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SPRING Traditionally time lor Anglia Taller ng .


. .



men to

News Navy


the linen: there In

St led with the discriminating man in III and. lor whom only the but is good




30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone66543

The Newspaper of The

Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Royal Naval Uniforms



30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTH Telephone 6654! Promotion orders a speciality. write for special details. etc... and be assured oi personal attention to your requirements. e

No. 118


APRIL, 1964


Thursday of!/re month

Price Sixpence

-Ll IIIlillIIIilllIIIIIIIIIllllilllllllllllillliiiIIIIIIlllIIIIllIIIIIllIIIlllllIIllllIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIlllIIIIIllIIIIIll‘IIllllIllllllIllllIlllllIIIIll‘IllllIIIllllIlillllIlllllllIlllliIIIllllIIIIl|II||lII|IiiilIl|L‘

Seicoer i


‘Freedom of City for Medway Sub-Command —y right. Y


to the unanimous resolution which ends “. privilege, honour and distinction of marching through the streets l of the said City on all ceremonial occasions with bands playing. drums 5‘ beating and bayoncts fixed," the ancient City of Rochester admitted to its Freedom the Mcdway Sub Command of the Royal Navy, “in it "ll appreciation of the glorious traditions and gallant achievementsof the -A-":' Royal Navy and of the loyal support thereto afforded by Her Majesty’s An ‘artist’: impression of a "Tiger" cl as: cruiser converted to carry helicopters. As reported in the .\iarc'lI issue of “Navy News" the three "Tiger" class cruisers are to have the after ti-tin 6-inch gun mounting removed Docltyard ." The ceremony. which com rises the presentation of a scroll. and its casket. to provide a hanger. llight deck and other faculties required to carry and operate four Wessex helicopters, to the Freedom. will take place in the each equipped with detector gear and anti-submarine torpedoes. After conversion the crnhers, while retaining admitting. the Mcdway Sub of their existing features. improved in some cases. will make a valuable contribution with their helicopter! grounds oi" Rochester Castle on April 8 commencing at 1.30 pm. On, most against submarines of any force of which they form a part. if required. the anti-submarine bellcompletion of the ceremony. and pcrniission to do so having been obtained. to the defence coptcrs could be replaced by those designed to carry troops, ll.M.S~ Blake will be the iiral ship of the class the parade is to march through the City with bayoncts illtcd. drums and band playing. The parade will then march from the Esplanade. along the to be converted. She is now at Dcvonpori. A photograph of the ship when she was serving in the Mediterranean is loot at a






. .



the salute at the point of the Guildhall. ‘_ The Freedom ceremony will be prc- V-cc-C onlrolicr oi the .\'.tvy_ who will I ceded by a luncheon in the Corn be representing the Admiralty Board from the Command. which includes both I-i hi. Dockyard and II.\l'S. Ex..h.mgc. when the Mayor of at the ceremony will respond. The .\i_r.or and (II) (ounctl will Pembroke. R()\ht_‘\iCf_ Aldcrntan \V_ ‘Wilkinson, i_l’_ will propose the toast of “The have as their guests at the luncheon ilOl\‘iF. I-‘Ll-Ii-IT BAN!) Hogg. D.S.C._ Royal Navy" which will be seconded. Rear-.-\drnir.tl I. l.. be comprised of by Alderniztn C. II. R. Skipper. Rear-¢ and Bar. the Flag Otliccr Medway and: The parade will and W.R.N.S.. and Admiral E. S. Hawkins. C.B.. Chief of Admiral Superintendent. H.-‘vi. Dock-I 263 oiiiccrs. ratings 1\'av.t1 Supplies and Transport and yard, Chatham. and representatives 36 musicians of the Royal Marine Band of the Commander-in-Chief. Home Flcct. augmented from the

lligh Street where the Mayor will take


Ill-T lower1'rIt: of the gold and crimson [lag of the Admiralty at the Arlmirnlty on Tuesday. March 31 marked the end of an era. 11:: olfice of the Lord High Admiral. instituted in I628. had been invested in “The Commissioners for Executing the Oiiicc oi Lord High Admiral oi tile United Kingdom. cm." and. since that date. the Admiralty I-‘lat: has been flying. by day and night. ovcr the Admiralty buildings in London. it has never been dipped in salute. and was hall’-mustcd only on the death of the Sovereign. it has been thought that the word Under the I);-fence reorganisation H..\l. The Queen has assumed the title “/tdniiraitj-"' would disappear comoi Lord High Admiral. and in future plctely under the new Ministry of Defence. and the term “Navy Board" be thc tlat: will be flown only by her. When the flag was hauled down on used instead for the Naval ManageMareh 3| the ceremony was attended meat Board of the .\linistry. It has by the Lords Commissioners with a now been accepted by the Government naval guard and Royal Marines band. that the Board will be called the “.-‘\dntir.sIty Board." on the Horse Guards Parade.


at the

this page

Submarines spend month in the Arctic

.t\l. Submarines Otter (Licut.-Ctir. R. J. F, Turner. R.N.) and Nominal [Llcu‘t.-Cdr. P. Cobb. R.N.). returned to Dcronport and the Depot Ship Royal Marine Depot. Deal. Adamant on March 25 after taking part in Exercise Cairn on the The Commander-in~Chicf. Ports- l~l..‘ll.S. of the Arctic pack ice. spending just over a month away and being. for mouth, within whose Command the trlnge “W” °' ll" “'3' 5“l”"°"3°d' failing overboard when they had to go Mcdway Sub Command is situated will Although British submarines art out on the casing. be represented by Rear-Admiral J. L. S ccial attention was given to the Blacitham. Admiral Superintendent. capable of 0 mint; in any part of the oceans. reczing conditions pose wet arc of the men who were away ii..\i. Dockyard, Portsmouth. extra roblems both for the equipment from home and cut oil from the rest of and or the snbmarincrs themselves. the world tor five weeks. A large Special rccautions were taken to number of films and extra books were prevent t c freezing-up of masts and carried. a daily news bulletin was pcriscopcs. Arctic clothing was issued transmitted to the submarines by radio. to the _submarincrs. and :1 special and aircraft dropped mail on two safety slide was fitted to prevent men occasions.

Degrees for officers

Hall March ATii.the Royal Albert naval olficcrs. with on

ten young

academic gowns over their uniforms and carrying mortar boards. received their B.Sc. (Eng) degrees oi‘ London University. They represented [00 per cent success for the R.N. Engineering College. Mnnation. it is now almost routine for some young engineering oiliccrs to take this degree. a fact which illustrates not I only the very high standard which they 'have to _attain, but the _cduca_tiunaI opportunities awaiting olitcers in thct I Royal Navy today.


SENIO SERVICE Th: Pcrftttion or G9 arctic Luxury

ll..\i.S. Blakc—one oi



last conventional crut-aer.s—s-cen entering Grand Harbour Malta. She has been “moth_bitlIcd“ at Devonpnrt since early 1963

April. I9“


rooms named after’ Letters to seas of the world


Navy News E Di 1 on Lieut. (5) II. R. Bcrridge. R.N.tReid.)

Royal Naval Barracks. Portsmouth TeI.: Portsmouth 2235! (Ext. 72I9-t)

£-100.000 scheme for modernising accomniodiition in ll..\l.S. of PART I)-.ime Jean l'._x('tlll.‘I‘|l was iiliicitillyopened .\Inrch I8 by Commandant Sen'ice. Naval a


l).B.i-... A.D.C.. _Di_ri.-ctor of the‘ \\'onieii‘.s Royal Davies. l‘hc three-storey building namedtings occupied by

\s-'n.-ns in this



The Editor


Abdiel sunk ?

of the loss of il..\l.S. Ahdiel In Tarantn on September reeiillcetiop lR.-.\l_i_I943. is slightly different to that mentioned by Capt. II. F. Waight in his _9. article in the March issue of "!\'-.tvy .\ews."

I was in H..\I.S. Jervis (Capt. (‘raw-1h:id men of the Green llowards aboard .\f:iry l.loyd House after Dame .\lary‘days of the war. Dame Jean Davies, ford) at the time and I believe Jervis with all their equipment. including am{.'oniiii:ind;int Lloyd who bccantc the Director of W.R.N.S. and who commenced her ofltcially opened the building by cut- was the Iirst ship to enter the hurhoiir. : niuiiition. Many lives were lost and naval service in 'H..\l.S. Excellent inlting .1 dark and light blue ribbon. in As Captain (l)l's ship we had the‘ we picked tip their bodies in the iiiornHE recent increases in pay and August. I939. being eoniniissioned _lll"lllt:.flI’t.‘\CIlCt-.“(\l'a l‘IltIl'tl'.‘t:I' of Wrens. choice of going alongside but. iitiich to ing and buried them at sea the same Services 1940.. She was present at the oflicirillihcir families and friends. the our annoyatice (for we had to keep sea day. for the pensions Portsntouth watches and to drag a chain fore and accentuates‘ still more the disparity opening. having |:iid the foundation,Conimander-in-Chief. l.|.\lI‘l'I' IIUMB A'l'l'.-\('K'.’ between the pensions and retired pay‘ stone in December. I962. with her I I.-\dniiral Sir Wilfrid \\'omIs) and l_;idi,- aft of the ship as a precaution ag;iin.s't I feel. and it was the feeling of most of those nlio left the Services over the liiisband. Professor Geoffrey Cheshire. Woods. the Captziin of I-l..\l.S. Excel- ‘.li.'itpit boiiihsl. There was quite ;i hit of lcn: I'(‘:ipt. H. H. Dannrcutlicr. R.N.) moaning for this was hard work and _of its on board Jervis. that the Ahdiel years and those who leave the Services tzither of (3rotip_C:iptain Cheshire. is the first iintroducing the (jommandant to the the hands thouglit they could have fuas sunk by lintpii bombs while tied new in the future. biitldiiig up alongside and not. as Capt. \\'.iight While understanding to the full the specilically designed for Wrens in tIie;eonipany. been fast asleep in their liantniocks. ‘says "while swinging at her buoy." cost of bringing tip to today's .s:;iiid;iril Portsmouth Command and the attrac-t .~\noilier part of the £-800.000 new lI..\I.S. after seeing the In iiioriiing. felt that if the saute routine had ,Wc the pensions of those who are already tive and most comfortable quarters building prograninie is a block for the above been carried out on the iIl~f;ited shift as Wrens.ltli'e Chief Petty Ullicers and Petty .-\bdiel's mast shouiiig just on pension. and the repercussions‘. will accomniodatc about I-I0 had not work ‘\\i|lCf \\c line“ that our had been carried out in Jervis. :i great should any increase be nt.ide. tliroiigh- Si-Vi lunior Wrens share donnitoriesl()ll'icer.softhe "Island." This isamuch made had vain our skipper be been in tragedy woiild have been avoiileil. out the whole field of pensioners from named after various seas of the world bigger affair which is expected to that believed It “as decision. While writing to you. Sir. I tsoiidcr the Civil Service industry and so on. —'l‘asman. Tinior. Caspian. Coral. completed and occzipicd py the end the right her the Abdul) called Abdiel the (we if ll..\I.S. Liverpool (Capt. Read) holds there appears to be a moral obligation Caribbean. ctc.——and the Chief Wrens of the year. the record for sea time during the first to make the pensions of the past sonic- and Petty Olliccr Wrens have single109 days of the war? We did I03. what comparable with those obtaining room accommodrition. Ttistcfully decorated and fitted with I-‘inally.ifex-I.cadingScanizin "l.ick“ Intl:i_\‘. dorIt can. of course. be argued that the modern accommodation the I Stewart. who was rigger (llosiin's Party cabins are delightin li.M.S. Euryalus. Capt. liric Bush). men of the past “cuntr:tcted“ to serve mitories and single the Captain Cool: met Thames Capt. with fitted the fl-\lIlL‘ll at ful. Therc cadet I-‘0R.\tl-IR are quiet rooms would contact me. I would be detor a specilic period. at :1 spccilicd rate Worcester. of the Capt. Nautical Training College. ll.M.S. Superintendent (‘.B.E.. D.S.('.. R.N.. lightcd. He could have "the best in the of pay and for a certain rate of carpets and easy chairs and games rooms. as well as a Worcester paid a return visit to the 1.. W. 1.. Argles. house." and this goes for any of my pension. It is felt. however. that this and television the shown cadets over the were and room in which Wrens can entertain "old ships."——-Yours, etc.. .\I. t.\ticL) a.-gument is somewhat fallacioits. Ias1 month——as Captain of one of frigate. ship the where occupants RIVERS. l’.O.. C.R.l (cx Ro_\';il ().tk. In pre-w:ir days when the pension guests and a patio most modern and Navy's the full receive Royal cadets the At college in relax oIT-duty the Wrennery can Shelllcld. Liverpool. Pelicait. l-Iiiryaliis, '.\.'t\ .say——£2 per week. tiiat £2 would of "Leander" the warships. well as a good ofliccr as sophisticated training ltoiirs. Jervis). The Royal Oak. Cowbit Road, buy certain goods. Therefore. .1 man of them Dido. and most ll..\l.S. education. class frigate general for could argtic. "When I signed on Spalding. l.iiics. as .\Icrch;int Coolc. the .\'avy R.N.. D. J. join £75.000 eventually COST He was C;ipt_ W. the Worcester. uni.-crg_ books at niv disposal p.-iisioti. I expected my pension in buy [Reference cadet in \\ho a was of The cost niv inv food and clothes. lip-to-date laundering. drying and which is moored olf (irccniiitlie. from Capt. Cools‘. who was auzirdeil a gold show that ll.l\l.S. .-\bdiel is-.is mined three is now llItIC\‘"irinL. facilifics are included. ‘anther li‘t\Ll and clothes at Tziratito on Septciiiber ‘J. I‘)-I3. the when he was a cadet there for he \\.'.'llL‘l'l when joined until I‘)-30, I938 onI when signed modern bathroom accommodamore than it was Can any reader state which ship with and to make a tine sailor." likely "qualities I Navy. can therefore. Royal The tnr pension. Surely. building a sick room. tion holds the record for sea time at the II..\i.S. Dido of command in been has Grccnliithe n:‘l| on at ;irr‘;ved 5 The Dido cost about :.7'5.(l0(J and is a far cry i:\pcct to receive what I signed beginning of the w:ir‘.‘—-l-Iditoi_l I siI'lCL' l:tsl lane. visit. during l for .i three-day li\."."' froin the .\'isscn huts and other build- .\l.irch ‘J




. '





Captain takes frigate to his old college A


ill(3ll!-ZR C()S'l'S


taxpayer the pensioner Frigate. July 8. Ship). June ' ll..\l.S. Nubian (G.P.General ll.:s to help towards the cost of the Notcs (i) The term U.K. Base Port means the port at which a ship may ‘li.M.S. Owen tSurve_ving Service ill. Portsmouth. SerGeneral for at I7. Devoitport ll)I.ll(C) l’ort.smoutli relit. Arrncd Forces. The cost of the and leave normally be expected to givePortsmouth but which will normally vice Coinmission. Homc,'East of Commission. Home[.\tiiIitlc i-Iast enorhave risen defences co-.i:i:rys ships administered by cates (Phased). ‘)tli Frigate Squadron. Suez. U.K, Base Port. Devonport. colossal the from in-.v.isly. Apart relit ziiidjor give leave at ('hatliam. Ill.) the l’I_vmoi.ith [A._.'S. Frigate). June U.K. llasc Port. Portsmouth.July cspctiilltltrc on modern weapons. (it) As‘ ratings are noriiiaIl_v rletziiled for overseas service about four ll..\l.S. 9. I7. at Devonport. General Service lI..\l.S. Delight (Destroyer). cast of sllt\L‘S. shirts. socks. sheets nioiitlis altead of coiiiinissioiiirig date. and for home service at Rosyth for trials. (To reserve on ('oiiiiiii-sioti tl’li:ised). Home East cscrytliiitg has guns: tip in price three ziliuiit I\\tl tttiiiitlis '.rlic:iil of coiitiiiissioniiig date. this sltottld Iic completion of long rcIiI.l of S:ie.i'l|o::i-.~l-Int of Siic/. 2‘Ith .-ind four llItlt.‘s more than the pzc-w.ir borne in mind \\llt:lI pri.-I'eri'iii-,:_ rciiiicsts to \tIllllIll‘t‘l'to serve in a l.'.K, lt.isc Port. 'lI..\l.S. Ur:-zi I.>\.,i’S. l‘iig:ilc). litly II, liscort .S’qti.:i.'t'o::. cost, and so the pensioner is callcd particular ship. at Dcvonport. UCIlUl';|l Scnicc ComDevonpoit. below :ire his pcitsioii and from given dates the that p.irticul;irs to pre~\\.ii' is It cniphasiscd pay (iii) upon mission (Phased). Hometw. Indies-I lune I7. at '.'ni.- cost of post-our goods. forecasts only and iii;i_v have to he cllziltgcd perhaps at short ll.M.S. Diaiizi tDestro_vcr). Indies. 8th Frigate SqiiadDevonport. (ieneral Service Com- Home,IW. notice. Ilsisting pensioners do not begrudge ron. U.I-C. Base Port. llevonport. mission (Phased). Hon-te,‘l~Zast of in which Locally liiitercd Cooks IS). Cooks (0) or the increases to those who leave the Ships (iv) (AJS. Frigate), Siicz,'IIonie.’l€ast of SIIC7. 2‘Jtlt lis- .ll.i\I.S. Blackpool Stewards‘ are to be borne in lieu of U.K. ratings are to be indi.'s'erviccs in the fiitiirc. Far front it. for trials. August I8. at Chatham cort Squadron. L'.l-C. llase Port. (iood luck to them. It does seem. howcated as follows: (A)— —.-\ll Cooks ISL ('oot.s- (0) and Stewards: General Service Coniiiiission. De:ind Cooks all (0) Devonport. rate old Cool». tie I’.(). ISL than to other one (S). tB)—~Cooks equitable only ever. cember I7. Ilonictliast of SIICII June Caiiibrian ll.M.S. (Destroyer). (l'))—(‘oolts Stewards and only‘. (0) pensions. the .stcw:irds: (C)-Cooks to prevailing all pcnsioiis HonieI.\led. 28th Escort Squadron. I7. at Clizithani. General Service When a new pension code is introduced (S) oiil_v: (lS)—-Leading Cool: (S) and Stcnatds only; (l3)—Coolts U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. (C.) (‘onimission (Phased). Honie;'Ea.st be a proportionate increase inshould (S) and Stewards only. of Stlr.‘2'..'l‘lt)Il‘lt.‘."l5;t.$l of Suez. 29th ll.M.S. Devon:-‘hire (G..\I. l)estru_ver). existence. made to pensions already tConiniando ll.i\l.S. Albion Ship). at‘ 20, at Portsmouth. tieneral lI..\l.S. Hermes (Carrier). April I. U.l-L. Base Port. August Escort Sqtiadron. tl’Ii:is'ed). May 14. _at Portsittotith. for Home Commission Service Dcvonport. L.R.l’. Complentcnt. Portsmouth. Sea Service. Foreign Service front ll.M.S. Chichestcr fA.,v‘D. Frigate). llonicfliast of Siiczt||nIm‘.’F.:ist of ll..\t.S, Zulu (Ci.P. Frigate). April 2. U.K. date of sailing (Far East), Suez. U.K. Base I’ort. Portsinoutli. :it Cliatliam. General SerI7. June at Glasgow. General Service ConiPortsmouth. Base Port. (C.) at mission. l-loiiic,‘.\liddlc East (I8 ‘li..\I.S. vice Coiiintission. HOIIl<.','Eil.\'l of ll.M.S. Shoullon (C..\I.S.). Aiigiisl. Scrsicc: hlay C;tr_v.sfoI’t (l)i:Stro_\'i:r). Home Sea months). 9th Frigate Sqiiadroii. SlIcI.'ll0n‘tt.‘.‘E:tSl of Suez. '.!')th [is- Portsnioiith. Vernon for (iibraltar. Coiiiniissiotis‘ at I4. Squadron and Transfer to U.K. Base Port. U.K. llasc Port. itosyth. cort Squadroii. (iencral Service Coiiiiitisioit. l-loiiic/ transfer to 3rd .\l]S sllthtdrtill. end ((1) Portsinoiitli. ll.i\l.S. Agincourt (.-\.jD. Conversion). .\Ii:d. / Home I Med. '.’.7tlt liscort ll.M.S. Anitio tl..S.'l‘.) and No. I I96-I. [Tentative date.) ScrApril 7, at I'orts:nouth. (icncral DevonBase at U.K. Port. Situadroii. Assault Squadron. June I‘). at |0ne C..\l.S. ex Reserve. Aiigiist. vice Coniiiiissioii (Phased). lloiiic,’ pt\f'l. (.'\.) Portsiiiotitlt. Home Sen Service. Service t.\lidd|c llahreiii. Foreign Med. I Home I i\led. 27th Escort ll.M.S. at I4. l".:igIe t('.irrier). .\Ia_v Vernon Squadron. liastl. Antpliibioiis \\'.irfare Sqii;idSqiiadron. U.K. Base Port, l’oris~ Devoiiport. General Service (‘oni‘.ll..\l.S. Undnunted I.-‘\.,'S. F:ig;itel. ron. til.) mouth. (A.) U.l\'. of Suez. llonie,r'lE:i.st ntission. Me.-.sin:t ll...‘i,'l'.) and .\'o. 5' cud Atigust at Chathziiit. l..R.l’. H..\l.S. 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth ll..\l.S. Calatea (.-'\.,r'.‘i. Frigate). April llasc Port. Dcvonport. complement. Phone 27JSl Assault Squadron. June I‘). at (iib9. at Wallscnd-oii-'l’yne. General ll..\‘l.S. Kirltliston tC..\I.S.). .\lay. at Service. .\Iidd|e ll..\l.S. Jaguar lA..-'t. Frigate). Sepfor raltur i-'o.'eigii }-Iome/!\Icd./ Commission. Service Service. Service l-loiiic Sea l’ortstiioutli. for Operate the following Official Enprfil tember 8. at (‘h:ith:ini.(ieni-r:il Scr\\'.i:t".trc Squ.iilliast. Amphibious ltoincl.\led.. 27th Escort Squadron. for Service Personnel EVERY WEEKEND Base U.K. Ist .\l./H. Squiidroii. vicc Commission (Pltased). Home] run. (1).) Portsnioiith. (.-\.) Port. Base L'.K. Port. Rosyth. Return FarcS.A. & S.A.fl-iomct'S.A. S-. S..-\. 7th Blacltssood (A.i.‘i. Frigate). ll.!\l.S. lfi. at April Linn (Cruiser). ll.M.S. 50/6 U.K. Base Port. No. 819 Squadron (Galatea Flight). LEEDS Squadron. Frigate l..R.I’. Coiiipleat Rosyth. June. U.K. Service. “I6 Sea Home BRADFORD Devonport. May 26. at R.N. Air Station. Cnid- nicnt. Portsmouth. (C.) “I6 HUDDERSHELD (C.) Port. Devonport. Cointiiission. liase Service General rose. 4l.’6 at ltahrcin. Foreign lI.l\l.S. Ttirtnr (G.P. Frigate). SeptemJune. SHEFFIELD l..C.N. 63. Frigate). (A./S. Scarborough 35!! ll..\l.S. Wasp. NOTTINGHAM .\Iidd|c liasi. Ariiphibious ber 8. at l)evonport. (Jener-.il SerService. Sea I-Ionic '28. Portsmouth. LEICESTER .\lay lI.M.S. Puma (.-\..’A. Frigate). April 16 at vice Commission tPh.1.sedl. llomi.-I Warfare Squzidroii. (L'nder coitNORTHAMPTON Squadron. General trials. 17th for Frigate Portstiiotith Service. at W. Indics{Hontc)’W. liidics. Silt LIVERPOOL sideration.) Service Coniiiiissio_n. .\Ia_\' 23. ll.M.S. Llrindafi t.-‘\.;D. Frigate). June UK. has: Port. Portsmoutli. U.K. Base Putt, MANCHESTER If Squadron. Frigate ~rwc.ssri.e.oisto:rt.i.'rt-is ll..\l.S. Whitby t.-\.[S. Frigate). April I-Ionic/Soiilli Atlantic& andS.A.South Devonport. at Dcvoiiport. l..R.l’. complement. STAFFORD 7th loine;‘S.A, Portsnioiith Atitericafl (I’liascd)._Forcign It. at at (jib- ll..\l.S. Meon tl..S.li.). September II. Cavalier tI)estro_\-er). VJOLVERHAHFTON Ii.3l.S. Far Base Port. Frigate Squadron. U.l{. Service from date of stilling. HIRHINGHKM at Bahrein. Foreign Service. ,\tiddIe l..R.I’. coinplciiicnt. raltar. June. COVENTRY Dcvonport East. 2(>tli Escort Squadron. East. Amphibious Warfare SquadLocal Foreign Service. ‘HARVVICK May ron. (8.) No. 829 London Flight, April. Change ll.M.S. Russell (A./S. Frigate). ll.M.S. M_iniiidori (Survey Craft). BANBURT Service. Home Sea Gcner-.il for 23. at 28. at Rosyth OXFORD classification of_ service. :it Clizithani. I-tome Sea Ser- No. 820 Squadron. September June. BRISTOL U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. (C.) R.N. Air Station. Ciildrose. (ieiieral Service Commission. U.K. Base Port. Portsniouth. SALISBURY Service Commission. For lI..\l.S. ll.M.S. London (G..\l. _Deslroyer). ll.M.S. Dampier (Surveying Ship). WORCESTER (C. ScrJune I. at Singapore. Foreign Ark Royal. Wessex. classification of scrGLOUCESTER .\lemiaid (Survey Craft). June. Change il.M.S. April. READING vice (Far East). (C.) vicc. General Service Commission. at Dcvonport. Home Sea Service. PORTLAND Flight). (I-‘.urynli.is 829 No. Squadron months). (Continued on page 7, cat. I) HomeIEast of Suez (I8 U.K. Base Port, Devonport. ‘LONDON from PORTSMOUTH ColdAir Station. June 1. at R.N. ‘LONDON from GOSPORT U.K. Base Port. Portsmouth. ‘LONDON from H.l‘1.$. rose. Home Sea Service. followed by ILMS. Lototen (Helicopter Support cot.LtNGwooo tatHome Foreign Service. Wasp. Ship). April at Devon on. Devon'B1 SOUTHDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd H.MS. Protector (Ice Patrol Ship), Sea Service. U.K. Base on, . All these service: will take the following more SerGeneral Portsmouth. at June 3, Personnel: KM. of rt. for the convenience Senice I Sailors’ I-_leme Club: vice Commission. Homc[S.A. Jr S.A. aamiclii Eimney: (A.lS. Locli Frigate). I-illlisport rrodu. Unicorn Gnu,Antarctic Territories). U.l<. Queen Street: R.N. (British Forcign_Scrat Singapore. I. Hifseo May Elcelfent: Lido. H.M.S. lid. for Sioiilcy Base Port. Portsmouth. vice (Phased). Far East. 26th Frigate Coshom. Harrier: Harrison Rd.. fcrcliom





l_l_lE|ll l l lllll





























At your service


N.B.—To all shi


Visiting Ports-

mouth: Special acllltles to meet

requireyourparticulartravelling at short be organised

ments can



phone or call

TRIUMPH COACHES 3 Edinburgh Road. Portsmouth Phone 2735i

H.M.S. Trouhridgc (AJS. Frigate). Squadron. (A.) June I2, at Malta for trials. General ll.M.S. Redoubt (L.C.T.). May _I. at I7. Bahrein. Foreign Service (Middle Service Commission. August Esllonicl.\led.!l-ionic/Med. 27th East). Amphibious Warfare Squadcort Squadron. U.K. Base Port, ron. IF.) Portsmouth. (C). No. 829 Squadron (Zulu Flight). May Frigate). Jitne 4. at R.N. Air St:ition._Culdrosc. ll..\l.S. Euryalus (AS. I7, at Grcenoclz. for Home Sea ScrGeneral Service Commission. Wasp. vice. Foreign Service. January. I965 No. 848 Squadron, May 7, at R.N. Air (tentative date). Captain (1)). Far Station. Culdrose. Home Sea SerEast. 26th Escort Squadron on vice followed by Foreign Service. _

Wessex. For I-l..\l.S. Albion.



Station. (C).

U TISS It 8088.11?


13 Clarendon Road, Southsea

Telephone ZISIS

April. [964


l\'/\V\' l\'[-IWS


Was in

Queen Victoria died H.M.S. Leander




Surgeon. Royal Nav_v. I arrived in Shanghai tuviartls the end Ant‘l'tll'.\'C Decetttber. I900. in charge of 20 Petty Oiliet.-rs and for the second men

rnltttltissitin of H.M.S. Woodcock. a small river gunbtiat '.\l’NIV\lIl]: the in the lower and upper Yangste above Hanltow. The ship had been flag‘ up to (Tliungkini: in company with her sister ship. Il.M.S. Woudlarlt. the previous summer. the first ascent of the rapids and gorges of the Yanigtse above‘ Ichang by a ship of war. I arrived to find Shangliai crowded H..\l.S. Woodcocl; left

on with troops of all nations as well as March I. I‘)0l. arriving Sliangltai at llankow w:|r\'ItIps lying off the Hand. 'I'he,v were on .\l;trcli 8 and lcliang March I7. all there heeattse ol tlte Boxer Rebel- Here we waited for the oit river to rise. lion in I900 when the l.t:gations itt cvciilutilly leaving on April 16 for Peking Iiad to be relieved by an Inter- Clitingkiiig. iizttional Force. 'I'he scenery during the trip up It was a picturesque scene. The most the river was niagnilicent. There were striking of the tiniforms were those of I high clitls on either bank. the river the Indian Army. One heard so many I running between them with many languages of the world httt could not rapids. some treacherous and others tindcrstantl them. Tltc Cliinanten of c;ts_v. The I-'ttn.shi:tn (iorgt: was fotir Shanghai. hoatmen and rickshaw miles long. with precipitous sides and coolics. however. seemed familiar with the river only 100 yards wide with them all and laughed with everyone. many rapids. We arrived at Chungking even tlioitgh they received more kicks oti May I8. than lialfpennies from the majority. We stayed at Clitingking until Poor chaps. they led a hard life. August I9 and proceeded. still it In January. I901. Queen Victoria river. arriving at Sui-fu on August 2 died and for a time we all felt stunned This city lies at the junction of the by her passing: the great Queen who Yangtsc and Min Rivers. had reigned so long and had done so much tor the British Empire. A FA RTHEST I-‘ROM MOUTH Memorittl Service at the Shanghai On the last day of August. I901 we (‘athedral was attended by represen- left Sui-fu and proceeded up the Min tatives of all the nations tltcre. the River. arriving at Kiating-fu on SepRoyal Navy being well represented. It tember 3. This was the highest point was :t most impressive sight and I have ct-er reached a steamer in those a photograph of the scctte taken otitdays and was a otit l.'l'50 miles from side tht: Cathedral. Woosung at the entrance to the .


Yangste. ‘I'D BORDERS OF TIBET We left Kiating-fti on September 23 Our little gunboat went into dry .and after a quick trip down the river dock early in the year to get rcadylhclped by the current. arrived back for her cruise in company with the in Cliunglting on September 27. It had Woodlarlt tip to Chungltin and been a wonderful trip and there had beyond. almost to the borders 0 Tibet. been no accident of any sort. Her

commanding oflicer





..\l.S. Leander. name ship of her The Dulte of (irafton. was tinclass of gcitcral-ptirpose frigatcs. fortttiiatcly unable to attend the coin- was built by llztrlaiid ti’: Wollf l.td.. missiuning service atid ceremony. but Beltltst. being laid down oit April I0. his heir the Earl o.’ Ellslun was’ I95‘). launched June 28. l‘l6l and comIN present and sttiyed for lunch on pleted on .\I:trclt 27. |‘)(i3. The "Lcanders" have the same lttill .M.S. Grafton tl.ieuI.-Cdr. G. P. board afterwards. Also present were about 30 wives and fainilics of ollicers and substantially the same steam turi\‘IeMullen. R.N.). in Type I4 and ratings. bine machinery as the "Whitby" Class. Frigate of the Blaclswood Class. was After trials oll Portsintiuth the ship btit arc of a revised and advanced recommlssloned for Home Set! Service with the 20th Frigate Squadron on will be working up at Portland after design capable of fulfilling a composite March 3. The ship had been under- Easter leave. anti—submarine, anti-aircraft and airdirection role. going an extensive refit and modernisa- One of the first important functions tion In Portsmouth Dockyard and thus Of 2.800 tons (full load) displaceto he carried out board on the was ha it virtually complete new ship's ment. Leander is 372 feet in length of the christening infant of son Stores overall with a bcztni of 4! feet. company. an ususuitl feature for ships Oflicer Petty (VJ James Mclnnes. Home Sea Service. on Fitted for the “Sea-cat" anti-:iirThis was carried otit bv the Dockyard guided missile, and a light-weight Chaplain. the Rev. C. Prior. .\I.A.. craft armed with homing torChaplain. R.N.. on Sunday March 8 helicopter NEW and the baby was given the names pedoes the “Leanders" are capable of giving a very good account of tlicinJames Cameron selves in all circumstances. Serving in the ship and together for 'I‘ltcre are to be I3 ships of this TANDING near the Scmbnwang the first time in their careers are two class. They are. in addition to Leander Gate. and one of the most imposing ‘brothers. Petty Ollicer Steward Derek herself. Ajax. Dido. Penelope. Aurora. sights in the Singapore Naval Base is Corlte and Ordinarv Seaman David Euralytis. (ialatca. Arethusa. Nttiad. the new church of St. Andrew dedi- Corke. the latter having specially Cleopatra, Sirius. Minerva and cated in February by the Rev. A. requested to serve in the ship. Pheobe. Douglas Spear. O.B.E.. Q.II.C.. M.A.. Princlpal Royal Naval Chaplain of the Church of Scotland and I-‘ree_Ctiiircbes. Included in the construction of the new church is a stone from the ancient Abbey of Iona (the lirst Christian Church in Scotland]. which was brought out to the Far East in the destroyer ll..\l.S. l)uc|u-ss. (’leii:_\inen of all three .-\rm_etl Services in Singapore. representing the Church of England. C'htirch of Scotland :tiid I-‘rec Churches. attended the Dedication. I The service was the entl of strenuous personal ettorts on the part of the Rev. David I-Iarrics to get a new building for his Church. Spurred by his clforts. his congregrttion raised over 113.000 towards the cost. and Admiralty granted £10.00!) towards the building. Gifts also came front the Congregational and Baptist Churches. the Church of Scotland. the Methodist Church and the Church of England. Private donations included one of H00 from Lord I-tank. Many shirts I" IMP SALOON £420 the Far East donatc_d money to buy pcws in the new building. IMP DE LUXE £440













it. D. R. Watson. R.N.. who had‘ commanded her itt her first commis- int: the Yeban rapid on the Upper sion. llc afterwards became Admiral Yangste above lchting on April L7. 190]. with the help of wire batters Sir II. I). R. Watson. l{.C.ll. l.ietit, ('dr. Powell was also to accoitipaiiy its to Clttingking to loolt at tile rapids. bccattse lie was afterRear-Admiml Bryan C. Durant. wards to command the Kinslta. a (‘.B.. I).S.O.. l).S.(.'.. who retired last OSTCARD photographs of the paddle-wheel steamer which had been year after 34 years‘ service in the H.M. ships may be ohboti-lit by the Admiralty for service Royal Navy. has been appointed taincd front the Editor. “Navy News." "it tic upper Yangste. She was Director-(iener;tl of the Navy League R.N. llarracks. Portsmouth. price Gd. relitting and being fitted with guns in :t new appointment for the League. each. which includes postage. m. d i- k "rd ‘Shan h. sh c H er Them“ Bulwark Ocean Eagle







joincdlbIh)cJwo;:)dcockgaunt; woodlaflk -



G|;fi§g!(gw. |I(cl|'.1yai1i;i(l;;:I'‘5l’°"' FflSl C. Ch°'"°"' gt“. _\/uni:I{:I_I' d-PI|l;'l'£l)i"\.poLtlilnitat-{t.;'t:t‘l. corpton. .iverpoo Salisbury. Shcllteld. (itrdle Ness. '.‘i'.?:f.’.‘;'.: %:°' "I.°.f‘.‘L:‘.‘.'.'.‘:"““"i»............ °



(~c,._,.,,_ Chungking where they were moored Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Smceton. -‘\!b""‘5"’. 95"“ 9° on the bank opposite to the city of K.C.B.. M.B.E.. visits Malta from D'3"i'- T‘*°'“""- D‘""‘l'~: cim,.gk;.,g_ Am-5117 to May i_ -


_____ _



sun-s 01-‘ TIIF itovu. N-\VY

l‘hi_ ,....,,,.:,., _.‘ by-ti... ma, _I),'L)‘. izi‘:I:7,1hil El5:{€'"l"i‘l.i.fI'l?;: :nIl7‘ltI "







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-Sl'lt\\\.~ If‘;-tl[tll.l}:ll'\ I“Ttmn "W








their tsistlom and ttfhtittide siiw lit to bestow D21 him lhlf honour of :1 silver mcditl 3‘ 11 mill’






T;§' : :i ‘ ; ' n ,cP "' é ' ; f.:;hi ; :"‘ ” 1' ‘ i " :::' Dainty. ,






Wing troll)‘ the hczidqtiarters tit" the R..\'.l_.l.. I"-'

"".‘3""i".‘"' “ilh 1"‘


...... ,, ..






Protector. Undinc. Defender. l);irtingtou. Carron. Whitby. Eastbotirne. Torquay. Motints Bay. Belfast. Hermes. Armada. Yarmottth. Lion. Hartland Point. Leopard. Token. Chichcster. Echo. Loch Fada. Tcnbv. Puma. make. Excalibur‘ .n_mnbridgc' Rhy|_ gymlpcrdo“,-n_ o|,¢mn_ cacha. lot. utuciiptmt. Herwick. Dianmttd. Achcroii. l.aybtirn. Scarborough. Sea Linn. l-‘almouth. Ashanti. Broadsword. R.F..-\. Tidestirge, Striker. Plymonth. Ilarrosa. Vi!‘-'It=tt. l.iand_all. Nubian. l-lztntpshire. (ltirltlia. Caprice, .-\d:tni;int. Eskimo. [)lIt.‘llI.‘ss‘. llrave Borrlerer. and Agincourt.


b.‘"‘ “M.” tin:i'nlt: tn :10 0-" ""3 “""'i"¢"dS‘ I. M“ period tli.it the people of D.it:C" 5"" appreciation of the sterling sci wcrc i|“'-“'9 “f 5"‘ “'N‘”i'd“d‘WIN r¢ndcf¢tlbl'I|I"1mlI‘CI-If‘-'b““l 5* with a lifeboat in tmt_';! Esiicli i,i..:ts the This plcawm duly. carrscd mu .;nthtisi;ism of "5P!'d- L'"f“”.""‘“°l'V helialf of the R.N.l..l.. was perlor the years =-rc Ce-l°l“"t= "P 0." l“'"- 3"“ by the Mayor. Councillor his cnilcfilifltl [5 "'°“' "‘""°d °‘” on Thomas. and witnessed I1)‘ the foot or by 9l|"I|*' "‘"‘5P‘m' orginiscr. Miss M. i\l_tllI'ilt£|d.' Royal a\:I|-‘ill MS0Cii*I“"" "““‘ -‘""-D*"- FOR SERVICE councillor. Shiprnztte "Bert" Brunt .« E nch chairman "Fred" Tihhle. n . "Les" l_ccs and members of . -Vernon." "Ship and .1 l)ai:ct‘-ham Branch. "llc icon "The Ship." "Ship sh "Spud" in his modest way I-‘xttlill :'-irid with such names. that there were two sides to his Sm‘ -h r hg cjnnnl |‘;ti1_ stun‘, for without the help and No. .\‘-l.\‘ Naval Air Sqtiatlron com--til-course lsilitftd bylopchitinn of the generous public missimis at l{.N. Air Station. Culdrossl on .\la_v 7.




‘ M ~h“Ihi i i . ti c ' i ‘ l m ::i t i i d ' i t i : -I-“]"]‘mAdi1\..r;tl -




Hi"ltlmhmgr‘ “.}.-',,,‘-mtg '1?‘ li tiitiniiii. is "









including heater and screen



ordered from us can be delivered anywherein theworld. We make all the arrangements export formalities. Insurance sh‘ Ev er Y ;h'n I g can 3 i; 9 ur lppmg showrooms or write to us today. car











also have = self-Drive Human you on arrival anywhere in the

U.K. Phone Portsmouth 2326i.


IIIIIJTES lllllllllllllll MIITORS 4.540 H.P.






A riLI964


Civilians re-occupy Augusta :y their homes in one day



enter 0’

DIFF ICULTIES WITH ITALIANS [('u[vl'. Il'i:ii:Itl.the author rt] I/ifs .t¢'rfr5. Inn! r¢'tr'rr'iI ilt I939. but was r'nIIr'(l up for .rrn'ir'r' m‘ I/tr Ilryirlltirtg of flu‘ .5'n'r)Im' II’rrrIr! War, I)t’('()rllIII_t: the Nova! ()!]i¢'.'r in ( 'Itrtrt.'r'. .»tr:!m.i_um. Port Smlmt mid Zl'n'pnIr'. and (Jim. in Jirlv. I943. ll't'r'rmm'l‘t,' .\'m'utl U[}ir'r'r in ('Imr_t:t‘. .-lu_t:u.sm (mil .$'rn."r1r Nm'rt.l ()flir'i'r. Er:.i!r'rIt Si¢'iI_\' hr rltr .\furr'It I‘-.\‘.tttr' In‘ rc!¢'rrt'rI Iu rlrr v.'u‘pt'ttlIuriort of the Hrrlirm forcn. mm’ the ditlimlrirs of co-Irclligi-rcm'y.] October. I9-I3. the declaration of co-belligerency brought many problems‘ to beads of departments at the Augusta Naval Base. The Naval Control Service Organisation from “alto had settled in. the number of berths for ships of convoys had been increased. and the Senior Ollicer (Operations) felt that he had sullicient destroyers and escort vessels available for escort duties. Instructions were then received rcoccnpation a mass of humanity stating tltat ltalian torpedo boats. :o:xld be seen coming from all directlcstrilycrs. and sloops. \H\tIltl relieve tions. ttsing donkey carts. horse carts. llritish escort \’L'\\<:‘.s lor d:1tyuitl1con- ‘Lind trucks. boxes on wheels. bicycles. voys. except for th:ec Ilritish destroy- llltl many other forms of transport. Ily ers. \|.Illt.'ll were to a.‘t as l§'.tlit‘m Ships .:1nset. nearly l2.000 inhabitants had


our own on the water

large building front was repaired. and A

the salvage party cleared away t11anv small wrecks. which enabled small ltalian vessels to be berthed near their _; base. An Italian Comtnanilcr was appointed in "command." but I retaitted over-all authority for the port. Messing utensils were in short supply. The food consisted of Army rations. as supplied to British personnel. but they claimed that they had been fed much better b_v the (ierntausl This was also the claim made by the civil population._.-‘\. feeling of dis.satist':1ction was ever present. The various antpltibitim operations. taking place along the West coast of lSunken and damaged ships in Augusta Harbour. he raised few \\'ithin homes. their a the 'L'uct.‘llplI:t.I conbetween the commodore of needed an ever-increasing untu- and Italy cleared by the Salvage Part} in order to provide berths for Italian \‘o_\'.s. and the senior lltlliln nava' ltys they had settled down. A few ber of landing craft. and. furthermore. Naval \'t.‘25el\. (l’hoto—ln1pt-rial War Museum) olltcer. lfl cornmand of the escort shops were opened, but with little to :1 base was very much i|1 demand for -ell. vessels. undertaking repairs and docklngs. To famous 5lst (Highland) Division. .-'\n ammunition ship which had blown had been conThe naval personnel While we were all determined to meet this essential requirement. an all- Wltilst waiting for transport. the pipers up at Bari had mustard-gas shells in for three did lined the base. nearly to so out ellort was made to rehabilitate marched from their camp and beat the cargo. carry out our duties loyally. we for without months in hearts. opportunities with :1 sickening feeling Mcssina. The dock caissons and pump- "Retreat" in the town square. in the our Meanwhile very heavy lighting conIt was dillieult to conceal our feelings shore leave. Even so. there were few ing station had been repaired. ietties late afternoon. This was always an tinucd throughout December. dcn1andof disntay at the turn ol events. Time amenities in the town. and leave could cleared of rubble. electric power laid inspiring sight which was watched by ing a large and continuous flow of soon proved that the Italians were line- be given to only a small percentage of on from Catania. and the floating dock. dense crowds of the population. ammunition and other equipment. wcather sailors. When heavy weather the 2.000 men in the base. for which was operated by electric power. whilst at the same time. the build-up ROUGH .IL'S'I'ICI'Z occurred. escort vessels ran for shelter. Augusta had now become :1 drafting transferred from Augusta. Thus for Operation "Sltingle" tAnzio landother its in addition to olliccr British and central man)‘ Messina became the repair commanding depot. leaving the On one occasion. ltalian naval rat- ings) was taking place. of the liaison destroyer to provide what activities. Fortunately. sychronising refitting base for landing craft and ings were in the crowd. and one of TRIP TO MALTA protection he could for the ships in with tl1c return of the population. the other small vessels. The landing craft them made a rude remark to a British miles 30 were in such great demand that when "'I'ommy_" and spat in the direction of in December. my eyes became convo_v. The British n:1val liaison railway to Catania. some Early it and was been repaired. ollicer on bo:1rd the Italian escort awa_\‘. had could be spared for repairs. they the arena. Trouble immediately arose. troublesome. and I had two minor they small leave to vessels had .1 most unpleasant duty to possible to give groups arrived at Messina almost complete Some British naval ratings. together operations at the General Arm)‘ Hosbut wrecks. Catania. 0800 [600 visit to to from perform. with the “Tommy” chased the Italians pital in Catania. Unfortunately. they this arrangement had its dr:1\\'baeks. to the end of a jetty. forcing them to became worse. and caused much pain. .\'Al’l.ES CAP'I'l'Rl-'.l) A BITTI-ZR PILL jump into the harbour. Thus the Just before Cltristmas. I9-I3. I wrote OUTBRI-ZAK OF S.\lAI.l.B0.‘( To add to our discomliture. ltalian Naples. captured on October I. was honour of the Ilrilish Forces. particu- to Admiral Hamilton. Vice-Atlmiral. To add to our tlitlicrilties. a mild now the most forward naval base. The larly that of the Slst (Highland) Divi- hlalta. explaining my dlllicully and submarines were sent to Augusta for training purposes. and our Asdic outbreak of smallbos occurred at the harbour and jellies had been seriously sion was vindicated. that he might think it advissuggested checked which facilities were by This base and was be disclosed. had was quickly bcrthing to sabotaged system This action led to :1 vigorous per- able to arrange a relief for me. He for long a quite a bitter pill to swzzllmv. especially as mass vaccination. timc._ sonal protest from the Italian com- answered my letter by sending his handicapped October had been :1 very active With the planning of Operation mander. two of the submarines had originally who demandcd severe punish- Beaufighter to Catania to take me to been surrendered to me. The whole month. f ortunatcly free from air raids. "Overlord" (Normandy) the demands ment. I managed to convince him that Malta for treatment. position was demoralising. However. Some 400 H.M. ships (which included his ratings initiated the trouble. So This was indeed a very pleasant stircontrol motor—bo.'1tsl and craft. maintziined effort. we our landing by a supreme SOME TEMPORARY NAVAI. with a little face—saving action by each prise. We touched down before sunharsailed from the and entered had did best create :1nd a to our dignity. of us. the incident was allowed to pass. set. and within ltalf-an-hour I was BASES AND I'0R'l' l’AR'I‘ll-‘.5 cordial spirit in dealing with our late hour. 200 having a gross tonnage of Amenities for the combined forces e.\an1ined by :1 specialist. who reported 19394945 l.000.t)56 tons, plus‘ 32.000 troops, enemies. had greatly improved. Visits of to Admiral Hamilton that he could by was November. Augusta By the end of October. a further By early II. F. Waight. ().B.E.. E.N.S.A. concert parties became more bring a rapid cure. I remained at the Capt. base. naval .'tnll:1lian becoming inspection of the town was made by rapidly R.N. lretd.) frequent. concerts were given in the Admiralty House for to days as the with arrived. had Two ships medical atrthorities. The main depot the amphitheatre. and attended by nearly guest of Admiral Hamilton. My eyes desadditional and submarines. nine the water had been repaired: drainage at each session. Among the artists improved considerably. and l was as the convoy assembly 4.000 Augusta. on and corvettes. :1 :n1d large tro.1‘ers. and electric was good supply power were (iracie Fields and the late able to return to Augusta early in cunsiderab|:~'. Troops increased stall ollicers front Italian purl. available. and it was decided to allow number of I‘)-1-I. I had to wear dark January, from to Leslie Henson. withdrawn‘. Italy being were arrival Their produced the civil population to return. The Taranto. ltalian ratings dominated the town glasses. but I was happy to feel that here to be emwhere they shore Italian An .-\ugusta. another big problem. :1l\v:1\s surrounding district had to the during the short leave periods. and tile infection had been halted. and the i|1 for convoy passage tI1eir.barked cstahlislted. as be to had base but dcsertctl the town. as appeared as lighting occurred. As ratings rest that I had. enabled me to return ‘Ihese included the Kingdom. bylunitcd hasc wa-. occupi-.-d frilly for liscd the lirst original on at light day began reporting to sick quarters. it to duty refreshed in mind and body. 'soon became apparent that vcncre.1l My buoyancy of spirit was lowered. disease was rampant. both locally and however. by the news that sis German in Catania. In our cllorts to encourage planes had raided the port on New ratings to remain in the base. :1 wet Year's Eve. and I2 Marines had been canteen was established. Films were killed and I7 wounded. shown for two sessions nightly; educaANZIO LANDINGS tiunal and vocational training centres Operation "Shingles" commen-.'ed on were set up. and health lectures were January 2|. I‘)-t-I. The landing on the given by the base medical ollicer. While these efforts were being made .-'m7.io beaches nearly became :1 to protect British personnel from the disaster. but t|1c beach-ltcad as I1-.-Id. ()l'(7ou1se I try to. lint my p:1y'.~: not cltottstlt to fcn1ininc snares prevalent in the town. lthe Ro_\-til Navy again playing a very save auytliiug. I was confronted by a demand for the part. In 14 days. landing local brothels to be made avziilahlc for craft Ililll lant.l.:tl '.’(l.[lIl‘.’l vehicles and That’s what I thought when I was your age the use of Italians. I refused this. but :1-.-zirlv -100 tanks. in addition to other until someone showed me the Progressive rlecisiun was to-crrtrletl by the cquip:nent. 'l he ports of I-Iastern Sicily my Savings Scheme. I only had to put aside £3 .'\ttt.:ttsl:t. "po\\crs~:l1at~l‘c" in Tarattto. were playing a great part I leave when a month by Naval allotment but convoy zmeritbly. er11I1arking and dis1- I) .-\Y “OH R Y-'l't 1).-\ charging pcrxonltcl ~-.\lessina. docltirtg the Service next year I can collect £355. T‘“""”‘-I“ '1“ "ml “[ "\"“"""l‘“' and repairs to landing craft —Syracuse out and Catania. service. for Arzny Operation “liureka" was carried ferry_ Sotunls too good to be true. \\'l1crc's tltc catch? disemthe entailed successfully. This personnel and equipment. time and had emdied if! at And barkation of .\2.000 troops No catch. my any ( To be corttirrtwdl barkatiun of l(».ti00. The s.s. l.uan:1 Wliii.-I1 will you take? (llalittnl. found damaged and abanwife would have received the whole £855 doned at sea. was brought Into Savings immediately. You. see, it's a into lined for I’m all the I’m pension. going harbour. repaired and discharged. A one. rolled Insurance Life Scheme and fire occurred at the oil-fuel jetty which up for a job already, and with an extra destroyed :1 boat. with a number of St||J])u~:ltlL{ you l1:ul11't sigrtcrl on for 22 years’ to look forward to when I retire Sicilians on board. three were injured. ISLAND pension litre S.s. Fort 1.1: service :' and the wife provided for if anything and :1 fourth drowned.for first helicopter landing on reseveral days. caught tire. burning When I had done my nine years, as I had to mc—well, it’s the kind of The tire, was finally extinguished and mote l.e-tl-rov Island. In the South happened have ' could I paid premiums for 7 years, me t!1¢;,,,,f,c;,‘ same club 35 um wmld of the association and .‘iI11pn1i1te"‘a'. all want. we security drawn £23.; to help set me up. in ciwy dcmous soccer ~.idc_ v.-._~n, me hnckcy 1‘ Work. the area president. also well" lnonents land after a hard and fast ‘3°“‘°." “"3 “SW branchStreet. Now, after 22 years’ service, I shall How do you set about :1'l this? Shtpmates from Shrewsbury. Lich'l'hen¢_ lhg N;..,..- pm by 3 3033 {O 1 fi°1dhave the option of taking the Sm¢‘h“"Ck- Bl“-‘I-“"l°h and club Nltlenenses was also played at , the need That’s easy. Ask the Provi- t§|’¢'cke\'. the score being 3-1 in their w°l“'°"h‘"“m°“ ‘“-7" P"°5¢m 3"‘! £855, or if I don’t learned that it is hoped to recruit cash immediately, a pension dent Life for details of the (mug near-by Bridglh<=()n Sunday. March IS. many of the l‘“'“‘¢" m¢mb¢|’S from of £172‘ a year when I retire Scheme. from the new town later on Progressive Savings hni,\_-r_o_ r‘mk.,nm. W,“ .0 me from civilian work at 65. aw cy. o set, 53 Branch oflicials arc_ Shipmate R. ‘Fur rurrubcrs Q] the |l’.R.N.S. tin T°°I‘°V 's ISSOCIITION OF LONBOI “he ended in a 2-all draw. As 1 0“'°" (‘h“'"“""I'.Sh'l’""“° ‘,, untrue game II? 7 Inunlud ‘Ind Sh'l°m‘“° K‘ H°“'““" Pnoion is £149 a war. lcrlttht be imagined. :1 disallowed oll'- m"‘““"°r)' mic added considerably to the “I F"‘fi"'d. H‘“”."" H""°'°V w°°“lgoal E.C.2 -———----———————————1 246 London, to Bishopsgate, r--Send thiscoupon 3_P:erall excited atmosphere of the “"“""l"'-‘V 5l‘“‘l'5l"'° """'"°“"'3")' I I Please send me details of the Progressive Savings Scheme Later that



These" hztrlwlo




I save!




wilgfié‘: wi,c(;"nj';'c"tg-(,)ca‘c,.c1clt"§p°I;1";i;:.El_ ~



n?rlt)h apd




I I |

Name Address


............ .........................

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Rating or


.. ......................................................






.. ......................




; ‘ l f l o _w' d d : .°‘‘':>orting.

:11-leek. AII HCIJCSISEF Commander C. R. Carver. 0.B.l-2.. the {Ion glepartct figm wh;)%3eti r fed [ 6, N.A.T.O.ilIE.N.ltr\etd.). ondayi. Marchotltcrtieir years’ various‘ oya Navy in for home ports. after service. has been appointed Lay AssisI';:1urscs the Bishop of hat had been hectic. but new post. 'nttc

I |











to set or

‘file 5 days









April. I96-I




the forthcoming financial year. which begins FisORseeking Congressional approval to build 53

July I. the US. Navy strips and to carry out seven major conversions. The prograrnme. it‘ approved, will include sir nuclear hunter-killer submarines. I6 guided-missile escort ships. two nuclear sirhntarine depot ships. I0 amphibious-warfare ships of various types and5 I0 motor gunboats. The last are being built in increasing numbers and last year two were delivered to the US. Navy by a Norwegian shipyard. ‘lite Arncricans believe that coastal licved to be trying to acquire some forces craft have a big part to play “Oberon" class submarines from Briton new





operations suclt




South Vietnam. They intend them to land raiding parties. to sabotcurs and espionage agents in areas otherwise controlled by Communist guerrillas. They realise that while the gu_eri|la.s may he all-powerful ashore they do not have command of the or c\‘ctt.t-rt many_c:tscs. the rivers within their territory. Such craft are also ideal for preventing an enemy moving troops and supplies by water» an irnport.mt factor in areas where roads are zrltnosl non-existent. on

Ill use



ain. Neither Pakistan nor India at present possess a submarine. ‘TllAW' AT U.S.S.R. BASE At the Soviet Antarctic base called "Vostok" there was an unusual sight recently a small party of American naval engineers known as Scabces._ The Atnericans were erecting instrument towers for measuring cosmic radiation during the International Year of the Quiet Sun. .-\pparemly the Russians agreed readily to the Amcri~ can request to erect the towers and. as an Antericart naval spokesman pttt it: "the scientists working down there are ‘kindred souls‘ because they are living under very trying conditions." Whether this Antarctic political "thaw" will extend elsewhere remains to be

IlLl‘(ii-I AR_rVIl-II) l"()RCI-".5 By the end of the next financial year. June 30. I965. the American armed forces will have available 32 Polaris missile submarines; 37 squadrons of Titan. Atlas and Minuteman inter- seen. continental ballistic missiles: 2| wings .\Ir. I). J. R. Evans shows the bell of II..\IS. Illustrious to pat ‘ up t' mm 0 fth° .h' ‘ "’ l. ° ft '° '1" ht. C "F I. R. l.. B. of strategic bomber aircraft: 29 anti(‘.B.t-2.. ('unIifle. Vice-Admiral J. tr..\'.. Hughes-IIaIlelt. ('.B.. I).S.().. and M.I’.. Capt. K. A. Short. I).S.O.. Ra aircraft missile squadrons. 40 fighter shurtdrons: ll} tactical aircraft squadruns: 14 aircraft carriers (including antisubmarine carriers. but not carriers in reserve): 27 mrclear hunter-killer submarines: 28 carrier-borne air groups: to Army divisions supported by 7l year quite a large number anti-aircraft and surface-to-surface of men leave the Royal Navy. and missile battalions and 55 transport air- their experience is lost to the Service craft squadrons. for ever. for. unless they had been on of heroism and great achievement were re-lived on March 9 in the’ by the cltairman of the liritish an engagement which entailed a period City of London. at a lunch following the laying-up ceremony of telegram of service in the Royal Fleet Reserve ensign of the aircraft carrier H..Vl.S. Illustrious in the church of St. Mary Insurance A.ssoci.ttion: "On the occa. or sion of the laying-up of IlIustrious's on completion of the active part of .-\lrIermary. battle ensign the former Captains their engagement. they could not join orrnszn NAVIES the at which the Roads under l.ord (‘ochrauc. The third Ilugltcs-llallctt. ('unlitle lunch. Attending and Short. the Royal Fleet Reserve. host was Mr. D. J. R. Evans. chairman Illustrious was launched in I890. together with the British Insurance It has now been decided that men. of BY llritish Association. Insurance .-\dmir.rl Sir Denis Boyd. who was Association. join with tho those di.seh:trged to pension. were the l.ord many other old ttnahlc London of (the attend the to .\lavor I to ‘DESMOND WETTERN excepting in owing cercntorty shiprnates who leave the Navy. and have com- Rt. Hon. (‘lcmcnt sending greetings and Fifth ' The _thsen-cc Harman]. :tboard. the was sent well following wishing on the occasion," you pleted at least three years’ service. may Sea l.ord (Vice-Admiral F. R. H. Hopvolunteer to enrol in the Royal Fleet _1 Naval manpower alone will show Reserve for either three or live years. k'ns) nd thr'c former captains of the hen see -I Ta‘ your onng J. Hughcsan increase of 8.000 to a total of or to the age of -85 if that should be Hm.-u. (‘.B.. Manager next me he comes D.S.C.. M.P.. ri7ti.0(}O otlieers and men. The earlier. Men who have already left the R. L. Ii. Cttnlilic. C.ll.I3.. Czipt. R.N. alongside, Hr,-'|| fit you out from strength of the Navy. Army. Air Iiorce Service. except pensioners. can also (Retd.l. and Capt. K. A. Short. D.S.C.. and Marine Corps will be 1.681.000. volunteer. top to toe in smart modern clothes I-LN. tRetd.). .\Ien already serving in the Royal for all occasions. all the latest Few naval vessels could have ha_d SHIPS I-‘OR MALAYSIA Fleet Reserve may also volunteer to more distinguished men among their ‘t'wo of Britain's allies and Common- re-engage in it for three or live years styles from Britain and the Conticommanders than the Illustrious. I-t wealth partners in Asia are getting on completion of their current of whose si I nent. Everything is top quality. ‘natures are rceordcd_on some irnport:tnt additions to their engagement. brass paquc beneath the ship's‘ everything is top value, and you can pay by allotment if you wish. uavics. .\I;rlaysia is to receive the friRoyal Fleet Reserve men are en~ the hell now proudly displayed in the Here's the best in modern top-tailoring brought right to your Ship gate Loch lush and three coastal mine- titled to a retainer payment of from British Insurance offices Association's sweepcrs. the Heston. Essington and Is. to Is. Gd. a day. according to the in Aldermary House. At one time the or shore_station—service that's second to none. Next time our Naval Dilston. The l.och Insh will be a use- rating held. There is a statutory proManager comes aboard. ask him all about it—or visit one of our ful training ship and will also be well vision for men to undertake training. First. Sccortd. Third and Fourth Sea Adtnirals I.ordsLamb: .\lountbattcn. branches. Made to measure and ready to wear suits, overcoats, blazers, suited to work with the three British but. as far as can be foreseen. they will and and WatRear-Admiral Edwards l.ochs in the Far East. The addition not be required to undertake training. leisure jackets and trousers, suede and sheepslrin jackets, raincoats, of three coastal mineswecpcrs will They are. of course. liable to be called son -were all former captains of the shirts, lies. shoes, socks, knitwear, pyjamas and beachwear. make up a squadron of four as another into actual service in the event of an Illustrious. Hritislt Insurance The Association! (‘..\t.S. was transferred some time ago. emergency of war. I{.M.S. Illustrious in Pakistani is shortly to receive the into the Royal Fleet adopted London Warships Week I9-t2.| Acceptance and American diesel-electric submarine Reserve will. of course, depend on [during Diablo. She will. presumably. be used \'£tC:tI'ICIt:S existing in a particular supplied cinema equipment. sports for training Pakistan Navy units in‘ branch. and on tile e.tndid.tte's suit~ gear and other comforts for members ; of the crew. When she was broken; anti-submarine tvarfarc. India is be-‘ ability in all other respects. up in I956 the ensign was presented to the Association. and was lntng in thetr former otliees in Gresham Street. As, the new otliccs in .-\|derm:tr,\' llottsc. provide no fitting place itt which hang the flag. it was agreed with the; Adnriralty to lay up the ensign in the | near-by church of St. .\Iary Aldcrmary. l lI..\I.S. Illustrious was launched from the yard of Vickcrs-Arms|rongs.i Harrow-in-I-'urncss. in I93‘). 2 '



Captains at ceremony laying-up of Battle Ensign








wittrsltip. Viicc-Admiral















tol .

I)lS'l'l.\'GL’ISI<Il{I)WAR RI-ICORI) : Iler war record is an outstandingly distinguished one. The most famous incidettt occurred in I9-I0 when her aircr.tt't crippled the Italian Navy in_ Taranto. immobilising half the fleet.‘ and proved for the lirst time the etIectiveness of carrier-borne planes. H..\I.S. Illustrious carried one lighter and two bomber squadrons at Taranto. and four f surviving air crew of that action. Vice- 5 Admiral Sir Charles I.. G. Evans. 1 ,


K.(.‘.ll,. C.B.l;‘.. D.S.C.. D.S.C.. Rear: Admiral H. R. ll. Janvrin. D.S.C.. Capt. J. De F. Iago. R.N. (Rctd.). and ,1 (‘dr. I. W. I-Iale. D.S.0.. R.N., (Retd.).' attended the lunch. Early in I9-SI she was attacked oil‘ Pantcllaria by enemy dive-bombers and was hit lltrec times. She managed l to proceed to Malta under her own!


though her steering gear; was badly damaged. She took part in: the Madzugascar invasion and the Salerno landings. and served in the Indian Ocean. tinally taking part in the invasion of Okinawa. The ship was the fourth to bear the steam


The first Illustrious built at ttuclal-:r’s llard in 1789. was lost stranding in the Napoleonic Wars. Ilcr successor was launched on the Thames ttt I803 and took part in the famous aIt.tcl>; on the I-rench fleet In Basque








28-300XFORD ST., LONDONWJ PAY BY 32 Roy,“ pamdc, prymouu. 228 Hlflh Street. Chalham

20 Above Bar. Southampton




'2 N°'"‘ B"d“°' E"“b"'°h



52 C°"""°'°'"' 5mm‘ D""d°° t 1 1 commemaIR oi.6. P ommmm t 5 London Rd_. North End. Portsmouth 20HIglI5If01.‘I,Belfast utters to thc ServIc¢I—lt-ancbu throunteatBrut Britain

‘Plymouthforraises 1,000 ,..








VISIT to Hong Kong and operational duties; along the Sub-ah Coast. have been the two most notable ct'cl1l\’ in the past few weeks of ll..\l.5. ll!-ZN the new volennie islanrl l'l_\ritoiith's commission. During: the Hang Kong visit. the ship's coinpany lirst sprouted from the sea near made a big impact on the colony's population by raising nearly [.000 dollars towards a total of 56.000 dollars in a disc ioclte_v pt'O;:l‘.lnlt‘llt: for charity on ‘the Westmann Lslanrls‘. 25 miles south of the coast of Iceland. a ship Radio llonp, Kong. The programme hail promised that (including the Coinntandiiig Ollicer. of the Royal Navy's I-'ishcr_v P.-orccit enough money was raised on one Capt. I). G. Kent. R.N.) visited the ltion Squadron. II.M.S. Duncan. was first on the scene. aceonipanied by an particular record the disc jot.‘l;c)' would Hong Kong studios of Sliaw li.'Olll€_l'§ he hoisted to .lic top of the must of the and met well known local 1tCll'C\\‘L‘\ Llll Icelandic ttunboat. llic volcano has been active since lion}: Kong Hilton. 3|! feet aboveghlua and Ivy Ling Po November I last year and recently street level. It was! H..\l.S. I’lyntoutli's I .\lO.\'.-\STERY IN A .\'l(Ell'I' l-_l_..\l..S. Koppel. :ino_thcr ship of the ratings‘ rigged the bosuo's cltair and l Squadron. was in Three separate outings were made lfrolc_c_tion Iioisted the unfortunate .\lr. "Nick" the lhc island is now- well of vicinity. Kendal up the mast at iiiidniglit. The by “lExpetl.“ parties to the island cslahllslicd. being half a mile with: ship illutiiiinttcil tlic pmcectlini: with Li §l.:ui Tao. where :1 nitzlit was Spent in :and (:00 feet high. It continues to grow Ill-inch '- al projector from her a monastery by each of the parties. l)urin;: her recent patrol in I-fast tlai|_\'. itle ll..\l.S. Tamar. The l".'l'ill alo ttind raisin}: on this occasion was ;Sahali. l-l,.\l.S. Plyrnoittli has been _Sniol.'c and steam pour forth conand ttlttititisly lroiti the mail] crater. which titaitily the worl. of :\blc S-eatiiatt ‘acting as hospital ship. troopship is on the soutlicrn side of the new lieaiitiiont. jnl:ill'tlt.'IlflI‘tCcship‘ She worked. in coin- island. lzvery tew minutes there is a .-\tiothet' \.‘liiltll_\' project was assistctl ‘l‘|ll1L‘ll operations :lt::tlti\'l Indonesian alongside other units of spectacular eruption. This throws‘ tip by Petty (Jtlicer Cool. ()'C:i||agltan and Able Seaman Scott. Some for- ,the Royal Navy. Royal Marines. 5 great clouds of basalt ash to well over |.000 fcet. Above this the niusliroom tunate members of the ship's company lRoya| .\lal:iysian Navy and Army. of dust and steam extends in a towering plume to 5.000 feel. it is a most imprcssiv-e sight. and as darkness fails it is possible to see .\lr. llutcher served as p.unner‘s mate sparks and red-hot particles being in the first commission of H..\l.S. thrown out. R. David Butcher retires this I Nclsori and later served as Chief GunTRAWLI-ZR IIELPED instructor in H..\I.S. Revenge. .nery Senior I7 month after years: as Ships of the Fishery Protection Then. before being drafted to H..\l.S. Division. with the Solent Hhipkeeper arc _oftcn called upon to Squadron I-Interim: the Royal i\'av_v as a boy in Barhani during the Spanish Civil assist trawlcrs in a spot of ditlieulty. l9l2. he was drafted to ll.M.S. Essex. | War. he became the gunnery instructor Recently H.-.\l.S. Kcppcl. while on and while serving: on the West Indies ! in charge of the petty ollicer.s' course in patrol of! Northern Norway. reecivcd station in that ship he received his R.N. lhirrticits, Portsttiotilli call from the trawler Kingston Perill “haptisni of tire" at the bonihtmlutent that her nets were caught gdot sa_vin[.-. B.\(T|\' FOR THE WAR of Vera Cruz. 'rouiid her propeller. The sea was too lie recalls seeing ati r‘\niericati lie Iirst went to pension in l936. lic- rough for diving operations. so the destroyer set her own quartcrdeclt ,L‘0llill‘I},'. landlord of a public house in tr:iw'icr_w-as escorted to a sheltered alight llirmigh the degree of tlepression ' bit! he was needed agaiii bit)’ In l*uglo_v Sound. on her after guns when shelling the Soutiianipton. Two of the ship's divers. Sub-l.ieut. at the start of the Second World War. University ('ollc1t-:. P. V. Mitchell. R.N.. and P.O.M.E. When serving in the Suez Canal in where his wide experience was inimcdi~ Scddon. foundthethat the net was wound ll.M.S. Bee he was sent ashore to assist atcly utilised for training. tirst in bar- tightly propeller shaft. Howin the landing of stores to the beaches racks and then at Malvern Training ever. round by sitting _on the blades of the of Uara. 'I'ransfcrred to Mcsopotaniia. Camp in Worcestershire. Finally. in ti Mitchell had no pl'0p¢ll¢l'._StJb-L_IBl.ll. he arrived just after the recaptttrc of repetition of his history. he took over difficulty in cutting away the m:t_ Kut-el-.-’\mara. by which time he had the petty officers‘ course again. Before The whole job was finished in half been rated leading scanian. Just after being dcniobiliscd his services were rehour. saving the trawler a con. he was 2|. wheti serving in the 8th Ieopniscd with the award of the llritish an sidcrable of time. amount Flotilla at Plymouth. he was awarded‘ Empire Medal. l’-‘ugloy Sound is not far from North Retiring from active service for the Cape his first good-e_oIidtIet badge and bethe t_empcr:iture well second time. Mr. Butcher decided that below and. with the came a petty ofiicer. divers‘ main comfreezing. he was not yet ready to "swallow the ment was that it was much warmer anchor" completely. and he joined in the (IUNNERY l'RlZE-WINNER than out. water Wessex and Senior Shipkecper. H.M.S. When ll..\l.S. Malaya "showed the and now. after devoting 48 years of his flap‘ around the country after which life to the Royal Navy and the Royal she had been named. P.O. liutchcr was Naval Reserve. he retires to his home .. on board. and afterwards he went to at Woolston. l.\il‘lRhlA'lltl‘.\' has been rcccucd that thc ll.M.S. Excellent for a gunnery instruc- I tullmunc have been -ulvanvnl to me cm.-| t)I1'm.-r or (‘Incl Afltltctt rate: tor‘s course. gaining the highest points PHI);Lhlct To arrived Petty Oficcr at Centaur has Conil-l.M.S. Singfor gunnery and winning the Ix Teal]-IS-I I). is. \\'IlIilf|'|1. Ix sxmi 1, ,4. mander Llewellyn Prize. aporc to relieve H.M.S. Ark Royal. Lomu. IX .‘til4tt-0 D. A. V. Bconcli. IX lb222| -









1' |


oh‘ the


L. Tlfllfllim. IX Toafltl R. J. white. JX I59!“ I’. llarriihon. J.‘(')00uil Ci. Conan. 1.‘: (H6095 :; R. C. W. GI‘-Kill. IX 7tl‘)07l R. I. Wud. 1. it. Gcurnc. ix 7o02lo B. P. .i_x «limoJXL.HSKIIJ J. lnmv. JX tll57t4 R. T. (flrrofv. White. IX 836179 A. D. Lorna‘. J.\' H1795 (‘. Fencey. To .\|astcr-It-Ari: MK 758564 R. Robinson. MN Elvin: P, T_





Cmpcr. ‘to stores

liar tllub

learn to drive, for £5 only—l.A.M. instructorsthrough the club. We have a high record of‘First-time‘

I. You



Low Hire-Purchase Charges for Club Members. H.P. new cars—6% Older cars in proportion.

Special on

Lower cost

repair charges for Club Members.

Any make or year of vehicle supplied. including new cars.


(200 have written guarantee. You can part: exchange your present vehicle and still loin. We will settle any H.P. outstanding if required. Monthly Stock List and Statement of Account sent to youHome or Abroad. The car you require is ready on your return home to drive away. Immediate insurance facilities. You can open an account to meet your requirements. Our representative visits Naval Establishments in the Portsmouth area. Telephone and we will call by appointment, cars over





To Clicl Petty Oflccc H-'rItcr MX TWITH D, Leonard, M); I5'.‘02‘.i0 D. J.

be arranged for Club Members.

Chief Pctl) Olecr t\'J .\t.‘€ BOWJB R. E. Sutton. To Stem Chief felt; onm (Si MK INS-t.'4 l:. (n. Blue. MX sJ:.<w II. It. tlci-_h:ntunite. MN still: W. G, ‘turner. MX li6l'llD7 I). Kltkup. MK 85050‘ C, R. J, Gtlca. MN 868382 A. R. llctdidgc. To Chld Pelt: Ofllcnr Cool (5) hm 355314 T. Bltfl. To Acting Chief I-Lnnluroons Ar-tlflcer M); 90-to-W G. N. Trina. MK iossai J. P. Bevan. MX £02289 0. F. Mace. MK 61.37‘) S, M. ‘liltord. MR 60262 W. Allooclr. MK ittmltl A. J. Kctlam. MX 852963 R. V. Sfllith. MK .“l29‘)0 P. Butler. MA’ 5472i L. J. A. N. 3. Watson. M); 902212 A. J. Balmcl. To Cunt Sltlnwrlzbl Artlccr MR 753874 R. D. Ecclcs. MX 85773! B. It. Rutherford. MN 35564! II. A. Mundr. Mx man: J. A. Glover. MX voiooe K. J. ll. Atttlcld. MX tt-8tt'9oS A. Biotin. M 932007 G. I:, Trace. Mcchntc To Cue! F KX 775753 A. G. Wellon. KX EH72! E. M. Snridcrson. K.\' 908144 A. S. Gordon. RX tt9l352 T. Harcsixn. To Acting Chief Elcdtlral Artllecr MK llilfbttfl‘ I‘. J. Lilllbudv. MN 902469 .‘-I. G. Gtcnnv. MK 7775-“ E. Rainer. MN 85758: I). G. Sathcrlcy. ‘lo Acting Chic! Ordnance Artltlccr MX t!tlIiD90 B. Jctlrcy. M 928514‘) ii. A. ll. tuta‘tt_3l E. J. Miller. llodvon. MK In Chief Radio Snpenluor JX 332877 J, Wilcox. IX A3926 K. (I. Jack-nn, IX M1922 R. C. Sanger. IN 66033) ti. Barnes. I'o Chlct Conunnnlclllnn Yeoman ix ttiuttm It. It. _t'micr. J.‘< 8590!? N. JX J7l57-t L. Knntnt. IX Twloti I). _

?‘\‘Il'l'I£l1:?X. Clair! Meclnllldan ric c


To Acthl K32 8522'» A. W. Pins. To Acting Ciilet Iladto |*‘.‘|ctIrlnl Arllflccr M.\: 537793 R, J. Cook. MK ‘H3700 M. 3.

Ouinn. To Child‘ Rodto Elcctrlclln Mx 8954507 5. B, Bueiunan. .\tX 923946 5. Laccy_ MX 89378! II. B. Btndcn. To Ski Berth Chic! Pelt; Once:

Mx SS.‘-6-I5 D. TIIII. M): tnl'«‘30.'~ M, G. tlarvcr. Mx M7l9 J. Rietly. M); 390993 D.

Chtlcou. To Chic! Wren fllccnlntlnxl H0529 I. E‘. Millard. Aetlu Chic! Aircraft Arltlccr tAl-2| LII-‘X room C. N. J. Cmtinl. L.FX 669401 J. 1). House. Chic! Air Filter ME) LII-‘X H6689 P. J. Master.


I40 GLADYS AVENUE (Opposite Alexandra Park) Tel ,6249l PO RTSMOUTH Tel 6249i

(right) tilting to P.0.M.E. Seddon Pcridot in the background


with the Iran lcr

Longest servit_ig_k‘saVili igalrer is in the Far East

UST re-engaged for his “sixth live" I is Chief Sailmaker Frederick |’ails,= of H.M5. Terror. Singapore. who is! about to mark his 30th year of service = in the



He is



longest; hav-.

sailniaker in the Service.

log joined as 2 15-year-old boy seaman in April. I934. He has twice before served in the Far East. the first time bein in 1935. the yc:ir after he joined c Navy. when the Fleet


known as the; under the present - ;


China Fleet. serving Flag Olliccr Conimandingdn-Chicf'sl father. I. Asked why he liltcd being a sailmalter. he explained that it was the variety. Since he joined the Navy he has worked on upholstery. carpets.


curtains. loose

gun covers. CIt.Smkr. 1-‘. PAILS telescope bindings. And awnings sails. of course. but he added that his mother still lives. Ch. Smltr. Pails after 30 years in the Navy he still has is ex ccting his wife and 15-year-old not had time to do any sailing to find tcr. from Warblington. Hat.-ant, out what happens to the sails once dang to join him in Singapore shortly. "“"‘"'-"““““° Rear-Admiral P. o. Gick. c.n., During the war he sailed in Russian and Atlantic convoys. and took part O.B.E.. D.S.C. and Bar. inspects R.N. TO JOIN HIM WIFE in the North Africa, Salerno and Station, Culdross. from April 6 Born and educated in Rugby. where D-Day landings. to _


Sub-Licut. Mitchell








Services expedition to retrace ol‘Eservi;:E—undcr of famous steps *’°"5"'°""‘-I

_DRAFTING FORECAST (cont’d) (Continued signs.

from pagezcolumn 5)

"3,.M_s_, c, .I,", “’,':,','_ $3,‘,_s”5;,



at erttton.





H.M.S. Hampshire (G.M. Destroyer). M/l-l Squadron. U.K. Base Port. “""“'Y- l""5-at '’9"§'"°“''‘- 5”‘ eral Service Commission (Phased). Rm.'.lh_ ti.M.s'. Appleton (C.M.S.). October, Hunts/EN of Susi-fH°m¢l5aS| 07 U-'<- 5” *’°."at llahrein. Foreign Service. Middle 50°? ll..\l..‘9. Rhyl (ANS. Frigate). Januar_v.« 53“ gm Mrs Squudrnm (E) at Portsmouth. General "__\4[__\;_|:' k -__“'_5-no h '_ .

scr3_, i c c_cmM"; : 1 d' ! ' L i mhn. ; n f ' c l _ ~' : r "ci ( g(“ liast. ‘illlt ms Squadron. (E.)


Antarctic explorer

Service: Commission°"(Ph;ised)._ Hoinel.\led./*.'°"‘°i”E"' 5“"-.(.“P‘- ‘D’ 33”‘


' I l‘ll-I l'f'5"".l°l' epic‘: opi.?n l;I::Il "0'-;".I‘[;:’“\:ll li:C‘IllI:IdE

ii..si.s. Chilcompton (C.M.S.). Octo-‘>4"=*"°"- L-N 345° P0“lirst attempt to retrace the route in l9l6 by Sir Ernest her at Bahrein. Foreign Service: P"""‘"“"'”"M'l ShaliIetti' dtw .._ an'n"nthei c ssng t‘Soi.ithG re" "ll Middle East. 9th M/S H,‘ an “-~“-5- P11?‘-IPP-'1(l. C.'|‘.). October l(iIli.l "' Sci‘ i the most ambitions to leave Britain since the end of the war. ‘” "‘”"°i"- FM‘-'il‘i" S"""'i°° ‘\“d‘”°| NW work in seven) lields is to'Cliester R.A.F Regiment ("5) who l':‘“”‘ "‘"‘l‘hibi‘“'5 w""I‘"° s‘“"‘d‘ ‘\-1‘:d"”‘in‘c'L'N or UL,’-‘ r beScientilic undert'ik-n hi. the. cxt‘k‘dition' --sBax Pom “”" “:3 " be R -\F whose been "_M_§_ E k‘ ten sclecrcl» .(‘_p_ I: ',. O 0r‘s’m\_Itt: as lm C -_!_e I.‘ C am ._'pn_s‘ ll..\t..§. Diamond IDestroyer)._J:inuar)'. ha, 3' “' ‘h'in most parts of Brit;iin_ Turkey and ."5': (°m"‘“"°" Homcl at Cliazliaiii. General Service Com- l'_‘3‘-)- Arm!‘ JW-l R0.\Jl {\|l' ‘“"“’- l" l Iran. Capt. ilihnscdh P. F. Fagan. R.E. (28) who live months on the ‘sub-Antarctic Middlr East. 9th l-rigate Squadron. “-4; '""“"'_‘. _‘ pi.3*?‘d l- H .'5 ‘"P’°’°!“°" dl-")""”l_‘3fi¢l‘l SUWCY 0‘ -""¢’-.D,"- '-d*'-- .," U.K. [arse Port. Portsmouth. (8.) -3"“ Hand m °-V 3,.8.to "1" ..‘ 1,}. 3 “in "R. ‘ *.“""~' 1'-9*‘ _‘ squadron in Adcn.workms as _;, l:s’i:i.\t't Squadron. U.l\. 3213:: Port. 3955‘ aTroon "_|"_§. Panisfl. (A_lS_ Frig_.“c)_ Odo, ml-“'m‘"" “HEM m4,kC an Commandcr dcuchcd on work p.,m,m,mh [(1 (_.\_} her 27. at Rosyih for trials. Home upattempt on two major iinclimbed peaks wunu.}._ H. G_ Sgt Hum R.A_F_ is (32) "--“-5‘’"‘l Sea Service. January 5. Fishery Prosfllitbufy l-“--'D- F'll33l¢l‘’‘”''3'' °.“' i""l“""'"' ‘“"""" “'°”“ 5| Physical instructor. training An alltection Sqiiadron. U_K, 335,, pm-L .l:tnuary. at Devonport. Creneral Ser- l-Cd 13)’!-|¢Ul-‘Cdfi -‘lilllilllm Bull‘-‘)3 round )1; ha; spomman Sc.-pad wnh vice Commission (Phased). R-Nu llll! Pall)‘ it FY14“-l}' UP 07 [lll'&‘¢ [hc Rosyllt. R__.\_F. and survival Sch.-,0] csupc ii..\i.s. llubberislnn ((‘..\t.S.). October. M=‘d-«"Ht'"*°/5-“! "1 5U=l- 13“! ‘"9" "W" M" 051'” 5'~‘'‘"*‘°‘~ ‘‘''‘l' *' in the Tyrol. T. J. Sgt. Lynch. Cold15550“ 5¢lU3¢lm"- U-K 3'-'5': P““- N‘""‘l d°°""- Tl” D"l""-" I-'~"'d‘" l‘ at Chailiam. Local Foreign Service. ‘W stream Guards (25) is the expedition's (iiti .\l,.'S Squadron. (E.) S'r[‘d" A"”.‘‘‘"l' ”' 8"“-. ""F‘C" l)evonpor:. (.-‘Ll -"__“__.,-_ Lundondflu. (A_,S_ I.-,ig_.”c)_ H.r\l.S. Barmsa (.~\..lD. Conversion). .\l.A.. R..-\.l'. The party will fly to cryptolosist and one of its two still phmogm hen. He has climbed N |\"tl‘tl’1ct' 5. :it Portsmouth. J.“'“'.“"Y- 3' Si"l4“l"‘[°- rt" Foreign umgu_-1;,- in ll‘-' y. Ca P t. J. D. C. Peacock. The leader ofthe Combined Services 5cn.;,_.c Commission Servicr: (Phased). Far East. 24th ported to south (u.orgi.i from the extensive .‘-l..-\.. R.E..\l.i:.. is an (Pliascd). HomelEast of Suez/Home! Escort Squadron. (.-\.) Falkltind Islands in H..\t.S. Protector. Climbcl’ l_:‘m_dm-on‘ Liem__Cdr_ M_ Burl”. and SkittMed. 28th Escort Squadron. UK. H..\l.S. Striker (l..S.T.) and No. 3 the ice patrol ship in which Lietit.-Cdr. R.N. Assault this: Port. Portsmouth. Sqitadron. February 5. at Burley made two visits to Antarctica. Gibraltar. Foreign Service (Middle !l..\l.S. Cavendish (Destroyer). NoEast). .-\tl)pllll|l0l1i \\'arl'are Squadveniber I8. at Portsmouth. General . lNCRlil)llll.ECROSSING ron. (9.) Service Commission. l-lomeltiasi of Sued-.\lcd. (Phased). 28th Escort ll..\l.S. Bastion (l..C.T.). February’ 5. From lengthy research in documents Squadron. U.l{. Base Port. Rosyth. at ilahrein. Foreigii Service (.\-liddle of the period. it has been possible to liastl. .-\lttDl'tlbl()us Wiirfare Squad- plot the most probable course. still the H..\l.S. Kemerton (C.r\t.S.). Novemron. ll-‘J ber. at Bahrein. Foreign Service. subject of academic dispute. taken by .\liddle East. 9th MIS Squadron. (E.) lI.M.S. Loch I-‘uda (.-\.jS. Frigate). Sir Ernest Shackleton in traversing the tl..\l.S. Sheraton (C.M.S.). November. February. at Singapore. Foreign Ser- island. When his ship. the Endurance. vice (Far East) (Phased). '.‘6tli Es was crushed in the ice in the Weddell at Portsmouth (tentative date). Local Est. I905 Foreign Service 6th .\t/S Squadron. cort Squadron. (.—\.) Sea. he sailed with a crew of live in a All W I D‘ lS ll..\l.S. Ulster (l-I.) (A./S. Frigate). Feb- whziler from Elephant Island in the Suits ll..\t.S. Gurliha (G.P. Frigate). Dcruary. at Devonport. For trials. South Shetlzinds groups in Antarctica Home Sea Service. April. |7th to South Georgia to organise cetnber. at Rosyth. General Service help. S upe r qua l’my DOESKIN SUITS (‘omm ission (Phased). Home! Frigate Squadron. U.K. Base Port. The passage involved iiicrediblc Middle l-last. 9th Frigate Squadron. Devonport. (l);itcs tentative.) to wear and a landing was eventiially Ready hardships Il..\l.S. L'.K. ltase Port. Rosytli. (B.) Naiad (.-\._'S. Frigate). Feb- made in King ll:iakon llay on the ll..\t.S. Caprice (Destroyer). Decemruary. at (ilasgo-.\'_ For Home Sea sotitli-west coast. Withtuo of theineii. TOP QUALITY SERGE Service. Zlltli Frigate Squadron. Sir l:'.riiest then set out to cross to the her 3. at Rosyth for trials. General from U.K. Base Port. Service Commission. February 19. Devonport. wlinling stations on the other side ol CIVILIAN LOUNGE SUITS I905. HonielE:ist of Suezll-lomel the island. A biographer has described .\lcd. 23th Escort Squadron. U.K. To measure-—from the journey as "a miracle of Bast: Port. Devonport. mountaineering?’ lll clad. with little A large selection of stylish patterns to choose from food. and equipped with little more lI..\l.S. Triumph (Repair Ship). Dethan a length of rope and a carpenter's cember 3|. at Portsmouth. CommisWe carry an extensive stock of fashionable ad/.c. they eventually stumbled into clothing and footwear the whaling base at Stroiniicss. Cash or On Credit (at no extra cost.) through our The crossiiig of Smith Georgia MONTHLY ALLOTMENT SERVICE ‘A of ill health the presi- forms only the |il.\l part of the l‘J(r-l-(:5 Entry forms (re: on application dent of the Royal Leamington Spa Combined Services Expedition. .-\t‘terYEAR’ Branch of the Royal Naval Associa- w:ird.s. using dumps of stores :ind QUEEN STREET, PORTSMOUTH tion. Capt. C. A. l\'. Chalwln. D.S.0.. equipment previously establisliud. (Tel. Ports. 2633i) they are to undertake scientitic tasks \'l~2ltY successful year" was the R.'\'.. has resigned from the ofiice. Also at Devonport. Chatham. Portland. in the little known Allardyce Range summing: up ol’ Shlpmate R. resignation which was accepted withal and make an assault on several imScotland and Malta Skedze. chairrnan of the Dartford great regret by the shipniates at the eliinbcd mountains there. Branch of the Royal Naval Associa- recent annual ,:ener:iI meeting. including .\touiit Puget. in South highest peak tion. at the recently held annual Siirg. Lieut.~('dr. J. C. Basil Jones. R.-.\l.V.R.. the senior vice-president (ieorgia. general meeting. During the year the branch enrolled was elected president at the meeting eight new members but suffered great and other changes were. Shipmate A. SUR\'l-IY \\'()Rl\' losses in Shipmate "Jack" Lee. who Wuodii-;ird (secretary). Shipmaie T. Particiilar importance is attaclicd to was "mine host" to the branch. 5l_n<l_ Nicholson itreasiirer). Shipmale K. life vice-president. Shipmate “Ernie' Cheshire (welfare ollicer) and Ship- survey and geological work in the u Royal Bay area. fiirlhering research Cutler. a founder member of the niatc A. Frost (publicity otlicer). lirancli. ‘When the annual dinner was held carried out in this locality more than A. 3. Stevens Lid. l’.-1 years ago by the German lltlct’Capt. l-‘. I.. .\lillns. C.B.[-2.. D.S.C.. on March 2|. the chief guest was 80 R.N.. was elected president of the Rear-Admiral S. .-‘i. Pears. C.ll.E.. who iiaiional Polar Year Expedition of (mm.-ti. The only other change in the was "piped on board" and. with other I882-83. the first exploratory expedisenior otlicers is :i new secretary. guests. passed throiigli 1| guard of tion ever to visit the island. Althoiigh I GOFF’S WALTIIAM honour provided by the local Sea one member of next iviiiter's party is lI Sliipiiiute J. llrett. an c.\'pcrt surveyor and two others 'l'lie lsr:uicli's annual dinner and (‘adet Corps Unit ENGLAND have received training in survc_ving. all dance is to take place on April 18' and‘ The branch cliziirmzin. Shipmale G. Telephone: Culfley 1913 the social secretziry has organised a lleckforil read a letter from the Ouccn inemhcrs of the cxpeditioii iiill coin this work. operate i-isi: to the Royal Toiirnanient on tliiiiikiiig the branch for their loyal oriiitholo_i:Ec.'il July It). Visits to other hr:iiiclies are grcetiiigs and the branch chaplaiit. the 7.oologic:il and research incliides work also bein;.: arrzinged. coiiiiected with ii. iRes'. 1. C. llascldeit. .\l..-\.. R.r\'.. “ the distribution of vzirious species of l).irit'ord llraiicli still meets at The’ asked lite L'l‘ll)[);ll)}' to rciiieiiiber a and seals. while the mosses dcti-cry :0 any address in Great Sriuin (ox.-I.idi-i; Eire) Pldllgll. in l.oiil'ield Street. l):irtlord. Fallcii Shipmzites with special penguins licliciis of South Place your ORDER NOW (icorgia will also on llti: second and fourth Mondays ol’:ret'erence to the late Sliipniate G. {and _ bc the ‘“h._‘l M. ‘I \ L_L_i_d r_ ptrlby. _.. [0, Aggy DATE in the future ,,each month and members from nlltcrf \oun;.. .\.IlIon-Il NORMAL PEICES “high liraiiclies are always sure of a welcome who gave the l)l’.lllt.‘ll such loyal Hm Mm .49.... insane niontlis :i\vay from the 31.6 dozen two from the l):irtl‘ord shipmates. .Scn_icc_ SPECIAL OFFER

Squailron.(l£.)'""“'s'_ |'9"”l°fl Jl‘."_‘”'".y' l””h"",",('_°"°r"l /(mm‘i‘:‘.".m ”rh'|$§d].' H°s'}'°,i .


ii“-?n bqil,n$;mf\l]"k'













rgtfm 5,: 3. C. aifidlhi mc°.l~""§'3








l:l'lt3'l ’)hCl"§)l)'lVC r",°'T'_h“"‘J"f"_‘ ‘‘‘l_"'“''‘." ’;‘'‘’‘f‘ -


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Q‘-'”‘l’°'.“."“_l'_"“l “'""5:


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Ill-health causes resignation of president







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has previously led expeditions to: ‘Arctic r\'or\\ay and Antarctic. 5..-'l.dr.' llack. the deputy leader. (33). was born llll South r\lric;i and joined the Royal .-\ir Force in l‘)5.‘~. gaining the J,t'or his work as :i I-"light Comniander of .1 Hunter .S'qii;idron in (.iermany. Licttl. S. H. l)o\sn. R..\l. (I4). h:is_ for the past ten nionths. been flying Whirlwind helicopters from the ;('ommando Ship, ll..\t.S. .-\|bion. in‘ I the Far East. Another Royal .\';iv_v member of the is Control Artilicer P. Langdon (35). who has climbed with the R.N. Ski and Mountaineering Association in Switzerland. Wales, Skye and the Lake District. The medical ollicer of the party is Surg. Lieut.-Cdr. K. J. Martin. R.!\‘. (36). who entered the Royal Navy in l‘)5'.'.


[expedton l


The other members of the expediiion are Snr. .-\irer:ifism:in J. R. _



l.ieiit.-(‘dr. liurley (36). the |e.ider



gin sPc:‘d‘w“_n. _




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50,000 mile mark



INCE leaving Portsmouth last August! for service in the Far East. H.M.S. Victorious (Capt. P. M. Conipslon. R.N.) has steamed 42,000 miles on her normal peace-time duties. and these have taken her to Aden, Singapore. Hons: Kong and the Philippines as well as Mombasa and Da.r—es-Salaam. During this time her aircraft. including 80! Squadron. the first front-line squadron of Buccaneers, have been in regular operation. Recently the carrier has been c_m-;"proper" ‘com_mai'ido ship. H.M.S. ployed in support of operations in lzast ‘ Albion. Victorious returned to MomAfrica. Arriving in Mombasa after a baszi fora delayed maintenance penod. u-c-r-s-can mssica alely dispatched south to Dar-cs- Another high-speed passage across Szilaam. Tanganyika. to embark 45 the Indian Ocean at 26 knots in order Commando. Royal Marines. who had to arrive in Northern Malaya tn time carried out the disarming of the Tan- for the beginning of the large Comganyika Rifles a few days earlier. l-or monwealth Naval Exercise let on l0 days. until the arrival of t_hc coni- March l. It was on this day that the mando ship H.M.S. Albion. Victorious Flag OlTtcer Second in Command l-ar acted as a commantlo ship, with men East Fleet. Vice-Admiral J. P._Scatof the Commando using hangar. chard. C.B.. D.S.C.. rcltoisted his flag quarterdcek and forecastle as tempo- in the carrier and took command of rary accommodation. Their vehicles the combined Jet fleet. The Indian turned the flight deck into a car park. Navy was particularly strongly repreIn addition to the Royal Marines sented in this exercise. its force being there was .1 small contingent of the headed by the aircraft carrier l.N_.S. Loyals equipped with Ferret scout cars. Vikrant with her Seahawk and Allzc and. just to make the lri-Service ellort aircraft. An interesting feature of the Exercomplete. two R.A.F. Belvedere helicopters were also embarked to supple- cise Jet was that the atmosphere was ment 8|-l Squ:idron's helicopter lift. particularly conducive to grumbling After transferring the "visitors" to appendixes. This called for_some smart the more suitable habitat of the Commonwealth co-operation on the



April. 1964


ll.-.\f.S. \'iltr-ant



l.N.S. Exercise speed during ‘Jct' A recent photograph or lI..\l.S. Victorious. 35.500 tons (full load). Built of the surgical team of H..\l.S. by Vickers-Arntstrungs. (I937-I9-lll. the carrier was virtually rebuilt between part Victorious. which removed no fewer 1950 and 1958 than three appendix-:s in nine days. The patients. Sub. Lieut. K. Clements. R.A.N.. from H.M.A.S.. Parramatta. and A.B. J. Marlow. from H.M.N.Z.S. Taranaki. were transferred by jackstay for operations in H.M.S. Victorious without hindrance to the flying operations or the exercise. In addition. N.A. R. Wcllburn. of third of the Royal Australian Navy's newest anti-submarine frigatcs Victorious. was successfully is now serving with the fleet. having finished her sea trials after being commm" missioned last June. She is !l.M.A.S. Stuart and perpetuates the name of the SURGEONS BUSY "afifime df3l|’0.\'er in what the enemy termed the R.A.‘l.'s “Scrap Iron The surgical team has had a busy Flotilla." That Stuart will be remembered by the Mediterranean destroyer time. for in the seven months of the men of the early thirties is the leader of the Second Destroyer Flotilla.which commission so far. no fewer than I00 was transferred to the R_.A.N. general anaesthetics and 46 local The Australian Naval Board re- frigalcs ordered from Australian shipanaesthetics have been administered ceived many requests from ex-naval- yards. Two of the ships. the_Parramatta for the purposes of surge These men's association for a warship to be and Yarra. are already sewing with the niimhers include two success ltl emer- named after the original Stuart. whose fleet. and the fourth, Derwcnt. is neargcncy operations needed as a result of exploits had made a legend of the ing completion. serious accidents on the flight deck. enemy‘: dcrisive title. In addition to Stuart is equipped with the latest Small wonder that the sickbay queue perpetuating her name. there is a link devices for seeking and attacking subdwindles. with a small town in the Northern marines includin a guided-missile The operation of aircraft at sea is Territory and a river in Queensland. system. develop: by Australia. the sometimes harardous. but only one airThe new l-l.M.A.S. Stuart. of 2.700 lkari. She is fitted with two 4.5 dualcraft. a Wessex helicopter. has been tons (full load). capable of over 30 purposc guns and there is provision for lost. and this loss took place early in knots. is the third of four advanced "Seacat" close-range surface-to-air weapons. at

Name of ship of ‘scrap iron’ flotillamaintained






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tuart (2.00 tons. full load). the anti-submarine frigate is genral silar to le Rothay clas Royal Navy frigates, but modified to suit Royal Australian Navy requirements

the commission off Aden. Pilot and crew were slightly injured. but were flyingagain within a few weeks. Art unhappy accident occurred on deck in January when Naval Airman Rickctts was crushed by a cockpit cover accidentally closing on his chest. An emergency operation was carried out on board before he was flown ashore to the British Military Hospital in Singapore. Here. after some initial anxiety, he made good progress. His



good life

,3./,0/k home

In a


Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth


Telephone 22052

A NEW ‘FIRST There is still some time before the end of the ship's present commission. but already it is expected

that Victorious will record a new “lirst" for a large fleet carrier litter in the year when she is to be recommlssloned by air on the Far East Station. This will involve a massive two-way airlift to change round practically the whole of the ship‘: company.



family were kept informed throughout

and the rating's father was flown out to see his son in the early days. Today he is well on the way to making a good recovery.



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01? _A FAMOUS NAME l l T



Admiral Sir Charles Madden. llt.. date Jtily 7. and to be Naval Secretary K.(.‘.tt.. Command-.:r-in-Chief. Home in succession to Rear-Admiral J. O. C. Fleet. visited Chatham on April I. Hayes. 0.B.E..'l}ie appointment to take Rear-Adntirtil II. C. “artcll. C.ll.. effect in July. l')(1-l. (‘.ll.i-7., the Adminil Commztnding Captain P. N. llowes. D.S.C.. R.N.. Reserves inspected the Solent Division. is to be promoted to Rear-Admiral toR.N.R. on .\larch 9. The Director date July 7. 1964. and to be Flag the Women's Royal Naval Service also Oflicer. .\tidd|e East. in succession to visited the Division oit .\larch l'.’. Rear-Admiral J. E. Scotland. C.ll.. Rear-Admiral I). C. I-I. l-‘. Gibson. the appointment to take effect . t\‘a\':il is Ofltcer. l).S.C.. to he the Flag in August. I964. Reari:t succession to I-‘lying Training Rear-Adntirnl R. A. J. Owen. C.n.. Admiral P. D. Giclt. C.l3.. 0.B.E.. is to be placed on the Retired List to on. I). P.'Sci.-ley. R.N which was contmlssinncd on December It, D.S.C.. the appointment to take eflect date April 4. I963. "Leander" class General A Purpose Frigate, (2.800 tons. full load). with a complement of 262 oflicers and men, in July. I964. Instructor Captain V. Lamb. B.Sc.. built & Co. Ltd. at Blrltenbead between October. 1959 and December. I963. tier Cnmtnell Laird was by Commandant Dame Jean Davies. R.N.. has been appointed a Naval Ajax l).B.l-2.. A.l).C.. W.R.N.S.. Director, of [Aide-dc-Camp to the Queen from predecessor in the Royal Nrny was. of course, the cruiser Ajax. (7,000 tons). which took part in the historic action which ended in the scuttllng of the Gcnnnn pocket battleship Admiral Gi-.tt' Spec at the entrance to Montevideo the Women's Royal Naval Service. March 1. in .'.tit‘cession to Instructor Harbour on December 17, I939 otlicially opens the new Wrens H. E. Dyltes. B.Sc.. Ph,D.. Quarters at R.t\_l. Air Station. llrawtly. ~.\l.l..\tech.I'-1.. R.N. on April 9. l ll..\l.S. Mohrmlt (Capt. l. C. ‘W. Captain I. L. .\l. .\IcGeocli. l).S.t).. Robertson. D.S.C.. R.N.). makes her l).S.(.‘.. R..\i.. has been appointed first visit It Chath:im. her base port. President. Royal Naval (_‘ollet:e. ‘on April for routine rank of Reariii (ireeitwielt. the aetiitg ;and to give leave. A "Tribal" cass records by providing over Adntiral in succession to Contnlodnrc frigate. the ship will sail to join tip half-a-nullion gallons of fresh water l). K. lltichztnan-Dunlop. D.S.C.. R.N_.. with her squadron in the Middle East I-Tl-ZR spending three days front the ship's evaporators. the appointment to take effect this on completion of leave. London the Netherlands sliiP Mnnxtnan (Capt. the Hon. month. Captain Mcficoch will be conSliIl”S DOG DIES H..\l.S. Brighton (Cdr. A. J. Cooke. Snelltus. n sloop type stirveyintt T. V. Stopford. R.N.) is in danger F. lirmed in the rank of Rear~Admira| 'R.N.). arrived at Chatham on March 1.538 tons (full of assuming H.M.S. Alblon's nickFebruary was marred for the ship's on July 7. I964. 3| for routine maintenance and to give name of “The Grey Ghost of Borneo." company by the death of the ship's I: er t e Captain M. I’. Pollock. M.\’.0.. er o ro She is yet again on patrol looking _do1.'.._"Georgc" was always first ashore R-Neth.N« W. l).S.C.. R.N.. has been appointed to be eass. Laugeraar. ton wt sat or e after her coastal mlnesvveepers doing in his special dog-coat Manx uniform rig Assist:tnt Chief of Naval Stall" in the Mediterranean on completion of leave. on board. paid a routine visit to such valuable work in Sarnwalt. with the ship's postman. He fell overacting rank of Rear-Admiral. in suc- ll..\l.S. Whirlwind (Cdr. J. Benson. Chnthnm. March 23 and 24After three weeks of Taiwan. Eastern board and died. despite the efforts of cession to Rear-Admiral P. J. Hillwatched by Sabnli. she returned to the base and Leading Seaman P. A. Fisher. who The ship's arrival was arrives at .\'orton. GB. The appointment took A ter routine doc ing and cave s c Rear-Admiral l. L. 'l'. Hogg. D.5.C. within it few days was back heading yumped in to rescue him. effect in March. Captain Pollock will sails tor the West Indies. and Olliccr Medway and Bar. the Flag for Kuehlng. 0ft Tawnn, she has been be confirmed in the rank of RearChatham. Admiral Mr. E. J. llraybroolt has been Superintendent. carrying out the monotonous but Admiral on July 7. I064. for the nevenbet n duties of appointed Director of Stores with The programme arranged Captain W. D. O'Brien. D-S-Cu R-Nu etlcct from April included Snelltus the to alert for Indonesian company of ti gunrrlsliip, on is to be promoted to Rear-Admiral to Mr. F. C. Wilkins. .B.. w o retired ship's luncheon party in the Petty Otlicers lnllltratlon by sea. She has been helping in the support Mess of H.M.S. Pembroke. a social on March 3|. I964. !lIIllllllllllIIllllII|ll!lIIIllllIlllllIIlllll|||ll|||lll|||lll|||llE‘Mr. H. T. Bishop. 0.3.!-2.. who has evening in the Chief Petty OlTtcers' of are to visit the 'l‘::v_.'au Assault Squadron. a motley Submarines Pembroke collection the of craft manned by the been General Secretary of the Navy Hess and a dance in following places on the dates match. in for with the river shownsoccer 32 retired. a Club. together Navy League complex around the years. has area. There was. however. time for Olymptts-—0ban—April 22 to 27. occasional relaxation on the golf Onslaught Falmouth April 24 course at Tawau. to 27. Recently the ship presented the Totem--Aabcnra (Dcnm:irlt)—April Crest (The Legs of Man) to 30 to May S. Manxma_n the Service's China _Flcct Club. Hong Odin and Tolten—Rouen——April 30 Kong. and her visit will be re- to May 5. mcmbered by the Colony for another Excalibur and Minstrel——Corlt—reason. During her stay she broke all May 7 to ll. -








H.M.S. Manxman now ‘:F_h—eprevious’ Ghost’ Grey

Netherlands ship maintenalnce visits Chatham


visiting )‘¢S'H-'|-



Nvrtilth13$: R.N' e th.‘ ; ..). :l I rt:,bttnder.h Itltave. [B _ft"‘igale ofnthe _;‘Rtl?thes:3;" Niivy, E231. R.fN.).

Clltatltam onlApril lh7.

l.Cin sucficssion

Visits by submarines








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built by Canimell Lairds at Birltenhead (September. 196i. to February. 1963) and is‘ of the "0berun“ class‘. with a complement of 68 officers and ratings under training were taken to sea toting facilities made available by the witness the submarine diving. snorting. Britannia Royal Naval College. A out attacks. and the operation match was played against Be.-itt detection lof equipment. In addition Division soccer team. and. althoug other olficcrs looked round the this rcstilted in a 3—I defeat for the [many ;ship each evening. Parties of Sea submarine. honour ‘was at least par.M.S. Oracle (Liettt.-Cdr. J. B. Cadets and Merchant Navy appren- tially restored when it was learned Hervey. R.N.) visited Dartmouth tices also visited the submarine. that the opponents had fielded eight from Febritary 26 to March 4. Two The ship's company appreciated the physical training instructors. Altohundred cadets and other officers splendid soccer. _swimming and s:iil- gether it was a most cntoyabtc week.

visits Dartmouth



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6-8 Queen Street, Portsmouth. Hants Telephone 23535 Other branches at Cltarltam, Det-anporr, Portland, Deal, Gri'm.rby, Londomlerry, Ilelensburgh, Dtmfermlinc, Gibraltar, Valletta and Sit‘:-ma, Malta; and at Lasriemaurli, Arbraarlr, Brawdy, Culdrorc. Corsltani. Lymp.rrom', Yoavlltan, Poole, and H.M.S. Dolpliin. 0fl'i'eer:' Shop: at Plymouth, Portsmouth and SoulItampron. Head Oflice: Anglia House, Harwfch, Essex. Telephone 2281.



Fishery Protection Sqrn t Divers, Doctors, Diplomats,

Men of

April. I963








define the limits between the Yarntoutlt and l.owcstot’t grounds. l.atcr. itt I482. Edward IV invested certain ollicials with naval powers to protect tishermen. All who took advatttagc of this protection bore it fair share of till! who may be called upon to furnish from among their numbers Coil. Tilt‘ '-|!'|'€l"t!'5m°“! “ii” W‘ divers. doctors and diplomats may fairly be called adaptable characters Pfiilll-‘ti I" "W |'¢'b'“>' Or Rlk‘it'-ltd 1” even in the Royal Navy. Yet these are but a. few of the roles which the .311!-l HWY)‘ V”officers and ratings of H.M. Fishery Protection Squadron may be called upon } ‘WAFTI NC‘ to play. and all within the space of a few days or even a few hours. This squadron. which once sailed under Nelson and to this day ranks After the institution of the Royal ll..\l.S. lieppel. a "fllacltwood" class anti-submarine frigate. employed in as probably the le:Ls‘l-publicised unit of the fighting fleet. keeps an unccasing. . i 'avy. suelt protection as was afforded the Fishery Protection Squadron night-and-day patrol at every season of the year on the lishing grounds of the lisheries became the duty of that The Captain. Fishery Protection the North Atlantic. Service. httt it does not appear to have vessels has trawler been fishing within the been .system:ttic:tl|y organised. The Squadron. and his stall are normally numThe Fishery Protection ber ten. Tlteir "flagship" is H.M.S. lcel:indic or Norwegian fishery limits: tirst record of any naval protection afloat in Il.i\t.S. Duncan. bit: :1 shore l)unc:in. a frigate commanded by Capt. and often their timely assistance has lappcars in the year I575. when otlice is maintained at Port Edgar. The R. J. Trowbridge. R.N. There are three been the means of saving a costly and t'Yarmouth petitioned the Lord High Senior Statl Otlicer. based at Port other frigatcs under Capt. Tt'owbridgc‘.s time~consuming series of proceedings in .-\dmiral for a small bark or two to Edgar. works in close liaison with the command. four mincswccpcrs and two tltc courts. watch the herring listtery men and fishing industry. Ministry of Agricoastal ntinesweepcrs. otlercd :i portion of the "doles" culture. Fishcries and Food and the URING "Warship Week" AyleiIn these days of limit of and therefore. Department Agriculture ‘BOT AR!-IA bury "adopted" the submarine the friendly "shadow" of ti British; A wafting ship was sent to carry out Fisheries for Scotland. and organises ll..\l.S. Trusty and presented a plaque During the Icelandic limits dispute- a the patrol. and for tltis service the the day-to-day running of the pro- ; to the ship. When the ship was broken frigate has become a reassuring prechristened by the British national Admiralty was paid the sum of ICIOD gramme of the Ilome and Channel ‘up the plaque was placed in the safe sence to every distant water trawler. Divisions. lishittg off Iceland. the Norway coast. newspapers the "Cod War." their by the town of Yarmouth. keeping of Aylesbury Sea Cadet Unit. Bear Island. Spitzbergcn. and in the services were continually at call. Those But the fishery protection service is The protection given by the Royal 'l'lte Unit is desirous of a Barents Sea. as well as to the Near and were the days when a frigate might Navy appears. however. to have been no less steeped in tradition than the model and of compiling a building history of Middle Water vessels off our own find herself at one extremity or another somewhat spasmodic. as it is recorded rest of the Royal Navy. On October the ship and would welcome any of the “box" area which she was that in I659 Yarmouth again fitted out 21 every year-—-TrafalgarDay— Capt. coast and tltose of Faroe. photographs and stories about her. Mr. Let us take their functions in the required to patrol while her distressed its own fishery protection ship. It has Trowbridge shaves with Nelson's razor. G. Eason-Bassett. 7-l Weedon Road. order stated: charge was at the other. been described as a man-of-war and which is handed down to the Otlicer .-\ylesbury. would appreciate letters They are "divers" because on count- I.ct us have a glance at history. was stationed at Cotton Roadstead commanding the squadron together from ex-members of the crew, who The requirement for armed super- with ti crew of 25. armed with swords. with a plaque of his uniform buttons. would less occasions their eitperts have be more than welcome on any descended into the icy depths to free a vision of fisheries round the shores half-pikes. mttskets and a supply of (This nrrt'¢‘h' it rcpmtliircil by the parade night. Tuesdttys and Fridays tr.iwIi:r's propeller from a warp which of the United Kindom was first esta- large stones. each week. from 7 to 9 pm. of the 'l"ruivliu_c Ti'mi'.i.} blished in the early Middle Ages. ll.l\ fouled its motion. Towards the end of the l5th century. ciiiirh-_s_v They are "doctors" because theiri:\hout the year .\.t). 680. the herring deep-sea trawling began otl Iceland sick hays are always at the call ofllisherv of Great Yarmouth was and even otl (ircenland. It is recorded trawlcrincn who have fallen ill or been established. In addition to disputes that fishermen sailed from Lowestoft ll‘|ltll'L‘(l during the long days and nights with other maritime European coun- :ind Ytirntotttlt under a Captain Allen. of wintcr—and-sttnttttcr fishing within tries_ over the rights to fish the In I68‘) I-l.l\l.S. Safline was on duty the have armed vessels and by I696 four ships—Garl:ind. the Arctic Circle. and thereby herring shoals. battles saved many lives and tInforlti- Wincltelsea. Mermaid and Bedford-fought pitched 0ST people appear to think that the White Eign has been the flag of They are “dip|om:its“ because on natc foreign lisherm_en were termed werc employed on patrol. the Royal Navy from time immemorial. but it was not until July. I864. countless occasions their dispassionatc I ‘‘pirates'' and some ol them were httng that the White l-Ensign really became the Bag of the Royal Navy. cotinsel has been sought by l3ritish‘fron\ gallows erected on the Cro.ss' I’,-\\'.\IF.N'l' over 200 years previous to this and :tt 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock as the deep-§I.':t_ skippers and Icelanders alike Sands oil Yarmotith. During the reign of (Jcorge III. the Forthe An attempt was made by Edward Ill Scottish tisliing to give Judgment on whether or not a Royal Navy was divided into Commander-in-Chief directed when iitdustry also pressed date. three squadrons. which were dis- aboard. Flags should fly until sunset. for a vessel of their own and ollered an annual payment of £l00 for the ser- tinguished by their respective ensigns. when they were to be hauled down. vice; they were granted their wish. This red. white and blue. The red squadron The ceremonial hoisting of the Icnsign has over the years altered it annual payment is still made to the ranked first. the white came next. Ships sometimes moved front one :little. Old-timers will recall how in Scottish patrol ship of the R.N. Fishery squadron to another. and it was neces- Ibarrztcks a guard and band were Protection Squadron. always paraded for "Colours." but Centurion did a two-yc:ir spell on sary. therefore. that they should of three be able sets to now that bands are few and far ensigns to ipatrot in 1772 to 1774 and the between. this ceremony is going by Albcntarlc under the coiniutind of hoist the correct ensign. The red and blue ensigns were not ,the board to a great extent. although. Nelson. was on duty from I7lll tol732. easily recognisable in the smoke of course. hoisting is always carried [In addition to their lishery protection caused by battles. and could be mis- out with considerable respect. In lduties. the ships employed otl East taken. at times. for the flags of foreign .'l’ort_smoiilh Barracks. the ensign is ’Anglia had to prevent "cooping" and ships. For this reason Nelson. Vice- hoisted at 8.10 every morning of the "smoochittg." The present Fishery Protection Admiral of the White. at Trafalgar. year. Service may be said to coitinience with ordered the British Fleet to hoist the passing of the Sea Fisheries Act of White Ensign. this being more easily I8-l3. which gave effect to certain distinguishable from the French flag. Seniority difliculties regarding the regulations drawn up for the guidance admirals on the red. white and blue of British and French fishermen in the ‘Wrong amounts were. most unforsea between the two countries. in lists caused difliculties. but an Ordcrl of a convention concluded of the Council on lttly 9. I864. pttt an tunately. shown for a C.P.O.'s marriage allowance under the I964 pay code. in end to the three-flag system. in I33". The same Order in Council directed ;coIiinin three of page seven of tltc .-\ftcr the I‘l.‘i‘I--t5 War the Squadron ‘ I and .;oitsistcd of a fri- that the White linsign was to he .\l:irch issue of "Navy News." its-as rc-formed hoisted at 8 o'clock from .\l:irch 25 to I The correct atnotittts for a C.P.O. igatc. ll..\l.S. Stork. and live iniiic- September and at 9 o'clock from _‘ on Scale "A" is lI'i's. 3d. per \\'e't.‘k. on iswcepcrs. Stork was later relieved by September 30. It to March 24 at home : Scale "I!" Wis. 3d. per week. ll..\l.S. Cygnet but. early in IUSI. tltc lfrig c was replaced by a sixth minc.ssvccper. lhc nantcs: Coquette. Tl'lIt!' love. Wclcottte. Wave and Rmt'Iol.i. In ‘‘addition. two .\l.l-'.\'_s. Watchfiil and , Squirrel. were employed in tltc Cli.iitiicl [to watch for poachers. The squadron ‘has had various bIlSCS—l.O\\L‘filt)ll. Ilull. “ortsmoutlt and, finally. Port Edgar in Scotland. In I058. the squadron was re-formed and hascdtttt Port Edgar. The minessseepers were paid otl and replaced by ;four frigtttcs-H.i\l.S. Duncan (the 'l.eaderl. Malcolm. Koppel and Ex\ motith——four mineswecpers—-ll..\l.Ss. '. tteltoii. Soberton. Wzisperton and \\'ullt‘tIt :ind two inshore mineswcepers —-H..\t.Ss. Wateliful and Squirrel. The to save serve you last two take their names from tlteir If you're going a_broad—t‘or 12 months or m0t‘c—-_\'Ott can drive predecessors which were M.F.Vs. : mine-sweeping motor launches. your own brand new BMC car PUIICIIASI-I-T.\.‘l-I-'R.E1E for six The frigates normally patrol lccland I It's easier to save when you have an account at monthsbefore you leave. ;;ind waters. the coastal; Norwegian Lloyds Bank. And they look after you wlicrever .1ntiiii:swccpcr.s patrol home waters oft You can take it; with you—all or part; of the way. Or we will ithc United Kingdom and the inshore! ship it; for you. how Lloyds you go. Ask for the booklet lminesweepcrs are employed in the = We operate B-.‘ilC‘s famous worldwide personal export Batik can help members of the Royal scheme. We do ever,vt,hlng. Provide your car. Look after Navy. You can get a copy from any ofour branches. I documentation. Insurance. The lot. A FLOAT or from the Public Relations Otlicer, I.loyds Bank. Get‘. the full facts. See our experts now. .-\|l ships of the squadron are adPost0lliceCourt, I0 Lombard Street, London.E.(‘.3. ministered by the Flag Ollicer. Scotland AUTO-SALES LTD. and Northern Ireland. with head-


E ‘Trusty’ men wanted



Centenary of


as M



White Ensign of the Royal Navy ,



Marriage allowance for C.P.Os.









Set course for Lloyds Batik while


BMC car for six mont hs before you go








Pitreavie. Fife. but for fishery protection duties. they work directly with the Ministry of Agriquarters


culture. Fisheries and Food. the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries ttor Scotland :tnd the i\dmir:ilty,






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l.Itintl:ifl'_built by llavithnrn Leslie Ltd.. Hi.-bburn-on-Tyne. ’

The "Salisliur_\'

()f 2.350 tons (full load). the ship has it

Llandaff’s 100,000

coiupleitient of just oveh 200 oflicers and nten

the commission

miles during

‘FULL SPEED AHEAD —AND LIKE IT’ time |l..\l.S. Lltindafl returns to Devoriport. D0.'L'ilbl)' in May. the BYship.thecommanded by Cdr. S. A. Stuart. R.N.. will have steamed over

100,000 miles since commissioning at Devouport on May 10. 1962. The ship's company feel that they 'ancc off Kuwait the previous year. had. indeed. joined the Navy to see Llandaff was the nattir:il choice. At Aden on December 8. 1962. a the world. Not for them the glamour of flag-showing cruises or the quiet of merchant ship lying at the fuelling the bottom of a dry dock in a home berth next to Llandaff burst into yard refit. Those on board say that the flames. and within 10 minutes. the commission has been sea. more sea. frigate had a lire-lighting team on and still more sea. There have been board. With help later from Hermes. cruises in Borneo. the Yemen and East Sheba and the R.A.F. and oil company Africa. and these have meant crossing teams of fire fighters. the tire was put and recrovisirtt: the Indian Ocean. The out. It was a hectic four hours. Those Suez (Tanal no longer seems a particu- on board Llandatf are still hoping for larly fascinating ditch and. according some salvaizc money. H.M.S. Llandaff acted as safety ship to the navigator. the ship managed to cut the international date line and during the Quecn‘s flight from Canada to Fiji en route to New Zealand and Eqttator simultaneously. Australia. and in doing so the ship SADDI-IN]-ID AT TRll*iCOMALEI-I covered 12.000 miles in six weeks with On commissioning l.|andall' formed only six days in harbour. Visits were part of the Sixth l-'rig:ttt: Squadron. and subsequently made to Fiji. Suva and after working-tip :tt Devonport. where Port Moresby. March. I963. was spent all Tawau. the main excitement was‘ the operational low of another frigate which on the Borneo Coast. chasing pirates. had come to a halt ll'l thick fog near Amphibious and combined operations the Shambles Bank, the squadron set were carried out and a most interesting. oil for the Far East in August. l9(i_2. btit navigatioiially and socially hazardOn the way the ship took part in ous. visit was made to the Philippine Exercise "Rip Tide HI." and spent. a navy base at Batu Batu. The ship retwo-week maintenance period in Trin- turned to Singapore at the end of March. and then. after a very quick comalcc. After a short stay in Singapore. run to Hong Kong and further work Llandall arrived at Hung K_ong in off Tawau. the squadron returned to October. I962. in company with Ark the United Kingdom via Colombo. Royal and Rothesay. Hong Kong. too. Aden. Malta and Gibraltar. Llandafl seems to have changed greatly. but arriving at Devonport on July -1. those on board had little time to enjoy CARDIFF ll0SPlTr\LlTY it. "Back to Aden" was the cry. for the The high spot of the home leg. inYemen rebellion. A ship with good radar was needed. and after the pre- deed of the commission. was the ship's vious commission's sterling pcrform- visit to Girdifl. Llandall Cathedral lies _

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Welsh mud. had also it lot of Welsh beer and the .\t.tlI.ls.‘ mess was swamped by the girl-friends for whom they had rashly advertised. On the way otit to the Far East for the second foreign leg of the coininission, the gunnery olliccr was married in Gibraltar. Since January the ship has been standing-by in East Africa. The sports teams have not been parti_ctilarly successful during the commission. although they have played with enjoyment all over the place. Probably the strongest side has been the cricket Xi. which _has had the least opportunity to play_—it has always seemed to be the “winter" season. However. representatives from Llandaff who were captaining the squadrons, sides received both the King's Cup for football and the Fleet Hockey Cup front the Comniander-in-Chief on the Home Flccl gathering in September. i963. The rugby side will probably best remember their games in Cardiff followed by those in Borneo, where remarkably strong sides were ticldcd from the hemp and rubber estates. Basketball. water polo, tennis and s tiash teams have all "had a go." o_ ten in curious or uncomfortable conditions. The rest of the 25th Escort Group have paid off. leaving Llandalf much like the last of the little nigger boys. However. the ship's company feels that it _has managed to live up to the Captain_'s u_notl'icialtheslogan produced at the commission. "Cheerbeginning of ful Alaerity." which has been in“Full speed ahead and like terpretcd it." _

illii fiilemuriani Bernard Maurice Younger. Radio Electrical Mechanic. tin Class. P/.l06784'l', H.M.S. Centaur. Died February 19, I964. Sub-Ueut. George Alexander Steenson. Royal Navy, }l.M.S. Heron. Died February 20. I964. Sub.-Lient. Erie Sueddon. Royal Navy. H.M.S. Heron. Died February 20. I964.

Reginald Chappell. Cpl.. Royal Marines. R.M.l5686. 42 Cdo.. R.M. Died I-‘ebnuiry 20. 1964.

Over many years Bernards in association with I.C.l. and prominent Worsted weavers have been developing a "I‘erylenc‘/Worsted Uniform cloth of shade and able to satisfy the high standard sought in Uniform Cloths. DIMX88':'7'l'7.!l.M.S. Yrirmuuth. correct Bemards have unrivalled experience of the technical skills required to tailor Died February 2|. 1964. Unifomts from ‘Terylene'/Worsted(55% ‘Terylenc' 45% Wool), and are Roger John Mabbult. Radio able to supply a Uniform to Measure at 523.105., plus lack‘. With extra trouCommunications Supervisor. Pl.l926l9S. Il.\‘l.S. Artful. Died sers £29.7s.6d. The Ready to Wear price is £I9. 15s. for Reefer and Trousers. Uniforms from thisclothare light in weight. will not crease, and are of good February 23, 1964. Peter Cleavnor Horne. Radio appearance. They have been rigorously tested in wear over many yea rs and Operator 1nd Class. I)l05-H80. given every satisfaction. H.M.S. Artful. Died February A Bernard representative will gladly call on you by appointment or you can 13. 1964. see these Uniforms and place your order at :1 Bernard Branch. Instructor Lieut.-Cdr. Frederick For the best In Uniforms It's best to look at Bcmards. William Wnrne. A.M.l.Mecli.l-2.. Royal Navy. Il.M.S. Adamant. Died February 25, 1964. John William Davis. Musician. R.M.. BIX2100, H.M.S. Darrmouth. Died March 5, 1964. ANGLIA HOUSE, HARWICH, l~£‘>S!-Di Acting Capt. Michael Hollizan. 40 Commercial Road. Ports:-noutli. Telephone26ll6 Royal Navy. Il.M.S. President. 30 Royal Parade. Plymouth. Tdepboiie 6656 Died March 19. 1964. 12 Klrkgnte, Duiiferinlinc. 'l‘elqtboue'l86 Andat24otherBrsndia.

Keith Loinas Wozencrofl, OrdArtilicer lst Class nance

C. H. Bernard & Sons Ltd.

.. .......................................

l>t.P. in CC Present tiuiirnnce Company (not

jtist outside Cardiff. and a great deal of liospitzility. both official and private. made the l‘ivi:-d:it- stay most enjoyable. The ship's company attended morning prayer in the i:atlicdral. where the (‘aptztin read the lesson. The rugby [)l1I_\cl'S inadc the acquziinlzincc of a lot of

hmnugu of No aim: bonus earned Cot-Iipnhorilivl IThird Party. fin and Theft [Third (Delete sour not not

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A ril. I96-I

iHammer’s new club has ROYAL NAVALl lllCl‘€3S€d membership THE


lt\'(.'l'I the opening is Naval A-esocintion

of the new club of the West Ham Branch of the Royal about 10 months ago. the branch has enrolled over 60 new members and is going front strength to strength. Cdr. J. Russell. C'.l).. R.C.N.. was the was presented with an inscribed elected president of the branch at the ‘tanltard by the president. and .\lrs. rcccntly held annual general meeting ll.-st was presented with Lt rosaand the Rev. Brian Barnes-Cecncy howl by the president's wife. The became the hraneh's first chaplain .\layor of West Ham. Alderman Mrs. Shipmate R. Merrigan continues as Scott. was present in the club on this chairman and the treasurer is Ship- occasion. mate I.. Luclthurst. CLUB B!-ZIl\'(.' IMPROVED The treasurer last year. Shipntate liest. has emigrated to Australia. but Work is still going on to improve before leaving the United Kingdom the branch he.tdqu:irter< and the shipttt.’tlc~'. pride themselves on ltaviltg one of the l‘IL'\l club prenusi.-s in the south and feel sttre that the main Tcilsttll for the big gain in tneznbership is the attraction of a good. large anti clean





CO:\lR.v\Dl-ISHIP ”







The West Ham ltranch of the Old Contentptibles uses the club free of charge. it is a group that can no longer HEN the Bridport Branch ol' the on new blood. but the few still Royal Naval Association held its itttllttl attend ntei.-tings with regularity and enannual general meeting last month. The liast l_ondon lll'.!fl-'.'ll of the President of the branch. Admiral the llurma Star .v\ssociation also uses Sir Gerald V. Gladstone said he was the premises. pleased to see so many members Shipntates of West Ham have present. a fact which indicated that the started to lake :1 growing itttercst in spirit of comradeship fostered by life the two Sea Cadet Corps Units. the in the Service was still maintained. T.S.S. Thundcrcr and Warrior. and Shipntate L. J. Roche. branch chair- some have taken on ditty as instntcman. reported on the activities during tors. N63 and thanked the members for their co-operation. He singled ottt for special mention the treasurer. ShipWEST mate J. A. Richards. the secretary. Some of the delegates at .\'o. 3 .-\l't.‘:| meeting in the headquarters of the Portsmouth Branch Shipmate W. R. N. Cast and the l Standard-hearer. Sltipntate C‘. Waters. ; Shipmatc J. .-\. Richards. who has NI-IW branch of the Submarine \Cf\‘Cd the branch for It years as Old ('ontr:tdes' Association has treasurer. was elected cltairmau. In been formed at l-Zxetcr to cover East ace-.:pt':ng the otlice and thankittg the Devon. South Devon to Brixham. sltipmates tor their conlidence in hint. North Devon and. if possible. to caShipmate Richards pointed out that it couragc members front the Taunton that he would be umble to area. 0. 3 Area of the Royal Naval 'was a distinct possibility of a new was likely the serve complete year as he might .-\s~.oci:ttion held its annual general Inaugurated on January 24 under the at Bournemouth. opening be .-\ustr.tlia. to emigrating the Portsmouth Braru:h' chairntattsltip of Mr. R. C. lidey. the nteetini.-. at .-\. J. .-‘\lthant elected Shipmate was \'I~‘..\'Ul-‘,5 FOR t\ll-ZETINGS secretary is Mr. W. R, \\'oodgates_ I04 lieadquarters. Pitt Street. on February} till the ollice of to treasurer. Park Road. Polsoe Park. Exeter. and 19. amt. tlespiltt ll"-‘ hfttilltifltt of 1hr'nt.tte Ball t_\\'ort|tini_.:!. said that the Discussion took place on the venues .-\ to the proposal change ntceting .already activities are being planned. gavel uithin moments of the opt.-nint: area funds were in .1 !te.tlth;.- state for area meetings, Shipmate Newman from the ll.'sl ;ni_t-,ht of the .\lemher\ltip is open to all exFriday of the ml'9lI"l!- it wax u lInrmoniuus|th;ink.-. lo the getterosity of the t-t...t- ll‘.-rtsrnoutlt) proposed tltat winter :i:o:t:lt to the first 'lht:.'~.d.i_v was \lll'|f'tl.'ll'lllL'ratittgs and otlicers. whether antl constrtu-live one: the hrcakint'.,bourtte Branch. which had produced me.-ting-. should he held at Portsmouth earned. Hf lln‘ ttuvel "broke the ice." and. in £32 towards the cost of tlte rally held and summer meetings elsewhere in the ‘scrvi:tg or not. fact. set tltc seal for the meeting. Eastboume last year. area. Shipntate Towers tliastbournc) \\'el.'omed by Sliipniate (‘apt. Colsaid tltat his branch would be delighted (Continued from Column 3) “SOMEHHNG M0"l_‘.G.. the keen and lively disimpressed vile tpresident. Portstnotxtlt Branch). to arrange for meetings at Eastbournc. -able support of the ladies throughout cussions by throughout the Association the meeting was conducted with Cdr. 5h'Pm31lC -"- I-cg)! lflilultfl(SIN-‘I \|-‘\-'‘ he felt tltat meetings at the ltead- the area. and the basic feeling of good fellowH_ \\‘ext lllonrtnr) (area chairman) retary) stated that there were close on quarters of smaller branches would 3 I The Iirst of the jttll new president. ship within the .-\sso;i:ttion. Speaking in the chair. ('apt. (‘olvilc welcomed |.'.‘00 fully’ paid-tit! mmtbcrs tn the he a good thing for everyone con.-\dmir.tl whose of subscriptions. Admiral .\lacintvre .\lacintyre. (apt. 1. .~\. P. .\‘lacintyre. the president arca—:tn Increase over the year ot ccrncd. Shipntate Newman's ideas were hrattclt is \\'iltttilo\\‘.was to present a hoped that all branches in the area ot .\'o. 3 .-\rea. and all the delegates‘:1ppr0XIm:Il¢l}' 300- “I-' *1“-li "11"" put forward. eventually. as a notice replica of the Stztndard-bearers‘ Cu it were blameless. He was sorry that and 'i‘t~.lltIt\. among wltotn was Ship- stall.‘ of affairs shows that sttmctlttng of motion to he considered at :1 further to Shipmate Watts. of Aldersltot. By the chairman 3 was not seeking rcmate I tent.-(‘dr. l.. A. .\l:tsltel|. .secre- is moving in the area." the secretary date. the Watts wittttittg trophy. Shipmate The ballot for the oflice of t.u-\ In the (‘ouncil of the regretted the closing down of two; In his report the chairman. Sltipmatc was the natiottal Standard-bearer as elcction. chairman. resulted in Shipmate Briggs In ltls report the treasurer. Ship-. branches. but he intimated that there (‘dr. West. said that it was l6 years to well as the area Standard-bearer. (I‘ortsmoutlt) being elected and Shipthe very day since he had been partly mate. Towers (Eastbourne) was elected instrumental in the formation of the .\'l-IW CH.-\lR.\l.-\-.\' .-\PPOl.\'Tl'-ID as vice-chairman. The treasurer and lto-__-nor Branch. For the lirst [2 years Th.,- president said that he had been secretary were re-elected.















The area quarterly meeting followed tltc annual general meeting and at this meeting Shipntate l.ieut.-Cdr. .;\laskell announced that negotiations lhad taken place regarding the use of the ground-tloor rooms of the Associa,tion's Headquarters in Lower Sloane !Strcet. These had now been let to ‘approved tenants. all of whom were Service organisations. The letting of éthesc roonts meant that virtually all tassociations connected with the Navy i were now under one r_oo_f. and front the Naval .-\ssoctatton's point of ,view. the ltcadtptarters would not he a drain on .-\s.soci;ttiott funds. Shipmatc Towers lfiastbourne) told ;the quarterly meeting that he was to say that the Eastbotxrnc |:tothorised had donated £25 to the area iljranchto be used ,tunds as the area decided. either for tornting a new branch or assisting a branch uhieh was in replica of the Standarrl-hearers‘ (.‘up front the state,


isuclt |t'or

Shipmate Watts receiving a president of the area, Shipmtlte Capt. J. .-\. l’. .\lac-intyrI! the branch had been a very happy one. but apathy ltad crept in. and it appeared likely that the branch would now close The chairman said that there were fottr things of which the area could be prnud—(l) the trainin of Admiral Parham. who went rom president of No. 3 Area to the presidency of the Association: (2) the award of the Standard-bearers‘ Trophy to Shipmatc Watts (Aldershot); (3) the appointment of Shipmatc Newman to the Association's Standing Order Committee; and (4) the successful annual rally at Eastbournc. (‘dr. West said that he had been cltairrttatt of the area for I0 or ll years and was not seeking re-election. He thanked all those who had been so helpful. not forgetting the admir((.‘ontit1net'I in (foluntn 4) or









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Plt-use [mxr (I copy 0/ each issue of .\'.\.\ua Auto 55 .












































I crttltite itt'n'n'il'h

"Navy News"



nrder.'pn.ttul Milt-r.’<'.ht'qm' ruiue I05. i:tc-'tuft'It_',- pu\t'u_:_-t'. Comnttvtcc .(Mottth) If rm'mIJt'r of R.N. xl.tmt‘iuIiuIt. [ileum .\'lt'lilt' "Hlt't('fI. nmnt-v

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Renewal Form



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April. 1964



President—rising 82—carries on



for another year

HEN the Cantbcrley Branch of the Royal Naval Association held its‘ annual general meeting recently. the president. Shipmate R. llerp. inti-E mated that as his 82nd birthday was fast approaching he felt he should lllillu.‘ way for a younger and more active member. He said. however. that he would serve for another year to enable the shipiitates to had a successor. l’r:iisiitg the president for his ottllhl‘ ‘-'|“‘l4|t-‘it‘l‘.\' It-‘l"*‘ll'-‘ll standing attemlancc. the chairman. l'“"'*"- hilt’ the branch. the ‘li'lt'_0l Ills‘ llnancesol Shipittate W. Unitas. said th:tt the '~‘l‘-"-'“““ “l "ll"-"~'-" l“*‘3~ Pl-‘Ct-3 “'l“€‘ll members were showing an inuttertse ;,.,c,,N in the l_..,.,d running of ihc resulted as follows: eltairrttatt. ShipW. (iunns: committee members. hranch aitd an increased bank balaitec was an atigiiry for even better things. Sltipntates l.. liuityon and J. .'s‘:icl.lcy;The secretary. Shipmatc S. V. l-lead. social secretary. Sltipntaie IE. Landels. told the nteiitbers th:it I‘)!-_‘l h:id been Shipmate W. Pibworth was re-elected. worth-while and satisfying year. iarezi and annual cottference delegate. a About Sit per cent. of the total branch ; Shipmatcs (S. l.oner.i1.-an and A. liidler iiteiitbersltip regularly attended brancltl“"-'_'° '~‘l°ClCll 10 *'-'"r''-' =15 \’-"~‘lliH'L‘ __



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Shit’-"mm (L ['““""t==I|l comingf l‘-ll“-ll.\'. ‘"'”l"" “l ""'ll"l'l"‘‘-"-'-"ml ‘m

“l” .F‘'‘‘' along. and others were returning to the ‘” "*9 U"” “l ill“ 593* (v“"‘l‘'~'*'l'~'.‘' fold. .-'\ltIiou;:lt ‘.23 had been spcttt on (‘adet ssltich fostered was Corps by the tvcllazc \\o:k. the bank balaitce -

l\t'£lIlCl't and ot whieli most of tlte iu~ i structors and otliccrs are Royal Nasal ' Association members. SOCI.-\I. .«\('l'l\'ITlI'-.5 I)urin1: the _\'ear the Caitthcrley Snchil .'iclivi:ics had l't\llow.;d ;i Htainch visited \\’indsor. .-‘\ltlc.'.sho[, varictl prograinntc arid the shipoiatcs and ls'ent--n Branches and had really euioyed thentsels-cs. Neigh- were visited by those four. plus Westhounng branches had been ytsitesl and 'l‘wickenl't:mt :tt‘Itl Hotins|owCharles "£t'tr_\' Wheeler. the Pensions and WeIl'nre Oflieer of the Royal Naval .-\ssociiition. National these had returned the con_tpltmcnt. Branchcs. "lite branch visited Soutltsca 2 Shipmate Council Elected Member for No. I Area. photographed with his wife and grandchild. Miss I- Wheeler. out.s3de 'l'ltcre had been two ladies‘ nights and and there was :i ntystery tour which Buckingham Palace after receiving the .'il.B.E. on March I’). Shiprnate Wheeler is a member of the I-Zdgware branch the aititual dinner and dance had bcenl was a huge success. (Photo: l?nirer.sal Pictorial Press & Agency Ltd.) the biggest success to date. Sumntarising. Shipntate Head said that l‘)tt.l had once again proved the .-stamina of the branch. but. he warned. care would have to be exercised during 1964 in order to prevent eor_np|.tcenc_y and. in turn. ltccp alive the interest in style. with plenty of bunting. etc. Camberlcy. There was a social in the evening. After the treasuier. Shipntate A. EARLY 300 attended the annual dinner and dance——itc til’th——of the lwilh the visitors two of the taking Blaclthall and Coastal Branch of the Royal Naval Association on Febis a long journey by mini-bussocial secretary. ruary 22, and it was a terrilic success from start to finish. The guest of honour Iprizes. l)at:enlt:int‘s all of 90 miles—Irom Dagenham to Shipmatc H. Roberts. won the sherry was Rear-Admiral R. M. J. Hutton. C.B.. C.B.l-2.. president of l ‘a. ll Area. Wisbech. but Shipmate H. W. Bran- "and." as our reporter pttts it. "how who runs accompanied by Mrs. Hutton. don. National Council memberfor No. he it home intact is still another Rear-Adntiml Hutton told those sltipniate. The good wishes of tlte not 5 Area. and it member of the Darren- lesson be teamed." to Shipntatc present that he is leaving the area in i lllackhall Branclt attd. indeed. all the lltlm Branch of the Royal Naval Asso- Roberts is 70. but has ntorc “go“ in June this year. This news was received 5 branches in the North-East go with ciation. together with four other ment- him than some of the younger ones‘. with considerable regret. for he haslhint. As one member said. however: bers of the Dagenham Branch and Shipmatc "Jack" Pennels. who is proved himself a tirst-class. h;ird- "No. it Area's loss is No. 3's gain." their wives. made the iourney to be at is still a regular at the Dageuhaeit working and respected president and The services of Perry Mason are reIII-IRE was quite a gathering re- the inauguration of the new Wisbech weekly meetings. but unfortunately lte quircd by the Blaclzhall shipmates. cently at the small Beer Branch of Branch. Wisbcch. could not to Da1zenhant's Once again a nocturnal visitor pencthe Royal Nasal Association when the The Dagenhant reporter. Shipmale reporter go "We believe lie was tratcd the headquarters. This time the shipnuttcs and their ladies enltflililittl Price. says that the journey was well threatenedsays: his friend. girl Topsy." by "one-armed bandih" were removed the sbipmates and ladies of their worth while. Those accompanying together with a nie:ttbcr's drinking "chitmrn_v“ branch. llridport. Shipmatc Brandon were Ship.-ttate I.. lmue. Among the guests were Sltipntate .\lc(lot.s1tn. the president of the bninch. l Sid-l FOUND!-'.R member of the The Blaclcltall reporter. Ship-ttate "Joe" Mav. ebairmztn of the Natioitztl Sltiprttates l-'. Uradley. ll. Roberts of the Royal Naraltli. Recd._23 Eleventh Street. Blackcup Branch Council and .\'o. 4 Area president. and the branch secretary. Shipmate S. at Aosociation. Sbiprnate W. .\l1Il’&Il'.lIl.'IliIllColliery. West llartlepool. runs Shipmatc H. Watkins. National Price. The branch chairman. Shipntzitc 5 HE Bromsgrove Branch of the died on .\larcIt it and his passing isfa local t'ootb.ill club and would be (‘outtcil member from the Tonypandy I’. Tibble. would h:ivc liked to join i Royal Naval Association is to hold regretted by all members of the br-.tneh.fgratcful il'_s’hipnt;it~.-s would have .1 llrancli. Sltipntate W R. N. Cast. No. the party. bitt family arrangcruents . hag" 4 Area secretary tllridport Branch) would not permit this. an)’ in service of dedication on Suttd-.ty.t Slflllmitlc Mimhztll. who was the all llromsII. Parish the :it to u'ts. s Churelt. in aims ccrc ma c an ttphold "icy open-ncc‘c and Shipntate L. J. Roche. eltairntan tool. The inauguration he did place at lI1c:-‘\|'ll'Il I of the Association. was for many years | ideal football shirt anti sliiptttates ot the lliidport lir.inclt. Five Bells. Wishech. which will he the : grove. The 3.45 and 2 leltairmrtn and vice-chairman of the‘ would be helping the youngsters in his pm. Shipntate l.ieut.~Cdr. J. .\lZIll7'ttlIIll. lteadquarters til the nets brztnch. and cc_remo_n_v starts at l charge. ' R.N.. the Beer Branch president. wel- “mine }1.._.-;_'' ht-in]; an L-x.L~hiL-f ,;.,k._.,—_ the service will be conducted by the Stdcup Branch. comed the guests and tlt:tnl'.e.l _tltc rose to the tK‘i."I\It!ll and had his hfllncll |-‘l‘5ll'‘l3|l"- "15 R°\‘- C- C- -"\li‘i“- I ladies who had given so much time glounge suitably dressed in full Navy l-{..\'.R. The salute at the march past be taken by the (‘hief Constable during the year in helping the branch ON of Worcestershire. J. A. Willison. to r:ttsc.lllIltl_s. thereby putting it in a PAGES 14 no is Esq” 0.l!.E. sound tin:tncial position. sltiissctl


.tl'l iitetease






President tells Blackhall he is leaving No. 11 Area




Big gathering at Beer





Sidcup founder member dies

Dedication Service







sin-|"|ooit see’. 151 tl}t‘e sera_it| _








1 '







1 t i




1 is a viell-known the around public in these for in it is ltotises llagenhzittt. haunts that he manages to extract money for the Royal National Lifeboat litstitiition. :i _iub he carries out it ith astonishing results. In l‘!-t7 "Spud" was nominaleil by tlte l)agenltar:. Branch of the Royal Naval :\.ssoci.:tioit as the local collector of the R..\'.l..l.. and in his tirst year he handed over the sum ot sotttctliiiig lllsh‘ £25. The total reached is now in the region of £l.S0tl. :i very worthy eilort. At tirsi his collecting was conlined to [lie annital l.il'ehoat of the Dagenham Branch. being presented with his medal Day; then he gradtially extended his‘ ShipmatebyMurphy. the .\la_t or of Dagenham. tl'Iioto: Bretla Studios. Barking) activities to Siutday ntornings and the Horotiglfs Town Shots, Heing fully lieadqiizirters of the R..\'.l..l.. for-could not ."tlt\-’t: gained the womlcr.'ul cmplmcd in mu d”_\_mm_,_ he in their wisdom and gratitude they 'lribitte which be will wc:ir out every .m;.h|¢ to go on with his box saw lit to bcSlnw on him the high Lifeboat occasion. um “-_-L-t..¢m|5_ It was during this honour of a silver medal as a mark of Shipmate Murphy has been a ntentperiod tltit the people of D;igenha_m appreciatioit of the sterling service ber of the Dagcnhant Branch since its wcrc aware of at: oilslsin-clad cyclist rendered by him to the l.ifebo:tt cause. formation in I936. He saw service with it lifeboat in tool! Such was the This pleasant ditty. carried out on inn destroyers between the years I'll: enthiisiasttt of "Spud." Linfortunatcly beltalf of the R.N.L.l.. till’). For many years he was a was perlormcd the years are catching tip on him. and by the Mayor. Councillor member of the local council‘: s'.tIt:l\' Jack his collecting is now carried out on Thomrts. and witnessed by the area committee. and p'tor to his last council foot or by punlic transport. organiser. Miss M Muirhcad. the job was an employee of the Post Royal Ntiyal Associsttion national Otliee. At 68 he is still going strong. .\l ED.-\l. FOR SERVICE councillor. Slupntate "Bert" Brandon. if not so fast. and the Dacenhant of call" take His Sunday "ports him; branch chairman "Fred" Tibble. mine Branch salutes this stalwart of the to such nautical sounding places as‘ host “l.cs" Lens and members o! the Lifeboat cause. la addition. the branch "The Admiral Vernon.“ "Ship and a‘ Dagenham Branch. is proud to have been instrumental in Shovel." “ll;-.ii:on." "The Ship." “Ship “Spud" in his modest way explained ‘Spud" for this worthy posiand Anchor.": and with such names. that there were two sides to his success tion and also contents itself in the plus his personality. he cannot fail. story. for without the help and co-"kitow-ledge that ‘he selection has not This opinion is. of course. shared of the generous public hetbecn misplaced "


'-*'“"‘ ’-“~~—-








AIR WORK SERVICES LIMITED Head Office: Portland House, Stag Place.Victoria.S.W.1 Telephone: Victoria 9477. Cables: Airtrade London



A ril. I96-I

Navy Soccer Team triumphsl


after 15 years

of wliorit played extremely well: : lll-I Kelly .\lemnrial Priyc. awarded jHe is keen on sailing. especially oliBrown “as. possibly. the man of tliej annually to_thc best (-encral l.ist ‘shore racing. match. without detracting from the: viator qualifying for the award of ability of the rcittztiiider. The t-vltole. wings" in the previous year. was preNavy team was lit. played hard and sented to Lit.-ul. N. E. Rankin. R.N.. T long last the Royal Navy has doite it and. for the first little 5 skilltilly and the deteiic: did well to: at the R.\'. Air Station. llrawdy. near for IS years. the Royal Navy are the Inter-Service Soccer Chant- ‘ hold the Arms’. will let ever be Ill‘ -0 iiiaw.-rroniuest. on “arch l2. by l \'ice-Admiral Sir Richard Snieelon. assisting the Navy attack. pious. Witli two victories l—0 versus the Army anti 4 ~-2 versus the front been lttfifl-(2-I has the The season l-i.('.ll.. .\l.B.l-2.. the Flag (lliiccr. Naval Royal Air Force. it is tlte first time for 32 years that the Navy has .be-ti tltc Royal Navy for a Air Command. enjoyed by rnadc a clean sweep of the competition. considerable time. with an overall 1 he pri/e consists of :i silver model It is hoped that the Soccer Cup. | Ferguson and Metcalfe came close to record of——l’Ia_ved lll_ Won 6. Drawn which has not been outside the Union 5 cons'ol_idaling_tlte Navy superiority. : 1. Lost 1. Goals For 25. (Foals Against of :i Se.ilia\\k aircraft iiiounted out a i plinth. lack (‘liib for so many years. will be' Aittul swirling snow and ti! lrmtt of 20. held by the Navy for a long time to quite a strong string of Navy stip- l R.l3..-\. Godwin played in every | l.icut. Rankin. who joined tlte Royal in January. I95‘). gained his come. lporters. R.l£.A. (iodwin received the’ game and has been the Navy Captain Navy last November and since then "wiiigs" Observing tltat the Navy had beaten trophy from the President of Army for the season. The Nan‘ team .'ii:.iin~I the Mriiv was —i\.ll. ‘lt;t\ h.:eii carrying out his advanced the Royal Air Force and with the Football. Salshnrs It,ondont. .a\ll. (il’.|)'. lllCllEltt[\l|\It'll_ -flymg training in llunler aircraft at Arm_v versus" R.A.F. Match resulting R.l-I..\. Godwin l('.im.). (AriclI. C.l'(I. Ccutcs \Vill.uri\on t.\lcrcunl. lirawdy. l-lis home is in North Berwick t\icii-tn. l.. Sea. in a draw. the Navy was a firm favotirTWO NEW CAPS i__i-t_i=...si. llrowrt l(‘ullin|:vuMIs.ll. l’.(I. Tun'i\\ and he is an ticcontplislied rugby ihrcc. ite on .\‘lareh ltt when it met the l There l..H.l'..M Goldinz lllmcombct. (Si two new Navy caps in lt...'s. \'m.'cml. 'ing played for the Com.\l€l(Jllt t.\tcrcunt. l'tt.l‘.l. Shelton (('o.’Army at Aldershot. ‘l he team realised the team.were llrowa and Ferguson. both trite-hood). R1). Ferguson t.\lcr.'my). 'es in the .\lediterranean. that the Army would light: tltcy were a good team. ttot to be taken lightly. Licul. Rankin receiving the Kelly .\lcmorial Prize from \’ice-Admiral N.-\\'\"S FIRM GRIP Sir Richard Smeeton For the first hour the battle was l i having watched Ilie N..-\.T.(). competieven. both sides having. at times. a] I tion. were keen to h:ive a crack at the certain atiiouiit of luck. but there was Home Fleet team. This was arranged little bad play. On this occasion the, match ensued. though. in URING February and March. ships of the N.A.T.0. countries from and a Army team played stronger and more 9 France. Netherlands. Canada and UK. gathered at Gibraltar for Exercise ispite o an early goal by Rooke. they robustly than agtriiist the Royal Air 3 ".'lvt:igie Lantern." The UK. Units included ll.M.S. Lion wearing the flag ‘were soon to find that their aspirations Force and. while the Navy kept a firm 5 of the Flag Oflcer l-‘lotlllas. Home. Vice-Admiral F. R. Twiss. (.'.B.. D.S.C.. exceeded their abilities. At the final grip on the Aruiy attack. the forwards y Berviielt. Ynrntouth. Unditunled. Cavendish. Murray and Pellew together with whistle. the score was (H in favour of could not penetrate the Army defence the submarines Totem. Token. Artemis and Roi-qual. the Home Fleet. the Croydon branch of the and score the vital first goal. The following-competitions were goals tip. The second-half trailed off; The "Round tltc Rock Relay Race" Royal Naval Association held its After an hour's play. as was-to be rtui on an internatioiial basis: 1 somewhat. but the French seldom has become almost an annual fixture General Meeting it was anexpected. the slightly better team got N.A.T.O. Football K.O. Competition. made headwa over the half-way line. at Gibraltar. Tlu: course is just under Annual nounced tbnt the goal that mattered. l)ave Topliss and appcarc to lose heart. There |0_ miles and this year 7 teams entered. Ocltendcn. Shipmates Bates. Gilluim. Round the Rock Relay Race. [1 Wright and floated over a high centre. beating the The football competition provided were many near misses in this half. with l0 competitors to each team. Stevens had Beeching. attended all meetings Army rearguard and enabling (iolding s_oiiie first class games. In the first semi- but only one more goal was added. Two teams were entered front U.K.. from holidays and illness) for to nod the ball clear of the Army goal- lmal U.K. met Netherlands and were Steward Imrie of H..\l.S. French and Canadian ships. and one -the past 18 years: "surely a record." Leading keeper. lworthy winners by 5 goals to l. des- Pellew. scored a hat-trick and the .teani from Carysfort. representing claims Croydon. After this goal the Navy seemed to pite the Diitchntcn playing some good other goal came from Cook Stickland 1 H..\l.S. Rooke. The secretary and treasurer. Shipgain new vigour and for some periods football. . of ll..\l.S. Berwick. A l-‘RI-INCII WIN mate A. Wright expressed his thanks continited to threaten and it looked : tn the second semi-final France The following players represented l The first runners got off to a flying to the members for their generosity more tltatt possible that more goals; somewhat trounced Canada by 9 goals the U.K. ships in the competition: from the South .\lole. btit were to the branch. The annual subscripwould come. Coates. the Navy inter- to I. though the Canadians were by no I A.B. Telfer. Moe. l.ioii; i Reddington. natiun-.il. assisted in the attack and lie. means‘ disgraced. Rind fought every as some found the tions did not cover all the inevitable exLion: Stwd. Carling. Lion; l\lne. qti_ii.jkly_s_t-iretid spirlt willing. biil the flesh weak. At penses. and members had subscribed mintttc of the game. Hughes. Lion; A.B. Ward. Cavendish; the first take-over. U.K. were well in towards the rent of the headquarters. A.B. .\lcK:iy. Cavendish: L M. (E) the lead which they held for the next printing and grants to sick members. ROYAL NAVY VICTORY The results of the two semi-finals in- Williamson. Bcrwick: P.O.M. (E) three stages. Then the French team The secretaryitreasurer was accorded dicatcd that the final was liable to be tlodge. Berwick-, Cook Stiekland. took over and lead comfortably until a hearty vote of thanks for his hard Berssick: M. (E) Houghton. Un- stage 9. Between 9 and 10 the a close game. "lite French were configap work. Pcllewz L. lntrie. A.B. daunted: Stwd. The branch chairman. Shipmate dent of victory. but so was the Royal closed. but when the last French runi-'...\l. Rookc: .\l:inning. Royal. MI’ took over the baton. it was obvious Lt. Cdr. J. I.. Bates. R.N.V.R.. who is Navy. Before :1 large crowd of ““"l"“l' UPI-iRlNTl-‘.Nl)l-INT E. M. l)runi- civili:inamt service spectators. the two we would need a Zaiopck to catch also Area cliairmatt. and is now 73. After the niaicli. Vice-Adniiral him. ‘thanked all iueinbers for lltcir support montl. ().Ii.E.. M.A.. W.R.N.S.. teams met. and as so often happens The first three teams home were during the year. singling out for visited ll..\l.S. Pembroke on March 11. on these occasions it was some fwiss presented a trophy and Rear of French the France "A." U.l-1. "A." and l-l.M.S. special mention the vice president. touring the R.N. Supply School where minutes before either team settled Admiral Dartigues. with the team secretarial ofliccrs of the Women's down. However. the U.K. team soon Squadron. presented Carysfort. The remaining teams would Shipmate J. E. Stevens. who was reVice-Admiral Twiss then their prizes. rather not have their placings men- tiring bceause of ill health. Shipmate Royal Naval Service are now trained. found its form and some scintillating the French with the side has been play ensued, Before half-time the presented l)rummond tioned. but siillice to say all coin- uStcvens was secretary during the war Supt. prizes. :ind for many years afterwards. control the course. runners-up appointed Director. W.R.N.S. as from Royal Navy were in complete ypletcd The election of otlicers for l‘)(>-t."t'i5 V'ice~Adniir;il Twis-s" presented the June next. She will be the first and pla_\'ing good hard football to Ill-IA'I'lEN ROOKE l secretarial officer to ltold this post and. which the l-‘reneh could not find an Trophy and prizes to the winning team. .resulted in Shipmate Lt. Cdr. llates ll..\l.S. Rooke. the present king-pin to mark the occasion. the R.N. Supply '.1l'l\\\Cl'. being re-elected for the l‘Jth linte. VISIT T0 LISBON At half-time the U.K. team A\'itS 3 in (iilsr;t|t;ir‘5 litter-Service soccer. School dined her in ll..\t.S. Pembroke. Sliipznate (ireenhead was elected viceA week after leaving (iibraltar for chairman. and Shipmate Wriglit. was the linal part of the exercise. the ships, elected as secretary and treasurer. liaving been joined by ll..\l.S. Devon- Sliipiiiate Pine remains as welfare shire. wearing the llag of the Com- ollicer. the Standard bearer is Sitinm:inder-iii-(.'hief. Home Fleet. Ad- niate Knight and the Working Coinmiral Sir Charles Madden. BL. K.C.B.. mittec is comprised of Shipmates Gilsteamed tip the river Tagus to Lisbon. ham. Ockenden. and Stirling. One of the objects of visiting Lisbon was to hold the post exercise critique in H..\l.S. S. Ilnnaventure. Unfortunately Hontiventure was withdrawn from the latter part of the exercise at No. 8 short notice. so the critique was eventually staged on share :it the War HE inaugural meeting of the College in Lisbott. llroseley Branch of the Royal During the stay. the UK. ships 'Naval held on was played the following matches. Rugby February.-\\sucit:ititJn 22. The new branch had an versus lteleneiiscs at the Portugal “send-oli." nilh all the Naval Base ground at Alfeite. situated excellent oflicinls of No. 8 Area attending. on the south side of the Tagus. The The branch was ofiicially opened score of I5-6 against the U.l-C. was by Shipmate G. l-loare. National inconsequential compared to the ex- Council member. who was accomcellent fish and liquid dinner laid on panicd by Shipmate J. Monaghan. the by the opposition. A first-class fixture area secretary. and Mrs. Monnghan. indeed. in wishing the new branch every sucThe Royal Navy ’laler pla 'cd the for the future Shipmate Hoare Law University with the resut being cess said that it had given him extra I0-S against the U.i(. team. Again a to welcome llroselcy. for it first-class reception was held after the pleasure was the first branch he had opened game. and it would scent that the score since being made a National Council here, when "Time" was called. was niember. well in the favour of the visitors. Shipmate N. Stubbs. the area chairman. gave :t brief outline of the aims IIOCKI-ZY MATCHES ltenfica. the same club as the world vof the association and Shipmate I. famous soccer side. were the hockey 'tWark. the area president. also wel.opponents and after a hard and fast comcd the new branch. Shipmates from Shretssbiiry. l.iehg:imc. the Navy lost by 3 goals to 2. Bclenenses chih was also played at field. Smcthwick. Bloxwich and were present and hockey. the score being 3-! in their Wolverhampton is learned that it hoped to recruit favour. further members from near-by BridgOn Siind:i '. March l5. many of the a north and later front the new town on N.A.T.O. raternity went to the Bentica stadium to see the Local of Dawley. The Iii.-r.ild now clocks up 6.000 miles A 25-ft turning circle that gives the trial drive in a Herald. (Saloon. coupe. Branch officials are Shipmate R. Derby. when itenlica met Sporting. before it need sec a grease gun. For it Herald :1 Houdini-like abilityto wiggle convertible or estate car.) Take him up (chairman). Shipmate Tookev The game ended in a 2-all draw. As this the best into other leave for it. There means good ntnny people cars on are generous tax concesparkingspaces be imagined. a disallowed off- ftreasurer). and Shipmate K. Howard. might Enfield House. Broscley Wood. bicycles. (And Heralds!) Independent sions when you buy. part of SI year's motoring. side goal :iddcd considerably to the This caiiiel-like stamina saves you suspension on all four wheels. The If you prefer to shop by post. write overall excited atmosphere of the llroseley. Shropshire (secretary). to Slantlard-Triunipli Sales Limited, crowd. l.atcr that week. Manchester money as well as time. The cost of rou- surest recipe there is for tram-like corUnited were soundly trounced by tine iti:iiiiteii:incefor the ilerald is one nering. A 72-position driving seat for Export Sales (European Division). Commander C. R. Carver. 0.3.!-2.. of the very lowest in the country. And taking on all comers in complete com- Coventry, England. Sporting. On Monday. March to. N./t,T,O. iR.N. lretd.). who retired from the this is only one of the reasons why the fort. And thcmostvisiblcrefinementof units to set their various iRoyal Navy in I960 after 36 years‘ Herald has been hailed as Britain's all -93 ‘L; all-round visibility. TRIUMPH‘ courses or home or other ports. after i service. has been appointed Lay AssisClcvercst light car. 'l‘liere are many Buy nowund save money Any StandardK what had been a hectic. but memora new post, to the Bishop of more:— Triumph dealer will give you it free A mrmbrr ofthe Lryiunul .\.li-tar Cur;s.,,pri‘on lable 5 days in Portugal. Guildford. ‘







Does Croydoii


hold record ?








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GREENWICH AND LEWISHAM LIKELY TO AMALGAMATE learned the meeting that delegates l'roru llattersca. It WITH I-Zdgssare. l-Znlield. Edmonton. the (irecnssich branch of the Associwas


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nttro controlled taxis. 2-t-hour \l'l'\lt.C. :o \\'ir-.c. Snmr and I.Tli0l'-Gli the Fare-ham Branch Dnpatch l)rn.o:nrenr or small .\Iutt.mu lel.: l'ot:smo1.rlh 55535.4 uuu lines]. of the Royal Naval Association :l-'insbur_v. Greenwich. liannnrth. Kid- ation lrzrs applied for arnalgarnrrtion lllcucty ieurnrrrl. l\-\\‘ (I Arcd .‘h.“li. Kramfcdce szore-keeping an .r«c:. to.'nruen.ms' \Cl: l)RI\'l.\’G SCIIDOI. eater n.mr.nLots tor has been quiet for some time. It does brook. Kenton and King~bur_v.l.ondon with the l_cu.ish:rm branch. Under the .\.'tl.Il) it-Ill pa Pension l-ull dt‘I.t:l.\ strut ruul personnel ssith a rcdmcd .outse (rt ltd. itudlt-rd not mean that it is moribund. The |Centr:Il. l.essi.shanr and West Ham 'new boundary scheme coming into lht-ruin-Kcisrs ll.'l'sl(I). lessons. concentrated til Icauircd) into -hut! l.c.rrnrn:ton .‘ip.a. period to include .\lo.I. lest. Collection in branches rforcc the of the Naval Assotwo Royal lloroughs are to be monthly meetings at the White Horse do.-it-controlled cars Irom establishment. limit‘. it is NIGHT .\ .1 m to ‘I ttm It'll ('.srdil! Road. .\'ur:tt I.od, are well attended. although the branch ciation held the Annual General Meet- linked together so. perhaps. Hlllllrlll lot |H'0l‘Illl"_I) r:r.u‘ IIl'\ling of No. I Area at the Union Jack >n;rtur:rl for the two R..\', Association .'i:rss hotel uttlaled on :he ntonterude Itl I'l‘I"-.\fi11'|.llll. ‘l'cl.: l'ummor:rt: 0:752. could do with a larger complement. HtI‘.l1I\l|l|‘lIT -c:-«:t'.c rru-:t, Inc [\\s|l1|Ifl vurtI.Ll t','.\P RIl!B(L\'S. «hips pan: and nreu-n:_ I 6 l_Zs‘ery third meeting the business side Club recently. A lively and interesting branches to join forces .rr: .r.:1\L' sutt I'll, _'s:en.m1 l.I.urn\:rh\l.1l:I\lt each. plus r>ost.u-e. Send stantpcd .-olrlreuuj Social activities for the hcnelit of or--srd.-all rs‘ completed quickly and their the meeting took place. App!» vuzh tozl personal dt-x.u:s to cmel-mt [or list. 5l‘lID\' (mu Int:-irrrsr .uo' Rear-.‘\dnu'r:il(iordon Lennox. CB” the Area have been suspended for the the .‘-la:t.uuz:, .\Inlt;-rid llvtcl, .'-It-:r..r.-nlv.'. members get together with their wives |I(‘\lL'H. 29‘! c.u:h, ll.'.ucr I-ad;-cs tune or \'o!--urn] srlltl. Also car hadcrs. metal D..‘i.('.. the Area President. could not time being u\\'i|‘tt_: to lack oI' support and friends‘ for a social evening. Ithrouturrut. any dr.\n:rI in col. 'ctI tnnffltl. .-\t the last social there were a few attend. but sent a letter expressing his by the branches. ‘there is so much cu-mrllctc l\|:lI IIllltl|:\. i‘ ltsmr.-c rstta. IBM: t).:rcu sneer. l'or‘.\(‘-l(I‘i.Nlll.'Rlill'.\. to branch activity going on every weel. e;rrr_v on—u decision I-':mtcs of bingo. the laughter hetrlinp j\\'lllll"lL'.l'lL‘\\' the caller on more than one occasiott. sslriclr has received uitlr acclanrution. 'that the luck of support for Area D(l\\'.\' IIUFFIH 0l'\R \Nl'I\I: Kl'\'\I:l_\', IIOUSI-I PURCI-IASI-I Il.ll\IlJl!\N.l'(lKlbMlJl.}lll.S1\c.r.tl:{:r:\s:u l)urin;.- the evening the ch:rirm;ur. Fl he deputy president. Shipmate :\. ;tctivities is underst.rnd:ible. but the slriptnale .\lew:nan. suggested that the Bates and vice presidents. Shipmates ‘question of a tlntlcc to swell .-‘srea n.n..i |‘:':ss!.'|tII.‘I. lit) \'()t' IlI'.\'lRIZ llt|t'Sl: t‘t‘Ht‘ll\N|'.‘ H0 I ladies should name the venue for the 1. James and II, .\l;tson were present. funds is under t't:\'lc\\. pct er.-rt. deterred noose mirth.-sc s.hcn'.e lrtc .tt()l‘st»:tIt)t.I) III-‘I-'I€('l'.‘i AVID ll\tJ(:\t£I'I summer outing and it was zrgreeil that together with the Area's National .nsui.rn.c. Mt :snn in.-u.n~..e l'r.-...:..tl .|21l'lIv s:orcd_ mused and p.r.|.ctl ..mt \l'l|['I|'\('Ll \\ n.:e non. Apntv "tiwrntsrr," Itee.t:u.~td R.-..u, A ('o. lId., I20 load:-n Road. .\'.-.':tr Ind :I visit should be made to the Severn Council Member Shipmate C. Wheeler lI.mts. \\.rtcrioo\rIIc_ Jo:-..:r.-:1. l'ousniou'.h. lei,: 1-_I:2I. Wild I-‘owl Trust. tShip.'u:rlcs felt that .\I.ll.E. The latter received :1 big ovaENGINEER AND R(I'l’»\l. .\'A\'.\l. H\lllI.\(IKS. roarsno other birds would be ailossed to be tion on his first appearance at an Area ll0l'$l*: I'l7R(_'II-KSE “till I.ll*F, J\.\'.'il'R. \llll‘III. ll1c \It-r) ltI\I'Il hulks to present dav. SHIP SURVEYORS \N(‘t-I. Properties up to in _\c.urs pm ,m.;;.v,¢_ Price tsnlclretli) meeting since receiving his award for 71-, trhrarnatrrc Iiom (;,.|.¢ ,v, |'..|.gm I0t'I per tent. adsancr alter three stars An his welfare and pensions work. |.td.. Edinburgh Road. i'ot:\n:o1rrtr. I'm: free. ideal scheme In! Ilu-me lnnlung ahead. .\1ortg.u-at in the the repaid In escnt ot death, \\'nrc [or leaner to TO .\'I£I.l'-I)RI\_'E CAR HIRE. |.\l.\. ltd. Marine Struts Scrsrtc. .\IlNI.'a'lR\' til’ I'l¢A\'S- l'rund|'l1l l.tlc Aw-nation or London lrmrtcd. Roorcs Mam I





Admiral inspects H.M.S. Wessex

l'ttR'l. l'cn\Ionablc rxvus to: men .r: team In on lune l.s:_ I905 rsrth experience as snatch-lccnine engineer in lorcien-mint ships and either ta) an Extra I-‘rrsl Clau (xrtiliute ot Competent‘) to: steam and motor or (I1) 3 hrs: (‘lass (‘truncate endorsed tor steanr or motor toeclher such a Decree (or Dirt. Tech.) in Iincrnccrine or A..\l l..\lech '.tl*)' cvartrinatront or .\..\l.|..\l.r: I‘. ;tI\y c\.unr:::r::o.'t s.n.‘e t‘*’t»l. llwsc ssi:3i l‘.'Il) .1 {mi (‘lass Ccrtxtrcatc ot (‘omretcmy endorsed

ill-IN the Newcastle and (lateshead Branch of the Royal Nasal III-IN Rear-Admiral II. C. MarAssociation held its l7th Annual tell. C.li.. C.ll.I-3.. the Admiral Dinner on March 21. there was a good turn out of shiptttates. sritlt e\cr_\‘uttc lCornm:rndin;: Re.-serves carried out his remarking that the function “as. as‘ Itirst oflicial inspection of the Solcnt alw:I_s.s. fin-t class. The branch Presi- |l)ivision R.-. '.R. (Il..'ll.S. “'e.ss'ex) on tor \7t;|.'ll or n:.-tor n:.r) be admitted p:osrsior-.dent. Capt. (.‘. Mnuntl. D.S.0.. RA‘. ..\l:rrch 5. he spent some linre talking all}. In \ui:.\l\Ie cases, pcritus ol tnii- or not.¢- studs lease run) he rramed .‘|ltct crnrs. Held.) and Mrs. Mound. together oith rssith pro'~pet:livc new entries. instrucanti lIlt.’llll)l'I"sof their R..\‘. Iiuntnrci tlIlt..'('l\ who h.1\c se:\r.! cl1tss'es'. Jorx vRc:::cnl I.ieut.-Cdr. D. Houseman (sice presiReI‘errrn_e :o the recent .\‘;rvv listixcmtnt airs.‘ t.-) hate recent-J dent) and Mrs. Houseman were .-:u-c .tt the Rural .\‘.1s.uI present. The guest of honour was .tll;llL‘\'. he said that recent announceat or ti‘) l\‘\\(\s a I.‘ \¢'l\;I)’ Capt. (J. I-'. Rcnssicls. R..'\'. Toast- meals were sigtttlicttttt in that llrej: I.m. ..cc ..r'.: -'t::n .|i\a\ tic K .dctcLl. nr: ter was the chairman of the ensured :2 modern and e.sp;rndiug Int.-rnccr llt'h.e:s who :8: l).:ect |‘ronto.\';rv_v. Regartiless oi" the :tt1:tltt'tL'l‘llS hranch. Shiprnate R. Finch. It~rmc.- .\l.1.'e« II t, .‘I.'it2 «ho hoid : lwn UllI.'€t'\. The |:uIic.s oi" the hranclt. under the .conccrnin;.- nuclear c;tp:rbility. it was I'm: t'i..~s .\Ier.h:tnt I\'.nv ( r.':il:;:rte ol t‘o:rlL'.ttlt:r\lllp oI' .\lrs Cue. have decided now clear that the Royal Navy is pc:c:r._v endorsed tor \‘('.t¥tl or .-::«-:or rmv he to form ‘.1 ladies’ section. All ship- zrssuretl of in world wide conventional .rdrru'.:cd r:-ms;--. .\‘at.«-:r..: \l.‘|!l:.'ll: s.-r:.ov mates are wclcontini: the idea and role. 'llus must be supported by well t'l.2I-t tat tor to :l.St! out 3: rr osrtl: looking forward to even more interest trained Reserves. and the lirst-rate ltorlt :i:.uo-mi.-u 12.03.‘. l'ro:uo:ion prnspetrs :o standards of "I-"ho: showing" by ships ».-ate til brain.-it :iIT:rirs by everyone. Sc: v: SIrI\€)s't .1r~.t.' h.-rhcr twszi. Po-x'. Shipmutes l.owden and Willtirrsorr out the Rot-:rl .\'.tv;rl Reserve in Euro- r.'.'..:i..rt-‘e. to i‘1'Il \'[ l"r\.'l .h.enjoyed :1 s\ell—run dztttce at the ipctm ports h..d never been .1 ‘.et -II\ t-: l:.o:.p.-.-t. R«-- .~ t2l_ .‘~':_ \‘.‘.'r~lrin_r-.to:r tCo. Durlraml Itmuclr in irlowtr." l'lrc~c ‘s':sI1\ were :u;:rnly it 'l'l.*.|\€. In _l"el!rtt;try and the t'e\\.::ts'tlc tcpttricr R.N.R. eoru:rut.'ncnt. ",!\\ .\I states that more of these fttnctzons in Zltc neiglrbotirlroml are \\';tIllL'tl. Shipurutcs I)entorr. lllytlt and Sltarpe were the branch representatives at the No. Ii .-\re:t Dinner at Doncnster. Stet‘-s .r:c ltcittg I:l'!\L‘Il to obtain new SERVICES lre;uIqu:irters for the l>r'.mc'n .u:ui ollieials at the Town Hall have LIMITED proruised :0 help all they can. «Centurion to the Admiralty and Air Mmmry;


ll'orturIouth lllbl).



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Standard this year

exist for ex-Scrvicemen of all trades both at home and overseas. Should you wish to continue your present type of work in Civilian lite. write to us giving details of service experience and we will be pleased to. tell you more about ourselves and the opportunities we offer. Write to

Ill‘: llidcol llrzlnch of the Ro_v:rl Nasal .-\ssoei:rtinn is maltint: an allout etlort to raise funds In put'chtI~c a lrranelr Stantlard this year. Already there is :r little over £27 in the Standard Fund. and direct subscriptions to the fund are already" being

recciretl. "lire .'-nnu.tl general nrcctiug prodtrccd very little clrangee union}: the utlieers oi the branch. Shipnratc J. F. llultcrs \\;rs re-elected branch chair:u.o1 and Shipmzrtc I). (iuiver was re-1 elected secretary. The branch funds are in safe hands. the treasurer. Shipm.rte I’. l_e .\Icrcicr. being .I member oi the local corrsluhttlury. The ehildren‘s (.'Irri_stm:r~. purl‘: was held a little l.rte. but it om. ne\'ertlrcless. [I really good show and much .rp[tn:ct;tIt:tl by all who attended. lhirlccn members of the brurrclt. ineluding Shipntate "Pop" Atlwool. now l~‘.‘v _ve;rrs old (or youngl. helped to entertain the youngsters.

Bournemouth (Hum)

other guests was the Rev. Peter Lewis and Mrs. I.cois. of Abcrdare. in thanking the members for their “arm welcome and dinner. the president said the meal was tru|_v worthy of naval stattdttrds, and the sltipmutes would lilsc. publicly. to thanls the organisers for their ellorts. After dinner the social committee took over and. with :1 \\L‘ll‘l.');ll;lllCL'tl prugrttlilnlc. satislictl everyone. rounding a really memorable evening


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The Rank Organisation Theatre Division offers an exciting and challenging career to men with a flair for Showmanship and Salesmanship.



HEN the Cardilf Branch of the I Royal Naval Association held its I llth annual dinner on March II. the branch president. Rear-Admiral M. S.

‘Townsend, C.B.. 0.3.5.. D.S.0.. D.5.C.. was “piped on board" by members of the Cardifl Sea Cadet Corps. He was met by the vice-president. Shipmale J. B. Graham. and introduced to the shipntates and their Indies. Among

Further information and application forms

Christchurch, Hunts



Vacancies for Constables exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. Initial appointment will be on temporary basis with prospects of permanent and pensionable service. Commencing pay of entrants is £585 .1 year. increasing by nine annual increments to £820. After I7 years’ service a special increment of £130 is awarded making a final total of £850 a year. Uniform and boots are provided. There are good prospects of promotion. Candidates must be of exemplary character. between 2| and 48 years of a c, at least 5' 7' in height (bare feet) and of British Nfiitionaity. Prior to appointment they will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certificate of Education). Educational tests are held twice a quarter in Portsmouth. Dcvonport and Rosyth: and at Londonderry. Northern Ireland.






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Navy boxers just miss l l 5.T- V1NCENT7$-GREAT the double

{llIIllllIlllllllllIllllIIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllltlllltllIllllIllllIIllllIllllI|l||lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll QlllllIlllllllltllllllllllllllllllIlllllllillllllllllllllll E


I964 Boxing season is almost over. As "Navy News" goes to press there remains only the Inter-Service Boxing Association Individual I Championships which take place on April 1 at Aldershot. The winners‘ of those contests go forward to the Amateur Boxing Association Senior Championto be held at Wembley on April

{fit ; zl i p s ROYALS WIN After winning the l.S.B.A. Team Championship Trophy last year. the -.-=11 had high hopes of Navy boxing INTERduring the repeating their In spite of tile COMMAND dillieulties in raising and training oli. The the double nearly BOXING : team's lighting spirit :tnd litness. how-









currettl season.

many a



them second place to the lloyal .\'uv_v Open and‘ ever. gained lnlcr-Command lloxing Team Army. witlt the Royal Air Force losing to the Army and the Navy. Chantpionships held in the R.-.\'. Bar-‘ both racks, Porlsntoulli. ott .\larch 19. there The .-\rttt_v ntatch. held at Titlwortlt. resulted in .1 \~.in_ for the Army by six, was a good entry of 5.’. l)lIM.‘t'\ and it hunts to live. I he last bout of the; was like old titties to experience the evening just gave the .-\rnty victory. keen rivalry between Contntantis. Tlte decision of tile R.N. lioxitte The Navy learn was slightly under fulll Association two years ago to reintro- strength a-atnst the R..-\.l-‘.. attd once duce this competition was a wise one. again the team restilt rested on the l;t.~l ; since it has produced many pmntisitlg bout. which. on this occasion. gave the by six bouts to live. young boxers. :tnd even ettcouraged Navy zt witt one of the older exponents of the Although the failure to beat the .»\rmy OR the


"noble art" to return front retirement was :t disappointment the match could not have been more closely contested. and win his weight. The lnler-Command Championship RI-IPRFSE.\"I‘I-ll) THE .\'.-\\"t' was won by the Royal Marines Com-The i\:tvy team representatives who mand with 23 points. Portsmoulh ; in these two tttalchcs were—— coming second with 22 points and -boxed l..Se:t. R. Slalford (Victory). !\.B. T. Plymouth being third with l7 points. Sands (Bulwark). :\l.E. .\l. Frantpton The R.N. Boxing .-\ssoci;1tiou con.\lne. G. Sturdy (Deal). gratulates tlte I9!»-t champions :tnd :(Penelope). wish them every success in the Inter- .-\.l). A. Silsby (\'ictor_v). Mnc. D. Servicc lloxiztg .'\\s‘t'IL'i‘.Illt‘ll(‘h;tmpion~ Baden (43 Cdo.). Ck. A. Hamilton 8. Cole (St. Vincent), L.Se.t. ships at Aldetsltot. ((".tmbridge). I..Pat. R. Dryden tl7u|ntar). E..\l. .-\. Stubbs (BelleroRESULTS The resttltv of the lrtdtndttttl Open l"nm. phon). .\lnc. T. (‘oornbes (Eastney). tuition were: Fl).-—L.Sea. Stafiord l\'lclt)!)) .\l.li. T. Smillic (Ark Royal). and )\.ll. |'.ttter\on (Vernon). Il.:I|tIlt.—1 LICIII. Sirnman (l.T.C.R..\l.) but AN. R.E..\l. A. Bitch (Asltanti). McMahon (London). I-‘uther.——.\l.ii. Fflt'I'lpC.P.O. “George" hluody. P.T.Instr. ton (Penelope) h-cat Std. Brown tbatpttlnt. lJ.IItl.—Mne. Sturdy (Dull but A.E. Siliby has been responsible for the team trainViuory). Ugh! weltt-r.—Mne. Button (43 Cdo.I ing and selection. ably assisted by at R.t).2 Tetley l\'I€ltIl'Y|. Welter.—~Mne. Clr. Scrgt. D. J. Evans. R..\l. and PD. Boden t-U Cdo.) ‘seat blue. Adams t-U (.'do.I. Until nIddl¢.—C-xix ilamilton lSt. \'in:em) R. Eden. This is likely to have been beat ('91. Mc('.tnn tt'.ast_nen, _,\Ilddl¢.—l..Se.1. C.P.0. Moody's last boxing season Gleuutt (Drake) neat t-...\t. htubbs tltellern. nhonl, Llellt luur.-Lsca. (‘ole lC.tmbrid|e) in the Royal Navy. and all who have beat /\.l'l. flint (Ml: Royall. Ilene).-l’.l'.i: boxed or have been associated with Dn-den ll’ulm.|t) l-ca: A." Field l.‘\2L Ritual). wish him every success on in a "\o¢.i.tI" .'trt'.c.~t l1.\I Rxirs t\\'.iLeluli Navy boxittg beat .\lrtc. llart (l.'l.C.R..\l.). igoing to pettsiun in .-\tt_et:st this year. .

“Give thatman a Watneys Brown!”



ll..\l.S. St. Vincent won. convincingly. both "A" and “B" Class Royal .\':tvy boxing chantpipnfhips on I-'el_Iru§tr_s 29. The teams quickly cxtztblished themselves by winning their first eight contests in the |It'eltt1Ilmmes—all Inside the distance. By the end of the day runtour had it that the St. Vincent boxers were trained on raw meat. and this vs-.t.s borne out by It) decisive tiins in the linals. ll..\l.S. Ganges was runner-up in both competitions (Photo: 1. C. Lawrence & Suns. Gosport)

.\lany hope that lie will decide to sign on for another five years so that the 1 Navy could benetit b_v his experience. I llis cnthusiasnt and expert coaching have contributed largely to the success of Na“. boxing M." lhc 1,3,. “M, Cheque-r-wise yea rs.

The officials of the R.i\'.B..-\.. C hccked brushed cotton commgucc mcmbcr.-' and 3" box“, have greatly appreciated ltis untiring shirt, collar attached, efforts. and all wish him well in the single button cull‘, in future. blue, red, green or brown.

JUNIORS PUT UP A GOOD SHOW III-I Inter-Service Junior Boxing Championships were held on March 21 at the Infantry Junior Leaders’ School. Oswestry. and. although the Army team won the “.~\" and "B" Class Champion-ships with the loss of only one weight (this was won hy .I.E..\l. Thompson. of ll..\l.S. St. Vince-nt—ll stone). the Navy's Junior team put _up a courageous per-




formnnce. There can be

doubt that the Junior Leaders‘ training does much in toughen up these young soldiers. and makes [ha Arnw [cum 3 vcry formidable one indeed, The Array [cam was sttperbly lit and well coached. In almost every bout the Army boy seemed to be much tougher and stronger than his Navy or R..-Ll’. opponent. Against this weighted opposition the Navy jttniors did very well and earned applause for their spirited attd game ellorls. The Navy finalists consisted of J.E..\l. Boole. J.§e;t. Hanton. I.E..-M. Thompson. .|.E..'\l. Shepherd. J.E.M. Barns. and .l.E..\l. (icddes from H..\l.S. St. Vincent. J.Sea. Beattie and J..\t.E. Austin front H.l\t.S. Ganges. J.Mus'n. Oliver from Deal and J.Sea. Kcegan from H..\l.S. Raleigh. They had rcall_v tough opposition. btit displayed all the promise and qualities of potetttial senior boxers of the future.




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helicopter. A landing was also made by geologist Mr. Peter Baker. of Oxford University. on Freezland Rock. an almost inaccessible pinnacle towering





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Printed and Published for and on behalf of the Nut‘ News Committee by Gate .2: Polden Llmltcd. Aldetuttot.

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