.\lore p:l_\' for the .\'ei'\'iee\ ix e\'peetetl as from April 1 this }e;ir_ hut ;il'.iim1gli the iiegutintitiu mxiehinerv is far :tki\‘:ll‘lCL‘ti. the political \lIll1lllOll may well C11llSC some delay in the official
unnntineerncnt. The three \‘ei‘xiee\ lime heett
their disetissions against :1 hackgtttvtlziti ui Ieeiultlng ;m.\iet} ——.e\peel;il|_\' for the Arrny and Hinistcrizti .i~~m.mee~ that e\'er_\‘thlnt,' p0\\li‘iC would he done to get the maximum for the New lCC\ umlel i’h;t\e ill of the (}u\‘ernmcnt'.\ counter-infl:itionar\'policv. —
lhexe tiletnix izix e gmixml fut nptimixm. i‘lli the eeuiiutnie ;\\\lll\\Ilix \1lc'il that it ‘.*..~l:ltl ‘w till\\i\L' in tifxtetzgttri the pu\\ii‘iiof .i more rexltietixe price» it\ mil weuiilex polie_\ affecting e\et‘_\i\\i_\ iile xii‘. :t'I‘.et‘~ \\ilte‘itiL'.ttiln1tttL‘e«iit\t mute t\.n_\ ;ri~n il.t'~ e then: e‘.'ieet on food. .ieeutit.'no.l;rtinn, and the east of hliildin:_: .t'i|i iii.niiteit;mee it int} ix‘ e\peetetl that higher Cil;llgk'\ uill .leentnp.m_\' an} inete.i~e in earnings. the etlllvliitiitlll for the S'er'\’iee~ being that their lix_l:liei C\[\'ll\C\ are intpused at the ..:~.~ "me .I\ the pa} re\ie\\. thus cushiulllllt: the