with smarmou and durablli
in serviceable blend of Terylenolsergo
Telephone or write
to ca
Navy News The
Telephone: 6654)
No. 9|
Newspaper of the Royal Navy
and The
Royal Naval Uniforms
BERNARDS 0FFll}ERS' SHOP 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephone: “H6 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone: 46543 Promotion Orders a speciality. write for special details. erc.. and be assured of personal attention
Naval Association
to your
Price F ourpencc
Pu/2/islzed_/irsl T/mrsday of the month
Pinirth guided missile destroyer launched TENTH LONDON NAMED ‘Seaslug’ and ‘Seacat’ weapons
Royal i\'av_\‘s fourth guided llllssllt: destroyer, the London. was launched at the Wallsend-om Tyne Shipyard of Swan, Hunter and Wighani Richardson, by Her Royal llighness The Duchess Gloucester on December 7. The religious service was conducted by the Reverend Colin Turnhull. Ill-I
of B..-\.. Vicar of St. Luke‘s. Wallsend. ‘I he I ondon. a County class" destroyer,
laid down in l'L‘')'. IWIU. and is‘ cw!-'€’lt'(l ll‘ lflifl "19 Flcttl in I953. 'l he other three of the class are the l)c\'onsltirc. launched on lime ll), twill. the llatnpshire. launched on March lfi. WM. and the Kent launched on September 27. I961. T“ o more ships of the class were ordered under the |‘)(il-t‘-2 N.iv_\ lislimates, l.ondon will carry the following’\\'estl.intl Wessex llclicopter c:irr_\'ing fl.-sides providing guided weapon; arnizunent : one “Seaslui;" guided dipping asdic and homing torpedoes. illlll'2Ill’L'l';Illdefence for task groups. the propulsion machinery consists system \\lIlI a [win the Countv class destroyers will be weapon launcher. four radar controlled of two sets of geared steam turbines able to fultil all the operational roles steaming Conditions. with expected of conventional ships of 4.5 in. guns‘ in twin mountin;-_s for norntal situated forward and two "Scac:It"tg:ts' turbines to provide atlditional lllls \i/L‘. boost for high speed: and for getting close range ttuidcrl weapons i\l{.\IA.\ll-2N'l' quickly under \\'a_v in harbour. littcd abaft the after funnel. I-‘or anti-submarine \so:k the Nlllpl The l.omlon will have the latest With a standard displacement of about 5.000 tons, an overall length will be titled with the latest tinder- air and surface warning radars. Her bridge will allord the Captain a clear of 520 ft. and a beam of 54 ft. the water detection eqtupinen: and all round view combined with the best was
.\_\'\lt.‘l’lI\; .
wcatliei protection. .-\ccotninot|ation for her compleA new l.ondon takes to the water. of ollieets about 3'.‘ and -100 t"1s'I\I f ratings will be of a very high stam|.ird_ .'l'he lllL‘\\ decks are titled with bunks ;arranged so as to provide the maxi;mum recreation space in each mess‘. allowing for such tittintzs as card lll.lllLlL‘f‘lll‘Clllt.‘l. South .»\tlantic and and writine tables and CllPl‘I0;tl’tls'_ Th..South America. ishole shin Will he air conditioned tllc open sit} and with the I ‘On the journev to Freetown the White Ensign and the sltlp'.s' wake illishop held a Contirmation Service land have'.:c dining halls served luv 1 of modern .l ealic); c.ip.thle pro\Edin;.: as a liztekg-round. a religious service. 6 tor several ntcnthers of l.ion‘.s .s'lup's .~..iricil meals on a self-service svstetu possilily unique. took place recently The congregation of otlicers ‘on the quartertleck of lI..\l.S. Lion atttl r.ttin_t:s‘ was too hit’. for the I'lll-I\'l()l.T!-3 l.().\'l)().\'S ;wliilc the cruiser iuade her way, at ‘crniserl. chapel and an altar and .1 .”‘‘“~‘ "1""-' W9" “ll” I-°‘“l*‘“‘ l" I8 knots. through a choppy sea ofli Bishop's throne were therefore rigged (Illltllt: the past 325 Sam wt.“ Myicun m;N_ on deck. Roval A Royal Marine band accompanied ‘n,¢ RL R,_.\»¢,,_-nd Humid [gun]. :_vear.s, the lirst (l(i3(--I654) was‘ a ‘converted merchantman which fought mm-¢_ nietmp 01‘ $g_ [1,-1;-n;t_ was the hymn singing and nuist have int Kentish Knock in I652 and returning to St. Helena after a visit to given the llishop—an impressive lC:tII1lk‘fsl0\\'|1 in "'53- Tlls‘ 5°‘-‘<‘T|ll this country to bring to otlicial notice ligure in mitre and long white copc— l ll(‘57'l(‘l‘5l-5| 5‘-'C“"d Tim‘ (‘l ('4 B““‘- the hardship caused in the island by immense plt.‘£t$llt'i.' as for 20 years he 1 escorted (‘h:i:'lesll back at his restora- the {M1 um {¢“.¢, chips now visit the was :1 Naval chaplain. Hull ll? “-5”. -'\ lulu‘? l-0"d0tL 11 ‘MP island and he was otlered a passage Bishop Ileardmorc was Chaplain in ‘of ‘'8 1~'Im~. ms Fluushin at 11w Bmlc a hack hv Vice-Adiniral Sir Nicholas ll.hl.S. llood I93‘)--ll. leaving her "7 (\‘I‘\"‘l\3"~'s'|t ""0 WI 1”‘°ll“~" “Wk ’(‘opem:tn. K.ll.lE.. C.ll.. D.S.C.. Com- shortly before her loss in .\lay. I9-tl. ol homlsartlmeut in the parl isgtsnstopol. The cltzllllt ship (I003- ‘ l‘)20t was :t lirsl-class hattleship The ninth ship, a C‘-\tu1:\' .cruiscr \'-ts completed in WI‘! and; ilinalli mitt oil in 1‘!-l‘). She will besti ‘. reiimntv.-red for her service in the George. [ll‘t'\t'lIlt.'tl to he ”“mc [_.k_d ‘hum; [he gkwmmi “Mfld \\’ar ohen slit‘ took part in a ntimher of Riissiaii (‘onvovs_ and for the assistance she nave to l-l.\I.S. ‘
,\ silver moilel of
;\tlIttli l'a\l1létilfi-E‘:l:Ii,l:t-‘ac?zifimgéril c
A magnificen_tEtroph.y l f0T Blake HaslarWorksTank opened by Prince Philip
.'\|"t'tcllt_\'sl during the Y:mgt7e incident earl)‘ in I'M“,
‘llli huilders of ll..\l.S Blake. lhl-‘ .ill_v controlled. can produce any type ot wa\'e patlcrn. Il.7llll tons (full load displaceDuring his visit Prince Philip meat) cruiser completed last year. ‘ model ol the second nuclear \l.~..r. l..irtield Sliiphtliltling and of I-Itliiihiiruli. dressed in watelied a Duke Ill’. suhmarine. Valiant. sweeping through l'tt-_-itt:.~t;rt*__' (‘o_ l_t(l.. (iovan. ltII\’s' the uniform of an Admiral of the: the waters of the tank. He also saw pl-_-Q‘-iii.-.5 :1‘; .hip with a ma;.:niticent I-‘lei.-t. opened the Royal .\':n_v‘s ex-l modcls ot the guided missile destroyer itupltjs tank at the Adniiralt_\ liv- Devonshire. and perinu.-ntal the open-stern assault It is a model of .-\tlmiral Robert. perimcnlal Works. ll-aslar. on Deceit!for which has recently ' craft. the order lll.itse's Il.i~_.-_ship, the (icor::c_ on board ticr Ill. ohich he died in August 1657 as he 'l’he ohiect of the t;iuk. which is 400 been given. his ft. long by 200 ft. wide. and holds The Duke. who arrived by helicop‘.\'.ls approacliitig Plymouth on return from a successful cainpaittn. about -ll).000 tons ul water is to enable tcr on the playing fields of l-l.l\l.S. Dol"I he model is solid silver. about one scientists to study the behaviour of phin. was met by Admiral Sir Alexfoot long and Is‘ valued at £650. It was models of \‘lllp\ under all conditions. ander llinglcy. the Cotnm;inder-intltatlc by (iarraril and Co. of London It is possihle in the new tank to simu- Chief. Portsmotith. On the platform and it took eight months to complete. lale waves of up to 40 ft. and every when the Duke unveiled a plaque coinThe s:ern, which is very intricate. was pitch or other movement is electrically memorating lltc opening of the new tank were Sir Alfred Sims (Directorcarved bi hand front a solid block of recorded. \ll\'l.'l'. and the rigging. of strands of In the tank is :t rotating arm. about (icncral Ships. Admiralty). Mr. A. N. I00 .‘t. long. on Li king post etttliedtled Harrison (Director of Naval Construc.i‘tver, toot. mo weeks to complete. [1 1. ;i lioplt_\' of which the ship is on a concrete island. and the models tion) and .\Ir. R. N. Newton (Superintendent of the lispcrimental Works). \.-r_v proud and all on board are very are attached to the arm. It is possible Prince Philip lzilcr saw a demon-_.':;itcful to .\ Fairliclds for their to attain 32 ktiots and such a speed. -__r_ ietosui. It uill occupy pride of with a 20 ft. model. is equivalent to statiou by members‘ of the llritish Suh place alumni: the ship's trophies and be about 70 knots for a patrol boat I00 lit. .-‘\qu;t Club the is president of the club) 1 in the IUD ft. submarine escape tank} an olviect ot adinirzition for all on long. \\’:ivc~making plunge-rs. electronic- at ll..\l.S. Dolphin. l‘U.t!Ll. ’
"II llulizt-on ottuqarittx
Navy ..
H.M-S- Dido named
News -
E I) I 1 o rt Lieut. l5) II. R. Bcrridttc. R.N (Reid). Royal Natal lhrraclis. Portsmouth Te!.: Poitsmouzti 223$] tilit. Til‘)-ll
January. I962
HiM.S.Belfast had spending spree at Hong Kong
HE Royal Navy's latest frigate. tlie the Leander class General-Purpose l-"l'l-IR exercises in the South China Anti-Submarine Versatile Type ll..\l.S. Seas. ll..\I.S. Belfast returned to Dido was to have been launched at the ship was Clyde yard of Yarrow and Co.. Ltd.. Singapore on October Ill. The in South of the iiiaiit peace-tiiiic fiinc- on December 21. but fog. which re- then to pay a visit to Saigon. timis of the Royal .\'avy_ perhaps duccd visibility to about I00 yards. \'iet-Nani. but severe flooding in the talien for granted. but which are of constituted a liazard. and the actual area caused the trip to be cancelled and Belfast therefore remained at special iiuportancc. are the flag- launching was postponed. showlng visits of ships of the Fleet. however. Singapore until October 30. when. The naming Ceremony. Quite apart from the bctlelils to tool; place. and Lady Sims. wife of Sir wearing the flag of the Flag Olficer. ships‘ companies that a period of re. Alfred J. Sims. Director General. Second-in-Command. Far East Station. lasation in port gives (and in these days Ships. "clirist-.-ned“ the ship and named she sailed for Hong Kong in companywith ll.-.\I.S. Caesar and H..\l.S. Casof cold war conditions. with a Navy her Dido. sandra and H..\I.A.5. \'-.impire. spread "rather thinl_v over the oceans in the The Dido last to serve Royal almost of the world.“ most ships spend H..\l.S. llelfast arrived at Hong was the cruiser. 5.450 tons disas much time at sea a’ during the days Navy Kong on November 3 :md a Royal of the war). the effect of naval visits in placement. built by Cammcll Laird and Salute was tired on the arrival of Her in I9-t0. She was broken up maintaining prestige and promoting completed Royal Highness Princess Alexandra. relations is well worth the in I958. .
The next few days were mainly spent in preparing the ship for tile Review of the Fleet by Her Royal Highness which took place on the 7th. The Fleet manned and cheered ship as the Royal Barge passed slowl_v down the line of assembled
The friendliness of the peoplcsl DREADNOUGHT visited. their hospitality to oflieers and men, is the keynote of reports reYEAR THIS READY News" from ships ceived bi "i\‘avy N a written answer to a Parliaall over the world. Front I sisiting mentary inquiry. .\lr. C. I. OrrSweden and Spain to Sarawak and! South America the story is always Ewing. Civil Lord of the Ad- warships, miralty. stated: "We hope to the same—-"The people gave us a REMEMBRANCE SL‘-.\’DAY accept Dreadnought for service by wonderful welcome." the end of I962. Valiant will not The following Sunday was RememWhilst giving credit to the hosts on brance Sunday and a contingent of these occasions. the friendliness of the be laid down until next month. Dreadnought. Britain's first [85 men was landed from the ship men of the Royal Navy must not be minimised. People do not open their nuclear submarine. now being to take part in the Parade at the titted out at Barrow in Furness. Hong Kong (‘enot:ipli_ For those hearts and homes to those of whom that remained on board a moving they are afraid. to those whom they was begun in I959. Valiant. to be built by Welterw- Service was held on the Quartcrdcclz. despise or to those to whom they bear Armstrongs. is the second nuclear As the gun heralding the start of the animosity. Although every visit to a fore_ign submarine for Britain. but unlilie two minutes silence boomed out. the port is a carefully prepared opemtipn Dreadnought. which will have a noises of Hong Kong faded away and in which the Fleet collaborates with United States reactor. Valiant will the only movement came from the many ships and small-craft on the diplomatic representatives abroad. the have an all-British reactor. harbour. The peaceful yet stirring success of the visits depends. largely. upon the "man in the street“ and his counterpart in the visiting ship. We go to these places in pcace_—\ve are received with open arms—(mcidentally visitors to our shores are rt_:- Notes (i) The term U.K. Base Port means the port at which a ship may ceived with equal warmtli). Surely this rtormally be expected to give leave and rclit. Portsntoiitli (C) indican mean only one thing —that everyPortsmouth but which will normally cat_cs ships administered by one wants peace. rclit and/or give leave at Ch atliam. Peace is not a negative quality: it (ii) As ratings are normally detailed for O\‘€Nl‘:'I\ service about four is :1 lot more than just absence of war, months ahead of commissioning date. and for home service about Peace is the positive quality of concord months ahc-ad_of contmissioning date. this should be borne in two and good understanding and the busimind when preferring requests to volunteer to serve in a particular ncss of iiiii|erst;imliiig one :iuother_can ship. best be acliicvcd by friendly \‘l\llS— (iii) It is cmphiisised that the date s and parliciilarsgiven below are foreseeing how the man in another coiin_try casts only and may have to bc cltangcd—pcrh:ips at \ll()il l'l0llCC. lives. works. cats and plays. Seeing his country and he seeing yours-seeSUlI.\l.-\RlNE C().\l.\lA.\'D montlis). U.K Base Port. Portsllls of works art. mouth. ing his huildings_ 2. at Sydney. ll..\l.S. Tahard. l:L‘l3l'll;ll'y factories and houscs—-- :ill these things for service in Fourth Sub-3 ll..\l.S. Agiticnurt. February I3. at N.S.W.. of his make for it better iiiidcrstandiiig Port-.moutli for trials. General SerDivision. ni:iriue problems and \\;ty of life. and are ll..\l.S. Artemis. end of February. at vice Comriiission .\l:iy l for 5th means of bringing together, Destroyer Squadron_ IIomeI.\lcd. Chatham. for service in Second Subvisits thcsc ll;t1:‘.\l1l)\\'lflg Long may (24 months). U.l-( Base Port. Portsmarine Squadron. all will to men. continue to spread good mouth. ll.M.S. Tliermopylae. .\larch 2. at Year New to |’eacefiil A Happy and Chatham. for service in Fifth Sub- ll..\t.S. .\lurr:i_v. February. at Rosyth, I..R.P. Complement. you all. marine Division. lt..\l.S. Gmmpus. April. at Ports- ll..\l.S. Blackpool. April 26. at Chatham. for General Service mouth. for service in First SiibCommission East of Suel/Home marine Squadron. (I5 months). 6th Frigate Squadron. ll.l\l.S. Auriga. Slay ill. at DevonU.l\', Base Port. Portsmouth. port. for service in Second Subll..\l.S. Caprice. March 26. at Singamarine Squadron. pore. for Foreign Service (Far East) 8th Destroyer Squadron. GENERAL II..\l.S. Nubian. April, at Portsat" 24. lI..\l.S. Corunna. January mouth for trials. Commissions for 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ComGeneral for Service Rosyth Home Sea Service September ll. Phonelflsl mission. Med./Home (23 months) General Service Commission Home] operate the tottering Ofltcial Ezpieri ltrvin U.K in 7th Squadron. l)estroyer Middle East November. I962 (I8 tor Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND Base Port. Rosyth. Tentative date. months). 9th Frigate Squadron LEEDS at Grenville. H.515. early January. BRADFORD U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. bliiy HUDDERSFIELD Gibraltar. with Trials Crew for be delayed. SHEFFIELD Service. Sea Home ll.M.S. Lynx. March. at Chailiam. NOTTINGHAM Devonat Il.M.S. Barrosa. January 5. LEICESTER L.R.l’. Complement. NORTHAMPTON port for trials. Commissions April ll.M.S. Casnindra. April 2. at SingaLIVERPOOL I7 for Home Sea Service. CommisMANCHESTER pore for Foreign Service (Far-
sounds of :i Post echoed
... . ...
. ... .
COLLINGWOOD I4]SERVICES Ltd. MOTOR SOUTHDOWN '31 All these ICFVACCS will relic the following route {or the convenience of Service Personnel: RM. flan-oclis. Eoitney H.M S. Vernon: Royal Sailors‘ Home Club. Queen Street: R.N. 8-oneslrt. Unicorn Gate:Stonlc1 Rood for H.M S. Ezfilleot: HM.S. Mice-ivx. Halted Lido. Cotborn, Hornet: Toi~n Quay. lorrhom.
N.B.—To all ships visiting Poresmouth: Special facilities to meet your particular travelling requirements can be organised at short notice. Write phone or call TRIUMPH COACHES 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 2735i
sions for Foreign Service (Far East). July. I962. lI.M.S. Lowestoft. January 8. Change of classification of Service. 5th Frigate Squadron. General Service (16 Commission Med.IHome months). U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. ll.M.S. Dundas. Janiiar_v 9. at Rosyth for I-lonie Sea Service. 2nd Frigate Squadron. U.l(_ Base Port. Devonport. ll.M.S. Aistte. January 9. at Chaihani. for General Service Commission (24 months). 7th Destroyer Squadron. U.K, llase Port. Portsmouth. lI.M.S. Loch Fyne. January I8. at for General Service Dcvonport. Commission. Middle Eastlllome (I8 months). 9ili Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devonport_ lI..\l.S. Rothesay. January I9. Converts to Home Sea Services. Captain (F). 3()tli Frigate Squadron. U.K.
The Post Ollice onboard was inundated with parcels of all shapes and sites. and the postman worked late into tlte night to allow the usual spate of last niinuters to catch the final boat reaching England in time for Christmas. with shopping completed and little money to spare. attention was turned to sport and recreation. An extensive programme or garncs against local Army Units prm-ided a welcome change from the exercises and humid climate of the Singapore area. Apart front the games. the whalcrs of the Fleet raced round the Island in perfect conditions and walking and climbing expeditions into the New Territories proved very
Fon.EiitAsT— 1*oUii.FNExT siini
'r~uglc playing the Last the first three days in llung Kong.
POST 0|-'l-‘ICE INUNDATED All welcomed this opportunity at Hong Kong to do the last of the Christrnas shopping. Relatives and friends at home seemed to be very much in mind. for. in addition to the 4(i bags of sea mail despalchcd from Singapore. :1 further 36 bags worth were piircliasetl ashore and posted in
llong Kong.
the water. and once again thoughts returned to those of the Service who had lost their lives in two World Wars, On November I3. the Commanding Oflicer. accompanied by 24 oflicers and men: visited the Chinese family whose resettlement house had been paid (or by the Ship's Company.
llEllllNll lllll .
Princess Alexandra. in the Royal Barge. reviews the fleet at
East). 8th Destrover Squadron. 845 Squadron. April I0. at R.N. Air Station. Culdrose. for Home Sea Service/Foreign Service. Second Commando Carrier. Wessc.vt_ ll.M.S. Whirlwind. April I7. at Chatliam for General Service Commission West Indies/Home (24 months). 8th Frigate Squadron.
U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. H..\t.S. Victorious. April. at Portsmouth, l..R.P. Complement. II..\l.S. Brighton. May. Change classilication of service. 6th Frigate Squadron, General Service Commission liast of Sii:Ir'Honie (2! months). U.K, Base Port. Portsmouth. ll..\l.S. Defender. April at Cliatliam. Increase from C. & .\l party to l-.R.P. comp|ement_ H.M.S. Loch Alvic. April 25. at Chatham. for General Service Commission Home/.\lidd|e East (I8 months). 9th Frigate Squadron. Base Port. Devonport. U.K. llase Port. Portsmouth. ll.M.S. Kirttliston. mid-January. at Devonport for Home Sea Service. lI..\l.S. Yanuouth. April 26. at Ports50th .\l;S Squadron U K Base mouth. for General Service Combe delayed. Port_ Portland. may mission, East of Suersl-loine (I8 months). ('aptain ti’). nth Frigate ll..\l.S. Raine Head. .\l:irch 22. Ill Cliatliam for trials. Squadron, U.K_ Base. Port. Portsmouth, ll..\l.S. Hermes. January 30. at PortslI..\l.S. Mztiilslone. .\liiy 2. at Parismouth. for General Service Commission, llome.E:ist of Suez (24 mouth for Home Sc:i Service. Trials]
Steaming Crew. U.K. Base Port. Rosyth. 846 Squadron. May 8. for second Commando Ship, Whirlwind.
ll..\l.S. Llandalf. .\lay I0. at Devonport for General Service C'ominission East of Suez/Home (20 months). (nth Frigate Squadron. U.K. llase Port. Devonport. ll..\l.S. Whitby. May 24. at Rosytli l0l trials. General Service Commission. luly 26. South Atlantic and South r'\merica‘l-Ionic (2-3 months). 7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. liasc Port. Portsmouth. ll..\l.S. Loch I-‘ada.
May 2-3.
Service Commission, Strike ll.Q. Suiiadroii, Buccaneer. ll..\l.S. Ashanti. July. (‘hang-e classilication of service. 'lth Frigate Sqnailroii. General Sct'\icc ("ommission. llontc:.\liddle liast (In months). UK. Base l‘ort_ Devonport. 801 Squziilrnn. July l7. at R N. Air Slttlttltl. l.t)\sicIl1nuth_ for G;-m_-ml Service Commission. For \rI. Royal. ltuccaneer. ll..\l.S. Albion, liily. at Portsmouth for Home St-:i h'er\'icc/l’orcigii Ser\'lL‘C. U.K. Base Port. Potlsiuotith. Il..\I.S. Cavendish. end July. at Gibraltar with Trials Crew. Commissions end August at Gibraltar for General Service Conimission (24 iiiotiths). Slli l)cstroycr Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Ros_vth_ ll..\l.S, Salisbury. Augiist I6. at Dcvonport for Trials. Commissions September 27 at Dcvonport for Honte Sea Service. -ltli Frigate Squadron, Transfers to General Service Commission. April. I963 (2-1 months). U.K liase Port. _
Chathitm. for trials. Commissions June 26 for Home Sea Service at Chaiham. 3rd Frigate Squadron and Foreign Service (Far East). Septembcr. ll..\l.S. Protector. June. at Portsmouth for General Service Commission Falkland Islands and Antarctic F.l.D.) (24 months). U.l(. Base Port Portsmouth lI..\l.S. Dainty. June at Portsmouth. Increase from C, .5: .\l, party to Devonport. I-.R.P. complement. Tenby. inid-September. at H..\l.S. Delight. June. at Rosyth. In- H..\l.S. Chatham for trials Commissions crease lroni C. & .\l_ party to mid-November at Chaiham for LR.P_ complement, Home Sea Service, l7th Frigate ll.M.S. Tartar. June. at Devonpon Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devonfor trials. Commissions December port. It for Home Sea Service. Commis- l!..\I.S. Cook. September. at Singasions January. I963. for General pore. for Foreign Service (Far Service Commission. Home/.\liddle EasuPaeilie). East (I8 months). 9th Frigate ll.M.S. Caesar. October. at Singapore. Squadron. U.l\'. Base Port. Devonfor'Foreign Service (Far East). 8th port. Destroyer Squadron. ll.M.S. Torquay. June 28. at Ports- H.!H.§. Lincoln. October. at Singamouth for trials. Commissions for pore. for Foreign Service (Far Sea 4. l7th Home Service. September East). 3rd Frigate Squadron Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. ll.M.S. Loch Lomond. October. at Devonporl. Singapore for Foreign Service (Far lI.M.S. Owen. July. at Devonport (or East). 3rd Frigate Squadron General Service Commission Indian ll..VI.S. Cambrian. October (tentative Ocean (24 months) U.K. Base date). at Dcvonporl for trials. Port. Devonport. Commission at Devonport. Decemll..\l.S. Londonderry. July. at Ports ber for Silt I)-:stro_\er Squadron. mouth for General Service Commis ll.M.S. Leopard. Novi.-mhcr. at Portssion. Homejwest Indies (2-4 months). mouth for General Service Comlith Frigate Squadron. UK. Base mission. Soitllt /\mei'ica and South Port. Portsmouth. Atlanticll-Ionic (2-8 months). 7th 809 Squadron. luly I7. at R.N_ Air Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port_ Station. Lossiemouth for General Portsmouth. at
Endowment TERMS ARE
Assurance 2
No shareholders: all
profits belong
policyholders. Quotations trom: W. Dudley Steyn 374. London Rd._ Portsmouth
.-XUSTRALIAN‘ ;\lU'|'U.-‘\l. 73-76 K-ng William Street. Loridnn l§.C.4 Anti: uoo,ooo_ooc
Tel. 6055i
Telephone .\lAN~mn House 2-l3l Esnbliil-.r.-6 I849
January. I962
Thank you’ Leopardafor SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NA VY H.M.S. Oberon
lovely day
No. 74
i f 0
IR.»~l'le;is;- furtgive my audticity in writing to you directly, but your paper zippcars to he the must protnittent mcrliuiii tltroutth wltich I can say
'Ih;i:ik You to ('omru:iniler Ilicks-Ileacltand the §l1l|)'\ ('onip;tn_v of II..\I.S. l.eop:ird for ti great day of eutertaiiuueiit lnifore they left South .-\t'riea. and so I should he \er_\‘ grateful if you could publish this letter in your ne\t issue. 'Ili.' ll..\l.S. I.coparil’s prcscttt; each other's esteem and respect. and South Alrica cul-I I tcel that this will he :i much lirnier L.-zitiiiissmii in lltll‘..'tlL'tl in ii lamilzes‘ l);iy at .sca.. loiinil.'ition tor our ftietidsltip in the:iu.l the llllll\l.'Ckl\ ot citi/cns wltojfutiirc. ‘I he Royal Navy can alwaysl were p:i\'ilc1.'cd enough to enjoy this} be assured that a \‘.'l‘)' warm and trip on huatil cannot tittd words with] lictirty welcuine awaits them in South \\llt\.‘lt to c\|\tcss’ their appreciation of .'\l‘ric:t. and that they will. at till times‘. this iiriiqtie iorni ot eiitertziiumcut. enjoy a special place in our hearts The trip front Sintottstowu to‘ and allectioti. (line 'l'o\\n was the Ro‘_-‘til i\':i\‘y'si ('dr. lliclssllcacli. to whom I was ot S:I)'llll.' thank you for our} fortunate eiioiigli to he introduced on \ allegectl ltospittility during the Il.r\l.S.? the trip from Siinonstown to Cape l.eut\:iril's stay in our Motlicr City. Town. and his Ship's ('ompan_\'. This gesttirc is cottsidcrctl the Ill0I't.'I deserve our liczirticst con-,:.'atti|atiuns uondcitiil l\L‘Clltl\..' the Royal Navy‘ for :i truly wondcrtiil day, It was a owes its no _i:i:ititiidc at all ——t|ie boot glorious siiinmc."s day and the litnch. is rather on the other foot as it were. which consisted of soup. .1 chicken We open our homes to the Royal salad and 'or cra_\'l'isli itiayonnztisc. Navy for three reasons. 'I he Ilrst one. followed by fresh strawberries and The first ollicial engattcnient was I\ of course that liospitality to a‘ ice cream. wgis thorotiglily enjoyed the "ilirzifalgar Day Procession." I921. South AI'tic;in is the most natural by all the hundreds of guests. and Older Service men will recall the thing itt our c\'_er\‘a.l:iy life. The second ‘words of praise were heard all over annual ellort to raise money for i\';i\'ai is that South African women are no the .ship. "thank you. Leopard! charities. At this stage it was realised ilttlerent lliati the women ol other In conclusion. I should very mitch that there was no "mace swinger." .-\ countries and so "all the nice girls like to borrow the words of the most broomstick was brought into commislove a sailor." famous of authors——Shakespeare— sion anil this was beautifullydecorated Thirdly. and this is the most im- and to ask the men of H.M.S. with red, white and blue tape and :1 portant reason of all. there are those magnificent brass knob was put on the of us who can never forget the outtop. The various esttiblisltnicnts prostandingly gallant part played by the duced tloats. tableaux. etc.. but this N'.is-ies of the Allies during the last time the Bl'c'L‘l£lCkL'l Hand headed the war, In particular, we think of the Royal Navy with whom we have procession, followed by the Fire been associated for so ver_\' long. The the floats. etc. The reception Brigzide. make their of the ship sacrifices made are history. and the Leopard to was wonderful and the first otlicial Senior Service of which something of debt gratitude that we owe the lllttejackct Band was a credit to the will be to proud everybody say Royal Navy for her clforts in bring- "Nothing ill can dwell in such a ort. I said that the band headed the ing the war to a close. in securing Temple." procession. Well—not quite. At the peace and in giving us our freedom. Once H..\I.S. thank more Leopard. cannot be adequately described. So Hip ndrnme that week the attraction the P05.‘ bless for the to lovely was "The Great Cztrmo" and his there cannot be talk of the Royal you cocktail all of parties and. to you. animal circus. “The Great Carmo" Navy owing us anything in return for which the will be remem- wished to lend a hand and be lent his day for our hospitality. bered for a very long time by some animal: and attendants. all in their very grateful South Africans, “PLACF. IN OUR HEARTS“ gorgeous uniforms. and so it came to (ind Bless You All. Yours. etc.- pass that ahead of the b:ind. at While South Africa was a member BE'l'fY S.\ll'I'H. Cape Town. mztnreuvring distance. were three of the Ilritish Coutmonwealth of camels and two elephants. Nzttiuns. we were. like all fantilies. It was a wonderful day and the rather inclined to take each other for hand went on from strength to but now that our connections gr_;inted._ strength. I remember l't'l1ll‘I\' "Band with this family Itave been scvercd., Chums" particularly “.loc" Tipping. a we shall have to cultivate and court= who lost in
_. : - j
ll0I'.»\I. S.»\II.0IlS’ Illlllli III.llll Queen Street. Portsmouth Accommodation for ratings. W.R.N.S. and marr ed
(up to 3(1))
Small wedding meetings
Es-serving personnel can become members for 4/— per
Apply Secretary Manager Tel: Portsmouth 2-1231/2
S.P.O. “J;ict;" Toomey. ex Tribune. and I. because Stoker "Geordie" Hogg. :1 verv line comet player from Tribune had to go sick in Malta. became the first "Solo Cornet" of the band. The First l.ieuicn:int of the Barracks. Lieut.-Cdr. Farquliarson was appointed "Band President." There were originally about 30 volunteers and a "band mess" was formed and after a few days we marched to the Eastncy School of Music to draw a full set of instruments. I-‘IRST ENCAGI-Z.\IE.\'T At .1 subsequent first practice it was discovered that three of those budding musicians had never had an instrument to their lips! lack Tourney made them "stand erectors" and band
I sweepers.
lR.~-—I was given copies of “Navy News" for September and November by my nephew who is in the Royal Navy at Plymouth and the articles by Neptune were of great interest to me as they took me over a lot of old
joined the Navy in I90-I at Oucenstow-n——the Aeolus_ I was then I8. and I ioined as a Cooper. I
I n I905 Icommissioncd the Donegal. l bottnd for China. but sltc went aground at the Suez Canal and returned to the depot, From I907 to I909 I was in the New Zealand in the Channel Fleet and in t9lD I commissioned the Newcastle for China. coming home in I913. I carried on with my Naval career until l9l9 when I was demobbed from
Submarine Oberon. name ship of the class. was built at II..\I. Dockyard Chatbam being
July 18. I959 and eompletetl in February, I961. The Oberon; are practically repeat
editions oi‘ the successful l’orpo_is= Class. They have improved detection
equipment, capable of high underwater speeds and able to maintain continuous submerged speeds in_ any part of the world. 'l'tic»,- are equipped ll..\l.S. Temerairc. tire torpedoes. Old -timers will recall the rating of to Otherhoming of ships the class are Ocelot. C‘ooper—P.O. lst class--known as Odin. Olympus. Onsliiugltt. Oracle. "Jimmy Bungs." Orpheus. Osiris, Otter and Otus and In the part of Ireland where I live there is no branch of the Royal Naval .-\ssoci:ition and now I am the only ex-Naval man in this district's British Legion’. As "Navy News" has so'nutch to tell of the‘ Old Navy as well as the New I would like to keep in touch and I enclose my subscription. Yours etc.. MICHAEL SULLIVAN. llallinamallard, Co. Fcrmanagh.
have been ordered. These <.iibmarine.s have a complenteut of 6 otlicers and 62 i-atings. Since the above photograph was taken the pennant numbers of submarines were changed to enable all the post-war built conventional submarines to bear ntimbcrs from S. 01 onwards. Oberon‘; new pennant number is 5, 09. two more
Wi're—Write——or Phone. Portsmouth 32275 Make your first “Port of Call" for Dancing: The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday
_) 4.)
cnimie IIOHE bit "in VEP UN Yllllll IVA)’ OVERSEAS? Wherever you're going to be. you'll need : car on arrival. Buy a new l-llllman. Humber. Sunbeam now from E.M.A. Ltd.. Ports» mouth. it yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our
special ex port sclteme—-you buy at. export prices. Let E.M.A. make all the arr-angemenrs—exporc formalities. Insurance. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to its r.oday—your car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you when
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dock! Or it
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photographs of the POSTCARD following H..\I. Ships may be ob-
Submarine-—Destroyer—Battleship or
intuit" iv
Belfast. Ilcrmcs. \-\rtuad;i. Yrirmotttli. Linn. l—I:irt|:intl Point. Leopard Token. Chichester_ Echo, Loch F:ida_ Tenhy. Puma. Blake. Excalibur, Troubridgc. Rhyl and Caniperdown. (Albums to hold 64 postcards may he obtained from the Editor. price l tls. 6d. post free.)
(Continued in column -I)
Ships’ Company Dances a
tained from the Editor. "Navy News." R.N_ Barracks. Portsmouth, price 6d. I each, which includes postage. Theseus, Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle. I’OI’l.7l A It Ii.-\I.I.I{()(l.\I.‘5 Centaur. Glasgow, Kenya, Newcastle. I Albion. .-\rk Royal. Loch Rillisport. SOUTH PARADE Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. Zest. Vangiiard. .\Iurr:iy. Cumberland. . . SOUTHSEA Scorpion. I.iverpool. Apollo. Lynx. N_css. .Salisbury. Sheflield_ GirdleWarrior. OSBORNE RD. .\l;iidstone, Newfonntlland, . SOUTHSEA Victorious. Britannia. Bermuda. l Corunna. Alnmein. Vigo. Tyne. AVAILABLE FOR ALL Explorer. % liitland, Talent. I’alliser_ Cambia. Porpoise. Retlpolc. Tiger. Undine. ’ Russell. Dainty. Protector. l Defender. Dartington. Carron. Whitby. l;'a.stbourne. Torquay. Mounts Bay.
S.=\V€M' KI3HBEI.i.S whether
trombone player was H.M.S. Hood. My nickname in those days was "Dixie" and bands, both brass and dance, were my interests and even today. when the occasion arises. I can still give a couple of “hot licks" to the "Old Horn." I am sure that all ex-rnatclots hope that there will be a last minute re rieve. Yours. etc.. GEORGE MORRIS (cs-Chief Yeoman of Signals), Brixton, l.ondon. S.W.2.
IR.—l read your comments on the folding up of the “Pompey” Bluejaekct Band with a very persona feeling of sorrow, for I was one of the first players when the band was fanned in September. I92I. I paid all the light cruiser Concord in August I92] and the destroyer Tribune did the same. Thc Concord had :1 band of It and the Tribune. one of the few destroyers which could Il boast of a band. had one of seven The first Hantlmaster
Facilities for holding dance:
Restaurant open from 0600 to 22(1)
SUNBEAM CAPS E.M.A. LTD. Grove Road South Southsea Tc'.: PORTSMOUTH 2326i
ll..\l.S. Girdle
Ness leaves Malta
for the United Kingdom.
SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION O SEASLUG TRIALS ' Best surface-to-air missile ready for Royal Navy's medium-rant.-e guided missile Seaslug is TIIE service with the Fleet. Years of development have culminated in most now
successful series of acceptance trials Girdle Ness. of! Malta. In the recent series of firings, 90 per cent of missiles intercepted the target. and had live warheads been fitted. the target would undoubtedly have been destroyed. The most outstanding aspect of this missile is its degree of reliability which is unmatched by arty other missile in the world today. Seaslug has been subjected to the most rigorous environmental tests including extremes of temperature. damp and vibration. It has been transported by sea and air to .\‘lalta. and has been tired by H.M.S. Girdle Ncss at a wide variety of targets. In the final series of trials, radio-controlled Canberra aircraft at great heights have been used as targets. and on no occasion did the missile fail to intercept. Other successful firings have taken place ‘ll aircraft flying low over the surface of the sea. It can be stated with confidence. therefore. that when it is embarked in the County class guided weapon destroyers, Scaslug will be the best shiphornc surface-to-air missile at sea in the Western world. HUNDREDS FIRED HMS. Girdle Ness returned to Dcvonport to pay oil on December 5
Navy's trials ship. II.M.S. having completed her task. During the
from the
five years she has been in commission since her conversion to her present role. she has fired hundreds of missiles.
The \\'.R.N.S. ‘A‘ .22 team. Il..\I.S. Sanderlinu. Wren Irvine. First Ollicer Talma. \\‘.R.N.S.. P.(). Wren Lou (Captaint :tntl Wren Bennett. \‘l ho succeetletl u inning the Station inter-department knock-out eornpetition. itt uhich (all int\av:tl :tntl \\'.R..\'.S. tearns took part. I'.()_ \\'rctt Low made tlte individual .-\iso pert-.-ctcd during the recent hitzhest score and the team matle the highest :tt:t:rt:1:;Itc score. trials has been a system ol ttnsstle tlI;lltt7L'It(It1t.'t.‘. Personnel training has lll;L‘\\'l\L‘ received considerable attention. with the result that the ship's company will provide an invalttztblc nucleus of guided missile experience for the operational lilcet. .\I.S. Solo.-bay (Captain 1. Sm-alloood. RN.) returned to Portsmouth on Ill command of Il..\l.S. Girdle Ness '°l)et-ember IS to give leave after six weeks front UK. on Royal tI0.000 tons) is Captain P. G. Escort duties in West Africa. The escort consisted away of Il..\t.S. Solehay. ILMS. l.achl;m. -.\ R.N.. who lives in Saintes (Commander M. 1. Porter. Ra ‘J and lI..\l.S. Jaguar (Commander Hasletnere. Surrey. The ship‘s com- D. .l. Goodhugh. R.N.). pany consists of 35 ollicers. 380 The ship sailed from Portsmouth Gathering of Chiefs). one of thcnt ratings and 21 members of the Royal on November 4 for Ghana. A stop being 70 miles up country. Naval Scientific Service and the R.N. of four days was made at Las Palmas The ship's divers carried out a Photographic Service. in the Canary Islands to bring the _salvage operation 50 tniles up country ship up to the high standard of smart- In the Sierra Leone jungle. They spent ness required for her special duties. a hard, but interesting day removing She led the escort squadron into a van from the middle of a mtrddy Taltoradi on November I8 for a two river. The river was I50 yards wide. day visit prior to Her Majesty's lined with jungle in which monkeys II. R. JN Ind-I2! o.t"172 S. \\'. JX Jenner. departure from Ghana front that port. and snakes were seen. and the depth Breeds. l\‘ ISTNI7 t. $n_1.ttl. IN I9-It-07 S. J. The tour thereafter consisted of a of water into which the van had Lntoclte. IX .'\7l4l-o D. It. llatball. JX l§025.l3 1. Fl. Brooks. JX 7740] R, L. Boodle. day’s courtesy visit to Monrovia. the plunged was 34 feet. A careful watch J.\1 o-will J. “I. Johmnh. JX l.‘JblJ R. port and capital of Liberia. six days was kept for crocodiles. but fortuR-tern. JN [M628 T. I-'. Wctch. at Freetown. Sierra Leone. and three nately none were seen. l'o Matter-at-Arne M.\' 7l.‘7 2 R. I). ('hi\'ctton. MN B02877 \V. days at Bathurst on the Gambia Altogether it has been a ntemorahle llott. .\I\’ some A. J. Brock. River. cruise and a great honour to be one of To Chlet Pelt) Oliecr I-lledrlctnn .\IX 02920‘ J. A. Smith. .'ll.\I 301632 A. R. Although conditions on board the the Naval Escort for Her Majesty .\l.t\on. .\l.\’ $1558» Ilolherr)‘. .\l.\' hv2'/'42 ship in the hot humid weather of the the Queen's tour of West Africa. J. A. Brook. MR 795907 R. A. Lewis, xuoo: J. 5. Thomson, MX MMSS II. J. West African Coast were dillicult. Christmas Leave has been well earned hnttth, MK S.‘o0.‘l2 D. G. Elliott. .\l.\' 7l2lb‘3 olliccrs and men greatly enjoyed this and no doubt many a Christmas I. L. Pile. cruise. Royal They attended several parcel contained coconuts, ivory To Cltlcl Cotnuunlration Yeouan 667832 A. J. JX 581010 Kearm. A. 3!. functions at which Her Majesty was animals. wood carvings and perhaps 1.‘; Collins. JX H9736 B. F. Davies. present including two Durbars (or a crocodile skin bag. To Arline Cld-el Electrlcnl Artllcer tilts’ 357325 .\I. J. For: 1}). MN 66772-I P.
!R0yal escort hackihome I.
Advancements )NFlRMAItt)N nu been received that the
totltmtnx ha“: been nthnnced to the Chzet Pcttv om.-u or (‘met Artitker rate: To Chief Petty Oliver I-lnxlneerlnz Mechanic K.\‘ l~*|MvI I). G. Alford. KX h9l.‘4h R. nutner. KN Into“ J. Adalr. XX ‘A tiurmneham. K); 359545 ll. Mullatd. l\>_s 5213:1150 Ith. KN tiutsn l‘. D. tmtter, K.\. It»-mo [-1. J. Rout. K.‘( 5686“ T. A. _R.'tcc. K gx 344153‘? W. Price. KN Illtiljj C. N. Andrews, N); 724693 A. W. Iludtland. x,\; 11mm G. E. Simmons. xx 7797:»: T. 1. Parker, KS ‘.'o97.t2 K. Carruthen. xx 90107.‘ A. F. Tulhill. XX 77lII9 B. W. J. llollcy. I(x—84o3ts‘2 V. W. Park. l'o OH llndlo Conuoientlnn Supervisor IX J'JI_ttto D. T. Moms. 1): lsozl-t J. S. llindson. JX 37l62b J. Gill. JX MIOO9 J. D. _
It-anten. To Ctlet ltndlo Electrician MX 879215 W. E. Bell. Mx 895413 P. M. Rtlllf. MK £51053 |-.. G. L. Dteitv. SIX 864153 R. Prmser. MX 853084 I). Ilunt. To Cllel Petty oleer JX I5o00-t J. D. Power. JX I66-tltl \V. J. llzrtcy. IX M»l3Sl A. G. Smith. .I.\ §tiI9l6 I1. L. Date)‘. JX li4229£ A. E. I-eat)’. JX l'i4'7'79 I-I. A. (‘-morn. JX 150937 J. R‘ Still. J32 .‘s7I<M: R. N. Tedder. JX tints‘-t ll. Ilronn. .l.‘\' ISJOMK T. G. ('o|¢. IX 177357 I.. A. llancc. JN I77)!“ 8. A. Edwards. l.\' ‘KIOISJ R. Iilliot. DC 92923) E. A. C. \\'eIIs.
Oldlteld. “X ll57lr2S .\I. Inner. MX Stitiilltl J. \V. II. 310“. .\l.‘( 885843 I’. B. Pictbatl. To Acting Cltlcl Engine Room Artlnrer MN l\‘5.‘ll‘(| I’. ('. Ilolton. MX 8S7.‘ll E. P. (‘h|ld~t. MN 'r'0$o'3 A. Jonson. .\I.\’ ti55hS-J A. J. Illttll. MN 85$!-N7 'l'. I). (tree. MN 857-157 R. H. \\'.ttt1. MN 8*7.lt4'I L. \\n'. Martin. .\lX h'SS‘\‘-t R. (‘. I-'. ltooltcr. MN 355757 I’. ll.\\on. SIX l'i.‘7_ltt'J l. I\' “eaten, MK t5'575_lb C. I. lantieum. .\lN ‘$7574 I). Kirby. MK 9ll»I“n M. Ilee. .\l.‘I ‘)S.‘b-12 J. I-'. Telrln. MN 85753‘! K. G. Shorter. .\I.\' 857472 T.
A\ .\l.\' tc‘5‘ti7t>
L. Anncar. .\I.\' 857415 J. linker. .\l.\£ .\'$7-tIS “I. If. Ranntd. MX h'$7l47 ll. 'Ihorne)-:mlt. To Skit Berth Cblel Pelt Ollircr .\l.‘l 2t.t.t3t:.t I). (3. -'carnlr)'. MK RIMI7 D. K. Blake. MN 815070 J. R. \‘/yburn. MK 579007 I-'. A. Bartlett. To Chlel Petty Olliccr Cook (5) MN MEN: II. l)urK:tn. MX M657 \V. G. Demon. .\I.\' ls'lb£.‘0 D. J. Evans. MX 658325 C. J. \V. Cook. MN 5579!! A. S. Dirnent. MK S93l2l G. Ilenderson. MK 6453} C. Nalsbelt. .\l.\' tiS|3l2 A. J. Bitch. A.
To Chic! Petty Olllcer Slenanl LN t5'32.l.‘b R. J. Smith. L‘! 782282 B. L. 22197 M. W. Casey. L.\' aozttutt
$txEr.$ctl.u -.
to (Thlet Petty Utlicer Cook (0) MN Iflhlflh Ii. \\‘ttttcr. To Stores Ctilct Fun tltttcer (St “N bolt‘)? J. \\'. Ranltttss, MN 2275‘! I). l*. ‘N. \\‘el.‘h To C cl Pelt) (llllerr Writer MN T'.‘t‘>0h It. It. lrcdrat‘. UN TONER I‘. N. ().t:c~. .\1.\ .\'.=Z~t‘o J. Ii. I).ntd~on. MN Mirth (I. lle.ttIt. .‘-IN 37107‘) I). I-Ztullcnet. .\l.\‘ l'i|lt.'J2 ti. ('u.-mu. MK .wm.i'.' G. C. Cook. .\tx .wM-:9 I. K. llrtwks. lo tilores Cltirl Pelt) llllirer (\'l MN MII-it-2 (I, ll, Stcp'ncns_ .\I.\I 7.'\‘)‘lIi I’. ll. (' I).u\\.v:t, In Action (.'|tlel \leeIt;InleIan
KN .\.\n:7~) J. I-. Kcdalusv. K32 S‘.‘~3l2 W, (Ztucll. to Chief
shipwright Artifice:
K. I’. temnlezon.
t'o Acting Cltlel Radio I-Lleetriral Artltieer MN t1h'7‘)ll J. .\l_ \\"el.‘lt.
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To Action Cttlet Alrenlt Artlflcrr (Alli) I-‘X tr7tIl-I7 J. \Vc.|Lin:. FX Mvbtiil \V. A. L. Ilatnett. l".\' M9375 R. J. Dunn. Iu utlnt: Chtrt Alrcratt .\It-ehttnlt-Ian tA,fl-It II "II: -":l'X 772‘?! I‘. H. Sun!-mt. t-x vs-ma: tmaugg of expenses which would be \\’ttt:ltt. IX 5ib'l‘6 R. l:. Iltnh. I‘.\ 2-59! incurred in I‘. (5. lI.uIe\‘, after the Annual Conlerence of 1962. I'o>('hlrl \lr I-‘ltler (ME! IN St:-:34. (3. 5' .itt. l-"X l\l7il2 ' Those with present >3 .\l.'l)msel|. IN R.\Lht1dt to refer the and t.\‘ szl‘-or A. t-' W ‘c. Ix .~m.:«u R, .\'t’.‘:n7 tc. \'¢'~t\\ur1lt. "-" t'cnnn, t.\' branches. ll. \\’. tkvrtncll. I-X .\i.\2‘«t It. I-' l.1n.'.u. matter to their IN 7-éllfilv li. :\. (‘tttI\. l‘.\ §Itvi‘I7 II I). II J. Hates, the Area ChairILV ‘I-l.iS‘l R. .l\:‘.tlte‘.\, IX .\ltzt:7,i I) D. meeting which. man. conducted lioulrt. To Cltlel \lr I-‘lttrr I0) no solutions to the problems I‘.‘\' 77:04‘! \\'. (’:~\\.tn. I\' “'lIt.57 L. had been found. h:td been well worth Tihbs. I-X Sl73}'5 7). Qtt.tlC:!lt.1il'1C. nltlle. To Clllel AlrI'n:|u l.\|It I-‘X 77.ts,m I’. R. Dear. t~x M-Its? 31.: The members expressed their thanks Miller. X I57 7| l.. bltcntnn. PX oTD.‘:o Almcow. lix t-70!‘?-t A. A. \\‘.tt:ers. lo the Cltatltztm Branch for the -
entertaining shipntates
agreed promised
forward the
Facts, history, legends. ghost
stories—all are contained in this most fascinating readable travel book on MALTA 34
Order /rain
hook shop
Io Chlet Airman (515)
ntnettitics placed at their disposal and To Chlcl Alrtmn (HID!) lto the ladies of the branch lot the FX 56549 I). J. 0. Evans. FX 670'”-I R. Tits‘ Pugh. PX 740004 \V. L. l'.t;din. FX 834‘. exceedingly good tea nrm'idetl_ cvenint-I was rounded otl with rt very G. J. Clements. To Chic! Alnnan (.\IE'D enjoyable social. I-‘X lt$rt.\S«t E. J. Belt. FR I-tb7')2I II. I’. Ilauett.
To Chkt Electrklan (All)
FX 8173!! I’). Smith. FX 846574 A. I Parktn. FX 8177!! G. R. Taylor. I-‘X H7552 I The Royal .\l;il:ty;tn N;1\'_\‘ his Flack. FX 814141 J. I’. Mncknv. 1 boats from cal Artlkcr (Mm ordered sis 25-ltttut Aetlll Cltlef Radio FX 855710 F. 0. IV. ..\lessrs. Vospers ol Portsmuutlt. To Ole! Ilndto Eleetrlelnn (AIR) The contract for lltc‘-L‘ boats is PX 346224 0. L. Jlnnnalold.
l).\ttto.\'. l.().\‘(iMAN & Tnt)n L11).
t'.t.0t!Ct-;s1t:tt ROAD.
I.()NI)()l\', .s\v'i
January. l962
l’\'A\'\' NEWS
TERROR MEN HELP SAVE THE TURTLES front Il..\I.S. Terror——Q.-\ll.()ltS, the Naval Base in Sinuaporc~
week-end dash of over l.000 miles to help protect them and give tltem :1 accompanied hy students from the chance of getting out to sea. l'ni\er~it_v of Malaya. recently took The Navy lads camped on tile part in "(Dru-ration Turtle." This Has beach and very‘ soon made friends an attempt to save the rare leather- with the .\i:1l;t_\‘S from the nearby hackerl lurlle from extinction. The kantpottg. 'l‘he;.- spent the night giant turtles. weighing over half a patrolling tlte beach in a tropical ton and 1h rnueh as eittht feet long. thunderstorm counting and ohsert-in_e nest Ill;tlllI_\ on a short stretch turtles. .-\~' the sun rose t'roni out of uf beach in the State of Trent.-zinnu. donned ‘the South China Sea l.t‘LIlllL’l'~lI;Il‘l\'t'tl turtles have never fiaqualungs and preparedthey to accotn:tppe-aretl as soup on tile menu of at pan_v the adult and ball)‘ turtles Lord .\l;t\ur\ I).lllt!lll'l hut their club .:he water. All this with tile aiminto! of are much \IItI!'l1l after :h a tl'.'ilt‘:tt.‘_\ litttlittg out as much as possible ahotttg Ivy the local \l:tl:t_\:ms. lllL‘\L‘ :tnim:tl~ of tvltielt so very little Wlten the i'.l‘.’ilL'\ leave the sea and is _l,n\i\L‘t‘.,
Flight Deck
make tlt-.-tr slm-. \t.Il)lHllt.'. elrnb up the '|t:u.tttmi l\.‘.‘tCllC\ to lay their‘ I-I(i(SS ll.~\T('lliil) ti tt.t‘.t\:. lot are \\.ttt;: e,:t.:~ llIL'lll._ l.i:ttt.-nan! l). l._vrtd. R_;\'.. who led‘lit: e‘.-‘.:~ Jig lll l\:t.t.t L's ‘Ii t‘\‘.'.' the te;tm. said the op.'t:tt:ott \\‘a~' .l l'lllIitllk'\l I1? ne~t~ rim: deep in t 1.:.i!de:'. ~.i:-..! lln: de~p~.t.- Ill: Clll‘fi\ en:treI_v sttecesslul and it it could he of :l'te 1.-male turtle to c.ut‘ repeated each year titer: uottld he II\'i n.-~: ltattllt an egg t:\L‘.'Ipt:s tlte 1 hope for the continued ~2urviv;tl of the ‘largest of all living turtle \PCL‘lL'\'.i lrtttt-_:.t .'\e's oi tlte .\ll|l.|_\'\, ‘there ha» been rnuelt concern iii Lieutenant l._\'nd took a number of} hael. to Singztpnre and succeeded the en-.tnt:~. that. if thi~. practice conin hateltitt;.: some ot tlierti—-art‘ lttt'.lt.'\ the lL'.tlll.'f'l‘.IL‘l\Ctlturtle \\i!l die wltich caused a considerout t.'ottip.'et-:ij.. able stir itt local llllltllitllsi circles. These bahy turtles have now heen Tlltll 'S.\.\' l) MILES DASH presented to the Marine Zoology [luring lul\ this year tttettthers of section of the Ultl\'t:t’\ll_\‘ of .\l.’tl:l)':‘l the .\lal.t-.:m .\'alure Society spent a for further observation and study. I week on :he l‘L'l.lL‘llL‘\_ ’l’he_v collected Young .\':n-3.’ Writer Barry Allerton o .: ‘),rltIt) ;.'t:\ and re-buried them irt {of Kirkdale. Literpool. who ntanaged’ snatch six hours \le€p during the: 5;k'U:.ll lt;tie'llt.‘llC\. ltt tttid-Attgttst the lull)‘ 'lu:tle\_ weighing little more l'our-t.la_\' operation. summed the: than an ounce. began to hatch out. week-end up its "Tough and gruelling. I 'I he siltltlts from Singapore lrztvelled t.vouldn‘t ltave ll'll,\\cs.l it for an_v-t i aerou t‘i\'L't\ and through jungle in thing." ‘
intprcssinc picture of the world's largest aircraft carrier (displacement mer 85.000 tons full loadl. the United States Ship Enterprise. gives an idea of the four and 2 half acres of flight dccli—big enough to take the too Queens side by side. llcr nuclear propulsion plant would allow her to steam ft)r live years without refuelling and her crui\ing range is equivalent to twenty times around the world. ller complement l\ about 4.600 oflicen and men. and the number of aircraft she can carr_\' is about 100 (more or less according to site and type). .\Ia\tnu_:m speed of the Enterprise lI:t\ not been stated but on her trials she outpaced easily. 2 United States destroyer.
ll..\i.S. Victorious arriving at Mombasa on .\'m'embcr ‘D1 African I-‘loud Relief.
Victorious Home
help in the East
l-‘I’!-ZR nearly one _vear‘s service East of Suez, ll..\|.S. returned to Portsmouth on December I9. Since she left England last January the carrier has stcamcrl 83.000 miles. spending 22.’. rlzns out of 3.13 :ma_\ ,
Leisure clothes. suits. coats. shoes, shirts, and. of course. uniforms: Willerbys provide all these and first-class S.2t\'lCC to go witlt the quality of the tailoring. and you can pay by allotment if you wish. Our Naval Managers visit your ship or shore station regularly —or if you're a native, the_v'd be glad to call and see you (ll /l()IIlt.'. if you'd like to know more about Willerbys, see either Mr. Dunkin, Mr. Guttridge or Mr. Coughlan when they're nc.\:t on board. Alternatively. drop us a line or call in at any of our branches. We shall be pleased to let you have a folder giving details of \\’illcrb_vsspecial service for men in the Service.
'.lL‘i|l:lll_\' at sea. For three "‘Unili\ \'lClUl'l0lls stood by for the Kttwait emerg-ette_\'_ steam-
im: 3t).(l0tl miles in the e\treute heat of it l’ersi;m (iulf summer. tn the ‘)1 my; of [M \,;,,,d.b_¢_ HIM5. \'ietoriou.~. was at sea for 75 -—a high: rate of sclt-lllltc even by tv:trttme' ,
\'\l\. As reported in tlte December issue
relief work and tnanv
flying doctor: service and c;tsu;tlt_\' evacuation opera-l tion from a spteially constrttetedl jungle lteliport. Included in the ship‘s company are 50 retrospective bridegroom; who oere expecting to get ntzirried during the leave period. copiers
txoons \
YOU 99* the best Clothes of all at .t::;;'3t of her heli-
Admiral Sir Caspar John. G.C.B.. First Sea l_ord and Chief of Naval Stall, visited the Pakistan Navy front October 24 to 2‘), and the Indian Navy front October 2‘) to i\'ovemher 3. at the ln\'il.tllnIt of the respective Chiefs pl Natal Stall.
and pay by allotment if you wish 28-30 Oxford Street 32 Royal Parade. Plymouth ‘I11 Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Road. North End. Portsmouth 223 High Street. Cholharu 20 Above Bar, Sautttarnpton
London Wt It Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridge. Edinburgh
52 Commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Street. Be-ltast
253t.tain Street, Gmraltar
AND BRAHCNE5 rnnoucmaur prttratr.‘
January. I962
Troubridge and
Vidal at Bermuda
Southern Cameroon_’s tndependence celebrations
M.S. Troubridltc (Cdr. 'l'. A. O. Grifliths. R.i\'.) and lI..\l.S. Vidal (Capt. C. R. ls’. Roe. l).S.('.. R.N.) were at Bemtudu for the recent tallts between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States. Troubritle.e was \vearin1.: the broad pennant of tltc Senior :\:t\'al Otliecr, West Indies. Commodore J. E. L. Martin. l).S.C., who is also the N.A.'l‘.O. Commander. liermuda. The two ships provided cotnmuniealion facilities attd members of both ships‘ companies. tog.-ether with :1 small party of Royal .\larines of -t.‘\ Commando undertook security dttiies at (ioverntttcnt l-louse, l-I..\l.S. Vidal is‘ the Navy's most tttodcrn survey ship and ll..\l.S. Trottbridgc is a fast anti-submarine frigate. lloth ships were eugatted on entcrgencv relief work in llritish llontluras followittt: hurricane tl.tlllLIj.'.C.
VISIT TO DR. SCHWEITZER’S MISSION HOSPITAL (BY N.-\\"Y NlE\\"S CORRl.5SPOt\'DIiN'l') ILNLS. Diana was temporarily detached from the Mediterranean Fleet for be present at nearly two months front the middle of September. in order to the Independence Ceremonies of the British Trust Territory of the Southern (‘'. The ship left .\l-all-.t on September 15 returning on November 9. During the 55-day cruise the ship steamed H.000 miles and those on b0‘-ml spent some 23.500. After a live-day visit it was tintc to go We arrived at Rota, the seaport of the Southern Cameroons on Septem- on our travels again and on the tttornher 2‘) after a pzissztee of 4.000 miles ing of October ll. we awakened the and a 2-day stop at l:rcct0\\'t1. \_\'L' populace of Doula. the conttnercial soon made ottr first acquaintance “ill! capital of the Cameroon Republic. a the \\'.~et .-\t’r'tcatt hutnboatnten. otle:- former l-‘tench colony and now it tne weird carvings. bananas and even member of the French comntunily. tnonl.e_vs tn c\v'lt.tll1:c for money. old with a 2|-gun salute. l:C.'Il‘\t\lllC noises clothes and cigarettes. .-\t Freetown and showers of sparks" from :tn old one enormous man in a tiny canoe. French 75 (vintage 1805} returned the ;. loin eloth_ a top hat and nothing salute and completed the awakening else paddled rottnd and round the ship There was a curfew in force in ot Prince tlte lllcss singing "(jod l)ottl:t owint: to some terrorist :tcti\'ity audience. Wales" to an admiring: up country and everybody had to be lite ceremonial departure ol’_hlr. back by 2130 nightly, This did not l, (). Field C,.\l.G. (the l‘L‘lIl'ltl|.: prevent parties from visiting a brewery Commissioner) took place on Septem- (twice) a soap factory. :t hydrober 30 with guards paraded by the electric scheme and an alnminiuin Cztmeruon forces and tire Grenadier plant. while the .\layor and CorporaGtl;tl'tl\_ enorntous llausas playing tion gavc a lavish reception for ISO traditiottal huglc tttusic, and the tiring ratings. of a I5-gun salute by the ship. .\lr. VISIT TO I..-\ SIBARENE and .\lrs. Field were discmbarked at Lagos and Diana then sailed for Santa ‘l"nc linal visit on_the West .-\‘fric:tn_ beautiful This I-ernando Po. ls‘.thcl_ coast was to Librevtlle. the capital of its with and t'\ft\s['lt,‘rt|ll\' island l_0.t)(ltllmc Republic ol (iahott. another "1' ‘’r rm‘: l"~'-"l’~ l‘ 4' l‘’‘’‘'‘‘‘“' 5l'‘‘”“ member of the French commuttilv. the north of thmteh only 2-1!) miles ‘lite ltigtitlight of this visit was the Fqu.t‘.o.', visit by the C.tpt.titt and .l party of 22 ollicers and ratines to Dr. Sehwci:/er's tatttotts mission hospital Sl’:\ .\'lSll lI()SI'lT.-\l.ITY at l_antb;trent.‘: The Cabon Govern‘lite traditional Spanish hospitality nteut provided the party with a DC-3 was much in evidence: daily at 1400 to fly them to l.antharenc. The party was met by Dr. Selnveitver himself a little double-dccl>.er bus would Ieavc the ship for a tour of the banana and and shown all over the hospital or. cocoa plan'.alions' and daily at |‘).i(l more accurately the village, for one the hits would rcturtt the tourists_ in- of his principles is that his patients‘ tritzuing the inhabitants of Santa must be free to bring some of their Isabel by their rendering of the Oggic. family with them, to live with tltetu and Cool; for them while tltey :tre Rune.
Captain C. J. I\'irkh_v. l).S.(,'.“, R..\'.. tallstng to being treated. the village
Thus‘ the
of l.2UU of
p.tllCl'llS, They :tll live in big airy wooden
whom about 400
huts under conditions which are no doubt luxurious by their standards if slightly unhygicnic by ours. Nevertheless the medical facilities are excellent and Dr. Schweitzer and his stall are obviottsly highly successful in their war agaittst disease :tnd sullerintt. While at |.amhat'enc the captain presented Dr. Schueit/er with a donation of £20 from :h-.- \\'clf.t.'e Contmtttec.
('R()SSlN(: Tlll-Z l.l.\'l-I We sailed from Libreville on October 20 attd proceeded south to Cl'O\\ the line, The weather was so foul on ihe first day that King Neptttne had to postpone his visit until the next day ('l'ral'a|;:ar Day). when he was received and honoured in the traditional manner, The captain who_ in 25 years of scilgtlillg ltad only crossed the line by air. lteadcd the torn: procession of novices through the bath. After another bricf whistle-stop at Freetosvn. we paid ottr final visit, to |.as Paltnas. This was .1 magnificent rabhit run-a 3 lens. 4 speed. 8 millimetre cine camera complete with pistol grip. case and exposure tnctcr was bought for £ll. And it works? We spent a lot of ntonev in Las
Years of Service to the Services
l-l..\l.S. Diana arrived back in .\lalta on November 9. having stopped en route to look for survivors from the Clan Keith which blew up on Novemher 5. Regrettablv we only found one unidentified body which was
l)r. Sclnseitzer.
Sl’t)R'l’S ()1.'l'/. v\,\'s\\'l-’RS‘ l. l‘l.‘~8 .-\ v. Preston: 2. llradfnftl ill l‘l:ll-12'. 3. Vtliis ('I"~lll5‘v”. 4lira/il: 5. lolandc lltlas: (u. l|.trrv (ireb: 7. ()ne~-lloh l‘lllsitI\t'llt\l'l$'. 3‘. Sir .-\ubrey Smith: ‘l_ ll. \l.tltet\s‘-M-'1 10. .\l.thntoud_ I936. 2 min. 33 4 Ssecs,
at sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Wu llsi
As a result of the tour of the of Wanchai area the Ship's Company ll..\‘l.S. Belfast took 2 party of decided to buy a house for the family oflieers and ratings to visit the and resettle them in a new village on tenement area of W-anelni in llong the Kowloon side of the Colony. A Kong. During this visit. which was collection was made and £250 was ornanised by the St. Jantes‘ Settlement. raised to Dtlv for the house which has the party visited the Small Cubicle been httilt at Sai Kong.
.\fa_v. 1961, the Chaplain
I-'A.\lll.\' El\'Tl-IR'I‘Al.\‘l-ll) ll..\l.S_ Belfast [raid a second visit to llong Kong in .\'o\-ember and members of tltc Ship's Company had the opportunity to visit the Chinese family in tltcir home. The Commanding Otlieer of ll..\l.S. llelfasl. Capt. .\lorgan (iilcs_ l).S.()._ ().li_lE.. (i..\l.. R.N.. accompanied a representative p:trty of otltcers and rattngs and presented a ship's pl-Htllc to the
Naati has taken :2 bold step into the front ranks of
progressive commerce with the installation of an electronic computer in its modern warehouse at Krcfcld,
Linked with punched tape macltincs and :1 battery of telcprinters, tlte computer produces indents. invoices and stock figures; solves aritlttttetical prohlcnts in thousandthsof a second; cuts out tedious clerical marl: and provides valnaltle int'orxtt.ttion at the time it is most :‘.cctlcd. .-\:totl:er type of cotttpittcr has l‘L‘(0tttc Xaati‘s "l’.ljs‘t:1.t'stcr ticticral" and will pro;.'_ressi'.'ely take on more routine duties dealitn: with \\'.ll’L'llntl,\ctstuclts and issues in the United
TriuntP It! Tlte truck
shore again.
Portland’s founder president dies
One ntorc example of .\':t:tfi's aim to keep in step with the
Rocket-age Services.
BELFAST’S GIFT OF £250 BOUGHT HOUSE, FURNITURE occupied by Chinese family AND PIGS! space of
still in step
and their family of
On the folio\\i|u.: day Mr. and .\lrs. Wu llsi Cltatnt. together with their eittht children. visited the ship and were entertained to tea in the Junior Ratittges Dining Hall, .-\s they left the ship gifts of clo:hitte .tnd toys‘ were prescnted to the tanti!_v. ‘lite sum of £250 collected by the men of |l..\l.S. llcltast paid for the ltottsc. a small qu.tutit_v of fttrnttttrc and also for a pig: stv and Dies. lltcrc is a small eatden with the itotts: and this is ht:in1.: eu!'.iv.ttcd'.h the ttssistztttcc ot the l,tt1ite:.ttt World l’cdetation.
IS;-c Stilt-li:t_\ sl()l'_\‘ on page -I.)
.-ll your service
has been received IN!-' ( lR.\l.»\TlO.\' that Capt. C. I.. Maelenttun. ().B.l~I..
Royal Nztvy (Rtd.). Fottnder Presi-
dent of the Portland branch of the ahead Royal .\':tvaI Association. has died after a long: illness. "Captain hlac." as he was affecIMPERIRL COURT, KENNINGTON LANE, LONDON, S.E.1i.: tionately known by the members of the branch. will be greatly missed. He H.M. Forces’ Oflicial Trading was a kindly gentleman who took a keen interest in all branch attain, and his wise counsel and advice was of great benefit to the branch.
13 Clarendon Road, Southsca Telephone21515
January. I962
has returned home for
SHIP AWAY FROM U.K. 16 YEARS ‘Off the map’ islands visited.
EW brides‘ can have travelled h:ilf it million niiIes——few britles have never been home for I6 years—_\’et lI.M.S. 5it. Brides Bay. 2"L'CIil)llllI('I_\ known as “The Bride" by all who know her. has done just that. Since she left llritain straight from lltc builder's yard on July 28. W45. place to spend the months of Decemthis frigate. last of the It) "Bay" class ber, J.inii.iry and l7ebrti;iry. than the still in eoinirtission, has never returned South l’.icilic, where. for this ship's to the lfiiited Kiitgdont. in fact she eoiitpatiy, the golden beaches. backed has not been Iiirther west Stiel with gently swaying palm trees. the since l‘)-S*)/ grass skiiis .iml the h.tuntin«_; iuiisie ('otttiit.inded by ('dr. J. 0. Roberts. all came to life. New (f.iledoii:.t. l’iii_ R.i\".. the ship eoittpleted her "llt' S.inio.i and llitllfllllitl were all inl’.ttli" when she .irrt\eil at Portsiiioitlh chided and then on to .t selection of Decetiiher l-4 to pay oil and the (iilhert and lillice l\lu|llll\ Iiitaile on L‘\L‘I'lltt.tll\' :o wenil lter \s.:}.' to the fatiioiis lw the bout». of ".v\ l’.ttterti ol lst.:nits" by Sir .-\iitltcr (irimhle) bre.iker's _v.i:il. S'ticcess'i\‘e crews h.i\e all joined the some of wlitcit had not been sisited ship oie.'se:ts' and at the end of the for Till or -40 \e.irs_ llie w.irtii welcome eoitiiiitssiott lt.iie returned by air or at these "oil the tiiap" islands iiieluded .i t'e.tst. .1 d:spIay of d.iiicin;.: at the trotipsiitp. ettd or" which es-eryone joined in. At .-\'l"l'.-\('l\'l-'.l)lN Y.v\.\'GT'l.I-I present. cottsisiiiip of .1 model canoe. A l‘H(i fotintl St. llritlcs Hay tidyiitg grass skirt. fan. basket or walking ll.M.S. St. Brides Bay. p;i_\irig-ull pendant proudly h_\int.:. lensing Singapore for home. The ship arrived at up the atteriiiatli of war in the stick for iiearlv cvcryoiie who went Piirtsnioulb on I)et:eniber I4. .\lediterr.iiieaii this was followed by ashore and if time permitted there ttvo years employed on the tinpleasaiit was lll\'.tfl;\' a soccer or cricket his parents about. to tell itiatch. The of eriiise tltis esperietict: task of patrolling to prevent illegal Tltirteen of the crew were under I7 iliese and a rare wag pri\tlc_i:e days. ln‘|'ils‘ entering l’.tlcstine. At the at the bC',:itllllllf.: of the eotitiiiissiiiii. t‘ori:otIeii, be never to one end of N4‘) the ship ltl0\‘t:(l eastwards, the yoiiiiggest being I(»[.. and iteser 0 l'll('I)lIl’:l|:L'the _\Iiitii1:er rider, the clitiih. hut in .so doing c|.iitiied the incident in the Ctllltltllsxlfill .-\nother to join the l~’.i:’ liastertt Fleet :it the been out of l".iit.'land'. now they haset Ro_i;rl Nut) ('_u'linu Asstiei-.itiuri lritlivtiliial l'oints‘ Troplty. time of the incident over ll,.\l.S. was :in anti-pir.'iev patrol till the coast travelled oier Sll.Otl0 tllIlC\ .itid visited which resulted in the cap- It) ditlereiit countries, proiuotul ti 25-miles time trial in l96I. .~\iitetli_vst when she was ;itt;icketl in the of llortteo. During the season which has inst it and ot was .sut'h :i street.-ss that it is to be t0 of all whom ‘tiie pirates. were. River ('ommnnist ('hinese Yaiiiztze by During her 4.979 da_\‘s of irri- ennlintted this _\ear. tiigelher with on ended. one Associ.itioii record was fozccs. lllc tollowitii: year saw the sentenced to ll _\e;irs' iniprisonment. broken by Marine Pearce. of .serviee. Itlmtinu men! at the distance of ten iiiiles. foreign interrtipled -\s had the with the heitttn patrol ol' the St. l\'oie;tn and War. beeitiriiiti! up nearly hall‘-ii-niillinn miles. the This year will also see the iittroilue~ J.S..i\.\\'.('.. Poole. who rode the ttia-,:llriiles Bay was involved for the ll'.'\2 t‘uiding.~ oi‘ a nir.ite victim. with one has used 93.560 tons of oil tion of events iotnoteil by the ('om- rtilieeiit distance of 242 itiiles. 530 ‘_.‘.If(l\‘ ship this sis iniitred otihoaril .iiid dead fotir _\e.irs in p.ttro|lin1.: and escort to take a London bus bined Services (‘ycling .-\ssoci.itioii. in I2 hours to beat the L‘.\i\llIlg record l'uel—eniiu1:h satisfactory. success was dotibly work itt :ire.i_ she also L‘.tlflL'tl to the moon and back three times. 'I'lie R.N.('..-\. li.ts alwa_\s had to face by two miles. out |'I‘t:it'I\ bottth.iri|mciits ot sliote l-‘mid eonsiiiiied has been 2.4-ll the problem of smaller nieiiihcrship. ‘lhe Secretary,-'l'i‘easiirer of the \ ISIT TO TOK\'() ]‘li\sl'llull\. tons--or title-aml-it-half limes the hut in l')fi2 it is lI(ir.L'll that with the is ling. Sitli-l_ieiit. l. I). lil:.l{.N.(..-\_ Since I055 St. llrides Bay l'|.|\ ttikeii ()t!icr p! featiires of the last iiiillion Aliiiiit 2| the weight of ship. loss of lll.Ilt_\ hiiitdieds of i\ation;il biiry. R.N.. of l-l..\l.S. Colltitpwood. p.iit in the peacetime cruises I7 months have been Al visit to Tokyo since siitolied eittarettes have been Sersicc men who prmidcd the bulls of and he is assisted by S.('.l’.() (St J. H. carried out by ships on the liar East‘ .iitd two cruises rouitd .'\lI\lrLIll;lt‘l the shin coiiilnissioned at a cost ill the riders for the :\rttiy and R.r\.l-'.. the (larke. of lI..\l.S.. ('ondor, lhcse Station, Coitsiilerabl.,- time has been ports, While in .-‘\ttstrali;t. ltt ollieers shore priees——roughI_v the satire ‘Is Naxy hliic jerseys will be out in front. gentlemen. together with R.l:..\l. t.-’\) spent in the .\I.-ilziyaii and llorneo and r.itini_.-s hitch hiked a total of it cost to build the ship in 1945. ‘lhe basis or the Royal Navy teant Wilkinson. racing organiser. and Wren theatres. with fL‘[:l.ll‘.Il' visits to Hunt: l.(l():t miles. mt3\'itIg overland from t.‘t.777.tltt0 has been paid to the will he .'\.Il., (three. of ll..\l.S. Forth. Wilkinson (nee Nieholls). of ll..\l.S. Kont_.: and lap.in_ .\lore recently one port to another wheii the ship ship's “ltd. in Hot. not only won the time Ariel, will be pleased to answer arty .-'\ustrali:i and New 7.L‘1ll2Ii'|(l have steaiiied round. 1 here h.i\e been many about coiiin:inies over the years £(i-3.001) titiiling its way back to trials at 25 and 50 miles and the hill questions on eyeling. been visited. .-\ short spell in the opportunities for siiiiilar expeditions Depitrlriieitt for ltiland Revenue. Persiitri (iiilf in Seriteiiiber I958 on land; or at sea in a sailtiie ishaler the t£l5(l.t)tl0 has been spent on resulted in St. Brides llay being "on fora week. to develop the _voitiigsters' About to send some 5 million letters the spot" wlieii tlte two tankers conlidenee and itiitiative. And Iirially. stamps ".\lelilsa" and "Fcrn:ind Gilbert" the lioiiiew-.ird pass;its'e has taken the A .\'l.\'l-I-l.\'(.‘ll “SI-IT‘ collided oil the .-\rahian coast. ln ship to Colombo. Aden, Illrtllltlll tite-‘ is the with Chtel Arriviitg ship naval other with three .\lalta (iibraltar Suez Canal. to and coniunction Brides Few ship's companies in recent years l;'leetriet'an Leotiard l.angdon. ot Bay helped to tow ships. St. both tankers to safe anchorages. can have had as interesting :i commis- South Shields. lie is I5} stones and sion as tlte present one in St. Brides nearly twice as heavy as the ships CRUISE SEAS SOUTH Neil Ronham of Bay. Often operating thotisands of |iglttw'eiglit——.-‘LB. Birininghain w-ho started the ship's Perhaps the highlight of the present miles from the rest of the Fleet. her. last eomniission at barely 7 stone. The contittission. which began in Singa- role ltas given the crew ii sense of indetman witlt the longest heard is l...-‘Sea. pore in July, l9()0. was :1 critise of peiidcnce and self confidence. Crossing H.000 miles in the Pacitie Ocean "Tlie Line" on eight oecasions_ and "Polly" Parrott. of l.ondoiiderry_ who grown a 9-inch "set" since iointnt: visiting nine South Sea islands. ll is the Datc l.ine twice. is quite an ;has diflicult to think of :1 more pleasant aeliievenieiit tor it tad of 18 to come the ship. is taken to At the same time the The frigate had probably more 1 that A Single Allotment to Bernards is far attd away the ttnest tattooed sailors on board than any other ship on tlte Far [East Station. oiic‘s co nipletc method of .lt is estimated that the I07 tattooed Uniform and Plain Clothes outnumber board other on tmen any ments zitid ship‘s company by two-to-oite. and i.-\.ll. Frank Veittiell. of C|;icton-on- t every other need of ii Serviceman lSe;i holds the record with In ditlereitt and his fatiiily. ’
BERNARDS of‘ Harwicli (’-\'l'€II(l New Year Greetings‘ to ; all readers of Navy News and in particular to their many ClISl()l7I(’I'S Ilzrouglioul {lie World
obtaining requireadditionally practically
provide the facilities of at large departmental store, but with tltc additional advantage of ti truly personal service through well For Bernards
St. Brides Bay's place iii the liar lfast has been taken by a newer frigate. btit long after she has bceonie a heap of metal the ni-.-more of her will live on in all tltose who have ever served in her all over the world. i
situated braneltes Home and Abroad and travelling rcpreseittatives.
lll-T keel of the eleiettlh saliiiiariiie was laid on |)eeeiii‘l)t'l' 2| at ilie llirkeitlieziil ship_\:ird of (':iiiiniel| l.:iiri| & ('o. tfiltipliiiililers&|. This limit uili e\enttit lfiiuiiieersl :-.ll_v he nziritetl the (lpitssulii. ‘l he iiiain propulsion nizicliincry. coiisisttni: of Adiiiiralty 5t.tnd.trd R.tni.'e diesels_ will he built in the Royal Naval l)oeltytird. Cliatham. and 1 the inaiit g-etierators. iitotors and control switeligear w'|l be stipplieil lty the DISTRIBUTORS FOR WOLSELEY. l{nglish lilectric o. l_td.. of Stalloril. MG. RILEY MORRIS AUSTIN visistoeiu PLAS PRINCESS This latest Opossum will be the sixtli l BHC SALES a. serivice to bear the name. The last one was it sloop of the lllaek Swaii class. built in I943.-35. and reclassitied as :t frigate in l l‘)-$7. She was disposeil of in I960. .
Due to our long association with the services we «in otfer our expert advice on all motoring problems including our Home or lixport delivery schemes.
Plan now to ensure that your car is a the Quziyside wlien you dock. Arrangements made for delivery :inyw'here it you purchase your car from us.
i .
Catrtberley 3443
Viclters-.l\rtitstroni:s (Shipto build
l()0.00(l-toti tanker for ll.l’. Tanker Company 8; The super at tanker is due for completion in I905. are
A credit account tna_v be opened for scttleiiicitt by Adiniraltyallotment or l3aitker'.s' Order and no eh arge is niadc for Credit allowed esceptintz where [lire Pitrcltztse Agreeiiie tits‘ 2ll't.‘
Full details of llcritttrds Service will i_:lad|_v be given on requc Sl {ll ll
llranclt. to a repre.s'etit:tIive or throu_i:li I lead Otlice.
Better at Bernartls
C.ll.Bernartl&SonsLttl. 8
Queen Street, Portsmouth
Telephone 23535
Utlirr b‘raItiIrr.i ru.'——.4hbnI.iim'Ii. Clturlrimr_ Drimr/mrr. ll'evnruim‘r. PnrlI()n;]A Dru], Slsrgnrii, (Fri/mhr. Lunllurll/rrr_\'. llelrinlmrglt, Du/ilermiilrc. Gihra/my Vullrnu. iiml S/lriiia. Malia.‘ and at l.miii-muurlr. Arhroallt. Bra|(‘.‘I|', Cu/rlras.~_ ll‘mIIit‘ Dunn. (‘or-Iturri. Ll'IIl[Hf0llt'. am! lI..\I.5. Dalpliin. Oflin-r'i SI/ant m Pl’|'IIll7llfll,Parrwiuurli uml Sorrrliairrplan. llr'1ltI0/firr.‘ rllrx,-/iu llamr. Ililrnirlt Eur‘: T-/ephnnc S80 .\lmtber- '.N 7 A
N Av v
is‘ F. w s
Show at 1911 Review
twopence per day
(In tho I)i't 1-niln-r iiimv o] N.-ll"l’ i\'I;'ll’$, .\'i','mui.- uh.‘ of hit lfIn(' i'/: H..\l'.$, Kim; lzdiviird VII, ¢-1~oIunim_s m I’uIIIoml. ho;.- Ii; .i!iiii't-.1 ii 'ji°ii'i'u;.:
Tlic Royal .\'aval Review
firm’ and Illglll dz‘/rltcc .\tutr'mi.\).
Spithearl, l9lI. by Il.3l. Kim: (ieiirge
MS. KING El)WARl) VII \\:I\ :1 happy ship. Coalinu never appeareil that my future was being. viiisled was of only :1 few iimiiths. l' Ill-ZRI-I (‘().\ll~2S ‘HIE .V.\\‘\' to he irksoiiie. but rather fun. The competitive spirit which esistetl so the right chaitnels. to sttid} Ilt: \}ll.ll’1lls in my idcczilcil It had h:eI‘. ;i:ti1o1iiiccii that :1 Naval of tew 11 between different Captains the as ship, mainly h_v developed and I).-ceiiilaei on parts strontzly ~p.trc iiioziicnts. Review would lac held .11 5pi' by of lot». encouraged by the (lllieers of Divisions. Whilst each part of the ship I)I'I.-\TII ()I" KING I-IIJWARI) \'Il Will I was c\.im:ncd l1_v .1 lliurtl l\'in_.- (ienrge V, to he toilowed by ;i ( ‘ll was out to beat all others. collectively. The_v “ere keen to break records. -'”~l (ml~'~‘3‘Z‘-|‘“-‘kl ‘""_'”"""“~'\l r\l the cntl of :\Pt‘il l‘)lt). news was .\lili:;ir) Review at ‘lit-onis Park in When eoaliuu. inueh depended on the type of eollicr. and whether bulk had received about me Him“. Of Km; etlorisissze l\.‘\\.l.ItIS.'ll‘ Dublin and in M1 ch the R-.~y;il Navy to he be broken. A report hurl been received that lI..\l.S. Queen in the F.dw;ird VII, It came as a great shock " 3*“ .“-*7‘ L‘--'7 would Like part. lliis nicant the LindMediterrztnean had succeeded in avcmtzing over 400 tons per hour. to learn ol his death shortly alter-l ing of Ships’ (.‘on1p:inies. to practice Fl RI’. (‘().\"I'R(II. 021 (' Drill days, evoliitions'1s:iy I was wanted at "Captain's wards on .'\l;it,- (itli, His son. a Sailor! “ll.itt.1lion Drill." "z\dv;inci e in Rewere carried out with speed and Reqtiestsx" l was doing :1 dirty job and l’rinci:_ had siicceeded to the lhronei lo” p,_.._.u- M h: ‘m ‘cm.,, W‘, view Orilcr." and ".\l.irch:n;.: Past." I rather the Come looking disreputable. thought in the P‘,-'“si1n of l-sing "Regatta Day." etlicieticy. \._ Jim‘. H,_.:. \‘m._. rm,“ M H“. mm, M: 'l‘hes'c landiii-gs were qiiite a picnic for :1bout The had tltrouch "Fleet Trophy" was won czisily come some news '" A“-"-"’.“ I910 _.l‘-ilfli" carrin-_.' out 'l.ict1cal. and most everyone. :1 pli:.1s‘:int coiurast to l year |‘)tN had been an active and ii1ydiseharge.<o \\'.l\'II1\: p.irticiil:1:l-,- 5”’ B9”-“'l"\‘ -\l'l"'~‘ W5“ r“'l"~""'d h-">it11l'|o:t:iitt RIll'l'~3L'llll\.lL'l’I:\£l’.‘l~i:\ lhe General Drills. The "lliiiiip" at PortVic:--\diiiir;i| Czillaghzin :is scCt'ln(l-ll‘l- “mi. ,.yst'. in v.2 lit : exciting _\-ear. with plenty of sea time. worrictl about my ;lppC;II’£lllCL'. Control. d~ ‘. nil- land, was used for this [‘Ill![I1)'v.' -'5‘ ll‘-L‘ .\‘~'~|V l‘m':!|'t“*l'd. ll “ils 1-‘-0|"-1 Czipttiitt llowever. the .\l.iste:-:it-.-\rms called frequently. and as we niari.-lied L.d to see the lst Rattle Squadron building ; my “..m¢_ [ eh-ppm up snulril‘. and l_l"“l‘ "‘“‘."l".“d.“b‘"” ll” ranges‘. Ships had been fitted \vith asf through the sleepy little town with vs"-:re1.~,;.|m¢d_ bu; 1,,-hm | 31¢-_,,-d r‘-M1 an-__ "m". l.’3' C"l"“““ .l“'""“- “ 5‘$‘.“" many as s'i\ Rangefinders. '1 he ranges‘ li.i_vone:~'. lived and bands D1-l)"|I‘1§!. 01" up. as the Super "To be rated Leading Seantau." I ‘_l"¢‘5'l'-“-3*‘C*"Pl3”" °f ”--“'5‘ l'‘"‘''3 were quickly passed to the 'lr.insmit- cltcsts swelled with pride. especially _co:npleted. andll,_M. S. Bc_|lsjr0Ph00the W3.-, jug} _m;g,_.,,;d, Th‘. c;,p;;,gn g)-cd td“""'d \ ”leiiieraire Sup:rb_h;1d .)tIll‘lt.‘(I Room. to be plotted on the newly when the cry was heard “llcre C.-ntes ting Fl“! d”“"i§ ‘ht-' \"~‘§“'» 1137')‘ "1 Dt‘€L‘m- me up and down. and he asked ComRam‘: A“ mm l""“5i."""“'d- lb‘. '5‘ the N.:vv." invented. l)revi:r Table. l‘~'f. 11}: l‘l'~'¢jl tl|*P¢N'-'d 10 mandcr Royds, "Is this the man you Squadron was increased in strength V‘ Tl. f "' 3”“"’7‘:3_: d .~ lur of l'l.l\l. St. and Shins arrival leave, the 'l‘llE |9ll Rl'1\‘lI-IW l\ing.n-conm,¢nd¢.]." much [0 my by and Ports Cltristntzis _}. " ‘“ "‘ ‘-l‘““ l..''~ !‘-d“’-"'\l V” I" Will 1" P°”"‘“'Ulh_““.‘. surprise. he replied "Yes." Before I Vincent. Collingwood and Vanguard. of '°"*"‘.-‘ .-\dmir;il Bridgeinan had relieved l-isher. .'\t.lfllll’.llV.h|l’ John .-\lthoiig_.i .-\t this time my thoughts were filled could Collect my thoughts, [ just Th‘. i.-‘CH “turned to punhnd in me Admiral .\l;iy as C.-in-C. Home Flee with doubt as lo the future. as there heard the .\laster-at-.-'\rm.- say "Rated. late summer. and King Edward VII he had retired in .l;1nu:iry. 1910, his! early in ltme. and ioined tile Fltcl continued iiiteitstvcly. was mm me Rcgmm Tmnhy for mt policy 3|tlP'~'~l-'s‘d lu_ be little hope for pro’ Aboiit Turn, Double .\l;1rch." had all lurret: wearing his this in ll..\l.S. Neptune. l)readnoughts Super succession, in .second Diinng lc:ive_l my year 1 knme M din no; “|m|,¢.- to Christmas motruii, mounted on the centre line. the l;tlt.‘\l comiti-is-.ione.l Super Dreadguns_ few ‘-Vt‘|'k WIN‘ 0” in d:I.\'s my put pleased or sorry. as i had felt qtiite _a ‘l‘rainin«_; Engines for Turrets, had nought. ltrrn. with whom I h:1d wort.-ca before.siiri: I would obtain mv discliarite. .-\ LONG WEEK-E.\'I) LEA \'I'I The Fleet sailed from Portland :ind wer.,- I00 in been size, reduced "'”‘t~' I 500" lilklnt.-1 8\“l!lew' weeks later. the P;iym;1ster‘scnt A welcome innovation as regards 5l}llll|12"about June lti for Spithead. to take l‘*“k ””“ "W ‘""-5°-_5""d l “'39 017"?‘ I for me. and I thought, "This is it." leave was introduced. and long weekup position for the "Review". to take 1* PI=""i|"t‘"I P051 If I Cflllld Ohlilm but the Payntaster said. your request place on June 24: The Fleet entered end lcave was given from Portland. R0591 N3“'}'. "13" "|?l°'~*"-‘ [Wm I and am was not approved, pleased the Weymouth Steamer be-int: used to the Solent through the Needle: and much was a Here offer, to return your £24. tempting II. you ;m;_ ;i convey lihert_vmen to and from WcyChannel in "Single Line Ahead" innermost l re- Leading .Se;im:tn at 23. Why‘, you inouth Pier. This Il\_Z.Ill‘I\l my wislies, What an imposing picture. with arrangement was :1 to with see _my Captétin. quested :1 can become :1 Warrant Otlicer at 27." H..\l.S, Neptune approaching Spitboon. :ind mtich appreciated. “cw l"”"h‘”'"§'> my "“‘-'l“‘“°- MY To be able to ascend to stich :1 great hcad. followed b_v :1 line of the most .-\i the end of 1900 or ttiereabouts. r""l""‘i W“ “p"““'Fd- .b‘" I “V” height, was beyond inv contp:ehen- :1 new scheme of promotion to Petty powerful ships in the world, stretchcalled upon lo w-ith the hm ‘I ;_.K.‘} hm bhim ‘,1._,,m.d in Otlicer was introduced, A rather ing back through the Solent. in 1.-If "r ‘*4 3' ‘"m M "" “Cl "‘'‘‘l‘''. ‘filmy mind. which was to be cultivated ziilvanced esiiiuination in technical as the eye could see. good taith My heart bled as I handed in“, n,;m,r;:)._ It was the first occasion that :1 subjects had to be passed. by the then ‘mu mu"-"’r“"r gmdc" 5°"""'l3"5' -.\leanwhile. I became 2nd Captain existing Pette Ollicers, 2nd Class Petty Squadron of Super l)re:1diioiigl1:s_ of the I-’or.:to and Coxswain of :1 Otlicers. and l.e:iding Scamen, and if totzether with many other less powerIt.-\ll-.l) i.t...\i)ti\(. st.-\.\I.\.\ “»h;_,L.,_ an fiil ships‘. had been on show to the an “M m,p__m.L_ a successful, they were placed on :1 new A few days after sailing to rejoin day. making m_v overall wacc I53. 2d. roster, which would give accelerated British Public. The Press, and foreign visitors, The inspiring sienal of anll” Ht‘-‘«‘ in -'\t‘fI|. l‘)l0 I was workimt i per week. .\'ever:he|ess'. i felt pleased promotion: this became rather :1 "1 ll‘-‘ lmld “llh -llmf“,V Bungs (The5to have additional responsibility. stumbling block for the older ratings, other cra, "F.nglan(l Expects." was enCoaster). when :1 messenger arrived to \\.ll_l€\ did no: worry me a: all, I felt shrined in the heart and soul of every .-\ltliou~.-_h my seniority as :1 Leading man jack, they were all proud of their ‘
siiecesstiilly .\l‘j.
(l\“":f"\‘l'“”“'lse;i. I>._l:l'§.; ‘
gt, ",:;¢h‘Un ;“.“r;m_.i). .
€t|ll'IVll>li|llt.lVII1|lI1.C"[-ltECl. ~
.ti_ ,,“'r,'_" -13‘ "d “WI _
l"'l“'} .
How OI
I try to. But my
That’s what I
I save! p:1y's
The First Battle Squadron, l9ll. per cent more etlicient. The same coii_ld be .s:iid of all ltydraiilic machinery for op.:r;itins' l1i.'avy guns, Gyro compasses had been iiistallcd in the
Engine Room, turbines had superceded reciprocal engines. The sluggisliiicss which had existed .it the beginning of the century in the Royal i\.\_v, had been successfully
thought when
I was yo ur age the Progressive
On June 3-5. l9ll.tl1is .¢|‘eat armada of ships, dressed overall, in many lines_ greeted Kin: George V, Ships‘ companies inanned ship, and as the Ro_\-;1l Yacht passed majestically between the lines, three rousim: cheer; were given by each ship. expressing the loyalty :ind allection felt for their Sailor King. who had served many _\‘cars in the Royal Navy. The Nzival Review over, the Fleet proceeded to sea for exercises. whilst on passage to Kingstovvn. Ireland. in readiness for the Review in Phoenix Park. and for lining the streets’. The Review was‘ rather an ordeal for the Naval Battalion. Having sticcessftxlly completed the “.-\dv.1nc: in Review Order." it was foriued up for the ".\l:ircli Past." and as the
showed me Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave ditched. The teciinical kiiowledee rethe Service next year I can collect £855. quired of all ratings. from an Ordinary Seamzin tipwzirds. had increased by Sounds too good to be true. \\'hci'c's tlic eatcli E’ 2t)tl~.‘\l|t) per cent. and not only in No catch. And ifl had died at any time my -_;ui1ner_v. but in also torpedo :ind (‘onipanies stepped oil. :1 Cavzilry electrical equipment. lX~inch tor- Band struck tip :1 "Cavalry .\l;1rch" wife would have received the whole £855 Wliicli will you take? is med for horses on the trot. pedoes. op.:r.ited by cold air for run- whichmen of the Naval Brigade qtiickly immediately. You see. it's a Savings I’m going for the pension. I’ ,“ an lincd'l'llll§_ll.l_tI been eclipsed by the 2ls'. l'h.,Scheme and Life Insurance rolled into one. (Continiied on page 9. column l) ‘Healer Torpedo. for and with a extra an job already, up Siipposiiig you hailii‘t sigiietl on lot 22 yeais’ pension to look forward to when I retire, sci'\'i(‘c 3‘ and the wife provided for if anything en When I had done my nine years, as I had happened to me—wcIl, it’s the kind of paid premiums for 7 years, I could have in 3 drawn £234 to help set me up in Civvy security we all want. Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall llmv do you set about all this? have the option of taking the That’s easy. Ask the Provi-1 £855, or if I don't need the cash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the of £172‘ a year when I retire Progressive Savings Scheme. from civilian work at 65. home PROVIDENT ‘ For mrmlirn q/ (/1! ll’.R.a\'.S. I/it LIFE from 'A$$0CIA1’|ON OF LONOON I’i~rman ii [149 a year. lou-iaucllii UMIYID someone
joy Iivi ng._..
London, E.C.Zto 246 Please send details 0! the Progressive Savings Scheme
-Send this coupon Name
Address I H |\.\ R:1tin~ or
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Aze next birthday
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(near Portsmouth and Southsea)
The perfect blend of tnwrrand country- —near the sea. I';1\t road, rail and but lliicilities .1! lian-.l with eseellent shops, 5c'llt)()l> and ch-.::clies in the \i.:inity. Iii! t.-.-r:_'r.'.'.'.' in_."urn1:.I!i'i)re, pfratr 11-/it: or plim.-r JOHN C. NICHOLLS. LIMITED I it/l-.::l-:1! Road, l'.1rlin',:tm1, l'urtsino1itli. Tel: CI1\ItJlll 70132
Drummed their way“ around illlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|l|l||IIIlllII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE CRANE ON WAY HOME HER the Far East @"~’:1$‘P:' I
W0 young
who have been making a big noise all round Far East Slztlion are Able Seautnn David Ilrrulforrl. aged 22. and his min brother (Icon.-e. also an Able SL-:tro:|n, .-\. members of :h-,~ volunteer ship's‘ band of the fr.g.t'.e Il..\I.S. (.'r;me, now her w.':-V: home via South Sea on lslamls and the I’.:n.r:n;r. these mo: Il.l\'L' beat their xlrurns in many and‘ \'.tl'IL‘tI places and \\III continue to do so on Ih'.':r :o'.ttne_\‘ Itottm. ‘I he too Iiratlfords who come front 5.‘. Ray Ro.uI_ West .\lolesey. Surrey. It;t\c served together in the Royal; Navy for the past two and a hull }L';II’\. 'IIte\' lune the same interests; .rn.,t spare time aetisities and went to West \Iuiese§' Secondary Modern’ The Iiranllortl twins and their drums. Seluml. .'\l»le Semnzrn I).¢\'id III'LltIIt|ftI \\';t\l j (Jenn.-c is on the left and Dznid is on the right. the I95.‘ .-\.I<l..\. uelterueight Iin.r|ist. men
III-i l'olIrmiuy.- ollirers Irave been date June 30.— .\'l-I\\II~1\ .\I‘IICl \l.l\'l\
\t.'It.'CICtI for
t.v:r~.:n.r-.tlrr_ I \ II ll.trr:~-~.-1. IKI t)'Kc!:t_ \\', It \\tlIdr::. ('. \‘s. I. l's\n€r. m:\tu, nksscrl (I)! :u .'su:|'<‘nn (.|n:.un
I \nr-..l.-Lr, I ‘J. IIrr.r\_ I \ fleet.) I) (‘.u .\s-rh'.. \\ K I). (ix-r.rrd-I'c.nse. I’ I ll.:vnr. K II \lt.-Ln. II II (‘o .\l Il.nnh.rIn, \V I) 's 5.-vrr. W I 1 I.1t1tI\I‘t‘l‘, I I). ‘Ire.-.I:r. .\:In'r-m I :e:a;rn.m:-(’omm.mder ID) to !'nmm.rnder to ('nrom.uutn I. I.. Strtrrno t'u.-nrnamler lI)t— I’. R. kneels. the». It \I. .\ II.n:t. I. A. Bcatrre. I) II I) I IN|\'I\l. \I\Rl.\’l-ZS \;m.,._ 1, .\sm.m, I IN) t‘ Inns. I R. Irrolrrunv-(‘oInnrI In fokmel. P, Brern.in_ \\munu\ 14,1". ]_ .\t, ('Iuld. I N Ilum_nhretr.r‘r|~.r'~x_»\rs.rI.. Ilaltrr. S. I.ron.ud. I’ Ii. Dlik. .\I A. lnrlltvt. t’t~:mu.:mIer
so I
,\|_..:., .'.¢f.,,.,,.,,,.(-.,.,,,{L'.‘_"pi
II. I. \\'rIIr.uns_. A. I’ ()RAEIII\‘.
II. M. liltu. W R. Ilart. II. I.
here seen leaning Sing_a_por_c tlyinsz a p:I_t'in[:-(III pendant, is the sole survivor of a large class of ships-. ll._.\I.S. Crane. riled as sloops but re-elasszlrcd In I9-I7 as frigate. Crane is now on her way to the United Kingdom and orunnally she will make calls at Labuan. Manus. Ocean Islands. Gilbert dIll'll'I|: per east-about
and I-Illlee Islands. Suva. _|ourne_\Nulcu-alol':t. I-rn.-ndly Islands. huratoputupu. Apia. Rarotonna. Ialutn. Christmas Island. l‘:llllllI'Ifl Island. Honolulu. Pearl Harbour. San Diego. Manzanillo. Panama. ‘l‘n'nidad and Las Palmas.
I-ZLl~2Cl’RlCAl. §I’EI'..'l.\I.l!s1S Commander In t‘.vmain.~ X. Necdlunt. I. R
I uerntrnarar-(‘ommander to ( omrn.mdcr .\t Illlntcl-ltmfl. I. X. Robclt\mI_ J. R. \uour. IL, II. Parrv. J. I-‘. Cart)‘. I. ll. II-"¢nN‘YL R‘ "- I“ Ituntdrr. F sirnm. _
I.ucuren.qnr-(‘ommandcr to ('0"""""‘“' I, (‘I.u‘|t. I‘. II. II. Gill. A. M. _Iortcs. I
Vhnnuut. C‘. II, II. twen. I. I; 1'
Insrruaur (‘ommamder Io tmuucror (.m-..un. K. A. llmsell. to Llrutcnmt (‘omnundcr ln\:rH\IUY R. I’ IIut'.un. ('. ll. Ivmmelnr (‘omm.indct.—I. smith. IL II Panonv. .\II-'.DlC.\|. ISRANCII to Sunrcon («-I“-II" ('umm.mdrr Sure:-~n II. R:dnrv~.n\. Guldsvsortln. M II. lamb. I. ll I)un;.nn. \\'. R _
the first
3. Name the oldest Club in the 8. Which England Tcst Captain beFoothall l-c'aguc. came :1 Hollywood film star‘! 4. Whoarc the World Cup holders? 9. Who won an England Cup at 5. Who was the first woman to clear cricket. soccer. an FA. Cup Medal. match 5 ft. in the high jump? League Championship .\Icda|'.’ 6. Wh) was the tirst man to b c at -. “huihimlduhc
televised‘! 2. Name the Club who dropped First to Third Division in suert s‘L"~\i\'c \L':I~‘»nIIs'.
Vincent Paul George Camilleri. Stet-card. I-Ill. 982503 H.M.S. SI. Angelo. Died November 10. l96I. David Collin Rye. Shipvnright. Artilicer 2nd Class. P/M 943746. Il..\‘I.S. Ausonia. Died November 20. I961. Cordon James (‘he-ater. Writer P!.l 953I7-S. ll.\l.S. \'ielor_\‘. Died I)ec(-mbcr I. I96I.
GencTttItn:_\".’ 7. How
many British boxers have the World Hezrvyw-.-igltt Crown‘!
¢ur.tu'c-rs we
farm‘ fl. mlmmr
King Iidtvurd VII proceeded to Portsmouth to "l’a_\' Oil“ and to transfer the Flag of Viee-Admiral Callaghan.
put out of step, and the lines became
_lreruendous ellort. step was rct::nned, and the lines straightened, vand eaeh company passed the Salutmg Iluse Il'l splendid formation, equalled only by .\Iarrnes. wavy, but with
(Continued from page 8. C0I|lm|1 5)
20. |96I.
.s‘t'n-x.\' mo strcurzranuvr !srl.Ctu.|.sl.\ cttmmmuu .10 (.‘.im.un.—-A. I. I'cmr~II.n. M V
I. When
Michael Creenvvcll Tunn. Engineering: Mechanic lst Class D/K 95'}-I52. ILSLS. Nlitter III. Died November I2. l96I. Paul Albert Thomas Baker. Bugler. R.M. I7002 -IS Contmando. Royal Marines. Died November
“S-ports (1uiz
Zln fclemnrianr
,’ M_(;_,,,,,
on-m. r- r. r whrrrlrr. J. 1 ll». ‘until. I. I) I‘! .\|s:(':rIIIY. D. ('.1rIt.un to .\I.uo.'. M. A. ll_ Mmuon. R. M. R‘ .\1_ fluuvnv-ne A. I-'. ('. \\’cm\_\\. I‘. ‘I’ I). I.. S. Lannlrv thetml Mayor). I. G. IIUIKJIC. II.m|tInn-.\..t.g.t'.»ph..m. G. W. Greet. I). k. I. F. I-.. Flute. \\'aIIun. um. I’. A. white B. I. Slralcf. lIN(ilNl>'.l-IR SPl'IClAl.lS_TS Commander to ('.ant.nin.—-ll. (‘. .\. Goodharl. I I. Lee-Sn.-riding. I‘. I). Talton-Itroun. II. I) .\‘:\on. D. G Sntelu.-rnell. l.:currnanr~(‘ommam.Irr Io_(‘umrnander.~I). 1. S. .‘\\Itl:‘\r. I‘. (i I-'.vam. I. I‘. \\'etvI~'. I. lhldtnn. R. G. ('u\m:Ion. A. R. Hall. I). .\. Imnes. ( M. (' Idruu. I‘. I). S. (‘onncm-me. 1‘. -‘I. .\t. .\I;uhcv\\. J. Hm-d. I -‘|- "I).urhan.
Il..\I.S, Ilercules. the then, very latest Super Dreadnought. During the latter end of the cornmission. which had extettdcd for two years and four months. I had carried the Guards and Royal out the duties of "acting gunncr'.s the Review. the .\Iilit;try After mate." in eonneetion with the gunnery I-Ir Wales. to instruction for ordin:tr_\' scarnan. Royal Family proceeded Eduard on Prince of 'I‘heret‘ore on "l’a_ving Ofl Day" the lnvestiture Castle. as Autzust I. I‘)ll. alter a happy cornJuly 13 at Carnarvon Prince of Wales, Meanwhile H..\I.S. mission. I was drafted again to Whale King Edward VII had proceeded to lsland. recommended to qualify for .*\her3st\v_vtl1. which was visited h_\ gunlater third class, and gnnncrk a
British Bee TRY A
the Royal I-'ami|j»'. mute. have honoured to felt On July [4 I Ihe lengtlr of my service. man and oI'. of "(iu::r'd :1 Ewen selected as one box‘. \\;ts then. rust under seven _\'e.'trs. npnour" fornted to meet Ills \l:riest_t I had su-.'ee.'d.-d ‘r~.-j.ortd all expectaKitty: (ieorge V and l'umi!_\' mt ;trti\;tI. tion \\'as i: due to "incl." or "per, I: “as -.r seen»; olrieh has ;|I\\.I\s re-l.~e\'er.rme"‘.’ I :r.:\e .lI\\;l}s‘ thnu_r:ht it.‘ rnaénetl used in m_\‘ mernort. I'.':rti-> was :1 lot of each .\I_v Ctlllllllivsltlll in { .'t1!:r:I'. Prince I‘.lI\‘-'.lit.I Inms Duke I‘! II..\I S K :1; I'tl\\.mI \'II everrtu:rII\| \\':udsn:t '.IIltI Prmeess .\I'..-r \ (now PIN‘-L'tI to I‘: ".-\ steppirtg stone to' l’:lneess Rog..'rlI. I he Prince uould lnjeh.-r th::r-_.-s." I I‘.:ttI now to prove‘ ‘rune been about I7 years ol a_:e. and .rnj.sei! \\o::Er_\' wt‘ :lrt- reemnmenda-l :?!e Princess ahont l-8. tions that I had .'e.'el\‘ed. On leaving .-\ItL‘t‘\\I\l~'}IIl. II xr IIIU /tr‘ nHtl'inm'rI) 4
)1 0 ST
I’0I’I,'I..-\I{ Ii.-\I.I.I{()().\I.\.'
S;\V€D\' KI.VllBEI.fl.S .
Shr.p.s Company '
It's brewed in the good old British way!
crm be
enjoyed throughcr.-.' the
fine to
beers. all
N. Africa
whether a Submarine—Dcstroyer—BattIeship or Aircralt Carrier OVER 50 SHIPS’ DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR
Wire-—Wrr‘te—or Phone, Portsmouth 32275 Make your first “Port ot Call" for Dancing: The Savoy Ballroom Radio Band Every Friday CH1,-9K,1‘
January. 1962
‘One, two, six—heave’
Cltli.-\T number of those who ziltt-atlt-rl the last .-\ ('ouferencc were disappointed to liml that. on l‘tlt‘.t_'ltlsi'.tll of tlte business, lllt.'_\ were left to their own tlt:\'il‘c\‘. .-\ltltougl| the ”t':Ill-'}ll‘.ll'l(‘l'\("tub “as open and ll-.tttersea branch also opened its portals, tl:e~v ton plat-cs :tloue could not cope with all who might have nisltetl for a \t'l.'I.ll night in touu. In some quarters No_ l Area \v.i.s‘ St)(‘l.~\l. l-I\'l-2.\'l.\'G severely criticised but in others memhcrs were appreciative of the fact that I llic-e two .-'\:e.ts t".‘~tldtltlt.‘t! with 1 Area could not possibly be c.i:1-:t!:i.tlvl¢ entlrustastn and :1 Comexpected to lay on "something for the tn::tc: ll.I\ been formed (knoon as boys" on the scale of I956 or 195‘) the lit. Committee) with the object ;each time a Conference was held in ot or-__-aiitstng a grand social evening, ' London. dance with 1|. c;rh:trct_ prccctled l Certain branches in London and- and ,'t bullet tea. and. on the Sunday lhlitldlesex consider that. having spent h_\tnor:ttn:.'. .'t Drtnnhcad Service. the i day at business. delegates to Con- g All hranclics in the United Kingdom ference I are entitled to look for sonte~ I will ».ltortl_v receive detailed infornt.tthing organised for them aftcrwa.'ds? tron. "the Committee asks that as in the way of refreshments and cntcr- i m.m\- as possible. tlelt-mics and tainment regardless of the location of \l\Iis‘l’\ to the conference, as well as the Conference. Some may consider members of branettes within easy that the Conference is becoming tltsuttice of l.ontlon_ will support both of an annual "junket"—btIt lit.’ S.tttt:d;i_\‘ e\cning function and the [something is it a crime to "let your hair dowtt"l Suuday morning l’.tratte Service. havint-I travelled great distances and, l-Iitlier without the other will render spent the day in the interests of the the whole thing abortive. .-\ssoei:ttion'.’ All Navy men. ex and otherwise. Those branches in London and are fztmiliar with the cry "One. Two. Middlcscx have decided that there Six-——Heave." That is just what Areas shall be no repetition of the lack of 1. 2 :tnd 6. are going to do to ensure facilities after the 1961 Conference that all visitors to the I962 Conferand they lobbied their near neigh- ence will find their iourncyq and stay bours of Area; 2 and 6. seeking aid to in town a worth-while ctlort in the put on something worth while. name of the Association. ‘
N0. 2 Area has worth-while .\I‘
presented" to 55
The Ladies of Blackhall and the Standard they
the branch.
Blackhall Ladies present branch with new Standard Dwindlingnumbers ‘GO AHEAD’ FOR OWN
at Remembrance
shipmatcs of the Blaekhall and Coastal branch of the Royal Naval ’l‘llli Association are mighty proud of the members of its Ladies’ Committee and the members of that Committee can be proud indeed of themselves. At a social evening on November] I8, Mrs. N. Taylor. Chairman of the ships" in the form of neighbouring ladies‘ Committee presented .'to the branches congratulate lllackhall on ( hairman of the branch. Shipmate J. their outstanding achievements. t‘l:tckert,\'. the new branch Standard. Blackhall branch was represented at In addition Mrs. Taylor presented to the dedication of the Newcastle the branch a cheque for £39. Standard and after the ceremony they
we will rententlier them
l tlfi
The Rio}-‘al .\;ty:in t\'fit\'_\' has ordered wt 25-knot patrol boats from .\lessrs. Vospcrs of Portsmouth "rm. ctmtract for these boats is
Last month
regretted the passing of the Rnval ;\':i\'al llarrucks. Portsmouth. llluejttcket Band. Here is ll..\l.S. Bulwarlvfs Volunteer ll-and. All "part-timt.-rs." they play additionally to normal duties.
30 years I have waited for just such a book as this—“Last lla.stion." Captain Eric Broclrmaa. over
2 C.B.E.. Royal Navy. (Darton. Long‘ Area were represented at the man and Todd. London—28s.). In I930 my wife-to-be arrived in Chatham branch headquarters on November 25. at the invitation of the Malta one Friday and we were married Area National Councillor. Shipmate the following day_ We spent. on that John Dyckes. when a general discus- occasion. nearly two years in Malta, sion took place regarding points exploring, in my spare time. the highways and byways of this fascinating which crop up at the area meettnxs. island and learning a little of the The Secretary to the Council, Ship- friendliness. independence. charm and matc L. H. Maskcll was present. customs of the Maltese. We still think
YEARLY all the branches of No.
F.SPlTl°Z foul weather conditions nearly half of the small Durham branch of the Royal Naval Association turned out on Remembrance Sunday to main subject was membership help the British Legion in its annual lot The the Association and many of the parade in Durham Cathedral. Yearly tdelcgatcs were able to comment in the numbers dwindlc and but for the of their individual branches. shipmates who religiously turn up the [respect It was generally agreed that the numparade would surely be cancelled. bers in the Area were not falling ofl lt is nice to know that while the. to 'I he Ladies achieved this magnifi- returned with the Wear Shipmatcs to any great extent, taking into ccttt effort over the past I2 months the Wear l-Ieadquarters for art enjoy- branch wreath is being laid up at the consideration the number of the older Forces‘ Memorial in the cathedral. that and deserved the prolonged applause able evening. of last year is being placed on the shipmates who do not need to pay when Sltipmate l’lacl;crt_v warmly The branch "scribe" visited the subscriptions because of the age limit. thanked them on behalf of the branch. Blackpool branch when he visited that nearby St. Oswald's War Memorial in Most branches get some new memThe photograph shows the ladies with resort for "the lights" and he sug- memory of Stoker Reacher who was bers the course of the year. the Standard and the smiles on their gests that Association members visit- lost on the Warspitc during the war. but itduring felt that a drive towards faces is a itteasttrc of the pride with ing Blackpool should "look up" the This is an annual mark of remem- branch was publicity would be of benefit. which they are held by the shipmates local branch for he assures them that brance carried out by Shipmalc "Teddy" Homer. who went to school and of the shipmatcs' thanks. their welcotne will be ver_v sincere. PRESS NOT PRESENT with the fallen lad. The “llairns' Christmas Party“ was This year it was "Jack" Hodgson's Discussion in this respect was 0\\'\' IIEADQUARTERS held on l)ccembcr 23 and. as usual. turn to act as wreath bearer. Each year answered quite satisfactorily by the Another item of great importance was a huge success, The annual :t ditlercnt shipmatc performs this most Secretary to the Council who was to the branclt is that approval has dinner dance will be held in February. rewarding duty. prompted to ask why no Press been given to the building of its own Two good members of the branch. reporter was present. and Alan Anderson Club. and his Headquarters Considering Shipmate ldeas for the improvement of that the branch has been in existence "wee Scots wife" are leaving the disbranches were given and it was onl_v_two years. it is “good -going" to trict"and will be missed very much. Rested that there might be someone in’ have its own headquarters. "Chummy lllackltall's loss is Welw_\n's gain. Shipmaid Edith A. Marsden. mem- the Area with literary aspirations who ber of Gainsborough Branch. would run a bulletin for the Area. The ':"‘llllllIlllIIIIIlllllllIIllIIIIIlllllllllllIIlIIIlllllllllllIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIlllllIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllflllllillll Shipmatc Capt. G. l.. Maclennan. Area Working Committee. which O.B.l-1.. Royal i\':n'y. Founder meets on January 6, will consider this President of Portland branch. point. The Area Annual General Meeting will take place on January I3 at John Cunningham House and Shipmate Dyckcs stated that it would he a good thing if No. 2 Area co-operated in the matter of expenses which would be incurred in entertaining sltipmates after the Annual Conference of I9!-2. Those present agreed with Shipmatc D_vcl>;cs and promised to refer the matter to their branches, Shipmatc 1. Rates_ the Area Chair-I man, conducted the meeting which. although no solutions to the problems l had been found. had been well worth while. The members expressed their thanks ; i to the Chatham llranch for the lamcnitics placed at their disposal and rto the ladies of the branch for the esceedinglv good lea provided, The evenimt was rounded oll with a vcrj. enjoyable social.
of that time as rt two-year honeymoon. Captain Broekman'.s book helps to till the blanks of those memorable two ye:trs—-the reasons for this or that custom—a little of the language. race and poetry. The author takes one round the island. to the sunny. sandy be:tches_ the churches. the homes of the people and talks of the wild life of the island. "Last Bastion" is a travel book with just the right amount of past history in it. To those who know the George Cross Island it will bring back memories of "theatrically blue sky, and sea the colour of copper sulphate. orange rock bathed in pink haze at dawn and veiled with the ‘heaven's embroidered cloths‘ at sunset." To those who have never visited the island “Last Bastion" will create a wish to do so. A first-class book which has given me immense pleasure. AYCHARBEIS.
LAST BASTION .S'kt'IrItc.r Q] /he Mailcsc l.rIaml.v
Eric Broekman. RN.
l-‘acts, history. legends, ghost
stories—a|l are contained in this most fascinating readable travel book on MALTA 3-l ,0/mIu_t:r(I/2/) t
Orrlt-r /min
l).\t<io.\'. l.o.\'(;.st.\.\ & 'l‘otm Lin.
r;t.ot:Ct~:s1t:i< ROAD.
t.().\'t)()r\, .sw7
January. I962
ACROSS BAR, ON HIS HANfi§. 0 N? Blassified Advertisemiahta EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY .\IlSCEI.L.-\.\'l-IOUS
tunnel wishing to male stumttt on -.~ th.-outth their (‘omnundtne Ill a...-n:.«n.e (‘. ll. at-:u.\um at ,\U\'\‘ LID. are alvsats I with \tl|T$Il.tll\’ Ht-et (ttdert)rtt.er_ tour to napnt to consider par i1.\\ln:.' \E\|‘:'>d'hJndwords L“ll£l-UL’-\Il>I|H~IR reunited. Bo\\' |'rentr..'--.'s' with or ntthuttt |‘Il:ll ‘ind .|n\\ \\:ll'lln! Scltt-svl. llou§t'hold IND, ‘(no ;\\\.\'...-.| tum‘ to sell should write l I ms1.m.e to »\n;-lu and t.-ood t.I.IIl\ help. \\'ule could be enintmuz lll-f old fantiliar faces are disappearintt. one else. "Witch was this llt-use. llanuxch. lanes lust one. Old George Jtnkins t/~_- or 4: the .\.u.i1 Potts to as \\orLirte llooselteenfl or m suntc .. {f is dead. I went to his funeral the other afternoon. There were not lIt:lfl_\' L'.:Iss ul gun-noat last in eontnttsstou. contact the local l~.-.m.h. c.miet:s ‘I ottaze av.ttlahZt'. Apps llrutr:-...\ there. His uidou. poor his three sons. and I behind them. .~\ttotlu-r of Ch;triiL“.'" I aslu:il. ll()l'\l-I l’l‘R(.‘Il\$I€. An Ideal s.he.'r'.e lot ll:l'on lnrantre. Dun hutch. RlI'.l'\\. \\’.t1n .Ashire. the old of mild: "Jim before the star." said Charlie. those lookine ahead I00’. adian .tl'.fI zhree I-I.R‘\s_reux:-rrd gone. Old George. with his same old iolte: “.-\ .u l:m:ineev tt’!vtets nah zre tears at to» rate at ‘rater:-' \l:~'.i t.‘t\ rem-it and bitter. and not too much mild." (llrl George. the retired master brick- s‘.tL'ls'ill;: Rl.(il.\l at his l'l-.ll(Ul.llI.\l l'.v\.\'ls'\llll' tn tn the run: of dr.i~ —\\'.-t It-..tlet. "The Ill) lur \C‘\lkt modern on 3 rarle-\ ‘l.'Ct'l\: Home ishu .'\uurrd." sie-med all modern "ilhere the I’: lite intent Aswwith "the utmost l.i_ser. 'Eor .i.t::nn i-I lnrtdott you are!" said the ll .~.t.i..-tl-. -\\ ls est lndtei I \.rl'e-at '.t‘u oi : \_ ltd 24‘: lltshopstate. true at had personally built. with his mm two hands. “all the best houses round this "I knew I l\.|\ rt; .-p.'i.-osuuatelt -\'l \i.l\\ rev :1‘ mix, Iundt-7‘., l'..(' 2. llut llllltl had dassncd on the, "lust ll()l.'\lIlll)I.l) El-'l-l‘.L'IS AN!) n\(;(; \(;E .\\i\r\ wt all\ .ttlo~.sed tn sax: um. .15.] \\‘.l_\_ .-\Nl) hull: ‘em to lasl"’”l shall not see his red {are under its traditional renta.n o-t ro.itt.l in UK, omen \\ne\ vl hmsler again. before the war (’h.trlic." l rep-:.i!ed. stored. muted and p;-Jed and shipped \\h::e senior --'lt.e.'\ allov-ed to .l.sI‘.'I'{V.|ll'l ‘heir, rn .\ ('0 ltd l.‘lt lr~.':di~n l{v.n.I. North lnd Junc- -k‘i.':u:-mat unites. Pensuirt \c.i1l'lIl( i don". ltnott hots it is ssith other round. and t.‘tcn \\;lllsll'lL_3 across the '\\'hiclt \.sar'."' and e\_¢-:. llun. l'n.'t\rt'.utt!h l'nt-rte r-‘-.‘.‘l. ul rrmoeets DfI‘!Il|t'lI'n. Yen: Anni »\l,.-mg lloer \’." said Citzirlic. ll‘ URN .'.id;o 91.1.:-.-s_ but ::t ntfne— with the excep- bar on his hands. lie uas \‘tr‘<"tntcI‘dent. 3'! 30 (id "lIit'lx‘.'Ufl \t:re:, mnzrolled I-3-t-.-tu: tans. ser\:.e lunelt from his sent one day. and dead the J‘Ill‘ll it has the last war. Lint ul 8and lnrtdurt. R’ I lel: l’iv::\.-no-.t:h Hit: 4 Ituo ‘tnest. ('0\lP\\\' l\ tlreoatnl in “A no hou: :r.i conlitted to tlte tte.\t. His account of the llalllc oi The Boer War —I could \\.'t:e a R(l\'\I. .\“\\ kl. B\RR\('RQ FUR IS- THIS’ .\ \t! lrnnt non-forttttttssuutetl l'ets..-mgr vld ‘uns l-or :' reason I it dillcrcnt front ‘tool; abottt it. Oh! l).in (':ut'ttle. \ll)lllll. lhe story .'r.-nt hulL\ 1- Dthrttt dais -o NJ!“ for the |'>01I'.nn or (Ill-l .r-..c \.vl(\ T I-d_ tIr~:.un.:b1e trom Gale .\ l’--ltten \ -\ trnnutg pernd or three months 8.8 nest the historians ever Mote yum! tire irtuttg to ‘-\.tl'l1'l their ancient “'11 had he lived. tall.-::l l'::.e l-.d.. ldmt~ur:h Road, l‘o:t.\mou:n. Post tier: he etsett, this I\ an addttioit to thin: Vtltu mats. and buy I'our nctsspapets so was worth about to. else. He was an old \\'\.\llZ|! ht .'u‘l!c-its-.' Ans '.\pe «-1 rtzedats n.t:l.thl: Eu tarts nttt an I. V l ( nurse I‘. r'.'..-vc :Et.t: :hc_\ .'.i:t -,'.i:n :t s'i.:.triotts .-\:td Charlie l’ar\‘itt, .l quiet old malt His story of the and |:CL'|‘.'.Illt‘.'I\. -.\l.-, J. S:c.-np, 1. Km: Rtua '*_e it! ‘ to Applicants to \.."uv\ Ihal at-s (o.-np.ut\ .s near!) K02‘. ntanacd ts; l'('l\n\nng| in sttttlyittg horses they can no ulto \\‘.t\ .t naval engineer. like lllL‘. but drum-head cnttrt-martial at sshich he lltaslrtoot ltom nu: ht-mt Nat). .'\np't...n~.\ sliullid H: allord to hack. Few of them have before l was born he liked to yartt was sentenced to death is worth an \\\‘ BOOK on any\:e." supphed prornprts vurrtnl and H1 possess-"on ol a current :11 tlne to l.'n:uue post. eschant and-sate s.hemr It is noise. essential that all lIk)‘( utnmtertug like than but more one a about they and boiler; to me_ trunk to itself. was :1 time. a n.-ulal-it lloreu Ht-ol \_,\t.e, 17 l)t';I.lrr tits nu-.'::'on «tn-atd be keen on .i with t‘...-(er. nutter toizctlti.-r, and I and sea-fed boilers which must ll\lL‘.'tlltl! or so before his death when he (‘harnl'*er\. (Hlurd Street. \\',I. All Knp ms may he reaaunl .t‘ter their .m:taI in It oer.-no to earn out Reltel I).ureI. to them. base been :1 tuphtntarc to ntaitttaitt forsoolt his reminscences of Ihe pm: or an ll"-|tsCl'l\Ed Sales .\l.uua~er and Sir One day he brought in a White and earrtes vmh ll 4 I001] comnteocinx satanSll'L'ATl().\'S \'ACANI A I)! l-‘Fl-IRENT .lU'I'l.AN I) as clear as the day it was taken is-hich were on \'\CA.\'ClES tor (‘onstabtes :\i\l in the in-tether with .t Pension. plus commission, and tree In-ne .iceorni.~.od.uto.-t. ttuuc ssho we Most of them are ex-naval men. years aim of a gunhoat in which .2 subiect which bored everyone: the \dmir;nlt§' (‘ntnstabulars lnittal innosntment interested mould requer an Arm:y.~_-.t..m tum II" N: on .1 tentporary baits with prospects ot trom the Galleon the reduction of his army Wine (‘omrunv limited. were much past their allotted span. he had sersed_ lle tsas monster to permanent and pensionable sersi.e. .12 Ctumben. trinity square. t..m.:m_ but toll of stgmtr to the last. Of the his with and Commenein: ms or entrants t\ L950 per annum.
\\h_o i
l.:_\\' Sundays tare-.-Iy
p'.c.tsurc longer
Jutlattd—~st;irtltng!y attytlting always list-.-hing
birthday nothing sergeant-ntajor.
engines Cll_.'lnC'~
Kruger intcresting——-and harped
tapping explaining
S().\l!iTlll.\‘G WAS WRONG vuth rune annual irmemenn or £2‘, maktng 3 men of (ir.x.'tchest:r_ Rupert Broolic th:tt the engines were situated on the total ol £71‘. Alter I‘. sears‘ seritce a [miner ol-tsersed: boat deck on the boat-dei:l.! ~\\'ltCll a But when one day he began talking increment of L2‘ is awarded. maline at tirtal total The First Lord of the Admiralty. "And when they get to feeling old. sailor itt uniform. a mere youngster of putting his head in the gas oven. l or [am per annum. Ilnitornt and boots are tree ol sh-IFIC. ‘there are good prospects l.ord Carrington. and Lady Carrinpton Ihe) up and shoot themselves. I'm of forty or so, picked tip the photo- perked up and took notice. Dan “(Is issued ol promotion. ("at-tdrdates must be Ntheert visited H.t\l.S. Dauntless on Dccenthcr told." graph and remarked that he had a methodical old boy: he had kept El and -01 tears of use. at |¢‘a\t * tt. 7 in, in ll and saw W.R.N.S. recruits umler ftclxht on bare teen of British nauo:t.iti:y and ‘lites: old l‘m_\'s of Portsmouth served in :t sintilar type of ship on the intact all his old certificates. FCC0l'ds --t esemplary character, ‘they still be required training. Nearly 250 W.R.N.S. personand correspondence. l went through -o pass a medical and educational euntinntlon certarnly don’t do that. bill they do Y:tngt7e. nel took in a part during ‘mot to appointment. lidttcational eumlnalions seem to fade away quickly, once their them with hint carefully, realised that ue hetd uu.trterts- J! ll..\l. I)».-bards. Ports- the Lord visit. WHICH WAR? uas tutte has come. There was old lack something was wrong, and es'entua||_\t nouitt. lksonport and hmsih and at the rtccorttpanied by his Carringtou t\'aval Secretary. 'l..\‘ .\|.Y,. londo.-tderrv. Northern Ireland. l-'ur(‘ou'se_ ssho celebrated his eiphtieth "Surely not!" l e\claitned. "l have typed out a letter for hint to sign and ther tnlctrmatton and tornts Rear-Admiral appliution F. R. be Twiss, can and his birthday by buying tots of rum all never seen such a ship. on the Yang-y sent it to the Payntastcr-(iencral. optained trom the (‘titer (‘t-nszahle. Mtntltaltt Principal Private Secretary. Mr. A. R. l'l‘ltrec days later. six ntonths after his Constabulary". Queen Anne‘! .\'.Il’l\l(\H\. ht James‘! Park. l.ond-in. S.\\’.t. Scum: oer-ll-H. ]i|"T3|)'4pc"‘i()x‘ had been reduced. Dan came ibcamtttt: into the bar and handed rttc ja letter‘ front .-\ttthority_ which greatly THE LONDON "AMBULANCE SERVICE {regretted .'l clerical error that had. rendered "int:reased by so ntuelt" into requires "decreased much." by so ; MEN AND. WOMEN l cashed Ilte cheque for the l ~tnottey duc. and Dart repaid me next day by proudly presettlittv. me with Basic pay £l2 Is. (-12 hour week) including first-aid and running repairs dearest pt\ssi.‘s\t(\tt .| ll'L'nlL‘tltirVllV ,his allowances. Shilr. workers‘ pay range (I3 8:. to (H 9:. Initial tr:tin;ng with .p:iitt:in_t: in a mztssive frame of 'l he pay. Uniform provided. Paid holidays. Pension scheme on permanent at l.:ttljs'stttlllt which comp‘.etely appointment. Applicants aged 21-45 must be experienced drivers in Il;thb:re;i~tctl me. good health. .\ly i1l‘.‘.'tlllll>'\ and p'nte~t~' were i\\.li\'L'ti aside l).t:t kttcu l \\.:~ p.’-\p:‘fl‘. Apply to the ‘
1 haclsi
1 ans to have insisted on it. In:-V -‘tny uzttsilling h.t:ttl~. he Plessetl the and to my t\ife's deep I‘m.ts'tcrpiece. itil\‘.'ll~'l I ltune ll over the tire-place ‘~, ‘In the bar. There it st.t‘,u|. I)-m~ .
and confounded ttte by a sahicct for .ini:tt;i:ctl coneven to :‘.te _\‘o=m:.'L'r .'-"~'fl-‘F-I‘
of Cllxi-.ll"ll.'l’~.
simple way to raise the initial deposit money required for buying your own house. Make out a
monthly allotment
4-l=|fll' llooliw: Club was built at ll..\l.S 7 Ill-I Zlst anniversary of the commissioning of ll.M.S. lleron, Royal .\':n' with the aid (if a generous Air Station. Yeovilton. in December. was marked h_r a gift l'rom the ‘grant from the Nuflield Trust and a Air Station to the town of Yeosil. '£3.SI)0 contribution front the Ganges To eotnincntorate the li;|sinn' close allitttty hettscett the town and pit: farm. between the establishment and Yeovil. ; the base, .\l;t:ty of the sailors had Since its opening the club has proan I8-inch high silver heron was prc-E married local girls and settled down vided an increasing centre of interest. scntcd to the .\layor_ Alderman l. P.‘ in the town. both for the Juniors under training and Kelly by Captain W. C. Simpson.; "At this station. set in the heart ol for the ship's company. The wives and 0.B.l3.. l).S.O.. Royal .\‘a\'y_ the Somerset. ssc carry out the tradition of ‘friends take :tn active part in league tain of R.:\'..*\.S. Ycovilton ‘play and "llotise\s'i\'es‘ Choice" on King Arthur. only our E.\calibur has ‘TllCs(l:t\.' The presentation took place in the a ntore potent mornings is well supported. thrust and is ltcld I Air Station's Social Cen:rc—~'lhe poised met’ the earth hy the aircrews‘ The Evening League has produced Heron Club. an exciting struggle over the last three that we train here." The Heron. specially contntissioncd ‘months and resulted in a win for the from a London sils'ersntith's. is inRegulating branch team. "The .\lonl-'REEl)0l\l OF BOROUGll'.' scribed ~~“l-‘rom the Captain and arclis.“ the star player being the people of lvl..\l.S, Heron. R.N.A.S. Aldcrntan Kelly said that he hoped .\l:tster at Arms‘ wife. Ten pin bowling is rapidly beeonting ‘I'eovilton_ to the .\layor and people the friendship between the base and of Ycovil to contntcntoratc 2| years the town would continue to flourish a national sport and :1 team front of friendship and goodwill in war and adding "It would be :2 grand gesture ll..\l.S. Ganges. the "Tuskcrs“ played on our part if the freedom of the through the Anglo-Anterican Tottrnape:tce——- 1 ‘)ol Captain Simpson_ in making the borough was extended to the ship's ntent. One day the National Individual presentation said there had been a company." Champion may come from the Navy. over a
l-léouse purch ase A
Silver Heron for YeovilJl'ST .
inteutorial. ;_ttrt\xEl1'.' >ver~;itio't %:ion
Officer-in-Charge (3433/NII).
year ‘.120.
of TENTH ISSUE NATIONAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. Here are some examples of how your money grows by the purchase (by allotment) of
for the
Ill you allot per month| £2 5: You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about ‘.4-
You will have bought certificate: which will now be worth about
available for
Large Bars sprung Maple Dance Floor First-class bands by arrangement with Eric Winstone the amenities
the most modern
Any type of Catering arranged
Personal Callers are’ welcome to and Entertainment Centre in the South —
You will have bought certificates which will now be worth about
I see
The interest earned on your Savings CL-i't.ittcntcs is tree at Im-mno Tax and does not have to be declared for Income Tax piirtm.ucs. Savings‘tcates are State. gurtrtmtccd 7
in am! by l.'..\l. Forces Sttvutas Commtth e. Luu..'un S, ll'.7
January. 1962
‘Sea-karting’—Sport of the Sixties GOOD SAILING CRAFT
t)\\‘ often on :1 make and mend. have we natcltcd the lucky few sailing for the whole afternoon in the ship's two dintgliies. or in the Dot: Watt-lies considered that it was hardl) mirth ttoistittg out and riggiiig the din;:h_\ for a brief sail. I’er|i;ip~.. if you have come front a shore establishment you may he thinkill; of other make and mend p.I\lIlttL'\. such as (‘to Karting. In those httt safe little niztehines llIl_\\|llC can take part in the after-l
nuorik xport. At present there
If you roll your own cigarettes, licrc':'. |to\v to get I 2 invlra ¢'igar¢'I!e.r from a 3d. packet of itizut Cigarette papers. Crtiniple a cigarette paper and place on machiiie as .shown, it will .~.ave enough tobacco to inake I 2 t-.vIrn rig.-arrIre.r at a mi! of 3:1.’
ni.tke~ oi‘ sailing craft coniparablc with (Go Kilflx on the inarkct. At first
glattcc l.ltt.'\c look little more titan .s;iilin_-.: surf boards but which are in reahiv_ well-tlesitziicd craft with good .\’:IlllI'tt.Z ttiialitics. The picture shows a Piccolo. which
itt kit form, complete with sail and aluiiiiniuni mast. costs about £68 or complete ex works about £98. The kit take‘ a couple of make and mcnds to assemble and finish. The I3 ft. 6 in.
' ,
A ‘Piccolo’ off the Isle of
hull. drawing 3 inches with the plate short. fast races to be sailed in tip and 75 sq. ft. of tiylon gives a fast afteriioott giving a nitmber of people the chance to get away sailing. .s;til in winds tip to liorce 3. is really l-'orci_: 3 the polhurs To RE“l_:M“ER exhilarating wttlt speeds in excess of ‘"3 l-lltihclli Will Hi“-ii)‘ hi! “'0'”I-t knots. "the craft is \\.\‘s‘Cl hnt lively. more stable than one would ii’) N“ —‘¥|ll'“t! 3llW\"-' i:0|'C¢ 3 i“ Ill-I lit'\t and second rounds of the although This was proved in :t Cliaiinel i“’“|l’lt‘ Sllitfk i|W5|‘~R.\'. llockey l\'n0ck.out Compe- expect_ crossing by t\\'o Piccolos in Force (2 (cl Four hen karts can be stowed in tion. l96t-62 produced some good conditions. Unfortiinatelv the trip ills‘ *‘P4lC¢ 0‘ “W H {L di"|i£l1.\'. hoclsc_t and the 30 eiitries have now ended 8 miles short of'ilic French (d) All the t!¢4|F ll\‘4|l‘- Jim] in heeit whittled dtrvn to nine for the coast due to a defect in tlte ruddertiln _t"W3f£'-%‘"¢Iv' 6-‘ill! ht‘ Uwd for lifethird round. which \\‘;t\ pcrliaps just as well. ‘i|"'"1-1-. lhe draw for the third roiititl is: pintle W) l1‘°".\'“"¢ l"-‘"t'lii‘ ;tttctid.tii: motor boat \\a\ |{.N..-\.S. l.US$ictiiuiitli \'. ii..\i.s.l as the Cotiditititis Ji'“"‘\’ ‘"1’ ilk‘ m~‘l~'-‘l NH 1M‘ ii most unple-.ts;tit:. ll) tindini: (ianges. Weariii:-'. it lite jacket is ‘.t lllltxl for “‘ “"1" l’‘‘”-‘‘ l’”"l' ll..\t.S. .-\ri<:l v. ll.I\l.S. \'cri‘ton sea kartiiig and in cool elim;ttes_ prooi‘ .\lcrcur\‘. A ’l’H()L'Gll‘l‘ livcti it does tective help. so, clothing Sultan ll.t\l.S. R.'N..'\.S. \'. With the help of Welfare Comtitiiyou should c.tpsi‘.I.c. the Piccolo is tees Yeovilton. sea karting might well become ll.;\l.S. Drake v. R.l\'.A.S.. easily riglited and with skill you cart the Navel sport of the 60's". winklins: he on your way within [0 seconds. ('iildrose. all branches front their (we hope‘) As for latincliing and rigging: hull out In the lirst rotmtl H.M.S. Thunair conditioned ho.\'e.s and allowing derei heat 41 (‘ontmando ll——3. only weight H2 lhs.. riiteine time three them to get to grips wiilt the wind and to he knocked out in the second round minutes at the most. The simplicity instead of snillint: :tt it from the and speed oi the craft allows nt;m_v. tsca. by R.;\'..'\.S. Citltlrost: 5—3. ;lihcrt_\’ hoal or \.'ll'I(l\' bc.icli_
Navy Hockey
I'Iu -rt » : Ilrkt-n .\ .‘-mi. (n|I(|_
cigarettes for 8d
By using RIZLA I-‘ilier Tips, you not only .savt: enough tobacco to make 20 extra cigar:-rre.t with every 8d box of I00 lips. but you also trap a large percentage of nicotine.
tobacco tars. etc.. and can smoke more in consequence. Note.‘ for a cooler smoke alw;t_vs tap cigarette (IIP oowx\v.\iu>s) before smoking.
lll-I quarterl_v "halite" helm.-en !t..\l.S. Gitnces and ll..\l..‘i. St. Vincent liockey. the stztntlard was quite high NOR Pl‘—lI-'1‘ zit (Import on Noveiiiher 25. ll..\l.S. (Zangcs winning play running lroni end to end. events and St. Vincent winning: two. .-\ltut:etIter the weekend was ver_\ the only pcore of the itiatcli came Perhaps the “tint surprising result was the sailing where hath when a defensive lapse after I0 teams are very hard to heal oti their home grounds as local knowledge minutes by St. Vincent enabled usually ntearts so ntuch. .\lailcr to score. St. Vincent tried hard to equalisc Retnltt minutes sweeping tip the field with .‘iiIi|in:.-:(t.m-,:¢-\ heal fit \'tii.‘cut IS: to Itbut the Ganges defence kept them out §hootin:.~t;ur,;e\ but St. Vinet-ti: 537 to delightful Iioothall which resulted in whilst the forwards attempted to in5W. them heing two goals tip after I0 It:-kclhall. Ci-net-t hm: st. \‘ 52 to minutct. However. St, Vincent soon crease tltc lead. In the second half. 1. had much ntorc of the play (‘mu Count).-—S:, \'iu:en: heat (i.tri‘,:cs S,‘ came back. encouraged by hundreds (iattges to IE4 of supporters. and scored tltrce goals but lacked the punch in the forward Soccer.» t"-otter.-t hat Si, Vtiieenz ‘ 10 -I. before half-titnc. Soon after the re Iiitc which might have resulted in RIlflll_\. 8:. \'m.ett: l‘('Jl (i.iti‘.‘1‘s 24 In t. siélfl St, \'incetit scored another to more goals. lluclvey. (‘.',:c\ heat 5: Vtiigciit 1 to 0, rnake them four to two tip and it l!.\SKt-I'l’I!.-\l.l. S.-\lI.l.\'C looked like the end for (iattges_ How- 3 "l he score -peaks for itself in this With little wind and a flood litltl. ever. (i;tn_ees rallied and the St. Vincent in constant danger iriiatch! (iaiigcs l‘t.‘L‘1tll'~'L‘ they knew goal was ‘the racing was not very c.\citine,‘ it lloweter. in spite of local kiiowledt:e~ hut even \(i seemctl that the defence tllnw to use the hall and shoot at the being ai.':tinst (ianges. Lewis iii a. would hold. late in the game. Riley . hasket, found no rc:t1 opposition from cutter was the only one to complete‘ was given it clear rtin and scored and‘ the St. Vincent team c\'cit tlionteh all the full course, Over the shortened Rcddint.-ion hit lioriie a powerful the (iaiiees substitutes played tocourse the Ganges whalers took lst.. dnte to eqtialtse. The winning movc gether as a team. 2nd and 4th. (ions-aitied h_\- ‘rmttt,-r_‘ came when (iorinan strode tip the ltireh and Sexton. Part of their suc- vlield with the hall and crossed for ('R()SS-('(ll:',\”l'R\' cess was dtie to the fact that the Cox-' Reddittgton to complete his hat-trick This \\‘II\ the second time in a wains studied the course and condi- with three ntinttte.s left. The Ganges tions beforehand and when it came team had been well trained by Mr. month that the teams had met. in the tirst. the Porlsinotitli ('onimand to the race did what they had heen l.cadhctter of the Ipswich Town l-'.(‘.. told and used their eoinnioti seiise. I who are doing so \tltt\fi\’itt‘:!l} well in {Junior race. (3atii:e.s were well hehind !tlie "A" and "it" teams of St. Vincent the First l)ivision. .hu: this time the result was inttcli SOCCER tcloscr. ll0('l\'E\' This was perhaps the most thrilling: l match of the week-eiid. (iztnties Cotisitleriiig both teams were com Rl7(:lt\' -ttominated the play for the first few. p:trative ncwcoiners to the game of lti this, as the score indicates. St. \‘ittcent proved to he very niueh super. iior to (i:tiit_.-cs in their hack division. At tirst. the (iattges pack more than held their opponetits i_.-aining a fair share of the lines otit. But with the I St. Vincent hacks running so well. (Delete as appropriate) I the (ianges t'orward.s hccaine tired. ’AVY ‘i NEWS’ ROYAL NAVAL from covering so nnicli. and somewhat ragged in the second half. PORTSMOUTH I The qtntdrangtilar "battle" between ll..\l.S. Qlilllgtfi. H.\t.S. Vincent. the I’It'utt' pm: (I ('t|[7I\' u/ t-m'lt i'.i\Iie ul "Nut-y A't'\t‘.t'” to Wing, Deal, and H.M.S. I NAME F-tsgzird will take place at the Pitt Street Recreation (irotind, Portsmouth, on July 13 and I4 : I t'rir‘lmt- /u'rt'Ii'iIIi HluItt‘\' mrlt'r’(m tlul UF(It'7."(’,lt'(]Itt' \'rIlm‘ t‘-'/-, i'|t'il't_t: II mi-uriplimi lo: I.’ i'um'\. iIit'huIin;- [iutlU_'-.'t'. The (':tpi;tin of Royal Fleet .-\n~<ilittry Wave l’riiice_ :i picture of wliich (‘mmrit-Iii 4' (.\lonth) i appezircd on patce U of the Deeeiithcr tunuurioii. plt-rise More b‘rmiu't ixsue. is Captain (i. Robson. and _not Dr\ll<‘i'.\tAlD STOUT Captain G. (iihson. '
What he wants is
WATNEYS enowiu! \\"ainc;-‘s Brown
the velvet-smooth answer to a desert-dry thirst. No wonder it's the most popular brown ate in the .
country! Try 8 glass yourself. Today.
. . ....-.............-.......
Renewal Form
llr\.\lt\ll£lt'l'ON STOUT
I'rinte.! iri.t l‘:il~I--in-ti
lflhat-we wantBROWN ALE
. .
- u 5