5: led with the dilcrirninazingman in '11 Ml. for whom only the but is good
Totephomi was 30 ROYAIIPARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone 56541
News Navy The
No. 121
Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Royal Naval Uniforms
Promotion orders : speciality, write for special details, eec.. and be assured of personal ..ttention to your
Piiblis/iedfirst Thursday oft/ieirnont/1
JULY, 1964
Navy’s second Assault Ship named
LANDING CRAFT LAUNCHED FROM ‘OPEN STERN’ intrepid. the second of the two assault ships ivhicli H.3I.S. lauticlied at the yard of being liuilt for the Royal Navy. are
John llrown & Co. (Clydebnnk) Ltd.. on June 25. The naming ccreniony was performed by Lady Elworthy, wife of Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Elwortliy, Chief of Air Staff, the religious service being conducted by the Rev. D. Stewart, Chaplain, R.N., ll.\l.S. Cochrane, Rosyth. The Intrepid, with .stand:irt.l displace- She will be equipped with the latest of l0.000 tons. is 530 feet long and has a beam of 80 feet. I-ler armantent comprises four Scacat launchers and two 40-mm. Bofors. There is also space for :i Wessex helicopter. Assault ships are a new design for the Royal Navy: they will operate with .1 Royal .\larine commando or infantry l):tl.l.'tIIt)l'l and will be capable of landing troops and vehicles b_v means of Linding craft carried in the ship's dock and i:titllCllC(.I through a special llooi'.I_c_t| conipartmeiit in the open stcrtt. Fi\l.‘_lIlties are also provided for operating iitilit:iry lift helicopters.
radio aids so that the Adiiiiralty or other appropriate autliorilicscan send teleprittter messages to the ship ulierever slic niay be operating: her ::r- 'I-I.l-'. transniitlers will enable her to and It ..\I.A.S. Pnrrantatla during a “shop-window" demonstration. jackslay transfer bi.-tween ll..\l.S. conimunicztte with CI.lf‘lllllO1'l\\'c:illIlor Such transfers of men and stores are an everyday occurrence between ships and. with refuelling at sea. cnzible Allied receiving stations. and she will stmtller ships to be operational for periods much longer than in the past also be able to maintain contact with other ships, aircraft, military authorities and associated landing craft which may be operating with her. .-\ hig.-h st;uid;ird of living. accommodalion has been achieved for the ship's company. This includes buck sleeping. messing on cafeteria system with sep.ir.'itc dining halls for senior and HE frigate Il.M.S. Salisbury and the usual arrangejunior ratings. (Cdr. W. Fitzherbclt. R.N.) was INTER-SI-IRVICE C0-OPERATION ments for film shows. library. etc. All .315. RELENIIESS conintissloned at Rosyth on June 2'! under the damaged when in collision with the ommimd of Capt. A. G. Watson. R.N.. for :1 general service commission destroyer l!.M.S. Diamond (Capt. The Intrepid is fitted out as a naval acconimoddtion is air-conditioned as assault group brigade headquarters are the oflices. sick bay, workshops in the Home Fleet and East of Suez, fanning part of the 29th Escort Squadron. .l. D. Cartwright. R.N.) on June 25. She has it complement of nine olficcrs and 180 men. ship and is provided with an assault and operational spaces. With other ships the frigate and the The second bear the the the Rt. Hon. first The name assault Arthur the which Admiralty. ship. front Fearless. naval and ship to operations room destroyer had been rehearsing for :t "RutherJames Relentless a was 0.M.. I-'.R.S. Balfour. She at Messrs. now Harland originally building \l.P.. in & close personnel. military working i\'a'v_v sea day exercise, and were was a torpedo-type destroyer launched co-operation. can mount and control Wollf Ltd.. Belfast. was l:iunchcd on ham" Class destroyer launched on at to Portsmouth hiirbour. Glasgow in l')|6. She had a dis- returning the progress of an assault operation. December I9. being named by Lady Clydcbanl; on July 15. I9-ll. She was Damage to Diamond was suncg, llull. wife of General Sir Richard Hull. first commissioned on November 19. Dlilccmcnt of 880 ions. was armed with ticial. but Salisbury sustained datnages Chief of the Imperial Ciclleral Staff. I942. for service with the Home Fleet three 4-inch guns and foitr torpedo and was employed on anti-submarine tithes and was capable of 35 knots. In which. it is expected. will lulu: LI couple of weeks to repair. There were operations. In February. l_9-l-l._wltilc P127 she was sold for breaking up. Watson joined the l{o_\':iI no casiialtics in either ship. serving with the Eastern l-Icct in the An inquiry is to he held. lllh Destroyer Flotilla. Relentless §\1“'i' I." J:tnu:iry. I‘!-ll. and specialised sank the enemy .suppl_v tanker Char:ind airctatt direction in A photograph of ll..\I.S. Di.i:noiid Schliemann the Soitlh Indian in lotte appears on page 9. Ocean. ln l95l Relentless was the first of HI-2\’ Able Seaman J. Bonrdmnn two "Rotherliam" Class destroyers to and his bride. the former Miss be converted into Type I5 antii\‘l:m'on Riduway were married at siibniarinc frigzilcs which were protoPortsniouth Registry (mice on June types for the present generation of 27. his friends decided that he should fast. heavily armed frigates. Willi a be given a proper send oil’. standard displacement of 2.036 tons HE “0beron“ Class submarine and The groom is a member of the capable of high speed. the armafield naval Portsnioiitli Command Opossum was com. ment consists of two -l-incli and twin ll..\f.S. June gu_n nnssioncd in his 5 at a ceremony in 40 mm. Bofots guns and two triple and on crew. collcagtics. their the Cnmmell Laird Shipyard. Birken. anti-subrnarinc mortars. In addition. specially wliilencd gaiters and wcartn their track suits. and with the field- head. Il.;\l.S. Opossum (Lieut.-Cdr. the ship is fitted with modern sonar gun brightly burnished. placed the ti. L. Owen. R.N.). is the eleventh of and has completely up-to-date antinewly weds in chairs (appropriately the class and the nineteenth of the submarine equipment. She is fully marked with an “L") on the sum Navy's new battery-power hunter- capable of directing anti-submarine carriage. and hauled them through killer submarines. developed from helicopters. Comiiiercial Road :ind Edinburgh li..\I._S. Porpoise, which entered scrFIRST RELENTLESS Road to Queen Street. where the viee six years ago. Although not nuclear powered. the The name "RL'IL‘tliICSS"‘W:tS originreception was held. of of _tlic "Porpoisc" and ally chosen by the then First Lord of Shoppers stared and queues minded but no one trallic formed. is revolutionary com‘Oberon classes the bit. with I\'avy‘s was little wartime pared submarines. Using even :1 This and. cour.sc. of sonar things doing equipment developed of‘ advanced way to visitors and residents alike. the in this country. they can detect ships and submarines at vastly grcatcr l\:tv_v cart do no wrong. ranges. and their high-power batteries LIE-‘TED CARS can drive them silently to intercept at Two cars parked too near the underwater speeds in excess of 15 entrance to the Registry Ollice while knots. For attack they are armed with the ceremony was taking place. Tliesc interfere could not be allowed to homing torpedoes. backed by a comdamage was caused in with this special wedding. and so plex fire control systeni. the engine room of ll..\l.S. Puma A fezilure of I-I..\i.S. Opossum is her (Capt. M. N. Luce)’. l).S.C.. ILN.) mcmliers of the gun crew picked up the ollending cars and lifted them to "Joystick" control gear. Sitting at a by lire on June II. the day before she it more convenient parking spot. This console reiuinisccnt of :i bomber's was to have sailed for trials in the treatment would have been meted out fli_iv.ht deck. one ni:in can control the Channel after a I-I-month relit in to other cars should there h;ive been stibnt:irine's course and depth. Also ll.i\I. l)ock_v:1rd. Portsiiioutli. l:.iIl‘ie ianis on the route. incorporated is an .'|tll0n1I.tI.IC slccrim: The ship's conipiiny fought the fin: The bridegroom was hack in the autl ileptli-keeping device. until the arrival of the l)ocky-aid and n:iv.il liarracks on i\Iond:i}’ in order This nicrisure of aiitomation has Portsmouth Fire Brigades. The cause to continue his trainiiig. liven a wed- ntaile it possible to reduce the cum- of the fire was not kiimin at the time thug must not interfere with the plcntent in thc Opossum to six ollicers of going to press but it is :t;itctl that |‘l'L'I3.ll.lI.lt‘|I"I for the Royal Tourn:i- and 57 ratings. tillouiiig for still s:ilmt:i,gti:can bi: ruled out. men: at Earls Court front July 8 further iniproveuients to :i;coitintothere was :i iiiinor lire lit the ship ml.‘ ilaltott and amenities. on June I. i|;uii::i_:e beiitg very \lIj,'llL
Relentless comes back DAMAGED into the Service
of the year’
T2)-‘II63""I3.'1l 0I1
pcrformtince '