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SPRING Traditionally time lor Anglia Taller ng .


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News Navy


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St led with the discriminating man in III and. lor whom only the but is good




30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone66543

The Newspaper of The

Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Royal Naval Uniforms



30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone 6654! Promotion orders a speciality. write for special details. etc... and be assured oi personal attention to your requirements. e

No. 118


APRIL, 1964


Thursday of!/re month

Price Sixpence

-Ll IIIlillIIIilllIIIIIIIIIllllilllllllllllillliiiIIIIIIlllIIIIllIIIIIllIIIlllllIIllllIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIlllIIIIIllIIIIIll‘IIllllIllllllIllllIlllllIIIIll‘IllllIIIllllIlillllIlllllllIlllliIIIllllIIIIl|II||lII|IiiilIl|L‘

Seicoer i


‘Freedom of City for Medway Sub-Command —y right. Y


to the unanimous resolution which ends “. privilege, honour and distinction of marching through the streets l of the said City on all ceremonial occasions with bands playing. drums 5‘ beating and bayoncts fixed," the ancient City of Rochester admitted to its Freedom the Mcdway Sub Command of the Royal Navy, “in it "ll appreciation of the glorious traditions and gallant achievementsof the -A-":' Royal Navy and of the loyal support thereto afforded by Her Majesty’s An ‘artist’: impression of a "Tiger" cl as: cruiser converted to carry helicopters. As reported in the .\iarc'lI issue of “Navy News" the three "Tiger" class cruisers are to have the after ti-tin 6-inch gun mounting removed Docltyard ." The ceremony. which com rises the presentation of a scroll. and its casket. to provide a hanger. llight deck and other faculties required to carry and operate four Wessex helicopters, to the Freedom. will take place in the each equipped with detector gear and anti-submarine torpedoes. After conversion the crnhers, while retaining admitting. the Mcdway Sub of their existing features. improved in some cases. will make a valuable contribution with their helicopter! grounds oi" Rochester Castle on April 8 commencing at 1.30 pm. On, most against submarines of any force of which they form a part. if required. the anti-submarine bellcompletion of the ceremony. and pcrniission to do so having been obtained. to the defence coptcrs could be replaced by those designed to carry troops, ll.M.S~ Blake will be the iiral ship of the class the parade is to march through the City with bayoncts illtcd. drums and band playing. The parade will then march from the Esplanade. along the to be converted. She is now at Dcvonpori. A photograph of the ship when she was serving in the Mediterranean is loot at a






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the salute at the point of the Guildhall. ‘_ The Freedom ceremony will be prc- V-cc-C onlrolicr oi the .\'.tvy_ who will I ceded by a luncheon in the Corn be representing the Admiralty Board from the Command. which includes both I-i hi. Dockyard and II.\l'S. Ex..h.mgc. when the Mayor of at the ceremony will respond. The .\i_r.or and (II) (ounctl will Pembroke. R()\ht_‘\iCf_ Aldcrntan \V_ ‘Wilkinson, i_l’_ will propose the toast of “The have as their guests at the luncheon ilOl\‘iF. I-‘Ll-Ii-IT BAN!) Hogg. D.S.C._ Royal Navy" which will be seconded. Rear-.-\drnir.tl I. l.. be comprised of by Alderniztn C. II. R. Skipper. Rear-¢ and Bar. the Flag Otliccr Medway and: The parade will and W.R.N.S.. and Admiral E. S. Hawkins. C.B.. Chief of Admiral Superintendent. H.-‘vi. Dock-I 263 oiiiccrs. ratings 1\'av.t1 Supplies and Transport and yard, Chatham. and representatives 36 musicians of the Royal Marine Band of the Commander-in-Chief. Home Flcct. augmented from the

lligh Street where the Mayor will take


Ill-T lower1'rIt: of the gold and crimson [lag of the Admiralty at the Arlmirnlty on Tuesday. March 31 marked the end of an era. 11:: olfice of the Lord High Admiral. instituted in I628. had been invested in “The Commissioners for Executing the Oiiicc oi Lord High Admiral oi tile United Kingdom. cm." and. since that date. the Admiralty I-‘lat: has been flying. by day and night. ovcr the Admiralty buildings in London. it has never been dipped in salute. and was hall’-mustcd only on the death of the Sovereign. it has been thought that the word Under the I);-fence reorganisation H..\l. The Queen has assumed the title “/tdniiraitj-"' would disappear comoi Lord High Admiral. and in future plctely under the new Ministry of Defence. and the term “Navy Board" be thc tlat: will be flown only by her. When the flag was hauled down on used instead for the Naval ManageMareh 3| the ceremony was attended meat Board of the .\linistry. It has by the Lords Commissioners with a now been accepted by the Government naval guard and Royal Marines band. that the Board will be called the “.-‘\dntir.sIty Board." on the Horse Guards Parade.


at the

this page

Submarines spend month in the Arctic

.t\l. Submarines Otter (Licut.-Ctir. R. J. F, Turner. R.N.) and Nominal [Llcu‘t.-Cdr. P. Cobb. R.N.). returned to Dcronport and the Depot Ship Royal Marine Depot. Deal. Adamant on March 25 after taking part in Exercise Cairn on the The Commander-in~Chicf. Ports- l~l..‘ll.S. of the Arctic pack ice. spending just over a month away and being. for mouth, within whose Command the trlnge “W” °' ll" “'3' 5“l”"°"3°d' failing overboard when they had to go Mcdway Sub Command is situated will Although British submarines art out on the casing. be represented by Rear-Admiral J. L. S ccial attention was given to the Blacitham. Admiral Superintendent. capable of 0 mint; in any part of the oceans. reczing conditions pose wet arc of the men who were away ii..\i. Dockyard, Portsmouth. extra roblems both for the equipment from home and cut oil from the rest of and or the snbmarincrs themselves. the world tor five weeks. A large Special rccautions were taken to number of films and extra books were prevent t c freezing-up of masts and carried. a daily news bulletin was pcriscopcs. Arctic clothing was issued transmitted to the submarines by radio. to the _submarincrs. and :1 special and aircraft dropped mail on two safety slide was fitted to prevent men occasions.

Degrees for officers

Hall March ATii.the Royal Albert naval olficcrs. with on

ten young

academic gowns over their uniforms and carrying mortar boards. received their B.Sc. (Eng) degrees oi‘ London University. They represented [00 per cent success for the R.N. Engineering College. Mnnation. it is now almost routine for some young engineering oiliccrs to take this degree. a fact which illustrates not I only the very high standard which they 'have to _attain, but the _cduca_tiunaI opportunities awaiting olitcers in thct I Royal Navy today.


SENIO SERVICE Th: Pcrftttion or G9 arctic Luxury

ll..\i.S. Blakc—one oi



last conventional crut-aer.s—s-cen entering Grand Harbour Malta. She has been “moth_bitlIcd“ at Devonpnrt since early 1963

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