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News Navy aw

Royal Naval Uniforms


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Navy's Xmas voice

Il fi


The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association

[49, BE YEARO,‘ NOVEMBER, 1966 Cilia-



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Piiblislie_d_fii‘st T-lt li.rs_dafiy of the month





Radio and It.'lt‘\'i~itm star ('illa lil:icls'. whose songs have studded the pnp charts. i.-stablishcd a willZllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllllIlllllllllllllIIlllllllIllllllllllllIlllllllllilllllllg The start of Ark Royal's £3(lni. rcftt. and the coming of new "recortl" on October the new Phztntom aircraft. is helping to maintain Fleet Air I: when she went to the Ministry of Defence to Arm morale at ti level which has coiifotindcd the gloomy launch the Royal Navy's forecasts on the consequences of the Defence White Paper. Christmas M c s 5 a 5: e To coincide with the illus- in .1 reversal of policy. Admiral ~chemc. trated fcaturc in this issue on Gibson replied that it was cerShe recorded it personal Naval Flying Training. "Navy tainly lrtic to say that all naval iiicssatzc on ti inaster tape. News" asked l/icc-Admiral aviators were keenly interested which will be played to D. C. E. F. Gibson. l-lag Olliccr in the outcome of the deliberamembers of the Royal Naval Air ('oinniaiid. how the tions now going on with the i\'av_v and Royal Marines situation was rcsolviiig itself \\’orkin;: Party on the future of in ships and establishafter the carrier (lCCl$l0tl. the Fleet. lllt.'llI§. all over the world. "It was obvious." ltc said. "Tlicy hope there will be on ('hristnia.s Day. "that officers would ccttsidcr fixed-wing aircraft with the Fleet Cilla's inessttge will intheir futures most carefully. but after I975." he said. troduce rccortleil greetings it was quite impossible to esti".-‘tut-iition is focussed on and record selections from whether some form of vertical mate how many would take the wives. mothers and sweettake-ott or short takc-off airstep of asking to leave. hearts of men serving "Basically the n;iv.il aviator is craft c:tn be operated from comoverseas. a highly dcvotctl person profesp;ii'ativcly small ships." After making her rt~ sionally. and most of the officers cording. Cilla faced the VTOL PROSPECTS appear to have decided to stay photogriiphcrs. and one with fiitcd-wing aviation in the Admiral Gibson denied that of her pictures was with ll.‘(L‘tl'Wll'tg aviators were not inNavy as long as they can. Admiral Sir Desmond tcrcstcd in turning over to helil)n-yer. Second Sea Lord. ENCOURAGEMENT copters. Some of them were. But who. standing beside her. "A very considerable encour- the prospects for VTOL were said he was afraid he was agement to their decision has such that it should be possible rather tall. been the confirmation of the to have high-pcformnncc fixed"Oh. don't worry.“ Stlld Ark Royal rclit. and thc coming wing aircraft with the same ('iII:i. “_vou‘re lovely!" taki:-ofl and landing capabilities of the l’li;iiitoni ;iircr.ift." According to the terms of the as’ .i helicopter. To a question on recruiting. l)cfcncc White Paper. the carriers had an assured life "for as :‘\llIllll’:'ll(iibsoa ;iiis\\'crc(l that long as we arc able to run tl was tiiiprnviiig. “Wc have just sent on ti rcthem." Askcd if the lilccl Air Arm cord number of sliort-.s'crvicc still maintaincd hupc or belief tiaval 'J\‘l;lllUll cadets to Dart-





l l fzi


out’ for recruits

A drawback to recruiting is to be ended when the Navy mimtliices a scheme for I‘.iiiH\.'lllg young sailors to buy tli.-iii_sclvcs out. for :i iiiodcst three after about moi. *llttilillS. lliere has always been niis-:i-nig among parents. and ..:iiong young men themselves. .i! the idea of “signing their l:\L'V aw:i_\-" when they inay lind Elm: tltc_\' are not suited to the \.'t‘v’lL‘C. been Details have not .tt1l‘.tIl.Iflt.'L‘d yet for the new .irr.iitgcittcntS. but the “proba::.iiiary" period is likely to be about three months. and the hiiyiitg-oiit about £20.


The Navy may get a "Big Brother or two.“ btit what they are Mr. J. P. W. Mallalicu. Navy Minister. did not enlarge upon in his Trafalgar Night dinncr speech at the R.N.V.R.Club.




with. Admiral Dreyer


\'ice-Admiral Gibson

niouth." he

said. "'lhcy had all Joined sincc the Defence White Paper. And the next entry is pretty well subscribed. “We have :1 large number indccd of thc veiy tiiicst type of young man trying to get into the Fleet Air Aim, and the standard is so high that many have to be ttirncd down. We certainly liavcn’t lowcrcd otir staui.l;irds in any way whatsovcr. ‘EX(fl.USl\'E CLUB‘ "This seems to be a clear indication that young people are beginning to realise that even should the events foreshadowed by the Defence Wliitc Papcr come to pass. defcncc needs and scientific advrinccmciits will continue to require a largc number of the cream of Britain’s young tncn to serve in naval .'ivi;ition. “.»\ii_v yoiiiig titan who is :t (|ll.tllllL‘tl tiaval :iviator belongs‘ to the \\o:ltl‘s tttosl ditlicult. dclll;tll\llll_'.!. and c.\clusi\c ;ivi.itiot‘t cltili."

Fleet ‘Big Brother’ hint to Navy

The Minister said it was a simple matter to work out which of the present Flcct would still be in service in I975. and not due for rcplaccnieiit bcfotc. say. I950 To that would be added the norm:il nc\v cotistructioii proI gramme. and then one had the .1‘ elements of the future ti_rm Hcct. (‘illu -.\lr. Mallalieti mentioned a first-class submarine force. two filllllllllllllllllllllllllllIilIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllillll ITassault ships. eight County class destroyers and the Type 82 just ordered. about 40 frigatcs. all the smaller craft. and the growing fleet of support vessels. The subiitaritic llcct would iti pursuance of their niission. Sharp re-thinking about But occasionaillt, stich vessels form a most important part of patrol-boat requirements may the Navy. On this front. the as a Tribal class tlcstroycr had be cvpcctcd following the Navy would be taking over the to be used-—:i most cxpciisivc Mitch of the p;itrol work to the during c.\;pcricncc Navy's strategic dctcrrcnt rule from the intercept liidoncsizin infiltrzitors warship for this kind of work. "confrontation" war in the was l‘;is't patrol boats have been R..-\.l-‘. on time done by coastal mincFar East. and hovercraft r.\\'ccpcrs. whose \lI.C and shal- successfully developed and AFTI-IR CARRIERS stand high on the list of low draft enabled them to sold by Vospcr's. but Navy "After the carriers go." said probabilities. penetrate in tlic l't:ttl0lt:Sl places thinking tends more towards the hovcrcrztfl. especially if the Mr. Mallrilicu. “an obvious need eelIIIIIIOIIIOOIIllIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIOIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInoelIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ Service finds itself with tnore is some form of command ship. commitments of the “confronta- to cement the others together. "She must contain all the comtion" kind. Hovercraft have the enormous plicated means of directing not For the second successive month. "Navy News" is pleased advantzigcs of speed and only the ships. but also the air provided by the R.A.l-‘.1 to offer its readers a 20-page paper with an additional fourimmunity to being "tilt-fished." support also carry page supplement. They would bi: econoniical in and l think she should enough weight to back up the manpower rcqiiircincnts. Advertising support is even higher tltan the record estabOne of the problems to be smaller units. lished in the October issue——further proof of the widening “Even if we were to devote solved is that of directional interest and usefulness of the 1-'leet‘s newspaper. ourselves in future to nothing control of the craft Given a solution. the Navy's btit police work—and of course NAVAL FLYING TRAINING FEATURE "hover branch" could expand we will have to bc ready to do —Si:e centre pages dram:itic:illy in the coming more than th;it—-the ships on the beat have got to be able to nuaueneoenlueleovouucuUIIIIIIIIIennuiIlleoouneon:ueneeeneoannlune:-In-non;-nasal! vc.irs. _


call up .1 Big Brother or two in support. "Another factor we h.ivc to consider is whether we must contintic to provide aiupliibious capability. and if so. what form it should take. "Perhaps most important of :ill, \\t: have got to decide where

the main strength of the Fleet should lic—-on the surface or

beneath." The Navy Department and Adiniralty Board were hard at work sccking the answers. and the i\linistcr hoped they would have lltc rcsiilts by next year‘: \\'l1lli.‘l’;tpct'.




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