.R. Royal Naval Uniforms BERNARD'S OFFICERS' SHOPS 40 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone 261 16 30 ROYAL PARADE. PLYMOUTH Telephone 66543
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No. 134 AUGUST, 1965
News NaiT 14
HE Royal Navy leads the would in the technique of escapes from submarines and, last month. 'escapes' were made from from H.M.S depths up to 500 feet. Two officers and nine ratings in Loch Dolphin, using a new Royal Navy technique pioneered FvIe last year when ascents through 200 feet of water were made made the 'escapes' from the submarine H.M.S. Orpheus in the vicinity of Malta. peace or in war, and a means o escape from a damaged submarine. with difficulties, has its special occupied many minds over the years. The new system is of vital importance ..k . ,- I ......... Of the increased "y ayy,,,. ,
the last of three new survey ships. Ii ilvdra. will be able to drill sample I cores from the sea bed at 33.000 feet, and cable on another of her winches ill plumb the deepest sea chasms known to oceanographers.
the Ru',al Yacht Britannia. The frigate in the background is H.M.S. Scarborough
SEVENTY SHIPS TO :, submarine as it is in a surface submarines could only operate as deep GREET THE QUEEN Chief Petty Officers to tale tea with Her Majesty Award for _:_n ......
few is
. I.
far to
vessel, and safer than a week-end trip on Britain's congested roads), submarines, like any other means of conveyance. may stiffer damage, in -
operating marines.
First World
as 400 feet.
'511001'S' 10 SURFACE In this new method escapers are dressed in a suit incorporating a cotton fabric hoód, with plastic Iacepiccc. and breathe trapped air on their was' to the surface. The escaper in the subcylinder marine enters a one-man the sea. Inside the flooded from cylinder he breathes air supplied automaticallv at the correct rate, before his escape. At the correct moment he is MIDSHIPMAN and an Able Sea- released from the cylinder and 'shoots' man who were serving on anti- to the surface at about nine feet per infiltration patrols at night In the second. minesweeper H.M.S. Chawton last 'BENDS' BENDS' AVOIDED have been awarded Royal year, for Testimonials Society An important result of the new their rescue of a seaman in the method that is pressurisation
flight rescue
dangerous waters of the Singapore Straits. They are Midshipman Michael Mcl.oughlin (19) and A.B. Alan (20). The Chawton had captured an Indonesian sampan in the Straits and Midshipman McLoughlin and AR. Frederick Quclch (26) were put in the
achieved rapidly and the possibility of 'bends' avoided. Solo escapes are simpler and safer and, in trials, a cycle time of some three-and-a-half minutes was achieved. All British submarines arc to be fitted so that the new system can be ~ used and it is anticipated that they
tossed the sampan was swamped and overturned. AR. Quelch was dragged under and %Sas in extreme difficulties. The Midshipman swam 50 yards to reach him and Farrell dived in from the Chawton to help them both when the minesweeper had turned to pick them up.
be done at refits and is inexpensive. The personnel who took part in the trials wde Licut.'Cdr. L. D. Hamlvn, R.4.. R.N.. Lieut.-Cdr. M. Todd'I . Jones CP.Os. N. Young. C. Castle. and P.Os. B. Priest. M. DaVIS. Trucrnan. J. Robson. R. Juckcs and W. Brierley.
sampan as a prize crew. While being
will all be fitted by 1968. The job will
WASP HELICOPTER In addition to this deep water work, the ship will be able to survey shallow coastal areas. Hence the garage to house a landrover and trailer for use by scientists whose work will take them ashore. Other hydrographic operations will be assisted by a Wasp helicopter. The 1" II i" ... .4..,. us,.. --stuui a it pupIIcI
a p
design-will give greater powers of manoeuvre. Like her sister ships-the Hecla and the Hccate-the Hydra has an overall length of 260 feet. and a displacement of 2.800 tons. With a range of 12.000 the Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip, arrives in the Royal miles and commanding a leisurely 14 WHEN Yacht Britannia in the Clyde on August ID. she will be greeted by knots, she will have a complement of the men of over 70 ships, a Royal Salute of 21 guns being fired by destroyers 117 officers, scientists and ratings. and larger ships. The ships include an aircraft carrier (H.M.S. Centaur). a cruiser (H.M.S. Lion), the guided missile destroyer H.M.S. Kent, the nuclear submarine Duncan paid o at Rosyth She was first commissioned on Fl.M.S. Dreadnought, as well as the 1958 and by January. on July 16 after nearly seven October 21 H.M.S. Maidstone. desdepot ship continuous commission as 1959, H.M.S. Duncan was in the fore. years' troyers. frigates, survey vessels, coastal leader of Protection front of the Icelandic cod war: The the Fishery F I e Ct minesweepers and R o y a Squadron. During this time she has protection and assistance she has given Auxiliary ships. steamed 197,000 miles in Arctic waters,
Veteran Fishery Frigate pays off 11.M.S.
The majority of the ships will assemble in the Clyde on August 6. anchoring in three groups: a flagship line of six ships to the south-east of Rosneath Patch off Greenock., coastal minesweepers and other small ships in a group to the north of the flagship ,i h r 1 :, h; 't ,,,'c an y n,.c. .n "-. i.
usually in appalling weather condi well known to tions, and the ship the extent of almost being an ln.stitudon in Northern Norway. Iceland and the Faeroe islands
to British trawlers throughout her commission has helped in building up an atmosphere of mutual co-operation and understanding so important to our fishing industry.
Rosneath Patch. off Got rock.
When H.M.Y. Britannia approaches the anchorage at nine o'clock on the morning of August 10. guards and bands will be paraded and the Royal Salute will be tired. Britannia will anchor at the head of the flagship hue
VIS&T TO DREADNOUGHT Ihe Minister of Defence for the Royal Navy (Mr. Christopher May. and ollicers in attendance on the ' i) arrive at Britannia at 10 am. and the Commander-in-Chief. Home I lcd (Admiral Sir John Frcv.en) waits upon Her Majesty at 10.15 am. ki. The Queen and Prince Phillip visit II .iL1 1.10 and at noon the Queen gives .. reception on board Britannia for - I Junior Officers of the Fleet. followed i , hs a lunch party for commanding and 11 ;her m'Uier' lit tile atternoon the Queten and Prince Philip visit 1I.Al. Ships' Maidstone and Dreadnought and! then the Royal Party goes to H.M.S. Centaur and attend a tea part). given b,~ the Chief Petty Officers. of the Fleet on board. 4 'I'lic Queen and Prince Philip dine' LL,ith Flag and Commanding Officers zit 8.0 P.M. on board H.M.S. Lion.1 1 tde At 10 a.m. on Wednesday. August. 11 the Queen and Prince Philip cri;b.trk in the Royal Barge f resiess of the small ships and at lIt) am. return to Britania to review the flagship line and s(cstcrn group I tithis dl. .11 II.'sI.S Victorious .i,R.O. Pa's st's, J.R.O. Notl and J.R.U. pausing ,t ships. for -a cigarette with the panorama of Hong Kong spread out beneath during Britannia will depart at 12.45 p.m. a sisit b the carrier to the Colony in February, 1965. Turn to ige 8 for the on A.iiis( II and the c-'!'ttjfl ships will tire the Royal Salute. i story of the commiss:on
Navy's new ship has a propeller in the bows
VESSEl, with a propeller in her bows, a helicopter flight deck and hangar, a garage and two scienlilic laboratories is the latest ship to be launched for the Royal Navy. She is II.M.S. Hydra. which was sent dossn the slipway at Scotstoun on 14 by Mrs. 0. M. l.ytball. wife July of the Navy's ChieF Scientist. Mr. B. W. t.thall, M.A.
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... £16.15.0 Superfunes ... £19.15.0 Terylene ... £18. 5.0 Serges It's bea to look to BERNAROS
Published first Thursday of the month
save time and money
The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
A'first' for the Navy FROM Led h% l.iciit.-Cdr. L. D. 1-lamlyn. O.B.E.. RN.. the 500 feet accompushed is considerably deeper than any live escape made alter a submarine ,lis-,strr. -.
Worth looking