News Navy
UAL SLACKS. Drip Dry Cotton and the new Nylon mtxewon Largo Sdocttom Spore: Jacket: and shunt Sport: Stub In both conventional and Continental 1 ll 85 CASUAL—BE E
Bernard: Mon’: Shop 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone:Bill 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Tolophono: 66543
No. 86
of The
AUGUST, 1961
Royal Navy
and The
Royal Navy Uniform~
30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMO'dTtt Telephone: “S41 Promotion Order: a speciality. write for special details, ct:c._ and be assured of personal attent on
Royal Naval Association
to your
Publishedfirs: Thursday of the month
Price Fourpence
Commandos there within 24 hours DEMONSTRATION OF NAVY’S MOBILITY F any proof were needed of the Navy's undiminished role in our defence system. it can be seen in the recent operations at Kuwait. The ability of the Navy to concentrate forces speedily and effectively has seldom been better demonstrated and it is hoped that the lesson has not been lost. nut only on those responsible for the higher direction of affairs. but on the great mass of the public on whom. ultitnately. the support of the Navy depends. The recerttly concluded defence agreement between the ruler of Kuwait and
.\l:ijest_v's (iovernmettl. and the apply for tnetttbership of the United Iler
Helicopters flying above ll..\f.S. Bulwark
400 to befreed from shore-base
attnoimceinent of Kuwait's iittentiott to
Nzitioits. were used by (ieneral Kassem as the occasioit to aititouitce his intention of annexing this sit'iall but wealthy oil sheikdom. which produces about 40 per cent. of our oil. This called for iinitiediate steps on our part to alert tlte necessary forces and to tnake preparations for 1:l\'ltlt: military assistance to the ruler should he require it. This The prime tasks of ll.r\l.S. Drake proved in fact to be the case On June 30 the ruler of Kuwait asked Britain in future will be to serve as an Accomfor forces to enter Kuwait and the ('oinmander-in-Chief. Middle East. was Centre for naval personnel in modation instructed to begin landing on the following day. transit and for certain ships refitting in E Already at 3 =- "r-. : 5 1' -ar. I .t2 .. .r E IF Devonport dockyard; and to act as an Loch Alvie and the Amphibious Waraccounting ceittrc for those ships and fare Squadron. ll..\l.S. Striker having to of the f’lymouth Comestablishments half a squadron of Cettttiriort lttllks order to ensure that tly tlformcd manpower of the Royal Navy is kept mand which do not carry their own embarked. which she was due to esto best eff" deployed ..e tasks and complements of shore establishntents accounts. with carried those in the change are regularly refit‘. .~.-Xaucb I review has been completed at the Royal Naval i\lcntl$o.‘t'$ Of \V.R.N.S. Wlll continua /\rnt_v's landing ship. Empire (iull. In Barracks. Devonpoit. dock at Karachi was ll..\l.S. Loch to serve at Devonport and will perform borne men in barracks. The various The centralised drafting system the some tasks as at present but on :1 liyne. whilst ll.M.S Loch Ritthven will take effect steps the next during inaugurated fotir years ago has proved somewhat reduced scale. Consideration was at .\lotnbasa. and reduction in adminisyears. two in number effective the most is being given to the possibility of reducing pages ll..\l.S. llulwark. witlt No. 42 Com~ trative services will follow automatiof men previously held there in transit finding them accommodation within iuattdo embarked. was about to cally, Other and draft. developments waiting ll.M.S. Drake to enable their present Karachi before roceedin to the erit is also intended to I40 re-allocation of replace made the have H--‘l-X possible sian (iulf for trials. She ('~"""l"_- “‘3‘-‘°"‘l’“."'f’d by certain training tasks. This will lead to naval ratings by civilians for various quarters at St. lludeanx to be closed. ‘l°5”“3"”5 5°l"'h"l'- _F'"'5"‘”"was thereupon sailed front Karachi ll.” maintenance. domestic and administra- The possibility of the reduction of with all dispatch itt order to arrive at Ci"“l’°“i°"V" “ml ll!“ R-l‘-A olll" a further reduction in the number of tive services which will still be required. certain of the tasks in the R.N. llahrein on July I. while the Loch ‘“"'° 5"'l°"l r."’"‘ G'b"'ll‘."' f"‘5.5'"¥ In all. the changes will free some Barracks Portsmouth is under review. Ruthven sailed from .\lombasu for the 'l"°‘'gl‘ “"3 5‘l°"- C“"“l “"'h°"l ""3" 400 or more naval personnel from but circumstances there are somewhat pcmun (‘mm Th: Lnch gym. was dent on the night of July 5. H.M.S. shore based jobs in Devonport. different from Dcvonport. ,.d.,.| ,0 cm she” her docking md Loch ‘lush. with two mineswecpers (H-M-5 Asllm" “ml H-M-S R°d'“3‘ and with the tance of the Pakistan Navy. sticcecdcd “ml “ml H'M's' '\l"55l""' l-°"°“""l in sailing front Karachi on July I. ten ‘l“."‘?" ‘l"-V? .l“l°‘The lltttlttlg threat could not be day, "head of 5chL.dulL.l ignored and it was decided to sail V,_ _.rCr_ n H “H c_m_ ‘“l" M.“ ‘l “' l.'‘* ". ‘fr "V llltith Mittesweeping Squadron from '. ‘”_ torious. with the destroyer (a.~.s:ittdr.t the .\ledit¢ :ind the frigate l.incoln in company. ..\I. Submarine Sealion. the were approaehitu.- Hong Kong. TheseFIRST \\'r\\'l-I ASIIURE eiuhth boat of the Porpoise class were turned round and routed to the, The fact the that Bulwark was so and the 29th submarine to be coniPersian (iiilf at 32 knots. 'l'ow:irds the . available enabled Cont42 {readily pleted for the Royal Navy since the end of the voya_i:c the (‘asszindra was 'iuando to be put ashore in Kuwait Second World War. was accepted for sent on ahead and llttts Iiecartte the lirst ship front the Far East to enter inside 2-! hours of the ruler's request service on July 25. the Persian (iulf. ll..\l.S. Yarinouth for help. The following day 45 (‘omTH E Built by Cammell Laird & Co. was flown up front Aden. so and l-|..\l.S. l.l:uidatl were sailed front inando the Coinritzittdos were properly in the tshipbuilders atid Engineers). Ltd.. the the Vietorioiis. to and Hong Kong join Sealion was launched in December. her replenishment group were ordered "first wave." This was particularly I95‘), by Lady Dalton, wife of Viceivaliiable because of diflictilties which to follow tip. Sir Norman Dalton. hampered flying in reinforcements Admiral0.8.8. front outside the theatre. The build-up K.C.ll.. to a hal:iitced force of approximately floats of this class are 293 feet 3 5.700 men was completed in nine days inches in length and have a beam of and was considered :1 very stitisfttctory 26 fe:t 6 inches. They are powered by diesel~electric drive front Admiralty in the circiimstanccs l1tCltlt?\‘Cl‘tlt3tll t, The duties of Headquarters Ship Standard Range engines which give a ..\I.S. Trenchattt. first commis- 2 and comnuinications link with the lartd high under-water speed. They are airsioned in l"I!il|"llal'_\. I94-l. paid off '. forces was carried oiil throughout the conditioned for service in both tropical and cold cIirn:itcs. and the ‘,opet.itioti In l-l..\l,S Nleon on July 31 prior to llcllls: scrapped. ability to carry large quantities of all For her fin:i| dive on lul_v ll. the types of stores enables them to remain Tiff‘: l’()l‘L'I..-\R fil,7l.\$’.\RK l‘ Ollicer Siihtmiiiites. Rearfor months without any outon Ailntiral A. R. Herlel. C.ll.. l1S.(). lhe air-conditioned facilities in 1 sidepatrol support. and flat. I) S.('.. who conttn:inded ?ll..\l.S. liiilu-ark added rtuieh to her The Sealion's complement of six freiicltaitt in the Far East at the end ‘popularity. and some 200 men daily of the war. was embarked. and when were sent on board for a clean-up and otlicers and 62 ratings will have she entered llaslar (‘reek for the last ‘rest. The ship also acted as the early amenities of the highest possible <l:ltt(l.'It'd_s to help combat the borelittle she flew his llag warning radar guard. During: her period of active \t!l'\'ICC A noteworthy feature of the opera- dom of long submerged patrols. frenchattl sank a total of 27 ships in- tion was that H..\l.S. Victorious Under the command of Lieut.-Cdr. ERVICE ‘lb: Putut-on full assumed air the defence responsibility A. N. Derrick. R.N.. the Sealion will Japanese heavy cruiser eluding Lunury arrival in the Gulf. controlling both serve with the Third Submarinel on -mun tlaguro and a German U-boat. Since the war she has served on the gher own aircraft and the R..-\.F Squadron based on the Gareloeh. Home and .\lediterranean stations. Shel “l"“'-‘V-‘ fml“ K"“'~'ll ’\lTr't‘l\l- This S°“ll~""dhas been fitted with snort and has had l “'"‘ "'3' l-IV" “W-'i"""‘ ‘hill TYPL‘ 934 The other boats of this Clitss already WELL MADE WELL PACKED three external tubes retttoved. but is: '§"l4”' ct-ll||t‘"“t-‘Ill hit‘ l’t~'L'" "Std in service are the Porpoise. Rorqual. otherwise unchanged since her w:ir-':l'\‘"i|ll)'Narwhal. Grampus_ Cachalot. Fintime service. (Continued on page 3) whale and Walrus. VIRGINIA TOBACCO AT ITS BEST
Navy Days The Navy
submarine since war
in Pictures 8& 9 ;;isit| -._t|IllIllIlIIllllIIIIIllIlIllllIlllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi
jobs at Devonport
Ti5r".it~:w FLAG lN
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N I’. W S
August. I96!
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.\'a\'y .\'u\\'s If
It I ‘I o :i
R..\'.ll{r::.!.). l-.-zit tS1ll R llerri. I'ori-nio-.::ti not ii Nivil ltirrt; i.:.: l'.‘:t- an iiizh ::i<i iitu. 7:i--:i
the Editor
RIGGING OF BRIGS lR.—Rc:ir-Admiral Blaclsman. of ' William lll amt put ashore goals. pigs Peak Cottage. Near Bishops Wat- and {owls that he hail brought from thain. Ilainpsliire. England. rcccnll_\' St. Helena. Siipplies of meat :ind fresh teamed that I was seeking information water taken aboard were the on the construcliiin and riguiitu of the Paramotir. I-lallcy sketclicd the appearance of , Royal Navy training: Iirigs \\ltlL‘ll in service around the turn of the ‘the niaiii island. Martin \’:is. but it ncre century. {appears that lie did not land upon its Admiral ltl:icl.iu:in lsiudly sii_.'- 5 rugged shore. lgesteil that I write you, .<:i)iit-g he he-, __l am very gralefiil to Miss S. l.. llieved that you might have space to ‘l'l\llCf. ot the (i|’L‘.:ll\\lL‘lt ;\laritinie publish a short reqiicst for details ol _.\lits":titn. tor \‘s'IlllL‘2llll*ll of thisthese vessels. It you could do so. it iiitorinatioii.——.l()llN l)l('ls's()I\'. 153 .
-t) tar as the Royal Navy is .'ot'.-eerned the heat. the szinil. the Ilics .ind the stress ol the ls'uwait atlaii is A thing of the pzisl. There is no doubt
that the s_vinp:itliics of the Royal Navy and Royal .\lariiic ollieers and men who took part in the landings‘. .it the request of the ls'uwait (ioverni:i:_tit. are with those still there iloilltl. -1 Nb‘ of work. and those there can rest‘ assured that the Royal Navy is ttot too far away should its services he re-
K iiigsway. llot c. would be greatly appreciated. I shall be glad to hear from anyoiie who can fiirnisli itdormatiott on the
training hrigs. (‘lose-up pl1otoi:raphsWEATHER will be very lielplul. espcci:illy ones showing details of bows and stems. ‘COULD NOT SPOIL deck furniture and the lead of riggiiig. ,0t‘ course. I expect to pay for these GARDEN PARTY pictures. Thank you very much.-— rough iscatlier drove ROY ROGERS. 500!-I-ttti Avciiiie. them indoors. the lI.M.S. Vernon Apt. C-6. Brooklyn I‘). New York. the R.N. I-'rtcndl,v Union of hr-._inch ofWives had a “full house" for ghailors‘ EDMOND HALLEY their garden party on July I2.
If an_\tliiiig was needed to jttsliI}' ’l'c;im the Commando (.‘:irr_ier_ the |s'uwait Il.R.Il.the |)ukc of Edinburgh watches the (luring his visit to Il.M.S. l-‘isgard last month :itt'air has done it. Within .1 very few hours of the request at the Kiiw;_iit autliorities. H.M.S. Bulwark was _on its way. Without going into |'t0ltllL‘S It NI-‘OR .\lAl.lTY iv:-.s the keynote of The cinema was used for the main seems perfectly obvious that the timely the occasion when I-l.R.l*l. the Dulce part of the atternoon’.s programme of arrival of the carrier with its Ro)'i'l 1 sideshmis. iotiitilahoiits :iiid suing.\laiine Coiiimandos and helicopters ot‘ I-Iilinburgli visited H..\l.S. Fisgard. Apprentices (Part I) Training liselement!) and ttor_tlie__voiingcr prevented a clash of arms which might the 5. June have led to a much bigger eontlagra- tahlishment at Torpoiitt on Van aiikle-iiidgiiig competition. This with interest It that lR.was visited the Duke In an hour the great .was judged by Commandct' 1. Blake. tioti. of the the I read dirtiaccount 'R.N.. and Second»OIliccr R. llarris. very "Exped“ room. saw the apprentices at Martin Vas in eiilt Island on T is the toiindation landing \\’.R.N.S.. and was won by Mesdanics work in the Factory and witnessed a hoped that It was for inst such an occasion that display in the Swimming Bath. the South Atlantic :ind the sci..-ntitic -Weaver and ltradlaugh from a large .stone of :i. new Assenibly Hall for the Bttl\\".IlK was converted to a Cortiof the tta\'al and men lllll'TlbL‘l' OE COIIIBSIRIIIIS. 'l'lie Surf Life Saving Club c:irricd l~l..\l.S. liisgard will be laid this year. investigations iiiando Carrier~-to deal with a "bush out a “dry run" displaying the cere- The site chosen is on the western scieiitists front ll..\l.S. Owen. The company then proceeded to the lire" before it could develop into some- nionial drill proec-dure’llie "patient" tlank of the Pamde (iround necessital have been recently sttid_\ing .l’ctty Otlicer.s' Mess (very kindly lent thing bigger, When Albion. which is. running about 40 yards from the reel ting the deinolition of the l)econtam- accounts of the naval sen'iee of the I for the occasion) for tea. “t-‘int! ‘l"'”‘”'5' °““"“"‘“"'-is ’°‘.“i3" “N white .\’tiniber two man laid the belt ination Centre and the shelters. astronomer Edmond Halley. For guest ot honour. lady Power. ‘Tilt: to in be “Ill :i position Royal Navy The large building. handy for indoor three years he commanded l‘l..\l.S. ’to\llC of the ('omnian_der-in~Chiel. M lhc rL,udy_ on 3 given ‘mm H“: "“‘i'“*'l" ‘‘‘‘° 5'‘ °“"" “E El.” “""‘“'“ team sprang into action. ending -divisions. will be a iniilti-purpose hall. Paramoiir. which was cmplo;.':d on tl’t)l'lslt‘lullIll.presented |‘IrUL‘S to Mes"cm m N” "*""‘"‘ “"5" 3"“ °"““""‘ to improve nzivigatioiial llueti. Weaver.|:iu-gh.Dale. E hv giving a demonstration of the :: full size stage with dres- research such t\vo he retitled and inoileriiised. methods. On l-t. I700. he end and Altar|| and Quain. an April "Dig" Ncnson mdhod of :mmL.i“l sing rooms at one anchored oil the Isle of slll|\s:I1\' iiisiithczcnt. (Inc iuoie at least ‘“_\pm“im‘_ in 'l' and Sanetary at the other end so I Previously given a bouquet by is icqiiited. the Martin Vtts‘ An explanation of the mouth to nose that Chnr_eli _can be held there on group. now Braziliatt. Susan Jay. Lad) Power w.i.s also preHc landed. planted the Union Hag. seated with a lareiicll gift from the tresiiscitation was gisen to ll.R.ll. h_v Sttitdztys. I-‘oliling doors \\lll screen the tool: possessioii of the island for King : branch at the end ot the afternoon. Sanciiiiiry :n the week. It would not he siirprsiiig if the .~\ppi'eiitice Jones. .-\dinii.ilty \\.is to Iind the nioriey ttL‘cr:ss;tty for anolltcr "tire tighter tor. ;i|thoii;_-li llulisarl. was soon "on the spot." the Victoiiotis aitd (‘eittaur were quickly out the way. the distances in- Notes: (i) The term l.’.K. llase Port ineans the port at which a ship ma- 't-t Squadron. December. at R.\'. Air’ ll..\l.S. Gurlilin. March. at Southampvolveil are so great that a similar outind’ for retit. l’oi':smontli and Station. for be lease Culilrose. (C) Home O\'crsc:is ton. Sea to Service gise expected itormally Comhreal. in the future might had the shirts Service. l’ortsu:out!t ssliicli will normal?niissions for (H.-.\t.S. but adiiiinisteicd llcrnics.) General catcs Service ships Com. by not so tortiiitoiisly placed as they were t..\l.S. Hermes. iiiission Ports~ December. at Chatliani. Middle relit leave at May. :ind,'or give liasttllomc on this o;ca.ion. for mouth. General Service Comtuu for service about detailed (I8 U.K. mcrseas months). ltase Pun, (ii) As ratings are nonually mission. Honielliast of Suez nlruu home service and for (2-t Rosytli. months ahead of commissioning date. 'lli.- etlicieiicy with which Biilwarl. U.l-L Base Port. l'ortsIi this should be borne 80! Squadron. March. at R.N, Air two iiiontbs ahead at‘ (0l|lllllS\‘IIJtllI1l.'. date. mom dealt with her task in terrihl_v dillieult i. when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in a particular Station. Lossic n 1 W '. h [M Ohm’ ~-; “ conditions has earned high praise. .t..\I.S. “at Singa .sii scn-i.;¢_ and that the traiiiiitg the tllll‘. 'pore or -oreign ervicc (Far Eastll H ) (iii) lt einplizisised that the dates and p.i:tie'if.‘;~£ _e_iven hclow are lore have received lI..\l.§. various in lilstcr. December I-t. at l)evoncers and men casts only and may hate to he eli.iii-__'ed rs. h.ips' .it short notice. the recent D01’! ii‘! G¢m‘|'4|l SCFVII-‘C C0111-W5 part. of the world. including Home Sea Service Scpteniber. GenSIIBMARINI-‘.COMMAND 5. Bul\s_ark._ =it..\__i.s. at St:_ptenib:r_ ittvol\exercise sion \\'cst Iiziliestllome t2l combined amphibious C4 gc C U.K. llasc l).v:t. l)c\onin_i: all three services ‘)0 miles from ll..\t.S. Si.-alion. July 25. (ll rm.-n._. 5|-is-more tor lorciisn Service (Mr head. for service in 'lhird Su‘.i-Aden in the \\'esterii Aden I’rotcctorL.l\. ltase Port. Ports.ll..\l.b. Dundasr. ficptember .5.‘ at ,,,;,,-;m- gq.,;uim,,_ ate. stood them in very good stead. niiil i. ll..\I.S.Achcrott.Scptcml\er.alDevon-i Rosith for formats. Commissions I951 at Chatlloiue Sea Service wi.ii_i»imi. April. port. for service in Second Stih-' October SI , (!t.'DL‘fl!l [UT I',_\|,S, Loch I-"fig-_ L1|n;_:_'_\i. Jtl l'I_I|lIl U.l\. l!.ise Port. Devonport. $Cl'\'lCC Commism;,rin,_. squmtwn. sion llonie/\\'. lndics (24 months). ltI..\I.S. Rorqutll. end of October. at ll..\l.S. Ark Royal. September 12. at Devonport. for Licncral S.':'\i.,-c U-K Base Port. Portsmouth tC.). De\'0"DOrt tor General Service Contitiission. llome,.\liildl-c is...-z Devonport. for service in First Sub(I5 niontlis). U_|{, Bus; lam, ll.M.S. Cassamlra. April. at Singallottlc/Mctl (2-3 murinc Squ;|dror|_ ! Commission. Devonport. .Il..\l.S. Andrew. De:cmhcr I6. at? months) LIK. Base Port. Devonp_ore. lor l-‘orei~_.-ii Serviceitl-‘ar lI.'\|S. Barrnsa. January 5. at l)cvonl:as‘t). Singapore, for service in S-.-vet‘.tli port port for Trials. ('ominissioiis April Il..\l.S. Yarniiiiilli. April. at DevonSubmarine Division. 'll..\l.S. l)uni.l:is. September l-3. at port. for (ieneral Service ('oinmis:ll..\l.S. Aeneas. January. I962. at Rosytli for trials. Commissions 3. UK. Base Port. Portsmoutli {Cl sion. Last of Sue‘//llonie (18 (See note). Portsinoiitli. for service in ()t.‘l\tl1L‘l' 3l for Home Sea It.M.S. "t.'I’ll|'.‘\‘. January 30. at l’oitsmonths). LY.K. lhsc Port. DevonSubmarine Squadron. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth U.K.'.: Port. I).-vonport. port. Phone 21J5I "--"-S-T“h1i|'d-F¢l“"i'I)'3~?“5l'il|‘Cl'-ll..\l.S. Corunna. Septeinbcr III. at 809 Squadroii. i\l;irch. at R.N. ll..\l.S. lllackpunl. April. at ('h.itliam. Station. l.oss-ieinoiith. N.S.\V.. for service in I-‘ouitti Sabfor Trials‘. Commissions Rosyth service 0ltt::at the Eiiarni Operate to'tovrZri: 1“4I|‘|"¢ D|VI~‘|0".\'ove:nh:r 30 for General S.-rvic: ll..\|.S. Dc-vonshirc. l:L‘l‘l'tl£tT‘_.‘. at llir-' for (iciieral Service ('onnnissioii. tor ttcrvicc Personnel EVERY WEEKEND keiihead for Home Sea Scrsiccg liast ol Sue/.’llome (I5 monm,)_ l lI.M.S. Artemis‘. end (‘I '1'!‘-’1|3t_\'. at Conimission .\lcd..lIome I24 (’ominEssion for General Service] U.K. liasc Port, Portsmotith (C). LEEDS 41/6 Chatham. for service in Sccotid Sal‘U K ltase Port. months) 5 Rosyth. BRADFORD 4516 (‘oinniission_ July llo:nc,'.\led. (241 (See Note). nnirinc Squadron. ll..\l.S. l.n\\estiill. Septentbcr 26. at HUDDERSFIELD III‘ 39:1 ‘”..\I.S. Tll¢I'llll)p_Vl:lt'. i\l;iIi.‘lt 3. ill SHEFFIELD (”_l‘-..n“. :0: “am: 5...“ S,_:n,:-c:: months) l.'.K. Base l’o:t |’oiis- ll.._\l.S. l.I-.inil:ilI.April. at l).:vonport. JIIG PIOTTIIJGHAH 1 tor (icncral Scnie; (’oittmissioii. 5"'”i"“ l" Hm‘ ‘”i“'. tttiiullt.Agincuurt. :or (icneral Service 3 l7i'6 LEICESIER l.*. at} lzast of Site/Ilotiie (20 inomlic). '“"“"‘- D"""“"E's'i.\ltl.lI}' Coniiiiissioii .\l-:d.:Hnmc ll!- .‘_lI..\l.5. 22!- ; NORIHAMPTCN for trials (ioitiriiissioii U.K.llasel’ort.l)e\onport. 4416 ‘"-“-S- G|"3"‘P||\‘. Al’I_'|i- ill P\‘-""LIVERPCOL Iuotttitsl l)e.'ei\'.her_ _.K. ll.ise Port. f Poitsinotitli for I MANCHESTER General Service ('onill..\l.5. 42,3 l.ocli Alvie. April. at (‘hatinooth. for service '“ hi‘! Mil" ! l'ortsii:oiith i('.t tfiee note.) \l_ay_ I ISINE‘.'vCASTLE-UNDER~LYH.'-. lloiiie/.\lcil. (2-1 months). ham. [or (ieiieral Sersiec ('ommi.marine Squadron. ‘ll.\l.S. I.ui.-li ltuthven. September 27. 1 missioitllasi: STAFFORD Port. l’ortsmoiitlt. sioii. Middle liastfllonie (I8 i|l..\l.S. Auriga. May IS. at l)cv;~iiVVOLVERHAHPTON at Rosyiii tor (i:n.-rat Service Cont- 847U.l_\. .\l:irch BIRMINGHAM (i. at R_..\'. Air tttottllts). U.l-C. Bus: Port. l'o:'tsport. for service in Second Suhbqiiiidroit. mission. |lo:n."\liddle [East (IS l COVENTRY for loicigit SCI-‘ iii.ii_itli.t_(j).(.'s'ee No':c)_ “mm 5q"‘"‘In‘m fitation. (uldrose, ‘JV/\R\VlCK iuoathsl, l'.ls'. Port. Devoti5 \'IL'L'. ll..\l.h. lartar. April. :it Devonport BANBURY ? twGIZNI-IRA! Rutltcsa‘. .\l.irch. coiiv.-rsioii OXFORD tor trials. (‘ontiiiission. Nm-,-m|s,_-r PLYMOUTH ll..\l.S. lllulic. Ail‘.~‘tist ch.iitg.:es to ‘ll to lloiiie Sea ‘nice tor London-I tor (icneral Service Cnnttlttssiiin EXETHI (i'enc:';il Service (‘oiniuiss‘ioi'. .\let. .‘. tlcrry Sqiiadrori. U.K. llase Port.‘ .\lidL|le li{I\lfl'Et)llIc (IS months) BRISTOL SALISBURY I llonie (2-3 rnontlis) U.K. ll.»-e l’orl.; (‘ieneral 's‘:rv.ce Commission Fast l’orts:itoiitli. U.K. Ilase |’ort. Devonport. GLOUCESTER Il..\I.S. Raine Ilead_ .\l.i:ch. .it ("it.i:~ ll..\l.S. .\laidstimc. end of ,\py;t_ at l l)c\-oitport. SVVINDON of Siiczllome (II months) UK 5 limit. for trials Portsznoutli for Trials. Sit-.i:nine at _Cli:ith;im CIRENCESTEK ll.._\l.S. ‘\'ilE:ll._I.'\tl{!tI_Sl'9. llas-.' l'oit. Port-;montli .\l.irch. MARLBOROUGH at Siit:.:.ipore (faprii-e. ('rew. lloiiie 5.2: Service. L'.ls'. liasc READING i "--‘.'--"- "'-'".‘-“- -“.-'W'~‘m'°.~‘r =.8~. =-' ; tor For-eigii Service tllii Port. ttosyili, ; VORTLAND 5 “leg! India (24 momhsx UK "_N,: LONDON $""'“" l Port. fiirtsniiuuth tC.). (See note.) All their service: will take the following more "" X‘, -' '. ‘ Slit-'.'£'1itlL' Alert. It), ,‘ at ,‘ ;ll..\l.S. .-\ for the co.-i-enter-cc of Service Personnel.’ Fl.-'-| ll..\l.S. IIiiril_\. ()..tot~er 3. at C| rm Hmfign Scrvicc ‘FM : Barrcckr. Eattnryz H.M.S. Vr.-rr.ou: ‘to, at Soi.'oIi' . . for tri.ils_ (i\ttt:tt§ss‘li\l't< I).-cemh.-if . Home Club. Queen Street. R.N. Barracks. -ll..\l.S. Ninible. August It. at l)evoii-7 5-,. 3... 5 f H "Mu. U L H J ‘. i Ufltccfll Gate: Stanley Rd. for tt.i'-1.5. East-ttcni. for Service Home Sea tStc.i-nH.M,S. Phoui-‘x: Hilrea Lido Ceihoni, Homes; port Icwn Quay. Fateho.-n. ‘8l9 4. at R..V '\lI ” -‘ll "-“-5pumih -"“F"5' D'~“'*"§lI’_“” Station. l£;:iE:iton Re-equipping N.B.—To all shl s visiting Portsfor General Service C0iittnis‘sioiiiu,3L5_ ,\;.m._ ()._-h,b_., |o_ a|_C_i,_,;. mouth: Special aclticies to meet America and South llomctsoutli 1. soiss.i.r9 ham tor trials. Commissions 5 your particular travelling requirelliasc U.K .-\tl;iiitic (20 months) January ') for General Service Com 1 ments can be organised at short l’0|'lDIWODPOTI mission .\l~:d.iltonic (24 months). , notice. ‘ll..\l.S. Bcrrvicli. Atigiist 28. Cltattgesl u_}(_ 33“, Port. ponsnu-,mh_ to General Service ('omim..-iuii., u,M,s, Adjnnti,rs.-1.31," 3|_ 3; Gigs. Write, phone or call |'lomc/.\lL'd- (I9 m0|l|l|>)- U-K3 llzlss“ gow for Ilonie Sea Service (Trials). I P/tCKI.’\'G I-‘OR SHIPMENT TRIUMPH COACHES LTD. Portsmouth. Port. April 1962 changes to General Serl'i- c; huntll..\l.S. Virago. September. at D:\'nn-I vice Commission Middle Eastt 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth 2l5l5 Phone 2735i port for Home Sea SCIHCC. tits ! ttonic(t2 months). U.K. Base Pan. l l)e\onport. ll:is:: Port, Devonport. --
New assembly hall .
t‘l'lI.)Il1l tS). {Cfl|"§ll¢f. Dcscembcr.
Fom«:i:‘.-»ssT-Your NEXT
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tr:.ils. (ointiiissioiis
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Il l 0 l t l l | t\). ‘»ii..\i.s.
13 Clarendon Road, Southsca
August. I95!
Five ‘Saunas’ in four days
..\l.S. Diana visileil Turku (Alto). I l)ut'ing the .sta_\' Ilie ship lost to the the etund city and zinrient capi- I-'inuish Naval llase 2 l at soccer and t:il of I-‘inland from June 28 to July were also iiatrowly beaten in a swim2 and the e\pcrience was one uhich nung relay. would not have been missed. V\iIlilI::l_\‘. The ship was open to visitors on hy any of those on board. two days atid .'l..‘llltt people came on On the first day. after the payiiig :iiid hoard, and a total of lit) littnish receiving of ollic .il calls. the Captain otliccts and ratings tnadc conducted t(‘aptain G. J. Kitkhy. l).S.('.. R.-.\‘) touts of the ship. A children's party laid a wreath on the l-‘innish Na .il for -til orphans was also ltcld oti ho;ird. War .\leiuori:il at a simple ceremony attended in a guard from the ship ;titd 't'tn«: .s.\t'.\'.\ I-iniii.sli tlte hand ot the Navy .\l.tn_\' of the ship's compatty were A large aiiiotttit of otli al and into the ".s:tutt;i.l‘ This ht-gins Pl'l\‘2llC llt\\|1ll1tlll_\' \\as ollercd and ,initi.itcd room heated to visits arrattged lot the ship‘s coitipatiy with .. long sit in afollowed it)‘ a Ilyincluded trips to an oil refinery. an ‘.ll‘t\ttl lioiluig pontt. lC_|i\ mm .1 lake or s\\'l'tlttllttg pool lCC'ClL'.llll I';ictor_\' twltere tutliinitcd img around (ill degrees l-. One otlicer free ice cream \\:is provitledl. a stup- .it suivivetl live saunas in fotir days: sur_\.nd. a pottery atid :i hrewet'_v. heart attacks. The party attending the brewery piisiitgly there were no ll,‘.\l.S. l)i.itia sailed from l'urku at milked there hilt transport “as Stind:i_v. July 2. The provided back. because 500 bottles il')()0 hours oit out of h:irhotir hy the of beer were provided for 36 ratings! ‘ship was played "l.:tIId of Thu.-_v were. however. unable to drink l‘llltlI\h .\i.tval lland playing it all in the little available and re- Hope and Glory" to rottnd oil a most cnjo~,alilc visit. turned on hoard in good order.
H.M.S. Blake
..\l.S. Illake. the last of the three cruisers‘ of the Tiger class. considered to he the last of the t:onvcntion:il cruisers. was laid down on August l7. I942. at the -‘airfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. on the Clyde. the launching cerentotiy taking place on December 20, N45. The naming ceremony was performed by Lady
tlesign. The hoilers are those originally
and tn.iiu cncin.-s‘ insI.i|lcd hot little else reiiiziitts to connect this l')(al lllalse with the ship laid tip in I047. The Blake's length to.a.) is 555 ft. ‘tin. with a heatn ol (:4 ft. Her standard UNI-lR.\t.\"II(iN tus been icceiu.-it ll’I.II Ihe totlowmit have tween to lllt‘ displacement is 9.500 tons. Her main '. tnct Petty ()lrIi.Ct' or (‘met Amtieer mic; ariitaiiient is two twin 6 in, turrets, each firing 20 rounds per minute per til (tllllrll-‘ P211!‘ OI-‘I-‘ICIZR Vice-Admiral wife of Sir lNl_Wit-H M. ‘I. Iidvurili. J.\‘l‘72‘l7 II He!- tllakc. gun. and the secondary armaincnt is lvrrt. l.\‘|7l72‘ll). IL. Smith. INKSMKI l \\‘ Ilot- (ieotlrcy lllake. three twin 3 in. turrets. cacti tiring llt) tute. JISKIIH R. It. Staikinzs. I\7Ns1tH t'. Work on the .ship was suspended in rounds per itiinnte per gun. lltndc. J.\'l6.l-SS8 F, l.. Reeves. .|.\-it.-t7.i0 t)_ | (Continued front page II I947. and the Blake was All guns are controlled by autoSt-_pienihcr. and laid board. ln I953 she at (irecnock. was matic. Living ment on tip 1;’ (g 5¢,,;_ ,,¢.,‘77.,, ,‘.‘R“.-,,_,,,,i_ ,' ‘mu THE RUN-l)()WN fire control rad;ir—opcr:itcd \\‘. it. and And I.\'Z~lhIjb ‘)5-ltlt)"l'. t). Swsso i. moved to the (iarelock and in I954 systetns c:ipahle of engaging verv fast t.amt...s_ i t Certain naval units. after operating quarters averaged The l.ltl'F. she was taken back to Fairficld 5 Yard .siirt‘ace or air targets‘. lllakc is able to tip to i. in .support of Kuwait for three weeks machinery spaces w N. Ru mun. JXHOZ79 0. I-'. wt».-am, at Govan and reconstructed to {I new fire a total weight of sltcll of several high humidity. over 90 per cent. .sot_m hottest are now
“.m“'_‘,‘|‘."','n_‘ .
'i ic"t’.?ii i in§“x,.(.§_;,§‘7' ~
in the world's .sea. l\I‘2.‘.'tK ( I‘ Ilytnc. lfilblmfl (3. N l'.Ilcy. after sunrise. completed the heat dis- I-\-"*3"-I tons a minute. l'dsurt1\. The waters. cooler withdrawn to ht.-itig liven :tt night little respite I0 IIIIEI-' I-ZN cotufort. All main machinery is capable of \'}‘.lIIRlN(3 Ml-ICIIANIC lirst to leave is the destroyer (‘as- was due to the high .sea-water N*W'7-‘i L W. I--hhne. Kxsiini-i it l’¢.tt\It. gained automatic operation and can be sandra. who will have been at sea conII. Kenny. Rxtsoistn '1. it, M.t.,._ ctlect of the sun atid teinpetatttres lb:-I9 remotely controlled, '36.t R. Kxsivsis A. i‘. R. R -, tinuou.sl_v for eight weeks. Soon after. _lu:;tting dowti on steel decks :ill day. ta...“ .s...=:.::. .;. ..-_ -......._ .. W the carrier Victorious and lter escorts. This class of cruiser has been l). Merrick. KN‘i~l7IllI t. It. tum, rose to the challenge of lEver_\-one HF. First l.ord of the Admiralty designed to provide Close cover and Lincoln. Yarinouth. t-‘inistcrre :tnd these unple;is:utt conditions and RN17!-W R. Kcrm-n. tt.s7ii-an l'. l'.irIn-r. KYSH-Slfi G. K.‘s's\<0<1 I. I3, l.|cq|ic\, the--od. illie Rt. Hon, l.ord Carrington. anti-aircraft support for coiivoys and l.och l-’_\'ne. leave. Most of the early morale was‘ high and health good. A. U.|ktiIt1_ ts'x77oo|i 1‘ g. u_..gn_ §\:u2tutl arrivals were from the Far East and ts\770lW A it tiumlev. KN.-was?! i)_ “K K.C.M.(i.. M.C.l took the salute at the aircraft carrier groups and to provide in shown Hi Mitch ingcnuit_v was .i:x77i<ztr.' ;;at support for assault landings. while prewill be replaced by ships drawn from D‘I..' | ‘:ll;tfl' \ K-\’|4T"l7n these Ships‘ hardships. alleviatittg Stations. Naval rtt.tnni.i Rosa the .\lediterranean and Hoiite College. Dart- serving the versatilitv to fulfil a numL "_ (-_,,,,,m,,,_ K,‘-,.,m,_. D (. ;‘_m_ work that so routines‘ were zidjustcd xx-m,=27 o. G. lcnkim. tzxssszir tr, 1 mouth.onJuly3l. l-‘ar liast ships steamed 4.500 miles ber of other peace-titne roles I)A. it. Kxt.7.s'oto itmter. smcr. dawn cool in the doite I_{Ntt.'¢lK0‘ periods. was to get to the l’crsi:ui Gulf. atid VicIlntmr-. Is» #5777 t. 0. Oliver. Kxasusz ii. torious has won the distance chatti- 'l’hirst~qnenchiiig barrels of iced water Robson. K. SMIIIZ W T. Mayhcw. strategically It) ('.:lIll>2I-‘ RADIO IICTRICIAN pionship with l2.()()(t logged in the and littte juice inwere dress h_|X7I'IlJ77 (‘. I'.iIk. M.‘\'.'t47-Stu? A. lltoom. relaxed operation. Fuelling. feeding and stor- placed. l-'ormalit_v naked was Ktxhumv It. llarroit. about their I0 men went near ing this force amounting to 3.500 .§CI'l." CIIIFIF MECIIANICI \N K\?‘i'n<0 ll. (‘. \\’.m.t_ sailors has been the job of the under- work. Salt-water showers and canvas deck to (ftlll-IF l>Zt.t2(.‘tttlClAN w‘ v replenishment ships. the R.l5.As. baths were rigged on the upper II ‘rccnun 'l'idereacli. Reliant and Rcsurgent. who so ttteti could refresh theins'elve.s to-\|X7“l£“R .\('ri.str; ('tIii:i~' iuiuo l£t.I~L('I'R|('\I. have had to provide over (tlltt tons of without wasting fresh water. .\R'l'IH('I>2l-I .\tX.~tHtutM W 1. s.-ti.-mitt. .\I.\s*<7:<< R W fuel. stores and provisions for each Otlier f;iCtors which supported lktx-ivriu t. .s tit.-.u.-n. .\l.V.'s“T“.'*I,l firm-iv. morale were the regular air-tttail t W. Smut: day of the operation. deliveries three to live d3l_\’~'» only frotn to .\crt.\'t: (‘mi-;i-' i:.~i(;iNi-: Rt|().\l LIVING (f0Nl)l'I‘l()l\'S Ml'I'lFl(‘l2R ample Iilm siipplies. and oppor- .\IKll‘HlK4 thonte. .\lXl>1“Hl T HolliClimatic conditions have ntade life tlltlllllcs for itnproniptu sport such as do. tuxsuiinsI'D nI‘. KKelly. Ptirvcur. .\txi.:.'sn-. ,\ t-_ in all ships uttpleasant. despite air volley hall. tttt:-of-war. deck hockey \\:l‘\ll.lK€. MXTIM17 W. l Red-.l-e. Mxms-ui l.. |'I.II(l‘|€lI. .\IX777*'t'~t R A |l.ttiis. rifle shooting. It was not a spec- \\‘ conditioning. which has heen vital in .\I\"‘.'iiZ.'l K. II. (lirdricr. t\IV\'l.~tstIs' I) \\'_ -\l‘s'N'-7-'€I|0 I t‘ .\terrt.tt_ Mxsot operating delicate electronic equip- tacular ioh. hut ships have been busy Rohlnwn. (i. A ('.iriorntIu, I “.1; Victorious‘ kept her aircraft in flying .\l‘3l‘7‘2 J. l-.. M .\l.‘\"nl«i:il .‘8.crri. .\l.\‘30T:.‘T K \\. practice da_v ‘ind night. ready to sup-I Lnlor. If} lll'WlII(;Ill ARI'II-'ICl-IR port the force ashore in Kuwait at any : ID -‘ \\' \\'liitc. 3"2‘l decide to inionient should Kasseni ID .\CYIN l.'.'llII-II-' l'II.l*‘.(.'Il(l(‘.\l. ‘invade the shcilsdotn ol Kuwait. l .\l.‘s'r-4'-'«'t~'N'\\'. .\RfII-‘I( ‘R 8 lion. OS'l'('.-\Rl) pltotograplis of the [0 CIIIIZF PI-ZlT\' ()l~HCl-ZR ‘WRIIIIR THE S.\IAl.I. SHIPS -\lN77l§‘2 M A lttllfhtifl. .\|\s.'t2~lh I). tollossing ll..\l. Ships may be obM.\‘~‘.m77-I It. ttotmn. .\txst.uiri ,\ 1; Lntur. tained from the liditor. N\\'\' Ni\vs'. .\tNs4tNt.s "ml. of all: tones. .\I.\1.s<n|3~iI) t watsti. .\tN.s'u.“.’ II t'. The small ships. the nt:iids R..\’. |larr;icks'. Portsntotitli. price (id. (' .\ ken ,\|x.~.vs.-mi-I (‘. active. work. guardwere ceaselessly Wherever you're going to bc. you'll need J car on arrival. Buy .\tN.s'.in«it: .\I Kr-d. siicrgt-id .\txs.isoo': R r'._ each. which includes postage. H. ll.i\cr_ .\I.\"«7I|Hr. l"4 M l'‘'“‘- Mv‘s'7i.s_i¢,; a new Hillman. Humbcr. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Lt.d.. PortsTheseus. littlwark. Ocean. Faglc. ing the carrier. carrying'\p:llL‘ll|.'.s‘._ N 5 mm. .\IX\‘D'.‘<\'ts w. i w..ists. .\I\;77it.7.sthe mail. and protecting mouth. Ii yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our t\ Nlfilfllfl. -\l4‘\'7.\'~ll.\" I (‘entaur. (ilasgow. Kenya. Newcastle. stores‘ Hcndit.k_ "-_ Kuwait. to .searching .\t.\.siti:<7 H. t. rims. tstxs-it.-mg is N special export Schcme—‘/ou buy at. export prices. Albion. Ark Royal. Loch Killisport. approaches -‘l-hlkh. -\lX.‘<‘»1-ll‘/' l M\rs'.’i)tn7 R_ Roxlumth. with Let E.M.A. make all the :irr:ingcmcnts—c-xport formalities. inDiana. Tacittirti. Daring. Chevron. tlltows and prepaiiiig to support .\t\':iuwi .\ (‘. t' Icvrlt. 3-ix.-ixmit t_ttm.od. in artns t W. ttooitium. Mxfvivrri w, surancc. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write m_..m.,.,._ 7.:-st. Vattguartl. .\lurr;i_\'. ('ttn1ht:rl;ind. inaval gunfire their cotttrades .\t.\'.\"‘3f-‘N V. A. l\I.\'.s«t.-t'.'.s‘\' t-tutitps. w. N. 1 to us tod.1y—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting .'~3eorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. ashore. Young for you when you dock! Or it can be purchased on the home TI) ST(lRl".§’ (TIIII-Cl’ FlII'|'\' 0|-‘I-‘I('l-CR (VI Salisbury. Sliellicld. (iirdle Ness. .\I\“/'42I2t I’ ll Hunt, .\|xvn47nis | for use in this country before you sail. 1 delivery plan .\laidstone. t\'ewfottnd|aud. Warrior. SPIRIT IN TIIF. I-'l.I-II-1'1‘ “NW H-wsctl. 1. IIlI\0..II‘d, P-IX.~t7\'7.s't ti, 3 Victoriotis‘. llritatinia. llerniuda. i "HUN. t-'l7l‘.‘l2 K. I‘. l.ClAl\_ .\I.\{s‘l-Uitl The spirit in the fleet is of work well t. \' (‘. l.ulor_ .\lxf-<iltLtI T. I. I'.irr. Alamciii. Vigo. T_viie. ('orunn.i. Sfllllliti CIIIIIF !'}3I'I'\' 0|-'I>'I(.'I-ZR (S) Jutland. Talent. l’a||iser. liitplorer. done for :i worth-while citd ttttder T0.\l\£.~i7ti2‘3t A. luckctt. .\lN.s.t.s:-it I; 1 coiiilitioiis. htit ready for a Rt-heirs. .\l\"I|\“l22 Porpoise. Redpolc. (ianihia. Tigcr. lditlicult J Smith, M\‘.~t=.ttlll I" Russell. Dainty‘. l’rotector. Undine. statid-dowit so that. if required. they (honihcs. MK.\'h"27.\‘ l). (‘. ll.inn.i PI»II'T\' 0I>‘I>'ICl-ZR (‘OUR IS) (V'lI_|‘I-ZF \s'_ l)et.-ml.-r. l)artiugton. Carroit. Whitby. Ina)‘ return refreshed :tnd rcvitalised toM.\.-Wit-I A. lhnwooduc. .\tx|nTtst7 .\ ‘for otltcr patrols. liasthotirttc. 'l'orqnay. Mttttttls‘ llay. .\Iic.ill. -\I?\'t'ilti‘-7 M H (ioddud. llcltast. llermes Armada. Yarmouth. As a practical dcnionstration of theIll-' Pl-ZTI\' UI-'FI(.'l-'.R (‘t)()K tn) 007-1‘! N \'a‘ Ilo)-nc, .‘olXfIMi'.‘:tI (‘ .\Tl.|\h" there l.ioti. llartland l’oint. Leopard. Token. .Navy‘s versatility and niohility. II‘ II \lllt) ('0)l.\IllNl(‘.\‘II(IN (Tiicltcstcr. liclto. Loch Fada. ‘lenh_v .‘is no doubt that this operation has H\'l.'s‘(IR lheen a great siiccess. :md l’utna. l.\ W71 is A Smith. l.‘s‘7I.‘.*It.-i I) \\.’ (‘.
aw (\‘\.|lr;‘i:‘”l's\.2U'\“‘»l=4‘_'_¢’ rl;tsstng_oiit
[Ill-l‘||(lL‘(|‘f Midslupniui
OOMIIIG HOME in ‘LEA vs .9 an mun WA)’ avensrasp
to-vie. Jxesirsuri .-\ t) t)uttin. ixsstlsi .-\ I \. l'rin. l.‘i'Mt-llt W. (i. \\‘h.iiton. J.\{t‘.'|t.'i.s'
l' J, l-vans It) Clllfil-' ('O\IsIlt.VIC.\Tlt)N \‘I»i(l\l \N lVi»< W. \\'. i. ‘tutor, ix:-i:.s:<.-t J ‘Kelli; isssiius ii. i:. ‘Litindcrs
‘I0 SI K III-IRTII (.'IIIl-Zl-' Pl-ZlT'i' (II-'l-'ICl-ZR .\lX!tlh2.iZ (E. (‘. Hurst. .\tXn'~tv-t (‘. It.
TO \l.\S1'!'.R-\‘I’-.\lI.\l.*i M. .“l5l2 J. A. lluitlici. (‘iiii»'.t' /\llICR.\l'I .\iitii'i(:i:ii
Tt:\:$IlN(i I. ‘t3xr.r.7.s-nu R.
(', I /irxus-i,-our D. it. \\').lll.l ‘I-"NH min t-. w. ('r.lig, to .\(.'n.'s‘(: Cllll-T!’ AIRCRAFT .\iuIt~'tciaii. (0)
|.:'l"NfIl'-9262R. \V. \Vood. to ciitt»:i-‘ AIR i—'i1'rt-Iii t.u:i
HILLMA N through
l..’l"3\'Slt».\.W R: l.JI"lDlII.{ 10 CIIII-ll-' AIRMAN (Alli l.’l’X67l|.‘ll G. I’. Mcflcnnn.
T0 ACI'I.\'(5 CIIII-’.l-‘ I'Il.l'IC'l'RIC.\L
“W 'llie sistli sulintaritie of the (Iheron class ll..\l.9. 0|:itipiis—--euteriiii: Mrs. R. ll. water at Barron". on Julie l-I. alter ltl't' l:i_tiiteliiit;.- and iuiiuiitg h_v “'right, “He til‘ \'l('l‘-.\tlm:t';tl R. H. \Vft1:lIl. (‘.tI.. l)..\.( the l‘-l:I',: ('Illit't‘r. Scull; ind .
- .
ARIII-'ICl-ZR (AIR! L.'IiX5SK7Wi G. Hill. I0 ALTINKZ Cllll-‘.l-' l>' .E(,'IIlIC.\I. Ml-‘CIl:\l\'IC|AN IAII-It L.’l-.\’xl-I292 ii. I-'. King. 10 CIIII-II-' I*Zl.l-ICTRICIAN tAlRi l.!l-'XttI7l62 L C. Scott. l.ll-X70746-I I \\'illi.\m\.
‘F0 \CII.\'(3 CIllI".I>' RADIO I>1l.£CI'IlCAl. .\RIll-'lCl'IIl(AIR) I
I".‘(.\t*'7Mol I.
U \\'. Carin
August. I96!
N A V \'
It.- _I filllllllllllIIlllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllI||Il'
Have YOU (1 personal problem
Eiiglixli will be pleural to
rrrlrlrcucrf crirclope will be apprcci'ittc.'t.’.
Men on General Service Commission are lucky as :i _\'oungster's‘ tirst coninti.ssion abroad ni-.i_r be regarded and trove "IltlIIlI'al_\' cruise" (see the story on this page). when men get married lhe of "another becomes‘ job cruise work." more responsibilities. the IioIid'.t_v abroad :r\'erat:e sailor. realising he is p:irt of tile Senior Service. takes his'_ time in his stride. His wife. Iiowever. perhaps living zimonu eiinipzirzitwe stranigers.
|,'|'tl()LZ(;lt a
is apt. sonietiiiies. to feel that Iier husband is not
fair crack of the
iiiid.-rslatiditig wife is the key to ! wonder how niany inure chaps I.iboiir under the s;itii.: sort or d.:l:i_sion. .I liappy marriage and once ;_i'wife grasps the idea that .\'a\':iI Dratting is An
station— I 906 A ‘G.S.C.‘ IS ‘O\'I-.R5I'.i\S SI-.R\|LI~. The main point is a General Ser\’lL't: Ctll‘I'll'|'lI$\lflI'I IS Ct)lll'llt!(.l (H Overseas Service and "Dratty" cannot riiption. in lI‘¢'theret'ore give as mncli corisitlerattion 'IIIs' flT|is‘IL' ll)’ -‘\Ts‘I\i|Tb¢s‘ I and proceeded to Malta for repairs. It O June issue of "Navy Nr_:\\s" :iroiisc_d to your Preference Area as h:: does O is remarkable. how quickly onc‘s enmore interest than anticipated and it when dmmm: W” W Home Sm scr. 1 thusiasm returns. when reaching the is tiIt\'Intts' that the pres-.-nt day sailor vi“ uf pun 5‘-rt-i¢¢_ | do know, haw. sheltered water of a harbour. has a sound knowledge of the complex cvcr, that when 3 3l|ip commissions Our next port of call, was Port Said. with, s_-1)-_ Purtsnniuth as the Base Urp.tttis’:illoI) of the t.II’:tI'lltlg world. where we were coated by native labour. 0"°"“““" Sc" 4 I’9"- 515 Y.‘-U’ 113 P0-‘bible it is nmnncd :q"“'I°"' .H‘““‘' 5'5“ ;and it was here. that I witnessed for \'lL't.‘. Port .Ser\'ice-—all these are terms mm mm “in, 1,-we chosen pg.-1_.;. ‘the time. the cruelty of Arab which everyone understands‘ and has mouth as their Preference Area. This .(i.-ingers, who struck the lahourer‘s cannot. however. always be zirraiigcd :I_ 5:0-id idea “hell hs‘ if duc ft-‘I’ ll1L‘mbare shoulders with a whip. if not the one torn) of service ssltich does because oft-.-it men with other l’refcrfast cnoui.-.h. seem more dillicnlt to grasp is per- _¢nc¢ Areas are top of the roster for and am‘-ling 10 ulrmlgh the 0,.L.hL, Th?" onward M: “.L.m_ which _Coniniisston. Scryicc‘ the (ieneral Service Iiaps“NM E Ilie how fit’ liar told .\'r.'t'_t' i.'ri'i't'l¢'.r t\"I;'.l”I'U'.\‘I-.‘ Ru_\‘ul his iui'ii¢'¢l (In pn'ri'ou.r then Iamoiis Sue/. (‘.'inal. attain l"t1'~'|hi-‘t’ Willi I‘0fs‘|t!" 531" O\'t.‘f.\'t.‘IlS Service must be front the in the "rmiiv and IH('tlf.\. the rigid rIi.wi/iliiii-. [mid Uttoli.-r. NI)-4. poor poor brought to my mind. the slogan. of the roster _ur the wI_ioIe basis vice and I.tI'.'AlI.l'~0l'CIgI1VSCI"\'ICC. |l‘flft‘.’I Itiir¢"' ''()n order ftlt'Il('.\.\ the ('Yt'l.'I.’ltI"_\' rim! that um! _\'(lIItfIIfllj.' “Join the Navy aml 5|-‘C the World." glutlum" on th; IIll‘.'..' tornis‘ ot ()\'-.-rs-:as S.-r-—of fair drafting will _he |3l'L'‘t:lI. in I'm'!.mmu!h. /906.) Il'urmi'Is\. R..\'. in rriirtfllm It'll to (lie 3 1).,“-n lhmugh um Rut SWL and m'.,..,\-,3 When you :ire serving on a (icncral ‘sI\'s'. Scrytce Coiiiiiiiss_ioit and find yotir2. I906. was the morning we _\'oungster.s had looked forward to the Indian Ocean. coating at Pcrim i.t'(‘i(\' .\lt-'..\‘ self in a ship with I)-.-yonport as‘ its with eagerness and enthusiasm. What more could we have wished for by and Colombo. thence to Sim:i|P0|'s'Port and retittinp there. while way of a New Year award? To commission :1 Flagship. destined in the near I“ _3III POI!‘ Ills‘ wlllitlts‘ \\-’|\ done I‘) In m.iny ways the chap who is .you are living in l’orts'uouth. spare future to salt for that land of I'riiita.~iy—(.'tiina. To sail some 10.000 miles ; nzilivc lulmiir. \l.'IltII's.'kl to :i (iciieral S-.:r\‘icc (‘o:tiitiis- til thought that you are on Overseas: overseas to a land which was full of rnystery and intrigue. where the diplomats Bl'IAL'l'\' AND ACI IV! I Y sltlll ship is a lucky man. The ship 'S:r\-ice and are iolly lucky to be able of the "great powers tried with each other in their efforts to gain some advan-5 may relit in a UK. port and some of ito eel home at all. Don't forget. pro- tape for their countries by acquiring some additional concession which would ‘. H .” _,_,1 the period of the (icncr;iI Sersicc _.\'id':d _\ou are likely to be in the Ship give them the authoritativecontrol in rivers. harbours and seaports." ('o!it:iiission is probiibly sp:iit in li.Is'. '|ord'.‘r sI\' iiiontlis tsshich is pr.u:tic:illy .-\d\'entiire we had wanted. and at inboard, What a sigh of relief went up, the ports. You may therefore ottcit get ilI\\‘.'I}‘i the C;t\'.‘I _\ott can apply for first glance :it least. it looked as it when the last hoist was in. -. -'1' f .l. I 1., home from time to time. whereas you i!1'l'.lI'fl‘.'tI quarters at the Ilasc Port and 5 our Itupcs were to he realised. So. on‘ llut the next problem. was. how to t cannot iior'n;illy do this on Foreign .qiia|if\' tor :ilIow.iii.'c ill this ntrtrning of ];mu;ir_s- ‘ we wt-re‘clc:iii~;t our bodies. from the mixture .‘ \., ,, Senice or I.Us.'.tI Foreieii S‘-.-rsicc. l)es- 5 _\oii more there. there of and were sweat. as coaldusi astir feeling: high spirits. very early. If the wife or girl friend feels pit-.' this. the (ieiicr;iI S‘.'rs‘ic.* Com-I amt no about we were water N. ,“."_ ink.“ mm buy‘ “him had to eonm_icncc imiilablc. mission is often wrongly abused and that men on General St-nice (.‘oiii- that for as .-\i_.:gic except hes. a "holiday cruise. stokers. hm." d‘_.“_.|‘,pL.d H‘ mmmg [,L.M.m.§ look-.-d noon as th: (.‘ind.‘rell.i of liils; ntissions don't ttut liome often holid;iy. baths. with Weston'.s' Sailors‘ its Rest. the parade §:r0IllI-KI‘: The hnrbm". how. in“, Sight m'u[_ we daslied :lCl'th'S torm in Service. enough. xi couple of minutes with food and were :i good and hantmocks. to deposit.washhouses. .|cn|y_ ,L.,m“,,g 3 "ms! “nndflful I met an .\l.l7.. the other day who explaining this to her when _\ou nest them bags from zscnt barrack blessing in the train at the hc:i\'en. picmn. of bcmm. and M.m.m._ ship‘, M h:i\'e ti few IIlt)7llt:l'Il's at hotite. will could not iiiiil.-island why he was in :i ()ii was to cons-ey our! Ising _A|trcd \'1IlIs.‘tI'u” mm,,,umiL.\. “wk. \,_.k.u“."' M hm,“ 3l_.Station. J;im_ia_ry which (icrieral S-.-nice ('orii'iit'ssion sltlp be well worth while. After all. wc gsiding. for Iltc wcathervm. i,$_ ,;mk.r di“.|,;,,gg,,F M ah. thc (IlItl.‘t into the \II‘L'is}.l.'(I. alon-,:sitlc Iva; and to when the iii his to sea Navy ioinetl no I)'.'\'(|l'lDt\i'I. rclltltttg: “"“ E““‘I- '~"""" ‘‘I‘‘'‘‘ ‘'‘‘‘‘l'‘!: ‘M ""‘5' § Irirking ll‘lCrL‘II'tlltII\C I‘errics iietwecn of itig .-\lfrciI. (whichPortsniotilh. or I\fC(I I’rcl‘creitcc unlucky was are very lucky ut llisctii. lt_\\:is w'_hIIst c_t»os_siiie_1lIs'! Hong Kong and Kowloon were seen to hints‘ at ill to get as ever way you .'\IllIt\IIt.:Il not a I)raI'ting exp.-rt I N0 COM .\IlSSl().\' ('l{Rl-Z.\l0N\' ' RM‘ “ml I '~I“' "W '”‘I '““k “" 34”" be loaded with [1‘lS\t.‘tlt_ZCfs' Trips and imitdo. no much shore time as we think I was able to explain the reason I-“"k‘“"' Ii “'“‘ 3 b°‘“””"I steambo:it.s‘ in large itiinibcis were miistercd The dr:ift was duly in! to him and he left a happier man. I tcr what specialisatiuii we are mght. ui_th llllIIIt)ll\’ ofDrstars mming nlpidl), “hm” the hm,buur_ nmmhcd mm me dm_.k_mrd_ "W III? ‘W"‘|_3|t't&‘DL‘ whilst sainpatis and junks. with sails‘ In a mu M H“, jg"). ;';,¢in:_. i had in its grip. so much patched or mm ‘wrc me larrl) |.\L.t. dr"-[mg in H” 'the 're;it shi which would be our 5"‘ ‘MI I “Lu-‘ I“ “I ’‘I‘‘-‘' I my directions. And. to complete the picI’“.'l""’°‘I for or more. It was WI’ tore. the mountain known as the 3 Ema, mmm.m_ “.|,;,_.|, “mu ( ri rsai. lll‘|§. tit. .|L IILfI'.!l‘IL.tIl. --pL.;,k-- mm. in the l,;“_.kgmund "r "K, Our hm,“ with mid‘. liowever. where we cncoiintcred <C\‘t.'I’s‘ “urban, and H‘. glm.;‘,u‘l). blue “.um._ “,n__|‘.\\‘t::tIIlI:l‘. The” WM "0 wn"“i“_imin__ “ I lost my scalcgs. and few words. in A those days. mony l\'l3l’lL'-NE. , h“ I] in H‘ “n .1 .‘n -‘ ‘I v "W. m_"-. “ i 1* 2‘. I‘ t(‘oinmander _‘ troni the Commander. j :1 good Ixisliine. (To tie continued) had stomach. the ship called. ;(‘onscttl. then our nzimes were and we were liandctl otir (.''ion- ; ing ('ards. on which was recorded our ‘ ‘EVERYTHING FOR THE NURSERYI Part of Ship. .\Ics~'. No.. etc. Then we proceeded to locate hag EXCEPT THE BABY‘ , .anr.I hammock and take them on AGENTS FOR to stow. and lint! our mess. and ; report to our Captain of Top. . Silver Cross, Wilson, Royale, Marmet, Montford, Tansad, etc. Uri afternoon. the more were we Ily less settled in. and got down to tirel BUY YOUR PRAM AND NURSERY SPECIAL CONCESSIONS OFFERED drill and many other evolutions‘. TO SENIOR SERVICE FAMILIES NEEDS BY NAVAL ALLOTMENT for Watches time The Dog gave us BABY-LAND BABY-WORLD a little rcllcction. I began to feel that I 6 Grove Road South. Southzea }03IS Copnor Road. Portsmouth was of some importance. In just over had graduated from a 1 :1 year. I (Phone: Ports 6-H24) (Phone: Ports 263l6) “.\'ortIi:impton Rigger." to the exalted WHEN YOU NEED PRAMS AND rating of ()rdinar_v S-:;iin:in_ .-'\lthoui:h 4 feeling rather raw. it scented that my] NURSERYWARE—YOU NEED US standard was hii_.-.h enough to become‘ a mcrnhcr of a I-l:igship's complement. So here I w';i~:. being paid at the; L‘\2t‘ll’I‘)II:tI"Il rate of 85. ‘Id. pcr wcck.. but Itaving Is. 9d. of this large aniouiit. retained to otlsct any stops I might ordered to take tip. for kit once. But who cared‘? .\lonc§.' was object. I at least felt that I had ta disfoot on the lowest rune. of pcrIiapsnterwell worn ladder. which might lead?! 0" promotion. providing I took care -\'.S. avoid those which were prone to ills‘; citione down with :1 crash. and C0.-\l.lNG Stilt’ inc; The day arrived when it was it.-cu""" sary to coal ship. Yes. 2.500 io,_ were needed. The King Alfred been hcrtlicd on the North Wall. ; .. Collier. loaded in bulk came MALTA I2 SOUTH side. just :1 single derrick and ‘ d:i‘" For This it. thrcc ‘each hold. was" Malt: Cable C.2-$226 "Ship:issure" (5 Lines) Telephone dawn until well into the I), I v\\":itcIics. we sloggcd and Agcltts for B.E.;'«. and all Independent Companies St)-Ilttt tons per hour. Jr" "ollice sailors" learn: L./Wtr. B. Tooes. :clc- [ l../Wtr cold. htin;_'r_\' :ind still". we ot I). J. I..IWtr. Wtr. C. I -renorp. “M H l__p ( W “F H) .n m_ h ‘H fir “hddlflbnmgm w‘r' P’ or “"5 R‘ “°“"°“- of EH93“ !IIL‘
with utmost care and that there are no impartiality “Iiddles"— then the wif-.:. like the hitshantl. will accept the lll\!‘s'lI;tI)It! dis-
s‘£lfI'I'.‘\I out
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ifrom slo;:g:;p".t“ Iil\‘L‘fit‘__‘Il _L‘ lnight. and; L‘\:iII‘L'.:tnt’ \h\lt‘.L‘ titltl sIIIl,'II\.‘\.’C\I‘ ;‘lI.I "Hf ‘
Easy Payment Plan
of” l’orlsmouth: .
l)own_e.s. (|l'iVt)I‘ifl|!|IHfll:
Dank: worfinu: an
lint‘ 0
August. l96l
NA \'\’
A ‘New Look’ for R.N. Lay Readers
l-IERF. is a change of considerable importance in the Royal Naval Lay Readers‘ Societ_v a. cltange which affects tltc conditions under which tlte lay readers work not. of course, of the work the Society does. The aiiitual report of tlte President of the Society. Admiral Sir Gerald Gladstone. K.C.l3.. shows tltat because of the policy of not replacing stipendary readers. a £510 deficit in ulrserver who arrived in I.nndon l95*) was ttirtted into a credit balaitcc of £2l7 for‘196U and. in addition. tlte Centenary Appeal realised from l\'uwuit. has spoken of the 1:633. successful deplityrtieiit of Royal The .stipend:tr_v readers wotild he .'.-\rnty title "Captain" would be .\larini.-s C0mlll'.lfI(l0\‘ in conditions Over the [t.ts'l ten years the Society has had to realise about £(i.0()0 capi- paid by tltc Cliurcli Army according‘ dropped whilst serving in the Royal where the temperature reached I24 Lil and suclt a retrograile policy could to the normal rate of pay of that Navy and the ollicer would be degrees I-’. and incessuttt saiid-stitnits Chtirch Army. reduced visibility to 200-500 yards. body and participate in all other finan- ailtlressed as Mr. not continue. -——
tip the sand and men froitt sole eyes and parched
No. 42 Conintando (l.ieutcn:intColonel E. R. Bridges) which was entbarked in the carrier. was able to take up positions aitd hold them for 48 hours before other ellective forces were :iv;iilable. 'l'|ii:y were put ashore, supplied and siipporteil by the helicoptcrs of No. ll-SS Squadron of the Fleet in such conditions, with the thermo- Air Arm and were fully equipped and Under the new arrangcnient-lo be it has been decided to ask Cltristititi ci:il arrangements of the Church the Royal‘ titetcr never tlropping below 90 in lighting order well before cont.-‘\rin_v including pensions. sickness. :ie- reviewed periodically were established by road. Naval Lay Readers‘ Society will itot degrees I‘. even in the early morning. l.ater with bivouacs and czintoullage lose the its (‘iiittitianilos slit trenches but will seek individuality dug The R.i\'. Lay Readers‘ Society work of bringiitg the cltallenge of nets providing the only shailc froitt the tlowit when work with ashore from the the were they closely largest EvangelChrist to those in the Royal Navy to would reimburse the Church Army. istic gruelling sun. the helicopters of the ('ontnt:indo within H..\l.S. Bulwark.Carrier. the Church Society of; volunteer to study in their spare time Thus the Naval Readers would have lhtlwark were wclconted as "flying the first arrive’. to were lingland. troops |Tliey and tltcit sit the cxaniination set by a career structure and reasonable In thanking subscribers for their; they at once secured the Kuwait air- aiteels" bringing ice. fruit and other the Central Readers‘ lloard for a securitynotobtainable now.‘ eouintodilics to relieve the \ll'L‘\s of past contributions. the chairman of’ field and water distillation plant. then heat and to supplement l)iocesan Reader's Licence. food p.tcls's. The paid readers would wear the the Society said that in future one,proccei!ed to dig tltcntselvcs in in a Wm‘ “il Cm" A team of such qualified ltonorary. grey ('hurclt Ariity uniform with ...“"“. ""l‘“'."k financial appeal will be made each; key position oit a dotninating ridge. readers‘ will be of great assistance to‘ Royal Naval Lay Readers‘ flashes on “W mnpcmmrc For the first few il.ty.s' circtiiitsi:iriecs ‘l'"“"mg' to raise the funds necess;iry to; year l“'l‘“‘ '‘l‘'‘‘l‘‘ 5"‘ "" °"'-"‘ "the Church Afloat." They will be the jacket and overcoat. The Chnrchl reimburse the Church Army. ‘l"F"‘-'°‘- “'"" were specizillb’ severe. A reli.-iitless l haven of comfort for nicit nan cqttable licensed by the Arcltbisliop of Canter-. l ——Royal .\larines :itid Army p.-rsonncl bury to coiiduct morning and cveningi’ l tcniporarily sent back fiont their pr;iyci's' and to preach. As the examin-l arduous desert positions. ation is recognised by most "I he ship also piovcil inv.ilu;ible to Bishops snclt honor.iry readers could ollcr th.-ir services in their home‘ Probably the main reason sortie ol i‘\i"' "ls (“.‘"""“'""!“ (l'l""”"""".l' ' m ilioccs.-s when they leave the Navy. 1 the ship's‘ contpziny were disappointed '( ‘‘l‘‘”‘~'l 1" ('3 ““"‘h- '\l'(:') "\*l°” ll‘ *l_'l’l''|‘Tl 01 4- (—0l|I' with 'l'r.:llehor_e was that they expected 1l“"" l f“”““i"‘F"4’? the Swedes‘ to displ.iy their lto.spitality _|'.-\ll) Ill-Il.l'l-?RS ‘L (.“_""'""“l“ “‘m”"'°.‘l I“ mull at once. but these people inst aren't ‘llic ll1.|lIl cliaiige. however. in the madi: that w.i_v 'l'ltcy are very friendly-_ its ir;i_ditioit;il role of Illtllslm? tlmllml Society. is that the‘ full tiiiti: paid? verv cltarmiite. but not bellmeretttly so i“"“_'_ ‘l “i" l‘-‘l"“"-"l l” ""3 l“"“_‘-_'“l rc.'ii|::s of the future will be trainedl ‘position by an Army battalion llte like’ um u,,,;i}m,m;.-__ in the Cliurcli Army College and be(HY RL’l)Y.-\RI) O‘l'l'l;'R) if you slto-.v an ltllcl';‘sI in flu-if’(.‘t‘lllll1:tlltlt‘i \\;Is.lltCl't\\lll1tlt'.t\sl) iiitit conte otliccrs of the ('hiirch /\rnt_v.i cm,,my_ “my “in [my you ‘l mm}; and :reserve to a position front which ftill A rtiii tsltore I.\ what you malse it is said that being sccond:il to the Society to work 1 Depends on N” “"1 “H W” “um m km)“. and|.=:c cm,“ “L. “km N I“ q._.‘.,_d One man's meat is another titan‘.-i poison." in i|i.,- _\'_,\-3,-_ _\oii‘rc looking for. to rc- lielicopter-borne nttiuoeuvrablity. 'l'ruc. true. true! After spending live iii a park and held hands to dance. when the time cozties for you -1.‘ t ontittando rent:iincd deployed in the i_.-.:st:irc. they smile and idays from June 21 in Trelleborg. round the inusieians in the middle. aitd cipri:c.ile deli.-iisiie positiiiits until. with 42 t ontrctuse. Sweden. the ship's company of ll..\l.S. sing jolly folk songs. .-\.ll. llrian Apps; politely ttut they will lt;'\‘Ct' swing ziit :irnt mamlo and the lhtlv-_;:rk. the-‘v -Wrc attd l-Z..\l. who were Ra_vmoiid Tookcy. 1 rounil RS.) your sliotild.-r and Iiusktlv lllllltl-'i=_“|l l“‘"_‘| l\““'-“llltlt it tin crstan a y i ll ten t to voice very popular with the kiddies. paused this. the lust op.-i’.itio:t in vvhich I In(oniiiiaiido M-,_-L-N M.” 3. mi; in mg {;.mi|_\-_ ,\|| a ititaitiiuoiis verdict on this breezy breatlilessly in a sea of tiny. ont— carrier lias been cutthat in_iv .-mite l.-.t.'r_ I thin’: Lint-.e_ :i soiitliern the havei I towit lianils strctcltctl worils ite:ir sea. lcw to to , \\‘¢ -,\,_-,-,_-not |}i_'r.' ioz‘.-.1 say :i lll-'. followiitg otlicers ltavc been to lltttl ‘)\lU}’t.‘tl. the ill‘llll)' Of lltc N:l.\‘\' to cttotiglt ltcard from’ \'.tl'lUll\ opinioits ranging reporters. pltotograplters and television “up concentrate forces speedily. tlttul‘l7llVim‘ "\M""'d°‘(.m"pl tlte the most‘ most to canti.~r:t:neit. coinpliiitinttirv .‘ to «teen: On the whole it was .i fair run. :ind sivcly and ctlcetivcly has been amply re , (lni. ll(l\liL,\Ll'. is unprintable. thing. GIN. ‘(L (L “.”“m‘ RN" in “"_.‘_.c\._ I undcni:ib|c: we did more to improve The soccer match. too. earned its: I rather eiiiovetl tt‘i_\s¢}|_ but in course. ileritoiistrateil. It is lelt that the v;tliie great respect from the ll;tll\'t.‘.'i. for-it "one lll:ttt's-llt.'.‘.l is .i:iothcr's of the Coituttando ship concept has sii-:t to Capt. W. l-. N. (iregory-Smith. bonds of the and‘ friendship great L't‘lllll‘l'llL‘t.l. ‘was :i clean game. and altliougli we p|_\i§‘1[]!" l7L‘L'll l).S.0. and l).S.(‘. and liar. R.i\'.‘ will between Sweden and iitutual good (.'.ipt. A. l". lllack. l{..\'.. in succcs-i llritain than arty stutfy ntinisteritil per- lost by 6—-l there was :i tremendous burst of applause from the spectators‘ sion to ('.tpt. J V. \\'Ztls.‘IlIt‘tlsC.~ could have achieved in six .sonagi: when it cant: to the "Itip-ltip-ltooray" |).*i.0.. t'.ll.l-f.. R.N. inoittlts! rittial. P.O./R.E.I.. .lohn Heath scored Capt. A. J. l-'. Milne-llonte. R.i\'.. the Wtikcftil British first The was our only goal. and our players hail to ; in siiccessioit to C:ipt. (Coiiimodore) l'lie Viseotiitt Kelburu. l).S.C.. R.'\'. & ship to visit 'l'ri:lleborg since the war admit. swcatily. that the 'l'rellel~org‘ all. the (‘omm:tndini_.:. town team were top p.-rI'oriiic.'s. Capt. l. ‘\V. Napier. D.S.().. l).S.C... aitd. first of hold a Press coitfercncc R.N.. in siicccssiozt to Capt. (Coni- Otlicer had to on bo:ird. ()ur arrival was big news i .\lll).\'l(2ll‘l'.-\.\'(a-:t..s niodore] l. l’. .\l. ;\'ewnliani. evoked much interest and lltroitgliout 'l‘hi: R.-N. ship was open to visitors or. two the country. Capt. C. \\i'. .\laliits. l).S.0.. D.S.C'. and liar. R.N.. in siiccession to Capt. Later. while the officers settled down days. Most of us who volunteered to‘ V. A. \‘.'iglit-lloycott. ().ll.E.. D.S.(I.. to a cocktail party with the local show them around were invited home. : Tlieit in the evening we :ittcndi:d R.. "bigwigs" oit the quzirterdcck. the dattees the Folkcts Park and they R.N..‘ ratings steamed ashore and noiicli:tl- Staadts atHotel. t'.ipt. I’. liticklcv. l).S_.O.. where we encountered iit succession to (apt. l-. M. A iIIlll_\ gave interviews to the l’i' over ; some of the loveliest girls in the world I'orrciis-Sp-ciicc. l).S.().. l).S.C.. :\.l-‘.C..i large glasses of iced lager. l who took a little time to break the ice R.N. l but bcczinie angels later on as the clock ‘ pgpss |y['§.jR\'|[.‘_\\'§ (‘;.pt. 'I‘. 'l'. llraitdretlt. R.i\'.. in raced towards midnight. i to Capt. .\l. l’. l.awson. R.l:.M. Anthony Morrison saw a y We also gave .'i cliililrettk tea party R'_\v_ about liimsclf. and be in the wardrooin. Capt. J. S. Raven. R.\l.. in siieces- column or two his photograph would Illa/ers‘. llannels. leisure suits. slioe-'.. rubber industry cession lo Capt R. .\l. Symonds. D.S.(.‘. presumed Trc|lel'iorg's of flirtaall the attention attract the achieved world market status. which: shirts. and liar. R.N. and, of course. iiiiiforiits: in this females Land tious. fttn-loviitg R.N.. succesTurner. iit the local people are so; explains why Capt. A. If. of l~ree Love. 'l'lten during the mid- proud of their massive factor_v. i\laii_v Willerbys provide all these and sion to Capt. (i. C. Turitcr. festivities. when the ,of us were invited to loiir the rubber l Capt. A. L. Tapper. R.N.. ‘Ill sue- summer carnival tirst-class service to go with the ecssioit to Capt. A. Lade. 0.ll.L-... R.i\. population of Trellcborg congregated works and we came back with soiiveitir ll .
l t t l lct l t ni
MAN’S POISON Wal<efu1’s visit to Sweden
\.\'alk_ct’i l (d(.'dr. li;j\\l;.ll\'.rl:'t.‘\\.‘?t)Il.
('.li.lE..l '
, i
BL.l %.E.R
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Rabbits. iinli:tppil_v.
generally out of the question because of the high prices. and your reporter. who is
pretty ltot on such matters. had to be l content with a colourful postcard
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£2,695 3-bedrooms, freehold, deiaciii.-.i £2,945 90% Mortgages :iv:iil:tblc
I -‘».r rc.-.r.;!i.'.'.'i' i'-.;'-.r.c'.'.:.".'L.v.',_li.'i‘..-:5 :."r.’.’: or }vlai.'.r' JOHN C. NICHOLLS, L'I'D., 1-‘itzlterbert Road, Farliiigton, 1'Olt’l'S.\lOUTlI
'l'cl.'. COSl!A.\I 701}:
quality of the tailoring. and you can pay by allotment if you .
wish. ()iir Naval .\latt;tgcrs visit your ship or shore station rc;._:ularl_\ ——or it‘ _vou‘re a n:tll\t.'. tlte_v'd be glad to call attd see you (ll /mlllt’. ll‘ _voii'd like to know more about \\’i|l.:rbys, see either .\lr. Dunkiit.
showing a nitde female posing against Mr. (‘iuttridge or .\tr. (‘oiighhin a darkening sky. (An_vbod_v got a when they're next on board. Allentlight'.’)
atively, drop
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fashioned in rubber. ] Incidentally. the Tr.-llcbor-,: Riilibcr also niakes ntoutlipieces t.-r cl-‘actory ’ Scottish bagpipes. so they must be doing pretty well for themselves.
Life is pleasant
THE WRENS | t\[';aniNi i"t;:ibelieve \"§g'hl‘i rIiti;t iI ':.:inot. n: ‘rsi ’ithe.".? l lingSiiiui V
Jenny §\'renn. the latest recruits_at the of rone \\.R.N.S. Training Establisltmcnt ll..\l.S. l)a'.intless. riiiigtinciii. l'lt:itr !Re:ii|ing. is Wren Rosemary Wreitit. aged I8. 0 'l'an_v-y-Craig. 1 ;\lcnai Bridge, Anglesey. who is trainS ing to become an otiicers' steward. Her brother is a Royal Naval LieuWrens really have
tenant married to an ex-Third Otlicer
in the W.R.N.S. Wren Jenny Wrenn now joins W.R.N.S. personnel who iiicltidc (in addition to one Swan. tivo Nightingales and it Starling). two Finches. three Swallows. one Partridge, one Peacock. one Rook and ti Raven. As an officers‘ steward Wren Wrenn could find herself serving in I-l.M S. Sea Hawk. li..\l.S. Falcon or ll.i\l.S_l lleron. But then, what's in :t nam.-'.'
line or call in at any of our branches. \Ve sltall be pleased to let yoti ltave a folder giviiig d-.-tails of Willerbys special Service for men in the Service. us a
.. .
-.~_ you get the best lthes of all at
s wIu£RBYs
and pay by allotment if you wish 28-30 Oxford Street 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth in Commercial Road. Portsmouth London Road, North End. Portsmouth I 223 H ah Street. ClttI'han'I 20 Aboic Ba.-. Sauthamoton
London W1 4| Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge, Edinburgh 52 Commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Szrcct. Be first 12 Ma.n Street. Gibraltar
Trihals Memoria Commissions Naval History NAVY
speed. At full speed were even more fortunate. As the last they did 33-34 knots. in big advance light was dying on May 26. I‘)-ll. the on the preceding River class with fotir destroyers‘. spread on :i line of a mere 26. All the first Tribals were bearing. found the enemy. Thcir job diflereiit. as the individual designs was to .sh:idow and hold her through were left to the builders. with as the night tiittil the avenging grins of
at economical
..\t S. In-‘\l_\t()l.?'l' anti-siibmarine frigate of the Rotlicsay class coiniiiissioned for scrsiee with’ the Royal Navy on Juli 25. at the
Wallscnd~oii-‘l'_\rte \lll|‘l);tftl of Swan. lluntcr. amt \\'ighain Ricliardson
16 DESTROYERS WON 95 BATTLE HONOU RS New generation at sea
much as 38 feel herviecn the longest the home flcet could come tip with her and shortest and 220 tons‘ hctisecn in the morning. Present at the ccreninnv was the As darkness fell. the weather the heaviest and lightest. Some hail (‘isil lord of the .-\ilrniralty. (I. l:iii_ deteriorated. with high winds and three funnels, othcrs four. and.\l.l’.. ().ll.I-2.. ()rr-liniiig, l;st|., heavy rain squalls. Although the His.\lrs. ()rr-l~'.wing, who laiinchcil tlici marck had been heavily damaged in THE DOVER PATROL I05‘). l)cccinber. in ship War an air attack from the Ark Royal. First World the Throughoiit ll;l\'L‘ .'tll Class this of lrigales her radar-directed gunfire was unthey served in the Dover patrol. an cannily arniziineiit consisting of two 4.5 irtclt accurate in the darkness. of long patrol endless. exacting duty controlled; twin in mounting a guns and short and ticrcc action with few Eight I5-itich. I2 5.9-inch amt I6 electro-niccliaiiical an computer, by the (iurkha and the -t.|-inch grins. expertly tired and conTwo. highlights. anti-airn 40 inni and single Tribal a famous of the _s_\s[cn1, trolled. inadc her still a formidable HIS year sees the reappearance in the Royal Navy were stink by mines‘. two more. ,Maori. cr:ift gun which will eventually be‘ naiiics. with two general purpose frigate.-s of the new Tribal class corri- the Nubian amt the Zulu. were badly adversary for four Tribals. Yet they Seacat bi. a guided replaced iitissioning by the autumn. They are Il.!\l.S. Ashanti and II.i\I.S. Gurkha. damaged by lorpcdo and mine res- held her fast thi'ougliout the tertilauncher and director. Two triple- and live more of these Type 8| frigates are to follow. Each. however, had still a pcstiiotis night amt dclivcrcd her in l\;irrc|lcd mortars are fitted for utilithe morning to the King George V The battle honours of all the war- 'haps. misc our cycbrows a little at or half :i part. to play in the .siibmaiine warfare. to ('rusadcr as a tribal namc-~Coctir dc .l)ovcr patrol. The uridaniagcd forc and the Rodney. What was riiorc. they "l lic_\ have a Iciigth of 3711 left. l‘-‘JIII1. time Tribals of which there were to Lion. one thinks. would not have part of the Zulu was joined to the had in the nicantinic hit her twice of -ll feet and a stand.-rd tll\[\‘lIlL'tll in the Royal .\avy -are believed of the others were mag- undamagctl after part of the Ntibi:in. with torpedoes. of about 2.t)tlt) tons. ‘llie pcacc~tiInc. be unrivalled by any other class I3 nificent for destroyers. Farther south_ other Tribals were amt ll..‘vl.S. Nubian gained and the new ship sailed as the Zubizm. coniplcnicnt is eight officers and I95’ ship. between . some of the first tribal names were She earned her keep when she sank active in the Mediterranean. The lionotirs battle tndividiial ratings, .\lohawk :ind Nubian had been :it so to speak. Amazon amt A liigli sl2lil(l.tftl of aecomniott.ition I93‘) and I‘)-I5. which is ;i record only _ready-iiiadc.Mohawk. Cossack and 'thc (jcrman stihntarinc U.(.'.S0 in Mutapan. and a fortnight l:itcr both l‘)l8. bcttcred by H.M.S. Warspite's total jsaraeeii. is incornoratcd in the design. hishad a ‘aTart:ir. respectable already l9l‘) these first Tribals had were engaged. with l\\t.) other desBy bunk sleeping. tilted bathrooms :ind of l-I. To coiniiicmoratc this record of scr- 'tory in the Navy. There had been a finished their careers. those that stir- lroycrs. in an action off Start. in sllu\vo..‘rs‘ and air conditioning on the make a presentation ‘Tartar in I702 which had fought at vivcd the war being sold for breaking Iunisia. in which three Italian mess decks, The iiiodcrti galley is fitted l vicc it is hoped to Velez. Malaga with Rookc and Clow- up. In I936. two new llotillas of large destroyers and :i convoy of live supply with snx. ial exhaust ventilation. and to each new Tribal frigate and a com- dislcy Shovel. and such was her fame were obliterated. Most of the domestic type refrigerators ll'.t\'I.‘ been mittee has been formed to organise an as a fighter that when she capttircd destroyers were ordered as :i counter ships big Mediterranean actions—-the conappeal to be known as the Tribals a French warship in I705. it was to the big German destroyers laid voys installed iit all messes, to Malta. the second battle of The propulsion niacliincry is geared Memorial Fund. Patrons of the fund added to the English fleet as H.M.S. down in I934-35 amt the large Italian Sirte. Greece and Crete--had their -‘Scout destroyers comniissioncd in Tribal steam turbine of modern and par- are Admiral of the Fleet. Sir Philip Child's when two In 1854. ships representatives. :iiid the numPlay. and and too expensive Too big il‘J2t-l-2‘). ticiilarl_v light and compact design. l.. -Vian. G.C.B.. K.B.E.. D.S.0. building in British yards to the lfor work with the flcct. their ber of smaller actions tip and down which has proved highly satisfactory in two bars. and Admiral Sir R. S. were those waters in which they fought was of the Russian Navy. they were an opportunity to Gresham Nicholson. K.C.B.. C.B.. order taken gave e.-irlicr ships of the class, appearance the Crimean over when both The Fltllllttllllt is being adopted by l).S.O.. D.S.C. Cliairnian of the fund War was declared. Both foii ht dep:irt from the prc-war practice of legion. tlic town whose name she hears andl is Admiral Sir Frederick R. Parham. against Russia in that war. and w at giving each destroyer class names beONLY FOUR LEI-T with the same letter in the ginning she is expected to visit the town in G.B.E.. K.C.l!.. l).S.O. be By I944. the tide of war. which had The Ships‘ Nantes CommitThe man who first conceived the more natural that they should alphabet. October Tartar and Cossack. tee had worked through the alphabet ttrrned earlier and was now flowing Under the coininand of Cdr, R. I). idc:t of naming a flotilla of destroyers lnanicd The first Tribats were ordered in from "A" to "l" since the war, and strongly towards an :illied victory. no .\Iacdona|d. R.N.. this latest Fal- after well-known tribes chose better 1906. They were. rather optimis- here was a chance to revive n:ime.s more than four Tribals were left out inoiitli will work tip to operational than he thought. His own name. that had been well loved among of the original I6. the Ashanti. ellicieiicy at Portlantl and then join the uiiforttinatcly. has stink into oblivion. tically. described as ocean-going destroyers although they carried destroyer men. A second generation of liskiino. Nubian amt Tartar. All four 20th l‘rii.'.ttc Squadron based at Lon- but the ships he named have become a the Normandy landtradition in the Navy. We may. peronly enough oil to steam L500 miles Tribals was born. ships whose fame -were engaged in that dondcrry. and with great operation was to spread all over the world. Sixteen of the new Tribals were 'safcly launched. the Tartar. Nubian btiilt. big destroyers with very long amt IE.skinio sailed for the Indian forceastlcs. handsonie in the extreme. .Occ:in to take a part in the war .l:ip:in. They carried the tiniisual arinatncnt : against Itetwccn thcm_ the t6 Tribals colfor destroyers of cighl 4.7-inch grins and only four torpedo tribes. All had lcctcd no fewer than ‘)5 battle honours. which the Nubian was responsible a speed ofover 36 knots.:tnd their size. ;of amt armament ni:idc them for-I for t3 -and thc Tartar ‘for 12. In the spccd midablc opponents of anything thci whole fleet. only the ubiquitous WarGermans or Italians could put out in =.spitc put tip a noblcr score with I-I. the destroyer line. About the only land only one other _de~’.troycr, the Jerthe Nubian‘s bag. ocean that did not see them during lvis. equalled the war was the Pacific. and of the to’ The bones of these famous ships Tribals uhich served in thc fleet in llic scattered tip and down the oceans the world. Three of them reached I93‘). only four remained in I945. end in the Arctic. one of them xtragically under the bows of King ‘THE NA\'Y'S III-IRI-Z‘ '(icorge V in a thick fog. Two tic oll It was in Februriry. I9-It). that Tobruk. victims of the fierce fight for the first Tribal name sprang into that bleak fortress on the North the public consciousness. On the African shore. Two more. one of tltctii night of the l6tIi the Cossack. _the Cossack. mingle their bones with having discovered the German Alt- those of that great host of ships which marlt in Norwegian territorial 5 met their coil in the Atlantic. waters.-stearncd into losing Fiord l When the war ended in I‘)-45. the and removed frorii her empty holds of these Tribals was over. They the British merchant seamen who lltltd made their iiziiiies known amt had been captured by the Gnif admired throughout the Naval Spec during her cruise in the Indian l world. catching the eye amt the car of and South Atlantic oceans. "The public as, perhaps. no other [the of which the \\:Is licre." cry Navy's ;dcstroyers tiad done. and adding a the Cossack‘s hoarding party as it lsceond "cachet" to the older Tribals swarnied on board the Altni-ark. ‘of the Dover patrol in the first (icr“"“°d ""5 l’"b"" f“""" "'“'"" man war. The four survivors of l‘)-t5 In-conic a naval watchnord. did not last long. Naval technology I-lard on the Allniark incident came was advancing too fast for them and the second battle of Narvik on April the new weapons being evolved overI3. I-‘our Tribals were engaged there. look their uscfulricss. By I94‘). all the Cossack. Iiedoiiin. I’unjabi amt were gone. Eskimo. and the destruction of eight TIIF. TIIIRI) GENERATION German destroyers and one U-boat without loss niade it a memorable A third generation of Tribals is on it for time was a though victory. the stocks. and the first of them. the touch and go with the Eskimo. A tor- Ashanti. should be at sea this year. pedo from an enemy destroyer blew These new Tribals are general purher bows off. and for a time she was pose frigates. the first frigales in the firmly anchored by the wreckage of fleet designed to carry a helicopter for her forecastlc tintil the rising tide anti-submarine reconnaissance. Seven lifted tier clear. She stcarncd down the of them |i:ivc been ordered, and their tiord stern first to a quiet corner for names ring like belts with the running repairs. and patched herself I niemories of their illustrious ancestors. tip sufficiently for the passage home. f Ashanti. Fskimo. (iurkha. Mohawk. She was back. with new bows built Nubian. 'l'art:ir and Zulu; in the Navy, r on to her. in five months. these :ire names to conjure with. She was more fortunate than the H“ rnmh Mmmrml rum‘ MIL l of the result sank a which (itirklia. as its presentations to the new through ntl Bergen on April generation of ships. help to link the bombing attack 9. Her loss was so deeply felt by the old names with tllc new. Trcasiirer of I mi.n after vihorn \l'|L was nainul that . mt fund '5 (_"m_ E. N. Sinclair. Brewers of BLUE LABEL. HOP LEAF. CISK LAGER. LACTO, every olliecr and mail in the Gurkha R.N.. Captain of H.-.\t.S. Sea available all tine boars. These subscribed one FARSONS STOUT. voluntarily Brigade l.ondondcrry. Northern Irelliagle. the (iurkha. new a to day's pay buy land. who is hoping to receive conIn Malta. are also oxportod to N. Atrlca then was l.arnc. huildiiig. destroyer tributions from not only all those to her take renamed to place. only olliccrs amt ratings of the Royal Navy They can be enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean area in U-boat's fall at victirii to a torpedo ; w ho served in the old Tribals. but the Mediterranean two years later. 3 also those of the (fonimonwcalth navics who fought in this famous class BISMARCK CHASE 1 from I938 onwards. The chase of the Bismarck gave the] Contributions. which in the case of anotlicr opp_o_rtiinity of individuals it has been suggested Tribals their mettle. the Somali. should be limited to two guineas. proving Tartar and M:ts‘l't0t'l:i were escorting should be made out to the Tribals the Rodney amt were in at the deatli:l Memorial Fund and forwarded to the Cossack, Maori. Zulu and Sikh‘Capt. Sinclair at H.M.S. Sea Eagle. *
iof |lllL‘ll'
It's brewed in the good old British way!
.-\uuu~t. l‘)(ol -
.\' EWS
C.B.. l_lenr—AdmiraI A. R. llezlet. and llar._l).S.C., has been ap/\_lex:nitleriD._S.0. Contnnutder-in~C|iief. I-lug Otlicer. Scotland. in
Adtninil Sir l)er_ie llolland relicvetl Atlnnrtil Sir
thus llingley
t.\lCllllC|'l'.'|l'lCl1n and Comm:md:r-in- cession to Vice-Admiral Sir Royston TChief. Allied I-‘orecs Mediterranean. Wrig_ht. K.C.B.. l).S.C. and Bar. the Admiml and Lady Binglcy lett Malta tippomtment to take elleet in Septemin ll.M.S. Surprise on June 27 !.-\dmir:il Ilolland Martin took over ‘command in Genoa on June 30. \\'hen 3.-\dmiral ltingley left the Customs ,- ,,. enibark in Malta. to Surprise
nndih“_;er._"g'_r'£"‘,l":;';'I':_' .
|_l\’fi["':iL;:|l r"l'.-""‘|l‘fm|?l'“,ki:',:l:;‘n1° uppmiitxttent l l1Lc(floj t fy :\:.-\ l ‘tiP.l lil|l‘s. :‘.H.7“l;‘t.C.ul:\|:l§D,m]:|tLt\l£lClL‘:lI’l. t h e Rctxr-4 at-louse.
“I "1
D. H. F. Hetltcringtnn.‘ Vice-;\rlt|iir'.II P. W. Cretton. C.ll.. Surgeon Rear-.-\tlInir;tl \\'. V. llezieh. l).S.(). and Two llurs. ().|l.I'I.'. l).S.C.. 'Re;irn-\dntir;tl J. (.7. (T. llcnley zind i~ to be :1 l_rird-Cununiuinner of the—\dmir.1l J. F. D. llush. '.-\tlmir:ilty. I);-pnty Chief of .\'.n':zl Lord in StICCcssit'I\ 4 3'“! "‘i“'!5~‘=| Rear-Admir-.iI uichzt».-i Le l).S.(‘.. has bu-n rciicwd M Hug on-,,|to Adimrztl Sir l.:tttrenee Durlneher. ().B.|E.. l).S.C.. the appointlccr 5c“,nd_in_(-0mm‘."“'_ pm. to take etfeet Ill J:tI‘ttt:try_ |%2. 4513130". by Rc_-u..Adm;ml ]_ l.c Funu [tear-Admiral II. R. Law. ().B.E.. i Rear-Admirzil ;:tl’f|VC(l Singapore after conducting |)_s,(;,_ 5; to itc nag om;-er gm Tmgn. l"l¢'-31 Visit‘ (0 "OM! K0"); and JIIPIHL 5 ing in succession to Vice-Admir:al Before leaving Singapore he made ti : P. w_ (;r.;m,n_ (‘_|;__ [)_5_()_ and TM, rvasszmc lhrouzzh Kcnncllnms. ().lt.l3.. t).s.c.. the ztpnuilttntcttl. lu take ellect in Deeentber. : 0.‘ I llx I (‘-3-().ll.lE.. R.N.) and ucctnnpanicti; 13°:-r-=\dIIvra| l).5.0.. OJLI‘... ".31.. and Bill’. \\'.'I.\‘ ”.M_s‘ "|uckPm,|. (C-Umm;md,_.r;
l=;tnu.l5“"‘ E:mlK.C.ll..
_ _
Il..\l.S. l'uma's ehildrerfs party at Gdynia
July 5
b:and)|”‘tcTulmrg Il‘el ‘le:|‘l“breweries. |‘t)t§)|fi
end of the
to the
‘iln .'|l‘l\V|"1:L'\’l .‘l'C"\l\'t.‘ \t'e:'le '\\'$lC*(:nlt:l(l b;:'i '
I1"s EASY with
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present nntl
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iclmmns "n N"
It ‘ . 1 ‘.‘‘n.l" '”“.‘ 15” [0 “‘\R5‘“\
(lztfili l sup‘? ‘Cnpi, NC“ day the Capmim acwn,p._mi‘_.d
in.) H
AG Our
I in
.: \.
,,,,,.., I2 ‘extort
H-llnun Hinx :ndA4O
learning to drive
um unis. om uR$—mod¢m, dtnl controlled
mum on
SM," d,,,,,;.
. _
popular Easy Peyment Scheme w'lI
:,“,::‘,,,:.:y_';ni::::,‘:u‘::,’ '5
\'.R,|),, Pfim, utt‘ f .'t an an .1; not .iri.e t..t\.i .in t.utltp.Il't_\ \\|lt H.. unite“ and dficf PC"). )]_R_g_5_, L,R_(_p_‘ R_\_R,, 11;]; hgcn, by twcmy 3 After of enn~ider;ihle number Sea and llultie \ltllL'\l snutlt tn the on .§' 5.‘ppmntc..d .in H,lIl(, ntr; pl t_\ civili:_ms. Io went h_\'_nir to W;t.'.s:t\\‘. Oflieers. Nnml of Polish " the tlte the l’ulixlt zirrivul ceremony port .lt|l_\' 3 .\lL'.Illlt.'(l into \\’:trsnw ts.n city th:tt llZt\ heen corn- lhe (_tu.:cn. l!'I _\’ltCL'C$§I0l‘l to .Surg.! \‘t'illL‘tl the of ('nmtn;mder-in-Chief ship. plelv.-l_\' rebuilt. since very little ul ;t '(':tpl. l’, tlc ll. lurtl;-. \’.R.l).. .\l..-\.. (itl\ni.n. “here. for the nmjnritv us. h“"dmd H” ["7 A ‘“""r“ “V "ml ‘“".' m‘! !:h'“l“° .h°hl"d “?"'~' lwzts left st:tntlin1.'. There are vetv fen ll.('lI.. .\l.l{.('.S.. l..R.('.l’.. D.l'.ll.. "".°°l“i“" lwrthed the .\;n';tl Ilzirrzlelu‘ hull (tttt.ttn. As the ~hip :\l:I';e in tltiriii;."l,ri\;.;L- h0u~.‘_-Q um) him-t‘. ,4‘ 1131»-, urg l{.?\’.l{. _
Rear-Ailmirttl I). II. F. Iletherin;:an zntnrzty. Inn. (LIL. l).S.(‘. and Tim Bzm. “IN l M R him“-"“""‘-"5 ht‘-‘L Tlk‘ rnlueetl on the Retired List to date July : "'""“"d kc" i'""""‘ in m°“' '5' . :;":l' '‘ '“ ‘ he :1
f i§1..' l <f§$I ;§=.-rglns 01'},-“,,°,*";,‘j°';“'e‘",",‘.-’~.‘,!;“‘_}.'.’.’t3£‘§E...3I,' l 7e\'er_\'one
l L‘;t\’ltt§‘
'-?“‘- 0-er» vs.-¢,~ j~ ': : .t!‘. - ‘.*::‘t"“.:'.:'"‘t‘.“.'.‘.§I.‘;'.5tail
excellent dance and night spots open until live in the momma a fair percentage of us managed to spend :1 lot of money and hate it good time as hell.
Undaurlited Copcn. llheir guests &:::,5.,: ,' . ' ‘ .,§' ‘ i‘,, y “\l-i||1LIIr\I';‘“(.‘l'!-lllldzlnlul ll “.5 |'¢CC|\'L'(.l hm.‘ ‘-7.1 of §?Iu‘l,I?A‘l,:g:ietic' '1“ hc°m om lull hm "I-s ‘hi 5. ll0we\'t.‘Ir.\\ilIllfil'N.‘(!sips. Carlsl aerfl Nahum .-
an’ ova sI'i:cw. (inkIn-:swN>EN‘I‘» ’
lw'l’li;|;l‘l‘ll"' rcnmuiu[l~Cl;'lf"S“"l%"3'(!_1ilcl:
*‘"l.\' i|“'~“’-‘l’ h‘_il‘~'l" 1‘\‘“‘l“.L' l‘“'l" \'ll‘l.".'\lll|llt‘:ll Sir Rn)\lult \\'ri;.-lit. "'7 ,|ent. 'l'he3.' are all—~—li1u.~ nun K.('.ll.. l).S.('. and llttr. has been :t|\~ .ol' boxes-——:tntl non: nt the httiltltngw. pointed it l.u:tl-(’nnimi~sioner of the l|"|-"mil 0"‘ W‘ l‘l1t‘l~‘l' Wf l"j""l :\t|mir;i|ty. Second Sen l.ut'd and ("hit-l Ill” gtttld how drrth they all lool>.etl. l;\'en of Naval l’er»-innel in <tieee.~~ion to P5'“‘‘ “ml l"3“‘*""°{"‘ “W 3‘ l"\"”'." ‘*5 Vice-z'\t|tnir:il Sir John '|‘\'r\thitl, llt.. “W
_The N avy’s avourite since Ne1son’s day!
I03 Cardiff Road North End.
tlwrc are M‘ M‘ N 1h~'mx.c.n.. o.s.o.. t).s.(t. aim tm. the I‘ 5“‘l‘ ‘V-"‘ "1-‘\l~‘ 5*‘ ll‘-~' T*""l‘ “l appointment to take elleet in Septem|’u|:tnd‘» I.Illl\ll\‘\\ll soldier, \\i-.e:.- the her. ‘L‘2t|‘Il.'llll |.ml It \\re;tth, lhen on In the llrtuslt l;IIllV;|~\) \\he:.' the ( Ullxtll and xlélll made UK \\eI:un:e. the uni lvecr ‘-'»‘ \‘v.l\ tlL'llLl\‘ll\ utter II hut and dmtt 91,5 C, . ‘.
Portsmouth Telephone 6.752
Enquire alto II Sham (mu Seiiilf 5th.. London Road. Portsmouth. tel: 6J9lb.
(2l(i.\Vll',‘ l.l'.\’(‘ll lnr lunch \\.,‘ \\.‘t.‘ t.".:eu.\ ht .‘l l’Ull\l: genez.-.l Mm ~t.;r:.'tl tall with .I ~;‘ee;l: in l’uli~h l".ll hi~ iniv-7;‘-relex‘ nt::tl.' melt :z ltZ:\ll of it that ‘.l.. -i:n.‘r.:l .l';:.l tn \'.:i\e lttttt tlt‘\‘l [tum then on mus‘ ll|“l .~pu':;e e\eel linglultf 'l I1.uhich lunelt \'.:t\‘ It 1.‘ .e luxtetl well into llls ..Ite:r:. U ..lltl xerx f'~"" “' U“ l‘‘‘”-‘‘. “"'.‘ “"" " “" ”‘." 5 L'L"\l ll return them to (ul):n:i. .»\ll \\‘.’l.\ ti \et_\' in~:rt:»:t;\; ;:n.! ‘).tl‘l€ :
SERVICE for Service people
‘\\"l'.un vmilmtik with the \\"u.s:n1imter.vuutzetserviue '
.-\ l'llt‘§l \llCCC\~ltll ulilltiienk |‘£tfl:-'“(H held tinting: the ziftctnut-:1 u! out lust day for llllt‘ \‘Tilllilll\ 'lh.: chi!-‘
in their .\':ttiun;tl wsttiziie. .were very SlllZllll_\' tl."\.'\\.'Ll zzntl the\ ‘ln\l\l\.'tl on entertztiiiin-__' tr» uith "lU\l\. ‘llllll d:tnr:in;.'. Little :.t.k::~ of ::hnu'.
seven were r
I .»
quit: .~::‘..:»hi:‘.;.' -
:.:l:£tl'\l l.t::tEetl twig: fur \\.'e.t!h f l:ij.'iug t.-remtmio :t::.E tl:e} seemed to iznpreu the l‘ul.‘~ l\ their .~n':.rt zip()-.:it.- It te\\' :['|L'.'ll‘iIllL'L‘ and hen. »ev.'telt tours were l.-id on for .si;.-ht-. seeing and;wrt tut: prtwicietl for ; hzttlting pnrtiet. the chip \-.;t< open In l
tlium and
~tx':tp;\i1:; on I'.tlllll‘.‘__' (‘til
along: tltt: line. First, the Westntinstcr Inns at special .\';1vyBr:tnel1 at :6 l~l:'._\'nt:1r!:et,l.ontlun.This has been npe:1:.izzcet772 and is, in eun.~eqtu:nce. well ttcquaintetl with the lzimltvffinztmhl]Vl'\'l.‘lL‘t‘t‘l' meet within the Navy. Next, the llunk ltzts ‘.\r.tt1cl*.es :11 Portsmouth and l’l_\':nmttl1 wliicli :tre;tlv.'.x_\'~ :1: _\‘nm‘ Sl.'l'\'lCCw::lS1ll!\UtlrL' all
n'.‘ert,2Col\r:tnehe>it:vti1ertu'.\'nstltrottgltmttlinglnntl untl \V' l-‘in.ill_\', the \\”L'&'.l'l'll.n.\lL'I'ltank operates ttlsrontl tltmuglt :1 m»rl.l—\\‘ide systent of agents and currcspumlents. lt"\‘u-.1 \\'\\‘.ll\llike to know more about
Simone!‘ l\'.‘t‘~ It-.tve been L'l'llU_\'L'\! and .~i:*.ee Nelson stood on the qu.1rter.l:. iml tod;x_\'. the top l':n'ourite< in the .\'.i'.*;.' T;i\'ern Ale, Milk Stout and ll.-:‘:‘;.' ltrowzt. 'I'he_\"re good, strong .tl‘. n:' thetttl Ilnve some tt‘I£ltt_\'l he.-rx
at U, .\:‘.'.t:
l'l.\'.\lt*l’ l H
\‘l\tl0l'§ and mute l.5t)0 came Ztl‘(‘lIf£l in the three hours ——:-. fC{Ul'\l for in. We sailed from Ciydnia on July 6. I doubt if anyone would willingly have missed the trip to Poland. but to sum it up in the words of on Mile I Seaman uho. when nslicd what he thought of the Poll-th \‘l“.l_\' of life. said "I am quite li:ipp_\' heint: a bloated capitalist." i We complete our cmnmissiun on }.»\ngust 22. arriving at l)e\unpurt on l:\ngu<t ls‘ \'l:l (iuttroek. l.ontlonderr_v ‘ rand l’uzt~mm:th. l :‘.tt‘. sure that in years to_cun1e all l'un:.;'~ Ship’: (‘umIpnny \\‘tll talk about the \\untl.'t'{ul ‘times we have hut! in the last two .ye:tr<. T\\‘ent)'—~i\ e.~:::1t:ie=. 71.000 .mi|es. :: Int n: xx.-rk utttl ;t Int of fun.
service to the Senior Service, write for the btmltlel
‘\V'e.~tminxter l‘.-nnk to Her
.'\l;|jesty'.x Ships‘
flange /V'% 0,9Q 1)9
.\'n:‘_\' Iirmuhr :6 I-l:iym;irket,Lontlun, S.\\'.t }Ic.z.I ()_/_'IIt‘c.' .1: I.uthhur_v, Lomlnn, l?.(2.:
.g' -~‘“"., -r .4: 'I he I .lsl I-lo.-cl Replenishment Ship 'l‘itl«-reachrcluc-l|‘m: three sh‘-ps sintultam-ousl_\. the frigate H.\l.S. \’-armoulh (ls-It). the New Ixaland (I'ul\I.‘I' Ro_r.nIEst trightl and. in rear. ll.\l.S. llellast. Designed for the support of the ..
fleet -.nul the
of lls
under way. 'l‘idu:re:u'h was built by Swan. Hunter and l.t¢l.. \\ :i|lsq-nd-on-‘I\m- and contpletcd in I955
\\igh-am Richard-
ll.\l.S. l.ion—one of the last sentional cruisers now in
.am‘ut':‘8u as 4.;».§ "‘
1:. ‘.-psi,‘ J7‘-
A Westl-and Wessex a
helicopter lifts
('itroen car lrom the flight deck of Il.)l.S.Bulwark
Vice-Admiral Sir (‘harles Madden. Ilar1.. (‘.Il.. inspecting ship's company ol H.M.S. Sea I-Iagle. Londonderry. during his recent visit to Northern Ireland.
ll.M.S. Owen t('dr. G. I’. D. Hall. |).S.(‘.. R.N.l. the ship. against the rugged background of South Geo lldw ard (‘me
Royal Naval Juniors ol cutlass drill. Their “hornpipe" was greeted with applause night after night. In the centre is one who really needs no introduction~.\|r. Harry Secombe-—who thoroughly enioyed the iuniors' show
lI.\l.S. l-inwhale.
class submarine built Ltd.
ll..\l. Submarine Porpoise. the lirst of its class. completed in I958 to undertake continuous submerged patrols in an_\ part of the world
by Vickers-Armstrongs -
ll.M.S. Striker is a
Landing-Ship Talk (A:
The coastal niincsm.-epo.-r ll.Nl.S. Shaving.-ton in Malta uith the Turkish ship Kil' ali l'a\I::| tmidtllc) :md the Italian ship Driudc
The oiler R.F.A. Wave Baron
launched in I946 and was built by the Fumes-; Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.. ll-.iverton Hill—onTees. Her displacement (full load) is I6.-I80 tons
The ness
\\'.R.N.S. Unit of the Depot. Royal Marines. Deal. showing:
in marching which must have come from their male counterparts whose precision is so much admired
Royal Naval Surveying: rain. at anchor in King
I‘he Ocean Salvage Vessel Sea Salvor and the Boom Defence Vessel Barhill
7 1
, "
5(..,:.—-ar-,_.-no----, .-.....‘:v-‘V.-rv _
.,—-....-.:9v"‘ the.three Tiger class -»-
xv-' a
ll..\l.S. make. the last of is of H.700 tons displacement (full load). Accommodation i\ of :1 very much higher standard than in any previous cruisers ll.M. Yacht Britannia returned from :I Mediterancan cruise in June
The .\l.\'. Mercury. huill b_v Vusper Ltd.. for Mr. Stavros hiarcltos. llelievetl to be the l:I\lt.'sl private yacht in the world o
sault)of 5,000 tons displacement(lull load) .
and successful trials have been place in H.M.S. with the Seaeat surface-to-air guided missile.-Here is a Seacat on its launchin; ramp
Seimitars of 800 Naval Air Squadron which took part In the Pans Air Sh and are to take part. too, in the Farnborough Air Show .
College is used by IN. ENTRY
.-\u usl. l96I
amphibious base ._
of "Navy t\’cu'.t" the lrarnitimt n[ the rrrtirtirrg of yrmug mm to In-mntc 0 trers in the Royal t\'nr_v [ram the Naval Armlcmv at Parismtmtlt ( /73} In I837) to (In: !mim'm.,- 0] aulrtx at sea at l’orI.\;noutIt. l’orIlrmd om! t-r'cIrttta!I_v at Durtmourlr. and the Il('('.'l for rt college Irltich I't'.UllI('d in the Imiltfing of the ltritumtiu Royal Naval Cu.llt'_A't' at Durlmomlr (I902 to Ir: tiic
I 905) was dealt t-.'t'tIt. Lrut mumIt's t'.r'.mc took the .\tory to I‘)-I0. N I‘!-12 the college was bombed. given extra space._a
Luckily few diecoplc
block separate studies for the
begun to provide the time and casualties were one tcvicted ollicers and masters‘. and autoWren killed and an olliccr wounded. ltnatie telephone exchange system. l-ivacuation had to be ctlccted. l_towevcr. iloud lrailcrs and fluorescent lighting and .\ltrllcrs Orplranagc at Bl’l\'It‘|l was were installed. ct-merted to lake the seven junior’ Capt. I’. ll. R. W. \\'illl:It'n-l’tu.\'letl. l».'fltt\'. the senior terms. of which there (‘.lt.l-2.. D.S.().. who had been one of were I'our. rcn'.:rinin;.- at l).rttruoutlt. the czulclx sent to \ca in l')l-l. without "Hie college was reunited at_l:'aton completing their course. "rs appointed|. the l)ul.c of \\'cstmrnstct'.s to com:t:;rnd the college in January. were
tt‘t:titttt:_:: there until S-:pt:ruhct'. l‘).t(»,
I”-1!». ( lui~uu:r~ term. I‘)-l(-. Vice-.-\dntir:rl
:\lIl‘.'.'}' Surith. (LS. r\';rvy. spent a ()('('l'l’il-ll) BY l'.5. .\'A\'\' tw-.-t-l;—c.".;l with the ('apt.rin. After Divil:onr the time of c'..rctr;ilion of «ions. on 'l'r;tl;t|y:ar l):t_\'. when addresscadet» trout Dartrnoutlt. the college l ing the cad-:t~:. he drew their attention i \\.r~'. u~cd by our Combined ()per:t- to the lemurs that could be learned by tiom torcc~: Ior training. Then. from studying t\'chon's life and methods. He the tinitcd States still considered l)cc-.-tuber. I‘)-$3 to l-‘chruary. I‘)-15. it lsaid ,..such a \lli(l}‘ its‘ an aid to cflieicncy. was‘ occupied by the United States During the winter. l9-17. Viscount For nearly 60 years’ Britannia Royal N-.rval College. l)-.rrtmoutlt. has been training olliccrs for the Fleet. On the river ;\';I\')'. as the United States Advanced Mountbatten on Dart. ‘mid the rolling countryside of South Devon. it has M.-ned the Royal Navy well Antphihious llasc for ('o:nhincd Oper- the Soutlr-EastofAsiaBurma lectured Campaign. At the utions. his lecture he presented the col- work on which \\.‘I.\ lruilt the trcatncsx‘ 7 tradition": "Alsxorb Prior to 1) Day the college grounds send of it so that it linde the trainin-' cruiser. while one remains with a Japanese sword. (This can of lcgc the R.N. Since the opening of the its" way into the §lllk‘Ull.\'t.‘lt\ll< in tlocltyard to retil. were used for parking tanks. lorries. be seen in a glihs‘ ca~‘c outside the { in l‘)05 it ll;ti mobileartillery and \\ capons that form college provided a A'.-\h'.sorb it so that in :r jam your rcThe second division of the Dartterdccls.) ;()u:rt of young otliecrs_ who aettons are automatic." part of an invading force. which tlte l ‘l he statue of King (ieorgc V had steady stream mouth Squadron was formed in I955. have the work of _-htrcricath had xtationc-.l in the Dart- been who hits gloriously Anyone repaid served with the chipped by the l1o:nhitt:._: of the ythcir mentor<. Six llltlllsltlld seven jadntiral will kltow that it has stood arrtl-was in operation with H.M.S. moutlr ;tt'c:l. Jewel only in early I956, being joined collcec. King (icorec \'|. during a \'l\ll hundred cadets had him in for good passed through ()-'llt.'L‘l\£llltlmen of the l'nilcd State» j itt W-l7. that it should not be restead many 5‘L'.‘ll~ and- hy ll..\l.S. Acute at a later date. the on the late college. war some l)urini.: many ot:r.".t\ton~'.. lhcse two sltlpi still form the second Sm) packed the college chapel on xlored. but renraitr as a memorial. of tltem ()n their lives for their Oetohcr l 2‘). I04‘). Admital of‘ division. They take the early-term gave :550 Sumltry. April 2‘). l‘)-l5. for a service the l\ Fleet ltrrown be Lord (lllln to now :country." Cunniughzun of cadets to sea and in ltarhour for and §‘l‘c'\\.‘l'|litllnllof a stained glzm wur('lI.-\.\'Cl-IS l:‘-03.) .jllyudlIope ttnveiled and Dr. W. l.. practical seam;rnsltip. navigation. endov. hy (‘omnro..lot'e Korns. (‘om- 1 Thc new scheme of I048 did not Amlcrsoir. Bishop of S;tll\httt_\' and at 'iuccriu'. seahoat drill and the senior trmtrtlcr of the Atupltihious llusc. i .\lo:‘c changes were contemplated 11take 'lorttter etlcct;urt the but .:rnd introduced. eha lain of .\t'lllt.' one was iutnrcdiatcly. the major col l nitcd Kingdorn. on l~.chalt'ot' the men terms for practical tlllttc\\\‘CC|\ittg. i with the and old. d-:dic:rlcd r:mttctI after thcrcthat 1948. would the lctzc. which had? s Illcittg September. of the l'nitcd Statex Navy, l)artntouth would 'e:ulcl~ between .l'ore take four and a halt" years to been constructed in the entrance lobby] join ll..- ~.-.rid the petxxrnnel of the United ‘the ().\‘I-'. PLACE TO TRAIN from to the chapel. Within the shrine is at the the old This of to lo to four lclrangc and and new. ages .\'~ Ntnj. had constantly strivcn to month» for a two-year course. They was sen-ulale and it tlltl eliminate most l glris-2-toppetl case containing the Book l lnseptenthcr. I960. the scheme of the and it» traditions‘. eolley;c preserve ,1“. pmblL.,m um mu 5._.",u,m l,,f Rc,,,,m,l,m,,L.,_. Of ‘he mm “-0,”: training was once again altered on the and ;t\ the ships and ntcu had left the .\\'ot.tltl he eligible for executive. en- ‘Ht its 33.‘. names :md that cl- rccornnrcmlations of the Murray --_.-inccrin-__- and supply brancltce. and ieltcttte had met. 'War'with port on time and Ill lltl|ltlk't'~t as (|I'I§:Ill- E mu the Second World War with ll\ 593. l Committee. This involves an annual lmllrc m‘l-Icy mm“ ht that umL_ch_; ally platmed they had .\ontc\\l1:It ,t)rontotcd ‘t\llS()Rll TR.\Dl'l‘l().\" A light shine‘ on the hooks nieht: entry itr September each year followc-.l from the lower‘ deck wonld_ .rc|uc\:d this. lay two terms as a cadet at the Britan.t'orm 20 to 25 per cent of the whole. .-\ bout: and ivory model of the and day. nia Royal Naval College and one term (apt. \‘.'.rr:rcr .~..'.'.-ptcd the gift on the r.-:n:rindcr being drawn equally : lirit;rnui;r lSI(). ltelrcted to be the l~.'lr;rlt ot the college and stated that from the l).'rrttuouth in the I)artmouth 'l'raining Squadron. and ; work of l-'ren-clr prisoners of our who .\l()Rl-'. (ill.-\I\'Gl'IS system r‘ uoultl be apprcci:rlcd throughout special entry. Cadets are then promoted midshipmen ' h:rd chosen be not to alter repatriated Since W50 the has sccnl and serve for one year with the fleet. the 5L'l\ls.C. and alter their return it.‘ : \\‘lrezr tlr.-«e had been an- ‘the Napoleonic \\';tr.\. was c.\hil_1itcd ,many changes and college clr:rn'_.:c< various sclrcmexl Then the executive and supply olliccr.-a l).rrtrm-nth would help them to re- nounced in the House of Commons rut I.ondon in IN‘). t\ia\'.'rl otltccrs With the end of th: old I3-year-nId' K2!” the inrpottant uorlx of xezr |\.\t.\CI'. wine cielu montlre hcfore. t\lr. lover-srrhwtilsetl to bu;-' thie as :1 pre- \~‘l1L‘IW-3 cadet: were ::hlc to enter the will return to Dartmouth for a further \'.lll\il had .:n;r'.\lctl the .-\!|ictl .-\tmicx ‘('lur:cl‘.tll lrzul protcxtcd vieorons'l_\' xcnt for the two ycart. one academic and one pro(In Octocollege. "i'.ttt\l.rj-. lb at eollc-_.'.c lb‘. It or was tlccided in\.:t!e tr l‘‘c. ;r',';tit'.~t the l\\t‘-_\c.r:' cut in the l).r:t- hcr 9. after itrxpe.-titre the cadets at ‘later to_ cltzrttge the system cornplctcly tcuionzrl as acting stilt-licutenant:_ \lt:t.‘lr repair \\.r< ne-e'.l.'tl at the mouth Lr‘li."\C. ldiyixious and t.rl-.in_c the ~.rlute at the and train cadets‘ at the college from ‘he .\\ltile engineer :rnd electrical otlicers will continrrc their tcclruical trainin-,: .’oller_'c, and the end o: the \\;n' g::r\e an "truth" p'.tl\ll\llC«l an :rrti.:lc. part march past. Aduriral of the Heel lltc of IS with silllltlclll profcsvional. at lt..\'.l..C. -age .\lanadon and at Camoppotturrtty lot’ .tllI.'l.tlI\\ll\ to be L‘IIt‘- ‘of uhiclr \\a~: "Just :t\ the R..\'. wa< liarl of Cori.‘ and (lrtcry. pres.-tttcd it lll.:l l.rro\\lcdt:c no hat! they long.:er in lI.'tl out. the lrl\r.r:\ \-.:r~ tlorsltlctl in the tzatrrcworlt of the llritixlt war-time .‘to the college. In his :u.ldrc~~. alter-'.t.o britlee. l the xttlt-licttt.':‘.;::tt'~. '.Ulii\s'\ at the, rt» «r.'c. tl~..~ ~.rvrrt.- tlcpattmcnt \\;i~. -tlcct_ -o \\.t~’ l)at’tmouIh the frame- w;ml~. he llll_.'C\l the c.rdct< to "ltltivllt The rc;r<on for this latest change I \\;t\ that there is ; \:rr1-rm ~choolx‘_ only one place to As‘ a rcxult '.‘.tLlt.‘li cntercti the train: and that is at sea. colleec at IS or l‘»‘ and did seven terms The tnidslripurcn Murray Sclrctnc is in cllccl .|V;r~ed at l).rrturouth. two of ulriclr bro;rdly similar to the traditional }\_crc _to he spell! in the Dartmoutlr‘ method of traitting young olliccrs for lraituug Sqttadrot). 'lhix xquatlron was fornrcd itr W55. the Royal .\';:vy. l'pp.-t _\Il.'tlll'IL'll are truirrctl at the hut did not commence traitring; until can W50. It now .‘fll|\l\l\ of ll..\l.\. Roc- .‘ollci.'e and supplementary Iixt cadets bnek. Venus. \\'i/aid and l':.hin. aim do th-.-ir initial tr:rinin;.: ltetc. ’
I save!
lhc-.c \ltl|l~'. represent the lirxt di\i~ion. lirc~e cou~i~t of the supplemcutuy li~t wing and helicopter ;'l'htcc of lll\.'\\: .ship< go on c.~t;i.._-s xcatrrctr,andli\ed olucrvcr otliccrs who have ()l t'r);tt\!‘ l try tn. lut my tr;ry'~' not on ntt_'_;lr to ; tlrrrirtg term time to take the place of pilot\ rurrted tlr: .\'.r\y for ;r U.'ll.llll period. ~.r\'c :rrrytlrin:. 'l‘lte lo.-:u:liinu of yuum: olliccrx That’s what I thought when I was your age lll:|_\‘ t-lratnuc from tirttc to time. but tltc tradition of Dartutoutlt and its until someone showed me the Progressive younu Nclstins oill tIC\'t‘l' cltattec. Savings Scheme. l only had to put aside £3 Admiral of the Fleet l.ord Cllatlieltl Naval allotment but when I leave :1 month by l-'ric Kcttyon. -llst (‘omm:Imlo. paid triliute with tlrcse \\t)l'tl\: "If the .\':tval olliecr ever fails. it will l{o_ ll Marirtcs. .\l'.triuc.R;\l.Z0l-I8. thc Service next year I can collect £855not he the fault of l)artnmutlr.“ : Died Mzty l-I. l96l. Sounds too goml to be true. Where's the catch ? .\lich-.icl .l;rnu-v Summcrlicltl. Able St.'.Ittt.ttl. |’,'.l.97l|8l. H.M.S. LIST ()I-' (’(lM.\l.-\.\‘l)l.\'(3 No catch. And ifl had died at any time my 'l'_uu:. Died June It). l96l. ()l-'l"l('l~IRS wife would lravc received the whole £855 l Which will you take? I.:turic .\lcle:m. (‘hit-l' _4\rcltihaltl ('.rp:. W. l’. (ioot'-tvozt-_'h. W05: I’m going for the pension because thct'c’s 1 .-\rr l-‘itter Ail-I. l._'l-‘X762-ttl. immediately. You see, it’s :1 Savings l‘!tIT; Capt. S;ttttlerl';r:;:. Died June 1. (opt. 'l. I) W, .\‘.r Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. another valuable right with it—l can get a 1 H.M.S. ll. lI\.m~’| ir.rm.r~. .\l.\'.()., l‘-ill). (';rpt, I961. cash advance for the full price of a new lltc llon. Victor A. .\t.rnlc_\'. .\l.\'.(l.. Davirl Frctlcrick Shears. .'\l)ll' Snm»m£rr__- you h;rdrr't signed on lot 22 '_\'l‘.'tlS l"lI: (‘.l;‘i. l". l). \\', .\; .\l.\'.().. house. I’m all lined up for a job already. Sc :1 In zt n l),’.l.‘)7.l702. ll..\l.$. ~t't‘\‘is‘t' .’ l‘li«". (‘.:pt. ll, ll_\.‘.e-l'.' |‘Jl-l'. and with an extra pension to look forward l)r:tltt'. Died Julie l-l. |96l. When I had done my nine years, as I had \. (K l'.tlmc:'. ('.\‘.()., l‘Jl5‘. lan I-'r;tncis'. (ir.rnl. Able Sc;utI-.rtr. (‘ and the to wife and family safe in our own l’,’J.95tl77ll. ll..\l.S. Auclturite. Dictl (lrpt. \\'. (i. l-'.. Rue}. Keene. .\l.\'.()__ paid prcrniums for 7 years, I could have home—wcll, it‘s the kind of security we all June I9. I96l. l‘)|t-. (".rpt. l-X l.;r 'l‘. l.c;rth:rm. (T.ll.. drawn £23.; to help set me up in Civvy Bernard Alan Almond. lluulcr. .mi-r '. Capt. l". .'\, .\l;tt'lctt. C..\l.(i.. want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, l shall R.\l.l6llll5. -llst Cnnttnuttdti. R0_\:ll (7.\'.().. l"I|: Capt. The Hon. ll. How do you set about all this? have the option of taking the .\lc;rdL‘. (,‘.ll.. C.\’.().. l).S.0.. :\.l).('.. .\larincs‘. Died June 25. l96I. 1023: Capt. M. [-1. l)unh:rr-.\'asmitlr. Peter John Arnold l.anrbcrt. £855, or if I don’t need the That's easy. Ask the Provil.c-.tdint.'. Radio (lpcmtur (SJ. \'.(‘._ (I.ll.. W15: Capt. S. J. .\lc_\'rit:L. : cash immediately, a pension dent Life for 1 details of the I’/‘.l.9-175.18. ll..\l.S. Victory. Died W29; Capt. N. A. \\'odcltousc_ !‘)3l‘. I urn-9 of £172‘ a year when l retire Progressive Savings Scheme. June 27. [ML Capt. R. \' llolt. l).S.().. t\l.\’.O.. from civilian work at 65. l‘).‘~-l: Capt. I‘. ll. Ci. l);rlrytnpleJohn Samuel Rantvnn. Chief llamilton. l‘I3(-: Capt. R. I.. B. Cun" For mrmbrrr Mcchttnician (lit. DIl\'Z.B-J-I60. Q] (It: ll".R._\'.$. ll.‘lillc. l‘).W: Capt. F. .-\. .»‘\ylmcr. H.M.S. Orion. l)icd July I. l96l. ASSOCILTION OF LONDON I’.‘::.\."t-.': is [ting 1: 1(1):. Ioundcd II?’ 'llMl‘I’lD Ralph Smith. Murine. RMV. l).S.('.. I942: Capt. (i. ll. \\’arncr. 2037l8. 40th Comtuando. Royal l).S.(‘.. N43: ('.'tpt. l’. ll. R. W’. \Villiam-l’o\\lctt. (.'.ll.l’... l).S.()._ I‘)-llr; Marines. Died July I. l96I. this coupon to 246 Bishopsgate, London, |"rank Grant llalls. Radio lClt-t'- Capt. ll. W. l-'.rrrll.ucr. (' l).S.()., Scheme Please ol the details send Progressive Savings . trical Artiticer lst ('l'.Iss. I.;‘l-‘X. l‘)-SK: Capt. r\'. Y. Dickinson. l).S.(). I and Bar. l).S.C.. l‘)-W: Capt. R. T. 669392. ll..\‘l.S. Ariel. Died .lu|_\ 6. l Name I I96I. White. l).S.().. l"5l'. Capt. W. (i. Address | :\utltun_y William Ct.-urge Sl;|t.lL'lI- -(‘r;n\l'o:d. l).S.('.. W53: Capt. W. J, l).S.().. ().ll.l;'.. I956; Capt. I ler. |.cadim.: Air .\lccltanic (tn. .\lrutn. l./l".\'.9Illfill2. ll..\I.S. SL'.t|t.t\\k. F. H. li. llivpkith‘. l).S.().. l).S.('.. ‘lamina or Rank next Arte birthday l"‘.\". (. ‘I. ll. R. l.;rw. ().ll.l'. l) S.C.. Died June 24. l96l. tll co:u:::.trrd
Zln £i“lPtttDt‘h‘tltt
R :
...................... ..
An ttsl. I96!
humidity niadc life on board very hot and sticlty The llying base at l.:ittth;il:illay must be one of the most I-'l'l-ZR Ii.-aiitig Aiicltlantl on com-l p|e;i.s;irit|_v situated in the world. and to sever:il t"..‘qttL‘\l\ to transfer to pletiurt of her period of dirty on} he'll the New Zeal-.ind Station. H.M.S. i the R.N.Z.r\.I-I Sitittlay. the last day of the visit Aiichuritc ll.t. (.'dr. (1. (2. \\’. Ila_\huc. lwas spent by tiiost relaxing on the visited Suva. from June 7 to the | saiid_v beaches .iroiiiid SIIVLI. She hertlicil at the Kings Wharf watched by a large crowd of islamleis.
and four
as soon as
the plank
was over.
Fijiatis carrying .i large ltavzi
bowl ‘came on board and the trailition:iland eereiiioitial I-‘ijian welcome of the coconiit shell citpliil of kava la drink resembling disliwater in taste and appearance). was presented to the ('aptain and then to all on board. ..\I.S. FORT}! (Capt. M. L. C. On Satiirday. June It). being the ('r:mford. I).S.C.). Depot Ship of ()uecn‘s otlieial birthd:i_v. the ‘ birthday review took place, Anchorite -' the Second Suhtuaritte Squadron '5. '1' v‘~”\‘ U" .r s' - -""" .3‘ d contributing .i platoon of 2‘) men. Only based at Devonport, and two of her H.M.S. I.och I~‘ync at ani:hor in Shat cl Arab. ofl’ Khorraimshahr Custom House~—-scene of the Queen's Birthday short notice had been received of this siibniarines. H.M.S. Alcide (I.ieul.Parade commitment not an cverydtiy one for Cdr. I’. N. Hamilton-.Iones) and a stihmzirinc. and it had been only H.M.S. Ampliion tl.ieut.-Cdr. J. L. S. possible to have two practices before Beaucluiiiipl. paid a courtesy visit to :irrival~--particttlarly dilliciilt in view Hamburg front June I2 to I9. The three ships were tiiet by :i large. co-ordinatcd 2| gun salute. The band of the complicated drill niovenienis. enthusiastic crowd in of Haitiiburgers. toiof the Imperial Iranian Navy tool; including a feu de joie. Things were made ntore difliciilt at gether with :i German Army h:ind. and the parade was inspected by the first rehearsal in Suva when it was which provided "music while yott an Iranian Olliccr. Rear-Admiral M. HE Flag Olliecr Middle East ’0iicen‘s Birthday Parade which. to suit discovered that the Fiji Military berth!“ The cnthiisiasni of the local C.V.(). Ardalan. Admiral Ardalan (Rear-Admiral A. A. F. Talbot. the Iranian authorities was held on Forces did their drill to it completely population was shown positively when his Victorian Order. to presented wore D.S.O.) visited Abadati and Khorrani- Sunday. June II. It took place in hint by the Queen during her recent different tinting to the Navy. However. large crowds invaded the Depot ship shahr from June 8 to I2. flying his Khorrantslialtr. which is the main visit to Iran. on the day everything went oil per- and thc "U-Boats“ on the two open flag in H..\I.S l.ocli Fyne t(.'ontmander naval base in Iran. and tlte parade was The ftill sporting programme in- fcctly and niariy compliments were re- days that were held. I’. J. M. Shevlin. R.N.). H.M.S. Loch formed of RN. and R..\I. contingents Formal cereitionies iiiclttded the layceived about the drill of the naval in addition the normal to Alvie ((Tomiiiaiidcr J. H. Nethersole. from the two frigates. The platoon which was very grzitifying as ing of :1 wreath by Capt. Crawford on forenoon of events. Goti sporting themselves were moored in the stream Kart R.N.) was in company. Fijians take their own drill very the l‘)l-I-I8 War Memorial. the these few racing. During days. The highlight of the visit was the in sight of the parade ground and tired A warnt hand of friendship was exseriously. formed friendships during .many tended towards the ships‘ companies \ previous Anglo-Iranian naval exercises I".N'I'lIl.’Sl.-\S'l'IC FIJIANS by the local population: many ratings l were renewed aml new ones made and. On completion of the review. where were invited to dinner by (ietntan as part of tltc return entertainment ollcrcd by the ships. The Loch Alvic's the salute was taken by the Acting fztittilies. (iovernor. Mr. I’. (T. .\lacl)oti:ild. Tours‘. entirely arranged by the (Berlive-piece sliillle jaw. band made an C..\l.(i.. .-\tichorite's platoon marched inaiis. included the worltl-fantotts iappcaranee at a gala evening. back to the ship. led by the band of the llagenh-cck's Ion. the ever-popiilar l Fiji Police Force and followed by :in brewery runs. an oil relittery. a ship l ever-growing crowd of cttthtisiastic construction research statioii and. of l Fijians. estimated at 3.000 by the time course. Hamburg itself and outlying districts. the ship was reached. These visits. together with many While alongside. ofliccrs and ship's company were entertained vcry liber- others. succeeded in iiiaking the ally by the inhabitants of Suva. both Second Sttbiitariiie Squ:tdron‘s short .M.S. .lI-Zwl-II, (Commander n, P,l\s-bite and Fijian. and the non-dul_v stay in Geriiiaiiy a happy and meritor‘i Jtinninn. Royal Navy). the senior lsvatches were able to live ashore at able one. and there were tiiaiiy heavy R.N.7...-\.I-‘. Station at I.;tiith:il:i, hearts when tinally the band played ship of the Second l):trtniouth Train; inn Squadron. is to pity oil in August. illay-_ which was very welcome as the I "mus cich den." Jewel. ati Algeriitc cl:iss Ocean l .\lineswecpcr. of 940 tons. and length E225 ft.. is primaril_v engaged with the !sc;t training of Cadets and .\Iii|shipE L‘ 7:.lii‘nfiith'Il‘t:iii'.-R 1lNl :l Iranian C'v'0 the ‘“° """“"'"R'~“""-“‘l""""! Navy. inspecting Imperial Guard drawn from Il.M. Ships Marine and combined Royal Navy Royal July she visited (iuernsey. Loch I-'ync and Loch Alvie t/\l'I'ISlCI'dillll. the Scilly Isles. and .-
frigatesl cludc_d.
3t TO
'iihllegii.ri);trtiiii1hilt|. ititil oiiythis lduring
Bay. i ltantry The present
lewcl is the fourth of her name to serve with the Royal Navy. the lirst being. an armed merchantnian of ill) tons and :i complement of (>0 men and which took part in the Battle of the Arritada hence her lliittle I-lonour. The second Jewel was :t frigate of 40 :' guns hitilt in I80‘) and the third w:is ;i Drifter built in I‘)-ttt amt mined on .\l:t_v I8. I‘)-II. The eoiiiplenicnt of the present Jewel is ‘)5
COMMISSIONED Royal Naval Air Squadron ANE\\' Portland coitiiiiissioiied July at
Il nith four different types of helicopiers. It is ‘I'll llelicopter Training and Trials Squadron. which is the lirst in the Royal Navy to be specifically contiitissioned and equipped for a training and trials task. The squadron is comnianded by I.ieiitenant-(‘otiiniartdet .-\. I R. Shaw. .\ .»\.l-‘.R.z\e.S.. R.N.. and equipped with Wessex. Whirlwind. il)ragotitly and l’.53| helicopters. .-\tteniling the eoiitiiiissiotiiitg cere.mony at the R N Helicopter Station. Portland. was the I-lag Ollicer Sea ‘Training (Vice-.-\dntir:ilP. W (ircttott. 'C.ll.. I).S.O_ and two liars O.B.E..
I).S.(.'.). Flag Olliecr l-'l_ving Trainiiig tRe:tr-Admiral I- ll. IE. Hopkins. C ll.. ,l).S.(). l).S.C.) and the Capt.iiii of ll-l..\I.S. Osprey. Portlanil ((".ipt;iin (3. T. 5. Gray. l).S.(.'.. R.N.l. Approxi-
All the nice girls Love one, sailor. And the sailor Loves one. too!
mately tittll ollicers and men of the base tiiaittteriaitcc and supply stall and H.M.S. Osprey were on parade with
the Royal .\Iarine Band. Portstiioiith.
Scirboroiigb t(‘dr P. W. ,Bucli;iii:in_ R N.) recommissioneil on H.M.S
‘June fr .it l’ortsmoiith for service with itlie I-"fifth Frigate Sqtiai.|ron_
single allotment to Betnard.s ‘obtain priieticztlly every rcqiiirenicnt of his family and self l through com-eiiieiitl_y sitiiated A
customer to
the I)ircct Des-
patcli Department Call in
loan branch
chat with
rcptcfitttlttltvc--ttlosl ships are visited on working days
tlitoiigltottt the wecls —wherc l'tt I I particulars oi Iicrnard Worldw dc comprehensive service will gladly be g ven. You will then be certain that you cannot do better than
upoti Iiernards to: your every need.
For You
Really Do Buy Better
at Bcrnards
C.H.Bet'nat°iI&S0nsLttI. 8
Queen Street
telephone; 23535
(him ltmm-iii-s 1:! ('IiuI‘.-imi Di'i'oirparI_ Dcrtl. D.-i.'t/i-rm.'im-. I-rtlmmrili. G nralliir. II:-/r-riihur-.'Ii. (IIFIIIIIXID) Hrirwit‘/I. Il1l(’f{rII‘llttIl. l.mulmuIi'rri'. i\IulIri—~ l’u.'i-Iii:umI.SIii'niii illiilonlHim n I’nr!la.'trf. .S7mt.-ni-.r.s, ll'¢'_imimtIi. ’(H‘.|Il'I7ItllllI'I. .-lrIu‘m.tI’t. .-lb/'r)t.t‘I'm'It. I.’r/tii'iIi- Culrlnm-. Cm-rlium Ll‘IMf7smm. i'I..lI..S‘. Dir.‘/ilim um.’ ’. pr.’/I I‘ Dmwi lli.-ail ()lllt‘L'l I\ll'i:Ill|llouse. Ilarss cw. Iisscs
.-\iigust. t96l
,From the E(li(or‘.s' Chair
lAre the branch scribes
ll.-fl‘ has liappenetl to the branch ".\crihes‘" these past few iveeks? .-\re they all on holid:i_v'.' Although it is rezlli.-ed that garilens need attention :iml the faiiiilies clantour to be taken out and away on holidays I am sure that a lot of activity is taking place within the various branches. Visits here and tIiere—-—s'uinnier excursion.s—--and the like. Very often. in tlientselvcs. such out- I 3 irtgs are not "iicws." but on these trips 'old friettds are tllL‘lA)':tr‘n\‘ are toldand c\peiienee~: sivopped. Some of this would ntake excellent reading I ant
CHEAM THANKS EASTBOURNE ing questions Outing. A Shipmate
for Worcester and Malvern?
he liditor l'I;t\ been on the sick list which lasted almost three ltours. for"I live mates and tlteir friends :1 very warm or six week.s'. hot is now back in Constructive welcome on the Annual were asked and harness. Secretaries and "scribes" nia_v Cheant wishes to tltank Eastbourne. Bates gave sincere and con- have found that their letters have nut .struetivc answers and good advice. tpuhliely. t'or all their kindness. l3‘e‘L‘ll receiving the usual attention and lSCl.'SSlt)t\'S are taking place The Stag Outing followed closely on Sliipmate Connolly was the dele- the liditor wlticlt regrets delay: any between the Worcester and Ma!the Annual Outing and tltose members 'ate for the Annual (‘ontercncc and : have occurred. ltut he to nia_v hopes verri branches for a combined meeting who niaiiaged to get it |ate_p:ts's a did a good job on behalf of the liranch. be soon hp to date. place. A s'te for a hut near the Crown The branch had submitted eight ttltorouglily etijoyable evening. has It been that realised just er- Inn. Ptmiek. provided by :i \\'orcc.ster The No. 2 Area Cliairniati and Ship- motions. and had live accepted on the of the scribes‘ have been sick nieniher. Shipniiite J. Steer. has been for di.s'cuss'ion. .'\llllt\tlglt tltaps sortie mate .-‘\spic_v recently paid a visit to the agenda lint surely not all of them. News o§l'cred. Sltipiiiate Steer stated that he in-j (‘]m.m “mt \\‘.m-._-q._-;- Pm); ltrattclt. These two have undertakeii (‘beam and Worcester l’ax'k may not tttto ted -don't leave would lit: prepared to run the liul for tut l\t‘.tllv.‘lls‘s is \ liraiich of the ltriyzil .\'aval rather a fortnitltiltle task -they are iltavc acltievcd what it .\L‘l out to do. notes until a couple of days btitli liranclies. .-\sso-.°iatitin reports that it is‘ sailing: k'|ltlt‘~'I\'t‘W'l"‘.~‘ 11‘ \'l\ll ¢i|~'ll Ilrilmll I“ ' there is always another coitfereit-cc and I you: l\ct'o:e puhlicattoit date, but send llic aniitial nteeting ol' the Worcester along on a sleztily course. niaintaining lllt‘ -‘\R'iI- ‘Ill!-'.\' ill"-' lmlll 0050!: ll sflml if the ltraitclt plugs a\\;t_v it will atliclcs atotig as soon after ait event ;.. ltranch took place .it its ltc:ulqti;irters. :iii:l even iitcreasim: its lIlt.‘tllI|CI'?~lllp._'l“h l‘*‘lll IN’ ll“-‘ -‘\Wi| 3"“-I {W ”l'-‘ eventually win. possible Prelitiiiiiary plans are licing laid for I ant disappoiittetl when news from ftlie l-‘;trriers' .»‘\rms‘. Worcester. and Willi the ‘d oi the local press‘ IIlcI.'\)\\k'l:tllt\lland iiteinbcrs at Cheattt those present incliided the president. Assoeiatioii is getting quite a rm oftwislt tlieitt well in their ende:tvour.s to the ltraitclfs Silver .lttl‘llce in N03 It liiaiicltcs is l)is;rppoin[.-.1 scanty. ntentbersltip and to foster the is a hing way altezul l‘tll the ltranclt is lI because I feel that ltnutelies are missing ;('aptain H. M. .'s'prcck|ey arid the vice,.,,g,|;,-;._,_ t iiterease l_ieuten:tnt (‘ommztnder -I ho wnumr ‘Ema, Wm 3 V”). C“, taints of tlte .-\ss'oeiatioii. There was a determined to ensure that it has a per- opportttnities of sprcaditig llL‘\\s‘ aliotit ;presid-extt. = l. Mc.-\. I". (‘ass-id_v. The hraitcli ioyaltle a‘ air and once agaiit tlte as‘t- full muster of sltipniate<. for tltc n*.eet- I feet} :ir. .'\sul\.‘l.tilt\l'l.‘.-\llltt|tlgll each ltranelt _c|tairntan. the Sltipiit;ttc_\\'. ('. Badger. i-.»-.t.rne I-:.-tnelt gave tlte Cltcattt shipis a separzttc entity we ought not to be was in the chair. solely parochial in otir outlook. A During the meeting the Trafalgar -,good ellort in the North read by‘ l).i_v dinner details were agreed. 'llie ‘l\r;ilt€lti.‘s‘ tn the South may start up at toast lleiclonlsliirc turkey on the O ‘matters. but althou1:lt we are a stii:i1lll"-‘illllli ‘Plill “I CU"1PL'lill\’ll ‘~\lli€ll ttitetiu would be supplied by :i can do nothing but good. iltranch we still remain \cx} active. \\'or-:est-:r hraitch life member. l.icatAgaitt. serving people reading about extant-('ot:t:it:;iid:r "‘l'li:: great nta_ioritv- of our mentl:'. S-ecco:nb:. lters are Sllll serving. 50 that you can :l‘:;ttti.'llv‘s' i:t their own town.s'. Gilli I is :1 lmtl: tiitie siitce “Nat: -VCHS" imagine we see ntanv new faces and t~t-conic ititeicstetl in the .-\ss‘ociation _Il they read oi‘ activities in "Navv !Il-'. next social event on the New‘ has been tllilt: to publish an_vthint: ‘- s:i_v good-bye to m;m_\- old run;-,_ News." .-\itd rettienilscr ttlooil castle and Gatesliead branch of the about the Malta hr-.iiicli of tlte Royal “We extend a cordial welcome to any ttttist eoitte front the your new present scrviitg I{t)_'n;tl .\'aval A.ssociatioti calendar is Naval Associiititin. but thanks to the ntentlteis who t't‘I:ty get a dsatt chit to ‘ It ix‘ man. to astoiiisliing me the large I tlanr Hit‘ Mill‘-I‘-ll T"lI""lIIis‘ yr.-;||' to secretary of No. l .-\re:t. Sltipniate IL. the l\l:illtl. .\leetin-gs aie held at the lioroul-‘it. org-.iiiisetl hy Shiprtinlc Pledger. who has sent the Editor a Brim liar. .\le|ita Jiittction. Slienta. on itiuttlter of men now serving who do Ruhinsuii. letter front Shipntate J. A. \\'indle_\'. the Iirst Wctlitewltiy of each montlt. ltt- .iiot realise that they are eligible for 'l|te main item. lto-.veve:‘ tliitiitg tlie'secrclur_\ ol the Malta lirancli. it is’ cideutally the lirini liar ls Hill |*_\ Sliip- ltiietiilteisltip .-r tltc Royal ,\'_.v-_.| .-\lderrita.ston llraiich oi’ the iic\t ittoiitlis is‘ the Dedication of the pleasing to rectird that the -.\l:ilt:i male '.-\ll' Kingston. an c\-Clttcl .’\\svtClLtlIttll. I would like to take ll1l\ oppn.'tunity :_ Ro_ial Naval .-\\|itIl'ltlllUn was Sl.iiu!;titl oit October 33 at :\ewcast|c branch is still in evistence. 'Stoker_ a mine of ittfoiitt.rtit-it on meal ‘of titatikin,: all s.-eretaries and (1lIll.'l\ shocked I)_\ the sudden death of its Catliedtal. A Royal .\laritte llatid will lit his letter to Shipniate Pledgcr. conditioiis and well worth a vi~it. ;\\llti write to the liditor and to wish l're.sideiit. ('dr. The Hon. Anthony be in attendance and the reception will ‘Shipiiiate Wittdley .s'a_vs': "1 his is‘, I of "Our eit:ert;tiitsummer se;t.soit tlterit well. Call)’ on with your e,\e.-lleni l’le_\deIl-lltiiiierie,l).S.('.. R..\'. (retd.). lie lteld in the Yeoittaniy Drill llall. _think. the tirst time tlte Malta branch is‘ under inst getting way. 'lhcre work. btit .tl\\’;l}'~i :it the back of your on June 24. \'tvrtlttiiitlteil;iiid Road. It is hoped that and No. l .-\rea have corresponded. lttL'lll\‘ list of beach trips. harliccties. riiind reiiientb.-r «"‘l'his would make a Cdr. l’le_vtlell-llot.-~.-erie. who was a -\dutira| llutlon_ the Area l’res'idcnt. so perhaps a little news‘ of our branch is a full is fear of the and There no so tours on. for ‘ would not '.\'avy News’ ." , good story lfoundcr iiicntlter of the branch. had willtaketlic \.tl'.l!.:. conic aiiiiss‘. We are otte of weather-itiatt we get l its disorgzuiisiug '1: distitigttislicd war service. ltcitig the 'llie and (ialeslictttl the newer ltr;tncltes'. ltciitg ittaugiirated plent_v of siutshine out her; as von I l-lee! Sigitals (ttlieer to .-\ Lord l‘l.tIlt.'ll has llx lit‘-l L'\-“'lL'l't ntentlters, iii l".‘l'i lt_v (';iptain The l-Iatl Roden ‘know. It makes things so ntnclt emier (iutitingltaiti. Later he comtttztnded a "0"" '"""h""‘ "."”“" ‘mt ‘""° h"'“" on the social side when tot: can '.ll\\.t_\\ Sltittiiialv.‘ .\latie lla_v and Slitpntatc , dc.stnt_\er on Arctic convoys to Vera (Iutipltell. 'l he ntentbers arc on m,_. “,_.;”hU_ WI). (.'onntiaiider the Iloii. Sliiptnate Russia. l-le ltecanic the |.i.iisoit Ollicer ‘ill ii ‘'ie.isi L. ‘ it liopin-.' that these two are the .\l:tl’l of nt ‘ |ttlL'tt l l’ coiivcy to all :tte::tt-.-rs the .\ntlian_v Pleyilell-ltouvcrfe. l).S.('.. witii the l,'nited States Navy in the an intlus of ev-\\'rciis as. according to cuttasc lL'tltlL'Ilt'Il\' in the .\ best wishes of the .\lalta l~:.u‘.cli. t \'lllL' R..\'. tret.l. .-\ t'ri-Jiider iiteniher and Pacilic bcloie rctuiniiig to the United one to its nientlter who \ll.lIl be name- 1 l‘lvLl and t.\I.Il\ll\lttllLtll\ do not l'rt-sitleiit ol’ Alrleriiiaslon Iininch. Kingdom to I "mu m if “M N. “m M‘. in mt coiitntatid another Ic'\~. "on; ltiaitelt could do with a little l)ietl June 2-l. l9bl. Island." destroyer for the l) Day Sliipinate I". .\liller. Hon. .\leiii- t A nteniorial service latidittgs. was held at d attended the .-‘\nher ot' Royal I.i.'iiiiiiitgton Spit .-\ltlc:nt:tstoii ("hutch on July ‘J which uual ( oitteretice iii cotitpany with the lmuiclt. Died Jiil_v I-l. l96l. was attended lty hlll]1lt‘I:t!c\' of the vice-pzestdcitl. .\hipni;ite l.ieutcii:tnt_ltratieh. t'ontiii;titdct .'\lltlL‘l'~t'|l1. R.N.R.. and? the iiicitihers liav-: been given a very ‘ lucid ace-uiitt of all the proceedings. l"RlF.t\'l)l.\' gesture hy the cuttithe Newcastle tllL‘l\1I)t.'l'\‘ think it is nianding otticer of the Inshore .I pity that the neu nieeting could not .\linc-sweeper. Il..\l.S. \':i\h'.int, l.icuhe ItL'Itl iii Scotlatitl. hut tltey realise ‘tenant Lantztiiii. Royal Navy. prethe Buttcrsi.-:1 branch of the dial the c\pcnse would be too great. Ro_\ul Naval .'\'1\tll'I3"i()n found sented lllt.'lIIlIt'r\of the liridport branch Rt)\‘.~\l. Naval petty o[licer's unilonti dating from the (Trliitenn War. I855. The luaitclt all-snded Detlications at of the Royal Naval Assticialitiii with that no entertaintiicnt had been laid It:is' lieen sent to the l\':itiomil .\laritime .\lii.-temii. providing 's'eali.uit llarbotir and (Toitsett :ittd an ttppllrlllllil) to go to sea iigniii—an on for delegates attending the .-\nnuul the ,\luseum with aiion_vniousI_v one of its most interesting hi.storic:il uiiitonn evhibits. sends tl\ thanks" for two \\‘tItltlL‘lItll opportuttity ol' which several availed ‘Conference after it had coiiipleted its unsigned note accompanying work. the branch secretary invited the the.-\:tiiziitorrit occasiniis, ‘I lie secretary of the Cottsett tliertiselves. ~'.lltI it was a family treas- surement til’ -14 inches. while the waist branch is thanked for his advice regardY.t\lt;titt. ltascd at Poillatttl, was delegates to the Royal Naval Associa- ;ture "worn by my gr;ttidt';ttlier." and it hand or the lr0tI\'.'t'~t is only 26 inches, ing the e\p.-iitlittire, ctc.. likely to be -about to \‘l\ll liridport. and the Cap- tion Club :It I22 Biiltersea High Street. was ltoped it might be of use to the The trousers are itot hell-bottoms, as incurred tvlieii Newcastle holds‘ its .tain invited lt\ctltlN:t'.~'. to lake p.tssa_;e .\leittbers rallied round and with the ‘the only clue to the sender , ittiglit ltave been expected. but are iinuseuni. l)edic.ttioit. lt is hoped that all No. ll front Portland to Bridpott in the resident hand in attendzuice and sand- 3\\$l\ it on the parcel: "Knob 5 only I” inches round the ankle. .-\iea Slaitd.trds‘ will be in attendance shirt. wiches "on the house." the evening * list’-.trd po-ttinark Street. lletliital Creeii." .-\not|ter feature of the uniform given of Sea with and This Seoiits oti (Jctoltcr 22. :t exquickly Togetlter passed pleasantly. t party ;. liarly uniforms of the Royal Navy to the museum is‘ an embroidered .\'ewc.istle sltlllfllttlti who took part ’tlt.: llritlport nientlters‘ .sailed round to cellent tinalc to the cottfereziee ended I are virtually unobtainable and ilte crown and attelior badge. only I} in. “*0 "UXI at midnight. in (‘mts'ett'.s parade are asking if the BFIUPO“ ‘"1 Wt‘ _l“-Fi‘li|)' 5 National Maritime Museum wishes ll high. worn on the left sleeve. This was front far m;,,-,_.[, mug mm, pm‘ the |mm,_. uf,tl1t_\' played a lriertdly cricket ittatcli north as Ar- knew the naiiie of the anon 'ntous adopted as the badge of a lst Class as Delegates An twith Y:ixh;ttii's crew. eight-wicket hroath and as tar west as Plviiiotith donor. itot only to thank him or his l'ctt_v Ollicer in I827 and transferred to cvei _v Consett sltipntate? that the restrictctl of win _\llu\\'L‘d space arrived. and so did the Northern lrcalso to know the name of the 2nd Olliccr in I853. tint M"p"mc A’ 1h"wc"' Sufi"-1"“, or Ya.\liant had not given the Yaxhartfs Eir':in land and An ollicial of the museum said: delegates. original wearer. the ltranch. has been honoured {rt} his i V l"""‘I3""i-"' :V“"" is of special interest as "While the ntuseuni has had little dithservices and was recently made a li"c Shipmate Frank Wade. the t\'ation:tl ‘Ht: gift Yaxhaiti After the ntatch the nteutlte: of tlte .—\.ssociatioit. .-\ssociatioii Cliairntan dropped in and _ll2tI.'\ from the tinte when the lower eitlty in obtaining the full-dress uni' were entertained to tea in the -d.-ek or‘ tlte Royal Navy had notfornt of {lag ollicers from I856 onBridport addressed the lively comp:m_v. I l’avilion tea a ,l!owling orgaiit<_ed by There is always a great wclcontc at ‘\l1t:ltl;t'rt.l uniform (adopted in slum-[pc[igr]|90[. of the the iiienibcrs Brnlport B:itter.sea for all ntemlters of the Asso- _tltou-glt a contbiitation of fashion. the r I904. when there were |ad_v 1 three -liraiteli assisted by the ltranclt secre- ciation who ittay he pasvzng tltrougli {$)\lcll‘| of central buying of clothing ; in three years) it is ntucli more changes ditlicult for sale the tar_\. Sliipiiiate W. R. N. Cast. the to men. ‘ to obtain the tlltll.t.Vt'l'l'tof junior otTrcers_ .-\tllltll':tIIy by l.ondon. lVl'lll‘."ll Slii W. the I’erlitt. mat for of ollieers desire and the smart § \\'|teit one comes to the dress‘ of seaman ’ Ill-_ "I the visitors it has proved almost intobtaiuable. ships all led to atimc uitiforniity. R'‘-‘“' l‘’‘‘'-'' -“““°"“'“" hi“ 3 tltzutked the comniandutg otlicer for his moved its headqtiarters to the 'l':illiot co-op:r.'tiioti in making such a incitiIN l'[-IllI-ISTING COLL.-‘\ R IZ.\'(‘l'l'lN(I l{.'\'lllBl'l' All Occasions For "fl"-'_kP'"|l“l'°“' IOPPQ‘ oialtle week-end. In his reply Lieuten“We would v~.-ry mucli like to know‘l he ezirnteiits wliieli the ntuscunt ll;t\ -‘lll' ant Laitgton \.Ill.I liotv rlcliglitcd he was no-.v received are of white duck‘ and who has‘ given us this uitifornt. It is and third ‘¢d"'-‘-“'9-" 1 ltad thoroughly enptyed L'v|lhl~I of a "t'rock" and trousers‘. 'l'li.: Tune ot the most exciting iutiform ex‘ t temse vcs‘. frock of this date was made sonictliing ~ltihits we have ltad aitd we would like the "I lie saint: evening the ship chalDuring period of_ the like the present jumper. but was niiieii .‘ to put the name ol' the wearer with the tanious ltlackpool Illuminations‘. the lenged the Hridport nr.-mh.-rs at skittles fuller and was worn tucked into the ‘suit wlteit we pttt it on show. Untittends to hold a social C\'t_2ll";|n;I \';.\h;.nt won ;rg;iin—-b_\- || pins, ltraiichthe top ol the trousers. It has a blue collar i fortunately we are still tryirig to lind rt Summer Residence l-ri- I After the game the Mayor of Bridrug in and culls. The collar is ornamented by ?seantan's ltat for the early l850's. We elo Belle Vue Hotel. tl: tntl Saturtay evciititg. W ten ntent- port visited th_e alley and was introa single white line made of three pieces lknow it was a straw hat but with a Northdovvii Road. will lie to ntI.‘mI)t:r.\ meet the dueed pleased to team. l_~e:'.s sliip'.s‘ of itarmw wltitc tape sctvtt close to-l higher crown and smaller brim than Cltftonrillc. Iioiti visiting btatiehcs. During the return trip to Portland. gctlter. This is of particular interest to the one later adopted by the Navy. It Kent. ll‘ any es‘-Navy inen should be in B members once again were guests of the the museum as the Royal Navy's fami- has been inipossilile to liiid either a cap Cltftonville 22l-45 liar three separate lines of tape for the 1 or hat for tlti.-. p.:riod. If we can trace Blackpool during this period the I-contntandiug otlicer—:t very lttting lllackpool lll‘.‘tttl1C_fS co.'ditilly_ invite:cltiiiax_to an excellent tvcek-end and Mcmlaerolthe Royal .\'rzruI .4 .\.\Il. t\‘llIt\l"\‘ col were adopted when the the donor of this uniform we might and them. lltctf \\:\cs' or girl trtends.‘ for which the Ilridport s‘llI[ll‘l'I:tlL‘s‘ ofler standzirdised. 'I'lte fullness‘ ; be able to lind the hat wlticlt went with } n:tiI'orot (Dartford Branclt) to ioin rltent. l their grateful thanks to all in Yaxltzint. tot tit: :'r.~.;T Is ~ltt".'.:t by the chest mea- it. altltoaglt this is: not very lil.:ly."
Mrzltd branch is Still
tlucttiatted lItt"lXl ‘high _tt‘i lU\'i'.l""€l.I
we will rriitritibcr tlirm
I Isl iliti titi.ti hfl iji i i i
go to
eltziiitiian. Lwelconied -
“_li“‘l\P‘"fl_*\‘"1l' 5l§'l'"{'l,-
: :ci‘.-I‘:-we-‘._itI:t“’|It1r'.\hl '
BLACKPOOL HAS NEW H.Q. "'9 lllacltpool |lr'.inC_h
I_'"ll'l« l'-|lll0l.R:|1"l-
that evi:ryone
.\'.-\ \'\'
August. I961
Birthday cake flown in by helicopter Jottings
ii‘ i
year. When the Film w:is shown
l-'irst Otiiccr .l. Witncy. W.R.N.S. [ed 83 of the girls under her command to tire Odeon. Ycovii. to see the linishcd product. as guests of the niatiziger (.\lr. l:'. llrown).
from Yeovilton
SPORTS DAY t\'unibcr S99 Naval Air Sqtzadron narrowly beat the Air Electrical Division at the ruiiiual sports day held on .\l;iy 9. In the nien‘s cvcnts. Air Arti~ lll-IRE was :i hirtliilay alniosplicrc Iliccr (iibhs of the Air Engineering Divisioii completely doniinated the on the st:ition's .-\ir Day at R.N.«\.5. Vicovilton oti June I7. for this year's sprints. winning the I00. 200 and 4-10 event coincided with the Zlst anniver-= yrirds in cotiifortrililefasliion. Wren C. 1 Kay ciisured victory for the Air in the sary of the statinifs ripening. Anti to tiialsc sure that this was 5W.R.N.S. events. She won all four not t'or;:ottcn a huge imitation birth- events in which site cntcrcd. were presented be Mrs. day cake was Ilowii in by lieiieoptcr ; F. I’ri7es H. E. Hopkins. wife of Rearafter the opening cereinony had been the Mag perfornied by the (‘oiiiiii.'inder-in- .()tlieer F. ii. ii. ltopkiiis.Music was Flying Training. l’ortsiiioi:th. Atltiiiial Sir .\lattltfiiiict, provided by the Station Volunteer 4 le_\' Power. .-.‘ liiiftirtiiii:itel_i' tiic day was niartcd lland. by a low elotid base. but :i nioditied Taninr llridue. now rapidly approaching: completion ;\lt)‘l‘()R-CYCLI-I SCHOOL. flying display was staged by naval aircraft aiieicnt and modern. Added to i’rolicicncy ccrtilicatcs were awarded this was; :i parachute drop and an ex- to the thrcc ratings in the :icconipanytensivc static display which included ing picture after they had completed :1 l2-week training course at H.r\l.S. :iti R.z'\.l-'. V-bomber. completion of the flying display Heron. They are Leading Naval Airsunk into the river bed to .1 depth of theOti combined batid.s oi‘. R.N.A.S. man Pugh. Naval Airman Ruddy and 50ft. below high water level They are llrawdy and Yeoviltoii beat "Rctrcnt.“ Naval Airman Short. bcddcd in solid rock. The side towers Also in the picture are Sub.-l.icut. are similar but are set in rock at , WRENS ON WAY TO STARDOM? Dollie. the training organiser. two ground level. The foiindzitions were- Wrens serving at the station have instructors. and Mr. F. Turner (R.A.C.l madc as follows: Concrete ch:i'nber A.C.U. Excctitivcl. Mr. G. l)rapcr caissons were constructed with knife- recently starred in two tilnis. The tirst tR.A.C. Driving Exaniincr) and Mr. "(iiris Ahoy" one of the "Look cdecd bottoms. They were titted with was Life" series. .\iany of the scenes in Stocks (R./\.C. Superintendent). fllY W. l7 .r\RRlEI.l.) iairtight roofs and compressed air at [TIl(‘S(' ll0!(‘.l' wen‘ rcci'r'i‘i'rl too late I inserted to force the water out. Work- this tiliii. which is concerned solely for im'Itt.iiou in the July t'‘ of the .-\\'\' men who pave not iisited the Plymouth area for the last two _it~:irs inien tbcii entered the ca .sotis through with the Women's Royal Naval Service pnpt'r.] will liiid ti comiderablc tliliercnce when they t.lo visit that district. For rair locks‘. ‘i hey dug the river bed front were shot at the Air Station earlier this years it wiiitim: time of often an hour or more has hiid to he endured h_v people .undcr the caissoris causing theiit Io‘ wlslilni: to cross the River by the Torpoint or Saltiish Ferries. but the i:radu.illysink lower until they reached ‘ Saltash. Brunei or Albert llritlec now has a partner. the Tamar llridiie. the required depth. i rapidly nearing completion. which will obviate it loss of time. iiitirtey and this time the During top portions temper. were contiiiiiaily being built tip to The Saltasli llridge. which carries :i ‘was caused by otte of the worlstiteii niaint.tiii the'ai_s' aiiiouiit oi; single line of rail lraliic between Devon ;t'a|l_ing otl the topaif the bridge. frceboard. The bottoms were then} and Cornwall. was designed by the I Several other lives were lost when sealed. the whole caissoiis tilled with i fiinious ctigitiecr lsambartl Kingdom a boat capsircd while taliiiig .some concrete. and the riiain tower erected : llrunel and was opened in 185‘). it con- Iworluiicti across the river at the end on lt\P. T of their shift. ft. -355 sists of two main spans caeii long reached by approach spans from The bridge has been built on the l3}-TON ROPES tlie banlss of tire river. The bridge tioor suspension principle. the main span of is siispeiitieil by clipticai hollow curved ft. being supported by two towers The main cables pass over the top tubes I7 ft. in diameter. The central of reinforced concrete. These towers of the towers and are anchored in pier supporting these tubes was sunk reach to 260 it. aboie high w:itcr and solid concrete blocks embedded in in the river bed to a depth of 8!! it. _thc iiiaiti span has a iiiiniiiiuni clearTlicse are set at an angle of 3.‘ side ltltl of it. will Next two ance conic below the water lcs.-i This brid-.:e ideizrces to the ltori/ontai and £|t'L" it. of eacli 374 to long. coiiriectiii; -‘l.tD..'tI.'\i. the top of the block being still contuiue to cart) the iiiaiti line spans two shorter towers ii.ll\\\\'il as side II it. \ it» it. and the rear I‘) ft. \ rail traliie trout 1)-.'\oit to Corii\\aii. The new briiige wili carry road -towers. i"ii'ia|iy thcie are two short ;30 it. The of these bioci.s' cotttrallic on a l|irec—lanc carriaii.-way ..'iporo:ich spzuis of til) it. and (:5 it. -ttect tip with reiiit'orc;:d eoiicretc chattiThe roadway of the bridge was built .b:rs which s:rvc three purposes. 33 ft. wide with a (r it. footpatli on each side. .-‘\pprosai to build tiie bridge in sections wei_uhini: RU tons each. The .;inchorini: the cables. supporting: the main span of I‘) of these ‘approach spans and forniine an abut- r was obtained in l-'eb'u:iry. I95‘). and -. work on the b.'id_ce started in Aiigiist. 'bo|ted together to form :1 rigid struc- ‘lllt.‘t‘ll for the embankiiieiit. The cables I I95‘), The terriis oi’ the contract stated ture. These trusses. as they are called. ztlientselves consist of Si in number’l that the bridi.-e bail to be capable‘ ot‘ }were_tloated into position on a poti- 2.’ inches diameter locked coil steel I with block and tackle cori- wire ropes. liach rope is 2.200 feet long carrying tratlie within two years. i.e.., Ioon. lifted to a winch atid litially attaclied and weighs I3} tons. The ropes coriby .-\ui:iist. |'J(i|. Altliougli bad :;nected ‘ to the main suppottiiig cable by tiicans nceting the cables to the ro:idwai_.- are weather during i‘)(it| delayed wo.-lz. tiie iol suspendcr ropes. The side spans l'.’ inches diameter and :ire titted to the r tine wcatlicr we have had this year has i enabled the constructors to make up were positioned by tllt.‘.ilt.\‘ of a travel- icabies by cast steel clamps. The botthe leeway and they hope to meet the ling: crane which lifted tlicrii from the ltoni ends cart" the stitiening ll‘ll§.\'C\'r banks of the ii\cr. 'l he roadwa_\ itself. can-v the roadway and also '.'0llll';tL‘i date. ! now being laid on these .scc'ions. con- resist the etieets of wind on the sus5 sist of l'L'illit't:s.‘L‘\i coticzcte si.ii\s tr pended seciioxis. This is eliccted by ‘K.-\CCIl)liN'l'S Sl*IRl(lL‘S [inches thick. .their depth. 16 feet, which prevents Three iiiotor-cycle riders who were recently awarded priiticiency certilicztlcs An avcragzc of 200 men at a time ' and of .-\ i"I\lgf.‘.illyZ i .s;iggiiu:. system .\l.-\l.\‘ roiviziis at'ter at to clve-w eck training course. have worked on the bridge and it sa_\s bracing nicrubers is : so built into the much for the saI'cty precautions taken g The tiiaiii towers. made of hollow ‘.\llii:L'I'lill}: trusses_. This acts as a helical that there has been only one serious- ‘rcittlorccii concrete. stand on it) It. .St\I‘itii: .iiid resists any tetidene_\ _to accident resulting in loss of life. This -diameter mass concrete touudaiions bridge may h.ive to twist. Tlic Taniar Bridge hits a S niay well he imaigliied members of Naval Patrols see and hear tiiiiiiy iieedcd purpose which all lovers of the i strange things in the course of their duties. The t'ol|owim.: incidents. all West Counti _v will apprccizile. true. took place in either Plymouth or Devonport. and were contriliulcd by 1 l i iiienibersoi’ the City l'iitrnl. I’Iyiiiuiith. A Leading l’:itrolnian. liaving occa- til law against it when brought to HeadThe cruiser li..\i.S. Tiger t(‘apt. -i’. W’. \\’ (ifltilitlll. i).S.(‘.. R..\'.l. is sion to order a rating to put his cart I‘! uarters for being drunk. ’atrolman on the beat straight. was told: ''I can't. ttiy hair ‘felt.-\ illLeading [acting as Guard Ship :it Cowes. July when a rating he spoke to on .£ '3‘) to Aiigiist 4. for (‘owes Royal is too long." 'Union Street pulled from his trouser A New lintry spoken to by :i l_ead--«G Regatta. pocket an unwrapped. t_.-rcasy pig's "('an't Patrolntan replied: you int: l trotter. covercil in Hull and tobacco Drake il..\l.S. on read‘! cap. your The iitsi. of two new ileet Tcplctlisit-r dust and cotnrneiiccd to eat it. nuiie ll..\l.V.. notliing oti to, Raleii.-ii .-\ Leading l’atrolnian on duty in the ‘merit was laid down at the do with yoti." Ilebbtirn-on-Tyiic shipyard of lIaw~ R.'l'.(). at l’l_vniouth Station received a and hands" his .-\ Naval rating on thorn Leslie tfihipbuiidersl Ltd. on call from an Army Otiiccr telephone net ‘July 24. When it is siibsequeutly knees cotintiiie holes‘ in a wire wishing to order a tint. Alter being iaiiriclicd it will be named Tidcspririg. iicnee dciiiaiide-.| to kiiow it" there was int-(mmd um‘ um N-“ml i’:ilI‘iIi tliti cverytliing except deal in liouses the IllOI!IIIIIIlllllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIllllIIIIllIIIIIIIOIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIUOUIIIIIIIIIIII:Armv Otiiccr made it known that he required a “tl:it" railway truck. Seen on Union Street. ti Naval rating soiuewliat under the inlluence. ]1ttiiin;.: along one of his siiocs on tiic end of fl)c|cte :is appropriate) a piece of stritii_.: trying to convince passers by that it was :i dog. Rctiizirks ROYAL NAVAL '.‘s'.-\VY NEWS’ by onlookers had to be heard to be
bridge will save time, money
and temper
Seen and_iieard on“the—beat
lone-; A
Renewal Form
.-\ number of Naval ratings‘ one Cliristiiias won a duel; iii a ratllc. The duck. being alive. constituted a prob.\‘.i.sti: lem none of the ratings were willing to solve by drastic iiicasiires. The duck .~\nni:i sstiiiislied the rim ashore aceoinpaiiying the ratiiigs on tile ctid of a lead. I an low li.'n'iritIi nmri-';.' nm’r'r’pn ilul urn’.-r_'u‘tt‘r[t4.' '.'..'Im' «\','-. An R.l’.(). on duty on Plymoiitii it \.'l.:‘\t i1[‘:ttIIt_ltJr I.7ium'\. t't:tI.'tr.’irt-,- ;m\rt.'~;c'. Station was approached by a civilian ..t.\lo:ttiil (':mmi.'t:t‘r' who looked at his .‘\'.I’. armband and s.iid: "Oh wrong batik. l'iii Barclay: If rm-mlr.-r of l\‘..\’. .-liimtutio.-.'. plntw itrttr lt'n.'rn It National Pio\‘ii'" t -not :--n-accent;aaonnunnuclournnuuuunnun-n--Innocence:ntoouunun-I-nosn--uIuseccnuueuuucoon---n--n-u l'1¢mi- ;.-mi it ¢‘ap_\‘ of mrli r'\sut~ of ".\' r:-.‘_\‘ .\'t'n'i"
The 'si\llI suhntariuc of the (llieron class ll..\l.§. tllsiiipus-— -ciiti.-riiiu the water at ll-arrow. on Julie I-8. alter i|L‘l' lauiicltiiiig auil tianiiiIL' by Mrs. It. ll. Writ.-ht. wife til’ \'icc~.\tlniiral R. ll. Writglit. (‘.il.. l).§.('.. tlic l"ia:: (tllircr. .\'t'iili-.iitii
n n n o
Grace and determination
lattncliefi Au ttst. l96l
|A new
I ?
App. Mealtin. captain of Ii.\LS'. ('ollingviood's team
reported in the July issue. ll.-MS. Leander. tirst of the new Leander class‘ general purpose fritzates. was launched on June 28. She is seen here entering As
Keen competition in Command sports
1 Three thousand in
the water at Ilelfast
walking race
0 f fi c e r llevtitt-Taylor NCE again the weather favoured the l’ortsntouth (‘ontntand'.-5 big athletics W.R.N.S.. Il.M.S. l)tll.lltll€fi§. winyards‘ at the Portsntouth day on Jul_v 4. ln beautiful sunshine something like 200 otlicers and ratings ning the 220 Comtitttnd Sports and S0 Wrens. front approximately 20 different establishments competed against each other. not only to prove that their establishment was the "top dog" of Command athletics. but also for a place in the Portsmouth ('omntanr.l T is 0600 on Sunday. April 23. l96l. and the scene is a rough piece of land Teant for the Royal Navy Championships. at the lSlh ntilestone. Woodlands Road. ‘this is the setting of the sixth The competition was keen and it is the too yards. the 220 yards. the 80 annual “Free Press " walk. a race of I-15 miles. sponsored by the "Free Press." metres hurdles and the lottg jtiittp. :1 credit to tire athletesconcerned when a daily Singapore newspaper. The competitors are split up into four sections: increased lter R.N. Wren tltree Iirst realised that the contis it liurge again . the women. veterans. juniors and seniors. numbering about A.0l)0 altogether. of with throw Javelin record :i in each event iiivariably pctitors At 0630 the Veterans are off. striding quencher or sornethiiig to keep their hetteied tlte wiitnittg tinte. elc.. of lllft. ltlins.-—ait increase of approxiottt as though still in their youth. The minds oil walking. other ('oiitinands in the Navy. mately 8ft. woriteii were gaily dressed in a coloiirlly about 01831), the sun had begun (ieuerally results were good and special mention must be made of a ftil selection of skirts and shorts‘. to make its presence felt. and the heat few of the athletes. First. Steward R. when 27 A./\.r\. ('ertiticates are dresses. one lady. the eventual winner. became really intense. the temperature Meadows. who not only bettered Lieu- achieved (I (iiade One. I (iradc Two being in a two-piece which looked very nearing the [U0 ntark. This. however. tenant R. I’ape‘s six-iiiile record by and 25 Grade Three). surely the cool. did not hold back the leading competiI‘).-3 secs. with a tiittc of Ill ntins. Il7.(i standard iitiist be good. Next the Juniors. and what chaos! tors who iitaintained a very fast pace The Inter-listablislinient Trophy secs.. but also gained :i hat trick in tlte "l'ho_se at the hack of the tield were throughout. middle distaitcc events. wiitiiiitg the ‘was rct:iined by ll..\l.S. (‘ollingwood t’olice coittrolled all crossings and so keeit to get going that tltey ran, on.-. ll'It'..‘L‘ and sis ntiles races. {willt lll Points. ti.M..s. Victory «.3; * itiaiiipling on tliose in front tr_ving to trallic was held up for the walkers. Nest I.e;idiiig Se:ini:iit (i. .\loralle Htiiiitts) being second and l-l..\l.S.’ walk. As the milliitg mass of ariits aitd altlioiigli ntztny drivers sltowed their \sl'it_ for quite a few years. li:is been lixcellciit t-l7 points) was third. legs gradually sorted itself out. we intpatience hy blowiitg their horns lighting hard to _win a (oniinaitd The Minor t-Istiiltlisltittents‘ (‘tip was cotild see niiinerous odd plintsols. incessantly. Wiiiiie-r‘s medal. lhis vear lie suc- won by l-l..\l.S. l)ryad (33 points). “flip-flops" aitd other footwear wltieli ceeded. not only in tlte Coiitiitattd i with l‘l..\l.S. (i. iges‘ t.'l| points) secoitd '(‘(l.\lI-I ON J()Il.\" lost Iliad been at the start. (‘|tanipionsltips. but also. a week later. grind l-l.M.S. Peinbrokc (22 points) At about (1705. some 35 ininutes Then came the most gruelling part iit tlte Royal Navy (Ttaiitpioiisltips. ; third. alter the Veterans had "got away." the of the race. the long stretch of road The ‘s\’.R a\'.S. lntervfistablishiitent His time of 9 mitts, 4-! secs. for ilte I Seniors left. There was a bit more towards Newton (‘ircus. about 6 miles 3.tIito nietics was by ito itteans a 'l ioplty was lL'l.IIfls.'(l by ll..\l.S. Excelorganisation :it the start. but itever- of [‘ll‘.lCllL'ttll_V straight road. The tccortl. but it was a credilziltlc and leitt with So points. htit H.Xt.S. llteless there was plenty of rttitiiitig by crowds were very thick and the lield pleasing reailt front a keen and tiite Dzitintless a close second with the leadiitg "wallsers." could be seen for miles. Many local [7llllll\ athlete. ‘ :\llltough the suit had just abotit inliabitanls were ready with a bucket .\loving to the Wrens‘ events". the The \\'.R.N.S. -t x lltt yards risen. the morning was still quite cool. of water to revive the tired walkers, t\lIlsl.tIl'.llllt_: atltlcte was Third Utlicer .('hillcitgc (up was won by lt__\t..'s', btit with ito sign of rain a waritt. or and tltere were many s‘ltttllls' of "Come llewitt-‘Ins-lor, who coittiittied her J .\cellent. with ll..\l..'$. President N rather hot. morning's walk was to be out Joltit" as the English walkers came second and H.;\l.S. l);iiinltess third. of previous by winning years" prowess expected. The pace w:i.s quite fast for by. tltc Iirst two or three miles while the Soon Newton (‘irciis loomed ahead. tield gradiially citded its initial sprint a sign to the weary stalkers that the for a good position at the start. The eitd was near. and for those still with Headers in the Senior :ittd Junior sonte energy left it was a sign to make i\L'L‘lit\ns began to make deterittined up lost ground on tired walkers. l etlorts to close the gap between them- /\s‘ I-'arrer Park came nearer the ()l_l) l.eslie ’(i.inges. Roval Naval ttainiiig centre. |\'l'l'l{V YF/\R selses and the leaders of the \\'onien crowd beeaute thicker. so thick that Srnitli. ol (‘hutch Road. .-\ld-.:rshot. l and in front of the (Jireen he sliinned and \'elet;tns_ only one way tratlie for the walkers wcll. .ilitiost. lot‘: the I-12 tit. high itt:ist to stand \\_|\ on top of the world was possible. Tlte extremely tired lie was picked to be “button boy"?Illglll oit the top. The button is only l)l-I.\'Sl€ ('Rt)Wl)S walkers had now only to walk on to ottt of nearly l.8t)tl boys at ll..\l.S. glfi iit. across and all Leslie h:id to ‘ .\lilestones. when they could be seen the arena at Farrer Park and be given help hint keep his balaitce was a metal through the dense crowds liitiitg the their liiial position. spike which he gripped between his So ende/J. for itiany. weeks‘ of hard roads. helped to keep tltc w;ilker.s knees as he proiitlly saluted with the int'oriited of the distaitce covered aitd practice. and for the rest. still ninscles otlter tttl boys arranged on the mast. iltoss iitiicli farther they had to go. lt for competing for the fun of it. or Leslie only got the coveted iob lbad meant an early rise for the thick itiemty to s:i_v "I did it." chance. The boy wlto was to have had It was quite an acltieventcnt for a Lieut. .\l. R. Ilare. Royal Navy. and 'cro\vds all along the route who were th: "top iob" ol‘ the year :it the biggest evcitt in the tcaiit of "sailors." and “0llice" sailors litirt his ankle four days earlier while I I..;‘S. l.. Crttmisell. both of ll..\l.S witnessing at that. to complete the course. and Sporting Year. climbiitg down ;i rop.‘. so l.cslief ('aprice. who both gained the Iifiirtgapore Drinks and chewing gtitit were pro- for two of them to he in the Iirst 250 Queen's coitiitiendation for their lsided moved in. for those in need of .'l thirst of the Lotti) Seniors. in the (‘hiii-.i Sea South rescue part After the mast-maitnint: display lie hail an even higuer thrill-—he was of the crew of the I’;iitatti:iiii:iiiship. in surf. in which the cilapresented to the Queen and received (;ilea. tion states "an error of jiitlgitieiit a silver medal from her to com-; itt:titieiit's liesitatioii could lltl\L' iiieniorate his big day. Q or a tI|t.':lfll disaster." It was the s:coiid nicdzil he has for being a button boy the Iirst w:is pres-.-tiled to hint earlier in the ntoittlt by (';ipt:iin J. R. (lower. (10. otfl ll..\l.S. (i.-iitges. after Leslie sliinited The ‘\\'.R.N.S. athletics tcani disthe mast on parents‘ day. up tinguished Iheittsclves at the ltllt.'fSaid l,cslie's iiiotltei: "Of course we listalilisliitteitt Meeting at Pitt Street oit it's a. July in when they won the \\'.R..\'.S. are all terribly proud of him great thrill .iitd a great acltieveiitcnt. inter-unit challenge cup :iitd lltc "Leslie is very keen on his train- \\'.R.N.S. rela_v cup. This is the ciiliitg at l-l..\l.S. (iartges. attd he is going ittiiiation ol‘ iniiclt ltard work. aitd to iitake the Navy his career. At the being one of the smallest units. the‘ iitoiiieitt lie is a leadiitg iuniori Wreits ol‘ ll.M.S. I-'_s‘cellent can lcel ntecltanic engineer. justly proud of tlietttselves. Leslie said reecntlv that he was Wren J. ll. ('oates. Writer tl’:t_v).‘sorry for the original hiittori boy who ll.-.\l.S. l)ry:irI. taking part in a swim-: had to miss oitt oit the bit: day but ining ntatcli between the l’ortsmoi:tli' he was pleased as punch to get the job (‘ Swimming (‘tub and Worth- ‘: ltiitisell. iiig Swiritniing (Tub. won the I00 yards l.eslie‘s father. seriously ill iit hos- back-stroke iii 77 seconds. pital. got a trentendoiis morale boost ‘the W.R.N.S. Unit of the Depot.‘ when he heard about his sort. And R.M.. Deal. took part in a iitarch B. Tones. of team: l..IWtr. C. rightly so. lor Leslie has done a dial- through Deal at the end of a week ce|e- I'lIi: "ollice s'.tilttrs" l..IWtr. I). .l. Downes. ot Ntittingham: ‘Wtr. C. Kay. ht-Ming the ci,-ntcnm-v or the depot, ;.nt|. Gregory. ot Saltash: Capt. J. R. Grower. R.N.. and ciilt aitd daititerous‘ job well. To the Smith's he is top of the poll showed the cltangcghf uniform for the of Middlesbrough: Wtr. P. Danlis. of Woliin -: Wtr. R. lloulton. of Ellenballz Junior Mechanic Engineer Leslie and one other i —-and top of the pole! Royal Marines front I8(-I to l‘l(-I. .<nitI: Th i r d
‘ButtoniiBoy’s’ iliitgithrill -
i ‘
byl (iang:s.l
‘Lau Fix, no troitlile
August. I96!
.V A \' Y
.'\' I’. “'5
AU KAN PUI. the ship's tailor of H.I\I.S. \'ietoriott.\‘. was born in Hong Kong on May 22. I936. b:ing.: according to Chinese custom. one year I old at birth. On completion of his schooling at: a Chinese school in Hong Kong. as he pill it "no English." he was apprenticed to a tailor :it IS. The lirst months apparently were spent p:tlllsl;tI;lt‘lgI§' learnitlg to sew oit odd .si:r.ips of waste iitaterial. nothing else hilt hours of, praetisiitg: :i straiglit line. a seam. tt‘ ltuttonltole. all to he aecomplislietl without leaving a ntaik of any kittd to show the ntateiial had even been liaittlled. Whilst still under apprertticcship he joitted the tailors‘ shop aboard I-l..\l.S. Unicorn :ind got his tirst taste of life aboard H..\l. ships. The year. I‘)-t9.f in I953 he spent :t year ashore at Ilong Kong drumming tip business from the ships in llte do-ckyard and I
.. .__.
working incessantly resultant orders.
—.E‘. «.'
the! Lau Kan Pui. whose uorlt is known throng.-.ltuul the Fur I-Iastern I-'Ieet
F obviously
I l
I._vn.\‘ I)‘.‘I'IIIflI at Jaelssonville, I-‘loridtt. uith a .sk_vscr:tper bzicltizrouml of llte .-\tI-antic Coast Line building:
Big drummer had to use
stall of three \\':t.~t_I_lt‘l I and at the time of wrItin'.: From ll..\l.S. enough ('Jtiehestcr as Number One Boy. a» iii.-re ;.r¢ now no less than I2 tailors fully lledgcd tailor in charge of the woi'l.ilt-g i:otttittttottsl)'. shop. About a year later transferring N.iliirtilly_ ti-ed with amltition. and :1 week at Kirtgsloil. I.i:tt:iiea.I crowd rose to ear-splitting proportions. to l*l.M.S. Helftist. Being Number One‘ tailoring is not enouglt. so his sights where we lirst ittct the H.inipshire‘s The parade was the highlight of a Boy was hard.|_v enough so he became were s.-t on other lields. In ll..\t.§ hand. arrived I.:t we at Ciuaira. for port week's celebr:itions—a week in whiclt his own rttast‘cr :ind with :t stall’ oil Victoriotts now. besides his tailoiiiig Cfarrteas. of as the \' guests the ollicers and men of the British three tailors joined I-l.!\l..‘i. Gambia: business he has lour cohblers and it (iovernment. l-'orces were subjected to an enjoyable for H ntontlts. When the (iartthia paid , barber, while to help out on other like the Vene2.uel:i. all other South marathon of receptions. sports matches oil in U.K. Ite joined II..\l.S. Vie- orders‘ he has a factory in Hong Kong Anteriean States liberated Simon by of 10 more tailors. If you should need and private entertaining by the British torious complete with stall. is Bolivar. It staiiiiehly pro-British. aitd Commonwealth colony. By this little the orders grew and :1 Chirtcse tailor shop. cobblers. accident was no that Great Ilritain word was passed on from old ships liarbcrs or a laundry crew lot‘ you.’ One memorable evening H.\t.S. was the only European nation repretrouble.“ “Lau no lix. for Lari to make suits. even if it ship, (BY A :\’.s\’\' 3\'t;\vs REPORTER) sented in the fabulous ntodern l.yn.s's soccer XI billed as "The Royal of city nteant waiting some‘ weeks for the; INCI-I the last report of the activities Caracas during their l50th anniversary i\'avy“ took on the Venezueltin Navy orders to be sent by post front one A .\IBl'I'IOUS 0L"'I'l.0(II\' at‘ lt..\l.S. Lynx appeared in N.\vtr liidepcnilence celebrations: in the de- in the vast new floodlit Olympic end of the world to the other. NIEWS. the ship bits visited Venezuela cisive battle of Carahobo during their stadium. in commission \\’hen the present With this expansion of II..\l.S. At hall‘-time with the score at \"ictoriotis ends he wants to for the celehrzttiiiit oi‘ that country's‘ war for littlepertdeiice. it was the one all the The Royal llampsltire's go on workittg imlelirtitely lor Il..\I. I5IIth :titnivcr.\ar_r of its iittlepetltleitce. I British force that saved the day. h.iitd delighted the crowd with a selecships. Ile seems to Itave so many A./\l"ter a short visit to Ltcksoiivillc. I where tion the l'.itilorts Southern of jail. and at the cltd when the ('I{RI-I.\I().\’I.<\I. .\I.\ RCII friends‘ of all ranks in the Service that §l~lorrd;i. ' l ’EN -I-ton vans‘ of it novel type.‘ to leave would ntake him a stranger \’ene/uelans had narrowly won by two “M -Wilt“! Ole-“l1tl"1|"‘;!-. (treat lliilaiii was reprc.s'entcd ny which open out and display various ‘: in the outside world. l‘icId-.\lar.slial I.ord Alexander of goals to one. they beat retreat. It was a aspects of naval lite and career. have Tunis. by H.l\l.S. Lynx and the hand niagitilicentlyprecise exhibition and all Ills family still live irt llong Kong. recently been specially built. The Royal I-lantpshire the iitore praiseworthy because of tiriI of the Isl But. The Royal Navy Mobile Dis lay but he is single and looks like staying the stadium Regiment. The gtiard from H.!\l.S. intentioital hadsabotage: Units will tour the United King om. that way for quite some time to come. locked tip the big Lynx. having already supported Lord ntanager business is obvious. but his hobvisiting towns and rural districts‘ dttr- 4 His hies may seem ti bit strange. according l.oeh Rutltvcn (Capt. D. B. Alexander the previous day at a drnmnier's drumsticks and left the :titd fetes. other on on days ing market Law. .\I.B.E.. l).S.(‘.. R.N.) returns wreatli-laying ceremony. was honoured poor bzindsman to beat with his lists! to him they are "nt.tlting suits." suitable occasions. On .ltily 6,_ H.\l.S. I._vnx sailed for This should be an interesting event For :1 lad that is pushing the ripe to Devonport next \\'editesd:i_v and then by being asked to march through this relaxation of visits to the eoinparatiye for the friends and relatioris of those L old age of 25 this year. Ills liusiness to relil at Rosytlt on August 14. after capital city with bayonels titted. To- !l 'l'rinidad and Tobago. one year spelt: in the .-\r.tbi;:n Seas and gether with the The Royal H:impsItire'.s now serving and also those on leav ree rd scents quite good. What will hand this formed only a small part of Lynx rettirited to Portsmouth in and for anybody interested in a ll;t‘.';tl ‘ the fiitiire look like it he carries oti i’ersiaIt (null the Rmln.-u lg,“ qt;-;u'|)gd 35,000. l this wav? loch glittering parade that itt:irched past early August. About 250 relatives and c:treer. miles sin.-¢ .h; _-..n;n1§;,-tum-.1 on jun;-3 President lteizincourt in the Avenue of friends went out to Sptthead by tug lo II. I960. National Heroes. but as they saluted jjoin the ship aitd returned iit her to l\'ote\\orrh_v was the successful sal- the President the appla of the I doekyartl. in vage. coritpatty with other R.N. slii s. of the '.‘3.0ll0~lon motor tanker Po yatta. on lire in the (iuli. and the .s.ilvage of the 5.000-ton ()it arrival on the station the ship attempted .-.\I.S. (‘zit-stir (Cuptairt II. A. Corliner l).ir.t. tslticlt s.iriis w:'th5n A limited number ol vacancies exist at bett. I).S.().. l).S.(.‘.. R.N.) arrived spent :1 week in Singapore. then e.illed cargo three miles miles or’ ~.lIL‘I_\'. in Singapore recently to relieve ll.-“.5. I at ilong Kong _I|tal perlect_r_un Atomic Dorset . for two nights before lolliCavendish. as leader or the Eighth’ ashore ing the Far East Fleet in the middle Destroyer Squadron. lor She took exactly a month to steam of the Japanese Crtiise. the 8.000 miles to Singapore. This alELECTRONIC MECHANICS . . . For her lirst goodwill \lslI. ll..\l.S. lowed two days leave in Gibraltar and Abilityto read drawings and circuit diagrams and to construct. wire and HOUSES FOR S.-'lI.l*I slo s of a few hours in Malta and Caesar spent four days at 'l'ol.uyaina. I test e|ect.ri:.tlly complex equipment is essential. A knowledge cl transa small bitt friendly port. Co ombo. SIl’IIIII\‘(;T0\'. I'l‘X tIct.l.l'.c-I !it!."..\l‘.c.l ormers or armzture winding and relay control circuits would be an I\\i‘-l'€LI!-mill I‘:l.'| new l1sny:hia.:
I’R()(3RI".S$|\ I-3 there he ioined
his fists
Successful szddage
lH.M.S. CAESAR‘ 1?iT.iEvEs
Energy Establishment, Winlrith,
Advertisements garden.
required for
"ze care and
\r;v!y I'c.'\-mttrl lltl cutters L‘..l.~lea. L'..l.. ht:-s
.t:‘-: ntltntcttt basis Il\tllI pro-greets ol
and :"’.‘I'I\ls'fl.‘II‘iC SCIHCC. is l.‘."|I per annum.
will nine i rmzcnts or :25. maxim: a :.-:.iI ol 1.7T‘. .\t:cr I? lean’ Sl't'\5.'c .t ttmlicr .:cincnt ot 1'.‘ is rusardcd. outta: a treat total
l.~(hI per
,iu-.ted ol promo: it. .‘|_.ind ta 5.-.i:s tree it
heiuttr tut hare let‘ -‘I l"\t‘lllt3LIt)‘ .i.u. riled
to run a
LY. Cu
l'nr'lc.~m and boots
interesting work with opportunities lor gaining valuable experience and further training Excellent Promotion Prospects Pay 266/---28| /(with prospects of further progression to 3061-) for a 5-day week Skilled men apply. stating experience to:
tnee \\I'.It Ad.
be til!-
.' ‘I. S-ctttri-.: pctnltlc .."|.'I all-in should do )0 "I"|'.t.'IJf.'I2 riniecr. in .t;cordIce: In-ter :ui.n.u).
in rr'.' E-l'II:I:))"
trio class t:t.t.-e time aztn.-9‘. lK‘.'lI‘.I rid cone [or .i..l‘
\\‘riic ll-‘I til}. ".\‘.ov .\'cu-s."
'or work in its
lnitrumentiilectronic Model Department en;:;t-d
tanitruction at advanced instrument techniques lor Computing rocket motor data. Experience in the manutacture of small mcchanimis. thee: maul worlt and model shop turning would in an advantage. Eitcellcnt conditions at ernplo rm.-nt include participation in ii‘:
I. lIIIR.\‘.\I!lI & SONS LTD. are :tIvi.t\'s :-2 .-onsi..':r it-.:.-.ii.niint second-hand s\Mil'J\ ‘-\IXI\ or iii-iitionit on is. and any (mtccts wlsttinl to sell should write in die tnsi instance to Anglia tlouse. Ittiruich. I-.s-cs. or at the !\' Parts to contact the I->.'.tt l‘f.'n{I1.
eomnretienslte insurance. $ low rates. Apply c.‘o \\tiirc Rose ttnitincetinz Company. Ins. Ilartrs. Phone liss 2121.
lor the above Dcpamner-L Experience in electronic is necessary :r..1 whilst not essential. lupcniw experience would be an advuiu; in addition to the conditions o employment outlined abonre the IIXCCCHIJI appliant would receive tull payment during illness and authorisedabsence. in both can: I uit-lrco subsistence allowance of £3 per week is paid to
L’. .
l~‘t)IttttZ§ $t‘.l.l-‘-DRIH-2 IIIRE. Cars dr.-Eli-crttt alunicsidc on ships‘ return to the United Kinndom at no extra charzc, New .\torm I0t)01—-
IIOIISI-Z I§l.'RC||\§II. An ideal scheme tor rtimc Iooluiia .tti¢.t-I tom‘. advance alter three ye.-n at low rate at interest. Morrtancs renald in the menu at d:.itb.—\\'nte to: inner, "the lion»: Assured." to -.lir l‘r.nlde.~tr Lite Assor-‘1i--\- nt l.o':d.m l,:-.l '.‘.-14': IIish.‘ps:a‘.e. l.nn-
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tl.lIltlt‘.JItIY and
rI'KI<‘.'IL.Il‘|’.'§'. .\'o:ihcrn Ireland. in early tktobcr. ltlr-l. Further
I‘€l\\tCt’l 7' in. in' c\.tnnri
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to Itortt
5 tt.
.ci?s at ll..\t. l).:.'M.irt!s torts‘:3 ...-t.l Rmttli. and at the
Varied and
To operate and maintain a wide range at electro/mechanical precision instruments. Experience at otcilloscopes. signal generators. antplifiers and other electronic instruments is desirable. Interesting and varied work where there are opportunities tor advancement. Assistance may be given towards further education. The Authority has sick leave and superannuation schemes and is at present operating ti local assistant travel scheme. Certain married men iving outside the Winirith transport area may be eligibte for housing and lcdging allowance while awaiting allocation. An explanatory booklet and application form can be obtained from The Labour Office. A.E.E. Winlrith. Dorchester. Dorset. quoting reference
tr. ‘Ira-v “Ill be tcqalied .r:.2 c..lii.‘.r:i.i:i.iluantina
tor:i'_iriu.t .r~...l al'!ttl~..i. :.i
are .‘o.\I 7111‘! be
E.l. D.
ELECTRONIC INSPECTORS ll‘.-.’:;::s L‘:mc..
don. F..('.2.
Sharing. Sitkneu Bone it and Pension Schemes also a
married men. £2
single men. and financial nuisance it availablelor lull experience.
harm purchase. Ap lotions in writing. stating should be address to the "Labour Otlieer" at
ateaand Above address. t
championship results
future for well augur
ATHLETICS ‘BUG’ SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED Ill-'. ltoyal Naval Youth Mlitetic (.'hanipiun.ship.s were held in tI..\‘l.S. Ganges on July IS and there were some lirst-class results. the athletes themselves. their coaches and the organisers of the meeting deserve the hight.-:1 praise for their entleuvoum To what can one ascribe this Prior to the presentation ol prizes. fraternity ti few d:tys before the success‘? (‘aptain J. R. (loner. D.S.C.. Royal Anntial Sports l)ay Firstly I would say the post-war |:|R§1- CLASS TRACK Navy. Chatriiiari ol the Royal Naval Amlllfillf «‘\ll\l'~‘llC-‘ I'\‘-Wfilillltlfl ad‘ Here we have a class track built upsurge and popularity of athletics dft‘-\'\k‘d lhlf iIlhlt‘l€\' ii‘ l‘0lll“’-'53 "ll-‘V aitd maintained by our own resources throughout the country in the Second5‘ 0"’ “'C*‘“d .VL"~" 0"l)‘ “l *l1'tl'“t~' wlllinlll Adniiraltv tinance or support. ary Modern and Grammar Schools these Youth Cliztriipittnslitps. It has n,_-;;c,.L. 5| 0, nm‘ many .5 0“, 33;}, from which most of you have been ht-'¢" 3| fclllilfkflhlc -‘?ll“"-'5‘ “ml ll": fully rirgztnised athletic meeting since recruited. improved pcrtornianccs over last year u1h._- mmm._., um" Sm.-Nd um w,_-cks Secondly your own natural ability illltll" W?“ [N lh'~' lllllllv Pl Nam‘ ago. Only in this way. with encourage- and interest in athletics. Thirdly good coaching. At Ganges I\llll'~‘ll‘-'5- Alllllk“-' “'k‘t‘l“ 311*‘ 11' l’0(i*‘ nient. regular competition and reasonJunior I able 1;“-i|iti._-5 ._-;.n it“; ;.1h|L-tic "bug“ we have to thank Petty Olliccr Dtrlton niottlh we had the Royal Naval of Chanipronships. Next year most you ;hr§w_ A vgrilc bug can quit-kty for his lield event coaching; at Deal will be loniors in the athletic sense. an-,,-|.,p in“, ;, dim”-. which Sp,-,_-ads Corporal Holiday has been dynamic in “ml l it'll‘ 0" WU 1“ ¢'i|“'." 0" ll“: INPJ ; and multiplies. Medically we normally his enthusiasm. not only for Junior work in the I962 CllttI'Il[1ltitl.\lIlp.\‘ want to ctirb ti disease: atliletically it Wing athletics. but for Corps athletics: at St. Vincent and at I-‘isgztrd. unle.s.s _vott are at sea is just the reverse. Notable performances today have you have been lucky to have helping It is itiiporiant for the luttirc of Naval Athletics that the Royal Naval been in ntliletic order of merit: you Chief Petty Ollicer Lucas and Youth and lunior Hirtiiipitiitsliipsl llrotigh (Ciariges). Hammer. I76 ft. Petty Olliecr Brown respectively. I have spoken long enough to 9 in.; llrough tGanges). Weight. 45 ft. flourish. as it is the base of the yott of how vital your contribupyramid from which we build up to a 9; ins. Wehh ttiangesl. Pole Vault. remind tion can be to athletics and how it can pintiaele --the Navy athletic team. At Hi It. fl in.; llalifax t(‘iangesl. Disctis. be welded itito it sticccsxftil Naval long last it is realised that Alltletics I56 ft. (if. it llrown (Royal .\larincs). Athletic Team from I959 otitvards mtist be it ltill-tinie sniiimer activitv 220. 23.8 sec.'. Jeul\‘iri.s (( 440. when you hecotiie Seniors. As‘ Chairwitlt a tract.‘ axailahlc at all times from 5-3.5 sL'c.s Some of these are up to t\ational riian of the Royal Naval Atiialcur Easter l.e.ive to Siininiet leave; not Avsociitlion I look to yoti for just :t corner ol the pl: ‘lllg tield.s Staridztrd and some would have won Athletic your continued support in this great borrowed from art ttiitvillitig cricketl a prc-war Navy Cliampionsliip. .
If you roll your own cigarettes, here's how to get 12 extra cigarette: from a 3d. packet of RIZLA Cigarette papers. Crumplc a cigarctlc paper and place on machine as shown. it will save enough tobacco to make 12 extra cigarette: at a cost of 3:! I
for 8d
By rising iuzi.A Filler Tips. you not only save enough tobacco to make 20 i-.\1rri cigarette: with every 8d box of I00 lips, but you also trap .1 large percentage of nicotitie.
i".V '7.‘
tobacco tars, ctc.. and can smoke ritore in consequence. Note: for a cooler snioke always tap cigarette (TIP l)0\\'N\\'.\Rl)S) before smoking.
Ill) Yuri!» tlurdlei: I. l.M Ii. (fiiiiis. Cancer. t5.s tfliampiomhip record)‘. 2, LI \I. IlcrskiwI. J./.\lne. itr.. st. Vincent. lot). I00 Yard
Royal Marines. Itut. 2. Li’ I. [hump\’tn:cnt. ll.~I. no Yard-i I l.IMnc, Martties, ‘.'..l.-R; 1.\I. 'llion\pl|riw.n_ St. 2-5.7. 440 Yards: I. l.Il.t). \’iri.en:. son, lcrtlom_ (2.1n»:n_ 54.5 t(‘h.imnionsliirI li:s‘<‘H-1): 1. I.f.\tnc. l.I\\\i|fl. Royal lslarincs. 51.7. IIID I1
outfit’ today from your tobaccoiiist 9%“
\':nr!s: l. J..\Il€. .‘~le('.irihy_ (Linger: 2 min I? 4 sec: 2. lflltitiler l)-\Illl.I\, Iti-val .\I.irint1. 2 min, I'M. sc: (lire “lie: I. IN.-\ .\I. l).ile. (Linecs luil.. 4
‘ min
mm. W sec.
2. J. .\c.i .\l.i.'li. St.
Metre Steeplechase: l. l..'\'c.I Fllis. \'in.cnt. 4 min. Us sec: 1. l..\t,l-..
st. Dennis (¢c.s lnd.. 1
High Jump:
l_ II-‘..M, Ilricrs St. Vincent, 5 II. I in.‘. 2. l.M.l=. .stes~t-m. ilamics Ind.. 5 It. I in. Long lump: I. 115:: ('l.ivdon. St. Vincent. I7 ll. 7; in.: 2. P1), Inr. Roles. (Liners. I7 It. 6 in. Ilon. step and ruin I. l.l{..\l llcrslnmilf. SI. Viiiccnt. lb ti. 5 Ill.‘ App. .\toriiu-n, Ii‘si:.1rd_ lb It. 2 I to. Pole \:iii|l: I. I.N.)\..\l. \\‘elll‘. (Lint.-es, to ti. .1 m.'. 2. I f.\lnc. 3-! ins. Rout .\l.lIllIC_\_ III tt_ 0 in. \Vei:hl: I. l'.(). Inr. llmitgti. (iaitees. 4* ll. ‘II III. t(‘li.iiunton.shin int-till, Z, l.'.\lnc_ Iliowii_ Royal .\l.ittiii:. -1.‘ tr. .31
l l‘ti It.
Ilanuner: I. l‘.I_I. Inr. llrouigh.
t('ti.imriionshtn record). 2. l.I-Z..\I.
‘I in
\\'illi:iiiis.5r_ \'iiieenr. III II
Discus: l.
(l.IlII€€\‘ [Sci tr. M in t(‘li.impioiishi|I (cu-rd); 2. l.Il\ln\~. liihn_ Royal Marines. 142 It oin_ Javelin: I. l..'.\lnc. (itilttn. l’.U. lnr.
Royal Mannt-s. III (I. I in; 2. l.l-'...\l. \\'ciion_ bi. \’mct:nt. us It. 79 in. Team Competition Points:
Isl. ll.M.$. (hinges. 7!: 2nd, Royal 5-I.irinc.t. 7|; Jnl_ ll..\I.h. St Vincent. 70. -lm. ll..\I.5. Iisrurd_ I7: 5tn_ II..'\I.S. lliyad. IE.
In the Qtuidrangiilzir Games tween H.M.S. (iunges. H.\I.S. gard. H.M.S. St. Vincent and Royal Marines‘. Ganges took
beFisthe first
place in Athletics. Sailing. .22. Swimniing and water polo. but had to be Content with equal third place at cricket. Points
(iangcs 22. Fisg;trd I-I. St. Vincent I4 and R0)-jll
.|.R.(). hpenccr-W;i'ltins. ol ll.M.S. Criiigcs. has. at the age or I6. pruned that he has the tiialtings of a future charnpiun by winning the Royal Naval Cycling .-\ssoci:ilior- Stl-mile ni-ass start in a time of 2 hours 9 minutes -1 seconds. For the last eight miles he rode aluiic agziinsl the three members of the l|.M.S. Ariel team and in the limit sprint home proved himself the strongest of the four riders. 5pent'er~\\'.itkins certainly iuslilied his selection for the i\':n'y team
i\l:irines9. At atlilctii:_.s' (ianges ohtairied 57 points. St. \-‘intent silt point‘ Royal Marines 47 points and l _:ird 3| poirits. Runners-up to (iztnges in the Viticcnt second sillltllg’ races were St. and litsgzird t_liird. In the .22 shooting (izirigcs led with 579 poirilsz. St. Vincent having 574 points. l‘ISg;Il'd 55-I ati-J the Royal M;Ilttlt.'\‘ 517. At water polo (iange-; won its three games. l‘l\g1lI’Ll won two and otie. the Royal .\l:irines‘ won I and lost two and St. Vitieent lost
lird and the Royal At cricket Plymouth group ot' the Forces Motoring Club held at treasure hunt \larities each won two tiialclies‘ anti St. Vincent and (itlrlges on July It. starting: frorii the llnrne lost one and Park car park. There was the usual each won one and lost two. In the _Swinituitig and Diving l-lli result ol the above (h.iuiptoti- varied selection of cans and vans rind the velvet-smooth Wtttiieys Brown for the lirst Illllt: there ua.s a motor- (liariipionsliips. l'l..\l.S. (iatir.-.e.s r:iti ships. held at the KN. aiiswcr to n desert-dry thirst. No wonder out easy winners‘. The points obtained Club. Pitt Street. l’orlsxiioutli_ on c_\cle. it‘s the most popular brown ale in the were (Bang-.-s‘ I22. I-'is'_eartl 85. St. I 'l’uestl'.ty. July ll. l‘)til.wax as follows: llie "tte:tstires" were a slirtgtng Vincent (-2 and the .-uiintry! Try a glass yourself. Today. Royal .\lariues 5-I I33 l’l.s l Porlsiiioiith (ind. : ticttlc. zi wax tttghtdiglil. a saticep:iti 2 lloni-: Air (‘ind I203. I’ts ‘.\l.‘I'llllt.‘l and an obsolete bloc pound "hing. I metre iprtn-_-bnzml: ltt II liaties 72 l’ts (Lint-cs, lli.I7 points; I-..\I ll\‘I|'If. l).v|:\liiti 3 Plyniottlh Ctiid ' note‘. the last ttcrii proved tricky since I-I 7_t tliilng. 5 metre J R It I).l\lf‘ -I (Triitl ‘Sf. l’t.s I most have been withdrawn by the (Liners. l<tti'. l.\t flrnatmaidz Iiune. l).itpt..n_ |u.< ‘V R.i\'..'.: Pinliliitlirg. I00 yards tree-ttyle: I All (ioinian litllllts (Panza. fiZ_llZ I»‘.\t.‘.i Rhodes. Ri\ll. Poitv 77 Pts I Porlstiiottth ( mtl.. tit ti. 220 yards tree-uyle: lRtt I'd mouth. the had lhtei: cats equal points. so 67 Pts 2 Home Air (‘md 2 min «£25 see: I ,'.\Inc ll.-.tti~ want. (Liners. one wttli the shortest mileage won the moni, Royal i\I.Il‘lI'lt\. 2 min ‘rm see too 29 Pts. 3 Plyriiotilh Crud track-ilriiltei l.‘\c.'i. Illovoci. (ianitcs. 71,0 All four trophies presented were event i\li.s.s I l’enuey—a Plviiiotrlh yards ‘ea Wood. Vincent. 73.] 661 rants who liairdresser is one of the club's «cc; lrhca A (Lina:-. to,» m-.:' line. Coniniattd. butterfly: won by Portsmouth [Ml ( $2 competitors. (‘I.lrHK‘\. V.'\'. I00 yumgl The (iordoii Wright Trophy pre- regular guest Iireast-stroke: Ami \\'ithcrs (‘olliiiiissood SLO: ()lllt.'I:ll!i cannot remember when an \cc.: Anti Stsimaril. l’i\.~..iri.I N4 \c( sented for the 3 miles event was rein (6 h; 66! yrmtilz I Iisg.m.t_ a retained by Stwd .\leadiiws. ll .\‘l.S. event was last won by a wouittn. Per- minlearn 7 cc: 2. Ro)'.it Matiiies .5 niln I7.) sec ‘. I (iavintou. haps woiiten drivers :ire not to bad as 1. (lrinees 4 min I-:4 st::.. 4. .\.t Vincent. -It 'l'lie lroph) presented lot tltc .tltey have been painted. The witttier min zl.0 re.‘ Medic) fth) (Ml bflflll tuils.l bre:ul. butterfly and tree-style: I. (‘ It W.R.N.S. ltltl yards event was won by h:id a lady tiavigator for is it tt:t‘:tg:r- min 0.2 \c:.: 2. Fisrzittl. _l mm 2| 4 sec: i i RRUWN ALE : PALE ALE : ll.—\.\lr\ll-.l{'l'Ui\ SIOUT Royal .\l.rrinc\. .1 min H sec 3/0 Hewitt-'l'aylor. H .\l.S Datrtitless. tress‘) too.
What he
wA'nuevs Bnotmul .
What-we wan-I
"Pnnicii mu
Published lot and
berm: ol the NAVY
Nlws—V(;omVm>I.tlrt by
Gain .0. Putdcri Limited