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Pinirth guided missile destroyer launched TENTH LONDON NAMED ‘Seaslug’ and ‘Seacat’ weapons

Royal i\'av_\‘s fourth guided llllssllt: destroyer, the London. was launched at the Wallsend-om Tyne Shipyard of Swan, Hunter and Wighani Richardson l.td., by Her Royal llighness The Duchess Gloucester on December 7. The religious service was conducted by the Reverend Colin Turnhull. Ill-I

of B..-\.. Vicar of St. Luke‘s. Wallsend. ‘I he I ondon. a County class" destroyer,

laid down in l'L‘ltfll.tl')'. IWIU. and is‘ cw!-'€’lt'(l ll‘ lflifl "19 Flcttl in I953. 'l he other three of the class are the l)c\'onsltirc. launched on lime ll), twill. the llatnpshire. launched on March lfi. WM. and the Kent launched on September 27. I961. T“ o more ships of the class were ordered under the |‘)(il-t‘-2 N.iv_\ lislimates, l.ondon will carry the following’\\'estl.intl Wessex llclicopter c:irr_\'ing fl.-sides providing guided weapon; arnizunent : one “Seaslui;" guided dipping asdic and homing torpedoes. illlll'2Ill’L'l';Illdefence for task groups. the propulsion machinery consists system \\lIlI a [win the Countv class destroyers will be weapon launcher. four radar controlled of two sets of geared steam turbines able to fultil all the operational roles steaming Conditions. with expected of conventional ships of 4.5 in. guns‘ in twin mountin;-_s for norntal situated forward and two "Scac:It"tg:ts' turbines to provide atlditional lllls \i/L‘. boost for high speed: and for getting close range ttuidcrl weapons i\l{.\IA.\ll-2N'l' quickly under \\'a_v in harbour. littcd abaft the after funnel. I-‘or anti-submarine \so:k the Nlllpl The l.omlon will have the latest With a standard displacement of about 5.000 tons, an overall length will be titled with the latest tinder- air and surface warning radars. Her bridge will allord the Captain a clear of 520 ft. and a beam of 54 ft. the water detection eqtupinen: and all round view combined with the best was

.\_\'\lt.‘l’lI\; .



wcatliei protection. .-\ccotninot|ation for her compleA new l.ondon takes to the water. of ollieets about 3'.‘ and -100 t"1s'I\I f ratings will be of a very high stam|.ird_ .'l'he lllL‘\\ decks are titled with bunks ;arranged so as to provide the maxi;mum recreation space in each mess‘. allowing for such tittintzs as card lll.lllLlL‘f‘lll‘Clllt.‘l. South .»\tlantic and and writine tables and CllPl‘I0;tl’tls'_ Th..South America. ishole shin Will he air conditioned tllc open sit} and with the I ‘On the journev to Freetown the White Ensign and the sltlp'.s' wake illishop held a Contirmation Service land have l.ir'.:c dining halls served luv 1 of modern .l ealic); c.ip.thle pro\Edin;.: as a liztekg-round. a religious service. 6 tor several ntcnthers of l.ion‘.s .s'lup's .~..iricil meals on a self-service svstetu possilily unique. took place recently The congregation of otlicers ‘on the quartertleck of lI..\l.S. Lion atttl r.ttin_t:s‘ was too hit’. for the I'lll-I\'l()l.T!-3 l.().\'l)().\'S ;wliilc the cruiser iuade her way, at ‘crniserl. chapel and an altar and .1 .”‘‘“~‘ "1""-' W9" “ll” I-°‘“l*‘“‘ l" I8 knots. through a choppy sea ofli Bishop's throne were therefore rigged (Illltllt: the past 325 Sam wt.“ Myicun m;N_ on deck. Roval A Royal Marine band accompanied ‘n,¢ RL R,_.\»¢,,_-nd Humid [gun]. :_vear.s, the lirst (l(i3(--I654) was‘ a ‘converted merchantman which fought mm-¢_ nietmp 01‘ $g_ [1,-1;-n;t_ was the hymn singing and nuist have int Kentish Knock in I652 and returning to St. Helena after a visit to given the llishop—an impressive lC:tII1lk‘fsl0\\'|1 in "'53- Tlls‘ 5°‘-‘<‘T|ll this country to bring to otlicial notice ligure in mitre and long white copc— l ll(‘57'l(‘l‘5l-5| 5‘-'C“"d Tim‘ (‘l ('4 B““‘- the hardship caused in the island by immense plt.‘£t$llt'i.' as for 20 years he 1 escorted (‘h:i:'lesll back at his restora- the {M1 um {¢“.¢, chips now visit the was :1 Naval chaplain. Hull ll? “-5”. -'\ lulu‘? l-0"d0tL 11 ‘MP island and he was otlered a passage Bishop Ileardmorc was Chaplain in ‘of ‘'8 1~'Im~. ms Fluushin at 11w Bmlc a hack hv Vice-Adiniral Sir Nicholas ll.hl.S. llood I93‘)--ll. leaving her "7 (\‘I‘\"‘l\3"~'s'|t ""0 WI 1”‘°ll“~" “Wk ’(‘opem:tn. K.ll.lE.. C.ll.. D.S.C.. Com- shortly before her loss in .\lay. I9-tl. ol homlsartlmeut in the parl isgtsnstopol. The cltzllllt ship (I003- ‘ l‘)20t was :t lirsl-class hattleship The ninth ship, a C‘-\tu1:\' .cruiscr \'-ts completed in WI‘! and; ilinalli mitt oil in 1‘!-l‘). She will besti ‘. reiimntv.-red for her service in the George. [ll‘t'\t'lIlt.'tl to he ”“mc [_.k_d ‘hum; [he gkwmmi “Mfld \\’ar ohen slit‘ took part in a ntimher of Riissiaii (‘onvovs_ and for the assistance she nave to l-l.\I.S. ‘














,\ silver moilel of


;\tlIttli l'a\l1létilfi-E‘:l:Ii,l:t-‘ac?zifimgéril c


A magnificen_tEtroph.y l f0T Blake HaslarWorksTank opened by Prince Philip


.'\|"t'tcllt_\'sl during the Y:mgt7e incident earl)‘ in I'M“,




‘llli huilders of ll..\l.S Blake. lhl-‘ .ill_v controlled. can produce any type ot wa\'e patlcrn. Il.7llll tons (full load displaceDuring his visit Prince Philip meat) cruiser completed last year. ‘ model ol the second nuclear \l.~..r. l..irtield Sliiphtliltling and of I-Itliiihiiruli. dressed in watelied a Duke Ill’. suhmarine. Valiant. sweeping through l'tt-_-itt:.~t;rt*__' (‘o_ l_t(l.. (iovan. ltII\’s' the uniform of an Admiral of the: the waters of the tank. He also saw pl-_-Q‘-iii.-.5 :1‘; .hip with a ma;.:niticent I-‘lei.-t. opened the Royal .\':n_v‘s ex-l modcls ot the guided missile destroyer itupltjs tank at the Adniiralt_\ liv- Devonshire. and perinu.-ntal the open-stern assault It is a model of .-\tlmiral Robert. perimcnlal Works. ll-aslar. on Deceit!for which has recently ' craft. the order lll.itse's Il.i~_.-_ship, the (icor::c_ on board ticr Ill. ohich he died in August 1657 as he 'l’he ohiect of the t;iuk. which is 400 been given. his ft. long by 200 ft. wide. and holds The Duke. who arrived by helicop‘.\'.ls approacliitig Plymouth on return from a successful cainpaittn. about -ll).000 tons ul water is to enable tcr on the playing fields of l-l.l\l.S. Dol"I he model is solid silver. about one scientists to study the behaviour of phin. was met by Admiral Sir Alexfoot long and Is‘ valued at £650. It was models of \‘lllp\ under all conditions. ander llinglcy. the Cotnm;inder-intltatlc by (iarraril and Co. of London It is possihle in the new tank to simu- Chief. Portsmotith. On the platform and it took eight months to complete. lale waves of up to 40 ft. and every when the Duke unveiled a plaque coinThe s:ern, which is very intricate. was pitch or other movement is electrically memorating lltc opening of the new tank were Sir Alfred Sims (Directorcarved bi hand front a solid block of recorded. \ll\'l.'l'. and the rigging. of strands of In the tank is :t rotating arm. about (icncral Ships. Admiralty). Mr. A. N. I00 .‘t. long. on Li king post etttliedtled Harrison (Director of Naval Construc.i‘tver, toot. mo weeks to complete. [1 1. ;i lioplt_\' of which the ship is on a concrete island. and the models tion) and .\Ir. R. N. Newton (Superintendent of the lispcrimental Works). \.-r_v proud and all on board are very are attached to the arm. It is possible Prince Philip lzilcr saw a demon-_.':;itcful to .\les.si.s. Fairliclds for their to attain 32 ktiots and such a speed. -__r_ ietosui. It uill occupy pride of with a 20 ft. model. is equivalent to statiou by members‘ of the llritish Suh place alumni: the ship's trophies and be about 70 knots for a patrol boat I00 lit. .-‘\qu;t Club the is president of the club) 1 in the IUD ft. submarine escape tank} an olviect ot adinirzition for all on long. \\’:ivc~making plunge-rs. electronic- at ll..\l.S. Dolphin. l‘U.t!Ll. ’



"II llulizt-on ottuqarittx







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