Naivy News
Royal Naval Uniforms
8ERllARD'S OFFICERS’ SHOPS 40 COHHERCIAL ROAD. PORTSMOUTH Telephonefill‘ 30 ROYAL PARADE, PLYHOUTM Telephone6654) Bernard‘: Officers‘ Tailors wish
their customers and all raiders of "Navy News" a Happy and Prosperous New Year
The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
Worth looking into
Save time and money Cornplctcnzerongefm all figurr £l6.lS.O Superfine: til‘). I 5.0 Tcrylcne (I8. 5.0 Serge: II‘: but
look to BERNARD!
Pttlilislted first Thursday
of the month
Sunday start H.M.S. Hecate’s
TAUNTON ‘ADOPTS’ SHIP ..\l.S. llecntc. the second of a new class‘ of three Survc_\'/Ocennograpltical ships heing built by Messrs. \’aI1'ow and Co., Ltd., commissioned at Scotstoun, (ilasgmv, on Sunrl:t}. l)et-etnher I‘). It is unusual for a ship to conuttission on ti Sunday. hut in order to give tltc ship's company Christmas leave before sailing for surve_v operations in the Bay of llisc-.r_v area. the ship had to leave for Devonport on l)et-ember 20. As the ship's company could not move on board until the l8th. and Lady Yarrow. who launched the ship had other engagements on that day. it was decided to hold the ceremony on the Sunday. 'l‘h-.- n.--.». siltp lI.t\ been olliciullg. ‘;tdoptu:d' by Totntton. Sonn:r~ct. tlncnces o_t' wind and tea ohcn the lhtmc at th: N.tvv\ Hydrogntphic Sttppltcs‘ l£~'.t;ihltsltrtn.-itt. shipped tor seietttitxc 0bs¢l'\".l' ton.-2:
\\: H. in \\
due cottnc. he
ptthltxltillg th»:
results of‘~
, '
Iiqttipittcrit inchtdcs .1 \\‘.up crcttscil interest in oee.tno_:.-r.iph_v lmltcoptcr .m-.l .I l .onl-Rover \\htch hzts. irt turn. led to th:i and she has (I contplcrucnt of ll new class of ship he-in_t: hu:l‘. otliccrx .t:td ltttl r.t :5,-~., :\ddtlI..\l.S. l{cc.1te t(dr. l. l). 't'\Jll.|i .lL’\.‘\iilli'Il|Kl.l'.IK‘ii !\ pI’|lR.t\.). tll*pl.ln‘v.'\ vttlcd for \1\ sticnttxtx “hen \\'inst;tnley. .\li~~a (.'ihr;rlt:rr \i~it.s ll..\l.S. Tiger at Gibraltar before leaving for London to take part in the ')li\~t ‘.'..‘itK) tons. is lot) lcet in lcrtgiit. required. World‘ competition 50 feet in the bcorn ttud ll.I\ .| I6 foot draught. She Inn‘ .1 speed of l4 ltnots and it r.nn.-e of [1000 miles. The ship can opcmlc ttnywhcrc in the world. l ht-int-. titted with air condnmrnn-,: Rl~I.\ R-.\l).\lIR.\l. Rl-TTIRINC the one h;t_nd and .t on ‘the t't:ne::on \\'.l\' probably strengthened hull tor Upt.‘Y.t.ltI1{.' ll'ZL'l'. Peter (iordnn Rohi.-rt\'un.' R..\'.. of I-‘ztlmouth. First the i.I\l otlicul one for Retiritt ice on the other. .-\ n_otcl first operational award for service in hovercraft has been ljeutcnzmt of the landing craft ll.t\l..S'. Bnxtitm. was drowned Adruiril lr-.-.n3:. us he retires feature t_s :t propeiler ltttcd made in the form of a Special Commendation to Leading Air from tho: Scrvzcc this month. Llllt't\‘;tl‘lSl'llpi in the bow \\‘l1lI.'ll I on Dccrntbcr I9. the day after his 28th birthday. while heroically 4 Mechanic Norrnrtn Rottcnhcrry (24) of Stanton llztrcourt. OxfordDuring hi~ :t-rm ol‘ otlicc the will enable the chip to m.tintuin ‘ rescuing three Iranians from a sinking dhow during :1 gale in the shire for his initiative, resourcefulness and devotion to duty during N.wg. ha. at greatly in~ her position ttguimt the in- Persian Gulf. Bastion h;td gout: to the aid the hovercraft trials‘ in the Far East. During the trials on SRN 5 ditlicult rep.tir. l.:ttcr. :1 scriourt of the dhow which was in diflioil leak was located and it was mu taken 350 miles culty and in dztnger of sinking ltovcrcruft :: spore part w.n ztnd. despite the IS-ft. ltigh inlund up the Sungei in found that S;ll'(l\\';ll(. negotiating Ltpitls‘. needed .tnd .t long delay in the tvnvcs tltc dhon wax tztltcn in .\‘ltlllglt:l);tnit\ and rocky rtnrrowi tttrtglt: river scerncd inevitable. tow and .I‘t. nt.tnnctl hg. l.ictIt. Rohertxon and lEl‘\I4 on the way up river. During the V'lLl..-\(.'l-I Sl-I.\R(‘ll ('h:trl..-~ Poocll t.‘_‘J). of iinlield return journey Ll dev l..:\..\t. Rottenherry searched both weorirn: lit}:-i;tcl~et\’ \\';I\‘ ft-ct m.tde further progress unthrough villdgc stores and found floated down to thc dhow to .~;tt't- and the hoveremt’: ‘u't‘.lS and .ttl.tptcd an outboard motor forced to ht:.tch on sltingle. evacuate the 8 passengers. But l...-\..\t. Rotlenhcrry worked component which cllcctcd the the dhow foundcred and the repair. This enoblcd the Hover; life-raft towlinc had to be cut in intense heat in cramped con- er;u't Unit to return to B.t~c with when it fouled B;tstion‘s rudder. ditions with only b.t~;ic tools minimum disruption of their l.ient. Robertson. rt strong and successfully curried ottt :1 zrinls pl't)gl".lmtt'lt.'. stvinuner. left the life-raft and The speci.tI|_v printed comsoum tow:trd~ the §llI’\'t\'(\l‘i. Hi: (Continued front column -8) ntendzttion \\.I$ pre».-ntcd to held one under each arm and for l.icut. Robertson. who l...-\..\t. Ro::cnhcrr',' at Singestzirtcd to swim luck to the muchdrowned. port: lS.I\t.‘ shortly hcfore ship. .-\ third survivor. Witt) had tunThe sitznttl front the Persian the first ll‘lcl‘l‘tl\t:t'\ ot‘ the Unit been clmein-g to mine liotfittm. tlL‘\'Cl'lblllf: the ollicer'~t gal- left the t-‘ar tint to fclltffl to the caught hold of l.icut. Robertson (itxlf l;tt1t ttctiott stared. "Licut. Unitcd l-(ing.:dorn. tn he it-\'.tttt D.I\l. These three The \'lll:Illlnter-Service Trials survivor» \l-CTC r'c~cttct.l. but their ltobcruon persotttrllv .\.t\'I:£l [Suit went out to the For l-fast Combined \\Cl‘.!ltl proved too three live»; and tr;t_t:ic.t|lv lost his own in so doing. lle dis- early in I‘)!-5 to cv;tltr;ttt: the ((‘ontinuv:d in column 5) played cottrage of the highest ltovercr;tt't's potcl' '.t\ on order." .llll[)llll’!ltltl\' ttatnsport vehicle Robertson. who was for the Services‘ Its command‘ nt:irrit:d. joined the Royal N.tvy int: otliccr. .\l:tior Roger llztrris. in I956. rcprcsctttcd l);trtmoulh Royal Corps of Transport. of College at \‘\lv‘ltllflllllt: and w.ttt:r Portsmotnh. said in Singapore: polo. .tnd was awarded the "We h.tve ti thoroughly inQueen‘.-e Commendation Queen"; telescope in the best tcrestirte year and tezirncd :1 for hrnve conduct has been di\'i\'ion;tl of his We feel the lt't.ll$ awarded to .-\ir .\lt-chtinic Colin term. h.ive been successtul." Thorne (26). of R..\'. .-\ir Station. ('uldros'e. who tvzts‘ vtinched down from a helicopter to attempt the rescue of a girl _-tvvimrncr in difficulties‘ in the sea oil’ Pcrran S:tnd~. ('ornw:tll. last August. Colin 'lhort:c to h;tttle 1 ugainxt :t \trot't_.: current. which kept throwing him ugztinst the RESETTLEMENT rocitx. hellire he \\.t\‘ able to rc.tch the girl. He was then “inched up into the \Vcs~c\ helicopter holding the girl in his 1” .. arms and at the some time The mztn ht-ltind the camera that produced this e.\pre.s~i\e picture ohvioualy pn.s~c.~t\cs :1 keen eye :tdntini~tcrin;.- the ‘ltiss of life‘-— for tlcl.til. _\‘ot surprising. pcrhupm for he is the Comnttutder-in-('ltief. .\lcditcrr;tm.-an. Admiral unt‘ortun;rt:ly witltou: -ntccess. NEXT MONTH Sir John llnrnilton. K.ll.l-2.. C.ll.. \Ill0\t.' favourite hohh) is photugr:iph_v. S_\mholisint: the cortiThe citutiott. published in the hinution ol tradition ttnd DI’(lJ,:|'t.‘\\' in the Royal .\';iv) the |lllt|lnt:l".IDl1 |'t.'\'t.':Il\ the nt-tnorlt of ‘London (Lt/eztt-' on [)ccemt~er wireless zrtttl radar ztt-rials dr:Illt:llit‘:tll)' frurncd b_v the foltlcrl nin-_-~ and ict t.'\l'|Zlll5l\ of '.I Sea l7. suited "Tltrougltont thct-.Vixen slriltc '.rircr:Il'l. The I-In. go and Adrnir:tl‘.-.- lint: mtttplcte the vivid tlight rlccl; ~(‘I.'!lE. tultcn 0P\.‘f.lil0ll‘« .\ir .\lech;tuic‘l'hornc -uith '.| 7.k'i\\ Super lltonta. Tcsszl 3.5 lens. cxposure f.ll at l/I25 uith ycllon tiller on llford l".l'.3 .\llt‘l\\c\l rem.trlt.ihlc coolncsx, llatniltun is liltn. .—\dtnir'.tl :1 krcn tnountuin walker and ~pcci-.tli-.e~ irt l:tutlst':Ipc DllIllII::I".l|JllV' as cotrrugc. tlctertttirtutiort :tnd ;t well :t~ tttltint: cltttrnctcr studies of colourful people in thc m:nt_v foreitzn lands he has vi~itcd. cornplctc \ll\rC}Z.'|l'J for his own The cztrrirr concerned i~ ll..\l.S. Centaur. no» at l'm'tsrIIt)t.tlh per\on.:l .\.tt"c:y."
c gttcxlx at the cerernonv t-..-re \‘it-e-:\drt\irnl Sir lJ.n-‘ttl (-rc_c.I:'\. the Flog Olliccr. S;otl.u'.d .l.l'1tl Nortltcrrt Ireland. Rent-\ l~ Li. Irving. the ll_\tlrogr.tpltcr ot the Ntu-'3'. thc hl.t_\'\Dl' or l.tunton. Alderman H. V. ltiiis. .tntl MIN. lilltfi. and lltt: ltwtn ( lcrit. .\lr. K. Horne. and .\lr~ llorzic.
SRESCUEBWQTHREE: Leading Air Mechzitiiiieisi LOST OWN LIFE
S{_1ecial- Commendation
C-iin-C icavtures’ carrier
--Cuiourageous rescue
Home Fleet
Prepare for
the future