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NaAT The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

Published first Thursday of the month

No. 138 DECEMBER, 1965

Price Sixpcnce

Anxious moments when 'Leander' launched frigate " PROBLEM:





NAME this ship Juno and may God bless her and all who sail in her." With these time- honoured words, Lady Bush, wife of Vice-Admiral Sir John Bush, Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff, launched the 'Leander' class frigate H.M.S. Juno at the yard of John I. Thornycroft at Woolaton on November 24. bows and the large crowd expected Lady Bush broke a bottle of champagne against the frigate's certain reluctance on the part the ship to start her way down the slipway. There was, however, a it of the ship to enter the water. It was, possibly, only a matter of seconds, but to thost waiting seemed InlernunaDur. Rush rcc.iUed \':e- \Jrn:r.al I I rnvsrufts. ss irned that the Some young workmen 's hi I hurnvanother st.iudng-hy cost of slips sail continue to had helped to build the dup with cr1: 'hip, the Nuh:.i ii and sa d rise and shphiiilders can do relieved their pent up feelings 'so one builds hct:ei ship saute help from the Governby a half-hearted cheer. hut than I tarn', r! s by ciabul sln the cost of their sighs of relief as she started ckil. to move and. ever so gr

He said the Aimur Its liii ]here were quite a probleni Ski few' shipS to do 5) mtidt won inc luaaut' U our present ships was esccllcnt, but was "We not enough quality must build more ships.


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almost living and eliminating the almost CatOtiflhluitis ciein.aiats for wage tainted her clement. into glided Increases. cheers as site to full-. \4 r Fh,rnv-r,sft saidthat floated. in perfect trim, at he -------------------------------------------------1 uno is due to complete an April. end of the sltpway. .,anti those at Wooliton was service The religious cotiJuas ti,d the Lord Bishop date despite the - itt-i t natud e of (it Soiith,inup:on. the Rt. Rcvd. the task. in this connection he 'nncth K [,amplaigh. file \%,yrk the iii,l.tnccd of Ekrkbns(hiring thefitting OF NAME

' cvcnth ship to he c "lie,; the Juno The sixth ship of the manic was a ds r,\ ci &it 1.691) tans. launched an It 'S and sunk h' aircraft during the Rattle of Crete on Slav 21. 1941. The Standard dispacement of the Juno as about 2.000 tons and the ship has an oven all of 372 feet and a beam of long is 17 41 feet. Complement officers and 246 ratings. She has in a twin mount 4.5-inch. guns ing directed by a fully auto fire


1 the c;tblc~ are one or tviO Core. hut stla,.r, rots have up 1L.istii&~ - over -(b) ar i 551) I I HARD-WORKED


of Speaking the Navy's shortage of frigates he said: has been impressed on us all. that the Royal Navy has so few and are now frigates, they worked so hand, that it is imthat all the penative equipment should run with the minimum of maintenance. and without any elaborate system of quality con.


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'Defence Review cannot

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the launch of the 15th 'Leander' class frigate-Juno at the stard of Mesas. John I. Thoroycroft £ Co Ltd., Wookton. on November 24


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trial is being introduced. This. guided missile system and an THE WAR COURSE OF fear, must add to the original al I anti-submarine mortar. She will be fitted with the latest equipbuilding costs, but it may well be a good investment of the taxLEE-ON-SOLENT merit for detecting and attacking VISIT will a submarines and carry payers' money." "There as also, of course . the helicopter. the Fleet Air Arm remembered the raid on Taranto in human element, and it is only The many, guests included the WHEN at H.M.S. Daedalus on November 12, 12 of the men who 1940 and of the of those who Mayoress by experiences Mayor took part in the raid were guests at the annual Taranto Dinner. actually do the installation and Southampton (Alderman R. G. stroycd within the range of guns. Haskell. LP. and Mrs. Haskell) fitting-out that final perfection Outside the wardroom mess aircraft-a and quality can be achieved, was a Swordfish Nobody had ever attempted to I and Civic Dignitaries in memories destroy a fleet with aircraft. By Vice-Admiral P. Unless such a firm as ours can 'Stringbag'-reviving Southampton: of the men of 8l3, 15. 819 and sheer guts, superb seamanship Walker (Director-General of achieve a reasonable continuity and brilliant execution of an of naval work, it becomes very 824 Squadrons who flew from Dockyards). HE. the AmbassaIllustrous on the night even more brilliant plan. Tar' H.M.S dor for the State of Kuwait: the difficult to have available exand by anto provided the deeds which General Manager of Portsmouth pcrienced personnel in the many of November II. 1940. put the Fleet Air Arm on the different trades involved." de-stros'ung the might of the many others Dockyard and Italian Fleet, altered the whale map and altered the whole connected with Shipping and the Lady Bush said she was of the war in the course of the war an Mediter' thrilled to have launched the course various fields of Industry, ranian and laid the foundations luncheon after the At a -,hip-"it was the nicest thing Mediterranean. for ultimate victory in North The 12 were Cdr G. R M. I've even been asked to do. launching ceremony. Mr. John Africa." rh1lrt1'cru)it. Chairman of In a most amusing speech Goring. ('apt. D. C. Goodwin. Cdr. K. C Grieve. Cdr. J W. Cdr. Perr:I: went on "it is Hale. Rear-Admiral H. K. B. perhaps .i sshurniiig thought that LEAVING THE ianvnun. (dr. ('. B. Lamb. today. sshien the leet Air Arm Lieut.'(dr J. W. Neale. C .apt. is sorels extended East of Suez SERVICE? W. C. i. i. Robertson. Lieut. Oil operation, with men in the Sarra. Cdr. N J .Scarlctl-StreatAir Arm continuously Fleet field. Capt. A. W. F Sutton and working at a pace which few of SEEKING Vs ullijmcon Rear' K. Capt. u Cxpc' icnccd in this war, that Admiral Janvren is the only one a battle shiotald rage in Whitehall EMPLOYMENT? now serving, as to whether sac need a Reel iaetS at the Air Arm at all.'' - Among other 's 'ce-Adnuiral dinner "ere READ "We can oruh', hope that in D C E F. Gibson If1.m Officer, the end common sense as ill prepreNaval Air C siiirn.artd I, Vice' vail and next I .ir.anto night we NEXT MONTH'S Admiral R Bell-I).tvues. v (' , will have another sictory to and Sir SI arcel-l oh:lI. sshi,t t,elehrate. desiatned the 5cc srduisIr ii n, rift. NAVY NEWS Ihe President it the Slatss, (apt I I R,aher!sirn. RN. schi us as ( "t:uu:ui.andc: ii Is ni't In (d r. N. Perret:. R N - sad. llltas:nuriis it tntic i I .ui.u:to ''Ihetre I .ar.iuil.r. the fleet in SPECIAL PAGES ON the .ini uiuiur:cr'. aIImcrs art recalled the u'ues ol tra' an I.aauiucli : and return of the RESETTLEMENT ar. hcicuesl part : aurer.aft. e":nu ust could aol-. he 'de'

Liahew spoke In the Navy Minister. 'air. (hristopher WHEN 77 Portsmtiuth on November 19. he told of the tremendous task of the Defence Review, now nearing completion- lie said: ---The task is a tremendous one: it is a decision we must he sure about and sac must be right. It cannot he rushed," .'\puhigising for the louc dcli, graving dock, but des:gn saunk on'. decisiiii as to less carriers, is continuous. Mr. \l,ahiesa said: "It as natural I he Minister said the Govern. that the N,avy and a great nasal lake Portsmouth should ment is pl:innang a new generacity the uncentaint ended as lion of destroyers and frigates. want I he hovercraft trials in the Ear soon as possible. lie declared Fast went,' 'promising. Oceanthat there has been no decision 00 the l-lect Air Arm, on the going hovershups as submarine chasers new carriers, or the Dockyard's being






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