ V "I‘“.‘ or Clncl Artiliccr rate: !'rtIr Otlicer til. ll I'm.-on. lsx ugtos N R I: I gift of The Dockyard ('httrch Recrea- To Chief Ofln-r Petty Ilillffu S, (i. I{ulisuu_ .|{x .lKpQ7'} "('“'{. tional and Social Clubs (I862-I930). JX lS20fs.'¢ I‘. V. I).I\ts.JX I56.‘-I2 A. J. Rtlc} k'\ ‘mm W I’5- I‘-Ilmrr. KN tlttltt. The Dedication Tablet and the (‘om- JX SSISR-I S. I). Robinson. IX IMIZ.‘ L. SharIII-III. JX Ito'.“\',\‘I I". Dennis. JX 773-102 1. . flint: ester Eleetri IA mttnion Rails were made by the Cott- Prime. JX I66675 N, Douglas. JX 777933 MK KSSMIS .1. 1v.‘-‘J. Mx ssms struetive l\l:tnager'.s Department. S. J. Cuupcr. JX Ittttfiltfi R. D.‘Jont.-I. JX II. Ilurs_:. MN kiytn [0 In J. 5-mm‘ The choir stalls. sanctuary chair. 7I2|-I(l W S. Mitchell. JX I7I0fv5 R. \\-'elhtcr. 0 ( I13:-I Mcchlnlrill _A_fl I I5 II. N JX ISHRI J. I59“-IS F.. JX M:Icl)onnltI. from the and desk are R‘ "tee--. Rx «.7.-(.55 (3. Ilitany pews Iluvtdefl. JX l5.\l57K J. 'I'hnmas. JX I3l6IfI T. The dedication stones of St. Chad elturelt Great. James the St. of SECOND I)!-ZSl'RUCl'ION Templeton. JX l(iI029 IE W. 5. Austin, ; T“ Slllllhrielnt Anifleer are now preserved inside the building JX I54I,‘stI W. J. I'".Nlt'_\‘. IX I62.“-I I;, \'. Kcyham. -‘I -‘I-_\.I"“"I7 Tlte second clutrclt was destroyed by alongside the St. Lo stone: and the IX l7."lIS (I. I‘. Trim. JX l4.‘v5(t7 In ( |ueI' ElectricianIirvsltm. lThuttt.t~. of reconstruction was II. J. Nieklin. IN Iftlvlltl I‘. (.‘ \Visetn;cn. “X The work enemy action on April 2|. I‘)-tl. Apart "relics" have been replaced behind the I. A Rcdfern. ,7-III"-‘Q (T KItt;:l1.|tn. J.‘ I83"! I), .1» Arm: t'rom the Dedication Stone. the only new dedication tablet. The last service mainly carried out by the \arious de- IJX l527I5JKII Lit-342 (‘ta-er Radio Iilertriral Anznm W R (I. II:-.m.-r. tlllvlvl-Ens. \IX 3'3.‘-IIS J I) I-"rust. NV run;-it ; .: survivals from the former churches are in the Kelly College Mission was held partments of the dockyartl. ll\ l.\lt-‘Ia’ I. I‘ 'l'apwtt_ JX I-ISTt-I I- Mt-rib. :‘lIII\ The I-Iagle l.cctern was made in the 'JN 7I2wI‘)7 I: II II»t's'.'nII\Jll. JX H277-I J I) I'o (‘Intel Rldin I-Tlrrlritian the eagle lectern. two eighteenth- at (’ltris'tmas. I954. The building' beA II I ltl'.s.irtl-.JXI.‘.".‘.‘Iccntory citations and patcns. and the catne .'\tltItit';tll)' property soon after- dockyard in I835. It is inscribed tinder- lIl;nkcr.JXl5.‘\.‘\“J _\I\ st--I54 t- .\ t-ut.i.._ II, J L‘. I'r.xncis. JX I-ISHI I.. (C IIJIAIII II. In Wilson. I885. "Easter J. ncath: I’:-It) tlllicvr Writer dish. alms (‘Intel2-win--.u and the ground floor was used pewter \'Illl\'('| I). lltlsiulututts. JX I-\Zll."’ S (' ,J\ \Ix s \\'|titcltouse. six 70155» I-‘rom |‘l-II until I957 .services were as a church hall for the dockyard from ; .-'\dmiral Sttperitttcntlcnt. Rev. W. ‘ I’.ir\iu. JXWIOIS \\' l‘ccI ‘R J Shcrrs i Dickson. |.l..I).. (ltaplain. \\'. H. 1 'r.. .-«um Chief Petty nine.-no held in the church hall in the South the spring of I955. "l'o (‘his-I lladin (‘otnlnunieation Su W niuu \75.W7 SIN II J .\I\ K .\Intt'.t-vt.I. .".”-.'I-H and J. Stall .-\ngcar.: J.\_t4u'l.‘tu.‘J (' llzttck (‘aptain l)ocky;tt'd. titted for use as a chapel The tout. the altar and the .stainctl- 1Sltarp. J R I) llt't:.:crs To Slcls Ilellh ("hit-I Pelt) Ullicer ( hapcl \\'ardeos" In Arline (‘hit-I Iingutc Room Artitlrer and lirst used on ltttte 8. I‘)-ll. glass \\ittdo\\ now in the church have 5‘(hict ('ons'trttctor. MN |I|I~= It 1 lI:.t., .\IN 7=7n*I \\‘_ I-‘ 1 SIN “u‘N7-I .\ II \Is’l).ttl1‘. .\IX NIITI-I later. .\I\' .-S’-Jr-_‘ I) .\t t‘ I’.-rs-. \t.\ ssttgs Inside the hotly of the eagle were disAfter I‘)-ll many schemes for the 3 remained from its time as St. ( ltads .\I\L .“l"J (Inert, “X _‘,‘|.s: I It!:lcr_ MN t’-SW22 (‘ ,\ (;..;,...t ‘covercd charred papers. burnt in the RN (3/\ .\|t-qltlutt. rebuilding of the church. or its replaceJotslut .\IN ‘tlllllll II J I.t'.'.. -.\I\_(t. 7521!.‘ .\t\ 7751.-.1 t |...,tt,.,.., GII-‘TS tire of IN]. ()n the plate inside are \IX 7'14}: 1 () ll.1rrts<-n. “X 7|Ss'_i'- \\‘ ll In ('liieI J ti-mu. ment. were discussed. Finally. in I956. Oflitrl Cun|st\I I'etl) ('. li.rtrs_ NIX fuIl\'I:II N (5 I\\g|llI.Ill. XIX (>{'~l,3T the Admiralty decided to restore the, The organ is constructed frotn the ‘cttgravetl the names W. ()llis and MN .\l7,\S(u R .\ ll.tlI.trd K W Ilittks Io .\ctlrI: Chief I-Zleclrital Artlliu-r (.\it-I Kelly (‘ollegc Mission of St. Chad. rorgan in the South Yard ('hapel. part Gcdye. probabl_1 the names ol the : To (fhief Engineering hlecttanie J. llcmut--. I. l.\.\.“.l‘,\', which by then had become Admiralty lot" the organ of St. James the Great. ‘craftsmen who fIllI(It.' the lcctcrn. RX 9547‘! J. R (SII|ir\. KN ""f-5| J (3:1- In (‘lllcl Radio Iilcctrlrlan t\in .
Iii‘ i‘7ti"".'-. '
Ii:-:i":' '
ll».-Iiii.-H'm' ,,
ltot-lt. KN ‘-Mitt‘! (i
(lit-»tt:'.v' I ~;t\'t-
ll\ l‘)
Kttnoics_ KN .s‘t.t-(.|
llut tut
--- -- ---
Ra: ng
Age next birthday
bctly k:ttd that‘:
loundll II’?
Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2----------
at the
:AF’0LOGtE~ '0 ill.‘ [A IE DAN M:GRL'-‘I
Please send full details of the Progressive Savings Scheme
Banish:-5 v.-.-ttl: oaccn and hearts. But the gum-.-tng hunger or men for -1 ltO.'1t£' and at tI:a' t: means.‘
Iltumlcs, I
—Send this coupon
.\I I
I save?
That’s what I thought when I was your age until someone showed me the Progressive Savings Schcmc.I only had to put aside {:3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the Service next year I can collect £855. Sotttt(l.s tun gnrul to In.‘ true. \\’lt--rt-'.s llt("c:tt('lt'.' No catch. And ifl had died at any time my l \\'ltit'|t will yutt t:tlst-.‘ wife would have received the whole £855 I'm fzoing For the pension because the-rc’s‘ immediately. You see, it's :1 Savings 1 Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. another valuable right with it——l can get :1.‘ cash advance for the full price of a newt‘ .\'t:t.p.x.sitt_g xi’.-tt lt.ultt't sigttctl III! 11-!" ;.''house. I’m all lined up for :1 job :1lre:1dy,i \"I Vin-.' and with an extra pension to look forward f When I had done my nine years, :15 I had to and the wife and family sztfe in our own paid premiutns for 7 years, I could have * it’s the homc—-well. kind of all we in security Civvy drawn £234 to help set me up want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall IIu\\' do you set almu: all this)‘ 3 have the option of taking the I 399‘, 3"‘ 'd°“’‘ I if That’s easy. Ask the Provi25355: 0" Cash imm°di3‘°IYs 3 P°“5I°“ dent Life for details of unsfi 0f £37? 3 3733*’ when I "°fi"' Progressive Savings Scheme. from civilian work at 65. PROVIDENT “ For mrmbrr: II.» q/ the ll".I?..\'..S'. LIFE I’tm:‘-nt is [Lift (1 )'mr. ASSOCIATION OF LOKOON UMIYIO
:v1 3
50 UTH STREET, TelephoneC-14216(5 I-mes!
“gents for B.E.A.
and at;
VALE-I-TA, Cable
Independent contnantec
December. 1960
95 years afloat
‘ONE OF FIRST IRON.CLADS BEING BROKEN UP llli departure to the shipbreakers at the entl of September of :tn old coalhulk frotn Slteernes-. would not appear to merit :tn_\' rncutinrt. but in fact it brings to an etid a recurtl of 95 _\'cars' service afloat. The slr-.1hl)_v old l1ulls~ with its array of six antiquated steam cranes nlrich has lain in the .\letlna_v. ' for SI years was once ll..\l.5. Agincourt. one ol the tin! of our ironclatls. llcr service started before steam had oustetl sail in tlte British b'.:ttle fleet and it now ends in a year which sees the launching of the lirst nuclear-propelled submarine. l.aitl down in :1 dry dock by |.:iirtls fortnight ol mast ltave been the the Board of at Birkettltcatl in |ts‘t1l under the ill- only period when fated name of Captain. which was Atlmirzilty took csccutivc coinmand of did not appear changed very soon after to Agiitcottrt. a tiect. This innovation she was floated otit in l.\'(tS and com- to give s:ttisf:tctitm to all contemporary pleted in 1868. She and her sister ships observers. _slte ln I87! was nearly lost by Minotaur and Nortltutnberland were the biggest ships in the British battle- grounding hard on the Pearl Rock. flcct at the time and the largest single- west of (iibraltar. After three days H.M.S. Tiger leasing Malta for the United Kingtlout after an eventful year in the Mediterrztncan scrcw lighting strips ever built. They work to lighten her of all her guns and were also the only ones to be rigged movable weights. the combined pull with live masts. She was iron-hullcd of all the available tugs :1nd of the witlt a displacement of l0.(i‘)ll tons’. llerculcs got her otl to the cheers of length -300 feet. beam 59!. feet atttl a the fleet. She returned home for dockload draught of 27 feet. She was no ing untlcr her own steam. GOOD WORKS bow. her of After ram as a account spell Flttgsltip on two-_vear beauty. Throughout this period the ship's Channel the astern. vertical of complete Sqttatlron while the almost company has collected nearly £275 to absence of sheer and tl.1t wall-like sides. .\linotaur was refitting. she w:ts represented to the Guide l)og for the be but below the water-line her lines were tittctl herself and irt- I877 she was lihntl .-\s.soeialion. A dog called Tiger very line and she had the reputation of cornntisaonetl as the second flagship has been trainetl and was brought on bcinga steady gtut platform aml a most in the Mctlitcrrauean antl took part in board with its blind owner on Novemexcellent sea-boat. Tltis. however. did the demonstration iii the Dardanelles H.M.S. R. E. October ll. llutchins. l).'s‘.(.'.. Royal her 2. when Captain llutchins preTiger (Captain not prevent her being unhandy under i11 I878 which sobered Russian policy Navy) left Malta for the last little before returning to the United Kingdom. scaled the cheque to the Association. Berlin the led and tuunanageable to and virtu:tlly Congress. steam after a year's service in the Mediterranean Fleet. Her last task in the Mediter. This money will have paid for the dog. under sail. ranean was to he the flagship of Rear-Adiniratl D. I’. l)re_ver. C.B.. C.B-I-2.. and the training ot' both dog and IIARBOUR Sl'ZR\'|(.'l-I |).S.C.. Flag Ollicer Flotillas. Mediterranean. while he conducted a Joint owner. and ensures free veterinary A PIG TO IIA\‘I)l.l-I followed another ll years as I-Isereise with ships of the Spanish Nat-y. As well as destroyers. frigates and treatment for life. Unused foreign There well breeze with :1 Except strong submarines of the British and Spanish Navies. aircraft of the Royal Air Force. coins. sweepstakes and sustained perthe Channel in second Squad flagship refused she to beam. answer abaft the Fleet Air Arm and Spanish Air Force took part. After the exercise. H.M.S. sonal generosity on the part of the Jubilee in the took She ron. part and the her helm under sail alone that was the end Tiger met ll.M..'s‘. Bennuda. which is taking her place in the Mettiterranean ship's company have been the major best speed she ever reached tvithout Review of I887 and Fleet. at Gibraltar. ‘sources of this charity. which has of a l-t-year partnership with her elder under half knots and nine a steam was Since leaving Portsmoutlt on was present at Naples o here the Olym- arousctl keen interest on board. Minotaur. She was relegated to plain sail and port stunsails. lt was not sister Tiger has entertained Italian. CorsiI88‘) and relitted as November 27. 195‘). Tiger has been the pic sailing regatta took place. Some of ttntil the latter part of her active career harbour service in for service first at Flagship of the Flag Ollicer Flotillas. the ship's company managed to join can. Spanish and (ireek children front ship that she was titted witlt :1 steam a trainingthen British antl (‘ommonwealth poor homes and orphanages and a at Portland and finally .\|cditerranean. many ('hatliam. fourand until then a steering engine. task of showing spectators at the Olympic .-‘tthletics in travelling concert party under Sailthe of A her changed Harwich. name large being part at fold wheel, mztnncd sutlicicntly for and (ianges ll as she the tl:1g at foreign ports fell upon Rome and were lucky enough to watch makcr ()uinncll. with members of the the weather conditions. was the only to Hoscawctt Ill to place. .-‘\s (‘ranges Tiger's Royal i\l:trine band and detach- the great day when two track cu,-nts Royal .\tarinc lland. has also visited from moved place she her. of Certainly means steering three masts and single ntettt. who beat retreat :tt many of the in succession were won by New many hospitals for spastics in foreign she had ll only of bit handle: to a pig must ltave been a countries. for the exercise of ports visited and gave one of tltcir best Zealand. l0.000 tons with hand steering is no lore and mainyartls the boys. bttt she retained her two performances when a combined band trials out When turning carrying joke. from Tiger :1ntl Ark Royal played at ||flt.lL‘l' steam. her sister ship is recorded funnels. l)ay at the Barcelona Trade Finally plans were drawn up in I908 ltritish as having required I8 men on the wheel Fair. in June. ltltutl. and ()0 more on tiller-tackles to get for her conversion to :1 coal hulk and When Tiger was at Menton she was the rudder over to 25 degrees :tt full the work was done at Chatham. The the first‘unit of the British armed out been recently have dug drawings power tl-I knots). services to salute the birth of Prince ller armament comprised 28 muzzle- and show the armour to be removed .-\ndrew. Within an hour of the news from her sides. her decks to be stripped loading rifled guns. two ninc~inch and out antl bulkheads reduced to form being broadcast over the B.B.('.. :1 2|It .sevcn~inclt on each broadside. with l0.000 tons of gun salute cchoetl around one p:1rt of holds vast lotir slowing forethe under a se\'en~inch chase-gttn the (‘ole d‘.-\/ur. rs-. coal. castle :1nd another under the poop. On .-\ugust lo. l‘).'0. Tiger attended to Sheershe went conversion. .-\ftcr ironan was teeouieally Aginconrt lllllirbll the I-ltlt annivcr.s':try of the Allied built irotIcl:1d. l-ler armour. live and :1 ness amt there she has lain ever since Invasion of the South of France at ball" inches thick at the beam and with three anchors out forward and Theoule. and later during that month tapering to tour and a half inches at three aft. the ends. was laid on a leak backing _S(?RA!' \'Al.l.'l-‘. mussels revealed when she docked. nine inches thick which in turn was liuilt at :1 cost of II-t5‘).0t)t). relitted In this halt" century. the only trip she secured to hull plating live-eigltths of took was to (‘hatham. where she nine years later at £77.000 and conan inch thick. Her first task after completion was docked in I922. 'l‘h-.: young constructor verted_ to a training ship at a cost of the unusual orte. for a battleship. of, in charge of lter docking. who retired 1143.000 and a coal hulk after 4| years towing a floating dock to .\ladeir:t on as general manager of the yard this service at £3-3.000. she has now fetched the first leg ot its long h:1ul to Her- ye:1r. tsellremcmbcrs the smell arising over £50,000 as scrap. She has served J. Y. T. muda. ltl this she was helped by her from the growth of seaweed and well. ‘
H.M.S. Tiger returns after in the Mediterranean
Hllitl till“ll
arrival. Buy a new Hitlman. Humbcr. Sunbeam now from E.l"l.A. Ltd. Portsmouth. It yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export schemtsyou buy at export prices. Lct E.M.A. make all the arrangements-—export formalities. insurance. shipping. everything. Calt at our showroom or write to us to~day—your car can be on its way tomorrow; or waiting for you when you dock! Or II. can be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you sail. Wherever
ex Ganges ll. ex Boscawen Ill. ex H.M.S. Agincourt—-one of the first irunelads sister ship Northumberland and she. carried 500 tons of coal in bags on the l upper deck to supplement her bunkers. l The low. in tandem. witlt .-\gineourt in the lead took ll days and is described NEW and revised -dition of "The \\’orld'.s Warships" by R. V. B. Blaclmtau. as tmeventfttl. llow the qtiatrtcrtuasters A.M.l.N.A.. A.|.-.\ ar.l<Z.. the editor of that incomparable book of the navies in charge of the hand-steering parties of the world. Jane's l-‘fighting Ships. has been published. described it is not recorded. ('ontaining ll‘) photographs of the arrangement of ships is by categories. l-'l.A(;Sllll' world's warships. this new edition: .\lr. lllackman has brought to this ‘ we have Agineourt was then commissioned (Macdonaltl S: ('o. list.) will give edition all thein knowledge J:tne‘s and whilst the to expect as the tlagship of the second-in-eonr enormous pleasure and interest -and come mand of the (‘hannel Squadron and up-to-date knowledge to all those in- pltotographs will appc:1l to everyone. .the keen student of naval atl:1irs will while wearing tlte flag of Rear-:\dmiral terested in naval ships. the book invaluable. Over L800 Astlcy ('ooper Key. the great uncle -All the aircraft carriers. battleships. tind of the wife of the present Admiral battle cruisers. guided-missile ships. ships are named in the book which has frigates and sub~ :1 coIouretl_ photograph of U.S.S. Snperintcntlcnt of ('hatltam Dockyard. cruisers. destroyers. lirst atomicshe entbarkcd the ltoartl of Admiralty marines ot the principal m.u'itim-cl Nautilus. the world's AYCH.-\RBEE and hoisted the .-\dmiralty Flag for a powers are fully described and tl1.:tpowcrcd submarine.
Coal hulk (TI09.
you're gong
nee.t :1 car on
€appr'£s”_wonLn-wtnE-ovensrtts DELIVERY. PLA
December, 1960
Past and Future
between 9
for service associations to fade away through deaths. he was coiilident that the Royal Naval Association would not fade away. as it was being constantly renewed by people leaving the service.
3)): mill reiimiititr tlmn
.Whercver you go you'll be proud to own a Ronson. Each lighter is precisioii-engiiiecred and handsomely finished. Choose your Ronson from the wide range at. the N.-KAI-‘I. _.
i =.
ll-'orld's greatest a mi shcwcrs Edit. 30...
IIRI-Il-I llai: olliccrs attended the annual dinner of the Cape 'l'own branch iif the Royal l\'aval Association on October 26. The function was. possibly. unique in that it was held on board a merchant vessel. R..\l.S. Edinburgh Castle. riding snugly at her berth at (‘ape Town. The flag olliccrs were Admiral Sir llerbert Packer. ls'.C.ll.. (‘ Vice.-\dmiral Sir Dymock \\'atson. K.('.li.. ('.li.lZ.. and the (‘Incl of Naval Stall of the South African Navy. RearAilmiral II. II. llicrinann. S.S..-\.. (Hi.If. Ill’ Newton Abbot branch of the Upporliiiiity was taken at this Royal Naval Association held its lralalear dinner to say farewell to the bi'anch's president the ('oininaiider- animal (‘hristinas l-'ayre on .-November .n.( )H,_-;'‘ 5-ml}, ,\j|;mm_- and South I I‘) and it was very well attended by .-\incric;i Station. \'iec-Atliiiirzil \\":it-5 ziicinbers and fricittls. l The cveiil was opened by .\lrs. W. R. son -who is returning to the United (iilbcrt. who was introduced by the Kiiigdoiii. The occasion was the very tirst func- president of the branch. (';ipt. Ii. C. tion whcn all ex otlieio V.I.l’.s. were l‘enton. R.N. lRttl.). .-\l'terw'.irds' Mrs‘. in attendance at the same time and (iilbert was :iceomp;inictl round the the lirst occasion when the (‘om- "I-‘a_vre" by Mrs. M. Mills. chairman mzinders-in-(‘liief of the Royal Navy of the Ladies‘ committee which and South African Navy were togcllicr organised the event. ('apt. and Mrs. Iicnton. Reverend (i. J. (‘lapp. the at one ol the Association dinners. Several memb-ers of the branch were branch padre. and .\Ir. W. (i. l.angprivileged to go to sea for the day in ridge. eliairman of the branch. Various functions have been well H.i\l.S. Puma or the South African Navy frigate S.A.S. Vrystaat during attended since the opening of the social Lsercisc “Capex." The shipmatcs coit- season last September and the branch sidcred the day at sea a worth-while. Standartl (Standard Bearer Shipmate instructive and inost enjoyable outing. R. l)o|bear) has been in evidence on and an eye-opener as to the modern several occasions including the Tordevelopments which liave taken place quay l’cs‘Iiv:ilof Rcinenibrancc and the .sincc the members were at sea during Newton Abbot Remembrance Sunday .\lenioria| Service and Parade. and. of the Second World War. The (‘ape Town branch is at present course. the Annual Reunion of the when a making its final arrangements tor the Association at l-'estiva| llallmade the annual (Ihurch Parade and is also coach load of sliipmates gathering together the "loose ciids" trip. branch is The looking forward to for the annual dance which is being December and in organised with the local branch of the more activities January. the chief of these being the R.A.l-'. Association. NAVY Ni~:\v.s is asked to convey the trip to Plymouth on December I0. the and New Year good wishes oi‘ the Cape Town combined Christmas branches to all other branches of the Party on Jaiuiary 7 and the children's p:irt_v on January I-l. I
The tncrpi-usti'c Rnnsoii Cmm -it'll}: or tl'i‘U:0lil a a':':idsIi.-'e!d'
(Cdr. oit'.R.M.S.
Social activities at Newton Abbot
I':IIlltsi 1
Portsmouth Dinner
Left to right: Shipmate G. lladdon (secretary). Capt. Lloyd Edinburgh Castle). Vice-Admiral Sir Dymoek Watson (President Cape Town branch. R.N. Association). Rear-Admiral ll. ll. Biermann. S.A.‘l.. Admiral Sir Herbert Packer. Shipmate G. Ludvigson and Shipmate G. Andrew (Chairman Cape Town branch. R.N. Association). (l’lioto.—(.‘apeArgus.)
‘|ll.A('K Il().\'l-IS‘ Although some groan about the Navy and "flog the cat" whilst serving. there is no doubt that departure front the service leaves a great gap and this gap the Association tills. enabling at ex-Service men to meet the young servlIl<’.Rl-'. is‘ soinething about an annual dinner which delies ilescription. There ing man and to had out what is liapis El feeling of lrappiness which envelopes everyone. calls forth it smile. a pening in the Royal Navy today. “It happy not]. a cheerful greeting and brings everyone into a circle of good enables one to tell those somewhat tinfellowship. And when the dinner is a Royal Naval Association aliair this truthful stories of the past to the young ones and to tell them how we lived feeling of coinradeship is even more apparent. And so it was on Friday. Novem-l (ieorge V Fiind for Sailors was well before the day of the black boxc.s." "'l1ie'A,ssociation is an invaluable ber 13. when about 280 members off known in the port. ('dr. Knight. eoiiithe Portsinoiitli branch of the Royal; mantling olliecr of lI.i\l.S. Wakeful link between the past we knew and Naval Association and their friends-‘ iwhom the vice-president hoped to the future the young are entering." held their aiiiiiial dinner. I think make a shipmatc before the evening. he said. "Tlie olil iines can learn of the difliculties the _\’tIttlI;:sl(‘l's in the c\'cr_voiie picsent wotild agiee that it cndeill. Siipcrintcnding Nursing Sisters 3 (‘ollins and l"ry. Mr. and Mrs". l.itlille. was "a ically ltappy patty." Navy I':ice—-the fantastic amount of the Siipcriiiteiidcnt and I.ady SuperinThe guest of honour was the knowledge they have to absorb it mander-in-( hicl. Portsmoiitli. r\dinira| iendent ol’ the RN. and R..\I. they are to reach the senior (‘hildrcn's lloine. .\Ir. Lciinos. the and ratings of the service." Sir .\Ianle_v Power. The president of the hrancli. ('apt. Siiperiiitendiiig I’.lcetrica| l-Engineer of As an example ol what he meant (i. (X ('olville. after ;i most splendid‘ lI..\l. Dockyard. and members‘ from Admiral Power said that -$6 _vear.s ago diniier (how do people manage to; other branches and kindred associa- be accompanied his mother when she dance after such a dinner‘.’). proposed iions. visited Birkenhcad to laui'ich the In thanking l.ieiit.-('dr. Noble for cruiser Caroline. The the I.o_val Toast after reading telegrams building of such his welcome the (‘oinmander-in-(‘liicf :i to and from Her Majesty. ship in those days was a comparafelt that it was hardly appropriate that tively simple matter. From the laying Sll|PMA'I'E ADMIRAL he slioiild reply for the giiests. for the of the keel plate to cominissioning for l.icut.-(‘dr. Noble. vice-president. proposer of the toast was quite correct trials took ll months. welcomed the guests. and. disdaining in referring. to him as "Sliipmate" He went on to say that it was still the use of a microphone in a voice Admiral. as he was a member of the a comparatively easy matter to build w-liich the Commander-in-Chief said'l"-3"‘-“'1'-‘lllllht”-||1~‘lL a hull of the size of the Caroline in II later could have been used at a time months. but the mechanism. the "black OLD AND SPRIGIITLY when in_ast.s. sails :ind yards were the boxes" which had to be dealt with. the order ol the day. set the seal on the himself a "reasonably electric cables which needed individual Calling -‘l”*'L‘¢l‘°‘bl‘ T°l.5‘"'l"E'- l0 “W Chi‘-‘T SW35‘ modern Admiral" he did not disdain attention. took much longer. There is as "Sbipmatc" Admiral. such a degree of complication that a the use of the “mikc." The other otlicial guests were “It was comforting." he said. "to see thorough knowledge of their subject the (wife of (:tlll’lt'l1iI|l(lL'l‘-'|ll' l’ov_u.e_r so many of the 800 odd members of was imperative in the young man the work whose tor (‘hict). King the Portsmouth branch present." and today. looking around the room he mentioned WOR'l'll\' SL’C('l-ZSSORS the fact that the membership was not In olfering his congratulaiioiis to the coiiliiied to the “old attd bold." ‘There are a number of young and sprightly branch for such a large and enmembership. and. on behalf Shipnuite D. Lowry. a member chaps.“ aitd. referring to the oldest thusiastic member of the Portsmouth branch. of all the giiests. thanking the branch of Belfast branch. for its excellent dinner. the ComShipniate Harry N. Burr. a mem- Shipmatc Richardson. a mere 95 or mander-in-Chicf said that "the naval so. "there are a number of old mid ber of llerts branch. man of today is doing a jolly good job Sliipmate Joe Way—u member of sprightly ones too." Admiral Power mentioned that of work and is a worthy .~.ueee.s.sor to I’ortland branch. although it was a fairly common thing the old and bold." Mr. J. R. Liddle. the Superintendent of the (.'hildren'.s llome. thanked the .h:branch for the very great interest it took in the Home. llc iiistanccd the to gifts of stamps for the philatclists in the home. gills of lircworks and cakes. write home about! the parties for the children and the arrangements for three of the boys to spend a week in I-‘oudroyant. The cost was seven guincas a week and each boy was given a pound spending money the moment he stepped on board the ship. These tangible expressions of good will to the Cliildren‘.s Home from the
Nearly 300
Portland thanks R.N.B.T.
l-Il-'0Rl-I giving news of the Portland branch of the Royal Naval Associatioii the chairman of the branch writes: "I would like to comment on the I-Itliturial in the November issue re the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust. As eliairman and welfare oflicer for dries on her ship sides Portland will the four years the branch has been in be pulling alongside to assist in maineominission. it has not only fallen to taining that spirit of comradesliip which always i.‘.\l\ls among iucn of my lot to seek advice on w-elfare mat- the sea. tcrs but also to ask for li_na_neia| s_upIn sending greetings to all branches port on more cases than it is possible the Portland reporter states that the Portsmouth branch of the Association to mention. and I can assure you all reminded him of “In as much as ye the cases have bad sympathetic con- dance committee is working really have done this to the least of one of sideration and immediate action ta_k_en. hard to make the Christmas dinner and these. ye have done it unto Me." I have had the pleasure of visiting dance to be held on December I6 the the head ofticc at Portsmouth_ and the biggest possible success. Shipmates ONE 0l<'_'l'lll-I Bl-EST welcome and courtesy I received was in the area know full well how PortThe chairman of the branch. Ship- an education. Each case was well and land looks after its guests and the mzitc L. Bniy. reviewed the work of the ellieiently dealt with :ind it did not members promise a real night out to branch saying that the aImoner's work. matter whether the appeal was for sliipmalcs and their wives who let the the interest in the (‘hildren'.s Home. the serving or ex-serving people. secretary know they are coming. continuance of good fcllowsliip and I would like to say. publicly‘. comradesliip. would go on and on. thank you. the Royal Naval ll»eni.~vo. I-le concluded by paying the apprelent Tnist. for all you do to u\si\| ciation of the branch to its president. our Association in striving to do Capt. Colvillc. saying he was “one of what it .stands for." the best." The local Stiiiulziril has been seen at Willi old-world courtesy Shipmate the llattle of Britain Sunday Parade. lll-I 'I'niro branch of the Royal Power R. Richardson presented Lady l'\'aval Association had every reason at the Aiiiiiial Reunion :ind at the with a bouquet as a token of tlianks Reniembrance Sunday Parade. Ship- to ".spliee the main brace" recently. for the way in which she works for inate l)ave Jones being the Standanl The iiiemht-rs were honoured to naval families. Bearer. receive a visit from the First Sea Lord. This grand occ;i.sioti concluded with The shipniates who went to the Admiral Sir Caspar John. a dance which went on until the wee Parade and Reunion thought it was an The First Sea l.ord was welcomed sin:i' hours and which was tliorouglily iniprovemcut all round. but the at the branch's headquarters. the enjoyed by everyone. Association still lacks the publicity it Swan Hotel. Truro. by one of the deserves when one sees the amount of branch vice-presideiiis. Shipmate P. J. time and work it must take to make Albon. The Commander-in-Chief. Ports- the‘turn-out siicb a success. The branch president. Shipmatc mouth. Admiral Sir Manley Power. Lieut.-Cdr. ll. E. Penrose. thanked the CllU.\l:\l\' SHIP himself a stibinariiier. was among the First Sea Lord for his. visit and sigThe \\’eyinouth branch has just nalled "splice the main brace." which guests at tlie-annual dinnei of the Sub0I_d (.'omrades' Association at ,cominissioiicd and I‘oi'tl:md now has was followed by an evening of coni marine ...,.£‘ Portsniouth on .\'ot.-nil~:r I9. , a real "ehunimy ship." Wlicn the paint I viviality.
December. I960
City’s Trafalgar Ball’...
a great success i
OPEN-AIR CHRISTMAS PARTY The branch Christmas party will be {held on December l7. Open :iir as lll". ’l'rat'aIgar Brill of the Johan- :l.l\'ll£ll-"tI.l‘l(.l fancy dress. The "latinty" nesburg braitch of the Royal Naval ‘has once again put his residence all Association. held on tlctober 21. was 'tlic disposal of the members. ; hand. An excellent :t great success. lligli-li_elit of the evening will be the cabaret. good food. and ver_v good I finals of the “Uclscrs contest." Followcntnpany made it a wontlcrful even- ing this will be a cabaret (the br:inc|i's iiig. own cart-can group) tnatle up of three lost to make the Scots present ‘slllhtllziltls and three sliipniates. lioincsick a piper played appropriate l loliann-:sbiirg‘s ehiiiiimy ship is the rsliabani branch in Rhodesia. Already airs. The ballroom was tlL3Ct.’.tlL‘Ll with_ shipmatcs have tr:ivc||ed from Sliabani. (‘oriiritoiiw-cziltli flags. and the centre and recetitl_v the hr:incli "scribes." piece was a inasl (copied from the mast Sliipniate Iiyres and Shipniaid Eyre: at ll,.\l.S. (ianges) flying Nelson's paid a return visit to the Shabani fzrnious signal. The “skipp-.-r" and braitch tlance. Distance just ti few "p.iyboh" made the inast :irid "Ship- hundred miles! in-.iids llarker and Parker spent iiiaiiy iltl'.ll's' iii.r7-tin". the s:l‘::tll llzigs out ol huutiiig. the flags being iniuiattircs ol the I'L'£ll tines. V \ I Iilie parade and church service was held on October 23. over a I00 esThe Mayor and r\layoress of llnngur the R.-N.A. at a coffee party. Seated from left: A. E. Greeiilielil. Service inert and women being on = cliairiiian of Ladies‘ Conintittee: Mrs. Valentine. the .\Iayoress; the Mayor (Aldennaii C. A. Valeiiliiiel: Mrs. I-'. parade. l.ed by the Sea (‘adct Band Lot.-an. Ladies‘ president: and Mrs. J. Nonnan (secretary/treasurer Liidies‘ Coitititittcel. Sliintliiig l'roiii left: and Sea (‘adet (iiiard of llonotir. the Councillor Mrs. A. Levine. Mrs. Tunnicliffe, Shipnintc W. W. Tunnlclitfe. Shipmate 1-‘rank Coldstein (t.lub presiIi Area of the Royal tnarcli tliioiigh the streets in the evcii- I dent). Sliipniatc B. E. Cook (branch honorary secretary): Shipmate E. J. Rohu (area honorary secrclanl. Naval Association. which (‘oven show. It is‘ hoped to Want ick.-shire. Statl‘ordsIiire.Nortbant.s. ing was quite :i (l’hoto.— G. H. Piddnck. Bangor) make this an aiiiiii:il parade. isbmpshire. Leicester and Rutliind. gained at new branch during the latter (end of the summer. On August 23 Pctcrborotigh branch was formed. the president being Counlcillor Cross. vice-president. Mr. OR nearly the whole of the Herts I I-'owler. chairman. Shipmzite A. (i. Shipniate R. secretary. branch of the Royal Naval Asso- l Blows, ciation‘s 22 years. its headquarters have f Benistoii and treasurer. Shipniaie been the White Hart Hotel. Ilertford. l (iarbett. The branch has startci.l oil on a lirnt and recently Mr. Claude Watson. “mine host" for tti:in_\' years. who has‘ footing with 33 paid-up nicinbers and 0.‘\'\’I’A:\'l)\’. Glamorgan, where rentlcretl great service not only to the secretary is certain that this figure once the King's uniform was at be will iiicrcased in a considerably the Ili.-rts liraiiclt but also to Royal very short 11"‘!!!-‘l l'0r abuse and defiance of of time. space Naval Association. retired. aulliority. was the scene of the olliclal The .‘\'atioii;il ('oiincil .\lenibcr. : CRINC the of ll.M.S. visit in to three-day Tyne Bangor. County l)o\\n. Opening of The Rliondda llraneh To mark their appreciation of his ‘Shipinatc (3. IE. Young. attended the October the Bangor Branch of the Royal Naval Association welcoined the (lull and Institute on Oetolier oiitstaiidiiig service to the branch the inaugiiral niectiiig which took place at sailors their Club. to Mountbatten House. headquarters and iiienibers of llerts braiiclt exteiidetl _the Haig Memorial Hall and was Rear-.-\dntiral St. (3. A. Mickiehonor;ir_v metnbersliip to r\lr. Watson ;attciidcd by a large gathering of prosNearly one liiindrctl of the ship's i Royal Siisscx Regiment :tnd Mrs. thwait and presented .\lrs. Watson with a ‘pcctivc shiptitatcs together with their company were entertained on October 'l)ixon were also present. pcrfornicd the opening cereH to a social cvctiing. for which the Royal r\'aval (‘rowii brooch. A large ‘wives’ and frient.|s. The Bangor branch are very proud tll'lUl‘l_\'. after inspecting a guard of l from ll.M.S. Canibrai tinder iniister of sliipntates and their ladies I said that the es- ‘l.adics" (‘oniiiiittcc had provided ait f to have received a framed pliotograph ghonotir Shipniatc Young attended the social evening. held dtir~ i ccllciit atlctidaitcc augtircd well for the ample supply of retrcstinicnts. A ship's ;of_ lt.l\_t..'s'. ‘Tyne from Capt. Roe. and -the command of Lieut.-(.'dr. P. ing ()ctobcr. to offer their felicitatioiis fiittire of the new branch. Wishing the plaque was presented to the branch by }ll'II\ will juitl the ship's plaque in Hurley. R.N.R. On completion of the opening to Mr. and Mrs. Watson. t.\laster-at-Arms‘ ('liilds on behalf of 1 .\loiintbatteti House. fledgling a long and happy conirnission t the fornialitics. Rear-Adiniral Mickieship in appreciation of the facili- MAYORESS ()l’I-INS C0!-‘l-‘I-III The branch regrets to report the he reminded nienibers that the aitii of thwait made a brief. witty speech and death of one of its oldest members the Associatioii was to carry on the ties provided for the ship's company. PARTY he was follow ed by Cotiiniaiider Elwyn Shipniatc Harry N. Btirr at the age ..spirit of coriiradcship they had found Capt. R. E. Roe. the Commanding The Mayor and Mayoress of Ban- Williams. branch president. The of 80. During the South African War ldtiring their service life. and also to Olliccr. aecompatiicd by five other l)cpiity Mayor of Rhondda. Counhe served with the Naval Brigade. ,g_or tAldi:rnian :ind Mrs. C. A. Valen- icillor ;hclp other less fortunate ex-.servicc ollicers‘. inspected the branch premises l.. Davies. and Mr. I. Tliomas. on Siindav morning. Two of the tina‘) were guests at a siiecesst'iil cotlee 5 Arraiigcmeiiis are in liand for :i personnel. .\l.l’. for Rhoiidda West also spoke of The meeting was followed by .i branch otlicials. lictit. W. l.. Irwin. "party held by the Ladies‘ (‘oniinittec l "the ('|iristiii:is ha/.i:ir and an "Old Time" valleys" association with the sea. dance. and the Shire Hall at llertford happy social evening which R..\l.. and (dr. J. A. ('r;iwford. R.r\'.. ‘of the Royal Naval .-'\s‘sociation [Ban- ! .\lr. Bryn Davies. .l.l’.. local has been booked for Satiirday. l"cb- ;‘ tlio_r‘oiigltlv ciijo_\cd by :ill present and and their wi\c_s_. joined ('apt. Roe on gor Braiichl in .\loiiiitbatten House on .‘Stipcndiar_v. congratulatr.~d the branch October 33. ruary lb‘. when the branch will be which ll is hoped will be the fore-.boai’d ll..\l.S. l_\'llc tor lunch on Sting The .\l;i_vorcss was received by Mr. on their progress and stated that "The .day. The (‘oiiimandiiig Olliccr of the Frank holding its iic.\t really big luiiction. lrtinncr of inaiiy such occ:i.sioiis. (ioldstciii. club president: Ship- Rhondda has .scl a very high .standard inatc ll IE. Cook. hon. secretary: and of behaviour in its clubs -Admiral two ollicers of the Ladies‘ Conimittce. Micklcthwait has opened this club .\lrs. .-\.,(irccnlicld and .\lrs. I. Nor- today. Don't let me. as chairuiati of the bench. have to close it at a ftitiire man. The Mayoress said the Royal r\'av:il t.l£tlC." Association was an excellent org:ini.s:i- The branch padre also spoke of how l British The Indian Naval SerLegion. tiori and they did a lot of very good he would like to see a nitrch closer * vice was also represented. work. ('apt. Roe. of H..\l.S. Tyne. had liaison betwceii the Church and the During the cvcniiig the company was itold her that he ind his men appre- R.N.A. entcrtaiiictl in story and song by ciated all the facilities which had been ()ii completion of the speeches. the .\lessrs. A. I).-nipster. J. Miller. 1- ‘. provided for them. gticsts--who iiicliidcd Captain A. P. Tlioiupson. .-\. Killcii. T. Wilson and In declaring the coffee party open .-\t\\ill.('.B.I£.. R.N.. l.ietit.-Cdr. Owen. B. (iraliztin. asked everyone to give of their R.N.R.. l.iciit.-(Tdr. lliirlcy. R.r\'.R.. [she The :inniial 'l‘rat'alg;ir l’ar- dc gave >iitmost in support of the llranch ilie Deputy Mayorcss of Rliondda. Ill’. guest of ltonoiir at the itnnual tliniier of the Belfast hranclt of the Royal the public an opportunity it see up; i_llericvolent Fund. The r\l:iyorcss was .\lrs. l.. Jones. the Deputy Town Clerk. 4 was Cziptain The Earl of_ Rodeo. cu-L-ngi|1 Hf [he 1;¢|f;M hmm-|,; and presented with a bouquet by Shipiiiatc .\lr. N. TiltI.'ll:l\. in addition to all Niiviil Association held on t those previoiisly ineiitioncil. r\li'. E. RN. tReItl.). As it was his first visit to Belfast since he became president of up-;.in on i{._-.m-misr;,,,L-.; 5m,d;,y mu I-"raid; (ioldsicin. fell that the the Belfast occasion privileged Ihe Neivttiwniirtls branch. hi-aiicli led by the Ormcan ntilitar_v shipnnites The sum or’ £36 was raised on behalf Woods‘. Prcsitlciit. Ticorcliy R.z\.l7.:\.. front all the over area. band presented a line iippearancc. of their dinner enabled hint to nit.-i.-t so niany shipniates of the Benevolent liiiiid. The Ladies‘ and rcprcsetilativcs‘ from l’onillanAt both of these parades the Area ("omiiiittcc were congrattilatcd on this -frailh aitd Aberdatc lliances of the The “Ards" sliipinatcs are to be con- 1.-\ssociation. Major Oliver. cx-(iiirkha ciitcrt;iin.:d to high ,3.-;,iu1;.ic(1_ for it is felt that their new’ Rifles‘. replied to the toast of "Our 5 Standard was in the van»— Shipmatc aeliicvcmcnt by the bnincli lionorary l/\ssoci:ition—-were in the Pandy Hotel. president will prove a tower of strength (iiiests‘' proposed by Shipmate Max-' Barlow. Bangor branch. being Area (secretary. Sliipmate ll. E. Cook. who teaOctober 22. I960—a proud day for well. Standard Bearer. Area and Belfast ship- also thanked the r\I;i_vor and Mayoress to the Irish area. Major Oliver. in a reminiscent mood. ' mates also participatetl in the wreath- for coming along. "The branch were Rhondda and Tonypand '~—a countryCdr. L. W. ll. Taylor. who was in Welsh istory and so accompanied by Cdr. Baird. apologised related his experiences with the Royal laying ceremony on Sunday morning. very privileged." he said. "that they side so steeped for the absence of the Senior Naval Navy during the Burina campaigii. H" . again enjoying the hospitality of the were able to attend in view of the proud of its rising sorts who have Ollieer. Northern Ireland. who was amazing interpretations of terms in the l.ord Mayor. many commilineitts the .\layor and brought a perpetual memory of The Royal Navy to the coinniniiity. Preparations are in hand for the Mayorcss had." attending the Belfast Master .\‘l;iriners' naval vocabulary had those present dinner that evening. holding their sides. and he wound tip children's party which again will be In proposing the toast of the Royal ‘I, .\aval .-\ssoci:itioii. (‘dr. Taylor held v everyoiie‘-. attention with 'a sttccinct account of life in the Royal Navy III‘) Trafalgar Day dance is now today. I EN iiit.-inhi.-rs antl their iiivcs of I (‘aptain the Fort ol Roden aptly past history of the .\'t-“castle antl the Beer liratich of the Royal Ntiial (Litcshead hraiicli of the Royal Naval responded and sltipinritcs were very .~\s'stJt.‘l:llit)tI had :I long journey on \\ll:|l history! pleas'cd and licarteiicd to hear that '.lie .-\\\‘t)L'l:llit)n—‘l|Ill There were IlL':lI'l_\' Ztltt present and Ilctoher 29 but front all accounts the speaker hopes to tncct all branches lrcqiiently. lliifortiiiiatcly he was .the general coinnient"\\' a trip was very well worth while. and that night L‘I‘t\s'\lIl_L! to linglziiid The west country braiich was guest good show." Belfast the but could not stay long. The big event of the evening was the of the West Ham brancli and the the for iiieirib.-rs thank him attending "Miss; r\‘cptiine" contest. A panel of visitors were very appreciative of the have dinner and hope that he will incltiding the chief giiests (Cap- line tirrangcnieiits that "were tirade. judges tain and Miss Rcnwick). .\liss l);ivics from the time the West Ilaiii secretary many more "full" evenings with them, Cdr. I). Miirison. R.N.. who Lieut. R. D. la former .\liss Neptiiiiel. the chair- met the Beer contingent :it Victoria R.N.R. the Earl of Rolston, (vice-president). Captain apologised for the absence of Capt. Ra (ret.). Lieut. C. A. “axivell. R.N. (ret.). Cdr. I.. W. H. Taylor. R.N. man‘s wife (.\lrs. R. Finch). the secre- Coach station right through to the end J. Roberts. R.N.A.Yd. Sydcnham. a teen- of the evening. Sea Eagle). Cdr. I). G. Morison. RN. tR.N.A.Y. S_vdenham) and t:ir_v's' wife (.\lrs. A. Tliirlwell). (Il.\l.S. llclfast of “The the toast proposed All the Beer mcnibcrs wisli to express ager. and a sc’ 'ing Petty Ollicer all Lieut.-Cdr. R.N.R. A. Gleiid R.l).. Portadown (President. branch). inning. tlraneh." I-lis iiiforinativc and witty cllttsc .\lrs. Slicila Macfadycn as the their thanks not only to the West llziin Belfast.) Craig. (l’hoto.-George had sliipmatcs rocking. winner. members but also to the West Ham speech l.ieut. I). the held board R. In his reply Sliipmate ll..\l.S. "('aro|ine" by on spccclics aniidst thiintlcrotis Captain Renwick presented the .ltidics‘ who itt:ide siicli excellent caterI dcRolston. R.N.R. (vice-presiilctit). applaiise. courtesy of (‘apt. R. Robson. R_I).. Sash of lloiiotir and the pri/e and ring arrangenicnts. lti addition to sliipirizites lroin (‘oinriiaiitling Olliccr of Ulster l)ivi-‘ then claimed a kiss and a dance. clarctl that the "Silent Service" The fun oi‘ the evening will be long slioiiltl let the general public lsnon Bangor. .\‘c\stowii.'irds'. .\lid .'\Illl'ltll:Illtlsioii. R.N.R. Shipiuatcs Brig-.1 and ('oc verv ably -rcmcnibcrcd and apparciitly the “Sand mort: of its iicliieveittents. and ile- ll’ort:idowii. other guests incliidcd I lltc success of our dinner and tltc .conrliictcd the contest and altlioiigh .l);inec" and the "llallet" went down plorerl that the launching of I!..\l..'. jreprescntativcs from the Ro_(»;il two pziradcs is very largely due to the ; 's'hipin;itc l..icl».ford was seen w;ini'cr— 'wcll. too. I)re;idiioiiglt&'tliil not receive greater :Artillcry I\\‘\'tlCl(lllUll. Royal Ulster eiitltiisiasni oi the hon. secretary. illl'-1 illlllllltl with a tape rncasiirc. ltc _Beer will be lioltliifg its (’iii'istin.'is (Rules 0.('.:\.. Royal liiiiiskilliitgs T. llrown. :ind ll:ltasl sliipmatcs con- iwas not zrllt-\-.etl to nic.'is-.iic the vital dinner and ".siii-_.-~soiig:" on Decempublicity. lhc t.'ll'.tllt‘l‘.illl ot the llurnia Star |().C.z\.. and the Naval llrancli of the gratiilatc him on his line orgaitiszitton. r statistics. ber I6. -0 ~
R./V./l. Branch
formed at Peter/Jorouglz
Sbip’scompany entertained at
Naval Club MountbattenHouse First in South Wales
l1{i.\.A. _
The Royal Navy should have _
AT -
December. WM!
Admiralty were enough recruits
said not
getting quite
for tltc brattclt and in this connection he \ll}.'_L'cslL'tl those -present would make good recruiters. Illc said that tile adv.'ittc~.-mcttt prosot‘ the branch were \tI7ll‘.'\\'il1tl l)l-Il.lCllTl-‘lfl.e1'ening—a most 'p-.-ct; brighter and nc\t year lie antieip.:tcd tleliglttful evcnin::." wins up the that :ttl\':tllCL'lllL'tll\ in \’1tk‘.tllt.‘l‘.'\ would attnual dinner of the Royal Natal start again itt :1l| rates attd there would Writers‘ lit.-nevoli.-tit Association on be an end or the "tricl».le" adv;:ncc.\'o1'e1ttber 25 at which l-in writers and meat. es-writers 111.-re prest-nt—a record .I Mr. Tihhle respond.-d iii :1 number apart front the Dianimtd ‘mod awn ni: tnamier to the toast of Jubilee year. The .-\ssoei:1tion was “lhe (lid and 'l't".tst-:d \l:.'nb:r.." ll: found-.‘rl in I887 and is one of the lUIllL‘ti lit.‘ XL‘F\'Ix‘L' tit I93‘ .tl'ttl -MW oldest lower-deck associations. the lattnciting ltl ll.\l. l)t1:l.’y.xt'tl. Tlte chief guest was‘ Re;1r-:\t|.nir;1l of ll.\l.S. l):'e.1t!n~.-iiuht. (i. ll. Tcalc. (‘ltiet Stall (lllicer li-:«:o:ni-.1g the _vou1u_: st t.-‘ulministrationl on the stall of the L‘\'..'tliIl;tll)' memli.-r of I'm: ship. .\lr. Txhtile r.-— ('ontmander-itt-(‘lliet‘. Portsnioutlt. l.ntarl.~.-d upon lit: nu:nh:r ot _\'ottng The whole eventing was a splendid men present at the dinner. pointing one and tales trout 103:) to Not) w.-re ‘out that lillx a good omen tor the told. the changes in the service and :tuturc of theWits association. in a writer's work. the undiluted joy .\lr. Sltingler. .\lr. Wedge. .\lr. of meeting old triettds one ltadn't Shepherd and Mr. Summers also seen for a I2-month or more ---l met spoke. but speeches were kept short an old friend I hadn't seen for If» t.\lr. Shepherd's was l min. 43 see!) years--:1 lirst-class meal antid happy. so that the main business of the evensmiling faces. all combined to make ing. the meeting amt yarning with old the occasion a really memorable one. friends. was not interfered with. Mr. lvor Baker. chairman of the The Portsmouth ollicials arid the Portsmouth Branch of the Associa- Dinner Committee are to be contion. reviewed the work of the past gratulated for a really lirst-class show. year. The number now in the Association was L300. of which 600 belonged. or had belonged. to the Portsmouth Port l)ivi.sion. This was :1 drop on last year's figures accounted for by the fact that some "dead wood" had been removed. There had been l2 deaths IIERE appears to he :1 .\light touch this year. The linances were sound. of envy in the report train the but as expenses had gone up am] up over the 73 years the .'\\'\ttCl1tll0tl had Sevenuaks branch of the Royai Navy been in existence. it had been found .-\ssoci.1Iion this month. .-‘\ltl1ough the "scribe" reports that necessary. at long last. to increase the si.\pencc a montlt subscription to one the ntembers are very happy and cornshilling per tnottth. The subscription fortable it1 their present headquarters had been sixpence since I887. they at'c looking forward to the day In replying to the toast of “The when they can have their own club. (iuests." Admiral Teale spoke of the This little touch of envy arose :tfter changes he had .secn in the Service visits to branches which have their since. as very self-conscious youngster ow11 club and headquarters. The Sevenoaks branch recently he had joined H.\‘I.S. Ercbus. He saw the good work of the writer branch in visited Cheam and Worcester Park his lirst ship. H.M.S. Repulse. and it and the cricket section of the Chatwas his gonsidered opinion that the ltant branches attd wish to thank their branch rentained an essential part of hosts for :1 couple of splendid eventhe backbone of the Royal Navy. ings.
for Excellent Ll. month». are busy ones at Whale Island but November this year was :1 busier one thatt usual. The month started with :1 visit on the 3nd frotn the Second Sea Lord, Vice-Atlntiral Sir St. John Tyrwhitt. who \V;t\ paying :1 visit to the Portsmouth ('on1n1:1:1d. llc ttot only’ \'isitctl all Senior and Junior rates accommodation but also looked over the equiptttenl titled in the (iuidcd Weapons Scctiott. Novetnber 5 again saw tlte traditional (joy l":t\|.'l\cscelcbratiotts on the Island but owing to the restrictions on the use of naval tireworks for this sort of demonstration the display was provided by tile Gunnery Instructors‘ Association and tl1e Welfare Con1mittee. and consisted of :1 very fine display of Mr. lirocks' specialties. ending up with tl1e usual bontire. ‘t\'()\'F.1\IBl-IR ll.-\N|)lC.\l” The annual Rententbmnce Day ceremonies colloquially known as the November Handicap. were arranged as usual. This year the Lord Mayor's Show falling on the Saturday before Remembrance Sunday. the London contingent. consisting of ratings under training at Whale Island. ltad to provide for all three ceremonies. the llritish Legion l’cstival of Remembrance at tile .-\lbert Hall. the l.ord .\l;tyor's Show ntarchittg contingent and also, of course. tl1e naval representative at the Cenotaph on Sunday. The theme of tl1c l.ord .‘\layor'.s Show tltis year being the Royal Navy. tloats depicting all aspects of Naval Life, were provided by local establishments, the ()rdnance Stall constructing a very impressive guided missile destroyer and guided weapott float. On Friday. November ll. the ship's company gave a small dance in the canteett which proved very popular. The big annual (.‘hristmas dance takes place at the Savoy Ballroom on Thursday. l)eccmbcr
[LII I3‘-I no It
hlmrtvnootlt. .
'l'he Second Sea Lord. \'ice-Admiral Sir St. John Tyrwhitt. talking to Captain Dalglish and the oflicers front the Guided Weapon Section at Whale Island during his tour of the island on November 2 '
The U.S. Rugby Club took over the Wardroom Mess for its annual dinner after the Lottdon Scottish match and had a most successful evening on Saturday. November l2. The Cadet Corps continued its round of activities but the accent this month has been on rehearsals for the Cltristmas concert party which is being held on December I4. BOXING SUCCESS]-‘.5 A keen interest in boxing enabled the Island to enter a team of l2 for tile open competition held on November lo and I7. Of that I'.'. live fought through to the linals. with A.B. (ircsltarn. S.A. (S) Miller and All. Jones winning the Light lteavy-weight. Middle-weight and Welter-weight respectively. A.H. McCann. who was considered to he a strong favourite to win the ltantani-weight title was unable to compete in the finals due to :1 wrist injury and had to be content with a runners-up prize. A.B. Dunton also did well to become the Feather-weight
when the home team won 3 -—'.’ after strongly contested match.
CROSS-COUNTRY The Command cross-country
held at M._M.S Dryad on November 8 resulted in Excellent achieving (nit place in :1 field of I2 teams. O./\. Brown. who had left Excellent for H.M.S. Vernon only a fortnight before. ran a very line race to win the championship. and although running for lixcellent's ol_d rival he is congratulated on his success. /LB. McKee ran well for Excellent to achieve 8th
Rain. of course. severely curbed outdoor sports during the last month.
but the introduction of a seven-a-side ruggcr tottrttatnettt into part of ship activities is expected to allow frustrated sportsmen to let oll steam. No November would of course be complete without the Captain stirring the Christmas pudding. This traditional ceremony was performed on November I by the Captain's wife. runner up. The annual football match against helped by many willing hands. includJohn Player and Son for the John ing the (‘omm;1nder. the (‘oimnander Player trophy was played at Whale (S) :1nd the olliccr-in-cltarge of the Island on Saturday. November I‘). Wrens. 2/Olliccr J. Yates.
% “...something about
‘Every Man This Day DOUBLE DIAMOND
Enjoying “His Double Diamond!”
N.-\ \'\
Decciiilier. I960
Sporting decision
saved ‘ADVERTISEMENTS awkward situation CLASSIFIED
Sl'l‘L'ATl().\'S \".»\CANT
.\lHllR\l.l\‘ Ct)NSl'.\Bl'LAR‘i'
teretl lllanilloitl to the linisliCONDITIONS AWFUL ,ing eireiiit about l5 _\';iidx ulieuil of but due to ll'lZllslt.llllIl;.1‘ CYCLISTS FIND i Warner. the last leg. lll:in:lt'ortl veered
the .v\itn-.ii.-itit
it-iil:i:\. initial zinnointment will he on ;i 'i:‘1 t‘rmttv:st\ I.'l tt:in\tct' to ‘.l\3t‘l|.‘.i‘.'C \C[\iLL'. ('oiiiii'.eii.iiie
eatiie on
t‘.-zwiat-iex l.‘\i\l
.-in.-iex 2-it
.ir-.d incr l\ tl-l Ss.. “till (12 _‘s, lid. llcl-on 35
with 1'! Ills :it .'.s ‘ye'.If and below. l‘nitorni and lloois are t\\:lL‘J tux. lliere .iic Rood t1ro«:?(‘et\ oi :1.-uiiwt:nii_ t.indi.I.iies must lie hciisecn 2t and-H }C-'lT\ or act‘. :iI lc.i~t .‘ll. 7m. in hctehi tin l‘.'ll'C tcrti .vt llriiisli tlillttltlnltl) :ir'.d ol (\t‘ltl:‘l.I1\ .li.i'.i.:i~ 'lhr\- \\tll Ix: required in .ir'il iil'i;.i!i-v:i.ile\.1riiin:itio:Intior run .1 n'edie I-I .1|\;\Iiiitii tnt. liiliiealiiiiial e\:m‘.in:ttii)n\ :itc
error on
llli Pnrtsiuiiiith Coiiuiiiintl Royal‘ oll course. llefore he eotiltl ie',:;:in the .\':i\y (.‘_\‘clini: A.-sociatioii lieltl its; _\.irtls lost. Warner ltziil pressed home seven-iiiilc e_\‘CIo-eru,ss race tit H..\l.§.« his :id\ant;igi:. gaining :i slight lead l)ryad. Soutliwielt. on Noteiiiher Ztl. which he stistziined well to .spriiit .ieross The eoiiipcting tennis‘ were the the line in front of ltlaiitltoril. Royal Navy (iyeling .-\ss‘oei:itioii.; Aliiiust before the ollicials could held «iiiarierh .-it the tour home l)oel.).'iul\ and the R..\'..\l.\' l_.-nitnmlciry the nut is due in l’orts'nioiiili North lind (‘yeling reach the niiid-splashed pair. the) niid-J.1nii.i.-5, t'Ir-I. ll.M.S. Colliiigwood (‘yeling Club. the l hind come to a quick compromise on l-‘iinlii:r intorm.1ii.m and amilic.-ition torms can I-‘arehtiiii Wlieelers and the .-\ntelopel the niarsliiilling error by asking that he otvtained Hilrilthe t'iiii:l Cniisiahtc. Ailmir.-iliv Queen Anne’: .\tan\ions_ St. James‘ Cycling Club. The R.l\‘.(‘.:\. took tirst the awards for tint and second prizes ll ('oi1.\t.ibii!aiy, Park. l.oiiilon. S.\\'.t, Sening peiuinncl viithirii: l’ort.snioutli North l-Ind to make arsziiiaiiun. should do so ihrouith their plaee. C.L'.5 he shared equally and the result ] t'omm:iiidir-.e titt'i.ei. in accordance with /t.l‘.U. being runiiers-up. declared ll dead-heat. A sporting 2am. on. The conditions were terrih|e—e\ery decision which met with the unani- .‘\PPLlC.A‘l10N§ are invited from noii-commiuioned uni.-c.~. to ii-..iii.iiie otl licences in the inch of the seven miles being a mous‘ approval of the good crowd ulllllletrl hall at the country. .'\nptie.mts should of spectators and which must have be married and nteteriihly under 4t. and in supreme challenge. l-'it't_v per cent. of the course was w'ater-logged htit the posxessiiiii .ii‘ .i eiiirent ilmine licence. .'\n:itieariLI relieved the eniliarrassiiient at the will tie -.'£\en an initial ii.ii'riiiie period and \_\Ill 23 starters took the niudd_v bridle paths event secretary. be required on certain iueasitins to do a period the ot duiies_ and wt-ien umniotett to the uatus \\tmtlx‘, live-bur gates. through The speeiiil awartl for the lirst iunior of .'iretiel will N Wotidcd with a stood utmii‘..iii.I>'er planl. bridges. water-tilleil ditches. to tinisli went to Keith l)a\‘idge of the prim eommisslon and pension. stiles. wicket gates :iiid deeply ruttedi .-\nti.-lope (‘yeliiig Cluh. .\\LAlli\lI with tree ClL‘L‘lllL‘Il)' ins. ions pim.iiled.——Aiin \. curt tracks. it tint on their wheels inl shoiild l.iit.. (:.1Iic.iii \\'ine t ts‘ ii-at ‘ their \ll'ltlL‘. 'Itiiiii» t .':.i,. rt. F2 rlltlllj Sqn.i:e_ Loiidon. l’.('..l. First away were the R.N.('..-\. riders IIAIIIS at l'tIRl\lt'.\l)l-ZNI‘. £l.2Ii0-t.|..tTu Wuriier :iiid (irinies. who chose to run { in -.m.<'.i=.iiie, iitus icxideme. etxn. pa, plus 1. IISIUJHAII1 iiiirP«“¢"‘ -‘ll t||_ll t"A.:I. tor \.'IltlL'd with their iiiaeliines for the first ltltl; hate e\:ierien.'e iit oil-tired sh.iiili.l I\I'lX3lI\.'Il'll\ yards until liiiner ground was re.iclied. IJRING the last month the \\'ear l\ItlL‘h and .is-\.i.ited iiuehinciy. and be warpe.-\t the end of the lirst lap lll;ind~; tent l!‘.\\il.tlll(.tl i'iii-iiirets with elperieiice in tsundcrliind) Branch of the R.N.i\. l ii-..i:ti-rs. Ilaths e\rx'lien.'e In ltd‘-MI!-‘I521-'. toril. ol the Porlsiiioiith North ('.('..l entertained the local Police club to it —-,\npiti';4ti.m limit. tetiitinililc Iw l)eeeii:t\gr I2. had estahlislied :i 20 yards lead overt darts and dominoes toumaiiieiit oith ind tiirihcr :-.ini.ii1.-rs lmni T-mii Clerk. town lltill. llaniiiteisiiiith, \\'.I-. Wariier with lliielt (Collingwood (.'.('.)l the results slightly in favour of the I2. t1.R.\. txuallrd to .ixs£xi in the care and lighting gainely in their rerir. We.-air Branch. ii-.:ii:i!cii.i:'..e--I \.tlti‘tl\ piiltll. Itl(l|a'dlt‘lti! telnk'L‘l.|l0t\. ..i‘...iiiicix_ l\rtls'l\. ei.‘.. ahte to earn'l'h¢ i\".i\') riders were very niueli at ' A similar ellort took place :it ;in .uit teitaii -at-:3. .i;:d ticip in t\ nnixiiiihome with so inueli water on the‘ earlier date. the guests on this occasion atioiis. :\t‘t‘l\ l‘;:«.iiinii iittner, “:’lll\h Insu(.Il‘:\i\ l.iil.. in “nod lane. eoiirse —pro\'irig tlteit' tersatility oni heing one of the loezil messes of the Liicit t'.i! l,I':'.\i«‘li. \\ land and sea hy li;i\iiig three riien in ; l"ellow's'hip of the Sertiees. the tirsi live to cross the tinishing line. i lti both ittstaitees. l'L'fl'CSlltltL'lll\‘ it .-\t the end |ool.ed as it’ there was‘ hotli liquid :inil otlieiwizse—~were etito he a \t.'l’_\ elose linish_ .\ltltl-t1l;t\-‘ ioyetl lay all eoneerned. i
TECHNICIANS for Prototype Model work. Experience of Milling, Turning and Assembling essential. also the ability
l|1\ to
field. an
Also DRAUGHTSMEN with electronic and electro/mechanical experience. H.N.C. preferred. Knowled e of tape recorders and printed circuits an advantage. ood prospects of
advancement. Good rates of pay. a very attractive contributory sick pay and service award scheme. Working conditions are excellent. Caritccn facilities. Acconiinodation available locally for single men Please apply to the Personnel Manager or telephone Camberley340l
work on
Also TESTERS to test a variety of electronic cquipment—a basic knowledge of electronics essential. We also require Testers for an exceptionally interesting new V.H.F. product—expcrience of radio. particularly in the V.H.F.
\ l'lN\'l-t'l\S\' Hill IN THE (i.P.0.
.\lt:i l'\l'-\\t!
.i;'t's or
.il Ii-iiiluii
.‘t'-‘‘ -in
wi.i;'»x tri-
uill N: .:i\eii
i:.~:.illIii:: um!
-cieu omsortiiniit l\I1]lIJill\ tor leehnitril tiititer 1 posts III) which the is mutt a scar. tisiiiit
mill. tiiriher niniuoiiiin is .u;oI ‘ti:
wzttiiiii sr.iiine ace and nix(.ll|l;l-" ltl.tiltt.\'.\L l:.\'(‘-IN! -. tlt S I):.'\ IND). limit--:i le.rei-niriiiinieation Rreion. iii
if you roll your own cigarettes, here's how to get I2 exrru ci'girrcI!cs from it 3d. packet of iti/.i..\ Cigarette pzipcrs. Criiiiiple zi cigarette paper and pl:iee on iiiaeliine as .sliow'ii. it will sate enough tobacco to inake I _’ i-.\n-ii ri'_::irri'Iri~.v
\\'\lIRIItti IlRll)('ilI lltil'Sl" \\.\l|RItiii Rti.\t), |,i)\'l)ti_\‘. _s|'_,t Ill \l\l\ti IV ll l‘l‘lRt)?\’I(TS. .\s uni \l'1
" .
Deioiipurt Siipply
and Secretariat teiiiii
.‘: -nil‘ when liiikeil with ai'pti..iii._~ii_ \\e Ii.i\e with .i |~.\si.' Kiiiiw‘ed.'e ol .
i .
l!eetio:i.. liii.
ll'.Clt.ll|L' \.l\‘\'
ii‘ U'.ll'I .l\ ll)\'\'.li\l\ H1] :i;.-ii..i -in .i:\p. ix. (‘viiil.tI ti lid .i~.u ‘slit my .1
week. I)“ ieZe..~e
I |
mi;-x.lI-. .\
in )e.i
aim 1‘--\ tn: .i:i
on l .il"e~ '
at U (‘ml
J. North \\'.m:ui.li_
cigarettes for 8d
\Cl\tC\‘ t\lL'.ll2|\Illi|l| iii tlullc enieinccis to \I:l\l\(‘ .i
an-veering t||lllt1i N !~i:itiirtl:i_\. I9. the annual lootball match hetoeeii I’ortsiiioutli nmii. c:.-. l‘l‘i|\.Itll\ -lentil-ne should hzne at basic ltiiovtand Deioiiport Supply and Secretariat teams was pliiyetl at the Purtsiiiouth ltedite or miipiiticr ;ii-.J ret.o eireuiii) and\ly sure e\ix'ti;ii.e at uniill |'IN.'\‘l‘lJltl(.1l U.S. Men's (iruuiid. .inp:ir.'iiiis, \\‘iiie to the I)i\ision .\iipeiiritendent :ii J‘ l..itine R-uid. \\emt-fey. .\1idd1e~e\. In the last few‘ iniiiiites I'in[\lllt\||”| *.si.iiii.;: .i-.-i: .u'..l upeiieiwe. Devonpoit lieliled a strong side l\tll l’ori.sinoiit|i showed froin the opettitig were :iwarded a penalty lint the hull i\(ICOi\I i\l()l)A'['l0N '.\'lll\‘lli.‘ that they were in;istei's‘ of the hit the cross‘-liar :iiid was cleared. .-\iid game. Time and agaiii they strongly so the «core reinaiiietl 3 V3 and the DUI l!l.I2 lllill-htl‘lIN(i-RUO\I. short or Zuni: ticntxi. t se ‘siniici: and t-:i!h.- .‘. \\‘i|u-ii tiiuu: zittzieltetl ‘the llevoiiport goal but l'ooth;ill Cup is now shareil by l’ortx- toil t. .ui-.;it-e‘: Ri-.idi_ .S.iiiilise.i. ‘|el.: |'ottsii:.~uIli could not in esery ease get the ball into riioiitli and l)e\'onport. It is odd that ll‘.lIu. the net. Devonport were last and the seore J 3 is the same as .it- the N\\ \I. R\|l\(-'. siiiisle. ii-iitiites ii.-iii.-i. l .|{\i>H!tt‘»‘.l.|7t.I1I Ii-r t‘ tease rciiisd. 3 tl.itigei’oiis hot the Portxiiioutli tleleiiee lttsl g;iIllL'. lli-\ '.-i "\.its News." held them and lllL"_—' t'ouiid it ditlieiilt The (‘tip was presented to both eup.\.'lSCl".l.l..-\.\'I-IOL'S to get lllt'i\tl'_.‘ll .,-\eep: on one oeeasioii lallts by ('oriiiiii-vdoie the \’ixt-iiuni when tlllilllg :i sei.~.ii‘.hle iii tioiit ol the lselhurii. \\;Ileltetl he ;i l:ir;:e eiir.-.d oi‘ \i’ll'tu til i.i\:s. 15-ltitill \<'t\i.\'. i~H= 3 Hunt liitesi semeil. :ii;t| they l’otlsiiioi:tli and lletoiipiut x11p|\.tf[g‘t\ R N. xhit‘\. l‘.I\! and vrewiit, :\t li.'ill-tinie l’oitsniotith were I l".i/er l".\llIf\ to :iri\ it h.iil been .t ele.iii. his wlii1:ill;ig:reed '21 thus. llL|., ll!» Uueeii eoalx to l in the lead. lii'illi.iiit goals h;ii'tl~loiiglit and most eiiiiiyahle g.iiiie. Ii iteiiig scored by Prescott and litlwaitls. til \\.ir. I‘U_\l'l’\Rl) (il.l|\\\ The ziniiiial lioekey ni.iteli selieduleil stiim ruiiiiietl; ;*;‘IIUI(KER.\I'I|.\i .iiiil they seeine.' set to \\in by this .o:'..liti.~n mil). Ilii\ T? the s;iiiie time was ezineelled due ‘‘.\;n\ .'\ew._" iuaigiii it’ not more. In the xeeoiid h:ilt'. lot‘ III)! §l‘llUI.l) Fl l-ECIS .\Nl) Il\(i(:\(:E liowever. had Iuel. hit them. Right half to the tintitness oi the pitch and every- tiori-.1 zi-..-ii-.t ;\.i.l.i-il. \lIl11:"\.'LI. \\liire .\ to. .\.iit:i I.;.1 larmiiiiii. l'oiIs:r-iiilli. l'hor.e \‘-'ritei' .\liteliell pulled xi muscle in his one iiiost disappoiiited. llowe\ei'. hoili lid‘. I.l. It. will he for in .\l;ireli. playetl again leg and weiit otl. lle g.iiiiely l't.‘lllfllL‘tl cups ‘\'.' \R.\IIli' |'ll()ltl(iR\l'lI§ lot sale. Hi n.i\ii.-x. l‘l(il \\.i|l. .l.i 'c -rfe.iiu;i. mi.-:~. .\tiii1) llm to the lield but could seiireely After the l'ootli:ill iiiuleli pl;ij.ei'x-_- ‘v. "Nan .\c'.\\_“ .ind \\‘:Ix put on the wing position for the text ot‘ the grune. The gap thus left .Ulllt,'l:Il\' and s]'lL't.‘l.tlUts zidjoiiriied to in Poi txnioiith's ileletiee \\".l\' illl1ltl\‘;tll- i the i\'_..-\..-\.l-Ll. tfltih where drinks and tzige they could not tillord to eoneeile yzi bullet were l;iid on. ;i splenilid social .iiid l)e\'onport sei/ed it. going oeeaxioii tollowiiig ti \eiy sporting tlii‘oii_i:h time and again. They xoon contest iiitiiiy ;i previous gziine licing ()Sl’(‘.-\R|) photograplis of the eqiiziliseil with splendid goals" l'eiiig tlisctlsseil and played and repl;i_teil. tollowiiig ll.\l. Ships niay he ohj «cored by l.dg. (fool. 'l'.iylor and ex- The retiiiti iii.itehes at l)~.\i~npi~rt ~t;iiiied {ruin the liditor. i\‘\\'v i\'tw'-:. -in \l;i:’eli. l‘I(i|. are e.ige:l_\ nu in-.-il. eiteiiietit iiiotiiiled. l(.N, ll;it‘i‘.ief-.s. Portxiiioiitli. price (id.‘ e.teli. which includes postage. llieseiix‘. lliilw.ii'k. ()ee.iIi. liagle. ('eiit;iiir. (il.ixgow'. Keiiyzi. i\ew‘e:ist|e. .-\lhion. .-\i"p. Royal. l.oeli Killisport. l)i.iii.i. ‘llieitiirii. During. (’lie\'roit. Zest. \';irigu;ird. i\lurr;i_v. (‘iiiiih-.‘rl;iiid.
sonnet .\l.iii.iite1. St.iriil.itd
('t)\ll'.\\\' |.l\llll»'.l) t.i tiziixinii
By using iti7.i..\ _Filter Tips. you not only save enough tobacco to make 20 t'.\'II‘ll ('lgflf('lI('Swith every Rd box of 100 tips, but you also trap a large percentage of nicotine,
l tobacco tars, ete.. and can smoke
in consequence. Note: for at cooler smoke always tap cigarette (llt' l)0\\'N\\'.\Rl).\‘) before siiiokiiig. more
Liserpool. ‘Scorpion. :S:ilis'htiry. Nliellieltl.
:'\pol|o. l.yii\'.
(iirdle. Ncss.‘ i.\lltlt.l\ltll‘lL'. .\‘ewtotiiiill:iiid. Warrior.‘ Victorious. llfllitlltllil. lleriiiiitla. i(‘orunn.i. .-\l.iuiein. Vigo. ilutland. l'.i|.-nt. P;i||i~:er. Explorer: l l Porpoise. Retlpole. (ininhiti. 'l'ii.-er. Russell. l).iiiiiy. Protector. lniline. l)el‘e:id:r. l)...'.iiigtoii. (';irroii. \\"liithy. lizixilioiirne. ‘l'orqii:t_\. .\lotints ll;ij»'.. It.-It';ist. ll'.'l‘t‘.‘..'\. —\i'ri1.itl:i. Yzirmoiitli .llltl l.ion. '
‘llie I'ortsiiioiith
Supp l_\
:iiId Seeretiiriat lt.‘:Ill|
big stir at Chatham
l’hysit-al 'l'rainim: Stall’ of the Non: Command
Thirtieth(and last) Physical Training 2
l.'I'll()L'Cll the Comtnand will no longer take part in Inter-Command .“m" 3"" March 3" Wm‘ me No" intend slcanmm 3" run ‘weed ahead
unt‘I?-Wh t'IIhat’ll‘) d.I'l“cg” .t:‘-‘ Tl’-‘EMT ‘"5" Y('1f_*'~"~' '_
'5 k""_‘,"‘ "h,§""-' [’_""""'° Mr. llocltcy
I'oot_l\;tll his‘
M“ ’ilCC(_It‘(lIllg :Ill(l
is (lll't.‘Cll)' pxirtxculnr sport rcsponxihlc to the Stutl l’lt_vsic:i|'l'r;iining ()lll\.'L'l'for all ;n'pccl-4 of that spurt. l':irticul:tr cnipltusis is luitl on ship
cztpuhlc of ullicc ittltItllll\lt:IllUn. making out signals. and drafting Icttcis us part of their 'l'hc~c
“W “ll'W’* 1" "'5' l“}'“"'~‘- l-'“'"‘~' ("'3 1.’ ’\- R' RN" ;tntl Ltcttt. 5. l\n:olls.. R.N.. ;n_'I.' hutlt gnmcs players and llllL'l't."~ilL'll in most mpccts of sport. They have cuclt run the United Scr\'ici:s cricket and ruggcr urgtinistitiotts‘ I'C\'l3L'Cll\‘Cl_V. in (‘h:ath:un. l.icut.-('tlr. S\\'£Ill'lS(Il1 has now turned over the cricket to the local Army. who ltuvc assumed full rcsponsihilitics for running thc United Services (‘tub for the l96l s.:;i-eon. llc .
normal routine.
opponruntiteé IN
lcttvcs lltc Comntztntl at the end of the year. on promotion, and is going us :i. student to the R./\.l-‘. Stztll College tit‘ llrackncll. -I-"IR-“E-I-" R1-_ ("‘-MCER I icut 9 Nicullq will 1-‘kg uvcr the duties of Stzill Pltyxicul 'l'r;iining: ()tlit:cr. the Norc. tmtil ltx closure and will hccomt: thc thirticth l'lty\ic;t| « Trziining Otticcr :11 the Royal' mrmck‘ (-mum“ ?..*L '
(‘otnmmlorc l.. W. l.. Argles. l).S.('.. :|\\l\lt.'d hy Mrs‘. l-‘Iatt. wilt: of the ('oul\’cr_v Olliccr. Supplgr l.ieuI. G. I‘ l"l-utt. lt.N.. stirs the luxt Cl|I'i\ln1‘.l.\‘ pudding to he Iundc at the Royal l at ":ll‘I':I(‘l£\‘. (Tltzithanl. ('h;tlhum will lI:lH.' ccusctl to he :I (Icpot and ll.M.S. Pcmhrulu: will have :l\\ul'lIt.'(l its new role lit.-fore ('ltristnI;n. l96l. (Photo: l'v:rnhrul;c Stttdim. l{..\’. llurrucks. ('h;ith;un)
In a few weeks. you too can draw life-like figures. You MUST see this free book!
"(ll-'POR'l'U.\'l'I'll-ISIN ART“ -:1 f:i~:cin:tting. lrcc book. containing 60 illustrations and full llL‘l:lllS of how to become zt successful Commercial Artist. will prove to you thnt—in (I matter ol '
wccks-—you can easily mukc startling progress and produce drawings ol :1 \l(ln(.l:l|'(.l bcyoml any . thing you had believed ptusihlcl \\’li:itcvcr your interest Cttrttionittu. Ftlfillltlfl l)r;mim:. Illus-
tration. l-‘inure Work. t:tt‘.. here is :1 book you mm: rcutl. and it's lt‘v:c!
SEND FOR THIS BOOK! In ndtlition to tlcscritfmg our new
Simplilictl Method of
how to draw "0l‘l'OR'l'UNITIES IN ART" cttnhlcs you to test this mctlmd for yourself —-at once! It is all so easy .
Q O 0
we I:
§é’f ;?'LrA_E'4D
LE§.3:oc°>'N ’l li;:rc¢‘.f.c~E:;::'c.‘r £1 Rbfal sum-,‘ -,c:
2|,» '5'‘ Hr
ch "' 2
aarruds. licslnfy:
(‘-‘,:,“;,m,_ ‘,;:,,.,';,,\.
’. U."”.h"m {‘|‘r‘("“lm"‘| '“ (hm omc ?';_r‘\mun ‘.
gd “bu,-2|, Road. Portsnyouty Phone 20947
Purlsmuutlt t(l
(ficg |mlt:.l
ll.M.5. J:tgu:ir. l.ll'll.l.lI') 23. .
A [_ L
in Malta. are also
They can
enjoyed throughout the
beers. all
to N. Africa Mud/'lorr.1nca/1 area
at l‘urt~
moutlt for (i-:m-ml Scrvicu: Cun1Ini< sion. Home/South I\lllL‘l'lC;| um South Atlantic: (2-3 months’). l:'.K Busc Port. Portsmouth t('). (Sc-
"01?-l H.t\I.$.
ct. lllI\':sItVll. U~l\- l‘l=I~'v-‘ l’orl.
mouth:5pecia| acilitics co fneeg yourpanicuganraveiting..equi,.,. ments can be organised at shor FMUMPH COACHES
.\ti:d.-llomt liuxi: l’ort
visiting Portg.
write‘ ph°"e °r can
I7. at Ports month for (icni:r:tl Scrvicc (‘om mix-siun. .\lu:tl.,-'llomc [24 muntltsf U.K. ll: I’ in. I‘ wt in mth. ’ 1-,~_ ‘, "_,,_s_
Dc\;nunorlll.-.\l.s. “:llllt';l\('. J:muur;.-
N_3__1-0 ;u sh;
~'_ (onmmsmn. _
months).- U.K.
QM?" s‘'“‘‘-’ R”- 5""""“‘~ ""“°."' 5°" Stanley Rd. for H,M.S. E.l(fll(‘flK.‘ R.A.O.C. Hitico Bax-mcki, ,Cosl:am. Hy-1.w::;Tc»u'I Quay. ,a,c,,.._.,,,‘ mo Mk,,,,_. up 0, }”'’-S t,_,, ,,. cheat.-ct
5G’ t ‘ 3 §‘ é ’ E "gER 2:: swxNDoN F
It's brewed in the good old British way!
BL-ll'-.351. .J:utu:try_30.-:t_l Stttga —
C'h:tth;tm for (iL'llL‘l';tl SL'r'\'lL'|.' Corr'— mixsion. .\l::d._llumi: (23 tI1ui1tIi\—---j-——:*~ NA\‘f-V U‘K‘ whc “KL l~,m1‘mnm|,. [(~r and on tvctntl oi the tScc note.)
cmmcrzb '
NLW5 Cutnuuttcu; by (Lilc .\ l'-vltli.-n l.umtci.t. Alilcnhot.