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The Newspaper of The Royal Navy and The Royal Naval Association
172, 15th YEAR, OCTOBER, 1968
Published first
Price One
Thursday of the month
Russia spies on § exercise g
A Russian "prcsence“ added realism and urgency to the NATO maritime exercise Silver Tower, which brought together more than 100 ships and aircraft of nine nations in manoeuvres from the North Sea to the Atlantic coasts of Canada and the United States. In greater numbers than ever States anti-submarine carriers before. merchant ships also H.M.C.S. Bonaventure and the took part. specially chartered Wasp. This constant visual and radar and operating in protected consurveillance by Soviet ships and voys in the Atlantic for the first aircraft gave the NATO forces time since the end of the war. The combined forces exer- excellent training opportunities cised in anti-submarine war- on an unplanned basis. fare. air strikes. mining and At one point strike fleet submarine mincswccping. operasupport was requested, and in the and tions. convoy escort, swift time Buccaneers had the demonstrate aim being to flown off the Eagle and went maritime national ability of no less than 750 miles to the forces to integrate rzipidl and target area. efficiently into an e cctive In addition to the Eagle. other defence organisation. Royal Navy ships taking part Soviet four-engined jet recon- included the frigate H.M.S. naissance bombcrs shadowed Argonaut. and the Royal Yacht the exercise. in association with Britannia. Among support vestwo fleet oilcrs. three Kotlin sels was the Royal Fleet class destroyers. and two elec- Auxiliary Olwen. tronically-cquipped trawlers. The destroyers each travelled in company with the British aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle and the Canadian and United Major programmes are Th\Hf& under way to provide the Wren Virginia SamaNavy with accommodation dnn gets it hoist from and training facilitiessuited to brother LlAir Colin and modern conditions in Fleet her father. Ch Mech Lu cstablishnicnts ashore. Samndan when the family At H.M.S. Dryad. the School joined up at the Fairnof Navigation and Direction at borough Air Show (see Southwick. Hams. the total cost also page 16). of redevelopment is about £2} Chief Samadan and million. Colin were working on Other major projects planned helicopters of 845 squadin the south are the redevelopron. Virginin has been a ment of H.M.S. Mercury at Wren eight months. Petersfield. H.M.S. Sultan and
CHRISTMAS MF.SSAGES.—Dr.-lightful picture of Wren Linda Howcs, ii cine operator, who Ls one of the Chrktmas Message team at H.M.S. Collingwood. Linda. who is 19 and comes from Waking. is engaged to an artifice: apprentice
"\ i
ANOTHER Forces’ letters are 7d. regular home. leading anxiety follow change postal charges. distress, POLARIS posted
The second Royal Nzivy Polaris submarine. H.M.S. Repulse. commissioned at i_he Vickcrs yard at Barrow-inFurness on September 28. The C.0.s are Cdrs. J. R. Wadham and A. J. Whetstone. At the time of going to press. the I968 edition of Jane's Fighting Ships was released for publication. A review will appear in the next issue.
to letters from The absence of in a and can often For instance. any letter REDUNDANCY air mail at 6d. to H.M. Forces Anyone who is likely to be overseas may well be diverted to slow surface mail. The price has affected by redundancy. or who
been increased to 7d..for the first 1-} oz. and 7d. for each additional half ounce. Previously it was 6d. in each case. There is one concession. however. in the new postal rates. Forces air letter forms (obtainable at post oliices) still cost only -id. now
wishes to know more about the details is strongly advised to read D.C.l.s H87 and H88 of Se tcmber27. cse D.C.l.s explain such things as compensation terms. who is affected in detail. and when they can apply for volun-
tary redundancy.
Development at H.M.S. Dryiid
H.M.S. Dolphin at Gosport. and the Royal Naval Barracks at Portsmouth.
COMBINED TRAINER \Vhcn the R.N. Tactical School moves to Southwiclt Park from Woolwich. and the Joint Anti-Submarine School transfers from Londondcrry in the early l970s. nc:irly all the study and teaching of maritime tactics will be carried out at Southwick in a very large training centre based on a new Combined Tactical Trainer housed in Cunningham Block. There will be a computerbased simulator of tactical situations. generating a great
variety of exercises and study material. Also being planned for Southwick Park is a new W.R.N.S. training centre to rethe existing H.M.S. Dannicss at Burghlieltl. At the present time. training courses for officcrs include the Long Navigation and Direction
Courses. with advanced sessions later
ratings and Wrens
also progress
run at
All the other scaman specialist schools send varying mimbers and types of classes for acquaintance courses and visits. attracted mainly by the Red ole and Harrier trainers. w iich
generate synthetic operations exercises of great realism. (See also centre pages)
LIVING IN THE WEST COUNTRY Contrary to popular belief—the West is not a place where the residents "|et llle go by". but rather a place where "they have time to live". The Devon and Cornwall. as seen by visitors during July and August is not the true or complete picture at this ve ry lovely part oi Britain. Here is a place where folk live a richer and fuller life. outside the belt of rat-racing. noise, fumes. and loneliness. The fringe benefits of country life are many-—
clean air fresh food better health friendly communities where one can be absorbed or left alone, as you wish. A variety of scene, moorlands, sea, river. -
forests. valleys. sandy beaches, rocks. pebbles. hills. open pastures, and nowhere more than 30 miles from the coast—-often a deal less. We offer readers—4 FREE booklets about for sale in the West Country:
HOMES WITH LAND. Country properties with 2 to 400 acres at prices ranging from £4,000 to £40,000. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. Town and Country residences from the modest cottage in the £1.500 class to the prestige home at £20,000. BUNGALOWS. The post-war years has brought popularity to this easy to work. efiicient, one level home from
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JOHN LEWINGTON & CO. Auctioneers. Estate Agents and Valuers 19 The Quay. Port of Bideiord. Devon Telephone 3166 (4 lines) The people who specialize in West Country properties