News Navy
UAL SLACKS. Drip Dry Cotton and the new Nylon mtxewon Largo Sdocttom Spore: Jacket: and shunt Sport: Stub In both conventional and Continental 1 ll 85 CASUAL—BE E
Bernard: Mon’: Shop 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone:Bill 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Tolophono: 66543
No. 86
of The
AUGUST, 1961
Royal Navy
and The
Royal Navy Uniform~
30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMO'dTtt Telephone: “S41 Promotion Order: a speciality. write for special details, ct:c._ and be assured of personal attent on
Royal Naval Association
to your
Publishedfirs: Thursday of the month
Price Fourpence
Commandos there within 24 hours DEMONSTRATION OF NAVY’S MOBILITY F any proof were needed of the Navy's undiminished role in our defence system. it can be seen in the recent operations at Kuwait. The ability of the Navy to concentrate forces speedily and effectively has seldom been better demonstrated and it is hoped that the lesson has not been lost. nut only on those responsible for the higher direction of affairs. but on the great mass of the public on whom. ultitnately. the support of the Navy depends. The recerttly concluded defence agreement between the ruler of Kuwait and
.\l:ijest_v's (iovernmettl. and the apply for tnetttbership of the United Iler
Helicopters flying above ll..\f.S. Bulwark
400 to befreed from shore-base
attnoimceinent of Kuwait's iittentiott to
Nzitioits. were used by (ieneral Kassem as the occasioit to aititouitce his intention of annexing this sit'iall but wealthy oil sheikdom. which produces about 40 per cent. of our oil. This called for iinitiediate steps on our part to alert tlte necessary forces and to tnake preparations for 1:l\'ltlt: military assistance to the ruler should he require it. This The prime tasks of ll.r\l.S. Drake proved in fact to be the case On June 30 the ruler of Kuwait asked Britain in future will be to serve as an Accomfor forces to enter Kuwait and the ('oinmander-in-Chief. Middle East. was Centre for naval personnel in modation instructed to begin landing on the following day. transit and for certain ships refitting in E Already at 3 =- "r-. : 5 1' -ar. I .t2 .. .r E IF Devonport dockyard; and to act as an Loch Alvie and the Amphibious Waraccounting ceittrc for those ships and fare Squadron. ll..\l.S. Striker having to of the f’lymouth Comestablishments half a squadron of Cettttiriort lttllks order to ensure that tly tlformcd manpower of the Royal Navy is kept mand which do not carry their own embarked. which she was due to esto best eff" deployed ..e tasks and complements of shore establishntents accounts. with carried those in the change are regularly refit‘. .~.-Xaucb I review has been completed at the Royal Naval i\lcntl$o.‘t'$ Of \V.R.N.S. Wlll continua /\rnt_v's landing ship. Empire (iull. In Barracks. Devonpoit. dock at Karachi was ll..\l.S. Loch to serve at Devonport and will perform borne men in barracks. The various The centralised drafting system the some tasks as at present but on :1 liyne. whilst ll.M.S Loch Ritthven will take effect steps the next during inaugurated fotir years ago has proved somewhat reduced scale. Consideration was at .\lotnbasa. and reduction in adminisyears. two in number effective the most is being given to the possibility of reducing pages ll..\l.S. llulwark. witlt No. 42 Com~ trative services will follow automatiof men previously held there in transit finding them accommodation within iuattdo embarked. was about to cally, Other and draft. developments waiting ll.M.S. Drake to enable their present Karachi before roceedin to the erit is also intended to I40 re-allocation of replace made the have H--‘l-X possible sian (iulf for trials. She ('~"""l"_- “‘3‘-‘°"‘l’“."'f’d by certain training tasks. This will lead to naval ratings by civilians for various quarters at St. lludeanx to be closed. ‘l°5”“3"”5 5°l"'h"l'- _F'"'5"‘”"was thereupon sailed front Karachi ll.” maintenance. domestic and administra- The possibility of the reduction of with all dispatch itt order to arrive at Ci"“l’°“i°"V" “ml ll!“ R-l‘-A olll" a further reduction in the number of tive services which will still be required. certain of the tasks in the R.N. llahrein on July I. while the Loch ‘“"'° 5"'l°"l r."’"‘ G'b"'ll‘."' f"‘5.5'"¥ In all. the changes will free some Barracks Portsmouth is under review. Ruthven sailed from .\lombasu for the 'l"°‘'gl‘ “"3 5‘l°"- C“"“l “"'h°"l ""3" 400 or more naval personnel from but circumstances there are somewhat pcmun (‘mm Th: Lnch gym. was dent on the night of July 5. H.M.S. shore based jobs in Devonport. different from Dcvonport. ,.d.,.| ,0 cm she” her docking md Loch ‘lush. with two mineswecpers (H-M-5 Asllm" “ml H-M-S R°d'“3‘ and with the tance of the Pakistan Navy. sticcecdcd “ml “ml H'M's' '\l"55l""' l-°"°“""l in sailing front Karachi on July I. ten ‘l“."‘?" ‘l"-V? .l“l°‘The lltttlttlg threat could not be day, "head of 5chL.dulL.l ignored and it was decided to sail V,_ _.rCr_ n H “H c_m_ ‘“l" M.“ ‘l “' l.'‘* ". ‘fr "V llltith Mittesweeping Squadron from '. ‘”_ torious. with the destroyer (a.~.s:ittdr.t the .\ledit¢ :ind the frigate l.incoln in company. ..\I. Submarine Sealion. the were approaehitu.- Hong Kong. TheseFIRST \\'r\\'l-I ASIIURE eiuhth boat of the Porpoise class were turned round and routed to the, The fact the that Bulwark was so and the 29th submarine to be coniPersian (iiilf at 32 knots. 'l'ow:irds the . available enabled Cont42 {readily pleted for the Royal Navy since the end of the voya_i:c the (‘asszindra was 'iuando to be put ashore in Kuwait Second World War. was accepted for sent on ahead and llttts Iiecartte the lirst ship front the Far East to enter inside 2-! hours of the ruler's request service on July 25. the Persian (iulf. ll..\l.S. Yarinouth for help. The following day 45 (‘omTH E Built by Cammell Laird & Co. was flown up front Aden. so and l-|..\l.S. l.l:uidatl were sailed front inando the Coinritzittdos were properly in the tshipbuilders atid Engineers). Ltd.. the the Vietorioiis. to and Hong Kong join Sealion was launched in December. her replenishment group were ordered "first wave." This was particularly I95‘), by Lady Dalton, wife of Viceivaliiable because of diflictilties which to follow tip. Sir Norman Dalton. hampered flying in reinforcements Admiral0.8.8. front outside the theatre. The build-up K.C.ll.. to a hal:iitced force of approximately floats of this class are 293 feet 3 5.700 men was completed in nine days inches in length and have a beam of and was considered :1 very stitisfttctory 26 fe:t 6 inches. They are powered by diesel~electric drive front Admiralty in the circiimstanccs l1tCltlt?\‘Cl‘tlt3tll t, The duties of Headquarters Ship Standard Range engines which give a ..\I.S. Trenchattt. first commis- 2 and comnuinications link with the lartd high under-water speed. They are airsioned in l"I!il|"llal'_\. I94-l. paid off '. forces was carried oiil throughout the conditioned for service in both tropical and cold cIirn:itcs. and the ‘,opet.itioti In l-l..\l,S Nleon on July 31 prior to llcllls: scrapped. ability to carry large quantities of all For her fin:i| dive on lul_v ll. the types of stores enables them to remain Tiff‘: l’()l‘L'I..-\R fil,7l.\$’.\RK l‘ Ollicer Siihtmiiiites. Rearfor months without any outon Ailntiral A. R. Herlel. C.ll.. l1S.(). lhe air-conditioned facilities in 1 sidepatrol support. and flat. I) S.('.. who conttn:inded ?ll..\l.S. liiilu-ark added rtuieh to her The Sealion's complement of six freiicltaitt in the Far East at the end ‘popularity. and some 200 men daily of the war. was embarked. and when were sent on board for a clean-up and otlicers and 62 ratings will have she entered llaslar (‘reek for the last ‘rest. The ship also acted as the early amenities of the highest possible <l:ltt(l.'It'd_s to help combat the borelittle she flew his llag warning radar guard. During: her period of active \t!l'\'ICC A noteworthy feature of the opera- dom of long submerged patrols. frenchattl sank a total of 27 ships in- tion was that H..\l.S. Victorious Under the command of Lieut.-Cdr. ERVICE ‘lb: Putut-on full assumed air the defence responsibility A. N. Derrick. R.N.. the Sealion will Japanese heavy cruiser eluding Lunury arrival in the Gulf. controlling both serve with the Third Submarinel on -mun tlaguro and a German U-boat. Since the war she has served on the gher own aircraft and the R..-\.F Squadron based on the Gareloeh. Home and .\lediterranean stations. Shel “l"“'-‘V-‘ fml“ K"“'~'ll ’\lTr't‘l\l- This S°“ll~""dhas been fitted with snort and has had l “'"‘ "'3' l-IV" “W-'i"""‘ ‘hill TYPL‘ 934 The other boats of this Clitss already WELL MADE WELL PACKED three external tubes retttoved. but is: '§"l4”' ct-ll||t‘"“t-‘Ill hit‘ l’t~'L'" "Std in service are the Porpoise. Rorqual. otherwise unchanged since her w:ir-':l'\‘"i|ll)'Narwhal. Grampus_ Cachalot. Fintime service. (Continued on page 3) whale and Walrus. VIRGINIA TOBACCO AT ITS BEST
Navy Days The Navy
submarine since war
in Pictures 8& 9 ;;isit| -._t|IllIllIlIIllllIIIIIllIlIllllIlllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi
jobs at Devonport
Ti5r".it~:w FLAG lN
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