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Navy News

Royal Naval Uniforms


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The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association


No. l—ll._MARCl~l, I966

Published lirst


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in pay for Armed Forces will cost over £50 million

New type of Guided Missile Destroyers to be built


long-awaited Defence Review was published on February 22 and. so far as the Royal Navy is concerned. the main interest centres on the fact that the (Sm-emment intends to lay down no more aircraft carriers and. from this starting point. there will he. obviously. a gradual rundown of the Fleet Air Arm. lll’.


presenting the White Paper on Defence ll": Virlislt-‘F Of l)t-fence. .\lr. Denis W. Hcalcy. emphasised that the (iovcrnmcnt‘s (lL'\'l\'ltlll did not imply that the Royal i\avy was on the way out. llc stated that the Royal Navy will still he a consitlc_r;iblc force. even without carriers. but the present carrier forcc will carry on ii.-ll into the seventies. The cvcntiial savings resulting from liasiiig no carriers wouhl, pos.sibl_v. mean more large ships for thc N;l\‘_\'. 'l‘li»: main points of the re'l'hc .-\ilmir:ilty llozird which. vicw. ap:irt lrom the decision \.Il£l the Miiiistcr. had fought not to build a new carrier were. li.iril for :i new carrier. and lrom the Navy's point of view: senior otliccrs, set: the need for A more powerful class of rcshapcd Navy as :1 challenge, .illtl have also cmphtisiscd that guided missile ship. the Type 82 tlcstrovcr, is expected to be llli: (iovcriiniciit's decisions are (\fl.lL‘l’L‘(l for the Royal Navy not :i maritime disaster. lzitcr this ycar, Sliglitly larger liic prcscnt inanpimcr of all than the prcscnt ‘County’ class lypcs of the Fleet Air Arm constitttlcs approximately I4 per giiidctl-missile destroyers they are to be equipped with the cent. of the Navy. and it ‘appears Scadart and lkara guided misthat the rotary wing element is likely to be increased consider- siles. and .i new Anglo/Dutch ltl

[____.-__ C enfre PagesThe Royal Navy and the Defence Review


.Il‘l‘-' oscr the coming dccadc. \\'i:ii the continuance of :i C.IIl'lCl' torcc until well into the scvciitics which means. virtually. that those now serving with

Rl{l"l'I' l-"(IR ‘ARK’

ox.-r nine years service are unailcctctl. the number concerned. large tlioiigli it is. is not so large as inight. at first glance. be


H.M.S. Fife will join Fleet soon


._\l.S. Fife. the


lifth ::tiidI:d~llIis\'iIe destroyer of the ‘('ounl_v' class is doc to commission in May. I966. and her coiiimanding ollicer. Capt. R. H. (irtthattt. .\’l.\'.O.. D.S.C.. R.t\'.. recently visited the County of Fife. life is the first ship of the Royal Navy to l)Cill' the name and (apt. Graham. during his visits to Cupar. R.A.l"-. l.ciicliars. St. Andrews. Kirkaldy. Dunfcrnilinc. Rosyth and Huckliavcti and Mcthil. gave a talk on the ship and showed :1 short Iiliu taken during her trials. l.;iunchi:tl by the Duchess of File in July. I964. zit Fairlields. the ship's main ariiiaincnt is the Scasliig and her secondary missilc system is the Scacnt. She has four -3.5-inch guns (in twin tiirrcts). radar controlled. The ship is lined with the latest subtiiaiiiic dctcction cqtiipmcnt and has hcr own Wessex hclicoptcr.

make time to read

gnational library weekg 19







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l>l..\l..S'. Ark Royal will he given a major rclit to enable her to operate Phantoms and liiiccaiiccr .\lailt 2 aircraft until the rnid-seventies. These aircr.ift will he av;iil.ib|cuntil such time :is the last of the Navy's carriers goes to the shiphrc;ils'crs_ ll..\l.‘}. (‘cntnttr is to be ‘iiioth-b:illcd.' When the ‘l'olaris‘ submarines-—Rcnown. Rcpulse. Resolution and Revengehi.-coinc fully operational in I969-70. the Navy will be responsible for the British contribution to the N.A.T.0. nuclear forces. Early in the seventies four nuclear huntcr/killer submarines should be in scrvic-:~Vali:1nt Warspitc. (‘hurcliil|—:ind one other. The “l‘igcr' class cruisers will have been converted to helicopter crtiiscrs. The Adcn base will be given up in I968 \\llL'fl South Arabia is due to hccotuc independent. and there will he a small increase in British forces in the Persian (iulf. CAREERS SAFECUARDED The gradual rundown of the Fleet Air Arin—not its disappearance -will doubtless present tlitliciiltics in rccruitmcnt and rc-cnizagcnictit. This the (iovernmciit realises and has protniscd to safeguard the careers of officers and ratings. Already certain details have been promulgzitcd to the Fleet. The total of the Defence Bridget for l‘l(it’i.'(i7 is £2,172 million. and of this amount the Navv is allocated £597 Royal million. £55 million more than last y_car. The Arm_v‘s allocation remains almost as last vcar ([555 million. and the Royal Air Force cxpciiditurc will be £542 million (ne.irlv [I9 million


“::r:-it I

Admiral Sir Vary] Begg. K.C.B.. D.S.O.. D.S.C.

New First Sea Lord O.\iSEQUEN'l' upon the early retirement of Admiral

Sir David Luce. (§.C.li.. l).S.0.. 0.B.l'I.. because ‘of his iiiability to accept the decision of the Cabinet on the future of aircraft carriers.‘ Adniinil Sir Varyl Begg. G-.(.‘.B.. D.S.().. D.S.C.. took up the appointment of First Sea I.ord and Chief of Naval Stafl on l-'cbru-.ir_v 28some six months earlier than had been previously promul-

and lb) thc_v have three years in the rating. Ratings for whom there is no provisional cxaminatioii will continue to be required to pass the adcxaiiiiiiation to iziiiccinciit qualify for scale ‘A' pay. The gratuities payable to iviiloiv_s' of former UK. based olliccrs and men who die while serving and not eligible for :1 uitlowis pension have also been increased. The new rates of pay come into force on April I. and the new rates of retired pay and pensions will also be effective as_ from ttic same date, They will apply to olliccrs who retire on or after Fcbritary l. I966. :ind to ratings who are dischtirgctl on or after January 3|. l‘?(ifi.


per year the pay of the Services is. from ATAprilcostI. ofI966. to£50be brought into line with the average pay a




of those in somewhat conipiirable jobs outside the Services. The officers and men of the Royal N-aiy will receive approxiniatel)‘ onefuurth of this amount. ltt addition to mcrczisc ‘ll Duties list Officers make tip basic pay. certain allowances about 2'.’ per cent, of the oilihave also been increased. and ccrs of the Royal Navy. and an entirely new allowance-— this pcrccntagi: is steadily has rising, Separation Allowance been introduced. p;i_v;iblc to all Retired pay, pensions and eligible tnarricii utliccrs and gratiiitics have also been inmen who have been scpziratcd creased. the tcrminal grants from their funiilics for at least continuing to be three times l2 months because of service the annual rate of retired pay outside the United Kingdoin. or pension. Naval personnel appointed or The special duties list subdrafted to certain sczigoing licutcnant will receive retired ships on Home Sea Service pay at a special rate. but all and to ships on the Home Legs other special duties ofliccrs will of General Scnicc (oinitiis'receive ictirctl pay at tile norsions will :ilso be eligible to tcv mal rates for utliccrs of equiccivc the rillowaiicc. v;ilciit r.inl.. The opportunity has liccn Tlicre is no alteration in of occasioii lill(L‘l‘l on the this‘. the ntarritige allowance. of the fourth hicniiial review Length of service pav (l.Sl’) Service Pay and l’cnsioiis in for ratings will in future count accordance with the (Brigg front the age of l7{.. and not system, of introducing an en- l8. tirely frcsh ;ippro;ich to the SCAl.l-‘. ‘A‘ PAY pay of officers of the Special There is an ziltcration to the Duties List. regulations concerning scale N0 ‘.\lARK-Tl.\lIi' RA'l'E ‘A' p:i_v which will prove of The ‘new look‘ on this sub- considerable interest to those ject docs -away with the ‘mark for whom a long course is time‘ rate of pay. all Sub- ni.‘Ccss;ir_v bcforc advancement. Lieutcnants on promotion re- Scale ‘A' p;i_v will be payable in ceiving 775. a day. which is in fiitiirc to able and leading rates in ‘other branches‘ when ta) excess of the pay of any Chief Petty Olliccr. including such they are qtialilicd in all rcitems as Badge Pay. ctc spccts except for having passed Th e n c w arr:iiigcmi:nts the ;itlv.inccmi:nt csziitiintition should encourage the young (tlie_v must have passed the cxaminations'—— Petty Otliccr to become an provisioiial olliccr at the earliest oppor- which can be taken on board). tunity. ln this connection it is interesting to note that Spccial




Admiral licgg has been Cotninandcr in Chief. Portsmonth. since Atlgllst. I965. Vicc-Atlinirtil Sir Frank Hopkins. K.(‘.B.. D.S.0.. D.S.C., who had been appointed to relicvc Admiral Sir Varvl Bcgg as Comtnattdcr in Chief. Portsmouth. next July. is now to take up the appointment during March. lie is to serve in the. rank of admiral. He has been Deputy Chief of Naval Staff and Fifth Sca Lord since January. i963. The Admiral Superintendent. HM. Dockyard. Portsmouth. Rear-Admiral .l. L. lilackhtim. has been appointed to take over temporary command of the Portsmouth Command it n t i I Admiral iiopkius takes up his -









by Portsmouth DockBUILT yard. the ‘Lem-ider' class

general-purpose frigate. ll.M.S. Sirius (2.800 tons full load). starts her sea trials this month.


Vice-Admiral Sir Frank Hopkins. I\’.C.B.. D.S.0.. D.S.(.‘.. to be Commander-lit-Chief. Portsmouth. and to serve in the rank of .-tdmlral


BANTSTI BOREDOM— {Si-c Spt't‘ftil Article






Launched in September. I964. she is expected to commission on June I4. and to ioin the 24th Escort Squadron. The first part of the commission will be with the Home Fleet. and then the ship_ i_i-ill go to the Far East Sirius is the fourth frigate to be built in HM. Dockyard. Portsmouth. since the Second World War. The others were Rhyl. Leopard and Nubian. A fifth. the Andromeda. is schcdtllcd to be laid down later this year.

(for cuiiiiples,





‘A ’v’iTXE JOB TO BE DONE’ signal to the Fleet after INthe piiblication of the Defence :3

Review. Vice-Admiral Sir Frank llopltins. Di.-pul_\ Chief of Naval Stuff and I-'lt‘th Sea Lord. a Fleet Air Arm pilot. and the nicmhcr of the .~\diniralt_v Board rcspunsiibli: for the Fleet Air Arm. and who becomes (‘onim:indtr-in Chief. Portsmouth. this month. referred to the need for carriers during the nc.\t de-

cadc. The tncssagc rctids: "You will know h_v now that the Admiralty Board has strcniiotisly resisted the decision to cancel the new carrier. We have bccn ovcr~ru|cd and this decision has had to be


"The ldcfcncc White Paper places great cmphzisis on the. need for carriers during the next decade. “I do stress that it is extremely important to the defence in this Ctltllllfv and the effectiveness of the Navy that the Fleet Air Arm should continue to operate with the eiithiisiasin. skill and cflicicncy which they have alwavs sliown in the past. "I hope that. by staying: on myself. I can contritmte to the vital iob that is to be done. "We must now devote all our energies towards keeping the Fleet Air Arm hcalthv and strong and. by so doing, bear in mind that during the next few years. cvcnts may so


that we should not lose sight of the possibility that the carrier force may he needed well beyond the present pl.-iniicd date."


Visit the Naval Section of the ok Exhibition in the Guildhall, Portsn , ". \ March 12 to 19 \'

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