WW~ fooklng Mo READY-TO-WEAR
UNIFORMS Save time and money Can,piete tze rage fo, oil f,gures ... £16.15.0 Superfines ... £19.15.0 Terylene ... £18. 5.0 Serges Iis bost to !ool, to BERNARD5
Telephone 66543
Promotion orders a speciality, write for special details. etc., and be assured of personal attention to your requirements
NaAT The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Published first Thursday of the month
No. 138 DECEMBER, 1965
Price Sixpcnce
Anxious moments when 'Leander' launched frigate " PROBLEM:
NAME this ship Juno and may God bless her and all who sail in her." With these time- honoured words, Lady Bush, wife of Vice-Admiral Sir John Bush, Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff, launched the 'Leander' class frigate H.M.S. Juno at the yard of John I. Thornycroft at Woolaton on November 24. bows and the large crowd expected Lady Bush broke a bottle of champagne against the frigate's certain reluctance on the part the ship to start her way down the slipway. There was, however, a it of the ship to enter the water. It was, possibly, only a matter of seconds, but to thost waiting seemed InlernunaDur. Rush rcc.iUed \':e- \ I I rnvsrufts. ss irned that the Some young workmen 's hi I hurnvanother st.iudng-hy cost of slips sail continue to had helped to build the dup with cr1: 'hip, the Nuh:.i ii and sa d rise and shphiiilders can do relieved their pent up feelings 'so one builds hct:ei ship saute help from the Governby a half-hearted cheer. hut than I tarn', r! s by ciabul sln the cost of their sighs of relief as she started ckil. to move and. ever so gr
He said the Aimur Its liii ]here were quite a probleni Ski few' shipS to do 5) mtidt won inc luaaut' U our present ships was esccllcnt, but was "We not enough quality must build more ships.
n - the s 'nIh ni: n out pcruiid -. I he electrical ser-A
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almost living and eliminating the almost CatOtiflhluitis ciein.aiats for wage tainted her clement. into glided Increases. cheers as site to full-. \4 r Fh,rnv-r,sft saidthat floated. in perfect trim, at he -------------------------------------------------1 uno is due to complete an April. end of the sltpway. .,anti those at Wooliton was service The religious cotiJuas ti,d the Lord Bishop date despite the - itt-i t natud e of (it Soiith,inup:on. the Rt. Rcvd. the task. in this connection he 'nncth K [,amplaigh. file \%,yrk the iii,l.tnccd of Ekrkbns(hiring thefitting OF NAME
' cvcnth ship to he c "lie,; the Juno The sixth ship of the manic was a ds r,\ ci &it 1.691) tans. launched an It 'S and sunk h' aircraft during the Rattle of Crete on Slav 21. 1941. The Standard dispacement of the Juno as about 2.000 tons and the ship has an oven all of 372 feet and a beam of long is 17 41 feet. Complement officers and 246 ratings. She has in a twin mount 4.5-inch. guns ing directed by a fully auto fire
1 the c;tblc~ are one or tviO Core. hut stla,.r, rots have up 1L.istii&~ - over -(b) ar i 551) I I HARD-WORKED
of Speaking the Navy's shortage of frigates he said: has been impressed on us all. that the Royal Navy has so few and are now frigates, they worked so hand, that it is imthat all the penative equipment should run with the minimum of maintenance. and without any elaborate system of quality con.
' IsvI7sH
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be rushed'
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'Defence Review cannot
r',dw' ,ntI adi 'rli.wr'c
the launch of the 15th 'Leander' class frigate-Juno at the stard of Mesas. John I. Thoroycroft £ Co Ltd., Wookton. on November 24
Ir 04
trial is being introduced. This. guided missile system and an THE WAR COURSE OF fear, must add to the original al I anti-submarine mortar. She will be fitted with the latest equipbuilding costs, but it may well be a good investment of the taxLEE-ON-SOLENT merit for detecting and attacking VISIT will a submarines and carry payers' money." "There as also, of course . the helicopter. the Fleet Air Arm remembered the raid on Taranto in human element, and it is only The many, guests included the WHEN at H.M.S. Daedalus on November 12, 12 of the men who 1940 and of the of those who Mayoress by experiences Mayor took part in the raid were guests at the annual Taranto Dinner. actually do the installation and Southampton (Alderman R. G. stroycd within the range of guns. Haskell. LP. and Mrs. Haskell) fitting-out that final perfection Outside the wardroom mess aircraft-a and quality can be achieved, was a Swordfish Nobody had ever attempted to I and Civic Dignitaries in memories destroy a fleet with aircraft. By Vice-Admiral P. Unless such a firm as ours can 'Stringbag'-reviving Southampton: of the men of 8l3, 15. 819 and sheer guts, superb seamanship Walker (Director-General of achieve a reasonable continuity and brilliant execution of an of naval work, it becomes very 824 Squadrons who flew from Dockyards). HE. the AmbassaIllustrous on the night even more brilliant plan. Tar' H.M.S dor for the State of Kuwait: the difficult to have available exand by anto provided the deeds which General Manager of Portsmouth pcrienced personnel in the many of November II. 1940. put the Fleet Air Arm on the different trades involved." de-stros'ung the might of the many others Dockyard and Italian Fleet, altered the whale map and altered the whole connected with Shipping and the Lady Bush said she was of the war in the course of the war an Mediter' thrilled to have launched the course various fields of Industry, ranian and laid the foundations luncheon after the At a -,hip-"it was the nicest thing Mediterranean. for ultimate victory in North The 12 were Cdr G. R M. I've even been asked to do. launching ceremony. Mr. John Africa." rh1lrt1'cru)it. Chairman of In a most amusing speech Goring. ('apt. D. C. Goodwin. Cdr. K. C Grieve. Cdr. J W. Cdr. Perr:I: went on "it is Hale. Rear-Admiral H. K. B. perhaps .i sshurniiig thought that LEAVING THE ianvnun. (dr. ('. B. Lamb. today. sshien the leet Air Arm Lieut.'(dr J. W. Neale. C .apt. is sorels extended East of Suez SERVICE? W. C. i. i. Robertson. Lieut. Oil operation, with men in the Sarra. Cdr. N J .Scarlctl-StreatAir Arm continuously Fleet field. Capt. A. W. F Sutton and working at a pace which few of SEEKING Vs ullijmcon Rear' K. Capt. u Cxpc' icnccd in this war, that Admiral Janvren is the only one a battle shiotald rage in Whitehall EMPLOYMENT? now serving, as to whether sac need a Reel iaetS at the Air Arm at all.'' - Among other 's 'ce-Adnuiral dinner "ere READ "We can oruh', hope that in D C E F. Gibson If1.m Officer, the end common sense as ill prepreNaval Air C siiirn.artd I, Vice' vail and next I .ir.anto night we NEXT MONTH'S Admiral R Bell-I).tvues. v (' , will have another sictory to and Sir SI arcel-l oh:lI. sshi,t t,elehrate. desiatned the 5cc srduisIr ii n, rift. NAVY NEWS Ihe President it the Slatss, (apt I I R,aher!sirn. RN. schi us as ( "t:uu:ui.andc: ii Is ni't In (d r. N. Perret:. R N - sad. llltas:nuriis it tntic i I .ui.u:to ''Ihetre I .ar.iuil.r. the fleet in SPECIAL PAGES ON the .ini uiuiur:cr'. aIImcrs art recalled the u'ues ol tra' an I.aauiucli : and return of the RESETTLEMENT ar. hcicuesl part : aurer.aft. e":nu ust could aol-. he 'de'
Liahew spoke In the Navy Minister. 'air. (hristopher WHEN 77 Portsmtiuth on November 19. he told of the tremendous task of the Defence Review, now nearing completion- lie said: ---The task is a tremendous one: it is a decision we must he sure about and sac must be right. It cannot he rushed," .'\puhigising for the louc dcli, graving dock, but des:gn saunk on'. decisiiii as to less carriers, is continuous. Mr. \l,ahiesa said: "It as natural I he Minister said the Govern. that the N,avy and a great nasal lake Portsmouth should ment is pl:innang a new generacity the uncentaint ended as lion of destroyers and frigates. want I he hovercraft trials in the Ear soon as possible. lie declared Fast went,' 'promising. Oceanthat there has been no decision 00 the l-lect Air Arm, on the going hovershups as submarine chasers new carriers, or the Dockyard's being
if H (1-(
N7 avy News
10110R: Lieut. IS) H. R. Bcrridge, RN. (Reid.) Royal Naval Barracks. Ponunouth. Tel.: Portsmouth 223)1 (hut. 72194). ACCOUNTS, ADVERTISEMENTS. calCULATION £ SUBSCRIFIIONS: Na'v Newn' Accounts and Circulation Ofti~e. c o Gale & Polden td.. Edinburith Por:smou:h. (let.: Portsmouth 20'2$. Alicratuns. Cancei)atioris or Amendto Hulk. Standing or Siit'u.ribets Orders can be accei':ed up to ten dass before the date of put. cation. re. his( IbursdaY in the month.
HAPPY Christmas to you 211 !
following ships are TH expected to commission or reconimission on the dates mentioned. It is emphasised that the dates and particulars given below are forecasts only and may have to be changedperhaps at short notice,
LEOPARD CS A I riatcl. De_entier 2 at Portsmouth for hiatt. Gcnctal Serutce Commission February 3. Home Lriz of Suez. lie~ East of Suez. 30th Escort Squadron. U.K. Base Port, Ports outh. NUB ION fM H Conuersion). 9 at Portsmouth. Home Sea Setnice. l ii Lryclt,nsar early February. Jut MUM. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Kosych. WOI.VEKION ICM.S.). December 6 at Portsmouth. Home Sea Service. To I.i,ch,nsar December IS. lit MUM. Squadron. U.K. Base Port. th IIECA 1K (Suruet inn Ship). December 14 at Gtasgow. General Service (urn. mission. Home. N. Atlantic. U.K. Base Port. Deu,,nts,rt. SIALCOLM (A/S Frigate). December 22. at kuisyth Home Sea Serss_r. (i,mm,ts,onn March 3 for Finhury Protection Squadron. U.K. Base Pot:. K s'yth. TI(;ER (Cruiser). December. Maltese Stenards and Cooks (0) replace U.K. ratings. TARI.1OS (C.M S.). mid-December at Gibraltar. Refit crew. Local Foreign Sers ice. LLANDAFE (AD Frigate). December JO at Devonporn for trials. Commasmona February 24 for Home Sea See. nice. 26th Escort Squadron. Foreign Sernice (East of Suez) from date o)
STRIKER (I. 5.T ). March 7 at Aden. I ere;gn Service (Muddle East). An:ph,l':Ous Wartare Squadgon. LXMOL1hl (A'S Irugate). late March uI Russuth. Pert Setsuce. L.R.P. cornPlcrttent. t.OWLS[OFT (AS Fr/nate). early Aputi. U K. Cooks and Stewards re. pl..ce (h,r,eue. LINCOLN IA I) Frigate). April at Puirtstnouuth. h'uutt Service. L.R P. iutrnttentenI. SIRIUS IA .5 Fr/gate). April 19 at hlu,me b'uir..smuiuth. Sea Service! Fu':c,gn Serss_e (Last of Suez) from datv of sa,ling. 24th Eucort Squadron. IA). JAGUAR (A/A Frigate). mid-April at Chatham. Fort Service. L.R.P. complement. S ABSION (C.M.S.). April at Chatham Foteugn Service (Muddle East). 9th N S Squadron. (B). SIISERVA (A,S Frigate), end April a: Newcastle. General Service Corn. mission. Home [ant of Suez/Home (tinder consideration). 2611) I/scorn Squadron. IA). ISE.STON (NIl). April at Chatham. lore,gn Sermuce (Middle East). 9th N S Squadron. iFt. CAI.TON ((N-S.). April at Aden. lu'rciri Sersucc (M:dd)C East). 9th tub S Squadron. IL). PHOEBE (AS Frigate). April 13 at Ga.scu,,v. General Service Commission. hIurluc East of Suez/ll..imc/Ea.nt of S:irz. Cap:am (1)). 30th Escort Squadron. U.K. Ruse Port. Chatham. KOIhII.SSV IA S hr/nate). late May at I'ur:str.u,u:h. Port Service. L.R.P. cuimpemer.. YARMOUTH (AS Frigate), early May a: Chatham. Port Sets ice. L.R.P. cornrulrnucnt. NUBIAN (G.P. Frigate) May 12 at Portsmouth. General Service C~. mission. Home/Middle East (Phased). 9th Frigate Squadron. U K. Base Port. Portsmouth (B). FIFE (GM. Destroyer). ci May Glasgow. General Seryrce Commission. Home. Pair of Suez. U.K. Base Port, Portsmouth. PortsDECOY (Destroyer'. May at mouth. Port Service. Trials crew. To Reserve on completion. IIARTLANI) POINT (EM. Ship). May at Rosyth. Port Service. Trials crew. To Reserve on completion,
With unrest throughout the world, hunger and poverty in many, countries, authoritarian regimes in others, it may be the considered that age-old greeting is somewhat inapplicable. What a wonderful world i would be though, if the greeting was always sincere and could mean real happincs.s cvcryss here. It is obvious that, even in this 20th ccnturv, the world is not yet ready for the Brotherhood of Man. It is, of course, well overdue, but while there are peoples thirsting for power and evil men working for their own tailing. (A.) CLEOPATRA (AS Frigate). January 4 ends, the prayer 'Peace on at Denonpori. General Service Cornearth, goodwill to all men' will mission. home/Pant of Sire, home remain just a pious wish. (tinder consideration). U.K Base Purr. Desonport. 24th Escort Squadron. What has this to do with the (A). Navy? Just this-without the P1.05 ER (Coasta, N/I.). BRONI.GTON (SI II Conversion). LEWISTON Royal Navy there would be even (C.M.S.). uproN IC.M.S.), and more chaos than at present WISTON l(.M.S.). January 5 at exists. The out and out pacifist Portsmouth. To Lochinnar January 5. Home Sea Service. lit M.C.M. will argue otherwise, but until Squadron. U.K Base Port. Rocyth. all men and all nations renounce MONKTON (C.M.S.). January 5 at Por.umouth. lo Loctuinvar between force. Britain must remain January 7 and 14. on completion of strong. And Britain's strength refit. Home Sea Service. Itt MUM. following ratings arc has always been the Royal Navy. Squadron. U.K Base Port, Roublh. THE PHOEBE FLIGHT. January 10 at anxious to exchange ships. The Royal Navy has ever Portland. General Service Commission. Anyone with similar qualificabeen a force for peace. It has Wasp. tions and same type of service FAI..MOUTII (A/S Frigate). January 13 not been built up for offensive at Desonporr. General Service Corn. who is interested should write operations but has always been minion (Phased). Home/ East of Suez! to the applicants direct. In of 30th aeon Home/I/nut strong to defend the weak and Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devanaccordance with Defence Counto uphold the rule of law evolved port. cil Instructions 1151/65, requests over the centuries. BRIGHTON (A'S Fr/nate). January IS at Chatham. General Service Comto transfer must be submitted In this age it is. regrettably, mission (Phased). home/Part of Suez! to the respective commanding impossible to exist solely by Home! East of Sue,. SOur Escort officers in the normal Service Squadron. U.K. Rate Port. Chatham. rood examples. Until universal AISNE (Destroyer). January 13 ar manner. disarmament is accepted by all (hathom. General Service Commisnations, good intentions must N.A.M.l.(A/E) A. , Pearce, sion (Pha'ed), Home/East of Sire,' (lime. East of (0,1) Sue;. Escort R.N. Air Station, have the means of bringing them Brawdy, Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Portsabout. And for Britain those would like to exchange drafts moi,tS. CASSANDRA with similar rating in R.N. Air means must meats the Royal late at Gibraltar. t us_il I utteign Set, i.e. Station. Lossiemouth. Navy. IN .1'. complement. The Navy is stretched to its ZF..ST (A'S Frigate). J.iniunry 13 at N.A.M.(A/F.) P. S. Burrows, l)evu,nport. Service Uomrn:s3D Mess, H.M.S. Bulwark, on limits-few and ships many .,.,it Ilitrrie W. (Phased). Indies! commitments-and so as we draft to R.N. Air Station. home. Under consider.,uicn. 8.h Frigate Sqruautri'v from 24th Escort wish 'Happy Christmas' to those Ycovilton. would like to exSquadron. U.K. Base Port. Devonwe meet at this season, let us change with similar rating deport. remember those far away from ClEOPATRA FLIGHT. January a: tailed for Ship's Flight, H.M.S. Portland. General Service Commushomes and families engaged on Bulwark. lion. Wasp. CAVALIER iDestrover). January 14 at L.Std. .1. Walt, 7 Mess, H.M.S. peace-keeping works. They in Gibraltar. Home Sea Service. Trials turn will be thinking of us. Lofotcn (Devonport), would To Reserve on completion of crew. But they will not be unhappy. like to exchange drafts with retit. arc KENt FLIGHT. February tO at Portsimilar rating based or on Home They know that. They doing land. General Service Commission. a worth-while job, and will Sea Service in the Portsmouth We,.ses. realise that if they were not 'iIAXT()N (M11 Conversion). February area. 25 at Devonport. Local Foreign doing that job, their families Sersice (Far Paul). 11th MS would not be safe and secure. Suiu.uutr,,n vice K Marion. (F). and so. with mans' a thought for KIRKI.ISTON 15111 Ciinsersiotr). February at Chatham. Foreign Service K those at home, they will enjoy Mi I (Middle Fast). 9th MS Squadron. their Christmas-a well-earncd Senior Officer in October. (F). HYDRA ISorsesing Ship). February at Christmas. Gacgu,w. General Service Corn. To remain a force for good in mis.son. home/N. At)antic!Far East. the world the Navy's presence U.K. Il.use Port. Chatham. (A). PENElOPE (AS Frigate). March I at in the oceans of the world is Devonport. I'ort Sets ice. L.R .1'. cornwish and it is. therefore. all readers and their inescapable, plenient. LONDON FLIGHT. March 3 at PortK essential for the Navy o have land. General Seri i.e Commisutuin. A more ships and men to man many customers \Ver.sen. them. RELENTLESS (AS Frigate). March K a 17 at Devonpon. General Sersice throughout the The world knows those ships Commission (Phased). Home (ueder would be used for peace keepChristmas consideration). 8th Innate Squadron. very Happy Trarisberred from 29th Escort ing purposes only. and so, it is Squadron. U.K. Base Port. Devonport. and a Prosperous and quite logical to wish everyone a KEDLESTON March at (C.M.S.). to Aden. Towing Crew United Happy Christmas and to pray Kingdom. Peaceful New Year for peace on earth and goodwill NAIAD (A/S Frigate). March. U.E. all men. Maltese. towards Cortks (5) replace
6 //.zh
operate the folkwng Official Et,pri-in Se.-n;cc for serv:ce Personnel EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Return Fore Return Fore LEEDS WARWICK 24/50/6 BRADFORD BANBURY 41/6 IllHUDDERSFIELD OXFORD 17!44/6 SHEFFIELD 41/6 BRISTOL 1/NOTTINGHAM SALISBURY 35/6 9/LEICESTER WORCESTER 30/27/NORTHAMPTON 24/GLOUCESTER 23/LIVERPOOL READING 47/6 12/MANCHESTER PORTLAND 43/17/PLYMOUTH NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME 31/6 33/STAFFORD LONDON from PORTSMOUTH 13/6 36/W OLVERHAMPTON , LONDON from GOSPORT15/31/6 BIRMINGHAM 30!LONDON from H.M.S. COVENTRY COLLINGW000 14/27/A/l there trrvcet will lake the following route true the courruenience of Servic,- Peramosel: R.M. Borrackt. Enutney: Royal Sailors' Home Club: Queen Street: RN. Ba,rcrkr. Unicorn Gnte: Stanley Rd. for H.M.S. Excellent: Hilcea Lido. Corham Hornet: Hørruron Rd.. Fareluom.
PROTECTOR Ike t':tul Ship). June at Portsmouth. Grtuetal Service CornmIssion, hlu'ttte nuuu:h America and South Atlantic L.K. Base Port. Portamuuuth. SIRIUS FLIGHT. luutue at Portland. Foreign Seruu.c. Wasp. DARING lDesIr,)erl. June at Devonruutt. I'u:rt 'seru u.s for :r:als. General Sersice (utttm'.s,in August. 29th i/soon Sua.,dton liE. Baue Port. l)cs o,ipu,t: BSRROS.S 1.5 1) ('utnscrs,on). June at Desonpuurt. General Service Cornmusts's Il'Iiased). Ihunse last of Sure:! Ilurrrte. 24th I.'.u'tt Squadron to 20th ht,gate Suia.udlu.n itt lull) . 1967. UUK.. Base Port. I;cu,npun, (Al. UNVAL'SELh) (A. S h r,gate). June a: tt,aLs. (ornmulslonn Chatham. burr August. 2nd lr.gate Squadron U.K. Base I'u:rt. I hatham. (C l. ESKIMO (G.I' Irug,.te), July 25 at Chatham. Gener.,l Serv,ce hlu,me Muddle East. 9th Frigate Squ..dri'n. U.K. Base Port. Chatham. (RI. 11.51(05 (.5 .5 Fricate). GRAFTON (AS Frigate) ---d RUSSELL (A S hr,gate). Juily. U K. (.-k% IS) replace Maliese. LOCH FAD & (Frigate). July at S,ngapore. lurc'gu, Sets i.e (Phased). Last of Sue,. 2r:h Es.uctt Squadron. 1.51. CHICHESTER IA U Fr,gatc). Augtist at Singapore Fu,re rn Sersucr iPh:used). L.ust uI Site:. 24th Escort Sutuu.udti,n tti,flt 2):h Lsu:t Squadron. IA). PI.SM(l(TIl IA S Frigate). Almost at Portsntuiu:h, Port Sets i.e. L It .P. cornplernenI. EI.'RSAI.LS I.', S Frigate). mid-August at I)csuinptrt Genet) Service ('cm. fltisSiuutt il'h.r.'edl Home' East of Sue, Iluinie (tinder c,,nsudetatu,,n). Capt. 11)1. 26th Lscuurt Squadron. U.K. Bate Pert. t)es,,ntsi'tt . (C). GLAMORGAN 1G M. 1)tx!r,,5cr). end August a Newcastle. Genera t Set. suce (urnrfltussiuun lluume Last of Suez. (3K. Base Port. Pert'M',U' h. CAMBRIAN lDestruu)er). August 25 at Portsmouth General Service Corn, mi.suiun ll'ItasgdI. 29th Escort Squadron. U.K . Base I'uutt, Portsmouth. GUREHA (GP. Frigate). September I at Ru,svth. (7ericral Service (Phased) Ilurme; Middle I:ast. 9th Frigate squadron. tl.K. Base Port. Ko.)lh (It. MINI/.R5A FLIGHT. Scp' ember at Portland. Genera) Sets ir Uu,ntrncss,on. Wasp. PENEI.OPE I S S Ftiga'e). SeptemSer (tentat ise dOe) a: l)evonpurtt. Port Service fu,r ttils Curnm,ssion date uncertain. U.K h(ase Port. Devon. Port. IC). GAI.A1EA (A S September 25 at Portsmouth. (ienetal Service cam. Mission (Phased) (under consideration). Caplaun tOt 27th I/s.u,rt Squadron. U K. Base Port. Pulrtsrrsutulh. (C). ALBION ((unmmartdo Ship). October at Portsrnoulh. hliutne Sea Service! Foreign Scrice liar from date of sailing U.K Bate Port. ports" rnou:l,. i( ) CARYSFOhII lDcstroner). October 6 at Denonn.,rt. Service Commit. lion II'hascdl hlome,under Med. 27th on Squadron. U.K Base Port Devon. port. 1(1. TIfotISRII,(;l.: (.5 S Fnitare). October I. at Ch.ulh.,nt General Service Cornnh,s'ii.'t II'Itused(. Home' Med/hluirne/ tinder cum ss,der.,tiusn. 27th 1/scort Squadt,itu. U K. Base Port. Chatham. 1(1. AGINCOURT (Destroyer). October 6 at I',tr:smuuuuth General Service Cons. mission II'hasedl lluurtte under consideration. hlorrse Sled. 27th Escort UK, Ease Port, Ports. Squadron mutuuth IC) BEACH SSIPIO'S ((',%I S ). October a. Aden. l'orcjcn Scrs,ce (Middle Exit). 9th SI S Il/i. B(JRN ASTON 1C M 5), October at Aden. Finreirn Service (Middle East). 9th N S Sui,u,udru,n (ti). DE'.ONSIIIRI (C, N. Destroyer). October 6 :,t Portsmoti:h. General Service Commis,s,uun (Phased). Home) East 01 Sue, Ilu, 01 Suez. 17K b(ase l'urru - Pulrtsrnuth l,erRI'pll) (Assa,tlt Ship). October a: Cldet'.ink. I Ii,rne Sea Service 'Foreign Service (East ol Suet) from date of nailing
He became C-in-C. Mediterranean at a crucial stage in Britains maritime history-in June. 1939. Within a few weeks of ul lissolit)iS declaration of tus ar, Admiral Cunningham (in the Battle of Ciulabria) chased If superior Italian Fleet back into its base and a few months later one of his Fleet Air Arm Squadrons carried out the attack which put a large part of the Italian Fleet out of action at laranto. Admiral Cuntringhans was also Commander-In-Chief during the Battle of Cape Mzitapan. . In the appeal the signatories say: "All will agree that Admiral Cunningham was the greatest British Naval Cornmandcr in the Second World War and that it is fitting that he should take his place amongst the great Admirals of British history. It was to him more than to any other single fighting man that w owe our Victory at sea in the ?stedltcrranean. His determination and offensive spirit ensured also that our armies could always rely. on the support of the Royal and Merchant Navies ill the waging of the land battle. Later. as First Sea Lord from 1943 to 1946 it was he who was responsible for the Naval operations that helped to achieve final victory. Those who did not see the appeal but wish to contribute to the memorial should send their donations to Admiral Sir David Luce, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord. Admiral Cunningham Memorial Fund, Old Admiralty Building, London, S.W.l,
NOTES: The term 'U K. Base Pon means the port a: whch a ship may be expected to gue leave and rebut.
As ratings are normally detailed ior o, seoler ahoal four ahead of commissIonIng date and foe home service shoal Iwo month. ahead of date. Chit should be borne I. mind when preferring rnqurnls to snfanlr to uer,r In a particular ship.
Ships in which Locally Futtered Cooks IS). (Lu) Or Stenrds are to be borne in lieu of U K. ratings are in. ducated as follows: (Al-All Cooks IS), Cooks (0) and Stewards. (H. Cooks (.5) other than one P.O. Cook (S). all Cook, (0) and all Stewards. (CI-Ces Es (0) and Stewards only. (0)-Cooks (5) other than C.P.0. and P.O.. all Cooks (0) and itt .Stewatdu. (F)Cooks (SI and Stew,tds only.
13 Clarendon Road, Southsea Telephone 21515
13 Bramley Road, North Kensington
appeal for funds to commemorate the life and work of ANAdmiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunninghalll of Hyndhope, K.'I'., G.C.B., OA., I).S.O., who died in June, 1963, after a lifetime of service to the British people, was published in the Press on October 21. The appeal, which was signed by eight senior officers of 1111 three Services-Earl Mollntbattcn, Lord Portal, Lord Fraser, Lord Ismay, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon \\'lllls, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Philip Vian. General R. N. O'Connor, and Admiral Sir David l.tcc. the First Sea Lordaims at placing a bust of Admiral Cltnningham in Trafalgar Square close 1)) those of Admirals Jellicoc and Bcatty, and that a plaque should be placed to his memory in St. Paul's Cathedral near Nelson's tomb. Admiral Cunningham tusas Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet at the outbreak of the Second World War and was First Sea Lord from 1943-46. In the First World War he tsas awarded the D.S.O. and two Bars and was Mentioned in I)cspatches. serving ssith great distinction in the Mediterranean. Including the I)ardanellcs, and later in the Dover Patrol, For the greater part of the war he 55/Is in command of the destroyer Scorpion.
N.B.-To all ships visiting Portsmouth: Special facilities to PARK 4202 osaka meet your particular travelling requirements can be PLYMOUTH 13 Waterloo Street, Stonehouse Write, phone, or call organised at short notice. 65159 TRIUMPH COACHES 3 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth Phone 27351 SOUTHDOWN MOTOR SERVICES Hyde Park Road, Portsmouth 351. High Street, Rochester CHATHAM 43134 Phone 22311
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December, I%S
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Post now for details I am interested in purchasing a New/Used
nchictg shortly
Please tend Club Brochure and details of prices and terms of year ..................... H.P
without obligation
Name ................................................................................................ Ship's Address......................................................................................................
December, 1965
Midshipmen and gallantry_awards
S Ncsss'), referencesurvivor is made towho the iiiidshiptiian be the youngest naval officer, telling the story of the Jervis Bay's last light issue (November of 'Navy gained the U.S.C. "believed
ever to receive that award." In fact there have been guile a number of younger midshipmen who have gained the D.S.C. Ms, own term rates three such, all at the me of D rtlt I where the award s gained, only, just over 17, and there were von nger ones, too. Eric BuTh was only 16 when he got its 1).S.C. at the Anzac landings. I fancy there are other examples in the course of the First World War. Fin not so sure about the last war but esse ;i t all V R. N. ,,idboth' wars ere shipmen in mostly under I'_ while still I that rate. MIDSHIPMEN '.Cs. There is a parallel story in midshipmen's V.Cs. Two at the Dardanelles (one an R.N.R,) and, of course. H. J. D. Guy - in the Boxer rebellion in 1900. This letter is not intended, in anvss ay. to detract from the the gallantry, displayed on Jervis occasion.--\'ours Hay dc,. YARBOROUGH. (Name and address supplied to the Editor.) Yarborous,'/, is quite correct. Mid. H'S,, Aubvn Ma/jesuit and Mid, (R.N.R.) Drestery were awarded the A quick reference to s 19/6 Nav List reveals that rip w that link' as mans as 25 mnids/tipmen (RN, and R,N,R.) had been awarded the D.S.C,-Editor,)
v.c. i jo/s.
Portland60 years ago
"as interested to read SIR_I about Portland in the November issue of 'Navy News.' I spent quite a lot of Iiiiic there. starting sitb Agincourt in 1905. We youths had either to pull ourselves ashore for a few hours' liberty. in an enormous launch, or in the sailing pinnace, and thereafter run riot on our salary. of 贸d. per week. In the days of the big I tome 1909.1911, temporary rifle ranges were established along the Chesil Beach in pre-atIon for the annual rifle shoot at Berehaven.
PROUD MARCHES In 1910 we fairly, set the of Portland all population patriotic. We used to land cornfrom all ships to prepare panics for the Review to be held by King George V at Plsoeni Park, Dublin. We marched up through the main street to the Verne with bands playing and our rifles with fixed bayonets at the slope. How proud we felt with the crowds the lining streets. The Weymouth steamers used to run at routine times to collect libertyrnen for Weymouth and to return its from Weymouth Pier, Then, in 1920. 1 was Senior '% t C h k cc pe r in H.M.S. Thunderer, then in Reserve with (Continued in column 3)
or small quantities, which he
could sort, to help relieve the . monotony and boredom of just sitting about the house for it is impossible for hint to take up an- oceu atio- -S shaky. "rile following letter has been received from Mrs. Gardner. a v 1. through the niediuni of your paper, thank all your rcader who so responded and to quickly generously my litisband's appeal for sl,tmps. A , world, rtul selection is as sent to -. hi in, some bvaccompanied Iriendly. and ,c,, "I hese are most appropriate at the moment for Mr. Gardner was taken into Luke Ward. Guys London, on l-lospital. October 2. seriously ill, and has since had a major operation to
his life. At the time of writing he is still very ill, but there is a slight improvement and doctors and stall are working desperately to save his life. "If and when he is fit enough I am sure lie will anser all
letters personally, but in the meantime a 'Thank you' in Your columns let readers know
that we are most grateful and have not taken the letters and of for granted. gifts stamps Yours, etc.. (Mrs.) GARDNER."
has re(Info rlnation ceived ro,?i Mrs. Gardner that her hums band died on November
28. She says that. for /uins. deaths seas per/laps a great release,'Editor.)
(Continued front column 2) four to five other battleships. We commissioned for a trooping trip to Malta during my period on board the ship. Later, 1923 to 1925, when First Lieutenant of H.M.S. Wessex, attached to the Atlantic Fled, I knew Portland well, and front
1925 to 1927 I was commanding officer of H.M.S. P.C. 74. attached to H MS. Osprey, for training A/S ratings, The canteen at Portland then
was a dismal place for the men. There has, no doubt, been many alterations since my days there. -Yours.
etc., HENRY F, WAIGHT. O.B.E.. Capt. RN., Pitlochrv.
. --
moment she is on dein the Mediter-
tached duty ranean.
In 1964 the Fifth Submarine Division left Malta and now no British submarines are based in
First World War plaque?
1 thank all the SER,-May readers of 'Navy News' who replied to Any appeal (September issue) for information about 'a
plaque which is in the possession of the Welwyn Garden City of the Royal Naval branch Association. I regret that I am unable to but the reply to all the letters, that this response was so great task. would be :i Unfortunately, although the
replies were interesting, and the information valued, to date we have not been able to contact with the anybody concerned name on the Welbourne.
Once again to everyone concerned, thank you-Yours. etc., S. E. DAVIS, 34 Briars Wood, Hattield, Herts.
The Pub with a Song and a Smile (BR1CKW000S OF COURSE)
BED & BREAKFAST Portsmouth 23381
of one of our principals
121 - H.M.S. ALDERNEY 'Navy News' Postcard Department, Gale & Polden Ltd., Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth,
Please forward one postcard, as reproduced at the top of this page, for which I attach a stamp value 3d. (Use block letters please.)
ADDRESS ..........................................................................
Postcard photographs of the previous ships in this series may be obtained without coupon. price 6d. each including postage. See this page for names of ships already issued.
Albums to hold 64 postcards, may be ob'.sined From the Editor, price 8s. Sd., post free.
,. .
SHIPS of the ROYAL NAVY photoRraphi of ilic to]POSI('~XRI) iti%%inw II.M. ships may be obtained price (vi. each. ufret, includes i,stce, 1 Sevens. iluissark. lijlc. Ccni,tir, G!asoss. Kens-a. Newcastle. Albion, Loch Killispori. Diana. .-k Royal. Taciturn. Daring.. Ctrcscrs,n. Zest, Vansu;urd. .Iurray. Cuntberland. Scorpion. Liverpool. eSpallo, Lynx. Salisbury. Shcilictd, Girdle Ncsv. 'laicistone, New. tOunijiand. Svarrior. Britannia. licemud.,. \icttsrious. Cscrunna. Alanicin, \iCs'. Tyne. 1atent - i'ailiscr. Explorer. l'orpslce, Redpolc, (',anrbia, Tiger. Russcll, Dainty, t'riuteiOr. Undunc. Defender. t),r tiursticcir - Carton. Wluiiby. tS.csitssiurne. torciu:y.. .%Iount_s ila-. Yarnroui 11e1-last hermes. Aim .cnda. . Ii. Lion. htaritand Point. Leopard. token. Chiclmcsicr. Fclto. 1,,i, Fad.,. Tenby. Sums. tilake. Esealibur, Troubridc. Rimyl. Cautt,crd,csvmu. Oberon. Cachatsittn.,ckpmot_ ticrss i,.k . t)i.untond..-\itcrimrm. Laitmtmrn. Searbmrviueli. Sea Lion. i.cIurtoutli. AsSort,. -t :de-murc. Striker. I'ti ntoumlm. itarro-.a. Viracum. Lt.mdil!. Nubian. I t.impslmirc. Otirklr.,. C.upry.e- .-\d.,rtrant. Eskint,. l)uches, tir.c5 v' tiorderer. .-SCitlCsinirZ. l.c.fldcr. Greuvmtc. iart.ur. i.,st,iar. Loythin, Aiax. t.smwestott. Dcvomm.,imcrc. Dreadrimtcht. Lac Kent. hardy. (11)(wcrni5ed). Lynx Ow,,. Catrrbrian. tmvctr Lontmni. t)itmr. Wake. .tit. Iriurtipti and Sidestiafli_
. .
Wish all our customers a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
(All Mortgage advances are subject to valuation of property and income status of the applicant) It costs only a postage stamp or a phone call to obtain our advice.
Alderney, at present HM.S. coninianded by Lieut.-Cdr. M . Bruce, A. R.N., is normally based at Portsmouth with the First Submarine Squadron, but at
Every enquiry receives the personal attention
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We arrange and service all other forms of Insurance (Fire, Accident, Household, Motor, etc.) For SERVICE PERSONNEL all forms of Life Assurance arranged FREE of any extra premium whatsoever for cover of: RISKS
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We specialise in Life Assurance and the arrangement of Private Dwellinghouse Mortgages either by Building Society Repayment or Endowment Assurance
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submarines front occasionally Home Waters visit the area, and Alderney enough
to visit several ports.
An 'A' class submarine built Vickers - Arnistrongs at by Barrow - in - Furness, between February, 1945 and December. 1946. has a displacement of 1,120 tons (standard). 1.38) tons (surface) and 1.620 tons (submerged). She is 283 feet in lengths (o.a.) and her complement is live officers and about 60 ratings. Originally this class had 10 21-inch torpedo tubes, but the four external ones were removed during reconstruction. The 'A' class were originally
in the designed for service Pacific but the Second World War ended before they could be used there. The class was rebuilt and streamlined and now have an enclosed fin conning tower 26) feet high. Alderney is fitted with a mounting for a 4inch shin, but does not carry one. Her pennant number, which was S.l6, was changed to S.66 in May. 196 1. in order that all postwar conventional submarines could be numbered in the S.Ot and onwards series. Nuclearpowered submarines are numbered in an S.I0I series. H.M.S. Affray of this class was lost in the English Channel on April 17, 1951.
4V' Admiral stirs the 'Dauntless' Duddrn! Commander - In - Chief, THE Portsmouth, Admiral Sir D.S.O., Vary] BM K.C.B DS.C., accompanied by Lady visited H.M.S. Dauntless, Begg, the W.R.N.S. New Entry Establishment, at Bwghfield, near Reading. on November 2. Admiral Begg inspected members of the ship's company and
ratings under training at Divisions and took the salute at the march past. The band from the Nautical College at Pangbourne provided music for Divisions and the March Past, adding colour to the occasion and greatly assisting the Wrens in their marching. Following a tour of the
Admiral Bcgg, surrounded by Wrens of the establishment, giving the 'Dauntless' pudding astir establishment Admiral and Lady Begg were invited to stir A the Christmas Pudding. bottle of rum was emptied into the mixture and they both gave a generous stir. Afterwards Admiral and Lady Begg were entertained by the W.R.N.S officers in the Wardroom, before lunching with Superintendent M. NI. Kettlewell, C.B.E., W.R.N.S.
Earl icilicoc presenting the sword to Peter McKenzie. The Headmaster, Mr. N. A. York, M.A., is on the right. M. Edwards, (Photo.-R. B.Sc.)
Anne Goodwin, of 10 Byron Road, Newport (Mon.) WREN VT was a very proud 'Old Girl' on November 18 when she went back to her old school, St. Julian's High School for Girls, Newport, to accept a Presentation c( Books on behalf of the school.
are piling up -are yours? His savings
A Provident Life progressive savings scheme and Life Assurance offers you, at age of 18, a cash payment of £969 when you leave the Navy after 22 years' service, plus Life cover for the family, for only £3 per monthor a pension of £195/12/- a year at 65-saving and
Assessed first, equal with two others, out of about 1,000 recruits to the Wrens during the year 1964/5, the award was made to the school by the Navy in appreciation of the good groundwork laid by the school staff. Miss Sprague. the headmistress, asked that Anne might be allowed to accept the books on behalf of the school and the presentation was made during the annual prize giving. The books were presented by First Officer P. 1. White, W.k.N.S., representing the Navy, and it is interesting that she was the Officer-in-Charge, W.R.N.S., R.N. Air Station, Brawdy. when Wren Goodwin joined that establishment, DEPUTY HEAD GIRL While at school Anne was deputy Head Girl and captain of Sarah Siddons House for a year. She passed A' level in Pure and Applied Maths and
'0' level in English, French, Geography, Physics and Btology. In addition she played for the Newport Schools in the netball team for two years and played the kettle drums in the school orchestra for five years. She also took piano lessons. She was a member of St. Mary's Baptist Chapel where she was a contralto in the choir and a lieutenant of Guides. After she left school she worked in the statistical department of the Steel Company of Wales before joining the Wrens in search of a more adventuresome life. Anne did her initial training at H.M.S. Dauntless at Burgh. field and then moved to H.M.S. Arid at Lee-on-Solent for her specialist training. On completion she went to Brawdy where she now works on Gannet aircraft. Her father was particularly pleased with Anne s achievemerit. as he served in the Royal Navy as a Chief Petty Officer.
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THAT'S/I Any navy man will tell you that "Aggic \Veston's" Is how sailors everywhere affectionately refer to Miss Agnes Weston's Royal Sailors' Rests. You see, they know they are always welcome at our residential clubs where our Missionet's minister not only to the physical, but also to the spiritual and moral needs of the men and women of the Royal Navy and other Services, as well as to those of their wives and families. Our Mission Staffvisit ships, barracks and hospitals, too. But, as Is so often the case with a voluntary organisation, funds for the maintenance, improvement and extension of our establishments are constantly needed. Please help us by donation, deed of covenant or legacy.
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Boarding and Day School for girls from 4 years on. Ful! curriculum. Individual tuition in small classes. Children of Service men and professional people welcome. Moderate fees. Riding, Swimming, Tenn:s, Dancing and Mus;c availabo.
for expert service at home and abroad
Earl Jellicoe, DS.O., M..C., visited the Royal Hospital WHEN 'T School, at Holbrook. Ipswich, for the 1964 Speech Day ceremonies, be promised that he would present to the School a sword of his father. Admiral of the Fleet Earl .JellIcoe. If was a fitting occasion that the date selected for the presentation should be Remembrance Sunday, November 14, when Earl Jellicos fulfilled his promise. by the School's head boy. Peter Addressing the School Earl Jelticoc recalled his family's John McKenzie, who was wearvery close ties with the School. ing his father's medals, in keepIt was his particular wish, and he ing with the tradition of the was sure that it would have been School when all boys whose fathers have died wear their of his father, too, that the sword, which had always been a medals on Remembrance treasured possession of hi Sunday. it the After the father, having belonged to parade Earl Jellicoc first Earl's brother who had attended the Remembrance Setvice in the School church and died when they were both servread the Lesson. As always on ing as young naval officers to' this particular memorial occagcthcr on the 'China Station,' that the sword should be given sion the Book of Remembrance, to the School. together with the King's Banner, Earl Jellicoe also presented to was laid up on the high altar and, at the conclusion of the the School some side-lights on the Punishment Book of the service. the head boy, on behalf of the School. laid a wreath on early naval career of Admiral of the Fleet. Earl Jellicoe, while he the School War Memorial, was at Dartmouth College at the The Presentation Sword is to be exhibited in a place of honour age of 14 years. The presentation was accepted in the School.
Pension ots
Earl Jelficoe gives sword to school
Piriod of
December, ISS
. ......
a Patron: 11.M. THE QUEEN
Head Office: (N.H ) 3t,Wcstern Parade, Portsmouth, Hunt,.
General Secretary: Lt. Co:njnar4cr F.M.Sarage, F.C.C.S., RN.
December, 19é5
Married Quarters for Officers at Chatham house, Chathani, which has been unoccupied since A the 'the post of Conirnander-in-Chief, The Nore. was ablished in 1961, is to be demolished in order to make room for .1.1 OOfficers' Married Quarters site. The only married quarters available for
officers serving at Chatham or in ships based generalareallocation there a nuiiibcrto of sub-standard which ssere transferred of ones from the Arms, and the new provision quarters will fill., long felt need.
risening ill minesweeper in London 4.
the minesweeper Soberton (l.ieut.Cdr. iaiiies Carlill. R.N.) visited London between November 11 Royal Naval Barracks, and was married quarters. very careful and 15 she berihed at Tower built in 1905. the first Cornconsideration was given to conPier and on November 13 the mander-in-Chief to occupy it vcrttng the house, or making it Officer's Commanding eightSir PearAdmiral available for local but being Hugo purpose. month-old son was christened son. K.C.B.. and the last one. 23 it became clear that the cost on board. Commanders-in-Chief later, was would make the proposition UnThe ceremony was conducted Admiral Sir Robin Durnfoldeconomic. by the Vicar of Holy Trinity. plans for Slater, K.C.B. the site have not vet been coinBromoton. who also married l.ieut.Cdr, and Mrs. Carlill and pletcd. but when they are ready the local Council will he con- christened their elder daughter, suited before work is begun. now three years old. It is intended to preserve the [.ietit.-(dr. Carlill is the son lawns and trees as of ilK St.\t (IN S.,, t-:en ree,vcJ features of Vice-Admiral Sir Stephen C;\ SC l,Il,,c inn i,i e been the new estate. Carlili, now on the Retired List. 3ds.1l_eJ i, he ('hci i'cuy (Iflicer or (t,,.1 Ar,,l,cr roe: To ChIef Pet., Officer IX 1, )41 t). 6. (berry. IN 646110 P. i,,cc.. IN 7i259t A. 1. tale. IN K. Ii. II,,Ilind. JX 760110 R. W. StiI64 A. S. Wteaitcy, Ilnney. IN 6. S. Ilanncy. x 7i To Seas MX 90t'() 551 5f, Smilh. MX SQ3i7 R. t);tso.i. people in this country were attending Remembrance To (hkf Peliy Officer Writer WRILE MX 7'l$S) C. B. Jcflcies. MX 82R134 Day services in their own churches on November 14, four t). Sarr. SIX 5716'03 W. J. (nnpn. of the Women's Royal Naval Service. who were in Ostend ratings To Ch,ef P00 Officer stores on duty, attended the English Church in Langestraat, Ostend, at a MX M$712 P. C. M.u,rman. MX 04'ist 3, Lindccy. MX $91006 N. T. similar service. Dar! Z. The four were Chief Wren To $.ciio Chief Fuiloeroo Artificer MX 1951172 I). Thorne. SI 92$S7 Judith Sherratl, of Uttoxetcr, B. K. II 'olona. SI 03,1721 t) II. RUssCll. To Scii'. Chief Mechaniclan Ldg. Wren Phyllis Sparrow, of KX S5leil I'. 1. It. S,mpon. KX 1.dg. Wren Deidre It 6. t.. i1,omrcii,n. Pardoc, of Liverpool. and Ldg. To ('hief Entineerlog Mechanic Wren Patricia KX -4',7(k) I.. A. 55'. (.,ocr. KX Nathan. of 90ii1 K. 3 1KX 102407 0 P. KX 7O,SIS K. SI. Ii..slin0c, NEW Christian Community 991'' KX ii. i.ietlooJ. Centre is now being built in To %eiIn Chief Ordnance SrlIBcer Director, W.R.N.S., and the Si 1 1 51 3 Ii, R.,Ir,h. the middle of the new naval Leading Wrens are serving at To leg,., (IIICI I.Jectrical Artificer housing estate of Rowner, 5' 4;; I). II. I:. 'I.ok'r, MX SIX Plymouth. Portsmouth and LeeI' Robin...n. (;osport. to cater for naval on-Solcnt, respectively, To Chief Electrician families, and to replace the old At the church were members Mx 51910$ K. r. Froojek. MX hall in Bridgemary which has 092644 I' F. W,.ish, MX 90874 A. I. of the Ostend Section of the i Slat; he 'n been in use for over 15 years. British Legion and of about 20 To Sciin Chief Radio Electrical Naval families will have the Arlilicer branches from neighbouring SI ''1k)' I I). R,am. opportunity of sending their towns. including Briigcs, To ScIin Chief Radio Electrical children to the Centre. where ?.feel, Knokke and Blankenburg: facilities have been provided to si'. >0''I i:. F. Berry. MX 924111 members of the Belgian See] he house stands in some four acres of its own ground, above the Dockyard and the
' Before the decis:on wa 6 reached to use the grounds and other land for some 60 officers
Wrens at Ostend for Remembrance ceremony
Nottingham. 'the Chief Wren is serving ill the Department of the A
S'. K i..c 1.. Chit! Radio SIX
tions of the Royal NavyBelgians s ho escaped from their country to England in 1940 and IX I. I.. i.,Ibc'.. To Ch'er Communication &ervcd s ith the Royal NavyJ\ 1541i I). 3. Kunman, IX $64636 and men and women who SI Ii \Vr;uhl. To Sek Renih Chief Pelt) Officer formed part of the resistance M's '>">7 I'. C. Sicrs. SIX 7712O movement in Belgium during the SV, MX 56)711 I'. II. Smnh, SIX 5l,at.i,, 8. 51. K. Reed. MX 890773 Second World War. The BurgoI). .5 iiMX 9412119 Ct A. Fcaer, master of Ostend and the To Chin Wren (('memo Operator) Norwegian Consul front Zeeti'2;) SI I. Seirte. To ('hief Wren (Reutauio) brugge were also present. I 42 "I I SI. Wct'h. Metttories of both World To -,elfn Chief ,SI,erofi tOiBter (AF) I. ix S''e.24 it. K. Co.. 1/tX 66'i195 Wars are still vivid in Flanders, F.,> ll,r. and this service, which was conTo Seting Chief Aircraft %lechaalclzw dueled by the Chaplain of the IX C. Mi',rt3n. English Church, the Reverend To Chef 5611041 Sir 11cr (AK) Mr. Jones, Hon. CF., and at .1 X 916204 C. 6. (rafer. L!FX $101' I. Makcy. LIFX 772123 0. B. which the address was given by l'arncll the chairman of the Ostend T Chief Sir Filler (0) ix s 73)? 1. H. Jones, L/FX branch of the British Legion, 54.92l2 St (ulkin, I.FX 101327 K. B. was, consequently, particularly i I X 837,007 It. I. t)onnclly, To ('bet Siemso ((Iii poignant. I I '5 'l;kols6 I 'A'. VEX P;nh,n. The Last Post and Reveille 71220 55. 3.doz Wells. were sounded by Buglers of the To 5cutn Chief Flecdriesal Artificer I SIR) Belgian Naval Force and, at the I '5 6(1527 I). I.. Wesilake. close of the Service, both the To n,Itf I:uecintcian ikIRl C, A ii,sokeu, L!FX 'IX '0401 and the English Belgian doz S5'40 K, 1%. Cun Iitic, National Anthems were sung. Afterwards members of the H.M.S. \\oodlztrk (l.ietit.-Cdr, congregation met in a nearby J. (I. l'ugh. R.N.). commissions hotel and a "arm welcome was at Chat ha in on December 3. given to the Wrens' party, who had felt extremely privileged to H.M.S. Vidal commissions at attend the Remembrance SerChatham on December 3. vice, Ekciriclan "''i'> t). A. EIn.r. To ('i>rI Radio Super. l.or
MODERN HOME. THINK OF A REALLY in the Manor, near country at Wraysbury PORTSMOUTH AND SOUTHSEA
again to the fore
cater for all age groups. Other activities will include youth meetings for recreation and Bible study, a Young \Vivcs' Guild for practical advice on homecooking, baby-care, etc. Con cc r t making, missionary films and talks will be held-' mainly in the winter. KITCHEN FACILITIES The Centre. which is of prefabricated consiriuction. includes a large assembly hall, complete with a film projection room. The main hall. which can hold 220 people, has a woodblock floor and the ceiling is hung with thernto-acoustic tiles. The walls are attractively decorated with a hard-wearing multicoloured spray. There is also a minor hail. two small rooms, a kitchen fitted with modern and attractive equipment in fact, a housewife's dream. Living quarters are provided for Mr. ,. Cossin. the missioner-incharge, and his wife and family. Since 1959 the Royal Sailors' Rests, which are providing this excellent facility in this quick have growing community, opened a building each year. which is no small achievement since the Rests are supported by voluntary contributions.
Help for seaman's dependants
these days of the Welfare IN .J.State people often feel there is a diminishing call for services to others in need; but there are still numerous examples of voluntary service, and our country would be the poorer without them. One of these voluntary organisations is the Sailors' Children's Society at Newland, hull, and its history covers 144 years of voluntary service. It began as a Christian mission to seamen and has developed down the years into a family community for the children of seaman who are in need of care, and a welfare society for seaman and their wives or widows who have fallen on hard i rites, 'rake one case in Portsmouth. for example. concerning a family of six. The father itt et with a serious, accident at sea. iherc was money owing oil everything the The family possessed. was desperate: mother she suffered a breakdown in health. "rite case was brought to the notice of the Sailors' Children's Society, which at once took the four children into its Newland Home. 110MFS FOR 120 This is a typical case of the which is given to seafaring help families by this voluntary service to seamen and their dependants. all of whom are connected with either the Royal Na'.".. Merchant Navy or Fishing Fleets. Apart from 120 boys and girls who live in the society's Newland Homes at Hull weckfv grants are made to some 500 seafarers' children to enable them to remain with widowed mothers or with relatives, The Society has to raise over £1,300 a week, every week, to carry out its work. It is not surprising. therefore, that even the smallest donation means so much to this unique voluntary service for seaman and their families..
. .
0(5 "ACt tSt*IS5
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R R a dio Electrical F0 Mechanic Peter Ilaydon, from Saodhurst, near Hawkburst. Kent, a visit-his firstto a Land Dayak longhouse in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, was an exciting experience. When his ship, the coastal minesweeper H.M.S. l'icton. was berthed at Kuching. the State capital, R.E.M. Haydon, with a party of other sailors from his ship, went to the longhouse. The party was introduced to the headman and shown round the longhousc. or series of longhouses. which comprised one of the largest Land Dayak
R.E.M. Peter 1I'aydon being entertained in a Sarassak longhouse villages in Sarawak, with over 1.000 inhabitants, After a meal and drinks the sailors were given a display of traditional Dayak dancing and drum playing. The accompanying picture shows two Land t)ayak girls playing the traditional drums. R.E.M. Haydon, who has been in the Navy nine years, is a single man and went out to the Far East in May of this year. As well as patrolling the Borneo coast H.M.S. Picton carries out patrols in the Singapore and Malacca Straits, on the look-out for scaborne incursions by Indonesian terrorists.
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for a further two vearc. nil She was shortly to have begun a " two-year refit to convert her for " N1'%l"(mission a new role as an .\.S.W. carrier. the 1966 ffiscal year the U.S. Nay has been authorised by R Lonrcss to build 61 new warships and to earn out nialor comerGERMAN SHIPS .r sions on a further 12. The requirements of the ietn:ini War are PORTLAND readily apparent in the new programme, in that a further 10 fast Under an mit fo ma I agreement innt or-gunboats are to be built, in addition to 14 Nuns egia n-hi, ii made e.t icr th year with the last patrol boats in sers ice or tinder consi ruet ion the iet nit in War West German N.ivy, itcss lv cornis also partly. responsible for the authorisation of 15 more landing tnis:oned German warships are ' ships including a number of I..S.Ts. ii ow to have use of the Portland 'cc fail:tics . ' hat mu! itum ded ork-up under Somess su ipi v. in bomb-\ total of 65 new Flag Officer Sea Fraininit, The first British eves, has been the Conaircraft of 16 different types has iso decision to the been for the and gressional give approved Navy the fit II sc ork-up' Marine Corps. through -, U.S. Navy three ships ss hich it routine arrived for a four-and-ahad not requested. These are a __ half-week period at Portland in third nuclear-powered guidedFRIGATE FOR NEW early October. Next year the missile frigate in addition to the ZEALAND Germans may also have use of one under construet:oa and one The Royal New Zealand Navy the facilities at Londonderry. in commission, and two more is to take delivery of a Lcandcr' and presumably. Plymouth when nuclear attack submarines. c I a sc H.M.N.Z.S. Sea Eagle transfers, for adWhen these two arc completed vanced A!S training. tIE shows Shorrock, picture the of Blackburn, by the U.S. Navy will have 98 Wakato. next September. The In return, the German Nav successful last act of an ship is now fitting out at Harnow safely aboard the innuclear submarines of all types, land & Wolff's. Belfast. will provide fast patrol boats for flated life raft the nuclear eight-man drama in the sharkwhich had against Arguing helping to train RN. ships in infested Indian Ocean. after a followed him overboard. was frigate the Secretary of Defence. craft. These combating such rating slipped and fell from the recovered and returned to the Mr. McNamara, said that it Commando Ship II.M.S. Albion patrol boats will work from ship no cc orse for his adventure. OTHER NA\'IES time to time from Portland and %% bile on passage from SingaI nuclear-powered aircraft-carrier us ill, it is iinder',tood, he placed pore to the Seschelles. under operational control of In very quick time the ship's I)ES1OND VLTTERN I.O.S.T the time ic manned thc uio:oriscd sea-boat another ÂŁ50m. ship to support during are in U.K. waters. .:d ouscred and Alt. John
December, 1965
Rescue ill Indian Ocean
I ss ould be cheaper to lit the I v. ith her ossn Enterprise missiles rather than buildguidedyet
SHIPS OF NEW TYPE The rest of the programme includes two ships of a new type. These will be used as permanent stores for heavy military equipment. In an emergency tiles. will be able to steam at once to the trouble spot and land the equipment to link up with troops flown in by air. Other new ships fou r include minesweepers which will be the first the U.S. Navy has ordered for 10 years: ten A/S destroyer-escorts: two A/S hydrofoils for coastal AS work; two oceanographic research ships and several depot ships and support ships. Among the conversions is that of a warbuilt 'Liberty' ship which will be used for experimental minesweeping. Various new missiles include 'Walleye,' which is a television-
Vi scill
'the sea boat about to take off the rescued man from the inflated life rift
Cut she is completed she two Brutish- built join
'Barhar1-is' will meet on anniversary of sinking
'Rothesmy' frigates already in service class and these w;li form the mainstay of ships the Ness
Zealand Navy. Of the three stirvising 'Loch' class frigates. two which are familiar to RN. personnel who have served in the Far East. the Rotoiti a n d Pukaki, a r c to be scrapped shortly. The third. Hawea. is in reserve, The former RN. cruiser RoaIist is. apparently, to remain in commission although she is now over 2() years old. She 'Sas reconextensively structcd before her transfer to the R.N.Z.N. in 1956.
year's Reunion Dinner NEXT of the H.M.S. Barbam Survivors' the Association, tenth, is to be held on the 25th anniversary of the sinking of the ship, cahieh took place in the Mediterranean on November 25, 1941. [lie Guest of Honour at the last reunion dinner on October 2 was (dr. H. Hodgkinson, D.S.C RN., who, at the time of the sinking, was the First
Lieutenant of H.M.S. IIotspur TO REMAIN IN SER'ICE I which picked up nearly 34)4) In the light of the intersurvivors. national situation the Royal Presentations were made of Australian Navy is to retain the j two crests of the ship. The first carrier Melbourne in comwas presented by Mr. 'Len'
Homer. the secretary and treasurer of the association to its h a r m a n , C.R.E. 'Percy Cullum. The second crest. presented by (dr. C. R. StrattonBrow n. R.N., the senior surviving executive officer, was handed to Cdr. Hodgkinson. A poppy cross, in memory of those ii ho lost their lives in H.M.S. Barham. was planted in the Field of Remembrance in Westminster Abbcc' on Noveni' her Hind on November 27
members of the association attended Evensong in Westminstcr Abbey after which a wreath cias laid at the foot of the Rarharn Memorial Candlectickc.
NEW training block, which A cost ÂŁ140,000. was opened in
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on November i 18. It "ill be used for training between 300 and 400 submariners at a t'me. . The face of Fort Blockhouse / is Some changing rapidly. . months ago tlic shell for the .. submarine one-manNavy's control simulator came into . operation, arid work is progresson a third which AM. ins building John Shorrnck, hack on should be ready for rise by next board JJ.M.S. Alhion, after April. ' his rescue in the Indian Ocean These new buildings are necessary because of the everincreasing training necessary in block, stated that the proper view of the expansion of the school for training and experi' submarine service by the Polaris icnee was at sea in a submarine, and nuclear hunter-killer boats. but the new buildings were Rear-Admiral Thomas Maxessential for, the learning and well. Director-General of Naval teaching which takes place at who ca. Training, opened the new H,M.S.
December, IS
Navy helicopter flies two mercy missions in one day
RN., of Broadstairs, joined in the rescue.
helicopter from A 848 Naval Air (or,s,,iando based on Labuan Squadron, Island, recently flew on two mercy isiisions in Malaysian Borneo on the same day. The first mission was a joint rescue operation which saved the lives of three British Service men in danger of drowning 20 miles from the Indonesian border. The men were attempting to recover an air supply drop ration container which fell into the river near a forward military camp, when they were swept downstream by a 15 - knot Current. An R.A.F. Whirlwind from 230 disembarked Squadron troops t was carrying and sped to the scene, while the Wessex, piloted by I.iut. Nigel Osborn.
RESCUER IN DANCER The Whirlwind located the men and picked up the first man, a flight sergeant being lowered to secure him in a strop. To save the second man the flight sergeant had to swim across the current, going under several times, before attaching the strop. Both men were then towed to a small near-by beach and were embarked in the helicopter. The naval helicopter rescued the third man, who was clinging to the container. Later that day Licut. Osborn flew a border scout, who had a poisoned hand and in danger of losing his arm, 40 miles to hospital. His crewman on both occasions was N.A.M.(Air) Michael Rossetter, of Glasgow.
Fellowship found in Supplementary Reserve will continue
mark the closure of the Royal Nasal Volunteer Supplementary I Reserve and the formation of the Southampton Royal Naval Officers' Association, a dinner was held in ILMS. Wesex on October 30, at which members of the Southampton Unit of the Rescne were present in force, together with retired officers recently enrolled in the new association. The chairman, Licut.-Cdr, H. ciation, membership of which Wyllic Hill. R.N.V.R., in prowas open to retired officers of all posing the toast of 'The Royal branches of the Navy and to re Navy,' referred to the great tired officers of the other serfellowship enjoyed among naval vices. Facilities in H.M.S. people, and that all Reservists Wessex. headquarters of the looked on their service with the Solent Division of The Royal Royal Navy as a wendeTful exNaval Reserve had been offered perience. and he thanked the for meetings and functions and Royal Navy in general and the the new association was already Solent Division of the Royal a gong concern. Naval Reserve in particular for the kindnesses the Southampton Rear - Admiral P. W. W. Unit of the R.N.V.(S.)R. had reGraham, D.S.C Director of ceived over so many years. Naval Intelligence, replying to lie explained that the memthe toast said that he and his hers of the Southampton Unit colleagues were very pleased at had now formed the Southampthe formation of the new assoton Royal Naval Officers' Asso(Continued in column 3)
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(Continued from column 2) ciation. stating that members could still serve the country by fostering a general interest in the Royal Navy. Capt. Ii 1. Tucker, V.R.D.. R.N.R.. commanding officer of the Solent Division, R.N.R., replying to the toast of The Guests' proposed by Mr. Donald E. Beswick, D.S.C., said that the Division was anxious to help the new association in every possible way, and hoped that it would always consider H.M.S. Wessex as its headquarters. PRESENTATION As a token of their appreciation of the assistance received from the Solent Division over many years Lieut.-Cdr. Wyllie Hill presented a silver Armada dish to the wardroom and Cdr. J. S. Clarke, V.R.D., R.N.R., the executive officer of the Division acknowledged the gifi Lieut. R. F. l.insell, R.N.R.. the secretary of the Southampton Royal NvaI Officers' Association ('R.ithmore.' Spring Road. Lymington). says that the association would be glad to welcome new members and anyone interested should write to him for details. The official disbandment of the Supplementary Reserve is to be celebrated with due ceremony at a dinner in the Painted Hall of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, on December 16, at which the Duke of Edinburgh would be present.
reTeMk 11
iI:7.1 v1 We will meet your plane at any time of day or night without additional charge and deliver you back to the departure point at London Airport when you return. Charges calculated on time and mileage or unlimited mileage basis, whichever is the cheaper. Comprehensive range of saloon or estate cars of all makes and models. Guaranteed repurchase facilities for periods of six months and over will save you money. 10% discount applicable to Naval personnel over and above discounts shown for the longer-term hires Write for details: Airways Garage, Bath Road, Hayes, Midd!csex SKY~ 6I
To mark the granting of the Freedom of the City of Portsmouth to the ships and F.stabhi.linienta in the Portmnoutb area of the Portsmouth Command on May 7, a scale model of H.MS. Victory was presented to the city. The superb model, almost three feet in length, is made of copper from Lord Nelson's famous flagship and heavily silver plated. Its cost was met by subscriptions from the ocers and men serving in the ipg and egthtbmenta for which the Freedom w granted. At the time of the presentation (July 28) It w not possible to obtain a suitable photograph, but in order that readers of 'Navy New? en. have an idta of tb magni&ent example of the work of the modet Makers and saveessniths, tbk recent photograph w takes. The model occuptes a place of honour in the antechamber to the Mayoral Saite
December. 195
'file J lag Officer Aircraft Carriers. I< ,ar-A diiiiral 11. R, It. Janvrin, I).S.C., accompanied by jiienibi, of his staff, called on the Flag Officer Submarines (Rear-Admiral I. L. M. McGeoch, I).S.O., D.S.C.) at Fort Blockhouse on November 16. Discussions on operational ilialters of mutual interest followed, with particular reference to the role of the Fleet (nuclear) subniarine as an A/.5 escort to a carrier force. It has been announced that Admiral iansrin is to become l)cputy. Chief of Naval Stall in succession to Vice-Admiral Sir Frank hopkins, K.C.B.. l).S.O., D,S.C.. in April, 1966
..," ...... ,., ,.
CAN AMERICA SPARE A six, including two now being CARRIER?
rivers and RatingtheBalui in Malaysian Borneo. The near one ofthe thetrialstwo hovercraft-operated pictureSibu.shows b wasa joint Navy/ Arms Rajang narrow and dangerous team-negotiating of 112 miles rapids During a journey two and a half hours
The latest phase in the extensive Far East trials of the SRN 5 Hovercraft unit took place among the rapids of the twisting jungle
covered in
U.S. Naval reactions INITIAL Ito suggestions that Britain might seek to buy a carrier of the war-built t'saex Class have been lukewarm. While Britain*s difficulties are appreciated the Americans point out that at present they base not got one to spare. Congress has decreed that IS attack carriers must be kept iii commission. Until the nesv carncr John I'. Kennedy is cornfour pleted. probably in ! of the Essex Class will have to remain in front-I inc service ss it hr a tifth available it) replace any carrier withdrawn for an e' tended rctit Congress also de' mands that a further nine carrueri, all of the Essex Class, should be available for A.S.\'. duties. A further four of this class are for scrap, sshkii leases
C.C.O. members, including a group leader who was on the 'wanted' list. On another occaof 40 Commando, butanies in the First Division of The main purpose of the sion 15 members of the C.C.O. MEMBFRS Sar.nsak-the first time that Royal Marines, based in patrols is to show the local inwere caught. river patrols have been carried Sarassak, are now habitants. Land Davaks and operating The river patrol group river out by a military unit in 11i5 patrol, patrolling two Malays who live in longhouscs operates six long-boats, which and area, major rivers and numerous tnkampongs on the river were built at the nearby State banks--that the Security caprtal of Kuchrng. and are lorce. are there to help and fitted w'th powerful outboard protect them. The Marines are engines Already hundreds at lst) on the alert for any signs of miles of riser have been covered, Indonesian terrorist, or memfrom close to the border to the ber.. of the Clandestine Comcoast, and mans' people have munist Organisation. Ideal Christmas Gift mainly been met who have never seen a dissident Chinese, who are very military patrol since confrontaactive in the Commando's area. lion started three years ago. last During patrols, which 'WANTED' MEN CAUGHT from three to four days., .st(ips are frequently made at the riverDuring a 'big fluth' recently h the Marines no Indonesian side dwellings. where the local terrorists were detected, but a inhabitants give the Marines a river patrol rounded tip three h'wcL,'me. ______
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1 ICTOR }' fl\ lug Lord
used as helicopter carriers. Of these six one is being used for anti - submarine duties, though she has an axial deck and only one has an angled deck. This is the prototype strip for the angled deck, the Anlietam. sshidi is in reserve. Since none at these has team catapults it is evident unless the Airrericans feet able to sell or lend a more modern carrier Britain will be faced with a heavy conversiont hill-if, indeed, the idea of purchasing an American carrier goes ahead.
lounthatten officer'. of
joined the
MDMIRAI. the R,N, Air Station, Yeos ilton. on November II, at a Mess Dinner to celebrate and remember the 25th anniversary of the Battle of 'l'aranlo. He a as met at the Wardroom Mess by (dr. J. W Kelly. RN i tire Executive Ollicer' sit tile Air
Stat ion, and in front of the mess the only Swordfish still in flyrig condition 5% as floodlit or the occasion.
With the Sisordlish forming a suitable backdrop, Earl Mountbatten poses with (left o right) (apt. T, G V. Perc, Vice-Admiral Sir Frank hopkins and RearAdmiral I). W. kirke
the Swordfish had been flossii i that day for .r television progra mmc featuring Major aJar 01 iver Patch, RM.. sslio took part in the battle Major l'atchi was the only survivor of laranto to he present at the dirtier, and he had its' made his first flight in .u Sss ordlish or t)% .-.r 20 e.irs
H.M.S. Excellent
The preacher at the Festival i of St. Barbara. the patron Saint of the church in H\IS. Excellent on December 5 (1030) will the Rt. Revd. F. N. : he of (hap1 a iii - Chamberlain. I i.\l S Excellent, l')47-45, and ( hiapi liii of the I ]cCt. I
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PETERSFIELD & Co. HINTON BUILDINGS HINTON ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, 26482 Plea c. send ine the ---Geared to Groirth'
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December, 1965
. .
' *
Mercy mission by hovercraft
British Inter-Sersicc Itoercr:ift Unit. sIiich spent six on Ill% in Borneo carrying oul exten~i%e trials under conditions. is now contiIIuint epcriiiientaI iirk in before returning to the t nilcd Kindoiii. the combined Rov.d Ntvv sister. ss is quick I' put aboard and Arm team. under the cornand taken to Sihu. shec she 11131id of Major Roger I I.trri. x% ,is to rushed hospi:.d by R.C.i' spent five months at ambulance. Later hoth tile
" varying Singa-pore
I he view ass.I ult ship undergoing l,uildirs trials
Wes SRN5 hovercraft ere tested over swamps. beaches. mud flats and narrow rivers. The last month ii. , enin trials osLrnpidslrom t' Sihu in Sar.iwak. One of file ist jobs hLt&r ns lSingapore was a mercy file first one they had ever performed. call canic woman through that a
base. %ias scriously ill after giving birth. Within half an hour one of tl rc A1VIPHIBIunit's and was soon sKeding tip the ssP' orld - ss dc communication Rajang River on its way to facilities. There the woman, Kapit. class have a disof this Ships accompanied by a nun nursing 1,1111 "_* A -
RoaI Nass, commissioned at the Belfast shipyard of Ilarland Fearless, the
the two
ships for
Jj.MS .
and Wolff Ltd., on November 25. Commanded by Capt. 11. ('orhelt. l).S"().. l).S.C.. R.N.. the Fearless is the most versatile ship yet designed for amphibious warfare and ssill pioneer a ness era in British amphibious capability, be carried in the ship's dock and 1 lie entirely new class of ship launched from a special ci*niis fitted out asaNaval Assault in the open stern parttnent Group, Hrigade Headquarters, v. hidi can he flooded. enabling Ship and is provided with an the craft to he floated out. Assault Operations Room from ss hich Naval and Military perIt can land :t military force ,,)title]. ssorking iii close citcomplete ss Oh full supporting a riltoti r. including a squad roil of and can mount operation, tanks, or armoured Scout ears, control an amphibious operaor a complete unit of the Royal n. with their heavy Fngiiieers equipment. It can operate a CAN CARRY TANKS flight of assault helicopters by rite Fearless is designed to div or night. She will he tanks and carry heavy equipequipped with the latest radio went and will he capable of aids and her extensive traitslanding troops of an Infantry milling apparatus will ensure battalion or Royal Marine tonimatido, and their vehicles, by landing craft. These craft will
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courage saves two
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by radio mi strLle ions lroni 'fthe?: llying entirely %~i:llotlt lights
kill and
saved file live, of
NEW LV1' r ''OT4k"'' _- :, FIRST OFFICIAL
,I .
Cutting the cImlhhhIssuonung cake in the llcron Club at ' e o v i I I 0 n . Vice-Ad,niral I), C. F. F. Gibson, Capt. 'I'. C. V. Percy and l.ieut Cdr. C,,, P. Came
November 4 the new 893 Nasal Air Squadron became the first squadron to formally conhhhlission at R.N. Air Ieosiltoii, for over four years. h ( ommirtiamided l.meut.-( dr. (. I'. ( ii tie. R.N who read the OIF' 60 veterans 0 h" a warrant at " comilmilissiotlimig 'battle-cruiser simple ceremony. 93 Sqmmadroti 912-1924), attended a reunion is equipped ssith the Sea vixen ' on hoard the present cruiser and will even tmlFAW 2 H.M.S, lion at Portsmouth 01 :.illv embark in I l.M.S. VictorioseniI,cr 5-the 37th anmou next scar. 'I he l')O officers - irsar of Lion leading who the and foriti ratings 1, Seas Fleet iito into If. are on a,,,an squadron SaP:a at the end of the First Service Commission. World War. P The guest of honotir Mals The visitors vvere shown Vice-Admiral 0. C'. E. F. round the ship and - later met - ( ibson. the Flag Officer Naval Admiral of the 1-Icet Earl Air Commnatid, Watched hs t titinthatlen, who joined the (am lies and friends of the mlcs,old lion as a midshipman. Squadron, \' G ihsmi " said how pleased lie was that his p 1 lie battle-cruiser Lion had first otlicia I duty as F.O. NAG. I eight 13.5-inch guns and 16 5% as to attend this commissionftu Ni itch, She was the first ship t itig at Ycovilton. nt over £2 million. mon.5 -
HE last Royal Nisa ship to be built at the s irtI of Mss John Samuel While & ltd in ((isses, lI.%I.S. ('ii on Arethusa, commissioned November 24-am less hour, alter i sister 'I.einder' class frigate. Juno, had been launched across the ssitcr at %oi,lsIiin, The company is closing the shipyard to concentrate gill section engineering work. 1 lie Commissioning ecieiuonv I coiiconducted by mite ( fliP1 till of the Fleet, the \'en R. \V. R iclmardson. the Rcv. R. ( ss IL iii \Villiatiis. Principal (Imaplaimi of lie Church of Scot l.i mid and tree Churches. amid \Ionsgmior C;. Ii. ('. Pitt. Principal Catholic Chaplain (Naval). at the eoni" the primici pal guest I missiotiung ceremonY 55 is lady hamilton, svife of Admiral Sir john- Ci. Hamilton. Comma iderx% ho ill-( ii cf. Mediterranean. launched the ship on November 5. 1963. She cut the colimmissioni rig cake and was presented ss it h a bouquet b' Leading Seaman s Ito was (ir.mhani "l liornpson. - dressed in the naval rig of Lord Nclson's tithe. !
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torches at the l~iiiotiil,., zone. 11%. his
300-%119.E TRIP While it Sihu trip 'sere made along rivers far into the jungle ifltcflOr. IOflLLSI passage ss is to Long Liii, i. 300 miles ii~% zt y ;liking and Balui Rilers. Night Journeys by river vvere ako made. One (if 94 iiii!cs from K a pit to Si hit is believed to he hovercraft ill darkness. ]bail,, living in remote areas were terrified when they first saw
BERNARDS provide a comprehensive
GUIDED ( TOR(I1ES Iiitiiii,tli_iti. satl.ltlon. " Imo's ever, %% ;is essential. and it was decided to call for a casualty evacuation by night under file cover of heavy defensive lire. R ass I itt s Ill] jer:ook
to be "doing line.*'
cr into that area by )icli,:k)p night. and tile only suii ble landing site 11-as just heloov tile position oil an unexen. rocky the sid of ;li cnemltV hill ill full ' :Itmt
Skill and
length of 520 feet and a beam ) feet Four Seacat guided p sseapon systems will he fitted. milE Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct has been together ssith tss o 40 mm. Rofor ssill guns. 1 heir main machinery awarded to Lieut.-Cdr. John consists of steam turbines in two Tresor Rawlin.s, R of Shearsell-coiitained units, each drivssater, Port Njsas, near Faljog one shaft. mouth. Flight Commander of The ship's company of 36 the R.N. Wessex helicopter officers and about 49() ratings flight supporting operations by ill have the most modern X' Company, 45 Commando accommodation. as will the Royal Marines. Aden. assault force. All living and An officer, an N.C.O. and a are airworking Marine were injured, the first spaces conditioned. two seriously, when the Cornpans' was heavily and accurately attacked by rebel mortar lire in Capt. R .A. Gilchrist. RN the icinity of the Khuraihah of has been appointed Chief Pass, and the medical ollicer of Officer ScotStall to the Flag the that Company reported land and Northern Ireland in neither would survive the night 1'. N. succession to (apt. if were not speedily they (atlow. RN. evacuated. The on high - Company ground. i n rugged. mountainous, tel-ra it and it had been con-
RNBT maintains its own Home for Aged ex-Naval Men in Gillingham, Kent; and the Naval School of Motoring, Portsmouth, where Naval men are taught to drive and service motor vehicles.
of Bernards
compre-hensive service will gladly be given on request at a branch or through Head Oflice.
(A. II. Bernard & Sons LHHite(I fiend Offire. IIarwi('Ii, Eses. Telephone 2281 11otie. Anglia I Quern Street, I'ortiiiotitli. Telephone 23333 II Martin Terrace, I)esonpuri. Telephone: Plymouth 21791 II Kirkgate, Dunfermline. Telephone 736 II Ordnance Street, aletta, Malta and at Ch.utluaiii, Portland. Deal. Grininb', Londonderry, Itelen.biirtzh. Gibraltar, It.M.S. Dolphin, and at Il.M.S. Pembroke, I.u',k'moi,thi. Arbroath. Braw.Is', Cuildrose, Corshani, Lymp.tone, leovilton and Poole.
December, 1965
t.. N
jll*$i -
1. I
. ;
; When lskizno isited den at the beginning of October, the President of file C.P.0s.' Me'..'., (C.I'.O. Gordon Ilopewell) presented the President of the C.P.O'..' Mess, Sheba (C.P.O.(M.E.) Ray l)ennis) sith the ship's crest, as a token of appreciation of the hospitality extended by Sheba's Chief Petly Officers and Petty Officers. Included in the photograph are C.P.O.M.E. Dennis, E.A. Prowse, R.P.O. MeGaw, C.P.O. Wtr. Carter, C.CX. Rundlc, (.R.E.A. Griffin, Ch. Elect. Fayle. C.P.O.M.F. Ilopewell, R.Mech. Toes and Shpt. Noble
LI:IflaC, the f.ean(lcr Cii'.s frigate taking 10 the water in 11.51. tJOCi.%.IIU, 1)CYOIIIHJfl, 00 October 21, 1965. The naming ceremony was performed by Miss .&nthcj Talbot, daughter of S'icc-Admiral Sir Fitzroy Talbot, the Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth. who was deputising for her mother. Lady Talbot, who was indisposed. Among the guests at the launching was Mr. 3. P. W. Mallalieu, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Navy). At a reception after the ceremony Rear-Admiral A. 3. Cawthra. the Admiral Superintendent of the Dockyard described Miss Talbot as a charming and splendid deputy." The religious service was conducted b5 the Reverend C. K. Giggall, BA.. R.N.. Chaplain of H.M.S. Drake and the Dockyard. As with other ships of the class a high standard of living accommodation has been achieved for the ship's complement of 17 officers and 246 ratings
Peruvian ships commissioned at Portsmouth
0~ber 8 21 Ports~tk Lapeyre. Peruvian N a v a 1 0N six 110-foot Attache. to the Flotilla Cornfast patrol boats,. dndgned and mander, Cdr. Guitlermo A Villa Paws, and he. in turn, handed built by Vosper Ltd. for the n,mhover command of each ship Peruvian Navy.' were - to her commanding officer. sioned. The ships,with the 'motherFollowing a reading of the B.A.P. official resolution establishing sbtp.' Independencia, $i1ed for Peru on October 15. the fast patrol boat flotilla. Provision is made for the command was handed over by Admiral Hcrnan ships to be armed for the gun. 'asqucz
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boaL torpedo-boat or minclayer roles. The complement of each is four officers, four diicf pefly officers and 17 junior raJiags
n *tmøriam
Raymond lmpeo., Petty Officer Air Fitter, LIFX. 854545. H.M.S. Seahawk Died September 28, 1965. Malwyn l)aies. Electrical Mechanic 1st Class. C'M.974427. H.MS. Lochinvar. Died October 14, 1965. Os'. Id Francis Gray. Ordnance Artificer. 1st Class. 928754. DIM. H.M.S. Ocelot. Died October 16, 1965. Arthur Butler. Petty Officer Electrician. P/MX. 833581. l1.\l.S. Burnaslon. Died October 25, 1965. Chief Wilfred 'issenga. Petty Officer. P/JX. 154748. Il.M.S. Gurkha, Died October 26. 1965. l.ieiut.-Cdr. Francis Digby Boileau Read, R.N. II.\1.S. President. Died October 27. 1965. Surg.-Cdr. (I)) Ernest Ed'.sard Reed, U.N. Drake. Died 1I.M.S. Noscinher 1. 1965. Peter John Godfrey Dancils. Corporal. Royal Marines. R.\1. 19528. 40 Cdo., R.M. Died November 4, 1965, I)a id Irvine. Petty Officer Stores Assistant. 1)/MX. 849453. II.M.S. Fulmar. Died November 5. 1965. Esniond Beadle. Quarter Master Sergeant, Royal Marines. l'o/X.3017. R.".I. Barracks, Eastney. Died Nosember 7. 1965. Gorthin Keith 1)e'Gar. R.1. Ilussey. Marine. 41 Cdo. [s1. Died 18509. Nosember 8, 1965. Coniinandcr Pettr Douglas I)aey, U.N. 1l.M.S St. Angelo. Died November 10. 1965. Sub-Lieut. Richard John Dali. U.N. H.M.S. Owen. Died November 14, 1965. George Eider. Able Seaman. l)/J.981556. Terror. Died November 14. 1965. Acting Sub-Lieut. Richard Paul Carpenter Britannia Naval Royal College, Dartmouth. Died November 22. 1965. Midshipman David Kelvin R.N. H.M.S. hodges, Coldcrest. Died November 23. 1965.
Or one that got away
our quarry submerged in a pool of bubbles. "Open fire 'B' gun" was the next frantic order-the 4.7 just forward of the bridge was always kept manned. But the target was too close, the weapOn could not be brought to bear. In a few seconds the U-Boat had gone. It dived under the convoy where it knew detection would be difficult. Meanwhile our engine orders were corrected. The ship circled astern of the convoy and we hired a shallow pattern of depth charges although asdic contact with the enemy was not made There was nothing for it but to return to our station on the screen and continue our voyage into the night, sad and ashamed.
in sight, right ahead." This warning from A.B. Guiding. starboard lookout on the bridge of my ship 22 years' ago, set in motion a sequence of nightmare events which showed that naval training and discipline are not infallible. would give him £5. licut. Boyle, Emerging from the mist, not 200 yards away, was a fully surthe asdic officer, added that his faced German U-Boat, so close contribution in such an event. that you could have hit it with would be a bottle of beer. A a spud. In fact, if the submarine minute later A B. Golding's had maintained its course there yell caused our rude awakening. would have been a collision. A SITrING DUCK The Second World War was Every destroyer's ambition two years old. I was ring was to sight a U-Boat--this was as second officer of the Watch our first. Mother Fortune pre-a 'Makee-learn'-in a fleet sented us with a sitting duck-a destroyer, the senior ship of one in a million chance. The group escorting a North Atlantic chief yeoman was the first to convoy, react. The signal book laid down We were stationed ahead of that when a submarine was our charges. It was II p.m., cold and wet, with visibility almost sighted the convoy should be warned by a series of blasts on nil. The captain's custom was to the siren. He pulled the lever. come on the bridge, just before The siren shrieked, he turned in, to write night This alerted the officer of the orders and 'put the convoy to watch in the U-Boat who, until bed.' His asdie officer and chief then, had not seen us. We saw yeoman attended during these him bolt down the conning brief duties, tower hatch and the submarine CASH AND BEER started a crash dive. Our captain, known as 'Flash A final look round. Then the AIf' due to his ability as a ship. captain said that if anyone saw handler, decided to ram, "Full a submarine on such a night. he ahead together" he barked down the voice-pipe. The seaman on the engineroom telegraphs was having a nap-a moment 'up the line.' He heard "Full" but did not catch the second part of the order. However he made a quick appreciation as he knew that the ship was steaming in poor visibility.
A DIFFICULT LETTER However, there was a postscript to the story. A. B. Gelding received a cheque for £5 and a bottle of beer. Otherwise there was no glory. It is not known how 'Flash All' explained the incident in his report of precccdings. Writing an explanation for Their Lordships must have required careful wording. Later in the war the Admiralty banned submarine ramming. 'This had caused extensive damage to escort vessels and put them out of action for weeks. Submarines are to be sunk by gun, ahead-throwing weapon or depth charges.' we were told. In addition Their Lordships did not approve of inaction in dockyards while ships were under repair, although the ships' companies had no complaints-they were able to enjoy some leave 'up the line,'
Sombre words at dinner
Portsmouth branch of THE the Royal Nasal Writers' Association held its annual dinner on November 26 to mark the 78th anniversary of the foundation of the Association, about 160 serving and ex-serving Writers being present. Proposing tile least of The Association Mr. Straw hoped that the obvious happiness which permeated among the diners svojld he repeated year by year, even to 1987, the 100th anniversary. In his reply the Portsmouth Chairman. Mr. F. Latham, expressed the concern of the officials of the Association about its finances. He said that new members were required-keen. active ones, and asked those present to point out to their colleagues who were not members the worthwhileness of the Association. Without such an organisation it would be virtually impossible to arrange such a happy reunion as took place year by year. The sombre words 0f the Chairman did not affect the of those at the dinner -as always the whole evening was splendid-and both the young, and the not so young. mixed and reminisced, and looked forward to many more such enjoyable occasions.
FULL ASTERN! "We must be in danger of a collusion" he summed up, putting the telegraphs to full astern. As the ship gathered stern-way
this [,-lckirowh's!çe,,ie,zi for trite usar-ti,flC warn is :nadt' to The Bosun's Ca!!, tire news-letter Of fire fur/an branch of the Rosa! \as'a! Association.]
Are You Tired
of sleeping in a cramped bunk or hammock on board ship? If so, when ashore in DEVONPORT, book a room at
You will then be able to RELAX in the most LUXURIOUS cabins available in the West at only 5/. per night. Other amenities include: TWO BARS SNACK BAR TV BILLIARDS BALLROOM Thursday Night Is Club Night when you will be entertained by Professional entertainers in the ballroom from 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION FREE
The ballroom can also be used, free of charge, for your ship/mess dance/social. Simply contact the Tel.: Ply 51707 Secretary Manager
December, 1965
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arejiwne V,c,nicr lights 3.000
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The flame height is adjustable. Just twirl the Varaflanie wheel and the flame rises or falls obediently. Up for pipes and cigars. Down for cigarettes. Before Christmas gets any closer, look at the full Varaflame range (three of them are shown below). Pick up each lighter. Handle it. Admire. Compare. Then choose. Carefully-whoever gets it will own it a long time.
Refuelling takes seconds with a Ronson Multi-Fill. And in normal use you get a full year of lights from one Multi-Fill.
ONSON .. Ask . Adonis .
to see the Ronson range of lighters next time you're in the N.A.A.F.1.
Also available from branches of Bernard's and Cooper's. Banker
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H.M. The Queen
(i)MR st)l'l Ill'
After the tins ciling of the plaque in Coventry Cathedral. sIrs, F. M. Skells. Mrs. 1) er. Mrs. Iledle',, Mr. F. M. Skelly (a founder member of the Coventry Old llands' Association). Mr. Mcl)ougall and Mr. C. Ciinnell. [he plaque can be seen on the right of the picture. (Photo.-E. C. l'aice, Coventry)
First Memorial for Coventry Cathedral
first V.C.awariied in the Mediterranean d u r I n s the Second World War. The Third Sea Lord, like the other ex-shipmates of H.M.S. Coventry is a member of the Old Hands' Association of H.M.S. Coventry which now has a membership of 154 members. It was formed several ears ago HREE former captains of H.M.S. Coventry and 70 men "ho alter a chance meeting" between once served in the cruiser, together with about ISO relatives Mr. E. M. Skchlv. who was an and friends sere present in Coventry Cathedral on October 23 sahen acting leading seaman and Mr. the Third Sea Lord. Vice-Admiral It. R. Law, who was once F. Risden who was an able seagunnery officer of the ship. unveiled a plaque in memory of the 67 man "lien the ship was sunk. members of the ship's company who died in the Second World War. The p r ccc n t o r, Canon The three captains were Capt. J. W. Poole, conducted the serset into a roll of honour of vice and among other clergy R. J. R. Dcndv. Capt. \V. P. translucent marble. Carne and (at ft (jlmour, taking part was the Rev. E. P. FIRST MF MORI.-tl. and one of the lessons at livenReade. Vicar of lhinkv, who was The Provost of Coventry. the formerly a commanlcr in thesong which preceded tile unveilRev. II. C. N. Williams, Very Royal Navy. The Lord Mayor log was read by the Rev. D. L. said that the of placing t,n,' and lady Mavnrecs of Coventry. memorials in the cathedral had Mrs. W. ;i;g'er the Royal been deliberately avoided and were present Marine detachment on board there were none. The ssar dead when was Coventry she sunk of H.M.S. Coventry sserc the by German dive bombers in only people to be thus honoured. 1942. Four sisters from Wolver. . the
l'resciit.iluon of l1c.ILI(lulE to the 7M.ay. ore%, by the branch chairman's wife. Mrs. W. Harding. Left to right: Shipmate W. liurding. Mrs. Harding, the Mayor ol Port Talbot, the Masoress and Shipmate 3. %ViIli:iiiis. (Photo.-Kenneth ()ssvns, Porthcassl) Chri'tmas Greetings to all Shipmates
ÂŁ535000 CLUB
HE Aberavon and Port Talbot branch of the Royal Naval Association held its first Trafalgar Ball on October 22 in the recently built Mon l.ido Ssaimming Pool which was opened in June this year by the Queen. The fiinct;,n started , g n rn and went oil. non-stop. until the early hours of the following morning. The mayor of Port Talbot. Councillor J. 0. Lewis .and the mayoress, Mrs. Lewis. the Town Clerk and his wife.
flADDI P I 1I 1
Mr. and Mrs. E. (iritliths were present ss ith many distinguished ,, , .. 150 ~k.
a fistful of flavour
1-he plaque. of polished brass. hampton attended the ceremony and one of them, Mrs. E. Bull,
which hears c h e inscription H.M.S. Coventry. Sunk off Tobruk. 14th Seternber, l')42. rhtis has been placed here by the
wore the Victoria (ross posthumouslv awarded to their brother. P.O. A. F. Scphton.
Navy Room. Beneath the plaque are the 67 names on brass plates
anti - aircraft fire directing against enemy bombers. His was
The branch Standard was well to the fore at the local civic parade on Armistice Sunday and a goodly number of shipmates attended,
put in a lot of hard work, and he a n d his committee well earned the mane conoratulations that were voiced by those present. LOOKING FORWARD Members of the branch are t he next looking occasion. is hoped that one of H.M. ships may be visitingl'ortralhot.
During the evening it was
announced that after three years the Wear branch of WHEN T the Royal Naval Awsociaof work and worry the branch tion held its dinner dance on had, that very week, made a . -. -- start on its new ÂŁ53,000 social Trafalgar Day. 180 shipmates, club on the western end of I'ort their aaivcs and friends had a --. Falhot sea front. This will be I most enjosable evening. Shin. opened in the latter half of I mate K. Nelson "as the MC. 1966. Our reporter from Port for the occasion and everything Talbot forwarded a sketch of went with a swing. new the The association's reunion at building which, notoiiwiatel. we cannot reprothe Festival Hall on October 30 duce in 'Navy News.' but its ssas so much enjoyed by the 40 -, Appearance will not only be an shipmates and wives, who spent asset to Port Talbot. but will the sseck-end in London, that - - also twice that number have already enhance the reputation of lop CAft the Royal Naval Association in intimated that thee ii ill he bookarea. nt. for the 1966 rLuni n 71).81-vs
)e twit reintinbrr them 3. P. ('otter, Shipmate Founder member and first President of the Weymouth branch. November 21. Shipmate 'Doug' Bruin (SO). October 7. Member of the Durban, Port Natal, branch. Shipmate C. Ilitchin (74.) A member of the Wear branch.
ORDER/RENEWAL (Detee a 3ppropr,it)
of the Royal Naval Association , the"h elements and took bravedart Parade, marching with the naval contingent. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the Royal Naval Association and the Submarine Old Comrades' Association. After the parade all were well entertained at the R.M.F.V.R.' headquarters, where a lot of 'Iamp-ssvingrng' took place. By the time this report appears in print the Tyne branch will be in their new club. It is hoped to have the club ofliciall: declared open early in Decenthem by Rear-Admiral F. N. Sinclair, C.B.. D.S.C.. the Naval Regional Officer for the NorthEast, "file Commodore, RN. Barracks. Portsmouth has presented the branch with the nameplate and crest of the last H.M.S. Newcastle and members are now hoping to get a crest from ll.M.S. Tyne.
P..'-i' pf a cop, of each issue of Nary News to:
Tyne B
club in mcmory, of their P.O. Sephton was killed in the \Vilhiams, and a survivors I. Shipmate Remembrance 40 Sunday killed in action,' has ship in an action off Crete oil 0Ni,iembcrs of the Tne founder-member of the branch, shipmates branch been placed in the cathedral's May 18. 1941. when he was
and friends. ilie entertainment's secretary,
for men who can handle " -
/ ::r meiry oder.'postai oderceqcc iace 11:., bc."ij i syb::rFp/:n f_ /2 is:d.'ry pc1e co.crncrice.._ (mc.....) 'NAVY NEWS' CIRCULATION & ACCOUNTS OFFICE, c,' GAL POLDEII LTD., EDluttUnOft ROAD PORTSMOUTH
We can n,akc tip any required set of Miniature Medals. We have them for every campaign since i900. They are not expensive. The sct-I939-45 Star/Atlantic Star/Defence Medal/War Medal costs only 28/6. Send for quotation and tell us the medal, you want Ribbon bars, either with pin at back or for sewing on to uniform, 9d. per ribbon. Your own full-size medals mounted2/6 per medal Wire and Silk Blazer bad,:,.'. ROBERT ANOREW [TO. 101 Manchester Street Odham, Lancs.
December, 1965
incinbers of ER"'-TAIREE the (;osporl branch of the Royal Nasal Association itiade the first s isit of any association branch to the Jersey branch during October, and Jersey went MAIN to great lengths to make the visit most enjoyable in "cry aspect. The party ssas dire to arrive on the Friday evening. but fog prevented touch-doss n until SatThe visitors urday morning. were met at the airport by mem-l lie Chairman and President of the I I(.ist branch is lilt other officers. shipmates and some of their bers of the Jersey branch arid giicsts.--Standing: 1. Brown (Sceretar I: Siiri. Capt. (I)) \I. Bennett. \ .R.l).. R.N.R. (National escorted to the hotel where Council Delegate).. Lieut. (S) R. I). kolsion. R.N.R.; Capt. II. F. Smith. \ .R.l).. R.N.R. C.O. accommodation had b ec n A. Niblock. Cdr. W. 'I. Blunt, R.N.: 'Ister l)is isbn, R.N.R., 1l,M.S. arranged. R.N..R.: Capt. F. M. A. Torres-Speuce. l).S.O.. D.S.C.. RN. (ref.); Capt. R. Bi,d. l).S.O. and A coach trip round the island A. R. Shilliriglon, liar, D.S.('.. R.N. (ref.). Scaled: (apt. C. W. l)ibbcn. O.B.F., R.N.; Cdr. occupied the afternoon and in ('.8.. V.R.I).. A.D.C.. R.N.'.R.: \icc-Admiral Sir A. Ilezle(, K.B.E., C.B.. D.SA). and Bar, the evening the visitors were 1. C. Barlett, R.N.'.R. (Chairman, Belfast branch); Capt. Sir R. Pni. K.B.E.. l).S.C.: entertained at a local hotel. In '4.R.D., l).L.. R.N.V.R. (President, Belfast branch); and Capt. 1). V. M. MacIced, D.S.C.. R.N. his speech of welcome the presi(Senior Nasal Officer. Northern Ireland) dent of the Jersey branch said how pleased he and the branch were to receive a visit from such a worthy branch- substantial in their membership, possessing own club premkes. part of sshich they had built themselves, but above all. rich in the spirit of comradeship befitting the association. He thanked the chairman and shipmates of the in H.M.S. Renossn. and spoke Jersey branch for the work they the Ilth Annual Dinner of the Belfast branch of the had put in to make the visit a WRIEN of a young midshipman who Royal Nasal Association was held on No..ember 6, there were success. was serving at that time. and 200 shipmates and representatives front the Bangor. Lisburn and great Porladossn branches, together with representatives from the Royal accordingly it w a s a PRESENTATION Arliller' Association, the Royal Ulster Rifles' Association, the pleasure to him to see Capt. Macleod present that evening, Royal Iniskilling Regimental Association, the British Legion. the J. Dent, vice-chairShipmate Burma Star Association and the Northern Ireland Disabled ExA NEW MEMBER man of the Gosport branch Scrsicemen's Association. thanked the Jersey shipmates Shipmate Licut. R. D. RolsThe principal guest was Capt. Capt. G. W. Dibben. O.B.E.. for their warm welcome and ton. R.N.R.. proposed the toast 1). V. M. Macicod. D.S RN Superintendent. R.N. Air to the guests and Capt. H. E. presented a handsome plaque of Yard. S%denham. proposed the RN., the Senior Naval Officer. the RN. Association badge to toast of the Belfast branch and Smith. V.R.D.. R.N.V.R.. reNorthern Ireland. In proposing D. the president. Shipmate plied. announcing that although the toast of the association he spoke of the cordial relations he Simons. chairman of the social and he was a this had bctwccn the guest year the sad task he existing Navy explained committee of th e Gosport would he present at the next "hen lie took over command of the Belfast branch and of the branch also presented a similar annual dinner as a member of tINtS. Sea Eagle of announcing part played 1w the shipmates in NI rs. the social branch, to to the Belfast plaque flurry., ships its impending closure. welcoming visiting chairman of the Jersey branch. Shipmate C. F. Simms ssho Belfast. He remarked that although Games and competitions, ably for 17 years served on the there was sadness in London' ('apt. Sir R. Pint, R.N.V.R commttcc and directed by Cdr. A. J. J. Bavlev, branch main dcrrv he hopcd that shipmates replying said he was happy to chairman of the Jersey branch. social committee. ssiis presented ss mild give encouragement to report that the Belfast branch were enjoyed by the company with a life membership of the was in very capable hands tinder voting men to join the Royal until midnight when, in a fInal association by the president in the chairmanship of Shipmate Navy. He had commanded a speech. .Shipmate Dent thanked Liciit. J. C. Bartlett. R.N.V.R., recognition of his services to the British and a N.A.T.O. squad' the hosts for their hospitality. Belfast branch. Shipmate D. Campbell. vice' ron in the past 18 months and "It was clear," lie said. "that no Members of the branch send chairman. Shipmate T. Brown. this experience convinced him the secretary, and Shipmate R. greetings to all shipmates. with , effort had been spared to ensure that the Navy had never had the comfort and entertainment special reference to those iii he better ships or better men to Kecny. the treasurer, and a very of tile visitors." fleet serving in hIM, ships Tiger, active main committee. Plans man them. The members of the Gosport Centaur, Kent. Dido. Berwick. Sir Arthur were under way to renovate the Vice - Admiral Brave branch returned home by air on Brave Swordsman. branch and club headquarters. Ilezlct. president of the associaBorderer and Ol mpus. the Sunday afternoon. Sir Richard recalled his service tion in Ireland. in his response reported on the progress the Royal Naval Association was making in Ireland. ('.
first official dinner in the TIF lorough that the Mayor of Bridport, Mr. W. E. Ilix, and the Mayoress attended, was the annual dinner of the Bridport branch of the Royal Naval Association and, in proposing the toast of 'The Association' he said that he was impressed by the objects and aims of the Association. The president of the branch. Sir Gerald V. Glad' stone, who replied to the toast. the comradeship referred to learned in ships. He spoke, too, of Admiral of the Fleet Sir I lcnrv Oliver who was a Vice' Admiral when Sir Gerald was a Midshipman and who died recently at the age of 100. and of Lord Hall who started life as a miner and was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty by the Labour immediate post-war Government. The branch chairman. Shipmate L. J. Roche proposed the toast to the guests. Among the many guests were Colonel P. 3. Roper, representing the British Legion, and Mrs. Roper; Shipm.ttc J. F. May, chairman of the National Council of the Royal Mrs. Naval Association, and May; s1r. NI. Stiarrock. chairman. Bridport and Lyrne Regis branch, R.A.F. Association, and Mrs. Sharrock: E. Shipmate (Continued in column 2)
First official dinner was at R.N.A. function
1965 ZEPHYR '4', rrrariroul with grey interior. radio. Ireatcr, screen ssashers, ssing mirrors and wheel tritris ,. ,' .' '. ,. . £775 .. 1965 CORSAIR 4-door G.1'. white ssitlr black interior. heater, screen washers, cigar lighter. reversing lairrp and overriders. one owner, 7,000 miles , , 1965 COWtlNt 4-door G.i'.. spruce green with green interior, radio, scat belts. seat covers, cigar lighter, wing mirrors and Pirelli tyres 1964 SUNBEAM RAPIER, with beige green interior, heater. screen washers. overridcrs, whee! . , trims. reversing lamp and cigar lighter . . 1965 CORSAIR 4-door. Aqua bloc with white roof and blue interior, heater, screen ss ashers and wing mirrors 1964 ('ORTINA ESTATE. white with red interior. heater. radio. screen washers and wing mirrors 1963 C0RTIN.& l-:sTA1'E, blue with white roof and blue interior. radio, heater, screen washers, %king mirrors and seat belts 1965 COR1INA 2-door de luxe, Aqua blue with blue interior, treater, screen washers and seat belts. '. ' . ').W() miles . . . . . . - . 1964 MORRIS 1100, smoke grey is ith blue interior, heater and screen washers, one owner , . . . 1963 SINGER VOGUE, grey with blue interior. . , heater. screen washers and wheel trims.., NEW ANGLIA de lose. Ambassador blue with bloc interior. heater and screen washers. unused. . . . . cancelled order. a saving of £40 .. 1964 kL'srIN 1100. beige with red interior, heater. 55 owner . , .. scree U ashiei's and radio, one 1962 ZFPlI'R '4', lime green and white with green washers and interior. heater, radio, screen '5 uric ., .. . . . . - . mirrors 1963 ('oR'rINA 4-door de luxe, maroon and grey with grey. interior. heater. column change. screen ss ,tshers. overriders. wheel trims, scat belts. spot and reversing lamps and uurrderse,ul . 1963 ('ORTINA 4-door de luxe, blue ss Ut blue - . interior, radio, heater and screen washers 1963 (-oRrINA 2-door de luxe, grey and white ssth miles, one oss ncr grey interior, heater. 15.000 1963 ('ORl'INA 2-door de lose, maroon and grey ss Or gre\' interior, heater and screen waslrers . . 1961 CONSUL de luxe. yellow with sshite roof and tsso'torre grey interior, heater and screen washers 1963 ANGLIA de luxe. Aqua blue with blue interior. heater. screen washers and wing mirrors, one ow ire r, 10,00)) miles 1962 CLASSIC 4-door de luxe, lime green and white ss tlr itrcv interior, radio. heater. screen washers, is ire mirrors. seat belts and uinderscal 1963 (Dec.) lIIl.i.MAN IMP. sky blue with grey* interior. heater and screen ssashers. one owirer. 160500 miles blue ss-itlr blue 1962 (Dec.) COR1'INA 2-door dc . interior, heater and screen washers 1962 ANGLIA de lose estate, grey with red interior. heater arid screen washers 1961 Illl.l.MAN MINX, green with green interior. . . . . . , ,, Ireater . ,. 1961 ('OMMER COB ESTATE, red with beige .. . . . . .. . . interior, heater 1961 ANGLIA de luxe. maroon and grey with grey, . interior, heater and screen washers , . 1960 N'At'XIIAI.l. VICI'OR. grey and black with red interior. heater and wheel trims. two owners 1961 At S'l'IN MINI de luxe, green with grey interior. hc.rtcr. screen washers. ss irg mirrors. overriders . . . . .. . . and %% heel trims . . 1959 POPULAR. yellow with grey interior. heater and seat covers 1960 POPULAR de luxc. while with red interior. , . , . . . . bre:iter . . , , 1955 CONSUL Mk. I. green is ith beigc interior, heater
l'.rri.hi to I.eft right.---l I. (is- . (Secretary); J, MeCarIh Secrctar); Vice-Admiral Sir John F. 1). Bush (President): S. Harding (Chairman) arid 3. Walker (Vice-Chairman). London (Photo. - South Photo Serice)
(Continued from column 1) Dare. chairman. Beer branch. R.N.A and Mrs. Dare: Ship' mate and Mrs. Pcngclly. representing the Weymouth branch; C.P.O. Curtis. president, C.P,Os. Mess. H.M.S. Osprey. and Mrs. Curtis. Replying to the toast Ship' n)ate NI,iv said he looked upon the Bridport branch as second only to his mother branch at PR mouth, and he always sselconted a visit to Bridport. NO AMALGAMATION lie said that suggestions had been made that the various Sercould be vice Associations merged unto one association, but he did not support this view.
.' .,"
was a large number of shipmates present to welcome the Branch President, Vice-Admiral Sir John F. I). Bush, K.C.B D.S.C. and (550 Bars, when he visited the Battersea Branch of the Royal Naval Association recently. He seemed to enjoy himself and afterssards addressed the members. thoroughly and spent some time on the 'one arm bandit,' where As many shipmates x% ill knosshis luck was good. His winnings. the Battersea Branch will 22s he donated to the Child' shortly be engaged in building ren's Box. a new club as the present one Sir John is now Vice-Chief is being acquired under Tossr and the Naval Stat! of and Country Planning. 'file new a man. very consequently busy site is quite vicar to the present and his visit was all the more one-in lad, across the road. appreciated by the shipmates. Sir John asked to be kept fully He has recently returned from informed ss ith the project. Washington where lie was Chief Brush svas British Naval Officer, NA'lO Unfortunately Command. unable to attend, hut a bouquet %%;i,; presented by NI rs. Harding. Admiral Brush takes a very ss fe of the branch Chairman, real interest in the affairs of from the branch, for Sir John Battersca Branch. He presented to take home to Lady Bush. the Inter-Club Dart Trophies I.
£725 £675 £675 £615 £575 £565 £545 £535 £535 £535 £465
£465 £445 £445 £435 £395 £385 £375 £375 £365 £355
£325 £295 £295 £275 £265 £215 £195 £145
can arrange delivery of cars for your overseas commissions and also for your return to the U.K.
Telephone: Portsmouth 27531
December, 1965
their last seven games (to and including that against Bath on I NNucniber 27), the United Service,, (Portsmouth) Rugby Football
team had son three matches. lost three and drawn one. Points 'for' mere 66. against' 74. Up to and including the Bath match US had played 14 matches, on 9, draisn I and lost 4. Points 'for'-198; 'gains('- 121. 'Ihe team ss as expected to beat the ss nd and kicking for touch. thc Old M illhullians and its GOOD RUGBY a shock. defeat. 3--il. was Some good rugby was seen in Losing the toss U.S. had to face a gale force wind and %% ere the match against the Fleet Air Arm which resulted in a ii in for pinned in their own half for long. the Services by 14 points to 6. periods. Early in the second hail. ss ith the Old Hovs leid I n although the Fleet Air Arm by scored first through a penalty by noints to nil, and with the Ncwlands. gale behind them, it was let', could ss it. that the Sers ke At half-time the score was Peter (olliitg scored a pen.rlty. 1 5 points. F.A.A. 3 paints. I bill the tactics o the side seemed but eu ri it the second-half the to b wrong. '1 hey is ere trvinC to Air .-\ nfl took the lead with a try run ssith the ball inside their h Millhank. shuch ssas not converted. Heavy pressure by opp)tietits hilt insteud of using
A Pretty Kettle of Fish
temperaments or. as Cpl. Meakin. Royal * 1NCO'MPATIBLE 'Marines. of H.M.S. lleracles. described them. *Incomparable Ten aperatures.' are often come across in all vialks of life. but "hen that incompatibility is found in one of 1I.M ships, between the Captain and Comniander and certain other officers. then Cpl. LiIcakin's 'temperatures' is vcry near the anark. 1 11 'Storm ill Harbotir.' Gilbert above reproach. and mliat else llac kforth-loncs th could re~tilt bill a first-class (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd 18.1-). the author yarn. flas cooked tip a pretty kettle if 'Storm in Harbour' lasted a lish. A capt.tin suffering from day---but what a day! The an iiiferi,)rit% complex. to sa y author has taken hi, tangled nothing (if an incipient Litcer. a skein and unravelled it with all commander (a born leader of the skill for %shich fie is so well men) i%li(i has. among his Midkno" n. shipmen. a %%~trt of a s tepsoll. a Cdr. Ifackforth-Jone s served First- Licti tena n t who has a chip on his shoulder. another midfrom 1914 to 1936 and again shipinan whose guilty conduring the Second World War science i,; as full of elasticity as :and. krioi%ing the men and ships a golf ball. a couple or so of of the Navy. lie ha~. once again. ladies whose moral, are not produced a delightful story. 1
tile then resulted in tries by John Pearson. Dave }1"tmbrok and Ros Surplice. The Services mere much the better team in the match ss ith Middlesex Hospital. which resuited in a (16 points to 6). At half-time. after a try by John Pearson. converted by Peter Golding. the Services sere losing 5 points to 6. through two penalties. In the second-half Peter Golding put the I'S. back in front with a penalt goal and this was lollossed by a try by Jim Casey which ss as not cons'erted. In the last few minutes Jim Casey scored again and Peter Golding converted. Many distinguished rugby were present at the s'. tb the London Scottish. isoti h the Scottish by 29 points to 9. Guest of honour was 1). 'llioni. president of the S.R.F.17. and London Scottish. Among other~ lir.:seilt xicre the gendar "% half-h.icks Kersham and D.ivic~.
Branch member took the 'hot seat'
Ro~' at k,1.trines-12 points tit 8. "I'lle margin of victory should haic been greater. The Royals flad to face a gale ill the first-
half and mere soon ill trouble. Peter Golding scored :ill easy. penalty after five mintitc.5. The Royals were be 1fig outplayed at this tillic. but on the odd occasions iolicri they did attack the Services fine dies. looked dangerous It was froill one of thesc attacks that thes* scored Mien Hooper pounced (ill a loose bail to go over. Gilinour converted. Just before fialf-linie added a Golding further penalty* to give the SerVices the lead.
HE British Legion Hall. Caniberlev, became a ship* niess deck Ton Noveinber 6 "hen 115 shipiti~'ites. their wives and friends of the Camberley. branch of the Royal Naval Association held (heir annual dinner and dance. Cadet% of the Cirnberley Unit of the Sea Cadet Corps were in attendance to :act as tashers and buglers. and members of the Girls' Nautical Training Corps. in unifurni, added to the colour of the scene. It is the custom of the Cam. coined the president of the 'I berles. branch to has,c a branch Aldershot bianch of file A~member in the 'llot seat' as the ciation, (lie chairman. deputy Guest of Honour. and this year arca chairman and member.; Jf the Kenton and Shipmate E. Landells, a past King,hury Social Secretars' 1%as given a bratich. tile member, of the traditional buefe call accorded (tirl,' Nautical Training Cotpi to %%hen boarding oric of and the nicinbets of tile Caill11.51. ships is fie And Mrs. LallROYALS OUTPLAYED lictley Unit of tile Sea Cadet 1 dells were escorted to the sjat of Corps and last. but riot least. Early ir. the sceond-halt the the the honour h~ bratich Pre,ident. isives and ftiends of the the Services launched attacks 1 ' icut.-('tir. \1. Chappell. R.N members (if the Caniberley which scores. *1 lie brought 'Mrs. (ha ppel I and Capt. I). P. branch of thi Rova Is pack although outrentham, vice-president. laiiilells. in Sluipniahe task manS. V. . H:ad. the Sp1)t SpOuse. thanked cyeryone for and showcd plciity oh dash the honour given to him and secretary ot th branch. sounded in the loose, but the cotiditions be I I s a nd sa id s-u id thi a t 551 thioti t t lie lid p o f t he i_igli t grace. d id ii o t al I oss for good ru n n i iig the ti hrauich members lie could hot Throughout eycninuz 5% ith the ball. acted as toastmaster. li,ivc carried out his Social LONDON SCOTTISH WIN On a dreary wet day with lii proposing thc toast of the Secretary duties. very pu-or light the Services held 'file gainc started on an even Association Shipmate %V. Ill, t:idler branch Shipniate St 'Slary's Ilospital to a dr:usvnote 1%itli the Services giving ai treasurer. informed those pre6 points each. despite the fact 55:Orth. (.-rea (ouncullor and good as they. got and at halfVice a brief outseuit that the Unit president) gave ('omnianding thiat they had to play 'sithiout tirne they, mere leading 9 Points line of the ssork carried out by Otlicer of the Camberley Sea John Pearson for the last 2(1 to 8. 111 the second-half conthe ( National Council, :idets had been noting promoted to ntiiiiites. Hc had 10 retire witht stant Scottish pressure brought that the membership of the I.ieut.-(dr. R.N.R. (S.C.('.) [lie a cut facc. its re"ard and this fine side Was expanding ('amberley shipmates had hecn St. Mars 's scored first (a try I ,550ttiui scored 21 more ~xlie e point,; ' iuist, uniental in fostering the rapidly. Some ÂŁ3,400 had been by Evans).afte r sonic bad Services, who played really "elf, devoted by branches in the past Unit and it sy:is pleasing that tackling by the Services backs. failed to increase their half-time to sselfarc work. th ye Conimaitding Officer. Shipbut the Services pack fought 'score. It iias a great match and in.ute G. H. l.oneragan. %sas a back and ssheii the hospital side tile score certainly does not rel -tRGFcr MtSTFR FOR member of the branch and thc were penalised Goldin put a fleet the true storZ of the game. YEARS (amberle' shipmates congratu' fine k ick over front 411 yards. i In the evening many. Old hiairniaii of the C_urnlated hint on a good job well At hialf-tinte the score ss ,i level Internationals mere pres ent at berIe branch. W. done. Shiipntate Loneragan said Shipmate -3 each points the dinner ill the tsardroom mess Gunns proposed the toast of that he regarded the promotion Ro%al of the Naval Barracks. 'The Guests,' stating that the as an indication that he had lNAl.UABI,F KICKER Old friends present included muster was the largest of recent instructors good otlicers atid The Services started the Brian Vaughan. Jack England years. He paid tribute to Shipstriving to ensure that the 78 second-half well and once again and Squire Wilkins. mate Landells who, although cadeis weic fitted contestants Golding's kicking proved in Back on the %kinning trail for the Animal award of a Sea having left the district, remained valuable when he put the Ser once again the Services beat the a Camberley meniber. He scelCadet ('orps I'ennant. vices ahead with another penalty kick. Soon afterwards St. i Mary's eaualiscd with a penalty kick and only some desperate defeitdurig just after this prei vented them front scoring again, With 10 minutes to go the referee called for a whiiie ball attd this was the signal for there isas a full house at the headquarters of the sonic tremendous play hr the A.LT0tdh1 West Ham branch of the Royal Naval Association on the Services forwards sslio only just occasion of the Annual l)inner and Dance, the enjoyment was f.uiled to score (In tw or three uiccasioiis. tinged sith a little sadness, for the branch president, Cdr. .1. Russell. C.D., I lie match against Bath on R.C.N., was making his hinal appearance before leaving the United Kingdom. The guest of honour was ('apt. C. Britton, A.l).C., November 27 resulted in Bath R.N. at present serving at the Rosal Naval College, 55-inning by S points to 6. lite Greenwich, Services scored first with a After a good dinner and sonic cadets of the 'Ihunderer Sea penalty hr Golding after only Cadet Unit (Ness-ham). l.ieut. sparkling speeches the branch - cighit minutes' play. Twenty c hi a i r rn an , S hi p m a t e R. Abbott presented the president - minutes later Bath equalised with an inscribed tankard. .ind then just before half-time Merrigan thaiiked Cdr. Russell for lii', good work on behalf oh (dr. Russell promised to use Bath scored again ssith a trs and him the tankard as niucli as possible. the branch syhich was converted presented with a sword on behalf of but lie considered There was a aiid. that the strong 55-md the officers, instructors and sword was too beautiful to carry the against Services in the in the rain for tear ot rust, hut second-half but they rallied lie proniised ho earn it on fine finely ,ind in the 73r'd minute d.t sand syould alss .ivs treasure Villiarns crossed the line. the git is and also the fine coinLavell&s effort at cons ersion - ra(hes was spoiled by a puff of wind hip lie hid aksas s found t lie bra iic it. wIt cli took the shot 'a ide of t he
personalities match
played stuck to their
A svord for the departing President
WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS Generous credit with no extra charges
It was staled in the I1ous of Commons on November 25. by Mr. George Brown, M.P.. Minister for Economic Affairs, that the Government isas to ask the National Hoard for Prices and Inconies for advice concerning the Biennial Reviess of Forces' Pay, l'he Hoard is being asked to report not later than Januar% 18 next, so as to alloss the ness rates of pay to be implemenled on the due date. sshkh is April I. 1966.
FREE!! 28 pages of colourful illustrations of GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY
Victory Marines
Your gifts can be sent to any address in the United Kingdom with your personal messages and greetings.
A FER a four-year break, a f114-strong detachment of Royal Marines is back on board H.M.S. Victory. The Royals were withdrawn in 196! when the Corps was hard pressed to find men for their many comtititments. Lieut.-Cdr. C. W. Whittington. R.N.. Commanding Officer of H.M.S. Victory, said the Marines will carry out normal duties. acting as guides, and adding to the ship's smartness on ceremotiual occasions.
Call in or write for your copy NOW
MAIN ROAD, HARWICH, ESSEX Branches at all principal Ports
H.M.S. Chichester (Cdr. H. B. Parker, RN.). arrives at Chathiant from Rotterdam on Decertiher I.
'-'(ret.) isas elcctedPresidcrit of the British Section oh th International Subntarine Association at the Section's 20th meet' ing at Cheltenhani in September last. - . the suibniarines 'ni ,\nniong sshieh thie ness President served was HM.S. 1 hunderholt hex 'Ihetis). He left that submarine just before site was lost on Mardi 14, 1943. 55ith all hands. sunk h. time Italian sloop Cicognia. ihe sixth Interi,ution.uh Subntarine Gala is to be held in Paris at E:uster next year and. with a menthershiip of nearly SI) the British Section is hiopin to be well represented. British Section holds The Brewmeetings at the Jolls Painswick master. Road. C'heltenham. on the first of mouth, and Saturday every any submariner, past or present, is always ss-elcome. Members visited recently Cardiff and 55-crc guests on board H.Nl. Submarines Ohier and Walrus. :otd the. also Rm ii visited the (n.uJian Navy frigate. II Sssausea, at Newpoit. tne of thn day. In thic c Section there arc t i reemumher a result l ot ph .iq ties, a a d .t th days outing, more svere added. The International Sub' marine Plaque was presented to I lieu r it osts.
i in
NESS' PRISII)ENT 1 lie branch sccrutary. Ship' ili.rte (i Baxter nt oruned the tuiutbems ( apt. Brutton had accepted ihic oiler of lie branch tO hccoiiie its ness president. Shipmate Baxter also stated th:it isithi the loca I footba II team and their boxing doing so badly. ' hope. i3uhh Valker, hot rising to their hopes. the branch and the chub ss crc the only things that %Vest 11am had to be proud of. lie also gase details of the br.unch progress over the past year. ssithi increased membership amid 'a Itt a ness hook to the headquarters. Omi Nu,'cnmtber 6 thie 'Old 1 ytime Ni usuc Hall' came to the club. At least 2(1 shipmates and 3(1 syuves arrived, dressed in the 'lug of the day'-Edwardian, 1 he show lasted from 8.30 p.m. until midnight and played to a packed house. -
A friend of the branch, Mr. Page. had a most difficult task to pick (-mt a ss inner for the hst dressed man and ss onian but, with his usual generosity. hi ptced six syunners and gaye each a ticket to any show or theatre they desired. 1 bie event 'a as by far the most successful night the West H a iii hr.inch has had .it the club. and those who had not dressed tip agreed the next time they would jo in in thie futi.
December, I%5
'Tuffy' the Postman
Port of Loithis Authority Police Force
RING the late summer and DU early autumn 30 U.S. Naval ocers and ratings, sorking in three teams, lived 10-strong more than 200 ft. below the ~ace of the PacfIc of the coast of California. Each team was don for 15 days. Cdr. the Scott-Carpenter. former Astronaut, remained below for 30 days and his participation in the experiment was widely publicised. Not perhaps so well known was the work of Tuffy.' honorary member of No. 2 Team. 'Tufly is a 7-ft. long. 270 lb. male Atlantic bottle-nosed porpoise. He was recruited (drafted might, perhaps be more accurate) into the U.S. Navy in 1962 and since then has undergone intcncivc training. lie will now retrieve objects in the open sea and will respond ss hen called by a special underwater sound-signalling system, lie carries a receiver in a harness on his back. During the Sealab experiment 'Tuffy' was used as an underwater 'postie. delivering mail. ncspapers and even the U.S. Navy's of equivalent 'Navy Ncsss.' called 'Navy Times. tic also carried guidelines to divers as a drill for use in case of their being lost underwater, and took small packages between divers. It had been hoped that the divers might have encountered sharks to see what 'Tuffy's' reactions ssouli! have been to then). It was thought that he would probably have protected the divers --hut unfortunately no 'sharks came close enough to alhw this theory to be tested. After a week's work was given V.I.P. treatment and was flown back to his tank at Point Mugu naval station by helicopter. -
Iveston visits own village
APPLY AT ONCE TOThe Chief Police Officer. P.L.A. Police Headquarters, St. Katherine Dock House, East Smithfield, London, E. I.
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Advances from Liao. as Firm, or Second Slorrc,igcs -.,r Rc.morrg.,gts- or Bruiginc Loan- discreetly and ,need,ls arranged for all sound propsssiticrls hether for Home Purchase, Business or t,:her purposes. Also (for iii,usrhidcrs i,slcr 1,01 ltontc Imp roscment I tin'. ss thout Sorter. t_cgni lees - or Security. Contact I i;in,psh,re Facilities. 2 Albert Rd.. Pons. nrouth .551(1,5 lEsenincs'\Vcck-ends: Seaties ff41). MISCElLANEOUS
appoint-ment) BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE N.sV11 .ill pay 5---. to onoo us lt'i
or free. expert. honcyt adsice as to ho. ti,u and sour family can achieve permanent security by hating a business of sour (---n. We can often otter a real for escn an ,nenpcricnced bargain. ii run, and in rm'ct cases person ec000miLal tinJncc can i'e arranged. -I he '1 he Itampcta,re Buniness Agency. Rosiness Sriecialints.' (Lstd. 1Q19). 2
Albert Rd.. SOu:hsea. Tel,: Portsmouth 331(1,5 lfLscnings;\VecI.ends: Seasiets 3160).
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Classified Advertisements TREVOL
II.M.S. I vest on JJ1IEN TV (Lictit. (dr. Mark Ruddle. R,N,), iisited Nescastlc October 28 and Nosentber 1. the ship's company entertained the of sillagers Iseston, %% ho has c adopted the ship. Each member of the crew received a birthday card from the village and the ship's company have already been enterlamed with true north country hospitality at the New Inn, Iseston. Two visits to Newcastle had previously been arranged and then because of postponed requirement, but operational the visit materialised at last. There sins a tea party on hoard for 35 of the village children and a football match stas played against the village team. On Sunday, October 31. the ship ss as open to visitors.
REGIMOITAI. CUNMERBUWDS in Terylsne 351- each. RN., OAF., R.A.0.C., RA.s.L RI., R.E N.E. and Royal $itnals cc deck. IdesI q dinner-i.cket wear. Sati,fact5on guaranteed. Special discount terms for Club Secretaries. Send cash with order to-Dpf. N.M.
CLUB CUMMERBUNDS LTD. Mitt,, Clayton. Bradford, Toekhir,
The Board will base vacancies early in 1966 for I senior controller and 4 controllers at their new control centre near V arminster. Wilts. Salaries
Senior controller Controller
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The posts involve shift work and housing accommodation is avatl.thlc for the senior controller. Experience of control sss:rm. pumps. etc., an advantage.
Further particulars and forms of application from the ttndersigncd, to be returned not later than 31st January. I9(i.
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December, 1965
Nl.IKL the long-distance runner, the athletes of ILM.S. Ark Their latest achievement, which they offer as an open Royal have found little or no time for loneliness. Since their arrival on the Far Fast Station they. have broken meeting and track challenge, is a relay in three records. taken oil ail-cnmers and set up unofficial records which they legs and an individual run from outside the hong Kong offer as a challenge not only to the Far Fast Fleet, but to all three Hilton to the top of the Peak Services. Univ one day titer arriving in Sttstrd Bob Meadows repre-a climb of 6,000 It. over a of settled the Royal in an distance five-and-a-half 'sing:Ipore I ieiit David Brown. inter-Services match. and set miles. As a team they comR N_ a pilot and records in their the course in 24 rain. respecpleted meeting tive events of one arid three 45 sec.; as individuals Brown miles. and Meadows rail it in 31.5 This was just the beginning of rain., "bite the third was only a record-breaking spree-setting 1.5 nun, behind. a further II fleeting. national It is bolted that other ships, and all-corners arid oilier Services, skill accept (Malaysian) the challenge of their Hong (Malaysian and Singapore) records. '11w best of these being Kong run, for who knows this OUR members of the RN Brown's 3 ruin. 57.1 sec. for the could become a new "Cock of Air Station. i cos ilton's 1,500 metres and 9 mm. 22.3 sec. the Fleet" event. sjs imnhing teaitl have been for the 3.000-metre steep] ecluase. The team is: Lieut. David -, ss urlitiling their may to success and NIe:dow's 14 mini. 21 see. Brown. RN. (Combined Serthis year. Between for the three-miles and IS rain. vices and I lannunshire): Steward Z 4-, but(] niam Inter 3 sec. for the 5,00() metres. Bob Meadows (Combined Navy records and on These are the two runners vices and Lancashire): Petlv otuubcr I this represented o hi use na rites have hit tile headOfficers Joe Clare, Phil York the Combined Services in their lines. hut iii all events the other arid Tommy Mercer (RN. I lie Senior and Junior te:tIiis match aganst %Sa!cs. live 'Ark' athletes have ably re-presentatives); Leading Airman of lI.M.S. (ollingwood. their The covil:on te:in) won the fI assisted them arid have Dan Barker; Leading Steward smiles denoting their pleasure Naval Air Command ('hamVie Bolton and REM. Dennis frequently enjoyed second and at si inning the trophies pion ship this year for he fourth third positions. Mack. year and iher coach running Doran (Victorious) and AR. (Air) J. and inspiration P.O. Nlitchcil (Collingwood) Haves. He swam in the mdlvisecond and third. dual medley, for which he holds S It was P.O. Morallee s first the Inter-Service record. (1 mm win. having been third. four ill 19.8 see.). He came third ill the BROS. LTD. GREENBURGH and I 0Cc P match against \\dCSHL is also ElM S. ( ollingwood had four the RN. champion and record Tailors and Outfitters finishers in the first 10 and took holder for the 220. 440 and 880 were almosl perfect running conditions on November 2 the team award ssrth 104 points. yards freestyle 100 yards butterThen when the Portsmouth Co,iim'ind Cross-Country races were held hl:\15 Victors coming second by and individual medley. at ll.M.S. I)rvad and, for once. both the senior and junior trophies ss iii 221 points and Vernon P.O. Diagonal Serge Suits went to the ,ante establishiiicnt-ll.M.S. Collingssood. third ssuth 26!. BACKSTROKE CHAMPION The junior race, over three It '.has',ifl enjoyable fleeting (71) pouts) mere second and F \t (Air) D Wilson sss im in miles. attracted 12 teams. tb a and the spring championsh P the 100 va r(ls hacks: roke and in third, Ready to Wear £8 19s. 6d. total f 96 iunricis.and alter "t and the Navy championships the rela'. In the backstroke he race M. S. Ollivant. M.B.E., App. Capt hard-fought are looked forward to kith con ,., is sct.ond lie his been the 1) Sc R N h t. came lioni first in i (lilt. if sidcr ihk pleasure. particularly Complete satisfaction guaranteed Inter-Service (Ii imp on in the II \I S Drs id started the senior 17 rain 17.2 sec ss ith App P.O. Morallce. ssho Says that by backstroke for too years and Alien race (six miles). IS minutes after Ratclifk and J.R.F.M lie 0. running particularly ss cl has equalled the Inter-Service Payable by Cash, Monthly Allotments or Banker's Order second and third all three I rom the juniors and spectators were at the moment and has hopes of record of 61.7 see. He is also H.M.S. ( olIinwood 'A' team, able to follow both races. There going, sell iii the Navy Chamthe Royal Navy Champion and was a field of 100 runners and The ss iniiiile team scored 46 pioiishups. record holder. nil I I.\I.S. St. Vincent P.O. Moralec (Vernon) was first points 81/82 QUEEN STREET, PORTSMOUTH The organisers hope that in The present junior inter-Serhome in 31 nun. .07 sec with ( I punt-.) intl II \I.S G:inues the spring championships more vice Champion arid record : Adjoining Royal Sailors' Home Club ships mill enter teams and, per- holder (5 mm. 4.5 sec.) for 440 haps. even give the Command yards freestyle is N.A.M. D. Tel: 26331 Also Devonport & Branches I 1ropli sonic sc i time - Combined Services in ,his event. c . -'
Four Yeovilton acrainst Wales f
Senior and trophies
Junior in
H.M.S. Colhngwood
l)rvad, presenting the Mrs. Ollis .ini, oil uI the is inner's trophy to Peiti Officer 'tloralice
A home
R. Ross, N.A.M. D. Gillard. F.M. (Air) D. Wilson and P.O. (Air) j, Hacs
The last member from Yeovilton is N.A.M. D. Ross. who swam the 100 yards freestyle, coming third. He has been the Inter-Service Champion for two H.M.S. Caesar arrives at Chath:iiir tinder tow for de- years., besides representing Scotland Juniors for water polo in equipping before subsequent 1964. disposal this month.
in mind?
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Printed and i',,i'i,si,ed no, and ,'n iscilail of the Nays Ni ws Committee by Gate & Potden Limited, Aldershot.