Royal Naval Uniforms
BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORISMOUTH Tcli.-phone:16I|5 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone: 66541 Promotion Orders a speciality, Write for special details, err... and be assured 0. personal attention (0 yOlH' t'0Q|lll‘C2T'ICl'|f.$
31) Noviftli BER,
Niivy News The
of The Royal
and The
Comfort—ln Leisure Harris Two-t-.1 Spurn cache:
Teryti-no woratei Trousers
l'.|lI\DI.ll M.|Lar-
See them .\
1 II(IW#.ll
Bernard: Men's
iJ tiU:\t.)_ r'u... .l'I\.I
Telephone: Jétto
30 ROYAL l’ARflDE, PLI'i'10UItl Telephone: 6674]
Royal Naval Association
I’u/2/i.s'/rod_/irsi T/iursc/at‘ of the mom/i
LION OFF TO S. AMERICA FLAG TURNED OVER TO TIGER ..\I.S. I.inn (Capt. .l. Ii. Scotland. l).S.C.. Royal Navy) sailed from Malta on Octolier I6 having completed the Mediterranean leg of her first commission and arrived back at Portsmouth iin ()etoher 25. Iler stay in Portsmouth. however, will be a short one. for the cruiser is due to sail for South America this month. The first part of the eomrnissiort has been ftill of hard work. illlcthivc"‘M‘I'kup" and t.‘\CfL'lscs_ put interesting visits have provided adequate eoinpenszition. The l.ion's lirst duty on arrival was TIII-I SPl.E.\'l)Il) (‘ATS to be the Ilagship of the Royal Naval l-iscort lo ll..\l. Yacht Britannia for Subsequently, l.ion has taken part in Her Mzijesty the ()iieeii's state visit to e\i:reises and visited Trieste. Ancoiia. Italy. This was the tirst occasion l.ion Tripoli in Libya. lleiiut. Limassol. wore the thug of Rear-Admiral .l. I-'. 1). Rhodes, l.eros_ and Kzivalla. All the Bush. l).S. .". Flag Ollicer l-‘lotillas. visits were much enjoyed hy the ship's Mediterranean. From Naples Lion Of particular note were the paid a brief tirst visit to .\lalta before coiiip:tn_v. trips to Venice fioiii Trieste. the hosreturning to (iibraltar for docking. pitality of the British coinmuiiity in
this period most of the ship's company visited Spain and for many it was their tirst experience of bull~ fights. llaincnco dancing and Mediterranean beaches. Then came the return to Malta and a concentiatcd "ivork-tip" programme to weld men and ship into an etlicient lighting tinit of the fleet. On contpletion the Flag ()lliccr Flotillas inspectetl the l.ion at sea and on return to Iiarhoiir signalled: "Lion has shown that she has gromi claws and tcctlt. l rehoist my Ilag with much pleasure."
Beirut. the nieiiioiial\tItt est;tb~ lished with the llritish Service garrisoiis at Tripoli and Liniassol and the aquatics olympiad against the Tiger at l.eros. |l.t\l.S, Tiger. having colitpleted her work-up at .\l:ilta joined Lion at Leros fur the latter part of the cruise. This was the tirst proper meeting of the "Splendid (';its" and a weekend of sailing. swiniming. water-polo.
Belfastrat Garden Island. Sydney
See story
page I-I
FLEET WTLLITEAR ("olliiii_.-.\sood. FROM HOM VOICES l water-bicycliiig
a small team will | ll..\l.S. have the mainmotli task of re-recordl mg and editing to produce a ('ltiistnt;ts' tug-of-war and even was tliorougltly enioyed by everyone. M()I{PI tIi:tn 2.500 Royal Navy and Royal .\Iarinc ofliccrs and men in the Far goodtsill prograiniiie lt'onl lioine for East I-'li.-ct viill get a personal message and song from Iioiiie on Christmas each of the I.‘ ships. ()ii October 8 .-\ Bush transThe voice which will he heard intro. fcrrcd his flag to ll.\l.S. Tiger :it sea Day it their relatives and friends take part in a countrywide recording session being organised by the .\".i\y's Electrical School, II..\i.S. Collingnoiid. during tliicing each item \vill be that of 23and the Lion returned to .\l:ilta. _\ear-old Tltird Ollicer April “'ltllli)'_ l.ion paid a brief visit to (iihrallai the nut few weeks. Seven ships and eight landing craft Arrangcnieiits‘ have been made with \\’.R.N.S.. of 'l he \\’oodl;tnds. Cheson passage to Portsinouth to buy the inevitable "rabbits" and oil (‘ape Tra- have been selected to receive the taped a retail lirin with local shops in over hain llois_ llticl;iiigli:iiiisltire_\\lIu has to provide the continiiity falgar held :i memorial service and lay niessages for playing over their broad- 350 centres throughout the llritish Isles a wreath on October 21. the l5(ith cast .s_vstems. and for the landing craft to record short messages on tapes. The and eiuinine touch which proved so HF. annual Tiiranto Dinner to anniversary of Nelson's great victory. at least llte whole scheme could not be wives, mums and sweethearts will be popular for a similar Naval scheme of There will only be time for a week's more tselcome or apprnpriate—lhcy told where and when they can record (‘hristmas mcssage_s in the I-'ar I-East last celebrate the successful attack on their niessage and select their favourite year. the Italian I-'Ieet in Tiiranto Harbour leave to each watch in Portsmouth for are based on Christmas Island. Third Oflicer Wliitby. who has been The other ships are the Commando recording. on Nova.-inher II. I940, will be held on November 23 the l.ion sails again. in the W,R.N.S. since June of last year, at II..\I.S. Ariel. I. e-on-Solenl. on this time for the eagerly awaited visit carrier I-l..\t.!s‘. Bulwark. the destroyer is a ntember of the secretarial stall of Novciiihcr J. and this year it will have to South Ariieriea. I-I.l\l.S. Lion will tt.t\t.S. (‘ass;indr.1. the mincsweepcr TIII-I I"!-If ZININE TOUCH l'l..\l.S. Sea Eagle at Londonderry and a double significance for the oppor- then be the flagship of a special squad- support ship ll.M.S. Hartland Point. will shortly go to ll..\I.S. (‘ollingwood the minewhen the hnm.trcds_ of feet of to tunity is being taken to mark the ron cominanded by the Comiii:inder- the lri-gate I-l..\l.S. t.ineotn.and link home with 2.500 absent sailors. H.M.S. recording tape start arriving back at in-Chief. South .-\tt;intie amt South stseepeis H.M.S. Fiskerton golden jubilee of the Fleet Air Arm. In .\larcli. IUI I. fotir naval otlicers .-‘\ineric;i Station t\'ice-.~\dniiral Sir l’imcheston. and the .subinarinc H..\l.S. Anibtisli, ltIItlL'I‘\\c'IlI :i tlying course at East- .\‘icliol;ts A. (‘ope-ntzinl. Relatixcs and friends of men serving .-\l| major ports in the sub-continent cltnreh and their enthitsiastic reports led the .-\dmit.i|t_\' to form one of the are to he visited before return to l’ly- in any of these ships have only to send THE wings of the Royal I-Tying Corps and iuoutli on i‘\.‘l1l'l|.ll‘_v' It to relit and pay ; .t staiitped addressetl envelope bcfori: s:ihscqucntl_\ the l{o_v;il Naval Air- oll. .-\ii opportuiiity to "shun the dag"; Novenitier (u to the Christinas Broadin this pail of the world comes seldom ‘Cilsl ()Illi.'cr_ ll..\l..‘i. (‘ol|ingwood. Service. DING (me of the four. Air ('hief .\l:irsh:il iiotvadays. if at :ill_ and the cruise is ‘. I-areh.nn. Ilaiits. sziyixig they want to Sir Arthur l_ongmore. ('-.('.lI.. l).S.().. much looked inr\\.ttd to by all on ; record a I’t1Cs\';lgL'. arid the Navy will do the rest. will be one of the speakers at the board. dinner. (inest of Honour will be .-\ Sir .»\le.\:tnder liingley.‘ K.(T.ll.. (t.ll.l~'... ('oinmandcr-in-(Thicf.I OF TH E DAY l’oitsntotith. l.Yl.\l(i his Ilzig in the frigate R.N.l. the Portsmotitlt-built ship. ll.M.S. |’lynioutli t("apt. I. C. ('art- i .-\dmiral ‘\‘i’ood.s ntiidc calls on the wright. l).S.(?.. R.N.). the (‘oni- Lord .\la_vor of London and other civic service for Il1't:ttItlcI~llI'(ilIlt:li. Home I-Ieet. (Ad-'tlignitaries. and a special iniral Sir Wiltiicd Woods. K.C.B.. the ships‘ companies of Plymouth and l).S.().) visited the I’ool of London l<h_\l nas held at the Cliurcli of All-
it-i;i,;..t. "Original"at Taranto Dinner
Frigates visit Iiofion
fiont October 3 to ‘J. fItattoos-by-tlie-'l'oivcr on Sunday. .-\cconip-.iiiyiiig hint \\.is the frigate ttetober ts‘, the lesson being read by .ll..\l.5. lthyl. ((‘ittd:. (i. J. l)odd. the (‘ormnander-in-Chief. ‘
Th: Pnfut-on at clglrgflg
—"I l.tIIIIl)_\'. l).S.().. I).S.(‘.. Royal .\':iv_v). ttnortlit during tltc recent visit to Arn.s‘teril:iiii ot a squadron of the Home I-'lect under the cnniinand of the I-'|'.tu Otlicer I-‘lotillas. Home Fleet (Vice.-\ .I. (2. llamilton. (‘.Il.. C.Ii.l-.'.). The other ships were lI..\I. Ships Trafalgzir. .lutIand. Iiriiailstvoril and Scorpion. The ollicers and men from the Home I-'lei.-t Squailron. about I.70lI strnii-,:. received a very narin nelcumc from the people of the city of .-\t'II\lt:I'd‘-IIII lI.\l.S. lteriiiiida
M. (2. R.
"\$~ \.