Page 1


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News Navy


Tailored to measure

Craftsman tailored from pu r& Worsted Cloth. rea li stically priced, tailored to your personal requirements.




The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association


No. 133 JULY, 1965


assured of personal attention to your requirements.

Published first Thursday of the month

'Grey Ghost'~i



Price Sixpence


back on job T'K.TJ

Royal Naval Uniforms BERNARD'S OFFICERS' SHOPS 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone 26116 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone 66543 Promotion orders a speciality. for write special details, etc., and




ALBION, which sailed from Portsmouth for a Foreign HNI.S. Service Commission on March 12 this year, lost no time in proving her worth. She did not arrive at Singapore until April 28, but during the passage she picked up an injured chief engineer his ship and flew him to Malta. Then came nine dais in Aden . A Sc Vixen



. . . . . followed b' two more days assisting in an exercise to the west of Aden, and five days' stay in Mombasa, and a short stop at Can. The ship was in Singapore for only three days before she was on her first

. for a Embarked in the Commando(Lieut.;hip. medical assut:tncc

operitional task.

were 48 Naval Air Squadron ( dr. CL A. Andrews, RN.) with Vcs'ie helicopters and 40 Comman(it) Air Troop (licut. N. Wise. R.M.) with Sioux helicopters. taking passage for Singapore to join their Commando ttic,. At Aden 84$ Squadron was disemharkcd I1 Fialai.c for aircrew accli malisalion and hot-weather trials on the iirraft. Also during this time the aircraft were used to instruct 24 Brigade, including 45 Commando, in helicopter drills and the aircrew gained valuable experience fis ung over the in hospitable Ridfztn area.



On April Wessex S helicopters of 848 Squadron picked up 100 personnel iii 4th Battalion Anglian Regiment md landed them in cordon around the village of lliswah near Aden where

it was suspected that caches of arms and ammunition were concealed. The operation was completely successful. This was the first timc, that the Wessex 5 helicopter was employed in actual operations. Albion sailed from Aden on April 5 leaving 848 Squadron "' Flight (I.ieut.-(dr. J. Rawlings. RN.) at RAt. Khiornsaksar for service with Middle Fast Air Force in the Aden in, u 46 Commando Royal Marines was enilsar kcd and a two-day exercise wits staged in the hills to the west of Aden. On completion of this exercisc 45 Commando were disembarked and All,iois sailed for Mombasa. Shortly after leaving Mombasa, Albuon 'received message from a Russian nscrchimntmzmn asking for

\Clfll,Ill stifferstiflering from steam bus us. Albion increased speed and rcndcivouscd with the Russian ship. Surg.-Cdr. (icorg Haves. R.N being transferred by boat and rendering the required assistance. The trinfer was in the vicinity of the Seychelles. The last stop before arrival at Singapore was at Gun where a six-hour halt was made to altos strnsnIng parties to be landed. H.M.S. Albion entered Singapore on April 28. There she embarked essential stores and disembarked 40 Commando Air I roop and 845 'squ id run I) Ilight (Lieut. J. S. Kelly. R.N.) for familiarisation in jungle The ing ship kit Singapore on 'i1 ii I to effect her first operational I usk of the commission, a roulcuinnt in which 42 Commando Royal Marines were to he ss ithdr iv. n from S.uhah and the 1st Battalion (mordon 11mg slandei 5 put in


in their place. TRADITION

RE-ESTABLISIIFI) h d ablished the last commission ''rh Old during t ('rev ('host of the Borneo Coast" arrived 'oil Kota Belud at dawn and carried out the first part of the task, the embarkation of 1st (jordons. This embarkation completed. Albiun sailed for Tawau and there carried out the roulement on May. 5 and 6. HeliI I' Vs and an copti.rs I C i. S S.R.N. 5 were all pressed into service to effect the clsaneos-er as speedily possible. On completion Albion siiIed for Singapore with 42 Commando embarked. On arrival at Singapore the Commando was disembarked and the ship started a short maintenance period,




being catapulted from








ILM.S. Centaur of! Gibraltar. as the planeguard helicopter maintains sstation (See story on page 7)




escapes from depths as great as 450 feel will be undertaken SUB1RE during trials in the in July by a learn of two officers and ten ratings from the staff of the submarine-escape training tank, H.H.M. Dolphin, the Go'.port submarine base. The trials are ZI continuation of those RN. physiological laboratory. Alvercarried out in I.och Fync last Scptcm- Stoke. ber. when ascents through 200 feet of tinderwatcr television cameras will waler sscrc made. They involve a new be used in the course of the trials in technique in which the escaper is which it is hoped to prove that live dressed in a suit incorporating a cotton escapes from much greater depths than fabric hood with plastic facepiece and the 266 feet. already achieved in the tu_ditu,rr inu.,un in 1962 using normal uses trapped hr on his ss is to thu. sur Brutish buoyant techniques, can be hice. The team from 11.\1.S. Dolphin, led safely made. h'. I lu_ut Cdr I In the new technique being deI) II iml) n 0 B E R N the Submarine Command Escape vclopi,d the u_sc ipu.i is released from a Officer, will from July 5 to 19 snake one-man clinder, flooded from the from sea, inside' the submarine. An improgressively deeper escapes H St S Orphu_us in the vicinity, of port.unt result of thus escape method is Malta. that pressurisation is achieved rapidly .



N completion of his appointment as Coniriiunder.in-Chief, Far East, Admiral Sir Varyl Begg, G.C.B., l).S.()., l).S.C., took passage to the , uiuted Kingdom in S.S. Eurvilus the "l.eander'' class frigate th newest warship on the Far Lust Station on passage from ri.ndu.z I'ortsusiotith to Singapore, votised with the Cathay in the middle ut the Indian Ocean, east of Ceylon. and bade f in_v. u_Il to the retiring Cons unandcr-in-C'hief on behalf of the Far

The new system is completely a and the man concerned " is subjected list Fleet. it for the absolute minimum period the frigate, her starboard side Royal Navy venture and has been de- to by the Director- before leaving the submarine, Inside manned in traditional manner in signed and developed Ships in collaboration with the c> lindu_i he breathes air supplied bright sunshine and 's calm sea closed General. Submarines. The initial automaticall at the correct rate before the liner from ahead and c arried out a Flag Officer. iscre carried out at the making his escape sweeping high-speed manuvre to experiments finish up only 250 feet off Cathay's port beam, A short verse of greeting and farewell was then read by loudspeaker. three cheers were given by the sailors, and an oriental gun salute 2 r2' of Chinese crackers was fired while 4 various goodwill signals were cxchanged between the two ships. Eurvalus then turned to port with the signal "Have a good voyage" fly-SENIOR SERVICE ing from the yard-arm, leaving the '- .... Admiral standing on the white-painted ." bridge of the C ith is ss tying u final good-bye.




___ -"t'---





11.511.S. Albion entering Aden.,





Lkut. (S) H. R. Bcrride. K N.(ReId.) Royal Navel BHrck. I'orism,jth







O.ri.l. ras

Bthcse exercises is to act toy escorts and carry, out anti-submarine patrols." So said a young nasal man "hen asked about a i ecelil NATO exercise. It



that true NA1() or

. most exercises. National. involve

protection. ;ill(] the importance work cannot be over'cinpha' ciscd Apart from the protection of i mn military convoy, with its lighting and weapons. the United Kingdom (and most of its allies) would starve convoy of this

July. 1%S


Navy News Tel Porsinouth 22351 (Lit. 72194)



IoIIoiing ship. are expected to or recommission on


the dates mentioned. It is emphasised (11 .1 the dates and particulars given be],,,,. are forecasts only and may ba., c in be short at notlcC.


it.'l.. eac mplnn c i s Jus i. a ,o,oh I Cfl Se!':,r (5I:ddlc Las). 9h SI S. .c ikon. (tJ. It.Si.S. it.rlI.nd Poini iLs.ort 5ljifltCrtanc u Risth. lit rehi/ia)i crew. slopi. Juts t. t)rrp5July 4h Escort Squ,rdror. (A). t'h.isrd tI.%t.5.A'. A S. Frrgae). July 13, at Sin..-





II.MS. I.eanilcr. the (clicr:I! I'urrvquiesl* to soiunierr to terse in a particular i pose (Anti-submarine Frigate Ships in h.ch Locally Entered Cooks IS). versatile type), 2,800 Ions (full load) I I ., Cooks 1(u). it steward* are to be borne in lieu, I- built 5. - I BrI.,In.0 and fl. 0 I of UK. ratings are to be indicated as tollosis: (Al-Alt cook, IS). Cook ((I) and Steard.s: Belfast, which commissions for a IB)-(uislks (SI. other than one P O. Cook (5). General Service ice Commission at all Cooks i(() and all Stewards: la, (01 and Strisards i'nlv: (I)) Cooks (5) only: (Ii))me and East of Suei on leading ( us-k (SI and Steisards Only: (I)151 And S:risansLs silly. August 19 --------------------------------------


Iffecti (%,,r,cy Ship). July 27. at GI---. r-. General Ser,occ Commission (Iforne, NotE At.ist5). U.K. Basc Port. Deonpori.

Sue.-. totli [sort l.'.K. H.i'e Fort, (A/S. Frigate). Janii.iry I). hi.M.S.rigblo. if imports were stopped for more than IA . Frigate). July 29, as at (hath.,m. General Srnsi.e ('u'mmis,sien. a few days. Kosth ),,,me Sc., Scrsre. Captain. Fishery (Phased,) Home/East of Suez Home la*t of Pr.,:c.is Saiuadron C K. Base Port. Rosyih. Suez. 30th tcscort Squadron. U K. Base Port. In the Second World War nearly H.M.S. Aherlon July 30. at Dcson' (hatham. 3.000 escorted trade convoys were run Ahne (Destroler). J.inuan's I). at at ('hatham. General Sersice (unnmissuofl. to and from the United Kingdom. and 11.51.5. tisier (A., S. Frigate(. August 12, Iturne'I:ast of Sue, iit,me. Fast of (Phased.) in out of nearly 86.000 ships that sailed °'. ' ]'ii tiirFt1e Suez. (0th Escort Squadron. UK. Base Port. trtsmiu:n. those ocean convoys. the loss rate was 1 L. eriS. Frigate). August J9al~~ 11.51.5. Cassandra (Destroyer). January. at only 0.7 per cent. Out of over I 75.0(J P(,r:srnowh. General 'ervi~c Commission. Gibraltar. i.ccal Foreign Sersuce. L.R.P. I'h;a I Itiime Ea.st of Suez Home, East of Ctuntptensent. ships sailing in nearly 8.000 United 'r 21st ts.ori Squadron. tNs.stiti.il Leader. It.S1.S. Minersa (A'S. Frigate). January. at Kingdom Coastal Convoys, the loss 17 K B~ Port. ustle for home Sca SeCt use Foreugn Nes rate was only 0.14 per cent. sailing II.I.S. Aro (1.1 S.) and No. I Assauli Squad. Sersice (East of Suez) from doe of Deson' run. Aiirust 19. at (;,brat:.,,. I orciun Sersie UK Base Porn, 26th Escort Squadron. The loss rate in the Arctic convoy,, 55 .itl,irc Souadron consideration). IAI. list). Amphti' port (tinder to Russia was somewhat greater. but (tindcr (B). 11.51.5. Zest (A/S. Frigate). Jnuarv it. 21 here the convoys were working in It. s,.s. Bi2Sion (C %I.S.). 21. at Ports. (Phased). Indict Ironic W,liuducssomewhat more restricted waters. hut 11;h 24th Lssiurt tmpkr (Suts c;inzShp)Augttsr 11. tuih Ftir.i:e Squadron Irons the convoy the figures show that a: S.nearore. Foreign Sersie. SW. Pacific. ii K. Base Port. l)rs onpurt. Squu.uufron. L" January. At Portland. hI.SLS.(,leopuabrj Flight. system proved its worth. Of just over (.5. rc).August 800 ships sailed in convoy to North ti, at at Dr,ontiort for trials. Commissions h1.M.S. Ca.alkr I I)estroser). J.,nuuar Jnu.sty 'i. 'i:h Ijacort Squadron. Home Sea G'f,ra)Iar for trials. Is) Reverse on clin, Russia. 7.2 per cent. were sunk. but '' I irei&n Sersice (East of Suez) from (under consideration). plenum of war stores the total tonnage at Portland. disc ol 3j nag. 11.51.5. Kent Flight. February tO.SVrsses. the Arctic ii.si.. caprice (Dectroter). September 9, at General Sers ice (uummisstiun. dispatched to Russia h Roslt br :ri.sLc. lo rroerse S,it completion lI.M.S. Fife (GM. I)csn ros Cr). heFt ii.irs ii. At tons (inroutes was about 4.000.000 5cr' ice (oninriss,i' ,i. hiutnir: (ilussCOis General chiding 5.000 tanks and 7000 aircraft). ,t.% ember 9 Fast of Site,. U K. Base Port. Pornsmouuuh. ,o ( h.ith.im. General Sctsi.,c ( omrrrisslon. II.M.S. KIrtlision (SI. It. (uinsers,on), I ci'of which 300.000 tons were lost lii dde last 01 Suez ironic, List at Il. I uireizn Sets i5e (Sensor ril.,rs - at Rii5 route. Vast quantities like this could St.c fl-e Port. Chatham. Fasi ) 5th Minests ecpirig .Saiuu:udri,n, (Fl. ii.st.5. S Idal (Surseing Shift). September 9. uhen on station). not have been t)flicrr dispatched by ( hitam. (ct rat Se"Con1uson. 11.51.5. Slnslon (N, II. (uunuerslon). I eI'riuary 41. individual ships "running the gaunt' l)esont)uirl. local Foreofl Sersise (Fit 2. at sun Pitt. Chatham. to. s. Squadron. II.,. let. last) BosstngloD (N. If. Consersion). Sep- 111.51.S. Aurora (A. S. Frigate). t-ei'rii.iry. t91s6. With improved means of detection. if (Phased ( enther 9, at Chatham. Lol Foreign SerService Commus's,on General greater range and speed of aircraft and liar I sei. E:h 51.5. Squadron (vice Iiiunic last of Site, I tunic - East of Sue,. l)is u. Kulii.urton(. ut:t. ships, the need for a ssell-defcndcd fcrrcd Irom 2nd Frigate Squadron. U is essential. The Mending convoy K EU IS C ntni' on (Phased.) Pla,c Port. Chatham. lime Muddle [:ass, 9:li Fr..-ate Squadron. 11.51.5. %Ilner,a Flight. I etutiiars. at I'i'ttland. force, too, has much greater powers of Fotev,i Service. Wasp. detection and destruction than in the S Frigate). September 28. II.M.S. Whlib) uA,:S. Irlui.,:e) I'el'rui.ury 24. translets Second World War, but to make the t ce Ill-me Sea Srrsue. Foreign Ser'ie at Iuu,rtsmisilth. Krcuumntss,,itisui And torn .i.oc of sailing (East of Suez). Divisional 20th F rue.,: Iron 21,uh Escort Squadron most efficient use of the men, ships Base t'uutr. Leader )tonic Sea Scrsu.e. U.K. ,mltjjdr,)n. and weapons. constant exercises in Conversion). rusmouith. 17. September H). :0 (hariram. home Sea Service. It. (A their use and the co-ordination of ships S. he U.K. Base l'or:. Deviunpiurt.


of any future conflict the Royal Navy would be supported by its Nit. 1.0.. C.EN.T.O. or S.E.A.1'.O. allies, the need for constant exercises involving

u,si.s. Bulwark ((s,mntalldil Ship). September to. i)esonpsuri. Foreign Sersice (Far Eats) from date of sailing. U.K. Base Pun. Devonto.'i.s. Corun.a (A.' I) ('onsersiorr). Sepem. he r. at l(ossih. I..Rj' Complement. II.%I.S. I)uacun (A. 'S. Frigate). September at Rossth L,R P. Complement.

ransterred Irs,m 29th tails, I ;igane Squadron. IRate Foil. Desonpott. Escort Squadron. U.K. flight. March ;.u.rPortland. London 1151 mr'ii 5! Inu mann. hI.M.S. Undaunted. (A/S. crigate,. at ('huthani. for trials. (uummis,uons end Squadron. May. ( apt. (F) Second Fnig.cc U.K Base lion. Chatham (under su'nsudera' tiOn(. April. an PortsIl.S1.S. Nubian IG.P. Frigate). (l'Inastul) moiuh. (ieurer,it Sctsice Ciamunission Siuilaitli'ui Muddle I .ust. 9th I rimu,e hlumnue,have Pitt. Porternoul S I ill I K II.SI.S. Lincoln (Al). Frieuitel Sp.tl a: Ii m,,uth. l.l'.R cioimplenkfli 5 Frigate) April fi a: hI.51.S. Sirius (A (lime Sea Se-se. t'iircucn Pons,r:i'isilt hr date of sailing. Service I I.is: ill Sue,( (room 24:h Escort Squadron. U.).. Bate Fort. Porismout h IA). April. at (GM. Destroser). II.S1,5. (;bmorgan Seri ice (immls.suifl. Neacastte. of(irner.it Siiv'z. U.K. Base Port. Porruhlonmc;iuast mo,,nh. II.M.S. Jaguar IA/A. Frigate). April. At Charham. t..R.I'. cuumptemeni. (N. /11.). April (1 en:aiive date) 11.51.5. Iseston Foreign Sersice (Middle Lastl. Sib Minesuccpcr Squadron. (Tenratise II.%I.S. YarnIna (C N S.).tStudd:c April Last). 9th dare). Foreign Setsuce Minesuceper .Sutii.udrtifl.I'nig.ite) May. a: ro:tv11.51.5. Rolhesat (AS. mu,iitlr I..R 1' corimplernent. 19.M S. Yarmouth (A/S. Fr.gate). Slay, at (h.ithanm l..R P cu,rnr.lcflucnr. IA 1.5. l-tigate) May. at 11.51.5. Esmouih Ru.s):h. 1K P c,,nipcntent. Slav, 24. at II.M.S. Intrepid (Assatuti Shp). en Scr. Home Sea 5cr' icr olI toe (1) drts.unk s;iu:limg. cc (1 ist of Site,) I rutnr atdate I'uir:land Foreign 11.51.5. Sirius Flight. May Sersice Wasp. IA IS. Frigate) I.nd Slav. SUndaunted lt-( Chatham. htu,rne Sea Scrsice. Capain Squadron (March 1906). U ,K. 2nd FrigateCh.uthani (C). Base Port. fisis Salad Flight. MaY 10. At Portland. Ilsime Sea Serv,ce. Wasp. M.iv to. at Portland. H.M.S. (;.rtha Flight, General Service Commission. Wasp. (Ice Patrol Shup). June. at lI.M.S. projectorGeneral Sets/cc Commission. Porr.smoiiih. South Atlantic and South America. U ,K. Base Port. Portsmouth. Port means :he x,,& Notes: The term U.K. Race normally be espccted to at which a ship may Por:smtiuuth u(( inducates and refit. give (ease by Portsmouth. butt a hit h ships administered ..Is normally relit and,or ruse lease at Chat ham. As rulings are norniahl> detailed for orerseas truce about font months ahead of commit. two danlng dale, and for home serske about ma.Ihs ahead of eomniissiuoni.c dale. that should be borne ha mind ..hen preferring:

55:01. End September at convoy protection is of paramount II.M.S. itecale eSuirsey )e% Fv rs5 & importance, for although today i very Burusasion. September 30 at Bahrein, high standard of efficiency has been ii.si.s. I-iurciznSersusc (Middle East) . 9th M/S. reached bctwecn the various allied navies, such efficiency cannot he mainChanion IC '.1 S ). October I. at Sinea Pute 55,51. S. Squadron, Y ice Chutcompton. tamed (because of changing personnet. changes in ',sclpons etc.). iinkss it %I s kcmrrion )( dIe5 "y IS al ilohrcm. Jiuteurs Sersice (Middle East). 9th convoy protection and anti-submarine S. warfare exercises are constantly A51 5 p (I)itrigaiet October 21. ai carried out l)csuunpsuri. General Service Commission .----------- ,...................... uih.sed.l hli'me Middle East.fl.'-nunn,, 9th Frigate -. It I,' R,. (R1 Pert 11.51.5. Parapel (LUll. October 22. at Bahrein I uireugn Sets cc (Muddle East). Amphibious \V.ur)are Soiuadron. (I'). 11.51.5. Hydra (Survey Ship). November, ii Glasguuss. General Service Commission (Home) N. Atlantic). U.K. Base Port. Chatham. 11,51.5. Fearless (Assault Ship). Nsusemt,er 9 ai Beif.ust. I usreugn Sersuce (List 01 Suez) trim date of 1211mg. hJ.S1.S. Sirius (A., S. t'rug,u:e). November 25. a' I'i.r:smu'un h for :ruals - Cuurnmus.sions Aprit l')r,t., for llonw Sea Sent ce. followed bt, t oneugu %ersusc lt..isi iii Suez) from dati il sailing. 24th Escort Squadron. (A). 11.51.5. London (0 N. Destrolerl. November II .0 I'irtsm,uui:h. (inct.ul Sers::e Comnivssuon I i'h.ised I I lorne La..: of Siucit I tonic, LaSt 0 Suez. U.K. Base Purl. t'ornnmouinh. 11.51.5. Arelhusa Flight. Nosember iS at RN Air Station. C'utd:isc. t'u:r:crt Sets ice (F_is ot Sni,l. 11.51.5. t.landaff (A. I). Frigate). November 1$ in l)evonrsunt for trials. Commissions Januart fir (lute Sea Sersice. 26th BRADFORD 4Bf6 I iureugn Sersice (East oft Suez Sui:uaitri'ui. 46/6 HUDDERSFIELD Ir.'ni d.u:e il sailing. SHEFFIELD 41/6 31.51.S. IA. A. Frigate). December 2 Leopard NOTTINGHAM 35/6 at I'ortsmoiut h for triaLs, to Reserve 01 LEICESTER 30/in (under uunsidrrat on). sonru)et NORTHAMPTON 24/11.51.5. Nuglo. (N It. ('onsersuon). Decembe LIVERPOOL 47/6 6. at I'irnsmu'uth. Itonie Sea Sersice. 51C51 MANCHESTER 45/house. IlK. K,.se Port. kos)ih. ... 3816 NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME II.M.S. Penelope (A. S. Frigate). Decembe STAFFORD 361 II enuatuse date) at 1)esonport. Long rcb WOLVERHAMPTON . 31/6 ptlgraflrflie. tt.sI.S. Staieol (A. 'S. Frigate). December 22 BIRMINGHAM 30/AI ku,.sttis for trials. Iliume Sea Service. Corn COVENTRY " 27/missuons Marsh 3. Fishing Protection Squad WARWICK 24/rain. U.K. BasC Port. Rosyth. BANBURY 2t/11.51.5. Phoebe (A. -S. Fruira:c). December. a OXFORD 17/'. Sers ice Commission. Home (,tassiuss. General 1,/BRISTOL ... East of Site, - Home Last of Suez. Capt. (D SALISBURY (11th U.K. Ba.se Pen. Chat F.scott Squadron. WORCESTER 27/hani (tinder consideration). GLOUCESTER 3-31)t.M.S. Falmonib (A.,5. Frigate). January Ii READING 12/.11 I)csonpi'rt. General Serlice Commission PORTLAND 17/,Phased.) Ito me. East ot Sue,;llome,'Eai( c PLYMOUTH 33/LONDON from PORTSMOUTH 13/6 'LONDON from GOSPORT 15/°LONDON from H.M.S. COLLINGW000 14/By SOUTHDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Ltd. At your service Al) these services will take the following route f the convenience of Service Personnel: R.M. Barracks, Eonney: Royal Sailors' Home Club' . Unicorn Gate. Queen nicer: R,N. Barracks for H.M.S. Excellent: HilIetr Lid.. Stan/ey Rd. Con?,an, Hornet: Harrison Rd., Farcham G'RTIS N.B.-To all ships visiting Ports~); mouth: Special facilities to meet your particular travelling requirements can be organised at short REMOVALS and WAREHOUSING notice. PACKING FOR SHIPMENT Write phone or call TRIUMPH COACHES 13 CIa rendon Road, Southsea 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Phone 27351 Te!ephone ISIS


at Wraysbury Manor, near PORTSMOUTH and SOUTHSEA modern, superbly constructed homes with luxury fittings, permanent exterior finishes. Garage. Set in glorious parkland overlooking open farmlands. Terraced or detached houses, 3 bedrooms, from £3,995 freehold. Flats, 2 or 3 bedrooms, from £3,650 leasehold. - for literature Write and please mention where you saw (hue advertisement


.1 and squadrons is obvious. As it is anticipated that in the event


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CAR-VALUE (PORTSMOUTH) LTD. 140 GLADYS AVENUE (Opposite Alexandra Park) Tel 62491 Tel 62491 PORTSMOUTH Post now for details. vehicle shortly. I am interested in purchasing a New/Used Please send Club Brochure and details of prices and terms of year.............. w.thout obligation. make ........................... .H.P Name ....................................................................................................... Ship's Address ...................................................................................................





name is Able Seaman Chokka. R.N., the mascot of H.M.S. Sh'asington, MY known to our friends as "Shays." I am a familiar sight in Malta sitting on the forecastle (that's the sharp end of the ship) ssith the hands fallen in for entering and leaving harbour. Although an Alsatian type 1 am one of the gentlest dogs one could wish to meet. The most unusual thing about a' ' dog of my size is that the children just adore me, and make a "dog's life" a" F' pleasant thing when we meet. Needless to say I in turn am very fond of them. and will let them do what they .ill j with me. 1 hey are always asking their fathers to bring me home with them . on week-ends (short ones of course). I went home this week-end with a certain - senior rate and almost disgraced myself / a show cabinet, and if he by upsetting ' ' reads this I want him to know that it wasn't entirely my fault; if his budgie hadn't decided to settle on my nose .111 - would have been well. - -:-

SUPER RUNS ASHORE I think that I can truthfully say that lam the mod widely travelled dog this side of the line. Last year alone my mileage was 14,007 miles. I have travelled round the whole of the Metiterranean and have had some super runs ashore. Although I usually have to be kept on a lead in foreign ports, 1 still manage a sly run ashore when the Q.M. turns his hack. I have chased "pie-dogs" in Tripoli and explored the ('asbahs in Imir and Tangier. Once I missed the ship in Athens and had two glorious days on the run until the Shavingion returned from an exercise. One incident occurred only recently in Venice. I proved too strong for my handler and he ended up in the Grand Canal -it was very cold in Marchnow I know the meaning of a "Sailor's Farewell." I have also been dragged round the shops at La Spezia (Italy), Nice and Toulon (south of France) looking for rabbits (our term for presents). But my favourite place of all is Ibiza. an island off the Spanish coast: there I feel really at home. These long-haired Ii um:i n beings, I



No. 116




Killisport expects SIR,-H..%1.S.Ioch to return to Portsmouth in early August. The Petty. Officers' Mess has a very fine glass rack, presented to them by Frank Greenhaugh, an ex-Leading Writer, now a Customs Officer in llong Kong. One of the conditions on presentation was that when we pay off the rack should he passed on to another Petty Oiliecrs' Mess. preferably, on a ship

BOUT 30 "Loch" claas anti-sub

marine frigates were built durini the war, most of them being launches in 1944. Loch Lomond (above) war laid down on December 7, 1943 launched on June 19, 1944 and cons pleted on November 16, 1945, beint built by the Caledon Shipbuilding and Eng. Co. Ltd., of Dundee. Originally of 2,260 tons displace ment (full theremainin g load) "Lochs**-Alvic, Fada, Killisport an Lomond-were modernised and air conditioned for service in the Persian Gulf avid now have a displaccnicn (full load) of 2,400 tons. Length A


am trying to collect informaSIR.-1 tion and particularly first hand accounts front survivors of the disaster of September 22. 1914, when the three Shavington.) cruisers Cressy, Ilogue and Aboukir were sunk by the German submarine believe ).oil have a name for them U.9. I would parlicularlv like details of Beatniks--but even with thern 1 wa the movements of the ships in the days very popular. 1 love swimming and my major de immediately before and after the degoing to the Far East. 307 feet (o.a.) and the beam is 13 feet Would any Petty Officers* Mess light whilst at sea is when "Hands t Armament consists of two 4-inch claration of war, comments on boat which would like this fine glass rack. :and six 40mm Mk. 9 Bofors A.A. gun drill and life-saving gear, and arrangebathe" is piped and 1 join the crew i which holds 24 glasses. please contact and two water polo. Occasionally my tect Squid triple-barrelled depth ments and the general awareness, if nit as soon as possible-Yours. ctc charge mortars. puncture the ball but they are goo any, of the submarine peril in those 1. R. STOREY, P.O.Wtr., H.M.S. hands and never charge me up fo Capuble of 191 knots their radius i days. Loch Killisport. it. 1 dive in from the upper deck. ever 9,500 miles at 12 knots. Complemen May I ask for the hospitality of your time a "belly-flop," but its a majo paper in printing this letter, as it seems is 124 to 140 officers and men. evolution for the lads to haul me in likely that some of your readers might IS.' able to i,,'In m,' In nfl, researches board with the special harness the from column 3) (Continued Me. into this almost forgotten incident. put on 1 RSIA 1 ION ha, tcers reectied that the I.'EX 555'47 3, 1. tuning LFX 838486 MY father. Capt. R, W, Johnson, In conclusion 1 guess that you would COINI :q [",c tcco ( h.cl llclo R.N, was Captain of the Cressy, the call me a typical Matelot, always last P14912-3 1). W. ktcr~han. icl A,tll.,~f rItc : To AcIta Chief Electrical .5nh8c (AIR) last of the three ships to be sunk, and aboard but first ashorc.-Transi~tic d 1. Acting Chief Fasatincroom Artificer 913777 P 1. Sser LIF 928771 V. P. NIX ---SADDS A. Pccl. NIX 8SW6 1. It. T. a5 lost. Yours, etc. Group Captain from "Yap" by P.O.M.I(E) S. JOHNI Hull. Wnght. NIX 1455f,7-, 1). G. Bca~en' SIX 81P6145 In Chief EIeclrtcian (AIR) P. W, JOHNSON. D.S.O., O.B.E., SON, Highbury London. N.5. D. C. %%.[.,n. NIX 855799 R. F. Holl.nd %tX 5h2617 G. lland. NIX901(1310 K. li,ndlc I).F.(., A.F.C 69 lianbleden, HenleyNIX x5551P3 P. K. Ell :I, NIX 912580 A. 1. Br..J~ To Chief Radio , I'X 593577 3. I. Wsrih. on- I barnes. Oxon. .1 1 '-.ctiag Chief %lccb3ni,lan Chokka-the


i%idely travelled Mediterranean. (Photo:

dog in the Lieut.-Cdr. M. B. Casement. IL.SI.S.


KX ih2~ 1). KX 848102 J.S. 1 ithl~".. K `116956 G. i;CC;tkC). lo Chief Ship-righl Anificer NIX 62-;41) V. L. Alen. \1 1)33622 A. E. Ch Plin six 18-10 R. D.."g.Dr. SIX ~M3t,S .M. G. ill.,(( 2 n Chief Engineering Mechanic KX A. M. Ric. KX 398074 R

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Ilte Fditor, "Navy Nems," R.N. Barracks. Portsmouth : Please forward one postmd of ALMS. Hardy, as reproduced at the top of this pM, for which 1 attach a stamp vallue 21d. Newt ~Use ~ k~ pk~.) Name ................................................ Address .............................................. ............. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcard photographs of the pmi~ &hips in this series may be obtained without coupon, price 6d.


each including postage. See this page for names of ships already issued.


Albums to hold 64 ~m* my he ~wdfrom


the Editor, ~Ills. ", ~ free.




1 o Acting Chief Ordeance Artificer six 8,s - 8 J. 811, Ritain,. SIX 902423 M. 11 1). Bt,,.n. NIX 902663 Nt. A To %ciin Chief Control Artificer (M >IX G. lia.ihorne. NIX 70',,~: ). \k .Nt 1)3;~82 11 L. J. Maddock. TO Actiatic Chief Lleetricil Arlificer NI 054%3'D G. R. 11m1D. NIX 887927 M. 1. K \IX 902f0A D. J. D. Farmer. M\ .,i ~ 17-1; L E. 0.en. 1. kcling Chict Elecifical Mechanician NIX 664)626 It. F. BUShCll. 9,1 autiel .M.I. n11,31).~ L. Camphell six 84.11S06 1. % K, stX 841)5M0 P. 1.. K. ( ~.nitc,,. NIX rk. 1: 1 homp,on. NIX 'Dodo; I H. 51. D-icy. 1. Pactian Chiel[ Natifics Electrical Artificer NIX 1(12111.1t G. 1. S th. Nt 4336M R. A. 1). M A. E. Sjunders. SIX 902622



lloll ....

ClaW R.Pil. Electrician ;4 G 1 '. ('-,k NIX 8-3862 A. E. Cone. NI 103215 R. L5..rds. T.b,\~:hkf C.Mmunicalion Ycoanaa lbo~4~e, J. Shotton. 1. %" ic~b chief relay officer N%X 840814 J. A. Billing,. NIX 888315 G. E. Wcht,cr. NIX 839019 G. W. ifaylor. MX 887148 P. A. Coit. To Chief Par lay OM J 921)217 F. G. Rinitham. ]X -60165 G. S. Whiechunt. JX 820493 1). E. Trurnan. JX £58393 8. K. 830533 P. J. Broad. 1X Skyrnac..JX D. rnctt. JX 840272 F. [fall. 3X 1. 14Plit E. 'IAVIor. JX 8433.N W. C. Witherell. 1 "I X sn 1196 Morgan. NIX 646407 W. Z. ( t,lc. To Chief Pests Officer VVriter NIX S6-482 D. W. 5. Adansx. SIX 973535 A. lic,l.. NIX 1b01028 G. E. Booth. NIX 867458 1). %k Dunitcy. To Chief Pieto9, Offictr Store. AC"ORI2al (11 , 0 P. M. tx MIS1 K. BArro.. NIX 38W Ro,c. ]a Chief Prig) Officer Stores Accountant (5) NIX M9740 P 'lolt. To Chief Prig, Officer Cook (S) MN M42'c41 C. C. Curlix. lo ('blot Petty Oiic~ stewam 1 X S1)4259 D. L. King. LX 5411033 J. F. lo


1. Chict relly Officer cook (0) SIX R. E. ro Chief Air Htetr (AF) (Continued in column



ph,,40.raPhi (It the folkiwint P0SICARD [Lm %hip,, may be obtained. price 6d. each. which n~.:udc% powilic. ' [hccus Bul.,rk. Ocean. Eagle. Centaur. GIA't; site. Albion. Ark Royal. Daring. Chey' run. Zc,%z. Vinguard, Murray. CumbcrIand. s'or pion. Liverpool. Apollo. Lynx. Sali%burIr. Shcnicki. Girdle ~;cs' . Makisione. Newtound. lind. War rior. at itannia. Bermuda. %ictorious. ('titi,nna. Alamein. Vcro. Tyne. Jutland. Talent. Palk%cr. Explorer. Porpoise. Redpole. Gambia. 'lizcr. R-sell. Dainty. Protector. Undine. Delender. Dartington. Carron. %"itby. Easthburne. 'lofquay. Mounts Bay. Belfast. lie~. Armand2. Yarmouth. Lion. Harivignall Point. 1.c~vpard. Token. (,Wchrstcr. Echo, Loch Faida. Excalibur. Troubridire. lenhy. Puma. Blake. heron. Cachalot. BlackRhyl. Camperd wri. t ]. Berwick. Diamond. Acheron. LID5burat. Skarboroush. Sea Lion. Fainvouth. Ashand. ttr,)ad,.x,rd. R.A.F. Tislesurge. Striker. Ply~th. flarrosa. Viratex. Liandaft. Nubian. 11,xm"ire. Gurkha. Caprice. Adamant. RA~. Kicheis. Brave Borderer. Axincoun. Lcander. Grenvilic. Tartar. Jaguar. London. Aiax. Ikyonshire. Low toft. Kept. J11Pardy. Dreadnought.

Eagle (aged~). Lynx (~cfni"). and Cambrian. -

SUPER MINX DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD A Rootes car ordered from us can be delivered anywhere in the world. Remember, No Purchase Tax if you buy at home and export within six months. We make all the arrangements-export formalities, insurance, shipping, everything. Call at our showrooms or write to us today. HILLMAN SUPER MINX-Saloon £650 Estate Car £675 Don't forget, if returning home, a new car purchased through E.M.A. can be wafting for you on the docks. :r'i anywhere in the U.K.



Tian of the Cossack' at', Portsmouth FRIGATES Navy's




Great Britain in 1940 February. Everyone now over 30 or so will retail Whistly Ships Loch the occasion when 1I.M.S. Cossack . Killisport escaped the monotons entered a Norwegian fiord and rescued of anti-filtration patrols to pay a 300 British seamen from the Altmark. to Manila last month, and the a floating prison for the crews of fliervisitors. the traditional %i-.it to the chant ships sunk by the German paid pocket battleship Gral Spec. which San Miguel Brewery and local cigar factory. was scuttled alter the Battle of the During their visit both ships were River Plate on December 17, 1939. The Cossack was commanded at dressed overall on two occasions and that time by Capt. Phili Vian. RX, Whithy entertained about 90 orphan%. us Admiral olfthc Ficet Sir '['he children. accompanied by five sbseqtiently Philip Vian, and on June 22 the nuns. entertained their hosts before Admiral unveiled a painting, by Nor- leaving with songs sung to the accomflifl)Cflt of guitars and banjos. man Wilkinson. in the wardroom of DS. .1 a....-,..t,, D..-,. The prizcgiving and annual inspcc-

The painting depicts Cossack along- tion of the Gordon Boys' School will side the Altmark. which had run be held at the school on Saturday. aground trying to ram the destroyer. July 24. The inspecting officer will be After unveiling the painting, which shows the snow-covered rocks and which brought forth from Sir Philip. ---It looks a bit wintry." the Admiral spoke good-humouredly and in a re flective mood, on the event, Among the many people present were Cdr. Bradwell Turner. R.N who lest the boarding parties. Mr. lvor Davis, who was a Boy Seaman in sack. Rear-Admiral P. C. Sharp. Hag Officer Sea Training, who was a Sub-Lieutenant in H.M.S. .Sikh. one of the Cossack's escorting ships. and Mr. P. J. Lloyd. Managing Director of John Harvey and Sons Ltd.. whose firm presented the painting to the mess.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles G.C.B.. C.B.E.. Elworthy. D.S.O.. M.V.O D.F.C A.F.C. All Old Boys will be very welcome. Notice of mIenlion of coming to the Bursar would be appreciated. The annual reunion dinner of the Harwich Naval Forces Association War) will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday, September 25. at the Victors' Es - Services Club. 63/79 Seymour Street. London. W.2. (Near Marble Arch.) Address for correspondencc: Capt. P. 1. Gunn. D.S.M.. RN.. Mill Cottage, Bclchamp Waler, Sudbury. Suffolk.







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you, you leave the Navy after 22 years' service, plus Life cover for the family, for only £3 per month-or a pension of £195/12/- a year at 65-saving and security. service

22 years



ors challenge




During Whitsun, 1965. two teams ° ' C., members of the %.R.NS. serving in in the Plymouth area the annual Ten from h W' ' serving in serving H.M.S. . a ci FOR Tots contest, held over the Whitsun week-end and open to young men and .Drake, Plymouth an completed the course and rewomen from the Services, Youth Clubs, Schools, Pot ke Cadet Force, etc., is a (rPoint.corP and certificates in r.Logchallenge to be taken seriously. For weeks beforehand preparations are made nition of their achievement and finally teams are completed and leaders chosen. The event Is sponsored by the Duke of EdinburRh's Award and organised by the Junior Leaders One member of the team from eriment m .. ..op. on a gnu s. "0 quouc from the puunisuvu handbook IJraKc, wren .,uuy nmcv.cit. 01 the aim of "The Ten Tots" is *'To encourage learns of young people to take Penzance. a motor transport driver, part In an expedition across Dartmoor." had a week earlier at the A.A.A. meetThis is not in any way a competition over moorland terrain in 36 hours in- ing at Par broken the County record and in fact is not treated as such, but eluding It) hours compulsory rest, for Cornwall in the Putting the Shot it is a challenge to young men and fitness is Physical a event. She did this by 3fm. 4in. and the obviously women to attempt to achieve the all- "must." but equally the ability to live record now stands to her credit at too-strenuous task of covering 35 miles with others in an outdoor environment 3Oft. 4in.

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'5 . The W.R.N.S. team from II.M.S. Drake. Left to right: Wren A. Wren J. Bleweft, Wren H. Cooper, Third Officer S. C. Phillips. W.R.N.S Wren J. Piper, Wren J. Young (Leader), Wren J. Kirkland . is also important. The ability to read a map and compass, to cook outdoors. to pitch and strike tents are of the utmost importance and these have been learnt over several weekends since the beginning of March.


Monthly allotment on banker'a order



His savings are piling upare Yours?

Period of




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Address N.N.


Make sure your new suit is COOPERSTYLE






The Fleet's needs met from 750,000 separate items of stores

replenishment at sea, remarks will certainly have been made on the D(RING variety. of stores taken inboard, such as ammunition, oil fuel. frozen meat. machincr spares, fresh fruit, radio valves. N.A.A.F.I. beer and a host of other Cot niiiiiditjes all of which are necessary to keep the Fleet in operational readiness. The hacking required to provide these logistic services is considerable. emnprising large administrative, accounting, industrial and shipping all working to the direction of an Admiralty Board member named appropriately the ('hid of Naval Supplies and Transport (C.N.S.T.). Vice- -dmiral Sir Raymond S. Haw- Transport service is brought into play kias, K.(.lt.. is the present C. N.S.T. for their distribution to overseas depo: ri this capacity lie is responsible and delivery to the Fleet at sea. UrgL-i or tile ill tilagement of the three orders are despatched by air, hut cis li.in supply, departments-Naval main bulk of the work is performed Stores. Armaments and Victualling by the Royal Flee: Auxiliary Service. Sores- arid for the Fuel, Movements ss hich comprises a flee: of some 40 and 1 riiisport organisation: he also ships manned on Merchant Navy lines. Vice- dmiral Sir Raymond S. lii. similar responsibilities in conjunc- Naval men will have seen some of the llasskins. K.(.B, the Chief of 11 0:1 with the Second Sea lord for the replenishment tankers and and and support Nasal Supplies Transport conduct of the duties of the uniformed ships in operation throughout the ice-Controller of the Navy Supply and Secretariat branches of the world, and it is of interest to note that -------------------------------------------------------Rov.il Navy through the Director of the R.F.A. Fleet ranks as eleventh in ss h !1i;, group of midge: submarines Si ppl'. l)UIIL 5 ii of the shipping .. ssere prep.rrn for thier attack on , the "I irpiti. MAINTENANCE OF FLEET ince the war lie his commanded Adniiral hawkins, is also the ViceMOVEMENTS OF PERSONNEL St.. '. incent th and served in e Controller of the Navy and superinand Admiralty- before, as Naval Assistant osLmcnt o service men ten ' Oil L hi t (I file Controller t C families air trooping or sea are by the Controller. Rear-Admiral and mainDockyards organisation nowadays dealt with on a joint-service Nuclear Propulsion and Director of hC ot tR he Fleet. basrs. and Naval interests are repreFrr'rreeriir I bus the greater part of his work si. r i.d is required by C N S I s concerned with the naval civilian organisations v. hich provide employmt e "' for over SO.WX) people. Ap.tr t from the sc elI-known fuel. arin:imcnt. stores the depots:tt A l:TFR an extensive refit at II.M. lfnre Dockyards and Singapore, his t% Dockyard. Ross field extends to other- large and equally - thi. II.\1.S.- Sealion, the hunter-killer submarine of i c imp w mt concerns in the b ickground I I (1rpm C class commissioned for such as the Air Stores Depot at sers ice in the Third Submarine Llaiijcnncchi, % .ihcs. the torpedo who is an Squadron. based at 1-aslane, under the factory at Alexandria. Scotland, the Admiral Hawkins ''' of Li'uh.4dr. R. . Buckelectronic store depot at (openacre. engineering specialist has seen many June . 5 2 - k c u B .. ........Oil \Viltshire. the at great technical advances in his 37 clothing depot C prc'. this ship Of the n:ime had Bolton. l.anc:ishiire. and the S.P.D.C. Years in the Royal Nay.After leaving di till,. ii h.tJ and successful war at I ,ili.s lilt. Co. all are the Ro *1 Naval Engineering College cot!one period she equally concerned ii providing the in 1931 he served in the battleships --[d . -- who ryan - Rwas needs of the Fleet with a range of Iron Duke and Resolution and sub- at_r , retiiriied :s a Re.ir-Adn?iral, one stores s; hiich totals to over threea submarine seqtientlvqualified as o. the most t iiiloiis svar time subquarters of a million different items. officer. - iiinn.indi.rs. After serving in several submarines Having thus organised the procuremerit or of these neces- he became Flotilla Engineer Officer of the Intl Movements ird I )Uai l)4 the l2hsuh ii ir i









arid victualling

i time





Alan 'I moles, leading Writer. P/M. 976543. II.\l.S. .-riel. Died April 11), I nioim John leesey. Act, Air Artificer, 2/c. L/F,05008I. II.M.S. Falcon. Died April 11, 1965, 4 c-i Alan Rothwehl, Nasal Air Mechanic (AE), 1st Class, ,1 Liifltt 1071621, ® II.M,S. Bulwark. Bank 1,10y Died April 12, 1965, Barrje Wilson Care. Electrical sTKI:r. 7 WMilK' Mechanic I/c. P/M.05$580, l1.\Ls. Excellent. Died April 19, 1965, . Cordon Frederick Masters. Act. . -. : Petit Officer, P/JX.855377, lft)tlghi()n. Diet] April 21, 1965. lerence Rees Morgan. Marine. R.M.17865, Plymouth Group Ro%al Marines. Died April 28, 1965. How paying John Leslie harrison. Leading Seaman. P/JX. 899428. hI.M.S. Caledonia. Died April 29, 1965. Alan Christopher Mills. Act. Leadby cheque ing Radio Electrical Mechanic (Air). 1.1057213, I1.M.S. Osprey. Died May 7, 1965. Michael Thomas William Parry. helps your pay Able Seaman. P/J.932742, I1.M.S. Osprey. Died May 7, 1965. Anthony Burke. Naval Airman lie. 1.1071550. 1I.M.S. Sea Eagle. go further Died May 11, 1965. 1udoico ('imrvaiho. Petty Officer Steward. L/LI.583406. II.MS. juf;,ir. Died April 22, 1965. lrancir, Esanc, Act, Chief Engine Room Artificer. P/MX.N I86, hI.M.S. Mull of Kintyre. Died May. 1. 1965. l)asid Charles Chessell. Able Seaman. P/J.972454. hl.M.S. Jufair. Died May 20, 1965. l)asiil Brown. Radio Communication's Lloyds Bank otters full banking Operator. P1053288. help members of the Royal Navy hl.M,S. Plover. Died May 30, and Royal Marines, You can get services to all ranks of the Royal 1965. it at any branch - or, if you like, Navy and Royal Marines. Adrian John Bruce Mosley. Relations write to the Public Ordnance Artificer 2/c. DIM. When you have a bank account, 932510. H.M.S. Medway. Died Officer, Lloyds Bank Limited, you'll find that paying by cheque, June 8. 1965. Post Office Court, 10 Lombard automatically having a record of Jones. Able Seaman. P/O Gwyn Street, London, E,C.3, never carrying 66030. hl.M.S. Vernon. Died June your outgoiiigs, 7, 1965. unnecessary amounts of cash on Richard Alun Rateman. Radio all help you to have a clear you Electrical Mechanic Ale. PlO view of what you're doing with L~-8-7q~_ 6*834. l1.MS. Osprey. Died June I it to much your money. lelp go II. 1965. David Alexander Muir. Marine. further. R.M.2252I. -45 Cdo. Royal Ask for our fr-cc booklet which LLOYDS BANK, Died June 10, 1965. Marines. Bank can IIEll, FULStIRVICE FOR GOOD.-'tNI) explains how Lloyds









,rOpç r



that Bernard, tailor Uniforms correct in every detail and perfectly finished . . . a 'Terylene'/ Worsted Uniform at £23.19.6 to measure or £19.15.0 Ready to wear is outstandingly good value. Full details of &'pnur(/n Service from branches or write t,,) C. H. Bernard & Sons Limited Anglia House, Harwich, Essex. Telephone 2281 30 Royal Parade, Plymouth. Telephone 66343 40 Commercial Road, Portsmouth. Telephone 26116 12 Kirkgaie, Dunfermline. Telephone 23786 43 Ordnance Street, Valetta, Malta and at Chatham, Portland, Deal, Grim4by, Londonderry, I1eIenbmirgh, Gibraltar, II.M.S. Dolphin, I1.M.S. Pembroke, Lottiemouih, Arbroath, Brawdy, CuIdruas, Cor..hiam, 1.ynmp.mmone, Yrovihton and Poole







The guided missile detro er U.S.S. (laude \


hidi is mantled In.

ailors of six


ExDeriment shows mixed-manned ship can be efficient

examples. it German sailor was brush-



';': eating' ckand. 's the guided warship with men of various nationalities. And not just run it, but run it most efficiently. The Claude V. Ricketts has cornrhere are two officers and 4 pleted over half of the period of a from West Germany. two officers and ' mixed-manning demonstration, in lot- 30 men from Italy. two officers .10(1 the late men from Greece. two officers (not ten filment of a promise made h President Kennedy to make available as stated iii the June issue of Navy and 24 men from the Ros at to interested countries ss thin on officer and 17 melt from .1 modern complex \rn rut in ss irship \ is', the Netherlands. and "thc remainder to demonstrate the concept of multiheine United States officers and inert. national manning. 1)uring the period tit mixed nizill F". . this mr se hi_n \1 isid m mniuittj, is not new. Mans all non-U.S. personnel ssull return to ships are mixed manned and their own navies the ship's ceumple- there sserc foreigners in the British 16 has been to rupo i_mi 01 Iii. t it I r ii iii. ur Pm,rsonni_l in tile mi_nt of d according to about 0 per cent. U S n us s then and d stros r arm, runt mt 50 per cent from tile nuvis of West n.ituonaiits. but according to the ship to which they in. (,trrii ins Greece. hall. The Nether- et ti intmtnt linds United Kinedorn. assuitned. \lans living spaces contain and the urn rti,i_nt iii reprts Of iris i_s Iron) ill six of the Originally there %% ;is i one oIl ice r and about l) r.it units of the part icipa ii ti g nations. 1 iirkish navy. hut, to the regret of the When the ship first st.urfed the natuur.i!l', commanding officer. (dr. Thomas F. denumunsfr.uiinn there ss as, I o rt son. U.S. N.. who described the .u ft er se uurk in it hoii rs,,m n inclination CO lit in gent as first cIa ss. the Turkish for the v.i rio ii s tl,mt i ona Ii ties to ite t t0 was us itlid rass n last gether su ith their oss n kind, but .is the Contingent " iS _hrii irs slu_mon Ir utii'uu p there u_ri_s

destroyer. it is possible to run modern. complex I

pinning of December


,poke 1 I

Selling Fast

LIVING IN HSH BO% Cdr Fortson said the ship was :15 jut_nt is in) other IM).(,. ship and more than equal of mans.. 1-1e mid ..It is like living in i fish howl c'.eI S one looks to the ship to see if it is be. rig run well-- and that, of course puts ill 00 board on their toes'.German. Italian. Dutch and B ri r 'h cooks prepare the meals and there were no real complaints. The Royal P.O. Cook stated: ''It's no Navy different to cook i nit in a R oval Nays there were, ship." Some thought perbut hips.. loo man', su',m,ct mm, it ---Mother all the family. please wwwww all the time." said one member of the crew. Regarding pay. Commodore Fort, son said that the Americans us crc tile. highest paid. but that the s',i rumuius (jovertinients had augmented the pay of their nationals, and there seemed to be no real dilliculiies on this point. The British contingent had no complaints on this score. The C,, sit id he felt that if it Multi-l.,ocral F orce ever came though ' it "(iLild he necessary for all he paid at the same rate. according t vi The ship's company is healthy and there is plenty of sport. with molie-




ROYAL NAVY This interesting book by Oliver Warner, published in magazine format and containing over 50 illustrations, is proving of great interest to serving and retired Naval personnel.

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I hchildren during aparty given For them Ply mouth

c;I;I rippled and Oboard

Commonwealth Squadron visits Bangkok

soccer match between the Squadron and the Bangkok Bank (lob. The result was a 3-I win to the Thais after a closely fought game. Afterwards cacti member of the (omiiionssealth team was presented with a Thai silk tic with the emblem of the h ink attached. --


A Ilk( man I honison R N ) H 1.S "ttufress (I ieut.-Cdr. ('. W. C. Swinles-. . ADMIRAL Sir Desniond ICE R N I It %l S Vampire (Capt I) ,j er Chief of Nasal Personnel II imer WS.(., R 4 N ) II M A S , urra and Second Sea Lord. and Rear N ) (Capt. B If. I oxton R Admiral horace Rot'hforf Lass. "ho It \I S Corunn m t('dr. B K Shumtfock K N I and II \l S Parraniatt (Cdr this month takes up the appointment of Controller of the Navy, ssere pro. K II Perc R A N ) ice dmmr.mI ris l iii. ships ss ere very in being unoled Admiral and peclisely to date June 4, 1965. ,ulit ca ted commercial berths in t It is Admiral very bus', port. Since the object of :he Drever, who Won the sit ss asto cement an ,ilrc:tdv friendly D.S.C. white serving as G Iinner Ollirelationship, and for recreation and cer of II - M . S. Ajax during the Battle ret as at ion. full use was made of it. of the River Plate, became the first loiirs %% ere arranged for as many Commander, Far East Fleet after the is toiild .o o the floating m irki_ s of formation of the unified tonint mud in ti,' riser and I, mtu,',' iiint's and other the Far Fast in 1962 l,mces 0! unique interest in this land. Vice-Admiral law, M lo uunrjl reof smiles and gentle manners. cently was Flag Officer, Submarines. flue Squadron earn us as unbeaten was Mentioned In t)esp:itches during , titer polo arid hockey. he A ust ra- the No rus egi:m n campaign aft(] tu us a rded lutu uu clement Considerable the D.S.C. for services in the Mcdilending eight and skill to the former. The terranean as a Gunnery Oflucer in the spin tituC high-light was a televised Second World War. --_----


Get all your needs from NAAFI

donc ixell at sport and its 'Iti!crnat i otttd football tea composed mainly of British. Dutch and Germ:iuis. For high days and holidays, whether has only been beaten once. 'rite Cartyou re planning a family holiday or Lfin said. too. that there us tic plen ty of leave. hut 'plenty' depends upon just a picnic, whether you go by car, us ha: a man is used to. One Royal rail, air or even by bicycle - wherever j Navy rating (he was not vo:citlg tiny you go. however you go, it will pay to dissatisfaction). - referred the you to get all your needs from Naafi. Ruckett.s as a Cinderella ship. Asked he meant lie said "Well, CmSuitcases . Holdalls - Duffle Bags derella had to be in by midnight, and - Tents Travelling Rugs Camping 50 do ss. All night night leave is flOt Transistor Radios Equipment On request. of course, an Cameras Bicycles Vacuum Flasks application is alwtmys given due conTravel Clocks sidermtiori. but only oil about tus 0 Battery Shavers, occasions during the demonstration so far, has all night leave been gusen Whatever need,




--a privilege which is more or lcs general in the Royal

Price 5/- each


was taking an American sailor to his home in St. Albans for five days leave. Asked about language difficulties the captain said that all men had to know English. for the orders. etc are always even in that tongue. The supply oflicer of the ship, an American officer. seven languages and took classes T the end of the ten-day SEATO in the various I mnii mi_s to i_n ihit sire i5( St ihorse .m Commonwealth :hosc whose "its a little Enelish Squadron of ships visited Bangkok. "rusty" to perfect that languatte. One ili ships present "ere H.M.S. Plysailor said that tboard could floss I mouth I)S in six swear languages! 'Sts 1Chichester 'r



July. 196S


IIARI)-WORKING SHIP C.P.O. F. \V. Johnston, the senior Royal Navy man on board described he ship as a happy and efficient one. Officers and met are hard-worked, and Royal Navy ships would have to 'steam' to keep pace with the Rickerts during sumch jobs as oiling and storing under way. U.S.S. Cltitude V. Ricketts is making a tour of European NATO bases and arrived at Portsmouth on June 3 for a seven-day stay. During the visit the officers and men of the British contingent tire being given leave-- the first opportunity to visit their homes since I the demonstration started 155 else months ago. Donovan John Shedlock Captain Newton retires from the post of Marine Superintendent of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service. the senior post in the Service. on July 2.



It DVS to consult Naafi first


Articles costing ÂŁ5 or more may be bought on Nauuins easy instalment credit terms NAAFI Headquarters, London. S.E.1 1.







FTER three months in Portsmouth Dockyard, during which period equip,£ ssas brought up to scratch, repairs effected, a bottom scrape, and leave to those on board. H.M.S. Centaur (Capt. 0. II. M. St. J. Steiner, R.N.) sailed for the Mediterranean on April 8 to begin the second leg of her current General Service Commission, the first of which had been so action packed. Her Air Group. 892 Squadron (Sea Vixens) (Lieut.-Cdr. B. G. Young. RN.) and 849 "B" Flight (Gannets) E. S. E. Taylor. RN.) embarked in the Channel from Ycovilton and Brawdy respectively on the following day. During the ship's slay in Portsmouth visitors to the ship had included the Commander-in-Chief. Home Fleet. (Admiral Sir Charles Madden. Bt., G.C.B.) and the Master and five Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers. The coachmakers had adopted the present Centaur when she was first commissioned in 1953 and, in his letter of thanks to the captain, tile Master Coachmakcr. Sir James Miller. the Lord Mayor of London, said. "May I

sax' how very impressed wc were by the happy relationship sshich seemed to exist throughout the ship's this ssas most striking."


LEAVE IN GIBRALTAR The first part of the flying "work-up" took place in the Gibraltar area and gave an opportunity, when the ship anchored in Algeciras Bay. to give the first foreign leave of this lig. Gibraltar had not been visited by the ship this commission and it was the first chance for many of the junior ratings to explore the Rock and, for some, to cross the border into Spain. at which pedestrians experienced no ditlicultv. Advantage ssas taken of the sports facilities to field teams of soccer. hockey and basketball against the

H.M.S. Caesar

Caesar returns after four CRETANS' years in the Far East WARM Caesar returned to Portsmouth on June 24 after four years in the Far H.M.S. WELCOME


HEART-WARMING demonstraas tion of affection for Britain the enjoyable lot of 12 from the submarine, H.M.S. Onslaught, during its four months' detached service in the Mediterranean. The submarine called at Heraklion and the party decided to go overland to Suda Bay. the boat's next port of call. One Sunday afternoon we were deposited in the village of Anova. some 3,000 feet up in the mountains. The drive, in a Greek army bus had been terrifying as we hurtled along the edge of great canyons and ravines, and in Anoya we were surrounded by rather hostile villagers. Sadly. the war has left indelible memories with these people and it was not until we said that we were English that the hostility faded,

When Centaur visited Naples in early May the opportunity, was taken to entertain local orphan children, and here some of them are enjoying themselves in company with some of the Centaur "pirates." Whenever one of H.M. Ships visits a foreign port, and tinue permits, sonic of the "under-privileged children" are taken on board and given V.I.P. treatment at a party which they remember for months to come





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Naval Base teams, in which Centaur gained decisive victories at soccer and hockey. During the subsequent flying period a number of visitors were flown on board by helicopter, including the ViceController of the Navy. (Vice-Admiral R. S. I-lawkins. C.B.). the Flag Officer, Gibraltar. (Rear-Admiral T. W. Best), and I-I.B.M. Ambassador to Madrid (Sir George l.abouchere. K.C.M.G.).

'OUZO' SAMPLED That night we camped on a hillside above a large village, the inhabitants j of which turned out to a man to come and inspect its. One or two brought welcome flasks of wine to fortify themselves and its against the appalling i weather, After supper we repaired to the bar in the evening and spent a happy evening sampling Ouio and Retsina and Turkish coffee. There was a general atmosphere of conviviality and clashing of glasses and shouting of "Viva," and all this despite a complete language barrier. We had a most uncomfortable night. The tents, supposedly for six, were built only for four and it rained hard all night. At half-past five in the morning all were tip wringing out sleeping bags and clothing, but we manufactured a watery breakfast of sausages and beans and by half-past eight were on our way. We aimed to go cross-country, round the western shoulder of the Mount Ida range and spend a night at the nlon.ustery there. There was a track marked on the map but this petered out after about a mile or so, and so we sseuit on by compass and found ourselves in some really rough country on steep that took heavy. toll of unfit submariners. Suddenly we sighted a village among the trees and sse staggered tossards it. but found the way barred by a deep ravine. Fortunately villagers came to our rescue and showed us the ss .iy to cross it.

VISIT TO NAPLES On May. 5 the flag of the Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean (Admiral Sir John Hamilton, K.B.E.. C.B.) was hoisted and the ship sailed for Naples. where a four-days' stay proved much too short to explore fully the delightfill scenery from Po,,uoli to Amalli and Sorrento, the lovely islands of Capri and lschia. and the historic ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneuim. Sport was encouraged h' the fine weather and the ship's rugby team, in its last game of the season, beat the local Army side t9-0. Teams of soccer, volleyball and tennis ss crc also landed, and a cricket team travelled to j Rome for a most worth'ss bile visit. AMERICANO' WELCOME After four days exercising with II (MS. Eagle, during which there was a By half-past four wc were ill the comprehensive sporting programme be- bar and again our arrival was obvitween the two ships. ('ent:iur left for a ously an event of some moment. Then visit to Istanbul and l,mir, flying the in strode an elderly man with three flag of the Commander-in-Chief. (Continued on page II. column 3)







- and -






Ship's Company. Dances

whether a Submarine-Destroyer-Battleship or Aircraft Carrier Let us have your enquiry OVER 70 SHIPS' DANCES CATERED FOR LAST YEAR Coil-Write--or-phone Portsmouth 32275-6 or 7 Make your first "Port of Call" for Dancing the SAVOY, also at KIMBELLS for Rhythm and Blues every SATURDAY, SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY.

East Fleet, having steamed nearly 200,000 miles during that period. She has had three ship's companies over the four years, The present ship's company flew out in Bangkok, Western Australia. Hong to Singapore in March. 1964. and. like Kong, and Nagasaki, all of which most units of the fleet have found were thoroughly enjoyed. themselves he a v i I y committed in In Australia the ports of Fremantle supporting Malaysia during the "con- and Bunbury, some hundred. miles frontation" period. Many days and further south, were visited, and the anti- hospitality of. and interest taken by the nights have been spent on infiltration patrols in the Malacca and locals, exceeded all expectations, some Singapore Straits and in North Borneo, 12.000 visiting the ship when she was but apart from arresting two illegal open to visitors. Indonesian traders in December. the RECORD SALE OF EFFECTS patrols have been reasonably quiet. Two of the ship's officers. however. Any commission inevitably has were shot at while commanding boat its bright and sad moments and the saddest has undoubtedly been the patrols at Tawaui, North Borneo. Innumerable boats have been intercepted death of Petty Officer Electrical and searched but all proved to be Mechanician hughes. lie leave a innocent fishermen or traders. One young wife and family, and the such trader off Borneo had nothing on ship's company have contributed board except £55,000 in cash with greatly to their assistance by raising which to buy cigarettes to smuggle some £1,400 at the auction of his into the Philippines, making himself a effects - surely a record for a sm.ill fortune in the process. destroyer. Within the last year the ship has On the brighter side the captain's taken part in two major fleet exercises wife presented him with a son early in and spent much time operating with the commission, the heir being duly the carriers Centaur and Victorious. baptised on board by the Squadron current political Chaplain. Inevitably in the situation much time has been spent in H.M.S. Caesar is commanded by and around Singapore. but the ship Capt. H. \V. E 1-lollins. RN.. the has been fortunate to get away to visits Captain (D), 26th Escort Squadron.





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July. 119a

















Area No. 2 Rally L.SPIFF the gloonty weather forecast for Saturday. ' June 5. At]] over 200 d Surrey ~i%iied D,hipiviites and their'families front all parts of Kent reunion of No. 2 trea of the Roy aI Naval Association. the ccathcr w.s litre enough for there scas a dance arid social evening theuir to enjoy a very "ell organised in the new I'ertihroke Club. and the phc sneal training display by the boys facilities acre an eye-opener to those whose years took them back to the od of the training ship Arethusa. and a Folloll Ing the displays there was in Area Standard competition. the first to be held. The judges. (dr. M. H. I.e Marc, R.N. (Captain. 1,S. Arethusa). L. Bates. 1.ieut -(di. J. Shipmate R N (Area Vice- Precideirt), Shipmate


-. , . t the I)i'.ilileil l'e.rpkr I liii, Iai,r of Eastbourne talking '.'.ith members . .i I is 'ru'Lirite and It


enjoyed the evening. The captain 0 H.M.S. Pembroke. (apt 1. E. Dunlop. RN.. joined the party during the even- ing and once again showed his interes: in the Royal Naval Association as he chatted happily with many there.





- b'.










Shipmate RG!csolIIorkybranC OWN COACH GO TO BEACH I N ausa:ded the contest to Shipmate A. lord. Cheam and Worcester Park I ikeland. of the Maidstone branch. Chatham, Gillingham. Temple Farm. Those present then ss-cnt to St. Maidstone. Canterbury, INIc:lrs ago the Eastbourne Royal Nasal Old Comrades* Club. headquarters of the Eastbourne Royal Nasal Lydd and tssociation and the Royal Marines Association, was approached to cater for and entertain a party from the OhsGeorge's C hiireh for the annual 5cr- Dungeness, Whitstibk. Folkestone., Sive. conducted h. the Rev. C - Walter. R:imcttate. Ilorlev. Secenoaks. Cro'.- -ichled People's Club, ('amberwell, for a day by the sea, The members ssished to sisit the iossn, but because of their the Area Standard and branch Slut- ,i,n :isese-.luf. \\eY: i:d Sslciip ihisahililies. catering establishments were unable to accommodate them. ]be Eastbourne Club accepted the challenge dards being laid at the altar. ]he and 29 ne,.nlp. in the main s'.heel-chair cases, visited the club. led by the Royal Marine march past. I he :si:is:is a great success and a band, was through the old barricks. die is iriide for the follo.vin 'Lt year reirieiirbered by so many of those t.iking part. and the salute was taken h Rear-Admiral I. L. 1. Hogg. Area ( it, members lowzirds the spastic,. I-lag Officer supported hs ha: :he Disabled People's Club should PARTY from the Shersood and the visitors the capt.iirr of the \l.l. S. the Area Shipmate (iodfrey. ire adopted and given a day out in Anold branch of the Royal Naval was most helpful in assisting those on the President. Admiral Ilogg praised I .ehourne every year. And so. the ni Nottingham. re- hoard with the it atites of the ships to Area turn-out, and spoke to the shipfirs Sunday in September, sees them Association. fro cently spent an enjoyable s'.eek-end in he seen. mat cc. ciioying themselves by the sea the pleasure to 1 he Saturday evening was spent at After tea in the Anson cafctaria I he membership of the Disabled Portsmouth and had . __..__..t_ .L..i..L ..c inc L I..." uo.i k...,.k(,k.. the Queen on her return iroin tier u c uu Ui Club has now reached the 100 greet association where the visitors were official usII to Germany. inni.irk and it has been every - year I he fist cvcflt arris if it Ports- made most welcome. Our reporter says crc.isingiy difficult to obtain ambu- 111,111 111 ss.is -i sisit to II M .S \ ietorv. 'Any branch within striking distance lance-type transport to bring down the said to he br the benefit of one or tao of should not hesitate to par many a heel-chair cases They have of recommendation of the party, them a visit-a had to rely on the L.C.C. transport th9 younger members which and tnis was followed by an inspection speaks for itself. in the and voluntary organisations F \ On the Sunday morning the hole o1 thes hips in the h ,irh,ur in I oridoit area oss ning such transport 0 h.,\ t:i,-, 1,jc i F"o years ago. when returning after ",:liccrcd-in" the Royal Yacht as she .9 %i,it to Eastbourne. one of the entered harbour after the German visit Brown l."` broke down and it was 3 a.m. a and in the afternoon the frigate H.'s!.S Watneys bcoaches efore the coach reached its destina'sisne was visited. '.there memories tion. It was then decided that a fund acre once again revived as the shipfor should be launched to raise money " mates trod her iron decks, climbed her the purchase of an ambulance coach l dders and inspected her armament. to call their '. ii The branch Secretary. Shipmate Connelly. was congratulated on the cn(OCH pt'R(H%SEI) Area of the RoaI Naval tire organisation and credit '.sas given. . }O.3 . branch f hi Association now has a ne , , t ttlh i The fund %& :&, cared in June, 1964. Shipmate \V frv for on a Ut the aid of an intcrcst May 21 the Area Secretary.: I tin lntrinrith long journ of ÂŁ500. a converted 4 I-seater Shipmate .-. l.cgge. attended by the Ci gM1 ij-.. h..n r.'- Area 'hinm,.i. President. Caniiiin ""'14 .-:lied. Gifts towards the cost of the 1. A. P. lacIntyrc and the Area Chair from man, Shipmate %. lIrigs. and reprehave been received 'rches in No. 3 Area. and from as scntatises from both (;usport and away as Stock ton-on-Tees. The Portsmouth branches, inaugurated the poflse is very gratifing and with Rake branch of the Association. A telegram of congratulation on the cotttinucd generosity (it the Easthoiirne (tub the loan should be re- opening the new branch ",is received ,-' from Headquarters and in his remarks paid h'. the end of the year. the The coach is fitted with a rear eke- Captain Maclnt re praised .ne lift. taking two wheelchairs at a founder members for the enthusiasm .j ' ime, and in the raised position be' and hard work involved in forming .\ come-. part of the internal floor of the the new branch. coach LIp to 14 chairs can be aceomThe new branch meets every Friday -riodated and there arc seats for 14 evening at the Sun Inn. London Road. i -: :lrr passengers. Rake. Liss. Hants at 8.0 p.m. and from On 'slay I Admiral Sir Frederick September onwards monthly President of the Royal Nasal are to he held. The secretary is Ship' _______ \soiation. presented the coach to mate A. Albcr. Bakers Cottage. Rake Disabled People's Club. With Sir Hill. Rake. L.iss. Hants Serving ind t ederiek were Commodore Sir Roy ex-serving naval folk in the surroundto heini . are ice-President of the RN. Asso- ing eoiintr v and President of No. I Area. irreinhers of this ,, J iyor of l-.tstbournc. ( owl;;l1ttiB~ Raven. 1



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In an address the Eastbourne Club (h.,irman, Mr. 0. F. Erridgc, spoke it the cost to be met each year to -.eep the coach on the road. ÂŁ100 ,,tnld have to be found for Road Tax mid insurance, and while the East---------,._L. ...... I.I . . r_ :C n',riirilc club would meet iii is U ic qnuircd. he thought that other branches. specially in the London Area. might like to help. (ommodrire Sir Roy Gill said that a President of the London Area he us ,ritld certainly do all within his power create an interest to maintain such splendid gift. Already the London Borough of Southwark has ccme forcard and will g.iragc and maintain the rehije


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T. W. B. Shaw, I).S.C.. R.N. (rctd.). the Captain. R.N.R.. in command cAPI. ac of the local M.I1.Q. Unit of the Royal Nasal Reserve, II.M.S. Vivid, the principal guest at the annual dinner of the Plymouth branch of the Royal Naval Association. The function, which sias very successful, was well supported by shipmates and their ladies. On the occasion of the annual \lortiiiier were given a very hearty A was put on scIcome. concert general meeting of No. 4 Area of the association, the Plymouth members specially for the St. Austell visitors. were very delighted to have both ship. and great credit is due to Shipmate I.. Maskcll. Ansell. the producer. Iris, for the mate Lieut.-Cdr. I.. II. R . N. R .. Secretary to the Council. and musical part and to all who took part Shipmate 1. F. May. the National for such a polished performance. t h e ]tidies' section Once again Chairman, present. The meeting ssas followed by a social evening laid on by proved itself a tower of strength by he l'Ivmouth branch and the ladies' providing refreshments.

section, Shipmate V. 13. Poss elI, the branch secretary, ssas delegated to represent the Royal Naval Association at the official opening of the Globe and Laurel Club's new premises by MajorGeneral F. N. Grant, R.NI., command' ing Plymouth Group. Roal Marines, fOR the first time No. 5 Area of the Ro)al Nasal Association (Essex. Shipmates Maskell and' May ssere present for the concluding parts of the Suffolk. Norfolk and Cambridgeshire) ceremony and further strengthened the held its annual dinner in Norfolk. and comradeship that exists betwecti the some ISO shipmates and friends travelRoyal Marines Old Comrades' Asso- led to l)ereham War Memorial Hall ciation and the Royal Naval Associa- front all over the Area. sonic coming ;front as far assay as Dagenham. tion. Wearing the chain of office as ChairSECRETARY ALWAYS WELCOME man of l)eieham Urban District Council. Shipmate l,cslic a former During his visit to Plymouth. Ship- sailor and a member of long standing male Maskell. in company with Ship' . of the 1)ereham branch proposed the mate May, paid courtesy visits on Commander-in-Chief. Plymouth, toast of "The Association.' He said "The R.N.A. was as good or as had as Admiral Sir Nigel Henderson, and (in the people within it liked to make it. the Lord Mayor of Plyntouth. Alderl'his was the same with any organiman T, H. Watkins. Following the sit tion. A good ship in the Navy was hectic time that Shipmate Maskell had one ss hich had good organisation and in the West Country he must surely it was as good as the people on hoard that he will be welcome realise always

It is people that matter,




Ashford visits West Country

Ashford (Kent) branch of the 11'IIE Royal Nasal Association, during its fourth Annual holiday trip, carried 0111 a little puhlij( "stunt" for (he Royal Naval Association for, on the windscreen of the coach, which eos ered 1.000 miles of tile West Coit ii(r were letters the proclaiming R.N.A. and the branch. Visits were made to the Hi istol branch of the Association ;tilt] also to the Bridgwater branch. Both branches were most hospitable and made the visitors most welcome. At Bridgwater the two branches engaged in a game of skittles. won by the host team. Mrs . I,, u. Iurrav, wife of one of Ashfords vice presidents, however, carried off the first prize in ,i competition. On June Shipmate ---Don--- Murray toid 12 shipmates attended the No. 2 Area Rally at Chatham. a visit ss hich ss.is really very ssorth sshile. Ashford's repoi ter, "'file Messdcck " ... we old 'tins ss ish Dodger" writes could get sonic of the young 'tins to come along and let its rest awhile. have a oung chairman and % icechairman and an aging secretary who a wonderful are doing job, in a Mess we are all so proud of. If you are exNavy, voting or old, and happen to read this' Navy Nesss and want to join this fine company, don't hesitate, but conic along and has e some fun."

PENSIONED liked to make it. People say they, love "here down West.' the Navy.lovewhenor they love Visitors recently at Plymouth in. Dereham. IN 1908 what they ormean is that they eluded shipmates from Barrow on an the and enjoy people organisations 'HE grand old RN. exercise the vice-chairman of the

man of the Portswithin these things." mouth branch of the Royal Naval Scaham branch, and the long-assaited Shipmate H. W. Brandon.. of Dagen- Association, Shipmate Thomas ('Tom') visit of shipmates front St. Austell. A ham. the Area representatve on the Lessis Richardson, has died at the age tinder strong contingent Shipmate National Council. in his reply stated o199, It is thought that he was the o that the ,,.,,' object of the Ant'i lion . ,, S... 'i's loyally and god comradeship :er. toss ,urds one another, ssherever thev'i'om' as he was affectionately might be. known to the shipmates of his branch. A welcome awaits you in Spain started his training in the Training NEW AREAFIDE . Ship Varspitc on the 'lhames. and in at Admiral Sir Walter C ouchman, the 1882 joined the Royal Navy being new Area President, was "pipcd on trained in H.M.S. Implacable and hoard'' in the traditional nianiter. and later H.M.S. Foudroyant at l)cvon. Costa DI So, uengiro!a the retiring port. (apt. F. Ii. Stern. RN President. who had been in office seven He went to pension as a petty officer: Shiner \vrigrtt Proprietor years. was presented with a silver in 1908, having served in all parts of Ex. C.P.O. & F.A.A. Gun Cress' tankard by Shipmate G. P. Ward, of the world. He was recalled ss'hcn the Aldebuurgh. the Area Chairman. First World War st,irted. serving in -----the Naval Brigade. h-Ic was taken pnisonr bs the C niiuns at Antwerp in 1914 -111(1 spent the rest of the war in a prisoner-of-war camp. He retired 30 years ago but always with naval affairs in touch kept through the Royal Naval Association.,





B f ha"


lie was a regular at the remembrance day parades and, as those is ho krum Portsmouth will recall. half-past line on So iiihsea front in N115cmher can be far front comfortable. I-Ic enjoyed very good health until recently, and when


he was 95 was seen running for a bus after a Pompey home ntaich,


Ringwood aids children


* Money for spending when you go ashore on foreign stations * Money for emergencies-when you most need it

* Money which earns interest for you-sixpence each year on every pound you deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank


Quite simple-all you have to do to save a bit from your pay is to open a POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKACCOUNTby signing an allotment Be one of the wise ones Request to see your Divisional Officer NOW to start an allotment to the

POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK Issued by H.M. Forces Savings Committee, Stanmore, Middlesex


and the shipmates RECENTLY friends of the Ringssood branch of the Royal Naval Association visited the Shicling School of Mentally Handicapped children, the occasion being the handing over of a cheque for £30. 'rhic money was raused by the splendid efforts of the social committee through various functions, and the money handed to the Headmaster will go towards the equipping of a gymnasiunt for the school. The branch President was unable to attend and the cheque was handed over by the branch Chairman, Shipma:c R. Stevens. After taking tea with the staff, the visitors were shown around the school and were able to see for themselves the many and varied things the children are taught. It was a surprise to everyone to see what these children could do through the untiring efforts of the staff. The shipmates left with a feeling that their money could not have gone :o a better cause Captain C. H. S. Wise. M.8.E., R.N., is to be promoted to Rear7, 1965. and Admiral to date (hid Stall Officer is appointed Commander-in(Technical) to the Chief. Home Fleet. and for ditty with the Comrnander'in.Chief. Home and Station Inspector' (designate) General. Fleet Maintenance, in uccession to Rear-Admiral R. II. Tribe. (B.. .M,I3.E,. the appointment to take effect in August. 1965.

Liiw7!! MAIN



- . . Ibi' month , s special offer 1964 1964


'AUXIIALI. CRESTA ti'.dr.uuui.utic, tli..rooui and grey with red intel or, hie.itcr and screen a ashen,

heater, wing


/OEM .&(', a lii:..' a it hi red interior, radio. mirrors. .,cu ccii a a 'tiers. a tied nina., os err der s and seat belts £810 (1965 model) IIIII.MAN SIPER MINX, green with light green flash and green ulterior, heater, screen washers, wheel oserniders. ill snchronieshi gearbox and fully- reclining £695 sc.its. one ow lien. 4.000 mites (-oR'rlNA ESTATE, white with red interior, heater, screen washers and wing mirrors . . . . . £555 ' , ZEPHYR 6, white with blue trim, heater, wing mirrors, screen washers and oserniders , , , . ....................... £535 i_Et'IIiR 4, ambassador blue with blue interior. heater, screen a ,ishiers. Wing flhirr()r.s and fog lamp, one ow ncr %'AtXIIAI.I. VICTOR, rest with beige interior, heater, sLrcctl aashcrs and wing nor ors, one ow tier £495 ('OR'IINA 2-door de use, ambassador hiluc with blue interior £455 heater, screen w.ishiers. us lug mirrors and scat covers.,, ('oRrINA 'door de use, maroon with grey interior. heater a owner and screeti astiers. one ('I.ASSI( 4-door de luxe, Anihassador blue with blue interior. heater. scieen washers, wing mirrors, ovenniders and wheel trims £435 (0N5( I. 375, green with green interior, heater, screen washcrs £425 ,iiid seat belts I1II.IAtAN IMP, green a ithi green interior. lue.uter, screen a ushers and sri ng nit r rors £415 1R11 SIPII IIFRAII) 1200. blue with grey interior, heater. £395 seneca a ,ishrs and se.ut hells £395 MORRIS ()XFORI). blue a ithi blue interior, hue.itcr ANGLIA she use. >cflow and white ssi:li grey interior, heater, screen a ushers, %king thin rons'.iand over riders £375 ANGLIA de luxe. Aqua blue and white w tb blue interior. £3S5 hie,u t en, screen a ashier'. and wing mirrors . . ,.................. ANGLIA the use, iui.urooti a uttu grey interior, heater, screen i ;ishir'rn. and scat belts £345 IIlI.t.lAN MINX. beige with beige interior. heater, screen "."her., and a tug ti): rrors £335 ZODIAC. Ariihas,s,idor blue and light blue with blue interior. is a heI trims and oserriders .. . £295 iuc.,:er. set ccii ushers, , MORRIS MINA MINOR. red a thu grey and red ulterior, s,CCti St,t tad tuse:ntdcrs £275 At S ItS A.35 AN. bruc. r.u''enger 5C.nt. srccn a.usirrs and £255


1963 1962 1963 1964 1963 1962 1962 1961 1963 1962 1961 1962 1963 1961 1960 1959 1961 1963







Itris month's 1962 ZhI'hfl R 6, irnC green a tb green heater and 'creel a .us tiers .. ill-oiler


1963 (Oct.. 1964 model) ZODIAC, white with red interior, push' huui toil t .ud io. fog and 'pot a lips, wing mirrors, power-operated front a-i uidoss s. alternator and dentist ing rear a indow, cost new i,1.486 1964 ZEPHYR 4, tuscan yeUow a ith beige ulterior, radio. healer, mirror,. wheel trims and screen washers £735 1963 (Nos.) CORSAIR 4-door G.'I'., grey with red interior, heater, screen washers. oserriders and reversing tight, one owner .. £665 1962 ZODIAC MIs. All, Goodssood green a tb beige leather interior, radio. es Cr i uug u,dtt and wing tuuir ron £585 1964 ANGLIA ES IA I F, grey and white a ith red interior, heater, £525 radio se rccn w.ushiers, wing mirrors, and %%-heel trims 1963 ('OR lISA St PER. .,iiihas.sador blue with blue interior, heater, screen a ,ishieu and wheel :nitii,s £495 1961 ZODIAC, maroon and grey with red interior. radio, heater. ,ss:e cii a.ushicrs. wing mirrors, is heel trims, cug.ur lighter and oser thu is e. one ow tier £395 1963 ANGLIA de luxe. ambassador blue w ithi blue interior, bicater and screen a .ushiers. one owtucr ., . . ...................£395 1961 hlII.I,%IAN MINX, grey with red interior, heater, screen a ushers and wing mirrors . . ...................£365 1960 CONSUL, blue with blue and grey interior, heater, screen £365 a .ishierni. a big mirrors and seat bells 1961 ANGLIA dc luxe, turquoise isiulu grey interior, heater and wing £335 nuirrors 1960 ANGLIA dc huxc. maroon with beige interior, hcaicr, wing £295 mirrors and uinderseahcd , 1962 I'IIAMF..S 5-cwt. 'AN, green. passenger scat and wing furious £245 1960 POPLAR tie use. hlrue a tb blue interior, heater £235

We can arrange delivery of cars for your overseas commissions and also for your return to the


Grove Road South, Southsea,


Telephone: Portsmouth 27531


( ; I n g e s , r / in





-"---,- ----

-., --



r 11It I




-. t


" .

' "







Sir Frank Worrell, Cdr. A. Weir, R.N. (Captain of H.M.S. Rothesav) and Cdre. H. N. Dannreuther (Senior Nasal Officer. West Indies) (on the right), during a break in the game (See story on page 12)


seililan '.awln I.. harkon. aged 15. of 2(1 Wicklow Road. Ipswich. On June 21, it was Junior SeamanColt I lendcrson. also aged IS. of 4 North Pclton, Chester-Ic-Street, Co. I View. Durham. Flic Parade Commander of the 300 boys was Junior Engineering Mechanic I onv Morris. aged IS. of 17 Russell \senite N. Hvkcham. Lincoln. and Ii,. Guard Commander ikas Junior Radio Operator C:LrIGrah.in;,aged 6, ot 36 I'ertiarice Road. Kesgravc. Suffolk. The bugle band drum major was Junior Ingi necring torn McCormick. aged 16. of 76 lomlin Avenue. Whiteliaveri.

"Well!-Not entirely, but working for this firm as a Branch Manager does mean that you work on your own using your own initiative and controlling your own staff." You will be trained and E.V.T. Courses can be arranged. You must possess a Driving Licence.

Starting salary is ÂŁ17 per week including Accommodation and Pension. 2/3 weeks holiday per annum.


. -

As part td Holland's "British Week," tossards the end ol the Juniors of 11.515. St. Vincent prosided a team for High Box and Ilornpipe Displays. at Amsterdam. The party joined the Plymouth lonlman(t Band at Devonport. and alien to 11.51.5. Ganges, their equipment has ing been embarked in 11.51.S. I)roxfurd. the parts ssas accommodated at Kanip /Leehurg. The Queen of the Netherlands attended the displays. the St. incent Juniors acquitting thenisels es ss ith distinction, reQectitig great credit on their instructors and the Service. Bier Majesty "a.% itiost impressed. Further performances sScre all ni-aititaining a high standard and the Juniors who took part ssill always retoeiuulter their visit and the friendly reception of the people of the Netherunits. The photograph shows part of the Physical Training l)ispla rehearsal at II.M.S. St. Vincent .

H.M.S. Rothesay's test match


ceemony was the high-fight of the ooccasion. At Ceremonial Sunset 87 uniors manned the mast arid the ''Button Boy" stood on the scrv top of the 143-foot high mast. As he stands there he is only seven feet losser than Nelson on his column in Trafalgar Square. On June 24 the salute was taken by Admiral Sir (harks Madden. [It. ( ( B the Button Bo being Junior


July. 190


is the sixtieth anniersarv the of lI.\I.S. founding the Navy's Junior Shore Training Establishment, near I psss ich, now coi,imandeil liv ('apt. It. C. (. Place, V.C l).S.C j In the 60 years since the bos came / .*hore from the ''ssooder', ssall' tINtS. / ,t -i gun,;. lautiched "t V in 1S21. and which was moored otl the iav.tI pier at Shotlev, the aim has remained the same to take recruit, direct from civilian life hetseeti the aof 15 and 16. train them for a ge~ year and then send them to the fleet as responsible young ratings. Sin 945 the output of qualified trainees has averaged 1.800 a year. On June 24 and tin llarent*s D~t~. Saturday. June 26, Mien 4.000 visitors, IllS





I St. Vincent Juniors I visit Amsterdam

-. -



lit the article on II,M.S. Puma in

the March issue of "Navy News" it wis stated that assisted I-I. NI .S. Centaur in the salvage of the tanker Nicluka. The carrier was, of course, II. NI .S. Bulwark.


National Company is throughout Great Britain.





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Many interesting salaried posts on sophisticated modern electronic and elect ro-mechanical systems for men with ONC, HNC, C&G or equivalent qualifications are available. Ex-service personnel welcomed. Previous experience not essential. *

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ADMIRALTY CONSTABULARY INCREASED SALARIES Vacancies for CONSTABLES exist in the Admiralty Constabulary. Commencing salary is £630 a year,

increasing by nine annual and one special increment to a maximum of £915 a year. Uniform and boots provided. Excellent opportunities for promotion to

years' service-with a comof-990 a year, increasing by two mencing salary annual increments to £1,070. Candidates must be Sergeant-after



exemplary character, between 19 and 50 years of age, at least 5 ft. 7 in. in height (bare feet), and of British Nationality. They will be required to pass a medical examination and an educational test (unless holding a Service Certificate



the Chief Constable, Apply writing Admiralty Constabulary, Ministry of Defence, Empress State Building, London, S.W.6, or to any Employment Exchange. Serving Naval personnel should apply through their Comin


manding Officer.


Magnet Works, White House Road, Ipswich, Suffolk Wanted



SUPPLY PETTY OFFICER (S) with Air Stores experience

applicant will be responsible for the smooth of the Stores and for discipline of all personnel engaged running in storekeeping work within the Company. The components




be handled comprise the normal wide range associated with a firm of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers and the measure of





Classified Advertisements

ER th)F -Id err cord PU Rl.IC AND LEG Oil. list per isord. EN IEREAUNiIENTS. Ft NC6d. per issrtd. SEMII)lSPI,.h V I lines i, he tick) 2.'i. per lire i)ISPI a.'. ci per column inh. Adsertisets mai h.Isr replies addressed to a But number. hut Ii is srrs: r umj vantage an enrr.i charge of is is triuilc. the Box ciii crtirnr a' is,, sseyils CL-1 ,rd adsertisentcrr:s nr.n hr p1._es! it (LIe .', PsilJn lid.. Ne-in If n, r. l.s!.'n:uI' Er .4


,rid lmo

KITChEN PI.AN5,t\G CENTRE. Iralmerston Ri'ad, Sirirthse.u. I'i -rr'ttrirulh 20Th I (Oscr 0..' Hoard Shr,icti,xrm). iselcome iou to a petnmantnt exhibition of kitchens: SpIn cs el cookers. etc. See: Patti I ectssav, English Rinse and Ilirgena kurchens and equu,pmcnl, let us plan ~ this uirnt'u't:ant for iCu.


Nrw rell-drise





sns,niith 2311u I Pot, PhlO1'OShOtiNTS. l's' all sizes or pknri, Cttriu hirkler5. I (ill l'( - - 'Is, I'd. Ileas i or I en: red. l's. rid. Plus vast and packing, Is. id Sip In ..i4 paste on rtsu,lunuts in sat ely. I). .5 I'. Vu aill mx. Neg. It..,-'. Veduhing AIlcuitns. Sit stamp tin .1 to Hunts of Iliinniniuuham. 2 ta NIna K. is. hannunghant 5.


SITUATONS VACANT '. Ot:N MhN rcpcrrd as Si'. -':n:r Er sfl.ltl%C by tic ,\--,,r.trrr I reruns I' rn_c ri-I nrcrS;iru I) 'tl:;: fl i-i Ir.i,d is,'' kit ti enter rcirrunrr.,'Ise ,.i:'':y I et n:i':l;ruiuun:r yr thus 1.1. N.iss Ne:is


Site Engineer required for Ma ntcnancc Duties-NOW. Suitable for retiring Chief or Petty Officer of the Eoincroom branch, preferably caking Iris pension. WRITE-CAMP GENERAL MANAGER, BUTLIN'S HOLIDAY CAMP. AYR


There are vacancies at


ire. Excellent accommodation. I-c_tilt: liii tit. iiiiifl riles Atlarr:ur siesss. II 'ES II xi', 11 W, iht,,n llcsr,,rt. ('stirsi_ul! i(irrnk-c

l-lI.I. MI:iIlII:RsIIlp of the RN F H S. ilenrunrual Out, i asailiul'!c sr all At!uti.rns. I,'irceller,t arnettutug', Lounge and liars, Snooker and Ilutliard. etc. Ptis.uic fuunctkrrsc catered for. Vine. dine and dance esety Saturday esening front 8.30 p.m. in tie new restaiirnr. -tIn CI.AREN('E PARADE. Still I llSliA Amp'e e.lr parking




Site. 7 in. x 6 in. l'rm.c 2ls. I'd. e.mh. ('RESTEI) (.1.555 ASIlI KS'. S I ini l'..iler. ret. phurrurgr.,ph iur design ,uii ty'su supplied S:;e 3,1 in s 5 nt. run 41 in ui.irc. l'r,n rim Is, each. CROSSING 111E. I.i5,F. ('FR (h'Il,S in tise curlumirts at Is. e:r_Ir 01.1 V NOSE CERJ IFICATES. Al in h!,.,. hiuC,'ltiur!s sugnns at i'd. c.ucli. tIn orders,!'nun', 'urn 'le Slops ('test is ill he cminim' sed tree. 'ill A-111 uiI'i.litt.rlilC I r,irut GALE .5 1101.1)l N 1 II) ll)INltt..,R(;ll ROAD. 1015 ISSIIIC ill,



I- a..,M 11.5 1101.11) '. S I 105, I:'. l(MlNs I', tenth I hale r Rrunguh,isss iireplcrtrt-ei it, rol'er I, electric, heating. fridge. IV. nun l'arhr,crrrt'. C C. I revosses Residential Rtingalosss ii t..tohrr-\Iarsh); rlectriç cooker. (ridge. 1V. cerrir.,l hrr.itrrrg: " neil

%I ISCEI.LANEOUS tilE SI hiW kitEr 51001)5 SI SRR1 u;i: Ut RI a. L. I)i , N. 100$. An:at-i 11 ', Ri-id, K iirutsr,in-stpsrn-lhiilt_ Vii,k'r. ]tic nturst siis_.ess lid md efficient Itureari in the Ninth. isith a n.,fli-irus isle clientele. Scrupm.tiriusty c.mntidrnuia I oW drect. lull details, under plain c.'ser, in :crltlcst. NROVrN S1ti)IOS. 'u'iror tum-,'al ph,rt,'gtaedier n ISrrtsmsrruttt I',rtrraits, l'a',pi'ric, V. edshngs, :4< (',mrnmr rc:.iI Read 2i$i. CREST PLAQUES I ills rule,- ,r Oi't .'t tire Royal N.usi ... R... al




ATTENDANTS/TRIMMERS to work in a modern Powerhouse Accommodation available for single men in first-class hostel. Assisted travel scheme for married men living within the radius of the transport area.

For details of Rates of Pay,

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etc., please apply to:

The INDUSTRIAL RECRUITMENT OFFICER A.W.R.E., Aldermaston, Berkshire Please quote Ref. P.A. 989/N.N.

REGIMENTAL CUMMERBUNDS in tcrylene 35/- each. RN., R.A F., R.A.o.c.. R.A.5.C., RE.. R.E.M.E. and Royal Signals en stock. (deal for dinner jacket wear. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special discount terms for Club Secretaries. Send cash with order to Dept. N.N. CLUB CUMMERBUNOS LTD. Beck Nulls, Clarion. Bradford. York,Irire


Permanent position with a good commencing salary. Staff conditions of employment. 5-day week. Canteen facilities etc. The loan of a deposit to assist in rehousing,

Apply in writing to Director & General Manager at the above address, marking the envelope "Confidential". would receive favourable consideration.


A high percentage most successful Test Engineers are former technicians from H.M. Forces.

of our

If you are seeking an attractive career in the Electronics Industry


Interesting work involving fault diagnosis on a wide range of electronic systems and instruments.


Training as required by successful applicants.


Salaries up to £21 5s. per week, with opportunities for advancement to senior positions.


Laboratory-type working conditions in a modern factory with excellent amenities.


Automatic membership of our Sickness and Pension and Life Assurance schemes. - - - --------


Call, write or telephone for details to Miss C. .1. Read, Personnel Officer, The Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., Victoria Road, FarnSQLARTRON borough, Hants. Telephone: Farnborough, ------------Hants, 44433.

We can make up any rcqii.reut set of Miniature Medals. We have them for every campaign since 1900. They are not expensive. The set-t939-45 Star/Atlantic Star/Defence Medal/War Medal cost, only 26/6. Send for quotation and cell us the medal, you want. Ribbon bars, either with pin at back or for sewing on to uniform. 9d. per ribbon. Your own fullsize medal, mounced-216 per nseda. Wire and Sulk Blazer badges. Enquiries with stonrp to: ROBERT ANDREW LTD. IOU Manchester Street Oldham, Lanes

C. & N.






the recent expansion of the Workshop following vacancies exist:

Area the



(Continued from page 7, column 3) teeth and a gumboil and a week's growth on his chin and announced that he was the 'Aniericano' and spoke English. That is to say he sholltcd English with flhtICh splutter and gesiiculation. which included a stcady shosser of thllmps on our backs and shoulders. The bat was as convivial as the preViOllS one and all the rnitnfsmlk cattle for the parly. The next day we went to the Csi:ist by bus. The weather cleared and 'use walked along by the sea for about 15 miles before setting tip camp a the sand dunes near a villtge. SHEEP SLAUGHTERED A glass or two of inc in the bar was made more "interesting" by the sight of a sheep being slaughtered t'or Independence Day celcbr.ltions righl in front of the bar door. Again ive found the local people talkative and fri2ndlv. The next day we caught a bus for Suda Bay. It had been a grand break from life in a submarine and the physical hardship no doubt did its good. But the real joy of the trip had been mccllng the Cretans, and it is this which re.ultr. made the three days so interesting and unforgettable.




Good Working Conditions. Area Rates and Bonus and Merit. E.V.T. COURSES CAN BE ARRANGED Vacancies also exist for: ELECTRICAL DRAUGHTSMEN ELECTROMECHANICAL ESTIMATORS Apply in Writing or Phone GOSPORT 80221








JuI. 1q65




Agent for:

"DOLPHIN" Cruisers

"OWENS" Speedcraft and Cruisers


HICKEY Western Sea Skiffs and

"Venturer" Sea Cruisers

"FLETCHER" Ski-craft and Speedboats "MERCURY" Outboards


Other outboard engines supplied on request

Equipment HALSON Trailers Excellent

The TV ]'uppers have been adopted as the Fleet Air Ariui Fichil (;fill', cress mascots this year and recently eight of the girls visited the crew at Let-on-Solent and saw a demonstration ruins between the "A" and "LI" crews, and were (hen entertained to lunch. Before leaving, the girls were presented with photographs of the crew and a lied Air Arntn Field Gun plaque. The girls will attend at Earls Court while the Field Gun competition is in progress (July 14 to 31) and the crew will, no doubt, visit the Black and White Minstrel Show. in which the .Topper., are now appearing, while they are 'lo town." All three Commands are full of confidence and training hard to take the coveted cups back to their respective headquarters. The best times so far recorded are Air (unnnrnand (present holdeii of all three cups) 2 min. 56.3 see., Plymouth Command 3 nun. 3 sec., and Portsmouth Command 2 mm. 57 sec.

ar s 1 L1 V 4111 ratv is a success

goodness sake put some spirit into it." after here. "And now," said the parson, "we'll sing 'Little Drops of Water.' and for


Where a man goes hereafter depends to a great extent on what a man goes


For all Sports Equipment, Clothing and Accessories

Stockist of SPEEDO CHAMPION SWIMWEAR Worn by 16 out of 18 Olympic Gold Medalists

The only swimwear speedier than Speedo is your skin

48 ELM GROVE, SOUTHSEA HANTS Telephone: Portsmouth 20611


and officials from COUNCILLORS Bridport visited HJW.S. Fisgard last month to see the solar beater which is u%ed for the swimming pool. Re Solar Heater which cost about £13(110. was built to increase the length of the swimming season and, during its fiNt season in use the temperature of the water was maintained. on aver5 age. than degrees (F.) higher would have otherwise been achieved. This was improved by the use of a plastic cover over the bath at night, and has been further improved this year by building a roof over the bath. No figures are available for the effect of the latest improvements. but the w-aler temperature as at present about 80 degrees (F.). Steps are now being taken to improve the circulation rate of the water in the bath to imi)rove the heating and hygienic conditions. Work on the pool started in 1953 when 13.5M tons of earth were excavated. and the bath. built and paid for very largely by the Apprentices and Staff who have passed through H.M.S. Fisgard over the past years. has cost approximately £22,000. Some £7,000 was received in irranlk


A home

in mind? When you're back in cirvy life you will be glad oil took advantage of the "Save while you Serve" plan. Regular, sensible saving now with the Westbourne Park Building Sclicic Could add up to a deposit on a home of your own and will help you to get priority liar your mortgage when the time comes. Share Savings Accounts have been especially dcsignc d for this purpose and at prccn yield 41 'p,, income Tax paid by the Society. Al lernatively you can open a Share Investment account and cam interest at 4% Income Tax paid. Ask your Paymaster now for full details of tile schernc and send now for a cop), of the We.alsournc Park Building Society brochure,


WESTBOTJRN E PARK BUILDING SOCIET' Member 01 the Building Societies Associe tion C/sir! Wesibourne Grove, Londo n, W.2. ,5hford (Kent). Boumnv'nsouth. Croydon, F .t,l 1 tactic.


R'oml 09v,-c. N-.sioi, ,Shhot. Ncshury. KOhrnond, St Aihuns, Southutopton, .and agettocs throughout site country.

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Renaud came up to bowl the Illigst Ashall of his first over to Worrell, the fielders tensed slightly, kraowma that the "dipper," or the quicker one, might hurry through and capture the "Ma-ster's" wicket before he cot his eye i n* Re. ding the above paragraph i might he thought the report concerned an exciting Test Match at Sydney. Brisbane or Kingston Oval. But this wa 5 a match as keenly played betivecri H.M.S. Rothesay and the Army oil Easter Sunday during a break in the third Test Match between the West Inches and Australia at Georgeto"n, British Guiana. Rothesay's two enthusiastic teallis were honoured by several of the great na 'lies of cricket. ---Ritchic- Benaud, of Australia and "Bob- Christiani of the West Indies vvere playing for 1-1.51 S Rothesay. is.hile the Arniv had Sir' Frank Wori-ch and the Australian Tressider. ' A ex Bannister of the "Daily Mailuniffired at one end and the ship*,; Wcapons and Radar Officer the other. while E. W. Sw.anlon. Alan McGillivKeith Nliiktr and "W~illy*' Grout i-ascussed points front the well-stocked ch beer tent with members of the ship's c * k')11~IPZLEIS 'I ic Army baited first and scored 1 fi6 all o tit. Soon after lunch Rothesay's Australian Gunnery Officer. Lieut. Brett Young. encouraged by. the tiers cut ry. ,call back Sir Frank's off stuniii P with a smart yorker. The Gunnery oilicer's grin remained fairly pLisiucd (Continued in column 4)


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(Continued from column 3) across his features until the following afternoon al the iesi Match. when the Australian XI succumbed to the spin of Lance Gibbs and were cleurI beaten.

101 in 64 minutes between the First lieutenant. L./Cdr. Chapman and the now irrepressible Brett Young, took the score racing ahead and enabled Benaud and Christiani to coast home and end the match in a welter of sixes. Final scores: Army XI, 156 (Sir Frank Worreli 31, Ritchic Bcnaud 6 for 36). Rothesay, 164 for 4 (L./Cdr. Chapman 79, Benaud 36, Lieut. Brett Young 33).

SPECTACULAR ANTICS Not the least spectacular on the field was Rothcsay's wickcikcepcr. Ord, Seaman Cook. "Cooky." whose antics to anticipate the guile of Benaud. caused the batsmen considerable concern. nescrthclc.s managed to take a Instructor Captain A. J. Bellamy, useful catch and began to gel theO.B.E., MA., RN.. is to be promoted buzz*'after the first 20 byes. to Instructor Rear-Admiral and to be Rothesay suffered a disastrous start appointed Directo. Naval Education against accurate bowling by Worrell Service, to date September 6. l'965 in and Tre-ssndcr. losing two wickets for II succession to Instructor Rear-Admiral runs, Then a successful partnership of Sir Charles Darlington, K.8.E., B.Sc.

8 Appointment to H,M. Queen Elizabeth it Fto ris ts A. B. Stevens tad. POST


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--IPrinted and Published (or ansi on behalf it Jse Nurt NLws Committee by Gate & Polders Ltniicsl. Afdcr'shial.


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