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The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association


No. 133 JULY, 1965


assured of personal attention to your requirements.

Published first Thursday of the month

'Grey Ghost'~i



Price Sixpence


back on job T'K.TJ

Royal Naval Uniforms BERNARD'S OFFICERS' SHOPS 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone 26116 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone 66543 Promotion orders a speciality. for write special details, etc., and




ALBION, which sailed from Portsmouth for a Foreign HNI.S. Service Commission on March 12 this year, lost no time in proving her worth. She did not arrive at Singapore until April 28, but during the passage she picked up an injured chief engineer his ship and flew him to Malta. Then came nine dais in Aden . A Sc Vixen



. . . . . followed b' two more days assisting in an exercise to the west of Aden, and five days' stay in Mombasa, and a short stop at Can. The ship was in Singapore for only three days before she was on her first

. for a Embarked in the Commando(Lieut.;hip. medical assut:tncc

operitional task.

were 48 Naval Air Squadron ( dr. CL A. Andrews, RN.) with Vcs'ie helicopters and 40 Comman(it) Air Troop (licut. N. Wise. R.M.) with Sioux helicopters. taking passage for Singapore to join their Commando ttic,. At Aden 84$ Squadron was disemharkcd I1 Fialai.c for aircrew accli malisalion and hot-weather trials on the iirraft. Also during this time the aircraft were used to instruct 24 Brigade, including 45 Commando, in helicopter drills and the aircrew gained valuable experience fis ung over the in hospitable Ridfztn area.



On April Wessex S helicopters of 848 Squadron picked up 100 personnel iii 4th Battalion Anglian Regiment md landed them in cordon around the village of lliswah near Aden where

it was suspected that caches of arms and ammunition were concealed. The operation was completely successful. This was the first timc, that the Wessex 5 helicopter was employed in actual operations. Albion sailed from Aden on April 5 leaving 848 Squadron "' Flight (I.ieut.-(dr. J. Rawlings. RN.) at RAt. Khiornsaksar for service with Middle Fast Air Force in the Aden in, u 46 Commando Royal Marines was enilsar kcd and a two-day exercise wits staged in the hills to the west of Aden. On completion of this exercisc 45 Commando were disembarked and All,iois sailed for Mombasa. Shortly after leaving Mombasa, Albuon 'received message from a Russian nscrchimntmzmn asking for

\Clfll,Ill stifferstiflering from steam bus us. Albion increased speed and rcndcivouscd with the Russian ship. Surg.-Cdr. (icorg Haves. R.N being transferred by boat and rendering the required assistance. The trinfer was in the vicinity of the Seychelles. The last stop before arrival at Singapore was at Gun where a six-hour halt was made to altos strnsnIng parties to be landed. H.M.S. Albion entered Singapore on April 28. There she embarked essential stores and disembarked 40 Commando Air I roop and 845 'squ id run I) Ilight (Lieut. J. S. Kelly. R.N.) for familiarisation in jungle The ing ship kit Singapore on 'i1 ii I to effect her first operational I usk of the commission, a roulcuinnt in which 42 Commando Royal Marines were to he ss ithdr iv. n from S.uhah and the 1st Battalion (mordon 11mg slandei 5 put in


in their place. TRADITION

RE-ESTABLISIIFI) h d ablished the last commission ''rh Old during t ('rev ('host of the Borneo Coast" arrived 'oil Kota Belud at dawn and carried out the first part of the task, the embarkation of 1st (jordons. This embarkation completed. Albiun sailed for Tawau and there carried out the roulement on May. 5 and 6. HeliI I' Vs and an copti.rs I C i. S S.R.N. 5 were all pressed into service to effect the clsaneos-er as speedily possible. On completion Albion siiIed for Singapore with 42 Commando embarked. On arrival at Singapore the Commando was disembarked and the ship started a short maintenance period,




being catapulted from








ILM.S. Centaur of! Gibraltar. as the planeguard helicopter maintains sstation (See story on page 7)




escapes from depths as great as 450 feel will be undertaken SUB1RE during trials in the in July by a learn of two officers and ten ratings from the staff of the submarine-escape training tank, H.H.M. Dolphin, the Go'.port submarine base. The trials are ZI continuation of those RN. physiological laboratory. Alvercarried out in I.och Fync last Scptcm- Stoke. ber. when ascents through 200 feet of tinderwatcr television cameras will waler sscrc made. They involve a new be used in the course of the trials in technique in which the escaper is which it is hoped to prove that live dressed in a suit incorporating a cotton escapes from much greater depths than fabric hood with plastic facepiece and the 266 feet. already achieved in the tu_ditu,rr inu.,un in 1962 using normal uses trapped hr on his ss is to thu. sur Brutish buoyant techniques, can be hice. The team from 11.\1.S. Dolphin, led safely made. h'. I lu_ut Cdr I In the new technique being deI) II iml) n 0 B E R N the Submarine Command Escape vclopi,d the u_sc ipu.i is released from a Officer, will from July 5 to 19 snake one-man clinder, flooded from the from sea, inside' the submarine. An improgressively deeper escapes H St S Orphu_us in the vicinity, of port.unt result of thus escape method is Malta. that pressurisation is achieved rapidly .



N completion of his appointment as Coniriiunder.in-Chief, Far East, Admiral Sir Varyl Begg, G.C.B., l).S.()., l).S.C., took passage to the , uiuted Kingdom in S.S. Eurvilus the "l.eander'' class frigate th newest warship on the Far Lust Station on passage from ri.ndu.z I'ortsusiotith to Singapore, votised with the Cathay in the middle ut the Indian Ocean, east of Ceylon. and bade f in_v. u_Il to the retiring Cons unandcr-in-C'hief on behalf of the Far

The new system is completely a and the man concerned " is subjected list Fleet. it for the absolute minimum period the frigate, her starboard side Royal Navy venture and has been de- to by the Director- before leaving the submarine, Inside manned in traditional manner in signed and developed Ships in collaboration with the c> lindu_i he breathes air supplied bright sunshine and 's calm sea closed General. Submarines. The initial automaticall at the correct rate before the liner from ahead and c arried out a Flag Officer. iscre carried out at the making his escape sweeping high-speed manuvre to experiments finish up only 250 feet off Cathay's port beam, A short verse of greeting and farewell was then read by loudspeaker. three cheers were given by the sailors, and an oriental gun salute 2 r2' of Chinese crackers was fired while 4 various goodwill signals were cxchanged between the two ships. Eurvalus then turned to port with the signal "Have a good voyage" fly-SENIOR SERVICE ing from the yard-arm, leaving the '- .... Admiral standing on the white-painted ." bridge of the C ith is ss tying u final good-bye.




___ -"t'---





11.511.S. Albion entering Aden.,


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