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NawyNoews JANUARY 1974

Who can worry about world crisis with a charming girl to entertain, and that was certainly the spirit In No. 1 chiefs' mess, H.M.S. Devonshire, when this festive picture was taken. Chief John Swatridge (social secretary) saw the girl's picture in the Sunday Mirror, noted that she was "Felicity Devonshire," and wrote asking for pin-up pictures.


But 22-year-old Felicity (Fluff to her friends) did better than that and the blue-eed petite 34-22-34 blonde actress / model spent a day on board, to the cameramen's and chiefs' delight. Felicity. has associations with the sea. She went out with a sailor when she was 18, and her father owns a boat. She recalls that she once threw the anchor overboard - the only slight difficulty being that it wasn't fastened to anything.


With the glamorous guest in the picture are Malcolm Toomey, David 3eeb, Michael Brady, )aye Jones, and John watridge.



Just as "wellevery informed observer" was forecasting an announcement of an order for 25 vertical take-off Harrier aircraft for the Royal the worsenin Navy, national crisis led instea to cuts totalling ÂŁ178m. in Defence expenditure.

A mini fleet is joining the Royal Navy this year - four 25-knot patrol craft based on the Royal Air Force Seal class. Names and call signs allocated are: Kingfisher (P260), Cygnet

Optimism remains for the future of the Harrier, which is not only high on the Navy's ---shopping list" but has such attractive export potential. Mr. Gilmour, Minister of State for Defence, told the Commons that he was aware of anxiety because no decision had been made on the manime Harrier. "I am not yet in a position to announce such a decision," he said. ' I believe that in the circumstances the present reason for this will be well nderstood."

Petrel (P262), and Sandpiper (P263), and in the Royal Navy they will be designated as the "Bird Class." The new boats are regarded as multi-purpose, and one possible use will be in Fishery Protection, where the need has often been urged for something with a greater turn of speed than the "maids - of - all - work" Ton class. Already the Fishery Protection Squadron has been employing the fast patrol boat Tenacity, and with the Bird class will soon have a capability which will be watched with great interest. (Continued on Page 32) (P261),

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with novel -headmembers of the

crew: second-leg Adventure Don Stuart Ormerod, Budge, Fred Owens,



Have you ordered?

4 Navy News regrets that this issue has been reduced to Tomo Thomas, 32 pages, due to newsprint shortage, but everything possible Charles Abrahams (see is being done to maintain the usual page coverage. orders are advisable to avoid disappointment (the Pc1ure C PO Firm Dave Morus form is on SASS SASS A At S A SASS A LA SAL SASS sd page 21).


Crisis may hit ship refitting

Some disruption of the Royal Navy's warship refit programme will be inevitable if the measures to cope with the nation's fuel crisis continue on the lines already announced. The First Sea Lord (Admiral Sir Michael Pollock) told Navy News that "a sharp application of the industrial brakes is bound to shake up the passengers.


Complete bands,"



Harrier -still

R.A.F. Seal class, basis of the new patrol boats for the R.N.


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"Right at this moment," he said. "the Service shares the hopes of everyone that solutions will be found to the problems facing us. "However, if the refitting programme is affected, then drafting will also be involved. "The maximum warning time will be given of any changes in planning, and I would like to assure the Navy and the families that everything possible will be done to avoid turbulence. "At a time of industrial unrest a year ago, useful experience was gained, and the amendments we had to make proved to be much less painful than had been imagined. I hope that we shall be no less successful if alterations are forced upon us again." areas of Although there are defence which will be maintained as a priority in fuel requirements, the Navy and the other Services are taking their share in the economies. Some exercises have already been cancelled, and other action will be taken to gain a significant saving in the use of fuel.


Identical 17-year-old triplets, Mary, Elizabeth, and Janice Shanks, now at the W,R.N.S, new entry training establishment, H.M.S. Dauntless, where they begin their careers as radar plotters.



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