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vy1Tews JULY 1973

'BLAST OFF' FOR a 0 ART'-, The first Sea Dart missile ever to be fired from any ship in the world streaked away, from the Royal Navy's latest destroyer, H.M.S. Bristol, during trials this month Wales. As part of the Bristol's powerful weapons system, the Sea Dart is a ship-to-air range missile which also has an anti-ship capabilit. Compared with the Seaslugs fitted to the County class guided-missile destroyers, the Sea Dart has considerably improved surface-to-air performance, quicker reaction time, considerably improved target handling capacity, and is lighter and takes less space. According to Jane's "Weapons Sysicins'' publication, the Sea Dart is fired dance system being of the semi -active from a twin launcher, and is capable of ''homing all the way nature. Work on the Sea Dart began in 1962. dealing simultaneously with many with test firings in 1965. Development targets. The nussik' is virtually a thick - is now complete, and the system will walled cylinder built arouna the Rolls - be installed in the Navy'., Type 42 Royce Odin ramjet engine, the gui- destroyers now building.









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Not his back pay but £1,X%i which Bill Temple won in a raffle aboard his ship H.M.S. Sirius - just returned from the West Indies.



Extra attraction at the Royal Marines Amphibious Training Unit's stand at the Poole Boat Show in May was Vicky Osborne, Miss Poole Herald, who graces this Gemini dinghy. Picture: LJA


Geoft Moore

The wife of a petty officer in H.M.S. Tiger has written to the Prime Minister asking that should pass on "to people dealing with transport" the disheartening situation for the Navy's family travel compared wiTh the other two Services. She raised the subject of pre-payment passages and indulgence flights, and went on to point out "that Army person-

nel serving in Hong Kong can fly out any relatives, such as mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters - in - law for only £42," adding "that this is dreadfully unfair as these Army boys are not even separated from their wives.'' Two years ago, said the letter to 1r. Heath, this naval wife visited Singapore, her husband paying £125 for the return air fare. They had been separated six moths, and faced a further six months after their reunion holiday. On the plane, all the other wives, who

had been separated only six weeks, had paid only £15 for the trip. The final straw for her was a further opportunity to visit her husband when his ship was in Singapore, but she had been told the fare would be £125, plus £65 for accommodation - to be paid immediately. "This meant that any hope of me going out to Singapore for a holiday was out of the question," said the letter. (Special report

- page 11)

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