News Navy
Royal Naval Uniforms BERNARDS OFFICERS’ SHOP 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone26l I6 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone 6654! Promotion orders a speciality. write for special details, etc., and be assured of personal attention to
No. 99
of the
Royal Navy
and The
1’iib/islic-d_/irsr T/mrsday
conventional stylel. Washable and fully shrunk 59I6d. Full range: Tcrylenc slacks usual Greys—-Che<|u—Cav:Iry Twills
Royal Naval Association
of I/18211011!/I
Famous names used for new General Purpose Frigates W0 Leander class frigates were launched last month and thei1names will bring back memories of their immediate not only to those who served in them. but to millions who read of their
Ariitstruiigs. with eight sis-inch
exploits during the last war. ()n
'lIiiirstl:i_v. Aitgiist I6.
A high standard of living accomntodation has been iichicvcd for the ships' coinplements of I7 ollicers and 245 ratings. This includes bunk
Ajrix was
laiiitclicd at the llirkcnltead shipyard ol (‘uinittell l,:iird & Cit. ltlll-I Wit-S trained by .\lrs. Dreycr. wile of Vice.‘\lIlllII'.tI I). P. Dreyer. C.lI.. ('.B.I:.. l).S.(‘.. l’l;it: Otlieer Air tllomel. TheRev. IE. .-'\. ()\\-en. Vicar of the Birkenheud (‘hurch of St. Mary and St. Paul conducted tlte religious service. Penelope was lziunched :it the Newcastle sliipyard of Vickers-Arinstrongs
which took part in the River Plate action of December. I939. when the (ierniun pocket battleship Admiral (iraf Spec was scuttled otl Mottlevideo zifter being defeated in tiction. 'l‘li;it Ajax was broken up in I949. The name Penelope has also been used eight times before and this new ship, the itiiitlt. will have bzitlle honours front Egypt (IBM) to Anzio (I944). The sixth Penclopc was :i central hzittery ship Of 1867 and she was the lirst large ironclad in the Navy to have twin screws. The seventh was a cruiser of l9l4 which was sold in I924.
sleeping. separate dining: halls and
cafeteria niessing. Modern electric t:'.t|Ie_\.s will he installed and the ships will be air-conditioned throughout the opcrzitional spaces and niess decks.
RIVER l’l.A’l'F. ACTION PENELOPE THE PEPPERPOT (Sliipbuilders) Ltd.. on Friday. August The new Ajax will be the ninth ship I7. and was named by Lady Madden. of the Royal Navy to bear that name. The eighth Penelope was .1 cruiser Charles Sir Admiral of wife She will succeed to a long list of bzittlc of 5,270 tons standard displacement. COmm:indcr-inMadden. ltt., K.C.B., hoitours—20—ranging from St. Vin- with six six-inch guns, built by ChetS. A. Rev. Chief. I’|_vinoutli. The cent (I780) to South I-'r:incc (I944). Harland & Wolff. I934-36. During the New0sw:ild‘s. wynd. Vicar of St. Some Nwv Nitws readers may recall Second World War shc hzid an excitthe conducted castle upon Tyne 6. the turret ship of 1881). sold in I904. ing career. being nicknnmcd H.M.S. religious service. and more will the b;ittle.ship of I912 Peppcrpot because she was so full of which was sold in I926. but the ship holes front cncmy bombing attacks at SI-1\'I-ZN ()RDl-ZRED
mostly recalled will
Ajax about to enter the water at Birkenhcad “
AMETHYST OFFICER serving Captain ship Antethyst FOR
in I'l..\l.S. when that ttltitii: tier dash to tire open sea froiti the River Iler
cruiser .\lalt.'.t. She was torpcdocd between IC'.tIllIt.'l' (‘lass arc general-purpose (6.985 tons staitdnrd displacement). Naples and Anzio on I-'ebriiary I8. Il't'_., L'\ with the .s:inte ItllII and sub- built in 1933-35 by .\lessrs. Vicki.-rs~ I944. .si;uitially the same stcant-turbine lll.tI.‘IlIllL‘l')‘ as the sticeessful W_hitb_v Class lrigatcs. Four were origuitzilly .~.nle:.x‘.
Portsmouth in C();\'\‘F.R'l‘F.I) l)ocky:ird for \crt'It't.‘ in the Dart- IN COLLISION mouth Training Sqiiarlron. ll..\l.S.
-\§.~,\.. Dido. l.:.iiuIer and
btit three more were ordered uniler the l‘)l'il-(:2 Fstintatcs the :\ Iiurtaltxs :ini.| (i;il.ile:i. "the siamlard displacement of the I.-:;inilers is about 2.ll(lt) tons zind they have ;in overzill length of 37'.’ feet and a beam of -tl feet. The frigales will carry ;i helicopter for antirsubmarine use. ’l'lie main armament is two 4.5inch guns in :i twin mounting directed by ;i lull) automtitic rzitlzir-controlled lire control and gun direction systeitt.
replaeetl I‘)
S=::u:;il ship-to—:iir I.ttltlL‘ll.‘I', llic ships are titled with :i triple-lmriellctl ziitti-siilimnriiti: tnortzir and the Lites: :iiiti~siilv'n:i'i:iedetection cqznpiitcnt "lite l\:itl;.:e dcsigii gives all-roiiitd \I\lI\tI1i} and in the operutioiis room will be handled and presented ll\lll‘_.' \L'I'IlI".tl.lltIIIl:tIIt.‘ lech-
'l'orqu:i_i t('dr. I’. II. C. Berger. l).S.C..
.\l.\'.().. R..\'.l. rccoinrnissiuned on Scptciiibcr 4. "the ship's cotttpletttettt has been reduced in order to iiccoinritodatc 50 trainees at a time. and 'I‘orqu'.iy is now the most modern ship for training purposes. She will be based on
"Adopted" by TOl'qtl1I)' in I960. the frigate steanicd over l00.000 miles (luring her three previous commis-
Ikso -ttl-min Iiitti-ziircrzift guns are to he titted. but IilL'\L' will cvenluall_v be
\It)II\. which took her over nearly all the oceans ot the world.
‘ ~
Penelope re:id_v
for the Iaunchint: t.‘t.'l't'.'lIIt)I’l_\‘ at Newt-:istIe
Niavy Reziehihgfor the Skies‘
I si\teenlh tind
CIGARETTE required
from there on. Both Chelsea and l-'u|h:un football‘ I5! the Ro_\iil Tournriiiicnt noticed a (by British standards) sky- ,grounds :ire reputed to be within teleto zit l'.'.Il'I.V (uiirt this _\c:ir in:i_v have scrziper just behind the nrenii. This is ‘scope distgince of the ripper floors I """I' the new .-\diiiir-.iIty building. the bird'.s- j o I alterttoon IIL to so saw: as .iliIrt.i_\ L 9.“, View shape M» “mm may be“ be ,. Imcc described as it triangle with the lines I 3L ‘in. course. He nus Ill.I_\ ("fled imm"k_ iilI\\t.‘ltlL'tI |\_\' cloiiil (ll titties. , While the well-kntmn huililing :it II;irl's Court." .situ:iled at .‘\IIIltIt1_t.!Il I”I"I1*"'l5‘I"‘"‘-' ""§”;‘.I'” I’: III“ ""”'-' the olticial ziddress of the new I\tIIItIItl|: cenirc ol iiziwtl activities. must of the ;,; ‘,\d,n;m]“._ Lime R‘,;“|_ |_m,dm,_| oiitluyiiig ;idniinistr.itive dep;ii'tments SM’!-. tlelepltoiie numlver I-'l7l.Ii;ini are now being ceittrali/ed :it the I34-l.l I'T.irI's ('otirI Iiiiildiltg. The ttt;issi\'c I exodus of rlepartineiils Itll'lllt.‘|"I_\' I housed zit various cstablisltntents in 9 aitd around London. including the reI nowned Queen Anne's .\l:msion.s. is I under way. It is cttpected that most of, I RI:-VA .\lIN(i cerenioitv has been the new tenants will he in residence in ; ”--\I-5- -I3'S"i"'~I this new l.ondon l;indni:irI; before the‘ "Wt-'\‘i|fI-' l“ end of the yezir. Some departincnts will "lllllfl-‘I "W I5|SU1"' CUI3 presented to I transfer to the inziin huiIdxn<.: in White- Ills‘ Shit‘ I" St“-IIII Alttcricn. Itzis been I I foiiud to lie male and not female, |,_.u I I ‘I he ml» has been re-nanied “las-oii" , I a most appropriate nziinc. as Jason |:_xpR|.;5_v,' 1.".15 thus a noted sea-fairer :ind leader of‘ with Ill tloors topped Ivy zin oliser- tltc .-\r_euit:iuts, and :i j.igu:ir, Iiltc: \'.tll\Ill lower. 3 system of lifts new In ll..\l.S. J:ig.:u.‘ir. has long and stout The new liloclt of Ailniirzilty offices this coiintiy will he in tlp:l'.llIt\ll :in ,tcet':i. zit IC;trI'.s ('tiiirt lbw.‘ story on ]JU_l{L' 3) express from the ground tloor to the‘
IIILST on an £tlIlI~\t|I\tl't.IIiIltI exercise on the Clyde area on the night of \\’ednesd;i_\'. .-\ugust l ‘illiti 'l'|tursd;iy. August 2. ll..\I.S. and Il.!\l.S Lfrszi, \\ItiCII were opeiziting iiitder utiitlisllll ship" conditions. collided‘. three men liclonging to Iitillletixe were \L‘!'ltllI\I) iiijiired and had to_ be taken to a (ircenock Itospit;i|. I-oiir other ratings, also bclongiitg to i‘i.tlIIt.‘.'l\t‘. were treated on boziid. ll:ittlea\e was holed in the port how and Ui.s:i's hows were slow tll
‘8I.“""‘:v ‘_"}-V.“f‘° “'d'_""'(")‘r’" ‘mid
If‘ ‘“"k, ’"" ‘'‘_'.I ‘‘‘'''_‘'’‘”t‘‘!;
\N E L L
Navy News E or to It Lieui (5)H R Bemdee. R.NtReid.) Royal Nu-It Biiuelu. Portsmouth It:l.: Portsmouth 2'.‘.i§l (Ext. 72I‘Ml
efiiciency of the fleet depends on individuals
do it well. In this way you will make your best contribution to the Royal
September. 1961
}this-. still provide the basis for .1 'm.irri;rgc
f.imily lifc.
Navy, maiiitain a proud tmdition. succeed in your own lives. and by thic personal effort further the purpose of the happy Royal Novy in helping to preserve the of the world. peace
Pl-TRSlSTl{.V'(‘l-I BRINGS SU(.‘Cl{SS "I wish you all great success and vslicn subsequently l hear of juniors _".\t.in_v promising: ezirecrs in the Scr- .tr.iincd in (iariges who fullil my convice have in the been blighterl by .-\\' and food have al\i:I_\v heeni laclt of qu.ililications_i‘lltlt.'llCC and high eitpect:itioiis'. uliethcr lulu: Rumilii (i'mi’rr. nmrriitiirrl H.,\I..\'. R.i\’,. D.$.C., ul u'IiIiqii.‘ihrd coiisirleretl the thin pillars of eon-' (‘up/, Here in (i.ini:-es. in the school. you can ;it _be by earning promotion or by I/Ir’ I:'\miiI.~'\Iin:¢~nr I'rrII'n-‘Ht: or S/lUllt'\‘. iii-or Ipiiriili. mi Juli 3’ ‘““!'\)bl:Il!l F..l',l_.R.. which is tent in the .\‘:i\_v. but there is at third (furry.-rt. now the ,beint.'. .i‘-s;irded a riicdal or in helping tilt“ ’¢'Iif¢'l/ In rliv lruni Rum! .\'m1\'. the ".5/mi/i'.\' -Uueu:i'In"' ft" 1/14‘ W'’"’'"’’ lcdiie.iiioxi.i| qii.ititic;xrioii tor .id\-.iricc- |.to win :i bzitlle. I shzill share \our pillar isliieli tod-.t_\'. with people flettiusz iuzirried at :i iiitich _\'uunt:cr age than 'Ii'rm. ('up!. (Tmrcr Inn irriltrli u "Fiirr'ii‘r'll" In the iimiiiri iii (imr-.-rt. hm rt |ruent. in the shortest possible time. and -.'icliii:ieineiit \\llll eqiiul pride. knowmn Inca m a“u""_.,‘ film"'n_ -. (‘mrIt.'iIt\ to mm‘/r "vii.-ii/rmn \rIi\z’"—;-iii mut'it is uppfit able to ¢'t‘cI_v Hlliur and ‘l ivoulil remind _\ou that success re- ,ing that success comes only to those (mic Dr.“-';n'.. mm. he wmm,_."_.d mi‘ II man in the .\'oi-)~«tIiut it l\ n';iii'iiI¢'d ui ".\’ui{v .\"i-w.r. quires persistence inst .5 much as :'\slto sll'l\L' for it." third pillar. (apt. (ioiser will he umsherc .-iiorc giving up command of ll..\l.S. G-angers. which unhappily coincides with -‘lL'\'L't'ttCsi. it is only human nature that sortie "These facts" su.'el_v indicate that your 'l'nlss‘L't.l than on the games‘ Iields and Ill)‘ retirement. I give up the most rewarding shore job in the Royal .\'in_\'. people think thev have had .i "raw l could not have wished for a happier finale to my 36 years‘ service. nor could: choice ol c:ireer otters splendid pros- itrnck. lie is never content to i.\.ilch deal" and have had more than their I leave with more faith in the future of the Ro_\'.il :\'a\'_v haiinu ltnoun and 5 pL'I:t~‘. Umlrf lht‘ PI'C\‘CDl |3',H-‘ill’ €fl' from ;i st.ind. but it :ilv.:ij.s in the lltlf share of sezi time or foreign seen and enjoyed being with the 4.000-odd juniors‘ who have passed thriitiuh = 3:-Itzctncnt til per cent. of n;t\;a| ;.¢.-- thick of things giting sound “Unis of dr;itts. hut drafting is such a complex Ganges during my time here. sonnel are now re-engaging to serve .t(l\‘lCC. business that it is not fair to make "Since I905 linndreds oi’ thoutands :h;ivc here in Ganges '.’ Those men tune for pension. the rank or rating His‘ oon acliievcntents‘ :ll't: too i.'iinip:irisons over ;i short period. of young men like _\(3lll’\'Cl\‘C\ hzive mere oiitstzindin-,: exaniples ol hove ‘that you obtain and the respect in nuriierous to record in tlt.‘lLlli .iml if he Taken met a pensionable career. h0\\'-i started their n_iv;il tniining vsith isho. early in life. had .i stront: you are held will ::lmn.t gn- ‘has any t';ivourite sports it is siispectcd 3 cser. the p.i:terii of service of men of (;,ingc\' on their e.ip rihhon. isense purpose zind ;i hurnini: .imbi- tircly rctlcct the .miount you put into 'the_\ are athletics‘ and lioclzcy, lle \\‘.I§ "l ""3 "ml “WC s‘I‘|“D|t-|l"ll‘ ‘C-'l1*‘“l)' By putting you into uniform at ;in tiori tor acliieveiiieiit. llicy, sircccetlctl ‘the S'.'r\':cc and not the amount you .i mernher of the Ro_v;il i\'.iv;il .itlir.itc. \l'liltlilllook very much the s.i.'ttC.i C£l!l\' age we are .isLiri_u you the iipportiiiiity to do so \\.I\ lta\c t.d.en out ot ll. .\' of you will letic te.iin for tour )L'.ll'\ heti.-.-:cn It must he .in:~reci;iti:d. of course. that ; h.irc .inil inherit .i proud trgidition of ttrentcnrliviisls limited and i\l'lsI’lL’iL‘s lhecoini: Chiefs’ anti Pctt_\ (ltlici.-rs; W35 .tIl(l W3‘) and to ice R o\ al the in itt-:r will he iI1"lIC|1s‘L'tl l‘f~ “it-ll -l senice to tour Queen .ind country -‘had to he surmounted \\liieh no {some of you \\ill become (ltliccrs: .iml \'.i\‘.il cli.iinpioii over l2ll \ .I rds mist ll'l.t‘- voltint-.-er for. built up over hundreds of _\L"tl'\'. .tl‘itl. lon3.:er c\ist. \\h'-.‘l'L'.ls Iod.i_v this “hole it is possible thzit ;i sslect lc\\ :rt_;\ hurtllcsz lie' shout) gr-.::it enti'ixrst\’ D-'-tfl~ l='"H~‘tN' s‘-Its‘ t-|l~t'" 1‘? lhs‘ rcncli the higher r.~.u'i.s :n the \-.'.’\1.'e. l.|\lll tor liocltes .l\ ]1l1tji".'l'. tIt'll|‘ll’t.‘ ind : .is voii know. it is upon the Navy that l’ is g-.'.ircd to -.-n.ihl: ton iii‘-' "ll-14"‘ 4"" ill‘-‘ W” ‘"~'l“‘li'-' “ll:lie' safety and wealth of our coiintr-. 5to ni.ilvc the ii.-st ol ioursclscs. :iot' You .:ll h.i\e .in ot‘po.'t::m'._v. ;o.icli and .is \-'i.'e-Presidciil ot the men til the \crsiec tiitl.-.)' rcalisc lh;tt:.|,. ;hi«_-fly d._-W-m]_ \\'ji]1 thg ,\m~i-,-_ -only in the l|'ll‘.'i'L'\ls of the Nut \.i\:il Hockey .-\s~:o.'i.itiori lle \ l’l‘.-\l. I'.-\li‘.l' Tt) l‘l..-ti\‘ "ilr. tto.-e" is liiniian and not .'I soul-less - Rm.” Afr |:m-“.. "mi N” .\_t‘_.-\ 1' ()_ tor vottr ti-.\n lt:u.‘|it .is' tscll. ‘ plziietl lti\i.‘lsL'f.‘ tor ll.ltltpslllt".‘ .iu:l m.i.t-.iii: ills ioh :'s not his: to tintl :i ;_,it;'¢. wc huyc ,. mint mrl “.-‘\t your .l‘__'L' it Is ditlicult tor sou to , "\\' your C.l[".tl‘llli_\'. ll.‘\l~ .it \.irious llillts Iieeti cli.iirm..n -it no for but hoie. lind the to .i rigillih, pin‘, ;,, ii“. (k-i,;,,_-c M’ it‘; (.-,_-,_- :sCL' the \\.I) .rhe.ii||_\‘. hut iieser eter, it l\ _\utt.' iluij. to i-.i.:ke \.~-.i.'~e!: tuner seseu |{ \.i~..i| sportrt‘: to.’ lite hole irnm‘-‘IN’ Hell: .in {‘t‘-_mirld lino _sou .trc vcr_v prisileged to : lose sight of or cease to strive for the more ctlicient :h.iu tour opposite noni- in: Lls\1\‘.'l lllttl'l\', -\|l le;irn to trust mi.-ii must r:-.-|*l.-:ii sli.irc ihl\ responsihi. iv. lnest r:ni_i: in the proniotioii Litldcrz .'or her in Mt)‘ other nzny of the \.\i‘fl|l. llis eiitli-.i.i.i.r:1 is soriietliirig h.rill_v the I)-.i|‘1n-.' (Hlic-:r his one .i:ni is i tsill avoid llic iiccds so [by lining you tlis;i;i;aorn:Navy ion. and you h.:\c a needed it the .‘\’.ivy is to he put on the ht toh Y()l'R (‘tl.\i‘l‘Rllll,"l'I(l,\’‘.’ to tlr.-.i’l the ri-:ltt man for the in lite when '\it;il later opportunitiintent p.irt to play. i\.'c.i:isc the elli.Ig.llll in Hflllsll sport, His own :i| tire l_‘_‘lll lll‘C. Iutiii-J i‘rrr\-Ilriii-.-] " ls I.:tllIl'.' to he sour ;ont.'ihii~ ‘l'|.t\ p.iss:tl you hy. At It. itith 4| hoot. eien.-_\ ol the Meet t.lL'P’.‘i' on indi- m.ip Iitness .:lItl ls:t.‘t‘.tlL's\ .in: an e\:imp!e mi.» «mix.-‘i/i-.-..-/.-mi ltx this is n'ie.mtjl;,,,, M the ',s;¢,{g_-:_--3 <i\,'._ion your .irin _vou can he '»‘Ltl’lllt‘lj.' [Still \itltt.tls ztml that mczirts ‘.t.Vtl. So _.,.l-_ ..[ 5.... .ill and it is hoped in retire«rich l.l\»lt\l'\ .is the ttl.ti~i‘; |'lt\\lll\\ll.tilll._:"j".‘:in 1,‘. J[]‘, mm 9... ,h,“. H“. ‘it \ and you can hccouie .i Petty vshere\cr you go. at sea and .ish.-re. to ment he “Ill coiitinuc to oht.iin ;i the it\\,'l'sL‘.|s roster, the service r:tiiirre- ()m~.,_.r\ “hmk. n.m,.d“ “C in ‘\eL.i,m“ ()Ilicer in your middle ttscnties. The must strive l.n-our to .il\\:ij.'s of enj.i_\ineiil troiii yoii :is .it nu-::ts .it'ttl u.! the man has volun-;H_,“ and Mm ,i;,”._.d 'lin.iuci:i| isliicli ssith much comes seciirity .:l"i'ttl us‘ jm; M 3.,” pi-ssihlc tour ioh .:r‘.d to ,... tics and atlilctics. l{'L"t‘tl lot. this ls not selective d:;il't-l .in;_-. but riitellieeiit tlr.'rl'tin;.:. '
toluhen '
lllll.-\l<‘Tlt\(-‘i 'li<‘i(Dll.l<]it.‘A:*eS'.l‘ vwii ‘NIEXT §lIlil:"
piofsleius sometimes coniui;it'.c:s l)ist.';iuglit uivcs, sick-
llTllll'i .:te
play complications. DliI}\L'Fl_\ represented. .irc .ilvs'ass given the utmost s\nip:ilhv and'oii. l)iimpine ;i child on someone‘s it-.'.sls' and s.i_vin_e-—“lt is \0llf\’--ness and the like cziri ri-..-o's il\C\. lmrt these
ltzivoc in
Not-;s ii) The term t,'_K. Bus: Port nieiins the port .it xvhich a ship may l"eh.'u;ir_\ for llome Sea \''.'.'\ice.‘ sion. l.inu;ir_v. I')i'i.‘l. Htinic _\l._-it, (‘ozimiissioiis \l.ircli ll lnr Horne nornially h: e\p.-ct-.-it to give l-.-use and .':Iit, l’¢ltl\'.tlutllll t( i indil.'.ls'. Base Port. Portsiiiouth (A). l’ortsmoulh whicli will hut hi ;tlli'llllll\lL‘l’l.'tl cates ships lltlflllllll} Sea Service. (ien-.-rzil Service (‘oin- ll..\l.S. (':ir)sfort. curly .\'o\e'iiher at relit and or give |.'a\‘: .i' (‘h:ith:im. mission. April tlentatise tlatel (jihrriltar. l..R.l’. eoniplenient. local for four‘ overse:is- service about unless is not the means of (ii) As‘ ratings zire lltII’tll'.Ill_\ detailed Honic,-Mitldle [fast IIR months). ‘mi I7 l-oreign Service. months ahead ol' commissioning date. and for home service about i going .ihout things One can. Klllll does. Frigate Squadron_ U_K, 1;-.;«c Pun, ll..\l.S. Striker. November I5. at (‘nihtwo months ahead of commissioning date. this should be borne in l have every synipzithy for a man lll"l(l‘ Devonport ill). § for Foreign Service (.\tiddte mind when preferring requests to volunteer to serve’ in :l particular . Il..\l.S. Delight. September I’). at his Ikimily in their troiihles. httt those: lirist). Amphibious Warfairc Squarifor from release uslsitlg ship. a pnrticiilair Rosyth. lnereaise from C. & .\l. ron (B). below and that the draft sliotild stop to think. for iust a It dates tiii) is C!tlpl‘l.lsls‘t.‘tl are fu_rcparticulairs given Party to I..R.P. complement. !ll..\l.S. l-Tastlmurne. :‘\‘ove'nl-ier I5. zit short would have be hate to mom-:rit. lll.Il someone to casts onl_s and 'l\£l_\‘ notice. ‘-Il..\l.S. Daring. September 20. at ' changed perhaps ill Rosyth. l..R.l’. coiiiplenieiit. ti\) Ships in which l_oc l|_\ lintcred Cooks t.’s'l. Cotiks (0) Hr $lC\\:tfll\ l Devoiiport. Increase from ('. & \l. 'lI..\l.S. l.eup:ird. :\'ov-_~rnh-er an Hi go in their place. And that person. too. ni:i~. i'll\L' prohlctiis. air: to he home in li:u of L-'.|s' ratings" are to he indicated :is tiillotvs: Part) to |..R.l’. coniplenierit. i Portsmouth Ii-r (_iL’l‘.L'l'.‘ll Service om "\ll (‘mils t\'l ('oiiLs (0) Lllltl Slc\\.irtls‘. tltll (-U\‘IL\ ISL ll..\l.S. ('aniliri:in. Scptenil-oer 2-I. .it (‘oniuiissiou. South Aniericii and \\ l‘Il.l-'.-\R I-I ORG i\.\'lSi\Tl0.\' other than on: I’ ().(.'oo'i. 15). .ill (’ool».s (0) .ind ;ill Stcxnirilst (L I l):voitpo.'t for rrizzls. ('oiimiissious- S'nttlh Atlziuticil-loriie t2l niontlisl. ' -~Cooks ('ooLs Stciviirtls ll)! (DI and IS) tlil onl_\: only: —|.i:.ii.lini: at Devonport. J;imi.ir_\ 3. for (ico- 7th l-'rig:ite Sqiiadron. L'K ll.i<c the \\'elf.ire ()r;:;ii1i<:ition of the Cooks Cool. and Stewards and Stew-.irt|~; (S) (S) only: (l")~ only. eral Service Commission. Home, Port. Portsmouth. \'-.rvi-_c -_'oes to great lengths in a<ccrEzist of Suez. U.l(. Base Port. Ports- : ON!-'. C.M.S.. November. at Hvthc. tor t;.ui ii; th-.- facts ulicu ti wise is hro:rght GI-I.‘«'l-TRAI. Sl.'ll.\l.-\R|.\'ii ('().\l\l.*\.\'D l mouth. Transfers to 22nd E52. l‘-eh Home S"::i S.-rvice. (‘rew e\~|'s'itl.lisl‘-.-tore it. -till! the l'L‘\.'t.\lll-'llL‘ll\lilllt‘l'|of 'll..\l.S. Am-liorite. _.iill.\l.S. l. zit 3‘_'_ §ep{e'iih-er P:ir-.i;iel. Septenher |‘l.'i3. I too. Stlth .\l S Sqtuidroli. U.l\, llasc the \\'c|I';irc -\ut‘ior:tj.' is not made. ruziry. Bltllftflll tor Foreigii Service t\lidil|e lI..\l.S. §ing;ipore. for 7th S" Kl l)i\isto:t. .it l'elli.-W. S‘.-pteriihz-r 37. at Port. l’iirtl:iutl. l-List). For .-\mphihious \\'.ir.'.xrc t('u:i!i:iue(lin column 2) ‘suii:;ipore_ Rnsyllt for trizils, ('o:i‘.rnissiotts tor ll..\l.S. Alliiozi. .\.‘oveiiiher. ('li.m;_-cs ll.\l.."i. N-uriihiil. Vii‘-'_..,.t».._-_- t(._ 3;‘ sqiiailroiiil-"I. lloziie S-.~;i 9-.':\1c~:. l)-.'ci:.'iih:r -1 to: (‘i;issiIi.~;ition to For-.-ii.-ii \';r~.i.'e l):viiriport. tor Ind S" \l ‘s.tu;iil.'t-ti. ll.\l.S. l)aint_v '~i:pte:tiher 3. :21 Ports2nd l’rir,:;ite Sqii.ul.'n1t. L'.ls'. ll.isc tl‘.ir l::tsll. nioulii. from Inc.‘-ezise (f ik .\l. l’art_\ .ll l):\oitp.irt. Portsmouth. ‘ ll.\l.S. Daimpier. I):-ceiiih-.-: l. .it to l.,ls‘.l’. coiip.'c1ieiit ll..\l.S. 'I'runeheo:i. l)c.einh:r 7. ;it ll..\l.S. Caesar. October I. :it \ll1).‘.‘l‘ Siiigui-iiire. tor l‘or-:ign S;-rsi.'e tl-;ir Ros_\th. for 2nd \ \l Squatirori. Al‘‘Il.\l.S. (‘h-ailey. eirly Scpt::iih.-r at l:..‘l\l) t.-'\). pore. for l-"or.-it:n S-:r\iee tliir l .ist). Ports-.iioiit.‘i tor l-loiiie .‘s':.i \L'r\'I‘.'L'. l)e\ import. Il.\l.S. (irnfton. l)e.‘e:iihci -l. at tith l)est.'oscr §qu.:dron tA). i (‘r-ew ex-'l'i|to.'d. '1 (‘h;itli:i'n. |..R.l’. coinplemeiit. at ll..\l.S. Barriisa. early S:pt-.--iitv.-r. ll.\l.!'i. l_omlonderr_\'. ()ctt-her l"orts'noutli tor (‘ieui:.';il S-.-nice ll.\l.S. .\lurr;i_v. l)eeeri'ihi:r t_‘\. .it ‘ t(‘onlfnrieilfront coluliizi ll (,'h.'inge of Cl'.l\illls':lllt\ll ol service. ('o:ii:nissiori Ros)-th tor trials‘. Cirniiussiiiiis tor llo'n-.- \‘.'-:st Indies. Xth ':“rl"i‘=m S:r'ic: ("Jr Iiud)‘ Km D3’ tllltll '.'\‘L‘l'}~' .:sr1'.'u'l iii the has l‘c:‘lt 1 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth llonic Sea ‘service. l'ehru;ir_\ Z‘.\'. Frigate \'qu:it!ron. l,'. Base Port. 1 eonsitlcreil. The l)r;iI't:'n-: tltlicer uill tCl. Si.tu.idron tm_\‘::r t ‘second i-rigate Sqiiailron. [.7 K. ll;-.s-.' when. 1115! Ptirlsmttlllll. ll._\l.S. Cook. S-.'pl~.-other ltl. .it S'iiip.inot go .it.-.iittsl this rcco:niii:nil.itton Port. l)e\-onport Ooeiatrtiin otlniiiie Otfi:-attureu $911.0 7ll..\l.S. Loch l.u:itond. ().‘ti-her K. .it lor 'Scr\ice ll".tI' l-oreigsi pore. l‘o lllL' l).':ifl trust sum on :n'.' -oi sew ee Putciinrt EVERY WEEKSND Singapore to.’ FI\l".'lFll '~i:rsrv‘.- ll .l.'. ll.\l.S. ”llt.‘ll('\s‘. J.itiu;irf.' 3. .it l-_.zst l’.i.*itic I.-\l. if and tttlicer. too ;ini.l tour {until-. .i.'c tum 41/6 Ports-noiitli. for l-"on.-Egii \':rsice l§‘isll. 3rd l'ri_-.':ile 9qtI:itlrori. ‘in dire trouble. on as CIll'l)' as pussi lc ll.\l.S. (':i\‘eritl'sh. ‘ieptcmhcr til. ;it N-:1-D‘(.‘|1D 4:-‘L tlitr lflisll. Silt l):strn;. :r §.tii:itlrori. tiihraltzir. Ior (ieu:r;il Service ("oni- ll..\l.S. Nubian. (lctober ‘I. .it PortsHlIf:7_iFPSFtEt.D flit» ithc rii.-ht \v.iv :iho::| thiii_i:s. 's'cc \our 'l'r.insfers to 24th l-IS .'\p-‘ll. t').'i3 <*4E7".‘LD 17-‘b mouth for llo:iie Sea S'er\i.‘i:. (‘acniriissrori. of l'l\l’llL“F£l\l I18 \ue/ otlic-.-rs and ship's uet joint c.ise your rtctti.-sic‘-HAM 32/6 eral 8'-:r\-i.‘: ('uni'1tission. l)'.'»::n*ih-:r' IA). ‘- properly tltCE<TER rrpresentetl. Do not le.'i\v:. '““‘“i“l- Hllh D’-"-”t‘.‘4-"' '5’-I“-ttlmll 21i‘6 5. Hints .\lii!dle L-';ist tlti nionthst. ll..\l.S. l)?aiiiond. l:iiiu;ir_\ 3. .it (‘hatNDPTHAHPTCN 11'‘-‘\luntil the List minute so that ltliings um li:i'ti tor (3-:n-.-ral S-.-nit. (‘o~ii-iiis‘lth l’rii:.iI-: Sqii.ulro:i L’-.l-s’. llas-.' lsonti.-one else gets .i pier-h-:ail iunin. ”-\l-§- T'~’i'b.V- 5'-'l“'-'‘"l‘'~'’ ”- -*1 MANCHESTER 0/6 I sion. .\l'.‘tl.l'l\lYllL'. fill) l)cstm_scr (''i.i'tt for trials (‘iimttiss:uris‘ Port. Ports-nouth IB). and l)().\"l' l)l,'\ll’ B.-\l3lliS' UV NEwcAsrtE-UNIJER-LYN! JuSY‘-"ORD J!’.\l.S. Loch I-zula. niiil-('):tol*\:r. .'~}qii:idroii.'. llas-: Port. Portsl)l§S'l\'H'~~lI*llZl‘lt'\llll§§l)().\"'|‘l.lKF. -\'1“‘-"“hk'T 3" All (hillll-V“ 3|‘? WOLVERHAHPTON IIITr';inst'ers lo 23rd l-1.8’ lichlltiittt: 5'.‘:i §ct'\.‘iL‘c l7lit lrigzilc IT! NINE TIMES ()Ul' (ll: TE‘ (‘liarigc clnssilie tion of service. moiitli. l‘)fi3 BIRM-N.'.HAH 27:6 l.‘\l. THE .\lOTHF.RS H.-'\\-“F. SF.(‘()\'t) rmir)‘. Service tlizir Eaist). Rrit l-'rii.covmrior 15.hitii;itl.'oii. U.K.' Port. l)_-vonForeign WAIWICK 21/. -ll..\l.S. Di-.iIta. J;inn.ir_s' 3. .it DevonTH0l'(iHTS'. AND .\l()\"l. l\laite Sqiimlroii (Al. Pfltl. EANEUFY "II l’()RTAN’l' OF ALL. ll‘ l)Ul7_‘~} VOT ll.\l.S. ’l‘art<.i.'. S‘-.-ptemh.-r l3. at ir.\i.s. Lincoln. ()-:toh:r I7. .11 port tor (E-.-uer;il Service ('o'n-ni<oxiciio IIIH F.l.l’ YOU R CASE. PLYMOUTH )0!l)esonpo.'t. tor trials. (_'o:'n.'tiissions. I pore to_r Foreign Service (Far sion Home East of Suer. Sth l)eEXEYER 2|]stri\_ver ‘Squadron. Tninsfers to 22nd l-Tzistl. .‘~rd Frigsite Squadron LM. Bllt$TOl. I716 13.5. l-'ehrtrur_\'. I963. U K. lias: Port. SALISBURY 3/) :ll.\l.S. Repton. October. at Portscioucrsmt ISIl)C\'t.)l'I]'l.l|'l. nioiuh for Horn: 9-.-;i S-.-r\i;:. \'er~ sw-noon ICIR09 Squadron. l;inu:ir_t 8. .it RN. Air CIRENCESTER nott .\l S Sttlltitirott Vice lie;iv'h;i'npIllStation. l.ossi-.°.'nouth S'tril.: llt). miuiioiiouoii is 7 ton. U.K. tase Port. Po-ts.'noiitli. R!-I-D-NG sqiiudrori. lluccatt-:cr. Hiritc Sen ll.\l.S. Deuinsliire. Ntiseiiiher l ttcn~ PCHTLAND Service. ‘LONDON Irom PORYSMOUTH l;iti\-cl ‘.it l'3irl.enhc:iil for Home S'i;;i ’l.0Nn0N no... GOSPORT Service. (iencral Scriice Co:ii.-iiis(Continued on page 3. column 2) 'l.ONDON lrom H1“! 5 .
' '
l ‘
‘By SCUTHDOVVN moron SERVICES on III time ii-rv at out‘ valve the lotto-uni; route to- the comm run of Sn-ire futon-1:2. l.A'. Barioclic Enrtni-y-H,IV.$ Vernon Reverse-Ion‘ Home Club. 0-inn Smut k_N_ an-me-i. Umrom Gate: Sic-ii" la, (in H_.M.S Eiuirgnr
Nil-‘S Pmvnu Hilreo t-do. Cflhoni lo-in Quay lave!-o-ii
N.B.—To all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilities to meet:
your particular travelling requirement: can be organised at short
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JOHN C. NICHOLLS. LIMITED Fitrlieiheit Road, I-'.irlini:tnii. l’ort\iiioiuli. Tel: (‘inluni ‘I02 12
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I3 Clarendoii
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.\'A\'\' i\'F.WS
September. I962
JUNO THE JAGUAR SHIPS OF THE ROYAL NAVY No.8 to“ K Biggest ship’s cat afloat H.M.S. Sea Lion —
Jupiter.’ the Navy's got the biggest ship's eat in history! She‘s Juno t_hc BYJaguar. dll-‘t 5 eating her viiiy home board the ffittnte ILMS. Jnitunr -
of beef (6 lb. every other day) and pile This latest addition to the ship‘s cornpaiiy of the frigate is eight months old, iieiglis I00 pounds stripped to her yellow tilzick-spotted co;it. and if she were to stand on her tail she would need it fathom of water to cover her nose. Put another way. even in a modern frigate thcre‘s h:irdl_v room to this sort of cat around. ll..\l.S. .l;ii:tt;tr has heeii hunting for ;i j.'igu.'ir cier since the ship L'0tl'ltlliS' \lt)llL‘ll in‘ l.l\l ) for service in the South .-\tl;intic and South Aiiiciic.i Station. and then just lvetoie the t‘rii_.:.itc lelt thi: delights of South Amcric.i tlic (‘iiiiitiiaiidiiitt of the lli.i/ili.iti Air Force li;i~c :it (‘amp (ir.itide. in the \\'llLl of ,\l;ito (irosso. told H.M.S. Jaguar that her sczircli tvas over. Jiiuo \\.l\ one of tvm ctihs captured \\llL'll their mother \v.'is shot by hunt-.-rs. The llr:iIili:inAir Force lieu. her kl\‘\\ll to Rio de Janeiro for cin-
on it
of vitamin pills‘ and calcium. harkation, and the Rio Zoological authorities gave invaluable help to her part-time kee pers. P.O. John Keith. of i. Aberdeen. and AB. Ashton Whiting. of Dymchurch. Kent. When H..\l.S. Jagtiar arrived at Portsmouth on September 4 with the ship's cat to end all cats. it was :t sad [Llfllflg for the ship’s 200 officers t and r.tliI'lg\‘_ who had become attached i iinet;tplioric.ill_v speakitigl to their 5 -' teiiiporaij. pet. limo ix to be presented ,--~. to l oiitlon 7_o.i. .-\fter all. the N:i\.'g.“sg ‘_S got to ;:ti.iril ;tg.'|lI'I\l other things without liaving to wnrrv zilmitt the fur ll)‘- I’? ing when ll..\l.S. Jag-tiar meets her sister ships, lynx. l.eopai‘d and Puma. During the cotiimissioti H.M.S. J;i',:ti;ir .\te.'iiiied more than 50.0(l0_ lllllC\. .
l'll.'l' by Messrs‘. Camniell Laird & Co. Ltd.. liirkenhead, ll..\l. Submarine Sea l.ioti was launched on I December 3|. 1959. and completed on II..\l.S. Kent. June 27 (tentative datc).l July 25, 1961. at Belfast for Home Sea Service. ()f the Porpoise class. Sea Lion and General Service Commission. October. l‘}63 (tentative date). llomeg’ her sister ships. Ctichalot. Finwhale. East of Suez. U.K. Base Port. Ports- (irainpus. Narwlial, Porpoise. Rorqiial. and Walrus were the first mouth. ll..\l.S. Drilrymple. June (tentative opcriitionzil submarines designed since date). at Dcvonport for Home Sea the ilecond World War to be accepted Service. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. into service. :tnd stress was laid on H.M.S. Mohawk. June (tentative date) long endurance. both on the stirface submerged. whether on batteries at Barrow for Home Sea Service.
FORE CAST—Continued
for General Service Commission (Continued front page 2. column 5) West lndiexfl-lomc. Rth Frigate 829 Hampshire Flight. January 8. AN AT No.RN. Sqiiadron. U.K. Base Port. DevonAir Station. Culdrose. Home port. TH E DARDANELLES Sea Service. (ieiierzil Service Com- lt..\l.S. Jaguar. March I4. at (‘hathzim niission. May. 1963. (Tentative lR.—ln your August issue the for (ieneral Service (‘omntis~'.ioti. For l'l..\l.S. Harttpshirc. date). Home’Sottth Atlttntic and Smith question is asked in a letter to the \VC\'\L‘K. Editor whether Il.i\I.S. Brilliant had lll..\l.S. “‘.l\Ilt|I‘l. January ‘II. at l!:ihAiiierica. 7th Frigate Squ:it.iroti. the lirst anti-aircraft gun in a ship. rcin. for l-‘oreign Service t.\lii|dlcl U.K. Base Port. Portsmoutli. ll..\l.S. liiiplacahle certainly tired an liaxt) .'\l‘ttpllIl1lt)lI\ Wiirfare Squ;id- t ll.\l.S. l.(HH.'SltIll. -.\l;irch I4. at Citatiiiiti-uircr:il't gun in April. I915. huni. for (ienerzil Service (‘ominisrontl-'). A I1-poiiiider gun was iiioutited on ‘ll.,\l.S. siou. .\lcd.’|loiu».-. 23rd l’..S. l’chrtiAlert. J;itiu;ir_v 24. at Singathe after L'.'t['l\l£ll‘I on the quzirlerdcck l ;ir_v. l‘)(i3. l'.l\'. lias: l'ort. PortsService ll":ir lfaxtl
(A). pore. Foreign l).'ird;inellcs ((';ipc llellcs) in t H.M.S. moiith (At. '1'). Gurkha. at Southlziiitiiiry l‘)l5. ll. (’. April. ('apt. Lockver W.'|\ ampton for l-lonte Sea Service. (‘oni- ll.\l.S. lilalte. .\l;ircli. at Devonport. (‘.'ipt.iin. and the (itinitci_v ()llicer “as inissious. To count as Port Service until end i\l;irch. I003. for (ieneral John Wilfred Scott. of relit. then (ieueial Service (‘om~ Service Cotniiiisxion. lloiitc/.\tiddle ‘lite gun was tired zit almtit (it) mission Fast oi Sttcrllottic. U.K. l;';isl (I8 nionttisl. ‘Ith Frigate degrees elcvzition. When tirst tired it’ Squadron. lilaxc Port. Devonport. l.'.K. llasi: l’.-rt. Rosyth was found that. alter tiring. the riinll..\I.S. llurtlitntl Point. .\l:trch. at niiig-out springs ivoiild not take the No.(B).829 l)c\‘0rt\hit'l.' l-‘light. for Foreign Service (Far February Singapore. gun out .'|l that elevation into its proper lizixtl lAl. (icticral Service (‘ominissioii for pmitioii. ‘this dill'iciilt_v was overcome ll..\I.§. Russell. April. ill Rl\\_\'ll'l. by pullegn and as (at as I can rciticm- H.M.S. l)c\'iIll\llll't:. \\ esscx. l..R.l’. L't|lll|')lL‘lllL'lll_ her a tv;i.~. tixcd to the two springs ,ll..\l.S. llttnipsliire. l.itiii:irg.' (may he tlelzijrcdt zit (‘lytle for Home Sea ‘ll..\l.S. l)eco_v. April It. at Devonv in the rear amt wires. about a quarter port. for (ieticral Service ('omniisService. (ieti.-r:il Service of :in inch in diameter. run over two sion. lloine-".\lcd.‘Fast ol Suez. 3l\l sion. .\l;iv. l‘lri_‘~ (tentative date). wheels with grooves in the front to lE.S. U.K. Base Port. l)evonport (A). llonie’li;ist ol Site: (length uitder take the \\ire—one on either side of coixsidenitiont. Li.K. Base Port. .H.M.S. Bl.‘l‘\\it.‘l\'. April ii. at Portsthe gun. ‘the ends of the wires had a mouth. for (lL‘llL'l'1ll Service (‘oinhalf-ittiiidrediveight sinker (med for Portsiuoiitli (A I. iiiiiiitigi spliced to them. The length lt..\l.S. Loch Killixmlrt. l-‘ehruary l. at mission Honiediast of Suez. Zlst of the \\trc\ ivax ll(lllt.\lL'(l as required. Singapore for l-orcign Service (Far l3.S. U.K. Base Port. Portsnioutli. l’.;ist). (‘aptain U’). 3rd Frigate The gun tired quite s:itis{actoril_v.— Lynx. April I8. at ('hatham. for trials. Cuttlmlxsiilllx‘ .\la_\' 30 for H. V. (‘OA'l'ES. ('omiii;intlcr. R..\‘. Sqtiatlroti t.v\l. (retell. l .i!lll'I.|ll‘.. ll..\l.S. lislsiiiiii. l-ehruar_\' 5. at (‘owes (iencral Service (ftitiiiiiissioii lloiiic,’ South Atlzinlic and South Aniericzi. for Home Sea Service. General Ser7th Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base vice Coinniission. April. 1963. ltotne'.\1itldle East (I3 months). 9th Port. Portsmouth. Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. H.M.S. Anzio. April I‘) at Gibraltar. Portsmouth (B). Foreign Service (.\liddlc East) ). A .\l wondering if any sailor has the ll..\l.S. Plymouth. February 2|. at l)evoitport. for (‘ieneral Service No. 829 Kent Flight. May. at R.N. sziiite hobby as myself. iizimely that Air Station. Culdrose. for Home Sea Comiiiixsion. East of Sue7._fHomc. of saving newspaper Ctlltingx’ or pliotographs of l‘l.M. ships? l have been 22nd l3.S. U.l(. Base Port. Devon- Service. General Service Commission. October. I963 (tentative date). co||ec:iiig for 32 ye:irs~.six of which pufl. For H.M.S. Kent. Wessex. H.M.S. Rltyl. February 21. at Portswere served in the Army. iiioiiih. for General Service Com- H.M.S. Puma. May. Portsmouth. At the time of writing I have 2| scr:iphool.s containing 3.227 Cuttings mission. Med./Home. 23rd E.S. U.K. L.R.P. complement. H.M.S. Tiger. May. at Devonport (or llitsc Port. Ftirlsntrittlh (A). and I have taken 5‘)| pliolograplis myself ol ships operating from Ports- H.M.S. Troubridge. Febriiary. at Home Sea Service. General Service Malta (under consideration). L.R.P. Commission. l-' c b r ii 2! r 3/. I964 mouth ziiiit I’lj-‘mouth coniplcment. Local Foreign Service. Home/East of Suez. U.K. Base Port. It would be interesting to get in Dcvonport (A). touch with anyone with the same H.M.S. Manxman. February. at ChatH.M.S. Centaur. May (tentative date). tiobb_v Yours. etc.. A. l)UN!\'. I77 liam. Steaming crew. Home Sea Scrat Portsmouth. Service under conl.‘.tkcsidc Drive. lirnesettle. Plymouth. vice. Forcign Service from date of sideration. U.K. Base Port. Portssailing (Far East) (A). Scarborough. Febrtiary. Ill BOAT H.M.S. May 3|. at Portsmouth. L.R.P. complement. ll..\I.S._Rei'loubt. for Foreign Service (Middle East).! llF_.\' the aircraft carrier ll..\l.S. ll..\l.S. Chiehester. February. at ChatAmphibious Warfare Squadron (l-‘).2 liam. L.R.l’. complement. Ark Ro_v:il left Perth. Western Atistralia. on August 30 after a H.M.S. Bulwark. February. at Devon- H.M.S. .\lessi_na. June 7. for Forci 8 ii Scrvicc (Middle East). Amphibious port. l..R.P. complement. courtesy visit to the city. 33 members Warfare Squadron. (B). of the crew were left lWlIlt‘ld—1IbSClll ll..\l.S. Zest. March 1. at Malta for trials. Home Sea Service. vvitltotil leave. One sitliseqticiitly reported to the 820 Squadron. March 5. at R.N. Air Station. Culdrose. (Service under Perth Police ;iiu| ioiiicil R.l-'.A. Reliant consideration. Victorious. \\'csscx. for p.i~x;i_i:e to lli\ ship. ivliiclt was H.M.S. Ursa. March 7. at Devonport. iitzikiiig loi Singapore. OSTCARD photographs of the lollowiitg H..\l. Ships may be obtaincd front the Editor. "N:ivy News." R.N. Barracks. Portsiiiotitli. price (id. cacti. which includes postage. Theseus. Bulwark. Ocean. Eagle, at the
land”'“‘”"'l>" (‘oininission .
Service ()\'ygcn replcnislinicnt and c;irhoiiAugust, 1963 (may hc Home/Middle [List (18 monihc)_ -mi ‘dioxide and livdrogen cliiiiiiizitors Frigate Squadron. U.K. llase Port. tllillis‘ ll to rcinziin tota y su merge wiliout Portsmouth, ll..\‘t.s. London, lunc (may using delayed) at Wallsend-on-'l"ne for -' Pl‘i||'i|ll|S 0 Hit _W5l “‘=1L‘|' Wm “:51 “'5|l¢|' ll" d"1"kl“8 Pl_"P05'~‘5- “ml Home Sea Service. Conitiiission October. I963 (may he ‘l"“‘i|§L‘ 1:9!‘ li|TE!¢ ‘l“3"“"|¢-5 (‘f 3“_‘“5'‘ the E3“ 9; _e;uu,4”.,mL._ U.K_ and provisioiis to remain on_ pa to or moii is wt 13;.“ pom pm-L.;,m,mi,. ll..\l.S. Ben-y Head, June. :it Ch:ith:in'i. N” ""3" ‘“"5'd° 5"Pl"‘“"(or trials. l)i\ lacemcnt is l.0t'i5 tons (stan-Vth 700" 5¢l|l1|¢l|'0fl- June (tentative il.irilt the overall length is 2")’ feet. Air Station. Ctililrosc. , Coiiipleiiieiit is six otlicets and 65
l"““ll‘l'l3|[0'ltl,“-‘ l’°Tl"!*‘l5'-‘_ film’ 1;.-.e\ieii [the lsn‘olrtfforlse\'e::il tflays.
C'l €l |)l% siililniariizlt-s
tll:;lt:‘'.l .l:;l IRIN. .
~:-it ".ii‘i‘.;*ft1—;
Wherever you're going to be. you'll need a car on arrival. Buy a new Hilltnan.Humber. Sunbeam now trom E.M.A. Ltd., Forumouth. If yours is an extended posting. take advantage of our special export :d'ieme~you buy It export prices. Lot E.tjt.A. make all the :rrangements—export formalities, Insunneo. shipping. everything. Call at our showroom or write to us coda our car can be on its way tomorrow: or waiting for you vv on you dock! or It an be purchased on the home delivery plan for use in this country before you all.
Centaur. Glasgow. Kenya. Newcastle.
Royal. Loch Killisport, Diana. Taciturn. Daring. Chevron. Zest. Vanguard. Murray. Ctimbcrlaiid. Scorpion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Salisbury. Slietlicld. (iirdle Ness.
Maidstone. i\'et.vfoundl:ind. Warrior,
Britannia, lCorunna.
Alaiiiein. Vino. Tyne, Jutland. Talent. Palliser. Explorer, Porpoise. Redpole. (iambizi, Tiger, Russell. l);iint_\'. Protector. Uiidiiic. 5 l)efi:ndcr. l):irtiiigton. Czirron. \\'liithy.l :Zl\'ll‘It\lll'llI:. Torqti;i;.‘. .\lottnt'i llav.
«lieltast. llermcs. .-\rm.itl;i. Yurinoiitli. Lion. ll:irtl;iiid Point. l.cop;ird. 'l'okcii. Cliielicxtcr. Echo. Loch l";itl;i. 'l'enh_v. l 'l’iim:t. Blake. l€.\c:ilihur. ll'tttll\l'l(ll:t!.: \ ire-.\tliiiir:il Sir .\'icliol;is ('t)pl‘lIlZll1 ziiiil Sliipntate .l. ll.trt in lI..\I.l Rliyl. (';iniperdov.ii. Ohcron. Caeliclot. ' _l.i;;uar ltl;i¢k; l1eri\'ic's. l)i;intond. .-\elt~ ‘L-;.m, [__iiliiitn and Sc.irlio:oiit:li.
SUNBEAM CARS E.M.A. LTD. Grove Road South Southsea Tel.t PORTSMOUTH 23261
September. I962
El!lIi l l l lI Iil l lil l liIl lI l l l Il lI l Il l l I I IlIl l l lil l lfl l l l l lil lI1l l Il lIl !lIl lil l l!I iI l lIl l l l l lil l l l il l l l l ltl Il Il iIl l l l l I I!l l l l lIl l l lil l l l il l lgETrouble?
her third spell the guards. anti-looting squads and repair ‘Dl.'Rl.-‘JG West Indies Station. ll..\l.S.Trou- parties. ln the British West lndian on
Ebridgc steanu-d 37.000 miles and Islands
visited l7 dillerent llritish Colonies assisted in many w.t_vs with the supply. I and other ports. nltirlt irtelutled‘:ort and maintenance of service in the l..‘nited States in the pear. lhelattd lacilitics frigate returned to Portsmoutlt onl t~()U.‘ll) 1I.\tl~Z I-‘oR t-‘..\;t«:RCtsr:s }Ju|v zu. .\'nt .'n:i.'tv ships :m.ltl liztve it-.-ext so llxcrqises with other ships of the cons:.intlv on the alert tlu...t;.: the past Royal Navy. and with lllll\L' of the United \':.t::s and ll? months as ll..\l.S. ’l'rouh.':dge.3Rnyal I. t— g ll‘|l".\.l}2llL‘tll her time on her j R0_\.tl .\|,tnt.s N.l\!L\ h.r.: ..:i.en fizlterc scents to have l".".‘tl n; : Pi-tit-‘ l_l‘1’t‘lt.L'lItt=tl lhs'_5"~‘:H’. §tlis:ist:rs and civil tlistttrbances. an-.l l)'.lrtt‘_t: the cutnztttssmn ttc.t.'lt' one } l'ronhr;’tlgc has h-_~¢_-n on tum! us-'lr.rlt‘ ot the r.tti:t_t:s of the shut‘: corn'rcmler assistance. ;'_.' h: \e q-.i;t|:tt.:tl for or have been Trouhridge spent two sic.-t;s on .ulv;tn.'etl to 9211.-lter rates. lreliel‘ work in llritish lloutluras The (’om:n;tuding Ollicer of the ztolloxxmp (lL'\'.t\l:lllt\ll caused hv frigate on the West Indies Station was llurr:eam: llattte. She provided gtiards ('dr. l. A. O. (irilliths. Royal t\‘.tvy. and corttnttttrtcation facilities during He was sttcceetletl on .-'\ugu~t ll last the l‘ti:‘n'.' \lt.-ustcr's conference in |b_v (‘dr. C. l. Cuzuunglmin. D.S.C.. Bermuda. "I hen ezutte riots in British ‘Royal .\‘;ivy. '
5 0
v.5‘~i."'.I'--1 '-‘ to nnltres at Days R.N. Bar1’aclts'. and the Royal Marine Barracks. I-Iastney. in a Field Con Display which. for keenness. riralled the competitive spirit of the real thing at the Royal Tournament recently. Boy Cadet Corps exist in the Portsmouth Command ot Coltingwood. llryad. Dolphin. Excellent. Vernon. R.N. Barr-adut and KM. Barracks. The picture shows a contest in the Naval barracks between the barracks‘ team and a team from ll..\l.S. Vernon.
‘hind opport
Portsmouth «Navy
see-tn: y
l.l‘Il0UGll the stage of the Victory Theatre in the Royal i. 'aval Barracks. Portsmouth, is }potentially one of the best amateur ill lht‘ 000""! =||-'|d- 3l’|3|1"§ (0 ll!-I tzeneral-purpose frigate of Tribal class. ll..\t.S. Ashanti (2.7oo_2rants from the Welfare Committee tons full load). has heen taken in hand of the barracks and the Nuflield 1rx_-st at ll..\l. Dockyard.I)e\'onporl.l'ortlu- it has recently been equipped with hull to be strengthened. Weakness was first-class lighting. the auditorium has lift-‘I1 ellhfl fflflllflflflblf01' 2001‘ discovered after trials" in heavy’ seas. The other six Trihals—Nubian. Far. 170" W-‘Gilli: and ht-'afifll:Now. thanks to the great generosity tar. (iurkha. Eskimo. .\loha\sk amt Zulu have the same basic design as , of the Nttflicld Trust. several thousand I\slt.trtti. and it is obvious that mt-virmunds have been allotted to the will have to he e.\amim-d to see :f;harraL-ks to provide proper theatrelltclt.‘ is any weakness. ftvpc seats. together with staging to ‘raise the rear seats. The grant will also During I960 llritain's l3.7-87 lish-.prm-idc curtains which. hung from aml-clttp shops had a total tu:n- the roof trusses. Wlll improve the t-vurut'u\et £'i2.0(tt)(l0() :tceu:tltug.: to .iecuttsties of the hall and stop the lliutztl ul lttttlc luttrttal. .tir.ttt1:ltl'~. ‘
theistattfl '
The best draft to volunteer for
The to l’la_vcrs a Victorian Mclotlrztnttt in .\'ovcntbcr at which drinks and rcfrcsltntents will he served in the traditional Victorian Grand Manner. There is to he a full General Meeting of the Society at eight o'clock on September It in the Victory Theatre. and all who have interest in the theatre and in particular in the activities of the llarraet.s are invited to attend and join the Society. The invitation is extended to wives amt families of those serving in the llarraelts.
WREN FOR TEST TRIALS l-"l‘l’Y Oflicer Wren Dislmrv. of ll..\l..‘i. Daunttcss. has been selected to play in the littal L'ilCl\Cl test trials for the lfittpland v. .-\ustrali:t Ladies‘ Test series. The tittal trials will take place at the Oval next year. P.O. Wren Dishurv toured Atistralia with the England team during the I957-58 season. She was also selected to tour South Africa in I960. but illness prevented her front taking part.
Trouhridge supplied
First-Class Attention At ‘Bowlands’
IR.—l recently left the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Maternity Home after spending I2 days there. HE arrival of part of the ship's and l feel that I must write to say company of ll.M.S. Cavendish. how satisfactory everything was. The which has been undergoing a long: medical and nursing attention was refit in ll..\l. Doclsyard. Gibraltar. was first class and the catering excellent. the occasion of a family reunion The quality and quantity of the food which. if not unique, must be served. and the varietv in the diet, was most enjoyable, and one feels that extremely rare. Among the new arrivals at Gibraltar this contributes in a large way to the for Cavendish were twin brothers. popularity of "Bowlands." as l am Ahle Seamcn R. and l). Dassnw. amt sure that all the patients would agree in Gibraltar at the same time were that adequate meals are an essential their two cldcr brothers. P.O. A. to their eompletc recovery iruzncdiately Dassow. of H..\l.S. Centaur. and alter eluldhtrtlt. Leading Seaman B. Dassow, oil I would also congratulate ,\t;ttmn t-l..\l.S. Hermes. West and her stall who work so hard Thr: twin brothers have been to- for the comfort of the mothers and gcther most of their time in the Ser- babies in their care. The .\t:ttron‘s viec. Their close rcscnthlance caused checrfulncss and devotion to her confusion recently during duties is an example to all.some ll..\l.S. Cavcndish's Command Team (ERATEFUL. (Name and address supTraiuing in ll..\l.S. Vernon recently. plied to the Editor.) for both are U.(‘. rates. Presumably there was C\'Cll more Radio Electrician's .\late David confusion among: the (iihraltar shop- Chirgwin. of lI.M.S. Ariel. |,ee-onkeepers whilst all four brothers were Solent. who on .\l.1y 22 rescued Mrs. together. Dorothy Stiles when she fell between ll..\l.S'. ("'a\::ulSsh has reneherl the a ferry and the jetty at (iosport. has final stages of her rclit and there have been atsarttetl the R0_\:tl llumanc been eunsitlerahle alterations on 's‘ociet_v's 'l'e.stimunial on Vellum. l\0.lltl. these in.-luttc .1 mndcrniscdi messing system. and improved eommodation layout and the fitting of a close~r:tnge gttidctl-weapon system. The ship expects to contntission shortly under the eotnmzmd of Capl.; D. G. Parker. l).?s'.(l.. D.S.C.. Rnval' .\'avy_ for a (iencral Service (.'ommis- ; sion. i .
ac-f ‘
the Roya; Navy -rave supported and adrninisterei: ‘heir cwn {and since I922. Durin; 'h:r. time £3.ll4.032 has been nxpended in grants to serving and ex-serving Navat men their amilics and dependants whc n necessity or distress WBFC 1622.874 to kindred organ s:rt'on' ‘Ifld Children’: Homes; and £387 C25 ‘or training and find no
The Men
employment. RNBT maintains its own Home or Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham. Kent; and the Naval School 0 Motoring. Portsmouth when
ALE stttrt-:'coot
Naval men are taught to drive 'erv«ce motor
3EttV£ coat
draught of TRUMANS a
camzed beer
Try some
in the mess
l’-LALDRIDGE 8: CO LTD. Batiste.’ Street Southamoton Y:-t'r~{.r-a.-w “cuth:.m:rcn 27-33‘ _
CASSAR &«~« l2
SOUTH STREET, le'ep.‘~.cne C24226 (5 -'-or‘.-1’:
mean are:
4 it‘
‘Try our Easy [xiv 39.15
S. tetnber. I962
-.\'~\\'\' NI-'.WS
Spent rafti on days
Launched ‘Man Who Never Was’
Seraph. the Royal l\'av_\‘s nlile.-it submarine. will celebrate thcl IV|t.‘t|I_\-IIl'\l anniversary of her launching on October Z5. and the more than 40 years‘ service in the. Ru,-;.i ,\1;..-;n¢.;_ 11¢ ioimd nu. R0,-,|'t)flicer Subnizirines intends that the anniversary of this Iamous .\tlI)l'|l:lI'ilIt.' Marine Light lnIantr_v in (kmbci-_ 1 shall he coinmeniiiratlcd in a lilting manner. I9l6. was promoted to Corporal in I l.'nder the L‘t'tlll.'II(IlltI of Lien! ll..\l.S. Dolphin on October 25. I922. Sergeant in I935 and Colour‘. .\'. l.. A. Jewell. KN. (now Captain when it is hoped that former ollicers of Sergeant in I940. l.. :\. Jewell. .\l.8.I$.. I).S.(".. at the submarine and famous p1:t'.\ttn;lII' |.\. I)IlI'tll':: the last war he was torpe-; present serviiii; iii the i\linistr_\' ol ticx connected with the exploits incitd.i.:'.l uhili: serving in lI.M.S. Dunedin; Defence). Sei.i;ili laiiuehed "the man ziuned will be present. and \p:ttl four |.Ill_\‘\ on a raft before: who neier \R.t\" oil the coast of Spain On the l'o|loi.-ririg day. October 26. re-ieued :\merie:in hein-__v by an to Illl\It.“.lLI and confuse the (iermans a dance viill he held in Portsmouth Il1:l'i.‘ll.AllI ship. U‘-L’! the allied itttctltintts to invade for hoth 0IIICL‘l'\ and ratings who have He was disctizirgetl to pension in l:iirope. xcrved in ll..\I.S. Seraph. Those who July. N50. hut re-entered for service it \\.t\ Seraph. too. that landed the wish to attend these celebrations in .-\u;.:u\'t. I95-I. and since that day he. Aiiierieziii (‘ieneral .\lark Clark in should write to the present CoiiimandIlitfl xerved on the stall of the R.N. \‘orth .»\fiic.i hefore the invasion of iiig Ollicer tit" .Si:r.iph. Licut. H. N. .\I. Deteiitioii Quarters. Z that coast. so that he could contact Tliouipuon. R.N. ‘the (ominodore of the Royal the I-‘rench forces there and pate the l‘I..\I.S. Seraph was built hy! :\';i\ Ilarraclzs. Portsiitouth. (Com-v 't\'£l_\ tor the landing to come. .\Ic\‘!~it'S. Viclters-Arttistrongs. l.ld._ at’ tttotlnre I). H. R. lironiley. [).S.('.), A third exploit ol Scrapli was to 8:irro\~'-in-liiirness‘. tr.-ing laid down presented Colour Sergeant Mae:iuI;iy;rescue (ieneral (iiraud Irom_l-‘lance Augtist l(i. I9-I0. lziunched on Octowith Lt cigarette box on helizill of the_ after he had escaped from prnon. her ‘5. I9-8|. and completed on June Detention Qu:trters'statl on .-’\ugust II.’ It is intended to hold :i dinner in to. 1942. to
August 29 after
~WorldPreIrniereIfor Plymouth N Septemher II the World Preniii-re of the hint "Billy Budd" will be held in aid of the Kin}: George \' Fund for Sailors. in the new. Odeon Cinema. l’l_i'uiuuth. This Iilm is directed by Peter lktinov “ho also plays a leading part in it. Ihe ca~t also includes Paul Rogers. John i\'erille. David McCaIlunI. Itoiiald l.cwi~ and introduces Terence St;: nip as "IlillyRudd." "Hie Utleon cinema. \\lliL‘ll used to l'.ie (ll the pr.-niiere are he i\.'lt’t‘.\.ll to I’l_i‘mutliian< as the h.~;1iiig that the Kiln: (ieori'.c's Fund ( has lieen coinpletely re- tor ‘iailorx will derive coiisiderahli: lllllli\l'l'.‘tI and will he opened by the: iicuelit. The tuuil “as extablisltcd in Lord .\I;i_\or of Plyinoutli. to '.t\\I\l ollicers and men. past. ; N17 lt t\ expected that most of the cast. and pr.:\Ct|l. ;uid ot hoth sexes. ol the mtli the exception of Peter Uxtinov.‘ Royal i\'av_\. the .\lerch'.int l\‘av_\' and “ho h unlortunzitely unable to Deep Sea l‘:xliEni: I-lectx. and their pre'~r.'llI. will be attctiding the pretiiicrcfl d;p:nt.|.iuts. '
3;" mtmflmun
‘.-.»m-.p.ui.i.-ii.-.- '“‘,""'“"'T"‘
:;:1:".§*:>;::.'::;:z:. .: "i.': . : : :C
TWO SUBMARWF-3 old “V-hen} sat For them:_ex;imin.itiom. VISIT LONDON Wouid this he record tor the
\\ 0 l’orpoi~e Cl;t\\ \lIl1ltI.IltIlt.‘i. the ~.:.ind.irds of the: II..\I. Ship» l-'in\\ha|c (l.ieut.-('dr. Service I :i:ii one of it» ‘.r\n‘iei K~ H' R"3"“' N“-‘i ‘ma C'”"" \I:iriners.' Yours. etc- I). I". (‘”"'m""'”"“' (ltiel Radio .Siit‘ei\.t~or. 3-I (‘olee;ite. 9"‘ ‘I-"*"""C"" ‘ l{o_\'.il l\':t\_\). vtutetl the Port o l" ,\.imi;¢h_" The Instructor Otlieer ‘-\'0n(ICI'S l~*'“d"" [Wm -'\Ut~‘"‘l l(‘ W 30 \\llt:lIIL‘I' any naval man older tlianl Both \llI7tll'.lt'lllL'\ “ere open to \‘l\I('tiief l‘ett_v Ollieer .\litche|| has tal.:n tors at l-‘.\port l)oel.. West lndii and paued hix (i.(‘.I-Z. I)\)g‘Ls,
hlitdltcliii ‘
1 ‘
I963. Richard Hugh I-Ivton-Jones‘. R.\. H..\I.S. lleron. Died .-\tl$:tt\l 23. I962. .—\cting Siili-l.ieut. David Graeme Scott. R..\'. II.\I.S. Heron. Died i\ut:tht 33, I962. At-tint: l.icnt. Roger William \Iunton. Royal .\Iarine\. No. -83 Cum. mando. Died .-\u1.:u\t 27. I962.
to per-
‘ Il..\l.S. Vernon's Welfare Commit‘tee had raised. h_\ llIt.‘Ztll\' of a competition. the sum of £225 and a cheque tor ll'ti\ amount was h:iiided hy (‘apt ‘l.lo_id to the st.-cret;ir_\‘ ol the Royal "11 It-‘Ht-‘Y f~‘k's‘I\‘s'«l l0“*‘‘~‘|”'.~' WI‘ : \.ival and Royal .\l;irine< Children‘; “'~'‘~'‘“'l'‘ by UN‘ 50150!’ l"\lrlIL'lUf-;Home at \Vaterlooi.'ille. Mi» ll. RNW Nimmo. The money will go tow.ird; -(“"“"P°"d'~'"¥\' ('"”|"'§'_‘. II-II'r:ICl;s. I’orlx’moiith—~"Sir.»— l r movitlini: :i tninihiis-l}'l‘eof vehicle for l".CL‘IVt!t.I IIIC fcfittlls OI fII_\' 4jl|\l thc ¢I]i|drcn'5 outing; The IIISI pri7c—--four t.l1l\\ in l’.irii ii i "“"' "'“"'"“‘ )0" 1"“ "'I'oi two “as won hv .\Ir~'. K. l)oii.iltl. (‘irade l in .\I;llIlL'IllLIIlL‘\‘.and .i (irade. “)5 Hum“. R'md_ Pmlmmu._;,‘ 1 W11. -, _" -, l'."‘-‘hm '('oii<.i|;ition prizes of £5 of premiuiii , nxsh to convcj. :i:;. tiiankx to you bi-ndx \\'L'llI to .\lI~. .'\. .\Iurr;i_\' of ‘.l!lkI your Sllll wlivse inv'iluihle-< "'“' W" 3' ”"""‘ “f i....i..‘n.-.- will) lit: "\“Nmi' courxe\_ ettahled iii: to obtain the IlL7L'v.‘\-.II'_\‘ \l:lIltI.tlt.l\ required. I ‘hall .he eternally grateful. .
.\'euton. I{..\'. II..\I.S. l.ot:him'ar. Died .-\u;:u~t 3. I962. l)a\'itlI-C(|L':tr Br-.meh.\IiIe St-uimtli. l)'.l.\'.9223.'l9. ll.\LS‘. o.pii-_i. "it-‘(l«\lIL:u\t5. I962. Li‘-“L \1;m,;‘.c Juhn 1);.“ R_\v_ Il..\I.5. Ftiltitar. Died .-\|l;:tI\l III.
-. p
pleaxant task
i ‘ ! ‘ f ' d :“":""3"'l“"_'°"' '1 ;"""_"‘:"|-" li""_“""'fJ‘
Shipnriizht I.ieul. .\'orinan Victor .
\'.89tl(;7.I. t":'r“.\‘-'.Iech\animin.c ll-It.DiedPi'KJuly .-
“ark. Died Jul) -2. I962. .-\lt’red Sidney llzillett. I'etl_\ (mi. I 9 6,
lt..\'.. had
''‘_,'"'_'‘m‘.['‘'''93§n.':'‘'”'“'‘s'“"'' _
.\Ill) all the "Fun ol' the fair." the'~tmtintis. during ll..\l.S. \‘ernnn‘i i children's races. the diving dI\|)I'.I_\' "I-'ainilies Day" on Augmt I. the Com. I land anti-submarine weapon demiin- Inanclini: ()Ilicer. Capt. II. I.. Lloyd.
Gerard .\';t2le. Cook IS). I’/060399. II..\I.S. Yigilant. Died June I6, I962. Michael Cornelius (ire:im.-_v. |'i.-ttv (miter Cook. I’/.\I.\'.I'l7t'i9S9. ll.\I..S. St. ‘iiiicent. Died June 22_ I952, Jain" Ilodzt-~. Adi"! h___mm= .
Capt. I.lo_\‘t'I handing the cheque to Miw Nimtuo
I save?
Un the high seas". a frigate. the Avenger (in the distance) hIfll‘|‘.II\ the merchant xhip. Rights of Man. to lie-ave to. When she retu-ex .\\‘eni,-,er Ill'C\ a \hol '.tt't‘ths her hnvw
to our
long 1I\\'(\t.‘i2l|I0l't with the
xervices we can offer our expert advice on all motoring problemx incltttling our Home or Export schemex.
I'l;in mm to ensure that your car i.~ :II the ()ii;i_vsitlc when you dock. Arrangemi.-nt~ made for delivery an_\-where it‘ you purelia~.e your car from us.
-Send this coupon Please send
P/mnc.‘ ('uniIu-rIi'i- _i‘J-I3 t Ill Imeil ESTABLISHED I909
p:iy's nut t‘llItllL{Il
Rating or
\Yliit‘lt will you t:tkc.' I'm going for the pension. I‘m all lined up for :1 job already, and with an extra. pension to look forward to when I retire, and the wife provided for if anything happened to me «well, it’s the kind of
about all this.‘
That’s easy. Ask the Provident Life for details of the Progressive Savings Scheme.
Bishopsgote, London, E.C.2-
to 246 details of the
lliiw tln _\‘Hu
pnovi n E NT ‘
llut my
wife would have received the whole £855 immediately. You see, it's :1 Savings Scheme and Life Assurance rolled into one. Siippiisiiigg you li:ulii't siuiit-tl on liir 22 ye:tt'.~" s'<‘t‘\'it‘t:.' \'Vhen I had done my nine years, as I had paid premiums for 7 years, I could have drawn _/__'2;;.; to help set me up in Civvy Street. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall have the option of taking the £855, or if I don’t need the cash immediately, a pension of £172‘ a year when I retire from civilian work at 65. ‘ nimilmi nf I/If ll'_li'._\'..S‘. Ilia I’i'Ii,imn it ’(_'|,t_() n_i~r.n_
That's what I thought when I was your age until sonicone showed me the Progressive Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside /:3 a month by Naval allotment but when I leave the Service next year I can collect ([855. Smiiith l()t) sgnoti to I)(‘ true. \\’liei-.-'.~‘ the i‘;itrli'.' No catch. And it I had died at any time my
i I
I try
Progressive Savings
- - - -' — - - — - - - - - - - " -' -
.. ...................................................................
............................ ..
September. I962
HONG KONG HARBOUR PRE-WAR GLORY!“-I Apollo is docked less than
BACK ITS 1;pn~."‘_
‘my, ‘.33
three months afterre-entry (Capt’. Wait-lit. who
nppriiritml (H crrplniii iilpcrirm-rirlrn! 0/ the wiriorti
durk_wrrrl.r in the Culuiiy 0/ llmig K om: llflull its cmitirmes his story ol the port’; rt-Iiiilvililritimi.)
n'r.'upmrr.' from the Japaiit-54'.
ONG Kong was getting back to nonnzil. Ttiere was an enormous amount of energy. enthusiasm and good will on all sides and each day was like it
There were conferences here .ind;tquite an iinposing building) needed conferences there. all very necessary many niodilications to meet the re~ to help pilot the many projects in quiremenis of the British way of life. hand. There were rep:iirs to pipe lines especially with the bathroom plumbing leading from jettics all around the arrangements. Alan flf°ok¢_[h¢n (]¢ncr;i| l'lEtl'I1OUl' I0 Iht! (III fuel tanks it‘: the repair to the tanks themselves were of the Imperial General stair. arrived WM" |'4|Pldl)' "L'4lChl"l! ¢(’mPlL'I|0“« “W early in November. followed by Vicedistribution of coal and diesel oil. Admiral Talbot. Director of Dockwhich was 1|V:|II:lhIL‘ in the tleei train yards. both of whom I conducted on an cittcns-is-c tour. ships. had enabled a great deal more electric power to he generated. thus Bb"'D-Up 0.‘ "‘\n-‘NITIES few who h'id to shnti|d"r rcsPoiisibilii"‘r"‘i"5" thc '"‘“‘hin‘”'y Wm‘ the life‘ of with the speed-up (‘oneurrently llood needed to boost tip production. {gm m-,_. “-:;g “mt, The nio\'einciit.s ol sliips had be- the iiidusirial reliabilitation went the ”,L;\'. ‘wrc “M, to ‘rcci M, inmmi and the §c,,'\-C Uf mli§f;,cm,,, [mm the \-“C. come itiinieiise. but with the tngs no‘-s building up of the amenities coal-lired their l!llt\;Iltlt.:ll1 power could lsocial life of the island. This was vital .cc“._.§ mm hid uucndcd meg‘. drom. be developed. iiiaking it possible tollnr the general health and contentl'Rl<I-W.-\R GLORY isork to a schedule for tlii~‘_ltii\:.:~’.iiiieiit of the men and_wonien of all now servThu hurhmu. had \.imm",_. n“un.‘cd bcrthing newly _arri\‘etl store_.sliips at _raiik_s of the thrce_ services. “5 prc_,_mr gum.‘ win“ 3' bcaum-“I theni ing in niany capacities in the port. lighters ;ilong-side placing l'|Ilt\t,’S.“"“°h OI m1|'5°S WC“? (“WV picture it made ‘in brilliant sunshine ‘"“’ ""3"" "‘"'=“‘ “‘“’I'J he ‘I"' A lilrtlk‘ “"l“l"_‘~'|' in the naval hospital. and hmc gkicg junk; and _s;unp;in5, alongsideiacconiiiiodiited placing \'e_ssels‘” I‘" _cli.irgcd.R" b“"'“' I “‘”“" Wllllfil “-'0'“t‘" "“="‘|h¢|'-‘ Of "19 Rt-‘d with their tattered sails hoisted. moved °l"“”‘"l‘ l"'”."’-" ('H“9- lf1"“P0“ 3"“ 0lh°|' 078303?!‘ lazily about the harhoiir. in contrast d¢l'~'€l‘ 10 ht! mildt‘ !!°‘“l~ About the end of October. I‘)-ti. tions were housed in hotels. It soon 10 um ucjiyificg of ‘hip; discharging /uliiiiral Sir Bruce l-‘rascr tell in bcca_me poss_ihl_e to organise mixed ¢;,rg(,¢5_ “,¢,,,c‘1 in hm,“ or ,,i0m__. of Yor_k. and it was parties for p:cnies or bathing and. at gm; jhc \,\'h;”'\-gg at \,r;¢-us,-;;, 0, Km;-. ll.M_.S. Dulce loon. The t'errs' ste:iiner.s. now with for the cxieiisiserepziiis and night. dances. possible tiltcratioiis needed at Ailiiiirzilty lloiise For the many now stationed in‘co:il to biim_ threw up spectzieular Kong. without any real‘ how iiravef as they moved {apidly 1" l'‘¢ Carlin‘!-I 01"‘ Ilong (itwcritnient llousc. \\Illt.'llll£I\l‘l‘L‘t.'ll l rcsponsihilitjs‘. life was becoming very across the harbour in both directions. '~‘s‘”li3l|-'lL'l:s' rebuilt by the J;t[‘..ill5‘\L'*DICSHIIIII. but for the coiitp:ir;iti\'elg.' Atldiiiq to the scene were and captains‘ barges. tnoviiig at speed. whilst ships of the llritish ,
of Cim.-rniiient House.
Hong Kong. I945
RI'II.|El-' JOINS all directions was '. ‘ stupendous. The oil fuel tanks were On December 3 my relicl. Capt. now ready for use and taiikcrs were i(‘. J. Blake. R.N.. arrived and on the shortly due. The go-downs and the ‘following da_\ I commenced turning large victiialling store at I\'oisloon over. It was just three niontlis since were in use. The only thing now the recapture of Hong Kong and in keeping me guessing was the raising that time. as Captain Superintendent. of the Japanese vessel Yaiiiosato llong Kong l)ock§.'ards. :i post I was .\I;irti. btit this. too, I was to see ac- proud to hold. \\Ill‘l the aid of my complished. Thc salvzigc coiiinitindcr loyal and ellieient stall", it had been had made zi gigantic ellort to float her possible to bring back to lil'c inany of I "0 the former activities of the colony '"‘d m“ “"’ d‘’"'‘ ‘m ‘\‘“°'“b"' She was later towed across the Iiarhoiir .md hid um fmlndniun M NH‘ rc_ and moored oil Kowloon. thus leaving I .md m l‘m b ‘“h and Taikoo I)tlL‘l£)£||'(I the whole of the liarboiir. (Continued on page I5. column I) Irottt its jetties :ici:cssible
Progress in
inbmhmm .“.hm.c' '
:idinir:iIs'| liighi .
1 1
II. I-‘. W.-\l(3|l'l‘ ().B.l-‘... R.;\'.. Iret.l
and‘ I
dignity they ss_\'iiiig at their moorsecurity asthe Wliite Fnsign llutteriiig ings \si_th gently in the hrccic. Pacific
.\l:i_\ the _\u:irt:.:er geiicratinn who will he liii'ls_\' In visit ll-mg: Kori: and ertim its :|!lIt'lllIIt‘\ furl
hut Ol‘tICl‘C‘(l from your ‘.'-.‘:Il--2":‘.':~' .\';i\';il .‘.l:iii.i'.!ci'. this ..
tlmii-.:lit to‘ nittelt in the iuirk
eniironiiients give
E1:}"‘l‘l*ltltZl'l13t‘Hill?t‘l‘l1lJ0(Il(‘§(lll .1.-.‘. is tin»-.s't in
II‘.-:f...:lllLI you L‘1ttl’|).’\}'I)_\' .".ll()l:llt.‘l!l it‘_\'oii \-.'i:s‘li! t)ii:' .\'ii\':il .\Iilllll.'.,'Cl“.-'> visit your‘ .~rliip OI‘ h'Ilt')I'C stiitioii i'ci.'tilai'l_\' —or if yoii'i'c rt native. thc.\"tl lie izlad to call and see you it! your 0ll‘ll }lt)l!l('. 'l'lic_i;'ll take
whose rcli;ibilit;itioii was part of our. job. was very innresscd when. out .\'o\'ciiilvcr II. a Reineiiibraiiec Dav‘ \‘L'TL't\lnIl)‘ itiis held at the (‘enotaphl and .i iirezith was laid by the (lover'nor. Rear-.-\diiiir;i| llarcotirt.
WILLERBYS 28-30 OXFORD ST., LONDON W.l 82 Royal Parade. Plymouth 111 Commercial Road. Portsmouth 5 London Rd.. North End. Portsmouth 228 High Street. Chi-itham 20 Above Bar. Southampton It Gordon Street. Glasgow 12 North Bridoc. Edinliutuh 52 Commercial Street. Dundee 20 High Street. Belfast 253 Main Street. Gibraltar latter: to the Set-vices-lrmetiu thrausheut Great Britain
those ulm iI‘iI so of rclialiilitzitir-ii. The civil l‘t‘f3'.ll.tlIt1lI of (‘liint-se.
ilotli-.‘.s. .‘¥ll0t".\‘. .'~’llll'i:% and of (I'll. *. iiiiit‘oi'in>'. all I,(lII0l'l.‘t.l in the tiiit-st tratlitioii. with ii. S—v'!"t‘it't‘ to ni.iti-li the I;‘tlIOl‘lll'..'. ‘.".'i1li‘.-itliys .\'a'.'al .\l:iii;i::ei‘.s'will in '.Cl:\tI to tell you all about it. \‘.‘l‘.t:!l t.h<-:."i-e ne:-:L alioai-tl; or j.'mt can drop us :1 line or call in at. any of our branches for a leatlet. dc.-scribing Vs-'il1erby.~i service to men in the Service.
A ll.\l’P\’ RF.L'=lN'l()N On the following this‘ the new Il.itt|c class dcstro_\cr. H..\I.S. (‘ainperil-.mii. 2|l'I'I\t.‘(I arid. iniich to my ple:is.tiii surprise. I learned that in_\‘, ‘son. tlieii .'l lieiztcnaiit-coniiiizi-iilcr, lI~'l. was the senior t‘lll£lllCL‘I'. He had no idea that I was so ftir cast I called‘. lot) the eomiti.iiitlini.: olliecr and, after il\tl‘.Il greeiiiigs hail l‘CL‘tl ex‘;IltL‘ eliang-:il. I stzigecrctl him with the reword with }quest that l rniglit ll.'I\'t.‘ :itime he “:18 {tniy son. \'l."i'tliiiithea short c:ipt;iiii's cabin. throiiglit to Dressed in a boiler suit and looking very griniy. lie was wondering why he had been sent for. Little did he expect to meet me. It was ;i very happy rcniiioii. TIic'Admir;iIt\' Dock was now being used to capacity. Wave King had been undoeked :ind. becaiise the demand for docking had become so acute. two vessels were docked at a time—-head to -2tern— wlienevcr this was possible. The slipw:i_s's at Taikoo I')ocki.'ard and the one at Aberdeen were in constant use. I
‘RI-‘..-\I. \V.~\RSII|P‘ DUCKS On S:iturd:i_\'. November 2-3. l'l.M.S. Apollo was doeltcd successfully and the ship taken in hand for relit. .»\sicrii of Apollo it had been possible to dock a caisson. I had hoped that heforc I was relieved I would be able to dock what I termed "a real warship.“ so. in docking and refitting Apollo. I had fulfilled that ambition. I would now be content to turn over to my relief who had been appointed and was taking passage from Australi-.i in the light fleet carrier ll..\l.S. Arhitcr. due to arrive at Hong Kong early in December.
The Japtiiicse ship 5.5. Yaiiiuszito .\l:iru was raised II)‘ the §:Il\':l|:L‘ ptll’I_\' on Noireinbcr 30. I945. Lelt to right: Rear-Adiuiral llareourt. l.ieut.-(Tdr. tl-I) M;iel)unald. (':ipt. Wtiighl. ('drc. livcrctt and the .\Ianagcr. Taikou
Pm/0 in fiflztvfltdh cu‘ 2fAe?uf
.s' -\ vv
September. I962
For those about to leave the Nat-i_i
RESETTLEMENT OFFICER CAN BE BEST HELP AFTER INTERVIEW Resettlement published in the I-’ebri.i:ir_v I962 edition (ll-:l.|L'lllllL'\ are open to zi ni.iit need 40 ".V:iv_s- News" advised personnel who were due to he released on com- E Willi the cseeption ol e_ntr_i into the pletion of their engagetitents to apply for :i Resettlement Board liitervieiv : Police arid the l'lt'l.' Service. You most. print to discharge. The advice was espressed in no uncertain terms and may I give serious consideration to these I points lllld hetir itt mind that the, be tirii.-fly re-stated as: (I) (Set in touch with the Resettlement lnforination Oflicer of your I Pensioncf 3% i| .V0l||‘|S mi!" Ul 40 .\'C4H'5‘ otters 25 years service to :i ship or estahlishnienl: (2) complete Forms I-I.l).83tt—Registration for Civilian I-'iiipto_s-iiient: (3) request a Port Resettlement Board inlervievv. There is 4-'I\'Ill'U1 i.'II1t1l0,\‘i.‘t'. _I trust that you do zippreeisite my everything to he gained. and nothing to lose. The article also indiczitcil to menl domestic ;ipp|i:tnees_ sectirit_\' forces.‘ ditlieiillies in dealing with your proIIl‘t‘lIl to he dr.iftetl lor service in ships I hunk messenger posts. [lUlIlll')' t':irining.I blem iind the need tor ti pcrsonzil .intl .tI\ro.iiI t|iiiin;.: their last ttso _\'e:irs.' .-\..-\. scouts. boiler-house ;ittend;ints' tiitervieu on your return to UK He pzitieil. It you do le: ‘e the S.-rviccl there is nothing to stop them .Ill\l .I. score more. will he helped by your .\linistr}‘ .\l.i:it ll'.ltll for :i tr;nle under the ‘.\'0II lltitll i.-qiicstiitg .i pieliiniii;tr_s inter— \‘oc.ttion;il 'l'r.iining or l.:ihi~itr litiiplmment Ii 'h:inge and,‘ s |L'\\ prior to thzit lust eominission \\lllt (‘nos-.-‘. .:.:nt Ncli.-rite wliieh otters opportunities .h_\ the Re;.'iil;ir 'l:t\I'CL's Enlpltiytltctll .I vies» to pI.iitning ;tl'lL‘LItl. S !\.:ti;ieiit to the piihlieutloii of the .-s;\:e;ill_s in the tsorltl tit" eit-__-ineering. .-\swt:t:i:i.itt to get :i good ioh especil' |{.l (I. l'ort.ino:itlt's ll]- I-or e\.i:np!.: would you like to he .i :ill} ll you are truly mohrlc. even :ir .L. 'llh‘l|:.‘H TIMI i-tl‘ ttt.i_\' lull sliiirt nl \ uiiiriii in Ill has been inereziseil Ir} let- l’ree:s:n:i (irintl.-r. :i (entrc—|.;itlie _\utt .ll.'L';l\l} h.ive in your txsii ll.t.lltls. I l:is es;Ie.iilI_\ lioiri in-:n Liliiozitl. ;itttl turn.-i. .t (‘.i;\st.iit *1.-Iter()per.itur. ti J llis rs prnteetcil from sun ulzire the li|llt|\\ll'i'_1 e\.iiti;‘-le is one s-.'Ies‘letl ( nn‘'s l’ .\teeh.uiie. :i .\lotor ll.-\\’l'i. AN l:\"l'l'iR\‘ll-‘.\\' h_\ dark t:l.ts\cs. Kine Pziul of the llellenes e} llslttt iii;i:i. tlo iii.tint.tiii eoiilileitee. \l.-eh.itiie. to inentiotz htit ;« ::is or the In the lll.';tllillllL' I eiielosc some 1T:l\nt-‘-“ llIt.'l| ol ll.\l.S. Surprise. l~'I'.tg-trig.-ite ol ,-\diiiir;il Sir I)eric lloll;ii1il'LI\.tll.ti‘lL' t.'.ides'.‘ ll.lll!_‘s '_12‘.'.'ll .i.': ttetilioiisl \l:irtIii. iinil lliir. (‘otitiiiiinder-in-('hit:l. .\lerIiterr:ine;tii. islti.-n Others .Il-‘llll tlieniselves ot \,'lc'Cl;Il' recen: tillers ol cinplosmeitt isliich 1 ('orlii l).S.().. l).S.(‘. r-.-eentl_\. Their \l:iie~tii.-s stiiyed for an hour ziml :i halt‘ in Surprise. he in interest zind I sugeest that I-‘Rl~'l’. T0 .\l()\'l'. en'.r_\ into Shippitig lines .is .-\ssist.iiit ill'I.I_\ and iiii.-I otlici.-is of the t'lc~lro)et' ll..\l.S. Dunlsirls ‘.lnl'I \|llllll'.lt'l|'Il.‘ll..\l.S. Tip"\:i. I um :it present serviir; in :3rnl l;'u_.-iiieers with oppnrttiitities to, you ie.ul S:rs'ice Resettle:n::it llulletv toc. nliicli were :ll\t| at ("o:l‘u. It \I,\ |.tr‘s~pur in the I-;ii l";ist hut -_.-.un qu.ilitie.itions' tind consequent ins cspeei;ill_s No. 5.62 which coitiuiiis l ;ir:t due lot teIe.ise in Jul_\. I com-;on .iml some go for tniiiiiiig zis :in ;ir:ieh: "l.ool. llefore You l.e;tp"» I give you sortie iitore “gen" on plete ;i |2~js'e:ir cngtigement in l:ite Rid i-'~tgine.:rs being otleretl generous tltis. r\tl_4ll\l and I ssotiltl he grntelitl if you m;u:i: l‘.I.'ls'L‘ ullmsuiiccs ishilst lltltlcl‘. l:ltl2tll_\ you should cert:iinl_v “get would sent! me. ht :iir in:iil. (It'l_\‘ tr.iiit:.i-_: IS.-e :\.l’.(). tutti"!-2). .lli|ll','st(l.'" your Resettlemeiit littorsitu.ttion siiit;ihIe to Ill} Service qu;iliOtliecr zind couiplete forms Sl'l‘l-'.R\'lS()R\' P()S'IS I iii.itio:i Iiezitioiis There is. too. the i\liitistr_\' of‘ lit). 828 requesting tin iiiten-iess on "I not ill present living in the Portsreturn to l'.K.. (late to he given so iitoittlt ;ire‘.i htit would he uilling to scheme tor tr;iining l’oteitti;il tlirtt .irr;ing-.°ineitts' czin he mote more if .i stiituhle .sitii'.ition hcctttne Supervisors in Industry [see .-\.l'.().s sshether prior to your release or during .iv.iil;ihle. Yours‘. L‘ll.'.. N. Sellss-nod," ?lS7'(i0. 2|'.'~l’(il. l8~l»(iZ '.|llLl Services terininul leave Yours ete.. "l) Sellssootl. I do regret that it‘ Resezzl--merit lltilleti-t No. 3.-'00 pages your .P.ll the llulie ot I-Idinhurgh visited Piirtsinoutli docli_v'.ird on August I l'.R.l.t)." wotild he dtllieull for me to lorw:ird' 4 :iiid l‘l). -.\';tvul inert are doing s\_'cll_ The Port and addressed the slii;i's i.-onipzany of ll..\l.S. Albion. Britain's new Resettlement liitortnutioii di:t;iils ol posts rte/i'iii'ri-l_r suitable tof under this seheine zind are securing Ollice".s dilliciilties coinnuindo shit. when she ciintnilssiuned for \1'l'\'lCC. "I am certain." said the in Sellanswering vmrtli-wliile. interesting without seeing you tind disctissingi well-paid. you \\ood',s letter are zippzircnt his reply I) e. “that -\lhion and her commandos will prove :I very ellective weapon. is to the eeneml in principle interests civilian cm-' posts your pcrsomil could ltuvc been tviicc as long and This modern age dclnlrids the greatest degree (if iiiohillty and independencethe Olliccr the Chief transier Petty and ployment. l'.0.l\l(F.t.s zigcd 30 who even then Sellwood might decide that and this ship can provirlt. it." their from Oiliecr mohilc enter widely ditlering jobs’ Petty super»-isor_\ what he The ('oiiim:intling Ollicer of the! The. commissioning service was vtants is to keep it really similar Service the to roughly which include site engineers. instal- posts in (tint. C. D. M:iddi:n. M.V.0..lcond.ietei.t by the \'en. Areltdczicoii or smut other job which hasn't ship. "pub" and in Lition and testing. maiittciiancc work, stipervisory posts industry D.S.C. Royal N:I\'}'. addressing theilohn Ariiistrorig. l'li:ipl;iin ol the hi.-cn nieniioned :ill! :it curetulzer willt knowledge of oil-tired! eorninerce so that training. cspcricnee The udvaintriges of ‘J personal inter- ship's eomp.in_v. their relatives and 5 Heel. assisted by the Rev. John Scott. wasted. hc;tting systems. welding. steel erce~tuiid qu.i|itie;itions are not lrieiitls cnipltzisised the part rcI:tti\'cs . the slit p's I.‘l|2l['|l'.Illl. view thus hecomc obvious. tion. the Police. Post Otlicc. Fire Scr-3 I should say that the majority rccould plziy in helping to mtilzc the After the ceremony llis Royzil Highvice. Prison Service. salesman. long- cngug: when it is pointed out to them J h;tpp_\ and contented one. Mail ship incss. vtho in the uniform of an (llil‘.|t'lI.'C driving. the car industry. the what they lorteit by leaving R.N. and was the lirst thing ‘I ship's company Admiral of the Fleet. talked with fllatlttltlclllfc and maintenance oil that .ill the above posts and training loot;-:.l tor vihcit uhroud titid relatives several ratings and their families and could see to it that .-\lhion £ll\i\Ll}.\ tiztd then wntclietl Mrs. (1. Madden. the :1 good mziil (‘apt'.iin's uifc. cut the eoimitissioning H..\l S. Excellent will slit-rtl\ he;e. I-' \\lll.lI-‘.5’ Sll.-\R|{ opening ;i miiseuin of pttotogruplts ‘ tr.ieiiig the liistors ol W.h:i|e lsl;ind. ll.M.S. .»'\lhion is :u present on tier ll: xsent oit to st; "this ship is liscellent \\lll he sen gr:itel'u| if tieitieiidoiistg: iiiiport.ittt shin tod;i_ ‘isorfsiitg-tip" pro-_.-iniiiine, l)itriiIi_: this ..\t. Submarine Turpin (Liciit. C. renders uith interestiitg prints or . \\‘.: .tre'l¢ft'tllllI.'(l it slitill he :i niontn she will einh:irL over (-50 (innit. Rot-:iI Ntiryl recomSl'B.\l.\Rl.Vl-I 0‘l'l'l-ZR. the m::.':ili\’cs send them to Lieut. hut I cannot otlic.-rs and men ol No, -ll (ioiitinuiido, iiiissioiied on Aiiizttst 3 alter ti relit in Hit; ship to bear the naiiie in the (ieddes. R..\'.. I-l..\l.S. lEsccI|ent.' .suce:.s:-.:l eoinintssioii. the sh.tre you. and the ship is expected to \;III to: the .-mptt.t~ts.- {mi s7r\\tt'__'i\ ll..\l. l)oe‘ytj.';ird. Portsmouth. Relatives RI|_\".lI .\':Iv_v. was comiiiissioned for Portsnioiitli, Plltll(H_.:r;tl1lt\ will he our :,-rnilies. miist t.i‘se in ;ieliieviiig'l‘;ir in \'o\e.'i:h:r to relieve and lrieiitls ssere guests zit the re- service in the Second Stihinarine \\‘cll (.‘.'ll’L'tl tor. copied '.tittl returned llI..\l S llitl-.v;iik lltts coniiiiissitiiiiitg serviiec. which \-.-:is_ Suuiidron under the command of to the sender. eonduetetl by the Rev. II. R_ (ir;i_\'.' l.ieut.-('dr. N. .l. Gilhcft. R..\'.. on ('It.ip|.iiiI. Ro_\;i| N;i\'_\. of ll..\l.'$. -August 29. Built hy Scott's Shiplattiltlttl-_.' :iittl l)olpltiit. .-\: ter tri.ils Turpin uill ioiit the liiltli l-Ingineering ('o.. l.I\l.. :it (ireeiioek. .\iihiii.i.'iue 's‘qii.itlron h.iscd on .\l.i|t.t_ ‘(titer \\.is Iuuiiehetl iv. .\lis_ .\l_ A. Scott on \l.i_s‘ I5. |‘ll\| 4i\l Ilt\l\lttiV l‘.l\ iiec.-i ie.c.ic.t Ill!‘ lite list ;iitt:-sitlsiit.iiiitc lii£.tte.. l)ispl.ieitig Ill.‘-ll torts. the sult- C ~:'.~m;i.: ti nr been on ..-i.c.l i.. the t :1: ri or ( ll‘.Cl \ i.ivr II \I \ \\‘.t'selu| tI.7ll(| tons ilisril.iee- ni_irine’s length is 2'1‘ teet .tll\l slte ll.l\ to fire! t'eIu utlirri ii-.-ii: lttll lo.itlt. \\.l\ gii:irtl ship ;it .t eoinpieiiteitt .-t s.'\C(l \|llt.‘.'ts .tnil i\ t“t‘ t J (;r‘.;s, It \ \ (Kisses lili ( o~.s'es \\'i.'i.'ls. l\ ll!-I article
The Second Commando Ship is commissioned
"Tii.M.s. —rumr
l'r::-i, J\ t |.t‘ It \ \m.k. \lr:!r.-i, l\ t:vs-ii ; | \: I
in \\'
' I \ \'. lul.. J\ ts‘.¢.'... r. t \\'i:t J\ i:.s‘~| it ‘~lT1\l\\ lent. l")I~iI- \\ -sr~i-‘s'- it I li.i 'lll‘t t\-.-iriif It int‘!-it I l)i\.t I\ .\I‘Hsl II I It 'I."l|l \ J \t‘t.i.t.:ti, )\ ,\:tIl" ii (1.;
\l.lisi ~
l\ I\
Dt-Z\'()'l‘l-it) I-LSt’l{(’l.\l.t.\' 'I‘() ‘no; l'Rl.\"l'l.\‘G Rt-Z()L'lRt-1.\tt-1.\"l'S ()l-' 'i'iti~: Si-:ii\'ici;s
In t'htet t‘t-tii Uflirer Writer
‘-I‘. "I'll N
ll.ti:.':. \l\ s‘---Iss It
to stores (‘li'e! l'rIt\ tlfiirri I\i .\|\ M-[U11 It I I \\.tLe.-
llllLlL'l'llllsC till your printing, $|X‘L‘t.lll_\‘ zintleeonimtieulIy——t'roin ti Sei'\‘ic-: We
.\.t\ ‘st-7' lse.':es. \l\w.o' I llitdmii Io ('lI'rl Fells (‘Slicer \Ieu.iril
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With thel;ite.s't m;iehiiier_s'. in :i l'|t:\\'.modern plant, \H.‘ ;icl'ticvc :i .st:ini.l:irdot'\s'orl-;iit:tnship \\'ltlt.‘ltcannot be Sttrp;ts.s'i:il.We would uelcotne :i visit from you and the opportunity to quote lor your printing requirell'IClll.\‘—-l:ll'gL‘or .sm;i|l—\sc think you will be |7lL'(l.\'1lllll_\' .surpri_sed. Ask for :1 represeittutive to cull.
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Assets r.-xceotl .£38.000.000 Reserves exceed L‘ 0 .300.000 Slrurt-3 (t-'l(l II.-,-ms.-i.'..' in Hit: S-J cit.-.'y Ll’L' 'l'riu.-we I'll‘-.'.€l!IiL'flL'3 .4
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Se leather. I962
States navics. was the next real port. of call. It is a city that has something for every taste. For the historically minded there is more of interest in Athens than in practically any other city—lor the shopper there are many fine stores-—wltile for those who
the Mediterranean
week-end there were huge stretches of beautiful beaches within half an hour's bus ride of the a
centre. Scarborough fulfilled a long outstanding invitation to visit her name citySome hundred miles south of Athens town in August. Sailing front Portsmouth on August 22. the ship spent is the island of Miles and. to make lite days at this north-eastern holiday resort. and the ship's company were a change aitd to let individual initia-
given a trenteridous welcome. Since March the frigate has had a who did not visit the fabulous Blue busy time iit the Mediterranean. but Mosque. the Seraglio Palace fhoinc of she is now with the Home Fleet on tltc the Sultans of Turkey) with its last leg of the commission. At the end museum. and the world-famous of March the ship was at Tarauto and basilica of St. Sophia For shopping the following week. attending lt..\l.S there were any number of bargains to Centaur with ll..\l.S Ursa. Scarbor- be had in the ltuge covered balaar. After all. if you can heat the price oitgh was at Istanbul " is a f.-iscinating city of down to half the original you f‘l1ll\‘I be
Q H..\l.S. Blake (Capt. D. C. Clutterhuck. R.N.). visited Kingston. Jamaica. on August 2. to participate in the Jamaican Independence celebrations. Sir Ale_xander Bustamente. the Premier of Jamaica. is seen arriving on board the crutser to return the call made on him by Rear-Admiral J. F. l). Bush. l).S.C. and two Bars. I-‘lag Oflicer Flotillas. Mediterranean.
Frigate escorts crippled trawler for 600 miles
HE Grimshy trawler Bamsley was swept by fire whilst fishing south-east of Iceland at the end of July. and ralllo. radar and navigational aids were all put out of action. Even the ecring \\ heel was reduced to a charred shell. The mate of the trawler sai that constant vigilance of the I-‘ishery the whole wheel house was a blazing Protection Squadron. and parinfcrrto. The weather was comticularly the action of the comparatively calm and. in the words of manding oflicer and ship's the mate. "Fortunately. the crew were of lI..\t.S. Palliser, which went to all well trained in lire-lighting." and despite the damage the ship was able the help of Barnsley." to limp to Aberdeen where temporary CALL TO PALLISI-IR elfcctcd before the ship repairs were After Barnsley had managed to returned to tire Humber. the attention of a Belgian trawPointing out the necessity for ade- attract ler. the Belgian ship put out a radio quate lire-tighting training for every call to Palliser. travrternian. the “Trawting Times A naval rating with a walkie-talkie states. “Finally. let us not forget the apparatus was put on board the Barnsley to maintain contact between the The giant cruiser U.S.S. Newport two ships. and Barnslcy and Palliser News [2l.0O0 tons displacement. full began the long lintp homeward. Aberload). visited Portsmouth front Sep-' deen was 600 miles away but the tembcr 3 to 6. Ncwport’News leaves weailter remained calm and the Portsntoitth on September 6 for visits crippled trawler made port without further mishap. to Amsterdam and Oslo.. -
I1?" 3? 1?
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GALE & POLDEN LTD Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Telephone 2205.?
tive lrave its
fling. given
of the amt tasks
an area squadron was to perform on the island. Scarborough built .I pier. a base camp with its own electrical and distilling plants. to say ttutltiny of tire lighting appliances and
wireless station on top of a moun’tain. [)ivcrs siirveyc-;l the beach area. whilst others built a rope r:iil\\;i_\' tip the mountain side. charted a small malty moods and habits which. as one getting a bargain. mustn't you’."' ()r are lake and cooked several good meals migltt eipect are neither European you? in the camp kitchen. nor .-\.sian. but a blending of them All this was done in a d;i_v. and the A (.'l'l\' WITH l-Z\l-IRYTlll.\'C built" says our correspondent. “Sightsaute night there were attack and alter with units of seeing and shopping were the order Athens. exercises defence exercises between neighbourof tire day and there were few of us the lialtan. (ireck. Turkish and United ing camps. Perhaps tltc biggest task of all was getting the gear back to the ship in quite rough weather.
‘Leadership is not possible without self-discipline’. A.\l quite
that those of you who are going to sea have had a great many lectures from many sources on leadership and all it entails." satd Rear-Admiral l. G. Aylen. Admiral Superintendent of Rosyth Dockyard on August I3 when he addressed artilicer apprentices at Il.M.S. Caledonia. the Royal Navy training establishment at Rosytb. He was speaking at rt prizegiving ceremony after taking the salute at a passing-out parade in Caledonia. "You will have been told of the need for moral courage. having to do LONG INSPECTION things which may be unpopular or The term had been a good. active make yott look ridiculous." he conone. he said. although sporting activitinued. "Of the need for integrity and ties ltad been curtailed because of bad of the need. particularly. for sc|f-disweather. The Admiral'.s inspection this cipline. You will know that you can year had the longest get drttnk twice or three times by acci- one whichbeen. he thought. any training establishment dent---it happens to all of us probhad been ptii through. ‘'1 think you :tbly—but ntore than that it ceases to should be congratulated on the way be an accident and becomes lack of you came through." he told the 450 self-discipline. You will have been told apprentices. that without self-disci line you can“We have done very well this term not hnpe. as Petty O icers and Chief and there were no failures in the Petty Otlicers. to lead others." Admiral Aylen advised the appren- passing-out division—Drakc Division. liccs to seek out men who had long ex- They all passed out very well and the perience in the Navy and who were standard was very good. experts at their job. "Profit by it and Capt. Elvin announced that three learn from them." he said. "ll is apprentices and one of the ship's comquite common at the age of 20 for a pany ratings had been accepted as young man to think that he knows oliicer cadets and would be taking everything. At the age of 30 one finds their places at Dartmouth in Septemone doesn't quite know everything. ber. ‘'I hope we can encourage some and at the age of 40 you realise that others who are still reluctant to come you are starting to learn. Do not think forward and take their places as that you won't make mistakes. Of cadets." he said. course you will. Admit to them and learn by them.“ Finally the Admiral said: "No sailor in his heart can be irrcligious. No sane who has seen the sea can deny the presence of the Almighty. When you get to sea stick to your faith and stick to your religion.“ Capt. R. H. P. Elvin. Commanding Oliicer of Caledonia. said that the occasion was both a sad and a happy one for him. He leaves in October to take up another appointment which has not yet been announced. When you bank with the sure
AUl)lI-INCH OF POPE tn .\tay. after more exercises and a trip to .\lalt;t. Scarborough and l-owe.stofi visited Civita Vecchia. the port of Rome. Fifty of the ship's company were lucky enough to have a public audience with His Holiness the Pope in St. Peter's Church. Nearly everyone of the two ships were able to spend several hours during the live days‘ visit in the wonderful city. A detachment of soldiers of the Italian Alpine Regiment joined the ship at Civia Vecehia and took passage in the ship to Malta. where they were transferred to H.M.S. Bensick for the return trip. This was return hospitality for all that which had been given to Scarborough's ski-ing party earlier in the year. POINTS OF VIEW Scarborough lcft lslalla for the last time on May 28. and after exercising with the fleet for a week went on to Barcelona. Six days were spent there and ntost people had. of course. to visit the bull fight. Many were the arguments that arose and points of view expressed after this Sunday afternoon spectacle. There were those who said “never again. in any circumstances." and those who cannot get back to another one uickly cnottgh. From Barcelona the rigatc sailed to Palnta. Majorca, and then to (‘vibrattar and home. the ship arriving at Portsmouth on June 2|. '
SERVICE for Service People Westminster, you get service
ROYAL NAVY AT TRINIDAD INDEPENDENCE .M.S. Blake (Capt. D. G. Clutterbuck. R.N.). ‘and ll.~.\I. Ships lilster (Cdr. K. C. Mayne. R.N.) and Whirlwind (Cdr. J. K. l.esse_v. D.S. .. R.N.). visited Port of Spain for the Trinidad Independence celebrations. RL'lll’-.'\t.ll't‘llt'tll J. F. D. Bush. D.S.C. (Flag Oilicer Floiiltas. Mediterranean) was in lllake and Commodore J. E. L. Martin. D.S.C.. R.N. (Senior Naval Oliicer West Indies Station) was irt Ulster. The Royal Navy provided .1 guard for the Flag Raising Ceremony at Port of Spain at midnight on August 3013!.
all along the line. First, the Westminster has a special Navy Branch at 26 llaymarkei, London. This has been open since 1772 and is, in consequence, well acquainted with the kind of financial problems you meet with in the Navy. Ne xi, the Bank has branches at Portsmouth and Plymoutlt which are always at your service (as also are over 1,260 brancltcs in other towns throughout lingland an d Wales). F'n:tlly, the Westmiitstcr operates abroad through a worldwide system ofagcnts and corrcspitndcitts. I {you would like to know more about our service to the Senior Service, write for the booklet ll'z‘.<!im'n_r!.'r Bani‘ In I Ivr .-ll.Ijt'.rI_)".~' S/iips' '
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Open from 12
until 2
Se teniber. I962
l| IE
New commission of Lion will take her to Japan and Australia I-ISPITF. .orrcnti:it rain. which caused the cancellation of the cereiiiony ashore. the couintissioning of ll.M.S. Lion (Capt. l. L M. .\lcGt-och. D 5.0.. D.S.(.‘.. R.N.). took place at Dcvonport on August 3. A large number of oflicial guests Lion commenced on July 20. 1960. with relatives and friends of the under the command of Capt. 1. ScotD.S.C. (now rear-admiral). and. .ship‘s company assembled on quarterdeck for the reading of the ties pite set-hacks in the engine room coininissioniiig warraiit and Gaelic which delayed the working-up problessing by the captain. This was fol- gramme sonicwhal. the cruiser sailed lowed by the coiitiiiissioning service for the Mediterranean on April 14. conducted by the chaplain. the Rev. 1 lltol. and between that date and C. Walker (Church of linglandl. who 1 lichrtiary Zl. I962. when the ship rewas assisted by the Rev. R. G. Wil- 1 turned to l"lyntoiit|i to relit and pay liams (United Board). The Rev. off. l.ioii sailed over 37.500 miles. l’alher (i. ii. C. Pitt condtictcd the l li\'EN'I’l~'L‘l. C().\l.\llSSl0N service for Rnlllltll ('atliolics. The service uas relayed to those of the ship's it was an eventftil commission with visits during the .\leditcrr:inean leg to cotiipaiiy between decks. In his address which lollmvcil. the Naples. Capri. Rome. Malta. Gibral(.‘oituii.tudcr-iii-('hief. l‘l_\‘iiiotIlli. tar. Trieste. Tripoli. lleirtit. and other Admiral Sir ('hailes Madden. otit- places--—I0.000 miles in just over six lincd the exploits of. and his associa- months. tions with. ll..\l.S. l.ion of First l-l..\l.S. Lion “in then chosen :is World War fame. He predicted that tlagship of the special squadron which the ship's prograniinc after leaving the visited South America. Vice-Admiral United Kingdom at the end of Novem- Sir Nicholas Copeman. Commanderber was likely to include visits to Singa- in-Cliief South Atlantic and South pore. llong Kong. Japan and possibly Anierica. hoisted his flag in the cruiser. the Philippines. Australia and New Other ships of the squadron were 'l.ealand. HM. Ships Dunkirk. Leopard. LonFollowing the ceremony, guests dondcrry and the R.F.A. Wave Prince. The cruise took in Gibraltar, Frecwere entertained to tea. which included special con-imissioning cakes. town. Rio dc Janciro. liucnos Aircs. 'l'liat in the wardroom was ctit by Montevideo. Valparaiso. Call:io. and Mrs. the Panama .\lcGeoch. one in through Captain (the outward tri the chief petty olliccrs' mess by Chief had been through the Magellan Strait). Petty Ofliccr Roskilly and Mrs. Wood. (‘artagcna. San Juan and Ponta Delwife of the chief boatswain's mate. gada in the Azores. A round trip of and one in the junior ratings‘ dining over |7.000 miles. ball by Lieut.-Cdr. Rcding and Mrs. El,-100 FOR SCHOOL Davies. wife of l.cading Tactical Operator Davies. The dining hall Al the beginning of the commisworking party worked magnificently. sion the ship "adopted" a school for washing tip cotiiitless hundreds of blind children at Sevcnoaks in Kent. and this school. Dorton House. was cups. saucers. plates and glasses. the ship's pct charity throtighoiit the OWN RH\'Tll.\I CRO LT commission. Members of the ship's On the evening prior to the cere- company visited the school and a mony a very successful and well- party front the school visited the ship. organised dance was held in the Guild- On March 30. I962. the captain. on hall. Plymouth. the ship's own rhythm behalf of those on board. was able to group contributing in no small way to present over £l.400 to the school. This the evening's enjoyment. money will help towards the building The commissioning was followed of a swimming pool which. it is hoped. by Navy Days. during which period will be in use by the end of the year. the ship was open to visitors. This In a farewell message to the ship's caused the scrubbed teak of the company. Capt. Scotland said: "I quarterdeek to assume a pale choco- have been proud to command this fine late colour under the impact of an ship and her excellent company. I estimated 27.000 pairs of feet. hope you will remember the commisA reception is to be held on board sion with equal pride." With visits lo Japan. Australia and at Dcvonport on September I9. at which all who served in the battle New Zealand in the offing. it looks as cruiser Lion will be most welcome. if the new commission will be as much Admiral of the Fleet Earl Motint- travelled as the first. batten hopes to attend and Admiral of the Fleet Lord Chatlicld has been Because of gale-force winds. gusting invited. Those wishing to attend at 40 miles pct hotir at times. H.M.S. should write to the Commander. Albion. which had been undergoing H.M.S. Lion. c,'o F.M.O.. Dcvonport. trials in the Channel. could not anchor The first commission of the present at Spithcad on Thursday. August 23.
Wherever there
sailors there are children. There we re thrills afloat for these children. who were among the visitors to ll..\l.S. Hemies when she called at Beirut during her Mediterninean cruise. Trailers were rigged up and a flight deck tractor-—with Leading Airman Brian Hunt, of Cecil Avenue. Bournemouth. at the wheeltoolt the happy youngsters for a trip round the carrier's flight deck.
outstanding value in Life Assurance consult AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PRUVIDENT SUUIETY
remote corner of Eastern Scotland (and yet not so remote for the lovely joined up for a visit to Netistatlt in city of Edinburgh is less than ten miles away) lies the small harbour of Port Western Germany. Edgar. From this base. under the shadow of the new Forth Road Bridge. the Only ten miles across the bay lay
73-76 King William Street. London, E.C.4. Telephone MAN.sion House 243! (l0lincs)
ASSETS EXCEED £4-10,000,000
Mineswecping Squadron operates. The only operational Mine Counter- Eastern Germany with its empty measures Squadron in home waters. the squadron consists of H.M.S. Lewiston beaches and watch toners grim (Cdr. R. D. Frattltlin. R.N.). }I.i\I.S. Wiston (Lieul.-Cdr. J. D. Van den Arend. clearly visible trom scziwards. lfast R.N.l. H..\l.S. Wolverton (Lieut. P. A. Baily. R.N.). ll..\I.S. Upton (Licut. German patrol craft gave the Sqii.-id-
E. II. M. Omie. R.N.) rind H.M.$. \".irnton- (Lieut. J. J. R. Oswald. R.N.). The Squadron's programme is ‘sweepers headed across the North Sea always a busy one. Exercises. visits. for visits to Tonsbcrg and Dramnien trials. Navy Days and docltyards make in Norway. Quiet to start with. these tip the daily round Summer comes visits soon warmed up to the tradlate in Scotland and mid-May found itional Norwcgian welcome. Indepenthe Squadron steaming south to take dent passages south through the part in a sweeping exercise ofl Great Kattegat gave each ship the opportunYarmotitli. It was joined by the Ver- ity to see a different part of the non Sqtiadroii and the Royal Naval Swedish and Danish coasts. until all Reserve Squadron. also the Forward Support Ship. H..\l.S. Reclaim (l.ieiit.Cdr. J. G. Wemyss. R.N.). which tries iiobly to supply every want. At the end of the month the ships returned to the Forth for ‘a_ period of trials prior to running visitors from
Rosyth during Navy Days The Sqtiad-
then paid visits to Wick and Peterhead in the middle of June. then headed south for an exercise ott Weymouth. FORCE 9 WINDS Summer still cluded the Squadron as it went up the North Sea to (irimsby at the end of June. In fact it was blowing Force 9 when the ships arrived at Grimsby and made their way through the locks and docks. with many excitemcnts and close shaves. The summer term continued with a period of maintenance under grey Scottish skies until mid-July when tltc ron
NAVY HAS VITAL PART TO PLAY l.l-IC'l‘RlCAL Artifieer Apprenam of -ll.M.S. Collingwood were .-told by Vice-Admiral D. P. Dreyer. (‘.B.. C.B.l-2.. D.S.C. (Flag Olficer Air tl"0lTlCl) that the traditions of the were built on achievements of :Navy ,the seamen. but “now that mechanlltllloll has taken over. the balance is shifting on to your shoulders." The occasion was the Passing-Out Par:idc and Prize Giving. Admiral Drcyer. in his speech. said the Navy still has a vital part to play in maintaining the peace of the world. The Best All-Round Apprentice on passing out was Chief Petty Otlicer Apprentice R. (ilenister. of Norwich. 'l'he l2tli term linal technical examination Elcctrical Prize went to Leading Apprentice S. W. Watson of the Royal New Navy. the Radio Prize for the same term being won by Leading Apprentice D. Jordan. of Rugby. The Commanding Officer of the establishment. Capt. H. H. Hughes. A..\l.l.l3.E.. R.N.. said that l-l..\l.S. Collingwood was growing. new divisions having to be formed. He informed the apprentices and their gticsts that the results in the Ordinary National Certificate examinations were better than they had ever been. 60 per cent. passing the lirst part and 50 per cent. the second.
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the "once over"
it entered and
left Neustadt for what proved a most instructive and entertaining visit. The "l00th" then returned to Scotland for leave. The Sassenachs soon packed their suitcases, whilst those who said that they could not afford the journey south stayed behind to enjoy. the Edinburgh Festival and the not-so-busy roads of Scotland.
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Other Branches
Ofliccrs Shop: at Porlrnioulh, Plymouth and Southampton. Head Oflicr: Anglia House. Ilorwicli, Essex. Telephone lIarwi'cIi 228 I
/rn‘|‘.“iill\ urliilitt .\'I./"I'I.r’.\'I;‘. trl.-ii i'n!i'r.'il I/ii‘ Rir,\‘iiI i\'iii'_\' in (J.-lulu-r, NIH. Irm uni‘ u] the cur/it-\I "i\IuIi'\" iii.-il \.'l/'\l"]IIt'lIIl_\'Iiirritcliiiiif. told 0/ his .wIi'ii'i- life I-clan’ (mil Iluime/i Ihr I"ir\I Ilinhl ll'iir. .»l]Ier "eiri'Ii_e Imrls to srlimrl" til the Ri-_iiil‘ :\'mm' ('irIIi'ei-. firm‘/iii'iiIi. in his rurlr l'Iiirtii't. In‘ Win rippoiiileil in I.iciii'i'miIiI ((i') u/ ll..\-l..S. Dirrrmuulh. rrrciurirriikiiuliing iii Mum: (Iii
I'iiIi‘i-J J(II;\'l-II) the steamship Dzirro at South-.inipton on Deeenilier I-I. I920. for passage to Monte Video. to rer:onuuission II.i\I.S. lliartiiiouth. one of the cruisers of the South Aiiierican Squadron. (in reporting to the eumiiizindcr. who v\'.i.s also taking passage. I found him to be :i 2|l|'llI(‘I'_\‘ specialist. which has reiissuring to rue. who was to he the gunnery lieuten:int. 'I'he lirst IIt.'ltIL' senior two-striper_ was also the l't:l\'I},',:i|lIl||:ollieer. The \‘\:lIt.‘IlIseepiii: ollieers oere very _\oung and the .ship‘s eiiiitpany, Inn. “:l\ on the _\iiuu:.: side. with :i large number of ordin:ir_\ seaiiten and boys. Here. then. \\:l.'s' provided plent_v of scope for truiniriu. hoth ofliei.-r.s and ratings. into real.
".saiInrs." 1 wishof the \\e:itlier';ind Ro_\;il i\’.i\'s’ \\‘hen the I).iiio .s.iileil. the f.tlIlI'_.'\ their respects to ‘_.ZUtIlI Kiri; coiitliiu-iis were poor. lmi we were I in; to no soon elem of the Cold iiinl dull \\CIlllICI' l Neptiiii: zind would he rendelvoiis ot the British winter and run into \\lllt SS. l).irro on the lollmsing l.IL|_\" \\'.|fIII and sunny periods‘. even helore .it nooiifi’ e.illur_.- at Lisbon. Although on :i } With it reply on the iitliiniutive. pre- .‘ lusurj liner. with t'n:inv plc:ts':int hours were mzide for the initiziting 1 of leisure. :is it ship's comp;in_s' we hiid eeientony. As the prepzirtitions nciired to get down to realities and orgiiiiise completion some novices were exDI\'I\It|t1\ “till the relzitive parts in tire cited. others had some iiiizsgivirtgs. hut ship to I‘tkL‘ over on joining l);irt- ‘when i. W.“ known "ml we “,m_ month 'l'liiis the diiys tit Iirst passed n'i'.inder and myself would be the lirst ver_t qiiieklv and Cliristmns l):iy w;is',lor induction they :ippe;ired lizippier. upon its before we hzid re:ilI_v gotlfio the grezil day arrived. Piiiietuzilly at ! settled down. It was :i luxurious oe- noon ii grull voice was heard hailing. C£I§IuI'I.t.‘\|'N.'CI1III}' for the young se:i- "Ship uhoy. Hens-e to." This comIntense men spending their lirst Cllfltslltttls zit mund uiis [apidly ohesed. sezi. It was :i ciilm. sunny day. zind the , silence reigned :is His i\l:iie~‘ty King .
II..\I..§. I)urtritoiilh—tIte Iiuht cruiser of 5.15! tons. with eight sis-inth guns. I-'irst i.-oiiiinissioneil in I9l3. she was sold in I930
vi eeg i‘‘es’ h.isn:ini_- I o Hie sen.he :ind t:iins sshose eonli;.:iir.ilioit ls sh;ipi:d "steps on to :i plutloriit. is-here ever_s- like :i inussive hand. ssith lhri:e lingers is read) for his initiation. He is pointing iipwzirds. these were milled iwiislted imo the h;irher's chair. the the “iI'liiee liiieers ot (iod." We would you l ditctiir piiieltes his nose tind deposits (I have liked to have \p-:nt more time at 4 I" ""1! ‘fl-'-I; i pill in his ntoiith. ill the some time the Rio. hot on the other hand. this rzitlier dining rooms were hi.-:iiitil'till_v dccor—':\ieptuii:. with his Queen .-\inpliitritv: d "'9 “"‘°"d'"I3 mu ; h:irher's mute applies :i good hriislifiil unnziturtil life :it sezi. with little to do. "_-f “"'_'-"" ~ ated. 4-\t'ter the evening meal the eivil~ zind eourt. were pip.-d on board as """'"' "'5 "I'll """"'""'_“- "I-‘iot the lather to his face. Rapidly the Itiiil hegiin to rmike us‘ cztger to gel to im pusseiigcrs joined us in &ILlfICIIlgiII'IC_\‘ emerged with grezit dignity ""3" d‘-"'I"'"I- ""1? 1'0"" |* hiirher with his cut-thro'il contr'ip- the end of our voyage and get to grips until midniglit. 'tlirou-.'ti the hnusc-pipes, On reaching G‘""'~‘“"" d" 3'0"’ d"‘-‘-" 0I"-'“- lion each side of his I'ICC with the realities of :i s:iiIor's life. We his throne. King Neptiin: riizide :1 now‘ For the hf those information (‘kasslhc "IE ”"F‘ speech of welcome to all hiivine the honmir to be serving under nwlm u fmccml push m we chc“ arrived :it Monte Video on I:inu:ir_v 8, and he is tipped hueksi.-.irds into the |‘l'.'l.rind were soon on board lI..\I$. The Durro was due to cross the _. “*0 "J" N“ 5°?" tank. where he is eriihhed by the lirst Ilzirtriiouth. euiiiiriziiided by Capt. CW8" equator on December 2‘) and II was pI't\lI¢t_:L‘(I to cross the equator. a brief " I bczirs held under water and Itigg-Withi.-rs. RN. agr-ed ihzit. although we were p:is- l .G''"V"'E‘“EN' "9 Yo‘ , R DUTY description of the ceremony .' .- In mm mm] hc I‘ is given. pim in um pfistd No time was w:istcd. Within a few it would not be right or proper A lzirttc canvas birth. about 4 Ice! [mt I“ ma“ hi‘N" “H: cm“ and M an for ollieers or ratings of the Royal “To the neat realm over which I in depth zind 30 feet long, is rigged. and days we sailed for MoIdin:ido. to carry the of bath what wondering just hap- out those drills. escrcises and tiring the equator without reign. none is so dear to me as the Ntivy to cross in short time. has progninunes generally known as After he so Ptricd zi being duly initizitcd into the "Ancient suitors of Great Britain. who. from I h re-: -; h he is : ihle to w.itch i_.i incd h'.s Ritcs and (‘ercmonic.s." The captain the time of the great Nelson. have mM'nL m rcprcwn‘ hear‘. Wm‘; "workiiii.-iip exercises." It was quite "H thfun. his I-ll :' ever held for Britain the print! title refiesliiiig ;it'ti:r weeks of cortigave permission for a signal to he made ()ii the edge of the hzith nearest l pziirs. of ‘Mistress of the Seas.‘ which to “the Court of King Neptune" st:iti p:ir;ttive idleness. I:titlfIIL‘llI civiliuri for onl D:irro passengers. had favour Great Britain has never 3 ing that the good ship I).irtmotitli thus became .1 reasonollieersl board lII.Il'l_\' novices amongst abused. I feel such novices as you a huge wooden razor. whilst his mate. ably etlieient unit of the Sqinidrnn. hut ,“R51. GUMPSE of “'0 to rehas .'i Lirgc whitcmisli brush with :i' lunfortuniitely. weunitwere destined l hzirrel of ii mixture of flour and wiiter. during the short The voyzige to Monte Video took 2'.‘ §ni:iin (I single llie doctor has :i laritc may of “|'|III\"i(iI1l!i'\‘ vi:i Lisbon and Rio de Juneiro. iperioil he were to rem:iin on the tlittle iloiighhiiys). The scribe sits at ‘I It: hurhoiir zit Rio. :is it is ;|ppI't.t(|L'IIL‘(.Iisiziiion. the h.ise of the court plutforni. I.-om se:iw.ird_ m:ilses :i most tseziiitifiil ! Soon after I).‘irtn\oiith hzid reliirited When the order hiis been given. picture. In the l'or._~v__-roiind is the Stiitur to Monte Video. and eoinpleted with "(i.-iitleiiieii. do your diitt." :i liieh-';ind ('ore;is-*.ii.lo llltltlnlttlnfi. Whilst speed op.-rzitioii is eoinineneed. The in the distzinee lie 1| range of iuonn» (('iintinuerI iin page I-I. column I) _
:’h'"_"::m:' . :l . ' w, " , r "T' l . “ ' “:h‘."" ~' '_:!f“‘d° .
ser'itH:s ‘
"'€_.“""'~ .
iiiiiiui.-d, Il“pt’ut.'C(ILIl‘u‘I"€
ton taste in layer
By appointment to the Royal Danish Court_1!to Royal sw(.d;;,|-, Court and the Royiii Greek Court ‘I
oi-ing together i
In all lir.inclies' of the Service iliseipline ‘.tlttI team work itri: esseiitial ti) .siiu.'es.s'. And not only in the Service. It applies in Ci\'IlI'.ttt llltt.IL't’l.llsIll*_.!\' as well. The uorls tII‘IllL' (Iii-operative I’eriii-.ineni lhiilding Siveiety is ‘.t e; in point. 'I'|ii.s Society provides L':1.\}' and prolii.ilile iiietliod.s ol' Ilt\‘t,‘slttt‘__'_‘ '.!lltI .s-.isiiig. Iiiiestcd nione_\' is tised to iiiake '.ttI\".tttCL'\ on tiiiirigage to liiiiiilics who sun: to liu_\‘ their homes. Tltcrc is no better esiiniplc of lI‘llllLl;ll CH-()pt:l'.IIltIll of ZltI\".1III'.l‘__'t.‘ to hotli. Sm.! !uilii_)' jirr Jetuili of!/is .\’u.'irI_r's .rrr:'/'i‘i'i*.
F:~ti:i:ce1£3EMtt.))t 'l:'::':!:'ri.iIt.:1Si:=:ti:tlzsz:-iii:-iSim: rt Stmitz ‘is this Smelt Ir: trailer lurtlrmlt THE SOCIETY IS PARTICIPATING IN THE ‘SAVE WHILE YOU SERVE FOR A HOME YOU CAN OWN‘ SCHEME
I:'l'~-’'-''- :2 |ilJl"Ci1llll||‘li tiiv ..
September. 1962
Home Fleet and
uniform everyone’s talking about”
0. 4| Commando which is to embark in H..\l.S Albion during this month was lirst formed in October. I9-S2. and during the Second World War took part in the following at:tions—Sieily and Salerno (Septem-
ber. I9-IJ). landing
(June. l9-H). assault on Walchern (November. 1944). River Mans. Holland and West Germany (January to April. I945). The Commando was disbanded in I9-I6 with other units in the initial stages of the Royal Marines reorganisation after the Second World War. In Augiist. I950, the unit was reformed as 4| (Independent) (Tomntando for service in Korea. It was completely equipped by the United States forces on arrival in Japan and was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel D. B. Drysdale. D.S.O.. O.B.E.. R..\l. in the first instance.‘and later by Liciit.-rfoloncl F. N. Grant. R..\l.
Admiral sir (fliarles Madden. llt.. British Navy Staff. Washington and l\'.(‘.ll.. ism he (foinniaiider-in-(‘hicl. United Kingdom National Liaison Home I-‘leet. in succession to Adniiral 2 Representative to the Supreme Allied Sir Wilfrid Woods. K.(‘.l3.. D.S.O.. the §('omnt:inder. Atlantic. in succession to appointnient to take etlcct in .l1lllll;|l'_\‘. Vice-Admiral Sir William Crawford. W03. This appoiiitiiieiit carries with it C.ll.. D.S.C.. the :ippointment the .\'..-\.'l‘.0. appointment of to take clleet in January. I963. Rear-Admiral J. H. Wzilwyn. 0.ll.E.. (‘o:n:n:intler-iii-('liief.Eastern Atlantic is to be Flai: Olliccr Flotillas. Mediter('oiniiiand (ClN("l3.-’\STl.ANT). \'iee-Admiral Sir Nigel llenderson. iranean. in succession to Rear-Adntiral K.C.B.. ().ll.l~I.. is to be (Tommander- ‘J. l-'. D_'Hush. D.S.C.. the appointment in-('hief. Plyinoutli. in succession to to take cllect in October. I962. This .-\dniir;il Sir Charles Madden. BL. appointment carries with it the l\'.('.ll... the appointment to lake etfeei N..-\.'l‘.0. appointment of Comnuinder. Meiliterranetiii Area East in .\'ovemher. l‘)(i?.. This :ippointm_ent '_Sotitli carries with it the .\'..-\.'l'.0. appoint- t(‘().\ll:‘DS()UlEAS'|'). Rear-Adniiral ‘I’. l.. l-Zddison. C.B.. ments of Comm:indcr. Central Suhl’Rl-ISI [)1-INTIA I. CITATION .-‘\re:i. liastern Atlantic Command l).S.(.‘.. was placed on the Retired List it‘()Nt(‘liN'l‘l..-\N'l')and Commander. to date August 7. During its service in Korea the C.ll.. W. G. Rear-Admiral Coin~ S, Tinhe. Channel Sub-Area. Plyinotitli Commando carried out a number of \\;ts placed on the Retired List to date tttantl. ((’().\ll’l.Y(‘l'l.-\N). successful amphibious raids on the \‘iee-Admiral Sir John l.ane;isti:r. Aiigiist 24. coastline. chiefly with the Capt. M, C. Giles. l).S.().. 0.B.l~I.. lKnrc:m K.ll.l-2.. C.B.. was placed on the Retired object of dcstroyiiig the ‘coastal (3..\I.. R.N.. is to be President. Royal communications, List to date July I7. At the same time it Rear-.«\dmiral A. R. Hczlet. (.‘.ll.. .\'aval College. (ireenwicli. in the succeeded in tying tip large Coml).S.() and Bar. |).S.C. was promoted acting rank of Rear-Admiral. in munist forces in coastal defence. When succession to Rear-Admiral A. ll. (3. to Vi-.‘C-."\(ltl’Ill‘.'Il to date July 17. the Chinese entered the war the J. G. Hamilton. C.ll_.. (Bordon-Lennox. C.H.. l).H.O.. who is Commando was attached to the Ist (‘.B.l-i.. is to be Flag Ollicer Air retire on relief. The appointment will .\larine Division. U.S..\l.C.. and it took tllomet in succession to Vice-Admiral take clleet on October 23. with this Division in the historic Capt. D. P. Mansfield. R.N.. is to be part l). P. Drcyer. (‘.l!.. ('.ll.E.. D.S.('.. the (Thosin Reservoir Rear-.-\dn1iral to date break-out from the The appoiiitmcnt to take ellect in October. promoted to Mn}. 41 (Indepenand to be (Thief in December. 1950. \‘iee-.-\dniiral Sir Alastair I-fining. January 7. dent) Coinniando was disbanded in I\'.ll.l-1.. ('.ll.. l).S.(‘.. was placed on Stall ()llicer (Teclinical) to l-‘lag Olliccr February. 1952. but in I957 was .-‘\ir (Home) in succession to Rear- asvarled the United States Presidenthe Retired List to date Aiigtist ‘J. J. ll. l-‘rewen. (‘.ll.. .-\i.liniral C. B. Pratt. ('.B.. tlte appoint- tial (‘iiatioii for its services with the on-. promoted to Vice-.-\dmiral to date ment to take cllcct in Jztnuziry. 1963. Is: .\l;irine Division. U.S..\l.C. seven .-'\1i_eust 9. years earlier. ROYAL .\l.-\RlNl{ CH.-\.\’Gl€S Vice-.~\tlinir:tI H. C. I). .\lae|.ean. ('ontm.indo was rc<forincd for .\lajor—Gener;tl R. D. Hoiighton. its'l'lte (‘.ll.. l).S.(‘.. vsas placed on the l\’.l3. present task in April. I‘l(i0. ().ll.l-3.. .\l.('. is to he .\lajor-(icncr.'il Retired List to date .-\ttt:ttsl H. Rear-Atlniiral A. A. l-'. Talbot. ('.ll.. [ Royal .\l:irines. Portsniotitli. in l).S.(). and was promoted to \’icc- f succession to .\l'.ijor-(iencral R. C. de Adiniral to date Atiiiiist I4. and to be .\l. Leathes. (‘.B.. M.V.O.. O.B.l3.. with Coininaitder~in-(‘|iiet'. South Atlantic elleet front October 1. General Sir Campbell R. llardy. and ‘South Anterica. in succession to Vice-.-\iliiiiral Sir Nicholas Copeinan. l-i'..C.B.. C.B.I-2.. D.S.(). and two Bars. l\'.ll.lE.. (,‘.B.. l).S.('.. the appointment is to he Representative Colonel ComHF. Ministry of Defence has stated Royal .\l'.irincs for 1963 and to take cllcct in February. I963. that ii third nuclear submarine is Rear-.-\ J. I’. Scatclizird. l).S.(‘. |‘)o~3. and two Bars. is to be Flag Ollicerf M:ijor~Gener-.iI H. T. Tollenizichc. to be built for Britain. The work has Second-in-(‘oniniand. Far East Fleet. .(‘.ll.. relinquishes the appoiutv been entrusted to .\lessrs. Viekers. at in succession to Rear-Admiral J. B. inent of ('olonel (.‘nmmandant. Royal the llarrow-in-liurncss yard. where the first British nuclear submarine. the t»n,~uen. (‘.ll.. the appointment to take Marines on completion of tenure. .\l:ijor-General R. F. Cornwall. Dreaditoiight. is completing and where ctlcct in l)eccinl\er, Rear-.-\tlniiral J. l". l). Bush. 0.3-(.'. (‘.ll.. (,‘.li.l-1.. is to be a Colonel the second one. the \"aliant. is buildand Inn Ilars. is to he Cotninandcr. .(‘oinin.indant. Royal Marines. t
I _
buy it this afternoon
Zippy new 1147 cc engine Independent suspension all round 25-l't turning circle Garage maintenance once in 3,000 miles 72 driving-seat positions 93% all-round visibility Rigid steel-girder chassis Adjustable steering column
Beautiful Italian lines Choice of coupé, convertible, saloon or estate car.
dollars. Choose the beautiful new Triumph Herald and rare. Low capital outlay, low fuel bills, very low maiittenancc costs. Generous tax concessions are still available. Get the details now. Still
"l‘eryleiie'/worsted serge (Proiliiced in consultation with ICI) by Bernarils.
lighter weight uniform
See your Standard-Triumphdealer today or write for details to Stantlard-Triumph
Sales Ltd.. Export Sales (European Division),
Coventry, England.
A member of the Ll')'ifIlIlt.l.\!uiur.i Group
Full details from branches or ii-rile to
C. H. Bernard & Sons Limited Anglia House, Harwich, Essex
30 Royal Parade, Plymouth. Telephone 66543 40 Couuncreinl Road, Portnmonth. Telephone 26!!‘ J2 Kit-Itgnte. Dunfermline. Telephone 786
r\'.\\'\' t'\'l-IWS
Scpternber. I962
G0sp0rt’s true expression of sympathy R.N.A.
B 0 YA L N AvA L
HE members of the (iosport lirarieli regret to report the death on June 26, at an early age. of their es-tri.-asurrr. Shipniatc Cllief l’etI_\» Ollicer Writer Maurice llillicr. Shipmatc llillier was responsible for putting the Cospott headquarters on a sound liir.ineial liasis when the liuiltling was tirst erected. anrl did much to get the ship mi an even keel. He relinquished the ollice ot’ treasurer of the branch when he has drifted to ll..\l.S. Phoeiiicia. where he tdid outslanditis: wurlr at the Maiioel Island Club. llis ttl:ltl_\' friends. serving INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER and ex-.scrvini:. riioum the pussitlt: of a trite shipriiatc. Patron: H.M. The Queen Mrs‘. llillicr. his widow. desired that 3 no llowcrs should he sent lor the rive committee. talses care or all the illlllttflll. but that donations should he li:;rd.iclies connected with the ;id:iiuiisto the (Ziiicer (';i:npaigii. Ship- tration of hraricli husitiess. Sociailj. the 1 lllLllC\'. their wives‘ and friends gave‘ _se.rr has been quite a succ.'s'sl'ul one iiiost gt.‘llL't‘ulI\l). with the result that all hands" :rre hoping that tli: on Ju|_\.' 28. Mrs. ('-race. wife of Lite "piinisliriiciit" will continue. In addi\’icc-President of the hraiich Rear- tion to the usual week-end social In:, .-\ W. Is’. ('. (irace. ('.B.l:'... pre- a finite)‘ dress dance and a tramps’ hall sciited to Mr. R. Moorey. tre siirer were most eiijo_v:rhlc ,of the (import British tiutpire ('.ine.'r .\'l-IWSl'APl-IR 'l)EC(lR.\Tl0N5' lll-I Newcastle and Gateshead branch of the Royal Naval Association has For the tramps’ hall the hall was a new president. On August 24 Capt. Guy Mziimd. l).S.().. ILV. (rct.l. was lll-I Coventry branch ol' the Ro_i':ild-‘l11llft"1|"- UfS'«t"N-‘d 1516 t-‘\'lls"~‘ll-"N decorated with candles in iani jars and installed. A destroyer captain during the war. he is now a prominent -.\'cw-. Na,-at A§.,m.;;"io,, “in he haying and the Ct:I’¢tIlutt_\' ol prcsL‘nl.ilioii was- odd hits of new-s'p-.iper liruig. distastecastle business man. 5“ new standard dcdimkd and um attended by Vice-Presideiit(‘;ipt.('. ll. lltll_\'. front the cross beams. The Septeiiilier looks like being a lull‘ two shipmates brought their fathers .,,id stand“-d -[aid up" in "jg nu; (‘arnpbell and Mrs. (‘;imphell. and the‘ tramps and trziriipesses‘ deticd descripntuitlll for the Newcastle hrancli cliairriirrtr Sliipiiiate l.. ()alsle_\. tron. [ml the spirit of cortinidcslirp to join up recentl_v. (':ithi.-dral on Sunday. Co\'cnt‘ry 'l he Ltlllltlitl outing to Bamhororiglil Shipriiate Harper is the hr:inch's bi.-r 2|. As this is Trafal ar I)av t ei H B|.ic'striore. \\.rs abroad in no simll ineasur-.' and '«°"‘-"“I"'~‘i”‘“M ‘I N I takes place on September ‘I. an 0llllllt_.',‘ Welfare Otliecr and he and the mem- mm,l,,_.N of "H, the hrarrcli treasurer. Ship. the hraiicli iuti:iid.s to keep it way. hfiping wlu.-lr. .iecordiI‘.g to the Newcastle ie- , lver.s of the branch wish to express "ml at ,.,a,,_,. ,h;,,,.,,1,_.e 1., pt-,e.,;i,|., “in i mate I. A. lll.-rck_more. presented A ‘I he sliipniates of the Stnrirnore and porter. ‘Zing. sliipiiiate who misses this‘, their tlrauks to the J._-wish t7_\-§¢r\-i.-¢- in. p,-‘.,cm_ to r\lrs. Lrrzice. lilstree branch. with their ladies. rethoriquet ruisses one of the liesl things in life."liiicii's .-\ssoei:itiori tor the oulirig« the .\lidl:iud Area of the Sea Cadet c.-iitl_v visited the lieadquarters and 30 -'“'“‘[" AN” ‘\”"\” (ln 's‘epteniher |(i sliipiiiiites will hel;irr.iriged tor drsahled shipniates. ('nr \ will also attend the P arade (tlltll {were provided with liincli_ ‘llus' the Blrickliall braucli :rt its; supporimg .‘\llllUtlgll l‘lt,'\.\< .-l the (iosporr .l p:irticii|;ir|_v happy. occasion and Llc\lli.’.ilti|tl ceremony and on Septeiii~-' ‘llie oeeasiorr will he an opporluiiit_\‘ l",“"‘*'ll Ul ll“: Rtllill Siwill -"-“Wt-I‘ .\lll'Itl£ll' service can he accorded any her 23 the hranch is shootine against: -for .-\ssoci;itioii inemhcrs to see the 11”" l _1l‘~' llfi“ 5|l‘l"~‘-lhfil N" 3 \-WW4‘-‘F- ;l\t;lllt.‘ll visiting the area the Roxril Air Force .-'\ssociation. New- j ncw L';tlllL't.ll".ll and rebuilding work. 5',l‘lL' l'‘"°- '1 \l‘|‘"ld 13*“ l‘~' 1-110!‘ 1|‘ it Members‘ or the branch. with i:.istlc won last time and is out to nizrin-E lllill ll‘-3 l{\-service p;i:ades in Covctitry :ireI"S" l‘|'-*"s‘ll 1‘ ll-|\"".t1 It ;§taudard. will attend the aiinrral r.ill-i .\lli.\tl-llilt of the Wantage hr:r_ncli mm lmmlly. “.6” Supported. but t.nn its positiori. i "ritakc and ni:rid_" 0:: the in l.oiidou on October I3. 'lh: "5 ills‘ 23 will members Nil‘-‘ill ,\ept.-iiihcr see llll'..‘tllll€l'\ of the local l)t”:ItlL‘ll are C0"l"1||’_."‘ll"-' 1'-k‘s‘~‘“l “W .‘'s'-" ll-1‘ l‘-'9" hr.uie|i anirual dinner and dance will R|‘)'1|l at -'\S\’(I.CtlllI0t‘l. for l'\l;dilli:shroiigli that br;incli's l)edi- -‘iltitittllllf "JtIHIII_\" James died re- jhopirig for a good turn-out ol h: held on Deceiuher 7. .iiid the or-_.-.inthe L'.Illt'l1 L'.'TL.‘lllUll_\u'. at 72. o: His loss will-‘ trim! all age mates |ceutl_\‘ over the country to; U4|K1~‘.\ _i|“|”"s‘\l ills‘ isers are sure it will he :i really grand -§l*'l’”}9ll*‘ 'l-he keenly-felt. otlrce ol : ‘how cliarrriraii the my “ml L-_\.R0_\;,1 l\';,\vy mm : and. with the execu- iii-;lil. TR.-\l-'.-\l.C.\R l)r\.V('l'I i Sliipiiiale James fought at really do stick together and lost and the an action. “N -I-“fury”, I)“. d._m‘_.c Wm be each other's activities. It is hoped thrill e_\e during li-.~ld this year on (lclolier I‘? on hoard as ll'l:Il\_\' hrariclies as possible will’ ll \l \. Calliope and .shipm:itcs are e\~, l attciid with their .\‘r:riidarils. The (‘o\'entr\ lsraiicli will he pectin-_.v a grand I.'\:.'l'llllg. 'licl;els‘_ at" car 5s f-d.. are going like hot cakes. plying tea tor visitors‘. and a social gclI the committee of the hr;rrieh.} R. C. (E. V’. Gregory of l. Chapel :tog-ether will he held in the evening.‘ li€Llll\'\l h_\ Secretary Shipmatc Thirl-I l.:ine. l.ilhourne. Rugby. who was . ll-‘ull details may be t|l'Il.iltlt.’tl from well. and safely guided through rough 5 iiistrumeritzil in foriiiiiig the Warwick- lSlll[1ll‘I:tlc A. l’. Jephcott. 70 l)alliiigtori water by the "tatltcr" of the l1t";ltI¢_‘l'|_:filllfL‘ branch of the Suhrnariiic Old 1 Road. Coventry. .\hipnr.itc Deitton. are seeing Ihat,('orur.ides .-\sso.-iatu-n. and was its : e\er_\:liing is in shipsliape order. lirst secretary’. was killed in a car Meiuhersliip is creeping up: in fact crash near K-.:nilwortli on July 6. war. possessing se\cr;il trophies and" articles presented to him h_\' olliceis Ulltis ships. N the recent lloiiiccraft Service '-'-"'was captured in Singapore hy petition for war pensioners, Strip- theHeJapanese and never saw his tainily ‘-niate Ii. Loitghurst. of the l‘urie_\ until repzitiiated in l‘l-S5. lle W.I‘i lll-I members of the Darlington branch of the Ro_\' r\'av:il .-\ssocia- aagairi (‘liiel Pelt)’ Ollicer when he was inbranch of the Royal l\'-.iraI ‘lion. gained a tirst-class ccrtilieute tor- valitlctl in 1‘ I"-t7 is now iinahle to g.-\ss'otiatiiJn are .still endcavtiurint: to ; ttialiint; and eiiiliroiilerint: a talileelotlr work hecziuse of and illness resirltitig from Ilind .t suitable site on which to build gand chair back. The iirgaiiisers said. of ill treatment while a prisoner ‘a new club. It is a difliciilt inli. but ."Your work was ailjutlued as rca|l_\ years of war in Japan. the sliiptnatcs are deteriiiinctl to lind outstanding and of p‘.lI’lil'tJl:It’l_\ high standard." the right situation. FOUNI)!-IR-Ml-Ifilfllill l)ll-ZS In a personal letter Mr. llo_\d (';ir.-\ social evening is held in the .-\ fuiinder-nienih.-r ot the hr.uich, presen: lieadqrrartcrs every Szrtiirday penter. the then Minister of Pensions. night and these occasions, with guest wrote. "‘t'our entry was riuieh admired \’liipui;ite William (iilniore. died reartistci. are well attcrided and proving land the award was richly merited." ;centI_v and is s:ulL\' missed hi llls stripShipniate l-fdward Loiigliurst lirst niates. He was well lsnown in the \ttl)most successful. .\'ot so many people .:ittcn:l on other evenings ‘television. joined the R\‘}';ll Navy in I'll:and did .iuarine service as was his son. John l’al:rccs" and holidays probably distiriguisliecl work during the l‘ll-l-IS (iilniore. now in Aristralizi. account for the drop-» but the stalwarts hope that :ittend;iirce.s will be ;bLt\.'li to riorrnal in the near future. lt was with regret that the resigna:tion from the .\l;inagemcrir Committee lot one of the tnost conscientious tllL'tltl‘L‘l’$ had to he accepted. the nienthcr in question being Mrs. V. Pciiibcrton. who has given yconinn lscrvicc to the l‘It':ItlCl'l since its inception not only in advice hrit "also itt orgaiiisiiig such events" as the part)‘. junihle sales and the like. .\lrs, l'crtiherrori agreed liowever. ltn continue as (‘hairiii;iu_‘Secretary of -‘the Ladies‘ Section and organised the children's outing again this year. The outing took place on September 2 and the children were taken to ton Larew —-nreriihers of the branch being again invited as guest.-2. Cliildreii trom the local (’liildreii's ll\ltll'.'S were adopted for the d.i_\' by l rnernhers. The annual Flower and \'egctahle show was held on .-'\iigrist 25. Next I year the committee hop» to have ;irr : even bigger sliow. Ree;-ritl_v the branch cricket learn travelled to West llartlcpurvl to play the local br.irich. "Hie oiitcoriie of the match 2I[‘|pC(ll's' to be very uncertain. Value at thin the Darlington branch now has :i and of year year ‘sliipis bell which has been worked year A lot. of brrtiripowcr went into the design of this timt‘. ‘upon and is now in mint condition and will be returned to the West Vzlt‘{lfifl.Ttle.'l‘in:r par-ts had to be correct. to \vit.hin one AVERAGE YIELD PER YEAR £4.5.11. PER DENT Hartlepool hrancli with due respects at Leri-thoiisandtliotan inch. 'I‘od:i_v as man_v as 60ditl'crent. the tlrst oppartirriit). FREE OF UNITED KINGDOM INGDME TIX Recent visitors‘ to the club included tests are carrier! out. on every Ronsori \'a.ratlz1nic Premier. Shiptuate and Mrs. Ivor Davies from 'I‘hzt.t.‘s why it.‘.s still the world '.s' leading g:isligl1tcr..>\skto Bangor (North Wales- brancli. Should see the l{orr.s'ori I’i-critter nc~:<t time you're in the r\'.-\.-\Ii‘I. riiernbers from other branches be in I the neighborirhood the riieinbers of .‘,.rr‘. lir..- t::- II.''. HI" \'.i:‘.I:l.irinlllirlirigrori will he pleased to .1! ~:Is:-:i sun K- It‘. -' .'l' t-.- .I‘l|ll’|l;Il\li‘ fweleome them at 97 Pciisbiiry Street. Irv-:i;trL a- }.-.-»..::-J l'I'l'lI'llllt.: I- up IA) I which is only about 40 _\':irds from the 12 Inm-rl ht ILM. Force-i Sarivrr,-i C"onmii.!!ec :::u:it.u..oi tL.:ti'..-4 trutr. U324 .\l-r!tt~l»‘ill. 'rail\va)‘ station. :ttlf~' ’l';i)‘. Friday. WORLD'S GRiA‘lESl LlGlllERS ."i.lltll’(lLi) or Sur'd.i§‘ evenings.
I ‘
Newcastle & Gateshead lOld Standard for new has new President Cathedral
“='.: :'.’.‘:;:=:'.-. -'*;!i°“::=:.:i:::..%‘=‘*.-...
UL' I ;I)|,mn,_-hgan
.sli p~l\‘"_-"}'l|"|l."-
Killed in
‘Commendation by Minister DARLnsrcT0N of _; Pensions 5 LOOKS FOR NEW SITE
. ,
Capital Increases
in 7 years.
For example £500 Becomes £400. 16/10 rurroiirisr PRICE 16,2
Why Ronson Premier is the world’s most wanted lighter
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 8th year year
bought by allotment
DRAWIN7“: ‘HE HAS BEEN of Uoodprogress proud the present-day sailors at Croydon HIS PENSION F0
September. 1962
est Ham is
T is quite a long tiitte since news of the (‘ro_\doii branch of the Royal N2I\".ll A-.uu:iation appeared in "Niiyy .\'e\is." but its chairiiian. Shipiiiate I.ietit.-(_'dr. .l. 1.. Rates’. R..\'.\'.R.. says this is because the titeiiilir-rs are such a “seconil to none" he happy crood \:I_\'\—lIl:ll there never scents tiitte to get tlmtn to reporting on hnincli :tt‘li\‘iIlt:s'. The reports that the branch is slioxting good proj_-rcss and iiplioli|in;: the t:.ii!it:ons of the Nzit-y~
I-INIBEIRS of the West Ham hraiti-h of the Rrt_\:tI .\':iv:il Assoeiiitiuii paid I SIIlP.\!A'I‘lC \\Il0 has been dr:m.l it tisit to II..\l.S. Grantpus‘ on Suiiilay. August 19. whilst she was in the Port of London with a sister ship. ll..\l .5. I-"inn hale. in: his‘ pension for 4‘) years and still takes the hills; of Portland in his Both sliip's companies‘ had presi- l’illow for the courtesy and .'tllCIIllttl‘l slridt-‘. is Shipntatt.‘ I". Rose. the oldest i misly itccn lll\'llt.'tl to the West ll.:ni .:ct:ordt.'tl lo the \I\I'.t.‘I‘\. member of the Portland branch of the ' llc.idqii;iztcrs at I95.-'\ Rontlortl Road Royal Naival .-‘lssoeiation. to spend a social eye-iiing. .\l;iity l1.'.tl Rl{Sl'I{CI‘ .\I.»\IN'I‘Al.\iI-II) He needs no gl.i-zses for l’L‘.'l(lItI',! ortvtlicr cortimitriictits. but a miiithcr The of ch.ti.'tn:in the West Ham for taking part irt tombola. of which lie :-.c.'-spreil \‘.'es'.'s invitatioit and l’i.'.'itlt.'lt. sliipiiiate R. l. 'l'impson. sziys. in return \\‘cs't llaut '.\L'IIl afloat and is_ a tnastcr winner. and can a‘ "We of '.lIL' West llam llranch would hat‘ pint niili the nest man. In the accom-. most ~::iioj.:ihlc atternooii. l’.:r-l l1i\L' to that the out point although tliiiiilts‘ are extended by panyini: plioto_i:r.ipli lie is seen "li.i\‘iugi coiiiradesliip. “in;itclot" has tech:i today Smite iiieiiibezs rcceiitly expressed a :i iioggiri" with the l’r-esiileiit of the‘ cs to l.L'.l(llllt.! (‘ook ('oiirten.iy. .ncr.ii:e nical far than we ltnowleilpc greater desire to see :i lighthouse from the Portland braiicli. Siiipiiiate l.lL'tlI. .'\.'~ ii: .Stew.iids Ralliitson and I. '».iieu. in the of service. the our il.i_\s ‘shore. and so the treasurer and the Heron. R..\'. Irv.-1.). For the re.-out ‘sanic basic priitciples of Royal Naval icoiiiniittec;:cd art outing to the Shipmate Ros-."s' glass coiitaiiicd Hill)‘ tradition and coniradcship does not seaside. \'i\lIlt‘I_t! \\’antiocl; Gardens which he states is the secret of long cliange and_ as ex—Royal Naval per- and then llcacliy llcad. No wonder the life. sonnel we feel that our successors are s‘lti|"In‘I;ilci Consider their trcrisurer. Owing to a c|;:c of occupation Sltipittate Rose—-ninety last June iiiaintaining the pride and respect Sliipmate "Shiner" Wright. to be one with the Admiralty. Jones Sliipmate which has been built tip over the years of the best in the Association the has had to resign the chiiirmansliip of The Portsmouth branch entertained and which niziltes our service the trip did not cost the members a penny. the branch. llis resignation \\its| the members of the Portland brancli at tinest." Another member of the branch who accepted by the members with sincere} its headquarters on July 20. and the The West Ham shipmates would like it’ he is not kept busy is Ship- regret. Shipmatc Powell is the Portland shipmatcs wish to express DEDICATION service has been to their thanks to the Ports- moans convey their thanks for a splendid esening. arranged for the new Standard of mouth Bianch for the hospitality ex- mate 0. Pine. Standard Bearer. Wel- chairman. The members of the branch mourn fare Otlicer. "collecting seroiinger.“ the Abirigdon (Ilerlts) branch of the tended when they visited Portsmouth and one who attends all functions. the loss of Shipmate Ronald Hunter. Royal Naval Association for Sunday. during Navy Days. and also to the the sick and deals with all Royal D.S.M.. who passed away on July 20. September 9. Battersca shipniates for the darts visits There will he at parade which will match. West Ham won. but the Star Naval Benevolent Trust work.muster at 2.30 p.m. and will be headed and Garter Home was richer by the Rl-IAI. STALWARTS by the Royal Marine Band from Lee- donation which was played for and The real stalwarts however. accordon-.'s‘olent. and the Inspecting Otliccr thanks are ttiie to Battersca for help..\t.S. PROTECTOR. the Ice Pating to the ehairmaii. are those mem“ill be Rear-Admiral D. H. F. ing such a good cause. rol ship. which has already spent the times bers I2 who, forget a year. who C.B.. will. D.S.C.. Hetherington. eight seasons in Antarctica. will arrive square box in the corner and attend PARTY of I9 oflieers and cadets at Portsmouth from Southampton. after the service. take the salute at a The 845 and 846 .\'a\-at Air Squad- each meeting. Without them the work from all three Services are at where she has been undergoing a refit, march past of branches. I ioiis cnibarl: in li.M.S. Albion for of the ofliccrs. good though it is. present on a Norwegian ice cap. 6.500 during September and will sail for the Shipmatcs of the Ahingdon branch trials September I7-25. would be worthless. feet high. The party flew to Bergen on Falltlttttd Islands in October for her are hoping for a big muster on this. August l7 and are expected to return ninth season. their "great day." Teas will be proto the United Kingdom on SeptemUnder the command of Capt. R. H. tided and a social will he held during ber L3. Graham. R.N.. who will be iiitilting the evening at the local Drill Hall. The leader of the expedition is Mr. his second trip to the Antarctic in the This picturesque town on the. Michael I’l0Vl0l’l.l and the deputy ship. Protector has :i displacement of Thanies provides an ideal setting leader is Lieut.-Cdr. C. P. t). Borne. 4.250 tons(t'ull load) and has it complea ceremonial event. and apart from, R.N.. both of whom are on the stall ment of nearly 240. the welcome which shipmates. their‘ The Royal Marine detachment (I add a little variety to the Sunday morning session for the members of Britannia Royal Naval College. wives and friends are sure to receive Dartmouth. which will embark in the ship \\as' infront the Ahingdon shipntates. a visit attending the Wear (Sunderland) branch of the Royal Naval Association. Living on pentmican and dried vege- spected by Capt. Grailiain at liastncy to the town will be well worth ohile. a "llan_\an" party was organised by the Entertainiitents Coiiimittee. and I00 ounce of which. with on August I0. The men of the detachshipmates and friends set all recently on a three-hour tour ol' parts of Durham tables—e\'ery their equipment. they will have to ment ilemonstrated their ability to and .\'orthnniberl'.tnd. to march I50 miles desceniI_ front the ship‘; Itelicopter Halts were matte at sazioiis places to _tlic hrancli's \\'e|f.irc Committee. died c:trry—-they plan and scale the whilst It lto\'i.‘rctl hit‘... ahoxc the the tncnjbcffi to partake of the recently and his death. at 53. is much across tough Cotttttrv l\'orn.'iy's highest ground. and_the special arctic equip"-.t.iters" at the frequent places of in- regretted by shipmatcs of the branch. Galdltopiggen. n'l0llI'll£lIfl. ment they will use. HE "Arnold Trophy“ for the liestflercst .ind sources of supply. Indeed. 5l‘ll"“‘3”‘-' P“”‘-"‘ “M 1| Stoker in the -,.||-.-ound pcrrm-nuim-e or u-;|ui\,'to ensure that any dry spot should not Royal .\’ayy front 10'.‘-S until he was gaging mm in the |-tcdro.-d unimt S1-r.:lttiltl any terrors for these " i inyalidcd in Will. 2‘\_t‘!er leaving the ‘it-‘.5 (;;m.c.,- Lwguc, one “on |,_\ 1|",-lots." .i goodly supply was carried 1ti:.\'a\'y he_ becaiiie zt iniiicr at the _\\’ear--“n "mm M "K. nu"-md hmnch "fl uni;-r to circumvent any such pri:- ; mouth ( olliery until he became ill inst "WT i‘- .\l‘1=T i=t~'“« the Royal Naval Association. aiiil re. c.i:ious iia.':i:ils. eently Shipitt:tle Tutti King. the captain ol' the teatii. \\;ls presented with. ‘I-'A.\lII.\" ;\'I(}IIT the lI\\:ll’tl hy the donor. .\lr. Arnold. During a pale at Freniantle. Wcsterti A (Mum. night. “king ‘he [mm mm;..-‘lustralia. ll..\l.S. Ark Royal. llril;iin's u_|-j_‘\]_ ;;i tilm show of exceptional quality and biggcsl i..irri¢.r. »_ parted four steel ‘“is I‘ WC \.trtcl} t\.ts l.iid ls‘"" ; ; IIW “U” on -It 3 |'¢~¢"' and one hollard was torn Dominoes Shield and was riinner-tip in: hv v,-h;pm.,,,_. _\r_ [);n,-gdson air mmmmg" rhc ‘mp was no‘ in Ills‘ v-‘|’ibh1|8t‘ “~¢_'~‘!i0“- Shlflfllfilf 143‘ i which'some of members were see- ‘ -If“-Its‘ the Individual (‘rib (.up and ; in}. u,‘.,mch.c§ --in mmionu for Reed won l_cs .\tiinLni;in was riinucr- um mm.’ -nu. hgghggghl of the show, Js‘liipm;ite ”l""1llt‘ ‘l<‘"‘“‘"C*was. of course. the service of cont-l (’onsideriiig that I0 ditleieut L‘\- hientoration and dedication at Spurn st-ryiicc teams take part in the‘.cs. Head of Nos. ‘) and Il Areas of the: the zicliicyciiicitls of the "I!" (cant are :\ssoci:ition. sonsidcreil to he sery good indeed. I Sliipiiiate C. Piillcn. _. ,,,._.,,.t..., M, .-\.\" ot)tZ BY AN i..\'-sAii.oR‘s —
‘a’tasting of the waters’
Bestgi ten
Hundred ship-iiiates went
, _
IF"? mcit
Ihi: Royal Nasal :\ssi‘ci.i!iott— What does it iiican to you. You hutid:cd men who once were sailors. Now .il| liicuiis siaiiueli and true?
jinan in :i biscuit factory in Port ililimlwelli. \'o:ith .-\l'rica. , Atlntiriil (‘opentan “as then ll com- I gmander. the l:tlllllt.‘l}' otliccr of the‘ You proudly worltcd to build it “'0 men uho were aboard the ‘hip. and 55.3 “H” “as an Ahic Sc“. Club. cruiser Il..\I.S. Southampton ohett m-_m_ A place where you could meet she has sunk in the Mediterranean on; The ,m_.,_.,;ng “M _-m-mgtd by ‘hc To laugh and sing and talk of days 13"‘-'3"3' “v ”'"~ "'9' Town branch of the Royal .\'aval When you were one of the "Fleet." "-“-3- him" “MI! “W SIIIP W?“ "I l Association and. through the good‘ "°"°°“"" “'3'” ""°‘°' Sm-th Attic"-n v~=IIcr'~'‘nits.-ct of (‘dr. D. T. (itttttlhllgh. R..\'.. One of the nten is now Vice-.-‘\ (‘oiii:iiaiti.liitg (ltliccr of ll.M.S. Jaguar. i" which ‘ml “med. Sir Nicholas Copcman. K.l!.li.. C.lI.. ;'\lr. llart tool; passage in Jagtiar from Pcnrn-"Hg {it-shorts. ‘ind l).S_('.. the Contntandcr-in-(‘hief South (‘ape Town to l'ort Elizabeth and .-‘tllatttic and South America Station. whilst on board cltttlletl with the .‘\d- And ml“ I in bi’ “h“'“Ld‘ and the other is .\Ir. J. Hart. .1 lorc- iiiir:il about old times. "Unity, Loyalty, P.t:IIt‘ll\lIl and ‘
"3“l“_°“ b°‘“_'d iC.'ipe
'0[i‘‘,,.f‘' ‘ ‘,,' ; ‘ ‘g'h?p\. mi'ng"
It's :1 good motto. yoii‘ll all .11.-rec. Stick by it and you won't go wrong. You t'.'Eeiiu.lly men of the sea. "We sliould dedicate oiirselics to achieve our aim For which we hase fought and our our friends hate died." Those were the words of Lord
Remember them. lads. and you'll always be free Oi shame. and proud that you have been Part of the S;:vicc»—\sliich serves our
The Senior S'ci‘yice thc.R.N..-\. 'l'lu:y both sozind i_:ood ~\\liicltc\'ct' you say. You're a lolly _eood crowd —may you always be St.iii:ich friends and true ‘tntt (\It.l tlogs OI lllt.' \L‘.l.
Brown Ale Dark, delicious.
\iie—.~\dmir:il Sir .\'icliul:is (‘opt-iii:in am!
H'liipiu:itc .l.
l.\Il\.) l., ll.-\(‘l-s'l:R IY.
smooth and satisfyiiig. Have EL glass or two today.
LII’-in \'i'AT.\'I'.\'S l"AI.E ALIZ: t‘I‘.IIA}t€ LABIZI. STOUT; I'ItT.‘\'E\'S DI".IiL’(iI.I'I‘ IIIID IlAIlI’.IZl’.
N.-\ \'Y
Sc tember I963
H.M.S. SEA SCOUT ENJOYED long and quarter of mile wide, HELIGOLAND these not-very strcnuotis,
(C onlinued from page 10. column 5) coal and stores. a signal was received instructing Dartmouth to proceed to a |
tours were
but did include
fairly still hill
ELIGOLAND. so far as Il..\f.S. climbs. Sea Scout is concerned. is synony. Heligoland has been rebuilt only with ‘Hie mom; hospitality. ship since 1952. and it is now a very modern arrived at this one lime German naval holiday resort. One of its most base on a fine sunny day to be met by popular attractions is the heated opentelevision and air swimming bathfilo say nothing of a host of cameras
certain port on the west coast. where. a revolution was threatened. Despatch was necessary. This was rather awkward. as both the commander and navigator were sick. The captain instrttcted me to act as executive otlieer and he would do the navigation.
otherw'Lse~—to find that Sea Scout
the bikinis.
the first Royal Navy ship to visit the Among the other cttlcrlzlittttterrls island since I939. arranged was a naval-lleligoland getThe Germans had sent a coastal together. consisting of songs and beer. mincswccpcr. the Hertha. front Cm- neither of which ran dry. and a childhaven. as liaison ship, and in no time .ren's party on board the strlunzirine ‘ ‘at all there was a very amicable feel- with the children in their national } ing between the two ships‘ companies. costume. Tours of the island had been The ship left after sl\ sonny tlays. 1 there and as arr;ntg-ed. are no cars. ex- Ilre ship's company with snnbtunt for an aruhulanee. these had to skins and lt:ipp_v rnerrrorj‘.;_ and “Hit cept be on t'oot»~:rrtd once a1.::nn under the Ihe hope that it would not he so long l eye of the television .'.'itucras. As llelt- before there was another naval visit golantl is only a mile and a qnarter',lo this eliarntiug. hospitable place.
VISIT T0 Fi\LKLA.\'DS For some reason we had to call :tt Port Stanley in the Falkland ls|ands.l l had always hoped to be able to sail 1 round (‘ape llorn. but the were as far south I was likely to go. lloxsever. it was interesting to visit the h.t.'l\ottr in which :\dmiral Sturdee was able to prepare his Fleet for tile vital and successful action against the Gerl‘r‘.;it't S'qnatlron and so avenge the loss of ll..\l.S. (iuod Hope and .\lonntoulh at Coronel. ()n leaving Port Stanley we proceeded to Punta .-‘srenas. at the en- .-\ Squadron was being with- very good captain. lie was beloved by trance to the Magellan Straits. where drawn and that Dartmouth was to pro- us all. After coating at Rio we sailed for we eoaled ship under most dillicnlt cecd to \’;ilp;iriar. embarl; spare parts conditions. Navigation through the and stores. discharge them at Monte Simoustown some 3.000 miles away. Straits was only possible by day. and Video. and then proceed to Huenos Condcnseritcs developed and the .-\ires to exclrange ship‘s companies voyage on one propeller took 15 days. the passage took two days. Simonstoon dockyard was quite "I he scenery was very beautiful. The with ll..\f.S. Southampton. The receipt of this signal was a most small. manned by a few key men for'l'l\‘.'l.\-\'u'0O(l¢d mountains ran down to the water's edge. whilst their peaks unpleasant shock for everybody. Just docking purposes. The refitting had to were snowelad. The commander and. one day was spent at Valpariso. On be done by ship's staff. l rather entt;t\ig:.ilor had returned to dirty and l the return voyage it was decided to joyed it. because l was gaining valuwas thus altle to enjoy the p:Iss:It_:L‘. proceed through the Smiths Channel. .:thle experience all the time. .-‘\t the end of the refit l was rel5rorn the point of view of most of its. which branches off from the Pacitic but and led into the .\la-_.-ellan Straits. sortie lieved by a Iieutenant-commander. a it \'.;t\ a voyage of discovery under easier conditions than existed in distance from the l’aeilic entrance relatively junior lieutenant. as I then the l5th century. when the passage further south, This channel had been was. and a bob-a-day (iunucry Ollieer. used by the old battleship. ll..\f.S. was cornpletely out of honnd.s as (itin\\Zls tirst discovered. Canopus. after-the Coronel battle. and nery Ollieer of a Flagship. l was dined on short: by the senior otlicers one P.-\('l l"l(' WRONG LY .\'.~\.\l!-II) so escaped destruction. night :md the wardroom otlicers the So from the calm waters of the l‘lE('E 01’ (‘ARE nest. They gave‘ me :1 wonderful send .'s'tr;iits. we entered the Pacific in a On reaching .\fonte \'ideo. alter a oil. I sailed as a passettger for the U.K. raging gale. nntrl we were able to put round voyage of some fi.(l0(l miles. we on board SS. Krnf.nrns (‘astle on June into (‘oronel to coal ship once rnorc.~ received our one pit‘: 4- or (MAC, in the 33, |‘l.‘.l. some four days later. (To In’ ( ortlirrtrerl) llefore sailing from ('oronel a form of :i bumper mail. Stores were wreath and ctrt fl0\\‘L‘l’.\ \\e:e ohtainetl dischar_eed and we coaled ship once and l).irtmouth proceeded to the more (a big one). and sailed for lluenos .-\ires. with rusty ship sides and appropriate position where ll..\l.S. s'tnothered in coal dust from truck to (iood Hope and .\fonmouth had been 1 soul. and an impressive "memorial keelson. It must have been with a feel» service" field. These strips could only me of dismay that the crew of ll..\f.S. watched us berth. the me halt’ their armament in a seaway.. Southampton is L‘tlslt\tt‘I:l!}'. looking as the casement grills on the Iriesstleclts l"Ia-_.:s'hip. as were tlooded out. but the courage of smart and trim. the crews was undaunted. ()I"F T0 Sl\l0.\'ST()\\‘.\' ('r.iddoel.‘s signal. "firigtige the enemy No time was lost in the turnover. mutt.‘ closely." had been carried out by .\lonmouth. and hollt ships went down Southampton was‘ to became Flagship with "colours flying" as the sun set. of the East Indies Squadron. refitting liach of us had our. thoughts. -as in at Simonstown en route. There was a silence homage was paid to those who sense of urgency in the air. and had given their lives so that others Southampton sailed for Simonstown via Rio de Janeiro within a few days might live. Shortly after the service. a signal of the exchange of crews. Capt. Biggwas received from Admiralty. stating Withers remained in command of that for economy reasons the South Dartmouth. We had. indeed. lost a
Falklands‘ '
Chief lilcctrieiil .\rtilicer Kipps acts as stcoard during the children‘-. party held in H..\l.S. Sea Scout.
on nus
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'save while you serve
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2, Market Street. Newcastle upon Tyne. I. ot-evict Clficrs at C.\vl.:lu. Darling:-m. le.-dt. iiorthallelton. Pen-ith_ Stockton, Sou nla-id, \‘r'ar5zin;t.)n, Y—‘vh_ G..l.uh:,~:r. and I;.nu thy.-.i,:'ir.It tho t-tunlvf.
Hong Kong Story (Continued from page 6. column 5)
visits London
Iiinction. H01-5|‘.
I|"lI1I1|!. Ii.(".'.'.
\I.‘l).'~l()\'. :IlCI|\_l-Zl_. “-:I‘tlxntl;H;:It':.c‘.\
LONDON C0l‘>N I Y C0l‘.V('Il. IIUIJSINU l)El'.‘\R I .\IIEi\' I
5'1 I
I'oiism1-11th Pitoni: M.‘Zl. PLRCIIANI-.. An ideal scheme I11: lhlflt Io11Lir.x ahhtd. IIIO". ad\.|n;¢ allff thug \¢.t1'l Jl lulu rate All tmcrcst. Morteares in mt ‘Wm M d”m‘__“‘mc I", Iumh icrud. __”__r 11.3.,“ ;““,m,_-- u. we ,.,_,m,"" “,9 A...‘ ot lnni..'11n L:a,_ 34¢ g,.y,..,1.,_,1,_ c1.1iion
SITUA'l'IO.\’S \’ACA;\i'l'
l-'sIlt)l(‘IL "1‘.‘il-Lll()l.‘I1) I-‘LilItI‘f'’!-I-T(;l .|i «>11 nsd1;1:u;tt1 nd11lI 'R‘I‘Jd.pIQ‘(‘l'|II hid ltd I20 \t'tc.m11\c
population and service personnel. All was in good trim. I had no \'ll)AI.. the Na\'y'.~; most regrets. I had sened my country for modern survey ship. eontttinnded six :iiid :1 half years. ereziting httses (111111 scr.1tcI1 in llritain. the Sudan. by Capt. C. R. K. Rose. l)S.C.. R.V.. for the civil
Diiihant R1111:
It pnlwmm‘ , [.1 | mm n”"¢""‘n"“m"€d Icrmmfl ~11 1r;1in 1111 the n-vs-iitiri ot (Ill-l_1.1-mc sires ‘£111.11-rt A 11.1mm: period at three 111.111-111 wit fr rncn: 111:1 in .11111i1:.1n to ih1u¢ 1111.1 111 »
I-. \‘.T. (‘ouisc t: 11.1.l\pn'1..1i11I in ltnnvs 111.11 11111 (111r.i~.1ns l\ ne.1il\ ill‘. twinned In I’:-11...-..,¢| the Rout N.1\\ Annli..1n-1 st-.1»-1'11 he
111 eanv 11111 .in
11! interest '11
' I"? ‘<'"‘- “UN! is 28 31. 51' Cntrnrkind Ktth :11 1 C ‘”'""i “ 1 visited London from to August R1-slduii 1, “ (Juicer "‘ I-C Estate lib_\.i and Sicily. I had been Cziptaiit married and in nitsscssinii til .1 (1111-11' 1I:»v..r.x: man" N .fl._"‘_ ll’|.-ins). .\l;1l:.i. prepuriitg for the inThe ship is the first in the .\':1\‘)‘ to l1.'cfl.‘c It 1| rsscntinl Il1.iI .tIl thu-1' 1'.1rt~ A1~r!i..1'.ions .111: imizcd liom men and \\t"l‘.(‘ll gun-‘L N“-‘L n‘RR‘Ck.s r(”".‘_ ‘''l" ‘""T“- TM‘ ‘tun !ri>n1 II|lII\ '11 filfsfnfi .1“; l‘1"\1Ii-\n should he ltccn nit .\ S.1lrs \;isEo1i nl Sicily. The .\':11.';1l l’.ir:_\‘ he (It.'\'Igllo.‘(I exeliisively for hydro- f\PClltf1.Cd in hixisinrz ntanzucmcnt lur an ' 1 ' "MC -\:: MI. t1t1:.un.ihle M'In.':c.1i-its mu 1-: rmiiiicd .111-1 from :2 Ir -1111 tcsidcnt [.111 & P11:4,,.._. iitcnt :11 c\1;i1c otli..cr1 in .\‘oiih, t<tll. uhi-.‘l1 e1.e11t11:ill_\' took over graphic stirveying :1nd is n:1mcd after RI‘-Id. I'11.'r.\rr.~1 ii' I’o\t .l."'"I"”*i' [MES .1 lirr '!.11ri111L' nciud '11 1.11:-,1 niit Rel-ct l)i-rs l.11n11o.-1. l)i1Iies IIKIIIIIC estate u1r*s‘f\N-'11 Aiitu-.-in. been tr:iincd by me .111 eminent Siirve)‘i11g Ollicer. Viccr 51111111 IN‘ I‘I>\IIl1\n 111 in (NI-Inuit‘: Sites ‘I l\tC2ass .1r.<.l us. it. some 'cntt:11l:c.-ting and .i.1:n: I“ 55”-I-* 7- c~ I’ 3‘ '‘‘l“‘73. ' rr l'|‘Dt>crsm11II. l(‘ I; II \| 3‘ |¢'1\-31;’ 1-C bi.-lure I went to .\l:ii11is and later .-‘\d111ir-.1l A. T. I‘. Viil;i|. She has the in .:ct' as the L'm1r.t|"s tcnrucntaisxc. with it L--1-Kl :1 ull'I|fII€ !l.l1'J‘ ~.1'.1r\ In H M ‘R-h Km“-fin" m|'l\;1‘:‘. lion): Koitg. latest technical Cql|I[1l11'.‘l1I enabling 17:0-1-1.111 (111 nrt-sent under texieu. 112111‘. I'l- dun hi‘ _u'“LIH“” in-e 1.‘ me Imh “M1 he!“ 19;‘. 1 tr:rier iuilt .1 l’ci1smI1. 111.11 cnnim 111.111, .1111] Nms the time had :irri\.ed to stir- her to survey and explore the deepest 1‘-:5-1."I'5) ntus tcni-tire MW‘: '‘‘''"'’"‘'‘I‘'''""' n''’‘‘' l1.1 "" 1l'"N‘d =0 N: In "N"-I K1-nr M lsi I):-:rrnt-cr llc nu.-irtcrs for extra? ‘-11 1 “mid :c\:c1t shiwitd 1t'(|'1l’\t .111 Annl:1.111.»i-. Intru ltlf to Junrr huh an f_ [1 A_ H ieitder l1‘l\ resputtsiltililies. It tune iite parts of the \sorId's oeezins. 111111:-. \.1!1i¢d :11 1107 to: si1nerannii.11m1 r1-ii .\lc.t1.1n1ci.m ol Unlliulf I(fl:n]uv 1‘-H,“ m _‘1tr11:11 thl’ (1.1:t¢.m \\mc (‘11nm.1i1s I «'11. nl, no-cs. L‘11mn'.cn.'ing s.11l.1.') according to 1111111.’ dit~cI1dri1cr1 thin in gic.1t pleasiire to he the guest LII t11'.11ty A helicopter is carried for 0|'lCl'2!.IIOfl sllitltfl l:ii~.::\ (!‘l1I‘('!\ I.‘ Iiiiiity Suuntc. l..1\1l.~n. an)‘ area [sf "1: um‘ and experience. Annual .]II()\A.|n\‘f .11 1.1‘ retain! or 1:rr.e. lzirenell parties and :1 tii1.1l p:ir1_\‘. in remote areas 11111! the ship;ilsni11:1inI t‘ = n.1\.1b2c lur Dtcscrihcd h|‘|l\IIII manattcrttcn-. 1111.111piven by 111} stall otlicers iit the t:1ii1s complete printing. fiicilities on f1.'.a:i11:1. Send 3.5.!-‘.. ttvsvlscanl lnr 1111211 ull'1ceis' mess :11 the Hotel .\letrupole. I'Il\£ll‘tI to prodiicc her own and IllI',II€ l‘ details to Director of llmistnr in siirveys u.1s ii xtoitderliil 11ec;isi11it. l(il I’ 191.1 *1]. ceitlfll) Hall, $_l',_|. 111 he 11:She has :1 complement of Iiiincd nut later than Scmcntbci 20. W02. .-\s tI1c tiiite 1:111 11111 I got sad :11 L'l’tlCf[lt.'T|L‘)'. H otlieers :i111l I50 r;1tin_i_:s. heart :is so i11;i:1_\' nllicers wished me "( 111d speed." but :iItl1111ii:l1 t'1:'.-ling siitl .\llSCl-Il.l.A,\‘EOUS ROCK.-\l.l. l.ANI)I.\'G I fell. .11 the s;i111e time. xcrt proud I11 I1.1\e seised with so 111.1113 ullicers H..\lS. \"iiI:1I \-.:1s I;i11n1:I1ed in l‘I.‘l J\.l\X 1.111111 {1\ntl1III('\I 1.1111, 24-hour sennc let 1 l'1>:t-iituiiih .l55.|3‘-I mu) lines). 11I lI'lL' R11_\.'1l \.1\-., the Ro1.;1| \'.i\':1I ‘ must of her work has been car- I Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty I'It‘st.‘r\L‘ .:IltI Iilt.’ I{1ij..1I N.1\.tI \'1‘I:tIt- ;ried out in the \\'est indies. hut in C. II. Ill>ZR.\‘\KI) 84 SONS LTD. .11: .1Iv1.1\\ h.1t1:1\ (11!t\:dcr :11 ttuiiid-Ii.11112 lLl‘l RC\L‘l\L‘. I I955 the ship made .1 scientilie cruise sv«11.'1:s inch or uitliout {\|llL'Il.l\tf|L‘ Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with 1i:i1t1ts_ and .im IIIILEI" 1' xell prospects I11 ssisltinlr shiviild in the Iin Arctic wzitcrs. It was diirim: this 11- -\ii1~:1.1 lluiisc. tsrttc tint iris'.:1r..c I-"ARI-III I-II.l. I’Rl{SI-I.\’ l'S lI.iiw..l1. 111 :11 inlsscs. of permanent and pensionable service. ‘cruise that she pci‘t'ori11e1l 11111: of her \.i1.1t Potts to .11:i:.1.'1 the lo..1l N.1n.h. pay of -‘\s I [111.‘p;1re1l 111 111211 II..\I.‘}. imust 1in1isi1:1| t:ts'ks~ lziniling :1 min’ entrants is £550 a year, with nine annual increments of £25, RIHRUVH. \hIt‘< inst 111 present. I Isl .-‘\rl1i:ct for p.1ss'.i;.:e :11 the l,Ji1ite1l Ihy ltelieupter 1111 111 the ltitliettu in- ('\F tvlvh. 11:11. 1-11111.1:-c. Kent stmtncd .i1I.trrss1-1| :1-.\c‘11r\c tor list. Slims‘ eicszs ti\:.i11i.cs1_ .I.'t\ :1 total of £775. After I7 years‘ service :1 further ls-n;:1l.1i11. the (VIllIlL'.\L‘ st.1tl .11 the ,.1i.'eessibI-: isl:ii11I of Roekzill in the 1.'csx;-:1. making I‘! I-1! Il2.1Irt r.1.h (mar badges 11! Hotel \let1i1po|i: .1sl1e1l periitissiiiit tn I North .-\tl:ir1tic to cent-.-111 :1 hr:iss plate \.UIu\IIII'd \1I|.l ‘\lsi1 increment of £25 is awarded making :1 final total of £800 :1 year. 1.11 Imtlgcs, m.' |"It.‘\L'llI me with :1 \\t1tlett scroll in: :1i11l hoist the Unioii ll.1_u on the iock. }‘-IlfI"lI=1IlHI. .1n\ drsien 1:1 colciitcd cititttcl. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects 0' (11111.-se. e11i1\e_\iitg II1-.-11' gout! \\t\IlC\' The \'11l:1I \\éll s.itl iftlllt (‘l1;1th.'in1 in .1-mnlctc tutti IIZ!l!‘.'J\. 3.‘ 1-1| I‘1u-.irr c\:.'.1 ('-RI|\IIl'R(iII‘.\. |3‘~l» t_l1iccn .\1rcc!, l'-1t:\-. ‘.\Il:sIl 11:1». .1c1:o11ip.i11i1:1l by .1 h1:;1i1ti- -‘~11-ptc111hei' tn coittitiue her worl. in the 1111-11:h. promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character. IIII set 111 .\l.1 lung pieces in .1 e;isl.el. \\"t.‘sl Indies. between 2| and 48 years of age. at least 5' 7' in height (bare .~'\ scroll was also presented by ( liiiiese of The (i1llii1-_-h.ii11 Bitritiieh "tailors11p::1is11is 111 the 1l11clt\:1rd. l‘111.1ll\. ted" II..\l.'§. \1'id:1I in l'I‘-l ;1t‘.d when feet). and of British nationality. Prior to appointment they Ilic lt'lt\\I '.11i:e|11i1g of .1|I. \\.is .1 gift 111' I 1111111111 to 1:11 dot-.11 riser will be required to pass :1 medical examination and an educal1.in1llscis‘hi1-I's t‘r11t11 tlirec tin‘, ‘the ship Ieit \IlL' s.\ 1';1!t'..iI .1 D.1l'i\' ill \'L‘;1 §IlL‘L‘ftlL‘\s :10 (‘l1.m-so ,.ppic11tices \\I111 cntild \]1t.'1tIi tional test (unless holding :1 Service Certificate of Education). 1'r.1..-11 the ,\led(‘.11Iets and only "pzdgziii" I-in-_-lisli. 'll1ej1' were 1\\.l_\' limits’.s1:I11111ll1z1j.s move Educational tests are held quarterly in Portsmouth. Dcvonpori i‘lt‘ttgIlI 111 111:.’ ollice in tile iiiotlier of l1.i111|l-.eicl1iet' Il.llI 11111: 111' lIlL'lll, l~':1el1 III? heutlquarlers of the ;\'..-\.‘l'.(). and Rosyth: and at I Northern Ireland. .lI IL-.isl 11111.‘ 11!‘ 111_\ I!ltII.1Is‘, I \\‘.1s met‘) (‘I1-annel Comittatid. which has 3 ttiiich t11:i1'l1e1I \\itIi their Lind tltoughl. Ibi.-en itt II..\I. I)ueltyart.I. Portsiiinutlt. Il.\l,h'. A.-ltiter ‘was secured :11 the Further information and application _-"arms can be cbtained from transferred to Fort Soulhuielt on berth I had crezited .11 .\'orll1 Point iittd AunttsI3. before s.iili11i_.-. 1111 l)cs'ei11her I3 Cdre. The Chief Constable Fort So11tI1wii:k. used during the l:1.erctt .1i1d several of 111}. still came ilzist wzir by the Coittntnnder-iii-Chief S.W.l board. l)1irii1g the past three on London, Admiralty, Portsmouth. has been used Channel by IE .\larines' .\Ius'cum at Royal titonths opportiinity htid been taken to I-Iastney has been Ienl :1 Victoria Command for large exercises. Serving naval pcrsonnef shou'd m1I(L' application through their rcputriaite zts iiinny ex-prisoners of war in I900. during: .-\di1iir:1l Sir Alexander Bingley. zind their fiimilies to U.K.. geiiemlly Cross‘ which was won Commanding Officer. (‘onimunder-in -Chief. Portsmouth. sin Austrnlitt. but :is Arbiter was the Boxer Rebellion. going direct to I3n[:I:1nd '.1I'1ut1l 300 Cenenil Sir Lewis Slriitfiml ll.'il|i- who is zilso the N.A.T.O. Allied (‘ontPortsntniith on miindcr-in-Cltief. Channel. was present men. wnnten and children were ;1c~ day. V.(‘.. visited eon1.'11od:1tcd on ho:ird. ('hristn1:1s August 0 and handed over the medal when flags of Belgium. France. 19-35 was spent tit sen on pzisszigc front to .\l:ijor-General R. C‘. de M. Leaithes Holland and the United Kingdom tsprc Sing:ip11re to Aden. and what :1 party tComm:in1ling Portsmouth Group hoisted. with the N.A.T.0. flag. in front of the fort. we h.1d especizilly the children. Ro_v;1l Marines). UNITED KINGDOM ENERGY To end the I-long Kitttg Story I feel After inspecting :1 guard of honour The General non his \’.C. "for conI might to record the tiny in which I spicitotts 1:;iII:intry" nhilst serving with Adiitirul Bingley said "We have mos-e1l AUTHORITY met lll_\' W.itcrlni1. On lenvittg Aden on Itere reiidiitess to our I'M‘. lleillp intprose itlte Rot-.1l .\l:1riiie l.i1:h1 li1f.1n1r::. Deeeiiiher 27 I was pl.i_\'ii1_e deck We war. _,m1 nu. Cml“ in "151, “"1 put. operate here in war time ;11i1l 1 fell I .ii11!. In motetl to the filllk of Cieneriil in 19214. it is ohvioiisly better to work here in ATOMIC ENERGY ESTABLISHME NT lioekey durint: .1 scruiii. I the deck and :111o:lier chap fell hc;i\-ily lie is nuts ‘)2. peace time." WINFRITH of on the side 111_\ foot. t'r;1ett1ri11g :1 'n.111e. It t\;1s e\tre1tti:Ijs' p:ii1tI'11l.11ttItt1y‘ font .1111l leg up to the I.l1<.".‘ l1.11l to be THE LONDON AMBULANCE SERVICE put 111 pl.1ste1'. rgquiros N.-\\'.\I. ('.\ RIII-ZR I-I.\'I)I-I1) I MEN AND WOMEN ~
1 1 "H
NATO Channel
,Victoria Cross lent {was Ito Royal Marines I
Admiralty Constabulary,
i _,mL.l,
I h.11l e1e.1ped severe hninl1ii1;; :ind "1l1111dl-: hugs." nnl) to he laid I11“. I11 \t1t11l. 011 ; .it (ireeiio-cl.. I 1\;1s iliseliuigetl to the .\‘.i1-:1I ll11spiI:il .11 ; I\lIlll.tL'|\iIll in S1-1»1l;ii1d. where I re~ 1 in.1ii1e1I -.iiiti| the end 111‘ I-ebri1;irj.'. I'I-U1. ; lhiis lll\‘ six .111d .1 h.1Ii \e:1rs' 11:1."
repairs Initial train
8:-.§ic pay [I2 Es. (42 hour week) includng first-aid and runn'ng
Electronicllnstrument Mechanics
allowances. Shit: workers’ pay range (I3 I55. to {I4 I61. ng with pay. Uniform provided. Paid holidays. Pension scheme on permanent zppointntenz. AppIt(1‘.nl5 aged 2|-45 must be experienced driver: it
Opportunities exist; for men possessing :1 good basic knowledge of valve and transistor electronics to carry out fault diagnosis. repair. test and calibration in the advancing field 0’
nuclear electronic instrumentation. Applicants should have several years expercncc 0.’ electronic equipment servicing but :1 good basic knowiedge. enthusiasm and ability to learn new techniques are eqiitlly important. Much of the equipment is of new design and, where appropriate. training will be given to successful applicants. Married men living beyond daily travelling distance may be eligible for housing and this will be determined at time of interview. A lodging allowance is payable whilst waiting for housing. Working conditions are good and include sick pay and pension schemes. An application form may be obtained by sending a post card quoting your name, address and the reference ELIINST/NAT to the
good health. A9917 ‘.0 the Officer-in-Charge. (LAS/N/800I5)
'~('l\IL'C ClIl.IL'\I ll"l Seo:l.i11d “here it 11.111 st.1r1e1l. .1111! :11 the s.:iite time 1-lnsetl. Iiit;1|l_\‘. 111} I'1il\‘£lI career uliiclt h.i1l coiiiittencctl lltirtj.-oiic .i:1:l .1 hail’ j.:.1.'s e:;.'IZer.
WANTED by the
Port of London
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The Cock goes to H.M.S. Roebuck NA VY
‘ROUND THE CLOCK" guide CYCLING just failing
him. was Stores Chief Petty race had to be repulled—a Otlieer J. Clarke. of H.M.S. Ariel. who disappointment to some. but necessary covered 227 miles. to catch to ensure fairness to all. Again all Beck in the closing stages of the race. L'l'c\\\' pulled with tremendous ellort l.'t'll0UCll there have been no Good times have been recorded in and stamina, and. having already given Inter-Service t\'av_v or champion- iboth Open and (‘lab events in the their it Thus Roeall. the they gave again. ships during past month. this is not shorter distance. but nothing remark.\' July 28. six ships of tltelhroadcasl over S.R.l"..'s. Totes were second the buck. to say there has been no activity ‘ able has liappeuetl. place. won gaining l).:rtmouth Training Squadron busy doing a roaring trade. everyone anchored in the Baie de Douarncne/. ‘being keen to back their favourite} coveted "Cock" by only half a point among Royal Navy cyclists. A l)ll-‘I-"I-ZRI-INT SI‘()lt\' One of the most popular aspects of ‘ from Vigilant and Virago who were oil .\lorgat in Brittany. Titus the stage ;erews. Massed~start racing. however. has for their Summer Pulling] Urchin forged into the lead during joint second. Roebuck proclaimed her the cycle racing game is the time trial was set to all ships by io_\ous whoops and at the l2-hour distance the l’orts~' been a dillcrent story and in the Regatta and with (‘.(‘.l". ('adets, the forcnoon‘s events. beatittg Virago victory mouth Comtnand gained its first Wessex Divisional ('hampionsliips- the llutll some 57 schools embarked. all : hv 2!. points, witlt the remainder of on her siren. A rcniarkably close regatta. only success of the season. Third handicap Navy team were a very close second. ships were detertuincd to give of their 1 the Squadron in hot pursuit. The three points between the tirst live ships was the prize won by Petty Otliccr R. one rider. l.cading Radio lilectriciatfs best. atmosphere tensed even further after Ill i the overall plaemgs. Also, a happy Iflcek of l-l.-.\l.S. Collingwood who. at Mate E. Wooley being sixth. with .\louda_v. the day ol the regatta. was , the third race in the afternoon. all result for Roebuck because she pays his lirst attempt at the oncc-round~thc- Leading Stores Assistant 0. Bryce and not kind. A slight dri/zlc and freshen- ships being within grasp of the Cock. this summer. to be consigned to the clock race covered tltc line distance of Radio l3lectrici:tn's Male 1. Wilkinson, in; wind could not. however. detract l and the all-important Racing Whalers otl being equal 8th. All were from H.M.S. front the enjoyment of licrcc competi- :race. carrying. double points, would Reserve Fleet and. later to be 21‘)! miles. Also making his debut :15 a slayer Ariel. The race was one of the fastest llurt. On the previous day. the (‘.('.l". {virtually decide the issue. The crews scrapped. But one is left in no doubt (atlcls had enjoyed perfect weather for this race were all hand-picked men. as to what her crew think about "Old was Radio [Electrician's Mate l’. ever seen at and was for their regatta in which they had fthe linest oarsmen in the Squadron. Roebuck." and thc_\' displayed it in ‘('ollard who. in spite of a late start. just outside the record. the racing season ends with the shown great enthusiasm if not skill. They pulled down the course with the lines! way of all. without machines ;lastcd out the time to record just thus whetting ever_\'one‘s appetite for fanatical cottrage. straining every but with sheer guts. detertninatioit and ‘short of 220 miles. Third man in the massed-start Inter-Service (‘hatnpion:team. and with IS previous rides to ship to be held at R.A.F. llenlovv on further e.\citement. muscle to win, whilst ships cheered ellort. September I‘). and as‘ the course is The course to he pulled was over frantically to encourage their crews to similar to l.ce-on-Solent. competitors and a half cables. running win. Only six seconds separated the seven are hoping to get out of third place. between two lilies, each consisting of ,six whalers, as Vigilant nosed ahead [SW sailing club premises for hope to sail on the Loch most weekThe linal Royal Navy Championthree ships. A running conttncntary 'uf Virago. ll..\l.S. Caledonia. the Royal ends and whenever possible in the ship is the Hill (‘limb to be held at was passed from ship to ship and I However, all was not over. The l\':ivy training establishment at Rosyth evenings. One problem at the moment Southwick on October 3. [Entries were opened on August 8 by Rcar- is that there is a substantial growth of should be given to Radio [Electrician's Admiral l. G. Aylen c.a.. weeds round the edge of the Loch Mate l. Wilkinson. (3.3-3 Mess. H.M.S. l).S.(I.. at Loch Filly. near Dttnferm- and this reduces the area suitable for Ariel. The annual general meeting of the III-I Second Frigate Squadron re- young lady front ll.M. Underwater line. Admiral Aylen. who is Admiral .sailing. However the Loch is still congatta was won recently by crews of Weapons listablishment. in a bikini. Superintendent of Rosyth doekyard. sidered tlttlCl’t_S:tfL‘t than the Firth of Royal Navy Cycling Association will ll..\l.S. Verulam. Although this might E as a ligurchead. H.M.S. Vcrulam hatl tired the cannon to start the first race Forth for training apprentices in this be held in H.M.S. Dryad after the lllill Climb. and to round off the day not be regarded as an outstandin;-,':i liaison with the "Terriers." who which was won by Captain R. ll. l’. traditional :-purl. there is to be a social and prize lilvin. R.t\'. Commanding Ollicer of achievement. it ought to be pointed were at summer camp in Wykc Reg Caledonia. in a R.l\'.S.A. dinghy with presentation in H.M.S. Cullingwood. out that the ship has won the regatta The pritc was at crate of beer. With the end of the racing season The prizes were presented by Mrs. Apprentice I)ttnbar as crew. cvcrv year for the past three years. At the oflicial opening ceremon_v plans are being made for an active and it this fact is considered to be not ll. R. Law, wife of the Flag Ofliccr. in winter riding section in the Portsmouth the outstanding. it should be added that in Sea Training. The Regatta Cock was Admiral Aylen congratulated allClub |(ill'l"t' Junior Scamen from ‘Command. and all interested should winning this _ve:tr‘.s regatta Verulam received on behalf of the ship by /\.li. tttembcrs of Caledonia's Sailing H.M.S. St. Vincent and ll..\l.S. contact Petty ()lliccr Writer A. J. swept the hoard clean by winning l). Blane. a stalwart of the sc:tmcn's on the effort they had put ittto building and racing whalers' crews for two the clubhouse. boat pound and jelly f(ianges' are daily giving a display of lieddow. RN. llarracks‘. l’orts'mouth. even one of the nine races in their recreational time and at week- hornpipe dancing at the [Edinburgh counted for points. years. It was :1 pity that the ship had to ends. After his speech the Adniiral Tattoo in the flood-lit grounds of There \va.\ one setback. In the first Rear-Admiral l-'. R. Twiss visited litlinhurgh Castle. race. the Young .‘s‘eatnen's- Whaler. sllll from Portland to Dcvonport on took part in the races The second race was for l-'iretl_v l The youngsters dance to music ll.l\‘l.S. liscellent on August I0. in\'e:ul;in'i was (ll\qtl.'lllllt.‘(l over a lecit- the evening of the regatta day. which and was won by Apprentices provided by a Royal Marine Band mpectiitg Divisions and presenting the nieality after having won the race by curtailed any festivities and celebra- dinghiesand end-of-term prizes. Quick. The club members front Deal. tions. On the other hand——what a way Wilson over it) lengths. for a ship to say farewell to her BIKINI l"lGL‘Rl-Illl-‘.AI) squadron contpatriotsl The tertth and final race was an A footnote for all those sceptics "All-comers’ Whaler" which was won who insisted that the ship was trainin \'eru|am's boat by a crew of Terriing her crews every day for in month l\|fl.Il Army ollicers. coxswained by during Verulanfs trip to the their padre and. just to add a touch Canaries—t|tere were only four of colour to the occasion. a shapely days in harbour in live weeks.
Hornpipe Dancing Edinburgh
whieltl | i
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